#white knight!stiles
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tomoemoonbeam · 2 days ago
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hedwig221b · 1 month ago
Do you have any good recommendations for ‘arranged marriage’ for Sterek? I love all your recommendations and the recommendations others leave under your answers but I couldn’t find any that were specifically for arranged marriage.
Please and thank you so much! You are an absolute angel for your recommendations. 💜💜
Ah, thank you! You're so kind! Here are some of my faves...
Meant to be One by sunhazeheart
His nerves felt like a live wire was running hot beneath his skin, hands fidgeting with the silken material of his robe. If he had the concentration to spare, he might had worried about tearing it. It was all he could do to sit there at the vanity, eyes squeezed shut, and try to give in the constricting pressure around his chest that said that he was about to fall into a panic attack. Breath in. Breath out. His own heartbeat rushed in his ears. Being mated to the reclusive king with a frightening reputation to his name, bundled away from his home and father, and then surrounded by underwhelmingly distant faces hiding secrets was not how Stiles Stilinski imagine spending his life soon after turning eighteen. He can only remind himself that it is for the good of his people, both old and newly acquired. But, perhaps first assumptions are made too hastily and a fated match can be made, even surrounded by threats of war, revenge and death’s waiting embrace.
what do you call a rose by the_problem_with_stardust
He sinks down on a rock near a massive tree and rests his head in his hands. Someone nearby huffs. “Looks like my secret spot isn’t so secret anymore.” Derek looks up. There is a guy seated among the twisted roots of the tree. He’s about to get up and leave when the man’s scent hits him. Mate. No wonder his instincts are going insane.
Deflowered by astrugglingstoic
In which there is a prince, a knight, sequential sword fights, and an anecdote about pressed flower petals.
The White Hart of Winter by DarkAthena (seraphim_grace)
Sent to marry the Hale Beast Stiles finds himself alone in a castle left to ruin and watched over by Kate Argent, who he thinks is sleeping with his new husband and seems determined to destroy him.
You Made Me Believe by kits_lightning
“Here he comes.” His father whispered. Stiles couldn’t look, he felt nauseous and anxious. He tried to shake off the memories of witty, sarcastic comments, broody eyebrows, and intense stares. Stiles has been promised to a Prince he's never met before and they're about to get married but he can't stop thinking about the love of his life whom he's had to leave behind for the good of the kingdom…. or so he believes.
Under the Golden Moon by NARKOTIKA
Derek doesn't know how long he sits in his wolf skin, on his haunches, observing Stiles as the sunbeams slant through the trees and cast slashes of light across the omega's willowy form. The boy has his feet in the water, a babe on his hip, a bright smile on his face as the other younglings splash around and soak his garb. The creamy skin of his thighs peek out from the slits running down the sides of his draping skirt, and Derek has never wanted anything more than he wants this beautiful being of the woods.
The Thorns of a Rose by Dexterous_Sinistrous
“You have your mother’s eyes,” Peter suddenly commented, his tone light in his observation. Stiles stiffened at the mention of his mother. “Honest eyes,” Peter added as an afterthought. “Sunlit like the golden embers of coal burning in a forge.” Stiles turned a soured expression on Peter. “Have you a point?” He asked. “Many men have struggled to have those eyes even spare them a glance,” Peter simply stated. “An honest but naive treasure that managed to fool a dragon.” He placed the crown on Stiles’ head, amused when the boy immediately pushed away from him once the ornament was in place. “Hopefully those eyes can fool the Seven Kingdoms into thinking you could love a wolf.”
The Bargain by dr_girlfriend
Time drags on, and it becomes apparent that this is not a part of the tradition. The wolves start to shift on their feet and murmur, but no one attempts to speak to Stiles. He stands, feeling the back of his neck growing red from the sun and his face growing red from embarrassment. What will happen if Derek Hale cannot be coerced to the altar? Will the bargain be revoked?
Union by bythemoonlight
On the brink of war, the union between two strong packs is the only solution. The Stilinski pack is left with an omega heir and the Hale pack an alpha without a mate. Brought together as mates but ripped apart by a long war. They have to adjust to being back together after six long years.
The Decay of a Cosmos by Dexterous_Sinistrous
The memory of Derek confessing to him in the quiet of their shared resignation sparked from her words–“A child is leverage to my mother.” Derek knew what Talia wanted. And he refused to give it to her. Stiles’ hands tightened into fists. This was a gift, but not one Derek had given him willingly. He would live with that knowledge each time he held their son close. ~*~ A tale as old as arranged marriage, with a space opera twist.
A Tale of Two Princes by AllTheseSquaresMakeACircle
Given his nature of who he was, Derek Hale, only son to Talia and Marcus Hale, never expected to be married. Hell, he didn't even appear in public. But, after the war with the Argents, their country needed stability. And a political marriage suited that. Shame it had to be the prince of their neighbors to the south. Stiles had no idea where his life would take him. But a marriage of convenience to the crown prince of one of their neighboring countries wasn't exactly on his mind. He had to admit, it would have it perks. Both for the royal family, and for his country. He just didn't know anything about werewolves. Especially ones who were cursed out the ass. Oh well, he'd figure things out as he went.
The Fox & The Wolf by Dexterous_Sinistrous
The war between the fox and wolf clans has raged for centuries, ignited in a time before anyone can remember. Now both clans—tired of the bloodshed and hate—are searching for a way to end the war. Crowned prince Stiles Stilinski—heir to the fox clan—has agreed with his father to meet with the Hales, the ruling royal family over the wolf clan. Under the counseling of the Druids, both clans are presented with a solution to the war: unite the Stilinski and Hale clans through marriage. To quell their people's anger, both Stiles and Derek—eldest living Hale Alpha—are urged to accept the other as an equal; as their mate. For the sake of their people, both houses make the ultimate sacrifice by choosing duty over love. But, out of what was first assumed to be compromised, quickly turns to be a better match than either could have hoped for. But not all is easy for either clan, as some members refuse to believe that the war could end so easily.
By Moon And Stars by kellifer_fic
"Have you heard of this Alpha?" Stiles asks, shuffling up his pallet so Scott has room to sit. Scott does with a grateful little twist of his mouth. Stefan forces him into the Stilinski ceremonial armor when they travel and Stiles can see that it's heavy and doesn't sit well on Scott. He can't shift encased in metal and Stefan knows it. "I know of him, mostly stories that seem a little fantastical. Shifters exaggerate just like common people. They like their war stories." "Tell me of him. Tell me a war story."
The Arrangement by Arver7
Through blackmail and lies, Stiles and Derek are forced into a marriage neither of them wanted. If they each want to survive each other, they must learn to coexist. But the more they get to know each other, the more they seem to care about each other. But will the lies stop them from falling in love?
The Light in the Woods by DiscontentedWinter
To honour a treaty with the people of a strange land, Derek Hale, prince of the kingdom of Triskelion, has to marry Stiles.
Until Sunrise
“You told me I would have time,” Derek said, simmering with anger. “You promised to leave the choice to me.” “The court is starting to talk,” said Peter. “We do not have a stellar reputation as it is, and your ventures into the world of simple pleasures do not go unnoticed. You do not care, of course. But you are, pardon me, too loud for it to remain discreet.” “You think if I were to have a wife, I would stop fucking?” Peter cringed his nose. “No. It would make you a proper, civilized man. You are getting too old, nephew.” “Fine. But I’ll choose.” “No,” Peter smiled. “I shall choose.” Derek opened his mouth to argue, but Peter did not let him. “We both know you will continue to fuck whomever you want. None of us will be able to stop you. Let me have a pick of a proper spouse to placate the court. That’s all I ask.”
Other fic recs: angsty fics | possessive Derek | historical AU | baby/mpreg | outsider POV | smut | mafia | hurt/comfort | magical!Stiles | Stiles gets kicked out of the pack | BAMF!Stiles + pt2 | alive Hales | omegaverse | witch!Stiles | creature!Stiles + pt2 | bad friend Scott | pack mom!Stiles | unrequited love | werewolf!Stiles | dark sterek | single parent!Stiles | feral Derek | Stiles is underestimated | mpreg w/o abo | accidental knotting | jock!Derek | jock!Stiles | spanking | royal abo au | oblivious!Stiles
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marchwardenofmordor · 4 months ago
Chapter three of my fic is not prose, but a poem, about the Marchwarden rizzing up Sauron.
The Sin-Eater
An elf hailed from Nan Elmoth deep
A story for to tell,
Roamed he up to Thangorodrim to
Pay his tithe to hell.
“Wherefore camest thou all the way here?”
Proclaimed the left hand of the dark,
“I’ve come for thee, and thou alone,
And beg it of thee; Hark:
I was begat of rotten womb,”
He started his grim song,
“And burst out through my mother’s flesh
All twisted, pale and wrong.
Not quite a coffin birth, a birth,
A death, but only one;
My matron mother screamed her last,
Though would not let alone:
For in her final throes saw she
A pair of golden eyes,
So beautiful and terrible,
Swelled with the fruits of lies.
She saw blackened earth holding up
The fairest golden tree,
But not the light of Laurelin;
The light belonged to thee.
And nestled underneath that tree,
A white-grey elfin knight;
Who sang a song into the roots
And laid beneath its light.
He only sang a song, a song,
A song, cut through the night,
And shivered the tree of its leaves,
Come naked in his sight.
And so he bent down at the knee,
The foible to his toe,
And then he made to elven lands,
As fast as he could go,
He hunted, ate his fill, his fill,
His fill, yet still he craved,
Eating sins through tender flesh,
A new path set and paved,
And when his business there was done,
Returned he to the tree,
And found instead the fairest man,
Crowned with a white rose three.
And so he took him by the hand,
Took him by the horn,
And laid him down the mountainside,
And prick’d the palest thorn.
So lush, so saccharine and fine,
Was the figure of his Lord,
Worth more than all the gold in Erebor,
More than a dragon’s hoard,
So was the fruit of truth, of truth,
Of truth, to bend a bough;
An earthly knight bent to a god
And sings the softest vow.
A vow of reverence, he said,
A-whispered by his skin,
To elevate his lord to grace,
To slay his every kin.
So zealous in his love is he,
In tenfold to the rest,
His heart is but a bird, a bird,
On a rod within his chest.
For there he pledged himself to him,
A promise by his sword,
“But would you not rather have this?”
So sang his bonnie Lord:
He pulled a ring of gold, of gold,
Of gold, and while t’was fair,
“‘Tis only half as fair, my lord,
As the rings that curl your hair.
I’d rather twist those in my hands,
And kiss each shining lock;
I’d rather bend my head for you,
Upon a bloodied rock;
I’d sooner turn within your arms
Into a lion bold,
I’d rather lay a while with you,
Than take your ring of gold.”
And you would twist within my grasp
And sayeth unto me,
“I cannot love nor feel no joy,
What can I offer thee?”
And I would bow my head, my head,
My head upon thy breast,
For I would love thee endlessly,
And pass your every test.
For you could turn within my arms
Into a great wolf dire,
And I would hold you fast and warm,
And I would feel no ire.
Then you could turn within my arms
Into a shadow cold,
And I would shield thee from the sun
‘Til I am frail and old.
Then you could turn within my arms
Into a festered pile,
And I would yet proclaim my love o’er every rock and stile,
I’d stroke to find those eyes, those eyes,
Those eyes of golden fire,
And then you’d turn within my arms
Into my funeral pyre.
And I’d leap o’er the flames, the flames,
The flames, I’d leap them thrice,
I’d leap them ‘til you licked my flesh,
I’d leap ‘til my demise.
And then in death, I’d be a wraith,
My soul tied unto thee,
And I would never want for rest:
I’d love thee endlessly.”
The bright one paused with faltered mien,
His countenance so fair,
And he has come down from his throne
To meet the pale one there.
“If you would be so kind, so kind,
So kind, to host me in your court,
I’d serve thee ever faithfully,
My just and golden Lord.”
Then Mairon took him by the arm,
Took him by the cuisse,
“I would have you stand by me,
My loyal, noble beast.”
But what he did not dare to think,
Which in his guts did churn,
Was that he’d ere long fall in love,
And be loved in return.
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pico-digital-studios · 9 months ago
Into, Across and Beyond!: Hypothetical Casting and Theme Songs
I was having a bit of a think about who might hypothetically voice the project's cast (yeah, I'm not truly hiring any VAs for the project), and with help from @becdoesthings and others, I've thought about these roles: (Any music themes picked out for the characters will be in brackets like this)
Blur Gang
William Corkery Jr. as OMT!Tails
Ryan Drummond/Jason Griffith as CR!Sonic
Linda Larkin (Jasmine; Aladdin) as OMT!Mina and EV!Sally
Jaleel White as Mini Sonic and Underground Sonic (alongside the other two cartoon Sonics)
MCStudioProductions / @mcgamejolter as Mr. Needlemouse
??? as EX!Alice
Pete Capella ('06 Silver) as D-Sides Mighty
Lisa Ortiz as Black Knight Amy
Drift & Miss (Sonic GT) as CU!Sonic
Natalia Wojcik (Annie, Little Einsteins) as CU!Sonia
Ashleigh Ball as Nine
Emma Watson (Hermione, Harry Potter) as CR!Sonia
Jake Lloyd (Anakin, Star Wars Episode I) as CR!Manik
Erin Yvette (Albert, Clubhouse Games; 15 and younger) and Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter; over 15 years old) as Nitro/Chris Smith
(Where Fire Lives from Natlan (Heosmin Remix); Nitro.DLL)
SFG1235 as Antho
??? as Ex-Prince Brian
Nominal Dingus as Hog
Sarah Grace Stiles (Spinel; Steven Universe) as Wacky
??? as Devy
??? as Smol Devy
Nicole Tompkins (Jack-O, Guilty Gear -Strive-) as Trip
Quill Society
Jason Griffith (Sonic (X to Unleashed)) as EV!Sonic and X!Sonic
Mae Whitman (Agent Xero; The Modifyers) as Tekno
??? as Amy Rouge
??? as Zonic
??? as CD Alt Ending Sonic
Lacey Chabert as E-21
Christopher Daniel Barnes (Miguel; Edge of Time) as Lost Memory Sonic
??? as Turbo
??? as Fiona
Alex Ness (Blaster-Tron; Skylanders) as Emperor Metallix
Roger Craig Smith as LEGO Sonic
@gemontumb as Tlels
Andi Lott as Carol Tea
??? as Sarah Henderson
??? as Barry
??? as Milly
Adam McArthur (Yuji Itadori; Jujutsu Kaiden) as Blitz!Tails
Martin Burke as Sonic.RAW
Lisa Ortiz as Superstars Amy
Bill Wise as OVA Knux
Martin Burke as OVA Sonic
??? as Rob O' the Hedge
??? as Water Sonic
??? as Fleetway Amy
??? as Stella the Cat
Ashleigh Ball (Applejack; My Little Pony FiM) as Bunnie Rabbot
??? as Nicky Parlouzer
Charles Martinet / Juno Songs as Somari
Abluemoon88 as Sara
Max "LandyRS" Henderson as Chaos Adventure Sonic
Mel Blanc as S1 Fang the Sniper
Kristin Fairlie (Bridgette; Total Dramarama) as Millie the Fox
One More Chance
Ike Amadi (The Darkness, Skylanders: Superchargers) as Sonic.OMT
One More Hero
@becdoesthings as Eggman Nega
??? as Shadow Emerl / Uma Arachnis
Stephanie Sheh as Zeena
Erica Mendez (Ryuko Matoi, Kill la Kill) as Surge
Christopher Pellegrini as Johnny
Prequel Points
Charlie Adler (both his Snively and Corroder roles) as Snively
Long John Baldry as Dr. Beeman and AOSTH Robotnik
More than One Universe
??? as Shalian
??? as Crossover Realm Corrupt
??? as Talrareth
??? as AVA!Corrupt
??? as Richard Ambersilve
@jordangaming101 as Sonath
??? as Curse
Into the Sonic-verse
??? as Dr. Finitevus
Phil Hayes as Scratch
Garry Chalk as Grounder
Ian James Corlett as Coconuts
Max "LandyRS" Henderson as Scourge
Suzy Finn as Rosy
Arion "MiiToons" Rashad as Walter Naugus
Maurice LaMarche as Sleet
Peter Wilds as Dingo
Matt Hoverman as Dark Oak
Kirk Thornton as Boom Shadow
Jacaris (Vs. Sonic.exe) as Fleetway Super Sonic
??? as Kit
Lee Majdoub as Agent Stone (who replaces Aaron Davis from Earth-199999)
??? as Superstars Fang
Many More Heroes / Cosmic Discoveries
??? as Gemerl / Anti-Miles
??? as Chaos Emerl / Speedy
??? as Crimtake
kkirby99 as most of the Hues of Metal
??? as Legends/Nexus Robotnik
Tails of Trials
??? as Dr. EggOmega
MaimyMayo as Original Sonic.exe
??? as Green Mountain Sonic/End
Into the SEGAVerse (and beyond)
??? as Kaiser Greedy
??? as Reala
Other stars
Roger Craig Smith as OMT!Sonic and Boom Sonic
Ryan Drummond as Superstars Sonic and SRB2 Sonic
Kate Higgins as EV!Tails
Corey Bringas as Superstars Tails
Connor Bringas as SRB2 Tails
Amy Palant as X!Tails
Travis Willingham as OMT!Knuckles and Boom Knuckles
Dave B. Mitchell as EV!Knuckles
Dan Green as Superstars Knuckles and X!Knuckles
Michael McGaharn as SRB2 Knuckles
Cindy Robinson as OMT!Amy, EV!Amy and Boom Amy
Jennifer Douillard as SRB2 Amy
Sarah Wulfeck as OMT!Cream
Michelle Ruff as EV!Cream
Kath Soucie (Sally's SatAM role) as OMT!Sally
Deem Bristow as OMT!Robotnik and SRB2 Robotnik
Arion "MiiToons" Rashad as most Eggmen in the multiverse, alongside Mr. Tinker
Max Mittleman (Arataki Itto, Genshin Impact) as several versions of Mighty
Issac Ryan Brown (Gus Porter, The Owl House) as several versions of Ray
Maurice Lamarche (Mortimer Mouse, House of Mouse) as most versions of Fang
Patrick Gilligan (Alex, Street Fighter 3) as all versions of Bark (who talk)
Lizzie Freeman (Yanfei, Genshin Impact) as all versions of Honey the Cat
Darkbox as Exeller and [REDACTED]
??? as XE!Sonic
Tom Hardy (Venom) as Xenomorphic
Clement von Franckenstein (Boss Cass, Ty the Tasmanian Tiger) as Grand Battle Kukku XV
ApocalypseTitan characters
Sarah Nicole Robles (Luz, The Owl House) as Kaede Titan/Detective Ghost
??? as Apocalypse Titan
??? as Max Cartwright
??? as Ms. Brenda Ciprianni
??? as Samuel Ciprianni
Mae Whitman (Amity, The Owl House) as Luna
??? as Olivia Kennedy
??? as Danny
Dee Bradley Baker (Fire Lord, Hero Factory) as Dr. Razereye
??? as Benny
??? as Abigail Razereye
My characters
??? as Lucia
??? as Karilvatch
??? as Amelia Walten
Benjamin L. Valic (Child Movie Sonic) as Evo Smith
Bella Ramsey (Hilda) as Rosie Smith
??? as Wade
??? as Mobiverse Tails
??? as Mobiverse Sonic
??? as Mobiverse Cream
Freedom Planet
Dawn M. Bennett as any version of Lilac
Aimee Smith as any version of Milla
??? as Carrie Mei
??? as Jett Capriasa
??? as Chiasa Sun
??? as Marshmallow
Undertale / Deltarune
ShyrennVA (Saying a Lot of Things) as Frisk (Glitchtale - Prepare Yourself)
wintermelon (Inverted Fate) as Chara
Sean Marquette (Mac, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends) as Asriel
Retrovisity as Kris (Deltarune)
FNF characters
Brady Noon (Raphael, TMNT: Mutant Mayhem) as Benjamin Miku
??? as Grace Dearest
??? as Pico N. Grounds
??? as ErrorSky
??? as IAB!Benjamin Fairest / IAB!Soft Benjamin
Bradley Pierce (Tails; Sonic SatAM) as Evan
@yuriharu567 as Holly
??? as Bently Forceloyed (Mr. Kitty - Glycerin)
??? as Isabella Fondsmith
Tracey Moore (Usagi Tsukino/Serena, Sailor Moon) as BluBuni
Funkinverse (only any that have spoken in my posts)
Jerry Jewell (Kusuo Saiki) as Agent Cam "Blueballs" Malicious
Laura Bailey (Injustice 2 Supergirl) as Gracie/SNS Girlfriend
Alex Hirsch (Bill Cipher) as Grimbo / The X
Greg Cipes (Omniverse Kevin Levin) as Kenji Tensei (Virtual-On - Sweet Tragedy of Dreams)
Ellen Wong (Knives Chau from Scott Pilgrim) as Aloe Mano (Virtual-On - High Ground (SoniNeko Mix))
??? as Nova the Hedgehog
??? as Daisy (The Wrath Soul)
Ben Schwartz as Movie Sonic
Colleen O'Shaughnessey as Movie Tails and Boom Tails
Idris Elba as Movie Knuckles
MCStudio as Max Chaos
Prime universe and Shatterverse
Deven Mack as Sonic Prime
Ian Hanlin as Shadow Prime, Big Prime and the Shatterverse Bigs
Ashleigh Ball as Tails Prime and the Shatterverse Tails's
Shannon Chan-Kent as Amy Prime and the Shatterverse Amys
Kazumi Evans as Rouge Prime and the Shatterverse Rouges
Brian Drummond as Eggman Prime and Mr. Dr. Eggman
Tara Strong (considered for Tekno and BluBuni, but her irl behaviour leaves a lot to be desired)
Mike Pollock (considered for most Eggman variants, but his controversial opinions on the Israeli-Arab Conflict and MANY other things made me scrap that plan)
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thehollowprince · 2 years ago
Have you got any thoughts or ideas about what a Star Wars/Teen Wolf fusion AU would be like?
Ironically enough, I have thought about that.
One of my favorite things to do with a show/book/movie that I like is create alternate scenarios for them to exist in. Not coffee shop AUs or anything like that, but to take said characters and drop them into an entirely different setting, with them being bound by the rules and such of that new setting.
So, for Star Wars, I would take these characters out of Beacon Hills and drop them in the Galaxy Far Far Away, just keeping the essence of who they are. No werewolves or druids or banshees. I would take them and mold them to fit this new landscape.
Scott, for example, I would have be a Jedi Knight. Formally, a student of Alan Deaton, a great Jedi Master. He'd wield a yellow lightsaber (to match his werewolf eyes) and be stationed at a small temple in the Outer Rim. Out there, he befriends Stiles, a local smuggler who sneaks around his father (as the planetary police) in his hunk of junk ship (Rosco) and shenanigans would ensue.
Allison would be a Mandalorian bounty hunter and Lydia some sort of politician (á la Padme in the Prequels or Leia in the Original Trilogy). Kira would be Force-sensitive, but not a Jedi. Maybe a Matukai, a Force-based group that emphasizes physical prowess in combat over the more esoteric nature of the Jedi. She might not have a lightsaber, but she definitely has a weapon imbued with the Force or a vibroblade of some kind.
Malia being one of the warriors of Dathomir (Legends continuity). She might not be one of the legendary witches of that planet, but she has their mindset. Maybe she's Stiles' co-pilot and considers him her bed partner/property.
Maybe Derek is a jedi as well, a Shistavanen Wolfman who wanders the Outer Rim like a lone samurai with his blue lightsaber before falling to the dark side for a while (his red eyes = his red lightsaber). He returns to the light but leaves the Order to sort himself out.
I could see Scott fighting Derek, after the loss of his lightsaber and purifying the crystal to make it white like Ahsoka, thus avoiding giving Scott a red lightsaber to match his Alpha status because of how red = dark in Star Wars.
The Alpha Pack being a group of Dark or Fallen Jedi led by a Miralukan Sith (Deucalian) and consisting of a Wookiee (Ennis), a Selonian (Kali), and two bond-twins (Ethan and Aiden). Maybe they want Derek to be a part of their group, like in the show. Maybe they're after an ancient Sith artifact (Nogitsune) that they can use to achieve their ends, but they must overcome a Dark-Side adept (Jennifer Blake) first.
I could make a whole story/trilogy out of that alone, with it ending on Scott taking on a padawan of his own - Liam.
But... y'know... I haven't thought a lot on the subject.
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 2 years ago
Finally They Have A FC!
Yes, I had some (read: too much) ocs without fc that were already on my masterlist... but now they have one! (Everyone thanks my brainstorming for my new ocs)
Good Omens
Althea Price - witch; Eltanin’s girlfriend; immortal being (kind of? it’s complicated)
Her faceclaim is Diana Silvers!
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Nico Lightwood - Shadowhunter; descendant of Violet & Samuel’s kids; Vienna’s younger brother; lives in Rome Istitute; main character in TWP (Yes, I know that series is not out yet)
His faceclaim is Finn Wolfhard! 
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Alice Knight - witch/warlock; adoptive “mother” of Lydia Knight; Alice and Magnus are like the fixed points of all the series lmao; angst queen
Her facelaim is Lily James!
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Lydia Knight - witch/warlock; Elys’ childhood friend; Brian’s girlfriend
Her faceclaim is Vanessa Morgan!
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Brian White - werewolf; Elys’ childhood friend; Lydia’s boyfriend
His faceclaim is Mark Mckenna!
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Jackson Milligan - Mundane; Elys’ adoptive father
His faceclaim is Tyler Hoechlin!
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Samuel Milligan - Ascent Shadowhunter; Mundane raised in a Shadowhunter family; Alistair Carstairs’ parabatai; madly in love with Violet Lightwood
His faceclaim is Josh Whitehouse!
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Vienna Lightwood - Shadowhunter; Nico’s older sister; been to the Academy the same year with Simon Lewis
Her faceclaim is Shelley Henning!
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Cassandra Blackthorn - Shadowhunter; Ty and Livvy’s twin sister (they’re a triplet); main character in both TDA and TWP
Her faceclaim in TWP is now Emilia Jones! (Her fc in TDA is Malina Weissman)
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Downton Abbey
Lady Elisabeth Crawley - second daughter in the Crawley family; takes shit from no one; her and Sybil could run the world if they wanted to
Her faceclaim is Keira Knightley!
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Madeline Barrow - Thomas Barrow’s niece; the most rebel girl in town; a menace to society
Her faceclaim is Millie Bobby Brown!
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Victoria Vill (2) - Spider-Girl; Vicky from Raimi!Verse
Her faceclaim is Emmy Rossum!
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Victoria Vill (3) - Aranea; Vicky from TASM!Verse
Her faceclaim is Willa Holland!
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Ate Erisdottir “Aimee” - goddess; daughter of Eris; Loki ship (they’re literally soulmates okay? ��)
Her faceclaim is Emilia Clarke! 
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XCU (X-Men)
Leia Forbes - Mutant; half-aware of the fourth wall; Wade ship
Her faceclaim are Zoe Kravitz & Margot Robbie! (Trust me, it has sense, okay?)
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Ness Fitzgerald - Hellfire; Ness from the original timeline
Her faceclaim is Angelina Jolie!
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Ness Fitzgerald - Hellfire; Arcane; Ness from the New Timeline (but not First Class)
Her faceclaim is Nina Dobrev!
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Catarine “Cata” Johnson - Redacted; parents Redacted; Apollo/Lester’s friend (her story is setted during TOA); powerful lesbian
Her faceclaim is Rachel Zegler!
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Evelyn Chase - Magnus’ adoptive sister; daughter of Loki; TJ ship
Her faceclaim is Kiernan Shipka!
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Teen Wolf
Redacted “Addie” Lewis - werecat; Stiles ship
Her faceclaim is Anya Taylor-Joy!
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Stranger Things
Autumn Hopper - 013; Anya Richards; Hawkins Lab experiment; Miles Henderson’s sister figure; Steve ship
Her faceclaim is Jenny Boyd!
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Under this you have my Harry Potter ocs! You’ve been warned!
Harry Potter 
Nath Andrews - wizard; part of the S.Q.U.A.D.; Ravenclaw;
His faceclaim is Jordan Fisher!
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Theo Denton - wizard; part of the S.Q.U.A.D.; Gryffindor
His faceclaim is Evan Mock!
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Callisto Black - witch; daughter of Rosalinf and Sirius; sister of Jan us and Justine Black; Hufflepuff
Her faceclaim is Danielle Campbell!
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Janus Black - wizard; son of Rosalind and Sirius; brother of Callisto and Justine Black; Gryffindor; Luna Lovegood ship
His faceclaim is Joe Keery!
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Justine Black - witch; daughter of Rosalind and Sirius; sister of Callisto and Janus Black; Slytherin
Her faceclaim is Alba Baptista!
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wipbigbang · 1 year ago
WIPBB 2023 - Fic & Art Master List (M - R)
Below is the master list of all the bragging rights/posts that were posted to Tumblr and Dreamwidth, organized alphabetically by fandom from M to R. Please go show these people some love for all the hard work they did!
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Captain America
A Future Golden with Promise: Art On Dreamwidth | Art On Tumblr (Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers)
Contact High, Middle Earth, and Laying Low: Fic | Art On Dreamwidth | Art On Tumblr (Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers)
Letters From Under The Bed: Fic/Art (Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers)
Litter Mates: Fic | Art On Dreamwidth | Art On Tumblr (Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers)
When The Pool Closes: Fic | Art On Dreamwidth | Art On Tumblr (Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers)
Captain America/Iron Man
From A to B: Fic (Rebecca Barnes Proctor/Howard Stark)
Captain America/Iron Man/Spiderman
Peter Parker's Guide to Romance: Fic | Art On Dreamwidth | Art On Tumblr (Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker)
Moon Knight
And You Can Follow Me: Fic | Art (Marc Spector/Layla El-Faouly)
the season of the witch: Fic | Art (Agatha Harkness/Wanda Maximoff)
Mass Effect
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Fic (Original Characters)
MDZS/The Untamed
A Thousand Ways To Say I Love You: Fic/Art (Nie Huaisang/Nie Mingjue)
An Old Cardboard Produce Box for a Cradle: Fic (Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian)
Bright The Hawk's Flight: Fic/Art (Lan Wangji/ Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng & Jiang Yanli & Wei Wuxian)
Bring Me Tomorrow/Stay With Me: Fic | Art (Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji, Jin Guangyao/Lan Xichen, Jin Guangyao/Nie Mingjue, Implied Xicheng)
Consequences: Fic (Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji, Jiang Yanli/Jin Zixuan, Lan Xichen/Jin Guangyao/Nie Mingjue)
Hit Me With Your Best Shot: Fic/Art (Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji)
Knit Witted Wei Ying: Art (Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji, Xiao Xingchen/Song Zichen)
Love in Bloom: Fic (Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji, Lan Xichen/Nie Mingjue)
Pas de Deux: Fic (Lan Zhan/Wei Ying, background Mo Xuanyu/Xiao Xingchen/Song Zichen)
Platonic Romances, Emotional Affairs, and Other Remedies: Art (Qin Su/Wen Qing, Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji, Lan Wangji & Qin Su, Lan Jingyi & Lan Sizhui & Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian & Wen Ning & Wen Qing)
Show & Tell: Fic (Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji, Jiang Cheng/Lan Wangji, Lan Wangji/Nie Huaisang)
Til Death Do Us Part: Fic | Art (Jin Ling/Jiang Cheng/Jin Guangyao)
Trials and Tribulations: Fic | Art (Lan Zhan/Wei Ying)
Men's Hockey RPF
Sunstruck: Fic | Art (Jamie Drysdale/Trevor Zegras)
try to catch the sun: Fic (Patrick Kane/Jonathan Toews)
A Matchmaker of Two Fools: Fic | Art (Merlin Emrys/Arthur Pendragon, Gwen/Morgana Pendragon)
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
Warmth in the Coldest Places: Fic | Art (Elizabeth MacMillan/Rosie Sanderson)
Nope (2022)
The Inter(Viewers): Art (N/A)
Old Nine Gates (TV) | 老九门
Mission Creep: Fic (Art On AO3) (Qi Tie Zui/Zhang Rishan)
One Piece
Caught in the Web: Fic (Monkey D. Luffy & Everyone)
Only Murders In The Building
holding hands & twisting knives: Fic | Art (Daniel Kreps/Poppy White)
Original Works
Horseplay and Roughhousing: Fic On Dreamwidth | Fic On Tumblr (Original Characters)
Rules of Engagement/Teen Wolf
A Tale of Two Timmies: Fic (Russell Dunbar/Timmy Patel, Simran Patel & Timmy Patel, Lydia Martin/Stiles Stilinski)
Revealed by Mirrored Eyes: Fic | Art (Ruby Rose, Taiyang Xiao Long, Qrow Branwen, Yang Xiao Long, Blake Belladonna, Weiss Schnee, Penny Polendina, James Ironwood, Ozpin, Salem, Raven Branwen, Summer Rose)
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andrewmoocow · 2 years ago
Little Homeworld Life chapter 18: De-Clustering (originally published on April 24, 2023)
AN: Yeah, this is going to be a pretty heavy episode because we'll finally be bringing back the Cluster by taking it apart and reintroducing some of its components back to society, just as Yellow Diamond promised back in Homeworld Bound. No doubt we'll explore how these Gems will react to the world they'll be brought back into and how they'll react to the whole Pink Diamond debacle, which Black Rutile will no doubt take advantage of to gain new minions. And how will the Crystal Gems deal with this as well, especially when one of their own who was a part of the Cluster will be convinced to join Black Rutile? Not good, I suppose.
Synopsis: The Diamonds pay a visit to Earth to disassemble the Cluster. However, some of the Gems they restore don't take too kindly to the new status quo.
Noël Wells as Black Rutile
Della Saba as Aquamarine
Charlyne Yi as Eyeball, Navy, Doc, Leggy, Army
Christine Pedi as Holly Blue Agate
Casey Lee Williams as Cat's Eye
Estelle as Garnet
Michaela Dietz as Amethyst
Deedee Magno Hall as Pearl, Yellow Pearl, Blue Pearl, Volleyball
Shelby Rabara as Peridot
Jennifer Paz as Lapis
Uzo Aduba as Bismuth
Patti LuPone as Yellow Diamond
Lisa Hannigan as Blue Diamond
Christine Ebersole as White Diamond
Sarah Stiles as Spinel
Jinkx Monsoon as Emerald
Hayley Kiyoko as Morganite
Melissa Fahn as Demantoid
Kari Wahlgen as Pyrope
Amy Sedaris as Teal Zircon
Martha Higerada as Topaz
Shanelle Grey as Sally Grove
Matthew Rhys as James Brenner
Jon Wurster as Marty
Christoph Waltz as Francis von Bowling
Olga Kurylenko as Rasputina
Diedrich Bader as Lennie
Wayne Knight as Milton
Andrey Batt as Konstantin
Edward Furlong as Pavel
Seth Green as Leo
Featuring Idina Menzel as Amazonite
Halsey as Tanzanite
Mia Barron as Apatite
Gina Torres as Andesine
And John Mulaney as Flipso
"HAHAHAHAHAHA! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" the Rutile Rebels laughed uproariously as they sat down to watch an early version of "The Pink Beast of the Bay" sent to them by Marty, and they were in hysterics over the mockery over how Steven's monstrous mental breakdown was depicted.
"I don't see why Pearl refused to participate in this motion picture; this is amazing!" Black Rutile guffawed in delight as she watched the Crystal Gem be an unwilling leading lady and costar to the always overdramatic Christopher Cage. "I haven't had this much fun in ages, not just because of the Steven mockery!"
"Me too!" Aquamarine snickered. "I could watch this over and over again!"
"But didn't that Marty fellow say he needed to return this copy soon?" Holly Blue said as the movie reached the end and the credits began to roll. "Or maybe we could download our own copy of the film." Just then, the Rebels heard a very loud rumbling from outside. "What was that?"
"Oh no, is Teal Zircon getting up to shenanigans again?" Cat's Eye complained while stroking Blake in her arms. "I'm still getting all those bugs out of my hair from last time."
"Uh, guys, I think you need to see this." Eyeball said, looking out the window to find the Diamonds' ship landing near Little Homeworld. "Do you think they're finally coming for us?"
"If so, then finally." Cat's Eye proclaimed. "This is the big one; this is it! Do you hear me, Homeworld, I'm coming for you!"
"Oh, don't be so overdramatic, Cat." Holly Blue rolled her eyes in annoyance. "We should go outside and see what the Diamonds want. Who knows? Maybe they've come to apologize for their unfair treatment of us."
"I highly doubt it." Black Rutile stated as the Rutile Rebels walked outside to find the Crystal Gems talking with Yellow, Blue, and White Diamond. "You there, Gems! What's going on?"
"Oh, Black Rutile, long time no see." White Diamond greeted Black Rutile with a strained smile. "We were just discussing with the Crystal Gems about taking the Cluster apart and giving all the Gems that are a part of it a new lease on life. We feel like it's one of the only things left for us to do to fully atone for our crimes."
"Well, there are still a few crimes against me you refuse to apologize for." Black Rutile muttered.
"Would you like to assist us?" Pearl asked Black Rutile. "We'd like to make this a community effort, so that means you have to join in too."
"Of course I'll help. Just let me confer with my posse for a bit." Black Rutile answered before turning to her minions. "You all see what's happening here, right? We could collect whatever Gems are taken out and convince them to join us! It's brilliant, brilliant, brilliant!"
"Great idea. We just need to lay low until the time is right; then we can convince them." Aquamarine agreed. "I'd say we should start with three. Anyone else?"
"Yeah, three sounds like a reasonable number." Holly Blue said.
"That song said it's the magic number, after all." Eyeball added before the rebellion turned back to the Diamonds.
"We accept your offer." Black Rutile declared, hiding the fact that she was once again plotting behind everyone's back.
"Excellent." Garnet smiled. "We'll get to work as soon as everyone else hears about this."
Later that day, all of Little Homeworld was working together to take the Cluster apart and put the shattered Gems back together, while ensuring they wouldn't accidentally cause the Gem superweapon to be unleashed and destroy Earth. Carefully, they would remove massive chunks of the Cluster, sort which pieces of Gems went together, and allow Yellow to restore them to normalcy. So far, the process was going rather swimmingly, with numerous Gems being put back together.
"Here, I think I found a Gem." Amethyst said as she handed the broken halves of a gem to Yellow. "Recognize her?"
"Oh, I do!" Blue Diamond replied. "That's Amazonite. She was an illusionist in my court. Her shows were the stuff of legends, and I hope she'd be able to do them again!"
"Yes, I am a fan too, Blue." Yellow grinned before she held the gem pieces together, and electricity coursed through the fractures, making the gem like new before it reformed into a Gem with light blue skin, long & unkempt dark blue hair, green robes, and a blue cape with light blue detailing.
"Where am I?! What is this place?! Where's my Diamond?!" the newly restored Amazonite began panicking upon her restoration as she looked around at her new surroundings. The last thing she saw before being shattered was Gems going to war with each other, and now suddenly they're at peace? The Crystal Gems were standing alongside the Diamonds with presumably no animosity? What was going on here?!
"Welcome to the world, Amazonite." Lapis greeted the illusionist, who leaped back in alarm.
"Uh, do I know you?" Amazonite asked Lapis. "There are just so many Lapis Lazulis; I find it hard to keep track of them. Now can someone please explain to me what's going on here?!"
"I believe I can be of assistance here." Black Rutile proclaimed as she arrived with a broken purple Gem in a bubble. "I just found this Gem. You can handle the rest while I bring her up to speed."
"Oh, is that Tanzanite in there?!" Pearl exclaimed as she took the bubble from Black Rutile and admired it. "It's been centuries since we last saw her! Her sacrifice still weighs heavily on me!"
"And you're only talking about her now." Black Rutile murmured disdainfully. "Okay then." She then took Amazonite by the hand and took her away from the Crystal Gems and the Diamonds to get her caught up on the new status quo of Gem society. "First of all, Amazonite, hello, my name's Black Rutile. Pleased to meet you."
"Ah yes, Black Rutile. I think I've heard of you a few times before." Amazonite replied. "Which reminds me, I remember you having a green visor and white cape. Why the change in attire?"
Black Rutile then sighed heavily before she continued. "These represent the chains placed on me by our corrupt society, after I was wrongfully accused of treason when I tried to fix what Pink Diamond broke beyond repair."
"Wait, Pink Diamond?" Amazonite asked. "Wasn't she shattered by Rose Quartz?"
"Well, not entirely." Black Rutile stated awkwardly.
"Come on." Amazonite ordered with her hands on her hips.
"Okay, the Rebellion was started for a few stupid reasons." Black Rutile continued candidly.
"Just tell me one." Amazonite responded, a single eyebrow raised.
"You see, Rose Quartz was actually Pink Diamond." Black Rutile murmured again.
"She was what?" Amazonite gasped, desperate to know more.
"Rose Quartz was Pink Diamond." Black Rutile reiterated a lot clearer for Amazonite to hear.
"Did you say Rose and Pink Diamond were the same this whole time?!" Amazonite yelled in horror and anger.
"Yes, exactly, excellent listening." Black Rutile nodded.
"Our grand opponent was that forsaken child?!" Amazonite added loudly.
"Yes, and wouldn't you know it? She died and gave birth to the same stain on the universe that forgave the Diamonds for all the horrible things they've done to the galaxy!" Black Rutile proclaimed. "Luckily, a few Gems, including myself, are smart enough to see through Steven Universe's lies and form a resistance against his tyranny. However, we have encountered many serious setbacks and are currently recouping our losses after an attempted alliance with an evil alternate-universe version of him."
"So, allow me to recap here." Amazonite theatrically said. "You, Black Rutile, are fighting back against the current status quo because this Steven person brainwashed the Diamonds into becoming his slaves by forgiving them for their actions, thus allowing them to radically alter our society?"
"That is exactly right." Black Rutile replied. "As I already said, a group of like-minded Gems and I are forming a revolution against Steven and the Crystal Gems, and we've acquired some success in increasing our forces through this Cluster project." She then stuck her hand out to Amazonite. "Would you be willing to join me in my crusade, Amazonite?"
"Are you kidding me?! Yes!" Amazonite eagerly agreed and shook Black Rutile's hand. "No one man should have all that power, the way I see it. Count me in!"
"Excellent! I'll have to introduce you to my subordinates later." Black Rutile smiled. "But right now, I must continue the recruitment process. I've already tricked the Crystal Gems into accepting my help in taking apart the Cluster and have plans for some of them."
Speaking of the Crystal Gems, they were restoring their fallen comrade Tanzanite to normalcy. Once Yellow Diamond gave the broken purple Gem a tap, it was made whole again, and suddenly, a purple-skinned Gem with lavender hair, a purple punk attire, her gem being on her bare stomach, and a purple Crystal Gem star on her crop top.
"P-Pearl, Garnet, Bismuth?" Tanzanite muttered as she slowly opened her eyes to see her old friends alive and well. "I can't believe it; you're all here! We won!"
"Should you tell her, or should I?" Bismuth asked Pearl rather nervously.
"Tell me about what?" Tanzanite asked curiously.
"I think she should tell us who she is!" Amethyst asked. "Like, I never heard of her once, and suddenly Pearl treats her like she's so important!"
"You feeling a little jealous, perhaps?" Peridot snickered at Amethyst's expense, making the smaller purple Gem blush.
"Oh, sorry, guess I should probably explain myself." Tanzanite said as she reminisced on her early days as a member of the Crystal Gems.
Before the Rebellion, Tanzanite was a low-ranking but earnest and peppy assassin who carried out her missions with cold precision and grace. However, despite how well she did at her job, Tanzanite felt like she didn't belong on Homeworld under the Diamonds' grasp. Sometimes, she would often secretly go out to planets soon to be colonized and tour the wildlife there.
Eventually, word got out that a rebellion was being formed by an insurgent Rose Quartz rumored to have shattered Pink Diamond, and Tanzanite joined out of morbid curiosity. However, in doing so, Tanzanite would finally find where she belonged as the rebels known as the Crystal Gems began treating her like family. Pearl especially saw her as a daughter and protégé. Unfortunately, those happy days would soon come to an end.
In one of many decisive battles for the Earth, Tanzanite was eager to stand on the frontlines alongside Pearl and the other leaders of the Crystal Gems to get a taste of what it was like. Unfortunately, that would turn out to be a huge mistake.
"Pearl, back me up here; I'm surrounded!" Tanzanite exclaimed as she fruitlessly tried to fend off a squad of Condor Agates and Onyxes with her epee. "Pearl? Pearl?!"
"Foolish little Tanzanite, your beloved Pearl cannot save you now!" the Onyx confidently stated. "Try and fight us while you still can, but you have no hope here!"
"I know, but it won't hurt for me to try!" Tanzanite bravely said as she charged at one of the Condor Agates and clashed her epee with her longsword.
"Impressive, most impressive." The Condor Agate complimented Tanzanite's tenacity. "I see that Pearl has trained you well."
"Yeah, she really did!" Tanzanite agreed before turning to find Pearl facing off with a Lepidolite not too far away. "Look, Pearl, look!" she yelled for her mentor, unaware of the tall orange figure looming behind her. "I'm fighting this Condor Agate all by myself!"
"Oh, that's amazing, dear, you're growing so much!" Pearl complimented her student before realizing that an Andesine was towering over her, flaming sword ready to strike her down. "Oh no! Tanzanite, behind you!"
"What?" Tanzanite asked as she turned around to discover one of Yellow Diamond's most fearsome sergeants ready to attack. "You can't scare me!" she yelled, pointing her epee at Andesine. "I got the power of Pearl by my side!"
"Is that so?" Andesine grinned evilly while raising her sword. "Let's see that power protect you while it still can."
"Tanzy, no!" Pearl screamed as she charged through legions of Crystal Gem and Homeworld armies in a bid to rescue Tanzanite from harm as she dueled Andesine. "Please, Tanzanite, don't do it!"
"I just need to-" Tanzanite began. Before she could say what was on her mind, she felt something pierce through her back and looked down to discover Andesine's sword going right through her chest and jabbing at her gem.
"Now look what you made me do." Andesine coldly declared while pulling her sword back, allowing Tanzanite one last moment to apologize for her recklessness.
"I'm, I'm so sorry," Tanzanite cried as she felt herself literally falling apart from the surprise attack. "for everything."
"TANZANITE!" Pearl screamed in horror as Tanzanite was shattered right before her eyes while Andesine let out a cruel laugh at the former servant's expense. "You won't get away with this!" she yelled at Andesine with tears in her eyes as Andesine collected Tanzanite's remains. "I will avenge her!"
"You will try." Andesine smiled wickedly before ordering the Condor Agates and Onyxes that once overwhelmed the late Tanzanite to seize Pearl.
In the present day, the now resurrected Tanzanite was given a tour of Little Homeworld by Pearl to give her a taste of what she'll expect as a student of Little Homeschool. Despite Tanzanite's excitement at her surroundings, the Crystal Gems were all left wondering how she should be eased into a particular piece of information.
"And here, you'll find the swimming pool we constructed a few months back." Pearl explained, pointing towards the pool. "If you'd like, they're always holding tryouts for new lifeguards, and we're thinking of starting a water volleyball team."
"Wow, this is so cool." Tanzanite gaped in awe of everything around her while Pearl smiled contently at her old pupil being finally back and loving life as always. However, the rest of the Crystal Gems weren't as delighted to see her since; eventually, they would have to tell her the truth.
"How do we tell her?" Amethyst drearily asked her friends.
"Uh, ask her what?" Jasper replied, not knowing what Amethyst was talking about.
"You know, about how Ose-Ray is Ink-Pay Iamond-Day?" White Topaz replied.
"What are you talking about?" Bismuth tilted her head at what White Topaz had just said.
"I think she's speaking in Pig Latin." Peridot realized. "About, uh, you know, She Who Must Not Be Named."
"Who are you talking about?" Tanzanite asked curiously, but Pearl quickly covered her ears.
"Oh, nothing, just talking about a book series!" Pearl laughed, trying her hardest to lie no matter how hard she tried. "Guys, stop talking about her so much. It's not time yet."
"Not time?" Jasper declared angrily. "She deserves to know what happened after she got shattered, especially what we know about Pink Diamond!"
"Wait, Pink Diamond?" Tanzanite asked, barely hearing what Jasper just said through Pearl's hands. "What do you know about Pink Diamond?"
"The fact that she and Rose Quartz were the same this whole time!" Jasper added, stunning Tanzanite and making the Gems very unhappy with her.
"Nice going, Jasper." Garnet growled at Jasper. "Uh, she didn't mean what she said."
"Did you disguise Rose as Pink Diamond to make the other Diamonds your slaves or something?" Tanzanite asked, feeling slightly betrayed at what she was now learning. "Or has everyone been lying to me this whole time?"
"Why yes, we did use Pink to get what we wanted from the Diamonds!" Amethyst declared. "In fact, our friend Steven is her son!"
"I think we need to explain everything here." Garnet declared as she stepped forward and put a gentle but firm hand on Tanzanite's shoulder. "Tanzanite, it's time you learn the truth."
"So let me get this straight." a stout but curvy Apatite said as she conversed with Amazonite later that day. "Not only was Rose Quartz really Pink Diamond in disguise, but she started an entire war that lasted for thousands of years that cost the lives of millions because she was tired of being mistreated?"
"I know, right?" Amazonite agreed. "It's utterly outrageous how we lost our lives and our remains were forced against our will to become part of an all-powerful geoweapon!"
"Frankly, I never cared to begin with." Apatite replied dryly. "I never cared for the Rebellion, and I never cared for whatever was done to the Diamonds to make them suddenly forget all the horrible things they did for our people."
"Well, good to see you're already taking sides in this conflict." Amazonite stated as she ominously turned away from the construction with her hands folded behind her back. "Which reminds me, would you care to come with me to a little meeting later? I've met a Black Rutile who will have all the answers to our problems."
"Eh, I got nothing better to do today." Apatite agreed to the illusionist's offer with a shrug. "Where are we going to, some kind of club?"
"No, it's not just a club." Amazonite proclaimed. "It's an ideal."
Meanwhile, Tanzanite had been reluctantly brought up to speed on everything that had happened ever since she was shattered in the Rebellion. About the Diamonds' accidental corruption of almost every Gem on Earth, Rose giving birth to Steven, the Crystal Gems' many adventures, all the way up to the Diamonds wanting to change their ways, the beginning of Era 3, and the exploits of Black Rutile.
Tanzanite was left increasingly shocked at what she was hearing throughout this entire explanation. The Diamonds willingly surrendering to the Crystal Gems without putting up much of a fight and making a positive change for themselves & others? This cannot be possible! But one part of her old friends' story affected her more than anything else. The fact that Rose Quartz was Pink Diamond, a leader of the enemy, this whole time, and they've been keeping this from her for centuries.
"So that's what she did?" Tanzanite growled angrily at the Crystal Gems, outraged at not knowing Pink was Rose. "She started a war that killed millions just because she was tired of being ignored, and all of you lied to everyone about it, so I was shattered for nothing?"
"Well, technically, Pearl lied to everyone the whole time." Amethyst pointed out, making Pearl scowl at her. "I mean, we all only learned about this when she finally fessed up!"
"And this was how the Diamonds are allowed to roam free with no consequences?!" Tanzanite added, even more furious than before. "Why was just shattering them out of the question?! How could you possibly forgive such cruel and tyrannical monsters for all their crimes?!"
"Hey now, we didn't really forgive them in the way you're thinking!" Bismuth tried to calm the purple assassin down. "It was either get their help in saving the corrupted Gems or leave them to suffer in agony for all eternity! And thanks to Steven, we had no choice but to do the former."
"Whoever this Steven is, he's just like his mother. Never thinking of the consequences." Tanzanite frowned and prepared to storm off. "Black Rutile was allowed to run amok all because she hated him so much, and the worst punishment you could give her was exiling her to Earth! You couldn't begin to imagine what that will do to you!"
"Tanzanite, wait!" Garnet cried out and grabbed Tanzanite's shoulder. "Please, if you'd let us explain!"
"You've already explained enough." Tanzanite snarled as she broke from Garnet's grasp and ran away, crying in disbelief. After a moment of silence, the Crystal Gems knew precisely who to blame for this.
"Jasper!" Lapis scolded Jasper for her outburst that caused Tanzanite's tantrum.
"I accept full responsibility for this incident." Jasper apologized and got down on one knee. "Whatever punishment you shall give me, I will obey anything you request me to do."
"No, Jasper, it's not your fault." Pearl assured the orange warrior. "We should've told her earlier instead of keeping her in suspense for no reason. You were just being a little too honest."
"So, how long before we can apologize to Tanzanite for lying to her?" White Topaz asked the Gems. "As a fellow soldier who believed that her leader lied to her, I can totally understand what she's going through right now."
As Tanzanite ran far away from Little Homeworld and deep into the woods, she continued sobbing and rethinking everything she stood for as a Crystal Gem. She remembered their creed as it raced through her troubled mind. "Fight for life on the planet Earth. Defend all human beings, even the ones you don't understand. Believe in love that is out of anyone's control. And give everything for it!" Yet now, Tanzanite had no idea what she should give everything for now that she's learned of how insidious the Rose Quartz she once looked up to really was.
"What's even the point anymore?" Tanzanite muttered as she sat down at a tree and buried her face in her knees. "My leader's literally no better than the other Diamonds, and my so-called friends encouraged her for centuries. Who am I without a leader? Without a purpose?"
"Oh, I understand exactly what you're going through." Black Rutile's voice sympathized with Tanzanite's plight as she looked up to discover the voice's owner sitting on a nearby branch. "Hello there, little Tanzanite. Name's Black Rutile. I suppose you heard of me before?"
"You're the one who hated the Crystal Gems and Era 3, aren't you?" Tanzanite murmured as she looked up at Black Rutile, who then got down from the branch to lend a comforting ear. "What do you want?"
"I've been watching you since your tantrum at the Crystal Gems." Black Rutile revealed. "In fact, I was the one who suggested they bring you back to life! So basically, you have me to thank for you being here, and you're welcome."
"Why should I trust you?" Tanzanite asked. "You may have helped me, but why are you here?"
"I followed you because like I said, I understand what you're going through." Black Rutile answered as she put on the charm to rope Tanzanite in with her every word. "I, too, had unwavering faith in my great leader, White Diamond in this case. But then she revealed that she allowed me to get this far in life because she found it funny that a Rutile like me thought she could make it as a high-ranking member of her court. I felt so betrayed when White turned her back on her idea of perfection in favor of becoming Steven's slave, and now she views my entire being as one sick joke! Can you imagine how heartbreaking it was for me?!"
"Yeah, I get that." Tanzanite wiped her tears away before the two stood up.
"And that is why together, we can bring our oppressors to justice!" Black Rutile exclaimed, taking Tanzanite's hands in hers. "Come with me; I have an entire army of Gems who feel as betrayed as we are! Perhaps there, you can find a new family."
"I-I guess I can come with you." Tanzanite replied nervously. Black Rutile just smiled with pride as she took the now-former Crystal Gem out of the forest with her. As they say, a sucker is born every minute, and emotionally distressed suckers made easy pickings for an opportunist like Black Rutile.
Later that day, a small congregation of Black Rutile's allies, both old and new, had gathered at the abandoned warehouse outside of Beach City. The Rutile Rebels stood together onstage, joined by Marty, Sally, and James Brenner. Below them were numerous Gems that Black Rutile had manipulated into joining her, like Topaz, Teal Zircon, Emerald, Morganite, Demantoid, and Pyrope. Also present were the supervillains Francis von Bowling and Rasputina, now restored to their human forms after being previously transformed into an owl and a frog, along with Lennie, Milton, Konstantin, Pavel, and Leo.
"She should be here by now." Marty impatiently said to himself while looking at his watch. "I don't want this whole gathering to be for nothing!"
"As much as it would entertain me to see a straight white man like you feel shame, I have to agree." Sally replied.
"I feel like I don't really belong here." Dr. Brenner nervously proclaimed. "But since Black Rutile has been one of my most interesting cases yet, I still feel obligated to come along."
"Quite an eclectic bunch we have here." Amazonite observed the audience below them. "Black Rutile truly has a way with words if she could convince such dear friends of the Crystal Gems to join her."
"Wait, I thought this was like a book club or something." Teal Zircon said innocently. Lennie responded by knocking Teal to the ground, lying on her side with her feet twisted and arms splayed out behind her back.
Just then, Black Rutile had finally arrived with Tanzanite by her side, and she was eager to introduce her new recruit to the fold. "Sorry to keep you waiting, everyone. I was busy finding a new member to join our collective. Allow me to introduce the former Crystal Gem Tanzanite!"
"Whoa, a Crystal Gem?" Eyeball gasped in shock. "You really convinced one of the enemies to join you!"
"But what about Teal Zircon?" Navy asked, pointing to Teal still lying on the floor.
"What about Teal Zircon?" Eyeball sarcastically repeated. "Pleased to meet you, Tanzanite. It's good to see that a Crystal Gem has finally seen the light."
"Yeah, whatever." Tanzanite sullenly replied. "Just get this over with so I can go home."
"It would be my pleasure." Black Rutile responded before she cleared her throat and began to speak. "CAN YOU COUNT, SUCKERS?!" she yelled. "I SAY THE FUTURE IS OURS! IF YOU CAN COUNT!"
"Of course I can count!" Milton exclaimed proudly. "One, two, three-"
"I don't think that's what she meant, Milton." Lennie said to his larger partner.
"Now look what we have here before us." Black Rutile continued her speech. "Our little legion of doom may seem a little small, but nobody else knows that our numbers are far greater than they think. With the help of some dear friends of mine, this gathering is being live-streamed to my followers across all of social media! I consider that a miracle, and miracles is the way things ought to be."
"I don't know why I forgave Aquamarine if she wanted me to come here." Topaz nervously muttered to herself before she picked up the unconscious Teal Zircon and tried to make a break for it, only to be stopped by Doc and Leggy standing guard at the doors.
"If anyone tries to get out and warn the Crystal Gems, there will be consequences. I'm looking at you, Topaz." Black Rutile threatened the Topaz fusion, which caused Emerald, Morganite, and the Garnets to look nervously at each other. "Now, back on subject, I have been trying for almost a year to exact my revenge on the accursed Crystal Gems for attempting to assimilate me to their fascist ways."
She then pulled the torn page of Rasputina's spellbook from her gem. "When I lost Rasputina's grimoire to the Crystal Gems, I was able to steal this page at the last moment. This is everything I need to know about the being known as Flipso. This is an interdimensional imp of great power over chaos and destruction who was sealed away by an interstellar librarian for crimes against all conceivable reality. However, that didn't stop him from manipulating people throughout the ages so that one day, he could finally be free to turn the universe into his playground. Rasputina?"
"It will be my pleasure, master." Rasputina declared before she surrounded her hands in a dark aura surrounding the page as she began an ancient chant. "Ooh-eeh-ooh-ah-ah, ting tang, walla-walla bing bang!" At the last word, a shadowy figure emerged from the page, letting out a maniacal laugh before yawning loudly.
"Oy! Ten trillion years can give you such a crick in the neck!" the newly emerged Flipso yelled as he stretched like he woke up from a very long nap. "Oh man, I haven't slept this good since I convinced that mustached twit to drop out of art school and pursue politics!"
"Incredible!" Konstantin, Pavel, and Leo gasped in awe.
"Well, well, well, let's have a look at the menagerie here!" Flipso said as he got a good once over of all the Rutile Rebels before coming face to face with Black Rutile. "I suppose you must be the schmuck who released me, huh?"
"I am Black Rutile, yes." Black Rutile tersely introduced herself to Flipso. "Would you explain why your physical body doesn't seem to be how I expected it to be?"
"Oh yeah, that." Flipso realized his current status. "Unless you can find a way for me to return to normal, I'm stuck like this for a while. But that won't stop me from doing this!" With a snap of Flipso's fingers, Konstantin, Pavel, and Leo turned into a talking drinking cup, a large fry, and a wad of meat.
"YOU QUESTION THE WORD OF THE MIGHTY JIMMY?!" Konstantin yelled angrily.
"So he can bend reality to his whims, just as she said." Francis von Bowling observed Flipso's powers as the imp continued showing off for the Rutile Rebels, changing Topaz into a pineapple with her face on it, switching everyone's genders, and unleashing beasts with forms inconceivable to any sane eyes.
"Which means we should keep quiet if we want to survive this." Emerald advised the Garnets and Morganite. "Got it?"
"I don't even want to know what he could turn us into." Morganite added drearily.
"I'm scared!" Demantoid and Pyrope yelled as they held onto each other.
"Okay, that's quite enough out of you, Flipso." Black Rutile commanded, stopping the imp's antics so he could listen. "The reason why I unleashed you is that you play a vital role in my grand revenge on the Crystal Gems. Should you obey my commands, I shall find a way to restore you to your true physical form so you can wreak as much havoc as you please. Do we have a deal?"
"Well, with an offer like that, how could I refuse?" Flipso agreed to Black Rutile's deal as the Rutile Rebels cheered. Some were elated that they finally had an advantage, while others were despairing over what they had done.
Meanwhile, the Crystal Gems gathered at the beach house to tell the Diamonds of their situation regarding Tanzanite. Needless to say, the former supreme rulers of Homeworld were not pleased with what they'd been informed of.
"Oh, this is just perfect. Pink screws us over from beyond the grave yet again." Yellow Diamond complained. "I swear, we should start listing how her death has negatively affected us. In fact, Pearl, put that down."
"Yes, Yellow." Yellow Pearl answered. Even though she was free to act of her own free will now, she still felt the need to serve her Diamond when asked.
"So where has Tanzanite gone now?" Blue Pearl quietly asked.
"We don't know yet, but whatever happens, I hope we can still help her." Garnet replied.
"Frankly, I think it should be about time we shut this whole Pink Diamond debacle down and let her rest in peace already." White Diamond suggested. "She made her bed and laid in it, so we should do the same."
"Well, maybe we could if someone didn't treat Pink so badly!" Bismuth declared accusingly.
"What did you just say, you infernal builder?" Yellow growled angrily at Bismuth.
"Whoa, now everyone, time out!" Spinel cried as she tried to calm the two hot-tempered Gems down.
"Though I don't like Bismuth's tone, she raises a good point." Blue Diamond stated. "Our poor treatment of Pink was but one of many things that convinced her to fake her demise and start the rebellion in the first place."
"That said, it's not like you're any better." Yellow coldly added, much to the Crystal Gems' horror.
"Say that again." Jasper grumbled, ready to attack her former Diamond at any moment.
"Jasper, calm down, dearie." White Topaz urged her partner not to lose her cool. "I'm sure Yellow didn't mean it."
"No, I totally mean what I say!" Yellow exclaimed. "I can count on just one finger how many times lately you've tended to his needs when he needed you the most! Heck, I won't even need a finger!"
"Yellow, please calm down, and let's come to an agreement, okay?" Volleyball suggested, even though she'd rather stay out of this argument altogether.
"Yeah, listen to old One-Eye here and chillax!" Spinel agreed with her Pearl friend.
"Please understand, Steven kept us all in the dark about his trauma because he feared getting us worried!" Pearl begged the Diamonds.
"Well, unfortunately, it could've been avoided if you had come to him first." Yellow proclaimed harshly. "Come along, ladies, we got better things to do."
"I apologize on Yellow's behalf. She's just had enough of this drama." Blue said to the Crystal Gems. "And honestly, I'd have to agree."
"Us too." Garnet agreed somberly as the Diamonds parted ways with the Crystal Gems on rather sour terms. While thankfully, nobody became enemies again, it still made the Crystal Gems wonder about how their actions have negatively affected others. Others like Black Rutile, who was now on the verge of rising to power again with an all-powerful cosmic deity by her side and a new band of Rutile Rebels to aid her in getting revenge on her greatest enemies.
Well, that was certainly bit of a downer. A former Crystal Gem joins the enemy, the team is now on uneasy terms with the Diamonds, and Black Rutile has released a being who could turn the entire world into a bowl of ice cream with a wiggle of his toe. How could the Crystal Gems handle such a threat, or how long will it take before he stabs Black Rutile in the back? Find out more as the series reaches its climax, but in the meantime, next time we're hitting the beach! Episode. Next chapter's a beach episode.
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theweirdspacejellyfish · 5 months ago
Peter x stiles fic recs
Cookies and mates by withinmelove - 5,852 words and oenshot
Perfect for eachother by Sage_Speight_Trickster_In_Training - 6,081 words and oenshot
Can’t, can’t, can’t ( this is what perfection feels like) by Twisted_Mind - 2,629 words and oenshot
Dastardly in design by rightsidethru - 16,190 words and oenshot
Witness by skargasm - 27,681 words and 13 chapters/complete
Better than okay by Twisted_Mind - 4,574 words and oenshot
White knight by Ludovico_is_my_homeboy - 12,173 words and 3 chapters/compelte
Took the words right out of my mouth (must’ve been when you where kissing me) by stellewrites - 6,008 words and oenshot
Wide eyes burn blind by Twisted_Mind - 3,363 words and onehsot
Put on your war paint ( our time is running out) by Ceris_Malfoy - 2,521 words and oenshot
Means to an end by Ashentongue - 7,894 words and oenshot
Summon you to me by Anonymous - 1,617 words and oenshot
He loves it by stereks_fifth_nipple - 1,918 words and oenshot
Between milk and roses by WindyRein - 572 words and oenshot
Irreplaceable by AltasAscending - 343 words and oenshot
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hazelandglasz · 5 years ago
“Some asshole customer is screaming at you for doing your job and I can tell that you really want to yell back but I’m assuming you can’t so excuse me I’ll do it for you.” AU - you should soooo do a sterek one ! If you wanted to of course,, But I bet it would be so freaking awesome!
On AO3
Stiles is a regular at Hale-thy.
For one, if he wants to force his father into eating more than steaks and potatoes, he has to set an example, and the food here manages to be healthy and delicious.
For two …
He loves to indulge in some people-watching, particularly the staff manning the restaurant.
They are all related, or so it seems, from the hostess to the bartender to the cooks to the waiters.
Or, to be completely accurate, there is one waiter in particular who has all of Stiles’ attention.
His nametag simply reads ‘Derek’,  but Stiles has a variety of nicknames for the waiter.
Dark & Broody.
Big Guy.
Woomph Rgjrdtkh, on one particular occasion (Derek ended up wet from head to apron, and he was wearing a white shirt. That was a happy night for Stiles).
Besides Derek, they are all fairly amusing to observe, and Stiles is nothing if not a glutton for free amusement.
(Well, free. The measly dollars he pays for his meals are nothing compared to the enjoyment this restaurant gives him.)
But tonight, Stiles is not amused.
Because, as grumpy as Derek may look, he’s actually a sweet, decent, polite guy who never complains and never claps back when the customers are being less than stellar guests.
Like, Asshole at Table 52.
The moment he entered the restaurant, he started complaining to his date that he didn’t want to “eat like a rabbit in some sort of poorly lit den, Isabelle”, to which poor Isabelle only replied with a sweet smile that if he wanted to eat somewhere else, Harold, you can do so on the next date.
Something in her voice told Stiles that the possibility for said next date was dwindling by the minute.
And now.
Now, Harold has apparently decided to take all his balled up anger issues on Derek.
Who, again, apparently, did nothing wrong except explain to the gentleman that while the cooks were perfectly able to copy the Kardashians Nut salad, it wasn’t on the menu, as it is, but could he recommend the “Tough Nut” salad, which has the same main elements?
“You calling me a tough nut, asshole?”
Oh shit, Harold clenches his fists and Isabelle is face-palming like crazy.
And Derek only smiles, all teeth, which is really counterproductive if you ask Stiles, and bows his head. “No, Sir. The Tough Nut is one of our most popular item.”
“And I should take it to make it easy for you?”
“No, but--”
“Get out of my face. I will decide what we’re eating, we don’t need some loser who can’t do better to tell us what to do.”
Derek clenches his jaw but nods curtly before going back to the bar, his back to the rest of the room. His sister is immediately there, covering his hands with her own.
Good for him. Stiles is glad to see that Derek has such a good support system, but that doesn’t solve anything.
He’s filled with righteous anger, and he really wants to tear good ol’ Harold a new one.
Before he can form a proper plan, his legs decide for him and take him to table 52.
“What do you want?”
Isabelle looks up and gives Stiles a shaky, apologetic smile. Stiles smiles at her before turning all of his attention to the asshole in the seat in front of her.
“What do I want? Oh, nothing. Nothing from you anyway, except your respect and some manners.”
“Nah, nah, nah. You had the stage, you tried to prove you were the bigger man here, but using a poor waiter to unleash some of the day’s tension is really in poor taste don’t you think?”
“How dare--”
Stiles leans forward. “What did I say? Shush. The grown-up is speaking.”
Somewhere in the back of his head, Stiles’ dad is laughing himself to tears at the sentence.
Somewhere in the background, the whole staff has stopped their activities to observe.
“Now, you may not be aware of the following facts, being unfrozen directly from Neanderthal times, but in the modern world, we don’t chew people up for doing their job. We take their advice, and we thank them, either in words or with a tip at the end of the meal. People in the serving system are not punching balls,” he adds, straightening up, “but if you need to resort to physical outburst to get your manners back, I volunteer to kick some sense into you.”
With every word pronounced by Stiles, Harold has packed himself into a smaller ball in his seat, turning redder than a rotten tomato.
“Thought so.”
Isabelle is turning red too, but obviously because she is containing her laughter.
Stiles looks around, and his eyes meet Derek’s.
Who is shocked enough to have his jaw dropped.
(Why doesn’t it make him any less attractive? Why?)
Stiles smiles crookedly and, bolstered up by the adrenaline coursing in his veins, winks at him.
I got you boo.
Which is really saying something about the levels this crush has gotten to.
“You are all mad, in here.”
Stiles gives Harold his best Cheshire cat’s smile. “Oh, no. You found out.”
“Come on, Isabelle.”
“I’d rather not.”
Harold is already standing up, but he freezes when she replies. “What? But--”
“Good evening, Harold.”
From red, Harold is taking a dive into a very unattractive shade of maroon. “Fine, be that way. I wasn’t that interested--”
Stiles puts his fingers on Harold’s lips. “Don’t say something you may regret later. Or should I get some soap from the kitchen to clean that potty mouth?”
“No need.” Stiles is surprised Harold doesn’t try to bite his fingers off. “I’m leaving.”
“Without paying for the date?Tsk tsk tsk.”
Harold opens his mouth and closes it, angrily taking a bill from his wallet before storming out. 
Stiles and Isabelle share a look before they both burst out laughing. “That was generous,” Stiles says, flicking the 100 dollar bill closer to her.
“Nearly not enough, believe me,” she replies with a smile. “Are you by yourself, oh white knight in shining plaid armor?”
“Sorry, Miss, this knight is already spoken for.” 
Derek has managed to sneak up back to the table, his hand warm on Stiles’ shoulder.
Stiles turns his head to look at him, one eyebrow crooked, and Derek winks at him.
That’s fair.
Except it’s totally not fair. Derek’s wink and smile are weapons of mass destruction. Stiles’ are merely nerf guns.
“Right. Right! Spoken for!” Stiles shrugs. “Totally off the market.”
Isabelle pouts before shrugging back. “I should have guessed. My loss! But your meal is still on me, as a thank you.”
“I won’t object to that. Milady,” Stiles adds, giving her a curtsey before returning to his table, Derek hot on his heels. The words are almost literal here, given how close Derek stands.
“That really was chevaleresque of you,” Derek says softly as Stiles sits back.
“I really couldn’t let him go on like that. You were perfect, and he was being a dick.”
Derek chuckles, looking down before killing Stiles with a bat of his eyelashes. “I’ve never been called perfect before.”
“You--you need to change your entourage, then.”
“Maybe I do. Do you know anyone interested in a position?”
I could be interested in a lot of positions, Stiles thinks but he bites on his lower lip to keep the words from tumbling out.
His thoughts must be loud, though, because Derek’s smile widens into a smirk. “How can I repay your kindness, though?”
Derek blinks, looking surprised and … disappointed? “Oh. Okay. Right away.”
“No! No,” Stiles adds, lowering his voice after the initial outburst. “I meant, have coffee. With me. Somewhere. Else.” Stiles closes his eyes and wipes his face with his hand with a sigh. “We could get some coffee sometimes, in a place where--”
“Where we wouldn’t be surrounded by my family who is watching us like zookeepers watch over baby pandas?”
Derek points his thumb behind him, and sure enough, the staff is looking at them with all the subtlety of a chili pudding.
Derek smiles in a softer tone. “I could pick you up at your place on Thursday?”
“You don’t know where my place is.” Stiles pauses. “Do you?”
“No, I don’t. But you know where I work. Seems a bit unfair.”
“You’re a bit unfair,” Stiles mumbles, gesturing at Derek from head to toe.
The tip of Derek’s ears turns bright pink, and it is adorable.
Stiles is doomed, in the best of ways.
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anglerflsh · 3 years ago
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Yet again shapes
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teenwolf-incorrectquotes · 3 years ago
Sheriff Stilinski: What kind of music are you into, Hale?
Derek: Uh, well, I like all kinds of music, Sheriff.
Sheriff Stilinski: Really? "All kinds"? So you like songs of hate, written by the white knights of the KKK?
Stiles: Dad!
Sheriff Stilinski: Stiles, are you even hearing this?
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princeescaluswords · 2 years ago
10 Fic Challenge
I was tagged by @nyxelestia
Rules: Post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to AO3. (Sort by date posted.) If you have less than 10 fics posted, post what you have!
10) Iphigenia in Tauris.
(Teen Wolf/MCU Crossover -- The Argents in a world of superheroes)
Outside the window of the limousine, the Atlantic Ocean churned endlessly.
9) A Pin's Fee
(Teen Wolf -- Scott and death for Scottuary 2023)
Scott hung up, the sound of Theo’s reluctant agreement to go to the hospital still sounding in his ears.
8) Pink Pen
(Teen Wolf -- post-movie study of Scott and Allison's relationship for Scottuary 2023)
Pushing open the door to the third and smallest bedroom in the condo, Allison put the cardboard box she carrying on the bed.
7) Golgotha
(Teen Wolf -- Scott on Easter for Scottuary 2023)
The stars glittered in the night sky like they were shards of broken glass on the dark black fabric of Scott’s suit.
6) The Natural Way
(Teen Wolf -- Another meditation on Scott McCall and death)
The light rain falling from the overcast sky didn’t seem to bother anyone at the soccer game.
5) Invulnerable
(Teen Wolf -- Post Letharia Vulpina story written for Scottuary 2023)
The rain falling on the roof of the animal clinic sounded strange to his ears, like he was listening to the ocean from the other side of a hill.
4) White Knight
(Teen Wolf -- Post Master Plan story written for Scottuary 2023)
After the third time that Scott had flashed his golden eyes at him, Stiles finally figured out that this was the only wolf power that Scott was using against him.
3) Firebomb
(Teen Wolf -- Noshiko and Satomi story set in 1943; written for Teen Wolf Appreciation Week 2022)
When the battle was over and the monster had died in the movies, there was always a moment when the sun came out with the promise of a new day
2) The Age of Innocence
(Teen Wolf -- Scott grapples with the consequence of growing up too quickly; written for Teen Wolf Appreciation Week 2022)
Twilight had laid itself like a heavy blanket over the neighborhood, muffling its sounds and making it seem as if everyone on this warm autumn day had already fallen asleep
1) Mile-High Apple Pie
(Teen Wolf -- Allison and Victoria story written for Teen Wolf Appreciation Week 2022)
As much as it made Victoria Argent wince to admit it, Martha Stewart was right.
This was illuminating; I have a pattern!
The ten people I'm tagging are @brydeswhale @spikeface @momentofmemory @liliaeth @adrianfridge @mongoose-king @lilbifuriouss Most of the people I read I'm not sure have tumblr accounts.
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fan-girlktries · 2 years ago
“You’re One Of Them.”
 “ No. Better. Derek Hale, better.”
Pt.1 (first fanfic)sorry
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 One mission: DON’T. FLIP. Which is Something quite hard to do when they bring your human sister in their supernatural problems, Scott and his pack each day test a nerve I didn't think possible. When I Inevitably turn into an evil spirit from hell they're going to ask “why?” my response “ Because you are making my life as difficult as supernaturally feasible.”
I guess I can't talk since she’s the one being drag I'm being held captive- literally pointed at gun point by a -kid name mat. That’s all I know, listen I had very little time doing my stalking and research. A little weak for a supernatural assassin .....a knight somewhat.
I lay paralyze beside Derek hale while my arm snakes around his neck  losing my grip the antique black dagger with gold imprints in the white handle. My face is covered by a black mask and dirty grey hood attach to my crop top, elbow high black fingerless gloves, a black mini slit skirt and grey to black cargo pants. 
“Who’s the new girl?” Mat questions. “We don’t know.” Scott answers, his eyebrows frowns at the same question. “ This is the one controlling him? This guy?” Derek’s tone stern and tired his face force to count the tiles on the celling. “Well Derek not everyone is lucky enough to be a big bad werewolf.” Maneuvering towards me,
he kneels down tilting his head, hovering over my back. Mat snatches off the hood leading to yanking a bed full of long twists in my hair with golden ring clips, my head bending back creating tight stinging tension in my neck. This time he slowly uncover my purple-bluish Rhine stones skull shaped mask which I need: when I talk my voice is 
disoriented on purpose causing my voice to be deeper than it is. “Don’t touch me.” He carries it to his face gently, 
squinting at the shinnying light that blinds him. “Are theses actual stones?” He swings his arm just to halt and softly place on the cushions of the chair. Stiles struggles despite Derek being In the way while Derek fails to look to the right of him, I lay my head to the right unable to get view of mat.  “Well, look at that it’s one of the hunter’s daughter. Argents’ always sticking their noses in places they don’t belong in.” My eyes rolls to the point I’m feeling it strongly as it happens in annoyance.
“Give me back my mask. It’s priceless.” He retaliates releasing all his power into his left leg deeply knocking the wind out of my lungs. “AGHHHHGH!” A sound of graveling 
rocks and tires meeting cement with each roll comes closer with a comforting cease. He leaves us to greet Scotts mom up front. “You never said you were a hunter?” His voice falters but not as if he’s going to cry, as if he’s accusing. I 
sigh beginning to shift my head in his direction causing Derek to meet my brown filled eyes, his heart beat I hear speeds as what I'm guessing he’s taken back for a moment, I don’t know why? He couldn’t possibly know “me”. 
“Focus on our situation stiles.” Derek slightly moves to my best friend, “Who’s she?” Irritation seeps through his voice. “Stiles please answer this question, are you hurt?” Silence fills the air beside hearing hesitation I'm out of patience and in need to hear stiles. “ I-.” “ STILES are you hurt?” I begin 
raising my voice. “ NO-no, m- my throat stings a bit.” Rasps exposes the dry throat announcing the abuse is quite real as I feel a deadly sensation rising and burning in me, I close my eyes starting to hold my breath as dangerous as I can. I’m intentionally suffocating myself for this purpose.
 I stare at my unconscious body then over at the wolf and my best friend. No heart beat or blood tracing in my veins, even sense of emotion. I still feel a heavy presence an ominous auto that darkens the scenery physically. as I can tell when the star bright lights flickers just when I passed 
through to the other side. A shadow of darkness over came my unsettling appearance as I see in my reflection, I move my head back and forth before viewing my appearance again. I look back at my normal self. Nothing out of the 
ordinary which is ....startling. Deafening shot rings out bringing me into my main priority in the first place. Hurriedly I scatter to the slick glossy floor flipping the dagger in my grasp, I Pierce through my shoulders watching as the red 
metallic stench oozing from my wound. The strong prickling pain lets out a scream returning me to my conscious state. Derek eyes advance to the said 
dagger causing him to flinch a bit. “ Hey, Hey. Ferris I heard a scream coming from your direction talk to me”. Stiles panics knowing that’s it’s useless to turn his 
head. “I-It’s ok sti...- it’s- I'm j- just relieving the toxin from my blood.” Since my chest is tighten hours of laying on my stomach and with metal in my skin cause my voice to sound haggard and sore, “ I think Derek is doing the same also.” A couple of 
minutes later I force my arms behind my shoulders quickly taking out the knife. I release a satisfying exhale of air. Lights now a void of darkness while glass shatters with the bullets putting holes in what’s ever in its path. “ Derek can you 
you move?” Bouncing up on my feet shifting my weight to my right so McCall doesn't shove me while rushing to help his best friend. “ Scott, Go. Don’t let 
stiles get shot.” He rolls his eyes as he goes to take cover with stiles. “ Those are hunters.” I spoke. “Really I'm sorry I couldn't hear over the gunshots firing at us... can you stop them? “ I’m adopted Hale, I don’t 
tell them everything. Especially what I am. Who I am.” His eyes glow a hypnotizing red color wiping out his claws then bending over to grab my mask. 
“ Ευχαριστώ.” Derek double takes with a frown. “What?” “I’m going to find the teen and then I'm going to show him around hell.” I pick up my dagger and 
exchange it for my colt revolver No.3, in white. I pull up my hood dragging the mask on my face. Covering hale’s back,“Lis-” A fist speeds towards my face to 
which I reacted fast enough to catch it not even a fraction of a second since I moved inches of Derek. I move the hand down a bit to see who thre- “Derek.” I scowl down on him menacingly into his soul, whereas my eyes from brown to whitish purple he’s feeling the smallest intimidation I hope he would. 
He takes his hand back pushing past me, I ran to the back in search for my best friend, I loaded my gun steadily observing everyones moves before making my 
own, I have to keep my pacing fast but calculated even now I'm dealing with a depressed teenager and a paralytic freak. I see Scott walking from what assume stiles safe place is. “ Where did you put him?” In a unpleasing tone. “ I 
don’t even know you, I don’t even know how you know stiles or how you somehow end up being Allison's sister but I do know this. I don’t trust you... however .....I'm willing to work with you though.” I nod my head starting to run with him in haste. When we rounded the corner, “ Allison.” Seems to me hunters came to 
play and his ex surprisingly showed up for the event. “Where’s Derek?” “What are you doing?” “ If you’re not going to tell me then get out of my way.” I want to say something but the second I add fuel to the very passionate flame she’s going to know too much, I'm not willing to make that an option.
She’s my teen younger sister, she’s angry, confuse, arrogant. She just lost her mother and she’s going to get someone killed better yet herself. I know what truly happened the second she wailed to me, confronted Derek hale.
He threatens me I threaten him. He slips cause of Scott interfering, but I'm not going to be the one to tell her, she’s going to be a knowledgeable hunter about it and seek the answers when she's ready.
I make a couple of steps before hand hidden in the back after Scott, I switch back to find Allison rolling my eyes in annoyance. I end up in the garage following her leisurely calm heartbeat, all beside that the atmosphere is freezing, nothing pining at the ear, the only  faint sound is the control breathes I take and the monster that is hunting my sister.
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justanotherkpopstanlol · 3 years ago
Requests are open!
Hello hello friends! I'm Mars, I'm 18 years old and from Canada (not sure if that's relevant lol). I'm new to writing on Tumblr and have officially opened my requests so don't be shy! Here are the characters I write for and things I will and won't write, please note that the characters are not restricted to those included but are just the ones I could think of off the top of my head. The reader will be gender neutral unless otherwise specified :) You can send in requests in the form of an ask, a comment on this page or a message! Here's the taglist form so feel free to fill it out!!
Characters/People I write for:
Teen Wolf:
Stiles Stilinski
Void Stiles
Scott McCall
Lydia Martin
Isaac Lahey
Malia Tate
Allison Argent
Tony Stark (Iron Man)
Steve Rogers (Captain America)
Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier/White wolf)
Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Jake Lockley Khonsu (Moon Knight)
Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow)
Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
Bruce Banner (The Hulk)
Yelena Belova
Mobius M. Mobius
Peter Quill (Star Lord)
Peter Parker (Spider Man) (Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield or Tobey Maguire)
Eddie Brock (Venom)
Layla El-Faouly
Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch)
Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
T'Challa (Black Panther)
Sam Wilson (The Falcon/Captain America)
James Rhodes (War Machine)
Peggy Carter (Captain Carter or just Peggy)
Maria Hill
Michelle Jones
Scot Lang (Ant-Man)
Hope Van Dyne (Wasp)
Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel)
Xu Shang-Chi
Xu Xialing
Kate Bishop
Johnny Storm (Human Torch) (Chris Evans)
Reed Richards (Mister Fantastic) (Ioan Gruffudd)
Miles Morales (Spider-man) (Into the Spiderverse)
Gwen Stacy (Spider-Woman)
Jerome Valeska (Gotham)
Jeremiah Valeska (Gotham) (Pre-Spray and Post-Spray)
Bruce Wayne (Gotham, DCAU)
Damian Wayne (DCAU) (Pre-robin, Post-Robin, Robin)
Dick Grayson (DCAU, Young Justice, Titans)
Tim Drake (Titans, Young Justice)
Jason Todd (Titans, Under the Red Hood) (Robin, Red Hood and Arkham Knight)
Selina Kyle (DCAU, Gotham)
Poison Ivy (Gotham)
Harley Quinn (Suicide Squad, Birds of Prey)
Joker (DCAU)
Ecco (Gotham)
Roy Harper (DCAU, Young Justice) (Arsenal, Red Arrow)
Connor Kent (DCAU, Young Justice, Titans)
Artemis Crock (Young Justice) (Artemis, Tigress)
Wally West (Young Justice)
M'gann M'orrz (Young Justice)
Jaime Reyes (DCAU, Young Justice)
Rachel Roth/Raven (DCAU, Titans)
Koriand'r (Titans, DCAU)
Komand'r (Titans)
Garfield Logan (Young Justice, Titans, DCAU)
Kaldur'ahm (Young Justice)
NCT (OT23)
Blackpink (OT4)
Itzy (OT5)
Stray Kids (OT8)
Ateez (OT8)
Lee Dongmin (Cha Eunwoo)
Kim Seokwoo (Rowoon)
Yoon Taeyang
Ok Taecyeon
Lee Dongwook
Wi Hajun
Kim Youngdae
Lee Taeri
Kwak Donggyeon
Song Joongki
Song Kang
K-Drama characters:
Jang Hanseok (Vincenzo)
Vincenzo Cassano (Vincenzo)
Jang Hanseo (Vincenzo)
Hong Chaeyoung (Vincenzo)
Joo Seokhoon (Penthouse)
Joo Seokkyung (Penthouse)
Logan Lee (Penthouse)
Bae Rona (Penthouse)
Shim Suryeon (Penthouse)
Lee Minhyeok (Penthouse)
Lee Yeon (Tale of the Nine-Tailed
Lee Rang (Tale of the Nine-Tailed)
Yi Aheum (Tale of the Nine-Tailed)
Ki Yuri (Tale of the Nine-Tailed)
K (Bad and Crazy)
Ryu Suyeol (Bad and Crazy)
Lee Huigyeom (Bad and Crazy)
Andrei (Bad and Crazy)
Seo Munjo (Strangers from Hell)
Cha Hyunsoo (Sweet Home)
Lee Eunhyeok (Sweet Home)
Pyeon Sangwook (Sweet Home)
Lee Eunyoo (Sweet Home)
Seo Yikyung (Sweet Home)
Go Wooyoung (18 Again)
Goo Jasung (18 Again)
Seo Jiho (18 Again)
Han Seojun (True Beauty)
Lee Suho (True Beauty)
Lim Jukyeong (True Beauty)
Rick Riordan universe:
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Grover Underwood
Jason Grace
Thalia Grace
Piper McLean
Leo Valdez
Magnus Chase
Mortal Kombat:
Liu Kang
Kung Lao
Kung Jin
Hanzo Hasashi
Kuai Liang
JK Rowling universe:
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Newt Scamander
Credence Barebone/Aurelius Dumbledore
Mel Medarda
Five Nights at Freddy's:
Freddy Fazbear
Monty Gator
William Afton
Michael Afton
Boku No Hero Academia:
Bakugo Katsuki
Midoriya Izuku (Deku)
Uraraka Ochaco
Todoroki Shoto
Takami Keigo
Shota Aizawa
Kirishima Eijiro
Toga Himiko
Shigaraki Tomura
Shinso Hitoshi
Amajiki Tamaki
Todoroki Touya
Hatsume Mei
Jujutsu Kaisen:
Yuuji Itadori
Fushiguro Megumi
Fushiguro Toji
Gojo Satoru
Kugisaki Nobara
Ryomen Sukuna
Nanami Kento
Zenin Maki
Zenin Mai
Suguru Geto
Attack on Titan:
Eren Yeager
Mikasa Ackerman
Levi Ackerman
Erwin Smitch
Armin Arlert
Hanji Zoe
Annie Leonhart
Diabolik Lovers:
Sakamaki Brothers
Mukami Brothers
Tsukinami Brothers
Fairy Tail:
Natsu Dragneel
Zeref Dragneel
Gray Fullbuster
Lucy Heartfilia
Erza Scarlet
Jellal Fernandez
Laxus Dreyar
Juvia Lockser
Gajeel Redfox
Mirajane Strauss
Lisanna Strauss
Elfman Strauss
Cana Alberona
Levi McGarden
Hunter X Hunter:
Hisoka Morrow
Chrollo Lucilfer
Illumi Zoldyck
Killua Zoldyck
Gon Freecss
Misc Anime:
Sebastian Michaelis (Black Butler)
Kaneki Ken (Tokyo Ghoul)
Things I WILL write:
Suggestive content
Things I WILL NOT write:
Angst (slight angst is fine)
Scat play
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teenwolf-meta · 3 years ago
Hello! Quite a long ago I had a meta about Stiles and nogitsune. I remember distinctly it discussed the chess game episode and stiles being the queen on the chessboard. I really would like to find that meta and read it again. Maybe you could help? Thank you!
Hi! Unfortunately we’re not familiar with the specific meta you’re referring to—there is this one, though it doesn’t reference the queen except as a playable piece—but mod @momentofmemory is a chess player and had thoughts on the scene, if it’s helpful.
Fig. 1: mockups of the chessboards in 3x09 and 3x21.
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As a heads-up I’ll be using standard chess notation semi-frequently, wherein the format is [X][y#], with X representing the first letter of the piece that is moved, and y and # representing the column and row it moves to. I will also include the color of the piece, which is nonstandard but easier in this case to follow. Ex: The white queen on the 3x21 board moving one square towards the black side would be written as “white Qe3”. The Knight uses the notation N, and pawns are given no notation—for example, the black pawn in front of the black knight moving forward is simply written “black d5.”
The Pieces
With the exception of Derek, who’s switched from a knight to the king from 3x09 to 3x21, all the pieces are labeled the same in both setups. Despite the change in cast, Isaac, Aiden, and Ethan are the only pieces the nogitsune bothered adding tags for (and as an aside, the mental image of a thousand year old creature of chaos pausing to label sticky notes is infinitely amusing to me). We’re told in-show what Derek’s change in label means: the nogitsune is after Derek specifically, and is luring him into a trap at the loft. Because none of the other labels are moved around, we can infer what they meant to Stiles (from when he wrote them in 3a), rather than the nogitsune, at the time of the 3a setup.
Given how most of the pieces are clustered around the center of the board for 3x09, it’s reasonable to believe Stiles was mostly grabbing the heavy lifters and shuffling them to the middle to indicate “hey these were the important guys.” The fact that both the two opposing families—Argents and Hales—are given the roles of Knights seems like an easy shorthand to indicate 1)they’re of the same family/code and 2)knights are considered the most unpredictable pieces, which makes sense for how Stiles might read all of them at this point. Kate, however, is a pawn, squished in between Chris and Allison. Considering all of the more immediately pressing problems, I can maybe see Stiles carefully placing Derek, Peter, Allison, and Argent, and then going “aw, crap, I forgot Kate—uhhhhhhh here, look, she’s dead so idk she’s a pawn. Family by proxy. Work with me.”
As for why Deaton and Jackson are both rooks, I presume it’s because Stiles wanted to indicate that while they’re both ultimately powerful pieces, neither were as involved, from his perspective, until s2—and rooks, because of the way they’re hemmed in by other pieces, often take longer to get involved in the main game play.
Finally, Scott, Isaac, Ethan, and Aiden are all pawns—betas at the time the pieces were labeled, but quietly powerful all on their own, as pawns are the only pieces that can, if they make it all the way to the end, become much more powerful pieces (i.e. alphas).
The Placement
The layout has more plot-related ramifications in 3b, which is ironic seeing as it’s… well, either completely impossible, or just extremely unlikely, in its setup.
First, the placement of the King & Queen, particularly for black, is incorrect. Queens are supposed to start the game on the square that matches their colour, meaning the black queen should be on d8, and black king should be on e8; similarly the white queen 1d and white king 1e. It’s possible to switch them around during game play, but this specific combination is…. highly unlikely to occur. Either way, this setup will be a problem later, as it ruins the alleged checkmate.
The pawns are… a mess. As stated before, Scott & Kate pawns being the only ones moved to the center of the board suggest Stiles was just grabbing pieces and placing them collectively, but it gets more complicated in the nogitsune’s version:
The pawn on h6 is impossible, because pawns move up one (or up two on first move), or kill on diagonal. It could at best be on g6.
Somehow the pawns on b7 and a7 got eaten. Possible but like. How. Extremely unlikely considering almost none of the white pawns have moved.
None of this really matters, since none of these pieces are even labeled. I just find it funny that almost all of the messy pawn layout happened for the 3b version, which means the nogitsune was like, you know what kind of chaos would be fun? Rule-breaking pawns. That’ll teach ‘em.
In terms of the labeled pawns, however, the placement does matter. Scott’s pawn is impossible for the same reason as the pawn mentioned in #1: it could’ve moved to e5 if it killed a piece, but only the white pawn on h2 has been taken (and it’s not possible for that pawn to have been in the right location for Scott to take it out), but this at least fits with Scott’s tendency to break rules (especially supernatural ones). Isaac being placed off the board also makes sense, as the nogitsune had recently incapacitated him, and the clustering of Ethan and Aiden around Derek matches how the finale will pan out.
The Play
In 3x21, the Sheriff tells Derek his king is well-defended—surrounded, like a game of Go—but one move away from checkmate.
Unfortunately for the nogitsune, and fortunately for Derek, he’s… not.
As it stands, it’s literally impossible to even check Derek’s king, let alone mate it, because of the inaccurately placed King & Queen. The Queen is in immediate danger from the bishop on h5, and potential danger from both white knights, but not the King. For purposes of this thought experiment, however, let’s say the props department meant to correctly place the king on e8, which would place it in check from the bishop on h5. Because it’s in check, it therefore must be black’s turn (as you cannot legally move, except to protect the king, when in check). Black’s goal, therefore, is to stop the check from Bh5.
One of the reasons it’s easy to assume Derek is one move away from checkmate is because of an over reliance on heavy hitters. If you use Peter on f6 to take out the bishop, on the next turn white’s queen will swoop in to eat Peter, and Derek is right back in check—game over.
Except it’s not, because of pawns.
If Peter’s knight is taken out by the white queen, black still has multiple options for getting out of check. One such tree includes:
1. black Nh5 (take) 2. white Qh5 (check) 3. black g6 (block) 4. white Qg6 (take) 5. Black g6 (take) 6. white Ng7 (check) 7. black g7 (take) 8. white Qg6 (check) 9. black g6 (take) 10. white Ng7 (check) 11. black Bg7 (take) 12. white Nd6 (check) 13. black d6 (take)
Fig. 2: example of the above game play.
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This would be a terrible way to play, as white would lose almost all of its major pieces for nothing, and there are much better strategies for white than what’s laid out here—but it does demonstrate the futility of pursuing a fast checkmate from this position.
White can still win by the end of the game, depending on how it’s played—but not any time soon, and definitely not in one move.
And it’s almost entirely because of the work of the pawns.
The Purpose
So what can we learn from this?
Well. Technically, just that the production forgot pawns existed and only focused on the major pieces to create their chess strategy—but in universe, I think that jives really well with the themes presented in Teen Wolf, and the way 3b specifically wraps up. Aiden will sacrifice himself to defeat the nogitsune—while fighting with Derek!—and other “unimportant” pieces, from Scott to Isaac, to unlabeled ones, like Lydia or Kira or even Stiles, will be key in defeating it. It’s not any one heavy hitter that wins the game, but the entire pack working together, sacrificing and setting up the people that go after them.
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