#anxiety x reader
hippurislonghorn · 3 months
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A little animation I did today!
I haven’t animated in ages so I’m a little rusty but this was fun to make.
She so busy.
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mattypattypinky · 3 months
Anxiety (Inside Out 2) Romantic Headcannons
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Crush Advancements
I feel like when she has a crush on someone she goes through stages. Like, I think it would start with denial.
She'd like, super duper deny that she has those feelings, and she'd be scared of the idea of having those feelings for someone. I feel like part of the reason is because she's overthinking countless things that could go wrong. What if they don't like her back? What if they hurt her? What if she hurts them?
It would take her a long time to get out of this phase and the next phase is hardly any better since I feel like after she identifies it's a crush she'd heavily overcompensate to try to mask it out of fear that if you found out something bad may happen. Like she'd emphasize how great FRIENDS you are and how she loves you AS A CLOSE BEST FRIEND or MUTUAL, she'd emphasize it or stress it in hopes you don't catch on to her crush.
She'd probably exercise favouritism but she would try to deny that she is doing that??? Like she'd try to be around you more than the other emotions or talk to you more but if anyone accused her of such thing she'd actively try to hang out with other emotions to prove this theory wrong.
Like if she got you a gift and envy got jealous she'd get Envy, Embarassment and Ennui a gift as well.
"I'd like to buy you a drink! ... Why??? Because, um... I'm buying EVERYONE a drink!"
I feel like when she decides to confess, she'd have a full proof plan and script she's memorised. Like, she'd plan a night with you that she can be alone and hanging beside you for a few hours, maybe you both take dream duty or something. She has a full script she's rehearsed when brushing her teeth in the bathroom. She knows word for word what she plans to say to you and if at any point her script gets interrupted or derailed I feel like she'd abandon the script entirely and decide to confess another day.
If her music skips, if the dream isn't playing the right dream, if she stutters, if you talk over her or ask something in the middle, if someone walks in- Anything goes off script and suddenly her 'thing she needed to tell you' can wait and she completely abandons ship until next time you're hanging out.
Realistically I feel like she'd had planned out every bad end to her confession, and not what she would do if it ended smoothly, so if she ever manages to fully confess her feelings to you and you express that you reciprocate I feel like she would short circuit. Like she'd never even thought of the possibility that you would say yes to her advances, and even if she did, it was overshadowed by all of her anxious negative outcomes.
I feel like if you said Yes she'd panic because her script for the positive reaction "never got out of drafting" and she'd try to recite the script she write word for word but I feel like she took so much time on the negatives that she wouldn't even have the second sentence down for the positive outcome.
She'd be afraid she looks like a fool not knowing how to respond to your reciprocation though.
General Romance
She'd search up how to be a good partner on the internet, or got a book about it, and follows it to a T.
I feel like one of her love languages would be quality time and gift giving.
She keeps track of her lovers interests so she can formulate heart-felt presents, if you were interested in a specific dream (movie) she'd try to watch it so she can learn the plot of it so you can talk about it to her together. She'd actively try to engage in anything you like in attempt to make herself seem like a better partner, as she would be extremely worried constantly that she isn't, or that she isn't doing enough.
But also she'd do it simply to see that smile on your face, because it makes her feel good knowing she's doing you good.
She'd be a very reassuring partner, but need a lot of reassurance herself. She'd be very clingy, and she would worry that it would bother you. She'd probably say sorry quite a lot in the relationship even for miniscule things because she wants to make sure you know she never intends to do by you wrong.
She says I love you a lot, even unprovoked and randomly, she needs it back or she will spiral into a worry about if you do love her back or not. :(
I feel like she'd be a little bit of a jealous partner, but she'd be absolutely disgusted by the fact that she is. (It's just because she is extremely insecure and anxious) - She would overthink that if you like someone and hang out with them that you'll like them more than her and leave her, which is completely irrational but she tends to be when it comes to anxious thoughts as that. You tell her you're going to hang out with another emotion for a few hours and I feel like she'd be like, "Oh, yeah, no, that's fine!" but inside she's Panicking and stressing out and coming up with tons of bad outcomes. You'd learn quickly you might need to reassure her a little bit more than other partners.
She has trouble sleeping but I feel like she'd prioritize her partner getting to bed before her if her partner has trouble sleeping too, - She would rather her partner get rest than herself. However if you are insistent on helping her sleep she'd feel extremely flattered and probably get flustered and nervous but agree to it.
She's the type of girlfriend to constantly put her partner's health over hers, she'd forget to drink water, she'd forget to eat, she'd drink six energy drinks in one sitting but if her partner did any of that she'd have a panic. She'd preach how dangerous it is to go on 2 hours of sleep with no nutrition yet she's doing the same thing.
She'd definitely be a cuddler, she's very big on physical touch but she would lay off if her partner isn't. In the movie she is very touchy with every emotion she interacts with on a face to face basis so I feel like in a partnership that would double. She'd be very keen on hugs, holding hands, linking arms, snuggles, etc. She'd be very worried about it being overbearing or annoying. She would constantly ask.
I feel like she has random spikes of confidence in the relationship, like out of nowhere she will flirt really confidently and then when she realizes what she's doing I feel like she'd quickly backtrack and apologize, stating she doesn't know where it came from. She'd be very anxious about getting too comfortable in the relationship despite that being what people do in relationships.
Regardless of how it is though she would love you, and she would express it in her own way.
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Special thanks 2 my lovely boyfriend @fenny-self-ships who helped me curate these headcanons today :D
PS! I MIGHT TAKE PROMPT REQUESTS IF YOU GUYS GIVE ME IDEAS TO TALK ABOUT WITH HER.... pleasee... I need more ideas...... give me ideas people!!! send a brain storm!!!
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tea-plantz · 3 months
can I request an anxiety/reader where reader represents the Love emotion?
like we're a little extroverted and flirty (and kinda serve tbh) but we are gentler around her and help her calm down when she's about to have an attack?
(I'm normal about her I swear💪)
Ahoy to you too! Yess I finally got a request for my girl!! She’s so cute, I swear-
Anyway, that’s an awesome request, I love the concept of the reader being a Love emotion!
~Anxiety x Love emotion reader hcs~
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Anxiety wasn’t really interested in romance, partly because she figured she didn’t have a shot at it anyway, and because she thought it seemed way too stressful. That was until a new emotion appeared in the HQ, the Love emotion.
You were so sweet, kind, pretty and even flirtatious, causing the small orange emotion to quickly become smitten.
She would feel her heartbeat speed up x100 whenever you were around.
The poor girl constantly stressed about making a good impression on you, seeming interesting, and wanting to know more about you, but she couldn’t let you know that she’s excited, or else she would seem too intense, and so on.
Since you represented the emotion of love, your job would be to control Riley’s crushes, feelings of love, horniness, and all that. Anxiety would love to watch you work, observing as your hands glided over the console, making it light up with a soft, pink color. She swoons over everything you do
Anxiety sometimes even slightly envied you. Your job was to make Riley feel all these positive and exciting feelings, whilst hers was to worry her and make her anxious. She knew it was all to protect their girl, but she didn’t wanna feel like a burden. On top of that, you were also so extrovert and outgoing, speaking so easily with all of the emotions, even Ennui, which was something she admired and slightly envied as well. She would overthink it, feeling like she wasn’t a good enough conversationalist, and fearing that she came off as boring to you.
The fact that you where so flirty towards all the emotions, but more gentle around her would leave her with sleepless nights filled with overthinking.
“They act so flirtatiously towards everybody, but somehow different towards me! I mean, they’re still flirting, but it still feels different! Does that mean they like me less?! Oh no no no, that would be so bad! But what if they do..? And then they’ll slowly stop talking to me, because they secretly hate me, then they’ll stop looking at me, or even being in the same room as me, and I’ll die alone! Ah!!”
She always thinks so negatively about every single situation, not concerning that it could be because you liked her.
It was only after you helped her calm down when she was about to have an anxiety attack that she realized that maybe her feelings were mutual. The way you had gently hugged her, rubbed soothing circles on her back,y kissed her head and whispered sweet nothings into her ear made her absolutely melt. She knew she needed to confess, or else it would drive her insane!
Anxiety spend many many nights, filling out countless notebooks with her frantic writing, trying to figure out the perfect way to confess. She knew you loved romance, so she wanted to be romantic and sweep you off your feet. One problem though, she was very bad at romance… like… really bad. After the made the perfect plan she practiced again and again before she actually mustered up the courage to confess.
She wrote a whole ass 5 page long script on what to say, and a backup script for when if you rejected her. She didn’t hope that would happen, of course not, but she thought you would, always preparing for the worst case scenarios.
Assuming you said yes to her cheesy little confession, Anxiety would be thrilled! You, the glamorous, lovely, super pretty, sweet and confident emotion that you were, wanted to date little ol’ her!! She almost couldn’t believe it!
She definitely cried
It would take the poor girl a long time to settle into the relationship, but with you showering her with love, affection and kisses, not to mention words of reassurance, everyday, she would quickly feel safe and relaxed in the new relationship.
You two would give off major Jessica and Roger Rabbit vibes.
Even though you might be kind of opposites, you both fit really well together. She appreciates you and all of your affection so much, it always helps with calming her down whenever she can’t sleep, or starts stressing out too much.
Anxiety loves it when you flirt with her, but would quickly become overwhelmed if you where too seductive, leaving her brain completely fried and her hands jittery.
She also loves it when you declare your love to her, but she would become way too anxious or overstimulated if you preformed some kind of grand gesture. Instead, she would much rather prefer if you did smaller stuff, like send her love letters, surprise her with hugs and kisses, cuddle with her or enjoy a cozy stay at home date<3
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anxietyspeaceful · 3 months
Enjoy these quick little things i made while in the making of an Anxiety x Calm!Reader headcanons! 😋 feel free to request anything else you’d like me to write!!
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limabean42 · 3 months
𖦹 Anxiety realizing she has a crush on you 𖦹
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Reader is implied to be one of the original emotions
• When Anxiety first saw you in headquarters she was taken aback at how much she liked you
• She had observed the rest of the emotions as well as you and even admired Joy from afar but she wasn't expecting you to look so good in person
• While introducing herself to you she was a stuttering mess. Everyone brushed it off since she was Anxiety after all, but she knew it was illogical to behave this way for no reason
• She brushed it off and continued her plan for Riley's life and we all know how that went
• After her planned failed and everything was sound again she had more time to reflect on her own feelings
• Sitting in her chair looking at you made her heart speed up so she was quick to look away
• She couldn't look away for long though, especially if you were in control of the panel. She liked seeing you in action, contributing in bettering Riley's life
• Her free time in the massage chair meant she could theorize about reasons why she could feel this way around you and no one else
• As hard as she tried to wrap her head around these feelings she just couldn't crack this case or even think of a solution
• She just liked you a lot for no reason it seemed. You looked good to her physically and mentally and it drove her nuts, not because the feeling was unwelcomed specifically but because she was a problem solver
• If she can't solve problems who was she? How could she take care of Riley? How could she be a useful emotion at all?
• Even if it had been months since she took control of headquarters and gave Riley a panic attack she still felt a little guilty and a bit useless. She didn't want to hurt anyone anymore but it seemed that was all she could do right
• Since she admired Joy so much she decided enough was enough and she needed to talk to her about this before she had a panic attack
• Once describing the feeling in her stomach and chest, Joy smirked and knew exactly what the issue was
• Joy told her that it sounded like she had a crush on you
• Anxiety felt annoyed with herself for not realizing this on her own as it seems so obvious now. How would she know though? She only got here a few months ago
• The word crush didn't terrify her but it did make her anxious
• How would her crush on you affect Riley? Would it impose on Riley's life in a negative way?
• Joy told her to calm down and not overthink it and suggested telling you for her own sanity
• She took a deep breath and decided to face the music by confessing privately
• "y/n? Hey, can I talk to you privately really quick" she smiled nervously
• You agreed and you both walked to the window to see all the islands
• She started out by looking out the window as a distraction from her nerves. She took a deep breath and turned to you
• "I think I have a crush on you" she quickly followed up by ranting, "I don't know exactly what that entails or what it means for me or you or the future or anyone else but it's definitely there and occupying a lot of thinking time so I decided to tell you before I cause more trouble for everyone like I did before. I'm really sorry if this is really sudden for you and if you don't feel the same that's fine this is just mostly for me I mean I don't know if I can even be in a relationship as an emotion plus I just got here and should probably not rush into anything but I feel better now saying all this."
• You just kinda stood there shocked waiting for her to finish ranting everything out of her system. You were happy she felt better and happy that she confessed because you felt the same
• "I like you too" you said smiling, "we don't have to rush things. I don't know how this will affect Riley either but it's worth a shot. Whenever you're ready to be together I'll be here waiting."
• Anxiety couldn't have hoped for a better response. She was so happy she squealed and walked up to hug you
• After realizing what she just did she quickly let go of you and chuckled nervously
• "Thanks for understanding. Could we possibly spend more time together? I mean when neither of us are needed at the panel?"
• You agreed excitedly, happy to be close to her finally
•After that you both walked back to her chair and sat on it together. While you chatted Anxiety glanced toward the panel to find Joy smiling and giving her a thumbs up
• Anxiety melted into the chair and smiled contently while continuing your conversation
Thank you for reading <3
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fandomnerd9602 · 3 months
Anxiety speeds in…
Anxiety: what if she fails her driver’s test?! She’d have to rely on mom and dad for-
Y/N comes in and comforts Anxiety…
Y/N: Anxiety, honey, we need to take a deep breath and allow ourselves to relax
Anxiety: y-you’re right. Thank you
Anxiety hugs Y/N and speeds off to her massage chair…
Joy: thanks Y/N you’re the best coping emotion.
Y/N: I try
Y/N walks over and begins massaging Anxiety’s feet…
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donutz · 3 months
Anxiety Love Languages Headcanons :PP
Heh.. Guys I'm still alive😈😈
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You are the love emotion!!
— You can be slightly flirty at times, but it isn't that bad
Warnings: Mentions of reader and Anxiety being humans, and reader being biologically a woman, but reader is mainly just gender neutral; slight 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 mentions, but no nsfw;
♥ Physical Affection
This is her main love language
The order of the love languages are the ones she shows the most to least
When she’s worried she grabs your hand, arm, wrist, etc.
She really appreciates it when you assure her that the affection she shows isn’t too much(If you like physical affection)
Most of the time she feels panicked she just really needs a hug
Feeling your warmth calms her down, a lot
There was this time you were messing with her hair, and separated it into two pigtails
It made the both of you laugh because she looked like a rabbit
You’re hugs and cuddles are definitely better than her massage chair
Speaking of her chair, you guys read books, cuddle, and listen to one another while sitting on it
At times she doesn’t need her massage chair, she needs you.
When you guys are first getting into being together, she would be afraid to ask for physical affection, worried it might make you uncomfortable
Riley being happy just makes you two look at each other and hold hands, proud of your girl
She can be scared to kiss you, because of her mouth..
She doesn’t want to accidentally swallow you whole or something.
That’s what she thinks, but you always initiate it first, and she copies it all the time so she tries not to worry as much
I’ll try not to make this seem suggestive, but she likes it when you sit on her lap, a lot
Especially if you’re bigger than her
She gets really blushy to sit on your lap though, and asks a few times if you’re sure that you’re okay with this
Communication is key, it’s something that she says a lot
When you’re gone, she might need some type of doll, blanket, anything to remind her of you
She tries to not bring it to the panel because she thinks it’s childish, but at dream duty she usually brings it out
Because she never really falls asleep, especially at dream duty
Surprise affection can make her turn pretty red
A surprise hug makes her squeak
A surprise kiss makes her go silent
It just might be obvious that she would be the little spoon
It’s not because she feels smaller or anything, it’s just because she gets to feel you around her
You give her a good smooch on the head(Or eyelids) and she’s like mentally purring
If that makes sense
♥ Acts of Service
It was hard choosing if this should be quality time or acts of service, but i feel like she does a lot of things for you
Like holding the door open, at times she forgets to do that and reallyyyy wants to apologize, but thinks..
‘What if they didn’t really care if I opened the door or not and found it annoying that I even apologized!!’
She hates to think those things about you, because she knows you wouldn’t, but she can’t help BUT think those things
Uhmmm, this is just my thought but she wouldn’t mind being a personal maid for you
She just wouldn’t say it to you because you totally will think she’s weird
She tends to say “After you”, but tries to switch it up because she wants to be original
She would hold a platter full of your favorite food when you’re having a bad day
You don’t know how she got it, but would thank her and give her the biggest kiss
Not like making out tho
Don’t get too 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂
As humans, and you being born a biological woman(I apologize if you don’t want to be reminded of that), if you were on your period, she would literally do everything and anything for you
She would turn on your tv with the remote thats a centimeter away, she would doordash ANY type of food or candy for you, like she’s your servant for whatever duration you have on your period
If you got 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 on your period then she’d be more shy to give you food and assist, as in actually assisting and not just sex
♥ Gift Giving
She knows a lot about you, the average person would be concerned
OH MY GOSH. She would go crazy and Valentine's day, and plan EVERYTHING.
She would learn how to cook, just for you
So you can have an amazing breakfast, and love her even more of course
She wouldn’t mind some praise either
She’d come up with so many ideas of gift giving, but is SO indecisive if she should give you them or not
Crochet, she would crochet a plushie of you, and STILL would physically stutter about giving it to you
Either way, she gave it to you and you loved it!!
You gave her one of her own of course!!
Something inside her head was telling her to eat it
Just a thought
She didn’t know WHAT to feel in that moment
Should she kiss you? Say thank you? Jump around??
She said all of that while hugging you and clinging onto your torso
Just you yourself is a gift to her really
♥ Words of Affirmation
She is NOT good with giving, but LOVES receiving.
I read this SMAU(Social Media Alternate Universe) fanfic of Anxiety and it was about nicknames(Creds to anxietyspeaceful on Tumblr)
Where Anxiety LOVED it when you used the nicknames on her, but cringed whenever she would use the nicknames
I feel like that’s 100% accurate
Risky texts have her SWEATING.
I also saw a Tik Tok of Anxiety’s room(It’s actually real, just look up Inside Out Anxiety’s room) and she has affirmations on a board right above her head
If you would help her with those affirmations, she would appreciate it so much
Especially hearing you say that she herself can do it, it really boosts her confidence
She may be insecure of her overbite, but you’ll always be there to tell her that everything about her is adorable, even her cheesy smile
She thought about you calling her smile cheesy. But you immediately reassured her that you meant like when somebody says cheese for a photo
That actually helped build her confidence and comfortability with photos
It’s time to get a little sad :(
If she ever realizes that you get uncomfortable because of her, she’d “hate” herself for some time
Unless you remind her of your personal(Relationship wise) affirmations
That you love her, and always will
And if you don’t, that’s not you.
♥ Quality Time
This is last, because y’know, dates outside of headquarters freak her out
She’ll probably get too much attention, most likely negative attention because of how she treated those blobs in imagination land
Most quality time is just at the console, but you guys are usually just focusing on Riley
So I guess it’s not a lot of time spent together and only for together
Most quality time is just hugging or cuddling, which is pure physical affection
You guys don’t have much time for dates either
If you do, then that’s when it’s time to sleep
Which Anxiety doesn’t do much of, but you probably do
If you don’t, hazzah! You two can “date” by watching dream duty
If you do, then yea there isn’t much time to ONLY spend together, initiating no cuddles or anything
But! Quality time with the two of you is like looking at her schedule, going over routines, possible scenarios, needing help, stuff, just not a lot
You guys don’t eat together a lot, because she just scarfs it down, as if she hasn’t eaten in days.
I didn’t say this because of her mouth, but because I feel like she’s a fast eater
Playing games is pretty nice, she really likes tennis!! She gets pretty fast, to the point where you don’t even know where the ball went!!
When she doesn’t see it either, she jumps with her hands in the air and says, “I won!” Ending it off with a little celebration and giggling
After celebrating, she looks at you and realizes you’ve been staring at her
And of course, shies away from your gaze because she’s nervous
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mwalani · 2 months
Hey! Can you write anxiety x reader angst hurt/comfort where she comforts the reader
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⌗ whispers. . . Hii!! Of course! I made this more as hcs of how would Anxiety comfort Reader because I'm not good with oneshots 😭✋
ᯓᡣ𐭩 comfort headcanons
⁀➴ including : Anxiety
⊹ warnings : none
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☆ Anxiety would either take a long time to notice there's something wrong, or notice it right away. there's no in between.
★ when she starts to see it, she would get really nervous. what if she was the problem? what if you were like that because of her??
☆ she probably spends more time over thinking about it than actually talking to you and asking if you're okay.
★ but obviously she decides to ask you at one time. it doesn't matter what kind of problem you have, she would feel the need to comfort you, even if she's not the best option for it.
☆ Anxiety isn't sure how to comfort you at first. she would try a lot of different things to be honest.
★ she would use hers words first. they might be a bit messy, but it's understandable at also holds warmth and comfort laced to it.
☆ she would spend some time talking, reassuring you about something, denying whatever bad thing you're thinking, etc!
★ Anxiety would also offer you to use her chair! the one at the end of the movie.
☆ might not look like it, but I feel like Anxiety also uses physical touch as a form of comforting you. if you like it, of course.
★ if you ever start to cry, doesn't matter when, Anxiety is going to wipe your tears away while saying that everything's fine and no need to cry.
☆ but maybe, there are some times where crying is needed. she will actually just be a shoulder for you to cry. maybe just as long as you're not with the others, because what if they start saying bad stuff about you because you're crying when you're not suppo... [Insert over thinking]
★ but generally speaking, Anxiety is good at comforting others, especially if it's you! she just might get carried away with it sometimes.
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betterthanyalls · 3 months
Hii!! Can i request anxiety x lust/passion!fem!reader from inside out 2?
Not nessecarily nsfw or suggestive, reader just is a mischevious bastard and imagines riley's crushes on worst times and anxiety gets anxious over stuff going wrong or the program getting thrown off because of reader's decisions and the reader is just watching the chaos with a shit-eating grin.
You can ignore if you want to and take care!!
AHHHH THIS IS SO COOL!!! I LOVE THIS IDEA SO MUCH!! Ok so I wrote most all of this around midnight for a few nights, so there might be some typos or grammatical errors but I had some friends read over it a few times for me:) I hope you love this as much as I do!!
Anxious Daydreams
Anxiety x Love!Reader
Inside Out 2 ~ Oneshot ~ Fluff
Words: 972
Published: 7-8-2024
“Alright emotions! You all remember your jobs today?” Joy inquired excitedly, her never-ending smile decorating her face.
The other 9 emotions nodded along or agreed in some form of begrudging grumbles. Joy’s shoulders lifted as she began the day on the console.
Riley was currently in her geometry class taking an exam. Every emotion agreed not to touch the console and allow Riley to not be distracted by her emotions. So, as per usual when bored, you just so happened to find the main room empty.
A sly smirk took over your lips as you carefully walked up to the main console, taking a few looks around to confirm nobody was walking in.
Once you knew you were alone, you began to work your magic. Being the emotion of Love had its quirks, with one of the quirks being that you couldn’t let Riley go too long with some daydreams.
After pressing who knows how many buttons and dials, you managed to get Riley distracted from her emotionless and dull test. Sure, you didn’t want her to fail the exam, but you also didn’t want her to become so bored that she did fail the test.
Soon enough, images of all of Riley’s crushes that occupy Mount Crush-more were circling her mind. You had also gotten the imagination tent to begin forming scenarios about her interests.
Without you realizing, Riley had completely zoned out from the test with the exam’s timer running low.
All seemed to be going well for you until a loud gasp and clatter was heard. Whipping your head to look at the noise, you were met with Anxiety dropping her coffee and rushing over to the console, moving you gently out of the way.
“What did you do?!” Anxiety blurted in a panic, beginning to press buttons on the console in rapid motions. You simply took a step back with a grin. It was oddly entertaining to see Anxiety panic so much over an event that wouldn’t result in much.
While Anxiety was distracted with one half of the console, you would silently go to the other side and press more buttons. The two opposing emotions, practically dueling it out.
Anxiety and you went back and forth, one emotion finding the situation beyond tiring and irritating whilst the other simply laughed along with a smirk.
Finally, the emotions heard a loud timer go off as all four eyes looked onto the vision of Riley. The girl looked up to see the exam had finished and when looking back down at her test, half the page was meaningless scribbles.
“Oh,” you muttered, realizing this was mostly all your fault. Taking a glance at Anxiety, the orange emotion was practically ripping her hair out.
“We failed the test. The teacher is going to think we are stupid and hate us! Then we’ll never pass geometry, and we’ll have to retake it as sophomores. Everyone in high school will make fun of us for failing, and it will go on our permanent record for any college to see. And that’s if we even graduate after failing geometry. Then we’ll be homeless and jobless forever!” Anxiety rambled on, not noticing the slow and cautious steps you took towards her.
The crazed emotion finally snapped out of it once you took her hands into your own with gentle care. Looking into the jade green eyes of her own, you gave her an apologetic expression.
“Anxiety,” you began with a low and smooth tone, “everything will be just fine. Listen, I know Riley messed up that test all because of me, but I promise I’ll make it right. I can let Riley talk to her teacher, we both know Mrs. Rilesim is a nice lady.”
You could see Anxiety’s shoulders ease a fraction, but it was obvious she was still overwhelmed. So, squeezing her hands in your own, you continued your words while carefully guiding Anxiety to her recliner.
After having Anxiety sit in her recliner, you stayed next to her to offer a calming presence.
“Riley won’t fail geometry. She won’t have to retake this class. She won’t be made fun of.” You spoke with a benign tone, not looking away from Anxiety’s eyes.
“But what if-“ The other started before being shushed faintly by you.
“There are no ‘what if’s right now. We are in the present. All will be alright.” You finally managed to get Anxiety to calm down a little as a small smile took over your lips.
“Now, take some deep breaths with me. In. And out. In. And out. Good.” Anxiety followed your lead, mimicking your own breathing patterns. You nodded gingerly.
“You’re doing amazing, Anxiety. Would you like me to make you some tea?”
Said emotion accepted the offer quietly, focusing on her breathing. Your chest puffed out slightly in pride of helping Anxiety, turning away to make some quick tea. Everything was going to be alright.
Soon enough, you walked up to Anxiety who was relaxing in her massage chair. A warm cup of tea was held with both your hands as you stood next to the chair, handing the steaming cup to the orange emotion.
“There you go, Anxiety,” you smiled warmly, planting a soft kiss against her forehead as she sipped her drink. A calming hum was heard from Anxiety when you leaned back.
“You really know how to help me, thank you,” Anxiety smiled back at you, scooting over a bit for you to sit next to her and patting the now open spot.
Grinning, you hopped up and sat next to her, wrapping your arms around Anxiety’s body and holding the orange emotion close to you in a comforting manner. Neither of you said anything else throughout the private session together. This was just what both of you needed after the test.
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hippurislonghorn · 2 months
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Little Anxiety drawing before bed!
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mattypattypinky · 3 months
Anxiety (Inside Out 2) Insecurity Headcannons
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I feel like she'd be extremely self conscious about a lot of things about herself, actually.
She would be anxious about her physical appearance, I think, as well as who she decides to hang around. She wants to make good impressions with everyone in HQ.
Some things I think she'd be anxious or embarrassed by about her own physical appearance is her overbite. She probably got it from sucking her thumb in her sleep, or nibbling at her fingertips or where her nails would be. I mean, I'm sure she already had one, but I feel like her anxious stims and sleep sucking might have made it worse. Not to mention her mouth is so big, and so is her head. Her head is proportionally much larger than her very scrawny body.
I think she would be genuinely slightly stressed about how not-pretty she is compared to the other girl emotions. I mean, a majority of the girl emotions in HQ are pretty in conventional ways, and even Ennui fits some sort of beauty standard, but I feel like she would think she doesn't fit to that standard.
She'd be anxious about her proportions, her overbite, her hair, her eyes. Everything. But not necessarily because she is envious of the other emotions, and wants to look like them - but moreso because she is worried that she is not on the same level as them in any way, beit physical or strategical.
I mean, she heavily idolizes Joy, and wishes to be a good leader like her.
I feel like she would compare herself to everyone around her...
Which may be why she takes it so quick to make Riley do a similar thing. Overcompensate to get along with the Fire-Hawks, because she herself thinks overcompensation is a successful tactic to "fit-in" to peers.
I feel like if she had a crush on someone it would definitely be no different. She would compare herself to them, and ultimately try to be more like them.
She would adopt some of your body language, or try to mimic it, subconsciously.
She would also adopt things that you were interested in. If you liked certain things, or specific emotions in HQ, she would make an effort to learn about them or get closer to them.
She would want to be in your social circle,
and if you had a specific type in a person, she would try her best to cater to it.
If you liked more confident people, she would... try. To be confident. Even if she failed, she would try. <3
If you liked people with curly hair, or straight hair, she might use a hair curler or straightener... Borrow it from disgust, in attempt to do her hair the way you like it.
If you liked taller people, she might get high heels. She wouldn't know how to use them, though. She'd be very clumsy in them.
If you were into controlling people, she would try to be moreso, though constantly nervous and apologetic in attempt and hopes to not go too far - however if you liked people who were more to themselves, and let loose - she would try her best to seem like she doesn't care, even though she does.
Realistically, I feel like she'd naturally be more in the middle ground. She can be jealous controlling and clingy, but it's subconscious. If put on the spot she'd be really anxious about doing so intentionally, or have trouble attempting to stop her habits of being such a control freak about things she cannot control.
If you told her it's okay to be herself, she would claim that you're 'too sweet', but she wouldn't believe it until like, the 100th time of you saying it.
She'd be... extremely easy to fluster. If you complimented her, especially the points in which she saw as a flaw, she would get super nervous and avert her eyes, probably giggle, or squeal. She'd probably accuse you of 'not meaning that...' whenever you do.
You compliment her overbite, tell her it's cute - Tell her that her hair is adorable the way that it is, or that her body is an adorable and quite fun proportion... And suddenly she's a giggly mess!
She might even accidentally have a voice crack or two.
I feel like it would genuinely mean the world to her if you told her she was perfect the way she is. I think it would genuinely be on her mind for hours, days, even MONTHS after you claiming that for the first time.
One step at a time, you would help her be more confident about the way she looks, sounds and acts. She would start to accompany her 'flaws' with your compliments, she may even start to like them herself because you like them so much.
The thought of her getting a bit gleaming grin due to your compliments on her teeth.
Of course, it wouldn't be you alone, - she is part to thank for her own confidence boosting, as she is changing her own perspective. But you definitely would help.
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tea-plantz · 3 months
Is it alright for you to make physical affection headcanons about Anxiety? I would LOVE reading a little smooching headcanons too😗 If not I don’t mind at all ^^
Helloo, thank you for the request! I myself am a huge fan of hugs and all, so this was really fun to write!
~Anxiety physical affection hcs~
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I think Anxiety would really enjoy physical affection, especially from her significant other. In the movie she is pretty touchy with all of the emotions she interacts with, so it’s probably safe to say that she’s comfortable with physical touch.
I feel like she would be a bit scared to directly ask you for stuff like hugs or cuddles, in fear of coming off to strong or demanding. She might subtly hint at it, sitting herself slightly closer to you, mentioning how it’s a bit cold in here, all those tricks, and she’s so cheesy with it too.
“Boy, it sure is freezing in Riley’s mind today.. if only a very pretty significant other of mine would be oh so kind, and help me warm up”
Other times however, I feel like she would get sudden bursts of confidence and just hug onto you. Anxiety is defo extremely clingy, though she apologizes for it a lot. She just can’t help it!
Emotions like Ennui or Anger might tease you two for how lovey dovey you’re being all the time, causing Anxiety to hide her face away in embarrassment, whilst letting out a whimper. Either that, or she would roll her eyes at them, she sometimes gets low key sassy in the movie, like when she slapped Envy’s hand away.
She probably loves sitting squished together with you in her massage chair whenever she’s stressed. Listening to your heartbeat and letting the chair massage the both of you always calms her down, causing a large and goofy smile to spread across her face.
Whenever something happens to Riley that stresses her out, she would probably immediately reach out for your hand, squeezing it tightly, like a lifeline (you probably told her to do that instead of pulling at her hair so much, it’s not good for her).
Anxiety is suuuuper blushy, you can’t tell me otherwise. If you give her an unexpected kiss or hug, she might just scream out of surprise, then blush like crazy whilst apologizing-
We all know that Anxiety struggles a lot with sleepless nights, due to the book ‘go to sleep Anxiety’. Origami helps her a lot, but cuddling with her lovely partner helps even more~
Anxiety loves feeling your arms around her and hearing your soft breath at night, it makes her feel protected and safe<33
Honestly I feel like her main love language would be words of affirmation (she really needs the reassurance that you actually love and care about her), but physical touch would be right behind it.
When it comes to kissing, I feel like Anxiety would be reaaaally anxious about it. She would most definitely over-analyze it, researching how to be an awesome kisser #rizz (omfg I gotta stop)
She probably watched some YouTube tutorials or smth
Anxiety is so awkward in the cutest way possible, I swear-
Once she’s gotten the hang of it, and had a few experiences, she stresses less about it though of kissing.
Just be careful she doesn’t accidentally swallow you whole with that big mouth of hers/jk
Anxiety loves giving you sweet little kisses on the cheek and on the top of your head, she feels it shows that she cares.
She would probably be a bit more nervous about full on “on the mouth” kisses, not to mention make out sessions, and would prefer it if you took the lead of those activities, instead of her.
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Look at her bro-
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anxietyspeaceful · 3 months
ugh i LOVE those chat scenarios u did with anxiety i think they were real cute. But my suggestion was y/n is on dream duty and anxiety wants to see them but doesn't want to get out of bed and doesnt want to wake everyone up. It was a good idea in my mind.
Bedtime madness. .
Fluff !!
AHAHAHA YESS I CAN SEE THAT HAPPENING! You seriously have such a creative brain sjfjskndjd
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hcs and a mini fic!!
Emotion—not specified!!
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When it comes to sleeping..Anxiety really is not the best..
I mean theres quite literally a whole kids book on it.
She’s just too shaky and using her brain for the worst, especially when it comes to sleeping.
So when she’s struggling she’ll either turn to the Origami that Joy suggested or if that’s not working she’ll just stay up and stare at the ceiling from her bed, imagining all of the horrible things that could happen.
However, tonight her beloved Y/N was on dream duty. which was definitely something that could help her ease her stress.
But there was one thing stopping her…her overthinking
What if the floor boards creak too loud and everyone wakes up and absolutely hated her because they all needed that sleep to be ready for Riley in the morning
Or, what if she messes up by accidentally touching the console and then YOU hate her?!
She was filled with horrible thoughts, freezing her into her bed
awwh but she really wanted to see you :(( she needed you now more than ever at the minute
So she came up with an idea in using that phone Ennui got her to message you, but one problem
It was on the other side of the room…..
Eventually she did mustere the courage to just quickly use her feet to get across the room to get her phone
but then she refused to move anywhere, again, afraid this time the floor would creak.
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Eventually she did, and no one woke up! Surprise!! Surprise!!
She explained to you that she couldn’t sleep because she was overthinking once again, which you were understanding about..
So you told her to sit in the massage chair, but you moved it next to the console so she was closer to you
That made her feel much safer and secure
She watched the dreams with you, but she was mainly focusing on your reactions to it..the way your eyes glistened to the beautiful pictures Riley’s mind created really made her heart beat fast….
she eventually relaxed in the chair and dozed off into a deep sleep…
You put a blanked over her and gave her a kiss on her droopy cheek before getting back to your duty..
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limabean42 · 2 months
I SAW your embarrassment nsfw hcs… can you make one for anxiety as well? With a afab partner (gn is fine if ur uncomfy with that) pls take ur time 😋
♡Anxiety first time smut and general NSFW headcanons♡
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Woooo I love Anxiety so much she consumes my every thought not even lying, I want her so bad. Anxiety please marry me I love you more than anything. This one also reads like a oneshot/headcanon combo. Also two posts in one day :0
Thanks for requesting <3
Reader is afab/has female anatomy; this is straight up smut but it gets to be more mild near the end; dominant reader; oral sex
Spice level 🌶️: hot and explicit, like way hotter than I was intending it to be. I hope that’s ok
• You both would have to be dating a while for the thought to even cross her mind
• When it does, I bet you can guess what happens
• She overthinks everything
• Not only is she worried about doing sexual activities for the first time but how it will happen
• She hasn’t the slightest clue on how to proceed with anything sexual
• She doesn’t know if you want her to be on top or bottom, or how to preform
• Once you bring up the idea to her she’s honestly relieved because she doesn’t have to burden this worry alone anymore
• “I’m so glad you brought this up. I’ve been thinking about it constantly.” she sighed in relief
• She then became hyperaware of what she just said and realized she sounded like she’s been constantly nonstop horny this entire time, “I didn’t mean it like that. I’m not a pervert I’ve just been worried about how we’ll have sex… if we do at all I mean. We don’t have to.”
• You’re used to her rambling awkward behavior so you just giggle and comfort her
• Before you two actually have sex for the first time you have a long chat
• The purpose of this chat was for Anxiety to relieve some anxiety about the situation that’s going to happen soon
• Of course she asked a ton of questions like what she should do to make you feel good, how it gets started, and if she should top or bottom for the first time
• You said whatever comes naturally for her and whenever you both are in the mood
• She felt a little better but realized the best way to not stress about the situation was to do it and learn from experience
• Surprisingly you two didn’t talk about it for the next few days. She was initially expecting to do it that day or the next, but she did still need some time to process
• One day while she was in her massage chair after almost having another panic attack her mind started to wander to dirty territories
• She thought of you kissing her and all the noises you’d make
• She thought of caressing your body and how soft you’d feel as she grasped you tightly in her hands
• She thought of your fingers caressing her chilled body and slipping inside her
• At this point she was in her own fantasy world, becoming increasingly in the mood to finally have you all to herself
• Anxiety’s eyes drifted to the control panel. All the emotions including you were there, too intrigued with what was going on to realize her daydreaming. Too busy to realize the growing wetness between her legs
• Her eyes drifted to you and lingered there. She began to think again. What would your cute face contort to once she made you cum? Would you be loud, quiet, or somewhere in between?
• Suddenly she wasn’t nervous anymore, just horny. That’s how she knew it was showtime
• Anxiety got up from her chair. It was time for something else to make her feel good
• She walked toward you and grabbed your hand suddenly, leading you to her bedroom
• You were surprised before you realized where you were going. You smirked
• Anxiety sat you down on her bed and stood between your legs as she went in for a kiss
• She mewled into it and you were pushed down onto the bed, laying on your back
• You reached up and grabbed her waist under her shirt
• She made a noise that sounded like a mixture of a squeal and a moan
• It sounded so hot. You had to have her now
• You flipped her over so that she was below you
• While you continued to kiss, you reached your hand under her sweater again and up to grab her petite tits
• “Oh fuck” she muttered impulsively and then covered her mouth with both hands after realizing what she said
• “It’s okay, let me take care of you. Let all your words out.” You respond as you put your head under her sweater and start kissing her torso up and down
• Anxiety let out a few breathy moans. This felt better than she anticipated
• You lifted her arms up and dragged her sweater over her head, revealing her bare chest
• Truth is, Anxiety is pretty insecure. Even about her appearance
• She didn’t think she was the most attractive emotion out there and sometimes found it hard to believe you thought she was beautiful the same way she thinks you are beautiful
• So when you lift off her sweater her arms cover her chest while her hands shield her embarrassed face from you
• “It’s okay Anxiety, you’re amazing.” you responded to her gesture, bringing your lips down to encompass her nipple
• “Thank you. You are too.” She stuttered out, gripping your hair
• Her breath is shaky as you continue sucking, switching from one breast to the other
• You trailed more kisses down her torso and stop at her pants. You unzip them and pull everything down to reveal her downstairs area
• Anxiety squirmed as you used your middle and pointer finger to spread her folds
• “Cute” you commented
• Even though it was a subtle remark it made her insides clench
• You put a finger inside her and started moving slowly
• She squirmed so you held her down with your other hand as you started moving your finger quicker in and out of her tight insides
• That’s when you discovered she’s pretty loud in bed
• After she was even more soaked from you fingering her, you decided to eat her out
• If you thought she was loud before then you’re in for a sweet treat
• There’s no possible way the others didn’t hear her from rooms away
• Both of you were enjoying yourselves though. Too caught up in passion to even care what was going on outside the bedroom walls
• You sucked on her delicate clit. She almost screamed
• “Oh my fuck y/n please it feels so good keep going ohmhyfuck I love you I love you so much fuck don’t stop!”
• You continued until she announced she was about to cum
• “Ah y/n I think something’s happening I feel like I’m going to pee it feels so good though don’t stop baby!”
• The pressure buildup finally released and she came with a high pitched squeal. Her whole body was shaking and she was pulsating
• “Let me take care of you now.” She managed to mutter, still recovering from her orgasm
• Before you could even move she was pulling you on top of her face. She practically ripped your bottoms off and moaned and she saw your wet pussy
• “Please use me however you want.” She looked up at you and began to gently lick and suck your clit
• You threw your head back and began using her face
• You were about to cum a couple minutes later
• You grabbed the edge of the bed with one hand and her hair with the other,1 riding her face
• She couldn’t breath well but she was too busy lapping your pussy to care
• When you came she let out her biggest moan yet, almost as if she had cum again just from pleasuring you
• You collapsed on the bed next to her, catching your breath
• You praised her for doing such a good job and she confessed that she did in fact cum again when you did
• “You just looked so euphoric how could I not?” she added
• You two cleaned each other up in the bathroom and went back to bed to cuddle and nap
• In general she’s a very willing partner in bed
• She’ll try almost anything with you as long as it isn’t too far out of her comfort zone
• Doesn’t usually use nicknames for you unless she’s really close
• She’s a switch but usually submissive in both roles. So she’s either a service top or a regular subby bottom. However, maybe something could trigger her to be more dominant on her own one day
• Prefers you to take the lead no matter if you’re topping or bottoming
• Lives for your pleasure and drives to entice praises out of you
• She loves being praised, it gives her the right amount of reinforcement
• The more she’s praised, the more freaky and bold she gets
• Not the type to initiate dirty talk but she’d try if you were saying naughty things to her first
• You know how she has those cute squealing moments in the movie?
• Well I think this goes without saying, but she squeals when she cums
• Also squeaks and squeals when you toss her around
• Likes leaving her socks on during sex
• Curls her toes when she cums
• Is a master with her fingers. Y’all have seen her at the control panel
• You guys invest in a strap on
• That’s a conversation for another day though 🫣
• Likes when you pet her head afterward as she lays on you
• Sometimes she gets an overwhelming euphoric feeling after you two are done and starts crying because she loves you so much
• You wipe her tears away and give her kisses
• Her favorite position would be missionary cause she likes the intimacy of it and being close to you
• She’s mostly vanilla. She wants to try all the basic sex stuff before she explores more kinky concepts
• She will get there eventually though
• Makes a checklist of every kink she’s willing to try and checks them off like immediately after you two are done trying them
• Overall, she’s very soft and servicing once she gets in the horny headspace. Just wants to pleasure you forever <3
Thanks for reading! Might have to mark this one as mature later cause sheesh I didn’t expect to make it this spicy. It seems like with each nsfw I write it gets more and more spicy. Anyway, hope you enjoyed :)
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yourlocalracoon404 · 2 months
Hii!! I really like your writing. Can I request headcannons of Anxiety and Anger from Inside Out 2 x Schadenfreude!reader where the reader is just there to cause trouble lol (I would love it if the reader had a very heavy German accent too) You can ignore this if you want and don't forget to take care of yourself!  
Anxiety/Anger x Schadenfreude!reader
Schadenfreude (german) is the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, pain, suffering, or humiliation of another.
Paring/s: Anxiety/Anger x GN!Schadenfreude!Reader (romantic)
Warnings: None
Request: Yes/No
Note: I caan finally post again!! expect a few more writing posts of me now!! ^^ (I'm giving reader like those stereo typical accents because.. why not? I'm germyn and i know not everyone has an accent but it's funny!!)
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kinda scared of you ngl-
probably overthinks that if you're in control and laugh at someone that, that person somehow ruins Rileys life-
warms up to you eventually
slightly.. put off by your accent as she can't understand you all the time-
i like to imagine you came a lil later after the wave of the second emotions hit (you actually scared the shit outa every one tbh-)
"moin!" "AAHH-"
will litterly combust when Riley laughs outloud when you're at the consol and someone falls
"STOP!!""...nein :)" (no)
you somehow get her to calm down? idk how but you did
she tries to be a bit more positiv about it, key word: tries
she still loves you even if you almost give her an aneurysm because of her worries :'>
loves your vibe tbh
nr.1 hype man
like Anxiety, he can't understand shit sometimes when you talk
"was fürn scheiß! wieso- *insert german rage*" (what the fuck! why-)*concerend BF*
will indulge in your laughing at someones misery much to Anxiety's dismay
"ANGER!! STOP WHAT IF THEY RUIN OUR LIFE BECAUSE OF US LAUGHING???""eh, could be worse""ja! daz isn't the worst that could happen! :D" "STOP-"
learns alittle german for you ^^ (and for the curs words he finds that they sound cool)
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bloodyinkdweller · 3 months
Hey…uhm…uh…you should… like..make a anxiety x reader smht… smut…..•••••••••••• this ISN’T NOT PEACEFUL BTW! 👵👵👵👵👵👵👵👵 pldplsplsplsplsplsplspslspsp SMUT PLS i mean..who said that..
Ain't no way u just asked me this💀 ok—😒 fine then, I'll see what I can do LATER.😮‍💨 (I'm busy rn unfortunately😔)
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