#white rice japanese style
room-surprise · 2 months
Rice has historically been the staple food of the Japanese people, and a fundamental part of most meals. Its importance is evident from the fact that the word for cooked rice, gohan or meshi, is synonymous with "meal" in Japanese, much like how the word “meal” in English comes from the milled grain (meal/flour) that used to be the foundation of every meal European people ate. 
Since Japan is an island nation, both spices and meat were rare commodities in the past. Rice, vegetables and fish with minimal seasoning are the main components of the traditional Japanese diet. 
This is why when Maizuru begins to prepare food for Toshiro, she immediately starts cooking rice, since it's the part of the meal that will take the longest to cook, and no matter what else they eat, rice will always be the foundation and the bulk of the food they consume. This is also why she's protective of the rice, and doesn't allow Izutsumi to help prepare it: no matter how good any other ingredient might be, if the rice isn’t good, it could ruin the rest of the meal, and IIzutsumi might ruin the rice by tainting it with her presence, or bad behavior.
(Or so Maizuru probably thinks.)
The ubiquity of white rice in Japanese cuisine is the basis for a subtle joke in Chapter 40, where Laios assumes white rice is Toshiro’s favorite food.
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While on the one hand, this joke has racist overtones (European man thinks Asian man's favorite food is white rice), it's very likely also based on the fact that Laios has probably seen Toshiro try to eat white rice every time he possibly can, so he must really like it, right? The idea of eating white rice with every meal would be alien to Laios, so he'd never think that someone who eats it so frequently might not love it.
In actuality, Toshiro’s favorite food is soba… Which is funny because “soba” is the word Japanese people often use to refer to any kind of noodle, so while he doesn’t like cheese, Toshiro might be enjoying Mediterranean-style noodle dishes while he’s on Merini Island! They have so many foreign types of soba! How exciting!
(Excerpt from my Dungeon Meshi essay about cultural references.)
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mixelation · 1 month
do you recommend yugioh? i saw a screencap of the guy who's like "no more white wine spritzers before bed" or something and it kinda made me want to watch the show. but some shows (cough naruto cough) are like. i wouldnt recommend this to anybody even though i liked it. i'd tell them to watch specific episodes or fights but forget the whole show yk
oh boy. would i recommend it........ hmm. definitely i would recommend looking up an episode list/guide and skipping filler if you do decide to watch it. but for the rest.... depends on what you are looking for in a show!!
first, do not let my blog fool you. yugioh is about playing a card game. all conflict is solved with card games. all of it. every once in a while someone throws a punch or they have to escape a burning building, but usually somehow these events will also involve card games. somehow. there is ancient dark magic, but it doesn't come up nearly as much as just playing a card game. there are compelling characters and friendships, but most of their shonen-style friendship bonds are forged through the card game. you need to accept this in order to enjoy the series.
(the first few volumes of the manga use a variety of games and challenges instead of focusing on the main card game. the chapters are mostly episodic with a few longer arcs, and the focus is on yugi's friendships. also the ghost possessing him sets at least two people on fire. if you're dubious of the card game aspect but interested in getting to know the main cast, this might be up your alley.)
for the anime, a lot of the zanier lines you see in screen caps are from the english dub, which has nostalgic "call the rice ball a donut" and "give this character a ridiculous accent for no reason" vibes. sometimes the dub is genuinely funny. sometimes it's annoying. if you want an entertaining and over-the-top old school-ish anime, you might enjoy the dub.
the original Japanese is slightly more serious. for example, in the dub, Yugi does a magical girl transformation every time he uses the puzzle. this doesn't happen in the original. there's fewer bizarre ad-libbed lines (like the wine spritzer joke). in some ways it makes the show less fun? but also some of the zanier situations get a little more fun if, for example, the buzzsaws set to chop off your legs if you lose a card game aren't edited out. it is still VERY firmly a show about playing card games, but it takes itself more seriously.
honestly, if i did a rewatch, i'd probably watch the dub for duelist kingdom (the first arc) for the nostalgia and then switch to the japanese for the rest. my recollection is that post duelist kingdom is when the weird voice acting choices started to get grating, and also bizarre editing choices got worse (like changing buzzsaws to.... glowing disks that send you to the shadow realm. or something)
OR you can try YuGiOh the Abridges series, which is housed entirely on youtube and leans fully into how ridiculous YGO is as a concept. I've only seen a few rando episodes of it, but it's very well-loved. (also a warning that apparently it's very "of its time" so there might be some jokes that.... would not be acceptable in 2024.)
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bluelocksource · 2 months
Ego Jinpachi’s trivia (src: EGOIST BIBLE)
"You can't be the best striker in the world unless you're the world's most egotistical person."
☆ Character's color: White.
☆ Birthday: 31st March.
☆ Current age: 30.
☆ Zodiac: Aries.
☆ Current height: 189 cm.
☆ Foot size: 28.5cm.
☆ Blood type: AB.
☆ Hobby: Watching soccer, mainly European League.
☆ Favorite food: Cup yakisoba, cup noodle. "I banned them during my active days. These monster junk foods make you gain weight."
☆ Dislike/hated food: Protein. "There's no such thing as tasty protein."
☆ What goes best with rice: "Furikake made from crushed cup yakisoba."
☆ Favorite animal: Bell crickets. "Beautiful chirping sound but a bit gross in appearance."
☆ Favorite season: Other than summer. "You can't play soccer when it's too hot."
☆ Favorite manga: Magical☆Taruruuto-kun. "The work that fried my brain as a kid."
☆ Favorite movie: セッション (Session) "This is what chemical reaction is."
The original movie is called Whiplash (2014). In Japan, it released under the name セッション (Session).
☆ Favorite music: Nighttime background music of a babbling brook and the chirping of insects.
☆ Frequently read magazine: CHICHI (he's a subscriber).
It's a monthly magazine for learning about humanities.
☆ Favorite person: Hiromitsu Ochiai. "I think he's a rational genius."
☆ Favorite subject: P.E. and Psychology.
☆ Weak subject: Art. "I don't want to create art."
☆ Favorite place: Blue Lock Merchandise Sales Department. "They're selling a variety of items."
☆ Mushroom shoots vs Bamboo shoots: Mushroom shoots. "I feel a certain affinity with them."
☆ Ideal type: "Someone who does everything for me."
☆ Fixation: Physiognomy. "I find the faces of people who look hopeless to be irresistibly amusing."
☆ What would make him happy: Japan winning the World Cup.
☆ What would make him upset: "Someone taking football away from me."
☆ What he thinks his strength is: “I have no interest in anything other than soccer.”
☆ What he thinks his weakness is: “I have no interest in anything other than soccer.”
☆ What made him cry recently: “I haven't cried in a while.”
☆ Usual sleeping hour: 4 - 4 -2 (split sleeping style).
☆ Number of chocolates received from previous Valentine: 0 (it's futile).
☆ What he usually ends up buying from convenience store: Check out the new cup yakisoba and cup noodles.
☆ Place he washes first when taking a bath: Pouring hot water onto the crown of his head.
☆ What will he do if received 100 million yen: Strengthening Blue Lock facilities.
☆ How he spent his holiday: Thinking about how Japanese soccer can become the best in the world.
☆ What will he do during his last day on Earth: "Watching what I consider the best game of the Japan national soccer team. Currently, it's the 2005 Confederation Cup against Brazil."
note: i want to apologize in advance for any mistake made in the translation!
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short-honey-badger · 6 months
Shore Leave 5
Holy moly, did this one get away from me. Lotta stuff happens in this one, and we are introduced to the "antagonist." I guess you could call him.
Anyway! I hope you enjoy!
Shore Leave Masterlist
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You wake with a soft groan, blinking your eyes open as you shift in your bed. You snuggle into your pillow and frown when the clothes you wear tug uncomfortably against the blankets. You never wear this many clothes to bed, so why are you now? Mortification burns through you when the memories of last night fly through your mind, and you scramble out of your bed, embarrassed beyond belief. How could you have fallen asleep so quickly last night? You were no stranger to late nights, and had thought you'd have the willpower to stay up.
You cringe to yourself. John must feel so awkward.
You slip from the bed and quickly change clothes, leggings, and a loose blouse with your cow print house shoes. You wash your face and brush your teeth and then bend to fish out a new toothbrush for John to use if he wanted to. Now that you feel refreshed, you slipped out of your bedroom and into the living room where you were greeted with the adorable sight of your new friend curled up on the couch.
The large man had to curl up a bit to comfortably fit, but he looked so at peace that you didn't have the heart to disturb him. Instead, you quietly bypassed John and mosied into the kitchen to start on a hearty breakfast. Your fridge needed to be cleared out anyway.
The Master Chief woke to the smell of sizzling bacon and eggs. His blue eyes sprang open, and he bolted up, heart racing as he took in the unfamiliar environment. He relaxes when he recognizes your living room and slumps even further into the cushions when his sensitive ears pick up the sound of you singing. A tiny smile lingers on his lips, and John is tempted to fall back to sleep now that he knows that everything is fine.
A big fluffy orange tail gets his attention, and John leans down to pet Nami, who purrs thunderously at the attention. He scratches her for a while before he eases up from the couch and lopes to the bar that separates the kitchen and living room. John watches you cook, your shoulders drooped and relaxed as you sing a slow song under your breath and flip the Japanese style omelet gently back and forth in the pan. Beside you, there are two plates with seasoned, white rice and thick cuts of bacon and two glasses full of pulpy orange juice.
“Play the guitar, play it again, my Johnny
Maybe you're cold, but you're so warm inside.”
You sway gently to the beat only you can hear, humming the next part of the song as you finish up rolling the omelet. You pick up the pan from the stove eye and scoot to the plates where you lay the fluffy eggs across the mountain of rice.
“But if you're cruel, you can be kind, I know
There was never a man like my Johnny.”
You place the pan back on the stove, turning down the heat, and then grab the heavy plate, turning to go set the food on the bar and then go wake John for breakfast. Only to have the man in question staring at you from where he is already seated at the bar. You jump at the sight, and only the hard grip you have on the plate saves the ceramic dishware from the floor. You clutch your chest with your other hand and glare at John.
“You scared the shit out of me.” You grumble at him and set breakfast in front of the big man.
The grin that John wears is all worth the little jump scare when you catch sight of it. It looks more free than the tiny smiles and smirks that he'd given you last night. You wouldn't mind seeing more of it.
“Maybe you should pay more attention,” John quips at you and takes the fork from your outstretched hand. You roll your eyes at him and smack his fork away when he goes to dig into the omelet you'd slaved over.
“Hang on. Hopefully, this works,” you murmur and then take the knife you hold and slice the fluffy eggs down the middle. John thinks that your little coo of joy is the most adorable sound when you watch the omelet split open perfectly, allowing the steaming cheesy eggs to spill out. The smile you aim at him is even better.
“Bon appetit.”
John does it with gusto, and you turn away from the ravenous eating to fix up your own plate with the leftover egg mixture. The spartan is finished by the time you are plating your breakfast, and you are much slower in how you eat, savoring each bite and drinking deeply from your cup of coffee. You tell John to help himself to whatever is left in the pot and then point out the bathroom, and make sure to mention the new toothbrush you'd set out for him.
John does as suggested, draining his cup quick as a flash and then loping to the bathroom to wash up. You finish up and then wash up the dishes before settling on the couch and picking up your data pad left on the end table. Nami joins you on the couch, curling up on the arm and looking at you with big green eyes.
“You like him, too, huh?” You ask her with a grin and scratch behind her ears, making the fluff ball purr even louder.
You flip through a couple of articles and stop when your eyes catch sight of one of them highlighting a new exhibit at the local zoo. You grin as an idea comes to mind and set the tablet aside when John comes out of your bedroom.
“I've got an idea for a trip if you're up for it?” You ask him when he sits beside you on the couch. You grunt in surprise when the Chief suddenly grabs you around the waist and tugs you close, pressing you to his side before he dips and claims your lips in a kiss as sweet as pie.
John has been wanting to kiss you all morning. He is pretty sure he'd dreamed of you last night, the delicate press of your lips along his scarred skin. The curtain of your hair shields the two of you away from the outside world as you sat atop him.
His cheeks heat up at the reminder, and his hand finds the curve of your waist, squeezing gently before he pulls away, resting his brow along your own. John opens his eyes and meets your own, his lips curled in a smug smirk that makes you roll your eyes when you spot it.
“What kind of trip?” He asks you and boldly shifts again, lifting you as though you weigh nothing and sits you fully in his lap. His thumb swipes back and forth on the bit of exposed skin from where your shirt has risen up, and he leans back to rest against the cushions.
Your cheeks blaze at being moved as if you were nothing but a doll, and your thighs tingle from where they are pressed on either side of John's long legs. You lick your lips and force your mind to get back on track and not think of just how big the Master Chief is.
“W-well, there is a new exhibit opening at the zoo. I thought it would be fun for us to go.”
The Chief stalls in his tracks. The zoo? He's never had the chance to go to one before. He is silent as he recalls the last time he'd been even close to one and frowns when his memory provides him with images of destroyed animal enclosures, glassed over by the covenant. He comes back to himself when you wrap your hand around his free wrist and squeeze softly.
“I would like that,” He assures you and smooths his hand down so that he can tangle his fingers with your own. He raises his hand and presses his lips to the back of your knuckles, watching your eyes go half lidded in pleasure and wonders if you would look how you did in his dream. If only he had the nerve to touch you so confidently.
“Though I would like to stop by base to change, if you are okay with waiting for me?”
You nod easily, “Of course I'm fine with waiting.”
You wish you had the courage to ask if he wanted to stay with you through his shore leave, but you'd hate to come off as clingy, so you stay silent about it, and instead try and shimmy off his lap to no avail.
“I've got to get ready, ya know.” You point out, but John only shrugs at you and untangles his hand from your own so that he can cup your jaw in his big palm. He casts his blue-eyed gaze over you, smoothing his thumb up to slide over your bottom lip.
“I know, but I'd like to try something,” he says, and you dip your head in silent permission when he meets your eyes. His thumb puts pressure down, and you allow your mouth to fall open. John leans in and kisses you, his tongue sliding past your lips to tease your own pink muscle and explore the hot cavern of your mouth. You keen into the intimate kiss, not having expected him to do such a thing, but not unhappy about it. Instead, you push forward lips wrapping around his tongue and gently sucking on the muscle, causing a deep groan to rumble out of the Master Chief.
John isn't sure how long he kisses you, but he doesn't have any intention of stopping. He wants to know what other sounds you might make for him. The spartan isn't used to letting his more carnal desires take over, but he would gladly drop all his walls if he could know what you taste like.
Your lips are red and swollen by the time you have to break the heated exchange. Your stomach is tight with arousal, and you can feel his hardening length between your legs. You want to see it, but you close your eyes and take a deep, calming breath instead. You fall forward and rest your face against his chest, and John wraps his arms around you, making you feel like the safest person in the galaxy.
“I still need to get ready,” you mumble against his chest but make no move to get up. John just tightens his grip and presses his lips to the crown of your head.
Eventually, the two of you rise, and you hop in the shower just long enough for your normal routine before drying off and dressing in a pair of worn jeans and a nice shirt. Your tennis shoes are next since so much walking is in your future, and then lastly your bag and phone. John watches you lock the door after saying goodbye to Nami and then follows you outside and to the sidewalk.
It's a good thirty minute walk to the base that he is stationed at, and you have to assure him that you don't mind the journey multiple times. He keeps a close eye out while the two of you walk, his training kicking in even when he is supposed to “forget” who he is for these next two weeks. John wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he let something happen to you.
“You can wait in the lobby,” He says when you arrive at the large, dark stone building. You nod silently and follow him through the automatic doors, feeling a bit nervous coming inside. You've never had a reason to come here before, after all.
John leaves you waiting in a chair near the entrance of the building, and you flip through your datapad as you wait. You are interrupted soon after by a harsh clearing of the throat. You look up and see a man dressed in a crisp uniform, his face clean shaven and his dark hair cut at regulation. You can spot tattoos looping through his shorn hair. He is handsome like most military men are, his green eyes dark and full of curiosity.
“Can I help you with anything ma'am?” He asks, and his tone is friendly despite the permanent scowl on his face.
“No, but thank you, Sir. I'm just waiting on a friend,” you say with a smile and expect him to leave you be, only for the marine to sit down beside you and offer his hand.
“Major Dwight Baroque. It's nice to meet you, miss..?”
You shake his hand with a strained smile and introduce yourself quietly.
“May I ask who you're waiting for?” The Major says, and you answer slowly and realize that you only know John's first name. You'd never asked for anything else, though that was kind of the goal at the moment. You wanted John to feel human for once in his life.
“Ah, well. His name is John. I didn't ask, and he didn't tell me his rank or anything,” you say, a bit embarrassed about it now that you think about it.
The soldier chuckles and sits back in the seat, “Do you mind if I wait with you? Pretty women like yourself shouldn't be left alone for too long, ya know.”
You laugh and shift awkwardly in your seat and wish that John would hurry up and get out here. While you appreciated everything that the UNSC did, that didn't mean that you wanted one of them to flirt with you so badly.
“I'm sure you've got better things to do than babysit me,” you say and look up just in time to spit John stalking toward you, a deep scowl darkening his face when he spots the Major beside you.
“Actually, John is here now.”
You don't expect the marine to look at John and his face transform into something so rage filled that it's ugly. You gulp when the Major glares at you next, but your own angered confusion raises its head at his words.
“That's John? You know he's a freak right?”
You blink at him, jerking your head back as if you'd been struck. You stand from your chair, voice furious, “Excuse me?”
Baroque scoffs loudly and stands as well. He still looks tiny compared to John when the other man gets to your side. The Chief stands just behind you and reaches out to place a big hand on your shoulder, “_, just let it go. It's not worth it.”
“What? No. I want to know why he thinks you're a freak,” you snap back, incensed at the lack of fight in John's voice. Why wasn't he defending himself?
“Didn't he tell you what he was?” Dwight continues, and his tone turns smug, as if what he would say next would change your option about your new friend.
“He's a Spartan. Everything that he is came out of a bottle. He's nothing but a science experiment.”
You feel John tense behind you, his grip on your shoulder tightening to the point of pain. You bear it with grace and glare at the smug Major.
“Well, now I know why he's so tall, at least.” You quip and reach up to curl your hand around his wrist, squeezing tightly to get the Spartans' attention. You aim a grin his way and tug his arm.
“Let's go, John. We shouldn't waste any more time.”
The Major seems flabbergasted at your lack of care over John being a spartan, but he quickly turns outraged and moves to step forward. John sees the way he goes to grab you and bodily moves you, putting himself in the way of the Major and glaring down at his superior officer.
“Have a good day, Major,” he growls and then escorts you out of the building before the other man could cause any more of a scene.
You huff and puff as soon as you are out of the building, an annoyed scowl on your face as you call the Major mean names under your breath. John watches you, and his heart lurches in his chest. You had stood up for him. You hadn't even cared that he was a spartan.
He doesn't stop himself from closing the distance and sweeping you up for a kiss, hands landing on your hips, and holding you close until he pulls away with a soft sigh.
“Thank you,” He whispers, and you shake your head with a small frown.
“You shouldn't have to thank me for showing you the same kind of kindness any human deserves. That guy was an idiot, and you should never listen to people like him. You are a hero, John.”
The Master Chief doesn't know what to say to all that, so he just kisses you again, and you can feel how relieved and happy he is knowing that you don't give a damn about what he is. His blue eyes shine when he pulls away, and then he leads you in the direction of the nearest bus transport.
“We should go before it's too late. I want to see everything,” John says, and you laugh in joy as you follow after him.
“Sounds good to me! Let's go!”
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littlefaefeather · 6 months
Black Butler manga foods/drinks
I'm sure I missed some things, but it was all things that weren't really named or specified, or I couldn't tell with certainty what they were. @sebastian-ciel-mutual-bullying this is for you! feel free to take and use as you need o7 Book 1 breakfast: poached salmon and mint salad with toast, scones, and pain de campagne on the sides, ceylon tea horribly salty lemonade dinner: Japanese green tea, gyuutatakidon, Italian red wine, apricot and green tea mille-feuille dessert: orchard fruit cake with pears, plums, and blackberries dessert: deep-dish apple raisin pie milk
Book 2 assam tea afternoon tea: keemun and summer pudding of currants and other berries lunch: stuffed cabbage and minted potato salad chocolate earl grey afternoon tea: cornmeal cake of pears and blackberries salty rosehip herbal tea
Book 3 hot milk with honey or brandy peeled apple assam tea with milk oranges with shalimar tea steak and kidney pie and salmon sandwiches messy birthday cake and donburi strawberry-decorated birthday cake
Book 4 fish chai with ginger breakfast: shrimp curry and French toast with ginger mackerel with gooseberry sauce and cottage pie
Book 5 British-style Bengali chicken curry chicken curry afternoon snack: gateau au chocolat beef curry blue lobster with seven curries curry bun assam tea white darjeeling tea champagne sushi
Book 6 Christmas pudding cookies shaped like bones fish and chips, meat pies, bread
Book 7 rice porridge dinner: milk risotto with a three-mushroom medley, a pot-au-feu of pork and wine, and a warm apple compote with yogurt sauce
Book 8 oranges afternoon tea: chocolate macarons with fruits and three-berry shortcake
Book 9 custard cream puffs red wine white wine brunch: herring pie and spinach quiche dinner: curry, and chopped vegetables for an appetizer
Book 10 dinner: soybean hamburg steaks
Book 11 elevenses: darjeeling tea and petits fours tonkatsu, shougayaki, tonjiru, tonshabu, yakiton
Book 12 cake with strawberries on top
Book 13 spiny lobster saute, roast turkey, sticky toffee pudding, fairy cakes (cupcakes) warm milk with honey
Book 14 watered-down darjeeling tea darjeeling tea dinner: roast duck and gateau chocolat
Book 15 golden syrup sponge pudding tea cakes lemon myrtle souffle glace with milk tea
Book 16 lunch: beef mince pie
Book 17 dessert: strawberries, cream, and meringue (Eton mess) with a side of iced summer pudding
Book 18 chicken pie coffee and walnut cake
Book 19 ravioli (maultaschen) and wurst soup, stewed pork with herbs and spices (eisbein), and rote grutze (sour berries boiled and chilled to jelly, served with cream) evening snack: caramel macarons, coffee cream eclairs, dark chocolate florentines. black tea ceylon tea
Book 22 earl grey tea with orange almond cake and berry tarts
Book 23 smoked salmon sandesh (milk sweets)
Book 24 soft licorice candy apples
Book 25 berry-filled pudding fish and chips and steak and ale pie gulab jamun (fried balls of dough drenched in syrup)
Book 29 kidney pie, fish and chips, and ale wild-hare pie tapioca steak
Book 30 nilgiri tea breakfast: pea soup, meatballs, croissants, boiled egg, orange jelly chicken and steamed vegetable salad, oxtail stew, pain de campagne with butter oolong tea
Book 31 candy cigarettes
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chatter-crow · 5 days
please do. personally went off about the soundtrack the first time i heard it.... it's's . not good (about mean girls)
alright this is a whole lot because holy SHIT i think about this more than I should
! ! This is all my opinion ! !
If you liked it, good for you ig just dont attack me lol
They took every bit of musical theater out of the soundtrack and made it sound like generic pop. Theater kids pay WELL for good stuff, they could have made a lot of money.
Also, the complete lack of emotion is awful. Stupid With Love is meant to be Cady being absolutely thrilled, on the fucking moon with joy, but she sounds completely apathetic about her feelings for Aaron. Plus, the way they used autotune (esp on Cady) makes it feel like Disney Channel in the worst way possible.
There are some lyrics changes that really bother me. In the orignal Sexy, Karen has a line of 'I expect to run the world in shoes I cannot walk in,' while in the new line is 'Watch me as I run the world in shoes I cannot walk in', which chnages the entire meaning of the lyric from 'Karen thinks its #feminist to assert control over people because she's priveleged' to 'Karen is a girlboss who can do anything cause women are cool and smart' , which in the most respectful is *not* who Karen is as a character. There are more, but I can't name them off the top of my head so,, whatever lol
On casting, I think just about everybody but Cady were cast extremely well. Renee Rapp does such a fantastic job as Regina, really suits the character and knows how to play her. (Makes sense, she played Regina on Broadway).
Auli'i Cravalho pulls off Janis's character pretty well, but I don't think she fully captured the essence of the character. She doesn't really have the bitterness/jadedness that the orginal Janis has and I don't feel like she has the fact the Janis is in fact a mean girl down. This is no shade to her, I feel like it's more the way they rewrote Janis rather than her acting. I do like that they changed Janis's last name to reflect Auli'i's culture though. Nice detail.
Avantika and Jaquel both pulled off their characters perfectly. Avantika really has the right face for Karen, with big doe eyes and whatnot, she can really pull off the effect of being as stupid as Karen is. (That sounds mean, it's really not.) Jaquel did Damien good, and I don't really have a lot to say on his performance other than his voice is fantastic and he has Damien's character down. I do think he got type-cast a *bit* just due to how I've seen him act off screen, but he still did good. He knows his type.
Cady. Hoo boy. She is.. a look.
Angourie Rice is a fine actress on her own, but her vocals just aren't strong enough to keep up when she's surronded by people like Auli'i Cravalho and Renee Rapp, whose careers have been strongly focused on the muscial side of things, with Auli'i playing Moana for Disney and Renee having a music and broadway career alongside her movie career. Angourie just isn't able to compete with them. I'm sure she's a lovely actress on her own but she just doesn't have the muscial expiernce to be leading in a movie-musical.
Also, with representation, I appreciate that they made the cast more diverse, but it bothers me that four of the biggest MAIN CHARACTERS are still white. I can understand keeping Regina blonde because of the constant references to her blonde-ness in the musical, but Gretchen or Aaron absolutely could have been changed.
Hell, I would have loved to see Gretchen played by an asian actress, reconnecting with her culture at the end, since in the original she began to learn japanese or chinese (I don't remember which rn) as a way to connect with her new circle of friends.
On costumes, I don't think they did Janis justice, but I do like the gradual shift they have for Cady in her style and the Plastics are accurate.
I think keeping Janis emo like she was in the orignal movie and the musical would have been better. Artsy styles like hers are more widely excepted by teenagers while emos are mocked and harrassed extremely often, so keeping her emo would have added to her status as a social outcast.
I enjoy how they used social media to change the plot to be more modern, even if it isn't entirely accurate to how teenagers nowadays act. I think they were trying their best and did what they could with what knowledge they had.
I'm mad that they cut Stop, More is Better, Where Do You Belong? and Do This Thing. Stop is a fantastic chance to put the spotlight on Damian (since he has almost no solos COUGH COUGH) in and it could have absolutely been spun to have a more modern take on internet safety.
The plot. Oh my god, the plot. I HATE how they changed Regina being homophobic to Janis to 'oOOOooo Regina made it seem like Janis was an arsonist', which is.. litterally not the point. Homophobia still exists, Tina Fey, and sapphics/lesbians often do face discrimination from other women who claim to be allies. Plus, with calling Regina a lesbian and trying to set up Rejanis in the end? No! That is just not it! Regina is a fucking homophobe. Fight me y'all.
Okay I'm running out of time rn BUT i will be back later to add more onto this ,, thanks for reading through all of this if you did kudos to you
so long yall
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cyn-onym · 2 years
GYARU!! (Various!Tokyo Revengers X Gyaru!Reader) Pt. 1
warnings! - this story may contain manga spoilers, mature content, and sensitive themes such as r^p€, su/c¡d€, death, identity issues, toxic relationships (romantic & platonic), and others. the reader is mostly addressed with fem pronouns and is portrayed as black/mixed (Black & Japanese) although it may not be heavily implied or explicitly stated.
Hoshino (Y/N) is a laidback, yet well-mannered girl who has little to no aspirations in life besides shopping, the newest trends, and having fun. Because of how she expresses herself she is what many people call a Gyaru. (This story is also available on Quotev and Wattpad!)
Next Chapter
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Third Person POV -
The day started like every other.
School alarm goes off, get up, get dressed, eat breakfast, and go to school. Or at least that was the simplified version.
Hoshino Y/N's mornings were anything but simple. She prioritized her appearance over anything, and no matter the day she was always dressed to impress. Face lightly beat, mascara applied, with a final touch of lip liner and lip gloss.
After all, there was no telling when her future significant other or an agent would appear. She had to be prepared, always ready for the unexpected. 'Should I wear my red pleated skirt or my blue one..both are super cute but which am I feeling more??'
Things such as picking whether to wear thigh highs or leg warmers were the most of the girl's problems.
Although contrary to popular belief the girl didn't have a certain someone to impress but she could always impress the masses.
"Mom, what's for breakfast!??" The girl yelled down the stairs as she struggled with her tie. The girls' mother quickly replied "Eggs on rice, hurry down or you'll be late. I'm not dropping you off if you miss the subway!" Finally fastening her tie the girl decided to look herself over one last time.
The girl's outfit consisted of a short-sleeved uniform shirt with a striped red tie, she also wore a red pleated skirt and white leg warmers. The girls' hair was also decorated in numerous colored barrettes and star-shaped clips. And finally, despite it being summer she wore a pink hoodie wrapped around her waist.
The more time that passed the closer it became to summer break. A time when she could go shopping all day and go to karaoke by night while getting hit on by some weirdos, who would offer to buy her and her friends, snacks or drinks.
After deeming her appearance acceptable she rushed down the stairs to eat breakfast. In the kitchen, her mother, Hoshino Satsuki, stood over the sink washing dishes. Meanwhile, the girl's older sister, Hoshino Manami, sat at the table enjoying her breakfast as she aimlessly scrolled through her phone. Once the girl took a seat at the table she thanked her mother before digging into her meal.
Between her bites she decided to ask "Manami what are you doing here, don't you have school?" The older girl sighed before responding, "I'm only here cause I was bored and wanted breakfast."
The woman washing dishes sucked her teeth causing the youngest girl to snicker. Before Y/N could continue her meal her gaze fell to the stove which read, 8:00 AM. "You should get going Y/N.." the girls' mother prompted.
In response, Y/N finished the last of her food before handing her plate to her mother. In exchange, the older woman gave the girl her bento. Y/N quickly thanked her mother again before rushing to put on her shoes. Like the girl's hair accessories, her shoes were covered in multi-colored pen doodles.
Before exiting the house the girl briefly checked off her necessities in her head. And once she was positive she had everything, she bid goodbye to her family before jogging off to Harajuku Station.
Harajuku was a district bursting with style and trendy hot spots. The streets were filled with an array of different stores, restaurants, and boutiques. However, Y/N found the people the most interesting, because most of them expressed themselves through their fashion. It wouldn't be long before she could fully parade around without being dress coded.
As the girl jogged to the station she placed in her earbuds and began playing her favorite band, 'LILITH GIRL'. The jog to the station wasn't long and was sort of serene. Sometimes when the girl had extra time she would worship her local shrine before heading to school. However, today wasn't one of those days.
After finally reaching the station the girl scanned her subway pass before rushing to the Shibuya platform. As she approached the platform she noticed that the subway had also arrived. As the doors to the subway opened the girl and multiple other people flooded in. However, due to the number of people riding the subway, the girl decided to stand and lean on one of the poles.
To pass the time the girl decided to scroll through her phone. However, it wasn't long before she arrived in Shibuya. As the subway doors opened Y/N quickly drifted out following the crowd of students, workers, and citizens before exiting Shibuya station.
Living on the border where Harajuku and Shibuya meet had its perks. However, her school wasn't one of them. Mizo Middle School sadly wasn't particularly entertaining or significant in her opinion. She would have preferred to attend a school in Harajuku but finances stated otherwise. As Y/N followed her typical route she became more and more surrounded by students. Passing the gate the girl traveled into the school before heading towards her shoe locker.
Although the girl would have preferred to keep on her regular shoes it was school policy and she already knew the results of those actions.
Once the girls' shoes were changed she walked up the stairs leading to the second floor before approaching classroom 3. However, before she could enter her name was called. When she looked over she noticed her group of friends hanging out by a window.
The group consisted of Imai Nozomi, a copper-headed girl with short hair who had a quirk for lying.
Saito Akane, a girl with dark brown hair, a red skunk stripe, and a ponytail, renowned for her temper issues.
And Kaneko Chitose, a long-haired ravenette with a hime-cut who loved gossip and drama.
First Person POV -
"What are we invisible?" Nozomi stated grumpily as I approached them. Akane and Chitose laughed in response to the question. "You guys are anything but invisible, Nozomi. Did anything interesting happen over the weekend?" I asked as I placed my earbuds in my bag.
Chitose was quick to respond, "Nothing to die for but I heard the Soccer club is having a mixer this weekend."
"No way am I going to that, half of them aren't even that cute," Akane stated as she adjusted her hair. Nozomi nodded her head in agreement before adding "I had a fling with their captain about two months ago, he ended up asking me out but I shot him down."
This piqued my interest. "Ya' know you always talk about getting asked out but you never mention going out with them??" I questioned. "Well, ponder no longer because I currently have a boyfriend," Nozomi answered proudly.
This was a surprise to the rest of us but before we could question her further, she continued. "His name's Kiyomasa, he's also a second-year and he's super tall." She boasted. "How tall we talking?" Akane questioned in disbelief. "6'0 ft" Nozomi responded with a smirk.
Chitose and I let out an exaggerated "Wooow" as Akane whistled in response.
However, before we could continue questioning the copper-headed girl, the bell rang prompting us to go to class. We swiftly said our "laters" before separating and going into our classrooms.
Once I was seated it didn't take long for the teacher, Ms. Kubo, to enter. And as soon as she was settled she began taking attendance starting from the letter "A". I decided to use this time to take out any needed supplies. "Hangaki?" a boy with blonde hair anxiously responded to the teacher's call. I stacked my erasers as I waited for her to get to my surname. "Masashi?" To which another boy replied.
She then moved on, "Hoshino?", I briefly responded. After marking me as present Ms. Kubo directed her gaze over to me before stating "Out of uniform again, I see."
I smirked and briefly laughed before responding "Yes, Ms. Kubo." My classmates quietly giggled at the interaction.
A day like every other.
☆ During Y/N's first year, she was dress coded over 20 times in the first semester. Of course, administration tried to contact/urge Mrs. Hoshino to correct her child but she ignored them.
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The Owl House Headcanon on Character's Favorite Japanese Dishes.
Luz Noceda: Okonomiyaki (Hiroshima-Style preferred). She likes it for it is a perfect comforting fusion between pancakes and takoyaki (which she had some bad memory from getting her tongue scrouged by it). Plus, she can choose a variety of fillings, which is great for her neurodivergent vibe (while also easily getting bored).
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Amity Blight: Zaru Soba. She'd likely go for a dish that is simple yet defines Japanese elements. She would enjoy it with chunky chopped spring onion, wasabi-infused dipping, and hot tea on a side. After a few years of trying more Japanese dishes, she also got into shio udon and yakisoba. (and yakisoba-based okonomiyaki with her sweetheart)
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Willow Park: Kimchi Nabe; full of vegetables, proteins from meat, eggs, mushrooms, tofu, and gochujang-rich kimchi (Giving spiciness and Korean-ness that Willow never realized she needed). She loves her nabe with varieties and large quantities of proteins. Especially chicken-based meatballs (like in sumo wrestler Chanko Nabe), chicken breasts, lean slices of beef, and white tofu. Plus, extra spicy.
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Gus Porter: Omurice with ketchup fried rice underneath a blanket of thin and creamy omelet. He prefers creamy demiglace sauce with mushroom and beef stock base, alongside ketchup and a dash of Kewpie mayo. Maybe steamed bacon with low-sodium, crabstick, or fish sausage for the side protein. Plus, he loves Sanrio and doesn't care about locals' eyes upon him enjoying his two plates of My Melody Omurice.(It's kids' size, so two is it).
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Hunter Noceda/Park/Daemonne: Kushiyaki, especially those from old-school Yatai stalls. However, he would avoid poultry-based ones (especially the wings, as tributes to his lifesaver, Flapjack) and alcoholic drinks. He usually goes with beef and vegetables on the same stick. His favorite side drink is Ramune or Calpis yogurt drink. He usually has a few pods of salted edamame first, if offered.
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Vee Noceda: Shojin Ryori meal from local Zen Buddhist temples. Somehow, she can tastes 'magic' in food, and enjoy talking about spiritual and morality topics with Buddhist monks(and nuns). She usually not paying them by money but doing them some cleaning and arranging the sutra. She sometimes enjoy draining magic from Omamori (Green one is a yum!).
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Edalyn Clawthrone: Tantanmen, extra broth, extra noodles, and a few extra pieces of boiled eggs. With rice on the side. After an extreme night (either work, or a party), she carves for carbs, proteins, and spices. Eventually, it becomes her usual comfort dish. Plus, it was worth her two meals and a pretty budget. If she feels extra fancy, maybe some extra meat as well.
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Lilith Clawthrone: Kure's JMSDF (Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force)-style Curry Rice, with milk (low-fat, or soya milk) and salad with a light dressing. She prefers a vegetarian version and original taste that serves Japanese maritime forces. She eventually made her own thanks to befriending a friend who was a chef on a Japanese battleship in the Cold War.
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King Clawthrone: Set of different sushi varieties. He is into nigiri and maki with a few simple ingredients. He is into a grilled saltwater eel, salted boiled ebi (or tempura-fried), churnchy cucumber, and tamago. Onigiri is also his go-to, but he is not into raw meat.
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nonobadcat · 2 years
Afo on valentine with pregnant reader maybe if your ok with requests 🥺
Whoot! Finally had time to sit down and work on this! ❤️
I think the answer of how AFO would be with a pregnant lover depends on which country's Valentines Day we're talking about. In western style countries I'm sure there would be wining and dining but, since BNHA is set in Japan, I decided to go with a Japanese style holiday.
In Japan, women are expected to be the predominate provided of the holiday. This turns around on White Day in March when the men return the favor with gifts. There are several types of chocolate for Valentine's day: Giri (obligation), Honmei (true love: sounds suspiciously like homemade), Tomo (friends), Jibun (I bought for myself), and Fami (family). There are also reports of Gyaku (man to woman gifted) chocolate, but I get the impression most guys just wait for White Day.
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All For One x Pregnant Reader Valentine's Day
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Puffy coat lapels clutched tight to your neck, you dodged past yet another line snaking out from the tidy, pink and red mottled store fronts of the Roppongi Hills shopping center. Banners and LED adverts flashed limited edition everything from gold foiled chocolate truffles to "lovey dovey" rice crackers. Even Kitty Diamond, the slick, luxury pet shop, had swapped their usual clean, white window display for a flood pastels hearts. The mournful amber eyes of the plush Persian kittens for sale looked like a glowing sunset against their coral colored collars.
Squinting against the ferocious February wind, you stuffed the straps of your canvas bag into your armpit and braced the package tight against your chest. Out past the rose garden, you trudged down the sloping sidewalks towards the south entrance of Roppongi Station. As you passed L'Atelier du Pain, the French bakery, the odor of buttery baked goods made your bulging belly flutter. You groaned and patted your stomach.
"I told you at the first store, it's no good. I'm pretty sure that anything that smells that nice isn't on that troll doctor's 'recommended diet' list." You rolled your eyes. "Though I think his obsessing over my nutrient balance is going to give me higher blood pressure than any amount of potato chips."
When you reached the sparkling glass and rosy brass front of the luxury high rise, the doorman nearly tripped over himself to greet you. A nervously mumbled "welcome back" accompanied by averted eyes left you scowling. Clearly, someone had gotten short with the staff for "looking too long", again.
Honestly. You assumed, at first, that being visibly pregnant with his child would make the ever possessive Shigaraki feel more secure. However, even since seeing those two pink lines, your husband seemed more territorial than ever. Seeing the security guard's face almost made you want to extend your outing just to get away from the stifling apartment a little while longer. However, the throb of your swollen feet reminded you what a stupid idea that was.
Knowing that any further contact would make things worse, you strolled past the man and headed straight to the elevator. The sound of your annoyed toe tapping on the glossy, granite was your only companion. The glowing numbers crawled up floor by floor until they halted at the penthouse suite. With the tinny ding, you waddled off the lift and leaned against the creamy canvas wallpaper just beside your sumptuous, high rise flat.
Setting your purchase on polished, glittering tiles, you finished deep into your purse for your key. Your bag caught the edge the limited release vase on the hall table. You gasped. Lunging forward, your grabbed its lip before it could tumble to the floor. Heart pounding, you straightened the fresh flowers. Looking at the hasty arrangement made you purse your lips. No good. Compared to the perfectly crafted ikebana that usually sat outside the door, your efforts were a mess.
"Oh well," you sighed, turning back to the task at hand. "Not like it matters."
After all, one of his followers put a fresh arrangement in it every day.
You pressed your finger to the biometric scanner before turning the tumblers. The door slipped open on smooth hinges. As you balanced the load against your hip, a pink and white tag, decorated with a rolly polly infant, danged from your purse. Just as you leaned for the other bag, a large hand grasped your shoulder.
"I'll get that."
Without looking up, you shook your head at the owner of the smooth baritone and groped for your purchase "You're fussing again."
Shigaraki's pale fingers plucked the bag from the floor, hoisting it high over your head with a grin one tooth too wide to be kind. "You enjoy a little fussing," he teased, letting the goods swing from his pointer.
You reached out, snatching at your purchase. He sneered before raising it five centimeters beyond your finger tips. As you rocked onto the balls of your feet, straining for the handles, he leaned back, letting the bag bounce off his massive shoulder.
"Give it back!"
He chuckled, rocking it back and forth in the hanging air. "Why? It's for me isn't it?"
"For tonight! Not now!" Carefully shuffling sore breasts aside, you crossed your arms and grumbled. "Patience is not your virtue, is it?"
A massive palm engulfed your head, patting it twice before rubbing small circles at the edge of your scalp. "And following instructions is not yours." He nodded to the window at the end of the hall. A gust of wind rattled the pane. "I distinctly recall The Doctor telling you not to strain yourself this late in the pregnancy."
You pried his hand off your head and huffed. "A few block walk is hardly straining myself."
"In the cold and up hill?"
"It's 10C and I'm wearing a down jacket."
Red eyes narrowed. "With the zipper open."
You rolled your eyes. "...and who's fault is it that I've gained 10kgs?"
As a thick tongue darted out to wet his lips, your husband rested his hand on the shelf of your stomach. "It looks good on you."
Embarrassed heat flushed your cheeks. "Pervert," you spat, shouldering past him.
Planting your purse on the wall hook, you peeled off your coat and dropped it along side your bag. Braced one arm against the wall, you curled your finger inside your heel before tugged off your shoes. As you stepped from the gekkan onto the main floor, thick arms shoved themselves under your knees. Wide eyes looked up into a blinding, fanged grin.
"What sweets did my darling Valentine bring me?"
You gulped. "M-malted chocolate whiskey cake."
"Whiskey?" Crimson delight danced below long white lashes as he kicked the front door shut. "Not planning to share with me then?"
You raised an eye brow. "The All For One? Sharing with others?" With a shrug, you laid your head upon his shoulder and prodded his chest. "Seems a bit out of character for you."
Warm breath fanned across your neck. "Then what were you hoping for, my dear?" the devil whispered in your ear.
You faked a pout, but it was tainted by the coy grin tugging at your cheeks. Sultry promise coiling into every word, you loosened the next button from his open oxford. Chiseled pecs drifted into view as your stroked one finger down his sternum. His skin burned like hellfire.
"Have your cake and eat it too?"
Your heart fluttered as a low chuckle reverberated in his chest. You yelped at naughty nip at your ear lobe as his hands slide slowly up your thighs. Long fingers found the hem of your pants, tugging at the button.
"Oh," he groaned, nuzzling your scalp with his tall nose. "I think I can manage that."
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Fun fact: That cake did exist Valentine's day 2023: Bricolage Bread & Co - ¥5,200
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aro-absol · 1 year
Koisenu Futari Wallpapers
I made some Koisenu Futari wallpapers in a collage style! For that, I took the intro screen and edited pictures of things around it that are important to the plot or important to Sakuko and Takahashi.
I ended up with three different versions. The upper two are intended to use on a phone, and the last one is for a desktop. I had trouble finding the right format for these but I hope at least one of these will work for y'all.
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[ID: Three different wallpapers that each have the Koisenu Futari intro screen in the middle of them. It shows the main characters Sakuko Kodama and Saturo Takahashi standing on stairs made of stone. In between them, there's the show's name written in Japanese letters. Around that picture, there are many smaller pictures, making a collage. The arrangement of the pictures is different in each wallpaper. The pictures are:
The aromantic, asexual and aroace sunset flags.
A zoomed in picture of several cabbages.
A plate of cabbage rolls, with one cabbage roll being held with chopsticks.
One close-up picture of Sakuko and Takahashi each
A pattern that is made of pattern tiles and off-white tiles alternating. Some pattern tiles have a red honeycomb pattern, and some have a pattern with red and brown vertical stripes.
Light blue, cursive text on dark blue background that says: "I believe they exist. People who don't fall in love."
Orange text on an off-white background that says: "I don't want to be alone"
A song that looks like when it's shared to tumblr. The song is "WHOLE" by CHAI.
A bowl of udon noodles
A heart that has the text "we are family" inside of it. In the vertical wallpapers, the heart is orange with dark green text and in the horizontal wallpaper, the heart is light green with dark blue text.
Two different pictures of red crabs
A bright red coat
A bamboo farmer's hat
Two onigiri (triangle-shaped rice balls) on a plate
A cup of instant udon noodles
A queerplatonic flag heart. In all wallpapers, it is put between Sakuko and Takahashi.
Two rainbows that have their end in clouds. One has the aromantic flag colours, and one has the aroace sunset flag colours.
A white text with dark blue edging that says: "Koisenu Futari - two people who can't fall in love"
/ End ID]
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najia-cooks · 1 year
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[ID: a small bowl filled with toasted sesame seeds and diced kombu. end ID]
Vegetarian furikake / 振り掛け (Japanese seasoning)
Furikake is a Japanese dry condiment which may be added to rice, used as a filling for onigiri (rice balls), used in pickling, or used as a topping to rice dishes such as chazuke (ちゃづけ). You might also try it for a sweet, savory, or spicy kick on noodle dishes and salads (such as my Japanese-style carrot salad), in soups, or on popcorn.
Minimal recipes for furikake may include sesame seeds, chopped seaweed, bonito flakes, salt, and sugar. This recipe also includes soy sauce and shichimi (Japanese 7-spice) for added umami and spice; you could play around with ingredients and proportions to get something you like, or make it a little differently each time!
Recipe under the cut.
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For the furikake:
1oz used kombu (left over from making dashi), thawed if frozen
1 sheet Japanese dried laver / nori (海苔)
2 Tbsp ground dried shiitake mushrooms
1 1/2 Tbsp white sesame seeds
1/2 Tbsp black sesame seeds
1 Tbsp Japanese soy sauce, such as Kikkoman's
1/2 tsp kosher salt
2 tsp vegetarian granulated sugar
2 tsp Japanese 7-spice (七 味 唐辛子 / shichimi togarashi); optional
Pinch MSG (optional)
You will need reconstituted, not dried, kombu for this recipe. To reconstitute dashi, follow the instructions to make cold-brew (水出し / mizudashi) or hot-brew dashi (煮出し / nidashi) in my teriyaki udon soup recipe; the dashi can then be used to make Japanese soups and dipping sauces. I like to use a couple tablespoons in a cornstarch slurry with soy sauce, mirin, and rice vinegar to coat fried tofu, to which it adds a delicate, umami, vegetal taste.
Dried shiitake mushrooms can be found in an Asian grocery store. They may be reconstituted to make shiitake dashi, then used in stir-fries and simmered dishes. They may also be ground and used to add savor and umami to any dish. Here, they are used as a substitute for the katsuobushi (bonito flakes) in okaka / おかか (bonito flakes flavored with soy sauce), a common ingredient in furikake.
1. Dice reconstituted / thawed kombu into small pieces and set aside. Cut nori into a fine dice by folding and cutting with kitchen scissors. Coarsely grind dried shiitake mushrooms in a spice mill or food processor.
2. In a small, dry pot over medium heat, toast white and black sesame seeds until they are fragrant and a shade darker. Remove from pot.
3. Add kombu and ground shiitake mushroom and toast, stirring frequently, for several minutes until the surface of the kombu is dry.
4. Add soy sauce, salt, and sugar. Simmer until dried, stirring and scraping the bottom of the pot more frequently as the furikake dries out.
5. Stir in nori, sesame seeds, shichimi, and MSG. Taste and adjust salt, sugar, and spice.
Theoretically, dry furikake may be stored in a cool, dry place such as a pantry. If you're not confident that your furikake is completely dry, you can store it in the fridge. It should keep for several months.
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So I've been playing a lot of Pokemon Café Remix lately and my sister made Japanese Curry last week and I op...
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[ID Start: yellow rice shaped like the face of the Pokémon Pikachu, surrounded by Japanese style curry in a wide and shallow white dish. Detailing on the Pikachu are bits of sushi nori for the ear tips, eyes, nose, and smile; white sesame seeds for eye highlights; and Sriracha sauce for the rosy cheeks. The curry is a thick brown sauce with diced potatoes and stew beef and also chopped onions and carrots. Pikachu is vaguely rabbit shaped. /End ID.]
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sakuramidnight15 · 9 months
-RSA OC Information-
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Character Bio
Name: Caoimhe Dulcie
(Japanese: カオイムヘ・ダルシー)
Romaji: Kaoimuhe Darushī
Quote: "Greetings, how may I be in serve you with one of my baked treats? It's on the table."
V/A: Takanashi Kengo (Japanese)
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Birthday: October 29
Star Sign: Scorpio
Eye Color: Caramel Biege
Hair Color: Charm Pink
Height: 179 cm
Race: Human
Homeland: Kingdom of Priamonia (Second Land District)
Family: Unnamed Two Mothers
Unnamed Grandparents
School Status and Fun Facts
Dorm: Fableheart (@jasdiary)
School Year: Third
Class: 3-C (Same Class with Miriam and Achlys)
Student no. 29
Occupation: Student
Chef Pâtissier in training
Part-time Waiter
Club: Cooking Club
Best Subject: Magic History, P.E., Potions, and Literature
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous
Favorite Color: Shades of Light Beige, Brown, White, and Yellow
Favorite Food: Mostly anything edible, Donuts, BBQ, Fried Spicy Rice, Fried Meat (Thigh and Rib Meats), Warm Tea (In Various Flavours, Butterfly Pea Tea as his favourite), Pie (In Various Flavours), Asian Food (Mostly)
Least Favorite Food: Frog Meat, Overburnt Food (Mostly), Food was served expired (Absolutely Not), Beef, Sour Candies, Jawbreakers (Mostly), Rock-stone Cookies (Mostly)
Likes: Pastry Making (Mostly), Styling Ribbons (On any material), Studying other recipes, Paying efforts off, Sugar-glass artwork making, Reading Novels (They are mostly gorish and spicy sometimes), Taste-testing Other People's Desserts (Miriam for one example)
Dislikes: Noisy Places, Getting interrupted (Mostly), People Wasting his Time, Getting Canceled Last Second (Mostly, but pissed), Disrespectfulness (Mostly), Untidiness, Wealthy People (Mostly), Strict Standards from Nobles (Mostly, But in pure silence), Someone Tampering Food (Mostly), Food Poisoning (Mostly),
Hobbies: Pastry Making (Mostly), Styling Ribbons (Mostly, especially for decorations), Cooking (Mostly), Studying Other Recipes, Sugar Glass Artwork, Reading Novels (Mostly, they are mostly gorish and spicy sometimes), Being a taste-testing, Showing Basics Styles (Mostly, for on cooking and hair styling)
Talents: Extreme Acrobatics, High IQ, High Stamina, Physical Self-defense, Castor Abilities, Polearm Skills, Extreme Debate Skills, Taekwondo Skills,
Nicknames: Cao (From his family and friends)
Caoimhe-senpai or Dulcie-senpai (From the freshmen students)
Coco (From Celestine, although it was a light tease though)
Omi (From Miriam)
Caomi (From Xander)
Other Nicknames:
Appearance and Personality
Appearance: Caoimhe has a tall muscular male body figure but the figure itself looked slender than what's been explained but according to him he has been himself fit regardless of the results of his physics status. He has long charm pink colored long hair that reached to the bottom of his foot heels and has caramel beige colored eyes. Caoimhe is known for his generosity and patience, although he tends to be rather startlesome yet sweet.
Personality: Born and was raised within the second district in the Kingdom of Priamonia by rather a large family, Caoimhe in a young age back then studied into the family business whenever he sees his family members running the main store that resides near the gates of the third district. Despite his enthusiasm of the family's business and somehow viewed to study its culinary traditions, he's often taken the basics before learning elsewhere which his family members finds it a bit worrisome at the least till he manages it himself. Despite not wanting to worry his family much, he assures them that he'll stick to the beginner levels before reaching to another route way.
This most likely continue on as he grows older and is now assisting the store, morefully when he's serving the customers, but at the kitchen is where he practices his skills away from the public eye.
The current Caoimhe we're seeing in the present timeline is known for his generosity and interesting aspirations alongside with his patience within his exterior through from others within the academy, though he tends to be rather startlesome sometimes whenever his concentration had been interrupted, which caused him to be a little fussy afterward as he calmed himself down. Morefully he's on the patience side than getting fussy sometimes, although he's completely balanced on with his emotions and keeps them under control. He's mostly seen with Westyn's and his group around at campus or often seen with Lucia within the dormitory buildings.
Whenever he's with his fellow rift buddies, he's mostly feels normal but adding the mess and chaos that happens, Caoimhe just sighed until he gets dragged into the mess. Regardless of that, he never felt tired whenever it happens.
Aside from his main exterior from his main personality around from random people he sees and interacts only once, he's mostly sweet than being fussy. Morefully he knows how to settle the mood whenever he's in a room filled with people such as the dorm itself or other places. Caoimhe eventually knows his way around, especially entertaining people with his culinary skills that he'd been practicing while growing up from his childhood memories. Though he seems to look a bit cute whenever he fuss a few things a little bit, especially whenever he's busy with his work.
Sometimes there are ideas of tendency to go off balance from main front and sidelines if things didn't go smoothly, especially if he ever get involved by dragging it down with it, not like it's been asked for it. Caoimhe himself can keep his facial expression at firm pace whenever he puts up an act, but not for his emotions stirring up inside of it. A few words wouldn't hurt unless anyone who shouts it back wants it, a slight convincing of cruelty won't hurt anyone but he less cares likely of how he feels towards it and would be serious about it, put a bit of adding when it comes to reputation then everything falls apart such as the food being spoiled through the process or from the start...
Aspiring when it comes to talents within the bakeshop, though there are days that he needs to calm himself a bit though, that's when his fellow friends would say about him.
-The name 'Caoimhe' means 'beautiful'. It has been well-used in English-speaking countries and particularly in Ireland from the same root as the masculine name, while his surname 'Dulcie' from the Latin word dulcis, meaning "sweet," and is also the Spanish word for "candy." It's related to the name Dulce, a traditional Roman name that Cervantes drew inspiration from when naming Dulcinea, the chosen lady of erratic knight Don Quixote.
-He's based on Ginger Breadhouse, from the Ever After High Franchise and Series.
-Aside from his skills within the kitchen. He knows how to brew various yet new tea flavours. Classics or a new one.
-He hates seeing food getting wasted.
-Often picked as a taste-tester whenever someone asks him to.
-Knows how to style and tie ribbons, either on decorating the food or on hair.
-Keeps his mental hygiene in check. Very likely.
-He fusses sometimes but in less serious-like manner, though it looked pretty cute to see it happen if you want to.
-He and Xander are childhood friends regardless of the two being in different districts, the two kept in contact till now. Though Xander often questions Caoimhe's sexuality, which puts the latter in so much of confusion.
-He's mostly neutral with his dorm mates aside from Lucia, although he's often slight popular for his cooking and his treats being the best snacks in the dorm.
-He and Miriam had known each other since they entered the same cooking school when they were kids, making them former cooking buddies.
-Celestine often visits his family's store sometimes and still do it after growing up, which the two had normal conversations. Although there are days that Celestine often teases him while the chats kept going much to his dismay.
-Around people such as his dorm mates or others aside from his fellow rift friends from his homeland, he'd didn't seem to show his skills are cooking. Which anyone would be curious after seeing the results of what the latter would might cook.
-Can be even be seen for reading novels but in goreish graphics plus with spicy contexts in secret. More occasionally at night.
-He and Ismene often rants a lot when it comes to novels, both anime and novel series.
-His Curse: (From his culinary skills, he can morefully create a VIP sweet-like table serving if only the conditions are yet to be made by the one who asks for his services of whatever ordered food. If five of each of them have met, he then served the best of the best servings at your table to your heart's delight. But if the conditions have not have met, this resulted the food that will be served to rotten quickly at your behalf at the minute you bite it or not, including the taste would be beyond horrid. Regardless if the conditions had been met or not by the customer will cause Caoihme's throat to gain severe breathing problems or a quick asthma attack immediately in the aftermath. He can recover his breathing and will be back to normal but only for two weeks straight of recovery.)
-Around at his age of twelve from his past, Caoimhe was a victim of severe food poisoning when a noble from the fourth district asked him to taste the food the noble was served with inside of a restaurant one evening, causing the serious issue to rise through the minute his family found out about as the noble was executed for it. He was hospitalized for four weeks.
-Due to the incident, it seemed to be the main reason why his personality is one a balance scale. Which is why he's sometimes patience but is very much on limits.
-His voice sounds mature but the attitude and tone changes whenever he sees a situation building up. Which is why I chose Takanashi Kengo to be his voice actor.
-He doesn't seem to be a fond of the fourth district, since it had to become a ghost town of disgrace by the queen.
-Gets annoyed if someone brings up about cooking monsters. Literally.
-Pissed if he sees a messy kitchen.
-Has a pet male sliver wolf named 'Puco'.
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vetinarivimesy · 1 year
Okay okay okay. I'm enough of a nerd that yes I own those damned Disney Star Wars themepark cookbooks, and I've been steadily working my way through most of the recipes in them.
Mostly the recipes are a great balance of fun, interesting, and vaguely deliberately shifted around a really solid base to make it just a little unfamiliar so it's 'space' themed. But actually something you'd be willing to cook, without a million and a half rather finnicky steps and a ton of things to wash up before the thing even meets heat.
(With one or two minor SNAFUs caused by ye olde separated by a common language - tomato paste vs tomato puree woops)
But ahem, anyway that 'spicy' Mandalorian stew, ey?
For all of the advertised heat in the thing... You essentially end up with a rather tasty Japanese style curry with couscous in it, rather than rice on the side.
Nice? Yes.
Spicy? No not really. Even compared to other similarly mild curries, and taking spicy to mean spiced not hot. The Japanese style curry this recipe seems to be based around somewhat infamously comes from the bland for the UK-palette generic curry powder of the Victorians...
Sooo. I am spitefully choosing to follow a large chunk of fandom's example and picking bits of Star Wars at random to pick and choose my canon from... I'm now taking that recipe as 'proof' that Mandalorian cooking... really isn't all that hot.
And yes, I made that Pog soup too. Tasty? Yeah sure. Spicy? ...Eh?
And again, spitefully logicking my way through, which culture is always depicted in the films as actually extremely multicultural, and actually allows its members to retain their home traditions from their roots, and actually is based loosely around Asia rather than the old colonising empire building bounty hunters and rogues mashed with Knights Templar thing that is still the bulk of what the Mandos have?
The Jedi.
Who, notably, are absolutely missing any representation whatsoever in either of the two Disney-era Star Wars cookbooks. Since the setting is post the second Jedi genocide in the Skywalker Saga...
So whilst I'm now headcanoning, Mando food as all bark and very little bite, spitefully and based solely off of a very dubious bit of 'canon'.
I can also with impunity go, Sichuan cooking for the Jedi? Yes. Yes. Yes. Genuinely interesting Indian cuisine? Sure why not? Spicy Uzbek style stews? Great! Shakshouka as fiery as you can get it for breakfast? Amazing! Enough spicy kefta to feed fifty ravenous knights? Fabulous!
There's a brisk, and expensive given they're just cheap space-ramen, trade in the Jedi Temple sector of Coruscant of all the numerous flavours of Space-Buldak Chilli Noodles, since the Padawans basically live off of them.
Swimming in chilli already? Well that's not hot enough for old Master Rancisis! Add more! And don't forget the numbing peppercorns, that's Master Sifo-Dyas's favourite part!
Cue a fanfic, with the usual increasingly irritating set-up. Ahahaha, lets laugh at the culture that supposedly eats nothing but the blandest thing on the menu encounter the Manly Men we only eat the Hottest Vindaloo because we're hard! culture... And... Nope, nosiree the Mandos cannot handle it at all, cue much blue milk chugging, and not from the jedi half of the contingent. Despite all their showboating about how spicy they love their spicy spicy stew, they're like the old stereotype about white Brits in an Indian Curry House in Goodness Gracious Me.
(Seriously still far too spitefully amused that the official 'Spicy Mandalorian Stew' recipe produced bland but tasty comfort food in reality.)
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vinomino · 2 months
Be Vulnerable Notes
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Chapter 1
Sake - Japanese rice wine
Koshirae - Ornate mounting of a Japanese sword
Saya - Wooden scabbard for the blade; traditionally of lacquered wood
Sageo - The cord used to tie saya to the belt/obi when worn.
Momotarō - Popular hero of a Japanese folklore
Kotsuage - A funeral ritual where the relatives pick the bones out of the ashes and transfer them to the urn 
Shiromuku -  Meaning “pure white”, it is a traditional formal bridal costume
Wataboshi - An all-white hooded veil. Similar to a Western bridal veil 
Zori - Tonged Japanese sandals 
Haori - Traditional Japanese jacket worn over the kimono 
Haori himo - Tie used for the haori to keep the front unopened 
Tamagushi - A form of Shinto offering made from a sakaki-tree branch.
Obi - A belt of varying size and shape
Chapter 2
Juban - Undergarment worn under the kimono
Bekuhai - Japanese drinking game originating from Kochi
Geta - Traditional Japanese footwear
Chapter 3
Kanzashi - Hair accessories that are often ornate and beautifully detailed, consisting of a metal or wooden base adorned with silk accents
Hana-Kanzashi - A flamboyant style of kanzashi most commonly associated with maiko (trainee geisha) in Kyoto
Koshi-himo - Waist-string used to keep the kimono + juban* unopened
Nishijin brocade (Nishijin-ori) - Woven fabric, predominantly made of silk. “The highest quality and most luxurious kimono fabric”
Honshibo-ori - A variety of Nishijin brocade. Fabric with textured crepe weaving
Wakizashi - (脇差, side-insert) is a Japanese short sword, the backup weapon of the samurai.
1 Alighieri, Dante. The Divine Comedy. Translated by John Ciardi, New American Library 2003  (Aligieri, The Paradiso, Canto I, p.596-597, 1-26) 
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dark-frosted-heart · 1 year
Now that it’s not the middle of the night, I can properly look at Ikevil and Koibaku’s collab cafe menu items
Harrison - Strawberry milk (true or false?) with a mint leaf and monaka wafers in the shape of fox ears
Liam - Rosehip tea and gummy paws
Alfons - Soda with cotton candy and blue curaçao syrup you pour over and watch the cotton candy dissolve so good luck trying to take pics of your drink
Roger - Apple juice in the style of beer, dried peas snack, monaka wafer in the shape of glasses
Ellis - Grape juice with orange jelly and mixed berries
Victor - (cursed) coffee with rose-shaped sugar cubes. Drink and you will become a part of Crown
Enomoto Takeaki - Tieguanyin tea and bean snacks
Hijikata Toshizou - Acerola juice with plum syrup and mint
Ii Naosuke - Genmaicha with red bean monaka
Milk tea with a random suitor’s emblem
William - Hamburger steak with fresh blood (Demi-glace and red wine sauce)
Jude - Nuggets and fries that Jude’s not going to eat so you eat it instead
Saito Hajime - Breakfast of grilled mackerel, rice, miso soup, lotus root
Kido Takayoshi - Omurice with a Japanese-style savory sauce, bamboo shoots, and peas
Kirino Toshiaki- Sweet potato curry
Elbert - Deep sea jewelry box dessert that’s blue jelly, Bavarian cream (or yogurt bavarois?), crushed biscuits, white chocolate, edible pearls, and a dried orange
Katsu Kaishuu - Matcha ice cream parfait with mochi, candied chestnut, red beans and a cherry
Saigou Takamori - Dorayaki, dango, vanilla ice cream with Japanese black sugar syrup
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