#whoooooops lol
kiwiana-writes · 10 months
16 for the song Drabble!
#16: Laid - Matt Nathanson (just the first few lines lmfaoooo)
Alex's thighs shake as he leans back, hands laced tight with Henry's for balance, searching for the delicious, impossible angle he can only get in this position, the one that makes him shake apart like nothing else quite does. He's sort of dimly aware of the noises he's making, more due to the way Henry smirks up at him, face flushed with exertion as he thrusts up, a sort of smugness radiating out of his pores that he only exudes when Alex is completely—
Henry's hip stutter to a stop at the sound of an airhorn through the wall.
[send me a number 1-100 and I'll write a drabble based off whatever song that corresponds to in my spotify wrapped apple music replay]
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"every lover's got a little dagger in their hand" hits different when you've just scraped a layer of skin open on your hand and have to drive home with it bleeding into your jacket
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orcelito · 2 years
incredibly evil that i have to write a program rather than write fanfic bc i want sooo badly to just write fanfic. this is so evil
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ultraviolet-ink · 7 months
What do you think about asoryuu?
Oh boy, this one's going to be a bit loaded, so here's a bit of a preemptive apology for a ramble/word vomit/rant on my end. Suffice to say ASRY is a NoTP for me. When I was first getting into DGS all the way back in 2019/20, I was a bit ambivalent towards the ship. I had only watched a playthrough of the first game, and I had the feeling that Kazuma was going to come back, but the ship didn't really scream to me at that point, and it kind of befuddled me to see how it was so popular (and a bit of a tangent, I think people only really ship the 1-1 dynamic, but that's a convo for another day). If you even look at the header of my blog, it is no secret that I ship Ryuususa, and it is my OTP. When I had watched the fifth case on the playthrough, I was sold on that ship, and the last moments really sealed the deal for me-- there's something really compelling about the goodbye scene between Susato and Ryuunosuke at the docks, and the localization legitimately made me cry (happy tears of course!) Being a little naive, I started to post about it and I got... a LOT of harassment calling me a lot of names/accusing me of being okay with a lot of really horrible things (intrusive thoughts WHOOOOOOP). The harassment was so bad that I only recently opened up to my therapist about what had happened, and I was pulling away from servers/people I thought I was friends with/wouldn't treat me horribly. I found a lot of solace with people who were also violently harassed pre-localization (shout out to the Baroryuu community, you all were really kind to me, and I am proud to also be a Baroryuu lover <3), when I say it was drama filled pre localization, I mean it. I can even point out when my harassment started to March of 2021 when someone on twitter said not to read my dgs fics since I was a proshipper (I hadn't even called myself that at this point, and honestly I don't really use that title [idk how else to describe it lol], but I do follow that philosophy and call myself anti-harassment), and since I hadn't had a twt at that time, they linked to my ao3, and since I put my tumblr on my fics, I got a LOT of disturbing anons. Even when I made my server, I used to have a link that anyone could click on (word of the day is naive lmaooo), and I got a lot of creeps coming in trying to surveil the server and make sure their friends weren't in it (one person was even trying to get access to the nsfw section which was FUN). After reading this, you're probably thinking "what does this have to do with ASRY?". A lot of the major bullies in fandom HEAVILY shipped ASRY, and would harass people who shipped other ships (Baroryuu and Asobaro shippers were racist, Homuryuu shippers were okay with incest because of that stupid "greatest family in the world" line, etc.). All in all, it came with a lot of entitlement and anger that other peopled DARED not to ship that ship. Those sorts of people really tainted the ship for me. As for the ship itself, I can definitely see why people love it a lot (especially 1-1), but I really didn't like Kazuma in 2-4/5. I found him to be really particularly awful and obtuse (which, makes perfect sense in the story! Who wouldn't be in his position?). I was also mad that he only said ONE (1!!!) thing to Susato when he got his memories back (despite HER recognizing him and getting the ball rolling), and it was basically "Thanks for helping out my friend, bye!" (#justiceforsusato lol). Even at the end of the game, I still was mad at Kazuma and didn't really like him. It's only due to my friends (namely @leafyemeralds and her VERY GOOD TAKES in our convos) that I eventually started to warm up to him. Now he's my personal punching bag to Atone(tm) XD I suppose TL;DR I'm not a big Kazuma fan, harassment made me really dislike the ship, so I don't ship it (also, can ASRY shippers tag their stuff? this is more of a problem on twitter, but it happens on tumblr. Filters can only work if they're there =3=)
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(thanks for this! It may not work but I think this is a great test poll lol)
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If anyone would like to add me on FGO NA...Feel free!
My code is 481 486 277 whoooooop. Been playing since almost day 1.
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Forgive me for those who did try to add me but couldnt. My dumbass messed up my numbers LOL
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gamefaq · 1 year
whoooooops i just realised why tumblr 'ate' the last gifset i posted. its because i accidentally posted it to my side acc that i test things on LOL
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ewwwwwwwwwww whyyyyyyyyyyy
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Merry Christmas🎄! Can I have a cutesy scenario between Iwa-chan, Ushiwaka, and Oikawa when they have babies and how they take care of them and whatnot? Lots of fluff and just make me bleed from how cute this is pls. Thanks!
Okay sooooo I haven’t really ever officially written for Ushiwaka…. So PLEASE forgive me if I completely butcher his character!!! >~
Iwaizumi Hajime:
Kiyomi (Pure Beauty) - Daughter (baby)
Luck must have been on his side when you’d announced your pregnancy, when he’d felt the small baby bump you sported not but a couple months later. Luck because the pregnancy was a breeze, as if having your first baby was nothing but second nature to you! Of course, he’d been worried nonstop and stressed out any moment of the day where you were out of his sight, but as soon as he heard those cries of life from his daughter… It was almost as if everything in his life fell into place. Everything made sense, and all his stress up until that moment were put to rest.
Iwaizumi, he was sure of it, had been blessed. With your strength and love, with his family and friends support and understanding… And with his daughter, Kiyomi’s, beauty and ease. Kiyomi rarely cried needlessly, always ate whatever you or Iwaizumi would offer her on the ‘airplane’ of a spoon, and never woke up in the middle of the night after the first couple months of her life.
So when you brought home news of a big important work meeting you’d have to attend over the weekend for - Iwaizumi wasn’t worried. He was thrilled your hard work had been noticed, and had assured everything would be fine in your leave. You’d still been worried, knowing your husband had quite the temper and potty mouth - but you knew in your heart that nothing terrible would happen. Iwaizumi was an amazing father.
“Alright, Yomi, mommy’s gone for the weekend. What do you want to do?” Iwaizumi stared down at the most important light of his life, her wide green eyes staring up at him from her playpen in the living room. She smiled toothlessly up at him before tossing her toothing toy over the ledge of the pen. She fell back on her bottom and reached through the gate for the toy, her fingers just barely touching the toys edge. “Now why did you go and do that?” Iwaizumi picked up the toy before reaching in and pulling her into his arms.
Handing her the toy, he kept hold of it as she put the prickly, chewing piece in her mouth, gnawing on the plastic - the prickly points soothing her irritated gums. She let out a loud sigh and Iwaizumi smiled softly, pressing his lips to her forehead before walking over to the couch, taking a seat and placing her on his lap so she was facing him. His right hand held her on her back so she couldn’t fall backwards while his other hand held her little foot, a security hold in case she somehow got around his hand on her back.
Kiyomi smiled around the toy in her mouth, letting out a slobbery raspberry, a lob of saliva drooling down her chin onto her onesie. Before having a baby, Iwaizumi would have thought drool was gross - and he kind of still did, but his daughter somehow made it adorable? He reached forward, taking the edge of her bib she still had on from breakfast, and wiped at the spit and droll dribbling down from the corner of her mouth to her chin. “I don’t know where you get this messiness from…” Iwaizumi couldn’t help the small huff that escaped him, “I don’t even know how something so small can produce so much spit and slobber…” Kiyomi let out a high pitch squeal and Iwaizumi quietly laughed, “Yeah, I know! You’re just a small package of surprises, aren’t ya?”
Three years ago, if he’d been asked what gender he’d want for a baby, he would have said a boy. Someone to carry on his legacy. The traditional male response. At the mention of a daughter, he would have claimed to be upset and disappointed in his performance as a lover and future father…
But that’d changed. As soon as you’d happily told him the news of the pregnancy… He’d just wanted the baby to be healthy. He didn’t care if it was a boy or girl, just so long as they were happy and healthy. And when the doctor happily announced the birth of his daughter, his Kiyomi, Iwaizumi had felt pride swell in his heart. He’d been lucky beyond his wildest dreams and marrying the gorgeous and brilliant you… and now you’d blessed him with a smart, beautiful, amazing daughter…
“You know, Yomi… Daddy is so lucky… So incredibly lucky. I’ve never really… bothered to think into the future… Daddy likes to live in the moment and appreciate for what he has…” Iwaizumi moved his right leg to cross over his left, letting Kiyomi lean back on his calf as support so he could free his hand to playfully stretch her curly hair, watching it bounce back without a hitch. “But that’s all changed now, little one….” His smile was soft, gentle, not wanting to surprise his baby girl with any high frequency emotions, “I have to adapt to being a dad… You’re my baby girl… Daddy’s going to protect you from any snot nosed boy, and from any heartbreak that can be avoided…. But to do that… I have to look forward and plan well ahead…” He let his fingers stroke her little cheek, his smile brightening when her little hand wrapped around them.
Kiyomi stared at his fingers in her hold before letting her gaze trail up to his own eyes, giggling before sticking her tongue out and letting out a loud raspberry. She let out a squeal of giggles at the sound of her own noise, and made another raspberry, the force of this one making her cheeks a little red.
Iwaizumi laughed quietly and stuck out his tongue at her, blowing his own raspberry. Her wide green eyes showed her surprise as she stopped mid raspberry, her little pink tongue peeking between her rosy lips. “Ah, didn’t know daddy could make that noise, huh?” He smiled as he pulled her into his arms, her head resting on his bicep. Kiyomi stared up at her father with a wide smile, “Oh boy…” His left hand cupped her cheek in his palm, marveling at how much smaller and softer she was compared to him, “You’re going to give daddy so many gray hairs.” Kiyomi giggled happily, turning her head and blowing against the palm of his hand, making another raspberry noise. Iwaizumi sighed quietly, happily, contently, “Yeah… Yeah, you are.” And he’d never felt more excited to get a front seat experience of her life.
Ushijima Wakatoshi:
Isamu (Courageous/Warrior) - Son (twin baby 1)
Isao (Honor/Merit) - Son (Twin baby 2)
“Toshi…. Are you sure you can handle both of them while I’m gone?” You asked for the umpteenth time as you pulled on your winter coat, zipping it up to the collar. “I can always ask for my backup to go in for me-“ But further protest from you was cut off as he pressed his lips against yours. You smiled against his lips, stopping yourself from getting too lost in the kiss when you heard the quiet babbling of the two beings that occupied your husbands arms. Pulling away, your smile widened as you saw two pairs of olive eyes stare up at you, “Awwww, my little Isa’s!” They smiled up at you, reacting to the short nickname you’d donned them a few months after their births. “Mommy’s going to miss my very important boys so very much.” Ushijima raised them higher, his stoic look ever present, but you could tell he was curious on if you’d miss him as much as his offspring. “Of course, I’m gonna miss my very special man just as much.” You reached upward and forward, pressing your forehead to his chin and feeling your heart swell when you felt the small arms of your twin boys wrap around your head and their cheeks pressing against the top of your head.
Ushijima turned down his head just the slightest and pressed his lips to your forehead, taking a few moments to just enjoy your warmth. Faster than either of you would have liked, he tilted his head back a bit, pressing his chin against your forehead so you would look at him properly. He stepped back and set down his sons, watching the two of them toddle away as best they could before his eyes were back on you. His hands reached up and pulled your hood over your head, “It’s going to be really cold… Don’t get sick.” You smiled gently up at him, and he nodded to you, “We’ll be fine.”
You smile faltered just the slightest, worry filling your heart, “Okay… I’ll be back as soon as I can, I promise.” You quickly leaned up on your toes, pressing one more kiss to his lips before turning and opening the door, letting out a whine at the cold wind that rushed in.
After he was sure you’d gotten into the car, warmed it up, and got onto the road safely, Ushijima closed the door and locked it properly. He turned on his heel, about to go and make some warm tea to fight against the harsh chill in his bones from the freezing temperature outside, but stopped when he noticed his two sons staring up at him expectantly. Isamu and Isao. His offspring. His legacy. His twin sons. If he was being completely honest with himself, most days it was a trying challenge to remember which child was which.
Isamu smiled up at his father, “Coco!” Isao stared at his brother with wide eyes, realizing the possibilities now with their mother out of the house. Then Isao was looking up at his father with a pout, “Coco!” They called together, thinking maybe if they said it enough, their father would listen and give in to their requests.
Pursing his lips, Ushijima shook his head, “No, no coco. It’s time for bed.” His voice was stern, but his olive eyes were soft. He made his way to the kitchen, deciding to ignore the way his sons let out forlorn sighs as they fell in his shadow. While he’d said it was time for bed, he wasn’t going to enforce it until he’d warmed himself up with some tea, letting his sons enjoy being awake for just a little while longer.
Feeling a tug to his pant legs, Ushijima looked down to see Isamu, Isao?, staring up at him with an extreme frown - the expression most assuredly came from you, Ushijima was sure of it. “Coco?” Ushijima knew it had been a bad idea to have Tendou watch his sons, his former teammate had gotten his twin sons hooked on sweets within a few hours, and now they always asked for it. “Coco?” The small voice called for his fathers attention once more, and Ushijima shook his head. Isamu’s little shoulders slackened before he dragged his feet towards where Isao had been waiting on baited breath around the corner.
Ushijima could hear his sons whispered babbling, but he was relieved when neither of them came back to ask for the hot chocolate beverage once more.
Isamu held Isao’s hand as they walked into their bedroom, wrapping the both of them as best he could in their favorite blanket. They sat on their bed, talking about god knows what in their twin speak. Isao was getting sleepy, and Isamu had to keep slightly shaking his brother to keep him awake, to keep him company in the dim light of their room. Then they heard footsteps in the hall, and the both of them slammed down onto their bed, curling into each other and closing their eyes, pretending to be asleep. Their father wasn’t a terribly strict man, but he did have his rules. And bed time meant bed time.
A dip in the bed alerted the twins to their father’s very present aura in their room, and the adrenaline from hiding their wakefulness from their father made their little hearts beat twice as fast in their chests. “Isamu… Isao…” Their father’s deep voice called for them, and slowly they opened their eyes, which only widened when they noticed the tray of mugs their father had carried into their bedroom. “Coco…”
Isao practically shivered in excitement before crawling to his father, taking his mug carefully in his small hands and sipping at the cooled coco. Isamu crawled after his brother, kneeling next to the tray of mugs and staring up at his father with wide eyes as he was handed a mug of his own coco.
“After this, it’s time to sleep. Sleep is good for growing boys. And you boys have a lot of growing to do.” A small smile lit their fathers’ face, and both boys set down their cups on the side table of their shared bed before they launched themselves into their father, wrapping their arms around his neck and nuzzling his jaw and chin. Ushijima held them both in one arm, his other carefully setting his own mug off to the side table so as not to spill it before he was laying down with his sons on either side of him. They curled into his embrace, somehow completely forgetting about their treasured drinks, and fell asleep when Ushijima’s large hands slowly stroked their hair. “Just like your mother…” He couldn’t help but notice with a small smile, already looking forward to your return home, so you could join in the family slumber.
Oikawa Tooru:
Yukio (Snow Boy) - Son (baby)
The name Oikawa had been known all around the world for being the champion setter of Japan’s Olympic team - even with his bum knee. It’d been legend at his middle and high schools. Hell, it’d even been a huge name of his while he was still a child in pre-school… But it seemed his son, Yukio, was making a new record as Oikawa being the name of a boy most likely to throw a tantrum.
“Yukio-chan! Mommy’s going to be right back! What’s the matter?” Oikawa was almost at his wits end with his son’s constant crying. As soon as his son had woken up to find his father instead of his mother, it was almost liked Yukio’s entire life had been ruined! “Ugh, you’re so dramatic, Yukio-chan! She’s going to be right back, she just went to get you some formula!” Oikawa had tried everything to calm his son. Rocked him. Offered him food…. Begged him. Everything, and yet the boy would not stop crying.
Oikawa would have never guess that being a parent was so hard! Sure, he knew there were some hardships in the title. And he knew his mother had gone through her fair share as he’d been quite the difficult child.
But never in his wildest dreams would he have envisioned his own son being a complete cry baby!
“Mama! Mama! Mama!” Yukio’s cries were loud, grating on his fathers ears, picking at his fathers patience. “Mama!”
Feeling his nose scrunch, he got on the boys level, sitting in front of his son on the floor. The boy had thrown himself on the floor in his tantrum when Oikawa had tried getting him to follow him to the living room to entertain him until your return. Yukio’s cries faltered, surprised his father had sat down in front of him so suddenly. “Dada!” Oikawa challenged, squinting his eyes at his son.
Eyebrows furrowing, Yukio frowned and crossed his arms, “Mama!”
Oikawa threw his fist in the air and cheered, “Ha! Little Yukio-chan said dada! See? I knew you weren’t a complete loss of a mama’s boy!” He smiled proudly down at his son, but the pride immediately left him as soon as he saw the way Yukio sniffled and wiped at his own tears. What kind of father laughs at his own child? When they were crying? Oikawa felt shame creep into his heart, and he reached out, pulling his son by the hands so the small boy would stand and walk towards him. “Ah, Yukio…. Daddy’s sorry… Daddy’s really sorry…” He wrapped Yukio in his arms, pulling him to rest his little head against his chest, “She’ll be home soon, I promise, Yukio… I know I’m not your favorite, and I’m sure it’s probably deserved since I’m just… really bad at being a dad…” Oikawa’s laugh held no humor, and Yukio stared up at the underside of his father’s jaw. “Don’t cry, Yukio… Mommy will be home soon.”
Yukio frowned to himself, hearing his father’s forlorn sigh, feeling the hesitation in his fathers fingers as they stroked through his hair. And while Yukio didn’t understand what his father was saying, he knew it was something that was making him sad. Yukio stood on his father’s lap, his little feet pressing into his father’s thighs, and surprised Oikawa by wrapping his little arms around his father’s neck.
Warmth filled Oikawa’s heart at the small embrace his son was offering him, was giving him. He held his son close to his chest, pressing the side of his head against Yukio’s, “You know, Yukio-chan… I was really scared… when mommy said she was having you… I was terrified… Especially when I held you for the first time…” Oikawa’s fingers tightened in the back of Yukio’s shirt, “You were so small… So tiny… But already you and mama were my world. My entire world held in two small people.”
Oikawa closed his eyes and swept his son’s legs from under him, holding Yukio’s weight on his left forearm while his right hand softly patted his son’s back. Yukio leaned his cheek on his elbow as he relaxed in his father’s arms, his left hand holding onto the collar of his father’s shirt while his right hand gently played with his father’s soft hair. But his eyelids were getting heavy, and his breathing was evening out from the after-cry hiccups for air.
“And I’m still scared, Yukio… Because you’re growing up… You’re not the little baby I held that day anymore… Now you’re learning about your surroundings, and you’re learning to talk…. And I’m here… Still learning to be a good dad…” Oikawa’s voice was soft, his son’s drowsiness not going unnoticed for even a second. “And I hope, as you grow up, that you’ll forgive me… For anything that I do out of ignorance… Because your learning… and I’m learning…”
And just like that, Yukio had fallen back asleep, the angle of his cheek pressed against his elbow making his little lips part and his soft breathing sound in his father’s ear.
Smiling to himself, Oikawa slowly got to his feet, “Ah… Good parenting tip, Tooru… Complain to your son about having to raise him… Good job…” It wasn’t something he readily admitted to you, he didn’t want to upset you about his thoughts on his parenting techniques - and he didn’t ever want you to think he regretted starting a family with you. Because he loved his son. He loved Yukio with his whole heart. “Maybe that’s the secret to getting him to fall asleep again… Bore him… Make him feel bad and bore him.” Oikawa let out a quite huff of amusement as he walked towards his and your bedroom, laying down with Yukio on his chest.
He hadn’t been lying. The day you’d announced your pregnancy, Oikawa had been terrified. Scared out of his mind. He’d gone to Iwaizumi for advice, only to find out that his best friend was having a baby of his own and was completely thrilled about it. Humbled by it. And yet… Oikawa didn’t have that luxury. He’d always been riddled with his self doubt, always had to put on a confident show for what he lacked. And he lacked that paternal instinct. He knew. He’d been a terrible senpai in school, and while he was an okay uncle, he known there was no way he’d be as adept as his sister in raising a child.
Yet… Here he was. Staring down at his son’s peaceful sleeping face on his chest, hearing his soft snores, feeling his little heart beating against his chest - it felt… Surreal. Unreal. His son. His Yukio.
“I’m learning, Yukio… I promise.”
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i’ve seen some people drawing their self inserts in the various undertale aus and since i’ve done that with a lot of the other ones already (although i’ll probably draw somethin for the other ones too lol) i haven’t done anything for dancetale sooo here’s some sketches for that :P
i would do ballet in this au because i already used to like ballet when i was little so in dancetale i just liked ballet enough to actually pursue it
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blunt-witch · 3 years
Power's out so it's back to analog weed smoking
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monstersinthecosmos · 7 years
HEY KIDS let’s talk about metal okay.
Anyway so I shout into the void about metal sometimes, even though I fully realize I’m like the lone fandom metalhead LOL. I mean @finnishdoomster is around too LOL there’s a couple of us but it’s mostly pretty lonely.
but like fuckit I do what I want TODAY I’M GONNA TALK ABOUT:
The thing about Marius + metal whenever I think about it is that I’m always thinking about how butthurt he was that Botticelli went dark, how disappointed he was. I’m of the opinion that Marius white-knuckles his way through immortality; that he represses his own anger until it reaches boiling points and he does stupid shit, and I think part of it was his refusal to admit to his own flaws, his own loneliness, his own desperation.
So like, on one hand I think he would see the subculture and find the metalheads adorable, like cute little humans acting all tough and scary. but I think he’d also appreciate that metal subculture is built around the idea of feeling alienated, being different, and embracing all the things that make us weird because we aren’t buying into all the bullshit that’s fed to us. Metalheads are philosophers and outsiders and are, by nature, creative people. They think differently and don’t try to deny it. And you don’t become a metalhead without being passionate, without caring about metal, because all the good metal is hiding from you and it’s a process to find it.
On the other hand I imagine that this music might be too much, too raw, too painful to listen to, just too fucking real. I can’t imagine him or any other ancient hearing some of these albums and not being totally traumatized.
I think black metal is an acquired taste for some—not everyone is gonna get it right away—but the thing about it is that it’s so cerebral to listen to, it’s such an experience, and when you click with it you just connect on such a deep level, and it just shreds you. 
I listen to a lot of fucking music, okay? And I just. I don’t think anything really captures the darkness the way black metal does. Especially the more melodic black metal, especially when it gets a little epic, maybe has some orchestral parts. It’s such an incredible blend of being worldly and majestic with the emptiness and the desperation. There’s really nothing like it.
And I tend to feel, out of all the metal vocal styles, that the signature black metal vocal style sounds so much more like genuine pain than any other subgenre. Like death metal styles sound so much more aggressive and black metal just always strikes me as really meaning it. 
And it specifically reminds me of Marius more than anyone else. It’s partly because I’m a fangirl (oops) but also just the very nature of his life, and I find B&G so haunting. He’s the only ancient we’ve really gotten to spend so much time with and it’s so chilling to hear him really own his age, discuss how much he’s seen, the eras he’s lived through. And his book is characterized by loss, time and time again, of people in his life, cities he’s loved, his sense of belonging anywhere. I just feel it heavily and poignantly in a lot of this music.
It’s not just the loss and pain, though, but in black metal that you can hear the abject evil and idk about you guys but it’s something that just inflames everything in me that is capable of feeling passion. It’s so incredibly dark and terrifying and seductive to me and if that doesn’t click into place with how I feel about these goddamn vampires, idk what.
There’s also the trend in black metal, especially blackened folk metal and melodic black metal, for the bands to incorporate traditional instruments from their heritage. It’s such an interesting blend of sounds but also, in this instance!, adds sort of a historical texture to the music in a lot of ways, which makes it an easy motif for me to hang onto.
And I can’t speak for the authenticity of the use of any of these instruments but again I find myself thinking: If Marius heard this, would he be totally shook? Imagine this brutally raw, pained music brought to life with an instrument he hasn’t heard in hundreds of years.
What was the music like at the grove?
(BONUS SONG:  Krigsgaldr by Heilung! I will concede that Heilung isn’t metal but black metal fans jizz their pants over this shit and like he’s got that scratchy black metal thing going on and this is just too good not to include cause it fits right in. FUN FACT, since I already talk about Wardruna + VC too much I’ll just casually remind you that Wardruna is black metal dudes. But check out HEILUNG also cause this is like all the spooky folk sounds without the obvious metal. METALHEADS LOVE THIS LOL.)
One of my favorite lines in the entire series is when Marius refers to “the cold and fatal domain” of his soul. Just. Fuck dude.
IS THERE ANYTHING MORE COLD AND FATAL THAN FUCKIN BLACK METAL???? Like “Cold and Fatal Domain” legit sounds like it should be the name of someone’s album.
LIKE, DID U KNO? One of the popular lyrical themes in black metal is the chaos of nature? SORTA LIKE THE SAVAGE GARDEN? Immortal, for example? Half their fuckin songs are just about snowy dark icy mountains and how cold it is in Norway. They have a song called Grim & Frostbitten Kingdoms! Sounds like some Cold & Fatal Domains! (Also LMAO they’re called Immortal. Appropriate.)
I don’t really know where I’m going with any of this and I don’t have a graceful way to exit but. I just wanted to share that with you. If you’re feeling adventurous and want to give a new genre a try, do it. :D I didn’t pick any SUPER intense songs, these are good beginner songs, so if you want some icy dark vampire pain knock yaself out. 
Sigh, I’m so weepy now LMAO. 
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mercury-minded · 6 years
For the space ask, pisces!
Pisces- Describe someone you love without saying their name.
oh god you guys…here comes the sap 😭💗
she’s my rock, my heart, and my missing piece. I couldn’t have asked the universe for a better person to be thrown into my life. where my foundation is faulty, hers is sound… I felt stable and at peace the moment we met. calling her my best friend doesn’t do it justice; she’s my soulmate and anyone who’s seen us together knows it 💜
she’s my leo rising, taurus sun, and cappy moon angel and I love her 🌟
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firstlove-thesea · 6 years
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thunderheadfred · 7 years
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have I mentioned how much I love this two-second blip of animation on the introductory bridge scene, where Kallo is opening his mouth to brag about the Tempest, but then he sees Ryder’s face and realizes he doesn’t have to?????
cuz I think about this two-second blip a lot...
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sassmar · 2 years
helloooooooo :)))) 😅 ⛔
HAHAHAAAA hello you fucking cunt my love what excellent emojis you have selected! welp here we go.
😅 what's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
all of them it's fanfic umm probably none currently posted to my ao3 but if anyone was on a certain website like a full ass DECADE ago, it is true that i once wrote a very short crackfic (wolfstar obvs) featuring old gregg. yes that old gregg.
actually no i am not embarrassed about this nvm.
⛔ do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
no not really but i guess again re: my childhood self... i did once start an as/s (do they still call it that?!!) longfic that i abandoned like three chapters in bc at seventeen or something i decided i had "outgrown" fanfic. lol whoooooops.
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