#who in many ways is the *same guy* in a different font
agnesandhilda · 4 months
isakainess in the sense that isagi and ness are dating but kaiser's ghost is metaphorically looming over them the whole time
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GOD chapter 59 was SO GOOD n i have a lot to say so sending an ask instead of leaving it on the post.
i /love/ when you make things hyper detailed, because your shading techniques are so much fun to sit n stare at and soak in for a while. that being said, the coloring of the wine spilling is what does it for me this time. it still would have been really cool in bw, but not as cool as seeing all the shades of red over the dark blue bg. you did the glass really well too!! I don't think there's a noticeable difference between the wine color inside and outside the glass which is fine bc it's clear, so it RLY makes me appreciate the lighting you have around the glass rim to show the edge in contrast. that tiny little detail makes the image for me. stellar work. i love it
also i do wanna throw in appreciation for the handwritten serif. super well done at first glance it did look like you'd jus typed it out. idk what texture you have on the brush you use for words but it's rly nice to look at up close.
i think the color kinda tipped me off but i waffled bc i couldn't remember if either of his parents spoke in serif font and was a bit daunted to dig thru 50+ chapters to confirm who it was if it didn't turn out to be them. i'm glad i looked at your tags tho haha saved me the trouble. what a way to end the act too!! i read this one on my phone and was scrolling thru the images at full size and after four or so i kept expecting it to cut off. it was a very pleasant surprise to have it keep going, worth the wait to have a longer chapter :)
maybe it jus wasn't meant to be a la sabo getting the letter from sally. it might have to be stelly after all tho there are things that come before then. what a bad time to have one or both of his parents speak to him for the first time that night. oof can't wait for the next act lets goooo
Oh wowww what a beautifully long review!
Thanks so much im glad you like how it turned out, i’m really happy with it, too! Ive never drawn fluids like this before, but i really needed this page to have that extra kick because it was such a short one.
Because i couldnt figure out how to make this moment look slow mo with multiple different panels on one page, I really wanted to make a piece that is like,, frozen in time instead.
A page like this, you can keep on it as long as you’d like. You can make it as slow mo as you want it to be.
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The serif lettering is that of outlook’s!
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I dont know if you can see the difference between this and my usual handwriting, but it’s supposed to look taller. Higher up. Neater. Cleaner. (Still my handwriting though so like so actually neat or clean, but you know like,,, in comparison to the norm.)
His dad only talks in one scene, and his mother has never said anything yet, so i dont blame you if you couldnt find it. In my. Large repertoire of chapters ive accumulated.
I definitely felt the same about the pages when drawing them. But probably the opposite feeling lol. Mine was more like “ugh i forgot theres so many. How many more of these do I have to get through??? How did i do this the first act ending with 11 pages???”
Im so glad you guys are on the edge of your seats with the letter :)
Thanks for the ask!
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long-manic-nights · 9 months
We love @snorhora for suggesting this too.
Assorted OTP Questions
What is each member’s love language?
Takao: you all know this one. Acts of service and words of affirmation. Besides that's what Shin-chan needs.
Midorima: Quiality time and Gift giving (expensive lucky items)
What would they describe as their perfect date?
Takao: Movies!! Watching movies, making out instead of watching them. He's a simple guy.
Midorima: He likes going out to very nice restaurants.
Who made the first move?
If you read my fanfic , you'll know it was a very mutual, very drunk kiss.
Who is more sentimental?
People think it's Takao, but they're wrong. Midorima is a sentimental CANCER.
Which member calls the other in to kill the spiders?
Takao was, and still is, a insect kid. Midorima is extremely disgusted by them, but kills them himself.
Who falls asleep first?
Midorima puts his head on the pillow and falls asleep. Takao hates it for it.
Who wakes up first?
Midorima, every time.
Who is more more relaxed/carefree?
What’s one way their personalities compliment one another? (Is it opposites attract or are they pretty similar?)
They're so opposites attract. Midorima is an introverted and Takao is the extrovert that adopted him and refused to leave.
Who is always cold?
Takao, because there are days he would do anything for the outfit.
Which member is always trying to bring home stray animals and which member always has to say no?
Takao is always bringing strays. Midorima makes him put them up for adoption every time.
Who worries more?
Midorima. He's always worried about something Takao-related, specially if he's not there: Did he eat? Did he get enough sleep? Did he take a sweater before going out? Does he still love him?
What are some non-sexual activities they do together?
Going to the movies.
Who would be able to talk their way out of a speeding ticket?
Who is the better cook?
Takao. Midorima is a danger to us all.
What are some things they don’t agree on?
They agree on pretty much everything, considering they are the same person on different fonts. They desagree mostly about their tastes in music and movies.
Which member is more physically affectionate?
Takao is always sitting on Shin-chan's lap or hugging him or hanging from his neck.
Which member is more verbally affectionate?
Midorima, surprisingly.
How does each member feel about PDA?
Takao: He loves it.
Midorima: He doesn't dislike it as much as he pretends he does.
Who’s the safer driver?
Takao is a 'severe danger on the road', according to Midorima, particularly because he loves driving fast. So, Midorima.
What’s each member flirting style?
Takao: Being a hottie. But mostly with looks and whispering dirty things into Shin-chan's ear.
Midorima: HE IS A GENTLEMAN, PEOPLE. He flirts exclusively by opening doors and kissing his hand.
Which member steals borrows the other ones clothing?
Who is the cuddle initiator?
Midorima, all the time.
Are they an introverted couple or an extroverted one—AKA would they prefer to go out to a party or event together or would they rather stay in?
Introverted couple, with the sole exception of the other miracles, who are the only people Midorima likes espending time with.
Who is the big/little spoon?
Takao is the little spoon. He likes how big Midorima is compared to him.
Who is more likely to make an impulsive decision and who is the voice of reason?
Oh, Takao is a force of nature who doesn't care about reason most of the time. Midorima is always there to put an end to it.
Who’s more likely to laugh at their own jokes?
Who takes longer showers?
Midorima. He has a whole ritual.
Who is “more loved” by the in-laws?
Midorima. Takao's family simply adores him as much as Takao does.
Takao is well hated by his father in law, because he's an homophobic asshole.
Who is more likely to get jealous?
Look, Takao is not very fond of the many pretty girls try to flirt with Shin-chan, but Midorima simply HATES how many people wants to fuck Takao, and he's very obvious about it even when he tries to hide it and play it cool.
What was the most surprising thing they learned about one another once they started dating?
Midorima learned he was a horny teenager.
Takao learned he didn't have to be afraid of connection.
Who stays up way too late and who tries to drag them to bed?
Takao stays up late, and Midorima just...carries him to bed.
Who’s messier?
Takao, but barely.
Which member is more likely to accidentally spend $300 at Target?
Midorima, because he's sugar daddy coded.
Who wanted/would want kids first?
Takao. He loves children.
Who gives piggy back rides to the other?
Midorima. If Takao is hurt or too tired or too drunk, he's always there to carry him around.
Who fell in love first?
Midorima fell so hard and fast after their first kiss.
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tomorrowxtogether · 1 year
All TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s Taehyun Needs Are His Bandmates and MOA
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"Nothing can compare to the happiness I feel on stage,” he says
If you’d asked Taehyun last year how he’d describe his relationship with his TOMORROW X TOGETHER bandmates, he probably would have referred to them as family. These days, though, he’s found a new way to categorize Soobin, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, and Hueningkai.
“The phrase ‘team members’ is more precious to me right now,” he tells Consequence, seated for a one-on-one interview in Osaka, Japan. “It’s special itself.”
Considering the sheer amount of time the five members of TOMORROW X TOGETHER spend together, being as close as family would make sense — but to be a successful team requires a different kind of commitment.
Although Taehyun is the second-youngest member of TXT, there’s a singular air of maturity about him. When in the room with his bandmates for a group interview, he’s able to track who is ready to answer a question with just one glance out of the corner of his eye — and, if he gets the sense that no one else has the desire to do so, he’s able to jump in. Throughout the days spent with TXT’s camp, there’s not a moment where Taehyun isn’t engaged with the people around him, whether it’s rehearsing introductory and closing comments, navigating lighting cues at the arena, or making the most of the interviews.
TXT’s team dynamic is strong, but there’s still plenty of room for the members to explore and express their individuality. Quick-witted and thoughtful, Taehyun is also a superb performer, standing out with his athletic dancing and particular vocal gifts (look no further than the bridge of “Opening Sequence” for proof). When asked how he’d like to be described, Taehyun uses the phrase “never before seen character.” He wants to be unique; he wants to walk his own path — one he hopes will one day bring him to Switzerland to spend some downtime in the mountains.
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He talks fondly about his close circle of friends, most of whom don’t work in entertainment, but who have been in his life long enough that he doesn’t need to explain the nuances of his unique job to them. He recalls showing them the poster for Lollapalooza (where TXT are headlining this upcoming July) and seeing his band’s name in the same size font as the artists they listen to while taking long drives.
“I don’t think there was a year that we performed as much as we did last year,” he says of 2022, which included TXT’s first appearance at the annual Chicago festival. “I learned that I really love performing, and that I’m really serious about performing — and the next thing I learned is that I’m loved by so many people.” MOA, TXT’s dedicated, global fanbase, have certainly underscored that latter point over the years.
“I think something joyful happens once a day,” Taehyun observes. Like his bandmates, Taehyun explains that he tries to soak up all the love they receive from their fans and reflect it back in the moments they’re together during concerts. “Since I’m in a very special line of work, nothing can compare to the happiness I feel on stage,” he says.
The group’s ongoing “ACT: SWEET MIRAGE” tour (tickets available here) is a longer show than many others out there; like most K-pop concerts, there is no opener on the bill, and the guys are onstage for nearly three hours, doing all the heavy lifting themselves. The work required to pull it off extends far beyond the time spent with the audience. “We have to do photo shoots, a lot of meetings, and things before and after the performances,” Taehyun shares. “But on stage, no one can tell me to do other things. It’s just me, the members, and MOA.”
The group got their sea legs last year during the “ACT: LOVE SICK” tour, their first trek outside of South Korea post-pandemic, and Taehyun thinks that this year sees the members having more fun onstage than ever. Yes, the stamina required to pull off a show like theirs is demanding, but as the guys have continued to hone their performance skills, they’ve also continued to grow that much more comfortable in front of crowds. Taehyun shouts out the group’s 2023 track “Tinnitus (Wanna be a rock)” as one of his favorite parts of this latest outing, crediting the vibey new choreography as a highlight.
The nature of a creative is to always have one eye on the next project, and while MOAs wait to see what’s coming down the line from TXT, Taehyun offers some words of assurance: “We have nothing to fear as long as we have each other. As long as I have my four other members, I’m confident.”
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enkisstories · 5 months
The wrecking of the Steadfast
I just published Chapter 4, in which
…Finn must come to terms with his undiagnosed force sensitivity
Hux corrected the tugboat’s course to avoid collision with a large piece of scrap metal from the Steadfast that came tumbling their way. Then he took up the conversation again:
“Damn… Why didn’t Ren ever say something this useful! You’d think he’d be capable of doing the same things an untrained force sensitive can? But, no, all he ever contributed was swordplay to achieve victories a blaster wielding unit would have scored just a minute or so later. That, and keeping the maintenance crew busy.”
“Venturing a guess, I’ve heard tell that the Dark Side dishes out quick and easy power, but exerts a heavy price later. The more Ren lost himself in it, the more he might have lost an idea of the big picture, too, and forgot all the small ways to nudge things into the desired direction.”
“Makes sense.”
The way I’m paying the price for my folly now. Let’s face it, for all practical purposes I’ve become what I’ve been fighting: a rebel, the distinction between having joined the Resistance and acting as its ally being near meaningless in our situation. I really need to take care not to get too comfortable in this role.
…the rebels dismantle a Star Destroyer
Rose yanked a control panel off a console and gave it a little momentum. The panel soared towards the navigation station, where Hux had removed the remains of that one’s destroyed panel. He caught the replacement and slammed it into position with a little more force than was advisable, unable to correctly judge his strength or lack thereof in the vacuum of space. Losing no time, BB-8 plugged it in. When the computer lit up again, Hux pulled up a navigation software and maps of New Harvest. Unfamiliar with working in a zero G environment he lost his footing a few times, until BB-8 spat out a liquid cable, that he subsequently tied loosely around the human’s hip. “I can’t tell whether that was supposed to be help- or spiteful…” Beeping the equivalent of an impish giggle, BB-8 went to help Rose re-establish the connection between the navigation computer and the systems that received their instructions from it.
…Hux becomes housetrained
“Wait, are you saying that we are something like noble barbarians to you?” Rose uttered.
“With an innocent charm. Those last few days I felt… sheltered. But it cannot last. It’s cute, just not sustainable. The Resistance is doomed to fail same as the republics failed.”
“Then help us create an environment in which our way of life will be sustainable! Even if only to scoff at each of our ideas, prompting us to improve them just to shut you up!”
“That would be the day, wouldn’t it?”
“Let’s finish this mission. And stop being so damn paranoid about me killing you guys left and right already! It’s irritating!”
…and Poe struggles with the aftermath of his concussion.
“I take it as a tactician you rarely leave your bridge? This is going to be rough! I need a co-pilot, especially one who understands what each of the screens is trying to tell me.”
It wasn’t just that everything was arranged completely different, although still making sense, as there were only so many ways one could put the different panels and still be efficient. The damn First Order font, that was so similar, yet different, irritated Poe to no small degree. He had no muscle memory to apply to the Upsilon, and additionally would have to waste precious split seconds just deciphering the unfamiliar letters. No, he definitely needed a co-pilot now, and something primeval and ancient within Poe insisted that this co-pilot being Armitage was a huge bonus.
Five minutes later Hux once again knew what Poe had meant when he had said things would become turbulent. The world was spinning way too fast, with far too many opponents coming at them (or the same opponent appearing to be in several places at once). He held fast to the console and kept focusing on the numbers, for the first time in his life grateful to be the second row player only. Keeping track of all the information and relaying the most important bits to the actual pilot was the co-pilot’s main task, as expected, but equally important was to snarl “Breath!” regularly, whenever Poe started looking a bit too green around the nose. The last thing they needed now was him retching all over the cockpit.
“Too many… too fast…” Poe gasped, painfully aware that no enemy craft would be left by now, were he sitting in his trusty Freitek T-70.
Also: the first kiss!
“Yes. Pondering where to go from here, I think I’d like to extend this alliance until I can see Ren’s corpse with my own eyes. That, or sufficient proof of his passing.”
“Still that obsessed…”
Hux shrugged. Poe suspected that the General had practiced even this oh-so natural looking gesture in front of a mirror a lot.
“Clinging to that obsession is the easiest way to retain my sanity right now. My head is spinning, differently from yours, though. Nothing’s quite fitting into place anymore.”
“How so?”
“Ever since we joined forces, I felt liberated. As if an invisible whip in my back just wasn’t there anymore. The prospect of going back from that to my old life too soon is unpleasant.”
The good news is that you wouldn’t go back to your old life, but to prison, the moment you called the alliance off, Poe thought. Out loud he said: “We’ve gotten used to have you around”, then his eyes went wide. “Bucket!” he cried, followed by a gurgle.
“Well”, Hux commented while handing the bucket back without looking at it. “It was worth a try.”
One vomiting fit later, Poe raised his head.
“I once had a near-boyfriend”, he said, feeling silly for withholding the name, when the whole galaxy knew who that man had been. “But I was too indecisive, or maybe took things to be for granted too much, so nothing came from it and now he’s spoken for by another. I don’t want that to happen again. I… Uh… somebody hold that bucket for a spell? It kinda gets in the way of the message.”
And with these words, he slung his arms around the other man, looked up and kissed him. Given what Poe had spent his time with before, the contact could have been more pleasing. A lot more.
Why, Hux wondered. Why does this keep happening? I have the skills, the determination and the patience, but something in the universe must be against me. Every time I get what I want, it gets delivered in the worst fashion imaginable.
“One day, little rat, you’ll be the end of me. And I of you.”
Read it here: Chapter 1-4 or only Chapter 4
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dekusleftsock · 2 years
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We didn’t see her jump down after her speech, like a piece was missing. But, she’s taken that leap once more, because “I ain’t losing sight of you! Not again!”
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This also parallels her helping to save deku during his vigilante arc
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And also bakugou
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Which also parallels her wanting to talk about love
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God these two even have the same half smile. She just looks so much like bakugou in this panel, it’s uncanny.
I am in the minority when I say that I am both a bkdk and togachako shipper, I’m aware of this, but I don’t really think I SHOULD be the minority. Especially when all of this evidence is just sitting there in both of their respective parallels, basically yelling at us that, “Hey guys! They’re BOTH gay!”
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(Like, y’all, hori is basically saying “guys, cmon, idk how much more obvious I have to be”)
I feel it’s ignorant to ignore that, on either side. It’s extremely common to have bkdk shippers find ochako annoying or in the way, which is just so unbelievably infuriating to me. She’s still just a tool to show that bkdk are gonna happen, when she should be able to have her own storyline, her own love story, her own life! Funnily enough, her life is still made about Izuku even when in the context of bkdk.
And no, I’m not gonna shut up about togachako. Yes, there’s more than enough bkdk stuff I could talk about on this account, but in that case, WHOS going to talk about them? Their story? Their parallels? Their lives? That’s why I’m so adamant on hyper analyzing everything about them. There’s already crumbs for togachako I’m working with, bkdk have enough creators/theorists/fan content/analyzers, give them a chance.
So, here’s me haunting the bkdk tag again, and asking, begging! To give them a chance! I can’t change everyone’s minds, I can’t change years of misogyny in fandom, I can’t change you finding a woman annoying, I can’t. But I can try. I can try to bring attention to them and what they stand for.
If this provides you any appeal, they’re literally just bkdk but in a different font. They aren’t toxic, and if they WERE, they’d be the equivalent of an izu//ocha shipper saying that bkdk are toxic bc of middle school. They have development, toga is more than just a blood crazed monster, please, just hear me out. Give them room in this part of the fandom. They aren’t going anywhere, and they are literally the KEY to bkdk. In so many ways. God, so many.
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verlaineszz · 2 months
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𓂃 ࣪˖ ཐིཋྀ LIFE EMBODIMENT! Dazai!
⁺‧₊˚ ཐིཋྀ ˚— SUMMARY: Everything was the same for the two bodies, one had a curse of living and the other had the curse of death.
Every reincarnation of chuuya was him losing his loved ones then hisself, and on dazais side of the story, he does not reincarnate. He rots in the boundaries of living trying to fill the gaping hole in his chest but everytime he gets close to another human being, they face misfortune that does not include death.
It is bad both ways. The people around dazai gets corrupted by the living and chuuyas dies on his hands.
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A/N: can you guys tell i dont know how to get more color fonts in tumblr? I genuinely don't know how people get grey or pastel colored texts..(-‸ ლ) also the title is from the song, "the only exception" by paramore! Anyways, enjoy the soukoku — <3
Extra note! : i decided not to write what i usually write, gothic romance.. But you never know🙏
(i also just broke my leg and English isn't my first language so please excuse my grammer..)
—˚₊‧⁺⋆ WARNINGS! : Blood, Death, Swearing, Alcohol
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Most people that lives in the world believes that reincarnations did not exist, but chuuya did. He believed it since he has experienced it himself, in every universe he was always reincarnating as his self but in different universes with different outcomes. And every outcome was never good, he always had to lose somebody or himself, in every universe he loses somebody, it was either the flags, the sheep, dazai or more..in every universe someone is always dying. And that someone is someone he cares about.
Reincarnation after reincarnation, his memory was still there.. The memory of his past lives, he lost hope that he truly did not wanted to get close with anyone again. Everytime chuuya died, He wished that he would finally reincarnate in a universe that he belonged in.
Every waking day of his life felt like dread but he tries to make the best out of it, his personality never changes. He was still the sarcastic guy he is, but just more distant..
Another stake to his heart and caskets were served once again, this was the end of chuuyas other life. And he will reincarnate into another one once again, it was a never ending agonizing cycle.
As he reincarnates all over again, same story same everything. He escapes the lab through his brother verlaine, joins the sheep then join the port mafia. Chuuya avoided mostly everyone though, not getting too close with anyone as always. But as he met dazais snarky face again, he felt the same as others. Someway somehow he knew that dazai would die due to him but he ignored it.
"Ugh. Do i really have to work with this kid?" Dazai says while rolling his eyes
"who the hell are ya callin' a kid?"
✮₊⊹₊⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆₊ ⊹✮
Mission after mission, dazai and chuuya spend their time together, dazai wanted to learn more about chuuya, in his eyes, chuuya was more human than he could ever be. He was drawn to his aura and how perceptive chuuya was. (due to how many times he has reincarnated.)
Chuuya was drawn to dazai as well since he seemed like he had no affect on chuuyas 2nd ability, which was being the embodiment of death. Dazai was alive and all teasing as always that chuuya missed the feeling of spending time with someone.. Even though it was dazai, the person that made his head hot, he found comfort in the way dazai was.
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Years passes by, they both found comfort in eachother, within each banter was a hint of care, and dazai found something to live for.. For atleast a certain period of time. And it was chuuya, chuuya was unreadable to him, chuuya was like an anomaly, something extraterrestrial. Which made dazai want chuuya more, he wanted to live for chuuya and for chuuya specifically.
The two of them just had a connection in this universe thay chuuya couldn't decipher, why? Dazai was the only person that believed that he was human, that mattered to him alot.
The both of them currently just finished a mission and they both just sit down on a field of grass, talking and just bullying each other as always.
"Don't talk crap about my height when im still growin' jackass." chuuya snarked back at dazais comments about his height.
"And when will that magically happen?" dazai chuckled, chuuya glares at him and sighs and mutters out — "soon. I swear."
Dazai smirks and moves closer to chuuya, his face close chuuyas, chuuya just glares at him with a faint pink tint on the ends of his ears.
"you know, you're very hot headed and weird."
"what the hell does that mean?!" chuuya asks in an offended way.
"But that's what makes me love you." dazai smiles softly at chuuya before pulling away.
Chuuya looks at him with a raised brow and replies back, "ew, that's gross man!"
Dazai laughs back at his reaction. The reaction that he seemed to feel weird towards to. The feeling that bubbles up in his stomach that he found uncomfortable but exciting, chuuya had always standed out of the rest that dazai knew that he was— The only exception.
Chuuya and dazai balanced out eachother perfectly, they matched eachothers personality in an unexpected way. And thats why they're always hanging out after missions.
Chuuya bought some ice cream for the both of them, they played some arcade games and then went on a walk in the forests of yokohama.
Dazai stared at chuuya the whole time as they ate their ice cream. Dazai had the same feeling again, something bubbling up in his stomach. He wasn't sure of the feeling since he has never quite experienced it before but as he thinks about the last "dates" him and chuuya have been going on, it hit him. He has a fucking crush on the chuuya nakahara..but it wasn't a biggie for him, he did confess that he loved him from the start.. But he wanted him madly. A graze of chuuyas hand already sent him to the moon...
Chuuya looks at dazai and catches him staring, dazai locks eyes with him and smiles warmly while eating the ice cream. Chuuya felt warm.. Like it was the first time he has ever experienced life, dazai had no effects of chuuya and neither did chuuya to dazais.
The more and more time passes by, the more desperate they got. Chuuya felt more attracted to dazais demeanor and dazai felt more attracted to chuuyas mannerism.
There was just something that made dazai lose his breath from chuuya, to his way of combat and to the way he even replies back to banter, dazai felt more intrigued.. From the way chuuya patches dazai up with soft and gentle touches and the eye contact they always gave each other.. Drove dazai insane.
Everything felt out of hand for the both of them, dazai was smitten and chuuya was embarrassed, they both swore it was just a crush and they were both indenial about it.
Chuuya has lived through many universes but in this one.. In this one he felt something. No body was dying when dazai was around, and chuuya wanted to keep it that way.
In dazais case, he felt like something was wromg with him, like he was just alone with nobody understanding him like the way he understood people. He saw death as just an extension of life and that's why he wanted to die so badly, because he could not just die through natural causes, but as many times he tried to die, he couldn't.
One day, chuuya wanted to reject the feeling that was lingering in him, the feeling of wanting dazai. And that was the worse decision of his life. He decided to distance hisself away from dazai that dazai got curious.. "did i do something to piss him off? Why is he just randomly ignoring me?.." dazai thought.
As time distanced the two, everything went back to normal, chuuya wanted to protect dazai by just distancing himself from him, chuuya knew that his deathly quirk wouldn't hurt dazai but he was still wary. The both of them slowly lost connections that led to dazai leaving the port mafia and bombing chuuyas car— "god damnit. Ugh.. great."
As the two distance theirselves, chuuya tries to take another shot in getting close to people even though he knew the consequences but still.. Cadavers scattered his soul.
Distance took a toll on dazai, he felt connected to chuuya like he was his soulmate, they were one soul in 2 different bodies, that which made the both of them somewhat connected.
Years and years passes by and melancholy filled the hearts of both of the 2 men, dazai had already tried to commit suicide numerous times.. And time after time.. It finally worked.
His body was found floating unconscious in a deep lake, bricks and his wallet was found in his coats pocket. The police investigates the scene and this eventually reaches chuuya, his heart stopped at the news, dazai was the only person he cared about during the time.
His eyes were wide as he gets the news from a phone call through his akutagawa and he clenches his fist, "i.. I understand.. Yes."
"a picture of you was found in his wallet.." akutagawa mentions before chuuya hangs up. he felt numb. he wanted to scream since thats how he expresses pain but he couldn't. He already knew the feeling of losing who he cares about, why does he feel so Different?
He covers his mouth and a cold sweat dripped down his back, he felt regret. He should've never distanced hisself fron dazai, he wished he could've atleast confessed his feelings. The only person who stayed alive with him that he cared about died because he thought distancing hisself would do any good.
He would never forgive himself, but in every universe, he forgave dazai.. Since he was the only exception.
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BONUS! :: a bouquet was in chuuyas arms as he walks aroumd the graveyard, visiting the grave of an old friend. Dazai osamus. He leans down and offers the bouquet of flowers, sitting down with his hand in his coats pocket, he stares at dazais name and he smiles softly and chuckles, "you know.. I take back what i said.. I didn't mean it. I swear. I love you too, samu."
He says as he takes out a pistol out of the pocket of his coat, "i hope i meet ya again, i swear i'll treasure you more." he says as he points the pistol to his head and pulling the trigger.
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© All works by @Verlaineszz. Do not copy, redistribute, or repost on other platforms.
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omg-hellgirl · 18 days
lol Angie was yelling at Corinne for no reason, that’s why David put his hands on her. I’m not defending that because its disgusting and disrespectful towards her but it happened. Angie couldn’t see her child because once again she gave him to David and basically held up the deuces and started a whole different family claiming that she didn’t want to be reminded of David. How do you think her son feels being in the middle of this war and his mother uses him as a scapegoat. You saying on your blog that’s iconic was weird as hell. Maybe you don’t hate them but you have a weird way of showing your likeness to one person then point out flaws on the next person while the person you uplifted is basically the same. Nobody is the bad guy, they all were victims of drugs. You say things about Anita’s personality when Angie was the same person just different fonts. lol you’re upset for nothing. Then you go responding to other peoples blogs invaliding their thoughts and opinions because you feel Angie was done wrong when really Angie knew that David didn’t love her and because of that fact alone her being the way she was is why he eventually turned his back on her (not blaming just pointing out facts) but Keith loved Anita in his own way and that’s why he never turned his back on her, nothing to be lucky about they had an understanding of each other, David on the other hand didn’t care about her from the jump. Does she deserves better? Yes. She’s done a lot for him. But is blaming and saying slanderous things about Corinne for validation of Angie’s character gonna somehow make her a better person? No. “Thanks for your opinion” likewise.
"Then you go responding to other peoples blogs invaliding their thoughts and opinions because you feel..." I've never been to anyone's blog to say anything about Angie or defend her. I don't know what you're talking about. I just post about her. You're the one who came to my blog to send these asks invalidating my thoughts.
Angie yelled at Corinne for a reason. She put the reason in her book. I don't care if you think it's not a valid reason or not. I don't know why you believe this story if you don't believe what Angie wrote in the first place.
"I questioned Corinne rather sharply about the amount of baggage she'd assembled for a trip to Jamaica, where David was going to record. She snapped at me, so I snapped back at her - "Don't you dare talk to me like that!" -
Putting your hands on a woman isn't just disgusting. It's a crime.
"blaming and saying slanderous things about Corinne for validation of Angie’s character" I hardly ever post about Corinne and when I did it was excerpts from Angie's book. Her book contains slanderous to you. What did you say, before? Remember you were not there. For you they are lies and for me they are Angie's words, which I believe, but I still don't know why so much drama when I only have one or two posts about Corinne. And they can hardly be considered slanderous when they are more about Angie's impression of her.
It will be a pleasure to put them here.
"At the same time, a threat already in place began really asserting itself: the awful Corinne Schwab fired up her campaign for exclusive rights to David Bowie, body and soul."
"My troubles with witches may have been over, but my troubles with bitches had only just begun."
"Of the many acolytes at the altar of the Church of David Bowie, then, Corinne turned out to be both the most enduring and the most privileged. Whether she's ever been admitted to the tabernacle and tasted the holy loins, however, I don't know. I suspect that might have happened in the beginning, since that's how David marked his turf."
Apparently these are the excerpts from Angie's book that I posted and used to "blame" Corinne and say "slanderous" things about her. You are upset for nothing.
You stated things in your previous ask that simply aren't true because they aren't things I said. I never said I hated Anita, but I can still give my opinion on her. Anita is not perfect and I have criticized her because she has flaws like everyone else, but she is not a monster. I've said on my blog that she's in a gray area for me. I don't love her and I don't hate her.
But again, you can feel and think whatever you want, I don't invalidate people's feelings. I'm not telling you how to feel about Angie or anyone else. I post about my feelings and thoughts based on quotes from books I've read.
David never talked about what really happened between him and Angie. His version. So you're making your own assumptions based on what you think his feelings were. I believe in what she said.
"Does she deserves better? Yes. She’s done a lot for him." Yes, we agree on that. And yet, as I said once before, fans can forgive aggression, Nazi gestures, underage girls and parental alienation, but God forbid if a woman talks about her experience with that same man or not having taken custody of her child. Of all Angie's character flaws, because nobody's perfect, nothing compares to this.
You want to see me criticize Angie? Well, here we go. In my opinion, she should have fought for the custody of Duncan. She should have kept her son. She shouldn't have let David keep their son even if his mental health suffered because of it. She shouldn't have given up custody of her son, she should have fought in the sexist Swiss court and gone to the English court if she needed to. She shouldn't have gotten pregnant again. She should have put the world down to see her child. NONE of this erases the things she went through. None of my criticism erases what she went through. What are we supposed to do with this, crucify her? Don't go around assuming that I think she's perfect and that I think she didn't do anything wrong.
Once again, no father has the right to make a mother-son relationship difficult and it was David's choice not to respect Angie. He may not have loved her but she was still the mother of his child and if he had been sensible he would have encouraged and helped Angie to have a good relationship with their son.
Let's not mention the fact that, according to her, he had photos of her in sexual moments with other people that left her at a disadvantage in court. You can call this slander too. Please, also call the nice things she said about him slander. Of course, I would never invalidate someone's feelings and opinions.
Not loving a woman is no excuse for not respecting her or doing the right thing. Keith loved Anita and didn't turn his back on her even when he fell in love with Patti Hansen, but even if he never had loved Anita, it wouldn't be okay for him to throw her under the bus and try to hide the influence Anita had on him.
I will not answer any more asks from you. I will continue to post about Angie so block me if it bothers you so much.
Thanks again for your opinion, please don't go to other people's blogs "invaliding their thoughts and opinions because you feel..."
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hazelnut-u-out · 2 years
i think that a lot of people tend to understate the importance of "vindicators 3: the return of worldender" in regards to rick's progression as a character and evolution back into a family man (or "a different kind of rick").
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season 3 and season 4 are, to me, the most pivotal seasons in regards to rick's shift in priorities. we see him come face to face with the consequences and emotional impact of his actions multiple times in s3 and early s4, and we see a huge shift in his priorities by the latter half of the 4th season.
watching this episode for the first time was one of the times i really saw morty as a child stuck under the thumb of a "hot and cold" abuser. substance abuse often plays a huge role in the cycle of abuse and in child victims' experiences of trauma. i think that this episode did a great job of showing the consequences of rick's actions on morty's psyche. even though rick is most definitely the one "in charge" of the duo, morty has had to step up and learn to be rick's conscience and be the more responsible party. in a lot of ways, morty is the adult in their duo.
one moment in particular that really sticks out to me and pangs me in the heart is when morty has to disarm the drunkenly improvised nutrino bomb (something we can assume he had to do for the first time after the opening scene in the pilot).
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"there's a 40% chance it's a dud, but you should still stay back."
i know that it's explicitly stated that morty has had to do this quite often, but this really makes it obvious just how experienced morty is with this type of thing.
it also really goes to show that morty isn't as "stupid" as he's been conditioned to believe he is. there are a lot of parallels between rick and morty as children (which is something to get into a different time), and i would go as far as to say that morty is just as smart as rick (this is also coming from someone who believes that morty is also on the spectrum, so take from that what you will).
rick's reaction to the whole thing, too, conveys bewilderment and guilt at the same time. he spends most of this episode being embarassed that he's done this, and morty is the only one "smart" enough to deduce how to get them out of the game. his attitude (albeit, still an ass) is relatively somber, and he even acknowledges that he's being "high roaded" because of the obvious impact of his negligence, abuse, and substance abuse on morty.
kind of interesting to see from someone who spent the beginning of the episode sulking and threw this giant fit in the first place because morty didn't see him as his "hero." i think that this was kind of a reality check for rick.
("maybe i don't deserve to be morty's hero. maybe i am a bad person and there's no excuse for my actions, no matter how much pain i'm acting on...")
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"too many, rick! too many!"
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another thing worth mentioning that gets reintroduced in this episode is morty's adventure punch card.
i think that this is something that's previously established and shows his covert respect- or at least fondness- for morty. his willingness to do this and not just sci-fi his way into his version of a perfect family/dynamic with morty one way or another is really telling.
he values genuine human connection (especially with morty) and compromise in a way we hadn't seen before. he's grumpy about it, but he accepts morty's declaration of "exercising his right to choose one in every ten rick and morty adventures."
i think that's kind of cute.
i can't get the image of rick and morty sitting together at the computer designing the punch card out of my head- or rick carefully creating a stamp of morty's face.
he really goes above and beyond here. he could have just used a whole puncher, stapler, previously existing stamp, or even marked it with a pen.
of course, this way, he ensures that it's more difficult for morty to forge a stamp, but it's also just sweet to me that he made a little morty stamp.
c'mon, guys... rick picking out a font for "morty adventure card"???? such an adorable premise.
another moment worth mentioning is when rick suggests putting morty on the platform.
rick is sober in that moment, but he explains his exact thought process while drunk. he was being coy for some hidden love for morty. he was saying "you can have him, but only if you know how special he is!"
i also think that it's telling that rick gets angry with vance for calling morty "the learning disabled kid we do photo ops with." say what you want about rick, but he doesn't stand for other people bullying his little buddy (he's the only one allowed to insult morty's intelligence, and i like to think that he was extra pissed because vance wasn't just calling morty "stupid," he was being ableist. if you view it through that interpretation- and keep in mind that morty has a canon disability of some sort- it's a great moment to place alongside rick's s1 blurb about the use of the "r word" to highlight the progression of his character in a general sense).
anyway, this is one of my favorite episodes. i really feel for morty here. i like episodes that address that he's still a child and that the trauma he's going through is seriously affecting his development. that being said, it's also a great exploration of rick's guilt.
it is interesting to me that this happens before "the vat of acid episode," though, where we really see how sadistic rick can be in his emotional manipulation of morty when there are a thousand other painless and easier ways to keep morty pliant and subservient.
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vv3n0m · 1 year
꧁༺ 𝓐𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓵𝓸𝓰𝔂 𝓸𝓫𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓿𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼༻꧂
𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚊𝚗 𝙰𝚚𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚞𝚜: I am not an astrologer but I do study astrology, these observations were made from my real life experiences and my studies. I hope you enjoy :)
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🌞Leo placements always find Aquarius placements💨
🐠Pisces and Libra get along very well and somehow find each other⚖️
💄Taurus moon and libra moon people usually find themselves daydreaming about luxury. Cars, cloths, big comfortable homes. These people luxury daydream for fun💸
🕷️People with Scorpio in their 12House (Sagittarius risings) are the “funny friend” by that I mean they’re usually going through something heavy inside. These people will be the light in the room while subconsciously screaming, quite literally. 12H rules the subconscious mind along with death, rebirth, hidden enemies, deep inner self. These people can become their own worst enemies due to the way they think. They tend to go through their hard times alone leaving people with only the best of them. 🦂
🐚Cancer 12H people need to know that it’s okay to share how they feel. They may sometimes feel like they are the party pooper because they feel so deeply but you aren’t. The world needs more feelers. 12H cancers have deep empathy and the ability to recognize what lies beneath the surface of other people. It’s easy for you guys to become selfless as well, please make sure not to dive too deep into others neglecting your beautiful selves.
✴️Aquarius suns get very tired easily maybe as much as Taurus their fellow fixed sign because of the way society can be. Aquarius suns tend to get fed up with the way society is structured. This pushes their rebellious agenda in which they just say “fuck it” and go against all odds. There’s just something so thrilling about doing your own thing and looking good while doing it. 🌬️
🔥 Fire and earth get along well when things are more platonic. 🌏
🖤Libras have a love/hate relationship with Aries or Aries placements(sun, moon, Venus, mercury, and mars) 🌹
🏴‍☠️Scorpio (sun, moon, rising, Venus) are only “obsessed” with you once they actually develop deep feelings for you. So many people expect Scorpios to become obsessed with them off rip. This causes Scorpios to be in one sided relationships where they give more than they get in relationships or even friendships. 💀
🐟Pisces and Gemini can be similar In a way I’ve noticed. 💎
💕Air signs will sometimes become infatuated with people who don’t like/love them back. Like fire signs they love the chase in a way but they also don’t like someone who’s easy to win over. They love to earn their love from their partners💨
❤️Aries and Sagittarius duo 🔥
🐂I’m so sorry if a Taurus has you blocked currently🏴‍☠️
🖤I feel bad for 12th House Venus placements, they’re luck in love is not the best in some cases but in many they go through karmic relationships where people try to control them or dim their light. Wouldn’t be surprised if they have a enemies to lovers trope with someone🖤
♐️Sagittarius and Aquarius placements are so beautiful together, they’re literally the same but in different fonts♒️
🪐Capricorn moons and Taurus moons get along very very well as friends🐂
💨Aquarius and Capricorns have a love/ hate relationship sometimes. They can go from friends to enemies or enemies to friends. This could be due to the fact that they share a planet but the two are still very different🪐
🦂Scorpios always have this look as if they know something you don’t know👀
🔥Aries mars will teach Scorpio mars how to be more direct with their emotions while a Scorpio mars will teach Aries mars how to tone down their emotions💦
💦Can we talk about the way Aquarius placements have beautiful eyes, the same with Pisces and Scorpio💨
I’ve noticed that Aquarius and Pisces oddly attract each other A-LOT.
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eiimblr · 11 months
Why hasn't anyone made a true PDF competitor?
By a PDF competitor, I mean a file format which has the same goals and non-goals as PDF does (or, at least, originally did). Here's how I see PDF's main goals:
* Document format
* Text-first
* Unambiguous visual representation (embedded fonts, per-glyph encoding)
* Embedded images
The most important non-goal is being editable. PDFs should be the final version of a document. Of course, Adobe has changed course on this and will now let you edit PDFs in various ways with generally much frustration. They needed to make forms as a place where things could be edited without much pain. This brings us to PDF's shortcomings:
* Complexity. PDF is not a straightforward format. Even with a good GUI, you can't dive into a PDF and figure out what's going on without some solid guidance. This makes it harder to build tools that work with PDFs. I don't think I've heard of anyone who's had to build something that digs deep into PDF's structure and enjoyed the experience. It also makes it easier for bugs to lurk beneath the surface, which is related to;
* Bloat. PDF has so many different things piled on that may or may not work together and may or may not work at all. You want interactivity? We can give you hyperlinks and popups. You want more than popups? You want a whole game in your PDF? Sure, it's possible, because they decided to embed JavaScript in there. You want to digitally sign your PDF so nobody can change it? Great! Except they can change certain parts that Adobe didn't think to include in the signature. Whoops.
* Inconsistency. Embedding fonts is great because you don't have to rely on certain fonts being installed on the viewer's computer. So, naturally, Adobe made sure that 14 fonts have to be installed on the viewer's computer. If not, it'll look wrong, which breaks goal 3. Also, there's whatever Scribd is doing, which I suspect is somehow related but who knows.
With all that said it seems like it should be possible to make a finalized document format with a stripped-down feature set, good cryptography (maybe by default! there's no reason not to sign such a file), and an unambiguous, pixel-perfect visual representation. Maybe something XML-based, like ODF and other document formats. Or maybe it already exists, in which case please yell at me in the comments.
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geekalogian · 4 months
Please feel free to ignore this if it's too personal, but I was wondering if you have any advice for figuring out your sexuality while being demisexual? I've followed you since the ouat days and I relate to a lot of stuff you said when you came back to the blog. I've just felt like it's hard to figure out since it takes forever for me to develop crushes and get to a place where I even want to pursue a romantic relationship. I also grew up in a religious household/went to religious school so there's a whole extra layer of stuff to deal with there. Again, absolutely no pressure at all to answer, and I hope you have a great weekend!
I'm far from an expert on this, but I definitely know how difficult this stage of life can be. All I can really do is just tell you my experiences and hope something resonates! Like most people growing up in evangelical spaces, I just assumed that I was straight and cis. What else would I be? I fell in love and got married, and then dealt with the fallout of a waning emotional connection changing my relationship with sex entirely. I got crushes whenever I'd be connecting with somebody (GUY somebodies. With the ladies I'd just, y'know, be completely obsessed with their well-being and how shitty every guy was to them and how they deserved someone SO MUCH BETTER, not like I was saying me, obviously, I'm straight. . . .) and beat myself up internally for not being emotionally faithful to my spouse. When I came out as demi, my spouse definitely did not understand, but attempted to be supportive. I tried explaining my experience of demisexuality to him many a time, and he'd basically say "I get that that makes sense to you, but that's completely alien to me and I have no way to really relate to it." I didn't really hit a point where I understood myself until getting locked in my house for roughly three years for self-reflection (read: COVID and losing my ministry job, ending with me being a housewife for three full years). I had very intense crushes on roughly three of my friends at the same time, two of whom were women, and I was finally able to really understand those as crushes because I knew the guy one of them was dating and he was genuinely wonderful to her. So my concern over her well-being wasn't just "I wish she were dating somebody better," it was "I wish I was able to make her life better. Me, specifically. And maybe kiss her. a bit." I was able to trace that backwards through my life and reflect on other times I'd had similar feelings about women in my life, and recognize that I'm bi as hell. This was also the point in my life when I realized that I'm polyamorous, because I recognized that my desire for multiple romantic connections had very little to do with dissatisfaction in my current relationship, or a desire to move on (although that was coming--BELIEVE ME, THE WRITING WAS ON THE WALL I JUST COULDN'T READ YET), it was just my desire to share that kind of love with more than one person. Again, recognizing those things and doing a lot of research enabled me to reflect on the thread of continuity through my whole life, and just recognize what had already been there. That was also very much my discovery of being genderfluid, but that's a WHOLE OTHER STORY and this post is already bonkers long. So I guess my advice is this: Be reflective. Think about the ways you've felt close to people. Recognize that in some cases, crushes on differently-gendered people feel different from one another (some people don't have that experience, obviously, I think that tends to be a large distinction between bi and pan persons, but that's how it's been for me). Read blogs--I wouldn't know how hella gay I am without tumblr itself being a font of information in my mid-20s. Rely on trustworthy friends who know and understand you--I was fortunate to have a really great friend group that supported me (and lovingly bullied me) through my own coming-out process. When I came out as bi to them, a dear friend said "Ronnie, I'm gonna say some shit now....IS THIS NEWS??? I THOUGHT WE ALL KNEW AND YOU JUST MOSTLY HAD A PREFERENCE FOR DUDES. WHAT? YOU DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE BI?????" It was pretty funny and great, tbh. I hope the very best for you, and that you get the time and resources to be authentically yourself. I am still very much a person of faith and I believe wholeheartedly that God loves the person they made you to be, as well as the you that exists now, and there is nothing to fear from learning more about yourself <3
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ryansjane · 1 year
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axelle judges non bl shows > The Jungle
summary: The Jungle are a group of good-looking men that meet regularly in the secret bar Rendezvous owned by the mysterious bartender Hunter. When certain special women approach them, their whole self-built image shatters.
where to watch: youtube
grade: 7/10
the cast is awesome!
the acting was good from everyone, though the ones who impressed me the most were my already faves off, pat, nanon, mild & lookjun, who especially slayed considering it was her first main role! they didn't have to go that hard for this show lol
the aesthetics of this show are beautiful, be it the lighting, locations and especially the outfits! each girl's wardrobe was incredibly gorgeous!
GIRLLLLLLLLLLL. the writing!!! this is one of the worst writings from gmmtv, like... ever bruh! let's analyse everything that's wrong with it:
this show is some of the worst marketing failure ever. they really done advertised a silly 6-stories romcom like a dark, mysterious murder drama bruh!!! so when the viewers started watching the show, obviously we were not gonna like it & feel like it's super surface-level & dumb, bc they had built up our expectations for a completely different show. if this show has been advertised to be in the same vain as the three gentlebros for example, we would've have accepted its three gentlebros writing. but the issue is that we expected something on the level of ps: I hate you & we didn't get anything near that.
focusing on each story one after the other impacted everything badly in this show. first of all, it makes it so every ship (except pineaugust bc they got the most screentime) looks rushed AS HELL, especially the earlier ones like lee & mook, so the romance that we were supposed to feel? isn't here babes. secondly, bc each story is so separated, the link between them feels close to non-existent and the friendship between the jungle guys feel stick thin. MOREOVER!!! since each story is so separate, once a ship get together we barely ever see them on the show again, and the later characters like nathee, hack & pine, whose stories only start by ep 8 feel non-existent during the first part of the show! you literally cannot win with this way of doing the show lol. ALSO!!! bc each story is separate, every viewer had their favorite and the one they don't care about, which means that some entire eps were super boring & people got mad some ships got better development & screentime than others.
they made their female characters look so fucking dumb & useless, oh my lord. honestly it's even more insulting considering the same team created some of the most interesting & complex female characters ever in ps: I hate you, like... makes me wonder what they were on for this. only august is written with layers & an interesting storyline, and florence is alright since she flips the usual conventions of the male lead pursuing the female lead relentlessly on its head.
the male characters aren't much better, there's so many cringy parts where they try to look cool & be defenders of women but it doesn't work at all when they've been established as players who don't respect women. btw they look pathetic bc we are TOLD that they are players but never SHOWN so they have no credibility, also I love the boys & they're all good looking or whatever but idk they weren't emanating this cool, badass energy the showrunners wanted us to feel lol.
leemook's story gave me nothing. it was the most disappointing bc it was the first so that's when I realized my expectations of a gritty series wouldn't happen, but even then not only is their story basic but there's nothing to it, it's so basic & forgettable.
the nanonpunpun story was alright, imo naanfah was probably the most interesting male character in the show (he's black from not me but in a different font lmao), but their story was rushed & didn't have a satisfying conclusion at all. also they didn't really have much chemistry compared to nanonmild imo. lastly, bc their story is so early in the show but contains what was set up as the center of the show, kaewta's murder... once it's done & we know the truth we're just left like... alright there's 8 eps left, what's even the point lol. their story should've been done differently & solved at the end imo.
the plot twist of nanon playing twins... could've been good if it was actually a plot twist??? bc the viewer is aware there's two nanon characters it just fell so flat, the reveal to punpun's character seems so ridiculous & straight out of a low-tier lakorn from 50 years ago bc the viewer is not surprised one bit bruh.
hack's character is so icky & terrible. not only is he INTRODUCED into the show using his power imbalance to fuck a student's mother, but then he has sex with irin while she's blackout drunk & thinks he's pine, which is... r*pe obviously. but then he keeps playing these games & he's just fucking terrible & icky and made me feel so gross while watching this, which is such wasted potential since he actually had really great chemistry with lookjun. but yeah throw his whole character in the trash!
nathee & florence's story is so rushed & underdeveloped, which is kinda sad bc they had good chemistry & also were very fun together. but also tbh florence's insistance on having sex with nathee when he said no 500 times is literally coercion babes, if florence was a man doing this to a girl we wouldn't find it cute.
also please for the love of god luke I'm rooting for you, but why did you have to growl like a werewolf everything you wanted to look hot & angry 😭 this man is so unserious as an actor, wishing him luck in getting better lmao
as for the augustpine storyline, imo it should've started and ended the show. the "past" should've been at the beginning of the show so that 1) we immediately get context of what brought the jungle guys together and 2) we actually FEEL the 10 years wait that pine had to feel on the show for august to come back. it would've given so much more weight to the show imo.
would I rewatch it: only the offpat parts
This was in my top 5 shows I was the most looking forward to watch this year, and goddamn did it disappoint all of my expectations except for offpat being one of the best ships ever. I would not recommend this show except for the pineaugust storyline, honestly don't bother.
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curio-queries · 7 months
Run BTS: 052 | BTS Escape
Original Air Date: 26 JUN 2018 Episode Length: 35:28 Total Parts: 1 YouTube English Subtitles: No Title Song: Blood Sweat & Tears
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Synopsis: Official Escape rooms! the guys are divided into two teams and completing separate escape rooms to see which team completes theirs first.
Production: This was an excellent location to work with for an escape room episode. Having two teams do separate rooms that expanded into several spaces beyond the initial room was perfect for the visual storytelling. The edit was excellent as well. They had excellent pacing throughout whilst also keeping us up-to-date with both teams' progress. One note though regarding the two rooms for those that don't do escape rooms: There was a difficulty difference between the two. With the information shown to us this episode, i can tell you the main difference is Jin's room is pretty linear and the Jimin's is concurrent, which is what makes it more suited to a higher player count. the first room in Jin's space only has one puzzle to work on at a time, once they're done with that room, they only briefly have to return and they keep getting to progress to the next rooms. There aren't as many 'active' puzzle at the same time like Jimin's room. There's so many puzzles presented at first that the difficulty can be in knowing which ones to focus on that you can solve and which you just dont have enough information for.
Endearment: I do think Jimin's team was a little stronger in the endearment category. Jin's team was a little more focused on the puzzle than on being entertainers. Nothing wrong with that, we got to see how every member responds in this type of setting.
Winner: JN, YG, V (39min56sec 5 hints)
Loser: RM, JH, JM, JK (40min53sec 4 hints)
Best Cheater: There's a theory that i see go around occaissionallu about JK getting a peak at his team assignment before opting to switch with V but if you watch, he really only opens it halfway before he stops. So this only holds if the font is visible through the paper which it doesn't really look like it is. So I'm not counting this as a cheat. Everything else that we see in the ep was using the approved method of hints so I'm saying none for this ep.
Member Moments:
RM: Ah, RM. It took him a while to get used to the escape room ways but I think he's got it now!
JN: Jin has an interesting strategy for the escape room. Since he knows he's competing against the other team for speed, he has no hesitation calling for hints. They call for their first one barely 4 min in the room! Definitely not a common tactic but it works in this specific scenario.
YG: Yoongi is so thrilled with himself when he puts that cane in the right place!
JH: We've seen hints of this before, but i love Hobi's method of team-based problem solving. He's actually pretty intuitive regarding picking out info that's helpful and just shouts it out. (an excellent escape room strategy if you've never done one, have everyone say what they're finding/working on). anyway, i love his comments right at the beginning: 'who am i talking to?'
JM: I was confused the first time I watched this why Jimin was preselected to be one of the team captains but it's obvious that he actually enjoys this kind of activity. a puzzle that he knows he can solve, especially when he has the team lead role. I love seeing Jimin when he's confident as a leader.
V: V with Jin and Yoongi is such an interesting dynamic, especially in this kind of challenge. You can tell just how earnest he is and he wants to be a good helper to his hyungs.
JK: JK absolutely holds his own on this team. He speaks up when he sees connections and then proceeds with his theory if he others move on. a great teammate for an escape room.
Bonus Content: There is some good content in this one. great moments of memory squirrel jimin with his Polaroids and lots of extra footage that didn't make it into the ep (i still dont understand why they didnt give us the extra footage like this in the blue village episodes....)
CQ Rank: 4.5
(CQ Eval Date: 25 FEB 2024)
Check out this post for my Masterlist of all episodes and descriptions of how I'm evaluating these.
Previous Episode: 051
Next Episode: 053
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awesome-power-cat · 1 year
Minecraft: Fade to Black Transition Using Resource Packs!
I've always been so fascinated by Minecraft server plugins and their ability to push the boundaries of what's possible in the game; some servers go even further with the use of custom resource packs. I find the most amazing thing about server resource packs are the creative techniques utilized to go beyond the limits of the game. Common examples of such techniques are custom GUIs, HUDs, shaders, entities using models, and cosmetics.
One technique that completely baffled my mind, was the Minecraft Championship's (MCC) fade to black transition effect. I had never seen such a smooth transition and was extremely curious about how they achieved it. I considered and attempted many different approaches: custom models, animated textures, potion effects, and shaders, but none came close to the same smooth transition.
I wondered if there was a way to do it with packets. Perhaps Minecraft already had some fade to black transition that I could trigger. I searched for the word "fade" on the Minecraft Protocol wiki, and instantly realized how it was done. Titles already have a built fade-in and fade-out feature, so utilizing my previous knowledge of custom GUIs using fonts. I was able to recreate the same smooth fade to black transition, and this is how I did it.
You are going to need your custom resource pack. If you don't already know how to make a custom resource pack you can find more information here.
You are only going to need two files to achieve this effect, a texture and font json. The font file will tell Minecraft to render a specific character with our custom texture. This is how we'll display a fully black image as a title.
The texture file ("black.png") will be a 256x256 fully black image placed somewhere in your pack's texture folder. I put mine in a subfolder named "font"
Now for the font file. It's important to know that Minecraft text components allow you specify a font path, so the name of your font json file is important.
You DO NOT want to override minecraft's default font json. If you override the 'default.json' font by adding your custom black character, technical players will be able to exploit your transition and spam the chat with black boxes. We can avoid this problem by creating our own font file with a custom name as opposed to overriding an already existing one. I'm going to name mine "fade.json"
We're going to place the font file ("fade.json") in the font folder directly under the namespace, which is Minecraft in this case.
The contents of the font json will be simple.
We're going to create a new bitmap type font using our black texture.
{     "providers": [         {             "file": "font/black.png",             "type": "bitmap"         }     ] }
Now we still have to specify our character. In theory, you can use any character you want because we control the context in which this font is used. BUT it's probably best to use a blank unicode character just to be safe.
I'm going to use this blank character "" the unicode is "\uE01F"
Note: Characters can be inserted directly or as their hex unicode value prefixed with "\u" You can learn more about how resource pack fonts work here
{     "providers": [         {             "file": "font/black.png",             "chars": [                 "\uE01F"             ],             "type": "bitmap"         }     ] }
Lastly we need to set a height and ascent. The height value is important because if it's too small, our black character won't fill the screen of high resolution displays or people who play on small GUI scale. This will break the transition effect.
I'm using 1024 for the height. I did some tests and I think this value should be good enough.
You can try higher values if you're worried, but keep in mind I'm not sure what the limit is and going too high will likely cause problems.
As for the ascent value, I'd recommend using half the height. This will center our black character and assure it fully covers the screen.
{     "providers": [         {             "file": "font/black.png",             "chars": [                 "\uE01F"             ],             "height": 1024,             "ascent": 512,             "type": "bitmap"         }     ] }
Now our fade transition is done, and you'll need to run the title command in order to trigger it.
The title text will be your chosen black character, and it's important that you remember to specify your font name.
/title @p title {"text":"","font":"minecraft:fade"}
You can change the duration of the fade by using the title timings command. Here's the command for a one second fade in, two second stay, and one second fade out.
/title @p times 20 40 20
Finally, thank you for reading. I hope you learned something new. I'm so surprised at how easy it was to acheieve. I find it interesting how simple solutions can sometimes take so much thought.
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richardsphere · 7 months
Leverage Redemption Log: The Too Many Rembrants Job
Ok so guy is running around, scenes are flashing everywhere. He's apparantly not too great a person ("whole life i have prided myself on never taking a side"... ) Im gonna say he looks like a little grey man type. Seems like he's feeling rather conflicted about whatever situation he's stuck in. Like this is not his lifestyle. --- Three days earlier, Sophie wakes up to an empty bed. (god... It hits me a little but i cant imagine how this must've hit people who watched it originally and sat through years before it un-cancelled)
The revival seems intend to do the "sherlock-graphics text conversation" thing that has become popular in the intervening years (i dont love that style, but i understand the economy of it. Only 1 shot can now show text and reaction rather then having to cut from a shot of a phone held in someone's hands to a shot of the face. I dont love it but i understand the utility of it.)
I Notice during the toast that Hardison's actor is credited as a "special guest star" (makes sense, i understand his career really took off between the original show and the revival so that makes sense) As far as excuses to write Hardison out of the story (outside of cameo's) are concerned, saying "Leverage International has over a dozen teams, all of whom need supervision and the research has always been his thing even in the OG run" is a pretty good and natural flowing explanation for it.
First heist of the new run: Distracting a grieving widow. Time to steal ourselves some therapy. --- I dont like the Big Text Transition Cut-in. BOSTON MUSEUM OF ART printed in such a big font you cant see the museum is a waste of an establishing shot.
I assume this "Harry" is the same guy that i have been told is the reboots mythical "lawyer" role. (a role that feels out of place in the line-up. Even if I remember the Cheerleading episode and the way that Nate's job was mostly knowing which crimes he could trick the bad guys into getting arrested for it still feels weird.)
Phoenix Wright points out that our prospective mark (opioid crisis billionaire) cant actually remove the painting halfway through but that they could cancel future donations.
But it seems Sophie has made her decision, she follows the lawyer till he admits which painting it is. Then all-but openly admits she's stolen it before. (guess we needed to tip our new castmember off somehow. Still feels clunky, but i'll respect it as a "Sophie's been out of the game for 8 years" thing)
In shock: Parker is getting therapy something i've been strongly opinionated on since the 12 step job. Sure its a child psychologist rather then an adult psychologist but its good. (different things work for different people, and the list of people to whom she could honestly admit to her life without risking arrest is slim. Take what you can get Sophie.) ---
"this is not what it looks like" "cause it looks like you're stealing a Rembrandt, and you've got a 2 minute window, tops... Hurry on" real "Uncle Iroh correcting his muggers knife-stance" energy here. Just the look on his face when he says "you want me to keep..." like i dont know what the Opiodbaron has on him to make him do this but he's so out of his depth. "is that my wallet?" "sure hope so, it has all your creditcards in it" this guy just knows his life is ruined now, the look on his face that all sensibility and reason has left the universe as these 3 people just casually chat with him mid-burglary.
Parker the cartwheel was entirely unneccesary. This is not an acrobatics job this is a "walk there and put the thing on the camera" job. No need to show off.
"where did you learn to do that" "youtube" absolute Timmy Turner"I inherited the internet" level of answer right there.
"So right now they're busting down the firedoors and an enterprising employee is coming in through your escaperoute" (i mean it was pretty well thought out for a complete amateur... that sounds more insulting then i meant it but i meant it as a compliment) --- Further flashback to him first starting to work for MarkyMcMarkface. "im not an anybodies side, im a lawyer" Ah i can see im gonna get really sick of the "evil lawyers are scum of the earth" jokes really quickly with this sequel series arent I? "not my medication, im the one who convinced him to pay out, you just need to put down the shovel... so to speak". Those are definitly the words of a man balancing his desire to do good, with his ability to be in position to do anything at all. (i like when characters have that dynamic. Its much more interesting then "cackling villain or heroig paragon"). Im giving this line a full on 9.8/10 for establishing this guy.
"my name will live on in these museums forever" well that is a line that definitly cant get twisted into "this is the famous art-thief who stole all this art" after Leverage Inc-ternational is done with framing him he'll realise the downside of herostratic fame. --- "are we taking him as a client or wiping his ID and dumping him in Venezuela" "I'd like to vote no on that"
"wait, i think i've deduced you are thieves. And you were there not to steal the Rembrandt? And now that you know the owner is vermin you want to help me ruin him?" yeah that is the premise, good deductive skills, absolutely love how fish-out-of-water he is. (the hell is going on?) That is the voice of a man speedrunning his way through the 5 phases to acceptance that his world will never make sense again. --- I like how Sophie mentions a theft and parker just reviews the heist. Good way to show the runners still understand her character, she doesnt care about the painting she cares about the swagger of the theft itself.
"well, he's already an inside man" "and we can bonk him on the head later, if we have to", " thank you... that did not sound right". --- "a month is a long time when you're the one not doing the stabbing". Ok i think we're overplaying the stabbing. That happened one time in season 1 of the original series, i think this is a bit of flanderisation. (still a great line, if i knew anyone who did throwpillows i'd get it done on one) --- I like the acknowledgement that art forgery is intense. With the need to duplicate materials as well as colours. And i like that Elliot still is Mr. Know A Guy, --- Ok so they realise they cant sell it (cause they didnt think to fake a Rodin) and use it to double down his reputational insecurities "cant sell it to you, owner wont sell to someone who might lose it due to future lawsuits".
Mark is calling a security check on sophie and it cuts to break (as if anything he could find isnt hidden by Hardison)
--- Lovely story, irish mob, father operated in the place they stole the painting, looking to offset it. Passes inspection (especially when the inspector is on your side) definitly written for Nate not Elliot but it'll work. --- "do i even want to ask who this actually belongs to?.. Thought so." at least he's quick on the uptake.
So it is at this point in the episode that i felt a need to I google wether the actor is dead. (he isnt, he got accused of SA but was cleared by the court in the end. Still public opinion being fickle and him never having been a Pirates of the Caribean level famous actor. I understand that is definitely a career killer.)
Bunch of eulogies for Nathan, "at least he burned" 8.8/10 --- Elliot taking the role as an excuse to rough the guy up a little bit before "losing" the negotiations. (note: they've clearly learned some lessons. Elliot made sure to check what the mark plans to do with the painting. No "oh shit the fiddle-purchaser thinks he's the fiddle here." Thats what 5 christmass specials and an 8 year interlude's worth of experience gets you) --- Lucille is a foodtruck now, (well, its more "air force 1" rules. Any plane with a US president is airforce one, any foodtruck with a Hardison is Lucille) --- Looks like Mark has decided to just kill elliot and take the painting. Also looks like this scary woman (RIZ security) is gonna be a recurring antagonist. (she has too much "presence" to be a one-off)
Ah the old "let me explain the fight choreography, then work my way through the choreography and look like a WarProphet-eer" stint. (Guy Ritchie Holmes did it better, but it gets a passing grade) I do like the little compliment RIZ woman gave. Elliot Spencer: "The Rembrandt of Violence". --- "smart thing to do would be to run" Smart thing yeah, but you guys dont do the smart thing, you guys do the Cunning Genious Bastard thing. Parker is notably absent in this scene, or anything that has been happenign in this part of the plot. (she's off doing the plan this is a distraction/back up for)
Elliot coming in like a rhinocerous. Lawyerman Flashback. "If i cant give them anything, and I cant be forgiven, I need to take something from him."
Back-to-present Lawyerman walks into the museum (sirens blaring), puts gasoline/kerosine/alcohol/other chemical accelerant on the painting and burns it. (the alarm is already blaring, which means something already set it off. The paintins already been swapped for a fake, as have all the others probably. We're framing our Mark for an Insurance scam again cause we cant beat the classics, especially if we're doing a Revival Series Pilot) --- Lawyer walks up to Mark and gets gutpunched. Mark is on the phone talking his secire and secret Maltese bank details (Sophie or Hardison? Place your bets. I think its Sophie, usually this would be a Hardison thing but it would show her as being "back" as an actress) --- "I said one job... The job's not done". Good line (7.6/10), and i like the subversion of the expectation that just 1 heist would be enough to get her "back in the game". making it a two parter helps divy up the load a little on selling both the grieving process and Harry's joining with the crew.
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