#whoever wrote that comic needs to retire
lesvianism · 1 year
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this is so stupid i’m crine
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blxetsi · 3 years
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armin arlert, mikasa ackerman, and eren jaeger polyamorous headcanons (modern au)
armin arlert x gn!reader, mikasa ackerman x gn!reader, eren jaeger x gn!reader, mikasa x armin x eren x gn!reader
warnings: uhh fluff, this is very long, reader has a gf b4 getting w ema,
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this is like my first post since feb that isnt a request 😍😍😍 how did i pull this out of my ass
- obv eren, mikasa, and armin have been besties since childhood so its no wonder they all got together first 🤩🙏
- and theyre all hot so why wouldnt they wanna date each other
- i think armin and eren wouldve gotten together first, and then invited mikasa into their relationship
- the three of them have been officially going steady for like over a year now, and its going really well
- they didnt really expect you to drop into their lives tho
- youre an old friend of historia's and you two reconnected after you moved to the city, securing yourself a decent paying job working as a writer for the city paper
- you usually get the boring stuff, never able to get a good story to write about, focusing your time on heartwarming stories in the community or the sports column
- its boring but it pays the bills
- you were thankful when historia called you during your lunch and asked if you wanted to get drinks at a bar with her and a couple of other friends
- of course you said yes
- so historia and her girlfriend ymir picked you up after work, having dinner with them after a long week was the best, but you were a bit nervous to meet all of their friends
- thats how you met eren, mikasa and armin
- at first you were sure that mikasa and eren were dating, seeing as mikasa had her head on the taller man's shoulder, while his arm was wrapped around her
- but when armin leaned down to give mikasa a kiss before heading off to the bar you werent so sure
- ymir pulled you away to get more drinks and explained to you what the situation was, while commenting on the way you gawked at the three of them before
- you were embarassed to say the least but they didnt bring it up that night so you hoped the throuple didnt notice (they did)
- you really hit it off with all of them though, especially sasha and jean, and were constantly talked about among the friend group
- because of your demanding job dealing with writers block and deadlines you couldnt really meet up with all of them often, usually just having sleepovers at ymir and historia's apartment, the three of you drinking while you wrote on your laptop
- after a couple months of casual hangouts with historia and ymir and their friends, you kinda became one of them too which was nice
- you were added to the groupchat, you all followed each other on social media, and a certain brunet had taken a liking to you
- eren didnt know why exactly he was so attracted to you but he was, maybe it was your hair, or how pretty your skin looked even when oily or with breakouts, maybe it was your smile or your body or your sense of humor or you kindness or maybe it was all of it
- eren jaeger would always stay faithful to his boyfriend and girlfriend, but maybe they could add another person into the mix, more to love right ?
- he had only known you for a couple of months though, he didnt want to jump the gun and bring this up with his partners so soon, especially if they didnt feel the same way he did
- and it would be a bummer if you turned out to be a bad person or smth
- so summer rolls around with lots of memories being made with your new friends, as well as friends from work, and you get a girlfriend ??
- shes not really your girlfriend you two have only been out on a couple of dates and she kisses you a lot but, you havent talked about labels
- one night you, along with your friends are back at the same bar where you first met them
"so, tell us about the girl youre seeing." ymir says, smirking over her beer.
eren's ears perked up at the mention of you seeing someone. "girl ?"
historia nodded. "mhm ! y/n's been talking to someone recently, they've gone on dates and kissed and stuff."
"and stuff, jesus tori you make it sound like we've had sex." you sighed.
the blonde just laughed, leaning her body onto her freckled companion.
"well ? what about her ?" eren asks. armin slapped him on the arm, already having suspicions about eren's interest in you.
your shoulders sagged. "well, she's great and everything, truly..."
"but ? is there a but in this ?" connie asked. sasha started laughing at connie's use of the word but, while jean slapped the girl on the arm because of her reaction.
you shrugged, swirling what was left of your fruity cocktail in your glass. "well, i'm not sure. she's very lively, and sweet. but i don't know, i just don't see myself being able to be in a steady relationship with her."
"so you're gonna end it ?" eren asked. you thought he seemed a bit too eager about your failure in the love department.
"why do you care so much ? you like the thought of me being lonely ?" you shot back, before downing the rest of your drink.
"no i just-"
"i think what eren means is," mikasa intervened, her smooth voice calming you as she looked at you with a smile on her face. "is that there's no point in staying with her if you can't see yourself with her. don't lead her on."
you nodded. "you're exactly right my friend. which is the plan for tonight because i," you quickly checked the time on your phone. 8:17. "have a date with miss molly at nine, so i will be taking my leave."
the group engaged in a chorus of boos for leaving so early, while you chuckled and took the lighthearted insults thrown at you by sasha and connie with ease. grabbing all of your things you put down two twenties onto the table. "i'll see you guys later, have a goodnight." as you walked off you heard jean yell "have a good time you heartbreaker !" making you shake your head
- the date with molly went less then well. she yelled, and cried, and even tried hitting you at one point. your walk back from the park was spent blocking her on every form of social media you followed her on, and when you got back to your apartment you spent the night in a hot bath before retiring to bed
- meanwhile, armin and mikasa were trying to pry the truth out of eren, who was constantly denying his attraction to you
- finally mikasa took one for the team "eren, you aren't alone with the way you feel, i do too." this made eren more willing to open up to his partners
- armin doesnt say anything about you, only saying how youre kind. he doesnt feel the way that his girlfriend and boyfriend do, but he knows that may change
- soon enough, more time flies and christmas rolls around, with you all deciding to have a secret santa get together.
- historia invites everyone to her home on christmas eve, with ymir begrudgingly allowing it
- bertholdt and annie come too, reiner not being able to make it due to going home for christmas, while everyone else decided to stay in the city
- you picked out your secret santas at the beginning of november so you would all have enough time to find something for each other, you hoped whoever picked your name gave you something good
- after hours of games and karaoke and drinking you all decided it was time to open the presents
- ymir got socks from bertholdt, connie got an ugly beanie from ymir, historia got new pens from mikasa, mikasa got knitting needles from annie, annie got a dumbell from eren, jean got a not so appropriate t shirt from connie, jean gave sasha more comic books, armin gave new stationary paper to bertholdt, sasha gifted you that new biography you've been wanting to read and you gave armin your old copy of frankenstein by mary shelley
- he was surprised but very thankful, "how did you know i needed a new copy ?" "well i remember you said eren spilt water on your old one, and the pages just stuck together so i thought you might as well have mine"
- it warmed armin's heart that you remembered something so insignificant, and opened him up to the thought of being with you
- the rest of the night was spent with hugs and thankfulness, cheering when the clock struck 12 and it became christmas day
- after getting things cleaned up everyone decided it was time to leave, with armin, eren and mikasa offering to give you a ride home
- a ride where armin straight up kissed you in the backseat
- you stopped him of course, thinking that it was weird he would cheat on his partners right in front of them, while they were shocked all on their own for different reasons, armin who didnt have feelings for you KISSED you
- and surprisingly armin took the lead in explaining how he felt, why he kissed you, an apology for doing so, and an offer to start dating all three of them
- your heart was pounding in your ears and your entire face felt hot, it was probably the alcohol, or the way his lips felt so soft when they touched yours, so you said yes.
- its not smooth sailing from there
- youre kind of awkward
- this is your first relationship where you really feel like you could love these guys (you already do) but its also your first relationship with multiple people
- the trio start inviting you over more often, soon for sleepovers, and start inviting themselves over at your own place, mainly eren
- he just comes at random times, sometimes when youre not even there and waits for you, or stays and cleans up a bit before leaving
- armin and you share a deep love of literature, and you often find yourselves in hot debates about whatever youve read (mikasa and eren have to pry you two away before things get physical)
- mikasa likes to cook with you, she shares recipes that her mom taught her, and her and armin love to cook dinner together whereas eren is the breakfast maker of the household
- the first time you slept in the same bed as them you were so nervous your whole body thumped to the tune of your heartbeat, you were convinced armin could even hear it as he was laying beside you, but eren wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you into his large chest before whispering "youre as stiff as a board, relax honey"
- eren snores, mikasa drools, armin has those dreams where you fall and then violently wake up before you hit the ground
- slowly but surely you stop thinking about your relationship as the trio and you, but as all of you together, and that really helps you come out of your shell a bit
- you may still be in the honeymoon phase, and there may be bumps along the way, but you like being with armin, eren, and mikasa. they make you so happy, it feels like the happiest youve been in a long time
- you like watching eren and armin dance in the living room while you and mikasa cuddle on the couch, before the boys pull you two up as well
- you like when armin reads to you, his soft voice reciting the words of the great gatsby
- you like it when eren can just tell youve had a rough day, and pulls you into a hug like hes protecting you from all the bad things in the world
- you love being with them. you love them. and you think that theyre it for you
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i rushed the ending bc im fucking tired but i kinda wanna do a poly!series with like sasha, connie and jean, or annie, bertholdt and reiner, or any other poly ships u guys may request !
so yeah pls give me feedback it rlly helps me figure out whether you want a polyamorous series (or just like what i write in general), and it would be my first series ever which would be super cool anyways
yeah requests open for poly!ships anyways
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Ducktales Review: The First Adventure! or Baby Donald Says Eat the Rich
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Welcome back. I’d been looking forward to this one for some time in the hopes of getting one thing i’ve been waiting for.. sadly that thing didn’t come, we’ll get to that, but this was still a fun episode so let’s hop right in. Spoilers in a second but my tag is spoiler tagged soooo.  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
We open in the 1960′s. Austin Powers just went into Cryo Freeze to prepare for Dr. Evil’s eventual return, The Marvel Universe was in full swing, a teenager in baltimore was battling racisim via a dance show, and Black Heron had just been caught by Agent 22, aka Beakly when she was young and just as gorgeous then as she is now. Heron once again engaged in her usual cartoonish supervillian, and now SHUSH has her.  Meanwhile in a nearbye room a young accountant by the name of Bradford Buzzard is outlining his plan for Director Von Drake: The way he sees it every time a villian costs chaos Shush “Wastes” billions causing MORE chaos to stop it without controlling things. He proposes taking over the world, weeding out the chaos and ruling from the shadows. Naturally, Ludvig isn’t on board with any of this and points out they aren’t super villains. It’s here this episode fully defines something about Bradford’s character. Back in “Let’s Get Dangerous!” when Huey called him a villain, he said he’s not one... at least from his point of view. It’s here, in his youth we get a clear understanding why he dosen’t think so: So far most people we’ve seen in the world of Ducktales take the chaos and insanity of the world in stride: Either just numb to it like most of the citizens, Rolling with it like Daisy and Violet, or diving straight into it like.. pretty much the majority of the cast, either for the love of adventure and treasure like the McDuck/Duck family, or for their own ludcrious ends like Glomgold, Mark Beaks or Magica. To them the world’s fine the way it is and there’s to explore, take or whatever.  To Bradford.. this is madness... he feels all these people are just a bunch of overgrown children, and in some cases actual children, are just making the world worse and worse until one day their going to break it. One day skill, intuition, wit, and knowledge just wont’ be enough. Someday Scrooge, SHUSH or whoever’s standing in the way of evil will fail and the world will fall. This simply can’t go on, and SOMEONE has to control this, someone has to take this world, shake the chaos out of it and MAKE it sane. Make it work the way it’s SUPPOSED to. And to Bradford that’s him. Someone has to, no one else will, so he will. To him SHUSH doing this is just the logical thing: They want peace right? Their fighting for good right? Then what’s better than making the world a utopia? Ending these conflicts and remaking it.  The thing is.. that’s not what Heroes do. As we’ve seen in various stories where the superheroes, the Good Guys take over they do improve things.. but at the cost of free will. At the cost of free thought. At the cost of their morals. They become what they were fighting all those years and have to bloody their hands and keep them bloody just to make THEIR world right. And that’s not Utopia, that’s a dictatorship. The example I always come to, even though there were ones before and after this including Marvel’s incredible Squadron Supreme maxi-series, is Justice League the animated series’ two parter, like most of their episodes really but that’s not the point, a Better World, about an alternate reality where Superman kills Lex Luthor after Luthor kills the flash and hte League take over the world. The thing is.. the world isn’t BETTER. It’s just crime free. You can sweep the chaos and the crime under the rug.. but your not making a better world, your just making YOUR version of it. No one person is a god even if they have a power of one and no one person can or SHOULD be able to decide what’s best for everyone. It’s up to each of us to MAKE the world better, to fight for a better world. That’s what Ludvig knows full well and what Bradford just can’t see. You can’t control the world, you just have to accept the things you can’t change like it being chaotic and change the things you can like injustice. 
Bradford however, who was hired as a favor to his grandmother, can’t though Von Drake lets him off with a warning.. and a laugh about an accountant being able to be a super villian. Bradford however realizes ther’es some truth to that.. he needs someone to teach him out to operate outside the law, and if SHUSH won’t take the world and remake it.. maybe it’s time someone else did.  So in the prison cells of SHUSH, which are conveniently empty outsdide of Heron, Bradford outlines his plan to her. To create a massive orgnization to steal the world and give it the order it needs. To combine their skills: Heron’s for grandeur and crime, and Bradfords for strategy and focus, to take the world. The Orginzation for World Larceny, or OWL, fitting bradford’s hatred for theatrics. Heron objects, adding an F for fiendish, and Bradford relucntantly agrees to get her on board, lets her loose and fakes like he just saw her escape. FOWL is born. And the world would never be the same. Cue credits and cue the rest of the review under the cut. 
After the opening we cut to 1994-5.. sometime around then as it’s hard to get an exact year, and that’s how the crew likes it. Point is it’s the 90′s, and Scrooge is.. busy running his company. We’ll get into the weeds of that in a bit, but this is a different Scrooge, one who while no less capable, has no thirst for adventure or drive. He’s not nearly as miserable as the Scrooge we saw back in Woo-Ooo but he’s still a much less complete man. Anyways alongside him for his planning is Duckworth, whose very much alive at this time, and who tells his boss his sister Hortense left something in his office for him.  To no one suprise, that thing is the twins, at the tender age of i’m guessing 10. Since your probably curious, Della is still voiced by Paget Brewster, just using a slightly different voice like the Triplets and Webby’s voice actors do. It’s just a bit more jarring here since unlike those characters, we’ve seen adult della and thus are used to this voice coming out of a grown woman. It’s not bad and I got used to it eventually but it was jarring at first especially since once again Donald has a completely diffrent voice ACTRESS doing his voice.  This time around it’s cristina valenzuela, of Miraculous Ladybug fame, who I know more for her song work and twitter than her actual work ,but am delighted to see her here and she does a terrific job. I genuneily did not realize it was her, and while not exactly like the late great russi taylor, it is just similar enough to work. 
So we get to see what the Twins were like when they were the Triplets age: Della is about the same, but with more of Dewey’s impulsiveness, and Donald, much like he’d be a few years and some dead parents later, is a bitter, grungey musician whose constantly on his guitar and railing against the man.. which is Scrooge in this case which is fair. Hortense left a note.. which bothered me as I genuinely expected her to show up and was majorly disappointed she did not. We are in year 4 of this series, season 3 and STILL no appearance of Hortense or mention how she died, as she and Quackmore are still alive by the end of this. Given she’s easily my faviorite part of Life and Times, this bothered me, and the only reason i’m not more upset.. is the clever way they wrote around actually using her. The letter she leaves for Scrooge explaining things is the same one Della herself used in the comic strip, and using a bit of the postcard she left in the cartoons, when leaving Huey, Dewey and Louie with Donald, down to the Twins having left a firecracker in their fathers seat, thus leaving him in the hosptial. As disappointed as I am my favorite Ginger is completely absent once again, this is a brilliant reference, and I have to give them credit for it, so it’s a fair enough trade off.  As for his “Angel Nephew and Niece”, Della wants to dive into adventure while Donald struggles to write a song, singing throughout the episode. It varies in tolerablity, though mostly due to the writing, Cristina is doing fine. Della however is disappointed to find her legendary uncle views his past exploits as merley a means to an end to get his fortune and now he has it he can just focus on building it in the boardroom. This is an intresting take.. and one I could easily have seen happening to the Don Rosa version seen in Life and Times. The Scrooge there himself saw building his wealth as the most important thing until his encounter with Teddy Rosevelt, who taught him experince was what mattered and the having isn’t as fun as the getting. It works for me: This is a scrooge who never got that lesson so once he got to be richest duck in the world, having achieved his life’s goal nothing was left. He’s not miserable like the Scrooge we saw at the start of the series, having lost his love for adventure after loosing his niece/daughter, and having lost his fight. This one has retired.. but because he likely just sees no point in going on. He’s the richest duck in the world, has a vast empire.. no amount of treasure is really going to add to that like it used to, and as he points out in a second Shush has tons of agents at this point to clean up what’s left of FOWL. He’s the man who has everything, so why keep going. It’s weird to see a scrooge without the hunger to keep going, but it makes sense when his belly is full. Without someone to get him to see there’s always another rainbow, he just stopped chasing them. Also a fun nod to the comics I almost forgot to mention is when hearing about the “Gift”, i.e. the twins, Scrooge dreads it’s another surprise party, a nod to life and times where Hortense threw Scrooge one that went.. badly and lead to their entire relationship collapsing. Though Donald did get back at Scrooge for screaming at his parents and Auntie Matilda
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However his busy day is disrupted with a call from Beakly. They’ve found the last known cordinates of Captain Yellowbeak, but FOWL is on them and Scrooge is the only one Beakly trusts for this since they have a leak. Beakly is also director of SHUSH at this point, with Von Drake having retired or died or both at this point. Scrooge reluctantly accepts, while Della is excited at the prospect of a real adventure and Donald ends up sharing her enthusasim as it’d make a good song. Scrooge, naturally, has no intention of bringing them with him to their disapointment and leads Donald to sing another “Suck it the man song” which totally isn’t about Scrooge.... spoilers: It entirely is, he’s just a little dumbass grunge baby and I love him.  We then get a cute sequence of Della popping up in Scrooge’s Luggage and Trunk to try and convince him to let them tag along, before we cut to the Limo, driven by Duckworth at this point, which solves that mystery. Scrooge is firm in having his butler take them back and have them work with him and Duckworth’s fine with that.. but wants overtime, which is fair. Scrooge, being Scrooge, grumbles about not being made of money, proven wrong by gold spilling out of him. Though I do like the update of Scrooge’s classic cheapness when it comes to pay: INstead of barely paying his employees like a monster, he’s simply reluctant to pay extra if he dosen’t have to, and would rather drag two 10 year olds with him on a dangerous adventure than pay overtime, which tracks. It’s also clear if he had to he WOULD actually pay it, either due to legal reasons or his moral standards, he just isn’t happy about it. So he agrees, though he wants Donald to leave the guitar behind which.. given the most Donald’s been able to come up with is “Suck it THE MAN” and “This guy’s a greedy asshole”.. he’s extremely correct and when Donald tries to pull a “YOU CAN’T CENSOR ME MANNNN”, Scrooge just chucks it out of the car.  At the airfield while Della is excited like an rabid chipmunk, and genuinely thinks she can fly a plane because she’s played Outrunner 2.. which I have only vaguely heard of before now. And is apparently just a pc game where you run a lot so I genuinely do not get where Della gets piloting from that.. but she IS Dewey’s mother. So with that in mind the family take off and Scrooge explains what their after: The Papyrus of Binding. It’s a dangerously powerful magical artifact from Ancient Egypt that will make whatever’s written on it happen. The dangerous part is that it’s incredibly literal: As Bradford puts later in the episode, ask for unlimited power, it might zap you dead with a million volts, ask for infinite wealth, prepare to be crushed underneath it. It’s a nice twist on a Monkey’s Paw or Jackass Genie situation. Instead of either the source of the wish granting magic just being inherently evil, or some dickhead screwing with the hero.. it’s just an object that has no ability to interpret nuance, just like your phone with the goddamn autocorrect. It can’t judge intent or tone or meaning, it just gives exactly what it’s asked. It’s a thoroughly interesting concept. 
Something I really like about this episode is the fact it answers some little questions. While none were Hortense related, and I am still grumpy about that even with this coming out a good 17 hours after I watched it due to getting caught up with other stuff, it does have little touches that explain small parts of the lore: Who drove Scrooge? As just mentioned, Duckworth. Who flew scrooge? Paid pilots. Did he have a plane before the sunchaser? Yup. It fills in some small gaps in the world. Stuff we weren’t dying to know but’s stil lintresting. Said pilots in this case however are Heron and Bradford. This episode also fills in Heron’s character, as while we’ve already seen bits and pieces this season she LOVES being a classic, take over the world james bond type villian, like she stepped out of a duck version of kim possible.. and i’m just now realizing there probably IS a duck kim possible somewhere in this world as while far after disney afternoon, it fits too neatly to not be wedged in there with your tailspins and goof troops. I wouldn’t be suprised if there were brid versions of every human based disney afternoon and one saturday morning show. My.. my head’s swimming from this. I could be, and probably am wrong but the sheer idea of this... it’s amazing.  Back to Heron, she just LOVES being evil and destructive, letting the world know she exists and operating on a grand scale. Now we’ve seen more of her while she’s Beakly’s nemisis.. she’s really an evil scrooge.. yes another one. Like Scrooge, at least how he normally is,  she simply gets how the world of Ducktales operates and can take advantage of that to the best of her ablility. Just like adventuering, cartoonish supervilliany is about risk and reward.. sometimes you faceplamnt hard, that’s the risk, but the rewards and rush is worth it. She’s as addicted to grandoise villiany as Scrooge is to adventure by this point. And like Scrooge, and unlike her partner Bradford, she sees the world as it is: Chaotic and one big sandbox to play in. She contrasts Scrooge by the fact that while Scrooge is willing to bust down doors, he still has morals, as well as the wisdom to not go overboard Heron often lacks. It also makes her a good contrast ot the equally skilled Beakly: While Beakly is taciturn, controlled in all things especially her emotions, Heron is bombastic, gloating and borderline insane, and while deadly in a fight, dosen’t exercise any control in her plans, preferring it big and loud despite her partner usually being right about reiging it in.  So Heron evacuates dramatically, taking a grumpy Bradford with them, and sending the plane into a tailspin. 
I can’t wait for Next Year’s Tailspin episode. I swear to god. I’m hoping for Shere Kahn but this episode has taught me to be okay with disapointment, if a grumpus. Della however shows her natural talent and despite having no real experince with planes, lands it gracefully. While that’s going on, Bradford berates Heron for her plan, pointing out that they COULD have simply landed the plane, then captured the McDuck family and executed them quitely, versus leaving a chance they’ll survive which they do. They AREN’T supervillains.. or at least he thinks he isn’t. Heron does show off her competence though, pointing out that this way they can simply stay low, and FOLLOW the Ducks to the treasure. Bradford is impressed for a second.. till Heron’s evil shows as she plans to use the Papyrus. Bradford loudly objects to this, listing the possible risks shown before. If not used CAREFULLY, it could kill them, and she balks and wants him to just embrace being the Villian already. It’s what I love about their dynamic set up here: While they are equals, Bradford is a better strategist, able to think and plan way in advance, and prefers subterfuge, and if present day is any indicatoin probably used Heron’s flash to distract from the real mission or goal often or to do something on the down low while she kept SHUSH busy. His last two plans, while again requiring some pizzaz, relied on misdrection: having the ducks take care of an immidate threat like their used to.. while he gets exactly what he wants while their busy and whatever they get out of it is either nothing (Impossibin) or something he couldn’t use just yet and thus if he didn’t get it, no loss, but if he did it just moves up the timetable. Not only that but he’s outlasted all three other big bads, lying in the shadows till it was too risky to leave scrooge and play and even THEN, only coming out into the open when forced out. IT’s why he’s Scrooge’s most dangerous opponent: He knows how Scrooge’s other enmities operates as well as Scrooge himself. And since he knows everything he can maneuver Scrooge exactly where he needs him to do exactly what he wants. It’s unknown how the family will beat him, but he’s easily the biggest challenge they’ve had. 
But back to the show and the past, Scrooge bonds with his niece and nephew, retelling stories of his past as they get closer, with Donald ending up high at one point and thus seeing the ship stranded on a mountain. As he recounts a fight with El Capitan, the villian from the ducktales 87 pilot, he counts the story as as a loss: He didn’t get anything from it, no treasure no new contracts. But Della shows him the point he’s been missing; He got a story. Sure he lost.. but he got experince, a tale to tell and a legend grown.Just because you don’t get everything dosen’t mean it wasn’t worth the experince and you can’t hold it in your heart. And this episode shows why this scrooge needed his family: Without Teddy to mentor him, he simply never got that adventure wasn’t about gains or what you get.. it’s about the thrill of it, the enjoyment of discovery and the memories you make.. it’s about the Journey not the destination. 
As Scrooge starts to warm up to that, he finds a gap, with Della volunteering Donald to jump but Scrooge just having the kids hop on his back and pogo caneing across. The family find the Papyrus, and find out why the ship is all the way up here: Captain Yellowbeak, who’s a character from one of barks stories and the one who had the scroll last, wished to escape.. but that just stranded them. He asked for water.. and it drowned his crew.. and finally with the document hteir reading he asked for release... and thus is now a skelington. The kid are happy to have reached the goal.. while Scrooge is back on his Zack Morris phone trying to reschedule things and schedule a SHUSH evac, to the kids annoyance. However Scrooge raining on their parade gets interupted by Heron and Bradford, as Heron can’t resist popping out dramatically and Bradford is UTTERLY furious since she blew his cover, and Scrooge recognizes him from his christmas party, a nice callback. Scroog being scrooge figures out he’s the mole and Bradford runs , furious at Heron. Their conflict is an intresting one: Both have a point but both will not back down. Bradford is right this showboating nonsense has only hindered Heron’s plans.. and Heron is right that Bradford needs to accept he’s the bad guy. Even if he has well meaning motives, he’s the villian, he works with them, he leads them.. he is one.  He just can’t accept he’s wrong or dosen’t have the answers... huh.. I wonder who that reminds you of. And that’s 100% intentional as Frank has outright compared Huey and Bradford and like last season it’s neat to have the main vilian contrast our chosen Duck for the season. 
Heron outfoxes the kids and gets the papyrus and being just an enitrely black hearted bitch, plans to kill them just to spite scrooge.. writing that “his sidekicks will perish on this mission.”.... but Scrooge’s character development, and her choice of words, means nothing happens. As Scrooge outlines, “Their not my sidekicks their my FAMILY, and this isn’t a mission, it’s an ADVENTURE”. Scrooge has finally accepted his life for what it really is.. and the thrill of the chase over what lies at the end. There’s always anothe rainbow.. and he’s finally become the man who will chase every last one. 
OF course this is interupted, and Heron escapes with the papyrus, when a skeletal pirate attacks.. why is Yellow Beak alive, why’d the scroll do this?
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But we get a neat fight as Scrooge fights the skeleton while he sends the kids after Heron. Scrooge gets a cool looking swordfight, while Bradford gets the papyrus, and Yellowbeak even terrifies me what with his bestial roll and fucking centepede crawling out of him.. jesus those things freak me out.  Meanwhile the kids battle Heron, who throws della overboard... and thus for the first time, Donald taps into his beserker rage, snikty snoink, and easily incapaciates the more experinced and fully grown adul, though Della since we’eve been following her kids for the past three seasons, is fine, if suprised by her brother being the goddamn wolverine. 
While heron is out for a second, Scrooge heads after Bradford, and vows to tell Beakly and chase him all across the world. However Bradford gets an utterly awesome moment.. he admits scrooge may be right and probably would.. but since he has the papayrus and is careful in everything he writes his request carefully and perfectly “As far as the ducks are concerned, I was never here.” Grante dit COULD have left scrooge out.. but since he didn’t sday duck family or specificy, and likely knew it’d do that, it instead just means the three bilogical ducks. Bradford dissappears, turning invisble and leaving the papyrus for scrooge, who foils heron by simply writing that this scroll will be lost until one day found by his heirs.
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So Heron takes a fall and looses an arm, again.. or for the first time.. the family is triumphant and despite loosing his goal, Scrooge is convinced he and the kids will find it again. See above. Scrooge then pulls out his phone and tells Duckworth to rework his schedule.. but it’s so he can find someone to run his comapny so he can spend more time with the kids. As for why Hortense would allow this before her still mysterious passing.. i’m guessing A) she notices her brother is happier and more alive than he’s been for a while and B) they just blew up their dad’s ass with a firecracker, and she won’t be able to use it for a while, so she’s double mad, so if it means she gets a moment’s peace and is with someone she trusts.. why not?
So we end on Scrooge packing up, preparing for further adventures.. i’d love a spinoff of this one day. I mean Disney plus needs it, and since Frank is probably going over to Darkwing.. maybe matt could take a crack at this. Just saying. You have the cast ready, a giant world to explore, and 15 years worth adventures. Run that baby damn you! But yeah the inevitble happens and Bradford further proves his magificent bastardry.. by appling for the position of running the company as head of Scrooge’s board, and setting up said board. So now FOWL has unlimited resources, he has a direct eye on what he now realizes is his greatest threat, and the complete trust and faith of both Scrooge and Beakly. It also puts Beakly’s breakdown in context: We now see WHY she went as far as she did: While the revelation was bad for Scrooge, finding out one of his most trusted allies was a traitor the whole time and knew everything about him, for Beakly.. it had to be worse. Finding out one of your best employees, one of the FEW people you ever trusted, and someone you DIRECTLY RECOMMENDED TO SCROOGE, was not only the man who set up your greatest enemies, but had compromised your organization for most of your career. IT’s no wonder she broke down so hard.. while I already gave several reason adding “This level of betrayal and self doubt to the list” only makes it that much harder on her. But for now a partnership is started.. one that very well may end scrooge. 
Final Thoughts: A pretty good episode overall. It’s well paced, to the point I probably forgot a LOT, has some good jokes, and fills in a lot of the gaps in the lore, while giving us a nice insight into bradford and heron. Even without hortense this was a pretty good episode. 
Upcoming Reviews: LIfe and Times; Master of the Mississippi Ride of the Three Cabbleros: The Three Cablleros (House of Mouse) Tomtrospective: Lava Lake Beach
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apathycares · 4 years
Warnings: high school AU, cursing, angry Sasuke
Pairings: implied Sasuke x Reader
Enraged, he slams his arm against the board, his long fingers itching to rip off the paper and burn it along with his crushed ambition. No one would see him do it as the halls were yet to be filled for another hour and the staff busy conversing in a closed-off area, but he was certain there were cameras everywhere and lifts his arm away.
The words glare at him and he glares back, willing it to burn as he wishes but he knew from past efforts that nothing could be done after this.
Konohagakure High School’s Top Twenty Honors Students 1.  [Last name], [Name] 2. Uchiha, Sasuke 
He never bothered to read the rest, as he was too preoccupied wondering how could this one person hold his deserved rank so unabashedly? He had spent too much time with his nose in his books and sleepless nights cramming, and he was yet again unable to outdo whoever this girl was. 
He hears footsteps behind him not long after he sees a girl he had grown accustomed to. She would always come a half an hour after him and before the students and glance at the very sheet he spends seamlessly staring at. They’ve never spoken a word to each other and he sometimes wonders why she never seems discouraged but he doesn’t ask because that isn’t his business.
As per usual, she takes her glance and isn’t bothered by his presence, before sighing slowly.
“Are you unimpressed?”
He is just as surprised as she is by his random initiative to speak, but she recovers quickly and mats her hair as if in thought.
“Not really,” she says slowly, looking up at him with slightly squinting [colour] eyes.
He turns back to the large pin-up board and narrows his eyes at the first slot, before mumbling under his breath.
“Did you say something?” She asks while adjusting the large books onto her right arm, a sign that he’s come to know indicates she’s about to leave. 
“I need more books.” He repeats a little louder, a frown marring his pale face when she laughs and waves him off.
“Studying isn’t everything Sasuke Uchiha.”
His frown becomes deeper and he stares as she turns away, and he doesn’t understand what comes over him when he asks, “What’s your name?”
Her eyes twinkle and she cringes a bit, a reaction which seems uncommon to him before she takes a deep breath and animatedly gestures flipping her hair off her shoulder.
The air is basically knocked out of him as his lungs constrict and all the choice words he’d been saving up if he ever met her could not escape his lips. He had unintentionally been entertaining the enemy for years now and he never knew it?
She struts away sickeningly confident after shooting him a half-smile, and his hand unknowingly ball into fists. How hadn’t he known?
He finds her in the girl’s bathroom on the second floor, leaning against the basins while formerly reading what seemed like some notes. Her eyes are wide and she looks around dumbly and he wonders how on Earth she had kept the first rank when clearly she had no –
“You’re not supposed to be in here.” She states cutting off his internal monologue, though she is calm and her eyes momentarily stay on him.
“How are you first?” He asks impatiently, his teeth clenched and his fists balled.
  “Well great magicians don’t tell their secrets, right?” She smiles as she jabs a finger to him, but he is not amused. [Name] drops her hand and purses her lips as she gazes at him in wonder. “You’re a hard worker, aren’t you?”
“Aren’t you?” He asked incredulously, before scoffing. “Are you really….” He choked slightly, before furrowing his eyebrows.
“Oh, dude,” she sighed, “you can’t even say my name? Do you hate me that much?”
He didn’t. He actually thought she was the most laid-back girl, whenever they stared at the board together every morning for the past five years in silence, and assumed she could be the only friend he’d accept.
Before he realized she and his ultimate nemesis were the same person. How could he have not realized it? More so –
“Did you know?” he asked quietly, looking at her with disappointment. She nodded slowly and confirmed it. “I can’t believe this…”
They are quiet for a moment, for very different reasons, before [Name] smiles and attracts his attention back to her.
“I have a proposition,” she says while glancing at her watch, fifteen minutes before the first few students appeared. Sasuke folded his arms, and she took it as a sign that he was listening. “I can help you improve your grade without more cramming or new books.”
He scoffed indignantly. “Why do you assume I need your help?”
“I have this thing where I assume, and my assumptions are right, so I always go with the flow, you know? Hey, that rhymed! I’m a total genius!” She sighed and stared off for a moment. “What was I going to say?”
Sasuke stared at her incredulously. Did she have some sort of mental illness? Was it contagious?
“I must admit, the many years you kept growling at the board kind of made me remorseful, especially since I catch you studying more than you breathe, so I promised myself the moment you break the trend and talk to me, I would tell you where you went wrong and help you, okay?”
She spoke in such a sincere way; he almost apologized for snapping at her before.
“Starting today, you will spend every free moment with me, and I promise you will see some improvement very soon.”
He raised an eyebrow. “And how do I know you’re not lying?”
[Name] checked her watch, seeing only ten minutes left, before facing him with a bright smile, one which he’d correlated to ambition-less people. 
“We have a pop quiz at the end of this week on Human Transport Systems, and I know for one your average score in Biology is 94 percent,” he narrowed his eyes suspiciously and she sighed loudly. “I keep track of you just as much as you keep track of me, okay? Anyways, you follow my methods this week and I can guarantee you’ll get at least a 98 on this quiz. Though I need one thing and one thing only in return.”
There is a pregnant pause as he re-evaluates her claim. He had nothing to lose, as the coming quiz would not affect their overall grade and therefore if he did score lower than his average, it would not harm him too much. She seemed really genuine throughout her little explanation and he was planning on cramming to no end anyways. Was there really an easier method? 
“Alright,” he decides, dropping the defensive stance and folding his arms across his chest nonchalantly. “What do you want?”
“It’s very simple really,” he has a clue on what she’d like just from her little smirk of triumph. “Your cooperation.”
“That’s it?”
“Well, yeah,” she shrugged, “It’s not like I proved anything yet so I’m in no place to ask for things.”
He recoiled abruptly. That made so much sense; why didn’t he think of it? Maybe she was really smart.
"Well then," [Name] awkwardly shifted her weight and looked away from his piercing gaze. "I guess I'll see you later."
Sasuke stayed rooted as she brushed past him in a blur and left him in the girls' bathroom. He was trying to recollect what had just happened, when he realized she hadn't mentioned a time he was supposed to meet her. He narrowed his eyes.
-break- His lips were pursed in infuriation as he sat picking at his food. He was suddenly hungry and started to genuinely dig in, when his father erupted into a hearty, yet uncommon laugh. His elder brother received a pat on the back and the usual gushes of pride from the otherwise stoic Uchiha patriarch. He slumped his shoulders and his eyes stayed fixated on his plate.
"How about you Sasuke?" 
The silence that followed his kind mother's question was suffocating. He hid behind his bangs when his father's smiling eyes turned stone cold when it landed on his youngest son, scrutinizing and unimpressed, just as they always were. He muttered a quick reply and got up abruptly. His mother stared sadly as he walked away.
Sasuke slammed his door shut, locked it, and lay back on his bed. Papers and books were sprawled all over the room, and he reminded himself grudgingly of the test at the end of the week he had to cram for. Consequently, a certain girl with a stupid grin popped in his thought. He couldn't understand how someone like her could ever achieve higher than himself, more so when she blatantly stated how she didn't study as much as him.
He sat up. Maybe she cheated some way or another?
Later, he was seated at his messy desk, highlighting important information in his biology text book and making notes on the side. The digital clock read 23:43, so he dropped his highlighter and pen and rubbed his eyes tiredly. He still had seven sections to go until he completed the unit.
Sasuke grabbed his phone and found a text message from an unknown number. He stared at the bright screen for a moment, before tapping on the notification.
Step one: No studying after dinner, assuming you eat by seven. And if you don't eat dinner then we have bigger issues. No skipping meals either dude. Please retire for the night.
He blinked comically. This was certainly her.
  Sasuke growled under his breath and glared at the message as if it was [Name]. Who did she think she was telling him to go to bed?!
His phone vibrated and another notification came from the same number.
Remember our deal; you agreed to cooperate. Gosh Sasuke, I felt your malice all the way where I live.
Fine. Stop texting me.
He slid under his sheets and stared at his phone. Maybe this was his ticket to freedom; his route to receive that pat on the back from his father. He wanted to see how this turns out.
This was actually the beginning of a sasuke x oc story I wrote way back and never posted. I’ve got about a thousand of these and thought I’d edit this one and throw over here. Let me know what you think!
Tip Jar | Naruto/Naruto Shippuden Masterlist | part 2 ->
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dragonswithjetpacks · 4 years
I’m going to say this one time about Cullen and that’s it. And my opinion will be out there and done. This is not a negative post. But this is a long post so buckle up babes.
*warning for use of language because I swear like a sailor*
*also brief mention of rape*
Anyway, Cullen is a perfect example of poor planning in the gaming industry.
He is also a perfect example of fans thirsting so hard and wanting something so bad that the writers and developers change a character and even game elements to suite their needs. They didn’t even give him a book or a comic for redemption. You know what they did instead? They switched writers. Cullen has three writers. All of them with a different character in mind.
Cullen was a fucked up mess in Origins. He was meant to be creepy and sociopathic. I get that. The writer who basically created him had no idea he was even going to be not only a reoccurring character, but one that was going to be romance able in future games. She even apologized. Which wasn’t necessary. And so many people who played the game missed a big point about Cullen. He was never supposed to recover from Origins.
“The young templar Cullen never quite recovered from his ordeal. After months of attempting to convince his superiors that the tower was still a danger, he finally snapped and killed three apprentices before being stopped by his fellow templars. Eventually, Cullen escaped from prison, a madman and a threat to any mage he encountered.”
“Once the tower was rebuilt, Knight-Commander Greagoir stepped down from his post and retired to a life of private contemplation as a brother in the Chantry. His health failed over time, and after refusing treatment, he perished in his sleep. Knight-Commander Cullen was said to be more strict and less trusting of the mages even than Greagoir was. He ruled the Circle with fear.”
I’m sorry. But yeah. That’s the epilogue on two different choices involving the Circle’s fate in Origins. And it was ignored. I agree with that, too. But it wasn’t just Cullen that was ignored. It was the entire Circle at Kinloch Hold. If the mage warden sacrifices their own life, the Circle is supposedly free. Which... is not mentioned... ever again. And not to mention is impossible? Like okay thanks Anora or whoever but I don’t think you can just do that.
Poor writing.
I’d also like to mention for the record I did not like Cullen in Origins. I still don’t.
Now, I don’t know why exactly Cullen was brought back in DA2? I know his writer got bullied out of Bioware. I do not have an opinion on that. I mean the woman co-wrote my favorite part of Origins (Anvil of the Void). She also wrote Anders. Which I don’t think is a coincidence. People, men and women, often have this idea of fixing a broken person. It’s heavily romanticized. It’s called codependency. And you see it a lot in romance novels. But that’s another topic. It seems this writer implemented that in the game (along with some of her own personal things she had) without fully knowing Cullen would even be a romantic interest in Inquisition, but also still wanting to give him some sort reason to be desired. And all the while knowing Anders was fully romanceable. Even... a little forcefully... romanceable... if I may add... (I am uncomfortable) I also dislike some of Anders’ writing but that’s another post and I don’t want to compare the two. But Anders was the opposite side of Cullen that was done better because they had time to write it.
Regardless, Cullen seemed to hold some resemblance to his former character. But we do see a lot hesitance with him. He’s basically that “good” cop that doesn’t do anything when the bad cop is beating the shit out of everyone. Still not good, hence the quotes. Not a good guy. He has his meh he’s alright moments. And seems to generally disregard Hawke in every single way. But he’s still an ass hole for letting things happen the way that they did when he could very much so have put a stop to it. Maybe it was the writers’ intention to make it that way to show he was still suffering from trauma in Origins.
So here’s the next thing. They decided to slip him into Inquisition for whatever reason. His writing was fair enough in DA2. Could have been better. But these people are still thirsty. They want some Curly. At the last minute, they throw romance on him. Not a bad idea. But are we supposed to forget the man was basically raped by desire demons? Is he even ok to have a relationship? OH WAIT THAT’S RIGHT. We didn’t closure on that because they ignored it.
Anyway, Cullen in Inquisition seems to be different. But because they couldn’t just, oh I don’t know, write a different character with the same traits but better, they had to somehow put the events of the previous games and how it affected him into this new current game where he supposed to be... better? Ish? Which is where we get the stereo type soldier with PTSD and a substance abuse problem. Now, if you’re any good with imagining and writing fanfic, then you probably know or already have figured out a way to connect everything better than Bioware could. But hey. Last minute romance written in on a character who was already all over the charts? Count me in. I like a good writing challenge. Poor girl who took the job of writing Inquisition Cullen likes a challenge too, apparently. Because it was her first big project. And she didn’t do a bad job. But imagine working hard on trying to write a character half the fandom hates into someone somewhat likeable just for everyone to shit all over it.
The way I look at it.... we have three different characters. And he is not really a good example to look at analyze wise. He is inconsistent. And was molded for Inquisition for thirsty fan girls. And some boys (I see you). A good example for study would be Morrigan. Or even Alistair. And Alistair is in several of the comics and still remains pretty consistent. Leliana is a prime example of character development over a course of three games. And I highly recommend you fall in love with her good and bad side because she is written beautifully. Don’t @ me.
Cullen, and I mean Inquisition Cullen, has a lot to like. And a lot to dislike. Every character is flawed. I think a lot of hate that gets tagged onto Cullen is really from poor writing. They really got lazy with him. And it is a shame. I feel like he could have been redeemed way better. He could have had one hell of a redemption. Or possibly just skipped over all together. I see a lot of posts about putting Samson in his place and I often agree. It was never quite the character that made him appealing to me. It was the personality. And they could have easily done with anyone. They could have made Samson sexy, too. It didn’t have to be sexy Cullen. And let’s face it. With Cullen’s writing in Origins and even some of the writing in DA2, Cullen siding with Coryphedouche is way more fitting than Samson.
Basically, it is up to us to fill in the gaps. So I love seeing fanfic with Cullen backstory. Because it gives better insight than what the writers could accomplish. And I applaud you if you’ve done that. BUT the over sexualization of this character is a bit... wrong. It feels wrong. And that’s all I’ll say to that. Personally, I’ve been working on some Cullen romance fic for awhile and it’s been challenging trying to find a way to make him less douchey. One minute, he’s yelling at you about mages. And the next, he’s got this soft tone and nervous look. Like, yeah... you can tell it’s rushed. And awful. And even the dialogue is just... painful. It doesn’t fit. (you can check my Cullen tag in blog to see how I feel about that). I will say that even speaking to him on a personal note, asking him questions about life as a templar, he even says he does not agree with the Order. And he wants to change his thinking. But he still gets angry when you go to side with the mages. It feels like they wanted redeem him but they also needed someone to side with the templars to provide conflict at the war table.
So in my opinion, calling him controlling and abusive is a bit of a stretch. He was clearly used by the writers. It just seems ridiculous to put so much effort in bashing the character when clearly... he was not planned out... or put together... I just... I don’t get...
I know what you’re thinking at this point: Kay.... why do you like him then?
Beacause. I am weak for a man who gets nervous around girls he likes. His awkward mannerisms despite being a man of power makes me weak. The need to protect also makes me weak. But also the ability to admit vulnerability makes me suuuuuper weak. So like I said. There was a lot there. It just was not delivered correctly. You know what I would have done? If I had to put him in the Commander shoes, I would have made the whole Kirkwall thing a life changer for him. Maybe even give him a soul searching type situation before joining the Inquisition. And definitely tell him to keep his mouth shut about siding with the templars.
Long story short: Ya’ll thirsted over a weird dude in Origins and Bioware went hmmmm okay. But by the time they gave him to you on a silver plate, it was last minute. Like you just found out your crush Jared is going to Becky’s party but you’re already at Jessica’s house and have like nothing to wear so you have to just wing it. And your shoes look tacky, but Jessica’s shoes don’t fit. So you either have to wear shoes that don’t fit or just look like omg total garbage. And Bioware went with the shoes that don’t fit. And Jared totally likes them.
I’m also going to say the most controversial thing on this entire post by just... saying... by calling Cullen out as trash without realizing the writing, the directive, the lack of development, the rush on this character, and the complete absolute bullying this community does to it’s FANS AND WRITERS kind of feels like you didn’t really put any effort into understanding why and just jumped on a band wagon. And the fact that some of you make other people feel bad for liking this character is awful. Some of the most toxic shit I’ve seen. Like maybe they like this character from Inquisition because, I don’t know, maaaaaaybe he was written out almost like a new character with a last minute fantasy romance.. because he kind of was...
Now for my opinion on Greg Ellis.
And that’s it. Thanks for stopping by. If you agree cool, if not cool. I’m not here to argue with anyone or say your opinion is invalid. We all have reasons why we hate or love the color blue. So we can all disagree or agree and live in peace and still love a game.
You can always message me, too, guys. I have a lot of opinions. And reasons for my opinions. And theories. And just things in general. But I will not hate characters written in Dragon Age. Someone wrote them. Someone is out there working their ass off to deliver a character. And I refuse to hate someone fictional.
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tonystarkbingo · 4 years
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TSB Mark IV Week 2 Roundup!
This includes the Round Robin fic that several participants wrote as part of our Discord Party, as well as a whole bunch of other amazing works.  Go leave them some love!
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Title: Adventures of Tiny Dragon Tony and His Treasure (Loki) - Chapter 41: Snapshot #41: The First of Many Meetings Collaborator: tinydragontony Card Number: 4005 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: T5 - more than a partner Ship: FrostIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Fluff, first meetings, 5+1 Summary: Here it is, the most requested chapter to date! How Loki met tiny dragon Tony! Word Count: 3300
Title: Snowed In Collaborator: eachpeachpearplum Card Number: 4003 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: S2 - snowed in Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: snowglobe, possible imprisonment?, art Summary: Tony was just minding his own business, taking a quick zip around the city, just because he can. Next thing he knows, he’s in a glass ball sat on some evildoer’s shelf. To make things worse, he’s not the only one…
Title: Man on the Run Collaborator: ceealaina Card Number: 4008 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: R1 - Old Team Ship: Background Pepper/Nat, Background IronHusbands Rating: Teen Major Tags: Fluff and Humour, Team as Family, Post-Endgame, Fix-It Summary: Saving the world is important. But Tony really, really just wants to retire and spend time with his family. And if faking his death is the only way to do that, that's how it goes sometimes. Word Count: 1115
Title: Inktober - Day 19 Collaborator: monobuu Card Number: 4040 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: S3 - AU: Star Wars Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: Scandalous amount of leg Summary: Uuuuuh. Yeah. (*゚▽゚*)
Title: Scrunch Me Collaborator: martianwahtney Card Number: 4011 Link: AO3 Square Filled: A2 - Victorious Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: fluff Summary: 3 times Tony asks Bucky why he wears scrunchies, and 1 time he figured it out for himself Word Count: 995
Title: The Best Bathtub Collaborator: camichats Card Number: 4049 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K4 - Kink: Bath/Shower Sex Ship: Tony/Sharon Rating: Mature Major Tags: Minor sexual content, allusions to sugar daddy/baby relationship (though not actually present in the fic) Summary: Sharon is a tough Shield agent and she’s proud of that, but sometimes it’s nice to relax and feel pampered. Word Count: 1649
Title: Baffled, bewildered and bemused. Collaborator: JehBeeEh Card Number: 4058 Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 - Learning to be Loved Ship: Stony Rating: Mature Major Tags: Super Fluffy, Implied Sex Summary: Baffled. Bewildered? Perplexed. Tony couldn’t quite figure out which version fit this situation best, but they all seemed to apply. Perplexed seemed a bit much though. Puzzled? Bemused. Word Count: 3197
Title: wound with your eyes (kill with a smile) - Chapter 3 Collaborator: deathsweetqueen Card Number: 4066 Link: AO3 Square Filled: A5 - Restrained Ship: WinterIron Rating: Mature Major Tags: graphic depictions of violence, Spy Kids AU, Secret Identities, Kidnapping, Indian Tony Stark Summary: Tony Stark and Bucky Barnes were once the renowned superheroes, Iron Man and the Winter Soldier. Eventually, they put aside the masks and the armour to get married and raise a family together. Twelve years later, SHIELD agents go missing, and Tony and Bucky decide to go on their first mission since their eldest child was born. When they're mysteriously kidnapped by a psychotic TV show host, it's hardly a great first step to getting back in the game. The worst thing, though, might be the fact that the only people who can rescue them are their own children. Word Count: 12,872
Title: with or without his unhallowed touch - Chapter 24 Collaborator: deathsweetqueen Card Number: 4066 Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 - myths and legends Ship: Tony/Thanos, Stuckony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Tony is Kidnapped by Thanos, Tony is the Soul Stone, Female Tony Stark, Obsessive Behavior, Non-Consensual Body Modification, Emotional Manipulation, Stockholm Syndrome, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Physical Abuse, Domestic Violence, Forced Relationship, Gaslighting, Rape/Non-con Elements, Warnings for this Chapter: Explicit Violence, Major Character Death, and Cannibalism Summary: Toni sees the Chitauri mothership high above her, sees the hundreds and thousands of warships that circle the Earth, and she knows, she knows. She thinks, oh, I understand. A beat. Her hand burns. Wow, we are so fucked. She lets the bomb slide out of her hands, watches as it floats towards the mothership, and fire rains down on her, even in the dark, pale, cold hollow of space. She laughs, breathlessly, thinks of all the ones who’d loved her the most, and dies. Word Count: 129,402
Title: What We Do in the Tower Collaborator: newnewyorker93, rebelmeg Card Number: 4042, 4034  Link: AO3 Square Filled: S2 - Forcibly Adopted (4042) A5 - WTF (4034) Ship: Peter & Tony, Pepperony Rating: Gen Major Tags: Vampire AU, Avengers family, crack and humor, unapologetic cherry-picking of vampire lore Summary: Peter Parker has been having an awkward time as a brand new vampire. But now he's got Tony Stark whisking him off to meet a whole group of weird and hilarious vampires that live in Stark Tower and maybe this won't be so bad after all? Word Count: 5185
Title: Prince Tony and the Red Headed Princess Collaborator: PoliZ Card Number: 4007 Link: AO3 Square Filled: K2 - AU: Fairy Tale Ship: Pepperony Rating: Gen Major Tags: fairytale elements, domestic fluff Summary: Morgan asks her daddy for a bedtime story with knights and monsters, and wizards and princesses.  With some help from Pepper, Tony is happy to oblige. Word Count: 866
Title: A Bottle and a Half of Whiskey Later - An 1872 Playlist Collaborator: moosh Card Number: 4037 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: S5 - Canon: 1872 Ship: None Rating: Gen Major Tags: Playlist Summary: A playlist based off some of the songs that Tony sang in the comic. Word Count: N/A
Title: The Gift of Jab Collaborator: dracusfyre Card Number: 4032 Link: AO3 Square Filled: A2 - Dares/Bets Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Pre-Relationship, Sparring Summary: For the ImagineTonyandBucky prompt: Hi! I'm always up for some sparring hotness, so how about Tony being present for physical training sessions (working/watching), but says no everytime Nat/Clint/Steve/etc invites him to do it. Rhodey laughing every time the team says that it's bc Tony doesn't want to embarass himself. Bucky suspects his BF is actually well-versed in hand-to-hand/martial arts/self-defense; so he gives himself the challenge of getting Tony onto the mat. When he does he ends up a)on the floor & b)really aroused. The fill is less horny than the prompt, sorry. Word Count: 2453
Title: Lady in Red Collaborator: JehBeeEh Card Number:  4058 Link: AO3 Square Filled: A5 - Steve Rogers/Captain America Ship: Stony Rating: Mature Major Tags: Summary: “I GOT SCARED, ALRIGHT?”“Steve, sweetheart-"Steve kept pacing their room like he hadn’t even heard her. “I got so scared, you have no idea. And I know, okay. I know you can take care of yourself, and you don’t need me to save you or protect you, and it is sexy as all hell, but in that moment, I forgot all about that, and I was scared that I couldn’t protect you.” He collapsed on the bed, elbows on his knees and his head in his hands and Toni could hear him take long slow breaths.This had definitely not been how Toni envisioned their return home going. Word Count: 1176
Title: i come as a woman, dark and open Collaborator: simi Card Number: 4066 Link: AO3 Square Filled: A5 - Resolve Ship: Toni/Steve/Bucky Rating: E Major Tags: Female Tony Stark, Regency AU, Misogyny, Racism, Explicit Sexual Content, Emotional Infidelity, Slurs, Marital Dissatisfaction. Summary: When Toni first meets Captain Steve Rogers at one of the biggest gatherings of the season, she is not impressed. On the other hand, his best friend, the charming James ‘Bucky’ Barnes, was an utter delight. Unfortunately for her, after a series of misunderstandings at said party, she is forced to accept Steve’s hand in marriage in order to save her family’s reputation. And while Toni never expected a fairy tale, she had always hoped that companionship would one day turn into something more. How was she to know that Steve was just as charmed by Bucky as she was? a.k.a. Steve and Toni get married to each other; there are more misunderstandings; Bucky is an absolute delight and possibly the saving grace for their marriage; and somehow, all three end up falling in love with each other in the process. Word Count: 25, 335
Title: TSB October Discord Party Round Robin Fic Collaborators: rebelmeg 4034 Politzania 4007 EachPeachPearPlum 4003 summerpipedream 4045 Ducky 4013 Magica 4019 SomeSortofItalianRoast 4036 DarthBloodOrange 4010 Link: AO3 Square Filled: rebelmeg: A4 - Huddling for Warmth Politzania: A5 - Dog Park EachPeachPearPlum: S1 - Premonitions summerpipedream: A5 - Clint Barton/Hawkeye Ducky: R5 - Fortune Telling Magica: T2 - Fortitude SomeSortofItalianRoast: S2 - Magic DarthBloodOrange: T4 - Robots Ship: None Rating: Teen Major Tags: animal transformation, magic/witchcraft, Kate is a hero, Clint is a disaster human being Summary: Tony has been turned into a dog, and he is going to straight-up murder whoever made him a corgi. Word Count: 2634
Title: I Know You Collaborator: iam93percentstardust Card Number: 4012 Link: AO3 Square Filled: R5 - Sam Wilson/Falcon Ship: IronFalcon Rating: Gen Major Tags: Established Relationship, Domestic Fluff, Sickfic Summary: When Tony gets sick and hides away from everyone else, it's up to Sam to find his wayward boyfriend. Good thing he knows him so well. Word Count: 1316
Title: Thriller - Michael Jackson Collaborator: monobuu Card Number: 4040  Link: AO3 Square Filled: A5 - Murderchildren Ship: None Rating: Teen Major Tags: Creepy?  Summary: N/A Word Count: N/A
Title: I’ll keep your brittle heart warm Collaborator: peachy Card Number: 4017  Link: AO3 Square Filled: K3 - Protectiveness Ship: Stony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Breaking up and making up, fluff, getting back together Summary: They got married when they were young, just twenty-four years old, despite the arguments from their friends that they should wait, that neither of them were ready for a commitment like marriage so young. Steve distinctly remembered Sam pointing out that the male brain isn’t even fully developed until age twenty-five. But they were young and passionate, so sure they’d found their perfect person that they could overcome anything and everything life threw at them. And it was true. For six months. Word Count: 4223
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northlandian · 5 years
Final Thoughts
So this is it. 
Endgame is 1000% complete. The premiere was last night, and in less than 48 hours, it will be released to the public. Well, at least for me, in about...
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(Yes, I have a countdown on my phone that’s been set up since last year that goes until Thursday, April 25, 2019, at 6:00pm)
I wanted to make a post about my predictions. Something I could come back to, so I could see if I was right or wrong. I remember doing that last year with some of my favourite fan artists and laughing at their prospective situations that turned out to be true.
But you see, the truth is... I have absolutely no idea what to expect. And that's not just a cheap copout of me saying "It's a Marvel movie, therefore anything can happen". We know nothing. Literally nothing. The trailers are compilations of repetitive clips revealing nothing past the first 20 minutes of a 3-hour 2-minute movie. We don't even know the films true plot.
Is there a time jump? Do they time travel? Why are they splitting up into teams, seeing how well that proved to work last time? How is Scott saved? Tony and Nebula? And what is their plan?
I don't know. I really don't. All any of us can do is take shots in the dark. RDJ said it himself that it is near impossible to predict what's going to happen.
So that got me thinking about something I've considered pretty much since the debut of the first trailer...this movie is unpredictable...but there are some assumptions we've been making that we are assuming as a fact are going to happen.
But then there are also moments that I believe deserve to happen. Story arcs that need to be completed. Endings certain characters deserve.
So, drawn-out intros aside, here are my final thoughts on this movie.
Tony is an enigma. I've made a post in the past discussing why he might actually not die based on the chess motif and the necessity to save him as the "King", despite the fact that death is what we'd all expect. I'll be honest, when the first trailer came out, I thought to myself, "Wow. They're really trying to prep us for the heartbreak by shoving this foreshadowing down our throats.” 
Obviously, this is based on the first half of the first trailer, with him adrift in space. I thought that maybe Captain Marvel would be the one to save him, or maybe Pepper in her rescue armour that was seen a couple months ago from a set photo. But how would they know where he was?
But after the second trailer debuted, I think I'm going to make the assumption that it is, in fact, Nebula, with her spare bodily robotic parts, who saves the two of them and brings them back to earth. I'm also going to assume that the scene from the trailers of Steve and the rest looking up at the night sky outside the compound (if that scene is even real) is them seeing Tony and Nebula arriving back to earth. Though I have considered the possibility of the space ship recording scene actually taking place at the end of the move...which would suck. But I'm also going to assume, based on the third trailer and clips that followed of Steve and Tony together, that they actually do reunite, in the present time.
Of course, this does not excuse him from the possibility of dying at all. And he very well could. But then, another thought crossed my mind. In Infinity War, the first time we see Tony on screen is with Pepper, discussing their wedding and possible children. See...why would they foreshadow that if they were to never make reference of it again? Sure, there's a possibility of a time jump with perhaps a wedding and maybe kid squeezed in there. After all, the whole vibe we're given from the second trailer is the question of where the world is supposed to go from the tragedy endured, and how some move on (then Steve of course says "but not us" but anyways). But that's only with the off chance that there is a time jump, and it seems kind of off in the first place. So assuming the foreshadowing wasn't for no reason, I'd like to think that there's a chance he lives long enough to retire and have a kid. 
Tony and Pepper mentioning a kid isn't the only foreshadowing given for his survival, though. There was one line from Avengers that always stuck with me, and sort of got overshadowed by Tony's narcissistic but hilarious description of himself ("Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist."). It comes when Steve is criticizing Tony's character and motivation. He says:
"You're not the guy to make the sacrifice play. To lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you."
To which Tony immediately responds:
"I think I would just cut the wire."
Time and time again, Tony has proven Steve wrong, the first obviously being when he flew through the wormhole in the same movie. But what if this is his play in this one too? To be presented with a one-or-the-other choice for who can be saved, but manages to do both? Alternatively, this could also play out to the opposite of our favour; maybe Tony does finally just crawl over the wire for someone. For example, I've pictured a scenario where they do indeed go back in time to retrieve the stones before Thanos does. It's a plausible situation, considering we know nothing of their plan. But when it comes time to retrieve the soul stone, it's Tony who decides to make the sacrifice. Maybe he argues over it with Steve, who would want to finish what he started with Red Skull and complete the fate he was given 70 years ago, but ultimately Tony forces him to comply to what he wants, which is to finally make the ultimate sacrifice. 
(And for the record, if either of those situations plays out, I'm suing Marvel for emotional distress)
But there's one other option, and it's based on a line spoken by Tony in the trailer that really stuck out to me. It was when he was leaving his message to Pepper in the second trailer, and it's where he says:
"I know I said no more surprises, but I was really hoping to pull off one last one."
At first thought, I thought it may be like a "Surprise, honey! I'm not dead, and I've returned to earth to help defeat that giant grape!" sort of thing. And maybe it is. But I've also considered the possibility of Tony tricking someone or something. Perhaps tricking those into thinking he was dead. He did do it in Iron Man 3. But then again...who knows.
Sidenote: That's the end of my first thought and everything on Tony, and I have, like, *at least* twelve more to go. I was not expecting this to be this huge. Whoops.
It is so hard to get a read on what the hell is happening with this damn character. On one hand, Chris Evans has been talking for the longest time as if we all already know that his characters dead, with the way he speaks about his wrap-up with Marvel in general. But then there are people like the Russo's who say they have things in store that we don't know about yet. Like what?? Who do we believe? Are they just trying to cover up his obviousness? Or are we, again, making predictions that we shouldn't because this movie is actually so unpredictable??
Obviously, I don't know what's going to happen. What I will say is, I know what the fanbase expects, and that's for him to die. But again, just like in Tony's case, if that's one of the top expected outcomes, isn't it less likely going to happen?
Personally, I'm in favour of one specific theory many fans have contemplated and considered. The theory is that Steve, whether it be a result of the plot or by choice, goes back in time to the '40s, and that's where he lives out the rest of his life. He has his dance with Peggy, something foreshadowed so many times, including in the trailers, and they end up living together happily, and he endures the life he always wanted before going in the ice - that is how he phrased it at the end of Age of Ultron. So yes, he would most likely be "dead" in the present day from old age, as would Peggy (since she had already died in Civil War), but he would live out the life he always wanted.
OR - and I just thought of this now, literally as I'm writing - get this. He goes back to live in the '40s. But in present day, he's still alive, just very old. The Avengers (or whoever's left) go to see him by the end of the movie, maybe even during the after credits. And...it's Stan Lee. He is Steve Rogers. His final cameo.
(This seems highly unlikely, but the thought amused me. I also can't remember if the super soldier serum allows you to age properly in normal circumstances, but I don't wanna look it up at the risk of running into spoilers. Oh well, unresearched theory is unresearched.)
Don't get me wrong, I am still very much in the mindset of:
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But if I'm being completely honest, yes, Thor, just like every other O6, the God of Thunder known by humans for his immortality, has a chance of not making it. With talks of a Thor 4 with dir. Taika Waititi, it seems unlikely, but the chance is still there. And it did get me thinking...
Loki telling him before his death, "The sun will shine on us again"...did he mean in Valhalla? I have had the thought of Thor possibly biting it, but then a scene where we see him there, reuniting with Loki, Heimdall, Frigga...even Odin. His loved ones. The ones he thought he could not go on without, finally being together again, him being happy in the afterlife.
It's a sucky thought, but a possible one.
Soooo...here we are. I'm not going over my whole freaking theory again, but I stand by what I wrote. Including the portion with the disclaimer where I established that I could be totally wrong.
But a possibility I also totally support is one where he is brought back with time travel. Why would he have a poster if he doesn't make a reappearance? What that reappearance is, I have no idea. Maybe, just like the comics, he does purposely bring the Avengers together in New York. Or maybe it's something heartfelt at the end, where time has rolled back, and it's immediately following Ragnarok. Thor is aware of the reverse, and everything that's happened, and Loki saunters into the dressing room again and makes the comment on Thor's eyepatch, but Thor is just so happy to see him, that he just hugs him, as it was foreshadowed in Ragnarok, and all is well, and they live happily ever after in Norway on Earth ruling Asgard together...
Idk. Just a thought.
A Cinematic Parallel
So this was just something I noticed when comparing the Infinity War and Endgame trailers.
So remember in the Infinity War trailer, where we see Tony just sitting with his hands folded over and we were like "huh wonder why they're covered in dirt", and then it turned out it was cause Peter just died, and it was his dust, and we all had a good laugh/cry when looking back on it.
Well...you know that moment in the Endgame trailer when Steve is covered in what looks to be sweat and dirt and he tightens his shield around his arm or something, and looks to be in extreme anguish over...something?
Well... I think that's our one glimpse at the end, just as Tony's was in the Infinity War trailer. I think someone just died in that moment.
That's literally it for that.
We don't know who's going to die. We don't. And we don't know how. But that fact that the Russo's, Paul Rudd, and Chris Evans have been openly joking about character deaths is a definite indicator that whoever and however they go is not going to be mainstream. Like, I don't think it's going to be a Loki-type death, or the Tony-almost-death, where the character is just too overpowered by Thanos, or whoever else, and they die as a result. It's going to be complex. Or a decision the character makes that is self-sacrificing. Or something similar to the Steve time travel theory. But whatever it is, it is likely incredibly hard to guess.
Time Travel
The theories of time travel that have been circulating since the debut of Ant-Man and the Wasp are still just that - theories. I'll be honest, I'm still not 100% sure how the quantum realm can possibly assist them, other than getting them stuck in a time vortex. And even still, the operators of said quantum realm machine are dusted. That's all we have to go off of; that, obvious hair and suit changes throughout the trailers and set photos, and, of course, the fact that there are limited options as to how they can actually succeed at this point.
The Suits
Honestly, I just included this section to make fun of their new suits some more. They are so freaking ugly, it's hilarious. I remember when the photos of them were first leaked, everyone laughed and said it was too ugly to be real, yet HERE WE ARE.
So you can imagine how hard I laughed when I saw the second trailer for the first time, and how conflicted I was over how cool their "walk" was, but how gross the suits were.
Some actual memes I saved before the official release of the suits:
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Bonus: Something I saved literally last November. And we're about to find out in less than two days...God, I'm not ready.
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Prospective Scenes
There were a couple of scenes other than those I've already listed that would be incredibly satisfying to see.
Firstly, Tony and Pepper's wedding.
I always pictured it as the after credits scene. A final symbol of rest, retirement, and relaxation for Tony. And everyone's there, too. The rest of the O6, but also Peter and May, Happy, Rhodey, Sam, Wanda, the Guardians, T'Challa, Shuri, and their friends, Bucky, Dr. Strange (both reluctantly), Wong (of course), and the rest of their friends and (remaining) family. Everyone's watching as the shot is on them. And standing behind them, telling Tony he may kiss the bride, is the minister - Stan Lee. His final cameo.
(Or at least the one I originally had in mind).
The perfect ending for the perfect character arc. And oh, how unlikely it is to happen.
I'm also curious to know, now that it's confirmed, how the story will reintroduce Valkyrie, who happens to be one of my favourite characters, and also who may have escaped with her (hopefully with one of my other favourite characters...).
But there is a scene which we know for a fact is going to happen, and may have gotten a glimpse of during the final trailer, with the shot of Rocket and Nebula sitting somberly and holding hands. It's Rocket finding out that the other Guardian's didn't survive. Since separating from the other Guardians in Infinity War, Rocket did not know of their outcome, and there was no one to relay the message. That...is going to be heartbreaking to watch. Especially after seeing Rocket's character development in GOTG 2.
Prospective Dialogue
Just like certain scenes, there are lines that would be amazing to hear from specific characters.
The first, and probably most popular and obvious, is, of course:
"Avengers Assemble"
If Cap doesn't finally deliver this line with so much passion in this goddamned movie...
But then there was also a line of my personal preference that I really wanted to be heard in the movie, especially if it was said by either Tony, or Steve, or both of them to Thanos. And it's...:
"Because if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damn well sure we'll avenge it."
Which is why I was SO HYPED BUT ANNOYED when I heard it in the trailer because so much of that content isn't going to make it into the movie.
I guess we'll see.
The Stones
So a common...what would you call it...theme, I guess? I've noticed is the correlation between the Avengers and the infinity stones. There are, of course, the six original Avengers left, and six stones. Each Avenger happens to almost perfectly fit into the representation of each stone.
Thor is the Space Stone - Probably most obvious. The Tesseract came from his family, and he has done space travel all his life.
Steve is the Time Stone - As he is "the man out of time".
Banner is the Mind Stone - A scientific genius, yet can't control his own mind.
Barton is the Reality Stone - He conceals his reality - his family - from the rest of his life and his world.
Natasha is the Power Stone - Often viewed as the weak link, even by allies (ie. Scott in Civil War), yet probably one of the strongest and most powerful team members, both physically, and mentally.
And finally - Tony is the Soul Stone - The godfather and soul of the team.
I don't know what this means for Endgame, if it means anything at all. It was just something I noticed.
There is one last theme I've come to notice throughout the original six, and it's the fact that each of them had their fate severely altered, almost unnaturally, to end up where they are in Endgame.
Tony, of course, almost died in a cave after being kidnapped by terrorists. He only built the Mark 1 suit to escape, and nearly died in the process of that. If he did not go to Afghanistan for the weapons presentation, not only would he not be Iron Man, but he would not be with Pepper, and he would still be manufacturing weapons - or worse, Obidiah would've had him killed another way.
Steve, of course, was selected to be the test subject of the super soldier serum, but that's not what altered his fate. He was destined for that for his grit and determination alone. His fate was altered when he survived something he shouldn't have - When he came out of the ice alive. None - and I mean none - of the events within the Avengers, SHIELD, or anything could have happened if he had died as he was supposed to.
With Bruce, you'd think I would refer to his gamma experiment in general, but that's not it either. That was also destined, similar to Steve's experiment. His is mentioned more briefly in Avengers, and it's the fact that he tried to kill himself. His attempt backfired, as he says he immediately transformed into the Hulk and thus, survived. But his intent was there, and if not for the quick reflexes and will to live of the Hulk (something that was NOT demonstrated in Infinity War, mind you), he would be gone.
Clint's and Natasha's basically go hand-in-hand. In Avengers, we find out that Clint was sent to kill Natasha, as she was part of the KGB. Natasha, in return, would have to try and kill Clint, not that it would have been different from any other enemy of theirs at the time. But because Clint made the call to try and reason with her and get her to turn, they both came out alive rather than the false dichotomy of a situation that would have left at least one of them dead.
And finally, there's Thor. His is a bit trickier to pinpoint because although he's been in death-defying situations, it's unclear if he's ever come close to death like a mortal would. But it's Thor who actually describes this fate that got me thinking about this theme in the first place, as he tells Rocket in Infinity War:
"You know, I'm 1500 years old. I've killed twice as many enemies as that, and every one of them would have rather killed me, but none succeeded. I'm only alive because fate wants me alive."
Fate wants him alive. And apparently it wants the other five alive as well. Otherwise, three of them would be dust, based on probability of the snap. But all six of them remain.
Again, I have no idea what this means for Endgame. I'm just pointing out what I believe to be significant.
Wow, so those are a lot more thoughts than I thought I'd have...this took about 3 hours to write, lol. So I think I'm going to leave it at that, and find out what happens on Thursday. I am in no way ready for it to all be over. And I've never been so terrified to watch a movie. And I've never had to consider that this might be the final 48 hours of a characters life.
This is going to be big. And I can't wait. But goddamn I am so scared.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Marvel’s WandaVision Episode 9: MCU Easter Eggs and Reference Guide
This article contains WandaVision spoilers.
The final episode of WandaVision is here, and it’s 45 minutes of big screen Marvel Cinematic Universe blockbuster chaos magic action…but on the small screen. And while pound for pound it’s a little lighter on Marvel Comics and MCU Easter eggs than what we’ve seen in previous weeks (let alone sitcom references, now that we’ve left that world long behind), there’s still PLENTY to dig in to and fun things you might have missed.
In particular, this episode sets up at least two upcoming big screen adventures with both Captain Marvel 2 and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. But there’s elements from WandaVision that will also resonate in future MCU TV series on Disney+ as well.
Let’s get to work…and if you spot anything we missed, let us know in the comments!
Scarlet Witch
Wanda gets her first official, full blown Scarlet Witch costume in this episode, and it looks really great.
Wanda goes back to her creepy, “sneak up on you and whisper in your ear and do witchy hand gestures” thing that we first saw her do in Avengers: Age of Ultron. We’re all about making Wanda a little scary again.
It seems that whoever holds the title of “Scarlet Witch” is more powerful than the Sorcerer Supreme, so Stephen Strange had better take notice.
At the end of the episode, in the second of the two post-credits scenes, we see Wanda in a tiny cabin at the foot of a beautiful mountain. This is almost certainly Mount Wundagore, the place where Marvel Comics canon indicates that Wanda and Pietro were born, and a place that continues to loom large in Scarlet Witch history.
Did they MAYBE miss a trick by not having White Vision’s voice come out as James Spader’s Ultron voice? Maybe. But this scene works so well in practice that it’s really hard to ask for MORE Marvel references than we’re already getting.
Right before Vision discorporates as the Hex ends, he sheds a single tear. This is a reference to one of the most famous Vision (or Marvel Comics in general) moments of all time. In Avengers #58, various members of the Avengers give Vision a rousing endorsement, particularly citing his heroism and humanity, before inducting him into the team. Vision excuses himself and sheds a single tear in private as further proof of that humanity.
In the un-Hexed version of Westview, one of the movies showing at the theater is Tannhauser Gate, a reference to the famous “tears in the rain” monologue at the end of Blade Runner. Fitting, considering the monologue came from a synthetic man accepting his own death in his final moments.
Billy and Tommy
Wanda makes an odd comment to the boys: “thanks for choosing me to be your mom.” Does this mean that they aren’t purely just creations of her own magic? Did she pull them from elsewhere in the MCU? Or somewhere else in the multiverse entirely?
During the second post-credits scene, Wanda hears the twins call out to her for help from …somewhere. Maybe they are still alive, but this smells an awful lot like bait to us. There are several villains we can think of that would try to lure a powerful being like Wanda into another more dangerous part of the multiverse, but let’s not start throwing “Mephisto” around again just yet.
It’s been reported that the young actors who played Billy and Tommy, Julian Hilliard and Jett Klyne, filmed scenes for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness in London last year. Watch this space!
Agatha Harkness
The whole banality of the setting for the big fight between Agatha and Wanda is particularly comic book-y in its own way. In most superhero movies or TV shows, the big fights are happening in big cities or battlefields or cosmic spacescapes. Having these two godlike beings throwing down on an ordinary suburban street kind of drives home the “anything can happen anywhere at any time” ethos of superhero comics.
When Wanda smashes a car into Agatha and crashes it into a nearby house, she initially only finds Agatha’s boots underneath the wreckage. This is yet another Wizard of Oz reference, namely how the Wicked Witch of the East appeared after being crushed by Dorothy’s house. There’s something else Oz-centric that comes up a little later.
Pietro and “Ralph Bohner”
Fietro having his own mancave lends itself to Fox Quicksilver’s basement dwelling in X-Men: Days of Future Past when he’s first introduced.
Agatha is revealed to have been living in Ralph Bohner’s home all along. Going back to the third episode, Agnes was giving Vision some info about Geraldine in order to make her seem suspicious (new in town, no home). In the end, she was secretly describing herself. Does this make her Agnes Bohner permanently?
The Ship of Theseus
The Ship of Theseus is indeed a real thought experiment that has haunted philosophers for thousands of years. While the WandaVision explanation of it is perfectly succinct and accurate, it doesn’t make sense to get into the deeper MCU implications of it here, which is why we wrote a whole ‘nother article about it.
The Darkhold
The Darkhold has shown up in Agents of SHIELD and Runaways prior to this, but it had a very different look to it. While this could just be a retcon of its appearance, it also might be a statement that we shouldn’t consider those shows part of the MCU proper anymore now that we’re getting rolling with the Disney+ shows.
Monica Rambeau and the Skrulls
Monica discovers her Hex-rewritten form can now absorb the kinetic energy of the bullets Director Hayward fires at Tommy and Billy. It’s one of many powers she will have as she develops her superhero abilities, and we will no doubt see more of them in Captain Marvel 2 whether she adopts the superhero code name of Spectrum or Photon.
The first Disney+ MCU show ends with a hero being recruited by Nick Fury (albeit remotely this time), much like Iron Man, the first movie in the MCU. Basically, Fury is summoning Monica to join him in space, where we last saw him at the end of Spider-Man: Far From Home. It’s also worth pointing out that WandaVision takes place about six months or so before that movie.
Doctor Strange 2
Sam Raimi, director of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (which Elizabeth Olsen’s Wanda will play a significant role in) once directed a film called Oz, The Great and Powerful, which is playing at the Coronet Theater in Westview.
The post-credits features a zooming into a cabin filled with all sorts of dark magic going on (looks like there are subtle runes everywhere, too). Interestingly enough, this is to hype up Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness, directed by Sam Raimi. Sam Raimi got his start directing Evil Dead and later its sequels. The first two of those movies centered around a demonic cabin and were filled with plenty of over-the-top zoom shots. We write about how this Evil Dead connection specifically sets up Wanda’s connection to Doctor Strange 2 here.
When we see Wanda in astral form reading a big book of magic, that’s something we’ve seen Doctor Strange do in his own film.
Squeaky Shine
At one point, Agatha is perched in front of a billboard for a cleaning product named Squeaky Shine, which boasts its “all natural formula using the power of Mother Earth.”
This is a bit of a reach, but the author of the Darkhold is said to be the demon Chthon. The name Chthon derives from the word “chthonic” which usually implies some sinister, “underworld” connotations (it’s a creepy looking word, isn’t it?), but it can also sometimes just mean that things are of the natural world. The Greek goddess Persephone ruled the underworld at the side of Hades… and Persephone is one of the mythological earth mother symbols or…Mother Earth.
Miscellaneous Marvel Weirdness
The visuals on the superpowers in these fights were more interesting than they usually are. Vision’s beams had a cool spiral thing going on, very reminiscent of Piccolo’s Special Beam Cannon from Dragon Ball, while Wanda’s underhand hex bolt slinging had a very Johnny Cage’s arcing fireball from Mortal Kombat thing going on.
Wanda tells Agatha, “I’ll be seeing you,” which is one final TV deep cut. On the classic show The Prisoner, in which a former secret agent was forced to live a “perfect” life in a creepily pre-fabricated and controlled town, everyone’s way of saying goodbye was an ominous “be seeing you.”
Jimmy Woo puts in a call to someone at the FBI named “Cliff” but that’s all we get. There’s a one-off character from Marvel Comics named Cliff Randall, a SHIELD agent who appeared in exactly one story (which nonetheless had some alien overtones). In this case, it’s probably all a coincidence. Also, Randall Park as Jimmy Woo is delightful and needs to be in everything going forward and basically be the new Agent Coulson.
The episode features a slightly different version of the utterly tedious “hero’s choice” that we see in every superhero movie and TV show on the planet and which needs to be retired immediately: “save innocents or catch me, bwaahahahaha!” But in this case, it’s more nuanced, where Wanda can have a life with her family, thus damning the citizens of Westview, or she can do the right thing and save them.
This isn’t an Easter egg, but Darcy’s “have fun in prison!” was priceless.
And that’s it for our series on WandaVision Marvel Easter eggs! Thanks for joining us these last couple of months, and we’ll see you soon for similar deep dives into The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.
Spot anything we missed? Let us know in the comments!
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petekey-party · 8 years
So someone sent me a petekey ask that was Pete working at a coffee shop and Mikey being a regular at it and then I accidentally hit submit before I was finished so it didn't make sense so I had to delete it but I still have the story saved so here it is. Sorry about this whole mess! Why do I do this? My writing is like Chinese food that has been left out for a week. I hope you enjoy anyway. I try. Unedited I yawned and put on my apron. Another day of staying up till three am, getting up at six thirty am, being at work at seven thirty am, and leaving work at four pm. A long day of making people coffee. It’s always worth it to make people’s day sunny and bright! Because having time to myself isn’t important! 
I stood at the register waiting for the work crowd to come in. The person I work with, Gabe,tried to make conversation but soon gave up when she came to realize that I don’t give a flying fuck. The first people started to come in as I tried to keep up with taking orders and making people coffee. I’m pretty much the master at it by this point. Sorry if I misspell your name, I’m just busy with a million other shitty people I have to deal with. 
The next person in line was a tall boy brown hair gelled back wearing a suit. He had the most beautiful eyes. 
“G-good morning.” He said quickly. He kept looking around the room and tapping his finger. Half was through his order he got a call and his face went pale. I couldn’t tell what the person on the other end of the phone was saying but I could tell that whoever the person was, they were loud and angry. 
“Y-yes sir I know I’m late on the second day of work-” he paused to more yelling. 
“The coffee line was long sir-” more yelling.
“Yes sir. I’ll s-start being early to get coffee.” The phone call ended. The cute boy started apologizing. 
“I’m so sorry! My new boss is strict.” 
“Don’t worry. You’re fine.” I said smiling at him. “I’m going to need your name.” 
“I-it’s Mikey.” 
Mikey. What a pretty name. What a pretty boy. 
I got his two coffees made as quickly as I could. 
“Mikey!” I yelled. 
He ran up to get his coffees 
“T-thanks!” He said before running out the door. He had a nice ass. 
He was back at one thirty after most of the lunch rush had gone down. He looked like he was dead. His face has lightly lost the glow it had earlier today. 
“Welcome back.” I smiled at him. “How have you been these past hours?” I asked, me being genuinely curious. 
“It’s all been a tiring blur, but at one point I think I met Satan himself.” He said. 
“Sounds more interesting than what my days been like.” I responded. 
“This is my second day of the job and I’m already looking forward to retiring.” He said. I smiled.
“So what can I get for you?” I asked. He put in his order. I decided to talk to him while I made his coffees. 
“So what’s your job?” I asked. He gave me this long drawn out answer that was hard for me to understand and I think he was an assistant, from what I could tell, it was important. 
“Sounds complicated.” I said. 
“You have no idea. I hope it’ll get easier. My boss… he’s a pretty angry 5'6 dude.” He said. I had my back to him, and I know he couldn’t see it, but I smiled anyway. 
“Here you go!” I said handing him his drinks. 
“Thank you!” He said taking them and putting a few dollars in the tip jar. He sped walked out. 
I finished my long day with that boy on my mind. I hope he didn’t get fired any time soon because damn he looked good in a suit. 
The next day Mikey showed up ten minutes earlier. Right when people were starting to come into the cafe. 
“Good morning, Mikey!” I said. Seeing him made me perk up a bit. 
“Good morning, Pete.” He smiled slightly. God, if his sorta smile is this hot, I wonder what his full smile would look like. Mikey gave his order, it being the same as yesterday. He came back again the same time he did yesterday. 
“Hello Mikey! Back yet again? How much coffee do you consume?” Fuck! That probably sounded stupid and rude.
“Probably an unhealthy amount. My boss sends me on coffee runs because he thinks if he uses the coffee machine at work someone will try to poison him. By the time I leave her in the morning and the time I come back in the afternoon I probably have three times the coffee and so far I haven’t been poisoned so I guess that’s a good sign.” He said.
“Well I’m glad you haven’t been poisoned.” I said. 
I took his order and he left a five dollar bill in the tip jar. 
“See ya tomorrow, Pete!” He called as he walked out the door. I blushed. Yeah tomorrow. 
The next two went like that. He came in twice a day and I got to know him more and more. I have learned that he was a cat person (I can see around that), he plays bass (just like me), his brother does comics, he kisses on first dates, he didn’t tell me this part but from what I’ve gathered he is a nicotine addict, he thinks America should do away with the penny, he is always concerned that there is something on his face but nobody is telling him (he thinks this because everybody is looking at him and his pretty face), best of all he’s gay and single, and other little things that made me like him more and more. 
“Good morning, Mikey!” I said as he walked in for the second time that day. 
“Hello, Pete.” He said. He had his usual poker face on but today something seemed off. 
“Do you want the usual?” I asked. He just nodded. That day there wasn’t the usual flirtatious conversation. “I-is every thing okay? You seem a little off.” I asked. He didn’t answer just kinda did a shrug kind of thing. He gave his usual five dollar time and left. 
The next day was Sunday and he didn’t work on Sunday. The cafe was quiet and didn’t have many costumers. I was standing at the register counting the minutes when the door unexpectedly came open. I was surprised to see it was Mikey.
“Mikey what are you doing here? I thought you didn’t work Sundays.” I said surprised. 
“Yeah well my boss needs my help and I need to impress him so if you could make the usual as quick as possible that would nice.” He said in a hurried time. He put his time in the tip jar and took his coffee. “Thank you!” He said quickly before doing the unexpected and leaning over the counter to give me a kiss on the cheek. “You’re the best!” He said while quickly walking away. I put my hand up to lightly touch where his lips had touched my cheek. 
I actually slept well that night. 
The next day in the afternoon when Mikey came in. 
“Good afternoon, Mikes!” I called out to him. 
“Hello, Peter.” He said. 
“The usual?” I asked. Of corse the usual. Do I even need to ask at this point? I don’t think he’s ever gotten anything different ever. 
“Actually ya know what? I think I’ll have the usual and a cake pop!And take your time getting it!"He said excitedly.
"Wow, you’re really getting wild now, Mikey.” I said rolling my eyes and grinning. 
“Oh and the fun has only just began.” He said. 
“Yeah I can tell. I can already feel the fun coursing through my veins like drugs.” I said. Mikey let out a chuckle. “Ya know Mikey, you should really laugh more. Your laugh is like, super hot.” I said.
“That’s not the only part of me that’s super hot.” He did wiggling his eyebrows. He was acting different today and I liked it. 
“Oh yeah?” I asked leaning in some. 
“Yeah.” Mikey said, he also leaned in. “If you think my laugh is hot than you should see my comic book collection.” He said is a low, hot voice. I bursted out laughing. “What? You don’t think a grown man having a huge comic book collection is hot?” He asked. 
“Oh Mikey, I couldn’t think of a hotter thing for a guy to have. So what is putting you in such a good mood?” I asked. 
“Well my boss was so surprised with me not killing my self yet that he gave me the rest of the day off!” Mikey said grinning. "Well I'm glad you haven't killed yourself yet. I'm sure a quarter of my tip comes from you and I need that for dollars at the strip club." I said grinning back at him. "Well I better make that coffee." I made his coffee in a comfortable silence. "Here ya go!" I said handing him his coffee and cake pop. "Oh! I forgot something else!" Mikey said. "What did you forget?" I asked. I hope I didn't screw up an order as easy as Mikey's. At this point I think I know his order as well as I know my name. "I-I forgot your number?" He said it more like a question than a statement. "Well I'll just have to fix that for you!" I said grinning. I wrote my number on a napkin to give to Mikey. Mikey's cheeks were slightly pink. Fuck that was hot. There isn't anything he does that isn't hot. "I'll give you a call." Mikey said smiling and putting five dollars in the tip jar and walking out. "Bye, Mikes!" I said. "Bye, Petey!" He yelled back. I want to die I hate my writing so much but yet I keep wanting asks. This was a cringey mess and I'm sorry.
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spryfilm · 7 years
“Logan Lucky” (2017)
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Running Time: 119 minutes
Written by: Rebecca Blunt
Directed by: Steven Soderbergh
Featuring:  Adam Driver, Channing Tatum, Riley Keough, Daniel Craig, Seth MacFarlane, Katie Holmes, Hilary Swank, Katherine Waterston and Sebastian Stan
Joe Bang: “I am in-car-ce-ra-ted.”
Jimmy Logan: “Yeah, we got a plan to get you out.”
Joe Bang: “You Logan’s must be as simple minded as people say.”
Jimmy and Clyde: “Do people say that? Why?”
Did anyone really believe that Steven Soderbergh was actually going to stay retired after his last film, the very good medical thriller “Side Effects” (2013), which was closely followed by the television movie “Behind the Candelabra” (2013), based in part on the life of the late entertainer Liberace? Of course between that retirement and now, he worked on the now ended television series “The Knick” (2014/15) featuring the Clive Owen. When I first heard that the Oscar winning director was making another film I was exceptionally pleased, after the huge success with his ‘Oceans’ movies it seemed fitting for him to revisit the heist genre to re-launch his film-directing career.
This movie also marks the fifth time that Soderbergh has teamed with superstar Channing Tatum, who offers something quite unique for what has become Soderbergh’s way of not only directing, but also the way he shoots, edits and produces his movies. One of the amazing points about Soderbergh is the way in which he makes genre-defying films, that whether or not you can reduce them to a genre, they always break their own molds. “Logan Lucky” (2017) for example is not just a straight heist movie; it has elements of comedy, drama as well as the absurdity of a ridiculous idea, the redneck agenda that encompasses tropes of the Southern States. Not only that but this film is probably the closest that the director has come to brushing up against what the Coen Brothers do so well, amplifying character traits as well as their own myopic actions, much like the fact that “A Serious Man” (2009) was the closest the Coen’s came to creating a Soderbergh film.
“Logan Lucky” concerns a family attempting to reverse a family curse, siblings Jimmy (Channing Tatum), Mellie (Riley Keough), and Clyde Logan (Adam Driver) set out to execute an elaborate robbery during the Coca-Cola 600 race at Charlotte Motor Speedway in Concord, North Carolina during Memorial Day weekend.
There are many moving parts to “Logan Lucky”, something it has in common with all the Soderbergh oeuvre; he can assemble killer casts, he shoots his own films (although this is controversial as the DGA do not allow their members to shoot and direct films), edits his own films (these last two under pseudonyms) and he has a view of the business that has always been unique. Also, after directing almost every genre, winning Oscars as well as making hit films and creating a franchise he has nothing to prove to anyone – he is a true auteur as well as one of the few mavericks still working within as well as without the Hollywood studio system. He takes the old adage of making one for ‘them’ and one for ‘you’ by just making great films.
As already mentioned Channing Tatum leads this cast which as you would expect from a Soderbergh film is extremely deep, even two time Oscar winner Hillary Swank only makes a brief experience. What is great to see however, is one of the stars of last years amazing “American Honey” (2016) Riley Keough in a key role alongside Tatum, Adam Driver and Daniel Craig, she is easily holding her own in the scenes they have together, something not easy to do, as they are all playing hyper stylized characters. You are witnessing character flourishes not normally seen from them, particularly from Driver. Someone who I love to see in movies, as well as someone many people actively dislike is Seth MacFarlane almost unrecognizable under make up shows why he is such a comic genius playing a true character, something he should embrace as like in this movie they are the actors that really help sell a film like this, with many quirks.
As you would expect from Soderbergh this is expertly directed, one thing he has proven over the years is that he can direct almost anything, doing so as well as anyone, ably drawing out performances that most would kill for – his talent is never in question. What is interesting is that this film is written by a newcomer, Rebecca Blunt, who believe it or not does not exist – at all; the name is a pseudonym, but nobody knows who for, although there are some suspects, it could be Soderbergh himself, his wife, Jules Asner or even a third party John Henson – both of these last two work on the E! Channel. Whoever wrote it they need not worry, as it is one of the smartest scripts in recent memory, it is up there with Jordan Peele’s “Get Out” (2017). This is almost an anti-Oceans movie, where this one juxtaposes with that trilogy in that everything is clockwork perfect, all the moves are made in advance of every possible decision – its like a visual Rube Goldberg machine, nothing is left to chance. With “Logan Lucky” however everything that could go wrong does, but the lads seem to make it through with some kind of lucky rabbits foot getting them out of trouble – it is hilarious carried off with a great script, even better direction with actors that you have no trouble laughing with as well forgiving their crimes.
What is great about this film is that it is a treat to see in cinemas, the same way Soderbergh’s previous project “The Knick” could only have been made and seen on television. Soderbergh knows exactly what he is doing and what medium works best for whatever project he is working on. This is perhaps why he has returned to film but has not yet ruled out once again returning to the small screen. He has few real contemporaries (maybe Richard Linklater) that can boast a filmography like his, even when he has had a perceived failure time is on his side such as the brilliant “King of the Hill” (1993) or the misunderstood “Kafka” (1991) – but it seems that for the past twenty years we have all gained from having Soderbergh creating his independent as well as studio fare. What I loved about “Logan Lucky” was that I didn’t know going into it what to expect but I knew leaving the cinema how lucky I was to see a master return to the art form he so deservedly should be working in.
I cannot recommend this movie highly enough it has enough of a plot combined with drama, action as well as a heap of all different types of comedy to keep you interested, once you see it i am sure you will agree this is one of the best films of the year so far, it is also great to see it being released in the Summer movie season as it deserves the widest possible audience.
“Logan Lucky” is out now on DVD & Blu-ray.
LOGAN LUCKY | Official HD Trailer (screen grab) CR: Bleecker Street
DVD & Blu-ray: “Logan Lucky” (2017) “Logan Lucky” (2017) Action/Comedy Running Time: 119 minutes Written by: Rebecca Blunt Directed by: Steven Soderbergh…
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