#who can teach me how to cook dishes from their cultures
airenyah · 2 months
i think i just made friends with an older thai lady??? dkjdjdjf
i went to this thai take-out place near my parents place for lunch that i'd gone to with my mom a month ago for the very first time. and back then my mom made me speak thai with the owner and we had a bit of a conversation with half in thai half in german. so today i went back and the lady recognized me and immediately started talking to me in thai. and while i was waiting for her colleague (son?? possibly??) to make my food i had a half thai half german conversation with her again and she mentioned how she really struggled understanding german (even worse bc in my hometown about 95% of the people speak dialect only, which is not something that is taught in school books rip). and wouldn't you know it, she asked me if i wanted to help her practice german if she practice thai with me and i was like "yeah sounds cool" and she gave me her number skdkfjcjjcfj
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csuitebitches · 11 months
I really enjoy your blog and was wondering if you have advice on one of my biggest mental blocks. I'm 23 but struggle to feel like an adult and being independent deeply scares me even through I want to be "chasing my dreams". I've lived with my close knit family my whole life and still spend a lot of time with my parents. I'm almost going to move away(in the next year) and so I've began the process of getting a car/saving money, etc. But then I find myself subtly sabotaging these efforts because the idea of being alone/moving away also terrifies me. I really want to experience moving to a city and working and traveling and doing things I want and at this point I'm finding it draining being my parents "stay-at-home-daughter". But I also get anxiously sick when I try a push myself for more independence. I've put so much on hold going through school and then living in my home town w. parents and it's kind of scary to imagine dating (never prioritized men + parents didn't let me date in highschool= never had a bf or anything) or living alone even though I'd love to have the experience. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Basically I still feel like a 15 year old when it comes to my personal life and that feels a bit shameful.
I want to tell you that we all feel what you feel. You’ll only ever feel like an adult when you’ve exposed yourself to the outside world, regardless of whether you can handle it or not.
independence scares you because it’s unfamiliar territory. Often when we look at people who are independent and on their own two feet, they seem to have a sense of self identity, purpose and responsibilities to handle.
I’m always in favour of people moving out of their parents homes for a couple of years at least (the culture where I come from also emphasises on the whole family living together and there’s no move out at the age of 18 concept) because I see the pros and cons of both situations of living in/ out of your parents home.
No book, YouTube video, friends’ experiences will teach you about being an adult. You have to step out and experience it yourself.
Start doing exposure therapy. Basically, slowly, bit by bit, immerse yourself into the traditional adult experiences.
I’ll give you examples. Understand fully how your insurance works. Keep all your medical records in both a physical and a digital file.
Understand how your car functions as a product - which means guarantees, warranties, insurance, emergency numbers, mechanics nearby, etc.
Start tracking all your spending expenses, even if you’re using your parents money at the moment. The earlier you start this habit, the better. Create a monthly budget for yourself and stick to it.
Start doing your own laundry in the house and learn that not all clothes go in the washing machine, some go for dry cleaning etc.
Make it a goal to learn to cook at least 5 dishes properly before you leave. If your parents are good cooks, ask them to teach you or go to every introvert’s favourite site, YouTube.
Pretend that your room is a mini apartment and try to keep it clean at all times.
Start socialising more. Not just with known friends. Sign up for a random hobby class like a book club or a running club where you can meet more people. Yes it’ll be difficult, yes you’ll have moments of awkwardness but don’t give up after just one meeting - go and meet new people to get used to the idea of interacting with strangers.
You can’t rush into feeling like an adult. It takes time. Exposure therapy is the best way to get into it. The more responsibility you can healthily shoulder, even if you fail at times, you’ll still start feeling more confident.
We weren’t born with the knowledge of car tire changing mechanics, insurance, cooking or tidying up. We had to learn them as we grew up. It’s perfectly alright to not know how to do something. The beauty of living in today’s world is that the answer to nearly every question is one google search away.
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seonne · 4 months
So during the canon events of My Hero Academia, during the summer camp, the students had to make their own food- and so if I remember correctly, they made curry.
Now my Desi ass is thinking, curry in Japan is most definitely different than curry in India so if we got a Desi reader in there, she would most definitely be a little more than disgruntled at the difference.
Ahem anyways - Bakugou x f!desi!reader who sees our blondie start to make curry and then not only insults his cooking but show him how it’s ACTUALLY done /lh (Lmao no offense to anyone of Japanese culture, I bet your curry is amazing too <3 I just prefer what I grew up with 🤪)
But like imagine his surprise when he tastes our Indian curry and is shocked that it’s not only spicy and full of flavor but better than his????
And then when they get together you can bet he begs reader to teach him more about Indian cuisine 🤍
Hnnnnnggggggg THE WAY EACH TIME I SEE JAPANESE CURRY I CRINGE- (no offense to Japanese people or their cuisine but the dishes with same names but vastly different flavours are very wince-inducing) so yes queen, I will deliver this.
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"What on God's ever green Earth are you doing?"
Bakugou turned around to look at you looking over your shoulder in slight disgust.
"I'm putting in the oyster sauce-"
He watched as you comically gagged.
"Oyster sauce? In chicken curry?"
His jaw ticked as you watched him with disgust, his mouth forming a scowl.
"Do you think you're better than me, you damn extra?!-"
"I am at making chicken curry, that's for sure."
Bakugou physically took a step back at the callous remark you just made. He knew you bit back to his quips but this was the first time your statement held a challenge behind it.
Bakugou stood up straighter, moving away from the stove.
"Oh yeah? Prove it then. Put your money where your mouth is."
You huff and roll up your sleeves, tying your hair up in a ponytail. You step closer to the stove and keep aside the curry that he was working on.
"Let's not touch that fishy thing lest it CONTAMINATES my chicken curry. Okay first things first, we need the good old Garam Masala."
Bakugou snorted. "We're in the middle of a forest, genius. Where are you going to get Garam Masala from?"
You grinned. "Good thing I always keep a packet on hand then!"
He watched you slack-jawed as you skipped to your bag and came back with an opened packet of garam masala. You started working on your curry, salvaging some of the chicken from the other batches of Japanese curry being made. The whole area soon filled with the aromatic fragrance of your delicious boiling chicken curry as you worked determinedly. Bakugou watched your every move, begrudgingly admiring you.
After you were somewhat done, you poured some of the curry into a small dish for Bakugou to taste. He frowned at it and sniffed it, before taking a small sip while maintaining eye contact with you.
Your smug grin widened as Bakugou's face lit up at the bomb of flavours going off on his tongue.
"Okay... woah..."
You laughed and fist bumped the air.
"Woah indeed. That's the taste of India right there. I hope my cooking skills did my ancestors some semblance of justice-"
"It's incredible."
You smiled softly at his sincere admission and soon your classmates started swarming you for a taste of your curry.
Some said it was too spicy but no one said it was bad. Everyone agreed that it was very damn good, even those who couldn't handle the spice.
"I'd pair this with puttu and my life would be complete as that as my only meal for the rest of my life."
Bakugou looked up at you as he scarfed down his helping of rice and your curry.
"Isn't that a steamed rice cake or something?"
You smiled brightly. "Yeah! It's a staple food of the south! Ooo you know what would really bang? Dosa and chicken curry! God damn if only I had some urud on hand..."
The night continued with laughter and games as dinner melted into a huge sleepover. After mostly everyone had gone to sleep, Bakugou approached you.
"Hey, dumbass. Don't get it too over your head or anything but... your curry was good, okay? And I... I liked it." He pushed out through gritted teeth. He pushed his hands into his pocket and looked away.
"So, I'd like to know how you made the damn curry."
You looked at him with a wry smile. "Are you asking me for the recipe?"
"Tch! I don't ask for shit! Now give me the recipe!"
Your smile turned smug as you crossed your arms.
"Only if you say please"
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Holy shit it's done!!!!! I'm so sorry for the late post but I really hope you liked it!! Thank you for the idea too.
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active-mind-15 · 4 months
Oh yeah, after I read that one Akashi-centric fic called A Lesson In Human Interaction (and all the bullshit that comes with it), I am finally breaking my silence on my Nebuya headcanon that he's half Nigerian because in the fic he has a Nigerian father and now I feel validated. However, a difference between my headcanon and the author's headcanon is that instead of him being from the Yoruba tribe, I want to say that his family is Igbo. Purely because I am also Igbo and I want to project. Anyway, walk with me.
Nebuya being half-Nigerian and not living in Nigeria means that whichever parent of his is Nigerian (I'd assume the mother simply because he has a Japanese family name) would make sure he stays connected to his culture somehow. One of those ways is for sure through his name. Interracial couples especially tend to each give their kid a name that comes from their respective country. In this case, even though Nebuya has a Japanese name, his mother would give him a Nigerian one as well that she calls him by. Haven't decided what it would be, though, so I'll get back to you on that.
Another way would be through language. This would mean that Nebuya (in my opinion) would be trilingual because he would speak Japanese, Igbo, and--by extension--English, since English is the national language of Nigeria anyway and so most people speak it to some degree (effects of being colonized by the British ✊🏿😔).
The English part would be interesting to explore because Nebuya speaking English would have Akashi (who is canonically fluent in English) thinking he would understand Nebuya when he speaks it. But when Nebuya speaks with Nigerian relatives, especially cousins, he slips into Pidgin instead (a Nigerian dialect of English), leaving Akashi confused. He can speak standard English as well, but he goes back and forth between that and Pidgin English. Also, I think he would speak Pidgin more commonly with cousins but then use Igbo with older relatives like aunts, uncles, and grandparents. So Akashi, wanting to decipher what he's saying, would ask Nebuya about it and maybe Nebuya would teach him a few words/phrases in Pidgin. It would be cute to see Nebuya teach his teammates Igbo phrases as well. Imagine if the next time Nebuya called any of his Nigerian relatives he'd tell them he was teaching his teammates their language and make them try and talk to his relatives in Igbo.
Don't remember if it was ever confirmed in canon so I'll keep this as a regular headcanon, but I believe Nebuya can cook very well (like if you're gonna eat all that food every day you better know how to sustain yourself), so I would think sometimes he likes to make traditional Nigerian food. His favorite dishes are of course the ones heavy on meat, and he likes to pair them with either fried rice or jollof rice. Typically making traditional Nigerian food is done in bulk, which means he'd have a lot to store as leftovers to eat throughout the week, but he also does like to share and would save some food for his teammates to try.
I also am thinking of what Nebuya would look like in traditional Nigerian clothes like a kaftan or agbada. I've seen him in kimonos, so it would be fun to see him rock some Nigerian clothes, too. Maybe his aunt or his grandmother makes clothes for him that they send over to Japan for him to wear.
I would hope that every so often, Nebuya would take a trip to Nigeria to see family. And when he comes back, he brings gifts for his teammates. Imagine them sitting Nebuya down and asking him to tell stories from his trip, and they all get to sit there and learn more about Nebuya's culture and his family.
Anyway, I'll cut it off here, but I am obsessed with this headcanon and I just had to get it off my chest.
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Hi hi hi hi hii!! Can you do Tom Kaulitz with Polish male reader or gn reader? Your decision. There's like zero fanfics about Polish readers, it's usually Mexican, Korean. Maybe Tom visits his s/o in Poland for a couple of weeks and it's all cute, like Tom tries most of the traditional food, pierogi for example. And Tom never heard his s/o talk in Polish so when he did he was like *wow😯*. And reader also know how to bake so they make sernik or cheese cake(I think it's the same thing?) Or just cupcakes, so yayyy cute happy couple.
Love ur fanfics, pookieeee!! 💙
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(Hello! So sorry this took so long and I saw your other requests and I feel bad for not responding, DW they're still in my inbox I was just being lazy. But enjoy!)
Tom K. x Polish!Reader
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I feel like you being from Poland and having an accent was what drew him to you at first
Obviously later on it was personality and who you are but just you being from somewhere else was cool and hot to him
I mean he and Bill have both said that they like people from other countries/places
He could listen to you talk for hours
Was the one to start playfully copying your words in Polish just because he wanted to annoy you
That or he learned curse words in Polish just to call people assholes or bitch in another language
*Cough* Georg *cough*
But then he would be picking up Polish quite a bit
He also has you teach him to get words and sounds right even if they were the easiest ones on the planet
Just because he likes seeing you and hearing you teaching him
If that makes sense
He could listen to your accent go on and on for hours on end
No matter what language because he is just addicted
But what he did not expect in the beginning was for Polish to sound sorta aggressive
He was caught off guard for a moment when he first heard it, staring at you like
"What did I do?!"
Especially if you're yelling at someone man he is by all means be supporting you but by afar
He don't want to be caught in the crossfire
One time he walked in on you arguing with Gustav
And he couldn't even tell what was going on by all the screaming in German and Polish
He was standing there dumbfounded and fled before anything could turn to him
But even sometimes just talking sounded aggressive but he learned your mannerisms for when you're actually mad
So he knows the drill know babes
Hw loves learning more about you, your background or your family
Everything is just so cool and new to him, and he would especially appreciate it if you also did the same with Germany and his culture
He indulges in your culture 100%
Your family is now his family from the times he sneaks up to visit y'all
Or sometimes just them because he likes seeing your mom and your siblings
Him and your dad surprisingly get along, considering how most dad's get along with their sons boyfriends
He literally loves cooking and baking with your mom
He may suck at it but man does he gossip with your mama
But he does try his best when with you
Mainly with your mom he's sitting on the counter, kicking his feet and talking as he hands her ingredients
But with you he likes to impress you by cooking your cultures foods
And when he tries he can be absolutely bomb at it let me tell you
He had never heard of the dishes before, especially tasted them so he was genuinely happy when they tasted to good
He stole so much and was eating it the whole time
He just loves spending time in poland with you, learning your language and culture, and hearing you talk
He's so whipped let me tell you
Taglist: @billsjum6ie @bigbootahjudy @ilovebill-and-gustav @r3dheadedw0rld @kiwitsune @V4mpyboyy @novaaisstupid @billybabeskaulitz @yas-v @iischafer @dilfverz @ahswhore0 @graciegizmo3184 @sweetpuffy12 @80s-tingz @ryiana @yuriayato5 @bunnysenpai31 @banshailey @bellastoner420 @victryzvv9 @stxngnr @killed-kiss @stilesandjames
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I don’t know how y’all are feeling, but I’m so grossed out by streamers right now
So I’m going to give you some smaller youtube creators to watch who are so fun, and not owned by a studio that is refusing to pay their workers.
Watcher Media - Do you like ghost hunting, puppets, and food? These three former Buzzfeed employees started their own video company and they are a true delight. Shane, Stephen and the Bergooz talk about ghosts, history, food, and murder. Worth a watch!
Tasting History - Max Miller, former Disney employee, started a food history podcast that teaches you about what people ate in ye olde times, and why. You can tell how passionate he is about his subject matter. A very chill time.
Mythical Kitchen - Do you like gremlins and food and gremlins who make food? That’s basically Mythical Kitchen. It is Good Mythical Morning’s bizarre, anxious kid sibling who may have sniffed bath salts last night, but has the best of intentions. If Nicole didn’t constantly remind him that it would kill him, I’m pretty sure Josh would eat wood glue.
Disney Dan - If you’re a Disney human, Disney Dan is a great way to scratch that itch. He does deep dives into park costumes and touring show costumes, including some deeply terrifying showings from the dawn of Disneyland. He’s so much fun. He has a great laugh, and you can tell he’s having such a good time.
Defunctland - Short form documentaries about all sorts of both well-known, and very little known subjects in pop culture. He does such compelling work. I cannot recommend this channel enough.
Ask a Mortician - Do you think about dying, and the ethics of the death industry? Get onboard with the Order of the Good Death. There is something really interesting and refreshing about death positivity, or, being well informed about the industry that your family will invariably have to deal with once you die. Being unafraid to tackle the idea that we all gotta go sometime, and we can make good choices about what happens to our bodies when that happens. 
Be Kind, Rewind - A super solid Hollywood history channel, tackling a lot of topics pertaining to women in the industry.
Fundie Fridays - I knew nothing about fundamentalist religion before I started watching this channel. Jenn and James are so informative, and they do their best to show empathy to those who truly need it amongst subjects that are truly horrifying sometimes. TW for information about sexual abuse and other disturbing subjects, but so informative and so important to know.
Food Wishes - Join Chef John as he cooks up delicious dishes. So chill. Such good vibes.
Demystifying Chinese Cooking - Traditional Chinese food is an entire world all it’s own, and you should know about it!
Girl with the Dogs - Canadian Animal Groomer who tells you all about the breeds she grooms, and also how to handle difficult animals with compassion and safety. She also uses a lot of her funds from youtube to give free grooms to animals in need, and promote animal adoption.
Shipwrecked - They describe themselves as stupidly smart comedy, and that’s very true. They’re an indie film company, creating historical fiction that is really lovely and funny.
Kittenlady - Hannah and Andrew run Orphan Kitten Club, a non-profit dedicated to caring for abandoned neonatal kittens. They’ve been doing a lot of traveling to learn about kitten and cat care around the world, and shine a spotlight on shelters and colony caretakers internationally.
I could literally go on forever. But these are the ones that are super standout for me at least right now!
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fridayth13 · 1 year
Hiya! I saw that ur requests are open, if that's not too specific, may I ask for Solomon, mammon and Barbatos x Brazilian! Reader (Separate)? Thank you, love your blog! ☺️
I think Solomon's part would be cute, since "Sol" means sun in portuguese
—eu te amo
↳ mammon, barbatos, and solomon × brazilian!gn!reader (separately)
↳ genre: fluff | wordcount: 400+ | warnings: solomon slander (affectionate)
↳ notes: i myself am not brazilian nor do i know any brazilian people personally so i hope i managed to portray everything accurately 🙏 thank you for the request, anon! i'm glad you've liked my blog so far hdsdgjhfsfgjj
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first of all. i hc mammon speaks a decent amount of spanish
so i think it'd be pretty funny if the two of you tried having a conversation with him speaking spanish and you speaking portuguese. as an experiment hdsgjdfhshj
two latin languages trying to communicate tends to be a fun stupid thing to do when you have nothing better to do
seriously though mammon likes you so so so much!! no matter what relationship you guys have!
so i'm very sure he would be very eager to get into stuff about your culture that you're willing to share with him
but i think he would be particularly fond of samba dancing
he's not a slow dance type of guy, typically (not to say he isn't good at it) but there's a reason he prefers a club to a ballroom
mammon loves the fast paced swinging and twirling you around to the music and he absolutely adores the giggles tumbling past your lips when he manages to catch you by the waist before you fall
better than any of the music you could play for your impromptu dance practices
teaching him about brazilian cuisine!!
the domesticity!!!! the cozy atmosphere of the kitchen!!!
if you enjoy cooking, he can actually take a step back for once and let you teach him
but even if you prefer to take the backseat, he is so determined to make the best dish you've ever tasted
but just to make sure, he'll ask you to come help him taste test to make sure the food comes out to your liking
i had feijoada in mind when i got this idea, as it is the national brazilian dish
but i think he'd like to make whatever kind of homey dish for you when/if ever you're homesick :') even if it might just be rice and beans or smth
i also think that he's traversed around brazilian lands before his butler days. but of course, i doubt it was called brazil yet hdshkddjdh
the landscape's definitely changed a lot. the people and traditions too (depending on the era he visited)
maybe he'd tell you about it if you asked nicely enough? 🤔
whenever you talk with it, he's going to seem like he has No Damn Clue what you're saying
you are so right portuguese is going to be very fun with the two of you
(well, depending on who you ask)
make no mistake, he absolutely knows. he's not the witty sorcerer for nothing ofc. he knows his way around humanity, and that includes linguistics
but he finds some amusement in having you translate your own words for him (like "you like me enough to do that?? 🥺 awweee,,mcc,,,,,,,,," he's so silly)
he's not too surprised if you decide to call him "sol"
it's pretty simple. like how you'd say "asmo" or "beel"
but if you explain to him that you call him that because it means sun? congrats! he's done for!
melting! absolutely whipped man!
his head is going to be in the clouds so damn much thinking about how you've essentially been calling him "sunshine" all this time
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divider from @clutteredfun
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Hi! First of all I hope you are having and amazing day/night! I happened to find this little blog that his helping demigods to find their godly parents and as someone who really unable to solve their own personality I would be very happy if you could help me out too!
Sooo somethings about myself:
1) I study at the univeristy at the moment for two different professions (One is Gastronomy and Culunary Art while the other one is Ethnography)
2) My hobbies are drawing, listening music, reading, writing, swimming, hiking, cooking, conduct research on history and cultures and doing some little crafting projects. Most of the people who knows my hobbies often tells me that I'm good at drawing and writing. Also from some experience I'm pretty good at acting too
3) I have an interesting connection between kids and animals. Somehow I make most of the young kids relaxed and happy when I take care of them. Same could go for animals too. Many of my acquaintances said that veterinary medicine or teaching could be good professions for me when choosing a department but I really didn't want to leave my love for researching.
4) I mostly have a mixed taste when it comes to music but most of my playlists consist of alternative singers and music groups. My fave Alt music category is Glam Rock, I can listen any kind of Glam Rock for ours.
5) My love languages are speding quality time and giving gifts.
6) My social life is kind of weird tbh. Most people a little shy about approaching me. One of my close friends actually straight up told me that I was looking so intimidating and happy while being alone that she got scared to approach me for a while. But in realty I'm just afraid that I won't make a good impressions in people (I thing this is some kind of anxiety ?). Also I'm not very good at endure people who are not willing to develop or do good things for themselves, "stupid" people (which there is a lot of them in my country) in my book so whenever I get in a chat with them I somehow use my expressions more than normal so that they understand I don't wish to talk with them.
7) I have this weird thing about my look. I don't like to be standard. Just as I can express myself with my clothing, I think I can do the same with my body. That's why I like tattos, colored hairs, piercings and such. Also some little step to achive my thought made me realize I was and am genderfluid. Soo I think it was also a win win.
Hello camper! Glad to be of help 😌 honestly I had the same problem, and then as soon as I got input from others I was like "wait yeah it really was obvious" 😅😅😅
Ok so I had to do some research BUT
I reckon you're a Demeter kid. Demeter is traditionally goddess of the harvest, but she is also the goddess of culinary arts. Although it's not explicitly stated, I'm so very sure the Demeter kids are the most multicultural cabin. You can't tell me that Demeter doesn't travel all over the world to see all the different crops and plants and dishes other countries have, even if her home base is still America. She's also the goddess of fertility and her children are natural nurturers (despite what dear Meg McCaffrey may make you think), which makes sense why babies and animals are drawn to you.
Well, child of Demeter, welcome to Camp Half Blood! Cabin 4 is unfortunately still under construction, although hopefully it'll be finished soon - for the time being, you'll have to continue camping out in Cabin 11. On the up side, Miranda Gardner, head counsellor of Demeter Cabin, has just negotiated that her and her siblings get a section of the cabin exclusively to themselves, so that should be more comfortable. I'm honestly not sure how she pulled that off, although I will say I saw Meg walking around earlier with an extremely smug look on her face... and some shiny new steel-toed boots...
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ks-caster · 1 month
I’m Avoiding A Task So Here’s a Commentary On Society and Gender Instead
“What are your pronouns?”
My parents live in a suburb (NOT a “small town,” much as my city friends might quip about it) with a couple of older, classic, mom and pop restaurants. When I visit them it can be difficult to decide on where to go out to eat, as many of the dishes and even common ingredients that I’m used to ordering at home just aren’t available where they live, but instead I find access to some strange menu items.
“A Hot Turkey Sandwich used to be a big thing,” my mother tells me one day as we sit down in a half diner, half bakery. She points it out on the menu, talks about it, surprised to find a place where it’s still served.
“This restaurant must cater to an older clientele, who still expect to be able to order that,” I say, and she agrees. Most places took it off the menu decades ago, because they wouldn’t have made a profit from having it available, but not this place. This place can profit from nostalgia.
Businesses have to change as people’s tastes change, to survive.
“What are your pronouns?”
I read an article a while back on why department stores suck so much more now, from the perspective of someone who had used to work at one “back in the day” and then re-applied for the same job many years later. The premise was that individual workers used to be responsible for individual zones—back room, men’s clothing, kitchenwares, etc., taking ownership of their sections and knowing their products, but that now, every person is responsible for every section as the companies run on skeleton crews, and as a result no one truly knows where everything is. 
Once upon a time, in the micro-society that is retail, each employee served a specific function for the benefit of the whole. Now, a few employees are expected to perform every function simultaneously, creating a dreadful experience for themselves and for shoppers, and pushing more and more commerce online.
“What are your pronouns?”
The last time I worked in retail, I had a coworker, a single mom, who once laughed and said that the reason she couldn’t hold down a relationship was that she was both more of a woman and more of a man than all of the men she tried to date. She could cook a gourmet meal and crawl under a car to fix it. Ultimately, while she enjoyed men’s company, what did she really need to keep one around for? She’d gotten so good at performing both functions that there was no purpose behind having a partner in her life. She was enough on her own.
My parents are older, but my dad is much older—born in 1949, schooled in the 1950’s and 1960’s. When he was in high school, he asked to take home ec as an elective, because he liked food, and he was told, “you are a boy, boys take shop class. Girls take home ec. Your wife will do that for you.” 
He was a bachelor with male roommates until the age of 37. 
My mom was born in 1964, schooled in the 1970’s and early 1980’s, and in school she was discouraged from taking home ec, because “women can have careers now, you don’t want to waste your time learning how to take care of some man, do you?” 
They wouldn’t teach my father how to cook because of his gender, they wouldn’t teach my mother how to cook because of her gender, and the end result was that when my parents got together, my dad had to teach my mom how to fry an egg. 
People change; hunger does not.
“What are your pronouns?”
I took an archaeology class in undergrad, and my professor mentioned she had beef with most forms she had to fill out, because they’d ask her gender, but only offer sexes and not genders as response options. “Sex is biological—if I dig up a skeleton, I can generally determine the sex based on physical characteristics. But gender is cultural, and to determine that, I need to know more about the culture, burial items, circumstances of death. It might be something that only bothers people like me, who study ancient civilizations through their trash, but it does bother me.”
I dutifully took notes. I was, after all, a straight-A student.
Decades ago, when my grandmother was young, defining what made a man a man and what made a woman a woman was much easier—their roles in society were clearly defined, generally based on their biological sex. Men and women performed set tasks in order to keep society functioning. Whether each individual necessarily fit into the roles they were assigned is another matter—if I had taken a job in retail and been assigned the paint and decor section, I’m sure I could technically do it, but given that I am mildly colorblind and have a questionable-at-best sense of aesthetics, I certainly wouldn’t be a good fit.
But as my grandmother grew up, fleeing her home with her family and coming to America to escape a world war that sent American women into the workforce into jobs previously reserved for men, society began to change. While my grandmother was busy learning English and perfecting an accent that would allow her to pass as an American to her school fellows and avoid xenophobia, American women were learning about economic freedom, and perfecting skill sets that would allow them to avoid the helplessness of being the less-respected gender.
“What are your pronouns?”
In the 1940s, “boner” was slang for “big mistake.” There’s a vintage batman page somewhere circulating the internet of Batman gloating to the Joker that because the Joker was too busy trying to get the Batman to make a mistake that the Joker wasn’t paying attention and messed up himself. 
Except, well, you can imagine how it’s worded. 
In 2024 it looks and sounds hilarious. But in 1944 it would have been completely ordinary. Language changes and evolves as people use it. The English my grandmother painstakingly learned in the 1940s is not the same English that we speak today—she keeps a coffee table book of Teen Slang in her living room that’s 15 years out of date.
When I went back to school for my master’s, I had to re-take English I and British Literature as prerequisites, since they didn’t accept CLEP scores. I was fascinated by the experience of reading Chaucer in the original language, and how often I could intuit the meanings without having to look down at the extensive footnotes in my student edition. I wondered at the time how much of it my grandmother might have been able to understand, as she also spoke German. The text would have been incomprehensible to most of my students today; I only understood it because of my background.
“What are your pronouns?”
One thing I found particularly interesting in the Canterbury Tales was the word “hir,” a possessive term that seemed to mean either “his” or “her” interchangeably. Gender-neutrality all the way back in the 14th century? Or perhaps spelling simply wasn’t standardized yet. Language changes and evolves with society, but the idea that we don’t need to be too terribly rigid with pointing at the shape of people’s genitals every time we refer to them in conversation? That’s not new.
After all, pithy internet rhymes have brought up the fact that Shakespeare used the singular “they,” making it older than the singular “you.” (You is plural—read that aloud to yourself, hear how the “you is” sound a little off? It’s “you are”—plural.) It’s only in recent years that using “they” to refer to a person of indeterminate gender has become this big, frightening thing to Conservatives, and it’s not because the word itself is new to them. (And don’t cite their age—this is not a vampire movie, none of them are older than Shakespeare).
The very word “conservative” suggests “reserved,” or “restrained” or “traditional.” The sudden fear of the singular “they” represents a much greater fear: a fear of how the use of multiple pronouns shows that people’s overall roles within society have changed.
In order for a society to function, it has to grow and evolve along with people and their wants and needs and comforts. A restaurant will only profit from selling a Hot Turkey Sandwich in a community with a large older population, and without that population, they must innovate. A store expecting employees to take on multiple roles must find a way to manage those roles effectively so that the work gets done, or that store will fail. The same is true of society as a whole.
People no longer function within the rigid man/woman Western Society dichotomy. There are more available roles within society and people who are comfortable within those roles fill them. To deny this and try to make it about genitals when it never really was is just a fear response of last resort.
For Conservatives to choose to cling to a model that no longer works in the modern era is like a restaurant trying to serve only older traditional dishes when their clientele is rotating through age groups. Sure, people will probably always like some classics like coffee and waffles, lower taxes and cheaper gas. But if the rest of the menu is a refusal to innovate, it’s no one’s fault but their own when they lose business.
So, why not innovate? Why be afraid to add in a bacon and brussel sprout skillet, some avocado toast, have some truffle aioli available on the side? Why, when the other option is to lose profits and eventually go out of business, would Conservatives continue to try and push the Hot Turkey Sandwich on younger generations, when fewer and fewer will be interested in ordering?
“What are your pronouns?”
As more and more Trump voters insist that if he does not win, they’ll leave the country, I’ve been seeing videos pop up on my social media from various other countries, of people explaining how America’s Left-Wing candidates are actually the rest of the world’s idea of Centrist or even Right-Wing Moderate. “Where will you go?” they ask. “You’ll still be in the most right wing country we can think of, other than Russia.”
The dying out of the far right is too slow, considering their views, but it’s happening. Even my uncle—everyone has That One Uncle, don’t we?—who damn near worshiped Donald Trump and was desperate for him to win, is starting to fade out as he learns about planned cuts to veteran benefits. Watching him vomit up the kool-aid isn’t as satisfying as it should be.
“What are your pronouns?”
Why would anyone, anyone, want to take an evolving society and try to shove it back seventy-five to a hundred years? What must it be like inside the mind of someone who would rather watch the majority of people be oppressed than lose one ounce of perceived privilege?
I think I can imagine.
When I was finishing up undergrad, I spent much of Senior Year holed up in the library to avoid my ex and ex-best-friend, who had taken nearly all of my friends in the dual divorce. But I never felt lonely, because no matter where I hid myself, my classmates would find me, talk with me—and ask me to help edit their papers. I was an amazing editor—some people get Math Autism, I got Grammar Autism—and I’m told I was responsible for several “highest grades ever” just by helping people reorganize their ideas and make them readable.
After I graduated, careful to avoid my two exes, angry stares burning into the back of my head even though realistically I was the victim in both cases, I left the campus, moved back with my parents, and began to notice how quickly most of my classmates stopped talking to me or completely deleted me on social media.
They needed me, you see, but they did not want me.
I think that icky, horrible, lonely feeling might be what Conservatives feel as society changes around them. The feeling of knowing you’re not needed anymore, and you were never wanted, so you can be cast aside, even though you did everything right, fulfilled your role perfectly. People like my former coworker don’t need a man—as she said, she’s man enough and woman enough all on her own. So perhaps every man she spends time with feels a little like I felt after college, like even though he’s doing everything right he’ll never be enough.
I can’t fault them for the feelings—feelings are always valid, no matter how fucked up.
But do you know what list of things I didn’t do, after college? If you’ve read this far, you can imagine. 
I didn’t go around complaining and causing trouble because people weren’t interested in ordering a Hot Turkey Sandwich anymore. I innovated, learned how to make some delicious cocktails (literally and figuratively) and made some real friends, who wanted me before they needed me.
“What are your pronouns?”
Plenty of people didn’t exactly fit in with the rigid gender roles of Western Society, just as they don’t now—but methods of self-expression have changed. Society is different, and people have more wiggle room to get comfortable in a role that works for them. That comfort comes at a price of everyone having to fulfill more roles, of course. Division of labor is still healthy (especially in this economy!) and we as a people are still working on what that looks like, outside of the gendered tradition. Modern living still assumes the existence of an unpaid laborer at home, and this leads to a lot of tired, broke people augmenting with paid labor (such as meal kits or other services). We certainly have a long way to go.
But responding to the new bacon brussel sprout skillet being a little undercooked and over-seasoned by suggesting a hot turkey sandwich instead isn’t the Gotcha! that Conservatives wish it was, because what we really need as a societal restaurant is to perfect our roasting technique on things that will actually improve dinner service for everyone, not just remind them of “The Olden Days.”
You want to run America like a business? Then step up, and compete, like a business.
Hi, my pronouns are they/them. I don’t fit into the traditional man or woman categories, and I don’t think it makes any sense for me to try to. I am myself, I am a problem-solver, I am an educator, and I suppose somewhere around here I have a set of genitals and secondary sex characteristics—but unless we get really, really friendly, I hardly see how that last bit needs to be any of your business. 
Did I open my laptop to work on Red Queen? Yes. Did I do that? No.
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sayitalianolearns · 2 months
Hey, I'd like to know how you teach yourself korean?🙃
안녕! :)
Well ofc it depends on the way you generally like to study (you can try different methods and see which one works better for you if you're still unsure). What I did generally works for learning languages in general (at least for me), but yeah.... (there are some different approaches in this masterpost)
First of all I learnt hangul, then moved onto basic grammar sentences/structure and vocabs... daily stuff mostly, like a kid. And tried to practice writing (both on computer and handwriting) while exercising (relying on Papago too). My resources were/are langblrs on here like @bieups @a-pop-of-korean (TY! Their resources are organized also by levels which is so useful -despite I tend to wander at times lol but WHATEVER) and some others I cannot remember but will try to add (or you can check my reblogs anyway under the tag #ref) and grammar videos on youtube in ENG-KOR or (more recently tho) KOR with ENG/KOR subs. TBH I started with a very basic yt course in Italian for free which offered also explanations by natives/people living in Korea for years + exercises. Anyway when studying grammar, I also take notes actively on paper (I have a bunch of notebooks for grammar and vocabs or other stuff that may be useful -I'm personally badly organized but you can divide notebooks according on your needs like one for exercises, another for grammar, one for vocabs, one for music and so on).
I used to follow a Memrise course (which I totally should start doing again): I found this website/app to be very good for me personally when it comes to learn languages (I studied Russian as well on there). I'm not a Duo fan: their course (especially the Korean one) is not well organized imo... Memrise has good vocabulary but also natives short videos useful for pronunciation/listening (there are many courses there, you can choose any you rather... I think there's a Topik -Korean language exam- one too). I add to this (when I can, that's why I'm lacking a bit in this skill) watching Korean videos on YT (information/news, interviews, lives, tv shows, cooking/recipes videos, or shows like Going Seventeen and Run BTS...) and listening to podcasts (both on yt and spotify) and Kpop (translating songs -some can be found online already translated, also on here ofc which you can use both to learn directly and to check if you did your translation well).
I read Korean texts, even more if from natives (I joined Weverse for example for listening too, but also on here I try to read as much as I can). The only books I bought myself are these two in the pic below (and I bought them on Amazon for like around... 30 euros both? Idr sorry). The visual dictionary has a bit of grammar and general infos here and there too but I admit I am not using it as much as I tought: I learn vocabs more often through sentences/music or texts. The Folktales book instead is like my fav thing rn as it has KOR&ENG texts + vocabulary lists and also exercises/comprehension tests at the end of each story + Korean culture notes that are so very cool. I can read Korean (and also listen: there are audios online for each story) and practice all at once (I also write summaries of those folktales and it's good for fixing certain idiomatic expressions/words too). Disclaimer: it doesn't have much for beginners TBH so wait a little before buying it (if you are thinking about this chance ofc). I think that to learn a language, one needs to understand the culture and traditions (history/development, celebrations, dishes and how they originated too, hot takes/povs on stuff) of the country speaking it as well so I've been trying to learn about this too. And on this matter I find very useful to watch also videos of Italian youtubers living in Korea (a better pov for me since it's by people who were basically raised with my same habits and traditions, at least for most part).
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What else...? Well, I've been writing daily a diary on here for more than a year now (mostly to practice and collect resources) and whenever I get the chance, I try to put myself out there and send asks or reply to people's posts or anything in Korean (ofc to langblr/studyblr/people that know the language LOL -and yeah I'm ANNOYING but... yeah). The only way to learn is to try and make mistakes, hopefully someone will answer me and/or correct me :P
OFC if you can join a proper course or find an online teacher/study buddy on some good app or on here too (@booksbluegurl was up to something, not sure how it ended TBH), probably that would help you better. Interactions are so fundamental, as they help us think in another language more easily and more often imo (and Korean grammar works totally differently from English or Italian, we need to think in a different way when expressing ourselves: "I do this" VS "I this do", eg.). But if you are uncomfortable, take your time by focusing on your learning process... the rest will come with time :) And when you feel okay to, talk out loud in Korean or read out loud: it makes a huge difference as it helps you fix words in your mind and realize where you lack so to work better on that (it's not that easy to pronounce every word/combination correctly at first, I often find myself having to repeat some sentences more than once to be able to say them "decently").
Best of luck on your journey~
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withsimge · 4 months
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Invest in yourself this year and go to Egypt
You will say "I am glad I went"
Hello everyone, in this blog I will talk about my own Egypt experience and information you have not heard before. I will do yourself a favor and make you go to Egypt this year.
First of all, I am sure that going to Egypt will be an excellent experience for those like me who want to get out of their comfort zone and have an unforgettable experience.
Egypt does not require a 90-day visa for Turkish citizens.You don't have any problems in terms of transportation, you can just take your passport and hit the road. If you are a student, getting a passport will be very cheap.
Arrange your departure date in advance and get it cheaper
Flight tickets are much cheaper than most countries, and if you follow the discounts of flight sites, transportation can be much cheaper. There are direct flights to Egypt from Turkey. I do not recommend a connecting flight unless it is very cheap.
I went in June and returned in July, and it had the same temperature as the hot cities in Turkey, and it was even cool in the evenings, so yes, it is a hot country, but definitely not unlivable.
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Shawarma and Koshari
They use the Egyptian pound as currency and its value is lower than the Turkish lira, so you can easily have a holiday. Food and drink prices vary depending on where you go, but in general it is cheaper than Turkey. Although their food culture is similar to Turkey, they are slightly different. They cook more spicy dishes. The dishes you will encounter most are shawarma, koshari, hummus, falafel and kebab. You should be careful about accommodation because not every place is reliable, but of course, don't let this scare you, not every place is reliable where you live now.
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They are very hospitable and nice to people, their culture is a bit similar to the Turks but be careful of getting ripped off by the Egyptians in Khan El Khalili because, like everywhere else, they try to take advantage of tourists when they see them if you had someone who speaks Arabic with you while traveling in Egypt. Most Egyptians speak English, do not worry about it, you can understand each other even using Google Translate.
The important things you need to take with you are a hat, glasses, sunscreen and moisturizer. But you can find everything you want in Turkey there too. If you are a student, do not forget to take your student card with you, there are discounts in some places.
Egypt is a big country, so of course it depends on where you go. I've seen dirty places, but I've also seen very clean places. Try to stay in central places where there are more people, you won't have any problems.
If you want to participate in a volunteer project, you can go to Egypt with Aiesec and have fun and an excellent experience, all by paying only your flight ticket. I went to Egypt with Aiesec and I was on a volunteer project where I spent time with the children and I had a great time. If you go with Aiesec, they also cover your accommodation and food needs, thus giving you the opportunity to learn and have fun there by just buying the plane ticket. There are many volunteer programs, I went to the teaching program for children, but you can also have a pleasant time by choosing a project according to your interests.
Before I went, I thought they would be very strict about this since Egypt is an Arab country, but I wore skirts and shorts in Egypt. But of course, this will vary depending on the environment you are in. It would be better to comply with the rules and culture of the country you are foreign to.
PYRAMIDS : Of course, the pyramids come first, they have a unique magic, never return without seeing them. You can see the pyramids for a very cheap fee with a student card. The horse and donkey keepers inside the pyramids may force you to ride. If you want to ride, you should definitely bargain because they charge a lot for the first fee, so they can give a lot of discounts.They ask for a separate fee to enter the pyramids, but in my opinion, there is no need to go inside because the inside is completely empty.
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CAIRO EGYPTIAN MUSEUM : In this museum, there are many historical artifacts that you will admire and mummies that still have a lock of their hair.I was fascinated while visiting this museum.Also, there were a surprisingly many Turks in the museum.
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KHAN EL KHALILI :This place can be compared to the Grand Bazaar in Turkey. Souvenirs and many other ornaments can be found here. Their prices are normal, but it would be better to have someone who speaks Arabic with you while you travel everywhere in Egypt, including this place.
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MANGO TREE : As the name suggests, this place is a with a beautiful view full of mango trees and a very beautiful sunset.Do not leave Egypt without trying mango ice cream and mango juice.
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ALEXANDRIA :Alexandria, another historical city in Egypt, fascinated me. I recommend you to visit the Library of Alexandria and many museums in that city.
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FAYOUM : This is a city in Egypt and it has a perfect view ,you can also go sandboarding and safari here .
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PLACES NAMED ARABIATA AND TREE TRUNK: These places are one of my favorites. While you can mostly have dinner in Arabiata, Tree Trunk might be a good choice to have a drink while enjoying the view.
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It will be easier for you to learn at least Arabic numbers before going to Egypt.
There are almost no traffic rules and there are very few traffic lights, so be very careful when crossing the road because a car can appear from anywhere.
Egypt's nightclubs are very entertaining and the prices are normal,of course not every day, but if you want to have a lot of fun, you can go to a nightclub one day.If you like nightlife, I'm sure you won't regret it.
By the way, Arabic songs are very nice, my favorite is Arabic rap.
I leave my favorite song here :
In conclusion, if you want to go abroad, improve yourself, get to know different cultures, get out of your comfort zone, but you do not have enough money, Egypt is a perfect country for you. If you want it to be a little cheaper and want to work somewhere as a volunteer, going to Egypt with Aiesec will be a perfect step for you.
Thank you for reading this far. If you have any questions, I leave the adress below where you can reach me 🤠
Instagram : simgevnc
All pictures belong to me.📸
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rinwellisathing · 6 months
Get to know my OCs: Sentry Ojeda and life with Commander Mum.
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Evagria Ojeda was inspired by my maternal grandmother as well as a lot of other protective and supportive older women I've known in my life. My grandmother was Lenape and a lot of the other inspirations for the character were Taino or Afro-Latina, so that's just a bit of background to start and sort of explain where she comes in since I've said before Sentry is the OC who is most based on me.
-Evagria Ojeda grew up wealthy but ultimately gave away her inheritance to those in need in order to live her life as a paladin of Ilmater because she is a true believer in his teachings.
-She agrees with Father Lorgan's writings on Ilmater, so the two of them are close friends. Ilmater does not enjoy suffering or want his followers to suffer, he merely teaches that suffering is necessary at times in order to help others and must be endured.
-When she was young, her holy order worked briefly with The Harpers and she had a playful friendship with Jaheira due to her somewhat dry and snarky sense of humor.
-She is a genuinely good, open minded person. Not only is she aware right away Sentry is trans and willing to help him transition the way he wants, she is also aware he is a Bhaalspawn but believes that doesn't make him inherently irredeemable.
-Because all of her children are grown by the time she adopts Sentry, he is treated as her own son at the temple. She teaches him her culture, her language, and how to cook.
-Feeling valued and loved and being treated as a person instead of an idol or a weapon started Sentry down the road to rejecting Bhaal before he ever even knew he was chosen. Evagria gave him the tools he would need in order to save himself.
-Evagria's favorite recipes were feel good foods, cinnamon rolls and fry bread drizzled with honey were her specialties and those memories transcend even being stabbed and tadpoled. Even when he forgets most of who he was, Sentry can still make both of those dishes.
-Evagria supported Sentry's childhood paintings long before they were done in blood. Even when he painted dark or morbid scenes, she viewed it as healthy catharsis and complimented his work.
-While her life and love ultimately save him, her death is what made Sentry accept his role as Chosen of Bhaal. The darkness and pain he felt at losing the first person who was ever kind to him and treated him with dignity was a pretty crushing blow.
-The Emperor uses her form to visit Sentry in his dreams, knowing Sentry only ever was in love with Gortash and also that even Orin's attack couldn't erase Evagria's influence, it was an easy choice. Besides, she was an authority figure who had never steered him wrong. Although Sentry generally likes The Emperor and accepts him, he does find this impersonation the most difficult to forgive.
-Before Withers brings him back after Bhaal kills him for his insolence, Sentry is briefly able to speak with Evagria and tell her that it was her and not Bhaal or even Ilmater he drew strength from to smite Orin.
-When Sentry settles down finally, both his home with Halsin and his home with Astarion have Commander Ojeda's portrait featured prominently in the kitchen as well as above the fireplace. He always lights candles for her and leaves a plate of her favorite food and some of favorite liquor out.
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headcanon-honeybee · 7 months
Here! Have Headcanon!
Steven Universe is Italian. Now listen to me here
We all know from Uncle Andy that Greg's original surname was DeMayo. Well I did a little googling and
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This automatically makes me right/j
I mainly bring this up because I think Steven would connect with his human side via learning about his culture. I want him to go seek out people who are DeMayos (not really Greg's parents because I have the feeling they're conservatives) so he can learn some family history. I want him to cook traditional Italian foods and dishes. I want him to learn how to speak Italian and maybe teach it to Connie and/or the Gems.
I am not in any way Italian nor European for that matter but there's something so cathartic to me about characters learning more about their cultures. Especially when everything is Western by default. I wish I could properly speak my native language and knew more of my culture. So seeing one of my favourite characters learn more themselves sounds so nice
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wisemins · 1 year
saw the ask game you reblogged. I got excited and picked 3 (they all looked so cool😩). asking about ur ship with giyuu but if u wanna talk about any other ships that's fine too.
feel free to do as many as you want (one, all or even none! no pressure)
⚔️ - au time! pick an au of your ship that you have thoughts for and talk about it. if you can't decide, pick it randomly.
⏳ - do you have several timelines in your selfship? if so, describe them. alternatively, do you imagine your selfship in different stages of the relationship?
💌 - any major changes in your selfship lore over time? if so, compare how it used to be with how it's now.
FROTHING AT THE MOUTH TO TALK ABOUT GIYUU MORE TYSMMM FIOASASIOD!!! ⚔️ - au time! pick an au of your ship that you have thoughts for and talk about it. if you can’t decide, pick it randomly.
I love my modern AU with Giyuu!! I think about it probably just as much as our mainline canon. It's just so so sweet and domestic where nothing tragic happens and he and I can just be a happy and have our little family all together <3 And he gets to be a lot sillier (unintentionally, autism moment) than he does in mainline. He's a gym teacher, he loves raisin bread, he's kind of a nerd too! In my mind, he likes little collectibles from his childhood that he never got to have too many of, so now he very passively collects things like trading cards and smaller figurines! He also took up cooking a lot more in my modern AU! He likes reading books about cooking, the history behind different cultures and their cuisine, and practicing making new dishes and teaching me how to as well! It's all just very nice to exist in, and I love coming up with more things to think about with it!
⏳ - do you have several timelines in your selfship? if so, describe them. alternatively, do you imagine your selfship in different stages of the relationship?
I imagine a timeline rather often of me and Giyuu having a child of our own! (Outside of Zenitsu of course, this will always be a situation of giving my son a baby sibling.) I have a name picked out and everything, how he'd look, his personality too! I'm just never sure if I'm gonna canonize it or not. I love the thought of Zenitsu having a baby brother to grow up with for the rest of his teen years, and Giyuu and I getting to experience new parenthood, just getting to grow our family a bit! I'm always torn about it though, because I don't always like having kids in my self ships. Zenitsu is a rare case in that he's never gonna not be my kid in any canon, but he's also a teenager, so it's very much different! I do love Giyuu and I's semi-canonical child though very much, so maybe I'll just have to play around with the idea! And perhaps introduce the little guy to y'all! And I do imagine my selfships in different stages very often! It's always fun to reflect/relive scenarios no matter what period of time the story is taking place or even if I'm making up more that's ongoing/current!
💌 - any major changes in your selfship lore over time? if so, compare how it used to be with how it's now.
In mainline I was so hesitant to be with Giyuu previously! Every early piece of lore was just riddled with uncertainty and insecurity, the not knowing, the second guessing, the avoiding. What really changed it was the comfort factor, at some point it just hit me that Giyuu feels so comfortable, like I've known him and have been with him forever. That sort of love and safety and comfort that you get when you're decades into a relationship. I am still insecure, but that's a me problem. I know he'll always be there for me, but starting out when I f/o'd him, there was just so much insecurity and uncertainty. I was so scared that maybe he wouldn't want to be with someone who had adopted a teenager, especially one that actively feared him OTL (sorry Zenitsu, I know Giyuu can be a bit intimidating sometimes!), or that maybe I wasn't the right person for him because we're rather different. But I realized we compliment each other, and his devotion and love is silent, yet so powerful. We both were insecure little babies at the start, but now we're just so utterly comfortable and in love unabashedly. It's nice!
Thank you so much again!! I appreciate the ask!!
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bubble4u · 1 year
since taiju and terano are both chefs in the poly thing, who does most of the cooking 👀 and do they ever fight over who has the better dishes 🤭 i feel like south teases that his cooking is better to make taiju jealous hehe
Ok so funny you bring this up cause I was about to ask you as well lol and if this is Long I'm sorry
Taiju is great at fine dining type meals or meals that are restaurant level Michelin star the works. You give him a tasks and throw some ingredients together he can whip up something. His food of course is great but he does lack in some home cooked meals aspect cause while yes he make a mean ass fancy ass meal sometimes you're gonna miss those home cooked meals like those comfort meals you had when growing up. He's very to the book if you ever watched those food network type chefs like Gordon Ramsey he's that .
That's where south comes in I'd like to think taiju taught him alot but he also knew how to cook at a young age. South is better at those home cooked type meals like if you're sick you don't want some fancy ass soup you want the soup that was made for you when you were little and sick (even If it was from a can) but he also likes to venture in meal making try different countries cusines (id like to think he loves spicy foods)he will sneer at taiju and say " what would you know about this go make your beef wellingtons and shoo"
They both will bitch on who makes the better food mostly cause they know if ones right about it missing something they'll grumble and add the ingredients. Both are strong in food making but they each lack in some field cause not everyone is perfect but they'll teach each other
DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED cause if say there's a specific meal like especially from a cultural stand point (mine is menudo)you remember and you've tried to ask said person who makes it and they give those (I just eye ball it or do it until you feel is right) and they both try to recreate it and neither are there their gonna ruin that kitchen to make it right 🤣🤣🤣
It switches on who does the cooking but south does it the most taiju will do it here and there but south will do majority of the time
ALSO IMAGINE just walking in from work and seeing those two together in the kitchen and every pacing moment when one needs something or hand one something they kiss I know south would do it in exchange for handing taiju something like I'll give it to but you gotta kiss me first
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ladyhearthkeeper · 1 year
How do I start homemaking as a beginner? So many options is overwhelming
Hello Anon,
First take a deep breath. :)
Well, I'd say... start where you are. I don't know at what stage of life you are at, but any stage is fine to start.
You can start by observing the homes around you, starting from the one you grew up in. Notice what you like, what moves you and what makes you uncomfortable.
If you are still living under your parents, you can start by taking care of your own living space and maybe more of your home once you feel confident. You can ask your mom (or any older homey woman) to teach you some recipes for dishes that you like. Write them down.
In fact, keeping a little inspiration journal can be helpful to make sense of what is homemaking for you and how you can make it real in your living context.
If you are already have a home, spouse and family but didn't have the inspiration to make your living space a home... Start small, start with what you can handle with the time and energy you have. A homecooked meal once a week. Rearranging one room. etc.
I think, in everything, if we feel overwhelmed we should start small.
I started by taking more interest in how my mother kept our home, noticing fictional characters who can be caracterised as homemakers and making a mental note of what I liked... I read a little bit on the subject. Checked out a few blogs, And then i started small... Like I suggested above: I started with my living area. I started to learn how to cook and took charge of a few meals every week. I started to take care of the cleaning, and tending the garden. etc. Whatever that made me feel like I was nurturing my loved ones was part of my journey into homemaking.
Maybe it started way earlier, when I was a little girl taking care of my stuffed toys, friends, family and nature? I wonder when it all started. But that's just my own journey. You might be very different.
A last note : focus on your own reality, ideas, likes/dislikes and cultural aspect. There are a lot of blogs by lovely homemakers who might be doing things in a way that doesn't speak to you. It's ok. They're doing their thing. You can find some very good tips there but ultimately, you must do your own thing. There are a lot of options, but there's only one you.
I hope this helps... if not. please give me more details (off or on anon) on the context of your beginning into homemaking so that I can give you better advice.
Have a lovely evening, day... or afternoon!
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