#charlie morningstar fluff
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venomhoundfanworks · 4 months ago
Hazbin Hotel - Signs they Got a Crush
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Dumb headcanons about ways you can tell Alastor, Charlie, Angel Dust, and Lucifer have a crush. Why this super specific lineup? Because my goat brain said so.
Contents/WARNINGS: Gender neutral reader; Valentino mention; nothing else just tons of fluff Actual diabetes brainrot below the cut ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈
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Alastor ₊˚ ‿︵୨୧
NOTE: Gonna out myself here. I was the anon who put >>this ask<< into @/6esiree's inbox. So if you notice my wording in here sounds familiar, thats why. Both idea were wrought from the same horrid brain
I know I've said it before, but this man is an enigma. Its very hard to distinguish if he 'just friend' likes you or if he 'like likes' you. From your perspective (and most people's perspective to be honest), you'll probably think he simply views you as a close friend.
The biggest cue that Alastor's feelings towards you have changed are his eyes. His eyes don't soften or anything like that, oh no. He just starts staring at you. All the time. You could literally be standing across the room and his eyes will still be glued to you.
Alastor starts studying you. Noticing all your tics, quirks, and body movements. Its actually quite uncanny how well he is able to track you with his gaze. You sometimes feel as if the man is hunting you.
Unfortunately, other then the whole 'staring at you like Mr. Darcy thing', Alastor has no 'big' tells. They are much more subtle.
Alastor's humor around you takes a weird shift. Not one your likely to notice, but its a shift nonetheless. Alastor's jokes/quips are normally fired out like shotgun blasts, hitting everyone and anyone. No one is safe from his sardonic humor.
But once he starts taking a liking to you, you strangely become exempt from his more piercing jokes. Don't get me wrong, he still jokes around you, its just more playful in tone rather then cutting.
Alastor will also start targeting specific people you dislike, or he will start using brand of humor that gets you to laugh. People will probably brush this behavior off as simply Alastor being an asshole. But its really because he is trying to get a reaction out of you. Alastor loves your laugh and feels a weird sense of pride when he gets you giggling.
Another subtle shift that happens is Alastor gets more... musical? I'm not sure how to put it exactly. Alastor is already fond of song and dance as it is. But when he has the love bug, Alastor starts humming to himself, he has music playing all the time, and he bursts into dance more frequently. His overall energy is just up.
What throws people off with this, is that Alastor's musical energy doesn't appear to be directed at anyone is particular. So true, he may be dancing more, but the guy will dance with whoever is available for him to swing around at the time. Its not a 'will only dance with you and when your around' thing.
If Alastor's feelings for you get too strong, and/or he has been repressing them for a long time, its going to start coming out in a new... strange way. His shadows will start behaving differently.
Alastor's shadows will start acting more independent of their master and being... gentle with you. Kind. They'll smile and wave to you behind his back, help you find things if you've lost something, or even leave you weird gifts.
There was even an incident where you were half sleeping on one of the couches in the hotel parlor. You vaguely registered Alastor walk by, before you felt the cold hands of one of his shadows pull a nearby blanket over you and tuck you in.
Alastor wont even be aware of this when it starts happening. And god forbid he finds out...
SUMMERY: 🦌 Will not. Stop. Staring at you. 🦌 His humor around you changes. Becomes more playful and interested in making you laugh 🦌 His love for music presents itself more; always ends up humming, singing, or dancing 🦌 If things go on too long, his shadows will start giving away his true feelings
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Charlie ₊˚ ‿︵୨୧
Charlie is a complete mess when she starts crushing on someone. Its not subtle, and its not pretty. You can blame her inability to handle her own emotions on her parents and their broken marriage to be honest. As a double whammy; Charlie absolutely takes after Lucifer in the Disaster Bisexual™ department. So she is already starting on the wrong foot here (buh dum tsh).
The ""Princess"" of Hell loses any sense of grace, balance, or concept of gravity. Charlie constantly has to have her eyes on you, which results in her not paying attention to where the fuck her limbs are at any given moment.
So she knocks things over while making big gestures, knocks things out of her own hands, walks into the doorframe, trips over herself, trips over nothing... you get the idea. Clutz meter is dialed up to 1000%. Please don't put her near anything fragile because it will be broken.
As is normal with crushes, you want to get to know about them, right? Well, Charlie knows, theoretically, that in order to get to know her crush and actually have a chance of something happening between them, she has to talk to them. However. Charlie is so nervous that she ends up talking their ear off instead.
Its strangely adorable. Charlie will go and seek her crush out, then just start rambling. The funniest part, is she always realizes when she does it too. Charlie will get super embarrassed and start apologizing profusely after realizing she went on the most random tangent about frogs for 5 solid minutes and didn't even let you get a word in
Silence is absolutely deafening to her. Charlie is incredibly anxious and tries so hard not to think about things too much because she will overthink it and start freaking out. So she just immediately fills any gaps in conversation with her own voice.
Also (much like Alastor), Charlie's energy goes way up when she gets a crush. She hums to herself, prances around, and sings even more then usual. The girl literally stops walking like a normal person, now opting to skip around and do little twirls.
If Charlie isnt dancing around and singing like a Disney princess, then she is drawing something. She always has a pencil in her hand (which is a WEAPON considering how much she falls over). Charlie will scribble down the most random ideas she has and illustrate them. All so she can talk to you about them in detail later.
Going back to taking after her dad; Charlie will pamper the heck out of you in the pre-dating stage. Although, inadvertently. She really wants to impress you, so she ends up going overboard instead.
You say that your hungry; Charlie grabs you by the arm and is dragging you to a 5 star restaurant. Your phone breaks; Charlie buys you a brand new one, and it already has her number in it. Heck, you could just ask her for a glass of water and Charlie would give you a entire goblet of fancy lemon water.
Charlie excuses all this under a thin veil of 'need'. Oh, you need to eat. You need a new phone to to be able to contact people. You need to drink. That's the weird logic she uses in her head of why she is getting you all this stuff. She is helping someone in need.
Of course, this neglects the full picture. You could have just eaten some chips, you didn't need steak at Hell's fanciest restaurant.
SUMMERY: 🌈 Gets two left feet. Trips and falls over herself constantly 🌈 Talks talks talks talks talkstalkstalks 🌈 Creative energy goes through the roof; sings, dances, and draws for you 🌈 Anything you need, Charlie will get you. Only its the 100x luxury version of what you needed
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Angel Dust ₊˚ ‿︵୨୧
Hot take, but Angel Dust is just as much of an enigma as Alastor is. Unlike Alastor, however, Angel actually does something about his feelings. He just... is super confusing about it.
You know how Angel flirts with everyone? Yeah, everyone except you. For once, Angel isnt interested in sex for sex sake. No, he wants more then that. The only way he knows to try and communicate that is to... not... flirt with you.
Since flirt mode is Angel's default mode, and he rarely turns it off, he gets stiff and awkward when interacting with you. His overall tone shifts to weirdly formal. Instead of using one of his trademark nicknames or a petname, Angel just straight up uses your actual name.
Its especially jarring when there are people like Charlie or Lucifer in the room. You know, royalty. People with actual status. Angel will throw a 'heya toots' at Charlie and a 'short king' at Lucifer, then he turns to you and uses your full name. Gives everyone in the room whiplash.
Your guaranteed to feel singled out if not insulted at first. But I promise, its the spider's attempt at showing he respects you and that your different to him by going a little too overboard with it.
Angel also starts wanting to show you everything the nightlife Pentagram City has to offer. The good and bad. Angel knows all the clubs and bars like the back of his hand, so he knows exactly where to take you.
Every single night, Angel Dust makes plans for you two or just spontaneously drags you out with him. He invites you to come bar hopping with him and Cherri, he takes you out dancing to one of his favorite nightclubs, Angel even lets you know what sex clubs are good and which ones to steer the hell clear from.
Angel is very careful to keep you as far away from Valentino as he can though. Not only for your protection, but the whole situation with his work and boss is a can of worms that he would rather you not get involved in. At all.
Angel might come across as a bit neurotic because of this whole Valentino wild card thrown into the mix of things. Angel will be taking you to a club, get word that Val is there, then start speeding you to a different one across town. Or you two will have plans, then Angel will just completely drop or change them so you don't end up running into the moth.
Since Angel is taking you everywhere and lowkey showing you off to everyone, he also starts getting super invested in your appearance. Especially if your insecure or haven't really dipped your toes in the nightlife before.
Angel offers to do your makeup before you two go out and gets incredibly giddy if you accept. Angel will then doll you up, making your makeup match his, and play it off as twining.
This doesn't stay to just makeup either. Angel loves to take you out shopping and will get you both matching or themed outfits. He absolutely LOVES it, and several people have assumed you two were already dating because of how well your outfits were coordinated.
SUMMERY: 🕸️ Counterintuitively gets less flirty and stiff; awkwardly uses your actual name and not a nickname 🕸️ Takes you out on the town; just wants to go out and have fun with you 🕸️ Becomes protective of you against Valentino. Purposely makes sure your not in locations he is and just stay the hell away from him 🕸️ Coordinates/matches his outfits and makeup to yours
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Lucifer ₊˚ ‿︵୨୧
Not subtle. At all. His crush is just a flashing neon light to everyone that even remotely knows him. However, because the subject of his affections presumably doesn't know him that well (if at all), Lucifer easily can come across as just being a goddamn weirdo. That is, if he doesn't end up making the person think he straight up dislikes them instead.
Lucifer gets so caught up in his own head that he cant actually interact with you to save his life. He is stuttering, weird noises are coming out of his mouth, some words are being hissed rather then spoken, and his brain to mouth filter is fucking busted.
So yeah. Even if you take out the fact that his mouth isnt working right; every other word in his sentences is actually wrong and he is just saying dumb shit. Complete disaster.
This results in Lucifer avoiding interacting with you. At least directly. He knows he is going to mess it up super bad so he tries to keep it to group settings so he can still be around you, but not look like a total idiot. Lucifer also does that thing where he will actually be talking to you, but doing it through a third party so he doesn't completely freak out and mess up his words.
On the off chance you two do interact alone, it always ends up with Lucifer apologizing. You will accidentally turn a corner, bump into him, and Lucifer is the one apologizing somehow. You could probably drop a cinderblock on the guy's foot and Lucifer would still be like 'I'm sorry my foot was in your way'.
Just because Lucifer cant... talk to you like a normal person doesn't mean he doesn't want your attention. Oh no. He wants all your attention.
This is where the 'Sin of Pride' really shows. If Lucifer even gets an inkling that you like something or it impresses you? He is all in on it to an absurd degree.
Oh, you said his wings were cool? Lucifer suddenly has them out all the time and keeps fluttering or stretching them to show off for you. You like men who can sing? Now Lucifer is gonna find any excuse to do a musical number in your presence. You start laughing at one of his jokes? Whelp. Clown man is now gonna turn into an entire clown show. You think he tells good stories? Get ready for Lucifer to start blabbing about his entire life story.
Unfortunately this happens with anything negative you might say as well. Lucifer takes it way too hard and either tries to prove you wrong, or takes whatever it is you said you don't like and throws it out a window.
You said bowties were silly? Lucifer suddenly shows up wearing an ascot. You made a comment that his cane is just a glorified apple on a stick? Whelp, its in a trashcan now and Lucifer is designing a much fancier one. You don't think Lucifer can hold his liquor? Now he is challenging Alastor to a drinking contest and getting absolutely trashed.
Look. This guy just really wants you to like him okay? Please love him. He is a disaster, but he can be your disaster.
SUMMERY: 🐤 Forgets how to form words or how human language even works 🐤 Can't handle interacting with you directly; so he uses a third party or group events 🐤 Apologizes. Alot. 🐤 CONSTANTLY trying to impress you, or at least, get your eyes on him. Embodiment of peacocking 🐤 Takes any negative comments to heart and goes out of his way to show how wrong they are
My Masterlist for my Other Work: >>HERE<<
Signs They Got a Crush - Vees DLC: >>HERE<<
AO3 Archive Link: >>HERE<<
If you want a super cute fic about Lucifer courting the reader with his wings, check out >>this post<< by @/nicoliine
If you want to see a really good post on what attracts Alastor and Lucifer to someone, check out >>this post<< by @/liliannadelaphinehartifelt
Then lastly, one of my favorite fics actually, check out the Unknown to Me and You series by @/beejunos for an amazing take on Alastor's feelings coming out through his shadows. First part is >>here<< and second part is >>here<<
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the-sinister-story-teller · 11 months ago
Idk if you do Charlie but just an idea, Charlie has a male disguise, she accidentally turns herself into a boy, her male bi s/o gets super flustered and thinks she’s so pretty as a guy, no smut just FLUFF
A/n: OHHH I HAVEN'T DONE CHARLIE YET! Tysm for this idea!!
A Charming Surprise~Charlie x Male!Reader.
Mentions: Charlie turning male, Bisexual Reader, all fluff.
Topic: Request above ^^^
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You and Charlie had been dating for quite some time. You help her out with the hotel CONSTANTLY, and make sure she doesn't overwork herself in the process of it all. You two are unreasonably adorable and loving, so much you get teased by others for it. Today on the other hand, was peculiar in a way. Charlie was practicing her magic, trying to get more of a better grasp of it, before she practiced a bit too much, coincidentally turning herself into her male disguise. Mind you, she was partially aware she could do it...She just wasn't expecting you to walk in on her, startling her.
"SHIT!! SORRY CHARLIE I- Wait..." You exclaimed, only getting a brief glimpse, thinking she was changing, dropping the papers in your hands in an attempt to cover your eyes. Only after a bit of processing, you stood straight, uncovered your eyes, and stared at Charlie wide eyed.
"Uh...Y/n...? You okaaaay..?" Charlie hummed nervously, leaning forward. Her hair was more shorter and slicked back, and more male features were made noticeable. Good thing that the transformation kept her clothes. Your face grew even more red as she approached you, cupping your cheeks. You couldn't help but to get even more flustered by this, and the fact you were bisexual was definitely a contribution to this. Nervously scratching your neck, you turned your head in embarassment.
"Y-Yep! I'm fine! Peeeeerfectly fine!" You bashfully said, clearing your throat. It took a bit, but Charlie hummed an 'ooh' in realization. She then leapt into your arms, giggling happily.
"I guess you like this form?"
"Yeah...I...I really do. I like you in general though so-"
"It's settled. I'll have to shift into this form to fluster you more often!" Charlie giggled with enthusiasm, as you swayed her softly.
"I wouldn't mind that at all Charlie!" You laughed, as you two shared a quick and sweet kiss, before just hugging.
"I love you Y/n."
"I love you too Charlie.."
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sleepingdeath-light · 11 months ago
relationship hcs ; charlie morningstar
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requested by ; anonymous (17/03/24)
fandom(s) ; hazbin hotel
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; charlie morningstar
outline ; “relationship hcs for charlie pls”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
charlie morningstar is, to put it rather lightly, quite possibly the best partner you could possibly hope to find in any of hell’s seven rings: unconditionally loving, endlessly supportive, infinitely optimistic, eager to learn and adapt to you and your needs, and forgiving enough to make even the most remorseless sinner weep
she doesn’t really use pet names for you often and tends to just say your name for the most part, but she’ll happily respond to whatever terms of endearment you ascribe to her, no matter how silly they may be
she’s also your biggest supporter in everything you do or want to pursue: offering verbal reassurances and encouragement, making sure you have access to all of the resources you need, eagerly listening to you talk about your passions, and always being there with more reassurances and affirmations when things don’t quite go to plan (you were there for her whenever she faltered when it came to her dreams, so it’s only fair that she’s there to help you pursue your own!)
oh and, of course, she celebrates all of your successes with nothing short of pure enthusiasm as she goes about arranging as much fanfare as you’re comfortable with
there isn’t a love language that she doesn’t immediately adopt into your relationship, or that she wouldn’t put in the work to learn about in order to make sure you feel loved in any and every way she can possibly manage
acts of service — this is a love language that comes naturally to charlie, easier than breathing even, and she does whatever she can to help pretty much everyone in her life, not just you as her partner. sometimes this means bringing you breakfast in bed or running you a nice hot bath after a long day of work, other times it means doing your share of the hotel’s paperwork for you so that you can catch up on sleep or talking to your employer to get you some more leniency at work, but no matter what it’s always done with endless love and a smile so bright and warm that you can’t help but return it.
gift giving — she loves spoiling you rotten and showering you with gifts, which is made particularly easy by her inherited wealth as the princess of hell. sometimes these gifts come in the form of grand displays (like filling the hotel with thousands of your favourite flowers on your birthday, or buying you a whole new personalised wardrobe because she noticed some of your clothes were looking a bit worse for wear), but most of the time they’re small trinkets and treats that she’s found on her outings through the rings: small souvenirs from her travels that she thinks you’d like, novelty presents that make you laugh, items that reminded her of you, and even snack foods that she just knows you’d love that you wouldn’t be able to have otherwise given how limited travel is between the rings for sinners. but no matter what it is that she brings you, you end up loving them all dearly because each trinket and toy and gift is a small physical reminder of just how much she thinks of you and how deeply her love for you runs.
physical touch — charlie is, by nature, an extremely touchy person and can’t go more than a few minutes at a time when you’re together without making contact with you in one way or another. of course this usually just means small things like a peck on the lips/cheek, nuzzling her nose against yours, or reaching for your hands when you’re talking to each other, but this also occasionally means her picking you up and spinning you into a combined hug and kiss, or just outright tackle-hugging you with such force that it’s a miracle you aren’t sent careening straight onto the floor or through one of the hotel walls. and this affectionate side of her isn’t exclusive to when she’s awake as charlie tends to seek you out in her sleep as well — wrapping her body around yours like a serpent and shifting so that her lips are resting millimetres away from the very top of your head (she also loves to cuddle in bed when she’s awake, but her grip is noticeably stronger when she’s sleeping).
quality time — being able to spend time together, just the two of you without it being interrupted by an emergency or related to a group activity of some sort, is so incredibly important to charlie and she does what she can to block out time throughout the week where you two can just exist as a couple. granted this doesn’t always go to plan and there are times where you’re forced to reschedule due to circumstances outside of either of your control, but your girlfriend does her best to make it up to you at the earliest possible moment. a lot of your quality time usually consists of you two hanging out in your shared room and doing self care as you catch up on everything you hadn’t gotten the chance to talk about yet before cuddling up in bed and watching your favourite films/series until you finally fall asleep… but that doesn’t mean you two never go out on ‘proper’ dates — in fact she makes a point to bring you out to her favourite restaurants, and to visit her father’s theme park, whenever your schedules permit it — it’s just that with how chaotic your lives, and hell in general, tend to be its just easier to hang out at the hotel.
words of affirmation — charlie has never, and will never, shy away from letting you know just how much she adores you and just how incredible you are in her eyes. and these praises come in many different forms: earnest compliments about your new outfit or hairstyle or makeup look, the many many times that she tells you that she loves you outright throughout the day, reassurances that you’re doing a great job when you’re trying something new or otherwise outside of your comfort zone, excited gushing about all of your talents and achievements whenever she introduces you to someone new, the million-and-one flattering prefixes she adds to your title or name whenever she’s talking about you (e.g. ‘wonderful’, ‘amazing’, ‘beautiful/handsome’, ‘badass’, and so on), etc. — truly this list could go on forever, but i’m sure you get the point by now.
for her own part there are a few things about each love language that appeal to her the most: having you arranged group activities with the residents in her stead so she can get some rest or catch up with her other duties is always appreciated (acts of service), she keeps every single gift you give her but anything handmade is always going to be displayed out and proud in the hotel for everyone to see (gift giving), you being there to reassure her that she’s doing well and calm her down when she’s spiralling with self doubt about the hotel never fails to make her heart flutter (words of affirmation), she adores the times in the early mornings or late evenings when you both get to just hold each other and talk and kiss and bask in the quiet calm of the moment away from the chaos of your daily lives (quality time), and she adores being smothered with any and all types of affection but above all else she adores your kisses (physical touch)
she trusts you deeply and it takes a lot for her to actually get jealous, so you’re infinitely likely to experience her entering a conversation you’re in to gush about you and talk about how lucky she is to have you whilst showing her standard level of pda than you are to experience her shutting down the conversation you’re in and showing off anything even vaguely resembling a possessive streak — she’s just so damn proud of you, okay? let the girl brag
whilst she isn’t possessive in the slightest, charlie is still incredibly protective and mindful of the fact that you’re not quite as strong or hardy as she is (which is to be expected given her heritage), which translates to her tending to stick close to your side during any conflicts you find yourselves in — this habit pops up during both high stress encounters where she’s much more likely to have to draw blood (like the exterminators’ attack on the hotel itself), and low stress encounters where she usually has a better shot of deescelating the situation with her words or, as a last resort, by reaffirming her status and strength as the daughter of lucifer (like a confrontation with another sinner in pentagram city)
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leviskittywh0re · 8 months ago
i’m crying this is adorable😭😭
mammon is only nice to charlie and nobody else
(it’s canon in my head and nobody can/will tell me otherwise😌)
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My first entry for the #MammonWeek2024 on X
Prompt: Pranks💚
I had so much fun doing this,hope you guys will like it! 🥰 MammonWeek by @_Asterisq_ on X
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spacebubblehomebase · 7 months ago
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Right on time to celebrate the Hazbin Hotel season 3 & 4 announcement!!! I asked for some wholesome doodle prompts from folks on Twitter! I also got "solving puzzles" as a part of the suggestions! Notice the pieces that no longer fit. 🥲 Well, this was fun! Now I'm wondering if I should do the same for Tumblr next time? 😊 For now, pls enjoy the bonding of (current, past, & future) residents of the hotel being super adorable together as I disappear into the void. C'ya!
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angelltheninth · 2 months ago
Hazbin Characters + How They Sleep
Pairing: Alastor, Lucifer Morningstar, Charlie Morningstar, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Husk, Adam, Vox, Valentino x Reader
Tags: sfw, cuddles, literal sleeping together, wings, tail shenanigans, horns, possessiveness, kissing, established relationship
Ko-Fi | Rules | Fandoms and Characters | Commissions
A/N: Idea I had while talking with @massivementalitynut. had to write it because the idea wouldn't leave me alone.
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Alastor begins with sleeping on opposite sides of the bed but as your relationship progresses he allows you to get closer and closer. But not to fully cuddle with him unless he initiates it. The most he will allow you to do is hold his hand while you sleep. Anything else must be on his terms.
Lucifer always wraps his wings around you like they're a huge fluffy blanket. Since he's a bit touch starved right now he is very clingy in his sleep, always seeking you out and kissing you lazily. Actually prefers to be the big spoon when sleeping because he never knows when his horns might pop out, so it's safer for you.
Charlie wraps her tail around your thigh when you go to bed. It's a possessive gesture that she used to apologize for many times until you told you that you like knowing she thinks of you as her beloved. Since then she's never shied away from it, even using her tail to pull you in closer when you have, in her mind, gone to far away on the bed, even though you never do go that far.
Vaggie fought against being the little spoon when you slept together. She had a reputation to uphold and she was worried that you might make fun of her if she acted too cute, little did she know that her cuteness was actually one of her greatest weapons. Eventually she did accept it but she still kept her spear near by and her arms tightly locked around your middle.
Angel Dust sleeps on his back, head turned away from you but always has two arms thrown over you. He wants to be able to get you close if he wants to and doesn't mind if you end up on top of him and using his chest floof as a pillow. Why not let you do that when both of you know that he is much softer and better then the pillows you do have, and this pillow will also kiss you any time you want.
Husk never holds back a purr when you have your arm thrown just below his wings, scratching his back. It's rare that he shows you his stomach while he sleeps but that's not your fault, he has to trust you a bit more first. But just the fact that he's letting you hear him purring and isn't denying it is a huge step in your relationship and shows the amount of trust that he already has in you.
Adam takes op the whole bed as his wings fan out and push you off. He yawns like he's bored when you complain about his sleeping habits and really doesn't feel like getting into an argument over it. Eventually he does tell you to get on top of him, in a kind of dismissive tone but then as soon as you are on top of him he grabs you and holds you close to him, so you don't fall again.
Vox doesn't need that much sleep actually but he likes the idea of having you close to him while he does. In fact he can sleep in his chair, with the cables charging him up faster and you sitting in his lap while you wait for him. Occasionally his screen with flicker back on, eyes unfocused for a bit until they land on you and he grins, giving you a quick kiss and telling you he's almost done.
Valentino cocoons you with his wings, almost trapping you against his body, in his bed, in his arms. Kissing you and making you gasp early in the morning is the best way for him to fully wake up and get ready to start his day. His four hands are always touching you in some way, one holding your hand, one on the back of your head, one around your waist, and one on your thigh.
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alastor-simp · 1 year ago
Caught In The Fluff - Angel Dust X Reader
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Its time to write for the hot spider now. Enjoy Everyone!
It was a slow day in hotel today. Compared to the ongoing chaos that usually happens with either fights or Sir Pentious blowing up a portion of the building with his inventions, it was a normal chill day. Laying on the couch in the lobby, your eyes roamed around the room and gazed at the other residents, as staring at your cell phone was not aiding with your boredom. Charlie and Vaggie happened to be constructing more advertisements for the hotel, as the table was covered with glitter and colorful stickers, yep this was definitely all Charlie's idea, but watching her and Vaggie being couple goals was wholesome. Husk was shuffling a bunch of cards in his hands, wearing a smile for once while Niffty was watching him in awe, eye sparkling with amazement. Alastor resided in the chair next to yours, humming a catchy tune as his focus was drawn to the newspaper in his hands. Sir Pentious was in the corner of his room, assembling a puzzle as his Egg Bois were watching and helping him look for the proper pieces. After scanning the room a bit more, there was a lack of a porn-star demon in the room. Odd? Usually Angel would be flamboyantly chatting away, which caused many eyes to roll at his antics, well, mostly Vaggie and Husk. Slowly rising from the couch, you waved your hand in front of the two females in front of you, hoping to draw their attention. "Yes, Y/N? Is something wrong?" Charlie said, looking up at you with a bright smile, while her hair was covered in pink glitter and some traces of crayons on her red-dotted cheeks. "Sorry for bothering you while working on your project, but have you seen Angel since this morning?" Worried eyes stared at Charlies as you saw her smile fall and she shook her head no. Vaggie, on the other hand, was quick to answer your question, clear frustration on her face. "That estúpido is probably still sleeping the day away in his room! UGH! You think he get off his lazy a** and help around a bit!" Vaggie blared out, drawing the attention of the others in the lobby before continuing with their activities.
A cough was heard next to you, as Alastor had folded the newspaper on his lap, before looking at the three of us. "Now my dear Vaggie! While I don't approve of many of Angel's antics! He does work for another employer! So while he may not be pitching in with this ridiculous redemption process! He certainly has his hands full with other business!" Wow, you weren't expecting Alastor to defend Angel a bit. Maybe he does care about the others a bit, despite his enormous ego. Vaggie's eyes glared with rage at Alastor, probably for jumping into the conversation when nobody asked for his opinion, but she relaxed once she felt a soft hand touch her shoulder. Thinking more about it, you remembered that Angel had to work for the gross moth guy, Valentino. That man was so creepy and his actions towards Angel made you sick to your stomach. Honestly if you were as strong as Alastor, that man's head would be mounted on the wall. But, Angel has been in his room since 8 AM. He didn't even have breakfast. "I'll go bring him some food and check on him" You announced, as you got up from the couch and started to head to the kitchen. The sounds of tap shoes appeared from behind you, as you turned and realized Alastor was following behind you! "AH! I will help you my dear!" His smile was outstretched across his face, while he walked with a slight jump in his step and hands folded behind his back. Smiling back at Al, you both headed to the kitchen to make something for Angel.
Angel was Italian from what you recalled during one of your conversations as he was ranting about a client and calling them multiple Italian curse words. Deciding on an Italian dish for him, both you and Alastor agreed to make some Penne Alla Vodka. Alastor was helping with the vodka sauce, adding in the tomato paste and crushed pepper flakes while you were cooking the pasta to al dente. Gazing at the pasta cooking, your thoughts wondered back to what Al said in the lobby. "Um, Alastor?" You asked, while your hands kept stirring the pasta in the pot. Alastor was humming a tune, before he stopped and gazed at you, listening to what you had to say. "Thanks for what you said back there about Angel." Softly gazing at him, Al continued to stare at you, his signature smile dropping down to a soft one. "He is a valuable patron of this establishment! While I don't really care much about him and the others, I prefer him more when he is in a jovial mood then a depressed one!" Alastor answered with an aloff attitude, yet you could see in his red eyes that he somewhat cared about Angel, despite his strong dislike of him always attempting to get touchy with him. Focusing more on Al and leaving the pasta for a minute to continue boiling, your feet carried you over to where Alastor stood. "I assume you say you don't care because of your reputation, yet here you are cooking a meal for Angel Dust with me. Seems like your actions contradict your words Alastor." Silence filled the kitchen as both you and Alastor were having a stare-off, wondering which one would speak first. Crimson eyes gazed into yours, as they glanced down back to the cooking sauce.
Maybe you overstepped it a bit. Stepping back from your position, you eyed the pasta pot that you left unattended. A warm hand had caught your wrist before you could leave, and you turned to see Alastor gazing at you, smile still prominent yet his eyes were stern. "Angel my dear, is under contract with one of the three V's, Valentino! I don't know or care about how he conducts his business! However! His actions towards Angel are something I do not particularly enjoy! While watching the scum of hell suffer through torment and despair is quite enjoyable. Seeing Angel suffering from that p̸̨͎̏͜i̶̛̼͉̚g̵̢̒̓ ̴͓͓̂͊̐m̵̟̔̑̌ỏ̶͎̻͇͝ṭ̵͆̂̈́ḥ̸̱͌ ̷͍̫̰̉ȯ̵̲̙͍͒ü̷̧̗ͅț̸̜̟̆͂r̶̯͌a̴̜͆̽g̵̩̓̍̾ē̴͎̪̚s̴͍͍͇̒ ̷̬̣͊̃̋ḿ̸̦̞̥e̷͕̋!” Radio dials flickered on Alastors face for a split second, then turning back to normal . Observing all of this through your eyes, you apologized to Al if you spoke out of turn, but your apology was cut off when the hand on your wrist made its way to your cheek. Alastor said there was no need for apologies, and gestured back to cooking the meal, as burnt pasta wouldn't be very appetizing for Angel. The both of you stood back at your pasta creation, feeling proud that it looked incredible. With a snap of his fingers, the plate was then transported on a tray and topped with a metal cover. Alastor picked up the tray and handed it to you. "Run along now my dear!" Two hands were placed on your back, as they pushed you out of the kitchen, and leaving you alone with the tray in your hands.
Heading over to Angel's room, you knocked on the door and called out his name. No response was given back, so you tried to open the door. Surprisingly the door was unlocked and you made your way inside. Angel's room was shrouded in a neon pink glow. Numerous posters covered the walls, and various clothes and wigs were scattered all over the room. His room smelled like sweet cotton candy along with smoke that was coming from the ash tray. In the corner of the room was Fat Nuggets, Angels pet pig. It was sleeping on its back, while covered in a soft pink blanket. Next to the small bed was the large queen sized bed that a certain spider was laying on. The blanket was half off the bed, leaving some part of Angels legs uncovered while his back was facing you. Placing the tray near the nightstand, you slowly approached Angel and placed your hand on his shoulder. Calling out his name and giving him a little shake had no effect on him as he continued to sleep. "Angel? Come on. Wake up. Me and Al made you some food." Angel still remained asleep. "Angel. The food will get co-" Your words were interrupted as four pairs of arms grabbed you and pulled you closer. Your face landed in something fluffy, as you realized that Angel had pulled you into his fluffy chest, and his legs began to wrap around you, locking you in place. "Mmph! Angel!" Calling out his name, you tried to remove yourself from the fluffiness, but Angels arms were holding you in place. "Oh~! Do it harder!" Angel was sleep talking, as he squeezed you tighter like a plushie. Great! He's hugging you while having a dirty dream. Wiggling a bit more, you realized that Angel wasn't wearing a shirt. Oh lord! Please tell me hes wearing pants at least. Luckily you looked down and saw that he was thankfully wearing underwear. You couldn't imagine the awkward situation if he was fully naked and hugging you like this.
Trying to move one of your hands, you resorted to poking Angel's belly, seeing if that would be able to wake him up. Angel soon let out a groan and began to slowly wake up. "Ughhhh. Huh?" Angel was slowly beginning to realize he was holding someone. Looking down, he saw you wrapped in his arms, face full of his chest fluff. "Heh~ Heya toots~. Were ya that desperate for my services~?" Angel wiggled his eyebrows at you, as he continued to smirk at you. Moving your head a bit from the fluff, you shook your head no. "I came to see if you were okay? You have been sleeping since the morning and missed breakfast. The others and me were worried. Alastor and I also made you some pasta to eat." Angel's smirk quickly disappeared and he looked at you in shock, before gazing at the clock on the wall, which read 2:34 PM. Damn he slept for that long? Figures after all the services he had to perform at Valentino's club. His body was tired out and his mental state deteriorated a lot yesterday. He was honestly surprised that the others actually gave a f*** about him, and wanted to see how he was doing. He ain't use to all that mushy s***. Still it warmed his heart a bit. Heaving a sigh, Angel slowly released you, allowing you to moved and stand back up next to the bed. The blanket was still covering his lower body as he began to sit up on the bed. "Had a busy day last night toots. Lot of pole dancing and what not." Angel moved his hair fluff with his hands, attempting to soothe the hairs that were out of place. He was still smiling, but the sadness in his eyes was visible. He was exhausted beyond belief and you knew who was to blame for that. Moving your hand towards him, you placed it on his cheek, startling him a bit as he stared at you confused. "Are you really okay?" Your voiced was laced with concern, as you continued to stare at Angel, waiting for him to respond. "Pfft! I'm fine toots! Doing all that dirty stuff is no problem for me given my amazing stamina~. Hell! I could last a whole day and wouldn't break a sweat! HAHAHAHA!" He was putting on an act. You could tell based on how he was smiling that he was forcing it. "Angel. Don't lie to me." Your voice raised a bit higher, letting Angel know you were being serious. Angel caught on to that and removed your hand from his cheek. "What the f*** is your problem, toots? I told ya I'm fine so deal with it." His face turned away from you, as he waved his hands at you, telling you to piss off. That was the last straw.
Grabbing both of his cheeks, you pulled his face to look back at yours, as his eyes were filled with shock. "YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY NOT FINE! STOP LYING TO ME AND TELL ME THE WHOLE TRUTH! Anger filled your eyes as you continued to stare into Angels own. His multicolored irises continued to gaze at you, as his mouth was left agape. Slowly, those eyes staring back at you began to fill with tears. Seeing his tears, you pulled Angel closer to you, and placed his head on your chest, hugging him close to you. His body moved off the bed, to where he was standing on his knees, and his arms wrapped around you tightly, almost as if you would disappear in front of him. He was bawling his eyes out on your chest. You hugged him closer and moved one of your hands to his hair, patting his white floof. The both of you stayed like that for a full 5 minutes before Angel's loud bawls slowly began to turn into soft sobs. Moving from his position, Angel moved his head a bit so he could look you in the eyes. "S-orry toots. I think I got your shirt wet." Chuckling, you patted his head and told him it was alright. Lifting him up from his position, you carried him back to sit on the bed. Grabbing the plate from under the tray, you walked back and sat on the bed and handed Angel the plate. "Its penne al vodka. I remembered that you liked Italian food so me and Al whipped this up for you. Wiping the tears on his face, Angel grabbed the plate and stared at it, before looking back at you with a soft smile. "Heh, if Smiles and you made this together, its going to taste incredible." You continued to watch Angel as he slowly began to eat the pasta, mumbling how good it was with his mouth full. Once he finished, you grabbed the plate and placed it back on the night stand, and returned back to Angel. Grabbing a napkin as well, you cleaned his mouth to help remove the extra sauce that remained there. Angel's face actually turned a shade of red at your actions. Damn, how sweet can you be?
"You feeling a bit better? Want to head down to the lobby?" You asked Angel, as you stood in front of him, smiling kindly at him. His eyes turned to the ceiling in thought, contemplating it. "Hmmm~ Nah~!" Angels arms surrounded you again, as he pulled you back towards him. His back hit the bed while his head was cushioned by the soft pillows while you were placed on top of him, right back into his chest fluff. "What?! Angel?!" Mumbling into this chest floof, you tried to push yourself off, but his arms had you trapped again, and he tangled his legs with yours. His eyes were gazing at with mischievously, and his sharp-tooth smile was in front of your eyes. "Come on, toots. Ya never had a lazy day before? Ain't against the law to sleep all day." Angel squeezed you closer, pushing your face more into his chest fluff. My lord, he was so soft! Not only was he soft, but he smelled amazing. You were going to get addicted to this. Seeing you stop resisting, Angel continued to smile down at you, as he moved one of his arms to pat your head. "Ya should consider yourself lucky! Not everyone gets to experience my chest fluff service~. Ya should enjoy it while it last toots~." Winking down at you, Angel continued to smiled down at you, as you felt your face heat up while laying on his chest. You continued to stare at him, and saw that he actually looked a lot better, as his eyes were a bit brighter and the smile on his face seemed more genuine. Your eyes were slowly beginning to close as the sensation of Angel patting your head and his cozy fluff was making you sleepy. Pretty soon, your eyes drew to a close and you fell into a deep slumber. Angel watched as you had fallen asleep, before bending his head down, to give you a peck on the forehead, before placing his head back on the pillow. "Thanks, y/n." He whispered to himself, as he squeezed you a bit more, and went back to sleep.
Peeping through the crack in the door, Charlie and the others had seen the whole thing. Charlie was hopping up and down, like a rabbit as her eyes were beaming with heart eyes. "Ohh! They are so cute!" Vaggie was shaking Charlie to try to get her to calm down, and also to lower her voice, so she wouldn't wake the both of you up. Husk was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, appearing not to care, but he did smile a bit at both you and Angel on the bed. Niffty was zipping back in forth in glee, matching Charlies energy. Sir Pentious was gazing at the both of you with a soft smile, while his Egg Bois were crying, finding the moment in front of them super sweet and adorable. Alastor was standing with his microphone in hand, smiling as always as he observed both you and Angel. Snapping his fingers, his powers had slowly closed Angels door and locked it. Looking back at the others, he placed his one finger against his mouth, letting out a quiet shush as he gestured for everyone to go back to the lobby and let the both of you rest.
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anonymouscheeses · 10 months ago
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Gimme them gimme them dope and diamonds
Diet Mountain Dew, baby, New York city
Never was there ever a girl so pretty
Do you think we'll be in love forever?
Do you think we'll be in love...?
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k-n0-x · 10 months ago
Pov: The Hazbin residents playing Uno
Y/N: "Skip!" *Places down skip next person card*
Lucifer: "I swear, the next time you skip me, I am going to FUCK YOU"
Charlie, quite embarrased: "Again, it's 'fuck you up’, Dad"
Lucifer: "I know what I said"
Everyone else at the table:
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lqveharrington · 11 months ago
Lucky King? | L.M.
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summary: Lucifer takes pride in everything he has, especially his wife.
pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x wife!reader
includes: fluff, lucifer being a sweet and attentive husband and father, suggestiveness, possessiveness, that’s pretty much it (let me know if i missed any!)
a/n: okay but like, i am on serious hazbin brain rot, i have written more for HH than any other fandom so far.
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Being the embodiment of pride meant that Lucifer constantly flaunted everything to his fellow sins and his people. And being the King of Hell meant he had a lot to brag about. Especially his family. God, Lucifer loved his family and would do anything to talk about them in every conversation.
An overlord meeting about movie productions on VoxFlix? Add romantic comedies, they’re his wife and daughter’s favorite. Speaking with Beelzebub about her different alcoholic beverages? Make sure to make mojitos, they’re his wife and daughter’s favorite.
He took pride in who he married and who his daughter was. After all, they were the royal family of Hell.
“Mom, I think it’s as tight as it can go— MOM!” Charlie’s eyes flashed red as she squealed, grabbing your arm.
“Sorry!” You tilt your head back as you let a laugh fall from your lips. “I thought you said—“
“No no no no noooo!” She turned around, eyes wide. “I think I’m good.”
“I’m sorry, baby.” You kiss her cheek and adjust her crown.
Charlie beamed at you and traded places with you. “My turn!”
You hum as she tightens the corset around you, eyes flickering up toward the mirror when you hear the door creak open. “Hey, handsome.”
“Hi, my love.” He pressed a kiss to your hand and then one to Charlie’s forehead. “Hi, apple pie.” He watched his daughter tug on the strings attached to the corset, moving forward when it seemed like you were going to fall from the platform. “Charlie, what are you doing to your mother?”
“Pulling her corset tight—“ She grunted as she held the string in place, tying the back. “There.” You gave her a thumbs up as she finished, watching her glow at your silent praise.
“Gorgeous as always.” Lucifer stole you from your platform, the devil’s tail wrapping around your waist.
“You know? Vaggie is probably looking for me! I should leave…” Charlie let out an awkward laugh and fled for the door. “Text me when you need me for the entrance!”
Lucifer dipped you down, chuckling when you let out a noise of surprise. “You look breathtaking, my love. Maybe we should just skip the gala and do better activities right here—“
“Lucifer!” You lightly smack his chest, face flushed from his words. “You horny devil!”
“Says the queen of Hell.” He captured you in a quick kiss, red lipstick staining his lips. “Come on, Charlie can handle it on her own.” He squeezed your hips as you walked over to the vanity with his head resting on your bare shoulder.
You glance at your beloved with a soft look, “Luce, we didn’t coordinate a whole gala just to have our daughter host it herself.” You clip on a pair of earrings, the golden snake and apple shining through the light. “We also didn’t have these outfits made for us just for them to be wasted away on our bedroom floor.”
“I mean…” He nipped on your exposed shoulder, earning a gasp and glare. “They made you a maroon dress with a slit exposing your legs, my love.”
“Because it matches your maroon and black suit.” You turn in his arms and tug at his lapels. “Which I have to admit, kinda does it for me.”
He smirked as he slowly pushed you up against the vanity, “Yeah? Maybe we should ditch.”
“Nope.” Your hands clasped behind his neck, eyes widening when you feel one of his hands trail down to your exposed leg. “Luce…”
“You started this.” He slotted himself between your legs and continuously peppered kisses to your collarbone and neck, softly sucking. “You’re a tease.”
“Lucifer—“ Your protests were cut off with a quiet moan, but you quickly covered your mouth when hearing him chuckle. “Nope, we’re leaving now.”
Lucifer separated from you, a wide grin adorning his face as he scanned you. He pressed a soft kiss to your lips, “Let’s go then, my love.”
You raised a brow but didn’t protest, letting him wrap his arm around your waist to guide you toward the ballroom. You both were quickly accompanied by your daughter as you made your way to the landing of the grand stairway.
The lights flashed off and the spotlight projected on the Morningstar family, the crowd’s voice hushed when spotting the monarchy. Lucifer gave a welcoming speech to the sinners, overlords, and sins who attended, making sure to mention his family and how they helped make the gala entirely possible. Final rounds of applause echoed through the ballroom as Lucifer finished off, letting everyone go back to their socialization and dancing.
“Mom,” Charlie caught you before you could follow Lucifer to greet his fellow sins. “Did you… Do you know why… You have bruises on your neck.” She finally mumbled out, eyes not meeting yours.
You felt yourself warm from embarrassment. Not only did your daughter tell you that you have hickeys on your neck, but you stood in the blinding lights with an audience staring at the three of you. No doubt photographers caught this and snapped photos for the internet. “Thank you for telling me, baby. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to murder your father.”
You scanned the room before your gaze zeroed on Lucifer. He was laughing with Asmodeus before meeting your gaze and gave you a wink. Oh, he was going to pay.
“Lucifer.” You appear by his side. You give his fellow sin a quick smile but turn back to the little devil with a scowl. “Can I talk to you?”
“Of course.” He wrapped an arm around your waist. “It was nice catching up with you, Oz.”
You guided Lucifer back to a secluded hallway, eyes flashing bright red when you were alone. Within a blink of an eye, you had Lucifer pinned against the wall with your forearm.
“Do you know how embarrassing it is to know that I went out there with bruises all over my neck? Or, better yet, that our daughter was the one who told me what was on my neck?” You seethed. You were beyond embarrassed and pissed, you’re surprised you haven’t become a full demon yet.
“To be fair, it was more than just your neck—“
“LUCIFER!” You use your free hand to reach up your collarbone. The room felt ten times warmer, and it didn’t help that you felt Lucifer’s devil tail decided to wrap around your calf.
He remained pinned on the wall, giving you a cheeky grin. “This is really hot.”
“Oh, my god!” You release him with a glare. “There’s going to be photos everywhere! What will the public think about—“
“Lucky king?” He shrugged as he let his fingers trail up your waist, pulling you flush against him. “Listen, we’ll get rid of the photos. But is it really a crime to show off what’s mine?”
You grumble a small response, propping your head on his shoulder. “You’re crazy, Luce.”
“I love you too, beautiful.” He chuckled.
The photos never made it outside of Pride Manor, but the teasing you received from the other sins made you flush every time. Lucifer listened to each jeer, a smirk present on his face from the constant reminder that you were in fact his.
Especially when the bruises scattered around you spelled out his initials.
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©lqveharrington - all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other media platforms
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junabuggy · 1 year ago
Hazbin Hotel crew x Reader: general fluff hcs
A/n: 100+ follower special !!
I’ve been doing a lot of headcanons lately so I pinky promise there’ll be some kind of oneshot coming soon 🙏
Warnings: None !! Just some good old fashioned fluff :3
Fluff✔️ Comfort❌ Angst❌ Smut❌
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‧₊˚✧ Alastor ✧˚₊‧
📻𖤐 When Alastor forms a close bond with you (and I’ve mentioned this before), he’d want to spend more time with you. Even if that’s just sitting in silence together and reading your own separate books
📻𖤐 Who knows? Maybe he’d let you lean against him, head on his shoulder, as he reads to you?
📻𖤐 This guys primary love language is quality time for sure. A close second perhaps acts of service.
📻𖤐 Biggest mamas boy ever…. But I’m sure we all knew that already
📻𖤐 LOVES to go on walks with you, especially during the afternoon or at night.
📻𖤐 Would link your arm with his and chat with you as you went on your daily stroll together… you’re not quite sure when it became a routine but it did.
📻𖤐 Huuuggeee story teller
📻𖤐 100% laughs at dad jokes and will also make them from time to time
📻𖤐 Always winning every single IDGAF war because he genuinely, wholeheartedly, just doesn’t give two shits 💀💀
📻𖤐 Can’t swim. I don’t know how to explain why I think this but I just KNOW its true
📻𖤐 Freezes like a deer in headlights (quite literally) when you shine a bright enough light at him
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‧₊˚✧ Angel Dust ✧˚₊‧
🕸️ᥫ᭡ Angel would be the absolute BEST at giving out hugs oh my goddd, he’s got six arms for a reason, baby !
🕸️ᥫ᭡ I feel like he’d have fun dancing !! (I mean “Loser, Baby” was enough evidence for me)
🕸️ᥫ᭡ Competitive as fuck, UNO would actually be so fun with him 😭 (gets so genuinely excited when he wins too, gloating about it and everything like he just won the lottery)
🕸️ᥫ᭡ Biggest shoplifter ever and most of the time it’s not even because he can’t afford it, he just does it for fun.
🕸️ᥫ᭡ Smells realllyyy good all the time, he’s got the best perfumes ever
🕸️ᥫ᭡ Spa-days/Self-care days quickly become a Saturday night thing for you two once you become one of his besties. And I’m talking the whole shabang like face masks, candles lit and snack tray out as he paints your nails for you 💕
🕸️ᥫ᭡ It’s something Angel genuinely looks forward to as well (ᵒ̴̶̷᷄⩊ᵒ̴̶̷᷅)
🕸️ᥫ᭡ Primary love language is most likely physical touch, we’ve all seen how touchy he can get 🤞
🕸️ᥫ᭡ Getting to know his real name and getting to call him by it means he trusts you a lot, he doesn’t give that privilege out to just anybody.
🕸️ᥫ᭡ On a less serious note, he’s definitely a huge show off 💀💀
🕸️ᥫ᭡ Amazing at doing makeup, will do your makeup if you asked him to (might accidentally poke you in the eye or something though lmfaoo)
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‧₊˚✧ Husker ✧˚₊‧
🍺🃁 Needs glasses and HAS them but just doesn’t wear them for whatever reason. He looks good in them though !!
🍺🃁 Cheats in any card game ever. Wins 9/10 against you because of that reason (he’s also a gambler so that’s a big factor as well obviously)
🍺🃁 Bros the type of guy to call you “doll” and “baby”
🍺🃁 Primary love language?? quality time 🙏 🙏acts of service and physical touch are both tied for second place (but you only ever really get the physical touch one if you’re his s/o)
🍺🃁 Again, we all saw “Loser, Baby” this mf can DANCE and he enjoys it too
🍺🃁 Jazz is one of Huskers favourite music genres for sure
🍺🃁 You two don’t really have a routine hangout type thing but he does enjoy it when you come around to the bar to just hang out with him while he cleans and whatnot :3
🍺🃁 Trust, you will be given a specialized nickname just for you once he considers you a close friend of his.
🍺🃁 He’s a great listener but gives very blunt advice, doesn’t sugarcoat shit if you ask him for his opinion on something.
🍺🃁 Weirdly caught up with mental health stuff, like he knows a lot about it
🍺🃁 Poor Husker does NOT like the cat noises he makes but he literally cannot control them 😭😭 (believe me, he’s tried)
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‧₊˚✧ Vaggie ✧˚₊‧
🗡️☪︎ Vaggie is NOT a morning person, usually sleeps in until around noon
🗡️☪︎ Would have good fashion taste
🗡️☪︎ Vaggie is also a very competitive UNO player, probably ends up yelling at Alastor for making her pick up all those “pick up four” cards when everyone plays together (yes, he looks smug as fuck while doing it and yes he was saving them just for her 💀💀)
🗡️☪︎ Has beef with almost all of the guys at the hotel but Husker is chill for the most part
🗡️☪︎ Adding onto that last one, it doesn’t really take much for a man to piss her off tbh (she’s so real for this)
🗡️☪︎ Would spar with you if you asked and gets really into it too !! She’s careful not to actually hurt you though and it’s a great way of bonding with her (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
🗡️☪︎ Verrryyyyy jealous girl, remember when Emily took Charlie’s hands in the heaven episode?? (The look on her face made me giggle)
🗡️☪︎ Hates pickles. She just looks like she’d be a pickle hater
🗡️☪︎ Primary love language is words of affirmation
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‧₊˚✧ Charlie ✧˚₊‧
⭐️☀︎ Charlie is infact a morning person and wakes up at the crack of dawn everyday for zero reason whatsoever 💀
⭐️☀︎ She does her absolute best to include everyone in every activity going on, she doesn’t ever want anybody in the hotel to feel excluded
⭐️☀︎ Biggest shipper EVER. You ever told her you have a crush on someone here?? Oh god..
⭐️☀︎ She’ll silently fan girl from a distance whenever you and your crush are together to the point Vaggie has to drag her away
⭐️☀︎ Charlie can be a little bit overwhelming at times but her happiness is suppeerrr contagious
⭐️☀︎ The best way to spend time and bond with her?? Literally just offer to do anything with her and she’ll do it, I don’t think she’s too picky
⭐️☀︎ Learnt some Spanish from Vaggie and tries to use it with her to be all romantic but her pronunciations are fucked up (She’s trying her hardest guys okay 😞🙏)
⭐️☀︎ Totally asked Vaggie one time as a pick up line if she fell from heaven and she broke out into a sweat (poor girl)
⭐️☀︎ Primary love language is words of affirmation. quality time is somewhere up there too though
⭐️☀︎ Will break out into song a lot and it’s kinda funny to watch
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‧₊˚✧ Niffty ✧˚₊‧
🧼𐙚 Acts a lot like a hyperactive toddler on crack. Has zero chill and it’s pretty rare to see her actually calm
🧼𐙚 I think Niffty lowkey has stage freight, like we all see how she just automatically freezes up when a camera is on (I mean it’s happened twice in the show already)
🧼𐙚 Takes a lot after Alastor, sees him as some sort of older brother figure as well 😞🩵
🧼𐙚 When playing UNO, she’d fucking EAT the cards so she’d win. Deadass just nom nom nom that shit
🧼𐙚 She’s a big giggler, she’ll laugh and giggle at almost everything so it’s not hard to get her to do so
🧼𐙚 She’d probably really enjoy it if you let her just sit with you for a while and braid your hair (But she’d steal some for her “collection” in the process)
🧼𐙚 I’m actually not too sure what Nifftys love language would even be? Perhaps acts of service (she is a maid, after all)
🧼𐙚 Okay 99% sure this is actually canon but she’s a hardcore germophobe, can’t handle when things are cluttered or a mess.
🧼𐙚 Has a collection of cleaning supplies in her room
+ Bonus !!
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‧₊˚✧ Vox ✧˚₊‧
📺☆ Whenever Vox is sleeping or thinking really hard about something, the voxtek symbol will bounce around on his screen like the DVD logo thing
📺☆ Not very big on pda, he has an image to uphold, after all. (But he would enjoy affection in private though)
📺☆ Not above watching you through whatever technology you have, he spies on you a lot 💀💀
📺☆ Also guys…… stop pretending Vox isn’t a whiny little bitch, because he is (trust me y’all, read some of @bigfatbimbo’s stuff)
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𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐞, 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 ◟( ˃̶͈◡ ˂̶͈ )◞
ᯓ★ 𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐲
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greenandsorrow · 2 months ago
the price for misbehaving (iii)
Alastor x gn!reader in heat
WARNINGS; explicit content, deer/doe!demon!reader with fem anatomy, needy!reader, soft-dom!Alastor, ovulation talk, horniness & hormones, breeding kink, primal instincts, mentions of deer mating season, cunningulus, penetrative sex, angst, comfort, fluff, wholesomeness, friends to lovers, smut with emotion, finding your forever mate, don't forget to use protection irl my loves
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Dividers by; @saradika-graphics & @cafekitsune
Please do not repost or directly copy my work and don't use it on AI platforms either 🧡
Thank you so much for all the love and support!! And the patience. This is literally Part 1 but with the roles reversed. I hope you enjoy it and I promise that the finale won't take too long!
For additional rut smut, check this out!
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After your first kiss, life went back to normal -well, for a month or so.
Friendly bickering, long conversations about everything and nothing, his unnerving yet strangely comforting presence always in reach...
Despite that normalcy, you realized Alastor's rut shook your quiet and uneventful life in an irreversible way. His musth has done more than leave you breathless... It has awakened something primal in you, too.
The fever hit you slowly. In the beginning, it was an ache in your limbs, a strange warmth in your chest, a restlessness in your thoughts. You blamed the sudden activeness of your sexual life during his rut.
But by the time your heat fully bloomed, there was no mistaking it.
The first wave came in the middle of an idle day, leaving you gripping the counter of the hotel's kitchen -a surge of warmth low in your belly and cramps in your bust.
A strangled laugh escaped you before you could stop it.
"Oh, this is just perfect~" you muttered, rubbing at the base of your antlers, trying to get rid of the sudden itch.
It was no use.
The itch persisted.
That smug bastard would love to know he had dragged you into this.
When Alastor arrived later, on that same evening, his tailored suit as sharp as ever and his grin sharper, you were already a bundle of nerves and hormones. His energy filled the room like crackling fire and the scent of him sent heat and moisture pooling between your thighs.
You crossed your arms, determined to ignore your physical reactions.
"You look flushed" Alastor commented, cocking his head inquisitively, crimson eyes glinting with slight amusement.
"Gee, I wonder why" you shot back, voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Maybe it's because someone's rut threw me into heat."
Alastor blinked, the teasing grin faltering just slightly. Then it returned, wider than before.
"Oh, my dear deer, I had no idea I had such an effect on you!"
"Don't flatter yourself~" you snapped, though your body betrayed you, leaning in.
He stepped closer, his long fingers brushing against your jawline.
"You're in heat..." he murmured, his voice low and deliberate. "...and you came to me?"
"I didn't just 'come to you'" you grumbled. "You're always here."
"Hmm" he mused, his gaze flicking to your slightly grown antlers. "It still is deer mating season, isn't it? Fascinating how instinct takes over."
You were at his radio tower, sitting on the little sofa he had fit in there. It was supposed to be a chill night, with you reading while he did his own thing. Despite the 'chill' part, as the night progressed, the tension between you became unbearable. Your mating instincts were undeniable -the flicks of your little tail, the darkened hue of your eyes, the way your antlers gleamed under the dim light.
"You're ovulating" Alastor said at some point, his tone both matter of factly and dangerously hungry.
"Don't say it like that..." you protested, face burning.
"But it's true" he retorted, leaning down, his sharp teeth grazing the shell of your ear. "And you smell divine."
Something had changed.
The silence that followed wasn't awkward. It was charged, humming with unspoken words. When he stood close to you again, you found yourself leaning into his space without even realizing it, drawn to the comforting, masculine warmth he offered.
And he let you.
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Alastor Hartfelt -who once kept everyone at arm's length with his theatrical charm- has softened in ways you don't fully understand, nor anticipated. He lingers longer after your conversations and he smiles more -not the razor-sharp grin he uses for the world's eyes, but something more sincere, almost fond.
"Are you just going to stare, or are you planning on saying something?" you ask petulantly, trying to keep your voice light despite the strange heat creeping up your neck.
It's late in the afternoon.
"I find your company... pleasant" he simply answers, making your stomach flutter.
This is the closest thing to an admission you've ever gotten from him ...and it's enough, for now. See, you have been pestering him the whole day to tell Rosie about you and him, and when he stopped giving you attention, you had started crying in frustration.
It's true, your friendship has begun to shift into something more. It's not just the hormones that make you crave his touch... It's the way he treats you and it's also the way he makes you feel deep inside your condemned soul.
You remember the way he had looked at you during his rut -wildly, ravenously, yet with restraint, as if the mere idea of hurting you was repulsive to him. Even now, with your body betraying you, you know he'd never take more than you're willing to give.
The whole trust thing is what makes this so so maddening. It's intimate in ways neither of you is familiar with.
"Are you always this quiet during mating season?" he addresses you playfully, breaking the silence as you pace your small bedroom back and forth -trying to burn off the restless energy coursing through you.
"Only when someone else's rut has completely broken my biological clock" you shoot back, throwing him a glare over your shoulder.
His laugh is rich and warm, a sound that -to your dismay- sends shivers down your spine.
"You're welcome."
"Oh, you think you're so funny!" you exclaim, frustrated, but the corners of your lips betray you, twitching into a reluctant smile.
"Amusing enough to not kick me out, it seems."
This whole ordeal has to be one of the rare occasions where Alastor isn't trying to show off -when it comes to actions, because this man has an unstoppable flare when it comes to words.
And it starts out small, so small you almost don't notice it.
The radio demon isn't exactly a coddling or hovering guy, but after his rut, he begins stepping in. He pulls out your chair before you sit, hands you things before you can ask and walks you everywhere, even when you insist you don't need any company.
When your heat starts creeping in, it's not just his presence that comforts you -it is the way he seems to know, instinctively, what you need.
As the "heat wave" progresses, he becomes more and more protective -proactive as well.
Alastor is always watching, always listening. A step ahead of you at every turn. He hands you a glass of water before you realize how dry your throat is, pulls the curtains closed when the sunlight feels too harsh to your easily overstimulated system.
"Eat" he commands one evening, setting a plate in front of you without the usual fanfare.
His tone is brisk, but his eyes linger on yours, soft and unreadable.
"I'm not hungry" you whine softly, crossing your arms.
"You'll need your strength" he explains, unbothered by your defiance.
His insistence would've been annoying if it weren't so... sweet.
He doesn't push further, just stays nearby, humming an old tune as you reluctantly take a bite.
It only gets worse from here.
Every sound is amplified to the point of distraction and most smells make you dizzy and fussy.
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Now, you are pacing around all the time.
Alastor stays silent during those restless times, watching you with a focus that would unnerve any other sinner. However, all it makes you feel is frustration.
"Stop staring! You're always doing that and I'm sick of it, Al!" you lash out, rubbing at your temples.
"You, stop fidgeting and moving" he retorts.
"Excuse me?! What- what do you want me to do? Sit still and burn alive?"
His grin softens, replaced by something calmer and more serious.
"You're not alone in this."
The words shouldn't mean as much as they do, but they hit something deep in you. Alastor -your oldest friend- is here, grounding you when your own body betrays you.
"You don't owe me anything, if that's why you've stuck around after... you know what." you say, pacing the room for what must be the fifth time this evening.
When you stumble, knees buckling from the ache between your thighs, he catches you before you hit the floor. His hands are firm yet cautious, holding you like you might shatter.
"Careful" he says softly, his crimson eyes meeting yours. "I've got you."
His antlers brush against yours as he guides you to your single bed, the accidental contact sending a shiver down your spine. His scent fills your senses -practically intoxicating you- and you start rubbing against him, unconsciously.
"Alastor? ...why are you being so nice to me?" you mutter, your voice muffled against his shoulder.
"Because I care" he replies simply -and for once, there is no teasing in his voice.
"You're hovering a little too much these days" you grumble weakly.
He doesn't flinch. "I'm making myself useful."
His calmness infuriates you, mostly because he's right. Everything he does is perfectly timed, perfectly measured -and it leaves you feeling raw and exposed. It's like he can see every vulnerable part of you, laid bare without your permission.
You're being driven insane by the constant heat and ache, the gnawing need that you are aware you can't satisfy on your own.
And Alastor's constant presence doesn't help your raging progesterone. (I'm sorry)
"I don't like you treating me like I'm about to fall apart~"
He tilts his head, antlers catching the soft light as he studies your frame in his arms. "You're not yourself right now. Someone has to keep an eye on you."
You huff, face hot, hands curling into fists. "I'm fine, Alastor. I'm not some delicate flower that needs-"
"You almost fell. Clearly, you're perfectly fine..." he says, his tone laced with dry amusement.
You huff at that.
You want to snap at him again, to push him away, to hit him even, but his scent is everywhere -woody and sweet, warm and grounding. It clouds your mind, the primal part of you drawn to him despite your pride.
"Let go" you say under your breath, the words lacking conviction.
"I don't think I will."
Alastor's grip is strong, but not uncomfortable, his thumbs brushing over your arms in a way that makes your breath hitch.
"Not when you're like this."
You swallow hard, caught between the familiar frustration and the embarrassing comfort his touch brings. The heat pooling low in your belly grows with every brush of his fingers and you hate how you want more.
"Like what?!" you eventually snap again, though your voice wavers.
"Overheating? Aching? On the verge of snapping at me for simply breathing in your direction?"
His tone is light and teasing, but there's an edge of knowing behind it and it makes you freeze. Makes you remember the state he was in only a few weeks ago.
Your silence betrays you and his grin widens, smug and victorious.
"That's what I thought."
You glare at him, still resisting his soothing touches. "I'm not some helpless little fawn, Alastor."
"No, you're not" he agrees, eyes gleaming.
"You're stubborn, snippy, and-" his gaze drifts over you and his voice drops. "...painfully uncomfortable."
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The honesty in his tone catches you off guard and before you can argue AGAIN, he presses a steady hand on your shoulder, guiding you to lay down.
"Humor me. Just this once, y/n."
Reluctantly, you comply, but not without crossing your arms over your chest.
"Fine. But this doesn't mean I need you."
"Of course not" he says with a smile that borders on condescending.
You open your mouth to retort once more, but the words die in your throat when Alastor's palms land on your shoulders.
His warmth seeps through your shirt and when he starts to knead the tension there, a low moan escapes from you.
"Goodness" he teases, his thumbs working into a particularly tight knot. "Is this where all your attitude is hiding?"
"Shut up" you mutter, while unabashedly rolling so you're laying on your stomach, giving him better access.
His touch is phenomenal, long fingers tracing over the muscles of your neck and shoulders with a precision that makes you shiver all over.
It feels too good -too intimate- but you can't bring yourself to pull away.
"Your antlers must be killing you" he observes after a long moment of silence, his hands drifting up to brush the base of them.
The sensation sends a spark between your thighs and you have to swallow a grunt to appear composed.
"They're doing fine" you lie, but the way you perk your head up and toward his touch betrays you.
"Mantè" he murmurs, his voice low and amused.
"I'm not lying!" you whine and he shushes you with a cheeky look.
You sit up a little, petulantly.
When his touch moves to the space between your antlers, you let out a soft, involuntary gasp.
He stills, his sharp grin fading as his eyes meet yours.
"Ah" he says softly, his tone more curious than mocking. "Sensitive, aren't we?"
"Don't~" you warn, but it comes out weak and breathless.
"Don't what?"
His fingers start to move again -slowly and deliberately- and your body betrays you completely. A whimper escapes your lips this time and his smile turns wicked.
"Don't do this?"
You don't answer, biting your lip to stifle another sound, but he hears it anyway.
"You're tense everywhere" he taunts, his hands sliding down to your shoulders again. "Let me help."
Your heart pounds in your chest as his hands drift lower, skimming your sides, his touch intent but not quite crossing any lines. Yet.
"Alastor" you breathe, his name slipping past your lips without thinking.
"Yes, my dear?" he replies in a velvet-smooth voice, but there's a flicker of something darker in his gaze now. Something primal.
"Is this-"
You pause, swallowing hard.
"Is this a bad idea?"
His grin softens and now there's no teasing in his voice. "Not if you want it."
"Just- just rub my back a little more."
"As you wish, my dear~"
Soon, the tension reaches a breaking point.
You pull away from his hands abruptly.
Your antlers scrape the bed's headboard, a dull throb blooming at their base -and it's the last straw.
"Enough!" you half-shout and half-whine, voice cracking in despair. "I can't- I can't take this anymore!"
Alastor's eyes widen as he watches you start pacing around once more, but this time with your hands tagging at your hair.
"It's too much!" you continue, your voice rising with every word. "Everything hurts, everything burns! And I feel like I'm crawling out of my own skin! And you-"
You whirl to face him, your vision blurring at the edges. "You're not helping me at all! You're just- just there! Smiling and being smug and-"
Your words break off into a choked sob and before you can stop yourself, the tears come. You press your palms to your face, trying to stifle the sounds, but it's impossible.
The silence stretches, heavy.
Then, there's movement -soft and careful. Alastor approaches slowly, his usual energy toned down.
"Darling…" he speaks softly, his voice stripped of its previous amusement.
"Don't- Not again~" you start as well, your words muffled behind your trembling hands.
But when his arms come around you, warm and steady and so secure, you don't push him away.
He holds you without a word, his chin resting on your shoulder as you shake against him.
"I didn't realize" he explains, regretful. "I thought teasing would help distract you, not… make you cry."
You shake your head, your tears soaking into his shirt.
"It's not your fault" you manage, though the words feel hollow.
He pulls back just enough to meet your watery eyes, his hands cupping your face with surprising gentleness.
"Let's do it right, hm? No games. No teasing. Just… let me take care of you, just like you took care of me when I needed you most. How does that sound to my dearest deer?"
Something in his tone breaks through the overwhelming haze of lust you're currently experiencing.
You nod -a small, shaky movement.
He guides you back onto the bed, his movements unhurried this time. As your back meets the mattress, he slips his arms under your knees, his long fingers trailing up your oversensitive thighs, making your breath hitch.
"Relax" he says, his voice soothing. "I only want to help."
You nod again, your body trembling as his hands slip beneath the waistband of your PJ shorts, pulling them down with care.
His crimson gaze flicks up to meet yours -checking- and when you don't stop him, he leans in.
The first touch of his tongue is toe curling -to say the least- and you gasp loudly, your hands fisting the fabric of his shirt. He hums against you, the sound vibrating through your core... and you can't help the whimper that escapes your lips.
"Just like that" he praises, his voice muffled against your wetness, and he gets to work -tongue moving in slow, measured strokes.
Your head falls back against one pillow, your breathing ragged as the tension in your body finally starts to unravel. Alastor's hands grip your thighs, holding you steady and open for him.
When you glance down, the sight of him -his sharp antlers gently scratching your abdomen and thighs, his bright eyes half-lidded and focused on your sex- sends a fresh wave of heat through you.
"Alastor" you moan, your voice trembling uncontrollably.
He pulls back just enough to smirk up at you, though it's softer than before. "Yes, my dear?"
"Don't you dare stop" you whisper and his smile fades into something more tender and loving.
"Never" he promises, diving back in.
When you finally fall apart, your body shaking with the force of it, he doesn't move away an inch. He stays with you, his touch grounding, his lips pressing soft kisses on the sensitive skin of your thighs and belly.
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When you come down and while your body is still writhing, he rises, his hands now sliding under your arms to pull you up gently. He sits back, guiding you to straddle his lap.
"Are you alright?" he asks, his voice soft, his eyes searching yours.
You nod, your hands resting on his chest. "I… I need more" you admit, your voice barely above a whisper.
Something flickers in his gaze -desire, longing, maybe even excitement.
"I'm at your disposal."
He lifts you effortlessly, shifting you beneath him as he leans over, his body caging yours -without pressing down.
His antlers brush yours, the contact sending shivers through your whole body and it feels all tingly, and then his lips meet yours in a kiss that's surprisingly tender.
The moment he pushes into you, slow and careful, your breath catches. He stills, his forehead resting against yours.
A deep ache blooms where you've been craving him most. You can feel every ridge and every vein, the way his length stretches you, filling you completely. It's overwhelming in the best way.
"Are you alright?" he asks again, his voice barely audible.
"Yes" you breathe, wrapping your legs around his waist.
"Please, Al~"
"I had missed feeling you around me."
Neither of you expected this choice of words from him. If anything, it's what a couple...-
He doesn't wait for you to answer though.
Alastor begins to move, his pace measured, his hands cradling your hips as if you might break without the support. But there's an intensity in his gaze, a primal hunger that simmers just beneath the surface.
Missionary should never be underestimated. The eye contact, the emotional closeness, the way you can easily bring him down for a kiss, or run your fingers through his hair -that's starting to curl from all the sweat- make the experience so fulfilling to you frayed nerves.
Alastor keeps his body aligned with yours as he presses his forehead to your own. The heat radiating off his skin feels almost suffocating, but it also grounds you in the moment.
"Too much?" he whispers, his voice steady despite the faint tremor of his breath.
His antlers gently bump into yours once more and the sweet intimacy of the gesture makes your chest tighten.
"No" you manage, though the word is barely coherent. "It's perfect."
He groans softly at that, his hips shifting slightly so he can go even deeper.
"You're stunning" he murmurs mid thrust, his fingers tracing the contours of your face, before slipping lower, back on your hip. "Do you know that?"
You don't answer -can't answer. His thrusts are slow, the kind of pace that forces you to feel everything. It's maddening, the way he pulls out so slowly, only to push back in with measured precision, the friction setting your nerves alight.
Your body responds instinctively, your legs wrapping tighter around his waist, pulling him deeper. Each thrust sends a jolt of pleasure through you, the pressure building low in your belly.
His tone is still soft, but now edged with restraint, as though he's holding himself back.
"Faster" you plead, your nails digging into his shoulders. "Pretty please."
He hesitates, his crimson eyes searching yours, before his control slips. His hips snap forward -harder this time- and you cry out, your back arching off the mattress.
"That's it" he groans, his voice rougher now, the sharp tips of his antlers grazing yours with every thrust.
Your body trembles beneath him, more and more intensely, heat pooling tight in your core. The pleasure builds steadily, each thrust pushing you closer to the edge, until it becomes almost unbearable.
"Alastor, I-"
Your words falter, your breath hitching as the tension in your belly coils even tighter, ready to snap -for the second time tonight.
His hand slides down, his thumb finding your swollen clit. The touch is feather-light at first, but when you whimper and whine, he applies more pressure, circling it in time with his thrusts.
"Come for me" he coaxes.
"Let go. I've got you, love."
The combination of his touch, his voice and what he just called you, the steady rhythm of his hips... It's all too much.
The tension snaps and your orgasm hits you hard, body convulsing as pleasure crashes over you time and time again. Your legs spasm around his waist, your head falling back as a cry tears from your lips. The sensation is sharp and all-consuming, your vision turns white.
"So good" he marvels while his hands remain on your hips, grounding you as you ride out the last waves of your climax. "You're breathtaking."
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The aftershocks start to ripple through you. Despite your body feeling boneless, your chest is still heaving quite a lot.
Alastor doesn't stop moving, but his pace slows, his touches gentle and reverent.
When your vision returns, you see his gaze on you, filled with something soft and unspoken.
"Are you alright?" he asks again, his voice low, a hint of uncertainty breaking through his usual confidence.
You nod, a shaky smile appearing on your flushed face.
"More than alright" you whisper, your hands coming up to cup his face.
He smiles back at you, leaning down to press a deep kiss to your lips.
"I'm glad, because I need just a little more to~ You know..."
How he can fuck you all the way up to Heaven, but shy away when it comes to voicing the simplest of things will always be beyond you. Still, you're too satisfied and sated to bring it up and tease him right now.
You're actually so sated you barely register his orgasm.
When Alastor finally slows, his movements become languid, savoring the last few moments of connection.
He presses a kiss against your temple as he pulls out, carefully.
A deep warmth lingers in your core, a mix of his seed and your own juices slipping out, leaving you feeling full and entirely undone.
"You have no idea."
Your lover's gaze gets fixed on where you're leaking onto the bed sheets and he doesn't try to hide his possessive and proud expression.
You let out a little noise as the slickness spreads, shifting uncomfortably.
"Sticky" you mutter, your voice still weak from the intensity of your release.
He chuckles, going back to amused, before leaning down to press another kiss to your lips.
"I'll take care of it."
True to his word, he disappears briefly and returns with a warm, damp towel. He cleans you gently, murmuring soothing words each time you shiver from the sensation.
When he's finished, he wraps you in a soft blanket he finds on a nearby chair and gathers you into his arms -his antlers brushing yours in the tender gesture you both seem to love.
"You're safe" he whispers, cradling you close against his chest. "Alastor got you."
Your body melts into him and you let exhaustion overtake you, sighing contentedly.
"I hate you sometimes" you mumble sleepily, though the affection in your tone conveys the true meaning of your words.
He chuckles, his chest vibrating against you. "And yet, here you are, letting me hold you. How peculiar."
"Shut up" you grumble, burying your face in his chest.
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The first thing you notice when you wake is the warmth.
Alastor is still wrapped around you, his long limbs tangled with yours, his breath heavy and steady against the crown of your head. The weight of his arm draped over your waist is comforting, his fingers twitching in utter relaxation.
But there's something else here -the ache, insistent, stirring as you shift against him and even more as you breathe in his natural scent. You bite your lip, trying to ignore it, but the moment you press your thighs together, a soft whimper escapes you.
Alastor stirs immediately, his crimson eyes fluttering open.
"Hmm? What's the matter, my dear?"
His voice is thick with sleep, but his focus sharpens as he takes in your flushed cheeks and the restless way you're shifting.
"Nothing" you reply dismissively, though the way your body arches slightly against his betrays you.
He raises an eyebrow, a small, knowing smile tugging at his lips.
"You're not very convincing" he coos, his hand sliding down to rest on your hip. "Do you need something?"
You squirm under his gaze, your face heating up in both embarrassment and arousal.
"I woke up like this, okay?" you say defensively, frustrated tears prickling at the corners of your eyes.
His teasing demeanor shifts instantly, replaced by a tenderness that makes your chest ache.
"Oh, my poor thing"
He brushes a stray tear from your cheek with his thumb.
Before you can protest, his hand slides lower, his fingers finding your bundle of nerves with practiced ease -that he gained from your times together.
He moves slowly, coaxing soft gasps and whimpers from you.
"You're such a sensitive thing when you're in heat" he murmurs, his voice laced with awe.
"So perfect."
His touch is gentle but insistent, building you up until you're trembling. When you finally climax, it's softer than the night before but no less intense, leaving you breathless and boneless in his arms.
Alastor holds you close as you recover, his lips pressing soft kisses along your forehead and temple.
"Better?" he asks, his voice earnest and soothing.
You nod, burying your face against his neck. "Much better."
He chuckles, running his fingers through your hair. "I'll have to be more mindful of how easily I can wear you out."
You smack his chest lightly, earning another laugh, before settling back into the comfortable silence. As the morning light filters through the room, you let yourself relax, feeling safe and cherished in his arms.
"Thank you" you whisper, your voice barely audible.
He tilts your chin up, his red eyes meeting yours.
"Always" he replies softly, his antlers brushing yours in that gesture, hour gesture, yours and his -and it makes your heart ache.
In this moment, you realize there is no going back.
This isn't just fleeting indulgence -it's the beginning of something far deeper, something that feels as primal and undeniable as the instincts that brought you together.
You're his and he's yours. Forever.
To be continued.
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masterlist || hazbin masterlist 🧡
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t0rturedangel · 1 year ago
How about the Hazbin hotel gang with seraphim child reader who just somehow appeared after ep 8
╭ . . . 𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚌 𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚎 ੭
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𝐇𝐀𝐙𝐁𝐈𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐋 𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 ⿻  𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬 𝘥𝘪𝘥 𝘢 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦??
⌦ 𝒲𝒜𝑅𝒩𝐼𝒩𝒢𝒮 ﹕angel dust - swearing, just him being him. Alastor - ill intent, possible swearing. Mentions of killing, mentions of blood. Nifty - she tries to kill you, dw you dont die. this too me so long im gonna cry
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⿻ㅤㅤᱺ okay, firstly just know that the crew goes fucking crazy- I mean they just fought an entire army of exorcist angels and killed Adam, the first man Adam!! So they all think that you're sort of there to try and punish them all for it, so they all get ready to attack (even though you're LITERALLY a child, children are wild though)
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ that's until Charlie, bless her heart, recognizes you (and depending on if you tried to defend her in court just like Emily) and rushes up to you, holding her arms out happily- thats until Angel Dust surprisingly tries to stop her
"It's you!" Charlie gasped, her eyes widening in a pleasant surprise, you were the third and youngest seraphim and much like your older sister Emily felt the need to defend Charlie and her idea of redemption- the thought of allowing those who suffered to see the error of their ways and correct them and then given their reward of eternal peace sounded brilliant, much like Emily you were horrified to learn of the exterminations. You were the first one to openly agree to what Charlie had said despite Adam's comments and facial expressions, you also helped Emily in trying to make the court see what was wrong with this method, unfortunately your plans did not work, though Charlie remembered your efforts and clearly she enjoys your presence. At the glee in her tone, you smiled and stepped forward, wanting to give a hug to the princess of hell though paused in confusion when someone looking oddly like a spider stopped her.
"Woah there toots!" the spider called out to his friend, grabbing her arm to halt her movement- Angel dust was staring both you and Charlie down- a look of uncertainty and distrust painted all over his face "Why ya going to rando angels? what if they were sent down here to finish the job for Adam?", Angel did have a point- you appeared put of no where and was just standing outside the hotel? pretty suspicious.. though Charlie is quick to cool things down "Oh no no no! They're alright, they're a friend! They mean no harm at all- in fact [name] was one of the angels who supported my idea!" she turned to you joyfully, smiling from ear to ear "We can trust them!" ... "okay but how did they end up here? in uh hell?" Husk piped up, his voice full of boredom- or annoyance (you can never really tell with husk, what an odd man) "Oh I fell! ... or rather- I threw myself out of heaven" you happily answered the question, giving everyone a quick second to process what the actual fuck you just said.
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ thats how you joined the hotel! Pretty nice innit??
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⿻ㅤㅤᱺ Charlie adores you! you're such a sweet little thing, you're a sweetie and are just so kind to everyone!! (at least that's what she likes to think)
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ she thinks of you as a little small sibling!, after all you're the youngest of the team and act just like her, plus she always wanted a little sibling so you're perfect!
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ any ideas she thinks of or any redemption exorcises she runs them by you- to see if they can be more or less effective to get her friends into heaven
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ Since Charlie could only stay in heaven for so long, she loves to ask you about heaven and how it was like- always being so invested in your stories, she honestly cannot get enough of them!
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ also, Charlie is... painfully aware that she can never get into heaven, ever. Afterall, she's not only a hell-born but also literally the heir to the throne of hell so yeah there is no chance for her redemption, something she cannot handle- she cries knowing this but now that she has you- someone who ran from heaven, actively choosing to leave and come here gives her comfort. Now she'll never be alone, she has you and you have her!
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⿻ㅤㅤᱺ At first, Lucifer was startled and untrusting of you- you're a seraphim, someone that was just like him and could possibly actually take him down despite you being an actual child.
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ over time, the king of hell did grow warmer to you, after all he sees a bit of himself in you. Both ex-angels, both hate heaven.... it's like you're his second little one!
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ Sometimes, when lucifer isnt busy with his actual child, he hangout with you- entertaining you with his magic while you return the favor with little stories and things, sometimes you even create little gifts like flowers for him.
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ Lucifer vows to keep you safe, even though you can easily take down hundreds of sinners and even overlords, it's paternal instincts what can i say?
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ this man totally makes you ducks- he has enough experience in making ducks so you know own a few dozen in your hotel room- how lovely!!
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⿻ㅤㅤᱺ oh this man, this radio demon. He's out for your soul, absolutely hell-driven to get it, and it's all for power (who could have guessed)
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ He doesnt like kids, in fact he can confirm that he absolutely HATES children though he will act all kind and lovely to you- remember though it's all an act! don't fall for it, he just wants your soul (if he gets your soul, your angelic soul? fuck- he'll be even more powerful than before, having an angel's soul would make him practically invincible!)
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ This guy, funny fella really. HE CANNOT BUGGER OFF. Whenever you need help with anything he's the first to appear and offer a helping hand- and then in return as a favor back asks for a deal- is he serious? (yes. he always is)
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ Alastor though also, much like everyone else becomes a a bit soft for you- occasionally creating those little weird shadow creatures to play with you, since everyone around you are adults and are busy it's a way of keeping you entertained when they're busy
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ He, also, understands that you are more powerful than him- and knows that if he gets on your nerves enough he'll probably become dust.
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⿻ㅤㅤᱺ at first, Nifty only had one goal: to kill you (hey don't blame her! Charlie told her to stab and she's still under that impression)
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ good for you though!! coz you fly up right as she even tries to stab her dagger through your chest- Charlie and Vaggie immediately grabbing nifty to stop her from moving and killing you.
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ after the whole misunderstanding, Nifty actually enjoys begin with you! you're clean, and help kill bugs (well really it's you pointing the bugs out to Nifty and her killing them)
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ You're, unsurprisingly, taller than Nif so she likes to climb up on you and sit on your shoulders or stand on your back while holding onto your shoulders. She finds you the most comfortable to climb- plus she can hide in your wings and be used as a secret weapon.
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ she adores playing with roaches with you- while you are grossed out by it slightly, you still play to entertain Nifty (then after you sanitize your whole body about ten times)
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⿻ㅤㅤᱺ angel tends to avoid you, not out of hate or spite or anything- it's just.... well he is aware of how he is and well he doesnt want to ruin you in the sense of his dirty talk and swearing.
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ though occasionally he finds himself stuck looking after you, which is.... fun.... no i mean really its fun as fuck!!! Angel makes all sorts of jokes, offers you alcohol (you did almost take it if it werent for husk and practically everyone else to all collectively pry the bottle of vodka out of your hands)
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ angel dust also teaches you some very creative swear words! so now, whenever you feel like talking you run around screaming weird insults at people, Alastor has heard you shout "EAT ASS AND DIE HORSE FACE FUCK BITCH!!" a few times to random sinners
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ The... star, is actually proud of teaching you those words- hey if you wanna stay in hell you gotta act like it!
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ hides you away from Val- though somehow you still find out about him, and when you learnt how he treated your spider-friend.. uhm, the studio was in smithereens and val was close to death- now permanently loosing his right arm (just his right arm for now)
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⿻ㅤㅤᱺ to you, Husk is like the weird- drunk uncle who just got out of prison. Though, he's the cool drunk uncle.
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ Husk doesnt really speak to you, which is brilliant coz you dont really speak- so the two of you communicate through looks and gestures, leaving everyone in the hotel watching you two 'talk' very confused.
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ never gives you alcohol, no matter how much you ask with 'cherries on top' and if he does catch you with any intoxicating drinks he snatches them off of you- scolds you a bit then drinks the beverage himself.... hypocrite
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ Husk helps you avoid Alastor, he doesnt want to see you being under his clutches, you dont deserve that you're just a kid.
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ He also teaches you how to do magic tricks just incase you ever want to become a magician... and sometimes he teaches you how to play card games- or how to gamble
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⿻ㅤㅤᱺ In all honestly, Vaggie is very much threatened by you- because like, do i even need to say it?? YOU'RE A SERAPHIM !!!!!
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ Buttt as long as Charlie is okay with you and you don't pull any stunts to try and sabotage the team you're alright! Just dont try anything.... please
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ she accidently treats you like a soldier sometimes- a habit from her exorcist days, speaking of you could immediately tell she was one of those angels and while you did not like her at first you grew to like her- viewing her as a second older sister
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ you and Vaggie sometimes sit and remember old times in heaven- and you'd ask about the exterminations, though quickly stopped after noting her discomfort.
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ Vaggies also likes to try and swap weapons with you- to see if she and you can handle other weapons (unsurprisingly you both adapt quite quickly)
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sleepingdeath-light · 2 months ago
verosika mayday!s/o hcs ; charlie morningstar
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requested by ; anonymous (28/02/24)
fandom(s) ; hazbin hotel
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; charlie morningstar
outline ; “Hii ! I hope you’re having a good day! If it isn’t too much trouble, I’d like to ask for charlie, Lucifer, and angeldust with a verosika mayday reader? Romantic for luci and Charlie, platonic for angel dust (omg angel and verosika would be SUCH a power couple..)”
warning(s) ; suggestive content here and there, but mostly fluff!
to get the obvious out of the way, charlie would be your absolute biggest fan and would have absolutely no shame when it comes to gushing about how amazing you are and how much she loves you to anyone that cares to listen — like she collects all versions of your albums, has all of your merch, attends every one of your concerts that she’s able to make it to, and always seems to have one of your songs playing in the background as she goes about her daily routine
if takes her a while to get used to your more adventurous wardrobe, but even after that point she’s still decently easy to fluster if you catch her off guard — e.g. making an unexpected stop at the hotel while still in your costume from a gig, or getting a bit more handsy or verbally explicit than usual when flirting with her
if you’re the sort who also performs up in the human world then,while she’s not overly happy about the whole ‘guiding mortals to sin/damning even more people to hell’ thing, she’ll still do what she can to support your career — she won’t stop you from doing your job, and she loves watching you perform, but she may ask you to try and limit the gigs you do in the living world closer to the annual cleansing… if only because she wants to minimise the overall casualties however she can
100% would love to write and perform songs with you — whether that means being a sounding board or additional pair of ears for something you’re writing for your main career, collaborating with you to create songs that encourage hope and redemption for use in the hotel, or just improvising love songs that tastefully toe the line between suggestive and intimate
if you write a song with her in mind and perform it for her privately then she’s going to get so so very flustered and happy — like full on teary-eyed, red faced, grinning, barely able to keep still, and just barely stopping herself from tackling you into a hug and smothering you with kisses until you’re finished
not really perturbed by the amount of fans you have or the number of paparazzi that follow you around whenever the two of you are out and about (she is the princess of hell, after all), but will snap and shoo them away if it’s getting too much for you
wouldn’t even hesitate to help you get ready for a photoshoot/concert/whatever if you asked — like the millisecond the question leaves your lips this woman is out of her seat and ready to grab whatever haircare/makeup/skincare products, accessories, and clothing items you need her to grab (it’s cute how dedicated she is to helping you thrive)
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spacebubblehomebase · 11 months ago
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"SEE-MORE!!!" Get it??? Cause- ACK! (Gets 🍅 to the face.) OW! Okay! OK! I'll stop!
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ambrosiagoldfish · 1 year ago
Lucifer, Charlie, and alastor with a Kitsune reader ? :0
Hazbin Hotel x Kitsune! Reader
(Lucifer, Charlie, and Alastor)
Safe for all Audiences!
Warnings: None! Gn! Reader! Reader being a mischievous Little Kitsune, chaos ensues.
Request Box: Open
Word count: 1101
A/n: Hi! thank you for the request! This isn’t terribly long so I hopes that’s ok!
Now, I wasn’t entirely sure if you want this to be Romantic or Platonic so I kept it pretty vague so it could be interpreted as either! I hope that’s ok, if not just send another request and I’ll fix it!!
But either way I hope you enjoy it because i enjoyed writing it!! <3
Proofread once soooo… if there are any errors please ignore them/inform me 😭
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When you first arrived in hell, he wasnt the most impressed by you. Not in a mean way or anything, just that he’s lived for a long time and has met a plethora of different types of beings so he’s pretty used to meeting interesting looking people.
But even he has to admit that he was intrigued with you. Your 9 well-groomed and lush tails that quietly followed you with every step and the fur of your fox ears looked soft to the touch. The thing that he seemed to notice most though was the whole eloquent aura you had with every movement you did. Smooth, almost tranquil.
You being a Kitsune did cause you to stir up a bit of… let's say trouble. Your fox nature of course caused you to have a personality that leaned a bit mischievously. You weren’t malicious by any means, you judt had a very… unique taste in humor and how you wish to spend your time. Pranks, stealing random objects that interest you, and going places that you probably should be. This gets you in trouble with many a folk but it’s really not something you can’t handle.
On one of these occasions. you took interest in his custom made duckys. First off, it was something new to you, 2nd, you had never seen someone be this interested in ducks as him, so when you randomly stumbled into the big man of hell’s workspace that’s filled to the brim of them, each with unique features and colorful designs, needless to say you were quite interested.
He was a bit embarrassed at first when you found it but seeing that you genuinely were into them he literally couldnt stop showing them off. Going into almost ecrusiating detail of each one's design choices. (This man is so autistic-coded. I love him so much)
He even made a custom one for you which he gave you when both met again. It was a basic duck design, except it had 9 tail feathers and wore fox ears that clearly mimicked your own, including your fur pattern. He then spent an hour going through each of its features with you. To say you were grateful would be an understatement.
“And if you pull this feather back… Bubbles! Oh-ho, and that's not all! If you take this and-”
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Definitely more impressed than her father would be. Of course she has been in hell literally all her life and has seen some weird, wacky, hot and cool people but it still doesnt not surprise her when she finds interesting people. When you first met her she was really interested in you, asking a bunch of questions and It was almost scary how enthusuatsic about it she got.
She then started talking about her brand new “Hazbin Hotel.” It was something to reform sinners so that they had a chance at redemption. Charlie seemed so excited to tell you about it that you honestly did have the heart to tell her that you didn’t exactly believe a soul could be redeemed.
Now depending on if you’re hellborn or a sinner, things can go a bit differently. If youre hellborn she’ll offer you a job at the hotel, well to say a job would be a lie, you didn’t really have 1 given task to do, you just helped out when needed. if you’re a sinner, you of course get to stay in a room at the hotel. Whether you actually go along and try to get better is up to you. It was a free place to sleep, so hey? Might as well. Either way though, Charlie always sees the good in people, hellborn or not. So she would obviously want to help you grow as a person even if you are hellborn.
The michevues aspects of your personality tends to cause some problems for the hotel at times. Fights happen, lessons have ended prematurely, and you may have accidentally caused a bar fight between Angel and Sir Pentious. It really was an accident, how was you supposed to know “borrowing” one of Pentious’ shiny tools would cause such a ruckus?
Charlie lectored you about taking others' stuff and made you apologize.
As much as Charlie doesn’t want to admit it (at least before episode 5) she’s a lot like her dad. That also expands to their likeness for your fur. She really can’t take her eyes away from it, it just looks so soft and neat… and soft… eventually you catch her staring at your tails and you just laugh and ask her if she wants to touch them.
“What!? Pfft, noooo, no no no. hehe…he…unless you’re offering…”
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Considering Alastor died in the 20’s I don’t think he knows what a Kitsune is exactly. Which is probably why he’s the most interesting in you at first glance (you could have also met when he first manifested in hell, which would only further his intrigue)
Either way, your personalities seemed to mesh well for the most part. You both stir up trouble wherever you go (Alastor a bit more… maliciously than you but still)
Whether you’re hellborn or a sinner is irrelevant to how he treats you, though he has tried making a deal with you every once and a while. You always decline but he thinks it’s always worth a shot to ask.
Alastor is aware of your devious behavior and knows the best way to handle it if it ever happens to come his way. He knows that you’re harmless and not a threat which is exactly why he has taken a liking to you. You’re someone who can only really help his cause and nothing bad can really come out of you being around.
Pranks though, are the one thing that Alastor can’t seem to sway you out of doing. He can’t even begin to count the amount of times he’s been at the front end of them. Of course he always sees through them and they’ve never once worked, but boy are you sure determined to one day get him.
This was one such case where you attempted to steal and hide his radio cane while he was asleep, only for him to sneak up shadow form and scare you half to double death
“You’re going to have to try harder than that to pull one past me, my, oh-so dear, exquisitely fluffy friend”
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