#who then found friendship and bonds that make them realize their existence is just as important as everyone else
ladsofsorrow24 · 7 months
oh wow i just realized how similar yet different natsume and naruto is
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furiousgoldfish · 1 month
I have this reoccurring problem where I feel like I've found a friend in someone, and then some time later, this person does something to hurt me, and rather than apologizing, they snap at me, act like I'm awful and a nuisance to them, and generally get very angry with me. First it makes me feel guilty, and I go over everything I did to see how I deserved this, but then I realize I didn't do anything, they just hurt me and snapped at me, made me feel like it's my fault. And then I get scared that this person could do that, because I can't even imagine doing that to anyone, it's so deeply unethical and shitty, but people do it like it's their second nature. Once I realize that this person scares me, I know I have to get distance and move away from the friendship if I don't want to live a very anxious and triggering life, so I do that. And thus I have no friends anymore.
Now for me, this occurred easily over 30 or 40 times with different people, to the point where I've started to wonder if I maybe draw this behaviour out of them. Because I will usually pick people who I believe would never do that, who seem to be kind, understanding, gentle, funny, easy going, I go for that almost every time, and still they snap at me. I'm wondering if it's because everyone in their mind thinks there's one person somewhere they're allowed to snap at, and since I'm very mild tempered, easy going and understanding, it feels to them like snapping at me couldn’t possibly have any consequences?  Again, I don't understand this, I would rather never snap at any person in my life.
My problem is that sometimes, I end up very bonded to these people, and I start building hope that maybe I could be normal, have friends, function in society, just because it feels for a bit like I'm accepted, I'm allowed to socialize and chat and joke around and tell things to someone, and this means the world to me. I've lived in an environment where I was not allowed any of that. So when these specific people snap at me, my hopes crumble to the ground, and I'm back into the place where I don't feel like I'm a person anymore. Even worse, I get triggered back into my childhood, where my parents screamed at me telling me how disgusting I am, how nobody will ever want anything to do with me, and how I'm the worst thing to ever exist on the planet. That's how I end up feeling when anyone turns against me, or abandons me. I keep it to myself, because I don't want the triggers affecting the friendship. But they affect me deeply.
That feeling of someone I care about finding me disgusting and awful and poisonous gives me so much pain I want to curl up and disappear. I want to not exist anymore. I would rather be alone forever than experience more of that. And that's exactly what I do; I curl up in my own little corner and don't socialize out of terror that more of this will happen, because it does happen so often and I still never see it coming.
I know on some deeply logical level, that people are snapping at me because it's easier for them to do that than to face that they've done something wrong, that they've hurt our friendships and acted badly towards me; they need it to be my fault so they'd feel better about themselves. Taking it out on me is just an easy route because I have zero vindication in me and probably won't ever snap back or get angry in return; I'll just withdraw. I'm always too worried I've genuinely done something wrong when it happens, I'll apologize a thousand times, I'll spend a while trying to figure out what's the truth, and then before I even think about getting angry, I'll be swallowed by pain and sorrow that this happened to me again.
Has anyone found any ways to have people not snap at you when they hurt you? What kind of change in attitude would achieve this? Do I just have bad friend-picking skills? Is this just a normal part of life that other people can handle because being snapped on doesn't make them suicidal? Is it considered normal that your friend will sometimes snap at you when they hurt you? Is it not a glaring red flag? In some cases people will not only snap but also gaslight me about what happened, and I know gaslighting is way over the line. Has this been happening to others? Please give me any opinions or experiences of this, especially if you found a way to deal with it.
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toasted-buguette · 18 days
Into Your Own Hands
Summary: Ryis decides to pine from a distance in order to be a better wingman for March. The farmer has other ideas.
Ryis is many things: A son, a brother, a nephew, a pretty good woodworker if he were to say so himself. A friend, and he tried to be a good one. 
Ryis is also in love, although he would desperately like to not be. 
Mistria is, despite its constant activity, a very small town with a very close knit community. It’s one of the things that made him love it there, that and the quiet that let him hear birdsong with more clarity and variety. Everyone knew each other and everyone had some manner of bond that had existed for at least a year or two, so it made sense that the arrival of a new member of the community would spark interest in everyone. Ryis wasn’t exempt from this, after all the last time someone new came it was him, but he liked to think himself a little bit chiller about it than some others.
Chiller than March, he means.
March is, as much as he likes to hide it, a pretty good guy underneath all his bluster. He just doesn’t like change, when Ryis first moved in it took March a week to stop sulking and talk to him. It was only once Friday came along and Olric dragged his brother to the inn that he and Ryis actually got to have a conversation and that (Plus one or two of Hemlock’s drinks) was all it took to spark a friendship that would surely last a lifetime. Because besides being craftspeople and their mutual adoration of Mistria and its citizens, the quality Ryis and March shared in the highest quantity was their loyalty. 
Which is why Ryis can’t acknowledge his growing fondness for the new farmer. 
You see, after the earthquake a lot of things needed repairing and the citizens of Mistria needed a distraction, so a new face was just what the town needed. Ryis, on his part, was eager to welcome the new farmer into town, after all he knew better than anyone what it was like to be the new member of a well established community. Besides, he knew they would be working together on the myriad of reconstruction projects, so it was only natural that they get along outside of work. It helped that they were very easy to get along with. 
March, as is his wont, was not as receptive to this newcomer. No one was surprised when any conversation with him eventually led to him grumbling about the no good farmer who was only here for their own gain and totally wasn’t going to last the season. Ryis, at least, was surprised when these grumblings continued past the first week of the farmer being there. 
After all, the farmer went to very great lengths to talk to everyone frequently, March included, and usually once he got to know someone he mellowed out at least a little. But no, it seemed that March’s ire only grew with every attempt to make peace the farmer made. Ryis tried to reassure them that March would warm up to them eventually, (He had to, they were just too charming even for March to hate for long), but his reassurances could only go so far when March seemed to go out of his way to antagonize the farmer. It wasn’t until late spring that Ryis found out why March was being so… like that. 
For all his guardedness it only takes a couple drinks to get all of March’s walls to crumble like a termite infested fence, and once they did the blacksmith was the most open book in the world. There was no such thing as secrets with drunk March, so Ryis got a front row seat as March got to rambling about the farmer once more, and it instantly became plain as day that March’s blush that night was not caused by the beer. 
Ryis couldn’t remember a time March was ever so enthralled with someone. He sat there and listed out Ryis’ thoughts verbatim about how interesting and capable the farmer was, how helpful and hardworking, and Ryis realized two things simultaneously.
One: He was developing a crush on the farmer.
And Two: He could not, under any circumstances, let it continue to grow.
When was the last time March was so enamored with anyone? When had he ever been this animated when talking about something that wasn’t made of metal? March had always been a happy drunk but this was beyond anything that Ryis had ever seen from his friend and he wanted desperately for that happiness to continue.
So he resolved himself to try and help March realize the feelings he had while he was sober as well as pushing the farmer in his direction whenever possible. It was easy for Ryis to ignore his own feelings, at first, after all the farmer hadn’t been there long and was always running around going who knows where to do who knows what. Out of sight out of mind and all that, and when they were not out of mind Ryis could always find a project to take his mind off them for a little while. And when that failed to work he could always tell himself that once their novelty wore off so too would his unfortunate crush.
And then the general store was ready to be remodeled and all that flew out the window. 
Unlike with the bridge Ryis couldn’t do the whole thing alone in a single day, and aside from his uncle (Who he loved very dearly and wanted to enjoy his retirement as much as possible) the only person qualified to help was the farmer. So the two of them set to work and Ryis tried very hard not to think about how every time their hands touched when exchanging tools a shock would go up his arm and send his heart racing, or how every so often he’d look up from his work and see them so deeply focused that he fell just a little deeper in love. 
That, he thinks, is what finally broke the dam and now when he aims the farmer in March’s direction (Because he still does, because he loves March) it is accompanied by a horrible pang in his chest that he knows he’ll never be able to get rid of. 
‘It’s fine.’ He tells himself. He’ll make do with what he can get and he’ll blame the work on why he’s so flushed every time he joins the farmer on a project and when March can finally admit to himself that he doesn’t hate them Ryis will look on as two of his favorite people can freely admit their love for eachother and it will be because of him and maybe the ache in his chest will get a little easier to live with. 
The next time he sees the farmer, Ryis wants to hide in his scarf. They’re sweaty and out of breath and he can tell why when they hand him a stack of hardwood so big he wonders how they fit it all in their bag. They smile so wide when he accepts it and their face makes him want to melt. That doesn’t stop him from inviting them to the shop, of course. After all, it's hot and he can’t move all of that himself (he can) and wouldn’t they like to sit down and cool off for a second after all that work? Really it’s the least he could do after everything they’ve done for the town (for him). 
And now they’re alone in the shop and the wood is all put away and Ryis would talk about all the projects he has planned for it except the farmer makes it really hard for him to think and of course Landen is gone and can’t distract the farmer from him so they’re just watching him stammer with those intensely beautiful eyes of theirs and Ryis realizes a little too late that he said that last part out loud. 
Mortified, Ryis looks away and it takes him a minute before he can bear to take his eyes off the pile of sawdust they landed on and return them to the farmer. The sight that greets him when he does is not what he expected; The farmer is staring at him with a sort of half-smile and did they get closer? Their face is definitely closer to his than it was when he looked away. He bashfully tells them that he’s sorry and they should probably forget what he said and after a second they say that maybe they don’t want to. Maybe they gave him all that hardwood because to them his smile is the prettiest thing in the whole town. 
And every plan Ryis ever made to play matchmaker for March goes in the trash because hearing that makes his heart stop and when the farmer kisses him it is the most right anything has ever felt. And soon they’ll have to leave because it’s late and their chickens are still outside and then Ryis will have to grapple with the fact that he just kissed the person his best friend is in love with but for now none of that matters because after a season and a half of pining and pushing his feelings down it feels like he can finally breathe. 
And as the farmer leaves, trailing promises to see him soon behind them, Ryis revels in not having to dread their next meeting any more.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
Does everyone know that one found family post going around that's something like, "What do you MEAN they all go their separate ways after the journey??"
That's how I feel about Ted going back to Kansas.
To be clear, I'm not arguing that it's an unlikely ending to the series. I think it's very likely, especially when I consider a lot of the cool meta people have been writing lately, but that likeliness leaves a sour taste in my mouth because what's waiting for Ted in Kansas? "Henry!" the fandom cries and yes, obviously, but that doesn't feel like enough to me (which I realize sounds like a callous statement regarding a father and son, but hear me out). The only other things Kansas has are an ex-wife, a horrifically unprofessional step-dad in the making, and a long line of comforts that Ted has outgrown. I've noticed that this season in particular Ted has been moving away from his American roots: he misses his BBQ sauce but manages to find a perfect replacement in Amsterdam, he's finding solace in paintings for temporary homesickness, he's using "football" and "maths" naturally in conversation, many of his speeches lately have been about how he once WAS this American so-and-so but has changed significantly since then. From a canonical perspective, Henry is the only thing in Kansas that's good for Ted anymore and even if we put that aside for a moment (which I don't think we should) it seems quite significant to me that Ted has spent three successful years parenting from across the pond.
Is that ideal? No, but Ted Lasso hasn't gone out of its way to paint this separation as a failure, or a crippling blow to Ted or Henry, despite them obviously missing each other a great deal at times. I'll admit that this aspect is absolutely colored by my own bias. As someone who doesn't want kids herself, I dislike the implicit message that a parent must give up everything they want/need in order to be 100% available to their child. I'm of the belief that there's a big difference between loving/raising your child and lacking a life outside of them because Every Aspect of Your Existence Must Serve Their Direct Needs Until the Magical Age of 18, so I've never jived with the "Ted is a horrible father who abandoned Henry!" takes. Not just because I think the show has made it clear that Henry doesn't feel abandoned, but because it tells viewers that parents can't have anything for themselves once they've brought a life into this world... which feels pretty shitty to me. Thus, that whole Henry-based argument rings as unpersuasive both from my biased perspective and a canonical perspective: "In order to be labeled a good father Ted MUST go back to Henry in Kansas, leaving behind every bond he's formed here, despite the fact that he's spent a significant amount of time making this long-distance relationship work really, really well."
Putting Henry aside and going back to my original point above, sending Ted to Kansas requires the audience to imagine up a life for him that has never existed on screen. Sure, we can assume that Ted will form new bonds and rekindle old ones there, but that would exist entirely off screen. Like the story that asks you to ignore the family that's been built right in front of you in favor of the headcanoned one that the characters are separating for, a Kansas ending would ask us to toss aside three seasons worth of family, community, and still developing relationships for... whatever it is we'd personally imagine up post-series. Audiences (by and large) don't WANT their protagonist to end up with [insert OCs here], they want them to stay with the developed cast, whether that's a romance, a friendship, or a family. To me, there's nothing satisfying about imagining Ted in a location the series has never explored with people who don't exist yet except for, as said, an ex, a man who justifiably makes him incredibly uncomfortable, and his child whom he already has a fantastic relationship with in the community where Ted is happy.
There are a lot of other reasons why this ending would be a big disappointment to me, most notably the rejection of untraditional forms of parenting + the message that Ted was always destined to "reset," returning to precisely where he started out, like he's just a hope dispenser who isn't allowed to significantly grow himself. Sure, you can divorce and get better about managing your anxiety... but making a permanent, positive life change? Nah, let's act like this is an episodic show and toss you back to the beginning. I've seen a couple of people compare Ted to Mary Poppins and while a part of my does like that connection, another part cringes at the idea of him playing the role of magical benefactor, his own future happiness deemed insignificant compared to the lives he's already changed. Thanks for the help, Ted! Hope you manage to find some more happiness for yourself back among everything you've spent the series leaving behind. Open your umbrella and let the wind take you; wherever you land and how hard the fall is doesn't matter because the show is over.
So there's a lot going on for me, however, the found family bit is where I'm truly stuck. You're really going to build up this community and Ted's place in it for three seasons, moving him from "wanker" all the way to beloved coach, only to pack him back to Kansas after he's finally carved out a place for himself? Kansas, the place the show has consistently argued has nothing to offer Ted except for the child he hasn't actually lost? Yeah no, sorry, I'm not a fan.
Which doesn't mean I think Ted Lasso is going to become a terrible show if they choose this - again, very likely - ending... but I will personally be pulling a Nick Fury about it.
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missheavenfield1215 · 9 months
Opinion on the meaning of the songs in Beetlejuice The Musical
Songs centered on Beetlejuice and Lydia
I've noticed that Lydia and Beetlejuice's songs are intrinsically related to the name and being invisible, I think it's pretty obvious, but I've also found some other things.
In the prologue we can find this sentence:
"You're invisible when you're sad"
"Is it being greedy to need somebody to see me
And say my name?"
And in Dead Mom, we'll find this part
"I'll go insane if things don't change
Whatever it takes to make him say your name, Dead Mom!"
And in Invisible: Reprise:
"You're invisible when you're me"
Can you...
See me?
You can see me!
I'm gonna have a new best friend!!
We can know that they both feel invisible (obviously) and find in each other the validation they need. Also apparently saying that person's name automatically gives her visibility, like in the song Dead Mom, Lydia wants her father to say her mother's name, so that he stops treating her as if she doesn't exist. That brings me to mind that the personification of invisibility is Beetlejuice and his signature song is:
"Say My Name"
And the song in which the two collide, which I personally like to call, "the bonding song" is:
That Beautiful Sound
Both people who felt invisible, finally collide... And it's a great respite for the two of them. Both finally feel recognized by the other.
"Hey look at me! (we're looking at you girl)"
"I'm finally free (You're finally free girl!)"
"I was invisible (she was invisible)"
"But now they all see!!"
Only in that beautiful moment do they feel that they don't need anyone but each other, since their company is enough.
They both feel seen and valued by someone who understands the pain and suffering of being alone.
But that feeling of closeness between Beetlejuice and Lydia is cut off as abruptly as it began. And he could say that it was Lydia who broke his heart, because Beetlejuice immediately feels that she betrayed him by breaking off their friendship and abandoning him to find her mother.
I have a slight suspicion that Beetlejuice wanted Lydia to be his wife, because he was already perfectly happy with her and didn't want that happiness to be taken away from him again.
Now let's talk a little bit about the song:
The Whole Being Dead Thing Pt 3 & Good Old Fashioned Wedding
We all know that everything Beetlejuice did was to put Lydia up against the wall and force her to marry him... But there's something that baffles me a bit. Beetlejuice was ready in just a few seconds to force his only friend to marry him, revealing a sad truth. Beetlejuice is always ready to receive a "no" or maybe he's always ready to fight for his interests because it's very likely that a lot of people have failed him.
And after hearing the "ok, I'll do it, I'll marry you," he was so excited that he revealed something that my sister made me realize.
Not only was Beetlejuice considering Lydia as a good choice to marry, but she is the ONLY OPTION for him...
But everything would fall apart when Lydia would rather go to Netherworld than share her life with him.
But, up to this point, Lydia has already betrayed him twice, it's obvious that Beetlejuice's ego is in tatters, obviously she's hurt him a lot and if she's not the one marrying him, then no one would be...
So, as if it were a punishment, Beetlejuice, shattered by her second betrayal, threatened to kill everyone present.
On top of that, without Lydia, there was no longer anything to tie him down to anyone present, although I would like to point out that Delia was still an option.
(But I'll talk about that in another post)
Now, let's talk about the elephant in the room...
My Creepy Old Guy
Phew, I have several things to say about this song...
Contrary to what many think, I don't think this song is a mockery of Beetlebabes fans.
1- This song is a joke for the audience and a mockery of the cultures that continue to do this type of practice (marrying a minor to an adult man) It's also a joke that most women understood, as it's a reference to the sexual harassment we receive when we go out on the street just for existing, and the fact that Lydia finds this "cute and vile" is a very funny contradiction. It's also why we can find Lydia leading the song (and Beetlejuice's footsteps throughout the entire stage). If you notice, both Adam and Charles have only two sentences in the entire song, which allows the women to talk about the harassment they have received almost their entire lives.
2- They don't romanticize the wedding, we all know he's forcing it on her, just to get that "green card thing," It's very obvious that the song is a very funny irony... It turns out that Lydia "suddenly" has a crush on the guy she just met and who just forced her into a marriage she didn't want.
But there's some of what we're missing.
That "something" is that we're missing Beetlejuice's point of view in this scene...
What happens is that Beetlejuice really believed that Lydia was in love with him and for a moment he thought that he wasn't actually forcing her...
And that's what Lydia really wanted to do... And so she continued the charade:
"Everywhere, fellas would stare
Out on the street"
"And I felt used
Kinda confused"
"I would refuse to look in their eyes"
"But now I really love creepy old guys"
"We all do!"
I love Beetlejuice's reaction in this scene. Because immediately after listening to it, Beetlejuice gets excited to find out and his face is like:
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Then we have this part:
"They make me blush"
(Can't get enough)
"Now one of 'em loves me, wants to be mine"
(That's right)
"Marrying my own creepy old guy!"
At this point, Lydia assures that Beetlejuice loves her and that she does want to be with him, but he doesn't get it until he understands that they are referring to him.
(I'm a creepy old guy!!)
And when he gets it, he's really surprised and he's like:
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Then we have this part:
(I am older, but I'm glad I waited)
I would have loved to know what he meant in that part, until I remembered it... Beetlejuice is referring to the part where he stayed at the Deetz-Maitlands' house to make them victims of his wrath. But just before he can lash out at anyone, she appears... as if he was waiting for her... (Like a real wedding!!)
Now, I want to mention something... Beetlejuice's reactions are the whole song, they show him very moved... He truly believes that they love him.
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And an honorable mention to Barbara for this reaction:
(He's like:)
Oh, my God... See?? She loves me! She loves meeee!!!!
Yes dear, whatever you say... 🙂😐
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For obvious reasons, Charles would never agree to something like this, but he trusts his daughter and the plan... But still, he lets his true feelings be seen through a single sentence:
"Have you guys seen "Lolita"?"
"This is just like that, but fine"
For some who don't know, Lolita was a novel that became a movie. It is the story of a mentally ill man named Humbert who ruins his entire life by becoming obsessed with an underage girl named Dolores.
I have a slight suspicion that Charles wants to see Beetlejuice ruined in the same way that Humbert does.
Then we have this part:
"I know that on the outside he's disgusting"
"And even on the inside, he's disgusting"
"But I know that this time, I'm makin' it right"
Under Beetlejuice's eyes, this doesn't sound bad... It even sounds hopeful, meaning that even if he's unpleasant, she wants to get off to a good start with him.
After a while, we can finally hear him:
"I found me a wife"
"L'chaim to life"
"This is so normal!"
"I was ignored"
"But now, I'm adored!"
"'Cause I extorted, tortured, and lied"
"Give it up for my underage bride!"
This is a very sad thing... Beetlejuice has never been the object of love and affection, That's why he thinks the whole song is proof enough that they love him... And what breaks my heart is knowing that Beetlejuice said he would give all that for his wife... It also breaks my heart to know that Beetlejuice gave up all his trust with so little acceptance from everyone in the house...
He's genuinely enraptured by the way everyone in the house is treating him... It's not hate, it's not disgust, it's not anger. Everyone is being kind, generous, understanding and supportive and that touches him...
Everything is so perfect for him
Too perfect actually...
When Beetlejuice is brought to life, it is saturated with many MANY sensations, feelings, and sounds.
I personally believe that if Lydia had tried to calm him down instead of murdering him, he really wouldn't have killed anyone. And I like to think that from there, only she could reassure him and thus, he would be like a little puppy looking for the affection of his owner...
I think that, to calm him down, it would be enough just to touch him... Let us remember that he has been deprived of genuine contact and affection, so a single touch of her fingers and a few words would be enough to make him desist from any act of violence.
But, he was killed for not being able to control something he never had...
Which reminds me of this phrase:
"It's good to trust someone, but not trusting anyone is better"
Well, to finish, Beetlejuice was really deceived by Lydia, due to the conditions of both of them... The two of them were lonely and abandoned, so Beetlejuice was willing to believe Lydia whenever she approached him with "good intentions". Beetlejuice's appreciation for Lydia blinded him and he was hurt three times in a row in the same night for believing her.
That's all for now!
Thanks for reading my soliloquy! Bye!! 😘💕💖
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mahlersgirl · 8 months
more on princess mizu itoh hcs (a part 2 of this)(this accidentally became a small fic as I got invested) (tagging @roninzuzu bc who else shall feed on the dynamic between these two)
as mizu becomes a young woman there are talks of her being married off, but there's the obvious question of what noble house would accept a wife with eyes of an onryo
takayoshi is genuinely worried about his cousin and writes to her about it
her short and angry answer was "worry about your own wedding, I'll be nobody's wife"
it's around this time she runs away from home and takayoshi is sure he had something to do with it and blames himself for mizu being somewhere out there doing god knows what
and for this mizu I think it would be a lot like how akemi ran away to help taigen, except mizu is seeking revenge against the white men and doesn't want to use the itoh family's resources (lots of resentment for being treated like a monster)
it wouldn't be easy at all and she involves herself in lots of trouble that makes her realize that living as a princess, even a neglected one, is still skies above what a commoner samurai would have to go through (again this is akemi arc but add violence)
eventually she would cross paths with mikio (🤮) and maybe he would take her under his wing and care for her after she's severely wounded? it will also evolve into the romance we're acquainted with
now, after the telltale moment in which mikio calls her a monster for handing his ass on a plate during sparring, instead of the bounty hunters being sent to kill her, I can see it being the _itoh family soldiers_ sent to retrieve their princess who had eloped with some good for nothing farmer it seems
not only that, takayoshi is there with them, having missed his sister for a whole year and just relieved he found her again
"how did you find me?" she hissed with slitted eyes full of ire, knife secured in hand ready to decimate his whole troop if he dared to touch her. maybe she would even make him bald for his petulence
takayoshi blinked in astonishment
"you wrote to me, mizu" he said reaching back to get the scroll, his familiar stutter making her feel nostalgic, but not less mad. "you asked me to take you back and bring gold to you and your husband."
and mizu suddenly understands, as mikio materializes by her side, looking unaffected by the number of armed soldiers on his property. she was made into a fool. when mikio looked bewildered she would trade a life of luxuries for revenge, he was in fact envious of her position.
the man mizu loved was a fucking bastard.
he was also the one who first met her blade, to the shock of everyone watching her, a bride covered in the blood of her own husband. she looks at the closest soldier next, looking ready to attack, but takayoshi was faster:
"do not raise your blades at her!" he yelled out his authority, the trembling of his voice diminishing with the loudness. "mizu, let's go home... I'll intercede with my mother on your behalf. we can forget this ever happened."
"takayoshi, in respect of our friendship and the only familial bonds I ever respected," mizu said finally raising her eyes at him, blue meeting brown, the color of the sea and the summer sky who meant a childhood of laughs and promises. "forget I ever existed. this is not your battle to fight. I was never a real part of the itoh family and you know it well. leave me alone and spare me the sin of spilling your blood."
and takayoshi understands, unfortunately, that this was never about both of them being different. mizu was always the one who was hurt the most by her origins and he could never truly know what she went through. he was still the second son of a powerful house and no stuttering or insecurity could take that away from him.
at times, to love someone also meant to let them go. mizu had chosen a path in which he was nothing more than a nuisance. the least he could do was let her be.
he makes his men retreat, but not after putting down the treasure of gold and jewelries he had brought because of the message. he didn't know if she would use any of it, but he wouldn't, either.
"the winter palace will be open." he says before stepping into the carriage. "if not as a cousin, a brother or a friend, perhaps you can still reach me out as an acquaintance. I would enjoy having tea with you once again."
she didn't offer him another word of farewell as his caravan disappeared in the hills and she was bathed by the rain, too mentally exhausted by a reaction. no husband or family, she was fated to be a lonely monster, in the end.
only revenge could keep her satisfied.
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acacia-may · 4 months
Make A Wish [Vanessa's First Birthday With the Black Bulls Fic]
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When Yami, Gordon, and Finral realize they have somehow missed their newest squad member's birthday, they take it upon themselves to celebrate with her late even though none of them know the slightest thing about throwing a birthday party...It's the thought that counts though, right?
Happy Birthday, Vanessa!
Relationships: Finral Roulacase, Yami Sukehiro, Gordon Agrippa, & Vanessa Enoteca Friendship; Early Black Bulls Found Family
Genre: Early Black Bulls Friendship Fluff, Attempt at Humor, Pre-Canon, Slice of Life, & Wholesome Found Family Bonding
Rated: G
Word Count: 5,397 (A/N: It's actually shorter in length than some other one shots I've written but divided into "chapters." The entire work is posted below the cut of this post because it's really not that long though 😅)
A/N: Wishing the happiest of birthdays to the lovely Vanessa! 💕I wrote this story about her first birthday with the Black Bulls way back before I had a Tumblr so since I never actually posted it here (and I think I exhausted all of my Vanessa's birthday story ideas for this work 😅) I thought it might be an appropriate to cross-post here in celebration and for any of my lovely Tumblr friends who may have missed it on AO3. Hope you enjoy it! Cheers!!
Link to Entire Work on AO3. Full Text Below the Cut. Thank you for reading! 🎂
CHAPTER 1: What's a Birthday Without Leeks?
“Captain Yami!” exclaimed Finral as he suddenly appeared through a portal in the wall. Yami huffed and narrowed his eyes.
“We talked about this, Finral,” he grunted though Finral’s confused expression did not inspire the slightest bit of confidence that he remembered. Yami tilted his head pointedly towards the door. “Knocking…”
A faint blush filled Finral’s cheeks as he shuffled his feet almost sheepishly. “Sorry… I did knock a couple of times, but you didn’t answer.”
Yami’s brow furrowed. “So you just came in anyway…?”
Finral stared intently at the floor and leaned forward—seemingly curling in on himself. “Sorry, Captain…” he began to apologize again. Sighing, Yami shook his head. This kid would apologize for breathing if he let him. Yami didn’t think his squad members’ pasts were any of his business, but he did occasionally wonder what kind of hellhole Finral had come from that made him feel like he had to apologize just for existing.
“We talked about this too, Finral,” he said with a pointed tilt of his head. Finral’s eyes widened, and his face flushed.
“Sor—” He stopped abruptly. He must’ve remembered at least one of their ‘stop it with the excessive apologizing’ talks. “Um…” Fidgeting, Finral’s brow furrowed thoughtfully. “I…uh…didn’t mean to interrupt, but it was important.”
“What’s important?” Yami asked against his better judgment and instantly regretted it as Finral began twisting his hands almost nervously.
“Well, you know Vanessa—”
“Finral,” Yami interrupted with a huff. “Aren’t you two supposed to be friends now? I thought we were past all this…” Or at least he had hoped they were. Perhaps his relief that Finral and Vanessa had seemed to reach some sort of understanding was a bit premature, but in his defense, Finral hadn’t brought any more flowers into their hideout or otherwise tried to flirt with the poor girl in weeks—naturally, he had hoped this signaled the end of that drama, or at least his involvement in it.
Confusedly, Finral tilted his head and blinked at him. “Past what, Sir?”
Yami quirked an eyebrow at him and debated whether to respond or not. The last thing he wanted was to be caught in the middle of whatever Finral had going on—or perhaps more accurately whatever Finral thought he had going on—with the newest member of their squad, again. He was their magic knight captain not their parent for crying out loud—was it too much to ask that they work these things out on their own without involving him? However, if he knew Finral at all, he knew that he was just going to tell him anyway so they might as well get it over with.
“Just spit it out, Finral.”
“Did you know it was Vanessa’s birthday last week?” Yami’s eyes narrowed. This was not what he had been expecting…   
“Her birthday?” he repeated. “How do you know that?”
“Well I heard her telling some guy in the market how old she was, and when I asked her about it, she said her birthday was last week so she’s older now.” Finral paused and sighed. “We completely missed it, Sir. We didn’t even have cake.”
“And Vanessa’s upset about this…?”
Finral shrugged. “I don’t know…I don’t think so. She didn’t act like it was a big deal. I don’t think she’s ever celebrated her birthday before.”
Yami twisted his mouth to one side. Finral had a point. After all, the poor girl had been locked up in a cage when he had found her—he couldn’t really imagine the Queen of Witches bringing her cake and presents once a year, but… “Not sure what we can do about that now. We’ve already missed it.”
“Well, what we if celebrated it late? We could get a cake and some decorations.”
Yami snorted an almost guttural laugh. “Decorations? Who’s decorating? You?”
“Gordon has some ideas…”
“Gordon?” questioned Yami raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah, he’s—” Finral paused, and his face flushed. “Oh shoot, he’s waiting out in the hallway. I completely forgot.”
Before Yami could protest, Finral had rushed over to the door and ushered Gordon into the study. Mumbling quickly and indistinguishably, Gordon handed Yami a piece of paper with a long list of items beginning: decorations, cake, presents…
“You think we have the money to pay for all this?” Yami huffed, and Gordon immediately set a pouch of Yul on the desk in front of the Captain murmuring something Yami couldn’t quite decipher but assumed was probably encompassed in Finral’s next statement.
“If we all pitched in, we could put together something nice, right?” With a slight shrug of his shoulders and an earnest smile, Finral pulled out a bag of Yul from his pocket and put it on the desk beside Gordon’s money. “And we could use a lot of what we have already. Gordon has lots of craft supplies, and we should have most of the ingredients to make a cake, I think. The only thing we’d really have to buy is a present and if we’re missing a few ingredients or something…”
Yami’s brow furrowed. These dumb kids… they made it sound so simple—conveniently forgetting the fact that they didn’t know the slightest thing about decorating and could probably burn water on a good day. Yami couldn’t imagine what they’d do to an actual cake.
“Please, Sir,” continued Finral. “It wouldn’t have to be fancy or anything, maybe just a nice dinner with cake—but if Vanessa’s never celebrated her birthday before, we really should try to do something for her, shouldn’t we?”
Finral fidgeted with his hands, but he and Gordon both stared at their captain with an almost pleading earnestness. Yami shook his head. Knuckleheads…both of them…
Shifting, Yami raised a questioning eyebrow, but his mouth twitched in the corners just barely. He sighed.
“Alright. Fine,” he conceded. “But you morons had better not burn the place down.”
Finral and Gordon visibly brightened as Yami pulled out a small bag of Yul from one of the desk drawers and added it to the growing pile of Yul on the desk. “I’m putting you in charge of shopping”—he held out the money to Finral—“Remember this doesn’t grow on trees, got it?”
Finral nodded solemnly though his face was bright with a wide, excited smile. “Yes, Sir.”
“Gordon will stay here and decorate, and I’ll fry up some meat for dinner. As soon as you get back here, we’ll all try our hand at that cake…”
Before Finral and, probably Gordon too though Yami couldn’t understand him most of the time, could start with their reassurances that surely, they could manage baking a cake, there was a knock at the door. Finral jumped but quickly calmed himself as an apologetic Vanessa appeared in the doorway with pink in her cheeks.
“Um…I’m sorry for interrupting,” she said with downcast eyes. Yami sighed. Between her and Finral—and for all he knew, Gordon too—he ought to make an apology swear jar…
“No. No, it’s fine. You’re not interrupting anything, and you don’t need to apologize,” Finral hurriedly interjected. “We were…um…just…um…talking…”—he nodded repeatedly as if trying to convince himself— “about…um…you know…guy stuff…”
Blinking, Yami shook his head at the ever-reddening Finral. He had at one point rather foolishly wondered if his influence might make the kid a better liar, but he seemed to be getting worse and Vanessa seemed to be a getting a bit wise to it.
She furrowed her brow and tilted her head inquisitively at Finral. “Guy stuff?”
As Finral rubbed his hand across the back of his neck and stumbled his way through some “Um…well…uh…”s, Gordon stepped into Yami’s line of sight and started whispering something or other and pointing at a line item on his list that read, “Get Vanessa out of the house so we can surprise her.”
He placed a hand on Finral’s shoulder, and Finral looked up at him with wide, grateful eyes—clearly indebted to him for saving him from further shoving his foot in his mouth. “We were just talking about how we need a few things from the market.” Yami waved his hand almost dismissively. “You wouldn’t mind going to pick up a few things would you?”
Vanessa brightened. “Not at all. I’d be happy to go. What do we need?”
“Leeks.” Yami resisted the urge to roll his eyes at a blushing, fidgeting Finral who, naturally, decided to try to salvage his faux pas by adding, “And…and soap.”
Yami shut his eyes and took a deep breath. This kid was a lost cause. He opened his eyes to find Finral staring at him seemingly realizing, in some mixture of horror and confusion, what he had had just said. As he began to mouth Sorry… Yami glared at him, and he shut his mouth abruptly. Yami sighed.
“Yeah…leeks and soap…also some milk.” He quirked an eyebrow pointedly at Finral before turning back to Vanessa. “Pick up some cheese if you want some too and uh…”—Gordon held out the paper to him again and Yami read aloud—“Strawberries.”
If Vanessa questioned their impromptu shopping list, she didn’t show any indication of it as she repeated back to them, “Okay so leeks, soap, milk, cheese and strawberries. Anything else?”
Yami whipped around to glare at Finral as if to make doubly sure that he would not be adding any other random items to their shopping list. “Nope. I think that’s it.” He gave a handful of Yul to Vanessa, mentally lamenting how much they were going to spend on groceries they didn’t even need. What the hell were they even going to do with those leeks?
“It looks like it’ll storm later,” he continued glancing out of the window at the few clouds in the sky. “So take a magic item with you and give us a call when you’re ready to come back, and we’ll have Finral open up a portal for you.”
Luckily, Vanessa didn’t seem to pay much attention to Finral was gaping at them, Yami assumed, in awe and amazement at the ease of his captain’s lie, and she didn’t seem to notice Yami’s pointed tilt of his head and glare which was directed at the young spatial mage until he finally managed, “Yeah. Um…no problem. Just let me know when you’ve finished shopping, and I’ll come pick you up so uh…you don’t have to walk home in the rain…?” His tone lifted and his voice squeaked as if he was asking a nervous question, but it was too late to worry about that now.
Vanessa blinked at him. “Okay…but I really don’t mind walking.”
“But the leeks—the leeks could get wet,” interjected a fidgety Finral. Vanessa’s brow furrowed, and Finral’s face flushed as Yami, once again, resisted the ever-intensifying urge to roll his eyes. “And you—you could also get wet…and…um…just please call…please…”
“Okay,” answered a visibly confused Vanessa. Yami honestly felt bad for the poor girl. It was a wonder she wasn’t onto them what with Finral’s extreme inability to keep a secret.
Gordon handed Vanessa the wicker basket they often took to the market to carry their groceries and promptly ushered Vanessa out of the room, clearly confused to say the very least.
As soon as she was gone, Finral, still red in the face, sighed with relief. “Well…that could’ve gone worse…”
Yami narrowed his eyes at him but huffed. “Just get going. We don’t have a lot of time until Vanessa gets back.”
Finral nodded as he opened his grimoire and made a portal for himself. “Yes, Sir.”
“And Finral? I hope you like leeks because you will eating them until they are gone.”  
Twisting his mouth to one side, Finral nodded apologetically before he disappeared through the shimmery portal.
CHAPTER 2: Requiem for Decorations
The pan sizzled as Yami seared the meat he was cooking. He sighed. If all else failed, at least they’d have an entrée. Yami glanced over at the clock on the wall. Finral really should have been back by now, but knowing him, he was probably still indecisively perusing the store and debating what to buy or had completely forgotten about shopping the minute he saw a pretty shopkeeper or beautiful store patron. Finral was so distractable and indecisive they probably should’ve sent Gordon. Yami resisted the urge to roll his eyes and mentally conceded that, unfortunately, Gordon couldn’t just portal to and from the store. Of course, this only mattered if Finral managed to use his spatial magic to shorten the shopping trip—looking at the clock on the wall now, Yami wasn’t so sure if it made much of a difference.
Yami scooped some of the cooked meat onto a nearby plate and conceded that Gordon was probably better suited to decorating and arts and crafts, anyway. Of course, a wall currently blocked his view of any of the decorations Gordon was currently making and hanging up in the Hideout’s common room.
“Hey, a little help here?” called Yami at the ceiling as he pat the wall with his hand. There was a long pause as Yami brought the stove to a low simmer and scooped up some more of the crispy, thoroughly cooked meat. Then, the wall began to move. Where it moved to, Yami wasn’t sure, but it did allow him to see Gordon and his decorations which were rather dark and gloomy for a birthday party.
Gordon had hung strips of dark fabrics from the ceiling like bunting and had strung dark streamers and papers with cut-out designs from the rafters. Yami supposed the doom and gloom was partially his fault for insisting Gordon only buy craft supplies which were on sale and such sad, dreary colors were often in the bargain bin—but, he conceded with a sigh, it was too late to worry about that now.
“Woah…um…this is…um…” stumbled Finral appearing through a portal in the wall—a small bag in one hand and a bouquet of flowers in the other.
“Gloomy.” Yami shrugged, and Finral sheepishly shuffled his feet before admitting quietly.
“I was going to say ‘a little frightening’ but yeah, gloomy too. Did we not have anything colorful?”
Yami twisted his mouth to one side. “Guess not.” His eyes narrowed Finral. “What took you so long?”
“Well, it was hard to decide what to get…”
“So you chose flowers”—Yami quirked an eyebrow at him—“after I specifically told you not to bring any more of those in here?”
Finral fidgeted. “Sorry. But it’s only this once—for her birthday, and yellow roses are her favorite.”
Yami huffed as he stirred some of the meat around in the pan so it would crisp on both sides. “It’s fine,” he grunted. “But just this once.”
Yami turned to glare sternly at Finral who nodded very solemnly and set about filling a vase for those flowers. “I got something else too,” he added as he arranged the yellow flowers in the vase and set it in its place of honor on the counter. “I can show you—”
“I’m sure it’s fine. You can show us after we make this cake.” Yami tilted his head towards the cookbook and ingredients he and Gordon had gotten out earlier.
“Right,” answered Finral, nearly jumping as Gordon suddenly appeared beside him. He quickly calmed himself as he perused the recipe. “This doesn’t seem too hard.”
Yami blinked at him. He had to admire the kid’s completely unwarranted optimism.
Finral’s brow furrowed as he began gathering ingredients. “The recipe says ‘Baking Powder,’ but we don’t have any.” Gordon who had been put in charge of dry ingredients, promptly provided a container marked ‘Baking Soda,’ and Finral tilted his head. “Do you think we can just use this Baking Soda instead?”
Yami frowned. “Hell if I know.”
“They both have “baking” in the name so they have to be similar right?”
Apparently, a nod from Gordon was all the reassurance Finral needed as he promptly substituted baking soda for baking powder. Gordon mixed together the rest of the dry ingredients as Yami finished up his meat and prepped the oven to the sound of Finral’s increasingly more frustrated mutterings to himself. Yami was almost afraid to ask, but he asked anyway.
“What’s goin’ on, Finral?”
Finral had half an eggshell in one hand and the other half in the other as he carefully tried to separate the egg whites from the yolk—the evidence of numerous failed attempts scattered around the counter in various bowls, cups, and other less conventional dishes.
“Just trying to get these egg whites…the recipe calls for four of them. Why does it need so many?” Finral lamented as he sighed sorrowful at the collection of broken eggs.
“We’re gonna run out of eggs,” Yami huffed. “Just use whole ones instead.” Yami had no idea what that would do to the cake, but at least it would stop Finral from breaking every single egg they had. “I’ll fry up these busted ones—scramble ‘em maybe. If our cake doesn’t turn out, we’ll have meat and eggs at least.” Yami shrugged, but Finral nodded almost gratefully as he added four full eggs into the cake batter.
Yami pulled his frying pan back out and fried up those eggs until thunder began to crash loudly outside bringing all baking to a halt. Gordon and Finral rushed to press their faces against the window.
“Woah. It looks like it’s going to storm.” Finral turned back towards Yami with a tilt of his head. “Wait…how did you know it was going to rain?”
“I didn’t.”
“But you told Vanessa—”
Yami cut him off. “That was a lie.” He quirked an eyebrow at him. “You should really learn how to tell one before we end up with more leeks.”
Finral flushed and twisted his hands. “Do you think Vanessa’s already bought everything on the list?”
“It was a strange list—might take awhile to find some of that stuff.”
The lines in Finral’s face softened before he sighed in concern glancing out the window at the darkening sky. “She’s not going to get caught out in the rain, do you think?”
Yami shrugged. “We told her to call. If doesn’t want to get wet, she will. Now let’s hurry up and get this cake in the oven. How many more ingredients are there?”
“I think this is the last one,” said Finral holding up a tiny spoon. “3 ½ teaspoons of vanilla, but I can’t remember how much I’ve already put in.” Finral’s brow furrowed. “Did you see how many spoonfuls I put in?” Yami and Gordon both shook their head, and Finral sighed. “I’ll just start over I guess.”
Yami’s eyes narrowed at him, but at this point, there was no salvaging whatever they were making here so he didn’t see what it mattered if there was twice as much vanilla. Once all the ingredients were added—despite most of them, perplexingly, ending up on Yami, Finral, and Gordon’s clothing—Yami stirred the batter quickly and poured it into the cake pan he had greased earlier. It was a miracle the thing had even made it in the oven, and Yami felt proud of himself for that much at least. He thought he deserved a nice, long rest and a cold beer. Reclining on one of the sofas in the common room, he popped the top off of bottle and put his feet up.
“Ah…” he sighed taking a nice, long, and refreshing sip. Then, another and another. Eventually, he opened his eyes and turned to Finral who was practically bouncing off the walls with nervous energy and whose unsettled and anxious ki was getting harder and harder to ignore. “Alright kid. You can show us what you bought Vanessa for her birthday now.”
Visibly brightening, Finral pulled out the small bag he had brought home with him earlier. “Alright so I didn’t know what to get, and I spent a lot of time looking at different things. I got the flowers, but they didn’t really seem like enough to be a whole birthday present but then I saw these…”
Yami raised his eyebrows at the small velvet box Finral handed to him. As he opened the lid, his eyes widened. He shut it again immediately. “How did we afford these?”
Shuffling his feet, Finral stumbled, “Well…we all put our money together right? And they weren’t as expensive as you think and…” His voice trailed as his blush deepened. Yami blinked at him. They were really going to have to do something about that lying thing… But as it was now, Finral just fidgeted and downcast his eyes as his cheeks flushed more and more red and he stumbled with an almost unbelievable earnestness, “Do you…do you think she’ll like them?”
Yami sighed. He wasn’t sure if Finral was incredibly stupid or incredibly generous—probably a little of both. He didn’t bother asking Finral how much of his own money he had contributed to cover the difference as he was sure Finral wouldn’t tell him even if he did, but he gave him a quick pat on the shoulder and a slight, lopsided smile. “Yeah. They’re great.”
Finral’s cheeks flushed an even deeper red, and he began to sniffle as if he was genuinely moved which quickly turned to an almost confused sniff. “Do you smell something?”
Yami sniffed the air. It was almost acrid like something was burning… “The cake!” Yami rushed to the kitchen with Finral and Gordon in tow and quickly opened the oven. Smoke billowed out and filled the room causing them all to cough. “Open some windows,” Yami called as he swatted at the smokey haze with his hands. Once Gordon and Finral had returned from their window-opening mission, the three Magic Knights starred dejectedly at their sorrowful excuse for a cake.
“It’s kind of…” Finral paused as if trying to think of the proper word. “flat, isn’t it?” Flat, burnt, lumpy and disaster were all words which came to mind while inspecting the cake. It didn’t look appetizing and possibly didn’t even look edible. “It looks like it didn’t rise at all.” Finral looked to Yami apologetically. “It looks burnt too. Do you even think we can eat it?”
Yami shrugged. He certainly wouldn’t want to if he had a choice. They probably should’ve just bought one, but it was too late for that now. Gordon brought a kitchen knife and scraped a piece off of the top of the cake, which was the least burnt, for them to taste. It was dry, grainy, and still a little burnt but not nearly as bad as the bottom half of the cake which might as well have been ash—still it left Yami with a parched, unpleasantly dry mouth. He reached for his beer, only to find it empty far too soon. He definitely needed another.
“It’s not…that horrible is it?” questioned Finral who was washing down his taste of cake with copious amounts of water. Gordon nodded in agreement and mumbled something before cutting off the least burnt parts of the cake which crumbled on the plate. He and Finral tried to put them back together with icing, but only succeeded in making a mess. They were certainly lucky that Vanessa had no frame of reference otherwise she would probably be disappointed.
“I don’t think it’s gonna get much better than that,” Yami shrugged once Finral and Gordon had shaped the crumbling cake pieces and icing into a sort of blob.
Finral tilted his head at the plate and sighed. He shivered as a gust of wind blew in from the storm that was obviously brewing outside, and as Yami turned to close the window, the wind blew water droplets onto his face from the rain which suddenly turned from a sprinkle to a torrential downpour. As he wiped his face with his hands, an almost unsettling rustling and wuthering sound came from the common room followed by Finral’s exclamation of a string of colorful language Yami thought, a bit proudly, he had picked up from him. He may not be able to teach him how to lie, but he could make sure he had the proper vocabulary for instances when a day’s work of decorations get drenched and destroyed into a soppy, soaking mess by a window that was left open during a rainstorm.
Gordon had picked up a pitiful wad of mushy, sopping papers that had once been hanging from the wall and was cradling it almost mournfully in his hands. Finral joined Gordon in his sorrowful requiem for the decorations, and Yami exhaled before he shrugged.
“At least it can’t get any worse right?”
He had, of course, spoken too soon as Vanessa burst through the door soaked to the bone and taking in the scene in utter confusion.
“Vanessa!” exclaimed Finral sniffling and quickly straightening his shoulders. “Um…uh…why didn’t you call?”
“I did,” she said as she pushed a sopping piece of pink hair out of her face. “No one answered so I just started walking back. It was fine until the really heavy rain.” Finral, Gordon, and Yami looked amongst themselves almost guiltily. If Yami had to guess, Vanessa had probably called in the midst of the burning cake and ruined decorations, and they hadn’t even noticed. She pulled a bundle out of her basket which was carefully wrapped in her Black Bulls robe. “I protected the groceries though. Especially the leeks like you said. I don’t think they got too wet.” Vanessa smiled brightly and earnestly as she unwrapped the bundle to reveal their extremely random shopping list of items kept relatively dry by her cape which should have—at least partially—been protecting her from the rain. Gordon and Yami both turned to look at Finral, but the poor boy was trembling and eventually broke down.
“I’m so sorry, Vanessa! It was all a big lie. We didn’t need leeks or soap or any of that. We were just trying to get you out of the Hideout so we could surprise you.”
Vanessa’s brow furrowed, and she tilted her head. “Surprise me? Why?”
“For your birthday,” Finral explained. “We felt really bad that we accidentally missed it so we were trying to do something to celebrate it, just a little bit late. We tried to make a cake but it got burned, and we had decorations but they got ruined. We still have presents though and part of the cake is okay and…” He stopped as Yami placed a hand on his shoulder so he would notice Vanessa’s widening eyes.
“You wanted to celebrate my birthday? You did all of this for me?” she asked almost in disbelief. Finral nodded. Gordon mumbled, and Yami shrugged.
“Don’t look at me. It was these knuckleheads’ idea. Now why don’t you get yourself dried off. We’re having meat, eggs, and leeks for dinner.”
CHAPTER 3: My Wish
After dinner, Gordon and Finral almost sheepishly brought out their cake blob; however, when Finral insisted that Vanessa open presents first, no one protested. If Yami was being honest, Finral seemed more excited about the presents than Vanessa though she was so pleased with the flowers, Yami couldn’t help but wonder if the other gift was even necessary.
“There’s something else,” Finral beamed and practically bounced up and down as he reached for the velvet box from earlier which Gordon had since tied with a shiny silver ribbon.  “It’s from all of us. Well, the flowers were from all of us too, but they were kind of a decoration and a present and this is just a present and…” Finral rambled but stopped himself as he held out the box to Vanessa. She tilted her head inquisitively at it before she carefully untied the ribbon and opened it.
She gasped. “These are… beautiful…” she stumbled as she held up one of the earrings—the beautiful purple, diamond-shaped gem sparkling as it dangled from her grip. Finral’s cheeks flushed pink, but he positively beamed as Gordon held out a mirror for Vanessa to try on her new jewelry.
“Thank you so much!” Her face seemed to light up as she looked at herself in the mirror wearing her new dangling earrings.
“You should thank Finral,” Yami insisted, and Gordon nodded in agreement. “He picked ‘em out.”
“It was nothing,” Finral answered—shuffling his feet as his blush deepened. “We…uh…still have to have cake…” The words seemed to tumble quickly in an attempt to change the subject. “Or uh…at least you need to make a wish.”
“A wish?”
Finral nodded as he absent-mindedly began looking around. “Yeah. You make a wish and blow out the candles…” His voice trailed before he looked up perplexedly at Yami. “Do we not have any candles?”
Yami gave the kitchen a quick once over before twisting his mouth to the side with a shrug. Luckily, Gordon appeared with a large, white candle from goodness only knows where which would have to do for now.
“Usually the candles go in the cake…” Finral explained before Vanessa interrupted in confusion.
“In the cake?”
“We take them out before we eat it,” he added quickly. “But we don’t have candles that small so we’ll just have to use this big one and keep it off to the side.”
Gordon handed Yami a matchbook, and Yami lit the candle before Finral continued his instructions with a reassuring smile. “Alright now close your eyes, make a wish, and blow the candle out.”
Vanessa nodded and closed her eyes—for a long, long pause. The longer Vanessa kept her eyes closed, the more Finral began to fidget. “Do you…do you think my directions were confusing?” Finral whispered to Yami who just shrugged.
“Is everything alright there?” he asked. Vanessa slowly opened one eye and then, the other. She downcast her gaze and began to twist her hands.
“I’m sorry…I…”
“None of that apologizing,” Yami waved his hand and eyed the vase currently housing those yellow roses as a future apology jar.
“Right…um…” Vanessa’s voice trailed. “It’s just…you’ve all been so kind. You did all of this for me…it’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. I couldn’t wish for anything else…”
Yami chuckled. “Well it’s your day. Your birthday only comes once a year, a wish for something you want isn’t going to hurt anybody.”
Vanessa’s cheeks flushed. “I know. It’s just…” She paused and looked up at Yami, Finral, and Gordon with a kind smile. “I already have everything I could wish for.”
Yami blinked at her, almost disbelieving that a real person could say something so saccharine with such a genuineness. Vanessa didn’t seem to notice how unusual a statement this was and bustled a little as Finral sniffled and Gordon moved towards her with fervid mumbling. “Oh um…I…” she began as if she was going to apologize again, but it was Finral, in a twist of irony, who motioned for her to stop and interrupted.
“I’m so glad you’re on our squad!” Gordon mumbled something that must’ve been concurrence, and Yami was fairly certain both of those knuckleheads were wiping tears from their eyes as Vanessa stood up from her seat and wrapped her arms around them. Yami shook his head at them, but his face softened. Morons. 
As Finral wiped his arm across his face and Gordon dabbed at his eyes with a handkerchief, Vanessa smiled up at Yami almost expectantly. Yami blinked at her, but eventually sighed and conceded to joining their group hug, throwing an arm around Gordon and Finral. Vanessa just beamed as she smiled back at her squad mates, and when she met Yami’s eyes, he couldn’t hold back his lopsided grin as he said, “Happy Birthday, Little Birdie.”
Bonus: Epilogue
Once they had somewhat recovered from the soppiness and realized the candle still needed to be blown out, Yami shrugged his shoulders and quipped dryly, “How about you wish for a chef for this squad so you can have a real birthday cake next year?”
Vanessa smiled brightly, closed her eyes, and made a wish.
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iamnathannah · 2 months
Sasha/Raquelle Headcanon
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I was just thinking about Sasha (which is rare because I usually focus on Glorbie) and I keep thinking about what would happen if Raquelle existed within Barbieland; like I can see her having this secret connection to Life in the Dreamhouse where her and her friend group still quote and meme it, but Sasha has this quiet relation to Raquelle and that part of her teen attitude comes from seeing herself in her. I headcanon Raquelle as Camila Mendes and Brazilian-American (a little different from LITD canon I know).
She's not of course telling anyone this, and of course when Barbie breaches into the Real World, she dismisses that Raquelle is part of Barbie's world because she's kind of thrown off by everything.
But while her mom and Stereotypical Barbie are trying to fix the other Barbies and stop the Kens, she ends up bumping into Raquelle (who is immune to everything as a not-Barbie) and...she's stopped.
Raquelle in her actual living form (for Barbieland of course) is gorgeous. Her voice is hot and somehow, Raquelle immediately recognizes her. "Ah, hey Sash," she says, and it shifts her entire world and they stop for an hour or two and end up talking about their lives. It's something that throws her off, but she likes it.
But she can only picture herself friendly to Raquelle and does so; she's not her same age, and though she knows the shine between her mom and Barbie, Sasha herself doesn't really think it connects the same way because she's still a teenager. After their one meeting, Sasha returns to the Real World with Gloria, and then later Barbie, and of course they have that inter-dimensional connection which results in them being soulmates who are such U-Haulers it's ridiculous, her dad moves out on good terms, and life happens with Barbie her stepmother and her mother beyond happy.
In her own life, the teenage years happen; she has her first kiss, her first boyfriend (for a day when she realizes she doesn't bend towards men), her first girlfriend and everything that comes with being a high schooler in the 2020s. Her and Jade eventually fall in love, but they realize after prom, when Jade gets accepted to UChicago and she ends up getting a soccer scholarship to her mom's beloved alma mater of USC, that they cannot keep a long-distance relationship and they platonically go their separate ways. Cloe goes with her to USC, but they've never felt anything but friendship for each other, though she with the other three gals are all supportive of each other and have the deepest of bonds.
She gets settled into campus, gets comfortable with her teammates and figures out how to balance both sports and academics along with everything else. She's about two months in when Cloe texts her and asks her to pick up a coffee order at a cart she loves before they meet in the library. Sasha's an energy drink girlie so she's not usually near a coffee cart, but she knows her friend can't survive without a certain type of caffeine.
Sasha steps into line, orders the drink (a big and syrupy sugary iced coffee; even for her Red Bull-chugging self she can not understand the big deal about so much syrup, sugar and caffeine) and talks with the barista about it. "I promise I wouldn't order this for myself," she explains, "I affectionately refer to my friend as Ghostie, that's how much she IS a white girl."
"Yeah, my girl Barbie, she orders all the caf and all the sugar." Sasha pauses as she processes the sound of her mom's name, and then...
"Ken's is worse though, all the milk and sugar, it makes him hyper–" The freshman turns around as the barista makes up her drink. "Hold on, how do you..." Her voice lowers as she looks up, seeing those familiar deep browns and that small nose...and ugggh, she still found herself waking up in a cold sweat when those eyebrows were raised at her in a fantasy.
"¡No me digas!" The second generation Honduramerican throws herself back in shock. "Raquelle?! What the fuck?" The Brazilian former doll indeed throws up an eyebrow, while pushing $15 onto the barrista's counter. "Didn't expect to see me again, filhinho?"
Sasha is flustered. Shit, she's so...ugggh. "What...how are you, I...thank you, the hell, Raq?" she takes the drink placed in her hand with a rushed out thank you as the girl knows she's gone, then Raquelle grasps her boldly by the shoulder to pull her away. She doesn't question it, and they sit down on a bench just a bit away as the beautiful woman settles Sasha down. "Hey, oh, you've grown into yourself," she compliments. "I hope you didn't mind that we met so soon." "So...soon?" Sasha looks away. "Huh, I, uh, um..." Her gaze sticks onto Raquelle. "I..." she points. "No, I...what?"
"That writing prompt in that class, I heard it and I had to talk to Ruth, get here. I'm a senior TA with Dr. de Seixas over in the linguistics department, so my–" "Fuck, it was that poem." Sasha locked into the assignment from two days ago. "I was caring for Moira and then I put that into that work and after I sat down...that was how Mom felt." "It was, you got a doll from the Mattel site for her. I know I'm a bit of an asshole, but that you help sit your roommate's kid and I'm sure she's very grateful for that." "No big deal," Sasha brushes off. "I said I didn't mind kids when dorms were handed out and Tegan created a cute gal; pity about her dad, though."
"Asshole, definitely." Warm brown eyes regarded the other young woman softly as she commented on how Moira's father and family wanted nothing to do with her. "Never wouldn't thought that Barbie would settle down and have a wife."
"And kids?"
"The biggest surprise." Raquelle giggles knowing that she'd have to check in with her longtime frenemy, now six months pregnant through IVF with a girl, one of Gloria's eggs saved from her college days soon to be Sasha's biological sister. "We were always at it in Barbieland but you can't deny her motherly instincts and your mama only helped." She brushed her fingers against Sasha's hand. "An ol' and sassy chip off the ol' block."
"Oh." Sasha shudders, her usual nature to be cool and collected slipping away as she internally felt warm having Raquelle's voice so close to her...along with her lips. "You...you have a...role here? Now? Like Barbie?"
"All human here, mija. Promise. Though like B's age adjusting a few years younger to your mami's when she went through the kitchen I'm a bit more less Miranda Priestley to you, more closer to Olivia Rodrigo. But I'd say I'm much more attainable, my dear little S. Te adora."
Sasha gasps deeply, the feelings so strong for her own ex-doll, she couldn't believe it. "She's gonna freak the fuck out, you know," she asserts. "And dear God, when Barbie–"
"We settled our shit from the Dreamhouse days, I've tempered in old doll age, I promise ya...amorzinha." Raquelle notices Sasha about to spill her friend's coffee. "Let's get this to Cloe, and maybe you can catch me up on a few things...like how you tuck me into bed after Moira finishes her play the same as your mama did with Barbie when you were younger? I always sleep better thinking of you."
This time, Sasha felt the electric connection and her nerve finally return, and she sucked in her lip, rubbing Raquelle's thumb. "So if you know that, you definitely know that–"
"Your 'personal massager' your ex gave you for your last birthday has my name etched onto it and about your explicit self-insert fics about yours truly on your GDrive?" Sasha's personal space is but inches, with the deep russet lip which contrasts well with Roquelle's dark and broad eyebrows, her winged lashes just utterly undoing the usually bitter and sarcastic girl, who had her mom's temperament and looks, but definitely had her father's wariness and sense of humor. "The one where we ended up in the club bathroom was especially...arousing."
With her pulse pounding, Sasha threw caution to the wind. "Definitely need to sooo live that out with you, Raqui." She takes the other woman's hand and pulls her in, and Cloe's latte clatters gracelessly to the ground.
"Sash, shit–"
"Clo can live without her energy boost, I've waited five years to truly know you, mi princesa vanidosa." All rationale thought is lost between the young women as Sasha closes both the dimensional and physical space between them for the first time...
9 notes · View notes
mirisss · 9 months
Heartfelt choices Leejeong arc
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Evnne Lee Jeonghyeon x afab! reader
Wordcount ≈ 12.2 k (whoops 😅 he's just so boyfriendy I couldn't stop myself)
Warnings: kissing, jealousy, slight possessiveness, hugging, PDA, mentioning of abs, I think that’s it 
Thank you for the request!
A stand-alone fic from this post, does not reference the original at all
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Third Person POV
In the small town of Everwood, where the seasons painted the landscape in vibrant hues and secrets whispered through rustling leaves, there existed an unbreakable bond between two souls - (Y/n) and Jeonghyeon. From the earliest whispers of childhood, (Y/n) had known Jeonghyeon, their lives intertwined like the ivy that embraced the ancient trees in their favorite hidden grove.
As the years unfolded, every chapter of (Y/n)'s life was written in collaboration with Jeonghyeon. They were inseparable, their laughter echoing through the narrow alleys and open fields that bore witness to their shared adventures. From conquering the towering peaks of imagination in their backyard to navigating the delicate dance of adolescence, the duo faced it all side by side.
Their connection was so profound that it surpassed the understanding of those around them. Everwood, with its close-knit community, couldn't help but weave tales of romance around (Y/n) and Jeonghyeon. The glances shared, the synchronized laughter, and the unspoken understanding led the town's gossip mill to assume a romantic entanglement. However, the truth remained steadfast - they were just friends. 
As the autumn leaves painted the landscape in hues of gold and amber, (Y/n) and Jeonghyeon found themselves standing at the threshold of their final year of high school. Excitement buzzed in the air, but an undeniable pang of melancholy lingered within them. Their eyes scanned the class schedule, and a shared sigh escaped their lips when they realized that they would only be sharing one class.
The hallways, once echoing with their laughter and shared stories, suddenly felt a bit lonelier. The prospect of diverging paths and separate classrooms cast a shadow over the familiarity they had grown accustomed to. In the quiet moments between classes and during lunch, (Y/n) and Jeonghyeon couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness at the thought of not spending as much time together.
Their friendship, like a cherished melody, had harmonized through the years, creating a symphony of shared experiences. From navigating the challenges of homework to celebrating the victories of adolescence, they had stood by each other's side. The prospect of fewer shared moments threatened to dampen the spirit of their final year.
However, (Y/n) and Jeonghyeon were resilient. They decided to cherish the moments they did have together, making each shared class a precious opportunity to create lasting memories. Their determination to savor the remaining time fueled a renewed sense of appreciation for the simplicity of their friendship.
In the midst of the changing seasons and the transitions that marked the end of high school, (Y/n) and Jeonghyeon held on to the core of their connection. The corridors might be wider, and the paths might lead in different directions, but the bond forged over years of shared laughter and unspoken understanding remained unbroken. As they embarked on the journey of their last year, (Y/n) and Jeonghyeon vowed to make each moment count, weaving the final chapters of their high school tale with the threads of enduring friendship.
Jeonghyeon, once a lanky and carefree companion in the adventures of childhood, had blossomed into a tall and handsome young man, capturing the attention of many within the walls of their high school. His features had sharpened, and his presence commanded attention, earning him admirers and friends alike. However, amidst the whispers of admiration and the glances of his peers, there was one person who held a special place in his heart—(Y/n).
Despite the attention he received, Jeonghyeon's thoughts often drifted to the girl who had been his constant companion throughout the journey of life. (Y/n), with her infectious laughter and unwavering support, held a unique position that surpassed the fleeting admiration of high school peers. In the tapestry of friendships he had woven, hers was the thread that ran deepest.
Surrounded by friends, Jeonghyeon always found solace in the moments spent with (Y/n). Whether it was the shared glances during class or the familiar banter over lunch, their connection remained untouched by the changing tides of popularity and adolescence. No matter how many admirers Jeonghyeon might have had, (Y/n) was the one he cared about the most.
In the crowded hallways and social dynamics of high school, Jeonghyeon's gaze was often sought out (Y/n). To him, she was more than just a friend; she was the anchor of his journey, the one who had witnessed every chapter of his life. In his eyes, as he navigated the complexities of teenagehood, (Y/n) would always be the prettiest girl in the world—her beauty transcending the superficial standards of high school allure.
Their friendship, rooted in the authenticity of shared memories and unspoken understanding, stood resilient against the currents of change. As Jeonghyeon embarked on the path of self-discovery in the final year of high school, (Y/n) remained a constant, reminder of the enduring beauty found in genuine connections.
(Y/n), in the tapestry of high school dynamics, occupied a unique space. She wasn't someone people described as undeniably pretty by the conventional standards that often dictated social hierarchies. Yet, neither was she subjected to the harsh currents of bullying nor adorned with the crown of popularity. Instead, she existed in the quiet middle ground, navigating the halls with a sense of quiet confidence.
People spoke of (Y/n), not for her appearance or social standing, but for the enigma that surrounded her relationship with Jeonghyeon. The whispers echoed through the corridors, curious minds wondering about the nature of their bond. Some speculated that there must be something more between them, a romantic connection masked by the guise of friendship. Others simply marveled at the depth of their companionship, unable to comprehend how two individuals could be so inseparable without crossing the boundaries of romance.
In a world where popularity often dictated the narratives, (Y/n) defied the norms. She was neither the girl whose name adorned the list of prom queens nor the one who faced the torment of bullies. Instead, she found herself at the center of attention for reasons beyond the superficial.
As the speculation continued, (Y/n) moved through the hallways with a grace that transcended the fleeting judgments of high school society. She remained steadfast, her focus on the genuine connection she shared with Jeonghyeon rather than the opinions of those around her. The ambiguous nature of their friendship became a testament to the depth of their understanding, a bond that surpassed the need for labels.
The first week of their final year had passed in a whirlwind of new classes, old routines, and the bittersweet realization that their time together in high school was drawing to a close. Eager to reconnect and share their individual experiences, (Y/n) and Jeonghyeon decided to gather with their common friends, Junghyun, Gunwook, and Yunseo, for a movie night.
The familiar comfort of their group settled in as they arranged themselves on the couch, popcorn in hand and laughter in the air. As they delved into discussions about their weeks, sharing anecdotes and minor triumphs, (Y/n) dropped a bombshell that sent ripples through the room. With a playful smile, she casually mentioned, "Oh, by the way, someone asked me out on a date this week."
Jeonghyeon, caught off guard, felt a strange pang in his chest. It was a mix of surprise, curiosity, and an emotion he couldn't quite pinpoint. His eyes darted toward (Y/n), who seemed nonchalant about the revelation, as if it were just another ordinary occurrence. But for Jeonghyeon, it was anything but ordinary.
The room fell into a momentary hush as everyone processed the revelation. Yunseo was quick to gasp dramatically, Junghyun raised an intrigued eyebrow, and Gunwook offered an encouraging grin. Amidst the reactions of their friends, Jeonghyeon found himself grappling with a realization that lingered in the air like an unspoken secret.
He couldn't quite put it into words, but there was an unfamiliar sensation tugging at his heartstrings. It wasn't possessiveness or jealousy, but something more profound. Perhaps it was the dawning awareness that the dynamics of their friendship were evolving, ushering in a new chapter neither of them had anticipated.
As the movie night continued, (Y/n) and Jeonghyeon exchanged glances that held unspoken questions and a newfound depth. The atmosphere, once charged with the casual ease of friendship, now carried a subtle undercurrent of change. In the glow of the movie screen, with laughter echoing in the background, (Y/n)'s revelation became a turning point, setting the stage for emotions that would unfold in the uncharted territory of their final year.
The soft glow of the TV screen flickered as Junghyun, Gunwook, and Yunseo bid their goodbyes, leaving Jeonghyeon and (Y/n) alone in the cozy warmth of his living room. (Y/n) excused herself to change into her pajamas, a routine that had become second nature in the countless sleepovers they had shared over the years.
As (Y/n) disappeared into the bedroom, Jeonghyeon couldn't shake the lingering curiosity about the person who had asked her out. The air seemed charged with unspoken questions, and he found himself unable to resist addressing the elephant in the room. When (Y/n) returned, comfortably clad in pajamas, Jeonghyeon took a deep breath and broached the subject.
"So, who was it?" he asked with a gentle smile, trying to keep the tone light but unable to conceal the genuine curiosity in his eyes.
(Y/n), settling onto the couch, met his gaze with a playful glint in her eyes. "A guy from my biology class," she replied, her expression a mix of amusement and contemplation.
The room held a momentary pause, the weight of unspoken implications lingering in the air. Jeonghyeon, leaning in, couldn't help but ask the question that hung between them like a delicate thread.
"Are you going to say yes?"
(Y/n) met his gaze, her eyes reflecting a spectrum of emotions. The question seemed to hang in the air, bridging the realms of friendship and the unexplored territories beyond. The dynamics of their connection felt like they were teetering on the edge of change, and the decision she would make held the potential to alter the course of their final year.
A small, thoughtful smile curved on (Y/n)'s lips as she replied, "I haven't decided yet, Jeonghyeon. What do you think?"
The question hung in the air, laden with unspoken sentiments, as they navigated the uncharted waters of their evolving friendship. The decision, like the quiet tension in the room, lingered as a gentle undercurrent beneath the surface of their shared history.
Jeonghyeon's initial impulse to say no lingered on the tip of his tongue, yet he held back, realizing the importance of giving (Y/n) the space to make her own decision. Instead, he offered a thoughtful suggestion, "Why don't you take some time to think about the guy and what you want? Consider if you see yourself dating him and if it feels right for you."
(Y/n) nodded appreciatively, understanding the weight of his words. The air between them held a sense of unspoken understanding, a silent acknowledgment of the complexities that often accompanied the intersection of friendship and romantic possibilities.
As the night settled around them, they migrated to Jeonghyeon's room, the walls adorned with memories encapsulated in photographs and posters. Cozying down into the bed, they laid on each side, facing each other. The soft glow of ambient light from the bedside lamp illuminated the contours of their faces, creating an intimate atmosphere that mirrored the warmth of their friendship.
With the night as their canvas, they began to paint with words, reminiscing about old memories that had woven the fabric of their shared history. Laughter resonated in the room, accompanied by the occasional moments of quiet reflection. The tales of childhood adventures, shared secrets, and the journey through high school became the tapestry upon which their friendship was built.
In the gentle cadence of their conversation, the unspoken tension of the earlier discussion dissipated. The familiarity of their shared history provided a comforting backdrop to the uncertainties that lingered in the air. As they delved into the realm of old memories, the essence of their connection remained unaltered, a testament to the enduring strength of their friendship.
Wrapped in the cocoon of nostalgia, (Y/n) and Jeonghyeon found solace in the simplicity of the present moment, allowing the threads of their shared past to weave seamlessly into the fabric of their evolving story. The night unfolded as a sanctuary of shared memories and unspoken understanding, offering a respite from the complexities of high school and the unexplored territories that lay ahead.
The soft, rhythmic sound of (Y/n)'s breathing filled the room as she drifted into a peaceful slumber, leaving Jeonghyeon alone with his thoughts. The quietude of the night provided a canvas for his contemplation, and as he lay there in the dimly lit room, he couldn't help but revisit the emotions that had stirred within him when (Y/n) mentioned the date.
A mix of conflicting sentiments swirled in Jeonghyeon's mind. On one hand, a subtle pang of unease surfaced, an acknowledgment of the potential changes that loomed on the horizon. The idea of (Y/n) dating someone else introduced a nuance to their friendship that hadn't been present before. It was an unfamiliar territory that invoked a sense of vulnerability and a twinge of discomfort.
Yet, beneath the surface of those emotions, there was a quieter, more introspective undercurrent. Jeonghyeon recognized the importance of allowing (Y/n) the space to explore her own path, to make decisions that shaped her journey. The evolution of their friendship had always been marked by a deep understanding, and he grappled with the realization that, at times, understanding meant letting go.
As he gazed at the peaceful expression on (Y/n)'s face, a warmth of affection washed over him. The bond they shared had weathered the storms of adolescence, and the prospect of change, though daunting, was also a testament to the richness of their connection. Jeonghyeon found solace in the shared memories that painted the room, the laughter that echoed in the corners, and the unspoken language that had defined their friendship.
In the quiet moments of the night, Jeonghyeon embraced the complexity of his emotions. It wasn't just about his feelings for (Y/n), but also about acknowledging the inevitability of growth and change. As the night continued to unfold, he allowed himself the grace to navigate the uncertainties, finding strength in the resilience of their connection and the uncharted territories that awaited them both.
The classroom buzzed with the energy of students filing in, finding their seats for the shared class that (Y/n) and Jeonghyeon had. Jeonghyeon arrived a bit earlier, securing a table for the two of them. As he settled in, anticipation lingered in the air, mingling with the familiar hum of conversations.
When (Y/n) walked into the room, her excitement was palpable. The radiance of joy adorned her face, and she practically skipped towards Jeonghyeon, a burst of energy in her step. He couldn't help but smile, caught up in the contagious enthusiasm that seemed to envelop her.
However, as she reached him, the air shifted. (Y/n)'s eyes sparkled with a mixture of happiness and something else. She couldn't contain herself any longer and, with a burst of excitement, shared the news that had been on her mind.
"I said yes to the date!" (Y/n) exclaimed, her voice bubbling with delight.
Jeonghyeon's smile faltered for a brief moment, a subtle shift in the atmosphere as the reality of her words sank in. Yet, he quickly composed himself, offering a genuine smile in response. "That's great, (Y/n)! I'm happy for you," he replied, masking the complexities of his emotions beneath a veneer of support.
As the class unfolded, Jeonghyeon found himself navigating the dynamics of their friendship in the wake of this new development. The shared table became a space where unspoken sentiments lingered, the contours of their connection shifting subtly in the backdrop of the classroom's routine.
Amidst the academic discussions and shared assignments, (Y/n) and Jeonghyeon faced the uncharted territories of evolving friendships and the delicate dance between old memories and new possibilities. The shared class, once a familiar haven, now became the stage where the narratives of their final year would unfold, each chapter marked by the nuances of change and growth.
Jeonghyeon, determined to share his own piece of exciting news, leaned in to (Y/n) as they sat at their table. A spark of anticipation lit up his eyes as he spoke, "Hey, I've got something to share too. I'm trying out for the basketball team this afternoon. I hope it goes well, and maybe... you could be there to cheer me on?"
He couldn't help but feel a surge of nervous energy and eagerness. The prospect of taking on a new challenge, coupled with the idea of having (Y/n) there to support him, added an extra layer of significance to the day.
(Y/n)'s eyes widened with genuine excitement, her earlier news momentarily put on hold as she absorbed the revelation. "That's amazing, Jeonghyeon! Of course, I'll be there to cheer you on. You're going to do great!"
The shared class, once a space for academic pursuits, had now become a hub of shared dreams and aspirations. The air buzzed with the promise of new beginnings and the unwavering support that underlined their friendship. As the day unfolded, (Y/n) found herself navigating the delicate balance between supporting her friend's endeavors and exploring the uncharted territories of her own evolving journey. The shared table, witness to the ebb and flow of emotions, held the echoes of unspoken understanding and the unexplored possibilities that lay ahead.
As (Y/n) settled onto the bleachers, her excitement palpable, she eagerly awaited the moment when Jeonghyeon would take the court for the basketball tryouts. The air buzzed with a combination of nervous energy and the unwavering support that friends so often provided.
As the tryouts unfolded, Jeonghyeon's passion for the game became evident. He moved with a fluidity and skill that captured the attention of everyone present, and especially that of (Y/n). Her gaze followed his every move, a proud smile gracing her lips as she saw her best friend giving his all on the court.
The intensity of the tryouts left Jeonghyeon with a glistening sheen of sweat, a testament to the hard work he had put into honing his basketball skills. (Y/n) watched in awe as he showcased not only his athleticism but a determination that had perhaps eluded her notice before.
It was in these moments of athletic prowess that (Y/n) found herself seeing Jeonghyeon in a new light. The hours he had dedicated to the gym and his commitment to the sport had sculpted him into a remarkably handsome young man. As his shirt moved with the rhythm of his movements, revealing a hint of his toned physique, (Y/n) couldn't help but gasp in realization.
Jeonghyeon's transformation hadn't just been about physical strength; it had subtly caught (Y/n)'s attention in a way that transcended the realm of friendship. The realization settled in, and the air seemed to shimmer with a newfound awareness.
Amidst the cheers from the bleachers and the echo of basketballs bouncing on the court, (Y/n) sat there, her heart experiencing a quiet revelation. Jeonghyeon, drenched in sweat and showcasing his skills, had become something more than just a best friend in her eyes. The uncharted territories of their evolving friendship took an unexpected turn as the echoes of the basketball court carried with them the subtle whispers of change.
The tension in the air was palpable as the coach prepared to announce the names of those who had made the basketball team. As (Y/n) anxiously sat on the bleachers, her heart beat a little faster with each passing moment. The anticipation reached its peak when the coach finally began to call out the names.
"And finally," the coach's voice echoed through the gym. (Y/n) began to chant his name, a whispered plea for the coach to say it too. "Jeonghyeon, Jeonghyeon," she repeated, her hopes riding on the affirmation of his success.
The room held its breath until, finally, the coach announced the last name, "Lee Jeonghyeon." The gym erupted into cheers, and both (Y/n) and Jeonghyeon shouted a resounding "Yes!" in unison. The shared joy echoed through the space, a celebration of a new chapter in Jeonghyeon's journey.
Unable to contain her happiness, (Y/n) bolted down the bleachers, a radiant smile on her face. She reached Jeonghyeon just as he stepped off the court, and without hesitation, she enveloped him in a tight hug. The warmth of their embrace symbolized not only the triumph of making the team but also the unwavering support that defined their friendship.
Jeonghyeon, his face lit up with a mixture of happiness and gratitude, accepted the hug with open arms. The echoes of their shared excitement reverberated through the gym, marking a moment of triumph and camaraderie that would linger in the memories of both friends.
As they stood there, wrapped in the warmth of their shared joy, the uncharted territories of their evolving friendship seemed to unfold with each heartbeat, promising new adventures and shared triumphs on the horizon.
In the midst of the congratulatory chants and the celebratory atmosphere, (Y/n) wrapped Jeonghyeon in a heartfelt hug, her words of congratulations blending with the collective cheers in the gym. As she embraced him, her genuine joy radiated, a testament to the depth of their friendship and the shared triumph they were savoring together.
Jeonghyeon, though basking in the elation of making the team, found his focus shifting. The sensation of (Y/n)'s hug felt different this time, as if a subtle shift had occurred in the dynamics of their embrace. The realization dawned on him that, beyond the triumph of basketball victory, there was a warmth in (Y/n)'s presence that he found increasingly comforting.
In the quiet recesses of his thoughts, Jeonghyeon acknowledged the undeniable truth. The joy of their shared success, the exhilaration of being on the team, and the genuine happiness in (Y/n)'s eyes were all factors that made his heart race. However, there was another element, a subtle undercurrent of emotions that lingered in the spaces between them.
As they separated from the hug, Jeonghyeon couldn't help but meet (Y/n)'s eyes, a new awareness settling in. The uncharted territories of their evolving friendship seemed to be unveiling a chapter where emotions were as intricate as the woven threads of their shared history.
In the aftermath of triumph and shared joy, Jeonghyeon felt a quiet longing, a desire to hold onto those moments of closeness with (Y/n). The court may have been the stage for their basketball victory, but it was also the canvas upon which the nuanced colors of their evolving connection began to reveal themselves.
Friday night arrived, and (Y/n) found herself all dressed up, a swirl of excitement in her stomach as she prepared for her date with Park Hanbin, the guy from her biology class. The anticipation danced in her eyes, and she couldn't help but feel giddy at the prospect of what the night held.
As Hanbin arrived to pick her up, (Y/n)'s smile widened. She greeted him with enthusiasm, the air tinged with the nervous excitement of a first date. The promise of the evening hung in the balance, and she hoped for it to be a memorable one.
The duo embarked on their date, beginning with a visit to the movie theater. The flickering lights and the immersive world of the cinema provided a backdrop for shared moments and stolen glances. As the credits rolled, (Y/n) and Hanbin shared thoughts and laughter, the movie serving as a common ground for their budding connection.
Following the cinematic adventure, the night continued with a nice dinner, the ambiance complementing the warmth of their conversation. The clinking of utensils and the soft hum of the restaurant became the soundtrack to the evening, a melody woven with the threads of shared stories and burgeoning connection.
(Y/n) couldn't help but marvel at the unfolding of the date. The chemistry between her and Hanbin was evident, and she found herself enjoying the company and the potential for something more. The night, adorned with laughter and the subtle sparks of connection, held the promise of a new chapter in her life.
As the date progressed, (Y/n) allowed herself to be immersed in the moment, savoring the shared experiences and the prospect of romance that lingered in the air. Little did she know, the night held more surprises and revelations than she could have anticipated, the echoes of the evening resonating in the uncharted territories of her evolving journey.
The night air was filled with a gentle breeze as Hanbin drove (Y/n) back home, the remnants of their date lingering in the quiet spaces between them. In the soft glow of the car's interior, Hanbin broached a question that had been on his mind.
"So, (Y/n), what's your relationship with Jeonghyeon?" he asked, a genuine curiosity in his eyes.
(Y/n) smiled, a warmth in her gaze as she spoke about her best friend. "Jeonghyeon is my closest friend, the most important person in my life. We've been through everything together."
Hanbin listened attentively, his expression thoughtful. As (Y/n) shared the depth of her connection with Jeonghyeon, he gave her a genuine smile, appreciating the honesty in her words. However, as the silence settled, it became evident that there was more on Hanbin's mind.
"I do like you, (Y/n)," he admitted, his words sincere. "But it's clear that Jeonghyeon is important to you. I don't want to come between you two."
“What do you mean?” (Y/n) questioned as she couldn’t understand what Hanbin meant. Hanbin glanced at (Y/n) with a gentle sincerity as she asked for clarification. "Well, throughout our date, you mentioned Jeonghyeon more than anything else," he began, his tone thoughtful. "And the way your eyes light up when you talk about him, it's a kind of sparkle I've only seen in someone who is in love."
(Y/n)'s expression shifted, a mix of surprise and introspection. The realization settled in, and she found herself pondering Hanbin's observation. The unspoken depths of her feelings for Jeonghyeon, which had perhaps become more apparent than she had realized, were now laid bare.
Hanbin continued driving, leaving space for (Y/n) to process his words. The car became a vessel of introspection, the road stretching ahead symbolizing the uncharted territories of emotions and the complexities of intertwining relationships.
As the night carried them forward, (Y/n) found herself at a crossroads. The echoes of her date with Hanbin mingled with the lingering warmth of her connection with Jeonghyeon. The car, a silent witness to the unspoken truths that had surfaced, became a metaphor for the journey that lay ahead—an exploration of friendship, romance, and the intricacies of the heart.
As the weight of Hanbin's observation hung in the air, (Y/n) couldn't help but feel a tinge of concern about the potential impact on their budding connection. With a hint of hesitancy, she asked, "Did I ruin our chance, even just as friends?"
Hanbin, steering the car with a calm demeanor, offered a reassuring smile. "No, not at all. I would still love to be friends," he responded sincerely.
The tension in the car eased as (Y/n) absorbed his words. A sense of relief washed over her, and she appreciated the genuine openness in Hanbin's response. The prospect of friendship remained intact, providing a foundation for understanding and connection that could continue to evolve.
As the night carried on, (Y/n) and Hanbin navigated the complexities of their feelings, creating a space where the uncharted territories of their evolving connection could unfold. The car, moving through the quiet streets, symbolized the journey ahead—one marked by shared laughter, understanding, and the potential for deepening bonds, whether in the realm of friendship or the unexplored territories of the heart.
(Y/n) entered her room, the echoes of the night reverberating in her thoughts. The gentle click of the door closing behind her seemed to signal a moment of introspection. As she pondered Hanbin's words, a quiet question lingered in her mind: Did she like Jeonghyeon?
The room, adorned with familiar artifacts and the traces of countless shared memories, became a sanctuary for contemplation. (Y/n) settled into the stillness, allowing the complexities of her emotions to unravel in the quietude of her space.
She traced back through the threads of her friendship with Jeonghyeon, reliving the laughter, the shared secrets, and the comfort of his presence. The image of his name, the way it had been intertwined in her conversations with Hanbin, became a focal point in her contemplation.
As the night enveloped her, (Y/n) grappled with the realization that perhaps the emotions she felt for Jeonghyeon were deeper than she had acknowledged. The uncharted territories of her heart seemed to stretch before her, inviting exploration and self-discovery.
In the soft glow of her room, (Y/n) embraced the quietude, allowing the whispers of her emotions to guide her. The journey of understanding her feelings, both for Jeonghyeon and herself, unfolded in the solitude of that moment, marking the beginning of a new chapter in the story of her evolving heart.
Monday loomed with a mix of anticipation and nervous energy for (Y/n). The weekend had been a period of introspection, leading her to a realization that her feelings for Jeonghyeon ran deeper than she had initially acknowledged. As lunchtime approached, she found herself at their usual table, a swirl of emotions lingering beneath the surface.
Junghyun, Gunwook, and Yunseo greeted her with cheerful smiles, their usual camaraderie warming the atmosphere. As Jeonghyeon joined them a minute later, (Y/n) felt a flutter of nerves. She greeted him with a smile that concealed the subtle complexities of her evolving emotions.
The table became a stage for shared laughter and friendly banter, yet beneath the surface, a quiet tension lingered. Jeonghyeon, a hint of nervousness in his demeanor, finally broached the subject that had been on his mind.
"So, how was your date?" he asked, his eyes meeting (Y/n)'s with a mixture of curiosity and genuine concern.
(Y/n) took a deep breath, the moment of truth unfolding. "It was nice," she replied, a subtle pause lingering in the air. 
As (Y/n) began recounting the details of her date, the guys leaned in with eager expressions, their curiosity piqued. She shared almost every detail, describing the movie, the dinner, and the overall atmosphere of the night. Laughter and shared banter echoed around the table as she painted a vivid picture of her weekend adventure.
Yet, as she narrated the events, (Y/n) navigated the delicate balance of withholding a crucial detail. She chose not to mention how prominently Jeonghyeon had featured in her conversations with Hanbin. The words that had lingered unspoken between them seemed too delicate to unveil in the presence of their friends.
As the tale unfolded, Junghyun, Gunwook, and Yunseo reveled in the details, offering playful comments and words of encouragement. Jeonghyeon, too, listened attentively, his eyes reflecting a mix of interest and subtle uncertainty.
The conversation flowed seamlessly, the table a haven of shared stories and laughter. Little did they know that beneath the surface, unspoken truths lingered, awaiting the right moment to unravel in the complex tapestry of their evolving dynamics.
Amid the banter and laughter, the guys couldn't help but inquire about the future. "So, (Y/n)," Junghyun asked with a mischievous grin, "are you planning on going on more dates with Hanbin?"
(Y/n) paused for a moment, her thoughts flickering between the weekend's revelations and the uncharted territories that lay ahead. A thoughtful smile played on her lips as she replied, "I'm not sure yet. We'll see how things go."
The guys exchanged knowing glances, a playful camaraderie evident in their expressions. The prospect of romance and the unfolding dynamics added an intriguing layer to their friendship. The lunchtime conversation continued a blend of shared stories, friendly teasing, and the unspoken nuances that marked the beginning of a new chapter for (Y/n) and her friends.
As (Y/n) continued sharing the details of her date, Jeonghyeon felt a swirling emotion within him. It was a complex blend of curiosity, uncertainty, and a tinge of something he couldn't quite put into words. The realization that (Y/n) had spent the weekend with someone else, discussing the date with enthusiasm, stirred a sense of unease within him.
However, Jeonghyeon chose to hold back his emotions, knowing that expressing his feelings at that moment might complicate the dynamics of their friendship. He listened attentively, offering occasional smiles and nods as she spoke, masking the subtle turmoil that brewed beneath the surface.
The unspoken tension between them lingered, unnoticed by the others at the table. Jeonghyeon grappled with the complexities of his emotions, navigating the fine line between friendship and the unexplored territories that seemed to stretch before them.
As the lunchtime conversation continued, Jeonghyeon found solace in the camaraderie of their group, yet the quiet introspection within him hinted at the challenges and revelations that awaited them on the journey of evolving friendships and unspoken truths.
The rhythmic sound of basketballs echoed through the gym as Jeonghyeon engaged in his practice, the thud of sneakers against the floor punctuating the air. (Y/n) and Gunwook sat side by side on the bleachers, textbooks open and notes spread out as they attempted to focus on their studies.
However, (Y/n)'s attention was repeatedly drawn to the court below, where Jeonghyeon showcased his skills with every dribble and every shot. The distraction was so apparent that even Gunwook couldn't help but notice. He observed (Y/n) stealing glances in Jeonghyeon's direction, a subtle smile playing on her lips whenever he executed a particularly impressive move.
"Hey, (Y/n)," Gunwook teased, nudging her gently, "are you studying basketball or biology right now?"
Caught off guard, (Y/n) blushed slightly, realizing her lack of focus. "Oh, sorry. I just... I guess I got a bit distracted."
Gunwook chuckled, understanding the dynamics at play. "It's okay, happens to the best of us. Basketball practice can be pretty captivating, especially when your best friend is the star."
Feeling a sense of trust and camaraderie with Gunwook, (Y/n) decided to confide in him about the swirling emotions within her. During a momentary pause in their studying, she took a deep breath and opened up.
"Gunwook," she began, her voice carrying a hint of vulnerability, "I think... I think I might like Jeonghyeon more than just a friend."
Gunwook, perceptive and understanding, looked at her with a gentle expression. He could sense the internal struggle she was facing and offered a supportive presence. "It's okay, (Y/n). Feelings can be complicated. What makes you think that?"
(Y/n) shared the nuances of her realization, the way her feelings had unfolded during and after the date with Hanbin, and the heightened awareness she felt when watching Jeonghyeon play basketball. As she spoke, the weight of unspoken emotions lifted, replaced by a shared understanding between friends.
Gunwook listened attentively, offering words of encouragement and comfort. "Sometimes, our feelings surprise us. It's normal to feel this way. Have you thought about talking to Jeonghyeon about it?"
The suggestion lingered in the air, and (Y/n) contemplated the idea of addressing the uncharted territories of her heart with Jeonghyeon. The support from Gunwook provided a comforting anchor as she navigated the complexities of friendship and the evolving dynamics between her and Jeonghyeon.
Listening to (Y/n)'s concerns about the potential impact on her friendship with Jeonghyeon, Gunwook offered a reassuring smile. "I understand that you're worried about ruining your friendship, but remember, true friendships are resilient. They can weather storms and evolve. If Jeonghyeon is the great friend we both know he is, he'll understand."
He continued, "Opening up about your feelings doesn't have to jeopardize your bond. It might bring a new layer of understanding between you two. And hey, even if the dynamics shift a bit, it doesn't necessarily mean the end of your friendship. Sometimes, it can lead to something even more meaningful."
His words carried a warmth of reassurance, and (Y/n) found comfort in the idea that their friendship could withstand the complexities of evolving emotions. The prospect of addressing her feelings with Jeonghyeon seemed less daunting, and with Gunwook's encouragement, she began to contemplate the possibility of sharing her heart with her best friend, unraveling the uncharted territories with courage and authenticity.
During a break in his basketball practice, Jeonghyeon glanced up at the bleachers and spotted (Y/n) and Gunwook sitting close together. A subtle pang of discomfort and unease stirred within him, and for the first time, Jeonghyeon found himself grappling with an unfamiliar emotion—jealousy.
As he watched the two of them studying and sharing a moment, the realization settled in. Jeonghyeon acknowledged the twinge of jealousy, a complex and unwelcome sentiment that seemed to rear its head in response to the proximity of (Y/n) and Gunwook.
In that moment of self-reflection, Jeonghyeon navigated the unfamiliar territory of jealousy, contemplating the source of these emotions and the dynamics that were unfolding among their group of friends. The uncharted territories of his own feelings, tangled with a mix of protectiveness and an evolving understanding, hinted at the complexities lying beneath the surface of their friendship.
As the basketball practice resumed, Jeonghyeon couldn't shake off the lingering discomfort. The echoes of jealousy became a silent undercurrent, weaving through the fabric of his thoughts, marking the beginning of a journey where unspoken feelings would demand acknowledgment and understanding.
As basketball practice came to an end, Jeonghyeon made his way to the locker room to change into fresh clothes, leaving Gunwook and (Y/n) to pack up their belongings. The gym slowly emptied out, and the anticipation of their post-practice hangout lingered in the air.
Gunwook and (Y/n), with their backpacks slung over their shoulders, exchanged a few words as they made their way to the doors. The café outing promised a continuation of the camaraderie they shared during their study session on the bleachers.
As they waited for Jeonghyeon to join them after practice, Gunwook leaned in and shared a mischievous plan with (Y/n). His eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief as he whispered, "Hey, I've got an idea. What if I act a bit lovey-dovey with you, just to see how Jeonghyeon reacts?"
(Y/n), surprised by the suggestion, raised an eyebrow but couldn't suppress a small smile at Gunwook's playful demeanor. "Are you serious?" she asked in a hushed tone.
Gunwook chuckled, "Yeah, just for fun. We can see if Jeonghyeon shows any signs of, you know, being jealous or something."
The plan, though lighthearted, carried a weight of curiosity. (Y/n) hesitated for a moment, then agreed, "Alright, let's give it a shot. But don't make it too obvious, okay?"
As they exchanged a conspiratorial glance, little did they know that the playful experiment would set the stage for a series of unfolding events, each contributing to the uncharted territories of emotions and unspoken dynamics that seemed to weave through their shared friendships.
Jeonghyeon emerged from the locker room, now dressed in clean attire, and met them by the gym doors. The trio prepared to embark on the next chapter of their day, the café serving as a backdrop for shared conversations and the unspoken dynamics that seemed to weave through their interactions.
The echoes of basketball practice still lingered in the air, and as they stepped out together, the uncharted territories of emotions and evolving friendships unfolded before them. Little did they know that the café hangout would become a setting for unspoken truths and the delicate dance between friendship and the subtle shifts in dynamics that were beginning to shape their shared journey.
The trio walked together towards the café, the air thick with unspoken dynamics and the anticipation of their hangout. Gunwook, seizing the opportune moment, gave (Y/n) a playful wink before subtly initiating his plan. He began to act a bit more affectionate, the playful gestures and teasing words carrying an undertone of intentional closeness.
Jeonghyeon, who had been engaged in his own thoughts, noticed the shift in Gunwook's behavior. A frown creased his forehead as he observed the playful dynamic unfolding between his best friend and Gunwook. The unease he had felt earlier seemed to intensify, and a subtle tension settled in the air.
(Y/n), caught in the midst of the experiment, tried to gauge Jeonghyeon's reaction. She exchanged a quick glance with Gunwook, her eyes betraying a mix of amusement and curiosity. However, as they continued walking, Jeonghyeon's demeanor remained unreadable, and a hint of discomfort lingered beneath the surface.
As the trio arrived at the café, Gunwook, with a mischievous glint in his eye, intended to carry on with his plan by sitting beside (Y/n). However, just as he was about to take the seat, Jeonghyeon swiftly moved him aside and occupied the chair that Gunwook had intended to claim.
The unexpected maneuver caught Gunwook off guard, and a flicker of surprise passed across his face. (Y/n), too, looked at Jeonghyeon, her eyebrows raised in subtle curiosity. The atmosphere in the café, once filled with the playful energy of their friendship, now carried a nuanced tension.
Jeonghyeon's action spoke volumes, and the unspoken dynamics seemed to intensify. The uncharted territories of their evolving friendships now took an unexpected turn, leaving (Y/n), Gunwook, and even Jeonghyeon himself to grapple with the implications of this subtle yet significant shift in seating arrangements. The café, once a haven for shared conversations, now became a backdrop for the complexities of evolving emotions and unspoken truths.
Caught off guard by Jeonghyeon's unexpected action, (Y/n) couldn't help but voice her confusion. "Jeonghyeon, why did you...?"
Jeonghyeon, adopting a cocky tone and directing a subtle glare at Gunwook, interrupted, "Is there a problem with me sitting beside my best friend?" His words held a hint of possessiveness, and the atmosphere around the table became charged with unspoken tension.
Gunwook, trying to diffuse the situation with a light-hearted response, chuckled, "No problem at all. Just thought I'd switch things up a bit."
As they settled into their seats, the café became a stage for the unspoken dynamics and evolving emotions within their group. The undercurrent of tension hinted at the complexities woven into their friendship, and the uncharted territories of feelings seemed to stretch further as they navigated the nuances of shared connections and the subtle shifts that defined their evolving relationships.
As Gunwook continued to playfully push Jeonghyeon's buttons, he decided to bring up Hanbin, mentioning that he had seen (Y/n) with him earlier in the day. The words seemed to strike a chord with Jeonghyeon, causing him to tense up involuntarily.
Curious, Gunwook turned to (Y/n) with a mischievous grin. "So, (Y/n), tell us more about your day with Hanbin. What did you guys do?"
(Y/n), sensing the playful teasing but also picking up on Jeonghyeon's tension, began to share some details about her day. As she spoke, the subtle undercurrents of emotions became more pronounced.
Before he realized it, Jeonghyeon found himself reacting instinctively. In a surprising move, he put his arm around (Y/n)'s shoulder, a gesture that carried a hint of possessiveness. The atmosphere at the table shifted once again, the uncharted territories of their feelings now manifesting in tangible actions.
Gunwook, perceptive to the dynamics at play, raised an eyebrow at Jeonghyeon's unexpected move. The cafe, once a space for casual conversations, now became a stage for the unspoken tensions and evolving relationships within their group of friends.
Gunwook, ever the provocateur, couldn't resist stirring the pot further. With a sly smile, he turned to Jeonghyeon and asked, "So, Jeonghyeon, anything new happening in your love life lately?"
The question hung in the air, laden with an unspoken challenge. Jeonghyeon, who had just displayed a hint of possessiveness by putting his arm around (Y/n), now found himself on the spot. The tension at the table escalated, and the uncharted territories of their emotions seemed to stretch even further.
Jeonghyeon, his expression guarded, replied with a casual tone, "Not much. Just the usual stuff." Yet, the subtle shift in his demeanor hinted at the undercurrents of emotions he might be grappling with.
The café, once a place for shared laughter and camaraderie, now held a charged atmosphere. The dynamics among (Y/n), Jeonghyeon, and Gunwook continued to evolve, each question and response contributing to the intricate tapestry of their unfolding relationships.
Sensing that Jeonghyeon had reached his limit of reactions, Gunwook and (Y/n) decided to ease off their playful banter. The trio returned to their usual dynamic, engaging in lighthearted banter and shared laughter. The uncharted territories of their emotions, briefly explored during the teasing exchanges, now settled into a more familiar rhythm.
As they continued their time at the café, the camaraderie between (Y/n), Jeonghyeon, and Gunwook prevailed. The shared laughter, inside jokes, and the warmth of their friendship became the focal point once again, overshadowing the tension that had briefly punctuated their interactions.
The café, witness to the complexities of evolving relationships, returned to being a haven for shared moments and unspoken understandings. The trio, navigating the uncharted territories of their emotions, embraced the familiar comfort of their friendship, leaving the subtle nuances to linger beneath the surface until the next chapter of their shared journey unfolded.
In the days that followed the cafe incident, a subtle undercurrent of unspoken emotions lingered among the trio. No one mentioned the playful banter or the unexpected gestures from that day, and a delicate silence surrounded the topic.
Jeonghyeon, however, found himself grappling with a profound realization. In the quiet moments of self-reflection, he acknowledged that he was in love with (Y/n). The realization explained the unease he felt seeing her with other guys and the instinctive gestures of protectiveness that had surfaced during Gunwook's teasing.
The uncharted territories of Jeonghyeon's feelings now stretched before him, and the realization brought with it a mix of emotions—joy at the depth of his feelings for (Y/n), but also a sense of trepidation about how this might impact their friendship.
As the trio continued their routines, the unspoken tension persisted, creating an invisible thread that connected them in ways they had yet to fully understand. The cafe incident had become a catalyst, setting the stage for a journey through the complexities of friendship, unrequited love, and the delicate dance between what was spoken and what remained unsaid.
Determined to charm (Y/n) and explore the uncharted territories of their relationship, Jeonghyeon embarked on his plan with a newfound confidence. Step 1 involved a significant change in his style. Instead of the usual casual attire, he arrived at school dressed in ripped jeans and a slightly short t-shirt, strategically showcasing his well-defined abs.
As Jeonghyeon confidently approached (Y/n), he couldn't help but marvel at the subtle way she checked him out. The confident stride and the intentional shift in his appearance seemed to have caught her attention, creating a momentary pause in their usual interactions.
The unspoken tension that had lingered since the cafe incident now seemed to intensify, and the air around them crackled with the anticipation of what was unfolding. Jeonghyeon's plan to charm (Y/n) had begun, setting the stage for a journey through the uncharted territories of evolving emotions and the delicate dance between friendship and something more.
(Y/n), unable to conceal her admiration for Jeonghyeon's changed appearance, couldn't resist questioning him about his newfound style. "Jeonghyeon, what's with the new look? You look...different."
Jeonghyeon, wearing a playful smirk, responded with a touch of confidence, "Well, (Y/n), I decided I needed to match my clothes to my nice face. Figured it was time for a change."
His words, delivered with a hint of charm, carried a weight of unspoken intentions. The playful banter and shared laughter between them masked the subtle undercurrents of evolving dynamics. The uncharted territories of their friendship seemed to expand with each exchange, leaving (Y/n) to navigate the complexities of Jeonghyeon's intentional charm and the unspoken truths that lingered beneath the surface.
As (Y/n) found herself blushing in response to Jeonghyeon's playful charm and changed energy, she couldn't deny the shift in dynamics. While he remained the same person she had known throughout her entire life, there was an undeniable difference in his aura, a newfound energy that intrigued and captivated her.
Jeonghyeon's intentional charm seemed to have the desired effect, drawing (Y/n) into the uncharted territories of their evolving relationship. The unspoken tension that had lingered since the cafe incident now manifested in the subtle interactions between them, creating a delicate dance between friendship and the unexplored realm of something more.
As they continued their day, the unspoken truths and the evolving dynamics seemed to weave through their interactions, leaving (Y/n) to contemplate the shifts in her feelings and the complexities of the journey ahead with Jeonghyeon.
Internally elated by the positive response to his new style, Jeonghyeon felt a surge of satisfaction. The subtle changes in his appearance seemed to have the desired effect, drawing (Y/n) in and creating a shift in the dynamics between them. While he wanted to jump and cheer in triumph, Jeonghyeon maintained his cool and collected demeanor, matching the aura of his stylish outfit.
As they navigated the uncharted territories of their evolving relationship, Jeonghyeon found himself relishing the newfound energy between them. The day unfolded with shared moments, laughter, and a subtle undercurrent of unspoken emotions that added depth to their interactions.
The deliberate charm and the evolving dynamics hinted at a chapter of unexplored emotions and connections, leaving Jeonghyeon and (Y/n) to navigate the delicate dance between friendship and the possibility of something more, all within the backdrop of a carefully curated style that seemed to reflect the changing tides of their relationship.
With Step 2 of his plan underway, Jeonghyeon aimed to make subtle yet meaningful gestures that hinted at his growing feelings for (Y/n). His actions were intended to convey a deeper connection, creating a delicate dance between friendship and the uncharted territories of something more.
Jeonghyeon started by giving her small gifts, each carefully chosen to reflect their shared memories and inside jokes. These thoughtful tokens became a silent language of affection, weaving a thread of intimacy between them.
During lunch, Jeonghyeon took the initiative to pay for (Y/n)'s meal, a gesture that went beyond the boundaries of casual friendship. It was a subtle yet intentional act, a way of expressing his care and consideration in a manner that spoke volumes without the need for words.
Compliments flowed naturally from Jeonghyeon, his words carrying a sincerity that hinted at a deeper connection. The genuine admiration he expressed was meant to convey his growing appreciation for (Y/n) and the unique qualities that set her apart.
Small, loving touches became a significant part of their interactions, each one laden with unspoken emotions. A hand on her shoulder, a gentle brush against her arm – these subtle gestures spoke of a closeness that extended beyond the realm of friendship.
As Jeonghyeon continued to navigate the complexities of Step 2, the uncharted territories of their evolving relationship unfolded with each carefully chosen action, leaving (Y/n) to interpret the nuances of his intentions and the intricate dance between their shared history and the potential for something more.
As (Y/n) found herself on the receiving end of Jeonghyeon's newfound attention, she couldn't help but revel in the distinct change in dynamics. While he had always been attentive, this time it felt different — a shift that resonated in the depths of her being. The thoughtful gifts, the complimentary words, and the small, loving touches created a canvas of affection that painted their friendship with a hue of something more.
Her heart raced, and butterflies danced in her stomach, a symphony of emotions she couldn't ignore. The uncharted territories of their evolving relationship unfolded with each beat of her heart, and (Y/n) found herself navigating the delicate balance between the comfort of their longstanding friendship and the tantalizing possibility of a deeper connection.
The nuanced dance between them carried a shared history, a foundation of memories and laughter that had always defined their friendship. Yet, the subtle shifts in their interactions spoke of unspoken desires and emotions that hinted at the potential for a chapter beyond the boundaries of friendship.
Seated with Gunwook, the confidant who had shared the journey through the unfolding complexities of her relationship with Jeonghyeon, (Y/n) couldn't contain the swirl of emotions within her. She opened up about the subtle changes in Jeonghyeon's behavior, the thoughtful gestures, and the newfound attention that seemed to bridge the gap between friendship and something more.
"He's been different lately, Gunwook," (Y/n) confessed, her voice tinged with a mix of excitement and uncertainty. "I mean, I've always known he cared about me, but these days it feels... different. Like there's an unspoken layer to our friendship."
Gunwook, perceptive to the nuances of their interactions, listened attentively. (Y/n) continued, "And it's not just the gifts or the compliments. It's the way he looks at me, the small touches. It's like he's trying to tell me something without saying it outright."
Understanding the delicacy of the situation, Gunwook offered a supportive presence. "Maybe he's figuring things out too, (Y/n). Emotions can be complicated, and sometimes it takes time for people to express what they truly feel."
Gunwook, always the insightful friend, proposed a proactive approach for (Y/n) to express her own feelings. "Why not try doing something that shows Jeonghyeon how special he is to you?" Gunwook suggested, his eyes reflecting a mixture of encouragement and wisdom. "Actions can speak volumes, and sometimes taking that step can help both of you navigate the uncharted territories of your feelings."
The idea lingered in the air, presenting (Y/n) with an opportunity to reciprocate the emotions that had been subtly woven into their friendship. As she contemplated the suggestion, the prospect of taking a step toward expressing her own sentiments added a layer of anticipation to the evolving dynamics with Jeonghyeon. The unspoken dance between them continued, each move carrying the potential to shape the narrative of their relationship in unexpected ways.
As (Y/n) stood in the hallway, engaged in conversation with Hanbin, Jeonghyeon walked in and immediately noticed the proximity between the two. An unfamiliar pang of discomfort gripped him, and a subtle tension manifested as he approached them.
With a determined stride, Jeonghyeon closed the distance, his expression guarded. The unspoken dynamics between (Y/n), Hanbin, and himself seemed to shift, creating an atmosphere charged with unexplored emotions.
"Hey, what's going on here?" Jeonghyeon questioned, his tone carrying a hint of possessiveness that mirrored the unease he felt at the sight of (Y/n) and Hanbin together. The hallway became a stage for the intricate dance between friendship, unspoken feelings, and the evolving connections that bound the three of them in a delicate web of emotions.
In response to Jeonghyeon's inquiry, (Y/n) quickly explained that Hanbin was merely trying to persuade her to join a club. However, sensing Jeonghyeon's unease and possessiveness, she couldn't help but notice the subtle changes in his demeanor.
Jeonghyeon, determined to prevent (Y/n) from joining the club with Hanbin, improvised a quick lie. "Oh, (Y/n) is actually the manager of the basketball team," he stated with a convincing tone, making sure to create a barrier between her and Hanbin's invitation.
As Jeonghyeon spoke, he found himself nervously holding (Y/n)'s hand, a gesture that seemed to happen almost instinctively. The touch, though subtle, spoke volumes, and (Y/n) felt her heart racing in response. The uncharted territories of their evolving relationship unfolded in the hallway, leaving them both to navigate the complexities of friendship, possessiveness, and the subtle expressions of unspoken feelings.
Hanbin, perceptive to the unspoken dynamics and the tension in the air, chose to accept Jeonghyeon's lie without pressing further. Perhaps sensing the underlying complexities, he decided not to challenge the narrative presented.
With a nod and a courteous smile, Hanbin acknowledged Jeonghyeon's words. "Got it, the basketball team, huh? Well, maybe some other time, (Y/n)," he said, opting not to push the matter any further.
As the moment unfolded, the hallway remained a stage for the intricacies of evolving relationships and unspoken truths. The lie, though a temporary solution, added another layer to the delicate dance between friendship, possessiveness, and the uncharted territories of feelings that lingered beneath the surface.
Overwhelmed by a surge of emotions, Jeonghyeon, driven by an impulse he couldn't contain, turned around abruptly and pushed (Y/n) gently against the wall. The suddenness of the action caught her off guard, and her eyes widened in surprise.
The hallway, now a witness to the unspoken tension that had been building, became an intimate space where the dynamics between Jeonghyeon and (Y/n) took center stage. His proximity added a layer of intensity, the air charged with the uncharted territories of their evolving relationship.
Jeonghyeon, his eyes searching (Y/n)'s face, seemed on the verge of saying something, but the weight of the unspoken emotions hung heavily between them. The unexpected moment became a poignant pause, leaving both of them to grapple with the intricacies of friendship, possessiveness, and the untamed territories of something more.
Feeling a rush of jittery emotions from Jeonghyeon's unexpected action, (Y/n) called out his name in an attempt to get his attention. Her concern for his well-being cut through the charged atmosphere, and her voice carried a mix of curiosity and care.
"Jeonghyeon," she said softly, a gentle question in her tone. The hallway, once witness to tension and unspoken dynamics, now held a moment of suspended connection between them. In the delicate dance of evolving relationships, (Y/n) sought to understand the motivations behind Jeonghyeon's sudden move and ensure that he, too, was navigating the uncharted territories of their feelings without stumbling.
Feeling the disconnect in Jeonghyeon's distracted gaze, (Y/n) gently placed a hand on his cheek, drawing his attention back to her. The touch seemed to ground him, and as his eyes met hers, the unspoken tension lingered in the air.
With a surge of confidence, Jeonghyeon broke the silence, his words carrying the weight of his revelation. "I'm in love with you," he confessed, the admission hanging in the air like a delicate thread that connected the uncharted territories of their evolving relationship.
The hallway, once a stage for subtle gestures and unspoken emotions, now became the setting for a pivotal moment. The complexities of their friendship, possessiveness, and the untamed feelings that had lingered beneath the surface were laid bare, leaving (Y/n) to navigate the intricacies of her own emotions in response to Jeonghyeon's vulnerable admission.
In response to Jeonghyeon's heartfelt confession, (Y/n) couldn't contain the warmth that blossomed within her. With a genuine smile, she revealed her own feelings, letting the unspoken emotions between them find a voice.
"I've been feeling the same way, Jeonghyeon," she admitted, her words echoing the shared journey through the uncharted territories of their evolving relationship. The hallway, witness to a series of nuanced moments, now held the echoes of their confessions, leaving them standing at the threshold of something more profound.
The charged atmosphere in the hallway intensified as Jeonghyeon's gaze flickered between (Y/n)'s eyes and her lips. Slowly, with a subtle determination, he leaned in, his desire evident in the inch of space that separated them. The unspoken tension hung in the air, a delicate dance of anticipation.
Just a centimeter away, Jeonghyeon whispered a hesitant invitation, "Push me away if you don't want this." Instead, (Y/n) responded by pulling him in, closing the gap until their lips finally met. The hallway, witness to a series of transformative moments, now became a backdrop for the shared connection that unfolded in the uncharted territories of their evolving relationship.
In that fleeting instant, the kiss spoke volumes, echoing the culmination of emotions that had simmered beneath the surface. The intricacies of friendship, the thrill of newfound feelings, and the shared journey through unexplored territories were encapsulated in the soft meeting of their lips, leaving them both suspended in the moment of a profound connection.
As the kiss ended, (Y/n) and Jeonghyeon locked eyes, emotions dancing in the shared gaze. The lingering intensity of the moment left them both in a state of suspended connection, the uncharted territories of their relationship now illuminated by the shared understanding between them.
A soft laugh escaped (Y/n)'s lips, breaking the quiet that had settled after the kiss. With a teasing tone, she addressed Jeonghyeon's earlier fabrication about her being the manager of the basketball team. "So, manager of the basketball team, huh? I guess that was just your way of keeping me away from Hanbin," she said, the laughter in her eyes mirroring the newfound understanding between them.
Jeonghyeon's blush deepened at (Y/n)'s teasing question, and with a shy smile, he hid his head in the nape of her neck. His arms encircled her waist, pulling her closer, as he muttered a response against her skin.
"Yeah, well, it worked, didn't it?" he admitted with a playful tone, the warmth of their closeness and the shared laughter creating a cocoon around them. The embrace spoke volumes, a silent acknowledgment of the uncharted territories they had navigated together.
With the warmth of their shared laughter lingering, (Y/n) playfully asked Jeonghyeon if he would ever let her go so they could go to lunch. However, Jeonghyeon, reveling in the closeness they shared, expressed his reluctance to part ways.
"I don't want to," he admitted, a hint of a mischievous smile playing on his lips. The embrace tightened, and Jeonghyeon seemed content to linger in the hallway, savoring the newfound connection between them.
The shared laughter, the teasing exchange, and the embrace formed a tableau of unspoken emotions, capturing the essence of their evolving relationship. The uncharted territories they had explored together now held the promise of shared lunches and countless moments yet to unfold.
(Y/n)'s suggestion to find a more comfortable spot resonated with a practical charm. "How about we go sit down somewhere more comfortable?" she proposed, gently coaxing Jeonghyeon to release their embrace from the wall.
While Jeonghyeon liked the idea of settling into a more relaxed setting, he remained reluctant to let go of their warm embrace. The intimacy of the moment, the shared laughter, and the connection they had discovered in the hallway held a certain magic that he was hesitant to relinquish.
He hesitated for a moment, caught between the comfort of their current position and the promise of a more relaxed setting. The unspoken tension lingered as he considered the choice before finally, with a soft smile, he agreed, "Alright, let's find somewhere comfortable." The hallway, witness to the evolution of their relationship, slowly faded into the background as they embarked on the next chapter of their shared journey.
Jeonghyeon, leading (Y/n) to a quiet and surprisingly empty couch in the library, created a cocoon of intimacy where they could savor the comfort of each other's presence. Seated together, he pulled her close, their shared silence becoming a canvas for the unspoken emotions that filled the air.
In the tranquil atmosphere, Jeonghyeon broke the silence with a question that carried the weight of his feelings. "Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, the vulnerability in his tone revealing the depth of his emotions. The library, usually a space of hushed whispers and rustling pages, now held the echo of a pivotal moment in their evolving relationship.
As (Y/n) met his gaze, the uncharted territories they had navigated together seemed to converge in this simple yet profound question. The quiet library became the backdrop for a decision that marked the beginning of a new chapter in their shared journey.
With a smile that mirrored the joy in Jeonghyeon's eyes, (Y/n) answered his question with a resounding "Yes." Their shared laughter, a soundtrack to the moment, filled the library with a warmth that transcended the quiet surroundings.
As Jeonghyeon beamed with happiness, (Y/n) couldn't help but tease him with a playful observation. "You might dress like a bad boy, but you truly are just a big walking teddy bear," she remarked, her laughter infusing the statement with affection.
The exchange captured the essence of their relationship — a blend of playful banter, shared laughter, and the discovery of the true nature that lay beneath the surface. The library, usually a sanctuary of knowledge, became a witness to the unfolding dynamics between Jeonghyeon and (Y/n), marking the beginning of their journey as a couple.
Jeonghyeon laughed heartily at (Y/n)'s playful comment, and in response, he tightened his embrace around her waist. Flexing his arms with a touch of humor, he added his own playful comment about his appearance.
"Well, you know, I can be pretty hot and sexy too," he quipped with a wink, the twinkle in his eye revealing a playful confidence. The banter continued, creating a lighthearted atmosphere that reflected the easygoing and affectionate nature of their evolving relationship.
(Y/n), with a teasing smile, couldn't resist poking fun at Jeonghyeon's potential jealous streak. "You can be pretty jealous too, can't you?" she remarked playfully, her eyes dancing with mischief.
Caught off guard, Jeonghyeon blushed a little and attempted to deny it, but (Y/n), ever the playful partner, decided to test the waters. She suggested, with a playful glint in her eye, that she should go sign up for that club Hanbin talked about.
Jeonghyeon, not keen on the idea, let out a playful groan and held (Y/n) tighter as if to keep her from going. With a grin, he admitted, "Well, I don't like Hanbin," adding a touch of possessiveness to his playful protest. 
(Y/n), curious about Jeonghyeon's dislike for Hanbin, couldn't resist asking, "Why don't you like Hanbin?" Her question lingered in the air, prompting Jeonghyeon to share the underlying reasons behind his feelings.
Jeonghyeon, still holding (Y/n) close, considered his response for a moment before saying, "I don't know. It's just... I guess I don't like the idea of someone else trying to take you away from me." His words carried a hint of vulnerability, offering a glimpse into the possessive side of his feelings.
(Y/n)'s laughter, echoing through the library, caught Jeonghyeon's attention, prompting him to ask what was so amusing about his statement. Amused herself, (Y/n) shared the twist in the story.
"Hanbin," she explained with a teasing smile, "he's the one who made me realize I liked you." The revelation added a layer of irony to the situation, turning the tables on the dynamics between Jeonghyeon, (Y/n), and Hanbin.
Jeonghyeon's surprise was evident as he processed the unexpected turn of events. The library, once a quiet haven, now bore witness to the complexities of their evolving relationship, where laughter, teasing, and revelations intertwined in the journey through uncharted territories of the heart.
As Jeonghyeon reflected on the lie he had concocted to keep Hanbin at bay, a thought crossed his mind. He asked (Y/n) if she would be interested in making that lie a reality, suggesting that they could spend more time together if she took on the role he had fabricated.
"Would you be interested in being the manager of the basketball team?" he asked, a hopeful glint in his eyes. The proposal, born out of a desire to have more shared moments, lingered in the air, leaving the library, usually a space of quiet contemplation, filled with the echoes of an invitation that held the promise of increased togetherness.
Caught in the playful banter, (Y/n) couldn't help but question Jeonghyeon's intentions behind the proposal. With a teasing smile, she asked, "Is this about spending more time together, or are you just trying to make sure no other guys can make a move on me?"
Jeonghyeon, maintaining a playful tone, responded by giving her a playful kiss before offering his answer. "Well," he began with a mischievous grin, "that's just a bonus. The real reason is so we can have more time together." The exchange, filled with laughter and light teasing, highlighted the lighthearted dynamics of their evolving relationship as they navigated the playful nuances of love and togetherness.
(Y/n)'s laughter continued, the playful banter creating a light and joyful atmosphere between them. In a sweet gesture, she gave Jeonghyeon a kiss on the cheek before finally agreeing to take on the role of the basketball team manager.
With a smile, she said, "Yes, I'll be the manager." The library, a silent witness to the evolving dynamics between Jeonghyeon and (Y/n), now held the echoes of laughter, teasing, and the shared decision that marked the beginning of a new chapter in their journey together.
Jeonghyeon wasted no time in putting his plan into action. The day after their playful discussion in the library, he approached the coach and shared his proposal. The coach, likely sensing the genuine enthusiasm behind Jeonghyeon's request, agreed to make (Y/n) the manager of the basketball team.
With the coach's approval, the stage was set for (Y/n) to take on a new role within the team. The basketball court, once a battleground for athletic prowess, now held the promise of shared moments and increased togetherness as (Y/n) embarked on her journey as the team manager. The library, with its silent shelves and quiet corners, played a role in the unfolding story of Jeonghyeon and (Y/n)'s evolving relationship, where every decision and every moment seemed to deepen the connection between them.
(Y/n), standing nervously in front of the group of boys, felt a mixture of excitement and apprehension as Jeonghyeon stood proudly beside her. His arm wrapped around her shoulder conveyed a protective and possessive stance. With a slight glare aimed at the other boys, Jeonghyeon introduced (Y/n) in a tone that left no room for misunderstanding.
"This is (Y/n)," he declared with a subtle emphasis, "my girlfriend and the new manager of the team." The announcement, laced with both pride and a hint of possessiveness, echoed through the basketball court. The dynamics within the team seemed to shift as the players acknowledged the new addition to their ranks.
As (Y/n) embraced her new role, the library, once a quiet sanctuary of knowledge, played its part in the unfolding chapters of their story. The shared decision to make (Y/n) the manager marked not only a new beginning for the basketball team but also a significant step forward in the journey of Jeonghyeon and (Y/n) as they navigated the intricacies of love and togetherness.
The relationship between (Y/n) and Jeonghyeon became a well-known and celebrated aspect of their high school life. The unmistakable displays of affection, particularly after basketball matches, became a tradition that drew the attention of everyone. Jeonghyeon, victorious in leading the team to success, would conclude each match with a celebratory kiss for his girlfriend.
Their affectionate gestures extended beyond the basketball court, as the couple embraced public displays of their love in the hallways of the school. Hugs and kisses became regular occurrences, marking the couple's journey through the halls hand in hand.
Their circle of friends, including Gunwook, Junghyun, Yunseo, and even Hanbin, took delight in teasing the couple about their unabashed displays of affection. The laughter and camaraderie among the friends reflected the supportive environment surrounding (Y/n) and Jeonghyeon as they navigated the joys and challenges of a public relationship. The school, once a backdrop to their shared memories, now held the echoes of a love story that unfolded openly and proudly in the midst of their high school journey.
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shitpostingkats · 1 year
Hello I have returned with thoughts again
Thinking about Seer Trio, I love them <3 I forgot if they have an actual trio name or not I’ll have to go double check that
Just,,, Jaden and Chazz friendship man, rivalry is optional but I’m thinking ab the TikTok again where Chazz is one of three ppl who actually genuinely care about Jaden and it makes me go aaaaaaaaa. I never really think about Chazz and Jesse’s dynamic but they have great potential too.
I just think they’re so cool, little guys bonding over being able to see things others can’t. Maybe J&J showing Chazz the ropes on Seeing and stuff idk. Man let them be soft. Let them confide in each other and lean on each other and have each other’s backs.
If you want to go a step further make it QPR. I will die on Spiritshipping hill but have J&J be in a QPR with Chazz, I just think it’d be neat <3
I don’t care if it might be OOC in some cases, let them be soft <3 (and let there be angst, we always gotta have some of that, yes? :D)
Hmmmmm family trauma with Chazz and Great Expectations™, I’m a big fan of the hc of Jaden having no home life and having to raise himself after everything with Yubel when he was younger :))) I don’t think we know much about Jesse’s home life, so let’s make it a nice in between of the other two’s. His parents are still around unlike Jaden’s, but they’re more distant and neglectful than Chazz’s. They have expectations for him and if he fails to meet them it’s like he doesn’t exist, whereas Chazz’s parents just get angry. Give them bad parents and little to no support system, as a treat <3
Have them deal with Jaden’s self-destructive tendencies and lack of self-worth (he sees it as him making up for the crimes he committed as Supreme King. They see it as him being suicidal. “How can it be considered suicidal”, Jaden argues, “if I’m not even capable of dying?” Their hearts hurt for him regardless.) Give me angst from love, and love through the angst. Those who hurt and are hurting, helping and healing, even if it’s only by a fraction at a time.
Much love <3
Jesse Anderson my beloved. <3
What is this man's home life. I've written pages of backstory just to answer this question and every part of it is as wild as I could possibly make it because I think having every part of this southern boi be insane is the funniest possible route.
Chazz and Jesse friendship ooooooh. I found it so funny during GX when people were like "Ah yes, the two boys who can see duel spirits, Jesse and Jaden." LIKE! Guys Chazz is standing RIGHT there.
It makes sense tho, while Jesse and Jaden kinda incorporate the supernatural into themselves, Chazz is by all accounts just a normal guy who does not let being able to see invisible monsters distract him from being a run of the mill grunge teenager. And I adore him for it. Chazz being the actual Common Knowledge Braincell of the trio. Jesse and Jaden are capable of subduing space gods, but Chazz is the one you call when you need help on your taxes. (He grumbles and yells at you the whole time and is so grouchy you don't realize until later he was actually really helpful.)
Also YES to qpr. Give Jaden as many qprs as possible. He deserves it. The ideal Jaden Yuki support network is a delicate interconnected web of partners who are all in a groupchat together to keep track of who the hell is taking care of their shared boyfriend over the weekend. Chazz sends a selfie to Jesse of Jaden literally haven broken into his house and fallen asleep on top of him with the caption "come get your mans >:[" and Jesse responds "No <3"
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thechaseofspades · 2 years
An essay about the best Disney TVA shows today
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So Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur is Disney TVA's newest hit. If you follow me, you know how much I love this show. There's so much good about it that I couldn't possibly cover all of it. But the more I think about it, the more I realize how similar it is to another relatively new DTVA show that just happens to be premiering its second season soon...
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Now, I recognize the irony here. The LES and Brighton are probably the exact opposite settings. I should know. I live in a town just like Brighton. There's lots of corn here. Please help.
But beyond that surface level contrast, these shows hit a lot of the same concepts, but take them in different directions to fit the tone and setting. Let's discuss...
Spoilers for both shows. The spoilers start out light but by the end I'm just spilling all the beans. Please watch the shows.
continues under the break
1. Regular girl meets unlikely non-human best friend and that's literally the title of the show
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Probably the most obvious comparison. Heck, you could probably boil down any Disney property ever to that description if you try hard enough.
But, the similarities between DD and Scratch might as well end there, as they bring completely different characters to the table. Still worth getting out of the way here. I promise the rest of this post has more substance. Wait where are you going come back
2. Human best friend(s)
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I've talked already about how I'm a big fan of Casey. As far as I know, she's a completely original character not found anywhere in the comics. She might be an amalgamation of other comic characters but I'm not sure. Either way, huge props for nailing it with her and making her feel like a natural fit.
So what do we know about Casey? Her biggest fixation, something we see the second we meet her, is her social media savviness. While Lunella can invent an app that warps space and time, Casey works best with the apps that already exist. Remind you of anybody?
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Now, I'm not on the Andrea bandwagon quite yet. She's definitely had her positive moments, namely the Christmas episode, but overall I don't categorize her in the "best friend" tier quite yet.
I bring her up because we can bring in another contrast between elements and how these sho was use similar concepts for different results. While Andrea's social media exploits are all about herself, Casey cares more about getting Moon Girl on the map, both helping out her best friend and doing a good deed. I'm glad we've gotten to a point where the social media savvy tween/teen can be a positive trait finally.
But I want to highlight the other side of Casey, and the part that makes it so intriguing to me that Lucase has been a central focus in this show. She may have the skills of Andrea, but she reminds me so much more of another of Molly's friends...
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Who did Molly McGee meet to become her first real friend and de facto best friend who she then spent the rest of the show developing that friendship??
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"Mazel Tov, Libby!" is my favorite episode of The Ghost and Molly McGee, and it's gonna be hard to top. Libby is my favorite character in that show and seeing her struggling and eventually breaking just hit me so hard. So when Molly and Libby came out of it better than ever, it proved how strong their bond truly was.
Casey blends Andrea's social media savviness with Libby's irl social awkwardness and difficulty at making friends. And Lunella to an even greater extent as seen in the sleepover. But together, Lucase bring out the best in each other, the same way that Molly and Libby do in their own show.
Also shoutout to Libby and Casey for being Jewish Latina DTVA girls with hyphenated last names and Bat Mitzvah centric episodes. Maybe should have led with that parallel.
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To be continued in a reblog so don't go anywhere... (link to part 2 if it's not already attached to this post)
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fantastic-mr-corvid · 10 months
💎💎💎 from georgie about emerie <3
"Emerie! my favorite pink tiefling!! the best alchemist i know!" Georgie is grinning wildly, "Where to start!"
"Shes just so... bright! and joyful! i mean-" Georgie gestures as if to say just look at her -"Shes a wonderful and kind person-" his voice goes low and mournful "-despite everything."
"She has found and rebuilt a family for herself. That takes an immense strength."
"I- I'm not sure what more to say? She is bright an- and I'm just repeating myself again." He laughs at himself.
"Sometimes I wonder how she feels about changing her path, becoming an alchemist. Whether in the dead of night she wonders if it is a rejection of her first family and the love they gave her, to change from the road they mapped out for her." Georgie is staring into the distance, shame on his face for bringing up such personal questions.
"What i mean is- Well i suppose i want the answer myself. I'm just asking her because she seems to have less weight on her shoulders" he smiles with a tightness that denotes its falseness "But I of all people should know that the face someone presents to the world ain't what they feel inside."
"I've found there is a bond of shared suffering between teiflings, and i have to fight the urge to drown my fellow people in questions, questions I'm better off asking my self." he pauses to fiddle with some string, "what I'm getting at, or trying to, is that its hard to think about her without thinking about how i could have been, in another world. I try to capture the stories of my fellow teiflings, so i can weave them together into something i can point to and say is like me. i ask them questions i want to ask myself but know i cannot answer. Am i really a teifling? i have not suffered as much as many of my siblings, those in city's or country's that hate them for existing. Can i claim that relation, that suffering, when i have a loving home to go back to? When i chose to leave the place i had made safe, into a world that hates me."
"i think Em's story may be able to bring me closer to an answer, i think it may help me realize that i still suffer the hate, even if i have people who loved me, even if i have not had the 'normal' experience."
"But that is her story, and its not my place to ransack and demand entry to just because we share an enemy, just for me to know myself better."
"She is a good woman, and an amazing friend. You will not hear me speak against her. But yet i find my vision of her is obscured by the answers i want from her."
he shakes his head, "I apologize. This has said much more about me than her, and she deserves people to see her as more than a vessel to project their personal questions onto. You seem to have caught me in an introspective mood, for better or worse."
"She has mentioned loving animals, but not being able to keep them, maybe she would like to meet my flock. Maybe i can gain her help in making some scrolls of summon creature so she can have an animal companion, in addition, of course, to her lovely dragon companion, but i know the difference between the two."
Georgie is smiling again, a fond warmth.
"Maybe one day we can be the kind of friends who confide these questions in one another, but I enjoy her company and friendship all the same now."
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Idea: Crossover/AU where Chloe Bourgeois gets on the Infinity Train and joins the Apex
Idk how niche this is, but I just had a thought once a little bit of my old and slightly older brainrots came back to haunt me: Chloe Bourgeois and Infinity Train, more specifically book 3. Since I have been grasping at creative straws for 2 months, here are a few bullet points/ideas that I may work with later. Big maybe, this newfound motivation might die tomorrow lol. Either way, hope you few people who find this interesting enjoy!
Also mlb season 5 spoilers I think? I dunno I just kind of read episode summaries now I have no idea what season we're on.
Imagine if at 15, Chloe Bourgeois unknowingly escapes to the train right before she was forced to live with her mother, but instead of going on a journey of self discovery, she has the 'fortune' in bumping into the Apex instead.
(oh also while all of this is very found family like, I acknowledge that under the surface these are still three flawed extremely traumatized kids feeding into each others problems and creating/building a cult that kills denizens/destroys cars, like that's all still happening in the background of this LMAO)
When the crying teenager is brought into the mall by the few younger members of the group, it's more of the same for Grace and Simon, and the normal Apex welcomes begin.
Nobody really realizes or cares who Chloe is, due to their ages when boarding the train. It would bother her on a normal day, but given everything that has happened prior to boarding, it kind of sends her spiraling into more crying/anger.
While Simon is in no mood for it, Grace goes into full damage control mode, comforting and leaving her alone in one of the nicer areas of the mall car so she can fully calm down.
Simon is annoyed by it, but Grace plays it off as playing the long game so to speak in order to get Chloe to join. It's a half truth, as she feels empathy for Chloe after hearing a small bit of the events leading to the train picking her up. (mainly that someone left her, bringing up memories of Grace's first time meeting Simon)
Speaking of empathy, this is dialed up to an eleven when Grace gets to know her better, and finds out about her kind of similar living situation (neglectful parents) and her history of friends/conflict at school (she doesn't really go into the whole superhero thing because she feels like it would take attention off her. Besides, they don't seem to know or care much about what's going on outside anyway)
Now friends, Grace decides to take Chloe to her first car raid with just her and Simon. Chloe goes along with it to both get her anger out on something and impress her new friend. I'd expect they'd hit an 'easy' car first, like the cube car from Book 2.
Simon is now annoyed and jealous now that Grace is giving more of her attention to someone else, but after the car is thoroughly destroyed Chloe gives more information on how she got onto the train. As soon as she mentions being essentially abandoned and replaced by her father, he empathizes with her immediately and actually gets pissed off for her as well (Brought to you by Samantha fueled abandonment issues). They bond over the trash talking of her dad, and they become official friends soon after.
With Chloe fully on their side (and their friendship growing fast), they finally decide to tell her about what the Apex is all about. Full theatrics, conductor and everything.
Knowing the crazy stuff that happened in Paris on a daily basis (which is only reaffirmed by the train), she doesn't doubt the existence of the Conductor, but has reservations about his godlike status among the group ("Are you serious? That thing is probably just a glorified sentimonster!"). However, she keeps these to herself, as she deep down, she doesn't want them to abandon her.
What she lacks in 'belief', she makes up for in fierce loyalty. The only thing Chloe has to her name now is her found family The Apex, and she's not just gonna lose that, no matter how many nulls have to pay. Besides, just because she doesn't believe in the Conductor's power, doesn't mean that she isn't greatly invested in beating the train...
(Oh also, a little bonus. Depending on if the headcanon/theory is true, I'd imagine Simon and Chloe would speak to each other in French on occasion to mess with Grace.)
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lollytea · 2 years
Okay highly specific and idk if you even have any thoughts on it BUT ☕ on the Boscha/Amity dynamic in FTF? I literally had no significant thoughts on Boscha til this ep. Now I'm kinda into whatever toxic thing she's got going on with Amity. Heathcliffian in nature, almost. But what's your two cents, if you have em to spare?
I've never really had any strong opinions on Boscha. Like I know a ton of people absolutely loathe her but I can't even grant her those feelings. I can never really drum up too much animosity towards teen characters. She's just a kid. Kids suck sometimes. Sometimes they grow up and they learn and they become better people and sometimes they just get worse. I'm not gonna make any assumptions about which category Boscha will fall into because she's still too young to be certain.
I think it's kinda funny how the writers clearly gave her a deep underlying complex but never bothered to elaborate on it. Like the opening of WILW where she's like "You can be hated. So long as you are feared." Girl??? Can we like...get an update on this kid's home life? Why is this her mindset? Where is this coming from? Where are her moms??
During the time she and Amity were friends, the latter was also deeply depressed and had a horrible home life. So I wouldn't be surprised if she and Boscha had one of those sapphic toxic co-dependent teenage bonds. (We've all had them.) Like there's no escape to this life. Things won't get better. But at least they can stew in their own cynicism together. They help each other gain some semblance of control over their own lives by clawing their way up the Hexside hierarchy, with Amity being top student and Boscha being grudgby captain. Just a pair of fucked up and lonely girls just trying to pretend they're not fucked up and lonely.
I feel like, at some point, Amity even found solace in Boscha's company. When she was younger and more immature and was led to believe that actual positive mutually uplifting friendships were only for kids (bye Willow) so she desperately leans into what she has. What they had with each other may have been their only real connection. Early episodes definitely give the impression that their friendships with the likes of Skara and co. were rather superficial, with Boscha acting rather dismissively towards anyone who wasn't Amity. I'm sure they saw all the vulnerability and ugliness in each other that nobody else saw. I'm sure Boscha got unhealthily attached because Amity was really all she had and she didn't have any experience with an actual constructive relationship with anyone her own age to understand that she and Amity were bad for each other.
But Amity was clearly worn down. This relationship was exhausting. It leeched away at her. She was complacent in all the bullying because she didn't see the point in even trying to discourage it, other than half-hearted chiding every now and again. In her own words, there was no reasoning with Boscha.
And then Amity opened her eyes and realized that this fucking sucked. You see her gradually detaching herself from Boscha throughout season 1 which results in her completely cutting ties in WILW, much to Boscha's disgust.
Tbh I feel like Boscha's gotten pretty funny since then, though she's been barely present. I enjoyed her in ASIAS cuz she was just so pathetic. Literally just third wheeling lumity, neither of them give two shits about her existence but she just refuses to exit the scene. We love girlosers.
But yeah I really did dig her in FTF. It's definitely the most insight we've gotten into her character since her debut. I didn't exactly need Boscha character development to live cuz like. I don't care about her. But I guess if they're gonna include her at all, at least they didn't keep her stagnant.
She's clearly traumatized by the fact that her team essentially "died" (as far as she knows) protecting her and she's never experienced such a heavy emotion before. She doesn't know how to handle it. She pushes it down. She lashes out. And Kikimora has just made her a million times worse. No wonder she begged for Amity to come back. She's unstable and scared and wants to cling to some fantasy that this will all be okay. And she feels like if she just has her friend back, that can be a possibility.
I like how Amity dealt with her in this episode, as a contrast to how Willow did. Willow was perfectly within her right to be furious with Boscha, considering she's nothing but her former bully who's given her so many emotional scars. But Amity approached her with an appeal rather than a fight. Because Boscha is Amity's former friend. She knows things about her that Willow doesn't. And no matter how awful their relationship has gotten, she doesn't want to see her former friend as the villain of this story.
"There's no reasoning with Boscha." She said two season ago. And then she DID!!! It really speaks volumes about how much Amity has developed from an emotionally exhausted enabler to a proactive outspoken girl who's willing to give everyone a shot to prove themselves, the way Luz did for her.
Anyway I think Boscha has completely burned all her bridges and has no hope of rekindle her old friendship. That's a consequence she'll have to live with for the way she's behaved. Plus, she and Amity just....don't mix well anymore. Some people are destined to come into your life for a time and keep you standing upright but they're not lifelong friends. I could see them as like...acquaintances maybe? Maybe theyll grow up and have kids and be on the PTA together. Maybe. But I can't see them as ever being true friends again.
Some people say that Boscha's actions at the end of FTF was a "rushed redemption arc" though I disagree. It wasn't a redemption at all. It was simply an acknowledgement that Boscha is not the devil incarnate. She's a kid. All she wants is to have a normal life and play Flyer Derby. So she's taking the necessary actions to get that future for herself. It opens up the possibility that Boscha could be a good person. Someday. She's not there yet. But someday. Maybe.
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seriouslysam8 · 2 years
Hey Sam, in Brumous does Molly have any reservations with her children living in the same household as Harry who’s being possessed by Voldemort? Does she have reservations about Ron and Harry’s friendship? Or realizing Harry and Ginny have feelings for one another and it could dangerous for her to get involved with him (especially after what she went through with the diary and Voldemort recognizing her)? I know she loves Harry but wouldn’t every mother want to protect her own children before someone else’s?
This is long. I started to ramble because this is so fucking personal to me and I’m going to explain this the best way I can.
Family is complicated.
Connections and bonds are just as powerful (or in some cases more powerful) than blood.
Molly is very family-oriented. She loves her children more than anything in the entire world. They are quite literally her entire life because she never had a job nor does she have many friends before the Order. We see her always talking to Tonks in canon and meddling with Remadora, so one can assume she was amazingly close with Tonks out of everyone. She lost both of her siblings in the war. We know nothing about her parents so I gave those two a backstory as well for the AU but we can assume they’re not in the picture for one reason or another.
But another thing we know about Molly is that she is willing and happy to accept people into her house and treat them like family. Harry and Hermione being the big two. She welcomed Tonks and Remus into her home for Christmas. She moved her entire family into Grimmauld Place (and it couldn’t have just been for protection reasons because they were right at the Burrow the following years) but I think because she genuinely wanted to be with Harry and knew Harry, if he was leaving the Dursleys, would go with Sirius. I think she knew Sirius needed a bit of guidance and a calming presence. While they fought over Harry in the book, there had to have been respect and friendship there. She trusted Sirius to watch her kids when Arthur was attacked and Sirius did it without even batting an eye. I like to think, though we didn’t see it, there was some mutual respect and friendship between those two during OOTP. Because Molly collects strays and cares for them. Sirius is one of the biggest strays to ever exist.
Molly counts Harry as family. She saw this abused and scared eleven year old alone at King’s Cross. Ron must have written to tell her all about Harry and she knitted him a jumper for Christmas to make sure he had a gift - a gift that she always makes for her family. She allowed him into her home during the summers, giving him a safe haven and making sure he was taken care of. There’s no way she didn’t fret all of POA and GOF. I mean… the hug after Voldemort came back… MY HEART.
Look, I didn’t have the best upbringing. I’ve mentioned that before. I have a found family. I have a MIL who treats me like I’m her own kid and is overprotective of me. She’s willing to throw down arms if my egg-donor comes anywhere near me. She is my Molly Weasley. And I love her as though she were my own mother. She showed me how a proper mother should act and I am more grateful for her than I could put into words. She met this anxious and abused girl who was dating her son x amount of years ago and decided I was as much of a daughter to her as her real daughters. She treated me like that since day fucking one. I remember, to this day, the warm hug she gave me the first day I met her. I smile every time she introduces me as her daughter. Not her daughter-in-law but her fucking daughter. I remember her going with me to pick out my wedding dress and seeing her cry. I laugh every time she says she’s out running errands and she’s near my house so if I’m home then she’s fucking on her way and to put on coffee so we can chat. She is the very embodiment of Molly Weasley a person can get.
So no. Molly isn’t worried for Ginny or Ron to be around Harry. She’s ecstatic at the prospect of Hinny to officially have Harry into the family. Though that doesn’t really matter because he’ll always be family. She worries and cares for him like any of her other kids. She has accepted those in Harry’s orbit into her fold. (Even in canon she did this by living at Grimmauld and then having Remus for Christmas during HBP). She saw this abused little boy who is steadily growing into a man she respects and admires. She loves him. She fucking loves him. He is her family.
Bonds and connections… they form family. Blood means fucking nothing. Harry is her family. She loves him. She’s not abandoning him or separating her kids from him because of the dangers. They are at war. They are a part of a vigilante group. They’re all in danger.
Harry is her kid. End of discussion.
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erithel · 2 years
Hi, I hope you're doing well, I have a question that I have always wanted to ask you and I will understand if you're not interested in answering it or busy the question is if you're given the chance to rewrite VLD what are the stuff you're going to change and the one you're going to keep the same, and how are you going to make klance happen without feeling forced like what are you going to add and/or remove to make the relationship feel natural?
Oh man what a cool question! (And I hope you're doing well, too).
To keep this post from becoming a literal essay, I'm going to stick with three of each.
So here's what I would change:
I would choose a base focus for the story, and have it either be about war or about space exploration (or one leading into the other).
I would take the time to establish the team as both a team, but also as friends.
I would amp up the consequences.
And here's what I would keep the same (and I know this might be controversial, but –)
The Lion switch.
Lance's crush on Allura in the beginning.
Lance's death and Keith's almost sacrifice.
Going back to the things I would change: I think one of the things the actual canon VLD would have benefited from was making it a show more about space exploration as opposed to war. War didn't really fit the tone of the show, overall, and I know it was aimed at a younger audience initially but I don't think they were doing anyone any favors by downplaying the atrocities of war and oppression.
This ties into addition #3, because war has consequences. Teenagers risking their lives has consequences. Teenagers being ripped away from their families and their home planet to fight a war they know nothing about has consequences. One of those teenagers finding out he has fucking alien DNA, and happens to be a hybrid of the enemy he's been told to hate – yeah that has consequences, too. One of those teenagers feeling isolated from the rest of the team and being talked down to most of the time, feeding into his already existing insecurities about not being good enough also has consequences.
And the thing I honestly thing we were denied the most in VLD was the fact that the Voltron Paladins were supposed to be the strongest, most efficient, most effective team in the universe; the team that shared one mind and worked so well together that they could seamlessly pilot a single robotic unit. And I feel that was not conveyed in canon. In fact, toward the end, the team felt very scattered and clique – just like 5 people doing their own thing and sometimes coming together to fight the bad guys. If I changed anything about this it would be getting them to the point where they really fit into the "found family" trope; that they had each others backs in life, not just in battle, and they formed an actual bond that no one else could possibly understand.
For the things I would keep the same – and bear with me, here, lol – the lion switch had so much potential. I would have kept the base of this and run with it. Keith being made to take the position he never wanted for reasons he hated – but moving it into a plot of the team having to re-learn how to work together. Having the team actually work together to help each other out, and having Keith be more of a "figurehead" leader rather than someone who had to call all the shots. It would have been a wonderful way to make the team stronger, while giving Keith an arc of learning how to rely on others. And it would have shown the other Paladins how valuable they were as a part of the whole.
I would have kept Lance's crush on Allura as a base for building a strong friendship between them. Because it would have been an amazing arc if Lance started the way he did – needlessly hitting on her, making her annoyed, etc – only to have them sit down one day and actually have a conversation that would have lead to them realizing they worked better as friends.
Lance's death and Keith's sacrifice are pretty obvious things for me to keep for anyone who has read literally anything I've ever created (my angst has angst lol). However, of course, these two instances would not have been brushed aside and forgotten.
I realize that I "kept" some things but also ended up changing them, too, buuuuut I'm still going to count it lol!
And as for Klance happening…I think it would have been phenomenal for Lance to have an actual bisexuality-realization arc. They were already on the path of rivals-to-friends in the early season of canon. And I think it would have been an easy thing to continue if Keith had stayed with the team, and Lance had learned to work with him as his right hand man.
(I actually legit believe that in canon Keith either already had a low-key crush on Lance the whole time, or at some point he just fell in love and stayed there.)
So for me, Klance happening would realistically center more around Lance realizing that the whole time he was picking on Keith because he wanted his attention, not because he hated him. That he was Keith's self-proclaimed rival because he wanted Keith to see that he was good enough, not because he wanted to beat his flight simulator scores or whatever. That it was "Lance and Keith, neck and neck" because he just wanted to walk beside him. That he wasn't jealous of Keith for everything he could do – it was a giant, suppressed crush, and he didn't know how to handle it.
Making Klance happen would be as easy as making them work together – making them realize that they, in fact, worked incredibly well together and made a good team (lol). And allowing them to realize that they didn't just work together well as teammates – they just liked being around the other person. And eventually they realized that everything was so, so much better with the other person in their life, and they never wanted to know what life would be like without that person.
The general consensus is that the canon story of VLD had some really amazing set ups, but not a lot of follow through. So that's what I would love to give it, if I ever miraculously had the opportunity to do a rewrite.
Of course I'm sure there are other things I would change, as well as keep the same, but these are the main ones that come to mind. :)
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