lamaupinfilm · 4 days
Paris's most notorious gossip columnist, Lady Whistletone, has news to report about the scandalous new star singer at the Opera...
Video description: A hand writes with a black feather pen, scribbling nonsense on a blank piece of paper.
Video text: Dearest listeners, by now you will all have heard about the debut of "Mademoiselle Maupin," the newest singer at the Paris Opera. But, while I must reluctantly admit her voice to be of the highest quality, I am devastated to report that the same cannot be said of her morals. I am assured by the most reliable of... anonymous sources that, behind the scenes, our new goddess of the stage has been busy seducing half of Paris - not only that, but she has been pursuing gentlemen and ladies in equal numbers! And if that is not bad enough, she has also been spotted swaggering around the city streets in the costume of a male cavalier. As your humble reporter of gossip, I shudder to imagine what we might next discover about this absolute scoundrel.
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hezzabeth · 10 months
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I know that a Miss Havisham costume in a playhouse should be more regency period… but that’s Whistleton’s theme. Anyway in todays part the gang head on off to Medieval Faire!
"If they had their way, they would have burned anyone with colorful hair, but that would mean losing most of their actors," Revati explained to Brigadeiro who had vaguely followed her into the cafes fridge.
“That would mean killing the entire population of my town” Bridgadeiro remarked.
“It’s not that I hate wearing dresses! Sometimes I love wearing dresses; I just hate being told what I have to wear by some stupid actors based on my reproductive organs,” Revati said to Bridgadeiro, who had vaguely followed her into the fridge.
“You would love the space station! Everyone wears whatever they want, in their assigned colors, of course,” Bridgadeiro remarked.
“I’m sorry, is there a reason why you’ve followed me in here? I need to get changed!” Revati informed him, and he had the decency to blush with embarrassment.
“Dreadfully sorry! I just wanted to let you know I’m done with the plant thing and wanted to ask if I could go home now,” Bridgadeiro asked.
“You can leave any time you like. I’m assuming you’ve figured out a way to stop yourself from freezing to death?” Revati asked as she pulled out a skirt.
“Ah, no, I had a special tent when I was rose collecting, but the chanting naked people stole it!” Bridgadeiro admitted.
Revati examined the skirt. It was one of Amma’s early creations, several burlap potato sacks that had been sewed together.
“Well, I'm not your mother; I’m sure you’ll figure things out eventually,” Revati admitted, and Bridgadeiro chuckled.
“Believe me, I know you’re not my mother; she would have called every single planetary embassy in the solar system!” Bridgadeiro replied as Revati wiggled the skirt off over her pants.
“Is it supposed to look like that?” Bridgadeiro asked doubtfully as the skirt sagged around Revati’s legs in awful shades of mustard.
“It will do,” Revati grumbled.
Dityaa and Aurora were waiting for Revati under one of the new trees. Aurora was wearing a long shapeless tunic belted at the waist. Dityaa, however, had put on a dress made entirely out of yellowing white lace and satin. The sleeves were gigantic clouds bursting from her shoulders. The bodice was cut right across the front with tiny pearl buttons. The skirt had been artfully torn in several places revealing layers of fluffy tulle. The hemline had come undone, and it was dragging in the mud. But none of it really seemed to matter. The dress made her glow.
“Is that what you’re wearing? The ragbag skirt!” Dityaa asked, sounding horrified.
“Is that what you’re wearing? That’s the Miss Havisham's wedding dress from the Dickensian theater! They will take one look at you and know you’re from a different part of the park,” Revati pointed out, equally horrified. No one performed in the actual theater, but everyone read the scripts left abandoned inside.
“It’s pretty! I want to look my best,” sniffed Dityaa.
“The character who wore it went crazy on her wedding day and then died in a fire! She also lived in the 1860s,” Revati pointed out.
“It’s fine, I took all the plastic spiders off it,” Dityaa waved casually.
“You probably should wear something better; the actors in medieval faire will assume you’re a peasant. They’ll make you dig latrines,” Aurora said to Revati.
“The dress I wore last night is filthy! I don’t have time to wash anything else,” Revati snapped back irritably as she marched to the cart.
“You could just borrow something from my collection,” Dityaa said.
“You once told me if I ever borrowed from your collection you would shave my head in my sleep,” Revati replied.
“I was thirteen! A child! Anyway, I can’t have you digging toilets; imagine the embarrassment,” Dityaa said, and then her eyes widened briefly.
“He will need to put someone on as well; that jumpsuit will get his throat slit,” Dityaa said, and Revati glanced over her shoulder. Bridgadeiro was standing a couple of feet behind her.
“I thought I could ask the naked chanters for my tent back,” he said.
“Fine, but you’re digging your own grave,” Revati replied, and Bridgadeiro’s brow wrinkled with confusion.
“You know, the hole a dead body goes in,” Aurora said helpfully.
“That’s horrifying! Back home we don’t do that, back home bodies are turned into diamonds and then launched into space,” Bridgadeiro said, and a faint smile crossed his face.
“The memorial rings floating around the space station really are dazzling.”
“Fine, let’s quickly change our clothes and head out before Amma gets back from her daily walk,” Revati snapped irritably.
Medieval faire loomed over Olde Landon. "Loomed" really was the only word to describe it. The park architects had deliberately placed it in the castle on a giant hill in the park's center. Its gigantic craggy walls cast shadows all the way to Shakespeare Lane. The giant copper dragon could be seen all the way in Whistletown. On windy days, you could smell smoke spiraling from its towers. The smoke was the only proof Revati had that the actors and tourists inside were still alive.
“So, how do we get in?” Revati asked as Bridgadeiro helped her push the cart.
“The back way is in Marzipan Martian’s confections,” Aurora said, and Revati shuddered.
“You don’t like lollies?” Bridgadeiro asked.
“I don’t like ants; Marzipan Martians is infested with them,” Revati replied, shuddering again.
“Oh, come on, ants aren’t that bad! The parks on the space station are full of them,” Bridgadeiro replied as Aurora approached the lolly shop.
“Have you ever seen a Martian ant? They’re the size of your fist!” Revati protested.
Revati remembered the lolly shop before the invasion. In the window, there was a sculpture of the lost princess made entirely out of chocolate. Jars of hard-boiled sweets and rainbow lollipops had been arranged in intricate patterns around her feet. Revati had bolted inside holding Dityaa’s hand. The air smelled of burnt sugar and cinnamon. Massive rainbow bins filled with wrapped lollies sat on groaning tables. Tourists bustled about snatching up boxes of “genuine Turkish delight”.
A lady in a uniform stood in the corner demonstrating how boiled sugar was turned into lemon sweets.
Dityaa was begging mother for a “real” chocolate princess. “And what do you want, Revati?” Her father asked her. Was that when the sirens hit? Was that when the appliances invaded? Or did it all happen when they were in the toy shop next door? The ants had long ago eaten the chocolate princess. They had also managed to knock over and break most of the jars.
“The ants are fine, just leave them alone and don’t try to steal their eggs,” Aurora assured them as she opened the shop door.
The inside of the shop was surprisingly clean and orderly. Broken jars had been swept into orderly piles. The wooden shelves and surfaces were dust-free.
Someone had turned all the abandoned mint-green gift boxes into a pyramid.
“Did you do this?” Revati asked curiously.
“No, the ants did. They’re surprisingly intelligent in a busy, orderly sort of way! I sleep back here,” Aurora said, walking behind the shop's blue and white checkout counter.
“Wait, you sleep in a shop filled with giant ants? I never knew that,” Revati confessed as Bridgadeiro tried to push the cart in while keeping the door open.
“I knew,” Dityaa sang, swinging herself over the counter.
“You never asked, and it had nothing to do with our professional working relationship,” Aurora replied with a small shrug.
Aurora slept on a bed made out of old sugar sacks with a pillow in the shape of a lollipop. There was an old shoebox next to the nest where an ant lay inside.
“That’s Queenie; she’s not dead! Just sleeping,” Aurora explained before knocking on the wall four times. The wall slid aside with a faint whoosh.
A teenage girl was standing on the other side. A girl dressed in a green velvet robe with incredibly long, messy gray hair. Her soft blue eyes fell on Aurora briefly with a small smile before noticing everyone else.
“Hark, my sweet, who be these folk and for what cause do they grace our presence?” She asked in a peculiar accent.
“What does hark and doth mean?” Bridgadeiro whispered.
“This is my boss, Mistress Revati, her sister, and some random boy,” Aurora explained, and the girl sniffed.
“Mistress Revati, this is my girlfriend Isabeau,” Aurora said with a small smile.
Isabeau slowly stepped into the room, her head held high, walking towards Dityaa.
“Pray, art thou the lady Revati? Thou appearest more tender than mine expectations did foretell! Verily, I find favor in thy gown,” she said to Dityaa.
“Thank you! I found it sitting in a pile of ash; I think the appliances vaporized the actress wearing it,” Dityaa giggled.
“I’m Mistress Revati,” Revati corrected Isabeau, who briefly glanced at her.
“Thou doth make sense, though dost bear semblance to a barbarous witch, a crone of eldritch mien," sniffed Isabeau.
“Isabeau! Please try to be nice to my boss,” Aurora flushed with embarrassment.
“Yes, play nice or this eldritch witch will hack that wall down and flood your entire castle with giant ants,” Revati snapped back.
Isabeau merely turned away from Revati before turning to her girlfriend.
“I surmise thy lady doth desire something," she said.
“We need to melt this android in your blacksmith's forge,” Revati explained, and Bridgadeiro, who was holding the cart, waved.
Isabeau walked towards the cart, examining the android. Her gentle blank expression seemed to twitch slightly, like a rock being thrown into a still pool.
“If the Luddites espy this within the castle walls, verily, they shall take thy life," she said, holding up the android's hand, examining it.
“I’m sorry, did she just say someone will kill us?” Bridgadeiro asked nervously.
“They’re not going to see it! It’s not like we’re going to put it on display in the town center,” Revati pointed out.
“Conceal this abomination and follow me hence," Isabeau said, walking back to the gap in the wall.
The gap in the wall was actually the side of a small courtyard. Sitting on a wooden table were six beehives, vibrating gently in the chilly air.
“In hushed steps, proceed, for the bees in their winter slumber rest,” Isabeau whispered, walking past the hives to an arched tunnel.
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shootinwebs · 4 months
( spoilers: helluva boss "oops" episode )
concept: if fizz and blitz had already reconciled before they got kidnapped, they sit there in the cage taking turns trying to hit the whistletone high note in minnie riperton's song "lovin you" until crim and his goons just let them go for being annoying as fuck lol
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Last song: Satisfied - Hamilton Musical
Last Show: The Marvellous Mrs Maisel
Last thing I googled: Bridgerton Lady Whistleton (for a fic)
Currently Watching: Nothing, but waiting with bated breath for the new season of Never Have I Ever to start this week
Currently Reading: Firebond by Oakstone730, read by Sandstripe
Current Obsession: circled back to Drarry
Dream trip: Latin America
Thanks @silas-in-the-stars for tagging me ♡ Tagging @aplaceinme
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eckhaus-latte · 2 years
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cheekyboybeth · 19 days
mums just love saying something incorrectly
my mum just called Bridgerton “Whistleton”
she also calls Monster Energy “Mother”
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moonbedoodling · 5 years
Practicing my whistle tones
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earlsings · 3 years
Reposted from @jeaninedebique #howhighcanyougo ? Show me🤪Sometimes she just does what she wants🤷🏾‍♀️ Just what my voice felt like doing before rehearsal with @hgo_orchestra and @hougrandopera Seriously though, there’ll NEVER be a time for me to sing this high EVER in performance 🤓😅 #challenge #warmup #rehearsal #jeanineinconcert #recital #houstongrandopera #arpeggios #whistletones #scales #music #classicalvoice #opera #houston #texas https://www.instagram.com/p/COBXNEdARij/?igshid=11zmpcfrbqxnc
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monsieurenjlolras · 2 years
Is...bridgerton an adaptation of gossip girl
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ghalibsmuse · 3 years
well the bridgerton fandom is in chaos
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lamaupinfilm · 11 days
Paris's most notorious gossip columnist, Lady Whistletone, introduces us to the newest star singer at the Opera...
Video Description: A hand writes with a black feather pen, scribbling nonsense on a blank piece of paper.
Video text: Dearest Listeners, you may have been, as I was, surprised and delighted when last night a fresh new face - and voice - graced the stage of our beloved Paris Opera. But I assure you my fellow Parisians, you will be just as shocked and scandalized as I am when you discover the true nature of this young singer. Rumours of the most hideous perversions, the most violent acts, the most sensuous pleasures, have reached the ears of your devoted Lady Whistletone, and you may rest assured that I will NOT rest until you have heard all there is to know about this "Mademoiselle Maupin."
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hezzabeth · 10 months
"I don't think that's it. Here, let me show you something," Revati said, gesturing for her sister to follow.
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Dityaa, who always found silence terrifying, spent the brief walk chattering away.
"I don't know if I should continue things with the Duke; he is adorable and very sweet, but I've been stabbed and bruised," Dityaa said, more to herself than to Revati.
"Exactly," Revati agreed.
"Of course, it would be nice to live in a romantic villa with a wardrobe filled with gowns," Dityaa added, touching her dress.
"You do love gowns, and that one is starting to look a bit shabby," Revati smirked.
"Don't judge me for liking feminine things! You act like a warlord but you still make lipstick out of ash and oil," Dityaa snapped back.
"I don't judge you for being girly! I judge you because you spend your life acting like one of the drunk moths hanging around our lampposts," Revati argued as they turned a corner.
"And what is that supposed to mean?" Dityaa demanded.
"You go to balls and seduce dukes, ignoring the fact we are trapped here for the rest of our lives!" Revati said. It was something she had thought many times but never said. Mars had been long ago terraformed in pockets with massive stretches of freezing wilderness between countries and settlements. Older Landon had been built miles away from the nearest city in the middle of an AI machine zone. The only way to reach the park was, of course, by driving or on a high-speed floating train.
"I don't ignore it; I remember more than you do! I remember us running towards the gates trying to get the last train out! I remember watching people leave the park on foot thinking they could walk to the city," Dityaa replied. Sometimes, the Hardi brothers would discover the old bodies of tourists frozen solid in the wasteland. They would, of course, rob them and then rush back towards the park before night fell. Sometimes late at night, Revati could see the distant city lights. It didn't change the fact it was still a day's walk away.
"What's that?" Dityaa suddenly asked, stopping her tirade.
Dityaa had spotted the Android.
"I have no idea; it said it was looking for its daughter," Revati admitted as Dityaa stooped down at the Android curiously.
"Daughter? Can androids have a baby?" Dityaa asked.
"I suspect it was a human using the Android as a surrogate. The voice didn't sound like an AI appliance," Revati admitted.
"It looks familiar, doesn't she?" Dityaa asked.
"It looks exactly like the portrait of the lost princess in Whistleton," Revati said as Dityaa carefully touched the Android's face.
"No, it's more than that," Dityaa said in a soft dreamy voice.
Revati merely leaned down, grabbing the Android's broken legs.
"Go get the balloon cart and push it back here," Revati said.
"You're not thinking of taking it back home, are you? Amma will kill you," Dityaa protested.
"Obviously I'm bringing it back! I need answers," Revati snapped back, and Dityaa marched off.
The second she vanished around the corner, the Android's metal eyes fluttered. Its hand tried to grab Revat's wrist before falling dead once more.
A forest had engulfed Baker Street. A romantic, sunlit forest with twisting trees covered in puffy, bright yellow blossoms bursting from upturned cobblestones. Dotted among them were smaller, dark trees heavy with bunches of magenta berries. Two of the feral children had already attacked the berries, their lips a deep purple.
Dityaa stopped helping Revati with the popcorn cart and started skipping towards the children. Revati sneezed loudly as the pollen hit her nose. She hated to admit it, but it was all rather pretty.
A few feet away, Brigadeiro was working outside the greenhouse along with the school students and Dusk. Mrs. Gupta was glaring at them with firm disapproval. “Does that fool have any idea how much water plants use?” She grumbled to Revati, who was pushing the cart towards everyone.
“I told you, Mrs. Gupta, these are all drought-resistant native Australian plants,” Brigadeiro replied as he stooped over an upturned cobblestone, spraying the mud below. There was a faint rustling sound, and a bush burst from the earth. The bush had peculiar finger-like mint-green leaves. Seconds later, it was covered in hot pink fleshy fruit.
“They look like your hair,” Revati remarked, faintly startled by the entire thing. “Here, try one,” Brigadeiro replied, picking a piece of fruit and handing it to Revati.
“I was only gone for less than an hour! You’ve turned the entire street into a jungle” Revati pointed out.
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diru-astrology · 4 years
one whole minute of kyo’s whistletone screams at the end of dozing green
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ghostlypawn · 5 years
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randomlyraphy · 5 years
🎶#shortcover Always loved those long notes Mariah holds in "For The Record" 🎵Ofcourse she's doing that all in #whistletone but I can't do whistle tone so I had to do it in falsetto😂🙌 #mariahcarey #fortherecord #throwback #emc2 #music #acapella #singing https://www.instagram.com/p/B1jaI5Fna1-/?igshid=102o3m60tad10
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phansprings · 6 years
honestly dan is correct, oh Canada fucking s l a p s.. true north strong and free? yuh. Ton histoire est une épopée? you bet it’s in two languages bitch. I’m standing on guard for thee rn and I’m fucking LIT
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