#while laughing like a maniac
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localsimpissleepy · 7 months ago
for ship bingo heehee..... cygson...... asking on anon as if it isn't very possible to guess who I am
Jee, i wonder which mutual this is lol-
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Listen, if their enemies to lovers, i'm gonna ship them (also, red and blue dynamic hello-)
This ship could either turn into “i can fix him” or “i can make him worse”, either way, if it's angsty, i'm gonna ship them either way-
This is giving just two guys hating each other's guts and started fighting, and then start making out 1 minute later-
They also seem like uncle/father figures to Jack (Crimson probably gives Jack like decent advice, while Cygnus is like “You're having guy problems? Idk try kill him or something, that's how i got Crimson”)
Side note: idk why but i thought of this clip when i saw this ship for the first time (probably an interaction between Night Swan & Cygnus):
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hellsitegenetics · 2 months ago
bacteriophage plush anon made me think of my own similar yet much worse creature
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behold the gonorrhea plush my brother was gifted as a baby. stunning work
very cute! i think someone was trying to hex your brother
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nenoname · 1 month ago
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a very normal and not at all possessed child
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turtleblogatlast · 1 year ago
I am once again overcome by the sheer magnitude of pranks Mikey and Leo could commit on the world of archaeology through their combined abilities of time and space
With enough time for Mikey in particular to be strong enough to make a small time portal - again within Leo’s portal opened in Someplace, Somewhere - they could plant so much shit just to mess with historians.
Like - Mikey wanted to try painting Greek-style pottery and Leo is like “hey hey wait…”
And now there is newly discovered evidence of Greek depictions of humanoid turtles laying around.
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sinestrosmind · 1 year ago
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managed to find backgrounds from the show and decided HEY
I should absolutely mimic the show's style and make fake screenshots
Leo and Chief are my favorite chaotic duo even though they fight like 80% of the time
the other 20% is spent getting on each other's nerves OR doing stupid shit like stealing from Big Mama <3
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marchtooctober · 2 years ago
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Twilight finally steps into Loid Forger's home. It was late at night and he thought for sure that everybody was already asleep, save for Bond who might get overzealous and wake everyone up. But the moment he closes the door, a figure appeared through his vision.
It was Yor, putting away laundry. She put them down and walked over to Loid.
"Loid! You're finally back!" She says in quiet surprise. Bond circled around them.
Loid pat Bond's head who then went back to his spot right away. Then he turned to Yor.
"I'm home. Sorry, I'm very late... I must have made you worried."
"Uhm... No! It's okay... You must have been very busy at work. " Yor asked.
"Well..." Loid's voice trailed off.
If only she knows what this man just went through.
"Yes... I had a very tough patient I had to deal with." He finally said.
Yor's eyes went wide.
"Did you have another concussive session with a patient?! Did you get hurt anywhere?! Oh, look! You have bruises! Let's treat you! Sorry, I didn't notice right away. It's dim." Yor stared at him with obviously worried eyes.
Loid couldn't stare back at her, feeling that he might end up letting his guard down.
"N-No! There's no need for that. My bruises are not that bad. I'm just... really tired with dealing with my patient today."
"Do you want some tea before you rest?"
Loid was very ready to retire to bed and sleep away the pain of his arm's gunshot wound. But chances of peace with Yor are ever so rare that he willed himself to stay.
"Ah... Sure."
"Okay. I'll pour you a cup."
Yor seated herself beside Loid on the sofa. The closeness made Loid all tingly but in a very comforting way. For the most of time, they were silent. Then Yor gave repeated glances at Loid.
"Is there something bothering you, Yor?"
"A-Wha-What? Sorry! It's just..." Yor emptied her cup and placed it on the table before continuing.
"Seeing that you can get hurt like this for treating a patient... Are you still okay with it?"
Loid seemed to be caught off guard, he only stared right back at Yor.
"Don't you regret being a psychiatrist?"
The silenced prolonged. The question gave a deep impression to Loid, to Twilight. As if asking if he regrets being a spy.
"Sorry! That was rude of me to ask! I'm not even the one to speak. I'm really sorry! You don't need to answer that, Loid."
Loid also placed his own empty cup on the table. He leaned back and stared up the ceiling.
"No. I don't regret it. Even when I get hurt doing this proffession. Because it's something that I have decided a long time ago. So there's nothing else for me but to stick with it, even during the hard times."
Yor fell silent, her eyes glinting as if understanding Loid's words very well.
Loid closed his eyes and recalled right away what he just said. It was something he just blurted out but it's true. Not only for him, but also for everyone else who decided their own path.
He drew his head back, almost hanging to the side. His mind is in total disarray. His eyes fluttered open in time only to see Yor leaning over him. Too tired and slow to react, his mind suddenly went blank when he felt a kiss on his forehead.
"You did well." Yor said and sat back.
Her calm demeanor quickly turned into surprise, and she covered her face with her hands.
Loid fixed himself in an instant, sitting properly. He faced a very embarrassed Yor. Internally, he was just as embarrassed because of their proximity just now.
"N-No! It's not what you think it is! I just..." Yor said and waved her hands.
"C-Calm down, Yor! Speak slowly." Loid said with a similarly frantic gesture.
After a few breaths, Yor continued.
"My coworkers told me that... a... w-welcome home kiss is a common thing between couples. B-But I couldn't do it earlier and you're too tired from work so I... just wanted to comfort you instead." She said and shyly looked at Loid.
Loid took a deep breath.
"Thank you, Yor. And I'm sorry." He said.
"What? You have nothing to apologize! I'm... the one who should say sorry."
"I'm sorry because I..."
His words trailed off once more as his body started moving on its own. It was as if his arm was no longer in pain and reached out for Yor's face. In an instant, Loid closed off the distance and pulled Yor into a kiss.
It was a kiss that was warmer than the tea they just had. Loid closes his eyes and thoroughly felt Yor's lips, his hand gently holding the base of her head. Yor was wide-eyed for a second before she let herself be pulled in deeper. To her, this first kiss doesn't taste like lemon. It was the sweetest thing there ever was.
All thought is lost, only this moment remains. And perhaps, it's just what Loid really needed as a reward after a hard day's work.
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hanakihan · 9 months ago
i just love how my brain came up with implication of why Salieri’s minions started to receive enough mana to manifest constantly and have more human like appearance
‘… Count, don’t you think that Salieri’s minions also kinda resemble you—‘
‘How about we do not talk about it, master‘
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s0ap-bubbles · 1 year ago
I hate what tristamp did to the characterisation of vash in the fandom like you can’t tell me that vash isn’t smelly and doesn’t laugh when someone says booby trap
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electricea · 2 months ago
find a job that you love as much as the sims 2 repo man loves his.
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infinitelystrangemachinex · 4 months ago
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Ready for season 2 babes
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happyvalkyrieofdoom · 3 months ago
I see that Joel's masochistic tendencies resurfaced on stream once again huh
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jrueships · 6 months ago
Is there a reason why sauce refuses to follow more than 99 accounts on instagram ? He’s such a control freak lmfao
LOL yea ive always noticed that like wtf 😭 okay 😭
he only follows 99 people on Twitter too, and i think i remember seeing him post on his twit like during the beginning of his first season in the NFL abt who he should follow to reach 99 bcs I think he had 98 at that time? And he wanted 99?
And on his insta i think (less sure on this) he posted a story that said like 'ok... who to make my 100th following 😻' but i think he only wanted it to be a stupid idk a 'fellow famous internet influencer' like he is , so famous, so self-loving, so empath .
so like. he either didn't follow anyone or he quickly unfollowed to remain at 99
he is... so strange. Such an odd critter. but my guess is he's keeping 99 as his ideal number rn and will unfollow whatever normie/less famous person he needs to in order to keep his precious 99 when he has to follow a more famous person,
or he's just holding out for a special someone to make his 100th follower ( and then later unfollow someone else he doesn't care abt rn to keep his number 99) bcs he WANTS to make ppl feel special, but also. He is weird. And he likes the number 99. And he's weird. And im going to give him a wedgie
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hanakihan · 5 days ago
I absolutely adore the thought of Rider Dantès being that seemingly adorkable lad whose life wasn’t ruined yet but in reality he’s probably even more unhinged than his avenger versions combined
Watch them three being on mission together, avenger versions treating him like a naive child or idiot to some degree only for this madlad to guide his ship straight into maelstrom laughing maniacally full on ready to die while drifting because honestly it’s his fucking ship and he’s steering it, watch him pull off the most insane Jack Sparrow styled shit and actually making it work purely because he’s a one lucky bastard initially and combined with knowledge of his future and impossible happy future that’s never to be it completely screwed his psyche in completely separate league from his avenger versions
He’s literally the embodiment of ‘I paid for whole speedometer, I’ll use whole speedometer!’
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venacoeurva · 1 year ago
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luna-the-cretar · 14 days ago
Okay, I swear I’m about to go to bed, but I need to say this bc omg
So as a kid, I was obsessed with My Little Pony, and after we got rid of cable, the only access I had to it for a while was Netflix (which only had the first season available at the time) and YouTube. And, well, it was during the era of MLP creepypastas, and since I was only 9 or so and hadn’t really accessed the internet at this point yet, I was unaware of this.
Well, aside from the weird softcore porn MLP comics on YouTube, I found this seemingly innocuous MLP video simply titled Smile. And it was fine, for the most part, until it got to the part where Pinkie Pie started bashing her friends brains in.
Smile TRAUMATIZED me. I was so scared watching ANY MLP YouTube video after that, that I just stopped watching MLP entirely. I can still remember that day so vividly, the way my parents room looked, me watching it on my shitty battery shot $50 tablet, the blood and gore in the video, all of it.
All of this is to say that YouTube just fucking recommended me Smile, but with better animation apparently. Yeah, no, I fucking ran to another video once I saw it.
Whoever made Smile: Fuck you man. You’re the reason why I couldn’t ever look at Pinkie Pie the same way again
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sesshy380-rp · 5 months ago
(continued from here)
Kat shrunk in embarrassment. It had been a while since she’d misunderstood something Bakura said.
“We would not,” she pouted.
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