#while blaring classic rock.
commsroom · 3 months
ideologically i don't agree with the fourth of july, but i know eiffel loves it. i know he does. guy who believes in the classic american cuisine of hot dog and hamburger in the park and the classic american pastime of stupid dangerous shit that makes loud noises.
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soul-of-the-sanada · 22 days
Obey Me - roadtrips
I was stuck in the car for 9 hours driving from Louisiana to Tennessee and I started thinking about the brothers from Obey Me and roadtrips. So here are a few hcs I came up with during my time hanging out in the passenger seat.
Lucifer- always the driver. Doesn't need the GPS bc he memorized the directions. He's just that good. Unless specifically requested, he's not playing any music. Completely dead silent like a psychopath. MC really has to beg for him to relent and when he does, it's going to be something soft and chill. Doesn't care for road trip games, but will begrudgingly play along if asked by mc. No stopping unless it's on his itinerary or someone Really has to go to the bathroom.  His number one road trip need is company, he hates to go alone.
Mammon-loves to drive, but doesn't have to. He likes having energy drinks readily available, especially for long trips. Expects his shotgun to navigate. Likes high energy, bass heavy music,something that really gets him going. Gets too distracted for road trip games. Wants to make a million sidestops. His number one road trip need is music, he can't stand the silence.
Leviathan- 100% passenger princess. Cannot be depended on for navigation. He's usually got his head buried in a handheld game or manga. If he gets to pick the music, it's his weeb shit. He doesn't care about side stops, he's barely paying attention. If he had his way, he'd still be at home, buried alive in his room. His number one road trip need is simply to be left alone until he gets where he's going.
Satan- he doesn't mind driving, but he'd rather shotgun. He's got GPS running nonstop because he doesn't trust anyone else to navigate (unless it's lucifer, but he'd rather it be ANYONE else with him). He would like to listen to classical music while driving, or an audio book if he can. He's too busy following the GPS to stop anywhere. His number one road trip need is no traffic.
Asmo- not even a passenger princess. They're sprawled in the backseat taking up as much room as they can, whether it's the or their stuff spread everywhere. Probably livestreaming the entire time (how many times can we do x before y loses their shit and turns this car around?). Definitely did a 'get ready with me/us' and bugged their brothers to share tips and tricks for road trip travel with the camera. Pop music blaring. Only wants to stop if it's for something trendy or they really need to pee. Their number one road trip need is an audience, whether it be in the car or online
Beel- he's more comfortable driving. Makes him feel useful. Definitely depends on someone to navigate for him. He will let anyone pick the music, I think his prefernce would be nu metal or hard rock, something with growly vocals. He'll stop whenever he feels like someone needs to stretch or they might be feeling even the tiniest bit hungry or thirsty. You don't even have to ask. His number one road trip need is snacks.
Belphie-definitely asleep in the backseat. Absolutely no help with navigation but also isn't the one who's going to ask to stop 1837373 times because... He's asleep. Might wake up if there's a traffic jam, but he's just gonna look around, realize he's definitely not made it to his destination and then he's out again. If he absolutely had to be involved, he's going to complain the entire time. his number one road trip need is an empty backseat to stretch out on as much as possible.
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bellaxgiornata · 1 year
All These Years [Part 6: "The White Whale"]
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader
[You can find the full series summary and masterlist of installments for All These Years here.]
Warnings/tags: 18+ for this series; contains emotional hurt with no comfort until the final installments, angst, pining, friends to lovers, slowburn, and eventually smut
Word Count: 4k
a/n: This installment is entirely in Matt's POV! Probably one of the only ones in this series that will be. As I was writing I knew I needed to do a last minute title change to this installment, too, because it went in a different direction. Hopefully what you learn from this installment only makes everything in this series hurt so much more. There are end notes on this, too because I feel like you'll need it. Feedback is always appreciated!
Tag list: @acharliecoxedfan @theetherealbloom @rotscinema @magnumstyles @roseallisonparker @ofmusesandsecrets @readerhead @paracosmic-murdock @v4leoftears @why-always-me-gosh-please @redbircl @keepingitlokiii @yarrystyleeza @mattkinsella @ms-murdockswift
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“This place isn’t so bad,” Foggy mused.
Matt could hear the way Foggy’s head turned, clearly taking in the view of the dive bar around them. It smelled pungently of must and mildew and clearly there had been a good bit of alcohol spilled and left to dry along the floors, but otherwise it was alright here. At least it wasn’t too loud. The classic rock music playing over the speakers wasn’t blaring like the pop music playing in most bars he’d gone to always was. It never failed to give him a headache and make him duck out early.
“Well it’s not that loud, at least,” Matt replied.
Foggy nudged Matt’s arm with his elbow sharply. Matt could hear the pull of Foggy’s muscles drawing his mouth into a smile. He wished he could work himself up into even a sliver of that excitement for tonight.
“Come on,” Foggy pressed. “It’s the first night in a while that we’ve gotten out and have been able to do something that doesn’t involve paperwork. And we’re getting the three amigos back together again! Smile, dammit!”
Matt’s focus dropped towards the table, his hand tightening around the neck of his bottle of beer. He hadn’t had a chance to see you in weeks, and it had been weeks before that, too. Landman and Zack had managed to keep him and Foggy plenty busy since the three of you had graduated a few months back. And he was happy to finally see you again–that is, he would’ve been if it actually was going to be just the three of you tonight. But no, you were bringing a boyfriend . The first one you’d actually ever had since Matt had known you. 
And it had made him sick to his stomach thinking about it all day today.
“Yeah, it’s been a while,” was all he could muster in response.
He drew his beer to his lips, taking a long pull. He was hoping to get at least a buzz going before the two of you showed up. He didn’t want to be sober having to listen to the way your body reacted to your boyfriend all night.
The truth of it was, Matt wanted you. And he’d wanted you since he first met you.
No, actually, that wasn’t accurate, either.
Matt had wanted you for an entire semester before he’d ever actually met you in the library. He had first encountered you on campus in the late evening. He’d overheard someone trip on the sidewalk farther up ahead of him, spilling their books and their papers everywhere. They’d quietly cursed to themselves as they knelt down to collect their things. Matt could tell they’d been close to tears, too. He figured they’d been having a bad day already as they quietly fumed to themselves while others just passed them by on the sidewalk, leaving them to pick up their scattered belongings alone.
But then you’d stumbled upon them, stepping off to the side and crouching down to help them pick up the mess without hesitation. You’d sounded sweet and gentle when you’d greeted them, offering them some kind words and a warm smile that Matt thought he could almost feel as he eavesdropped. He’d oddly found himself affected by you, taking a moment to pause on the side of the sidewalk, pretending he was checking a voicemail on his phone as he tuned into your interaction. He had felt like a creep but he couldn’t seem to stop himself. 
And then he'd been fascinated by you afterwards, your voice and the scent of you plaguing his mind. He'd spent weeks trying to run across you on campus again. He'd lied and told Fog he'd actually bumped into you that night since he was unable to tell him how he'd really stumbled on you. His heightened senses were a secret even to Foggy. But then he and Foggy had often talked about you afterwards–the pair of them had spent all semester referring to you as Matt's White Whale. He'd been relentlessly searching for you around campus whenever he wasn’t busy with his studies or on a date. But then he'd discovered you around the science buildings right before the beginning of winter break. Unfortunately you’d managed to disappear during those few weeks before the next semester started, Matt being unable to pick up on you again.
He'd then spent all of winter break telling Fog how he'd planned to linger around that building when classes resumed, hoping to catch your voice again–or in reality, the scent of your pheromones and the beat of your heart. He was certain he’d recognize both of them. Him and Fog had spent many a night throwing back beers and coming up with many amusing and ridiculous schemes of how Matt might actually have a chance to meet you. 
When classes did resume that following semester, Matt had often frequented the science building in his free moments. And even though Matt had still gone out and enjoyed the attention of other women during that time–something that had been quite a thrilling contrast from his life before college, considering he’d come fresh from St. Agnes–he couldn’t seem to shake you from his mind. Many times he caught himself wondering where he could take you on a date, or what your favorite food might be. He desperately wanted to know what subject you studied. He wanted to know your name and how your voice sounded when you finally said his. He wondered what music you liked and what your shampoo would smell like if he ever had the chance to press his nose into your hair. 
And then one fateful day when he’d been at the library working on research for a class, he’d caught the scent of you unexpectedly. His mouth had gone dry and his mind had momentarily gone blank in surprise. You were there. In the library. With him.
It had sounded like you were on your phone and making your way towards him. Matt had panicked, unsure in the moment how to actually catch your attention and strike up a conversation. In his haste to make sure his chance hadn’t disappeared on him, he’d abruptly stepped out of the aisle he was in, arms laden with books, and accidentally miscalculated how far away you were. You’d ran right into him and startled him in return, causing him to drop his books on the ground and your toe. He felt awful when he’d heard you shout but then he couldn’t resist the laugh at your strange outburst. 
But when you’d actually looked at who you’d run into, Matt had instantly picked up on all the telltale signs of your physical attraction to him. The increase in your pheromones had driven him crazy and his nerves completely disappeared, that confidence he had with every other young woman he’d flirted with on campus quickly taking over. 
He thought he’d had you that day. It seemed a sure thing when he’d asked for your number and you’d given it to him. But then he invited you over to his dorm a few days later on Saturday night. He had every intention to take you out on a date and bring you back to an empty dorm room–if he was lucky enough and you’d wanted that. Because God he had certainly been thinking about you in very sinful ways over those few days. His thoughts had been driving him wild and he desperately hoped sex with you would help ease those persistent and nagging desires. If he could just experience it, maybe you wouldn’t be clouding his damn senses and taking up so much space in his thoughts. Though he worried if he got a taste he’d just want more, like you were some sort of drug to him.
But you’d shown up early that night, and Matt hadn’t technically called it a date. He’d asked for you to ‘hang out’, which admittedly was what he always called it. Usually the women he spent time with knew what he meant, but you’d shown up early and Foggy hadn’t left yet. He’d inevitably introduced the pair of you, hoping to segue into you and him leaving–but you and Foggy had instantly hit it off.
You’d both bonded over a Red Hot Chili Peppers song Foggy was playing, apparently it being both of yours’ favorite song by them. And then that turned into a long discussion about music and the bands you’d both seen, which had led to jokes being shared. Your laughter had sounded amazing to Matt’s ears, but he’d sat there on the end of his bed dumbfounded. You and Fog had almost identical interests. You so quickly warmed up to him. And he could read your body’s reaction that night–you were eliciting all of the signs of attraction.
To Foggy. 
While Matt was just sitting there on his bed, you were beside Foggy displaying every sign to Matt that you were interested in Foggy . Not him. 
It had crushed him. All of those weeks of trying to find you, all of those nights of you plaguing his mind, and you liked Foggy . He hadn't even told Fog you were the White Whale ahead of time, hoping not to jinx things, but in the end things had wound up going awry for Matt anyway. 
He’d tried to remain hopeful that he’d gotten it wrong, but then the pair of you began Saturday nights as a weekly thing. Both of you were always texting after that. And you always seemed so eager to come over to see him. Always spending so much time with him. And every time you showed up, you’d be giving off every damn clue that you were attracted to him. It only took a couple of weeks before Matt gave up and went back to what he’d been doing–sleeping around. He couldn’t have you, so he figured he’d have whoever else he could. And when Foggy had asked him about his White Whale again, he’d sadly told him it hadn’t worked out. He’d never mentioned the White Whale again.
Though it was always strange to Matt that you’d never done anything more with Foggy. Anytime Matt hadn’t been around for the Saturday nights the pair of you spent together and he had occasionally popped back in, you often reacted like he’d interrupted something, your body going into overdrive. But you were always studying or hanging out, never anything more.
It didn’t make sense until he’d finally gotten something like an answer out of you that one night he’d upset you at the bar. He’d had a brief moment of hope when he heard your body reacting as you were looking at him, wondering if it was actually him you were reacting to like that first time in the library. He’d somehow hoped in that moment that he’d gotten everything all wrong, that it was him that you somehow liked all this time, and in his haste to say the right thing, he’d said the wrong thing.  Especially with that stupid comment about being your wingman. And he’d really upset you to the point that you’d left the bar early near tears. He wanted to chase after you but he had no reason to realistically do so–he wasn’t supposed to be able to know you were crying as you walked back to your dorm, but he did. So when Foggy had spotted Marci, he’d been thrilled to have an excuse to leave, dodging some woman who’d tried to sleep with him before hurrying after you.
But then you’d broke his heart again because you were upset over Fog. He couldn’t deny it after you’d admitted to only being seen as a friend by the person you had feelings for and then breaking down crying on him. Because Matt had been too thoughtless with his words and told you Foggy was chatting with Marci–the girl you both knew he’d been talking about recently. Why else would you have started crying? If you’d had feelings for him he was certain you’d have said something then and there with how he’d been trying to talk you up all night. Telling you any guy would be lucky to take you on a date–which obviously included him.
That night had cemented it for him. You were in love with Foggy. As much as Matt hated seeing how hurt you were sitting in the friend zone with him, he selfishly didn’t want to bring it to Foggy’s attention because he knew it would absolutely kill him to watch Foggy with you . The one he could never get out of his head. He did his best to ignore it as the months and years went by, intentionally trying to ignore whatever your body was doing because it hurt too fucking much to listen to it.
When Elektra had come into his life, she’d certainly been the first one to come close enough to shaking you from his mind. He’d fallen for her fast and hard, especially when she saw every single dark part about him and still never turned him away. She saw him for everything he was–including his heightened senses that neither you nor Fog had any clue about–and she loved him for it. Or, he thought she had. And even she had pointed out how crazy you seemed about Foggy. How you were attached to his hip like a lovesick puppy she’d said. How you always spent all your time with him. Her words only further cemented it in his mind that he would never have you. Not as anything more than his best friend.
That knowledge broke him twice as hard when Elektra left. Because you’d been there for him, encouraging him. Being the absolutely wonderful, beautiful person you were. He didn’t deserve it, either. He’d been an asshole to you when he’d been with Elektra. He was still being an asshole to you when he continued to keep his mouth shut to Fog about your feelings–because he was selfish and never wanted to see you with him. Instead he’d eventually gone back to burying himself in a different girl when he had the chance, especially the closer it had gotten to graduation. He was afraid he’d lose you after the three of you graduated from Columbia, the dark thought constantly lingering in his mind. 
He’d almost kissed you that night, too. That night it was just you and him cuddled together on his bed after graduation. The last night in your dorms. He’d been overcome with the urge to just tell you everything and kiss you, but then he’d caught the feeling of your panic when he’d so carefully cradled your face in the palm of his hand, desperate to finally feel your lips on his. To hear you tell him you cared for him, too. But all he’d felt was your fear in that moment instead. You must’ve realized he was about to say something, that he’d been about to possibly kiss you, and you panicked at the thought of it. Because Foggy was asleep in the bed across from both of you and you loved him . So he’d bit the words back and said the first thing that came to his mind instead of what he really wanted to. And it fucking killed him to do so.
Now, here you all were getting together months later, and you were bringing your boyfriend. Clearly you’d tried to move on from Fog, but that didn’t make things hurt any less for Matt. He hadn’t moved on from you. He wasn’t sure if he ever would be able to at this rate. And he certainly tried–he’d fucked a few interns at Landman and Zack, but none of them made him forget how it felt to wake up beside you that morning he had after Elektra had left him.
“Oh hey, I think that’s them!” Foggy said excitedly.
His words drew Matt back to this miserable moment, the sound of Foggy’s hand waving the pair of you over only deepening the frown on his face. He didn’t want this asshole here with his arm around you. Probably kissing you in front of him. He wanted to be the one doing that. Not this random guy who’d recently popped into your life and didn’t know you like Matt did. It felt wrong .
“Hey guys!” your cheery voice greeted the pair of them.
Matt quickly did his best to tune out the sound of your body and ignore the faint scent of your arousal that abruptly hit him when you’d reached the table. His hand tightened around his bottle of beer again. Your boyfriend’s scent was mixed with yours and it didn’t sit right with Matt. It pissed him off, actually. For some reason he really wanted to hit this guy.
Foggy greeted you brightly with your name and then he felt your eyes land on him expectantly. The smile noticeably faltered on your face, he could hear it in the way your muscles shifted. Raising his head from the table, he forced a smile onto his mouth and greeted you with your name in return. 
“Guys this is Liam,” you said, introducing your boyfriend.
“It’s so nice to finally meet you!” Foggy exclaimed, reaching out a hand. “I’m Foggy.”
Liam reached out, accepting the handshake in return. Matt ground his teeth together as he listened to the interaction.
“I’ve heard so many stories about you both,” Liam was saying, his attention turning to Matt as Foggy released his hand. “You must be Matt, right?”
Matt knew Liam was extending a hand out towards him, he heard the air shift in front of him when he did. He also knew it was usually the polite thing to do to at least extend his own hand out when he introduced himself, allowing the other person to reach out and shake his hand. But he didn’t want to shake Liam’s hand. He didn’t want to be his friend. He didn’t want him here .
“Yeah, that’s me,” Matt replied.
He heard the way Liam’s hand awkwardly lowered back to his side after a few uncomfortable seconds. He could practically feel the three sets of eyes on him. That had been rude, but he didn’t care.
“How about I get us a drink?” Liam asked, turning to you.
“Sure, that’d be great!” you responded. “A beer would be good.”
When Liam leaned towards you and kissed you, Matt thought he was going to break the beer bottle with how hard he was gripping the neck of it. He even caught the light tap to your ass before he’d sauntered off to the bar, wishing he could’ve been as oblivious to that as Foggy was. Or to the way it’d made you blush.
“You seem happy,” Foggy said, reaching across the table and playfully slapping your shoulder. “How’ve you been?”
“Good!” you answered, your tone bright. “The job’s gotten a lot better now that the stress of being the newbie is past. How’ve you guys been? How’s the internship going? Still busy?”
Foggy blew out an exaggerated breath. “ Exhausting . We’ve been drowning in paperwork and menial tasks, but there’s apparently two positions opening up in a few months and I think Matt and I are in line for it.”
“Oh my God!” you exclaimed, your attention turning towards Matt. “That’s awesome! You guys deserve it!”
Matt’s heart might have skipped a beat at the sound of your excitement for them. He noticed your eyes lingering on him. Probably because he was being uncharacteristically silent tonight. And rude.
“So how’d you meet Liam? How long have you both been together?” Foggy asked, bringing his beer to his mouth for a drink.
Matt could tell you’d nervously ducked your head at the question, tucking some hair behind your ear. It was cute. You were cute. He wished you acted like that when asked about him instead of Liam .
“Just a couple of weeks,” you admitted. “It’s still new. I actually met him at a coffee shop–or, technically outside of it. We sort of grabbed each others’ drinks on accident. He was the one who’d noticed, I was just hurrying to get back home for work. He’d had to chase me down a block.” 
You laughed and the sound was like a knife to Matt’s heart. You liked this guy. And that fucking hurt.
“He was sweet and had some terrible jokes,” you continued. “For some reason he asked me out to dinner and then, well–” you shrugged, “–here we are now.” 
You cleared your throat, your attention nervously darting to Foggy and then back to himself before you ducked your head again. Matt’s eyes narrowed behind his glasses curiously, wondering what that had been about until you spoke again.
“So uh, are you two seeing anyone?” you asked.
Your tone was pitched higher than usual and Matt instantly guessed the reasoning. His eyes closed behind his glasses, his heart further sinking in his chest.
You still liked Foggy, didn’t you? He’d never have a chance with you.
“Well it turns out Marci is actually interning at Landman and Zack, too,” Foggy replied. “But uh, she still isn’t too interested in being serious. But I’m working on her!”
Your attention shifted to him, your heart having sped up at Foggy’s words. Probably upset because he was still pursuing Marci instead of you. He could sympathize with your heartache.
“And…what about you, Matt?” you asked, voice suddenly quieter.
He focused on you standing directly across from him at the table. You were gripping it firmly in both of your hands, your heart still beating a little faster after Foggy’s admission. He swallowed hard, trying to hide his emotions behind his glasses. 
Still hopelessly in love with you.
“Ever the bachelor,” he said with a tense smile. “You know me.”
You’d opened your mouth to respond, but Liam had appeared at your side, cutting you off. He handed you your beer and you’d smiled when he’d kissed you on the cheek. Matt’s attention dropped back down on the table, his jaw clenched yet again. This was going to be a long night, he could already tell. 
Maybe he could find an excuse to head out early. Claim he wasn’t feeling well or something. There was something he was thinking about doing tonight, something he’d recently picked up. The thought of it was sounding better and better the lower Liam slid his hand down your back. And it’d certainly be a better outlet beating an asshole who truly deserved it than your boyfriend. Plus if Foggy wasn’t at the apartment, well, then it’d be all the easier for him to slip in and out. Though he really needed to focus on getting his own place soon so he could keep his nightly activities private. He certainly couldn’t tell either of you what he got up to in the evenings. Maybe he’d just use the excuse to Fog that he needed his own place to bring women back to without having to constantly worry about a roommate. He’d surely buy that line. He already thought he was often out sleeping around as it was.
For the next half hour, Matt quietly drank down his beer, barely adding much to the conversation unless you or Foggy had directly acknowledged him. Shortly after he’d finished his drink, he’d made up an excuse about a bad headache. Despite the boisterous round of protests from you and Foggy, he’d departed the bar and made his way back to the apartment. When he’d gotten there, he’d wasted no time quickly dressing in the all black outfit he kept hidden in the false bottom of his father’s steamer trunk at the foot of his bed. Pulling the fabric of a mask over the majority of his face, he slipped out of his bedroom window, landing on the fire escape almost soundlessly. And then he was off scouring the rooftops of Hell’s Kitchen, ready to loose the anger he’d kept inside of himself tonight on someone who truly deserved it.
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[END NOTES--which are always on my AO3 fics and give more insight & I figured some of you might want it for this installment]
Reader has a boyfriend in here! And we find out Matt has had feelings for Reader long before that interaction at the library. And he's been repeatedly misinterpreting her body to think that it's Foggy she's reacting to instead of him (even if he's aware of the physical attraction she has to him), especially with the knowledge that she has feelings for a friend. Doesn't help that Elektra intentionally fed him lies to further push that idea into his mind. Not to mention, Reader does panic when Matt is about to kiss her on graduation night, and Matt completely misreads the reasoning behind her body's reaction. And these idiots both keep saying that they're each other's 'friend' repeatedly. Plus it probably doesn't help that Matt intentionally tries to ignore her body so he doesn't have to hear it reacting to Fog (when really its him). And clearly Reader is often misinterpreting Matt's reactions to things (and he's also hiding it).
There you have it folks. They're both hopelessly in love with each other and have been for years. But no one is opening their damn mouth. Now Reader is dating someone else.
Oh, and Matt is now becoming the Devil of Hell's Kitchen, if you didn't catch that. But Foggy thinks he's out sleeping around. And therefore Reader probably does, too.
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Pretty little letters 2
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Dbf Negan x fem reader
Synopsis - After finishing college you decide to on a gap year to take a breather after many years of hard. Setting out to travel the country, you promise to write to your dad every week, what happens when his best friend Negan makes you promise to write to him too.
Warnings- No apocalypse AU, dads best friend, large age gap, feelings, love confessions, adventures, reader travelling, reader described as female, mentions of cheating, Negan is the one cheated on in this fic by ex wife, struggles with feelings, dad finding out about relationship, some angst, obviously not canon at all, smut in this chapter, p in v, unprotected sex, both reader and Negan are consent king and queen. So yeah 18+ only please.
Let me know if I’ve left anything out
Word count - 6.1K (sorry another long one)
This is two of two chapters in this mini series.
Waking up the next morning was a task in itself, your head was pounding, and the light filtering in from the cheap motel curtains was making things worse. You looked over at the wall clock 9:00am, pulling yourself up with a groan you headed for the shower, once in you began lathering yourself with soap to remove the stale alcohol smell. God last night was a blur, a few flashbacks start filling your mind, you remember sitting with a few women who invited you to their booth for some drinks, and you remember leaving before they dragged you onto the dance floor.
As the warm water spray roused you more you remember staggering home and passing out, ‘could have been way worse’ you think to yourself. After brushing your teeth and packing up your room, you grab your phone and car keys and make your way into town to find somewhere to eat. Maybe a good breakfast will help, although luckily your head hurts more than you felt nauseous.
Walking into a cute little diner you sit down and ask the waitress for pancakes, whilst waiting for your breakfast you pulled out your notebook and pen, deciding it was the perfect time to write your letters, it’s been a while since you’d written properly to your dad, and after your conversation with him last night you felt guilty. Thinking back on the phone calls of last night though your stomach drops, Negan and his date, argh! Surely he won’t go? He really didn’t seem that keen on it, you needed to put it out of your mind today, just be in the moment of the day! So you write your dad a little letter explaining where your off to next, before moving on to Negan's.
Hey Negan,
I’m currently sat in a cute little 50s style diner, I’m hoping breakfast cures this hangover a bit.
Maybe I had a little too much fun last night, though sitting with the middle aged women having a girls night seemed to be the right call, as I made it back to my room in one piece!
I’m going to head through New Mexico today on my way to LA, planing some stops on the way though. Going to stop in Arizona and see the Grand Canyon, I’ve always wanted to see it, maybe visit my best friend Gemma who lives in Tucson now, her and her husband have recently bought a puppy so I’m gonna be right in there!!
I hope you and dad are doing well this week, I miss you both a lot today, and please make sure dad doesn’t burn the garden shed down with his BBQ this weekend!
With love
On your way back to the car, you post the letters in the postal box on the sidewalk. The warm breeze kisses your skin as you walk, leaving goosebumps in its wake, it’s a beautiful day and you take pleasure in the little things that morning. Birds chirping, children laughing in the streets, a man who is dancing down the road with his headphones blaring out classic rock, not a care in his mind as to who may be watching.
Once back in your car you set your sat nav for a small town in the Gila National Forest, New Mexico and hit start, you’ll see how far you can get in a day, as you’re excited to get to Arizona. Whilst turning up your music you hear your phone buzz, ‘I’ll get that later you think’ eager to get going this morning, you have a long drive ahead of you.
The flight had been awful, he was squished between a screaming child and a sweaty bald man, who felt it appropriate to tell Negan his life story. So once he had stepped through customs he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, good god he thought that was hell, but at least he will be with you in just shy of an hour, checking his watch he checked the time 8:30am he had time.
Once he secured a taxi he gave the man the motels address and counted the minutes down, he couldn’t wait to pull you into his arms and tell you he felt the same, that there’s no way he’s going to go on this date, that the only women he wants is you. Checking his watch again 9:35am and only 10 minutes until he’s at the motel, he ran over in his mind again everything he needed to tell you, he hasn’t ever declared love to someone before and he wants it to be perfect. He runs a hand through his salt and pepper hair, he’s so nervous and he doesn’t know why? It’s you! He’s never been nervous around you.
“Here we are sir, Eunice south motel”, “Thank you” Negan answers, handing the man his money before grabbing his bags out the trunk, once the cab had left he made his way over to the reception, entering he found a young lad at the desk, he must have been 19 at the very oldest. “Hello sir, welcome to Eunice south motel, are you checking in?” He reads it out like a scripted monologue that’s ingrained into his brain. “Hello there, I’m wandering if you can help me, see I’m looking for a young woman, she checked in yesterday. She’s called y/n y/l/n, she is about this tall ‘Gestures with hand’ and she has h/c hair.” Negan asks.
“Oh yes! I do know who you mean, she was in room 27” the boy answers.
“What do you mean was?” Negan asks.
“Yeah well she checked out this morning, about 20 minutes ago actually, you just missed her” the boy nervously answers again.
Panic sets it, your gone how can you be gone already!
“Did she say where she was going at all?” Negan asks.
“Said something about finding some breakfast in town”
“Ok thanks” Negan responds before rushing out and calling another cab, hoping he can find you before you drive off. He tries calling your phone but it goes straight to voicemail. “Shit!” He mutters before deciding it was quicker to jog into town than wait for the cab to arrive. Hauling his backpack and duffle on to his shoulders he starts a steady jog into town.
Once he arrives he notices a 50s diner, that would be the exact kind of place you would go he thinks. Upon entering he asks the waitress if she has seen you, “Yes I’ve seen a girl matching that description, how do I know you’re not a pervert chasing her though hmm?” The waitress sneered, reluctantly Negan fished his phone out of his pocket, showing the waitress his Lock Screen, it was a photo of you and him, his arm looped around your shoulders pulling you in close, big grins on both your faces.
Negan was loosing time and patience, “Please have you seen her?” He asks once more. “Yeah I saw her she left about ten minutes ago, she left this accidentally” the waitress mentions, handing him your debit card. “Shit” he mumbles again, “She isn’t going to get far without that” he sighs. “Ok thank you I’ll see if I can track her down” he says as he leaves, your card in hand.
You’re singing along without a care in the world, your phone is still buzzing in your pocket. You will check it once you stop for gas, you’d need to stop soon looking at the dash it’s saying there’s only 80 miles left.
Spotting one ahead you pull in, pulling out your purse when you notice it, your card is gone “Fuck!” You call out to no one. Luckily you noticed before you put gas in, pulling out your phone you notice you have 5 missed calls from Negan, that’s odd he doesn’t usually call that many times knowing you’re busy. You’ll have to call him back later you have bigger things to deal with right now, walking into the shop part you ask if they take Apple Pay, to which they state no. Groaning you go back out to your car, pulling it forward and out of the way of the pumps.
What are you going to do now?
You call your dad but he doesn’t answer, probably busy with work, you could call Negan back see what he could do, but he’s the other side of the country, there’s no way he could help. Sighing you close your eyes and groan, did you even have enough fuel to go back to the diner, that must be where you left it. But it’s 100 miles back and you only have 80 at a push! Checking google, there’s a town with your bank in ahead you could get a new card issued, that’s only 70 miles away, cutting it close but it’s the best option you had.
Searching your glove box for your phone charger you came across a scrunched up ball, pulling it out you found it was a $20 dollar bill and a $10 dollar bill. “Yes!” You cheer, that can definitely get enough gas to get me to the next town, once your car was filled as much as you could afford you set off once more.
Little did you know Negan was frantically trying to catch you up, now in another cab following the route that he was praying you took.
You’d had success at the bank, another card would be ready for you to collect in the morning. They had also given you a cash withdrawal to pay for your motel tonight, all in all things weren’t too bad. You'd found a nice motel close by making it easy to walk over first thing, so with everything sorted you settled in your room for the evening.
Maybe you could find somewhere for dinner? You weren’t all that hungry though, you’d had a hell of a day and really you just wanted to rest. You’d spoken to your dad and assured him you’d sorted it, when he said he would leave now and come get you, you’d had to laugh though, he’d do anything to have you back earlier.
Laying yourself back on the beds itchy covers, you close your eyes, a nap may do you good.
Meanwhile Negan was going out of his mind, where were you! The cab driver was loosing his patience too, telling him to pick a motel and call someone else in the morning. He was just about to give up hope when he spotted your car in a motel carpark. “Stop! There! That’s her car!” He shouted, tears now filling his eyes from sheer relief! “Thank god for that” the cab driver muttered, Negan grabbed his bags with urgency, paid the driver and shot over to your car. That was definitely your number plate! He looked into the room behind the car, there you were, asleep on the bed safe and sound.
He gathered up all his courage before knocking on your door.
You shot up from the loud knock, it was heavy and urgent. You slowly shuffled to the door, as quietly as you could muster and peaked through the peep hole. Negan??? It was Negan, you grabbed the handle and swung the door open.
There he stood right in your doorway, with a face you couldn’t quite read, you usher him in closing the door “Negan what are you doing here? Not that it’s not good to see you! This is the best surprise ever! It’s just I’m confused why are you……..” your rambling was cut off by him flying forwards and smushing his lips against yours in a searing kiss, his hands found your cheeks as he pulled your body into his, after recovering from the shock, you threw your arms around his neck pulling him in even closer.
“I love you” kiss “So much” kiss “So Fucking Damn Much!” He punctuates between fierce kisses, you’re now struggling to stand upright, your legs buckling as so much emotion fills you, this is everything you’ve ever wanted. “I love you too Negan, so so much” you mumble against his swollen lips. He smiles against your mouth “I know, I got your text” you're confused now “My text?” You ask, “The one you sent me last night before you fell asleep” he mentions, now staring down at your beautiful face, memories start flooding back! You did text him, you told him not to go on the date and that you loved him.
Gasping your hand flies to your mouth, “Oh my goodness” you shake your head in embarrassment. “You were drunk weren’t you” he laughs, “Yeah a bit” you mumble still feeling incredibly flushed. “Hey” he moves your chin up to face him, “Don’t be embarrassed, I feel the same about you doll, I flew here! Chased you down in the back of a cab until I found you, god I sound like a stalker now don’t I?” He laughs, “No” you shake your head in disagreement, “I think it’s incredibly romantic, I’m so happy you found me!”, “Me too beautiful, me too” he agrees placing is forehead against yours.
“Oh I almost forgot! You left this at the diner” he mentions, handing you your debit card. “Oh ” you giggle, “I have already cancelled and replaced it, I’m collecting the new one in the morning.” You explain. “Hmm well maybe look after that one better” he laughs, you nod in agreement, before bringing your lips back to his in another passionate kiss.
Pulling him against you, you run your hands through his hair, slightly tugging the strands causing him to let out a low moan. Smirking at his reaction you do it again, tugging his bottom lip between your teeth in tandem. “Careful sweetheart, you’re going to start something you can’t finish” he groans, “Who says I don’t have every intention in finishing it!” You tease. He growls picking you up and throwing you onto the bed, before crawling over you and attaching his lips to yours once more.
You slowly start running your hand under his shirt exploring the planes of his toned chest, you can feel his heart thump under your fingertips, the rhythmic drumming grounding you, he is really here, this is really happening. “I love you” you blurt out once again, he smiles against your throat, “I love you too beautiful”. Moving your hand back down you tug at the hem of his shirt, “Are you sure sweetheart?” He asks, watching your features for any hesitation, “I’m sure Negan, you’re all I’ve ever wanted” you admit.
“Ok baby girl” he offers, pressing a soft kiss to your lips before shuffling back to stand up. He smiles down at you as he pulls his shirt off, you sit upright tugging your sleep shirt over your head leaving your top half bare, before bringing yourself onto your knees. “You’re so gorgeous sweetheart” he admires as his eyes run over the exposed parts of your body.
You run both hands over his chest again, the look of love and admiration on his face as he watches you, brings up a mix of strong emotions. You’ve never felt so loved or so wanted in your life, the few college boys you’d been with before never took their time like this, they never made you feel this special and he hasn’t even touched you yet.
Cupping your face in his large hands he pulls you in for another slow kiss, sweeping his tongue against your lips seeking entrance, which you grant happily, deepening the kiss. You move your hands downwards, fingers playing with his belt buckle, hesitating you break the kiss and look up at him, meeting his warm hazel eyes.
“Go on baby, I’m all yours” he whispers, that was all the confirmation you needed, you make quick work of his belt and jean buttons, before pulling them down his legs, he steps out of the offending material kicking it to the side. You lay back against the sheets lifting your hips, encouraging him to do the same to you. His fingers hook under your sleep shorts and panties before pulling them both off in one swoop, leaving you completely naked.
Kneeling at the foot of the bed he tugs sharply on your ankles, pulling them up and over his shoulders, bringing your soaked heat to his face. “This ok baby girl?” He asks, “Yes!” You reply pleadingly, lifting your hips a little as you speak, feeling like if he didn’t touch you soon you’d combust. “So needy baby” he teases, running his forefinger through your slit.
He groans when he feels just how wet you already are, “Shit baby, this all for me?” You whimper nodding frantically, “Negan please” you beg, becoming needier by the minute. He gives your inner thigh a playful nip before licking a firm stroke through your folds, you throw your head back with a breathy moan, fingers finding purchase in his hair.
He sets a steady pace, alternating between licking and suckling at your clit. He quickly learns what you like, as he starts working you open with his fingers, angling them upwards and reaching that spot that makes you see stars. “Fuck Negan I’m gonna come” you cry, reaching your peak fast. He works you through your high before pulling away and placing a gentle kiss to your hip bone.
As your catching your breath he pulls his boxers off and rejoins you on the bed, once more hovering over you. “Still sure baby?” He asks again, letting some self doubt fill his mind, he’s still unsure as to how someone as beautiful, young and brilliant as you, would want an old man like himself. “Yes, I told you, you’re all I’ve ever wanted Negan, please I want you” you answer, rolling your hips into his seeking that friction you so desperately needed. “Fuck baby girl, ok” he moans, taking himself in his hand he rubs the blunt end of his cock through your folds, before notching it at your entrance and sinking forward.
As your hips meet flush against one another you both let out deep moans, getting lost in the feeling of each other. “Shit baby you feel so good” he groans, “God I’ve thought about this for so long, I’ve needed you so much, can’t believe you’re now mine” he rambles, slowly thrusting in and out of your tight heat. “Fuck baby girl say it! Tell me you’re mine!” He begs, “I’m all yours Negan, fuck I’ve always been yours” you cry as you start meeting his thrusts.
The room is filled with the sounds of soft moans and broken gasps, you grab his shoulders pulling him in as close as you can, “Faster! Please go faster” you plead, moving your hips harder against his, he indulges you picking up speed, his movements becoming more frantic. “So close, don’t stop” you whine as the familiar feeling in your core builds, Negan moves his hand between your bodies rubbing your clit, causing your whines to grow louder, “That’s it baby girl let go for me” he encourages you, throwing your head back you give in to it coming hard, white hot pleasure cursing through you.
“Fuck! There you go baby, shit I’m close where do you want it” he asks, “Inside” you gasp another orgasm building, “I want it inside me” you affirm. His thrusts become rougher, rhythm becoming sloppy as he reaches his high stilling against you as he comes. You reach your high simultaneously, grasping onto him for dear life as you repeat his name like a mantra.
When your heart rates steady and the fog clears he looks down at you, removing a sweaty lock from your face, “you’re going to be the death of me, you know that baby girl?” You grin up at him, “Yeah but what a way to go huh?” You reply, he huffs out a laugh, “Yeah” he agrees, nuzzling in against your throat, “Let’s get cleaned up yeah?” He asks, “Yeah ok”.
Cuddled up in bed, drifting off in each others arms your heart felt so full. “I love you” you whisper before falling into a dreamless sleep.
The next morning starts in a rather frantic rush, it was amazing to wake up beside the man you love, but you had a lot to get through. You’d managed though to go to the bank, collect your new card, grab breakfast together and pack up your room in just over an hour, leaving you feeling quite accomplished.
Walking out from your now vacant motel room Negan asks “So baby are you driving or am I?” You grin at him teasingly, “Oh you most certainly can drive! I want to relax. I’ve loved every minute of this trip, but it’s been heavy going” you admit. “You’ve got it sweet cheeks, today you can be my passenger princess” he proposes. You giggle at his comment as you enter the car, “So where too baby girl?” He asks, “Well I was heading towards Tucson to see Gemma and her new puppy” you mention, “Ok we will make our way there then, did you want to get it up on the sat nav?” He suggests. “But will you really want to come with me to see her?” You ask nerves settling in.
“Of course I do baby, I want to meet your friends, if you don’t want me to come with you, I can drop you off and collect you later?” He offered, “No I’d like to bring you with me, I guess I just got into my head” you sigh, “Hey sweetheart look at me” he says lifting your chin up to meet his gaze, “I am in this for the long haul baby, I don’t throw I love you around pointlessly, I’ve never loved anyone like I love you beautiful. So that means meeting your friends, your family and we do need to tell your dad.” He explains.
Your face falls at the mention of telling your dad, you would need to tell him, you couldn’t start a life with Negan and not tell your dad, and you knew Negan wouldn’t want to keep anything from him. The thought though terrified you, what if your dad can’t except it? What if he hits Negan?, shouts at you both? Refuses to talk to you? Fear sinks in your gut as you think of all the consequences.
“Hey darlin’ let’s not worry about it right now, but in the next week we need to tell him, yeah it may not go as well as we hope, but I can’t live without you, so we will have to make him see won’t we?” He asks, and he’s right, you cannot live without him either! You want the whole lot with Negan, a home together, marriage, maybe a dog? “Yeah ok your right we do need to tell him, just not today. Let us just live in this bubble another day?” You ask, “Yeah ok sweetheart” he smiles, before putting the car into drive and heading out to the highway.
You’d reached Tucson by 2pm and after giving Gemma a quick call from an hour out, she’d told you she was home and excited to see you. Pulling up outside the address she gave you, your nerves were replaced by excitement of seeing your best friend again. As you got out of the car her front door was thrown open as she bolted out to meet you! “Y/N!!! Oh my god it’s so good to see you!” She gushes throwing her arms around you in a fierce hug, one you returned effortlessly. “I know!! It’s been too long! How are you? And where is this cute puppy I’ve heard so much about?” You ask excitedly.
“Oh he’s inside with Alex!! Gosh, I haven’t seen you since my wedding day home in Virgina! How’s your dad? Oh and your Nan? Are they well? We have so much to catch up on!!!” She rambles out without so much as a breath. You laugh at her antics, “Dad and Nan are both well yeah” you return. She looks up from you then and clocks Negan behind you, “And who is this?” She asks teasingly, grinning like a Cheshire Cat! You step back grabbing his hand and lacing your fingers together, “This is Negan” you answer, recognition flashes on her face, “As in the Negan? Your dads best friend? The one you’ve been in love with for years?” She whispers into your ear, he hears though, laughing at her very loud whisper.
“That would be me, but I’m lucky enough to be her partner now” Negan replies, you smile at him and then back at Gemma “Sooo puppy?” You ask again, Gemma giggles “I swear you’re more excited to meet the dog than see me!!” She laughs, “Well yeah?” You offer smiling.
The afternoon was great, you and Gemma sit on her kitchen floor playing with the puppy, while Alex and Negan talk about guy stuff and you can’t help but smile at how easily he gets on with everyone around him, despite being a couple of decades older than you all. It all feels so effortless, and you can’t help but feel excited for your future together.
Once alone Gemma asks you “So you haven’t told your dad yet?”, “No not yet, it’s only been a couple of days that it’s been official you know? I wanted to live in this happy bubble before my dad bursts it. I know he won’t be happy” you sigh, “Well if you two were this obvious before, then I think he already knows, or is at least waiting for it to happen.” She offers, “What do you mean?” You ask confused. “Y/N, you look at each other like the other hung the moon in the sky, you are obviously very much in love, and that didn’t happen over night. I’m telling you he knows something, your dad isn’t a stupid man. I think he’d be more upset if you kept it from him now it’s happened, than the actual happening of it, if that makes sense babe?” She asks.
“Yeah, it does. I just worry because I can’t loose him you know?” You sigh, “I know and you won’t, you’re an adult remember? He can’t stop you both being together” she offers giving you a playful nudge, you nod at her giving a small smile. You are still worried though about how this will all go. Just then the men walk back into the room breaking your train of thought, “You’ll both stay for dinner yeah?” Alex offers, “Yeah that would be lovely thank you” you smile.
The journey to the motel that night was quiet, you were deep in thought and Negan didn’t want to pry and make you uncomfortable, he ran a gentle, comforting hand over your thigh. “We need to tell him” you blurt out, “My dad I mean, we need to tell him, Gemma is right, he’d be more upset about us not telling him than anything else” you offer, he gives a deep sigh glancing at you “Yeah I think she’s right too, when did you want to do it baby?” He asks.
“Tonight” you declare, “The longer we leave it the worse it will be” you decide. “Ok baby girl.” He agrees. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t shitting it, but it needed to happen, he couldn’t have a life with you in secret.
It’s been an hour now, an hour you’ve been sat in the motel room. Well Negan is sat, watching you from his spot on the bed, as you pace back and forth the room clutching your phone. “Sweetheart, just call him it will be ok, I’m right here.” He comforts, grasping your hand as you try and pace past him again.
“Ok ok” you give a deep sigh before calling your dads cell phone. “Hey kiddo! It’s been a couple of days, everything ok?” You dad asks, “Yeah dad I’m fine, actually I’m really good. I’m in Tucson I’ve just got back from seeing Gemma” you mention, “Oh that’s great honey, how is she it’s been a year since her wedding!” Your dad answers, “Yeah she’s good, her and Alex have a new puppy, he’s super cute” you say, “Aww that’s good, you spent the day playing with him then?” He asks, “Yeah that, and just catching up you know?” You reply, “Yes I know well how you two get when you are catching up” he laughs.
“So I have something I need to tell you” you say biting your nails nervously, “Ok kiddo? You ok?” He asks, “Yeah like I said I’m really good ummm, Negan’s here with me” you say, “Negan is with you? What as in right now?” Your dad asks and you can hear the confusion in his voice, “Yeah as in right now, here in my motel room with me” you say nervously, “Hey Mike” Negan speaks up, confirming he was in fact with you.
“Negan’s with you in Tucson? In your motel room with you? Why is he there with you? How is he there, he was here just a couple of days ago.” Your dad asks his voice becoming more frustrated while he tries to put together what is going on. “Yeah he flew out to me a couple of nights ago dad” you respond, you know you are beating around the bush, buying time but the anxiety is overfilling now.
“Put him on the phone Y/N!” Your dad demands, “I don’t know if that’s a good idea dad, just talk to me” you deflect, but Negan hands out his hand for your phone, reluctantly you hand it over to him. “Hey Mike it’s me” Negan answers, “Do you want to tell me why you are in a motel room in Arizona with my daughter Negan, because I am really struggling to understand this.” Your dad asks angrily, “Well it’s a long story, but in short she admitted her feelings to me so I flew to her to tell her I felt the same way” Negan answered, trying to keep as calm as possible.
“Feelings? What feelings Negan?” He was definitely confused, his mind not quite catching up with everything, or wanting to ignore what he already knows. “I love your daughter Mike, I have for a very long time, and I think deep down you’ve known this a while too” Negan replies, “Well I knew you two were close, and I had suspicions, but I never really put much thought into it. She’s young enough to be your daughter Negan!” Your dad shouts, “I know that, I know the age gap isn’t ideal Mike but I love your daughter very much. This isn’t some fling I want to assure you of that, I’ve never felt this way before. I want a life with your daughter, a home together, the whole nine yards.” Negan explains calmly hoping to make your dad understand.
“I’m going to need some time to come to terms with this….. I need to go” beeep, the phone line goes dead and you look down at Negan worriedly. “Come here baby girl, it’s going to be ok, he’ll come around” he says pulling you into his arms. “He just needs some time, we did the right thing not keeping it from him” he continues, kissing the side of your head.
Later that night while Negan is softly snoring behind you, you lay awake worrying. Your phone buzzing tears you from your thoughts, it’s a message from your dad.
Hey kiddo
I have to know how long has this been going on really? Xx
Hey dad
We were being honest, it’s been just over 24 hours, we couldn’t keep it from you. Although we hid our feelings from each other for years this is very new. I love him too though Daddy, I can’t live without him now, and you know he’s a good man, he won’t hurt me. I don’t expect you to understand it, I just hope you can come to except it.
Hey kiddo
Thank you for telling me from the start, I’m glad you don’t ever keep things from me. And I can appreciate how hard that was to do, I need some time ok? But I love you that will never change ok? Xx
Ok dad, love you too xx
You both spent another two weeks travelling, you saw the Grand Canyon and it literally blew you away, but that niggling feeling in your heart kept twinging “We need to head home Negan, I need to see him and fix this, I haven’t heard from him in weeks” you say, “Ok sweetheart, let’s go home” he agreed, he hated seeing you so churned up.
Arriving back in Connecticut felt weird, seeing the familiar streets pass by in a blur, as you head to your home street. Pulling up in your drive you notice your dads truck is there, signalling he was home. Negan gives your leg a gentle squeeze “Come on baby, let’s sort this out yeah?” He asks, “Yeah” you sigh exiting the car.
Entering your house you take in its familiarity, you let that in itself comfort you. Taking Negan’s hand in yours you make your way through to the kitchen, you notice your dad in the garden mowing the lawn, no wonder he hasn’t come greet you.
You tap loudly on the window causing him to snap his head up, emotion filling his features when he sees it’s you. He kicks off the mower and rushes inside, you let go of Negan’s hand and throw your arms around your dad. “What are you doing home kiddo? Not that I’m not happy to have you home! It’s just your not due back for months” he asks, “I couldn’t be away with everything up in the air dad, I had to come home and see you.” You admit.
Your dad looks over your shoulder at Negan and then back at you before giving you a small nod, “Yeah ok let’s sort this” he sighs motioning for everyone to head into your living room.
“So I’ve had some time to think it through, and I guess I did always notice something between you both. I guess I just hoped I was wrong” your dad starts, his confession causing Negan to wince, “But you are both my favourite people on this god forsaken Earth, and I do want you to both be happy. So I will except it, but I can’t say I understand it” he offers.
You go to speak but your dad cuts you off “I also know that you won’t listen to anything I say y/n so there’s no point going there. It’s not like I can stop two adults from being together. But if you ever hurt her Negan I swear to god” he threatens, “Absolutely man, I’d expect no less” Negan agrees. “Ok then, come here kiddo” he offers pulling you into another hug. Then he turns to Negan shakes his hand and gives him an awkward side hug, “I’m trusting you ok buddy, with the most important thing in my life, you understand that?” Your dad asks, “Yeah I know, I can promise you I will love and cherish her for every day I have left” Negan affirms.
Your dad gives him a nod, “Ok then guys it’s Friday night, so pizza and a board game?” Your dad offers, “Sounds perfect dad” you smile, snuggling into Negan on the sofa,
Just like that everything was right again, you were home with your boys eating pizza and fighting over monopoly, everything was as it should be.
@lanadelnegan @lunajay33 @akah565
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dianawinchester03 · 3 months
Season 2, Episode 5 - Simon Said
Series Masterlist
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Third Person POV
A middle aged African American man, Dr. Jennings gets a phone call in the middle of the town square. "Hello? Yeah" He answers happily but his smile drops when a voice compels him to do something terrible. "Alright" he takes the order before hanging up. A Blue Ridge bus passes in-front of him in the crowed street.
He then smiles again and begins walking down the square to the local gun shop. "Afternoon, Dennis" He approaches the man behind the counter reading a magazine about guns. "Hey, doc" Dennis greets Dr. Jennings with a smile. "I'd like to look at a gun" Dr. Jennings says to Dennis, earning a chuckle from him.
"Yeah right, doc" Dennis chuckles but Dr. Jennings wasn't joking. "Seriously?" Dennis asks surprised as the doctor nods. Dr. Jennings then points the shotgun he's like as Dennis goes round the unlock the chain from it. "That one" The doctor says. "Okay" Dennis says unsure, unlocking the gun. "That's a turkey hunter. Twelve-gauge, pump action" Dennis lists off the profile of the gun before cocking it.
He then hands it to Dr. Jennings, "Don't leave enough turkey behind, if you ask me" Dennis's jokes as Dr. Jennings takes the shotgun. "What sort of shells does it use?" The doctor asks, examining the gun. "Dennis the. Takes out a case of bullets for the gun. "I'm taking the boys up to the cabin this week, if you're uh..." He pauses when he sees the doctor examining the bullet.
"I mean, if you think you'd like to take up the sport" Dennis chuckles, Dr. Jennings then smiles, chuckling before he shakes his head, "Thanks but no. You know guns make me nervous, always have" He laughs before loading the gun, "This one goes in here, right?" He asks before coming the gun.
"Hey, whoa! Doc, no no! You can't load a weapon on the premises. It's illegal" Dennis tries to warn doc, panicking when he loaded the gun. "It's okay, Dennis" Dr. Jennings says calmly. "Nono" Dennis tries to stop him but puts his hands up. "It's okay, Dennis. It's all gonna be..." He then turns to Dennis, pointing the gun in his direction.
"Doc!" Dennis pleads, "....okay" Dr. Jennings then shoots Dennis point blank in his chest, sending him straight back into the glass window of the door behind him. Patrons in the gun shop scream in terror, "No, no. It's okay...It's okay. It's all gonna be okay." Dr Jennings assures everyone calmly before putting the gun below his chin.
Blowing his head off himself, his blood splatters on the roof above him.
Y/N gasps awake in the backseat of the Impala, cold sweating furiously. She tries to catch her breath as she frantically searched for a bottle of water in the bag of snacks Sam got in the gas n sip. She uncorked the bottle and gulped it down. The cool water calming her chest heaves as beads of sweat flowed down her neck, drenching her tshirt. The car was empty because Sam went to the bathroom and was taking forever so Dean went to go check on him.
While Sam held his head in pain, soaking his face in the crappy gas stations bathroom. Gasping for air similarly to Y/N, having had the same vision, "Sam, come on, zip it up. Let's hit the....road" Dean paused in concern when he saw his brothers state. "What?" He asks Sam concerned, Sam gripped the sink, his mind flashed to y/n, thinking she's probably having the same vision.
It was now nightfall and they were all driving down the dark road. "Rock in Nebraska, your source for the classics, all night long" The DJ on the radio deck blared. "I don't know, guys. Why don't we just chill out? Think about this?" Dean suggests to the two clearly shaken younger hunters. Y/N, who was riding shotgun now, turned off the radio. "Whats there to think about?" Sam pipes up from the backseat.
"I just don't know if going to the Roadhouse is the smartest idea" Dean tries to defend. "Dean. It's another premonition, we know it. This is gonna happen and Ash can tell us where. " Y/N says determined. Dean is still unsure, "Yeah, sweetheart but-" Dean sighs but Sam interrupts. "Plus, it could have some connection with the demon. Our visions always do" Sam adds defensively.
"That's my point. There's gonna be hunters there, I don't know if going in and announcing that you're both supernatural freaks with a demonic connection is the best thing, okay?" Dean argues, his words came out harsher than he meant to. This triggers something in Sam and Y/N, "So we're freaks now?" Y/N scoffs offended, crossing her arms over her chest.
"I knew it." She sighs disappointed, shaking her head, turning to face the passenger for. Her gaze was trained outside the window in shame, guilt raising in Dean. "Princess, I didn't mean-" Dean tries to apologize but Sam comes to their defense, "Just shut up, Dean!" Sam barks back. Deans mouth snaps shut, knowing he was in the wrong for his statement.
CE, Nebraska
The trio finally made it to the roadhouse, the second they entered, a couple of hunters glanced their way in suspicion, having not seen them there before. Rock music was blaring through the bar, "Well look who is is" Jo smiles at the three, "How you doing, Jo?" Dean chuckles. "Where's Ash?" Sam asks urgently. "In his back room" Jo tells him. "Great." Sam says before rushing to the back.
"And I'm fine" Jo shouts sarcastically to Sam. "Sorry, he's- we're kind of a bit on a timetable" Y/N says to Jo apologetically, Dean then turns to Y/N, "Come on princess, let me buy you a beer" He says to her sweetly, linking his arm in hers. She just glares at him, snatching her arm away as she shakes her head, "I'm fine" She grunts before following behind Sam.
Dean sighs in defeat as Jo takes in the interaction. "Trouble in paradise?" Jo asks Dean in a teasing tone. "You have no idea" Dean chuckles awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck before walking around Jo to head to the back with Sam and Y/N.
Meanwhile Sam and Y/N are banging on Ash's door, a sign up on it saying, 'Dr. Badass is in'. Sam knocks again, "Ash?" He calls out to him. Y/N rolls her eyes and bangs harder with her fist, "Yo Billy Ray! You and your mullet need to wake up!" She yells a bit louder. Dean then approaches and knocks, "Hey, Dr. Badass!" He calls out and instantly the door opened. Dean and Y/N rolled their eyes at this.
A shirtless Ash appeared at the crease of the door, "Sam, Dean, Y/N." Ash says before taking an exasperated deep breath, "Sam, Dean and Y/N" He smirks, scanning y/n's frame. "Hey, Ash. Um...we need your help" Sam says calmly. "Oh, hell, then. Guess I need my pants" Ash grins widely as Y/N's eyes glance down to see he was only in his boxers.
Ash then closes the door as the trio groan in annoyance.
Ash, Sam and Y/N were sat at table in the bar while Ash was on his computer, looking for matches on the logo Sam drew from the bus that passed in their shared vision. "So, I got a match. It's the logo for the Blue Ridge Bus Lines. Guthrie, Oklahoma" Ash tells them. "Okay, do me a favor. Check Guthrie for any demonic signs or omens or anything like that" Y/N asks him. "You guys think the demons there?" He asks them.
Sam and Y/N share a look at this, "Yeah...maybe" Sam says. "Why would you think that?" He asks them curiously. "Just check it, alright?" Dean groans from behind him, approaching with two beers in his hands. Dean and Y/N share a look, he gave her a little pout, still guilty from calling her and Sam freaks. He then hands her the beer with an apologetic look.
Y/N sighs, reaching out to take the beer. Dean smiles softly when she takes it but she gives him a small glare, basically saying 'This doesn't mean you're forgiven'. He still smiled, taking a sip of his own beer simultaneously with her. "No, cupcake. Nothing. No demon" Ash tells her. Their heads drop in defeat, "Alright, try something for me." Sam begins while scratching the itchy cast on his wrist.
"Search Guthrie for a house fire. It would be 1983 or 1984. Fires origin would be a baby's nursery, night of the kids 6 month birthday" Sam finishes. Dean and Y/N's gazes snap over to him while Jo, who was behind Dean wiping the bar counter, and Ash looked beyond confused. "Okay, now, that is just weird, man. Why the hell would I be looking for that?" Ash asks bluntly.
Y/N then leans over and snatches Sams unopened beer, "Cuz there's a PBR in it for ya" She smirks, plopping it down infront of Ash. "Give me fifteen minutes" Ash instantaneously responds.
The bar was now empty. Ellen was behind the counter while Jo cleaned the tables. Meanwhile, waiting for Ash to finish doing his digging, Y/N was sat at the bar sipping on her sixth beer and dragging from her cigarette. A light buzz humming through her brain as the alcohol slowly makes its course through her veins. Her mind still stuck on the fact that Dean called her and Sam freaks.
She felt as if though she was overreacting, as if she shouldn't be hurt by it but she still was. I mean, maybe he was right. She excepted it but at the same time, it hurt to hear. Y/N knew she wasn't perfect, she had her moments, her breakdowns and whatnot. Usually whenever someone tells her crap, she pays no mind to it. Yet a simple zinger from Dean had her scruffing down six beers and a half pack smokes.
She was growing too attached to him, too sensitive to anything he says. And boy did she hate it.
Dean was across the bar, losing to pool against Sam. Still filled with guilt. Sam noticed that Dean was barely interested in the game because his sorrow-filled eyes kept flickering over to Y/N. His gaze trapped on the faint glow of her cigarette, tucked between her fingers. Sam sighed and then took up his pool cue and pointed it at his brother.
"Go. Apologize. To. Her. You. Idiot. " Sam nudges his brother with the stick in his ribs with each word. Dean jumped slightly from the pokes, usually he'd argue and defend why he shouldn't but he was wrong once again. "Alright, alright. I'm going." Dean grumbles, slapping away the cue his bratty little brother was poking him with before waking over to her.
Dean pulled out the stool next to y/n who was finishing up her beer, settling in the seat as he rested his beer mug next to her, "Hey, princess" He says softly, breaking her train of thought with his voice, her eyes flickered over to him, "Hey, charming" She responded a bit dull, feigning a tight smile as she crushed her cigarette bud in the ashtray. "Look, I'm really sorry for calling you a freak" He apologizes sincerely, resting his hand on her thigh.
Her body stiffens initially at his touch but almost immediately relaxes, "It's fine, really" She slurred slightly, finally making eye contact with him. "No, it's not. I shouldn't have said it. Not after everything you've went through. I'm not good with this sentimental shit but..." He chuckles awkwardly, moving his hand to scratch the back of his neck.
"Apology accepted." She cuts him off with a small smile, her heart warming at the fact that he apologized for calling her a freak. "If it means anything, we're all freaks in some way" He jokes, his hand resting his hand once again on her thigh. A heartfelt chuckle escapes her throat, making his heart swell that he earned a laugh from her again.
Jo takes in the interaction as a mischievous thought crossed her head. Smirking to herself, she made her way over to the jukebox.
"Amen to that" Y/N laughs, raising her empty beer glass. "Amen" Dean chuckles, toasting with her. "You want another?" He gestures to her empty glass, gently caressing her thigh. "I've had enough" She chuckles, still a bit buzzed, pushing her glass aside. A heat started to rise up y/n's southern region as his calloused hand made a light friction through her jeans, she turnt away and bit her lip to calm down her stupid hormones.
'I knew I should've stopped at three beers' she thought to herself.
"You okay?" Dean asks her concerned, taking his hand off her thigh because he thought she was having another vision from the way her face turnt up before she looked away. Alcohol always seemed to bring out the horny bitch in her and Dean's hand pressing against her thigh did not make it any better. If it was just a couple inches higher up, she would've lost all control right there.
Self respect would've gone straight out the window. Her cheeks was almost beet red, luckily Dean couldn't see much in the dark bar and because she had her head turnt away from him, or else she would've swollen with embarrassment, "Yeah, I'm o-" She goes to say but the sound of REO Speedwagon's song, Can't Fight This Feeling, blurred through the bar. Startling them both with the irony.
Well that sure sobered her up.
Their eyes snapped over to Jo's direction, a smirk plastered across her face. "What? I love this song." She said innocently as she took up a tray of glasses, resting it on the counter.
'I can't fight this feeling any longer'
"REO Speedwagon?" Y/N scoffed a chuckle. "Damn right, REO. Kevin Cronin sings from the heart" She winks smugly at Y/N, walking closer to them. "He sings it from the hair. There's a difference" Dean retorts.
'What started out as friendship had grown stronger'
Their eyes meet each other while the song plays before y/n meekly looks down back at her empty glass. Jo glances back at her mom to make sure she can't hear their conversation before turning back to them. "That profile you've got Ash looking for?" She asks them. "Hmm?" Y/N hummed.
"Your moms died the same way? A fire in Sam and y/n's nursery?" She asks them. Their eyebrows raise at this, "Look, Jo. It's kind of a family thing" Dean tries to dismiss it but Jo nods, "I could help" She offers. "I'm sure you could. But we gotta handle this one ourselves" Y/N lets her down gently, Jo sighs in defeat.
"We have a match. We gotta go." Sam approaches them urgently with a light brown manila folder of papers in his hands from Ash. "Alright. See you later, Jo" Y/N says sweetly to her before they all walked out. "Thanks Ellen" She thanks Ellen before locking the door behind her.
"And even as I wander, I'm keeping you in sight" Dean sings as he drives down the road, Y/N infront and Sam lounging in the back. Their heads slowly turn to him in confusion and disbelief, "You're a candle in the window. On a cold, dark winter's night" Sam smirks as his lovesick brother's horrid voice echos through the Impala.
Y/N's heart is pounding through her chest, a smirk rising in her face also. "And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might" Dean still sings. "You're kidding, right?" Y/N chuckles loudly, cocking her eyebrow. "I heard the song somewhere, can't get it out of my head" He winks at her smugly, earning an eyeroll from her to cover up the fact that she's blushing. "Yeah, sure" She nods still laughing.
Her mind then strays to the fact that maybe Dean was thinking about Jo when singing it. I mean, Jo did put the song on. They were real chummy last time they were at the roadhouse. He sure seemed into her. She reminded herself that she's probably just being delusional about any chance between her and Dean and decided to just discard the hopeful thought from her head.
She's not gonna lie to herself though, if Jo seemed to have any kind of interest in her, she'd jump at the chance too. The girl was smoking and clearly intelligent. Plus she nearly took down y/n when they first met, she had to give Jo her brownie points for that. Jo was also eager to hunt, which is something y/n can definitely relate to when she was Jo's age.
"What do you got, Sam?" She changes the subject, looking at Sam through the rearview mirror. Sam shakes his head at the banter between the two, "Andrew Gallagher. Born in '83, like us. Lost his mother in a nursery fire exactly six months later, also like us." Sam reads from the file Ash printed. "You think the demon killed his mom?" Dean asks.
"Sure looks like it" Sam sighs, his eyes trained on the folder. "How did you guys even know to look for this guy?" Dean asks them. "Every premonition we've had, if they're not about the demon, they're about the other kids the demon visited." Y/N tells him. "Like Max Miller, remember him?" Sam adds. "But Max Miller was a pasty little psycho" Dean says chuckling.
"Point is, he was killing people. And we were having the same type of visions like him" Y/N cuts in. "And now it could be happening again all over again with this Gallagher guy" Sam adds. "How do we find him?" Dean asks. "Don't know. No current address, no current employment." Sam reads from the file as they listen. "Still owes money on all his bills. Phone, credit, utilities" Sam continues to list off.
"Collection agency flags?" Y/N asks. "None in the system" Sam responds. This surprises them, "They just let him take a walk?" Dean asks confused. "Seems like it" Sam shrugs. "There's a work address from his last W2, about a year ago. We'll start there" Sam tells them, they both nod in agreement.
The next morning they were at the old diner Andrew used to work at, the trio are dressed in suit and ties while y/n had on a white blouse and dress pants. Currently his former coworker. "You won't get anything out of Andy, guys. I'm sorry, but they never do" The girl says to them as she pours Dean some coffee. "They?" Y/N asks curiously. "You're debt collectors, right? Once in a while, they come by. I don't know what Andy says to them, but they never come back" The girl tells them, slightly impressed by Andrews skills of persuasion.
This sends up red flags in their heads. "Actually, we're lawyers, representing his Great-aunt Lita. She passed, God rest her soul, but left Andy a sizable estate" Dean lies smoothly. "Yeah. So are you a friend of his?" Sam goes along with the lie. "I used to be, yeah. I don't see much of Andy anymore" Yhe girl says a bit sadly. "Andy?" Another male coworker asks, taking a seat at their table.
"Andy kicks ass, man" The man brags. "Is that right?" Y/N cocks her eyebrow. "Yeah. Andy can get you into anything. Man, he even got me backstage at Aerosmith once. It was beautiful, bro" The man rambles on while the girl looks annoyed. "Uh-huh. How bout bussing a table or two, Webber?" The girl sasses him.
Webber looks between them nervously, "Yeah. You bet, boss" He chuckles before getting up to do just that. The trio share an amused look at this, "Look, if you wanna find him, try Orchard Street. Just look for a van with a barbarian queen painted on the side" She tells them amused. "Barbarian queen" Deans eyebrow cocks at this. "She's riding a polar bears. It's kinda hard to miss" The girl says ironically.
They were now all sat in the Impala on Orchard Street, parked across from Andrews van with the barbarian queen riding a polar bear painted on, staking it out. Stonehenge by Spinal Tap blasting through the radio on Baby's deck.
'Stonehenge. Where the demons dwell'
"I'm sorry. Im starting to like this dude. That van is sweet" Dean blurts out, gawking at the van. He turns to see Y/N giving him an unimpressed look along with Sam. "It's a douchewagon" Y/N huffs. "What's wrong?" He asks them, noticing their grim expressions. "Nothing" Sam says plainly as y/n shakes her head. Dean is unconvinced and judging by the looks on their faces, they were stuck on something.
"Guys, you look like you're sucking on lemons. What's going on?" Dean pressed. Sam sighs, "This Andrew Gallagher guy. He's the second guy like this we've found, Dean" Sam says blankly. "Demon came to them when they were kids, now they're killing people" Sam continues. "We don't know what Andrew Gallagher is. Okay? He could be innocent" Dean tries to assure them.
"Our visions haven't been wrong yet" Y/N argues. "What's your point?" Dean asks. "Our point is, we're like them" Sam huffs. "No, neither of you are" Dean rolls his eyes. "Dean, the demon said he had plans for me and Sam, and children like us" Y/N points out. "Yeah?" Dean sighs. "Yeah, maybe this is his plan. Maybe we're all a bunch of psychic freaks. Maybe we're all supposed to be- " She exclaims  in frustration but Dean cuts her off.
"What? Killers?" He huffs. "Yeah!" Sam and Y/N shout in unison. "Okay. So the demon wants you two out there killing with your minds, is that is?" Dean asks sarcastically. Their faces drop at his tone, "Oh give me a break. Your not murderers guys! Neither of you have it in your bones" Dean grunts agitated. "No?" Sam cocks his eyebrow at the irony.
Dean shakes his head in frustration, "Last I checked, we killed all kinds of things" Y/N counters. "But those things were asking for it. There's a difference" Dean retorts. Sam and Y/N sigh, still stumped on the fact that they're connected to possible murderers in ways they can't explain. She spots a man with scruffy hair and a light stubble, wearing a robe exiting the apartment building the van was parked next to. He was around her and Sam's age,
"Got him" She leans forwards and nudges the boys from the backseat. Their heads turn to his direction, their eyes widen when they see a gorgeous blonde girl in the window above, wearing a similar robe. Waving at Andrew flirtatiously. Andrew waved back, meekly smiling before walking over to a man on the street carrying a cup of coffee. With just a simple exchange of words, Andrew points to the coffee and the man hands it to him without hesitation.
Andrew then greets Dr. Jennings, the man from Sam and Y/N's vision. Their jaws drop, "That's him. That's the older guy. That's him" Sam nudges his brother. "What?" Dean asks confused. "He's the shooter" Y/N tells him a bit panicked. "Alright. You two keep on him. I'll stick with Andy" Dean instructs the younger hunters.
Sam and I followed Deans order and jumped out of the Impala to follow the man from our vision. When we made it to the sidewalk, I heard the Impala ignition start, we peered our heads to see Dean following behind Andrews van that pulled out of Orchard Street. We continued to follow the man.
After a couple minutes of walking, the man's phone rang and he took the call. Sam and I shared a panicked look when we saw the same bus from our vision. "We gotta get to that gun shop before him" Sam says urgently. I nod and we bolt into action, running towards the gun shop. We paced our stepped when we reached the door to the shop.
"I'll go in. Stay here" I say calmly to him. Sam nods as I push the door open. I greeted one of the patrons with a smile, looking around for a fire alarm. My eyes landed on Dennis, the man that the 'doc' shot in my vision who was behind the counter reading a magazine, just like my vision. I turnt to see right above the door had a security alarm. I thought quick and triggered it, pulling it down to activate it.
Everyone's eyes landed on me so I exited the shop normally as if I didn't do anything. "I hope this works" Sam says a bit on edge to me as I walk out. "Yeah, me too" I sigh. The shooters face drops when he hears the alarm, me and Sam breath out relieved when he was walks away. "Thank god" Sam breathes out.
"For r-" My mouth falls agape before I could finish my sentence because I saw Andrew in the Impala driving down the road past us. Sam's eyes widen in absolute shock at the sight. "No fucking way" I gasp, still shocked. "What the fuck?" Sam is agape like me. I quickly fish my phone out of my pocket, dialing in Dean number.
I pressed the phone to my ear and Sam pressed his ear against the back of my phone to hear. In two two's, Dean answers the phone. "Hello?" Dean answers. "Dean! Andy's got the Impala!" I tell him urgently. "I know! He just sort of asked me for it and I let him take it" Dean tells us. Our eyes practically popped out of our heads. "You what?!" Sam exclaims in disbeliefs. "He full-on Obi-Wan'd me. It's mind control, guys!" Dean tells us.
The bus horn honks loudly, then when we looked across the road. We saw the shooter stuff his phone into his pocket before step in-front of the moving bus, our eyes widen in terror at this. Before we could stop anything, the bus came barreling straight into him, killing him on spot. People around the area gasp and scream in terror, my phone slips out of my hand and onto the ground. A sick churning in my stomach.
Sometime later, paramedics showed up and pronounced the 'doc' dead on the scene. Dean showed up before the paramedics came after walking back from where he lost the car. Sam and I haven't uttered a word, still traumatized from what we just witnessed. We were sat next to each other on the edge of the sidewalk, watching as the paramedics covered up the dead shooter, his blood soaking the sidewalk.
Dean rubbed our backs comfortingly as we watched on. "We kept him out of the gun store. Thought he was okay" Sam says sorrowfully, taking a deep breath. "I thought he was past it, at least- we should've stayed with him" I shake my head, burying my face in my hands, my elbows propped on my knees.
Since Dean didn't have his car, we all had to walk back. We decided to head back over to the diner Andrew used to work at, Dean cheered in excitement when he saw Baby parked out infront of the diner. "Thank God" He exclaims, hurrying over to her. "I'm sorry, baby. I'll never leave you again" He coos, leaning down to press a kiss to her hood.
Lucky her. What? Who said that?
"At least he left the keys in it" Dean sighs, "Yeah. Real Samaritan, this guy" Sam scoffs ironically. "Well, it looks like he can't work his mojo just by twitching his nose. He's gotta use verbal commands" Dean says to us. Something clicks in my brain, "Doctor had just gotten off his cellphone when he stepped in-front of that bus" I tell Dean before taking a shakily deep breath.
The image of that poor man dead on the ground like a dog still in my head. "Andy must have called or something" Sam says. "I don't know, maybe" Dean mutters. "Beg your pardon?" I cock my eyebrow at him. "I just don't know if he's our guy" Dean responds honestly, shrugging. Me and Sam scoff, "Dean, you had O.J. convicted before he hit out of his white Bronco and you have doubts about this?" Sam remarks sassily.
"He doesn't seem like the stone cold killer type, that's all. You know? And O.J. was guilty!" Dean retorts defensively. I rolled my eyes at him, "Either way, how are we gonna track this guy down?" I ask. Dean thinks for a second before saying, "Not a problem." With a smug smile.
He then took us to where Andrew mind-control-carjacked him, his weird ass van was still there. "Not exactly an inconspicuous ride. Let's have a look" Dean pumps his eyebrows at me before reaching into his jacket to take out his knife. Me and Sam keep out out as he picks the lock to the back of Andrews van, Dean chuckles impressed when he opens it up.
The inside of his van was coated with what looks like fur, a painting of a tiger on one wall and a big shiny disco ball in the middle. I grimaced at the interior designing as Sam cringed. "Oh, come on. This is magnificent, that's what this is" Dean mutters dazzled. "This is a douchewagon. That's what this is" I quip back. Earning a chuckle from Sam.
"Not exactly a serial killers lair, though. There's no clown paintings on the wall or scissors stuck in victims photos. Like the tiger" Dean retorts smugly as Sam and I examine some of the books he had in the back. "Hegel, Kant, Wittgenstein?" I mutter to myself a bit impressed by the choice range.
"That's some pretty heavy reading, guys" Sam comments. "Yeah, and, uh, ahem, Moby Dicks bong" Dean clears his throat, pulling out a two foot long bong from below a blanket. A smirk on his face, he wiggles his eyebrows at me. "Don't give me any ideas, hotshot" I retort with a snort which causes his to chuckle.
We were all now back in the Impala, Sam was reading through the files Ash gave him as Dean was chowing down on a burger. I sat to the back, smoking a cigarette, my elbow propped on the window as Dean groaned in disgust, "Blech. You know, one day, I'd love to just sit down and eat something I didn't have to microwave at a minimart" Dean crumpled up the paper and tossed it in the back by me.
"You're preaching to the choir man" I agree, blowing out the smoke from the corner of my mouth. "What I don't get is the motive. I mean, the doctor was squeaky-clean. Why would Andy waste him?" Sam thinks out loud. "If it is Andy" Dean comments. "Dude, enough" I huff, earning a questioning look from Dean. "What?" He turns to me, chewing on his food.
"The doctor was mind-controlled in front of a bus. Andy just happens to have the power of mind control. You do the math!" I point out the obvious a bit agitated as Sam nods in agreement. "I just don't think the guys got it in him, that's all" Dean says. I roll my eyes mid-drag, "Well how the hell would you know? I mean, why are you bending over backwards defending him!" Sam exclaims in frustration.
"Because you guys are not right about this" Dean quips back. "About Andy?" I huff, flicking my cigarette out the window. "Hey! You think I haven't seen you three!?" A males voice from Sam's side of the door startles us. We turn to see it's Andy, our eyes widen like deers in headlights. "Why are you following me?" He asks us. "Well, we're lawyers. See, a relative of yours has passed-" I go to cover for us but he says,
"Tell me the truth" He orders us, I cock my eyebrow at his tone. "That's what she's telling y-" Sam goes to feed into my lie but Dean blurts out with a straight face, "We hunt demons" Me and Sam's heads snap over to him in shock, "What?" Andy gasps. "Dean!" Sam and I mutter to him with gritted teeth. "Demons, spirits. Things your worst nightmares wouldn't even touch. Sam here, he's my brother. And this is our friend, Y/N" Dean continues to ramble on.
"Dean, shut up!" I growl at him, "I'm trying" Dean almost strains, "They're psychic, like you. Well, not really like you. Y/N is more the psychic of the group. See, they think you're a murderer. And they're afraid they'll become one themselves because you're all apart of something that's terrible. And I hope to hell that they're wrong, but I'm starting to get scared they might be right" Dean admits fully with a tight smile.
Panic takes over Andy's face as we glare at Dean, "Okay, you know what. Just leave me alone" He orders us again. "Okay" Dean grunts painfully, pressing his palm to his forehead. Me and Sam jump out of the Impala, following behind Andy. "What are you guys doing?" Andy asks fearfully as we continue to walk towards him. "Look. I said leave me alone" He orders again, putting his hands out to stop us as he backs away but we don't let up.
Still walking towards him. "Get out of here. Just start driving and never stop" His tone faltering in fear, I open my hands out with a shrug, "Doesn't seem to work on us, Andy" I shrug, still walking towards him along with Sam. "What?" Andy says confused as Dean jumps out of Baby. "You can make people do things. You can tell them what to think" Sam points out the obvious.
"Look, that's crazy" Andy tries to laugh it off as it's madness. "It all started about a year ago, didn't it? After you turned 22. Little stuff at first, then you got better at control" I call him out on everything me and Sam had been experiencing, Andy's face drops, putting his hands up in surrender. "How do you know all this?" His voice lowers, dropping his hands.
"Because the same thing happened to us, Andy. Our moms died in a fire too, we have abilities too." Sam tells him. "You see, we're connected. All of us." Andy looks like he's gonna have a full on panic attack at this point, his hands buried in his hair. "You know what. J-j-just get out of here! Alright?!" Andy yells at us but it doesn't work, once again.
We continue to press, "Why'd you tell the doctor to walk infront of a bus?" I growl at him. His face drops again and that's when my head starts to pound again. A familiar white flash appears infront of my eyes before an image does.
A woman, fire, a car.
My eyes flutter open again, I held my head because the pain still throbbed. Sam was in pain just like me, grimacing, struggling to keep his eyes open, "Why did you kill him?" Sam growls at Andy. "I didn't!" Andy pleads, I go to press on it again but the vision fully takes over.
A blonde woman inserts the gas pump into her tank.
Her phone rings so she fishes it out of her pocket and presses it to her ear.
"Hello?" She answers cheerfully, her face then goes stoic.
"Sure....I can do that" She responds obediently before placing the phone back into her pocket.
She walks back over to the gas pump, pulling it out of the tank.
She then begins to douse herself from head to toe with the gas from the pump before tossing it aside.
An onlooker gas station attendant sees what she's doing and panics, "Hey! Lady what are you doing?!" He shouts.
She then reaches into her car and pulls out the auxiliary power outlet.
"It's gonna be okay" She assures him calmly, mimicking the doctors words.
The man's eyes widen when he realizes what she's about to do, "Lady, no. No!" He screams fearfully, shielding himself as she presses it to her gas soaked clothes.
She bursts into flames as the man watches in terror, the blonde woman the falls to the ground, dead.
Sam and I held onto each other when the vision was over, Dean came rushing to our sides when he realized we were having a vision. "Sam?? Y/N?? What is it??" He helps us hold ourselves up but we fell to our knees, groaning from the pressure in our heads. "Look, I didn't do anything to them" Andy defends. Dean crouches in-front of us.
The heat from the concrete ground seeped through my jeans as I tried to recollect myself. "A woman...a woman burning alive" Sam breathes out. "What else did you guys get?" Dean asks urgently. "A gas station. A woman is gonna kill herself" I tell him, gripping my head. "What does she mean 'going to'? What's is- what are they talking ab-" Andy stutters
"Shut up!" Dean cuts him off harshly. "She gets triggered by a call on her cell" Sam gasps as we both look over at Andy with glares. "When?" Dean asks. "I don't know" I say, putting my hand out along with Sam for Dean to help us up. "As long as we keep our eyes on this son of a bitch, he can't hurt her" I growl at Andy, my gaze deadly.
"I didn't hurt anybody" Andy tries to defend himself. "Yeah, not yet" Sam snaps back. That's when the sounds of sirens and a fire truck honking filled our ears. The truck drove right past us. "Go" I instruct Dean. He nods before obliging, going over to the car. Andy goes to follow behind him but me and Sam stop him. "No, not you. You're staying here with us" Sam growls at him.
Not long after, my phone rang. I fished it out of my pocket to see it was Dean. I answer it, putting it on speaker. "Hey, it's me. She's dead. Burned up, just like you guys said" Dean tells us quickly. We share a sorrowful look as my heart drops, "When?" Sam asks. "Like minutes before I got here. I mean, the smell hasn't even cleared" Dean informs us, my gaze drops to the ground.
"What's up with your visions, guys? This wasn't even a head start" Dean asks us confused. "I don't know, okay. We can't control them. I don't know what the hell going on" I tell him stumped. "Listen, you two were with Andy when this whole thing went down. So it can't be him. It's gotta be somebody else doing this" Dean points out the obvious.
My eyes flicker over to Andy, "But that doesn't make any sense" Sam mutters. "What else is knew?" Dean quips back. "I'll dig around here, see what else I can find" He tells us before hanging up. Me and Sam share a look before turning back to Andy, "We gotta tell him" Sam says. "Yeah, we do" I sigh as we both step towards Andy to give him 'the talk'.
"So, you guys get premonitions of people about to die?" Andy asks us, then turning to me. "And you could move things with your mind?" He asks me. I nod along with Sam, "Somewhat, it's a work in progress" I shrug. "That's impossible"'Andy scoffs a chuckles, not convinced by what we're telling him. Sam and I cock our eyebrows at the irony of his. "A lot of people would say the same thing about what you do" Sam scoffs.
Andy shrugs, "Death visions and telekinesis?" He asks. "Yeah" Me and Sam respond in unison. "Dudes, that sucks. The telekinesis rocks but death visions sound like hell" Andy's says a bit sympathetically. Sam and I sigh because he wasnt lying. These visions are a curse. "I mean, like when I got my mind thing? It was like a gift, you know? It was like I won the lotto" Andy chuckles.
"But you still live in a van" I scoff, his face drops at this. "I don't get it, I mean, you could have anything you ever wanted." I add. Andy smiles a bit, "I got everything I need." He says cheerfully. This guy really doesn't have a killing bone in his body, Sam and I share a look. "So you're really not a killer, huh?" Sam asks making Andy chuckle. "That's what I've been trying to tell you guys" He laughs.
His laughter was contagious, earning chuckles from me and Sam. "That's good. That means there's hope you all of us" I say softly. The Impala pulls up next to us right after. We all get up and walk towards it as Dean jumps out, shutting the door behind him. "Victims name was Holly Beckett, 41, single." Dean tells us all the information he got on the woman from our vision. "Who is she?" Sam turns to Andy.
"Never heard of her" Andy shrugs. "Called Ash on the way over here. He came up with a little something." Dean begins. "Apparently Holly Beckett gave birth when she was 18 years old back in 1983. Same day you were born, Andy" He then turns to Andy as he gulps. "Andy, were you adopted?" I ask him. "Well, yeah." Andy answers as if it were obvious.
"You were? And you neglected to mention that?" Dean scoffs sarcastically. "Never really came up" Andy says defensively. "I mean, I never really knew my birth parents. And like you said, my adopted mom died when I was a baby" He says and then thinks for a second, "Wait, do you think this Holly woman could actually be my- ?" Andy stutters.
"I don't know. I tried to get a copy of the birth records. But they're hard copy only, sealed in the county office" Dean tells him. "Well, screw that" Andy sighs. An idea pops in my head and a smirk rises to my face, "Maybe we've got something that can help" I cross my arms over my chest, all the boys give me questioning looks as my smirk widens.
"I probably shouldn't have let you kids in here" The security guard says to Andy who has his hand on his back, guiding him out of the room. We're now in the county office and thanks to my brilliant plan of using Andy's mind controlling power thingy, we got into the office undetected. "No, it'll all be fine. Alright, just go get a cup of coffee. Alright?" Andy tells the guard as he exits the room.
"And these aren't the droids you're looking for" He adds earning a chuckle from Dean. "Awesome!" Dean exclaims, bringing a box over to us while me and Sam are sat at a table in the office, sifting through files. "Got it" Sam says. "Yeah?" Me and Dean ask. "Yeah." Sam responds, handing me the paper. I sigh as I read over the file, "Andy, it's true. Holly Beckett was your birth mother" I tell him apologetically.
Andy scoffs in disbelief, "Does anyone have a Vicodin?" He asks ironically. "Dr. Jennings was her doctor too. I mean, he oversaw the adoption" Sam adds, shaking his head. "You have a solid connection to both of them" I say, looking over at Andy. "But I didn't kill them" Andy tries to explain.
"We believe you" Dean assures him. Me and Sam look over at him before nodding, "Yeah" Sam says. "But uh, who did?" Dean asks the pending question. My eyebrows raised as I read the file further, "Here's an idea" I said out loud, handing Sam back the file. His expression mimicked mine, "Holly Beckett gave birth to twins" Sam mutters, Deans face drops as Andy jaw practically touches the ground.
We decided to go through the record of the adoption, Andy leaned back into his chair still stunned from the discovery. His hands rested above his head as his internal panic session progressed. "I have an evil twin" Andy mutters fearfully. Me and Dean were leant against the printer, waiting for a picture of Andy's evil twin to be printed but it was jammed. My arms were crossed over my chest, Dean next to me, his arm resting behind me, propped on the printer.
Sam came over with a file of the adoption in his hands. "Holly put you and your brother up for adoption. And you went to the Gallagher family, obviously. And your brother went to the Weems family from upstate" Sam explained. Resting the file onto of the box infront of Andy, leaning against it. Andy closed his eyes, shaking his head. "Hey, Andy. How you doing?" Dean asked him when he noticed his clear discomfort.
"You still with us?" I ask him calmly. Andy snapped out of whatever trance he was in, taking his hands off his head as he leaned forward on the table. "Uh...what was my brothers name?" Andy asks Sam. "Here. Um...Anson Weems" Sam reads off of the file but Andy doesn't seem to recognize the name. "He's got a local address" Sam says. "He-he lives here?" Andy stutters panicked.
The printer behind us beeps, indicting it's ready. "About to get a look at him" Dean tells him turning around to face the printer, "There's a picture coming over from the DMV right now" Dean adds, pulling the paper out of the printer. His face drops when he takes a look at the picture, he then hands the paper to me and my stomach sinks from the familiar face.
"Hate you kick you while you're freaked, hun" I say sympathetically to Andy. He scoffs shaking his head as I hand him the paper. "Take a look at that" I tell him, Andy's eyebrows shoot up in surprise and disbelief when he saw who Anson was. His jaw was practically on the ground. Anson was Webber from the diner, who was bragging about Andy and kept trying to make conversation with us.
We were all now headed to the diner in a rush to stop Webber from hurting anyone else. Sam was riding shotgun while I was in the back with Andy, behind Sam. "Alright, Andy. Tell us everything you know about this guy" Sam says. Andy had his hand and chin propped on the front seat backrest, leaning forward. I was leaned back because my head would not stop killing me, it felt as though another vision was coming on and I could see Sam grab his head too, cringing in pain.
"I mean, not much. Webber shows up one day, like, eight months ago. Acting like he's my best friend in the world. Kind of weird, like trying too hard. You know?" Andy explains. "He must've known you guys were twins. But why did he change his name? Why not just tell the truth?" Dean queries. "No idea" Andy mutters.
I gasp loudly when the sharp pain in my head expanded, Sam did the same groaning. Sucking in breath between our teeth from the agony. "Sam? Y/N?" Dean calls out for us concerned. I winced in pain, pressing my palm to my forehead as the familiar white light flashed over my eyes.
Tracy, the girl we questioned in the diner, was walking barefoot on a dam, tears streaming down her face.
She went to the ledge of it before taking a look down at the empty trench below, only concrete down the dark steep.
She begins to sob again before looking behind her. She then shakily climbs up onto the ledge, as if she's being mind-controlled.
Extending her arms out, taking a deep rugged breath before jumping off the ledge of the dam.
The pain worsens when the vision was over, tears formed at my eyes as me and Sam screamed and grunted from the agony. "Sam?! Y/N?!" Dean yells concerned before pulling over the Impala, getting out and rushing over to our sides, Sam opened the door as I pressed my throbbing forehead to the front seat backrest to support my weight while Dean held Sam by his shoulder to keep him from falling out of the car.
After we told Dean about our vision, we made him turn back and head to the dam we saw, using Sam's map to find the only one around the area. We finally made it, hopefully in time. Dean put the Impala in park, both him and Sam got out and I did after, shutting the door behind me. Our eyes were trained on Webber/Anson's car. Dean got his keys out to open the trunk, leaning down to unlock it.
"Dean, you should stay back" I suggest as me and Sam walked over to the trunk. "No argument here. I've had my head screwed with enough for one day" Dean mutters back in response, lifting the trunk up. Sam leaned down and got out two guns, handing me one. "I'm coming with you guys" Andy says determined after getting out of the car.
Sam and I share a look at this before shaking our heads. "Andy, no" Sam denies but Andy presses. "If it's Tracy out there....then I'm coming" He said shakily, taking a deep breath. He seemed pretty broken up about the whole thing. I sighed before nodding, "He could help, Sam" I say to him. Sam turns to me, "We could break the car window, hold Webber at gunpoint and Andy could grab Tracy" I suggest.
"Yeah, that could work" Sam nods in agreement. "Dean, you got duct tape?" I turn to Dean. "Yeah, one sec" Dean replied, digging through the trunk before tossing me the tape from his duffle. I hand it to Andy, "Gag the sucker" I tell him firmly. He gives me an obedient nod before we cocked our guns, slowly approaching Webbers car, we give each other a look before nodding firmly.
Andy walked slowly around to the passenger's side before Sam shattered the drivers side window with his gun, startling both Webber and Tracy. The glass coated Webbers jacket. "Get out the car! Now!" I shout loudly at them, our guns cocked at Webber. "You really don't wanna do this" Webber tries to mind control us. I scoff, rolling my eyes before right hooking him in his nose, through the broken window.
Andy then opened the passenger side door, "Tracy. Come here, come here"'Andy helps her out of the car. "Andy! I can't- I couldn't control myself" She squeals fearfully, sobbing uncontrollably. Sam roughly pulled Webber out of the car, tossing him to the ground. Webber tried to break out of Sam's headlock but I gun butted him to the eye. "Don't move! Don't move!" I order him, pressing the barrel of my gun to his temple.
Andy ran over and duct taped Webbers mouth, he then started to kick him in his stomach and face."No! No!" I yell as I try to hold Andy back to stop him from damaging Webber further. "I will kill you!" Andy screams at Webber vengefully. Andy was stronger than me so Sam stepped in to help. "Hey, let us handle this, alright?!" Sam tries to calm him down but Andy screams, "No!".
"We'll handle this! We'll handle this!" I assure him loudly. "I will kill you!!!" Andy screams at Webber with pure rage and hatred. "Andy, listen to me. Listen to m-" Sam suddenly stops with a grunt, due to being knocked with a log from Tracy. My eyes widened and my heart stopped. Sam's limp body hit to the ground with a thud and I turned swiftly to Tracy with wide eyes, my instincts told me to shoot Webber, but when I went to do exactly that, I was welcomed to darkness by a sharp pain in my own head.
Third Person POV
After Webber used his mind control to compel Tracy to knock Sam and Y/N unconscious, Andy's eyes widen with fear when he saw Tracy wielding the log in her hands sobbing uncontrollably. "Tracy stop!" Andy exclaims before using his verbal commands. "I said, stop it" He ordered, compelling her.
Tracy's posture changed, dropping the log. Andy then turned to his illegitimate twin brother. Webber grunts, peeling the tape from his mouth, blood dripping from the side of his eyes from when y/n gun butted him and Andy kicked his face in. He spits blood from his mouth, grunting painfully.
"How did you do that?" Andy gulps fearfully, realizing Webber compelled her without using words, even with the tape on his mouth, he still mind controlled her. "Practice, bro" Webber shrugs smugly, "If you'd just practice, you would know" He adds, opening his arms wide. He tosses the tape on the ground, sniffling blood, "Sometimes, you don't need to use your words. If you have to.." He walks closer to Andy.
Pointing to his temple, "...all you need this this. Sometimes the headaches worth it" Webber says as if it's normal. Andys hateful gaze narrows at Webber, "You son of a bitch" He growls, going to attack him. He snatched him by his collar but Webber pushes him back. "Back off, Andy, or Tracy's gonna do a little flying" Webber warned him menacingly.
Andy turns back in fear to see Tracy standing on the ledge, just like Sam and Y/N's vision. Tracy shakes in visual fear from being on the ledge, inches away from sudden death. "Aren't you, Trace?" Webber mocks. Andy turns back to Webber with pleading eyes, "I'm stronger than you, I can do it" Webber warns him, gritting his teeth.
Andy lets go of him and puts his hands up in surrender, backing away, "Okay, okay. Okay" He agrees hesitantly, turning back to Tracy and then to Webber. "Alright, just please don't hurt her" Andy please to his brother. "Don't be mad at me, okay? I know, it's all wrong. I didn't mean for this to happen. It's just..." Webber tries to explain, taking a deep breath.
"Tracy, she's trying to come between us." Webber says. Andy looks at him in disbelief, "You're insane" Andy mutters, shaking his head. "She's garbage. Man, they all are. We can push them. We can make them do whatever we want!" Webber defends. Andy is so taken back by this, he chuckled at his brother's idiocy, "Are you- are you really this stupid? Is it-?" Andy chuckles unamused, his hands still up in surrender.
"Yo-you learn you got a twin, you call him up. Y-you, you go out for a drink. You don't start killing people!" Andy exclaims at the irony. "I wanted to tell you for so long, bro. But....he didn't let me. He said I had to wait until the time-" Webber tries to explain but Andy is confused. Sam and Y/N begin to come to, their heads pounding from the log lash.
"Who?!" Andy exclaims again as Y/N holds her head. "The man with the yellow eyes" Webber tells him. Sam and Y/N share a terrified look on the ground. Their hearts dropped, "He came to me, in my dream. He said I was special" Webber explains to Andy, stepping closer to his brother. Andy was even more confused and terrified, horror etched on his face.
"He told me he's got big plans for me." Webber smiles excitedly, grabbing his brother by his shirt. "Wait till you see what's in store for us, Andy, for both of us" Webber informs him, Andy backs away in fear, putting his hands back up as he glares at Webbers hands on his shirt. "See, he's the one who told me that I had a brother. A twin" Webber says lovingly, now grabbing Andy's face between his palms, but his face was blank.
Unbeknownst to them, Dean was on the other side of the dam with his sniper, he crouched down to camouflage himself in some bushes to get a clear shot at Webber.
"Why did you kill our mother?" Andy asks, Webber scoffs, pulling away from his brother. "Andy why Dr. Jennings?" Andy presses. "Because they spilt us up!" Webber bellows, causing Andy to flinch. "They ruined our lives, Andy! We could've been together this whole time." He adds angrily, his tone pained. "Instead of alone. I couldn't let them do that, I couldn't let the get away with that!" Webber defends.
Andy's face was still blank, yet fearful. Not knowing how to feel in this entire situation. "No" Webber sniffles, shaking his head.
Meanwhile, Dean had set up his sniper, a clear shot at Webber. His eye peeking into the scope. But somehow, Webber knew. He felt eyes on him, similar to how y/n feels. He turnt around and narrowed his eyes in Deans direction, though Dean was camouflaged, Webber still saw him. "I see you" Webber whispers, his control traveling the distance.
"Bye-bye" Webber smirks, compelling Dean to kill himself. Dean then turns to sniper to himself, pressing the barrel of the gun below his chin. A loud gunshot rings out but it wasn't Deans. Andy stood behind his brother who fell to the ground with a thud, dead. A smoking gun in between his hands. When Webber wasn't looking, Andy took Y/N's gun from the ground.
Killing his own brother, his own flesh and blood. Who had become a monster, killing and terrorizing innocent people. Tracy, who was still on the ledge, sobbed as Andy shook with fear and distaste at the fact he just killed someone.
The next morning, police and ambulance was crowding the dam. The coroners were wheeling Webbers dead body out as Andy 'talked' to the investigating officers. "He shot himself. And you all saw it happen" Andy compelled the three deputies. "Yeah, we did" One of the officers nodded as Sam, Dean and Y/N sat not too far from the scene, leaned against the ledge, amazed.
"Look at him. He's getting better at it" Sam says a bit proud, shaking his head as Andy smirks to himself. He then began to walk over to them, he spotted Tracy who was by an ambulance, she didn't dare look at him and it broke his heart but he couldn't blame her. He gave her a small sad smile before approaching the trio.
"Won't even look at me" Andy sighs, speaking about Tracy. "Yeah, she's pretty shaken up" Y/N says sympathetically. "No, it's- This is different. This is, uh..." Andy stutters. "I never used my mind thing on her before last night." Andy admits, earning sympathetic gazes from the three hunters. "She's scared of me now." Andy sighs pained. The three share a look before Sam decides to break the silence.
"Andy, I hate to do this, but, um...We have to get out of here." Sam says honestly. Andy scoffs a chuckle though understands, y/n then digs into her pocket and pulls out a piece of paper, handing it to Andy who accepts, "Here hun, I wrote down my cell and Sam's. You don't have to be alone in this, alright? If anything comes up, you call either of us up" She instructs him gently.
Andy nods, as they walk away, but he's stumped. "Wha..what- what am I supposed to do now?" He scoffs chuckling, at a complete lost. The three turn to him. "You be good, Andy. Or we'll be back" Dean lightly warns him. They begin to walk back to the Impala as Sams one's swirls, "Looks like we were right" Sam says. "About what?" Y/N asks. "Andy" Sam responds as if it's obvious.
"He's a killer after all" He adds, sticking his hands in his jacket pockets. Y/N looked down, hating the fact that she felt the same way. Dean cocked his eyebrow at this, "No, he's a hero. He saved his girlfriend's life, he saved my life" Dean defends. Sam and Y/N scoff, "Bottom line, last night, he wasted somebody"Sam retorts. Dean rolls his eyes. "Yeah, but he's not a foaming-at-the-mouth psycho. He was just- he was pushed into that" Dean adds.
They look at him in disbelief. "Webber was pushed too, in his own way. Max Miller was pushed. Hell, I was pushed by dad's death and Sam was pushed by Jessica's death" Y/N lists off in a counter attack. "What's your point, guys?" Dean scoffs, turning to them, stopping from their stroll to the Impala. "Right circumstances, everyone's capable of murder. Everyone" Y/N points out as Dean listens.
"Maybe that's what the demons doing, pushing us, finding ways to break use" Sam rambles on. "Guys, we don't know what the demon wants, okay? Quit worrying about it" Dean says calmly, patting them both on their shoulders. They still can't believe how nonchalant he's acting but they know deep down he's scared. "You know, we heard you before, Dean. When Andy made you tell the truth. You're just ask scared of this as we are" Sam calls him out of his bullshit as they approach the Impala.
"That was mind control" Dean exclaims defensively. "It's-its like being roofied, man. It doesn't count" He further defends pointing at them, y/n cocks her eyebrow, shaking her head, "What?" She scoffed. "No- no. I'm calling do-over" Dean lamely shuts it down. Y/N rolls her eyes, "What are you? Seven?" Sam scoffs in disbelief at Deans childishness.
"Alright, look. We just gotta keep doing what we're doing, find that evil son of a bitch and kill it" Dean says causally, the ringing of his phone cuts their conversation. "Yeah, I guess" Y/N mutters, sharing a look with Sam. She jumps in the back as Sam rides shotgun while Dean answers his phone. "Hello?" He answers, pressing the phone to his ear.
"Ellen, what's going on" He responds to Ellen on the other line. He listens for a bit , his face dropping. "Yeah, we'll be right there" He clears his throat, jumping into the Impala.
The trio ended up back up at Harvelle's Roadhouse, the Impala parked outside, infront. "Jo" Ellen calls out to her daughter who's carrying a tray of plates. "Go pull up another case of beers" She orders her, "Mom-" Jo groans but Ellen cuts her off. "Now, please" She says firmly, wiping her hands with a bar cloth. Jo sighs, doing as told while Ellen walks up to the trio, sat at the bar.
"So you, uh, wanna tell me about this last hunt of yours?" She leans against the counter, her tone suspicious. They all share a look before Dean shakes his head. "Nope, not really" Dean says honestly, sipping his beer. Ellen glares at him, causing him to gulp a bit in fear. While Sam and y/n glare at him because of his rude tone. "No offense. It's just kind of a family thing" He reassures her kinder.
"Not anymore" Ellen says, tossing a folder of papers infront of Sam and y/n. "I got this stuff from Ash." She says suspiciously, turning to Dean. "Andrew Gallaghers house burned down on his 6-month birthday. Just like your houses." Ellen points out what's in the files as the look down guiltily. "You think it was the demon all times, don't you? It went after Gallaghers family?" She questions. Dean smirks, not wanting to answer.
"Yeah, we think so" Sam admits. "Sam" Dean warns him. "Why?" Ellen asks Sam. "None of your business" Dean retorts to Ellen bluntly. "Dean" Y/N warns him, her eyes widen from his defensive and brutal tone. Ellen's eyes flicker over to Dean, "You mind your tongue with me, boy." Ellen warns him firmly, his eyebrows shoot up in surprise.
"Now, this isn't just your war, this is war. Something big and bad is coming and it's coming fast. And their side holds all the cards. Now, at best, all we got is us. Together. No secrets or half truths here" Ellen lays all the cards on the table out for them. They all share a look before Sam begins. "There are people out there. Like Andy Gallagher..." He says lowly. "Like us" Y/N adds, noticing Sams somber look.
"And um...we all have some kind of ability" Sam says. "Ability?" Ellen questions. They nod, "Yeah. Psychic ability" Y/N gulps, earning a displeased sigh Dean. "Me and y/n/n, we have, um, visions. Premonition. And y/n/n could move things with her mind. Telekinesis. She can also sense spirits and demons. But we think those came from her mom. I don't know, it's-it's different for everybody" Sam explains sighing as Ellen listens.
"The demon said he had plans for people like us" Y/N tells Ellen, this catches her attention. "What kind of plans?" Ellen asks. "We don't really know for sure" Y/N shrugs. "These people out there, these psychics. They dangerous?" Ellen questions. "No. Not all of them" Dean chimes in. "But some are. Some are very dangerous" Y/N adds. "Okay, how many of them we looking at?" Ellen asks.
"We've been able to track a clear pattern so far" Dean answers, leaning against the bar counter. "They've all had house fires, the night of the kid's 6-month birthday." Dean continues. "That's not true" Sam cuts in. "What?" Dean asks confused. "Webber, or Andron Weems, or whatever his name is. Me and Sam looked at his files and there was no house fire" Y/N tells him.
"There's nothing out of the ordinary" Sam adds. Dean is taken back by the breakage of pattern, "Which breaks pattern. So if there's any others like him, there'd nothing in the system. No way to track them all down" Ellen voices his thoughts as her daughter comes besides her. All their heads were bowed in defeat, "And so who knows how many of them are really out there" Dean mutters.
"Jo, honey" Ellen says to her daughter. "Yeah?" Jo responds. "You better break out the whiskey instead" She tells her. Jo does so as they all say there, stumped. A sense of defeat at the fact that they don't know how many freaks are out there. Unsure what to do or how to proceed in finding the yellow eyed demon.
Authors Note: I know, I suck!😭 I've just been swamped with so much crap, it's a shit storm over here lol. But I made sure to finish up so I hope you guys enjoyed!
Thank you for your patience and thank you for reading, have an amazing week❤️❤️❤️
Taglist: @hjgdhghoe @rach5ive @tiggytaylor @star-yawnznn @quarterhorse19 @deangirl96 @bitchykittenconnoisseur @globetrotter28
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la-guns · 1 month
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An about me post that’s probably too long ♡ feat. my room ^^
I finally fully embraced my true love this year with the 80’s, and its rock/metal music scene. I’ve always loved the decade and its music, but have jumped between interests that didn’t hold me for long for most of my life. But now I’m here, and it feels right. And I can thank my dad.
He’s a metalhead. He had the classic long, shaggy hairstyle in the 80’s. I always remember him blaring his favorite Metallica and Alice in Chains albums from the garage, where he worked on cars and occasional motorcycles. He still does that.
Every morning before elementary school, he’d have the huge box tv playing music videos. My favorites were AC/DC. And while I watched, I had Pop-Tarts, but little me never had the heart to tell my dad I didn’t like them toasted when he brought them to me 😅
Growing up, he introduced me to the best classic movies from the 80’s. Back to the Future, Spaceballs, the Goonies, the Lost Boys (my dad loved vampire stuff, and I do, too), National Lampoon, Princess Bride, so much more. I grew up pure classic. And I like staying that way. It’s a huge comfort.
Now, not much has changed. I prefer 70’s, 80’s, and VERY early 90’s music (like Hollywood Vampires. I can’t do the grunge stuff, sorry! 80’s metalhead heart ♡). I rarely listen to modern music, and when I do it’s mostly for the novel I’m writing to get in the zone. I love Vlad Dracula (the historical Vlad), and have been writing a historical novel about him, and using the real facts in my research from Romanian sources (on here, I love the user @/vladdocs for info about Vlad).
L.A. Guns…the love I have for them came out of nowhere, and that kind of love is usually the best in my experience. I love their style. It’s glam metal but…L.A. Guns glam. Bluesy, unique, invigorating, rockin’. I wish they got to reach stadium level like Mötley Crüe.
I love the “classic” lineup of L.A. Guns. Mick, Phil, Tracii, Kelly, Steve. Love each them to bits, and miss Steve. Kelly is my comfort person, I’d say. I share common interests with him, and from what I’ve watched and read about him, I love how goofy and true to himself he is. Like he embraces his inner child, and I love that. He’s a cutie pie for sure, but his personality is what gets me most. He’s not afraid to be bold with what he likes (like pirates! I LOVE pirates. My dad raised me on Pirates of the Caribbean, and I love the overall history of pirates). Sometimes I wish I could just talk to Kelly about graphic design. That’d be so cool. I’ve been dabbling in it since middle school, and am now going to college for it.
So, my room is my safe space and I like to really have it just scream me. It’s full of original stuff, down to the cassettes, magazines, ‘89 Mötley concert bandana, and magazine pinups. The only original thing I DON’T own is the shirt. It’s a reprint. I love it all so much, and I’m still getting more. My favorite piece is the original Cocked & Loaded vinyl signed by the classic lineup ♡
The bands I love most are L.A. Guns, Mötley Crüe, Cinderella, Dokken, Danger Danger, Def Leppard, KISS, AC/DC, Billy Idol (got to see him in May!), Bulletboys, Poison, Van Halen, and so many more it’s a lot 😭 ♡
This definitely isn’t everything about me, but it’s a taste of the main part. I’d love to get to know others who love the 80’s scene. My inbox and dm’s are always open for polite chat. ♡
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hetr0ph0bic · 2 years
I got sumn!!! Y/n seduces and sleeps with riri and Shuri SEPARATELY and they figure it out while chatting in the lab and decide to teach her lesson ;) w/ smut obvi
our girl
tag : shuriri x reader warning :ropes? public hunching? coochie eating! fingering! Strapping! n more summary: yes porn, whats but u already knew tht wrd cnt :7.3k+
a/n okay so thxxxxxx for the req i had so much fun writing it! fr i luv u!!!!!!! title inspo -
oh, that's your bitch? That's my ho too We gon' share her, call her, "Our girl"
riri walks in sync with ayo and aneka, the three of them in dire need of a fun night. they find themselves outside of a old ranned down club, the dim neon lights read ‘club usana’. 
“ yall really wanna go in here? it look like a hole in the wall” riri points to the walls of the club. 
“princess we wouldn't have you just anywhere, i promise its nice inside” ayo drags riri inside of the club aneka following behind. “we are going to dance, i know, i know you're not staying with us. don't make any stupid decisions! stay here and ring us if anything is wrong!” the couple scurries away. riri looks around the dark club, trying to find something or someone she knows. not finding a familiar face, she settles for the bar. riri steps up to the long bar leaning to the side, she rubs shoulders with you. riri looks you up and down, drinking your warm skin.
‘hm i knew this dress was the one’
 “oh my bad- i didn't mean too” riri apologies swiftly. with a small smile you reach out to caress her arm.
“don't worry you're all good, and what might your name be”
riri answers with a soft pretty giggle, “riri, what's your pretty”
“ y/n, but it can be yours”
“ooh i see your slick with it”
 chuckling “yeah i try to be, wanna drink then dance?” you nod over to the bartender tagging them down
“yeah, a lil drink can't hurt” 
“can we get a lil whiskey on the rocks?” you then press your kimoyo beads to the top of the counter, successfully paying for the drinks.
 “to what though” riri questions
“a fun safe night!” you two down the burning drink, getting up to walk to the dance floor. the two of you find yourselves in a nice two step to the loud beat. but slowly that changes as you reach for riri hands. with nonverbal permission, you place them on your shoulders. a steady grind is unfolded, as you drag your hands from above her waist to riri’s hips. swinging your hands around to feel on riri’s ass, with a gasp the girl scooted closer. so close you can feel your cores meet. riri looks down, feeling the lower connection. the music blares on as a kompa style song comes to play. already knowing what to do, you mold riri’s body into the perfect shape. placing each other in the needed spot, you move her body into yours. making your cores and legs never leave each other. riri tips her head up to whisper in your ear. 
“you know this song?” she fully relaxed in your arms, body flowing with the music.
“yeah it’s a classic” you rest her hands on your neck and place your hands back on her waist continuing to drive the dancing.
“what’s the name” she rests her head on your shoulder
“something going on by kaysha, it’s a bit old but it never gets old”
riri gets into the rhythm, you too being able to move your feet in a steady way. you lift riri’s head and hold onto her neck, she looks into your eyes as you move her body in tune with yours. both of your dresses ride up, but you do a good job at keeping them down. keeping the movement, you pull her bloody red dress down again for the 14th time in the few minutes. your fingers drape over her thigh, to squeeze the thigh.
“is this okay?”
“ mhmm yeah good” she mumbles out
you lift your hand from her thick thighs. placing a hand under her chin, she parts her lips letting air blow through them.
“can i do .. more” you rub your thumb across her bottom lip. nodding you both close the space. its nasty and hungry, the kiss. her lips are so fucking soft, like your kissing clouds nothing like-
‘stop, just enjoy the night’
 the growing whines from riri causes you to rip your mouth from her
“we should stop right now, if not im going to fuck you right here.”
“well i think the bathroom is better.” she replies smugly, with a smirk you lead riri to the bathroom in a rush. smashing your lips together again now in the locked stall. smacks and groans fill up the empty room. you explore the girls mouth, tongue feeling everything possible. riri begins to control you and the kiss, licking on your and lips lower jaw. she slowly backs you up to the black stall divider, pushing you back to the wall,you break the kiss from the impact.
“please, fuck!” riri attacks your neck, littering in with nasty, sloppy marks. your pants echo throughout, lucky the bathroom is empty.  attempting to utilize that emptiness, you eagerly pull up your dress to your chest. riri drops her knees to the floor wasting no time. 
“please, i need you” you lift your heavy head to look at the other. riri looks up from the ground, eyes dark and filled with need. riri rubs her hands along your thighs pushing for legs apart. 
“come on you're begging now open up your fucking legs” she takes her sweet time pealing your soaked panties from your oozy core.
lifting for hips with a cry she hurriedly pulls your soaked panties to the side. pushing her thumb inside your lips, she lets your juices soak the finger. pulling your panties to the side more she reaches up to circle your clit.
“fuck just take them off” you groan at her antics. using her strong shoulders you step out of the underwear, praying for her to continue. instead of continuing to tease you, riri dives head first. licking and sucking on your clit, prying her arms in between your legs, she forces your legs apart.
 “keep your fucking legs open, fuck” she rocks her face up and down on your core. using her knees, she is able to bounce and keep your legs spread wide, allowing her all access. she moves down from your clit, to tease your hole. sucking on your red swollen clit she sticks a inch of her finger inside playing with the muscles of the entrance. 
“stop fucking teasing and go all the way in ” you say through the deep waves of pleasure. 
“only because you sound so nice” 
riri goes for your clit again, sucking so hard. she strokes two fingers in between your lips, spit and slick covering them in an instant. riri thrust the two fingers inside of you, immediately creating scissoring motions with the digits. you arch your back, combing fingers in her hair as she jolts your body up. with her slamming and curving in you, riri finds a weak spot. repeatedly smashing, shoving against the soft tissue inside. your moans echo through the bathroom, a little lower than the blasting music, lucky. 
“fuck, ri- im close” standing up on one leg you start to slam down to meet her movements
“ that’s it mama just like that” she snakes her hands up pinching your brown erect nipples
“ ri im cumming” riri applies a last bruising suck to your clit, your body quivering as your knees slowly gives out. she grabs you and pushes you up the wall again holding you as you ooze out, applying sloppy pecks to your red neck. seconds go by as you regain your energy. 
swapping places, to deliver soft nibbles to her skin. from her neck to down her legs you scratch and bite. finally flopping on the tile you cup her wet heat, while kissing her thigh. looking up into riri’s low teary eyes, you begin to fondle with the black lacy underwear.
“ don't worry love, after that i promise you're gonna cum even harder, ill make sure of it” you end the promise with light kisses to her clothed pussy. you pull her underwear down pass her knees, helping her step out of them. roughly to grip riri’s leg and sliding in on your shoulder. looking at her core, seeing the slick ooze out and onto the outer lips and even down her thighs. licking your lips you lick up the limb, collecting wetness on your tongue.
 staring into the other's eyes, “i knew you would taste like this, so fucking good”.
 riri tosses her head back as you dive in, moving your head in a infinity motion. slick pools out as you, eat her with need. backing up you stand up to share the taste. riri jumps to kiss you, tasting her own glossy liquids she moans. 
“i know i know” you slide down again to meet her heat face to face again. dipping your tongue inside her lips, licking a heavy pointed up and down, devouring her clit. her sweet moans gets louder, deeper. you place the same leg over your shoulder again. spreading her apart with your hands, you show the most attention to her clit wanting it to be swollen. showing no mercy, you give all undivided attention to the small nerve. standing on one leg the other around your neck she searches for some type of placement. riri can't reach above the stall to short, like a headboard. the other connecting wall is too far, the only choice, she rakes her hands through your hair. as you nibble and suck on the bundle riri gives you high pitch praises 
“ fuck fuck yes god yes.”  working your mouth lower to begin to tease her hole, she you begs add something in her.
“please i don't care, just do something, please i wanna cum hard like you said i would”. you finally give in, presenting her your tongue. she looks down as you slip inside. you start to fuck into her, face hitting her pussy. hands rubbing her clit and tongue fucking her senseless, she starts to unravel. as you slam your tongue in and out, you lock eyes with her, digging your nails in her thigh every time she looks away. her legs now showcasing red nail marks, she moans into her palm. a lousy attempt of snuffing the sounds. she silently screams as you thrust inside of her, body shaking as riri drags her nails up and down her body.
 placing her other leg on your shoulders, you continue to ruin her. shaky moans getting caught in her throat, riri squeezes her thighs hard as she gasps and groans.  riri’s small body quivers and becomes more broken, you can tell she is nearing the end. she trembles hard, unable to keep still for a split second. she starts rutting against for face, hands full of hair she begins fully face fucking you as you swirl with her dripping pussy. 
“ don't stop, talk to it” riri pulls your hair as you hollow your cheeks, slurp on her clit. then pull it out of your mouth with a pop, repeating the action her pants reach a higher octave, chest expanding and contracting needing more air. you roll her pretty clit in your fingers, pushing her over the edge. she cums silently, mouth hung open, pussy pulsing, and convulsing to squirt. you continue fucking her on your tongue. rough hands pulling at your scalp, aiming to pull you off. failing to pull you off, riri begs and pleads “please please  y/n no more i can't” ignoring her you continue to hollow your cheeks on her clit, she pushes against your face attempting to run. wrapping your hands around her thighs and holding tight she is forced to take the pleasure in over stimulation. seconds later riri is chanting again “y/n, y/n” as she comes. face and neck dripping with cum you slowly let her down from your lifted shoulders. still holding her riri takes deep long strides of air. after a few finally riri cools down, now sitting down on the sink, she recovers.
“you good ri?” you grab your belongings. you also grab and put the other things in her own purse. reaching for riri’s phone you type in your number, she is still seated on the sink.
“yeah im good, you put your number in the phone?” you two stand in the mirror fixing your dresses, hair and face.
“yeah well you got my number call me if you need anything” opening the phone you check the time “ its like 3 and i gotta be up in the morning, ill see you around” with a wave you walk out from the bathroom heading home. riri begins rinsing out her mouth and washing off her face. she drags herself out of the bathroom, going to the bar to find the dora lovers. 
“ready to go ms. riri”
“yeah gotta be up tomorrow”
days latter
you feel the yellow pool concrete under your feet as you find an unoccupied mini jacuzzi at the packed party. summer time in wakanda is the place to be, the heat, the music, the food, everything is like a true dream. you settle in the mini jacuzzi calling over a waiter. they show up in a pink patterned bikini.
“what can i get you” the young girl questions
“do yall got a fruit platter, and a few water bottles” you look up to her blocking out the setting sun with your hands
“yeah i got you, anything else?” she finishes tapping the order on the tablet.
“nah that’ll be it thanks”
after a few minutes you feel a presence behind you, thinking its the waiter again you stand up in the water. but its not, in fact the last person you would expect here. the black panther, queen of wakanda
“umm sorry to bother you it’s just all of the mini jacuzzis are all full. can i join you, it’s just me.” shuri looks down on you from outside the water
“oh nah join i don't mind”, looking around you all of the other mini water heaters are full. each and every single one. each circle is able to fit five people, and even then it's about 10 in each. so it's a mystery how you had this all alone to yourself.
“oh i never got your name” shuri ask setting down all her belongings 
“it’s y/n” you take the time to get a good look at the royal, it’s rare for her to be out like this. she sports a black cutout bikini with golden rings to hold the top and two bottom sides together. along with that, she has opaque cover up. shuri has a gorgeous dainty black pendent on, you can bet money that is just her suit. 
“oh that’s really pretty” she smiles, sinking into the water
“not to be rude or anything but where are the doras don't they watch over you?” you honestly wonder
“nah your good, but i don't need to be babysat, i am the best fighter of the county remember.” you feel your skin get hot at the thought.
“oh yeah your right’’ you chuckle “i have some fruit and water coming over here you can have some when it arrives” 
“okay thanks” 
 sitting under the water, afro beats blasting around them
“so what's it like being the queen and stuff”
shuri breathes out, “well hard” she chuckles 
“everyone expects you to be here and there, and they don't ever let me rest. and still having to mourn and work…. its a lot.” they take about any and everything  
“yeah i completely understand, well not to your extent obviously but i know what pressure feels like. from everyone around you and even people you don't even know.”
“but it is better since i am here today, getting a break.”
“if you ever need someone to help you relax call me” you say as you put a strawberry in your mouth.
“ i know i just met you but i feel like, i could tell you anything or just be natural with you.” you place your hand on shuri’s lap. not moving your hand you look into her eyes.
“oh umm sorry im sorry” you move to create a bit space
“nah your good”, shuri grabs your hand examining it.
“your nails are so pretty, but why are the two middle ones short?”
“oh umm”, you look up the meet her eyes “well, its so i dont hurt (your) walls with long nails”
dropping your hand she backs up against the wall, a red warming seeping into her skin.
“oh oh okay”, you can still see her stare at your hands 
“my queen are you okay?”
she breathes out “yeah im fine, i just wasn't expecting that” 
“oh im so sorry if i made you uncomfortable”, shuri shakes her head, arguing.
you reach for a piece of fruit “ so who said your life is are pressure and deadlines, what do you do?” the royal scoots back over from hugging the wall.
“i run a clothing company, i do literally… everything. i make the clothes, i do the accounting and managing of every little fucking aspect. im actual wearing me right now.”
“ whaaaa, how do you make time you anything? it has to take up your life!?”
“yeah i does even caused relationships to fail, well not really but it did at the same time”
“oh im sorry” shuri gives a sincere look 
“don't sweat, its fuck her alllll the way”
“ wait, what happened?”
“lets just say she was controlling as fuck. i couldn't do anything without her aproval. partying, clubbing, working, eating, clothing it all had to be on her terms and the sex was lousy at best! most definitely toxic”
“damn, well so im glad you’re away from that. no human should be on those restrictions”.
“yeah me too, i’ve been single for a little over a month and im just now getting back outside, and  just enjoying life.” you both reach for a fruit, hands grazing. with a smile “open up”. 
shuri obeys opening her mouth wide you place the pineapple in. slowly itching your piece watching her closely, she finishes the piece. 
“want another”, she nods her head. “shuri you have to use your words” you reach for the slice.
“ i want it.” 
you put the smaller piece in her mouth again, letting your fingers swipe her tongue. pointing to the fruit, “you want something else” she nods her head again. “uh uh words” she quickly finishes the fruit 
“yeah something else”
 “oh really, what do you want” moving closer you stroke your hand from her neck to the middle of her breast, dropping your hand into the water playing with the golden ring that ties the black bottoms together. 
“ please, just do it” she begs in a hushed tone
“do what my queen” you whisper in her ear
“fuck, just put your fingers in me” shuri breathes slow, finally letting her orbs lock with yours.
“ i don’t know” you scan around the area. the surrounding groups are drunk, high or smoking and pouring bottles of dark liquor down each other’s throats. 
“okay fine- but don’t make a fucking sound, eat the fruit and act like i’m not touching you. if you gain any attention, i will stop.”
“ yes okay got it”, she grabs the platter of fruits and places them in the water. the tray is able to float on its own. shuri holds the tray with one arm fully covering her lap. you dip your hand into the royals bathing suit. instantly met with soft skin. quickly, you move your hand down to her core.
 “i’m gonna push in okay” you search for doubt or question in the panther's eyes 
“yeah okay” with one finger you drive in and out and a easy speed not trying to splash all the water. “ put the other one in” she whispers in your ear, she turns to grab your phone. needing something to distract her. as you add the second finger, she clenches around you. you start to curl your fingers back in forth hitting a spot in shuri. she opens her mouth to moan but quickly closes it. you look down at the royal and see her clenching your phone, “put it down before you fucking break it” with low breathy moans she manages a sentence. barely. “shut up… your fucking me like this and got the-” you cut her off with your same hand. rubbing circles on her clit, side to side with the pads of your thumb. shuri tosses the phone on to the concrete. grabbing handfuls of fruit, stuffing them in her mouth she then moans. not loud but something for her to feel release. shuri body shudders as you work your fingers in her. she clings to your shoulder, egging you on.
“please don't stop feels too good” you curve your fingers harder rocking her body in the deep water. shuri voice cracks as you rock her, entranced with you and your fingers.
you focus on scissoring her, taken in by the squelching sounds from the water, you sit and watch as the royal looses her fucking mind. 
 “come here” shuri pushes against your hands, letting her hand slip free from the tray. she creates small splashes in the now dark water. shuri leans far back into the wall, doing anything to buck from the intense pleasure.
soon she feeds into the thrusts, turning her head to make her pants fall on your shoulder. shuri’s cries get louder, her hands continuously ranking up and down her body. nails scratching her own body “ oh shuri” you singsong “mmmm” she answers. you smile at her while curving your fingers to touch that point that know will make her see stars “ be quiet love” pressing deep into her. shuri gnaws at her lips, trying to drown out her cries and sobs. taking your free hand from her leg, you rake your fingers through shuri soft curls. you pull her hair hard, her back in a sinful arch. through closed tight lips she mumbles “ y/n im- im cumming”.
“ i know i know just ride it out” pushing the platter of fruit to her right hand she digs she sharp nails into your thigh. shuri fights to keep her eyes from rolling back. not wanting a soul so look over and see what’s going on. you place her on one leg still fucking her. with a hand you rub circles into her back. “thats it, just like that, so good, no one noticed, you did so good” after shuri comes down she slips off your thigh and you slip your hand out. 
“hey you with me” you rub your hand up and down her neck.
“yeah im here” shuri scoots off your lap, to your side. placing a hand close to your core. 
“this okay right” shuri questions looking for conformation.
“ don't worry love, im good” 
“are you sure i don't mind, i promise”
“no no im sure you already did a number on me. remember im here for you, to relax, im good right now”.
you and shuri spend the rest of the night there, till the people start to file out. 
“this was fun ill keep in touch” shuri says as you use a towel to dry your body off. grabbing your black tote bag, you head off home. stepping off the train, using your beads to unlock the front door. you walk into your apartment. in much need of a shower, shuffle into your bathroom. slipping out of the wet bathing suit is hell but you somehow get it off. hopping into the warm shower, soap running over your body. you can't but think about the past few weeks. a wonderful booming business, getting out of a terrible relationship. god that alone is a fucking blessing. its so good being single, being able to make your own decisions, no one asking for your where about every two seconds. questioning you on cheating, dictating what to eat, wear, and how to fucking act.
walking into the kitchen, in search of food. opening up the fridge and every fucking cabinet, you settle of pizza. using your beads you order the food, waiting for it to get here you clean up the house. but shit two back to back, riri and the queen
 what. the. fuck.
how the fuck was that even possible. drying off you grab a big old shirt from the closet. dirty clothes, dishes, laundry, by the time you finish the food is here. you scarf down the food and head to bed. waking up in the weighted blood-red covers. you start up on the new clothing orders.
1 week later,
“so ri hows life been treating you”
“wow so thats code for im noisy tell me all your business”
the two sit in the small lab in their connected room. blueprints and oil spread all around the many tables. they both have been in here since the crack of dawn, so cans of energy drinks are pilled up in the trash can.
“well if you wanna be rude about it, come on its been so long since we spilled dirty secrets” shuri pauses walking over to riri on the floor. “and i have news alsoooo” she drags out. 
“wait you have news, okay you start first” riri wipes the oil from her hands, giving the oder her attention.
“what? no! you're just gonna have me tell everything, while you keep it on the low.” shuri points her finger accusingly 
“ i promise i wont” shuri gives the engineer a look of ‘stop lying’ “ i promise for real for real.” 
“okay so i’ve been doing good, you know i pulled back from working as much as i do. well passing little shit off to m’baku. he likes to feel important so i give im all the annoying work that really doesn’t call for me.”
“ okay good, good… what have you been doing with all your time then”
“ well duhh i’ve been with you. i when out to a pool party and honestly i just sleep the rest of the time away.but the thing is the pool party that’s the thing.” the royal goes quite finding it hard to find the right words. “ i don’t even know how to say what happened” shuri hides her face in her hands
 “ just spit it out”
“ riri give me time im not like you dang!”
“ what you mean not like me”
“ you have no problem being unfiltered and i cant do that”
 riri shakes her head finding the truth in the statement “ okay so what did you kiss a girl?”
“... no”
“ what grind on?”
“ noo… worst” her voice gets higher 
“omg did you, fuck a girl???” 
“ wellll she did the fucking”
“WHAT” riri jumps up yelling. settling back down on the floor , “you did what. stop. wait. what. i want every fucking detail! don't you DARE leave a single thing out. was this at the pool party? bitch, i knew i should’ve gone with you. fuck, but you wanted me to do my homework! yeah i bet so you can get your fucking rocks off. what’s her name? omg okay go imma shut up. go… go.” riri holds her hands over her mouth
“okay so a pool party, downtown by the shops”
“ yeah and everything”
 “ right so its a real nice pool over there, its sections for kids and adults inside. its  from like dawn to dusk. okay so it was my off day right. so i went there to have a little fun, a nice day by myself, cool. so i get there and i me this girl-” 
“pause what was the fits, yours and hers? do you have pics?”
shuri rolls her eyes at the interruption “ i sent you a photo of it the black bathing suit with the rings”
 “the one with yo tetas out! oh my good, your a whore! continue!”
 “okay and she was wearing a nude bathing suit, god she was so fucking fine. anyway so i walk up to her and ask to sit and she was okay with it.then we started talking about work in stuff and she tells me that i can call on her to chill or relax because she has a demanding job also. oh i almost forgot so like i knew it was gonna happen when i asked about her nails.” 
“color and length”
 “ pink but they blended into her skin like perfectly, but the two middle ones were short so i asked why”
“ you asked her why her… two middle nails was short…. wow clueless gay!”
 “ anyway, she told me why and like okay so she started to FEED me. then im like hot i ready she was super good. and she keep asking me if everything was okay and you know meee.” they crackle at shuri’s antics.
 “so anyway she fingered me in the mini jacuzzi” riri mouth is agape, lost, she is stuck for a while. “wait what happened again” clearly just imagining that.
 “ she fingered me, in the jacuzzi, in front of others. ri i had to not moan and i covered me up with the fucking. fruit. tray.”
 “no your a liar” riri stand up pacing. “ this cant be true, its shuri miss stand-off, miss cold shoulder. no way what’s her name, did you even get her fucking name” riri now kneeling in front of the royal.
 “yeah it was y/n” she plops down on the floor messy floor.
“ what, y/n, is she brown with dark eyes and long braids.”
“ wait you know her”
 “um yeah we did it in the bathroom and club usana”
“shuri we ate each other in the fucking bathroom” “so she smashed both of us.. ion like that”
“ she said she just got out of a shitty and i mean shitty relationship-” 
“ and she getting pussy like that damn. you think she down for threesomes”
“ ri! have you no shame!”
 “ i don't get it i like her, i like you, you like me, and you like her why not. plus i dont like the fact that she smashed both of us” 
“ oh no, i know that look. she might not even be into that!” 
“into what, what look are you taking about” riri yells back
“the look where your horny and angry, you probably wanna punish her or something”
seconds pass and they both are quite 
“i dont give a fuck, send for her as the queen. we ask her with full consent, if she agrees we have fun” with that riri leaves shuri in her side on the room.
the loud sewing machine noise filters through the entire house. clothes scatter the office space, but luckily all the orders for today have been made. you clip the hanging thread from the dress as you hear a knock on the door. running to the door, you place your hand on the keypad to unlock it. the door swings open and you're faced with general okoye. 
“ oh! general, is everything okay? ” she gives you a warm smile 
“yes, the queen calls for you.” looking down at your clothes, you know you have to change. blue penguins pajamas and dino house shoes aren't appropriate.
after swiftly cleaning up you change into a basic workout two piece. then you and the soldier are off. walking into the palace doors, okoye leads you to an empty room with a sleek white triangle table in the middle. the door shutting is the only reason you know you’ve been left alone. walking up to the table you sit, now spotting a clear chair and small folder.
the papers inside read:
‘ hello y/n i’ve called to you like this because i want no form of intimidation. you're here because me and riri ( the girl from club usana ) would like to invite you into our bedroom. if you are not comfortable with this you can put down the papers and walk out, okoye will take you home safely. at anytime you feel uncomfortable, you are allowed to leave. if you are interested, read our and list your intimacy boundaries. on the bottom lines, if you need to express anything, you can write it all there. once done, place the folder in the slot on the wall. you can then explore the palace after that.’ taking up the pen you get to writing.
the two others watches from a camera. 
“ well she didn’t walk out that’s a plus” shuri sits on riri’s bed tablet in her hand.
 “ zoom in! i wanna see what she’s writing” riri bumps shoulders with shuri.
 “wow aren’t you eager, wasn’t this excited when we did it.” shuri tosses riri the tablet.
 “oh my bad i was too busy fearing for my fucking life.” 
 “which was your fault by the way. trying to prove old white people wrong, about to get yourself killed.”
“ and i was excited, lame, im just cool so you didn’t peep it ” riri says zooming on the paper
“ okay so she likes….”
“breath in and out, at anytime you wanna stop say red.”
you feel the two grip your hand, walking you up to something hard. the left hand tugs at your wrist, making you tip over. yelping as you fall over, your face hits something so soft.
‘it’s just the bed’
the same hand that tugged you pulls again, you start to crawl. on your hands and knees you make your way up the bed. slender hands make their way across your torso, flipping you on your back. immediately your arms are pulled up and part, you then feel something cold. crisp handcuffs are tightened around your wrist. you hear their footsteps and warm leave from around you. shuri and riri didn’t show you around the room again, only blindfolding you and cuffing you to the bed. hell you were even still clothed in your sleeping clothes from this morning, days after you signed and went over the papers with them. sounds on smacking pulls you from your thoughts.
“ahh” you scramble to sit up, back flushed with the headboard. squishing sounds come after, almost like a bottle?
its lube, fuck i wanna see
it goes silent, then soft pants barley detectable. as the time goes by the squelching gets louder and louder. unable to tell the moans apart you grown restless.
“okay im ready put it in” riri pants out 
‘so its shuri strapping riri fuck’
“fuck look back at me” shuri’s voice has gone low, deeper
“yeah just like that baby”, clapping sounds gradually build up. your core as been pulsing ever since they tied you up. mixed with the moaning, you can feel your panties wet and cold on your warm pussy. you slide to the side, trying use your propped up hand. with avail, you can’t reach the blindfold. sliding down the bed, you can bring your shoulders and upper arm to your face. using all your strength, you slowly work the tight cover off. 
“fuck harder shuri, harder” riri demands. soon as the order leaves her mouth, deep sinful moans fill the room. finally sliding it down your face you can see the two. mirrors placed at each of their heads, clothes throw by the foot of the bed. shuri and riri have the most sinful arch in their backs, you could go and sit a cup on it. legs locked and intertwined, they fuck themselves from the back. a clear double-sided dildo, you can see their insides from the angle. closing your legs, shut tight. water blurs your vision, voice fully of desperation “ please, i-” 
“shut. up.” riri seethes through her teeth pausing on shuri.
shuri’s broken voice cuts through “don’t stop” riri begins again, slamming back meeting shuri’s movements “ri maybe she can join now?” shuri look over to you sorry all on her face.
“what fuck no, we just started. don’t look or talk to her she’s just gonna persuade you to let her go.” riri turns her head from the mirror to look at you on the bed “slick with your words huh? shuri she’s a business person, her job is to fucking talk and trick people. she can get released once we cum and only if she’s good.” so you take it, quite as your body shakes with need. yearning to be with the two on the floor. shuri lies face down, turning her head towards you. she latches orbs, taking her hand to rub circles on her clit. rubbing till she creams with a scream. moaning shuri slips off of the toy. manhandling riri, so she’s on her back, legs behind her head. shuri works the toy deep in the small girl, taking her time. you can tell she enjoys watching riri lose her assertive demeanor.
“fuck, fuck- umm please! please shuri, harder” riri cries out
“y/n ri so wet just for us” shuri starts to thumb her clit. “awww your already swollen” riri shakes her head frantically. shuri replaces her thumbs with her lips. kissing, lapping at the poor girl.
“uhh uhh take it” shuri mumbles while eating “im never gone stop” riri’s leg glitch as they tense behind her head. shots of slick and cum shoots up into the air, landing all over the room. manly on shuri’s face since she dove back in once the spraying first started.
“fuck shuri hold her legs down! shes to strong.” shuri grips your legs forcing them to stay part. she drives the special made strap deep inside of you. your skin and brain are on fucking fire. riri works you with a vibrator on your puffy clit. it wasn't supposed to go like this. fuck, your body is shaking the table. you want to touch them so bad, but the tight ruff ropes prevent you from moving. 
“fuck mmmmm” you twist your head into the side of your arm trying to keep your moans down. what if someone hears you, or look up or just fucking sees you. 
‘why the fuck are they fucking you on the patio?? in broad fucking daylight??’
“ fuck i can’t i can’t.”  
“oh now you can't, but you can do a lot of other things. you can fuck me in front of hundreds of people without a fucking care. you can fuck riri in bathroom stalls, but you can take this.” “pathetic.” riri adds on to shuri’s rant
“right, tell me y/n does is feel good.” riri takes her fingers to open your lips spreading them apart. “look at her shuri, so fucking pretty. so pink and fat”
 shuri grabs unto your hips bucking up into you, hitting a spot that makes you scream. 
“don’t stop! shuri, just like that baby. yes.” you look up at riri, with tearful eyes “ri kiss me please please” “awww okay baby” riri leans down to place her lips on yours. a soft sweet kiss the total opposite of the sensations she's causing to the rest of your body. riri keeps one hand at the bottom, holding the vibrator to your clit. she throws one leg over your waist now straddling you. she places her dripping pussy on the vibrator opposite side of you. as she bites your sensitive bottom lip, she rocks back and forth on the toy. causing you pure ecstasy, the toy mixing the wetness from both of you. 
“fuck just like that ri” shuri speaks up hands traveling up your legs. reaching your thigh, she pulls you both down the table near the edge. holding your thighs, she drives in and out at a nasty pace. a loud clapping sound comes as she hits your body with hers. waves making you and riri rock on the table with each hit. the pressure of your body builds up, the two making you spill over.
“ that’s it don’t stop don’t stop” your pussy pulses, squirting all over the three of you.
“ alright that's it love” shuri begins to pull out.
“ what no don’t stop! matter a fact-.” riri pushes shuri all the way out and grips your hair. 
“you think that’s fucking funny”, her eyes low and black, she stands you up on your knees. seating herself in front of you, she then lays back legs spread open.
“ well start eating”, you scoff in disbelief “who do you think you-” but shuri pushes your back in, molding you with your ass up and face down. she slips back in and continues fucking you till you see stars. your face lays on riri’s open pussy, moaning and slobbing on it as you're fucked into oblivion. shuri pounds you from the back. her hand twirls your hair around her palm. once wrapped around two times, she pulls you up. 
“didn’t she fucking tell you to eat”, 
“so fucking do it”. as shuri ease you down to meet riri you slip your hands under her brown soft thighs. opening your mouth you let a long line of spit leak out onto her lips. as your body rocks with force, you see how her lips glisten with spit and her own wetness. looking up into the smaller pretty eyes “riri its so fucking pretty, so pink, so perfect for me” riri throws her head back with a deep moan. you take that as a clue to get going. you begin by licking a long strip from her hole to her clit. lifting up her hood to lick fast over the small hole. ri’s legs shake in your arms “fuck y/n keep going” so you do fully sucking on her cilt hard, rocking your face side to side covering your face in her juices. 
“yeah more more”, just like before you kiss your way down to her hole. sticking your tongue inside, you struggle as you try to find the correct rhythm with shuri drilling you behind. going out on a whim, you fuck back on the special made strap. shuri gasps from the interruption, taking advantage of the open window you fuck down on the strap tongue still inside riri. soon shuri joins, finding the opening too. three different tones of moans leave the patio.
“good girl, keep going don’t stop yeah just like that keep fucking her just. like. that” shuri lands hits to your ass cheeks. you can feel your energy and willpower slipping away, tapping riri’s thighs “want you ride”.
“huh” she picks her head up, tilted it in confusion.
“ ri ride my face” finally understanding, riri scrambles up. matching your same position, she backs her ass up to your face. lining up and slipping in all by herself, using her knees riri rocks back on your tongue. as you place your hands on her thighs, slamming her back down harder. she looses her mind. as riri whines and shivers around you, you hear and realize shuri is close also. the thrust are uneven and sloppy. the burning skin from her digging her sharp ass nails in your skin. the high pitch drag out moans aren't unnoticed. creeping a hand to rub riri’s clit, you lock your legs around shuri. destined to make them both come hard, moaning on riri and squeezing the strap from inside sends them over the edge. shuri coming inside you and riri coming on you. feeling shuri’s cum inside you and riri’s lovely pleas makes your eyes roll back. slipping out of riri and off the toy, your body slumps down, trembling as you continue to release.
okay thts im tired and i know this is trash!!!! any typos? u didn't see shit goodnight
@widowmakker @letitias-fav @rxcently @acommonwhor3 @garbagesleepschedule @nightlife-things @sweetalittleselfish-honey
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omiiomiaaus · 1 year
Toji’s music taste
Headcanons on what songs or music i think toji would like but it’s really just what i like bc i’m lazy and don’t wanna look up new songs.
warnings: none??? some mentions of sex but no details, not proofread, literally none??
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☆ Just gotta say one thing… this man was in his prime life in the 2000s…. He was listening to songs that are older than me 🥸
☆ okay Megumi canonically listens to weezer so i think he got some of his music taste from Toji. (i think almost everyone that develops a liking for rock gets it from childhood roadtrips with their dad)
☆ Toji only plays his music in the car.. he can’t stand the radio. …100% played buddy holly and meg picked up on it
☆ it’s mostly alternative and rock with the occasional hip/hop songs but he doesn’t really like new music, he’s an oldie after all
☆ he definitely listens to Coldplay oh my god i think that would probably be one of his favorite bands bc their songs are soft and helps him fall asleep (literally me)
☆ his favorite coldplay song is clocks bc he’s a little basic but it’s the most classic song like??
☆ he taps to the beat of any song on the steering wheel and only mouths the lyrics bc he doesn’t like his singing voice.
☆Toji and deftones >>>>>>> he definitely went to their concerts (his favorite songs are birthmark and rosemary)
☆ Is the type to act surprised when a good song comes on and put the volume on blast while saying “Oh shit” even though it’s his own playlists
☆ his gym playlist consists of heavy metal or rock songs that get him in the mood to use all his strength. (and some phonk songs bc he likes to pretend he’s in a movie but he’d never admit that.) so a lot of Metallica, Type O negative, Pantera, and Slipknot
☆ as for hip/hop he likes in da club by 50 cent and and without me by Eminem. those real 2000s vibe songs. none of the new stuff. He actually really does like Eminem.
☆ like??? 3am by Eminem just sounds like him… real villain shit
☆ he also really likes outcast. so fresh so clean is his songgggg. He holds his fist up like a fake mic and says “don’t you think i’m so sexy i’m just so fresh so clean” then holds it up to your lips for you to say “so fresh and so clean clean” and he won’t move his hand until you say it. also quotes “the coolest motherfuckers on the planet” randomly.
☆ he prefers r&b songs for his sex playlist. slow and sensual songs. and one joke song that he plays Russian roulette with when he presses shuffle. It absolutely kills your mood but he laughs his ass off when you’re in the middle of fucking and all of a sudden the speakers are blaring “you get the limo out front… hottest styles, every shoe, every color.”
☆ This mf got a Hanna Montana song from your nostalgia playlist and thought it would be funny to include in the sex playlist…
☆ Okay Toji is the type of guy to not play music in the shower bc he’s a psycho and just takes 3 minute showers (we all know he doesn’t wanna rack up that water bill) BUT when he does.. it’s a quick playlist filled with songs he doesn’t really like so he can hurry up and get out.
☆ Okay the songs I feel like he’d actually listen to are way different than songs for the vibes he gives off…
☆ He gives off major ‘she knows’ vibes by Ne-Yo, and it’s because of that one edit on tiktok… lord bless those editors for taking two second clips of Toji and making it something so scrumptious
☆ ‘monster’ by lady Gaga is another vibe bc “he ate my heart” that part reminds me of him for some reason… he can eat more than just my heart :)))))))
☆ also ‘lights down low’ by maejor and ‘no hands’ by waka flocka.. literally frat boy vibes but its so fanon him right???
☆ any phonk song reminds me of him because tell me he wouldn’t listen to that shit just to get in the zone????
☆ the lost soul down (specifically the sped up version) is just so himmmmmm <33… again it’s probably because of all the edits but still!!
☆ shine dreams (also the sped up version) idk who it’s by there’s so many versions lol but just any song like that >>>
☆ I also think of him when I listen to ‘level7’ by OSAKA… idk something about it…
That’s all I have for now :)
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quirkwizard · 13 days
Is it alright if you could expand on Pump Up if possible? I can imagine the users hero name being something called Earworm or DJ *insert comical name*
You could always go with DJ Earworm.
"Pump Up" doesn't need a lot of equipment. All the user needs is some speakers or headphones to play music for them. Maybe they could have a special set with where they can adjust the levels of noise cancellation to act like an adjuster to their ability. Maybe get a bat or something to hit people with, of course calling it the Beat Stick, and a costume that looks like it came out of a rave, and you are good to go. Training the Quirk would be pretty simple as well. It would be the user working with the music playing, trying to get more in tune with the songs and to try and fight while the music blares around them. Maybe they could do some dancing-inspired marital arts for style points. The user would start becoming more in tune with the music. proficiently dodging and attacking as long as the music played. Maybe they could expand it to different songs to try and cover non-combat tasks and certain music helping them out even more, like listening to classical music while trying to focus on more of a mental task or a rock song during a fight. I could even see it so that the user becomes more in tune with the beats as they use the Quirk, the bonus becoming more pronounced when doing it in time with the music, almost like a beat'em up rhythm game.
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strobelightstrobelast · 8 months
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Part 1; MK Music HCs These have been haunting me for a while so enjoy!
Note: All these characters listed are MK11 versions, although I might make another one of these for MK1 later. Characters included are Johnny, Sonya, Jax, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Raiden, and Kenshi. I will be posting other parts, this one was just getting reeeally long.
He listens to a mix of 2010’s pop music and sad dad rock. You’ll hear him go from California Girls(Katy Perry) to Headstrong(TRAPT) to The Diary Of Jane(Breaking Benjamin) right back to Party In The USA(Miley Cyrus) and he will have no visible whiplash whatsoever. 
I think he’ll listen to whatever’s on as long as it sounds good, but he generally sticks to the aforementioned genres.
She’s a Dolly Parton fan at heart, but she thinks it’s embarrassing and would rather be shot point blank than have anyone else find out. She doesn’t strike me as someone who would listen to much music in public, unless she needed to ignore outside noise to focus- in which case she would blare Breakcore music.
I don’t think he listens to music too much, but I can see him listening to club music to try and hype himself up. I think he would also enjoy a bit of classic rock(think Nirvana or Oasis), but probably wouldn’t seek it out other than changing the radio station. He seems like the guy who would rather let the radio play whatever for background noise than actually create a whole playlist.
Not technically music but it still kinda counts, I think he would listen to those ASMR videos where they pretend to do your hair or makeup- He has no urge to get his hair or makeup done but he finds them relaxing when he’s struggling to sleep.
He doesn’t like listening to music much, it distracts his senses and somewhat disorients him. The only time he really listens to music is when someone else is listening to it nearby. He won’t really complain, but he doesn’t care too much about it. He really dislikes heavy metal, above any other genre, although it's only because they tend to mess with his senses in a way he isn't comfortable with.
Liu Kang
He won't complain about any music that’s playing, but he only really listens to music on his own when he needs to focus. He’s partial to Vivaldi when it comes to classical music, but isn’t really picky when it comes to what he’s listening to as long as it aids him in focus.
Out of all the music that’s been played for him, he’s more drawn to music that has a sort of ‘hopeful in the face of hopelessness’ feeling to it. Songs similar to Let Go(Frou Frou) would probably be the type of music he prefers. He has a personal hatred against math rock, but he refuses to share it with anyone because he has no reason to dislike it other than thinking the time signatures are stupid.
Kung Lao
He also won’t openly complain about whatever music is playing, but he tends to gravitate towards a strange mix of sappy love songs and deceitfully cheerful suicidal songs. This Charming Man(The Smiths) and Vampire Empire(Big Thief) are definitely on his playlist, but I think he would also listen to Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Third Eye Blind, maybe even some Hollywood Undead if he was in a certain mood.
I don’t see him liking classical music too much, but he thinks the 1812 Overture is cool because of the canons. Tchaikovsky is the only classical music composer he respects.
He pretends to not like modern music, staring off into the distance disapprovingly whenever Johnny tries to show him some of his music. I think he secretly likes 90s club music, but refuses to admit this to anyone. Unlike Sonya, he doesn’t even indulge in this he just balls it up inside because he thinks it’s ‘unbefitting’ of a god.
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Crime Boss AU for Rory and Price 👀
gen, gen please, if i could hug you for feeding me these powerful brainworms, I would. GOOD LORD. I have been itching to write a Guy Ritchie-esque British gangster AU for TF141 and Rory so badly and you have awoken something in me with this prompt. Thank you!! <3
[Pairing + AU prompt]
Indulging myself with crime boss x lawyer shenanigans and neck tattoo!Price because I can and I must:
Click, click, click. The steady hammering of stiletto heels on cobblestones echoes out above the din of traffic and crowds in Liverpool. Her brow lifts as she stands outside the doors of the classic Victorian styled pub with stained glass windows and rich deep wood exterior. Certainly not the place she expected to meet a client. As the doors opened, she could hear the loud yammering of voices and shouting, rock music blaring as smoke billows out as if it was still the bloody 1970s. Rory brushes past the patrons exiting, scrutinizing them as she enters the establishment. Look a right rough lot, bruiser types. Just what the fuck was she getting mixed up in? London was miles behind her, there was no turning back – serves her right for accepting a client that worked through LLCs. Should have known better than that, Sinclair, she thinks to herself.
She stands out like a sore thumb in a place like this, impeccably dressed in patent leather Valentino heels, pencil skirt, Prada bag, and camel coat while everyone else is dressed like they should be in a Guy Ritchie film. She’s nearly ready to start scanning the place looking for Vinnie Jones and Statham. They would fit in here more than she ever could. And then she’s met by the grey plume blown out from the corner of a mouth several inches above her, the burning tip of a cigar like the beam of a lighthouse cutting through the fog. A smirk bending around the Villa Clara between his lips, piercing blue eyes coming into view. She could almost forgive the mutton chops straight out of 1860 once she noticed the button up shirt that strained around those arms and pecs, that was until she saw the neck tattoo. “Mr. Price, I assume?” She holds out her hand, ready to meet him with a firm grip. Her eyes lock with his, not intimidated in the slightest. She’d met too many of these types of men in her career, the ones who thought of themselves as gangsters – hard asses – but the moment they were facing jail time they started to shiver and shake like soaking wet teacup poodles. The facade always broke in no time. “That’s me, love.” He met her with a curt nod, his gaze firmly set on hers without a wandering eye – a refreshing change of pace. His large, rough hand wrapped around hers, firm and strong. By the callouses alone she already knew he was a man who wasn’t afraid to get his hands dirty. “Quite the establishment you’ve invited me to.” “What can I say, darlin’?” He says with a casual shrug. “Like to see a toffee-nosed bird like yourself out of her element, gives me a better read on what you’re really like under pressure.” His self-assured grin spreads wider as he rolls up the sleeves of his button up shirt. Her eyes fall to the muscles and tendons in his forearms, to the tattoos peeking out as the fabric is pulled away, and the way his hand looks clenched into a fist as he tugs on the shirt, the scars on his knuckles in view. Fucking hell. She clears her throat, shifting her weight on her feet. “I’m quite sure my record for cases won speaks for itself,” she says with a cocky lift of her brow. He pursed his lips, tipping his head to the side, sizing her up. “I prefer to know a person beyond what some file says about them, yeah? So why not show me what you can do.”
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direwombat · 5 months
Crime boss au for sybeli 👀
ahhhhh thank you gen this was such a fun little exploration of the quasi formed "mobster syb" au i have floating in my brain. eli strikes me as too much of a hermit to be an effective mob boss, but in an au where syb gets involved in organized crime to pay off her daddy's gambling debts...well...i think she'd be able to run hope county from the shadows :)
also lmao whoops this ended up being almost 2k (but then again, as i always say...anything under 5k is "short" for me).
The great part about living in Middle-of-Nowhere, Montana, Eli finds, is that there usually isn’t a soul around for miles. 
The bad part about living in Middle-of-Nowhere, Montana, is that when an uninvited soul does come knocking, there isn’t anyone around to help.
He’d been disarmed of his rifle so swiftly that he didn’t even notice the other man circling behind him to throw a burlap sack over his head. His hands were forced behind his back, the zip ties quickly snapped into place around them, and he’d been shoved into the backseat of a vehicle. 
Blind as he is, he has no idea where they’re going, and he knew better than to ask. The kind of people who kidnap a man from his home aren’t the kind to answer his questions. He sits silently, shifting his weight uncomfortably, desperately trying to keep his hands from going numb under his weight. His jaw is clenched and his ears strain for any familiar sounds that might give him a clue of where they’re taking him. 
The purring of the engine. Soft chatter, some of it in a language he doesn’t understand but thinks might be French. The crunching of gravel as they trundle along the dirt roads of the Whitetails. 
And then traffic. 
Traffic. Other cars around them. Civilization. Town. 
They have to be heading towards Falls End. He hasn’t been sitting long enough for it to be anywhere else. 
He guesses it’s about twenty minutes later that the vehicle pulls to a stop and the driver cuts the engine. The second he’s pulled from his seat, Eli is hit with the stench of beer, stale cigarettes, and deep fried food, and while muffled, the distinct sound of classic rock blares from a jukebox nearby. A heavy hand shoves between his shoulder blades and he stumbles forward. Every step he takes is hesitant, fearful he’ll walk himself straight into a goddamn wall.
But his handlers guide him with gruff instructions. “Keep going straight,” and, “face right,” and “stop.” A door creaks open and the overwhelming sounds and smells only get stronger as he’s ushered inside what he assumes is likely the Spread Eagle. The sack is pulled from his head, hair lifting in a staticy mess. 
It doesn’t take long for his eyes to adjust. The bar itself is dimly lit and the halls behind it, just past the restrooms and kitchen, are even moreso. A single lightbulb flickers unsteadily overhead and he’s guided once more towards another door. He’d only ever been back here a handful of times -- back when Casey had been kind enough to let him store the game he caught in the restaurant freezers, before he built his own -- and had simply assumed this particular door was to the Fairgrave's office, where they kept their books and receipts. 
But as one man pushes the door open, it isn’t any of the Fairgraves he sees occupying the space. 
Instead, there stands a woman he’s never seen before. A woman with short, dark hair, dressed in a crisp white button up and black pinstripe vest and slacks. Garters wrap around her biceps and her cuffs are rolled up to her elbows -- not that it prevented blood from flecking and spattering onto it. She leans against a heavy mahogany desk in the center of the room, smoking a cigar and filling the room with clouds of smoke. Her hands are bruised and still adorned with brass knuckles while jazz plays quietly from a record player off in the corner. 
The room itself is warm, almost cozy -- styled like an antique library. Dark wood bookshelves line the walls. Heavy curtains, deep red in color, are drawn over the window, blotting out the light, or, more accurately, preventing anyone from seeing what’s transpiring inside. The space is adorned with antique, velvet clawfoot couches and chairs, and at the center stands a heavy mahogany desk. A plush carpet covers the hardwood floors, and laying on that carpet is a man whose face has been reduced to paste. 
Eli’s blood goes cold and he swallows thickly. He feels like he just walked back in time or stepped foot on the set of a film about 1920s gangsters. 
The woman’s gaze flicks over them before settling on one of the men standing behind him. “Clean that up, would’ya?” she says, less of a request and more an order. Then, she looks to Eli and tilts her head towards one of the chairs. “You. Sit.”  He freezes for a moment, deer in headlights, and it isn’t until she shoots him a glare that clearly says Don’t make me repeat myself that he shuffles forward and takes a seat. 
The other two men grip the unconscious body by his arms and legs before dragging him off, leaving a red smear across the hardwood floor. 
The door then shuts with a damning click, and the woman’s attention is solely on him.
“Little birdie tells me you know how to build things where they ain’t supposed to go,” she says, gingerly letting her brass knuckles slide off her hands. She tucks them in her pocket. “That true?” 
He swallows thickly. The bunkers he’s built for himself and a few others are violating zoning laws and he maybe bribed a friend in Falls End to help him get permits regardless. Are the structures technically illegal? Yeah, but it isn’t like he’s hurting anyone with them. “Who’s asking?”
“Someone who’s willin’ to pay you a lot of money for comparatively little work,” she says evenly. 
Alarms, sirens, and all other manner of warnings go off inside Eli’s mind. Getting involved with a woman like this one can only spell bad news for him. It’s never just one job for people like her. “I’m good,” he grits from between clenched teeth. 
Her brows lift in surprise. “Are ya now? ‘Cause that ain’t what I’m hearin’.” She grins. Smugly. Knowingly. Cruelly. “Those alimony and child support checks are a real bitch, ain’t they?”
Eli’s jaw clenches even tighter, the vein at his temple throbbing in anger. Not only does she know about his finances, she also knows about his ex-wife and kid. “What do you want?”
“I want you to do a job, Mr. Palmer.” 
“And if I say no?”
“Don’t see why you would,” she shrugs. “Like I said before, you’ll be handsomely compensated. But, I s’pose if you really ain’t wantin’ to play ball, maybe I let my good friends over at the sheriff’s department know that one of your bunkers is storin’ a helluva lotta oxy. Hell, maybe all of ‘em are.” 
Something in her smile shifts at the threat -- her expression hardens to stone and the teasing glimmer in her eyes fades. She isn’t fucking around. He believes she can and would frame him for drug crimes. But then a question scratches at the back of his mind. Is one of the bunkers he built being used to store drugs? He’s not proud of how his voice shakes. “This is extortion,” he says, as if the moral judgment behind it means anything to her.
She barks a laugh and it's one of pure, and utter amusement. “Of course not Mr. Palmer. This is just blackmail. I’m askin’ ya nicely.” She tilts her head to the side, drinking in the sight of him tied in front of her. She then quirks a brow. “Whether or not it turns into extortion is entirely up to you.” Her gaze then slowly rakes over his body appreciatively and Eli barely suppresses a shudder. “Though I must confess, it’d be a shame to do anything to that face of yours.” She regards him, considering. “How do you feel about your kneecaps?”
“I like’em as they are,” he says hoarsely
She hums and nods. “So you understand what I’m askin’ of ya, then.” 
Fuck him. Either he says no and ends up in the hospital or worse, in prison, or he says yes and ends up in the employ of someone who definitely isn’t on the right side of the law. And while the thought of affiliating himself with someone so casual about violence makes his skin crawl, at least the latter option means that his kid is still taken care of. 
Slowly, he nods. “Think so.” 
“Glad we could come to an agreement,” she smiles, as if she hadn’t coerced and threatened him into it. Setting her cigar down and pulling a butterfly knife from her other pocket, she circles behind him and cuts the zip-tie binding his wrists together. “You’ll get half your payment up front along with detailed instructions of what it is I want you to build. You’ll receive the rest upon completion. Understood?” 
Eli rubs at the chafed skin around his wrists. “Yes ma’am.”
“Good.” She goes to sit at her desk and she takes another puff from her cigar. “Now, you strike me as a smart man, so consider this a courtesy rather than a warnin’: don’t go gettin’ any stupid ideas. You take that down payment and run, and I promise you, y’ain’t gonna make it very far. See, I got a hound who takes his job very seriously and he’s been beggin’ for me to take him huntin’. I’d hate to see you end up between his teeth. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes ma’am.” 
“Good,” she says, already moving on to the stack of files piled on her desk. “Someone will contact you within the week.” There’s a beat of silence where Eli remains where he is, unsure if he’s been dismissed and too afraid to assume. She glances up at him after a moment and says, “The hell’re you still doin’ here.” Her jaw juts out to motion to the door. “Get.” 
With a nod, Eli hastily rises and shuffles to the door. He takes one last hesitant glance over his shoulder only to find the woman engrossed in whatever she’s reading. Quietly, he opens the door and shuts it behind him. He half expects the two men from before to throw a bag over his head again and drive him back to his cabin, but the hallway is empty. 
Exhaustion hits him like a ton of bricks and the siren song of booze and greasy bar food calls his name. He shuffles out into the bar, ducking and weaving between drunk patrons and wearily slides onto a barstool. “Whiskey, on the rocks,” he says when Mary May stops by to take his order. She pours him a glass and he spends the next hour or so nursing it before knocking the rest of it back in a single go. 
When he places the cash down on the bartop to pay, Mary May shakes her head. “You’re drinking on the Boss Lady’s tab tonight.” 
He blinks in shock. “That so?” he says slowly. Well, in that case, he might as well order something nice. “What’s her favorite?”
The corners of Mary May’s lips quirk into a smile and she pulls a laminated cocktail menu from underneath the bartop. Placing it down in front of him, there’s a drink called ‘Sazerac de La Roux’. Cognac, absinthe, a sugar cube, and two dashes of Peychaud’s Bitters.  
Eli considers for a moment, and then says, “I’ll take one of those.” 
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lolahasmoxie · 1 year
Even More Wayne H.C.
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Yeah, this is totally self-indulgent. What can I say? When your dad is a little league ump/coach you become a fan for life.
P.S. I need my Diamondbacks to get their shit together ASAP.
WARNINGS: Language
One of the things Eddie loved about you, was how kind you were. You made high school bearable for him and his sheep by sticking up for them whenever you needed to. You had the best heart of anyone he knew......except during baseball season.
While Eddie abhors sports, you and Wayne have a deep love for baseball.
When Eddie comes home during the spring and summer, you and Wayne will already be seated on the couch, drinking beer and yelling at the TV.
He often drops things or chokes on his drinks when you really get into the game.
"That was a strike, you blind-ass bum! I hope your wife cheats on you, you fucking cunt!"
"Eddie, baby, you okay?"
One summer, you and Wayne drive to Indianapolis for a day trip to see a farm team for the Pirates. It's a two-hour drive, and Eddie can't help but smile as you both drive off in the morning, classic rock blaring from Wayne's truck speakers.
He spends the morning cleaning the house and prepping dinner for your return home. After putting the laundry in the dryer, he practices on Sweetheart, works on a campaign, and takes a quick nap.
It's early evening when Wayne's truck pulls into the driveway. When you walk into the house, he quickly approaches you and pulls you into a big bear hug.
He asks how the game was, and you and Wayne tell him about the food and how great your seats were. When Eddie asks who won the game, he grows concerned when you and Wayne grow silent and look at the ground.
"Well, the funny thing about that is...."
"Your girl got us kicked out."
"Thanks for having my back, Wayne!"
Eddie has to hear about how a couple of meathead jocks sitting in the row ahead of you didn't appreciate you calling the umpire a "limp-dicked blind moron" and how you hadn't taken kindly to being called a "loudmouthed bitch". Of course, Uncle Wayne got involved in defending your honor, resulting in the lot of you being escorted out of the ballpark.
"Jesus Christ, I can't let you people out of my sight."
"C'mon son, like you haven't gotten into trouble for running your mouth on multiple occasions."
"Yeah, Eds, Wayne was just defending my honor."
"Have you ever thought of keeping your colorful commentary to yourself?"
"Babe, the ump was doing a terrible fucking job; how else will he learn if I don't tell him?"
Wayne can't help but chuckle as Eddie's right eye starts to switch. Best not to tell him now that the two of you were banned from the park for the rest of the season.
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jgmartin · 1 year
BLACKSTATIC.fm [short horror]
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The road stretches a million miles. 
It’s just me, the black top, the dead of night and the Nevada desert as far as the eye can see. I’ve been driving for hours and I haven’t caught so much as a glimpse of headlights. And really, that’s just the way I like it.
Over the radio, Kansas is singing about dust in the wind. They’re serenading me, keeping me company while I stare at the asphalt and fight my subconscious to the death. My thoughts are eating at me. Memories. Regrets.
I figure this is just par for the course on long drives. If you spend enough time alone, then sooner or later, you’ll go looking for problems. That’s life. It’s human. And right now, I’m tearing myself to pieces over leaving. Was it right? Should I have stayed?
Things to think about. 
The radio crackles, and for a second, the music becomes a fractured mess. The lyrics stutter. The guitar strings are all over the map. I think maybe it’s just that I’ve been driving so long, so far, that I’m starting to lose the station’s signal. I give the radio a smack, and Kansas comes back. 
All we do
Crumbles to the ground, though we refuse to see
I hum along, my arm hanging out the window, thumping the door. The wind’s in my face, my hair. It tastes like freedom. It tastes like a new beginning, an escape from all the mistakes of my past. 
And all your money won't another minute buy— 
The radio fuzzes. Steve Walsh's voice enters freefall, lost in the static as it becomes something churning. 
Dust …n the… wind
All …. we … Dust… the wind
I give the radio a smack. Then another. 
It’s the only trick I’ve got. 
The speakers blare. I shoot for the volume controls, but they’re useless. Feedback screams through the radio like a banshee. It’s loud enough, sharp enough that I feel pressure building in my skull. Time for a new station. I twist the dial, but each frequency is met by a fresh stampede of distortion. 
“Piece of junk!” I shout, tearing the dial clean off the faceplate.
The radio shuts up. 
No more static. No more distortion. 
I take a breath. I glance down at the radio, check and see what station I’ve condemned myself to for the rest of the drive. But the needle isn’t steady. It’s moving back and forth like a pendulum, drifting across the entire spectrum. 
“Useless,” I mutter.
The speakers crackle.
An electronic warble fills the car, buzzing until it becomes a voice.
Are… Are you listening?
It’s a woman. She sounds nervous, maybe even…  afraid? Guess I'm catching a signal after all.
... Is anybody there? Can you hear me?
I frown. This sounds like one of those radio shows– a War of the Worlds sorta thing. It’s not classic rock, but it’ll do. 
The woman sniffles. I… I don’t know how long I’ve got. Time is… strange out here.
Outside, cacti fly by my window at the speed of sound. I think I see a tumbleweed rolling in the distance, but it’s tough to say. The moon is gone. Vanished behind clouds, and it’s just me and the car’s headlights shining the way. I narrow my eyes. Focus on the road. 
Hello? Please, I need you to answer me.
Her voice is sending a chill down my spine. It’s hard to explain but there’s something about the way that she’s speaking… It feels genuine. Too genuine for some third-rate radio play. I glance at the watch on my wrist, and it’s telling me that it's 3 o'clock in the morning. For talk radio, that’s the witching hour. I figure this is probably some paranoid calling in to offload their delusions onto the DJ.
… But where was the DJ? Shouldn’t they have answered her by now?
Technical difficulties, I think. “It’s gotta be,” I mutter.
There you are… the woman breathes. Were you… ignoring me?
It’s an uncomfortable coincidence, but that’s all it is. The woman isn’t talking to me. She can’t be. That isn’t how car radios work. Just to be certain, my eyes flick up to my rearview mirror, check my backseat to make sure it’s still just old food wrappers and lotto tickets. No psychopaths. No ghosts.
Just the way I like it. 
It’s okay to be scared, the woman says, and her voice is trembling. It sounds like she’s on the verge of breaking down, like she’s choking back a sob with every word. I’m scared too… The world is a scary place.
I’m tired, I tell myself. I’m exhausted and I’m stressed and now I’m starting to hear things because I’m falling asleep at the wheel. That’s all this is. Highway hypnosis. I’ve read about it. I give my cheek a couple slaps, shake my head and flex my jaw. Gotta wake up. The air whistles as my foot presses down on the gas. A little wind in my face should do the trick. 
He’s out there tonight… You need to be careful.
Don’t engage. 
He’s looking for you…
This is my mind playing tricks on itself. 
If he finds you… Can you give him a message for me?
I swallow. My heart is punching my ribs and my mouth is drier than the desert sand. “Who?” I think, and I don’t mean to say the words aloud but I do. 
Him, she replies, and she’s hyperventilating. Her breathing is getting fast. Ragged. They call him the—
Headlights blind my vision. The blare of a horn erupts in my ears alongside the woman’s anguished screams. In a fraction of a second, everything goes to shit. 
I hear tires squeal. 
The wind in my face becomes a hurricane, and something massive narrowly misses my sedan, clipping the backend and throwing me into a tailspin. My seat belt digs into my waist and I grip my steering wheel for dear life. The car twists like a carousel and it turns my dinner into bile into vomit all over the dashboard. 
I’m shouting. Praying. 
The car comes to an unscheduled stop. It crashes against the side of a cactus, my body slamming against the driver door. Smoke drifts up from the hood. 
“Fuck…” I groan, looking around in a daze. Slowly, the scene comes into focus. The road is half a football field away, and I can’t see any sign of what hit me– wait, what’s that? Just to my right. It’s a faint shadow in the dark, but it’s there. A semi tractor laying on its side. It must have flipped itself trying to swerve out of the way. 
My hand finds the door handle and it opens with a kerchunk. I step out onto the desert dirt. I’m still not sure if this was my fault. Did I nod off for a second? Did I fall asleep and drift into the oncoming lane? 
“Hello?” I call out to the semi truck. Two of its wheels are still spinning soundlessly in the night. “Are you okay?”
My leg is throbbing. I figure I must have smashed it pretty hard when I wiped out, but that can wait. I limp toward the truck, and the nearer I get, the less quiet the night becomes. There’s a buzz in the air. It’s the electronic sizzle of the truck’s radio, and it’s playing what sounds like a news broadcast.
Dreadful evening for accidents, a woman’s voice says. We’ve just received a report that a semi-truck has flipped along Route 50. No word yet on the driver’s condition. 
Absolutely appalling, Jess, a man responds. Our thoughts go out to the family at this time. 
I tell myself to ignore the radio. I tell myself that I’m in the middle of nowhere, that there’s no news vehicles around, that I haven’t seen headlights in miles and all of this is just in my head. A bad dream. 
Wake up.
Wake up.
“Sir?” I say, approaching the cab of the truck. The driver is hanging upside down, his seatbelt caught around his waist and his eyes are closed. “I’m going to get you out of here,” I tell him, raising my voice in the hopes he might open his eyes. 
I try the door, but it won’t budge. The metal is warped, jammed up from the crash. Instead I limp around to the passenger side, try that door, but this one’s locked.
Window then. I’ll just drag him out through the window. But my ears pick up something, something that sounds like hissing. It’s coming from the driver’s seat, just beneath the wheel. Gas leak? Oil? The hiss turns into a crackle, a sort of snapping, hungry sound and light begins to flicker inside. 
Oh my god. 
I find a heavy rock, lift it over my head and toss it against the window, but whatever this glass is made of could stop a bullet. I’m smashing it. I’m throwing everything I have into it, but it isn’t enough. The flames are getting higher, and my arms are getting weaker. 
We’re getting reports now that the driver is trapped within the vehicle, the newswoman says. It appears that there’s a fire inside the cab. Rescue teams are currently trying to extract him but they’re encountering difficulty. This isn’t looking good, Steve.
The rock bounces off the glass. 
Truly terrible, the newsman replies. Eyewitness testimony claims some jackass fell asleep at the wheel. Can you believe that, Jess? The truck swerved to avoid him. 
The rock slips out of my hands, and I scramble to pick it back up. I hit the window again. 
Some people shouldn’t have licenses, the newswoman says. 
And again.
If you ask me, Jess, some people shouldn’t have been born. Just think, one abortion and this whole disaster could’ve been avoided.
The driver's eyes open. He blinks, and he looks down at the flames now lashing toward his forehead. His lips part. He screams. 
I bring the rock down.
He screams.
The window isn’t even cracking. 
I bring the rock down.
The driver’s trying to undo his seatbelt, but it’s stuck. There are tears in his eyes, and over the sound of the fire, over the sound of the radio, he’s begging me to help him. “It’s her birthday tomorrow!” he cries in desperate, broken English. “P-please, I have to get home, sir. I promised!”
And I’m crying. Tears are pouring down my face as this useless fucking rock bounces off the glass again and again and–
It’s quiet.
How long has it been quiet?
My arms are limp, my muscles cramped and weak. I stare absently into a red-orange storm behind the glass, and I realize the driver’s stopped screaming. When? When did the flames get so high? When did they reach up and take him, turning the entire cab into a crematorium? 
I stumble backward. “No…” 
And the radio replies.
I’ve been looking for you. 
I put my head in my hands. I pull at my hair with my fists and I shout and holler and do whatever it takes to wake up from this nightmare. But it doesn’t work. Nothing does.
There are others who want to find you first. 
The voice is guttural. It’s deep and distorted and it’s being played from the dying speakers inside the dying truck. It’s a lie. It’s just a broken record spinning inside of my head and–
Something catches my eye.
It’s a shadow, swaying just beyond the wreckage. It’s tall. As tall as a streetlamp. In the glow of the funeral pyre I can make out two gleaming, tiny eyes. They’re watching me. 
Tonight, you give yourself to one of us. Who will it be?
I stumble to my feet. My leg is throbbing, but it’s easy to forget the pain when I’m drowning in fear. The shadow moves. It takes a step forward. Just one. I see a wrinkled snout, and two long ears hanging low enough to touch the ground. 
“What the fuck…” I gasp.
The creature’s snorting. It sounds animalistic. Hungry. It’s throwing back its head, and it’s opening its mouth and inside of that long snout are rows of human teeth. They’re gnashing together. Caught between them are hair and bones. 
The radio tells me, Run.
And I do.
I take off, my leg rioting in agony. It’s gotta be broken. Snapped. Each step is a new Hell, but I push past it because I know the alternative is worse. Right now, all I’m thinking about is my car. Right now, all I’m thinking about is whether or not I’ll reach it in time. 
It’s forty feet away.
That’s too far.
There’s a flurry of footfalls, a rush of dust as that thing pulls its long ears through the dirt. It’s fast. Faster than me. The ground is rumbling with its every step, and my heart is keeping pace. I’m rasping. Sputtering. 
I’m going to die.
I’m going to die. 
Something connects with my back. It’s coarse, almost like fur. I’m thrown forward, rolling through the dirt like a tumbleweed as stones cut into my face. My vision spins. My head aches. I lift myself up on shaking arms, looking around at the blurry mess of wasteland. 
I don’t see the creature. I don’t hear it.
Where did it go?
It doesn’t matter. What matters is getting in my car and getting the fuck out of here. 
I force myself into a sprint. Each stride carries the sickening crunch of broken bone, but I don’t have the luxury of pain. That monster's still out here somewhere. It might be watching me now. 
Almost there.
Just a little closer.
I toss myself into the driver’s side door, slam it shut behind me. My fingers fumble with the key. It takes two tries, three, but I finally get it to turn in the ignition. The engine rumbles to life. 
My head smashes against the steering wheel. Glass shatters. The car lurches forward, its frame groaning as something massive collides with its backend. An arm reaches through the rear window, long, skeletal fingers grasping at me. A snout follows. It’s snapping open and shut. 
My foot slams the gas. 
The car’s wheels spin. Jagged nails cut across my cheek, and the arm and snout vanish through the back window as the car speeds away. My hands are trembling. My whole body is convulsing and I don’t realize it but I’m muttering something like prayers beneath my breath. 
I glance in the rearview mirror. Moonlight is spilling from the sky like the blood from my cheek. It's falling onto the wasteland, illuminating a solitary figure standing in a haze of dust. The figure almost looks like a man. He’s dressed in a black suit and tie, except where his head should be is a bovine skull, and his eyes… His eyes are the glowing, technicolor fuzz of television static. 
He waves at me. And the car radio crackles to life. 
Thank you for listening to BlackStatic.fm, it says. I’ve been the voice in your head, and this has been music for your soul.
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polaroid-petals · 2 days
Would my ROWAN get along with yours?
I think they would have very interesting interactions!
They are both fierce and angry boys who will stand up for what they believe in, but they differ in that ROWAN is fighting for the fate of his world and the well-being of his Dreamer whereas Rowan is more of a troubled teen who grew up into a young adult way too fast and who acts rebellious as a way to cope with his intense feelings.
Rowan may have mixed opinions on ROWAN. He'd admire his tenacity and him having such a noble goal, but the fact that ROWAN is doing something so much more important than he is might piss him off and throw him into a spiteful tantrum aimed at ROWAN. He might think it's awesome that ROWAN is so overpowered, and feel threatened about being such a loser himself at the same time.
All in all, their love and loyalty for their dearest allies is what they would connect over. He would admire ROWAN in that he would also do anything to make sure Flower is safe and sound.
ROWAN may not be happy to find out that Rowan is dating Omori. While Omori is far different from OMORI and is more of a fellow depressed young adult who needs to get his life together and not a dictator banishing rejects to Blackspace and playing God, ROWAN may find it tough to know there's a version of him who loves that monster. Then again, maybe he'll see that this Omori is nothing like his own, and believe in second chances? Omori is not responsible for OMORI's actions, and ROWAN seems fair enough to treat him as his own entity. Maybe Rowan's love for Omori makes ROWAN see his own OMORI and their relationship in a new light.
If ROWAN can't drop his hatred of OMORI when it comes to Omori, Rowan will absolutely not get along with this ROWAN. He's fiercely loyal like that.
Oh, and since they are both rejected and have serious feelings about that, they might bond over that too! They understand each other, as they have both lived through the pain of being abandoned and thrown out.
The two definitely clash in some areas, because ROWAN hates Hot Topic and Rowan looks like he just raided one and put on everything he could pilfer. Rowan is punk rock and edgy as hell, and while he can be considered on the goth side, he's more of a loud and blaring music type of guy. He would simply not respect ROWAN's affinity for classical music.
(And for the record, Rowan loves the gigantic shapeless cock plant if only for its name and how much he laughed at that in biology class. ROWAN may have to deal with that.)
Conclusion: give them some time and they may be besties.
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eviexwatson · 4 months
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( MAYA HAWKE .  CIS-WOMAN .  SHE/HER)  - the  chicago  resident , (  EVELYN “EVIE” WATSON ) ,  was  heard  blaring  (  POISON / ALICE COOPER  )  this  morning  .  the  ( TWENTY-SIX )  year  old  is  a  (  WAITRESS  )  in  the  city  &  has  lived  the ( WEST ) tower  for  (  SIX YEARS  ) .  since  being  here  ,  they  have  been  told  to  be  ( SELF-DESTRUCTIVE )  ,  but  also  ( EASY-GOING ) ,  i  guess  we'll  find  out  soon  !
𐌕𐋅𐌄 𐌁𐌀𐌔𐌉𐌂𐌔
Name: Evelyn Renae Watson Nickname: Evie Birthday: August 5th Zodiac: Leo Age: 26 Face Claim: Maya Hawke Occupation: Waitress Gender: Cis-Female Pronouns: She/Her Sexual Orientation: Bisexual  Romantic Orientation: Biromantic
𐌃𐌄𐌄𐌐𐌄𐌓 𐌃𐌉ᕓ𐌄
Myers-Briggs: ISTP-T Positive Traits: Adaptable, Alert, Creative, Easy-Going, Independant, Uninhibited, Private, Observant, Witty  Negative Traits: Abrasive, Addictive, Insecure, Rebellious, Hot-Headed, Self-Destructive, Temperamental, Withdrawn Hobbies: Graffiti art, Smoking, Poetry, Make-up, Nail art, Skateboarding, Rock Collecting, Thrifting
𐌉𐌌𐌐Ꝋ𐌓𐌕𐌀𐌍𐌕 𐌔𐌕𐌵𐌅𐌅
TW: Parental death, car accident, mention of abuse, drug/substance abuse
There are a great many things that Evie would much rather do than discuss her childhood or her parents. Like walking over heated, rusted nails, swimming in shark-infested waters with a heavily bleeding wound, or touching the hot eye of a stove without submerging her hand in water beforehand. All of these would be considerably less painful than drudging through old memories she tries her best to repress to this day.
Where do I even begin? I suppose the beginning would be best. Evelyn Renae Watson was born in mid-July, her parents were Everett and Mary-Ann Watson. Her mother was a waitress at a local diner. Her father was a well-respected officer of the CPD, who performed his duties well and was known to be a stickler to the rules. And for the most part, when at home, he was decent enough. Sure, there may have been times when he got a little loud and would yell, especially if he had been drinking.
It wasn’t until Evie was around the age of six did it change. Her and her mother had gone to visit some relatives, and Evie ended up chasing after a ball on of her cousins threw at her, running out into the road, right in the way of a speeding truck, the driver neither slowing down nor paying attention. Mary-Ann rushed out to push Evie out of the way. And while Evie made it out mostly unscathed, save for a few scrapes from being shoved onto the concrete, her mother was fatally wounded. It was quite the story for a few weeks. A mother giving her life to save her child in a heroic display. Most of the family and family friends knew it was just a freak accident and never once blamed Evie for it. One person did: her father, vehemently so.
His drinking had become more frequent, and when he drank, he liked to remind her that if it weren’t for her, her mother would still be there, how it should have been her instead and many other horrible things that should have never been said to a child or to another person. Unfortunately, it didn’t stay verbal for long… As you could imagine, this had quite a negative effect on Evie. In her self-esteem as she got older. In her ability to make genuine connections with her peers. Even her grades began to suffer once she realized that doing well in school wasn’t going to help.
At some point, though she doesn’t exactly remember specifically when, as her childhood is just a blur at this point, she found an old luggage case full of old stuff tucked away in the attic. She was bored, her father wasn’t home, and TV wasn’t allowed in the house. Inside the case, she found a bunch of… Mostly stupid stuff. A bunch of old band tees with the pictures faded or crackled. What stood out the most to her was a Walkman, as well as a couple of mix tapes filled with her favorite classical rock songs, the words ‘Mary’s tunes’ and ‘Mary’s tunes #2’ written in faded ink. These were her mother’s. It still worked after putting in some batteries she found, and she never parted with it since.
While it was difficult for her to make friends and get close to people, it wasn’t impossible. She had a few shallow friendships, and only a few she would consider close friends. It was safe to say that a few of her friends' parents didn’t approve of her. She was, after all, the angry, troubled child who never applied herself (unless it was something that she found to be interesting), got in trouble smoking cigarettes in the girls’ bathroom, skipped class, and occasionally got into fights.
Despite this, Evie found her people. Together, the group got into all sorts of mischief. Sneaking out, drinking, smoking. 
However, that wasn’t enough to help her cope with the pain of her trauma. So, the first time she was offered weed, she took it and never looked back. It helped tremendously, until eventually, it didn’t as well.
Evie slowly began to dabble into harder drugs. Up until she was eighteen, that was her norm. Carefully navigating her father’s temper, and sneaking out to hang out with her friends, Evie secretly got a job so that she could move out as soon as possible. After graduation, and once she was eighteen, she worked up the nerve to finally move out. She just.. Kinda left one day when he was at work.
After that, things seemed to get better, though there were several times when she spiraled. Evie got into trouble with the law often, either late at night when she would get caught tagging a place and would lose all of her spray paint, or whenever she’d be caught with drug paraphernalia.
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