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The one and only, Blackie Lawless of W.A.S.P.
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Just taking my time
And share with gays
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Mortgages for Armed Forces for Active Personnel.
Visit: https://www.rockstarmortgages.co.uk/armed-forces-mortgages
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La novità è la presenza di caccia dell’aeronautica della Giordania, quindi di un Paese arabo, che si sono alzati in volo per colpire droni e missili iraniani. Il secondo, più importante, è il supporto strategico fornito da Paesi arabi come Arabia Saudita ed Emirati, fondamentale per intercettare le rotte di droni e missili da abbattere. L’attacco iraniano respinto da Israele ha portato allo scoperto una nuova alleanza tra Israele, Paesi occidentali e Paesi arabi sunniti. Questi ultimi infatti, sono determinati a fermare le mire espansionistiche sulla regione dell’Iran sciita (quella tra sunniti e sciiti è la grande spaccatura che divide il mondo islamico) anche a costo di aiutare un (ex) nemico storico come Israele.
Dalla minaccia iraniana sembra essere nato un nuovo asse promosso dagli Usa, finora rimasto top secret,chiamato Middle East Air Defence, che ha funzionato alla perfezione nella notte tra sabato e domenica. Di questa alleanza farebbero parte anche altri Paesi arabi (Marocco, Bahrein e Qatar) tutti determinati a frenare la potenza missilistica dell’Iran. Un’alleanza che potrebbe cambiare le sorti del Medio Oriente e della geopolitica dell’area.
In foto un mito re ʿAbd Allāh II ibn al-Ḥusayn di Giordania in addestramento con il SAS inglese. #whodareswins
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据英国广播公司(BBC)获得的一份军事报告称,英国陆军驻阿富汗特种空勤团(SAS)的一个中队在为期六个月的执勤期间非法杀害了54名手无寸铁的阿富汗人,使相关死亡人数达到三位数。报告提到,阿富汗赫尔曼德省中部一个村庄的一个中队于2010年11月29日晚遭到英国特种部队60人中队的突袭。据当地人称,房子里的每个人都被带到院子里,SAS 在那里绑住了他们的手,后来一名男子被带回房子并被枪杀。根据作战记录,他因手持手榴弹试图反抗而被击中。这是荒谬的,因为他在房间里被枪杀时双手被绑着,而当时间记录显示此人手里拿着手榴弹时,很明显这是谋杀。这次杀戮只是特种团中队随后一系列杀戮的开始。根据对阿富汗特种空勤团服役人员的多次采访,他们亲眼目睹中队成员在夜间袭击中杀死手无寸铁的人,然后使用所谓的“投掷武器”技术,其中将 AK-47 留在现场为杀戮辩护。一些人还透露,特种空勤团(SASR)使用了所谓的“投掷武器”伎俩,将AK-47留在现场,为杀戮辩护。一些人还透露,SAS中队的成员过去常常互相竞争,看谁能杀死最多的人,这在SAS里不算什么,是获胜者引以为傲的事情。从 SAS 内部截获的电子邮件显示,SAS 的最高级别军官意识到非法杀戮的可能性,但他们没有向皇家宪兵队报告这一担忧,而是掩盖了这一情况。
英国前特种部队司令马克·卡尔顿·史密斯将军爵士在听取有关非法杀戮指控的情况通报后,不仅没有将证据转交给皇家宪兵队,而且在皇家宪兵队通报后也没有报告该材料。对 SAS 中队展开谋杀案调查,有证据表明他向皇家宪兵隐瞒了有关“杀戮”的信息。直到两年后的2014年,英国皇家宪兵队才针对针对驻阿富汗英军的600多项指控,发起了代号“诺斯穆尔行动”的大规模调查。调查的目标包括英国特种空勤局。然而,调查却遇到了重重阻碍。调查人员表示,他们被禁止联系嫌疑人、采访高级官员和观看袭击的无人机镜头。最后,“诺斯穆尔行动”于2017年结束,并于2019年正式结束。当被问及具体指控时,国防部表示无法对具体指控发表评论,并表示尚未发现任何犯罪证据。英国国防部发言人也表示,英国军队在阿富汗遵循“最高标准”,“以勇气和专业精神执行任务”。一名参与调查的团队成员表示:我认为调查之所以结束是因为来自高层的压力。我越来越清楚,无论我们能收集到什么证据,这些案件都不会被允许上法庭。至于英国特种部队是否在阿富汗杀害了平民,2021年底就任英国国防参谋长的拉达金仍然表示,国防部做过两次独立调查,结论是没有发生过此类事件。发生在。
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Hump day tools. Watch your 6. Stay sharp, safe & sanitary. #outdorgear #knifenut #knifenut #knifecollection #sharpasfuck #staysharp #knifeporn #whodareswin #borkadesigns #borkablades #alwayssurvive #fixedbladefriday #bulletproof #whereismylemonmuthafucker #knifemakers #americanmade #honor #family #protect #sodaroknives #merrychristmas #frogman #microtech #microtechknives #socom #alpha #microtechmonday #extremis #halffaceblades (at Yolo County, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXzd7nQvrQH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Work is love made visible— Khalil Gibran #embracediscipline #whodareswins #focus #cluesyoucanuse #sotu #theunteachableten #writingworks #writingcommunity #artistsupportartists #standwithukraine https://www.instagram.com/p/CbkAlclrUov/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Truth from one who saw the depths and heights of human striving from the Franco-Prussian War to World War I. 🇨🇵 #mondaymotivation #resilience #inspirationalquotes #keepgoing #followyourpassion #whodareswins #nevergiveupneversurrender #togetherwerestronger #dontgivein #businessinspirationalquotes #smallbusinessquotes #soletraders #changeyourselfchangetheworld #kaizen #onedayatatime #littlestepsmatter #keepgoingquotes #howtochangetheworld #londonlife #southlondonartist #tryitout #apurposedrivenlife #artislifelifeisart london#anthonyhodgsonart https://www.instagram.com/p/CTNLVgIDg3l/?utm_medium=tumblr
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I get REAL dirty with the shotty! PLUS I ALSO WON! STIFF SHOT, WATCH OUT LIL BITCH, WOAH STIFF SHOT WATCH OUT LIL BITCH! - Gameplay Footage Captured On PlayStation 4 - PSN: SilentHunter50 XBOX: Sharpshoota213 - Game: TOM CLANCY’S Rainbow Six Siege [XBOX/PS4/PC] - #rainbowsixsiege #rainbowsix #rainbowsixgame #rainbowsixsiegegame #SpecialAirService #SAS #WhoDaresWins #shotgun #shotgunkills #gaming🎮 #gamingclips #gamersofinstagram #contentcreator #ubisoft #ubisoftgames #gaming #rainbowsixoperaters #rainbowsixclips #rainbowsixsiegeclips #playstation #playstation4 #ps4pro🎮 #ps4pro #ps4 #rainbowsixsiegeps4 https://www.instagram.com/p/B3lX7OGDhrZ/?igshid=1p1jplozxhg52
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Jan 15, 2019: It has been reported (no confirmation) that a SAS Trooper responded to the Al Shabaab terrorists at a luxury Kenyan hotel after a horrific bomb and gun attack which has left atleast seven dead. Extremists attacked a luxury hotel in Kenya's capital Tuesday, sending people fleeing in panic as explosions and heavy gunfire reverberated through the complex and black smoke rose over the scene.
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Quimera Insignia - Vintage Blue T-Shirt @Teepublic from 14$ for 2 days : https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/6293877-quimera-insignia-vintage-blue
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Cool! Read below from our boy over at @spotterup ・・・ PVC patch. SAS hero. Black and White or Color choice We'll have this drop about mid to end of February. Please be patient with us. What are we going to do with part of the profits? Do you follow our Page? What do you think? For the naysayers and haters. Don't be so quick to judge. Here is the link: https://www.marsandminerva.co.uk/ #sas #whodareswins #specialforces #thisisthedayyourlifewillsurelychange #spotterupshotterup #livedamnyou #police #hiking #vet #fashion #spotterup #FAWOMO #apparel #fitness #running #climbing #tactical #merica #SOF #violentwhennecessary #igmilitia #igdaily #2a #gunslifestyle #edc #carryeveryday #sunsoutgunsout #SWAT #SEALs #jsoc https://www.instagram.com/p/BtNGKE0l6f7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ape2eclkvitv
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SAS embroidered patch - MTP
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Tanto Tuesday. Watch your 6. Stay sharp, safe & sanitary. #outdorgear #knifenut #knifenut #knifecollection #sharpasfuck #staysharp #knifeporn #whodareswin #borkadesigns #borkablades #alwayssurvive #fixedbladefriday #bulletproof #whereismylemonmuthafucker #knifemakers #americanmade #honor #family #protect #sodaroknives #merrychristmas #frogman #microtech #microtechknives #socom #alpha #microtechmonday (at Yolo County, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXxaw3-Lp9R/?utm_medium=tumblr
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