#while my partner is next to me near panic attack
borscht-and-beets · 3 months
guy who watches "I saw the tv glow" but he's too dumb to comprehend the symbolism.
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vbecker10 · 4 months
Talk to Me (Part 2)
Part 1 / Part 3 / Part 4
Pairing: Loki x female reader (Y/N)
Summary: (4 months after the first part) You and Loki have grown incredibly close, to the point where you both have feelings for each other but are afraid to admit it. One night, you have a nightmare while staying in Loki's room and he calms you but accidentally shows you his Jotun form in the process, triggering his own insecurities.
Warnings: fire (a small one), panic attack, fear of running a friendship, Loki being insecure about being a frost giant
A/N: Well... here's the second part I didn't plan on making lol @irishhappiness made a comment wondering how Loki would comfort Y/N if she has a nightmare which triggered her powers and then this just sort of happened... also there will now be a third part that I am working on 💚
FyI - I used some of my own experiences with panic attacks for this part, I know they are all different but this is just what they feel like when I have them
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It's almost midnight when you finally see Stark Tower and smile knowing you are home, and going to see Loki again. You had both been away on missions for the last week but he texted you that he arrived back hours ago. You text Loki and let him know you'll be landing in a few minutes and Thor nudges your shoulder.
"Texting my brother again?" he asks with a smile.
"Yes," you dramatically hold your phone away from him. "Do you mind?"
He laughs, "Of course not. I'm glad to see you two have grown so close."
When the jet finally lands, you walk down the ramp and see Loki waiting for you near the entrance to the building. Thor waves and Loki rolls his eyes, keeping his hands in his pockets. He is unable to hide his smile when he sees you step out from behind his brother.
"I had a feeling it wasn't me he was waiting for," Thor jokes, looking down at you.
"I'm sure he missed you too," you laugh. Loki, as if to prove he is only there for you, walks past his brother without a word and wraps you in a tight hug. You hug him back, your body relaxing instantly the moment you're in his arms again. "You give the best hugs," you mumble against his chest.
"Does he?" Thor asks and takes a step towards his brother when he finally releases you.
Loki faces Thor and reminds him, "Y/N is still the only person allowed to hug me."
You giggle and hit Loki's arm gently, causing him to look back at you, "Be nice."
"I am being nice," he smirks. "I didn't threaten to stab him if he tries to hug me like last time."
You roll your eyes at him but Thor laughs and pats his younger brother on the back hard before leaving you both for the night. You pick up your bag and walk together towards the Tower, telling Loki the highlights of your time away. When you finish, you ask Loki how his mission was.
"Successful of course," he says proudly then he adds, "I wish we had been assigned together. You are far better company than the Captain and Stark. Plus, then I would not have had to miss you."
You giggle and try to hide the blush that creeps up your cheeks at his words. You would have preferred Loki was your partner on your last mission as well, or all of your missions for that matter.
"You should probably head to bed," Loki suggests when you reach the elevators even though the last thing he wants to do is say goodnight to you already.
"Or we could watch the last episode of that show you insist you hate," you offer hopefully. You didn't want to admit you were exhausted, you just needed to spend a little time with him.
He chuckles, "We could do that."
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You sit next to Loki on the couch and try to focus on the show but you're finding it difficult. Not only are you fighting to stay awake but Loki is also sitting closer to you then he ever has before. When you first started this show a few months ago, he would sit at the other end of the couch, placing a collection of snacks between the two of you. Over the course of the series, he had gradually started sitting closer and closer to you. You weren't sure if he was doing it on purpose or not but it wasn't something you were going to complain about. Tonight, there is no space left between you, your shoulders touch and his leg rests against yours comfortably.
All you want is to lean into him and feel his arm around you but you don't move. He really has gotten good at giving hugs and you've decided that means he is also very good at cuddling. It is a theory you want to test but your friendship is too important for you to risk it. He is still in such need of a friend and you have to put that first.
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You almost make it to the end of the hour long show, but not quite. Your head nods and comes to rest lightly on Loki's shoulder as you finally lose the battle to stay awake. He looks over and smiles when he feels you shift. He could tell you were too tired to watch the show but there was no chance he was going to turn down spending even a minute with you.
He runs his fingers slowly through your hair and you smile in your sleep. You nuzzle against him and he wishes he could hold you the whole night. He knows he can't though, you are simply friends. He sighs, wondering if this is as close as he will ever get to falling asleep with you and places a soft kiss on the top of your head. His heart skips a beat when you respond by mumbling his name in your sleep. Carefully he gets up from the couch and helps you lay down on the pillow he conjured. He waves his hand again and covers you with the softest blanket he can create.
He stands over you for a moment, taking in how cute and peaceful you look curled up under the blanket. He whispers, "Sleep well, darling," then goes into his room.
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Loki lays in his bed but finds himself unable to get close to sleep. He wishes he could pick you up and bring you into his bed so he could keep you close. He has never missed anyone the way he misses you, he has never had a person in his life like you before.
When he was a child, it seemed as if he had dozens of friends but they weren't really his. They were Thor's friends and he simply inserted himself in their games. As he grew older, he found it harder and harder to relate to his peers and they slowly distanced themselves from him.
You are the only person who has ever chosen him over Thor or anyone else for that matter. He knew he was truly your first choice when he was the one you came to two months ago when you became an aunt in the middle of the night. He could barely believe the fact that he was the person you wanted to share one of your happiest moments with. He sat with you for over an hour, looking at the same ten pictures of the little new born but he would have done it all night if it meant he could see you smile and listen to you laugh.
He groans and puts his hand over his eyes, there is no doubt in his mind that he is your closest friend and you are his. He can talk to you about anything but the one thing he cannot bring himself to tell you is that he wants to be more than your friend.
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Loki's eyes finally close but only moments later he sits up, his body rigid with fear as you scream. He throws off his blankets and runs into the living area.
"Y/N," he says your name in a panic, his heart pounding in his chest at the sight in front of him. You are sitting up on his couch, looking at the blanket he placed over you which is fully engulfed in flames. You hold your hand shakily over the fire but you can't pull the flames back, you are still too frantic from your nightmare to control your powers.
Loki instantly drops his illusion and waves his hands towards you as he comes to your side. The icy air covers the blanket and quickly smothers the fire. You kick off the charred blanket and pull your legs up to your chest, lowering your head on your knees as you breath heavily.
"Are you okay?" he asks, putting his arm around you as he sits on the singed couch. You shake your head no. "What do you need?" he asks but you don't respond.
You squeeze your hands shut tightly to stop them from trembling and look up towards Loki's voice but you are lightheaded and the quick movement makes you dizzy. You know he asked you something but his voice seems far away as does the rest of the room. You can no longer feel the couch you are sitting on or the floor under your feet, you are vaguely aware that you are disassociating but there is nothing you can do to stop it. Your heart pounds faster in your chest and you fear it may never slow down again.
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Loki takes your hand and pulls you up from the couch when you don't answer him. He sits on the floor with his back against the couch and guides you down so you are sitting directly in front of him with your back flush to his chest. He takes your hands in his and let's out a quiet gasp of pain when sparks erupt from your fingers.
"Y/N," he whispers in your ear. You mumble his name in return and he asks, "Can you name five things you can see?"
"What?" you ask, confused by the random question. His cool fingers interlace with yours and small clouds of icy air calm the flames that are rise from your hands.
"Tell me five things you can see," he repeats in a low voice.
You try to focus on answering him. You can hear your heart pounding in your ears as you look around the far off living room. Slowly, you list five objects.
"Good, now can you tell me four things you can touch?" he asks quietly.
Your breathing is still ragged as your chest tightens but you push yourself to think about Loki's second question. You take a breath then look around to find the first three objects. "And I can feel your hands," you give Loki your fourth answer, his fingers squeeze your hand gently. As you say each item, you can almost feel the room shrinking to a less distorted size.
"How about three things you can hear?" he asks.
"My breathing," you turn to rest the side of your head on his chest, "Your heart beat and your voice," the answers come quicker now.
"Two things you can smell?" Loki asks, you finally register how worried his voice sounds.
"My shampoo," you answer, suddenly remembering when Loki told you he loved the way your shampoo smelled. You bought four more bottles of the fruit scented soap that weekend. "And your cologne," you tell him, a smile crosses your lips when you inhale deeply and breath in your favorite smell.
"You're doing so well, I just need you to tell me one thing you can taste now," he says.
"Do the apples on your dining table count?" you ask him as your eyes scan his apartment.
"If you think they do, they count," he responds and you nod that they should count. "How do you feel?" he asks after a moment.
"Better," you realize suddenly. Your heart rate feels normal, even your breathing is steady and easy. You are no longer lightheaded and feel as if everything around you is real and not distorted. You ask, "How did you know how to do that?"
"I read that it was a popular grounding technique," he explains. "I looked into ways to help you after you told me your nightmares sometimes triggered panic attacks."
You smile at the effort he had gone through to make sure he could help you, "Thank you Loki." You feel safe and comfortable pressed against Loki and look down, feeling your hands still in his hands. Loki's skin is a deep shade of blue and it takes you a moment to realize why. You shift to face him, his crimson eyes fixed on yours and he smiles. "Is this your Jotun form?" you ask, touching the ridges on his cheek with your fingertips lightly.
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His smile vanishes and he immediately shifts back into his Asgardian form, pulling his fingers free from your other hand. "I'm sorry," he says nervously as he gets up and walks away from you.
"For what?" you ask getting up but he ignores you. "Wait, Loki," you call as he heads towards his bedroom and pauses under the door frame. You walk towards him and say, "Please don't do that. Don't shut me out." You slip your hand into his and he looks at you. "You promised you would talk to me, remember?"
He sighs, "I did promise that, didn't I?"
You nod and try to smile, hoping he will open up to you. You are always worried Loki will retreat behind the walls you've worked so hard to break down.
A small smile tugs at his lips and he says, "I don't know what I did to deserve such a fiercely devoted friend."
You shrug and hold your forced smile as you feel a twinge of pain in your chest when he refers to you simply as his friend.
"We will talk in the morning, I promise," he says as he moves to pull you into a hug. "You need to rest."
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I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
@soubi001 @mochie85 @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @animnerd @cabingrlandrandomcrap @icytrickster17 @lokisgoodgirl @mischief2sarawr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @mjsthrillernp @holdmytesseract @lulubelle814 @goblingirlsarah @foxherder @alexakeyloveloki @siconetribal @lokidokieokie @kneelingformyloki @jiyascepter @eleniblue @loreniscrying @muddyorbsblr @alyeskathewave @loz-3 @firedrakegirl @javagirl328 @princess-ofthe-pages @morally-grey-variant @soulpiercing @km-ffluv
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shygirl4991 · 2 months
Chapter 2 Artistic Ringmaster
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All art is done by @b-r-i-n-g-x be sure to check out her other stuff! Please do not repost art!
Next Chapter Last Chapter
Tags: Action/Adventure, Romance, fluff, angst with a happy ending!, blood, character death, injury, SMG34 is canon, split au
SMG3 finishes explaining everything that happened to him, Four could only sit there in shock as Producer took notes during the story. SMG4 sits there, silent as he takes everything in. He turns to stare at Producer who finishes writing the last of his notes, the closer he looks the more he starts to worry that he would end up looking like this from lack of sleep. With a sigh he gets up and walks over to his boyfriend, slowly he grabs the man’s face examining him. There he saw the changes the man has gone through, he gasped seeing the subtle changes. His teeth were sharper, his face was more gentle not to mention his hair seemed more smooth then it used to be.
SMG4 takes a step back trying to process everything, his eyes stopping at the pins on the overall strap. “So the reason you were dressed in pink, that was your personality Heart 3. I…your heart was literally right in front of me and I still couldn't see anything.” He lets out a nervous chuckle, if he thought he was blind to his boyfriend's emotion, having this knowledge was the nail on the coffin. His breathing started to get heavy the  more he thought about it. What kind of boyfriend can't figure out something is different with his own boyfriend?
Seeing that both Three and Producer run up to four, Producer bites his lip thinking of what to say “It’s o-okay original, I know it's scary everything that's happening. The fear that if we make the wrong move we lose everything but…uh.” Producer panics looking at Three unsure where to go next. Three nods as he gently rubs Four’s back “I agree, it will be okay. Mine were amazing and showed me how important it is to accept all of me. You don't have to fear them, I doubt one of them would ever bring harm to you or your loved ones.” SMG4 stares at Producer, the more he looked at the personality the more an old memory was poking at him.
“IT’S GOTTA BE PERFECT!” He pushes the two away from him, his eyes changing from blue to grey. He felt the room close in on himself, those voices came back to him, reminding him how he would never be good enough for his loved ones.  Producer held his head “AH NO! THREE HELP!”  The personality was struggling to hold himself together. It was clear to Three that the personality was trying to hold back a huge panic attack, so he slowly approached his partner. 
“Hey Four, listen to my voice we are going to list some things are you ready?” Seeing his boyfriend nod gave Three confidence. Four looks up, his grey eyes meeting Three’s red ones “Four if you can take a deep breath, then i would like you to name three things you can see.” He watches as his partner lets out a shaky breath before answering him “You, Producer and the table near you guys.” SMG3 smiles, giving him a nod while Producer attempts to relax his breathing, he flips to an empty page on his notepad and draws shapes. Seeing Four less tense, Three kept going “Now Three things you can hear,” Four closed his eyes to focus on the sounds around him “A crowd, someone drawing and your voice.” Four’s body becomes completely relaxed and he starts to give a small smile to his partner, Three smiles back at him “Are you good? Or should we do the last one?” SMG4 hugs Three, he wraps his arms around his boyfriend comforting him. Producer saw Four’s eyes going back to blue, the pull was gone making Producer smile. Shyly, he walks up to the pair and hugs them both, Three sighs when he notices he managed to get himself in a Four hug pile. 
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The peaceful moment was then interrupted by the sound of a large crowd, SMG4 pulling from the hug surprised “I thought the crowd noise was in my head!” Producer frowns looking out the window “He really did do it,” curious Three also looks out the window. The pair turn to look confused at Producer, Four nervously smiles at the personality “Uh who are you talking about?” That's when they heard tapping through the speakers. “WELCOME EVERYONE TO THE MAIN EVENT I RINGMASTER 4 SHALL BRING YOU A SHOW YOU WONT FORGET!” Ringmaster twirls the cane and taps on the stage.
Hearing this the group run outside the castle to see a huge crowd cheering on the man on the stage, Four’s eyes go wide seeing the showman tip his top hat while dancing on stage. He smirks looking at the crowd, then stomps on a button causing canons to rise. They aim at the crowd and start launching pillows “Remember folks if you like what you see, then you should all like, comment, and subscribe to the SMG4 channel!” The crowd goes wild grabbing the merchandise as Four turns to Producer. The personality was drawing shapes in the notepad, sensing eye’s on him the personality turns. “That…that's a part of us?”  Producer nods as he looks at the stage. Three gets hit in the face by one of the pillows and glares at it, his face then goes blank “Why am i not surprised that you have a showman personality?”
Four blushes as he avoids his partner's stare, he looks back at the stage and sees the personality doing tricks. It was impressive seeing how fast he was to cover mistakes by turning it into a joke, never once did the smirk on his face fall. SMG3 hums, catching Four’s attention “He sure is full of himself, brings annoying memories.” The comment makes Four frown, long ago SMG4 was full of himself due to being so advanced with memes. Little did he know the reason for it was thanks to being a meme guardian of living memes. He was unfair to many students, one of them being SMG3 which caused years of hatred. Four sighs wondering how they went from trying to kill each other, to currently holding hands watching another him put on a show. Ringmaster stops suddenly as his eyes meet SMG4, with a wink towards his original he removes his hat and bows. “A shame I bring this news, I must end the show folks. The main character of the story is here, I am needed by his side!”  the crowd boos as they all start leaving the showgrounds. Once it cleared out the group walk up to the stage, Ringmaster smiles lovingly at SMG3 “Ah Darling, so happy to see you. I am assuming you will be joining us!”  Three was taken aback by the personality as he awkwardly looks to the side and nods.
Four steps forward, offering his hand with a smile “Nice to meet you, have to say your show was fun!” Ringmaster chuckles, taking his hand. With a shake he lets go and stands on the stage, with a tap of his cane on the floor fireworks launched out “Pleasure to meet you, as you know i'm Ringmaster! I like to call myself the imaginative side, while others..well that purple knows it all likes to call me ego.”  Producer gasps, grabbing Ringmaster’s leg “Is he still around here too?” seeing what he did the personality panicked pulling back. He anxiously stares at the floor “Sorry i… i didn't mean to grab you like that” Ringmaster lets out a chuckle patting Producer’s head “That alright! And to answer your question, sadly yes he is still around.”
SMG4 stands back watching his two personalities interact, slowly he nervously turns to his boyfriend “Heh good thing i got over having a big ego huh?” SMG3 blinks before rubbing the back of his neck, unable to look into his partner's eyes he nods “I mean..you have gotten better, you know about the selfish asshole thing.” Four steps in front of Three, his eyes filled with shock and confusion “What…” that's when Three noticed the man's blue eyes turn red “WHEN WAS I EVER THE ASSHOLE? I have been nothing but charming with helping you and the others, I bring out the best of you all!”  Three sigh’s, he had a feeling that saying something would summon a swap “Four do you remember my cafe opening?!” 
Four lets out a giggle before spinning around to look away from Three “I explained it didnt i my love? We tease and fight all the time, i didnt think my pushing to get your cafe more customers would cause such panic!” Three groans turning Four back then waves his hand “This! THIS IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT BEING A SELFISH ASSHOLE!” Ringmaster frowns as Four’s eyes go back to blue. Awkwardly Ringmaster walks up to Three, Four puts his arm up to stop the personality “I’m sorry Three…i let my ego get the best of me, i don't mean to let things get to my head like this.” Three lets out a soft smile taking his boyfriend's hand “We aren't perfect, I just wanted it to click in your head. Ringmaster is standing right there, you can't escape the fact that you tend to play the main character card and forget we are here too.” 
Ringmaster smiles and pats Three’s back “This is why we date you!” he glares at Ringmaster smacking his hand away from him “GAH! Get away, I don't need to hear that from you…baka.” He blushes and crosses his arm, as he looks away he notices someone in purple running with paint near his cafe. Ignoring Ringmaster flirts, he walks over to his cafe. The strong smell of paint hitting his nostrils, his eyes go wide at the thought of someone vandalizing his shop. He sprints around the corner ready to catch the person painting up his cafe, he freezes when he sees another SMG4. He turns, showing his face covered in paint, his purple eyes going wide in surprise as he looks into Three’s red one. They stare at each other before the purple Four smiles brightly at him “Haha hey there! I got a bit sketchy and thought I would do a fun project!” He gets up putting his hat on and attempts to wipe off the red paint off his cheek, he then twirls his paint brush causing the paint on it to drip on his purple overalls. He winks before pointing to himself “I’m Artist, the creative part of SMG4. Without me you bet your memes our content wouldn't be as fun!” 
Gently he grabs SMG3 hand pulling him closer to see what he was up to, with a soft smile he reveals a mural “Your cafe needed something to call out to customers, so Mister Mcdreamy i painted the internet graveyard on your wall to say hello world im a king!” Three gasps looking over the mural, he felt his eyes water seeing who was in the front “Terrance…you painted my Terrance.” Artist nods, holding Three’s hand for comfort. “Of course, you deserve something bigger to remember your son by.” Without thinking Three pulled Artist close, embracing the personality Three softly chuckles “I love you.” Artist face goes red from the man's confession as Ringmaster scoffs “Ah i find out where you run off to and you get all dovey with him! What about me, the star of this show, I do artistic things too!” Artist pulls away from SMG3 giving a smug look at the showman “Aw is someone jealous?” 
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Ringmaster huffs stepping up to the Purple personality “Ha of you? Anyone can grab colors and make pictures! You only got attention because you look like you climbed out of a dumpster, can’t you keep your overalls clean of paint?” Three steps back, staring at the two concerned as Four and Producer walks up. Annoyed by Ringmaster's comment he uses his brush and draws a red line of the man's face, Ringmaster eyes go wide “Did you just…thats it!” He claps, turning his cane into rope, seeing this Artist squeaks and starts to run away.  Three blinks in surprise “Did…he use meme energy?!” Producer panics seeing how the fight is going “Ah wait you two please!” he nervously steps forward trying his best to stop the two from fighting. Four let out a nervous laugh “So you had to deal with this too?” Three looks at the personalities screaming and running around, he closes his eyes gently touching his pins “Nope, they got along almost like brothers. Wonder why that is?” Four frowns as he looks down “Well at least we found all of mine, now we just have to work on getting them back with me.” Three opens his eyes in time to see Ringmaster clapping again changing his cane into a boomerang and tosses it at Artist, he dodges it as the item hits the rooftop ladder of the cafe. Producer nervously grabs onto Artist, not ready for the speed he ends up getting knocked down. 
The moment Producer hits the floor his notepad rips, causing some of his notes to fly in the wind. The personalities freeze as they watch the paper fly away, SMG3 and Four run to check on Producer. “Hey you good PD, that nasty fall got dirt all over you,” Three reaches out to the personality only to be grabbed in a panic “MY NOTES THREE HELP PLEASE EVERYTHING IS ON IT!” Four gently takes Producer’s hand and smiles softly at him. It was strange looking at himself, his own face filled with fear and lack of sleep. It brought back memories he rather kept locked away, he lifted up his anxiety and gave him a hug “Hey it's okay, we will get the papers.” Three and Artist start picking up the papers while Ringmaster frowns, he watches as Producer shakes as Four talks to him. With a sigh he joins the others with picking up the notes, Three gets up with a stack of note papers “Hm..there seems to be one missing.” He looks around as Artist and Ringmaster hand pack their stack of notes, together they apologies to the personality about what happened. While the personalities apologize, SMG3 looks around for the final page. He remembers seeing the small doodle back in the castle, he didn't see that page with the others and knowing how the personality is reacting he had a feeling if one page is left missing he would lose it. 
A strong gust of wind almost made the papers in Three’s hand fly away, as he tightened his hold on the papers he noticed the last page being blown onto the roof. He swears to himself remembering the bombs on the roof were real working bombs, if the paper lands on the wrong spot he was sure Producer would pass out from his notes being burned. As the Four’s are distracted talking to each other, Three starts to climb the ladder slowly as he reaches out for the paper laying close to the bomb. He grabs it and lets out a small cheer, that's when the ladder hinges break. Four gasps seeing the ladder break, dropping Three. Four pushes his personality’s aside to run towards Three, that's when another voice came in. “DON'T WORRY MY FAIR MAIDEN, I SHALL SAVE YOU!” a blur passes Four going full speed towards Three. Four freezes as he sees who came to the rescue, Three shut his eyes ready to slam into the floor “Am I still falling?” He hears a chuckle making him open his eyes “I would never let harm come to you my love!” 
Three’s eyes go wide as he hugs the pages of the notepad close to him “A Four…another Four,” he couldn't believe his eyes as he looked at the personality holding him. He gave him a bright smile, it was so charming Three felt his breath being taken from this personality. Looking away blushing he closes his eyes to process everything “He has more then three…fuck.” 
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limabean42 · 2 months
I SAW your embarrassment nsfw hcs… can you make one for anxiety as well? With a afab partner (gn is fine if ur uncomfy with that) pls take ur time 😋
♡Anxiety first time smut and general NSFW headcanons♡
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Woooo I love Anxiety so much she consumes my every thought not even lying, I want her so bad. Anxiety please marry me I love you more than anything. This one also reads like a oneshot/headcanon combo. Also two posts in one day :0
Thanks for requesting <3
Reader is afab/has female anatomy; this is straight up smut but it gets to be more mild near the end; dominant reader; oral sex
Spice level 🌶️: hot and explicit, like way hotter than I was intending it to be. I hope that’s ok
• You both would have to be dating a while for the thought to even cross her mind
• When it does, I bet you can guess what happens
• She overthinks everything
• Not only is she worried about doing sexual activities for the first time but how it will happen
• She hasn’t the slightest clue on how to proceed with anything sexual
• She doesn’t know if you want her to be on top or bottom, or how to preform
• Once you bring up the idea to her she’s honestly relieved because she doesn’t have to burden this worry alone anymore
• “I’m so glad you brought this up. I’ve been thinking about it constantly.” she sighed in relief
• She then became hyperaware of what she just said and realized she sounded like she’s been constantly nonstop horny this entire time, “I didn’t mean it like that. I’m not a pervert I’ve just been worried about how we’ll have sex… if we do at all I mean. We don’t have to.”
• You’re used to her rambling awkward behavior so you just giggle and comfort her
• Before you two actually have sex for the first time you have a long chat
• The purpose of this chat was for Anxiety to relieve some anxiety about the situation that’s going to happen soon
• Of course she asked a ton of questions like what she should do to make you feel good, how it gets started, and if she should top or bottom for the first time
• You said whatever comes naturally for her and whenever you both are in the mood
• She felt a little better but realized the best way to not stress about the situation was to do it and learn from experience
• Surprisingly you two didn’t talk about it for the next few days. She was initially expecting to do it that day or the next, but she did still need some time to process
• One day while she was in her massage chair after almost having another panic attack her mind started to wander to dirty territories
• She thought of you kissing her and all the noises you’d make
• She thought of caressing your body and how soft you’d feel as she grasped you tightly in her hands
• She thought of your fingers caressing her chilled body and slipping inside her
• At this point she was in her own fantasy world, becoming increasingly in the mood to finally have you all to herself
• Anxiety’s eyes drifted to the control panel. All the emotions including you were there, too intrigued with what was going on to realize her daydreaming. Too busy to realize the growing wetness between her legs
• Her eyes drifted to you and lingered there. She began to think again. What would your cute face contort to once she made you cum? Would you be loud, quiet, or somewhere in between?
• Suddenly she wasn’t nervous anymore, just horny. That’s how she knew it was showtime
• Anxiety got up from her chair. It was time for something else to make her feel good
• She walked toward you and grabbed your hand suddenly, leading you to her bedroom
• You were surprised before you realized where you were going. You smirked
• Anxiety sat you down on her bed and stood between your legs as she went in for a kiss
• She mewled into it and you were pushed down onto the bed, laying on your back
• You reached up and grabbed her waist under her shirt
• She made a noise that sounded like a mixture of a squeal and a moan
• It sounded so hot. You had to have her now
• You flipped her over so that she was below you
• While you continued to kiss, you reached your hand under her sweater again and up to grab her petite tits
• “Oh fuck” she muttered impulsively and then covered her mouth with both hands after realizing what she said
• “It’s okay, let me take care of you. Let all your words out.” You respond as you put your head under her sweater and start kissing her torso up and down
• Anxiety let out a few breathy moans. This felt better than she anticipated
• You lifted her arms up and dragged her sweater over her head, revealing her bare chest
• Truth is, Anxiety is pretty insecure. Even about her appearance
• She didn’t think she was the most attractive emotion out there and sometimes found it hard to believe you thought she was beautiful the same way she thinks you are beautiful
• So when you lift off her sweater her arms cover her chest while her hands shield her embarrassed face from you
• “It’s okay Anxiety, you’re amazing.” you responded to her gesture, bringing your lips down to encompass her nipple
• “Thank you. You are too.” She stuttered out, gripping your hair
• Her breath is shaky as you continue sucking, switching from one breast to the other
• You trailed more kisses down her torso and stop at her pants. You unzip them and pull everything down to reveal her downstairs area
• Anxiety squirmed as you used your middle and pointer finger to spread her folds
• “Cute” you commented
• Even though it was a subtle remark it made her insides clench
• You put a finger inside her and started moving slowly
• She squirmed so you held her down with your other hand as you started moving your finger quicker in and out of her tight insides
• That’s when you discovered she’s pretty loud in bed
• After she was even more soaked from you fingering her, you decided to eat her out
• If you thought she was loud before then you’re in for a sweet treat
• There’s no possible way the others didn’t hear her from rooms away
• Both of you were enjoying yourselves though. Too caught up in passion to even care what was going on outside the bedroom walls
• You sucked on her delicate clit. She almost screamed
• “Oh my fuck y/n please it feels so good keep going ohmhyfuck I love you I love you so much fuck don’t stop!”
• You continued until she announced she was about to cum
• “Ah y/n I think something’s happening I feel like I’m going to pee it feels so good though don’t stop baby!”
• The pressure buildup finally released and she came with a high pitched squeal. Her whole body was shaking and she was pulsating
• “Let me take care of you now.” She managed to mutter, still recovering from her orgasm
• Before you could even move she was pulling you on top of her face. She practically ripped your bottoms off and moaned and she saw your wet pussy
• “Please use me however you want.” She looked up at you and began to gently lick and suck your clit
• You threw your head back and began using her face
• You were about to cum a couple minutes later
• You grabbed the edge of the bed with one hand and her hair with the other,1 riding her face
• She couldn’t breath well but she was too busy lapping your pussy to care
• When you came she let out her biggest moan yet, almost as if she had cum again just from pleasuring you
• You collapsed on the bed next to her, catching your breath
• You praised her for doing such a good job and she confessed that she did in fact cum again when you did
• “You just looked so euphoric how could I not?” she added
• You two cleaned each other up in the bathroom and went back to bed to cuddle and nap
• In general she’s a very willing partner in bed
• She’ll try almost anything with you as long as it isn’t too far out of her comfort zone
• Doesn’t usually use nicknames for you unless she’s really close
• She’s a switch but usually submissive in both roles. So she’s either a service top or a regular subby bottom. However, maybe something could trigger her to be more dominant on her own one day
• Prefers you to take the lead no matter if you’re topping or bottoming
• Lives for your pleasure and drives to entice praises out of you
• She loves being praised, it gives her the right amount of reinforcement
• The more she’s praised, the more freaky and bold she gets
• Not the type to initiate dirty talk but she’d try if you were saying naughty things to her first
• You know how she has those cute squealing moments in the movie?
• Well I think this goes without saying, but she squeals when she cums
• Also squeaks and squeals when you toss her around
• Likes leaving her socks on during sex
• Curls her toes when she cums
• Is a master with her fingers. Y’all have seen her at the control panel
• You guys invest in a strap on
• That’s a conversation for another day though 🫣
• Likes when you pet her head afterward as she lays on you
• Sometimes she gets an overwhelming euphoric feeling after you two are done and starts crying because she loves you so much
• You wipe her tears away and give her kisses
• Her favorite position would be missionary cause she likes the intimacy of it and being close to you
• She’s mostly vanilla. She wants to try all the basic sex stuff before she explores more kinky concepts
• She will get there eventually though
• Makes a checklist of every kink she’s willing to try and checks them off like immediately after you two are done trying them
• Overall, she’s very soft and servicing once she gets in the horny headspace. Just wants to pleasure you forever <3
Thanks for reading! Might have to mark this one as mature later cause sheesh I didn’t expect to make it this spicy. It seems like with each nsfw I write it gets more and more spicy. Anyway, hope you enjoyed :)
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hollyseb · 8 months
FIGHT FOR ME - oneshot
Avenger!Bucky x reader
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MINORS DNI, dont copy or translate my work :)
Warnings; violence, sexual language
just a quick one as i’m in the middle of my exams. let me know what you think :)) requests are open!
You’d assimilated fairly well, working alongside the avengers. Being a PR agent meant you could do influential work, while remaining on the sidelines, just as you liked.
It wasn’t until a few weeks ago that you realised how dangerous positioning yourself next to the avengers would be. You became a target.
You very slyly missed an attack on your way home, a member of hydra waiting on your backseat with a knife and a plan to hold you hostage. It was only when Nat caught wind of the man on the tower cameras that she dragged him out and almost ate him alive.
The air had changed in your workplace since the threat. You felt paranoid, constantly looking over your shoulder. Steve was sending you pitying looks, his eyes raking your features for signs of fear. Nat hovered over you, making far-too-frequent visits to your office.
You didn’t like the extra attention. It was nice that they cared, really, but you didn’t know how much longer you could stand it. So when Bucky stalked to your office, advising you to take some self defense lessons, you saw a way you could get everybody off your back.
You and Bucky had a… strained relationship.
His natural distaste towards PR, and your overly positive attitude. He didn’t quite know what to make of you. Too many tense smiles, drawn eyebrows and whispered curses to count.
You couldn’t deny, you found the soldier sickeningly attractive. Broad shoulders, sculpted face, gruff voice. You swallowed those thoughts whenever he neared you. No. You didn’t need this messing with your head.
He was angsty, sarcastic, and only close to those he really trusted. Exactly your type.
He found you attractive too. Breath catching when you wore a slightly-too-short skirt, jaw clenching when he saw that you’d scheduled a meeting with him.
He felt bile rise in his throat when he heard about the attempted attack. His chest tightening with panic and anger. So, it was only natural for him to want to give you some self defense lessons, to be your sparring partner.
He knew he was crossing the line of professionality. He didn’t care. His top priority was making sure you could handle yourself in a fight long enough to stay alive.
So when the moment came, for you to tentatively step into the shared gym, you were nervous.
”H-hi James”, your voice quieter than you would have liked.
He nodded curtly in response, as you scoped out the room. Weights upon weights lined the wall, with a boxing ring in the middle. You let out a shaky sigh.
You followed him to the ring, eyes drinking in his tight Lycra shirt and gym shorts. You liked seeing him like this, casual. You couldn’t help the way your eyes fell to his defined back muscles.
He positioned himself opposite from you in the ring, his eyes trailing up your sport leggings and tight tee. You had your hair pulled into a ponytail. He licked his lips, keeping a large distance from you.
“What would you have done if Nat hadn’t of spotted that man?” Bucky asked you, his voice gruff.
”W-what?” Confusion gripping your features.
”Knife pressed to your throat. Locked in a car with your captor. What’s your next move?”
You started to feel panicked, not only at the mental image of the scenario, but at the way Bucky was intimidating you.
“Bucky, st-“
“You would’ve died”, his breathing ragged, his shoulders tense, “all because you didn’t lock your fucking car”.
You wanted to sputter out an apology, your colleague making you feel stupid for your mistake. He is correct though. It could’ve cost you your life.
Bucky sensed your animosity. He reached out and touched your shoulder, breaking you out of your spiralling thoughts.
“I want to make sure that nothing like that'll ever happen again, okay?” His voice gentle, his eyes soft.
You nodded in response, smiling tentatively towards him.
”Okay so, you need to understand that when someone wants to take you down, they will use whatever tactics they need to. You need to be ready for anything. Lift your arms and block your face.”
You followed his instructions obediently, hanging from his every word.
He circled you, before effortlessly grabbing your arm and twisting it behind your back, not enough to hurt, but enough to let you know you weren’t alert properly. He had trapped your arm between your bodies as he pressed himself against your back.
“C’mon, you don’t want to make it easy for them”, his mouth near your ear, his stubble pricking your neck.
You could feel yourself becoming irritated with his condescending tone, and the way he so easily overpowered you.
You leaned forward slightly, before picking up your leg and driving your foot into his knee, kicking him back. You twisted around fast, smirking at the way his mouth fell open in shock.
He quickly recovered, sending an open hand towards your wrist in an attempt to grab you. You ripped your hand away as he stalked towards you. You stepped back, your movements fuelled by adrenaline. Unfortunately, Bucky had placed a foot behind yours, causing you to tumble backwards. You grabbed his shirt, arms flailing to prevent you from hitting the ground. He landed on top of you.
You tried to shove him off, believing you could roll him onto his back and pin him down, but he had your arms pinned above your head within an instant.
You were frustrated, desperately trying to free yourself from his grip.
He was enamoured. Staring at the way your baby hairs were clinging to your hairline, the bead of sweat running down your neck, the way your chest was rising and falling rapidly, how your mouth hung open in concentration. Fuck. He could feel himself becoming hard at the vision of you.
It was fun for him, seeing you like this. Not in your office clothes, not stressed out with your workload.
He wanted you like this in his bed, messy hair and swollen lips.
In his distraction, you managed to wrap your leg around his neck, rolling him over. Within an instant, he had you ripped from his body. Disorientating you. Flipped over onto your stomach, your hands pinned behind your back.
He lifted your head by tugging on your ponytail.
“Don’t make it this easy for them, doll” His accent drawled with cockiness.
Why were you enjoying the way he was pushing you around, teased you? The way he could control you with a singular movement.
“You know…”, you managed to grunt out, “I could assume that you like to see me like this”. You smirked at that, feeling the way his grip loosened in shock.
“Yeah doll, whatever makes you feel better about your subpar self defense skills”, he recovered, changing the subject from your confrontation.
He hadn’t seen you like this before, teasing… unprofessional.
Fuck… you were only making him harder.
You bucked your hips gently, ever so slightly breezing across his cock. Yep, you thought, feeling the hardness. God, he was so big. You could hear Bucky take a sharp intake of breath.
He leaned back over your body, teeth grazing the side of your neck. He could barely restrain himself from tearing you apart.
Instead, he ripped himself away from you, exiting the ring and slinging his duffel bag over his shoulder as his chest fell and rose dramatically.
Not like this, he thought. He might be a modern man but deep down, he was still from the 40s. You deserved better than this.
Fuck, you thought, had you read the signals wrong? No, no, no. A PR worker making a move onto an avenger. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Hastily, you collected your things, regretting your bold decision. As you opened your phone to book an Uber home, you read a text from an unknown number.
Same time tomorrow, doll. Bring a spare change of clothes, I want to take you out after.
@scott-loki-barnes @kandis-mom
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wooataes · 9 months
Real Eyes, Fake Lies (Part Nine)
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Pairing: soulmate!Lee Jihoon x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4.2K
Warnings: Hanahaki!au, angst, alcohol consumption, swearing, jihoon has a panic attack, tears, nothing else too drastic this chapter 🙏🏼
Summary: What do you do when you find out the one person that was created by the universe to be yours doesn’t want you back?
A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS, DEAR READERS! Omg it’s been so long and I apologize for that! Hopefully this can tie yall over into the new year! 🥰 I hope you all got spoilt over the holiday period and enjoy this new chapter! 🫶🏼 ALSO shoutout to my girl Wei for pretty much cowriting this chapter with me 💜
- Tae 💜🌸
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“It’s you, isn’t it?”
Jihoon stares at your brother’s soulmate with wide eyes.
“Is what me?”
“Don’t bullshit me, Lee.” Jeonghan frowns, arms crossed tight across his chest. “Y/N. Are you her soulmate or not?”
Jihoon’s heart skips a beat as he pauses.
“What makes you think that?”
Jeonghan notes his avoidance of the question. “It all adds up a little too well. She found her soulmate the day you were supposed to walk her home. She avoids you like the plague unless she has to be near you. She can barely look in your direction but you stare at her like a lost puppy. I see you smiling about her when you think no one is looking. But… you have Ji-ah.” Your soulmate grimaces. “And knowing my Ladybug, which I do, she would never want to separate a couple if she can help it. She’s too selfless for that. She would give her worst enemy the shirt off her back if she thought it would help.” Jeonghan’s eyes look glazed over, tears filling them. “All of the evidence I’ve seen concludes that you’re her soulmate and she is tearing herself apart to keep you happy.”
“How do you know she is hurting?”
“She is drinking.” Jeonghan mutters. “She only ever drinks if she’s really upset about something. This is the only thing I can chalk it up to. Am I correct?”
“No. You’re wrong.” Jihoon lies through his teeth.
“I hope I am.” Jeonghan retorts quickly. “Because what I’ve heard from Soonyoung about you, you’re a great person.” Your soulmate winces as he feels the guilt seep in again. “I know someone wouldn’t willingly do this to someone as sweet as her.”
“You don’t know me.” Jihoon’s voice is small.
“You’re right. I don’t.” He agrees. “Look, I don’t care if you are or if you’re not. All I care about is that girl back there. If you are her soulmate, you need to stop giving her goo-goo eyes while you’re with another girl and giving her false hope. You need to cut the tether. Let the girl heal in her own way because you two being around each other is giving her hope of a relationship that will never happen.”
“You don’t think I’ve tried that?” He hisses. “I have tried to fucking avoid her and let her heal and let her forget about me!” There are tears in his eyes now.
“If I could change how it turned out, I would. I’m her fucking project partner and her best friend is my best friend. This stupid invisible force keeps drawing me to her and I’m hating it.” His words keep spilling out, the tears beginning to fall.
“I feel her cry every fucking night and I can’t do anything about it and help her without hurting someone else! And the worst part is that still despite everything, she hasn’t told anyone because she doesn’t want anything bad to happen to me! I don’t deserve her! I want to stop her suffering and leave her alone but I can’t! What am I supposed to fucking do?!”
Jeonghan sighs and stares at your soulmate in tears before him. “Is it stupid to say follow your heart?”
He chuckles. “Then I say make your choice and make it quickly. I can’t stand to see that kid go through any more pain than what she has been through, you better be fast.” Jihoon winces as he watches Jeonghan turn around and begin to walk away. “Jihoon-ssi, Consider yourself lucky that it was me that noticed and not her brother. If it was him, you’d be dead where you stand. Do you understand?”
“Yeah.” Jihoon whispers, running his fingers through his hair slowly.
“Good. I hope I don’t have to tell you to stop hurting her again.”
Jihoon stares up at the starry sky as Jeonghan makes his way back to the campsite, tears still falling down his cheeks. His mind is running a mile a minute, his lungs squeezing as he tries to control his breathing.
What the fuck is he going to do?
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It takes Jihoon another 20 minutes before he makes his way back to the group, his brain just as jumbled as it was before. He is no closer to a solution than he was before being confronted by Jeonghan, and he is sure he isn’t going to have it by the end of the night. He looks to the picnic table first, looking to see you still wedged between Jisoo and Seungcheol, sipping from your third bottle of soju. Your eyes are glazed over as you lean quietly into Jisoo’s side, a dopey smile on your face as you laugh at Soonyoung. Jisoo’s arm is kept tightly around you, rubbing your arm soothingly as Seungcheol speaks in hushed whispers with his soulmate.
Jeonghan’s words have planted a seed of worry in Jihoon’s brain as he spots Seokmin watch his soulmate with adoring eyes, who is currently fawning over you. He really should figure out what to do with his fucked up situation, but for now, he makes his way to his housemates and his not-soulmate. He plants himself down in the camping chair next to Ji-ah, who doesn’t seem to notice his arrival. Instead, she is staring at her phone with a little smile forming on her face.
“Did your sister send you some dress ideas, babe?” Jihoon asks, the pet name leaving a bad taste in his mouth.
His presence startles Ji-ah, yelping and almost dropping her phone. “Huh?”
“I just asked if that was your sister.”
“O-oh.” She laughed, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Uhh.. yeah, just talking about cake flavor ideas.” She shoves her phone quickly into her pocket before he can see, cheeks flushed. Jihoon simply hums and nods as he leans forward slightly to listen in on Mingyu and Wonwoo’s conversation.
“No~!” Jihoon hears you whining as Seungkwan takes Seungcheol’s spot beside you. “I want it, Boo.” You jutt your bottom lip out as Seungkwan holds the bottle of soju above your head.
“Ah-ah. No.” His voice is firm. “That is bottle number three when you have had no food in you. It’s time to eat.”
“Why?” You sigh dramatically.
“Because you’re going to get alcohol poisoning.” Jisoo tries to encourage you.
“Maybe I want to get blackout drunk.” You huff.
“Maybe,” Seungcheol agrees with you, leaning against Seungkwan’s back as he held the alcohol high above your reach. “But in this family, we drink responsibly. You will get this back when you eat at least one bowl of rice and some meat.”
“Come on, you,” Soonyoung sits atop the table in front of you, holding the chopsticks full of food towards you. “One bite at a time.”
“No.” You grumble, turning your head away from him.
“If you eat, you get the soju back, Goober.” Jisoo encourages beside you, still rubbing at your arm as you look up at him. Your frown is still visible as he smiles down to you, nodding eagerly. After a long sigh, you open your mouth obediently as Soonyoung puts the awaiting food into your mouth.
“There we go!” Seokmin grins and claps happily at you.
“Good girl.” Jisoo praises, and your cheeks turn red as a small smile forms on your lips, something that doesn’t go unnoticed by your soulmate.
Soonyoung wordlessly offers more food to you, which you take eagerly with Jisoo’s praises, but Jihoon can’t help but stare at your blushing cheeks and dazed smile at your brother's friend with each bite. For the upteenth time that night, Jihoon pushes down the uncomfortable feeling that settles in his stomach as he tries to remember Jeonghan’s words to tell him to move on from you.
Within five minutes, almost the whole plate is finished by you, your rosy cheeks puffed up as you look hopefully to Seungkwan. “I did good?”
“Hmm~” he hums appreciatively. “You sure did.” He grins, patting your head sweetly as he passes the soju to Jisoo.
“Now, you can have this back, but you gotta be good and drink slowly. Okay, Goober?”
“Yes, Shua-‘ppa.” You chirp through your last mouthful of food, and giggle gleefully as he passes the alcohol to you.
Jihoon purposely attempts to keep his back to you to avoid the temptation to keep an eye on you. You’re clearly tipsy at best, and too many nights of handling a drunk, clingy Mingyu have conditioned him to want to try and keep an eye on you to see if you’ll be just as destructive as your friend.
To his surprise though, for the rest of the night you stay by Jisoo’s side, nestled delicately against him. Jisoo doesn’t mind, on the contrary, he has kept up his conversations with the others well as his arm absentmindedly keeps you close, stroking your shoulder as he talks. You stay happily curled up, fiddling with a box of beads and string that Jisoo has brought for the trip, making bracelets as you hum drunkenly to yourself.
“Hyung,” Mingyu is whispering to your brother, standing by the fire near Jihoon’s seat, who can’t help but listen to his housemate speak. “Are you sure you should be letting Y/N-ie drink?”
“She’s not hurting anyone, is she?” Seungcheol deadpans, raising an eyebrow. “Look at her. She’s fine.”
Jihoon follows the line of view with Mingyu, observing you. You’re smiling quietly as you delicately place a purple flower bead onto the small plastic thread, Jisoo leaning down and whispering something in your ear, making you giggle and nudge his side before testing the length of the bracelet around his wrist.
“Aren’t they a little too close?” Wonwoo comments, a frown of concern on his face as your soulmate keeps his eyes on you tying the end of the bracelet around Jisoo’s wrist securely.
“If you’re trying to insinuate my friend would make a move on my sister, you’re wrong.” Seungcheol hums nonchalantly, taking a swig of his beer. “We were all close as kids. This is exactly like how they were.”
“Is Shua single, babe?” Jeonghan asks your brother, loud enough for Jihoon to hear. Jihoon frowns deeply, knowing what he is trying to do.
“I mean, he has a soulmate.” Seungcheol responds, Jeonghan keeping his eyes on Jihoon. “He hasn’t seen them for a long time, but he has one.”
“Interesting.” Is Jeonghan’s only response, sipping his drink as he eyes your soulmate’s obvious grimace.
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Your giggles filled the comfortable silence for most of the relaxed evening as you watch Seungkwan nag to Soonyoung, wagging his finger in his face as the older boy starts to imitate him. The night has begun to quiet down now, nearing close to 1am as some of the group have retreated to their tents for the evening, leaving only Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Jisoo, Soonyoung, Seokmin, Seungkwan, Jihoon and yourself left awake. Although, you are clearly losing the battle of consciousness.
You’re currently on your upteenth bracelet of the night, blinking blearily as you place the rainbow beads carefully onto the thread as Jisoo, who now hasn’t left your side almost all evening, joins in as he seems to be making a necklace. Jihoon has been preparing to go back to his tent for a little while now, but he finds himself not able to rest until everyone else has. He stays put in his camping chair as he watches you and your friends wind down for the evening.
“Hey, you.” Seokmin leans over you, making you lean backwards against his front, relishing in his warmth as you hum in content.
“Hi.” You smile sleepily, watching as Seokmin reaches down to tie the bracelet against your wrist.
“Ready for bed, hm?” He smiles down to you as you begin to pout. Before you can speak, though, he laughs. “Come on, Bug, we are going into the city tomorrow to go to the beach. We need to rest so we can have a fun beach day.”
Jihoon can see the gears ticking in your head as you process his words, lip still in a deep frown. It’s cute.
“The bracelets will be here for you tomorrow, y’know.” Jisoo chimes in with a charming smile. “And we are all going to bed now so you won’t miss out.”
“Mm…Kay.” You yawn.
“C’mon.” Soonyoung coos, taking your hand as you rise, reaching up and rubbing at your eye tiredly. He wraps you in a fluffy blanket as he leads you to the large inflatable pool. He glances at Seungcheol and Jeonghan as he passes them, whispering. “Do you have the painkillers for tomorrow?” When they nod, he nods with approval before scooping you up and settling you down on the pillows beside his soulmate who takes you carefully.
“Ready for some stargazing?” Seokmin smiles as you nod silently, already leaning back and looking up at the clear, starry sky as Soonyoung lays down beside you. Your eyes begin to tiredly flutter closed, your head falling and resting against your best friend’s shoulder.
“I thought you said she wasn’t affectionate and cuddly with soulmated people?” Jisoo asked your brother curiously as you snuggle with your friends.
“Normally she isn’t.” Seungcheol hums.
“She’s been drinking, that’s why.” Jeonghan chimes in as he cleans the last of the rubbish on the table.
“Did you end up finding out why?” Your brother asks quietly. “She only ever does when something has really hurt her.”
Jeonghan pauses with a quick glance to Jihoon before shaking his head, a pang of guilt building inside him. “No. She wouldn’t tell me.”
“She will tell you about it when she’s ready, I’m sure.” Jisoo replies sagely with a smile that makes Jihoon almost scoff. He has known you for five minutes.
“Yeah, but…” Seungcheol sighs.
“Hey, no buts.” His soulmate smiles, pecking his lips. “She’s in the safest hands she could be in. And like Joshuji said, she will tell us when she is ready.”
After the others all made their way to their tents for the night, (and after a stupid longing stare at you resting in Soonyoung’s arms) Jihoon heaves a sigh as he steps into his small tent to see Ji-ah sitting straight up on the mattress, looking as if she’d seen a ghost.
“Babe?” The name leaves a bitter taste in his mouth that he chooses to ignore. It causes Ji-ah to jolt, not sensing his presence. “Is everything alright?”
“Jihoon,” she sighs nervously. “Something has happened. I… tomorrow when we go to the city I need to go home.”
“Wait, what?” Jihoon’s eyes widened as he crawled onto the mattress beside his not-soulmate. She tenses. “What’s happened? Do you need me to go with you?”
“No!” She insists quickly, making Jihoon jolt in shock. “I mean… no,” she takes a shaky breath and laughs awkwardly. “No.. it’s fine. I just need to get home as soon as I can.”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to come?” He reaches for her hand, which she hesitantly takes.
“Yes, I’m sure, babe.” She smiles, although to him it almost seems like a grimace. He pauses for a moment before nodding.
“Okay. I’ll get Jeonghan-ssi to take a detour on the way to the beach tomorrow.”
“Thank you…” she smiled again, a bit more genuine this time as they both moved to lay down to rest, although Jihoon doesn’t think he will be able to sleep any time soon - the memories of Jeonghan’s words and your heartbroken face playing over in his head on loop.
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At the ripe time of 8:14am, Jihoon steps out of the tent with Ji-ah’s suitcase in tow, wincing at the bright sunlight shining through the trees on the campsite. He rubs at his eyes tiredly, glancing around at the state of the others.
At the early hour, only a few are awake and making breakfast for the (most likely) hungover others who are still resting. Jeonghan and Seungcheol man the barbecue, Jisoo putting all the food onto plates for everyone once they wake. Jihoon can’t help but frown a little at Jisoo before he glances over to where he knows he shouldn’t look.
Seokmin and Soonyoung are awake, sitting up and talking quietly to each other with a still resting you sleeping against Soonyoung’s chest. Your face is hidden from everybody, buried against the soft fabric of your best friend’s hoodie, protecting you from the brightness of the sun. Soonyoung is patting the back of your head as he speaks intimately with Seokmin, who is scratching your back absentmindedly. Jihoon watches for a moment, nose scrunching up slightly before he turns to make his way to your brother and his soulmate.
“Umm, Jeonghan-hyung,” Jihoon starts nervously. Hyung is fine, right? It’s respectful enough. “Can I please talk to you for a second?”
Jeonghan looks genuinely surprised at your soulmate standing before him, looking dare he says… scared? He’s amused as he watches Jihoon glance at your brother nervously for a split second. Your brother pays him no mind, still tending to the food so it doesn’t burn.
“Sure, give me a second.” He smiles, stepping out from behind the barbecue to the picnic table a few meters away, Jihoon trailing behind awkwardly.
“I’d like to ask a favor.” He can’t look Jeonghan in the face. If he was honest, his chat with him yesterday scared the crap out of him at the thought of your brother’s wrath. “It isn’t much, really…”
“What is it?”
“Ji-ah has had a family emergency come up.” He gestures to her suitcase by their tent. “I just wanted to ask if it was okay if we could pass by the train station on the way to the beach today? I can cover for fuel and-”
“Oh!” Jeonghan lets out an airy laugh. “Is that all?” Jihoon’s shocked at the change in his tone. “I thought you were going to tell me that you were going to do something stupid like ask me how to woo your soulmate.”
Jihoon gasps audibly as he quickly turns to look around to see if anybody overheard Jeonghan’s words.
“It’s fine, Jihoon-ssi.” He smiles. “Half of the guys are planning to go shopping in the city while we go to the beach anyway. No sweat.”
He releases a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. “Oh.. thank you, hyung.” He nods slowly. As he turns away, he jumps slightly at the feeling of Jeonghan’s hand grabbing his wrist.
“It’s no problem.” His voice is suddenly icy. “But, for future reference, don’t think about asking me about how to win Ladybug’s heart unless you’re 100% serious, you hear me?” A small jolt of fear runs through him as he nods worriedly. And just as quick as he came, Jeonghan’s expression changes back to his happy demeanor. “Perfect! We are on the same page then! Good talk.” He claps him on the back before making his way to the food. “Now have some breakfast before it gets cold.”
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The others are uncharacteristically quiet as they all climb onto the bus for the quiet ride into the city due to the copious amount of alcohol consumption from the night before. Seungcheol is amused at the sight of a hungover you climbing onto the bus and planting yourself down on a seat.
You pull a pair of sunglasses over your eyes, leaning your head on the headrest as you immediately attempt to curl up and get comfy. Seokmin sits beside you, smiling at you as you grab his hand, placing it directly on top of your head with an intelligible mumble. Seokmin seems to understand, though, as he carefully pulls what hair he can back, starting to braid it delicately and neatly as Seungkwan chuckles with Mingyu at how adorably clingy you can be when you aren’t worrying so much.
Jihoon is unfortunately in the seats directly behind you both with Ji-ah, a small frown on his face as he tries to not stare at you and your hair. He’s so close he can hear you almost purring with content as you start to drift off once more, his stomach twisting in pain as Jeonghan starts the bus to take off.
“Thank you again for keeping her company, last night, Jisoo.” Jihoon can hear Seungcheol murmur to his friend, who is sitting beside Soonyoung.
“Oh, it’s nothing.” He chirps happily, the alcohol’s after effects clearly not bothering him. “I’ve missed my little Goober.” Jihoon scoffs quietly, glancing out the window to try and ignore the conversation but feels his blood run cold for a moment as Jisoo’s voice grows softer.
“Besides, she needed that last night - to be carefree and have someone be there for her the way someone who loves her can, even if it was just for a night.” Everyone understands what Jisoo is implying, including Jihoon as he spots your brother’s soulmate stare at him for a moment through the rear view mirror. He winces, glancing away from the intense gaze, opting to stare at the scenery that is his first home town for the remainder of the short drive.
“Thank you again for dropping me off here, Jeonghan-Oppa.” Ji-ah smiles politely as she stands by the door of the bus. “You could have dropped me with the others at the mall, I would’ve found my way here.”
“Don’t be silly,” Jeonghan smiles at her, having got out of the bus to stretch his legs for a moment. “It’s no trouble at all. I would have rather known you made it here safely and in one piece. I hope your emergency is able to get sorted out quickly.” He gently pats her arm as she smiles sweetly at him.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to walk you in?” Jihoon asks her quietly, and she shakes her head with a smile.
“I’m keeping you guys enough as it is. Go enjoy the beach, kay?” She smiles. Jihoon nods with a little smile.
“Alright then. Message me when you get back home?” He leans in to peck her lips, only to be surprised when instead of her lips, his own meets her cheek.
“Will do, Hoon. Bye!” Ji-ah is quick to grab her suitcase, dashing towards the entrance to the station, leaving Jihoon dumbfounded at the foot of the bus.
Did she just dodge his kiss?
“Jihoon-ah.” Jeonghan’s voice calls to him. If he noticed anything unusual, he doesn’t comment. “You coming?”
Jihoon blinks out of his daze, nodding quickly before climbing back up into the bus and back into his seat.
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Jihoon has always loved the beach. Even though he was, as Soonyoung would call it, a certified hermit, as a child he would always find himself spending his weekends at the beach with his parents if the weather called for it. He takes in a deep breath as he tastes the familiar salty air, a small smile of content on his face as he watches the waves lull lazily against the shore.
Only a small number of the group decided to join Seungcheol and Jeonghan at the beach, including himself, Seokmin, Soonyoung, Wonwoo, Mingyu, Seungkwan, Hansol, Jisoo and yourself. He was more than happy with anyone who decided to join them, with the plan being the whole group meet up for dinner at a hotpot restaurant to celebrate Seungcheol’s actual birthday before taking the party back to the campsite for drinks and games.
Seungcheol, Soonyoung and Mingyu are already in the water as Jihoon sits down on his beach chair under a large communal beach umbrella where he and the others have set up for the day. He watches as Seokmin sits with Seungkwan and Hansol, happily making plans for a large, elaborate sandcastle while Wonwoo and Jisoo sit quietly on their towels, having a quiet discussion together. He glances down at his phone to see if Ji-ah has texted him yet, and sighs quietly when he sees no notifications.
“Are you seriously not thinking about getting into the water today, Ladybug?” Jeonghan’s hums in the distance, drawing closer to Jihoon and their things. “I think the cool water would make your hangover better, wouldn’t it?”
“Nope.” Your voice is dull and monotone, mirroring the way you feel. “There are sharks in that water, I refuse.”
“Sharks wouldn’t come up to where the water meets your hips, pabo.”
“I refuse to take that chance.” You wave him off, Jihoon hearing your voices getting closer. “I like swimming in bodies of water that are condensed and clear enough so I know what I’m getting into.”
“Then why are you wearing the bikini if you don’t plan on getting in?” Jeonghan retorts. Jihoon gulps.
“Because I need the tan.” You bark back, Jeonghan simply chuckling as he tickles your sides, causing you (and Jihoon) to jolt and yelp.
Jihoon knows he shouldn’t. He really shouldn’t.
Against his better judgement, he turns his head towards where your voice is coming from, choking on his own spit as he sees you; hair braided and sunglasses covering your eyes. You’re wearing a pastel blue and white striped bikini, the little galaxies of your collarbone on full display as you make your way to a beach chair near where Wonwoo is situated.
Jihoon is so fucked.
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Real Eyes, Fake Lies Taglist
@vixensss @ldysmfrst @hemmingsness @lizzymizzy-blogg @breakfastburritosattiffanys @im-gemmy @friendlywraith @devinkelsey19 @kameko-ko @mar-627 @woozieeeee @milopenne @stellauniverse @addicsvt @changbinisms @phenomenalgirl9 @lanatheawesome @maidachi @jeanjacketjesus @sunnynapp @jihanniee @jaeminsbuckethat @sweetchelly @claireleem @hotricewoozi @sumzysworld @lavayeon @unusuallyshy @woozixo @mirxzii @seventeenthingsblr
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ihaznoclue · 25 days
May I get a wee bit of Lycaon x Reader angst, where reader ran away due to bad parents, Lycoan (bring a romantic partner or just very close friends) gets that gut feeling but thinks he just got a stomach bug, and later on in the day he realizes you aren't at home and he goes looking for you. Only to find you in the hollow slowly turning into a Eatheral. (Sorry if it was long and worded weird, English isn't my first language)
Pairings -> Von Lycaon x Reader
Warnings -> just full on angst
Note -> You run away from your horrible parents, Lycaon finds you in a hollow slowly turning into a Ethereal
Genre -> Angst
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Von Lycaon
You hated it here, you hated everyone, you hated your family
You HATED your parents
No, you DESPISE your parents
You just couldn't deal with them anymore, the only person who understand you and cared for you was Lycaon, your partner. He has been with you for 2 years already
But your parents didn't care for you at all, that's when you decided to run away from them
Your family has always been so terrible towards you, always yelling at you for the smallest mistakes.
Now it was time for you to disappear from them, they wouldn't care anyways
Apparently your family went out this evening WITHOUT you, you were home alone of course and this was the perfect time to leave this hell hole
You put on a hoodie as it was quite cold outside, you didn't feel like packing anything so you just left
You were walking around sixth street now, passing everyone that was out this evening
You felt.. lonely
disappointed in yourself
You didn't go to anyone, even your own partner Lycaon. You didn't want to bother him and ruin his night
So you turned a corner into a alley way, you were looking down not looking at anything
You felt like you were teleported somewhere, the air felt intense as you looked up
Huh? Where were you?
You looked back to see no alley way and no Sixth street, could It be that you
Walked into a Hollow...
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The next day, Lycaon wanted to pay you a visit but something felt wrong, his gut felt it
But he shrugged it off as a stomach bug
He was walking up to your house as he knocked on the door, no answer
You usually would answer, something wasn't right
He messaged you but also no answer, he found out you weren't online for 2 days already
That's weird, you would always text him in the mornings
So where were you?
A message from Rina
'Sir Lycaon, I fear that your partner is in the hollow near you, Master proxy has messaged me about it, Belle has saw it on the news about a girl that matched the description of Name, Hurry she might of been in there for a while' - Rina
Lycaon wasted no time in running to the hollow, why were you in the hollow in the first place? How long have you been in there? Did you get hurt? Attacked?
God he hopes not
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"Damn it!" You yelled, you didn't want this to happen, you didn't mean for this to happen
All you wanted was to go somewhere safe, and now you in a hollow
You were attacked by Ethereals and now you were slowing turning into one, you've been in this hollow for how long?
You didn't even know
Was anyone going to look for you? Has anyone noticed? That you were gone for the past day? Maybe not
"NAME!" You heard your name being called out
"Lycaon?" You softly spoke, Lycaon was here to find you
Of course he was, he's your partner but you didn't want him to see you like this
You have black crystals poking out of your skin on your left leg and some on your arms as well, your eyes were blurred as some black lining was on your face
You tried to not panic but it was too late, Lycaon finally found you
"Lycaon.." You started to cry, you didn't want to die, not in front of him, not like this
Lycaon were beyond shocked, why didn't he noticed sooner
"I'm sorry.." You sobbed
Lycaon kneeled down in front of you as he took your head onto his lap, he could see the injuries as well as the crystals poking out of your skin
"I'm so sorry, I didn't want you to find me like this, I-"
"Shhh, Don't waste your energy talking, its okay. We'll figure something out" Lycaon said as he looked around
"You can't... I've been in this hollow way too long and I got attacked by a Ethereal, I'm sorry it was because I ran away from home, From my parents. I just didn't want to bother you or anyone else, I didn't want to ruin your night" You sobbed
"I don't wanna die, Lycaon.." You cried out
"You won't, I'm not going to let that happen" Lycaon looked serious, he didn't want you to turn into those creatures
Your tears fell down your cheeks like a waterfall on a winter night, your eyes looked dull as you hissed, Pain was shooting around in your body
Your control over your body became weak, you were turning
"Lycaon.. Please I don't want to hurt you.." You grabbed his butler vest
"Get out of this hollow before I.."
"No.. I'm not leaving you here" Lycaon didn't want to leave you, even if it means that he has to hurt you in the end
Your control over your body was completely gone
"Lycaon.. I love you, I'm so glad that I got to be with you.." You weakly smiled
That was it, Lycaon's partner was now gone
He had to, He had to do it
He had to kill you... You lifeless body on the ground in front of him
He just wants to rewind in time to actually save you..
But there will be no rewind...
This is what reality does
Hurt people and their loved ones
Until one of them dies....
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gremlin-cryptid · 5 months
( @ya-boi-haru <- gave me the prompt)
CW: minor panic/panic attack
Quixis panted trying to catch their breath. It was getting worse. The blocks around them were changing so rapidly it was all blurring together.
Quixis heard their partner call. They tried to look up at her but everything hurt. They whined softly curling into a ball.
“Dont- Dont come near me! I don't wanna hurt you!” They shouted. They didn't mean to snap, everything just hurt really badly and they couldn't calm down.
“Masterpiece, can you follow my breathing?”
“I- I can try”
Malitae started taking obvious deep breaths floating near Quixis but not getting close enough to be affected by the wack. Quixis did their best to follow his breathing slowly starting to calm down a bit. The blocks around them slowed down their changing.
“Can I come closer?”
“My heart wants to say yes but my brain is afraid to let you come close because I might hurt you”
“I can stay over here my muse”
“I want you here next to me but I don't want to hurt you”
Malitae hummed quietly trying to think of how they could help them. They flew off and returned with one of her sweaters. It had been partially woven from the void and Malitae had been keeping it hidden. He carefully dropped the sweater on Quixis’ island before backing up again.
Quixis froze, afraid to ruin something M had worked so hard on. But they slowly realized it wasn't changing with the blocks. They carefully picked it up and pulled it over the tatters of their jacket.
“Epros helped me with that one so it shouldn't change!” Malitae explained happily. Quixis buried their face in the fabric. It smelled of paint and chorus fruit. The changing blocks had almost completely stopped now. “Is that better masterpiece?” They asked softly.
Quixis nodded. “Can I stay here for a little while?”
“You can stay as long as you want my dear muse.”
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ohbo-ohno · 11 months
I was reading the request where Johnny upset ghost, and Johnny couldn't cun all week. And when he did he got punished. (I LOVE angst) My mind immediately went to Johnny on the floor crying out the safeword red, and Simon not helping him because he was bad.
Johnny is DISTRAUGHT by this. He continues crying and shaking, and when Simon finally takes the cock ring off Johnny doesn't want to be near him. He's still crying and cannot trust either of them because they didn't listen to him.
He spends so much time trying to avoid them because he doesn't know what to do. Poor baby had a terrible week and then his partners didn't care when he used the safeword? Tries to hide himself in the bathroom because he can't be around them. Doesn't care if they apologize and he won't forgive them.
Do you have any thoughts on this? If you could write something PLEAASSEEEE I need a lot of drawn out angst. I loovvveee your writing btw ❤️
here's the deal. i don't think simon and johnny would have a safeword - they're fucking weird, and codependent, and deeply traumatized, and deeply trauma bonded. even if they did have a safeword, i think ghost would entirely ignore it literally every time soap uses it, like you asked about here
dark content below with discussion of intentionally ignored safewords (noncon) and mental abuse - just ghoap, no x reader :')
as terrible as it sounds, im a really big fan of ghost gaslighting and manipulating soap. something about it just scratches a darker itch for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i really like the image of ghost and soap in bed right after fucking, ghost content and calm, smoking a cigarette, while soap shakes and fights off a panic attack next to him. manages to finally stutter out something about having tapped out, having used his safeword, and ghost just grunts dismissively, says couldn't hear you over your moanin'. soap blushes, and drops it
and it happens every time soap tries to tap out. maybe he starts using his safeword when he doesn't even need it, just to see if ghost will listen (he doesn't). every time, ghost brushes him off with some derogatory comment like didn't seem like you wanted to tap out. not my fault, you were cryin' out like a bitch in heat, couldn't hear your yes from no. even straight up saying johnny got the word wrong sometimes
it makes johnny really vulnerable. he's shaky, unmoored, and a little freaked out at the idea of relying on ghost after a fresh little betrayal. ghost loves it, loves the way soap gets a little sullen, a little pouty. he's clingy like he always is after sex, but he's trying not to cling to ghost and it creates the beautiful internal battle that ghost loves to watch
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reverie-starlight · 9 months
hi love! get to this whenever you can but, i have a request (after like a year since my last one lmao-)
just anything with atsumu with a socially awkward/anxious reader, please you have complete creative control darling <33
{atsumu with a socially anxious s/o HCs}
posting this as my first fic of the year woohoo!!!!! starting the year off right with the light of my life <3
gn!reader, fluff, mentions of panic attacks but no descriptions except for how he calms you down. mentions of drinking/getting drunk in passing (it's timeskip atsumu, everyone is legal)
(also I did osamu with a socially anxious partner a while ago if you're looking for something a bit more longform)
this ask is literally me btw. so I decided to lean more into the socially anxious part of the ask, hope that's okay!!
so first of all, he would be the most supportive ever
and theeeeee mossssttttt reassuring
he never forces you out of your comfort zone, but he definitely encourages you out of it.
as in, he'll encourage you to order your own food at a restaurant or café if you've been having a good day, but has no issues going back for you if they get it wrong
he'll carry conversations with new people, but he'll make the effort to include you in them and make sure you say a few things as well
he does his best to help you without feeling overbearing
he's loved watching you come out of your shell since the day he met you, and he gets so happy when other people get to see a side of you that you would normally only show him and your friends or family
in general, atsumu may be written off as the louder, more chaotic twin, but let's not forget that he's incredibly observant (maybe even more than osamu)
I HC that he's more in tune with his emotions and recognizes/is able to read them easily in others as well, so he's really great at figuring out what you need in any given situation
for example when he convinces you to go to a party with him (after promising that he wouldn't leave you alone for even a second), you might be hiding your anxiety well from anyone you're attempting to talk to, but he sees the way you're not holding eye contact
he notices that you keep looking around the room every so often, and he absolutely makes note of the way you're struggling to find something to do with your hands
so he ever so subtly pulls you closer and starts playing with one of your hands to ease your mind a bit
he won't pull you out of the conversation or join in unless he knows you really need him to, he knows you've got this <3
if you want to drink, he'll keep an eye out for you even more intensely
he knows you getting drunk might trigger a panic attack the next day if you start worrying about how you may have acted around a ton of strangers
he doesn't want to stop you from having fun, but doesn't want you to suffer the next day, either, so he'll keep you from drinking too much and have some water on hand
(if you do end up getting drunk anyway, he'll either A: hype you up and remind you the next day that no one is gonna fault a drunk person for acting out of character, or B: act even more drunk to keep attention off of you)
speaking of panic attacks, atsumu is a master at giving you exactly what you need
space? you got it
need to be touching him to feel grounded in a public area? he's got a strong grip on your hand
want him near but not too close? no problem, he's just on the other side of the couch if you need anything else
and gives the best "aftercare" (for lack of a better word) you could imagine
he knows how all around exhausting panic attacks are so when it passes, he'll get you water and rub your back comfortingly
if you want to sleep, he'll be your pillow
if you want reassurance, he'll gladly speak softly in your ear about how much he loves you and appreciates you
when you go to his games, he'll always try to keep an eye on you from the court in between sets and during time-outs
he'll give you a reassuring grin and a wink
if you prefer not to cheer from the stands, he doesn't get discouraged bc literally you just being there, in an overly crowded stadium with cameras and screaming all bc you insisted on supporting him is the biggest confidence boost ever
(and it's not like he ever particularly loved cheering anyway)
he will hype you up in the mornings before you leave for work and have to face the world
will text you during the day to check-in and get a read on how your day is going, just so he knows if he needs to get anything on the way home to cheer you up
and depending on if your social anxiety is on the more severe side or even if you're just having a harder time with it than usual, he's more than fine with indoor/stay-in date nights!!
like I said before, he pushes you out of your comfort zone, but he knows when to stop and accommodate. he never wants to distress you or push you past your limit.
but don't expect these dates to be a simple movie night, oh no
he will go above and beyond with decorating your living room to fit the designated theme of the night (either one you planned ahead of time, or something quick to fit the vibe of wherever you were going to go before the anxiety hit)
he will get dressed up and ask you to dress up, too, even though you're just in the comfort of your own home
expect some take-out and dessert presented to you on the fancy dinner plates you keep in your cupboard and a candlelit meal
he'll set up a designated "photo booth" in one corner of the room and hypes you up as a photographer
insists on taking couples photos and gets you to act super silly with him to get you out of your own head a bit
"c'mon babe! I can't be the only one makin' a fool out of myself here, help me out! the pictures will look great, promise. ya couldn't look bad even if ya tried."
he understands that you might feel insecure about not being able to have a "normal" date night, or might even feel like you're a burden but he does NOT want you to think that way at all
so he goes overboard and puts all the effort in because at the end of the day, he just loves you and wants to spend time with you however he can
he's so proud of the progress you've made and can't wait to see how much further you go. he believes in you and reminds you of it every single day <3
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call-me-copycat · 2 years
Hiii Copycat! ^-^ I was hoping I could make a request? I was hoping for angst to fluff? With Aizawa who takes in/adopts a vigilante reader with an illusion quirk? And maybe she starts to develop a crush on Shinso too?? Thank you!! <3
Hello there! First of all, I saw your ask as soon as you sent it, but the reason I didn't respond was because my phone was (and still is) broken, but it's getting repaired, so I can respond now. Also I only have a phone, no computer or anything, so it's a bit hard, but I'm working on it! (o´Д`)=з
I'm very sorry for the wait, and I apologize again because there will still be more waiting until I finish the story, but I promise you it'll be worth the wait! I'm already nearing 14k words, and it's still going. I can't thank you enough for your patience, along with the fact that you're the first one to ever give me a request, so thank you very much! And feel free to request whenever you'd like, I really enjoy getting to write stories for people, and it makes my day, so you don't need to hesitate! (*´∇`*)
Anyways, since I'm still working on the story, I originally wanted to post it all once it was done, but then I decided that since it might take awhile I'll post the first part and see what you think. I actually really like this idea because I was thinking something very similar to it around the time of your request. I hope you enjoy this bit, and please remember, I haven't forgotten, I'm just trying to work with a broken phone so it's a bit difficult, but it's advancing greatly and shouldn't be too long of a wait anymore. Thank you for your patience! ୧꒰*´꒳`*꒱૭✧
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Escaping The Night (Part 1)
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Welcome! - Introduction and Request rules (Important if you want me to write for you or if you want to know who I am)
▶ Characters: Shinso x Fem reader (although I used "they" in some areas) + Father/Mentor Aizawa
▶ Genre: Angst to Fluff
▶ Summary: Teenager Reader is a Vigilante that roams the streets with their friends, always on the lookout for crime and injustice. However, something disrupts Reader's world when they get themselves captured by the police. What will happen to them next?
▶ Warnings:
- Panic attack
- Reader got hit with a tranquilizer
- And an extra warning because I had to make a few characters just for this story (not necessarily OC's, just background characters. I know some people greatly dislike this so this is a warning, even though they're not that important).
- Also since this is part 1, you won't see Aizawa mainly until part 2, and Shinso is a bit further ahead. Another warning for those that don't like to get into a story and then have to wait
▶ Word Count: 3,201
➤ {This is Part 1}
➜ [Part 2]
➜ [Part 3]
➜ [Part 4]
➜ [Part 5]
➜ [Part 6]
➜ [Part 7]
➜ [Part 8] Coming Soon!
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The hands of your watch sounded endlessly as if it was mocking you, in a way, how it had infinite time while yours was limited.
You gritted your teeth and focused the best you could on the situation at hand. You and your partner were situated atop one of the city's numerous buildings, keeping an eye out for a particular sly little villain.
There were repeated reports of a variety of break-ins, ranging from small restaurants to higher bank robberies. At first, the people waited for the heroes to find this villain. But it seemed that they always had bigger fish to fry, always having excuses.
"The paperwork!"
"There's bigger issues at hand then some late night thief"
"We looked but didn't find anyone, sorry"
"Have you tried getting a better security system? I think that's the problem here"
It drove you mad. You didn't hate all heroes, not wanting to be like those anti-hero people who got upset everytime a hero wasn't there immediately whenever they ran into the smallest issue. But you did have a grudge.
You just didn't understand how the very heros that society put on a pedestal didn't do the simplest things that were expected of them sometimes. Too busy getting caught up in the paperwork and red tape.
Being a Hero once was something that was only ever dreamed of, something that one couldn't ever get close to. When quirks were introduced, this changed many mindsets, and completely flipped the many laws of reality that so many had believed. It was groundbreaking, revolutionary. Society advanced at faster speeds, and new technologies were pouring out.
But, unfortunately, what goes up, must come down.
On the beginning, the definition and laws of a hero were choppy, they didn't really have any boundaries due to the fact that no one had anything to go off of. But, as time progressed, more laws were put into place. A hero simply couldn't go and fight a villain and be done with. Now, they had to fill out reports, and sometimes the villains successfully won court cases over this.
The foundation of what it meant to be a hero was put into place. Or had it? It was still a very controversial topic, but the main idea was set, and that's all that mattered.
Now in current days, heroes still look like the same cape-wearing muscular doer's of justice, but many times, they're either doing it for the gold or the glory. Or they don't do anything at all, restricted and bound by paperwork and invisible strings. They know what's right, and they have the gift to help and save. But if they're told "no" then they follow.
That's why you preferred being a vigilante. You got to battle villains and help people, all the while avoiding the specificities. Yeah, you did have to run from the cops every now and then, sometimes a hero or two, but that just made it all the more interesting.
Plus, you got to be a part of a sort of underground society, one that was shielded from public eye and hidden away in the depths of existence.
So, here you were doing the heroes' jobs, again.
You looked to your partner, who was watching the entrance of a significant jewelry shop that hadn't been touched by any villains yet. You were currently using your illusion quirk to cover both of yourselves in a sheet of invisibility so you could better the possibility of your expected outcome.
Your quirk was powerful, and full of possibility. Though you were never fully nor formally trained, you still understood the limits of your quirk enough to use it exceptionally well. Long, intense training sessions over a span of time allowed you to gain a deeper insight into the inner depths of your quirk, to which you've come to the realization wasn't just any ordinary quirk, even going as far to call it overpowered at some points.
Your thinking was cut short when your partner signaled to you with a silent fist up from where you two were laying. You looked down and finally spotted the villain you were looking for. He didn't look too strong, nor did his face ring any bells, so that meant he was just some lowly villain who lucked out with a shifty quirk.
From the rooftop where you laid, you and your partner watched together to see what the man was going to do next. You noticed he looked like any other person walking around the town, short black hair with a black hoodie on over a pair of black jeans, and you realized that it was surely no accident he was dressed so camouflaged since it was late in the night.
Your eyes followed the man, curious as to how he was able to get in and out of robberies so quickly. The man walked up to the back door of the bank, and your eyes widened when you saw his body begin to shift and distort, slowly closing in until he was perfectly 2-dimensional, and looking at him made you think about all the cartoon characters that you watched when you were younger.
Upon this discovery, the plan was set in motion as you and your partner both hopped down the fire escape of the building and went in for a silent chase across the street, as the man had already slinked underneath the door. He had unlocked it for an easy exit, you thought possibly because he couldn't turn other objects flat like him.
Your partner, Omonifukai Hanawadashii (whom you called Fukai for short) whispered for you both to split up so this villain would think that it was only him, since you were better at stealth rather then combat like he was.
Fukai's quirk was one that seemed simple, but had proven to be incredibly strong when used right. He was able to control the density of different objects, including people or even specific parts of people. His specialty was increasing the density of his hand to the point to where it was easily able to crush anything under it, to which he normally used to knock villains out. A positive side of his quirk was he could still lift anything he used it on, but his drawbacks caused him to feel more pain than normal if hit or attacked.
Your agreed, and uncovered him from the blanket of your quirk, revealing him to reality just as he had once been before you put it on him.
Fukai ran in the direction of the villain as you ran in the opposite direction, going for a higher point so you could see the action and use your quirk properly.
Unfortunately the building wasn't as tall as it was wide, so you had to stick with crouching behind one of the jewelry counters, trying to stick as close to the wall as possible in order to remain unseen.
As luck would have it the villain seemed to have been thinking in a similar manner, as you watched Fukai chase after him as he slithered across the wall, a cheeky grin resting on his face as Fukai grew frustrated at his devious tricks of escape. The alarm started to blare as Fukai tripped one of the wires, cursing low to himself as the villain chuckled at the misfortune.
You studied the villain, watching as he glided across the walls and the floor at times, and you realized that he was able to move at an increased pace when aligned to a flat surface, in contrast to standing straight up as he did earlier. You came to the conclusion that he was a villain of cowardice, preferring to get in and out without a fight, and opting to use sly skills instead of risking a fight with a person of stronger status.
With this new information secured into place by your observations, you devised a plan in order to catch the villain and leave him be for the police.
You used your quirk and dug into his subconscious, a grin of your own growing on your face as you located your target, an almost cruel idea forming in your head at the expense of the villain. You had found his fear.
The villain dodged each of Fukai's attempts at landing a blow to him with such an ease it seemed as if he had all the time in the world. He was cocky in his own skills, having had been in worse scenarios and still escaped.
The villain looked directly at Fukai from where he was seated on one of the walls, almost laughing at the sight of some random teenage boy thinking he could play hero and catch the big bad villain.
Fukai noticed you signal to him with your hand up, closing and opening from the corner of his eye and understood that you were going to set off your quirk. Without this context, most people wouldn't understand that some of your illusions work directly in your opponents mind, meaning that your opponents would react to something surrounding people couldn't see. Fukai understood, and he backed off a bit in order to not disrupt the illusion.
The villain was about to mock Fukai a bit more before departing, but his smirk quickly fell at he noticed a large, hulking figure appear behind the kid.
His eyes widened and breathing became still as he made eye contact with the one and only symbol of peace, All Might himself.
Shocked to the point of motion becoming forgotten, the villain's thoughts suddenly started bouncing all around, before erratically trying to think of different plans, anything he could do to get away. He ran into a dead end with every single trick up his sleeve as he recalled seeing the massive hero defeat some of these biggest, baddest villains known to Japan into a pile of defeat. No, there was no solution to this problem.
Just as you both were about to take out the villain in his moment of vulnerability, everyone in the room jumped as a man wearing all black with a large scarf resting around his shoulders dropped from one of the pipes near the roof of the building. His absolute silence despite his sudden movements made you wonder how long he was there for.
Your illusion was ruined as the intruding man walked through it, unable to see it. The villain's frustration grew as he realized that he had been duped, but before he could do anything the man's scarf that had once been still suddenly jumped to life as it floated all around the dark-haired man's head for a second, before violently snapping around the villain, and your eyes grew as you saw the man's hair rise in the air in a very similar manner. Surreal. Before you knew it the villain was back to normal, and you quickly realized that this man was most likely a hero of sorts.
You saw Fukai looking over at you as he shuffled to the walls while the man was busy, but narrowly avoided being caught in the man's scarf as it aimed to close around him just as it has done to the villain moments ago.
You signaled for him to run, and he hesitated for a second, worry filling his eyes, but ultimately decided to listen and trust you as the scarf slithered around his ankle, to which he just barely managed to shake off.
You heard the man in the scarf curse as he watched your friend go, not wanting to risk letting the villain go in trade.
You toiled a bit, trying to tackle the problem that presented itself to you without introduction. A hero showing up so early wasn't part of the plan, nor was it expected considering most of the heroes' patrol routes were situated a slight distance away.
So, you wondered, who was this guy?
Your thinking was interrupted by the interrupter himself.
"I know you're there. Don't try to fool me into believing you're not."
You gasped a bit, not considering how he was able to know you were there when you were under your quirk. That is, until you held up your hand and realized that it was visible again, and right behind it was the man in the scarf, hair afloat and glowing red eyes situated directly on you.
He had the villain unconscious on the ground, tied in that scarf of his, which he held two parts of in his hands in order to keep it secure. But there was plenty of the scarf to go around. You realized this as you came face to face with the snake-like entrails of the scarf flickering and snapping at you, seeking to seize and bind you along the villain.
You were lucky your face was covered, because this man didn't seem to be as ignorant as some of the other heroes (especially sidekicks). You didn't speak as you dodged and ran, not wanting to reveal who you might be.
To your devastation, as soon as you opened the back doors from where you came you were met with police offers running in your direction from the front of the building. Panic built up in your chest as you didn't have much energy from continuously covering yourself in your quirk, along with having it disrupted twice.
You still pushed yourself to at least run, deciding that you could easily lose them in the plentiful twists and turns that filled the little seaside town.
You understood that if you ran in the direction of your place that you and your things were were currently at, then you would most likely give it away to the police and you'd have to deal with them being on your back as you looked for a new place to stay. But you didn't want to outright run in the opposite direction in case they thought of your plan, so you settled on running in a sort of zig zag, not wanting them to be able to predict your path of travel.
You turned randomly at each turn you ran into, landing in alleyways, on top of dumpsters, underneath large trees heavy with leaves, and eventually up and over fences of backyards as you found yourself in some sort of comfortable little neighborhood nestled in the small town.
Your panic shrunk a bit as you realized that you had thrown off most of the police officers that were chasing you, having been diminished to a small few stragglers that refused to let up.
Sweat poured down your face and blotted your underarms and neck, making you grimace in discomfort as you also had to deal with the sharp pangs that made their way up your legs and back.
You awkwardly sprinted as a little dog chased you across a small yard, and hopped another fence, looking to find somewhere to turn or hide, just anything to get them off your back.
You used your quirk with scarcity as you looked over your back to the best of your ability and hit 3 of the remaining 5 officers with an illusion of yourself tripping over the fence to which they turned to. The other two tried yelling at them that it was a trick, but decided their attempts would be pointless as they kept up the chase, not faltering.
You frowned, squinting as you felt an impending migraine starting to make its way into your head. You knew that you were overexerting yourself, and that the migraine would only serve as a distraction if it grew, but you were so very close, you didn't have any choice but to keep going.
You hopped the next fence without as much strength as you originally did, knowing that it only drained your energy faster having to constantly boost yourself up and down rather than running and turning. You wouldn't be able to keep it up for long.
You remembered that there was a cluster of empty houses that weren't sold yet somewhere nearby, so you ran in turn, changing your course of action by jumping out into the street from one of the backyards you were in, missing the pair of curious violet eyes watching you from a window in one of the houses.
You ran down the street into a more disheveled neighborhood that connected to the newer one you were just in, looking over to see only one officer remained. You didn't remember when the other one disappeared, but you excused it because you couldn't constantly look over your back when running.
You sharply turned a corner to get out of the sight of the remaining officer, heading to the end of the neighborhood where the empty houses were before throwing yourself through the open window of the first one you saw without thought, you just needed a place of hiding.
You breathed a heavy sigh as you propped yourself down for a second, having been through way too much action than you signed up for. You knew the police would probably think you ran out back towards the desolate fields that laid behind the houses.
To them, the houses were legally listed as private property*, so they wouldn't think about you bursting into someone's home without warning. You knew they were empty though from your days of scavenging for goods to survive, in fact you learned a lot about your surroundings because of that, and that's how you were able to evade the police for such a long time.
You held your breath as you heard him pass by, but once again fate seemed to be voting for your downfall, as you heard crunching of footsteps walk around the house instead of right past, and you started to grasp at what they were doing.
As soon as the backdoor flew open was the exact moment you recognized just where you were, and what house you had chosen.
You started to hyperventilate, air whooshing in and out of your lungs as the room around you started to spin.
You were home...
But this wasn't home...
It was a house once filled with horrors, pain and agony, which now reeked of death. A familiar smell you knew all too well.
Your legs moved indistinctly, as though they had minds of their own and yet still understood your internal logic.
Heart racing, eyes watering, you refused to let yourself get caught, especially in the very place you gained your new life after the death of your old one.
Mind numb, and filled with only thoughts of 'escape', you ran to the doors, but remembered they were glued shut, along with the windows. You had done that once so very long ago.
The remaining open window was shut and blocked by the police officer that was chasing you earlier, who was now the one cornering you right by it. You could see a look of compassion and understanding in his eyes, but you saw it as a look of pity instead in your moment of frustration.
You could hear not one, not two, but three voices surrounding you, and anyone that was surrounding you blurred into one giant mass as your fear started to overwhelm you, overtaking your very mind and filling every crevice it could find.
In a moment of desperation you tried using your quirk, trying to create the worst, cruelest entity that you could create, but nothing came out instead.
Your eyes started to warm as you felt tears of frustration and fear building up, but you didn't cry, you refused to. Your emotions started to slow down as you saw one of the police officer aiming what looked like a gun at you, finger on trigger. At that moment you gained slight control of your thoughts, your mind painfully screaming at you to get out of there, to protect your pride and dignity.
In your panicked state you turned and tried slamming the window to escape, but all you attempts were futile as it wasn't going to budge. You heard the trigger being pulled and braced yourself, but all you felt was a little stab on your arm. You looked down and realized that it was a tranquilizer dart that had lodged itself into your upper arm.
Your mind started to fill with fog and the edges of your vision started to slowly fill in as you banged your hand on the window in one last attempt of escape.
And then your world went dark.
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Alright, so that was part 1! I do hope that it was good enough for you, I'm trying to learn from past mistakes when writing, and I feel as though I'm in improving little by little everyday.
Don't worry, if writing the story takes too long then I'll post the parts one by one instead of waiting until it's all finished. This is my first time writing something so long, but I enjoy it!ദി ᷇ᵕ ᷆ )♡
Any feedback or constructive criticism is completely allowed, and if you see any mistakes then please notify me so I can fix them.
If you wish to send in a request as well, once again, please don't hesitate!
I'll be working on this as much as I can, but my progress is slowed until my phone gets completely fixed (which it will soon-hopefully anyways). I appreciate your patience! (๑´ㅂ`๑)
For the first *, that basically means that I have a note about whatever is near it. The note for that was I have absolutely no clue how buying or selling houses and property works, I just made that up on the spot. I know there's a 99% chance it's wrong, so just please go with it, I'm sorry for any annoyance.
This story is ok for reposts or other uses such as those YouTube channels that read out fanfics and things like that. My only ask is that you tell me beforehand for everything but the reposts. I just like to see other people interact with things I make, it makes me happy (⁠^⁠^⁠).
Thank you so much for reading this complete mess, I know I wrote a lot of things that aren't the story, and once again I'm sorry about that.
I hope you have a lovely day!
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hyenasheep · 2 years
Brainstorming random general Junkrat headcanons that i consider as an official canon at this point
I wrote this at 4 am cough
- mother issues, and not in the kinky way but like really bad espresso depresso mother issues. He's like a newborn duck who thinks that anything that comes near to him is his mother (also based of his voice lines i think he was an only child and probably lived only with his mom)
- he doesn't care about what he's wearing, dress, pants, skirts, like he's able to walk around in anything that isn't tight or scratchy
- he sees Roadhog as his father figure/older brother and they just kinda adopted each other without the paperwork (ALSO pls don't take this like I'm trying to shittalk on ppl who ship them, this is just my personal view on their relationship so pls don't yell at me or I'm gonna cry ;-;)
- you can't tell me that my boy doesn't have adhd and ptsd, like C'mon
- he's on aro/ace spectrum, he spend his entire life in wasteland so he's rather looking for family and friends than partner, at least not just a quick flirting etc.
- but I can also see him that something like a personal space doesn't exist for him (he's extremely hungry for any physical touch like someone hug him already holy hell) i feel like he doesn't really understand social interactions (kinnie moment) . Idk how to describe it but like imagine he would randomly walk to you and gave you flowers or smth, just trying to be friendly not realizing smn could interpret it differently
- but also he has no idea what flirting is, like u could hit on him for months and he would be for the entire time like :) 🧍‍♀️"love ya too mate" while patting your head
- he actually can draw pretty well, like the concepts he drew for his bombs etc? He has such a clean lineart holy shit
- hardcore/trash punk and kpop/classic 2000s pop, nothing else.
- literally the biggest fan boy (a little meow meow u can say), Lucio? listens to his music non-stop, Hammond? has his stuffed animals and signed peg leg, Junker Queen? gosh, if he doesn't have at least one lunch box with her, I'm throwing hands than
- the pokémon sodas edition, he would love them, cherishem them, worship them, like if he loves pachimari u can't tell me he wouldn't love strawberry yagult pink soda with Mew on the can
- he's losing his hearing so he uses hearing aids (that he made himself ofc), also him and roadhog know sign language and using it pretty oftenly, during missions, when Junkrat's having a panic attack etc.
- so like ppl say he's egoistic but i think there's a huge difference between his ego and Junker Queens ego, she's very confident and sure about her role/look/skill etc. While Junkrat is more self-ironic and tries to hide that he is actually pretty insecure about pretty much everything
- can speak fluently many languages which always throws everyone off , like he just randomly starts speaking Chinese fluently in a middle of meeting or something, and everyone arevlooking at him like 🧍‍♀️
- shitty phantom pains, he may know how to build his prosthetics from a literal garbage but has no idea when it comes to take care of himself so he just curles up into a ball and sobbs
- he and Roadhog give each other manicures at least once a month, that's the only thing he can actually take care of
- unhealthy addiction to coffee and sweets (someone should take away the coffee machine he has in the workshop) (his teeth are rotten at this point)
- his sleep is more broken than the queuing system (haha funny), usually sleeping like 3 hours per day, that's why the coffee addiction
- if u would show him any kind of love he would start stuttering while trying to come up with smth funny, blushing, sweating and sit on the ground and think about life for the next 30 mins cuz of how much he's not used to being praised
- also my man is a huge emotional wreck, he's getting new emotion every 5 seconds
- honestly i can't decide if the only thing he ever read was a recipe on frozen dumplings or if he's the biggest nerd u can imagine who's walking around with Franz Kafka or Sigmund Freud while sipping his boba tea
- he's missing an eye - I read the theory that he doesn't have an eye and that his fake eye is actually the real treasure with a code or smth, and omg, im obsessed, yes, my boy is like a cool mad max pirate, absolutely canon, at least it would connect him to some actual lore in the story, he's just wobbling around for last 6 years just give him something already;-;
- he likes comics, i just think he likes to inconspicuously steal a new issue of Batman whenever they're pulling a heist
- you know those French toasts that are basically just normal bread soaked in condensed milk? that's his ass
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trying2cope · 2 months
I fell madly, deeply in love.
He did too. We talked everyday. We sexted. One day he seriously considered randomly driving to my house after work, even though we live 3 hours apart. I talked him down, explaining the sensible reasons why he shouldn't leave so suddenly-- I wish I'd let him now.
I realized though why waiting for marriage for sex was a good idea for me though. I didn't regret it exactly-- he was a far superior lover than my exes and I longed to please him and be his forever. But therein lay the problem. "I love him like a husband," I confessed to my friend. "It would destroy me to lose him." Giving myself so fully had left me with no ability to keep him out of my heart and soul.e
My kids liked him. I did cringe a little when I heard my kids mention that Mommy had had a friend over and they mentioned Master's name and I knew my ex would read between the lines and know I was dating. Not that I cared about his opinion, especially when he had dated while we were still married(!) but I didn't want him to cause any trouble or drama as he was prone to do.
I had not yet gotten to meet his daughter because he and his ex had made an agreement that no one they were dating would meet her before they introduced the new partner to each other. I was annoyed momentarily when he first mentioned this because I didn't want to be paraded in front of his ex for her to judge. But I very quickly calmed down and realized this was a long term thinking thing. There was no rule or custody agreement saying this must be done and he *could* have just introduced me to his daughter-- but doing so would have upset the ex and if I was someday to be his wife and his daughter's stepmom it behooved everyone that we do this properly and respectfully. He was pleased when I said that I understood and said that back to him.
Not that actually he could bring his toddler down yet. One of the big embarrassments of my life is how messy I can get. I had been severely depressed and struggling before meeting him and the house had suffered. When he had first suggested meeting, just the next upcoming weekend, I had panicked and almost said no. I knew I couldn't get it clean in time. But I also knew this was an ongoing struggle in my life. I get the house clean only to get sick or depressed or just very, very busy and the next thing you knew it was far too messy once again. I have ADHD with bad executive dysfunction that had only been diagnosed two years earlier and at that point my depression had made me afraid to contact the doctor to get my medicine. It made cleaning a near impossible task.
That can be really hard for neurotypicals to understand but to give a quick example it seems like NTs can say "I'm going to clean the bedroom" and it's one task, and they do it. To me, it's like 25: picking up trash, making sure I have a garbage bag, picking up clothes, making sure I have a laundry basket to put the clothes in, clearing off the end table, putting each individual item that belongs somewhere in the house away is an individual task item for each one, stripping the sheets, taking off the pillow cases, figuring out where I put the clean linens-- doing laundry if I didn't have clean linens. Putting the sheets on the bed, putting each pillow case on, deciding if the blanket is clean enough to go back on or needs to be washed and if it does, bringing it to the laundry room and finding a new blanket for that night. Picking up shoes and making sure they have pairs and are put on the shoe rack. Picking up my kid's toys which shouldn't be in my room but definitely would be and finding a bin to put them in and remembering to take the bin to their room. And more and more and more. This doesn't even get to things like sweeping, mopping, dusting or cleaning windows which felt like luxuries that I never even got to because I would get far too exhausted by the mental load of trying to do the rest of it I was nearing a panic attack before I got remotely close to be ready for that. Because while doing all those endless, thankless, soul sucking tasks I only have the working memory to keep maybe three or four things in my head. And that's only if I'm left to myself-- but I am a single mom so I never was. I *would* be interrupted with "Mommy this" and "Mommy that" every 3 minutes or so, making all my hard one mental efforts drop like being startled with giant armload of various items and dropping them all on the floor and once the kids go back to their play I'd have to pick them back up again only to drop them again in 3 minutes. It seemed like a fruitless, impossible task. And that was just one room of my 3 bedroom house.
So when my potential Master came in and looked around at my mess and nodded and said "we can work on this" with absolutely no judgement at all in his face, my heart nearly exploded with joy. This was the man I'd always needed. My ex husband had always been verbally abusive and critical, making everything much worse. Indeed the reason I would get anxious to the point of almost having panic attacks after 20 minutes or so of cleaning up was partially because I would hear him in the back of my head and I'd have to stop and take deep breathes so I wouldn't hyperventilate. My body associated cleaning with danger now. But Master's response had been so gentle, so not a big deal, that I knew with him I'd be able to find healing and the praise I so desperately needed to function, something that when I had pleaded with my ex to give me would only bring hateful scorn. "You want praise for doing the bare minimum?!" he had sneered. But praise would short circuit the anxiety and give me motivation when it was lagging. I *needed* it to function and he never understood. But this man would.
When he left after that first meeting I had been energized and had done some cleaning. But then a few weeks later I'd had a few busy days in a row. Whenever we were busy with tasks outside the home the house got messier because we tended to discard clothes and dishes and whatever on our way to rush out or to bed when we got back, too distracted or tired to clean up.
It had been three days in a row of busy days when I heard the doorbell ring one morning. I was upstairs and scantily clad so I threw some clothes on as I headed downstairs. I was expecting FedEx and assumed it was a package. I opened the door and a woman stood there with a clipboard.
"FedEx?" I asked.
"No," she replied. "I'm from Child Protective Services."
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Days 859-860
Codex Chaldeas: Family reunion
Rex carried an unconscious Quetzalcoatl into the shadow border, with Mash following closely behind. Quetz had clear some burns and bruised on her, her outfit also had some scorch marks as well. She also didn't have her headdress on her head, but it was being carried by Mash, with Rex wearing her cape, which also had burns.
Nota was the first to greet them "Primo! Mash! So good to see you two okay! And you summoned Quetzalcoatl again!" She said.
"Si! I'm so happy to have her again! Tho we almost lost her again when she expended so much energy to destroy the tree." Rex answered back to her, while taking Quetz somewhere to lay.
After that, Goredolf spoke up from the front seat of the shadow border, as the vehicle started its journey. "It's good that you two managed to survive your first lostbelt. However you seemed to have failed to capture the traitorous magus, Kadoc." He had pointed out.
Rex did feel a lil guilty. "Yeah, sorry about that. After the tree and his servant were destroyed, suddenly that Koyanskaya or whatever took him away. Quetzalcoatl was out and Mash wasn't near enough to do anything." He tried to explain.
"Well if it was out of your power, there isn't much that can be done." Holmes responded. "We're happy you're both fine at least."
Mash spoke up next. "Oh Nota senpai! Who's your new servant?" She asked, while looking at Tezcatlipoca, who had been keeping quiet for the most part.
Nota got awkwardly silent, while Tez gave a bit of a side-eye to her. "Th-this is Tezcatlipoca…" she said. "I summoned him during the blizzard."
Immediately Rex backed up. "Really?! Him???" He asked.
"Oh how welcoming." Tez said. "Then again, if you're already close to birdy there, then you probably don't have an unbiased view of me."
And almost as if him saying that was a trigger, Quetzalcoatl immediately woke back up, filled with rage. "YOU!!!" She exclaims while getting back up. "PINCHE PENDEJO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!?!"
"There she is! Great to see you so full of energy again!" Tez said snarkily towards his sister.
Both cousins were holding back their respective servant. "Amor! You're in no shape to fight!" Rex told Quetz.
"Tezcatlipoca! Don't instigate a fight! You two will destroy the shadow border!" Nota insisted.
In a panic, Goredolf demanded Mash to prepare to protect the vehicle. "Demi-servant! Please be sure to do something if those two can't control their servants!"
"I will try my best!" Mash stated.
"Amor?" Tez asked. "You telling me you finally nabbed a partner? Took you long enough!"
"Pinche perro! Cállate tu boca!" She yelled. "That's none of your business!"
Simultaneously both cousins yelled "Enough! By my command seal! STAND DOWN!" The commands were issued, and both siblings were physically restrained by the spell.
"You two can't just fight like this! We're literally the last bastion of humanity! If you fight carelessly like this, humanity is over!" Nota tells the two of them.
The two of them didn't like it, but it was true they couldn't find it out. Not like this. "Fine! I won't attack this bastard… for now." Quetz said.
"Guess I'll work with birdy for now." Tez stated.
"Thank you" Rex says.
After the two were pacified, Mash stood down, both her and Goredolf relieved they were able to calm their servants down.
Rex grabbed Quetzalcoatl again, and started to guide her elsewhere. "C'mon, amor. I'll show you to my room."
"That sounds much more pleasant." She said, going with him, but not before giving her brother the stink eye.
Nota helped Tezca back up. "I'm not exactly surprised that you like to mess with her, but please chill out with that? You're a lot cooler then I was expecting, so please don't ruin it." She tells him.
"Heh. Least someone's opening their eyes." He states.
"Well, I'm not as close to Quetzalcoatl as my cousin is (obviously), and I always figured I'd wanna get your side of things along with hers. And so far you've been noticeably nicer then how she described, but you still have time to ruin that." She tells him.
"Well I do hope I don't ruin it for you. I still find you more then worthy to be a good master." He tells her.
Nota had a slight blush from that statement. "It is an honor to hear that from you." She says. "Ahem, anyways. Holmes, where are we going to next?"
"We're actually getting a signal from out in the Atlantic Ocean." He tells her. "We're planning to investigate it, as it's possibly more people."
"The Scandinavian Lostbelt is on the way aswell." Goredolf states. "So we'll be handling that on the way."
"Sounds like a good plan." Nota responds. "Guess we can use the time to get to know each other." She tells Tez.
Meanwhile, Koyanskaya took Kadoc to Kirschtaria's lostbelt, after his was destroyed.
"Wow! Way to screw things up, Kadoc." Beryl laughed.
"How was Chaldea able to destroy your lostbelt if they were so limited?" Ophelia questioned him.
"Now I'm sure he has good reason, don't you, Kadoc?" Kirschtaria questioned.
"Listen, I don't know how, but everything was going fine until the last second somehow that 2nd rate magus managed to summon a fucking divine spirit!" Kadoc said with frustration.
"Did he now?" Daybit asked.
"What kind of Divine spirit could he have possibly summoned?" Akuta asked him.
"Quetzalcoatl." Kadoc said. "Suddenly he showed up at the tree with her, and destroyed both my servant and It with her."
"Quetzalcoatl?!" Said a voice behind Daybit. "They have Quetzalcoatl with them?"
"Control yourself." Daybit told the figure.
"Oh? Your servant seems very interested to hear that name, Daybit." Pepe noticed.
"Well if the servant is from Latin America like his lostbelt, they're probably familiar with her." Kirschtaria comments.
A while after the meeting, Daybit talked to his servant. "You need to control yourself when I'm in a meeting with them."
"Sorry master, but them having Birdy with them changes things." The servant says.
"What are you planning?" Daybit questions.
"Something very fun!" The figure says, as he takes off his orange sunglasses, his blonde hair shining in the light. "Can you get me into contact with that Fox girl? Her assistance will be invaluable in this."
"So long as you still stay focused on our plan, then I don't mind it. Tezcatlipoca." Daybit finishes.
A/N: Next fic!!! Bit of a family reunion between Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca! Which obviously didn't end well. But that's to be expected. Meanwhile, it seems someone has plans in the Latin American lostbelt!!! Wonder what they could be!
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85. “I will never apologize for saving your life, even if it costs me my own.”
Hmm... I'll pick Lukadrinette for this one and I'll admit that this started as one thing and ended up somewhere totally different than planned (but I hope you still like it)! CW: near death experience, angst
Marinette had been Ladybug for five years when one of the most fearsome akumas attacked. At the onset, she wasn’t worried: she and Chat Noir had faced hundreds if not thousands of foes before and the situation always ended the same-
Their victory.
Even as minutes of fighting stretched into a half hour and then into hours, Marinette had been so sure that they would find a way eventually There were times when Plan A didn’t work and neither did Plan B, but they were still able to come out on top. 
So much of it was thanks to Chat. After she forced herself to let go of what she thought to see what was, Ladybug couldn’t have found a better partner than Chat. He was smart, logical, caring, and always willing to help. He was also able to reassure her and their teammates whenever they were called to help…
Which honestly? The rest of the team was needed today.
Sure, it wasn’t rare nowadays to call upon the rest of Team Miraculous for an assist, so needing to do so now didn’t worry Marinette. She knew that they’d have an extra step up in the battle that had dragged on for so long that Marinette was sure this was the longest fight they’d ever fought. Seeing Viperion touch down on the other side of the raging beast as Rena Rouge and Carapace snuck up from behind made Marinette feel even more supported.
As always. 
Especially with Viperion around.
Worry began to leak in as she heard Viperion call for his second chance not too long after arriving. He normally watched, waited, and planned and it was practically unheard of him to use his special so early in a battle. But Viperion always had his reasons and Marinette trusted him fully so she didn’t question it. 
Never did. 
Never would.
Marinette wasn’t sure how many loops he went through or any of their results, but she knew they had to be bad because the loop she did remember, the loop Viperion chose to be reality, ended with Chat run through on the large sword of the akuma- pushing her out of the way in his haste to protect her from the akuma- and Viperion himself on the end of a cataclysm as he also sheltered her from Chat’s flailing hand filled with destruction. 
The scream was quickly followed by a series of events that Marinette would not be able to recall later as her need to check on her bleeding partner and dusted teammate garnered all of her attention. She only came back to herself when the burst of ladybugs left a shuddering but fully intact Viperion lying next to a flawless Chat.
Collapsing to her knees next to them, Ladybug sobbed into her hands as the rest of the team surrounded them, none having witnessed the undid demise of their two friends. 
“It’s okay,” Marinette barely heard Chat assure them over the panic and relief rushing through her body. “She just needs a minute. Go home.”
“But our-”
“She’ll collect them from you later.” Chat said, sounding every bit of the second in command he’d become over the years. “Just give us some space.”
Marinette wasn’t sure when the last of them left, all she recognized was the feeling of arms wrapping around her and holding her while she worked through the tsunami of emotions crashing inside of her. 
“It’s okay,” She heard Viperion whisper against her hair. “It’s okay.”
Anger swelled within her because it wasn’t okay! 
Pushing both of them away, Marinette glared at them. She was positive her eyes were as red as her suit. “It’s not okay! You both… Chat, you almost died protecting me!” Her eyes cut to Viperion. “You did die! That���s not okay!”
Chat’s brows furrowed. “But we were protecting you!” 
“You can’t protect me by risking yourself!” She shrieked. “You can’t! You just can’t! Neither of you! I’m not worth both of your lives! Think about the rest of the team! Think about your civilian families! Think about Paris!”
Chat’s mouth pursed into a firm line in an expression Marinette wasn’t used to getting from him. “Try and guilt us all you’d like, Milady, but it won’t work: I will never apologize for saving your life, even if it costs me my own.”
Heart racing, Marinette groaned. “Chat-”
“I agree with him, Ladybug.” Viperion interrupted. “It may be selfish of me, but I would give my life to protect you as well.” 
Exasperated Ladybug turned away, crossing her arms over her chest. “You two are insane.”
There was a beat of silence before Marinette felt gentle fingers wrapped in smooth leather touch her chin, turning her so that she was looking into her partner’s emerald green eyes. “Insane about you, Bugaboo.”
The look in his eyes made her dizzy. “Chat-”
But then another pair of gentle fingers were turning her head the other way, bringing her to stare into the molten golden eyes of the snake. “Because without you, none of this is worth it.”
Tears stung her eyes. “Vi-”
“None of it.” Both men spoke together as if they’d practiced the speech dozens of times.
Marinette’s eyes squeezed closed and she shook her head, pushing away the happy feelings that sprouted at the joint confessions. 
They didn't understand.
But... maybe she could get them to.
“I feel the same way.” She admitted and felt both of their bodies tense in shock. “There is nothing here for me without either of you. So imagine how it felt to see you both down like that: to think that you both were taken away from me so quickly…” As she sucked in a deep breath, silence answered her but, glancing at their faces, she knew they understood her point. “So please don’t do it again. We’ll always find a way to defeat the bad guys without sacrificing ourselves, okay?”
Both men nodded. “Sorry.”
There were a few more beats of silence as they stood on that rooftop above parent before Marinette felt a hand slip into hers.
“To make it up to you,” Chat spoke up and his flirty demeanor ramped back up to its normal level and Marinette felt relieved that he was truly okay. “Why don’t you let us take you out for ice cream? My treat, of course.”
Feeling a bit empty and hungry after such an emotional evening, Marinette found herself nodding. “Sure.”
That seemed to startle the cat - though she wasn’t surprised as she’d been turning his mini dates down for the better part of five years- but the snake picked up where he left off. “Awesome, I know this place that serves the best cone this side of the Seine.”
Marinette smiled. “Then lead the way.”
And the three went off on a tiny ice cream date.
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wives-natlho · 1 year
CW: Sapphic PDA, trauma, alcoholism, verbal abuse
She watches the glass closely. It is lifted off the table gently. The ice cubes clank around, creating that unique, unmistakable sound. The amber liquid finds its way into the barely parted lips of the Sea Wolf woman sitting across from her. The thunk of the glass back onto the wood table awakens Jaye from her trance and she is snapped back into reality. 
This time it's worse. Why is it worse? She can't figure it out. Coco's voice calms the rising tide of panic welling within Jaye's chest. 
Jaye looks up and locks eyes with Coco. She inhales through her nose and holds the breath, then exhales and smiles. She decides it’s time to say something.
"Whats wrong?" Implores the worried Roegadyn. 
"Did I ever tell you my dad used to drink whiskey?" The honesty behind Jaye’s smile fades, but the smile itself otherwise remains on her face. 
A lot of things suddenly make sense to Coco about Jaye’s behavior around alcohol. Her expression drops into one of deep shame and regret. "Oh gods… you should have said something sooner!" She reaches up to grab the drink and push it aside. She is stopped as Jaye places her hand on top of the glass.
"No, don't… I need to work through this." She leaves her hand on top of her partner's. "Can I talk to you about it? I don't need solutions quite yet… Just to talk it through." 
Coco nods, and after a moment turns her hand upwards to lock fingers with Jaye. "Yeah. Take your time."
"Okay… Let me go through this. It's been a while so I'm gonna have to remember in pieces." Jaye closes her eyes and thinks for a moment and then begins recounting her past. "I would be comfortable, relaxing, and then it would start. The first sound was the glass against the countertop. A single thud." 
Her heart rate begins to increase as the memories return. Coco grips her hand.
"Next was the ice cubes. Always two. 'clink, clink'." Her breathing increases. Coco wants to say something but simply squeezes the hand tighter. "Then the pouring. The whiskey hit the glass and the ice started to crack. It was faint but I could always hear it, somehow…" 
Her eyes open and she stares at the tumbler of spirits on the table between the two. She watches the glass sweat, and she begins to perspire as well. Coco watches her closely, ready to help if needed. Jaye's eyes raise to meet her girlfriend’s. Coco’s eyes are calm. They are worried, but comforting. They carry peace with them, and they accept Jaye in every form, pain included. 
"He would sit in a big chair and drink while he read his reports. The reports always made him mad." Jaye's eyes remain locked with Coco's, dancing back and forth between each iris, the pace steady, unsure if the panic attack is gone or not. "But…" 
Jaye squeezed back at Coco's hand. "He never hit me. He never touched me. He wouldn't even get close to me. He'd scream and yell and throw things, but he never came near me." She looks up at the silent Sea Wolf and says, "I always wanted someone to comfort me, to hold me. Someone who would tell me I'm not alone. Someone close." 
She closes her eyes and thinks of Athena, of the Savoury, and of her newfound home in Eorzea. She takes a deep breath in, holds it for a few seconds, and opens her eyes. The breath out brings with it a newfound comfort and relief, and is accompanied by the image of Coco in front of her. The flow of air blows the hair into and out of her face. The sunlight reflects off her glossy lips. Jaye decides it's time to make a new association. 
She stands up and leans forward, across the small table. She takes her open hand, the one not currently interlaced with Roegadyn fingers, and brings it to Coco's cheek. She lifts up her partner's face and can tell the girl is obviously confused. Coco had been told earlier to just "be still and go with it" when Jaye is panicking. She takes that instruction to heart now. 
Jaye leans all the way across the table and brings her own lips to those of Coco. The smell of the whiskey on her partner's breath hits her nose. She takes a moment to breathe in, and for the first time enjoys the smell of alcohol. The lips touch next. Jaye tastes the whiskey, and somehow doesn't recoil. She runs her tongue across, and inside, and tastes it even more. Coco begins to worry that this is happening in public and stiffens up a bit. 
Jaye stops and smiles. Her freckles begin to hide, one by one in the rising red tide of embarrassment that visits her cheeks. She looks around at the other patrons in the Missing Member. It's a small venue, filled with women. There are many spectators. Her face grows redder. 
Hands still interlocked, she gets up and rushes out the door, pulling Coco along. The taller woman has just enough time to leave a handful of gil on the table for their tab before being tugged along behind the blushed Viera. Uncouth tavern-goers begin to whistle and applaud as the curtain draws on the unexpected public display. 
Jaye doesn't stop until the couple is by the water's edge, on one of the city's lower docks. She finally turns, still red in the face, and addresses Coco once more. "So it turns out I don't mind if you drink whiskey. Just… Bear with me if I need a reminder of why it's okay." The embarrassment doesn't prevent her from smiling, but does prevent eye contact. 
Coco responds, "Not a problem. I don't mind this kind of therapy", as she moves in closer to continue the treatment.
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