mostly marigami
21 posts
MLB account run by kagami tsurugi's number 1 fan
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marigamithinking · 2 years ago
I want more of Kleptomaniac Marinette
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marigamithinking · 2 years ago
Luka Couffaine is autistic
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marigamithinking · 2 years ago
prompt: marinette gets a little theft, as a treat
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marigamithinking · 2 years ago
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[Image ID: A Miraculous Ladybug fan comic. It shows a profile view of Alya and Adrien standing next to each other, with Marinette standing a few meters away in the background, smiling at a butterfly that's hovering near her finger. Adrien looks wistfully at Marinette and says, "I want what she's on...." Alya's eyes narrow and eyebrows furrow as she responds, "The spectrum?" End ID.]
From this post
Autistic Marinette supremacy
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marigamithinking · 2 years ago
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look at this shit. alya waited for permission before initiating the hug. even in this crazy moment she paused and made sure marinette was okay with that level of contact. y’all i’m crying they’re so soft and good and these girls deserve each other
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marigamithinking · 2 years ago
I'm convinced Marinette Dupain-Cheng from Miraculous Ladybug is autistic. She stims by flailing her arms/flapping her hands, has an SI in fashion design, and struggles with speech in socially stressful situations, such as meeting her great-uncle or talking to Adrien (Alya even writes her a script for a phone call with him). She also happens to be mildly dyspraxic, hyper-empathetic (placing other people's feelings above her own) and struggles with self-esteem/impulse control.
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marigamithinking · 2 years ago
Marinette Dupain-Cheng is Autistic
Has issues with gross motor control (clumsiness)
Very developed fine motor skills (draws and sews all her own designs)
Special interest in fashion and designing
Also has a special interest in Adrien Agreste (all those pictures, memorizing his schedule)
Special interest in Adrien starts to wane as she gets closer to him (ep. 14)
Happy nervous dance! (aka the adorable buttwiggle thing)
She has a hard time with speech, especially in socially stressful situations (ie Adrien is nearby).
She loses track of the order of words and frequently goes non-verbal completely and resorts to sounds to convey her points
She sometimes even loses track of her words with Alya (”Why can’t I mean what I say?” “You mean, say what you mean?” “Exactly”)
Alya helps her figure out social situations and gives her prompts to get her through them
Alya literally wrote her a script for a phone call (A+ bff)
Executive dysfunction (frequently loses track of what she’s supposed to be doing and ends up late to school, missing Ladybug events, etc)
The tight Ladybug suit is like a full-body pressure stim, and it helps her get those gross motor control issues under control
She discovers quite by accident that Chat Noir not only makes a wonderfully warm weighted blanket, he’s a purring weighted blanket aka best blanket ever
Her insecurity in the Pharaoh episode is because she’s been bullied throughout her school career and despite Alya’s support has been left with very little sense of self-worth
Tikki’s voice is the absolute best sound in the entire world and she always tries to get her kwami to just talk because auditory bliss (seriously have you heard Tikki’s english voice its the most wonderful thing I’ve ever heard)
Conclusion: Marinette is a precious autistic child and must be protected
(feel free to add on if you have more points!)
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marigamithinking · 2 years ago
adding my headcanons to this:
marinette is autistic but has been masking her whole life so she can easily use and understand most idioms from practice (she also has ADHD)
kagami is autistic and never had to mask due to only ever being around her mother and people too fancy to question her direct form of communicating
luka is autistic and vacant.
adrien is just socially inept, probably with undiagnosed ADD or ADHD
Marinette: Can I be frank with you guys?
Kagami: Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help.
Luka: Can I still be Luka?
Adrien: Shh, let Frank speak.
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marigamithinking · 2 years ago
kleptomaniac!marinette means so much to me, especially when people write other characters (like her class mates) as being extremely aware of the fact that it's a disorder and not just stealing for personal gain and like supporting her in coping with the causes and such
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marigamithinking · 2 years ago
Ryuko: I learned some very valuable lessons from this.
Ladybug: I’m guessing they are all horrible distortions on the lessons you actually should’ve taken away.
Ryuko: Death isn’t real, and I’m basically God.
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marigamithinking · 2 years ago
Marinette: Can I be frank with you guys?
Kagami: Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help.
Luka: Can I still be Luka?
Adrien: Shh, let Frank speak.
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marigamithinking · 2 years ago
Ladybug: Please, I'm begging you go to a doctor.
Ryuko: I'm sorry is this OUR stab wound? Stay out of it.
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marigamithinking · 2 years ago
Marigami (either or both could be in superhero suit) are locked in a small room, what could happen?
Marigami (either or both could be in superhero suit) are locked in a small room, what could happen?
Oooh! I love this prompt! here's a quick ryuko/ladybug identity reveal one-shot. Hope you like it! It isn't as long or well written as I would've liked, but I've finished it at 3 a.m. so shhh
Sometimes, magical suits don't protect you from getting knocked out. Sometimes, your enemy has the same magic as you do, and you're caught in a stale mate. And sometimes, being a superhero means waking up tied to a pole with no recollection or how it happened.
"Ugh... what?" Ladybug rolled her neck, only for it to hit against steel. "Ouch!" She went to rub her head, only to realise her hands and arms were tied against somebody else's. "Chat?"
"No, it is Ryuko... Chat Noir was unavailable, so you requested that I helped you with the supervillain." The mater-of-fact voice indicated she'd already regained her bearings. How long had ladybug been out?
"Oh god..." Vague flashes of the villain they'd been facing illicitated a frustrated groan from ladybug. "We have to get out!"
"Really? I thought we could spend this time getting to know each other." Ryuko's tone was unreadable, and Ladybug was too tired to be angry.
"Look, I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, so I'll ignore that... have you used you power yet?"
"Yes, I used them while fighting. I detransformed while you were still passed out." Kagami frowned, "Longg is extremely fatigued... do you know if you have any kwami friendly food?"
Ladybug thought for five minutes before cringing at the plan she'd come up with. "If I detransform, Tikki can get food from my bag for herself and Longg, then they might be able to get us untied. But Kagami?"
"Yes, bug?"
"Can I trust you not to look?"
"You have my word, Ladybug."
As she detransformed, Marinette felt a twinge of guilt, similar to every time she'd lied to Alya about where she'd been or why she was always late. She trusted and admired Kagami, lying to her hurt. But being a superhero meant lying (even if that felt like a contradiction sometimes.)
"Tikki? Will you get a macaron for Longg as well?" Marinette asked her kwami gently, smiling down at her tired purple eyes.
"Yes, Ma- Guardian." Tikki floated over to Kagami. "Miss Tsurugi, this is for Longg to give his strength back." Tikki offered a pink and white polka dot macaron to Kagami.
"Thank you, Tikki." Longg weakly floated up from where he nestled in Kagami's lap.
"These macarons remind me of my friend, Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Do you know her?"
Marinette tensed. "Oh, uh yeah, I know of her. Why's that?"
"Once, her friend's blood sugar was low, so she gave him one from her purse. Apparently, she always keeps a small box of macarons with her, in case someone needs something to eat. She's so kind, and she decorates her macarons like this... they're just as cute as she is."
"Oh wow... that's... well, you uh you dislike people who lie to you, correct? What if she's lying to you? To everyone? What if she's-"
"No. Marinette may lie, but I realise she would never lie to hurt me. She is one of the only people who has ever bothered to get to know me. It means a lot that she would do that. She wouldn't lie to me." Kagami's smile was evident in her voice as she spoke over the sound of Longg and Tikki untying the rope.
"But what if she keeps putting the people she loves in danger?" Marinette's voice wavered. Why did Kagami care about her? She didn't deserve someone to care that much about her. Especially not the girl she admired more than anyone.
"Ladybug, I love Marinette. That's all that matters, I believe."
"Are you okay?"
The rope fell, and Marinette instinctively curled up to hide away.
"Can I turn around?"
"No! No, you can't- you can't know... you can't know how terrible I am..." Marinette's heart ached because still Kagami followed the rules, because she was the best.
"Are you Marinette, Ladybug?"
"I still love you."
"Because... you could so easily be unkind, give up on everything, give up on me... but you don't. You must be so exhausted, but you still put it with teaching me how to talk to people and going to school and organising parties for your friends and helping your parents. You're... perfect. I'm sorry if my admition of love has upset you, though. I believe we could forget it ever happened."
"I love you too, Kagami... I'm just so scared. I've never felt this way before, and I've put you in danger so many times by giving you a miraculous!" Marinette wiped her eyes and stood. "We need to escape and defeat the villain, then I will no longer give you a miraculous. I can't keep putting you in danger."
"No. Marinette, I would fight even without a miraculous if it meant protecting you. Let me help you, bug." Kagami reached out, resting her hand on Marinette's shoulder. Marinette turned and squeezed Kagami tightly.
"Are you sure?"
"Positive... I think we should get to escaping, though... then we could talk about things properly, okay?"
"Okay... I love you, Dragon." Marinette kissed Kagami's cheek before transforming, as did Kagami.
"Lucky Charm!" Ladybug sighed as she received a hair pin. "Great. Hold on, Ryuko." She leaned down and painstakingly picked the lock, causing one of the walls of the crate to slide open. "After you."
"Thank you, bug." Ryuko smiled as they exited.
"Yes. I won't let Shadowmoth interfere with our date plans."
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marigamithinking · 2 years ago
Ladybug: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated.
Ryuko: Killed without hesitation.
Ladybug: No.
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marigamithinking · 2 years ago
Kagami takes Marinette on museum dates all the time, but always makes sure there's a section on some form of fashion history because it makes Marinette super excited
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marigamithinking · 2 years ago
Ladybug: So are we flirting right now?
Ladybug: That doesn’t answer my question
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marigamithinking · 2 years ago
Marinette: we are literally two porcelain cats
Kagami: what??
Marinette: google two porcelain cats
Kagami: wow
Kagami: you are correct, they are literally us
Literally Marinette and Kagami drinking milk:
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Literally Marinette and Kagami having a kiss:
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