#white magic kwami
imthepunchlord · 2 months
I think one of the missed opportunities of ML is that they just don't get into the whimsy or magic of Miraculous and kwamis and what you can do with that. Especially in terms of subtlety of the magic.
Like, for example:
Of course, a lot of this was far outside Marinette's allowance, but she could still enjoy seeing the latest trends. She took in the designs and clothes, blind to the models that wore them, all focused on the creativity and inspiration.  Until a small bit of orange caught Marinette's eye, derailing her whole inspiration ride.  The culprit was an odd jewelry piece, an eyesore amongst the more elaborate and styled designs. It was a foxtail necklace, with a white tip, and a sectioned gradient of yellow to vermilion, held up by a golden chain. So eye-catching and odd was it, Marinette reached out for it instinctively, barely registering how it felt warm to the touch and seemed to tingle with a curious energy, as if excited.  Marinette was in the motion of starting to put it on when the chain jerked on of the hook, and with that tiny little snap, the spell was broken. Marinette blinked a little in confusion. Shaking her head, she dismissed the weirdness, and looked over the necklace.  It was still oddly warm to her touch, but maybe it was being handled previously?  And there was no price tag to it…  Odd.  Everything about it was odd.  Part of Marinette felt like she wanted to take it with her, but considering it was here, it was probably outside her funds. Oddly feeling apologetic, Marinette let it go to swing and sway, leaving it behind to continue her browsing. With her gaze no longer upon it, the foxtail shimmered, blending in with the other necklaces.  Oblivious to the magic, Marinette continued her browsing, eager to see designs she hadn't seen before, and what new ideas these designs could inspire.
It's a little thing, but I think it just nicely adds to the Miraculous, so it's a shame the show didn't really delve into it. At least the movie did a little bit. I could feel the magic of them there.
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mlbigbang · 10 months
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2023 Ladynoir Fic Rec List
It’s the end of the year which means it’s finally time for the ML Big Bang’s yearly fic rec lists! We’re really excited to bring you our contributors’ favourite fics started this year to supply you with plenty of reading material while you’re waiting for the Big Bang fics’ publication in January.
all of your flaws and all of my flaws (are laid out one by one) by @coffeebanana
Ladybug and Marinette have both been acting strangely since Monarch's defeat, and Chat Noir would give anything to know why—to be able to help them. He just…didn't expect his answers to come when Ladybug drags him to his father's statue in the middle of the night along with a bag full of spray paint.
This fic explores the aftermath of the season 5 finale and provides some badly needed hurt/comfort, lovesquare communication, and vandalism ; )
with this ring by @thelibraryloser
She thought “you and me against the world” had sounded like lopsided odds before, when she hadn’t even dreamed “you against me” was a possibility. Or maybe she had dreamed it, but at least in those dreams he’d had cold blue eyes and a stark white mask. The villain she’d fought today had looked at her through her partner’s own bright green eyes. It wasn’t meant to be this way.
It tore at my heartstrings! It deals with a unique Ladynoir 'enemies' premise in a beautiful way
Let Me Count the Ways (aka Chat Noir's List of Ladybug's New Habits) by @sariahsue
Chat Noir thought it might be a good idea to start keeping a list of all the strange things Ladybug had been doing lately. It might help him to figure out what it all meant. There was the stumbling, the stuttering, the blushing. It had appeared out of nowhere. No, that wasn't quite right. It had all started when they were dancing at the gala, when she'd been so nervous that she tripped over the perfectly flat marble floor and smashed her face into his chest.
Like Smoke from a Furnace by @wackus-bonkus-maximus
Marinette and Adrien give up their Miraculous. Ladybug and Chat Noir never meet again.
It's hard to categorize this. Is this a ship or is it gen? It's strictly Adrienette because they're married. But pre-reveal. It forks after Kwami's Choice and asks the question: How would LB cope with LB and CN never getting their miraculous back after Kwami's Choice? But the story's title seems to indicate that this is kind of a "forbidden Ladynoir" fic because it's an allusion to the potentially devastating effects of "looking back" when you shouldn't. I've read this fic like a dozen times and am completely obsessed.
telepathy by @thelibraryloser
There’s a certain amount of telepathy created after several years fighting beside someone. It’s a mix of chemistry, history, and probably a bit of actual magic, and it comes down to this: Chat Noir usually knows exactly what his Lady is thinking. So, when a bike messenger hands him a three digit number written on a piece of hospital stationary, he knows exactly what Ladybug is asking him to do. He just can’t believe it. 
soft and sweet and much ladynoir! <3
A 'Super' Guide to 'Super' Dating by @mysticraven20
When Ladybug just scrapes into the top 10 of Paris’ favourite heroes list, she asks her partner and her best friend for help. After they decide she’s not personable enough, which in result, makes her unapproachable, Marinette goes out to try and become one with the public by writing her very own dating blog. As the blog turns into an overwhelming hit, Marinette finds herself in an awkward position, once again falling for the guy she’s always longed for; a guy who has started his own search for love following her ‘Super’ guide to ‘Super’ Dating.
I just love the idea of Ladybug writing a dating column as she tries to find love in the city.
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Tbh I don't see the point of Luka learning mirakungfu while Adrien and Marinette don't, even more so if the reason why Suhan teach that to him is because he knew LB and CN identity. Then shouldn't those two learn it also since they basically holding the miraculous that the villain want most? But then again it feels like "adult is useless except for some" seems to be one of the rule in this show.
I kind of despise the concept of mirakungfu because it makes no sense and because it feels disrespectful. I am by no means an expert on Chinese culture, so I don't know if it's actually offensive, but when all the writers are white, the name for the made up martial art is a parody of a real martial art, the box of magic items has nothing to do with the culture it's supposedly from, and the main character is completely removed from her heritage, it's just not a good look, especially since the monks are Tibetan and everything about the miraculous themselves is pretty explicitly Chinese. It just gives me uncomfortable vibes of Asian cultures being treated as both window dressing and an interchangeable monolith, but I don't have the expertise to really discuss that issue beyond "this feels like a bad idea and you probably want to talk to an expert on these topics to make sure you're not doing something offensive."
On the other hand, I love the concept of Guardian Luka! I have actually always wished that he had been given the miracle box instead of Marinette simply because I don't think that Marinette's personality is well suited to the role of Guardian and because I wanted her to have an actual team. Meanwhile, Luka freaking shines when they have him in a mentor role (Wishmaker & Migration) and I am of the firm belief that the Guardian should be a mentor to the other holders. It's why I said Marinette isn't suited to the role. As written, she just kind of hands out miraculous and orders people about. That's perfectly fine for a team leader! It's not so great for what I expect when I hear "guardian who chooses the holders of the ancient and powerful artifacts."
But that's not what they did with Luka. He isn't the holder of the miracle box. He just knows how to fight off miraculous wielders because reasons, so I have no idea what they're trying to do with him. Especially since his existence is straight up breaking their lore. In this case, it's the lore established back in Furious Fu, Su-Han's intro:
Su-Han: Let me remind you about some of the Perfect Precepts that you have broken. (flips pages) Precept 14: Kwamis must not live outside the box. (flips pages) Precept 52: Guardians must never lose a Miraculous. (flips pages) Precept 133: A guardian cannot, under any circumstances, wear a Miraculous. (closes the book)
Su-Han accepting Marinette as Guardian because what's done is done makes sense because of the memory BS (why is there no other way to hand off the box?), but that whole "Guardians don't wear Miraculous" rule is there for a reason! I think it may go a step too far, but the general principle does make a lot of sense. The Guardians should be in more of a support role simply from a security standpoint.
It's another reason I'm iffy on Marinette being the Guardian. The Guardian knows everyone's identities and - in the context of canon - has a direct line to the miracle box that any rando can access by capturing them. This makes it a really bad idea to have them fighting on the front lines as they know too much and are something of a security risk. Meanwhile the snake feels like a perfect miraculous for the Guardian to wield since the snake is meant to watch the battle from the sidelines.
It's all very confusing to me because I'm getting a thing I wanted, but in the most confusing and least interesting way. Instead of this feeling like a big plot point, it just feels like something they did because it's cool. I fear this is going to be like Luka learning the secret identities: a thing that should lead to something big plot-wise, but that ends up mostly ignored because it would complicate things too much. If anything, I expect this to mean that he's left out of big moments because the writers very clearly don't know how to write him now. Like he should have been involved in the Risk/Strikeback fight! His powers made more sense than anyone else's! But he couldn't be because then the Felix thing couldn't happen.
I do very much agree that Luka leaning mirakungfu is a big WTF because, if holders are randomly allowed to learn it now, then Marinette should be learning it too! She's actively fighting against a rouge holder, she knows all of the other holders' identities, and she is the guardian! Why is Su-Han mentoring Luka and not the actual guardian? It's all very annoying and I do not like it. It would honestly make more sense if Jagged and Penny were trained, but Luka was not, because Jagged and Penny are not holders, but they are acting as Luka's bodyguards of a sort. Instead, the writers have once again shat all over their lore in the name of doing something cool for a season finale and I would bet you that they're now going to have no idea how to handle the consequences of that in the coming season because they keep doing that. See: season three ending with a mass reveal and the writers subsequently ignoring the identity rules.
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nullsleepy · 2 months
The Strike of a Villainess
Chapter 6: MIRACULOUS-
Chapter 1 Chapter 7 Ao3
“Not again!” Marinette groaned as she fell straight into her pillow, clutching her phone. The screen shined a bright red with “Bad Ending: 09” flashing white. “How was I supposed to know Cedric was one of those dop- dopple-UGH whatever those things are!?”
“Calm down, Master.” Wayzz patted her back before grabbing her phone to show her the image of Cedric she had screenshotted before. “Look here!”
“What is it, Wayzz?” Marinette pouted, moving her head to look at the kwami and her phone screen.
“Notice his eyes, Master. What color are they?” Wayzz grinned at her as he held the screen to her face.
“Green? But what about that?” Marinette sat up, crossing her arms as she sat with her legs together.
“If you look through your screenshots of the Doppelgängers, you’ll notice that they all share the same characteristics: green eyes, a mark on their neck, and they are always smiling!”
Marinette narrowed her eyes, her hand on her chin as she leaned closer. “You’re right, Wayzz. Great job!”
The kwami beamed up at her, flying up at her hand.
“Let’s work together to beat this cellular device, Master!”
“We need to stop her from infecting others, but how?” Marinette sat on the floor, paper scattered all around her. The cold metal of the pen was warm against her lips as she nibbled on its edge.
“Just kill her. Make a statement to future enemies.” Paris responded, flying up beside her, small arms crossed.
“Kill-? No. There’s definitely a way to defeat her without… doing that.” Marinette laid back on the ground, staring at the ceiling. “If I could just.. purify her, everything would be so easy.”
“Purify? What do you mean?” Paris landed on her forehead, tilting its head as it leaned in. Marinette just groaned as she pouted.
“As ladybug, I could purify an evil object and turn it, and everything it affected, back to normal. As if it never happened.”
“…? So you wish to transform her? Into something normal?”
“Sure. Let’s go with that.” Marinette sat up, catching the kwami as it fell from her head. “Do you know a way to do that?”
“I don’t, but I’m sure the book does.” Paris gestured to the book on her desk, lightly glowing green. “It knows everything.”
“…but what’s the cost?” Marinette looked at the book with narrowed eyes.
“…it’s own existence is a cost. She - I mean the book. The book won’t do anything to you but give you the knowledge you seek.” The kwami looked down, as if solemn.
“Fine then. I’ll trust you. And this book.” Marinette stood up, carefully walking up to the book, reaching out a hand. “But if there is a cost, I promise you’ll regret tricking me.”
“There isn’t.”
Marinette nodded, touching the book as a green gas expanded around the room, forcing her to cover her eyes. A few coughs escaped her lips as the green gas overcame her senses.
After a few moments, Marinette opened her eyes and looked around her to see a blank room, with a pink laptop in front of her. Without hesitation, Marinette sat down and opened the laptop, noticing it was just like her’s.
“Thought some familiarity would help! :^3 -N” She pulled off a sticky note from the screen, crumpling it up as tears started to form.
“Damn it.” Marinette mumbled as she wiped her eyes, looking at the background screen of a picture with her and her friends. She still wished for it all to be some sick joke. Or a nightmare. Or anything but her reality.
The screen flickers before turning into a search engine, typing in “Purification Magic” by itself. As the results appeared, the mouse hovered above download on the top one.
“I guess you’re telling me what to do now.” Marinette spoke into the air before clicking down, downloading the result. She felt a wave of something go across her before she noticed a door to her left.
She gave the laptop a hug before standing up and walking towards the door. Her eyes lingered on the laptop as her hand remained still on the doorknob.
“I’ll finish this and go home. I promise.” Marinette turned away, going through the door.
“Hey. Hey. Hey.” Marinette’s eyes flickered open as she felt soft touches to her cheek, seeing the kwami on her face.
“Yes?” Marinette sat back up, noticing the paper around her and the book tightly held in her arms.
“You passed out after touching the book. Needed to make sure you didn’t die.” Paris responded, flying away to sit on the desk. “So? Did it work?”
Marinette looked down at the book in her hands, before grinning as she looked up. “For some reason, I think so.”
“Know so. Come on, we have a doppelgänger to catch!” Marinette felt her energy return at the thought of defeating something- of saving others.
Marinette hugged the book tightly, watching it suddenly disappear as something warm made its way onto the skin of her chest. For reasons she couldn’t explain, she wasn’t scared.
“Well? You ready? I’m going to need you if I want this to work!” Marinette grinned at the kwami as she held out her hand, more confident than ever.
“…me? You need me?” Paris flew into her hand, touching her palm.
“Yes, silly! I can’t purify anything if I don’t have a kwami!”
“Wait- WAIT! Are you going to transform? Using me?!”
“Yeah? I need your power to defeat her so I can purify her.”
“But- but I’ve never transformed before- not in- not in a long, LONG time! What if it doesn’t work- or what if-”
“Just listen to me. It’ll be fine, alright? We got this, Paris!”
“Fine…” Paris flew around her, landing on her head. “But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“Alright! Let’s do this!!” Marinette’s hand reached out to the door knob as she felt her chest warm again. Her eyes glowed a powerful blue and her smile was as vicious as it was elegant. She could already feel the sparks of battle against her skin.
Taglist(open): @fangirlingfanatic @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks @iinhalemayonnaise @kking13 @xxcalypso-phoenixheartxx @khneltea
Notes: WOHOOOOOO! Finished it on the day of/right now! Also am dealing with medical stuff so I’m struggling so while I’m trying to update every week, idk if I will be able to. Thanks for reading!
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bakawitch · 6 months
The Ballet Miracle Box
A miracle box that originates from Russia. Its currently assigned guardian is Master Valeriya Chaikovsky.
Top Tier Miraculous
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White Swan of Illumination
Kwami: Odette
Miraculous: hair comb
Weapon: bow (limitless ammo)
Let's dance!
Let's rest!
Recharge food: custard
Purge - The user can shoot a concentrated energy arrow at a target affected by some sort of magic and purify them of all effects. The arrow also brings clarity and reason to those influenced or lost.
Windfall - The user can shoot an energy arrow and if it hits its target, the target becomes temporarily invulnerable to all damage and external effects.
Pinion - The user can grow and retract a pair of white swan wings somewhere on their body at will.
Origin: Odette, Swan Lake
Black Swan of Oblivion
Kwami: Odille
Miraculous: hair clip
Weapon: bladed fan
Lights out!
Lights on!
Recharge food: coffee jelly
Abstract - The user can release an energy feather and once it reaches a person and enters their soul, the user can communicate with them in the form of simple instructions. Once communication is established the user can abstract the form of the affected person into a monstrous creature. The user can give instructions to the monster, but the monster does not have to follow them. The user can choose to withdraw the energy feather on undo the Abstraction and leave it inside the person's soul for later reactivation.
Maelstrom - The user can release an energy ball from their fan and target an organism capable of retaining memories. Once the energy ball hits its target their memories will be erased. Whether only a few minutes, days or months are erased is up to the user. Maelstrom acts as a form of amnesia. The target can still retain general knowledge.
Pennon - The user can grow and retract a pair of black swan wings somewhere on their body at will.
Origin: Odile, Swan Lake
Middle Tier Miraculous
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Bear of Manifestation
Kwami: Teddi
Miraculous: pendant
Weapon: studed boxing gloves
Recharge food: blueberry
Overbear - The user can manifest a corporeal projection around themselves in the shape of a bear. This bear bestows enhanced strength on the users while they puppet the bear. The bear cannot be smaller than the user, but it can be as big as the user wills it to be, limited only by the user's energy.
Patchwork - The user can summon small bear shaped minions (Cubbies) for assistance. The number of minions (Cubbies) is limited by the users experience, level of skill and energy.
Origin: Clara, The Nutcracker
Squirrel of Demolition
Kwami: Keshuu
Miraculous: collar chain
Weapon: sabre
Nestle down!
Recharge food: cashew nut
Unnamed Power - The user can summon a nut shaped energy bomb and release it at a set target. More skilled users can change the course of the bomb and have better control over it's movement., size and destructive power.
Scatter - The user's blade can release energy blasts in the shape and direction of it's slices.
Origin: Nutcracker, The Nutcracker
Rat of Caution
Kwami: Muuri
Miraculous: crown
Weapon: whip
Recharge food: chocolate
King's Choice - The user can mentally perceive multiple possibilities of the future, and pick witch path they want to take/fulfil. Once a path is started by the user, it will come to be and external forces cannot interfere with the path.
Oversight - The user can conjure eyes which they can see through to any location of their choice as long as they're aware of where a location is.
Origin: Mouse King, The Nutcracker
Lion of Domination
Kwami: Reggi
Miraculous: eyepatch
Weapon: axe
Recharge food: ginger snap
Pride - The user can take control of people of anyone who looks in their eyes. The number of people a user can control is limited by experience, energy and skill.
Outroar - The user can emit a loud sonic roar that has the effect of stunning and overwhelming anyone who hears it.
Origin: Mother Ginger, The Nutcracker
Ladybugs of Reflection
Kwami: Plumm & Dropp
she/her she/her
Miraculous: earrings
Weapon: twin rapiers
Spots swirl!
Spots still!
Recharge food: sugar cookie & peony flower
Twofold - The user can create mirrored versions of any items of their choice. The mirrored versions are functional but their structure is faced the exact opposite way around.
Selfdom - The user's reflection becomes semi aware and the user can merge with it at will. This happens by the user being able to jump into reflective surfaces and move freely in a mirrored world. They can also move between different reflective surfaces and exit at will.
Origin: Sugar Plum Fairy and Dew Drop Fairy, The Nutcracker
Bottom Tier Miraculous
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Lamb of Connection
Kwami: Eewe
Miraculous: bell choker
Weapon: spindle
Fluff my fleece!
Recharge food: chamomile tea
Heardmind - The user has the ability to establish a telepathic connection between multiple people as long as they are touched by the spindle's thread. This links the affected people's inner thoughts, emotions and sensations.
Origin: Aurora, The Sleeping Beauty
Starling of Elongation
Kwami: Perii
Miraculous: brooch
Weapon: gloves
Raise my stars!
Recharge food: sunflower seed
Ever-After - This allows the user to slow down time around themselves to nearly a complete stopping point while the user is still able to move at a normal speed. The user can keep other people from slowing down by physical contact before activating this ability.
Origin: Lilac Fairy, The Sleeping Beauty
Raven of Affliction
Kwami: Coor
Miraculous: bar pin
Weapon: staff
Recharge food: marinated egg
Blight - The user can corrupt other people with a limitation of their choice. This limitation cannot be broken, because if it is, the afflicted person will experience great pain. The more that limitation is broken, the more corruption will affect the target in the form of a blackness spreading over their skin. Once the corruption reaches over the victim's heart the victim becomes completely bedridden.
Origin: Fairy of Darkness, The Sleeping Beauty
White Cat of Condition
Kwami: Baan
Miraculous: ribbon
Weapon: ribbon wand
Recharge food: caviar
Kismet - The user can manipulate chance and luck. Whenever the user is doing something or is in danger, external forces will intervene to protect the user and make things go their way for a set amount of time after activation This luck can be shared with people through physical contact. The amount of people this can be shared with and the length Kismet stays active is limited by the energy and skill level of the user.
Origin: White Cat, The Sleeping Beauty
Bluebird of Rejuvination
Kwami: Bluu
Miraculous: locket
Weapon: microphone
Recharge food: elderberry
Reverb - The user can sing a song and whomever hears it will experience a spiritual, physical and mental healing. Reverb can only cure physical injuries that happened recently. This state of healing is usually a soothing lulling experience.
Origin: Bluebird, The Sleeping Beauty
Alpaca of Sedation
Kwami: Sreen
Miraculous: sleeping mask
Weapon: lantern
Recharge food: marshmallow
Dreamland - The user can make people go to sleep if they focus on the light of the user's lantern. Once the target loses consciousness, the user can physically enter the target's dream and discover information by manipulating the dreams the target is having.
Origin: Fairy of Serenity, The Sleeping Beauty
Canary of Elation
Kwami: Twee
Miraculous: armlet
Weapon: flute
Recharge food: jellybean
Birdsong - The user can summon a random object that would help themselves or a target have fun at that specific moment.
Origin: Fairy of Playfulness
Racoon of Crystallisation
Kwami: Vorra
Miraculous: ring
Weapon: bat
Mask on!
Mask off!
Recharge food: sausage
Lustre - The user can cause a green crystalline material to grow around an object they touch. This crystal is very durable and hard to break without a miraculous tool.
Origin: The Jewels, The Sleeping Beauty
Horse of Evasion
Kwami: Ella
Miraculous: cufflinks
Weapon: skates
Recharge food: pumpkin pie
Escapade - The user becomes incorporeal and gains the ability to phase through solids and liquids.
Origin: Cinderella, Cinderella
Dove of Transformation
Kwami: Naacr
Miraculous: fascinator
Weapon: marbles
Glamour on!
Glamour off!
Recharge food: baguette
Transfigure - The user has the ability to physically transform into anything of their choice, by dropping a marble and cracking it.
Origin: Fairy Godmother, Cinderella
Wolf of Preservation
Kwami: Fross
Miraculous: fang necklace
Weapon: shepherd's cane
Recharge food: beef jerky
North Wind - The user can summon a cold, freezing wind and bend it to their will. This wind is cold enough to freeze its surroundings.
Origin: Winter Fairy, Cinderella
Fox of Excavation
Kwami: Till
Miraculous: hairpin
Weapon: mochi hammer
Tunnel up!
Tunnel down!
Recharge food: avocado
Fox Den - The user is able to create tunnels in the ground by smashing the hammer against the floor. The user can emerge wherever they will an exit and they can also move faster in the tunnels created by Fox Den than up on the surface. The user can close back all the tunnels.
Origin: Spring Fairy, Cinderella
Fish of Condensation
Kwami: Betta
Miraculous: hook earring
Weapon: bubble wand
Recharge food: rice
Effervesce - The user can gather the moisture in the air and condense it into protective bubbles that cannot be popped as easily as regular bubbles. The user can bubble objects and people if they want, or use the bubbles as obstacles.
Origin: Summer Fairy, Cinderella
Mouse of Decomposition
Kwami: Chee
Miraculous: charm bracelet
Weapon: umbrella
Recharge food: gouda cheese
Downpour - The user is able to summon a corrosive rain cloud that corrodes any matter it comes in contact with. More experienced users can control the intensity and rate of corrosion.
Origin: Autumn Fairy, Cinderella
Jellyfish of Construction
Kwami: Uuka
Miraculous: wristwatch
Weapon: wrench
Recharge food: prawn cracker
Power: Forge - The user can construct any structure or functional machinery they can imagine as long as they understand the make up of the structure with telepathy from materials available to the user.
Origin: Dr Coppélius, Coppélia
Moth of Revelation
Kwami: Sooth
Miraculous: music box pendant
Weapon: key
Wings flutter!
Wings settle!
Recharge food: strawberry
Verity - The user can use their key to unlock the heart of a person by pressing the key against the target's chest, allowing the user to learn about the targets inner most thoughts, feelings and emotions.
Origin: Swanhilda, Coppélia
Falcon of Combustion
Kwami: Aashe
Miraculous: ear cuff
Weapon: boomerang
Recharge food: chicken popper
Infernal Dance - The user's body and weapon combusts into an array of flames. The user can control the size and intensity of the flames and the colour as well. The length of this ability varies with the sill level and energy of the user.
Origin: Firebird, The Firebird
Butterfly of Misdirection
Kwami: Aniia
Miraculous: compact mirror
Weapon: pipe
Conceal me!
Reveal me!
Recharge food: caramel candy
Mystify - The user can inhale smoke from the pipe and exhale a disorienting smoke cloud that covers a certain radius limited by the user's energy and skill level. Whenever someone enters this smoke cloud, they become disoriented and confused and they will lose their sense of direction, but the user stays immune to this. Whatever enters the smoke cloud temporarily becomes unaffected by external magical forces. With experience the user can even move the smoke cloud around.
Origin: Titania, A Midsummer Night's Dream
Hummingbird of Fixation
Kwami: Bree
Miraculous: toe ring
Weapon: ring frisbee
Eyes on me!
Hide me!
Recharge food: orange
Merry Chase - The user can focus their energy in their weapon, and throw it at a target. Once the target is hit, they become obsessed and unable to resist the need to catch the user and become unable to focus on anything else. This effect wears off once the user is captured, releases the target from the effect or they detransform.
Origin: Sylph, La Sylphide
Spider of Extraction
Kwami: Kyuu
Miraculous: anklet
Weapon: rope dart shot
Bite me!
Recharge food: crêpe
Power: Subsume - The user can hit a target from the rope dart and extract their energy/magic for their own use. The target becomes a little fatigued after the extraction and the strength of their own magic/powers is halved with the user. More skilled users can perform a full extraction which will cause the target to faint. The extracted power becomes unavailable to the user once the extract a different one or detransform.
Origin: Kitri, Don Qixote
Firefly of Location
Kwami: Noccti
Miraculous: necklace
Weapon: shield
Shine on!
Shine off!
Recharge food: gummy worm
Phosphene - The user can declare an object or person they wish to find, and a firefly like light emerges from their weapon and locates it. The user can either follow the firefly or wait for it to locate the declared object upon which the firefly emits a bright light pillar acting as a landmark. This ability only works if the person knows the name of the object or person and knows what they look like.
Origin: Ilka, The Enchanted Forest
Whew! And this is it! All powers finally listed and accounted for! I couldn't really fill out all the transformation phrases because I am really bad at coming up with those lol. If one of the powers don't make sense, let me now and I'll fix it! I'm also taking suggestions for transformation phrases if anyone has any ideas.
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mae-dwrites · 10 months
A Bundle of Heliotropes - Chapter 1 - Marking
| Masterlist | Start: Here <3 | Next |
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After two people have turned 16 they get a soulmark, a near-exact, or complementary, mark or as some referred to it as a tattoo. This can be anywhere on the person, sometimes they're simple, small, or inconspicuous on occasion. Other times they take up a great deal of space, elaborate pieces of work, their meaning so clear much clearer more often than not.
When Marinette Dupain-Cheng was younger she couldn't wait for her mark. She hadn't cared what it would look like because no matter what it would be beautiful, because this was her way to her one in the Universe.
When she fell in love with Adrien she was sure it was him but slowly felt as though she was wrong as she failed to confess or even have a normal conversation with the blond. Why would the Universe give her someone she couldn't even talk to?
This led to her officially letting him go and giving Luka a wholehearted try, that was until he got his soulmark. Akumas, being Ladybug, and Guardian duties had already been putting a strain on their relationship so Luka getting his mark was just the icing on the cake, and Marinette thought it would be better for them to break up and remain friends.
Marinette spent months of hopeful vs. hopeless, and as her birthday drew near a feeling of dread came upon her. The day came when she woke up with her collar area burning with her mark.
It was beautiful, just below the center of her collarbone a circle resting with elm branches coming from it going across to end at her shoulders. In the circle was a giant ladybug, along with robins sitting on the branches of her tree.
Looking in the mirror left her almost breathless, she brought her hand up to the mark almost scared to touch it. For fear if she touched it would fade the canvas of her skin forgetting what had been.
The only problem was it was far too telling. A ladybug? As if that wouldn't reveal her. She couldn't show this, not without someone realizing what the ladybug truly represented.
She could show Alya, she had told her identity at the beginning of the school year. She trusted her not to blab about it, especially when a few months ago Alya was going through the Ladyblog rewatching her videos and trying to see if any of them could be of help. Then she stumbled upon her interview with Lila to realize that she couldn't possibly be best friends with Ladybug when that was in fact her. She apologized to Marinette when she realized her mistake and how it took her this long even after Marinette had already told her and proved she was Ladybug.
“Marinette!” Tikki’s voice broke through her trance. The Kwami had been admiring her mark, while it wasn't the biggest or the flashiest. It was certainly something to admire. Big and flashy had never been Marinette’s forte, perhaps her soulmate and her had that in common?
“Sorry Tikki. I just,” Marinette glanced into the mirror again looking at the branches and its’ birds. “I can't believe it.” The teen said the last bit breathlessly.
“Guardian, as beautiful as your mark is,” Wayzz floated up. “You’re going to need to hide it. Someone could put it together, even with the quantum masking.”
“Wayzz is right,” Marinette turned to face Tikki as she spoke. “We can't count on the Miraculous magic to hide your identity when a mark so clearly refers to your heroine persona. While our magic is ancient that doesn’t mean it’s entirely dependable either.”
“You're right,” Marinette sighed. “I can show Alya at least. I'm sure she's gonna freak.”
Marinette wore a shirt that covered above her collarbone, unable to wear her usual white tees. She wore a light pink top so that if the shirt got wet the mark wouldn't be seen through the fabric. Marinette had already been making it a habit not to wear her usual whites anyway, with how many times Lila had caused “accidents” that ruined them. It wasn’t like she was dumb enough to keep wearing something that would be affected the worse.
Marinette already knew that Lila would try to say she must not have a soul mate if she wasn't willing to show her friends. Honestly, Marinette could care less about that, as Lila probably wouldn't share hers either when she got hers later this year. Not to mention there were others in the class and friends that had been getting their marks recently and not all of them wanted to share. Also, Marinette might be the younger between her and them, if her getting the mark on her birthday was anything to go by. Which it was.
Marinette made her way downstairs while tying her hair back, over the last few months while she still was late for things she had gotten better at waking up early. It made her friends excited, that's for sure. Marinette was proud, she may not get all the hours of sleep needed for a person her age but at least she started her day earlier.
She grabbed an apple and made her way down the stairs. She didn't want to risk Lila trying to claim she had done something when she was least likely to have. So she made her way as quickly as she possibly could, despite her having more time to get to school; it helped to get there as soon as she could around a certain time. As the more people around to see her the less likely Lila could make her claims.
Marinette passed through the bakery giving her maman and papa hugs and kisses before snatching up croissants into a bag to share with some of her friends. Mainly Alya, Nino, and Adrien of course every morning hung out with her. Many of her other friends would sometimes join them, sometimes they were in a rush or just forgot to grab something to eat.
Everyone mostly “played nice” as Adrien tried to keep it. While Adrien seemed to play peacekeeper along with Alya they both had very different reasons. Adrien being so Lila wouldn't say anything to his Father and risk his freedom, and while they understood that it still hurt when Adrien sometimes took more of Lila’s side in the conversation, even if it was for the sake of “keeping the peace.” Over the months Chloé, Kagami, and Marinette had been able to convince Gabriel to be more free with his son, even Natalie had surprisingly shown support. But Adrien still turned the arguments in Lila’s favor a good chunk of the time.
Alya on the other hand had been slowly sliding more to Marinette, so as to not cause Lila into a fuss. Alya hated it, that much was clear, but it seemed as though Lila didn't notice as long as the Créole teen was spitting articles of her amazing life. Alya had made a separate blog to “support her friend” but what Lila hadn't noticed was that the writer’s name wasn't Alya but a pen name. But it had come to light for Lila that Alya still cared about Marinette and wasn't entirely leaving her. Alya gave excuses, true and false, but we're good enough for the Italian. But Lila taking notice had only been a recent thing.
“Marinette!” Alya shouted as Marinette made her way into the courtyard. Some people turned to see the dark-haired teen make her way to her friend, some of those students happened to be Max and Rose. Score, Marinette couldn’t help but think as it meant if Lila tried to say something they would most likely doubt her, especially if she was with Alya.
“Hey Alya,” Marinette smiled before hugging her best friend. As she pulled away she wasn’t even halfway out before Alya was practically buzzing.
“So?” Alya stretched the word out while bouncing in place. “Did you get your mark? Or is it not there? And if there isn’t one then that’s okay girl! Remember your soulmate could be younger than you and hasn’t turned sixteen yet. And even if you don’t get a mark I won’t think any less of you, it just means that you're free to choose your own destiny and-” and before Alya could continue rambling, something that she had picked up from the Asian girl, that Marinette cut her off.
“Alya! I got my mark,” Marinette laughed before finally letting go of the other girl’s hands. Alya’s face slowly went from blank to pure glee. She grabbed Marinette’s shoulders and shook her, “You. Me. Bathroom. Now!”
Alya dragged her to the bathroom, while others would be upset at the other’s demanding antics Marinette just laughed. Alya pushed the bathroom door open and surveyed the room, “Which stall is empty?”
Some girls gave her weird looks, but those who were friends or knew the girls personally giggled or simply smiled. One of them pointed to the one at the end. Alya declared “perfect” and brought Marinette in with her. Some of the girls said happy birthdays to Marinette while giggling as Alya dragged her into the stall. As Alya shut the stall door it could be heard some girls going “Oh” as they realized why the two went into the stall.
“Show me now girl!” Alya cried, the stall at the end wasn’t as small as the others but it certainly wasn’t one as big as the one closer to the door. Alya had mentioned that her mark might hint at her heroing, as a theory. It wasn’t uncommon for soul marks to represent someone’s work or passions, so it was safe to assume that Marinette’s could reference Ladybug.
Marinette pulled her arms out of her shirt before taking it off, her tank top left a perfect view of the mark. Aside from the straps, it’s not like it really mattered. Alya let out what had to be the loudest squeal Marinette had heard come out of her, and she had let Alya try many Miraculi on just for the fun of it. That sleepover had been the loudest squeals and laughter that came out of Alya to date. Till today that is.
“Are those tree branches? And robins?”
“Yes, and yes,” Marinette said before bringing her shirt back on. “Elms if I’m not wrong. But I studied plants for that one nature-forest-themed fashion competition.”
Alya finally opened the stall back up when Marinette had her shirt situated, and with Wayzz and Tikki away. Alya just seemed to be radiating from excitement. If Alya was the type to jump up and down when excited that would be exactly what she would be doing now. Though Marinette had a feeling it had to do with how nervous Alya was for Nino’s birthday.
Nino’s Birthday was just four days away, Alya’s was last month. She didn't get a mark so she held out hope that Nino would be her soulmate, while being soulmates didn't necessarily mean it was romantic you couldn't blame the girl. As for all they knew, Nino or Alya may have a romantic bond with someone else. With how close they were and how much they loved each other it made sense to be scared of such possibilities.
Marinette was honestly scared hers wouldn't be romantic, not that there was anything wrong with a platonic bond. But for Marinette, it just meant finding someone to have her big house with three kids and a hamster would be much harder.
Marinette subconsciously touched where her mark lay, What if they don't like that I'm the one they're soul bound to?
The said girl looked up to see Adrien, Nino, and Kim waiting for her. A smile came on her face as she saw them. Kim waved at her overdramatically before raising a sign that read “Happy Birthday To The Bread Child.”
Alya and Marinette laughed at the sign, it had been a joke between mainly Kim and Marinette that she was “The Bread Child”. When they were in early collège their class had done a project about names and their heritages. From then on Kim liked to joke about her father’s last name.
Her other friends had slowly made their ways into the joke calling her bread-related nicknames. Adrien and Nino were the worst, as they were puns. It honestly made Marinette think their favorite hero was Chat Noir rather than Ladybug.
“Happy Birthday!” Nino and Kim shouted at their long-time friend.
“Happy Birthday Marinette,” Adrien smiled at her. The girl's insides swirled around a little at his smile, it was charming, one of his real ones even. Despite letting go of her crush on him he still made her flustered from time to time.
“Thanks you guys,” she felt a bit embarrassed but she couldn't care. Her friends always made her feel like that on important occasions, but she enjoyed it nonetheless.
“I'm assuming by Alya’s face and that she was practically skipping her way over here that you got your mark?” Kim raised his eyebrows at his short friend. Though most people at Françoise Dupont were shorter than Kim.
“Yes,” her cheeks flushed as she admitted it.
“That's amazing dudette,” Nino said in his usual fashion.
“Can you show us?” Kim looked between the two girls.
Marinette swallowed before opening her mouth to speak, “I don't want to lie to you but I want to keep it myself. I would love to show it but for now, I would like to keep it to myself.”
Marinette looked everywhere but her friends while she said this. They were gonna think she was selfish, or that she hates them when she doesn't! But because they think she hates them they’ll start hating her, and they’ll all leave her. She’ll have no friends because they’ll tell everyone and then she won't ever make friends for the rest of lycèe. Since no one likes her she’ll never get to be a famous and successful designer, and when she finally finds her soulmate they’ll think she’s horrible and hate her because she has no friends and that she's a failure. And then she’ll be alone for the rest of her life. She’ll never get her big house for her hamster and three kids, and-
“Marinette!” Her friend's voices snapped her out of her panicked state.
“S-sorry!” Marinette cried.
“Marinette, it's okay,” Nino said.
“We understand and we won't push you to show us,” Kim pulled Marinette in for a side hug. “We would never hate you for being private.”
“Exactly!” Adrien said with a reassuring smile. “It's your decision. Also soulmarks are very personal things, it only makes sense if someone decided not to share theirs.”
“It’s in your full right to decide who you want to share your mark with,” Alix said from behind Marinette. Marinette would have jumped if Kim hadn't been hugging her right then. “Honestly I don't think I will share mine with anyone when I turn sixteen next year.” Alix admitted before continuing in a joking tone, “Unless it’s something sick like a dragon or snakes. Then I would show that sucker off for all it’s worth!”
Everyone laughed at Alix’s statement before heading to their classroom.
When Damian Wayne first didn't get his mark he thought maybe he didn't have one, and he was fine with that. Even pleased one could say. As it would be one less person to care about, to protect, or to be used as a weakness.
His family reassured him that his soulmate probably just hadn't turned sixteen yet. Truly that didn't, as the League had certain beliefs around the topic. All Damian saw was that it was the Universe giving him that one person that anyone could use against him.
Lo and behold they would be right; just a few months later would he wake to his shoulder blades burning as a mark finally made itself upon his body.
Damian looked at his back with the mirror in his bathroom. It was…magnificent. It was the only word that could come to mind that held everything he felt about it, the young Wayne couldn't help but look at it.
A circle between his shoulder blades with tree branches that went across his shoulder blades and stopped just as it went to wrap around, clearly cherry blossoms were the branches that came out, ladybugs in flight or resting in the branches. While it made no sense it was still a beautiful sight. In the circle was a robin, its back to the viewer and its head turned up so you could see its face, as best you could with how the view of the mark portrayed it.
Damian swallowed, his body showcasing the form of nervousness without his consent. He couldn't help it though, looking at made his chest tight and his fingers flinching, desperately wanting to touch the mark. His arm made its way up and his hand came down-
He clenched his jaw as he turned his hand into a fist and brought it away. He huffed leaving the bathroom, and his face became a scowl. As he got dressed two parts of him berated him. He took a moment to calm himself, it’s just a mark. But it wasn't like a regular tattoo, it couldn't come off.
It was one of the reasons you, internationally, couldn't get a tattoo until you were eighteen, because you were one: a minor. And second, you didn't get your mark until you were around the age of sixteen to nineteen. At least that was the average range of the current day, there were some larger age differences here and there, but it wasn't as common now. Guess the Universe seemed to catch on to how humans had been viewing age differences in recent times.
Damian didn’t understand why the Universe had decided that soulmates would be part of the staple of its rules. An absolute that had become the conclusion long ago that no matter what you were bound to meet your soulmate, in one life or another. At least that was according to magic users and what the League had from hunting down certain magic users.
So under no circumstances could his family find out about this mark. He may have come a long way from who he was when he was ten years old but even still he did not wish to entrust them with everything. While they were family, his most trusted, and partners, he couldn't stand them over insignificant things. This mark did follow under the file: “Keep Out Of Knowledge For Long As Possible.” or as he formally called it “My Business.”
It was his business, and as it was his business it meant his brothers would poke and pry their way into said business. Damian stifled a groan as he made his way down the hall. Damian could only hope his brothers would stick to their recent “level 1: giving space” tactic, but that would only last for so long. He might as well enjoy the peace that came with it.
“Damian we're going skating after school!” Grayson exclaimed upon the young Wayne entering the dining room.
As much peace that would come with the level 1 space.
Being Tagged is always an option.
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celestiall0tus · 2 months
Hey um, so I would maybe choose a different creature for the Kwami of Curses? The w*ndigo actually not a ravaging monster like the media portrays it to be? But in Native American beliefs, it’s more similar to a human, on emphasis on what it what was. And it’s supposed to be a lesson on human greed, at least from the stories told to me by my indigenous friends. There’s a lot of inaccurate imagery that comes with it, as well as the antagonistic positioning in relation to white mythology, which can be reinforced the idea Indigenous culture is inferior, When that’s not that case at all. I’m not indigenous so words don’t hold much sway, but like, I’m just going to straight shoot with you and say it’s problematic to use it as the Kwami of Curses. ESPECIALLY if your “Kwami of Blessings” is a fairy. That’s…that’s kinda pitting indigenous mythology against white mythology like talked about above. (Not to say cultures of colors don’t have their own versions of fairies, but “fairies” itself brings one to Celtic/gaelic/welsh mythology….which is mostly white.)
I am well aware what a wendigo is. I do have to be versed in ancient creatures because of my magic roots. I understand a Wendigo is a creature that was once human but cursed to be a monster due to their insatiable greed. They are indeed relentless and terrifying monsters. I've heard my share of real world stories of such creatures and they are terrifying to say the least.
As for the fairies, yes, it does primarily pull from Celtic creatures, but these creatures are far from benevolent. Fairies and other fae are cunning, mischievous tricksters that are a pain in the ass to get rid of once they set up shop. The concept of them being blessings is pulled from old fairy tales when fairies would bestow blessings because they usually wanted something, same with curses.
Could I have used something other than a wendigo? Yes. There are countless other monsters in other cultures that suffer similar fates as Wendigos, but they are done to death. I wanted to use a creature of folklore and real world applications because they are indeed cursed creatures with an insatiable appetite. Cursed to be what they are because of their greed.
I respect you bringing this up, but I will be keeping the wendigo as my kwami of curses. If this upsets you, filter out my work/block me.
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mlb-a-rewrite · 4 months
The miraculous magic system is fucked and so I've been reworking it. In the previous installment of "Ele Rages About Children's Show Logic" I talked about how miraculous work and how they affect wearers. Today, we are zooming out and looking at Miracle Boxes as a whole.
May I present:
A Guide to Kwamis and Where To Find Them
(Disclaimer I am a very white American. I don't know a lot about world history or cultures. I will be speaking in very vague terms as a result. The times I do get specific are either because a) I know a little bit about the topic and b) it relates to the original source material. If I'm wrong about something regarding the culture(s) discussed please let me know, I want to make this as accurate as possible).
Alright with that out of the way.
Miracle boxes are the housing unit for a group of miraculous. Miracle boxes encompass the foremost morals, ideas, and beliefs of a group of people. They form with the formation of culture and while culture fluctuates and changes over time, the miracle boxes do not. Once they are made, that is it, and each group only gets one miracle box. As a result, there aren’t many miracle boxes in the world and most of them have existed since the dawn of human civilization, leading to very little information actually existing about miracle box formations.
It is important to note that miracle boxes encompass the ideas and beliefs of a wide region of people. There isn’t a Chinese miracle box or a British miracle box, but rather an East Asian miracle box and a Western European miracle box. Because these regions are so large, miracle boxes encompass fairly vague ideas that are shared across their region. This also means there could be miraculous from different boxes that embody similar ideas since certain ideas/beliefs/morals are not unique to one group of people.
Each miracle box has a theme that each miraculous vaguely relates to. Each miraculous in a box represents a different idea but all of these ideas are unified under the overall theme.
Connecting to the previous post about miraculous and animal associations, usually, cultures will associate animals with different traits (like how many cultures view foxes as sly and crafty or owls as wise). If there is a certain animal that is widely associated with a trait is represented in a forming miracle box, then it is likely that the animal will be connected to the miraculous, but not guaranteed. If an animal is generally important to a culture it also has a higher chance of being featured in a box, but again, is not guaranteed.
Also, an important note is that although it is extremely rare, certain regions of the world have seen multiple miracle boxes created. For instance, there are two North American miracle boxes, one that formed when Native American tribes first began to establish themselves and one that formed during the Second American Industrial Revolution as a result of intense immigration forming an entirely new society and culture. Moral and culture beliefs changed completely, resulting in a secondary box to form.
Miracle boxes are the physical manifestations of a culture and thus, physically reflect this. For instance, a miracle box that forms from a region with lots of trees and woodwork would result in the miracle box being made of wood while a miracle box from an area that uses a lot of pottery and sculpting might have a miracle box made of clay. The design, shape, and function of the miracle box is all dependant on the culture and does not change over time.
While miracle boxes may have different forms from one another and encompass different ideas, each miracle box has the same basic structure of a First ring and a Second ring. If there are a lot of miraculous for one box there could, in theory, be a Third ring, although I see that becoming very complicated so third rings are not common, if they exist at all.
The first ring of a miracle box always has 2 miraculous that represent opposing ideas (Luck vs Unlucky, Creation vs Destruction, Tradition vs Innovation, etc.). The second ring is more broad and no miraculous has a direct opposite. The second ring will usually have somewhere between 5 and 7 miraculous, but there could be more or less.
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knifedancer · 1 year
Falling in Autumn
The miraculous causes side effects. Marinette picks up the hibernation instincts of a bug: seasonal exhaustion, seeking warm and dark spots to burrow into… I think you know where this is going.
Hibernation trope, Felinette style. Gratuitous Fluff.
Originally posted on AO3.
Silly Thoughts
It was a rare frigid autumn where even the daylight hours felt cold regardless of the amount of sun peeking through the clouds. It was so chilly that Paris had already gotten an unseasonable snowfall that week! Not enough for snowball fights, but just enough to leave everything sporting a thin layer of white. Parisians were already bundling up in coats, scarves, and mittens to stay warm. One resident took this bundling to the extreme…
Marinette had known the miraculous, when worn for long periods of time, would rub off certain intrinsic effects on their holders. Tikki had first told her about it when Chat Noir started being able to purr and seek out pets on her balcony during his night-time visits to the bakery. The Ladybug kwami told her that the effects varied from holder to holder but one thing was always common among those that wielded bug-themed miraculous: winter dormancy.
At first the idea of going into a hibernation-like state seemed silly to the teenage bug-heroine. Then the first fall since attaining the magical earrings drew nigh. Marinette noticed that no amount of sleep seemed to leave her feeling rested, she was more affected by the cold, and she tended to try burrowing into dark but warm places unconsciously. Her superhero outfit changed to be slightly thicker and lined with a mysterious, unknown furry material to trap in body heat. Marinette likened it to fleece or velour, it acted like super strong thermals under her suit. Even then, Ladybug would find herself occasionally curling up against Chat’s side during particularly chilly night patrols out of desperation.
Fortunately for the Parisian heroes, it seemed Hawkmoth was also impacted by the insect miraculous effects. The period from Fall to Spring had proven to be a much quieter time for akumas. Tikki had explained that not only would the butterfly holder be impacted, but his living butterfly counterparts as well. The fluttering wings of a magic-powered butterfly were no more impervious to cold and turbulent weather than your common garden variety. If Hawkmoth was attempting to send out an akuma, they could be blown entirely off course by strong storm winds or slow to a mere crawl when the temperature dropped too low. This was a boon for the heroes and all of Paris. It meant an attack happened less frequently but the akumas were usually stronger than the rest of the year. The two heroes joked that it was probably because old Hawky was frustrated with the miraculous effects!
During the school days, Marinette would double or even triple up warm layers. There was even a box of handmade scarves and mittens packed away solely for this purpose. Then she would sleepily cuddle up next to Alya and partake of her warmth on their shared classroom bench. The two friends were always affectionate with each other, so it didn’t seem too odd to the casual observer. Doctors had excused the syndrome as some sort of odd thyroid or seasonal narcolepsy condition. However all tests came back normal and it did not appear to be harming her overall health nor development. Ultimately, she was advised to take extra vitamins and the Dupain-Chengs were to keep an eye on her condition in case things worsened.
Unfortunately, this year, Marinette had been moved to the back of the classroom and the friendship with Alya strained to the very limit due to Lila’s interference. There would be no friendly cuddles or shared warmth this year. The sleepy girl had made do so far by adding a ludicrous fourth layer – a second non-bulky removable jacket liner – and using disposable heating packs to keep her core temperature up. It had worked well since the end of September but, now that it was mid-November, it was getting harder to stay warm and awake in class. Even Tikki, who snoozed more like a real ladybug rather than the omnipotent personification of creation that she was, shivered in Marinette’s interior breast pocket.
‘If only Alya was still my seat mate, then I wouldn’t have to worry!’ Marinette thought sadly. She looked at her current seat mate from the corner of her eye and sighed. ‘He’d probably push me to the floor.’
Along with the seat reassignment, another drastic change had entered her school life in the form of Adrien’s cousin: Felix Graham de Vanily. The same uptight, monochrome fashioned, and grouchy boy that tried to kiss Ladybug and caused three akumas was now in her class. Marinette was suspicious of him at first, afraid he was working for Hawkmoth or looking to cause trouble. In a way, Felix was. He had joined back in August and immediately took the open seat next to her with that mocking smile of his. Within the first day, he had pushed her buttons until she snapped. Marinette won the battle that day but Felix left with a smile that seemed entirely too pleased. He had tried to needle her every day after that and, while she did not lose her temper as explosively as she had then, they wound up trading quips almost daily. Their constant bickering had eventually formed into an odd companionship and understanding. Not quite friends, not really enemies.
Unfortunately for Marinette, her stock of hand warmers had finally run out and they were on backorder. She had tried her mother’s favorite reusable heating pad but it cooled too quickly and the lavender scent enticed her to doze. As the day went on, the pigtailed girl noticeably drooped in her seat as she slowly succumbed to her hibernation instincts.
It was a typical Tuesday for Felix. He arrived at school early, spent an agreeable amount of time reading his newest novel, and avoided the idiots in class. All but one anyway, although she hardly counted. After their first argument and the subsequent trouncing he received, he had come to realize there was more to Dupain-Cheng than met the eye. He had tried to provoke her again but was pleasantly surprised that she was stronger than he expected and possessed a lightning quick wit. Felix came to the decision that she was an adequate enough individual to associate with while he was stuck in this hovel. He had learned she did not like liars; in turn she respected his personal aversion to being touched. Their developing camaraderie was cordial. They had paired up for almost every project and, although she was often tardy, the dark-haired girl had always completed her work in a timely manner.
He chanced a glance at his seat mate and noticed she seemed to be doing her best impression of a melting snowman in summer. Felix clicked his tongue softly as he returned his attention to the board, ‘Dupain-Cheng has been more lethargic these last few weeks. She’s hardly cognizant of any of our classes, yet somehow still manages to receive satisfactory scores. She must be the embodiment of luck itself to pull that off!’
He picked at a piece of lint off his black cashmere peacoat and straightened the lapel. It was warm but did not do enough to stop the icy gusts from traveling down his neck. Sadly, most of his winter wear was still stuck in London as this change in the weather was unanticipated and his mother was still shopping for an acceptable abode for them to live in. Felix spared his table mate another quick glance – today she was wearing a bright red coat and a knitted scarf the color of his favorite caramel hard candies. She always seemed to have a different colored set of scarves and mittens that complemented her outfit. They did not look to be from any fashion brand he had heard of and he knew she fancied herself a designer. If the items were handmade, they were of excellent quality. Perhaps he could commission a piece from her…
Felix was lost in thought, contemplating how he could broach the topic with the girl, when he felt a weight land against his shoulder. He jerked at the disturbance and turned to find Dupain-Cheng slouched against him. He frowned down at the slumbering girl before attempting to jostle her awake. When she did not move, he managed to lift his arm out from beneath her and grabbed both her shoulders in an effort to re-orientate her towards her side of the bench. Felix soon realized his mistake when Dupain-Cheng unconsciously dove into his side and slipped her arms around his midsection with a muffled hum.
He stiffened at the action and hissed quietly between his teeth, trying not to draw attention to his plight. Felix had always detested physical contact, so much so that he could barely withstand hugs from members of his own family. To have Dupain-Cheng, a mere acquaintance, touching him in such a way was disconcerting and confounding. However, being this close allowed him to more closely observe her unimpeded. She smelled faintly of lavender and honeysuckle. Her black hair seemed to shimmer blue when the light hit it just right, like a raven’s wing. Her lashes were long and fluttered like butterfly wings as she slept. Across her small nose and cheeks were a charming array of freckles that could only be seen at this close proximity. With his arms still slightly raised, he twisted a bit to examine how to disentangle her from his person. Unfortunately, due to this action, one of her hands accidentally slipped beneath his coat and found purchase on his knit sweater.
He froze as the sleeping girl seemed to temporarily come to life, wiggling herself under his coat and latching onto his waist. Within mere seconds, Felix had half of Dupain-Cheng draped across his lap and the other half tucked securely into his side. Dumbfounded, he looked down at the girl in disbelief. Was she seriously snuggled against him right now? Did she inherently trust him not to molest or pester her? He tried to unlatch her arms and hands from his person to no avail; her grip was tighter than leather pants in August. As he looked on, a small smile formed on her lips and she nuzzled closer with a contented sigh. ‘Well, at least one of us is comfortable,’ he huffed in resignation before settling his left arm over her slumbering form, having nowhere else to put it.
Felix looked around, noting that no one had noticed the sudden disappearance of his seat mate nor the struggle he had just gone through. As the class period wore on, the boy unconsciously began to relax into the warm embrace of the teen asleep in his lap. It was not until an hour had passed that Felix realized he had become accustomed to her presence and the intimate closeness of their bodies. He glanced down and watched the peaceful look on her face as she slept. With his free hand he tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear with a silent chuckle. ‘Seems I can handle being touched by you, not that you gave me much choice in the matter…,’ Felix mused to himself. He lifted the double-breasted lapel of his coat and settled the material over her with a fond smirk. ‘It’s a good thing I have a packed lunch today. I don’t think I’ll be moving any time soon.’
~~~ Time Skip to the End of School ~~~
Marinette was disturbed from her nap by a loud ringing noise, scrunching her face until it passed. She smiled and burrowed deeper into the warm, sandalwood scented pillow she had wrapped herself around. It was the softest, most comfortable pillow she had ever laid on. The pillow shook as it chuckled. ‘Wait…pillows don’t chuckle!’ Her eyes flew open and she jerked back slightly, her eyes slowly rising up a sweater covered chest until she met Felix’s amused face. “I see you’ve finally awoken, Miss Dupain-Cheng. I was starting to think I was going to have to bring you home with me.”
“Eep!” Marinette cried out as she jumped away. With the force of the movement, she overshot the bench entirely and was launched towards the aisle. She braced for a painful impact...that never came. Instead, she felt herself held up by a strong arm that was wrapped around her waist. She opened her eyes to find a set of shocked green mere centimeters away. Felix had lunged to grab her, planting one hand on the desk to steady them, giving the appearance that he had executed some sort of elaborate dip. They stared at each other in stunned silence for a moment before he finally pulled them both to their feet, clearing his throat as he let her go and looked away.
“I-I-I’m so, so sorry, Felix! I wasn’t aware of w-w-what I was d-doing!” Marinette stuttered, turning a rosy shade of pink as she attempted to hide in her fluffy scarf.
The boy in question was suppressing a blush with all his willpower. They had been in such a suggestive position mere moments ago when he caught her, luckily there were no students left in their classroom to witness it! Coupled with the unexpected feeling of loss he was experiencing when she abruptly retreated, he was entirely too flustered for his own comfort. He cleared his throat, “It’s quite alright, Miss Dupain-Cheng. You were unable to be woken and seemed quite comfortable. However, if you feel obligated to make amends to me…”
Felix allowed a pregnant pause to form as a devious smirk spread across his face. Marinette felt her stomach twist with trepidation – she knew that look meant trouble. ‘What could he possibly ask for?’ She thought wearily, her mind beginning to whirl with increasingly ridiculous predictions.
“…I find myself lacking in essential warm winter accessories,” he finally finished nonchalantly. The girl stared at him dumbfounded as her spiraling thoughts ground to a halt. It dawned on her that Felix was attempting to make a joke to break the awkward atmosphere between them, relying on their usual banter to do so. She choked on air and then burst into giggles. Felix felt a new warmth bloom in his chest at the sound. He had never made her laugh like that before!
“I think that can be arranged, monsieur,” she replied slyly. “I know an up-and-coming designer in high demand. But, for the great Felix Graham de Vanily, I’m sure she could make an exception.” They exited the classroom with smiles on their faces and a warmth in their hearts, no longer feeling the brisk breeze that whipped at their cheeks.
In the coming weeks, Felix began sporting new scarves, mittens, and even coats in charcoal grey, caramel brown, pine green, indigo blue, and garnet red – which was oddly his favorite. Their classmates seemed curious by his sudden change of color preference, mistaking it for an opportunity to befriend the derisive boy. Some questioned him, attempting to find out where he had bought such luxurious garments. He brushed them all off in his usual dismissive manner, deciding not to divulge any information.
Felix’s lip quirked upwards as he silently stroked the silver monogram on the tail of the scarf on his way to the classroom. The monogram itself was an ornate shield containing his initials but, integrated within the vines that clung to the edges of shape, were the letters ‘MDC’. His small smile reached his eyes as they met the friendly bluebell ones at the back of the room. A hidden message, a reminder of that one cold day that brought two souls closer together.
Perhaps, together, they might stave off more than just the cold weather.
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Miraculous: Magical Connections Kwami Redesigns
All the Kwami's are varying sizes to help further their differences, as a baseline, Tikki is the same size as canon, being 10cm or just under 4inch
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I added more black to Tikki's design to further break up all the red and I added small wings to help tie into its animal
I just changed Plagg's whiskers so they're more apparent and closer to a cat
I changed the small dot on Duusu's forehead to a heart to help further the connection to emotions
I just got rid of the things on Nooroo's wings, otherwise the design is the same
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Pollen's design was kept mostly the same aside from the addition of wings
I changed the pattern on Wayzz to give it more character and added the small lighter patterns to help break up the green
Trixx is mostly the same with some minor tweaks such as getting rid of the eyebrows
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Mullo is mostly the same but I added a bit of patterning to it to break up all the gray and also gave it an actual mouse/rat tail
Roarr is basically the same but with slightly altered colors/patterns to make it look a bit better
Fluff is the same as canon but its eyes are a darker blue
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Kaalki's design is the same as canon, though it was a bit hard to translate in a front facing 2d design
Stompp's tail was changed a bit but otherwise its the same
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Sass' hood was changed to make it connect to its tail but otherwise the patterns and colors are the same
Ziggy's only change was making its right arm white to make the pattern more asymmetrical
Daizzi's tail was made smaller and I only added one small brown patch to break up the pink and reference mud
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Longg was changed the most as it being red never made sense and now that I've changed the concept and also have dragons be canon to the universe, I had to make it appear closer to what dragons actually look like (I took inspiration from Chinese dragons)
Xuppu has been kept the same
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Barkk and Orikko have both been kept the same (Orikko is the weakest link because I can't draw its stupid crest but I did my best)
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marigamithinking · 2 years
Marigami (either or both could be in superhero suit) are locked in a small room, what could happen?
Marigami (either or both could be in superhero suit) are locked in a small room, what could happen?
Oooh! I love this prompt! here's a quick ryuko/ladybug identity reveal one-shot. Hope you like it! It isn't as long or well written as I would've liked, but I've finished it at 3 a.m. so shhh
Sometimes, magical suits don't protect you from getting knocked out. Sometimes, your enemy has the same magic as you do, and you're caught in a stale mate. And sometimes, being a superhero means waking up tied to a pole with no recollection or how it happened.
"Ugh... what?" Ladybug rolled her neck, only for it to hit against steel. "Ouch!" She went to rub her head, only to realise her hands and arms were tied against somebody else's. "Chat?"
"No, it is Ryuko... Chat Noir was unavailable, so you requested that I helped you with the supervillain." The mater-of-fact voice indicated she'd already regained her bearings. How long had ladybug been out?
"Oh god..." Vague flashes of the villain they'd been facing illicitated a frustrated groan from ladybug. "We have to get out!"
"Really? I thought we could spend this time getting to know each other." Ryuko's tone was unreadable, and Ladybug was too tired to be angry.
"Look, I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, so I'll ignore that... have you used you power yet?"
"Yes, I used them while fighting. I detransformed while you were still passed out." Kagami frowned, "Longg is extremely fatigued... do you know if you have any kwami friendly food?"
Ladybug thought for five minutes before cringing at the plan she'd come up with. "If I detransform, Tikki can get food from my bag for herself and Longg, then they might be able to get us untied. But Kagami?"
"Yes, bug?"
"Can I trust you not to look?"
"You have my word, Ladybug."
As she detransformed, Marinette felt a twinge of guilt, similar to every time she'd lied to Alya about where she'd been or why she was always late. She trusted and admired Kagami, lying to her hurt. But being a superhero meant lying (even if that felt like a contradiction sometimes.)
"Tikki? Will you get a macaron for Longg as well?" Marinette asked her kwami gently, smiling down at her tired purple eyes.
"Yes, Ma- Guardian." Tikki floated over to Kagami. "Miss Tsurugi, this is for Longg to give his strength back." Tikki offered a pink and white polka dot macaron to Kagami.
"Thank you, Tikki." Longg weakly floated up from where he nestled in Kagami's lap.
"These macarons remind me of my friend, Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Do you know her?"
Marinette tensed. "Oh, uh yeah, I know of her. Why's that?"
"Once, her friend's blood sugar was low, so she gave him one from her purse. Apparently, she always keeps a small box of macarons with her, in case someone needs something to eat. She's so kind, and she decorates her macarons like this... they're just as cute as she is."
"Oh wow... that's... well, you uh you dislike people who lie to you, correct? What if she's lying to you? To everyone? What if she's-"
"No. Marinette may lie, but I realise she would never lie to hurt me. She is one of the only people who has ever bothered to get to know me. It means a lot that she would do that. She wouldn't lie to me." Kagami's smile was evident in her voice as she spoke over the sound of Longg and Tikki untying the rope.
"But what if she keeps putting the people she loves in danger?" Marinette's voice wavered. Why did Kagami care about her? She didn't deserve someone to care that much about her. Especially not the girl she admired more than anyone.
"Ladybug, I love Marinette. That's all that matters, I believe."
"Are you okay?"
The rope fell, and Marinette instinctively curled up to hide away.
"Can I turn around?"
"No! No, you can't- you can't know... you can't know how terrible I am..." Marinette's heart ached because still Kagami followed the rules, because she was the best.
"Are you Marinette, Ladybug?"
"I still love you."
"Because... you could so easily be unkind, give up on everything, give up on me... but you don't. You must be so exhausted, but you still put it with teaching me how to talk to people and going to school and organising parties for your friends and helping your parents. You're... perfect. I'm sorry if my admition of love has upset you, though. I believe we could forget it ever happened."
"I love you too, Kagami... I'm just so scared. I've never felt this way before, and I've put you in danger so many times by giving you a miraculous!" Marinette wiped her eyes and stood. "We need to escape and defeat the villain, then I will no longer give you a miraculous. I can't keep putting you in danger."
"No. Marinette, I would fight even without a miraculous if it meant protecting you. Let me help you, bug." Kagami reached out, resting her hand on Marinette's shoulder. Marinette turned and squeezed Kagami tightly.
"Are you sure?"
"Positive... I think we should get to escaping, though... then we could talk about things properly, okay?"
"Okay... I love you, Dragon." Marinette kissed Kagami's cheek before transforming, as did Kagami.
"Lucky Charm!" Ladybug sighed as she received a hair pin. "Great. Hold on, Ryuko." She leaned down and painstakingly picked the lock, causing one of the walls of the crate to slide open. "After you."
"Thank you, bug." Ryuko smiled as they exited.
"Yes. I won't let Shadowmoth interfere with our date plans."
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imthepunchlord · 1 year
Rabbit's Possible Power
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With results in, my tweaks will have Zodiac Miraculous with 1 power, the Bagua with 2, and the Wu Xing with 3. As I have quite a few power ideas for what's canon, I'll be doing a series of polls to help pick a single power for the Zodiac.
Blue Moon: have the ability to hop in and out of time for 1 minute, freezing time as you do so for the entirety of that minute; you have five minutes to keep doing so before the timer is up.
White Magic: mass restoration, includes extra healing effects to all life and improved quality to objects and structures.
Spring Step: through the hammer (instead of umbrella), bring motion to the motionless: animate statues, toys, the dead, ect.. Cannot control what is animated though, they will behave as if they have their own personality, act out their own purpose, and will have the abilities that the motionless is based on; like the rat talisman from Jackie Chan Adventures.
Hustle: super speed, be like the Flash/Quicksilver. Technically, can be used for slight time manipulation, move faster than the flow of time for a few seconds, can also move fast enough that to others, there's multiple of you attacking at the same time; technically can be used for time travel but it is uncontrolled. Just because you aim for a specific point in time doesn't mean you'll get it, and it's hard to get back. Not recommended, it'll also knock the kwami out for a week at least.
Burrow: teleportation, portal hopping; technically can be used for time travel, just like No 5, but it is uncontrolled, you will have no idea where you'll wind up and it'll be incredibly difficult to ever get back, it will also knock the kwami out for at least a week.
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imsparky2002 · 1 year
Ghoul Squad - Zhīzhū and Cat Astrophe
Civilian Identity - Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Kwami - Arachne the Spider
Miraculous Brooch - Red and black in the shape of a black widow marking
Appearance - Pale white skin, six red eyes, fangs on top and bottom of teeth, dark black hair with spiders crawling around in it.
Attire - Long hooded black cloak with spiderweb pattern, black spider clasp, Grey Morticia Addams style dress with ragged hem with black spider web patterns, black pants with grey piping, Wednesday Addams shoes with short wedges and small spider clasps.
Powers and Gadgets - Can shoot webs from her hands, dark magic, can turn her yoyo into a broom with a click of a button, and enter dreams via magic.
Cat Astrophe
Civilian Identity - Adrien Agreste
Kwami - Cheshire the Cat
Miraculous Brooch - Orange brooch in the shape of a pumpkin
Appearance - Jack O Lantern head with glowing yellow eyes, long shaggy blond hair, cat ears, claws
Attire - Long grey hooded cloak, pumpkin clasp Jack Skellington-esque suit yet a little more athletic (comfortable pinstriped vest and pants), pointy black boots, jack-o-lantern belt buckle. Pouch with infinite supply of candy, brown gloves.
Powers and Gadgets - Can throw pumpkin bombs, fly around on his glider, and enter dreams via magic.
Just thought I'd show you what these guys look like while transformed. I love the idea that it's much harder to tell who they are since their faces change so much. Thank Weeby for helping me out with the ideas. Oh, and for reference. The cloak for Zhīzhū looks like this and the boots look like this albeit with shorter wedges and spider clasp. Make sure to reply, reblog, post and ask for more. @artzychic27 @msweebyness
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flightfoot · 10 months
Do you have any ML fic recs for fics that give the Miraculous new spells? "Mr. Pidgeon 72" revealing that each Miraculous user can make their own magic powers was such a cool concept that was severely underused (though I imagine/hope that concept will be explored post-S5 now that every Miraculous is active at once).
Hm... I don't see this a lot, but I think the fic that fits the bill best is Awaken by InkyIbis.
The previously white butterfly, now oozing black and purple as a conduit of the butterfly miraculous powers, flutters softly within the silvered-gloved hand. It sits there for a long time. "Go, my akuma," The soft sigh pushes the butterfly, the akuma, out towards the despair of a love not returned. The same ache within his chest. On a level so great that he's willing to sacrifice the city to mend it. It's okay if he's the villain for now. He'll force the miraculous of creation and destruction to be revealed, and once he gets his hands on them, none of this pain, none of his loss, will ever happen.
So this fic is a reimagining of ML with more of a focus around Adrien and with Adrino as the main couple. It includes a lot of tweaks to the lore, like changing it so that the Miraculous Cure involves both Ladybug and Chat Noir joining together to cast it (though Ladybug eventually figures out how to do that on her own) and Chat actually being the one to get the kwamis, since he's able to break through to them and kind of pull them out of wherever they are, albeit usually by accident. He's SO in tune with Destruction, in fact, that it begins affecting his body, adjusting it to match, which isn't entirely a good thing. Adrien's pretty badass throughout the fic, so if that interests you, I'd advise checking it out!
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baenyth · 2 days
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Rewrite: What's in the Box?
So this is the contents of Master Fu's Box in this rewrite. Since there are only two Miraculous here, the guardians take in, protect, and utilize all sorts of magical items instead. A lot of these items are larger than mere accessories, but the box stays the same size. It's just non-euclidean. Bigger on the inside, you know.
Also real quick a definition of magic: Magic is a form of energy that is attracted to people's ambition and willpower. It can be pretty hard to attract magic at first, but thankfully there's magical items like the ones in the miracle boxes for that. So without further ado, here's what's inside Master Fu's Miracle Box, the Heavenly Miracle box with some extra items given to him by the Order of The Guardians as they collapsed:
The Ladybug Miraculous (Contains Tikki, one of the seven essences of reality that takes the form of an incorporeal fairylike entity known as a kwami. Tikki is the essence of creation and is associated with good fortune and light.)
The Black Cat Miraculous (Contains Plagg, one of the seven essences of reality that is also a kwami. Plagg is the essence of destruction and is associated with bad fortune and darkness.)
The Five Elemental Idols (Basically the Legendary Spirits from Digimon Frontier: Earth, Fire, Air, Water, Wood)
The Saint's Corpse (Peacock Miraculous Equivalent; Lost and Scattered; Coeur has the heart while a retired supervillain has the ribs, wings, and pelvis.)
Wayzazz (An immortal tortoise with a snake's head, tail, and 'neck.' Has human-level intelligence but no powers, and really just keeps Master Fu company. He and the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous are the only items that can be accessed at the start of the season due the tumor Coeur created on the Miracle Box.)
A Time Bomb (Blows up time. Smash it to blow it up and be sent back in time alongside anyone close to you. Click one way to set a reset point. Click the other way for the Time Bomb to set the reset point. Don't worry, it has failsafes to prevent infinite loops.)
The Puzzle Box, a box of layers and layers of puzzles, containing Chronos, the essence of space (one of the seven essences of reality!)
Energos, another one of the seven essences of reality.
The Pseudo-Mouse Miraculous (convergent evolution; made by a Victorian English woman with passion, a desire to become a mouse, and a love for skip rope. Lacks a kwami and was picked up by Fu instead of the guardians themselves.)
The Frozen Heart (Crystalline ice heart that never melts attached to a chain necklace made of similar ice. Wielder can create and control ice. Works best with ice queens with hidden fury. Useless with overemotional people.)
The Power Gauntlet (Golden adamant gauntlet with magical gemstones, that grants super strength on the arm it's on.)
The Holy Grail (Golden and platinum adamant with magical gemstones. Doesn't grant immortality but any liquid inside it becomes purified and delicious.)
The Dominion Crown (Also golden adamant with magical gemstones. Wear the crown on your head and create a large bubble. That bubble is your domain, and you have full control over what goes on inside it. Basically the Op-Op Fruit combined with the Turtle Miraculous.)
A Philosopher's Stone (One of the larger ones, if not the largest one. Has a golden adamant container decorated with magic gemstones. A stone that resembles white jade and displays both solid and liquid properties. Put in the right ingredients to convert any material into another material. Smells like salt and rotten eggs. Handle with care.)
Excalibur! (Not to be confused with the prop sword in the stone. Silvered adamant blade with a golden adamant and magic gemstone hilt.)
The Miraculous Grimoire, a dense book detailing all the magical objects, species, and spells in this world. Lost by Master Fu. Found by three archaeologists.
Feel free to ask any more questions about these magical items, btw. I love infodumping and adding detail to my work.
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Who made me a Villain (2)
So um... I forgot to post here so here you go.
[Masterlist] [Ao3]
(Part 1) (here) (Part 3)
Marinette woke up, confused and disoriented in her bedroom. Vivid images of her dreams playing back in her head. People turning into monsters, purple butterflies, her playing hero with a yo-yo of all things and a boy in black who made her chest ache but also filled with anger.
She walked down to the kitchen to get some water, careful not to wake up her parents. It has been a few days since she woke up in a hospital with no memories of the past 3 years or so she had been told.
Marinette put back the cup she used and sat down on the cold floor of the kitchen. The chill felt through her pyjama bottoms, kept her grounded in the world she had found herself in.
Everything felt wrong. Her parents felt distant and there was a sense of uneasiness in the city. The harsh whispers when people thought she wasn’t looking, didn’t help her at all. Something big had happened in the past three years and she had forgotten about it. 
Her room felt empty and lonely. It looked the same with a few minor changes but there was something still missing. Several somethings. If only she had a clue on what it is.
Marinette stood up as she remembered her diary. Her past self would have written down what had gone down during the years she can’t remember. She dashed back up as quietly as she could to her diary’s hiding place.
It was not there.
The box was a decoy.
Marinette sighed. Someone, probably Chloe, might have tried to get her diary. Honestly, she can’t blame her past self for trying every way to avoid being Chloe’s punching bag to the point of being so paranoid.
Of course, she wouldn’t have thought that she might lose her memories and forget where the diary is hidden, wherever it is.
She looked inside the box again in hopes of the diary magically appearing when she noticed the inner lining that wasn’t there before.
Why would she put a padded velvet lining in a box that was supposed to be a decoy? Upon a closer look, it wasn’t glued on properly. Marinette had done something like this before for some of her friends’ gifts and she knew she wouldn't make such an amateur mistake. She took out the lining and found a key underneath. There was some writing on the back of the white cardboard which was used as a support for the lining.
‘Under the chaise’
Marinette looked under it before remembering the hidden space she made by removing a loose tile under the chaise.
There was a box with a lock on it and the key was a perfect fit. Inside was her diary and a strange dark blue glass orb.
There were a few ripped pages in the diary. Many of the pages were scribbled out and hard to read. The ones that weren’t ripped or fully scribbled over had words written backwards or in another language she didn’t know. There were many sketches of cute chibi like animals that brought a smile to her face like they were old friends she can’t remember. Then, she found a page that was different from the rest.
Firstly, it was the first one she found that was written neither backwards or in a different language. Written in big bold letters, it read:
‘Break the glass’
Marinette picked up the glass orb, finding it heavier than she thought it would be. As she inspected the glass orb curiously and confused about everything, she wondered. Why did she, the past her, go to such lengths to hide it but leave clues for someone to find?
Nothing made sense and her only answer was to break the glass like the note said. 
Marinette went up to the balcony and once she was there, she threw the orb as hard as she could onto the floor.
It shattered easily. Then, strange blue wisps escaped from it and went into her. Marinette fell onto her knees as memories of the past 3 years, her time as Ladybug and Guardian, crashed through her mind.
Once it was done, tears were streaming down her face as Marinette grieved over the loss of her beloved kwamis. Her only source of companionship in the hell that was Paris was no longer there. She was truly alone.
The girl woke up in her cell, her pillow wet with tears. She sat up, wiped her cheeks and hugged her knees.
Maybe if she had taken on Kagami’s or Luka’s offer to go with them, she wouldn’t be here. It would have made it harder for the Order to track her down and maybe she could have-
The girl shook her head.
It would have only dragged her only friends into the mess that was somehow her life. She wondered if she could pinpoint where it all started going wrong. Was it when Lila appeared? Or was it Hawkmoth? She could not say for sure. It could have been before that when she was placed in the same class as Chloe with Caline Bustier as her teacher. Maybe it was when the once kind Dupain-Cheng couple picked up a starving little girl off the streets who looked similar to their daughter who had died in an accident and named her Marinette.
It was no use thinking about it. She had already decided to leave the past in the past. But the future was still so bleak. While she could get out using magic, based on what she knew about superheroes from Alya’s ramblings (it doesn’t hurt as much as it used to when she thinks of the name. It feels like the name of a stranger). Batman operated Gotham, her new home, and he will probably drag her back if she escapes.
There was a chance she would be released earlier if she played nice but honestly, what use would it be if she ever gets out of Arkham.
She would be an ex-convict with a criminal record so there would still be the same hate and contempt she faced back in Paris if she ever got out.
The girl went back to sleep since worrying about it was no use and something tells her that tomorrow will be a good day.
The dark-haired girl sat alone, eating her lunch. So far, that’s the only thing that wasn’t different from her life in Paris.
For starters, Arkham was nicer than she thought it would be after spending a few weeks here. Clean and neat environment, good food being served daily, mostly friendly staff members and decent cellmates.
Maybe the last one was questionable, considering some of their reputations that she heard about. But they avoided her. Mostly. There were some eyes as she was the youngest inmate currently in Arkham but she was used to it. Plus there was no hatred and hostility in those eyes which made it easier to breathe.
It was different from her imagination of dirty cells with rusty bars, having questionable grey mush for meals and the other inmates picking on her. How sad was her life that this was a huge improvement to being Marinette?
“Hello, sugar. Aren’t ya a little bit young to be here?” A voice suddenly came from in front of her.
The girl looked up in surprise to see two ladies staring at her. The one who called her was a blonde woman with dyed tips, one side blue and the other red, and she had a slight vibe that screamed unhinged. The red-headed woman, next to her, seemed more calm but she had an unusually green tint to her skin. She blinked, unsure if they were friendly or not or if she should answer. After a moment, the girl settled for a wave.
“Ives, look how cute she is. What’s your name?” The blonde exclaimed, “Mine is Harley. Harley Quinn. And this lovely flower next to me is my girlfriend, Pamela. I just call her Red.”
“Hello.” Pamela gave her a small smile to reassure her.
Ever since they saw the girl, Harley and Ivy had to know how someone as young as her landed in Arkham Asylum of all places.
After a bit of bribery, knocking out people and breaking and entering, they managed to get their hands on the girl’s files. They expected some type of mental illness that makes it dangerous for her to be around people but trying to kill 14 people in broad daylight was … shocking to say the least. They were also surprised to learn that she was originally from Paris and the only reason she had been sent here was because DNA tests revealed her to be a daughter of the Joker.
Harley and Pamela decided to first observe her and since she was still young, try to prevent her going down the insane clown path as much as possible with their guidance.
For the first few days, they noticed that the girl was very quiet and afraid of making a fuss. Everything about her just screamed depressed and sad.
“You know, Red. I think I figured out the 14 attempted murder charges,” Harley said one day, after observing stalking the girl.
Batman had pulled some strings so they ended up in cells opposite each other under a few conditions. (Such conditions include no more killing people, peacefully surrendering to the authorities and try to get better)
“What about her screams psycho serial murderer like her dad?” Pamela asked, looking over one of her plants, “Honestly, she’s more like a wilted plant that didn’t have sunlight for days.”
“She’s been bullied, Red. The signs are all there. I’m beginning to feel like something fishy is going on.”
Harley began pacing around her cell, “She’s very wary of authority figures so the teachers might have been in on it. She might have been isolated. Parental figures might also have abused or neglected her.”
“You are saying she snapped hard one day and decided to murder her bullies.”
“Like a wounded animal lashing out. But it’s odd. She’s like an empty shell. Like she had given up and resigned to her fate. There's just no rage. No revenge plans. No drive to do anything.”
“I agree that is kinda strange. Or she’s just biding her time and plotting how to finish the job.”
“Normally, I would agree with you but…”
“But what?”
“Her eyes, Red. They look so empty. Ya know that old saying. Eyes are the window to the soul. It looked like everything had been drained out of her.”
“You don’t think she’s going to…”
“Not yet. Maybe sometimes later down the road. It’s hard to tell.”
“Harley, you want to help her, don’t you?”
“You know me so well, Red. She got a rough start so early but she should at least get a bit of joy in her life.”
“Whatever plan you got cooked up, I will help you.”
“Have I ever told ya that you are the best girlfriend ever?” Harley squealed.
“Um..hello to you too,” the girl replied warily and asked, “Can I help you?”
Harley and Pamela looked at each other before they sat down in front of her.
“Well, nothing really. We just wanted to talk to you, Marinette.”
The girl flinched and then glared at them, “I don’t think I ever told anyone my name.”
“Oh. You are quick, sugar,” Harley exclaimed, “We will be honest with you, Marinette.”
The girl flinched again, causing Harley to pause before making a mental note not to use the name and continuing, “For as long as I have been here, I have never met someone as young as you before. Plus you got that mysterious past vibe going on so I had to find out. A little bit of breaking and entering never hurt anyone. Your file is quite in-ter-res-ting.”
“Then you know that I killed 14 people,” the girl smirked as she brought her elbows on the table and rested her chin on her interlaced fingers.
“Tried and failed to kill 14 people in broad daylight,” Harley corrected and the smirk disappeared, “That’s pretty bold of you. But that’s not the problem here. Why are you here?”
“I think you already know.”
“I get it. 14 people. Nearly killed them. Blah, blah, blah. What I trying to say is murdering 14 people in a very public park where there can be witnesses in broad daylight. Not likely. No one is stupid enough to do that. And I know that you aren’t. I bet that it was in self-defense more than anything. At worst, you should be charged with assault, not attempted murder.  Even then, you should be in a jail cell in Paris. Not here in Gotham.”
The girl blinked, not expecting that.
“Not only that. Even if your father is that bastard,” Harley spat out the word with contempt, “and you are declared legally insane, there are other places that they could have sent you. So why were you, no offence but a girl with no powers, sent to one of the most dangerous places in the world?”
No one had backed her up in the trial. She knew it was Lila’s influence but the fact that people she knew all her life didn’t take her side hurt. Now, in front of her was a stranger who only knew her from a file and was listing out reasons she shouldn’t have ended up where she was. It was comforting to have someone look at the facts for once and not take things as they seem.
The girl laughed, surprising the two women, “I think it’s pretty obvious. I was framed. Fourteen against one. Never stood a chance.”
“What shit are teenagers up to that they are framing each other for murder?” Pamela asked in horror.
“Some of my ‘victims’ were pretty famous with lots of money in their pockets. One supermodel, a daughter of a Mayor and one who ‘claims’ to be daughter of the Italian Ambassador. I suppose that’s why my sentence was pretty unfair. I guess even judging by Gotham’s standards.”
The two sorta knew that from researching about Marinette by illegally using the internet. With the help of a VPN and google translate to go through the news about Marinette’s case, they managed to piece together what had gone down.
“No shit. Gotham may be corrupt but this is just outrageous. Weren’t they your classmates?” Harley asked.
“They used to be nice. And then,” she paused as a dark look passed her face, “I don’t want to talk about that anymore.”
Harley looked at Pamela and they did that couple thing where they communicate without words in the span of a few seconds and know what the other is thinking.
“Hey, kid. Wanna go out with us?”
“You’ll see in a few days what I am talking about.”
The girl screamed as Harley drove them out of Arkham Asylum like a bat out of hell in a stolen van, hanging on for dear life. 
“ARE YOU INSANE? We are going to get caught!”
“No worries, sugar.” Harley replied calmly, “Me and Red are pre-ty good at breaking out. Besides, today is the Fourth of July so Bats and his nests of birdies got their hands full with whatever Calendar Man got planned.”
The girl’s head spun, either from Harley’s reckless driving or the information that made no sense dumped on her, “I think I’m going to puke.”
Pamela gave her a look of sympathy and handed her a bucket from who knows where.
After a while, Harley pulled over somewhere outside of Gotham City’s borders and the girl fell onto her knees on the ground, “Thank kwamis, it’s over.”
“Don’t be relieved yet, hun. It’s not over. The fun part is just getting started.”
“This way is out of the city to throw off the Bat brats a bit. We are going back into the City another way.” Harley explained as she pointed out the direction they were going to go.
“Then, can you let Pam drive? Or me. I know how to and you can tell me which direction to take.” The girl wondered if she should make a portal to get out of enduring more of Harley’s driving.
“We are not borrowing another car. We are going to be taking,” Harley dramatically paused “,the Ivy Express.”
“The what?” the girl asked, baffled.
“Show her, Red.” Harley snapped her fingers towards Pamela.
“Alright,” Pamela exclaimed before focusing her powers on the nearby trees.
The branches nearest to them picked them up and flung them. They landed onto another tree where the same thing repeated. 
At first, the girl was terrified over the unexpected method of transport but it was similar enough to her time as Ladybug swinging across Paris that she relaxed a bit and was soon whooping along with Harley.
Where the trees ended and the city started to meet, they stole another car but this time, thankfully, Ivy drove to their hideout which is just an abandoned warehouse the couple had renovated to live in when they were out of Arkham.
Harley opened the doors and exclaimed, “Home Sweet Home.”
“Oh. Wow.” The girl looked around in awe.
The place was a perfect mix of Harley’s brand of crazy and Pamela’s love of plants. Green covered every surface they could, vines wrapping around the support columns and there was a skylight that allowed the light of dawn to filter through. Hammers and baseball bats were hung on a wall and the walls were decorated in graffiti. In the middle of the room was a giant TV and a circular sofa. There was a kitchen in a corner. There was a stairway for a raised platform which acts as a second floor and bedroom.
Suddenly, two brown furry things attacked Harley.
“My babies. Did Selina take good care of you?” Harley cooed as her hyenas licked her. 
“She did a decent job,” Pamela said, inspecting her plants.
“Down, boys. Now, let me introduce you to our newest addition. Sugar, this one here is Bud and the other one is Lou. Bud, Lou, this is…” Harley trailed off, unsure if she should say the name or not.
“Marinette’s fine,” the girl said. She had that name for most of her life. It’s just that for the past year when her name is called, nothing good ever happens. It’s the terror of being found when she doesn’t want to be and when someone tries to find her, it is usually time to ‘punish’ her for something she never did.
“But you don’t like it.”
“Just bad memories. I will get over it.” The girl tried to hide the shakiness in her voice by acting nonchalant and with a smile. It didn’t pass the two women's notice.
“How about you choose a new one?” Pamela suggested, “Like a code name. People called me Poison Ivy and it feels less personal. The only one who calls me my actual name is Batman because he’s Batman and it humanises me or so he says.”
“Besides, now that you are one of us, you need a gimmick,” Harley chimed in, swinging her arm around her girlfriend.
“You see, Red got her thing with plants so that’s why people call her ‘Poison Ivy’. I mentioned Calendar Man earlier. His name is actually Julian and his thing is to celebrate holidays in illegal but wildest ways possible. And you know Edward, right? The bald one who we let out before we drove off with you. He does riddles and puzzles stuff as the Riddler. Point is Gotham is crazy, sugar. You need a thing so we can show you the best time of your life while you are here and you ain’t going to get that in that padded room.”
Pamela pushed Harley’s arms off and reassured the girl, “You don’t have to if you don’t want to. I am sure we can pull some strings so you don’t have to spend the rest of your life in Arkham and without associating with us like that. No strings attached. Promise. Harley gets ahead of herself sometimes. I suggested picking out another name because you seem uncomfortable with the one you have.”
“Sorry about that, sugar. And Red’s right. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to agree.”
“Why?” The girl asked in a soft voice.
“Why are we willing to do all of that for you?”
She nodded.
“Well,” Harley tapped her lips, “you are just a kid. Sorry, kid but in our eyes, you are. And no kids like you deserve to spend their life locked up. Reason 2 is the entire city is corrupt to the core and you need someone to show you the ropes if you are going to stay. Number 3 is because of the Joker. Once he hears about you, I know that bastard well enough that he will want to get his hands on you. Me and Red would be able to give you some protection as long as we are around.”
The girl was quiet as she thought about what they had told her. She doesn’t know much about Gotham and the two ladies were willing to help her. They even gave her an out.
“The offer about staying out of Arkham and not doing any crime. What exactly does it entail?” she asked.
“We have a friend who will hear us out about your case. He might be able to change your identity or something and get you adopted or into the foster system.”
“NO!” she cried. The girl tried to recover from her outburst by clearing her throat and replied more calmly albeit a tad shakily, “No. No. I don’t want that.”
“I am sure there are some nice people that would take you in. They don’t have to be from Gotham.”
“What if they start to hate me? What if they find out that I am Joker’s daughter and treat me like I am some sort of freak? Then, I will be sent to Arkham again. And- And- ” The girl started to have a panic attack and switched to French.
Eventually, she calmed down and found herself on the couch being hugged by Harley and Pamela on each side.
“I am guessing that panic attack has to do something with the scums you called parents, huh?” Harley asked.
“They are nice people. It’s just,” the girl bit her lip as she realised that no matter how crazy Gotham was, no one was going to believe her about Lila using magic, “they were manipulated into hating me.”
Harley pursed her lips in worry and questioned, “Do you mind sharing with the rest of us?”
The girl took in a deep breath, “You know how my classmates were more or less bullying me right? They told my parents that I was bullying this one girl and they believed my classmates even though I told them I wasn’t doing that. I guess they were disappointed about how I wasn’t the girl they had thought they had raised and dropped the bomb that I was a stand-in for their dead daughter when they visited me for my trial.”
The plants around the warehouse started to shake in response to Pamela's anger while Harley tried to not blow up as she hugged the girl tighter.
“That was pretty shitty of them. You didn’t deserve that. I only knew you for a few days and you are the sweetest, nicest kid I ever had the pleasure of meeting.”
Pamela pulled them closer to her, “I agree with Harley. If I could, I would go over to Paris right now and strangle them with my vines and use their corpses for fertilisers. Human blood is great plant food.”
“Yeah and, Bud and Lou would also love having human flesh for dinner.” Harley chimed in.
The girl rubbed her eyes at the oddly sweet violent offers and said, “Thanks, guys. But I don’t think my conscience can handle people dying on my behalf.”
“Shame. I suppose my more carnivorous children can live with steak.” Pamela commented dryly.
The girl giggled and they all fell into silence. The silence only lasted for a moment before Harley jumped up and headed to the kitchen area, “Okay, this is a good enough stopping point after unloading some emotional baggage. Red, load up some films, will ya? While I will make some popcorn. It’s time for girls’ movie night. Perfect end after an Arkham breakout.”
“Do you have any preferences?” Pamela asked the girl who shook her head.
“I don’t mind anything,” she replied but after a moment of contemplation added, “Except for superheroes.”
“Good news. You are hanging out with two partially-reformed supervillains. We only tolerate heroes but still hate their guts.”
It got a snort out of the girl. Pamela smiled as she began browsing through the options.
“Um..Mdm. Isley,” a shy voice called out.
“You can call me Pam.”
“Oh. Pam, can you tell me who the other heroes are? I only know about Batman.”
Pamela replied, “First off, they prefer to be called vigilantes. Most of Gotham just refer to any one of them as the Bats. Second, I can’t tell you exactly how many there are because there has been a lot of name changing and Batman has like a new sidekick every other month. This is the basics. In the beginning, Batman had one and he was named Robin. Then they were joined by Batgirl. Robin grew up and flew out of the nest and created a new identity which is Nightwing. He now mostly stays in Bludhaven and comes back to visit Gotham once in a while. Then, Batman got another Robin which we call Robin #2. Unfortunately, Robin #2 died because of the Joker…”
Pamela continued to spill tea about the Bat family drama. Harley returned with the popcorn and added details which Pamela missed. The girl was more invested about the stories of the Gotham vigilantes than whatever movie was serving as white noise.
“Okay, okay. So there is Batman,” The girl held up one finger, “Nightwing who is the first sidekick.” She added another finger, “There was a second one who died. We are on the third one right now but there was a fourth one while the third was gone for a while and came back. The fourth one is a girl Robin who used to and also currently goes by Spoiler. Batgirl also got replaced by a scarier version. And there is a Batwoman. Who is also not the old Batgirl?”
“You got them all more or less.”
The girl turned her attention to the movie while Harley and Pamela’s commentary of it was a nice background noise as she organised her thoughts. She didn’t really pay attention to what they were talking about as her mind drifted.
Chances are if she kept spending more time around Harley and Pamela, she was going to run into the Bats at one point and they would not see her as someone on the side of ‘good’. But was that even a bad thing?
The painful truth was that the girl was tired of defending herself. Back when everyone called her the ‘Everyday Ladybug’, it was exhausting. Sure she was nice and kind but that was just what the class needed to drop everything onto her. She was happy to do stuff for her ‘friends’ or did she just do it because the adults told her to?
She tried to be the bigger person and stand on the moral high ground when it comes to Chloe. That only gave her the worst time in school. She followed all the rules and did her best to help the people around her. And all of that didn’t even matter.
Her status as the ‘Everyday Ladybug’ went down the moment Lila whispered a few sweet lies into their ears with what she now knew was thanks to magic that they believed her.
What would even be the point of trying to show that she was a good person to someone who won’t even listen? 
Well, fine if the Universe wanted her to be the bad guy. She would play the part with all she had. Her new name should properly reflect that.
Someone who breaks all the rules. Someone who defies the people in charge. A Rebel.
“Harley, Pam.” The two looked at her with curiosity.
“I got my name,” she announced.
Harley jumped up and clapped her hands in excitement, “That’s fantastic, sugar. So what is it? Oh, is it Raven? But I think that is already taken by a demon chick. How about Night-crawler?”
“Harley, calm down. Give the girl some time to tell us.” Pamela chided her girlfriend.
“Sorry.” Harley sat back down but visibly shaking with anticipation.
“I was thinking of going by Rebel.”
“That is so badass. Why that though? Any particular reasons you can share with us, Rebel.”
Rebel smiled, “I guess if I am going to do this Rouge thing. I am going to do this right. Breaking all the rules cause they are only habits. Plus I can be the Joker’s rebellious teenage daughter. I am not going to be going around Gotham dressed as a clown. No offence Harley.”
Harley cackled, “I don’t mind. I love it.”
“Do you guys have a sketchbook lying around?” Rebel sheepishly asked, “Because I got some great costume ideas I want to sketch out.”
“You can draw?” Pamela inquired while Harley went around to fulfil Rebel’s request.
Rebel replied, “Only clothes. I can do decent art if I try. Fashion is still my passion. It’s one of things from my old life that I don’t hate completely.”
“Sorry, Reb.” Harley came back with a red leather jacket and a domino mask, “No wait. That sounds too close to Red.” She shrugged, “I will think of something. But we don’t have any sketchbooks in the house or paper. Or pencils.”
“It’s fine. What’s with that?” Rebel asked, pointing her chin at the items in Harley’s arms.
“Oh, this.” Harley held up the jacket and tossed it towards her, “This is for your first official debut. I think you are about my size. With the bats focused on Calendar Man, they won’t be paying attention to some stationary store theft. A bit lacklustre for a crime. But baby steps.”
Rebel stared at the mask and jacket. Was she actually going to do this? Step out of the light and go into the dark side.
Pamela noticed her hesitation, “You don’t have to do this. You can back out if you are not ready.”
Rebel shook her head and put the jacket on, “Let’s do this.”
“Atta girl.” Harley then looked over Rebel’s clothes which were the standard Arkham-issued orange jumpsuits, “How about we change clothes first. yeah?”
Rebel looked over herself, “I think that’s a great idea.”
A few hours later, Harley and Poison Ivy were seen robbing the shopping district with a new partner with the name of Rebel.
(Part 3)
taglist: @toodaloo-kangaroo, @iloontjeboontje, @buginetye, @angelwreckedd, @anoires-blog, @ever-since-i-was-young, @shutupandactuallylisten, @its-maemain, @vel-vee, @kashlyn, @officiallydarkgeek, @jayjayspixiepop, @cmouse, @transheso, @thecrazyfantrolls
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