I emerge from the ashes of...flamey shit
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Mostly writing shit. Who knows what else.
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coffee-mage-sans-caffeine · 11 days ago
Former Minnesota Vikings punter, Chris Kluwe, who was blacklisted from the league for standing up for marriage equality, speaks at a city council meeting where he calls Trump a Nazi. He is subsequently arrested and carried out by police.
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coffee-mage-sans-caffeine · 17 days ago
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coffee-mage-sans-caffeine · 17 days ago
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coffee-mage-sans-caffeine · 17 days ago
fyi the point of fucking up your data patterns isnt to avoid suspicion. it’s to make EVERYONE suspicious. same logic as the bloc, pals.  protect your comrades, be suspicious. ESPECIALLY if you aren’t doing anything likely to get you arrested.
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coffee-mage-sans-caffeine · 17 days ago
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Magneto was Right, X-Men: The Last Stand
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coffee-mage-sans-caffeine · 20 days ago
This wins the internet for 2024!! 😂😂
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coffee-mage-sans-caffeine · 24 days ago
Got to a point in tw3 yesterday where Geralt was in a brothel, and I SWEAR I WAS TRYING TO BUY GWENT CARDS anyway the girl says something like, urgh not another Witcher I don't do roleplays, and he's like okay 1) I'm a real Witcher but 2, wtf what? And she's like, oh some bard made a song and now everyone comes in here wanting to roleplay as a Witcher and Geralt is like HMMMMM I WONDER WHO THAT COULD HAVE BEEN 😑😑😑😑😑 and I was absolutely howlin 🤣🤣🤣
And then after all that she didnae have any Gwent cards to sell 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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coffee-mage-sans-caffeine · 26 days ago
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Azerbaijani artist Tunzala Mamedzadeh's Hand-Painted Quran in Gold on 164 Feet of Black Silk
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coffee-mage-sans-caffeine · 26 days ago
I'm not doing great, but I want to share one good thing:
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Arthur just rubbed his whole body up against Matilda's, definitely on purpose, and headbutted her a little. She is a little confused by the different social signals right now but since she's been trying to make friends with him for a week and a half, she was thrilled.
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coffee-mage-sans-caffeine · 26 days ago
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coffee-mage-sans-caffeine · 26 days ago
Oh have y’all heard of the river dolphin piss thing?
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coffee-mage-sans-caffeine · 26 days ago
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spin this wheel of fanfic tags. this will be the theme of your day tomorrow.
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coffee-mage-sans-caffeine · 26 days ago
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coffee-mage-sans-caffeine · 27 days ago
you ever learn a neat little fun fact that causes a subtle, unsettling shift deep in the substrate of your understanding of the world?
anyway today i found out that cellophane isn't plastic, it is literally Square Rayon
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coffee-mage-sans-caffeine · 27 days ago
This Black History Month, reflect for a moment on the fact that George Washington Carver, famously "the inventor of peanut butter and more than 100 industrial uses for peanuts" wasn't, like, Doc Brown fucking around in his garage because he really liked peanuts but was specifically trying to introduce larger use of a nitrogen fixing legume into crop rotations against cotton monoculture which was destroying yields, livelihoods and the biosphere, and how most agribusiness farming now just destroys that topsoil on purpose and continues to grow a cotton monoculture (or soy or corn or whichever local monoculture is profitable) using petrochemical derived fertilizer, which is one element driving climate change
Daniel Hale Williams performed the first successful heart surgery. He also founded the first nonsegregated hospital in America because he was keenly aware of disparate health outcomes by race which is still a problem today.
WEB Dubois was a part of the delegations for the birth of the UN. His proposal to include in the charter that "the colonial system of government … is undemocratic, socially dangerous and a main cause of wars" was not adapted for the final draft. We might see inaction against colonial violence to this day as part of the failure of others to heed his warnings there.
I feel like so often when we look at Black History Month so much of it is driven by factoids but when taken as history in context its about a direct line from decades and centuries to what is happening right now.
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coffee-mage-sans-caffeine · 27 days ago
People need to understand the concept of the single-issue voter. I see them in my line of work. I've had over a dozen women tell me "Trump is going to make IVF free" because that's something he said he'd do and IVF is deeply traumatic and difficult so these women want to save others from that trauma they've been through. He won't make IVF free. In their heart of hearts, they know he won't, because when I say "Is he? How is he going to do that while still charging for healthcare?" or "Can I see his plan for universal healthcare so he can do free IVF?" they immediately look horrified and realise they've been had. They're not bad people. They wanted to save other people tens of thousands of dollars paid to be traumatized over and over in IVF (I CANNOT overstate how traumatic the IVF process can be for many people). They wanted other people who are less fortunate than them to have the opportunity to have IVF. Their intentions were GOOD, kind, beautiful. They just got swindled. Trump is the biggest swindler we've ever seen and people got scammed because while individual persons are smart, people are stupid and if one person gets scammed, other people will follow them right to the guillotine.
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coffee-mage-sans-caffeine · 27 days ago
I am a nurse. I work high risk labour and delivery. I've been told by easily a dozen patients "I voted for Trump because he's going to make IVF free!" Some people are legitimately one-issue voters and my infertility patients have had their entire lives absorbed by the desire to have a baby. I'm not mocking them by saying this, but I want you, the reader, to understand that infertility treatments are exhausting on every level a human can be exhausted. They're humiliating. They're heartbreaking because all too often, you get multiple failures before you get a baby. Every part of your life is absorbed by counting down the minutes until a shot or a tablet. You live in a state of suspended fear that nothing will work. A single phial of sperm is two thousand American dollars. If you need donor eggs, it's way more than that. If you need a surrogate, well... we'll put it this way. Surrogacy is so expensive that my floor that delivers more than 2k babies per year only has 1 or 2 surrogates. Insurance doesn't pay for storage of embryos in most cases. It often doesn't pay for shots and procedures. An IVF baby is often a baby whose parents have paid over 50 000 American dollars out of pocket and whose parents are exhausted and single-minded. I have, and want you, the reader, to have endless empathy for these people.
They say that they voted for Trump because of free IVF proudly and loudly. They expect me to agree because they know that I know how difficult their journey has been. I'm not supposed to talk politics at work, so I just smile and say "I hope he does give us all free IVF, because to make that happen, he'd have to give everyone free healthcare all the way down and wouldn't the world be a much better place then? Can you tell me more about his healthcare plan other than IVF?" And when I give that much of a prompt, their faces crumple and they realise they fucked up and what they heard as the magic promise that no other parent should have to go through the exhaustion and pay tens of thousands of dollars to bring home their baby was a lie. Because they know universal health coverage isn't happening. They know that Trump lied. I don't even have to tell them. And then I give them the best healthcare I can. I look for any signs of problems and I alert my doctors. I show them empathy. I hold their hand. I laugh and cry with them. If all goes well, I help them bring a beautiful, screaming baby into the world. Because I don't get to choose my patients, but every single pregnant person deserves a happy birth where they feel supported and like the room is full of love and joy and empathy. And it doesn't fucking matter who they voted for or why, even though they've made it so that in a few years I might have to leave my speciality because so-called women's healthcare will suffer so badly. These people have caused untold harm, but every pregnant person deserves a good birth. So I do every single thing in my power to give it to them. Even if they thought Trump would fix the expenses involved in IVF and infertility treatments.
I do actually care marginally about the guy in that reddit screenshot who voted for Trump and is now worried that he might lose his medicaid funding because I did not fucking stutter when I said healthcare is a human right but the people losing their internships and job offers to the hiring freeze are straight up hilarious.
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