#white victimhood
alluralater · 1 month
take a shot if you're a white person who has thrown an online tantrum after being called out for your privilege. take a shot if you're a white person that doesn't apologize but instead says "you're twisting my words." take a shot if you're a white person that will do everything except apologize to people of color and/or vulnerable groups, comparatively as if you're trying not to pay out insurance after getting into a fender bender. take a shot if you're a white person who drops a rancid take online and doesn't take responsibility for anything but instead you call yourself a victim of attacks, as if people know you well enough online to know your character rather than simply judge you on the basis of your actions. take a shot if you're white and you pretend the entire world is out to get you when really you're not as oppressed as the groups you choose to hurt and you use your white tears as a defense toward any further criticism. take a shot if you’re a white person that calls the criticism of your actions “drama.” take a shot if you’re a white person that can’t stand being excluded from things because you’re used to being allowed into every space on account of your privilege. take a shot if you’re a white person that cannot stand to be criticized. take a shot if you’re a white person that pretends you’re the only person who deals with and understands dysphoria because you as a white person are never wrong, just misunderstood and everyone else is attacking you and lying about you and everyone in the world must completely hate you and everything is about you always even when you are specifically talking down on a community and/or a vulnerable group. take a shot if you as a white person pretend to create a safe space for criticism but instead lash out at anyone and everyone and weaponize your following for validation and reassurance/mob reaction with your white tears whenever anyone does criticize your actions. take a shot if you as a white person imagine that a bad day means you can say anything you want and not need to apologize for it. take a shot if you as a white person center yourself as the victim more frequently than you center yourself as someone who inherently has privilege. okay now take a seat.
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breathedreamscream · 5 months
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Black people: Please do not use AAVE unless you are willing to respectfully learn about its source and avoid fucking it up.
White people: Nah, we're just going to take the words and phrases and make them mean whatever we want them to. That's just how it is.
Black people: Okay, then you're racist.
White people: I don't understand why you all are mean to me!!! Why don't you all like me??? Why don't you think I'm funny???
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gotyouanyway · 4 months
“lindy was sooo evil” “justice for gothic paul and ricky” they were all friends they were all rich white kids living in rich white kids only land happily and willingly…. don’t be tricked into sympathizing with any of them just bc they were nice or smart and don’t pick just one to villainize while excusing the rest pleeeaassee
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
'Problematic things were considered good in the past so you're puritan for critizing them!'Oh yeah,by WHICH people were they considered good?Quickly🧍🏽‍♀️
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honeylemony · 5 months
Some people need to unlearn that shit that's like ""being queer is inherently pain and suffering and weirdness and ostracism and we're so quirky and the more quirky and hated you are the more queer you are 🤪🤪""
While it's true that our marginalization is an experience we can understand and connect over, I need you people to STOP FUCKING SAYING that queer reality is absolutely defined by being ostracized and alone and misunderstood.
Do you understand what kind of future and community you're building for queer kids. A community filled with doomerist self-martyring where only the most suffering or misunderstood are the most worthy queer. Do you see the white christofascist roots.
Compounding identities do not make you more queer. "weird" or "hard to understand" identities do not make you more queer. Your pain and suffering do not make you more queer. Oppression is not a symptom of being queer.
Queer people do not need to present perpetual victimhood to be queer.
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heldentenxr · 4 months
why do people feel like Wyll/Mizora ship is normal. like why are you like this. for some reason they’re way too comfortable shipping it, while let’s say, Astarion/Cazador ship is marginalized in the fandom (even liking Cazador kinda is. but not Mizora). wtf is wrong with you people.
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reasoncourt · 8 months
idk who needs to hear this but you can hate taylor swift without siding with the ai porn guys. disliking her isn’t an act of misogyny but ai porn of her is an act of misogyny despite her whiteness and wealth and power. like this is fr my problem with most ppl who hate her - they just abandon all of their principles when it comes to her. like we do realise she can suck and also not deserve nonconsenual porn made of her right?
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barbiegirldream · 1 year
I think the reason people sit around pretending like youtube and twitch aren’t alt right cess pools is because they can’t be convinced to give those platforms up so they need to pretend they're good platforms. Yeah Kick has Adin Ross but Youtube platforms Ben Shapiro who has actively caused mass shooting with his bigoted videos. Youtube literally made the alt right pipeline Kick come out of. Yes Kick has slurs and Twitch invented the concept of the hate raid. Or even twitter it's run by a lunatic who wants to kill all trans people and these hoiler than though stans give their money to that. So it's ethical consumerism but well off Americans and Europeans decide the ethics 🤷‍♀️
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artigas · 11 months
seeing people harass Ethel Cain on this dumbass website. this, the queer erotica website. i love you my mutuals and I’m sure nobody who follows me feels this way but I’m going to say it anyway: if you misgender and deadname trans people, it’s on sight with me. if you liken any queer people to child predators, I hope you literally choke on your own bile. accept and support and uplift trans people or suffer my wrath. terfs, I pray on your downfall and applaud your misfortunes.
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jackalmeat · 2 years
Mostly just throwing spaghetti at my own mental wall and seeing what sticks, but I have Unorganized And Poorly Articulated Thoughts about the fact that Ekko and Jinx are around the same age, lost their guardians and peer groups at the same time and in a deeply traumatic way, etc.; and yet I feel like Ekko's status as a victim of their broken, oppressive, and exploitative social landscape doesn't receive remotely the same acknowledgment or weight as Jinx's.
While I'm sure that that's due in large part to the fact that Ekko has been successful at building a sense of healthy, mutualistic belonging + community with others in a way that Jinx clearly hasn't, it's nonetheless worth noting that [A] he had to build that and learn how to take care of both himself and others when he was still a child, and the maturity he exhibits is a direct and tragic result of his boyhood being cut violently short; and [B] failing to acknowledge him meaningfully as a victim and a kid, just because he seems to have 'turned out okay' or some-such, reads very distinctly to me like an extension of the documented tendency in our own world for people to "adultify" young black boys due to perceiving them as older, less innocent, and more threatening/less in need of protection than their white peers.
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alluralater · 1 month
I mean no disrespect when I say this, only curiosity. I see a lot of posts (including yours) talking about things that white women do and how they act and it’s completely normalized and not seen as racist. Say someone caucasian/white were to say something about a black person, they would be told that they are stereotyping them and that they are being racist. Is it not the same? Forgive me if I’m wrong, but isn’t equality supposed to go both ways?
Maybe I’m missing something but i’m not sure. Sending love and I hope this was okay for me to ask <3
alright this made me exhale a very long sigh but i will answer with the faith in mind that you are asking and genuinely trying to find understanding. for future reference, you can find information on this practically anywhere on your own. watch this silly but accurate thing first and then we'll talk serious.
firstly, no. racism is not a two way street between white people and those of color they systematically oppress. there is no reverse racism when the oppressed groups have no power other than the kind found and shared in their words. there is no equal footing. if a white person is standing on top of a roof and they throw rotten tomatoes down on me, it does quite a bit more damage than if i were to try and throw some UP to the rooftop. now imagine if the building they are on is a skyscraper and you'd pretty much have an understanding of why it does not work both ways.
secondly, by my posts i assume you're referring to those posted in the last day or so referencing white privilege and the lack of accountability when presented with the fact that they are perpetrating forms of harm against vulnerable groups and use their tears and victimhood as a way to get out of criticism. i would genuinely love to see a harmful white stereotype that has impacted white people enough that they walked around with people believing it to be constantly true on the basis of their whiteness. the only white stereotypes are those that have come in response to the pain white people have caused. the karen and ken, for example. white tears (specifically those shed by white people who identify with womanhood) are a weapon. you can read more on the topic in this paper. here are some relevant sections that i think are quite loud given our current conversation and discussion the last day or so.
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these tears have caused great harm against people of color as well as silence people of color by essentially showcasing white people as defenseless and in need of help against terrifying forces. it sounds the alarm for sympathy and protection, usually against people of color and their criticisms. it is a learned response to avoid accountability, especially when confronted with the knowledge that they have done something to harm a vulnerable group or person. "everyone is against me" "they're all ganging up on me" etc, are things you will usually hear in this case.
minimizing the intensity of their harm is something likely to happen as well. to frame criticism as gossip or drama is a learned strategy to minimize a situation, even while crying about how hurt they are. simultaneously and falsely embellishing the magnitude of the situation to garner sympathy but minimizing any criticisms. there is no accountability or remorse, no apology. it is strategic and learned through how they navigate the world and systems which reward their victimhood, aggression, and lack of accountability. white people will often gather other people and incite a mob mentality. festering hatred within communities and pushing blame onto anyone aside from themselves. yes this is a white trait. to want all of the attention and none of the blame, to wish to be seen as delicate and powerless when criticized but not without power when it is a beneficial reminder and shield. alongside this, white people will often demand apologies from the parties they wield these tears against.
i hope you will be encouraged to do your own research on your own time and look out for things like this when you see it happen. unlearning your bias and understanding racism for what it is, is your own journey. there is a reason people of color know it when they see it, and white people often don’t.
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hussyknee · 8 months
I do, in fact, hold the Jewish community collectively responsible for Zionists.
Individually? Of course not. Anti Zionist Jews exist as individuals. Many individuals are shut out of their own religious community, especially those of colour.
But as a community where Zionism is so socially and institutionally entrenched that the minority of dissenters are disowned and ostracized?
The global community of which only a handful of organisations openly advocate for Palestine, and even most of those paternalistic and co-opting Palestnian voices with liberal Zionist sympathies?
The western majority that institutionally benefits from white colonization and imperialism and silences its non-Jewish Black and brown critics?
The same majority that will never own their privilege or culpability or complicity in the colonial project before and after the Holocaust?
That helped the West exceptionalize it to cover up their exponentially larger and more enduring colonial crimes?
That distanced themselves from their white colonial privilege at the expense of BIPOC by insisting theirs was not a religious marginalization but a racial one, and continues to punish us for not treating them as racially oppressed?
Whose very demand to be automatically exonerated from the Palestinian genocide is reflective of their white and Western privilege?
That successfully broke the ties Jews of colour have to their own racial communities through Israeli ethnic cleansing and Zionist propaganda?
That uses JoC as shields, tokens and weapons against all the above charges?
The JoC that have purchased the privileges of Zionism and enfranchised themselves by betraying their own races?
The community that has used the charge of antisemitism to police Black and brown folks for decades, making it a knife against our necks?
I absolutely, 100% blame the global Jewish community.
The Global South will not forget. We will not forgive. All people with white skinned European descent are our oppressors. All people nourished on the teat of the imperial core are the foot soldiers of white supremacy, no matter what their race. We owe you no exoneration.
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vaugarde · 11 days
finished “yellowface”. goddamn that was a ride… highly highly recommend if you like villain protagonists
#i didnt mention it as much but i liked all the stuff with the publishing industry in this and feeling like a fraud as a creative#except june is like. actually a fraud. but still#but it did resonate with me as someone whos recently realized he doesnt want to be a big name author and get too deep in the industry#like. the fear of never being known and dying without leaving an impact. bc books are a way to immortalize yourself#and the stress of wanting to be a big name even though you dont have the chops for it#and i still want to write. i love it. but i dont think i want to do it for a living yknow? and thats a heartwrenching thing to accept rn#bc its something i wanted for the longest time but i dont think my adhd will allow it for me anymore#ik none of this is the real point of the novel and obviously my experience is very different. bc im quitting before im even starting really#and im obviously not plagiarizing dead poc#but yeah i think junes a really well written villain protagonist bc her motivations are born from extreme insecurity from the industry#who cant see that poc have it even harder than her in the industry#because of tokenism and fetishism#because shes gotta be the ultimate victim#i really hope it hasnt come across like im complaining about the character or the book when i post passages#bc like yeah june fucking sucks ass. but shes SUPPOSED to suck ass. its the point. youre rooting for her downfall#and i think shes a great example of a villain protagonist like major props for kuang bc that shit is HARD to do#and a lot of the stuff it has to say about white women victimhood is great#because its the core of junes character and it defines EVERYTHING she does and really shows how insidious it all is#echoed voice
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Tumblrinas be saying they get turned on by incest,pedophillia and sa because it's part of their history to moralize it but then will be white.Like yeah we know.You justified back then too.You've never stopped and you want it to stay that way forever because it's dangerous to question because it could lead to an 'uprising',is the way i usually see it phrased
(This is not about trans women but it is about t*rfs.T*rfism is an act of chauvinism and sexual violence)
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sbrown82 · 2 years
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