#whole grain bread crumbs
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michaelnaghtenshanks · 1 year ago
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Recipe for Bacon-Mushroom Turkey Burger Mix mushrooms in with ground turkey patties, plus bacon pieces, whole grain bread crumbs, and green onions for moist and flavorful burgers.
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lattitudecafeto · 1 year ago
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Bacon-Mushroom Turkey Burger For moist and flavorful burgers, combine mushrooms with ground turkey patties along with bacon bits, whole grain bread crumbs, and green onions.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 5 months ago
hello i love your word lists and i was wondering if i could request one specifically for baking! i need title inspo for a story i'm writing :)
Some Baking Vocabulary
Aeration - the treatment of batter or dough by charging with air to produce increase in volume
Ancient grains - all whole grains are considered ancient because we are able to trace their roots back to the beginning of time
Caramelization - cooking sugar until it’s brown or golden
Chocolate - from the Aztec word xocolatl, meaning "bitter water"; a food derived from the cacao bean fermented, dried, roasted, ground and processed into cocoa powder; a liquor used to make a variety of chocolate products
Citron - the sweetened rind of a fruit
Clarify - to make a substance clear or pure
Courverture chocolate - high quality chocolate used for tempering and glossy coating
Crescent rolls - crescent-shaped bread rolls having a flaky texture
Crushing - formation of dry crust on surface of doughs due to evaporation of water from the surface
Currant - the acidulous berry of a shrub, usually dried and dark in colour
Essences - aromatic compounds used for flavouring confectionery; can be natural or synthetic, or blends of both
Ganache - a rich, smooth mixture of chocolate and cream is used as a filling, frosting, or glaze
Genaese - fatless sponge cake used as base in decorated cakes
Glaze - coat a dessert with a liquid, like melted chocolate, mirror glaze, sugar glaze, etc.
Hearth bread - yeast bread baked in round, oval or free form on hot, flat baking surfaces in an oven
Liqueur - spirits sweetened with sugar and flavoured with essences, fruit juice, or essential oils
Macerate - to soak the fruit in liquid, often sugar or alcohol, to soften it and enhance its flavor
Marble - creating a swirl effect by incorporating two doughs or batters of different colors or flavors together
Mise en Place - a French term meaning “everything in its place,” referring to the preparation and organization of ingredients before baking
Molasses - light to dark brown syrup obtained in making cane sugar
Old dough - yeast dough that is overproofed; dough may have tripled in volume and fallen
Oven spring - the rapid rise of bread dough during the first few minutes of baking due to the expansion of gas bubbles; critical for achieving a good loaf volume and a light, airy crumb
Petit fours - small fancy cakes that can be placed in the mouth in one piece
Plaiting - the weaving of one or more ropes of dough into an ordered design
Ramekin - a small dish made of glass or ceramic that is used for serving baked goods like custards, cakes, souffles, and more
Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 ⚜ More: Word Lists
So glad to hear this, thank you! Hope this helps with your search. Would love to read your work if it does. Otherwise, you could go through the sources, perhaps I wasn't able to include the right word/phrase for you. Also have more food-related posts here :)
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alexanderwales · 6 months ago
For Thresholder there are lots and lots of worlds, most of them just name-checked, sketched out in a handful of paragraphs as a place that people had visited before and now has little plot relevance. It's my favorite part of the series.
I'm not writing one of those chapters where I need one of those worlds, and I'm not sure I could give this one its due, but the idea I had last night was a world where people could increase and decrease the size of objects virtually at will. This doesn't work with conventional physics, but that's okay, some of the worlds can be more conceptual.
To start with, we have some ground rules: you have to be touching the thing, it can only operate on loosely defined "whole objects", and there's some kind of thing that happens with objects where they retain their physical structure to some degree, even if the square-cube law means that not everything stays functional. This is easy for things made of base elements (an iron nail becomes bigger and we can grok that it's still just made of regular iron) but it's less easy for complex organics. If you increase the size of an apple, are the individual cells increasing in size? Are new cells being generated? I think for this, I would have to say that the answer is that the world works on a level of pre-Enlightenment human understanding that the real world doesn't have, one where there aren't cells. (I am a bit sketchy on when cells were discovered, and more sketchy on what they thought was going on before that.)
As far as consequences, which is my favorite thing, I think there are a few big ones.
For one, any amount of food is enough to feed an infinite number of people. A single apple can feed a family, if they want to have nothing but apple for a meal. A single apple slice can feed a family. In fact, even the smallest crumb can undergo the process of magnification to become a full meal. But while you can make "more food" by making it bigger, the taste and texture don't necessarily stay the same. It seems to me that there's probably a sweet spot for most foods in terms of size, and eating a grain of rice the size of a loaf of bread is a very different experience than eating a bowl of rice. And if you've ever eaten one of those sourdough breads with way too large of bubbles, that's what pretty much all bread would look like if magnified, just holes with strands of gluten between them. So I think in terms of food, there would be a lot of class divide, along with a lot of processing of magnified foods to make them more palatable. Maybe a loaf-size grain of rice wouldn't appeal to many people, but you can break off bits of it and probably still make mochi with it.
Another big issue is manufacturing and the trades. In my mind, you have construction workers building the equivalent of dollhouses that then get sized up on a plot of land, but I think dollhouses are a little bit small, and most trades would work on a scale that was easiest for human manipulation. I don't think that's what we do for dolls, which tends to be nimble, finnicky work, and if you can freely scale up and scale down your tools and materials, I think you'd naturally want to work a bit bigger. Probably you would rescale on many different steps of whatever you're producing, and if this world was in the industrial age, then you would have people in factories rescaling as a human step in a factory somewhere. Another cool thing is that a chef could have a single pot and pan that they resize for their needs, and a single knife that fulfills roles we would use two or three different knifes for, though I think maybe handles would be a problem there.
Anyway, I'm not going to use this anywhere, though I do think it's cool, if maybe in a way that's not all that unique (What if Big Thing were Little Thing and What if Little Thing were Big Thing are both speculative fiction staples, see Indian in the Cupboard, The Borrowers, Ant-man, etc.). I have a bunch of outstanding questions re: conservation of momentum and some hacks that only work under certain implementations, but sometimes that's a bridge too far.
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i saw a really good post about the significance of food in the hunger games universe but i don't think i managed to reblog it. i wanted to further refine that point and add to it by providing a very brief recognition of the significance of bread specifically in the hunger games universe.
in both the modern world and ancient world, bread is seen as the quintessential food to an extent; it has come to stand for sustenance (think of "give us this day our daily bread" from the bible, and other famous phrases that use bread metonymically to represent food or sustenance). the name of the country in the hunger games universe comes from the latin phrase panem et circenses which means bread and circuses (or bread and games depending on the translation) and is, itself, metonymic and represents the fickle nature of the romans as they became mostly concerned with being fed and entertained. the same, obviously, can be said about the people of the capitol, whose only concerns are being fed and entertained, with little regard for the health and welfare of those who labour for those quotas to be met. there's also mentions of the different types of bread in the capitol, and how these breads are here, ultimately, to line tables. they are complimentary but they are not the whole meal.
in the districts, bread is a barrier between life and death. katniss' life, as well the lives of her mother and prim, is saved by two loaves of bread. the same things that garnish capitol tables fill up district tables. there is no space or disposable income or freedom in the districts for the luxury of the capitol. bread to the districts is not just the quintessential food, it is the food, period. it is the one thing that they can rely on, and it is ultimately what they are rewarded with when they choose to sign up for tesserae, and when one of their own wins the games. bread does not just occupy the dining tables but also cultural rituals. we see this in tbosas when sejanus breaks into the arena to sprinkle bread crumbs over marcus' dead body, to provide sustenance for his journey in the afterlife, a cultural practice brought from district 2. we also see it in the marriage rituals of district 12, what katniss calls the toasting, where the married couple toasts bread together and shares it, thus almost consummating their marriage.
what i'm trying to show (quite poorly; i apologise) is the importance of bread in the districts compared to the capitol; in the districts, bread consumes everything because it is the most readily available foodstuff; it can be made, though blandly, with the grain they receive, and each district has a different way of expressing their individuality through their bread. bread, and the general sense of lack, is one thing that seems to bind the districts, regardless of the attempts at class divide and they only make apparent the overwhelming difference between the capitol and the districts. bread permeates every aspect of life for those in the districts, from their nuptials, to signing up for the hunger games, to their funeral rites. in the hunger games universe, bread serves as a social marker, and it stresses the fundamental difference between the capitol and the districts.
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hexbimbo · 10 months ago
DBD Favorite Food HC:
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Dwight Fairfield
Cheese Pizza.
No more no less.
Thinks pepperoni is “too spicy.”
Pizza What! Had 25% lifetime employee discount.
Meg Thomas
Doesn’t particularly care about her diet as much due to her active lifestyle.
Probably needs more calories than the average person because she’s always on the move.
A good hearty veggie burger is enough for Meg.
Claudette Morel
Ham and Cheese Sandwich.
No crust, untoasted, on white bread.
Toasted bread makes her teeth hurt.
Cut into triangles for maximum efficiency.
Jake Park
In the ~lore~ he is shown to have affinity for Korean Barbecue Ribs.
Really enjoys smoked meats and canned veggies
Canned Artichokes. Boom.
Nea Karlson
Energy drinks.
Probably consumed with some rock candy for extra ✨sizzle✨.
Has attempted to down a can and crush it with her forehead (failed)
Laurie Stroade
Apple pie.
Something all American and sweet.
A nice dollop of vanilla ice cream too please!
Ace Visconti
Would probably tell you some fancy name that makes you feel broke.
More likely a home cooked meal by his Mom
Thinks that high rollers shouldn’t be associated with low class dishes of a foreign country.
I’ll go with Alfajores. Especially the ones dipped with a little chocolate.
William “Bill” Overbeck
Tv dinner with a cold beer
Preferably a Salisbury steak one 🔥🔥🔥
Over boiled canned peas with a slice of buttered bread ain’t bad either.
Feng Min
Candy and chips seems too obvious yknow?
~Lore~ also mentions her being an alcoholic but that’s not really a “favorite” is it?
Probably sponsored a limited edition soft drink that she really liked.
David King
Toad in the hole.
“Classic British “cuisine””
Surprisingly not a fan of a good chippy
Too much oil for his diet
Quentin Smith
Yknow those hard candies in strawberry wrapping old people give on Halloween?
Those 💯
Especially ones with little soft center
David Tapp
Chinese food.
Crab Rangoons was always his go too.
Especially slathered in duck sauce. (Sweet and sour)
Kate Denson
Sun flower seeds.
Perfect snack for wildness jam seshs.
Would be trail mix if she didn’t only eat the chocolate.
Adam Francis
Connivence store meals
Have you see the pre-made meal game in Japan?
~Lore~ mentions that he enjoyed spending his weekends at high end restaurants too.
Big fan of Japanese food.
Jeffery “Jeff” Johansen
Pancakes. Maybe with some blueberry if he’s feeling fancy.
Nice slab of butter in between each layer.
Likes the syrup to soak into a the pancakes for a bit.
Beard definitely catches the sticky crumbs.
Jane Romero
Grilled Chicken and Beet Salad.
Sprinkle some walnuts and goat cheese for extra yummy flavor.
Probably enjoyed with a tasty raspberry or apple vinaigrette.
Ashley J. Williams
Relax kid! He’s just joshing ya’!
Cow tails are pretty groovy.
But he wouldn’t say no to a few special brownies.
Nancy Wheeler
She looks boring as hell
Vanilla ice cream with cherry shell.
Not that flavorful but sweet enough it’s a treat.
Steve Harrington
Root beer float.
Mid tbh.
Enjoys the idea of sharing it with someone via two straws at a sleepy diner.
Yui Kimura
Street food.
Takoyaki to be specific.
Her gang spent a lot of time muscling about in the narrow streets of Tokyo. Easy access to cheap and piping hot food.
Likes eating with her hands.
Zarina Kassir
Felt like she wasn’t as appreciative of her “foreign” lunches as she could’ve been as a kid.
Makes an effort to recreate her childhood meals but lacks the “mom touch.”
Always on the move for the next big story, this film maker enjoys celery and carrots.
Cheryl Mason
Dry Cereal.
Just something to pick at through out the day.
Not too sweet either. Something whole grain works for her.
Felix Richter
Heavily salted potato salad.
Boil some proses till tender, throw in some mayo, lemon juice, parsley, dash of sugar, salt ‘n pepper and you, my friend, have got it ON 🔥🔥🔥
The side dish you’re forced to try but end up digging.
Élodie Rakoto
Hachis Parmentier. Served with a cucumber salad.
“Classic French “cuisine.””
About as tasty as you would expect.
Easy to prepare and easy to eat. (Kinda)
Yun- Jin Lee
Fancy foods for the fancy lady.
Western food has a soft spot in her cold, unfeeling heart.
Mushroom risotto and seared scallops.
Jill Valentine
BLT hold the mayo.
Wavy chips make a good side.
Maintains a firm diet.
Leon S. Kennedy
I raise you one: Ham, Cheese, Egg croissant.
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner all in one.
And available at many fast food places.
Had one with a runny egg yoke and - lord.
Mikaela Reid
Lavender Matcha Boba.
Her tastes buds soared.
Too bad it was a limited time promotional item.
Jonah Vasquez
Caesar Salad Wrap with Ranch.
Maybe with a small lil fruit cup.
Overall very healthy 👍.
Yoichi Asakawa
Hamburg with cheese.
I don’t really know a lot about him tbh.
Seems like he has a well balanced diet.
Probably eats it with a cabbage garnish.
Haddie Kaur
Fried eggs served over spiced watermelon rinds are 👌.
Can’t go wrong with an eggs and cheese.
Ada Wong
I can’t really imagine her eating??
My mind says she probably collects antique wine but I can’t really picture her drinking either.
I’ll go with mussoli.
Rebecca Chambers
Expensive? Yes. Shareable? Also yes!
“Oh! Those look just like a smiling hamburger!”
Vittorio Toscano
Cheese and bread.
Maybe- MAYBE a little watered down wine.
Not like a charcuterie board. More Skyrim “going ham on a wheel of cheese and bread”.
Thalita Lyra
Grilled Pineapple.
Dusted with some brown sugar and grilled on an open flame is 🤤.
Likes it tender. Undercooked, firm pineapple makes her sad.
Renato Lyra
Rice. Rice never changes.
Goes well with cheesy stroganoff.
Wash it down with a fizzy drink.
Probably doesn’t eat much else tbh. Classic ‘Tism 😎
Gabriel Soma
Due to his memories being fake it’s hard to tell if he actually likes the food or just THINKS he likes it.
Probably likes hotdogs.
His Mom would always get him some to nom on during baseball game.
Hates pork hotdogs.
Nic Cage
Apparently is irl favorites are KFC and champagne.
Sounds about right.
Seems like a memer and would get a baja blast if his kids suggested it.
Ellen Ripely
Freeze dried ice cream sandwiches.
Or crackers.
Likes the crunch and long shelf life both can provide.
Alan Wake
Scrambled eggs, buttered toast, and black coffee.
You ever such a rough morning you gotta process what’s on your plate for 10 minutes?
Likes his eggs salty.
Sable Ward
DIY spooky treats!
“Mummy Dogs” are croissant wrapped hotdogs and “candied eyeballs” are tangulu grapes.
Probably had an edgy phase of “only liking black coffee.”
“How can you even enjoy the natural taste of coffee with all that sugar and milk??”
Evan McMillian
Boiled Dinner.
Throw some cabbage, pastrami, and bacon in bag with some seasonings.
(Read: salt and pepper).
Delicious for 1800 palettes.
Phillip Ojomo
Canned beans.
Eating them straight from the can hit different after a long day of crushing cars.
Knows how to open any can with a spoon alone.
Max Thompson Jr
Biscuits and Gravy.
Was usually served the slop version as a kid.
Tries to re-create it a bit more “not bad”.
Sally Smithson
Johnny cakes.
Probably also likes food with not okay names.
Like “Injun Bread” 🫤.
Micheal Myers
Chips and Cola.
Eats more to survive than for comfort.
A lot of victims tend to be teenagers relaxing on Halloween with an assortment of junk food goodies.
Chips in bowl and a half empty cup of cola are very tasty snacks when he’s on the move.
Lisa Sherwood
I’m not sure if it’s ever explicitly said but I head-cannon her as being from New Orleans.
Craw fish is tried and true banger.
Even in her “Hag” form, she enjoys slurping them up raw.
Herman Carter
Black Coffee.
Wakes up early to enjoy some time alone with his mug.
Maybe dips a crostini in.
Anna likes her food in a very particular way, almost OCD with her eating habits.
Refuses to eat until she “earns” the right to eat.
Bear is the perfect challenge.
Bubba Sawyer
Add a dollop of cheddar jack cheese on top for a pop of color.
Likes dipping bread into it.
No spoon required.
Freddy Krueger
Apple slices.
A nice juicy apple was refreshing on a hot summers day working in the garden.
Now, the juices sting his skin.
Amanda Young
Fast food.
If you ever worked the morning shift at a fast food place yknow the crack heads be jonesing out in the corner booth.
Post Recovery, I think greasy fast food helps settle her stomach.
Jeffery Hawk
Corn dogs if he’s mad, cotton candy if he’s sad.
Or both if you wanna meet an early grave.
Either way, eats way too much for his body to properly digest and often is constipated.
Rin Yamaoka
Sticky fermented beans beloved by Japan.
Kinda icky but it’s a staple there.
Frank, Julie, Susie, Joey
Frank likes hot chocolate.
Julie likes loaded fries.
Susie likes sprinkles.
Joey likes red slushies.
Mutton and dates.
A holy meal for a holy woman.
Not too sure if the Babylonians had honey ( I think they did) she’d probably slather it on.
Danny Johnson
French fries.
Perfect finger food while typing up the next big story.
Tries dipping it in the blood of his victims to be “edgy.”
Decided against it as it could implement him to the crimes (credit card, receipts, DNA etc).
Enjoys nibbling on plants.
More of a sensory thing than taste.
They tickle all the right places in its mouth.
Kazan Yamaoka
Pickled Veggies
Great for traveling and very nutritious .
Probably would be a meat dish but I’d imagine he was very disciplined with his diet.
Caleb Quinn
Lambs Fry.
Also likes snacking on bar peanuts.
His favorite part is the eye ball.
Pyramid Head
I don’t think he can eat.
Doesn’t he have a tongue??
Likes flicking it over the inside of his helmet.
Likes the metallic taste of rust.
Talbot Grimes
“Classic Scottish “cuisine””.
Would cry eating it as child.
Also likes hibiscus tea for the anti oxidants ☝️.
Charlotte and Victor Deshayes
Food was hard to come by growing up.
Survived off of scraps.
One time they were lucky to come across very tasty meat.
Their mom said it was “honeyed” whatever that meant.
Ji-woon Hak
Definitely pours it over himself to watch it stream through his abs.
Enjoys dropping a fruit in to dive after.
Nemesis T-Type
Nemesis is technically a meat suit being piloted by a parasite (that’s what his tentacle thing is.)
Kinda feeds off the body it’s piloting.
Like a fungi to a tree (which is bananas, look it up.)
Elliot Spencer
Especially likes the thicker variety that peel clean off.
Bonus points if it’s has that soft, goey white stuff in it.
Carmina Mora
Caldino de congrio.
Hot as fuck.
Eel hits different.
Sadako Yamamura
Nothing special.
A plain bowl of rice lightly salted is a good meal in itself.
Maybe a peice of unseasoned fish.
Enjoys chewing on its “hands” and hearing that sweet, sweet crunch.
Sometimes chews on the fingernails of deceased survivors to see if it can taste what they’ve previously eaten.
Albert Wesker
Sultans Delight.
A creamy eggplant mixture topped with some braised lamb.
Doesn’t really take the time to enjoy it.
Give him 7 minutes tops.
Tarhos Kovács
Preserved fish.
The extremely salted filets cook up real quick for a tasty dish.
Was always a treat when he found a barrel of them in his raids.
Adrianna Imai
Enjoys it especially as a mixer.
Her mini fridge is always stocked with some.
“Eating” is an organic thing.
No thanks.
Does have a favorite type of electricity.
Enjoys the smell of carbon.
As an apex predators, Aliens enjoy killing everything that catches their eye.
I imagine our Alien in particular developed a taste for human flesh.
Charles Lee Ray
Swedish Meatballs.
Some meatballs are better than others.
But they like, gotta be seasoned super well. Not like a dash of Italian herbs and you call it day.
Bone marrow.
Likes to suck them out of chicken bones.
Or human bones.
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hammyham-o-o · 5 months ago
everyone give it up for americas favourite fighting frenchman
@random-fandom-chaos I think this was you?
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ardent-heretic · 2 months ago
Movies make war look glorious.
GoPro footage of a Russian and Ukrainian in hand to hand combat came out. Watching that will change your opinion on how cool war can be.
My Grandfather fought with a Russian at the Battle of Stalingrad. Had to use a piece of a blown out door to get the job done. He told me how that one day changed his whole world. He told me a lot about the not so glorious parts of war. How you look at everything around you as a weapon when there are no more bullets, and you don’t want to die in a hell hole. Then someone finds you that wants nothing more than for you to stop existing. You do what you can. Because they will surely do the same to you.
The only reason he came home from WWII was unfortunate luck. He got so ill he was pulled from the Battle. Right before Russians made encirclement moves, capturing pretty much his entire Army Group.
He was in a field hospital for weeks. They learned he spoke 6 languages. So they kept him behind the front, interrogating prisoners. That skill kept him from becoming ground meat. And led to him coming to America. But that was a long story.
He told me though, it is one thing shooting someone with a rifle. But that day he had to stare someone in the eyes while killing him by hand changed his view. You or him, do or die, no rules. He was done with the war that day. Wanted nothing more than to go home.
And after the war, it took a while to find out, his mother, father, six brothers were all dead.
He had an unusual name. Once computers arrived on the scene, I searched hard looking for a relative. Here or Europe, needing to find a bread crumb of hope.
Found a cousin living in Toronto. Met him once years ago.
My Grandfather hated war. He was a farmer before the war. Came to America after hearing Americans talk about hundreds of acres of wheat, corn, grains in places like Kansas, Nebraska.
But he came to New Jersey, and became a construction worker to pay bills.
But every day when warm he raised crops, planted trees, eventually cared for chickens. That brought him peace.
Every once in a while I go on google maps and seek out a massive tree he and I planted in 1979. It towers nowadays. I often think of driving to see it. Over an hour west of Chicago. But it is on a strangers property, and I doubt they want my ass walking on their property. The tree has a story about why we planted it there. And I think of going before I croak and telling Spawnette why we planted it there, and why it grew so fast.
Maybe someday.
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she-is-healthy · 9 months ago
Favorite Meals
I'm learning to love food for all that it is, from the cooking process to how it nourishes my body. Being involved with fresh ingredients and mindfully preparing my meals helps with my propensity to binge, so here's a list of stuff I love to make 💚✨️
Vegan BL(s)T: Whole grain bread, vegan mayo (store-bought or homemade WFPB), spinach, tomato, marinated tofu "bacon"
Burrito Bowls: Shredded tofu, black beans, corn, tomato, red onion, garlic, jalapeño, lime, rice, taco seasoning
Air Fried Tempeh: Tempeh, vegan Buffalo sauce, panko bread crumbs
Dubu-jorim (banchan): extra firm silken tofu, soy sauce, garlic, gochugaru, brown sugar, sesame oil, green onion
Stir-Fry: Brown rice noodles, garlic, soy sauce, Sriracha, sugar, frozen veggie mix, soy curl "chicken"
Bibimbap: Brown rice, carrot, soybean sprouts, spinach, mushrooms, tofu, gochujang, soy sauce, sesame oil, black pepper
Pasta Salad: Chickpea pasta, vegan mayo, red onion, red bell pepper, peas, carrots, paprika, onion powder, black pepper
Cauliflower Wings: Purple cauliflower, flour, soy milk, spices of choice
Kimbap: Seaweed sheets, rice, sesame oil, pickled radish, spinach, carrots, fried tofu, vegan spam
I'll add more as I think of them!
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qooha · 10 days ago
Written by: qooha
I have never once demanded for a whole bakery, a basket of bread, or even just a loaf. All I asked for was a mere slice of bread. Burnt edges are fine, a soggy one is fine too, I'd be okay if it was a triangular slice—even if it meant that I would still get not as much—It would have been fine. You gave me crumbs, but that was it? "It's fine, at least I get to eat something, right?" Was what I have convinced myself for years, as I felt my stomach rumble louder and louder. To conceal something so significant to me was injustice to what I truly felt—but to be completely aware of it was betrayal.
I remained content with receiving crumbs, as each crumb grew tinier and tinier, when ultimately, I received none. Then, I have noticed the familiar scent of freshly baked bread. I followed its trail, only to be welcomed by the sight of you feeding another. It felt happy and fulfilled as it received mounts of bountiful bread—while I stood in the corner, starving. I watched as its belly grew bigger and fuller, while mine shrank—framing what is left of my aching body.
I grew needier, constantly asking for any amount of bread. Crumbs, crusts, grains, ANYTHING would have sufficed. What must one do to just eat? I was always left starving, while the full kept getting fuller. Does one really need to have that much bread? I did EVERYTHING, I gathered the ingredients, I mixed it thoroughly—leaving no lumps of flour—I kneaded the dough; only for you to bake it and serve it to someone else.
I reflected, a lot. I came to the realization that maybe some people are meant to feast, while others are left to starve. So one day, I just stopped asking. I let the hunger consume me, for it was better than waiting and hoping for a bread that was never mine to taste.
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immeasurable-depths · 1 year ago
Sooo I had to write something when Laura made it canon that Imogen has seen Jester’s bug. This is pretty bleak in the beginning but Laudna makes everything better in the second part I promise 🖤
Suddenly she isn’t lying on the couch staring at her fingers - her mind explodes into the memory of standing beneath the darkened canopy of the stable eaves, magic bursting purple and white out of her fingertips in a terrible flash. With a wave of revulsion, Imogen feels the ripple of energy coursing through her fingertips, illuminating those lightning streaks into iridescent purple as they glow and lightning erupts from her. The bright light puts the silhouettes of the townsfolk into stark contrast with the rapidly sinking sun behind them, suspicion and anger etched on their hardened faces. Another flash: she sees the look of pain and resignation plastered across her father’s face, feels the wave of disappointment, of hurt. The suffocating thoughts of history repeating billow off him like storm clouds, battering Imogen’s consciousness with their intensity and anguish, threatening to bowl her over. Another flash, and in her mind’s eye, she sees him shake his head slowly. Another flash, and he turns his back, disappearing into the night to trudge back through the fields towards the empty farmhouse. Defeated. Alone.
And through it all, Imogen’s fingers shine with that spectral purple glow.
She jolts back to consciousness with a quiet whimper. That damned sofa is still scraping against her skin as she draws in a shaky breath.
Must have fallen asleep again, Imogen thinks to herself. She tries to ignore the tears that slide silently from between her clenched eyelids, hot and wet and stinging as they spill over the bridge of her nose and splash into the scratchy fabric below her.
Need to stop doing that. Drifting off.
What else is there to do?
She isn’t sure which is worse, at the moment. The disturbing dreams of red dust that sneak in at night; the feeling of panic and loss of control as the wind picks up and threatens to whisk her away. Or the crippling, yawning numbness she feels during the day - especially when Laudna is away.
Imogen is pulled unceremoniously back into her body by a faint tickle across her forehead. She is torn from her dark reverie with a jolt: her eyelid flinches instinctively, and she realises the tickling is caused by the legs of a tiny insect across her cheek. She swats at it half-heartedly, too slow to catch it but stirring the air enough that it takes flight. The buzz of tiny wings permeates the air and Imogen flinches again, irritated. Her eyes track its flight path from where she still lies, horizontal, to where it lands on the dilapidated staircase a few feet away. Iridescent wings fold neatly on its back and it begins its trek, skirting along the grain of the partially rotted wood. Imogen realises it is carrying something on its back: a crumb of bread from the meagre meal they’d had the night before, clenched precariously between two microscopic front legs. It clambers along the horizontal before pausing, readjusting its vice grip before hauling itself vertically up the step. It continues, painfully slowly, but relentless.
Imogen stares, unable to take her eyes off it. The crumb is bigger than the length of its body, but it persists, heaving it up and along and up and along.
What are you doing? You’ve got wings, you dumbass. Why don’t you just fly up?
It takes Imogen a moment to register that she’s reached out instinctively with her mind. Blearily, she realises it doesn’t have enough of a consciousness to answer her.
Oh. I’m talkin’ to a bug.
She drifts.
The happy part is on AO3 ☺️
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hookaroo · 2 years ago
Laden of the Torn (1 of 24?)
AO3 link Summary: After eight months spent separated from his daughter, trying every potential cure imaginable, Killian's heart is still poisoned and burdened with his every failure. An alleged cure leads him into an ambush and a grueling detour he did not plan on taking. Unlikely new allies offer a small glimmer of hope, but will it be worth all of the trouble in the end?
Chapter 1 notes: I've been working on this on and off (mostly off) for the past four years. Apparently pandemics turn me off of fiction for whatever reason? But I made a few breakthroughs earlier this year and finally believe I'll be able to finish this one! It's a little strange, but it is the wish realm after all ;) The first couple of scenes and cure idea are based on a dream I had, and later scenes were inspired by a segment of the TV show "What on Earth," where they featured a particular location and basically described it as a whumper's paradise XD I'll reveal the location in a note later on, once it becomes relevant. No sexual whump in this story, but plenty of emotional and physical pain for Killian, and healing methods appropriate to the time period, for the most part haha. Enjoy!
No reasonable person would classify this as bread anymore, or anything even resembling it. Killian Jones would have brushed the whole quest off as a lost cause, except for the fact that the ceremonial cloth was exactly as described: woven, dyed, embroidered with specific patterns and symbols, and folded neatly. Or had been, until he had dug it up and peeled it open. In the early morning light, the contents of the cloth resting on his open palm looked like nothing more than a handful of powdery, gray dirt, or perhaps a rare variety of fine-grained sand he had once encountered on his travels. Grateful that very little breeze disturbed the dawn air, Killian gave the powder a dubious look as he carefully nudged it with the tip of his hook. This?! 
He felt rather foolish for having expected anything else, but in his defense, the witch doctor had called it ‘bread.’ Multiple times. 'Bread,' not 'decomposed spores of mold mixed with decades-old dust and grit.' How in blazes could this swill contain any magical properties whatsoever?
Perhaps he should expend the effort to search for another of this particular architect's buildings, one that was slightly newer. Allegedly, the designer in question performed the same ritual upon completion of every dwelling with which he had been involved. A blessing prayed over traditional flatbread, later buried against the south-facing foundation, would, according to this man's system of beliefs, bestow health and happiness on its occupants. And if consumed, its remnants could supposedly cure any ailment... including a poisoned heart.
That was all assuming that the local witch doctor could be trusted. And Killian had felt doubt about that even before digging up the handful of dusty crumbs he now sat examining. But he would try anything, no matter how unlikely, and eating dirt was hardly the worst thing he'd done in pursuit of a cure.
Hardtack in any variety was a challenge to swallow on its own; this powder would likely be doubly so. Good thing he'd come prepared... or had he? Killian laid the cloth on the ground by his knee, moving with extra caution, as if it held a gram of the world's most valuable spice instead of worm dung. Then he dug his flask from its pocket and gave it a shake. The damn thing tended to run on the empty side these days, for some reason. But no, from the sound and heft of it, it contained plenty of cheap liquor to do the deed.
As he popped the cork with an easy, practiced motion, Killian thought briefly of the mirror tucked away in an inside pocket. It would be significantly more fun if Alice could watch and laugh at the disgusted faces he would surely be making in the near future. And of course, he would put on a show for her, exaggerating his expressions in hopes of drawing out that sparkling grin which was becoming more and more endangered a sight within the confines of the beechwood-framed oval of reflective glass. But at this hour of the day, she would be tucked away, safe and sound in the bed he’d planned on enlarging soon, under blankets that probably needed patching, dressed in a nightgown too short for her blossoming figure…
He hoped she was there, at any rate. Listening to her body's needs and the common sense he'd attempted to instill in her, not reading half the night by the fire, which seemed to be her preference in situations lacking supervision. Not pacing, unable to quell her nightmares on her own, dealing with the same doubts keeping him awake most nights, forced to face a horrific reality that no one deserved, much less an innocent of her young age.
No. Alice was happily asleep right now, enjoying wonderful dream-adventures with the characters in her books that she loved so much, and it would be irresponsible of him to wake her for such a frivolous thing, no matter how desperately he longed to see her with every pulse of blood through his veins. Besides, though the dwelling beside him appeared unoccupied, he was technically trespassing. Probably stealing as well, so silence was the preferred soundtrack to this far-fetched hope.
Killian gathered a pinch of powdery grit and shoved it into his mouth, licking his fingers clean as bitter dust stuck to the roof of his mouth. A flavor faintly reminiscent of rancid goat's milk flooded his sinuses, and if there was magic there, he couldn't feel it.
As a young sailor, Killian had not always been fortunate enough to have anything other than filthy water with which to attempt to wash down the taste of moldering rations. He reflected upon this as he took a swig from his flask, then drizzled a measure of alcohol out upon the waiting breadcrumbs. A nasty paste would be easier to manage than fingerfuls of powder, and he feared the risk of losing the reported curative benefits if he missed any of the residue.
As he continued to choke down the supposed cure, Killian allowed himself to imagine their reunion and a sampling of the scenes that would take place.
They had 1 birthday and 262 unbirthdays to celebrate. Hugs to catch up on--those were harder to calculate, but must be well over 3000 by now. In between, he would share the properly embellished tale of how he’d achieved a cure for his heart, and gladly listen to plentiful imaginary exploits Alice had concocted to pass the time. And neither of them would ever again complain about their life trapped in the tower, because now they both knew how much worse it could get.
As a swig of burning liquid chased another mouthful of grainy mold dust, the distant rumble of hoofbeats drifted in from the direction of the road. Killian hunched closer to the building’s foundation, checking to be sure that no light source glinted off his hook, attracting attention. The road lay on the opposite side of the building from where he crouched, so in all likelihood, the approaching riders would travel past before noticing any hint of his presence.
But then a shiver of foreboding climbed his spine: the horses were slowing. Killian hastily shoved the remainder of the paste into his mouth and crumpled the cloth into a pocket, gagging and rising to his feet just as heavy boots dropped to the ground at the dwelling's front entrance. In a desperate attempt to clear the clay now sticking to the roof of his mouth, he drained the flask of its remaining contents, all while sidling along the wall toward the back garden and cover.
“Fan out,” commanded a stern male voice from amidst the new arrivals, and more boots trod the unkempt property. Several pairs in his direction. Whoever these men were, whatever they sought, they would see a running man as a guilty party to be chased, captured by force, perhaps even fired upon should they have pistols in their possession. So Killian took a steadying breath, suppressed an urge to hack up the sandy liquor burning the back of his throat, and dropped to his knees on the hard ground. 
Gods, he had to stop doing things like that; he did not have the body of a 30-year-old anymore. Fortunately, unlike the now-aching joints in his legs and back, his mind had retained its ability to work quickly. Just as three armored soldiers rounded the corner, Killian dug hand and hook into the dirt, pulling great handfuls aside to support the cover story he’d just invented.
The soldiers spotted him immediately and advanced with swords drawn, one holding a lantern to counteract the misty gray of early morning. 
“Let's see those hands,” another called menacingly. Killian obeyed, sitting back on his haunches and rolling his head from side to side as if experiencing a stiff neck. He allowed them to see his empty hand and his hook as he flashed a disarming grin.
“Good morning, gentlemen. Bit of a nippy one, isn’t it? Suppose we're coming to the end of the fishing season once again.”
The soldiers continued forward through his rambling, none of them showing any sign of relaxing. As the hook became more visible in the lantern light, the men exchanged glances. Killian noticed but decided to ignore it and continue to play the hapless fool.
“Not one sign of a single bloody nightcrawler, either. Do you reckon it's too cold for them already?”
The trio had now formed a triangle around him, a cautious distance away with swords at the ready. The one holding the lantern turned his face in the direction from which they'd come and shouted,
“Commander! We have him.”
Killian let his puzzlement show; if he were not mistaken, it sounded as if they were looking specifically for him. But how could that be? No one knew where he was, except perhaps the witch doctor, but even she couldn't have known the exact dwelling he would select for the experiment.
Killian kept up the charade of innocence. “Is there something I can help you lads with?”
Lantern smirked as he watched his commander appear around the corner. "Just sit there and don't cause a fuss…. Captain Hook."
Killian snorted a polite laugh, hoping it disguised his worry. “Nice one. Not the first time I've heard it.” He kept a wary eye on the swaggering officer, adding, “Although would you believe it, not everyone is joking when they say it? Which is absurd, of course. Who in their right minds... I'd have to be, what, 300 years old or thereabouts?” He raised an incredulous eyebrow, grinning up at the men surrounding him as if expecting them to laugh along with him and agree that those people were idiots.
The commander stopped a few paces in front of the group, holding a second lantern, although it was becoming less necessary as sunrise approached. He did not bother to draw his sword.
“Surrender your weapons,” came the imperious command. Slowly, Killian reached down and withdrew the small, tarnished dagger that was his only method of self-defense these days, apart from his hook. He kept the non-threatening, slightly silly smile as he laid the weapon at the soldiers’ feet.
“Sorry to disappoint, mates, but I can assure you I'm not the man you're looking for. I lost my hand in a farming accident, not one crocodile scale to be seen.” He huffed a laugh and tried to look pitiable. 
The commander’s stony gaze remained unchanged. “Is the hook detachable?”
Killian unscrewed the steel from its locking mechanism but kept hold of it momentarily as he looked up at the officer.
“I do hope you’re planning to return it,” he grimaced. “It's quite useful for digging up earthworms.”
With an impatient eye roll, the commander snapped his fingers and pointed to where the dagger rested at his feet. Reluctantly, Killian tossed the hook to join the other weapon. The officer nodded at an underling, who bent to take possession of both items.
“You can drop the charade. It will get you nowhere. Regardless of your identity as the Captain Hook of legend or merely a successor to the title, you are wanted for questioning concerning an illegal duel that took place some months back.”
Killian felt a shudder of fear rattle his insides; he'd hoped the matter would have blown over by now. 
“Preposterous,” he scoffed. “Do I look like the sort of fellow who would take part in something so unsavory?”
“The other party has been apprehended and is more than willing to identify you in person.” The man sneered. Then he addressed the second lantern-bearer. “Get him to his feet and search him for concealed weapons.”
Killian was gripped by the armpits and hauled up, shoulders and back protesting the harsh treatment. He knew that further lies wouldn't help at this point; neither would attempts to plead his case. So he kept quiet as rough hands patted him down and searched his pockets. They found his flask--"Bit early for this, isn't it?" taunted one, to which he replied tightly, "What's the old saying? It isn't early if you've never stopped?"--his treasured black rook, and the mirror.
The soldier who had found the mirror, who couldn't have been much more than sixteen, held it up with a leer.
“What's this for? An old man like you can't have a great deal to be vain about.”
Killian didn't want to attach too much importance to the item, for that would increase the temptation to destroy it out of spite. So he shrugged and explained,
“Just an old heirloom. Sentimental value only.”
The boy stashed it with the rest of Killian's confiscated belongings, and though he wasn't particularly careful, the glass seemed to remain intact. Killian could feel his heart pounding and cursed the fact that his one remaining link with Alice had to be so fragile.
“That appears to be all, sir.”
“Very good, soldier.” Their commander stood impassive, adding, “Now, as we discussed…”
Behind Killian came a brief clanking of armor. But before he even had the chance to guess at its meaning, the noise was drowned out by a resounding crack that rattled his teeth in their sockets, an explosion of colorful starbursts behind his eyes, a single heartbeat of crushing pain, and then a dizzying drop into black silence.
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ezra-but-hornier · 1 year ago
I'm so sick of this. I don't wanna become a better person. I want to STAGNATE and ROT on my sofa like g-d intended.
But here I am, emotionally regulating myself in a Target parking lot so I can call my mother to apologize for being rude on the phone last week before walking past the dollar spot without buying anything because I've realized my level of consumption is unsustainable before heading home with my WHOLE GRAIN GLUTEN FREE BREAD WITH TEN MILLION SEEDS ON IT I FUCKING HATE THIS SHIT ASS BREAD IT TASTES LIKE CARDBOARD AND IT LEAVES CRUMBS FUCKING EVERYWHERE BUT I GOT TIRED OF SHITTING MY PANTS ALL THE TIME I'M SORRY FOR BEING RUDE MOM YOURE JUST REALLY JUDGMENTAL SOMETI-
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bifairywife · 9 months ago
no one touch me i am in inconsolable pain about the possibility that i have netflix writer potential (derogatory)
context and lil list under cut:
(tldr: i finished fate the winx saga and it has a few parallels to some of MY changes for a personal reboot)
I just finished fate the winx saga and my GOD. It's not completely horrible but it has a couple of moments that i just do NOT like 😭😭😭 (overall I'd give the whole viewing experience a 5.7 out of 10)
For majority of the first season i kinda just went through it and i was more invested on the second season cause my fave (flora) is there AND for my floriven crumbs which isn't even crumbs??!!?!? it's an in your face bread slap oh my god
Netflix is just,,,,, so weird. This is an entirely different plot with different characters. Like the only thing they really kept are the NAMES (and some of the power set). Netflix could have just,,,, I don't know,,,, MADE IT UP AS AN ORIGINAL ANGSTY NETFLIX FAIRY SHOW
It really would have worked
Like,,,,,, i watched that show with full faith on the reviews i saw that it DEFINITELY isn't like the cartoon. At. All. It's so ironic seeing "in association with rainbow" in RED and in shots with that angsty grim ass filter that us sucking out any grain of vibrant color
They really just used winx club as click bait for more views istg 😭😭😭😭
I could have just NOT watched the show ik ik ik, but I don't mind watching "trashy" stuff. I don't think it was complete trash tbh, it has some trashy moments and dialogue but it's not total garbage. I just think it really would be better if the show didn't tie itself to a source material they had zero interest in giving justice 😤
Anyways here's a list of my parallels with the show:
bloom and aisha sharing a dorm room
bloom and aisha being besties
flora and stella sharing a dorm room
stella and sky knowing each other before school (BUT ARE NOT EXES IN MY REBOOT OH LAWRD)
Which,,,,,, now that i ranted and listed it all down,,,,, isn't such a bad thing these are pretty basic stuff tbh. Like,,,,,, I've checked my notes and compared the dates,,,,, I've thought of most of these first before the second season was released and i can lowkey live with it ig 🧍 cause i mean:
I have a vision for bloom and aisha roomies idea
There's something about fire and water friendship type of thing
And i actually have plans of making flora and stella become friends and not just dorm roomies 😭😭😭
Royal and royal friendship trope which i think is really neat (I'm surprised they didn't make sky a prince in the fate?? He's a legacy kid there cause of his dad but no royal status)
I've been very vocal about floriven tbh. I published one fic about them for my reboot and a WIP modern au too hajshahsha
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silly-jellyghoty · 9 months ago
My favourite "aw fuck, i'm outta real food" menu consists of:
Garlic spaghetti - cook spaghetti, then roast garlic on butter (or oil or tallow, anything works in a pitch really) with some salt and black pepper on a big pan. Ground and dried garlic works too if you first soak it in little warm water. Toss the spaghetti on that and keep frying until parts of noodles start getting slightly crispy. Whole thing takes about 15 minutes to make from start to finish
Delicious instant oats - boil water in a kettle or whatever and take out oats. Actually, any grain squished flat works for this as long as those flakes are thin enough. Take a coffee cup or a bowl and fill it halfway with your oats. Add a big spoon of butter or shortening or peanut butter, whatever as long as it contains some type of oil or fat really. Add a pinch of salt. Trust me, do it. Now your sweet stuff. Could be sugar and cocoa, could be honey, could be fruit jam. Doesn't matter. Add about a spoon of that to oats. No need to mix anything yet. Now take your boiling water and pour it over everything so that there's more water than just at the level of oats, so they can soak it in until soft and mushy. Now you stir and let it sit for about 5 minutes.
Microwave steamed vegies - any type of chunky frozen vegetables would work (leafy greens, mixed vegie cubes, and potato fries don't work, but things like broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, green bean pods etc do). Fresh onion chopped into quarters or so works too. Take your frozen vegies out of the freezer and quickly defrost it in some warm water. Don't bother drying it out, some drippung water is a good thing actually. Put your vegies of choice into a microwave safe dish, sprinkle with salt, pepper, any dry spices of your choice really, and splash it with a little oil. Mix it around a bit to spread all the goodies around and pop all that into the microwave for about 2 minutes on full power. It will come out steaming and hot so be careful. Mix the stuff some more and taste if they are cooked all the way through (a hint - they don't have to be, vegies are fine partially raw too). Repeat as many times as you need to get the texture and the level of "steamedness" where you like it. Done.
Salty bread crumb french toast pancakes - bread crumbs ARE bread, only a little old and grounded. You can mix them with egg, salt, and a splash of milk and make super quick french toast pancakes from that batter. Eat alone or with ketchup or mayo or with vegies or however else you want.
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researchyblog · 22 days ago
Bread Crumbs Market Size, Trends, and Growth Forecast 2025–2032
Market Overview
Bread crumbs Market Size , also known as breadcrumbs or breading, are small fragments of bread that are used for coating or topping food. They are widely used in both household and commercial kitchens for dishes like fried chicken, casseroles, and stuffing. The market includes various types such as fresh, dry, and seasoned bread crumbs.
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Key Segments
Fresh bread crumbs
Dry bread crumbs
Flavored/seasoned bread crumbs
Panko crumbs
Food processing
Foodservice (restaurants, hotels, catering)
Retail consumption (household use)
Distribution Channels:
Specialty stores
Online retail
Foodservice suppliers
Market Insights
Growth Trends:
The Bread crumbs Market Size is experiencing steady growth due to increased consumer preference for convenience foods and ready-to-cook meal options.
The rise in global fast-food chains and restaurants that use bread crumbs extensively in recipes.
Product Innovation:
Development of gluten-free and organic bread crumbs to cater to health-conscious consumers.
Enhanced flavor options and textures to meet diverse culinary demands.
Consumer Behavior:
Growing demand for clean-label and minimally processed food products.
Preference for products that enhance the taste and texture of food items.
Key Market Drivers
Increase in Fast Food Consumption: The growing popularity of fried and breaded food products, particularly in urban areas, is a major driver.
Convenience Foods: Rising demand for ready-to-cook products has expanded the use of bread crumbs in food processing.
Health Trends:
Surge in gluten-free bread crumbs due to the prevalence of gluten intolerance.
Demand for low-carb and whole-grain bread crumb alternatives.
Globalization of Cuisines: Adoption of international dishes in households and restaurants has boosted the use of bread crumbs in diverse recipes.
Raw Material Costs: Fluctuations in the prices of raw materials such as wheat and flour can impact the profitability of manufacturers.
Health Concerns: Rising awareness about the potential negative health impacts of fried and breaded foods could slow down market growth.
Competition: The presence of numerous local and international players creates price competition.
Regulatory Issues: Compliance with food safety and labeling standards can be a hurdle for market
Get full report @ https://www.statsandresearch.com/report/40348-global-bread-crumbs-market/
Key Players
American Key Food Products
Newly Weds Foods Inc.
McCormick & Company, Inc.
Panko Foods Co., Ltd.
Associated British Foods plc
Kikkoman Corporation
Ingredion Incorporated
Continental Mills, Inc.
Urban Platter
Holista Foods
These companies focus on innovation, flavor development, and expansion into new markets to gain a competitive edge.
Regional Analysis
North America:
Largest market share due to high consumption of processed and convenience foods.
Significant presence of fast-food chains.
Steady growth due to the popularity of breaded cuisines like schnitzel and fish fingers.
Increased demand for organic and gluten-free products.
Fastest-growing market, driven by urbanization and rising disposable incomes.
Expanding foodservice industry in countries like China, India, and Japan.
Latin America:
Growth driven by traditional breaded dishes in the region and increasing fast-food culture.
Middle East & Africa:
Emerging market with growth opportunities due to expanding retail and foodservice sectors.
Future Outlook
The global Bread crumbs Market Size is projected to grow at a CAGR of approximately 5%-7% over the next five years.
Sustainability and innovation in production processes, such as utilizing surplus bread for breadcrumbs, will become key trends.
Expansion of online retail channels and partnerships with food delivery platforms will further fuel growth.
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