#who wants to pop their hip joints with me
urdreamydoodles · 2 hours
Would it be alright if I asked for some X Men headcannons with all the characters you currently write for where the reader has deals with chronic hip pain however she doesn't tell them that it occasionally pops out and she can pop it back in herself because she doesn't want to bother them with an issue she can resolve herself until she has to do it in front of them while on a mission? I'm so sorry if this breaks any request rules or guidelines I couldn't find a post that had them listed! Also I just wanted to say I really enjoy your writing and I look forward to anything you post!
X-Men x Reader
You have chronic hip pain and they find out about it
You have been hiding your chronic hip pain from your partner, fearing you would be a burden, but during a mission or in a vulnerable moment, the truth comes out.
Characters: Logan Howlett, Remy LeBeau, Kurt Wagner, Scott Summers, Erik Lehnsherr, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Jean Grey, Wade Wilson & Rogue
As someone who suffers from multiple chronic pain in different joints, as well as one in the hips, this prompt particularly touches me, so thank you. I hope you like it ♡ And thank you for the compliment! — Love, Marie, your friendly marvel fangirl
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Logan Howlett (Wolverine)
- Being with Logan is intense, both physically and emotionally. You love his fierce protectiveness, his strength, and his unwavering loyalty, but you also know he tends to worry—especially about you. That's why you’ve kept your chronic hip pain to yourself, knowing how he’d react if he found out you were dealing with it alone. Logan has enough on his plate without adding your physical issues into the mix, and besides, you’ve gotten good at managing the pain. It’s not like it affects your life in any major way—at least, that’s what you’ve told yourself.
- On a particularly dangerous mission, your hip starts acting up. You’re deep in enemy territory, and the stakes are high. You manage to push through the discomfort for most of the mission, but as you land from a jump, your hip finally gives out. The pain is sudden and sharp, and you know you need to pop it back into place. Trying to stay discreet, you find cover and do what you’ve always done—adjusting your leg to realign your hip with a grimace. Unfortunately, Logan notices immediately. He’s always been attuned to your every move, and the second he sees you in pain, he’s by your side in an instant.
- “What the hell are you doing?” His gruff voice cuts through the tension as he kneels next to you, his eyes filled with a mixture of anger and concern. You try to brush it off, but Logan isn’t having any of it. “That ain’t somethin’ you hide from me,” he growls, his gaze hard. You explain the situation—how it’s been a chronic problem for years and that you didn’t want to worry him. Logan’s jaw clenches, his frustration palpable. “Darlin’, you don’t get to decide what I worry about. That’s my job.”
- After that, Logan is relentless in making sure you’re taken care of. He’s constantly checking on you, offering to carry you when your hip bothers you, and giving you space to rest when you need it. His gruff exterior melts away when it comes to your well-being, and his protective instincts kick into overdrive. “Ain’t no way I’m lettin’ you go through this alone,” he tells you one night as he helps you adjust your leg after a long day. He’s gentle, far more so than anyone would expect from him, his hands careful as he massages the sore muscles around your hip.
- Logan’s solution is simple: he makes sure you never feel like a burden. Whether it’s during missions or at home, he’s always there, watching your back and offering his help without hesitation. “We’re a team, remember?” he says one day, his hand resting on your hip, his thumb brushing over the spot where the pain usually resides. “And that means you don’t have to deal with anythin’ on your own.”
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Remy LeBeau (Gambit)
- Remy is perceptive, always reading between the lines and noticing things others might miss. That's part of what makes him such a great partner, but it’s also what makes it harder for you to hide your chronic hip pain from him. You've managed to keep it under wraps for the most part, popping your hip back into place whenever it slips without him noticing. Remy is always so full of energy, so carefree, and you don't want to dampen that with your issues, especially when you can handle them yourself—at least, that’s what you’ve convinced yourself.
- During a mission, though, things go wrong. You’re in the middle of a heated fight, dodging attacks and moving quickly when your hip slips out of place. The pain is sharp and immediate, and you know you need to pop it back in before you can continue. Without thinking, you duck behind cover, quickly adjusting your leg to realign your hip. As you do, you hear Remy’s voice in your ear, laced with concern. “Chère, what you doin’? You okay?”
- He catches you mid-movement, his sharp eyes narrowing as he puts the pieces together. Remy quickly makes his way over to you, worry etched across his face. “Dis ain’t somethin’ you been dealin’ wit’ alone, right?” he asks, his usual playful tone replaced with something more serious. You try to downplay it, explaining that it’s been a chronic issue and that you didn’t want to bother him with it. Remy frowns, his eyes darkening as he kneels beside you. “You tink I don’t want to know when you hurtin’? C’mon, chère, dat ain’t how we do t’ings.”
- After that mission, Remy becomes even more attentive. He insists on helping you whenever your hip starts acting up, whether it's offering his shoulder to lean on or massaging the area when the pain gets bad. He’s surprisingly tender, his usual flirtatious demeanor softening into something more protective when it comes to your well-being. “Ain’t no need to be shy wit’ me, ma belle,” he says one night, his hands gentle as he rubs the sore muscles in your leg. “I’m here for all of it, pain an’ all.”
- Remy never makes you feel like a burden, instead turning every moment of vulnerability into an opportunity to show how much he cares. He’s always there, with a wink and a smile, but beneath that charm is a deep concern for your happiness and health. “You don’t ever need to hide from me, chère,” he says one evening as the two of you sit together, his arm wrapped around your waist. “We a team, you an’ me. I’m in dis for de long haul.” And in those moments, you realize that with Remy by your side, you’ll never have to face the pain alone.
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Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler)
- Kurt has always been so graceful, moving through life with a lightness and ease that’s almost magical. You admire that about him, and you’ve never wanted to weigh him down with your chronic hip pain. He’s so gentle, so kind, always focused on making sure you’re happy and comfortable. You’ve managed your pain well enough, not wanting to bother him with something you’ve been handling on your own for years, especially since it’s always been more of an inconvenience than anything else. But on a mission, when you’re both deep in hostile territory, your hip finally gives out in the worst possible way.
- You’ve trained yourself to ignore the pain when it flares up, but this time, it’s different. The terrain is uneven, and after one wrong landing, your hip slips out of place with a sharp, searing pain. Kurt is mid-teleport, taking out enemies with his acrobatic movements when you feel it happen. You’re quick to duck behind a boulder, gritting your teeth as you try to realign it without making a scene. You don’t want to distract him from the mission, but as soon as you try to pop it back into place, Kurt appears beside you in a flash of sulfuric smoke.
- His yellow eyes widen with concern as he takes in the situation. “Liebes, what’s wrong?” His voice is full of worry, and you can’t bring yourself to brush him off. You explain quickly, telling him how your hip has been a problem for a long time and how you’ve been managing it yourself. Kurt’s brows knit together as he listens, and when you finish, he shakes his head, looking hurt but not angry. “Why did you not tell me?” he asks softly, gently helping you shift your leg to ease the pain. “You should never have to suffer alone.”
- After the mission, Kurt makes it his personal mission to ensure you never have to handle your hip pain by yourself again. He starts incorporating exercises into your routine to strengthen the muscles around your hip, always careful to avoid anything that might aggravate it. He’s patient and understanding, never making you feel like a burden for needing help. “You are my world, Liebes,” he tells you one night as you rest together, his tail curling affectionately around your leg. “I would never want you to suffer in silence.”
- He becomes your constant support, both physically and emotionally. Whether he’s helping you during a flare-up or teleporting you somewhere more comfortable when the pain becomes too much, Kurt never hesitates to be by your side. His love for you is unwavering, and he makes sure you know that your pain will never be a burden to him. “You are everything to me,” he says one evening, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. “And I will always be here to help you, no matter what.”
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Scott Summers (Cyclops)
- You’ve been managing your chronic hip pain for years, never feeling the need to burden anyone with it, especially Scott. He's the leader of the X-Men, always juggling so many responsibilities that your small physical ailment seems trivial in comparison. You've gotten used to popping your hip back into place whenever it slips, and it’s never been a problem—until now. On missions, you’ve always been careful to avoid any situation that might aggravate it, keeping your pain to yourself and maintaining your focus on the task at hand.
- But today, the pain hits harder than usual, probably from the heavy landing you made after leaping from a ledge during a mission. You can feel it—the sharp, familiar ache—and you know it’s only a matter of time before it gives out. In the middle of the fight, you try to ignore it, but the pain intensifies until your hip finally pops out of place. You freeze, desperately needing to pop it back in, but the mission is still ongoing. Without thinking, you quickly duck behind cover and try to discreetly adjust yourself, hoping Scott doesn’t notice.
- Unfortunately, Scott sees everything. His eyes narrow behind his visor, and you can feel his laser-sharp focus honing in on you, even in the chaos of the battle. “Are you okay?” His voice crackles through your comms, calm but laced with concern. You grit your teeth, trying to brush it off. “I’m fine, Scott. Just need a minute.” But Scott knows you too well, and he doesn’t believe you for a second. When the battle ends, he rushes over to you, his face etched with worry. “What’s going on? I saw you struggling back there.”
- You sigh, realizing there’s no hiding it anymore. You explain the hip pain, how it’s been a chronic issue for years, and how you didn’t want to bother him with it. Scott’s expression shifts from concern to frustration—not with you, but with the fact that you’ve been suffering in silence. “You should have told me,” he says, his voice soft but firm. “You don’t have to handle this alone.”
- From that point on, Scott makes it his personal mission to help you manage your condition. He insists on finding ways to make your missions less physically taxing, even if it means altering strategies or teaming you with someone who can assist if needed. At home, he’s constantly asking if you need anything, researching exercises that might help strengthen your hip. And every time your hip starts to hurt, he’s there, offering support, both physically and emotionally, never making you feel like a burden. "You're part of this team," he tells you one night as you lay in bed. "And you're the most important part of my life. Don't ever think you're bothering me.”
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Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto)
- Erik has always been a man of immense strength, both physically and emotionally. You admire his resilience, his determination to fight for what he believes in, and you’ve never wanted to seem weak in his eyes. Your chronic hip pain has been a constant companion for years, but you’ve always managed to handle it on your own. Erik has enough battles to fight, and you don’t want to burden him with something as small as your occasional discomfort. But during a high-stakes mission, when your hip finally gives out, there’s no hiding it anymore.
- The mission is intense, with enemies surrounding you on all sides. You’re doing your best to keep up with Erik’s powerful presence, but as you dive for cover, your hip slips out of place. The pain is immediate and excruciating, but you try to push through it, not wanting to slow Erik down. As you quickly duck behind cover, you attempt to pop your hip back into place, hoping Erik doesn’t notice. But of course, Erik is far too perceptive, and his sharp eyes catch the movement instantly.
- “What are you doing?” His voice is stern, and you can feel his eyes burning into you as he approaches. You try to brush it off, but Erik’s not one to be deceived. He crouches down beside you, his hand resting gently on your shoulder as he looks at you with concern. “You’re in pain,” he states, his tone softening slightly. You explain the situation, telling him about your chronic hip pain and how you’ve been dealing with it yourself. Erik’s expression darkens, and you can see the frustration in his eyes—not at you, but at the fact that you’ve been suffering in silence.
- “You should have told me,” he says quietly, his voice tinged with a mix of concern and disappointment. “I would never want you to hide something like this from me.” From that moment on, Erik takes it upon himself to ensure you never have to deal with your hip pain alone again. He may be a man of power, but when it comes to you, his touch is always gentle, his concern always genuine. He begins making adjustments to his plans, always considering your well-being and ensuring you’re never pushed beyond your limits.
- Erik is fiercely protective, and after learning about your hip, his protective instincts only intensify. He finds ways to make your missions less physically demanding, always checking in to make sure you’re comfortable. At home, he’s constantly asking how you’re feeling, offering massages and making sure you’re resting when you need it. “You’re important to me,” he tells you one night, his hand resting on your hip as you lay together in bed. “And I will never let you go through this alone.” With Erik by your side, you feel safe, knowing that he’ll always be there to help you through the pain.
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Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch)
- Wanda has always been deeply attuned to emotions, both hers and yours. She’s someone who understands pain and struggle, having lived through so much herself, but you’ve never wanted to weigh her down with your own chronic hip pain. It’s been a part of your life for years, something you’ve learned to manage on your own, and though it’s frustrating at times, it’s never felt like something worth sharing with Wanda—until the day you’re on a mission together, and everything changes.
- The mission is intense, filled with chaos and danger, and you’re doing your best to keep up. But in the middle of a fight, as you dodge an attack, your hip slips out of place with a sharp, searing pain. You bite back a gasp, quickly ducking behind cover as you try to pop your hip back in without drawing attention. But before you can even try, you feel a gentle pulse of energy wrap around you. Wanda’s magic—red and warm—flows over you, and you know she’s sensed something is wrong.
- “What’s happening?” Wanda’s voice echoes in your mind, her concern immediately apparent. You don’t want to distract her from the battle, but you can’t hide the truth. You explain quickly, telling her about your chronic hip pain and how you’ve been dealing with it alone. Wanda doesn’t hesitate. In an instant, she teleports to your side, her eyes glowing with a fierce, protective light. “Why didn’t you tell me?” she asks, her voice filled with worry, but there’s no anger in her tone, only concern.
- Wanda helps you through the pain, using her magic to gently ease your hip back into place. Her touch is soft, her presence comforting, and in that moment, you realize just how much you’ve been holding back from her. After the mission, Wanda makes it clear that you don’t have to deal with your pain alone anymore. She starts using her magic to help manage your hip, casting healing spells and creating charms to keep the pain at bay. “You’re not a burden,” she tells you one evening as you sit together, her hand resting on your hip. “We’re in this together. Always.”
- With Wanda’s support, you feel a weight lifted off your shoulders. She never lets you feel like a burden, and her love for you is unwavering. Whenever the pain flares up, Wanda is there, using her magic to make it easier for you. She becomes your constant source of strength, and with her by your side, you feel like you can handle anything. “You don’t have to hide your pain from me,” she says softly one night, her fingers gently tracing your skin. “I’ll always be here to help you, no matter what.”
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Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
- Being with Pietro is like living in a whirlwind. He’s always moving, always full of energy, and you love the excitement he brings into your life. But that same energy is part of the reason you’ve never told him about your chronic hip pain. You didn’t want to slow him down, didn’t want him to feel like he had to adjust his pace for you. You’ve been handling the pain on your own for years, and it’s never been an issue—until the day your hip gives out during a mission.
- You’re both in the middle of a high-speed chase, running through the city as you try to outmaneuver your enemies. Pietro’s a blur of silver and blue, darting ahead while you do your best to keep up. But as you leap over a barrier, your hip slips out of place, sending a sharp pain shooting through your leg. You stumble, biting back a cry as you duck behind cover, trying to pop your hip back in as quickly as possible. You don’t want Pietro to notice, but of course, he’s already there in an instant.
- “What’s wrong?” Pietro’s voice is sharp with concern, and before you can even answer, he’s crouching beside you, his blue eyes scanning you for injuries. You try to brush it off, but Pietro’s not having it. “Tell me what’s going on,” he insists, his voice softer now but still filled with worry. Reluctantly, you explain about your chronic hip pain, how you’ve been dealing with it yourself because you didn’t want to bother him. Pietro’s expression shifts, and for a moment, he looks hurt. “You think I wouldn’t want to know?” he asks quietly.
- From that moment on, Pietro refuses to let you suffer in silence. He’s always checking in on you, making sure you’re comfortable and never pushing you too hard. He even slows down for you when he needs to, never making you feel like you’re holding him back. “You’re not a burden,” he tells you firmly one day as you sit together, his arm wrapped around your waist. “I’d rather be at your pace than leave you behind.”
- Pietro’s love for you is as fast and fierce as everything else he does, and he makes sure you never have to handle your pain alone again. Whether it’s carrying you when your hip is acting up or making sure you have a comfortable place to rest, he’s always by your side. “You’re everything to me,” he says one night as he presses a quick kiss to your forehead. “And I’ll always take care of you, no matter how fast or slow we have to go.”
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Jean Grey (Phoenix)
- Jean is the most intuitive person you’ve ever known, her empathy so strong that it’s almost impossible to hide anything from her. But you’ve managed to keep your chronic hip pain a secret, not because you don’t trust her, but because you didn’t want to worry her. Jean has so much on her plate, with her powers and the constant responsibilities of being an X-Man. You’ve always handled your hip pain on your own, and it never seemed like something worth burdening her with—until one day, when you’re on a mission together, and it becomes impossible to hide.
- The mission is going well, but as you leap from a ledge, your hip slips out of place with a sharp, sudden pain. You try to hide it, biting your lip as you duck behind cover, quickly attempting to pop your hip back into place. But you can feel Jean’s presence in your mind before you can even move. Her concern washes over you, her mental voice soft but urgent. Are you okay? You sigh, knowing there’s no hiding it from her now. “I’m fine, Jean,” you say out loud, but she’s already at your side, her eyes full of worry.
- “You’re not fine,” she says, her voice gentle but firm. Jean listens quietly as you explain your chronic hip pain, how it’s been an issue for years, and how you’ve been managing it on your own. She frowns, her brows knitting together as she processes what you’re telling her. “You should have told me,” she says softly, her hand resting on your arm. “I could have helped you.” There’s no anger in her voice, only concern and a deep, unwavering love. You feel her empathy wrapping around you like a warm blanket, soothing your fears and making you realize that you don’t have to carry this burden alone.
- From that moment on, Jean makes sure you never have to deal with your hip pain in silence. She’s always checking in on you, using her telepathy to gently monitor how you’re feeling without being intrusive. She even starts researching ways to help manage the pain, from physical therapy exercises to mental techniques for pain management. “We’ll figure this out together,” she tells you one day as you sit together, her hand resting on your hip. “You don’t have to go through this alone anymore.”
- Jean is endlessly supportive, both mentally and physically. Whenever your hip starts acting up, she’s there, offering to help you realign it or using her telekinesis to make the process less painful. Her empathy and care make you feel cherished, and she never makes you feel like a burden. “You’re my partner,” she says one evening as you lay together, her fingers gently tracing circles on your skin. “And that means we share everything—the good and the bad. I’m here for you, always.” With Jean by your side, you know that you’ll never have to face your pain alone again.
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Wade Wilson (Deadpool)
- Wade is anything but conventional, and that’s one of the things you love most about him. He’s chaotic, loud, and completely unpredictable, but he’s also fiercely protective of you. You’ve never wanted to burden him with your chronic hip pain, though. He already has enough on his plate, what with his healing factor and constant battle scars. Your hip pain seems so small compared to everything he deals with, so you’ve been managing it on your own—until one day, when Wade finds out in the most Wade way possible.
- You’re both in the middle of a mission, and things are going as well as they ever do when you’re working with Deadpool, which is to say: absolute chaos. Wade is cracking jokes, slicing through enemies, and generally causing mayhem, while you’re doing your best to stay focused. But then, as you dive to avoid an explosion, your hip slips out of place with a painful pop. You grit your teeth, ducking behind cover to pop it back in, hoping Wade doesn’t notice. Unfortunately, he does.
- “Babe! What the hell was that?” Wade’s voice comes over the comms, full of concern, and before you can even respond, he’s next to you, his mask tilted as if he’s trying to get a better look at you. “Did your hip just do the thing? You didn’t tell me you had a thing!” You sigh, knowing there’s no avoiding the conversation now. You explain about your chronic hip pain, how it’s been an issue for years, and how you’ve been handling it yourself because you didn’t want to bother him. Wade stares at you for a moment before letting out a dramatic gasp. “Bother me? Babe, I literally regrow limbs. I think I can handle a little hip action.”
- From that moment on, Wade makes it his personal mission to make sure you never have to deal with your hip pain alone. He turns it into a running joke, calling himself your “personal hip specialist” and constantly offering to “massage your beautiful, badass hip.” But beneath the jokes, Wade is genuinely concerned for you, and he takes your pain seriously. He starts carrying you around whenever your hip acts up, always cracking jokes to make you laugh, but you can tell he’s keeping an eye on you, making sure you’re okay.
- “You’re my hot, kickass partner,” Wade says one night as you both relax at home, his head resting on your lap. “And if you think for one second that I wouldn’t want to help you with this, you’re crazy. I mean, crazier than me, and that’s saying something.” Wade’s love may be unconventional, but it’s fierce and unwavering, and he makes sure you never feel like a burden. Whenever your hip pain flares up, Wade is there with a joke and a helping hand, making you feel cherished and cared for, no matter what.
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Rogue (Anna Marie)
- Rogue has always been cautious with you, careful not to hurt you with her powers. She’s your fiercely protective Southern belle, and you love her for that. But when it comes to your chronic hip pain, you’ve kept it to yourself. You never wanted her to feel like she had to take care of you when she already deals with so much of her own struggles. You’ve gotten used to quietly popping your hip back in place when needed, but it’s something you don’t plan on letting her see—until one mission changes everything.
- You’re both out in the field, dealing with a group of rogue Sentinels. The battle is intense, and you’re focused, trying to keep up with Rogue’s flying acrobatics. But as you leap out of the way of one of the robot’s attacks, your hip slips out of place with a sharp, agonizing pain. You stumble behind some rubble, gritting your teeth as you try to pop it back into place. Unfortunately, Rogue sees the whole thing.
- “Sugar, what’s goin’ on?” she asks, her voice filled with concern as she hovers above you. She lands beside you, reaching out as if to help, but stops herself, her gloved hands hovering just inches from your arm. You hesitate, not wanting to burden her, but the worry in her green eyes convinces you to tell the truth. You explain your chronic hip pain and how you’ve been dealing with it yourself because you didn’t want her to worry. Rogue listens carefully, her brow furrowed, and when you finish, she lets out a long sigh.
- “You think Ah wouldn’t wanna know somethin’ like that?” she asks softly, her accent thick with emotion. “Ah love you, sugah, and if you’re hurtin’, Ah need to know. It don’t matter if it’s somethin’ you’re used to. Ah want to help.” From that moment on, Rogue makes it her mission to help you in any way she can. Whenever your hip acts up, she’s quick to offer her strength—lifting you, carrying you, or even just sitting with you until the pain passes. She makes sure you know that you’re never a burden to her.
- Rogue’s love is as strong as she is, and she refuses to let you face your pain alone. She’s always there, whether it’s helping you get comfortable or making sure you have a supportive cushion to sit on. “You’re mah heart,” she whispers one night as she gently rests her head against yours, her gloved hand resting on your hip. “Ah’ll take care of you, just like you take care of me.”
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void-tiger · 1 year
There is just this rage that comes with realizing your body is just completely fucked while still outwardly looking Fine.
And then garnering the judgement of family who have convinced themselves you’re not trying hard enough.
And still waiting for a finished diagnosis to try petitioning for life-long physical therapy, pain management (that are NOT opioids when you can’t take nsaids, and you’re deemed too young for steroid injections especially as it is never brought up as an option), and ssi disability. Because what else are you gonna do. Especially when you’ll always be a burden. Capitalistic life isn’t designed to allow you to rest so you can still do Something within your limitations and not get injured, anyway. Or have energy left for yourself.
(No one is really clever enough to help, either. Is it even worth the risk to try contacting rehabilitation services when you need to stay on medicaid for a eventually-debilitating auto immune disease that has to have very expensive injections twice a month, all the while it’s the hypermobility that makes even being a student or hobbies or chores so iffy?)
And then trying to befriend some people. But there’s this wall there. They radiate concern. Sometimes affection. But I don’t want pity. (I don’t know how to accept actual sympathy to my face by their vibes and tone and body language, anyway.) I just want secure friendships. I just want—for once in my adult life, or my life period if including neurodivergence’s and the resulting cptsd from not even remotely accepting environments—to not be my Problems. Someone else’s Problem.
I just want to be human. I want to have fun and feel capable and not blunderingly or intentionally reminded that I’m not.
(Am I even worth being someone not pitied? Not judged? Will I ever be fun?)
#tiger’s roar#mental health bullshit#chronically ill#my wellness class is. such bullshit.#BUT. there is SOME new information that’s not this Yuppy Preachy Judgemental Fuckery#like how weight bearing is how you build up bone density to fight boneloss later in life#and…I CAN’T. my tendons will literally slide on and off my joints or grind in my joints#even something as simple as bending and looking up ‘too much’#risks throwing my neck out and triggering migraines#and making my cartilage lower ribs pop and float around#(like. I can literally feel it. just sitting or walking. I always have. I assumed it was Just A Runner’s Cramp Or Something. it’s not)#if I breathe too deeply for a doctor’s office my guts squelch. and make my ribs ‘fold’ around#…I just. I just feel like the glass doll my parents always insisted I was by not letting me do anything#(while also ignoring the first signs of hypermobility. like my tendons sliding off my knuckes. my feet clicking. hips & shoulders grinding)#and i hate this#and if this family who I desperately want to connect with. who’s son I’m pretty sure I’m infatuated with#ACTUALLY care about me. don’t see me as a Concern Project#…just be my friend. don’t demand I open up. please just. get to know me.#because right now all y’all know is that I sing and write and paint + clearly mentally and chronically ill.#and probably try far too hard to be helpful and encouraging#but what I really want is for people to be playful with me. co conspirators with projects#(spend time with me Away from a church building. talk to me more than a minute once a week.)
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rubiesintherough · 2 years
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stvrnzcherries · 5 months
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c. sturniolo x fem!reader
Summary: Three strikes, two times Chris didn’t lean into the temptation and one time you both let go your deepest desires after you got into a fight with your boyfriend Matt, Chris’ brother.
Warnings: soft dom!Chris, smut, a little angst, pet names, use of y/n, swearing, cheating (why would you do that?), use of drugs, making out, unprotected sex (don’t be silly), choking, toxic relationship, masturbating, oral sex (female receiving), praise kink and fingering.
a/n: If you checked that I haven't posted for like a month, no you didn't.
not proofread!
Your relationship with Matt has gotten worse during the past two months, he will get angry out of nowhere throw a tantrum over you, and ignore your texts for the rest of the day or even the entire week.
Fuck you, I fucking hate you, Matt.
The last text you sent to Matt and yet he hasn’t even replied to it. You hated him, you hated the fact that you couldn’t even break up with him because you were too attached to him.
Too attached to the idea of him being fixable, of being the version that he could be back again. The version of him that you fell in love with the first time you laid eyes on him.
The blunt on your hand wasn’t making this job of ‘forgetting’ your boyfriend any easier, it made things easier to cope, sure but it wasn’t doing what you needed to.
Move on.
Forget him.
Looking at yourself in the mirror across your room, you can see the traces of smoke flying away from your mouth, the dim light of the moon making those remarkable. The smell of weed intoxicates your lungs and senses, that sweet sound of being in a pool underwater filling your ears delicately.
You picked up your phone once more and yet no answer from him, the frustration getting more and more annoying for your fatigued brain. “Fuck…” You muttered as you placed the joint between your lips and inhaled a long puff of it.
Looking back at the ceiling, an idea came out of nowhere. Well, not out of nowhere since you've done this a couple of times so that Matt can notice you and forgive you for whatever nonsense he got mad for.
An idea that always worked but you hated.
Being closer to the mirror across the floor, sitting on the cold floor as your phone flashes to your figure revealing a white laced lingerie set on you, your thighs, hips, and waist being three things that are prominent from your body.
Looking at the photos that you took, you decided to send those to your boyfriend waiting for a response, you even added a small caption saying ‘Let me make it up to you.’
As soon as you sent those pictures, a notification popped up on your phone, and you eagerly checked if Matt answered.
And that's when you felt your blood pressure descend at an incredible pace when you opened to check.
I think you sent it to the wrong triplet, baby.
Sorry Chris, I thought I sent it to Matt
Not answering you again?
He’s been in a mood tonight, so.
But don’t worry, I’m sure he’ll text you in the morning
Wanna join me tomorrow night for a quick smoke?
Bought the good stuff yesterday.
Sounds good, count me in xx
Even though your best friend didn't make this situation such a big deal, it felt like that for you. What if he tells Matt and twists the entire story? What if Matt ignores you for the rest of your life? The paranoia consumed you, eating you alive, biting your nails you send the pictures to Matt, double checking if you are sending this time to the right triplet.
You place your phone on the bedside table next to you, staring at the ceiling again.
What if you didn’t want to send those to Matt? What if something deep down in you wanted to be seen by someone else?
Someone who will give you the attention that you crave?
The headboard bangs against the wall, your moans filling Matt’s ears making his cock twitch inside you each time he thrust deep back inside you. Meanwhile, you were cock drunk after coming like two times already, you could barely say a word other than just emitting sounds every time Matt pounded relentlessly abusing your red, swollen cunt.
Drool pooling over the pillow underneath your face, you could feel the strands of hair sticking to the corners of your face “F-fuck b-baby…” You panted letting your head fall once again against the pillow and closing your eyes as Matt came to his thrill. His thrusts became sloppier within seconds and his grip on your hips got tighter.
You felt the burning sensation once again on your lower stomach indicating that you were also close to your own high, you squelched your walls around his shaft gaining a groan from him. “Cum for me.” He demanded sneaking a hand into your throat and gripping it delicately while his other hand gripped your ass before giving it a hard smack making you squeal.
Not even a split second after the knot in your stomach snaps and you release, your juices covering Matt’s dick, and some spilled over his bed making a big mess between the both of you.
The sweet sound of wet skin slapping skin is like music to your ears, the warm feeling of Matt being deep inside your pussy makes you salivate even more than you already were.
Your mind was fuzzy from the sensitivity of Matt abusing your cervix, you barely noticed when his load shot into your insides, painting your walls with his hot seed.
The noise was too much, the moans were uncontrollably loud and the massive boner Chris had was killing him slowly. As he was lying flat on his back staring blankly at the ceiling while he waited for the noises to stop.
He could feel his dick begging for being touched, for some sort of contact with anything. The only running thought wandering through his mind was you and only you.
He wanted to feel your lips against his, those soft lips that he could remember very well every time you wrapped them around the joints that you both shared once in a while. He could imagine how those lips must feel around his cock, how he could make you moan ten times harder than his brother ever could.
‘I’m so fucked for thinking this way.’ He thought to himself.
But he can’t help it.
Sneaking painfully slow his hand through his clothed dick he could feel his precum spurt all over his tip and inner thighs, the contact of his cold fingers against the base of his arousal as soon as he cupped his hand around it, his pace was slow and careful until he heard the most intense moan coming out from upstairs he has ever heard his entire life causing him to fasten up his speed with his hand.
The groans and whimpers that were slipping out of his mouth were uncontrollably loud but he couldn’t give two fucks about it, he didn't care if you could hear him or Matt, he needed it, he needed you deep inside him feeling your tight walls wrapping around his shaft until he couldn’t take it anymore.
“mm- Y/N” He moaned, his eyes squeezing shut and his head falling backward as his hand edged him to his release, his heartbeat increasing incredibly fast as his hand moved up and down, his thumb running circles on the tip.
A slight burning sensation hit on Chris’ lower stomach causing him to clench his jaw as he felt his release. His hot seed leaked all over his hand. His chest heavily moving up and down as he removes his hand from his sensitive cock, his mind all fuzzy from the ecstasy that he just got.
He was so fucked up.
“So this is the reason you’ve been treating me like shit for days?!” You spat sourly at Matt whose tears were all over his eyes. You’ve been staying over for the past three days and you thought things got better between you and Matt.
Seems like it was all an act to cover his lies, his disgusting lies. “I’m sorry…you have no idea of how I’ve been feeling the last couple weeks….” He replied wiping his tears away.
“No, no, no, no you don’t get to pull the victim card on me! I’m sick of your bullshit, we’ve been fighting for months just because you felt guilty for fucking another girl?” Your voice cracked each time you jumped back into the subject.
You knew Matt was a total idiot but not the kind of idiot to cheat on you.
Not the kind of idiot to blame it on the alcohol, not the kind of idiot to do something wrong twice or even a third time, not the kind of idiot to treat people like shit just because of repressed feelings.
“She didn’t mean anything to me! I know I was fucked up for pulling this shit but I regret it, so bad and I’m sorry.” His voice also cracked, the tears breaming down his cheeks, he looked genuinely hurt, and that made this more fucked up than it already was.
You shook your head, the rage was more intoxicating than anything “If she didn’t mean anything to you, you wouldn’t have done it three times and even worse blamed it on the fucking alcohol!” You shouted as your index finger pointed at him moving it up and down repeatedly when each sentence came out of your mouth.
“I know, I know I’m fucked up, alright? But this mistake doesn’t mean that we have to end things.” He said, the stuttering of his voice getting worse every time he watched your reaction.
“You’re so fucked up, Matt. You’re fucking unbelievable, we’re over.” You said sternly, walking out of the room, you felt your hands trembling the anxiety devouring your mind and body, your heart pounding as if it was going to explode any second, your blood pressure descending incredibly fast, your breath hitching each time the tears warned to advert from your eyes.
The thoughts on your mind got interrupted by something or someone abruptly stopping your steps, you look up to see Chris murmuring a curse and picking up something from the floor. Looking back at you, his face shifted to an annoyed expression from a worried one. “Y/N? Baby, what's wrong?” He asked, his hand gently resting on your shoulder now while his thumb caressed it.
That's when you can't handle your emotions anymore, the tears rolling down your cheeks as if you had a waterfall coming out from you, instantly his arms wrap around you rubbing your back gently as his voice soothes you, “Shhh, everything is going to be alright, sweetheart.” He murmured as he placed a soft kiss on your head, the tears kept falling at a slow pace now, gaining puffiness in your under eyes.
“Why don't we go to my room so you can relax? Hm?” He asked pulling back from you as his arms still wrapped around you, his fingers now brushing delicately the strands of hair that attached to your cheeks, your vision blurry from the tears that kept falling continuously.
The dynamic between you and Chris has always been something else, hanging out with Chris made you feel different than hanging out with Matt and Nick, it felt like you two were made to understand each other without the need to communicate, it was as if he could read your mind and you could read his mind and it was a connection that Matt never liked.
Either the fact that he always accused you that someday you might cheat on him with his brother or the fact that he could never get that kind of bond with you, maybe that was the reason he cheated on you or maybe he just wanted to take those repressed feelings on another girl's pussy.
But at this point, you didn't care at all, the joint that Chris was carrying when he saw you a few minutes ago was having its effects on you and you never felt more relaxed than you were right now, “So let me get this shit straight, he just admitted that he was fucking someone else and he expected that you forgave him?” Chris retorted taking a large puff from the perfectly rolled cherry-flavored joint he had between his index and middle finger.
You replied with a nod as Chris let the smoke out of his lungs a small trail of it escaping from his lips, you had to admit he looked a little too good when you both were smoking, it was a scenario that you couldn't describe at all. He passed you the joint as you took a long puff, letting the effects relax your thoughts.
Chris scoffed before speaking “Matt can be my brother and everything but I've seen the way he treats you, the kid is an asshole and doesn't deserve someone as beautiful as you.” His eyes bore into yours for a moment before taking the joint off your hand to give another puff to it.
You couldn’t believe the words that came out of his mouth and it seemed that neither did he because the puff that he took almost got him choking out, the coughs escaping uncontrollably from his mouth as he was trying to search for his water bottle.
You giggled a little seeing the way he chugged the bottle at an amazing pace as he held back the coughs that warned to get out of his mouth, “Are you okay?” You asked as you tried to hide the sheepish smile from your face.
“Yeah, it’s just—” Chris interrupted himself to take another gulp from the bottle, “I took a long ass puff and my lungs were at the edge of collapsing.” You both cracked up, the weed kicking in incredibly fast, the sensation of being high washing you over once again.
“What we were even talking about?” He was the first to talk after a hot minute of laughter between the both of you, “I’m not sure, but I can remember very well that you said that I’m beautiful.” You teased him as you took the joint out of his hand and inhaled more of the content of it.
He rubbed his eyes before looking down, the pink tint on his cheeks started popping out, “Don’t do this to me.” He babbled nervously while fidgeting with his fingers.
“Do what?” You retorted playfully as you got closer to him, the sound of the wheels of the chair you were sitting on echoing in the space, you grabbed his chin softly lifting it so his eyes could meet yours once again, the blue hue losing up a bit by his dilated pupils.
“This, whatever this is. Don't do it.” He spat out, his tone a bit resentful as he expected to sound, his eyes shifting to your lips, his pursing in a thin line, that sensation that he had just a few nights ago, that thought coming back to him, the thought of your sweet lips against his, the thought of your moans making his crotch twitch against his sweatpants.
He needed you and as far as this seems you needed him too.
Something in common that can be easily done.
He didn’t hesitate to kiss you, he was eager to taste your lips for ages and it drove him crazy. He placed his hand right above your jaw, his thumb caressing your jugular vein that felt like it was going to explode any second, electric waves of adrenaline going down his spine. You gave him easy access for his tongue to slide into your mouth, and the clicking sound between kisses flooded your ears. Your hands flew to his hair grabbing a handful of it, messing it up as his hands moved to roam over your body; the kiss getting sloppier, and your breaths heaving by the amount of time this had been going on.
Chris began to attack your neck, trailing wet kisses around it as he lowered them further getting to your lower stomach, his eyes scanning every faction of your face, on the other side was a load of nerves.
What if Matt finds out?
Cheating on him wasn't a good way to get on his nerves, not even when it came to cheating with someone as close as his brother. And neither it was a good idea to fuck him while you were still wearing one of Matt’s shirts, his favorite one.
But this felt right, felt like it was meant to be.
However, you couldn't help but feel the guilt wash you over, “Chris, we shouldn't…” You spat out, your face contorted into a worried expression.
He kept playing with the hem of the black shirt, his eyes lingering from your eyes to your thighs “Why now?” His voice was deep now, a smirk showing off as clear as the crystal on his face.
You couldn't help but feel soaked to his response, your words coming out sloppier “Because I’m your brother’s girlfriend…” You replied nervously, he just scoffed softly the air hitting your legs delicately.
He looked at you before lifting your oversized shirt and spreading your legs wide open taking the sight of your soaking wet pussy, “Ex-girlfriend, baby.” He kisses your thighs, getting closer to where you need him most. “Do you think he deserves to taste you after what he did?” He kept getting higher and higher, his fingers grazing the waistband of your panties before pulling them down harshly.
He tsks before articulating his last sentence, “Now it's my turn to have a taste.” His mouth now making contact with your wet folds, his tongue trailing along your slick before sucking it, your head rolled back resting on the headrest as you let out the loudest moans you've ever had, your hand instantly gripping onto his hair as Chris kept devouring you.
Groans leaving his mouth, the vibrations cursing through your insides making the knot inside you get tight each time his tongue swirls around your sensitive nub. “F-fuck.” you panted, your tongue being dry from the amount of pleasure you feeling at this moment.
Chris’ fingers make contact with your entrance, his index and middle fingers sliding deep inside you as his tongue keeps working on your nub hungrily. Pornographic moans came out of you as soon as he began to pump his fingers in and out of you, curling them to hit that sweet spot of yours.
While you were ecstatic about the number of sensations you were having right now, Chris was enjoying the sight of you completely melting for his touch, his deprived touch, the way his tongue and fingers were driving you insane, and it was only making him harder and harder through his pants.
This was the moment he was waiting for his whole life, the moment where he could make you moan ten times louder than his brother ever could, the moment where he could claim you, the moment where he could make you feel good for the first time.
The moment when he gets to taste you, to see all of you.
Your walls clench on his fingers, the burning sensation in your stomach ready to snap any second as Chris works his way to make you cum for the first time in the night.
“Mmm—, y’like that?” He whispered as he pulled away, his other hand reaching out to rub your clit now as he kept fingering you, his tongue going back to trace circles.
You hummed in response, letting out a curse before the knot snapped, your juices dripping all over his face, a proud smirk smeared all over his face as he licked every single drop of your sweet liquid. Your chest heavily moved up and down as you tried to regain your composure, the grip that you had on his hair loosening up.
“You taste even better than I could ever imagine.” He said, sliding his fingers out of you a popping sound as he did so, and you squeezed your thighs by the sensitivity of the aftermath.
Chris leans to kiss you once again, this time it is rougher than the previous one, you can taste yourself on his tongue. Your hand places now on his hard-on, palming it through his sweats as you try to pull them down.
His hand stops you, pulling back to whisper in your ear, “You wanna fuck me? Hm?” He said, his tone dominant yet soft and caring.
You nodded desperately smashing your lips against his once again, his hands traveling to your waist as he picked you up and pushed you down to his bed, climbing on top of you in the process.
He signals you to take off Matt’s shirt and you don't even hesitate to think about it leaving the shirt tossed somewhere around the room, Chris' mouth moving to suck on your right tit and use his hand to draw circles on your left nipple, your back arching from the new sensation you've got.
You reached for his hoodie pulling it out of him as he helped you through the process, throwing it somewhere in the room as he kept working on your tits, his mouth switching sides to stimulate your nipples well enough.
There it was, once again that wave of pleasure hit your nerves once again.
Chris removes his sweatpants along with his boxers, his hardened dick hitting his happy trail as he did so, his tip now grazing against your swollen cunt making you flinch at the sensitiveness of your previous release.
He picked up one of your legs and rested it on his shoulder, the tip now making contact with your entrance sliding in slowly, his hand stroking your leg in the process.
His pace was slow and steady at the start, waiting for you to adjust to his size fully. You must admit that he was bigger than Matt and it felt ten times better than it has ever felt with his brother.
His pace picked up quickly, and his tip was now abusing your cervix sweetly, his cock was now pumping in and out of you at an ungodly pace, this angle that Chris had you on makes you see stars.
The moans coming out of you echo through the whole room, your hands gripping the sheets for dear life as Chris keeps thrusting in and out of you harshly, the sensation in your lower stomach returning faster than it did before.
Chris on the other hand was kissing your leg, his mind all fuzzy from your tight pussy, he could cum right there and right now but he knew that wouldn’t be the best timing ever. “You’re doing so good for me, baby. Taking me so well.” He whispered gently, his thrusts still going harshly.
You started to scream out loud his name, his hand went to your mouth to lower the screams “We can't let Matt hear, do we?” He said, the well-known knot getting tight, your mind was foggy from the raw ecstasy you were experiencing right now.
“So so close.” He groaned feeling your walls clench around his shaft his release getting closer.
That's when you felt the knot snap once again, a squeal escaping from your lips as your juices coated his dick, the overstimulation hitting as soon as Chris kept pumping in and out, tears forming in your eyes.
“Where do you want it?” He moaned as he looked down at you, his hand that was situated in your mouth slipping out to pick up a faster pace to reach for his own high.
“Mmm-, inside.” You babbled, feeling his cock twitching inside you and then his hot liquid filling you up. Before he pulled out he gave a few slow thrusts, collapsing beside you on the bed as you both tried to catch your breaths.
Chris moved closer, cuddling with you now as he stroked your hair gently, “You did so well.” He kept whispering praises at you, causing you to smile slightly.
“We should get you cleaned up, baby.” He mutters giving your shoulder a peck before he walks into the bathroom to pick up a towel returning to you as he cleans your inner thighs.
“Thank you.” You whispered at him before you shifted into your sleep.
a/n: Was this a good comeback y’all? Bc I hope so, I’ve been reading a few requests and I promise I’ll be working on them soon! I rather do a good job writing each request instead of uploading trashy stuff (quality over quantity). Btw, I’ve been asked to write a third part for Brutal but tbh I don’t feel like writing anymore about Brutal, just lmk if you guys think it’s worth it to write a third and FINAL part of Brutal. BYEEE LOVE YALL (we’re so close to 500 wtf)
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phan3145 · 2 months
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Title: Slippery Slope. Fandom: Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. Rating: M ( Cursing, blood, minor character death, mature themes) Pairing: Eventual Noa x Human!Reader.
***Notes: I am so sorry this is so late, you don’t understand how this chapter nearly ended me. I also had no intention of making it this long. Broken record, right? Want to say a big THANK YOU to @sttudnobright for commenting on my poll, because it was their comment that made me finally realize how to frame this chapter. Tagging @imaginarydreams since they asked to be kept updated. Also, reminder to check the rating for this chapter.
Chapter 6: Jumbled
When you opened your eyes again you were in your bed, fire going steadily across from you, lighting up the entirety of the cave. You didn’t remember leaving that much kindling on it, but decided you must have. At least it was warm. You let out a whining groan as you attempted to stretch your body. Your arms went above your head, your back arching, toes extending before curling a few times. Your body hurt so much.
Your left shoulder blade felt as if someone had clubbed you, your thighs not faring much better. They felt tight, vice-like. You swayed your hips slightly, hearing a pop in your right joint that relieved a fraction of the tension. You brought your arms back down from where they had been resting above your head, seeing your wrapped hands. Thankfully, you hadn’t bled through the cloth, but the skin underneath felt hot. You didn’t want to think about what it looked like.
Memory flooded back to you then; the library, the boar, the leap of faith off of the horse, and then falling asleep on the way back. This caused you to bolt upright, realizing you were in fact in your bed and not riding on a horse. As you did, the large figure that had been silently sitting next to you, watching your every move, sprung to their feet. You jerked away from them, a scream dying in the back of your throat when you realized who it was.
“Noa.” You gasped, hand coming up to clutch at your too dry throat. “What are you doing here? How did you get in?”
Noa appraised you a moment, eyes trailing up and down your form so methodically you felt naked. You fought the urge to bring your blanket up, knowing you were still wearing the same clothes you had on before. Speaking of which, your bed was dirty now that your outside clothes had touched it. That was probably the least of your worries though, remembering how your jacket had completely lost its backing. Though summer was approaching, spring was holding on with a vengeance at night when the sun went down.
Noa, apparently done with his study of you, handed you your canteen. You took it gratefully, saying a quick thank you as you drank. He chose to speak then, “Watching over you…could not wake you when we arrived…had to have Anaya…help move your rock.”
That frightened you, turning towards your entry way to see the rock moved to its normal open position. You swallowed thickly, “You two were able to open it?”
“Was not easy.” Noa replied, walking towards where your fire was going, and bringing something back wrapped in a large leaf. “Took much time…difficult to open…but not impossible.”
You noticed as he carefully handed you the leaf, that Noa’s eyes went distant, as if he was remembering something from a long time ago. Distracted by the new object in your hand, you unwrapped it to find fresh salmon. That explained the extra kindling, he must have just finished cooking it…you could still see steam rising from the ends. You were surprised how well the leaf insulated against the heat. Leaning over, you reached for the dagger under your pillow, slicing slits into the cooked fish to release the heat. You tore and picked at the edges of it, only then realizing how hungry you really were.
Noa eyed you warily, watching as you used the dagger to cut into the meat. You were too hungry to act shy about the weapon, shoving a huge chunk of meat into your mouth using the blade as a type of spoon. You swallowed quickly, waving the dagger in the air before explaining, “In case something else ever gets in. Last line of defense. It’s better to be safe than sorry, but I’ve never had to use it before.”
Noa grunted, apparently willing to leave it there. You took another bite, eyes trailing back over to your entry. The day you met the trio, Noa was able to budge the rock slightly, just by himself. You had marveled at his power, never fearing he would ever be able to break in from the outside, regardless of his strength. A part of you was grateful that they were able to get it open, giving your body time to rest in bed and wake up comfortably. Still, you felt uneasy at the thought that only two apes had been enough to pry open your sense of safety.
As if hearing your thoughts, Noa added, “Almost gave up…several times…in the beginning could barely…find it…then together could barley…move it at all….Soona suggested taking you back…to village for the night.”
The hairs on the back of your neck stood up, eyes widening, and stomach dropping. You shook your head, “No. No, that would have been a very bad decision.”
Noa scoffed, “Anaya said…same thing…do not see why…would have been there with you…as I am now.”
Before you could say anything else, Noa was in front of you again, handing you an apple. The oddness of him feeding you struck you then, taking it from him but setting it down next to you. You weren’t done with your fish, but your appetite had suddenly vanished. You carefully moved the leaf and its contents off to the side, freeing up your lap so you could swing your legs over the side of your bed. You braced your hands on the edge, leaning forward slightly, attempting to take inconspicuous deep breaths.
Of course, Noa noticed something was wrong. He crouched to be eye level with you, something you noticed he always seemed to be doing. Anaya and Soona would move freely, but if Noa was speaking to you he would be sure to be on your level, or at least mirror your body language. You tried to avoid his gaze, that feeling of being exposed returning as he commented, “You should…eat more…no food since sunrise.”
You shook your head, “I’m not that hungry anymore.”
“Rest then?” Noa asked. “Can sleep…will stand watch.”
“Maybe later,” you mumbled.
Noa’s eyes scanned your face, fighting to catch your gaze. That in itself must have been telling, as he said slowly, “You…are…upset?”
You were suddenly hot, pulling your arms a little too roughly out of the sleeves of your ruined jacket. You held it in your hand, thumb rubbing at the shredded ends of the back. You didn’t think there was any chance of mending it, wondering if there was a way to repurpose it. For now, it did keep your arms covered at least.
You looked up then, seeing Noa’s expression shift from concerned to sorrowful. You weren’t sure if it was due to your silence or your tattered jacket. You tried to put some life into your voice, softly but kindly explaining, “You don’t have to stay, Noa. I’ll be alright.”
“Want to…stay.” Noa replied, shaking his head.
“Why?” You asked, a self deprecating chuckle leaving you as you ran a hand through your hair.
Noa didn’t hesitate, “Worried…about you.”
You didn’t say anything to that. He probably had good reason to worry about you…at times like this you worried about yourself too. Usually you were fine, but then there were days where you would feel the reality of your life crash into you and panic over the situation you found yourself in. It happened the day after meeting Noa, all the ways things could have gone wrong if he was a different ape, how things could still go wrong. God…just the thought of waking up, not knowing where you were, potentially surrounded by other apes, had your stomach turning.
So lost in your own thoughts, you didn’t notice Noa raise his hand up, his thumb attempting to brush over the mark he had placed on your forehead. You flinched back out of instinct. He did the same, snatching his hand away and tilting his head at you. You forced your muscles to relax, mumbling, “Sorry, didn’t mean to do that.”
“You..do not like…being touched.” Noa paused, it wasn’t a question. “Then…sometimes you do…why?”
That was one of the questions you didn’t want to answer, knowing there were things you would have to explain that Noa might not understand. There were also things that he wouldn’t like if you explained them to him. Today had been an eventful day, you were not only emotionally exhausted, but physically as well. You wanted to trust Noa, tell him everything you kept trapped and secret in your mind, but you didn’t know if you could trust yourself. It was all too heavy, it would crush you under its weight. He didn’t push though, patiently waiting for your response. You almost smiled, knowing he would probably wait all night for you if he needed to.
Not thinking too much on the action itself, you pushed yourself from your bed, lowering your body onto the ground to be closer to…well, Noa. As much as you hated to admit it, there was something about him that brought you comfort. If you were in your normal mindset you might question that further, but for now, you wanted the comfort of his closeness. His eyes widened a fraction, letting out a small hum as he shifted from his haunches to a seated position on the floor as well. His legs were spread out in front of him, yours were bent at the knee, feet feeling the cool stone beneath you as you rested your hands on your knees. If your foot moved an inch or two to the right it would be touching Noa’s, and you had to shake that thought from your head.
Your fingers tapped out a rhythm, trying to distract yourself as you admitted, “I mainly flinch out of fear. I don’t really mean to, but I’ve been alone for so long now that…usually if something is touching me, it’s not a good thing.”
“Fear…” Noa repeated, mulling over you or answer. “Why…are you afraid…of apes?”
“Apes can be dangerous,” you replied honestly.
“When?” He asked.
Your brows furred, “What do you mean?”
“When did it…happen,” Noa clarified. “When…were apes dangerous…to you?”
“I -I didn’t say-” you started, but Noa cut you off.
“Fear does not happen…for no reason,” he huffed. “When did apes…make you afraid?”
You hesitated, throat feeling tight again “ Years ago.”
Noa leaned in closer, tone softening, “What happened?”
Well, this was it. The thing you swore you would never speak about again for as long as you lived. You didn’t have to answer, but you had come this far, and not explaining this to Noa meant that he would never understand your fear. It might even drive a wedge further between you two at some point in the future. Today already took an emotional toll on you, so how much worse could this be?
“I…I told you I lived in a vault once, right?” You stammered.
Noa hummed.
You took a deep breath then, “There was a virus- which I’m not sure if you know about. It took away the ability for humans to speak, made us really sick. Sometimes…it even killed us.”
Noa nodded, “Know…about it.”
You swallowed, “It didn’t effect most of us in the vault….I think before I was born the ones in there were immune to it. I was-was tested when I was born, and I was allowed to go outside with my parents whenever I wanted. For m-most of my life everyone came and went as they pleased, living in nature, even farming. This…apocalyptic world our scientists were always talking about, didn’t seem so bad at the t-time. I had freedom, a family, and f-friends. I lived a happy life.”
“How old…were you?” Noa clarified, “When…it happened.”
“S…seventeen.” You mumbled, pinching your eyes closed for a moment and running a hand through your hair. It had only gotten longer, and you reminded yourself then that you should cut it soon. “I wasn’t…wasn’t even considered an adult yet. I never in my wildest nightmares imagined that I could lose everyone I…it happened so fast.”
“Where are family…friends…now?” Noa asked.
You took in a breath, “Hopefully, they’re all dead.”
Noa visibly reacted to this, “Why…would you hope…for that?”
“Because the humans the gorillas didn’t kill outright,” you gritted through your teeth. “Are the ones they decided to keep as pets.”
“Gorillas…killed?” Noa didn’t seem shocked, but it still seemed like a hard concept for him to understand.
You felt a shiver run up your spine, and you forced your body not to show it as memories assaulted your mind in response to the question. You couldn’t speak, choosing instead to jerk your head once in a single nod.
“What is…pet?” Noa asked, raising his left hand in a closed fist, before making a back and forth motion with his right hand over top of it. “Not pet like…this?”
“No,” you shook your head, teeth clenching. “Not like that at all.”
You had to take a moment to swallow the anger, knowing this was a genuine question. Noa was not the one you were angry with, he was the one who was here after you got hurt. He was the one who made sure you didn’t fall off the horse. He was the one that never harmed you no matter how easy it would have been to do so. He was the one listening to you, the one who was worried about you. He cared about you.
With your emotions in check, you explained, “A pet is an animal humans would domest- tame…an animal humans would tame to keep with them. We would give them names, and put collars around their necks so others knew who they belonged to. We fed them, and gave them shelter in exchange for their loyalty and companionship.”
Noa was hesitant, but admitted, “Does not sound…bad…we raise Eagles…very similar…we wear their feathers and…have names for them to…tell apart.”
You shook your head, “It’s not the same. The clan and the eagles are the same, equal. I’ve even heard Anaya refer to Eagle Sun as your older brother.”
Noa huffed at that, looking away a moment before asking, “How is it…different then?”
“First of all,” you started. “For humans, a pet was treated as something under us. We cared for them, loved them, but they were not our equals. We chose them, cared for them instead of letting them fend for themselves in the wilderness. Secondly, the gorillas did not share the same amount of care for their pets that humans did theirs. They treated them brutally.”
“How do you…know?” Noa challenged.
You looked him the eye then, refusing to so much as blink as you confessed, “Because I was trapped in a cage as a pet for over a year.”
You’d never seen an ape be sick before, but Noa looked awfully close. His face was incredibly scrunched, and unless it was a trick of the fire, he looked two shades paler. His body seemed more hunched in, as if someone had punched him in the stomach. He breathed out the only word he seemed to be able to form, “What?”
Your hand covered your own mouth for a moment after the confession. Now that you said it out loud, it was real again. Nausea crept up on you at the epiphany, the fish in your gut souring the back of your throat. You turned away from Noa then, your other hand moving to your stomach and legs falling to the ground as you fought the overwhelming feeling. You already started, you couldn’t let yourself stop now. No one on this planet knew what happened now that your mother was gone. Someone else besides you should know. You took very deep breaths, hearing Noa start to make those humming noises again. They reminded you of the day you two had met, and that thought grounded you.
You turned back to Noa then, “My friends and I left the vault, three males and two females. We were traveling along a river, one we were very familiar with, when a group of gorillas and a few chimps approached us. We weren’t sure what to do, we had never seen apes before. The males simply stood in front of my friend and I. They had weapons, for hunting, but my friend and I had nothing.”
You saw the look in Noa’s eyes, the despair he held for you. You shifted again, bringing your knees up to tuck into your chest. You wrapped your arms around them, turning your head to face Noa as you rested your cheek on your knees. You tried to smile, “My friends were so brave, and if it weren’t for them, I might not be here now.”
“Do you…” Noa started. He opened his mouth as if to gulp the air, canines visible for a moment before he continued, “Do you…want silence?”
You shook your head, “I need to tell you, I need to say it. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to say it again if I stop now.”
Noa nodded, grunting as he stamped a closed fist against the ground a few times. You weren’t sure what it meant, but it might have been involuntary as he sighed through his nose, “Will not…speak…until you are…finished.”
“Okay.” You sighed, closing your eyes and letting the memories overtake you.
Kieran and Erik were at it again, trying to prove who was stronger. Somehow you and Eden got dragged into it, both of you being picked up and thrown over one of the boys shoulders as they ran down stream. Eden was absolutely losing it, snorting as she screamed in glee. You on the other hand, were just trying to make sure Kieran didn’t drop you. Even you had to admit though, it was pretty funny, a few giggles escaping as Kieran tried to trip Erik.
“I will strangle you if you trip me Kieran, I swear to God!” Erik shouted, stumbling slightly as Eden continued to squeal.
You slapped Kieran on the shoulder, “Fight fair! If you make Erik drop Eden he’ll have to get in line to strangle you.”
“Yeah, yeah!” Kieran called, picking up the pace, as you imagined the river’s edge was close.
You raised your head to see Micheal bringing up the rear, multiple bows and packs of arrows slung across his back as he attempted to keep up with his two younger brothers. Your eyes locked and you smiled at him, who in turn blushed and looked away. You enjoyed flustering him, not sure when he started acting differently around you, only that ever since, he had trouble keeping eye contact with you.
You would probably marry him one day. He was two years older than you, and while looks had never been something you were a particularly good judge on, you supposed he was decent enough. He was about your height, with dark auburn hair and brown eyes the color of a rich wood. More than his looks though, he was smart, smarter than Kieran and Erik for sure. He was the main hunter, knew how to be patient and find solutions to problems most wouldn’t think of. You admired that in him, how he never pretended to be something he wasn’t, never boasted or bragged that he was strong. He let his actions speak for themselves. While Eden might appreciate Kieran or Erik for their playfulness and macho displays, Micheal was the one who had your full attention.
Just as you thought that, Kieran jerked to a stop, and you felt your body go forward as he let you down, hollering his victory over Erik. Eden was still laughing, giving Erik a quick peck on the cheek in an attempt to comfort him.
“Hey, I won,” Kieran protested. “Shouldn’t I be the one to get a kiss?”
“You tried to cheat,” Eden accused, finger pointing at him.
Kieran smiled, “Key word being tried. I didn’t actually trip Erik.”
Eden rolled her eyes, turning to Micheal who was just now catching up, “I think he should be disqualified. What about you?”
Without missing a beat, Micheal said, “Absolutely. Erik wins by default, congratulations you two.”
Eden cheered, giving Erik a high-five as Kieran sulked. I patted his shoulder, “Better luck next time. Hey, I appreciate that you didn’t drop me.”
“Do I get a kiss for that?” He asked.
I snorted, “Yeah, sure.”
I leaned forward to kiss his cheek when Kieran suddenly turned his head, kissing me on the lips. I pulled back immediately as he grinned, looking so proud of himself. Of course, never one to boast when he actually does something outrageous. I practically growled at him, raising a leg to take my shoe off.
“Oh, shit!” Kieran cursed as he attempted to run.
“Get back here you ass!” You called as you chased after him, “Come take your beating like a man!”
Eden pulled Erik back playfully as he made to grab him, but Micheal was suddenly there, lunging forward and grabbing Kieran around the neck in a type of chokehold. This surprised you, but you just chuckled evilly, ready to get your revenge. Micheal saying your name however, stopped you in your tracks. That’s when you noticed his eyes locked on to something up ahead of you. Even Kieran stopped struggling as he caught site of what Micheal had.
Eden, Erik, and you all turned at the same time to find out what the other two were staring at. That’s when you saw it, apes on horseback. You had never seen an ape in person before, and you had to wonder what they were doing here. The five of you had frequented this river since you could walk, this wasn’t claimed territory. You were too scared to look away or make a sound now, feeling like something was terribly wrong. Running didn’t seem like a good idea though.
You heard Micheal call your name again, “Put your shoe back on and get behind me. Eden, you too. Erik, back up to me with Eden slowly.”
We all did as he instructed as the caravan of apes got closer. There were five gorillas and three chimpanzees. Two of the chimps were walking alongside the group instead of riding. That must mean there was a settlement nearby. A new ape settlement.
You felt Eden wrap her arm around yours, attempting to pull you back further. You didn’t want to move, afraid to look weak, and Micheal was right in front of you. He hadn’t reached for his bow yet, but his hands were ready. Erik and Kieran on the other hand weren’t willing to wait, arrows strung and pointed towards the ground.
The apes stopped then, probably 20 feet away from you, making a few noises that you assumed was their way of communication. You noticed them scanning your group, the biggest gorilla locking eyes with you for a brief moment before turning his attention to Erik. He was shifting from foot to foot, arrow pointed slightly off the ground now, as if he sensed danger.
“We mean you no harm,” Micheal’s booming voice called out. “As long as you mean us no harm. We understand if this is your territory, we did not know. We will respectfully leave and return to our homes and not come back.”
The larger gorilla huffed at one of the chimps on the ground, who paced to the back of his horse. He then turned to the smaller gorilla on his left, pointing to Micheal. You felt your stomach drop, not understanding what that meant, but having a feeling it wasn’t good. You felt Micheal’s hand on your stomach then, pushing you back as he whispered, “Start backing up, but don’t run unless I say.”
You hummed, too afraid to speak as the group slowly started inching backwards.
The large gorilla spoke then, the deep scratchy voice sending chills down your spine. “Human who can speak…comes with us.”
Ice flooded your veins then, looking to Micheal who seemed to be assessing the situation. Erik, upon hearing that, raised his bow in the air, aiming for the gorilla who spoke. No sooner had he done that, you heard a Thunk noise, and a gasp be ripped from Erik’s mouth. You turned, watching in slow motion as Erik took a step back, allowing you to see the spear lodged in his chest.
You watched the realization hit him at the same time as the rest of you, a final glance to Micheal before he collapsed. You couldn’t react, shock gripping your being as you saw Eden cover her mouth to smother the scream she wanted to let out, visibly shaking now as she clung to you. Kieran was smart enough not to raise his bow further, but he and Micheal shared a devastated look before facing the apes again.
“Run.” Micheal hissed, and time seemed to not only resume, but speed up.
The gorillas all practically leapt off their horses. The two chimps on the ground hurling spears, not trying to hit you but trying to keep you all in one place. Eden took off alongside you, and for once, you were thankful she was smaller than you, it allowed her to be faster. You heard Micheal and Kieran behind you, turning your head over your shoulder once to see the apes gaining. Micheal did the same, and you saw the calculating look in his eye as he turned back around.
He called out then, “Kieran you’re with me, you two don’t stop running for anything! I mean it!”
You heard Eden whimper ahead of you as a sort of confirmation, and you stumbled a moment, wanting to stop but knowing if you did, whatever Micheal intended to do would be in vain. Two sets of footsteps stopped echoing behind you, so you kept running, dodging over limbs and bushes as you both strayed from the rivers edge in search of cover.
You heard arrows flying alongside apes screeching and roaring in tandem. You couldn’t look, couldn’t see who was winning. You had to keep going…..but then you heard Kieran scream. You turned then to see one of the chimps dead on the ground, and a Gorilla struggling to breathe next to the corpse, half dead himself. He had more than seven arrows lodged in his chest. There were two more gorillas though, one restraining Micheal and the other…
Kieran was on the ground, body twisted in an unnatural position, with the second gorilla above him. You saw dark arms raise before fists came down over his body. Micheal struggled in a net next to him, screaming and cursing at the apes. You looked away, hearing the pain in Kieran’s voice each time the Thump of fists came down on him. You heard a wet, cracking sound following the next blow that echoed in the forest. Then, there was no more screaming. No more hits to the ground. No more sound. You knew Kieran was dead.
You heard the pound of running steps behind you then, and you knew what was about to happen. You gasped in air, forcing your body to go faster, run harder. Eden was so far ahead of you…you knew she would probably get away if she just kept going. You willed your voice to be steady as you screamed, “Don’t stop, Eden! Run faster, give it everything you have! Don’t stop until you’re home! Don’t look back, just run!”
You didn’t hear a response, but you saw her shift slightly, running more on the balls of her feet and picking her legs up higher, arms jerking back and forth harder than they were before. You saw her duck behind a tree and then she was out of your line of sight. Part of you was comforted by that, but that relief was quickly extinguished when something smacked into your back and you quickly hit the ground. You scraped your chin when you landed, letting out a small cry of pain as you wriggled in the net you found yourself trapped in.
There was a tug, and you were being dragged back towards Micheal and the other apes. The Gorilla above you huffed and snarled as you continued to struggle, raising a leg and kicking you in the stomach. You groaned, curing in on yourself as another gorilla on a horse approached.
The gorilla holding you pointed towards where Eden had been, “Find the human and their nest, take the ones who speak…kill the rest.”
Eden was going to lead them home, and there was nothing you could do about it. You felt tears start streaming down your face, as the ape holding you sniffed loudly, throwing you next to Micheal, another ape gripping the closure of the net. The larger ape growled, “Weak human…bleeding…stinks.”
The ape above you seemed to huff in agreement, and as awful as this was, you were relieved that Micheal had escaped the slaughter. You were happy he was here with you. You actively avoided looking at his brother laying on the ground next to you as you thought this.
The two of you were thrown across a horse, a chimp walking alongside it as you tried to track where you were and where they were taking the two of you. You were separated from Micheal when you arrived to the ape settlement. It was built on the side of a cliff, apes working on a large wooden fence around the front. As you rode in you noticed they were taking you off to the left, but taking Micheal all the way to the back. Neither of you said anything, knowing that if one of you had the chance to escape you would do so, and maybe send help for the other.
There was a crude room made from a small stone alcove in the rocks. You were taken out of the net and thrown in, rolling on the ground from the unexpected force. You didn’t try to run, the colony of gorillas overflowing, it would only be a few steps before you were caught. A makeshift door of bamboo was shut behind you, leaving you in the small space to explore alone. You decided to bide your time and look around for anything that could be useful to you. A large nest of leaves and furs was off to the side, some baskets filled with fruits, and other random odds and ends were scattered around the room. Nothing you could use at present. You tried to not look too closely at the bones that were scattered on the floor, deciding it didn’t matter if they were human or not as long as they weren’t yours.
The larger gorilla from earlier slammed open the door then, ground shaking as he made his way towards you. There was nowhere for you to go, but still you tried to back up as far away as you could from him. In seconds, your back was against the stone of the cave as the gorilla closed the distance between the two of you. You refused to cower, but you did freeze in place. His height was staggering, standing on all fours but his eyes were level with yours. Only then did you realize that looking him in the eye was a mistake, watching as he yanked you by your ankle.
You hit the ground hard, attempting to catch yourself on your elbows before he dragged you half under him. You tried not to cry or scream, thinking it would only aggravate the ape further. He jerked on your limbs, pulling you this way and that, then grabbing you by the neck. He pulled you close, taking a deep whiff before throwing you back to the ground. Your skull practically bounced off the stone below you and you whimpered, clutching at the back of your head.
This seemed to catch the gorilla’s attention, seizing you now by the hair and using it to pull you into a standing position. He chose to stand on two legs now, raising you up with him, and you barley dangled on your tip toes in order not to have all of your weight hanging my your head.
“You can make noise,” the gorilla snarled. “No point in having you if you don’t. Understand human?”
You whined, still struggling against his hold, “Yes! Please let go, it hurts!”
The gorilla made a satisfied noise, yanking up once very hard before dropping you entirely. You couldn’t help it, you collapsed onto your hands and knees while tears fell from your eyes. The pain was overwhelming, feeling like your skull was on fire, and you sobbed in fear as the gravity of your situation finally set in. Your body began to shake, the air you gasped into your lungs getting more and more shallow no matter how deep a breath you took. The ape circled you the entire time, intently watching your reaction.
“You are young,” he commented. “Will get much use out of you if you do as you are told.”
You tried to quiet your noises, tried to focus on his words. He made a fist as he raised his arm, and you yelped, wrapping your arms around your head. The ape hooted in delight, “You are smart…that is good. You will refer to me as Gol. Understood?”
“Y-yes.” You stuttered, slowly dropping your arms.
Gol reached for you again, grabbing you by the neck and hauling you up. You dangled in the air once more, feet kicking as you felt his grip close around your throat. Both hands scratched across his arm for any sort of purchase, attempting to hold yourself up to pull any amount of air you could get into your lungs. He watched you struggle before explaining, “You will come when I call, you will stay where I put you, and you will eat when I give you food. You will do what I say without question or hesitation. Do you understand?”
You nodded, gasping, “Yes!”
“Yes, what?” He huffed.
“Yes, Gol!” You practically spat in an effort to get the words out.
He dropped you to your feet then, not giving you a chance to catch your breath as he grabbed your hair, leading you by it like it was a leash. You were marched through the settlement by his unrelenting grasp until you reached the human cages. A door was opened for Gol by a chimp, then you were thrown in. You scrambled on your hands and feet before the door was promptly slammed in your face. You sniffled, watching as the apes hooted and chuffed before leaving you alone.
Not entirely alone
You heard a deep sigh behind you and saw Micheal crouching in the back of the cage. Though your body was sore and you were pretty sure your chin was still bleeding, you ran to him. He opened his arms and allowed you to collapse in them, sinking to the ground with you as you remained wrapped in each other. He tried to soothe you as you cried, but there was nothing he could tell you that would fix this. His brothers were dead, and Eden was leading the other apes to your home.
Home…you wanted to go home
As if hearing your thoughts Micheal squeezed you tighter, whispering, “I know…but we have to be smart. We will not be here forever. We will not die here. We just have to bide our time. Trust me, I promise you’ll get to go home.”
You wiped the tears from your eyes, burying your face in the warmth of his chest and the comfort of his smell. You trusted him, as long as he survived you would too. You would live for each other in hopes of making it out of here alive. Who knows, there were a few mechanical weapons in the vault, maybe Eden made it before the apes could stop her. Maybe your parents were planning a rescue mission as you sat here.
Micheal called your name then, forcing you to look up. He kissed the top of your head, holding you closer, “As fucked up as this is…and as much as I wish you weren’t, I’m really happy you’re here with me.”
You nodded, tucking your head back into his chest. Your fingers dug into his shirt, swallowing hard before you started, “I’m sorry about-”
“Don’t.” He interrupted you, “Just…don’t. Not yet. Have your breakdown now, I’ll have mine later.”
You hiccuped then, “I’ll be there for you when you do.”
He smiled then, genuinely, smoothing his fingers through your hair as you clung to each other, “Thank you.”
You had lost track of time, how long you had been here…but now you remembered with painful clarity. There were two things that you were sure of. The first, your home was either never found, or everyone there was killed. You woke up anxious every morning for days, weeks, but you never saw anyone from your vault brought to the settlement. The second, is that you were a year older. You had been taken in the early summer, and summer was once again upon you.
You had been here for over a year. You and Micheal had saved each others lives more times than you could count; sharing food and water, keeping each other warm during the freezing days of winter, sharing pain when punishment was inflicted…and in your case, it was inflicted a lot. You were more aware now of how tired you were, how wrong your body felt compared to how it had been. Even Micheal was not unaffected, he could no longer string a bow, even if he was ordered to. Both of you it seemed could barely carry more than your body weight.
Gol had stopped by your cage today, yanking you out while another gorilla gathered Micheal. For the first time since the two of you arrived, you were separated. You couldn’t do anything about that though, worrying for your own safety when Gol brought you back into his room. There was a large basket in the center of the room, steam billowing out of it. You thought it was food for a moment, disappointed as you approached it to find only water.
Gol grabbed your hair, as he was accustomed to, forcing you to your knees as you cried out in pain. Nowadays the pain blended into itself, to the point you were almost numb, almost couldn’t feel it. The rub was, if you didn’t reassure him that you were hurt by his actions, he would be sure to be rougher with you until he got the reaction he wanted. He grabbed a ragged piece of cloth nearby, dunking it into the water before ringing it out above your head. The water was too hot, causing you to hiss, lurching forward and away from him, your fingers running through your hair to try to alleviate the burning feeling. You didn’t mean to do it, but your scrambling away from Gol and the hot water was a mistake you hadn’t rectified quick enough.
This angered Gol, who let out a roar before grabbing you by the ankle and yanking you back to him. His hand came down and hit you hard across the head, dazing you for a moment as you tasted blood. He had split your lip. At the faintest smell of blood the Gorilla growled his irritation, “Stinking human. Even more vile with that smell on you now. You should be grateful the water is warm. I should throw you in the river like last time.”
The memory caused your body to be wracked by chills, recalling late last winter, just before spring, when you had gotten your monthly. Gol usually ignored it or ignored you until it was done, but something about this one set him on edge. He had opened your cage and dragged you from the settlement, Micheal following after you but too weak to do much about it. Gol had thrown you, clothes and all, into the river to “purge himself of your smell.” You had nearly just stayed underwater, the cold getting to you and the will for air nowhere in sight as you imagined what you had to go back to.
A moment later Micheal had dove in after you. Stark naked, he pulled you out of the river, both of you shaking. Gol had sniffed once and deemed you acceptable enough to return. Micheal quickly stripped you of your clothes, as if you were a child, while you both followed Gol back. He wore his pants, but as he carried your wet clothes he forced you to put on his dry, warm shirt. It barely kept your modesty, but it wasn’t wet or cold. It was enough. Neither of you spoke about you staying under for that long; Micheal didn’t want to believe you would leave him, and you were too ashamed to admit that for a moment you were ready to.
The shame of the memory flooded you, forcing you to find your voice, “Tell me what you want and I’ll do it.”
Gol threw the rag at you, stepping overtop and away from you then before sitting in his nest. He huffed as he studied his most recent trinket he had found on a scouting mission, ordering, “Strip and wash yourself. Do not put your old clothes back on.”
You swallowed and did as he said, mumbling, “Yes, Gol.”
Though you were two different species you still turned your back to him then, every nerve ending in your body becoming a live wire as you sensed the danger behind you. You did enjoy the warmth of the water once it had time to cool, but you did not languish in its comforts, wanting to be done as soon as possible so you could put on fresh clothes.
When you finished, you stood, trying not to hold yourself in a way that showed that you were uncomfortable. Gol glanced at you before rising from his nest, ordering you to follow him. You felt shame well up inside of you as he paraded you back to your cage, jaw clenched as you imagined how many ways you could kill the ape if you only had a weapon. Micheal was already there, also missing his clothes. You both took one look at each other, before quickly glancing away, and pieced together exactly what it was the apes were plotting. Gol shut the door behind you and walked away. Oddly enough, the apes had been avoiding the human enclosures completely today, and now you knew why.
It was early summer, warm enough that there was no chill, but still you felt your skin pebble. Micheal called you then. His back was plastered to the wall of your enclosure, legs and arms spread as he looked away. His eyes were closed for good measure, motioning for you to come sit. He held the only blanket in one hand and you moved without hesitation to sit between his legs, trying to avoid looking at him too out of courtesy. He wrapped the blanket around both of you then, using your back pressed close to his chest to pin a corner in place, doing the same with his back and the wall.
For once, he seemed just as nervous as you. You could feel his heart beat ricocheting against his chest. He blew out a ragged breath, leaning his head back as you curled in to make yourself as small as possible. You felt him swallow, his heart rate slowly lowering until it was back to its normal rhythm. Then there was just silence.
After what felt like an eternity, both of you sitting there, waiting for something to happen, you felt Micheal shift closer to you. He leaned in to whisper discreetly in your ear, “We have a choice to make. Their way, or our way. One way or the other, I need you to trust me.”
You looked up at him then, his mouth set in a harsh line and his eyes stone cold. You reached for his hand under the blanket, squeezing once before admitting, “You know I do.”
“Good. Try to sleep for now,” he whispered. “You’ll need your rest.”
What he was asking wasn’t difficult, no sooner had you closed your eyes did you feel yourself being nudged awake for dinner. In some cosmic joke, both of you were given fresh fruit and fish for dinner. Clean water too. You were shocked, but Micheal was not. He made sure you both ate your fill, hiding an apple and an orange in the folds of his blanket. When the apes returned to take your trough away they leered at the two of you before hooting to each other.
You sneered at the retreating apes, “Apparently, it doesn’t matter what species, all men are pigs.”
“Hey,” Micheal chuckled. “I’ve been nothing but a gentlemen this entire time.”
You scoffed, “You’re the exception, not the rule.”
“That’s more like it.” He teased before becoming serious once more, “Are you ready? We’re moving in about five minutes.”
“Shouldn’t we wait a bit longer?” You asked. “That seems so soon after they just gave us food and water.”
Micheal shook his head, “They left us alone all day with the exception of our baths. They think the privacy will help, so I say we use it against them. It’s already dark, they’re all at the bonfire. No one will come to check on us until sunrise, and we need to use every second we have.”
You nodded, “Alright.”
And true to his word, Micheal was slowly easing two bamboo bars away from where they were spiked into the ground. You were surprised he was able to do it, but he showed you where he had been secretly bending them for weeks to make it weaker. He held it open while you slipped through, then he slipped out backwards himself. He held it as long as he could before slowly releasing it. It snapped back into place and you marveled at his strength, noticing how winded he was from the effort.
“I thought…” you began to say but stopped yourself. “Have you always been this strong?”
Micheal sighed, “More or less, it depends on the day. I couldn’t show the apes that or they would have worked me to death. Can’t say the lie didn’t weaken me still.”
He turned to you then, wrapping the blanket around you. He tied the material in strategic places, ripping and tearing where he needed to so you were covered, but still had full mobility. He used the excess at the bottom to craft a makeshift carrier to hold the apple and orange from earlier. He tied it around your wrist, and just as you wondered why you couldn’t hold it he explained, “We’re going to be climbing, you’ll need both hands.”
You blanched, eyes huge as you hissed, “You intend to scale down the mountain in the dark, barefoot, and naked?”
“Yes,” he said with confidence. “It’s our best chance. I’ll go first and you’ll follow my footholds.”
As you two made it to the edge you glared at him, “You are actively insane.”
He swallowed, “I hope so, because if I wasn’t I don’t think this would work.”
There was just enough moonlight for you to see Micheal, watching carefully as he began to descend. Once he was down a few feet he stopped, holding himself up and motioning for you to follow. The strain on your arms was nearly unbearable, but the idea of freedom forced you to keep your limbs locked and straight. One foot after the other, hand over hand, just don’t look down. You repeated it like a mantra, stopping when he told you to and continuing when he told you to.
After what felt like an eternity, you heard Micheal hit solid ground. You felt your heart kick up and butterflies surge in your stomach. Just as you reached the bottom you felt Micheal’s hands brace you. You let go and allowed him to catch the rest of you. You could have screamed with joy, looking up at the cliff for a moment before turning your attention to Micheal. His brown eyes were shining with happy tears, both of you letting out a few breathy laughs. You embraced then, only for a moment, before Micheal grabbed your hand and set off in a dash to the surrounding woods.
You weren’t sure where you were going, or if he knew where he was leading you two until you came to the river. That was perfect! You could cross and follow it back home, even though you were downstream you knew this river and its path home like the back of your hand. Micheal was a genius!
You turned to tell him as much, when you noticed him picking up a rock from the ground. He examined it closely before rinsing it in the river.
“What are you doing?” You asked, tilting your head in confusion as you stared at the rock in his hand.
He looked at you then, eyes sorrowful, whispering, “I made a promise.”
He dug the rock into the palm of his left hand then sliced it, letting blood run down his wrist and into the grass at your feet. He hissed, dropping the rock and clutching his closed palm.
“What are you doing?” You nearly screamed, remembering to keep your voice low.
He smiled sadly, “Making sure you get home. Why do you think I made sure you were the one covered, and had food?”
You looked down now at yourself then to him, tears prickling your eyes, “You promised we wouldn’t die here, you promised we’d go home together.”
“I have no intention of dying,” he smirked. “But sometimes things are out of our control. It’s almost dawn, I need you to cross the river while I lead the blood trail as far downstream as I can. If I can evade them until noon then I’ll cross and backtrack. If all goes well I’ll get home a day or two after you.”
Tears were streaming down your face now, Micheal pulling you in for a hug, making sure to avoid getting blood on your blanket. You reached up then, grabbing his face in your hands and looking at him. It may be the last time you would be able to do so. With that thought spurring you on, your brought your mouths together in a clash of lips and teeth. It wasn’t perfect, but it was hungry and full of promise. Truthfully, it was a first for you both.
You felt his uninjured hand cup the back of your head, pulling you in closer as the two of you breathed each other in. You broke apart for air, taking a few real breaths before he leaned forward again. It was softer this time, his lips melting into yours as he brought your bodies together. Your hands wrapped around his neck and you felt heat pool in your stomach, mouth falling open as he deepened the kiss.
He groaned in the back of his throat, as if sensing your excitement, but ultimately pulled away. You both were panting, and he had to stop you from leaning in again, tears drying against your cheeks. His pupils were so dark they nearly suffocated the brown, and when he leaned down you thought he would kiss you again. Hell, by the way he grasped onto you, you thought he would take you right here. Instead, he surprised you, choosing to rest his head against yours. His body swayed into yours a moment, and rocked back with you as you pressed firmly into him. You felt the nails and heat of his right hand biting into the flesh of your hip through the blanket, his hold firm but not painful. When had it moved to your hip?
He let out an aggravated groan then, harshly kissing the top of your head, before gently pushing you away, “You need to go. I’ll see you at home in a day or two.”
You took a deep breath, swallowing your heartache as you took a step back. He was still breathing raggedly, nails now biting into his crossed arms. He was holding himself back by the barest of threads. You couldn’t ignore that, respecting his restraint as you slowly made your way into the water. You saw Micheal bend down and wipe his bleeding hand along the ground, away from the edge of the water. He straightened, pushing out more blood before wiping the red streak across his chest.
He noticed your hesitation, a cocky smile taking over his features, which would have seemed more natural on Erik or Kieran as he admitted, “Just so you know, in different circumstances, no one else around, I wouldn’t have hesitated. Even now, you still drive me crazy.”
You felt a blush tint your cheeks, confessing, “Just so you know…I love you. I would have married you in different circumstances.”
True fire lit up his eyes then, a joyous noise coming out in a rush as he pointed his injured hand at you, “You remember in two days that you said that! I’ll come home to you if it’s the last thing I do. If some beast manages to get me before then, I’ll find you in our next life.”
A watery laugh escaped you then, “You still believe in reincarnation?��
“I have to now, don’t I?” He countered, “It’s the only way I’ll be able to marry you more than once.”
You giggled, feeling a chill run up your spine as silence engulfed the two of you. You swallowed, whispering, “I have to go now.”
Micheal hummed, “You do, before dawn breaks. Please, be safe. I love you.”
You nodded dumbly, turning then and diving into the water. The current was strong, but you didn’t fight it, allowing it to carry you as you crossed. When you made it to the bank on the opposite side you crawled until you hit stable ground. It took effort to lift your body from the mud, but you managed. Once you were standing again, you turned to look for Micheal. He had followed you along the edge of the bank on the opposite side, giving a small wave before continuing down stream. You waved back weakly, tears flowing again as a sob threatened to escape your mouth. You choked it down, smothering any noise as you turned towards the woods. You walked in the opposite direction, just as he told you to do, hoping that home was still where you had left it. And, if it wasn’t, you hoped that it would find you in two days.
You wiped a tear from your face, scrubbing at your cheek slightly before turning your attention back to Noa. His mouth was slightly open, lips pursed, fingers fidgeting with each other. He looked as sad as you felt. He was true to his word, staying silent through your retelling. He also didn’t rush to say anything after, which you appreciated. You needed this reprieve now that you re-opened that wound. Could you bleed out from emotional pain? At the moment, burying your head into your arms, it felt like it was possible.
Noa moved his arm, as if he was going to comfort you, but thought better of it, pulling it back to his side.
You gasped in a breath, “When I started to recognize where I was on the river, I took off and didn’t stop until I reached home. I had never run so fast in my life…except for maybe the day we met. I found out the gorillas did attack the vault, trying to take people, but were ultimately killed. No survivors were able to report back where the vault was. We lost a lot of people though….my friend, she didn’t make it. I left with my mother a week later. We travelled for months until we settled here. That was about four years ago. She mainly built this place. I helped, but she was the one who thought of everything.”
“Where is…mother?” Noa asked, hand raising under his chin to correspond the sign with the word.
You felt the tears spring forward again, and you looked up to try to stop them from falling. You let out a shaky breath, “One step at a time…I’ll tell you about her some other day, I don’t have it in me right now. She meant...she means so much to me.”
Noa looked down then, something you said striking a nerve in him. He fiddled with the band on his arm, avoiding your eyes. A long sigh came from his nose, his hand coming up in a very human way to rub and hold his brow. His voice was rough as he spoke, “The Echo male…why is he…not here?”
You paused, wishing the words you were about to say were different. “He never came home.”
Noa kept his gaze from you still as he whispered, “I am sorry.”
You hummed in return. What else could you say? You waited for him as long as you could, but ultimately you couldn’t stay there. Your mother knew it too, which is why you both made the selfish decision to leave, sneaking away during the cover of night. You sat up then, pulling your jacket back to you from where it rested on the bed. It had been your mother’s, which she gave to you during the cooler nights of your journey. She never seemed to get cold, though in hindsight she had probably just put your needs before hers, hiding any cold or discomfort from you. You weren’t exactly present during the first half of your journey, just a shell at that point. Living as if life was a dream and nothing mattered. You wished now you could remember those earlier days, showed more appreciation for your mother while she was alive. She had given up everything for you.
Noa sniffed, pointing to the jacket in your hand, “Clothes are…important to Echo?”
You had to smirk, Noa thought it was a safe question to ask. You nodded, “Mhm. They keep us warm, and safe from the outside elements. This belonged to my mother, but now that she’s gone, it belongs to me.”
“Why were your…clothes taken?” Noa asked, lips curling up slightly in what you supposed was confusion or irritation. “After so long…sounded like…there was a purpose…do not understand.”
You bit the inside of your mouth, trying to think how best to respond. Of course Noa wouldn’t understand shame or modesty, it was inherently human after all. You decided to just spit out the ugly truth of the situation, not having a good way to sugar coat it, “The gorillas were trying to get us to reproduce…for whatever reason. Obviously, humans don’t have fur like apes, so clothes not only cover our bodies but our sexes too. Usually, if we remove that barrier in front of someone of the opposite sex, it’s a signal that we want to…mate, I suppose is the word you would use?”
Noa’s gaze finally returned, eyes piercing into yours as he asked, “What word…would you use?”
You shrugged, “We have a few words, I guess it depends on the intent. If it’s for reproduction, which in this case it would have been, then it would be called sex. If it’s with a partner, someone you care about and just want to be with, it’s called love making.”
“Partner…” Noa hesitated. “Is mate?”
“Not necessarily,” you responded. You were grateful for the brief interlude into human customs, even though the subject would have been considered wildly inappropriate with anyone else. “A wife, or in my case, a husband would be the term for a partner that I’d be with for life. A partner in general, can be anyone.”
Noa thought for a moment, “Partner can be…someone who is courting you? Not ma- husband…not husband?”
“Right,” you chuckled. The old English term was rather endearing, though humans preferred the more modern term of dating. Noa didn’t need to know that part, you liked courting better.
Noa looked to the fire then, gaze distant as he allowed his mind to wander with everything you said. You took that moment to enjoy the silence once more. Your next breath was deep, and the air felt cleaner, lighter. The weight of your past had been lifted, even if it didn’t last until morning. Just telling Noa, having him listen and show empathy as you shared your pain, momentarily healed some fractured piece inside of you. In a strange twist, you found yourself wanting to reach out to him now. The sudden pull was undeniable.
“Noa?” You called, getting his attention.
He turned to you then, grunting in response. You reached your hand out then, stopping just an inch or so away from his hand, looking for permission. Surprise was clear in his gaze, looking between your eyes and your hands, so close together but not quite touching. He hooted softly, raising his slightly closed hand, knuckles brushing against yours before you turned your palm, sliding it under his to gently grasp his wrist. His fingers twitched against your skin before you felt him mimic your hold.
For the first time, you noticed his eyes were not focused on yours, trained instead on your joined hands. He tilted his head, turning his arm slightly too in order to get a closer look at what he was holding. He had probably never seen a human up close like this before, his other hand rising to trace the details of your fingers. Your slightly crooked pinky was a moment of interest to him, then the webbing of skin between your fingers, before he moved on to the small scar on the top of your middle knuckle.
While he was focused on exploring your skin, you took the time to study his face unencumbered. You noticed all the muscles there that shifted under the weight of each new thought and emotion. How could one ape be so expressive? Mouth, jaw, and brow just seemed to be an extension of his gaze. He was an open book now that you could see close enough. Confusion, intrigue, and the desire to learn more, all written there, burning within his eyes. Now, it was reflected in his touch as well. You had to fight the urge to laugh as he brushed against the small hairs on your arm, seeming to take interest in the fact you did have hair that was not on your head. You let him continue, wanting the moment to last a bit longer.
You realized this was the first time you had voluntarily let him touch you, and sought out to touch him in return, since the river. This strange truth took you by surprise. That couldn’t be right, thinking back to all of your interactions, but coming up with nothing. Riding together would have been the closest you could think of, but even then it wasn’t necessarily voluntary. It had been out of forced proximity. Maybe that’s where it had started? You couldn’t deny the warmth of his hand, the strange feel of his skin compared to yours was like a balm. It soothed something deep inside of you. Or, maybe that was just Noa. Even that first day you met, when you had invited him back to your shelter, you sensed there was something different about him. It’s like you recognized it subconsciously, some strange likeness in him that called out to you.
Whatever it was, you were grateful for it now. You couldn’t bring your voice above a whisper as you admitted, “I’m glad you’re here with me. It was nice not to wake up alone…even if it did startle me at first. Thank you for bringing me back, and thank you for listening to me. It strangely felt…good, to say it all out loud.”
Noa’s mouth pressed in a thin line, eyes traveling from your hands, up your arm to your shoulder. They paused briefly at your neck before jerking to your face. You felt his thumb twitch against your wrist, next to your pulse, before he said, “You saved me…after your history with apes…means more now…than before…thank you…will always be here…if you need me.”
You couldn’t lie, throat tight as you confessed, “You shouldn’t think so highly of me because of that. I had no plans to save you. The truth is I don’t know or understand why I did it. I saw you fighting for your life and I just…reacted.”
Noa’s grip tightened a fraction, his gaze reflecting something similar to clarity. It was if a great weight had been lifted from his mind. That’s when his eyes lowered, his free hand smoothing over the top of yours, trailing up to your forearm before sliding back down. You watched in rapt fascination, the graceful movement of his hand as he did it again. You thought he would say something, but he didn’t, seemingly too focused on the moment. Too focused on his hand going up your arm, then back down. He didn’t seem angry or upset about your telling him the truth, so you took comfort in that. That’s when you felt your thumb, clasped loosely around his wrist, start to mimic his hand, sweeping up and down in that same soothing manner. The hair there tickled your skin as you moved it.
His eyes were never wary of yours, but you noticed a flitting back and forth between your stare and your stroking hands. It was contemplative, but soft at the same time. You both continued to just watch your hands move, easing into the actions of the other. He continued his hypnotic back and forth movement, causing a contented sigh to be released from you. The next time he caught your now drowsy stare, the right side of his lips curved upwards. Your mouth parted slightly, breath caught in the back of your throat as your heart skipped a beat. It all fell apart for you then; suddenly feeling too intimate as you continued to sit, touching Noa, in silence. You broke eye contact, looking down as you stopped moving, very slowly and gently pulling your arm from his grip. He noticed your discomfort immediately, releasing you just as gently.
Always so careful with you. Always allowing you to decide when to pull away.
He brought his hands slowly back to his lap, and you brought yours to your chest. You felt your heart pounding against your palms, and you wondered when that had started. You felt the tension in the space rise, your eyes sliding back up trepidatiously to meet Noa’s. There was that intensity again…and you wished you knew what he was thinking
“Jumbled.” Noa finally said.
You saw his mouth move, but didn’t quite hear the word over the sound of your pulse in your ears, “What?”
Noa made that same gesture he had at the library, hand to his chest, “Inside…jumbled spirit.”
You scoffed, trying to lighten the mood, “I killed a boar today, and I’ll give you the fact I hit the pavement like a rag doll, but I’m not jumbled, Noa.”
“Yesterday,” he corrected, smiling now. You rolled your eyes playfully before he continued, “You feel alone…even when you are not…do not want to be touched…but enjoy when you receive affection…scared of apes…but care about Anaya and Soona.”
“And you,” you added unintentionally. The way it rolled so naturally off your tongue surprised you.
Noa chuffed, grinning triumphantly, “See?…How can you be scared…and care at the same time?”
You leaned back against the stone ledge, shrugging, “I don’t know. Maybe it’s because humans are complicated and capable of complex thoughts and feelings?”
Noa turned his head away from you, making a gesture you didn’t understand as he blew out air from his mouth. It felt like a natural response to you being cheeky though. When he turned back he pointed at your chest, “I fix jumble…you teach to read odd sounding…book.”
You tilted your head then, “Are you trying to make a deal with me?”
“No,” Noa huffed, arms crossing. “You have no say…this is what I have…decided.”
“You do realize I was going to teach you to read anyway?” You laughed.
Noa hummed, “Yes…but now I…give back.”
He was always giving back
“Ah,” you said. “And how exactly do you plan to fix the jumble?”
He moved from his sitting position then, standing in a crouch to offer you both of his hands, “Will let you know…when I figure it out…one step…at a time Echo.”
You chuckled in the back of your throat, hesitating only a moment before taking his hands. At first, you expected a swift jerk or a harsh pull upwards, but instead you felt his grip shift. He was carful of your palms, holding the backs of your hands and your wrists now as he carefully pulled you towards him. You were able to keep both feet under you, and Noa merely braced your weight as you pushed yourself to stand, making sure you were stable before releasing you all together. At times like these, you appreciated the intense focus he seemed to have around you, for it allowed him to notice the smaller details you wouldn’t normally think of yourself.
Noa looked down towards the ground for a moment, brows furrowed, then at his still open hands in front of him, before mentioning, “You have never denied…an offer…to touch you.”
“What?” The suddenness of the statement confused you.
Noa stretched out his hand then, as if to demonstrate, “When I offer…you take…when I ask… you agree…you are not afraid when I touch you…when you know I will.”
You shrugged, “I suppose, but that only makes sense. I’m expecting it.”
Noa shook his head then, arms mirroring the motion, a strange look in his eye as he tried to explain, “Ape touch…my touch…not bad.”
“Noa.” You tried to follow, to understand what he was saying, but he was either too excited or he didn’t fully comprehend what he was trying to say either. “I know you have no intentions to hurt me. I know that, but I can’t help my reactions sometimes when-”
“You do not dislike…when I touch you.” Noa interrupted, and it somehow sounded both like a question and a statement.
You licked your lips then, finally understanding what he meant. Your eyes darted to his palms before returning to his face. You shook your head, “I don’t dislike it.”
The admission made heat rush to your cheeks, even though it was an innocent statement. Noa hummed then, swaying slightly as he took a step away from you. You felt your next breath come in a bit easier. He picked up your spear from the ground, where he had been sitting earlier, leaning it against the rock of the cave before saying, “We will start there…build on that.”
The heat did not dissipate from your cheeks from his words, your mind adding fuel to the fire as you imagined multiple ways “building on that” could go. You choked down the heat enough to steady your voice as you asked, “Are you leaving?”
Noa turned then, smirk playing on his lips and brow raising, “Want me…to stay?”
How in the hell were you meant to answer that?! You were sure for a moment your brain stopped working as you attempted to process his words. As if sensing your turmoil, Noa shuffled in place, huffing, “Must return…time approaches for…Great Climb of the season...as Master of Birds I have…much to do.”
You nodded, not quite understanding, but appreciating that he saved you from further embarrassment. You cleared your throat then, legs stiff as you took a few steps towards him, “I’ll walk you out.”
Noa waited for you to be next to him before he took another step towards the exit. You walked out first, watching comically as he had to bend at the waist to get out. He eyed your entrance, wondering, “You will…be able to move rock…now and later?”
You sighed, “Probably not, I’m going to close it half way, nothing should be able to get in that way and I can still slip out if I need to.”
“Sore?” He asked.
“Very,” you half laughed. “It was an…eventful day. Not sure if I can say that it was a good or bad one though. When you aren’t so busy with preparations, we’ll start your reading lessons. So, let me know, okay?”
“Tomorrow,” Noa said confidently, swaying slightly closer to you. “After midday.”
His eagerness did not surprise you, smiling, “Alright. Tomorrow, midday. The three of you can meet me by the creek. Same place as usual.”
He nodded, glancing over to his horse, whose tail was swishing back and forth in irritation at being tied up for so long. Noa returned his attention to you then, sighing, “Be safe…will see you…tomorrow.”
“You be safe as well, it’s dark.” You stated the obvious, internally kicking yourself before giving a small wave. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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jadewritesficshere · 1 year
Eddie Munson x Reader
Content: oral (male receiving) slight sub!Eddie. Listen I just really wanna suck him
18+ only
Your eyes snapped open, adjusting to the darkness in the room as the VHS shut off with a click. The light from the TV seemed harsh, jarring you from the quietness surrounding you. It woke you up from your sleepy state, heart thumping wildly as you realized you had fallen asleep against Eddie. Eddie, who talked a mile a minute and told you interesting facts while watching movies, who had gone silent almost an hour ago as you started to drift off. Eddie, who had an arm wrapped around your shoulder, hand lazily drawing patterns on your arm where it rested. Your head against his chest, listening to the steady beating of his heart. "Sorry," you yawned as you sat up," Did I fall asleep?"
Eddie blinked slowly before smiling," Don't worry 'bout it. You need to rest." You lazily smile at him as he stands up. He stretches slowly, joints popping that remind you that neither of you are near your teens anymore. He reaches his arms above his head in a stretch, shirt traveling up just enough to give you a sneak peak of his stomach. Pale skin that showed the stark colors of the dragon curled over the top of his belly button. The dragon that had it's mouth open as if it was blowing fire, fire that actually was pink scars courtesy of the demobats. The scars that he always had a different story for when people saw ("I got attacked by a bear." "A witch cursed me." "I didn't eat my vegetables." "I used to defuse bombs").
Your eyes caught on his belly button, the stupid piercing he got claiming "a dragon had to have a hoard". The blue light from the tv causing the jewelry to glint, showing a kaleidoscope of rainbows in the opal gemstones. Your breath caught at the smattering of hair that trailed down from his belly button. Down to the band of his sweatpants that hung low on his hips. Plaid boxers peeking over the hem of his pants obscured your view of the slight v shape of his hips. The TV light providing the perfect amount of light and shadow to show the slight definition of his abs he had gained from long hours as a mechanic.
The sting from biting your lip pulled you from your casual perusal of Eddie's frame. Eddie who hadn't even noticed and was waving his hands around talking as he stared off at the wall,"- but those are just rumors. I mean if they do make a movie, it better be close to the book. No creative liberties. I want to see the book come to life, ya know? I want the dwarves to have full beards, especially the women and-"
You stand up abruptly," Shut the fuck up." Eddie pauses at your abrupt words and movement. Silence spans a few seconds as he notices the glimmer in your eyes," Excuse you?" You hum, running your eyes up and down his frame. Eddie was definitely a man, no longer the boy you had met in high school. He had filled out more, had some scruff on his jawline. His sweatpants had a hole in his knee and there was a stain on his shirt, but he had never looked more beautiful to you. And you had never wanted to fuck him more.
Eddie tilted his head slightly, untamed and frizzy curls bouncing as he tried to decipher the look in your eye. "I will gladly listen to this conversation, but I can't pay attention right now. Not when you're," you wave your hand gesturing to him," that!" Eddie scoffs," Excuse you? That?." One step is all it takes to get in his space, Eddie instinctively taking a step back.
You push on his chest, firm beneath your open palms, causing him to stumble back into the couch. He lands with a grunt and looks up at you with a look of exasperation. He goes to open his mouth to say what you're sure is a snarky remark, but all thoughts leave his head as you grab his knees spreading them open and kneeling in front of him. His jaw drops as he stares at you between his legs. You bat your lashes at him in what you hope is a seductive look, but let's be honest, both you and Eddie suck at flirting. You trail one hand up from his knee, barely touching as your fingers dance their way up his thigh. His cheeks flush, a beautiful dusty pink that spreads down his neck towards his chest. You wonder how far that blush goes as you lift the hem of his shirt.
Eddie is staring at you, frozen in time. You clearing your throat as you tug on his shirt knocks him from his reverie. "Yeah, okay, fuck uh yea." He leans forward enough to pull the shirt over his head. You lick your lips at the expanse of tattooed skin you see. You lean in, trying to decide where to start. You look up through your eyelids at him, slowly licking the happy trail, that definitely made you happy. The image of you licking his skin, peering up at him through your lashes, was burned into Eddie's retinas. Eddie's knuckles were white as he gripped the couch cushions. His stomach flexed unintentionally at the warmth of your tongue. The small whimper he let out fueled your desire, heat pooling low in your stomach. You nip and suck at his hips, one hand resting on his thigh, the other curled around his back to bring him closer to you. You pulled back after adding a lovely red mark that you know will fade to a bruise.
You can't believe you had fallen asleep next to this man, now the only thoughts involving a bed also involved cardio. You lightly trail a finger over the prominent bulge in his pants, earning a sharply inhaled breath and a buck of his hips. "Jesus fucking Christ," he groans, voice lower then you've ever heard. You lick your lips as your hands reach for the hem of his pants and-
"Wait!" Eddie startles you, and you glance up at his wrecked face. "Huh?" You blink a few times starting to pull back," Do you not..?" "No! No I do!" Eddie clears his throat and grabs the pillow next to him," I just...you should be comfortable..." His face flushes as he holds the pillow between you two, causing you to chuckle. You grab the pillow and put it under your knees, even if you don't need it. "Thanks baby. You're so thoughtful." Eddie preens under the praise, looking smug. Your hands return to his waist band, tugging his pants and boxers down. He lifts his hips to help and-
You've never thought a dick to be pretty before. Sure, you've seen some good ones but this? He's long, curved slightly to the right. Precum beading at the top of a head that is flushed so red it's almost purple. A prominent vein trailing the underside of his dick that you want to lick up. Curls around the base that were trimmed but still unruly. The tension is thick as you stare at his dick, wondering where to start. He twitches under your heavy gaze. "C'mon, don't make me wait.." Eddie mumbles. "You'll take what I give you, and you'll be thankful." You snap back, watching the man pout slightly. For all his bravado and extroverted demeanor, he has no power here and he knows it.
But you decide to have mercy on him as you flatten your tongue against his dick, deciding to follow the vein from his base to his tip. Eddie lets out a high-pitched whine followed by a "thank you", but you don't really care. Yes, it feels good for him, but this is also for your pleasure. You swirl your tongue around his leaking tip, tasting the salty essence. Eddie's hand finds the back of your head instinctively, not using any real force or grip. When you fully envelope his tip with your warm mouth and suck, all coherent thoughts of his are gone. He barely can remember his own name. One of your hands holding his hips back so he can't thrust up, the other wrapped around his dick slowly moving up and down.
Eddie sits there babbling nonsense, he never could stay quiet for long. And you wouldn't want him to, his moans and groans like music to your ears. You pull off of him earning a whine. Eddie's face is flushed, bangs stuck to his forehead, a slight sweat broken out on him. He looks down at you with those big brown eyes like you just kicked a dog. "Please? Fuck, please baby? Don't stop."
You smile up at the wrecked man, the man begging for you to continue. You can feel the light pressure of his hand against your head trying to push you closer to his groin. You could make him beg. Make him wait. But he looks so good like this, you want to see him completely blissed out. You inhale deeply before lightly putting the tip back in your mouth. Eddie has no time to mutter a thank you before you fully sink down on him. Your nose coming flush with the hair you admired earlier, taking him deep in your throat without gagging. "Oh fuckfuckfuck," Eddie pants above you, lost in the feeling of you. You hollow out your cheeks and suck, bobbing up and down along his length. He was a twitching writhing mess beneath you. You lightly palm at his balls, adding enough pressure to have Eddie moan. It didn't take him long before he came with a loud groan, hips bucking without a pattern. You swallowed it to the best of your ability, some leaking out and dripping down your chin.
When he was done, you pulled off him with a pop. Eddie's chest heaved as he panted above you. Eddie looked down from the ceiling, not sure when he had thrown his head back in ecstasy. You swipe the cum off your chin before licking your fingers, eyes locked with his. "Jesus Christ," he runs a hand through his hair and lets out a chuckle. You hum and smile up at him. Eddie lightly grasps your biceps, tugging you to get up,"Not sure what brought that on, but I think its time for me to return the favor. Get up here."
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dmercer91 · 6 months
worlds greatest ethan, ee73
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in which ethan proves to be better than other ethans (18+)
smth small and a little silly cause i miss you guys real bad (1.2k)
also i did not know what to title this so it’s worlds greatest ethan. like the dad mugs. help me
“anyone ever told you how fuckin’ handsy you get when you’re high?” you shrugged ethan’s arm off from around your shoulder and he grinned, leaning in so you’d place your joint between his lips
he savoured the hit, blowing the smoke out the window and then looking back over at you.
“anyone ever told you how pretty you look when you’re high?” he flirted, watching intently as you took your own long drag
you handed him the pre-roll, leaning forward and opening up the mini fridge in the abandoned van you were in and grabbing a pop for yourself
“how’d you even find this place?” he mumbled, leaning his head back on the couch that was behind him
you cracked open your pop can and sat back down in your spot beside him, his arm immediately finding its place back around your shoulders
you rolled your eyes, sipping your drink before responding
“with my ex,” he hummed slightly, taking the drink from your hand and stealing some. you glared at him and he only put the drink down, ignoring your distaste
“other ethan?” he asked, placing the joint in front of you, eyes dilating as you took a drag, letting him hold it for you.
you nodded, inhaling and exhaling while trying to ignore his gaze that was locked in on your lips
to snap him out of it, you grabbed his arm and took it off of you, then flicked him in the forehead, a warning not to put it back.
you furrowed your eyebrows when he put out your shared fix, pushing the ashtray to the side
“just putting it out there- i’m probably like, way better at fucking than other ethan,” he stated, earning a chuckle
“oh, see, well im never gonna find out cause i have a rule against fucking ethans. i’ve never met a girl who’s dated a non-traumatizing ethan,” he hummed and scanned your face, smirking a little
“what about making out with ethans? with heavily implied sexual undertones that will probably lead to fucking, or whatever,” he joked, smiling at his own comment while fighting off a laugh
you pursed your lips, biting back your grin as to not egg on his attempts.
“hm. well, sometimes. but this one ethan is really pretty and so i know if we make out then i’m probably gonna end up with his dick in me and we don’t want that, do we?” ethan broke, giggling and shaking his head at you
“no. no, we definitely want that, actually. it would be really beneficial for all parties involved,” he explained, turning his body so he was facing you
you bit your lip in contemplation, ethan’s hands moving to soothe along your lower thigh gently.
you glared at him and he smiled back, tilting his head to the side. “c’mere” he mumbled, moving one hand to pat his lap and sliding down the other to tug a little by your knee.
“c’mon, baby. sit, i won’t bite,” he teased, smiling as you got up onto your knees and turned, straddling his lap.
“there we go,” he murmured, squeezing your hips and adjusting you slightly, slotting his nose next to yours and brushing your lips together softly
he waited for you to finish making the first move. you pressed your lips to his, your hands squeezing his shoulders and occasionally moving up to ruffle his hair
long, simple kisses quickly turned to open mouthed, heated ones that had you moaning against him. his grip on your hips tightened and he soon started tugging, dragging you back and forth on his lap
“mm. ethan- nuh uh,” you breathed out, barely interrupting your kisses before they resumed right where they left off
he hummed an ‘m hm’ into you, nodding slightly into the kiss as if he was arguing your demand.
“eddy, you can’t-“ he cut you off with a hand on the back of your head, guiding you into another kiss, along with his hips adjusting so he could guide you to grind on him with one arm.
the shift caused him to press into you tighter, your core throbbing at the feeling.
you whimpered out, ethan smiling into one last kiss before trailing his lips down your neck, nipping.
he hummed as your head lolled back, giving him access to any spot he desired.
“what, baby? i can’t what?” his tone was one of false sincerity, his words a jumbled mess since he was far too focused on brushing your sweater off your shoulder and trailing his mouth there.
“can’t- you can’t. oh, my god. what the fuck is wrong with me,” you whispered, your mind hazy and your hips now moving of your own volition despite ethan’s arm still guiding you
the hand that had been behind your head moved to work off your sweater, then unlace your shorts.
“feel good?” he mumbled, mouth moving to one nipple and quickly to the next, giving each a little attention before moving his head up right
“mh, feels good,” you confirmed, eyes fluttered shut.
he gave you a soft peck on the lips, slowly giving up on his control of your hips and smirking when he saw that you were still grinding, still wanting it.
“yeah? who’s making you feel good?” he asked, only humming to serve as a repetition of his question when you buried your head away in his neck.
“you,” you whispered faintly, gripping onto his bicep roughly
“hm? what was that, baby?” he murmured, fingers slipping into the front of your shorts and quickly swiping through your folds, using the wetness to make circles on your clit.
they were featherlight, but tight and powerful.
you moaned into his ear, the sound broken and rough, your inebriated state not helping with your sensitivity to his touch.
he turned his head slightly, almost looking down at you while waiting for your response.
he tapped your thigh with his free hand and you shook your head slightly, trying to get it on straight.
“you, ethan. you’re making me- fucking, god. that’s-“ you inhaled sharply as he added pressure amid your sentence, effectively cutting you off
“and you don’t fuck guys named ethan?” he smiled, still looking down at you, now enough for you to see the grin he was wearing
“i don’t,” you held your guard, despite his pace slowing right down and then speeding back up, over and over
your eyes fluttered back as he switched his circles to his thumb and slid a finger inside you, cries muffling into his shoulder.
you bit down on him slightly when he added a second, clawing at his other shoulder with your nails.
“most people refer to me as eddy, anyways. i’m hardly even an ethan,” he stated matter of factly, like his fingers weren’t curling up against spots you hadn’t even reached in your dreams
“yeah.. yeah, it’d be like i was fucking an ed. which, ew, but.. no rules against ed’s,” you rushed out, breathless and your head spinning.
he chuckled, petting your hair sweetly so you’d look down at him. you did, eyes glassed over as you fought your orgasm.
“i won’t stop, baby. just tell me you want me to fuck you and i’ll give you anything you want,” he cooed, kissing your forehead a few times.
you whined, your nails pressing deeper into his shoulder and earning a small huff of a moan from him
“want- ..want you to fuck me, e. please?” you begged, ethan smiling at your desperation and the fact that he’d finally get to have you
“gonna fuck you, baby. don’t worry,”
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gilverrwrites · 12 days
Sionis!Reader with Jason is a genre handcrafted by a fanfic deity, but Sionis!Reader who is classmates paired together on a project to unlikely friends to lovers with Tim Drake is untapped potential
Callin’ you captain, 'cause you've got one hell of a hook, boo!
But if I may add one thing: Sionis!Reader who actually has a moderately decent relationship with their pops, so they were raised with a chip on her shoulder, especially when it comes to the Wayne family. Thus; academic rivals to lovers/academic rivals to unlikely friends to lovers.
Excuse me while I do some yapping:
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Tims always thought you were cute, if a bit annoying. Always trying, often succeeding to one-up him at any chance, to get a higher grade, to be a class rep or group leader, checking out books from the library before he gets a chance. But for you it's personal. It's ingrained deep in your bones to hate him and his swoopy hair, and his pretty eyes, and his cheeky laugh.
You hate the way he quietly contradicts your statements during lectures, hate his hushed tone as you whisper-argue over it until you get told off.
You even hate the way he rides to classes on that damn skateboard, and how his posture makes his dumb butt look cute.
So when you’re paired together on an important assignment it’s like your world is crumbling, how can you trust him? God, your dads gonna be pissed and sneaking him around is only gonna cause stress which will affect your ability to work.
Basically, you’re expecting the worst.
Which is why it’s so darn surprising when you actually enjoy his company. Confusing even, it goes against everything you believe but he’s actually, nice? Fun?
You stop arguing about who’s wrong during that one class, instead bitching about the professor you both dislike instead.
It takes a while to compromise, but eventually, you find a way to evenly split the workload. For the first few weeks, you take it upon yourself to secretly do his half of the work anyway, but that stops after he impresses you by consistently delivering week after week.
You’re a little harsh in your feedback but he only bites back when you go too far, and eventually, he coaxes an apology from you for being intentionally overly critical. When he doesn’t lord that over you, you start to relax around him.
Sneaking around turns out to be kind of exhilarating, actually. He’s like forbidden fruit. Well, if the forbidden fruit was studying and Eve had to eat the fruit in order to stay in the Garden of Eden. Certainly not any other interpretation of that story.
And he’s pretty flexible about meeting you in places your dad won’t find out about, so long as it’s before sundown. A few times he surprises you by throwing rocks at your window in the middle of the night like he’s John Cusack or some shit just to swap notes and tell you about his latest idea. You’d never tell him but once you got over your paranoia, you actually kind of enjoyed your late nights together.
There’s still witty banter too, you still act like you’re adversaries a lot of the time, but by the end of it, there’s no venom behind your snide remarks. It’s like your inside way of showing affection.
Although he does keep borrowing all your pens and never returning them which is infuriating, but endearingly so. Not that you’d ever tell him that.
When you get your joint grade back on the final submission,obviously you get full marks. You’re not sure what comes over you, but when you find out you pull him in for a tight hug, his hands linger on your hips a little to long, your eyes are drawn to his lips until he speaks;
“So… are we friends now?”
“No.” Embarrassed, you pull back, pushing on his shoulders despite your waists still being joined.
“Oh, well, good. That means it’s okay if I kiss you then.”
“What?! Why would that be okay!?”
“Cause you so clearly want me to kiss you, and doing so won’t ruin our nonexistent friendship.”
You're dad is not gonna like this, but really Tim’s not so bad. Your dad will have to understand. He can’t honestly be mad at Tim for the sins of his adoptive father, right?
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ihatedtoadmit · 5 months
A biteful memory [4]
pairing: OT8 x fem!reader
genre: werewolf AU, fluff, crack, bit of angst
warnings: Please read the 'Summary' of this series, all are listed there!
word count: ~3.8k
summary: You awoke to new sensations, but you couldn't care less when you had someone to scold.
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All rights reserved. Please do not steal, repost or feed my work into AI. Thank you!
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My consciousness drifted back to me, softness surrounding my blind form. I could feel the strong scent of vanilla and strawberry even through the slightest of inhales, the cinnamon that sat at the very top urging my eyes to slowly flutter open. The blurriness at the edges of my vision stayed for a few seconds, making me even more confused amidst these pastry-reminding scents.
I was in bed, back in a room. Not mine, that much was obvious, but it was familiar nonetheless.
Looking around with finally clear vision, I could immediately identify who it belonged to, the gamer setup more than just a small sign. Felix’s room smelled heavenly, as if I’d just walked into the bakery on my way to work on a chilly autumn day, the warm air of the shop caressing my flushed face pleasantly. Although the person in question wasn’t in the room himself, causing my eyebrows to only furrow further on my face.
Wanting to find him and ask what he had done to his room to smell like this - and so suddenly too -, and also to know what happened for my memories to be so hazy, I got out of bed, only to notice something when I’d bent my knees to clamber out of the restrictive hold of the blanket.
They didn’t hurt, nor pop, like an abused lightstick. Not a single sign of that usual pain appeared, the one deep inside the joint that slowly creeped over to my bones and marrow.
That was certainly a weird thing, since they were their usual cracking self just yesterday, at least to the best of my knowledge. I couldn’t help but crouch down a few times once I’d stood up fully, marvelling at the fact how easy and smooth the motion was. Not only that, but my hip and back didn’t pop once either, no matter in what way I was bending around. It was as if I had gotten a completely new body with the same looks, all repaired and free of any pain or illnesses.
I couldn’t help but ask myself: just what had happened last night?
As if my brain was awaiting that exact question, it provided me with the sought-after information, the edges of my lips pulling up more and more with each memory segment unlocked. The feeling of adrenaline rushing through my veins, the warmth encircling me, their burning gazes in the dark night. I couldn’t help the small chuckle that left my lips, my mood immediately turning giddy and elated, something that was rare for me. I was sure I had the look of a crazed witch with that overly wide smile on my lips, but I couldn’t afford to care.
Too happy to stop myself, I raced out of the door and down the stairs, hurrying towards the living room where the scents were the strongest. I couldn’t explain why, but my mind told me to follow those scents and go there, because that was where they all had to be. When I arrived there, heads turned my way, ready to say something, but I didn’t let them, I couldn’t. Not when I’d discovered something so great.
“Oh my god guys, look, look, my knees are not popping!”
A few seconds of awkward silence and fleeting glances passed between each other, all the while I was just crouching in the same place, waiting for some kind of reaction from them, they bursted into laughter, slightly shaking their heads in most probably disbelief. Sadly the joy that vigorously filled me wasn’t enough to fully mask my embarrassment, skin flushing in return.
“Of course you would say that first thing after being turned. Of course you would.” - Felix murmured out, walking towards me and taking me in his arms with a lopsided smile sitting on his face.
I let him, the same scent that lingered in his room now hitting me full force and making my mind halt. My body involuntarily took another sniff, caging him in my own arms as my head was getting filled with his scent. Yes, it had to be his, it suited him so well after all. How I hadn’t realised that before confused me, because what else could have been the truth? Sweet Felix deserved a sweet scent, it was as simple as that. I buried my head deeply into his neck, as if my life depended on it. It was something carnal inside of me that urged me to do so, and who was I to disagree with it.
“Damn, she even scented Felix. I’m kinda jealous.” - I could hear Hyunjin say, snapping me out of whatever trance I was consumed in.
I quickly took my head away from Felix’s neck, embarrassment creeping up my skin once more the more I’d realised what thoughts circled inside my head in the past few seconds. That weird urge was pushed into the back of my mind, rationality taking over its place and making me want to bury myself alive. But the boy in my hold didn’t seem to mind what had happened at all, no, he seemed to be the complete opposite, now rubbing his own face into my neck. My eyes couldn’t meet any of theirs, merely wishing for the earth to swallow me whole.
But I didn’t need to look at them, they did the work for me as several of them bounded over, taking Felix’s place and scenting me, apparently. Soft rumbling could be heard all over the room, surprising me as my own chest joined in on the cacophony of sounds. I let that carnal desire inside me free, just enough so that it amplified everyone’s elated rumbling as I scented them back, purely by instinct, no matter how weird it all felt to the rational part of my mind. Nothing made sense to me yet, but this seemed normal for them to do, so I just rolled with it, ignoring how much blood rushed to my cheeks and tainted my skin red.
After everyone was done and looked quite happy, I noticed something quite disturbing.
Someone was missing.
“Where is he?” - I asked, looking at the two cuddly wolves in my hold, Felix and Changbin.
Everyone exchanged glances with each other, causing me to roll my eyes and gently deposit the two onto the couch from my arms.
“Let me guess, he was feeling guilty for turning me. I swear to fucking GOD, I am going to choke him to death.” - I grumbled out as I went towards the coat hanger at the front door, quickly grabbing one of his hoodies.
Bringing it up to my nose and taking a deep inhale, my mind was filled with the strong scent of pine and rain. It suited him, but that was not what I needed to focus on at this particular moment. With a shake of my head I snapped myself back to the task at hand, urging my body to pick up his scent in the air. My eyes closed with a deep inhale, nose scrunching up as all the residing smell and scent in the house invaded my senses at once. I nearly recoiled, it was all so strong. Yet, as I held my head high up in the air, sifting through the scent of spices and warmth, I felt it.
Somber rain and wet soil painted the scene before my closed eyes, drowning in guilt and regret so heavily it nearly made me choke.
“You may be the big, scary alpha dog, but you cannot escape me, mister. We’re gonna talk this out, like it or not.”
With that, I threw the hoodie onto the couch as I passed by it, hurriedly approaching the glass doors that led towards the forest. The others shouted at me as I ran past them, but frankly, I didn’t really care, so I just ignored their voices and ran out the doors. Something inside of me was begging to be let out, to help me and run free. I gave into it, the oversized t-shirt and shorts tearing apart as my form grew fur and became tetrapodal. The anger and adrenaline helped drown out the pain of the sudden transformation, gifting me clarity.
Putting my nose up in the air, I was hit by everything at once for the second time. Nothing could prepare me for it, the smells turning into something entirely disgusting with a hint of familiarity so vile, a whine escaped my throat. The air felt heavy, weirdly alien, as if it was something new. I wanted to claw my face off, but I knew I couldn’t.
I had to find him, after all.
With stuttering lungs I powered through this new sensation and carefully peeled every single scent away, even as bile threatened to rise up my throat, until I could smell that pine and rain again.
He was deep in the forest, his scent even more tangy and sour. It made my chest stutter, self-hatred blooming inside my chest so intensely not mine it was frightening.
My legs moved before I could even issue them the order, my cushioned paws pushing me away from the ground with exhilarating force. I was in the forest in no time, weaving through the branches and leaves, jumping over holes and tree trunks. The wind caressed my long fur, luring me into its grasp as I only gained more and more speed with each passing second.
Everything felt so freeing, so new.
The ground underneath my paws as it crumbled away with each push, the snapping of the branches I grazed as I passed by. I could hear the rushing wind, the blood flowing through my veins with a booming force. But I couldn’t get lost in them, not when I knew what kind of thoughts were circling around in his head.
It didn’t take much longer for me to see his form, slumped on a fallen tree as his seat. He lightly flinched once he realised I was there, his form tense as he whipped his head over to my direction. Those dark eyes of his were wide with fear and disbelief, something that only added to the pain residing in my chest. He stood up hastily, causing me to panic, my bigger form sprinting with all of its force just to ensure he wouldn’t be able to escape.
Stopping… was not really in my plans, so I was forced to slide on the dirt and fallen leaves while bracing my paws on the ground, sliding past the male and almost into a tree, looney tunes style. Almost.
“What…what are you doing here?” - Chan’s voice was loud and filled with worry, but he stopped himself from approaching me.
I merely huffed as I turned around and walked towards his much, much smaller form, a not so happy rumble leaving my chest. Because his eyes were now refusing to meet mine, guilt so obviously eating away at him for nothing. Because what had happened to me was not his fault by any means, something apparently only I thought so. Even the others felt off, something that this new, untamed version of me could pick up on as well. I could merely huff and lay down in front of him, hoping he would understand what I wanted.
Yet, he just continued standing there with a now slightly confused expression. I gently pushed him towards my side with my head, not trusting myself just yet to hold his arm between my teeth. That would merely lead to disaster, one I was not ready to face just yet, thank you very much.
Gosh, not being able to speak was such a hassle.
“You…want me to climb on you?”
He sounded so in disbelief, I would have chuckled if I could have. Instead I lightly yapped, nodding my head and pushing him a bit again. The man reluctantly climbed on top of me, grabbing onto my fur for safety as there was nothing else he could hold onto.
It was a wise decision on his half as the moment I started sprinting without holding back, his hold on me tightened impossibly more, and I could have sworn I felt some of my hairs being torn out. But I didn’t mind, I had to speak with his stupid head that wrongly thought he had made a mistake as soon as I could. A few bald spots were a cheap price to pay for that.
When we arrived back at the house, everyone was already there, seemingly waiting for us. I trotted over once I had gradually slowed down, not wanting to slide on the ground like a clown, like I did before in front of Chan. I also didn’t want to accidentally launch the male sitting on my back. As I kept getting closer and closer to their house, there was something unusual I noticed: the boys’ height didn’t really change, no matter how close I’d gotten.
Why were they all so tiny?
Discarding every other plan I had before as this was too intriguing to not investigate, I leaned my head down to Jisung, who was closest to me. Giggles broke out of him as my comically large snout gently poked him a few times, his hands desperately trying to stop me as he placed them on my wet nose. I didn’t relent however, sniffing him and his overpowering fresh scent of salt and sun-kissed sand. He begged me to stop between broken syllables, my attention finally switching to the next person I could reach.
They were all so tiny, oh my god.
“Wah, what’s gotten into you?” - Seungmin giggled out, his hands trying to push my head away fruitlessly. “Is it our scents? It’s the first time she smelled it in her wolf form after all.” - Hyunjin added in, his own pair of hands buried into the dark fur covering my neck. “Hmmm, maybe, but I think it’s something else. I dunno what though.” - it was Jeongin this time, still recovering from when I tormented him. “I think she’s fascinated by the size differences.”
The voice belonged to Chan, urging everyone to look at him atop the figure on my back. I looked back at him as much as I could, my tail wagging -it was such a weird feeling- as I slightly nodded. I couldn’t help myself and go to the last person who I hadn’t pestered yet, his form so small and cute looking now.
“Yah, don’t even think about it!” - but Minho couldn’t stop me as I poked him with my snout, nearly pushing him over with the force I’d used.
The others gathered around us, our sight no doubt amusing. It wasn’t every day that you could see Minho wrestle around with someone and lose, and so easily at that. It was clear even before all this whole werewolf fiasco that Minho was Chan’s right hand man, often left to look after these unruly boys when Chan wasn’t home, his work calling him in with no prior notice. Yet, I couldn’t help myself as I trapped him under my form, careful not to crush him accidentally.
“You big baby, don’t get a big head just because your wolf form is the biggest in the pack.” - he scolded me playfully, making me nuzzle him with a low grumble.
Even though what he’d said fascinated me - i had never seen them in their wolf form after all -, I directed my gaze towards the male who was clambering down from my back, my fur granting him enough grip for him to do so safely. I watched him carefully, since I didn’t quite want him to run away now, after all I’d done to get him here.
“Don’t worry, I quite literally can’t run away from you now. You can stop with those sharp eyes now, pup.” - he huffed out with a laugh, crossing his arms as he looked at me, all his weight placed onto one leg. “Yea, Channie hyung might be fast, but currently you are the fastest, with you being in your wolf form and all. It would take too much time for him to transform, you would immediately be able to catch him.” - Felix commented excitedly, enjoying teasing his hyung a bit too much, who just glared at him playfully in return. “Even if he was transformed, have you seen the speed she took off with? Chan hyung has no fucking chance, sorry.” - Changbin added in, rubbing salt into the injury.
I watched as everyone joined in with the teasing and bickering, sitting in the same place with an increasingly annoyed Minho in my hold. Even though Chan obviously wasn’t fully himself just yet, everything else was back to normal, the atmosphere light and playful. Something I very much enjoyed, even if it got too loud sometimes.
“Hey, angel, you can transform back now you kno’.” - it was Felix, his voice breaking me out of my stupor.
Now, there was a slight problem with that, my eyes avoiding his own as I couldn’t help but huff out in frustration. Minho, who was still very much trapped in my hold, just had a smug grin on his face as he most probably figured out what was happening, his signature laughter ringing through the air.
I didn’t know how to change back to my human form.
“Do you… You don’t know how, do you?” - Felix asked after he chased after my gaze, forcing me to nod as a confirmation to his suspicion.
It didn’t take long for the others to join in with Minho, earning them a warning growl from my chest, embarrassed at the whole situation.
“It’s okay, nobody really knows how to do that at first. The more surprising thing is that you could transform so easily this soon.” - the cat in my hold explained, a hand pleasantly caressing the sea of fur on my neck. “Yea, exactly. You have all your wolf ears, legs, a tail. Nothing’s out of place, unlike a certain someone who transformed for the first time.” - Seungmin teased, his eyes looking at the poor person he was talking about. “Yah! If you’re going around revealing embarrassing secrets, then I guess you won’t mind if I tell her about your adorable lil how–” - Jisung didn’t have time to properly finish his sentence, yet he’d already revealed enough, no matter how strong Seungmin’s hold was on his neck.
Chaos ensued quite quickly after that, embarrassing secrets revealed left and right as the wrestling pair quickly grew into a smaller group. Limbs and hair were yanked left and right, teeth getting involved once or twice. Changbin went over to break up the fight, yet all it took was one sentence about him and his small frame even in wolf form to join in, causing Chan to sigh as he knew it would be his job alone to calm everyone down.
“I know this is all very confusing right now, but I hope you can accept us like this. I…”
I waited patiently for Minho to continue, his voice already so muted nobody but us could hear this one-sided conversation. But no matter how I waited for the rest of his words, none came, causing me to look down at him. His eyes glistened with an unknown emotion, a pitiful little smile resting on his lips once he felt me move. I’d never seen him like this, so strangely vulnerable.
A soft pat of his hand over my nose and the moment was gone, carried away by the soft spring wind.
“If you look into yourself, there should be a still foreign part of you there. One that’s restless. Focus on that, calm it down and you should be back to being your usual self again. Now let me go, I gotta help calm down those idiots.” - he explained, promptly leaving me to myself as soon as I lifted my head.
As vague as his instructions were, I tried my best to follow them, because they made sense, weirdly enough. That feral part of me, the one that yearned to run free in the wind and get lost in everyone’s scent was so clearly there and so clearly new, I understood now. It was my wolf, embodying everything I never could as a human.
Eyes closed and breathing levelled, darkness surrounded me. The sounds of bickering and playful shouting slowly got quieter and quieter, the sound of the surface of water being disturbed replacing it. It happened a few more times, as if someone was pacing in shallow water, never intending to rest. The presence itself felt restless, like a caged animal, yet it was free to roam in this damp darkness. Then, it suddenly stopped, water gently hitting my ankles.
I could feel its eyes staring me down, like a hunter looking at its prey.
A giant wolf stood before me, eyes nearly glowing like molten lava in the surrounding abyss. It felt hostile, yet not towards me. Something else was the target of its anger, of its frustrations, and I was the gate that could allow it to get to that.
The longer I looked into its eyes, the more I could understand it, yet no words were uttered between the two of us. An indescribable feeling of being trapped washed over me, something inside me wishing to break free and find the place it belonged to. The scent of strawberries popped into my head, the feeling inside me now much weaker and calmer.
‘Ah, you’re just like me then.’ - I thought, my hand lifted in the air.
The wolf gently laid its head into my touch, nuzzling into it, coming to the same conclusion. We were one and the same, merely two sides of the same coin. Our feelings and goals were all shared, even if we felt them to varying degrees.
The soft touch of fabric greeted me as I slowly came back to reality, the sight of the woods and the boys’ house greeting me once more. Although none of them could be seen, none except for Felix, who was draping a blanket over my slightly shivering form. When our eyes met his smile widened impossibly more, those cute lil freckles resting atop his cheeks stretching like an expanding nebula. His eyes were bright, shining with an emotion I couldn’t name, yet it drew me in all the same.
“You did well, angel. Now let’s get you inside, hm?” - his deep voice gently whispered, and I could only nod as I followed him inside, his warm hand never leaving my back.
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Taglist: @meowmeeps @michelle4eve @marvelsmarauder @readr1221 @fr34k4c1dr41n @darling-imobsessed @kayleefriedchicken @3rachasninja
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hastyprovocateur · 1 year
Drunk in Love (College!Abby × Reader)
Summary- Abby had no plans of staying back at the club until you caught her fancy, finding something oddly familiar about you.
Word count-1.2k
Cw- sexual content, mature themes
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• It had been ages since Abby traipsed down to a joint of this flavor. Maybe once upon a time in freshman year, she somehow caught herself with a lot into the whole night-clubbing gig. Never stayed long. Tonight was going to be alike, what with Manny hauling her ass out to this den.
• The ear-numbing music, pool of bodies writhing like fish in a net and liquor spilling like acid rain… wasn’t her deal. An all-in-all futile evening until she found her gaze resting on you like hands to a radiator. The dangerously short sequinned minidress wasn’t wasted on her. It clung to your body like second skin, low-cut spilling soft breasts.
Why was it so hard to look away?
• Siren? Enchantress? How does she move like that? Abby watched the iridescent fringes on your hem swirling around you, barely making any secret of your underbutt as you romped to the music. The strobing lights caught your beaming drunken face, hair fanning out oil spill like you were all just a part of some mindfuck special effect.
• "Careful, they might pop out” Manny nudged Abby’s shoulder. She scrunched her face at him, smoothing her ponytail and turning back to her lonely drink on the bar counter. Neon visions of you persisted, dancing behind her eyelids. It went down her throat like the heavy liquor she threw back.
• “I'm gonna bail” Abby shook her head, struggling to keep her voice level above the blaring music. “Come on” he urged her, another girl already whispering in his other ear “Loosen up.” "We got class at 9 tomorrow," she threw another glance at the dance floor, no sight of you. Manny broke out in a knowing chuckle as you tapped her shoulder, having snuck up from the back.
• Abby did a double take, looking from the tinsel strands in your hair, down to your pretty heels in the dark. “Thankyou” you blew a kiss at Manny, drowning the dregs of Abby's drink and taking her by the arm “But I’ll take it from here.” She felt her bicep spasm under her shirt sleeve at your touch. I’ll call, she gestured back to Manny as he flipped her off with a shit-eating grin, already heading out with the chick on his arm.
• “Me?” Abby wanted to doubly ensure. Aware that she might sully the experience. She didn't know the first thing about dancing drunk or even... drunk dancing with a girl as gorgeous as you. But something told her not to squander the opportunity. Everything smelt bitter and sultry. Like an animal’s lair. She watched your staggered saunter, hand wrapped around her wrist as the crowd stifled you both closer.
• Coming upon a reasonable clearing, you turn and put her arms around you, propping yours on her broad shoulders. Abby burned intensely, her back already damp as you leaned close to her ear “Drunk?”. “Yeah” she replied, aroused by the way your nails scraped the back of her neck. “I’m four shots down” You laugh deliciously, breath heavy with spirits.
• The feral atmosphere bled into her bones, headier than before as people pushed and prodded against her. She slid her hands across, resting in the steep dip of your spine, glaring at the men passing wayward looks, who tried jostling too close. She felt you pull her chin down to face you, “Eyes on me” You breathe against her neck before slowly dragging her sizeable hands up your sides and then back down.
• Abby closed her eyes, feeling your body collide into hers, falling into every curve and rise like they were made in pairs. She saw doubles, the glow of your smile, the swell of your breasts as they pressed up against her. All so familiar yet different. Senses swilled like dregs, and the music began thudding in her chest. You parted your legs, dropping down her front and crouching at her feet with your hands on her hips, sliding up her shirt… hooking onto her jeans. You rest your chin on her thigh, tilting your head coyly.
• Abby was no womanizer. Her sexcapades included kissing the class representative in the boiler room and promising to take it to the grave to save face. Tonight was a quick crash landing onto everything she knew. There was no face to save. She drank up every sway of your hips, bounce of your chest, and flip of your hair. The delicious curl of your lips drew her in deeper. She cradled the back of your head as she pulled you back up, flipping you around with a swift jerk.
• A shot of surprise as she pinned your hips back against hers, brows furrowing as she watched you smoothly grind back into her. You edged into her needily, bent forward with back arched beautifully. She caught the corner of your eye from where you glanced back at her, lust-ridden as she subtly humped you.
• Abby braced herself as you straightened back against her, feeling you writhe beneath her touch as she angled your face up to kiss your lips, pushing her over the edge. She felt her tongue unravel over yours, wet and hot as you tasted her right back. Her hands snaked below, artlessly pawing at the fringes of your dress before she felt yours guide her fingers up the hem.
• She groaned into your mouth as she felt the strap of your thongs digging into plump flesh, peeling them off your hips till they dangled in a twist around your thighs Curses left her lips as she cupped your slick pussy, fingers slipping in with little to no resistance. "Still wanna bail?” you ask breathlessly, as your hips buck, knees limp as you gaze up at her. “Fuck that” Abby groaned wickedly.
Following morning
• The fluorescent lights of the 9 am class were already giving her a well-deserved ache in the temples. She spent the early morning fucking around half-clothed in a women's bathroom stall. The girl from the club. It had consumed her entirely, once the liquor drained out of her, all she had were questions. Who are you? Why did you approach me? What did it mean? Could be nothing but she still had her thongs in her back pocket, nail scratches still scouring her back. The professor's monotone let slip something about pairing up and it entirely missed Abby by the time he was done sorting
• "Sir, I don't have a partner" she called out belatedly, hand lazily raised above her head. "Well..." he looked around in defeat as the entrance slammed. "Class representative!" the professor lightly clapped his hands "You're right on time" he gestured to you. A drained, mousy entity standing in the doorway "Please partner up with Abigail for the essay analysis."
• You nodded meekly, trudging up to where Abby was sitting. "Studying late again?" Abby poked, surveying your visible eye bags and pale lips. "Fuck you" you sounded entirely hoarse, snapping the reading open to the page on the board. Abby noticed the telltale bruise on your wrist and frowned. The handprint comically familiar.
• A quick flash of holding you against the bathroom wall poured back to her conscious. Wrist pressed to tile as you got yourself off on her thigh. She backed up, looking you up and down, and there it was. A single strand of tinsel in the class representative's hair. At this point, she couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Are you actually insane?" You turn owlishly to look at her. "No..." she leaned in, awfully smug "But I think you are after what you did to me last night."
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qvrcll · 1 year
no smooth roads for us
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Summary: Clive tries to keep his strength at bay. You admonish him for it. Warnings: explicit content / NSFW, rough sex, female reader anatomy, use of the word ‘minx’, dirty talk. A/N: My first time writing for Clive! This was a journey. I want to keep writing for him — reblog’s / comments are always appreciated! :)
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You discover quickly that Clive fucks you like he fights.
It starts with the gentlest of kisses, searing hot like a burn from the sun itself. Shy, but he doesn’t mean for it to be. He remedies that by driving you against him till there is no space to give, only his chest that beats with some gratifying noise when you’re bare and naked for him to witness every inch of it.
You don’t tell him, but you like it when you holds you close and fucks you rough. His fingers, calloused with the fatal semblance of war, prove your excitement as they prod and grope at your skin experimentally. He’d fucked you rough once before and refrained from it again — a fear of breaking you, he thinks. He plays it soft now.
When you moan, shudder against the splay of his fingers against the share of your muscle, the pebbled crest of your nipples, he leads his fingers further. Deeper. He tries to ignore the burning heat curdling at his hip, for you, but the intrusion against your thigh is so hard to miss.
Clive — please, touch me, comes your plea.
The madness in your voice makes the blood rush to his cock. It ruins him, makes him want to consume you whole right here, from the heat of his lap. He fights it, though, still, and his jaw bulges from the effort of it.
He begins again, tries to create and follow a slower acclivity. Maybe he could finger you, eat you out, pleasure you delicately beneath the weight of his hot, heavy fingers.
There — there you go, my love.
He splits you open deliciously slow and his remaining fingers swim against the wetness collecting on your clit. There’s a familiar rhythm amped by the joint effort of his fingers on and in your cunt but you want more of something different. A fuck thoroughly rough that you know he can manage.
It’s you who wrenches his hand from your cunt with a disappointing pop — he thinks he’s upset you in some shape or form, that he’s pleasured you too dully or too hard, but soon comes to learn that you’re acting like brat.
Come, now, my love — don’t be like that, he warns. His voice is addictively firm and set, which in turn fuels your need for more. You attempt to wiggle out his grip, piss him off further, but the flux presses against his throbbing, oozing cock, which has already spilt some of its seed against his stomach with the wait.
Don’t — his resolves works no more. His voice is more shout than reason, as he delivers your arms with a bruising feeling from the steely grip they have on them. He’s lost his patience, and his mind, pushing you into the ground with none of the prior promise of tenuity. You’ve angered him, gotten what you want finally.
Is this what you wanted, you minx? Are you happy?
He drives your ass into the floor, kneads it within the roughness of his palm like dough. On regular days, he would work you open till you were gushing and open to a guaranteed degree. Now, he primes his intrusion of your cunt with an animalistic growl, his cock pushing in till you’ve had your fill.
Rough enough?
He mocks you. Gives you no room to recover. Batters your cunt again and again with the rough slap of his hips. He grins wickedly when you cry hot, fat tears and goes to mock you once more.
Why are you crying? Isn’t this what you wanted? Could’ve sat still while I worked you open but you wanted it rough — I’m giving you rough.
You’d never thought it would be this good, this illusive. He flips you till your back faces him, and ploughs into you like none before, delivers messy and violent shocks across your body. There’s barely any touch to his ministrations, just push, as he drives your head against the floor — in the name of take it, take it, I know you can take it.
He suffocates your senses — you clamp harshly against his cock with a loud cry, unsure of your bearings. Your body spasms underneath the weight of his and when he finished with his business, taken his fill as he shatters inside you, he’s quick to smother the quickness of this violence.
I’m — I’m sorry — are you hurt? I got ahead of myself — I’m sorry, my love.
You hush him with shaking hands, and as much as your fingers reject motion, you cradle his cheeks in your palm. The reflective heat from them comforts Clive, leaves him with the blatant truth that this is what you had wanted — and now that you had it, you weren’t in it to stop.
There’s a strange curl to his lips, with the knowledge that comes to him softly in the after-burn.
He liked playing rough.
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© 2023 qvrcll. Do not repost any of my works on any platform.
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hopefulromances · 1 year
Yes, Chef - Jamie Tartt
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Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: Reader wakes up with a chronic pain flare up. Jamie just wants to help her.
A/N: Someone once told me to write for me so.... here's something. Wanted to write something for fellow chronic pain/disabled girlies!!!!
I woke up and knew it was going to be a bad day. I could feel it in my joints, pain. Just aching pain in my knees and hips, spreading around my muscles like static. I reached over to find Jamie, to find something to cling to but he was gone. Right, early morning training. He wasn’t home. He wouldn’t be home for hours. 
I settled myself to get up and get to the couch. At least there I could be near the kitchen to grab food and be near the TV. Jamie would usually want me to call him or text him to tell him it was a bad day but I didn’t want to bother him. It was embarrassing being me. The girl with the invisible disability who woke up some days and could barely walk with the star striker of one of the best teams in the premier league. How could he settle for that?
Despite my worries, Jamie constantly reassured me that it didn’t matter. That it was irrelevant to our lives that my joints hurt all the time for no reason, preventing me from going on walks, exercising, or even standing up sometimes. On those days he would just pick me up, like it was nothing, and carry me wherever I wanted to go. 
But he wasn’t here today, and I didn’t want to be a nuisance to him, so I would make do, like I had for years. Before I met Jamie and I had just started living on my own, I couldn’t afford treatment or care so I learned how to survive. I’d done it for months then, I could last one day without Jamie here. 
I could feel it as I walked down the stairs. The ache in my knees, popping and stretching with each step. It felt like my joints were made of styrofoam, creaking and screaming threatening to snap with each movement I made. I could feel it in my hips as well. A warm aching pain that spread to my back, making even standing feel difficult. I flopped onto the couch, finally, feeling instant relief from being off my feet. I took a deep breath, it was going to be a long time.
Jamie arrived around 5 that afternoon. I hopped up off the couch, regretting it almost immediately, but I managed to hide my wince as I walked over to him. 
“Hi Jamie,” I greeted, cheerfully smiling. 
 “Hey, babe.” He wrapped an arm around me and planted a kiss on my head before walking off towards the kitchen. “D’you wanna cook somethin’ for dinner?”
I started my walk towards the kitchen, walking stiffly but trying not to show it. “Sure! We can make pasta? We have your weird, zoodles, or whatever.” 
“You alright?” He checked, looking me up and down. 
“Yeah, fine!” I brushed him off, walking over to the refrigerator to start pulling out ingredients. “Want to start boiling some water?”
Jamie’s eyes remained on me, watching my every movement. Fuck, I was trying so hard not to step to hard on my knee, knowing he’d be able to tell it was bothering me. 
“Y/N, stop,” He commanded, coming over to shut the refrigerator. “Jus’ stop.”
“Jamie, I’m fine,” I insisted, trying to duck away from him. I reached for the refrigerator door handle but he stepped in front of me, crossing his arms. 
I rolled my neck, letting out a huff. He stared down at me but I refused to meet his eyes, leaning back against the island behind me. We stood there in silence, Jamie waiting for me to crack but I was unyielding. He didn’t get it. He couldn’t get it. 
“Y/N,” he started again. “I just don’t understand why-”
“Exactly, you don’t understand,” I snapped. My voice betrayed me, daring to crack and show my emotion. “So please, just let me do this.”
“You’re in pain!”
“Yes, Jamie! I’m always in pain,” I cried. I hated the way my eyes flooded with tears when I was angry. I hated the way my voice wavered and deepened with the ball growing in my throat. “Every fucking day I wake up and I’m in pain.” 
This was what I was trying to avoid, the truth of my chronic pain that is so hard to describe to other people that just don’t understand. But Jamie just looked at me, his eyebrows furrowed as he waited for me to continue. 
“No, please,” He nodded, genuine. “Explain it to me. I want to understand.”
I took a breath and chewing on my bottom lip. My eyes darted back and forth as I figured out exactly what I was going to say. 
“It’s like I look in the mirror and I think I should be able to do all these things,” I explain, trying to put into words the feeling in my body. “But then I can't, or I can but it really hurts and I’m exhausted afterwards. And it’s the most frustrating thing in the world. Like I want to rip my hair out of my head.” 
“I see you and everything you can do and it’s so amazing. But I feel soooo… inadequate sometimes. Like I can’t walk up the stairs without my knees aching but you… you can do so much more. And yeah today it’s bad. I spent the whole day on the couch. But now you’re home and I just want to cook with you. I just want to be able to do one thing without feeling so… useless.” 
Jamie pursed his lips. I could see the cogs turning in his head as he processed what I said. I was afraid if I looked too hard you could see smoke coming out of his ears. Then he walked away. I ran a hand over my face, scrambling to save this. 
“Jamie, wait, this isn’t about you, it’s not your– what are you doing?”
Jamie walked over to the counter and grabbed one of our tall bar chairs and brought it over to the island. 
“Sit,” he instructed. I frowned but he just pointed before repeating. “Sit.” 
I pouted and sat in the chair. Jamie moved quietly, grabbing ingredients out of the fridge in front of me. This had to be a sick joke. He was really going to make me sit there, watching him move and cook when I just told him that’s what I wanted to do. 
He grabbed the cutting board and placed it in front of me. Then he placed the tomatoes, garlic, and other ingredients in front of me as well. 
“Chop,” he directed me, motioning to the food and utensils. I looked down and realized what he was doing. I hesitated and Jamie let out a sign and turned my chair towards him. “Y/N.”
I looked up at him with big eyes and he chuckled, bringing his fingers to my chin, shaking my head slightly. 
“You’re not useless,” he insisted, rubbing his thumb over my chin. “You are stubborn as hell though.” I breathed out a laugh, letting the corner of my lips turn slightly. He sighed, sliding his hands down so they were on the chair on either side of my hips. “Y’know, maybe I could help you. You ever think of that in his big brain of yours?” 
He knocked his forehead against might, lightly. 
“You’re not inadequate, or a burden, or any of those other awful things that I know are rolling around in your head,” he continued. “It hurts me to know that you’re in pain and I’m sorry if I’m overbearing. But can we work together on this? Yeah? Figure out ways for you to be involved and do the things you wanna do. But in a way that doesn’t hurt you so much.” He pushed back some hair from my face, cradling my head in his hand. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” I squeaked out, kissing his palm. 
He smiled at me, pulling me into a sweet kiss. I sighed into the kiss, relishing the slight pressure that his lips pressed onto mine, filling even the shortest of kisses with so much love.  
“Alright, now these tomatoes aren’t going to cut themselves,” he ordered, pointing to the cutting board. “Let me get my zoodles ready.” 
And he walked off. How could he do that? How could he kiss me and take my breath away and just walk off like it was nothing. I smiled as he went back to his normal routine, starting to ramble about training and the number of suicides that Roy had him run. I started chopping and chatting along. It wasn’t much, but just knowing that he heard me and – at least on some level – understood me, made my heart soar. 
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storydays · 7 months
Welcome to Heaven P1
(3rd POV)
*Dream Start*
"(Y/N)...." sang a masculine voice, making (Y/N) gasp and look around. That voice..he  know that voice anywhere. "(Y/N)...."  the voice called again. The prince looked around realizing he was on the  streets of Hell, and started running past other demons who were almost frozen in place,. "I-I'm coming!" he called, running as the voice sang for him again. The mismatched eyed demon panted as he came to a clearing with a singular figure facing away from him. 
"There you are, (Y/N)." The figure turned around to reveal (Y/N)'s previous lover, Archer with a serene smile. 
(Y/N)'s eyes widen, and he felt the world stop around him. "A-Archer?" 
The  red fox demon smiled and held a paw out towards the prince. "Come on, ya slowpoke!" called the Cantabrigian demon. "Wait for me, Archie!" (Y/N) tried running towards him but his feet were stuck to the floor. 
"(Y/N)!" Angel cried, making the prince look up in alarm. "Tesoro?"
Suddenly his two lovers were  killed in different ways: The white furred spider was stabbed through the heart, killing him instantly. Archie  was sliced in half, just like he was all those years ago. 
A choked noise escaped (YN)'s throat as he met sharp lime green eyes before the gray hooded figure raised their spear and charged at the frozen prince. 
*End Dream*
(Y/N) gasped sharply, sitting up in bed, heart racing. Mismatched eyes looked around the room anxiously before noticing Angel laying on his stomach, face smushed against their pillows. Heart still racing, the blond prince carefully slipped out of bed, and snuck out to his balcony, closed the door, and lit a joint. 
He hadn't needed to smoke in a while, but that literal nightmare shook him to his core. (Stop at 58 secs)
The prince jumped feeling arms wrap around his waist and felt Angel's head press into his back. "Sorry, did I wake you?" (Y/N) sniffed, wiping his tears away. "No, bambino, but why are you crying?" He asked, pulling the blond into his lap. "Nothing, go back to sleep." (Y/N) said, stubbornly, putting out the joint in his hand. 
"Okay, we can sit together until you're ready." replied the spider. That simple statement was the straw that broke the camel's back, and (Y/N) turned around into Angel's chest fluff and started sobbing, gripping onto his fiance with a desperation that Angel had never seen before. 
Angel's mismatched eyes widen at the initial shock before wrapping 3 arms around the prince, one hand running through the blond hair. "Let it out, amore mio. I'm right here." The Italian stood with the prince in his arms, carried him to the bed, and laid himself down, not letting go of the emotional blond, not once.  Angel started humming a song his mother sang when he was a kid, and smiled softly as (Y/N) drifted off to sleep, clinging to his fur, even his sleep.
"I'm right here."
*A few hours later with Chaggie*
"Okay, I have my warm weather clothes, and my cold weather clothes. I have a light jacket, flak jacket, and rain jacket. Wait, does it rain in Heaven?" Charlie rambled excitedly. "Charlie," chuckled Vaggie, rolling her eye, "You're only going to Heaven for a few hours." 
"Vaggie, we are only going to Heaven for a day. And I just want to be prepared. It's our last chance to convince Heaven a soul can be redeemed." Charlie smiled. 
"Yeah, I wish I could come, sweetie, but I have that thing..." Vaggie trailed off. "What thing?" Charlie questioned, hands on her hips. "The thing with the...thing, um, fuck, gah, I'm such a bad liar."
"Vaggie, you're my partner. I need you there with me." Charlie held Vaggie's hand, looking at her hopefully. 
"Fine," sighed Vaggie, smiling as Charlie cheered, before pressing a kiss to the one eyed warrior's nose, sharing a loving look. 
Angel burst into the foyer with a heavy sigh. "Oh, fuck." He leaned against a nearby wall, jumping as Nifty popped up from a nearby plant. "You look messy! What happened to you?" She giggled, looking him up down. "It's who tried to happen to me. And the answer is everyone..." Angel grumbled tried walking away before pausing in thought, "Twice!" He called, cracking his back as Nifty dusted him off. 
"Because I'm free now, dickbags think they can still use me as Val's toy. Fuckin' pieces of shits!" He grumbled, collapsing on the couch, face resting on (Y/N)'s thigh, a hand coming to rub his upper back. "Did you have a nice time in town, tesoro?" "Mmhmm, " hummed the spider as he turned on to his back, to look at the other's mismatched eyes. "Yep, and I've got a surprise for later, sweetness." Angel pressed a kiss to (Y/N)'s thigh before smirking as he twitched from the touch.
Everyone in the foyer yelped as an explosion echoed in the hotel. "Arghh! What the fuck is that wall?" groaned Angel hands covering his face."What up, hoes!" laughed a heavy Australian accented voice.
Angel suddenly perked up with a laugh, "Holy shit, Cherri Bomb? Long time no see, baby!" 
"Angie, you bitch! You been texting me depressing shit all day; figured we could tear shit up like old times." grinned the Cyclops, playfully punching Angel in his stomach. "It's been fuckin' forever! Here, hold this." She tossed a bomb over towards Charlie who panicked, tossing it back and forth, "Ah! Oh my God!"
"Nope, gimmie that." Vaggie grunted as she tossed the bomb out of the broken wall. "I love seein' ya, Cherri, but I'm too tired. I need to pass for a couple of hours before Sweet Cheeks and I go out for the evenin'."
Angel made a move to fall back onto(Y/N)'s lap when Cherri caught him by the back of his shirt. "Oho, you can sleep when you're double dead, fuckhead!" the Cyclops grinned as the spider looked down at her with a fond look. "Come on, what you really need to do is a recharge, a re invigoration, a re--" 
"Responsible night on the town!" Charlie chimed in with a big smile. "That is a great idea. Hi, Charlie." She introduced herself as Angel sat on the arm of the couch, yawning. "That's my wall that you just blew up. It's so nice to meet one of Angel's friends. Aagh, he never brings anyone around." Charlie hummed thoughtfully, missing the smirk between the two friends. 
"Wonder why?" snorted the blonde sinner sarcastically, arms crossed. "Yeah, me too. Anyway, Angel and everyone else have been working so hard, I think they deserve to have a little fun." 
"W-w-wait, they?" asked Cherri as Charlie grabbed everyone's attention. "Yeah. Hi, everyone! Angel and his friend are taking you all out for a night of fun and relaxation!" 
"Wait, I am only here for An---Ooh! Never mind. Let's go!" cheered the cyclops as (Y/N) sent her a huge stack of cash. Angel looked up at his fiance as he pressed a kiss on Angel's head. "Don't worry, Tesoro, the drinks are on me tonight. Have fun, and I'll be back in time for our plans." Angel quickly sat up and gave (Y/N) a chaste kiss before the prince got up to get ready to leave. 
"Grazie cara.(Thanks, babe.)"
"Anyway, the portal to Heaven should be opening right about..." "Now!" Charlie screamed in delight before she tossed Vaggie into the portal without a thought.  
"Bye!" she called, (Y/N) chuckling under his breath as he walked through.
Just as the portal closed, Sir Pentious finally came out of the kitchen, drinking a juice. When he saw Cherri, he spat his drink out. 
"Well, if it isn't my arch-nemesis!" He called with a dramatic flair, making Cherri roll her eye. "Have you come to meet your battle, Cherri Bomb?" 
"Apparently, I'm going out with Angel and I got to drag your sorry asses along." she shrugged, popping a piece of gum in her mouth. "O-Oh, you and me are going out, like, for fun? I, I didn't think this would ever happen. What do I do? What do I wear?" He asked, placing a hand on her shoulder, wincing as she crushed his hand. 
"Don't fuckin' touch me, you munted dickhead!"
*In Heaven*
"Vaggie, (Y/N), look at this place! It's so clean! Isn't that amazing!" gushed Charlie as she looked around. 
"Yep. Super cool. Heaven. Wow." deadpanned the one eyed woman, making (Y/N) raise an eyebrow at her. 
"Hiya! Welcome to Heaven!" called a perky angel as he popped from behind a podium. ""Can I get your names, please?"
"Oh! Uhh, uh, uh, Charlie Morningstar!" stuttered the princess. "Charlie Morningstar, hmm." Hummed the angel as he scrolled through his book. "I'm not seeing you on my list here. That's so odd. " 
"Well, our dad got us this meeting." (Y/N) spoke up, cringing at the angel's voice. "Oh, Dad! Okay." the angel replied as Charlie looked down. "Try Lucifer Morning....star." She said, hesitantly.
"Oh, fuck! Yeah. Hoooo, hehehe. Yikes, am I right?" He laughed akwardly. 
"No. No you aren't right." snapped (Y/N), glaring at the angel who was now eye level with them. "Are you sure you're in the right place, because I think you might be a little lost." 
"Oh, here we go." Vaggie rolled her eye. "No, uh..we're, we're here for a meeting." Charlie explained. 
"Saint Peter." called a melodic voice, making the group turn. "We can take it from here." a tall woman smiled as she and her companion changed forms and landed. 
Saint Peter bowed as the two beings approached. "Greetings, children of the Morningstar. I am Sera, the high Seraphim of Heaven. You are gifted to be here." 
The other being with Sera, squealed excitedly as she approached. 
"Hi! I'm Emily, the other Seraphim." (Y/N) and Charlie smiled at her enthusiasm. "Though, you can call me Em! Emmy, E, whatever you want. I go by whatever. Welcome to Heaven."
(Y/N) walked behind as Emily and Charlie dragged Vaggie into a tour. He looked around lesiurely, barely listening as Charlie rambled on, wincing softly at how bright everything is. 
Adam and Lute were enjoying a walk with one of their exorcist friends, who wore a mask over his face when suddenly they all froze before turning around."Holy fucking shit balls. Am I seeing who I think I'm seeing?" Adam asked Lute who glared at the princess who was now doing some weird crab walk. 
"What is she doing here? How did she even get up here?" snarled Lute. "Who cares? I'm handling this shit right now." The yellow eyed angel growled, starting to follow the group. "Wait, you want to start a fight on the promenade in front of everyone?" asked the figure in the mask, Cambridgian accent heavy. "Better than waiting for the fucking extermination." He snapped, before Lute grabbed him by his shirt and hushed him harshly. 
"Sir, what was the Seraphim's one rule?" she demanded. "Ughhhh, 'no one but the exorcists can know about the exterminations'. I know, fine. "Adam whined, drinking his drink. 
"Don't fucking shush me, bitch." He glared. 
"You should listen to your lieutenant, Adam." Sera snapped, appearing suddenly and making the two exorcists jump in fear. 
"Fuck, Sera! You can't sneak up on a guy like that, jeez." He replied.  "Your Highness, forgive me, but what are the hell spawn doing here?" asked Lute. 
"Well, you failed to control the demons unrest, and now Lucifer is involved. Setting up an audience for his misguided daughter." Sera rolled her eyes slightly. "I never would have agreed to your....yearly activites if I thought it would bring trouble to our doorstep. Keeping Heaven safe was my only reason for allowing it." 
"What do you want from me? I'm just one guy." Adam shrugged. 
"I want you to do whatever you need to do to keep this problem from getting any worse. Are we clear?" The seraphim leaned down to look into Adam's face as he grinned. 
"Yeah. Got it." He sighed.
*Back with Charlie*
"Okay, I love Heaven! Vaggie, did you see the ice cream shop? They had sprinkles made of rainbows." She squealed, flopping on the bed. 
"Those are just rainbow sprinkles." Vaggie replied boredly.
"Emily's going to take me to a zoo where all the animals are actually soft. You coming?" 
"Uh, I need a break. But hug a koala for me." Vaggie sat on their bed, smiling softly. 
"O.M.G. Can you imagine an actual koala? Ahh! See you later!" Charlie called before leaving. Vaggie sighed before groaning when a knock echoed in her ears. 
She opened the door to reveal Adam and Lute and their friend behind them. 
"Hey there, Vag-asaurus!" greeted Adam with a shit eating grin. 
"Charlie will be back soon. You need to get out now." Vaggie replied, as Adam came in anyway. 
"I'm not looking for the blonde, babe. I'm looking for you." "Why?" the Latina place her hands on her hips, eyebrow raised. 
"Maybe because you left the band. You tried for a solo career. Or I guess it's more of a solo career. But I guess it's more of a duet." Adam grinned leaning closer.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Vaggie replied, voice trembling slightly. 
"Do you really think I wouldn't recognize one of my top girls just cause you're out of uniform?" 
Vaggie's eye widen as she remembered her old life as an exorcist. "You were on the front lines. I wouldn't forget a bad bitch like you. It's why I named you after the best thing ever....Vagee." Adam hummed. 
"It's actually pronounced Vaggie." She scowled. 
"Mmmmm no! Anyway, you sure fucked up, didn't you?" Vaggie looked down as she remembered being wrongfully punished for letting a child go: She lost an eye, very painfully, and lost her wings and place in Heaven. "Sinful filth like you has no place in Heaven!" Lute growled before she and Adam walked away. 
"To think someone as worthless as you landed Lilth's little hottie. 'Grats on that, I guess." 
"Their love is vile and blasphemous." The two women glared at each other. "Hot as fuck, though. But I wonder what your bitch would think if she found out you are actually one of us. Hmm?" Adam smirked. 
"What do you want?" Vaggie asked through gritted teeth. "Simple: You work for me again, and at the hearing, you're going to help me shut this kindergarten snowflake bullshit down for good." 
"Oh, yeah. You know, that's totally cool. I guess I'll just tell little miss butterlfies and rainbows that she's been fucking someone who's killed thousands of her people. I'm  sure your relationship will be fine. See you in court!" The three Angels left, Lute with a smirk on her face. 
Vaggie put her head in her hands, heart racing. "Well," She gasped hearing (Y/N)'s voice, and sat up, seeing him leaning on the door, normally gentle eyes now glaring red at her. "I've had my suspicions....but hearing it come from their mouth's and you didn't deny not one word, confirms everything." He entered the room and slammed the door behind him. 
"Wait, you knew I was an exorcist? How?" Vaggie asked. "You have a giant X over your eye and wield an angelic spear. It's not rocket science." He rolled his eyes before his sword was suddenly pointed at her throat, making her freeze. 
"Vaggie, do you know how easy it'd be to kill you where you stand? To make you feel the pain you've inflicted onto thousands of my people?" He growled, fangs glinting in the light as Vaggie started shivering in fear. 
"But..in doing so, I'd be hurting Charlie and I love her too much to do that to her. You'd better be lucky that Charlie put her marking on you." Putting his sword away and taking a step back, (Y/N) sighed, running a hand through his hair. 
"I won't spill your secret, but it'd hurt Charlie less if she heard it from you, and not that dickwad." (Y/N) started to leave before pausing and turning to the ex-angel with a slightly sorrowful look on his face. 
"We're friends, Vaggie, but hurt her again, and not even her mate marking with save you from myself or our father."
With that final thought, he slammed the door and left Vaggie to her thoughts.
*In court*
Charlie groaned, seeing Adam and Lute and their mysterious fly into their seats. "Oh no, not him again!" "What up, baby!" sang Adam. "Saw that you went to my manager. Low blow, Karen." 
"We are gathered here today to determine whether or not a soul in Hell, can be redeemed into the heavenly realm by means of this Hazbin Hotel. Princess Morningstar?"
"Thank you, Seraphim." Charlie cleared her throat nervously, before starting to read from her index cards. " 'Webster's dictionary defines redemption as--'" 
"Objection! Lame and unoriginal!" Adam called. "Sustained. No further dictionary references, please." 
"Right, okay. Uh, uh...Uhhhh....Mmm." Charlie groaned, flipping through the cards, seeing multiple references. 
"If you have actual evidence, then show it already." Adam said, crossing his arm boredly.
"We have a patron right now who is making incredible progress." "Who?"  questioned the angel. "Angel Dust." Charlie replied confidently, not seeing (Y/N)'s flinch at the mention of his lover. He'd gotten so head over heals over the spider, and proposed, that he'd forgotten that Angel was working towards redemption....and they might be separated, forever. 
But...he couldn't deny Angel the chance for a better life, even if that means.....
(Y/N) shook his head before turning back to the meeting. "Oh, yeah. The porn demon. He's totally worth being redeemed." Adam blew a raspberry like a child. 
"Yeah, babe, and that talented mouth of his....ooh, so redemptious." (Y/N) sighed sensually, watching in satisfaction as the angels cringed, and Adam actually gagged.
"If you know so much, what do you think it takes to get into Heaven?" Charlie snapped, sending her brother a disgusted glare. "Ummm, w-w-well...Uhhhhh." 
"Aw, does the big bad Adam have nothing to say?" mocked the prince.
"Is everything alright, Adam?" Sera asked coldly, glaring at the yellow angel. "Give me a fucking minute, okay?" He snapped, pulling out a quill and paper and started writing and muttering to himself.
Feeling pleased, he sent the paper to Vaggie who read it aloud, " 'Act selfless, don't steal, stick it to the man.'" 
"Are you fucking serious?" (Y/N) growled. 
"Uh, yeah, sure got me here, didn't it? Right, Sera?" 
"He was the first human soul into Heaven." agreed the Seraphim. 
"Well, I bet Angel is doing all of these things right now!" Charlie stuck her nose in the air, confident in the spider.
"Then let's fucking see it, brah!" Adam snapped his fingers, and a giant white glowing orb appeared. 
"Your Honors, may I present exhibit A..."
*With the rest of the gang*
"Woo! Isn't this place the fuckin' best?" Cherri grinned. "I'll admit, 'Consent' is a good name for a sex club." Husk agreed. 
Pentious looked down to see Nifty with a broom on her hands, sweeping aggressively. "Niffty, dear, what are you doing?" He asked. "I'm sweeping! Urgh, look how icky is is in here!" She scowled at the floor, hands on her hip. 
"That's because we're at a club, dear." soothed Pentious. "Oh! I thought the hotel looked different!" Niffty dropped the broom, and giggled before wandering off. "Ms Bomb, I-I'd like to buy you a drink." He offered. "Why? Didn't you say we're arch-rivals?" Cherri smirked, loving how flustered the snake was.
"Um..uh..because I'm buying everyone a drink!" He called loudly, the patrons cheering louder. "Free drinks! I love alcohol!" 
"Good. I need a drink after today." Angel sighed. "Ever since I was released from Val, it's like all any demon sees is a free opportunity. But since I've been free, I've only been wanting (Y/N). It's like....I don't even like sex unless it's with my bambino. (baby). Is that weird?"
"Nah, man. It just means you care about the Prince. That's called being in love. Trust me, I know a thing or two about love." Husk huffed a laugh into his drink. "Here, take one of these, and you won't be worrying about nothing." Cherri promised, holding a hand full of different pills. 
"Here we go." Husk rolled his eyes. 
"Ohhh! Look, the drunk sobered up long enough to judge us!" Cherri mocked, elbowing Angel. 
"I ain't the one trying to get into Heaven. I also ain't the one who's engaged to the prince, and made him a promise to try and stay clean. You wanna fuck up all your progress? Be my guest. I just thought you were better than that." shrugged the cat demon.
"Thanks, Captain Buzzkill. Come on, Angie, let's get fucked up! It's been too long!" 
Angel looked down at his ring on his upper left ring finger, thinking about the one who gave it to him.
"I, uhh, I don't know. It's been a long day, and I don't need to go too wild." 
"Mmhmm." Husk hummed, smiling to himself, proud of his friend. 
"Come on, bitch. If you've really been stressin' that hard, you deserved a little R and R and some THC, or maybe PCP with DMT. Aw fuck it, let's see where the night takes us, huh?" Cherri grinned, not noticing Pentious returning with drinks in his hand. 
"I-I guess."
"Cherri, I bought you a shot." Pentious's smile wavered at the deadpanned look she gave him. "B-Because I bought everyone another shot! Hoorary!" He cackled. "Yeah, another drink! I love alcohol!" A patron cheered. 
Angel and Cherri tossed back the shots with a satisfied sigh. 
"Aahh, fuck it! Let's do it!" 
*End chapter! Enjoy!*
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This morning I got to go on a fun adventure called "coffee fucked their back and now has to attend physical therapy." Now, stories of 'coffee meets a medical professional outside of a work setting' are generally onerous and shitty because coffee's a fucking medical anomaly 90% of the time. But today, dear reader, there was a student physical therapist in addition to the most senior physical therapist trainer the practice has. So I started out as a good little coffee. "You should probably know that I'm borderline hypermobile, before we start." "Ah!" says the little baby physical therapist, who as yet has not developed a poker face. "We should do a beighton score before we start!" Yes, sweet baby, we should. And we did. Where I scored a 9/9 and got the very polite version of 'bitch this hypermobility ain't borderline.' So they start testing my range of motion. Currently my back pain is preventing me from doing anything that involves bending at the waist. So they ask me how I put my shoes on to come in to PT. I grab my ankle and pull my foot up to my face because my hips don't hurt and my knees don't hurt and my ankles don't hurt. So if I just pull my ankle up by my face, I can pop my shoe right on there, without flexing my lower back at all. And that's the first time the baby PT's face does this:
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The senior PT nods and goes "Okay. That works." The Baby looks at the senior PT like "ARE YOU FUCKING SEEING THIS???" And the senior PT lays me back on the exam table and starts rotating my ankles and legs to see what my range of motion really is and casually says "Okay (baby PT), you should note. In this case, we need to change how we grip the leg for range of motion because if you watch here, if we pull on the ankle, it's gonna come right off." And the Baby goes "What... what do you mean 'come off?'" And quite cheerily I go "She means you'll completely pull my ankle off the joint, dislocate it. If you want to see it, you can just give it a bit more of a tug and then if you pull the forefoot straight out from my hip, it'll pop right back on, so it's fine." And the Baby goes "Uh. No? No. Please. Please don't do that. Does... Does coffee need a referral???? This looks like it needs a referral."
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And the senior PT calmly goes "Well, there's nowhere to refer coffee to. I don't know any doctors that I could trust to diagnose or treat coffee, so we'll keep them in-house and look after them here. They'll probably need an EDS diagnosis as they age, depending on where they are on the hypermobility spectrum, but there's no one to send them to now, so as long as coffee continues to show good judgement and goes to a doctor when things get more painful, this is fine and normal."
The Baby PT is screaming with her whole face that this is neither fine, nor normal. The senior PT is just shrugging and reminding me that bracing is an option but not one she recommends if I have enough stability that nothing's tearing. I'm nodding along and saying 'see that's what I say but my wife freaks out about it!' The Baby PT is just like "BUT DOESN'T THIS HURT????" and I'm like "Well... yeah. Obviously my body hurts all the time, but everything doesn't hurt at once all the time, it's different things every day, so it's fine." Well guys, I think that broke her. Because she just kind of stared at the senior PT with huge eyes for the rest of my visit. I think I broke her. Which is how you win PT, right? Right??? Anyway now I have exercises for my back pain. To work on getting back range of motion.
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violetpixiedust · 2 years
steve breaks his self inflicted promise of taking things slow after being tempted by shy!virgin!reader.
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it’s steve who breaks the weighted silence first. every molecule of brisk autumn air that sweeps in from the gap of the far window washes atop the crisp plaid wallpaper of his bedroom, seeping in through the floorboards below you two. his glistening amber gaze becomes muddled as the obsidian of his pupils take over, the bass tone of his honey suckle voice trembling with awe. the naturally sun kissed boy whispers incredulously, chest stumbling along with his declaration. “fuck. me.”
there, stood you, the epitome of angelic. encompassed by the warm glow that emits from a few scattered lamps, illuminating your complexion. dusky shadows dance against every ridge and curve of your silhouette, steve’s veiny hands twitching in spite of your ethereal being. the mounds of your chest are cradled in a delicate silk bra top, pebbling as a particularly harsh gust of wind filters into the room, prompting the matching plaid curtains to flutter lethargically. goosebumps scatter across the dusting of hairs that accent your exposed skin, causing a shiver to climb up your tense spine as steve continues to stare at you, unmoving. matching panties cup your ever slicking heat, sticky arousal threatening to make itself known. the silky garment curves up over the swell of your hips, lengthening your graceful legs.
steve’s navy sweater clad chest is heaving, every fibre of his being drowning in euphoria, encasing him until the urge to pounce becomes too overwhelming to ignore. he’s on you in an instant. closing the ten foot gap between you two with five steps before the calloused palms of his veiny hands encase the slopes of your hips, bruising you with his firm grip. gazing at you in that moment made steve feel as if the entire world had just gotten a fresh coat of paint, and god he tried to be good. he really did, but he wasn’t a strong man. not with this. not with you. your doll-like expression was riddled with shyness despite your position, squirming under his cloudy gaze as the quaff of his hair fell like painted brush strokes over his forehead, ghosting over your supple skin with the close proximity. “steve-“ your soprano voice tilts between apprehension and longing as it escapes from between your glossy lips, doe eyes fluttering under your dewey lashes. steve dips his head to ghost his mouth above your pulse point, releasing a shuddered groan under his breath at how rapid your heartbeat raced beneath his strawberry chapstick coated lips, the pressure of his arousal threatening to burst.
“tell me to stop and i will.” steve didn’t sound too convincing, but it only made the pool of desire against your pretty lips throb torturously with the knowledge that he wanted you, just as much as you wanted him. “i will, just.. fuck. i want you more than anything. i’ll do anything.” his composure breaks with the whisper of a whimper, immersing you in his notes of fresh linens and a sharp cut of designer cologne. steve buries the bridge of his nose into the rose water fragrance at the crook of your neck, practically aching to be inside of you. somehow. then, when your manicured hands travel up the expanse of his stifling sweater, revealing the canvas of his firm torso, your melodic voice pleads.
“ruin me. please, stevie?” his broad shoulders visibly shake at the name. stevie, stevie, stevie, and the ever growing balloon inside his chest finally pops. your back is against his comforter in a heartbeat, steve between your legs not a moment later, unable to deny you anything as your joint moans intertwine beautifully within the icy night air.
forever insatiable.
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m-jelly · 11 months
Chapter 8
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Thank you @ladycheesington for the perfect banner
Vampire Levi x fem!reader
Victorian era like world, vampires, secrets, romance, falling in love, vampire lore, sexual tension, possessive Levi, mentions of pregnancy, protective Levi, Levi gets hurt mentions of blood, torture for a vampire (reader has silver put on her and is put in the sun)
This chapter: You and Levi have a romantic date together and you plan for the future. You and Levi discover that a little life is growing within you. Levi gets overly excited. You celebrate in the garden, but you are captured while Levi is hurt enough to weaken him. You suffer at the hands of Rosaline, but Damian saves you.
Part 9
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Delicate kisses decorated Levi’s face and stirred him from his slumber. A loving smile spread on his lips as love filled his heart. Every day he got to wake up to your loving face and sweet kisses. He was living the dream. He felt so much passion and love in his heart for you. So, he grabbed you making you squeal. He slammed you against the bed and rolled his hips against yours.
You grinned at Levi showing off your cute fangs that Levi could never get over and how adorable they were. “Morning Levi.”
He pushed his fingers into your hair and massaged it. “You are so beautiful. Who are you?”
You giggled. “I’m your wife.”
“My wife? Impossible. You are a goddess. Getting a goddess like you to be mine is unheard of.”
You laughed. “I’m your wife!” You showed him your left hand. “See? Wedding ring.”
He growled and attacked your neck making you squeak. “I’m the luckiest man in the world.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck and purred. “I’m the lucky one.”
“How about we say we’re both lucky, hmm?”
You nodded. “Okay.”
He kissed you and hummed in happiness. “Oh, because the first two weeks of your turning are over, it is now safe for you to go outside. So, do you want to go out on a date?”
You squealed. “YES!”
He chuckled. “A date it is then.” He slipped off the bed. “I’ll dress you.”
You jumped out of bed and danced around Levi. “Yay! I’m so excited.”
He fitted you in your undergarments and added a beautiful dark green dress. “Like a princess.”
You twirled for him. “Thank you. I’ll do my hair.”
He hurried over to you. “Let me.” He sat you down and combed your beautiful hair. “I’ll put it up for you.”
You hummed in happiness as he played with your hair and put it up nicely for you. “Thank you, Levi.”
He kissed your cheek a few times. “You’re stunning.”
You turned on your seat. “What are you wearing today?”
He cupped your face and kissed you. “I am going to match you.” He went to the closet and changed into his dark green suit with a cravat. “How do I look?”
“I wanna strip you and make love to you.”
He chuckled. “Later.” He offered his hand. “Come.”
You giggled. “Thought that was later.”
He paused for a moment as he thought it over and then he blushed. “Tch, dirty wife.” He grabbed your hand and yanked you against him. “But you are right. Later.” He kissed you before leading you through the home to the front entrance where his mother and yours were chatting. “Good morning, ladies.”
Kuchel grinned. “Good morning lovebirds. How are you feeling?”
You smiled. “Great. How are you, mum? You were turned a week after me.”
Your mother smiled. “I feel good. I can’t go out just yet, but I’m all good. Your dad is incredibly excited. You know how much he’s been hurting with his joints, but now it’s all gone. He’s back to his young self again.” She blushed a little. “It’s lovely.”
You hummed a laugh. “That’s cute, mum.”
“Are you both off out?”
Levi hugged you close. “We are off on a date.” He kissed you. “Right?”
You nodded as you blushed lightly. “Yeah, it’s my first outing. I’m excited.”
Levi grabbed an umbrella for you and some dark glasses. “Here. You can go in the sun like me, but right now, you’re very sensitive to it. You’ll get what looks like a sunburn.” He popped the sunglasses on you. “Don’t want my little slice of cake getting hurt.”
You giggled. “I’ll follow your guidance.”
“Good girl.” He popped on his sunglasses and held your hand as he popped open your umbrella. “We’ll go by carriage into the main part of the city and then walk.”
You hugged his arm. “I’m happy with anything. I want to be with you.”
He helped you into the carriage. “Aren’t you cute?”
You sat on Levi’s lap once he entered the carriage. “You’re the comfiest seat.”
Levi pointed to his face. “This is the best seat.”
You giggled. “I’m not sitting on your face.”
He pouted. “Why not?”
“I’m heavy.”
He hugged you tightly. “You’re not. You’re perfect. Besides, I’m a strong man.”
You felt your heart skip a beat when he winked at you. You looked away and whined. “No, no, it’s date day.”
He chuckled. “Does my little cutie want to have lots of loving sex with her hubby?”
You pouted. “Yes, but I want this date.”
He kissed you and hummed. “I’ll be a good boy and not tease you.”
You nuzzled the crook of his neck. “Good boy.”
He chuckled. “I am very good, thank you.”
You lifted a hand of his and played with it. “Levi?”
He watched you affectionately. “Mm?”
You gazed at your husband. “You know how before I was turned, I was experimenting with vampire food for you?”
You pulled at your dress as you felt nervous. “Well, I would like to set up a business.”
“Oh yeah?”
You nodded. “I want to make food for vampires.”
He smiled sweetly. “I know just the person you can work with on that, but I will warn you she is fucking nuts.”
You giggled. “I look forward to meeting her.” You released a long sigh as you thought over your idea. “I only have a small issue with all this.”
“Talk to me.”
You frowned in thought. “It’s blood. I can’t keep using blood. We have to get it from animals and humans. Surely there is a way we can make fake blood that can give us vampires what we need.”
Levi kissed the side of your head. “Well, that was something I was going to invest in. Erwin and I are looking into it but the issue is not many people know about vampires because of the Queen’s law. It would help us if smart humans could help us develop the fake blood.” He hummed in thought. “Everything would be so much better if the patriarchy was dissolved and it was a political system in place.”
“True, but I bet people will find faults with that too.”
Levi laughed. “You’re right.”
You released a long sigh. “People are annoying.”
“They can be.” He kissed your forehead a few times. “Ah, we’re here. Do you want to go shopping and get a few things to help you cook and bake?”
You jumped off his lap. “Yes!”
“Darling! Your umbrella!”
You stumbled outside and felt the afternoon sun on your skin. You winced a little and felt like you had a sunburn. “Ow.”
Levi put up the umbrella and held it above you. “You’re not ready for the sun yet.”
You gazed at him. “Sorry, I just got excited.”
He kissed your cheek and softly smiled. “That’s okay.” He eyed the burns healing. “You’re all better now.”
You gasped. “I healed that fast? This is cool.”
He chuckled and walked with you around the shops. He held the basket and let you up anything and everything in it. He felt his heart flutter as he watched you get excited over shopping for a few things. He was so madly in love with you that it was hard for him to contain himself sometimes. He walked right up to you as you talked about possibly making a pie. He wrapped an arm around you and tugged you against him.
You blushed. “Levi?”
He smiled at you. “I love you.” He kissed you and hummed happily against your lips. “So much.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck. “I love you too.”
He released you and blushed when he noticed people were staring. “Tch, shit.”
You hummed a laugh. “They’re just jealous of us. Ignore them, okay?”
He let out a long sigh. “Okay.” He smiled at you. “Shall we keep going?”
You nodded. “Yes.”
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You pouted a little as you stared at your finished product. You looked over to your new friend Hange. “I don’t think it’s good enough.”
Hange hummed. “I think it’s great.”
You shook your head. “If it’s not good enough for Levi it is a fail.”
Levi leaned around you and grabbed a slice of pie. “I’ll be the judge.” He picked it up and ate it. “Mm, delicious.”
“But Levi.”
“But nothing, unless it is your butt.”
You giggled. “You’re cute.” You winced and rubbed your belly. “Ow.”
Levi pulled you close to him. “Are you okay?”
You nodded and hummed. “Yeah, I just.” You almost dropped to the floor. “Ah!”
Hange stared at you. “Wait…wait, wait, wait! This can’t be. So soon?”
Levi frowned as he held you. “Soon? What do you mean?”
“Levi, she’s pregnant.”
Levi looked down at you. “Baby?”
You smiled at him. “Really? But it hurts a bit.”
Hange offered you a drink of blood. “This is normal, you just have to make sure you are drinking plenty of blood. It’s the first stages that there are some little bits of pain.”
“I can handle that. It’s like cramps, but light ones.”
Hange smiled. “That’s right, humans have them.” She squeezed your hand. “You’ll have a few more days of this and then it’ll pass.”
You blushed a little. “I thought it was difficult for vampires to get pregnant.”
“It is, but something must be special about you or Levi.”
Levi was shaking a little. “Baby.”
You stared at your husband. “Oh…oh dear.”
Hange frowned. “What?”
“He’s going to lose control.”
“Lose control?”
You giggled. “You’re about to see a hyper Levi.”
Levi scooped you up and threw you up and down in the air. “BABY!” He spun around with you and cheered. “BABY!”
You laughed. “Levi.”
He slow danced with you. “This is incredible. I didn’t think we’d have one so soon. It normally takes fifty years or longer!”
You nibbled your lips. “It’s not too soon, is it?”
He shook his head. “It’s perfect. We have eternity together, my love. We’ll raise our sweet baby into a strong independent adult and have many years of love and then have another.”
“Levi, the likelihood of us having two is tiny.”
He bent you backwards and kissed you. “Mm. We will have many.”
You giggled. “I love your optimism, my love.”
He lifted you. “You should rest as much as possible.”
“I will, but I must keep cooking and testing things.” You cupped Levi’s face. “You can stay with me the whole time.”
He whimpered and put you down. “Okay, but I’m worried about you.”
You walked over to your cooking area. “I’ll be okay, my love. As long as I get plenty of blood in me.”
“Don’t ever leave my side, okay?”
“I swear.” You fanned yourself a little. “I think I need some fresh air, I feel a bit off.”
Levi took your apron off and guided you outside. “Fresh air and walking under the moonlight is good for you.”
You skipped to the garden before spinning around in a field of flowers. “It’s so lovely out here.”
Levi walked closer to you. “You’re more lovely.”
You backed up from him. “Want to play?”
He grinned. “You asking to play?”
You squealed and ran from him. “Yes!”
He laughed and ran after you. “You can’t run from me!”
You looked back at Levi and laughed. “Come on Levi! You’re letting a new vampire who is pregnant beat you!”
Levi smirked. “I’m going slow to make you think you’re fast! Watch this.”
You squeaked when he appeared right in front of you. “So fast!”
He purred at you. “I am.” He flinched a little after a dull thud came from him. “What the fuck?”
“Levi?” You leaned and looked at his back to see something sticking out. “LEVI! You have an arrow in your back!”
He gritted his teeth and turned only to be struck with two more arrows. “Fuck.”
You screamed when Levi fell back to the floor. “LEVI!”
He gasped. “Silver, lots of it.” He grunted and shifted on the floor. “Get inside and get Hange and Erwin, now!”
You welled up. “I’m not leaving you!” You looped your arms under his pits and dragged him. “I’ll never leave you.”
“Darling, go! You’re a young vampire!” He grunted. “Please, run.”
“Not without you.” You screamed when you were grabbed. “Let me go!”
Levi rolled onto his side. “Give…her…back!”
You reached for Levi. “Levi!”
He grabbed an arrow and ripped it out of him. “I’ll come for you! I promise! I know who has taken you!”
You struggled against the person who had a firm grip on you, but it was no use. You screamed and hit them as much as possible, but they were a stronger vampire than you. You gasped when you were thrown into a cage on the back of a carriage. “Let me go!” You grabbed the bar and hissed. You released the bars and looked at your hands to see it looked like a light sunburn. “Silver?”
If you were a few years older as a vampire, then this wouldn’t have hurt as much. It frustrated you that you couldn’t fight back like Levi could. You hated it so much. You wanted to fight back, but you couldn’t at all. So, you sat in your cell and watched your sweet home with Levi slowly disappear. The carriage went to the outskirts of the city and a huge mansion came into view. It was very clear who had organised this, but it was confusing why Rosaline would order Levi to get hurt.
You looked up to see Lord Lucius. “Rosaline’s lapdog, huh?”
Lucius gazed at you. “She promised me and Damian that she wouldn’t kill you.”
“Then what the hell is she doing with me?”
He released a long sigh and opened the cell. “Just come with me.”
You struggled against him when he grabbed your upper arm. “Get off me! Get Damian. I want to speak to Damian!”
Rosaline lifted her dress and descended the stairs at the front of her home. “The whore has finally arrived.”
You snarled at her. “Fuck. You.”
She paused a moment and took you in. “He turned you…” She screamed and shouted orders in an old language. “I want it done now!”
You went to speak but a silver bar was yanked across your mouth as a gag and tied behind your head. You cried in pain as your skin began to burn. The cute dress you wore with pride was yanked off your body. A dress with silver chains was yanked onto your form before your arms were tied behind your back with silver bindings. You whimpered and cried as your skin stung.
“Take her to her new room.” She laughed at you. “You’ll love it.”
You shook in the hands of her guards. You could barely walk, so they ended up dragging you to the basement of the mansion. You stared a little confused at the door before you. The guards unlocked the door and threw you inside before quickly locking it behind you. You whined and cried on the floor a bit. You shifted and looked up to see the ceiling was just a metal grate allowing you to see the moon.
Rosaline opened a little window to speak to you. “This is a wonderful room. See all that on the floor? Ashes from past weak vampires. Unfortunately, you won’t die from this but it’ll hurt you so badly. Your body is trying to heal the silver burns, but when the sun comes up it’ll be even worse. You should have some lasting scars and Levi won’t want a disgusting scar-covered whore.”
You screamed at her, but the gag in your mouth. You glared at her and wanted so badly to rip her head off, but you had no power.
She tilted her head. “I wish I could kill you, but I made a promise to my brother and my sex toy Lucius. Plus, Levi would hate me if I killed you.” She hummed a laugh. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You wiggled on the ground when she slammed the little door closed. You welled up and felt your tears roll down your cheeks. You huffed a moment and lay there as you considered your situation. You knew you had to get out of your bindings or at least sit up and get comfy. Having your hands behind your back was hell for you.
With a little skilled movement, you slipped your tied wrists around your bump. You pulled your legs up and against your chest, then carefully moved your arms until they were in front of you. You released a long sigh as you felt as close to comfortable as you could get. You pushed yourself up onto your bum and sat with your back against the wall.
You reached up to the gag and tried to pull it down, but it was tightly in your mouth. No matter how hard you tried to reach behind your head to undo the ties for the gag, you couldn’t reach. You looked at your arms and wrists to see that your skin looked lightly burned. You rubbed your tears away as you felt overwhelming emotions. All you could think about was Levi with arrows in him and your growing baby.
Even though you were in pain, you were exhausted and needed rest. You closed your eyes and tried to drift off. Your sleep was only light because of the pain in your body. You managed to get a bit of a deep sleep, but the pain started to increase. You opened your eyes to see the sun slowly filling the chamber. You tucked yourself up against the wall and hoped that someone would come get you before the sun filled the room.
You stared at the door as soon as it opened. A guard stormed in and smirked at you. You panicked a bit and tried to get away from him, but he kept moving closer.
The guard grabbed your upper arm. “The Queen has asked me to do this and I’m happy to.” He shoved you down stomach first onto the floor causing your back and right arm to be in the sun. “Burn bitch.”
You looked directly down to avoid your face from burning. You held back your screams of pain. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. You just let the tears run down your cheeks.
“The fuck are you doing!?” Damian stormed over to the guard. “Release her. NOW.” He yanked the guard off you. “Shit.” He scooped you up into his arms and ran with you through the mansion and to his bedroom. He lay you on his bed. “Forgive me, but I need to take off this dress.” He undid the ties on your wrists and threw them across the room. He whipped the dress off leaving you in a thin nightdress. He carefully took off the gag and sighed. “I’m so sorry.”
You sobbed a little. “Damian.”
He wiped your tears away. “I’m so very sorry.” He looked at you with deep pain. “Fuck, I truly am sorry.”
You panted a little. “Damian, I’m pregnant.”
His eyes widened. “You…fuck! You need blood, now! I’ll be right back.”
You curled up on his massive bed and started crying. “Okay.”
Damian used his vampire speed to go to the blood supply room. He grabbed as many bottles as he could carry and returned to you. He locked his bedroom door and came to your side. “Drink, please.”
You weakly sat up and began chugging the blood. “Thank you.”
He handed you another bottle. “You need to drink all of these.”
He felt his heart drop as he gazed at you. “I’m here.”
You smiled at him. “Thank you for saving me.”
“Well, I had to. You’re innocent in all this.”
You drank bottle after bottle of blood before studying your burns. “They’re better, but my arm…”
Damian inspected your back. “The one on your back…shit…I’m sorry. It seems that you might have lasting scars.”
You smiled a little. “It’s okay. Levi loves me no matter what.”
“Congratulations on the marriage, turning and baby.”
“Thank you.”
He hummed a laugh. “A baby so soon. That’s almost unheard of but wonderful. How did you know? The pains?”
You nodded. “Yeah.”
He cleaned your face. “You’re going to be a wonderful mother.”
You welled up. “I want to go home.”
He rubbed your cheek. “I’ll get you home, but right now you’re too weak.” He took the empty bottles away. “Get into bed and rest. I’ll watch over you.”
You sniffed and got into his big bed. “You’re right.” You lay on your side and felt exhausted. “Will you get a message to Levi?”
“I’ll let him know I have you.”
“Will Rosaline hurt you?”
He shook his head. “I made her promise you to me. So, me having you is okay.”
You gripped the cover. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“I won’t. Now, rest.”
You tried to fight your exhaustion. “Okay. Thank you.”
Damian smiled sadly. “I didn’t do much, but you’re welcome. I’ll get you home safely. I promise.”
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