#which with my ADHD is a feat
flintstill · 2 months
so the deadline for a form i need for my application was listed as TODAY, and i had given them 3 weeks notice, and only today after I had followed up, do they get back to me and say "oh you need 3 people to fill out this other form FIRST, before we can fill out your form" and on the sheet they gave along with it, said 'please allow a minimum of 2 weeks to process the forms to complete your form"
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myriadeyed · 1 year
WTNV fan artists from the 2010s who made Kevin into a scary demonic Tumblr sexyman didn't get it. Didn't understand the character. I do. Kevin is gay-coded. He's specifically a corporate gay. He's a REPRESSED corporate gay. He looks like every cis gay man I see on Tinder in the Midwest whose profile says he's an ENFJ business major and loves dogs. He wouldn't dare touch a blunt because that's illegal and one of his listed interests is "skincare." He's hashtag with her 2016. He just has a barely contained gore kink.
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umemiyan · 11 months
btw thank you to everyone who voted earlier and helped me decide on a character!! that poll got me to write a whole ass fic this evening lmao
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phoenixyfriend · 3 months
Remember my post about Anakin pulling a Mike Murdock? Yeah, no, I have a full on AU concept now (with contributions by @threebea! indented)!
He lies so hard about having a brother that the universe invents a twin from scratch for him. It happens when Anakin is like twelve.
Anakin was just committing to the bit on a mission because he was bored.
The Force was also bored.
Oh no Anakin force manifests a sibling Obi-Wan: …That's not how the Force works. Anakin: You tell the Force that. Obi-Wan: Well, I suppose this would be your half-brother since the Force is your shared parent. Obi-Wan after the initial shock: This might as well happen.
New brother is better at some things and worse at others, as any person is. Anakin is, naturally, a fucking mess about all that, worries he'll be replaced, etc.
Obi-Wan just brings this to the Council and nobody can DENY this Skywalker from the Jedi after they already took the first one. So. Mace volunteers.
This Skywalker is a bit more Force than Anakin, got glowing eyes and visions and the Animal Communion buff. But is worse at flying, worse at tech, and unfathomably worse at people. Which is a FEAT, since Anakin's not too hot at social skills in the first place.
Mace has his hands full in many ways, including "keep this child from walking face first into the wall."
Obi-Wan: We are not calling him Anagain.
Anakin had many mixed feelings but! If he's going to have family then he's going to commit!
The other option is that the brother is younger by enough that the Older Brother instincts kick in, but I think the one-sided twin rivalry is funnier.
Anakin: I'm a big brother now. Anagain: I think we're supposed to be twins. Anakin: I have more worldly experience. Anagain: I'm taller. Anakin: wut Anagain: alpha twin alpha twin (that's his nickname until you come up with actual name lol) Obi-Wan: Well, I'm taller than both of you, and while that is the case you both need to listen to me. Anagain: (flash of foresight) So, not for long Obi-Wan: What? Anagain: Nothing. Mace: (the Shatterpoints are blinding) Yeah, I'll be taking this one. More seriously tho, Anakin definitely torn between what if everyone likes him better he's born from the force what if he's the chosen one what if and also: I have a brother I have family I need to take care of him. Probably some fun twin force bond too. Oh man Sheev after digesting all of that would definitely try to get some jealousy going.
Anakin talks about the new brother with terms like Freshly Hatched and Innocent Baby and it's mostly a joke except that now HE thinks Palps is a creep when it's aimed at Not Him.
Palpatine: When do I get to meet him? Anakin: [absolutely not] Mace won't let him [Yeah that'll work] Mace: Yeah, absolutely not, he didn't help save Naboo there's no reason for my Padawan to have a relationship with the Supreme Chancellor
I've decided to call the brother Aion (EY-yon). I like the whole thing about Anakin's name being based on Ananke, even if it's a disputed thing, so I go for Greek myth when doing alt names for siblings.
Mace still bitter about having to let Palps get time with Anakin not about to do the same if he can help it. Although that comic takes place later eh (handwaves) still The Jedi might try to be hush hush about where aion came from anyway since he would fall directly under Jedi business
Help I'm imagining Mace and Obi-Wan on a walk and the twins are on child leashes. Anakin because ADHD will have him trying to run off to look at something. And Aion because he's going to be so distracted by visions that he will walk into traffic.
"Can we send a letter to mom so she knows he exists?" The other thought was ANAKIN holding the child leash for Aion, and then Obi-Wan or Mace holding the one for Anakin. Lil chain.
Aion: Hey… I know I've only existed for a few months, and yes my memories of before are sort of built by the Force, but I'm pretty sure the Supreme Chancellor is evil. Mace: You saw that in a vision? Aion: No, he's just super creepy. Bad vibes.
Obi-Wan: Of course he's evil, he's a career politician. Anakin: What about your friend from Alderaan? Obi-Wan: That's different.
One of these boys is constantly zoning out. The other is smiling, but the smile contains murder.
They're both adhd but with wildly different sides of it.
Aion: [silent, a bit upset but mostly chill] Anakin, holding his hand: He asked for no pickles!
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shewolf-sinclair · 4 months
I HATE when people dumb down Jason Todd “he’s impulsive/irrational/erratic/brash/dumb/the angry robin!”
let me break it down for you fools because he’s actually like one of the most nuanced and complex characters to ever bless my presence (and he’s the best ((my fav)) robin argue with the wall) (tldr at the end but please read the post)
Starting out as robin they are ALL orphans. because that’s like bruce’s thing. BUT dick and tim had families before bruce adopted them. Jason did not. HE GREW UP ON THE STREETS. (+10 points for truama✨) which led him to grow up to be independent and resourceful. Bruce literally met him because he was trying to steal the bat mobiles tires with the intent of reverse engineering them to sell to the people of gotham because bullet proof tires in that kinda city would save lives source
As for being brash. Yeah. he is. he lacks people skills because HE GREW UP ON THE STREETS. yet he still knows how to sympathize with people and not be an ass ALL the time. he’s cocky sure but it’s a defensive mechanism after years of being treated like he doesn’t have value/having to prove himself. and damien is worse lets bsffr.
He’s impulsive. (likely adhd) Teenager. next question.
He’s the angriest robin! he only ever wants vengeance! WRONG. dick is angrier! he was so petty he left gotham and got a new identity just as a fuck you to bruce. any anger Jason has is not unmatched or outdone by other robins and he is rightfully angry he’s been dealt a crappy hand in life. he’s jealous of dick because bruce was ALWAYS comparing him and telling heroic stories of dicks feats. it’s hard not to push yourself to be as good as or better than the og and not to crack under said pressure.
He’s dumb! NOPE. he is as smart if not smarter than tim. He is BRILLIANT when he wants to be. (see above: resourceful) if you take titans (cw) as canon (why wouldn’t u its as canon as any other tv show??) he is a GENIUS. he taught himself chemistry so he could invent and mass produce drugs. he had a genius strategy to fuck with the titans; the puzzle of clues for which dick needed scarecrow, kory, gar, and conner to solve. Not to mention him finding doctor light earlier in the season. He leads the outlaws bc he is a natural leader and good at handling the details!!
He’s a villain! OKAY AND? SO WAS HARLEY BUT WE LUV HER !! DAMIEN WAS A TRAINED ASSASAIN! he puts so much effort into helping people (see above: resourceful) HE RISKED/LOST HIS LIFE FOR IT. HE IS FIERCELY LOYAL. even as red hood he obtains a strict moral code; no drugs to kids or by schools, don’t kill innocent uninvolved people(depends on which media you’re looking at). serve karma on a gold platter. unlawful but USUALLY NOT unethical. he also becomes a vigilante (and the JL for a bit) and does so much good! none of them are perfect ALL of the time. and considering the other DC villains, he’s not that evil.
strength?? no problem! he almost beat dick and bruce several times in the comics!! source
not to mention his proficiency for new things (see above: chemistry) his whole time as robin he uses bat tech. but redhood uses guns and knives. he just picked that up and was a skilled marksman immediately. (also truama response after nearly dying to death stroke)
so what hes kinda fucked in the head. aren’t they all? isn’t that… the point? it’s justified after everything he’s been through AND it makes hims a better character, more 3D more realistic and relatable.
also for the sake of this thesis partially disregard the wonderful work of art that is WFA it’s a fixit. for a reason. because the it was broken and needed fixing.
TLDR; you don’t have to like Jason Todd, or think he’s the best Robin, but you have to admit, he is a complex, layered, well written character. And stop mischaracterizing him and dumbing him down to this impulsive, angry, weak kid.
bonus: my Jason playlist
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nonbinarylocalcryptid · 4 months
I'm gonna give you all (and at the same time, write It all down for my future self) an inside of how my writing process works feat. ADHD and sponsored by the autistic hyperfixation of the moment
*insert Professor Layton puzzle music*
Picture the #daddy Odysseus AU/Astyanax lives, now think about the timeline, how does that work? Allow me to bring up the following points/establish some sort of timeline:
-The kid must be ten years old by the time Odysseus reach Ithaca or the math won't be mathing and we can't have that
-This whole scenario must be as much Canon Compliant as possible. "But Morgan, the Odyssey has many adaptations!" Well my fellow Tumblr users, that's why we are sticking to Epic: The Musical; that, greek mythology and the power of fanfic make a dangerous yet powerful combination. And memes, a lot of memes.
-Keep in mind Zeus wants Astyanax dead because "it's the will of the gods", aka I'm inmortal and bored and it's way more dramatic this way
-Poseidon wants him dead because Zeus wants him dead. Odysseus, dude, how do you dare to defy a god's orders by keeping a baby alive???
-So the father and son duo has pissed off two major gods, Eurylochus is having an aneurism, Polited welcomes the kid with Open Arms (evil laugh)
-The musical goes as we know but with a toddler, chaos guys, chaos everywhere, so much things to write...
-My brain keeps telling me Astyanax starts teething by the time they leave the island in the sky, so not only have Odysseus to keep an eyes on the bag-that-does-not-contain-treasure he also is kept awake by a crying baby
-Tiresias is quite surprised that Odysseus keep the kid but this is greek mythology and at this point, in John Mulaney's wise words, this may as well happen.
-Little Astyanax can't not hold a sword because it's way too heavy for him, but the Odyssey is dangerous so let's give him a KNIFE and a BOW
-Also he's sassy, like, really sassy
-Odysseus is doing what he can, but lmao, try to raised someone in the middle of the Odyssey
-Let's pepper in some beautiful moments of paternal love because that's why we are here
-Odysseus has the mission to raise this kid with the perfect balanced of the Ruthlessness nad Open Arms philosophies, which is complicated because he is busy dealing with crysis after crysis and it's also hypocrital of him, he's way more ruthless with every day it passes.
-To maximize ✨DRAMA✨, Astyanax must learn about what happened in Troy and who he is (because guys, this is greek mythology, let's make it dramatic)
-Astyanax's opinion of the gods is quite cynic (can't blame him *cough cough* Zeus *cough cough*), but he still likes a few
-Because of the point above, this smol boy filled with rage and raised by Odysseus (dangerous combination) it's going to have a certified teenage rebellion and flee away in the middle of the night™ after facing Scylla and right before Mutiny and Thunder Bringer. This way, he can have a yelling match with his father figure, and Odysseus will face his crew alone etc
-I'm still working out in the how, but Astyanax will go back to Circe's island, and Circe will give out some really good advice and a power up, maybe even Hermes would stir up the pot a bit because damm, this shit is hilarious may as well fuck it all up a bit more.
-Astyanax reunites with Odysseus while he is fighting Charybdis, beautiful father and son moment blah blah blah, Astyanax is still salty (cuz they are in the middle of the sea hehe) but the time away has allowed him to rethink stuff. He is also a little shit and always has been so expect a lot of jokes and dark humour about Troy (coping mechanisms and all that). Odysseus could barely handle his sarcasm before, now he has no chance, he rather fight Poseidon blindfolded.
-Talking about Mr Why Did You Blind My Son, they faced him together.
-As the chaotic little shit he is, Astyanax assists Telemachus in his fight against the suitors. Telemachus does not know who this feral kid is but this is not the moment to ask questions.
-Athena loves the little shit, much to her surprised.
-Angst with Happy Ending because of the power of fanfic and headcanons
-Everything else after this point is slice of life feat. comedy
-Odysseus and Athena reconcialiation of we riot feat. Telemachus' face when he realizes who his friend was.
-Maybe a young man Astyanax decides to reclaim his throne helped by Telemachus and backed up by Ithaca?
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dk-ghostmachines · 8 months
i gotta talk about FourDogs
I really do. 'Cause I posted a lil' passive-aggressive hot take a few days ago, but this is Tumblr not TikTok. Here we can have our 60-second hot takes and eat our long essays too. Kipperlilly Copperkettle was introduced as a rival in episode 3, after which there were a number of posts criticizing The Bad Kids' response to her, labeling it disproportionately mean at best and bullying at worst. I think that's an unfair reading of that interaction and I'm gonna talk about why.
Now, I'll be the first to admit that it's parasocial as fuck over here and The Bad Kids are my personal best friends actually, so where necessary I'll do my best to separate the ((loyalist ride-or-die-bad-boys-for-lyfe emotional reactions)) from the actual points I'm trying to make.
((That being said, the fuck was FourDogs talking about? Y'know? Like what was she on about, for real?))
Here's what's true: over the course of their time at Aguefort, three adults directly related to The Bad Kids - Jawbone, Gorthalax, and Gilear - have been instated as faculty or staff. And if I'm a third-party, especially another student, then for sure. It's giving nepotism, it's giving cronyism, and I'm drinking my Haterade about it every morning. But favoritism is about treatment. It's about actions, rewards, benefits - and ma'am, if you're gonna levy a charge like that, I'm afraid you're gonna need receipts!
What actual benefits have The Bad Kids received from the school that is not available to other students? In freshman and sophomore year, The Bad Kids get detention like anybody else, they don't make it on the Bloodrush team, Gorgug in particular was always not doing great in Barbarian class, they take their midterms, they have to complete the big 60%-of-the-grade spring break project, etc. And now this year, Fig is getting punished for not going to class, Kristen is getting consequences specific to being a kid with ADHD who doesn't live at home anymore, Gorgug's still getting the literal opposite of favoritism from Porter, and Riz, Adaine, and Fabian are all getting the treatment from professors that is proportional for historically successful students in good academic standing.
((And someone else brought this up but, re:that 60%-of-the-grade project, miss ma'am, what were you doing in the Far Haven Woods?? In addition to saving the world again, The Bad Kids endured borderline psychological torture for their final grade, while the Buttcrushers got to step on bugs in the neutral zone??? But they're the privileged ones, no, for sure))
Whether or not saving the world is as big a deal in-universe as it would be in our real world is up for debate. Brennan said it was an outstanding feat in the scope of student adventuring at Aguefort to consistently complete Class B and C quests, but then, when TBK comes back from Hot Yorb Summer everyone acts like they went on a class trip to Six Flags. Either way, unearned success is the wiiiiiildest claim to lay at the feet of consistent world-savers.
Freshmen year it was the Helioic Fundamentalist Apocalypse and the Emperor of the Red Wastes. Sophomore year it was the Nightmare King and the Night Yorb. They've saved the whole school, they've saved specific students at the school. They My Little Pony-ed Ragh, one of the biggest actual bullies Aguefort had, and then Fabian killed toxic masculinity! Even if the favoritism was in the room with us, would it not be the natural result of all this hero shit??? Aguefort hasn't done The Bad Kids any favors he wouldn't do for the rest of the student body, but even if he had I'd get it because KRISTEN APPLEBEES SNUCK HIM INTO HEAVEN AND THEN BROUGHT HIS ASS BACK TO LIFE.
Again, maybe not remarkable in a world where Revivify is just a thing you can learn, but y'know! Shit!! Diamonds aren't free!!
Also FourDogs' whole tone of disdain for the "eccentricity" of Arthur Aguefort's administrative decisions truly boggles the mind, because we found out in freshmen year that he has some kind of mass Power Word over the government of Solace that allows the students of his school to do crimes, AND in sophomore year he has that auto-call-ex-machina that students can evoke when they're in danger overseas. His "eccentricity" is the reason the school can function at all, put some respect on man's name.
Now, let's get word-perfect.
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That's the American Psychological Association.
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And that's StopBullying.gov, which is managed by the Department of Health and Human Services.
Here's what's true. At moment 00:00 of their relationship, Kristen said something pretty freakin' mean to Kipperlilly for an audience of her friends with like, no provocation.
Kipperlily then revealed that she has based her entire campaign around addressing the perceived privilege that "some students" have under Arthur Aguefort's rules. And THEN, Jawbone revealed that Kipperlilly had been snooping around asking questions about Kristen's relationships with her god and trying to get general dirt on The Bad Kids. BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE, in the preview for episode 6, we get Murph's line of "Kipperlilly's team is trying to get us kicked out of school".
Does that excuse the thing Kristen said ((yes it was hilarious)), no. Not at all. She didn't know that stuff, Kipperlilly just failed a vibe check. In the moment though, that's all it was. The Bad Kids met someone they didn't like and perceived as a threat, and Kipperlilly had something mean said to her by people she already didn't like and already wants to see brought down. While she was not threatening them in that moment, Kipperlilly is a threat. She's not a victim, she is an equal with opposing goals. And now that Ruben has the song of the summer, The Buttcrushers are probably just as popular as The Bad Kids. There is no greater imbalance, they're just adversaries.
Ultimately, Kipperlilly's got them fucked up. But she's a kid. Kids are allowed to get shit fucked up and misdirect their anger at systemic unfairness. TBK are also kids and well within their rights to feel what they felt when Four Dogs walked up with self-righteous vibes and started yappin about academic privilege in what is already the most academically stressful year of their lives.
As the audience, we not only know all the shit TBK has gone through that Kipperlilly does not, we also are aware of how Brennan is introducing her in the story. As soon as he brings her into the scene, you know what's up. The voice he gives her, the tone, the actual things he's saying - if you watch everyone's face after the line about favoritism gets dropped it's the culmination of the whole interaction. Oh, she's our enemy, like our specific enemy and her team is coming for us, specifically.
So what do we gain from ignoring all that? From ignoring the JUICE of this rivalry and flattening it into "the bad kids were mean :/". I actually love Kipperlilly, the rivalry is giving and I love feeling big emotions and getting to use angry, feral, fandom language. FourDogs, can't wait to see you next week, and I can't wait to read the 40k word, FourDogsxKristen, enemies-to-lovers fics. And y'know, shout out to all the people who kin her because she found the rogue teacher, it's pretty goated, I won't lie.
But also. Bad Kids Supremacy. Buttcrushers, stay mad.
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luvforemikai · 2 years
Bitch i might be
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summary ~ just a regular day with the cullens, except the cullens have to deal with your bullshit. Not taking your adhd meds you're extra... active today. Enjoy!
warning ~ cussing and talk of pills
Quotes mentioned -
"Bitch i might be" - Gucci Mane
Music mentioned (in order) -
"PINK WIG THICK ASS GIVE EM WHIP LASH, I THINK BIG GET CASH MAKE EM BLINK FAST, LOOK AT WHAT YOU JUST SAW THIS IS WHAT YOU LIVE FOR AHHHHHHHH IM A MOTHERFUCKIN MONSTAA" - "Y/N KEEP IT DOWN UP THERE!" rosalie yells, absolutely tired of your mess. You ignore her though and keep rapping while jumping on your bed, which causes your dad, carlisle, to come up and ask you himself. "I know you like to sing or rap or whatever it is that you do just please try to keep it down" he says softly. "Okay!" You say, but continue to rap your nicki minaj playlist until esme yells for a snack. You run out of your door aggressively, heading downstairs towards the kitchen singing beyonce. "DONT YOU EVER FOR A SECOND GET TO THINKINNNN YOU'RE IRREPLACEABLE!!". Jasper rolls his eyes while altering your mood , making you wanna stop singing and sit on the couch watching one of your favorite movies playing, "rush hour". Carlisle scolded jasper for what he did but he didnt care, he just enjoyed the peace and quiet while you ate your burritos esme made.
When you were finished you did an awkwardly flexible flip off the couch to go bother your parents carlisle and esme. "Can i have a friend over?".. "no, not while you're off your meds" esme says "okay but like the doctor said himself i should wait 48 hours to take my meds again because of that weird thing that was going on with my heart so i think I'll be alright.".. esme gave in "fine, which one"..."Nat?" Esme shakes her head "no absolutely not" "whyyy???" You say disappointed " i dont like her, so no. Pick somebody else"... "fine, uh, jasmine?"... "sure." Esme says while giving you a look of suspicion. "AAH thank you!" You say while hugging her.
Its 12pm and Jasmine comes in. everybody welcomes her and you go up to your room. You stay in your room with her for a few hours til you guys go downstairs to get something to eat. She's sitting on the couch singing.. "rock it dont stop it everybody get on the floor. Crank the party up we about to get it on .." while you bust out in dance moves, pulling from all those hiphop rehearsals you went to when you were little. You guys bust out laughing after a minute of it considering how random it was. She goes home a little while after.
Its 8pm and esme makes dinner for you. In return you play music on the television. "Baby boy you stay on my mind fulfull my fantasyyy i think about you all the time i see you in my dreamsss" you sing loudly while whining your hips. "I think she's going crazy without her meds" Edward says jokingly "Bitch i might be" you say quickly after while carlisle tells you to watch your language.
The food is done and its finally time to take your meds. Those 48 hours were rough. You slept a whole day and was active the next, you were more than ready. You still had trouble taking pills because of your borderline fear of choking so you took them with some icecream and was out like a light the next hour. You had Jasper to thank for that along with the crushed up melatonin Emmett put in your food. "Goodnight y/n" is all you heard when you were dosing off in Carlisle's arms while he took you up to your room.
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jaimemes · 1 month
why are the members of the reuniclus line all so far apart? theyre just cells
Excellent question, anon! I'd be happy to answer!
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Solosis was ranked as one of the few Psychic Pokemon that I believe would be a fairly good pick for young kids and inexperienced trainers! Because of their protective cellular membrane, they can survive practically any environment, making them a good companion no matter the climate or habitat! And due to this membrane, they're surprisingly sturdy for such a squishy Pokemon!
These Pokemon are intelligent enough to be able to communicate its needs to its trainer via telepathy, but not so intelligent that it will grow impatient at an intellectual gap between it and its trainer (an issue most common with Pokemon such as Alakazam, Slowking, Metagross, and Oranguru). All that is required is that they are kept mentally stimulated, and Solosis are fairly easy to entertain! They're very curious and eager to learn!
In terms of diet, Solosis aren't very picky at all! They absorb food through their membrane into their cytoplasm, where they will then break down the food for nutrients. As long as they receive a reasonable and balanced diet that covers all the necessary nutrients, this Pokemon will be happy and healthy!
And as far as psychic power goes, while Solosis does have a decent amount of psychic energy at their disposal, they only unleash it when they feel threatened or are being attacked. Outside of self-defense, Solosis mainly reserve their psionics for three things: homeostasis, levitation, and communication. Their membrane weakens if they overexert themselves, so they tend not to waste unnecessary energy.
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Things get a bit more complicated with Duosion.
I ranked these Pokemon in the "Can Be Difficult" tier for a few reasons. While Duosion retain many of the pros that Solosis has, the biggest drawback is that now it has two brains, and anyone with ADHD knows how difficult than can be (/silly). Because of the extra brain, Duosion can be utterly unpredictable, hopping between tasks constantly and seemingly arguing with itself. But when the two brains do agree, Duosion’s psychic power reaches its maximum potential— covering a range of over an entire kilometer.
Its intelligence and processing speed is doubled, leading to potential for frustration with its trainer if there is a perceived intellectual gap. And that doesn’t even take into account the frustration it will have with itself, as its two brains will constantly disagree and put the Pokémon in a state of decision paralysis. In this stage, it is more crucial than ever for the trainer to help Duosion learn developmental skills like decision-making, rationalization, and forethought.
While not impossible for a trainer to manage, Duosion is a difficult Pokémon for beginners with little to no experience or knowledge of what to expect. Ill-equipped trainers will find themselves struggling to keep up with their Duosion’s impulsivity and unpredictability.
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Reuniclus is a different story entirely.
This is a Pokémon that, while I don’t have personal experience raising myself, my mother does. Here’s what she has to say:
For an inexperienced trainer? Oh, no, not at all. Reuniclus are incredibly strong, both physically and psychically. They can easily grind boulders into fine dust with both their minds and bodies. It’s enrichment for them, even. If they aren’t given any new toys to destroy every now and then, they may become frustrated and destroy you, haha! Like humans, Reuniclus are very social creatures, so it is important that they interact with other Reunicli and form a social network with them. They communicate with one another by shaking hands and creating a neural link between their brains, which increases their psychic power exponentially. Entire communities of Reuniclus will hold hands to perform unimaginable feats of psychic power. To deprive them of a social network is to deprive them of enrichment and mental stimulation. They will become depressed and irate, and the last thing you want is an upset Reuniclus deciding that your skull would make a fun new stress toy. Ah, that reminds me! Shaking hands is also how Reunicli will test the strength of one another; they will grip each other’s hands with enough force to compress diamonds (in theory, at least— in practice, such a feat would cut their membranes). But a newly evolved Reuniclus will not know their own strength, so if it ever invites you to arm wrestle: don’t. Unless you’d like to see what powdered bone looks like! They mean no harm, really. A well-trained Reuniclus is as peaceful as any other Pokémon. But peaceful is not harmless. Harmless implies that they don’t have the power to cause harm. And Reuniclus certainly have the power to cause harm.
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wizardfrog69 · 1 year
could i have fyodor, dazai and nikolai with an s/o who has hyperactive-impulsive adhd headcanons? thanks
Ofc you can :) thank you for your request!
'•.¸♡ hyperactive-impulsive adhd ♡¸.•'
Hyperactive-impulsive adhd!gn!reader
I don't know much about adhd so if I get something wrong or if you would like for me to add something please say so and I will try and do my best to talk about adhd in this.
Feat. Fyodor, Dazai, Nikolai
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Fyodor's a man who definitely seems like someone who would like to have things organized and plan ahead so when he fell for someone who did the opposite it forced him to alter his ways a bit.
He will constantly remind you to take care of yourself while also doing the bare minimum to take care of himself.
If you plan on doing something which potentially could be very dangerous and could put your life at risk he'll either go with you or just not let you do it.
He cares for you but whenever he wants you to not do something it sounds more like a demand than an ask or suggestion.
If you do something on impulse he'll understand that you didn't do it intentionally and if you feel bad he'll tell it that it isn't your fault and to stop feeling bad.
He doesn't mind your stimming just try not to stim verbally next to him as it'll annoy him
Dazai always knows whenever you forget something, be it your medication, to eat, or simply your phone, whatever it is, he always knows what you forgot he'll always remind you.
Whenever you get distracted he'll just kinda observe what you are distracted by for fun.
If you struggle with impulse control then he will try and keep you away from stuff that may trigger your impulse control. Obviously, that isn't always possible but he will try his best to keep you from buying a dozen ant farms.
He will love all your hyper-fixations, no matter what they are.
You like bugs? He'll love to hear all about them! You suddenly want to visit every temple 'cause they look cool? Road trip with Nikolai!
He loves seeing you stim and he might join you from time to time if it's something he would enjoy doing. (he doesn't love all stims because some are harmful, he doesn't like those ones)
If you have a mental health thing he will help you and will try to cheer you up whenever you feel down (or more down).
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
I'm a fucking dumb ass. I swallowed a fucking button. I sorry if I got some adhd stuff wrong, I don't know alot about it :(
I took a drink and my fucking face is warm but I don't get to be drunk so now I just have to have a warm face for sometime.
ALSO I FOUND ROSE LIQUOR OR WODKA I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I FOUND BUT IT IS ROSE FLOUVOURED ALCOHOL AND IT IS IN A WODKA BOTTLE! :) It taste amazing, don't drink tho kids, it isn't good especially if you are young and your brain is still developing but when you're an adult you can do whatever you want.
Unless you are American then just wait like 3 more years and you're good.
Have a wonderful day/night and stay away from alcohol, drugs and country music.
-love, Az
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hoeforhao · 1 year
Hey!!! Can I request a fic??? Maybe something inspired by this:
Btw, love your fics!! ❤️💖✨
link thank you so much for this interesting request 😼
🧷🎞 Fool Of You || Mingyu Fic || 🎞
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◖ pairing: interpol agent!mingyu x fem!reader
◖ genre: dark themes, sort of a thriller? slight angst
◖ warnings: depiction of murder, minor characters' deaths, psychopathic behavior, mentions of blood, guns and knife, manipulation. Will add more with the main story rolling.
◖ word count: 160 (for teaser)
◖ parts: 2
◖ release time: part 1 within this month for sure (trying to write as much series as possible to help with my adhd)
◖ author's note: had two mingyu requests and other one being angst (there has been consecutive angst and smut on this blog), i decided to do something different and fresh. This is my first time writing a dark plot(bear with me pls),so if you're not comfortable with such topics, please ignore or don't interact!!
Permanent taglist : @feat-sun @joonsytip @dinonuguaegi
If you want to be added to this fic's taglist, then drop a comment under this post, or you can even use my ask box♡
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"B-but Mingyu - " voice almost inaudible from the shock of seeing your boyfriend holding a gun to your dad's head, his arms restrained with heavy metal chains and face all bloody and bruised up from mingyu's men's constant abuse.
"No buts darling , this is what I was assigned to do . I'm sorry y/n" mingyu retaliates at the sound of your ever so soft and euphonic voice, guilt and remorse clawing out scrapes from his aching heart. I mean which boyfriend would want to inhumanely torture his girl's father that too infront of her bare eyes.
"But honey I was just going to tell you to untie me" the hushed, calm and feathery voice that has always lulled him to sleep whenever he was in distress from his menacing work, the one that nurtured the last bit of innocence left in him, now turns into a blood curdling sinister chuckle.
"Wouldn't wanna miss enjoying this euphoric sight before me, right?"
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astarioffsimpmain · 26 days
Writer Interview Game
Thanks for the tag, @brabblesblog!!
When did you start writing?
I started writing in fifth grade when one of my favorite teachers I've ever had set a short story assignment, but I didn't truly fall in love with it until sixth grade, when - for a poetry memorization assignment - I discovered a book full of Edgar Allan Poe poems and short stories. I memorized the whole of The Raven for the assignment and pretty much became obsessed with his works. Poe's writing was the spark to my writing flame, and he is my favorite author to this day.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I loooove reading adventure fantasy. I'd love to write adventure fantasy too, but I'm not confident enough in my world building just yet. Eragon, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Inkheart, The Hunger Games, Gothikana, Cirque Du Freak, etc. I love it!
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
As previously stated, I would love to emulate Poe. He's my inspiration and pretty much the reason I started writing for more than school assignments. I haven't ever been compared to another writer before, except in the spirit of spite, so I've got nothing there. haha
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
Anywhere I feel I can tuck away. I have a spot on my couch with a blanket, my laptop, and a spot for my coffee. I have my multiple soft blankets on my bed and a pillow to prop my Kindle on for ambience and music, and my side table - for my coffee, of course. But I've also written curled up in my seat on a bus driving through the Scottish Highlands, as well as in a corner seat in a hotel lobby in York, England, and in a little bookstore nook in London. I write where I feel inspired, however or whenever that may be.
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Mustering it up myself is not often an option for me. My ADHD brain seeks dopamine where it can, but anyone with a dopamine deficiency will tell you that it's not an easy feat. lol But I always feel my most inspired before and during thunderstorms, or when I go to a location that excites me. I love abandoned places, cozy coffee shops, old libraries or bookstores, and castles/cathedrals. They give me a rush of energy which helps propel me to write. Hopefully once I get my physical health sorted, I'll be able to travel more, and therefore write more as well!
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
I want my readers to know just by reading my writing that I come from my heart. Everything I write is a part of and an extension of me, and I put care and consideration into every word that ends up on the page once I publish. I want them to be able to feel that my work is a labor of love in every word.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I think scene setting and narration is probably my strength. I'm someone who is very detail-oriented in everything I do, and I tend to do more narration than anything else. Over the years I've been forcing myself to write more dialogue-based pieces just so I could practice getting better at it. So uh... hopefully I eventually do. lol
How do you feel about your own writing?
I'm of two minds about it most of the time. When I don't settle into my "writing trance", which is where words are essentially flowing out of me without anything to hinder them, I'm not too fond of it. When I am forced to kind of slug through the words until I have a flow, I usually don't like what comes out or how it sounds, and it takes me much longer. The writing trance happens very rarely, but when it does happen, it's amazing. I usually really enjoy what comes out of those moments.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
It's definitely a mix of both, because often times I garner inspiration from what others get excited by. I know that when others get excited about what I'm doing, I'm far more likely to be excited about it too, and my excitement is essential to me even hoping to finish something. But on the flip side, I will also write things that I feel like will only mean something to me, but they end up meaning a lot to others as well. I feel as though that's somewhat of the human experience: sharing the things we accomplish through the insistence of our hearts. When we share and are received positively, we are inspired to continue sharing.
Tagging, Darlings: @senualothbrok @thechaoticdruid @dark-and-kawaii
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- "hey bizly can we fight an alligator next episode. i just wanna see who would win" "the hilarious thing is that we would LOSE because theyre MORE POWERFUL THAN US" i told you there would be more of this . theres a REASON im including it but also its just so fucking funny
- charlie: "my whole scale for this campaign now is alligator based. while we were getting shot at i kept thinking 'man i wonder how an alligator would deal with this'" alligators are power level 7 btw.
- yakko: "they should just replace all low level superheroes with alligators in costumes" "prime defenders becomes alligators and its like penguins of madagascar"
- "do you think william wisp could beat an alligator in a cartoon beatboxing battle" "no. i dont think alligators can beatbox but william would still lose" i love a loser boy
- theyre trying to get bizly to tell them what power level wavelength is and he wont tell them so they said "put it in alligator terms"
- grizzly wants to pick up a new character quirk for dakota: having one consistent bit per episode and then dropping it at the end of the epispde and picking up a different one next time (like the psychic thing) . yakko was like "its like he sees a new hobby and thinks its gonna be cool and then gets bored of it in like a week" dakota adhd king
- LIZARD UPDATE: crocodiles are power level 8. a crocodile has almost as much charisma as william wisp
- theyre looking at the page from the rulebook now . "youre telling me a komodo dragon is power level 6??? look how dumb that thing looks thats how powerful we are."
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- yakko: "look at the komodo dragon. thats how i feel every time i play prime defenders"
- "MARK IS PART LIZARD. what type of lizard is he. thats how we figure out his power level."
- on this topic, yakko goes: "wait ashe doesnt know marks lizard stuff was from experiments maybe he thinks its genetic. what if next episode he goes up to mark like 'so like am i gonna get lizard powers when i grow up'
- "bizly your silence during this discussion is speaking volumes. can we level up." ".... SURE. NOW YOURE AS POWERFUL AS AN ALLIGATOR"
- i fucking love the lizard discussion its so funny. this isnt trivia but like they have BARELY talked about the episode its all lizard power levels
- the angel that ashe summons to heal people is not a literal angel its just a spirit that happens to look like that
- williams suit was built with all kinds of mystery solving stuff in it!! there were a couple things mentioned in the episode but they specifically say here it has a feat called Always Rolling which gives him a bodycam that records everything they do
- back to the alligator situation. there is a statblock for "army soldier" that is. power level 4 (or 5? they dont say specificially) so now theyre back on this again "YOURE TELLING ME. all the training and shit they go theough and theyd still lose to a fucking gator? THEY HAVE GUNS."
- in order for ashe to summon things he has to say an incantation AND physically have the book open to the right page! so he cant just memorize things he actually physically needs to have the book
- "dakota is so endearing i love him so much" ME TOO
- a lot of the way grizzly plays dakota is inspired by beast boy from teen titans ... i love this about him
- "tide's being stupid and now we have to go save him so he doesnt die"
bizly: "no, tide's not being stupid. he knows fully what hes getting himself into, he just loves his family and would do anything for his family" :(((
- they had this whole discussion about how sad it is that tide was trusting them to make a choice and actively inviting them to a thing that he probably knew was gonna be dangerous and how they betrayed him by making the choice to go with mark instead and it sort of starts to turn into a nuance argument and charlie shuts the whole thing down by going "actually i think tide is an alligator" and thats where they fucking end it
- vyncents fisherman class is not real its just for a bit/for flavor but every day i wish it was
OK I SHOULD HAVE ANSWERED THESE BEFORE I STARTED S2 BUT OH MY GOD THAT LIZARD PAGE. WHY ARE THERE SO MANY LIZARDS. WHO NEEDS THIS MANY LIZARDS IN ONE CAMPAIGN. the fucking alligator oh my god it's insane that overlord is actually a fucking alligator. thats so fucking funny. oh my god
knowing that grizzly plays dakota with beast boy in mind makes soooo much sense. that is beast boy right there!!!!!
vyncent's fisherman class should have been real and canon </3 in my mind it is in fact canon. what would the fisherman's name be..... that is the question
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n0wav · 5 months
My Miku Obsession...
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Hello chatters!!!
I am currently coming at you guys from my pc in which i use to play video games such as, overwatch, fortnite, destiny 2, league of legends (i feel off fr on that game) and good ol' roblox and minecraft.
if anyone wants to play any of these games with me (mostly fortnite) please dm me and we will play at any point you'd like!
Now back to the topic at hand
she has blue hair, blue eyes and she hides in your wifi...
Now my story starts aaaaaalll the way back to the year 2010, I was age 5 in my daycare/pre-school. Now my time in that daycare has many many many stories, but i will not be talking about those at the moment. Now as a child i did not enjoy nap time at daycare. I was not able to sleep thanks to my ADHD, so instead I was allowed to stay up and like draw or play with toys and stuff. At this daycare, maybe at many more I've only been at the one, they had highschool interns working there and helping the main teachers take care of and control the little children.
There was one high schooler who, instead of just making me draw, she would take me to the office and watch youtube, and majority of the youtube videos were miku music videos. As a little 5 year old i was automatically hooked, to the point to where I would beg our roommates (we lived with another family for a large part of my life) to let me use their computer so I could keep watching more and more videos over and over all day long.
Now through the years I stopped watching many of the videos mostly because i was scared people would think i was weird for watching them so in middle school i basically fully stopped and ended my love for miku.
up until high school in my freshman year where i came across a random miku video and decided to click on it....
I was then hooked again.
i kept it a big secret however, not even telling my close friends.
near the end of highschool i kinda stopped again mostly because i was going through a whole lot and i just really could't watch much things anymore so I had a small break.
Recently i've been falling back into miku and its been awesome and i now remember why i loved her so much. I cannot stop wathcing videos and listening to songs and once i have money i will spend it all on plushes and figures!
we love miku
miku is our everything
here is a miku song i suggest yall should listen to
thank you all for listening tomorrow i will make another post where i will do an analysis of a band and it will be very very good and def wont be another rant :3
last note this is the best miku song (joke)
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My personal headcanons about Eddie’s dad that the book may end up contradicting but at this point idgaf
Warning: Mentions of child abuse, loss of a parent, homophobic language
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Feat young Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Al Munson
-He’s Wayne’s younger brother. Both their parents passed when they were young adults, so Wayne always felt obligated to look out for him, which was a lot easier said than done because Eddie’s dad has always been pretty wild.
-I assume the Munsons aren’t originally from Indiana, since Wayne’s accent definitely isn’t Midwestern. In my mind, Eddie’s dad was a little bit of a drifter that rolled into Hawkins one day when he was like 24 or so and started seeing Eddie’s mom (who was like 18 and freshly out of high school at the time) with the intention of moving on in a few months and forgetting all about her.
-Instead she winds up pregnant, and he definitely isn’t interested in settling down and raising a family, but Wayne ultimately talks him into doing the right thing and marrying her.
-Eddie’s dad was never really cut out for family life. He hated being stuck in Hawkins, and has always resented Eddie because of it. When Eddie’s mom was alive, he was pretty absent, always going out drinking or committing petty crimes, hopping from job to job, probably seeing other women behind his wife’s back.
-Then his wife died and he was suddenly the sole parent responsible for a kid he never wanted in the first place. Those few years where Eddie was living with just his dad were pretty rough.
-A non exhaustive list of shit Eddie’s dad put him through at the time:
When Eddie’s mom first died, his dad would want to go out drinking, so he’d just put little grade school Eddie in his car and have him sleep there in the parking lot of whatever dive he was hanging out at. (Eventually he gave up on this and just started ditching Eddie at home)
He hated spending money on Eddie. They barely had any to begin with, and the priority with what they did have was always booze and cigarettes. There were nights that Eddie went to bed hungry because his dad didn’t bother buying any food for him. Most of Eddie’s clothes and shoes were old and ill fitting because he wouldn’t bother replacing them.
Even when he wasn’t out drinking, he was neglectful of Eddie. He rarely put in effort to make sure he was properly taken care of. Eddie would come to school covered in dirt because his dad never made him take a bath, his clothes often went long periods of time without washing etc. His peers would often pick on him because of it, and at the time he didn’t have D&D or anything to fall back on.
Eddie’s dad had a nasty temper, and no matter how much Eddie tried, he’d always end up doing something to anger the man. He’d scream at and berate Eddie, and sometimes get physical. He’d also take this opportunity to throw their situation into Eddie’s face. He’d say Eddie was a burden, how he was unwanted and how it was his fault his mom was dead.
I’m a big Eddie has ADHD truther, and I’d imagine this was a point of contention between him and his dad. ADHD wasn’t really known back then, so his dad would just chalk his symptoms up to him being “dumb”. Eddie would struggle with school work and his dad would tell him he was just stupid and that he shouldn’t bother because it’s not like he’d ever amount to anything.
He made Eddie keep his hair buzzed. If Eddie expressed interest in growing it out he’d say stuff like “long hair is for women and f*gs”
-At some point, when Eddie was middle school age, his dad finally got arrested for something that came with serious jail time. He wouldn’t be out until Eddie was at least 18, so their options were either for a relative to take him or he’d end up in the system. Of course Wayne didn’t hesitate to take the boy in, and the rest is history.
-Wayne has forgiven his brother for a lot of the shit he pulled, but one thing he can’t ever forgive is the way he treated Eddie. It took a little while of living with Wayne before Eddie came out of his shell, all thanks to the abuse his father put him through.
-Wayne does still communicate with his brother though, sometimes talks on the phone and even goes to visit every once in a while. Eddie on the other hand doesn't. He has no interest in a relationship with his father and Wayne isn’t going to force it on him.
-Eddie’s dad dropped out of high school at 16. Part of the reason Eddie’s so insistent on graduating is because he doesn’t want to be like him.
-But of course, even with all Eddie’s efforts, it’s still hard to escape the shadow of his father’s reputation. People have always assumed that Eddie is just a no good delinquent like his father. They were even more convinced when Eddie started getting into “immoral” activities like D&D and metal music (never mind the fact that Eddie’s dad didn’t like either of those things).
-Overall, Eddie’s dad is just super bitter and jealous of his son. He’d never admit it to anyone, not even himself, but deep down he hates that he threw his life away and now he’s rotting in prison; he wants to see Eddie end up the same way because the thought of his son being a better person than him upsets him.
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italicized-oh · 2 months
director's cut ask for chapter five of hello operator, if you so wish!!! it's such an excellent chapter and i LOVE the way you write porter's headspace - it feels so tangibly real and specific and unique to read, and I'd love to hear you talk more about it!
oh my god anon???? thank you!!! that's so kind i love this ask game and i love love love yammering on about my own writing choices so. thank you for this opportunity. feat. my philosophy about porter and also theorizing about barbarians and chronic pain. here's the chapter if yall arent familiar. cw for serious nsft and extended discussions of pain below the cut
i think i posted something to this effect when the chapter went up, but porter to me is so fucking embodied. like. his entire gig is blood and bone and muscle and. well. no, i shan't say.
The silence is odd after the bloody gorgeous sounds he’d wrung out of Jace, whimpers and moans and the euphoric gasp of still my god. Porter lets muscle memory carry him through the cleaning ritual that’s almost as familiar as raging and sets to sorting out his thoughts (and feelings, adds a sharp-eyed Zara in his head.) He rolls his shoulders and absorbs the sting of annoyance that thought brings, fanning it into a bonfire that will help him focus. Porter carefully takes stock of his body, letting himself inhabit every nerve, every joint, every sinew. He can still feel the zing of magic against his skin and – amusingly – on his dick. The backs of his thighs sting where Jace’s nails had dug into them; the already-healed pinprick from Jace’s wand burns against his throat; even his cheek throbs where Jace backhanded him. 
but that's also bc rage, like all emotions, especially strong ones, is located in the body. i needed porter to be doing something with his body in order to get in his head, and i had just been reading about caring for leather (no i don't have a good reason i'm just autistic and kinky, oops), and the description of that had so many different types of sensations involved that i was like. perfect. this will keep porter in his body so i can wriggle my way into his head and make him have Feelings in addition to his emotions.
These sensations aren’t pain. They’re something much, much worse than pain. The muscles in his right hand flex, and Porter can feel the pulse of Jace’s carotid artery under his thumb, the taut silk of Jace’s hair wrapped around his fingers, the scrape of cinderblock against his knuckles as he controlled Jace’s head, the wet trail of Jace’s tears around his wrist. 
the other massive part of this chapter comes from my experiences with chronic pain. when your body feels severe enough pain for long enough, and when you have nervous system diseases (hi hello it's me), it will stop sending you pain as such because your body can only actually register so much pain. so it sends different feelings - i get tingling, or buzzing, or sometimes a throbbing - instead to get your attention.
He knows pain. Intimately. Porter thinks pain might’ve been the first thing he ever experienced, and he knows in the rock of his bones that it will be the last.
and while irl i'd love to be a caster with my whole heart, there's something about how harsh on the body rage (and divine magic, let's be real) is that really resonates with that. like. how does the body just not take as much damage and deal more explicitly without magic? well fuck wotc, i think it's by frying the nerves and overloading the muscles at the same time, so that even if you are, in fact, sustaining injuries, your body is so used to it that its tolerance is (unhealthily but usefully) extended. like how folks w adhd (hi again it's me) can sometimes just. ignore biological needs not bc we don't have them but bc our brains actively work around them.
and so we move to maybe my favorite bit of writing i've done so far, which is the end of this chapter:
Porter knows rage. He knows pain. He knows lust. And now he knows Jace. As far as Porter knows, Jace is not a feeling or a sensation or an emotion, or he’s all fucking three like some goddamn overachieving asshole. Goddamnit. Porter needs to talk to Zara, badly, because if there’s one thing she’s good at– (Zara clears her throat in Porter’s head.) Porter needs to talk to Zara, badly, because she’s a fucking brilliant person with a knife-sharp wit and something akin to rage in her blood and she’s good at everything and is that better, lady? (Nothing.) –and Zara knows many, many things very, very well, one of which is Jace motherfucking Stardiamond, who is probably not an emotion but sure fucking feels like one. Uncontrollable unless you embrace it fully. Porter's fucked.
bc the other thing about chronic pain is that it's just as predictable as it is unpredictable. sure, i never know exactly when a flare will hit or what it will be like. but boy do i know the tone and tenor of my body in pain, and it's familiar, and i've gotten to where i can almost greet it. not quite, bc that's a little to romantic for the situation i'm actually in w/r/t my body, but something like it.
and so the things that feel really, really good to me are intense, new sensations. tattoos. spicy (like thai spicy) takeout. intense impact play with a partner i trust. dunking myself in the pacific ocean in winter.
and they feel good precisely bc they're strong and new and i haven't met them yet. and in my head in this chapter that's what jace is for porter. an intense sensation that's goddamn addictive in its unfamiliarity/unpredictability
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