#while your competitors are getting all their dishes out on time
thevalleyisjolly · 2 years
Just watched the finale for Season 11 Masterchef Australia and that sure was some bullshit, huh
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bbygirlky18 · 8 months
Can i request a Billy Gunn fic and maybe a wrestler he is not fond of mentions y/n who is a female wrestler in a promo and he dishes out some words and a beating with either the acclaimed or his kids. But they aren't dating yet until afterwards like a confession of feeling or something if that's okay with you?
Admiration for Her! Billy Gunn
Billy Gunn x y/n
Warnings: Cuteness!!
Word Count: 593
A/N: Hi everyone!! This was sent in by Anon. I'm sorry I didn't write this sooner, I was busy doing other things but I'm taking requests on this acc and on @livslunaticdamiansdisciple18 so feel free to send some there. Let's get into it.
Y/n is your name.
Hope you like it.
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Billy Gunn had always been a fierce competitor in the ring, known for his quick wit and powerful moves. But there was one particular wrestler that he just couldn't stand - John Morrison. Morrison constantly boasted about his skills and never failed to mention his admiration for Y/n, a rising female wrestler in the industry.
In a recent promo, Morrison couldn't help but bring up Y/n once again, causing Billy's blood to boil. 'And let's not forget about the beautiful Y/n, the most talented wrestler I've ever had the pleasure of watching,' Morrison announced, with a smug smirk on his face.
Billy, who was watching backstage, clenched his fists in anger. He had been crushing on Y/n for a while now but had never mustered up the courage to confess his feelings. And now, Morrison's constant mentions of Y/n just fueled his jealousy even more.
Unable to control his emotions any longer, Billy stormed out to the ring, interrupting Morrison's promo. 'Enough with the Y/n talk, John. You don't know the first thing about her,' Billy growled, causing the crowd to erupt in cheers.
Morrison, taken aback by Billy's sudden outburst, tried to defend himself. 'Oh please, Billy. You're just jealous because y/n would never give you the time of day,' he retorted, smirking once again.
Enraged, Billy didn't even bother waiting for a response. He charged towards Morrison and began delivering a series of powerful punches. But he didn't stop there. Billy grabbed Morrison's acclaimed and used it to hit him repeatedly, sending a clear message - don't mess with Y/n.
After finally getting his anger out, Billy stood over Morrison's beaten body, panting heavily. But then, he realized what he had just done. He had let his emotions get the best of him and had possibly jeopardized his career. What if Y/n saw him in this state? What would she think of him?
Feeling guilty, Billy looked up and saw Y/n standing in the corner of the ring, staring at him with a mixture of shock and concern. Without thinking, he made his way towards her, feeling the need to explain himself.
'I-I'm sorry, Y/n. I didn't mean to...' Billy trailed off, unable to find the right words to say.
Y/n just shook her head, a small smile forming on her lips. 'It's okay, Billy. I know you were just defending me,' she said, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.
In that moment, Billy couldn't hold back any longer. 'I can't stand seeing you with other men, Y/n. It drives me crazy. I...I have feelings for you and I just can't ignore them anymore,' he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper.
Y/n's eyes widened in surprise, but her smile grew wider. 'I've been waiting for you to say that, Billy. I have feelings for you too,' she admitted, before pulling him into a passionate kiss.
As the crowd cheered and the cameras rolled, Billy knew that he had taken a huge risk - both in the ring and with his heart. But as he held Y/n in his arms, he couldn't help but feel like it was all worth it.
In the next few weeks, Billy and Y/n made their relationship official, much to the delight of their fans. And as they walked out to the ring together, hand in hand, Billy couldn't help but feel proud to have Y/n by his side. Finally, they were both champions in love and in the ring.
-I hope you guys enjoyed this! I had fun writing it. I love you guys so so so so so much. <33333
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gimletagain · 2 years
We need a complete analysis from you about this!!!!
honestly I don’t have much to contribute. I was right in that film content doesn’t get released without any advanced marketing, and now we have that advanced marketing in the form of a trailer. It might be a short marketing blitz or it might be a longer one. It was my bad for not considering a very short blitz that would still make December 8 feasible. It’s interesting that Netflix is still playing coy about the release date though.
The reason why having a whole publicity spree leading up to a release date is important for filmed content bc viewership is a fixed commodity. Meaning, every single streaming company and tv and movie studio is fighting for the fixed amount of time that you can sit on your butt and watch something. Films are not like music or podcasts, you can’t watch it driving, or cleaning the dishes, or even while doing most forms of exercising. Your time to actually watch something is continually eroded - by life, the internet, new media like TikTok and social media - and is really valuable to these companies. They know they need to make an effort to get you to commit and not lose you to their competitors.
some other thoughts-
It’s … not good. The lack of advanced buzz from entertainment writers means that no press outlet got a copy of it to review. So we are dealing with just purely fluff, shock and awe, reality tv content - not exactly quality and not anything that can win anyone awards. Certainly “keeping up with the ex minor royals” and not a “historic love story.” Celeb driven documentaries can and DO get highbrow treatment - like RDJr’s Sr, which is coming out this month. Selena Gomez’s documentary was screened in advance by Rolling Stone and referenced during her interview with them. And, we got leaks this summer saying it screened very poorly with test audiences.
There’s not much content? I refuse to actually watch the actual trailer but it looks like it’s nearly all the same black and white cheesy photographs she likes so much, and some lame shots of them lounging around their house either crying or making out with each other (which honestly, is so cringe - who is that supposed to appeal to?!!) Someone on IG said they can’t believe that Netflix paid for a slideshow of filtered iPhoto selfies. If they really have interesting footage from RF events, they would’ve teased it. Instead we have an AP photo of Kate looking as mean as possible.
with those two things in mind, it makes sense that Netflix has this squarely bucketed as a sugar or a hate watch, so they’ll do what they can to market it to the limited audience that gets all worked up over them on both sides. They know what they’re doing, so the timing is good. We got the RF accused of racism, W+C in Boston, and all of the things that our little corner of the internet pays attention to. Perfect marketing moment. Maybe they’re coy about the release date bc they’re still trying to see how much buzz they get in December before they commit, and might hold off for some of the other moments like Spare or the Coronation.
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ichiigotsukii · 1 year
RULES: repost, don’t reblog. just pick a muse of yours and fill it out.
MUSE: Taemin
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— basics
▸ is your muse tall/short/average? 6’2″! 
▸ are they okay with their height? Honestly? He wouldn’t mind being even taller. But he’ll take what he has.
▸ what’s their hair like? Straight naturally. There is a bit of a wave to it depending on if he falls asleep with it still wet or damp (even though his trainer tells him not to).
▸ do they spend a lot of time on their hair/with their grooming? Definitely not. Any time he was in the media for an ad or something of that nature, a team did him up, but left to his own devices, it’s just running his fingers through it or using a comb.
▸ does your muse care about their appearance? He cares about his appearance more in working out and his muscle strength. In terms of clothing or something more in that vein, he lives in athletic wear so he definitely doesn’t care about being fashionable. Though! He is a little bit of a sneaker snob. If you’re wearing Converse, he WILL judge you.
▸ does your muse care about what others think about them? Again this is more as a competitor. He cares about his image in the MMA world, so having his name raked through the mud is something he won’t forgive, and he won’t stop until he destroys those who set him up. But in terms of if people don’t like him on a personal level? He doesn’t give a shit. He has a bit friendlier of a persona with media, but in all other aspects, he couldn’t care less.
— preferences
▸ indoors or outdoors? Outdoors ▸ rain or sunshine? Rain. ▸ forest or beach? Beach ▸ precious metals or gems? Precious metals ▸ flowers or perfumes? Uh....flowers if he has to choose ▸ personality or appearance? Strength....lol ▸ being alone or being in a crowd? Being alone ▸ order or anarchy? Order ▸ painful truths or white lies? Painful truth ▸ science or magic? Science ▸ peace or conflict? Conflict ▸ night or day? Day ▸ dusk or dawn? Dawn ▸ warmth or cold? Cold ▸ many acquaintances or a few close friends? A few close friends ▸ reading or playing a game? Playing a game
— questionnaire
▸ what are some of your muse’s bad habits? Brushing people off is a big one, especially when he’s offered help. Not learning how to cook even simple things. Leaving his dishes in the sink until they become a pile. Having one foot in the public eye while the other is in the darker underground. Getting his underwear dry cleaned.
▸ has your muse lost anyone close to them? how has it affected them? He lost his mother when he was 13 and it definitely made him more closed off and colder towards the world. She definitely babied him a little and was very warm with him, and after her passing, his father left him to do a lot of parenting of himself. His ironclad self discipline comes from being on his own a lot. It didn’t help that he can have a rather intense face, so making friends in school didn’t always come easy. He got in a lot of fights.
▸ what are some fond memories your muse has?
As much as he likes to bitch about some of the people in Jungle, Ozelot, it really is a found family for him. People depend on him, look up to him, and care about his well being, even when its tough love sometimes. 
▸ is it easy for your muse to kill? In terms of strength and ability? Definitely. But while fighting is his thing, and he gets riled up when there’s blood involved, he isn’t much into killing so he doesn’t. But he COULD.
▸ what’s it like when your muse breaks down? He....hasn’t really done that so it’s hard to say. If he really broke down then he there would probably be a flood of pent up feelings released, but he keeps those kinda of emotions under tight lock and key....that is then put in a box, locked up again, and thrown into an ocean where it can never be discovered. :) 
▸ is your muse capable of trusting someone with their life? Yes, he is NOW. Before Jungle, he definitely wasn’t. But now there is a select handful that he would trust his life to. 
▸ what’s your muse like when they’re in love? ............Secret. Softie. He’s a soft puppy on the inside when he’s alone with someone he loves. A bit of a shy boy. 
TAGGED BY: @ I did some of these awhile ago but I saw Kris bring it back so I nabbed it TAGGING: @ Anyone can say I tagged them! But I’m making @bottleofbabes​ do one for Darius! (And Dante if you don’t mind doing two)
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fireskarr · 1 year
Guild Wars 2 dialogue: The Queen's Gauntlet announcer NPC (all lines)
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With the Festival of the Four Winds coming to an end soon, I figured I'd make another "stuff I found in the game files" post. So this one is about the 37 dialogue lines I found for the announcer of the Queen's Gauntlet.
At the time of posting this, only 8 of these lines are documented on the wiki (I count the countdown as a single line). The other 29 lines not currently documented, but I have heard a few of them while playing and listening to streams/Youtube vids.
I've thrown all of them together anyway, and put an asterisk next to the one's I've heard in-game. Let me know if I've missed any!
Announcer: Welcome one and all to your fabulous Crown Pavilion! Announcer: Who's ready for some gratuitous violence! Announcer: We have a new challenger! * Announcer: Here's an up and coming fighter, back for more! * Announcer: This competitor continues to impress, but can they keep it up? * Announcer: Always a pleasure to welcome this veteran contender back to our arena. * Announcer: You know this superstar by now. Let's hear it! * Announcer: Uh-oh! Here it comes! Announcer: They better get clear, or they're gonna get smeared! Announcer: This next hit could be the finishing blow. Announcer: Oh, that's gonna leave a mess. Announcer: Notify their next of kin, and get a mop! Announcer: Hands together for our champion! Announcer: What skilful execution. I'd keep an eye on this one. Announcer: Good show, what a competitor! Announcer: Let's see if our challenger is skilled at leaping! Announcer: We're about to see if our competitor is light on their feet! Announcer: Our challenger had better wrap things up quick. * Announcer: Not much time left. Can our challenger make it? * Announcer: Five, four, three, two, one! * Announcer: Oh, that must have hurt! * Announcer: I think I felt that one. * Announcer: Oh, it's a massacre down there! * Announcer: A beating this bad should be illegal! * Announcer: Let's see some fancy footwork now! Announcer: Doesn't look like the direct approach will work. Announcer: Oh, how will our competitor handle the shielding? Announcer: Oh, hardly seem like a fair fight does it? Announcer: Just what I like to see; a one on one match. May our best fighter win! Announcer: Outnumbered, but never outclassed. Clap your hands! Announcer: Oh, I think our competitor's gonna have to get creative here. Announcer: Our challenger had better start thinking outside the box, unless they wanna leave in one! Announcer: If our competitor doesn't use everything at hand, this could be over soon. Announcer: Let's see what our challenger can dish out now. Announcer: Things are getting serious down there. Announcer: What an unexpected turn of events! Announcer: Looks like we're about the see something new!
And here's an added bonus: when you interact with the NPC, the greeting lines you get are in a completely different voice compared to the rest of the announcer lines. But there are a few lines in the game files which could be the intended greetings for this character, and they don't play for some reason? I'll leave them here anyway.
Excelsior! Having fun I trust? Quite a place isn't it? Please, I'm on break No autographs please
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parricider · 2 years
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𝐔𝐍𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐓𝐏𝐄𝐃 > @timelocker:
while thankful for finding shelter in an abandoned house, rascal was soon starting to get bored; if scourge had been content lazying on the couch, rascal had spend a little time searching and snooping around the place.
the silence comes to a halt as she inserts a tape in a cassette player, and rascal stops, feeling the music rhythm. still following it, she turns around, confident in her moves.
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❝ check it ! ❞ she knows that song; it had been in the pile of man-made tapes al had found, way back then. ❝ hey, know any moves, sire ? ❞ she stretches her hand, wiggling her fingers in a come here motion. ❝ dance floor's lookin' kinda lonely ! ❞
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            ( LOOOOOK at 𝑴𝑬. tell me WHAAAAAT you see. am i GOOOOOD or 𝐁𝐀𝐃 ? don't you JUUUUUDGE so fast
            HEY, HEY, HEY ! )
            𝑶𝑯. he’s checking out this embarrassing party lemming, alright– ‘ APEX  ONE-UPPING IMPULSES ‘ WERE ANALYZING HER REDUNDANT RHYTHM & CALCULATING HIS OWN SLEW OF INIMITABLE MOVES. scourge’s muscles fervently tensed in playful trepidation as his eyes challengingly narrowed at her beckoning fingers from where he was mulishly sprawled out on the couch ( i didn’t sign up for no cootie-swopping duet ! I’LL BE TH’ ‘ GOOD TIME ‘ CATERER; JUST WATCH ME AN’ MAYBE YOU’LL SEE THERE’S MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE ) … … …  he was just itching for that opportunity to one-up this self-proclaimed hotshot in IMPROMPTU GROOVING by kicking up his own spontaneous FOOTLOOSE DUST all over her lackluster clout-a-thon parade like a choking flame retardant.
            THE SUDDEN UNSPOKEN FOOT-FLAIR COMPETITION WAS, HOWEVER, ALL IN GIDDY JEST– THAT SLAPHAPPY GRIN WAS A DEAD GIVEAWAY– caught red-handed being beguiled & stupefied by that TRADEMARKED TIME-OUT CHARM again & again & again & again … … …
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            ( i just want you to 𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐀 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄– i know your body really wants to 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 !
            so leave your 𝐉𝐔𝐃𝐆𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 at the door
                        and get up on, and get up on, and 𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐔𝐏 𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐑 !! )
            EXPERTLY SEIZING THAT CONTEXT-COMPLIANT OPPORTUNITY TO DISH OUT THE ENTRÉE TO HIS OWN CLOUT PARADE, scourge curls & revs up a spindash, before launching himself from the couch to ‘ chaperon ‘ rascal on this unregulated, makeshift dance floor– a ratty, multicolored rug ( quite the downgrade from the life-hazardous PYROTECHNIC FLAIR of the time-out stages  ). he encircles his competitor with lightning-fast strides while rhythmically tapping his feet & swaying his shoulders to the music, progressively closing the distance between them with each loop, all while keeping SEARING EYE CONTACT … … … his shoulders occasionally brushed & bumped up against hers all in a FEIGNED INTIMIDATION DISPLAY.
            ( we're gonna be good tonight ! wanna get you feeling right ! ) OH, HE’LL SHOW HER HOW TO HAVE A GOOD TIME  … … … AFTER ONE FINAL LOOP, the hedgehog stops directly in front of her, before taking another rhythmic step forward ( despite their already QUESTIONABLE ‘ COOTIE-SWAPPING CLOSENESS ‘ ) & defiantly pressing his chest against that DUET-PROPOSING HAND that was still outstretched, still refusing to let her take any sort of lead. a growl unfurls from his chest.
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            ❝ EASY, FOOTLOOSE– didja read th’fine print of that waiver ya signed yerself off too !? th’dance floor ain’t exactly in SHIPSHAPE– ya keep treadin’ ‘round th’edges a one’a WILE E COYOTE’S fuckin’ death traps that he sprung up t’catch th’ ROADRUNNER. one slip up, an’ that’s it !  ❞
            & then he PUSHES HER FORWARD– hard enough to topple her over– before speeding behind her & catching her in his arms, & whirling her around a few times to get that EXHILARATING WIND flowing through their fur, tousling it a bit.
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            a breathless chuckle is forced through sharp teeth as he dips her forward– ❝ think ya better pass th’GOOD GUY permit t’me tonight. ❞
            we're gonna be good tonight
                        wanna get you feeling right
                                    we're gonna be good tonight
                                                we're the good, 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐆𝐔𝐘𝐒 !
                                                            𝐎𝐇, 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐇 !
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nickgerlich · 22 hours
Bowls And Cups
Sometimes companies die slowly, the victim not just of old age, but irrelevance, stubbornness, and resistance to change. I have been watching one particular company die a slow, painful death for quite some time now, and yesterday they finally filed for bankruptcy.
Students, ask your parents and grandparents about Tupperware, because the odds are good you have never heard of them, which may help explain their demise. You may, though, still have some of the plastic bowls, cups, and storage containers in your cabinet for which they became famous. Your parents gave them to you when you got your own place.
Tupperware—named for its founder, Earl Tupper—arrived in 1946, and in the post-war era, helped usher in a selling and buying phenomenon known as direct sales. It relied on Tupperware parties held in private homes, organized by an independent sales rep who recruited her friends and acquaintances to host the parties in return for gift items.
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I said “her” for a reason, because this was a female thing. Remember the time period. Women were homemakers, and the thinking was that by selling in a relaxed out-of-store atmosphere, they might actually sell more. Turns out Mr. Tupper was right, because there was a lot of implicit peer pressure. It was hard for any woman not to buy something once the first woman placed an order. Shopping fever spread like COVID, at least within the Petri dish of that party.
Imagine having to buy your homeware items in this manner today. It’s a non-starter. Even though the business model was copied by other companies selling ladies’ lingerie, cookware, candles, and the like, the thought of product-centric parties usually gets a hard no from people. Besides, who has time for this kind of stuff anyway? You’d have to do a deep cleaning to make your place presentable, and then provide snacks and refreshments. And the mere thought of allowing strangers into your living room—that is, other friends and acquaintances of the party organizer—is a definite no.
That’s where Tupperware went wrong. It insisted its business model was sound long after it lost its luster, and was very slow to adopt e-commerce as well as distribution through retailers. If fire is a metaphor, it waited until the brand was practically destroyed before calling in the fire brigade.
Then there’s all that plastic. During Tupperware’s rise to ascendancy, plastic was viewed as a miracle product, one that could be used in myriad ways. Oil was deemed plentiful if not infinite, and no one knew of any health concerns. Today, there is a growing preference for glass bowls and containers, even if they are more expensive and prone to breakage. Take that, petro chemicals.
While Tupperware still has more than 5000 employees and 465,000 independent sales reps around the world, it is struggling financially, unable to address its debts. Factor in a slew of competitors who have earned their shelf space with cheaper products, as well as glass, and you have the recipe for disaster.
What remains is how Tupperware will proceed. Bankruptcy is basically a stalling procedure, at least for a while, as a company tries to reorganize. Will they liquidate and turn out the lights? Seek an infusion of investor capital? Pursue a loan at a time when they are a high risk borrower? Or sell to someone with other plans?
Stay tuned, but from my perch, I don’t see this brand sticking around much longer. Even its stream of brand equity has nearly run dry, a couple of younger generations with little or no familiarity with the products. And all because they refused to accept that things—many things—had changed.
Remember, Change takes no prisoners. It digs holes to bury its victims.
Dr “Put A Lid On It” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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petnews55 · 3 days
5 Best Cat Beds in 2024: Reviews and Prices, Pros and Cons,Places to Buy
In 2024, there are many competitors it turning out the Perfect cat bed for your cutie. Below is a guide to the five best cat beds, with prices and pros and cons also discussed.
1. MeowNest Ultra Soft Cat Bed
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Price: $39.99
Where to Buy: Chewy.com
MeowNest Ultra Soft Cat BedAmazonThis cat bed is perfect for kitties who love to curl up in snug, warm spots. The amount of padding and faux fur lining it has makes for the perfect soft bed to ensure that your cat is comfortable every time it lays down. Modern, sleek design; fits in many home décors
The Faux Fur Lining Imitate Cat's Mother's Fur, which provides them confortable and familiar feeling.
Washable Cover: Machine washable, a denim cover and binding that is the new accent more of today.
Anti-Skid Bottom–Stays on place without skidding even with the most active cat.
Sizes Varieties: Buy it for your different breed or sized cat.
VERDICT: NOT SUITABLE FOR BIGGER CATS : The largest version of this tent may still be too small for mega-large cats like Maine Coons.
Flattening: After some use, a few customers reported flattening of the padding in extended products.
Customer Reviews:
The bed has a 4.7/5 average rating from Chewy customers who report that it is comfortable and made of quality material. But getting picky one or two reviewers mentioned they wished the cushioning was a little bit thicker for durability.
2. K&H Pet Products Thermo-Kitty Heated Cat Bed $28.99 (Orig. $58, save 50%)
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Price: $69.95
Where to Buy: Amazon.com
The K&H Pet Products Thermo-Kitty Heated Bed Gives Your Feline Comfort and a Warm Refuge Warmer for Places with Cold Temps or Wishes More Heat_RELAXIFEST™ Powered by a 500 Watt heater, it offers the safe and energy-efficient operation. That feature heats up only when your cat is in the bed, so it never gets too hot.
Super Warm: The bed generates mild heat, which is great for older cats with arthritis.
Low Power Usage – Only 4 watts, saving you money on power costs.
STURDY CONSTRUCTION — Constructed to last, this plush pet mattress elements a soft microfleece cover and firm orthopedic foam base.
Safety Certified: MET certified, safe for kids to use.
Expensive: This model is priced at just under $70, which i more than you would pay for non-heated models.
Few Colors: In few color and style options may not complement all home decor.
Customer Reviews:
The Thermo-Kitty bed also scores a 4.6 perception on Amazon by owners of elderly cats, several whom report that their arthritic cat has welcomed this bed when other therapeutic options (oral medication or injections) have not helped. However, multiple reviewers have reported that the heating element may fail after a year or two.
3. Sheri OrthoComfort Deep Dish Cuddler by Best Friends
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Price: $32.99
Where to Buy: Petco.com
The Best Friends by Sheri OrthoComfort Deep Dish Cuddler is meant for cats who like to snuggle up in low, maintainable areas. The high back wall provides orthopedic support and is perfect for a cat who loves to rest her head while sleeping.
Or-tho-de-pic De-sign: The tall back is perfect for senior cats with rhuemat-ism, or lazy baby cats that are just idling the days away.
Easy to clean: The entire bed is machine washable and dryerable.
Deep and Cozy: Cats can nap, hide or play in the high walled design for a sense of protection and security.
Affordable: This is one of the budget-friendlier orthopedic cat beds on the market.
Best for Small-Medium Cats; Larger Breeds May Be Too Tight
On the flip side: Flimsy Material Over Time Some users comment that the sides may start to lose their shape after a few washes.
Customer Reviews:
Rated 4.8/5 on Petco, customers love how comfortable and affordable this bed is. Nevertheless, there were a few complaints from customers who said that their larger cats wouldn't fit properly.
4. Frisco Igloo Style Cat Bed
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Price: $45.99
Where to Buy: Chewy.com
Frisco Igloo Style Cat Bed — A stylish, warm bed for cats who like to sleep in tight spaces. The shape of an igloo naturally resembles a den, and a furry inner lining warms and nests each pet.
Privacy and Security -Intended for timid or edgy cats that prefer to be covered all the way around their body when they sleep.
Elegant Design: The fresh and modern packaging suits most home interiors.
Washable Cushion: The removable cushion is washable so that you can always clean it up.
Strong Material: Constructed from scratch and knead resistant materials.
However, with an enclosed design such as this, the bed can get too hot for cats in warm environments.
Price: A bit pricier than a straightforward design.
Customer Reviews:
Aesthetic: 5 stars | Comfort: 5 stars – Chewy Rating: 4.7/5 (see here) A few mention that cleaning the entire structure may be challenging, while others say washing the removable cushion is an easy task.
5. 2 The PetFusion Ultimate Cat Bed & LoungeSHOP NOW
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Price: $79.95
Where to Buy: Amazon.com
Another premium option, the PetFusion Ultimate Cat Bed & Lounge with Solid Scratching Surface Jugnaeting youPergname[s1]=[cat]END is made from memory foam to ensure maximum comfort for your cat. It has orthopedic support, good for use with senior cats or cat with health issues. This coupled with the modern, sleek design make it appealing and able to blend into most homes.
Memory Foam: Ideal for older or injured cats, memory foam provides additional comfort and support.
Cover: The cover material is tear resistant and water repellent, making it extremely durable.
Sleek Minimalist design fits modern home interiors
Removable, machine-washable cover for easy cleaning
Costs More: It's one of the pricier options, making it possibly not a good pick for budget-minded shoppers.
Only One Type of Color Option: The bed is sold in a few standard neutral colors and many people might not like this.
Customer Reviews:
We rate this 4.6/5 on Amazon with emphasis in how well it holds up over time and how comfortable for older cats. Although, Some customers believe the price is too high for something that is basically a basic memory foam design.
Five Top-Rated Beds For Cats Available in 2024 Here's a quick summary:
MeowNest Ultra Soft Cat Bed: This bed is great for a more snuggly, plush-intense setting but can flatten over time.
K&H Pet Products Thermo-Kitty Heated Bed: Best for older cats or cold climates; expensive
6) Best Friends by Sheri OrthoComfort Deep Dish Cuddler: Good orthopedic support but the bed can lose shape over washing
3) Frisco Igloo Style Cat Bed: It offers safety and privateness however could find yourself being too heat for a few cats.
PetFusion Ultimate Cat Bed & Lounge: This memory foam model provides extra comfort for cats of all ages, but it is fairly expensive.
These beds are available at major pet retailers, such as Chewy, Amazon, and Petco. The most obvious thing to keep in mind is the size of your cat, but don't stop there; take into account how your cat usually naps and whether or not it has any joint issues that could be helped by an orthopedic bed or comforted by a warmer option. The right cat bed will improve your cat's comfort level and overall quality of life!
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nancyrcrane · 3 days
How to Choose the Best WordPress Online Food Ordering Plugin
Imagine a busy Friday night in your restaurant. Hungry people are making crowds at the counter. The tables are full. The aroma of your dishes fills the air. Your staff are moving from table to table to serve the guests. Amidst this buzzing scene, your phone rings off the hook and customers place delivery orders. Managing the delivery service without using an online food ordering plugin can soon become a nightmare.
Restaurant owners face a slew of problems while handling online orders manually. From inaccurate order details to missed orders, the challenges are endless. If you don’t use the right plugin, you are risking your restaurant’s reputation and may lose sales.
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Restaurant owners can find it overwhelming to choose the right food ordering plugin.
Fret not! In this blog, we will show you some result-driven tips to help you make the best selection to manage your food ordering process. Not only will it streamline the ordering and delivery process but also expand your reach and give you more customers.
Excited to know how? Scroll down.
How an Online Food Ordering Plugin Can Increase Your Customers?
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Expands Your Reach:  The online food ordering plugin can help you tap busy professionals from your neighboring offices seeking quick meals. Serving them will significantly increase your restaurant’s reach and loyal customer base.
Provides Unparalleled Convenience: Families can easily plan special dinners using your online order plugin. A hungry and tired customer who doesn’t want to visit any restaurant can also place an order with this plugin. Consequently, you will gain more word-of-mouth referrals.
Creates Exceptional Dining Experience: Features of the plugin like real-time order tracking and customization, can elevate your customer experience, helping you outperform your competitors.
Curious about how the food ordering WordPress plugin can impact your sales? Read more here.
Let’s dive into the stats to get an idea.
What do the Stats Say? 
70% of customers prefer to order food online.
Online food ordering has contributed to 40% of restaurant sales.
One in three US customers use an online food ordering system at least twice a week to get their food delivered.
Getting any online order plugin for food won’t help.
Today, you’ll get a list of companies on Google offering online food ordering plugins. Among them, which one should you pick?
Here’s the answer.
How to Choose the Best Online Food Ordering Plugin for Restaurants
An effective online food ordering WordPress plugin should have certain features. Consider these features while making the selection.
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Fully Responsive
A responsive WordPress food ordering plugin skyrockets a restaurant’s growth. The restaurants can increase their reach. As the menu is accessible from different devices, their customers can place orders from their laptops, tablets, and smartphones. They can place orders on the move. Such a level of convenience and flexibility provides users with an enjoyable experience, encouraging repeat business.
User-friendly Interface
A user-friendly interface of the online food ordering plugin is like a digital handshake that makes customers and restaurant owners feel comfortable. The restaurant owners can use such a plugin without any effort. They can easily add a menu, tweak settings, and set prices without seeking help from any tech guru.
For customers, it’s a smooth journey from start to finish. They can browse menus easily, customize their orders, and check out securely with a snap of their fingers.
Therefore, an online food ordering plugin with a user-friendly interface offers a win-win situation for all users. Restaurants can manage their online orders without a hitch and customers can have a hassle-free ordering process.
Eager to know the secret sauce for your online business? An SEO-optimized online food ordering plugin. It will increase your online visibility, helping hungry customers find your restaurant online easily. With better SEO, you can strengthen your brand identity and draw in new customers without spending on advertising.
For customers, an SEO-optimized food ordering plugin is like having a signpost leading them straight to your doorstep, ensuring that they’re not missing any of your delicious offerings.
In short, an SEO-friendly online food ordering plugin is a game-changer for restaurants. You can stand out in the crowded digital landscape using it and ensure that your restaurant will stay at the top of the search engine ranks.
Order Management Features
Another factor you should consider is whether your selected online food ordering plugin offers robust order management features. It should send real-time notifications, update the order status, and ensure easy order tracking. You should receive a notification immediately after the placement of a new order. The plugin should also allow customers to receive notifications about their order status, from preparation to delivery.
Moreover, an intuitive dashboard is also a must-have feature. If the plugin has an intuitive dashboard, restaurant owners can view, track, update, and fulfill their orders timely.
Secure Transactions
Secure transactions protect both restaurants and customers from unauthorized access and fraud. For customers, a secure transaction ensures that their personal and banking details will remain confidential. For restaurants, a secure transaction prevents fraudulent activities that could cause financial loss and affect their reputation. Therefore, implementing robust security measures is vital to maintain credibility and safeguard customers’ data.
Quality Support
An effective online food ordering plugin with quality support ensures you’re never left in the lurch. It’s like having a team of tech-savvy sous chefs at your behest to resolve your issues fast.
Being a restaurant owner, you may be juggling menus and orders. Suddenly, a technical hiccup threatens to interrupt your delivery service. With quality assistance, you can easily fix the issue and can again focus on what you do best- serving delicious dishes at the doorsteps.
Get the Online Order Plugin of WP Food Manager
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Want to grow your food business fast? Look no further! We recommend you use the Online Order plugin of WP Food Manager.
WP Food Manager is a free food business management plugin to help restaurants showcase their menus. The Online Order plugin of WP Food Manager has a range of advanced features to manage orders and serve your customers better.
Some of the features that make our Online Order plugin incomparable are:
Delivery availability checker
Suppose, a person is selecting his favorite dish from your online food menu to place his order. But, when he clicks on ‘Add’, it shows ‘Delivery is not available in your area’. Don’t you think it will be frustrating for him?
The Delivery Availability Checker is a crucial factor to consider when choosing an online ordering plugin for food. This feature will provide customers with the convenience of checking delivery options before placing their order. Not only does this feature improve customer experience but also reduces the chances of abandoned orders.
Real-time delivery tracking
Real-time delivery tracking ensures efficiency and transparency of a restaurant’s delivery service. You can reduce inquiries about order status by using our plugin for online ordering. Customers will get insight into delivery times. Moreover, it will help you better manage the delivery operations.
Topping options
Another great feature of our Online Order plugin is it allows customers to customize their toppings with our wide range of choices. They can personalize their meals to suit their dietary preferences and taste. From specific vegetables to extra cheese, they can tailor the food item to make it perfect for them.
Price breakup
Some food order WordPress plugins don’t have the price-breaking facility. The price breakup feature provides a detailed breakup of the price of the order including tax, delivery charges, etc.
With a detailed display of price breakup, customers can see what they’re paying for. It strengthens transparency and trust. Further, it eliminates the chances of seeing any additional charges at checkout..
WooCommerce integration
Our Online Order plugin has WooCommerce integration. WooCommerce offers a wide range of payment gateways to enable your customers to choose the payment method as per their convenience. Additionally, it ensures secure transactions.
However, you should have the core plugin WP Food Manager and WooCommerce. Apart from it, you also need some of our premium plugins namely Restaurant Manager, and Food Delivery, to use the Online Order plugin on your website efficiently.
How to Get Our Online Order Plugin?
Using our Online Order plugin is extremely easy. You just need to follow a three-step process, which is described below.
Install WP Food Manager.
Go to our sales page to purchase the Online Order plugin.
Install and activate the plugin.
The price of our Online Order plugin starts from $49. Along with the plugin, you will also get our top-notch customer support to enjoy a smooth experience.
Grab the opportunity to take your food business to the next level. Visit here to try our plugin today!
Wrapping Up
Choosing the best online food ordering plugin for your restaurant is crucial to driving the growth of your business. Consider factors like integration capabilities, real-time updates, and customer assistance to streamline your order delivery process smoothly. Therefore, take your time to do research properly before making any decision.
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bestoffsetsmokers · 5 months
Unlocking the Flavorful World of Louisiana Grills: A Journey Through the Best Picks
Hey there, grill enthusiasts! Are you ready to embark on a smoky, savory adventure that will tantalize your taste buds and elevate your grilling game to the next level? Well, you're in for a treat because today we're diving headfirst into the world of Best Louisiana Grills – where tradition meets innovation, and every cookout becomes a culinary masterpiece.
Grilling: More Than Just Cooking
Grilling isn't just about cooking food; it's a lifestyle, a passion, a way to connect with friends and family over mouthwatering meals. And when it comes to grills, Louisiana has a reputation for producing some of the finest in the business. But with so many options on the market, how do you choose the best one for your needs? Fear not, fellow grill aficionados, because we're here to guide you through the process.
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The Legacy of Louisiana Grills
First things first, let's talk about the legacy behind Louisiana grills. These aren't your run-of-the-mill backyard BBQ setups; they're precision-engineered machines designed to deliver unparalleled flavor and performance. From their humble beginnings in the heart of Cajun country to their status as global leaders in the industry, Louisiana grills have come a long way – and they're showing no signs of slowing down.
Why Choose a Louisiana Grill?
So, what sets Louisiana grills apart from the competition? It all comes down to quality, innovation, and a relentless commitment to excellence. Whether you're a seasoned pitmaster or a novice cook, these grills are designed to make your life easier and your food tastier. With features like precise temperature control, versatile cooking surfaces, and rugged construction, Louisiana grills are built to withstand the rigors of outdoor cooking while delivering unbeatable results every time.
Exploring the Best Picks
Now that you know why Louisiana grills are the cream of the crop, let's take a closer look at some of the best picks on the market today. From compact portable models perfect for tailgating to sprawling backyard behemoths that can handle a feast fit for a king, there's a Louisiana grill for every occasion and budget.
1. Louisiana Grills LG900 Wood Pellet Grill
If you're serious about your barbecue game, the Louisiana Grills LG900 Wood Pellet Grill is the ultimate tool for the job. With 900 square inches of cooking space, a digital control board, and a durable steel construction, this grill has everything you need to smoke, grill, bake, roast, and braise like a pro.
2. Louisiana Grills LG700 Wood Pellet Grill
For those who want all the performance of the LG900 in a slightly smaller package, the Louisiana Grills LG700 Wood Pellet Grill is the perfect choice. With 707 square inches of cooking area and the same advanced features as its big brother, this grill offers exceptional value without sacrificing quality or performance.
3. Louisiana Grills Champion Competition Wood Pellet Grill and Smoker
If you're a serious competitor on the barbecue circuit, the Louisiana Grills Champion Competition Wood Pellet Grill and Smoker is the ultimate weapon in your arsenal. With a massive 3432 square inches of total cooking space, dual digital control boards, and a sleek stainless steel design, this grill is built to dominate the competition and bring home the gold.
Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Louisiana Grill
Now that you've chosen the perfect Louisiana grill for your needs, it's time to fire it up and start cooking up a storm. But before you get started, here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your new grill:
Season your grill before first use to remove any manufacturing residues and ensure optimal flavor.
Experiment with different wood pellets to find the perfect flavor profile for your dishes.
Keep your grill clean and well-maintained to prolong its lifespan and ensure consistent performance.
Don't be afraid to get creative with your cooking – try new recipes, techniques, and ingredients to keep things exciting.
Final Thoughts
And there you have it, folks – a comprehensive guide to the best Louisiana grills on the market. Whether you're a seasoned pitmaster or a novice cook, these grills are sure to take your outdoor cooking game to new heights. So why wait? Fire up the grill, gather your friends and family, and get ready to enjoy the smoky, savory goodness that only a Louisiana grill can provide. Happy grilling!
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  Chapter 4: The First Load Arrives
“It’s the weather, Bob. They have to wait until it’s perfect. Right now it’s snowing in El Paso,” I told Bifocal Bob on the payphone call to New York.
“Snowing in El Paso?” he asked, “Is that even possible? I thought it was in the desert.”
“It’s the high altitude desert, Bob, and the crossers don’t want their movements tracked in the snow.”
“That’s ridiculous. Just get me the fucking load. Otherwise, I’m spending my money on what Neanderthal Ned brings me.”
“Neanderthal Ned” was a reference to one of my border smuggling competitors. He notably lived in a luxurious, retrofitted cave in the mountains overlooking Tucson and was able to amass substantial amounts of Mexican cannabis from independents operating along the Arizona border. Architectural Digest had written a favorable article about his Taliesin West inspired residence which was equipped with advanced automatic features like automated sky lights and floating stairways well ahead of its time. Ned, operating outside of cartel jurisdiction, retrofitted motor homes whose interiors had been altered to fit his shipments which averaged over a ton.
As well-known as Ned and his operation was, it was his girlfriend, Molly, who captured the most attention. Molly and I moved in the same circles. After she and Ned parted company, Molly showed up as a companion to Billy Mercedes, one of my main San Francisco distributors who lived in Marin County. After that Molly married a certain well-known television doctor, who wrote an anguished book, “Taming Molly” about his attempts to get Molly to conform to suburban life while married to medicine.
Ned was reliable, I explained, but this was on another level. We were sending the best genetics to Mexico. Commercial logistics were being arranged. The cartel had ensured a steady supply.
“Bob, you’re about to be on the other end of a pipeline,” I explained.
“Snowing in El Paso? That has got to be some bullshit. Get here as soon as you can.” Patience was not a virtue with Bob.
Waiting is the hardest part of the game. Tension continues to build as the wait goes on. The tension is composed of one or two parts anticipation and several parts fear. Fear that your warehouse might stand out, that crossers would be captured and the authorities might start working their way up the supply chain. Every day I spent at the Las Cruces, New Mexico Marriot was another day that law enforcement might start to wonder what I was doing there, comfortably ensconced in one of their suites in an area not known for tourism. Staying in one of the Marriot suites, playing the tourist and seeing the wonders of El Paso and Juarez? Hardly.
What to do with all that nervous energy? You couldn’t leave El Paso because the shipment was imminent. It could be seized at any point and then you were out whatever investment you had made and you might attract Federal attention. You couldn’t sit in your room or you’d go crazy with boredom. Every day, to avoid the anxiety, I would make the culinary circuit with Brian: breakfast at Lucy’s or Mi Pueblito with the great chili con queso, always followed by scrambled eggs with jalapenos or an egg over easy on one of their traditional red sauce enchiladas. Then we’d head over the bridge and spend the afternoon at the Florída in Juarez. The Florída restaurant was widely known to be owned by members of the cartel so we felt comfortable. Whatever the restaurant, Brian made sure that we were always supplied with an endless pitcher of margaritas.
If it was the right time of year, the Florída had cuitlacoche, the gray, stone-shaped fungus that becomes like tar when it is cooked and has an earthy, tangy, mushroom-like flavor with a hint of raw corn. Farmers call the dish el oro negro, or black gold. The Florída was also renowned for all of the classic Mexican dishes: turkey mole with three kinds of chocolate from Oaxaca, cooked for thirty six hours in clay pot, or carnitas tacos made the old fashioned way, carved from a roasting spit.
Later, after margaritas and a couple of joints of Mendocino homegrown, we would reconvene at Juarez’s renowned watering hole, the legendary border saloon, the Kentucky Club. The Kentucky was frequented by Generals Pancho Villa and Alvara Obregón, the first president of Mexico after the revolution. “The Kentucky” had a timeless quality with pictures from the Mexican Revolution of Pancho Villa riding majestically through town on a horse festooned with turquoise and silver bridles, Villa handing out chocolates or silver bullets to children, Villa with what looked like a cannabis blunt and of the U.S. general, Pershing, who led the Villa Expedition to find and punish Pancho Villa for his attack on Fort Bliss. If you stayed at the Kentucky Club long enough you hear all the stories about Villa. He was famous for his consumption of cannabis, celebrated in “La Cucaracha” and it was historical legend that Villa smoked his cannabis at the Kentucky.
Tables at the Kentucky, with the afternoon light casting shadows, reminded me of an elegant bar somewhere in the British Raj as the sun was setting on the Empire. Any table held court on an international assembly of stealthy high-end thieves, secretive smugglers, cartel lieutenants and Federal agents trying to avoid detection. The Kentucky was styled with thoughtful attention to detail from another era like the soft green-tiled trough that circled the bar which allowed their card playing patrons to urinate at will and not leave their cards unattended. Since the bar was constructed before refrigeration, every day at 4 PM, a skinny young kid, who looked as if he should still be in middle school, carried in the blocks of ice used for mixed drinks on his back. He was always accompanied by his boss, a seasoned four foot dwarf, who directed him and collected money for the ice. The dwarf danced back and forth with a nervous tick as he visited each table to offer an earnest “Buenas tardes”. He always stuck out his hand, expecting a tip in recognition of his status.
I formed a special bond with the Kentucky’s oldest bartender, Andrés, when I brought him a New York Times Travel Section article about him and the Kentucky Club. He framed it and to this day it’s still hanging from a favored location on the wall behind the bar. With great ceremony, he offered to give me his secret margarita recipe which I will reveal now for the first time: one part Hornitos Reposado tequila, one part squeezed lime, one part the Mexican orange liqueur, “Controy”. Andrés was insistent that I not try to substitute the French version of this same liqueur, “Cointreau”. It was finished with lots of hand-chiseled ice.
We blithely disregarded the DEA agents who would occasionally occupy a shadowy corner table, but later, when Brian’s partner Charlie was indicted, we found out that an entire Justice Department task force had been listening and waiting for just the right time. Brian and Charley had arranged for a planeload of Colombian cannabis, flown by some Southwest Airline pilots, that was abandoned before it was fully unloaded in the Palm Springs desert. Years later, the DEA confronted Charlie right in the Kentucky, laid out their evidence among the shots of tequila, and secured Charlie’s cooperation.
Still half-lit from the Kentucky, we would hop back into Leilani’s Cadillac and get in line to go back across the border. It was time for a nap to sleep off the tequila, to clean up and get ready for the evening.
Brian’s answer to the waiting doldrums was to honor a Texas tradition and visit one of El Paso’s multitude of topless bars. El Paso, being part of the South, with the Fort Bliss army base and the University of Texas, El Paso was a prime location for the industry. On my second day in town, Brian took me to lunch in a small downtown café called the “King’s X”. Just as I was biting into my turkey club, the clock struck one and the staff, with matching uniforms, came out to engineer a spectacular transformation. A small stage emerged from a hidden panel and four gorgeous college girls from UTEP walked out in sequined bikinis. It wasn’t long before I stopped eating lunch to watch the performance. Maybe I had led a sheltered academic life previously, but I was from California and had never seen anything like this: one minute I was eating lunch and the next there were college girls dancing topless with breasts unexpectedly inches from my face. Brian noticed my discomfort and immediately called over one of the UTEP girls and insisted she sit on my lap.
He introduced me as a “professor” and asked her what her major was. “I’m studying law,” she said and asked if I could help her with her homework as Brian slipped her a twenty.
“This is my friend’s first time in El Paso,” Brian explained, “I’d like you to introduce him to the way we do things in the state of Texas.” At that narrow, two-person table, she took some time to show me the affability for which Texas was famous. My wire-rimmed glasses were smashed and bent, but I was infatuated.
Unlike California, topless bars were everywhere. There seem to be an attempt to anchor shopping malls with the classic troika of Texas: a topless bar, a pawn shop, and a church. There were some that catered to those who liked heavier girls, to those that liked thin girls, to natural and artificially constructed girls and to every possible ethnicity. Some of them tried to overwhelm you with scale and sheer numbers of dancers and then there were others that were all nude. The latter required one to bring one’s own alcohol, because of an obscure Texas law that recognized the potential for social chaos if alcohol and complete exposure were sold in the same location at the same time. Another timely framed rule on the wall of every bar in Texas, “It is unlawful to discharge a firearm in an establishment where alcohol is sold.” Only in Texas would the constabulary feel the need to spell out the obvious. I gradually settled on two bars that stood out: the Lamplighter, and Prince Machiavelli’s. The Lamplighter became my favorite and it wasn’t long before all California propriety was gone and I started dating the dancers.
One morning, Brian showed up early at my room at the Marriot. Brian was always well dressed with a starched collared shirt, a selection of one of his Patek Phillipe watches and exotically skinned boots. “Del, it looks like we’re out of pocket today so I’ve decided we need to get you out of those tennis shoes.” Several of the cartel lieutenants had mumbled a comment or two regarding the informality of my choice of footwear.
“Man, you can’t wear tennis shoes unless you’re at home,” they told me. ”Why even your president wears boots,” Don Chui’s son, Armando, said, referring to George W. Bush. Over time, a growing consensus and low key concern from Leilani to our Mexican friends had determined that it was a matter of Texas pride, gentlemanly decorum and respect for local customs that demanded that I should immediately be outfitted with appropriate boots.
Brian had shown up with Charlie, his Mexican partner, who was dark-complected, short and heavyset, with a mustache reminiscent of Emiliano Zapata. Charlie always wore shorts and sandals which drew attention to his ample abdominal girth. He was dating the widow of a West Texas oil tycoon, Deborah, who just idolized the notion of her Charlie as a wild, pot smuggling outlaw. Deborah, the stylish blond Texas cheerleader, with her expensive outfits and jewelry, presented an odd couple when matched with Charlie. “My former husband was in the awl business,” she explained with a full Southern drawl, “But I just love my Charlie”. She loved showing Charlie the outlaw to her El Paso society friends and she made it clear to everyone that Charlie had improbably captured her heart as a virile Latin lover.
We arrived at Brian’s bootmaker who occupied a small shop in the old part of town near the border. The bootmaker was a small older Mexican man whose hands were yellow dyed and worn from years of working with leather and lasts. There was hardly room to sit as the shop was filled in every available space with the exotic skins of endangered species. The bootmaker took my measurements to build a last that would serve as the foundation for many future generations of my boots. Having taken my measurements, the bootmaker, under Brian and Charlie’s direction, began to bring in a selection of skins. Once again, with my California sense of propriety, I began to cringe in alarm as they showed me crocodile (endangered), lizard (endangered) and elephant (obviously endangered). The bootmaker mistook my wide-eyed examination of the elephant skin as an interest in the species, so he brought out an “elephant face” skin. Really? I thought, elephant face? There it was with a bullet hole right in the middle of this poor elephant’s skin face. I settled on ostrich, which I knew to be farmed.
“Del, you’ll need a second pair. You can’t just have one pair of boots,” Charlie explained, Pick one more,”
“Yes, you’ll need more than one pair,” Brian echoed. At this point, everyone was beginning to understand my reservations and laughed.
“Since you’re from California,” Charlie said laughing, “ you’d probably be happy with the alligator. Alligators are farmed. Unlike crocodiles, there’s plenty of them.” I settled on the alligator.
We decided to go out that night to celebrate my boot purchase. I selected the ostrich skin for a night on the town. We settled on the Lamplighter which was always our favorite spot. I called Theresa, my latest flame, and she came to pick me up in her classic 68 Mustang with her name, “Theresa”, written in sparkling sequins on each side of her car. My memory of the evening’s events was hazy, but I did remember a chorus line forming at one point with all the dancers joined together in a Rockette like performance.
I woke up early to the sound of a knock on my door. It was from Brian. He was up and ready.
“The crossers came through last night and the first load is in the warehouse, “ he said smiling.
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iwebdatascrape · 1 year
How To Scrape Restaurant Menu From DoorDash?
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DoorDash is a technology-oriented company that primarily focuses on connecting consumers with their desirable local businesses in 27 countries worldwide. It was founded in 2013 and provided consumers with access to several communities. Whether it’s restaurants, pet stores, convenience stores, and lots more, all are available just at your fingertips. DoorDash, however, delivers the best of your neighborhood on demand.
Huge Data Collection Revolutionizing the Restaurant Industries
Several businesses got influenced by big data. And restaurant industries are no such exception. We mean big data here, which is diverse and huge to collect and can only be scraped using standard programming methods.
Before the advent of big data, it was tough to stand out in the competitive market. But now, restaurant scraping has made things a lot easy. If you are into this business and want to give an edge over your rivalry, scraping the restaurant menu is one such solution. By scraping the data, you can not only get insight into the types of cuisines that competitors are offering, but you can check what is in high demand. Use the same strategies to flourish your business too.
Web Scraping Restaurant Menu Data
Several restaurants nowadays are popular for several dishes and beverages. By scraping the restaurant menus on DoorDash, you can easily locate the competitors nearby by looking for a specific type of cuisine or any particular dish. Website scraping can help in examining restaurant sales data on menu items. This gives a clear idea of which items on the menu are highly rated and sell the most.
So, if you are looking on how to scrape restaurant menu from DoorDash, you have come to the right place
In this article, we will show you how iWeb Data Scraping scraped the restaurant. Menu, types, popular items, and price range. From DoorDash, a San Diego website. We also ensured that while scraping the data integrity of restaurants was maintained. Apart from this, we have the potential to scrape 50+ restaurant menus at a time from DoorDash. We also scrape data from Takeaway.com, Foodora, Deliveroo, and several other food delivery platforms.
Sometimes, you might encounter certain problems with your lists that keep on returning empty, even if your code is right. We’ll point out the reason below:
Until a dropdown button is clicked, the menu and prices are kept hidden. Make sure that the algorithm must click on the button to collect and parse data by BeautifulSoup.
The restaurants generally have one value per tag for a single store. But, for menu and prices, they remain within two and three values each in one tag for a single store.
The multiple values [per tag of menus and prices remain within the nested lists. This hinders the get_test() function from getting the values.
However, for scraping purposes, Selenium is the key. While using Selenium, you need to consider html/element inspection.
Here, we handled menu and price with:
Storing them into different lists.
Transforming each list into a separate data frame.
A function was applied to all columns to obtain the text values with the if condition.
Each data frame’s column is then combined to form a single column.
Then, the processed data frames are combined with the data frame containing the remaining parameters.
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Final Words: The restaurant business is highly competitive. In order to stay upfront, business owners must understand the value of web scraping and collecting data on sales, restaurant trends, and traffic for a better understanding of the competition.
CTA: For more information, contact iWeb Data Scraping now! You can also reach us for all your web scraping service and mobile app data scraping service requirements.
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eazy-group · 1 year
49 Quick and Tasty Camping Food Ideas
New Post has been published on https://eazycamping.net/49-quick-and-tasty-camping-food-ideas/
49 Quick and Tasty Camping Food Ideas
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As much as we all love the wild vistas, the geological marvels, and the hiking, swimming, and paddling of a camping trip, a whole lot of the joy of camping centers on food, right? It’s a cliché that grub tastes better outdoors, but darn it it’s a fact, too. Just like back home, though, it’s easy to become bored with your campsite cuisine—or, if you’re new to roughing it, it’s hard to know what camping meals to make in the first place.
Well, that’s where Mountain House comes into the picture. First off, our freeze-dried meals make scrumptious entrees that require no more prep work than boiling water—absolutely ideal for both car-camping and backpacking. We’ve been feeding campers since the 1960s, and our products boast a longer shelf life than any of our competitors; ; 30 years from the date of manufacture!
But we also want to inspire you more generally in the campsite-cooking department, which is why we’ve compiled this list of camping food ideas from some standout authorities. Read on and get ready to work up an appetite!
They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and that certainly applies in the woods. Beginning your day with hearty camping breakfast ensures you’ll have the proper energy for an active morning of outdoor fun and exploration, avoiding the dreaded blood-sugar collapse and ensuing “hanger.”
Here are some easy camping meals for a lovely, laidback morning at the site!
Mason Jar Campfire Pancakes
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Made-from-scratch pancakes for camp breakfast! Just add the dry ingredients to a mason jar to create a pre-made pancake mix and then add the appropriate amount of eggs and milk to two more jars (or any other container of your choice) and you’re all set! A great idea we’re all the way behind!
Upgraded Mountain House Breakfast Skillet
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  Our freeze-dried Breakfast Skillet pouch only requires some hot water and you’ll have a great-tasting breakfast in no time. But you can also hack your skillet with some extra ingredients like cilantro, chives, and avocado to upgrade your meal and add some black beans for an easy side dish. And if you bring along some tortillas, you can roll everything up into some delicious breakfast burritos!
Campfire Apple Crisp Breakfast
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One skillet and a happy campfire are all you need to cook up this fabulously delicious breakfast treat shared by Escape Adventures.
Chickpea Flour Breakfast Scramble
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Whip up a vegan-friendly camp breakfast with this Fresh Off the Grid recipe.
Campfire French Toast
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If you think French toast is a breakfast classic best reserved for the kitchen back home, think again! This Lil Piglet shows how to make campsite-ready French toast.
Caramelized Banana Oatmeal
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The ingredient list and preparation couldn’t be simpler, but Dirty Gourmet’s Caramelized Banana Oatmeal tastes like a genuine gourmet breakfast in the boonies
.Asparagus Pancetta Skillet Hash
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It’s easy but ill-advised to skimp on the veggies while out and about in the Great Outdoors. This recipe from Fresh Off the Grid incorporates delicious (and vibrantly colorful) asparagus, a durable and delicious green that’ll last quite a while your comping food storage container.
Campfire Cinnamon Roll-Ups 
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  Heads up: These devilishly good creations from Almost Supermom are going to earn you plenty of around-the-campfire accolades.
Kielbasa, Pepper, Onion, & Potato Hash
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For a super-easy and quick-cooking but also hearty dinner, give this two-skillet preparation (you can make it in one, too, but read the recipe’s disclaimer) from The Two Bite Club blog a try.
Campfire Beer Pancakes
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We’re not sure we have to say much else beyond the name of this breakfast dish to get you to check out the recipe over at Chowhound.
Whether you’re gunning hard on the trail, the river, or the rock faces, or indulging in more leisurely sightseeing in a national park or scenic corridor, camping inspires a mean and honest appetite. While backpackers might observe the midday camping meal with nothing more than an extended snack break, many other campers like to go for a more ambitious fresh-air lunch, in which case the following camping food recipes ought to fit the bill nicely.
Asian Broccoli Slaw w/Pineapple
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Put together this zesty and colorful slaw from The Adventure Bite team before your camping trip, and it’ll just get more flavorful with the extra sitting time in a ziplock bag or Tupperware container.
Mountain House’s Elevated Mac & Cheese
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  There’s nothing better than mac & cheese for lunch! Plus, it’s kid-friendly! You can give it to the kids right out of the pouch and spice up your own serving with some tasty toppings like salsa and sour cream!
Cheesy Ham & Pineapple Sandwich
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by Erin Clarke of Well Plated
This foil-wrapped, fire-cooked winner comes to us from Well Plated by Erin and its creator’s fond memories of Girl Scout campfire cookouts.
Grilled Hot Pastrami Sandwich
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Another absolutely scrumptious foil-cooking homerun of a camping lunch, thanks to Kleinworth & Co.
Grilled Halloumi Tacos
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This veggie tacos made with the Greek cheese halloumi (another Fresh Off the Grid score) are easy to throw together in the campsite or picnic area.
Campfire Philly Cheesesteak Sandwich
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Enjoy the City of Brotherly Love’s signature sammie at the campsite with this hassle-free tinfoil recipe from Twin Dragonfly Designs.
Goat Milk Gouda Veggie Sandwich
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Cheese takes a starring role in this delicious sandwich, a blue-ribbon midday reward on the trail. Check out the recipe at Dirty Gourmet!
There’s nothing like an evening at the campsite, and nothing like thoughts of dinner to propel a hiker down the trail. Here’s a varied roundup of awesomely easy camping recipes: none of them particularly complicated or demanding to make, yet delivering flavors to impress even the pickiest (or snootiest) campsite diner.
Dutch Oven Stuffed Peppers
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Easy to assemble, quick to cook, a cinch to clean up: You’ll definitely want to give these oozy delicacies from the Dirty Gourmet recipe archives a try!
Mountain House Restaurant-Style Fettuccine Alfredo
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You don’t have to go to a fancy restaurant to get an amazing pasta meal for dinner. Prepare a pouch of Mountain House Fettuccine Alfredo and add some fresh herbs, mushrooms, shrimp, or breadcrumbs and you’ll have an amazing dinner in about 10 minutes.
Red Lentil Sloppy Joes
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Sloppy Joes are a camping favorite for many, and with this preparation from Fresh Off the Grid, you can put smiles on the faces of the whole crew with a healthier alternative to the traditional.
BBQ Chicken Foil Packs
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More foil-wrapped dinnertime goodness courtesy of Life in the Lofthouse!
Salsa & Corn Dumpling Soup
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At the end of a long day on the trail or up on the knife-edge ridges, this delicious, warming broth—a gift to us all from the Dirty Gourmet team—is exactly what the doctor ordered.
Skillet Sausage & Potatoes
Smoked sausage, potatoes, and carrots come together in one-skillet harmony in this surefire camp-dinner recipe from Rasa Malaysia.
Dutch Oven Lasagna
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Turn the campsite into an Italian trattoria with this easy-to-make Dutch oven preparation of lasagna, thanks to Fresh Off the Grid.
Campfire Whiskey BBQ Chicken
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Make this to-die-for BBQ sauce (from Cooking With Janica) ahead of time at home, and you’ll be thanking yourself when the aroma of grilled chicken hits you over the campfire.
Shrimp Scampi Foil Packets
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You’ll be dispensing gourmet goodness by following these Damn Delicious (indeed) directions for campfire-style Shrimp Scampi.
One Pot Chili
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Schemed up by a self-admitted non-camper ahead of a camping trip, Made By Luci’s One Pot Chili is tummy-rubbing good—and a vegan, gluten-free dinner option.
Easy Campfire Pizza
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Pizza is one of those beloved comfort foods that tend to star in an awful lot of backcountry hankerings. Well, no need to wait until after the camping trip to enjoy it—just check out this Damn Fine Dishes technique for Dutch oven or cast-iron skillet campfire pizza! You can also check out Barbara’s cookbook The Culinary Camper which features recipes based on her years of experience in camp cooking.
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Speaking of pizza, here’s a sort of backcountry pizza hack employing tortillas instead of dough (courtesy of the experienced camp chefs over there at Backpacker).
Campfire Hot Dogs
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These easy-peasy pigs-in-a-blanket are fun-to-cook crowd-pleasers. (How many hyphens can we have in one sentence?)
Camping Mac ‘n Cheese
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Classic comfort food like mac ‘n cheese tastes even better out in the woods, and this recipe from Hapa Nom Nom is a quick-to-make, one-pot version that nonetheless tilts toward the gourmet side of the spectrum.
Campfire Roasted Pumpkin Rice
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The campsite chefs at Dirty Gourmet “campified” an Armenian dish, ghapama, and the result is this delightful Dutch-oven dinner of rice-stuffed pumpkin.
Cheddar Corn Chowder w/Bacon
Bacon tastes all the better in the backwoods. This simple and hearty chowder brought to you by Backpacker, incorporates this reliably magical ingredient to keep hiking muscles well fueled.
Steamed Campfire Broccoli
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Steamed broccoli over a campfire? Sure—just follow these steps laid out at the Spicy Apron blog! Don’t forget your aluminum foil!
Trout Tacos
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For the angling-inclined among you, check out this great lakeside preparation courtesy of the folks at Dirty Gourmet.
Sweet Potato Peanut Stew
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This healthy Fresh Off the Grid dinner option nourishes taste buds, stomach, and soul alike at the end of an invigorating day spent out-of-doors.
Miso Noodle Soup w/Tofu
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Healthy, hearty, slurp-worthy: another Backpacker dinner gem.
Don’t neglect dessert at the campsite, which besides keeping the camping crew happy sets you up for a nice and warm snooze with some slow-burning sweet-stuff energy. The following confections will knock your socks off under a deep, blazing sea of stars.
Mason Jar Peach Crisp
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  A little pre-trip prep work pays off big time at camp when you pop open some jars of this guilt-free Flavour & Savour dessert.
Apricot Coconut Crumb Bars
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Another easy and delicious dessert baked ahead of time and highly camp-friendly, via Dirty Gourmet.
Strawberry Almond Cake
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Pound cake, dried strawberries, almond butter, and water—BAM. Thanks, Backpacker, for this wilderness dessert.
S’mores Dip
One does not compile a list of camping desserts without including at least one take on s’mores—so here you go, a playful spin on tradition by Hungry Brownie.
Back at home, it’s sometimes better to skip the snacks, but on a camping trip, they’re an essential part of your daily food intake. They needn’t simply take the form of a chocolate bar or handful of store-bought trail-mix: Expand your snack horizons with the following between-meal camping food ideas!
Sun-dried Tomato Bacon Guacamole
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Dani over at The Adventure Bite shares a magnificently mouthwatering recipe for guacamole she reports is part of her family’s regular camping cuisine. Chips and guacamole at the campsite—heavenly.
Mountain House Granola and Fresh Fruit
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Granola is an amazing snack at any time of day. Mix in some peanut butter or chocolate chips and add some fresh fruit and any other favorite toppings and everyone’s going to ask you to share.
Campfire Chili Cheese Fries
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It’s not exactly health food, but hopefully, you’ve earned this decadent happy-hour-at-the-campsite feast from the Kitchen Magpie via some hearty hiking or paddling or rock-climbing…right?
Dried Cherry Almond Granola Clusters
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Granola’s a classic trailside snack, of course, packed with both energy and flavor to keep you going when the miles start adding up. Here’s a great recipe for homemade granola from Call Me PMc.
Pecan Raisin Granola
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Here’s another top-shelf granola recipe, this one courtesy of Dirty Gourmet.
Campfire Spinach Dip
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Head over to Twin Dragonfly Designs and learn how to whip up some creamy, can’t-get-enough spinach dip through some campfire tinfoil cooking.
Tipsy Campfire Nachos
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The name for this creation by Amanda over at Peppers & Pennies stems from a Canadian cheese soaked in wine, but the nachos recipe itself also calls for the incorporation of beer, all of which sounds pretty great to us.
Campfire Breadsticks
A dough-wrapped stick, a campfire: what could be simpler? This Shock Munch recipe may well end up in your go-to bag of campfire-cookery tricks.
As some of the above mentioned recipes suggest, you can save yourself a lot of time and hassle at the campsite by prepping certain ingredients (grated cheese, marinated chicken, etc.) ahead of time.
Bring some aluminum foil for easy grilling. It also works great for making foil-pack recipes on the camp stove.
One- or two-pot meals work best at the campsite. You can exercise quite a bit of resourcefulness and creativity by planning out your cooking gameplan: Cook the rice in a pot, then set it aside covered and use the same pot to sauté veggies or heat up curry to go on top. Even if the rice cools down a little more than your liking, you can always dump it back in the pot with the rest of the cooked ingredients to warm it up right at the end, just before serving.
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thedisneychef · 1 year
Can a Recipe Be Trademarked? Understanding IP Laws
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I'm sure we can all agree that recipes are important. They provide us with the building blocks to create delicious meals, and have been shared between families for centuries. But did you know that a recipe can actually be trademarked? In this article I'll take an in-depth look at what it means exactly to trademark a recipe, and why someone would want to do so. It turns out that there is quite a bit of complexity involved when it comes to trademarks, particularly when they relate to food products or services. So let's dive into the details of how a person might go about getting their very own recipe protected. It may surprise you just how much work goes into obtaining such protection from intellectual property law! What Does It Mean To Trademark A Recipe? I've always been curious as to whether a recipe can be trademarked. After all, certain dishes have become iconic and are associated with specific restaurants or companies. It turns out that while it's possible to trademark some recipes, there is more than meets the eye when it comes to protecting an original dish. The key factor in determining if a recipe can be protected through trademarks is its origin. If the creator has exclusive rights to the ingredients used and preparation methods involved, then they may consider seeking legal protection for their creation. However, this usually only applies to large-scale businesses who produce commercial products such as packaged food items; individual home cooks typically do not have access to these kinds of protections. Considering how accessible recipes are nowadays due to digital platforms like social media and online cooking blogs, it might seem impossible for one person or business alone to lay claim on certain dishes - especially since so many classic recipes have been passed down from generation to generation or shared among friends and family over the years. In fact, even if a company does legally protect a particular dish under copyright law, it doesn't necessarily prevent people from making slight modifications and sharing them publicly without risking any infringement issues. It's clear that successful recipe trademarking requires careful consideration of both ownership rights and public perception before taking action - something which most small-time chefs don't need (or want) to worry about! What Kinds Of Recipes Can Be Trademarked? Trademarking a recipe is an interesting way to create a unique brand identity and protect your culinary creations. But what kinds of recipes can actually be trademarked? The answer may surprise you – most recipes can indeed be protected with a trademark if they meet certain criteria. The key requirement for registering any type of mark or logo is that it must be distinctive, meaning that it should not resemble anything already on the market. This same principle applies to recipes; as long as the ingredients, cooking process, or end product are distinct enough from existing products, then most types of food-related trademarks will qualify for registration. It’s important to note that trademarks do not offer copyright protection in the same way patents would – but rather provide exclusive rights to use the recipe branding associated with the particular culinary creation. So while this doesn't necessarily prevent someone else from creating something similar, they won’t legally be able to profit off using your recipe's name or logo without authorization. With proper research and legal guidance, trademarks can give chefs and restaurateurs peace of mind when developing their own signature dishes and protecting their culinary copyrights. What Are The Benefits Of Trademarking A Recipe? Imagine having a unique recipe that is known and loved by many people. You could have the exclusive right to use it in your business, giving you an edge over competitors who might try to copy or imitate it. Trademarking a recipe can bring you peace of mind knowing that all the hard work put into creating something special will be protected. Trademark protection can help prevent others from using similar recipes, variations of yours, or even calling their product the same name as yours without permission. This type of legal protection helps secure the commercial value of your recipe and stops any unauthorised use from taking place. Not only does this safeguard your investment in time and money but also provides recognition for its originality. Having an officially registered trademark ensures there aren’t any doubts about who owns the rights to a particular recipe; no one else can claim ownership – it's all yours! It gives customers peace of mind when they purchase products made with your trademarked recipes, allowing them to trust what they buy is genuinely created by you. The Process Of Trademarking A Recipe I'm interested in trademarking a recipe, so I'm researching the eligibility requirements. It looks like I'll need to file a trademark application with the USPTO to get started. I'm a little overwhelmed, but I'm confident I can make it through the process. Once I've filed, I'll need to keep an eye on the trademark status to make sure the application moves along. Hopefully I'll get a positive outcome and be able to protect my recipe! Researching Trademark Eligibility When you're looking into trademarking a recipe, the first step is researching whether your recipe is eligible for patenting or trademarking. To help you understand what that involves, I'll walk through some of the basics. First off, it's important to know that recipes can't be patented- only trademarks are allowed in this case. And when considering if a recipe should be trademarked, there are costs associated with doing so which must also be taken into account. When going down this path, remember that your recipe must meet certain criteria as far as being unique and distinctive enough to avoid infringing on another existing mark. Researching all these details ahead of time will ensure you don't run into any issues later on! Filing Trademark Application Once you've determined your recipe is eligible for a trademark, it's time to file the trademark application. This process requires that you provide information about your recipe and its defining criteria in order to ensure compliance with trademark law. You'll also need to present evidence of how you're using the mark; this could include photos or labels associated with the product. The U.S Patent and Trademark Office will review all this material before deciding if they approve your application or not. If approved, then congratulations - you've officially protected your recipe! Monitoring Trademark Status Now that you've got the trademark, it's time to stay vigilant and keep an eye on your recipe's status. You'll want to make sure that no one else is using your mark in a way that could cause confusion or weaken the protection of your recipe. As such, it's important to monitor any trademarks that are similar to yours as well as other products with elements of similarity. It might be worth seeking legal advice if you feel like someone is infringing on your trademarked recipe. That way, you can take action against them without worrying about having your own recipe rights violated. In short, keeping track of all things related to your recipe is essential for maintaining its protected status! Protecting Your Recipe From Unauthorized Use I'm sure you've put a lot of hard work into creating your recipe. You want to protect it from unauthorized use, and rightfully so. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to ensure that your recipe is credited to its rightful authorship - you! The best way to protect the intellectual property associated with your recipe is by filing for trademark protection. This will help make sure that no one else can claim authorship or ownership of your creative work without permission. It's also important to include a copyright notice on any published materials containing your recipe as an additional layer of protection. It's not always easy knowing how to go about protecting yourself and your recipes, but taking these steps ensures that others won't be able to copy or profit off of something that belongs solely to you. By taking the necessary precautions at the outset, you'll have peace of mind in knowing that all the hard work has been done correctly and legally! Frequently Asked Questions How Long Does A Recipe Remain Trademarked? When it comes to trademarking a recipe, the duration for protection can vary. Generally speaking, you’ll be able to enjoy copyright protection for as long as your recipe remains unique and recognizable in its original form. Variations of recipes may still be subject to some degree of copyright protection if they are deemed to be substantially similar, but not identical, despite being derived from the same original source material. Ultimately, attempting to trademark any kind of intellectual property is an intricate process that requires careful consideration and professional advice. What Is The Cost Of Trademarking A Recipe? Trademarking a recipe is the best way to ensure that your unique dish remains protected. It can cost anywhere from $225-$600 depending on which service you use and how complex the authentication process needs to be. Recipe authentication requires patent protection in order to guarantee authenticity and prevent illegal copying or selling of someone else's recipe. It's important to take the time to research what type of trademark protection would work for your specific situation, as it will save you money in the long run. What Happens If Someone Else Uses My Recipe Without Authorization? Protecting your rights as the creator of a recipe is important. If someone else uses it without authorization, you could take legal action against them. Depending on where you live and how serious the infringement is, there might be different courses of action open to you such as filing for copyright protection or taking civil court proceedings. It's always best to seek advice from an attorney so that you can make sure your rights are fully protected. Is It Possible To Trademark A Recipe That Has Been In The Public Domain? Yes, it is possible to trademark a recipe that has been in the public domain. However, you must follow certain guidelines set by trademark law and prove the origin of your recipe. This means providing evidence that the recipe was created independently or owned exclusively before becoming part of the public domain. Without proof, it's unlikely that your application for trademarking will be successful. So if you're looking to protect a beloved recipe from unauthorized use, make sure all necessary steps are taken to ensure its originality and secure legal protection. Are There Any Restrictions On The Ingredients That Can Be Used In A Trademarked Recipe? When it comes to trademarking a recipe, there are certain restrictions in place regarding the ingredients that can be used. For example, if you're looking to trademark a recipe, it must contain specific cooking times or variations of ingredients from an existing recipe. This means that even though the overall dish is similar to another's creation, yours must include unique elements in order for it to qualify as something distinctive and legally registerable. Ultimately, when creating a registered recipe, your goal should be to ensure that no one else has already published anything with a combination of similar tastes or ingredients. Conclusion In conclusion, it is possible to trademark a recipe as long as all the criteria for doing so are met. The cost of trademarking a recipe can be quite expensive and time consuming. It's important to understand that if someone else uses your recipe without authorization they will be infringing on your trademark rights and could face legal action taken against them. It's also important to note that there may be restrictions on the ingredients you use in a trademarked recipe so make sure you do your research before attempting to obtain one. All in all, trademarking a recipe can protect your hard work and help ensure others don't take advantage of it without proper permission. Read the full article
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mimecart · 2 years
Why do we need to buy STW guns?
While one gamer thinks about the game Fortnite, almost all of them raise to the Battle Royale version of the game. Though the game’s entrance to the Battle Royale (BR) type was the foremost reason behind its imposing success, Fortnite occurred long before it became a BR title in the shape of Save the World.
Buy STW guns tower defense game that features quite related characteristics to its younger BR brother. STW isn’t free, though, which creates a small barrier to access for newer players. Though the game looks modest enough as a viewer, it gets comparatively more stimulating if you don’t know your way around the Meta.
STW communal may look tiny related to Fortnite: Battle Royale, but it still has outstanding content creators that strive to attendant the players toward the best. Beast’s quarterly statuses and Diezen’s tier list were extremely accommodating while steering the following list, and every weapon will let you take that one additional step to attain immensity in STW.
Snipers are vital for virtually all missions, even if it’s for gathering information. Neon Sniper Rifle’s updraft scope makes it one of the most impactful rifles in the game, and it can shoot over walls as well.
Siegebreaker is a consistent STW gun and buy STW guns. It doesn’t sheen in any precise facet, but it does what it does best and dishes consistent impairment. It’s relatively easy to use with nice shrinking control.
Spectral blade
Unlike the BR version, melee guns can be quite valuable in buy STW guns. While fabulous ones will just run away with the rivalry when associating base stats, they’re problematic to obtain, turning them into unicorns you should pursue throughout your STW career.
Vacuum tube bow
Single firing all of your competitors will get harder and harder as you develop through buy STW guns. A time will come when you’ll essential to bust out your faithful bow and start dealing area of effect (AoE) damage.
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nancyrcrane · 2 months
How to Choose the Best WordPress Online Food Ordering Plugin
Imagine a busy Friday night in your restaurant. Hungry people are making crowds at the counter. The tables are full. The aroma of your dishes fills the air. Your staff are moving from table to table to serve the guests. Amidst this buzzing scene, your phone rings off the hook and customers place delivery orders. Managing the delivery service without using an online food ordering plugin can soon become a nightmare.
Restaurant owners face a slew of problems while handling online orders manually. From inaccurate order details to missed orders, the challenges are endless. If you don’t use the right plugin, you are risking your restaurant’s reputation and may lose sales.
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Restaurant owners can find it overwhelming to choose the right food ordering plugin.
Fret not! In this blog, we will show you some result-driven tips to help you make the best selection to manage your food ordering process. Not only will it streamline the ordering and delivery process but also expand your reach and give you more customers.
Excited to know how? Scroll down.
How an Online Food Ordering Plugin Can Increase Your Customers?
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Expands Your Reach:  The online food ordering plugin can help you tap busy professionals from your neighboring offices seeking quick meals. Serving them will significantly increase your restaurant’s reach and loyal customer base.
Provides Unparalleled Convenience: Families can easily plan special dinners using your online order plugin. A hungry and tired customer who doesn’t want to visit any restaurant can also place an order with this plugin. Consequently, you will gain more word-of-mouth referrals.
Creates Exceptional Dining Experience: Features of the plugin like real-time order tracking and customization, can elevate your customer experience, helping you outperform your competitors.
Curious about how the food ordering WordPress plugin can impact your sales? Read more here.
Let’s dive into the stats to get an idea.
What do the Stats Say? 
70% of customers prefer to order food online.
Online food ordering has contributed to 40% of restaurant sales.
One in three US customers use an online food ordering system at least twice a week to get their food delivered.
Getting any online order plugin for food won’t help.
Today, you’ll get a list of companies on Google offering online food ordering plugins. Among them, which one should you pick?
Here’s the answer.
How to Choose the Best Online Food Ordering Plugin for Restaurants
An effective online food ordering WordPress plugin should have certain features. Consider these features while making the selection.
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Fully Responsive
A responsive WordPress food ordering plugin skyrockets a restaurant’s growth. The restaurants can increase their reach. As the menu is accessible from different devices, their customers can place orders from their laptops, tablets, and smartphones. They can place orders on the move. Such a level of convenience and flexibility provides users with an enjoyable experience, encouraging repeat business.
User-friendly Interface
A user-friendly interface of the online food ordering plugin is like a digital handshake that makes customers and restaurant owners feel comfortable. The restaurant owners can use such a plugin without any effort. They can easily add a menu, tweak settings, and set prices without seeking help from any tech guru.
For customers, it’s a smooth journey from start to finish. They can browse menus easily, customize their orders, and check out securely with a snap of their fingers.
Therefore, an online food ordering plugin with a user-friendly interface offers a win-win situation for all users. Restaurants can manage their online orders without a hitch and customers can have a hassle-free ordering process.
Eager to know the secret sauce for your online business? An SEO-optimized online food ordering plugin. It will increase your online visibility, helping hungry customers find your restaurant online easily. With better SEO, you can strengthen your brand identity and draw in new customers without spending on advertising.
For customers, an SEO-optimized food ordering plugin is like having a signpost leading them straight to your doorstep, ensuring that they’re not missing any of your delicious offerings.
In short, an SEO-friendly online food ordering plugin is a game-changer for restaurants. You can stand out in the crowded digital landscape using it and ensure that your restaurant will stay at the top of the search engine ranks.
Order Management Features
Another factor you should consider is whether your selected online food ordering plugin offers robust order management features. It should send real-time notifications, update the order status, and ensure easy order tracking. You should receive a notification immediately after the placement of a new order. The plugin should also allow customers to receive notifications about their order status, from preparation to delivery.
Moreover, an intuitive dashboard is also a must-have feature. If the plugin has an intuitive dashboard, restaurant owners can view, track, update, and fulfill their orders timely.
Secure Transactions
Secure transactions protect both restaurants and customers from unauthorized access and fraud. For customers, a secure transaction ensures that their personal and banking details will remain confidential. For restaurants, a secure transaction prevents fraudulent activities that could cause financial loss and affect their reputation. Therefore, implementing robust security measures is vital to maintain credibility and safeguard customers’ data.
Quality Support
An effective online food ordering plugin with quality support ensures you’re never left in the lurch. It’s like having a team of tech-savvy sous chefs at your behest to resolve your issues fast.
Being a restaurant owner, you may be juggling menus and orders. Suddenly, a technical hiccup threatens to interrupt your delivery service. With quality assistance, you can easily fix the issue and can again focus on what you do best- serving delicious dishes at the doorsteps.
Get the Online Order Plugin of WP Food Manager
Want to grow your food business fast? Look no further! We recommend you use the Online Order plugin of WP Food Manager.
WP Food Manager is a free food business management plugin to help restaurants showcase their menus. The Online Order plugin of WP Food Manager has a range of advanced features to manage orders and serve your customers better.
Some of the features that make our Online Order plugin incomparable are:
Delivery availability checker
Suppose, a person is selecting his favorite dish from your online food menu to place his order. But, when he clicks on ‘Add’, it shows ‘Delivery is not available in your area’. Don’t you think it will be frustrating for him?
The Delivery Availability Checker is a crucial factor to consider when choosing an online ordering plugin for food. This feature will provide customers with the convenience of checking delivery options before placing their order. Not only does this feature improve customer experience but also reduces the chances of abandoned orders.
Real-time delivery tracking
Real-time delivery tracking ensures efficiency and transparency of a restaurant’s delivery service. You can reduce inquiries about order status by using our plugin for online ordering. Customers will get insight into delivery times. Moreover, it will help you better manage the delivery operations.
Topping options
Another great feature of our Online Order plugin is it allows customers to customize their toppings with our wide range of choices. They can personalize their meals to suit their dietary preferences and taste. From specific vegetables to extra cheese, they can tailor the food item to make it perfect for them.
Price breakup
Some food order WordPress plugins don’t have the price-breaking facility. The price breakup feature provides a detailed breakup of the price of the order including tax, delivery charges, etc.
With a detailed display of price breakup, customers can see what they’re paying for. It strengthens transparency and trust. Further, it eliminates the chances of seeing any additional charges at checkout.
WooCommerce integration
Our Online Order plugin has WooCommerce integration. WooCommerce offers a wide range of payment gateways to enable your customers to choose the payment method as per their convenience. Additionally, it ensures secure transactions.
However, you should have the core plugin WP Food Manager and WooCommerce. Apart from it, you also need some of our premium plugins namely Restaurant Manager, and Food Delivery, to use the Online Order plugin on your website efficiently.
How to Get Our Online Order Plugin?
Using our Online Order plugin is extremely easy. You just need to follow a three-step process, which is described below.
Install WP Food Manager.
Go to our sales page to purchase the Online Order plugin.
Install and activate the plugin.
The price of our Online Order plugin starts from $49. Along with the plugin, you will also get our top-notch customer support to enjoy a smooth experience.
Grab the opportunity to take your food business to the next level. Visit here to try our plugin today!
Wrapping Up
Choosing the best online food ordering plugin for your restaurant is crucial to driving the growth of your business. Consider factors like integration capabilities, real-time updates, and customer assistance to streamline your order delivery process smoothly. Therefore, take your time to do research properly before making any decision.
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