#who is holding kurikara
everyryuujisuguro · 1 year
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tonguetiedraven · 1 year
Hi Raven!!! You are the boss of bonrin fics so I’m asking for some advice since I’m looking to to write one. A big pet peeve of mine is that ryuuji is portrayed as catholic a lot even though he’s Buddhist. Asking if you have some sources or advice for writing a Buddhist character (I’m catholic so I’m pretty confident in portraying rin)???
Thanks so much <3
I wouldn't say I'm the boss, but I've probably written the most xD
Ryuuji getting portrayed as a Catholic is also a major pet peeve of mine, and something I always strive not to do. Especially in canon following fics. (AUs I can understand, but even then I typically don't write him that way.)
Ryuuji follows a Vajrayana form of Buddhism, and he is (I believe) specifically a Shingon Buddhist. (A specific school of Buddhism in Japan. Here is a pretty good run down.)
Things to keep in mind:
Meditation is important and frequently done. It's not limited to sitting and chanting mantras either. You can and should meditate while doing anything. Cleaning, cooking, exercising, etc.
Ryuuji's form of Buddhism (most forms) have a high importance on teaching. Learning from a master is the only way to get a lot of information. It's a very secretive form of Buddhism. (Probably why Karura is with them.) Which also means a lot of knowledge died on the Blue Night with the elders.
Japanese Buddhism does not require you to shave your hair, and does not require you to give up meat in your diet, and allows you to get married, so you don't have to worry about having that in a story.
Ryuuji's form of Buddhism has a lot of focus on fire rituals ('Goma' rituals which is what they use Goma hall for.)
Buddhists' believe that all life is sacred. They're against hurting/killing others and don't believe in holding grudges. (Lol at the filler episode and the 'grudges over food can last generations!' Ryuuji trying to curb that potential before it even happens xD But also, the drama of his drive to defeat Satan for what he took from them.)
Ryuuji's form of Buddhism is heavily connected to the pantheon of Buddhist deities, including the Fudo Myo-o (The Immovable One. The statue you see in a lot of Ryuuji and Kyoto Trio art. He has Kurikara in most depictions. Kurikara is the sword he wields in most text, and the symbol you see on Kurikara and in the True Cross logo is his.) They are connected to the other Myo-o (the wisdom kings) like Yamantaka too. They'll invoke them for rituals and prayers for aids.
So for writing him, the first step is to simply not include any Catholic thinking/influence. He was raised at a dying Buddhist temple so he wouldn't have any real interaction with Catholicism before True Cross Academy. Guilt won't be a big driving force for him, but determination and an enormous work ethic will be. He's determined not to hurt humans/animals, and he has a lot of ways he meditates during his free time (traditional meditation, studying, exercising, cleaning.) He's a good student because he's been one all his life and it's tied to how he learns about his faith -- also why he gets really annoyed at people not willing to put any effort into learning or who try to do something that isn't learning/listening during classes. He has a really strong drive for justice, and isn't afraid to correct what he sees as bad behavior. (Also part of Buddhist practice. The teachers will correct the students.) He's going to eventually be entrusted with a lot of the secretive knowledge of his sect, and he takes that very seriously.
Hope that helped some! Let me know if you have more questions. And also, feel free to join our Blue Exorcist Writers Discord. It's a place specifically for Blue Exorcist Writers and (In my opinion, lol) a pretty fantastic place with a lot of resources!
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Blue Exorcist X Fairy Tail
"What's going on out there?" Asks Lucy, making her way out the guild. The rest of Team Natsu following behind her.
Their in the middle of the square was Rin.
"Please... Yukio you don't understand."
"I don't understand?!"
Rin flinched back, Natsu frowned exchanging looks with the others.
"Your right Rin, I don't understand. I don't understand how you could be so reckless and stupid, do you have any idea the trouble you've caused."
With every word, Rin got more and more upset.
The team had heard enough.
"Hey! Get away from him!" Yelled Lucy.
Yukio blinked in suprise.
"Hey Rin, good to see you man" said Gray, standing very beside him.
While Erza stood infront. "Is there a problem here?" She asked, looking at Yukio with a cold gaze.
Natsu was at her side and Lucy was standing with Rin.
Rin who visibly relaxed having them nearby.
Yukio smiled warmly that didn't fool any of them.
"No trouble here at all miss, I was just talking to my brother. I didn't know he had any friends."
Rin looked down, Gray put an arm around him. "Yeah? Funny we didn't know he had a brother. But if he's as much as a tool as you than no wonder."
Yukio's smile disappeared.
Rin snorted and Yukio glared at him.
"I will have to ask you all to leave, Rin will be coming with me."
"Rin do you want to go with your brother?" Asked Lucy.
Rin shook his head.
"There you go, now scram."
Yukio shook his head "You misunderstand, criminals don't get to choose to wander free. The Vatican asked me personally to bring you back Rin."
Yukio cocked his gun, aiming it at Rin's head.
"Dead or alive."
A sword cut through the air and slashed Yukio's gun in half.
"If you want Rin you'll have to go through me." Said Erza, equipping to her heavens wheel armour.
"And me" said Natsu, flames bursting from his hands.
"And me" said Grey, ice bursting from his hands.
"And me" said Lucy, holding Loke's key and her whip.
"How did... How can you defend him? He's a monster, nothing but a demon that should be put down." Yells Yukio.
"Because he's family, something you clearly know nothing about." Says Mirajane, stepping out with a communications lacrima.
The guild had heard everything and they were all behind her.
"Everyone..." Whispers Rin, looking at them all in shock.
"He's family, and we protect our family no matter who they are. No matter where they came from, no matter their powers, or their circumstances. All that matters is your heart." Says Marakarov.
"Master Makarov..." A tear trailed down Rin's cheek.
No one had ever stood up to Yukio for him before.
Makarov gave him a warm smile "your stuck with us kid."
Portals opened behind Yukio, reinforcements from the Vatican.
Among their numbers Rin recognised his old friends and Shura.
It broke his heart but he wasn't suprised.
What did suprise him was that all of Fairy Tail, dedpite barely knowing him had decided that not only was Rin worth protecting.
Was worth fighting for.
That he was family.
'It's been a long time since I've had a family...' He thought.
He wiped his tears, and unsheathed Kurikara.
Blue flames burst from him sword and him.
The Vatican all looked at him with fright and rage.
Lead by his little brother.
While Fairy Tail looked at him in awe.
It was there Rin made his decision.
He was tired of running.
"I'm Rin, Rin of Fairy Tail." He said.
Lucy smiled, remembering her own moment.
"Well, Rin of Fairy Tail. What do you think we should do?" Asks Makarov.
Rin grinned, it went from ear to ear and no one had seen him this happy in a long time.
"Kivk their asses, send em packing... And than we throw a party."
All of Fairy Tail cheered "Aye!"
Before charging into battle.
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riversidewings · 2 years
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One of the big things I've been driving at in writing my Living Ghosts reparenting story series has been working toward healing for a difficult personal past-- full of trauma, resentment, and feelings of abandonment-- and filling that space with fierce, unconditional love for my younger self.
That poor girl suffered in silence and never got to be mothered by someone who loved her fiercely and unconditionally. Who better than me to do it?
I might start crossposting the stories here-- they went up on Mastodon first-- but in the meantime, since I've been away from Tumblr for a bit, it's time I shared the newest bit of art.
Painted my younger self as she should have been, at right, holding a heisoku (purification wand). At left, in the form of River from Confluence, I raise the sword Kurikara-- a weapon that appears in Japanese Buddhist iconography-- to cut away affliction. Above is the North Star, in 5 pointed form to represent the five phases, and a symbol of the Tohoku region and of all things in balance.
The text reads Freedom is a Light for Which Many Have Died in Darkness.
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kavaeroexe · 2 years
Thoughts on yandere mobius? Or yandere Hot Mei? (thunder ladies.. My weakness)
thunder ladies mmmm, there is no OR for our thunder ladies, i made BOTH HAHAHAHAHHAHA
lets get into it!
warning : typos, bad grammar  
attention! please do not try to repost my works, i only post my works on tumblr, if anyone see someone stole my works please inform me through the comments, tag me in the works, or message me!    
yeah high possibility to drug you
she’s a doctor afterall
she interest on you -> start observing you -> fall in love -> attached to you -> yandere activated
take a bit of long time for her falling in love, but only took 3-4 days for her to become yandere and being obsessive
drugging 24/7 if you don’t behave
locking you like a lab rat if you don’t behave
she’ll chain you if you behave
like a dog or a cat
she’ll treat you like a lost, pure, unpowered little one
“I’ll protect you, my little patient~”
she doesn’t lose her patience easily
but if you do, you’re dead.
she’ll starve you for days, will cage you, and only will free you if you say sorry enough
then she’ll be pity towards you, again.
like a satanic demonic circle of hell
strict. obviously.
“please...let me go..” you begged, try to grab one of the cold cage that you’re in right now, you’re vision blurred, but you can see Mobius stand in front of you, kicking your hand try shortly grab the cage.
“See? all of this happened because of you breaking my order, if i told you to stay then stay, is it so hard for you to understand with that brain of yours hm?” she replied, looking at you that.. looks pathetic, helpless, unpowered, weak, that now begged her for her help.
she doesn’t care if someone say that she’s a monster, she’s disgusting, she’s cruel, she clearly admit that she loves your crying, you little beg, trying to gain her forgiveness, so she’s now opening the cage, carrying you in a bride style t keep you on her arms, you’re body is now as cold as her, she let out a smirk and brush you hair that covers you eyes that’s about to shut down, she likes to see that hopeless eyes.
“Good rat, now if i told you that you’re going to behave, then behave, get it?”
you let out a very little nod, before you fall into an endless darkness in your sleep for who knows how long..
this woman in her Herrscher Era is her most yandere era tbh
she is the definition of abuse yandere i think
she’s doing all of this just to keep you safe, so she’ll not lose you
why being a blockhead, she thought you understand
if you don’t like it, just suck it up.
kicking, choking, is the only thing that she does to keep you in her command actually
but she’s not that mean in general
she’ll only do that if you’re not listening to her words and danger yourself
i think she’s not that person that have a big portion of patience
at least- at her Herrscher form or after the Houkai world diva.
but after all, she’s caring and loving, she loves to be with you in every matter of second she got
anything you want, she’ll grant it.
you want anyone dead? done
you want a place to be vanished? sure
you want her? she’ll be right there like lightning mcQueen
like : “ngueengg bzzt bzzt”
“Mei...i want to go outside..” you say, tugging her hand, just to see her sighing, and then looking at the bruise on your neck that you got a few days ago, so you still haven’t changed your mind after she’s doing all of the violence.
“You really want to go outside that bad? what do you want to see anyway?”
she replied while searching something on the table, and then you shrugged, “I want to see the world around, i want to run, fly with Kurikara and..spend sometime with you-”
you stuttered when she give you a chain at your neck, and then holding your hand gently. “Fine, sure, but stay close to me.”
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rggtattoos · 2 years
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堂島 大吾, Dōjima Daigo
不動明王 - “Fudo Myo” (Acala)
Type: Traditional
Features: Fudo Myo-oh wreathed in cleansing flames 
Fudo Myo-oh - The manifestation of the Dainichi Buddha, who seeks to use his fury and angry expression to frighten people into following the Buddhist teachings. There are two designs for Fudo Myo-o, one where his eyes are both wide open and one where he has one eye closed. Both eye being open represents the nation's spiritual protection, while one eye closed (as with Daigo's tattoo) represents personal protection. He represents the luminescent wisdom of Buddhism, protects the Buddhist teachings, removes all obstacles to enlightenment, and forces evil to surrender. He is depicted carrying his sword "Kurikara" the demon-subjugating sword, a rope for restraining demons, and seated (sometimes on a rock) to represent his immovable faith.
Fudo Myo-oh's sword and the dragon wound around the blade are both named "Kurikara." They reference a story in which Fudo Myo-oh fights a demon who transformed itself into a sword. Fudo Myo-oh also turned himself into a sword to continue the battle, and when Fudo Myo-oh still can not win the battle he turns himself into a dragon and engulfs the sword with flames, defeating the demon. Kurikara is said to hold the knowledge of the swordfighting arts, which it will share with the worthy.
Flames - Fudo Myo-oh's flaming aura represents the purification of the mind by the burning away of all material desires. Flames also represent passion, energy, desire, and movement
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||Wild hunger||
Hi there, time for a drabble. Yes, I written one before but yeah. If many remember the time Rin lost himself well, what happened if he dashed off and the others were trying to find him. However, He was found by one person that saw how wild his blue flames were. Rin would be growling looking like some wild animal but if spotting a familiar face he cares, how will this change? Read to find out.
-Outdoor sex
-Rough sex/pounding
-unstable lust
-slight blood warning
-Biting and clawing skin warning
Tsubasa connor or Kit belongs to the amazing @multi-ocs-hangout
Rin okumura belongs to the anime/manga blue exorcist
Grammar still bad but still enjoy this drabble. And yes all in this is 18+ but their more older
After seeing their friend Rin losing it after his fight, he suddenly dashes off not clear in his mind His blue flames were growing out of control while he roars now snarling like some animal. He cuts down trees burning some near by him that the others were worried to how they can calm him down and find him.
One in the group was really worried and hopes to find him before something else happened. Because of the flames, Yukio told the others in the class to get back for safety or to keep their distance. He just hopes Rin will calm down even thinking a certian red head’s words linger in his mind:
“Your crazy! You can’t get near Rin! He’s too dangerous!”
“So what!? He’s not himself and I need to calm him down! What happened if he really loses it then what!? He’ll burn everything down. “ This was a argument between Yukio and him but Shiemi broke it up, saying Tsu can find him and maybe calm him down. To Tsubasa’s luck he found him. However, their was good news and bad news.
Bad news: He still was feral. Burning everything in his path due to losing his mind. He even had to fight Tsubasa in order to stop him from running away.
Good news: Tsubasa found him but..he got into some situation thanks to it.
That takes us to the now. Tsubasa was now pinned to a tree thanks to Rin, both arms above his head looking at the Feral Rin holding him against the hard bark. Tsu tries to move but hisses feeling Rin’s grip get tighter. He was able to get a close up look of his Baby blue/Queen. His eyes were glowing and lost to the anger burning around him. It was almost like he was going to eat him. His flames were much more hotter than normal that the area was caught in a high wall of blue flames. Primal sharp teeth were seen past his lips ready to rip someone’s throat out.
Himself, on the other hand, his outfit was tattered thanks to Rin’s sharp claws and his sword Kurikara. Even if it was broken at the moment when they were fighting. It lays on the side still cracked.
Tsubasa heard the angry snarled from his Rin. Like some angry animal being locked up just looking at him. He knew Rin was not himself but he wanted to help him. When trying to get free once more, Rin growls deeply for Tsubasa to hear making him stop.
“*Panting but sweating a little too* E....Easy Rin-rin, it’s me. Your Kit. Don’t you recognize me?” He speaks softly worried but Rin growls looking at him while clawing the tree bark. Tsubasa knew he was burning everything around them but he didn’t attack nor hurt him. He sees Rin still glazing upon him with the lost anger in his eyes that Tsubasa really got nervous feeling his eyes just looking at him.
“*Growling like some animal looking at him*”
“Baby blue? Are you in there? Do you know who I am?” he speaks once more to only see Rin snarling at him gripping the front of his clothing and pushes him back against the tree. He hisses from the pain to close his hands thinking Rin was going to eat him.
“R...Rin rin, please. It’s me. Don’t...” He whispered shutting his eyes to think he was going to kill him but something else happened. His eyes snapped open wide feeling something hot against his neck. Rin was licking his neck slowly while keeping a good grip on his wrists. He could feel his tongue moving against his sweaty neck very slowly leaving a weak shiver escape the other’s lips. Tsubasa tries turning his head to speak to him.
“R..Rin-Rin? What are you-Ah~” He feels his hand keeping hold on him but his sharp canine teeth run along the skin next. Was Rin trying to eat him or was it something else? He feels Rin rin’s tail touch his cheek turning his head so they looked at one another.
“Rin, d..didn’t you hear me? It’s me, Tsu-” He winces feeling something sharp against his neck before a stinging feeling was felt. His aqua blue eyes widen feeling Rin’s canine teeth sinking into his neck biting him. His blood running down his neck but whines feeling him let him go licking it clean. Deep purrs left his throat.
“..Rin-Mffmm!?” He felt Rin deeply kiss him while the hot wet tongue pushes against his own. He shuts his eyes feeling the wet kiss given to him that Rin pushes up against Tsubasa’s body before letting his wrists go. They move down his arms hearing a whimper from Tsu then moves his hands even lower against his chest.
Feeling his touches only made Tsubasa break the kiss, panting heavily in the air. Something was wrong and yet, Rin didn’t seem to notice. He keeps leaving kisses and slow bites against Tsubasa’s neck that he feels some struggle from the Connor. “*Growling lustfully*”
“Rin Rin...p..please...st...st..a..hhhhhaaa....ah.....” feeling a slight bite on his ear, with his sharp canine teeth, he sees Rin lick his lips looking at Tsubasa. He sees a faint blush on his face till he grips Tsubasa’s ass and yank the pants down exposing his ass.
“Rin-Rin!” he blushes feeling his fingers now lingering near his hole to push three fingers inside. It was slick and wet to make him grow excited. That and Tsubasa was relieving some stress. Growling softly, he hears more of Tsubasa’s soft moans that he begins ramming the fingers into his hole making more soft louder moans leave Tsubasa.
“W..wait baby blue Mffmmm....your thrusting your fingers t..too hard in my..Ohhh!!” he grips some of Rin’s hair feeling him now going harder. His fingers were soaking wet and drenched even if he just pushed them into him. It was nice.
“F..fuck, my ass..it’s...s..so hot. Haaaa Rin-rin it feels really good all of a sudden......” he whispered holding onto him that made Rin lean in close to wanting kisses. He kisses Tsu deeply once more while they make out knowing he was dripping on the ground under him with a puddle left over.
“His lips are hot..even his tongue is hot s it moves against my own...has his flames around here get stronger due to being aroused by me????” he asked himself feeling all this happening, even if his body was reacting from when they were always teasing one another.
However, the sounds Tsu made was making him become aroused himself. He keeps this up, pulling his fingers out now heavily drenched, and aligning his own throbbing hot cock against his wet twitching hole. Tsubasa knew they shouldn’t be the risk of being out here was rather exciting. He still feels Rin’s hot breath brushing against his neck, the flames burning around even hotter that it goes up high in the night sky. He feels him grinding against his wet hole while it drips heavily from the heated arousal till he stops to rub the tip against it.
“R..Rin-Rin, I know yo.oooo....you lost yourself but just t.. take it e..easy now...” He softly speaks to him flushed. He tries to talk to him again but Rin suddenly slams him down hard onto his cock being buried deeply inside of him. Tsubasa screams out feeling his throbbing hot cock inside of his hole as it felt really warm inside. He shakes against the tree before Rin loosens his hold on his wrists and held onto his thighs instead. He started thrusting up into him.
He begins moaning out heavily feeling Rin thrusting hard into him, his pump ass jiggling each time Rin pushes up against him. Grunting with soft growls leaves the demon as Rin was holding him tightly not stopping nor slowing down. He heard Tsubasa’s moans as he leans his head back slightly, moaning into the night sky with Rin’s flames burning. He panted hugging Rin into his chest but he was trying to not be too loud for others to hear or think Rin was hurting him.
In fact, he was making him feel good. Way too good! The heat pulsing through his body like a spark. Tsubasa was unsure but it could be due to his demon blood driving him wild even if he snapped. He curls his toes still feeling Rin thrusting hard into him as he started going harder inside of him.
“F..Fuck...Fuck, baby blue your s..so rough....hhaaaa..it feels really g..good!” he moans into his ear with his tongue slightly hanging out but he hisses feeling Rin’s sharp nails cutting into his skin leaving some blood to run just a little. Rin panted still fucking Tsubasa that he growls trying to go even harder. A startled moan leaves Tsu’s lips but he shuts his eyes feeling his glasses tilted a little.
“R..rin-Rin, my q..queen..haaa..p..please.....It’s so deep inside of me...does it feel good for you? Is it g..good? Is fucking your goddess this good to you?” he whispered into the shell of his ear that Rin snarled suddenly pounding even more harder making Tsubasa scream out drooling.
“Rin-Rin, f..fuck!! Fuck me m..more!!” He begs loudly feeling him doing as he said while thrusting down into his hole. It wouldn’t let him go but only swallows him even more. He keeps thrusting more and more still crying out clawing the ground even if Rin pounds into him worse and worse. He panted heavily, loving how Tsubasa feels inside. So wet and tight that he growls even worse to quicken his thrusts hearing the skin slapping against one another till he groans out loudly, feeling his cock suddenly cum deeply inside of Tsubasa’s hole. He twitches feeling the hot flow of cum to heavily pant cumming himself.
“Haa...hhaaaa...hah...” Tsubasa slowly opens his eyes to look at Rin but he sees him panting still drooling heavily that he growls lowering down to kiss him again but now make out again.
Shredded clothes were on the side with wild loud moaning echoing through the forest to show Rin slamming into his hole again. He was spanking Tsubasa’s ass while making him take every inch of his cock deeply. Tsubasa was coated in scratches, bite marks, and red imprints of Rin’s hands from spanking while looking lost in pleasure. He even activated his Kitsune bracelet due to the pleasured heat . His exposed flamed tails swaying behind him. He was so lost into pleasure he forgot about the mission of bring Rin back or snapping him out of it. He will sooner or later so he figures helping him ride out his sex drive would work.
He was holding Tsubasa down while biting his shoulder now while hearing weak whimpering excited moans from Tsubasa as he was already feeling close from the two hours of fucking. He quickens his thrusts hearing Tsubasa’s voice breaking up till he moans out clawing the ground with sharp nails.
“A..again? Your gonna cum inside of m..me again! I think I’m going t..to cum again too...I..I can’t..” he lowers his head feeling the quickened thrusts till he cries out, cumming hard onto the ground once again. He panted soaked in sweat that Rin was licking his shoulder again. Tsubasa whines feeling him let it go and share a kiss again. Their tongues swirling against one another to make Tsu think he was done? Suddenly....he felt Rin’s hips move again.
He yelps feeling his already stuffed hole filled with Rin’s cum running down his thighs as he groans looking down that they didn’t know the flamed walls were now purple. Well, in a few more hours, he will snap out of it. Sooner or later. Tsubasa will use this time to help Rin no matter what it takes. Though, when he dose, he’ll have to take care of Rin and then punish him later.
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It’s OK If You Forget Me Future Chapter 1
Here’s a second future chapter that’s in-progress for It’s OK If You Forget Me.  I’m currently in the process of completing a commissioned fanfiction, as well as working on any in-progress and future stories.  So enjoy this little tidbit of a chapter!
Rin stared at the letter he held in his hand. Kushina-sensei had given it to him just a few minutes ago, stating that it was from Suguro Tatsuma…Ryuuji’s father. Feeling the comforting and steady support that Gabbie provided him by resting her hand on his shoulder, he gathered the courage to finally open it.  It was hard reading it at first, given the fact it was in cursive, but Iruka-sensei had been nothing but meticulous in his tutoring with Rin.  He stumbled a bit at first, but his voice gained confidence as he continued to read the letter aloud to his friends.  Learning more of Father Fujimoto’s past, his eyes widened in disbelief when he came to the part where Tatsuma and Shiro first met. Knowing that it was because of Shiro’s intervention that Ryuuji was even alive today, he whispered a silent thank you to his deceased father.  Blue eyes darkened when he reached the end, hearing the silent plea from the older man. Tatsuma didn’t fear him…he believed in Rin.  Believed that Rin’s flames were the answer to ending the resurrected Impure King and purifying his miasma.  Glancing up from the letter, he found his teammates’ eyes looking at him, determination written on their features.  He turned back to face Kushina-sensei and nodded.
The redhead broke into a relieved smile at Rin’s acceptance.  “Good. Okay, Team Kakashi…go and get packed. We leave in a few hours.”  As the teens went to their respective dorms, she turned and gave Rin a concerned look. “Rin, are you sure you’ll be comfortable with this mission?  I know it hasn’t been that long since you left and I’m worried that it might be too soon for you to handle seeing your old teammates again.”
Rin smiled at the motherly concern coming from the older woman.  While he had never known his real mother, ever since he’d met Kushina-sensei, he finally got a glimpse of what it was like.  She treated all of them like her children, Rin especially.  “Don’t worry, Kushina-sensei, I’ll be okay.  My friends will be with me and I can trust them to have my back.”  He didn’t mention any comparison of them to his former teammates, but it could be heard in his voice.  The obvious affection when Rin spoke of them versus his stiff demeanor when any mention of his previous home was mentioned.  “I’d better get going.  Knowing Naruto, he’ll be packing my stuff for me if I’m not there.”  With a slight wave, he turned and jogged back towards his shared dorm.
Kushina watched him leave, a fond smile on her lips. He’d blossomed so much during his short time here, it seemed like his emotional wounds were finally healing. And now this…being dragged back into a situation entirely of True Cross’ making.  Gods above, couldn’t they leave that poor boy alone for once?! Shaking her head of any depressing thoughts, she resolved to show them just who they were dealing with.  True Cross had screwed up royally with their treatment of Rin and she intended to throw it back in their face when they encountered the team from Konoha Exorcist Academy.
Naruto glanced up as Rin entered their dorm room. “Are you sure you want to do this, Rin? I mean, I can understand if…”
“It’s okay, Naruto.  I mean, yeah, it’s going to be tough seeing them again, but I’m not letting it bother me.  They had their chance and they blew it.  End of story. Now, let’s get packed before Kushina-sensei ends up leaving us behind.”
Naruto hid his smile as he turned back to his packing. Rin seemed to be holding up pretty well. But it was easy to say you were okay until you were faced with the real-life situation.  And for their sake, True Cross better not say or do anything to Rin with Naruto and his teammates there.  They might just find out what half-demons really could do if they were antagonized enough.
Ryuuji could only stare incredulously as Shura told them about the additional “help” they’d be receiving.  A specialized team from Konoha Exorcist Academy that were coming to Kyoto from the States.  Or to put it more accurately, Rin and his team, were coming to assist them in dealing with the situation involving the Impure King’s eyes being stolen from their two supposedly secure locations. He could feel his heart start beating faster at the realization that Rin would soon be back in Japan.  How many nights had he lain awake imagining how the reunion would go?  And part of him feared how Rin would react when they met again.  He could hear his teammates whispering excitedly at the news of Rin coming back. So much had changed in the short months Rin had been gone.
“Kirigakure-san!  The team from Konoha Exorcist Academy has arrived!”
Shura nodded to acknowledge she’d heard. “Listen to me…all of you.  You will not swarm Rin when he steps into this room. I mean it.  He still has a hard time dealing with what happened and I will not have you undoing any progress he’s made.  Are we clear?  If Rin chooses to talk to you, then fine.  But I’ll be honest with you, I wouldn’t get my hopes up.  He’s not the same Rin that you knew. Then again, considering he’s found people who care about him, it would be hard for him not to change.”
The red-head’s words were like a bucket of cold water doused over their heads.  It was going to take a lot of effort for them to get the half-demon to even contemplate forgiving them.  Their depression was temporarily forgotten as they felt the team’s arrival before they even stepped through the door.  Their spiritual power was overwhelming.  Ryuuji could see Shiemi shaking as she felt it.  Even the usually unflappable Izumo was looking wary.  What kind of juggernauts were on Rin’s team?!  And then the door opened.  Nine teens and five adults sauntered into the room, a hush filling the room as people got their first glimpse of the team dubbed Team Kakashi.  Six pairs of eyes could only widen as they took in their appearance.  Wearing street clothes, the teens didn’t seem to have an assigned school uniform.
Ryuuji saw the familiar swish of a black, fur-tufted tail.  Rin stood only a few short feet away and yet, it felt like a gigantic chasm between them. Keen eyes picked out the minute details of Rin’s appearance.  His blue-black hair had grown longer, almost reaching his shoulders.  Seeing him laugh at something the blond male said made his heart twinge with envy.  He seemed so much happier, freer with his new teammates.  Brown eyes widened when he noticed the absence of Kurikara.  Rin always carried the sword with him.  Why was he here without it?
“Alright, pay attention!  I’m only going to make introductions once, so you’d better listen up.” Shura’s loud voice sliced through the uneasy tension in the room.  “This is Team Kakashi from the Konoha Exorcist Academy.  They’ve come to help your asses, so you’d better be fucking grateful.”  Turning back to face Kushina, she said warmly, “It’s nice to see you again, Kushina-san.  Thank you for agreeing to help us.”  She gave Rin a quick wink before turning back to face the others in the room.  “When I call their name, each member will raise their hand to make it easier to recognize them.”
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splendidlyimperfect · 4 years
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Ao no Exorcist | Blue Exorcist Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Okumura Rin/Suguro "Bon" Ryuuji, Okumura Rin & Suguro "Bon" Ryuuji Additional Tags: Canon Universe, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, Crying, Hugs, Reluctant Affection, Bon's not great a feelings but Rin needs a hug, Feelings, Parent Death, Past Character Death, Pre-Slash, I just have a lot of feelings okay, Tails, Bon really wants to touch Rin's tail but isn't sure why, it's because he's gay, This is sappy as shit, The Author Regrets Nothing
“He killed my dad, too.”
Bon freezes with the door to the roof partway open, letting a sliver of light spill out into the night. The voice is Rin’s, and Bon can just see him sitting on the edge of the roof with his knees pulled up to his chest. Bon frowns, shifting to see if Yukio is sitting there, but nobody else is around except Rin’s familiar, Kuro.
Kuro meows at Rin and headbutts him, curling around his back and rubbing his face against Rin’s leg. Rin sniffs, and Bon realizes with a start that he’s crying.
Continue reading on AO3
“I know,” Rin says quietly, reaching down to scratch behind Kuro’s ears. “I just wish I could...” His voice wobbles and he drops his forehead to his knees, shoulders trembling.
Bon’s fingers tighten on the door handle and he hesitates, looking between Rin and the stairs behind him. He’d come up here for quiet – the view of the city at night clears his mind when things are complicated – and Rin is anything but quiet. But he can’t just leave.
Kuro meows again and Rin shakes his head. “They’re still scared of me,” he mumbles into his sweater. “Back at camp, I just wanted to protect them. I didn’t mean to...” He pulls tighter into himself, glancing down at Kurikara, which is sitting on the roof next to him. “They’re right. I am dangerous.” Kuro makes an indignant sound, but Rin ignores him. “Maybe it’d be better if they’d killed me.”
“Don’t talk like that, idiot!” Bon shoves the door open the rest of the way and stalks over to the edge of the roof, hands tightened into fists. Rin flinches, looking up at him with wide eyes. His expression jumps from confusion to fear, taking a quick detour at shame before ending up at anger.
“What do you care?” he snarls, baring sharp teeth while Kuro hisses at Bon. “Or do you just want to do it yourself?” The anger quickly disappears, and Rin just looks exhausted. He nods at the sword. “Go ahead. It doesn’t matter.”
“Don’t be stupid,” Bon insists, but guilt simmers in his chest as his earlier words come back to him. I’ll kill you myself. There’s no bruise on Rin’s cheek from where Bon hit him – Bon supposes that must have something to do with him being a demon. “I didn’t mean it.”
“Yes, you did,” Rin says. He looks back out over the city, resting his chin on his folded arms. Kuro hisses at Bon, then stalks around to Rin’s other side, curling up against him.
Bon sighs, rubbing his face, then sits down on the roof with his feet hanging over the edge. Rin shifts away from him, pulling his legs closer to his chest. His cheeks are still wet, and his eyes are red, and the defeated expression on his face makes Bon feel like shit. Up here in the dark, Rin doesn’t look like a demon. He just looks like a small, scared boy, and Bon knows exactly how that feels.
“I’m sorry,” Bon manages, grinding his teeth. He’s never been good at apologizing. “I’m not gonna kill you. You’re not evil, or whatever.”
Rin doesn’t answer. Something moves in the corner of Bon’s vision and he realizes that it’s Rin’s tail, flicking back and forth in agitation. It’s fascinating, and he almost reaches out to touch it but pulls back before he can embarrass himself. Instead he leans back on both hands and looks up at the stars. It’s hard to see them with all the light pollution, but he can pick out a few familiar constellations.
“What did you mean about him killing your dad?” Bon asks after a few minutes of silence. Rin tips his head again and his brow furrows into a frown. “You were talking to, uh... the cat,” Bon says quickly. His cheeks feel hot and he’s not sure why. “You said ‘he’ killed your dad. Who?”
“Oh.” Rin picks at a loose thread on the cuff of his sweater. “Satan.”
“But isn’t he—”
“He’s not my dad,” Rin growls. There’s another sharp flash of teeth, but it’s accompanied by a waver in Rin’s voice. “You said—all of you, your families were killed by Satan, but so was mine.” He sniffs and wipes his face. “He killed my dad, too. I watched him die and I couldn’t do anything.”
The guilt in Bon’s chest grows heavier as he watches Rin bite his lip to try and hold in the tears. “I didn’t know,” he says. “I’m sorry.”
“I didn’t ask for this,” Rin says, gesturing to the sword beside him. “I wasn’t trying to lie to anyone, or trick any of you. I just...”
“I liked having friends,” Rin says, so quiet that Bon can barely hear him. “I never had friends before.”
“You still have friends,” Bon says.
Rin frowns. “But you said—”
“I know what I said. Listen to what I’m saying now. You saved Konekomaru today. You proved you’re not evil, or gonna hurt any of us.” Rin doesn’t say anything and Bon sighs. “I still think you’re a dumbass,” he grumbles. “But you’re my friend.”
Rin shakes his head and Bon can see tears spilling down his cheeks. “Don’t,” he says quietly. “Please, I just—”
“Come here, you idiot.” Bon’s moving before he can stop himself, shuffling closer to Rin and wrapping an arm around his shoulders. Something in his stomach does a little flip and he pushes it back, ignoring the sensation. Rin stiffens under his touch but doesn’t push Bon away.
“What are you doing?”
“What does it look like?” Bon’s happy it’s dark so that Rin can’t see the red flush that’s creeping up his neck to his cheeks. Being this close to Rin without fighting is strange, and Bon’s surprised to find that he really doesn’t hate it. Rin smells a bit like woodsmoke, and his skin is warm where Bon’s fingers touch his arm.
“I don’t—”
“Just shut up,” Bon grumbles.
There’s a long moment where Rin seems like he might get up and run, and then it’s as if he deflates completely. He slumps against Bon, head coming to rest on his shoulder, and lets out a soft, grief-filled cry that takes Bon back to being small and angry and afraid.
“I miss my dad,” Rin manages between tears. “I’m sorry.”
Bon’s not sure what Rin is apologizing for, but he doesn’t ask. Instead he runs his thumb across Rin’s shoulder and lets him cry. It’s both strange and comforting at the same time – like they’re meant to do this instead of bicker and fight.
Eventually the tears peter out and Rin takes a shaky breath, lifting his head and rubbing his eyes with his sleeves. He doesn’t move away, though, so neither does Bon. The moment feels like spun sugar, a second from dissolving, and Bon’s not sure he wants it to end.
“They’re gonna kill me,” Rin says quietly. “If I don’t pass the exam.”
Bon’s stomach twists uncomfortably at the idea, but he keeps his voice steady when he says, “Then pass it.”
“I’m trying.”
Bon’s about to reply when something brushes his leg and he jumps in surprise.
“Shit, sorry,” Rin says as Bon realizes it’s his tail. He quickly grabs it and tucks it under his leg. “It kinda, um... has a mind of its own sometimes.”
“Oh.” Bon feels the inexplicable urge to touch it again. “It’s okay.” Rin manages to keep the end of the tail trapped for a few seconds before it frees itself and flicks against Bon’s thigh again. “What does it feel like? Having a tail?”
“Weird,” Rin admits. Neither of them mentions the fact that Bon’s arm is still around his shoulder. “It’s uncomfortable to hide it.”
“Can I touch it?” Bon finally asks. The last half hour has been one of the weirdest of his life, and he’s pretty sure Rin’s not going to push him off the roof for asking. Rin nods awkwardly and Bon reaches out, running his fingers across the fur. “It’s soft.”
Rin doesn’t answer, and when Bon’s fingers reach the end of his tail, he makes a small squeaking noise.
“Sorry,” Bon says, quickly withdrawing his hand, but Rin shakes his head.
“No, it’s fine.” He swallows, and Bon’s pretty sure he shuffles a tiny bit closer. “It’s, um... it feels nice.” Bon’s cheeks burn when Rin tips his head back onto his shoulder, then nudges him with his knee. “Can you...”
He brings his hand back to Rin’s tail, combing his fingers through the fur carefully. Rin sighs, then makes a quiet sound that’s almost a purr as he relaxes against Bon again.
A million thoughts drift through Bon’s mind as he keeps stroking Rin’s tail, wondering how in the hell he managed to end up here. It’s not uncomfortable though, and neither of them move to break the silence. Kuro joins them, hopping up on Rin’s lap and stretching out so one paw is touching Bon’s thigh.
“I’ll help you study,” Bon says, breaking the silence between them. “If you want.”
“Only if you take it seriously.”
“I will,” Rin promises, and Bon can hear the sincerity in his usually affable tone. “I have to.”
Bon nods, then slowly, carefully tips his head so it’s leaning on Rin’s. It feels right, and he knows for sure that he doesn’t want to lose this – whatever it is. He has no idea what tomorrow will bring. Maybe they’ll yell at each other, maybe they’ll fight. Maybe things will be a little bit softer.
“You’ll pass,” he says. “We both will. And then we’ll kick Satan’s ass and avenge everyone.”
“Promise?” Rin asks, so quiet that Bon can barely hear him, and Bon nods against his hair.
“Yeah,” he says. “I promise.”
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bakubabes-tatakae · 4 years
The Demon’s Keeper (Part Four)
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Author’s Note: If anyone wants to be added to the taglist for this feel free to let me know ! Happy to add anyone !
(Rin Okumura x Reader)
Summary: Rin Okumura is a hot headed demon who is hard to keep under control, only one person seems to be able to do it better than anyone, Y/N. For that, she’ll be known at the Demon’s Keeper, but what exactly does that entail for them?
AO3 Link
Part One, Part Two:*NSFW Ahead*, Part Three
Part Four:
Word Count:2836
I grabbed Rin’s hand and Shiro led us through the street. Coal Tars were filling the air, I had never seen anything like it before. Shiro exorcised them as we ran, trying to clear a path. “The road is unmarked for those without faith. The hand of faith will fling them from Jacob’s ladder.” More puffs of smoke as the Coal Tars disappeared. My brain couldn’t wrap around what was happening, but my body moved without me even thinking about it. I had to get Rin out of there. I wouldn’t let him be harmed. Shiro’s words the other day ran through my head... “Protect him in any way you can, keep his anger under control as best as you can. If anything ever happens that could bring out his powers I need you to follow everything I tell you to the letter and not falter.” I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. Come on Y/N, I need to focus. 
Shiro grabbed the door on the top of a roof and yanked it open, basically throwing Rin and I through it and slamming the door behind him. “You know, it’s not exactly easy to babysit at my age.”
Rin raised his fist. “Hey, who are you calling a baby.”
Shiro started running down the stairs. “Let’s get home as quick as we can.”
“Are you saying it’s not over?”
Shiro turned, a look of anger on his face. He wasn’t angry at us, angry at the demons who thought it was okay to try and harm his son. “I already told you, demons of all species will be coming after you.The sun will be down soon, that’s when the demons really become active.”
I grabbed Rin’s hand again and started dragging him behind Shiro as we ran through the building and back out onto the street. As we finally reached the gates of the monastery other monks were running toward us. They began to speak before we could even get a word in. “Welcome home!”
“How did it go?” Shiro slowed when we made it to the gate. 
“We purged all of the Coal Tars and I triple reinforced the spiritual barrier all around the monastery.”
We continued to walk toward the door, determination all across Shiro’s face. “Double it again. It surely won’t hold until morning. We are being attacked by a kinsmen of Astaroth.. I want the sewers doused with triple density holy water. Not a single one must be allowed to infiltrate.” 
“Yes sir,” He ran off, getting started on his orders as we entered the main room.
Loud bangs were being heard outside and Rin and I whipped around to look behind us. I grabbed Rin’s arm and buried my face. “Shiro, what was that?”
“Demon’s are trying to get in, the barrier is stopping them.” He was moving the organ across the floor and showed a hidden stairwell.He turned to us. “Come with me.”
We followed without hesitation and we approached a locked cabinet. Shiro unlocked it and held up a sheathed sword for us to see. “This is the Kouma sword, also known as Kurikara, the name of an ancient and legendary demon slaying sword. Many years ago I transferred your demonic powers to this sword and sealed the scabbard.”
Rin tensed in my arms. “Wait… my… powers?”
“This sword is more important than your life. It must never fall into anyone’s hands. Keep it by your side, even when you sleep. Remember, this must never be drawn. Once drawn your demonic powers will be awakened and then you can never go back to being human.”
Rin looked angry. “Hold on, if I’m supposed to be some kind of demon, then don’t tell me he’s one.” We both knew he was referring to Yukio.”
“Even though you and Yukio are fraternal twins, Yukio was underdeveloped and frail and proved too weak to sustain the power. You alone inherited these powers.” Shiro looked over at me. “You remember all that we talked about the other night?”
I nodded and tightened my grip on Rin’s arm. “Yes sir.”
Rin’s glance shot over to me as more loud bangs could be heard outside. He was clearly agitated that I was in the loop at all. “Did everybody know about this? That I’m not really a human being?” He started to shout. “That I’m the spawn of the devil! Why the hell did you keep quiet about something this important the whole time?!”
Shiro was getting angry with Rin. “I’ll raise you as long as you remain human. In order to keep you alive, you of demonic origin, it’s the one condition that had to be met.”
“Condition?” Rin and I spoke at once. 
“I needed to raise you as a human being. That’s why I chose to say nothing about the secret of you and your brother’s birth.” A crash was heard, it had such force that the entire monastery was shaking. “Come on!” Shiro handed Rin the sword and led us back up the stairs. 
When we got back up the stairs we noticed that the entrance had been completely demolished. The young boy Shiro had just exorcised was back, clearly posessed again. His horns were back and he looked even more disfigured than he did the first time. He had two ghouls in tow. “I’ve come for you my little prince. Let us return home to Gehenna.” He reached and grabbed onto Rin’s leg, his arm extending across the entire room. Rin hit the ground as he tugged him and the monks closest to the boy threw holy water on him, causing him to lose his grip.
Rin sat on the floor and I knelt down next to him. “Rin, are you okay?” 
Shiro grabbed us both by the shirt and threw us upright and into the wall. “Come morning the demons will taper off, you guys have got to leave now and hide yourselves where the demon won’t find you. Do you hear me Y/N?”
“Hide? Where are we going to hide Shiro?” I was panicked. 
Shiro held his cell phone out and stuck it in my hand. “There’s only one number saved in this. He’s a good friend, call him as soon as you two leave the monastery. I’m certain he’ll be willing to take you in and protect you.”
Rin tried to interject. “Hey-” He was cut off when Shiro gave him a huge shove and he tumbled down the stairs.
He looked at me and pointed down the stairs. “Keep him safe Y/N.”
I ran down the stairs to grab Rin and Shiro shut the door behind us. Rin broke free of my grasp and headed for the stairs, yelling to Shiro. “We’re not done talking yet.”
I grabbed his arm and tugged on it. “Rin, we have to go. We can’t stay here. We have to make it to the road and call this number.”
Rin fought and fought. “I’m not leaving!” He climbed back up the stairs and started banging on the door. “Let me out old man!” As he continued to hit the door over and over it finally came free. Rin ran through the opening and grabbed a pitch fork and threw it as hard as he could toward the possessed boy, his form was now gigantic. What had happened while we were stuck down there? He looked over at Shiro as the boy went flying backwards. “Like I said, we ain’t done talking yet you old fart.”
The demon spoke. “Young prince, what on earth,” 
The demon was cut off as Shiro spoke and slammed his foot into his chest. “Lord in heaven hang a millstone around his neck so that he may never again rise from the depths in hell, inhabited by Leviathan.”
It pleaded. “Stop!”
“Unable to see and unable to hear, imprisoned by eternal darkness.” It screamed and black smoke came pouring out of its mouth again, turning the boy back into his normal self. Shiro looked at the monks around him. “Bring the car around.” He looked down at the boy. “Someone brand this youngster with the mark of tetramorph and don’t forget to purify him.”
“Yes father.”
I interjected, they were clearly all hurt. “Wait a second, shouldn’t you take care of your own wounds first?”
“No,” Shiro turned to us. “Right now our first and only priority is to get you guys safe and into hiding. Don’t ever forget Rin, that the demons are coming after.”
Rin’s eyes turned to small slits as his anger started to get the best of him. “Is that right? So what you’re saying is that life would be a lot better if I was history?”
“No Rin!”
“Fine, I’ll be happy to bounce, you’d feel a lot better if I did anyway.” Rin grabbed my hand and started to lead me toward the door. 
Shiro ran after us. “Rin!”He grabbed Rin’s shoulder.
Rin turned and slapped his hand away. “Let go. You’re the one that wants to kick me out of here. You don’t have to tell me that I’m the screwed up son…. Actually, we’re not even related, so I’m the screwed up stranger, right?”
I grabbed his arm and tugged on him. “Stop it Rin!”
“Come on, why won’t he admit it!?” He looked from me to Shiro. “You’re just sick and tired of pretending to be my family. Or is it against your religion to say something like that? Or wait, is it that you want one last time to play the perfect dad!” As the next words left Rin’s mouth I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “Give me a break. You’re not my father. You’re nobody to me. Don’t ever let me see you acting like my father again.”
Shiro went to open his mouth, but I stepped in front of him. “RIN, ENOUGH!” Shiro reached around me and planted a slap across Rin’s face. Rin didn’t speak after the slap, he just stood and stared at the two of us. I could feel tears running down my face, this wasn’t how today was supposed to go. I leaned forward and put my hands on Rin’s chest and buried my face in it. I could feel all my emotions welling up inside and tried so hard not to let them out. 
Shiro spoke. “It will be morning soon. Hurry, go get your things.”
Rin put his hand on the back of my head and held me to him. “Yea, okay.” He put his arm around my waist and started to lead me to our bedroom. What had just happened?
From behind us we heard a tumble, we turned to see the monks all running toward Shiro. Shiro was on his knees, clutching his chest. They started to yell for him. “Father Fujimoto!”
“Stay away!” He was shaking. “Don’t come another step closer to me.” The lights on the wall around us started to burst, glass shattering everywhere. 
It was dark now. Rin’s grip on my waist tightened as he pulled me toward him, the Kurikara sword held tightly in his other hand. “What’s going on?”
A demonic laugh came from Shiro as his body shook. “At long last, I’ve claimed this body as my own.”
Rin approached Shiro. “Old man?”
Shiro looked up at the two of us, he smiled, his teeth were sharp as daggers and we watched his ears turn long and pointed. “Finally, we meet, my long lost son!” Blue flames erupted around Shiro’s body as he stood up straight, laughing maniacally. Rin took his hand off my waist to shield his face from the heat. 
“What the hell’s wrong with you old man?”
The monks were in the corner, hiding behind a wall, trying to plan an attack. “He’s been possessed. Satan has entered him and taken over his body.”
Shiro looked at us. His voice had a demonic tone to it. “It’s exactly as he says. I am Satan. I am the ruler of Gehenna and your true father, but you can call me poppa if you want.” He laughed again. 
“Father Fujimoto!”
They all started to run at him. “SHUT UP!” Blue flames erupted on their bodies as well and they were lifted off the ground, tossed aside like they were nothing but garbage. “Don’t you dare spoil our touching reunion. I’m afraid time is running out for me.” Rin and I were glued in place, neither of us able to move. “My power is too much for Assiah and so, whatever I possess is doomed not to last long.” Blood was starting to run down Shiro’s face. “Including this old man’s body and just like your mother, my son.”
A black ooze was beginning to form in a huge opening on the floor in front of us. Ooze was starting to rise from the floor. Rin started to push me backwards, tripping over his own feet, sending me flying into the wall behind us and him hitting the floor. “What the hell is that?”
“Gehenna gate. The magical door linking Assiah and Gehenna, now then, let’s be off.” He walked toward Rin. 
Rin started to crawl backwards toward me, still clutching the sword. “No, stay away!” As he screamed blue flames, exactly matching the ones around Shiro’s body, engulfed him, just like they had in the alley.
Satan laughed more. “What was that supposed to be? Did you just piss your pants or something? Pathetic.” He approached him again. “Just get your demonic powers back already.” He grabbed Rin by the sweatshirt and lifted him. 
I started to crawl forward. “RIN!”
With one flick of his wrist the demon possessing Shiro sent me flying backwards again and then started to drag Rin across the floor. I clutched my side as I hit the ground and Rin fought against his grip. “Y/N!” He reached out toward me. “I’m not a demon. I’m a human.”
“The dark blood of the ruler of Gehenna runs thick in your veins, yet your body exists here in Assiah.” He picked him up and tossed him into the ooze. “You’re extraordinary, you know?”
The ooze started to form around Rin and the blue flames subsided. Rin’s screams crushed me. It was hopeless. How had Shiro expected me to do anything when I had no idea what was happening?
“Today’s the day or your rebirth my son.” The demon held his arms up. 
Rin pleaded with us for help. “Somebody! Help me!” I had never seen him scream so loud or look so terrified. 
“Happy birthday my beloved son!” Suddenly Shiro grabbed his necklace and plunged it into his heart. The next time he spoke his voice was normal, though the flames still engulfed him. “No, that boy is my son and I’m taking him back.” The two fought each other for possession of Shiro’s body. “Curses, what do you think you’re doing? Damn you exorcist.” Shiro’s body collapsed in front of us. “So, you mean to sacrifice your own life for him? You astound me you wretched priest. However, it’s already too late.” Shiro’s body was slowly sinking into the ooze. “Gehenna gate has taken ahold of you and it will never let you go.”
Rin was in completely panic mode. He rushed through the ooze and over to Shiro. “Old man!” He pushed and pushed. “Hang on old man! Don’t give up! DAMN!” They both started to sink in.”
My panic rose more as Rin and Shiro vanished under the black ooze. My adrenaline pulsed through my body and I stood up, running as fast as I could toward them. Suddenly, Rin’s hand came back up through the ooze and grabbed the Kurikara sword. I tried to stop him. “Rin! No! Remember what Shiro told you, if you draw that sword you’ll-” I was too late. Rin pulled the sword out of the sheath and a blue light shown before flames engulfed Rin’s body. His ears turned pointed and a tail grew behind him. He raised the sword above his head and screamed as he flung it back down, hitting the ooze, causing it to disappear. Shiro’s lifeless body laid in front of us. Rin put the sword back in the sheath and dropped to his knees. I could see the tears falling down his face. 
I ran over to him and dropped onto my knees in front of him. Before I could grab hold of him he dropped the Kurikara sword and collapsed into my arms, burying himself into me. “Dad...” 
A familiar voice spoke behind us. “Rin?” As I turned I saw who it was, Yukio. Yukio took off at a run when he saw Shiro and dropped next to him. 
Rin let all his emotions go and shook uncontrollably, tears soaking the front of my shirt. I held him tight. “I’m right here baby.” He wrapped his arms around my waist to hold me closer. “I’ll never let you go Rin.”
Taglist 💕 @thebookwormfairy @psycho-emi 
Part Five, Part Six
Updated: 5/13/2020
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everyryuujisuguro · 9 months
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tonguetiedraven · 3 years
The Blood Between My Fingers
Part: One, two (you're here)
Prompt: Bon bled out in Konekomaru's arms, dying in utter agony. But now, now Konekomaru is back an hour before it happened, and he's determined to change how it went down.
But some things are written in the stars and can't be changed.
TW/CW for blood and gore mentions — — — — —
Konekomaru slipped to the back of the group as Izumo and Shiemi joined them. Bon didn’t notice the blood on his stomach, and Konekomaru couldn’t remember if it had been there last time.
He wanted some space from everyone. Some room to breathe and try to understand.
Bon wasn’t dead. Bon was, aside from the massive welt on his cheek, entirely fine. Tatsuma was in the forest fighting Toudou, and in a handful of minutes, he was not going to be fine.
Rin was in the prison underground, and he was awaiting a death sentence.
They were all running out of time, and Konekomaru shouldn’t know any of it. None of this could be real, and none of it made sense, but that did nothing to change the reality of the situation that he had been holding his hands against Bon’s bleeding body.
Think. What was going on?
“Kids!” Shura seemed to materialize out of nowhere. She smiled, showing perfect teeth and tilted her body just so to appear younger than she was. Girlish in a way. “I got a favor I need from you.” She thrust her pile of camouflage ponchos forward and shifted them around to reveal Kurikara.
Konekomaru flinched away from it. The blade that had failed them.
“Suguro, I’m gonna trust you with this.”
“What?” Bon accepted the sword and stared down at it like it was some repulsive and alien thing. Konekomaru couldn’t remember if he’d responded like that last time.
“Rin is downstairs in a prison of Mephisto’s. That’s what I need your help with.”
Bon’s head snapped up, and Konekomaru’s heart started to race. It was happening again. Every explained word was the same. Shiemi took the cloaks, just like she had, and Shura left with a flirty bounce.
Bon snatched the top poncho, and without saying a word, marched towards the cell they were keeping Rin in. Konekomaru followed, because he would always follow. He took his own poncho, ignoring Shima’s whines and worries, and hurried after Bon’s retreating form. He remembered being terrified (of Rin, stupidly) and now the terror clogging his throat and twisting his heart was entirely for the boy in front of him.
It was his duty to keep Bon safe. Protect the Bocchan. It’s your responsibility now.
They had been trusted with the enormous responsibility, and the arm he currently had in a sling was proof of that responsibility.* And his failure. He had taken a blow, but Bon had still been hurt.
Now… now they were marching towards death.
No. Not again. It was not going to happen like it had. Or like he had dreamed. (He still didn’t understand.) He would do whatever it took to protect Bon.
— — — — —
Rin was still in the demonic prison, and they were still frozen in place. Shiemi reappeared with Rin in tow, and too many minutes had already passed. Time was running away from them.
“The master,” Konekomaru murmured, trying to draw the attention as they debated on where to go and what all needed doing. “We have to help him. Mamushi—”
“Everyone?” Izumo drawled, looking annoyed.
Had they been there? It was fading away. The last memory was still the clearest, and it was horrible and it couldn’t come true again.
“No. Koneko, Okumura , and Shima. That’s all we need. You two should head towards where True Cross is setting the line. They’ll nowhere they need the most help.”
“Then shouldn’t we take Okumura?” Izumo asked, glancing back at Rin who was still wiping the tears from his eyes.
Konekomaru had entirely misjudged him. He might be dangerous, but he wasn’t evil. He was kind and earnest, a bit stupid, and he was their friend.
But he had been there.
“I agree,” Konekomaru said a bit too loudly. “Okumura should go with them—”
Bon’s eyes shot to him, narrowing in annoyance. “I thought you said you were cool—”
“—They’ll need him at the defense,” Konekomaru continued speaking over Bon. “That’s where the attack will be. That’s where he’ll have the most chance of proving himself.” He wasn’t scared of Rin, not anymore, and not really, but he was terrified of what had happened. He couldn’t let it play out the same way.
Rin had been there, and Rin had failed. He’d been useless in the end. Frozen in some kind of fear and incapable of freeing his sword.
The word he was now holding uselessly.
“Oh.” Bon’s eyes darted between them uncertainly. “Dad wanted him to help. But…”
“I got a phone?” Rin offered. “I could run to whichever one needs me?”
“Just go with them,” and there was that annoyed anger Konekomaru was counting on. Bon was going to leave just to move on and that’s all he needed right now. He needed Bon not here and in different circumstances. Shima would stay, Bon would live, they would save the master, and Toudou wouldn’t kill anyone.
It was simple.
— — — — —
“Give him some space. Looks like it mighta been a nightmare.”
It was not simple. Toudou was far stronger and faster than he should be, and his only interest was in the remnants of Karura. Bon cut his thumb again, bound himself to the demon, and once again, Toudou set to inhilating the line of Suguro.
Konekomaru swallowed and got up. The nightmare couldn’t keep him still. He just had to change how it happened. That was all.
He tried to slap Mamushi before she could utter her damning words. Her blood stained his hand and not Bon’s shirt.
Juuzou shoved him onto the floor. An hour later, Bon still bled out in his hands.
— — — — —
He screamed for them to stop until he was suddenly unconscious. He ran straight out of the inn and dashed for the ancient temple, but he was impaled by some shadowy shaped demon before he could arrive. He dodged it only for Rin to not be freed and the entire inn to burn down. He begged and pleaded and sobbed for Shima to stay and help, but it never worked. He lost count of how many times he saw his friend walk away, and still Bon’s blood continued to leak between his fingers as he gurgled his final breaths into the air.
— — — — —
Give him some space. Looks like it mighta been a nightmare.
They had no idea.
— — — — —— — — — —
A/N: *I totally forgot Koneko has a broken arm in this section during the first part xD
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moryen · 4 years
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Fudō Myō-ō from the Toji temple, Kyoto
wooden sculpture, c.839
Fudō Myō-ō is the central deity in all Myō-ō groupings, and in artwork is positioned in the center. Fudō is a personification of Dainichi Nyorai, and the best known of the Myō-ō, who are venerated especially by the Shingon sect of Japanese Esoteric Buddhism (Mikkyō 密教). Fudō converts anger into salvation; has furious, glaring face, as Fudō seeks to frighten people into accepting the teachings of Dainichi Buddha; carries “kurikara” or devil-subduing sword in right hand (representing wisdom cutting through ignorance); holds rope in left hand (to catch and bind up demons); often has third eye in forehead (all-seeing); often seated or standing on rock (because Fudō is “immovable” in his faith). Fudō is also worshipped as a deity who can bring monetary fortune. Also, Fudō's left eye is often closed, and the teeth bite the upper lip; alternatively, Fudō is shown with two fangs, one pointing upward and other pointing downward. Fudō’s aureole is typically the flames of fire, which according to Buddhist lore, represent the purification of the mind by the burning away of all material desires.
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nightmare-circus · 4 years
Fire, Walk With Me | Copperfield | MM-9 | RE/ATTN: Android Ichi
Copperfield listened, but their expression clearly showed they weren't satisfied with the answer their friend Ichi gave them. Ichi was one of the smartest people Copperfield had ever met, and insightful, but seeing how down they were on themselves all the time, and the sheer despair they had and the weight on their shoulders. It was a lot. It hurt Copperfield to see.
But if they were holding onto all this baggage, at least somehow it made sense? Not that it made it any more comforting.
They didn't pursue further questioning about how Ichi had come back to life. Mostly because as someone who crossed over both ways themselves, Copperfield really didn't have further questions. It made sense. As much as anything could here.
Some other things felt wrong about Ichi's explanation of what happened to Kaeru Kurikara, but Serica spoke up before they could gather their thoughts on it, so Copperfield left that one alone.
However, Ichi's response to their second question only left more questions, and the non-answer of the first just left Copperfield frustrated. They knew they weren't the smartest person here. They knew they struggled to keep up with everything and understand what was obvious to others. But the least that Ichi could do is answer it so at least others could understand.
Copperfield also involuntarily shuddered when Khaski asked his questions. Just his tone. But they had been theorizing that, so it made sense to ask. Anyways, Copperfield could ask a few questions that dovetailed into his
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"Ichi, you said something about your mission to broadcast into the Void. That almost makes it sound like... hmm..."
"You made it sound like Hyvemind was really big and powerful? Also, if I remember right, when people die from the Vanishing, their bodies don't look injured, right?"
Those were rhetorical. Now the real questions.
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"You couldn't have known that wasn't how Kaeru died without having seen it yourself, right? So can Hyvemind see into the Dreamscape, or track it like the VTF has been able to? That'd be the only way that makes sense for you to know?"
"Also, your mission? Why did Hyvemind have you broadcasting into the void? What were you broadcasting? You said they had a lot at stake, what was at stake for them and what were they trying to do?"
"And you saying mission, that almost makes it sound like you were able to vanish on purpose? Is that right?"
They let those questions in the air. Not a lot of this made sense, but hopefully it did to someone else and they'd be able to piece something together Copperfield couldn't. They'd follow up on Paradox later. Copperfield still felt she was important. But 3 was enough for now.
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inspirashion · 5 years
Chapter 11 snippet
Amaimon undid the case and unsheathed the Kurikara. Rin's demonic features became apparent, the demon king's face lit up with amazement.
"Oh. So the blade houses the flames and -" Amaimon broke off when a torrent of blue flame barrelled towards him.
Rin was not pleased.
Of all the days for this shit to happen, it had to be today. He and Reiji had been coming in Gehenna for the past week, and there hasn't been an incident (the case with Beelzebub did not count) but as Yukio decided to accompany them, this is the shit they had to face.
Rin was not in the mood to drag this out. As soon as he gets the chance, he'll open a doorway to Assiah and return.
So, holding his hand in the air, Rin looked like he was preparing to catch something.
"Come." He commanded.
The Kurikara rattled in Amaimon's grip before flying towards its owner, the hilt resting perfectly in Rin's palm.
Going into the Ochs posture - holding his sword above his head on the outside - Rin's eyes were ablaze with blue.
Amaimon grinned. Maybe his little brother who everyone seemed to be obsessed about can be a good playmate.
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uminohotaru · 5 years
Hyakkimaru as an incarnation of Fudo, the Buddha’s fearsome face?
It's interesting how both Taho and Hyakki have their good reasons to do bad things that it’s almost impossible to give a clear answer who is on the right and who is on the wrong here. They descend the road to hell almost in sync, both of them getting more and more resolved to fight for their respective goals and protect their respective important things despite the costs. It was explicitly shown in Jukai episode, scenes jumping between them mercilessly slaying ghouls and throwing away their moral (Hyakki saying screw the people, he has Dororo; Taho saying how he will never let his feelings get in the way again), and then again and again, episode 21 being an epitome of their resolve to literally jump into the abyss. And here's the climax: we have them both as demons.
Or not both?
The ravine full of corpses and those not-completely-demonic orange flames, which transformed the horse into a fire-breathing kirin, had an interesting detail: the giant Buddha statue carved on the side of it. It holds a straight two-sided sword in the right hand and overall resembles the statue of Fudo from episode 13. The statue in the ravine:
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And now the statue from the episode 13:
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It’s face isn’t fierce like that of the Fudo from ep13, but it is most likely Fudo too. 
Fudo Myo-o is one of the important deities of Japanese Buddhism.  His statue can be seen in so many places in Japan that it’s not uncommon to find one near a waterfall or simply by a mountain path.
His Sanskrit name is Ācala and in Japanese his name is written 不動明王.  It literally means “The immovable wisdom king”.  He is the guardian of Buddhism and one of the five Wisdom kings along with Gōzanze, Gundari, Daiitoku and Kongōyasha.  As such, he is the central figure and when the Five Wisdom Kings are represented together, he usually is in the middle.
He converts anger into compassion and cuts the ties of negative feelings and demons to liberate us from suffering through self-control.
Fudō has a furious countenance, blue skin, wielding a straight, double-edged sword in his right hand and rope or noose in the left. The rope is used to pull people back on to the correct path when they are heading towards evil or binds those that are ruled by violent emotions and passions. If the rope is ineffective then the sword is used to sever the link between worldly afflictions and karma thereby quenching the defiance in a persons heart to return them to the right path.
The image of the sword and dragon is seen to represent the weapons used by Fudō, the dragon being the rope, used to capture and bind, not to kill. You can seen here the rule in Gyokko ryū to use only the force that is necessary to achieve victory. The sword is the last resort and you must not rush to use it. Use the technique or weapon that is appropriate.
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While some details are questionable, like wisdom or converting anger into compassion, the parallels are obviously intentional: the red flame surrounding him; the “dragon” as a fire-breathing horse. The parallels between Hyakkimaru and Fudo start the 2nd cour of the anime, the carver finding him to be an ideal personification of the fearsome Buddha: “I must have his face! The most magnificent I’ve ever seen! I’ve been waiting for a face like yours forever!” It appeared kinda strange back then, like why? This pure cute boy - an ideal face for Fudo?? But now it makes sense.
Which rises the question: if Hyakki, “reborn” at the bottom of the ravine full of corpses that were trashed there to rot, is representing the fearsome Buddha, is it completely justifiable for him to destroy and kill Daigo people who were thriving upon his sacrifice? Is he acting as a divine force here, a sword of karma, bringing justice to the land? To a certain extent, sure he is. But the real question is: doest it give him an exclusive right to kill, and by “right” here I mean an action free from karmic consequences? An indulgence is a western motif, but does it work here? I believe it doesn’t and I would hate it the most if the creators justify his rampage in the end, revealing that he actually wasn’t a demon, like Dororo is afraid, but a Buddha’s fierce face - Fudo. 
What I mean is, being the one who brings the karma to the land, Hyakki still remains a human being whose actions must have the consequences, too. He isn’t a wise detached god free from destructive passions who acts with a sole purpose “to return human hearts to the right path.” If anything, he is a destructive passion himself.  “He converts anger into compassion and cuts the ties of negative feelings and demons to liberate us from suffering through self-control” - and this is exactly what Hyakki isn’t, even if his actions have the effect of “cutting the ties of demons” for the Daigo land. So, this is ambiguous: yes, his motives are righteous, and yes, his actions serve as a payback to all those Daigo people (who have no idea, but ok, we can call their prosperous life undeserved), but at the same time - no, his actions AREN’T GOOD. They are driven by the same sentiments that Hyakki accuses his family for: desire to have a normal life. Desire to protect what’s important to you. Remember Sabame telling to Hyakki: “If it is our destiny to live on on this land, I must protect the land and it’s people. I didn’t care that they were ghouls. I was ready to give up my soul if it meant my people could escape this hell. Let me ask you one thing: why do you kill ghouls?” And Hyakki never answers that question. “I don’t care what you’re trying to protect. I will kill the demons and get it all back.” “A vagabond like you would never understand,” Sabame says. But ever since Dororo was captured by Itachi, Hyakki begins to understand that he, too, has something to protect. The transformation of his motivations completes in ep.20 after he nearly loses Dororo, not being able to defend her, and his resolve takes the form of this destructive perseverance to get back his hands and eyes as tools for it no matter the costs. And now he’s going on a bloody rampage to protect Dororo and get her back. It is a tragic irony that in the end he comes to where his enemies started. The power of human attachments...
And isn’t it exactly the same goal for Taho? Basically, it is the same: to protect, only Taho’s motives are more external (not specific people whom he holds dear, but Daigo people in general), while Hyakki’s are internal (Dororo as an important person in his life).
What makes it even more ambiguous is the fact that we see Taho from Hyakki’s perspective still having no sparks of the demonic flame: he is white EXCEPT for Hyakki’s own eyes on him, which is hella strange if Taho is an incarnation of Asura.
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I can take the red eyes and the red spots where the arms are joined to Hyogo and Mutsu’s bodies as just a depiction of the demon’s doing, or that while Hyakki’s body parts are possessed by Asura, they are kind of demonic as well; but the fact that Taho has no demon flame in his aura still remains. I doubt the creators simply forgot to add it here, they are always thorough with the details. It can mean various things and I won’t even dive into it since it’s no use. The mechanics of this world, though has it’s inner logic, still can be bent whatever side the creators want it in the end, so no more predictions. Soon we’ll see. But it was fun to notice and decipher all the curious details. _
Let me add another description of Fudo I found:
The aim of the warrior is to posses Fudōshin, the spirit of Fudō. Fudōshin can be understood as many things – having a magnanimous and compassionate heart that remains dauntless – to possess unwavering resoluteness – to be a point of calm in a tempest – to be steadfast, immovable, imperturbable.  By carrying an image of kenmakiryū on ones weapons the warrior is invoking the protection of Fudō and expressing the aspiration to achieve Fudōshin.  Fudō serves humankind in protecting it from itself, the same should be true of the martial artist in protecting others.
The martial artist is not expressing the idea of non-violence. The martial artist will fight when required for the purpose of protecting others. The difference between selfish power and just action. The martial artist does not seek violence but will respond appropriately to the violence of others with a calm heart.
This can be seen as the calming of emotional responses or extremes. Fudōshin is to be able to control emotions, removing the ego enabling the body, mind and spirit to act in unison, unencumbered by desires – as seen in the idea of mushin 無心, no-mind, a mind that is not distracted as opposed to an empty or vacant mind.
Well, Hyakki is nowhere near that state yet.
And another curious parallel:
There is a legend that Fudō was challenged to duel with a representative of another faith. They both transformed their bodies into various forms to gain advantage, upon assuming the form of flaming swords they found they were equally matched. Fudō then transformed into a dragon, entwining the opponents sword and began to devour it from the tip and achieved victory. This image has been passed down to the modern day as the sword entwining dragon Kurikara Ryū-Ō Fudō 倶梨伽羅龍王不動 or shortened to Kurikara Fudō 倶梨伽羅不動. The dragon is both servant of Fudō as well as being a representation the deity.
The ambivalence continues: Tahomaru, Hyogo and Mutsu as a personification of Asura
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