#who is now mad bc the council wants to give him his own seat
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kana7o · 2 years ago
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at council meetings
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fairysluna · 2 years ago
SINNERS — Prologue.
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Pairing: Maegor I Targaryen x FemOC!Targaryen.
Summary: After Maegor finds out his beloved niece is to be wed with her own brother, he absolutely loses his mind. He can't just let her go.
Tags/TW: incest (niece/uncle), age gap (9 years), slight obsession towards oc, violence, cursing, profanity, basically rhaenyra and daemon / jaehaerys and alyssanne story combined.
Author's Note: so this is an idea that came to my mind after reading Fire and Blood, bc there's no many fics of Maegor in this app, so there it is! enjoy<3
Word Count: 1.5k
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A year after their wedding, Prince Aenys and Lady Alyssa were blessed with the birth of their first child; a beautiful little girl whom they named Aenelys and who would become the new heir of the Iron Throne. 
When Aenelys Targaryen was born, Maegor and Visenya were the only people in the realm who did not celebrate. The bitterness in their faces was quite hard to hide as the eldest son of Aegon the Conqueror introduced the sweet princess in the family. 
Aenelys was born a healthy little girl. Many people claimed that the small princess has been blessed with the features of a true Valyrian; her eyes were lilac, her skin pale and soft, and her hair was white as snow. Others said that the Gods had given her the gift of beauty, as everyone would drool over her even as a newborn. 
Maegor, of nine years of age, was completely mad with the birth of his niece, for now he was a step further from the Iron Throne. He was consumed by jealousy, same as his mother Visenya, because even her grandsire, Aegon, was leaving Maegor aside for her. Thanks to that, Aenelys grew up being a little spoiled. Even when her brother, Aegon, was born three years later, they still would give her everything she asked. 
As the years passed, Aenelys prove herself as a wise and delicate young lady, and her beauty was claimed to be out of this world. By the time she turned twelve, she was loved by all, including the small folk, who would celebrate her name day every year. Maegor saw this as a threat. He would grow jealous of her with every year that passes. 
Until he decided that he was going to break her. He wanted to ruin that little girl.
His plan started as soon as she turned thirteen, the age he had when he was forced to marry Lady Ceryse Hightower. Maegor was twenty-and-two years of age when he first caught his niece’s eye. He showed himself as someone approachable, as someone she could trust. And it was easier than he thought. 
Aenelys soon would run towards him to talk about her problems, to find comfort in his strong arms. She, of course, had no idea what his intentions truly were, as she was too innocent to even think the worst of him. Her parents, the now King and Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, had warned her about the dubious intentions of her beloved uncle but she just pretended to listen… She was growing fond of him. 
Then Aenelys turned fourteen, and Maegor called her to the Council Room where he was seated on the chair where her father usually sat. Aenelys ignored that detail and immediately smiled when she saw him, her doe eyes staring at him while the blush in her cheeks were proof of her shyness around him. She knew she was starting to see him as a man, and her body was reacting to it without her mind’s consent. 
“Uncle…” She softly spoke, walking towards him. Maegor smirked seeing her blushed cheeks, he had her right where he wanted. “Did you ask for me?”
“I did, my sweet dove.” He stood up from his chair and grabbed her hands. 
The size difference was quite obvious. Maegor, who has been training and gaining muscles since the tender age of seven, was notoriously bigger than his niece in every sense of the word. Aenelys was just like her father, thin and small… weak. 
“I have a gift for you.” He claimed, softly pinching her cheek. 
“A gift?” Her eyes lit up with excitement as he said those words. Maegor smiled with malice as he saw her reaction. 
“Yes, dove.” He nodded. 
He shows her a necklace, one that matched with the Conqueror’s crown perfectly. It was black, of Valyrian steel, and with a pendant that carried a small red jewel that shone bright as fire. It was beautiful.
“Oh, Gods, uncle…” She mutters, touching the ruby in the necklace, “it’s gorgeous!”
“Turn it around,” he said.
And she obeyed immediately. Aenelys looked at it with glistening eyes, if she wasn’t in love with him, now she certainly was. On the back there were his initials, a small ‘MT’ graved on the metal. She couldn’t help but smile, seeing it as something innocent; as a kind gesture. But Maegor saw it as if he was claiming her. That necklace would say to everyone that she was his, his property.
It was a way to say to everyone that she belonged to him.
“This is too much, uncle…” She sighed, “thank you so much.”
“No need for that, dove,” he spoke with an odd soft voice. “Now turn around.”
She couldn’t hide her nervousness anymore. As she turned around, holding her silver white hair up some butterflies appeared on her belly, which became even worse as she felt his hands touching her skin. The shivers down her spine were visibly obvious, and Maegor smiled pleased at her reaction.
“There you go, let me see,” he commanded after he finished. Aenelys turned around and bit her lip shyly. “It looks perfect on you, dove,” he claimed.
He leaned forward towards her, a slow movement that made her hold her breath. He kisses her forehead as he caresses her cheeks with a gentle touch. It felt oddly soft, so careful and delicate. Aenelys giggled in response.
After that day, no one ever saw her without that necklace around her neck. Her father, the King, would suspect that necklace. He never saw the side of it that had Maegor’s initials, for when she showed the present to her parents she decided to omit that part of the gift. Something inside of her told her that it wasn’t a good idea.
Two years later, Aenelys became her uncle’s loyal companion. 
Lady Ceryse would be long forgotten by him as his attention was all over his niece at this point. They would spend entire days together, doing races with their dragons, Maegor teaching her how to fight with a sword or just the two of them walking through the gardens. And that caused many rumors about the nature of their relationship around the Red Keep.
When those words reached the Queen’s ears, she was disgusted by it. Her daughter was still a maiden, but everyone thought otherwise thanks to how close she was with her uncle, and how much time they would spend together… and by themselves. She needed to do something before it became worse. 
So she ran to speak with her husband. 
“We must wed her… is either that or send your brother to Oldtown, to his wife’s hometown.” She demanded to her husband. “People are saying she lost her maidenhead with Maegor! We must do something before it is too late.”
“Wed her to whom?” Aenys asked, calm and serene as always.
“She is the princess… if we announce that she is looking for someone to marry, we will have a line with Lords that would be pleased to take her hand.” 
“Aenelys might not like that idea…” Aenys warned her, “we know our daughter, she is sweet but when she’s not given what she’s asking, she can be a nightmare.”
“Then what do we do, huh?” Queen Alyssa looked at him with despair. “If we keep waiting, mayhaps your brother will actually deflower our child!”
“Maegor is many things, he might be impulsive and reckless… but he would never do harm to her, he loves her.” He justified.
“I see the way that man looks at my sweet Aenelys, he’s a menace.” Alyssa muttered, “If we are in a hurry we can marry her to Aegon.”
“Our son?”
“Aegon the Conqueror married his two sisters, we shall keep the tradition and marry Aenelys with our Aegon.” Alyssa proposed. “She is a dutiful girl, she will not complain, and she loves her brother.”
“It’s a nice match, wife… I might give you that.” Aenys accepted. “If you want her to be married, then let her get married. She’s out of age, it is time.”
Queen Alyssa nodded, satisfied with her husband’s final word. But even though they thought their conversation was private, they were terribly wrong. 
Maegor had suspected of the Queen’s intentions for a long time, so he would take advantage of his mother’s spiders to spy the conversations of Alyssa, knowing that she had the intention of getting Aenelys away from him. 
When the small child came to his side in order to inform him what he had heard, Maegor froze. His jaw clenched and his hands became fists. An odd feeling appeared on his gut as his eyes darkened and the anger took over his body, he was soon fuming while his mind traveled at the speed of light trying to come up with an idea to know what he was supposed to do now. 
There was something certain, though; he would not allow this. Aenelys was his, the necklace around her neck was proof enough of that. 
No one would steal her away from him.
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redrobin-detective · 3 years ago
My issue with the Tucker's jealously subplot wasn't just that it was unresolved. It was like: how? He had front-row seats to Danny struggling in school, barely sleeping, living in terror of his own family, getting hurt and beaten and blasted through walls on a daily basis...how could Tucker be jealous for longer than a month? Like, sure, the powers are cool and all, but Tucker knows better than anyone the cost, the baggage the powers came with, and that it never truly got much easier for Danny.
See I guess I can understand it a bit. One, issues like jealousy and such are rarely logical vices and not exactly something one can help. Two, these kids are 14 which scary and astonishing and it's totally believable to me that a young boy who loves superheroes would want powers himself. Three, and this is the big one to me, Tuck's jealousy is less a comment on Danny and more on how Tucker views himself.
We see over and over that the trio are at the bottom end of the totem pole and get bullied and verbally abused daily. That does things to a kid's self esteem. And then your best bud (also possibly the only one Lower on the social hierarchy not that we're keeping score but shh we kinda are bc thats how teens) gets badass powers overnight and is now a superhero? Tuck has seen up close and personal all the shit Danny goes through as Phantom, he knows bc he's been beside Dan the whole time. Hell, in Kindred Spirits it was outright stated that being the 'support' Tuck and Sam often get the short end of the stick with clean up and damage control while Danny is off fighting. He gets all the stress and tension and danger of ghost fighting without the dope powers.
But its more than the powers, Danny is now somebody. He's powerful and kind and a good leader, he's gonna be a beloved superhero if not Ghost King. Early trip ups or not, Danny now has value to society. Sam is rich and determined and smart, she was always gonna go places. Tucker is feeling not only left out by his only real friends but examining his own worth compared to an OP superhero and wealthy kickass heiress. Tucker cannot see his own value and is viewing himself as the perpetual sidekick, destined at best to be Danny/Sam support and at worst to be deemed unworthy and forgotten while they go onto bigger and better things.
This is all nonsensical bc Sam and Danny adore Tucker and he himself has many amazing qualities but self esteem is hard to reason with, much less with a very young, very stressed child. Now a young, stressed child can't really conceptualize the difficult notion of ones own worth to others/society so it primarily manifests in jealousy over Danny's powers. This feels realistic for Tucker and his age group and I approved. I am mad we didn't get the resolution he deserved which would be Sam/Danny validating Tuck's importance as a person and also giving Tuck a chance to be his own man outside the trio. The throwaway Tucker is Mayor now at the end of PP was an attempt to wrap it all but it was disgusting and we don't talk about that foolishness.
I really liked the idea of Tucker running for Student Council President and taking an active part in the school OUTSIDE of his friends/ghosts. It would have given him a confidence boost, a chance to put his skills (organization, leadership when need be, planning, technology) to use and earn some credits for himself. Plus he could be more of an aid to Phantom by giving his friend some leeway in school with having some authority. That would be the confidence boost he needed but didn't get. But in my mind eventually Tuck/Sam/Danny DO talk about it and Tuck gets some relief and goes on to be successful and happy with his own endeavors while still being a close and integral part of Team Phantom.
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ddaeng-danvers · 4 years ago
lake house
pairing: anakin skywalker x reader
genre: fluff
summary: in which anakin doesn’t turn to the dark side and padme gives you a lake house
warnings: canon-typical violence, death, pregnancy 
word count: 2610
a/n: i literally did this in one sitting bc i’m stupid and it’s so bad, so please do not expect a masterpiece,, for reference this is the nightgown i refer to at the end ----,, also this was slightly inspired by an ask i sent to @etherealsanakin the other day so here is that -----
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Anakin had been staring out the window of the Council room for what felt like hours, but you were sure was only a few minutes. His gaze was strong and hard. It wouldn’t take a force-wielder to understand something was on his mind. You knew he’d been agitated since his placement on the Council without becoming a master, but you knew there was more to this story. You held your tongue until you saw a single tear roll down the side of his face. 
“Ani, my love what is bothering you?” You crouched down next to his seat and wrapped his hand in your own. He squeezed your hand. 
“The Chancellor, he’s,” He closed his eyes and took in a shaky breath. “He’s the Sith Lord.” You let silence fill the room, before placing a chaste kiss on your and Anakin’s entwined hands. 
“Have you told anyone? Anyone on the Council?” Anakin nodded ever so slightly. 
“I informed Master Windu, and he told me to stay behind. That he would handle it.” He closed his eyes for a moment as if to better gather his thoughts. “I’m feeling, confused. I’m not sure of my place in all this.” 
“I’m not sure I understand what you mean, Ani. Are you talking about the Order?” Anakin pulled his hand away from yours and pressed his palms to his face. 
“The Chancellor promised me powers. Powers greater than any Jedi has ever possessed. The power to save you, from whatever it is I keep dreaming about.” Everything slowly started to click into place. Asking Anakin to be his representative on the Council. The nightmares and visions. Why no Jedi could sense a Sith Lord right under their noses. It was all the Chancellor’s manipulation. All of it. You stood up from your crouched position and stood in front of Anakin. You brought your hands to either side of his face and touched your foreheads together. 
“My love, I need you to listen to me right now. And I need you to trust me. Can you do that?” Anakin smiled and his eyes curled up, sending a few stray tears down his face
“I always trust you.” Your heart warmed at his confession.
“I know you feel conflicted right now. You aren’t sure where your alliances truly lie.” Anakin nodded as if answering the question. “But if the Chancellor is a Sith Lord like you’ve said, he’s been manipulating you. Anakin, he wants you to join the dark side, and I know that’s not what you want. I know that’s not who you are.” Anakin stays silent, waiting for you to continue. “I have my criticisms of the Order, just as you do, but they want the best for you, I promise.” You place a kiss on the top of Anakin’s head. “I love you. I love you so much that I won’t let the Chancellor make you the man you’re not.” Anakin stands up from his seat and turns to look out the window. 
“I love you too, Y/N. I-I just don’t want to lose you. I can’t” 
“And you won’t. I’m right here.” You bring his hands to your cheeks. “I’m not leaving you.”
“I want to aid Master Windu,” Anakin admits. 
“Then let’s go.” Anakin smiles up at you and grabs your hand. You both run from the Council room to the hanger, and grab a ship to fit both of you. The journey is short. As soon as you land, you both jump out and begin running towards the Chancellor’s office. While running, your each out for Anakin’s hand and grab it. “I’m not gonna lose you Ani.” Anakin looks at you, his expression still serious.
He simply says, “You won’t.” Before you knew it, you ran into the Chancellor’s office. The window had been shattered and blown out. Master Windu held his lightsaber to the Chancellor’s throat. The Chancellor was laying in front of Master Windu, his hands up in “peace”. 
“You are under arrest, my lord.” Master Windu proclaimed. You and Anakin have released hands since entering the room but chose to remain close. 
“Anakin, I told you it would come to this.” Anakin looked down at the Chancellor. A man he thought he could rely on, a man he thought he could trust. A man that turned out to be a liar. “I was right. The Jedi are taking over.” 
“You are mistaken, Chancellor!” You exclaim.
“The oppression of the Sith will never return. You have lost.” Master Windu adds. 
“No, no. You have lost!” The Chancellor yells as he shoots force lightning towards you and  Master Windu. The lightning strikes you before you have a chance to ignite your lightsaber. You fall to the ground, and attempt to hold out. Anakin stands there, confused and conflicted yet again. All of his senses are overwhelming him. He trusts you, with his life. But the Chancellor had promised him the power to save you, and he couldn’t afford to lose you.
“Anakin!” You yell over the noise. You cannot hold out much longer, the Chancellor is too powerful. “He is lying to you, Anakin. He can’t help you!” Moments later, the Chancellor shouts out a response, still shooting out lightning. You are writhing on the floor. 
“I have the power to save the one you love!” Ironic, Anakin thinks, as he’s shocking you with lightning. “You must choose!” 
“Don’t listen to him Anakin!” Master Windu shouts out. You can barely hear what’s going on, too focused on keeping yourself conscious. The pain suddenly stops, and you try to pull yourself off the ground. Anakin leans down and helps you to your feet. You pull away from him as he pulls out his lightsaber. 
“I trusted you, Chancellor! I trusted you, and all you did was lie!” Master Windu stepped aside slightly as if he knew what was to come. “You’ve done nothing but lie. And you hurt the one I love.” With that, Anakin swung his lightsaber and struck the Chancellor. And the Clone War was over. 
Immediately following the Chancellor’s death, Master Windu sent you and Anakin to the med bay to treat your injuries. They were relatively minimal, considering the nature of the attack. Anakin stayed with you the whole time, he refused to leave your side. You suspected he blamed himself for waiting so long to step in. 
“My love I know what you’re thinking. This isn’t your fault.” Anakin looked at the floor and shook his head. 
“I let it go on for far too long, love. I shouldn’t have just let you lay there on the-” 
“Anakin.” You interrupted. “You killed the Chancellor, you resisted his manipulation. The war is practically over.” Anakin squeezed your hand. 
“You flatter me, Y/N.” The medical droid spoke up, reminding you of its presence. 
“Y/N suffered minor burns and will make a full recovery. 
“Thank you, 2-1B.” The droid held up its hand as if it had more to say. 
“However, during the scan, I have found the Y/N is pregnant.” You feel your heart sink to your stomach. Was the baby okay? Had anything happened to it when you were attacked?
“Is the baby alright” Anakin spoke up. 
“Yes, the baby is healthy.” 2-1B responded. You stood off of the bed and moved next to Anakin. He looked at your face before moving his gaze down to your stomach. 
“My love, this, this is wonderful.” Anakin envelops you in a hug, squeezing you ever-so-slightly. “And the war is ending, this is perfect timing.” Anakin’s smile seems to increase tenfold with every passing second. 
“Anakin, we’re still Jedi. What’re we gonna do?” Anakin smooths down the back of your hair and runs it between his fingers. “We’re not gonna worry about anything right now. All right?” You nod. “This is a happy moment. The happiest moment of my life.” 
In the weeks that followed, Jedi and their platoons were sent to resolve any remaining conflicts. Luckily, the Council, recognizing your and Anakin’s efforts that ended the war, were absolved from duty. 
Padme visited after the final negotiations concluded, and the treaty was signed. At this point, you were only a month or so along, and still found it easy to hide it from others. However, you’d spoken with Anakin the other night about plans for the future. What were you going to do when you couldn’t hide it. And clearly, you’d both broken the Code. You both came to the conclusion that your best bet would be asking Padme, a trusted friend if you could use her planet as a refuge.
“Padme!” You exclaimed as you opened the door to your quarters. You both gathered each other in a hug, having not seen each other since the Chancellor’s death. As you separated, you invited her in. You took a seat on your bed, as she gave Anakin a brief hug before sitting down. 
“How have you both been?” Padme asked. She looked concerned. It’s clear she’d been worried since hearing about the nature of the Chancellor’s death. 
“We’ve been doing well. Actually-”
“Y/N’s pregnant.” Anakin blurted out. As much as you were annoyed that he spoiled the announcement, you couldn’t be mad at the lovestruck expression on his face. 
“Congratulations!” Padme stood up to give you another hug. Anakin stood up as well and placed a comforting hand on your back as you and Padme separated. “Is there anything I can do?”
“Yes, actually.” Padme looks at you, ready to listen. “The Order prohibits attachments, which clearly we have not abided by.” Anakin laughs softly. “So, as things become more obvious, we’re going to need somewhere to stay. We wondering if-”
“Of course you can come to Naboo!” Padme interrupts. “You two are always welcome. You can stay in one of my family’s lake houses, we don’t have much use for them anyway.” 
“Thank you, Padme, truly.” 
Eventually, it was time to present your situation to the Council. You and Anakin had decided to leave the Order so you could raise your family in peace. You had had enough fighting for a lifetime. You never wanted to become a General in the first place, but the war threw many of your plans out the window. 
The only Council member who knew of your situation was Obi-Wan, who was incredibly accepting (and also very excited to be an Uncle). He promised to do as much as possible to lessen any consequences given by the Council. 
Anakin grabbed your hand and pressed a kiss to your knuckles before you entered the room. “Everything will be okay, my love.” As you stepped into the room, you were met with the many faces of the Council. The Masters that raised you, trained you. You owed your life to these individuals, and it would be difficult to part with them. 
“Master Skywalker, Master Y/L/N,” Master Yoda begins. “A request for us, you have?” 
“Yes Master Yoda,” Anakin begins. “If I may be blunt, Y/N is with a child.” Several Council members made audible expressions of surprise, but many also looked as if Anakin had made the most obvious statement in the galaxy. 
“You really think we weren’t aware of your attachment?” Master Windu chuckled. “The pregnancy, however, is a surprise.” Master Windu looks around at the members, who all nod their heads. “But we are willing to excuse this ignorance of the Code because of all you two have done for the order.” 
“Thank you, Master Windu, but Anakin and I were planning on leaving the order to raise the child.” Many members begin to whisper among themselves. 
“Many we ask why?” Shakk Ti, your former master asks.
“Master Ti, I think we’ve all had enough fighting for a lifetime.” Many members smile and chuckle at your comment. “I own the Jedi Order my life. But I am ready for another chapter of my life.” 
“Granted, your request is.” Master Yoda replies. 
You, Anakin, and Padme head to Naboo only a few days later, and Obi-Wan is there to send you off. 
“You must send me holo-vids once the baby is born. I’m not sure how often I will be able to visit.” 
“Of course, Master. We wouldn’t let you miss anything.” Anakin smiles.
Obi-Wan pulls you into a hug. “I wish you the best of luck, Y/N. I remember when you 
were just a youngling, and look at you now.” Obi-Wan’s memory makes you smile. Some of your earliest memories were of the older padawans playing with you and your youngling clan in the Creche. It’s sweet to know Obi-Wan was one of those padawans. 
“Thank you, Master Kenobi.” You look up to Anakin. “I’ll be with Padme, I’ll let you two say goodbye.” Anakin looks at his former master for but a moment before wrapping him up in a hug. 
“Thank you, master. I’ve never thanked you enough for putting up with me all these years.” Obi-Wan chuckles. 
“It was a pleasure, Anakin. It was a pleasure and an honor to train you. And I wish you well. Take care of her.” 
“I plan on it.” With that, Anakin boards the ship to Naboo with you and Padme. 
Upon landing, Padme excitedly shows you around the house her family is gifting you. The house is modest. A few bedrooms, a couple of refreshers, the perfect home for the (growing) family moving in. 
“We can’t thank you enough, Padme.” 
“It’s really no problem, let me know if there is anything else you need. I’m just a holo-call away.” With that, Padme left you two alone. You continued to move about the house. With what little possession you and Anakin had, there wasn’t much to decorate, you hoped that would change over time. You eventually ended up in your and Anakin’s room. It wasn’t much, but it was yours, and that’s all that mattered. However, when you opened the closet, you found it fully stocked. You’d always admired Padme’s gowns, and it seems she left you some of your own. One, in particular, struck your eye. A blue silk nightgown with pearls at the neckline. You slip in on, thankful to be out of your Jedi robes for one of the first times in your life. 
You make your way out onto the balcony overlooking the lake. Anakin is already there watching the sunset. He senses your presence and turns around. 
“Love, what are you wearing?” He asks, a smirk rising on his face. Anakin holds out his hand and pulls you to him. He looks from your eyes to your lips and kisses you. 
“Padme left all kinds of things in the closet. I thought I’d try one on.” Anakin smiles. 
“I’ll be sure to give Padme my thanks.” Anakin pulls you in closer and kisses you harder. He eventually pulls away to breathe. The happiness on his face is contagious. 
“You look happy, my love.” Anakin lays his forehead against yours. 
“It’s because I am, love. Maker, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. We’re here, together, and the baby will be able to grow up here.” Anakin places his hands on your stomach, and his expression changes quickly. 
“What is it love, is something wrong?” His expression of surprise changes to one of content. 
“Nothing it wrong, Y/N. I’m not a med droid but I think I sense two force presences in there.”
“Two? Two as in-”
“Twins, yes, twins! Twins Y/N!” Anakin picks you up and practically spins you before setting you down and embracing you again. “I love you so much, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Anakin.”
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retro-rezz-the-est · 5 years ago
Drabble idea (I already know I sent ya one); Halloween dinner with the Demon King and reader is wearing something quite revealing and Balor can't keep his eyes off of her. 😘
I’m combining this one with @gold–gucciempress and her request​ bc I had a great idea for both of them! :D Here you go, loves!
(this is her’s btw: Okay so for my Halloween drabble… Can I have demon Finn flirting with and seducing a witch? Like he tells her he likes the taste of her magic or some freaky shit? Idk just surprise me lol 😅)
(A/N: I kinda got carried away with this one lmao)
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You and the Demon King had a… difficult relationship, to say the least.
You wouldn’t say that you were dating because that would be completely false, as the relationship between the King and a trusted member of his court would cause a hysteria amongst everyone else and would make gossip fly like the swarms of insects that lay in the dungeons.
You weren’t exactly “friends-with-benefits” either, since you didn’t really see him as a friend. More of a colleague, of sorts.
A colleague who would rail the ever loving shit out of you at any given moment of the day whenever neither of you were busy.
The two of you had been seeing each other for a number of months, you originally coming to his kingdom because of his need of a new witch after the last one had tried to kill him by pouring a poison into his wine. He knew of your work from various others as you were a wanderer, never staying within the same area for more than a few weeks.
But, when the Demon King himself calls you in and offers you work, you accept.
Over time, the two of you grew “close”, in a way. He found you attractive, and you vice versa. He needed something (or rather, someone) that would let him get out the stress of being King, and you were looking for any form of intimacy. He offered you a “no-strings-attached” relationship, you accepted, and that was that.
The two of you agreed that whenever one of you was stressed out or angry or whatever else, you would find the other person. You would find them, wait until they were alone, and then fuck them. Plain and simple, right?
Wrong, because Balor kept on coming to you…a lot.
Like, “numerous times in a day for a quickie” a lot.
He would have you ride him on his throne once he finished with meetings with his council for the day, and then call you to his room at the end of the day to tie you up to his headboard and proceed to throw your back out before sending you on your way again.
This continued for months and months on end and as the two of you grew closer together, you knew you could feel something between you two. There was a spark growing and you wanted to see it alight, but you needed him to see it too.
You remember him leaving a note under your door one night telling you to meet him in his chambers. He had wanted to talk. He never wanted to do that before that day, so you figured it was important. You were expecting him to declare his undying love for you and sink down onto one knee to make you his queen, like in one of the erotic novels you’ve been reading in the castle library.
What you weren’t expecting was for him to suddenly end your “relationship”, claiming that it had nothing to do with you but with more personal matters at hand. But, you couldn’t hear him over the sound of your own heart breaking into a million partnerless fragments.
You entered his room that night hopeful and you had left defeated, drained and mostly angry. How dare he end things like that?! Because of personal matters?!
You couldn’t even question him because he was the King, so you just sulked back to your room broken, reprimanding yourself for even thinking that you even had a chance at claiming the King’s heart. What had you done? Was it truly you that was the deciding factor in your relationship? But nothing more could be done.
The two of you scrapped your arrangement and moved on with your lives, however changed they may be now.
A year had passed since that fateful night and this time, the day had fallen on the night of the King’s annual Halloween dinner. Members of his court and numerous guests from neighboring and allied kingdoms flooded his large dining room and mingled with each other, dressed to the nines and waiting for the King himself to finally make his presence known.
And what’s a good King for if he doesn’t make an entrance everywhere he goes?
Smoke began to pour from the bottom to the main entrance and the twin doors blasted open, bits and pieces from the pumpkins that lay there flying out into the crowd. In Balor stepped, dressed in a deep red suit with a black button down and blood red tie, his crown glinting in the candlelight.
The room immediately went silent and he slowly began to walk through the mass of people and to the large dining table in front of him, glancing around the room at those who were in attendance.
You also happened to be in the room, lingering near the back in your floor length black dress with a decent sized part lingering in the middle of your chest. Going over some spells about a potion you needed to make for a court member to yourself, you stuck to the back for a reason; he had no reason to look at you, to admire your figure when he stood on your heart and broke it all those months ago.
You had a plan, and it sure as hell failed.
He spotted you immediately, swiveling his head around to meet your spaced out gaze and smirking. You jumped and your heart raced. How could he…out of literally everyone here? That prick!
You could feel your face burning with anger as he turned away and continued walking, a trail of people following behind as you lingered back with death in your eyes. Soon enough, everyone was seated at the long table with Finn at the head of it like the bastard King that he was.
The dinner progressed and every few minutes (more like every minute), you would catch Balor giving you bedroom eyes from your seat near the head of the table. He would be talking to a court member one second and then go back to glancing at you from above the rim of his wine glass so quickly that it nearly gave you whiplash a few times.
He loved to tease you at the table, constantly licking his lips seductively as his eyes roamed down your body to your cleavage and then back up. Grinning as those dark eyes of his clouded with a lust that wanted to make him pounce on you then and there…
But all you gave him was a few dirty looks and a sneer, and went back to minding your own goddamn business.
He didn’t deserve my time then, he doesn’t deserve it now.
The dinner proceeded as such for the remainder of the night, this battle of wills until the remainder of the night’s guests had finished their meals and moved on to the ballroom to continue the party. You let out a breath of relief, as you were finally alone and able to vent out your frustrations to the nearest object.
You rose from your seat and moved over to the balcony, walking across its dark marble platform to its railing to see the stars better. A quick mumbling of a spell by you had your fingers glowing bright yellow and you held them out towards the sky as small fireworks shot from your fingertips, small bats and jack-o’-lanterns and spiders forming from the bright lights.
This was it; this is what you needed to finally take your mind off of him again. This is what you needed to do, get a little you-time in before heading back insi-
“Well, well, well? And who do we have here, loiterin’ on my property?”
Speak of the damn devil himself.
You remained silent, determined that that would make him go away and flee to his little hole like the rat he was.
“Oh, so you’re not talkin’ to me now, is that it? Did I do somethin’ to ya, sweetheart? Or rather…someone?”
“The only thing that you did was come out here and waste my time,” you snapped, whipping your head to the side and lowering your hands to grip the balcony’s railing. “Now, please leave me alone.”
“Aww, don’t be such a hardass, darlin’. I was only checkin’ in on ya.”
He moved with the swiftness of the wind, and you didn’t even hear his shoes move until he was right next to your ear. “I could check on ya even more, if ya want…”
You raised a hand and summoned a light blue flame from your palm, holding it up and away from you and towards him. “Move.”
He refused to listen and instead wrapped an arm around your waist, his hand warm against your cool skin. He waved his free hand around in a circle and your flame disappeared, leaving you defenseless.
“I never wanted to start a fight with ya, (Y/n). I just wanted to see you.”
“See me?” you scoffed, pushing away from him. “Last I recall, you were perfectly fine “seeing me” from across the damn dinner table and eye-fucking me senseless.”
He started chuckling and honestly, you were seeing red again at this point. “I don’t fucking want you anywhere near me, Balor. We’re done seeing each other, remember? You ended that shit a year ago and we went our separate ways.”
Rolling his eyes, he unbuttoned his suit jacket as you turned your back to him, looking up at the moonless night sky. You knew he was right behind you; you could feel the power behind his aura and his hands running up the sides of your dress. You froze, not knowing what to do. Do you fight him off and have his advances continue or do you leave his hands where they are, feeling your exposed skin and giving you a touch you starved yourself of for almost a year?
He decided for you and spun you around, pinning you to the balcony railing and looking at you with those dark eyes of his. They were swimming with their usual lust and anger and power, but there was something else this time…something different…
One of his hands moved from your waist and to your cheek and internally, you were deciding whether to be mad at him for coming up to you and just touching you like this or to thank him for finally coming back to you. His thumb ran across your jaw and over your trembling bottom lip, and he leaned in for a kiss that stole the breath from you.
He nibbled on your bottom lip and sucked it into his mouth, slipping his tongue into your own. You moaned, the railing behind you beginning to bend from how hard you were gripping it.
Oh, fuck me.
He pulled away first, leaving you dazed and confused as to what the hell just happened.
“Damn, I missed the taste of your magic on your tongue, darlin’.”
He was panting slightly, his brogue deep and rich and filled with lust and the darkness you were oh so familiar with after spending so many months hearing in your ear as he wrecked you to hell and back…
You just had to go in for another to make sure and you did, gripping the lapels of his jacket and dragging him back in for a rough and dominating kiss, embracing the old feelings that were washing over you on that Halloween, even if it was only for one night.
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waynedunlaptheorgandonor · 5 years ago
now that the episode has aired i’m putting this oneshot on tumblr bc if i post it in multiple places it makes me feel like i’ve been writing more than i have been:
title: layers
rating: m
word count: 1k ish?
spoilers for s10ep6 bonds
Daryl is in her room when she opens the door, and she doesn't startle at the sight of him even though she wasn't expecting him, because they don't surprise each other anymore. Instead, she gives him a mild expression as she lets the door close behind her.
"What's up?" she asks, leaning down to undo her laces.
"The Whisperer?" Daryl asks, sitting on the edge of the bed with his legs spread wide like a man taking up two full seats on the subway. His elbows rest on his thighs, his hands dangling in between them, and he's rubbing the tips of his thumbs together mindlessly.
"Still won't talk. Michonne has a guard on him in the jail for the night. She wants to see if Lydia might know him," Carol says, toeing off her boots and lining them up alongside the wall.
"Don't want her gettin' involved if she don't gotta," Daryl mumbles, and Carol does a sad little upturn of her lip. It's bittersweet, seeing how protective and loving a dad Daryl is. She wonders—well, no, not wonders, because she knows it's fact—that if he had been her children's father they'd all still be alive.
"I told her you wouldn't," she says. "She said we'd discuss it at the council meeting."
"Alright," he says, an acknowledgement and begrudging acceptance.
"That's not why you're here," Carol says then. It's not a question, and Daryl doesn't answer it even if it were. A fleeting furrow goes across his brow as he ducks his head and watches his hands twiddle and fiddle idly. "What's up?" she asks again.
He doesn't answer right away, like he's still gathering all the words and putting them in order. While she waits, she pulls bobby pins from her hair and lets it cascade down her back. Daryl looks up in time to see her thread her fingers through the loose curls.
He keeps his eyes fixed where her hair rests at her waist when he asks, "What if I don't want good?"
"What?" she asks. There's a vulnerability wafting off of Daryl that makes her want to cross her arms to protect herself from it, but she keeps them down by her sides.
"You said there aren't many good ones left," he says, lifting a hand to his mouth to chew on a cuticle. He has the nervous habits of a little boy that serve to remind you that his roughness is just an act. Not that she needs a reminder. If anyone knows how soft he really is it's her. 
She says,
"I did."
And he says,
"What if I don't want good?" Like it'll make more sense a second time.
"Daryl, I don't—" but he cuts her off.
"Good is nice and all—real safe—but that's all it is. And what the hell's the point of that, you know? Putting in your all for nice and safe? Why bother in the first place?"
"What would you want?" she asks, looping her hair around a finger like a teenage girl, because although her softness is buried deeper, it's still there. He thinks about it.
"Layers," he says after a beat.
"The hell does that mean?"
He drums an arrhythmic beat against his knee, before pushing himself up. Carol takes an involuntary step backwards so she's flush against the door. He steps just on the outskirts of her bubble.
"It means layers," he says. "A mix of all of it. It means being sweet and on fire at the same time. It's joking around when it hurts. Layers means someone who'll make you wonder if you wanna kiss the hell outta 'em or rip your own hair out, or maybe both at once."
Carol tastes acid in the back of her throat as her body dumps a surplus of adrenaline into her veins, like she were at the top of a damn roller coaster in the split second before the drop.
"That's a tall order," she says, managing to sound steady. "Wouldn't it just be better to go with good?"
"The King is good," Daryl says. "So you tell me. Is it better?"
"No." She doesn't even have to think about it. "Not at all. But it's easier."
"Easy don't mean better." She can hear his shaky inhale as he crosses the border into her space. They aren't touching, but they may as well be.
"Daryl," she whispers sadly. She ducks her head, but his hand takes a gentle hold of her chin and makes her look up again.
"You said I don't hafta be alone." He swallows, trying so hard to keep eye contact. "Am I alone?"
Carol's heart hurts so bad she could cry. 
"No," she says, feeling hollow. "But I'm not the one who should be keeping you company."
"You ain't good, Carol, but you've got good inside you—it's all part of the layers. And that's good enough for me."
If she cared about him at all she wouldn't let him kiss her, but all her internal strength combined isn't enough to make her pull away. She lets him breach that final distance, lips touching lips. She hasn't kissed someone and meant it in years, and who knows how long it's been for him, but the learning curve is overshadowed by the feeling of home. His lips are home, and she's been away for so long. Or has she ever even been here before?
They wrap themselves around each other as easily as tangling up a ball of yarn. Hands find stretches of bare flesh to explore, knees bump against each other, mouths explore jawlines and collar bones. He's sucking bruises into her skin like they're kids necking under the bleachers, and she's making breathy little sounds like she's the type of woman who makes noise during sex.
They find the bed in a choreographed tandem neither one prepared. They simply move fluidly in innate understanding. They roll around the double bed she makes every morning out of habit, and finally she doesn't have to feel lonely laying in a bed made for two.
Clothes are shed, tossed haphazardly on the floor. She's middle aged, her muscles hidden underneath bruised and battered skin. 
Here's where the bullet went in. Here's where he burned me with the cherry of his cigarette. Here's my old C-section scar for a baby that's been dead and gone for years. 
He touches every inch of her like she's the best thing he's ever seen.
They fuck. Make love. Screw around. She doesn't know which one it is this first time. It isn't good, they aren't good at it—it's layered.
There's anxiety with every new thing, which bleeds into the realm of excitement. There are pinpricks of pain where he nips at her, and the pain morphs into pleasure. She burns at the stretch of him, and instantly needs more. She's elated, and there are tears in her eyes, and she's so mad at refusing herself this for so long.
He gets her there, and it's such a relief and a loss at the same time, because the build up is half the fun. She pets his hair through his orgasm, and is remiss to let him go.
It's not until well into the afterglow that Daryl speaks again. It's a funny thing for him to say, because it's obvious, and Daryl's never been one to speak the obvious, but she appreciates it nonetheless.
"I don't want good," he tells her. "I only want you."
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hyunsracha · 6 years ago
path of night — seo changbin
word count: 2.4k
summary: changbin thinks you’re really great.
Tumblr media
it’s 2018. witches are … Okay.
like ppl aren’t KILLING them anymore but a lot of people don’t even believe in them and like witches don’t go around Telling people they’re witches
but ppl wear them as halloween costumes and the real witches just have to :)
speaking of witches … seo changbin!
he’s only half witch but shhhhh
his mother is a human, but she studied witches so obviously when his dad was like “uhh yo i'm a warlock ?? lol” she was like “ok yea.”
and they fell in love and had a changbin!
they live in a big ass victorian house on the edge of town, which basically screams, “we’re the only family of witches in this town! look at our big, spooky house!”
changbin doesn’t understand why they didn’t just get a fuckin house in the suburbs
his familiar is a raven named Prince of Darkness (he was like 14 ok he was going through his emo phase) and they're bros
sometimes Prince just shows up and caws and changbin caws back and it’s cute !
changbin’s mortal best friend, chris, thinks it’s fucking weird
“u have a pet raven.”
“like raven.”
so when changbin was 16, he had to choose between his mortal and his witch side.
and obviously he chose the witch side
why tf would he give up such epic powers?
the downside though … was that he had to leave
since he decided to go down the Path of Night, he would move to salem and go to the largest division of the academy for witches
and he Thought about telling chris that he was moving to an Elite Boarding School For Smart People but chris would not believe that .. so it was time to fess up
“hey so uh ….. i may or may not be a warlock”
“a who”
“u know . like sabrina the teenage witch . but …. changbin”
“i mean yeah but u DONT HAVE TO SAY IT OUT LOUD!!”
so with that loose end tied up, changbin packed his shit (and his bird) and moved to salem !!!!
there, he meets minho, a year older, and hyunjin, in the same year (i'll do ages as i want thank u very much) and they all become bros !!!
ur only allowed to bring One familiar to school . and minho has Three . so his familiar is ……………. all three of his cats
he put on a spell on them so they all just became one cat but it’s completely reversible !! when he goes back to his room he frees his kitties from their kitty cell
“minho wtf do u mean that’s Three cats there’s only one.”
“OH YEAH?? OK! *mf does reversal spell*” *three cats appear* *they start running all over the common area* “FUCK!!!!”
and hyunjin’s is a lil pup named kkami
“kkami is an ugly name for a familiar”
changbin does Okay in school . he does better than he did in Mortal School
“wtf do u mean we still have to learn algebra”
“we still need witch accountants, mr. seo.”
“i still need a Will To Live, mrs. kim.”
changbin liked to keep quiet about his family.
he knew that “half-breeds” got made fun of a lot, and were treated as lesser witches, so he just kept his mouth shut and avoided family talk.
it took about a year for his secret to get out.
he was sitting in the dining hall with hyunjin and minho Minding His Own Goddamn Business when a mr Jaebum walks in
jaebum was a few years older than minho; he would be graduating soon
he slid into the seat across from changbin, sending him a sinister little smile,
“hello, half-breed.”
the dining hall went silent.
changbin froze.
“i don’t know who the FUCK you think you’re talking to-”
“it’s okay, min. he’s right.”
minho and hyunjin: JFSGJBDB;L?
of course, that didn’t Change anything
changbin was their FRIEND
and he was a good warlock so ??? who fuckin cares
jaebum, apparently
changbin stared down at his tray, tears blurring his vision
he’s sensitive :(
minho saw his eyes watering and almost fucking HEXED JAEBUM
hyunjin held his hand under the table what a good boy
jaebum didn’t stop there, though
“you should go back to your mortal school and learn your stupid mortal things you useless-”
“what the fuck did he even do to you? why do you care?” omg minho u legend
“he’s not like the rest of us. he doesn’t deserve to go here.”
“hey jaebum have you ever tried shutting your fucking mouth?” a new voice spoke
everyone turned to face this new voice
oh look! it’s you! with ur lil entourage (it’s literally 2 ppl) behind u
“excuse me?” jaebum stood. he wasn’t the tallest guy, but he could be Quite Intimidating. u didn’t back down though.
“you heard me. you might want to watch your tone, though.”
“oh yeah? and why would i do that?”
“you shouldn’t speak to a l/n like that. who knows what would happen if my father found out.”
another hush fell over the dining hall.
everyone knows the l/n family. they have to, the l/ns are only one of the most powerful witch families in the whole World.
your father was on the Witch’s Council, along with the fathers of your two friends behind you, seungmin and jisung
the three of you grew up in salem and were homeschooled by seungmin’s mom, so the three of u have been best friends for ur whole lives
and the three of u turned 16 this year so !! here u were
today was ur first day, and when u walked into the dining all, u saw jaebum teasing a poor kid
and that doesn’t fly with u
the three of u put ur trays on the table when jaebum leaves
“tell me if he gives you a hard time again, yeah?”
changbin is??? JSKLGJS???
minho, changbin, and hyunjin all look like :0 and you, seungmin, and jisung are just staring back like :]
and that’s how ur lil squad forms !!!
u, jisung, and seungmin are the youngest so u don’t have classes with them, but it’s fine !
lunch exists for a Reason
“for eating.”
“shut up, jisung.”
but you guys spent all your free time together ! and u guys really clicked !
its like u were destined to be friends (◕‿◕) it was written in the stars (◕‿◕)
but out of your three new friends, you were closest to changbin
maybe it was bc you stood up for him on the first day, but there was just Something Different about him, yk?
sometimes the two of you would sneak off campus at night to go watch the stars in the woods
u guys would cast dumb little spells at each other
one time u turned him into a goat ON ACCIDENT but he was
So mad.
so he turned u into a chicken and it was.
a fun night!
your familiar was a bat, so she would go and fly away with prince and i’m sure they had a good time
you just felt so? nice with changbin
you could talk about anything and everything for hours on end and never get bored
little did u know, changbin felt the same way!
but he came to the conclusion faster than u did:
“oh man i think i like y/n.”
“i know.” hyunjin said from the bottom bunk.
those two were roommates. yes it’s just as chaotic as it sounds.
“bro its so obvious? y/n breathes and ur like omo look how cute!”
“i don't say omo.”
“ur literally useless.”
“AM NOT.” hyunjin sat up, “I could help you two get together.”
“hell no.”
“omg we’re all going to hell so i’m taking that as a yes! see u later, binnie!”
“WHERE ARE U - ok he’s gone”
hyunjin ran over to ur dorm, Aggressively knocking on the door.
“hyunjin ur gonna make ur knuckles bleed if u do that any harder.”
(seungmin is kind of in love with hyunjin but honestly who isn’t)
“i’m looking for y/n.”
“you found them.” you said from behind hyunjin, making him nearly Jump Out Of His Skin.
he dragged you away from your dorm, leaving a very confused seungmin in the doorway.
“this is super important sneaky sneak business, okay?” hyunjin sat you down at a table in the library. he sat across from you, taking your hands in his.
“you’re being weirder than usually, hyunjin.”
“i need you to be honest with me,” he stared down into your eyes, using that glare he used when jaebeom was Anywhere near you guys.
“are you trying to cast a spell on me right now, hwang?” you glared back, pulling your hands away.
“Fine. Why are you trying to put the truth spell on me?”
“do you like changbin?”
“of course i do, we’re friends-”
“no, y/n, you dumb bitch,” hyunjin sighed, pressing his palms against the table, “like. do you Like Like him?”
you furrowed your brow, wondering why the Hell he would ask you something like that.
i mean … you had never thought about changbin like that …
and it wouldn’t be Terrible to date him …
he was funny … and nice … and a good warlock …. and cute …….. and you’ve held his hand before ……….. that was nice ……………… and maybe you’ve thought about kissing him but Only once or twice !!!
oh man
“oh man. i think i like changbin.”
“oh thank fucking god, it would’ve been really awkward if you didn’t.”
“i have 2 go.”
and hyunjin left you. very confused. in the library.
so hyunjin NYOOMS back to his dorm
yk how he does with his long ass legs
“hello tiny roommate.”
“absolutely go fuck yourself.”
“ok….well i have tea…...and i guess ur not getting it…..”
“hyunjin you fucking local its 2019 why are u still saying that.”
hyunjin pouted, “so u DONT wanna know that y/n likes u back??? ok FUCK u then!!” he climbed into his bed.
wait for it…..
“oh fuck.”
“oh my god ur so loud JUST. confess or sumn u big idiot.”
hyunjin be like [ napping noises ]
changbin be like [ PANICKED NOISES ]
how is he supposed to just CONFESS??? that's not EASY
hyunjin thinks its easy bc he’s never confessed to Anyone
everyone confesses to Him
its scawy :(
but changbin Is Not A Coward
(yes he is)
the next day at lunch, changbin is …. Off
“hey binnie!” u put ur tray down next to him and send him a Big Big smile
the butterflies in his tummy go HFJSKGGJ and he goes “hey!” but his voice cracks
he flushes a bright cherry red and u think he's the CUTEST BOY EVER
but he keeps squeaking and blushing and can't exactly look u in the eye :(
how is he supposed to when he knows that U Like Him !!!! u like him !!!!!
he’s in his last class of the day (algebra - gag) when he thinks of an idea
and it’s a good one too !!!!
“that’s the worst idea i’ve ever heard.”
“shut up seungmin if hyunjin did that for u u’d literally cry.”
“WH - I - get out of my room.”
u get a text from changbin that says “meet me in the common room!! it’s importante (that’s spanish for important)!! ^.^”
his little emoticon u go <3____<3
so u text back “okie!!” and get ready to go to the common room
it was like . 11pm . but u didn't really think about that
u and changbin hang out a lot at that time so !
the common room was Empty when u got there
“Hello??? binnie???”
no response
u cast a lil spell to make a light appear on the tip of ur finger (u literally could’ve just . Turned on the lights . but this is more fun) and sit by the big statue of Satan himself and Wait.
ur only waiting for like 30 seconds when u hear It
u instantly recognized the song bc U Loved The Song
it was zion.t’s no make up and u went [ caveman spongebob ]
the light on ur finger went out as you clenched your fist, looking around for the source of the voice
the lights in the common room came on; dimly, but still on.
and rose petals started to fall from the ceiling
this was weird
pretty! and u were kind of on the verge of tears! but pretty!
and then u saw him
Seo Changbin.
why is seo changbin singing to u
since when can changbin Sing like that???
“SHHSHSHSHHSH let me talk before i lose my confidence!!!
so…..you’re…..really great.”
“I SAID LET ME TALK. you’re really great. really Really great. and i think …. i think we get along really well. like……..we’re bros, right? wait- bros probably isn’t the best word for this- oh my god.”
“changbin...are you...trying to say something?”
“i like you !!! and i know you like me back-”
“hyunjin has a big mouth.”
“oh my god.”
there was silence for a moment.
what are you supposed to do now?
you were happy.
u were fricking Ecstatic!!! changbin liked u back!!!!
u were gonna kill hyunjin but!!! yippee!!!
“so do i just….are we- are we a thing now?” changbin broke the silence
“oh!” you stood from your spot on the floor, “y-yeah!”
“ok sick …. so i can do this now-” he made his way towards you, grabbing you by the waist and pressing his lips against yours.
his other hand came up to hold your face, and you were glad that he was holding your waist so tightly or you might’ve fallen down, your knees were so weak.
since when can changbin Kiss like that
“i-in front of satan and everybody, huh…” you giggled after he pulled away.
“satan’s fine. i’m sure he loves a good teen romance.”
“you’re an idiot, seo changbin.”
“but i’m your idiot :DDD”
and your first order of business as a couple : Operation Seungjin.
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kagehinataboke · 6 years ago
i don’t really have a prompt in mind but i have this really specific idea for a tdbk high school au where Bakugou is the captain of the basketball team and Todoroki is the captain of the volleyball team and they always get into huge fights and yeah i would just die to see this au if you feel like writing it, ty sm uwu, love your writing ❤️
okay so i’ve been working on this for a while, so sorry for the late response dear!! it sounds like a fantastic idea uwu
i also got really carried away tbh haha, it’s just such a cute au~ i might eventually make it a whole story bc it’s just so dang adorable! ;u; hope you like it anon
“What do you mean we can’t use the court?” Bakugou slams his hands down on Principal Nezu’s desk hard enough to knock over an innocent cup of pencils. “I’ve had it booked since last week! Who the hell took it?!”
“Language, Katsuki,” Nezu scolds, calmly fixing the cup. “Shouto made a very compelling argument, so the board and I decided to—“
“Dammit, that bastard?” Bakugou sits down hard, knocking over the pencils again. “He can’t keep stealing the court! My team needs to practice, too. What did he tell you this time, huh? Is he spreading rumors about me again?”
“He’s never spread rumors about you,” Nezu sighs, setting the pencil cup on the windowsill to save it from further assault. “Katsuki, it’s simple: his team has more funding and more support from the school board. There’s nothing I can do—“
“Bullshit.” Bakugou stands up to storm out, ripping a volleyball poster off the open door on his way. “Dammit, I’ll deal with it myself. Thanks for nothing.”
Todoroki Shouto is the most annoying, aggravating, horrible person Bakugou has ever met. That asshole constantly steals the court that the basketball team needs, sabotages their attempts to gain new members—and, most importantly, he’s got the support of the entire student council and faculty. Being the captain of the basketball team means nothing when Bakugou is terrible at making social connections.
“Bro, did you ask about the court?” Kirishima appears from thin air, Kaminari and Sero on his heels. “What’d Nezu say?”
“It’s that fucker again,” Bakugou growls, storming into the gym with enough ferocity to scare first-year volleyball members out of the way. “Dammit, Todoroki!” he yells across the gym at the irritating bastard who’s preparing for a serve. “You’re fucking dead!”
“Wait, you can’t just kill him!” Kirishima quickly grabs Bakugou by the arms, saving Todoroki’s shitty fucking pretty boy face in the nick of time.
“Ah, I see you found out about the gym.” Todoroki hands his ball to the vice-captain, Iida, and crosses his arms. “Did you come to fight me for it?”
Bakugou struggles against Kirishima’s grip, but it only gets him an inch closer to Todoroki’s irritatingly calm, unflinching face. “You must think this is a real fucking riot, huh, interfering with everything my team does?! This isn’t over, you fucking Half bastard!”
“You say that every time,” Todoroki calls after him as Kirishima and the others drag him away. “See you later, I guess.”
“Fuck you!”
“You’re the worst,” Bakugou says vehemently between impatient kisses down Todoroki’s pale throat. “You’re the worst fucking person I’ve ever met in my life.”
“Yes, I know.” Todoroki’s fingernails dig into his shoulders, spreading pinpricks of heat down his back. Bakugou wants to take a picture of his ruined expression and frame it. “Hey“—the bastard’s gasping now—“don’t leave marks.”
“Shut up.” Bakugou bites his collarbone spitefully, igniting Todoroki’s yelp. “You piss me the hell off. Give me back my court and I’ll consider being less rough.” He accentuates the threat with another bite. Fuck Todoroki Shouto and his dumbass ‘no marks’ bullshit. As if Bakugou would listen to him when he’s pissed off—or, fuck, even when he isn’t.
“Blackmailing me won’t work,” Todoroki replies with the same irritatingly docile expression. “I like it rou—“ He gasps when Bakugou kisses him harshly on the mouth. He was just about to say he likes it rough, this motherfucker.
Yes, Bakugou despises Todoroki more than anyone else in the world—but that may be the exact reason he likes seeing him defenseless and at his complete mercy so damn much. Hate-fucking him in a janitor’s closet has become a perpetual, reluctant, and mostly accidental habit that he tries to refrain from… but never can.
After they’re finished, Bakugou always feels like something is left unresolved, and no amount of cursing or regret will fix it. The two-tone bastard Todoroki doesn’t seem to share his thoughts, though. “Hey… You should come to my game tomorrow.”
“What, you mean the one that you stole my gym time to practice for?” Bakugou scoffs while pulling on his wrinkled jersey. “How about fuck you?”
“You do a good enough job of that on your own,” Todoroki replies evenly, slipping on his red practice jacket and zipping it up to his neck to hide the dark blemishes there. “You left hickeys all over me again, so it’s really the least you could do.”
“Just because I sometimes fuck you in closets doesn’t make us friends, or anything close to it,” Bakugou reminds, slinging his practice duffel over his shoulder and flipping off Icy Hot on his way out. “I still don’t fucking like you. Bye.”
“It’s at three o’clock!” Todoroki calls after him before the door closes, pissing Bakugou off even more. He won’t do this ever again, he swears—and he definitely won’t go to that stupid fucking game, either.
“You’re going to the volleyball game?” Kirishima is so surprised that he misses his free-throw, and the rogue basketball hits Kaminari in the head. “But… why?”
“Oi, proper passes asshole!” Bakugou yells at a first-year before answering, “I thought about it, and it’s a good chance for revenge. That dick Todoroki is always stealing members and support from us, so it’s time to get back at him.”
Kaminari pauses mid-dribble to raise an eyebrow disbelievingly. “That’s the only reason? You sure?”
“What exactly are you implying, huh?” Bakugou elbows him on his way to center court. “What other reason could there be? I’m just going to fuck with him.”
“But do you really even hate Todoroki, though?” Kaminari asks with a frown. “I mean, you guys are like… Ugh, you know when two people both like and hate each other at the same time? You’re, like, uh… Help me out here, Kirishima.”
“Frenemies! You guys are like frenemies. I mean, you wouldn’t be so bothered by that guy if you didn’t like him at least a little.”
“Fuck you,” Bakugou scoffs, smacking the basketball out of his hand. “I’m going for sabotage reasons: that’s it.”
“Me too!” Sero calls suddenly from across the gym, elbowing a first-year in the chest when he throws his hand up. After apologizing and passing his ball to Shinsou, he trips over to them. “I wanna come, too. Uh, you know, to help with the espionage.”
Kaminari rolls his eyes. “You guys have fun, then. I’m not going.”
“Nobody fucking asked you to.” Bakugou takes a position at the three-point line. “I only told you two so you’d keep an eye on practice for me.” He takes a shot and it sails straight into the basket. “Just make sure nobody dies—and for fuck’s sake, get these shitty first-years to improve their damn passes!”
“Aren’t you worried Principal Nezu will be mad if you’re there?” Kirishima interjects. “He knows you hate Todoroki’s guts. He’ll definitely suspect something.”
“He won’t suspect shit.” Bakugou pulls the sweatband off his wrist and tosses it to Kaminari with a smirk. “Just wait and see: I’ll pay that pretty boy over ten-fucking-fold.”
“Pretty boy?” Kirishima echoes.
“Shut the fuck up, Shitty Hair.” Bakugou makes another three-pointer, but he can’t focus on his game when the memory of Todoroki’s stupid face is haunting him. Sometimes he can’t get the look of that bastard out of his head—of Todoroki’s parted lips and splayed hips; of Bakugou’s own hands on that delicate porcelain skin.
Shit, he already wants to break his promise and fuck him again. If he goes to the game and sees Todoroki playing, he might just have to. Sweaty skin, a neckline low enough to show off the marks Bakugou left, and those tight, tight shorts— Oh fuck, he’s totally done for.
Shit, Bakugou’s riled up now. He passes his ball to Kirishima with an irritated scoff. “Fucking take this. I’ll be right back.”
“What? Wait, where are you—“
Bakugou slams through the gym doors before he can finish his sentence, punching a locker hard enough to dent it. “Calm down,” he orders himself. His body is basically flipping him off, though. “I hate him. I hate him.” He has to say it twice to make it sound believable. Lately, Bakugou has been struggling to put a name to his feelings. Hate is there, but it’s not the only thing he feels anymore. Why did he become closer to Todoroki in the first place? How can he possess him one second and let him go the next? It doesn’t make any sense if he takes time to think about it.
“Fuck.” Bakugou punches the locker again. Pain is one thing he has no trouble feeling. “Fuck,” he says again, resting his head against the dented metal.
Maybe he shouldn’t go. If he sees Todoroki at the game, he’ll… Well, he honestly doesn’t know what he’ll do. Hit him? Maybe. Kiss him? Probably. Fuck him again? Almost definitely.
The amount of people that show up to a volleyball game is… depressing. Bakugou has never seen a crowd of more than eighty people at a basketball game, but there’s well over a hundred here. He’s scowling as he sits down in a seat where that bastard Todoroki won’t see him. What is it about volleyball? Basketball is way fucking harder. Sure, Bakugou’s never seen a volleyball game before, but their practices look easy as hell. Dammit, he’s forgetting why he came here: there’s a job to do.
“Sero, did you remember to bring it?” Bakugou whispers, keeping his eyes trained on the court. The Half bastard hasn’t shown up yet. “Sero? Sero— For fuck’s sake, what are you doing?”
Sero jumps, quickly ripping his gaze away from the face of the volleyball tram’s vice-captain. “Oh, uh… sorry. I brought it.” He digs in his bag to retrieve a package of marbles. “Isn’t this plan too childish, though? And some people could get seriously hurt.”
“It’s just fucking marbles. Don’t be a pussy.” Bakugou snatches the package from him and rips it open. “As soon as the game hits the second set, you trip me and spill these all over the court. Got it?”
“Yeah,” Sero agrees reluctantly, eyeing Iida again. It’s no secret he’s got a thing for him. “…I got it.”
“Good. Stay on your toes and…” Bakugou’s mouth goes completely dry when Todoroki steps onto the court. It’s hard to explain, but there’s something… different about the way he looks right now. His eyes are filled with such unnerving intensity that it makes Bakugou shiver. He could be thinking about his classes or the hickeys that are just visible above the collar of his uniform, but his mind seems laser-focused on the game ahead.
Fuck, he’s beautiful. Who the fuck gave him the right to be this hot? Bakugou silently drinks up the sight of him running, jumping, blocking—everything that makes his heart slam suicidally against his chest cavity. Point after point; Todoroki’s team scores again and again, easily taking the first set. Bakugou doesn’t even remember what he’s supposed to be doing until Sero’s shoulder roughly smacks into his arm.
He falls forward, throwing out his hands to right himself. As he does, the marble package slips from his hands, cascading over the heads of the row in front of them to tumble across the gym floor. The world stops, time crawling to a painful halt. Todoroki had been mid-jump, about to serve. The marbles have spread across the court, and he lands on one almost immediately. The chaos is more broad-spread than expected: both teams are down.
Everyone is too busy panicking to look for the source of the incident, but Todoroki’s gaze pierces straight through the crowd. Bakugou makes direct eye contact with him before vaulting the bleacher railing and disappearing into the hall. He fucked up. Or, no, he succeeded. He wanted to cause destruction, and he most definitely did. But, then… why does he feel so shitty?
He embarrassed Todoroki. Wasn’t that his goal from the start? He has no reason to be filled with… What is this feeling, anyway? Guilt? No fucking way. Bakugou refuses to even think about feeling guilty. But staring at the locker he punched, the sensation builds and builds until it’s unbearable. It was an accident. Even if he was planning it, it was still an accident. But fuck, he shouldn’t have to justify it at all. What the hell—
A fist catches him in the jaw “What the fuck—“ Bakugou gasps when hands seize him by the collar, slamming him against the dented locker. It’s hard to believe what he’s seeing. “What… Todoroki?”
Bakugou has never seen Todoroki angry before, and he wishes he didn’t have to see it now. His stormy eyes are full of raw, unbridled rage. He’s quite clearly pissed off. The emotion is even clearer in his voice. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
The question is so cold and serious that it’s impossible to give a joking response. “I… didn’t mean to.”
“You’re lying.” Todoroki’s fists clench against Bakugou’s shirt. “I invited you because I thought things could change, but they can’t, can they?” The anger drains from his eyes as quickly as it appeared, grip slackening on Bakugou’s collar. “You must… really hate me, huh?”
The words feel like bullets. Why does it hurt so much to hear them? Bakugou does hate him. He hates looking at him and hearing his voice and being powerless against his charm. But he can’t stop coming back for more and more of Todoroki Shouto, like he’s a drug. A drug with too many damn side-effects. Doubt, insecurity, fear, and something else… Something deeper that’s too hard to think about.
“So it’s true?” Todoroki shakes his head and releases him when Bakugou doesn’t say anything. “I guess this is it, then. I’m done being the object of your amusement. This isn’t a game.” He backs a few steps away, but the distance feels like miles.
If he keeps going, there won’t be a problem: Bakugou can probably go on believing he despises him. But the Half bastard always has to ruin everything, so he stops and looks over his shoulder. “For what it’s worth… I never once hated you.”
Dammit. Why did it have to be this way? It would be so much easier if Todoroki hated him. They could keep being at odds with each other, fighting over who gets to use the gym, bickering with Nezu about club funding. In the end, though, that’s impossible. Bakugou knows deep down what he wanted from the start—what he still wants now. He can’t make complete sense of his emotions, but… maybe he doesn’t have to.
“Todoroki.” Bakugou is surprised by the rawness of his voice. He’s supposed to be walking away, not closer. “Don’t.”
Don’t… what? Don’t go, don’t stay? He’s even confusing himself. But there’s no going back now: Todoroki has turned to face him again, lips parted in a yet-to-be-voiced question. Bakugou doesn’t let him speak, taking him by the wrist. Where his fingers touch Todoroki’s soft skin, he can feel a rapid-fire pulse. It skyrockets even more when they kiss.
Todoroki loses his balance, gripping fistfuls of Bakugou’s shirt when he slams him against the dented locker. A noise of protest rumbles from the back of his throat when Bakugou’s tongue slips into his mouth, but he could care less. His head is screaming. This stupidly annoying, beautiful bastard is all he wants right now. Fuck, is this what he’s been waiting for? For this shot of clarity? 
He doesn’t hate Todoroki Shouto at all. He never did. No, in fact, he just might be madly in love with him.
With a gasp, Todoroki finally manages to separate their mouths. “What the… hell do you… think you’re doing?”
He’s so out of breath that he can barely speak. Doesn’t this dumbass know to breathe through his nose? It pisses Bakugou off even more. “You god damn idiot.” He presses Todoroki’s back harder against the locker. “‘This isn’t a game’? I never saw this as a fucking game, asshole. You started shit with me, and I wanted to finish it.”
Todoroki grabs his wrist, eyes aflame again. “I’m not the one who picks fights with you. I admit that I don’t treat you properly, but I never start things directly. You’re the one who’s always hanging around, threatening me.” He scoffs softly. “It’s because you hate me, isn’t that right? You despise me.”
“Motherfucker…” Bakugou slams his fist against the wall to keep from punching Todoroki’s stupid fucking pretty face. “Are you stupid? I’ve never once said I hate you, Half n’ Half. Not fucking once.”
“You’re going to tell me you don’t? After everything you’ve done?” Todoroki pushes his head away from the wall, eyes steely. “Why would I ever believe you?”
Fuck. Does Bakugou have to say it? To say it will mean admitting it to himself first. Can he do that? Can he throw away years of resentment so easily? Then again, maybe that resentment has been disappearing for a while. When was the last time he thought about Todoroki with disgust? Or, rather… has he ever?
“I don’t hate you,” Bakugou mutters eventually. All the strength rushes out of him, and he drops his head against Todoroki’s shoulder. “I don’t hate you at all. I think I actually… Fuck. I think I actually like you a lot.”
It’s been a long time since Bakugou’s told the truth like this. Todoroki’s eyes convey his shock at the pure honesty in the words, but he doesn’t get a chance to respond. People are filing out of the gym, their loud voices carrying down the hallway—including Todoroki’s teammates.
“Fuck,” Bakugou mutters, backing up down the hall. “I’ll… see you later.”
Todoroki starts to protest, but Bakugou has already turned to run.
Bakugou isn’t sure how far or for how long he’s walked, but he should’ve been home twenty minutes ago. Ha… Not like it matters. What the fuck has he gone and done? He confessed to Todoroki, even though his feelings are a total mess. God, he’s so fucking dead. Why the fuck would he go and say such stupid shit?
“Ugh… Fuck me.” Bakugou collapses on a park bench, tearing his hands through his hair. “Dammit. Fucking idiot. What the hell is wrong with you, Katsuki? Oh my god, I can never show my face at school again. I’ll move to fucking Osaka and start bartending or some shit. Fuck. I wanna die…”
For a moment, he thinks he must be imagining things. Why, at the peak of his misery, would Todoroki appear to worsen things? The universe can’t possibly be that cruel. Oh, but of course it can. Todoroki Shouto is standing in front of him, wearing casual clothes and a streetlight halo. Fuck. He’s as stupidly beautiful as ever. The universe really is an asshole, isn’t it?
“How did you find me?” is all Bakugou can manage to say. He hasn’t been yelling, but his voice is raw.
“I live near here. I couldn’t sleep, so I went for a walk.” Todoroki’s eyes glow in the soft fluorescent lamplight when he takes a step closer. “Are you… okay?”
“You shouldn’t be asking me that, asshole.” Bakugou lowers his head, too embarrassed to look him in the face. They’ve been in far more intimate situations, yet this somehow feels like the most exposing of all. “Just go back home. I’m not ready to talk yet.”
Of course, Todoroki never listens to him. He sits down, close enough for their shoulders to touch. “Did you mean what you said back there?”
“I’m not a fucking liar,” Bakugou grumbles irritably. “I meant it, even if I don’t fully understand it. I like you.” He lets out a breath. What a tremendous weight that’s been lifted… “Fuck. I like you so fucking much, it hurts.”
For the first time since they met, Bakugou lets himself look at Todoroki without a hint of anger. The other emotions that take its place are immediately overwhelming, and Bakugou can’t stop himself from reaching out to brush a fingertip across Todoroki’s soft bottom lip. It’s different from the way he’s touched him before, always full of mindless lust and spite. This is a gentle ache; one that starts in his chest and gradually moves through his whole body like a wildfire.
Todoroki’s breath catches quietly, which is more than enough to send Bakugou into cardiac arrest. He wants him. He wants all of him right now, but in a much different way than before. Rather than doing it to hurt him, Bakugou wants Todoroki Shouto to willingly belong to him. He wants to touch him so gently that he forgets everything else in the world.
“Can I…” Bakugou starts, voice deep and raspy with unchecked desire. His composure is steadily dissolving. Fuck, he wants to melt into him like ice cream on hot pavement. 
Thank god, Todoroki wants it as much as he does. He’s barely finished nodding before Bakugou’s tongue is in his mouth, fingers sliding under his sweatshirt. Fuck, his skin is soft. His saliva tastes like fucking peppermint. Was kissing him always this good? Bakugou’s thirst for him is utterly insatiable. Shit. Hate-fucking is nothing compared to whatever this is.
“Wait,” Todoroki gasps when Bakugou’s hand slips up his inner leg. “Not here, Bakugou—“
“First name,” Bakugou interrupts gruffly, gripping Todoroki’s thigh tighter to shut him up. He’s been waiting for this for a long time, he realizes. Fuck, it’s too good. “If you like me, use my first name.”
Todoroki doesn’t even hesitate. “Katsuki,” he whispers in an absolutely disastrous way. “Katsuki, I like you, too. I like you.”
Fuck, those damn words… He’s definitely trying to destroy him. But even so, it feels too amazing to care. Wreck me, Bakugou wants to say. Bite me. Break me. Bloody me. Tear me up completely.
To be destroyed by Todoroki Shouto might be all he’s ever wanted.
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lucy-pepperwood · 5 years ago
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Robert and Cersei's first child lives, and he has a twin. How will this affect the plot of GOT?
In order of succession 
(Twin )Crown Prince Tywin Baratheon
(Twin) Prince Steffon Baratheon
Prince Joffery Baratheon
Princess Cecelia Baratheon 
(Twin )Prince Cedric Baratheon ( Stillborn )
(Twin ) Princess Margot Baratheon ( Stillborn)
Princess Myrcella Baratheon 
Prince Tommen Baratheon
Prince Damon Baratheon ( Stillborn )
Crown Prince Tywin Baratheon is the heir to the seven kingdoms. He and his twin Steffon are the firstborns of King Robert and Queen Cersei. Prince Tywin Baratheon is a studio young man. He takes his job as crown prince very seriously. Prince Tywin was fostered from the ages of 6-12 in Casterly Rock by his Grandfather, Tywin. Because of this, he is a solemn person who has a good understanding of finical matters. While he was also taught of the ruling, he does not think his grandfather is right when it comes to the ruling by fear. Because isn't that how The Mad King Arys lost his Kingdom? At age 12, when he and his twin return to kings landing, Tywin begins to attend small council meetings once a month. His father, King Robert, is also in attendee whenever his son is. But King Robert does not attend more than that. Tywin wants to impress the small council and his father, so he always tries to be the perfect son and heir to the throne. 
Prince Steffon Baratheon is the younger twin brother to Crown prince Tywin. The brothers share a close bond, but there has always been a sense of unease. Tywins' fate is to be king, but Steffon does not know what to do with his life. Does he want to be his brother's hand? Or does he want to be on his small council? Does he want to be a lord, or does he want to travel to Essos? Steffon is plagued with uncertainty. He wants to be a good son and brother but does not know how to do so. When he is six years old, he is sent to foster with the Starks in the North. He stays there until he is called home with his twin at 12. In the North, he learned a lot from Lord Stark, who was also a second son. Lord Stark helped shaped Steffon into an honorable person. He raised Steffon to not covet his brother's portion but to be ready to step up in the face of tragedy. Steffon returns to kings landing still unsure but convinced of his need to learn and be a steady shoulder for his brother. 
Princess Cecelia Baratheon is the first daughter born to the Royal Baratheon line. She is a people pleaser, often torn between her mother and father's wishes. Her mother wishes for a perfect lady, but her father craves a wild daughter. She ends up an exciting mix. She can sing and dance, but she can also shot an arrow and outrace any man on a horse. Cecelia loves the freedom her father grants her and often takes these freedoms as far as possible. Her mother is not a fan of her fashion taste, but with her father's full backing, she can do as she pleases. Cecelia is the reason the court fashion is so diverse. Cecelia is currently being fostered in the Crownlands by her Uncle Renely. Fostered being a loose term as both of them are back and forth between capital always. She is at the end of her fostering, and she will return permanently to Kings Landing soon.
The difference between these three siblings is that they are actually the blood of Robert Baratheon. Whereas the other three children are not. The children themselves do not know this, but there is still divided between them. King Robert favors his black-haired children, and Queen Cersi prefers her blonde ones. King Robert makes time to attend to his Black haired sons but leaves his blonde ones aside. He does, however, spend equal time with his daughters. ( there is some debate in my story if Myrcella is Roberts are not, bc she has blue eyes instead of green; which Joffery and Tommen both have)
Some difference in my story 
Tywin goes to Casterly Rock
Steffon to Winterfell
Joffery to Stannis at dragon stone ( although he is back and forth often like Cecelia )
Cecelia to Storms End
Mrycella to Highgarden, she and Margery do become friends
Tommen is too young to foster at this point, but it is uncertain where he will
Tommen is up in the air bc Hoster is old and dying, Dorne is hostile, The Vale does not have a mature enough lord and the iron island are just traitors. 
Ages at the start of the story
Tywin 16
Steffon 16 
Joffery 14
Cecelia 12
Myrcella 10
Tommen 4
Other Facts
With Joffery not as the crown prince, he does not get away with becoming cruel;
During his time on Dragonstone, he is often displayed harshly by both Stannis and Selyse because he often tries to bully Shireen. 
Stannis has more children
A younger daughter named Elissa who is 7
And a newborn son named Willem 
Tywin wants one of Cersei's children to be heir to the Rock
In this story, he pushes for Tommen to be sent to him and for longer so that he can be trained as Warden and Lord.
Robert also is much more in shape, often taking his sons out for hunts and teaching them how to fight 
Both Prince Tywin and Joffery in this story learn how to use a war hammer
Steffon and Tommen do not
Roberts wants his daughters to be like Lyanna, who he believes if he had children with, they would be wild and untamable. 
Unfortunately, both girls are still fathers feminine
Cecelia and Myrcella are very close
Steffon also has a crush on Sansa Stark and hopes she likes him back 
Cerci get her shit handed to her by her father
A full-blown civil war does not happen in this story, Jon Arayn is killed, but Lord Stark plays the long game in the south
In which Robert is not killed quite as soon
Tywin, Steffon, and Joffery are all killed but not anytime soon
Cersei is killed 
Stannis is killed
Cecelia is the one to confront Daenerys 
At a later point in the story, Cecelia takes Tommen and Myrcella. She retreats to Casterly Rock, but not before brokering a deal with deanery, That her son had to marry a child of her own.
"You think you are so special, don't you?' That the Targarens have supreme right to rule over the 7 kingdoms? Well, let me teach you some history. The Targareasn won this land by force. My father did the same. He had the right to hold this Kingdom until the next conquer came. So keep your tongue and do not call my family Uspers ever again because just like yours, my family won its right to rule." Cecelia to Daenerys
The Baratheons lose Storms End and Dragonstone Storms End for a period. Storms End it is given to Willem Baratheon when he marries. 
Daenerys does reunite the 7 kingdoms by marring Jon Snow/Stark who's heritage is never revealed 
North is ruled by Rickon Stark
She pledges her son to marry the daughter of Cecelia Baratheon 
Cecelia is married to Willas Tyrell at this point and has two children
Cecelia and Willas are both apart of the negations, and after they are finished they return to High Garden which is held by Garlan Tyrell
Daenerys ends up having to fight Aegon Tarageryn, who thinks he should rule as the son of Reaghar, half of Dorne supports him and a half does not. 
Daenerys does end up having more children, though she is shocked bc she was told only a Targaryen could get her pregnant 
She rationalizes in her head that she was naive and never should have trusted the word of a woman who had already killed her husband. Daenerys children with Jon Stark end up united the 7 kingdoms
Rheago marries Olenna (II), Tyrell
Aemon marries Meria Nymeros Martel He gives up his last name and becomes the ruling consort of Dorne
Shiera marries Willem Baratheon 
Daenerys goes on to defeat Aegon 
Help reconquer Dorne with/for her supporters 
Reconquer her Essosi cities 
Defeat the Night King
Daenerys is Azor Azzi
( Daenerys also bans the name Aegon from being used for newborns )
The 7 kingdoms are renamed the Sunset Kingdom
How the Sunset Kingdoms get divided
The North
Arya and Gendry become world travelers and wealthy merchants, they have a Manse in Meeren, Kings Landing and Wintertown
Rickon marries Sara Flint of the mountain clans and becomes Lord of Winterfell.
Sansa marries Ser Terrance Yonce and becomes the lady of the Vale.
The Reach
Tyrells in Highgarden 
Lord Willas and his Wife Cecelia 
Children: Olenna (II) and Steffan 
Garlan and Lyness
Margery and Edmure Tully 
Loras ( Deceased )
The Iron Islands
Greyjoy in iron islands 
Yara Greyjoy is the Lady Paramount
The Vale
House Yonce becomes Lords Paramount in the vail 
House Aryan is wiped out
The lesser house of Yonce is renamed as to not create any confusion.
Sansa Stark marries the third son of Bronze Yonce who is picked as the most worthy to be the new lord Paramount
Terrance Yonce.
The West
Lannister in the west 
Cecelia Baratheon ensures that the Lannisters remain in charge
Tommen is named Lord Paramount
He takes the name Lannister
He marries a Targaryen supporter of Queen Daenarys choosing
Tommen is remembered fondly throughout history as one of the Kindest Lords of the west. 
The Stormlands
Baratheons in the Stormlands
The Stormlands were occupied by Taragerun forces until Sheria Tarageyn and Willem Baratheon were wed
Storms End was restored to him after 
Dragonstone is not considered a kingdom any but an island in the crown lands 
The Crownlands
 Held by House Targaryen
Kings Landing is rebuilt and the castle is the seat of power
Dragonstone is more of a vacation spot now.
Houses from across the nation have Manses in Kindslanding
The dragon pit is never rebuilt
 The Martels hold Dorne 
The houses that supported Aegon over Daenarys were wiped out
Lots of knights are promoted to lords after many battles.
The daughter of Trystan Martel 
She marries Prince Aemon and they become the ruling pair
Meeren, Yunkai, Asatpor become part of the Kingdom
The Land of Forever winter becomes part of the North, and the willings settle it.
 Hardhome becomes the only Castle in the far North, 
The lord is picked every time the previous one dies. 
This "lord" has the job of dealing with the Starks 
Whatever his last name was before every lord barres the name "Freedman." 
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alo-piss-trancy · 7 years ago
Kakegurui omo hcs
Nobody asked for this but I'm still on my gambling girlz bullshit and I wanted my headcanons typed out for future writing purposes so get ready (Warning: This post contains omorashi and dirtier watersport kinks, back out now if you don't like that bc I'm not putting slashes in all the names) :
LA Midari: She gets her own section bc (somehow) she seemed even less composed than the animated one so they're almost different characters: She's prone to holding to ridiculous extremes when she's very invested in a task/having fun, and would rather cling on until she wets herself than actually take a quick break bc she's sure she can hold it. When she's like this (even tho she doesn't realize it) she's super obvious about it, constantly doing a little dance and grabbing herself or squirming in her seat, whining under her breath, but even when ppl fuss at her to go she'll swear she's fine until she's finished whatever she's doing or the less-fortunate scenario occurs. Genuinely surprised when she pisses herself, embarrassed for like a minute, but then probably laughs it off. ((I could also see this hc sort of working for animated Midari, but only if Yumeko was involved somehow (ex. They're in the middle of a gambling match or just hanging out) bc that's the only reason she wouldn't dare leave. Anyone or anything else (bar The President) and animated Midari would just say 'fuck it' and go tbh.)) Also she has definitely walked to the edge of her cell and pissed at least once just to drive Manyuda up a wall when she's mad at him/feels like the rest of the council was ignoring her. Not bladdershy in the slightest since she seems to spend most of her time locked up in her own area in full view of the council (Like she can clearly get out for breaks and stuff but there had to have been times they refused to release her bc she was extra unstable and they just gave her a pot or smth).
Midari (animated aka my fav) : I have a lot of varying ideas I like with her. On one hand, she could easily be the type to go in front of anyone in any situation and gripe the whole time and not give a fuck, considering her attitude towards everything else. On the other hand, she could be severely bladdershy just to conflict with the rest of her wild personality. Either way, she (generally) doesn't like the idea of piss getting on her/her clothes, outfits/accessories are important to her. That said, if in a sexual setting, she's willing to make the sacrifice if it gets her partner riled up, especially if it leads to her being humiliated and degraded. Still gets fidgety when desperate, but for the most part she tends to be subtler about it unless she wants someone to know (ex. Already said she had to and was denied so she might as well squirm and growl about it to annoy them, or in a sexual setting to tease her partner). If she gets past a certain point of desperation though, she will abandon all subtlety and bounce around holding herself like her life depends on it. Would piss on someone without a second thought if asked tbh. She's a freak so like, she might drink it, but probs only if it was Yumeko's and she asked her to.
Mary: The absolute definition of being too proud to say she has to go. Capable of avoiding outward signs of desperation for the most part, although her temper will usually flare up over nothing which lets the more observant know something's up. Completely loses concentration when desperate. She can hold for long amounts of time, but once the urge catches up with her, it catches up fast. She rubs her thighs together a lot and taps her feet, refuses to grab her crotch ever. If pushed to the point where it's unavoidable, she'll bite the bullet and bring up her need, but she'll still deny any extra coddling or sympathy by saying she can handle it until they get somewhere. Will only use odd receptacles/places as a last resort. Wetting would be beyond mortifying for her, but she would refuse any comfort at all and storm off. If you breathe a word, you're dead. No piss kinks, might be willing to try it for a partner, but prefers domming them to holding herself.
Yumeko: Like many things, it doesn't concern her one way or the other. Equally likely to ask the second she feels the urge (even if the timing is inconvenient to everyone else) as she is to keep quiet and hold it until she can't anymore (and either bring up how desperate she is completely calmly, or accidentally wetting herself), it just depends on her daily whim. She doesn't get rattled when desperate, only excited, and enjoys the slight urgency it brings to games. Technically has a bladder of steel, but she drinks a lot for the sake of enjoying tea and such so it evens out tbh. Doesn't like interrupting what she's doing to get up and go. Not shy at all, would probably hike her skirt out of the way and pop a squat in the middle of the school yard if someone didn't stop her. Probably That Girl (tm) who tries to hold a full conversation in the stall next to you while she's going lmao. Absolutely has a piss kink, ranging from cutesie omo/desperation (either herself or her partner) to the filthiest watersports you can think of, often combined with petplay or bdsm.
Itsuki: Tiny bladder, literally always has to pee even if she barely drank. Tends to bounce in place and pace a lot, especially since she's already naturally energetic. Tries to grin and bear it/make jokes about it until she can take care of it, but if it takes too long she just gets upset and panicky. Very vocal and whiny to friends, but around strangers/important ppl she struggles to stay quiet and professional. Wetting would definitely upset her since she has her company's image to keep up, but Yumeko could probably ease the sting. No piss kink and would be sceptical at first, but still open to it once her partner explains it (I mean this bitch collects nails, she can't exactly judge). Only the desperation/wetting though and kinda cutesie, she would draw the line at the harder stuff.
Kirari: So calm and collected, she could be wetting herself right in front of you and you wouldn't know it. She wouldn't though. All about control of herself and her environment, The President has both a bladder and will of steel, and could outlast even Yumeko without any competition. If by some miracle her need did get to a tipping point, she would stay composed outwardly, but wouldn't last long with actually holding it, since she isn't used to being pushed so far. The only person she would confide her needs in is her secretary, Sayaka, and perhaps the VP. Definitely embarrassed by wetting, but would also be intrigued, feeling a hint of awe that her control was broken. As for kinks, she definitely has it, but she's much more into seeing others desperate than going through it herself. She prefers to dom her lovers and victims, watching them squirm for the sheer sake of coming unraveled. Bdsm, petplay, and pure humiliation are her specialties, and she does not play lightly. Would be willing to pee on somebody, even in their mouth, but only to chuckle at how pathetic they are to allow such treatment. For the few she is actually attached to, she is capable of showing a gentler side, putting more of her focus into making them feel good and possibly learn to enjoy the sensations that that kind of desperation can offer. She greatly dislikes the mess that comes with it, and insists someone comes to clean the room and anything that got wet the minute after the fun is over.
Ryota (because I guess I should throw him in) : Average bladder, shy about asking if smth important is happening, casually leaves if not. Lots of stealthy-not-stealthy crotch grabs or leg crosses if forced to hold, his expression is a dead giveaway bc he doesn't have a poker face to save his life. Tries not to whine too much unless there's a way someone could help. Definitely embarrassed by wetting, but tbh he's been through so much worse at this point that he'll get over it by the next day. Doesn't have any kink, but isn't disgusted by it and is down for it to make Yumeko happy as long as it stays to desperation/wetting (he draws the line at being peed on, but will mark her if she begs for it).
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