#whitchythey writes
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Hi pooks
I'm not really vibing w vore anymore.
I relied heavily on it for comfort, but recently after a particularly bad incident, I got help. I have a more stable network of people who understand me. I think a big part was also that I was insanely touch starved (big suprise), but I found a friend who is also touch starved! Yippee! So recently I haven't really needed vore for comfort. Plus I forgot tumblr existed for awhile, and I just logged in again. When I did, the vore art on my dash wasn't... offputting, more like neutral. I just dont like it anymore. So I'm most likely not going to write on here anymore. 👍🏾
Best of luck to the fandom, be kind, and support the artist, bc shading stomachs is really hard.
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#help me please#soft vore#safe vore#g/t vore#vore talk#whitchythey writes#whitchygay is dumb#whitchy's announcements
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Hey I'm still alive
I just have no ideas at all rn, so please use the askbox
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Late night vore ADHD post, prey but into it. Prey who begs the pred to be swallowed. Prey who are too shy to ask to be eaten, so they keep "accidentally" falling into the press food. Prey who loves the preds stomach, and will talk to it. Just, prey who love being eaten.
#safe vore#soft vore#willing prey#v0re#sfw vore#vore talk#non fatal vore#size difference vore#whitchythey writes
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"No, Please! I didn't take it! Please!" Sara yelled at her former crew mates as they tied her arms together behind her back.
"Shut up Hex!" Yuma smacked her across her face and Sara yelled in pain.
"I take you in, treat you well, despite you being a Hex and you, what? Steal from us? Sell us out to the royal guards?" Sara sobbed as her former captain looked down at her, her eyes black with anger.
"Please, please Yuma, I would never betray the crew. This ship is my ho-" The captain cut her off with a swift kick, launching Sara across the ship deck.
"Don't speak my name, cursed traitor." Sara looked up and reached toward some of the other crew members, the people she had lived with for years.
"Please, let me go.. Ami? Hera? Please?" They recoiled away from her broken form with looks of disgust, and fear. The captain reached down and grabbed Sara's ponytail and dragged her to the front of the ship.
"We only have one use for a traitor." The realization slammed into Sara like a boulder.
"NO NO NO, PLEASE ANYTHING BUT THIS PLEASE!" Her pleas fell on deaf ears as the rest of the crew retreated as far as they could away from her. The captain herself strode up the stairs to the top deck. She pulled a thick rope three times, two fast and the last ringing out across the abandoned bay.
Everything was silent for a few moments, until waves began cascading against the side of the boat, almost knocking Sara off the bow. She stared up, as a huge creature rose from the water. She was about 90 feet tall, and was unearthly beautiful. She had sleek grey skin and a white underbelly, with long black hair. Her black eyes fell onto the ship, and then on Sara.
"Oh Great Lady of the Sea!" The captain declared. "We give you this sacrifice, so that you will spare our ship in coming storms! Please accept it!" Sara's head whipped back up to the Lady's. She looked down on Sara with a neutral gaze. A huge hand rose from the water and plucked Sara from the bow with two fingers. Wind rushed in Sara's face as the Lady lifted her toward her face, and sniffed her and cupped her in one palm. The creature then slightly opened her mouth and allowed a long, dark pink tongue to snake out and lick from Sara's thighs to her face. Sara snapped back to reality and began to scream, but was drowned out by the cheering of the crew.
"The Lady has accepted our sacrifice!" The Lady looked at Sara once more, meeting her eyes before opening her mouth wide and dumping Sara inside. She was tossed around as the Lady tasted her, narrowly avoiding her sharp teeth. Sara thrashed as best she could, but she could do nothing with her arms and legs tied up. She felt herself sliding toward the throat as the Lady tilted her head back. Sara screamed as she fell down the powerful tube, and was swallowed once. She fell again, now into a slimy room. The stomach. Sara sank down. She saw an old harpoon lay abandoned across from her. She inches towards it, used it to cut herself free and grabbed the handle.
She wouldn't die here.
She tried to thrust it into the stomach wall, but it bounced right back out. Her attempt received a rumble all around her as the Lady groaned. Sara was lining up to try again but was knocked off balance by a prod to the stomach. Sara heard the Lady saying something in a different language, none of which she could understand. Sadness turned to anger as Sara stood up again. This, this creature had already eaten her, now it was taunting her?! She yelled again, pummeling the stomach wall.
"I can't understand you! Stupid fish!" The stomach shifted around Sara, knocking her down yet again. Sara heard the Lady trying to say something again.
"Sss-safe. Yoou re ssafe" a echoing voice sounded around Sara. "I'm safe?" She repeated. The stomach churned around her, as if answering. Sara sat for a moment. She had been in here for awhile, and she was still unharmed. She could still breath too. She didn't have anyone anymore. "Fine. I'm safe"
#g/t vore#safe vore#female prey#fearplay#lesbian vore#unwilling prey#mermaid vore#whitchythey writes#f/f vore#female pred#vore oc#soft vore
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Sometimes you just gotta chew on things to focus
"Ceceeee" Rowan said in a sing-song tone.
"I know that tone Row, and in a minute." Celia replied flatly, not looking up from her computer or moving from her spot on Rowan's knee. Rowan scoffed in mock injury.
"How could you possibly know what I was going to say, my dear Cece?"
Celia looked up at Rowan and rolled her eyes.
"Row, I have known you since middle school, and you are incredibly easy to read. You haven't typed a word in ten minutes, and you've been fidgeting nonstop."
Rowan cringed. They thought they had been hiding that so well…
"And I noticed that your ADHD meds ran out."
Rowan cringed again.
"Soooo, how about it?" Rowan tilted their head and grinned down at Celia, who looked unamused.
"I get to take my phone in right? Most of my photos on my blog on in there and all my followers think it's just a set."
Rowan's grin widened.
"So that's a yes?"
Celia tossed her laptop off her lap and onto the bed and slowly backed away from Rowan's grabby hands.
"Ah, ah, ah, I get- woah! I get to bring my phone right?"
"Yeah sure, whatever" Rowan had already grabbed Celia and was hastily tossing her into their mouth. Celia flailed for a moment, before getting herself adjusted. Rowan kept their mouth open and their jaw loose so Celia could move her "photo set" to her comfort. Rowan stood very still as she felt Celia pause for a picture, the shift into another pose before pausing again. Rowan's fingers began to tap idly on their knee, trying to distract themself, fighting the urge to flip Celia over, to taste her-
"Ok Row, I'm done. You can do your… thing"
Rowan pressed Celia to the roof of their mouth with their tongue, swallowing all the collected spit with a swallow. They rolled Celia around in their maw, tasting, savoring every inch of their best friend. They decided to stop messing around with Cece and actually get to work. They looked down at the laptop that had long shut off and got back to their paper. To focus they gently chewed Celia's thigh. Not enough to really hurt or draw blood, it was so Rowan could do some kind of constant action so they could focus and Celia could have some kind of constant sensation to help her relax and soothe her fibromyalgia. The first time it happened, Celia had only agreed to do this because she said it was "mutually beneficial" and because she was tired of Rowan acting like "a fidgety giraffe" (whatever that meant). But after about a month, Celia had warmed up to it. She even asked Rowan to chew her arm! Once. A while ago. Even if she did ask Rowan would be grateful. They felt Celia's body tense up and then relax, practically melting on their tongue as Rowan chewed out a sore spot on Celia's leg. Rowan smiled and returned to their paper, their friend's weight on their tongue letting them focus.
#mouthplay#mawplay#safe vore#soft vore#g/t vore#vore talk#whitchythey writes#vore oc#female prey#technically not vore#but yknow
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Pred teases prey, prey gets spooped, pred immediately goes into damage control mode. ✨Boom✨, there’s ur prompt bud.
I think I went too light on the damage control thing, but thank you for the great prompt!!
Mavis stretched, relaxing with her hands behind her head, flipping her shark- patterned tail lazily as she warmed her dark skin in the sun. Their eyes were closed as they began to nod off in the warm summer sun.
"Mav! Mavis wake up! I'm down here!"
Mavis glanced down to see a human jumping up and down on the beach, waving her skinny arms for Mavis's attention, her long twin braids almost touching the sand.
"Hello Blair." Mavis sunk deeper into the bay, resting her head on her arms on the sand. Blair immediately scrambled up Mavis's arm, plopping herself down on Mavis's elbow. "Have you brought me tribute again?" Blair laughed, then smothered it.
"If you mean food then sorry, but no. My roommate was getting on my ass about all the herring in the fridge" Blair twirled one of her braids in her small thin fingers. "Sorry Mav, I'll try to bring something else next time. Mavis glared at Blair.
"Don't worry about making up for this time, I know someone who can fill in." Mavis growled softly to illustrate her point. Blair patted her on the nose.
"Ah yes, you're so very scary and big. I'm so terrified of you." Mavis would have loved to hear the pleading, but something told her blair was being "sarcastic". That felt even worse. Mavis's name used to strike fear into the hearts of mer-kind. She was the terror of the bays, the Devourer of tuna, pick any title. They all showed how feared she was. Then this little… Blair came to her a few months ago for a science project, A PROJECT! Mavis had lost too much respect during her break. She sat up as well as she could while still keeping her tail in the water. Blair tumbled off her arm and onto the sand. She yelled quickly as Mavis's hands thudded down on either side of her, with Mavis herself leaning into her, pressing her face against Blair's shaking body.
"Hehe, Mav, I get it… you can be really scary sometimes… now back up an- and let me g- UGH-'' Mavis cut her off with a full body lick, pushing Blair into the sand. She lifted Blair up, she was pinched between her pointer finger and thumb. Mavis stretched her jaw, opening her mouth wider and wider until she felt a sucking pop and Blair's eyes went wide. Yes, this is what she wanted, to be treated with fear! And respect! She dropped Blair onto her outstretched tongue. Blair slid right down, and Mavis swallowed quickly, greedy for the weight of prey in her gut. She sighed and laid back down, just like she did before Blair showed up. It was perfect. Just like old times.
Something was wrong. The pleading, the crying, it didn't fill her with pride like before. Mavis shut her eyes again, trying to ignore Blair's cries and the voice of regret in her mind. But once Blair stopped fighting, and barely shifted, Something dropped in Mavis.
"Tribute- Blair. Are you alright?"
"No. And you know that. So just leave me alone and let me die."
"No. Leave me alone."
Mavis huffed "Blair, you are safe. I swallowed you for my storage stomach, not for food. You are not food."
Blair was quiet, so Mavis kept talking.
"I meant to - no, I should have told you it was safe instead of trying to scare you. I-im soory"
"... I'm not bringing you anything next time, understand? And ask first before you do anything like this."
"....... could you swallow my backpack? I have an essay due…"
#safe vore#g/t vore#whitchythey writes#f/f vore#female pred#lesbian vore#soft vore#vore oc#gt vore#mermaid vore#stop traumatizing ur friends#i like writing dumb little characters#vore talk#whitchygay asks
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It's time for Angst Wednesday! So a pred has a prey who they have been friends with for years, but they have been hiding the fact that they are a pred. They haven't eaten anyone bc they know they would never be able to look Prey in the eyes again. So Pred doesn't eat. Eventually it's too much. Pred and Prey were hanging out when Pred doubled over in pain, and when they locked eyes, something human was missing from Pred's gaze. They had begun growing and stalked toward their friend, while Prey is trying to reason with them. Pred grabs them, and swallows them. The whole time, Prey is mentally hitting themselves for being friends with a "monster" and the real Pred was really in the backseat, a horrified onlooker to their own instincts.
#g/t vore#halfsize vore#hard vore#vore talk#unwilling prey#unwilling vore#unwilling pred#g/t fearplay#whitchythey writes#angst Wednesday
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Heroes and Villains
A huge boom shook the city, causing civilians to cry out and fall to the ground. Talia snapped to attention, eyes shooting to her phone as it let out a positive little *ding!* noise.
Talia smiled as she ran to the bathroom to change into her "work clothes". A tight, white bodysuit made from a durable material from her home planet with flowing blue, gray and silver accents. She clipped on her sky blue cape, and she was ready. Talia stepped into the bathroom, but Sky Queen, protector of Earth and hero of planet Galiler, stepped out. She rushed to the roof of the cafe, jumping off and taking flight. There was only one type 4 villain who consistently attacked uptown. All the other type 4s were off trying to conquer North America or control the government from the shadows. Gargantuan was always a nice change of pace, being a problem Talia could just punch. She soared over the city, speeding up when she heard crashing footsteps and maniacal laughter.
Sky Queen was right. Gargantuan was trying to run away with a handful of gold artifacts from the history museum. She had taken every last bit in the place from where Sky queen could see. Gargantuan had even taken the gold crown, and threaded it through her huge nose ring. It hung there, as Gargantuan ran through Main street, black fluffy hair bouncing in a short ponytail, as she trampled streetlights and abandoned cars under foot.
"Gargantuan! Stop this!" Sky Queen flew right in front of Gargantuan's face and she skidded to a halt in front of her.
"Sky Queen, my nemesis! You should know by now that I will never listen to you!" She used her free hand to swat at Sky Queen.
"But you did stop, for your heart is not truly evil!" Sky Queen flew around Gargantuan's body, snatching artifacts from her giant palm, one by one.
"My heart is like the night, Miss Sky, dark and everlasting!"
Sky Queen flew towards the gold once again, but Gargantuan yanked her hand away, using her free hand to slap Sky Queen into a building.
"Even night has moon light!"
Gargantuan grabbed Sky Queen, tightening her fist.
"Well then maybe my heart is like a new moon!"
Sky Queen burst out of the giant villain's fist and shot towards her unguarded hand. She snatched the gold up in her arms, dropping it off on a roof with the rest of it.
"Even the new moon lets stars shine!"
Sky Queen flew down, grabbing the back of Gargantuan's ankle and pushing. Gargantuan yelped, flailing for balance.
"Ack, hey no fair! Wait a sec I almost got somethin-" Sky Queen flew up to Gargantuan's face, grabbing the nose ring that held the crown, and punching Gargantuan. Hard. She fell, shrinking as she went down, until she wasn't, well, gargantuan anymore. Only then did Sky Queen look down and realize she still had the nose ring in her hand, one side holding the crown, the other dripping with blood.
"Shitt she's gonna hate mee" she groaned as she heard the *WHOOP WHOOP* of police officers. She gathered all the stolen gold and took the crown off the nose ring, and returned them to the officers, as they thanked her and promised
"She'll be gone for a long long time, thanks to you Sky Queen!"
"All in a days work!" She told them cheerily as she jetted off, then doubling back because she left the nose ring on the roof.
Talia sighed as she dried her bushy blonde hair with a towel. She had gotten way more bruises than last time. She glanced at the nose ring the size of a hula hoop and groaned.
"Wow Queenie, I didn't think you were the type to keep trophies."
Gargantuan had broken in, and was standing behind Talia's kitchen counter, her nose still covered in crusted blood around a straight cut through her nostril. In her current form, she was a full head shorter than Talia. Talia rushed at her.
"Oh my gods, Bea I'm so sorry!" She wrapped the smaller woman in a tight hug. "I got too into it again…" Bea did her best to pat Talia on the back, even though her arms were pinned to her sides by Talia's super-powered hug.
"Girl, it's fine, I know the feeling. Remember that time I broke your ankle?"
Talia giggled, resting her face in Bea's soft hair. "The costume looked so weird with the wrappings under it." Bea chuckled and managed to free one arm and returned the hug.
"It's easy to go overboard with this stuff when you're fighting someone you don't think you can hurt. The best we can do is stitch each other up afterwards." Bea pushed out of the hug and leapt onto Talia's gray couch, flipping around to face her with a goofy smirk on her face.
"Speaking of stitches, I think it's time you helped me out Queenie" Talia rolled her eyes, still smiling. She walked over to the small bathroom
"I wish I never picked that name, it's so… dorky." She grabbed the first aid kit from the cabinet and sat next to Bea.
"Aww, cut yourself some slack Tals, you picked it," she leaned back, thinking and counting, "like ten years ago. Thirteen year olds are dorky. It's just a fact of life." Bea flopped onto Talia's lap with a flourish.
"Except for me, of course. I was cool."
"Girl, sit up, I gotta stitch you up remember?" Bea obliged, sitting up and facing Talia, her legs still splayed over the couch and Talia's lap. Talia placed one hand on Bea's cheek and readied the needle.
"Squeeze my leg if it hurts too much, ok?"
Bea nodded.
Stitch one. Bea hissed quickly but stayed still.
Stitch two. Talia tilted Bea's face back towards her after she had jerked away from Talia.
"This is the last stitch ok? We can do whatever you want after we take them out, promise."
Bea nodded. "Can we cuddle?"
"Of course. Get ready."
Stitch 3. Bea grunted and tightened her grip on Talia's knee.
"Ok, done with the worst part." Talia reached back into the first aid kit and retrieved a dimly glowing neon green bottle. She soaked a cotton ball with it and rubbed it over Bea's stitches. Her nose began to mend itself, the two pieces of flesh held together by the stitches, melding and repairing until all that was left was the stitches and a brand new scar. After she removed the stitches, Bea's nose looked fine. You wouldn't even know that one side had been ripped apart. Bea sniffed, lightly touching the new scar. She smiled.
"Nice. Do I look scarier? Tougher? More rugged?"
Talia shrugged. "I can't really see it," she gestured to the green liquid. "This stuff is pretty potent."
Bea whined and flopped back down onto the couch.
"But I want to look scaryyyy! How can I do that without badass scars?"
"I think you look plenty scary." She ruffled Bea's hair. "Are you ready?"
Bea perked up. She closed her eyes, and exhaled. As she did, her body shrunk, until she was sitting comfortably in Talia's palm. Bea moved quickly, scuttling up Talia's arm to stand on her shoulder. Talia turned her head to Bea, who was grinning and giggling softly as she pushed at Talia's lips.
"Lemme in lemme in lemme in!"
Talia huffed at her but opened her mouth anyway. Bea fell into her maw, fitting perfectly on Talia's tongue. Bursts of sweetness danced wherever Bea's skin met Talia's taste buds, and she couldn't resist shutting her mouth and licking Bea, pressing her into her cheek. Bea never stopped moving, always squirming and pushing back at Talia's tongue playfully. Soon, Talia felt Bea inching towards the back of her throat and took it as a sign to "finish up". She licked Bea one last time before thickly swallowing her wiggly friend. She flopped back on the couch and sighed. She felt a weight land in her gut and placed a hand over her belly and rubbed. She closed her eyes and smiled as she felt Bea rub back. She began to nod off, comforted by the near constant movement in her belly.
#soft vore#safe vore#g/t vore#whitchythey writes#vore oc#f/f vore#female pred#villain prey#hero pred#platonic vore#vore fluff
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Pred swallows prey to protect them, but prey doesn't know. Pred can hear the prey inside them but can't communicate with them. Prey fully thinks they are going to die. They could be kicking, and screaming, crying that their pred betrayed them. Or they could give up. As soon as they hit the Pred's tounge, they go limp, no struggle. They don't wanna make their death any more painful than it will be. And that breaks the Pred's heart.
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What do you do when your killer experiment keeps flirting with you?
"Day one fifty two of trials, and my latest tester has… still not come back. I will be conducting the trials with subject 23 today. Again." Shea clicked off the black tape recorder her lab gave all their researchers, and tucked it into the pocket of her white lab coat. She sighed and pulled her personal tape recorder from another pocket, a light gray device, with stickers all over it, from her niece.
"I have to test Kit myself again today, I think she's doing it on purpose now. There's no way she's scared off twenty testers now. I might just start doing it full time… take full control over Kit's trials I mean. Since she likes scaring everyone else off." Shea trailed off, then yelped in surprise.
"She's messing with the guards again, I have to go, goodbye future me! This is me signing out!" She grabbed her tablet, tied her honey gold hair into two quick afro puffs and ran out to the entrance of "subject 23" room. The name her boss and colleagues used was "monitored living enclosure" but Shea always found that demeaning.
Subject 23, or Kit, was messing around with the guards again and almost got shot. Again. She had grabbed one of them by the ankle and was dangling them in the air, laughing while the other shook and shakily aimed their gun at the giant woman.
"Whoa whoa whoa! Let's put that away please?" Shea gently pushed down the guard's gun.
"23, please put down the new guy, GENTLY please" Kit grimaced and dropped the man next to his partner. They awkwardly shuffled out the white room as Shea stepped inside.
"Heyyy Doc, couldn't find a replacement in time?" Kit grinned cheekily down at Shea, all her sharp teeth gleaming, contrasting against her night-dark skin, light blue eyes searing into Shea's body and long silver hair pouring down like water.
"Nope, it's almost like they don't want to work with you when you keep giving them heart attacks." Shea quipped back, glad her honey brown skin didn't show when she blushed. Kit groaned and flopped onto her back dramatically, shaking the room around her.
"That was one time Doc! Are you ever gonna let me live that down?" Shea laughed as she walked up and sat next to Kit's face, leaning against her cheek. "Nope, never ever"
Kit groaned even louder than before, getting a loud snorting laugh from Shea.
"Ok, ok. Any changes in mood?"
"Any homicidal urges"
"Double nope"
"Great, any mouth pain?"
"Noooppe, I'm all good. Can we get to the good part?" Kit turned her head and licked Shea's back, before hissing at the plastic taste of her lab coat. Shea rolled her eyes as Kit sat up and sat criss-crossed.
"Not yet, I gotta measure your mouth again this week." Kit gave her a pleading look
"Please? I'm really hungry, and you look tired… cmon Doc!" Shea thought. She was tired…
"No, no Kit, I have to get this down" kit drooped like a sad puppy. " But what if I just do your teeth and I can just copy your tounge data from last week, how about that?"
Kit immediately perked up, scooping Shea up in one hand and leaning back on the other. She leisurely opened her mouth, lowering Shea onto her tongue. She slid a bit farther back, before snapping a picture of Kit's teeth.
"Alright I'm done" Shea giggled as Kit hummed in appreciation all around her. She did need sleep.
Kit slowly shut her mouth, closing Shea away from the world. She was gently pressed, prodded and licked by Kit, before finally being sucked down into her stomach.
"All digestive tract- looks great" Shea yawned in the middle of her sentence. She turned off her recorder, settling in for a nap with her favorite experiment.
#soft vore#safe vore#g/t vore#whitchythey writes#vore oc#f/f vore#lesbian vore#female pred#female prey#sfw vore
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"Are you sure you're going to be ok babe?" concerned black eyes stared down at Marie. She laughed, trying to sound confident and not terrified at all. Ellie was growing bigger, just like she did every month, this was normal! This was fine!
"Aw, yeah I'm fine Ellie! Don't worry, I won't chicken out this time." Ellie's concerned look only grew.
"It's not about you being a "chicken" Marie, it's about you feeling safe." Marie shrugged Ellie's large hands off her shoulders.
"No, I've been in a situation like this before, I'll just do whatever you want me to do! I'll be fine!"
That was the wrong response.
"No! No, I need you to feel safe! Who told you that? Don't- Just- " Ellie glanced down at Marie. She was shaking.
"God, Marie I'm sorry.. I, I didn't mean to- I didn't mean to raise my voice…" Marie nodded solemnly.
"Yeah, I know El." She reached up to cup her ever-growing girlfriends face in her hand. Ellie closed her eyes and held Marie's palm to her hand in a soft kiss.
"Alright, I'm ok, you're ok right? Can i… do the thing? If your ready" Marie smiled nervously again. Ellie was holding back her transformation as best she could, but some things she couldn't stop.
"Yeah, yeah I'm ready". As Ellie stepped back and relaxed, Marie fully grasped how much she was holding back. She shot up, growing two feet taller, four feet taller than she was normally. Her brown hair seemed to spread all over her body, covering her in a thick blanket of fur. Her face went through the worst of it though. Marie covered her ears to cover up the crunching and popping noises coming from around Ellie's jaw. Grunts of effort turned into something else, something more animalistic. She opened her eyes to see a huge wolf beast in place of Ellie. She smiled. Ellie had transformed while they were dating before, tonight was just the night where something truly supernatural would happen. Wolf-Ellie crouched down, tail wagging hard, to lick Marie all over her face.
"Stop, stop it!" She said laughing. "Or else I won't keep my promise!" Wolf-Ellie perked up and sat still, tail still thudding against the floor. Marie took a deep breath. ,"ok. Let's do this. Open wide El" Wolf -Ellie did not have to be asked twice. She opened her mouth wide in front of Marie, giving her a wonderful view of the back of her throat, before stuffing Marie's head into her maw. She tensed, and Ellie paused in swallowing her. Only for a second though, as she sensed nothing wrong, in a mere few minutes, Marie was sliding down Ellie's muscular esophagus, covered head to toe in slick, slimy saliva. It was tight, but not oppressively so. When Ellie had first suggested this, about seven months ago, Marie had pictured the absolute worst case. Sharp teeth against her skin, spit stinging her eyes. She pictured the throat as too tight. She- she thought Ellie might not let her out. But this? Ellie's powerful swallows weren't crushing, but could overpower Marie if Ellie wished. The
Soon Marie was let out the throat into the stomach. It was only a bit more roomy than the esophagus. It wasn't hot, and Marie could breathe. She was fine. Ellie wouldn't hurt her. Not like she did… Ellie was different from her.
#soft vore#safe vore#whitchythey writes#vore oc#lesbian vore#f/f vore#female pred#vore talk#whitchygay is dumb#i wish for sleep
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Lill swam lazily in the warm ocean water, her eyes closed and her arms tucked behind her head. She laid on a coral shelf overlooking a dark canyon, sighing contentedly. She had been sent out here to catch brine crabs for the pod, but she never liked chores, and this spot of sun was so warm and inviting… Her tail flowed lightly with the faint current, her lavender scales contrasting the bright oranges of the coral with blonde hair and white skin. She began to nod off when a strange noise shook her awake. A screech, no, a song? rang out. She rose from her spot of sun to timidly peek over the coral shelf into the canyon. The noise rang out again, definitely coming from the canyon. It sounded sad, lonely maybe? Lill shook her head. No, she was not going down there! It was off limit! She'd already used up her three trouble strikes for the week and La-Sen promised that they would kick Lill out if she made too much trouble. She was pushing her luck just by being this close! She repeated this in her head, until the wailing started again, filling with longing. It couldn't hurt too much to peek right? Even if La-Sen and the rest of the pod didn't like her much because of her… let's say.. daring escapades, she went places they would never think to swim! They needed her to do the scary stuff they didn't want to! It'd be fine if she just took a peek, right? She pushed up and off her coral shelf and let herself sink, her long hair floating in and out of her vision. It got darker, and darker and darker, until Lill could barely see a foot in front of her. The water felt colder here, and the currents were stronger. Maybe she should leave? The wail came again, close. Very close. Lill spun, darkness still surrounding her. Where was the other mer?! She could still see her hands though, so she could still communicate. At least one thing was going well. She may be cold, far from home, and being tossed around by current but she could still sign. A warm current brushed her arm, bubbles following. Lill spun, desperate to see who, or what was near. She got her answer.
A huge mer, maybe her age was looking at her, a hungry look in her eyes. She had a thick antennae on her forehead, ending with a strange bulb giving off greenish light. The mer had long dark green hair, and equally dark brown skin. Lill couldn't even see her tail, though from the scales on the mer's face, she could assume it was emerald green. Her eyes though… They were black. Pitch black, except for her irises, which were a bright green. The mer smirked at her, and Lill realized she was staring.
"Aw, the little minnow is embarrassed? By little old me?" Her deep, smooth voice set Lill's face ablaze, and she stopped treading water, almost being swept away by the currents. The mer chuckled and scooped Lill up in one hand, nestling her in her palm. "So small, and so cute!" She smiled revealing her long pointed teeth. "You were so daring before, and now? Just a little blushy little sardine. I think I want to keep you for awhile~"
Lill raised her hands and signed "Keep me? For what?" The mer laughed again.
"Oh, you really are just adorable,!- there's that blush again! Does the name Angler ring any bells darling ?~" Lill was about to restate her question, when Angler lifted her hand up to her face. She puckered her lips and pushed Lill's head against them. She then opened her mouth, and Lill fell right in. Angler shut her mouth quickly, Lill's front half filling her mouth entirely, while her tail thrashed furiously outside. Lill heard a sucking noise and was pressed into a tight tube. She was pressed down, down, down with each loud gulp, until her head and shoulders were free. She was in a large chamber, the stomach. It was filled with water and the fleshy walls glowed dimly. Lill was rattled around when Angler burped, then giggled.
"Sorry darling, but you were very good! Best little minnow I've had in awhile~" Lill slammed a fist against one of the stomach walls, hoping for a reaction. Instead, the stomach "grabbed" her fist, sucking Lill's arm into an unknown chamber. "Ah, ah, ah. You're going to stay there for as long as I want. You'll be fine, so don't worry. I just needed a little snack to keep me fed for a while. Catching little minnows like you is hard, you understand, right little fishie?"
#soft vore#safe vore#g/t vore#whitchythey writes#lesbian vore#f/f vore#mute character#mute prey#vore oc#female pred#unwilling prey#female prey#mermaid vore#sfw vore
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Imagine having a hot annoying boss that eats you sometimes. Couldn't be me.
A short young woman sat at her desk, clicking away at a keyboard, like most others in the room. Her large mouse-like ears twitched at the small noises, coffee pouring, keys clicking, and people talking quietly. She could hear it all from her desk in the middle of the room, the perfect spot for the sunlight to bounce off her light brown skin and make her shine. And the small cactus on her desk liked the sun.
“Grrace… i neeed you in my office. Now.” Gracie’s thin tail twitched in annoyance at the growl lacing the voice of the announcer. Would it kill Boss to be polite? She sighed, tied her dark brown hair up into a ponytail.
As grace strolled past her coworkers, a few eyes flicked up towards her. The workers who had been working at the office for a while barely spared her a glance, it was the new guys who almost made her laugh, everytime. They stared at her, eyes wide with fear? Or concern? Gracie never paid them too much attention. After all, it's quite unprofessional to burst out laughing on the job.
Grace stepped into the elevator, just as a growling voice spoke in her ear.
“Grace, come here now. I- you- get over here!” Grace rolled her eyes. She had arrived at the top second highest floor in the building. The Boss’s office. She opened the tall black doors.
The Boss was a very big woman. She seemed unapproachable from her huge desk. Not just her impending presence, but physically too. Her bright green eyes stood out against her dark brown skin and long black hair. Grace was only as big as her forearm. While she was wearing heels. Anyone in their right mind would be terrified of her.
“Glad you finally figured out how to call me directly Jas, now you can stop scaring the interns?” The woman glared down at Grace, her long black hair falling in messy waves.
“Never, the look on their faces are too good,” Gracie sighed.
“Fine, but dont fire me when they all run scared. I told you it's a bad idea.” Jas smirked as Grace approached her desk.
“I would never fire you Gracie! You're far too delicious” Jas purred as she moved from her desk to a plush black loveseat. She offered her hand to Grace. “That reminds me why I called you up here” Grace gave her a “wait a minute” gesture. She shook off her heels, and left them with her jacket and glasses on the floor as Jas hissed impatiently. Finally Grace took Jas’s hand, sitting on it like a stool. Jas smiled as she brought Grace’s body to her lips.
Grace watched with a bored look as Jas slowly tasted her legs and hips. Grace’s upper body was sucked into Jas’s mouth as her legs were swallowed by Jas's powerful throat. Jas tilted her head back, and down she slid. Grace was pushed down, then landed in a slightly more spacious space. Jas growled in satisfaction as she rubbed her gut. Grace sighed again. Why’d she have to pick the job with the most annoying boss? She rubbed the wall nearest to her gently, laughing softly at the startled breath Jas sucked in. So annoying.
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"Are you sure you want to do this? I know little about humans, since they are not native to Yunar but I know that humans are prey, and therefore should generally dislike-" Zira brushed away some dark blue hair and pressed her forehead against her girlfriend's in a comforting gesture.
"Stop worry-ranting. I'll be fine Topro. No need to worry about me. I trust you, I want to do this for you." Zira sat in Topro's palms and looked up at her worried face. "Plus I have this protective suit you got me, I'll be great-" Tears were streaming down Topro's light blue cheeks. "Hey, hey what's wrong? We don't have to do it right now if you don't want to. Are you ok?"
Topro sniffed. "I don't wish to hurt you. You are very dear to me. I.. I can't lose you." Zira sighed and stood, wiping away Topro's tears the best she could.
"You are not going to lose me Topro. Not now, not this way, not anyway. You're not scaring me off anytime soon." Topro managed a small smile. "Was I scared of you the first time we met?" Topro smiled again.
"No, you were the only one in that shop to approach me. All else thought my species was frightening… but you asked to share my table. And my number" Topro reached out with one finger to brush through Zira's thick fluffy afro. Zira smiled and held her finger to her cheek and leaned into it.
"That's right. And you weren't scary at all, you shared your food with me. You aren't scary or anything like that. I don't understand how others could think that. You are beautiful. Don't let any other species in this galaxy tell you otherwise. You can't hurt me Topro. We don't have to do it right now, but I'm ready to go when you are." Topro licked Zira's cheek delicately and nodded.
"I am ready."
Topro raised Zira up to her chin and opened her mouth. Zira remembered the first time she saw Topro open her mouth, and she still loved watching it. Topro's mouth went along the length of her jawbone, and could unhinge like a python. Her maw was filled with two rows of teeth framing a strong bright blue tongue. Saliva dripped from the corner of Topro's mouth at the sight of Zira hanging over her maw. Zira smirked. "You really were ready, weren't you?~" she stuck her tongue out teasingly. "Well come on then. Eat up~" Topro's open mouth widened into a smile and Zira's heart leapt into her throat as she got the distinct feeling she should be afraid. Topro lowered Zira into her mouth, using her tongue as a sort of smooth slide to guide her lover into her mouth. Zira yelped as Topro's jaws snapped shut behind her, sealing her inside her. Topro's tongue flexed and pulsed, before licking along the length of her body slowly. Zira waited and she was tossed around inside the mouth. She was licked and sucked on. Topro even bit her, very gently. Zira stayed calm during all of it. Soon the movement around her slowed and Zira slipped down one of two tubes. She was squeezed down as Topro swallowed until… "Ack!" Zira fell into the stomach. She heard Topro's voice around her.
"Are you alright?"
Zira patted the wall of the stomach. "I'm fine Topro! No problems!" She felt Topro exhale and rub her stomach. Zira rubbed back in response and felt everything around her relax. The glowing stomach lining turned a deep blue, as if Topro was.. "Are you blushing?" Zira got no response, and so rubbed again. Topro whined blissfully and Zira smiled. "How could I be afraid of you?"
#soft vore#safe vore#g/t vore#whitchythey writes#lesbian vore#vore oc#f/f vore#female pred#willing pred#willing prey
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*tw ; autistic break down, implications of fighting*
Nadia was really done now. She felt like she should walk away, and never look back. She quickened her pace, leaves crunching underfoot, like small bones snapping. Her breathing sped up too, her head spinning. Her ankle caught on a twisted tree root and she stumbled and fell off the path, flipping over into a bush. The last few moments played again and again in her mind. Heat, stifling heat, all around her. Wet, too wet, all too wet. And dark. Completely dark.
"Uno!" Nadia yelled out, laughing as Katy groaned.
"Again? Come on!"
Nadia smirked confidently at her. "Don't feel bad about losing to the master babe. Just how I am- aCk, Sina I said no teeth this time!"
Sina apologized, although muffled due to the fact that they were sucking on Nadia's arm and shoulder.
Katy sighed dramatically and flopped backwards from Sina's chest onto their belly. "Don't kid yourself Nadi. You have Sina helping you!"
"Sina is literally sucking on one of my arms right now. Just face it. I'm the UNO MASTER!" She pulled her arm free from Sina's lips with a wet sucking noise and held it up in a triumphant gesture. Katy scoffed and pushed her side lightly. Nadia threw one hand to her mouth with a loud gasp of mock anger. Sina was doing their best to repress their laughter as Katy and Nadia rolled around on their belly, play fighting and laughing.
A crack echoed through the cave, followed by a screech. Sina froze and their ears perked up, alert and finding the source of the disturbance.
"What is it?" Nadia whispered. Sina didn't answer. Their gaze was fixed on the cave entrance, their lips twisting into a small snarl. Another screech sounded, and Sina's pupils thinned to black needles in a pool of gold. They hissed and sat up quickly, catching Nadia and Katy as they fell. They wrapped their hand around Nadia and raised her to their lips. Nadia saw a glimpse of those animalistic eyes, the ones she saw the day she first met Sina. Then, teeth, a tongue, a black hole at the back, her destination. It was so fast, too fast. She couldn't move, she was in a tight tube. She was free then, but it was dark. All dark. Noise surrounded her. Hurried breathing, a short yell, and a booming heartbeat, rivaling the sound of her own in her head. Everything was moving as well. A weight joined her in the shifting chamber, rubbing and moving against her involuntarily. The walls shifted and churned, and Nadia was being thrown around. A yowl joined the orchestra of noise as the space in the chamber was cut in half, and Nadia was slammed into a slimy, grinding wall. Pinned by front and back by walls trying to grind away at her, Nadia curled up. It was too much
Was too much
She was heaved upwards, coming back in contact with the weight as she was forced up the tight tube again, onto a tongue, and into too bright light. It was too cold, too bright. Sina was helping Katy up with one finger. They opened their mouth to say something Nadia didn't hear. It was the teeth. The same teeth. She couldn’t do it. She didn’t want to go back, not there. She was not going back. Worried voices surrounded her, yet sounded muffled due to the high ringing in her ears. Why was it so cold? She needed to go. She stumbled up to her feet, and ran out the cave entrance. Her steps were shaky, but not enough for Katy to gain on her. One of the activities Nadia’s parents forced her into actually came in handy as she ran and ran and kept running. Not slowing down. It was still too loud, too cold, too hard, too, too…
Too much.
#safe vore#g/t vore#unwilling prey#unwilling vore#whitchythey writes#vore oc#female prey#g/t fearplay#angsty vore
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