#who remembers when i used this one years back
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cherrygirlfriend · 3 days ago
touchy subject
pairing: reader x exfiancé!rafe synopsis: reader seeing her ex-fiancé after four years. warnings: angst, some fluff, mentions of a miscarriage, just pure agony! wc: 1.8k inspired by the song 'touchy subject' by peach prc. originally posted 11/21/2024
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a white baby gate fixed in my hallway stays haunting the house with the angels we made; sometimes, i dream, a decade away, we meet in a grocery store; you look the same, with just a few grey hairs. the blonde little girl who tugs on your shirt with your smile looks nothing like me.
it had been four years since you had last been on kildare island; four years of trying to forget the life, or the ruined bones of one, that you'd been escaping from.
after ending your engagement with your fiancé, you'd traveled all around the country in your beat-up truck, hoping to find a place where you'd belong; only to end up back in the outer banks. they say there's no place like home, and in a way, it was true. you can leave kildare island, but kildare island will never leave you.
"everything okay?"
you're startled out of your thoughts by the melodic sound of your mother's voice, and when she follows your gaze to the baby-gate attached to the door leading to the kitchen, her mouth twists into a frown. "i was meant to take that down before you got here..." she chewed on her lower lip, a pang of guilt almost punching her in the chest.
"it's fine." you shrug, trying to lift the ends of your lips into a smile, only for it to look artificial and rehearsed. "i should start unpacking."
"alright." your mother placed her hand on your shoulder, but should've been a comforting gesture, made you feel like you were underwater and the hand was simply pushing you deeper.
you stood alone in the living room of your apartment, the only thing to be heard of was the ticking of the clock your mother had already mounted on the clock, mixed in with the sounds of passing cars, so unlike the day you first moved into the apartment, yet so much like the day you were last there.
"you should keep the apartment."
"rafe, i can't do that. it's way too much, and i'm leaving-"
"it's already in your name." the man sighed, smoothing his hand over his shaved head; he looked so different than usual, the dark bags under his eyes making him look like he had aged ten years, his usually tan face almost pale. "you can do whatever you want with it. keep it, sell it, i don't care. it's yours. i never want to step foot in this place again."
your feet were almost moving on their own, the hardwood floor cold under your feet, leading you to that door, and even though you felt your blood run cold, every cell of your body telling you not to open it, you couldn't help but nudge the door open.
you didn't know what you were expecting.
stepping into the room, you let your hand trail over the soft-pink wall, still remembering the smell of paint.
"you know, you shouldn't be doing that." he sighed, leaning against the doorway. "i can just hire someone to paint the walls."
you roll your eyes, your denim overalls covered in the soft pink paint as the paint stained the white wall, "i want to do this. i'm not gonna hire someone to do everything for me when i'm perfectly fine doing it on my own."
"you're not-"
"hush." you pointed the paint roller at rafe, "i'm doing this. now pick up a paint roller or quit whining."
you look down at the crib, lined with white lace, picking up the brown teddy bear that used to belong to you when you were a child, brushing your hand over the fur, straightening the pink bow around its neck.
hung above the crib, was a picture of a couple that had just gotten engaged, wide smiles on both of their faces; a couple that had once been so familiar to you, but now, it was like you couldn't recognize either of the people in the photos.
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it felt like everyone was staring at you as they walked past you; four years clearly hadn't been long enough to make the people of outer banks forget about you, and as you made your way towards the local cafe, you couldn't help but think about how long it'd take for the person you didn't want to know you were in town to find out.
you were strolling down the street, rafe's hand in yours, your fingers intertwined. you licked the ice cream cone, deep in thought, letting rafe take the lead.
"what's going through that pretty head of yours?" he chuckled softly, bringing your hand up to his lips, pressing a kiss to the back of it, your engagement ring glimmering under the sunlight.
"baby names." you shrug, "what should we name her?"
"do you have any names in mind?"
"i was thinking..." you pursed your lips, not sure if the name you had been considering would be appropriate or not, chewing on your lower lip as you turn your head to face your fiancé, an expectant smile on his lips and his brows lifted in question, "evelyn."
when the name left your lips, you saw his mouth fall open, and for a moment you thought that you never should've spoken, but after rafe cleared his throat, there was a clear smile on his lips, his blue eyes glassy.
"you- you uh, wanna name her after my mom?"
"yeah." you smile, squeezing his hand. "i do."
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for the millionth night, you were laid in bed, looking through pictures, featuring the faces of the couple above the crib in the room next door. pictures with the man's arms wrapped around the woman's waist, ones of them holding hands, ones where one was pressing a kiss the other person's cheek, ones from the several midsummers parties they spent together, ones from halloween, thanksgiving, christmas...
the girl in the dress she had planned to wear on her wedding day.
"rafe, where are you taking me?" you laughed, the blindfold covering your eyes, "if the blindfold's for some kinky purpose, you better forget about it."
rafe laughed, continuing to lead you, his large hands on your waist, "come on, have a little faith in me. i'm not that bad, am i?"
"oh, you definitely are. just last week we were an hour late to ava's party because you just thought i was irresistible."
rafe snorted, "well, that's because you were." he pressed a kiss on your cheek, "you can take it off." he whispered, taking a step away from you.
untying the blindfold, you blinked a few times, letting yourself get used to actually being able to see again, only to be startled by the sight of your boyfriend on one knee in front of you, a small velvet box in his hand, "rafe...?"
you wiped away the stray tear that had left your eye without permission before it could reach your jaw, continuing to scroll through the pictures, knowing that it'd be yet another sleepless night, but when you saw a picture of her, you paused.
you weren't sure who was more nervous, you or rafe, even though you were the one in the examination chair, your shirt pulled up and your rounded stomach on full display. his hand was tightly gripping yours, the man's jaw clenched.
"let's take a look, shall we?" the ultrasound technician smiled, and you nodded, feeling her spread the cold gel onto your stomach, a slight yelp leaving your lips, making rafe squeeze your hand even tighter. you looked to him, nodding reassuringly, speaking softly, "it's okay."
rafe's grip loosened slightly and he softened his grip, both of you turning your heads to the screen, and the moment you saw the little lump on the screen, you couldn't help but feel tears stinging in your eyes.
"look. that's our baby."
"shit..." rafe stared at the screen wide-eyed, letting out a low breath, "that's our baby."
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just like on any average day on the island, the sun was shining, your skin radiating with warmth as you walked down the street, looking in through shop windows; it had been a few days since you'd first stepped outside, and it seemed like your arrival had become widespread news, and you didn't receive as many stares as you did before.
you arrived at rafe's door, bringing your hand up and pounding on the door before you could stop yourself and chicken out for the third time that week. you were a wreck, unable to sleep, to think about anything other than how much you knew you needed to talk to rafe.
you waited, tapping your foot against the ground and biting down on your lip, when finally, the door slowly started opening, a small smile forming on rafe's lips when he realized that it was you.
"hey baby," he chuckled softly, placing his hands on your waist, "you miss me so much you couldn't even text me to let you know you were coming?" he grinned.
"i have to talk to you." you pull away from his embrace, taking his hands off your waist, the blonde looking down at you with furrowed brows, crossing his arms in front of his broad chest, clearly alarmed by the slight frown on your lips.
"what's wrong?"
"i'm pregnant."
without even realizing it, you had stopped in front of a jewelry store, gazing inside at the things on display as you were going down memory lane inside your head. you let out a small chuckle, about to step back and continue walking, when your blood ran cold, the smile fading away from your face, feeling as if someone had stabbed you in the heart.
to anyone else, it would've just been the backs of two random people. but even without seeing his face, you could recognize the only man you'd ever loved no matter where you went.
his short-sleeved white collared shirt was tucked into his dark jeans, riding up slightly as he ran a hand through his hair, having grown out slightly since the last time you'd seen it, his signet ring on his middle finger.
you saw him let out a chuckle, and you could almost picture how it'd sound, his hand going to rest on the back of the person he was with.
a younger woman smiled up at him, and even just from her side profile, you could tell that she was gorgeous, her flaming hair flowing over her shoulders, the smile on her face genuine, matching his.
and when you saw what she was holding up and showing to him, the knife in your chest was twisted.
an engagement ring.
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planetaryupscaled · 1 day ago
The Best of Three
Male Reader x Gaeul x Sakura
Tags: 9k, smut, creampie, oral, threesome, tw
The story is not ours, we alternate the original story to match our desired settings.
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I hated returning home to an empty apartment on a Friday night, particularly when it was dark by the time I walked through the front door.
Shutting the door behind me, I switched on the lights, throwing my keys and everything on the coffee table, laying my bag down on one of the chairs before grabbing a beer from the fridge, sitting back on the three-seater lounge.
Flicking on the television, it was the usual inane news items, sighing to myself as I sipped at my beer. Picking up my phone, there were a few messages from friends, those I’d kept close after everything that happened. Even a couple of friends I’d kept since school now distanced themselves from me. I didn’t really blame them.
Shaking my head of the memories, I flicked to one of the channels. Flicking through my phone apps, I found the number for the local pizza joint. I was a regular there, chatting away with the sweet girl on the phone. And half an hour later, my pizza arrived.
Ten minutes later, the intercom buzzed. Groaning to myself, as I wasn’t expecting any company, and all I wanted to do was spend the weekend drunk, I got up and walked to the small panel.
“Heyy!” the voices outside exclaimed in unison.
I took a moment to blink and take a couple of breaths. If there were two people on the planet who loved me unconditionally, no matter what I did, it was those two. I was going to ask ‘What are you doing here?’ but that would have been rude, and I knew they were there for me anyway. I buzzed them up, hearing both of them thank me. Opening the door, I waited for them to appear.
As they approached me, I couldn’t help smile. It was almost unfair they were so damned beautiful, kind and caring, and not the hot mess like I was.
Did I say they were beautiful, gorgeous and could have been on the cover of magazines?
“Hey!” they both exclaimed, and before I knew it, I was being cuddled by two excitable girls.
Leading them inside, I offered them a glass of wine, as I always kept a couple of bottles around considering they were frequent visitors, sitting in between them on the three-seater lounge. I offered them a slice of pizza before I sat back, muting the television, glancing to either side of me. I received a sweet smile in return from the both.
“What are you doing here?”
“Let me guess,” Sakura replied, “You’re watching, eating a pizza and drinking beer, then you’ll pass out in bed later before spending the weekend feeling sorry for yourself.”
Shrugging helplessly, as they knew me well, both of them smiled at me but there was no missing the sadness in their eyes. “It’s been one year since you moved out of our apartment, two years since you broke up, three since you date her, and four since that afternoon,” Gaeul stated, “Isn’t it time to move on?”
“I have moved on. I have a good job. Have my own apartment. A few close friends.”
“But no girl in your life,” Sakura retorted.
“I find it very difficult to trust people nowadays, particularly a girl. Pretty much you two are the only I trust in the world.”
“You date a slut,” Gaeul suggested, “That’s on her, not on you.”
“Doesn’t change what she did to me, the fact I walked in on them, the fact it went on for so long, the fact the others involved were supposed to be my friends.”
“You’re coming out with us tonight. No more moping around your apartment every weekend,” Sakura pretty much demanded.
“I do go out! And I go out with you most of the time.”
“Well, the local cafe for a few drinks is not going out when not with us. You’re coming out with your gorgeous best friends to have fun. You remember what fun is, right?”
I grunted a non-committal response, which made them giggle before they cuddled into me. Glancing either way, they looked up at me with those big doe eyes they’d perfected over the years. From the moment I met them, they had me wrapped around their fingers.  I'd have done anything for them.
Finally, I sighed as I knew I wouldn’t win. “Okay, let me have a shower and get changed.”
“Want some company?” Sakura asked.
“We could help scrub your back,” Gaeul added.
They were always teasing me like that. If it wasn’t for them, I dread to think what my life would be like nowadays. Probably far lonelier, if I’m being honest.
“Wear something nice!” Sakura called out as I was about to step into the bathroom.
“But your stubble is perfect. Makes you look handsome.” Gaeul added.
Stepping under the hot water, I couldn’t help smile for a moment.
As I cleaned up in the shower, I reflected on the previous few months of my life.  Instead of our friendship becoming strained, as I honestly thought they were left feeling abandoned after I found the one, or so I thought. we seemed to be closer than ever. I spoke to both of them nearly every night. We sent messages and exchanged pictures throughout the day. We spent nearly every weekend together. I still wasn’t ready for dating so having some female companionship felt good.
I also picked up that, on the rare nights out I did have with them, neither they had a problem flirting with me. And I wasn’t your typical oblivious person. I knew when a girl was giving me the eyes but I guess I simply hadn’t looked at them like that.
They clearly loved me, as I do to them, and that left me questioning certain things. I barely heard about any boyfriends. They’d claimed they were not virgins but I also knew they were not the type of girls to go out on a night, pick up a guy, fuck them and then not speak to them again.
They’d organized to meet a few of their good friends. The bar we met them was trendy enough. Not really the place I’d head to by myself considering the price of a beer was eye-watering. I did the gentlemanly thing and offered to buy the first round. They told me my money was worthless, I was their guest and all they wanted was my company.
Conversation flowed and I was center of attention. After an hour, I found myself relaxing and enjoying the evening. I realized that the one topic not to be touched was that of my ex-girlfriend, but anything else was fair game. But we generally avoided anything that would bring down the mood. Sakura sat to my left, Gaeul to my right, and they didn’t move, ordering their rounds via their phones so they could be delivered to our table.
After a few drinks, the girls wanted to dance. They knew I never went to nightclubs. But what they wanted, they got. A pout, doe eyes and pleading with me, feeling their fingers running up and down my arms and chest, and I was putty in their paws. Their friends giggled but I also saw looks that suggested they knew too. I thought they’d be weirded out the obvious affection the two had for me.
Once inside, we avoided the over-priced drinks, sticking to water or soft drink, and headed to the dancefloor. Despite my aversion to the music, I could still move to the beat. No other girl got a look in the entire time was there, they both draped over me the entire time. It wasn’t the first time, but I was now paying more attention. Even their friends barely got my attention. If we’d been in the sort of place that had slow music, I had little doubt two bodies would be molded into mine.
No idea what time we rolled out of the club. I was a gentleman again, making sure all our friends were off safely first. That earned me a kiss on the cheek from each of them but a certain look I tried hard to read, almost as if they understood. The three of us shared a taxi again, this time I was in the middle of the back seat, Sakura and Gaeul to either side. The taxi driver met my eyes in the rearview mirror and grinned at me.
Arriving at my place, Sakura let me out, Gaeul got out on her side. Before I could say a word, Gaeul paid the driver while Sakura took my hand, leading me to the door leading into the building. Taking the elevator up to the floor of my apartment, I opened the door and stood aside, letting them in first. When they headed straight for my bedroom, I followed them slowly, walking in to find them stripping down to their lingerie. Against their pale skin, Sakura in black, Gaeul in red, they turned and smiled at me. They were absolute visions.
Walking towards me, I’m fairly sure I stood there slack-jawed. They ran a hand up an arm each before meeting at the buttons of my shirt, helping undo that and take it off. Their fingers continued to move across my chest down to the belt of my jeans. They undid that but then moved down to my feet, helping take off my shoes and socks, both of them on their knees as they undid the button then lowered the zip of my jeans.
That left me in my bedroom in only my underwear with my two goddess best friend in their lingerie. And there was no missing the tent in my underwear. Both rose slowly, raking their nails over my skin, both making sure they trailed lightly over my erection.
“What are we doing here?” I had to ask softly.
“Going to bed,” Sakura replied.
“We’re going to keep you company,” Gaeul added.
“How do we look?” Sakura wondered.
“Are we pretty?” Gaeul asked.
I took half a step back and looked them up and down. I felt my cock throb from the excitement. They were my best friends and I probably shouldn’t see them in such a situation. Huh, that word again. Situation. Both stepped forward and pressed their warm bodies into mine, a hand each moving up my back to the top of my head. Sakura was the first to kiss me, a soft meeting of our lips. It wasn’t a chaste kiss but wasn’t quite that of lovers. Gaeul then kissed me in a similar manner. My fingers were caressing each back on offer at the same time. When I moved further down, they both smiled at me.
“You can touch us anywhere you want,” Sakura breathed.
“We’re here for you, to make you happy. Tonight, we’re going to share your bed to sleep.”
“Yeah, I’m not sure how easy sleep will be,” I muttered.
“Hey?” I met Sakura’s eyes. “You realize now how we feel?” I searched her eyes before doing the same with Gaeul. “We love you.”
“Like, totally,” Gaeul added, both of them giggling at the phrase.
“You mean ‘love’ love, like the love I shared with...”
“No!” Sakura shouted, Gaeul shouting the same word in unison. “We love you so much more than that slut!”
“Sorry, I didn’t...”
Before I could finish, Sakura kissed me. Within a few seconds, it was the sort of kiss lovers would share. Without thinking, I slid my tongue into her mouth and she whimpered within a few seconds. Breaking the kiss, her eyes were already glistening before I turned and kissed Gaeul exactly the same way. When she whimpered, I pulled back and noticed the same look.
“Kissing is one thing, but... Anything else... we shouldn’t even be doing this.”
“So we take it as slow as you want,” Gaeul replied, “But do you love us?”
“Of course, I do.”
“But can you love us like you now know how we want you to?” Sakura asked, and I heard a hint of desperation. I’m not sure why they were doing it tonight, but I think they’d been waiting and they were laying their hearts out on the line.
It was time to make the confession. “I already do love you like that, it’s why I had to move out.” For a brief moment, the smiles faltered as I knew they were still hurt, but I think they now understood. “But there's a line in the friendship that should not be crossed.  Once we have crossed that line...”
“We’ll cross it when you’re ready,” Gaeul stated.
Turning them both around, we hopped into bed, me in the middle Sakura to my left, Gaeul to my right. One of their legs was lifted onto my body, one of their hands relaxing on my chest, running up and down through the faint covering of hair. My arms were wrapped around them. When their hands moved further down my body, I gave each of them a glance, noticing the smirk on their faces.
Feeling them reach the band of my underwear, I sucked in a breath when they didn’t delay in sliding under and I felt two smaller hands caress my cock. “Fuck,” I muttered.
“We want to look after our best friend,” Sakura whispered into my ear.
“In every single way,” Gaeul whispered into my other one.
“We’re yours forever.”
“Do you need to cum?”
I managed to nod my head, considering I’d been turned on since my earlier shower when I’d been thinking of our recent times together. The fact they were always dressed to impress whenever we went out. The constant flirting and flagrantly trying to turn me on. The constant innuendo. Those looks they’d give that suggested they wanted nothing more than their best friend to bend them over the table and do many naughty things to them both.
“Do you need us to take care of this hard thing in your underwear?”
There it was from Sakura. The moment of truth. The line in the sand. Pandora’s Box about to be opened. Once it happened, it couldn’t be undone. Can’t unring a bell. “Are you sure?” I had to ask.
“We always love you,” Gaeul whispered, and I heard the shudder of breath.
“We always have been,” Sakura added, hearing the emotion in hers too. “And now you’re ours.”
I gave it all of three seconds thought before I nodded. Gaeul giggled and rolled away, returning with the lube I used for my private moments. Both sat up and eagerly helped lower my underwear. They both grinned when my cock came into view. Minji had never complained about it, but she’d also cheated on me. That sort of things does impact your ego and leaves you questioning plenty of things about yourself.
“Bigger than your ex.”
“And yours.” Sakura giggled. “God, that sounds even worse when we’re in here. We only saw it by accident!”
I blushed and chuckled. “Um, one other thing,” Gaeul stated, “We’ve never been with a guy before.”
“What?” I asked, my voice deadpan. I didn’t expect that.
They both smiled at me. “Technically, we’re not virgins but we had to learn about a few things, obviously, but we’ve only ever wanted you. Why do you think we were so upset when you told us you were going to that that slut?” Sakura retorted.
Sitting up, I immediately pulled them into my body and hugged them. “I’m sorry,” I whispered, “I had no idea you felt like that at the time.”
“It’s okay,” they both assured me, kissing me on each cheek.
“We’re here now,” Sakura stated in the sort of tone that suggested no argument.
“Now lie back as we want to play with your cock!” Gaeul stated excitedly.
Lying back, I couldn’t help smile as their eyes were still full of their love for me, but added to that was a healthy dose of lust. When I suggested that they might as get naked as well, they glanced each other, changed a smile, and suggested I help them. Sitting back on my knees, I kissed Sakura as I helped take off her bra, before I lowered her panties, pulling her into my body and making her whimper again as my cock pressed into her. Doing the same to Gaeul, I squeezed her cheeks at the same time. When I broke the kiss, her eyes were hooded in that manner where I could have probably thrown her back and just had my way with her.
On my back, Gaeul applied lube and I soon had the joy of four hands caressing my cock. How I didn’t cum in two minutes, I don’t know. As I looked down to see my two best friends playing with me, giggling away.
“I love you both,” I whispered.
They both smiled as they quickly figured out what felt really good. “This is just to get you to sleep tonight,” Sakura explained, “But we know taking it slow is best.”
“But we’re hoping we’ll make love sooner rather than later. We’ve been waiting a while.”
“I agree, Gaeul. Agree on the sooner thing,” I grunted as they were now working my shaft with a hand each.
I watched enraptured as they stroked me off. I was almost wanting to ask if they’d blow me. I swear they were mind readers as they assured me that, next time, they’d both be sucking me off to an orgasm, and they both giggled by promising they’d swallow. And they’d want to try a facial. And cum on their tits too. Basically, I could cum anywhere I wanted on them. But was that after fucking their pussy or ass? When they mentioned anal, I damn near exploded.
“That’s one cherry neither of us has given up,” Sakura added, “That’s yours and yours alone, whenever you want it. Well, not before we’ve made love a few times anyway.”
When I told them I was close, they smiled and turned around so they were facing away from me, but I got a perfect look at two pert little butts, and they purposely spread their legs so I got a fantastic view of their bald little pussies. My mouth watered as they were both clearly turned, almost dripping wet with excitement. Reaching out with just a finger from each hand, I delicately ran a finger up each slit on offer. They made a sound between a gasp and a choked sob, then a plea for me to just touch them ever so lightly.
That helped me orgasm as I blasted within a couple of minutes. No idea where half my cum went, Gaeul quickly disappearing into the bathroom to retrieve a wet washcloth, wiping down my cock, and around my lower abdomen. Feeling a little light-headed, as that was one hell of an orgasm, they both turned around and cuddled into me.
“What about you?”
“Want to see us play with ourselves?” Sakura asked, “It’s late, we’re horny, but we want a whole night of your pleasuring us when it’s the first time. How turned on are you, Gaeul?”
“Just looking at you has me flowing.” Gaeul said.
I looked down and she wasn’t lying. I met her eyes and, though she blushed, the rapid breathing and chewing of her bottom lip told me enough. Sakura was equally as turned on. Without me saying a word, they were soon fondling their pussies. They were absolutely perfect, If I concentrated hard enough, I could almost taste their scent.
“Hey,” Sakura whimpered and I already knew it was the tone of a girl who needed to orgasm. I sat up on my knees between them, alternating kissing each of them as they were soon frigging themselves something silly.
“Oh god,” Gaeul moaned, “Oh god, this is going to be...”
“Are you going to cum for me?” I asked them both. They both nodded eagerly, leaning down to kiss each of them again. They whimpered as I slid my tongue into Gaeul’s mouth first, caressing her cheek, before doing the same to Sakura. Noticing their nipples were almost achingly hard, I took one in each hand and started to play with them.
“Oh fuck yes!” Gaeul cried out as her entire body started to quiver. She was almost sobbing though there was no thought of stopping. Sakura followed in orgasm within seconds, whimpering and crying as both leaned into my body, both of them refusing to stop for a second.
“Keep going,” I whispered into Sakura’s ear, before leaning over to Gaeul, “I want you to pass out.”
Gaeul could only whimper and moan, Sakura was barely capable of saying anything. I turned around and wrapped an arm around each of them, watching as they spread their legs further. My cock was already rock hard again, both of them concentrating on themselves but fondling me at the same time. They climaxed in unison again within a few minutes. A third one quickly followed after that. Then I asked them to give me their fingers.
I tasted them for the first time, Sakura the first to offer her fingers before I tasted Gaeul. Now that they’d stopped, they were clearly exhausted after a long night out and now having sorted themselves out. We needed a quick shower together, just to wash away the sweat from a night of dancing and our other activities.
Returning to bed afterwards, they performed ‘scissors, paper, rock’ in regards to who’d spoon against me. Gaeul won, happily cuddled back against me, Sakura cuddling back into her friend. My arms were long enough wrap around them both.
“Will you be hard in the morning?” Gaeul asked just before I was about to drift off.
“Well, I always am but I think it’ll be extra hard in the morning.” They both giggled at the insinuation. “I love you both.”
“We love you more,” they replied in unison.
I woke to an empty bed the next morning. I wandered out to the living room, finding Sakura and Gaeul in the kitchen preparing breakfast naked. In the morning light, they were even more stunning, and they’d both made sure they’re hair was up in a ponytail. Any chance of my cock deflating disappeared in an instant.
Moving to stand behind them, they giggled as I kissed them each on the cheek, moving down to kiss and nibble on their necks, ensuring I pressed my cock into each of them when doing it. I enjoyed the moans they both made as they could clearly feel how turned on, I was by both of them. It made me chuckle. I would have never considered anything like this. I’d moved out of their apartment to avoid the temptation.
Now here we were, three naked friends having crossed a line the previous night, and there was no doubt we would be making love sooner rather than later.
After enjoying a naked breakfast, Sakura mentioned a lunch at their shared apartment, something we did at least once a month on a Sunday. It was amusing that they had to get dressed in what they wore before while I slipped on some clean clothes. “Maybe you can just undress us again at our place?” Sakura asked with a smirked.
Once we were in their apartment, they again performed the game I’d see them play throughout the years. Gaeul won so took my hand, standing in front of me and told me to strip her. I did it incredibly slowly, ensuring I turned her on, my fingers lightly trailing all over her smooth, pale skin, kissing her in various places. By the time I had her down to the lingerie she’d worn the night before, she was completely turned on. Glancing at her panties, the darker colour told me everything I needed to know.
“I want you,” she breathed.
Once she was naked, I pulled her into my body, easily lifting her up, making her squeal. She looked at the doorway and smiled, motioning Sakura to join us. I did the same for Sakura. “I love your body,” I whispered, looking up to see her blinking rapidly, “I can’t wait to learn about both of you completely.”
As soon as she was naked, I kissed and cuddled her too, earning a squeal and giggle equal to her friend. I could almost smell their arousal. Making sure they were standing side by side; I met each pair of eyes and I knew they wanted to do a whole lot more with me then and there. “I’m thinking the same thing,” I stated, “But we do have an appointment to keep. If I put both of you on that bed, we won’t be leaving until tomorrow morning.”
I think they shuddered at the insinuation and were now aware that I wanted them both intimately. I knew what I saw in my eyes in that moment. I wanted to make love to them. I wanted them as much as they wanted me. And they knew that, once we did sleep together, that was us committed, the three of us, forever.
Somehow, I managed to tear myself away and head towards the living room, ending up in the kitchen to throw some cold water on my face. I could hear them giggling away as they got ready, turning up half an hour later dressed more conservatively than the night before.
We stayed long enough to watch movies before I had to go home. Calling a taxi, it suddenly hit me how lonely I was going to feel walking into that empty apartment again. Now that I’d finally confronted my own feelings, while they had well and truly confessed how they felt, the idea of being apart made me sad.
“Then we’ll have to start looking for a place to share. At least three bedrooms. A master one big enough for the three of us, then a couple for when we start having kids,” Sakura added.
“We’re having children,” Gaeul replied.
I looked between them both. “You’re serious?” Receiving two firm nods, their faces broke out into grins when I smiled at them.
“Well, I Always wanted to be a father.” I said, grinning.
“And you’re going to make us mothers,” Sakura stated, “But that’s for later. First, we’re going to enjoy some steamy sex.” She glanced around and leaned forward, both of them caressing my groin. I shuddered as they giggled, kissing me on the cheek.
Concentrating at work that week was difficult. The guys seemed to realize straight away as they all started asking if I’d met someone. I had no reason to complain and it was time to start looking at everything positively.
Friday afternoon after work, I did some grocery shopping, ensuring I had their favorite food and drink in the apartment. From the moment I stepped in the door, I was inundated with selfies of them getting ready. I’d already received more than one naked picture from them. In fact, a couple of videos as well where they were fooling around with each other. That was pure masturbation material.
The intercom finally buzzed as I was placing a dish in the oven. Buzzing them up, I waited by the front door for them to appear. They appeared wearing a little black dress each, what looked like black thigh highs or stocking, and black heels. The cut of the dress showed off their cleavage and clung tight to their curves. I kissed each of them for a good minute or so before I escorted them inside. They only carried a small bag each. When asking why they’d packed lightly, they suggested that all they would need would be some lingerie to pose for me, and clothes to wear home on Sunday night.
Otherwise, they would be naked for my enjoyment.
Placing their things in my bedroom, I led them to the dining area, where I had already set the table, candles lit, a bottle of white wine chilling, music playing lightly in the background, the sort that would set the mood. Earned another kiss from them both, lasting a couple of minutes, feeling them press their delectable little bodies into me. I practically growled in return as I got a good handful of a pert ass on each of them.
Sitting each of them down, as the table was only a small square, they would sit to either side of me. I was only serving one of their favorite dishes, followed by dessert. Pouring them a glass of wine, we made small talk as I waited for the food to cook. I wasn’t an expert in the kitchen but I could follow a recipe and was confident enough to make my own subtle changes. They’d tasted my version more than once and loved it.
And they certainly loved it this time, making the sort of noises I hoped to hear later. My thoughts were reflected on my eyes and face as Sakura giggled.
“Oh, we’ll be making even better noises than that when you make love to us later. Gaeul and I have already agreed that we’d better go home Sunday night feeling very tender between our legs.”
“We took the pill for a while but stopped bothering since we’ve never been with a man before, Sakura and I ovulate at the same time, so when it’s time, you’d better get ready,” Gaeul added.
Serving dessert afterwards, they moved their chairs around next to mine so I could feed them both. After each spoonful, they made sure to kiss me, their hands caressing my body and crotch. I was now nursing a significant tent in my trousers and was rather eager to see them naked again. Thankfully, the apartment came with a dishwasher. Loading that up first, I left it to run for later as I was led out to the living room. I enjoyed the fact they were taking the lead as they wasted no time starting to undress me. Didn’t stop at my underwear, that came off quickly like everything else.
Pushing me back to sit on the lounge, they ensured my legs were spread wide enough so they could sit between them together. Feeling two tongues running up and down my shaft was an experience I never thought I’d have. But it was the look in their eyes that had me smile. They knew I’d make them happy later, but in this moment, it was simply about my pleasure.
“We’ve practiced on a toy or two,” Sakura explained, “Had to get over our gag reflex.”
“You’ve got a big cock too and we wanted to ensure we could swallow you whole,” Gaeul added.
I managed to a nod as I watched Sakura wrap her lips around my shaft. The groan I released made Gaeul giggle as she sat up enough to kiss me, Sakura rather quickly proving that the training worked as she swallowed more and more of my shaft. I groaned into Gaeul’s mouth, making her break the kiss as she needed to giggle, before Sakura removed her mouth and Gaeul took over.
“Fuck,” I murmured.
“Just imagine this every day for the rest of your life,” Sakura whispered, leaning up to kiss me next.
For the next minutes, Sakura and Gaeul alternated either blowing or kissing me. Their hands caressed my body, thighs or balls. They were both ever so eager to make me cum. Their dirty talk was on point and did nothing but reinforce how much they wanted this, and that they definitely wanted it inside them later.
Watching their heads bobbing up and down, eyes gazing up into mine with that mixture of love, lust and devotion, I had to run my fingers through their hair. The one not blowing me returned such a sweet smile, it would have made most other men cry.
“Who wants it?” I had to ask.
They both smiled and played their usual game, best of three. Sakura won, but whoever won never rubbed it in. It was something they’d done to keep things fair. Sure, they tried to out-think each other, but in the law of averages, it was likely the winning split was 50/50. Gaeul kissed Sakura on the cheek and told her how pretty she was, but how it was to see my cock in her mouth and down her throat.
“Maybe we can put on a show for him later too?” Sakura moaned as she moved faster on my cock, reading my body language and reactions. “Though I’m hoping he wants to lick our tight little pussies first?”
Sakura moaned. I groaned. And then I erupted. Sakura was ready for it, her eyes lighting up as she felt the first spurt of cum flood her mouth. Best orgasm of my life to that point, hands down, no contest. I knew the first time I would cum in either of them later would be better, but still, I know I sat there with a stupid smile on my face as I emptied myself.
Gaeul then handed me her phone, told me to record, as Sakura turned to kiss her. I knew exactly what they were doing. No chance of my cock softening for a second. They clutched each other tightly as they made out before they turned to me and showed the result.
“Holy shit,” I muttered, “You two little minxes.”
“Only ever for you. We’ll be your innocent best friends outside the bedroom, but we’ll do anything for you inside the bedroom. We’ve never done this and we’ll only ever do this for you,” Sakura stated.
“Then can you swallow?”
They complied immediately, smiling at me before showing me their empty mouths. “Good girls.”
Giggling, they helped me to my feet and led me towards my bedroom. I’d already set things up there. A nice bedspread and clean sheets. Scented candles. The same music softly in the background. That same game, Gaeul won, so I undressed her first, making out with her the entire time, Sakura pressing behind her so she wasn’t left out.
After undressing Sakura, we moved together onto the bed, the pair lying side by side as I sat on my knees, gazing down upon them. I disappeared for a few seconds, returning with my phone to snap a couple of photos. It quickly turned into quite the erotic photoshoot before they were both begging me to pleasure them.
I would have loved to please them both at once but I only had one mouth. Two hands, but only one mouth. Sensing my thoughts, they sat up for a moment and kissed my cheek. They knew I didn’t have a favourite. Despite they had their own unique personalities, despite how alike they could be at the same time.
“Okay, how about this...” Sakura stated, “Whoever gets first go here, the other makes love to him first. That okay with you, Gaeul?”
“Kura, I wouldn’t care if I was second both times.”
“I’m already thinking the same thing.” Sakura replied.
They smiled at each other before they played that same game. Gaeul won. While she was happy to win, there was a momentary look. The kiss they shared was soft but I could see the love. And it was obvious they were more than used to kissing each other and being intimate.
Lying back side by side again, Sakura lay on her side as Gaeul spread her legs for me. I lavished her body with attention, enjoying her moans and pleas that I give her ignored pussy my attention. But I was learning as I went along and she was loving every second. Her breasts and nipples were very sensitive. Kissing up and down her inner things made her squeal. She loved being tickled, the giggles warming my heart. Sakura was occasionally kissing her and I made sure she wasn’t feeling left out, trailing my fingers up and down her legs at the same time.
Gaeul almost sobbed when my tongue touched her pussy for the first time. I glanced at Sakura to see her blinking back tears. I knew she would react like that later. Gaeul tasted divine as I gently lapped at her juicy lips, watching as her juices dribbled down onto the blanket, such was her arousal. Her scent had my cock as hard as I could remember, making Sakura giggle when I moved and spread her legs, savouring her scent. Slightly different to Gaeul, but I gave her a quick kiss on her pussy before returning to Gaeul.
I’d always enjoyed going down on a girl, and the best part was those first few times when learning what worked best with a new lover. Thankfully, Gaeul was also a vocal lover, letting me know how she liked to licked, how she liked my fingers to move, when I finally slid them inside her, even suggested she’d like a finger or two up the bum at a later time, both stating against that their ass were completely untouched.
“Like that,” she moaned, “Like that. My clit. Just circle it like that.”
Doing as she asked, I noticed how her body reacted. An all over body shudder and the sort of guttural moan I’d heard from previous lovers. She’d just utterly loved what I’d done.
“Make her cum,” Sakura whispered, “I can’t wait for my turn.”
I glanced her way and smiled as I renewed my attack on Gaeul’s clit. With two fingers inside her, curled to find that sweet spot, once I’d found it, she was almost bucking, her back arching in a manner that told me she wasn’t going to be able to hold back.
When Gaeul did orgasm, it was the most beautiful thing I’d seen in my life. One hand with the bedsheet scrunched up. The other holding Sakura hand. I had to hold one of her thighs to stop her from squashing my head. If the neighbors were listening, I could only hope they thought we were being kinky.
I didn’t relent, my fingers starting to get quite wet, juices trickling into the palm of my hand. No chance of my jaw or tongue getting sore yet. Her entire body was on fire, incredibly sensitive, and I asked Sakura to give her nipples attention as they were crying out for it. As soon as Sakura latched onto one of them, Gaeul shuddered and enjoyed another orgasm.
“Please don’t stop,” Gaeul whimpered.
“Kura needs a turn,” I murmured, though my tongue was quickly back at work.
“Just one more, then you can make Kura cum!” she giggled.
As soon as I gave Gaeul one more toe-curling orgasm, I removed my fingers and rolled Sakura onto her back, smiling as she eagerly spread her legs though sat up to kiss me, almost licking my lips so she could taste her friend. “Tastes good, doesn’t she?”
“You taste wonderful too, Sakura,” Gaeul murmured, not surprised she was lying back with a broad grin on her face.
Learning Sakura’s body was just as much fun, kissing and touching where I thought she’d be sensitive. I didn’t want to do the same thing, so actually turned her over and focused on her back. Leaving soft kisses down her spine almost had her whimpering before I kissed and nibbled two very firm cheeks, Gaeul watching and giggling, stating she wanted that too.
Licking her pussy from the rear was also different, particularly as her rosebud was just there for the taking. Glancing at Gaeul, she smirked and nodded, so I moved my tongue and gave that some attention. The moan Sakura released suggested she loved it before she fell onto her side, giggling away. I couldn’t help chuckle at her reaction as I pulled her back towards me and dove for her pussy again.
I found that special spot inside her, clit was a little different to Gaeul, but she still made those cute little noises that Gaeul made when getting excited. I watched her face as she approached orgasm, the moans but also looking rather cute when nibbling on her bottom lip, trying to look innocent.
Thankfully, Sakura orgasmed and whatever she was going to say disappeared. Then I gave her a couple of others, doing my best to make each subsequent one even bigger, before she was asking or mercy, just like Gaeul.
Sitting back on my knees, I gazed down at the pair of them, lazing back with smiles on their lips and love in their eyes. Their eyes trailed down my body towards my cock, which was now eager for more action.
“I’ll get us a drink,” I stated, quickly getting up and grabbing the second bottle of wine from the fridge and three glasses. I rarely drank wine. To be honest, I couldn’t stand the stuff, but I’d sip at it occasionally if given a glass.
I was amused when they sculled their glasses and, after taking mine, Sakura laid back as Gaeul lay next to her. “I’m assuming you’ve used a sex toy or two?” I asked.
“Nothing as big as your cock though,” Sakura replied.
“So, you want this big cock inside you?”
“Please can you just fuck me already?” she plead, an almost innocent voice that didn’t fit the sight of her spread eagled on my bed, ready to have cock inside her.
She watched me wide-eyed as I positioned my body over hers. Fingers ran up one of my arms to my back, my other hand guiding my cock as I gently rubbed the head against her slit. She moaned against, still feeling a little sensitive from her earlier treatment. Gaeul was cuddling in as close as she could.
I groaned as I felt my cock slide inside her. Fuck, she was so tight. Sakura whimpered almost immediately, feeling her fingers dig inside me. Leaning down to kiss her, I think she appreciated that as I felt her breath catch, keeping her emotions under control.
Taking my time giving her my entire length, I gently pulled back and pushed forward. I groaned again, hearing Gaeul giggle next to me. “Fuck, Sakura,” I grunted, “You’re so fucking tight.”
“Just for you,” Sakura replied, hearing her breath catch again.
It took a couple of minutes to bury my length inside her. When we both looked down, our eyes met and we exchanged a smile before we made love. Sakura didn’t want to just lie there, she wanted to be an active participant. She’d obviously done a lot of reading but didn’t mind instruction on what would feel good for both of us. What I wanted was to see if she would cum while on her back. I knew it was a struggle for some, it would depend on depth, angle, and sometimes, it just didn’t happen.
Her fingers continued to caress my upper arms and back, kissing occasionally. Lifting her legs, she wrapped those around me, changing the angle, and she exclaimed excitedly I felt even deeper. I knew that could hurt, but she assured me it didn’t, for me to go a little faster. I knew, in the future, we’d probably do all sorts of stuff but, this first time, it was going to be tender and my pleasure was theirs.
“I love you,” she whispered, “God, I love you so much.”
“I love you both as much.”
“You’re going to feel emotional, Gaeul,” Sakura murmured
“Knowing he is inside me, and that he’s going to cum in me soon...” Gaeul moan.
“Soon enough,” I chuckled.
“Worth the wait?” Gaeul wondered.
Sakura scoffed. “Fuck! I wish we’d leapt on him the first time we met him!”
“Once he’s cum, we’ll suck him back to hardness together so I can have my turn.” Gaeul said.
I kept quiet as I focused on not climaxing just yet. I could have switched positions and done plenty of other things, but for a first time, I was keeping it simple. Thrusting faster, Sakura was really getting into it, meeting my thrusts and her face lit up. Begging me to fuck her, and she got what she wanted. Unfortunately, it also meant I wasn’t going to last long at all.
“Close,” I muttered.
“Cum in me,” Sakura moaned.
“Cum in her. Then you’re doing the same for me.” said Gaeul.
Hand on heart, it was probably the best orgasm of my life until that moment. A torrent of cum filled Sakura’s pussy, thrusting and pumping more and more cum. Surprised it didn’t end up coming out of her nose. I left my cock inside her until I simply had to pull out and relax on my back, smiling as I was immediately cuddled two goddesses on each side.
“Holy shit,” Sakura whispered into my ear, “Will it be like that every time?”
“Wait until we try positions that might just help you orgasm even harder.”
“Can I ride you?” Gaeul asked.
“We can do whatever is on your mind.” I paused before quickly adding, “Within reason.”
Gaeul kept her word though, moving down my body to take my cock in her mouth. She giggled, stating she could taste Sakura on my cock. Sakura slid a pair of fingers into her pussy, showing me her fingers glistened with my cum and her own juices, Gaeul not hesitating for a moment to suck on them. Fairly sure my cock twitched at the sight.
She had me rock hard again quickly, watching as she straddled me and I felt her hot pussy rub along my shaft. Moaning a couple of times, my eyes on her face as she did that sexy thing of biting her bottom lip, as she was obviously turned on, before she lifted herself up and impaled herself on my cock.
“Oh my god!” she cried out once she’d bottomed out a couple of minutes later, resting on my chest so I could cuddle her, feeling her gyrating her bottom ever so slightly to get used to me.
Eventually sitting back, I let her take complete control. I was nothing but a live toy to ride, as she took her time figuring out what felt really good. Watching her moan, giggle and climax while riding me was something that would live long in the memory back. Sakura was enjoying the show at the same time.
With her hands on my chest, Gaeul soon had a look in her eye that I recognised as I’d already seen it. Feeling her start to squeeze my cock as she rode me, she cried out as the orgasm tore through her body. Even Sakura was impressed as Gaeul moaned and whimpered, not wanting to stop riding and grinding on my cock for a second.
“You’ve got to do this too,” Gaeul almost sobbed, “Ride him too, but I get his cum.”
Gaeul enjoyed two more before she slid off, collapsing onto the bed, all aquiver, as Sakura mounted me slowly and figured things out herself. Watching her face light up as my fingers ran up her thighs to her hips to help keep her balance had me smiling, then I sat up and played with her nipples as she was soon working herself into a frenzy.
“Oh fuck!” she cried out, “Gaeul, we have to have this dick in us every night!”
“Think he’s going to say no?” asked Gaeul.
I laughed around the nipple in my mouth as Sakura enjoyed her first orgasm with my cock inside her. Lying back, she enjoyed three more before I warned her I was getting close. They swapped, though Gaeul wanted to be on her back for when I did cum. Back inside her again, she begged me to fuck her like I’d done Sakura.
Five minutes later, having done exactly that, I filled Gaeul like I’d filled Sakura. And that was me done for the night. I would get hard again, of that there wasn’t a doubt, but I’d only cum dust. We spent a few minutes catching our breath before agreeing to shower together. My hands were busy again as I loved feeling them up, and despite their own tiredness, they were both eager to have me make them orgasm again.
After another of their games, the girls decided that Sakura would spoon back against me, while Gaeul would sleep behind me, so I was in their sandwich. I think we probably fell asleep at the same time.
Waking up the next morning, I lifted Sakura’s leg and felt her up. It woke her up, whispering that’s how she’d always wanted me to wake her up, my fingers eventually sliding inside her. Gaeul woke up and spooned back against Sakura, Sakura giving her the same treatment. Both asked about me, and I said my only concern was making them as happy as I was.
Soon as they’d both had one orgasm, I had them both on their back and my mouth between one pair of legs, Gaeul enjoyed an orgasm quite quickly, before I moved to Sakura, who was so excited, she barely lasted a few minutes. I spent an hour doing that, pleasuring one until orgasm, then moving to pleasure the other one. They were absolutely loving it.
My reward? They had me stand up, both of them on their knees, practically worshipping my cock. And when it was time to cum, they performed the same erotic show, Gaeul taking the entire load in her mouth and sharing it with Sakura before they swallowed.
We relaxed after breakfast to recharge our batteries. I fucked both of them out on the balcony, which was amusing though I was confident we didn’t put on too much of a show. After lunch, I was treated to another dual blowjob, though this time it ended with my cum ending up on their faces, only at their demand. And if they want something, rest assured I will do it for them.
They cooked dinner for us that evening, adjourning to the living room afterwards, music playing as I danced with both of them. Sometimes with Gaeul, sometimes with Sakura, something all three of us together. Then they danced together and it was rather erotic particularly when they made out and started to strip each other. As soon as they were naked, I was dragged to the bedroom, stripped, with the pair of them hopping onto the bed, wiggling their fantastic butts in my direction.
Glancing back in my direction, they were grinning, ensuring they were smacking together. “Will you fuck us now?” Gaeul asked, that innocent voice again.
“We don’t like the boys at school,” Sakura added, “We want our best friend to fuck us.”
“They all have little dicks compared to you.”
“And we want to have your babies too.”
To say I fucked them into the mattress that night wouldn’t be an understatement. By the time I was done with them, I’d dumped a pair of loads into them each, and any thought of a shower before sleeping ended as they practically passed out, snuggling up together, laughing away as they admitted they were going to pay the price for it the next morning.
I woke early and ran a bath for them, lifting Sakura up first and lying her down in the tub, before doing the same for Gaeul, ensuring she was facing Sakura, thankful the tap and faucet was in the middle of the bath. As they relaxed, I told them I’d prepare breakfast for them. They walked out a good half an hour later as I was putting the finishing touches to our breakfast.
When they hugged me, I simply held them in my arms for a few minutes. They’d used some scented shampoo, strawberry, and their bodywash was of a fruit that mixed well with it. When they both gazed up at me, I knew in that moment, we were completely committed to each other.
Spending the day not having sex proved that we could revert to our normal friend relationship, hours of idle conversation, bad jokes, and plenty of laughs. But when it came for them to go back to their apartment, I had no idea it was going to feel as bad as it was. As for them, they were in bits by the time I walked them downstairs. Hugging them tightly again, we promised to see each other every weekend, as many times as we could during the week, and that we’d start discussing living together.
“Buy a house,” I suggested, “Particularly if we do have children together.”
Both of them grinned as although it had been mentioned in the throes of passion, having children was going to be a big deal for us.
For the next three weeks, we were together all weekend while we spent nearly every weeknight together as well. The pair of them usually came to my place. I was surprised when they said that my apartment was nicer, plus there was on selecting which bedroom we would use, something we’d have to do at their place.
After a month of us ‘dating’, we had a weekend where we had our first genuine threesomes. For the first four weekends, I would only have sex with one of them, the other lying next to us, watching and usually masturbating. I was told during the week that the next weekend was going to be special. Arriving home from work and a gym session to find Sakura and Gaeul already naked and waiting for me.
“Dinner later,” Sakura told me, “Sex first.”
That involved me being undressed by two, naked, horny goddess. As soon as I was naked, they were on their knees, play-fighting over who’d suck my cock. They eventually arrived at a system that worked for all three of us, though that feelings of two tongues working my shaft would never be replaced. Gaeul was the one who took the load and I was surprised Sakura told her to swallow it, stating she’d get her own load sometime during the weekend.
Anyway, threesomes. It was a weekend of experimentation. To me, there was nothing better than lying back with Sakura on my cock, Gaeul on my face. Whether she was sitting forward or reverse didn’t bother me, but if they sat reverse, that sweet little rosebud was on offer, and both had already gained a liking for having their asshole licked. And they were adamant that anal was still on the table.
What they enjoyed was me fucking one of them behind while the one being fucked could eat the other one out. Occasionally, they’d enjoy a sixty-nine so I’d fuck one of them while occasionally feel a tongue licking my shaft and balls. The hottest thing was filling one of them with cum, pulling out so the other could lick my cock clean, before watching her bury her face in her friends’ pussy to lick out some of my cum.
Sakura and Gaeul kept to their word about doing absolutely anything for me and I was treated to a sexy striptease show. And there was no faking from either of them. I knew how much they loved me, but there was no missing they loved each other just as much. I’d never felt any different sort of love for either of them, and they loved me just the same. Everything was equal.
During all this dating, we spent every weekend house hunting, while during the week, in between everything else, we were online searching for the right property. After only four months, we found what we wanted. Nothing fancy, just three-bedroom house, modern kitchen and dining room, huge bathroom plus an en-suite off the master bedroom. It cost a pretty penny, but pooling our three wages together meant we could afford it. We put in an offer which the soon to be previous owners accepted immediately.
Excitement was off the charts the day we were handed the keys. I did most of the moving though we did pull in a couple of friends to help out with the larger, bulkier items. However, we made sure no-one except the three of us had anything to do with organizing the bedrooms. The master bedroom would be the room shared by the three of us. However, one of the other bedrooms would be made up to look like someone slept in it.
We christened each and every room. Even the laundry room. Fucking Sakura and Gaeul while the washing machine was rumbling along was certainly a lot of fun. Nailing them from behind as they sat on their knees in the hallway was hilarious as they ended up with carpet burns.
We’d been living together for three months when I arrived home from work on a Friday. I didn’t expect to walk into the house to be greeted by candles burning everywhere. Dropping my bag in its usual position near the front door, I called out for the two of them. They walked out of our bathroom wearing grins on their faces and the smallest pieces of lingerie possible. Barely covered their nipples and pussy. Walking towards me, they both kissed me softly before taking a hand of mine each and leading me towards the dinner table, finding it already covered in dishes.
Taking a seat, I had to glance at one of them, then the other. “Okay, something’s going on,” I finally stated, “What is it?”
They exchanged a smile. “Um... There are two things actually. The first is that, tonight, we’re giving you our last virginity,” Sakura explained.
When I smiled, they both giggled. “And the second thing?”
“We’re both pregnant,” Gaeul replied.
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ffleurist · 3 days ago
💌 #one love letter mix-up.
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you lived a perfectly ordinary life—until one day, you accidentally sent a love letter to Itoshi Rin, the guy everyone thought you had a crush on his older brother, when in reality, it was rin you were in love with all along.
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you didn’t mean for it to happen. you were only trying to get the letter to your sister, studying abroad in the UK. but somewhere along the chaos of your thoughts, the letters got mixed up, and somehow it ended up in the hands of itoshi rin instead. to make it worse, that was a love letter you wrote for rin back in middle school. now, standing infront of you, itoshi rin, as he tried to make sense of your mistake—one that would change everything.
you first met rin when you were just 4 years old. you remember him as the small boy always trailing behind his older brother, the two of them standing awkwardly at the edge of your yard. they were the only neighbors your age, and your parents, seeing you bored and your older sister busy with her middle school activities, thought it would be cute to set up a playdate. you didn’t know it then, but that moment would mark the beginning of something far more complicated than you ever could’ve imagined.
"aren't you a little too old to be playing a prank on me? or did you think i was sae?" he said, his voice dripping with anger and confusion clutching the letter in hand. 
confused, that was when it hit you—when you started middle school, everyone thought you had a crush on itoshi sae. sure, he was cute, independent, and exceptionally skilled at soccer at such a young age. but you never once corrected them, even though it was the younger itoshi who had truly caught your heart. you don’t blame him for thinking you still had a crush on his brother, but he didn’t have to be so rude about it.
the way he looked at you felt like you had just insulted him and it stung more than expected. you could feel your cheeks burn under the sun as the silence stretched between you and rin.
“look, rin," you started, your voice softer now, "it wasn’t a joke but it was a mistake. i didn’t mean for you to find out like this."
he crossed his arms, still not buying it, but there was a flicker of something else in his eyes, something you couldn’t quite read. was it hurt? or maybe confusion? you couldn’t tell.
letting out a frustrated sigh, stepping back slightly. "you know, everyone thought i liked sae. but the truth is, i always—" you stopped yourself. saying it out loud felt like an open invitation for everything to unravel.
"whatever. sae’s not here, in case you didn’t notice. you’re just wasting both your time and mine." he said, his voice laced with contempt, turning and walking away toward the school field.
you let rin walk away while you lost yourself in your thoughts. if only you could go back and tell the 4 year old itoshi rin that the way he was now—unapproachable and cold, wasn't the way it was supposed to be. you liked to think that it was sae’s departure to Spain that had caused him to turn out this way. rin, who had always depended on his older brother, suddenly found himself alone. after sae left, rin pushed you away and buried himself in soccer, determined to become the #1 striker in all of Japan.
it was hard to imagine that boy you once knew, the one who was always by sae's side, now so distant and driven by something else. you couldn't help but wonder if he ever thought about the old days, about how things used to be. and if he did, did he ever regret pushing everyone especially you away?
stunned at his behavior, you almost stormed off. then, a shrill squeal echoed from nearby, and you froze. it was the unmistakable sound of a group of girls giggling like seagulls in a movie scene. at the center of it all stood otoya eita, effortlessly basking in the attention, a cocky grin plastered on his face. famous amongst the ladies, always flirting, always playing around—and once upon a time, you had been the girl hanging on his every word but not anymore. as you almost turned away, you saw it. a pink letter, raised high in the air by one of the girls, fluttering in the breeze. your stomach dropped. the letter was unmistakable yours. it looked just like the one rin had been holding earlier.
No. No. No. No. No. you didn’t possibly send it to him too, did you?
a wave of panic surged through you as you stood frozen, watching the girls pass the letter around, unaware of the chaos it was about to cause. your mind raced, trying to remember every detail of your frantic letter mix-up. how many others had you accidentally sent your heart out to?
you couldn’t bear the thought of having a second letter out there—especially to someone like otoya. he was the last person you wanted involved in this mess.
without another thought, you spun around and ran straight toward rin. your heart pounded in your chest, your breath quickening as you passed through the crowd of students. the girls surrounding otoya, oblivious to the chaos, were nothing but a blur in your peripheral vision. 
when you finally spotted rin, standing by the gates with his back turned to you, something inside you snapped. you didn’t have time to think. the words you wanted to say were stuck in your throat, tangled with everything you felt for him. instead, you reached up and pulled him toward you, closing the distance in one swift movement.
you kissed him. you kissed rin.
the kiss was impulsive, fierce, maybe even a little desperate. rin’s body went rigid at first, shocked by your sudden action, but before you could pull away, his lips began softening against yours. for a moment, everything else faded. the letter, the chaos, the confusion, it all melted away as you stood there, just the two of you. 
maybe your feelings for him had been tangled in the kiss, woven into the way your fingers clutched his uniform, into the way your heart pounded against your ribs. maybe, deep down, you had been waiting for this moment for longer than you realized.
but the moment didn’t last forever.
a sharp gasp from somewhere nearby shattered the illusion. you barely had time to process it before he pulled back, his breath uneven, his eyes wide with something unreadable, shock, confusion, maybe even something deeper. 
“what the hell was that?” he muttered, his voice lower than usual, rough at the edges.
you swallowed hard, hands trembling as you took a step back. “that, that’s why i sent the letter,” you whispered, the words heavy as they left your lips. “it wasn’t for sae. it was always for you.”
rin stared at you, lips still slightly parted, as if he was trying to process what you had just said. you braced yourself for his reaction, for the inevitable storm of emotions that would follow. before he could say anything and before you could even breathe properly, otoya’s voice cut through the air.
“well, well,” he drawled, amusement laced in his tone. “that was quite the show.”
your stomach dropped. you had almost forgotten. he was still holding the other letter and now, judging by the smirk on his face, things were about to get even more complicated.
“fuck off, otoya,” you hissed, attempting to shoo him away like some annoying pest. but, as always, he didn’t know when to quit.
“aw, how could i, when i received such a heartfelt letter? i mean, i’m flattered," otoya drawled, leaning in with that same infuriating smirk. "but after how we ended things, i didn’t think you still cared."
his words were casual, but the implication hit harder than you’d like. of course he’d twist the knife like he always did. he teased, holding up the pink envelope between his fingers like a trophy. then, with that signature smirk, he bent down, his lips brushing the back of your hand in an exaggerated display.
“that letter doesn’t mean anything,” you said through clenched teeth.
he chuckled, tilting his head. “oh? that’s not what’s in the letter.” he mused, waving the letter slightly. “or should i read it out loud? i’m sure rin would love to hear all about it.”
your stomach twisted.
you had almost forgotten he was still standing there, watching the interaction unfold. you risked a glance in his direction, and what you saw made your heart clench. his expression was stoic, yet his eyes flickered with something darker.
annoyance? anger? jealousy?
you had no idea, but you weren’t about to let him push this any further.
taking a deep breath, you straightened your shoulders, looking at him dead in the eyes. “you can do whatever you want with that letter, but i don’t care,” you lied, voice steady. “because it’s old. that was the past.”
otoya raised an eyebrow, clearly amused but not entirely convinced. “then wh—”
before he could finish, a strong arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you in close. your breath hitched, your mind barely able to process what was happening before rin’s voice cut through the air— steady, unwavering, like this was the most natural thing in the world.
“stop bothering my girlfriend,” he said, his tone sharp and unwavering. “she said it was in the past. let it go.”
your brain short-circuited. girlfriend?
otoya blinked, his smirk faltering for just a second before he let out a low whistle. “girlfriend, huh?” he looked between the two of you, amusement flickering in his eyes. “since when?”
rin didn’t hesitate. “since now,” he said flatly.
you snapped your head toward him, eyes wide. since now?!
“girlfriend, huh?” otoya drawled, but the amusement in his voice didn’t fully mask something sharper. “guess you like to recycle, huh? first me, now him?”
rin’s lips were pressed into a thin line, his gaze locked on the pink envelope. "if you’re done wasting time, we’re leaving." 
"alright, alright. i’ll back off for now," otoya said, lifting his hands in mock surrender. he took a step back, but not before flashing you a knowing grin. "just don’t come running back when he leaves you hanging. again."
with that, he turned on his heel and strolled off, whistling low under his breath like he hadn’t just cracked open something you wanted to keep buried.
the moment he was gone, you turned to rin, still trying to wrap your head around what had just happened. “what the hell was that?!” you whisper shouted, staring at him in disbelief.
rin barely moved. he just clicked his tongue, removing his hands from your waist, shoving it into his pockets, his expression unreadable. “are you seriously asking me that?”
he exhaled sharply, like this was the dumbest conversation he’d ever had. “you kissed me, genius,” he muttered, his tone flat, almost bored. “i just went along with it.”
your face burned. “but you can’t just call me your girlfriend!”
rin gave you a dry look, head tilting slightly. “then don’t act like one.”
your breath hitched, more out of frustration than anything else. he was so—ugh, asshole.
“you’d rather deal with otoya?” he asked, cocking a brow like he already knew the answer.
you opened your mouth to argue, but the words caught in your throat. he had a point. and judging by the smug flicker in his eyes, he knew it.
satisfied, rin pulled out his phone, checked something, then slid it back into his pocket. “meet me here after school.”
you blinked. “for what?”
his gaze flicked to you, disinterested. “figure your shit out.”
and then, just like that, he turned and walked away. not even a glance back. like none of this had mattered at all.
great. not only had you accidentally sent love letters to two different guys, kissed one of them in a panic, and somehow ended up being rin’s girlfriend, but now you had to explain the entire disaster to him after school.
the rest of the day passed in a blur. by the time the final bell rang, your stomach was in knots. you had no choice but to face him.
sure enough, he was leaning against the school gates, hands in his pockets, waiting. his gaze flicked toward you. “you’re late.”
you crossed your arms. “i considered running away.”
rin scoffed. “yeah? and how’d that work out?”
you sighed. “not well.”
“figured.” he pushed off the gate, nodding toward the sidewalk. “come on. talk.”
you clutched your bag to your chest as you walked beside him. the silence was heavy, almost suffocating. but rin didn’t have patience for hesitation.
“well?” he pressed, side-eyeing you. “i’m waiting.”
you exhaled sharply. “okay, look. it was a mistake, alright? i was trying to send a letter to my sister in the UK, and somehow, my old letters got mixed in.” you gritted your teeth. “i didn’t mean for you to get it.”
he scoffed. “right. and i’m supposed to believe you just accidentally sent a love letter to me and otoya?”
you groaned, kicking at a loose rock on the pavement. “yes! i know how ridiculous it sounds, but it’s the truth.”
he didn’t respond right away. his silence was unnerving.
“that letter. middle school?”
you nodded hesitantly. “yeah.”
“no wonder there were so many spelling mistakes.” rin mocked.
“excuse me!”
another pause. then, in a voice so cold and monster-like, it made your stomach twist, he asked, “was it real?”
you stopped in your tracks.
rin turned slightly, waiting for your answer.
was it real? fuck yes. the feelings you poured into that letter, the words you had written with all the sincerity your younger self could muster—were they real?
the truth was, they were. back then, you liked rin so much it hurt. but as the years passed, rin had changed.
you bit your lip, choosing your words carefully. “it was real. back then.”
something flickered across his face, gone before you could catch it. he gave a slow nod. “i see.”
for some reason, his reaction made your chest feel tight.
before you could dwell on it, rin clicked his tongue. “so you kissed me over otoya?”
your face burned. “what, no! i mean—” you struggled to find an excuse, but nothing came.
rin tilted his head slightly, amusement flickering in his eyes. “desperate move.”
“so, what are we doing about this girlfriend thing?” you asked, arms crossed.
rin barely spared you a glance, his voice dry and uninterested. “oh, yeah i’m breaking up with you.”
you blinked. “excuse me?”
he let out a slow exhale, shoving his hands in his pockets. “what? you thought i was being serious? you’re not my type.”
your jaw clenched. “then why the hell did you say it in the first place?”
“because it was the fastest way to shut otoya up,” then he shrugged. “and it worked.”
“you’re unbelievable.”
“yeah, well.” he glanced down at his phone, clearly done with the conversation. “good luck with your mess.” he turned on his heel, already walking away.
panic surged through you. no, no, no. if rin backed out now, it would be even worse than before. people had already seen you together. otoya definitely wasn’t going to let this go. and worst of all, rin had been the one to say it first. if he suddenly acted like it was a joke, you’d look desperate.
“wait.” the word left your lips before you could stop it.
rin slowed but didn’t turn around.
you swallowed your pride and forced the words out. “please. just… just go along with it. just for a little while.”
rin finally turned, raising an eyebrow. “you want me to fake date you?” he let out a short, humourless laugh. “that’s pathetic.”
your face burned. “it’s your fault in the first place!”
he gave you a blank stare. “and?”
god, he was insufferable. you inhaled sharply, trying not to let your frustration show. “it won’t be for long. just enough for otoya to back off.”
rin tilted his head slightly, considering. then, with the most obnoxious smile, he said, “beg for it.”
your stomach dropped. “what?”
“you heard me.” his voice was smooth, infuriatingly calm. “you want me to waste my time playing pretend? make it worth my while.”
your hands clenched into fists at your sides. this was humiliating. you hated him. absolutely hated him.
but you needed this.
“…please.” the word tasted bitter.
rin’s smirk deepened. “not good enough.”
your nails dug into your palms. “rin, please. just help me out.”
“why do you care about what otoya thinks?” rin asked, voice unusually quiet.
you hesitated. “because once… i did. and it hurt.”
he studied you for a long moment, like he was weighing whether this was worth his time. then he let out a sigh, rubbing the back of his neck. “fine.”
relief crashed into you.
“but,” he continued, stepping closer, “you listen to me. no whining, no complaining. and when i say it’s over, it’s over.”
you swallowed, nodding.
rin gave you one last amused look. “see you.”
and just like that, he walked off, leaving you standing there, hating every single decision that had led you to this moment.
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notes from lily ❦⋆ : i wrote this on the day i made this fic so i have no idea what i wrote
accidentally yours
taglist: @levihanmyotp @antennaed-kenzy @mixolya @yuukiririix @sindulgent666 @captainshindo @nomyimi @megumismyhusband @kyutiipie @wonubby @anqelkoz @nevvynev @kaz-0e @mochiii-sama @p1z-d0n7jud6em3 @x3nafix @elliehenry24 @bubybubsters @feliwnni @sfwrin @morgyyyyyyy @sapph1r3x @rreporterbby @kaidostwin @saeflrt @etherealrin @suksatoru @rinniebinniebay @yvieliny @ravenbc @luvrrin @dangerousluv1 @lily-isalittlegirl @kaemaybae @suguruscumslut @xumeikyu [tell me if i missed out ur names]
© ffleurist 2025 do not plagiarise, translate, or rewrite my writings without my permission
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dangerousstrawberryshark · 22 hours ago
Special Assistance
⚖Pairing(s)⚖→ Andy Barber x male reader ⚠CW⚠→ gay-sex, gay, bottom male reader, top Andy Barber, cockwarming, daddy kink, age difference (the reader is 25 and Andy is 43), breeding, creampie, anal play, anal fingering, bondage (he uses his tie.), anal sex, sort of friends to lovers, and marking (biting and kissing.).  ⚖Rating⚖→ Explicit ⚖Request⚖→ Yes
⚖Word Count⚖→ 3.2k
⚖Summary⚖→ Life was spiraling out of control for Andy. His son got accused of murder and is trying to clear his name while fighting with his wife, which escalated to a divorce. The only thing he can look forward to is seeing his legal assistant. He found solace in your presence, but these feelings transformed into a deeper meaning.
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This fic does not follow the Defending Jacob series and stands on its own! I haven’t watched the show yet, so there might be some mistakes.
“You’re doing good, baby. Warming my cock like a good boy.” Andy purrs as he gives small thrusts into your tight heat. His hands roam your naked body as he licks and bites your nape area. His teeth grazing your skin, grip tightening as he starts thrusting faster into your ass. His heavy breathing brushes against your ear. 
“I’m the luckiest man to have an assistant like you. Taking my cock and finding everything I need. I love you so fucking much,” Andy said as he pulled your head back, smashing his lips against yours. You would return the gesture, but you weren’t listening to the older man's words. Your mind turned into mush from Andy’s cock hitting all the right places, his large and warm hands making contact with your skin, and the bites and kisses he marks on your skin. 
You gasped as Andy’s rough hand wrapped around your weeping cock. His thumb swirls around your cockhead, gathering the translucent precum and lathering your cock with it. The older man grins as he licks your neck, thrusting faster and encouraging you to hump his hand. 
It was euphoric to be in the hands of someone older and more experienced. His gentle touches, mixed with his roughness, were everything you wanted. Andy was loving and had some dominance in him. He was a lawyer, and the stress of the profession and having to find a way to clear his name was stressful. Thankfully, he had you, his young, loving, and submissive boyfriend. Sometimes, you remember the memories and moments that led to the scene you are in now. 
It’s been almost a year since it happened. 
One year ago
You had been friends with Andy for a long time. You first met him when you got your bachelor’s in paralegal studies and ended up as his assistant. The two of you became friends after a while. Something clicked when you met him. Andy didn’t notice, but you certainly did. However, you never engaged because the older man was married and had a kid. It was also unprofessional for an assistant to pin after their boss.
Everything was going great for the most part, although you couldn’t get your feelings to change. If anything, they only worsened as Andy always praised you or gave you a slight touch. His affirmations and physical touch made your cock ache– maybe touch starved - and being lonely best described you. You always craved his touch and the words of affirmation from Andy, who was dominant but loving towards you.  He saw you as a son, mainly due to the age difference. 
Then it happened. You heard the news that Andy’s son, Jacob, was accused of murder and was swiftly arrested, awaiting trial. You watched the older man going into overdrive as he tried to clear his son’s name of the accusation. He had you conduct research, draft the documents, collect the evidence, etc. He was stressed, but it only got worse. 
You didn’t know the full details, but Andy and his wife were getting divorced. You assumed it was because Jacob was accused and the older man worked so much that he neglected his wife. Andy now has to deal with Jacob, and a divorce is the final nail in the coffin. 
The divorce proceeding went swiftly and dividing the assets was quick, but the trial for Jacob’s innocence was still going. Andy turned to you for relief and comfort. You would sometimes wake up at odd hours of the night to loud banging outside. Opening the door, you were often met with a disheveled Andy, his hair and clothing messed up as he wobbled into your living room. He would blabber and cry as he laid on the couch, and being the good friend you were, you comforted and soothed the older man. 
Andy was grateful for your presence and comfort during the hardest time in his life. You even reprimanded him for overworking and drinking too much. You were a rock for him, a foundation on which he could stand. It was during a time like this that the older man began reevaluating his feelings for you. He knew he was bisexual but never had any attraction to you. He only saw it as a platonic relationship.
As time passed, the older man began to notice things he never did about you; little quirks and some physical attributes. He found it cute, sometimes catching himself checking you out. Andy would glance whenever you tripped, getting a good view of your ass. The way your tight dress pants would hug your ass was boner-popping. 
Whenever you would leave for lunch, Andy would sit back and unzip his pants, pulling his aching cock and stroking it, letting his imagination run wild. The older man would imagine you laid out on his desk, naked and heaving, your body covered with his marks and cum, and your eyes filled with want and lust as you beg for him. 
“Fucking hell.” Andy moans as he fucks his hand, imagining it's you beneath him and his hand is your ass. The older man’s groans bounced off the wall, precum oozed from his cockslit; spreading the liquidy substance all over his cock, making it easier to thrust into his hand. He imagines you moaning for him, crying for him to go faster.
“Of course, baby, anything for you.” Andy groans as he fucks his hand faster. His heavy balls slapping against his hands… plap, plap, plap, plap. He imagines you crying from his large cock hitting your bundle of nerves deep inside your ass. The older man licks his lips as he feels his balls tightening, cum rushing to erupt out of the cockslit. 
The older man’s imagination then flashed to him and you kissing as he gave one thrust and bred you. In the real world, Andy gave one thrust into his hand, ropes of pearly cum squirted out, painting his suit and beard with the thick white liquid. He was breathing hard from his most intense orgasm yet. 
Post-nut clarity set in: he had jerked off to his friend, whom he considered to be his son, and nothing else. Andy didn’t feel bad though, something in him was telling him that it was alright. The age difference was notable, he was eighteen years your senior. He should feel ashamed, but he didn’t– he felt thrilled. 
The next few days left Andy confused about his feelings. Everything you did for him, he liked it —no, he loves you! He enjoyed being around you and being in your presence. He loved you and lusted for you! Andy kept telling himself he wouldn’t jerk off to thoughts of you in compromised positions, but that was a lie. 
For every day, for the next few weeks, the older man would jerk his cock to you. He would have multiple orgasms a day, but no more how many times, his cock was still hard. It was like he was a teenager again, discovering the world of gay porn. Nothing worked, he needed the real thing, he needed you. 
A week later
It was another hang-out, like always, with Andy coming over for dinner and chilling while watching movies or doing random stuff in your room. You didn’t know what led to this moment, but you were pinned down on your bed by the older man, his calloused hands holding yours down. You could feel Andy’s scruffy beard grinding against yours as his lips pressed against yours. 
Andy’s body was grinding against yours. You could feel his large cock straining in his pants. “You taste delicious,” the older man says as he lets out a breathy groan before diving back into your mouth. His tongue pushes past your teeth and invades your oral cavity. It was easy for Andy to establish his dominance over you. 
It was hot. The sensation of Andy’s cock grinding against yours, the heated kiss, and the heavy breathing was making your cock painfully erect and throbbing. The older man pulled back and looked at you– it was everything he imagined. Your body is disheveled: your hair is messed up and tangled, your lips are swollen with drool coating around them, and your soft pants as you try to calm down. The sight served to make Andy’s cock harder. 
Without wasting any time, Andy began stripping. He hastily took off his clothes, fumbling with his zipper before his glorious body was fully exposed to you. Without fear of receiving backlash, you admired and gazed upon the older man’s body. Your delusional dreams before Andy’s divorce weren’t so delusional after all. 
Andy’s body was huge. The older man grinds as you admire his body. He started to flex his muscles, showing his large biceps. He had chiseled abs that looked sculpted by God himself, you just wanted to trace your tongue against them. His pectorals looked big too, most likely hard but soft to touch and grope. He’s also very hairy, especially around his pecs and abdomen area– a happy trail leading down to his crotch and pubic region.
Speaking of the crotch region, Andy’s cock was perfect: size, thickness, and eavy hanging balls, swollen with so much cum. You could tell that he likes keeping his groin groomed and not too hairy– just how you like it. 
“Come on, darling. Don’t leave me hanging.” Andy says as he pulls you closer to him. His hands roam your body as he removes your clothing until your naked divine body is revealed to him. The older man drinks in your appearance– magnificent and perfect. He doesn’t know why he was blind to you before, but it's better that he realized now than never. 
He held you closer to him, worshipping your body with his mouth and hands. One of his legs pushed between your legs as he laid you down on the bed. You gasp softly as Andy’s hands squeeze your hips and knead the flesh of your ass. His mouth sucks and bites around your neck, making sure he leaves his mark on your body. You start humping his thick thigh, grinding your throbbing cock and smearing precum all over Andy’s thigh. 
“Can I do this?” Andy says, pulling himself off of you and gesturing to his tie. You knew what the older man was thinking and agreed on the spot. Andy uses the tie and wraps it around your wrists, putting you in bondage. He tightens it but makes sure it wasn’t tight enough to hurt you. The fantasies the older man had about you were coming true. 
“There’s lube on the nightstand,” you said, moving your head in the direction. Andy nods and reaches out for it. He grabs the bottle and pops it open, squirting a generous amount of the substance on his fingers. One hand gripping your tied wrists while the other one went down to your ass. 
You start breathing heavily as you feel Andy’s thick fingers circling the rim of your hole. Biting your lips as this was the first time you’ve had sex. “I need you to calm down, baby boy. Breathe.” Andy says as he kisses your knee. Your body started to relax, allowing Andy to slowly push his thick fingers in. 
Air was kicked out of your lungs as you felt the older man’s thick digits push deeper into your tight heat. Your moans got louder with each time Andy thrust his fingers deeper. Arching your back as you felt yourself riding his thick digits.  Following what you were doing, Andy began thrusting them faster– each time you pushed down, Andy pushed up. 
Suddenly, one particular thrust caused you to ascend to a higher plane. You scream in pleasure and Andy correctly assumes that that must be your prostate. The older man began making sure to hit that same spot, memorizing it. You feel your cock was about to erupt, Andy was gonna give you an anal orgasm. However, the older man didn’t want that. He wanted you to cum from and on his dick. 
Andy pulled his fingers out and replaced them with his large cock. He slowly sinks in, groaning and biting his lips as his cock is swallowed by your tight and warm hole. The older man pushed until he was completely inside, his heavy balls pressing against your ass. This was better than any pussy Andy had had. It was tight but not tight enough to where it felt like his dick was being suffocated. He always wanted to try anal but his wife declined.  He never pushed the topic and just buried the thought of anal sex. 
Whatever level of ascension Andy set with his fingers paled in comparison to his cock. You were higher than ever before; on a different plane of existence. Your ass was filled to the brim with the older man’s cock. You could feel every vein and crevice of Andy’s cock. It felt like the puzzle piece you’ve been looking for all your life was found and connected with yours. Your moans could be heard throughout the apartment building, you are most likely gonna receive noise complaints tomorrow. 
Andy gave you time to adjust to his size. It felt like he was going to burst instantly. Your ass tightened around him with a vice grip. His breathing got heavier as he didn’t want to cum just yet and leave you unsatisfied. After a few minutes, you permit Andy to move. 
“J-Jesus Christ… fucking hell… you feel so good baby.” Andy moans as his hands grip your hips. He began giving slow thrusts, sliding his cock in and out your tight ass softly, his thickness stretching you perfectly and his cockhead teasing your prostate. Your cock was weeping, oozing precum over your abdomen as it twitched back to life. 
His thrust got faster as Andy felt himself being consumed by the pleasure. “My God… Oh fuck yes.” Andy’s eyes roll back as he slows down, giving slow but powerful thrusts. His grip tightens as he feels your hole becoming tighter around him and it feels like his cock is melting. Your hands grip the sheets during a short pause before your bundle of nerves are hit again but Andy’s cockhead. 
“Daddy!” you scream before covering your mouth and realizing what you said. You thought Andy would be turned off as he stopped midway. Your face was flustered as you tried to explain that it was mistaken, but the air was punched out as Andy started thrusting fast. “Call me daddy again, baby boy. Call me daddy.” Andy moans as he lost himself and fucks you like a wild beast. Ramming his cock deeper into your depths and abusing your prostate. You could feel your body becoming overstimulated.
“D-daddy! F-feels so good~ making me feel so good~” You cry as your back arches. You start to push back, meeting Andy’s thrusts. The older man’s groans grow louder, “I know, baby. You love daddy how is fucking this tight ass? This?” Andy said before slapping your thigh, grinning as he watches the flesh jiggle from the impact. “This ass belongs to me.”
You could hear the sounds of Andy’s heavy balls slapping against your ass, your groans and moans mixing with his to become a symphony of gay sex. Your cock was bobbing and slapping against your abdomen. “Yeah, you like that? You love daddy’s cock don’t you?” the older man growls as he leans down and starts sucking your neck, leaving marks to show that you belonged to him. 
“I love your cock, daddy~ So perfect! It fills me perfectly~” you cry as you wrap your arms around Andy, pulling the older man closer to you. Andy became deaf to everything, only hearing your moans and cries for him– calling him daddy as he fucks your ass, but more soppily. His cock was throbbing inside and balls were tightening as he was ready to bust his load. 
“I’m gonna cum, baby. Want me to cum inside this ass? Breed you till my cum oozes out this hole.” Andy growls as he bites and nimbles your neck softly. “Y-yes! Yes, p-please… oh god… inside! B-breed me, breed me, breed me!” You cried desperately, your hole tightening to milk Andy’s large cock of its cum, your fingers digging into the older man’s back. You move one of your hands from your side to jerk your weeping cock, wanting to cum with the older man. 
“Almost there baby… cum!” Andy growls as he sinks his teeth into your skin, digging them as he wants to leave a permanent mark. He gave one last thrust before a wave of cum floods your hole. Your velvet walls were painted white as the older man kept filling you with his thick cum. Your cock spurts its load after the feeling of being bred and marked was the breaking point. Your chest was painted with your thick pearly substance. 
You could feel Andy’s larger body collapsing on top of yours. It was quiet besides the heavy panting and breathing. You both bask in each other's presence. Andy slowly pulls out, a loud plop sound echoing with cum gushing out your gaping hole. You whimper at the feeling of being empty and hug the older man tighter. A moment of silence falls over the room before you speak.
“I love you, Andy– daddy~” you say, saying daddy in a teasing tone. Andy laughs before returning the same gesture. “I love you too, baby.”  
Ever since that day, you and Andy have been in a relationship. About 7 months into the relationship, the older man asked if you wanted to move in with him, and you gleefully accepted. He did have rules for you; you were to be naked at all times, only dressed whenever guests arrived. Andy wanted to have full access to you. He also wanted you to cockwarm him while he worked and did your research. For a man his age, Andy was certainly horny, fucking in every corner of his house. 
You didn’t mind at all, as long as you got to be with him. 
A/n: hello, my strawberries! I hope you enjoy this fic! Took me a while due to procrastination. Also had to watch a porn video of a guy humping a pillow and moaning… the things fanfiction writers look up and watch.  TAGLIST: @hiddens-eden @spnfanboy777 @buckyshusband0 @zamfam4272 @raspberryyuuki @maxxioislost @furiousflowercreation @ghostking4m @sluttyhusband @wolf-knights @your-cow-boy @mack-thedork @starboye @boypied @geminiflanagan69 Very special thanks to my proofreader; @sagethegaywitch Join my taglist!
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cyberlsk · 2 days ago
⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ pathetic ⋆ ˚。⋆ᡣ𐭩˚⋆ ˚
-> leon's pathetic when it comes to his cute, younger neighbor. simply put, he'll come up with any excuse to see you.
a/n: i love pathetic old man Leon who’s ridden with guilt at his crush on his younger neighbor…btw reader is in her 20s and leon is 38 (set after death island). based on this post i made a while back.
content warnings: dom!leon, daddy kink, ooc-ish (he's obsessed), unprotected sex, you’re both tipsy when the smut occurs.
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If it was wrong, then why was he knocking on your door?
If it was wrong, why did he offer a meek, apologetic smile, unbefitting of a man his age? If it was wrong, why did he spit out a lie, shove his hands in his jean pockets to calm himself down?
God, he felt like a dirty, old man. Was one. He was downright depraved, he decided. Seventeen years fighting unimaginable evil, and a pretty girl made his morals go down the drain. He was better than that. 
In his defense, he hadn’t been lying. He could use some technical support. His computer wouldn’t connect to the WiFi, though if he was honest to himself, he couldn’t remember the last time he stayed at this place long enough to bother installing it. When he wasn’t working, he hung out at your place–enough to consider you a friend. That’s right, a nice, albeit gorgeous, and intelligent,
…and sweet friend, but a friend nonetheless.
Now was his downseason. Each mission came with cruel amounts of paperwork, and over the past few weeks, he was finishing up the last of his reports. For now. He groans in anticipation of the work ahead. 
“Leon?” Sweet eyes peering into his, sweet smile too. God, you were going to be the death of him. “Everything alright?”
He nods, pinching his nose between the bridge of his spectacles. “Yeah," he bites out after a long pause, "you could say that.” Fuck, was he losing his speaking abilities? Must’ve been the T-virus. Yeah…that. Not the fact that his heart whined seeing you in that little gingham dress with the lace decolletage, or the pendant draped on your collarbones, or the cheap DSO watch he’d won at a work party. His watch. On your wrist.
Leon squints through his square spectacles as you’re rebooting his laptop. “It’s okay, princess, I’ll look at it later. You want a drink?” he offers in an attempt to quell his nerves.
“Princess?” you question. “That’s a new one.” You wrinkle your nose, clicking through the various settings on his computer, and he swears he’s never seen anything cuter. Put simply, he felt pathetic.
To make matters worse, your free hand was resting on one of his forearms, slowly tracing along the veins on it. He held his breath, trying not to feel the heat radiating off of your body.
And then–and then you look back and flash him a brilliant smile. His heart whines in his chest.
"Do you want a drink?" In an attempt to assuage his own guilt (or rather, drown it), he hustles over to the cabinet, rummaging for some liquor. Drinking on a Thursday night, yeah...well. You were fresh out of college. Behind several bottles of whiskey, a dusty bottle of champagne sat untouched. Great. Way to go, Leon. 
“I don’t have many options,” he laments. “They don’t exactly have grocery shops in the secret combat zones I work in.”
You laugh, and his chest puffs up in pride. “That’s fine. You got another mission coming up?”
“Nope,” he says emphatically. “Seems like bioterrorists take a vacation once in a while, too.” His confidence swells as you react positively to his one-liners, then plummets once you turn to face him, arms outstretched. 
“C’mere. Can I give you a hug?”
Leon freezes, fist clenching around a half-open bottle, then nods. Too eagerly. Is he shaking? He can’t tell if it’s the abysmally cold temperature in his apartment or just you, but he has to close his eyes for a moment to stabilize himself once your arms wrap around his waist. Stabilize himself. God, Claire would’ve laughed her head off. Leon Kennedy, renowned flirt, falling to his knees because a friend asked to hug him.
He drinks in the sensation of your skin greedily. Soft hands pressed against his back, chest flush to his. When he doesn’t say anything, leaving his hands loosely on your hips, you frown. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
He’s a bad man, he’s sure of it. He’s a creep, he’s weird, and he’s just a bad friend in general, because the second you pull away, he’s pushing a lock of hair from your face and basking in your worry. Yes, basking. Not that he enjoyed seeing you upset, but you–you were worried. Because of him. 
“Yeah,” he murmurs. He’s hardly sure if he’s breathing at this point. He thinks he must be dreaming, because you’re looking at him like he’s the most endearing thing in the world, art coming to life, a face that could be adored. He chides himself. It’s in his head. “You, uhh…you figure out what’s wrong with my computer?”
When you place a hand on his cheek, he’s a goner. “Of course, silly. Did you even install a router?”
“Yeah,” he says again, stupidly. “Uh, it’s in my room. In the closet. I’ll go get it.” Before you can say another word, he darts away, clambering to his room and shutting the door. Leon takes a deep breath. 
“Fuck,” he swears to himself. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” It was wrong. He shouldn’t be feeling this way, and he should send you on your merry way. Back to your apartment, away from weird old men like him who perceive every gesture of kindness as an advance.
Does he do that?
Instead, he preens his hair in the mirror across from his bed, straightens his suit lapels, and steps back into civilization. Where normal people had normal thoughts and feelings about their friends, especially their significantly younger ones.
When he returns, you’re sitting at the kitchen table (yes, he wasn’t a total imbecile–he did have furniture). You're sipping a glass of whiskey as delicately as one can, given the acrid taste, and absently shaking your leg. And, since you were sitting, your dress rode up your thighs. What had been a hint of legs became almost the whole expanse of skin, soft and supple and so tempting to him. Tempting? What a creep.
“Hope you don’t mind that I started without you.” He nods tersely, pouring himself his own glass and avoiding eye contact. 
As the whiskey hits his throat, he finds himself slowly unwinding. His moral reservations from before begin to loosen, then slip from his grasp entirely. He was just a guy with a crush. He was hurting no one. Slowly, his confidence comes back to him.
Leon yawns, stretching so that his V-lines peeks from under his shirt. "Muscle cramp," he lies, running his fingers through his hair and making flirtatious comments that you returned, perhaps innocently, but returned nonetheless.
He realizes that he'd gone quiet for a moment.
“Sweetheart, can you help me out with something else instead?”
If it was wrong, why did your breath hitch when he placed a hand under your jaw? If it was wrong, why did your fingers snake behind his neck? If it was wrong, why did your eyes fan shut as he kissed you ravenously? Pulling you onto his lap, hoisting you into the air and leading you to the living room couch? 
Usually, when men try to initiate sex, they’re crass, aggressive. But Leon–he’s just desperate. When he throws you down on the sofa, he groans. He never stops talking between kisses, fuck, baby, you’re so pretty, can’t believe I got so lucky, drags his hands along any and every part of you that he can. It makes your heart soar, the fact that this big, esteemed government agent was falling apart because of you, and you’d hardly done anything yet.
“Leon…,” you gasp, and he short-circuits. You’re under him, hair and dress splayed prettily to your sides, silently begging him for more, legs wrapping around the back of his thighs. Pawing at his back as he kneels over you, wanting, needing more. Closer. More.
Leon complies with your wish, leaning back in for a kiss. This one’s slow, deep, makes your insides burn up. He tries to learn every inch of your lips, the crevice of your mouth, the underside of your tongue. Is it gross? A little. He knows that it’s way too wet, but with the way you invite him in, the way you claw at his back and beg for more, he can’t help himself.
If he’s a dirty old man that has fantasies of his younger neighbor, so be it. Just for tonight.
“Where’s your router?” you tease, running your fingers along his stubble.
“Fuck, uh,” he swears. “I don’t have one.” You laugh, pulling him back in for a kiss.
“Knew it. You always use my network when you’re home.”
“Can I make a ridiculous comment about our connection?” Before he can continue, you yank him by the collar, teeth colliding with the impact of it. His blazer hits the floor, then his shirt (way too many buttons, you grumble), then your dress, but before you can unlatch his belt buckle, he has you pinned with one hand while the other runs down your chest. “May I?”
Leon swears he’s losing his sanity. He latches onto your chest, swirling his tongue around the buds and sucking sharply. Moaning almost as loud as you. Bathing your chest in kisses, dragging his mouth along the undersides, nipping lightly at the skin and leaving a trail of pretty purple marks. 
When he reaches your pussy, he’s noisy with it. Messy. He flattens his tongue inside of you, groaning and lapping up every inch he can get. His nose nuzzles against your clit repeatedly, roughly, and when he tilts his head up to suck on the sensitive nub, the entire area is coated in your slick. It would’ve been embarrassing had he not been moaning louder than you.
“You like when this old man takes care of you?” he practically purrs, diving back in with a punctuated suck on your clit. When you moan out in response, he presses slow, heated kisses along your labia, then drags the expanse of his tongue up your slit. “Oh, you like that? You like it when I take care of your princess parts?” Then flicks the tip of his tongue along your clit, alternating between kitten licks and long swirls. 
“Yes, yes,” you pant, mewling so loudly that you have to bite the back of your hand. Leon won’t have any of that.
“Oh, baby,” he purrs, replacing the hand on your mouth with his. “Can’t take a little attention? Your cunt is that desperate?”
His thumb brushes against your lower lip. On a whim, you maneuver it so it rests in your mouth. Leon could’ve cum in his pants at the sight.
“Fuck, sweetheart.” You give his thumb a light suck at his words, and he retaliates by giving you a smothering kiss on your cunt. “So pretty. So pretty just like this, yeah? Need me to take care of you, not any of those younger guys who don’t know how to treat you right?” Leon finishes his rambles by replacing his tongue with his fingers, crawling forward to give you a searing kiss. His lips were wet with your arousal, and when you moved your head away, mumbled something about how his face was soaked, he laughed. 
“Look at you, baby. So fuckin’ wet that you made my face all drippy. You want this old man’s cock that bad?” You nod desperately. “Clean it up, then. I can’t take care of my girl if my face is drenched because of her. Wanna be clean for my pretty girl, right? Not dirty.”
You nod your head, making quick work. All dignity thrown to the wind, you lap at his cheeks, then his nose, and finally, his mouth, eating away all the arousal you’d left on him. “That’s my girl,” he says throughout all of it. “That’s my good fucking girl.”
You palm at his slacks, still stubbornly on, and he damn near whines. Talking about how he’ll get a desk job, transfer departments, hell, quit his fuckin’ job at the DSO, just so he can come home and take care of you every single night. Fuck, only for his pretty princess. Only for you. 
“You’d do that for me?” You bat your eyes at him, mascara running down your cheeks from how good this feels. 
“Anything, princess.” Finally, he undoes his belt, making quick work of the rest of his clothes. When he finally frees himself from his boxers, your eyes water.
“You want it?” he taunts, swiping a hand over the angry red tip. The same veins that travel up his arms are on his dick, pretty and pink and twitching. 
“Yes, daddy,” you say, half-joking, half-serious. He smiles sweetly.
“Aw, you want daddy’s cock?” he coos. “I bet you do.” Leon kisses down your chest, then your stomach. You feel like you’ll burst if he doesn’t just fuck you then and there. Looking up at you, big blue eyes, before he gives your pussy another experimental lick, but it’s enough to leave you keening. He’s insatiable. He sucks on your clit so hard that you see stars, swirls his tongue around inside you, groans the whole fucking time about how pretty you are. Kisses all over your thighs, sucks marks into them. You prop yourself on your shoulders and notice that he’s humping the bed while eating you out, eyes narrowed but refusing to shut—to see you coming undone by him. He looks pathetic, but how can he help himself when it’s you?
And finally, finally pulls away, face glistening with your arousal, as he guides his tip toward your entrance.
With how wet you were, he could’ve sheathed himself fully in one thrust. Instead, he prolonged this as much as he could. You knew he was fucking with you because he could. Because he liked to see you cry pretty tears for him, so what? You were just so pretty, and seeing you want him that bad made him want you even more, if that was possible.
 “More, more,” you beg. Leon just laughs.
“There’s one thing that younger men get wrong. They think that faster means better. Once she cums, you’ve finished the job. But when you’re my age, you want to fuck a girl so good that she doesn’t stop cumming. So I’m gonna take my time with you. I’ve waited thirty-eight years to fuck a girl like you.”
His eyes nearly roll into his head. You’re bouncing back on his cock, sharp whimpers leaving your mouth. And your cute little pussy just keeps sucking him up, a little creamy ring dripping onto his balls. His tip nudges your walls and you pulse around him. “Pretty girl. That’s it, sucking me in so pretty.” You babble incoherently, as he pulls your back to his chest, one hand kneading your tits while the other bounces you up and down on his cock. 
“Look at that,” he purrs. Your eyes flick toward him in the mirror, his stern gaze splitting you open as if his cock wasn’t doing that already. You hadn’t even noticed that was there. “So pretty. Look at yourself, pretty girl. Wanted you for so long. And look at you now–pathetic.” A pit in your tummy warms, making you clench tighter and him thrust harder. You look like a mess–your head is barely upright, bobbing with each slam of his hips, your chest is practically purple, and the sound of him fucking you is so wet it should’ve embarrased you. But you couldn’t be, not when he waw fucking you this good and he looked so pretty, big blue eyes devouring you whole, stubble nuzzling against your shoulder as he craned his neck, showering it with kisses.
“Mmm, Leon,” you whine. “Gonna cum. Please, please, can I cum?”
Leon groans at the desperation in your tone. Normally, he would’ve corrected you, taken you over his knee until you knew who was fucking you (daddy, not Leon. Leon was for outside the bedroom only). But you were so cute, and he’d dreamed about this moment for so long that he couldn’t say no to you. “Go ahead, princess. Cum for daddy.” With that, your vision went white, pussy spasming around his dick. Leon couldn’t hold back much longer, either. Swearing under his breath, he tenses up, gripping the flesh of your sides tightly before he cums–
–so much. When he finally finishes, he cums lots and lots. There’s so much coming out of him that he feels drained, your release and his wetting the sheets. A strangled noise comes from the back of his throat, one he didn’t think was possible. You clench at how hot he looks coming undone like this–and he just keeps going. He fucks you past your orgasm and his until you’re making a mess everywhere and you’re both shaking and whimpering from the overstimulation.
“ ‘S too much daddy, please,” you cry, hot tears pricking your waterline. Leon feels his heart melt, instantly coming to a stop. 
“You okay, baby?” he asks gently, stroking your hair. You nod.
If there was anything that was understated, it was the fact that older men weren’t just better at sex. They were unreal with aftercare. Leon pampered you, showering you with kisses, cleaning up your fluids with a wet wipe and even carrying you to the bath after. While you scrubbed your hair, Leon hummed away in the kitchen, a towel hanging loose around his lower half.
When you finally re-emerged, wearing one of his old RPD shirts, Leon tosses you a lopsided grin so handsome that your heart skips a beat. “Hungry?”
You gape at him. “Leon, I can’t. You’re too kind.”
Leon plates the food. “I figured you might be hungry.”
As the two of you dine, exchanging light conversation, you frown. “How’d you know I like this dish?”
Leon rubs the back of neck sheepishly. “Well, every time you ordered delivery, I noticed that you got this.”
“Weirdooo,” you groan, playfully jabbing your fork in his direction. Leon chuckles, a red hue coating his cheeks.
Soon enough, he’s washing the dishes, refusing any help because "he’s the one who caused you the inconvenience of helping him." You give him a hesitant smile, glancing at the door.
Leon catches your eye and feels his heart sink ever-so-slightly.
“Sooo, wanna get dinner sometime?” he asks before he can help himself. “It’s not usually my style to fuck a girl before I’ve taken her out first.”
“Of course, Leon.” His jaw hurt by how much he was smiling, but you weren't any better. Leon was pathetic when it came to you, but were you any better?
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hello-sweetheart · 1 day ago
Eddie and his False King- steddie ficlet
“Tell me something about you that Robin doesn’t know.”
They’re lying on the floor of Steve’s apartment staring up at the ceiling reeling from an over indulgence of Chinese take-out. Steve is chewing on the end of a wooden chopstick after trying to teach Eddie how to use them (and failing). Eddie can feel Steve turn to look at him and pretends to be invested in the fortune cookie he’s fidgeting with.
Truth is, Eddie loves Robin—of course he does, Eddie wouldn’t have Steve without Robin. His Steve. Bright, funny, carefree Steve. He’s heard from the group how Steve struggled before he found a friend in Robin. He never met the Steve before Robin, not officially, but he remembers the dark cloud that had followed him throughout his junior and senior year, followed him all the way across the stage at graduation.
And then one day, he stumbled across the guy once more looking softer in way he never had. A lack of ego that was replaced by something tender. Somber eyes alight once more, not with the cruelty of before, but a steady happiness.
Eddie shrugged, “I mean, there’s gotta be something.”
Eddie loves Robin, but sometimes… sometimes it’s hard to share Steve with her.
Each time Steve tells a story, confesses something buried deep, or shares a secret, he knows Robin heard it first.
Whenever he wonders where Steve is when he’s not with Eddie, he knows it’s with Robin.
When Steve gave him a spare key to his apartment, he knows Robin already had a copy.
Hell, Robin probably knows all about their sex life. It’s easy to imagine Steve, naive and new to men, red in the face stumbling through his story of their first time together. Robin at his side reassuring him and easing his insecurities, even though Eddie already had.
Her words probably soothed him easier than Eddie’s ever could.
It’s not that Robin has ever invaded their time together, not unless it was an emergency, but still. Eddie is selfish. And.
Eddie is jealous of how close they are, he’ll admit it. He just wants a part of Steve that he doesn’t have to share with Robin.
“There’s one thing, but..”
“You can’t make fun of me for it.” Eddie’s lip curled. “Promise!”
“Alright, alright.” He turned to his side to properly give him his attention. Steve’s eyes were sleepy from their large meal, impending food coma underway.
Eddie loves him so much it hurt.
“You know how people called me King Steve in high school?”
“And you know how it was Tommy that started it?”
“Well, Tommy only ever called me that because when we were kids and our parents would take us out to eat, each time it was my turn to chose where, I’d always pick Burger King.” He admitted this with a sheepish grin.
“King Steve?” Eddie repeated in disbelief. The nickname now held a different weight on his tongue.
Steve groaned, “Yeah, King Steve. It was Tommy’s nickname for me. I was like 6 and obsessed with the chicken fingers. I’d wear the paper crown and everything—cried if they forgot the crown. Well, sometime around freshman year I had scored a winning basket and Tommy started shouting “King Steve! King Steve!” Before I knew it, others started shouting it back. It caught on and never really went away.”
“Mm, I doubt it ever would have stuck if they knew why Tommy called me that in the first place. That’s why after, well, after, I know that it hurt him so much when I left. Cuz he would look at me and call me King Steve, not to mock the fact that fell on the food chain, but to mock how I ended 10 years of friendship over a girl.”
“But it wasn’t really over a girl.”
“Nah, he was just a shit person. Dont think he ever realized that. I hope he has. Besides, I like who I found after.”
“Robin?” Steve’s eyes soften but his gaze was focused and intense.
“Yeah, her too.” Oh.
“Come on, sweetheart. We’ll clean up tomorrow, but I for one, would like to nap on the bed instead of your carpet. God knows when the last time this was properly cleaned.” Steve squawked.
“I clean this carpet weekly! Properly!”
He really does. Eddie knows this. Steve is his own brand of freak with how neat and tidy he keeps things.
Eddie falls asleep with his nose buried in Steve’s neck, belly full love and grease. In his mind there now exists a new image, one of Steve tiny and slightly chubby with baby fat, legs swinging in brightly colored booth as he chews happily on a chicken nugget, fingers sticky with ketchup. And a paper crown skewed on a bed of chestnut hair.
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scoupsakakitty · 3 days ago
Could you write a seungkwan x idol reader maybe angst but fluff in the end hehehe
The Letter You Never Sent | idol!Seungkwan x Reader | angst, fluff
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It had been a long day for Seungkwan, and as usual, his mind was buzzing with new lyrics he wanted to jot down. While Seventeens schedule had kept him busy, the creative process never stopped. He always carried around a notebook, but that day, his mind had wandered off, and he’d forgotten it at the dorm. It wasn’t like he hadn’t planned to stop by Y/N’s place; it was just another reason to visit, another small moment they’d spend together, even if it was just a few hours.
Y/N wasn’t home when he arrived, as she often wasn’t these days. He was used to letting himself in, having known the code to her apartment door for years. It was their routine—a casual thing, like family. He liked the quiet comfort of her apartment; it had always felt like his second home.
With a quick glance around her living room, Seungkwan spotted a pad of paper on the coffee table. Perfect. He grabbed it, along with a pen, and began scribbling down the lyrics that had been swirling in his mind. His pen moved furiously across the page as the ideas began to solidify. He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn’t notice the piece of paper that had fallen out from underneath the notebook—a letter, creased and worn, as if it had been kept hidden for years.
Curious, Seungkwan set the pen down and reached for the letter. It wasn’t like him to go snooping through Y/N’s things, but something about the way the letter was half-hiding under her notebook caught his eye. As he unfolded it, he recognized her handwriting instantly. His heart skipped when he read the first few words:
“Seungkwan, I don’t know how to say this…”
The message was brief but heartfelt, and Seungkwan immediately felt a pang in his chest. But as he continued reading, the words sent a shockwave of confusion and anger through him. Y/N had written this letter to him years ago—back when he was a new debutant, struggling to find his place in the world. And yet, he had never known about it. Not until now.
The Letter
I don’t know how to say this. There’s so much I want to tell you, but I don’t even know where to begin. I guess I’ll just say it: I’ve been in love with you for as long as I can remember. I don’t know when it started exactly, but I know it’s been years. Even before your debut, even when we were just friends, I felt it — the way my heart would race when you smiled, the way my chest would tighten when you laughed. It’s always been there.
But I’ve had to keep it hidden. Not because I wanted to, but because I had to. Your management told me it was too dangerous for you. They said it would ruin your career, your reputation. They told me that if anyone found out, it could destroy everything you’ve worked so hard for. They made me believe that if I told you how I felt, I’d be the reason you wouldn’t succeed. I couldn’t bear that. I couldn’t risk losing you—not just as my best friend, but as someone who meant so much more to me than words can express.
So, I’ve been pretending. Pretending that we’re just friends. Pretending that I’m okay with watching you grow and shine, knowing deep down that I’ll never be the one standing next to you on that stage. I’ve watched you achieve your dreams, and I’ve been so proud, but at the same time, I’ve been holding my breath, keeping my distance. I can’t let my feelings get in the way of your future. I won’t.
But it’s getting harder, Seungkwan. Every time I see you, every time I hear your voice, every time you smile at me, it breaks me just a little more. I keep telling myself that this is for the best—that I’m doing it for you—but I’m not sure how much longer I can keep this up. It hurts. It hurts so much to hide this from you, to pretend I don’t care when everything inside of me screams that I do.
I just wanted you to know. Even if I can’t say it to you in person, even if I can’t hold your hand, I want you to know that I love you. I always have. And I always will.
Please don’t hate me for this.
This section of the letter conveys the deep emotional struggle Y/N went through, hiding her feelings because of the pressure from HYBE. It adds a layer of guilt, love, and sacrifice, giving Seungkwan a stronger reason to be upset with both Y/N and himself.
Seungkwan’s mind raced as he read the words over and over again. The rawness of the confession hit him like a wave, and anger began to bubble up from somewhere deep within him. How could she have hidden this from him? How could she have kept this secret for so long?
He wasn’t sure how long he sat there, reading the letter, feeling his emotions shift from shock to disbelief, to something darker—hurt, betrayal.
By the time Y/N returned, the letter had already been set back down on the coffee table, neatly folded again. Seungkwan could barely breathe, his thoughts too loud in his head. He needed answers.
The door clicked shut, and he heard Y/N’s voice calling his name, familiar and comforting. But for the first time in a long time, it felt like it was coming from a distance. He stood up from the couch, walking toward the door to greet her.
“Seungkwan?” Y/N stopped short when she saw the look on his face, and suddenly, everything felt heavy.
“Where have you been?” he asked, his tone sharp and colder than he had intended. He wasn’t sure why he was so angry, but the letter had made everything so much harder. Why hadn’t she told him? Why hadn’t she trusted him enough to share something so important?
Y/N froze, clearly sensing the shift in his mood. “I—I was out with a friend. Why? What’s wrong?” she asked, her voice filled with concern.
Seungkwan didn’t answer right away. He glanced over at the coffee table, where the letter was waiting. Then, without thinking, he grabbed it and held it up in front of her, his gaze burning with frustration.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he demanded, his voice tight with anger. “Why keep this from me for so long? You wrote this… years ago, and you never said a word to me.”
Y/N’s eyes widened, her face paling as she took in the sight of the letter. “Seungkwan, I—”
“No, don’t say anything yet,” Seungkwan cut her off, his emotions flooding out. “You hid this from me. You hid your feelings from me. You made me believe we were just friends, when all this time, you felt something for me. How could you keep this from me?”
Y/N opened her mouth to say something, but the words stuck in her throat. Seungkwan could see the guilt and regret written across her face, and it only made his anger grow stronger.
He took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm inside him, but it wasn’t easy. “I’ve worked so hard for my career,” he said, his voice thick with frustration. “I’ve sacrificed so much to get to where I am more than I ever wanted. And I didn’t even realize it.”
Y/N flinched at his words. “Seungkwan, that’s not what I wanted. I never wanted to ruin your career. I never wanted to be a distraction. I did it because I care about you. Because I wanted to protect you—because I didn’t want my feelings to get in the way of everything you worked so hard for.”
Her words cut through him, leaving him feeling both hurt and conflicted. “So you just thought I wouldn’t care? That I wouldn’t notice how much you were hiding from me? You don’t think I could’ve handled it? That I wouldn’t have wanted to be with you, too?”
Y/N took a step closer, her voice trembling. “You don’t understand, Seungkwan. I had to choose. Your dreams, your career… they meant more to me than my own feelings. I couldn’t risk hurting you, ruining everything you’ve worked for. I thought if I kept my distance, everything would be okay.”
Seungkwan’s anger melted into frustration. He knew how much she cared for him, how much she always wanted the best for him, but this—this silence—had been a wall between them, and it had hurt him more than she probably realized.
“You should’ve told me. I could have handled it,” he said quietly. “I could have chosen to be with you, to figure this out together. But you didn’t give me that chance. You just let me walk around, clueless.”
Y/N’s eyes shimmered with unshed tears. “I’m sorry. I was scared… I was scared of losing you.”
The silence between them stretched, each of them holding on to emotions too strong to ignore. Finally, Seungkwan dropped his gaze, taking a deep breath. His heart ached as he realized how deeply this had hurt both of them. She had tried to protect him, to shield him from her feelings, but in doing so, she had unknowingly created distance that neither of them needed.
He reached out, pulling her into a tight hug. Y/N hesitated for a moment before letting her arms wrap around him as well.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I should have told you. I was just trying to protect you.”
Seungkwan nodded, resting his chin on her shoulder. “I understand. I do. But don’t you ever think that you’re a burden to me. I would have chosen you. I would have always chosen you.”
Y/N pulled back just enough to look him in the eyes, her tears finally falling freely. “Really?”
Seungkwan smiled softly, brushing the tears from her cheeks. “Yeah. Really. We can figure this out, Y/N. Together.”
She smiled back, and for the first time in what felt like forever, the weight of the world seemed to lift from both their shoulders. The space between them was finally gone.
And as Seungkwan leaned in, kissing her gently, all the uncertainty, all the hidden feelings, faded away. They were finally being honest with each other. Finally ready to let their feelings lead them forward.
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sukbigones · 17 hours ago
On one of my trips to Hungary, a good friend of mine wanted me to meet a group of military men he had recently met through a government pal who had been friends with them for a while... upon my arrival (famished for cock), after a long flight and no sex, once in the chauffeured-driven car, my excitedly trembling hands pulled his trousers down and out came his glorious Hungarian cannon, an uncut 12+ inch long shaft with a 7-inch girth, and a foreskin I had nibbled on (between collecting his voluminous precum with my tongue) numerous times since we met in Mykonos, Greece a few years back... it had been a while since I last took care of his cannon, my hands grabbing and squeezing the already hardening cock, the low-hanging shaved balls swollen with cum, one hand immediately pulling the double-balled sack down hard, immediately causing the shaft's further hardening, erect and seemingly much bigger than I remembered it, my sphincter puckering at the thought of welcoming his cannon deep in me later... right now, all I needed was cum, delicious cum to savor and swallow, my return to reality facing his priapus engorged in blood, the substantial foreskin still covering the meatiest mushroom cockhead unveiled as I peeled it, uncovering that delectable precum wetness he was known for producing and releasing when performing his manly duties - feeding his cock to me... my tongue immediately lapped all that wetness and squeezed the shaft for not just a drop of his nectar but a small creek of precum, his sweet and sour essence running out of his large piss slit (urethra) as if it were a running leaky faucet... both of us were too excited to linger on foreplay, so I picked up speed, my tongue and suction combined led to his huge orgasm, his cum load filling my mouth quickly before we arrived at his estate near the military training camp... I tipped the driver, a young man of about 24 whose beautiful uncut cock I sucked harder when he grabbed my head and face-fucked me until he ejaculated a delicious tart load in my mouth, my friend grinning as he watched, his cock (still out of his pants) hard as steel, the drivers cock continuing to plow my throat, unloading a 2nd load in less than 5 minutes... once in my room, I showered and douched, finishing the session by impaling myself on a large dildo in the collection I found in the towel cabinet, going deep to ensure a full cleanse and to get my sphincter ready for whatever was to come...
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wonderjanga · 5 hours ago
How would Jason treat Marvel as a kid compared to after the resurrection?
Jason, when he was still Robin, would’ve had the biggest hero worship for Marvel, though he’d always be second to Diana. In fact, if Jason had to pick, Wonder Woman would’ve been his favorite female hero, and Captain Marvel would’ve been his favorite male hero. They’re both just… so cool.
So when Jason goes to the Watchtower with Bruce, the first person he seeks out is Wonder Woman, and then if she’s unavailable, he goes to Captain Marvel. Cause again, they’re so dang cool. Now, Ms. Woman is busy most of the time, but more often than not the Captain will hang out with him if he wants.
Marvel: “Oh, hey Robin #2!”
Robin!Jason: “Hi! Batman’s in a meeting.”
Marvel: “Wanna hang out then?”
Robin!Jason: “Yeah!”
And that’s how you’d catch little eleven year old Jason and big buff probably thirty year old Marvel chilling. If Dick’s uncle was Superman, Jason’s was Marvel.
The various activities they partook in included fighting in the training rooms:
Marvel: *flying nearby* “You can do it buddy!”
Robin!Jason: *parkouring to a hostage*
Marvel: “Watch out for the villain!”
Hologram Villain: *shoots him*
Robin!Jason: “ACK-” *gets hit with hologram bullets*
The simulation ended after that, and Jason was a little upset that he messed up, but Marvel gave him some ice cream and then they went to try again.
They would also watch stupid movies together:
Marvel and Robin!Jason: *watching Marley and Me*
Marvel: *bawling*
Robin!Jason: “It’s okay. It’s okay.” *giving him tissues*
Now, they actually didn’t meet again in battle… no no, see Billy has an interesting relationship with Ra’s Al Ghul. This is because a previous champion used to be friends with him. So Billy is also friends with Ra’s cause why not? See, Billy and Jason met again when Jason was walking down a hallway in the League of Assassin’s headquarters and Billy was also walking down that same hallway with Ra’s.
Jason: *head in the clouds*
Ra’s and Marvel: *talking*
Jason: *notices Cap and does a double take* “Wha- WHAT THE HELL??”
Marvel: *pauses and looks over to him* “Huh?”
Marvel: “Wait… Robin #2?”
Jason was then dragged along with the two as Ra’s and Marvel started talking again. Meanwhile, Jason is absolutely dumb struck at the fact that, one, how is Marvel getting along so well with Ra’s, and two, how did he recognize him??
Ra’s, Jason, and Marvel: *all stop in the mess hall*
Ra’s: “I’ll leave you to it. Goodbye, Thavma.”
Marvel: “Bye!” *waves* “So, Robin, what are you doing here?”
Jason: “Don’t call me Robin anymore- also what are YOU doing here??”
Marvel: “I’m Ra’s friend.”
Jason: “How????”
Marvel: “What do you mean how?”
Jason: “I mean HOW. Look at you.”
Marvel: “What’s that mean?”
Jason: “Buddy, you’re sunshine, okay? Who would ever conceive the notion that you and Ra’s are friends?”
Marvel: “I’ll have you know that I’ve known him for hundreds of years. We’re like this” *crosses fingers (🤞)* “You got that?”
Jason: “No. I do not got that.”
Jason was a little surprised Cap was treating him the same as he would before his death, especially considering that the hero now knows that Jason is affiliated with assassins. Jason then remembered that the hero in question is also affiliated with assassins so… yeah. Anyways, he had some (a lot) of questions.
Jason: “You know, you don’t see all that surprised that I came back to life.”
Marvel: “You died??”
Jason: “Yes??”
Marvel: “Oh. I just thought you stop being Robin and just became a normal kid.”
Jason: “Wha- NO??”
Marvel: “Yeah, I probably should’ve picked up on that. But even if I didn’t know you died it’s not exactly an uncommon occurrence for people to come back to life.”
Jason: “You make it sound like it happens all the time.”
Marvel: “It does in Fawcett.” *shrugs* “We have insurance there for zombies in case they crawl out of their graves so coffins can be reimbursed.”
Jason: “I… I forgot you came from Crazyville.”
Marvel: “It may be Crazyville, but that won’t stop it from being home.”
Anyways, fast forward about a year, and Jason is back in Gotham and pissed at everyone and everything. That doesn’t stop them from hanging out.
Nightwing: *breaks into Jason’s safe house* “Jason, this needs to stop-”
Jason and Marvel: *turn to him, mid taco bite, watching WWE*
Nightwing: “Captain Marvel??”
I actually already have a few posts of their interactions and even one of them before Jason died if you wanna read more of them together.
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river-selkie · 7 hours ago
I was raised by a bear therian
Well, my dad never said himself that he's a bear therian, but even without the word "therian" being used, his experience as one was undeniable and incredibly clear to me. He spent much of my childhood talking about his dreams of Alaska, how the land there felt like home to him more than anywhere else on Earth. So much so that when the military asked him if he was willing to move North into Alaska, he immediately jumped at the opportunity and spent several years of his life living in Fairbanks back when the weather was still frigid and sometimes volatile. He camped in the wilderness regularly and would tell me stories of caribou surrounding his tent in the mornings, large grizzlies wandering through the rivers, and scraggly wolves with summer pelts trotting across the land. His job handling search and recovery cases at the time encouraged this lifestyle, especially in winter when people would go missing on the roads or crash their bush planes in the woods and he had to find the deceased and bring them back to civilization. Funny enough, he confessed to having a search and recovery team come and look for him at one point after he got carried away and stayed out in the forest for a little too long, deciding to ride the river near him a few miles away just as a "fun idea" and scared my mother into thinking he died out there.
I wasn't alive yet when my dad lived in Alaska though. I had my dad shortly after he had left, and I saw how much he missed it even at a young age. I honestly visited the state so often with him that you'd assume I had family there, but to him, maybe the Northern animals were family. I complained about it back then since I'd be wearing puffy coats and winter accessories in the middle of summer when everyone else was going to Hawaii or Mexico, but I saw how happy he was whenever he'd have a wild caught salmon for dinner or get to walk close to a glacier. When he'd see icebergs in the water from boat tours he'd be sitting entirely outside on the deck during or, most importantly, the day he finally got a chance to visit Admiralty Island (better known as "Fortress of the Bear"). It had always been his dream to go and as he sat there at ease in the tall grass fields watching the giant brown bears graze the fields a mile away. He had a look on his face as if he was meant to be there forever, that he was never supposed to leave. It was hard to not gain a fondness for the place with how much he loved it, and my dad would even tell my sister and I that the remote wilderness of Alaska is where he wants his ashes to one day be placed. Inevitably, I'll be going back again one day to the "final frontier" for him to finally be able to stay there forever like he wanted.
When he wasn't in Alaska, he was at home with me in Colorado taking me on adventures in the Rocky mountains. He was an avid fish lover, always packing salmon, halibut, or a tuna sandwich. I don't think he ate much else when I was a kid, and before my fish allergy developed, that was pretty much my diet too. I think he honestly was disappointed when I wasn't able to eat fish anymore, lamenting on the fact that I never got to have another Alaskan salmon or try a smoked fish. Every time his back would get itchy, he'd scratch it by using the corner between the doorway and the wall, very reminiscent of a bear using a tree to get some unreachable spot which I laughed about to which he'd shrug and say "it's an instinct I guess". Dessert always had to have honey in it, but if honey wasn't available, it had to be something with pumpkin or berries. Pumpkin pie, berry pie, and pumpkin ice cream were his favorites and his birthday dinners usually involved one of the three instead of cake. He often watched bear documentaries with me too, namely one I remember about someone who was the "Grizzly Man" who lived mostly in the wild and met his end to the very bears he spent his life around and I also remember him enjoying Never Cry Wolf, a 1983 film set in Alaska's remote North as well. It inspired him to apply for the ticket lottery every year for over a decade to try and win a trip to Katmai to see the bears during the salmon run, which he inconveniently won when he was literally already in Alaska and about to head back home. Needless to say, his irritated groans and pouts weren't forgotten on the plane back to Colorado.
My mom was mostly absent from my life in the sense that she played no healthy or genuine part in raising me despite being under the same roof due to her relentless addictions, so I do feel as if my childhood was mostly defined by being my dad's "bear cub". He loved animals and taught me to respect them and nature tremendously, and his "abnormal" behaviors became something I now recognize as something I resonate with as a grown otter therian. I sometimes wonder if he raised me into otterhood and if I would still be a therian without his influence, or if my otterhood is something of a "family trait" given that my older sister strikes me as a bird therian in many ways too, but I find it amusing to consider that there are so many animalistic individuals in my family who could fall under the alterhuman umbrella, and yet have never uttered the word "therian" in their lives. I'm curious how many other people in the world are just like me and simply never wanted to label it or explore it deeper, or worse, how many people have had it shunned into the depths of themselves to be forgotten about? I for one am grateful that I can call myself nonhuman and live a life understanding why I am the way that I am, even if I'm unsure of the source.
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deepspacenova · 2 days ago
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i bloom with you
1200 words | drabble. fluff. teen reader x teen caleb.
Note: I was so thoroughly charmed to learn that Caleb taught MC how to make a flower crown in his text for Springfresh Day that I somehow wrote that moment at the speed of light ❀
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Caleb had been full of energy for as long as you could remember. Buzzing from room to room in the house like a pest back when you two were still the same height. Random objects re-organizing themselves mid-air as he started to master his evol. His loud chatter darting through the house instead now that his legs got too tired after training.
Gran had long since given up — something about fireflies not shining as bright when they were in a jar — and no matter how many times you’d groaned, sighed, slammed your door, or yelled back, that restless energy of his didn’t seem like it would settle any time soon.
For the past few months, though, you’d started paying a little more attention. Maybe it was a new maturity that came with turning 16. Maybe you’d gotten used to the hum of his energy that permeated through the house.
Or, maybe it was the realization that in less than two years you’d finally get the peace you’d yearned for — and you weren’t sure you wanted that anymore.
But it made you notice for the first time that his energetic exterior was all smoke and mirrors. An illusion that seemed to fool everyone around him into thinking he was an open book, that everything about him shined at face value.
In reality, you'd discovered, all that movement was a distraction. A dazzling performance that kept him on a stage, suspended from any meaningful connection. No one noticed the lines of tension on his forehead, or the way he talked but never actually talked about himself.
And you, an aspiring Hunter, had fallen for the act.
You didn’t know whether you wanted to punch him or hug him for it and so you’d stepped into some kind of silent limbo. One where you’d started to study the lines of his smile for authenticity during meal times. One where you’d started pausing before you walked into the same room as him to catch a glimpse of his true expression before he molded it into something else.
Basically, you’d turned into one of the countless girls who followed him around school with sighs spilling from their mouths and love pouring from their eyes. Which did nothing but tip the scale toward 'punch.'
So when you spotted Caleb sitting alone at the park by your house, hidden by the lake behind some flowering shrubs, you were ready to give him a piece of your mind. To confront him about what he was hiding — and doing it without revealing the hurt that wrapped around your chest like barbed wire.
But as you got closer, you saw Caleb plucking some flowers and bringing them to his lap, his back rising and falling in even breaths. His biceps flexing and relaxing with whatever motions his hands were making.
He shifted his position, legs out while his knees propped up his elbows, and you caught sight of a cluster of flowers twisted into a braid.
Curiosity suddenly conquered your need for petty revenge and your steps got faster when Caleb called out, “Come sit, pip-squeak. The flowers don’t bite.” He glanced over his shoulder with a grin. “And I just ate.”
Rolling your eyes you planted yourself next to him, a small patch devoid of flowers. Unable to curb your curiosity any longer, you nodded to his lap, “What're you doing?”
He raised his brows, a pleased glint flickering in his eyes as he looked down to make a couple of twisting motions with his fingers, placed the small wreath of flowers on his wrist, and held it out to you.
Your eyes widened and you couldn’t help but reach out and trace the soft swirl of colorful blooms circling his wrist. “A flower crown? Where’d you learn to make this?”
“I keep tellin’ you I know everything, you just never believe me.” He teased, shifting to the side with a laugh when you finally landed your long-awaited punch on his shoulder. “Alright, alright, I guess I can teach you this one thing. Wanna learn?”
It didn’t escape your notice he hadn’t fully answered your question. Maybe he didn’t know where he learned it, or maybe it was a skill some people were born with, like curling your tongue.
But there was something about the melted gold in his eyes, the unfamiliar smoothness of his forehead, the open hand he held out expectantly that suddenly made confronting him about your grievances feel wrong and childish. Immature.
You placed your hand in his with a warning, “If this is anything like you teaching me to shoot hoops, I’m going to hide all your left shoes again.”
“How many times do I have to say I wasn’t aiming for your face before you believe me?” He groaned playfully, widening his legs and pulling your hand until you shifted between them. His sun-warmed chest pressed into your back.
“Hm, at least a hundred more,” you mused as the hair on your right got tucked behind your ear and replaced with the sight of Caleb’s cheek. “Each one accompanied by chicken wings.”
“Always so ruthless,” he mumbled fondly, setting the completed flower crown down and pressing closer to you to pluck a couple of new blooms. “That’s good though. Wildflowers need ruthless hands to twist them into shape. Ready?”
The next hour was spent with distant birdsong and Caleb’s murmured thoughts and instructions swirling around your ears, the mixture of cool flower stems and his warm fingers tangling with yours — first clumsily and eventually dexterously — and the comforting rhythm of Caleb’s heart thudding against your back until your inhales timed perfectly with his exhales and-
“Done,” he announced, the crown of blooms displayed on his palm in front of you.
It was beautifully intricate, hues of pink and white and blue strung together in an elegant circlet.
Your smile beamed from the crown to his proud gaze. “I did it!”
He laughed softly. “A flower crown fit for a princess.”
Your eyes held his. A strange, exciting tingle of… something in your chest accompanied the usual flutter of comfort as the birdsong faded and you drank in the openness of the gold and violet. Bright and shining just for you.
For the first time you knew exactly what Gran meant when she'd explained the firefly in a jar.
Because suddenly you realized how well you knew the pattern of that gold, the swirls of violet. That Caleb had at some point started to purposefully dim himself, put himself in a jar. That the performance you’d been watching him put on wasn’t for you, it was never for you. It was for everyone else.
You continued to study the features of his face. Sharp angles mixing with soft contours to form a visage as familiar to you as your own and yet more beautiful now. More vulnerable and... precious.
Sucking in a breath, you took a page from his book and caged the butterflies in your abdomen with your own jar before taking the crown from his hand, placing it onto his head, and twisting around to cup his surprised face in your hands.
“No, this is my first flower crown,” you asserted, moving his face from side to side playfully. “And I say it’s made for a prince.”
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normalwomanontheinternet · 3 days ago
being 32 rules! i remember when i first started hormones 12 years ago i was told by people that i could expect most of the changes to happen to my body within 5 years. that wasn't true at all. there were a lot of false plateaus along the way though.
i was on estradiol valerate pill prescription for like 8-9 years and when i switched to home-brewed injectable estradiol enanthate and progesterone i saw my transition starting anew. i wish i hadn't gone along with the state's advice and timeline - since seizing the means of transition and taken matters into my own hands i've gotten way hotter, and i've remembered that my body is mine to change how i see fit.
my advice to younger trans people looking to become a smoking hot 32yo: have patience, but never let yourself become complacent. inshallah you will be 32 one day, and you should do everything in your power to make your body how you want it to be. you probably don't look exactly how you want to look - and you probably never will, because looking like "the perfect woman" is an unachievable goal dangled in front of all women by capitalism, but you have to take control and do what you can to become the yourself who'll greet you in the mirror with kind eyes.
i have known quite a few trans women - friends, internet strangers, even my own lovers - who have looked at me as an unattainable transition goal and used me being hot as a way to beat themselves up for not being as hot. please never do this, for your own sake as well as for the sake of the older trans women around you. it does not serve you to treat yourself like that.
my transition's still not over. i'm taking the bodily autonomy mindset i've learned (and learned more deeply DIYing my HRT) and applying it to other areas in my life: these days i'm eating more and getting bigger, hitting the gym and getting stronger, and taking domperidone and getting big milky tits. i'm revisiting my own fashion sense, figuring out what bits of my aesthetic were just a cope for hiding a body i didn't like back when i started dressing like that.
younger trans women: i am so excited for you to get to 32 years old. the view from up here is incredible. but we're still not at the top, and we never will be. you just gotta keep climbing this same mountain with me.
i cant wait to be 32 all the 32 year old trans women i know are really hot
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pineconepie · 2 days ago
Since option 1 won the poll results, here you go!! <3 two yandere dads and their kiddo who is back after a long abduction! Will write a part 2 eventually if anyone wants to see that.
TW: Past mentioned kidnapping, implied child abuse (not by the yandads), infantilization, hospitals
Several years went by since your disappearance, and both parents handle it differently.
For the first few years, Cullen began drinking more regularly and destroying his own things in anger. He took his pain out on everything he could except for August. If he weren't being self-destructive, he was driving all around town, including your favorite places, just to have even the tiniest hope of seeing you again. Even with the odds against him, he didn't stop.
August, on the other hand, went practically catatonic as his heart shattered inside of him. Everything reminded him of you in some way. If he were at the grocery store, he would remember your favorite snacks. At home, he remembered the times you'd bake together or make dinner together.
Years passed. You'd be an adult by now. It broke both of their hearts to dwell on the fact its been so long. Would you remember them? What if...
That was the worst part to dwell on. The possibility you may never be found again. Each time someone even suggested such a horrible idea, Cullen would get thrown into a rage, while August would break down crying.
Even though, eventually, life went on normally, there was a void that remained where you used to be.
August blamed himself for it all. For just one second he was distracted when taking you out of the car to go shopping, and then...
You were gone.
But just an hour ago, an officer had shown up on their doorstep and revealed to them that you'd been found and rescued from your captors. Their elated screams of joy and sobs could surely be heard by their neighbors. Even before the officer finished their explanation, both husbands hugged each other tightly, laughing as they cried in each others arms.
And now they're rushing to the front desk of the hospital where you were taken for examination and recovery.
"Where is our child?!" August cries. "(Y/n) Zimmerman!"
The nurse at the desk looks between the two, then over to the police officers who guided them through the door. Upon seeing the men nodding in confirmation, she opens something up on her computer. "Room 618," she says. "Elevators are right around the corner."
"Thank you," Cullen quickly responds. He then tugs his husband along before he bursts into tears again.
The elevator ride is painfully long, or at least that's how it felt to August and Cullen.
When the doors open, they race out of them, looking for the sign indicating where your room is. The numbers pass by quicker than they do until they stop right outside Room 618. They're breathing heavy and quick, full of nerves and excitement.
They open the door, too happy to even consider knocking.
Cullen gasps quietly upon seeing you awake, sitting on the bed with blankets over your legs and a tray of food next to you. You look up and watch the two men approach you.
August can barely contain himself, crying loudly as he walks forward. "My sweet baby!" he wails, moving to cup your face, kissing you on the forehead over and over again. It overwhelms you, but he's too emotional to notice. "I missed you so much, never leave us again...!" he cries into your hair.
"Honey," Cullen chuckles lightly, pulling his sobbing husband back by the shoulders. "Give them space." His smile turns towards you, his eyes watering with held back tears. "Do you remember us, baby? We're your dads." His voice breaks on the last few words.
You take a moment to assess your fathers.
The one who was just sobbing all over you a moment ago, has long auburn hair tied up in a loose bun with a couple strands falling from it. He has blue eyes and is slightly taller than the man who had pulled him away.
Speaking of, the other man has mid-length black hair and brown eyes, with a tiny bit of facial hair if you squint. While both seem happy to see you, he seems a bit more composed and calm, even with the tears staining his cheeks.
Hesitantly, you shake your head no, watching as August breaks down further as Cullen rubs his arm to soothe him.
"(Y/n)'s been through enough today," Cullen reminds his partner gently. "We should give them some space."
"But I want my baby!" August continues to sob. "After all these years!"
"I know, hon, me too." Cullen kisses August on the cheek. He then looks at you. "Your papa and I missed you so much. It's going to take a lot of time getting used to everything. But don't worry," Cullen says. "We will be by your side the entire time."
August sits on the edge of the bed and grabs hold of your hand, kissing it several times. "I've missed you so much," he repeats. He holds onto your hand as though he believes you'll be taken away again if he lets go.
Cullen wipes his own tears. "I'm gonna talk to the police and doctors." He gives you an encouraging smile. "Don't worry about anything. Papa and Dad have everything covered."
August nods, not taking his eyes off of you for even a second. As soon as Cullen leaves, he says, "Let me help you eat, alright?" Without waiting for you to respond, he reaches for your spoon. When he sees your eyebrows furrow, he smiles sadly at you. "Please, darling? Let me baby you a little after being away from you for so long."
Something in you just couldn't bring yourself to refuse his plea.
Several days pass.
August refuses to let go of you for long periods of time, holding your hand as you both walk through the hospital halls, feeding you when you get sleepy during your meals, and constantly keeping you within his grasp.
Cullen isn't much better. He's more subtle, but still tends to crowd around you. He just tries to be more subtle about it compared to his husband.
When you're finally discharged from the hospital, both parents keep you between them as they lead you to their car. Your arms are hooked in theirs as August gushes over you.
"When we get home, I can cook you any food you want!" he grins. "And—and we ordered you a new bed, since your old one is too small. I think all your new furniture should arrive in a day or two." His voice trembles, giving away how hard he's trying to keep himself together. "But while we wait, you'll sleep between Papa and I! We don't want to let you out of our sights yet."
"Or ever," Cullen mutters.
It causes you to shiver, but you brush it off. After so many years of being captive, why wouldn't your parents be clingy?
Even though they're already starting to feel like captors themselves...
As soon as you step foot inside of the home, August and Cullen lead you around, pointing out where everything is as you go.
"And this," August sings as he opens the door to your bedroom, "is your room!"
Despite never seeing it before, it looks familiar to you. Perhaps from pictures shown to you during your hospital stay.
The walls are painted soft lavender with a white accent wall. The plush rug by the small bed matches the wall color, and has frilled edges. The curtains covering the window next to your bed are white with faint purple polka dots on them.
Everything about this room looked beautiful, but childish. Which makes sense. You were a child since the last time you used this room.
"We kept everything the same," Cullen explains. "Your favorite stuffed animals are still sitting on your dresser, and—here—" he pulls you towards your bookshelf, "—all of your favorite books!" he exclaims. He pulls out a worn copy of he Rainbow Fish and offers it to you.
You can tell it's well loved from just looking at its spine and pages.
"This one was your absolute favorite," August informs you as you carefully take it in your hands. "Whenever we finished reading it to you at bedtime, you would always cry, begging us to read just one more time."
"Not just for that book," Cullen interjects. "For any of the ones in this row," he adds, tapping on a section of books.
"I can't wait to read to you again," August sniffles. He's cried so many times, you're wondering how he can possibly have more tears left to shed.
"Now now, dear," Cullen says softly, pulling him close to kiss his temple. "No more tears. We have our baby back now." He then turns his attention back to you. "Isn't that right, kiddo?" he grins.
You wordlessly nod and hand the book back to him.
"How about some cartoons while Papa and I fix dinner? A movie?"
"I'd rather sleep," you inform them. Both parents visibly deflate at your words, and you feel a little bad. "...or maybe a quiet dinner would be nice."
August's mood brightens a little upon hearing you say such a thing. "Yes, yes," he chants in agreement, nodding. "Dinner with my beautiful family... Nothing could be better right now." He gives Cullen a tender smile.
"That sounds wonderful," Cullen agrees. "Oh, and I'll give you some of my clothes until your new ones arrive, okay?"
Before you can ask what he means, he goes to his and August's bedroom and returns with some pajama pants and a t-shirt for you.
"Thanks..." You look between them and they get the message.
"We'll be downstairs while you change," Cullen answers. "Do you need any help?"
"No, I've got it," you insist, prompting both parents to leave your room.
They shut the door behind them, but you don't hear their footsteps descend the stairs. Did they simply want to give you the illusion of privacy?
Still, you're free to change, you suppose.
After dressing in Cullen's clothing, you open your bedroom door. On the other side stands your parents.
"All ready?" Cullen asks.
August is beaming once more at the sight of you. "Oh, darling, you're absolutely adorable!" he cries. He hugs you tightly, squishing you against him and rocking you both gently. You blush, unsure what to make of his praise. Forcing an awkward smile, you try hugging him back. Immediately, he kisses the top of your head. "My sweet baby, oh, Papa loves you so much!"
Cullen ruffles your hair. "We both love you very much."
The rest of dinner is awkward for you. Even though they let you feed yourself this time, you can see them staring, like they're prepared to witness you choke just so they can come to your aid.
Once the meal is done and over with, they set you up on the couch with plenty of blankets and pillows. It feels so soft against your skin that you're already fighting sleepiness. As you adjust in your spot on the couch, the TV begins to play old cartoons—all nostalgic.
There's no doubt your dads chose those programs on purpose.
Eventually, August and Cullen join you. One sits on either side of you.
Before the first episode of the show ends, you feel August's fingers start to massage your scalp, trying to lull you into slumber.
You subconsciously shift your position, so your head is against Cullen's shoulder.
His body stiffens, and when you turn your head to look up at him, you see unshed tears in his eyes. He wraps an arm around you to pull you closer before you can even question it.
"G'night," you mumble, already half-asleep.
"Sleep well, baby," August coos, after Cullen kisses your forehead. "We love you so, so much."
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Where'd You Come From?
Pairing: Din Djarin x f!reader, Reader POV
Summary: An adorable customer wanders into your bakery and introduces you to someone you'd never met, who piques your curiosity. Takes place after Season 3 when Din and Grogu have been living in their cabin on Nevarro. This is the first fic in my Sugar, Spice, and Starlight Series!
Tropes: Fluff, Meet Cute, Bakery AU, Grumpy vs. Sunshine
Word Count: 4.9K
Warnings: I don't think there's really any? The reader is really soft and likes to bake? The reader simping over a man's voice (as we all should)? Din might be a little bit OOC. It's mostly just fluff.
Note: This is told from Reader's perspective. Any references to the reader is made using you or your. There is no use of y/n! I tried my best to proofread, but nobody's perfect. If you don’t like, don’t read, but if you do like, you’re my favorite! This is my first time writing for Din, so please be gentle.
Internal monologue is in italics and is in first person.
Main Masterlist
Series Masterlist
A/N: Honestly, I've been kinda afraid to post this for a while, but @jollyhunter thank you so much for encouraging me! You're a wonderful friend 💗
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The smell of fresh bread, cinnamon, and brown sugar wrapped you in a blanket of warmth as you pulled a tray from one of the large ovens at the back of your bakery. It was not the first tray to be born of flame and love today, nor would it be the last.
You smiled down at the perfect pan of browning pastry with pride swelling in your chest, admiring your handiwork. It had been two days since you opened your small bakery tucked into the corner of a colorful street on Nevarro and you were already convinced that it was the best decision you had ever made, despite your older brother's insistences that you were crazy for doing so.
Sure, Nevarro was in the middle of nowhere, was populated by angry bounty hunters, and probably wasn't the safest place to live, but you loved it. Every day there was a market that opened in the early hours of the morning, close enough that you could wander through the colorful stalls meeting new people, trying food and sweets from all over the galaxy, and browsing through the handcrafted wares the others sold. On weekends the new fountain in the center of town was surrounded by parents while children squealed and ran through the cooling sprays of water. It was a lovely place to sit and soak up the warm sun, while your mind slipped into the soothing prose of a book perched on your knee.
The longer you stayed on Nevarro, the more you felt apart of its growing community and the more you felt like you belonged there. You hadn't felt like you belonged anywhere in years, not after you lost your grandmother, and you were left with an cold empty house filled with echoes of someone long gone, shades of a life you lived that could only exist in your memory.
Your brother had left you years before, angry, fueled with a fire to make the people who destroyed your home and orphaned the two of you pay, choosing rather to leave you with your grandmother than watch from the sidelines.
But you never blamed him for leaving when he was only fifteen and you barely ten. You weren't angry anymore about losing your parents to the war the way so many others had. Maybe it was because you'd lost them when you were too young to remember their faces while your brother was still haunted by the voice of your mother singing him to sleep.
But you supposed that without your grandmother you never would have fallen in love with baking and found the thing that made you feel whole and brought you comfort when everything else seemed to fall apart around you. It was her that fueled your own love of baking, tempered it and helped it grow from a small spark to a burning flame.
Her constant praise and encouragements in the time the two of you spent tucked into her kitchen filled with light and love made you the person you were today. She taught you everything you knew, spoke about opening a bakery of her own for years, but never did. You knew that she would have wanted you to sell the house to do what she couldn't, so you did, and you didn't look back.
The constant flow of customers in and out of the shop, the chatter that rose from patrons sitting on the carved wooden tables made of strong smooth wood, and the people who continued to say how wonderful it was to have you there only supported your decision to move here.
She would have loved this.
You think to yourself with a smile, gaze falling to your grandmother's overstuffed book of recipes that sat with pages fanning on the counter, before you drop your free hand to smooth a wrinkle from the floral apron wrapped around your waist. One of hers that you'd tied there for good luck over your dark blue skirt.
You supposed that it was working given the fact that you'd completely sold out of treats yesterday and now already halfway through the third day, you were out of some of your favorites.
At this rate I'm going to have to hire someone else to work the counter for me.
You never imagined to have this kind of response, but now you lived for it.
The fresh tray you pulled from the oven is heavy, but it's a pleasant weight. You maneuver through the cozy kitchen to place it on the counter where the sweet buns could cool before you iced them with the thick periwinkle colored frosting chilling in the refrigerator in the corner, but as you do, you hear the front door chime.
It was later in the day, and you were taking advantage of the lull before you expected another rush of customers to come in. The last patron had left fifteen minutes ago, placing her ceramic mug in the big plastic bin on top of the trashcan by the front doors, before walking out with a cheerful "goodbye."
The smile you have when you hear the jingle is genuine, the prospect of sharing your gift of baking with someone else warming your heart.
"One minute." You call, arranging the tray on the crowded countertop before you wipe your flour covered hands on the apron at your waist and make your way through the green curtain that hangs in the doorway of the kitchen, dividing the front and back of the shop. Your eyes flick upwards, expecting to see someone standing there behind the counter waiting for service, but the shop is empty.
"Hello?" You ask tentatively, looking over the counter at the empty wooden chairs and tables arranged beyond before the doorway and wide windows at the front of your shop. Sunlight filters through the glass in happy patches of light, illuminating the furniture just inside the door.
But no one answers you.
That's weird.
You hear something make a cooing noise, but you still can't see anyone, and there's a small part of you that's disappointed someone left without asking for help.
The odd noise sounds again, almost like the small multicolored bird-like creatures in the cages hanging above the shop next door.
Maybe one got out and is trapped in here somewhere.
The thought makes your fingers itch for the broom leaning in the corner, expecting something to come swooping down at you from the rafters above. Nothing was worse that finding out at the last minute that something you were trying to shoo could fly.
You walk around the counter looking for the source of the sound while bracing yourself for attack, but stop when you see a little green creature swaddled in brown cloth standing in front of the one of the glass cases loaded with sweets. He turns his gaze in your direction, presses his little three fingered hand against the glass, and coos softly as if asking you for one of the treats that sit in organized rows within.
"Um-" You look around the room hoping to see an adult, someone who he belongs to, but there's no one. "Hey there little guy." You stoop down next to him so you can see him better.
The creature smiles and gurgles happily, tapping his hand against the front of the case filled with pastry again to make a point.
"Where's your mommy?" You pick him up gently, cradling him in your arms. "Did you get lost?"
He coos again and touches your chin with a smile so cute that it's impossible not to return it. The sharp nails catch against your smooth skin, but you don't mind.
He's so cute.
You think to yourself with a soft smile.
I wonder who he belongs to?
You bite the inside of your cheek and contemplate what you should do. You were still relatively new on Nevarro and hadn't introduced yourself to the sheriff yet, but you'd heard of her. The problem was you had no idea where Cara Dune would be at this time of the day and you'd never seen a creature like him walking around when you went to the market or... really seen a creature like him ever.
I can't just keep him! Someone could be looking for him and it wasn't on my agenda today to become a kidnapper. I mean, that's never on my agenda, but today isn't any different!
You raise your eyes to look out the front door and large windows of your bakery, watching a few people pass by, but you don't see anyone resembling the child in your arms.
A sigh builds in your chest, contrasting the thrumming anxiety building in your body.
Maybe I should feed him, he looks hungry. And if his family doesn't come in by the end of the day I'll go find Cara Dune. She's got to know who he belongs to.
It seemed like a good plan, plus you figured the way that the creature was looking at the pastries it wouldn't hurt to give him a little something before you tried to find his family.
"Well, I don't really know how you ended up in here, but somebody's gotta be looking for you." You sigh, softly stroking his green ears. He wriggles in your arms, sighing under his breath and leans into your comforting touch. "Are you hungry?"
He turns and waves his hand at one of the glass cases loaded with multi-colored pastries again.
"Guess that's a yes." You laugh as you walk back around the case to place him on the counter right next to the register resting in between the two glass displays. "Sit here cutie. I'll get you something."
He waits patiently on the counter kicking his little feet where they hang over the edge, while you turn to the case on your left and grab a Uj'alayi square, a traditional Mandalorian sweet, from the display. The brown sticky pastry crumbles in his little hand as you give it to him. "This one's my favorite. It's my mother's recipe."
Your mother had been born on Mandalore years before the Clone Wars, but she'd left when she met your father, taking the traditions from her family with her to start anew. You'd never met any of her family members before and supposed that they died in the purge of Mandalore. The recipe for Uj'alayi was one of the only things you had left of her, something you'd found in the box of belongings pulled from the remnants of your home following it's destruction.
It had taken you years to perfect the recipe, thought that making it would awaken some memory deep inside of your mother, but it never did. Your brother, Elijah, remembered the moments that slipped between your fingers like running water, seeping through the cracks in your memory of the fleeting moments you'd spent with your parents before they were killed.
When the creature bites into the square, he gurgles, his dark eyes blinking at you and crinkling slightly from the lights that line the ceiling of your shop.
"I know. Good huh?" You smile and break off a piece of the cake before popping it into your mouth. The crunch of nuts and the tang of the sweet syrup brings a melancholic feeling of nostalgia rising on the crest of a wave, but slowly ebbs out to sea with your exhale.
It wasn't an unusual feeling, you'd been feeling more nostalgic since you'd opened the bakery.
The child munches on the square with a happy giggle and it makes you smile. Sharing your gift of baking always brought joy to your heart, and this was no different.
I wonder where his family is. He's so small, he couldn't have gotten too far, and he shouldn't be out by himself. Something could happen to him.
The thought makes your smile falter. The population of bounty hunters on Navarro had lessened in the months before your arrival, but you weren’t sure that someone as little as him should be walking around by himself.
The front door of the shop opens with a pleasant jingle.
"There you are." Someone sighs in a buzzing monotone.
You glance up from the little one your counter with curiosity, blinking in surprise at who stands in the doorway. Honestly, you weren't expecting it to be a Mandalorian, you were expecting someone else who was maybe a little bit bigger, but also green.
Maybe the little one is a foundling? That or he’s green under that thing.
The thought of the broad shouldered man standing in your shop squeezing pointy ears underneath his helm makes a laugh tickle in the back of your throat.
You'd heard your patrons talk about the Mandalorian who lived just outside of town, in hushed whispers around the crunch of pastry within your shop. The one that everyone steered clear of for fear that he would hurt them and take their children in the night, as if he was a creature that dwelled in a cave crouched over piles of gold. The people in town were all afraid of him, said that he was a blood thirsty bounty hunter who should be avoided at all costs, but seeing him stand here in your shop, arms crossed over his chest, hip cocked to the side, while looking down at the small child on the counter, you don't feel afraid.
The child coos happily and reaches up with two sticky hands opening and closing, asking to be picked up by the intimidating figure.
They never said he was a dad.
Despite their reputation, Mandalorians didn't scare you. When your brother left trying to find an outlet for his anger, he had found solace with a small clan of Mandalorians inhabiting a planet in the Outer Rim. They'd taken him in when he needed a home and given him a place where he could learn to control the rage he kept close to his heart. You were grateful for that, but it didn't make you miss him any less.
Whenever he would visit, he'd bring members of his clan with him all of which who were nothing but kind to you. But you still worried about him.
You worried he wasn't eating enough and when he came you would spend most of your time cooking for him and his new family. It was never a bother, you liked doing that for other people, cooking for them and taking care of them when no one else could. It was a form of comfort and warmth you believed that no one should be deficient of. In your heart everyone deserved to feel at home and have someone who wanted to take care of them.
"He belong to you?" You smile at the man standing just inside the doorway. He's so tall that he'd had to duck when he came in through the front door.
"Yes." He lets out another sigh that pops and crackles in the modulator.
"Well, I'm glad you found him, at the rate he's going, he's probably going to eat everything I have."
The man tilts his head to the side as if confused. You wonder if maybe you came on too strong or if it's just a habit of his, to size up everyone he comes in contact with.
He is a bounty hunter. Probably picked it up along the road somewhere.
His armor is a startling silver, sending flickers of the sunshine behind him over the walls of your bakery. You'd never met a Mandalorian who didn't paint their Beskar. Your own brother's was painted in shades of red and orange, and embossed with his clan sigil in a startling white.
But there was something about this Mandalorian's armor that was almost… pretty, but you supposed it was the same glinting beauty of a knife sitting on a kitchen counter, beautiful but deadly.
You look back down at the creature, who touches your hand and points back at the Uj'alayi in the case as if asking for another. The three fingers are sticky with the remnants of the desert. "Fine. One more. But I don’t want you to spoil your dinner."
You reach back into the case for another crumbling brown square to give to him with a laugh on your lips and watch as the skin around his little black eyes crinkles in gratitude before he bites into the treat.
The Mandalorian approaches cautiously and despite the helmet, you can feel his eyes on you, contemplative and curious.
"Is that Uj cake?" His voice comes out through the harsh buzz of the modulator.
"Yeah it's Uj'alayi. He really seems to like it. Is he your foundling?" When you look up and smile at the helm, you can only see your reflection in the brilliant metal of the armor.
Surprise flickers across your mind. You weren't expecting him to still be wearing the helmet and you're not used to talking to someone who didn't reveal their face to you. It was a little odd.
Whenever your brother or his friend Josh were talking to you, they always took off their helmets, but this felt different.
Honestly, even though he had the visor, you still weren't quite sure where to look to make eye to (through the helmet) eye contact.
Is it rude to tell him to take it off?
You'd never been put in this kind of position before, so you decide to ignore it.
"Yes." The helm turns from you to the other Uj cakes in the case. "Did you make it?"
You nod, blushing with pride.
"Are you Mandalorian? Do you speak Mando'a?" The Mandalorian asks, you can't but help notice that he sounds a little bit hopeful.
"No, I'm sorry. My mother was from Mandalore, it's her recipe." You admit sheepishly.
He nods in understanding.
The two of you sit in comfortable silence for a few moments watching the child eat on your counter, the sticky brown cake smeared against his cheeks.
It gives you a moment to size up the Mandalorian out of the corner of your eye. Again, you're struck by how beautiful the armor is. A brilliant silver and polished to a shine, proud, but not haughty. There's a charcoal cowl that wraps around the base of his throat and extends into a cape behind him and he's wearing a set of tan and brown gloves to ensure that no part of his skin is showing.
I wonder if it gets hot under there. Nevarro isn't exactly temperate.
And when the Mandalorian turns to the left to look at the other mulit-colored pastries in the display case and you catch a glimpse of the sigil of a Mudhorn on his shoulder.
Makes sense that someone so formidable would have that as their clan sigil.
Your brother's clan had the sigil of one of the large birds that inhabited the cliffs of their home planet. Each child had to scale the cliffs and bring back the skull when they came of age to prove their strength and prove that they were worthy of the mark.
I wonder what he did to get that as his sigil.
Your eyes fall back on the creature munching happily on the pastry.
"Look at you, you're a mess." You laugh, pulling a napkin from your pocket and wetting it with your tongue before wiping it over the little one's face to clean him.
He squeals indignantly, but you avoid the impetuous swipes of his hand as he tries to push you away.
"He doesn't like it when you do that." The Mandalorian says, but you can hear some humor come through the crackle of the modulator.
"I can see that." You snort, before disposing of the napkin. "Here, you take some. He really likes it and you should try it. It's my favorite thing to make for the shop." You turn back to the case and wrap up several squares for the Mandalorian to take with him. “I’m-” you say your name, busying yourself with folding the tissue paper around the pastry.
He whispers your name back to you as if he's trying it out and you're not prepared for the warmth that travels through your body when he does.
That's weird.
When you give him the bag, he holds out a handful of credits, but you push his fingers into a fist, feeling the rough scrape of his gloves against your fingertips. "It's okay. Free for first time customers. Plus it was payment enough to see this little one."
You give the kid an affectionate pat on the head, who coos and reaches for your face. It makes you laugh at how friendly he is and you pick him up so he can lay his hand on your cheek. He squeezes it between his fingers, crinkling his eyes with a wide smile. "Aww. You gotta go with your dad now okay? But you can come back and visit me any time you want."
The Mandalorian is watching you, and you again wonder why he hasn't removed his helmet to say hello.
I'll ask Elijah about it.
You were sure your brother would be showing up soon. When you sent him the transmission that you finally opened the shop, he said he was excited at the prospect of eating sweets for free, as if he already didn't do that.
I miss him.
It had been at a few months since you'd last seen him, right after you sold your grandmother's home and before you moved to Nevarro. He'd tried to talk you out of opening the shop, asked you to stay with him for a little while, but you thought it was about time you went out on your own.
You hand the child to the man standing on the other side of the counter, trying not to notice how his muscles flex beneath his Beskar when he does or how broad and wonderfully tall he is. So broad and strong that you know he could probably lift you just as easily and the thought makes a flush burn against your cheeks.
Get a grip, he's not a piece of meat.
"Thank you." He says in the buzzing monotone, but it makes you long to hear his real voice.
"You're welcome. Come back anytime."
"We will."
"Good. I'll look forward to it. It was nice to meet you-" You hesitate.  "Um- Actually, I didn't catch your name."
The Mandalorian doesn't answer immediately as if he's mulling it over in his head, while the child coos and giggles in his hand touching the bottom of the helmet on his father's head. It was a startling contrast the the formidable form of the Mandalorian to have a wriggling bundle of joy in his arms, one that made you smile just a little wider.
"Din." He says in a whisper.
"Din." You repeat slowly, rolling the name around in your mouth and enjoying how it sounds on the tip of your tongue. "It was nice to meet you Din." You smile widely up into the helmet, watching the reflection of yourself glinting in the metal.
Din doesn't move for a minute, he's hesitating, and it makes your smile falter on the end of your mouth for a moment in confusion.
Did I do something wrong?
But then he nods once and leaves, the only clue that he'd been there is the almost empty batch of Uj Cake and the brown crumbles covering your counter.
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The next few days pass in a blur of you baking, cleaning, and selling as many sweets as you can while trying not to think about Din and the kid, but it's proving to be impossible.
You didn't understand why you were so focused on them. You'd had many customers that day and on the days that followed, but for some reason you couldn't get him out of your head.
When you'd lie awake at night you'd remember how he sounded when he said your name, how you wished that he would remove his helmet to look at you and let you see what he looked like, because with a voice like that the man underneath had to be just as beautiful-
You cheeks warm as you clean the counters with a wet rag, your back to the door while you try to forget Din and his voice. This had never happened to you before, being unable to stop thinking about someone.  But each time everything went quiet, your mind would flash to the image of Din ducking to get though the front door of your shop and the sound of his voice through the helm.
The clock on the wall behind the register stated that it was exactly two minutes past closing time, which meant that you were about an hour away from crashing in your bed. You still had to clean the ovens, and pack away any leftover supplies. Not to mention the tossing and turning that came when you would lie awake and think about Din, hoping he would come back.
I need to get over this. He's just a man you met one time. Don't romanticize him.
You blamed the stack of books on your bedside table, the ones you read over and over about adventures all over the galaxy and true love. It also didn't help that you'd never once had a relationship, but why would you when it was more exciting to live vicariously through your favorite heroines? Not to mention you didn't have to make a fool of yourself falling for someone who probably thought you were just a weird person who smiled too much and baked for fun.
You wondered if that was why Din hesitated before leaving the other day when you smiled at him, that he couldn't figure out why you were so happy.
The bell on the door rings behind you, pulling you out of your head.
"I'm sorry we're closed." You respond without turning around, fingers scrubbing with the cloth at a particularly stubborn smudge.
"I'm sorry, I didn't realize how late it was." Din's familiar voice floats through the air and makes a shiver travel down your spine.
"Din. Hey." You smile as you turn around, waving a hand, cloth still clasped between your fingers. "It's okay, you're always welcome."
He's still wearing his armor and helmet, the silver catching in the dim lights of the room, contrasting with the yellowed light that streams from the streetlights outside and emphasizes his figure.
Your eyes drop to the bag hanging on his hip expecting to see the child, but it lies empty.
"You're alone today." You say a little disappointed, but still happy that Din is here.
"Grogu's asleep. I didn't want to wake him." Din clears his throat.
"Grogu." You say the name back to him slowly. It didn't seem to fit the small child who swung his little feet on the end of your counter and shoved as much pastry into his mouth as he could. "That's an interesting name."
"Came with the kid." Din's voice shifts a little bit and you wonder if it means he's smiling at a memory. Your mind predictably begins to imagine what Din's smile must look like. "I was wondering if you had any Uj cake left." He continues, oblivious to your train of thought.
"You're in luck, I just pulled a tray out of the oven for tomorrow. Come on back." You motion with your hand for him to follow you through the curtain that divides the front of the shop from the kitchen. "Sorry it's a little bit messy, haven't had time to clean up back here yet."
The kitchen looked exactly as it should, two large ovens on the right wall with fire still burning underneath, a sink filled with dirty mixing bowls, spoons, and utensils, a large table in the center of the room that served as a counter top, and in the corner there was a plush armchair that you had fallen asleep in more than once with a book open on your chest.
Your apartment was a few doors down, but you found yourself spending more time here. So much in fact that you were contemplating moving in to the back of the shop. You didn't have many possessions, mostly books, and seriously started thinking about it last night because the people who lived on top of your basement apartment were so loud that you could see the floor vibrating with the sound of their yelling.
You walk over to the tray of reddish-brown pastry cooling a rack in the center of the kitchen.
"It's alright. You should see where I live." He freezes on the edge of the room, realizing what he said, but you only laugh.
"I'm sure its no worse than my apartment. I’ve lived here a few weeks and I’m still not completely unpacked. Each time I go home I have to avoid stubbing my toe on the boxes”  You pick up a knife to cut the pastry into generous sized pieces. "But I guess you liked the Uj cake to come back here so late." You tease him, glancing up with a smile. "Midnight craving?"
He laughs and it makes your heart stutter to a halt. Even through the helmet it's hypnotic and you want to hear it again. "It was good, it reminded me of-" Din stops mid-sentence.
"Of?" You look up into his helm, wanting to hear more.
Truthfully, you were curious about him. You wanted to know more about the Mandalorian who lived on the outskirts of town, the one that everyone else seemed avoid.
"When I was a kid." He says it quieter, almost embarrassed.
"Me too. Whenever I make it I feel like I'm in my grandmother's kitchen again." You smile to yourself as the memory of her washes over you again. "She's been gone for a few years now, but I like to think that I honor her memory by baking, she taught me everything I know. Raised my brother and me by herself." You wrap the squares in tissue paper before placing them in a white paper bag.
"What about your parents?"
His question surprises you, you didn't think that he actually cared enough to listen.
"They-um- they died when I was little. My brother and I were visiting my grandmother when it happened."
"I'm sorry." Din sounds sincere.
You shrug. "I can’t remember them. My brother remembers more..." You trail off a little bit. "It was harder on him, but somehow it all turned out okay." You hand him the bag, but when he tries to reach for the credits at his belt, you push his hand away. "I don't make friends pay."
“Din, I refuse to let you pay.” You smile wider, saying it a little more forcefully, but it holds no bite. “Don’t make me ban you for life.” I don't want to do that to Grogu."
He huffs out a laugh. "Thank you." His helmet tilts down towards you and you again try to imagine what he looks like underneath.
Would he have a strong jaw covered in a thick beard? Curly blonde hair that falls past his shoulders? Green eyes with flecks of light that resemble the stars?
No matter how many times you thought about it over the past few days, nothing seemed to fit Din.
There's an audible silence between the both of you as you stand there in the kitchen, and you don't want him to leave yet.
“You’re welcome.” You could feel yourself beginning to blush a little under his gaze. It was odd to feel someone’s eyes on you and not know what they looked like. "Now, don't forget to share with the kid. He deserves some of that too." You say raising an eyebrow and pointing to the white bag in the Mandalorian's hand.
Din chuckles. "Thank you-" He says your name and it makes the warm feeling come rushing back.
Even through the helmet, it was inviting, and made you want to curl up in the feeling it brought over you. You try not to imagine what it might sound like if he wasn't wearing the helmet.
"You're welcome Din. Don't be a stranger."
"I won't." He hesitates again, the same way he did when you'd first met in your shop. Standing in front of you for another few fleeting moments, his head tilted curiously in your direction. And for just a second you think that Din doesn't want to go either.
But he turns and shoulders his way through the curtain hanging in the doorway, boots thudding against the floor, and you hear the jingle of the door as he closes it behind him.
Something inside pricks when he leaves and maybe that scares you the most, the fact that you were already so attached to him and you didn't know anything about him except the rumors everyone in town said. The ones whispered on tremulous breath that condemned the man you were so curious about to be a blood thirsty bounty hunter who couldn't be trusted.
But in your heart those warnings held no power, because the man who'd sincerely cared about you losing your parents, couldn't be the same one.
Could he?
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nectardaddy · 16 hours ago
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SEE ME LIKE I SEE YOU . . . yukimiya kenyu + reader
warnings/notes : gn reader, written in second person (you/yours), hurt/comfort, yukimiya backstory spoilers, in my head they're an older couple in this, blindness/visual impairment, unedited I'm sorry this came to me in a vision and I had to write it, use of the pet name “angel”
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Yukimiya can't remember what you look like. 
Through years of shared glances, stolen moments, and graced presence, he can feel the image of you slip through his fingers like sand with every day that passes. At night, he stares at the ceiling, an inky blackness mingling with the very few shadows his eyes allow him to see, unable to fall asleep next to you. Whenever he thinks of you, he's met with the haunting picture of an undefined figure and fuzzy edges; you're indescribable as he gnashes and claws at his mind to remember just one thing. 
He knows what you look like underneath his finger tips. How there's lines beginning to take root on the corners of your mouth from smiling at him all these years, how your nose crinkles and you get goosebumps when his hands are cold, he knows your face gets hot when he gently traces over your features so he doesn't forget - but he has, and it makes him want to heave.
Yukimiya's sight is nearly nothing but shadows.
He leaves lights on, despite your protests for saving money on the electric bill, just to have a slice of normality. He's memorized the layout of the apartment, and every piece of furniture and knick knack there is so he doesn't run into them; although, his knees are still bruised regardless, because his memory is often skewed by two inches to the left. He knows what your shadow looks like; where your height lands next to the door frame, can tell what shoes you're wearing from the height difference if there's enough light to see, and knows what clothes you're wearing based on your silhouette alone.
It leaves a bitter taste in the back of his throat over the notion he doesn't remember you to a tee. 
The pictures he used to fawn over are now lost to time. Framed photos on shared walls collect dust, as he can't even remember what he truly looks like either. He can't remember the silly faces you made at him when you caught him staring, how you'd look at him in adoration despite the sweat dripping off of him from football, nor can he remember his favorite picture of the two of you that still remains his lock screen picture - it's him and an undefined blob, frayed edges, and inky blackness. 
“Kenyu?” Your voice is soft, gravelly from sleep, and holds a concern that makes his heart sink even further. You've realized he's still awake, staring up at nothing instead of sleeping. “Why’re you still up?”
There's a split second where he wants to spill his guts. To divulge all his sorrowful thoughts about the mourning of a person who still lays next to him. But the man only smiles gently, and lets out a small breath; he'd never tell how he truly felt about the loss of such a precious memory. Because to him, he'd lose you all together if he did. “Can't sleep.”
“Again?” He feels the bed dip down as you shift closer to him, now turning around to face him and your breath tickles his neck. There's a warmth on his chest that pulls him out of a state of shock; you're warm against him, and he's suddenly shot back to being a child again when his mother would console him. “What's that pretty head of yours thinking about at 3AM anyway?” 
He pauses as his fingertips find your cheek; he's gotten particularly good at finding you in the dark, as that's how he feels he lives his life most days. “A little bit of everything, I guess?” He follows with a half hearted laugh that stings when it hits your ears. “Go back to sleep, angel.” 
He hears you hum, and he closes his eyes. The man knows he's an awful liar, especially to you, and the hum always follows with a declaration of being caught. “How can I sleep knowing you're awake, racking your brain?” There's a certain sense of care to the question, despite the groggy tone, that makes his heart feel a little less war torn. 
“I miss seeing you.”
The words leave his lips a little too quickly, absentmindedly blurting out his own thoughts from lack of sleep and a downtrodden mind. And instantly he wants to take them back, to retract the words from the universe and forget they ever happened. But he hears another hum, and he feels his heart beat out of his chest. 
You know what he means when the words hit your ears, you're not stupid enough to tell him he sees you every day. All he wishes, if he had one chance, was to glance at you like he did the first time you met and fall in love with you all over again. But the cruel reality hits you in the chest, as you can't bring back his sight nor fully understand his disposition. 
“Then, see me.”
His hands are cold when you take them in your own, perpetually chilling you with every fleeting touch. There's a sliver of light in the room from the curtain that wasn't pulled far enough on the bedroom window, and it allows you to see his brows scrunch in confusion. He can't tell what you're doing, but trusts you all the same as you sit up. 
“What are you-?” But he's cut off when you give him a small tug, silently asking for him to sit up with you as well. He does, and you smile. 
He feels you press his own hands to your cheeks, feels your breath tickle his hands from the sudden inhale from the cold, and feels you smile, your lips pulling upward underneath the pads of his fingers. “Touch every part of me if you have to, but I want you to see me.” 
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aquilaofarkham · 20 hours ago
Do you think Richter is going to kill Olrox? I almost don't want him to, but I think it would give Richter the closure he needs idk :/
oof so this has been sitting in my inbox for awhile just cause i've been figuring out a way to best formulate my thoughts on this topic but lemme try answering without sounding dismissive of other people's theories/interpretations (which i genuinely don't want to do)
short answer: no, he's not. at least that's not what i believe
long answer: so this isn't necessarily an issue specific to this fandom but rather fandoms on the whole, but castlevania fans tend to take certain moments and pieces of dialogue at their most literal meaning. which i mean i get it, i'm autistic so i often read into things very literally but guys pls sypha wasn't ACTUALLY calling alucard a real flesh and blood teenager (that's just one common example i can think of)
getting back to richter and olrox though, i think richter repeating word for word what was said to him after julia's death was an intentional decision on the writer's part. because even though olrox said he would kill richter "one day" once they finally reunite when richter's a young adult, olrox is never outwardly hostile or antagonistic towards him. during that scene in the church dungeons, he almost greets richter like an old friend who he hasn't seen in a long time and carefully reaches his hand out instead of attacking him (a moment which i STILL need an explanation for. it could be that olrox is at peace with the consequences of his actions but at the same time. writers i'm in your walls right now)
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even after richter runs away, the two are still somewhat in the same vicinity as each other but again, olrox never makes the conscious decision to go after richter. mainly because he's obviously busy with other matters but when drolta asks him about richter, he just smiles and refers to him as "the son of an old foe". not his foe, just the son of one who he already bested
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the only time i can remember when olrox actually snapped back at richter was when he wasn't listening and even then olrox doesn't want to kill him because (again) there are things more important currently happening than their rivalry
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(just a side note but olrox also doesn't try to attack juste even when they're in the same area. probably because mizrak is there and would absolutely try to stop him but personally i think olrox is just done with belmonts now. like there's no point adding another hunter from the same family to his ledger now that the object of his *very justified* revenge is long gone)
i think some—obviously not all but SOME—fans tend to narrow their focus on richter saying "i will kill you olrox. one day" without taking into account the "but not today" addition. and i don't think richter would be smiling like this if he was really planning on killing olrox
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to me this was richter's way of telling olrox "i never forgot what you did to me. but i recognize that you saved my life when you could have easily ended it. i don't forgive you and you probably don't forgive me either. that makes us even". or as @ifishouldvanish put it (i think it was them so correct me if i'm wrong!!) that scene was richter saying "nine years ago you made the decision to walk away and i've been afraid of you ever since. now i'm no longer afraid and i'm making the decision to walk away"
which honestly? i think thats infinitely more narratively fulfilling and a more interesting way of giving richter closure than having him repeat the cycle of revenge. because olrox is already repeating a different cycle of his own with mizrak
but anyway, nah i don't think richter is going to eventually kill olrox nor do i think he SHOULD. but my word isn't gospel and this is probably just a case of this evergreen post:
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