#whit must die
call for submissions: whit’s wicked deeds
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i have been challenged in my recent assertion that john avery “whit” whittaker torments children and/or the Woke, up to and including sending them to hell itself. please post instances of times where whit has reigned terror down upon his enemies, preferably including episode numbers
i will start: in episodes 211-212 “the mortal coil,” eugene enters an imagination station program based on whit’s ideological priors and built to simulate the afterlife, so of course being a non-believer he goes directly to hell
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suncaptor · 1 year
no there really was something about riding back from the volta region to accra in africa and like having hundreds of white-winged flying bugs flocking to the headlights of the van and shedding wings across the ground in the flickering dark and reflective rain. by the time we got back to accra the rain had lifted and there's a part up the hill where you can see the city sitting on rocks in front of you and how it stretches. it was beautiful.
#incoherents#i dont think i could feel a thing then or now i am always so scared. i spent that night. it was easter. at the hospital.#i landed badly paragliding and was hypothermic in high high heat. i was my wound cleaned i was scared I'd die#for no reason. i was having ocd issues. kept imagine getting infected. it was kind of nonsense#but i couldn't get any creams and i had to shower#(had to shower so methodically. in sevens. make sure no part of me could have covid covid covid)#i must have seemed insane. i didnt eat anything but a tiny bit of jollof and my friend helped me get some plantain chips but the night#market was nearly closed#its funny. how me now me then me at 19 how everything is a different lense#I'm through so much glass#i can't imagine being who i was a year ago I'm all hollowed out I'm dead I'm not real#there's a perspective shift. there's things if only i could not drown and be real that i could make so much out of#i want to exist in this world so badly. i want to feel it. i want to be real. but there's too much horror and grief and it consumes me#the beat of their wings was so empty whit#the best psychiatrist i ever had was the boss of the guy i saw that week cause i was scaring myself. but who referred me to him got me so#scared bc he thought i was manic and i freaked out and started crying and asked everyone including half a dozen professionals#if they thought i was because i was scared I'd end up paralysed (again. ocd.)#they took me to the hospital because they were afraid#god i was so much better then yet#and the surgeon guy was not appropriate enough but he liked me. he knew i wasn't a risk. it was all so useless. but you know.#another person to say I'm not manic. god i was so neurotic. well.#okay I'm rambling. it's just. nothing feels real nothing ever feels real#i want to exist have i really not existed this whole time?#i feel like there's so much i missed i grieve everything but not as much as i.#i got better on this med but maybe it wasnt the med. i was . talking to her more again wrapped up#and#hhhhh#nothing is real. i love her
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larluce · 6 months
Arthur and Merlin travel back in time without knowing the other is from the future too AU
Tagging @aceauthorcatqueen , @fallenxjas , @smileytrinity ,@lucifertookmyshoe , @an-entity-i-think , @thecornerofbelu , @griffonskies , @odinjm , @cinnabon-sweetroll-tiramisu , @thelady-mary , @bennedict , @nightninjaboy , @st8-of-grace , @star-rie , @error-username-not-available , @dogberryrowan , @jamieweasley13 , @tansyuduri , @tercais , @robynnemrys , @evadne01 , @serasvictoria02 The tag list is increasing! I'm crying 🤧. Again thank you so much for all the love. I've been sick in bed, all depressed cause I couldn't speak or sing (I'm a musical theater student) and reading your comments cheer me up ^^.
LINKS TO THE OTHER PARTS OF THIS AU HERE: PART 1 , PART 2 , PART 3 , PART 4 , PART 5 , PART 6 , PART 7 , PART 8 , PART 9 , PART 10 , PART 11 , PART 12 , PART 13 , PART 14 (You're here) , PART 15
In "Remedy to Cure All Ills"
Arthur pacing around in his chambers after Morgana fell sick and he encountered Edwin.
Arthur: (thinking, trying to convince himself) She's evil, she's going to become evil, it's okay if she dies. She's evil, she's going to become evil, she must die. She's evil, she's going to- (Shouts and throws a lamp againts a wall, furious with himself)¡AAARRGH!(sinks in a couch an covers his face, thinking miserably) Why can't I let her die? I watched her take her last breath before my eyes before, damn it! This shouldn't hurt this much.
Merlin: (enters) Arthur?
Arthur: (sighs and takes his hands out of his face, exhausted) Don't you know how to knock?
Merlin: (with a comforting smile) You know I never do that. (gets close and puts himself infront of Arthur, bending down to be at his height) She's going to be alright, Arthur. She's strong. You'll see.
Arthur: (smiles back, but it doesn't reach his eyes) A man came to the castle this morning. He claims he can cure her. (thinking) Of course he can, he was the one who did this to her.
Merlin: (thinking, wary) Edwin... (says) How could he? Not even Gaius knows what's wrong with her.
Arthur: He says he has a remedy to cure all ills.
Merlin: That doesn't exist. It's impossible.
Arthur: I know that! But what other option do we have? Morgana is dying and we are farther from close to find a cure! We don't lose anything by trying (thinking) And we gain everything by doing it. Once he cures her I can kill him.
Merlin: (puts a comforting hand on his shoulder, hesitantly, but relaxes when Arthur doesn't reject the touch) You really love her a lot, don't you?
Arthur: (with unshed tears) We grow up together. She's like a sister to me. I can't let her die. (Thinking) Even when she doesn't share the same sentiment. I just can't.
Merlin: Wait till tomorrow. If she doesn't get better, you can fetch the man.
Arthur: I'm the prince, Merlin. You can't tell me what to do.
Merlin: But?
Arthur: It's too late the fetch the man now. I'll wait till tomorrow.
Merlin: (smiles) Wise as always, my lord.
Arthur: (caresses the hand on his shoulder, lovinly) Thank you, Merlin.
Merlin: (blushes, nervous) 😳 I... I didn't do anything.
Arthur: You did. (Looks at Merlin's eyes intendly) Thank you. (They stare a each other, faces inches from the other).
Merlin: (snaps out of it and moves away) I-I need to go 😅 (smiles nervously and walks backwards) Eh... Physician apprentice things to do- (collides whit the table and some things fall and he picks them up quickly) Sorry!
Arthur: (laughs softly) Don't stay awake late. Rest.
Merlin: Right... you too. I'll be back to dress you in a minute, so don't sleep until I get back! 😅 (Leaves, thinking) 'Don't sleep until I get back'? Really? 😳😖🤦‍♂️
Arthur: (Sighs, thinking) Sleep. If only I could.
It's rare the times Arthur has a good night of sleep. Nightmares or rather memories of the time Merlin was a tree always assault his mind. Specially the time Merlin was turned before his eyes and he couldn't do anything about it, too weak from his wound, too useless. It's better now that Merlin sleeps in the antechambers. He just has to open the door and watch him sleep there peacefully, human and alive, and his heart is at easy again. Now with Morgana at death's door there's no way he's going to catch any sleep at all.
Arthur: (whispers to himself) I still have time. Tomorrow. Just wait until tomorrow.
Time skip. For everyone's surprise, Morgana wakes in the morning all cured, like she has never been ill in the first place.
Uther: (happy and relieved) Morgana! (Goes to her) This is truly a miracle. I thought... I really thought...
Morgana: (smiles) Oh, you won't get rid of me that easily.
Arthur: We certainly won't. (Just as realived and happy, puts hand on her shoulder, unconsciously) I'm glad you're alright, Gana.
Morgana: (surprised he's showing affection to her again, but touched) Gana... You haven't called me like that since we were kids.
Arthur: (realising he put a hand on her shoulder and puts it away) Right. Sorry, I know you don't like it.
Morgana: (messing with him) Oh, you can call me like that if you want. If you let me call you... Art? Arthie?
Arthur: Don't you dare! (He threatens but then they both laugh and look at each other fondly)
Gaius: I still need to make a few tests to see if she is really out of danger, but for what I can see, she'll be fully recovered in no time, sire.
Uther: Of course. Thank you, Gaius.
Gaius: I don't consider this was exactly my doing (looks at Merlin significantly and Merlin makes himself small in his place). But I'm glad to be of service as always, your majesty. I'll prepare some concoctions to prevent any outbrake just in case. (Makes a bow and it's about to leave, but then turns to Merlin sternly) Merlin?
Merlin: (sighs) Coming (bows quickly and leaves with him)
Uther: (frowns, thinking) Is it my idea or did he vow in the direction of Arthur alone?
Arthur: (who saw all the exchange between mentor and ward) I'll go to inform everyone the good news. Morgana, father (smiles politely makes a bow to both of them and leaves too)
Morgana: (sighs, a little sad, thinking) And cold Arthur is back.
Time skip. In Gaius Tower. Gaius scolding Merlin.
Gaius: You used magic on the king's ward?! What were you thinking?!
Merlin: I was thinking that I didn't want her to die! She's my friend and she's very dear to Arthur-
Gaius: Arthur, Arthur. Is what all this is about isn't it? I know he's the prince and you care for him. But let me remind you, he's still the prince of a kingdom that bans magic. Do you have any idea of what would have happened to you if someone discovered you? if someone have seen you?
Merlin: (explodes) Yes I know! Of course I know! Every time a wake up, every time I breathe, I know I could be killed at any moment. I watch every pyre that is made fearing maybe I could be next. I watch every friendly face, knowing that if they knew, if they only knew, they'll see me like a monster. I have to look at Uther, the man that would have me executed, the murderer of all my kind, and I have to serve him and smile at him trying to no throw up every day. So yes I perfectly fucking know, Gaius!
Gaius: ...
Merlin: (with teary eyes and his voice breaks) But I can't stop doing it, I can't separate myself from it. And I tried, believe me I tried, but I can't. Magic is part of me, is who I am. So I'll use it however I see fit, whenever I can, because no one knows the risks of using magic in a kingdom that forbids my very existence better than I do!
Gaius: You're right. I don't understand it. I will never understand it. Magic was never to me what it is to you. I'm sorry I didn't see it before.
Merlin: It's alright. I know you only worry about me.
Gaius: It's more than that. (puts both of his hands on Merlin's shoulders) Merlin, in this short time I've known you, you've become like a son to me. I can't bare to lose you.
Merlin: (smiles) You won't lose me. I'm sorry, I didn't want to upset you.
Gaius: Then for the sake of this old man, stop doing these things behind my back.
Merlin: Only of you promise to help me rather than forbid me of doing things. I still need guidance, I still need you.
Gaius: Alright (he hugs him close and then pulls away). Lets start with how you cured Lady Morgana. I don't recall giving you any healing magic classes.
Merlin: I didn't have to, I just had to call this little one out of her ear. (pulls out a beetle from his pocket) I think it was what was making her sick. Do you know what it is?
Gaius: (alarmed) Don't touch it! (picks a jar and opens it) Put it here. Now! (Merlin does it and Gaius closes the jar) It's an Elanthia Beetle. They can be enchanted to enter the brain, feed on it until they devour the person's very soul. Thank the gods you managed to pull it out.
Merlin: (who already knew all this, but still has to play ignorant) So Morgana was echanted? By who?
Gaius: There are many sorcerers who wish to cause harm to the crown, my boy. But, whoever it is, once they find out their plan failed, they are going to try again.
Time skip. Merlin leaves Gaius tower with Morgana's concoctions and almost jumps out of his skin, when he sees Arthur is there at the door.
Merlin: (scared, but trying to disimulate, closing the door behind him) Arthur! How long have you been there?
Arthur: (who heard the whole conversation, very affected) I... I just arrived.
Merlin: (relieved, but concerned for Arthur's state) Arthur, are you alright? What is it? (with growing panic) Are you ill? Did something happen to Lady Morgana? Arthur, answer me!
Arthur: (hugs Merlin suddenly)
Merlin: (too stuned to say anything) ...
Arthur: (Pulls Merlin closer to him, thinking) 10 years. You suffered my father's reign and then I made you still live in fear for 10 years.
Merlin: (red and still very concerned) Not that I'm not enjoying this gesture, sire. But, please, say something. I'm going to freak out.
Arthur: (pulls away gently) Nothing's wrong, Merlin. It just... seemed like you needed it.
Merlin: (confused) ... right. (Thinking) He must still be sensitive about Morgana. (coughs, trying to hide his red face) I have to... ehm... give Morgana her concoctions so...
Arthur: (playfully) Are you blushing?
Merlin: No.
Arthur: Your ears are red.
Merlin: They are not!😡
Arthur: Yes, they are. It's hard not to notice. They're as big as your face.
Merlin: Not as big as your fat ass!
Arthur: Have you been staring? 😏
Merlin: (even more red) I...😳 stop wasting my time, get out of my way!😡
Arthur: That's no way to talk to your prince, Merlin.
Merlin: Fine (with exaggerated courtesy). Your highness, my lord, sire, would you make me the enormous honor to remove your royal, pompous, supercilious presence out of my way?
Arthur: (laughs, but steps aside)
Merlin: Thank you, my lord. I'll be forever in debt with you. (Bows in mockery and leaves)
Arthur: (thinking, as he watches him leave) You chose to save Morgana with your magic this time. You shouldn't have risk it. But thank you. You won't have to suffer for so long this time. I'll create I world where you feel safe, you won't have to hide and be scared anymore. I promise.
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xandermatthews2290 · 15 days
The Final Secrets Theory
With Chapter 2 starting back up again in about..8 hours, I’m gonna make my last prediction with the information currently available
So just taking the entire motive and murder at face value, we have 14 secrets, and if somebody isn’t dead in 4 days they are getting revealed
The logical step is then gonna be that the culprit must be among the group that still hasn’t had their secrets revealed, gonna include some visual aids
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So far: Arei, Ace, Nico, Eden, David, Charles, Rose, J, Whit, and Arturo have had their secrets outed at the point we’ve left off at
that’s 10 people hypothetically out of contention, but as Rose never checked her secret, Whit actually cannot be included in that group of 10 leaving us with just Levi, Teruko, Veronika Whit, and Hu as potential culprits
Also it is worth noting that prior to the trial being started: Eden, Ace, David, and Arturo’s secrets were not public knowledge
Ace and Eden’s get revealed with very little fanfare
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And one of the last points of contention, the dead students secrets, outside of Xander’s depression and potentially suicidal thoughts , the only thing we learn about Min is that she may have killed someone to earn the title of Ultimate Student
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The 5 of them at the start of the case, Levi and Teruko are cooperating and reveal they got Arei and Rose’s secrets
Veronika, Levi, David, Hu, and potentially are all looking suspicious now but really what secrets are left
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“You’re a murderer and you hold no remorse”
“You only took on your talent to distract from your incessant need to harm yourself for fun.”
“You were quite the hopeless child, dying once wasn’t enough, so you attempted suicide 3 times”
“How could I even select what secret to be your motive? Just about everything you’ve done in your life is worth killing for. This killing game is your fault”
The above secret was credited to Xander, however it is not clear if the dead students were included in the swap, along with another secret mentioning survivor’s guilt, however it is still possible that Levi or Hu’s family could be dead
“Your mom is dead. You always omit that truth”
So just looking at them, I’d say Teruko not being able to tell which is hers is pretty messed up.
But otherwise which of these is worth killing for? The murderer one is of course terrible, but killing someone now will just reinforce that point, this secret seems most likely to be Levi’s given the limited suspect pool, Teruko and Hu are far from emotionless though it is possible it’s Veronikas though 1 other fits her better
Only took your talent to distract yourself from self harm? The most popular theory is that this is Veronika’s following her scene in the movie theater
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Though it is possible that Hu could have this secret, Veronika is much more likely, by extension Levi is also out for this secret as we can actually see most of him, and Teruko didn’t take up her talent at all
Hopeless Child, 3 suicide attempts, I lean towards this being Hu’s out of the secrets remaining, she seems to be a bit of an outsider, going by a different name to fit in.
This could easily be Teruko’s as she openly knows she can’t die and that failed hanging attempts are extremely painful, however David has also been openly more suspicious of her this chapter so it’s most likely he has Teruko’s secret, that being her being the reason the killing game exists, likely to test the ultimate luck
The mom one is probably Whit’s, which kinda undermines the theory that he’s lying about it but really? This doesn’t fit Teruko who’s an orphan and would recognize it immediately , Veronika has never acknowledged her life outside of the academy
Looking at Levi, he isn’t close to his family at all making this secret less likely to be his, it could be Hu’s but I’d still say it’s a reach
So now onto the meat of this theory, the culprit is most likely Eden or Levi based on the information available
The motive doesn’t end at your secret being revealed and while some people have claimed that certain secrets are not worth a murder, we’ve seen Charles and Arturo do complete face turns and Arturo himself nearly slit Eden’s throat in a moment of panic
Charles nearly had a breakdown and is now questioning his entire life’s view, he might not kill for what he hears but he might kill to find out what really happened with Elliot, unlikely this chapter since he’s the most active trial investigator but Arei’s bloodless death is certainly unnerving
So take Eden’s innocuous secret: “Ever since you kissed her, you were afraid your sexuality would ruin your friendships”
her secret is basically that she is a lesbian, or bi, who am I to say. Everyone’s else’s secret dives into deep trauma and fear, their crimes, their deteriorating mental states. Not that her secret isn’t valid but it’s also extremely mild, it also could be the first time we hear of Mai Akasaki, she’s hasn’t shown up at all and her role is still unclear.
Having her be related to Eden’s secret and subsequent murder would be a way to semi-naturally introduce her to the story
Now onto Levi the other most likely culprit, he’s been shown to snap relatively easily threatening Ace’s life the first trial after just being an arrogant annoyance
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So the main trigger for this was Ace calling Levi a coward something he openly isn’t able to take nearly as calmly. He also barely acknowledges Mom’s violent execution, claiming it was simply “too absurd for words”
Yeah does anybody really think that Arei could have had a talk with Levi about his secret and not have brought up something similar
it’s also why several pieces of evidence don’t seem to go anywhere, the rope under the carousel, the milk jugs, the fish
It wasn’t used for anything, Levi was strong enough to break her neck, something Eden likely wouldn’t be able to do, and strong enough to hang her with no assistance however with Xander now dead it’s important to make it seem like somebody that wasn’t jacked could have killed Arei
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So it it’s with that that I conclude my last pre CH2 part 2 theory, the culprit is Eden or Levi, though I lean towards Levi as he was my first suspect when I watched it so I’m committed.
Whit is also my crackhead theory but I’m at the point where I feel the evidence stacks up nicely but still leaves a lot to desire, though I would still like to be right so here a mini theory to go with this brick of text
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In the words of Charles they fucked up, Whit is somebody to not only have an alibi with Charles but to also have taken credit for a secret that can’t be validated
He also did something a fair bit more damning:
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He’s the reason David went to the relaxation room, Arei does say that she snuck a peek at Whit’s secret but isn’t it also possible that Whit simply told her and coordinated their meetup that night?
He’s not overly suspicious but sometimes there’s beauty is simplicity
Now for the short wait and to hope all these theories don’t get nuked the second part 2 starts
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loveteruko · 23 days
my predictions (bingo?) for drdt, chapter 2 culprit and also everything beyond, because i'm hyped, and why not!!
the original version of this post was too long and i was yapping. it felt like i was saying everything there is to say, but also nothing of real importance, so i decided to throw everything here, without all my overcomplicated rambling (some stayed though), and hope for the best that this will satisfy the fixated monster in me that needs to get my thoughts out there. also it will be fun to see in the future what was right or wrong.
so, for all of these predictions, please assume that my reasoning is either:
theorists made such well put together points that i checked the evidence on my own while also overanalysing the heck out of it and now i'm convinced
there's not much concrete proof but i think it would make narrative sense, or it would be a great direction for some character's development from what we've already seen of them
i don't even know but sometimes we just vibe and sometimes things are real in our hearts
funny thing is that i find drdt so interesting with how it handles its themes, how it foreshadows, establishes, and resolves, that i'm not actually certain about any of these. my mind wants to analyse it like it's a standard danganronpa game, like it's easy to predict smaller plot points because of the obvious bigger picture, but the special thing about drdt is that i have no idea what the whole bigger picture really is. all i know is that we're focused on trust and distrust, and we will surely follow that path, but i actually have no idea what else is in store. and i'm rambling again but bear with me. point is: i like the writing for drdt and i know i'm not prepared for whatever will be happening later down the line.
so now, for my small predictions bingo:
as most of the community on tumblr thinks, eden and levi are culprit and possible accomplice. that's the part i'm almost sure of, one of them is getting executed. i, however, am not sure who played which role. i'd like to think levi is the one who came up with most of the plan to help eden win the trial, and he's the one with the secret of killing before the killing game (which arei got), but i can't tell why exactly eden would kill arei. eden is not secretly evil. logically there should be some trick here, or it was an accident, but the eden thing to do would be to immediately admit she did it. unless that's where levi comes into play, and he's the one who pulled even more strings, not only setting up the crime scene, but also getting eden to play along. which makes me think eden would still be the one qualified as the blackened, then levi gets to blame himself and gets sick development or whatever. and maybe he lives to try to kill or at least beat the shit out of ace but ace will not die. let's say i'm going with that. eden is the culprit
whit has some special role. he's either the mastermind, or traitor, or key to ending the game, or whatever you want to call it. there's something off about whit with how he seems to know too much
rose sleeps a lot so i think there must be a point in time where someone uses that to accuse or even frame her for murder. although i don't think she will ever get killed when sleeping. i think she's going to be a survivor
ace won't be a victim, and he doesn't seem like a culprit either, so by process of elimination he needs to survive the game
david is not evil or malicious at heart, it's his depression talking. we're dealing with someone burnt out from keeping up his optimistic persona. all this act is self-sabotage and self-deprecation. he cared for arei and now he's spiraling. he will get better though, trust
i know i already talked about chapter 2 culprit but quick hu mention: she is not the culprit simply because i have no idea what her character really is yet. all i know is she is morally grey and she will not die yet because she needs to interact with nico, david, and others some more
arturo is not going to make friends with anyone other than maybe veronica, because everyone hates him, BUT he will not die that soon. i can feel him surviving at least one more chapter just out of spite. if he dies, it's not earlier than chapter four
j will not kill and she will not survive to the end. she will be a victim. my guess is chapter 3, for no particular reason.
contrary to the two points above, there's an alternate scenario i have in mind, with arturo dying next chapter and j being accused, but still innocent. and she would still become a victim later in the game, probably chapter four
veronica is too much of a wild card but if i were to predict something regarding her role... IF she was a blackened (and i can't tell if she will be), she wouldn't be all that happy or excited about it. there would be some reflection on her part. some subtle commentary on how enjoyment of darker media doesn't, or shouldn't, equal supporting or resorting to real violence. also basically everyone in the fandom agrees her secret is the one about harming herself just to feel something. this ties to what i said, i think. maybe she would kill to test herself, but taking a life will not bring her contentment
teruko will trust less before she learns to trust more (especially if eden really will die), but if there's someone she will learn to trust first, it's going to be charles. if she gets a "pep talk" about trust, it's somehow going to be from david. one asshole to another type of conversation where he's trying to help because he does genuinely care for his classmates
nico will not try to kill anyone again, but they also won't survive
this is probably all, i don't know because i wrote this at night and fell asleep. if anyone other than me stayed to read this, thank you for coming to my ted talk
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darthstitch · 2 years
i have loved the stars too fondly
Dream hasn't had a chance to speak this particular language, not for a long time.
He knows, all too well, that it's not always understood or appreciated. That at first it is welcomed, with wonder and amazement, but it is not always cherished. That it is always too much, that it is suffocating, overwhelming and he can't bear that. He won't be the cause of his beloved's pain, not ever again.
So gently, carefully, he takes up the dreamstuff in his hands, fashions out of it the softest grass and the most fragrant flowers. Trees to offer shelter and drop off luscious fruit, its juices tangy and sweet on the tongue. Perhaps a dream of the seas, the waters jewel-bright, the winds bearing the ocean spray as gentle kisses on his beloved's face. Or a blanket of stars, glittering bright and a moon, round and curved like a smile.
Dream does this all, especially when the darker memories creep in, banishing away the remembrance of a dark, damp night on a London street, when hurtful, ill-considered words were exchanged. He will not have this trouble his beloved's sleep, not anymore.
And in the morning, he has Hob waking in his embrace, a sweet, sleepy smile curving his lips. "Good morning, love." He'll let Hob tug him close, let him nuzzle in, welcoming the scrape of morning stubble against his skin, knowing that it will mark him and Dream will not care, not one whit, even if Matthew will tease and Lucienne will shake her head and smile.
"My dearest has slept well, I see," Dream will tease. He is absolutely not breathless when his rogue of a husband steals a kiss - he has no need to breathe, after all. And he has absolutely no compunction sinking his hands into Hob's hair, inviting him for more kisses.
"Well, I've had the sweetest dream in my arms all night." Hob gently brushes a knuckle against Dream's cheek, his eyes tender. "Thank you for that, love."
"It is not too much, is it?" Dream regrets asking this question almost immediately. Too much, again, always, he is a fool, why must he keep doing this --
"Never. Never too much," Hob tells him. "Don't think I don't know what you've been doing, myne owne hertis rote. I just -- " He shakes his head. "You have no idea - every night, because you're there, guiding me home."
"For the longest time, Hob Gadling, I had wished to die," Dream whispered. His cheeks are wet and he leans into his husband's gentle hands which are trying to brush the tears away. Dream presses kisses into those rough palms.
"And now?"
"My husband tells me that Death is a mug's game. He is quite wise, you know. I have so much to live for."
For @arialerendeair
“Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light;
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.”
― Sarah Williams
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nopecho · 1 year
Aight so I saw your post about getting into writing and I do have a soft whitney story in my brain. Whitney assumes you're an orphan but you're actually Bailey's kid and they soften up in order to not die. If you're after specifics, whitney jokes about "meeting the parents", y'know some shit joke about you assumedly being an orphan, but you take them to the lotus flat and they find out that Bailey's your parent.
Alright this took me a few days, but I finally finished it! This is my first writing ask, and I had a lot of fun with it :) I added some personal headcanons and details. Have a good read!
Contents: M! Whitney, M! Bailey, F! Defiant PC. CW for typical Whitney insults. Other than that, it’s pretty vanilla.
It is cold. Way too goodman cold. You shiver into your jersey jacket- ideal for spring or autumn, but certainly not in a snowy winter. Your footsteps are barely audible as your feet sink into the snowy pavement, as your breath forms clouds on your face. You are just passing through the commercial alleyways, on your way home, when you feel a sudden tug on your long, silky hair. “Hey there, slut.” You don’t need to turn your head to know who it is. “What do you want, Whitney?” You reply. He tugs again, forcing you to come face to face with him. His shit-eating grin is the last thing you needed to see, especially since he was in a nice, warm leather jacket and you were freezing. “Nothin’ much.” he grabs your wrist, and starts dragging you somewhere. You notice it’s weirdly silent. It takes you a while, but you realize that he’s alone right now. Usually, Whitney is followed by his gang of goons. It’s almost uncanny, seeing him alone. “Where the hell are you taking me, jackass?” you ask, as he keeps dragging you. “You’ll see.” He takes you to a building, a metal ladder going up all the way to the rooftop. “Alright, gal. Climb up. It’ll be romantic at the top.” He pushes you to the ladder, as you roll your eyes. As you climb up, the freezing wind sneaks under your long skirt, creeping into your body. You cuss under your breath as you climb up. Once at the top, Whitney soon follows. He grabs your waist, pulling you close to the edge.
The view is indeed pretty. You can see much of the city from where you stand. The houses covered in white, the smoke coming out of the chimneys, the empty trees covered in icicles all make for a very calming view. “Pretty good, am I right?” Whitney says with a smug grin. “But that’s not why I brought you here today.” “Then what is it?” you inquire. “I want you to show me where you live. Meet the parents and all.” he then facepalms, in fake sorrow. “Ooooh, I nearly forgot! Your folks are dead!” He snickers, caressing your jawline. “How pitiful that whoever aborted you has died. Must be pretty pathetic, to live at the orphanage.” You look at him, confused. “And where did you hear that?” “What, that you're an orphan?”  “I don’t know where you got that. I live with my dad.” “Wait, you’re bullshitting me now.” You roll your eyes, annoyed. “Listen Whit, I don’t know who spread that nasty rumor. I don’t live at the orphanage, period.” “Then where do you live?” You let out an annoyed breath from your nose, and it forms a small cloud on your face. You point your finger to the general location of Barb Street. Whitney’s eyes widen. “Barb street? But that’s where the flats are.” “So what?” “No it’s just… nevermind.” You are getting annoyed now. “What, don’t believe me that’s where I live?” “Look, I didn’t think you lived in the same shithole as-” Offended, you grab Whitney’s wrist. “I’ll show you shithole. Come with me, you’re seeing my house right now.” You yank Whitney towards the ladder. “Easy gal! Geez, fucking relax for once…” He rolls his eyes, and starts climbing down. You catch up with him, and soon you’re both on the ground. You start walking Whitney towards your house. As you cross the bridge to the canals, Whitney is weirdly quiet and obedient while you’re holding his wrist. You don’t think much of it, as you drag him along. You soon get to the flat with the lotus doorknob. “Are you crazy, you whore?! You can’t go in-” You fish the keys out from your jersey pocket and open the door. Whitney is speechless. “Wait. You’re telling me you live here?” You just shove Whitney inside. As you enter your apartment, you catch Whitney admiring the location. It has neat wallpaper, the furniture is in excellent shape and is a bit over the top with the decorations, the floor has a thick carpet and the flat is overall very nice and well-kept. Whitney whistles. “Dang girl, I should try and extort you more money. Your dad looks like he’s filthy rich. How did ya even clean up this place so well?”
His eyes then fall to the shelves where the pictures are, and he pales a little. “Wait, is that…?” He picks out a framed photo. “What’s weird?” you ask, still pissed. Whitney is holding a picture of you dad and you, when you were about 12. “Bailey is your father??” He sounds shocked. “Yeah, so what?” “I mean… he’s the big boss here in town. He has quite the bad reputation.  That means I’ve been bossing around the big guy’s kid for months.” His gaze then softens. “Although he probably treats you better than the orphans. I’ve heard some horror stories about that Robin kid. Nasty stuff.” You shift uncomfortably. “I mean… yeah. I’ve heard some stuff, too.” You admit. Your defensive shell is cracking. “Honestly, the things my dad does there? they’re not too hard to believe.” Whitney looks at you, now seemingly concerned. “Wait. Your dad didn’t try and-” “No, it’s not like that!” you put your hands forward. “It’s just… He never really cared about me.” You hold your right arm. “He barely speaks to me. I have to do everything in the house, or else he’ll yell at me for having to hire help around the house. He won’t let me even buy a decent jacket for the winter. The only times he bothers looking at me, is when he’s scolding me for screwing up something. So it didn’t surprise me too much when I heard those stories. He just cares about his money.” Whiney looks at you, tilting his head as a hard to read expression forms on his face. “Can’t you just live with your mom then?” A long, long silence ensues as you look away. You didn’t like reminders of what happened. You feel a hand on your shoulder. The touch is gentle, warm. “Hey… I’m sorry.” Whitney? Saying he’s sorry? You look at him, puzzled. His face is… Soft. He looks almost as if he’s in pain. He notices your confused expression. “It must be hell to live with a dad that doesn’t give a shit about you.” He explains. “I know what it feels like. So… for what’s worth, if you need to talk about it? You know where to find me.” He looks around the house, seemingly uncomfortable. “Now, I’ll get going. Let me know when Bailey is available next time. I want to have two words with him.” He starts to walk out of the flat. As he stops by the door, he turns to bid goodbye. “I’ll see you tomorrow, slut.” the insult is almost said in an affectionate manner. And just like that, he leaves your flat. You are left speechless. For some reason, you feel like you know Whitney a bit better now.
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queer-devil · 1 year
Drdt Incorrect Quotes
Warning: A lot of these are probably ooc but I was just having fun so yeah
All of these were made using quotes from https://perchance.org/incorrect-quote-generator, my favorite quote generator
Whit, barging in: Syphilis! 
Charles: Pardon?
David: Thank you all for coming. 
Xander, wearing a hospital gown: When I heard you couldn't get laid, I dropped everything and came straight here. 
David: Well, I couldn't imagine anyone else being part of the "Fuck David Task Force". 
Teruko: Yeah, I interpreted that in a different way.
Levi: Ace is mad at me, and I'm not sure why. 
Hu: Okay, did you talk before he got upset? 
Levi: ...yes? 
Hu: That's probably it.
Veronika: We all have our demons. 
Veronika, grabbing Arturo: This one’s mine.
Charles: At least try to sound slightly more sophisticated when you threaten someone. 
Ace: Oh, I'm sorry. I should ask; dost thou want to engage in a duel, my good bitch? 
Charles: Somehow that's worse.
Whit: Hey, babe, remember how I had to go to the pharmacy to pick up my ADHD meds? 
Charles: Yes? 
Whit: Well, it turns out they're all out for the next five days. 
Charles: Fuck. 
Whit: It's gonna be a fun week! 
Charles: I'm going to Teruko’s house. 
Whit: Nuh-uh. Through sickness and health, motherfucker.
Rose: Big day today, Nico. *holds up two shirts* Mustard stain or ketchup stain? 
Nico: Mustard– looks less like blood.
J: I'm going to get myself some soup. 
Veronika: Be careful not to burn yourself, it's hot. 
J: Pfft, I won't burn myself. 
*30 seconds later* 
J, entering the room: I burned myself.
Charles: You know, on second thought, gum would be perfection. 
Teruko: *Gives him a strange look and hands them a piece of gum* 
Charles: *Thinking* Gum would be perfection. Gum would be perfection. I could have said gum would be nice, could have said I'll have a stick. But no no no no no, for me, gum is perfection. I loathe myself.
Min: "29-34 Give a particular ecosystem and explain how could it be protected." 
Xander: Forests, stop cutting down trees and don't hold gender reveal parties anywhere near them.
Veronika: You know, I used to play back in my gory days. 
J: You mean glory days? 
Veronika: Ah, that too.
Veronika: Go ahead, Charles. Let it out, cry. If you don't, your tear ducts will get blocked up, and then when you get old, you won't be able to cry. 
Min: Just when we thought it was safe to let you back into the conversation.
Eden: What's worse than a heartbreak? 
Nico: Stepping on a cat's tail and not being able to explain that you're sorry.
Min: You can’t have a gun on stage! 
Veronika: WRONG AGAIN! I can have a gun, and I must have a gun, that’s the rule of Chekhov’s Gun: have a gun. And now that it’s been seen, I will have to shoot someone before the end of the play.
Eden: I'm so happy, I could kiss you! 
Teruko: Um...Neat. 
Teruko, lying face down on her bed: I said "Neat," Xander. Who the fuck says neat these days? It's not neat to say neat but I said it anyways because I'm fucking stupid. 
Xander, reading a book: Don't beat yourself up too much, Teruko. Everyone gets nervous sometimes. Remember what I did when David confessed his love for me? 
Teruko: Didn't you thank him? 
Xander: *closes the book and looks at the ceiling* I fucking thanked him.
Whit: Adulting is hard. 
Whit: How do I quit? 
Eden: Time travel!
Veronika: Die.
Charles: I feel like doing something stupid. 
Whit: I’m stupid, do me.
Veronika: Teruko, what do you have? 
Teruko: A KNIFE! 
Veronika: Okay, have fu- 
J: NO!
Veronika: Between Teruko, Arei, David, and me -- if you had to -- who would you punch? 
Eden: No one! They're my friends. I wouldn't punch any of them. 
Veronika: David? 
Eden: Yeah, but I don't know why.
Charles: As a functional adult- 
Whit: *chuckles* 
Charles: … As a functional adult—
Eden: Where’s Veronika? 
Whit: Around. 
Eden: Around? 
Eden: You don’t have any idea, do you? 
Veronika, dropping down from above: Did you know there’s a space above the ceiling?
J, texting: Arei, will you please go to sleep? 
Arei, texting back: What makes you think you didn’t just wake me up? 
J, texting: Just a hunch :) You goin’ to sleep soon? 
Arei, texting: I’m trying 
J, texting: Okay, don’t stay up too late or you’ll be cranky :)
Nico: I feel awful about killing you. 
Nico: Even though technically you never even died, so I don’t know what you’re bitching about.
Eden: Why can’t we all just get along? 
David: Because most of us are assholes, Eden.
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ohtobemare · 1 year
tom kazansky headcanons that nobody asked for
Tumblr media
• His father is retired Navy, mom an Army nurse. 
• Navy v Army football is a hot topic of debate in the house. 
• Nicknames––Tommy, Ice, Iceman, Kazansky, Kaz (rarely).
• Kazansky’s an only son. Which equates to a massive amount of pressure. He carries the pride and weight of the family name on his shoulders, and it is the drive to be the best. 
• Daddy issues. 100%. Daddy wasn’t nearly there enough and lacked affection and connection with his only son. Tom craved his father’s approval, which leads to his tendency for perfection and OCD. 
• He will kill himself training. He has to be the best. It’s nearly religious. Everything from his service record to career objectives/goals, to his physique. If it isn’t perfect, he won’t rest until it is. 
• Born, 12/31/59. Raised in Hawaii. The big island is home. The only other place he’s lived in San Diego, but he'd like to retire to Alaska.
• Tom is loyal, nearly to a fault. Like a guard dog. 
• He can also be a vengeful SOB. Eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth leaves the world blind and toothless, but, at least it’s fair. 
• Deep sense of justice, and patriotism. He’ll die for his country and not think twice about it. 
• Family is everything. EVERYTHING. He will lay down his life for his family, blood and perceived. 
• Kazansky also wants a family.  Wife, a swathe of kids, the white-picket-fence, all-American dream. 
• Contrary to Slider and other pilots, Kazansky is a romantically grounded dude. He isn’t a man-whore. He seeks connection and is a genuine romantic. The occasional fling is necessary, sometimes, but mostly—he’s looking for the right girl. 
• When Tom falls, he falls hard. Read: loyal to a fault. 
• His sense of humor is dry, slightly cutting, but hilarious. He’s not a jokester at all, but his whit is what makes him shine. 
• He’s the guy you call when you need bail money, when your car is broken on the side of the road, but not the guy you call when you need to hide a body. 
• He asks questions. He calculates. He weighs every decision. Hell, he doesn’t make decisions without weighing the costs. But most of the time he's perceptive and dead-on, rarely is ever wrong.
• Appearance isn’t everything but it damn well plays a part. He’s more interested in the brain and the matters of the heart. 
• Values and morality is at the core of his must-haves when looking for relationships, romantic or platonic. 
• He’s a stellar cook. Like, the man can cook Thanksgiving like a gourmet chef. And he loves to cook. 
• Art. Art art art. That’s it. He has an in-home studio that is his grotto, next to the cockpit. Art is one of the very few things he calls irreplaceable in the world. 
• Religion is actionable—if the actions don’t match the sentiment, you’re doing it wrong. He aligns with the evangelical Christianity, but the practice is lacking.
• He will 100% call you on your bullshit and not blink and eye. 
• He’s unflappable. Very few things ruffle his feathers. 
• His favorite holiday is Thanksgiving, and then July 4. For reasons. Fleet Week is his pride and joy.
• Tom isn’t the cheating kind. One he’s found the one, it’s that one, forever and always, until death. 
• Insecurities are mostly hinged on performance—if I can’t provide for my family, what kind of man am I? If I’m not the best in the air, I’m not good enough at all, etc.
• He’s always worried about his girl and being the best for her, that she deserves better than him. 
• He’s a stoic and a cynic. But, that doesn’t mean he’s cold and unfeeling. Actually, Kazansky is hilarious and warm when he’s with the right people. Otherwise, he’s cold as ice, a brick wall at first sight. 
• Tom’s pretty empathetic, just not in the way you’d think. He wants you learn and grow, and may not always communicate it as gently as he should. 
• He won’t touch it if it isn't a 4x4 or straight American muscle-car. Oddly, though, he doesn’t do motorcycles. 
• Alaska is his favorite place on earth. He’s a master shot and loves the outdoors. If he could retire anywhere, Sitka would be it. 
• One hell of a horseman. 
• The housing market is his weakness. He’s always looking at property. Especially as his family grows, he will not be satisfied until he owns the biggest damn house on the cul de sac, if that’s what the wife wants. He doesn’t care where he lives, in or out of town–as long as there is room to grow. 
• Absolutely he will get whatever his wife wants. If that's pickles at 3AM for a pregnancy, he's on it. If that's a $85k Suburban they can't afford right now, he'll sell blood.
• He says what he means and means what he says. You’ll get no bullshit. If he says he’ll be there, he’ll be there. 
• He has high expectations for himself, and those he cares about. 
• Cunning is merely one way to describe Tom Kazansky. 
• Can't stand a liar or a simp.
• He’s a clean freak. 100% OCD about a clean house. But, his studio? Don’t touch anything, his mess is alphabetized. And as much as he loves a clean house, if it’s a mess from a busy day with kiddos, that’s kinda the best a house can be. 
• Treat others how you’d want to be treated. He’s a big proponent of the golden rule. 
• If he had it his way, dogs would be the only critters in the house. But 5 kids will bring anything and everything home, and that’s fine. 
• His best memories is first, his acceptance into the Navy; the first time he flew a plane (his father’s Cessna); the day he knew she was the one; his wedding; the birth of his first child (and every child thereafter). 
• His worst memory? Any of his mother’s deployments. Something about them just hit differently. Also the day he flunked his driver’s permit–his father’s disappointment was unparalleled. 
• Does your character wear glasses/contact lenses etc.? Yes. Tom does wear contacts later in life, and also wire-frame glasses when he’s in the studio. He lives in aviators––those damn blue eyes are sensitive!
• Tom’s always been a blonde, of some type or another. It changes depending on sun exposure. The Navy requires him keeping it short, but, in his youth he used to wear it longer–complete with gel, and feathering. He’d like to do that again. 
• Perfect posture. That chest is always out, front and center. 
• For clothes, he’s a comfort guy. Jeans and a t-shirt or button down, usually. Shorts when it’s a beach day. Not afraid of sandals, but, he’s actually more of a cowboy boots kinda guy.
• He won’t go anywhere without a tactical watch, aviators, his class ring, and his wedding band. 
• Tom isn’t a talker, usually, unless it’s with people he knows and loves and feels comfortable around. Listening is extremely important. When he does talk, he weighs his words carefully, and has a pretty cleaned up speech pattern. Slang isn’t his thing, but he will swear. 
• Penmanship is dependent on the day. He can write masterfully and with control, but most of the time it’s a mix of cursive and shorthand that only a handful of people on the planet can decode. 
• Sex is pretty vanilla. He’d much rather have interesting foreplay, because that’s where the magic happens. Can be a bit of a dom, but consent and trust is absolutely key. 
• Libido is insane, but, with five kiddos—finding the time can be rough. Quickies are key, and he’s mastered the art of getting his girl off while watching the clock. 
• Deployments are hard on the intimacy front, but he manages to keep it interesting. Phone calls are recorded, so he has to play nice—but, that doesn’t mean mail has to be nice. He gets nothing short of enjoyment when his girlie sends playful mail. Though he does have to keep it from Slider, most of the time. 
• Photos live in his cockpit, his breast pocket, his wallet, and his helmet. He also keeps at least one piece of artwork from every kid in his go-bag at all times. 
• The children have been deemed “Icicles”, thanks to Maverick. Icicles in the Kazansky Clan. 
edit: • Tom is a bookworm. He’s particularly drawn to classical literature and poetry—Huck Finn is his absolute favorite, and he has multiple editions. One of his prized possessions is a leather bound special edition Twain volume.
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vlassk · 3 months
False god
A/n another shirt update. Hopefully, this work week is my last busy week. Then, I can correct actual updates with more stories.
Crow sov x Guardian
Warnings- slight NSFW. Death (lmk if more)
You stick with Amanda mostly. Helping to save people. Amanda tells you about her life and how she came to be at the tower. Mithrax listening in. You all head out to the Shadow Legion prison.
Eramis tunes in "Mithrax, i must speak with Haste. Turn back now. This is not a fight you can win" Eramis speaks on the coms.
"You can not share fear with us. Eramis, for the light provides" Mithrax cuts in, you fight your way to the entrance of the prison.
"Leave these captives. And live to see your great machine again. Pursue this quest. And you will die, " Eramis warns. You hesitate to keep moving.
"The shipstealer is allied with the voice in the darkness... but she does not speak lies. Perhaps there is something here we do not yet see. " mithrax starts questioning our works
"Theres always something. I'm not leaving our people behind. No matter what" Amanda interups
"Then I'm with you" mithrax assures
"We'll follow you as well" ghost agrees.
You keep heading into the prison, fighting your way through. Following the tunnel into it.
" y/n. We're going in through the roof" amanda chimes.
"This was not the plan. Amanda Holliday. Are you certain this ship will fit?" You hear a concerned mithrax.
"Only one way to find out" Amanda laughs
"Spider hated when i did things like this... now i see why" mithrax facepalms.
"Aaaand... We're in! Next rounds on you. Mithrax." Amanda cuts back in.
Mithrax responds"Amanda and i will now locate the security terminal"
"Deal with those armored units. And we'll meet you on the other side" amanda speaks to you. As you fight your way through the prison
As you keep going, you hear amanda on coms. She says she sees you and that she's in the surveillance room. Mithrax chimes in, still trying to locate the captives.
Holding off a Reverent of the Whitness. And finally defeating it. Only to fight more, Mithrax finally finds the prisoners. You secure everything to finally release them.
Amanda gets in position. Mithrax found the prisoners and You cleared the area. The buildings go into lockdown you and mithrax panic. Helping the prisoners stay calm as next you can. Amanda helps, fusing two wires. You both hurry out going separate ways.
"We are through" mithrax runs out with the prisoner's his breathing is heavy.
Amanda lets go. Her hands burning
"The hatch leads outside. We are safe." Mithrax cuts in again.
"Amanda where are you?" A concerned tone leaves you.
You hurry out. Looking up to see Mithrax and the rest of the prisoners escaping.
"Where's manda" You look up to see Mithrax and the other prisoners.
"Amanda come in...amanda are you there" Mithrax tries to reach her.
"Amanda..." You turn to see the tunnel you went through. I'm looking at the smoke coming out. You slowly fall to your knees. Mithrax is taking the leap down to you. Placing a hand on your shoulder.
You slowly walk up the hill. Your helmet in your hand. Flowers in the other. Crow bows his head. Zavala kneeling down at amandas resting place. Mara standing still. As you approach zavala starts
"Devotion. Bravery. Sacrafice. Devotion... bravery... sacrifice..."
You walk up to crow. He looks down and grabs the helmet in your hand. Grabbing it with hia own. And replacing it with his own.
"Guardian... zavala grieves, and... Mithrax is recovering in the infirmary.. how do you proceed? " mara speaks, turning to look at you.
"We have to regroup. Bury Amanda... and put her killers in the ground. " Crow speaks up. Tightening his grip on you
"They'll be expecting you.." Mara speaks.
"Good" crow snaps.
"Think with your head, not your heart. Grief is poor counsel. " Mara tries reaching out.
"And yours is better" crow lets go
"Make arrangements for Amanda.. y/n and i will handle it from here. " Crow crow paces the area.
"If that's your wish" mara rolls her eyes
"It is" crow responds.
Mara walks away.
" i know you want it too.. vengeance... you'll be first to know when it's time, " you watch as crow walks to you again.
"Crow... you know vengeance never did us any good" You walk towards Zavala. Placing a hand on his shoulder, and putting the flowers to rest where her chest would be. You go to her head leaning forward to place a kiss on her forehead. Her body still covered by the cloth.
"Say hey to cayde for me manda.."you whisper, getting up and walking towards crow. He hands you your helmet as you walk away. His hand reaching out to you as he follows. You take time to talk to everyone. Take time to be alone with amanda. You head to the Helm finding Crow.
"Mara and i have been taking, and we came to the same conclusion: it's time to act." Crow starts
" Go on..."Ghost interups.
"The Witness sees our connection to each other as a weakness to exploit. It's counting on us not risking more lives in other attacks, but if Amanda was here. I think she'd tell us it's time to play some offense."
"She would say something like that." You nod your head
" Mara is focusing all her energy directly through you. My partner... we need you to Blaze through the Ascendant plane one last time.. but it won't be without backup!" He moves his arms around.
"Will we be able to win with a small fireteam?" You lean against the wall besides him. Hopeless
"We're all going. Mara says your power is strong enough to sweep us up in your astral wake. When you come out on the shadow legion flagship, we'll be right there with you, I'll be waiting for you..."
"Guess i gatta do it. If you're waiting for me, " you smile, leaning back up
"Lead the charge y/n, Lets finish what they started"
You both take to your ship. Taking a long rest to recover. After you find him back at his normal spot.
"Cmon lets get some rest, relax before we get going..." you take his hand leading him away
"Where are we going?" Crow asks almost tripping
"Bath before bedtime! Oh i cant wait ive been asking mara to let me use it for a while! She finally said yes!" You squeal slightly.
"W-w-wait?" Crow gets more confused.
You drag crow around the helm. Going past Maras throne and down some stairs. A small room is shown.
"Where did this come from?" Crow sighs at Maras' findings.
"Mara said some witch-et, witchhhh-witcher? Something like that left it. I'm not super sure, but she's letting us use it!" You say happily setting up.
You smile, setting down your helmet on a shelf nearby. Crow sits down awkwardly at a nearby couch. Not knowing what to really do. He watches as you heat the water, the steam fogging up the room. You add soap, which quickly takes up the bath with a bubble that smells like fresh flowers. Crow watches you closely, already feeling relaxed from the aromas in the room. Feeling the warmth being trapped in the room.
"What is this for y/n?"
"A bath. For us both, let's us relax our muscles. " You flex your arms.
"But for us both. Will we fit?" Crow stands up, walking to the edge of the bath.
"We will! Now, cmon, " You nudge his shoulder. Sitting on the couch yourself. You lean down, taking off your boots. Crow doesn't notice only turning around once you've taken off more of your clothes. His face is going a bright red.
You fold your clothes, setting them aside. Getting a towel to wrap around yourself. You look up. Shocked at the fully dressed man
"Do you... need help?" You ask, a small smile showing up on your face.
"No, no. It's fine!" He hears you laugh a bit. He takes off his hood. Then, she sits for his shoes. He watches as you put your towel down and slowly go into the bath. Cooling his face down.
"Hurry up, birdie. It's not as fun alone. " You wave your hand. Looking toward him. You see him shirtless. His pants are unbuttoned but not down. Your face also goes red. You quickly turn away before Crow can see. Unfortunately, he did see.
"Ah. Now i see why you're in such a hurry.." Crow folds his own clothes, covering himself with a towel. And walking to the bath.
"I could say the same for you"
"What ever do you mean?" Crow laughs, leaning forward. Crow gets into the bath. You watch him as he lowers himself down. When he gets settled, you get up slowly, walking to crow and sitting down next to him. You watch as his face slowly turns the same bright red.
"Haha, see! You get flustered, too. " You laugh leaning on the wooden
" cut me some slack okay...all this time and this is... this is the first time I've seen you so..."
"Sure.." Crow smiles, looking away at the thought.
"You can look Crow.. we are together." You let your legs rise up, floating to the serface.
"You can look too..." he looks down. His hands under the water
"Oh, i do..." You laugh looking at crow who only got more red. He roles his eyes, pushing back his hair. He grabs your leg gently, pulling towards him and onto his lap. As you float down slowly, you bump into something. Crow groans slightly, shifting you slightly.
"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to! It's just. I was floating and"
"What can i say.... im just so b-"
"Dont say it..." you cover his mouth. Crow pulls you closer. Using one hand to move your hand
"I'm just so beefy..." You watch as the orange eyed man smirks. Giving you a small peck on the lips. His hair fell in front of his face. You pull Crow in for a deeder kiss. Having your own plans for relaxing.
Both of you try to catch your breaths. Chest falling and rising. You sit in between crows' legs as his arms wrap around you.
"Was i okay?" Crow asks his face, barried in your neck
"You were great." You kiss Crows arm as he holds you tighter.
You finally get out of the bath, and crow gets out first, only to hold your towel for you. So you would be warm. You both sat for a while talking before getting dressed. Then, I finally headed to Crows chambers. He's usually at the helm, so he actually got the room.
"That was relaxing." Crow sits on a chair, taking off his heavier gear and setting it down.
"It was, im glad you enjoyed it." You take off your gear as well. Taking clothes you had left from before. Crow watches you. Now more hungry for you after the taste he had.
"Want more?" You smile looking at the mirror that showed crows orange eyes watching you.
"Maybe" crow stands up, getting his own clothing and changing into them. You slowly walk over to his bed, laying down. It was a humble size but big enough for you both. Crow lays down as well, pulling you into his chest. You wiggle your arm out, letting your hand creep to his hair, playing with his white streak.
"I love the way you look at me... it's so different from everyone, but i feel such warmth from it. " Crow closes his eyes, enjoying you playing with his hair.
"I just...i love you... i can't help but adore every inch of you. " You look up at crow. His eyes open, the glow almost lighting you up.
"I love you... so so much. " Crow pulls you deeper in, both of you slowly falling asleep.
You both wake up after a few hours. Fully rested. Determined to show the shadow legion, you can't be knocked down.
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muxas-world · 4 months
I think pecco could very much start losing his marbles with marc in the team, but I also think that he could soften up to marc a bit and the team could get along all good. I think they’ve been more friendly recently and pecco is initiating discussions some, so hopefully that is good news! It won’t be best friends but they could make it amicable I think
Na i dont think they are gona be besti bestis cause th whole vale thing (toug i have lots of toughs abaut what really he must have feel cause he new marc and alex since really young he use to hang whit alex and the marquez family and then he was in the ranch i really think pecco from all the acamedy girls is maybe the les sore abaut them theres amicability but not hate ) and imo all the jurnso people that do work whit pecco talk alwys abut who nice pecco is to work who much even if you wirte a bad article he would say hi talk to you help you etc (maybe he hate them but he know who to work whit poeple imo you dont survive the egos of gigi chambati qnd dominicallli whit vale wiouth knwnign who to play in the midle) so know for sure we woul get some soft momnet that as af 9363 girly gona die for but also his petty usal tense moments ethir way is gona be really fun for us ;)
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etwlemons · 9 months
alright here we go finally elaborating on my the man whit no name theory which inspired my last drawing-
so where to start, The man whit no name is referred to by many names but none of those are really his, at least he thinks so, he uses a name one day in one town and the next day has already discarded in favor of another, he doesn't remember if he ever had a name that was truly his or a surname, he doesn't remember if he ever had a mother or father, siblings relatives of any sorts, he only knows he doesn't have them now.
neither does he remember how he ended up in the wild west on his horse hunting bounties making schemes, drifting from settlement to settlement across the country.
only thing he really knows it's that he has been this way for long, way longer then any human being possibly could, he also knows his face has always stayed the same no new wrinkles or gray hair, his hands still looking young as ever despite the years he feels on them, the years he knows they should be showing by now but they stubbornly don't.
but that's the least of the things that trouble The man whit no name, he could chalk it up to impressive genes if he didn't know for a fact and as surely as the sun is in the sky that he can't die.
he can be shot, stabbed, tortured, drowned and hanged he can suffer and writhe in pain but that doesn't kill him, it's like falling asleep almost one moment he has a bullet wound so large in the back of his head that someone could use it a salad bowl, brain and blood oozing out into the open air, and the next everything is going back in it's place his skull recomposing like a puzzled his scalp skin covering it back up shortly after, leaving only a patch of pink soft skin behind that'll disappear too by evening.
and he doesn't know why, doesn't remember why he is this way either, has it always been this way? was he cursed or blessed? he couldn't say and he doubts anyone else could either.
he spends evening by the camp fire thinking about it trying to force his brain to remember what happened before this life, what happened before the first ever memory he can recollect? nobody is born an adult man whit a rope around his neck hanging down from an apple tree somewhere in Illinois, people are born in all sorts of ways but not like this, there must be a why, an explanation to why for decades he's been the shadow of the west able to be shot but not die, able to suffer and bleed and scream in pain but still wake up from it unharmed every time.
he knows there will be no answer even tough a part of him desperately wishes there was a solution to this, the prospect of wandering earth for the rest of time outliving anybody he menages to be more for than just a nameless man is scary and clutches at his guts like poison does, is the same feeling of when somebody tries to poison his drink he can feel the bitterness sting and tear at his throat and guts until he's spitting out blood and his innards, but they always heal always go back in place, leaving him feeling empty and pained.
he thinks about it every evening jabbing at the dying out camp fire whit a stick when his mind comes to the same conclusion, there is no helping him before he retrieves to sleep, a dreamless sleep that he tries to go to for comfort, painfully aware that while stuck between life and death there's none.
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questlines · 1 year
You place me in ill company.
Fantasies of death and redemption concern me not one whit.
Tell me then, why has your lord father not sent your brother?
You will retract those words, ser!
..Else suffer what consequence?
I shall wash my honor clean in your blood!
And you would play the second? I would welcome the challenge.
He's made an open mockery of me and my homeland.
An oathbreaker of your ilk is champion to no man.
They were convenient to my purpose, nothing more.
What cause is served by sending men to die for his pleasure?
And what of those of this land who will die for your peace?
Will you stand idly by while a people lose their land?
You are no knight, villain!
Pray, think of the morrow.
What is gained by all our deaths?
I will not suffer such slander!
Has he sent his finest blades? A general fit to lead them?
Your head is a meager trophy.
The men of the fort may have use of you yet.
Is no slander beneath you?
The duel is well and settled. Begone from my sight at once.
I've no more patience to indulge your play at knighthood.
Run along home while you yet live.
'Tis a sorry truth that righteousness is a rare luxury in war.
No oath binds you, nor would my death do you any great service.
I must make a pitiable sight..
I knew.. I am a meager choice to send as aid.
I fear I put on a shameful display...
He had the truth of it, every word.. I am weak.
I serve no purpose here, save as hollow homage to an empty pact.
It would please me to know it provided you some small comfort on your journey.
I cannot hope to grow strong overnight, but I will return able to serve you.
Your pride is lost, but you've kept your head.
Such utter defeat ill leaves room for argument.
They will have my confession, and my head, should they wish it.
Even as I am, I've still some semblance of pride.
Do you think me a fool for coming back? For not running?
In truth, I hardly know my own reasons.
Better that men at arms turn and run, than stand and die.
I was sure it was the best way. The only way.
You brought doubt with you.
'Tis a strange thing, to find such hope unwelcome.
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bleuflowerfields · 1 year
//spoilers for drdt ch2 ep10!
it's thought time! these are just first impressions of the new episode, so no theories quite yet!
that might have been my favorite episode this chapter, by far. that was a fucking rollercoaster.
for starters, i was literally screaming in a VC with one of my other friends because of arturo's secret reveal. i really want to know the story behind his younger sister commiting suicide because of him, because i refuse to believe that it was out of malice. though, he did have quite the extreme reaction, because hell, he had a scalpel at eden's throat when she mentioned the secret to him, so it must have pissed him right off that they're already assuming that his motives or reasons were malicious. terrifying stuff. either way, he's starting to grow on me.
also, new arturo sprites and a cg with him! yippee! love how they look so far :)
second, love how arei beat that toothpaste tube twink-looking ass to the ground. first time i've ever seen her that defensive. ever. you could probably hear me laughing at that from across a mansion.
AREI AND EDEN'S INTERACTION! they were being quite fruity but i genuinely loved it. seeing that side of arei actually opening up to eden... it was a sight to see. might i start shipping them? who the hell knows. either way, it was wholesome as fuck.
(whit going "can we do that too?" made me laugh even harder. damn you fruits STOP TAKING OVER MY BRAIN AAAAAAAA)
also the fact that david decided to go all Komaeda on us is probably one of the scariest things to me, bro is probably going to take it back when he realizes who the killer is. or not. bro wants the killer to die a painful fucking death.
also new sprites with david! also loving them :)
and his secret! i wonder if ace is lying his ass off or telling the truth, but either way, i think we finally get david's true secret next week. am i ready? nah. but do we have to be? yeah.
alright, thoughts over. i'll probably be talking a lot more on the arturo secret and david's general nature on other posts when i collect my thoughts about them. maybe arei and eden, too.
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therubyreader · 7 months
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My Review of What the River Knows by Isabel Ibañez
See a full list of my book reviews here
*Disclaimer: there will be spoilers later on in the review*
Review Word Count, non-spoiler: 779 Review Word Count Total: 1,408
BookTok has once again gotten me to read another book, which honestly, I’m a little upset it’s this easy to get me but we’re here now. One of my unofficial reading goals this year was to read more books by Latinx authors, since I’m Latina and it's disappointing how little of my “catalogue” is occupied by authors with my background, so now I’m here.  
What the River Knows takes us back to the 1880s in the height of European tourism to Egypt after the British takeover. Inez lives in Argentina, she’s the daughter of two Egyptologists who have mysteriously died while out in the desert prompting her to go to Egypt to try and solve the mystery of their deaths and unwittingly gets involved in the hunt for Cleopatra’s tomb alongside her uncle who’s hiding secrets of his own. Inez must tread carefully as she balances solving two mysteries without knowing who to trust while fighting her burgeoning feelings for her uncle’s assistant.  
I’m going to be honest with you all and say that this, the book was good, it wasn’t great, it was entertaining for sure, but I did feel the writing style was a bit lacking. Now this isn’t a dig at the author or anything, I picked up a YA book so honestly, I should’ve excepted YA style writing, which I wouldn’t normally be mad about it but the last fourth of the book was written so well that it made me question what was going on for the rest of it. The fact that there was great writing and potential there plus the cliffhanger ending (which if anyone wants to know my theories let me know) is what is going to get me to read the second book. I honestly have high hopes for the sequel so I will be very impatiently waiting for it to come out in November.  
I think my biggest complaint with this book is the love interest, Whit, and like there is nothing particularly wrong as a character, I just didn’t really like him, like I don’t hate him, but he was just there. This guy is the most basic love interest, he’s literally the same man as all other YA men: white, tall, brooding, flirts to mask his true feelings, has “touch her you die” energy, soft only for her, and is always smirking. And like, I’m not shaming you if you like when the love interest checks most/all those boxes but I’m begging authors to please write something else, I’m tired of this. Why does this man have to be over six feet tall? He literally at one point mentions how Inez doesn’t even reach his shoulder, and I don’t get why that was necessary when the average height for men in the UK at the time was about 5’6” (yes, I did Google this), there was no need for him to be abnormally tall, he could’ve been 5’10” and nothing would change. Maybe I’m too unnecessarily upset and annoyed about this but really tall male love interests with small and petite female main characters a personal pet peeve of mine. 
Another pet peeve I had was the whole “forgetting to switch between languages” thing that Inez was doing the whole book. Though I do get the fact that she primarily speaks Spanish so switching to speaking English regularly was a bit of a learning curve but her constantly going “gracias, I mean, thank you” made me want to rip my hair out. And I’m saying this as a Spanish/English bilingual, this doesn’t happen, more often than not I just forget a word entirely and I don’t forget to switch between languages because that’s not a thing!! It’s giving 2010s cringe, you all know the posts on here that I’m talking about, it made me angry and was honestly a thing that made me have to put the book down a couple of times and take a breath before I continued.  
My complaining aside, I do think this is a good read, it’s fairly easy to follow once you get over the repetitiveness of the first half of the book, once you get to the halfway point it really does start to become more than a basic YA book and you get wrapped up in the mystery of it all. I know I’m not doing a super good job of selling it but trust me, this is a fun read to pick up if you’re in between books and its plot is something that is very unlike anything else on the market right now. I give it a fun with lots of potential for greatness out of ten.  
I honestly don’t know where to start with this, there’s just so much that I want to talk about. I'll just do a good old rapid fire: Whit is weird, he’s such an odd man, what do you mean you’re a lord, the fuck? I didn’t trust Inez’s mom from the beginning, she had weird vibes and so did Inez’s uncle, they’re both strange, the magic system they had going on was super cool and creative, I cannot wait to see how it expands in the second book.  
Something that has been bugging me this whole time, and I don’t know if I’m thinking about it too hard, but how was it that Inez and Elvira were told they looked like twins when it’s stated multiple times that Inez looked just like her mother, but Elvira is related to Inez through her father so they shouldn’t look anything alike. I get the whole bamboozle business with the dress and causing her to get kidnapped but like, Inez was going around telling strangers her name was Elvira so when Elvira eventually got to Egypt and introduced herself, she wouldn’t have known that Inez was using her name. Also, when Inez first got to the hotel and was talking to Mr. Burton shouldn’t he have been able to clock she’s her mother’s daughter based on the whole “they look the same” thing? I don’t know that part of the plot was strange, I feel like there were some glaring inconsistencies that if I thought about too hard wouldn’t add up, maybe it’s just me though. I do think that Elvira died unnecessarily, and it was quite evil of Inez’s mom to set her up like that.  
Something I did love, which I will say nice things now so I’m not being completely negative all the time, is how immersed I felt in the location. As I was reading, I did genuinely feel like I was in Cairo and exploring these ancient ruins with Inez, the way that the story was written shows how the author did her research. Every location was described so beautifully, which added to the ambience of the story on top of the couple of drawings thrown in of certain locations and objects just added another level of understanding to the book.  
I do want to take a moment and talk about how much I liked Inez as a character, though she does fit some stereotypes of female leads, she felt like a real person throughout the course of the book. Yes, she is stubborn, but she is stubborn to a fault, the way she was so determined to get on her uncle’s expedition to find out what happened to her parents ended up backfiring on her when she accidentally betrayed them by helping her mother steal artifacts. She knows about ancient Egyptian history but isn’t an expert so there are times when she has to have help from her uncle or Whit as to what is going on. She is such a real person that it really adds to the narrative and though there are times she may feel annoying or unlikeable you cannot help but sympathize with her as she juggles her grief with this new environment and new people.  
I honestly cannot wait for the second book to come out later this year, I have high hopes as to what is going to happen and how the story is going to end. Let me know if you want a full post on my thoughts on the whole Whit thing from the end, that was honestly such a good plot twist, and it has some historical accuracy if it is what I’m thinking it is. I do recommend it to everyone, diversify your reading friends.  
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haisuu · 1 year
Can you do you write Hcs or scenarios with Arturo Ace Whit and Charles joining there lover father for a driving test just to get his blessing and this happen (Driving Test video is base on Phineas and Ferb Driving Test Watz)
I’ll Try My Best!
A (Driver’s) Test
Arturo; Ace; Whit; Charles x Reader (separate)
Summary: They’ve got to get your father’s blessing..shouldn’t be that hard right? Just a simple drivers test, and they’ll be done! But it turns out to be a bit more complex than expected…
a/n: I’m just trying to get back to a consistent posting schedule rn lol (it’s not happening)
Arturo Giles!
He must admit, your parents did not match up to your beauty at all! But he does need your father’s blessing…
When he hears about the idea of a drivers test, he becomes a bit skeptical though…
Oh, whatever! If they have any sense in them, then they should make it easy, right?
As soon as he saw the upcoming trip he’d have to endure, he instantly felt a sense of fear for a brief moment.
But, he’d do anything for you! So he’ll do it, just to get this over with and get your father’s blessing!
He was able to ace the test, flying colors! But he must admit, your family is quite..eccentric.
“Y/n, your family is..interesting, to say the least.” He said, as you chuckled alongside him.
Ace Markey!
He’s a scaredy cat, he’s not making it let’s be real..might as well try though, right? …right?
Yeah, before the test even starts he’s already muttering screaming at himself to get out of here..
But in the end, he can’t, he needs your father’s blessing and he’d do anything for you!
Yeah, he ended up crashing into the lake and had to be saved by your dad to make sure he didn’t drown..
Safe to say..he didn’t pass the test, but your dad still cut him some slack and gave him his blessing anyway, so..success?
On the way home, he rambled to you about how he both was not scared at all and how he felt like he’d piss his pants every single second that passed by.
“Your father practically tried to kill me, love! I don’t know what he’s thinking to be honest..”
Whit Young!
He’s..not too scared when he sees the following driving path. I mean sure he might die in the lake but he’ll be ok! Right?
He’s already met your father and he was a kind man, so it was perhaps unexpected to see a bit of a grueling task, but he wasn’t too worried.
I mean, he was sure he was going to pass, cracking a joke or too before the test started.
…he ended up crashing into the lake…he didn’t die though, so that’s good!
Your father decided to have mercy on him, recognizing the chemistry between you two!
And now, here Whit was, rambling over the fact he almost died, he seemed to have gotten over it quick though, since he was now teasing you as usual.
“Come on, Y/n! You totally were missing me while I was doing the test, weren’t you?”
Charles Cuevas!
To say Charles was skeptical about the test was understatement..he didn’t find the need for it quite frankly. It’s evident you two love each other, so there’s really no need, right?
Oh, but he’s absolutely head over heels for you, if he dies professing his love to you this way, he’ll die happy, so he’ll do it.
When your father first met him, he thought Charles was perfect for you in almost every way!
He was only concerned that Charles wouldn’t put in the effort or make you feel safe and comfortable in the relationship. Which is why he felt he needed Charles to take this test.
Charles had a few nerves going into it, mainly worried about the lake, and the sharp turns. But he knew he’d be able to do it.
Safe to say, he passed! He was very happy, but only let a small smile onto his face as he saw you smile with glee.
You two decided to walk home, your house wasn’t far anyway! And he needed a bit of a break.
“I told you I could do it, Y/n. Did you really doubt me?” He said in a both teasing yet serious tone to you.
Hey, Hey, Hey! Hope you enjoyed! Please know that I have huge mental/writer’s blocks when it comes to writing so please be patient! I do appreciate all the requests though! Please be safe, take care of yourself, and have fun! Bye!
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