#while armand has no idea daniel feels like this and thinks daniel hates him now since he's been paranoid about turning daniel since the 80s
collegeboysam · 2 months
parkinson's can cause lung issues (the chest wall becomes stiff and muscles weaker, which can cause a lot of coughing) so maybe being given the dark gift stopped the advance of the disease but didn't erase how it had already affected daniel's body to that point. armand, your fledgling is sick. daniel needs you. armand. armand please.
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gildatheplant · 2 months
Santiago and his relationship with Armand
OK so I actually wrote most of this as tags to a post that compared Santiago mocking Louis in the restaurant with Louis mocking Santiago after he set the theatre on fire, but I realized I wanted to expand on the idea.
Basically, I had always interpreted Santiago's hatred of Louis as jealousy over him 'stealing' Armand (both in the book and in the show). An interview with Ben Daniels confirmed that while Santiago was initially written as straight, Ben felt the only way Santiago would so viciously hate Louis was if he was in love with Armand. However, in the same interview he also said that Santiago had been in love with his maker, and his jealousy of Louis and conflict over Armand killing his maker made him want to destroy Louis.
After reading this, I was more than a little confused: if Santiago loved his maker, how could he fall in love with Armand?
Then I saw the gifset and was reminded of this moment-
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Louis mocks Santiago about his maker's disdain for him, and how his maker abandoned him shortly after he turned him. Santiago loved his maker, but his maker did not love him back.
Now, we aren't given any timeline of events in terms of when Santiago is made, when he joins the Coven and when Armand kills his maker, but I think it's safe to assume it all happens not long after he was turned. So we have fledgling Santiago, bitterly in love with a maker who disdains him, meeting the beautiful and powerful Armand. Armand welcomes him into the Coven, gives him the opportunity to return to his theatrical career, and kills the maker that wounded Santiago's pride and heart. From that perspective, Armand must have seemed like an avenging angel to Santiago- of course he'd fall in love.
For years, Santiago forges his way up the ranks of the Coven, serving Armand and becoming his right hand man and star of the show. The other vampires of the coven practically throw themselves at him, some of the women literally fighting each other over him...but his heart belongs to Armand.
Then Louis and Claudia come into town, and Armand's attention leaves him for this beautiful man that Santiago can't help feeling attracted to too. And Armand lets this newcomer do pretty much whatever he wants, making the execution of Santiago's maker suddenly seem a lot less fair... yet Armand is still the one responsible for pretty much all the opportunities and good things in Santiago's life, and he's still the one Santiago loves and wants above all others.
Just look at his reaction to seeing Armand's photo in Louis' apartment-
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There's no anger there, no hate. He's in love. And he wants Armand back.
Santiago must've been thrilled when Armand seemingly changed his mind about Louis and Claudia and agreed to punish them for their "crimes". I suspect, though this is only hinted at in the show, that after the trial, Armand regrets choosing the coven and allows himself to be overthrown by Santiago (Celeste is overheard by Louis saying that Armand was overthrown and there's no reason to doubt her at this point). Now Santiago has (he thinks) everything he wants: leadership of the coven, his rival dead, and Armand seemingly broken and at his mercy. When we see him watching Armand bow his head to him and slip into his coffin, Santiago stares at him with naked hunger, completely ignoring Celeste hanging off his arm.
He thinks it's only a matter of time before Armand will become his lover once more. Instead, Armand frees Louis and allows him to destroy Santiago's world.
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desertfangs · 8 months
Not gonna lie, I would’ve loved for a more polished version of this to have made it into the book, the potential is there IMO as well as all the elements that make Devil’s Minion such an explosive, intense, compelling ship. The fighting, the yearning, the weird sexual analogies (this one didn’t quite land but it kinda always goes back to sex with them, doesn’t it?), the kissing in between hurtful statements. Daniel using INSECT parts for his models, Pandora trying to make him pay attention to Armand, Armand being sad and kissing Daniel while trying to fix things, but Daniel being too far gone at the time to even register the impact of his words. I NEED MORE.
Anon, I have so many thoughts, my brain is spinning.
I'm not sure I'd want this in the book or not, it's so hard to say now. I was absolutely baffled by Daniel's lack of inclusion in TVA when it came out, and and then suddenly he's there in B&G mad and being cared for by Marius, and I had to do a lot of mental gymnastics to figure out how I thought he got from A to B. I eventually decided him thinking Armand was dead drove him mad, which made the most sense to me. That is clearly is not what Anne had pictured, but at this point I'm honestly pretty happy with that conclusion instead.
I'm trying to imagine how it would have felt if this was included in TVA. What else does that change? Is Armand still bitter and angry? Is he more regretful? Does this mean we get any of his POV of the Devil's Minion years, including their break up? (Because that is the piece I feel is most missing from that book and what I deeply wanted from it in addition to filling in Armand's background.)
The idea that Armand abandoned the island to mortal hands--a reference to him selling it, I guess--would absolutely break Daniel apart. It does feel very much like something he would be devastated by but I don't feel we're given enough on this one page to really understand what happened. Armand left the others? That doesn't gel with anything I've ever thought. Armand always struck me as the one who was holding things together and was then heartbroken when everyone else left. So I'd need a more context into Anne's idea of how things played out there.
That said, there are pieces I like!
I love the idea of Pandora and Marius looking after Daniel together and Pandora trying to get his attention.
"I have no maker!" I mean, if Daniel and Armand had a vicious fight and Armand all about renounced him and left him wandering to the point where the loneliness and devastation of it drove him mad, then this is absolutely something I can see him saying. The way he talks about how Armand doesn't make others so clearly he has no maker is so full of bitterness and resentment I would love to see a fic unpacking that (Someone should write it! Maybe several someones!)
Daniel building his worlds with found objects and weird shit is amazing. Like it's so deeply unhinged that I can't help but applaud the creativity. I honestly wish I'd known about this months ago because I can totally see this happening as Daniel sinks into madness and I would have loved to have added a scene to my fic about that where Daniel is building a little town on the floor of some seedy motel with bugs and matchbooks and rubber bands or something. It's delightfully freaking weird and I dig it.
I love Armand asking after Daniel, which is another thing I think was sorely missing from TVA. The fact that he doesn't seem to care where he is just explained by his assumption Daniel hates him, but it still feels exceptionally weird to me that Armand wouldn't even ask, particularly after he almost died, and he doesn't know if Daniel may have tried to follow suit? This whole big thing just happened and Lestat is catatonic on the floor, I'd be accounting for my loved ones, no matter how we left things.
Armand losing all his anger and bitterness (does he have that in this version? He must have some, right?) when he sees Daniel in a bad state, clearly struggling, and offering him comfort is so precious. But also can we talk about "I didn't mean to abandon you..." ????? Armand ABANDONED Daniel in this version??? I just... that's so wild, I have so many questions. And then he kisses him??? That is precious. Look, I have wanted an Armand and Daniel interaction during his madness since we learned Daniel was in Marius' basement playing with model trains in Blood and Gold. And I think I would have been okay with this if we got some satisfying resolution between them afterward - we can have this hurt, but we need some comfort to end it on, you know? And I don't think that would have happened. I think Armand would have left defeated and we'd have been stuck with that in our heads for decades until PL came out and we get one freaking line about them hunting together, so.
I think I am glad this version did not make it into TVA, but I would also love to read a dozen fics that try to make sense of all this because there are some delicious tidbits I think talented fic writers could explore and really work into something great.
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failvillain · 2 months
bonjour! merci baguette 🚫🗿💡
🚫 Which character would you NEVER allow near your neck?
I feel like the obvious answer is the vampire bruce. i would however like to push him into a fire
🗿 Is there a line or scene that made you laugh out loud?
"Are you schizophrenic Louis?"
💡 Tell us one of your theories!
The Real Buick memory:
The facts? In 1985, carseats became mandatory. Daniel never owned a Buick. The theory? I think the Buick memory derives from a real memory of Daniel's from 1986.
In my vision of things, Armand and Daniel weren't on speaking terms in 1986, but he hadn't erased his memories yet. I think this is one of those points of time during which they were broken up.
They aren't speaking because Armand didn't want to turn him the year before (the "proposal" in Paris is Armand saying "no"), coupled with the fact that Daniel's real life responsibilities were calling - he was about to be a father, and his addictions were getting worse. On top of this, Alice, his soon-to-be first wife (shotgun wedding!), wanted him to go to rehab before the baby came. She wouldn't accept him if he didn't get clean. Armand encouraged Daniel to settle down, go to rehab and raise his daughter. So they are de facto broken up in 1986, and BADLY.
In 1986, the daughter is almost two (young enough for a carseat). She is in Daniel's car (not a Buick), in the backseat. Daniel has been sober for almost a year, but he's about to relapse.
Daniel drives to his dealer to get drugs with his daughter in his car. He looks at her in the rearview mirror while he drives. Yes he's a terrible father. His daughters hate him for a reason.
He takes the daughter out of the car on one of those portable carseats (or whatever existed in the 80s). He's relapsing and he knows it. He just gave away his last 30 dollars. His daughter is sleeping in the little seat beside him. Even the dealer looks at him like he's a bit disgusted.
While he's buying the stuff, someone steals his car. It's not looking good, because it's late at night, and the area is sketchy. He's now got 0 dollars in his pocket, he's holding drugs, with no car, and on foot with his daughter to carry. Maybe kind of cold outside. Maybe not even in his city. He can't possibly call anyone. No idea what to do.
Desperate, he reaches out to Armand via mind connection, pretending like he hasn't thought about him every single day. He hasn't seen Armand in more than a year. Nevertheless he knows from experience that, even though Armand hasn't reached out, he's close. Because he always is.
Despite his better judgement, Armand does respond and pulls up in his Buick - a rich people car that a multimillionaire vampire would, in fact, have.
This is the first time that Armand sees Daniel's daughter, and the product of Armand's sacrifice.
He's got an even stronger resolve now to erase himself completely from Daniel's memories, because his sacrifice now has a face: this is who is hurting if Daniel relapses. This is who is hurting if he runs away with you. This is who is hurting if you occupy all of Daniel's focus and thoughts. This is who is hurting if you turn him.
The small child looks at Armand with huge eyes. It doesn't matter if she sees him - she won't remember him either way. Armand thinks he's going to have to do the same to the love of his life if he wants to protect them both.
He gives them a lift. They drive in silence. Daniel looks at his daughter in the backseat again. He sucks. He asks Armand where he's spending the night. It's all very pathetic and sad.
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lioncunt · 1 year
"send me a character" Armand?
first impression: my first impression of him was from the movie when i was a freshman in high school, and i honestly wasn’t super into him. i love antonio banderas but he just didn’t grab me as armand, especially since i hated brad pitt louis so much and all of his scenes are with pitt. when i first read the book after watching the movie, i at first didn’t trust him with louis, but i loved their scenes together and their discussions and i really wished the movie actually adapted them properly. then by the end, once i was finally on board with their relationship, louis didn’t care for him anymore and i was heartbroken for him. so i had an interesting start with armand!
impression now: i would literally die for him, i’ve felt such intense love for him ever since i read tvl and now after reading tva i think he’s one of the best written and absolutely the most complex character in the series. his arc is PHENOMENAL, the depth of sympathy i have for him is enormous despite all he’s done, his character voice and style of writing is so mesmerizing and the tragedy of all that’s befell him makes me want to cry. at the same time, the way he writes around certain incidents and explains his wrongdoings is so fascinating; he never mentions the interactions with lestat in paris, and he glosses over his reaction to marius being alive, and you just have to wonder WHY. he is an enigma and my best friend and all that i adore and my god i am so excited for assad’s portrayal of him
favorite moment: there’s like……so many to choose from but i will always love him pushing lestat off the tower it was the first moment that i was like. oh he’s a BITCH . thank god. from tva it’s the swordfight with the guy he slept with it’s just such a cool scene and i loved how brave he was 🥹
idea for a story: i want to see a comedy where he lestat and louis try to live together in book verse i think it would be v funny. like the odd throuple
unpopular opinion: in the show he is not mind controlling louis he’s just saying “your ex is a piece of shit” over and over again and failing to disclose his stint with human experimentation. in the book pretty much all of his acts of evil are so understandable from his mindset, it’s so clear why he does the things he does and i could never hate him for any of it, he’s just so interesting to me
favorite relationship: it’s a really solid tie in the books between devil’s minion and armandstat. for a while devil’s minion was my second favorite ship, but honestly i think armandstat has overtaken them for the time being. in the show idk yet!! i project a lot of my book feelings onto him cause that’s all we have to go off of, but i’m excited for all his relationships in the show
favorite headcanon: he likes to crawl around on the ceiling and just stay there until daniel comes in and turns on the light and then he screams
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Yours-Part 1
the next part in my Vampire Daniel series. Two chapters, first one is up. You can read it below or here
Armand returns from visiting Marius after a week. Daniel is disgusted to find he missed him. He is determined not to show it, doesn't even go to greet Armand once he arrives back home.
Armand finds him, of course.
Daniel is in the reading room, skimming through a novel. Armand appears and plucks it out of his hand. “I was reading.”
“You didn't come to say hello,” says Armand. “I missed you, Daniel.”
Daniel takes the book back. “I'm busy.”
“Did you miss me, Daniel?”
“Like a toothache.”
Armand presses a hand to his heart. “You wound me, Daniel.”
“Uh-huh. How was your trip?”
Armand looks away from him before answering. “Fine.”
“So when are you loading me off on this Marius?” Daniel asks. He's not about to tip toe around it. He wants to know. Has a right to. It's his life. Unlife? Afterlife?
Armand quickly returns his gaze and seems confused. “What ever are you talking about?”
“Don't lie to me. I know the reason-”
“You know nothing, Daniel.” Armand cuts in. “I have no desire to be rid of you.”
Armand sighs. “If you must know, I asked him to take you on in the event you left me.”
Daniel snorts. That's a stupid fucking idea. “What makes you think I want to chum it up with your ex?”
Armand tilts his head and examines Daniel. “Is that jealousy? Are you jealous I visited Marius?”
(Yes, but he doesn't want to be. So that's the same as no.)
“We're not together.” Daniel rises to his feet as he says it and moves toward the other side of the room. He wants to put some space between him and Armand.
“But you are jealous.” Armand says, eyes focusing on him intently.
“I'm not,” Daniel denies.
“There really is nothing like it, the bond between maker and vampire,” Armand says. He takes a step closer to Daniel. “It's why I turned to him. Why part of me will always be his.”
Daniel nearly sees red. He wants to hit something, he wants to scream. “You aren't his.”
Armand smiles slightly. “Aren't I? After all this time, he's the first one I go to for help. It must mean something.”
Daniel can see what Armand is doing. Hates him and himself for it working. “It doesn't, and you aren't.”
“Oh? And how do you know?”
“Because-” Daniel starts, then stops.
Because you're mine.
Armand takes another step closer, eyes wide. “Say it.”
His voice is barely above a whisper, but demanding all the same. He knows exactly what Daniel is thinking.
“Because you're mine.”
There's a beat of silence while Armand stares at him. Then there's no space between them and Armand is kissing him, hungry and perfect. Daniel's arms go around him and hold his close and he kisses him back with an urgency he didn't know he felt. Fuck, it's been a long week.
Armand keeps kissing him and kissing him. After a few long minutes, he breaks away to pant against Daniel's mouth. “I am yours. Utterly yours. Only yours.”
It feels like victory. Daniel kisses him again. He's drunk on desire. All he can think is of want and mine. He moves his mouth the Armand's neck and suck at the skin there, kissing and licking. Armand's fingers tangle in his hair and he chants “Yes, yes, do it.”
Daniel bites down and the rich, sweet taste of Armand's blood fills his mouth. His head is buzzing and his body feels like it's on fire. He's burning, burning for Armand. Armand moans, low and needy. “Daniel, Daniel, Daniel. Take me to bed.”
Daniel pulls out his fangs and looks over Armand. His eyes are dilated and his chest is heaving. His gaze drops to Daniel's mouth then back to his eyes. He lifts a hand and traces his thumb along Daniel's bottom lip. “Don't deny me now, Daniel.”
Daniel seizes the hand and twists it, biting into Armand's wrist. Armand gasps and moans. Daniel takes the smallest of drinks before pulling away and meeting Armand's burning gaze.
“Bedroom, now.”
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First Taste
here is a genderswap Daniel/Armand fic. It was for vamptember, but it's a day late. very nsfw
Danielle Molloy is endlessly fascinating.  A lovely mess of contradictions and so achingly human.  
He’s been chasing her for a little over a year now.  They’ve begun to talk, having long drawn out conversations about anything that comes to Armand’s mind.  It doesn’t matter if he shows her these parts of himself; he’s going to kill her anyway.  
The foolish girl has nearly stopped running.  She had the gall to greet him with a smile the last time he saw her.  A smile!  As if he hasn’t made it explicitly clear he means to end her life.  
It isn’t that she isn’t afraid.  It’s that she likes the fear.  It excites her.  Arouses her.  
The very idea of him arouses her.  She’s built some romantic notion of him, one he will thoroughly enjoy destroying when the time comes.  For now, she’s his prey and he has her cornered.  It’s time to play with her.  
Armand slips in through the open balcony doors of the hotel room Danielle is staying in.  It’s like the girl has no survival sense at all.  She’s practically inviting him in.  
He finds her sprawled over the bed, sheet twisted around her waist.  She’s wearing a light pink silk nightdress, and he can see the little nubs of her nipples through the fabric.  Her dark curls are spilled around her on the pillow, wild and free.  He can smell her blood pumping, and can see all the lovely veins along her arms and neck.  
How easy it would be to take her now.  He could crush her against his chest, and feel those pert little nipples press against him.  Armand imagines she’d taste sweet, like a summer wine or an overripe fruit.  Sweet, with an undercurrent of spice.  
She smells delicious.  Too delicious, her scent shouldn’t be so strong.  Armand drifts over to her, a fleeting thought passing his mind that she could have hurt herself.  His chasing her might have driven her to such actions.  Armand dismisses it almost immediately; Danielle is too stubborn to ever willingly face death.  She still finds a way to ask about becoming a vampire every time they meet.  
He glides down the blankets and understands at once what that aroma is.  There is blood  staining her nightgown, down between her legs.  She’s menstruating.  Armand lifts up the fabric, careful to keep the touch delicate and light.  He doesn’t touch her at all, only the blood-damp fabric.  That he rubs between finger and thumb, then brings both up to his mouth to lick them clean.  
She tastes like heaven.  
The blood from there is never as sweet as the blood from the veins, but it has its own appeal.  Armand learned that years ago, when he was just a fledgling vampire.  His mortal friend and confidante, Bianca Solderini, taught him that.  She knew he was a vampire, and so had asked him if any blood would sate his hunger.  He’d been eager to try.
It had been an overwhelming experience, to be so surrounded by blood.  To smell nothing but it, and taste it, again and again.  To be able to suck and pull out more and more blood, without fear of taking too much.  He’d been ravenous with thirst after and had sunk teeth into her inner thigh and drank so deeply she nearly fainted.  
Armand wonders if Danielle would let him taste her.
He knows that she’s attracted to him; he’s read her thoughts here and there.  She thinks he’s beautiful; though not quite like most people.  She likes the inhumanity of him, likes his monstrosity.  And she hates herself for liking it.  
She’s thought of him while touching herself.  Armand hadn’t been expecting to enter her room and find her doing that.  But he hadn’t let his shock show on his face.  He dipped into her mind and saw what she was thinking before he announced his presence.  It had been of him.  Specifically of him biting her.  Not at all what he had expected.  
Danielle stirs and her eyes flutter.  She yawns, and opens her eyes, then screams.  Or tries to.  As soon as she gathers the breath to build it, Armand presses a hand over her mouth.  
“Hush, Danielle,” he says, “I have no intention of harming you tonight.”
She relaxes and pushes his hand off.  “It’s just you.  Jesus, I thought you were some murderer-rapist.”
Armand arches a brow at her as she sits up.  Has she truly forgotten what he is?  Perhaps a demonstration is in order.
Danielle rolls her eyes.  “You know what I mean.”
Armand wraps a hand around her throat and slams her back against the headboard.  He only uses enough force to frighten her a little, not to cause harm.  He did say he had no intentions of harming her.  
Her breath hitches and her pupils dilate.  Her heartbeat increases and her cheeks flush.  She’s quite beautiful, this girl.  “I am a murderer.  Would you like to hear how many I’ve killed tonight?”
Danielle licks her lips.  “Stop trying to scare me.  You already said you won’t hurt me tonight.  Unless you’re a liar and a murderer.”
“You should be afraid, foolish girl.”
Danielle swallows; his grip is loose enough to allow her to.  He’d choke her, but he wants to hear what she’s about to say.  “What, you want me to be some scared little girl and cower in front of the big, scary, monster?  Go fuck yourself.”
“I’m the thing you feared when you screamed tonight.”
Her heart pounds a little louder.  “You’re a monster and a murderer…but not a rapist, right?”
There’s a flash of an image in his mind, the image of a clear blue sky out of the small round window of the ship.  The feel of wood grain under his fingernails, against his cheek.  Armand shuts away the thought before it can be properly born.  Some things are best left untouched.  
Armand leans in nearer to her, and moves his mouth to near her ear.  “When I take you, Danielle, it will be because you’re begging me to, and not a moment before.”
Danielle inhales sharply and her gaze drops to his mouth.  They’re very close, close enough that they can share a breath.  Danielle’s heart is racing and her thoughts are practically shouts.  She desperately wants him to kiss her.
Armand doesn’t.  Anticipation will make it all the sweeter, and besides, he hasn’t decided how much he’s going to indulge here.  He has no problems playing with his food before he eats it.  But this isn’t the right moment.  
He releases her and pulls back.  Her disappointment is nearly palpable.  “You’ve stained her nightgown.”
Danielle glances down.  “Fuck, I liked this gown.  I usually just wear tee-shirts to bed.”
“Yes, I know.”
Danielle crosses her arms over her chest.  “Creeper.  I should probably cover up.”
She makes no move to do so.  Armand tilts his head and runs a hand up her thigh, over the blanket.  He gets to where it stops and takes the edge between his fingers.  He glances up at Danielle’s face and slowly pulls it back.  She shows no indication that she wants him to stop.  Her thoughts are those of arousal and fear.  But not fear of harm, fear of embarrassment.  
“As much as I like where this seems to be heading, I’m on the rag this week.”
Armand doesn’t exactly know the expression, but gets the gist.  “I’m a vampire.  Do you think blood bothers me?”
“I guess not.”  She’s already wet; Armand can smell it.  Her thoughts are a jumble of sex and desire.  
“I want to taste you.”
Her eyes go wide.  “You mean…down there?”
“Yes, Danielle.”
Her thoughts are racing.  “What if I taste bad?  Oh god, that would be so embarrassing.  But what if he likes it?  What if it makes him like me more?  Maybe he won’t kill me if we’re fucking.  Maybe I can get him to make me a vampire.”
Armand wraps the hand back around her throat and shoves her down the bed and onto her back.  “Don’t make the mistake of thinking you can tame me.”
Danielle glares at him.  “I wouldn’t want you without your claws.”
Armand releases her and sinks down to kneel between her legs.  Her blue cotton panties are stained with blood.  She’ll probably throw them out, so Armand decides it’s alright to be a bit theatrical.  He rips them down the middle and Danielle gasps.  
“Tell me you want this, Danny.”
Her voice shakes when she answers, “I want you.”
Armand reaches between her legs and tugs out her tampon.  It’s soaked with blood and smells tantalizing.  Armand takes it into his mouth and sucks on it.  The rich flavor of her blood erupts on his tongue and he sighs with pleasure.  
“Oh god, that’s so disgusting.  That’s so disgusting, so why is it so hot?”
Armand ignores Danielle’s jabbering.  She never shuts up any other time, why would sex be any different?  He slings her thighs over his shoulder and puts his mouth on her.  He delves his tongue inside and licks into her.  The taste of her is stronger, sharper here.  Armand licks into her, again and again.  He chases after the taste of her and she pants above him.  
He only indulges himself for a moment, then he begins to focus on Danielle’s pleasure.  Her fingers wind into his hair and she says his name with a moan.  He licks into her, slipping into her thoughts to know exactly what it is she desires.  He rubs his thumb in circles over her clit while he licks inside her. 
His world is narrowed down to the blood, to the taste and feel of her.  He wants to sink his fangs into her, to bite down and drink and drink and drink, to drain her dry.  
Armand wrenches his mouth from her hole and licks his way up to her clit.  He kisses it softly, then licks over it, gently, with ever increasing pressure.  He waits for her legs to start shaking, then he pulls back and fucks his tongue into her instead.  
After the third time, her fingers are gripped tightly in his hair and there are tears in her eyes.  “Armand, please; please let me come.”
She did ask nicely.
Armand returns to her clit and circles his tongue around it until she starts to shift, then he wraps his lips around it and sucks.  He alternates sucking and licking, until she’s quivering and crying.  She comes and her entire body goes taut and she screams.  Armand works her through it, then sucks on her again, hard and forceful and another orgasm rocks her body.  
Her hand falls limp on the bed and she breathes hard.  “Fucking hell.”
Armand smiles and she glances down at him. “How’d I taste, by the way?”
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