#who sometimes kissed
etre-grantaire · 2 years
I absolutely love bisexual Taylor who doesn’t realize he’s bisexual because of anime.
“What do you mean not everyone is attracted to men? Are you saying it’s gay to be into men? To want to hold them against you and to think about them constantly? What, do you think Naruto is bisexual too???”
Simultaneous self awareness and obliviousness due to Naruto brainrot 
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majunju · 1 year
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sparring buddies
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loz-the-noob · 6 months
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Every day I think about the fact that she said these words and she . She said them. Out loud in a court of law.
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brokenclockgears · 5 months
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hi, yeah. there's a couple of grown men fist fighting in the parking lot again.
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kabukiaku · 5 months
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the goobers just smacked lips!!! will they hit it off? or it will be just a casual fling?
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wuntrum · 1 year
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august's postcard! 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💻
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vlydrphei · 5 months
Rex and Mark are homies 100%
love this trio ong 🙏
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khaopybara · 1 month
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❝The battle has only just begun.❞
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theoldkyokodied · 2 years
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i am working on something bigger at the moment so i can only offer you these silly guys :) <3
Edit: DISCLAIMER: Before you decide to watch Re-Animator, make sure to check for content warnings, there is a scene that a lot of people choose to skip!
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lemonlimestar · 4 months
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(wip) drawing is actually my weakness and i amgoing to explode forever.goodbye
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maomango-doodle · 1 year
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Dumping all my old Strike Hawk art here
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These 3 pages are titled "Lost and Found". It's not rly related to any particular event in the story (it's just the aftermath of a mission here) But i'd probably situate it after chapter 8 with the whole Camu ordeal. I wanted to show how Kamui has found people that accept him and care for him while Camu is left behind, living through Kamui
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vampirade · 1 year
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workingchemistry · 5 months
Echo curls up in the window seat of the apartment Fox has somehow acquired for them. It’s laden with the ugliest throw pillows known to Coruscant and a few other worlds. It doesn’t matter, each one was carefully chosen by their commander and that makes them the best pillows Echo has ever seen. He’s got a real flimsy book held up with one hand but he hasn’t looked down at the pages since Fox’s arrival.
Fives sidles up to Fox with a happy hum before he takes over unbuckling armor. “Well aren’t you a pretty sight?”
Fox doesn’t rise to the bait or try to slap Five’s hands away. Visible emotions aren’t really their partner’s thing but something flickers across his expression. He looks between Fives and then Echo before looking back at Fives. “Are we dating?”
Of all the questions…
Fives’s immediate reassurance breaks off as he doubles over with the force of his coughing.
That leaves Echo to take over. He half stands before he realizes that maybe Fox wants the space—that their commander wasn’t on the same page after all. Instead he stays put and makes sure he catches Fox’s gaze. “We were under that impression, yes, but if it’s not what you want then nothing needs to change.”
“Oh.” Fox says.
He doesn’t jump to reassure them that he wants them in return but that’s alright. Any immediate answer Fox could give wouldn’t be true. It’s honestly a point of pride that Fox trusts them enough to tell the truth.
Meanwhile, Fives stops dramatically choking on his own spit long enough to go back to helping with Fox’s armor. He isn’t immediately pushed away, so that’s also a good sign.
Echo watches from his window seat and hopes.
There’s not much physical difference between Fox’s blacks and their own, but it still soothes a possessive nerve to see Fox replace his dirty blacks with Echo’s. It’s his favorite set, the one with a little tear down the side mended with a decorative stitch in blue.
Fives scoops up the dirty blacks and scuffed armor to do maintenance on in the other room, shooting Echo a sharp look as he does. That is where he deviates from routine, pausing this time before he kisses Fox’s cheek to give their commander time to pull away.
Fox does no such thing. He leans into the touch, tipping his forehead to rest against Five’s. Then he’s pulling away to drop onto the seat next to Echo. “So if you thought we were dating, I’m guessing you’ve already filed the paperwork?”
That draws Echo up short. Sure he doesn’t abide by the regs as strictly as he used to, but surely he would have known if there was paperwork. “For dating?”
“Mm.” Fox isn’t looking at Echo. “We’re in different battalions. I’m head over the military police force. That’s more than enough to be a conflict of interest.”
“Fuck. We can get it done tonight if you…” Echo breaks off when he catches a telltale amused twitch of Fox’s nose. He shoves their commander with a bright laugh. “You bastard! Who taught you a sense of humor?”
Fox’s lips tip up ever so slightly at the corners in the closest he ever comes to a genuine smile. “I found these parasites in the drunk tank. I think their bad habits are starting to rub off on me.”
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akai-anna · 6 months
it's been a while on my rewatch, but i'm watching the fake wedding case and... can we just talk about how shinichi's reaction is so different in the anime compared to the manga?
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bland. boring. WHERE IS THE FEELING IN THIS. just. No.
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bonus: shinichi peeking at ran with a blush on his face at this bit (and ran blushing too, pretty please)
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We Were Robbed.
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yoku-yukihime · 5 months
Flower Master. ... and her Silly wife
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firstkanaphans · 2 months
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Real and True
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