#white wine in the sun by tim minchin
Damn that emotionally impactful song sure can make me fucking sob like a baby.
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easilyenraged · 9 months
White Wine In The Sun by Tim Minchin
I find this quite sad now that his mother has died
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xmassongtournament · 10 months
Bonus Track: All I Want For Chipmas is You by @moolamixtape
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lifeofpatterns · 2 years
My kind of a Christmas song
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macontheweb · 2 years
Brief pause in shitposting to listen to this banger and celebrate the news that Cardinal Pell is dead!!!
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grahamstoney · 4 years
The Power Of Music & Comedy: Tim Minchin
New Post has been published on https://grahamstoney.com/music/the-power-of-music-comedy-tim-minchin
The Power Of Music & Comedy: Tim Minchin
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Tim Minchin is a thoughtful performer who combines the power of music and comedy to both entertain and impact his audience, while expressing what is on his mind in an engaging and memorable way.
I first came across Tim when a friend offered me a ticket to his Sydney show during the Ready For This? tour in 2009. While I’d never heard of him before, I was immediately drawn in by the proficiency of his piano playing, the intellectual nature of his comedic observations, and his bizarre teased hairstyle.
Tim’s meteoric rise to fame was captured in the documentary Rock ‘n’ Roll Nerd, named after one of his early signature tunes that expressed ambivalence at not fitting the traditional rock star mould:
While he achieved success as a musical comedian in a relatively short period of time, it came after many years of playing keyboard in an 80’s rock cover band. At the beginning of his career he as constantly under pressure to create an income as his wife was keen to give up work and start a family. They were both overjoyed when she became pregnant, but this also ratcheted up the pressure on Tim to provide for his family financially. A particularly vulnerable moment in the documentary happens when his wife has a miscarriage while he is on tour, and we get to see Tim in grief revealing his sensitive side. There is more to him than just his on-stage trickster persona. The one silver lining in this cloud was that gave him some breathing space to launch his career, move to London and become successful before they became pregnant again.
Giles Hardie said that Tim’s success was often a reflection his past experiences, describing him as a “jack of all trades” and quoting co-star David Duchovny from TV series Californication calling him “a high-energy dude” with a “comedic soul”. In an interview with Leigh Sales, Tim described his joy in musical collaboration and the difficulty of avoiding celebrity narcissism.
His song Canvas Bags drives home the importance of taking reusable shopping bags to the supermarket with a degree of repetition bordering on the absurd. We don’t even use canvas bags much in Australia, but with this song in my head, I always remember to take shopping bags every time I leave the house:
One of the hallmarks of a great artist is getting referenced in other artist’s work, and the inclusion of Canvas Bags in the Four Chord Song by The Axis of Awesome is a nod of respect from his comedy colleagues:
Tim frequently tackles important issues in his music, such as the foolishness of belief systems based on pseudoscience in his 9-minute beat poem Storm:
His song Prejudice uses an ironic twist to assault racism:
Tim isn’t afraid to offend his audience, using profanity to highlight the distorted priorities of the Catholic Church’s response to child sexual abuse by priests in Pope Song.
If you think the song is offensive, how could that possibly compare to what some priests have been doing to children with the protection of the church?
Neil Genzlinger says Tim “looks like a character out of ‘Sweeney Todd,’ alternates between absurd, low-key monologues and incongruously comic songs, accompanying himself with gleeful piano pyrotechnics.”
While his ability to weave his comedic genius into his songs is the underpinning of his success, he also has the ability to write sensitive songs. White Wine In The Sun describes the strong emotional dynamics in families as the basis for our feelings of safety and security in the world. Even for atheists like Tim and I, spending quality time with family on Christmas Day feels special, and hearing this song always makes me tear up as I think of Christmas Days spent with my own family in the sun together:
Social issues have always been a significant influence on Tim’s work, and his ability to write, record and produce catchy, quirky and relatable songs rapidly allows him to respond to newsworthy events in a timely manner. Come Home (Cardinal Pell) expressed the outrage that many Australian’s felt at the perception that Cardinal George Pell was avoiding Australian justice by hiding out in The Vatican:
However, Joel Hodge considered it “name-calling and abuse”, saying Tim “seems more interested in provoking reaction than dealing with the facts”, and that “it gives an indication of the level of public debate in Australia”. Gerard Henderson described the song as “abusive”, calling Tim a “militant atheist musician” and accusing him of engaging in guilt by association.
In the wake of the recent bush fire disaster and the coronavirus lockdown, Tim featured on HouseFyre with Briggs, expressing the frustration that many Australians feel with our political leadership’s response in recent times of major crisis:
It got played on Rage last Friday night, a sign of success and mainstream acceptance in the Australian music industry.
Music is unique in its ability to affect us emotionally, and comedy is unique in its ability to disarm our prejudices and highlight inconsistencies in ourselves which we could otherwise easily ignore. By combining the two, Tim Minchin has tapped into a powerful force to not only entertain, but also to enlighten his audience and inspire social change from a grassroots individual level.
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hockles · 2 years
One of my favourite christmas songs
pretty much sums up my feelings on it
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which British Christmas bangers do you know?
This poll is for everyone not from the UK, because I know we have some Christmas songs that haven't made it across the world and I get genuinely surprised when, say, an American hasn't heard Fairytale of New York.
*nb these are not all songs by Brits, but songs popular in the UK during the festive season, which in the UK lasts from late October - early January.
Please, let me know what your favourite and slightly niche Christmas song is in the tags, so I can build my playlist.
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colemckenzies · 1 year
Groundhog Day Musical, West End 2023
after six years i finally saw my favourite musical of all time in person 🥰🥰 so here is my write up of the staging, lyric changes, general commentary etc.
it's worth noting that i imagine the staging is more similar to its original west end run than the broadway version, but i didn't see it back then and couldn't find any footage so I'll just be comparing to the broadway ver. it will also all be based off of the One west end performance i saw and One broadway performance that was filmed cus yk live theatre and all that. i'm also only one person so this def won't be comprehensive. if there's anything you particularly want to know that i haven't mentioned please ask!!
for major overarching changes, there was no turntable which significantly affected the staging, especially for songs like night will come. it's also a much smaller space and much more condensed cast than on broadway.
anyway without further ado lets go woodchuck chuckers 😎 in chronological order
the opening video is completely changed. rather than showing phil interacting w his producer, it just shows his forecast segment in full. he explains more about what groundhog day is as a holiday and that this is his fourth year attending. also includes the line 'we can't all have good weather because we're not all good people'. banner along the bottom read 'up next music: white wine in the snow' as a little tim minchin ref :)
only one person sang the 'i was born on a punxutawney dawn' opening section of there will be sun, pretty sure it was buster. lot of solos for the rest of the song as well but not specific townspeople i think
everyone came out of the mist as in broadway version, but everyone was dressed in the top hat costume. they stood a line across the stage and took a group selfie w a selfie stick
phil turns off the radio after 'that's right woodchuck chuckers, it's groundhog day' so there's none of the subsequent lyrics/banter. i'm also 90% sure the radio recording was from the soundtrack
FIRST LYRIC CHANGE. there's an extra line in day one that goes 'their dumb superstitions and vacuous chat, their total unawareness of the fact their trapped, perhaps you don't miss it if you don't know you lack it, I'm sure there was a pack of xanax in this jacket' (EDIT - thank you for the correction @jackhkeynes )
^not a huge fan of this change tbh but only bc the original rhythm is one of my favourite parts of the song.
there's no hallway in the b&b, the kitchen set is the back end of the bedroom set. this means jonathan is downstairs the kitchen rather than meeting phil in the hallway, so the scene ends up as him, phil, and mrs lancaster. the tourist couple do not come in (or exist), mrs lancaster says the popsicle line.
there's a couple of extra new jokes in the dialogue. lmk if you want to know specifics lol
since mrs lancaster comes straight into this scene they skip the 'think i'll lose it all together' little bit of music
all the dancers are part of the marching band and they all join for the selfie with phil
phil getting hit in the head by the groundhog guy is because the hot dog guy (here played by one of the newsies i saw LOL) yells 'GO PHIL!!!' every time so the groundhog turns around to wave
buster uses an alt melody for his announcement - 'prognostication' goes down rather than up for the last note
they get punxsy phil out on the 'this brown log' line, so they skip the 'the finest specimen you will find' section
nancy sings the 'kinda both but not quite either' line over buster, which i actually really like because she does it in this really peppy cheerleader :DDD way that adds to her being a Prop. she even has pompoms.
wilbur in this version is sooooo good he's a lot more physical and really leans into his megaphone
when phil comes back from the blizzard rita seems a lot more genuinely concerned about him than just laughing
she accidentally orders her drink with a 'tryst' before 'kiss' and finally 'twist'
NEW LYRICS in day two - since there's no radio chatter in this version, after 'how many days is this holiday?' phil sings '[something] clearly failed to mention the owner showing signs of early onset dementia, one groundhog day is surely more than enough, even hicks must get sick of this stuff'
rest of the song continues as normal, again rita seems more concerned about phil, shouts 'maybe i can help!' when he leaves the diner
she then sings her diary section quite differently, like alt melody AND alt rhythm, she seems flustered
actually she also has a lot more variation between days than a lot of the townspeople, like she's more responsive to phil acting differently
LYRIC CHANGE in stuck - 'rhino foreskin' is now 'monkey foreskin'. lyric changes that push me dangerously close to googling 'do rhinos have foreskin' (EDIT - tim apparently said this was because white rhinos went extinct so it made him sad - thank u anon!)
the enema takes place behind a screen, a bit like the silhouette technique used for the shower in hope
at the end of stuck when everyone lists their thing again (karma/toxins/etc), phil says no!! after each one until alcohol and then he goes 'oh thank god'
nothing hugely notable to say for nobody cares, just that it skipped over some of the dialogue at the beginning just to make the scene tighter. i will say that ralph and gus are Exceptional in this version
the staging is mostly the same, except jack and wilbur get their own little cars to follow the truck in :)
in philandering, phil tells nancy he's a war correspondant rather than working for the nyt
again the dialogue throughout the song is a lot more streamlined
the little pillow fight section is replaced by a party in phil's room where you just see everyone going in and out of the door that's set up like when he slept w nancy. he gets his big fur coat from a coke dealer.
in one day, rita doesn't comment on phil's choice of drink, so there's nothing about 'frou frou lady drinks', she just orders right after him and the day restarts
not a new thing but. i forgot about the soixante neuf line and it made me choke
rita and phil sit on a bench to the side of the stage after the snowball fight, not on the floor
joelle's voice is extremely pretty in this ver:) I think the harmony may be slightly different?
LYRIC CHANGE. in arguably the most bizarre lyric change, jonathan is no longer addicted to fried chicken takeaway, but rather camembert. which you may notice does not rhyme with 'day'. the full line is: 'one day, i swear, i'll kick my addiction to camembert. my doctor said one day my heart will stop beatin', if i don't ease off this cheese eatin'.' (EDIT - changed due to this track being played by a black actor, though the one i saw was white - thank you anon!)
the diner waitress doesn't exist in this cut down cast, so it's debbie who can't sing. fred is very supportive :)
something cool they do in lieu of the turntable is for Larry's repeated 'ok phil we're on in 5...' they have multiple larrys, similar to the body doubling in hope, who keep running up to phil and fading away
the act opens slightly differently - since nancy is kind of part of the marching band in this ver (tho not in full uniform), it opens with a quick section of who is that! who is that? emerging from his burrow -. nancy sings her 'kinda both but not quite either' line, and then drops one of her pompoms on 'until we hear it from old punxsutawney -' and then as she goes to pick it up that music stops and playing nancy begins
LOVE that it cuts off just before 'phil' bc it has the same effect as even choosing to open w playing nancy anyway. she was an incredible nancy as well she's not got many credits yet but oh my god? this was so striking and moving irl and it's already one of my favourite choices of the show
there's a lot more use of Red Lighting when phil kills phil. rip.
staging for hope is almost exactly the same, but minus turntable, so it doesn't have the part where lots of Not Phils are dying simultaneously, just the three main deaths
the scene where phil exposits about everyone in the diner goes jeff -> debbie -> freddie. there's a great exchange that goes 'you're welcome jeff.' / 'do you two know each other?' / 'no???' / 'that's jeff.'
also phil doesn't insist debbie wants a diamond (since she ends up w a doorknob anyway), he just goes CLOSE THE DEAL FREDDIE!!!
since this version establishes this is phil's fourth year covering ghd and debbie and fred met on ghd four years ago, there's a pretty good reason why they're such big fans of him :)
not a difference but the 'i'll never have a birthday' line always hits so hard
if i had my time again is THE single most different song between versions. the musical arrangement is quite different to my ear, different harmonies, and there's alt melodies and rhythms as well as some extra lyrics
as i have already seen noted on tumblr, 'and one dude when i was bored' has been upgraded to SOME dudes. also rita goes 'sure..!' she's like ok u bi bitch. also they're still on the benches at this point but she's jumped onto his.
even when they are on the move there's none of the stuff w the townspeople hounding phil for photos/autographs, they're just hanging out
the section where phil 'shows Rita his hometown' has actually been moved to near the end of the show, so they just get on the tilt-a-whirl immediately. also they share a car rather than having separate ones.
the staging for this part was so beautiful it actually made me cry lol. w strings of lights coming down
LYRIC CHANGE - 'i daily eat a dozen donuts' is now 'i eat a dozen donuts every day'
FURTHERMORE, the second 'why' is actually directed at rita's 'i would learn piano', and she replies by singing 'why?? I'd just give everything a try' and then their 'these revolving rides' section is a completely different tune going into a brand new ending where she's lying on his bed and he has a balloon, with:
NEW LYRICS - rita: 'go to all the parties that i missed, kiss all the boys i was too afraid to kiss (why am i not surprised you have a list?), try to have more days that end like.. this :)'
the next couple of scenes play out as in the bway ver
the order of vignettes leading up to and in night will come are switched - phil brings jenson the thermos of soup on the second day and takes him to the hospital on the third day as the song begins, with the scene w the nurse taking place after the first verse
obviously the staging is quite different without the turntable, ned wanders about between verses and then stands still/sits to sing
ned has a lot more of an 'annoying' exaggerated nasally voice in this ver
in his post-song broadcast, phil pronounces 'phi' like 'fee' instead of 'fie'
in philanthropy, phil saves jonathan from choking rather than the tourist, which does end up feeling a bit random since he also gives mrs lancaster a new coffee pot in this song iirc so along with the sheriff and debbie it's established he's solving the problems from 'one day', and jonathan is clearly Not choking on camembert lmao
the singer at the party at the end is debbie!!!
during seeing you, when phil takes rita up to the observation deck, she calls it 'romantic' sarcastically after the toilets/garbage/etc, and then That's when he points out the duck pond, school etc, and she says it's like he's showing her his hometown
ending is the broadway one, watching the sunrise :) except it's just phil and rita and no one else
so yeah IT FUCKED andy karl I would die for you. as i say lmk if you have any other questions and i will do my best :)
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I’ll be seeing my dad… my brothers and sisters my gran and my mum… they’ll be drinking white wine in the sun.
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kon-igi · 2 years
Questo è un momento difficile.
È più di un momento, purtroppo.
Diciamo che è un intervallo di tempo molto lungo in cui sono stati troppo frequenti i momenti difficili, ecco.
Non mi piace indulgere in lamentele personali qua su tumblr e nella vita reale me ne sentirete portare avanti ancora meno, però ogni tanto scrivo qualcosa, sebbene di solito quando il problema è stato risolto oppure ridimensionato.
E difficilmente si tratta di un problema solo mio.
Quando manifesto un disagio - o anche solo divento meno assiduo nel postare - ricevo sempre un sacco di messaggi, ask, sms, watsappi&telegrammi e persino anche delle telefonate con cui vi assicurate che vada tutto bene e se qualcosa non va bene mi chiedete cosa potete fare per raddrizzarlo.
Ma più o meno un anno fa (esattamente il 27 Dicembre 2021), nel periodo più buio e triste della mia vita, l’aiuto mi è arrivato inaspettato, da una persona inaspettata e in modo, ovviamente, inaspettato.
L’antivigilia di Natale mi ero trovato costretto a licenziarmi malamente da un posto di lavoro dove per 15 anni avevo dato tutto me stesso e in quei giorni il demiurgo aveva settato il mondo in bianco e nero e col volume al minimo.
Non è che non trovassi la forza di fare le cose... non aveva più significato farle.
Avevo deluso la mia compagna, le mie figlie, i miei genitori, non facendo qualcosa di sbagliato ma vedendo che un qualcosa di giusto diventava sbagliato nelle mani delle persone sbagliate.
Non avevo più desiderio di essere... ed era una sensazione orribile.
E poi @autolesionistra ha postato un video musicale ‘natalizio’ il cui testo non ho remore a dire che io considero la cosa più bella e struggente che io abbia mai ascoltato... nel momento in cui ogni cosa e ogni rapporto avevano perso di significato, mi sono reso conto che tutti i miei sforzi erano profusi nel difendere un qualcosa che altri avevano distorto e che in fondo sapevo non essermi mai appartenuto veramente.
La risposta non era nel valore di quello che facevo in cambio di uno stipendio e nemmeno nei vuoti riconoscimenti di quegli individui che poi si fregiavano dei miei successi.
Avevo dimenticato le persone dalle quali venivo, quelle che mi stavano accompagnando nel viaggio della vita e, soprattutto, quelle che lo avrebbero proseguito una volta che fossi stato troppo stanco per continuare.
Io quella canzone la riascolto ogni giorno e ogni volta, a un certo punto del testo, scoppio a piangere (come sto piangendo adesso a scrivere queste cose) perché sono stato così tanto vicino a perdere tutto che ogni strofa è una consolazione e un gentile invito a stropicciare gli occhi affaticati dalla stanchezza del mondo per tenerli meglio fissi sulle cose che davvero rendono un essere umano capace di essere umano...
La canzone è White Wine in the Sun di Tim Minchin e per quanto il titolo sembri tutt’altro che natalizio, il buon Autolesionistra ci ricorda che l’autore è australiano e laggiù il Natale lo festeggiano quando c’è il caldo dell’inverno australe.
White Wine in the Sun - Tim Minchin
I really like Christmas It’s sentimental, I know, but I just really like it I am hardly religious I’d rather break bread with Dawkins than Desmond Tutu… to be honest
And yes, I have all of the usual objections To consumerism, the commercialisation of an ancient religion To the westernisation of a dead Palestinian Press-ganged into selling Playstations and beer But I still really like it
I’m looking forward to Christmas Though I’m not expecting a visit from Jesus
I’ll be seeing my dad My brother and sisters, my gran and my mum They’ll be drinking white wine in the sun
I don’t go in for ancient wisdom I don’t believe just ‘cause ideas are tenacious it means they’re worthy I get freaked out by churches Some of the hymns that they sing have nice chords But the lyrics are dodgy
And yes, I have all of the usual objections To the mis-education of children who, in tax-exempt institutions Are taught to externalise blame And to feel ashamed and to judge things as plain right and wrong But I quite like the songs
I’m not expecting big presents The old combination of socks, jocks and chocolate’s is just fine by me
‘Cause I’ll be seeing my dad My brother and sisters, my gran and my mum They’ll be drinking white wine in the sun I’ll be seeing my dad My brother and sisters, my gran and my mum They’ll be drinking white wine in the sun
And you, my baby girl My jetlagged infant daughter You’ll be handed round the room Like a puppy at a primary school And you won’t understand But you will learn someday That wherever you are and whatever you face These are the people who’ll make you feel safe in this world My sweet blue-eyed girl
And if my baby girl When you’re twenty-one or thirty-one And Christmas comes around And you find yourself nine thousand miles from home You’ll know what ever comes Your brothers and sisters and me and your mum Will be waiting for you in the sun When Christmas comes Your brothers and sisters, your aunts and your uncles Your grandparents, cousins and me and your mum We’ll be waiting for you in the sun Drinking white wine in the sun Darling, whenever you come We’ll be waiting for you in the sun Drinking white wine in the sun Waiting for you in the sun Darling, when Christmas comes We’ll be waiting for you in the sun Waiting
I really like Christmas It’s sentimental, I know
Grazie a tutti voi di avermi permesso di ascoltarla ancora una volta e... di esserci.
Vi auguro di saper sempre stringere forte a voi le persone giuste... quelle che conoscono il vostro vero nome e che sapranno ripeterlo al vento del mondo finché non sarete mai più perduti.
Buon Natale <3
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xmassongtournament · 11 months
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annaplexis · 9 months
Last year’s “Christmas gift of the year” in Sweden was a handmade garment, because it was like “gifting a hug in these troubled times.”
I think we can easily agree that everyone can still use a hug and some comfort this year, and in any case, I love knitting sweaters for my close ones ❤️
Merry Christmas 🎄
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ghostradiodylan · 9 months
Which Hacketteers do you think are pro Christmas music and who do you think is totally against it?
Okay this is a great question and such a hard one for me because I’m kind of ambivalent about Christmas music myself! I like it fine for a couple of days beforehand but when it starts playing in stores right after Halloween? I’m still in spooky mode, stop trying to make me be merry for the sake of capitalism! 😂
Also given the setting of New York state, I wonder if any of them come from Jewish or otherwise non-Christian families. Idk who’s most likely to fit into that category but it’s a consideration. Christmas culture infects everyone though lol.
I feel like Jacob is a literal child so he probably gets super excited about everything Christmas and is like helping his parents put up elaborate light displays and buying Christmas themed snacks and stuff, so he’s probably listening to Christmas music the day after Halloween and I feel like Emma might be similar. Emma might come Christmas caroling at your house because she loves performing so much! Emma doesn’t mind a pop cover or a bit of Mariah Carey at all.
Kaitlyn might be a total Grinch if left to her own devices but she can’t help indulging Jacob a little. She doesn’t mind Christmas music in the context of Christmas movies but she probably wouldn’t listen to it on purpose just for fun. She has a secret soft spot for the soundtrack to The Muppet Christmas Carol.
I feel like the holidays might be complicated for Ryan. We don’t know why his mom isn’t around, though I obviously have my headcanons for fiction, but that might make it a little bit of a tough time for him. At the same time, he seems really invested in his sister so he probably wants to make Christmas special for her. He lives with his grandparents, so maybe they’re listening to the more classic, old school Christmas music and jazz covers and he’s probably fine with that.
Dylan I think could go either way, either he’s rolling his eyes about it altogether or he’s making massive playlists of indie and alt rock covers and then throwing in annoying goofy songs like “Dominick the Donkey” and “I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas.” I think he probably does not want to hear Christmas music prior to Thanksgiving. But maybe I’m just projecting as I often do.
Abi’s watching The Nightmare Before Christmas on repeat to match her Hot Topic aesthetic. 😂 She likes that original soundtrack and the various artist cover versions and “Yule Shoot Your Eye Out” by Fall Out Boy. But when it’s actually the week of Christmas she gives in and gets into the regular cheery stuff.
I wonder how long Nick has been in the US because I always think it has to be so weird for Australians to have all this wintery themed Christmas music when it’s summer in their hemisphere at Christmas time! Maybe he gets really into it because it’s so different from what he’s used to. Or maybe he gets cranky and misses the summer and listens to Tim Minchin’s “White Wine in the Sun” to remember warmer holidays. Could go either way.
Maybe it’s his 50’s fit talking, but I imagine Max being into the old crooner type Christmas music, Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra and more recently stuff like Michael Bublé that’s copying that style. I feel like he starts terribly serenading Laura with that music in early November.
I feel like Laura might not get super into Christmas until school is out because she’s so driven, so maybe she pushes all that out of her mind until then, except when Max is badly crooning “White Christmas” in the shower. But then again, I also headcanoned her as a choir kid in high school so she probably had concerts to practice for too that made her get into the spirit earlier than she really wanted.
Thanks for the asks today y’all! I think my brain is tapped out but I will be meditating on some I can send back! 💜💜💜
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autolesionistra · 2 years
Caro diario, dopodomani è natale, ma ho iniziato a mangiare come un bidet più o meno dal 12 dicembre. Se avvicini l'orecchio al mio ombelico si sente il pianto dei nutrizionisti. Ma non è di questo che volevo parlare.
Quand'ero sbarbissimo a casa della mia allora fidanza (che poi è l'attuale compagna) si ruppe una pallina dell'albero di natale. Mentre osservavamo la mezza palletta sfasciata le dissi con tutta la tracotante sicumera tipica degli adolescenti che era una metafora perfetta del natale: una roba tutta colorata e sbrilluccicosa fuori ma fragile e vuota (Rimbaud scansate). Quella considerazione mi procurò una nomination al Premio Grinch 1995 ma ammetterò candidamente che negli anni ho cambiato idea. In parte per la passione sfrenata che nutro per le lucette colorate che di anno in anno migliorano tecnicamente e qualitativamente ma sono anche lentamente arrivato ad apprezzare l'aspetto di ritualità sociale. La lenta e complessa macchina organizzativa che pur fra numerose bestemmie ti porta a incrociare un numero consistente di persone care alla fine della fiera fa passare decisamente in secondo piano le varie stratificazioni turboconsumistiche, religiose e di trigliceridi. (manco a farlo apposta mentre scrivevo queste righe sugli aspetti sociali del natale leggo che il buon @kon-igi mi ha chiamato in causa in maniera particolarmente commovente su temi analoghi e su quel gran pezzaccio di White Wine in the Sun di Tim Minchin con la quale fra l’altro periodicamente ammorbo la famiglia canticchiandola con la chitarra)
Poi capisco sia un gradimento ad alta deviazione standard: per chi si trova per qualche motivo in un periodo con relazioni sociali/familiari problematiche o carenti il natale può essere una pigna in faccia (di quelle fermaporta e lanciata da Ryan Crouser). Questo è un tema complesso che non vorrei banalizzare, per ora mi limito a mettere un dispenser di abbracci virtuali in caso di necessità.
Diciamo che volendo riprendere a trent’anni di distanza la profonda metafora della palletta rotta, il periodo natalizio, sì, è vuoto ma nel senso che lo riempi come ti pare e dopo assume quel valore lì. E anche se so che mi prenderei a testate con il mio io adolescente sul tema, mi piace pensare che abbiamo come trait d’union l’esprimerci con frasi da baciperugina, che è sempre garanzia di qualità.
Buon natale e... mi raccomando (cit)
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cptapathy · 21 days
Music asks 18 & 19 pls 🩵
So 18 is a difficult one as it depends on the date and the person
If we're like coming back from a high energy date, wanting to maintain that energy and it's late and the right person/vibes we're probably going for electro-swing or light edm in which case Bodies by The Knocks and MUNA.
Alternatively if we're wanting to wind down, done a lot of talking already kinda wanna just relax and ease into things it's gonna be more gentle stuff, depending on the person perhaps synthwave or lofi or just some indie stuff that's lyric light. So Vanity suite A by The Modern Electric
Or anything by I am not left handed
19 is a smorgasbord board of choices
No following from Iron Giant, The Letter from the Billy elliot musical, Cinematic pop's version of Sunday candy, Time in a Tree by Raleigh Ritchie, shelter by Porter Robinson, white wine in the sun by tim minchin, Good love and not entirely alone by narcissist cookbook, all of shane Koyczan, The child in your spirit by RØRE, Can't help falling in love by elvis,
But if I were to pick only one...
This song broke the defenses I had built around myself as a child, reached through to grab ahold of my desire to understand and be understood as an Autistic Egg and my inability to do that one thing, which I felt would finally, not fix me, but free me. I would at last be able to communicate a pure emotion and truly feel something for once, little did I know E would fix that for me
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