dillpicklesupremacy · 22 hours
poly!marauders x fem!reader who loves quidditch and is a bit nervous for her first match
I’m not super in love with this one, but here! Maybe a part 2? I love quidditch player! reader fics and feel like I should do more to do her justice.
The boys always knew you liked quidditch; it was quite obvious. You were always sitting in the stands during the matches, pressed against Remus for warmth as you watched Sirius and James play.
Sirius was built to be a beater. He had surprisingly good balance on a broom, and could quickly rotate himself. He was good at seeing the whole picture. He would keep track of his teammates, of who was being targeted with Bludgers.
James was a chaser, through and through. He was lean and muscular, and could weave in and out of obstacles more quickly than anyone else in all of Gryffindor house (and in your opinion, anyone in the whole school).
In first year, during Madame Hooch’s lessons, through, the boys took quick notice to your natural ability when it came to flying. You were the first to pick up each skill, and moved with your broom like the two of you were one.
However, when it came to tryouts, the boys couldn’t find you.
It’s what initially drove them to you. Second year, when tryouts were beginning, the boys were practically begging for you to join (well, James and Sirius begged, Remus apologized). You had brushed them off that year.
In third year, you reluctantly went to a few open pitch nights. No tryouts. Same with fourth year.
It wasn’t until the week before tryouts in your fifth year that you told the boys why.
In the summers, you compete in small club leagues for quidditch, just to keep up with it. You enjoy it; being on the pitch in the summer with your family. But when you got sorted to Gryffindor, there was one problem.
There's only one seeker.
It’s not like the boy was bad-in fact, he was the best seeker the house had seen in years. He was only a few years older than you, and so you just…waited. Waited for him to graduate, to be done with the team so you could try out for the open spot.
Fifth year, the position of seeker was finally open. When you arrived on the pitch for tryouts, you fought to keep yourself from cackling at the shock on your boyfriends’ faces (James and Sirius were even shocked to find out that Remus knew you were going to be there).
You were amazing. You had always been observant - you had always seen the little details, always been fast on a broom.
You had gotten the spot and practiced with the team for weeks, but now, you were only a few hours from your match.
Remus leaned against the pillow to your right, eyes skimming over the transfiguration textbook. He had some muggle music softly playing from his record player, but you could barely hear it through your focus. You were leaned over yourself, back hunched as you carefully oiled your fingerless gloves.
Sirius and James burst into the common room with all the grace of an elephant in a mudslide. The latter sent the two of you a goofy smile, stumbling over the doorframe (and righted by Sirius) as he held out two warm cups to you and Remus.
“Spoiling us, hm?” Remus sets a bookmark in the textbook, setting it on the side table as he leaned forward. He grabbed both cups, taking a sip of his and holding yours upright until you were done with the gloves.
“‘Course.” Sirius closes the door behind him, sitting on the cushioned bench at the end of the bed. He set his face in his hands, his elbows against the mattress as he stares at you and Remus lovingly.
Your eyes flicker over to him, sending him a grateful smile before you look at Sirius and James. “Thank you.” You screw the cap on the bottle, setting it and your gloves on a cloth, and then the cloth on the table.
James turns as you grab the cup, walking around the bed to press a kiss to the top of your head. You feel the warmth of the cup seep into your body as you smile. James gives your shoulder a gentle squeeze before grabbing the oil and the gloves from the table, walking toward the bathroom.
You take a sip of your tea, turning to the boy with a confused hum as Sirius places a hand on your leg through the comforter.
James walks out of the bathroom, giving you another kiss on your forehead. “Just don’t want the oil getting on the wood, Love.”
“Oh.” You send him a quick smile, moving to the center of the bed in hopes to redirect the boys from your obvious nervousness.
James follows, moving to fill the new space before Sirius launches himself up from the bottom of the mattress, wedging between the two of you. Remus’s fingers cover yours around your cup, letting out a half-disapproving half-fond sound as he shoots Sirius with a look. “You almost made her spill.”
Sirius frowns, chin on your ribs as he frowns up at you. “Sorry.”
Your free hand gently follows a curl in his hair, “it’s alright.”
James presses himself closely to you, sandwiching Sirius between you as he wraps an arm around you both with a dramatic yawn. “I’m so tired…we got like two hours before we even need to think about heading to the pitch.” He leans forward, giving Remus a soft look.
“Why are you looking at me like a kicked puppy?” Remus shifts himself, taking your cup and setting it on the side table before turning back to you, settling against your back. “I’ve never been one to deny a nap.”
Sirius looks up at you, “what do you think, Love? Maybe it’ll calm your nerves?” You hum, shrugging as well as you can between the boys.
“Worth a try.”
James lets out a soft, pitying sound, staring at you. “You’re gonna do great, you’ve been stellar at practice.”
You half-smile, “yeah, it’s just…a lot.”
Remus’s hand gently travels up and down your arm. He presses his lips to your shoulder. “You should try to rest.”
You hum again. “Set an alarm?”
James turns himself around, grabbing his wand and setting a quick “suscito” on the clock. You close your eyes and try to calm your racing heart.
You feel James’s arm return around you and Sirius, Sirius’s warm breath tickling your stomach. Remus’s hand continues traveling up and down your arm.
You still smell the glove oil in the air as you feel yourself drift to sleep, knowing that when you wake, the adrenaline (and the boys) will be all you focus on.
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Updated September 29, 2024
x fem!reader who has arachnophobia
x fem!reader who is a bit nervous to finally play her first quidditch match
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hey! Could you possibly do a poly!marauders with a reader who has a horrible fear of spiders (like crying and can’t sleep if there’s one) and the boys helping her :))
Not super proud of this one, but here it is! Sorry that it’s so short. Also, I’m sorry if I didn’t hit the arachnophobia as intensely as you’d described. I did my best, but in this story this has happened with reader and the boys before, so there’s a bit of a routine. Thanks for my first request!
Poly!marauders x fem!reader who is afraid of spiders
Sirius is half asleep when he feels you stiffen in his arms, pressing your back against him with a sharp inhale of your breath. He sits up with you, arm around your waist protectively. To your left and his right, James and Remus stir, both arising from a sleep they had just begun to grasp.
Sirius turns you in his arms, lean fingers delicately tracing your jaw as he searches your face for what's wrong.
“Spider,” you say simply, fighting your quickly watering eyes. You almost feel bad for upsetting the boys, James reaching over to the lamp next to the bed to turn it on.
Remus moves to stand, blinking his eyes tiredly as he adjusts to being awake and to the light. James looks at you with his lip between his front teeth, concern etched in his eyebrows as he presses a soft kiss to the corner of your tight-lipped frown.
“Moony’s got it, Love, don’t you worry,” Sirius turned you around again, holding his arms tight around your shoulders to keep your back against his chest.
Remus picks up a cup and a piece of paper that lay haphazardly discarded on the desk by the window.
“By the light,” you say softly, as if raising your voice would draw the spider to you, eyes flickering around the walls as you fight to calm your racing heart.
Remus hums softly in acknowledgement as James rubs his calloused fingers over your knuckles soothingly.
You watch as Remus moves a photo on the wall, a spot of blackness darting out at lightning speed. You begin to gasp, but before the sound finishes leaving your throat, the cup comes down against the wall, covering it from your view.
James leans down, his unshaven face prickly against your hands as he smiles up at you. He presses two quick kisses to your wrists. “See, he’s got it.” James stands as Remus methodically slides the paper under the cup before straightening himself out. “I should help him get it out, hm?”
You stare wide-eyed at the cup, giving a weak nod and a hum as you feel your back press harder against Sirius.
James opens the door, helping Remus, whose hands are occupied. The two disappear down the hall, leaving you staring at the wall blankly until they return.
It’s painstakingly long. Seconds pass. Your heart thumps, a bit quicker than normal. Finally, Remus and James come padding into the room from the hallway, quietly and quickly crawling back into bed. James wraps himself around you again.
You look at Remus, almost guiltily. “Thank you,” your voice is barely above a whisper as the boy leans over Sirius, his face now inches from yours.
He presses a soft kiss to your lips. “No need for thanks. Anything for my girl to get a good sleep.” You feel yourself flush at the words, giving him a soft peck in return.
James turns off the light, turning toward you and wrapping his arms around your middle. “Can we go back to bed now?”
You shift down with Sirius, back now against James. You let out a humored huff of air. “Yes, we can.”
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requests are open - please keep in mind that I have a very packed schedule for the next few months
Also, currently I will just be writing within the marauders fandom. Thanks!
Request guidelines:
🎃 I’m most comfortable writing for fem!reader, but I will do my best writing for gn!reader or male!reader if it is requested
🪐 No fandom crossovers
🦇 I’m alright with angst as long as it ends with a happy ending
🍁 No grief please!
💀 I’m alright writing for someone struggling with mental health, but please no self-harm, eating disorders, etc. (list is subject to change)
Note: I used to be a Wattpad princess so Tumblr is a whole different ball game. I may struggle a bit dealing with this new platform.
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