#who’s the rider who has the cat ???
paperconsumption · 2 months
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today is phoebe’s Gotcha day. we don’t know her birthday but this confirms she’s at least ten
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hi-note · 1 month
it’s the reason i have so many sonas, it’s sketch!!!
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for being like, my main sona, i dont draw him as often as i shouuld, he’s neat i think.
also i’ve been playing sonic riders, which honestly is like, still a banger ass game after all this time and you should play it on [TOTALLY REAL NINTENDO GAMECUBE]
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This is still the literal funniest OP shot I had seen in a Rider yet because here they are, happily fistbumping, meanwhile in the actual show
one really wants them to get along, man
one is screaming at his own reflection currently trying to fight his own transformation
one is possessed and acts like a Tough Guy Mob Boss and wants to kill guy two
one just wants to beat the first one out of being a rider (For His Own Good(tm)) and also wants to kill guy two
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battlevann · 9 months
i want u guys to think about priest au johnny except hes really jaded and is not scared of zarathos in the slightest
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Rank the riders dogs in order of which one you want to boop the nose of
1. turbo and bruce are tied bc they are so beloved to me <3
2. kuala <3 also jorge just seems like a good dog owner 🙏
3. axel although franky never posts him ❌
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just-some-user-hunny · 3 months
The Cannibal bonded with a bastard targaryen reader ...
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This is heavily inspired by @mangled-parasite writings on their yandere hotd stuff. I wanted to go more in depth about the relationship a bastard princess reader would have with the cannibal, because the dynamics could be so diverse and interesting. The cannibal is a really interesting dragon to me as well, he's not been tames nor shows any interest in it, so I always wonder what he'd be like with a rider!
(fem! Bastard princess reader X the cannibal)
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. If you are bonded to him, he would be ruthlessly protective over you. He can feel every flicker of distress and discomfort from you, and he bares his teeth like a guard dog at whoever draws too close. Once he had decided that you were his, and he was yours, his fury when it comes to protecting you rivals hellfire. You will never have to feel fear again, nothing can even dream of touching you- lest they want to experience the nightmarish wrath of the Cannibal. It matters little to him if this threat is human, or dragon. In fact he almost welcomes it. He loves the rush of destroying whatever threatens you, the pride that fills him when he charres their remains and feasts upon them In front you- because look princess. Look how mighty he is, look how well he can fight and protect you. After his gory feast, he'll lower himself close to your little form for his praise- purring till your blood fizzles as he enjoys your pets and attention.
. Cannibal has never been a tame or passive dragon, but around you, he'll make an effort to behave. He'll stave away his urges to salivate when he captures glimpses of the smaller dragons, if it makes you happy. He'll heed your voice, your words, if only to amuse you and keep you content. However, he still has a temper- and although he may not engulf everything with wildfire, he will surely growl and roar to make people bend their knee in your presence. His bond to you is tightly knitted, so he can pick up those who are irking you or upsetting you. He shares your hatred for your father, often bearing his frightening jagged teeth at the pale man who can only endure the monstrosity of his daughter's dragon. It'll take only your word to engulf him in burning emerald flames, so for once, your father will hold his tongue.
. He is not an obedient dog, more like a feral alley cat who's taken a warming to you. There's not a force in heaven or hell that can convince him to confide anywhere near the dragon pits, not to mention his monstrous size cannot even imagine squeezing itself into that little ditch. He'll take to sleeping upon the beach, preferably away from vhager, if he wants to remain close to you. However he is known to fly off and disappear for days on end, returning when you least expect it. He is a wild dragon at heart.
. He may not melt into a big passive puppy, but he will surely let you know he likes the attention you give him. He'll croon with his snarling scarred grin, his eyes glinting as you speak to him and stay close. The attitude he has around you is stark like night and day- with others he glares ferociously and mean, but with you, he's bound by your heels.
When you approach him upon the sand of the tide, he'll lower his head to gaze upon you. he'll feel content as he looks you over, appearing docile and calm in your presence.
Your family find it terrifyingly odd whenever you approach him with so much casualty, and he simply looks at you so fondly. The dragon who has devoured oh so many wannabe dragon tamers is now treating you like a precious little treasure, and it's both awe-inspiring, and frightening. His striking emerald green eyes focus on you as you speak sweetly and softly to him, his purrs can be heard from the dragonstone gates.
. The cannibal is an ancient dragon with many years of experience, so to him, you are little more than a child in his eyes. His child.
If anything, he is more of a loving father to you than Daemon could ever be.
It's puzzling to him, at first. He has never possessed a single maternal bone in his body, having no objection to devouring unhatched eggs and even young hatched dragons to satiate his hunger- but perhaps he sees a part of him in you. That wildness to stray, the desperation to free yourself from the thorns of the targarians that dig deep into you. You may be a little gentle weepy thing, but the fact still stands. You want to be free. He can grant that.
As you claim him as a child, he'll watch you grow. Watch your face and hands become weary from the anxiety and ache of constantly being caged. You'll gradually become more and more beautiful, dripping in gems and jewellery and ornate gowns, but the sadness in your eyes hasn't changed since you were a tearful little child. He sees what they are doing- trying to keep you satiated with material desires, but he understands you deep down that nothing of that matters. You want to be anywhere else but here...
. He is an old dragon, and has a temper to him. His hunger for flesh and fire has not made him weary, and although he is scarred and withered, he is still towering in all his obsideon scaled glory. Emerald flames engulfing the sky as you ride upon his back, soaring above the clouds as pride and glory consumes him. He always despises the idea of being 'claimed' and ridden like some show pony, but he finds himself enjoying the company of his little human experiencing the rush of gliding through the heavens. He can feel your thundering heart, the flutter of butterflies in your stomach as he dips and soars between terrific heights, and he can't help but grin a scarred and twisted smile, egged on by your delight of the views and freedom. Yes! This is freedom, my little princess. Let us not be chained by those targarians, this is what living is!
He certainly likes challenging you, obviously not to the point he puts you in any danger of course- but he'll dive at gut churning speeds to see what'll make you shriek. It's almost like He finds amusement out of it, perhaps getting a little kick out of challenging his rider. Once he has landed however with you safely back on the ground, he'll look at you with his gnarled smirk and expect just a little push from you. Don't take it to heart though, his princess. You'll get gently prodded and nudged by his snout to check on you to make sure you're alright. He is still protective over you, after all. His cruelty will not extend to your pain. Besides, you are more often than not riding him bareback, so he would never fly so recklessly that you'd get bucked off. Most of the time he's holding back, really.
. That is not to say that each time you climb upon his back that you will endure terror, because that is surely not the case. He loves flying with you, loves feeling your awe and wonder. It fills him with unbridled pride and ego. You can both feel freedom, and freedom is all he wants for himself and his rider alike.
. As his rider, you have a good chance of escaping the talons of your family. Who is to stop you? The mad prince, Daemon, and his blood wyrm? Cannibal could laugh at the mere thought of this deranged man challenging him with his little red pest. Even the one eyed prince and his ancient she-dragon, Vhagar, will be a welcomed challenge. When it comes to you, he'd do anything.
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specss00 · 3 days
Got on my back paws - got on my hands and knees. Like how animals can stand up as a trick.
ex: yeah, i really wanted that necklace, i had to get on my back legs so she would get it for me.
Showing fang - standing up for yourself/being assertive. 
ex:  he’s really tough, and he’ll show fang at just about anything.
White eye - going crazy/really scared. Like how animals show the whites of their eyes when very agitated.
ex: haha, i saw how scared you were during that movie, you went all white eye at the end!
Howling at the sun[wolf/werewolf] doing something completely ridiculously/incorrect
Ex: dude did you see how that movie ended? Mc was really howling at the sun
Could hear someone purring[cat, any other purring animal]  noticeably becoming relaxed around someone/something
Ex: I saw you with your new plush yesterday, I could really hear you purring
Treetop chaser - (herbivorous) someone who chases unattainable things.
ex: they’re way out of your league, don’t be a treetop chaser
Bellycrawler - someone overly submissive.
ex - you have to stand up for yourself, don’t be a bellycrawler and let them take advantage of you.
Downy - young, referring to the soft fur of young animals. 
ex - she shouldn’t be out til midnight, she’s still downy!
Sit on your wag - means the same thing as swallow your smile.
ex - i got accepted into college, but my sister wasn’t, so i had to sit on my wag.
Go for the ruff - do something harmless/gently.
ex - the shirt was really ugly, but i went for the ruff so i didn’t hurt his feelings.
Flea - an insult meaning antikin, or a bigot in general.
ex - oh, you have him in your class? Be careful, he’s a total flea.
Riptide Rider - (aquatic) someone who lives dangerously.
ex: stay away from her, she’s a riptide rider, you’re bound to get hurt.
Current crazy - someone who just follows other people, same as flock brain
ex: my brother joined the football team, and now he’s all current crazy.
Bottomfeeder - an insult for a low-class being.
ex - the boys at my school are such bottomfeeders, they make all the girls uncomfortable.
Floater - an insult for a superior or snobby person.
ex - ugh, they’re such a floater. They brag about their promotions ALL THE TIME.
Seen the whale fall - someone who is very experienced, now become a word for old among younger aquatics.
ex - my gramps has really seen the whale fall, he’s almost 95!
Play remora - like devil’s advocate, because remoras stick close to sharks.
ex - i don’t wanna play remora about this, but i think he was lying.
Flock brain - (avian) someone who can’t think for themselves. 
ex: ugh, she’s only hanging out with them now, she’s being a total flock brain.
A hummer with an eagle - (avian) someone who is clearly out of their depth.
ex: are you sure you can handle advanced classes? No offense, but you’ll be a hummer with the eagles.
Mantling over [smth] - [avian] being possessive, traditionally over food items 
Ex : Sarah is really mantling over that burger menu, I tried to take a fry and she almost bit my head off...
All preened up - [avian] well dressed, well groomed, the state of satisfaction and confidence that comes with A Good Look
Ex : Wow, Eric was all preened up this evening. I don't think I've ever saw him take this many selfies. 
And just for fun...
Going for the rattler - [roadrunner] choosing the hard or dangerous option, with expectation of either great fun or a great reward
Ex : "Huh, this park offers either a canyoning session over rapids or a day in the sun near the lake" "well I'm definitely going for the rattler" 
flare(s) my wings - (avian) makes me tense/nervous/angry 
"i don't like him, he always makes me flare my wings" 
makes my wings flutter - (avian) makes me happy/excited
"pasta always makes my wings flutter"
im pretty sure "ruffles my feathers" is a preexisting one
messy wings (with no time to preen) - (avian) having a bad day/stressed (and haven't had time to cool down)
"yeah today my wings are so messy and i haven't had time to preen"
Having a blood feather - [avian] being particularly irritable 
ex : Don't bother with this guy, he's been having a severe case of blood feathers. He'll jump at you for anything.
Riding the updraft - [flying creature] taking advantage of good opportunities, being lucky in life, having an easy time.
ex : I've been really riding the updraft recently ! Got both a promotion and a new car! 
Beak agape - [avian] furious, about to throw down.
ex : Jesus, this dude really left me beak agape. The audacity to say that !
Feeling clipped - [avian] feeling restless and anxious, like there's no way out
ex : Honestly these last few weeks have left me feeling clipped, between the news, and being dropped from my job. 
Makes my scales itch - (draconic) said about something unsettling or that just feels wrong deep down, a gut feeling that something's wrong
ex: We should get out of here. This place is making my scales itch.
Blow fire - (draconic) be extremely angry about something
ex: Did you hear what went down the other day? John was really blowing fire at Derek over that one.
Rattle someone's scales - (draconic) to unsettle or upset someone
ex: Can't stand that guy, he really rattles my scales. 
Cloudy day - (reptilian) usually used as a question, if someone is acting tired or unusual. Like how reptiles need the sun to stay warm, if it’s cloudy, they can’t warm up.
ex: woah, cloudy day? You look like you haven’t slept in months.
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misanocircuit · 2 months
Marc Márquez's interview in Mugello '24 (by Italian youtuber SINNAGGAGGHIRI)
Question: "Now that we've gained more intimacy, without pretending nothing happened, we know about the friction that Italy has against you, let's say. If you could say something to the Italians who follow MotoGP, what would you say to them?"
Marc: "It's true that we had the rivalry in the past with the Italian idol, but it's something that I accept. At the end I always say: competition is rivalry, it has to stay in the track, then outside the track... We are all people!"
"It's pouring cats and dogs!"
Marc: "Yes, now yes! Give me the..."
"The umbrella!" "Niiiice!"
Marc: "I'm gonna hold it, I'm gonna hold it!"
*Marc laughs like a madman*
Q: "Right now, who do you think is the best rider?"
Marc: "Ah! It's Francesco Bagnaia."
Marc: "For me yes, he's the one who won last year, the one who won also in 2022... It's true that [Jorge] Martín is very strong too but the best one is the one who wins: Pecco Bagnaia won."
Q: "Your favourite racetrack?"
Marc: "Austin, Aragón or Phillip Island: if I have to choose one it's Phillip Island, it's very nice, very nice... Also the place is very pretty."
Q: "If I should ask you about your biggest remorse, which one would it be?"
Marc: "The biggest remorse – or the one which I'd change if I would go back – is when I came back after the fall in 2020, when I fractured my humerus: I came back 4 days later, I came back too early, I got another fracture... At the end I had 4 operations at the arm and now it's an arm that works well but 4 years... It would have been a 6 months rehabilitation which instead become a 4 years one. In that moment I realized that if you're not in shape you can't do anything: the body is one and you have to keep the right setup!"
"The setup of the body!" *they both laugh*
Marc: "I like this better!" [referring to the followers' questions instead of the guy's questions]
Q: "Nicolò asks us: an aspect that you really don't like of your job?"
Marc: "Is that it's something that I really like but... Sometimes I ask myself "why am I not invisible?", it's something that I like having people [around], having that relationship with the supporters, but sometimes when you're in the paddock, when you're working, when you have to go here and there, you think "I want to be invisible" so to be able to go from a place to another without being stopped... But, on the other hand, this is what gives me the grit."
"When you're not working, you'd rather be alone!"
Marc: "Ahhh, now it's correct! When I'm not working I'd rather be a normal one, one who can go to the shopping centre and nobody asks anything... But then it's true that if they ask you to take a picture it's good news, it means that you're doing your job right."
*Marc laughs diabolically and says*: "You can ask that one eh, if you want!"
Q: "Does being Marc Márquez make you make love more?" [the original question was literally "does being MM make you fu*k more?" lol]
Marc: "Ehehe, it's easier! If some rider says no, then it's bad, it's not good! But now I have a girlfriend and I'm very happy and..."
"That's it, it's over!"
Marc: "Yes, I'm out of the game/business!"
Q: "Maybe you already told us this, but Francesco asks us: what is the most traumatic and worse event on/with your bike? And I'd add: how did you manage to get through it?"
Marc: "For me it was the one of the arm, but also, for example, the first [crash] which was very tough was here in Mugello: at end of the straight, at 300 km/h, I was going against a wall and I had to jump from the bike; [it was] an impressive fall at 300 km/h... Here it was the first fall that I said "oh, here you go fast!"."
Q: "And how did you manage to recover?"
Marc: "Positive mindset. Always. You always have to be positive, then someone or something stops you, but you always have to be positive, it gives you the grit!"
"Oh, all [the rain] now! It's unbelievable!"
Marc: "All now, all now, all now! All the trousers wet!"
"Everything! [×3]"
Q: "Alessio asks us: after many years and 8 Titles, the anxiety before the lights go out is still there?"
Marc: "Always. It's true that it's easier to control it, but the anxiety... The butterflies in the stomach, you need to have them! You, before doing this, surely you had some butterflies, but it's normal, it's what gives you the right intensity!"
Q: "What job would have you done if you weren't a rider?"
Marc: "I've always said to my dad: "if I can't be a rider, because you never know, I want to be a motorbikes' mechanic or something..."."
Q: "A passion beside motorbikes?"
Marc: "Motorsport is everything, number one! Football, then, I like it a lot."
Q: "Which team do you support?"
Marc: "Barcelona!"
"Go Vicenza!"
Marc: "What's Vicenza, your hometown?"
"Yes, it's in the Italian Serie C [3rd division]."
"Oh yeah? Serie C, well... Go Vicenza!"
"Niiiiice!!" *Marc keeps laughing hyena-like*
Q: "Gabriele asks: one thing you love and hate about Italy."
Marc: "I love pasta, I hate the city traffic! In Spain it is also bad, but here... You drive aggressively, full gas!"
Q: "A more sentimental question: how are you? And I'd add: are you happy?"
Marc: "If you'd asked me this 6 months ago, I'd say "mmh", but now I'm happy, I'm content, everything goes well, in the professional and personal life... 6 months ago personal life was very good, the professional one... Something was missing: now I'm having fun."
Marc: "You're tall eh!"
"I'm tall?"
Marc: "You're tall and I'm short!" *they both laugh*
"At this point let's thank Marc for the time he dedicated to us!"
Marc: "Jaja, thank you very much, thank you very much!"
"I wish you good luck for this weekend!"
Marc: "Let's go, thank you very much, thank you very much, let's try, 100% percent!"
"We'll see eachother!"
Marc: "Gas!"
"Bye!" *awkward fist bump occurs*
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blues824 · 9 months
Would it be okay for me to drop this request here, for Twisted Wonderland only the Diasomia guys (and staff only if your interested in them) with either an s/o or student who is a dragon rider like in How to Train Your Dragon, like they can be tough like Astrid, but love befriending and learning a lot about dragons?
(Just the thought of Malleus being happy with a Nightfury buddy is just adorable to me, and Lilia wanting to babysit the baby dragons is what mainly motivated this request)
I think I’m just going to do Diasomnia for this one
Gender-neutral reader who is like Astrid, but has Toothless as a dragon.
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Malleus Draconia
You had met at Ramshackle, but he noticed that you were wrestling with something. Turns out, you had a dragon, and it sensed another dragon in the premises. He walked up and introduced himself, as he wasn’t aware that someone had taken up residence at Ramshackle. Unfortunately, he startled you, and you unsheathed your axe, ready to attack.
However, Toothless walked over carefully and started sniffing the prince, surprising you. He actually pushed you over and placed his head in the stranger’s lap, tail wagging and everything with a gummy smile to accompany it. Malleus laughed at the whole situation, patting the top of the dragon’s head as he asked if you were alright.
That was the start of a very peculiar friendship and even relationship, though, because your dragon became his best friend. When learning to care for Toothless, he learned about the Island of Berk, which was where you both hailed from. You also said that you aspired to be a great warrior, which he thought was similar to the dreams of a certain green-haired retainer that he had.
Seeing you ride Toothless was the first time he saw a genuine smile on your face. You looked radiant with the wind blowing in your face, doing many different tricks in the air with your dragon. He would actually shift into a dragon himself sometimes and he would fly with you two. The first time you rode him, however, it was so intimate. Your experience as a dragon trainer came in handy a bit, but other than posture, you didn’t really need it. It was free and unrehearsed, but it was fun.
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Lilia Vanrouge
Alright, he admits that his introduction was rather abrupt, considering he kind of just popped onto Ramshackle because he heard some dragon noises. Spooking you so that he had the element of surprise, he was not expecting to be held at axe-point as you and your dragon both snarled at him.
Your dragon, who he came to know as ‘Toothless’, started sniffing him and he realized that he was not an enemy. You were not as easily convinced and kept your guard up, but you put the axe away. Lilia is not one to keep a grudge, so he just giggled it off as the dragon rubbed up against him like a cat.
He already had experience with dragons, considering he watched over Malleus while he was just a hatchling. He knew all the soft spots, he knew all the snacks typically required, he even knew cue words. However, he had never ridden a dragon. Seeing you do it so elegantly was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and he wished he could see you that happy every day.
The first time he actually rode Toothless, though, it wasn’t as difficult as he thought it was going to be. Establishing trust first with a rather fishy offering (it was an actual fish), he mounted it, and Toothless got very excited and started prancing about. The old fae was having the time of his life as the spirited dragon glided through the air, maneuvering quickly unlike any other being he’s ever seen.
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Because you had already met Malleus and Lilia, they thought it was time to introduce him to Toothless so that he may be well-versed in every animal. Because a lot of woodland creatures were attracted to his presence, the dragon wasn’t very different. Luckily, you knew that Silver was going to be there, so you didn’t have your guard up. However, you panicked when Sebek freaked out because Toothless went on the defensive.
Anyway, the older knight got along well with your companion, even giving the gummy-smiled reptile a few scratches here and there. That’s when he noticed the axe strapped to your back, and he asked about it. You informed him that you were a viking warrior from an island called ‘Berk’, where dragons had become very common, but Nightfuries were not.
This called for a training session between you and him, as he wanted to see the difference in fighting tactics. What he learned was that while you had a good plan, you were very spontaneous and unpredictable, a strategy he found admirable. You became an official guard of Malleus because you managed to throw his father off as well, and you managed to surprise him with your skill.
As for his first time riding Toothless, he does get why you love it so much. The view of the school from above as well as the wind flowing through his hair made him smile. However, he was not able to stay awake for long due to his condition. Knowing this might happen, he wrapped his arms around your torso so he wouldn’t fall off. The feeling of his arms made you flustered, but you kept your concentration.
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Sebek Zigvolt
He was also there to be introduced to Toothless, the only other dragon at NRC aside from Malleus. He was going to scold you for stripping away Waka-sama’s uniqueness, but he was startled by your dragon. You had to help him calm down because he was about to get his ass beat by a disabled dragon.
Once he was stable enough to be introduced, Toothless was still wary of him. Sebek’s face flushed red as you placed your hand on top of his, holding it out so that the oversized lizard could meet him halfway. The smile on the knight’s face when he felt the dragon’s nose was beaming bright, showing you the man’s fangs.
Sebek also noticed your axe, and he definitely inquired about it, making sure you were going to be no harm to Malleus. You explained that you were a viking warrior back in your world, and that you fought to die in battle, as was the viking way to get to Valhalla. As a knight himself, he found that respectable, and even offered to help you train so that your skills wouldn’t get rusty. However, that training session ended in you even getting the best of Lilia, meaning you became a guard that day.
When he rides Toothless for the first time, he is nervous that he is going to mess everything up and manage to get you hurt in the process. However, you shut him up with a kiss to the cheek as you mounted the Nightfury, tapping the seat behind you. He mounted as well, face painted red, as you took to the sky.
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marvelsmylife · 2 months
The Long Lost Archeron Sister Chapter 1: Life At Basgiath War College
Pairing: Azriel x Archeron!reader, Xaden Riorson x Archeron!reader
Plot: A glimpse into your life at Basgiath and your complicated relationship with Xaden Riorson.
A/n for obvious reasons Violet has a different dragon in this story since the reader is bonded to Tairn. I also decided not to include Cat in this story because I felt like there would be too many characters in this story.
ACOTAR Masterlist
Fourth Wing Masterlist
TLLAS Masterlist
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You thought you had a pretty normal childhood growing up. You had parents who loved you and siblings whom you very rarely fought with. Of course, you knew you were adopted from a very young age. Mostly because you looked nothing like the rest of the family, but they all loved you just the same.
While you got along with your three siblings, you were the closest to Brennan because he felt the need to protect you from everything and everyone. He would defend you when people would tease you because you were adopted. He would respond to those bullies with “Our family chose y/n, you’re family is stuck with you.” This would result in the bully crying to their parents, and they would demand Brennan apologize for his words. Of course, your parents defended Brennan’s actions and scolded the parents for raising their children the way they did.
So you were devastated when Brennan was killed during the war. You were like a zombie roaming around and caused your family to worry you were going to do something to yourself. You only got worse when your father passed away shortly after Brennan’s death.
You became a shell of yourself, and no one, not even Violet (who always managed to make you smile) could get you back to how you once were. Because of that, Lilith thought it would be best to train you so you could become a rider when it was time for you to attend Basgiath. She knew you wanted to enroll in the healer quadrant but felt like you might excel as a rider like her, Brennan, and now Mira.
“Be careful. Xaden Riorson is also attending this year with you. He might want to kill you for what mom did to his dad,” Mira warned you on your first day before she pulled you into a hug, “I love you, I know you’re going to do great in the riders quadrant. You’ve been preparing for years for this moment.”
Mira was right. You did fantastic in your first year at Besgiath; the only bad moments you had involved Xaden.
It all started when you crossed the parapet. You had just finished crossing when you heard a female screaming behind you. Glancing over your shoulder, you spot a girl with a rebellion relic on her arm hanging off the parapet. Without thinking, you ran towards her and managed to help her up before making it to the other side again.
As soon as you did, you were pushed to the side by a tall, tan, muscular guy. You immediately noticed a rebellion relic on his arm and put two and two together that he was checking on the girl who almost fell. “Excuse me,” you said under your breath, but the guy managed to hear you.
“What did you say?” the guy asked with an angry expression on his face.
You knew you should not start drama on the first day, but you turned around and said, “Excuse me. You say that when you want someone to get out of your way. Instead of pushing past people.”
“Yeah. Well, I wanted to make sure you didn’t do anything to her.”
You were ready to argue when you heard a man clearing his throat, “Sorrengail, what is going on here.” Looking over, you spotted Colonel Aetos with his arms crossed.
“Sorrengail?” the guy had a surprised look on his face.
Colonel Aetos looked at the guy and replied, “Yes, Riorson. Sorrengail, as in general Sorrengail’s daughter.”
Fuck was all you thought when you realized Colonel Aetos announced who your mother was. You were also freaking out that you were arguing with the one guy Mira told you to stay away from.
“Nothing Colonel Aetos. We were just finished crossing the parapet,” you replied while holding your head high and tried not to show you were freaking out internally.
Colonel Aetos looked you straight in the eye to see if you were lying. When he couldn’t detect if you were lying, he nodded before leaving. As soon as he was gone, Xaden glared at you and said, “Stay out of my way,” before storming away with the other marked ones.
You tried your best to avoid Xaden as much as you could. Unfortunately, it seemed the universe wanted to make your life difficult because no matter how hard you tried, you kept running into Xaden. At first, all he did was glare at you, but over the following weeks, it shifted into him taunting you if you made a small mistake.
Things only got more complicated when you discovered that your dragon was mated to Xaden’s dragon. You glared at Tarin when you found out and shut them tight when you heard Xaden’s voice. “Let’s see how long you last before Tairn has to find a new rider,” Xaden taunted before mounting Sgaeyl.
“Do you wish for me to get rid of your enemy?” Tairn asks once Xaden and Sgaeyl are gone.
You tried to suppress a laugh at Tairn’s request, “Sgaeyl will get mad you killed her rider.”
“She’ll get over it. There are a lot of riders who are not bonded to dragons yet. She can pick from them,” you let out a loud laugh at Tairn’s response.
“As much as I wish for you to do that, I’d rather not give the marked ones another reason to hate me,” you replied before you mounted Tairn and shot up into the sky.
Your second year was when your relationship changed from hatred for one another into lust. It was somewhere in mid-September when you and Xaden first slept together. What was supposed to train for upcoming challenges turned into something more when you managed to pin Xaden onto the mat.
Before you had a chance to second guess your decision, you leaned in and kissed Xaden. Xaden was more than happy to kiss you back and started groping your ass. You were ready to remove your leathers when Xaden stopped you. “Not here,” Xaden groaned into your chest while you moved against him, “not unless you want someone to walk in on us.”
You were more than happy to be dragged into his room, where you proceeded to have sex until you were exhausted. It had been a long time since you had sex with anyone, so you were enjoying every second of it. Once you caught your breath, you decided that it was time to leave. As soon as you got up and started getting dressed again, Xaden asked, “Where are you going?”
“To my room?” you replied, a confused look on your face, “where else would I go?”
Sitting up, Xaden had a scowl on his face, “You’re not going anywhere. It’s late, and might I remind you, people are still trying to kill you so they can bond with Tairn.”
You mentally cursed yourself because you knew he was right, “So what am I supposed to do? Spend the night here?” Your eyes widened when Xaden just pats his bed, “holy shit, I was kidding. It’s one thing to fuck; it’s another to sleep together after sex.”
“Well, I’m not kidding, so come back to bed. You can sneak out in the morning if you want, but you’re not leaving this room tonight.” Xaden moved his sheets so you could get back into his bed.
You wanted to continue arguing with Xaden, but you knew it was a lost cause, so you decided to climb back on his bed. “I still hate you,” you grumbled.
“You weren’t saying that when I was fucking a few minutes ago,” Xaden teased as he held you against his chest and drifted off to sleep. 
You wish you could say that was the first and last time you had sex with Xaden; it wasn’t. What followed was a very challenging relationship that lasted for the rest of the year. Each time you thought you were in a good place with Xaden, you discovered he was lying. Which would result in you breaking up with him and him asking for another chance. 
It wasn’t until your third year that your and Xaden’s relationship started to stabilize. Part of you felt like Violet had something to do with it. With her being forced into the rider’s quadrant by your mother, you found yourself looking after her. It crushed you at times, watching as she went through the same challenges you faced in your first year. You made sure to give her the book Brennan wrote for Mira like Mira gave it to you on your first day.
You also made sure that no one killed her the entire year like they tried with you during your first year. Of course, you also roped in Xaden’s friends to help and suggested one of his friends from first year follow her around just in case. You knew you were being over the top, but you had already lost two family members, and you didn’t want to lose more.
Of course, the trust you built with Xaden went down the drain the day you found out Brennan was alive, and he knew the entire time. You screamed at Xaden; if the events during war games hadn’t happened, would he have eventually told you that your brother was alive. He tried to tell you that he wanted to tell you the truth but that Brennan told him not to.
Because of that, you didn’t speak or acknowledge Xaden’s existence for weeks after graduation. You wanted to be stationed as far away from Xaden as possible. Unfortunately, because Sgaeyl and Tairn are mated, they need to be by each other’s side. Which was unfortunate for you because that meant you had to be around Xaden.
Xaden spent weeks trying to work through your rough patch, and his hard work paid off nine weeks later. He promised to be completely honest with you and even offered to answer any questions you had for him about his past. 
You were happy to take him up on his offer and spent three weeks asking him questions you were dying to ask him, but he always shut down. The big one was if he truly loved you. “Yes,” Xaden replied while caressing your face, “you are the first and only woman I’ll ever love.”
Hearing that finally put your mind at ease and allowed Xaden to kiss you. Of course, Xaden took things further than kissing quickly, seeing as you refused to be touched by him for weeks. He repeatedly groaned about how much he missed you and hearing your whimpers because of the pleasure he brought you.
That night was different than other nights you’ve had since you were stationed at Samara. You had a dream you used to have daily when you first got to Basgiath and bonded with Tairn and Andarna. 
You were hyperventilating and covered in sweat when you woke up in the middle of the night. “What’s wrong?” Xaden asked in a groggy state.
“I had that dream again. The one where I’m being hugged by two other girls, one looking exactly like me. Then a man ripped me away from them before handing me to my father, and the other girls called after me,” you replied, holding Xaden’s blanket against your chest. “I feel like it isn’t a dream. I feel like they are memories, but the last time I talked to my mom, she said I was an only child and that my parents gave me away because they couldn’t afford to take care of me.”
Xaden sat up and kissed your shoulder, “I hate to be that guy, but there is a strong chance your mother is lying to you. Are you sure your parents didn’t have someone erase your memories when you were a child?”
You were about to reply when you heard Tairn’s voice, "Young one, your sister’s in trouble. Surie can’t locate her, and their line of communication has been blocked. We have to go now before it’s too late."
You began to panic at Tairn’s words and shot out of Xaden’s bed, “What’s wrong?” Xaden asked as he watched you get dressed.
“My sister's in trouble. Tairn said Surie can’t get ahold of Violet.” You replied, “I don’t care if I get punished for this. Need to find my sister.”
Xaden didn’t have to think twice before getting up and started getting dressed. “Go pack up your stuff. I’m going to go tell Garrick we’re leaving and give him the option to come with us or stay if he wishes. We’ll meet you in your room, ok?”
“Ok,” you replied, kissing Xaden before you packed to your room.
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tenseoyong · 2 years
Aemond loves his little family.
He keeps a watchful eye over his children, making the royal guards seem redundant. Aemond often recalls the ridicule and embarrassment he’d faced as a child—and the resulting accident—and makes it a personal matter to maintain a keen eye over how the children behave towards each other, or how other children in the keep interact with his family.
Rarely does he let his half-sister and his nephews interact with his happy little family.
The Prince is unusually involved in his children’s lives for someone of his station—the responsibility typically laying with that of wet nurses and his lady-wife’s handmaidens—yet Aemond does it anyways.
He personally oversees their studies, and has taken the task upon himself of teaching his children High Valyrian—carefully correcting mispronunciations and gently calming them when their frustrations grow.
Aemond refused to be to his children what his own father was to him—neglectful and uninterested or show obvious favoritism for one over the masses—Aemond made sure all his children felt equally as loved and cherished, in their own ways of course.
His eldest son—Vaemon—was very much the warrior every royal family hoped the first born male would be. Aemond had a little wooden sword crafted and in the small boy’s hand before the child could fully walk.Aemond was often spotted training with the young lad, teaching his heir proper techniques and how to find and use one’s advantages.
A few years behind his first born, came Vaenya. Undoubtedly his scholar in the making. The young girl would rarely be found without a book in her grasp; Aemond would gift her with every newly published book he could get his hands on, though, she greatly favorite those of the world’s history—much like her father—and Aemond would enjoy quiet evenings spent by candlelight, the two of them pouring over ancient texts. Often, Aemond would teasingly correct her posture, “Slouching is unbecoming of a Princess~”
His darling Haelera, who—affectionately named after his sweet sister—had somehow managed to gather the same odd fascination with all things creepy-crawly, still felt her father’s warm love. Though, you could say she was a lover of animals in general, it was much easier to come across bugs of various types than an odd dog or cat in the Red Keep. Aemond listening intently to every little insect fact his darling daughter brought to his attention, and would often return from his Princely duties with a jar containing a random bug much to Haelera’s delight.
And Little Raenar could just barely toddle after his older brother and his father, yet Aemond was insistent on bringing the infant as he and Vaemon trained. Aemond supposed the young babe simply liked the sounds of metal—if the light on his face and the happy giggles that floated through the training yard each time Aemond blocked one of Vaemon’s attacks were anything to go by—but the babe seemed to enjoy the activity, or his brother and sire’s company either way, and Aemond was content with including him even if his little mind wasn’t entirely sure what was happening.
Aemond personally picks each and every dragon egg that would be placed in his children’s cradles. And while, thankfully all eggs did hatch, Aemond did harbor a bit of fear that one of his children would be left to suffer a fate similar to his as a dragonless Targaryen—and vowed he’d not have them ridiculed as he once was, that he’d comfort and adore them regardless.
He relishes in teaching his children to be dragon riders. To see the ease and joy on their faces after a their first ride, to see they have what should have been his—gaining a dragon-bond at birth, and not having to lose a part of themselves in order to gain something by sheer determination—Aemond delights in taking his little clan on family rides.
Aemond would not see his little family crumble and become scattered in the winds as his extended family had been in his youth. He insists upon the family being together during every meal, not that you’d ever begin to think of denying him that—the family being as tight knit as it was—Aemond enjoyed hearing about each member of his family’s daily activities and growing interests.
He would never be more grateful to anyone more than he was to his Lady-Wife for giving him something he’d never truly had before—the gift of family—darling children that loved each other as much as their father loved them.
Aemond Targaryen loves his little family.
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gortashs-skidmark · 5 months
Tieflings DnD - variations for the fanfic writers and artists!! -
There’s a lot about tieflings on the internet. THESE ARE CANON, except for one thought i put in.
If you’re gonna do BG3 fanfics about Tieflings, please please please consider adding some spice with origin lore and CANON facts about their race :) it would be SO fun!
Pls I need more zevlor fanfic too.
PLS READ: I don’t believe in censorship or ignoring the subject of people who are oppressed, but be mindful of how you write and use oppression of dnd races on your tav pls.
- Orange; Canon Historical Events, Abilities, Bodily Facts, and Bloodlines. It means i think you should look into it.
Pink: I think it's cute. Red; Warning, Comment Purple; Headcanon (only one of them)
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; <3 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- Tieflings are prone to bad luck, because of the Curse of Aasimar.
- Planar Proverb “don’t ever make a bet with a Tiefling” hey I already made one with Lakrissa.
- They’re arcanally gifted, most of them. Zariel Tieflings are much better melee fighters.
- Tielfling Blood; is tainted from the hells so they could have human parents. Be descendants of demon, devils, evil deities, night hags, and succubus!
- i know y’all love aphrodisiac fanfics, succubus spittle is exactly what you need dawg. Someone make me a fanfic including succubus heritage.
- along with that, Tieflings are unable to breed with anyone except humans or other Tieflings. Literally. They can be Tiefling or human.
- Usually there is some tell to if they’re Zariel, Asmodeus, Mephistopheles by birth mark, or traits like cat eyes, or night hags bloodlines have red eyes without pupils or scelaras
EDIT: I thought the flaming pupils were cat-like slit eyes in the game, but Karlach does indeed have regular slits!
- Tieflings can be male, female, or without gender. It is a canon fact. A win for my gender struggling homies.
- They can have green, blue, purple, pink, yellow, red skin tones. With dark hair colors only like black, purple, dark red and blue. I don’t care for this, genes be gene-ing so have any color you want.
Mephestopheles is recorded as to having blue skin, pale blue whites and red eyes, soot black scales, with large wings in the 2nd Manual. BUT in a 3e version he is described having red skin, bat wings, being 9ft, with white eyes, and slick black hair. Both of these are present in Mephestophic Bloodlines in BG3. Raphael is the son, though cambion, is red.
Asmodeus rules the Nine Hells. Mephestopheles being his archduke, only rules the 8th layer. Asmodeus has a humanoid, and a scale-fiend version of himself. He's red, slim, 13ft tall, horned, vibrant red eyes, and a neatly trimmed beard. He is Lawful-Evil.
The Blood War (where Karlach escaped) is described as a "philosophical war" and which kind of evil would rule. Asmodeus plays a part but didn't start it, it's rooted in ancient Hell conflicts. Asmodeus claimed it was a senselessly bloody conflict from a militia standpoint. He really hates it, he's not a fan of it. INFERNAL POLITICS ARE FUCKING COMPLICATED. look into it :)
Zevlor was a Hellrider or Rider of Elturel! a Cavalry unit for Elturel during the 14th and 15th century. They ride horseback, and use spears and bows. They're well reguarded!! Zevlor should have more pride in himself for his service, being a refugee isn't his fault, or The Descent.
In the late 1400's striving for Paladin Knighthood in the Order of Companion was a rank of Hell rider. Before and after the year 1494, you could be a Paladin and join freely.
The Order of Companions was an Elturel, of Western Heartland, theocratic realm of Paladin Knighthood. It's just a region of Paladins that are highly reguarded. They typically worship Tyr, Torm, Helm, and Aumanator.
They kept order in the high capital of Elturel, preserving local civilization from outer destruction. They're super Lawful Good.
Typically an Oath of Devotion or an Oath of the Crown.
"For a City Guard, they outmatched the armies of the Whole Realm" - Forgotten Wiki Realms
They guard general land, they aren't really police, and can escort as far as Waterdeep if privileged to. It is a job they hold for life. I FUYCKING LOVE HELLRIDERS.
Shortly after Elturel’s descent into Avernus, the Tieflings were blamed for the fall, and expelled from the city entirely. Zevlor and any tiefling hellrider’s title has been stripped from them. Any hellrider’s were arrested at The Gate. And the reputation of tieflings sunk even lower.
Badlurian’s are Elturian’s rivals but Duke Ravenguard was tricked into coming to Elturel for politics and ended up helping and sending in troops to help fight. He’s extra important! I might find Wyll, all though lovely, useless, his father is very brave and noble and amazing for what he does.
- Tieflings can have feathers! Although rare. They can have fur, scales, or be bald like humans. They can be any variation of sorts!
- A more common portrayal of tieflings, is having solid colored eyes, whites and irises the same color. They can be black, red, silver, gold, or white.
- Tieflings are technically minorities and don’t live in the highest neighborhoods. It gives them an even worse reputation.
- Most of the Tieflings with famous status, also give bad reps. Climbing their way to the top in corruption.
- When Tieflings get nervous, experience anxiety, or are upset. They’re known to wrap their tails around their leg!! Super telling.
- They can use their tail like a monkey, very dexterous about it. It’s about 5-6ft long.
- Their ages, weight, height. All similar to humans. Idk how logical that is with 5 extra feet of meat behind them. Sometimes they can live longer, to about 120-150 years old.
- Tieflings can look just like humans. Though they can have their hellish features, those with strong hellish features are often killed at birth out of disgust.
- They can also have legs of a goat, tail akin to a horse or a lizard.
- Tieflings can be really good at thieving, hiding, and deceit.
- their diet consists of meat, marrow, gristle, fat, and bones. They’re highly carnivorous. They even eat roasted insects.
- Many worship Besheba, the goddess of bad luck, finding similarities in them and their goddess.
- Tieflings are as sensitive as humans, same hearing. They usually have dark vision. And their body temperatures can be colder or warmer than humans depending on their type of tainted blood. --Mephistopheles blood lines are from the frozen layer of hell, maybe their blood is colder.
- They don’t purr, sorry girlies. They’re closer to humans than Tabaxis or Driders.
- Tieflings don’t regrow horns unless they’re still young, though they do tend to file them down.
- They have a natural unsettling aura about them. Even if their heritage is unknown to others, it makes people uncomfortable. They also can smell of sulphur.
- There are so many Tieflings bloodlines. I love the Babau Tieflings bc they’re already known as uncanny creatures-- Babau Tieflings are gaunt and skinny, darker skin, and a small horn coming from the back of their head.
- Marilith Tieflings are known to be seductive- more than they already are, and have dark hair. They have snake-like half-bodies and have grey tongues.
- Succubus Tieflings! They’re like the ones you see in bg3, often have a small set of wings.
- Tieflings can have so many fucking variations it makes me dizzy.
- Tieflings can have bat-like wing shaped ears, that perk up and shit. I know yall think about ear movements. <zevlor has this>
Edit: Ya'll loved this :) I can do another on Tiefling politics if ya'll want. Or more bloodlines and fun facts if you want.
I have built another list of Canon facts about Driders and Kar'niss Headcanons if you monster fuckers are interested!!
Currently in the works; He Who Was Headcanons and Shadar'Kai canon facts and events.
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cattonicdragon · 11 months
Man your work is great :D could you do Astrid hiccup tuffnut ruffnut and snotlout with a small jolly reader(4 feet tall) that riders screaming death or a titan wing catastrophic quaken.(I just like the this short joyful person next a GIANT creature that looks like it squash you like a bug it's just a bit funny to me XD)
Astrid,hiccup,the twins(separately) and snotlout x reader who’s a short ball of joy and rides a screaming death
Decided to do screaming death cus I love them
<<WARNINGS:abit of angst,snotlout not likeing spitelout,mentions of injuries(dragons mainly),snotlout needs a hug,spelling errors probally>>can you tell I don’t know how to do warnings?
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She is absolutely stunned
Your so tiny.and yet you managed to tame the screaming death
She nearly had a heart attack the first time stormfly and the screaming death play fought,she still nearly dose after she gets used to them
She knows your screaming death won’t hurt stormfly,but as the good dragon rider she is she gets worried for her dragon
She may not admit it but she’s extremely cocky over the fact that one of the dragon riders on their side managed to tame the screaming death,with is defiantly no easy feat 💀
She genuinely questions you on how on earth you managed to tame the screaming death
She’s amused by the size difference between you and your dragon
Little ball of joy and a island destroying demon/pos
Due to your small size she can easily pick you up
She picks you up under your arms and you can only dangle there
You’ll just have to hope your screaming death is feeling nice and might scare Astrid to put you down
Don’t think you being small is all fun though.
Is stormfly is particularly pissed off by the screaming death she will pick you up by the scruff of the neck and run/fly off with you
A chase will ensue,that may or may not have to end up with hiccup and/or having to sort it out
She admires how you can stay so sweet and joyful
She may or may not admit it but she adores your personality,in hard times you can seem like a bright light in a endlessly dark hallway,and she couldn’t be more grateful
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Also nearly has a heart attack
The screaming death defiantly had some bad blood with him and toothless
But with you,it’s like a big cat/dog and almost completely docile
Ok well maybe the fact that he made the screaming death plummet face first into a rock wouldn’t help
Your tinny compared to hiccup and even tinier compared to the screaming death
He worries that you may become a large target for dragon hunters
Toothless and the screaming death,don’t exactly get along
I mean years of hatred and bad blood isn’t going to fix easily…
But the you and hiccup will find them curled up together
You don’t understand them but that’s ok
He asks if he can examine the screaming death,or maybe ride it.riding is a less likely option though 💀
He will wince or cringe if he sees any scars or damage he may have caused
He can relate to you being positive and joyful alot
But can also be abit jealous,how can you stay so joyful even in some of the most stressfull situations
He’s so unimaginabley grateful that your there for him during the entire time
You decrease his stress tones
It also feels like a weight off of his shoulders with the burden of having such a great relationship with a endangered and powerful dragon,you’ll stick together and get through it though
He also picks you up,and makes fun of your height.
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Probally one of the only ones who dosnt almost have a heart attack
If anything she’s jealous that you managed to tame such a cool and destructive dragon
Begs asks if she can have a ride just one please?
Will try everything and anything with the screaming death
You will need to supervise 24/7 sorry not sorry
She brags about you all the time
She loves your short size and will toss you over her shoulder/hold you like a log
She’s teases you about your size WAY to much,please tell her to put a sock in it T.T
Barf,belch and the screaming death become the faces of Loki day
Barf and belches personality might have slightly affected your dragon but oh well
Loves to cause distruction with you
If you don’t go on a mission she’s not going either,even if tuffnut begs.
She enjoys your joyful personality and loves that there’s someone that slightly carefree
She also feels like she can be more reckless now that there’s a island destroying dragon on the riders team
You will have to keep an eye on her,or lecture her.either works
Will Loki you hard,unless the screaming death is around.she dosnt want to become 🧀 today thanks
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Also dosnt get a heart attack
Instead he gets destructive zoomies
He begs you,like hands and knees and everything
For one chance to either ride or cause destruction with the screaming death
Jokes on you though if you say yes to either,the other will happen anyways.there’s no winning in this situation sorry
Surprisingly knows when to give the screaming death space
He’s reckless but sensible
Will bribe the screaming death to go on destructive trips constantly
He makes fun of your height,more than ruffnut
Chiken and the screaming death surprisingly get along the best,unlikely but wholesome friendship for the win
Chiken by proxy loves you a lot aswell
So if tuffnut loses chiken he checks you and the screaming death basically first
Somehow carries around a stall with him so you can get to high places when need be
Will kick ruffnut off barf and belch for a ride if you asked
Man Is whipped for you
Don’t leave tuffnut alone with the screaming death though,either he or someone else will die
He at some point becomes something of a second rider to the screaming death,it’s a lot of bribing and treats though and also the fact that he encourages the screaming deaths destructive tendencies
He likes your joyful ness,will also try to bribe you to help him get out of situations he gets himself into
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Probally faints during first encounter
Is very worried for everyone’s saftey,it’s a similar situation as to when they took in the injured singetail
Complains a lot about the fact that allowed to bring the SCREAMING DEATH to berk/the edge
He admires you Aton
Your short,shorter then him and look at you go!
Gets a bit jealous of you and may think he’s not good enough
Give him a hug :(
One time during the longest day he ended up snuggling against the screaming death,and survived.after that day they grew abit closer which was sweet
He enjoys your optimism and it’s a good balance since he can be abit pessimistic sometimes
If his dad ever comes to visit and your around he finds himself gravitating towards you,he feels safe with you
Hook fang and the screaming death like tug of war.why?,who knows
They like to play catch with each other aswell,again no idea why
He asks if you want to ride with him and hookfang quite a lot,it’s his way of non verbally getting recognition and validation
He finds himself being a lot less pessimistic when your around and just in general,your jolly personality is infective and effective
He likes to just hug you when he’s feeling down of tired
He picks you up places you in places where you can’t get down easily
He pisses off the screaming death.quite a lot
He likes writing books for you and indulging in your hobbies aswell
Shows you off a ton,as long as you don’t mind though,he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable
He likes knitting things for you
He also likes it when you both are in the same room,you can be doing something different or even just being quiet,as long as your there he doesn’t mind
He likes to spar alot aswell,but he never lets it get to the point where either of you get hurt
He’s very protective of you despite the fact he dosnt really need to be
He just cares alot
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lavendersartistry · 5 months
You Love Them, Don't You?
Space Riders AU - @onyxonline KoiRite - @lavendersartistry
This fic is for onyxonline's Space Riders AU, this time with shenanigans in KoiRite's planet Imbeko! This fic is mainly centered around Onyx's OC Z and my OC, KoiRite! Please check Onyx out, their work is super cool!
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Bhekumbuso, a raging province of Imbeko and home to the panthers. The state for improvement of one's values and goals; the leader.
As welcoming as it was, a particular masked tuxedo cat kept to himself for the time being. Z stayed in the shadows as he observed the servants at work within the palace. He took in the sites, the interior of the whole place.
"Enjoying yourself, Tux?"
Z suddenly turned his head, his own helmet meeting Koi's. Then down to her attire. He crossed his arms, lightly scoffing.
"Coming back from a mission, Warrior?"
Koi let her helmet disappear at silent command, the rose gold fangs framing her face once the protective material dissolved. She tilted her neck as the bones quietly cracked.
"Unfortunately. I apologize I wasn't at the entrance to give you a tour of Bhekumbuso. I hope my brothers weren't a handful."
Z shrugged, nodding off her apology.
"They were alright, nothing too bad. But about a tour of the palace-"
"Hold on there."
Koi handed him a shawl with embroidered patterns of Imbeko's mythological creatures. She lightly patted his shoulder with a small chuckle.
"Mother would scold me if you weren't given the guest shawl when you came. It's yours to keep if you want."
Z nodded, taking a look back at the detail. Koi smirked and walked off, starting off the tour of the palace.
"So, you and Solaris?"
Z turned his head to Koi as the two were out in the garden, the visor on his helmet making a confused expression.
"What do you mean?"
Koi glanced his way with a soft smirk and leaned back against a savannah tree.
"I've seen it, the times you fall secretly for him."
Z turned his head away, sighing heavily as he rested his head on his closed fist. He didn't think it wouldn't be possible.
"It can't happen. I've done things... and I don't think it wouldn't be possible for us.."
Koi raised a eyebrow then placed her hand on his shoulder.
"You underestimate DogDay. He understands you, cares for you. Who says it's not possible for you two?"
Z's ears on his helmet pinned down to his head, showing his fear.
"Koi, I-"
"You love him, don't you? Then try. Try to let yourself see that everyone is right here for you. Even him."
Z then went silent to Koi's assuring words. Then he nodded.
He just has to try.
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callsign-rogueone · 8 months
not joking - r.g.
Ridoc Gamlyn x rider!reader There aren’t many things that Ridoc is serious about, but your safety is one of them. [requested by anon] wc: 519 (sorry it’s short, I’ll definitely write more for Ri in the future!) 🏷: IRON FLAME SPOILERS, slight violence and injury, Cat (and her gryphon) being a bitch. no pronouns are used for the reader!
The first two hours of the “team-building” hike that the Lieutenant Colonel had been so enthusiastic about have done nothing to soften the relationship between the riders and fliers, and you’re doubtful that the next ten will do it, either. Exhaustion is starting to set in, shortening everyone’s patience, and the freezing temperature isn’t exactly helping.
Having Cat and her gryphon directly behind you is wearing on your nerves. The creature is equally nasty as its human, and has made its distaste for you known all morning, snapping its beak whenever you turned to check on the rest of the squad behind you. It’s already lunged at you once, and it likely will again.
You slow toward the top of an ascent, filling your lungs. You can see flat land ahead, which according to the map each squad has been given, means you’re nearly a quarter of the way there. But the sense of relief is temporary. 
You cry out in pain as claws rake down the back of your calf, and Ridoc whips around from where he stands ten feet in front of you. It’s easy enough for him to piece together what happened from the way you’re clutching your leg and the smug satisfaction on Cat’s face.
He glares up at Cat. “Control your fucking bird," he warns.
Cat doesn’t react, just glares at Ridoc with contempt.
“I’m not joking. Tell him to knock it the fuck off, or we’ll barbecue him for dinner at the top of the mountain. Should be enough for everybody.”
Cat simmers with anger, but Sawyer has already placed himself between you and the flier, who looks at the squad leader expectantly, like a child whose classmate has just pulled their hair and wants the teacher to make them stop. The irony.
“Five minute break, and we continue. Hydrate.” Rhiannon declares in her squad-leader voice, not acknowledging either of them. You know she's on Ridoc's side, she's just too responsible to say so aloud.
Ridoc kneels in front of you, cold hands pulling your foot up to rest on his leg so he can dress the three short wounds.
“I’m fine, Ri. It’s just a graze,” You say quietly, attempting to soothe him. You've haven't seen him like this since the first day of gauntlet training, which feels like it was years ago with how much you've all been through.
He takes a long strip of cloth from his pack, wrapping it around your calf tightly. “It’s not about the severity,” he responds, inspecting his work, “it’s that they dared to hurt you at all.”
Cat still looks like she wants to kill you, but she remains silent. If she can shut up and keep her gryphon out of trouble for the next ten hours, everyone will make it up to the summit alive.
“Are they tied to one another in the same way you and Lieutenant Riorson are?” Maren, the kind flier, asks quietly.
“No,” Violet answers, still watching the pair of you. You’re smiling again, laughing at another of his jokes. “Their dragons aren’t bonded. That’s just love.”
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thecountesstribe · 2 months
HOTD Ep 2x7 Spoilers and review.
So this was one of my favorite episodes this season and also one of the coolest imo.
Seasmoke being protective of Addam and looking proud he terrorized Addam into being his rider was too funny. I love that dragon 😂. Come through Addam the Loyal, all Rhaenyra had to say was she's queen and he immediately acknowledged her and bent the knee, I loved that. He's really about to become my other favorite boy.
Corlys being shook and acting like he doesn't know Addam, like sir if you don't tell the truth already. He's never gonna beat the deadbeat allegations. Although when he told him “Well done” I did whoop a little. I would've kicked his ass had I been Addam though.
Oscar Tully! That's it. That's the fuckin post. He gagged Daemon and stood on business. I love to see young kids bullying arrogant adults, he reminded me of the OG lil boss Lyanna Mormont. That's my lil nephew now.
Daemon didn't take the crown. We saw him hallucinating again, this time with the sick version of Viserys and Viserys holding the crown which he didn't take. I mean anybody with a brain could summarize that he never wanted the crown, we didn't need to spend so much time in his delusions in Harrenhal to tell us that. We certainly didn't need a scene of him feasting on his mom to tell us that, yuck. For all his faults he really was about his family. He went about it the wrong way but that's Daemon for you. His stupid self destructive ass.
We had an unnecessary scene of Alicent running about the woods after leaving King's Landing. Chile anyways. Larys is totally protecting Aegon now and he's essentially crippled atp. I fear for Baela's storyline.
Rhaena is looking for Sheepstealer. Her and Jeyne are still tussling but they waited until the final 2 episodes to give her something, Baela had no lines besides looking pretty and staring at Jace. I fuckin hate it here. Could we bully HBO AND THE WRITERS SOME MORE. WTF!!
Vermithor and SilverWing looked so cool. What did that old bum feed Vermithor though? He's big asf. SilverWing just might be the coolest looking dragon. I can't rank them anymore cause I like them all 😭. Literally my favorite thing about the episode. Like the directors cooked. The dragons are funny asf 😂😭😭😭. There were a lot of parentage reveals, I don't believe for a second Saera sired that ugly man but anyways. RhaeRhae led those people to their deaths. Rhaenyra deadass gave this big ass pep talk, she reminded me of Erwin before he led the scouts out on what would be their suicide mission except she didn't stay to see the outcome or participate in it. Vermithor saw an opportunity for a buffet and took it, Hugh claimed him. Fuckin cinema. Still gonna hate his bitchass but I can't lie that was badass. SilverWing was bullying Ulf. Why do people I hate always win sometimes?! Ulf literally failed upwards. Can't be mad at it. I mean if I was a dragon I would've done the same shit. How dare mediocre specimens come before me who is essentially the next best thing after the Gods!
We got Rhaenyra speaking High Valyrian. She had her dragon squad quit on her though and gave her a warning (foreshadowing). Her also being able to calm Vermithor, that's the Dragon Queen of her era y'all. We saw a little movement with her and her protective spoiled cat Syrax too 😍.
Not people hating on Jace now. Listen that argument has been brewing since season 1. He just finally let it out of his brooding body. I don't think many people understand the implications that argument meant. He sounded classist and maybe he was, highly doubt he is but he's being realistic and in the future he was proven right (unless they scrap the book canon). Rhaenyra paralleled Viserys in that entire scene. She really is her father's child in some ways. She did to Jace what Viserys essentially did to her. The one thing that could've upheld his ascension to the throne was him having a dragon and she essentially gave a free pass to anybody to do the same, the same thing was done to Rhaenyra when Viserys decided to marry Alicent and sire more children when he knew damn well that if he had a son, her claim to the throne would've been compromised. Jace knows he's a “bastard”, a legitimate one but a “bastard” ntl (I'm not calling him a bastard in a derogatory sense either, he isn't. Laenor claimed them as his sons and that's the end of it to me) , it shouldn't matter considering the throne is not passing from his father's side but his mother's. Sure his last name would've changed the minute he was named heir and ascended as stated by Viserys but what weight does that hold now? They briefly touched on it when he spoke to Baela about his fathers but he had always been insecure about his parentage. No he didn't call his mother a whore, he's been fighting that battle all his life, she just made it worse. In the dire situation they're in, the sacrifice had to be made but I could understand why he's angry and hurt over it again. She literally just made him illegitimate in the eyes of the realm. His anger is valid. Was his tone harsh yes, try dealing with the whispers and the jeers and everything else for the past 16 years of your entire life and seeing the same proof of what everybody else sees everyday and tell me that you wouldn't hold some kind of resentment towards it. I liked how Rhaenyra was patient with him though, just wished it wasn't as rushed as the scene felt.
The last shot of the episode was fuckin brilliant. Aemond turning his bitchass around knowing he can't handle that kinda pressure. Also Vhagar and Aemond's bond may not be as strong as it should be. She clearly does not listen to him sometimes. He's still responsible for Lucerys death IDC what y'all got to say. The episode got a 4/5 stars from me just for the dragons. I'm here for Jace, Baela, Addam and the Dragons!
Until next week guys for the finale. We're going to see Tessarion and Sheepstealer next week. I'm so excited.
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