#anxiety x reader
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hippurislonghorn · 8 months ago
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A little animation I did today!
I haven’t animated in ages so I’m a little rusty but this was fun to make.
She so busy.
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tea-plantz · 8 months ago
can I request an anxiety/reader where reader represents the Love emotion?
like we're a little extroverted and flirty (and kinda serve tbh) but we are gentler around her and help her calm down when she's about to have an attack?
(I'm normal about her I swear💪)
Ahoy to you too! Yess I finally got a request for my girl!! She’s so cute, I swear-
Anyway, that’s an awesome request, I love the concept of the reader being a Love emotion!
~Anxiety x Love emotion reader hcs~
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Anxiety wasn’t really interested in romance, partly because she figured she didn’t have a shot at it anyway, and because she thought it seemed way too stressful. That was until a new emotion appeared in the HQ, the Love emotion.
You were so sweet, kind, pretty and even flirtatious, causing the small orange emotion to quickly become smitten.
She would feel her heartbeat speed up x100 whenever you were around.
The poor girl constantly stressed about making a good impression on you, seeming interesting, and wanting to know more about you, but she couldn’t let you know that she’s excited, or else she would seem too intense, and so on.
Since you represented the emotion of love, your job would be to control Riley’s crushes, feelings of love, horniness, and all that. Anxiety would love to watch you work, observing as your hands glided over the console, making it light up with a soft, pink color. She swoons over everything you do
Anxiety sometimes even slightly envied you. Your job was to make Riley feel all these positive and exciting feelings, whilst hers was to worry her and make her anxious. She knew it was all to protect their girl, but she didn’t wanna feel like a burden. On top of that, you were also so extrovert and outgoing, speaking so easily with all of the emotions, even Ennui, which was something she admired and slightly envied as well. She would overthink it, feeling like she wasn’t a good enough conversationalist, and fearing that she came off as boring to you.
The fact that you where so flirty towards all the emotions, but more gentle around her would leave her with sleepless nights filled with overthinking.
“They act so flirtatiously towards everybody, but somehow different towards me! I mean, they’re still flirting, but it still feels different! Does that mean they like me less?! Oh no no no, that would be so bad! But what if they do..? And then they’ll slowly stop talking to me, because they secretly hate me, then they’ll stop looking at me, or even being in the same room as me, and I’ll die alone! Ah!!”
She always thinks so negatively about every single situation, not concerning that it could be because you liked her.
It was only after you helped her calm down when she was about to have an anxiety attack that she realized that maybe her feelings were mutual. The way you had gently hugged her, rubbed soothing circles on her back,y kissed her head and whispered sweet nothings into her ear made her absolutely melt. She knew she needed to confess, or else it would drive her insane!
Anxiety spend many many nights, filling out countless notebooks with her frantic writing, trying to figure out the perfect way to confess. She knew you loved romance, so she wanted to be romantic and sweep you off your feet. One problem though, she was very bad at romance… like… really bad. After the made the perfect plan she practiced again and again before she actually mustered up the courage to confess.
She wrote a whole ass 5 page long script on what to say, and a backup script for when if you rejected her. She didn’t hope that would happen, of course not, but she thought you would, always preparing for the worst case scenarios.
Assuming you said yes to her cheesy little confession, Anxiety would be thrilled! You, the glamorous, lovely, super pretty, sweet and confident emotion that you were, wanted to date little ol’ her!! She almost couldn’t believe it!
She definitely cried
It would take the poor girl a long time to settle into the relationship, but with you showering her with love, affection and kisses, not to mention words of reassurance, everyday, she would quickly feel safe and relaxed in the new relationship.
You two would give off major Jessica and Roger Rabbit vibes.
Even though you might be kind of opposites, you both fit really well together. She appreciates you and all of your affection so much, it always helps with calming her down whenever she can’t sleep, or starts stressing out too much.
Anxiety loves it when you flirt with her, but would quickly become overwhelmed if you where too seductive, leaving her brain completely fried and her hands jittery.
She also loves it when you declare your love to her, but she would become way too anxious or overstimulated if you preformed some kind of grand gesture. Instead, she would much rather prefer if you did smaller stuff, like send her love letters, surprise her with hugs and kisses, cuddle with her or enjoy a cozy stay at home date<3
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limabean42 · 8 months ago
𖦹 Anxiety realizing she has a crush on you 𖦹
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Reader is implied to be one of the original emotions
• When Anxiety first saw you in headquarters she was taken aback at how much she liked you
• She had observed the rest of the emotions as well as you and even admired Joy from afar but she wasn't expecting you to look so good in person
• While introducing herself to you she was a stuttering mess. Everyone brushed it off since she was Anxiety after all, but she knew it was illogical to behave this way for no reason
• She brushed it off and continued her plan for Riley's life and we all know how that went
• After her planned failed and everything was sound again she had more time to reflect on her own feelings
• Sitting in her chair looking at you made her heart speed up so she was quick to look away
• She couldn't look away for long though, especially if you were in control of the panel. She liked seeing you in action, contributing in bettering Riley's life
• Her free time in the massage chair meant she could theorize about reasons why she could feel this way around you and no one else
• As hard as she tried to wrap her head around these feelings she just couldn't crack this case or even think of a solution
• She just liked you a lot for no reason it seemed. You looked good to her physically and mentally and it drove her nuts, not because the feeling was unwelcomed specifically but because she was a problem solver
• If she can't solve problems who was she? How could she take care of Riley? How could she be a useful emotion at all?
• Even if it had been months since she took control of headquarters and gave Riley a panic attack she still felt a little guilty and a bit useless. She didn't want to hurt anyone anymore but it seemed that was all she could do right
• Since she admired Joy so much she decided enough was enough and she needed to talk to her about this before she had a panic attack
• Once describing the feeling in her stomach and chest, Joy smirked and knew exactly what the issue was
• Joy told her that it sounded like she had a crush on you
• Anxiety felt annoyed with herself for not realizing this on her own as it seems so obvious now. How would she know though? She only got here a few months ago
• The word crush didn't terrify her but it did make her anxious
• How would her crush on you affect Riley? Would it impose on Riley's life in a negative way?
• Joy told her to calm down and not overthink it and suggested telling you for her own sanity
• She took a deep breath and decided to face the music by confessing privately
• "y/n? Hey, can I talk to you privately really quick" she smiled nervously
• You agreed and you both walked to the window to see all the islands
• She started out by looking out the window as a distraction from her nerves. She took a deep breath and turned to you
• "I think I have a crush on you" she quickly followed up by ranting, "I don't know exactly what that entails or what it means for me or you or the future or anyone else but it's definitely there and occupying a lot of thinking time so I decided to tell you before I cause more trouble for everyone like I did before. I'm really sorry if this is really sudden for you and if you don't feel the same that's fine this is just mostly for me I mean I don't know if I can even be in a relationship as an emotion plus I just got here and should probably not rush into anything but I feel better now saying all this."
• You just kinda stood there shocked waiting for her to finish ranting everything out of her system. You were happy she felt better and happy that she confessed because you felt the same
• "I like you too" you said smiling, "we don't have to rush things. I don't know how this will affect Riley either but it's worth a shot. Whenever you're ready to be together I'll be here waiting."
• Anxiety couldn't have hoped for a better response. She was so happy she squealed and walked up to hug you
• After realizing what she just did she quickly let go of you and chuckled nervously
• "Thanks for understanding. Could we possibly spend more time together? I mean when neither of us are needed at the panel?"
• You agreed excitedly, happy to be close to her finally
•After that you both walked back to her chair and sat on it together. While you chatted Anxiety glanced toward the panel to find Joy smiling and giving her a thumbs up
• Anxiety melted into the chair and smiled contently while continuing your conversation
Thank you for reading <3
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yourlocalracoon404 · 7 months ago
Hii!! I really like your writing. Can I request headcannons of Anxiety and Anger from Inside Out 2 x Schadenfreude!reader where the reader is just there to cause trouble lol (I would love it if the reader had a very heavy German accent too) You can ignore this if you want and don't forget to take care of yourself!  
Anxiety/Anger x Schadenfreude!reader
Schadenfreude (german) is the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, pain, suffering, or humiliation of another.
Paring/s: Anxiety/Anger x GN!Schadenfreude!Reader (romantic)
Warnings: None
Request: Yes/No
Note: I caan finally post again!! expect a few more writing posts of me now!! ^^ (I'm giving reader like those stereo typical accents because.. why not? I'm germyn and i know not everyone has an accent but it's funny!!)
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kinda scared of you ngl-
probably overthinks that if you're in control and laugh at someone that, that person somehow ruins Rileys life-
warms up to you eventually
slightly.. put off by your accent as she can't understand you all the time-
i like to imagine you came a lil later after the wave of the second emotions hit (you actually scared the shit outa every one tbh-)
"moin!" "AAHH-"
will litterly combust when Riley laughs outloud when you're at the consol and someone falls
"STOP!!""...nein :)" (no)
you somehow get her to calm down? idk how but you did
she tries to be a bit more positiv about it, key word: tries
she still loves you even if you almost give her an aneurysm because of her worries :'>
loves your vibe tbh
nr.1 hype man
like Anxiety, he can't understand shit sometimes when you talk
"was fürn scheiß! wieso- *insert german rage*" (what the fuck! why-)*concerend BF*
will indulge in your laughing at someones misery much to Anxiety's dismay
"ANGER!! STOP WHAT IF THEY RUIN OUR LIFE BECAUSE OF US LAUGHING???""eh, could be worse""ja! daz isn't the worst that could happen! :D" "STOP-"
learns alittle german for you ^^ (and for the curs words he finds that they sound cool)
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sleepdepriveduser · 4 months ago
It's not mine, but there's been a severe lack of Anxiety x reader content for months now, so I'm contributing.
This is probably the best AxR story I've ever read, so i hope yall enjoy it too (again, I didn't make it)
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hippurislonghorn · 7 months ago
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Little Anxiety drawing before bed!
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tea-plantz · 8 months ago
Is it alright for you to make physical affection headcanons about Anxiety? I would LOVE reading a little smooching headcanons too😗 If not I don’t mind at all ^^
Helloo, thank you for the request! I myself am a huge fan of hugs and all, so this was really fun to write!
~Anxiety physical affection hcs~
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I think Anxiety would really enjoy physical affection, especially from her significant other. In the movie she is pretty touchy with all of the emotions she interacts with, so it’s probably safe to say that she’s comfortable with physical touch.
I feel like she would be a bit scared to directly ask you for stuff like hugs or cuddles, in fear of coming off to strong or demanding. She might subtly hint at it, sitting herself slightly closer to you, mentioning how it’s a bit cold in here, all those tricks, and she’s so cheesy with it too.
“Boy, it sure is freezing in Riley’s mind today.. if only a very pretty significant other of mine would be oh so kind, and help me warm up”
Other times however, I feel like she would get sudden bursts of confidence and just hug onto you. Anxiety is defo extremely clingy, though she apologizes for it a lot. She just can’t help it!
Emotions like Ennui or Anger might tease you two for how lovey dovey you’re being all the time, causing Anxiety to hide her face away in embarrassment, whilst letting out a whimper. Either that, or she would roll her eyes at them, she sometimes gets low key sassy in the movie, like when she slapped Envy’s hand away.
She probably loves sitting squished together with you in her massage chair whenever she’s stressed. Listening to your heartbeat and letting the chair massage the both of you always calms her down, causing a large and goofy smile to spread across her face.
Whenever something happens to Riley that stresses her out, she would probably immediately reach out for your hand, squeezing it tightly, like a lifeline (you probably told her to do that instead of pulling at her hair so much, it’s not good for her).
Anxiety is suuuuper blushy, you can’t tell me otherwise. If you give her an unexpected kiss or hug, she might just scream out of surprise, then blush like crazy whilst apologizing-
We all know that Anxiety struggles a lot with sleepless nights, due to the book ‘go to sleep Anxiety’. Origami helps her a lot, but cuddling with her lovely partner helps even more~
Anxiety loves feeling your arms around her and hearing your soft breath at night, it makes her feel protected and safe<33
Honestly I feel like her main love language would be words of affirmation (she really needs the reassurance that you actually love and care about her), but physical touch would be right behind it.
When it comes to kissing, I feel like Anxiety would be reaaaally anxious about it. She would most definitely over-analyze it, researching how to be an awesome kisser #rizz (omfg I gotta stop)
She probably watched some YouTube tutorials or smth
Anxiety is so awkward in the cutest way possible, I swear-
Once she’s gotten the hang of it, and had a few experiences, she stresses less about it though of kissing.
Just be careful she doesn’t accidentally swallow you whole with that big mouth of hers/jk
Anxiety loves giving you sweet little kisses on the cheek and on the top of your head, she feels it shows that she cares.
She would probably be a bit more nervous about full on “on the mouth” kisses, not to mention make out sessions, and would prefer it if you took the lead of those activities, instead of her.
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Look at her bro-
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limabean42 · 8 months ago
hiii, can you do a top anxiety x fem reader nsfw?🫣
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✼ Anxiety topping/dominating you smut ✼
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Look at that freaky expression on her face ;) Also for those who only read sfw don’t worry, the next few requests are all sfw! Thanks for requesting <3
Contains: reader with female anatomy; strap-on; pegging; missionary; wall sex
Spice level 🌶️: hot
• It’s hard for Anxiety to bring up the topic of sex by herself
• She’s a very meek and anxious girl with a lot of thoughts in her head
• Even after you’ve been dating a while she doesn’t initiate sex
• Honestly, it just happens naturally. No one really initiates it
• For Anxiety to top you she’d have to be in a certain mood
• Today was an example of one of those moods
• A mixture of frustration and horniness
• This morning, from when she first woke up, she was horny
• The feeling only progressed more as she studied you
• Studied how you pressed the panel, studied when you grabbed a book to read, studied when you dropped something and bent over to pick it up
• Anxiety felt pent up. It wasn’t even because you guys hadn’t fucked in a while, because you have
• It was just a strange feeling and it only continued to worsen as the morning continued
• This morning was one of Anxiety’s worst ones yet. There was a lot to stress over
• Riley had exams this week. Some today, some tomorrow, some the next day, and even one the day after that
• For once Anxiety was all over the panel like she was when the new emotions first arrived. Joy had to remind her again to relax and that as long as Riley studied she would do fine
• Anxiety didn’t find solace in Joy’s words because these particular exams were super hard and determined if she got into honors classes next year
• Joy and the other emotions kept pulling her away from the panel and into her massage chair but she just kept getting up
• “I appreciate you all trying to keep Riley calm, but if I just take control for a few days and relax once exams are over it’ll be fine.” Anxiety tried to reason
• You actually agreed with her. Anxiety was cooking when Riley was on the ice that one time, sure it wasn’t healthy for her to feel like that constantly but at the end of the day it did make Riley the team
• If Anxiety took control for a few days then Riley would definitely have better grades than if anyone else was driving the whole time
• Unfortunately, Joy didn’t fully comprehend what Anxiety was trying to say, “How about this Anxiety, you control when Riley is studying and taking the exams and I control the rest.” Joy stated
• Anxiety didn’t like this idea. Riley studied on her own. No one was ever really in control of the panel when Riley was studying or taking tests unless they had to be
• If anything, Anxiety should be in control once Riley gets home so she has the initiative to study for the rest of the night
•Anxiety should be in control so that when Riley arrives at school the next day she uses her homeroom time to study instead of goofing off with her friends
• “No no, Joy you don’t understand where I’m coming from. Riley doesn’t need me to study, I don’t know the information any more than any of you do. Riley needs me to make her want to study and do well out of fear that she won’t get good grades. Out of fear she can’t reach her goal of having honors classes next year.”
• Riley had just arrived at school and was heading to homeroom before her first exam
• “Okay, I hear you. Anxiety, you should control from now until Riley’s exam starts.” Joy reasoned
• “Thank you, Joy.” Anxiety dragged out as she made her way to the panel
• So Anxiety made Riley feel pressured and granted her the initiative to do well on exams with the help of Envy
•The time came for Riley to start her first exam
• Anxiety got off the panel and looked around the room
• The other emotions congratulated her work. Anxiety blushed and thanked them with gratitude
• Her eyes moved to you, you were smiling and clapping for her
• Her expression hardened and the previous feelings which were pushed aside had come out
• You caught her staring at you and your smile faltered. Her expression wasn’t readable to you, but she looked annoyed
• Anxiety snapped out of it and chuckled as everyone else went back to what they were doing before. She silently went to her room
• You watched her as she left the room, curious as to why she looked at you like that and left
• You got the bright idea to follow her secretly
• Her bedroom door was cracked and you peaked inside
• You saw her pull out a black box from under her bed and pop the latches open
• Inside was a velvet burgundy bag of a peculiar shape
• You tilted your head in confusion, accidentally touching the door causing it to creak open a little more
• Anxiety jerked her head up with a gasp. She looked toward the door to find you standing there
• Once she realized it was you she didn’t seem anxious, “Hello, my angel.” she said and turned to you
• You waved at her, embarrassed because you were caught. She didn’t put the box away, however
• “All morning I’ve been experiencing this strange sensation. It’s unlike anything I’ve felt before. When I woke up this morning all I could think about was you and exams. I wanted to do well on our exams but I also wanted you. Those feelings have never coexisted in me before.” she continued, pushing the door closed behind you, “I was really stressed and I still sort of am but I think I know a way to fix it.”
• “After we studied this morning I realized I want to be in control. Want to control the panel and want to control you.” her tone was upbeat and confident, “Do you want to know what I have planned for you?”
• You were speechless, she’d never acted so sure of herself before, it was turning you on. You nodded
• She walked you over to the box she was fiddling with. As you stared down at the velvet bag, she undid the drawstring and pulled the contents out
• It looked like some sort of harness with a lot of straps. You were confused, that was until she set the harness aside and reached into the bag again to pull out a dildo
• Your eyes widened and you gasped, covering your mouth
• “H-how’d you even get that?” you asked her, stuttering
• “How do we get anything around here silly?” she chuckled, “Anyway, this is one of the kinks on my list I wanted to try. I want to use it on you now, if you don’t mind.”
• Still shocked at how direct she was being, your mouth fell agape. You were even more surprised that she wanted to use it on you and not the other way around. You supposed she was feeling really different this morning
• You couldn’t believe that this was going to be the first time Anxiety topped and the first time you guys used a strap-on
• “Since I’m in a dominant mood I’d normally want you to bend over the bed while I put this inside you… but another part of me wants this to be a tender and less rough experience since it’s our first time using this. I do want to see your facial expressions when you take it.” she pondered to herself
• “Oh, I got it! We’ll start slow and intimate then when we’re close to cumming I can flip you over and go rough!” she exclaimed excitedly
• You couldn’t even comprehend everything she was saying, too busy fantasizing about what was about to be done to your body
• She attached the dildo to the harness and removed her pants to fasten it to her
• You stared, almost drooling at what was before your eyes
• You took off your bottoms, revealing your bare pussy
• Then your shirt after, revealing your soft tits. You teased her by pushing them together and groping them with a chuckle
• Anxiety hurriedly took off the rest of her clothes except for her socks. The way you innocently gripped your breasts together had her even more worked up
• She walked over to you and latched her mouth onto your left nipple, sucking sweetly and moaning into the sensation
• She switched to the other warm nipple as you grasped her hair gently
• She came up and gave you a kiss before pushing you back onto the bed
• Anxiety sank down in front of your already wet pussy, “I don’t even have to eat you out, you’re already wet enough for me to slide right in.”
• Her words made you take a sharp breath in as you scooted forward to align the decent sized strap with your hole
• “Go ahead.” you nodded, granting her permission to push in
• She pushed in leisurely. Eventually all of it fit inside you
• It hurt at first because you’ve never had anything this big inside you before. It felt rigid and you could feel the silicon veins
• “Are you okay?” Anxiety asked considerately
• “Yeah, just feel so full.”
• She slowly began moving. You were now chest to chest with her as she held you in her arms while thrusting inside you
• Your delicate moans in her ear made her melt and twitch. She sped up, now rocking in and out
• The repetition of the back and forth motion caused the strap to also rub against Anxiety so that she felt stimulation during the exchange, just as sensitive as you were
• The vibration against her clit made her move faster
• She separated her torso from yours and got up to look at you
• She gripped your waist, looked at the endearing expression displayed across your face
• “You look so good below me y/n. Gonna have to do this more often.” she remarked breathily, “Right now though, I want you against the wall.”
• You smiled up at her wondering how she was going to manage to get you to the wall when you were on the bed
• To your pleasant shock she lifted you up with ease, still inside you. Your legs wrapped around her waist as she slammed you against the wall, kissing you
• “Oh fuck, Anxiety how’d you even do that?” you managed to get out while choking on her kiss
• She made an affirming noise and moved down to bite your neck as she pressed into you vigorously
• Your arms were flung around her neck, you held on for support as the sharp upward thrusts hit your cervix
• With every jolt and propel of the strap you were making some sort of noise. It felt so deep and hot inside you, almost as if it was real
• Your vision went blurry as you gripped harder on the dildo being driven inside you and Anxiety
• You legs started shaking around her as you felt your orgasm approaching quicker than you could process
• “A-An-iety cu-mng” your strained voice muttered aimlessly, hoping she would hear and understand what you were conveying
• “Me too. Hold on my love, I got you.” she gave you a quick peck on the forehead, making her final few thrusts up into you as her legs trembled with pleasure
• She collapsed on the floor with you still in her grasp
• Your orgasm washed over you while in Anxiety’s lap. You both clutched onto each other as the flow of pleasure moved through your body and released
• You two sat there in silence, only exchanging deep breaths for the following few minutes
• When you were ready to move, Anxiety pulled the cream covered strap out of you and unfastened it from her hips, letting it fall
• She lifted you up bridal style and carried you to the bathroom
• After the event, the pair of you agreed to soak in the bath together
• You cuddled up to her
• “I love you.” she breathed out tenderly, closing her eyes
• “I love you too.”
• Both of you fell asleep in the bath
• When you woke up, you checked the time
• An hour had passed
•You and Anxiety emerged from the now cold water and got dressed, heading back to the control room
• “Anxiety, where’d you go? Riley finished her exam and the teacher graded them early and gave it back to us. She got an A!” Joy jumped up and ran to Anxiety excitedly
• “Oh, that’s great Joy. Good job everybody. Now we just have to do that good for the rest of the week.” Anxiety said, rubbing her eyes sleepily and yawning
• Everyone agreed, nodding their heads. Disgust eyed Anxiety up and down, suspicious on why she looked so tired when she was so full of energy before she disappeared
• Anxiety made her way to the control panel and pressed a few buttons
• Envy walked up to you and asked what happened to your hair
• You chuckled nervously, brushing down your hair, “nothing”
• Disgust had an epiphany
Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed :)
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ohgodmyeyes · 2 years ago
sometimes you'll just be standing there worrying about something, then all of a sudden you'll forget what you're worrying about.
for the briefest of moments, you'll experience an unyielding burst of abject terror: because what if the thing you were worrying about is liable to kill you if you stop worrying about it? you've just forgotten about it, right—? so your anxiety might have been keeping you alive; now that you've lost track of it, you could already be dead... maybe without even knowing it.
but then you'll either remember what you were worrying about, or come up with something new to worry about that feels adequately consequential — and even though you're still scared, it isn't as bad as it was for those few fast and frightening moments during which you had nowhere to put that all-encompassing fear.
and anxiety starts to feel like a warm blanket, because at least it isn't as bad as it could be.
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lil-lemon-snails · 28 days ago
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Their cable management leaves something to be desired...
Transcript: Sun: "Gentle... Gentle Little Star. GENTLE." y/n: "Relax Sunny. You're like a mechanical junk drawer in here." Sun: "That's not our fault!!" y/n, muttering: "Then stop eating glitter glue."
No text under cut! :3
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hannahbarberra162 · 4 months ago
Emperor's Prize (Alpha Shanks x Omega Reader)
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18+ MDNI, on Ao3
Chapter 2
Oops! Accidentally wrote another yandere story. This time its Alpha Shanks and Omega Reader.
If I have to keep thinking about it, you can read about it. It’s cringe, it’s overdone, it’s annoying and I don’t care. I did proofread this, but I'll likely do so again in the coming days.
TW: depression, suicidal ideation mentioned, non-con, dubcon, whump, abuse
Shanks gets more than just the Poneglyphs when he destroys the Victoria Punk, he gets you too. Shanks is kinder than your previous owner, but an Emperor doesn't let treasures slip through his fingers.
As you sat on the floor in Kid’s cabin, wrists shackled and chained to his bed, you heard the tell tale sounds of fighting. You knew that Kid was going after Red Haired Shanks in an effort to dislodge the Emperor and take his title. You would never say anything for fear of being slapped across the face or worse, but you didn’t think he was going to win. At least, you hoped he didn’t. You hoped the Emperor killed everyone on board, yourself included. It was what the crew deserved, and your torment would finally end. You would be free of the hell your life had become since the Kid Pirates had taken you from your home. It would probably be a better ending for you than anything else that would happen, anyway.
You’d been living on Beta Island incognito, hiding your status as an Omega. You didn’t want to be sold to a Celestial Dragon in your late teens, as your parents had planned for you. So you’d escaped your home island shortly before your 13th birthday, evading patrol after patrol, living your life on the run. Eventually, you found yourself on Beta Island, which suited you just fine. Only Betas were allowed to live on the island, avoiding all the trouble that the other two dynamics brought with them. You’d taken suppressants since your escape and because you’d never gone into heat, you were able to pass yourself off as a regular Beta. It had been an idyllic time for you, as you worked and made friends with the Betas on your island. You had even deluded yourself into thinking that maybe your life would be alright, when the Kid pirates attacked the island.
You were running away from the chaos and destruction downtown, trying to keep from being spotted as well as you could. Scrambling through an alley, you passed the Captain himself, who was laughing at the bloodshed and pain he was causing innocent people. You thought he hadn’t seen you but you suddenly felt yourself being dragged backwards, back towards the pirate. Panicking, you tried even harder to wriggle away and escape but it proved to be pointless. Later, you found out that he was magnetizing the grommets in your clothes to bring you towards him. Captain Kid grabbed you in his metallic hand once you were close and inhaled a deep whiff of your scent. When you were on suppressants, your ability to scent was dulled but you could still tell you didn’t like his acrid aroma. Kid smelled like sweat, blood, oil, and anger, not an appealing combination. Pushing on the gigantic metallic arm, you tried in vain to dislodge yourself from his grasp. 
“What’s an Omega like you doing on Beta Island?” he asked, crushing your ribs with his gigantic fist. You weren’t sure if he knew his own strength, but he was keeping you in his clutches with ease.
“N-not O-omega,” you grunted out, trying to breathe through the constriction of his hand. You were still squirming, trying to get away from the large pirate.
“Oh yeah? You sure? Your pussy smells like Omega. It’s practically cryin’ for me to take you right here,” he sneered. “Oi! Killer! Take this one back to the ship, lock ‘er in my cabin.” He yelled to a man in a full face mask. Leaning closer to your face, he licked your neck and leered at you. “We’ll find out later if that pussy is Omega or not,” he said, handing you off to Killer. You tried to get away from the masked man, to no avail. Killer was just as strong as his Captain and wasn’t letting you down. Kicking, screaming, pounding his back did nothing as the first mate advanced towards the ship. 
Quickly chaining you to the Captains bed, the first mate considered you for a moment. “I’m going to give you a piece of advice, Omega. Lose the attitude. Otherwise, you won’t last long here.” 
He wasn’t wrong. 
Kid had come back to his cabin once the pirates had sufficiently destroyed your peaceful home. You huddled in the corner of the room, as far as your chains would let you, but the Captain had you before him in seconds. Covered in the blood of your former friends, the Captain had disrobed you, ripping through your clothes like they were paper. 
“Lemme see yer,” Kid said, ogling your now naked form. You tried not to cower, but you couldn’t help but tremble before the raw bloodlust in his eyes. You’d never taken a lover before, you had been too nervous it would interfere with your hormones and expose you as an Omega. Kid's leering had led to groping, which led to much more. That first night he’d bitten, clawed, bruised, kissed, and abused you, leaving you broken in spirit and body. You never fully recovered. You quickly learned he didn’t want you talking, didn't want you making eye contact, didn’t want to hear your crying, didn’t want anything from you except your body. He used you as he saw fit, as ruthless to you as he had been to your island. He never even asked your name, most often calling you ‘Omega,’ or ‘Bitch,’ among other colorful names.
You were the Captain’s sex doll, and the crew treated you as such. No one paid you any mind except to tell you to move the fuck out of the way, or to laugh at you as you stumbled out of the Captain’s quarters when he let you. Killer would occasionally bandage your wounds, but Kid preferred you to wear the marks he put on you. Kid wanted the mating bond to form between the two of you, to solidify the fact that you were his and prevent any rivals from taking you. To do that, he needed to bring you into heat. To try to get you to go into heat, he had tried any old wives tale he could find. He locked you in his quarters, denied you food except for his cum, kept you naked for days on end, bit your neck in a claiming bite, anything that might work. None of it did, but it all left you weakened, depleted, and suicidal. 
Even though you could practically feel his disdain for you, Kid sometimes told you his plans late at night after he finished pumping you full of his come. As you laid with tears drying on your cheeks and blood dripping from fresh wounds he’d given you, he told you about his simmering hatred for Red Haired Shanks and how he wanted his revenge. During these conversations, you encouraged him, praising his strength and skill, and told him that he absolutely was powerful enough to take on the Emperor. You were surprised that your voice held out while you were talking, both from disuse as well as from the effort you had to put into lying to his face. Once when you voiced these opinions, he’d stroked your skin while in thought, the first time his touch hadn’t hurt you. 
The day finally came that he attacked the Emperor. You’d heard him powering up his attack, laughing maniacally as he planned to wipe out the fleet of ships you could see from his cabin window. You cringed, waiting for the sounds of the dying….except it never came. Instead, a sonorous voice boomed out “Divine Departure,” bringing a deafening blast to your ship. Screams had followed, but not the ones you were used to. Rather, you detected the screams coming from the crew, yelling that they didn’t want to die, that the Captain had been defeated, that Killer was also knocked out. 
You couldn’t help it, you laughed long and hard, cackling into the darkness that had consumed the ship. You knew your voice had been ruined from too much choking and screaming, your vocal chords permanently damaged at the hands of your would be Alpha. The sounds you made were harsh and coarse, like a ghoul laughing from beyond the grave. Normally you were too ashamed to speak with your butchered voice, but you were too joyous to care. You were happy he’d received vengeance for some of the violence he brought to the world. You could only hope the ship sank and the rest of you with it. 
A few moments later, the door banged open and Emma stood before you, tears running down her face. She didn’t address you, just unchained you from the post on the Captain's bed and pulled you along with her. She was carrying the Poneglyphs, the Captain’s most prized possession aside from you. Emma was running, giving you barely enough time to avoid being dragged, as she brought you to the center of the deck. She bowed, and when you didn’t follow suit right away, kicked you so that you fell to your knees. Glancing up, you saw why.
All powerful Emperor Red Haired Shanks was on the Victoria Punk, staring down the crew impassively as they pleaded for their lives. You dropped your head, not making eye contact with the Emperor. You’d been hit enough to know that Alphas didn’t want you making eye contact with them in any capacity. Shanks approached Heat, who now held both the Poneglyphs and the end of your chain.
Shanks POV
Shanks observed the panicking Commander as he advanced towards their Captain. Kid’s crew were begging for Shanks’s forgiveness, something that would not be given. They had tried to annihilate his subordinate crews and would have, if Shanks hadn’t acted so quickly. Drawing a gun was dangerous, it put your life on the line. And Kid had been given a warning when Beckman shot off his arm. Some lessons had to be learned the hard way. 
A young woman brought the Road Poneglyphs in her hands, along with someone attached to the end of a chain. Handing her Commander both items, the blue haired girl bowed in supplication to Shanks, awaiting his judgment. Noting the chained woman didn’t do the same, the girl kicked the battered woman, bringing her to her knees. Shanks took the Poneglyphs from the Commander, who also handed him the end of the chain of the cowering woman. Shanks had no interest in slaves, he didn’t keep or want any. The slave kept her gaze averted, looking at the ground as she trembled. Her body was littered with bruises in various stages of healing, as well as cuts and welts. She bore a savage mating bite that was clearly infected, along with bruising circling her neck. Breathing in deeply, Shanks hid his surprise as he realized the small woman was an Omega. 
Omegas were exceedingly rare in the world, they were either sold to Celestial Dragons for an incredible amount of money, or outright stolen from their homes. If an Omega bred with an Alpha or Apex Alpha during their heat, the offspring was guaranteed to be either an Alpha or Omega, unlike other pairings. Because the Celestial Dragons took or bought nearly all of the Omegas in the world, wild Omegas were unbelievably scarce. Shanks hadn’t heard of one being found in over a decade. How the Kid pirates had managed to find one and kept her a secret, Shanks didn’t know. 
He said nothing as his own ship passed by, his crew calling out to him. Shanks removed his Emperor’s cloak, covering the shivering woman in its warmth and his scent. Your small trembling fingers took the fabric and held it shut around your body, as you sniffed the material. You still hadn’t said a word or looked at anything besides the floor, but there would be time to investigate later. Throwing the Omega over his shoulder, Shanks took the Poneglyphs in hand and stepped on the railing of the enemy ship. You were light and put up no struggle when Shanks took you, the only sound emanating from you was the clinking of your chains.
“Look over on the island!” Shanks heard the offending crew yell as he launched himself onto the Red Force. The Omega didn’t shout or scream, just gripped his shoulder a little more tightly as he darted into the air. Landing on the Red Force, Shanks yelled out for Hongo.
“Meet me in my cabin. Ten minutes,” Shanks ordered. The doctor nodded his assent, and went below deck, likely to the infirmary to gather supplies. Handing the Poneglyphs to Beckman, Shanks shifted the Omega in his arms so he was carrying you with his arm under your legs. You moved your face so it was buried in the crook of Shanks’s neck, avoiding looking at either the ship or the crew assembled on the deck. He hoped you were acclimating yourself to his scent, it would make your transition away from your previous mate easier. Even through the fear and pain Shanks smelled on you, he could tell your scent was absolutely delicious, like no other woman he’d smelled before. His cock twitched with the thought of claiming you for his own, though your medical issues needed attention first.
Bringing you to his cabin, Shanks shut the door behind you quietly. Depositing the woman onto his bed, you shrank back further into the cloak as if to hide yourself. You gripped the hem of the garment so hard that your fingers were turning white, matching your face as the color drained out. Ah , Shanks thought to himself, she thinks I’m going to ravage her right now like some animal . It made sense, he’d put you on his bed, what else were you going to think? 
Sitting down next to you on the bed, Shanks didn’t speak. Instead, for the first time in the Emperor’s life, he purred. He was an Apex Alpha, a rare breed of Alpha who was able to control other Alphas. It came with Conqueror’s Haki, the two traits going hand in hand. Purring came to him instinctively, but he’d never felt the urge to do so before. He’d had lovers who’d requested it, but Shanks had always laughed them off like they’d told a joke. But seeing you distressed made the rumble come almost unbidden, rising from his chest like a balm. You still didn’t look at him, but your fingers relaxed incrementally. Shanks continued purring for you as you tensed at his presence next to you, tenderly picking you up to sit on his lap. You sat upright, stiff, your body rigid with fear and apprehension.
“Easy, little Omega, easy,” Shanks said between purrs. You didn’t respond but didn’t object either physically or verbally to anything he was doing. Shanks wound his arm around you, pulling you closer to his chest. The rhythmic sounds were working, lulling you into a state of relaxation and calm as your hands dropped to your lap and your head relaxed against his chest.
Your POV
You were gripping onto the Emperor’s black cloak like it was going to shield you from whatever was going to happen next. It was heavy and warm, smelling like tobacco, cloves, and oranges, a heady combination. Even if your life would be no better under the Emperor, at least this scent wouldn’t make the bile rise in your throat. 
You were still avoiding his gaze, your wrists shaking in the chains under his watch. He’d put you on his bed, likely for the same reasons Kid always had. At least he hadn’t thrown you against the wall or forced you to suck his cock first, making you choke until you cried or passed out. Much to your dismay, he began to purr for you. You’d heard stories during your childhood about the Alpha purr. There were whispers that it was a form of mind control, that it was used to beguile Omegas into doing things against their will. Kid had already done a lot of things against your will, the Emperor didn’t need to purr to make you do anything. You hoped this wasn't a precursor to something vile, though you were long past wishful thinking.
But as the Emperor continued to purr and moved you into his lap, you felt it working despite your efforts to remain alert. The soothing rumble had you taking deep breaths and relaxing your hands. You felt your exhaustion returning to you, adrenaline finally having run its course. Against your better judgment, you laid your head on the broad chest of the Emperor behind you. His well muscled arm encircled you, and you were content to forget the horrors that would likely await you in the coming days, feeling only the warmth and comfort of an Apex Alpha’s purr.
A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door of the cabin, making you jerk upright once again. You’d looked at the door when you’d been surprised, but you quickly affixed your gaze to the floor once again. You hoped Shanks hadn’t seen your mistake, or that he would be willing to forgive you if he did. But he didn’t move to strike you at all, just called out to whoever had the audacity to bother the Captain. 
“Come in, Hongo,” he said calmly. You wanted to hide your face in the crook of his neck again, but you knew there would be no solace found seeking comfort where there was none. Opening the door, a large man with blonde hair came inside, carrying a black leather doctor’s case. You said nothing and remained in place, it was the safest route for the time being. The man, whose name you now knew to be Hongo, walked slowly towards you and his Captain, as if he was walking towards a wild animal.
“How’re we doin’, Captain?” he asked, surveying the scene in front of him. The Captain obviously hadn’t been hurt, he was talking about you.
“Alright,” Shanks answered, arm squeezing you a little tighter. You flinched as the memories of being crushed by Kid’s arm came flooding back to you. “They had an Omega. She needs some help,” he said softly, patting your thigh over his cloak. You were acutely aware that you were completely nude below the cloak. You hoped Shanks wouldn’t take you in front of Hongo, or at least not for the first time. Kid had done whatever he wanted, it didn’t matter to him who saw what he did to you. 
“Sure, no problem,” Hongo replied easily, opening his bag. He brought out a stethoscope first, something you were familiar with. Winding the scope around his neck, he slowly pried the cloak out of your fingers in order to put the bell on your skin. You desperately wanted to stay within the safety of the cloak, but you knew you had no power. If they wanted to see you naked, they were going to get what they wanted. Surprisingly, Hongo didn’t remove the cloak completely, allowing you use it to cover your breasts and lower half while he worked. As Hongo placed the buds in his ears and reached towards you with the scope, you leaned back and away from the advancing hands. You hadn’t meant to, it was instinctive. Shanks started purring for you again as he gently but firmly kept you in place for Hongo, his arm across your waist.
“You’re safe, Omega, he’s not going to hurt you. He’s just checking your lungs and heart,” the Captain said softly. Hongo took his time listening, moving the scope around your back and front. Once he was done, he put the scope away and took out medical gloves. 
“I’m gonna check the wounds on your top half and neck, OK?” Hongo informed you. You said nothing as he began touching the injuries that you’d suffered at the hands of Kid. You kept yourself from making any noises of pain or recoiling when he touched something painful. You knew you looked beaten and ugly, despite avoiding the mirror. Kid always left bite marks, bruises, hickeys, and cuts whenever he was with you. Your breasts looked like they’d been mauled the last time you’d checked them. But the worst of all was your neck - between the times he’d choked you, the bite he’d given you, and the attention he gave your scent glands nightly, it was a column of black and blue. In spite of your efforts, you hissed when Hongo touched your neck tried to move away from his efficient hands. 
But the men weren’t going to let you shrink away from the medical inspection. Shanks cradled your head against his shoulder when Hongo inspected the agonizing bite on the spot between your neck and shoulder, purring all the while. You knew there was something wrong with it, but Kid had never let you touch it or clean the wound, saying that it would affect your mating bond. You thanked the seas that the bond hadn’t formed, but the throbbing pain of the bite had only gotten worse.
“You’ve got a lot of wounds on your torso and neck. Are there more below?” Hongo asked quietly when he was done inspecting your top half. You waited, not knowing if they wanted you to respond or not. Sometimes it was a trick, people would talk about you while you were there but if you responded, you got in trouble. 
“Hm, do you? I thought I saw some before,” Shanks asked you benignly, rubbing his fingers in circles over your skin. They were both quiet for a few moments and you realized they were waiting for you to respond. You couldn’t bring yourself to talk, so you gave a shaky nod while continuing to look at the floor.
“I’m gonna have to look, OK?” Hongo said, crouching down in front of the Captain. He was trying to make eye contact, but you steadfastly stared down, in order to show your obedience. You blinked rapidly several times, willing the tears not to fall from your eyes. You’d been naked in front of so many people, but the fact that Hongo was asking made you feel more vulnerable than ever. You nodded again, but your hands were frozen in place, gripping the cloak with all your meager strength.
“Brave little Omega, doing so well,” the Emperor said into your hair, kissing the top of your head. You didn’t know when the last time you’d been allowed to bathe was, you were sure you smelled disgusting. Shanks unwound his arm from your waist, and slowly tugged the fabric from your hands, letting it fall onto your lap. You tried not to squirm, not to move as the doctor touched your welts and cuts, but you felt humiliated and debased as he poked and prodded you. After a few minutes of inspection, Hongo sighed, stood up to his full towering height and snapped off the gloves.
“There’s a lot going on,” he said to the Emperor, who had rapidly covered you back in the cloak. “She’s got a lot of wounds, some healing, some new. That bite on her neck is infected, it needs to be taken care of immediately. She’s malnourished and has at least one broken rib. And she’s going to go into heat soon.” 
Your eyes finally snapped to the doctor’s, everything lost to the panic suddenly overwhelming you. 
Shanks POV
Perhaps having Dorry and Broggy destroy the ship wasn’t enough. As Shanks watched you flinch away from Hongo’s inspection, his rage rose by the second. He’d seen your naked form on the ship, but the dim light hadn’t revealed to him the depth of your injuries. It was practically a miracle that you were still alive, Shanks thought. It was well known that Omegas weren’t as durable as Betas and Alphas, they were generally treated with care like the treasures they were. But not only were you littered with wounds from head to toe, but you were a shell of a person. You hadn’t said a single word, you hadn’t made eye contact with him yet, and you hadn’t moved an inch outside of where Shanks had placed you. 
Now, with the information that you were going into heat soon, you were panicking. Shanks could feel your heart beating rapidly and saw your chest rising and falling too quickly. The Alpha in him was worried, wanting to soothe the Omega still perched on his lap. Shanks put his hand over your chest, trying to slow the beating of your heart. Even if the Alpha in him wanted to purr and cuddle you until you calmed down, the Captain needed to get a little more information out of you first. You were still lost in your own world, not responding to any stimulus.
“It’s alright, Sweetheart. Everything is going to be just fine. When was your last heat, hmm?” Shanks asked, holding your face in his hand. The touch seemed to ground you, causing you to blink rapidly as if you suddenly remembered there were other people in the room. You shook your head at his question, making Shanks frown at your answer. The longer an Omega went without a heat, the lengthier and more severe the symptoms were when it reappeared. Shanks hoped you hadn’t gone into heat during your time in captivity, it would increase the likelihood of an unwanted pregnancy. Looking at your body, he couldn’t imagine you were capable of carrying life in your current state. 
“What do you mean, little Omega? You haven’t had a heat in a year? Or longer?” Shanks asked. He knew you were scared and upset, but he and Hongo needed to know this information, it was part of the way they would take care of you. He gently turned your face towards his, forcing you to look up at him. You finally looked at his face, though you didn’t meet his eyes. You shook your head again.
“Tell me more, I need to know how to help you,” Shanks prompted, stroking your cheek. You sucked in a shaky breath, trying to gather yourself before speaking.
“Never,” you said in a hoarse whisper. Shanks recognized the voice from the laughter in the wake of battle.
“Never? What do you mean? This would be your first heat?” Hongo asked incredulously. Shanks hadn’t met another Omega, but it was known that they typically had their first heat cycle in their upper teens. 
You nodded, a tear running down your cheek. 
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sleepdepriveduser · 3 months ago
People really need to post more #AnxietyXReader stuff please it's been months I miss it
The #AnxietyXReader tag is so rarely used anymore and I miss it. The last real post was aug 7 and the last technical post was sep 16, but that was someone saying basically the same thing i did
Idk why the posts stopped but I miss it so much, it's legit the reason I use tumblr in the first place and now nobody posts. I really don't care for ships tbh, but I love her so much myself that I n e e d the tag to be active again
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venomhoundfanworks · 3 months ago
Hazbin Hotel - Signs they Got a Crush
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Dumb headcanons about ways you can tell Alastor, Charlie, Angel Dust, and Lucifer have a crush. Why this super specific lineup? Because my goat brain said so.
Contents/WARNINGS: Gender neutral reader; Valentino mention; nothing else just tons of fluff Actual diabetes brainrot below the cut ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈
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Alastor ₊˚ ‿︵୨୧
NOTE: Gonna out myself here. I was the anon who put >>this ask<< into @/6esiree's inbox. So if you notice my wording in here sounds familiar, thats why. Both idea were wrought from the same horrid brain
I know I've said it before, but this man is an enigma. Its very hard to distinguish if he 'just friend' likes you or if he 'like likes' you. From your perspective (and most people's perspective to be honest), you'll probably think he simply views you as a close friend.
The biggest cue that Alastor's feelings towards you have changed are his eyes. His eyes don't soften or anything like that, oh no. He just starts staring at you. All the time. You could literally be standing across the room and his eyes will still be glued to you.
Alastor starts studying you. Noticing all your tics, quirks, and body movements. Its actually quite uncanny how well he is able to track you with his gaze. You sometimes feel as if the man is hunting you.
Unfortunately, other then the whole 'staring at you like Mr. Darcy thing', Alastor has no 'big' tells. They are much more subtle.
Alastor's humor around you takes a weird shift. Not one your likely to notice, but its a shift nonetheless. Alastor's jokes/quips are normally fired out like shotgun blasts, hitting everyone and anyone. No one is safe from his sardonic humor.
But once he starts taking a liking to you, you strangely become exempt from his more piercing jokes. Don't get me wrong, he still jokes around you, its just more playful in tone rather then cutting.
Alastor will also start targeting specific people you dislike, or he will start using brand of humor that gets you to laugh. People will probably brush this behavior off as simply Alastor being an asshole. But its really because he is trying to get a reaction out of you. Alastor loves your laugh and feels a weird sense of pride when he gets you giggling.
Another subtle shift that happens is Alastor gets more... musical? I'm not sure how to put it exactly. Alastor is already fond of song and dance as it is. But when he has the love bug, Alastor starts humming to himself, he has music playing all the time, and he bursts into dance more frequently. His overall energy is just up.
What throws people off with this, is that Alastor's musical energy doesn't appear to be directed at anyone is particular. So true, he may be dancing more, but the guy will dance with whoever is available for him to swing around at the time. Its not a 'will only dance with you and when your around' thing.
If Alastor's feelings for you get too strong, and/or he has been repressing them for a long time, its going to start coming out in a new... strange way. His shadows will start behaving differently.
Alastor's shadows will start acting more independent of their master and being... gentle with you. Kind. They'll smile and wave to you behind his back, help you find things if you've lost something, or even leave you weird gifts.
There was even an incident where you were half sleeping on one of the couches in the hotel parlor. You vaguely registered Alastor walk by, before you felt the cold hands of one of his shadows pull a nearby blanket over you and tuck you in.
Alastor wont even be aware of this when it starts happening. And god forbid he finds out...
SUMMERY: 🦌 Will not. Stop. Staring at you. 🦌 His humor around you changes. Becomes more playful and interested in making you laugh 🦌 His love for music presents itself more; always ends up humming, singing, or dancing 🦌 If things go on too long, his shadows will start giving away his true feelings
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Charlie ₊˚ ‿︵୨୧
Charlie is a complete mess when she starts crushing on someone. Its not subtle, and its not pretty. You can blame her inability to handle her own emotions on her parents and their broken marriage to be honest. As a double whammy; Charlie absolutely takes after Lucifer in the Disaster Bisexual™ department. So she is already starting on the wrong foot here (buh dum tsh).
The ""Princess"" of Hell loses any sense of grace, balance, or concept of gravity. Charlie constantly has to have her eyes on you, which results in her not paying attention to where the fuck her limbs are at any given moment.
So she knocks things over while making big gestures, knocks things out of her own hands, walks into the doorframe, trips over herself, trips over nothing... you get the idea. Clutz meter is dialed up to 1000%. Please don't put her near anything fragile because it will be broken.
As is normal with crushes, you want to get to know about them, right? Well, Charlie knows, theoretically, that in order to get to know her crush and actually have a chance of something happening between them, she has to talk to them. However. Charlie is so nervous that she ends up talking their ear off instead.
Its strangely adorable. Charlie will go and seek her crush out, then just start rambling. The funniest part, is she always realizes when she does it too. Charlie will get super embarrassed and start apologizing profusely after realizing she went on the most random tangent about frogs for 5 solid minutes and didn't even let you get a word in
Silence is absolutely deafening to her. Charlie is incredibly anxious and tries so hard not to think about things too much because she will overthink it and start freaking out. So she just immediately fills any gaps in conversation with her own voice.
Also (much like Alastor), Charlie's energy goes way up when she gets a crush. She hums to herself, prances around, and sings even more then usual. The girl literally stops walking like a normal person, now opting to skip around and do little twirls.
If Charlie isnt dancing around and singing like a Disney princess, then she is drawing something. She always has a pencil in her hand (which is a WEAPON considering how much she falls over). Charlie will scribble down the most random ideas she has and illustrate them. All so she can talk to you about them in detail later.
Going back to taking after her dad; Charlie will pamper the heck out of you in the pre-dating stage. Although, inadvertently. She really wants to impress you, so she ends up going overboard instead.
You say that your hungry; Charlie grabs you by the arm and is dragging you to a 5 star restaurant. Your phone breaks; Charlie buys you a brand new one, and it already has her number in it. Heck, you could just ask her for a glass of water and Charlie would give you a entire goblet of fancy lemon water.
Charlie excuses all this under a thin veil of 'need'. Oh, you need to eat. You need a new phone to to be able to contact people. You need to drink. That's the weird logic she uses in her head of why she is getting you all this stuff. She is helping someone in need.
Of course, this neglects the full picture. You could have just eaten some chips, you didn't need steak at Hell's fanciest restaurant.
SUMMERY: 🌈 Gets two left feet. Trips and falls over herself constantly 🌈 Talks talks talks talks talkstalkstalks 🌈 Creative energy goes through the roof; sings, dances, and draws for you 🌈 Anything you need, Charlie will get you. Only its the 100x luxury version of what you needed
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Angel Dust ₊˚ ‿︵୨୧
Hot take, but Angel Dust is just as much of an enigma as Alastor is. Unlike Alastor, however, Angel actually does something about his feelings. He just... is super confusing about it.
You know how Angel flirts with everyone? Yeah, everyone except you. For once, Angel isnt interested in sex for sex sake. No, he wants more then that. The only way he knows to try and communicate that is to... not... flirt with you.
Since flirt mode is Angel's default mode, and he rarely turns it off, he gets stiff and awkward when interacting with you. His overall tone shifts to weirdly formal. Instead of using one of his trademark nicknames or a petname, Angel just straight up uses your actual name.
Its especially jarring when there are people like Charlie or Lucifer in the room. You know, royalty. People with actual status. Angel will throw a 'heya toots' at Charlie and a 'short king' at Lucifer, then he turns to you and uses your full name. Gives everyone in the room whiplash.
Your guaranteed to feel singled out if not insulted at first. But I promise, its the spider's attempt at showing he respects you and that your different to him by going a little too overboard with it.
Angel also starts wanting to show you everything the nightlife Pentagram City has to offer. The good and bad. Angel knows all the clubs and bars like the back of his hand, so he knows exactly where to take you.
Every single night, Angel Dust makes plans for you two or just spontaneously drags you out with him. He invites you to come bar hopping with him and Cherri, he takes you out dancing to one of his favorite nightclubs, Angel even lets you know what sex clubs are good and which ones to steer the hell clear from.
Angel is very careful to keep you as far away from Valentino as he can though. Not only for your protection, but the whole situation with his work and boss is a can of worms that he would rather you not get involved in. At all.
Angel might come across as a bit neurotic because of this whole Valentino wild card thrown into the mix of things. Angel will be taking you to a club, get word that Val is there, then start speeding you to a different one across town. Or you two will have plans, then Angel will just completely drop or change them so you don't end up running into the moth.
Since Angel is taking you everywhere and lowkey showing you off to everyone, he also starts getting super invested in your appearance. Especially if your insecure or haven't really dipped your toes in the nightlife before.
Angel offers to do your makeup before you two go out and gets incredibly giddy if you accept. Angel will then doll you up, making your makeup match his, and play it off as twining.
This doesn't stay to just makeup either. Angel loves to take you out shopping and will get you both matching or themed outfits. He absolutely LOVES it, and several people have assumed you two were already dating because of how well your outfits were coordinated.
SUMMERY: 🕸️ Counterintuitively gets less flirty and stiff; awkwardly uses your actual name and not a nickname 🕸️ Takes you out on the town; just wants to go out and have fun with you 🕸️ Becomes protective of you against Valentino. Purposely makes sure your not in locations he is and just stay the hell away from him 🕸️ Coordinates/matches his outfits and makeup to yours
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Lucifer ₊˚ ‿︵୨୧
Not subtle. At all. His crush is just a flashing neon light to everyone that even remotely knows him. However, because the subject of his affections presumably doesn't know him that well (if at all), Lucifer easily can come across as just being a goddamn weirdo. That is, if he doesn't end up making the person think he straight up dislikes them instead.
Lucifer gets so caught up in his own head that he cant actually interact with you to save his life. He is stuttering, weird noises are coming out of his mouth, some words are being hissed rather then spoken, and his brain to mouth filter is fucking busted.
So yeah. Even if you take out the fact that his mouth isnt working right; every other word in his sentences is actually wrong and he is just saying dumb shit. Complete disaster.
This results in Lucifer avoiding interacting with you. At least directly. He knows he is going to mess it up super bad so he tries to keep it to group settings so he can still be around you, but not look like a total idiot. Lucifer also does that thing where he will actually be talking to you, but doing it through a third party so he doesn't completely freak out and mess up his words.
On the off chance you two do interact alone, it always ends up with Lucifer apologizing. You will accidentally turn a corner, bump into him, and Lucifer is the one apologizing somehow. You could probably drop a cinderblock on the guy's foot and Lucifer would still be like 'I'm sorry my foot was in your way'.
Just because Lucifer cant... talk to you like a normal person doesn't mean he doesn't want your attention. Oh no. He wants all your attention.
This is where the 'Sin of Pride' really shows. If Lucifer even gets an inkling that you like something or it impresses you? He is all in on it to an absurd degree.
Oh, you said his wings were cool? Lucifer suddenly has them out all the time and keeps fluttering or stretching them to show off for you. You like men who can sing? Now Lucifer is gonna find any excuse to do a musical number in your presence. You start laughing at one of his jokes? Whelp. Clown man is now gonna turn into an entire clown show. You think he tells good stories? Get ready for Lucifer to start blabbing about his entire life story.
Unfortunately this happens with anything negative you might say as well. Lucifer takes it way too hard and either tries to prove you wrong, or takes whatever it is you said you don't like and throws it out a window.
You said bowties were silly? Lucifer suddenly shows up wearing an ascot. You made a comment that his cane is just a glorified apple on a stick? Whelp, its in a trashcan now and Lucifer is designing a much fancier one. You don't think Lucifer can hold his liquor? Now he is challenging Alastor to a drinking contest and getting absolutely trashed.
Look. This guy just really wants you to like him okay? Please love him. He is a disaster, but he can be your disaster.
SUMMERY: 🐤 Forgets how to form words or how human language even works 🐤 Can't handle interacting with you directly; so he uses a third party or group events 🐤 Apologizes. Alot. 🐤 CONSTANTLY trying to impress you, or at least, get your eyes on him. Embodiment of peacocking 🐤 Takes any negative comments to heart and goes out of his way to show how wrong they are
My Masterlist for my Other Work: >>HERE<<
Signs They Got a Crush - Vees DLC: >>HERE<<
AO3 Archive Link: >>HERE<<
If you want a super cute fic about Lucifer courting the reader with his wings, check out >>this post<< by @/nicoliine
If you want to see a really good post on what attracts Alastor and Lucifer to someone, check out >>this post<< by @/liliannadelaphinehartifelt
Then lastly, one of my favorite fics actually, check out the Unknown to Me and You series by @/beejunos for an amazing take on Alastor's feelings coming out through his shadows. First part is >>here<< and second part is >>here<<
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hippurislonghorn · 7 months ago
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This scene 🫢
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tea-plantz · 8 months ago
I haven’t posted anything in like 9 months, wtf🧍‍♀️
Anyway, my little lesbian self decided to go watch Inside out 2, and I am IN LOVE
I wanna write smth with Anxitey sooo bad, but idk what to write, and I haven’t gotten any requests abt her:((
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limabean42 · 7 months ago
Sadness relationship headcanons
First time with Fear smut 🌶️
Fear dating and wholesome headcanons
Fear with an impulsive! best friend
Fear trying to initiate but fumbling smut 🌶️
Disgust relationship headcanons
Anger general and wholesome dating headcanons
Anxiety realizing she has a crush on you
Anxiety exploring art with an artist partner
Anxiety first time smut and general NSFW headcanons 🌶️
Anxiety topping/dominating you smut 🌶️
Anxiety growing closer with an indifference! partner
Embarrassment with a love partner
Embarrassment first time and general NSFW headcanons 🌶️
Embarrassment with a shy partner
Being in a relationship with Ennui
Ennui first time smut and general NSFW headcanons 🌶️
You getting fed up that Ennui is constantly on her phone
Ennui teasing you smut 🌶️
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