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septembergold · 2 years ago
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The White-Chalk Cliffs on the island of Rügen, Germany.
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summeringminor · 1 month ago
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another lil drawing
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chaotically--calm · 2 months ago
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I painted another thing. The thing is
The coolest guy everr
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heartnosekid · 1 year ago
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🐾-🌈-🐾 / 🌈-🐾-🌈 / 🐾-🌈-🐾
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maxyvert · 2 years ago
Process of another drawing that I completely forgot to upload :’) Here here
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diana-andraste · 2 months ago
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Chalk Hill Drive-In (Highway 80 Dallas, Texas), Steve Fitch, 1973
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life-imitates-art-far-more · 2 months ago
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Theodor Kittelsen (1857-1914) "Skogtroll" ("Forest Troll") (1906) Black chalk stick, pencil, watercolor, and gouache on paper Located in the National Museum of Norway, Oslo, Norway
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webdiggerxxx · 3 months ago
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sluggoonthestreet · 6 months ago
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Lester prides himself on making a dramatic exit whenever bubbles are involved.
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laswells-ashtray · 1 month ago
It's a reoccurring issue in John's life. It strikes him with the spontaneity and force of a drunken father. The colour drains from his face and a familiar nausea bubbles under his skin, clawing its way up his throat.
He's yet to find a cause or a cure, it lingers behind him and attacks him unexpectedly.
It'd been Hell the rare few times it had struck him on a mission, he had fought despite the sickly feeling ravaging his body. He'd been planted on the ground, boot slammed into his gut and had lifted his head quickly enough to vomit over the enemy soldier's boots. He would've apologised if he hadn't followed it with a bullet between his eyes.
No one had to know about it, a perpetual weakness that led his system through a rollercoaster while his body remained immobile.
It often struck him while he was in his office, he spent so long in the room that he'd perfected the procedure to deal with the sudden bouts of rampant nausea that encompassed his system. Head on the desk for however long he required to rid himself of the queasiness and prolong sleep for however long he needed to catch up on the work he had missed in the wasted time.
At home, he had taken to just dropping to the floor, sitting with his head in his hands, Blocking out the familiarity of home that suddenly overwhelmed his senses and breathing heavily in hopes that the sounds of his breathing would be effective in tamping down the stomach-churning silence.
That's how Nikolai finds him. Leaning back against a kitchen cupboard, legs sprawled out in front of him and hands held so tightly over his eyes that Nikolai assumes the pressure has to be dizzying.
John's face is ashen and he's breathing heavily enough that the Russian knows it has to be deliberate, he's following a breathing exercise that he typically uses to calm himself when his patience is getting tested. In for four, hold for seven, out for eight.
The worry Nikolai feels is almost palpable as his eyes scan over his partner, relying on what medical training he's been taught for the field as he looks for an injury of some kind. Some kind of answer that could allow him to slip into a clinical viewpoint, treat the cause and do so with a warm bedside manner.
He finds no injury, no wound, no sign of some old ache playing up. He doesn't hear the telltale gruff swearing as John is overcome by a twinge of pain striking his back.
He quietens his approach as he walks towards his partner, kneeling down in front of the other man and carefully pulling one of John's hands away from his eyes.
John lets out a soft groan, Nikolai is positive that the other man isn't aware of the noise as it leaves his throat.
"What do you need?" It's a low murmur as he brushes the back of his fingers over John's face, subtly checking for a fever. He doesn't find one.
John peers up at him for the briefest of moments before his eyes are firmly closed again and he offers a subtle shake of his head. Nikolai would have to guess that he's close to cleaning vomit off of their kitchen floor by the way John swallows and grimaces.
He tries to mollify the sound of the fridge door opening, the seal is stubborn after years of use and whenever he brings it up, John refuses to let Nikolai just buy them a new fridge.
Maybe, when he no longer looks like he's going to hurl, Nikolai can convince the captain to authorize the purchase of a new one.
He's quick to grab a bottle of water and close the door, inching towards John and setting the bottle on the floor by his legs as he lowers himself against the cupboard next to his partner. He's cautious not to jostle the other man as he slips his hand behind John, planting it firmly on his hip.
He considers the pros and cons of taking John through to their bedroom, the man would surely feel more comfortable if he were in bed but the journey to the bed might be his undoing. There's no point in attempting to alleviate John's discomfort if he only worsens it.
The Englishman slowly lowers his head onto Nikolai's shoulder, a faint breath of relief breaking through his trained, methodical breathing exercise.
Nikolai flexes his toes, circling his ankles and making himself comfortable as he prepares himself for however long they'll remain sitting on the kitchen floor. They'll sit on the kitchen floor for however long it takes to see colour back on John's cheeks.
Only then will he interrogate John on his sudden state of illness, and then he'll make him soup and thoroughly plan for how he can help treat it the next time it may occur.
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demolitionbullets · 1 year ago
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pj harvey ▪︎ white chalk
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fhtagn-and-tentacles · 6 months ago
by Peter Tinkler
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summeringminor · 1 month ago
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another eddie
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oldschoolfrp · 1 year ago
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Got blood? Ad for Warhammer scenario pack Blood Bath at Orc's Drift in White Dwarf 68, August 1985, featuring Gary Chalk's box art, but reversed so all the weapons are in left hands
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yeabsolutelyart · 8 days ago
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I secretly drew on the chalkboard in class. My teacher has banned it from being erased. I’m so happy.
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chaosinhood · 9 months ago
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Jellyfish practice
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