#whoa! I wrote something!
2ofswords · 25 days
My first fic for the Jonelias week 2024... and also my first Jonelias fic! I had a lot of fun figuring out how to write the two. ^^ They are living rent-free in my brain, which is very appropriate, I suppose.
This one is for the prompt “try again”. It contains a lot of introspection. And stalking!
Hopfefully this is only my first work for the week out of two! I have a second fic in mind, but that one is a bit more... elaborate, so we shall see, if I can get it done in time...
Ao3 Info is under the cut!
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Magnus Archives (Podcast) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Elias Bouchard | Jonah Magnus/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist Characters: Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Elias Bouchard | Jonah Magnus Additional Tags: The Magnus Archives Season 2, Pre-Relationship, Canon Compliant, kind of?, two avatars of the eye looking at each other, what will they do?, apparently nothing but stare and monologue, is it mutual pining when all parties repress their own feelings?, Mutual Stalking, Jonelias Week 2024 (The Magnus Archives) Summary:
Jon is desperate to get past Elias' defenses. Jonah wishes that the man would rather not.
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demonslayedher · 8 months
The Taisho Secret canon content regarding The Legend of Zenitsu has unfortunately made me have to give up beloved concepts in this future!Zennezu headcanon post. Most specifically, Old Man Zenitsu's with a mustache, because Word of Gotouge says he never grews facial hair. Zenitsu is probably far more disappointed than I am about this.
But also, it has all given me a much deeper headcanon about "The Legend of Zenitsu" being a bonding experience in their marriage, for Nezuko is a big fan, like so, what with Nezuko being a willing model for Zenitsu's praise-worthy paintings.
And is my brain spinning headcanons again? Yeah.
Zenitsu wished he could rub it in Tanjiro's face that he got a book deal. Not on everything, just on "The Demon Slaying Arc ~Fated Encounters~," "The Heavenly Maiden Arc ~I Am Willing To Die For You~," and "The Life of the Man Who Loved The Spirit of the Plum Tree Arc." No one else deserved to know "The Tastiness of Nezuko-chan's Cooking" anyway, for Zenitsu had described it too well and it would be like sharing his wife with a bunch of slimy readers. Bad enough that he still had to share with Inosuke all the time.
But Tanjiro didn't rub it in. He smiled and made as kind a sound as even, and congratulated him.
Maybe Tanjiro had grown too mild to say or feel anything more than that.
Because Zenitsu had a publisher and small fan base, he got paid a small advance to keep writing. Not even to stop going to an office job in town, if he wanted to to keep spoiling Nezuko with nice things. The stroke to eager made him write "The Beautiful Swordswoman Nezuko Arc" in one night, but "The Golden Dragon Wandering Alone Arc ~Go And Rescue Nezuko!~" was one he slogged through. It was getting to be a handful, going to work and raising a kid living up to expectations now that people had them of him. It felt good at first, but it made the writing less fun.
His heart was hardly in it when he wrote the "Botamochi from Zenitsu Arc." The sales tanked, and Zenitsu's publisher didn't bother him when he said aside his pen for a while. It was a long while, and there were other things going on anyway.
Not long after Tanjiro died, Nezuko caught a flu that was going around. It honestly made Zenitsu a little glad to have an excuse to leave his kid with Aoi for a while so that he could have Nezuko to himself while she was contagious. He didn't need anyone's help to take care of him, because every cell down to his soul cared only about how he might pamper and comfort her.
"Nezuko-chan, come on and drink a little. It'll make your throat feel better."
"I can't. I don't want to," she moaned. Tears escaped her hopeless eyes. She still must have felt so gutted, and Zenitsu knew he could do little to fill her for the time being. Some of that hopeless look must had been from thinking she'd never be free of the headache, but at least that much he might be able to soothe.
"Why don't you rest your head on my lap for a change? Here, I'll stroke your forehead for you."
"You should sleep."
"I can do it in my sleep," he smiled to her. "Actually, did you know that the legendary hero Agatsuma Zenitsu can be even more powerful when he sleeps?"
At this, she gave him a weak smile. The first he'd seen lately. "Yes."
"It's true! It's because he can hear the sound of his wife at his side. It powers him up like lightning coming right out of his empty eye-sockets! Actually, there was one time when he blinded his enemy before the roaring sound of his power knocked him over."
"Or the sound of his snoring."
"No, no, it's thunder like it shoots right out of him! You see, it all started one night in a terrible, creepy forest, when he saw a helpless man swooped backwards into the tree tops..."
When Nezuko recovered, Zenitsu picked up his pen again, and published "Rumble of the Knock-Out Secret Swordsmanship of Zenitsu Arc ~The Legendary Man’s Eyes Shine With Light~" not long afterward. It sold decently, and it was nice to hear that he had some fans who were excited about it.
Life fell back into a new busy normal, and Zenitsu's muse was fickle. "The Potato Feudal Lord Arc" was just a passing thing for fun, not something he'd ever tell his publisher about. It was more fun for a while to try out other things, like painting. As long as Nezuko was his model, Zenitsu found he had a knack for it. He ran into Yushiro one time though, who told him he was a hack, and they got into a big argument that ended with Zenitsu throwing all his brushes and unused canvases at him and daring him to do better. Those had all cost a lot of money, so Nezuko was not happy about that. Likewise, she wasn't happy when Zenitsu refused to sell a painting of her and tore his pants while throwing a fit.
By the looks of Nezuko's ledgers, it looked like Zenitsu was stuck at that desk job, selling electricity around the little mountain foothill town. He had been there so long that he got promoted for being good at sitting in the same chair for years, and that meant moving closer to a bigger town, closer to the growing metropolis, where Zenitsu felt right at home and Nezuko assured him she would adjust.
What would Tanjiro think, now that nobody bought charcoal anymore?
The world that once had demons seemed further and further away and the droll of adulthood stretched on, and powers he couldn't behead with a swift Thunderclap and Flash fought amongst themselves. More and more, there were expectations of Zenitsu, and people depending on him. He had to assure people they would still have light and heat even as Tokyo burned, and the sound of planes rattled his ears almost daily. He was a man of his community now, and the only one his family could depend on. At Nezuko's insistence, they collected nearly-blind Kanao and his nephews and niece, and he tried to insist to Inosuke to stay with them in town where there were bomb shelters, but Inosuke, just as responsible for his own family, felt he kept them safest going deeper and deeper in to the mountains.
Nezuko knew nothing but worries. Sometimes, he almost wished she could be back to a childlike state of mind, protected from all the pain and horrors she so unfairly had to endure. In the darkness of a bomb shelter, he hugged her close as she trembled. "Say, Nezuko-chan. Do you remember that time..."
"...that time the great hero Agatsuma Zenitsu was a teeny-tiny, but very, very strong mouse?"
He could hear her worries lift, however slightly. Maybe that was all a mouse could do.
"Actually, it was when he was a little boy. You'd never guess it, but he was very cowardly. That was a terrible warlock with a fancy red mark around his eye painted him with a magic white makeup that turned him into a mouse!"
She stifled a snort against his chest. "Uzui-san..."
"Yeah, that was the warlock's name! Did I already tell you this story before?"
"A mouse?" his son clung tighter to him, sometime he hadn't done in years. Even when he was little he always clung to Nezuko instead anyway. Zenitsu could tell by the tone of his son's voice that he was already teary-eyed and sniffly.
"Yeah. A little mouse who thought he had no power at all. That the world was too big for him. But as it turns out..."
What really hurt was Nezuko's reaction. She sighed with disappointment, and lamented that this was why he spent so many long hours away from home.
That was a story Zenitsu recorded later, as a memory of those times. It stayed on his bookcase at home next to the Potato Lord story, now that the world was quiet again.
Business picked up really well. The world got brighter, and so did the indoor lighting. As a general sense of optimism filled the world again, the small but dedicated base of "Legend of Zenitsu" fans called for a new installment. He responded well to praise, and soon gave them "The Dragon Palace Arc ~Eternal Nezuko~," but being so busy as a highly promoted seat-warmer at the office meant he had things he had to do while sitting in that seat. He put on weight again, and spent a lot of sad, long evenings stuffing cookies in his face while streaming with tears that he couldn't be eating one of Nezuko's homecooked meals instead. "Sitting In A Happy Circle and Boiling Tea in Our Bellybuttons Arc" was something he secretly wrote at his desk as a form of silent protest. His publisher rejected that one after reading only one page.
Of course! He had to be at home to write his best work! He had to be in the same space as his muse, Nezuko! Another quickly written revenge work of his, "The Future Holds Zenitsu Arc," was considered one of his better ones.
After that, he was satisfied with writing for a while, and he muse pushed him to start playing (perfectly) the piano. Nezuko was not thrilled about the piano he bought.
If only he had taught it to Nezuko, then. Her joints all bothered her, but she kept sewing out of willpower.
This new hobby inspired another novel, and Nezuko inspired another novel after that of course, and the stress of their son getting married and wanting a lavish wedding inspired another novel and another novel after that was a desperate attempt to strike it big and get out of the debt that wedding cost them. After all, Zenitsu's daughter-in-law was a cutie and he wanted to spoil her. It made Zenitsu remember how cute Nezuko was when they were newlyweds, and before that too, of course, and now too, and before he knew it he had written yet another novel, despite his dwindling fan base. Nezuko sure liked that one, though, and that was all that mattered.
The years went by. Zenitsu felt he lost his mind over how his granddaughter got cuter every time he saw her, and he eventually reached some arbitrary age when his company could only promote him to retired. Aside from the aches in his legs, he felt as young as he always did, though. Kanao said it was probably the effects of Breath technique. It sustained them without reaching a threshold at which it would be dangerous to them.
Zenitsu still wrote sometimes. He stayed busier when his busy-body grandson read the old unpublished "The Birth of Zenitsu Arc" and insisted on learning Thunder Breath. That was like a new job Zenitsu never asked for, especially since he still only knew one of the original six forms, but Kiriya sent him a letter askeing him to give it a shot, for who knew what the future held. Certainly not demons, Zenitsu was assured of that much. If Yushiro gave his novels a bad review one more time, he'd make sure of there were no more demons left in the world.
He got back in touch with Inosuke. He thought it might never happen after he abandoned the old house and charcoal mill, but the whole time, Inosuke had been on the mountain next to it, where he had always been King of the Mountain. He still took care of the house, he said. But a King still had to be King. They weren't the only people on the mountain, though. Aoi paid house calls. Still, Zenitsu gave Inosuke a stern lecture about making Nezuko (as well as Kanao) worry, so Aoi made sure to drag Inosuke into the bigger and bigger city sometimes.
Zenitsu's newest hobby to drop money on was photography, but now that he was a pensioner, Nezuko did not mind so much. She even agreed to let him fulfill his dream of taking her to Paris. He was glad he had that camera, to prove how the city could not outshine her.
He was glad he took her when he did. Her joints made it harder and harder for her to get around, even though she always smiled and insisted Zenitsu's legs must hurt more. He didn't like it when she laughed and joked around about chopping her legs off to grow new ones.
"Grandpa," his youngest granddaughter looked to him with a tearful face, "Grandma was saying something about being a demon again. I wish she'd stop that."
"I know, right!? She's a princess, and the very spirit of a plum blossom tree! A shrine maiden too!"
"There's no way someone like Grandma would ever go to hell."
He paused, and his stomach sank.
Nezuko gave up her sewing. She spent more and more time in bed, but with no desk job to sit at and a grandson taught enough that he could be told to go off and practice on his own, Zenitsu spent his days writing again. He took a long time on that novel he wrote for her, putting in all the sorts of parts he knew she liked. Sometimes he couldn't help himself and reads parts aloud to her without telling her everything else that already happened in the story. She smiled and enjoyed each fragment anyway.
"I've finally got the title for this one!" he announced. "It's called, 'I Will Be In Love With You A Thousand Years Arc.' Perfect, huh? Well, maybe it's still missing something. A million years, maybe?"
"Zenitsu-san... tell me a story..."
"I am! I'm telling you the greatest story yet! It's about this immortal princess who..."
"Tell me a real story..."
He paused and listened to her heartbeat as she took a breath--a simple, unpracticed breath in tired human lungs. Nezuko still made the same warm sound that she always did. It had a different resonance when she was a demon, and when he carried another life inside her, but it was always uniquely her.
"I want to hear... about the time you spent with my brother."
"Tanjiro? Yeah, he... hasn't been in these for a long time. Maybe I'll bring him back."
"You cared so much about him," she smiled from her futon. "That was why you protected my box, before you even met me."
"He... yeah."
"I'm glad you were such good friends... I want to hear about all those good things that happened to you. About your Ojiisan, and your little bird..."
"Yeah," he grimaced to a smile, and the inside of his nose zapped like a storm was brewing. "I had a lot of good things happen to me. A lot of bad things too."
"It's up to you to decide if you're happy or not. I hope... you'll decide you were happy."
"Yeah," he said, the snot already flowing. "The happiest. I'll tell you all about it. I'll make it my best story ever."
"You promise...?"
He kissed her forehead. "I'd never be able to come up with anything better than the truth."
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aho-dapa · 2 years
listening to the acotar audiobook made me realize me and sjm have different versions of soft
Her soft is still domineering, still rough
But when I pictured Tamlin being soft, it was vulnerability, it was the giving of a gift
And I just realized truly how the same words can communicate different things based on how we interpret those words
‘I hate you’ he says softly.
What is this to you? A whisper? Defeat? Endearment? Everything around this contextualizes this little quote. (Not that this is from the book, just an example)
Laughing, he pulls into her arms and swings in the air by her waist. Flying, free, she smiles into the sunlight. When they stop, when he buries his face into her neck. Hidden from her, he hugs her tight. She hopes he never lets go.
“I hate you,” he says softly.
Lightly, full of giving in. Between them, they are changed.
She pulls away and faces him, smiling, “I hate you, too.”
The tension in the air breathes in time with their heartbeats, pounding pounding pounding, like the blood in their veins. Like the vase smashing against the wall, like her footsteps following his escape. Trapped in this room, only with their anger and their hurt and their love.
She says something and he hisses something back. It all roars in her ears. Her blood and her heart, beating and beating, waiting to burst from her.
He turns away and she strides to be in front of him. Look at me, look at me—
Look at me as you break me.
She lashes out, answering his earlier words. Clawing deep into his heart, knowing it will hurt.
She watches his rage and bitterness break into sorrow and pain. Watches as the wave of her words wash over him. She cools and her sea of emotions drown her.
No. No no no no. She hadn’t—
His expression twists into something terrifying.
“I hate you,” he says softly.
As if it hurts him to say it, desperately and painfully, it’s full of giving in.
In the space of a few moments, between them, they are changed.
He looks into her eyes, into her soul, and breaks her.
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neominthe · 2 years
What do you head canon Cale as because he gives off major demi-romantic, asexual energy. (Also I love your art, its got me into tsctir)
hi there! sorry i was trying to think of a comic to answer your question but nothing came up to my mind
anyway, yes! for me, cale is on the aromantic spectrum and is asexual, though if you have a different headcanon, its totally valid!
AND OHHHHHH IM SO GLAD I GOT U ON TSCTIR! That makes me so happy i cant even describe! hope you have a great day, anon!
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chuluoyi · 4 months
✎ unconcealable
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- gojo satoru x reader
your boyfriend may not show it, but the six eyes are his burden to bear. you know it firsthand when he falls into your arms for the first time
genre: teen!gojo, fluff, hurt/comfort, flashback and fast-forward to dad!gojo later
note: hello hello i’m alive~ i have this little thing of fluff/comfort pampering in my head throughout my vacation and it’s been a long time since i last wrote about teen!gojo so here it is :D will proofread later when i get the chance!
a part of gojo's love entries
general masterlist
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Back in 2006—
“Satoru, move away—”
“Nuh, uh! I’m staying! You’re too soft~”
“Satoru, If Yaga-sensei walks in… he’ll think we’re doing something indecent!”
“Mmm, don't care~”
This is the gym. Anyone could walk in. And yet your boyfriend of three weeks, Gojo Satoru, claimed his place by resting his head on your lap and squeezing his eyes shut so comfortably… like a cat.
You sighed, vexed and almost giving up— and then you noticed just how good-looking he was. Not that you just realized it now, but his long eyelashes, his smooth skin, white hair...
You have snagged a heartthrob. Or at least he could be if it wasn't for his questionable tendencies.
“Satoru, I’m being serious,” you griped, blinking back your pounding heart and starting to get anxious if anyone would see the two of you on the floor, with him over you. “Get up. Now.”
He knitted his brows together. “So stingy... Can’t your dashing boyfriend get five more minutes?”
“No. Up. Now.” You learnt by experience that the more you indulged Satoru, the more you would be inclined to comply as well. So before he dragged you into that hole...
“Hmph! No!”
“I’ll really flip you if you don’t move—!”
And that’s finally when he cracked his eyes open, totally pouting. “So mean! My head is hurting, you know! I just want to rest a bit!”
You were somewhat taken aback by his little outburst but he really got up this time, and then he stalked away, mumbling complaints.
"Some girlfriend you are... so not considerate..." he pursed his lips together, seemingly hurt as he made his way out.
That almost annoyed you greatly, and you were about to retort back when to your shock, he suddenly clutched his head and staggered. "Ahh—"
You sprinted to him and caught him as he wobbled, supporting his weight.
"Are you okay? What happened?!" you were so spooked that you went down with him to the floor again. And you immediately pulled him to you when he heaved a shuddering breath.
"I'm okay—" he said in a pant, pressing his eyes together so tightly. "I'm okay, I'm okay! Don't—"
"You're not, you idiot!"
Something with his eyes. It just dawned to you that he didn't wear his sunglasses today, and by instinct, you wrapped your arms around him, pressing him close to your chest.
"Is it hurting badly now?" you worriedly asked, keeping him tight in your embrace. "Do you want me to get you something?"
Contrary to your worries, what Satoru was more focused on was the exponential warmth that enveloped him. He had a migraine for a while there, but you so easily anchored him, making it somehow hurt less.
"You said Yaga-sensei will catch us and think we're having sex," he sullenly accused to hide the sudden blush spreading quickly on his face. "You didn't care about me just a minute ago."
"That's... a minute ago!" you hissed. "Now I'm worried!"
Your response made him smile despite himself. Satoru found comfort in the darkness of being squished against your boobs... perhaps way more than he thought he would.
"Then let me stay like this for a while. I'll be okay in a jiffy, 'kay?"
"Hmm," you hummed, absent-mindedly stroking his soft hair. You started to feel bad for chasing him away earlier, and squeezed him. "Does your head hurt often?"
"Whoa, it's only when I'm like this that you'll touch me so openly," he responded with a mock sigh, and you fought the urge not to roll your eyes. "Poor me."
"Poor you indeed. So answer me, does it, or does it not?"
"Nah, it's just how it is sometimes. Just some side effects of my eyes, you see."
"Why don't you wear your glasses today?"
"...Nanami broke them after I ate his last doughnut."
"You..." you almost giggled, and yet so exasperated at the same time. But the way Satoru squeezed your waist to hug you in return made you spare him.
You two stayed like that for a while, and when the bell rang to indicate the start of the next period, you asked him again. "Are you okay now?"
"Mm-hm, yeah, much better."
"Then let's go back to your class. I'll help you go there."
"Ehh..." But Satoru, ever the stubborn one, just buried his face into you, holding on tight and not letting go at all. "No."
You frowned. "Why—"
"Don't wanna move~ your boobs are just too good..."
"—? What—"
"They're soooo soft. Seems jiggly too? Ah, my pain is healed! Oh! When we get married, will I get to bite them too—"
"Satoru, you!"
Long story short, you two missed the next period just because Satoru nagged you to stay with him... and at the end of it all, the ones who opened the doors to the gym were Nanami and Haibara, who immediately went to report to Yaga and red-faced respectively.
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Back to present—
"Time for your teardrops!"
Satoru squeezed the bottle of eyedrops, lining it up with the striking blue eyes of his six-year-old son, an cute little pumpkin who was a carbon copy of him in every way, as he laid his head on his lap.
"Mmngh," his son squirmed as the water made contact with his sensitive eyes, and squeezed both eyes shut as soon as his papa was done.
Having inherited his eyes, the boy had started to feel pain whenever he accidentally overused them. Satoru knew the feeling well, and as much as he tried to humor him, something inside him prickled whenever he saw him getting teary-eyed due to the pain.
"Still stings?" he asked with a frown. "Want to use blindfold cover your eyes, hmm?"
Your son mumbled, "...no."
"What do you want then?"
"...I want mama."
Satoru snorted, pinching his boy's plump cheek fondly. "Same, kiddo. I want mama too."
The little boy cracked his eyes open out of spite. "You always bother her everyday."
"It's not as if you do not but whatever." Satoru pursed his lips as he stared at his boy. "If only I can put those rotting grandpas in elderly home, your mama can be freed from missions."
The kid snuggled close to his lap, seeking comfort, and suddenly, he felt flash of warmth burst inside him, realizing that his little munchkin wanted him to make him feel better.
"Look, I'm not mama, but I can do this too—" he hoisted his son, and hugged him close, hiding his little face into his sturdy chest. "Here you go. Better?"
The little baby that forever connects him to you. Satoru loved his son as much as he loved you.
He had no one to really comfort him in the early days of misusing his eyes— they only told him that it was the price for the greatness he would possess. Until you did. You didn’t speak of power or strength. Each time he suffered from those migraines back then, you would hold him close.
And so, he'd be damned if the same thing happened to his precious son. He wouldn't let him be told that—he would do his best to soothe him, to make him feel safe.
"Tomorrow we're getting kikufuku, yeah?" he said with a smile, patting his son’s back gently. "And ice cream too."
"Mmm... 'kay..." the boy replied. "Papa... sleepy..."
"Then sleep, kid. I'll wake you when mama comes back, yeah?"
You. The baby. The two of you were always the center of his world. As he too drifted off to sleep beside his son, he thought that chasing after you was most definitely the greatest decision he made from that blue spring that would never return in his life.
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"I'm home!"
Your mission ended with a bang as you completely obliterated the cursed spirit. You went home with a spring in your steps, thinking that your silly husband and cute son would be waiting for you in this afternoon.
But no one greeted you back, and you found yourself walking to your master bedroom, only to be floored by the sight.
Satoru had dozed off so unguardedly, but he had one protective arm over your son, who was also sleeping. They looked like a pair of twins, and the way your son curled up to your husband melted your heart so much that it brought a wide smile on your face.
Click! Click! You took several photos so you would be able to look at their sleepy state whenever you wanted. But as you marveled at the photographs, suddenly a sneaky hand yanked you—
"Shh, you'll wake him up, mama," Satoru sleepily grinned as he smooched your face. "You took so long, I missed you."
"I finished one day early," you huffed, but then your expression softened as you gazed at your sleeping son. "Seems like both of you are getting along well while I was gone~"
"I fed him mochi and cookies, of course he'll be obedient."
"—! I told you he'll get cavities soon if you don't limit the sweets intake!"
"Oh? Then we just have to have another baby who won't get cavities just as you wish then~"
"That's not how it works! Satoru, you—!"
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pastryfication · 18 days
Can you pls do an Oscar x reader fic where the reader has pots or just faints a lot and she was with lando when she fainted and he gets rlly concerned xx 🩷
a helping hand
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pairings: oscar piastri x reader, platonic!lando norris x reader. content warnings: mentions of fainting, reason why not specified. note: i feel like lando is a really good friend and i hope this mirrors that!! i wrote this while watching the f3 race and i feel so bad for gabriele :(
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you knew the exact feeling that entered your body when you were just about to faint. it was as if you lost control of your body, as if a thick blanket laid itself over all your senses. everything blurred and small dots appeared in your vision.
and because you knew exactly when something about to happen, you also managed to always alert the people around you.
your friends and family knew exactly what to do when you pulled their sleeve and told them you were feeling dizzy. they would help you sit down immediately and let you lean on them as the world disappeared, and would hold you until you again came to your senses. it was a foolproof routine you had created, and it had worked for years, making sure nothing bad had the opportunity to happen.
but sometimes, the routine was ruined. that happened when you weren’t around any of the people who usually helped you.
and that was exactly what happened when you in that moment reached for lando’s arm.
the two of you were standing in the mclaren hospitality, chatting away about your summers as you waited for oscar to come back from some media duties.
you felt the feeling enter your body while lando was in the middle of an enthusiastic retelling of a party he had attended, and at first, you ignored it. a lot of times, it was a false alarm, and you didn’t want to worry the older mclaren driver if nothing was happening.
but when the feeling wasn’t going away, when it only intensified, you reached out to hold onto his shoulder, trying to steady yourself.
“lan,” you interrupted him, and he immediately frowned, a concerned look filling his eyes.
“whoa, shit, are you alright?” his arms came around to support you.
you opened your mouth to answer him, to warn him about what was about to happen, but you didn’t have time before the entire world went black and your body went slack, crumbling to the floor like marionette who’s strings had all been cut.
lando immediately caught you in his arms, gently lowering your still body to lay on the floor as he looked around for help. some people had stopped in their tracks to look at the scene but no one came closer.
“why are you just staring?! someone get oscar!” his voice came out an octave higher than usual, and people immediately stating scrambling away, some in the direction of oscar, some just as far away as they could get.
panic was still gripping at lando, but he forced himself to take a deep breath. his fast-beating heart came back to a normal pace, and as he slowly came back to a feeling of levelheadedness, he started looking around for a place move you, somewhere you wouldn’t get ogled at by all the people rushing around you.
he thought for only a moment before he felt something shifting in his arms and he looked down to find you blinking up at him.
“lan?” your voice was shaky as a lingering fatigue started to envelope you.
you blinked a couple of times to try to steady yourself, slowly feeling your senses coming back. “can you— can we go to oscar’s room?” your voice still felt small, like it wasn’t exactly your own, and you felt vulnerable sitting in the middle of the hospitality. you wanted to get away.
“yeah, of course!” lando was immediately on his feet, eager to do something to help you. “can you walk? or do you want me to carry you?”
you smiled at his words but shook your head slightly. “i think i can walk.”
he nodded in reply, helping you to your feet and placing an arm around your shoulder as you started walking towards the room oscar had been designated for the weekend.
the two of you were nearly halfway there when a deeply frowning oscar came into view.
“love, hey.” he was at your side immediately, replacing lando in holding you up. “are you alright?”
you nodded. “yeah, i think i’m alright now. lando helped.”
oscar sighed in relief, leaning down to press a kiss to your head before sending a grateful look to lando who was still lingering next to you, clearly still shaken up and filled with a protective feeling towards his teammates girlfriend. a person who had grown to become one of his great friends.
“thank you.”
lando only smiled in reply, nodding his head as he slowly started retreating. “anytime. hope you’re alright now.” his eyes lingered and he leaned down give you a half hug, searching your face for any discomfort before finally taking a deep breath. you were alright and he had helped you reach that point.
a small feeling of proudness bloomed in his chest as he watched oscar lead you the last way into his driver’s room. he had helped you.
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bitterkarella · 4 months
Midnight Pals: Mothers day Meltdown
[mysterious circle of robed figures] JK Rowling: hello children Rowling: I was just thinking about how transs people should be eliminated from ssociety Jonathan Chait: whoa whoa whoa! joanne! Chait: you can't say it like THAT Chait: so uncouth Chait: you have to say it with your pinky finger extended
Elon Musk: si! issa no good! Musk: issa too mucha trans genocide Musk: you shoulda only post the right amount offa da trans geocide Musk: lookita me, i lika da trans genocide Musk: but i also like many other genocides Rowling: oh MY GOD Rowling: my empire is crumbling!
Chait: we're not saying you can't still be transphobic Chait: you just have to, you know, cool it a bit Chait: be genteel about it Jesse Singal: mommy mommy i have concerns mommy! Chait: see? just like that
Chait: maybe put a little disclaimer Chait: "this transphobia is for entertainment purposes only" Rowling: do you not know who I am?? I'm JK Rowling! Rowling: JK FUCKING ROWLING!!! Rowling: I MADE YOUR CHILDHOOD MAGICAL!
Rowling: no one tellss me to cool it! Rowling: i own the courtss! Chait: joanne Rowling: and another thing!!! Rowling: SSTOP CALLING ME JOANNE!
[midnight society] JK Rowling: hello children Barker: oh look who it is Barker: what are you doing here joanne? Barker: did your terfs tell you to cool it again? Rowling: Rowling: why doess everyone call me joanne
Rowling: i'm extremely mad about thiss transs football referee Barker: what? Rowling: this transs football referee Barker: Barker: what?
Rowling: there's a transs football referee and i'm really mad about it! Rowling: what, haven't you heard? Barker: joanne, why are you here Rowling: and another thing! Rowling: sstop calling me joanne!!
Rowling: people are alwayss all "joanne this" and joanne that! Rowling: wah wah wah joanne joanne joanne! Barker: do you not like your name Barker: you could change it Poe: clive Poe: just let her tire herself out Barker: no no I've got something here
Rowling: people are alwayss "oh wah wah wah joanne, how can you ssay that! your bookss are all about tolerance and love wah wah wah!" Rowling: bitch i think i know what my booksss are about! Rowling: i fuckin wrote them after all!
Rowling: blah blah blah ohh joanne Rowling: i hate when people call me joanne!! Rowling: they should fear to say my true name! Barker: oh damn look at that Barker: looks like we're having a good ol' fashioned mothers day meltdown Poe: clive don't encourage this
King: but joanne! how can you say that? King: after all the lessons of harry potter? King: you made our childhoods magical!
Rowling: people are all "blah blah blah joanne how can you like naziss now when you ssaid they were bad in harry potter" Rowling: first of all, harry potter iss fiction! Rowling: secondly, the death eaters are actually a ssinister coalition of evil transs, sspooniess, fat people, free masonss, and diane duane Rowling: always have been! Rowling: thiss iss NOT a retcon!
Rowling: that sshould be obviouss if you've read the book Rowling: UNLESSS Rowling: you're a fake potterhead, ssteve King: no of course not! i love harry potter
Rowling: DO YOU Rowling: perhaps then Rowling: you would be willing to take a blood oath to the dark lord Rowling: to belong to the dark lord body and ssoul Rowling: who is always correct King: i uh don't think i'm going to take that oath, sorry Rowling: UGH! Rowling: this is just like Radcliffe all over again!
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notherpuppet · 7 months
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I wrote the full parody to Ready For This in the Role Reversal AU because I wanted to lol.
Transcription below.
Ready For This (Role Reversal AU parody)
Alastor: Have you ever wanted something
That was so clear in your mind that you could taste it?

Susan: You mean like ice cream you get for a friend?

Alastor: Ha! No.
It's a feeling like a rumbling in your gut
That you could finally be faced with
A million greedy faces, I guess what I mean to say is

For the first time in my life
I might have to be ready for this
Ready to be the one who's leading from the front

Couldn’t do it on my own
And history has shown
Legends cannot win wars alone

The burden is a bit too heavy
So I need to be ready for this

Have you ever felt like you're willing to kill
To save the people on your own team?

Susan: I don’t know, seems a bit extreme…

Alastor: Not to me!
'Cause right now, we need a leader
And it seems to be that
Charlie is forcing me to be that
because she’s pissy

So who's with me?

Wouldn't it just be swell to see more of Hell?
Join up now if you like travel
Come on girls, prepare for battle!
Lotta sights to see en route to the hotel
Not to mention all of the glory!

Yes indeed, your enemies will cower
And heads will be severed!

Charlie: You’ll make a bunch of brand new friends!

Alastor: Whatever.

Exorcists: New friends!?
I'm in
Oh whoa
I’m so lonely

It's time now to act
They're on the attack
When they move to strike
Just know we’ve got your back!

We'll follow your lead
We're eager to see
everyone we meet
On the hellish retreat!

From this moment on, you can count us in
To be organized and disciplined

Our thirst for justice
keeps us strong, fierce, and brave
So I say, "Ho hey! Let’s join in his crusade!"

Alastor: Now thats the spirit! Can we amp it up?
Vaggie: Oh, don’t mind their hesitation, that’s just their new inclination

Alastor: But I can awaken their bloodlust!
Vaggie: Careful, kid. Don’t push your luck!
Alastor: Fair enough…

Alastor and Vaggie: We're super duper grateful
To have you gals aboard

Exorcists: We can’t wait to hug an overlord! (Alastor: Yeah, sure...)

Alastor: For the first time in my life
Maybe I can be ready for this
I can be the marshal leading the parade

I can come into my own
And I think I've always known
My destiny could never be postponed

When they come for the hotel
I’ll give em hell cuz I’m ready for this!

Vaggie: They're dancing along?
They're singing his song!?
Charlie: Surprised?
Why, I knew he could do it all along!

Charlie and Vaggie: He’s bound to be redeemed, the dream has a chance!
Though he seemed hopeless at first glance…

Charlie: He’s filled with potential that I could guide!
Vaggie: Fine, I’m in.

Charlie and Vaggie: Stick with him, he will surely see the light!

All: For the first time in our lives
We know that we are ready for this

Vaggie: We’ll show them we can forgive and forget!

All: It's time to lend a hand

Alastor: It is time to take a stand! (Exorcists: Woohoo!)
Against overlords and their deadly threat!

All: We can provide your support
The time has come to stop a war
Defend your home, we're ready for...

Alastor: I really hope that they’re ready for this...
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tobyfier · 6 months
Can you do a doppelgänger M!reader? Reader is a doppelgänger who manages to move into the apartment complex and readers original plan was to k!ll everyone the moment he was let in but the moment he’s allowed in he sees Francis just trying to get to his apartment and reader becomes immediately infatuated with him, he then has a change of plans. His new plan is to get Francis’s attention anyway possible.
This can be smut or not doesn’t matter you do whatever you want with this, this just came off the top of my head and I just need more milkman fics 😿😿
I’m inlove with a monster.
;Male reader
Genre: Fluff to smut
Warning: NSFW AT THE END!!! Bottom reader,Handjobs(receiving),creampie,make out session,overstimulation
A/n: Technically this isn’t my first time writing smut..however it has been a while since I wrote one, I’m just hoping it won’t look too cringy; as for the minors..I can’t exactly stop you from reading this, you guys are just growing people who’s going through puberty, I’ve been through that before. Now I will discourage minors who are BELOW 13 years old.
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This doorman is taking a bit longer than usual to be honest. They seem to be double checking everything, did they figure it out or something? My heart stopped when I saw them reach for the phone ‘Fuck, I didn’t think of that.’ I didn’t break out of character just yet, there’s a possibility that the real one isn’t home. They waited and waited until they put the phone down. They stared at me for a while, cold sweat started to run down my neck before they smiled and pressed a button
“Alright, looks like you’re good to go!” I sighed from relief and nodded at them before going inside the building, I grinned to how naive the doorman is because of their mistake, they put everyone’s lives at risk, oh I can’t wait-…whoa..
3rd POV
M/n honestly felt like the world stopped moving when he say a guy infront of him struggling to open his door, he didn’t know who that guy or what his name is but all he knows is that he’s pretty charming. Once the man shut his door only then M/n snapped out of his trance, a slight blush covering his face. Trying to figure out what the hell just happened to him, it all felt so new to him and so unfamiliar. But nonetheless he didn’t dislike the feeling, he wanted more in fact..
‘New purpose, I’m gonna try and get as close with that mine and find out what this feeling is.’ M/n thought before going downstairs to ask for a spare key because he doesn’t have a key to his new house
Every single day M/n would try and greet Francis, to try and strike a conversation with him.
“Hey Francis, buddy ol pal, how you doing?” M/n greeted him, trying to act as normal and formal as possible but failing to do so.
“I’m doing fine, how about you mr. Moo juice?” Francis responded smiling a bit at the nickname he gave for M/n.
“It was one time!” M/n’s face burned from embarrassment, as a way to talk to Francis he tried ordering some milk from him when he stumbled on his words, calling milk ‘Moo juice’ by mistake.
“Well I’m sorry but it’s pretty much I possible for me to get that memory out of my head, it’s too funny!” Francis giggled, M/n could listen to him giggle every single day and will not get tired of hearing it
“Well-I still remember the time when you accidentally barged into my apartment thinking it was yours because you were drunk!” Now it was Francis turn to get embarrassed
“Well you can’t exactly blame a drunk man for it, I would barely comprehend what happened then!” Francis laughed before putting on his hat “I’d love to chat with you more but I still have to go to work. I’ll talk to you later, see you!” He greeted him goodbye and went down the hall to the elevator
2nd POV
You sighed, already missing his presence greatly. During the past few months you grew to be comfortable living in the apartments, forming friendship with the other neighbors most especially Francis, obviously. After some time you learned that the original you was actually a writer..a bit boring but you tried writing a few times and slowly you grew to like it.
Sometimes you wondered whether the original you and Francis ever talked to eachother, but from how shy and quiet he was during the first few conversations maybe not as close. Every single conversation,exchange of greetings,waves,or any interaction with him, you cherished every single one of them. With a help of a neighbor whom you call a friend named Mia, told you that it might be a crush or infatuation. And although it’s not really viewed as a good thing to date the same gender in public, you could care less about what other people think. You only cared about Francis view on it, I mean he has an ex wife and literally has a child. It’s impossible for him to like you back..
Atleast that’s what you hoped, you hoped this time you were wrong.
Francis’ POV
I sighed at the tiring day, driving house to house and city to city was really tiring. All I wanted was to go back to my apartment and rest..if not maybe chat with M/n again. He’s a really nice and fun person to be with, his energy was never really overwhelming and he’s the perfect person to talk to whenever I’m tired but also want someone to talk to. His stories are so interesting to listen to, especially the forbidden love ones.
If I had to be honest, I never thought him and I were gonna get close. After the “moo juice” incident, we started talking more. I hope I get to talk to him soon, for now I have to focus on delivering this milk trays. I looked back to see how much I have to deliver and saw that there was still a lot, he sighed “This is gonna take a while..”
I groaned, finally done delivering the milk and stumbled upon the elevator, pressing the 3rd button and waiting for it to close. I took off my hat and started fanning myself, hoping it will cool me off from the tiring job. I sighed in relief once I heard the elevator ring and walked out of the elevator to M/n’s apartment, knocking a few times before waiting.
M/n’s POV
I yawned tiredly, I just woke up from a nap because someone knocked on the door. Being a different species has it’s perks, one being having heightened hearing. I opened the door not caring if it was a Doppel or not, if it was then I could handle it anyway, I’m one myself..what I didn’t expect was a tired milkman collapsing on me like a drunken man.
“Bloody hell-you scared me!” I wrapped my arm on his torso and carried him to my couch, I tried walking away to get something when he suddenly pulled me into the couch, trapping me below him “Uhm..Francis buddy, let me go. I’m gonna get some pillows for you.”
“No..stay here, I’ll just use you as my pillow..” he mumbled, hugging me tighter. It’s adorable seeing him in such state, it reminded me of the time he got drunk
“You’re Lucky You’re adorable..” i mumbled suddenly, not even thinking of my words, I slapped my hand over my mouth. Francis tensed and looked at me
“You find me adorable?” He asked, he doesn’t sound disgusted nor angry, actually he sounds shock and intrigue
“Uh yeah, I do actually..” What the fuck am I saying, he might think I’m weird now!
“..I’m glad you think of me that way too..” he said before laying his head on my chest..wait what.
“Hold on what-you cant just say that so suddenly!” I said sitting up straight so he won’t fall asleep on me
“Why not? You said it first.” He replied, my face burned from embarrassment
“I mean yeah but I didn’t expect you to think I’m cute..” I said blushing a bit
“Why not? I mean sometimes you act like a dog, obedient and gets excited when it comes to certain things. Especially when you’re talking about your new story. Everything about you is cute.” He said, not minding the effects of what his words did to me, bastard even smirked.
“Stop it, you’re saying things out of the blue!” I yelled, hiding my face from him, but my heart stopped when I heard what he said next
“Not to mention when you’re so tired, you don’t notice the little horns sticking out of your head.” I stopped for a moment and slowly looked at him, does he..I quickly grabbed his wrists and pinned him in the couch
“When did you know about me.” I asked sternly, although I liked him, I didn’t wanna go back to the d.d.d’s. No, i already had a good life and I won’t let it go away.
“The first week after we talked.” How is he so calm about this? I mean a doppelgänger pinning him to the couch, potentially getting eaten? “I already know you won’t hurt nor eat me, you love me too much for you to do that.”
“Well I uh..true..” I replied, loosening my grip on his wrists, in return he slipped his hand out and slowly he sat up
“See, I knew you love me..” he said soothingly while rubbing my head, like a dog..I sighed
“You didn’t even tell me?..” I asked, I’m a bit suprised how he’s handling this situation so calmly
“I always rub your head like this and it just goes away.” He said before pulling his hand back “see? It’s gone.”
“IT WAS THERE AGAIN?!” I yelled, he chuckled
“So uh..what are we now?..” he asked, I tilted my head in confusion
“Are we-I mean can you-do you wanna be together?..” he asked in a low voice, I was silent for a moment before quickly hugging him
“You don’t know how happy I am for you to tell that you actually like me back, even after knowing I’m not even the original M/n..” I hugged him tighter, I felt his arms wrap around my lower back and buried his face on my hair
“If I had to be honest, I prefer you over the original..and don’t think I haven’t noticed you.” He said giggling a bit, I was confused on what he meant by that “I can always see glancing at me from a far,from how your mood drastically changes depending if I’m in the room or not,and don’t get me started with those lovable dork eyes of yours with the mention of my name. And Mia ratted you out.”
“She what?!” I yelled, I groaned loudly and slapped a hand on my face, I means it’s expected..this is Mia we’re talking about, she literally told me all of the gossip when we first talked..
“Can I kiss you?” He asked, I looked at him with wide eyes, is it just me or is he getting bolder? “So is that a no-“
“Yes!” I quickly answered before shutting my mouth, it sounded like I was desperate or something, he seemed to like it by the way he chuckled
Before I knew, our lips smashed with each other, the kiss felt nice..it was comforting and tender, and filled with love. Something I wanted to experience everyday, and I’ll be sure to make that happen. Unfortunately he pulled away, I leaned forward unconsciously and he laughed through his nose.
“It seems you liked it it by how you leaned for more.” He laughed a bit, I could only stare at him with adoration, yeah I could definitely get used to this..
I quickly pulled him into another one to which he reciprocated quickly, the kiss was much more intense than before. I opened my mouth a little to get some air when he suddenly pushed his tongue inside my mouth, to which I choked at the sudden sensation but I welcomed it nonetheless. Looks can be deceiving, he’s the right person to use for it, at first he way seem like a tired and inexperienced person but boy..when I tell you he’s good..
Soon he pulled away so we can catch our breaths, a string of saliva connected our mouths as we planted from the session we had. My face was red considering it was my first time doing that, I was a bit surprised how well and experienced he is actually.
“Do you still wanna go further?” He asked, either way he already knows I’m gonna say yes due to the tent in my pants anyway
“Y-yeah sure.” I stuttered, he seems to be looking at my pants
“Just wanted to ask, since you’re a doppelgänger and you can alternate yourself, I’m just wondering if there’s a possibility you can alternate down there?” He asked, ah so that’s why
“Yeah, why? Do you want me to change it?” I asked but he shook his head as a no
“No, I want something to play with while doing it.” I raised an eyebrow at his statement
“O-oh shit-!” I gasped when his pace became faster, currently we were in my bedroom giving me a handjob, he had an iron grip on my leg so I couldn’t crawl away “Hah ah-I shouldn’t..have ah!-asked..” I managed to speak
He just chuckled at my disheveled appearance, my hair was a mess. Sticking to my forehead, some got tangled by how much I turned my head side to side to ignore the feeling. My clothes are long gone, all thrown to the floor thanks to Mr. Milkman. Francis was shirtless and his hat was on my head, saying I looked cuter with it. This guy really likes seeing me like this doesn’t he?
“Please..” I muttered, I’m close and I’m sure he noticed it too by how my dick throb in his hand.
“Please what dearie? I can’t hear you.” He teased, smug bastard.
“Let m-me come mngh..please-I’m clo-HNGK..!” I choked on my spit once he gripped it and speed up the pace much faster than before, I tried to hold it in but the bastard was determined to make me release, and so I did. White streaks shot out from the tip, landing on his chest and to my stomach. I panted like a person who ran a marathon, but it felt great. It was something I’ve never really felt before..
I looked over at him to see him wipe some of the cum of his chest and to his mouth, I blushed at the act and immediately yelled at him
“Spit that out, it’s dirty!” He didn’t listen of course, fucker even snapped his tongue
“It’s sweet and salty..” he seemed a bit surprised, is it because of the salty part or sweet?
“Probably from all the milk you delivered to me..” I finally calmed down from my high but noticed that he was unbuckling his belt.
“H-hold on, you’re not finished I thought-hey!” I was a bit surprised when he listed my other leg and rested it on his shoulder, I grabbed a pillow to hold on to, something tells this one is gonna be different..
“You didn’t think I was finish were you?” His eyes met mine and instantly I felt small “I still haven’t had my problem solved yknow?”
Oh yeah he’s right, it would be a bit unfair to stop this when he hasn’t finished his yet. And so I hug my pillow, preparing for what’s about to happen. I dozed off a bit, obviously this is my first time and I have no experience with this kind of things, I just wondered how it was gonna feel whether it would lean more to pain or-
“Holy sh-mngh..!” I bite into the pillow when I felt my stretched up when he entered, it stinged, not in a way it was painful, it felt good..
He didn’t think so though because he immediately stopped and looked at me with concern “Sh-shit I’m sorry, I should’ve warned you..” he apologized, rubbing circles around my thighs
“It’s fine..it-..it felt good.” I admitted “Keep going..”
He blushed and nodded, slowly he pushed the rest of it in me, I muffled myself using the pillow. Holy shit did that feel nice, never really thought it would feel this good honestly.
“Can I move?” He asked softly, it’s cute how he still needs to ask
“Yes..” I replied
He indeed took that opportunity and pulled away, leaving the tip inside me before thrusting back. I choked out a moan, not expecting the sudden rough movement, not that I was complaining though it was kind of attractive.
The pace was fast and hard, the way he feels inside of me was something I could never explain in words. He was quite literally hitting all of the right place, like he studied my body and memorized all of the sensitive parts. The bed started creaking from how fast he was going but I could careless, all I could think about was him and him only. I was close again, the knot in my stomach was back. And as if he’s reading my thoughts his hand gripped my dick once more and started pumping it. His hand felt so nice against my dick, I could get used to this all day.
“F-fuck!..too ah-!m..much..” I moaned out, I didn’t even notice the tears that were rolling down my face atop the pillows. I could feel his thrust getting uneven “Please..!”
“You can k-keep it in, just a few more..” he panted, chasing his release, he slowed down his hand so I wouldn’t release so soon.
A few thrusts and soon he came inside of me, the feeling of being filled up plus his hand pumping my dick immediately put me to my climax. We both panted, riding out our high from the activity. He exhaled and collapsed his body on mine due to exhaustion.
“Oof bloody hell are you heavy.” I stated, he chuckled tickling my neck
“How was it?..” he asked after moving a little so I can breath, his arms were wrapped around my waist
“It’s scary how you know my body so well despite this being the first time you’re exploring it..” I admitted “You were great.”
“Glad to know..” he muttered, burrying his face onto my neck even more
Silence engulfed the room..
“How am I supposed to explain my neighbors about these bite marks and hickeys littered all around my neck. I swear you did this on purpose didn’t you.” I slapped his head weakly to which he laughed and hugged me tighter
“Yeah yeah, I’m sorry. But it’s not my fault you had a pretty neck, I couldn’t help it!” He stated
“Oh so that’s my fault?!” I laughed
Yeah I’m definitely gonna get used to this now..
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luvismenu · 19 days
happy birthday master — jjk one shot
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happy birthday to our golden boy!!! 🥺🫶🏻
pairing: boyfriend!jk x fem!reader
warnings: lower case intended, maid cosplay (role-play?), making out, oral (male receiving), praising, hair pulling, spanking, clit play, unprotected sex, use of 'master" , bigdick!jk
wc: 1.7k+
note — not proof-read! y'all better ignore the mistakes cuz i wrote this quickly in one sitting 🥴
♡ — permanent taglist: @wnteraezz @jkvias @jksctrl @blaricee @blluee28 @letmekookk @whoa-jo @wobblewobble822 @jkslvsnella @clxssy1997 @nikkinikj @kayleesaltzmann @rrosiitas @naurnonope @lola75111 @somehowukook @redcherrykook @parkinglot-nights @deluluisdasolulu @minghaosimp @hyeon-yi
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you love jungkook more than anything.
and you'd go to the ends of the earth just to see him happy.
it’s his birthday today, and he’ll be home in just a few minutes. he had to go to his office for some work, which, to your relief, ended up taking him a few hours. that extra time was a blessing because it gave you the chance to get everything ready.
you want this to be perfect for him.
after all, he deserves nothing less on his special day.
that is why you bought a cute maid cosplay as a surprise for him!!
you’re a bit nervous about it, unsure if he’ll like it, but you remember the way his eyes lit up when he once mentioned maid cosplays... and just cosplays in general.
jungkook is always so generous with you. he gets you everything you want, often before you even have the chance to ask. and when it's your birthday, he makes sure it's an unforgettable experience, with grand celebrations that leave you in awe.
what you're doing right now might not compare to the extravagant surprises he plans for you, but you’re determined to make this the best birthday he’s ever had.
anything to see that smile on your boyfriend’s face, right?
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you’re hiding behind the couch, dressed in your maid outfit, your heart racing with excitement.
your outfit is adorable—the skirt is mid-thigh length, and you notice how it rides up slightly, teasing just a hint of your ass.
the fabric hugging you just right, with a little bow on your chest that really completes the look.
you look like a birthday present (at least, you hope so!)
you’re excited, maybe a little nervous too
you’ve planned this surprise down to the last detail, and all you can do now is hope he’ll love it.
when he switches the lights on, you’re going to jump out like a bunny, and in that moment, you’ll find out if all this effort was worth it.
then, you hear the sound of the door unlocking. your heart skips a beat as you quickly get into position, ready to do your little jump.
“baby? you planning to scare me or something?” you hear him call out as he walks in, the sound of his keys jingling and you don't miss the slight teasing tone in his voice.
your heart is pounding in your chest as you quickly adjust your outfit, trying to steady your nerves.
the lights flick on, and you take a deep breath, jumping right into character.
“welcome home, m-master,” you stammer slightly, a blush creeping onto your cheeks as you see him standing there, his eyes wide with surprise. you almost laugh when you notice him nearly dropping the wine bottle in his hand.
“baby...” he slowly looks you up and down.
you catch the faintest hint of a curse under his breath, and it makes you smile, relieved to see that he’s clearly impressed.
“happy birthday,” you say softly as you walk over to him
“huh—oh, right, it’s my birthday, yeah wow.. fuck” he struggles to find his words, too distracted by your appearance. you chuckle, taking the bottle from him and placing it on the table with the cake and decorations.
his eyes never leave your body, tracing every curve and detail
“what do you think, master?” you ask, biting your lip as you look up at him.
“master?” he echoes, a smirk slowly spreading across his face as he meets your gaze.
“i am your maid for today, gonna serve you good” you reply, your fingers playing with the collar of his shirt, “do you not like it, master?”
“like? baby, i fucking love it!” he says, pulling you close, his arms wrapping around your waist.
“you look so fucking pretty,” his hands slowly drift down, cupping your ass in his palms. you gasp softly, and he grins with satisfaction before leaning in to kiss your neck. “so beautiful,”
you let him grab and squeeze your ass gently, feeling his touch grow more intense. then, he captures your lips in a kiss.
“are you really gonna serve your master, baby?” he whispers against your lips.
“yes,” you breathe out, and he squeezes your
ass harder.
he kisses you again, this time more passionately. his tongue slips into your mouth, making you let out a soft moan. his hands make their way to your hips, giving them a soft squeeze.
after what feels like two minutes, you gently push him back. he looks at you, a little confused.
“you have to at least take one bite of that cake before we do anything else,” you say pointing at the cake.
“oh i'm definitely gonna take a bite,” he says as his hand lands a playful spank on your ass, making you yelp.
you quickly light the candle, the tiny flame flickering. as you finish, he pulls you closer to his side, wrapping an arm around your waist.
“birthday wish?” you ask, tilting your head to look up at him, a soft smile on your lips.
he gazes down at you, his eyes softening, "i have you; what more could i want baby?" he murmurs, pressing a gentle kiss to the side of your face.
with a content sigh, he leans forward and blows out the candle. you carefully slice a piece of the cake, and then lift the piece to his lips. he takes a bite, savoring the taste, his eyes never leaving yours.
“delicious,” he says and you smile, pleased that he's enjoying the cake you made.
as you set the rest of the cake down, you notice a bit of cream on your fingers.
you smirk to yourself before you bring your fingers to your mouth, making sure he's watching every move. you slowly and deliberately suck the cream off your fingers, your tongue swirling around each finger, savoring the sweetness, while your eyes lock with his.
he kisses you immediately, his hands cupping your face, your tongues moving together as soft hums escape both of you. the kiss is urgent, yet passionate.
his breath catches, eyes darkening as he watches you.“fuck,” he breathes out, the word barely audible.
you start unbuttoning his shirt, your fingers fumbling slightly in your eagerness. he helps you take it off with one hand while his other hand grabs a fistful of your hair, pulling you closer, leaving no space between you as he deepens the kiss.
after a few heated minutes, he pulls back, his breath unsteady. “I'm your master for tonight, yeah baby?”
you nod quickly, your heart racing.
“gonna be a good girl for me, hm?”
“yes master,” you drop to your knees before him.
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“mmph-fuck, yes baby, you're doing so good,” he groans, his voice thick with pleasure as you gag and drool on his cock. his breathing becomes ragged, each gasp echoing in the room as you take him deeper.
“you look so cute sucking my cock like that,” he murmurs, his hand gripping your hair as he watches you. the sight of your lips wrapped around him, the way your tongue swirls and your eyes water drives him wild. he groans, the sound low and deep, vibrating through his chest as he feels the warmth of your mouth engulfing him.
“fuck... get up, baby,” he orders, his voice filled with urgency. he moves his hand from your hair, helping you to your feet. he turns you around, guiding you into position.
"bend over for me, yeah?" he whispers, his tone commanding yet filled with affection. he pushes you gently down, and your hands grip the couch.
his hand travels down to your ass, giving it a sharp slap that makes you gasp. the sting makes you bite your lip, a mix of pain and pleasure coursing through you.
he doesn't stop there.
he continues delivering several more spanks, each one making you whimper and wriggle.
“you like that, baby?” he asks as he massages your now reddened ass, soothing the burn with soft, circular motions.
“mmfh... master, want you in me,” you whimper
he pulls your panties down in one swift motion, exposing your wetness to him. one hand stays on your hip holding you steady, while the other trails down to your clit. he moves his fingers slowly, rubbing them in teasing circles that make your legs weak. your moans grow louder, and your hips move involuntarily as he continues playing with your clit.
”will you let me cum inside you, baby?” he asks, his voice strained as his fingers continue their assault on your clit.
“yes... yes, please,” you moan out
he slaps your ass once more, the sound sharp and loud. “yes what?”
”yes, m-master,”
a satisfied smirk tugs at the corners of his mouth as he positions himself at your entrance. he teases you for a moment, rubbing the tip of his cock against your wetness before slowly pushing inside.
it feels so fucking good.
your walls stretching as his cock fills you completely.
he feels so fucking good.
“f-fuck master, so big!!” your grip on the couch tightens as you moan loudly. the feeling of his big cock inside you is almost too much, the pleasure so intense
“so tight, so good for me,” he grunts, his thrusts becoming faster, more forceful. the sound of skin slapping against skin fills the room, each thrust driving you closer to the edge.
“such a perfect pussy,”
his hand stays on your hip, holding you in place as the other reaches up to your hair, grabbing a fistful and pulling your head back slightly. the added pressure makes you cry out, your body arching as he pounds into you relentlessly.
“so good... so fucking good,” he groans,
you can feel the heat building inside you, your body trembling. “master, i-i'm close,” you whimper, your voice shaky
“cum for me baby,” he growls, both of his hands moving to your hips to hold you as his thrusts become more urgent.
your body tensing before you cry out his name, your orgasm crashing over you. your walls tighten around him, pulsing as you moan, lost in the pleasure.
“fuck, baby, i'm gonna-" he gasps, his thrusts quickening before he drives into you one last time.
he cums hard, his grip on you tightening as he finds his release, filling you with warmth. for a moment, you both stay still, breathing heavily. slowly, he pulls out, a soft groan escaping his lips.
he then pulls you into his arms
“i love you so fucking much baby," he murmurs, pressing a gentle kiss to your shoulder. "you're perfect.”
“happy birthday, master” you let out a tired chuckle and so does he
“best birthday ever”
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mechaknight-98 · 6 months
Aggression (NSFW) FT Sohee Kim
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Authors note: I wrote this in the delirium of Hay fever but I figured some of you might enjoy it
I try to steady my breathing as I wake up. My musth is coming in a few days and it's shaping up to be a particularly nasty one. I need to focus for the next few days as my performance at work has already been dropping and I can't afford for it to slip. after getting up my girlfriend (and fellow Alpha) Sohee stirs.
"You okay dear? It's 3 in the morning." Sohee asked. I nodded and went to go for my musth suppressants in the medicine cabinet. Shit they were empty.
"Honey I know you have been stressed and trying to focus better at work but you need to stop taking Musth Suppressants." Sohee pleads.
my hands tremble as I can feel the anger, lust, and raw aggression beginning to take hold.
"I know honey but I just need to get out of this Probation Period," I tell her.
"Babe you've extended taking them every time something new has come up. First, it was "I need to get this job" then it was "We need to finish the move" Now it's this. You have been suppressing yourself and you're just making your next musth that much worse for you. they aren't helping. You get home lethargic but restless so you can't sleep. You don't dump the hormones either by fucking or fighting. so they just sit in your body till the next must. I see it in your eyes." Sohee warned.
"But we fuck all the time?" I countered. Sohee rolls her eyes.
"While I may not be your type of alpha You and I both know Alpha biology requires musth/rut fucking, and competition to maintain a happy and healthy lifestyle," Sohee replied
I sighed trying to stay calm but I couldn't afford for anything to go wrong with this new job. I know she means well but sometimes she gets in my way...whoa that's not the thought I wanted. Sohee was not an obstacle. I loved her it's just rough right now.
It was just a stressful time right now. I couldn't afford to take time off since I had just been able to move out and support Sohee and me. We are also planning a vacation later in the year to celebrate our 5th anniversary. I ran my hands through my hair as I tried to figure out what to do next. Sohee sighed and said "This is the last time." as she handed me a bottle of over-the-counter musth suppressant.
"Oh, thanks, honey. You are the best." I say with a smile as she throws me those pills Sohee smiles as she walks up and kisses my cheek. I smile and slap her ass as she walks away.
"Hey be careful because you might start my rut, and I won't go easy on you," Sohee says with a sly smile. I laugh and take the pills before going back and having the most pleasant dream of having a lovely brunch with a very naked Sohee.
I wake up well-rested and get ready for work. while I do so Sohee also gets ready. As per usual she walks by naked so she can shower. Usually, my urges are painful but bearable. They aren't complete inhibitors after all (Sohee and I both agreed I shouldn't be taking those). I feel an intense burning sensation in my crotch followed by the equally intense, and almost ravenous wave of lust. I dig my fingers into the sink and stop when I hear a crack. Sohee seems to notice my discomfort and asks with concern, "Everything okay babe?" I breathe heavily before responding.
"Yeah, last round hopefully," I say. Sohee smiles
"Good. Now get ready before I force you to call in sick." She teases as she wiggles her cute butt. She always does this but today she looks so much sexier than usual. I just want to pound her until she begs me to stop. I watch drooling but quickly regain my composure. I finished getting ready and as I did Sohee met me to send me off. I smile at her hungrily as a familiar sensation in my loins burns, and my headaches.
"See you later sexy," I say with a level of confidence I didn't know I had. Sohee smiles as we kiss. Feeling emboldened for some reason I probe into her mouth with the kiss, and get lost in it before Sohee breaks it.
"Gosh, I forget sometimes that you're a really good kisser," she replies breathlessly
"Well maybe you could cancel your schedules and we just stay home today," I say not thinking clearly. Sohee puts her hands up in an x before she smiles.
"No, I need to go to this one. it's for our comeback, just wait for me at home," she says. I nod and fall into another kiss with her. I lose control again as I grip her ass tightly
"I Love you. I love this ass. This ass is mine." I growl. Sohee chuckles before she wraps a leg around my waist. "No other Alpha can satisfy me like you do." I continue. I smile ravenously when I hear Sohee mewl before she pushes me off. "Dinobardo we both need to go." Sohee protests. Her using my full first name excites me but also anchors me. I take it as a challenge to take her then and there. The horny Alpha Part of me accepts the challenge, but my rational brain kicks in and I remember that I don't have time for this.
"I am sorry Sohee I don't know what's wrong with me," I say. Sohee gives me an understanding smile
"No worries honey. Just go to work and come back," she says with an understanding smile. I nod and drive to work. I get through three hours before naked Sohee begins to run through my mind. I begin to pitch a tent and feel the brunt of my musth and fuck it's hard to stop. wave after wave of this unrelenting lust washes over me as if I am caught in a riptide of desire, but that's not the worst part. The hornier I get the angrier and more irritable I get. My senses get dialed up to an 18 out of 10, and every little thing can set me off. the leaky tile in the corner of my office. the tapping of someone's nails in the other office three doors down I sense it all, and it drives me ballistic. This isn't even counting the massive headache I was nursing. I crack my knuckles as I try to focus but the door opens and my friend James walks in. I look at him furiously, and he nods and walks out. I barely make it to lunch before I try to take a nap but all I can dream about is fucking Sohee. I groan and get back and power to work where the heat hits me worse. I claw into my skull as I try to ride out the waves and focus but my mind because foggier as it's consumed by fighting and fucking. I need to do one or the other or I will go feral. As I release my hands from my skull I see blood pouring and realize I may already be there.
I take a deep breath trying not to let my body control me. I do the meditation practices but it doesn't help. my erection is raging at this point uncontrollably. I take another deep breath before counting to ten when I get the call. I look at my phone it's Sohee. I answer
"What's up honey," I say.
Sohee chuckles, "Where's that husk coming from? Are you okay you sound weird." she replies. Her voice makes the feelings worse as imagine fucking her till she begs me to stop.
"I don't know I feel like my skin is burning and something inside me is trying to claw its way out," I answer as Sohee listens.
"Well, honey maybe the Musth suppressant reached their tolerance threshold and won't work anymore. You sound like you're going through like 5 months right now." Sohee suggests.
"It certainly feels like I am. I have never felt this horny and this angry." I lament.
"Dino maybe you should go home and wait for me." Sohee pleads
"I am almost done for the day though I have two hours left," I whine.
"Dinobardo Michaell Benedict Jr. Go home and wait for me. I can hear the lust and anger in your voice, and I almost can smell your scent from over the phone. Go home early and wait for me before you hurt anyone. I promise I'll take care of you while your body rages against you." Sohee demands. I hesitate before relenting. Sohee wouldn't use my full name if she wasn't serious so I'd better take this seriously. I shut all my work stuff
"Okay, honey I'll go. I'll talk to you later" I reply before I get up from my office and go to my boss.
"Oh Dino heading out early?" he asks I nod.
"Good. I was about to send you home as people were complaining about your Rut Scent. " my Boss joked. I groaned and nodded.
"See you next week boss," I reply
My boss smiles and waves, "Take care of yourself." he says as he sees me off.
I arrive home with no issue. I sit on our couch and try to sleep but every time I close my eyes visions of Sohee plague them. when I finally do get a normal dream my alarm blades off and says it's time to take more suppressants I get up and feel my head pounding. I steady myself enough to go to the bathroom and Grab two more pills I take them and I notice the temporin seeping out. My blood boils my suppressant was to stop this specific thing. I look at the bottle of pills, and it reads Maxwell lord’s Marvellous which is the correct brand, but under it in little tiny letters says “musth amplifiers” The flowery letters are hard to read as my brain loses the ability to comprehend complex tasks due to the musth fully taking over. Something tells me to take another too. So I did. At this point, my brain is made a horny and angry mush by the musth the heat of my own body has become unbearable so I strip to my boxers. I try to remember what I was doing or who I was waiting for as I meander over to my bed but I can't. I fish out my dick and begin to stroke it languidly now fully in throes and acquiescing to my body’s demand t try to relieve some of the build-up, but it does exceptionally little to ease the lust I feel. I need my mate. I reach for my phone but I can't remember the code to open it. It infuriated me as I typed in numbers that swam through my head. So I am teased by my mate’s face but I can't even remember her name no matter how much I scrape my head trying to. It only serves to worsen my headache and my temperament I can't even remember my mate’s name and this is the person I wish to mark…pathetic. I chastised myself and looked at the wall trying to clear the brain fog, but the more I tried to focus the more the brain fog intensified. Time space and conscious thought all became labored concepts in my heavily lust-addled mind. Then finally I heard the door open. I heard a feminine voice ring out,
“Honey are you okay.”
I labored down the stairs through an almost endless amount of growing lust and brain fog. When I get down my mate sees me with a wicked smile on her face. I couldn't focus as she wore a crop top pushing her perky breasts up and to attention and a very short skirt that flaunted her curves and ass. I couldn't reply
“You okay? You look feral” Sohee says with a smile. My mind clears enough to remember my mate’s name and I smile. I approach Sohee and steady myself on her shoulders. Sohee looks down at my boxers where she sees my bulge. She smiles at me as she lowers herself to my crotch. I groan as she releases my trunk and it flops on her face. Sohee looks up at me with a lusted smile.
“Oh honey, you've been walking around with this all day. Let me take care of it.” Sohee says and begins to suck. I groan as her warm mouth takes me inside. I finally begin to relief and for a moment my brain fog clears.
“Oh thank god dear that feels so good,” I reply. Sohee smiles
“You're back?” she says with a slight pout. She stops and immediately I'm stupefied again. She drags me up to our bedroom and she goes into the bathroom and grabs a bottle but I can't remember what it said or reads. She takes 3 pills out of it and gestures for me to take them. I shake my head as I get a bad vibe from them. Sohee gets at my eye level her brown eyes are full of stern concern before she says
“Take them. You need this,” she says. Not wanting to make her mad I take the pills she begins to strip down to her panties (which have a stain on the front) and bra. After an unclear amount of time, my brain fog cleared, and the amount of anger I felt as I recalled everything was unreasonable.
“You dirty whore I trusted you and you poisoned me,” I yelled. Sohee’s eyes turned to slits demonstrating her excitement.
“Oh and what are you going to do about it.” she challenged. I ripped her panties and bra open, bent her over, and plunged into her.
“Is this what you wanted? I balls deep in your whore cunt.” I yell as I thrust into her cunt which is unreasonably tight almost oppositionally so. As I fight through the tightness I hear Sohee moan in ecstasy. She loves it when I get rough with her.
“Are you about to cum whore.” I ask as I pound her pussy with reckless abandon. I grab her ass and squeeze as she moans my first release comes and it comes hard. I explode into Sohee’s pussy and she moans as her walls milk me for everything I'm worth. After 5 minutes her body calms down but mine does not. I plunge back into her and she moans again I lift her back up so I can get a nice grab of her ass and tits.
“You got me riled up. You wanted my musth well here it is whore.” I say as I fuck and grope her body relentlessly. My heart hurts from what I'm saying but my body is so enraged and off normal that my brain can only continue to degrade her sinful body. I knead her Tits and ass loving the softness and bounciness of her body has as I manipulate it. I begin to feel the musth deeper, and it exhilarates my body and causes me to fuck my honey’s body with more fervor.
“That's it honey let all that cum and testosterone out,” Sohee says in between moans. I slap her ass out of spite causing her to release a surprised yelp.
“Don't tell me what to do whore. You're only used to me as a cum dump. So shut up and take it all. As I cum into my girlfriend again. She finally cums for the first time as her body goes limp from exhaustion. She falls on the bed limp but my erection hasn't let up. My body is still not mine currently so I watch my girlfriend try to recover
I watch as Sohee recovers she turns over and her eyes go to slits as I smell a familiar smell of toasted cinnamon. I chuckle having triggered her rut. She looks at my cock with a frenzied and hungry look. She pounces on me kissing and marking me. Despite my current status, I accept her mark and in return mark her back. She smiles
“Now it's official you're my whore. “ I grit and Sohee pushes me to the bed where she starts riding me.
“This cock is mine.” she moans. My hands reach out for her ass. I grab and squeeze it. The pliant flesh pleases me. Sohee grabs her tits and moans on top of me.
“I needed you to stop hiding. You're an alpha dammit act like it.” Sohee said as she slammed into my dick. I released my first moan. She begins to bounce harder and faster as her body takes over. Mine does as well as I thrust into her. We continue this merciless pace chasing our highs rather than comforting the other until both our bodies explode. I groan as the must refuses to die down. Sohee looks at me wildly and she keeps riding after that I kind of blackout. I fully give in to the musth and let it run my body
when I come to I'm slowly waking up to my dick still in Sohee. She is asleep leaving me lost and wondering what happened. As I stir Sohee yelps
“Ah careful I'm still sensitive,” she says. I nod and pull out of her pussy a deluge of cum follows. Sohee looks at me with a satisfied smile.
“You feeling better,” she asks and I nod.
“But why am I so hungry I ask
“Well, we have been fucking nonstop for 72 hours.”
“72 hours you're telling me we fucked the whole weekend away?” I asked concerned Sohee nodded.
“Yeah, I can tell your mind kinda left after the third orgasm because that's when the beast came out. I didn't know how strong you were.” Sohee teases. I nod knowingly
“Yeah, being hopped up on 180 times the testosterone I'm normally supposed to have pushed a lot of things out of me. I'm sorry if I hurt you while I was “intoxicated” I apologize
“Oh no you didn't I'm an alpha too after all I can take rough. Besides I have only heard stories about being with an alpha who has a musth it was thrilling especially since you triggered my rut. So we killed two birds with one stone.” I nod and reply to Sohee’s statement
“Also sorry about switching your suppressants with the amps. I was worried that when you did stop taking them you'd be too far gone and hurt me. So I wanted to get at least one large musth dump before our vacation.” Sohee says apologetically
“No that's fair I haven't been listening to my body and next time I'll just take the time needed to give into my musth.”I shrug and affirm
“Ooh I like that maybe I should edge you to the next one,” Sohee said as she reached down and began stroking me.
“Oh, you'd like that little slut.”
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drchucktingle · 8 months
let the message bake
someone on way of bluesky was asking chuck about WRITING PROCESS for novels and it is good talk so i am going to but my answer here
they said: I respect ur trot as a writer and I was wondering if u wrote in a straight line from beginning to end or if u start in the middle/end and fill in? I've got a great story idea but idk how it starts, so I'm not sure if *not* writing from beginning to end would even work.
for full novels i have 'ideas' (high concept) and 'messages' (WHAT i want to say) and these tumble around in head until crashing into a match to unlock something more. then i tell story in my head until i know it perfect. finally i sit to write it out in one straight line over a few weeks
so ideas and messages could lurk in brain for years, even decades. once the match happens i am telling myself story in head and working out details for a month or two. then when it is time to write the novel it takes about 3 or 4 weeks because i know story like back of hand. that is process
i always write MESSAGE FIRST and will not write until i have something important i want to say (sometimes message can change during process but this is where i start). by separating IDEA and MESSAGE i give time for each to evolve into something special in its own right
then when they come together it BLOOMS into more than sum of parts. for instance i have high concept horror idea i have loved for around ten years. but i did not have a 'what do i want to say here?' then recently i had big feelings about BI ERASURE and realized 'whoa that idea is PERFECT vehicle.'
on other hand with something like BURY YOUR GAYS the message and the high concept idea happened at basically the same dang time. these two trotted out so close on the timeline it was almost a whole piece.
so the pace of creation can change from story to story, but i always allow each half the time to bake until its ready
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chiwhorei · 1 year
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Miguel O’Hara x reader
Tags: 18+ ONLY mdni, College AU, roommates to lovers, tooth-rotting love for this man, pussy-devouring, fingering, squirting, I wrote this in one go so you get what ya get
Word count: 2.3k- written in one, prolonged blackout
Notes: I’m fucking back bitches. I missed you, I missed this. I hope I stick around this time. This was supposed to be a blurb about squirting but the melancholy romantic won again.
Cross-posted to Ao3!
There’s something about the smell of crisp summer morning, the feeling of gentle air, humidity whispering across your face. The inescapable heat of late July is hidden from the world in its earliest hours.
“Keep up Mamí, I’m not getting stuck in the rain because you’re daydreaming.”
You pick up the pace, jogging in quick steps to catch up to Miguel. He’s farther ahead than you realized, strong muscles and wispy brown hair outlined by dark storm clouds.
Your breath is heavy, rattling against your ribs while you match the canter of Miguel’s long stride. He’s never gone easy on you, but your labored breathing makes him ease up a bit.
“What’s got your attention this morning? Or were you admiring the view behind me?” Miguel reaches up to adjust the cloth headband keeping his hair out of his face. His arms look like they’re chiseled from marble, strong, tanned skin flexes under the cutoff he wears in some iteration every morning.
Your eyes glaze over, not realizing the intensity of your gawking until Miguel’s eyes find yours. The color is deeper than usual, darker and melting into the black of his pupil. You write it off as the gloomy weather above, but he licks his bottom lip before relinquishing your stare.
You forgot what he asked you, but he doesn’t press the subject any further. Out of character, but appreciated.
“What time is your last class over tonight?” He asks, you fix your eyes on a stop sign ahead to avoid getting lost in his stare again. You see him from the corner of your eye, the angle making it seem that his gaze is focused on the bounce of your chest.
It’s just the angle, you sound even less convincing in your own head.
“Uh- well it’s Monday, so I have lab until 4:30.” You groan out the last part, ruminating on the long day ahead of you.
“My evening class got canceled for today, so I can take care of dinner tonight.”
You hum at him, his offer settles against your shoulders like honey. Something to look forward to at the end of a long day.
Sometimes he almost feels real.
He folded you into his life like melted chocolate. An easy, peaceful affection towards you since you moved in all those months ago. An offer to join his morning runs, filling a thermos of coffee for you to grab before leaving the apartment, coming home to dinner with that casual dismissal that makes your head spin.
“It’s no problem, mamí, that’s what roommates are for.” He’s always been so plain and earnest, smoothing over any objections with a sugary term of endearment and those big brown eyes.
Your heart aches so deeply when you forget that he’s just your roommate. Stabbing and twisting in your breastbone when you think about how much effort he must put in with dates.
You stop abruptly, feet cemented to the sidewalk and chest heaving rapidly. Miguel slows to a stop when he notices you missing from his side.
“Hey, don’t tell me you’re quitting, we’re two blocks from the apartment.” His voice is light, but his eyes fall from amusement to concern when he sees how hard your breath falls from your lungs.
“Whoa, what’s wrong, are you feeling okay?” He paces towards you and another deep inhale fills your senses with his musky scent instead of the rainy morning air you desperately need.
“I- I’m fine,” you struggle against the words, lifting your gaze to see Miguel’s sweat-slicked curls flop against his forehead.
You blame the early hour, or light-headedness, or a moment of delirium as your hand comes up to tuck the stray hair back under his headband.
“You’re so beautiful, Miguel.”
Your words tumble out, breaching the filter in the back of your mouth that keeps you from saying stupid shit to the man you’re stuck in a lease with.
Miguel’s breath hitches, concern falling away and filling its place with an unreadable expression. His eyes pace between your pupils, freezing the blood flowing under your skin. Why does his proximity make you act like a love-sick puppy? The frustration wells up, lining your tear ducts.
“That- I- I’m sorry.” You return his look with an awkward laugh, coughing around the lump in your throat.
Your body moves on autopilot, sidestepping his frame to make a run for it, but Miguel circles your wrist with a large palm. His skin is callused and warm as he pulls you to stand in front of him once again.
He holds you in his stare, burning eyes and the light grip of your wrist is more than enough to keep you in place.
There’s nothing more you can do but stutter around your tattered pride. Racking against your brain to find an excuse for your weird behavior. A possession? A moment of psychosis? You’ll call a priest later, but you first need to get away from Miguel and the sweet smell of cologne and sweat so you can think clearly again.
“Mi hermosa,” your balance is kicked out from under you as he holds both wrists against his chest.
Miguel’s lips dip down to you, you can almost taste his cherry chapstick as he traces his words above your mouth. You feel the first drops of rain as they hit Miguel’s cheek and bounce off your nose. Before you can taste that distinct cherry flavor, the angry crack of thunder pulls your bones from your skin.
“We need to get home,” you see a flash of lightning as it reflects in Miguel’s eyes, it splits the clouds and opens up a swollen reservoir- rain pounding down on the two of you, “we’re getting soaked Mig-“
“Say the word, Mamí,” He interrupts you, barely fazed by the storm that was ripped from your soul and clawed itself into the sky, “Tell me to fuck off and I’ll never try this again.”
Miguel drops his grip on your wrists, moving those eclipsing palms to the juncture of your neck. His lips beg for your touch once again and for the millionth time.
“Bésame.” Your accent is rigid and unpracticed, remedial at best but music to Miguel’s ears. His mouth meets yours in a wide smile, fingers finding purchase on either side of your neck.
His kiss is dripping and desperate, if you’re not careful you could drown right here and sink into the concrete.
All of the times you’ve imagined this moment are nothing compared to the real thing. He’s aggressive and hungry, licking into your mouth and vibrating your tongue with a growl.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Miguel bites at your lip before pulling away, his face is obscured in the pouring rain, “you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.”
How wrong he is, you think.
Miguel pulled you through the threshold of your shared apartment as soon as the door was unlocked, the only sense he has left is depleted- used up from keeping his composure while you fumble with your keys. His strong, broad arms circling around your waist to tug you ever closer, keeping your mouth open and whining against his.
Your feet lift from the carpet as Miguel lifts you up with the same effort as a paperweight. The feeling of his hands settling on your ass is the last pull against your unwinding composure. You’re legs wrap around his middle and you grind down hard against his abdomen.
“Fuck, I can feel your pussy through your leggings.” His words make you dizzy, grinding against him with a brainless rhythm.
“We don’t have to,” his lips trace down your neck between each word, “we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”
The sincerity in his eyes hits you squarely in the chest and moving across your skin like fever.
“Miggy, I need you. Please, anything you give me- I’ll take it.”
Your even tone shocks the both of you, the most confident you’ve sounded all morning.
“Fuck, I almost want to make you regret those words.” His teeth graze the tender spot under your chin.
“But the first thing I want is a taste of that sweet little cunt.” You’re sure your knees would buckle if Miguel wasn’t holding you, the rough tambor of his voice will be the death of you- you’ll take your chances.
Miguel carries you past the small kitchen and living area, you don’t notice where he’s sat you until he pulls his lips away from yours.
His room smells like fresh laundry and pine, the bedspread he’s set you on is tucked neatly on either side and soft under your touch. You’ve sat in this exact spot plenty of times, to study into the late night, to watch reruns of your favorite show on lazy Sunday afternoons- but never like this.
Miguel pushes you lightly so your back hits the mattress, he spreads your legs apart at the knee and you feel the tight fabric of your leggings as it shifts against your pussy.
Your running set is tight against your skin, sweat and rain covering your trembling body so that every inch is sticky and damp.
Miguel’s pointer and middle finger rub against your pussy, memorizing the outline of your plush lips under thin nylon. He’ll tuck the image into the back of his mind in case he needs it later.
“Mmm, no panties this morning,” he muses, pressing his thumb against your clit.
Miguel pulls at the fabric on your pussy, letting it snap back against your skin, you can feel the tight material drenched from your aching pussy. You want to tell him that you can hardly take this teasing, but all that comes out is a wobbly string of please, please, please.
“Don’t worry, Mamí, I’m gonna take care of you.” Your thoughts don’t catch up to him until the chill of open air hits your bare cunt. Your soaked leggings are tossed to the corner of his almost clinically clean room.
Miguel takes a moment to marvel at the sopping wet pussy he’s got trapped against his mattress.
“Que maravilla,” he kisses his words flatly against your puffy lips before coaxing them open with his nose. His face is covered in you already, glistening across his lips and chin. But it’s not enough, it won’t be enough until you drown him.
His tongue laps at you like you’re what’s keeping him alive. He kisses with his mouth open, collecting your offering to him and drinking it down with every flat lashing of his tongue.
You taste tangy and sweet, a heady mix of sweat and pheromones that pulls him in ever closer. Desperate to drink his fill of you. Every long swipe at your sloppy hole is dotted with a kiss, every inch of skin is electric- zapping against your clit with every measured nip.
Miguel’s fingers find their way to rest against your pussy, pushing in gently when he’s satisfied with how well his tongue worked you open.
Once the digits are wettened, Miguel pushes two in to the first knuckle. He groans at the feeling of how welcoming your pussy is, how responsive you are to his touch.
He licks his praises against your soft skin as your muscles relax around the thick intrusion. His vision fuzzy at the edges thinking about how you’ll take his cock. The thought is pushed back for now, lingering on it could break you when he’s just gotten started.
Your hips rock down against him, catching your clit with his wide palm.
Your whimpering emboldens him, cock weeping in the waistband of his shorts. He’s harder than he’s ever been, the frustrating ache in his balls is poured right into the quickening pace of his fingers. He needs you to break- crumble into pieces so he can put them back together.
“Miguel, fuck, I need- you need to slow down or I’m gonna“
Your pleas fall on deaf ears, Miguel is hypnotized at the sight of your pussy spilling over against him. He doesn’t relent even as you cry out and shake under him. He doesn’t miss a beat as your pussy squelches, clear liquid splashing against his chest.
“Oh fuck, you didn’t mention you’re a squirter.” His pace is torturous, pumping against that spot deep inside you that turns you into a puddle.
Once his other hand comes down to circle your clit, you know that you’re done for. The fear of letting loose like this is something that holds your rigid body from completely letting go. No one’s ever pulled you from that damn before, but Miguel has torn it down completely.
“Let go for me, Mamí, need to feel you cum against my fingers, need to see you squirt for me again.” The words drip from his mouth like hot syrup and coat your stiff muscles.
He pulls more out of you with each pump of those skilled fingers, more than you ever thought you had in you, more than you could imagine.
You cry as you cum, tears spilling over your cheeks in fat streams. The feelings you’ve kept inside for Miguel, the schoolgirl crush, the craving, the primal need all splashes against the both of you with the telltale spasm of your cunt against his fingers.
Your mind feels like it’s been dipped in wax, dripping from it’s fixed position to coat your shoulders. He makes quick work of tugging you back down to earth, lying next to your limp body with an anchoring hand on your stomach. He coos you, whispering praise into your hairline.
The sun peeks through Miguel’s window, clouds moving on to the next town and leaving the still early morning to brighten up the sky. Your face feels hot in realization.
You’ve got a long day ahead of you.
* * *
All work is mine blah blah I don’t wanna go find my old copyright thing but I’ll piss in your water supply if you steal this.
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samandcolbyownme · 2 months
desperate for jake content…if you happen to have anything in the works you’d be my hero😪
Attitude Problem | Jake Webber
(I’ll make a cover tomorrow)
Summary: Jake gets sick of your attitude😏
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, attitude is tossed around like confetti, rough actions such as kissing, hair pulling, choking, unprotected sex, creampie, breeding kink?, pregnancy, general filth
Word count: 1.8k | unedited
I literally wrote this straight off the dome, one take. Enjoy!
As you’re leaned over the counter, watching the bubbles in your coffee swirl around from your spoon, Jake walks into the kitchen, “Hey.”
“Hey.” You glance up at him, watching as he pulls the juice from the fridge. He turns around, eyes locking onto yours, “What?”
You furrow your brows, “Jesus Christ, can’t I look at you.”
His brows furrow, “Whoa, back it up.” He sets the carton on the counter, “What’s with all that?”
“What’s with all what, Jake?” You lean up, slowly looking up at him, “You seem to have an issue with me looking at you.”
He chuckles, tilting his head, “No, no. That’s not what I’m asking about.”
“What are you asking about then, hmm?” You bring your mug to your lips, keeping your eyes on him as you take a sip.
“You looked pissed off, what’s why I asked what.” He takes a deep breath, “because clearly, someone pissed in your cheerios this morning, and I know it wasn’t me so.. what’s up, babe?”
“Nobody pissed in my cheerios, Jake. Okay?” You push yourself away from the counter and walk away.
Later that day, you’re sitting on the couch, scrolling through your phone and you come across a post from the party last week - Jake and Johnnie’s party.
Not one picture has you and Jake in them, but there’s one of him and another girl.
Which sets you off, but you keep it contained.
“Baby.” Jake calls out as he walks through the door, “I got you a coffee.” He walks up, his smile fading slowly as he gets closer, “What’s going on?”
“You tell me.” You go to grab your coffee but Jake pulls his hand back, “Uh-uh.” He shakes his head, “What’s going on?”
You kick the blanket off your legs and stand up, “You should know. Can I have my c-“
“No.” He cuts you off, shaking his head, “Clearly I don’t, snippy longstockings.”
You roll your eyes at the nickname, “I didn’t know you had another girlfriend.”
He looks at you confused, “What the hell are you talking about, y/n?” He watches as you huff, reaching over the couch for your phone. You snap it off the couch, unlocking your phone to reveal the photo with Jake and the girl who is not you.
Jake purses his lips, “mm. Okay.” He takes his phone out, tapping on it a few times and you stand there baffled, “what’s happening right now?”
Jake huffs, “Fixing your mood.”
“Mm.” You reach for your coffee and Jake moves away, “You can have this when I’m done.”
You whine slightly, moving around to see what he’s doing. He’s typing out a message to the photographer who shot the party.
“please don’t ruin your content on my account.”
You go to turn away and you feel Jake’s hand wrap around your bicep, “We’re not done.”
“Yes. We are.” You look back at him and Jake smirks, “I know what you need.”
“To not have my boyfriend in slow pictures with other girls? Yeah that would be fucking fantastic.” You pull your arm but Jake isn’t letting go, “Jake. I don’t-“
“Will you just shut up for two fucking seconds.”
You’re caught off guard by his sudden serious tone and you stand still.
“You have been giving me nothing but attitude since we woke up this morning and I don’t know how much more I can take.” Jake laughs, “Seriously. You need a fucking attitude adjustment or something.”
You shrug, “Is that really what I need?” You roll your eyes, “Can I have my coffee so I can go lay out by the po-“
“You’re not going anywhere.”
“Oh yeah? What the fuck are you going to do about it?”
Jake lets you go, walking over to sit your coffee on the counter before he turns back to you, “I’ll show you.” He grips your neck, squeezing tight as he walks you backwards, “I’m going to fuck the attitude out of you.”
Your knees go weak, it’s been a few days since you and Jake have actually had decent sex, most of it being quickies because of all the work he has lined up.
He smirks, “That what you want?”
You nod and Jake pushes your back against the wall, his lips roughly crash onto yours. Your hands slide up his stomach under his shirt as you moan against his lips, “Can you just fuck me already?”
Jake chuckles against your lips, leaning back to nod towards the room, “Get in there and get undressed.”
He pushes you towards the room and you walk in, stripping down to nothing, “Okay.” You turn around and Jake walks up to you, “You give me attitude one more time and I’ll have you do it yourself while I’ll sit back and watch.”
You pout at his threat and he smirks, “On your knees.”
You scoff and he gives you a look, leaning in closer with each word, “On. Your. Knees.” He watches as you slowly drop down to your knees.
“Come on now, baby.” Jake runs his hand over your head and down to your chin, “You know what you need to do.”
He was testing you.
Trying to get more attitude from you.
But you weren’t going to let him win.
You rise up from resting on your calves and look up at him as you reach for the button on his jeans, “Yes daddy.”
Those words did something to him, “Are you being smart?”
You shake your head as you undo his pants, “No daddy, just doing what you asked me to do.” You slip your hand into his boxers and free his cock.
You lick your lips, and before you lean in and connect them with the tip, Jake grips your hair, tight.
“Sounds like you’re cockin’ off.” He pushes down his jeans and boxers with his other hand before grabbing your hair with it, “Open.”
You open your mouth and Jake slips his cock in, the head touching the back of your throat in one fell swoop.
You gag around him, your hands moving to his thighs for support as he pulls out, repeating his action.
“Fuck, you have such a sweet mouth.” He breathes out, “Shame that only attitude has come out of it today.”
You go to roll your eyes but close them instead, moaning around his cock as he repeatedly fucks your face, “Atta girl. Now you’re learning.”
Jake gently taps your cheek and pulls his cock out, “Bed. Ass up.” You move to your feet, hurrying over to the bed and getting into the position he requested.
You hear him discard his clothes before he moves onto the bed behind you, “I’m not gonna lie, this attitude is so fucking hot.” He slides his hand up your back, gripping your hair to pull your head back as he leans down, “But not when it’s towards me.”,
You gasp out, moans following quickly behind as his cock is fully inserted into you, “F-fuck.”
Jake kisses over your shoulder, turning your head so he can kiss up your neck and to your cheek, “I think I’m owed an apology, hmm? Don’t you think, baby?”
“M’sorry.” You whimper out pathetically, moaning as his cock pulls back to slam into you once again, “J-Jake!”
“I don’t think you mean that.” Jake chuckles, leaning back up to grip your hips with his hands, “You can do better than that, baby. C’mon.”
He slowly starts to slide his cock in and out of you, grinding loudly as your walls squeeze around him, “You like that?”
“Fuck, yes. Yes.” You lift your head, moaning out as his thrusts speed up, “I-I’m sorry, baby.”
“For what?” Jake asks, fingers digging into your skin as his thrusts become punishing, “Tell me all about why you’re sorry.”
“M-my.. fuck..” you grip the sheets, pushing your hips back as you let out a loud moan, “My attitude.”
“What about it?” Jake tilts his head back, groaning out, “Don’t cum until you tell me.”
“Fuck, Jake please.” You beg, “I-I shouldn’t have g-given you..” you let out a whine, squeezing his cock tight, “Attitude.. you didn’t deserve my attitude.”
“There we go.” Jake moans, “There’s my sweet girl.”
“Can I cum? Please Jake.” You whine, “Can I please cum?”
Jake pulls out, flopping onto his back next to you. You look over at him and smirk as he motions to his lap, “all you, baby.”
You straddle him, sinking down onto his cock with a moan. His hands grip your hips, egging you to move, “Gotta move, baby. Now’s not the time for this.”
You tilt your head, “When I’m on top, doesn’t that mean I’m in charge.” You slide your hand up his chest to his neck, your hand planted firmly as you slowly start to rise up and down.
Jake groans, “This is the only type of attitude I’ll accept.” He pushes his chin down and you move your thumb to his lips, gasping as he takes it between them.
You moan, watching him hold your thumb between his lips as his tongue swirls around it, “God, you are so hot.”
He smirks, sliding his hand to yours so he can push it back to his neck, “I say the same thing about you, baby.”
You keep your eyes on his as you guide yourself to your orgasm, leaning forward to kiss him as you become a whimpering mess on top of him.
He rolls over, swallowing your moans as he quickly resumes his thrusts, “M’gonna put a baby in you. Give you a real reason to have an attitude.”
“Please.” You gasp out, clinging to him as his words turn you on more, “Cum in me.”
“You want that? My cum dripping out of your pussy?” Jake groans as he kisses down your neck, “Fuck, I need to see that.”
“Do it. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”
His thrusts are fast, hard. Your moans mix with his, filling the room.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” Jake mumbles lowly, “Are you sure?” You nod, tilting his head up to kiss him, “Don’t stop.”
His thrusts turn sloppy, and you feel his cock twitch inside of you. You swallow his moans as he comes down from his own high, running your hands through his hair.
“You done giving me attitude for the day?” Jake asks as he rolls off of you. You sit up, shrugging with a smirk, “That depends, is that picture of you and that girl off of that Instagram?”
“Get my phone.”
You lean down off of the bed and you feel Jake’s hand on your ass, “That’s such a hot thing to see.” You look back at him after grabbing his phone from his pants and laugh, “So what? Your pull out game is suddenly weak?”
He laughs, “Yeah, yeah, I’d say so.”
You hand him his phone and lay back with him. He clicks into the messages and turns his phone towards you, “One of his assistants did it, but he’s taking it down and adding a few pictures of us.”
“That’s better.”
A few months later
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Thank you so much for reading! I love you soooo much. See you in the next one!!
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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achromatophoric · 24 days
Pre-Wenclair. Wednesday is preparing to head out for some investigating as Enid frets over the condition of a paper she just pulled from her bag.
Enid: What the heck? Aw, crap-crap-crap!
Wednesday: Trouble, Enid?
Enid: I just— okay, see this? *waves paper*
Wednesday: Obviously.
Enid: Well, it’s from my secret admirer. I didn’t get to read it yet, and it must have gotten— I mean, I was chem lab and someone accidentally spilled like, a bunch of hydrogen peroxide on my bag and…
Enid: *groans and slumps in seat* I guess that somehow ruined the letter. Like, whatever they wrote is all gone.
Wednesday: How… inconvenient.
Enid: I’ll say. And I was totes looking forward to reading it. *sniffles*
Wednesday: *turns off lights*
Enid: Uh, what are you—
Something cold and bottle-shaped is pressed into Enid’s hands.
Wednesday: Spray it with this.
Enid: Uh, okay? *spritzes paper*
Enid: So what’s this supposed to— WHOA!
Wednesday: I suggest that you read quickly. The glow will fade in approximately thirty seconds.
Enid: R-Right.
Enid hurriedly reads the letter. By the end, she’s thankful for the darkness that conceals her blush.
Wednesday: Are you done or do you need to reapply the solution?
Enid: No, I uh, I got it all. Thanks, Wednesday. *hands back bottle*
Wednesday: You are quite welcome, Enid. Now if we’re done here…
The lights flick back on as Wednesday prepares to head out.
Enid: Hey, Wednesday?
Wednesday: *pauses* Yes, Enid?
Enid: What was that spray?
Wednesday is silent for a moment, as if deciding whether or not to answer.
Wednesday: Luminol. *leaves*
Enid: 🤨
Enid: *googles*
Enid: 😲
Enid: How’d she know it was written in blood?
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shuadotcom · 1 year
Good Vibrations | YJH (M)
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Summary: You and Jeonghan have been together for a couple of years and share a lot of the same kinks, so when he first mentioned it, it sounded fun….Now it can best be described as the cruelest form of edging he’s ever inflicted on you.
Pairing: Yoon Jeonghan x Fem!Reader
Genres & AUs: Smut, pwp, established relationship au, non!idol au
Warnings: Profanity, car sex, semi-public sex, unprotected sex, use of a sex toy, edging, oral (m. receiving), face-fucking, hair pulling, dirty talk, multiple orgasms, slight degradation in the form of name-calling (slut, whore), pet names (over-usage of princess and angel - I’m not sorry either!!), dom!Jeonghan, sub!reader
Words: 3.4k
Note: Yoon Jeonghan is ruining my life okay 😭 So much so that I wrote this shit in two days which is a crazy record for me. Thank you so much to @the-boy-meets-evil for always being such a wonderful amazing beta ily jess! 💖
Net tag: @kflixnet
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“These are cute, what do you think, Y/n?” Jeonghan asks, pointing at the handmade set of chopsticks. You don’t seem to answer in time, because you feel the vibrations running through you get more intense - your breath catching in your throat. “Baby, did you hear me?” His tone is so casual along with the smile on his face. You want to smack him.
After taking a gulp of air, you force your eyes to meet where he’s pointing. “Y-yeah. They’re nice.” 
“Right? We’ll take these, please.” Jeonghan turns back to the woman behind the booth as she happily obliges and starts to wrap up the chopsticks.
This isn’t the first time you and your boyfriend have visited the flea market close to your apartment. Usually, you both are able to find fun knick-knacks and accessories made by the talented people in your town.
This is however the first time you’ve been here with a vibrator shoved inside of you that only Jeonghan can control. 
It was his idea, because of course it was. Apparently, he and his stupid friends had been talking about kinky shit they’ve done with their partners and Joshua mentioned buying his girlfriend vibrating panties. Jeonghan thought that idea was brilliant but instead of panties, he had surprised you with a c-shaped vibrator that not only nestled inside of you but also laid perfectly against your sensitive bundle of nerves so you would get both types of stimulation. You and Jeonghan have been together for a couple of years and share a lot of the same kinks, so when he first mentioned it, it sounded fun. 
That is until he ate you out this morning and then slipped the vibrator inside of you, telling you that he expects you’ll keep it in you all day until he says it’s enough. Now it can best be described as the cruelest form of edging he’s ever inflicted on you. 
As soon as you had stepped out of the car when you arrived, the low hum of the vibrator kicked in, nearly knocking you off of your feet.
“Whoa there, Y/n! You okay?” Jeonghan asked, shooting a cheeky smirk your way. 
“Really, Jeonghan!?” You huffed, standing upright again with his help. Each step you took was less shaky than the last, but you had to make a conscious effort not to walk like a newborn baby deer.
“Remember what I said. Be good for me while we’re out and I’ll give you a reward when we get back home.” His tone was so casual as if he was talking about something nonchalant and not your aching cunt.
Your boyfriend had taken your hand then and waltzed through the entrance of the flea market like any other normal Saturday.
It’s nearly an hour later and Jeonghan is still taking his time, stopping at nearly every stall to take in the items and homemade treats, even striking up conversations with the vendors and asking you for your opinions. Each time, he seems to crank the vibrations up a little more on the dangerous device in you.
At some point, he pulls you to a picnic table outside of a tteokbokki vendor and orders a small plate to share with you. 
“Say ‘ah’, angel.” Jeonghan holds a skewer of spicy rice cake up to your mouth, waiting for you to open.
“Jeonghan can we ple-ahh!” Your objection falls short as more intensity hits you, Jeonghan blatantly increasing the speed in front of you. Your nails dig into the plastic of the picnic table, fighting off the impending orgasm.
With a comically large pout, you wordlessly open your mouth, Jeonghan simply beaming back at you and feeding you. He chatters on about how good the weather is and how excited he is to wear the new shirt he just picked up from a couple that makes fun graphic t-shirts.
You love your boyfriend so much - you really do - but right now you want to shove a whole skewer down his throat for the torture you’re experiencing. 
After what feels like hours (when in reality it was only less than ten minutes), you and Jeonghan finish eating and he practically drags you to a boba stall. He already knows what you want, which you’re thankful for because you’re afraid that if you let out any sound, it’ll be nothing but a pathetic moan of his name.
Jeonghan leaves you standing under a nearby tree as the sun gets a little warmer on your skin while he orders for the both of you and casts a look over his shoulder at one point. When your eyes meet you get weak in the knees all over again. His smolder is unmistakable from underneath his bangs, his pretty pink lips quirking up as his tongue darts out to lick his lips. He bites his bottom lip as he practically eye fucks you in broad daylight, any semblance of sanity you have left finally leaving you.
Seemingly satisfied with making you suffer more, he turns away as he thanks the vendor and comes to meet you with your drinks.
“Here you go, princess,” his tone is chipper, a jarring contrast from the way he had just looked at you.
Your hands shake as you take the boba from him, not even attempting to take a drink. You’re so far gone that even his pet names are pushing you close to the edge.
“Jeonghan, honey please.”
“Hmm?” He tilts his head to the side as he sips from his straw without a care in the world.
“Can we please go now? I can’t handle this anymore.” Your words are shaky as you plead with him. Jeonghan doesn’t say anything, studying your face and observing how even standing still you’re trembling in front of him and notices the wet shine in your eyes.
He leans forward, lips ghosting over the shell of your ear. “Okay, princess. Let’s get you home so I can fill up your needy little cunt.” His dirty words have a small whimper leaving your mouth and he has to reach out quickly to steady you as you sway in place.
Lacing his fingers through yours, Jeonghan leads you through the crowd, still going casually he takes a last look at the stalls and items in the market. He’s nice enough to help you into the car when you arrive and even leans over you to buckle your seatbelt, placing a kiss on your forehead before shutting your door. You watch him in the side mirror put his tote bag in the trunk then walk around to get into the driver’s seat.
“You know, you were so good today, princess.” Is the first thing he says as he’s pulling onto the busy street. His hand moves to cover your denim-clad thigh, the small touch making you jolt in your seat. Jeonghan only laughs at you, casting a side-eye glance your way.
“It was so hard,” you sniff, hyper-aware of how warm and how long his fingers are as they draw circles on you.
“I know, baby. But once we’re home it’ll all pay off. I promise you won’t be able to walk for the rest of the day.” He smiles sweetly at you, a choked exhale leaving your mouth at the image of Jeonghan folding you in half in your bed. You know he means it and that only makes you clench your thighs together for the nth time today. “I can see you like that idea.” He squeezes your thigh, his skin feeling red hot to you through the fabric. “Look at you. Pressing your thighs together like a horny little slut.”
“Jeonghan…” He can’t talk to you like this - not in the state you’re in.
“I wonder…is my angel so desperate that she needs to cum now?”
“Mmhmm, please Hannie, I need it! Can I?” You blurt out, not caring how pathetic you sound. It’s how you feel after all of his agonizing teasing. 
“Do it then.” He says suddenly, turning to watch your reaction as he stops at a red light, a mischievous grin forming. In the next moment, he reaches into the pocket of his jeans and the toy inside you is cranked up without warning. Your body jerks in your seat, a scream ripping from your throat as your body involuntarily does as he commands. Tears prick your eyes when you finally get to cum, your panties and jeans adequately ruined as you can feel how much you cum in them.
All you can do is pant as you come down and Jeonghan is at least kind enough to lower the vibrations. Through droopy eyelids, you watch as Jeonghan quickly pulls into the parking lot of a park, stopping the car under a low-hanging tree in the corner of the lot.
When you turn to look at him again, his hand grabs your chin, bringing his mouth to yours. Your lips move together effortlessly, Jeonghan’s tongue prodding at your lips, demanding access. As soon as your lips part, his tongue moves in to claim yours, sucking it loudly into his mouth. You whine in response, your hands coming up to tangle in his dark locks, tugging on the strands as he continues wrapping his tongue around yours, nearly devouring you whole.
Jeonghan pulls away first and moves to kiss your neck as you catch your breath.
“How was that? Does my angel need more?” He mumbles against your skin.
“Yes, please!” You nod feverishly, gasping as he bites down, leaving a mark at the base of your neck.
“But do you deserve more?”
“I do! I’ve been good all day, Hannie! You said!”
“Hmmm,” he hums. “I suppose, but you have to earn it.”
“Anything!” You rush out, head lolling back as he nips at another sensitive spot on your neck.
“Do a good job sucking my dick and I’ll think about it.”
With a last bite at you, Jeonghan pulls away and you watch, wide-eyed as he undoes his belt and unzips his jeans until he has enough room to pull out his length, his hard cock springing out and hitting his t-shirt-covered stomach.
You get to work immediately, hands darting out to pump him a few times. Jeonghan lets out a hiss when your tongue laps at the tip, collecting the beads of salty precum that seep from the slit. One of your hands grips the base of his dick, pumping it a few times as you suckle on his cockhead.
“Fuck, angel, no teasing.” He turns the vibrator back up after his warning and you moan lewdly around him. Breathing out of your nose, you sink onto his length slowly, taking in as much of him as you can. Your hand and mouth work together, your tongue swirling around him as you suck him down. 
Slurping sounds fill the car mixed with the loud, breathy moans Jeonghan huffs out above you. Your head bobs frantically, sucking and squeezing him in all the ways that you know he likes. His long fingers tangle in your hair, gripping at the roots to push you down further. You can’t help but choke as he hits the back of your throat suddenly, but you don’t pull away - you know how much he loves to leave you choking on his dick.
“Shit, look at you, taking me so far down your slutty little throat. You’re so good for me, you know that?” Jeonghan’s praises always spur you on, the desire to make him feel good taking priority because you know he’ll always return the gesture tenfold. 
You attempt to nod, swallowing around him, driving Jeonghan even crazier. He thrusts up shallowly, beginning to languidly fuck your mouth. 
His hold on your hair stays tight, the feeling of his nails digging into your scalp burning along with the ache in your jaw, but you stay where you are, gagging around his cock. You reach down to cup his balls, rolling them around in your palm which draws a deep whine from his throat.
Jeonghan scrambles in his pocket for the remote to the vibrator, turning it higher. You manage a wet, garbled squeal around his length, your eyes crossing as you feel your orgasm approaching faster than the speed of light.
“Gonna cum again, princess? Gonna get that pussy slick and sticky for me?”
“Mmph!” You breathe loudly out of your nose. Your eyes screw shut as Jeonghan thrusts into your mouth rougher, now holding your head completely still as he uses your throat as a fleshlight. The tension in your belly finally snaps, shockwaves rushing through you as you cum with an incoherent attempt to yell Jeonghan’s name. 
Your loud gasp rings out through the car as he yanks you off of him by your hair. You greedily gulp air into your lungs, body shaking as you continue to ride your orgasm out.
“Is my princess doing alright?” Jeonghan checks, his fingers lightly massaging your scalp.
“Y-yes,” you stutter out. 
“Perfect. Come here.” Jeonghan places a kiss on your lips and helps you wiggle out of your jeans and underwear, leaving them on the floor of the passenger seat. He manages to climb into the backseat of the car, helping you over the seats after him and maneuvering your tired body into his lap. Jeonghan reaches between your wet thighs, easing the vibrator out of you, shushing you as you groan at the loss. He tosses it into the passenger seat and helps you lift just enough for him to begin slipping his cock into you.
“Jeonghan!” You cry out as he stretches your walls. Even after cumming numerous times today and being filled with something all day, he still manages to feel heavy and impossibly thick. Your walls greedily suck him in, inch by inch, the sensation alone already making you lose yourself even more in everything that is Jeonghan.
“I know, princess. You’re so fucking tight, but fuck just like that.” His long fingers grip you, easing you into his lap until his dick is buried in you completely.
The two of you share a moan, taking a few seconds to adjust. 
“Hannie…can I move please?” You whimper first, your oversensitivity ebbing away as overwhelming pleasure quickly replaces it. 
“You wanna ride my dick, huh angel?” 
“Yes, please Hannie,” you’re whining for him now, hips trembling at the dire need to get fucked.
“My slutty baby is so desperate for me,” Jeonghan purrs, trailing his hands around your hips to grab a handful of your ass. “Ride me, princess. Make me cum in your messy little cunt.”
Jeonghan’s dirty words set your skin on fire, and you do what he says. You plant your hands on his shoulders and your knees on either side of him for better leverage and begin bouncing in his lap with as much energy as you can muster. He keeps one hand anchored to your hips, helping you with each thrust and his other hand reaches up under your shirt and bra to roughly knead at your breast.
“Hannie…” His name is long and drawn out, egging on his eager hands to begin pinching your sensitive nipples. 
“That’s right, princess. Who’s cock makes you feel so fucking full and good?” His words are steady, even as he starts to buck upwards, meeting your hips every time you drop down. 
“Fuck yeah. And this pussy is all mine,” he punctuates each of his words with a thrust, quickly jolting you up and down almost faster than you can keep up with. 
The car rocks as he fucks into you, the air hot and stuffy and full of desperation from both of you. Sweat beads at your hairline as you ride Jeonghan and you manage to wrench your eyes open to look at him. 
His dark hair sticks to his face, his forehead glistening with sweat much like yours, but fuck he looks as beautiful as always. His plump bottom lip is between his teeth as his brown eyes, half-lidded and full of desire stare back at you. A playful smirk graces his features and your heart immediately skips a beat.
Even when he’s teasing you mercilessly and talking to you in the filthiest ways, he’s still the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen.
“Gonna hurry and cum for me, princess?”
“Yes, Hannie, yes, fuck!”
“Better hurry up. I don’t know how long we have until someone notices our car sitting here. They’ll all hear you crying for me like a whore.” This isn’t the first time Jeonghan’s fucked you stupid in his car, but it’s the first time he’s done it during the day when anyone could walk by and easily see your silhouette on top of him through the tinted windows. The idea scares you while simultaneously exciting you.
Jeonghan adjusts his hips a little, the slight angle change having his cockhead brush your g-spot just right, making your toes curl and anything that isn’t Jeonghan cumming inside of you vanishes from your mind. 
“Fuck, Jeonghan, yes, yes, yes!” You babble out. You need to cum again so fucking bad - your fourth orgasm of the day so close you can practically taste it. You continue to meet each of his powerful thrusts, your hips burning, but you ignore it, getting closer, closer, closer.
Jeonghan’s right hand snakes between the two of you. His nimble fingers expertly find your swollen clit and rub at it, rolling it between his perfect fingers.
“Shit, baby, I’m so close - so fucking close. Be a good girl and cum with me.” Jeonghan doesn’t give you a chance to answer and instead buries his left hand in your hair and yanks you forward to crash your lips together. The kiss is all teeth, tongue, and spit. It’s messy and needy, capturing your shared lust. 
“Hannie!” You gasp between kisses. “Can I?!” You barely get the words out as he mutters a ‘yes’ against your lips, allowing you to let go. The sound of your blood rushing to your head fills your ears as you hold your breath and your orgasm hits you like a bus.
“Yes, yes squeeze me just like that, angel! Fuck!” Jeonghan throws his head back as he cums, pulling you impossibly closer to his chest as he paints your walls, your name on his tongue as he does.
You sag against him, your forehead resting on his shoulder. You feel Jeonghan’s fingers rubbing circles on your back while you both steady your breathing. 
“I love you, Hannie,” you say, your hands wrapping around his torso to pull him closer into a proper hug.
“I love you too, Y/n.” He reciprocates the embrace, placing a kiss on the crown of your head.
“We should probably get going,” you whisper as another minute ticks by. You didn’t want to separate but it would only be a matter of time before someone nosey happened by.
“Yeah, we should.” Neither of you moves at first after he agrees, but your hips are starting to ache so you begrudgingly sit upright. Jeonghan’s hands hold your waist as he helps you slowly lift yourself until his softening cock slips out.
Flopping onto the seat next to him, you lazily readjust your bra and shirt as he tucks himself back into his jeans and fixes his hair. He helps you move back into the front seat and you wrestle with getting your jeans back on as he climbs into the driver's seat and takes a sip of his now-warm boba.
Once back on the road you reach out to grab at his hand resting on the center console. He gives your hand a squeeze in return, threading his fingers with yours.
“Can we get food on the way home?” You ask, suddenly noticing how hungry you are.
Jeonghan snickers, giving you a look before focusing on the road again.
“All your energy is gone from cumming so much, huh?”
“Stop!” You pretend to be scandalized, smacking the back of his hand. “But yes, actually!”
Jeonghan brings your hand to his lips, placing a light kiss on the back of it.
“Yeah okay, we’ll grab something. You’ll need to regain your strength anyway.” You blink at him, your boyfriend chuckling at your silence. “Did you forget what I said already? I told you that you wouldn’t be able to walk for the rest of the day, didn’t I? I’m not done fucking you, princess.” Heat spreads across your neck and up to your face. Fuck, he did say that earlier, didn’t he? Yoon Jeonghan was truly going to be the end of you. “Now what would you like to eat, my love?”
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