#which white elf am I talking about? all of them-
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I think I simply was not built to stan white elves… world’s worst PR team award goes to them every time
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Whoop I finished my reverse Damsel idea. I briefly discussed her in two other posts but I’m going to go further into her here with a better grasp on what she’s about
Pretty long ramble below, so watch out.
Basically, instead of warning her/resisting the Narrator in chapter 1, you, thinking you can’t overpower him, attempt to slay yourself. The Princesses stares at you in horror as you cut into your own neck (this is the route where you don’t initially bring the knife so she’s the more sympathetic version).
She attempts to wrench the blade from you because she has no idea why you’re doing this and doesn’t want you to die. Whether or not she gets the knife though doesn’t matter, because it’s too late and you die.
(Still am stuck on what sort of voice I want. Had a lot of suggestions on stuff like a Martyr sort of voice or one similar to the old Meek voice but the problem mostly stems from characterizing them in a different way to the other voices, which is something I can’t figure out given the situation).
Chapter 2 is titled “The Fae”.
The main room is primarily made of stone, with many unidentifiable chiseled metals and rock, but you don’t stay here for long, nor get given the option of taking the blade, as choosing to approach the blade or the basement will activate a trapdoor that will send you falling to your death. Just as you’re about to meet your demise, something grabs your palm. Looking up, you see the princess, swinging from the ceiling with you in hand.
The Fae is strange, originally she was going to be similarly shallow in nature like the Damsel, but I would compare her uncanniness more to the Razor, with a constant smile, eerie stare, and maybe an off putting voice.
She’s pretty blunt on what she wants, the satisfaction of saving you from this awful cabin and leaving together! Despite her more than ginger attitude towards you (she acts like you are made of glass), she’s actually quite egotistical, with her occasionally praising herself and puffing up whenever she receives applause from you.
She makes unintentional jabs at your incompetency and reminds you “it’s not your fault you’re not cut out for this, really! I’ll get us out of here my handsome corvid!” and sort of talks down to you and always acts like she’s the smartest in the room (and she probably is depending on what voice I make up for the route). She’s also weirdly fixated on your safety and goes above and beyond to protect you from even the smallest splinter, she’d act like you were dying if you got so much as a scratch.
(All of her traits are exacerbated to a worse degree in chapter 3).
Edit: I forgot to mention all of her behavior is inspired by the fae. I forgot that some people aren’t as well versed in fae lore. Fae are, from what I have heard, pretty selfish, manipulative, and possessive all while being downright ethereal, so I gave her a dose of all of those traits and toned it down a smidge.
Her appearance is also meant to be slightly unnerving. She has long elf like ears and eyes that are surrounded by shadow, with large black pits in the center of her eye that are impossible to tell if they are part of her pupil or not. She also gives off a very faint, white light, it’s almost imperceptible but it’s there.
Her dress is more of a skirt than anything with a sash that has long ribbon like ends that are every length all at once at any given time. They easily wrap themselves around objects even if it shouldn’t be physically possible, and she uses them to swing from the ceiling (spider princesses). Her “crown” is made up of a few translucent butterflies that seem attracted to her like magnets, occasionally they flutter about but usually they sit on her head.
I like to think that there are hints to the fact her butterflies aren’t real, just extensions of herself. They might flicker in and out of existence if she’s upset with you or stressed about something.
Another thing of note, like with some other princesses like Nightmare or Thorn or something, she has no chain. (Maybe there’s some creepy dialogue option where she reveals she broke it with her teeth or something more crazy).
Anyway, the princesses states that everything is fine and that this time around she’s going to be the one to rescue you. She fully intends for both of you to escape, and for you to just follow her lead, because she’s going to make sure you’re alright and that nothing will hurt you.
If you follow along she will save you from the dangers ahead, the basement of the cabin has been increased in size and there are rooms with rolling boulders, pits of spikes, etc. These sections aren’t too long, there’s probably like five explore options along with two or three choices you can make per room and there’s only like three of said rooms.
At the end she literally carries you out of the cabin and swings you around all like “We did it! I’m out and you’re safe! Not even a scratch on you, didn’t I do a good job?” Before mentioning how cold it is and getting taken to Ohio by the Shifting Mound.
There is another way this can end however. There are two potential ways to get to this I think.
If you keep questioning her when shes says something’s wrong at some point you get killed by some random trap while you’re distracted. You get killed and probably end up with the Skeptic.
If you don’t let her do the work and instead try to do too many things yourself you also eventually get killed by a trap and probably end up with Stubborn or Contrarian depending on your actions.
There might be a different third chapter that you can get to from another princess but idk what it would be so I’m sticking with the more direct continuation chapter.
You still don’t get the knife here and fall through another trapdoor. This time she doesn’t catch you and instead has already prepared something beneath where you fall to catch you. It’s probably just a plush room, somewhat reminiscent of the Stranger route’s soft stairs, but less existentially horrifying.
Here the princess thinks that maybe leaving the cabin with her is why you keep dying and so tries to convince you staying is the only option and that something bigger is trying to kill you off when you try to leave with her (she’s not wrong that there’s something bigger at play but she isn’t exactly right either). She’s too selfish to just let you leave without her even if her weird logic states that you’d be fine as long as she doesn’t leave with you, so all protests are shut down and she tries to force you if you complain.
If you got Skeptic there is the option of actually convincing her and that no matter what you’ll listen to her every word and you’ll escape together. She’ll listen and similar events to last time will play out, only this time the traps are deadlier but are made much more traversable due to the fact that she gives no fucks and will destroy every obstacle with ease. This time you actually leave and once again Ohio comes and gets her (I like to imagine The Narrator pulls the locked basement door trick and here she just punches through it and stares expectantly at you to turn handle from the other side with the newly created hole).
If you have Stubborn you can attempt to fight her. It probably won’t work at first because she’s the literal fae. But the Narrator, knowing you’re trying to fight now, will make the blade magically fall from the same trapdoor you fell from. And its iron touch can sizzle faerie skin. She doesn’t necessarily want to fight you, but if she has to rough you up some to get you to see things her way, she’ll do it. If you fuck up you’ll probably break something that you need to move or attack with and lose the fight, and she gets taken. If you don’t fuck up and win, same result except she’s got a knife in her chest when the mound comes and nabs her.
With Contrarian you choose to stay with her because funny boy wants to mess with the Narrator. I think maybe one of the traps somehow ends up infiltrating whatever “safe room” you’re in (probably because you’re thoughts spiraling on the thought of not actually being safe and dying again because that’s all you’ve done so far, so your perception kills you. Not sure what trap would kill you, maybe the rolling boulder crashes through the roof or something idk) and ends up fatally wounding you, making it the third time she couldn’t protect you, she stands over your body because “I had this planned, you should’ve been safe, how could this happen???” Before Ohio comes.
Whatever ending you get, she will make for a courageous heart.
I like to think you can kill her with Contrarian and get stuck with her with Stubborn, it’s just that they’d prefer and encourage you to do the opposite. The Skeptic is the only one where you can actually try to leave with her, again you can do the other options but having him is the only path where you can try to escape in the 3rd chapter.
I do have a 3rd chapter design in mind, but I’ll probably need to work on it some.
#slay the princess#stp the princess#art#my art#The Fae#this was a long one wow#I took well over an hour typing all of that#because I’m insane
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Ok, since @starshadeemilyart has inspired me, here's a spinoff, or several, of my post about the Finweans + Thingol in the Shire in the Third Age. Also PLS CHECK HER ART, IT'S FEFE FIGHTING LOBELIA SACKVILLE-BAGGINS!!!!!
Anyway, here's what I have to offer.
It's VERY long, so I am putting this under cut
Well, as seen in my OG post, Maglor gets picked up on the way to Hobbiton. He is wearing shabby black robes and has seaweed in his hair, bc by now he IS the beach cryptid everyone talk about. At least, Hobbits know of him and treat him like we treat fairies.
It is a bit of a surprise for the Hobbits to know that he is technically a prince and lord and whatnot, and they take a good look at him and then at his brothers/father/cousins/uncle/whoever is Thingol and decide that the local cryptid needs a makeover. The Hobbit Way.
So Maglor gets gently bullied into following the Hobbit ladies, who insist that "This is for your own good, Mr. Cryptid, no gentleHobbit wears seaweed in their hair, also what is the last time you had a proper bath?"
They have to find the biggest bathtub ever known to Hobbit, which they do.
It takes the Hobbit ladies a good 5 hours, interlaced with Maglor trying to say "but my ladies, I have male body parts, you surely would be ashamed!" and "you really do not need to extend your kindness to me", to which he gets a "we have seen it all" because they are elderly grandmas who think the Cryptid is their child or something and have had countless kids and grandkids, and also "once again, it is for your own good!".
Well. Maglor comes back all cleaned up and dressed head to toe in Hobbit fashion: white shirt, red vest, navy coat and black trousers, hair neatly tied in a low ponytail (the grandmas had been waiting this moment since the first time they saw Maglor Being a Cryptid).
Feanor has to commend the grandmas, he offers to repair and rebuild everything they need, but he gets shushed with a "it's nothing, we were planning that for years and also you gave the nasty Sackville-Bagginses a run for their money and that's more than enough".
They also polished Maglor's harp properly.
The contrast with the Elvish robes the others are wearing is a bit jarring, but they all agree that it's an upgrade from "Seaweed Elf". They also commend the use of red, which is actually the family color (the Hobbits did not know that, they just thought it would fit him).
Later on Maglor will keep the Hobbit fashion, albeit slightly more adapted to himself and to Elvish customs.
Yes, I mentioned Russingon Shire wedding and @starshadeemilyart made a brilliant piece on that, pls check it!
Fingon is called "The Valiant" for many reasons, but I am 1000% sure that in this context he is The Valiant for proposing:
Publicly at the Green Dragon
In front of all Elves and Hobbits
In front of his own father Fingolfin
Most importantly in front of Feanor himself.
Yes, Mae said yes. Of course he did, there was a lot of hugging and kissing and crying.
Yes, both Fefe and Golfin wanted to go kinslayer mode on their own offspring, but the assorted cheers from the Hobbits, consequent flower throwing and cousins/siblings joining in shenanigans stopped them.
Well, now the wedding is on. The family starts arguing over EVERYTHING.
From the robes to wear, to the circlets, to the jewelry, to the wedding rings, to the venue, to the food and drinks.
IDK if you have in mind the Reddit posts about the most inane arguments over a wedding. Yep, that's the Finweans.
Russingon NEARLY regret saying anything, plans to just elope are being drawn. That until the happy couple is dragged away from the drama by the Cottons and surrounded by Hobbits who have also dragged Bilbo out of his Hobbit hole for his (granted, very limited) knowledge about Elvish customs.
Mae and Fingon kindly fill in what they remember of their own parents' weddings and indeed the groom&groom's families have to participate somehow.
F&F get threatened on letting THINGOL organize the wedding and they would rather face Morgoth again than let him do ANYTHING for the wedding of their own offspring.
The Hobbits will supply food and drinks and venue, they are adamant about that. And ofc the suits/wedding rings for Russingon. Things are going great.
Curufin gets to build the altar and the decorations together with Feanor, Caranthir is in charge of the budget, Argon, Amras & Amrod are the ones spreading word and invites around the Shire. And ofc EVERYONE is going to show up, it's an (C)EventTM.
Celegorm helps hunting/gathering the beasts for the banquet, Maglor is in charge of the music - he has to be reminded that it is a JOYOUS event tho.
Fingolfin gets dragged away by Thingol and the Gaffer to take care of the flowers. No way they are letting any micromanaging maniac near the happy couple.
I have no idea of what Turgon does, but it's definitely in the "organizing the invitees list and the guestbook" area.
Gandalf supplies the fireworks.
The wedding is a blast, Fefe and Golfin get to bring their sons to the altar. Paladin Took, the Thane, to officiate the wedding.
It's a beautiful spring wedding, at the end of which Russingon get to ride off to their honeymoon into the sunset.
They come back and find a fully built house for them - Curufinwe and Junior had a lot of free time. It's a mix between an Elvish palace and a Hobbit hole. Russingon loves that to bits.
Well. Thingol, amidst the Finwean shenanigans feels a little left out, until he spots the Gaffer tending to his garden. And he gets sad, because he is missing Doriath, he is missing his wife and he is missing everything.
So much loss over a rock.
Well, not even the spite bet done when Feanor fought Lobelia went well. But he knows gardening quite a lot, his wife was a Maia dammit! And the Gaffer is struggling with some sort of invasive species of weed that's killing his roses.
And he's like "my wife was the best, I know a thing or two, may I help?" and the Gaffer is like "yeah sure, I tried everything, the bloody weed keeps appearing, I am out of my wits."
And Thingol manages to draw out whatever power/knowledge he has left and the weed disappears in a couple of weeks. He and the Gaffer bond over gardening and Thingol becomes a lot more chill, but not chill enough to say sorry about the Silmarils.
Thingol loves pipeweed. The gardens in the Shire bloom beautifully and it almost looks like Doriath is there again. He does have to tone it down a few notches to not attract Sauron's servants tho.
Even the Finweans love and appreciate what happened with the gardens. Ofc they would love for him to say sorry about the Silmaril, but that's never gonna happen.
Thingol becomes the (second) best gardener. He lays down his crown for the farmer's hat. Somehow the Gamgees are blessed with everything needed to let nature grow and the strength and resilience needed to last an eternity.
And well. If the Russingon wedding was not enough to send Feanor and Fingolfin's blood pressures to ungodly levels, now Aredhel and Celegorm arrive in front of them saying that they are getting married.
He also adds that maybe having Celegorm as father figure will help Maeglin be less depressed when he gets re-embodied.
The only complaint Celegorm has is that Huan will not be there. When questioned about Huan, he responds that it was the name of his dear dog.
At the word "dog" Old Maggots gets summoned. He is bringing a puppy with him, ofc of the age when puppies can be on their own. He presents the puppy to the Elf. "It ain't magic, or trained yet, but if I lost me dogs I'd be called Mad Maggots! Hope your ladywife loves dogs too!"
And Celegorm looks at the puppy, looks at Old Maggots, picks up the puppy and presents it to Aredhel with teary eyes. "LOOK WE HAVE THE RINGBEARER! I AM ALREADY IN LOVE WITH THIS VERY GOOD BOY!"
And Aredhel looks at them both and sas "aw of course! He's going to be the best boy and ringbearer!"
And they both think it will end there.
Oh how wrong they are. The dog is being named Huan II and Celegorm spends time with him And Aredhel to train him properly, whilst they wait for the second wedding drama to unfold.
Tasks are distributed more or less in the same way as the Russingon wedding, this time however Fingon distracts Maedhros from micromanaging EVERYTHING.
Ofc groom and bride are dressed in Hobbit fashion.
Paladin Took is there to officiate once again.
The banquet however is a RIOT. There is a lot of drinking and dancing, if watching Celegorm and Aredhel stomping happily on the ground can be defined dancing.
It is there that finally Fefe and Golfin find it in their heart to get along. Like, properly get along, no more fighting unless it's petty small stuff and no more insulting each other.
Right before the wedding Namo decides to make Maeglin being re-embodied, he gets picked up by Gandalf, taken to Hobbiton, cue family reunion and being filled with anything happening. At least Maeglin is happy that his mother is actually marrying because she wants to and she is happy.
That's what I have so far. I have something cooking for Curufin and Celebrimbor, but I still have to elaborate on that.
#tolkien#the silmarillion#the lord of the rings#feanorians#finweans#finweans adventures in middle earth#thingol#hobbits#lotr crack#silm crack
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Bloodweave Inn New Year’s Prompts Day 2: Growing Old Together
written for @bloodweaveinn’s New Year’s Prompt Challenge! I rolled a 2 this time, which means my prompt was Growing Old Together. i wasn't really feeling it until a little while ago and just kind of knocked this out in 20 minutes lol. i'm a little late but oh well! it was fun.
enjoy just under 1k words of extremely sappy established bloodweave, post-cure for astarion's vampirism. 😌
“Is that a gray hair?”
Astarion’s outraged cry draws Gale out of his reading, and he looks over the top of glasses at him with a slightly distracted “Hm?”
“Look!” Astarion insists, jabbing his finger at both the mirror—where his reflection can now be found, and though it’s been nearly a year since finding Astarion’s cure, Gale still can’t help looking upon it with pride and affection—and at the top of his head. “I’m going gray, Gale.”
Gale blinks at him, then squints. Astarion huffs automatically, an instinctive response to Gale squinting and a result of the Great Glasses War of 1494 DR, which Gale had summarily lost.
Eager to draw Astarion’s attention from his squinting—gods forbid he make Gale get a thicker pair of lenses—Gale hastily says, “Astarion, your hair is already gray. What are you talking about?”
Astarion gasps. His eyes, luminous and green-gold, as pride-inducing as his reflection, go very wide.
“How dare you. My hair is white blond! It’s platinum! It’s not gray, you heathen.”
“My love,” Gale says soothingly, setting his book aside and holding out two placating arms. “Come here. Let me see it.”
Grumbling, and with one more pouting glance into the mirror, Astarion slinks over, as graceful and lithe as ever. He fits himself into Gale’s lap with fluid motions Gale could never hope to replicate, and he butts the crown of his head into Gale’s chin, not unlike a cat. Gale hides a grin over the top of his head.
“Look. It’s awful.”
Gale truly cannot see any bit of what has Astarion so upset, but he kisses the crown of his head anyway, taking off his damnable glasses with some relief. “It’s not awful,” Gale says into Astarion’s beautiful, soft hair. “It’s lovely, because it’s on you, and you are the loveliest elf I’ve ever seen.”
“Just the loveliest elf?”
“Being. Humanoid. Immortal or mortal.” At that, Gale tips Astarion’s face up by the chin, gazing down at him adoringly. “You are as gorgeous as the day I met you. Gray hairs and all.”
“Hairs, plural? Did you see another one?” Astarion scrambles to get up and go for the mirror again, but Gale draws him into a kiss first, sighing as he settles down in his lap again.
“What’s so bad about grays, anyway?” Gale asks when they break apart, smiling when Astarion, eyes closed, chases his mouth a bit. Astarion huffs, the scent of their shared dinner—some nice, bloody red steaks; Astarion still has a taste for it, and he’s as bad as Gale is about eating his vegetables—hitting Gale’s nose and making it wrinkle. “You like my grays, don’t you? You certainly admire them enough.”
As if to prove Gale’s point, Astarion’s hand goes up into Gale’s hair, sifting through what are surely more bountiful gray streaks now. Just as there are more wrinkles in his face, more pronounced crow’s feet and laughter lines, and a softer, chubbier frame as their adventure days have fallen behind them. Astarion has lavished each of these features with so much love and approval that Gale has had barely any room to ever feel self-conscious about them.
“Of course I do; your grays are beautiful,” Astarion says. “You’re aging like a fine wine, my dear, and I’m—well, I’m just aging, aren’t I?” He says it like it’s just occurred to him, a bit wondrous, and also a bit sullen.
“Of course you are, though much, much more slowly than you seem to think,” Gale says. “Slower than I am, naturally. We both know this. It’s a good thing, isn’t it? Part of your cure?”
“But I’m no distinguished professor like you; my looks are like your brains,” Astarion tells him. “I don’t think I’ll be able to handle it when I start looking like Jaheira, gods.”
“Jaheira is beautiful—oh, stop, you know what I mean,” Gale says as Astarion scowls. “And you are much, much more than your looks. Which are still beautiful.”
“You have to say that. Your opinion is biased.”
“Is my opinion not the most important, after yours?”
Astarion eyes him carefully, as if genuinely judging Gale’s sincerity. Gale tries not to huff back at him—he’d put a garlic sauce over his own steak tonight, which Astarion still doesn’t care for.
“You’re certain you’ll love me even when I look like a withered old crone?”
Gale tips his head back. “Astarion, I’ll love you until the day I die. And not to be depressing, but you must understand that I’ll be a withered old crone long before you will. I probably won’t live to see you that old.” He strokes the back of his hand over Astarion’s face, the lines that are there, and feels a bit of sweet, sad longing over that fact. He sees it reflected on Astarion’s face, in the sudden droop of his ears. “So don’t worry—I’ll be old and wrinkly and gray all over, and you’ll still be my pretty young thing.”
“Gods, you’re right,” Astarion says, aghast. He settles further into Gale’s hold, shaking his head. “We’re going to have to do something about that.”
“About what?”
“The whole thing where even though I’m cured of vampirism, you’re still going to die first. I don’t approve of that. That’s our next project. Ugliness notwithstanding—I do want to grow old with you.”
Warmth suffuses Gale at that, and he places another helpless kiss in Astarion’s beautiful, soft, and yes, gray hair.
“We’ll see what we can do,” Gale says, and he picks up his book again and starts squinting down at it, his love in one arm.
“Gale,” Astarion murmurs against his neck, breath ghosting out against the old bite scars.
“Put your glasses on.”
With a laugh and a sigh, Gale complies; he supposes they both have their vanities.
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My recent Zobra arts got very popular on twitter and I received many questions about them so I decided to make a thread explaining the appeal this ship has for me.
Since I already wrote it, I want to share it here as well.
Zora x Nebra - ship appeal
A thread about why I am personally a big fan of Zora x Nebra and how it's more than just a silly crack ship
@f-oighear with who I'm co writing a Zobra fanfiction helped with this
Let's start with the basics
Zora - a peasant who hates royalty
Nebra - a royal who hates peasant
This ship would go against class barriers, but even more as these two would have to overcome their own prejudice which they've had since they were little.
They have (kind of) a canon interaction!
During the elf attack Zora saved Solid and Nebra's lives. It's a point where both siblings were humbled and I'd say a point where their redemption can slowly start.
Enemies to lovers
I personally love this trope and Zobra have great potential for it. I don't think I need to expand here.
Their magic
Both of them have "vaporous" kind of magic and rely on tricks to overcome their opponent. It's a game of thought and preparation.
Ash and mist are also more subtle versions of primal elements (fire and water).
They could be really compatible if they worked together.
Black & white, that's a classic
Edgy & princess
You can't say they don't look good
And now probably the most important (and long) part of the thread their characters and later surprisingly many similarities
Zora wouldn't be afraid to call Nebra out and she NEEDS it. Nebra doesn't see people as her equals, she's used to being looked up to which Zora wouldn't do.
He would do it right, point out her flaws, harshly. Nebra would hear how she really is.
Hopefully reflect
It would also annoy her and a chain of (sometimes hilarious) interactions would start.
They're both very smart so their comebacks would be intelligent and snarky. None of them would hold back and I think at some point they would start enjoying the game of trying to one up the other.
"The smirk"
Zora snickers, Nebra giggles. They can both be very mean.
See if you put them as enemies it's fun, but imagine having them both against one person. I'd feel sorry for them. (we have a scene like that in our fic and it's perfect)
Both of them are greatly prejudiced against the other’s class. And isn't it BC's thing to break those class differences?
It would require work, effort and time but just like other Royal/Peasant ships they could bring an example of the world Asta dreams of.
Now to issues
A dead parent who they used to idolise and passing of that parent messed them up in... many ways
We use that similarity to have them bond on a deeper level
After Zara's death Zora goes on a vendetta
While Nebra feels inadequate and takes it out on innocent Noelle
Neither of them copes well and it just pushes them to extremes.
Zora luckily gets better with his found family (the Bulls we love them), while Nebra... I won't defend her, it's a long way to go even after the last manga chapters.
However these two could help each other grow.
Noelle is Nebra's sister and Zora's squadmate
This topic would need to be brought up at some point. Zora cares about his squadmates.
Nebra was awful, toxic and simply terrible. I think that talking about it with someone who won't beat around the bush could help her redemption.
I think Nebra could start seeking out that honesty at some point.
Zora had crossed out all of the nobility, but seeing himself an actual example of someone as rotten (yes I said it) as Nebra changing could help him too.
It's about seeing a different perspective.
"They wouldn't interact if not made to"
True, thus in fics @f-oighear and I put them in situations where they have to interact such as a mission together, or in our Formula 1 AU they're both drivers on the grid, or we send them to the same resort for summer break.
Things we like to do in fics
- they call each other names, starting of offensive (Princess and peasant are classics)
- making them work together -> they hate it -> miraculously it works out
- hair and clothes comments
- personal development
Taking into account all of the above, they would need specific circumstances to work out, thus I understand why they don't have to be everyone's cup of tea (I need at least a 100k slowburn), but I hope I brought to you closer this ship and why I personally find it appealing.
#black clover#zora x nebra#meta#ship meta#black clover meta#zobra#zora ideale#nebra silva#black clover ship#zobra meta#meta analysis#black clover meta analysis
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Sharing my TCF notes because sharing is caring 😬 ⬇️. (All of them… so far)
Ch. 086- sad time for Raon :(. REVENGE HAHAHA LETSGOOOO
Ch. 335- Eruhaben protect Roan & Cale from ugly WS 😆
Ch. 352- Cale’s greatest fear…😭
Ch. 378- Choi’s uncle (DS) left info book written in KOREAN?!?! 😵
Ch. 394- Letter from Death & shiz show😬
Ch. 395- CALE IS AFRAID?!?! 😱
Ch. 401- “Plavin was laughing on the outside but crying on the inside.”😌
Ch. 404- “And Miss Cage, please cuss out the God of Death for me.” -Cale 😇
Ch. 411- They were talking about the Lion King (person) and I thought they were talking about the movie 😭
Ch. 414- Choi Han woke up crying “Kim Rook Soo” 😰
Ch. 415- “What am I supposed to call the friend of my nephew once removed?” -Choi Han 😳
Ch. 423- “Oh, by the way, the original owner of your body is living well too. He said he is happy.” -Lee Soo Hyuk ☺️
“It's a new record! You were unconscious for 20 days, 1 hour, 32 minutes, and 19 seconds!”- Roan Miru🤠
Ch. 431-
“You son of a bitch!” -Bear King
"Why am I your son? Such an idiot.”
-Whale Archie🫡
Ch. 434- Which Henituse sibling wants to become what?🥱👑⚔️
Ch. 435- Sworn brothers 🤞
Ch. 455- Ron says he has a cute young master (Cale) who he doesn’t want to disappoint.🥹
Also that Roan is cuter than Cale 😂
Ch. 457- “This is nice.” Beacrox commented before swinging his greatsword horizontally.🙂
Ch. 461- Cale’s merchant name is Bob XD
Ch. 465- The Sound of the Wind was a top underneath a boulder surrounded by whirlpools.
The Indestructible Shield was a pit under the tree.
The Scary Giant Cobblestone was a stone in the Super Rock villa.
The Fire of Destruction was a sculpture at the center of the magma.
The Vitality of the Heart was a stone pillar at the center of a whirlwind.
The Sky Eating Water was a chained spear.
Ch. 476- More Dragon Family Drama wtf
Ch. 481- To the Fake World Tree
Ch. 501- Illusion of Other World..RAMEN!
Ch. 504- Stick from World Tree (Cale’s blood is special?!)
Ch. 515- Vampire Duke Fredo (seems nice)
Ch. 516- Demonic Race, Rosalyn, White Star after cookie prince?! NOOO
Ch. 520- WEAKLING. Alberu is a mage swordsman badass dark elf
Ch. 526- These brothers are so cute OMEGALUL
Ch.555- Sealed god test, wtf this is so sad I’m crying I’ve never been so genuinely sad
Ch. 584- Cale saying he could beat 3 strong peeps
Ch. 589- Alberu goes to Blood Boulder
Ch. 618- Cale explains to LeeSooHyuk the truth
Ch. 627- @Capital w/ Dad y Alberu YAY
Ch. 629- We are a big family!
Ch. 640- 2 Cats are Molan house’s future 🥹.. They can’t go berserk?..
Ch. 645- Roan & Cale Solo Fight letsgo!!
Ch. 646- Cale uses ‘instant’ to destroy 2 unranked monsters.. I’m crying actually..
Ch. 647- wtf I’m crying, goosebumps fr
Ch. 649- Roan has grown so much 🥹
Ch. 655- Cale is healing❤️ OG Cale!KRS
Ch. 656- SOO much info from OG Cale!!
Ch. 662- OMG Cale’s BioMom was cooking
Ch. 670- World Tree-nim
Ch. 677- Explaining ALOT lore dump!!
CB. 681- WOW the end of that chap tho
Ch. 682- I stan Cale’s hatred for the White Star. We love the PJs! Alberu is moon that’s so *legs in air kicking*
Ch. 683- So are we gonna kill WS or whatt?
Ch. 685- omg.. DANGGG!! Our Cale is truly terrifying! New Pokémon acquired! White star!! 😏 wait we have a tiny WS in our pocket how cute! 🥰
Ch. 688- Rashell says he wouldn’t be able to sleep if many humans died 🥰
Ch. 694- DEAFEATED! Alberu faints and thinks he’s like Cale now 😭
Ch. 700- This chapter is just amazing, these people are so smart ughhh I’m screaming! In a happy way tho
Ch. 701- OK we have Choi Han, Clopeh, Rosalyn and Cale so far.. MARYYY
Ch. 702- +1(Roan) Cale can use the cintamani to contact other world. PEOPLE CAN SEE HIM YAY!
Ch. 705- Talking with Cale & others through the Cintamani :>
Ch. 706- Tonka! And Dark elf Tasha&Alberu
Ch. 707- My heart, Alberu was so sad and lonely back then…
Ch. 709- Eruhaben! WS is badddd
Ch. 710- Whyyyy I’m actually feeling despair it’s so complicated ugh and no ones receiving correct info ughhhhh
Ch. 713- Mary is #GIRLBOSS for not being tricked! ❤️❤️
Ch. 717- So glad that was settled 😮💨
Ch. 718- So the test Cale was in wasn’t the original one so now we are doing the actual sadness test ok 👍
Ch. 719- WOW NOT CALE ALREADY FINISHING BLUE TEST.. also someone else?
Ch. 721- Toonka left the test, Cale met Choi Jung Gun, I’m I’m scared 😶
Ch. 722- Rosalyn finally put the tests goals into words! She’s so smart. I love herrr
Ch. 726- Cale confronts CJG and he’s being used as bait bc a hunter is here oh no. Cale is going to cause chaos ialrk
Ch. 727- WOWW Cale was about to be isekaied lol. Good thing we have ancient powers! 2 Hunters?! 🫣
Ch. 730- Cale actually skipped a level bfr
Ch. 731- Cale has to observe past Roan (during the night) and Alberu (during the day)
Ch. 735- Freeing Roan! Again Again?
Ch. 739- Still loving how Choi’s test is taking care of tiny KRS. Alberu test completed!!
Ch. 740- I’m loving Clopeh during this test so far. He knows his goals and he sticks to them. He’s crazy!
Ch. 744- Damn Dodam Miru. I think DM’s world is not an illusion. Cale “tricking” the Wrath test is crazy I love that sly bastard!
Ch. 745- Cale hates when the children hate their side dishes ahah! The Wrath test is actually really difficult it surprised me frfr! Clopeh & Cale are angy
Ch. 749- How dare this low-life Dorph ever consider sacrificing the great and mighty Roan Miru. I pour all of my hatred and anger toward him. He needs to die. 😡
Ch. 750- Finally! Flipping every over heh!
#cale henituse#tcf cale#tcf novel#lcf#lout of the count’s family#trash of the count's family#notes#sharing is caring#Me_Kk
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thoughts on the dragon prince s7, in no particular order (spoilers!)
about the bad guys
- i weirdly missed viren this season. never realized how much he brought to this show until he wasn't in it anymore. him and claudia are some of the best things about the dragon prince, in my humble opinion
- speaking of which: oh. my. god. claudia. i love her. that look with the dragonscale and the short black-and-white hair? absolutely stunning. gorgeous. iconic. unprecedented. did i mention i love her??? the nuance to her character is still so good. she never became a stereotypically evil villain and never lost her quirkiness, and i am so glad for it!!! she's still the perfect mixture between dark and loving, symbolizing the greatest thing about this story.
- i still miss early seasons aaravos. he went from a clever, charming schemer to evil laughing and taunting in season 4 and they never managed to recover the magic from that early dynamic he had with viren. i miss the nuance of the trickster. he was far more engaging as an antagonist then. i wished they kept going down that path. i wish he kept sweet talking people instead of taunting and mocking them. i wished he stayed more reasonable / pragmatic, especially considering this show is so big on talking out conflicts. he could have been redeemed, maybe. he could have been less cocky - after centuries of scheming he should have a million backups but he was so overly confident and why? i'll forever be sad about the direction they went in with him.
- speaking of aaravos: his pathetic emo scrunkly sickly victorian man persona had me FEASTING. what an aesthetic. ICONIC.
- terry. oh terry. such a great character. following his own path and his own values, and never hesitating to do what is the right thing in his own moral framework. best boy. wholesome. also: incredible 'hello, zuko here' reference. never change terry. i love you.
- glad karim got fucked. slimy little asshole deserved all of that and more.
about the good guys
- rayla and callum. glad they got their happy ending. i was never really into the ship, but they both deserve to be happy. i was a huge fan of the domestic 'meet the in-laws' episode that callum had with runaan and ethari. i feel like callum also is one of the most consistent characters of the show, which i really like about him. he has that same mixture of dark and light that you get with claudia. i would have liked to see more of their dynamic, they interact well with each other as two sides of the same coin. doesn't take away the fact that i would have loved seeing callum master more magic.
- runaan and ethari's reunion brought tears to my eyes. i love these elf husbands so much and i'm so glad we got to see so much of runaan. always liked him, and it was great to see him and rayla bicker like they did in s1.
- ezran. oh boy, here we go. to be honest, he didn't have much going for him in my book since i never really liked him, starting from the fact that his voice acting was really grating in the early seasons. yes, he's supposed to be the main character / audience stand-in / the one the kids are supposed to identify with but... he evolved from a kind of annoying 'i can speak to animals and like jelly tarts' baby brother over an at times hypocritical boy king all the way into 'yeah we should get weapons of mass destruction!' ??? do i understand the reasoning behind his decisions here? yeah. but he was completely insufferable for me this season.
-which brings me to aanya. idk what it is about the kid characters in this show. but she's such a non-character as well? iirc she is voiced by the kid of one of the creators or producers and boy the kid didn't really get an attractive role. kinda bland. speaks without saying anything. the "wise" child queen who advices to use weapons as mass destruction as a deterrent. she used to be the voice of reason?? what an example to set to your audience.
about the plot
- honestly i mostly loved the plot. i was at the tip of my seat though the middle of this season and had a couple episodes where i felt like i hadn't taken a breath in over an hour. loved how everything consistenly kept going wrong for the good guys. it made the stakes feel higher and higher. it genuinely felt like the writers got out of the slump after the kind-of-meh middle seasons.
-but the ending... not gonna lie, it really disappointed me. the arch dragons coming in to save the day felt like such an ex machina to me. where is the main characters' agency? where is their role in the resolution? instead we get evil necro avizandum turning good to kill aaravos. yay. cool. and now all the dragons are dead. and aaravos is just gonna come back. awesome.
it could have been SO GOOD. did I expect them to kill a main character? no. but callum deciding to sacrifice himself with runaan's help? wanting to spare rayla of having to off him? rayla having to jump in anyways and showing that she could do what had to be done? 'my heart for xadia'? DELICIOUS. but i knew callum was not going to die.
so it could have come down to ezran. ezran picking up the sword and charging into battle on zym? EPIC AF. he could have been the one to deal the final blow - or zym. imagine the ending for their character arcs. ezran finally stepping in and doing the hard thing, especially since he was going down a darker path this season. zym, cementing himself as a proper arch dragon. we could have gotten some kind of epic transformation showing he fully matured - but apparently i play too much guild wars 2.
would this show really give us ezran killing someone? since aaravos is technically not dead i thought the writers could let this slide. we had already seen claudia kill someone on screen and one of the main characters in the show is an actual assassin. my expectations were too high i guess. ezran needed to stay unsullied. i can't help but compare this show to a:tla and it leaves me with the same bittersweet taste: there's a lot of good things, but in the end, the main character never completed their arc.
#the dragon prince#tdp#tdp s7 spoilers#tdp s7#maisplaining#i'm sorry i just really dislike ezran y'all#the dragon prince spoilers
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Hello there. I have written a story, which I am now sharing with the keepblr fandom. Enjoy it. Please. (It's a slightly alternate ending for Neverseen, if you were curious.) Tagging @permanently-stressed because I've been torturing her with crumbs of this for the whole week, so it's only fitting she gets tagged.
okay bye
Sophie was about to step into the shimmering beam of her pathfinder when she noticed the small yellow crystal in Keefe’s hand. She barely hesitated before grabbing his shoulders and letting the light carry both of them away.
“WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!” Keefe shouted as they reappeared by a lake the color of blood. Tall, foggy mountains surrounded the area, and the whole place gave Sophie the creeps. Nothing good could come of this.
“I could ask you the same thing!” She snapped. “Why are you leaping–illegally– to the Forbidden Cities? Are you seriously going to try to break into an ogre prison?”
Keefe turned away. “Go home, Sophie.”
“Not unless you explain what’s going on here!”
Keefe opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by three flashes of light. Three dark cloaks with a white eye symbol on the sleeve.
The Neverseen were here.
“Keefe,” Sophie started as the figures slowly walked towards them, “What did you do? What did you do?”
“I…” his voice trailed off.
“How are we going to escape this?” She hissed.
“Simple answer,” said the first figure, throwing back his hood. “You don’t.”
With growing horror, Sophie found the name the voice belonged to. Fintan was here. So were Brant and Alvar. They were trapped.
Fintan held up his hands, a smile spreading across his thin lips. “My, my, Keefe. You’ve really outdone yourself. Sophie is such an excellent addition to our bargain.” His eyes narrowed as he said that last part and a chill went up Sophie’s spine.
What bargain is he talking about? Sophie transmitted.
“She is not part of this deal. Let. Her. Go,” Keefe said, ignoring Sophie’s question.
“Tsk, tsk. If only we could. But now that she’s here, I’d be so sad to see her go,” Fintan said, glee dripping from every word. A small flame flickered to life in Brant’s hand, and Keefe shrank back.
“If you hurt her, I won’t give you the cache!” Sophie heard this but didn’t have time to react before strong invisible arms wrapped around her neck in a chokehold.
“Keefe,” she gasped hoarsely, “What are you talking about?”
But she has a sinking feeling in her stomach. There are better, safer ways to rescue your mom. You don’t have to trade the cache for this. Please, Keefe. A tear rolled silently down her cheek.
This is the only way, Foster. You wouldn’t be here if you had just gone home!
You know I couldn’t do that.
Fintan ordered Keefe to get the cache, and Sophie watched as Keefe quietly said, “Two twenty-one B Baker Street,” shock and betrayal coursing through her veins.
The cache popped into Keefe's hand, and Alvar immediately grabbed it, tucking it into a concealed pocket on his robe.
How could you? Sophie’s mental question was more sad than angry, but Keefe still didn’t respond.
“Miss Foster, I assume you and Mr. Sencen are communicating telepathically. Much fun as it is to watch you silently struggle, this would go a lot quicker if you would both listen to the terms at hand.” Fintan said, gesturing to Brant.
The scarred elf stepped closer, the heat of the Everblaze in his hand making Sophie sweat. “All you have to do,” he said to Keefe, grabbing Sophie’s monocle pendant and holding it in his fire, “is take this pretty little swan and brand your moonlark. If you do that, we’ll let her go free and you come with us.”
“If not,” Alvar interrupted, “Fintan will start giving Sophie some very painful scars.”
Keefe’s face crumpled and he transmitted, I’m so sorry. I know you’re going to hate me now.
I could never hate you, she assured him, although she grew less and less sure of that as he took the pendant and stepped up to Sophie.
His ice-blue eyes were glassy with unshed tears, and Sophie tried one last time. “Please, Keefe. Why are you doing this?”
“Last night…I got more memories back,” he whispered.
“I still don’t understand why you would join them,” she said. Alvar was nearly choking her, and she was getting very lightheaded.
“You were raised to be the hero. I was raised to be something…else.” He brushed his hand over her necklace. “I wanted you to have this, in case someday–”
“Heartwarming as this is,” Fintan cut in, “We’re running out of time. And patience.” The last word had a deadly undertone and the tears in Keefe’s eyes spilled over as he raised the pendant to Sophie’s face. It was glowing red from the Everblaze. Sophie didn’t want to imagine how much pain it would cause.
But she didn’t have to imagine.
All of a sudden, Keefe squeezed his eyes closed and pressed the red-hot swan against the side of Sophie’s neck. She screamed, thrashing in Alvar’s arms, but he held her tight. Bright white pain exploded behind her eyes, and she wanted it to take her far, far away.
To a place where she wouldn’t have to deal with the Neverseen, or the Black Swan, or Keefe.
The white light promised rest.
But all too soon, she was ripped back to reality. Sophie could feel blisters bubbling up on her skin, and when she opened her eyes, Keefe had dropped the pendant. Smoke was rising from it, and her mind shied away from picturing what her neck looked like.
Brant still had a sphere of Everblaze floating above his palm, the flames crackling ominously.
“Okay,” Keefe said, his voice shaky, “I did what you asked. You have the cache. Now please, let Sophie go home.”
“Oh, did we say anything about letting her go home?” Fintan asked the others with a laugh. “Mr. Sencen, we merely said we would free her. We never specified where she would be released.”
In one fluid motion, Alvar let go of Sophie, pulled out his Pathfinder, and said, “Have fun, you four!” Then raised the crystal to the setting sun and stepped into the beam of light.
While that was happening, Fintan had summoned a ring of fire around himself, Brant, Keefe, and Sophie, and the flames were taller than she was.
No escape.
It was hard to think through the searing pain, but she was able to stay standing. Keefe held her shoulders and yelled, “You promised!” at the ancient Pyrokinetic.
“Come on,” Fintan scoffed, “Surely you’ve known us long enough to know that we don’t play fair.” With that, Fintan pulled Keefe away from Sophie and Brant took a small cloth out of his cloak. Sophie could smell the stench of the sedative, and she tried to run, but there was nowhere to go. Brant grinned as he pressed the fabric over her nose and mouth, flooding her brain with the sickeningly sweet smell.
The last thing she saw was Keefe’s anguished face, and his thoughts whispering, It’s for the best, as he and the two pyrokinetics lept away.
Then she collapsed as the ring of fire grew even taller around her.
Heat. So much heat. Her neck, her arms, her back. They were all so, so hot.
Sophie peeled her eyes open, coughing on the smoke and ash. She managed to sit up on the gritty sand, noting that she wasn’t actually on fire. But the Everblaze was raging all around her, making its way to the mountains in the distance. She guessed that a few hours had passed since–
Nope. She was not going to think about Keefe. Sophie cautiously reached up to feel her neck, then winced as she brushed her fingers over the blisters. That was going to be a permanent scar.
“Help,” she croaked, pushing herself off of the ground. The lake was nearby, promising cool water, but she didn’t trust the bloodred color. “Help,” she repeated, louder this time. Her throat scratched and her muscles ached and her mouth tasted all kinds of disgusting, but that didn’t stop her.
Anything, anyone, would be a welcome presence. With the moon high in the sky and the smoke billowing through the air, the whole place was even creepier than it was in the daytime, which was saying a lot.
She crawled to where Keefe had been standing and noticed… what was that?
Sophie picked up a small glittering bead, noting the way it shimmered in the moonlight. Was this a leaping crystal? Why had he left it–oh. It must have been for her, in case she followed him here.
Sophie let out a bark of laughter. This would have been useful a few hours ago before she got the sign of the swan branded on her neck. But…what if it wasn’t from Keefe? Maybe it led to a trap. The Neverseen could have left it here, hoping she’d leap right into one of their hideouts. But then why wouldn’t they just take her along with Keefe?
She brought the bead closer, looking for a clue. It seemed pretty ordinary, just an orb of shimmery compacted powder, but there– she saw a tiny, tiny K painted on the side.
It was from Keefe. Wow. He really thought of everything.
She held the tiny crystal up to the moonlight, hoping hoping hoping that it would work. A weak beam of light appeared, and Sophie nearly cried in relief. She stepped into the path, concentrating on the warm feathery rush of the leap as her body dissolved.
She re-formed at the entrance to Havenfield.
Home, home, safe, safe! Her mind cheered. She limped up to her house, every muscle aching. Edaline and Grady were sitting on the enormous couch, and they both leaped up when she pushed the massive doors open. Edaline rushed to give Sophie a hug while Grady said, “What happened to you?”
“I…” her voice trailed off, a lump forming in her throat. “The Neverseen,” she whispered, gently removing herself from her adoptive mom’s embrace.
“Oh, Sophie,” Edaline said, running a hand over Sophie’s cuts and bruises. She avoided the burn on her nack, and Sophie was hit with a rush of affection for her mom.
Grady rushed to their extensive medicine cabinet, grabbing an armful of elixirs and balms. Soon enough, Sophie was lying on her bed, and Elwin –in his fuzzy T-rex pajamas– was treating all of her injuries. He thankfully didn’t ask too many questions, instead letting her relax and calm down from the day’s events.
After Elwin left, Grady and Edaline brought up a cool cloth for her neck and a small vial of shimmery liquid. “It’s somnalene,” Edaline explained. “It’ll help you sleep. You need it.”
“It’s not a sedative, right?” Sophie asked.
“No, kiddo. These are like sparkly eye drops that make you feel very peaceful,” Grady explained, filling the eyedropper and positioning it over Sophie’s eye.
“You sure you’re okay with this?” Edaline asked, concern clearly written all over her expression.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine, Mom.”
Grady squeezed the somnalene into Sophie’s eyes, and immediately little twinkling colored lights appeared in her vision. Shortly after she settled down, her parents left, leaving her with her thoughts– and Iggy’s lawnmower-esque snore. Despite her long–long– day she was asleep in minutes.
The next morning, Sophie somehow managed to get dressed, eat breakfast, and meet with the Collective without collapsing or breaking into a fit of tears. Her neck still throbbed and her back hurt and her heart was broken, but she was going to be okay.
She was the Moonlark.
“So,” Mr. Forkle said with a sigh, “Let’s go through this again. Keefe took you to the Neverseen–”
“He didn’t take me, I grabbed onto him as he was leaping away,” Sophie interjected.
“Right. So then the Neverseen forced him to hand over the cache, and made him…” He looked quickly at the burn on her neck, his voice cracking.
Everyone got silent after that. After a moment, Granite continued quietly, “So Fintan, Brant, Alvar, and Keefe all light leaped away while you were sedated and surrounded by Everblaze.”
Grady and Sandor both looked like they wanted to punch something, so Sophie said, “But Keefe didn’t know that would happen! It was my fault.”
Edaline hugged Sophie, whispering, “What happened was not your fault. It never will be, so please don’t blame yourself.”
“I’ll try not to,” she whispered back.
Sophie straightened up, clearing her throat to prepare for what she was about to say. “Do you think Keefe is….bad?”
“I think Mr. Sencen is confused, and desperate, and afraid. But I do not think he is bad, Miss Foster,” Mr. Forkle assured her.
“So you think his guilt is making him do this.”
“Yes. He has chosen a difficult path, but I think he knows that what he is doing is incredibly reckless,” Wraith added.
“I wouldn’t be too quick to trust him,” Grady advised from the corner.
“Especially not after–that thing,” Squall said, pointing her frosty fingers at Sophie’s burn.
“What about the cache?” Sophie wondered aloud.
“We’ll deal with that later. For now, there is news I must share with you all.” Mr. Forkle said.
Sophie's mind flashed through dozens of possibilities, but nothing could have prepared her for what Mr. Forkle said next.
“Prentice is awake.”
#keeper of the lost cities#kotlc#keefe sencen#sokeefe#sophie foster#kotlc sophie#kotlc neverseen#kotlc fanfic#noir writes
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I will find you in every life Ch.3
Super long chapter but lots of spiciness at the end 👀🖤
Prinxe was currently sitting next to Astarion who was sitting crossed legged on the velvet loverseat. It seemed he had changed out of his previous outfit, and was now dressed in a similar ruffled shirt she had drawn him in before and a simple pair of black pants. The two of them were currently watching as Gale scolded the feline creature known as Tara.
"Tara, you can't just go sneaking around people. You could have given her a heart attack." He scolded, which only made Tara hiss in annoyance.
"Mr. Dekarios, she should be the one being scolded. She was eavesdropping on you and Astarion's conversation. I was merely remaindering her that it's not polite." She replied, eyeing Prinxe with annoyance which made her shift uncomfortably.
The scene replayed in her head as the two went back and forth.
She had just made it down the stairs, trying to listen in on the conversation, when Tara had accidentally frightened her.
Both Gale and Astarion had rushed out of the room they were in to see what was going on and caught Prinxe right next to the opening of the door.
Her face was still burning from embarrassment.
"Enough bickering." Astarion finally spoke up, clearly annoyed with the back and forth between Gale and Tara. "Now that our guest has woken up, we can just ask them." He said, shifting his gaze over to her.
Gale nodded, moving away from the long table he had been standing next and over to one of the black arm chairs next to the sofa, she and Astarion were sitting at.
"Hello there, I am Gale of Waterdeep. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance" He took her hand in his giving a friendly shake as he smiled at her. His style was very warm and simple compared to what she previously saw Astarion in. He wore a dark purple sweater that had some embroidery on the white neckline, and paired it together with similar coloured pants. She couldn't explain it but she felt safe with him.
"I'm Prinxe, it's nice to meet you as well...." She paused for a moment, looking over to the notepad Tara was currently laying next too on the long table, not paying mind to the conversation the group was having. "But if I may ask, why am I here and why are you both talking about my drawings?" She asked, which made Astarion and Gale look at one another in silence unsure what to say.
With no response from either of them, she decided to continue, getting up from her spot on the couch and picking up her drawings and dropping them in Astarion's lap. "I've dreamt of you my whole life and assumed you were just my imagination. Something or someone I made up but couldn't stop drawing" Her voice was shaky as she spoke. Most of her life she had felt like something was missing and the man she use to refer to as the Pale Elf was at the center of it all.
"Then today, when you saw me you said you had been looking for me your whole life as if you knew me." She began to pace back and forth in the living room trying to process everything. Stopping to stare at Astarion whose eyes watched the other with a pained expression.
"And then finally, I find out your name. Astarion." She repeated his name out loudly as if she didn't want to forget it. "Now, I wake up here in this random house and you two are talking about me. Why?" She hadn't meant too but her voice came out in a shout causing both Gale and Astarion to tense up.
Gale moved from his spot on the chair and over to her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder as he spoke. "Come sit back down and we will discuss those matters." She wanted to leave this place but part of her needed to know more about her dreams. She followed his lead back to her previous spot next to Astarion, who seemed ready to finally talk.
"After I had told you my name in the ally, you started screaming in pain. I tried to talk to you but you weren't able to respond and then suddenly you passed out. So doing the only thing I could I picked you up and brought you to the Underdark" There was a slight hint of worry in his voice as he spoke, placing the notepad down on the coffee table that was in front of them. "I brought you here because I needed Gale to take a look at you. He isn't the greatest healer but I knew he would prove more useful than me and I also needed answers just like you do."
Gale nodded joining in now. "Astarion had me do a check up on you and nothing was unusual. But..." He paused eyeing the drawings. "You said you've been dreaming of Astarion since you were a child?"
Prinxe nodded and Gale continued to speak. "I don't mean to worry you or frighten you but those dreams may not just be dreams. They seemed to be your previous memories." He said, moving his hand in the air for a moment. A image of Prinxe appeared before her. Though the image had some small difference such as hair and clothing, she knew it was her. Astarion also seemed to intensely stare at the image as well taking in every detail of the mirror image.
Gale's hand closed, the image quickly disappearing. "When Astarion told me about you I assumed it merely had to be a coincidence. After all, it's been centuries since we last seen one another but after looking at her drawings. It seems like it could be true."
Before she could ask anything, the sound of the front doors slamming open filled the house and a women voice called out. "We came as soon as we got the news."
A groan escaped Astarion's lips as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Does she seriously forget her manners..." He mumbled, the sound of two sets of footsteps making their way into the living room.
Prinxe eyed the pair that entered. There was a women about her height with long white hair that she had tied up into a braid and next to her was a taller women who appeared to be a tiefling, who had shaggy dark hair that was shaved on the side.
"Hells it really is you." Without saying another word, the tiefling woman raced over to Prinxe, immediately pulling her into a big hug. Astarion and Gale both got up from their seats, trying to get the tiefling to set her down.
"Karlach, I know you're excited but you need to set her down. She still is recovering from her earlier fainting spell." Gale said taking a more friendly approach. While Astarion on the other hand was more demanding. "If you don't release her this instance I'm going to send you back to the hells."
The white haired women quickly made her way over to the group trying to assist. "Karlach they are right, we don't want to break her especially after just finding her."
After a moment, Karlach placed her down giving her the biggest smile. "Sorry solider, I hadn't seen you in ages and got excited."
Prinxe looked at her confused trying to gain her balance back after being sat back down. "Do I know you?" She asked, both Karlach and the white haired women looked at Prinxe in confusion as if she should know who they both were.
Realizing the air of confusion filling the room, Gale quickly moved over to Karlach and the other women moving them back to the main hall. "We will be right back." With those last words, Gale and the women disappeared leaving just Astarion and Prinxe by themselves
There was a very long moment of silence between them both. She was unsure what to say or even ask while still processing the idea of her dreams being the memories of her previous life.
"Do you only ever dream of me?" Astarion asked, making her a bit embarrassed.
"Y-yeah...." She picked leaned forward sorting through the drawings before pulling out one of them and handing it to him. He took it, his crimson eyes studying the drawings.
The drawing had him standing in front a small tent, holding a book in his hands and reading it.
As quickly as they disappeared, the other three returned and seemed to have a better understanding of the situation. The white haired women made her way over to Prinxe putting her hand out which Prinxe took, both sharing a handshake. "Sorry about that, Karlach gets easily excited." She said, giving her a warm smile as she contained to speak, "I am Shadowheart and this is my partner Karlach."
Karlach moved to take her turn in an introduction. "Hello Solider, it's nice to see you again" With introductions done with, the couple sat in a love seat across from Astarion and Prinxe.
Gale slapped his hands together. "Now that we all are acquainted we can continue."
Everyone's eyes were on her, filling her stomach with uneasiness which only made her feel more uncomfortable.
"Now do you only ever dream of Astarion?" Gale asked, gaining a nod from her.
"Do you remember your last dream?" He asked. She began to think and remembered her dream from that morning. Her cheeks began to heat up not wanting to tell a group of strangers about her dream involving Astarion saying he loved her and them kissing.
She could feel Astarion's gaze on her, knowing full well he was close enough to notice the faint redness on her cheeks. She quickly needed to say something before he asked about what she was thinking about.
Remembering the dream from a little bit ago. "I did have a dream where I met Astarion but it wasn't like the others." She said, the group seeming to closely listen to every word she said.
"I was in some weird place that had a few broken barrels, bodies and a brain like creature?" The other's didn't need to say anything, she could tell from their expressions that what she was saying wasn't strange but familiar.
"I walked up to a cliff area where Astarion was calling out for help and when I tried to help him he held a dagger to my throat. So I head butted him and then something odd happened were our minds fussed together?" She said, the room still again not surprised by what she was saying.
"Then he introduced himself and I woke up." She looked over at Astarion, who seemed like he was embarrassed.
"Gods, I almost forgot that's how you both met." Shadowheart spoke up seeming to reminiscing about the moment she had just described.
"Then it must be true....You are dreaming of past memories." Gale said, placing his hand under his semi bearded chin to rub it as he got lost in thought.
The group suddenly got quiet hearing a phone go off , all looking at Prinxe whose pants pocket was vibrating. She quickly pulled the phone out of her pocket, seeing Damon's name and picture pop up. He was calling her.
She hesitated for second remembering earlier events. If she didn't answer he would just keep calling or show up at her house looking for her, but if she did answer it she'd have to pretend like she didn't hear him trash talk her.
Letting out a long sigh, and pulling herself together she decided to answer. Trying not to focus on the group who watched her every moment.
"Hello?" She answered, immediately being asked numerous questions by the other.
"Are you okay?" He asked, which only made her roll her eyes. "I'm fine, why do you ask?"
"Because you didn't show up to your shift today at the Sorcerous Sundries and someone said you were here earlier during the surprise attack."
"Oh yeah...I wasn't feeling well so I didn't go and I don't remember any attack. Is everyone okay?" She lied, knowing full well she had been there and the person responsible was sitting a feet away from her seeming to not care about the conversation she was having.
"I was the only one who got hurt. Someone casted darkness and gave me a rather hard beating." Prinxe's eyes widened as she looked back over to Astarion. The blood he had on his hands earlier belonged to Damon. "Someone attacked you?"
She intentionally said this loudly, Astarion tried to hide it but he had his devious little smirk across his face. The group slowly caught on to everything and eyed Astarion who just shrugged.
Annoyed, Prinxe quickly cut her conversation with Damon short now needing to scold someone. "I'll talk to you later." She could hear Damon trying to say something but she immediately hung up.
"How could you just attack my boyfriend!" She shouted, Astarion wincing at the word 'boyfriend', and looking at her with annoyance. "Darling, he deserved it." His brows furrowed and his jaw tightened as he continued to speak. "He's lucky I didn't cut his throat."
Prinxe realized what it meant. He had also overhead the conversation Damon was having with the other frontiers and he had attacked him because of it.
Karlach nudged Shadowheart, who looked over at her with amusement from watching the other two. "Did you miss seeming them argue."
Astarion's shot both of them a pissed expression which immediately made them both pretend they weren't listening to the conversation that was unfolded in front of them.
Gale decided in seeing as the atmosphere was getting a bit heated. "Is anyone else hungry because I sure am."
The group all just turned to him as he clapped his hands together. "How about I make us a nice meal. Something I use to eat in Waterdeep as a child?" Karlach immediately got up excited of the thought of food. "I thought you'd never mention it. LET'S HAVE A FEAST!" She yelled, grabbing Gale by his hand and pulling him out of the room. Shadowheart followed after giggling as she watched Gale be dragged away.
Astarion got up from his spot on the couch making his way towards were the others ran off too, stopping in the doorway to look back at the other. "Are you coming?"
She couldn't explain it but somehow this situation felt normal to her and it wasn't like it was going to pass up the opportunity for a free meal.
Prinxe sat at the large dinner table with everyone else, enjoying the very delicious meal Gale and Karlach had prepared. They all were all reminiscing about the past, drinking and laughing it felt nice.
She almost choked on her food when they started talking about the Elder Brain.
"W-Wait you all were at the battle of the Elder Brain." She said, all of them nodded and Karlach added onto it.
"We weren't just there Solider, you were too." She said, shoving a couple potatoes in her mouth. "You were a monster in battle."
Everyone nodded in argument adding onto to it. "You even had some impressive spells that I taught you." Gale added, taking a sip of his wine.
"But how is that possible? I mean why don't I remember any of it?" She asked, all of them seeming to be as confused as she was. She remembered Astarion and had vague moments of dreams of battles but she always played it off on her active imagination .
Gale took another sip of his wine before speaking. "I am not sure, but I'm certain I have more than enough books on reincarnation that would help us understand."
Prinxe pushed her food around for a moment, could she really be a reincarnation and how was she able to remember only small part of her past. Suddenly the thought hit her. "Wait if your all still alive then how did I die?" She asked, everyone immediately getting quiet and tense.
The once happy and warm aura was now replaced with sadness and awkwardness. Everyone looked from one another then over to Astarion who was currently gripping his goblet with all the strength he had. He was angry. Without saying a word, chugged the wine and immediately got up. "It seems we ran out of wine, I'll go fetch some more." With that, he made his way out of the room.
"Did I say something wrong?...." She asked, looking at the others who seemed still unsure what to say.
Shadowheart cleared her throat deciding to be the one to finally speak. "You didn't do anything wrong....your death or well her death is a very hard topic for him." She looked over at Gale seeming like she was asking for approval before speaking again.
"You were all of our friends but for Astarion you were his lover." Prinxe seemed to suspect this already. Her dreams sometimes were very intimate and now knowing they were her old memories it began to make sense.
Shadowheart spoke again, "I think it's best if he is the one to tell you about your death." Prinxe nodded, it was clear that however she died in the past effect him and only he would be the one to tell her.
"I'm going to go check on him." The other's didn't stop her but just nodded in agreement watching as she walked out of the dinning room.
She had absolutely no idea where he could be in the large home but she wasn't going to stop until she found him. She decided to check upstairs, faintly remembering the area from earlier and following it back to the room she had been in before.
She peaked inside to see one of the curtains had been opened to reveal double sided glass doors which seemed to lead out to a balcony. Making her way over to the area, she found Astarion leaning against the metal railing of the balcony taking in the underdarks beauty.
"Seems you had no problem finding me~?" He teased, giving her a playful smirk as he turned his attention to her.
It was like his mood switched completely.
"I mean, you did say you were looking for me your whole life so couldn't have you run away from me." She teased back, watching as his grin grew.
She moved over to him, leaning against the railing as well. She had never been to the Underdark but it was strangely beautiful. It also appeared a few people were out on a stroll.
"I'm assuming the others told you." Her eyes moved away from the people down below and over to him. He was eyeing her every moment.
"No, but they did tell me that I was your lover." His expression had a hint of amusement in it. She was unsure if it was from them not telling her or them telling her they were lovers.
Without saying a word, he moved over to her, gently grabbing her face and leaning down towards to her. "We were certainly the best of lovers~"
Her body immediately reacted to his words as if it had remembered every moment they had together, making her want nothing more then to close the space between them and feel his lips against hers.
"Astarion!" Gale's voice broke the moment causing Astarion to let out an annoyed sigh before moving away from her and back inside to see what the other wanted.
Prinxe took a moment to gather themselves not wanting anyone to see her flustered appearance. Feeling confident that she had calmed down, she made her way inside as well, meeting Gale and Astarion in the hallway.
"Shadowheart and Karlach have already left, so I'm going back home to study up on some books and we can figure out how to jog Prinxe's memories fully" Gale said, Astarion nodded watching as Prinxe joined in.
"And don't worry, we made sure to clean up the kitchen." He gave Astarion a wink, before grabbing Prinxe's hands. "We will figure this out, don't you worry!"
With that, Gale and Tara disappeared through a portal leaving the two alone again.
"Well.....I should be heading home now." Though she had zero idea on how to get back to Baldurs Gate from the Underdark, she did need to get sleep soon and also shower.
"You could always spend the night if you want." He replied, leaning against the frame of the bedroom they had previously been in and tilting his head to it. "This is an extra room that you could use and don't worry I won't try to make any moves~" Though it was a joke, she could tell there was a hint of seriousness in it. Regardless of their past, it was clear he didn't want to make her uncomfortable.
"I would but I don't have any clothes to wear." Hearing this, he motioned her to follow him, which she did. Watching as he pulled out some clothing from the chest that sat in front of the bed and plopping them on the bed. "These should be your size and there is a bathroom connected to this room."
Part of her wanted to go home but a bigger part of her didn't want to leave his side just yet. Even though she was more confused than she had ever been about her dreams, there was still a lot she finally knew about them and maybe being near him would help more.
"Where will you be sleeping?" She asked, causing him to eye her with curiosity.
"I will just be right down the hall...but if you prefer to join me I wouldn't mind~" His voice had that tone to it again which made her stomach flutter. "I just wanted to know where you would be.."
He just smiled taking in her flustered response, moving towards the door to give her some privacy. "Well if you need me just call my name and I'll be here." Her eyes watched as he closed the door behind himself leaving her by herself.
It had been at least and hour since Astarion left her to prepare for bed and she had taken full advantage of the bathroom. The bathroom had some older features but it had been fully upgraded with most modern faerun technology. A full bathtub with an attached shower head and was filled with almost everything she needed to wash herself. She was a bit surprised to find such a pleasant smelling body wash in the shower but took full use of it. It had a slight floral smell of roses and night orchard to it which made her smell amazing.
Once she was freshly showered, she pick up the clothing from the bed and give it a good look over. A black silk nightgown that stopped at her thighs. It was nothing fancy but would keep her comfortable while she slept for the night.
She slid the nightgown on, placing her old folded clothing on a nearby chair that sit in the corner of the room and made her way back to the bed.
She set her phone down on the nightstand, making sure to turn if off to save whatever battery was left and trying her best to fall asleep.
The forest was cloaked in a heavy blanket of the night, the trees becoming inky silhouettes against the star-dusted sky. The only sounds that could be heard was the crushing of leaves as she made her way into the forest knowing someone was waiting for her.
Astarion moved from behind one of the many tall trees, the moonlight dancing across his naked chest as he moved towards her. “There you are. I’ve been waiting”
“Waiting since the moment I set eyes on you” Every word that came out of his mouth drew her in and the way he knew exactly which words to linger on made her want to melt. "Waiting to have you” The familiar warm feeling of arousal was beginning to form in her lower abdomen as he moved closer to her.
“You don’t have me yet~” She teased, her eyes taking in every detail of his toned torso not realising how much of it had been hidden by armor. He hadn’t even touched her yet and she was ready to be his.
“Oh don’t I? You are here. And I don’t think you want to talk.” His hand slowly danced up her arm, cupping her chin with his fingers so he could fully gaze into her eyes and taken in every detail of her flushed face.
“I think you want to be known. To be tasted~?” He moved his free hand to her mouth, still cupping her face as he ran his thumb against it as if asking for permission which she happily gave. Parting her lips allowing his thump to gently press against her tongue making her whimper.
Hearing her soft whimpering only made his grin grow. The wetness between her legs grew, aching to be touched and needing nothing more than him in her. "Say please~" His thumb moved out of her mouth waiting for her to do as she was told.
"Please..." Happy with her response, his hand moved to the back of her dress, undoing it with ease and quickness allowing it to fall to the ground, exposing her and all of her bareness.
She was never embarrassed about being naked but the way he stared at her with hunger and want made her feel more exposed than she ever had.
Taking it as her turn, she closed the space between them and pulled him into a kiss. His tongue happily making its way insider her mouth and the faint taste of wine still linger on his tongue. Her hands ran down his chest taking in every detail of his torso as she made her way to the top of his pants, eagerly undoing them and allowing them to meet her dress in the grass.
Without a word, he picked her up his arms, pushing her against a tree, not breaking the kiss even for a second. She could feel his hardness against her opening and she couldn't help but move her hips in a teasing manner, gaining the sweetest but most breathless groan from the other. She was so close to having him and she wanted nothing more than to be a mess for him.
As if like clockwork, she immediately woke up before her dream and was now sitting wide awake with the intense feeling of arousal. Her eyes moved over to her phone, turning it on to see that she had only slept for two hours.
For a moment, she just laid there trying to think of anything except Astarion and the almost sex dream. But she couldn't. Her mind lingered on the way he touched her, his words and how badly she wanted him inside her.
Realizing she wasn't going back to bed anytime soon and needing to get her mind of the aching wetness that was between her legs, she decided to get water and her sketchpad.
Once in the hallway, her eyes couldn't help but wonder down the hall where Astarion said he'd be. The dream played in her head again and she had to fight herself on walking right into his room to continue where it left off.
Her body was craving him but she couldn't allow herself to sleep with him the same day she met him. Instead, she made her way downstairs to fetch her notepad.
Though, she hadn't excepted to see the white haired elf she had been dreaming off sitting right there in the velvet loveseat they had been sitting at earlier, patching up a pair of pants. She immediately moved to go back up the stairs but it was as if he knew she was there, and met her gaze.
"Trouble sleeping?" He asked, moving his attention back to the pair of pants that sat in his lap, moving the sewing needle in and out of the fabric, slowly mending the tear that was on the knee.
It was like her body had a mind of its own, moving over to the other with quickness. "I just had another dream that's all...." She paused for a moment, standing right in front of him and eyeing him with temptation. He still wore his white cream colored shirt and black pants but it seemed like he opened his shirt opening a bit more to relax.
He looked up from the pants in his hand, eyeing her bare thighs for a moment before moving his way to her obviously red cheeks. "Oh what was it about?" His interest now fully on her.
Just being near him now made her unable to think straight, and her body seemed compelled to move on its own. Without saying a word, she got to her knees, kneeling right in front of him and staring at him as if waiting for him to say something.
His crimson eyes watched her every movement, placing the pair of pants onto the sidetable and leaning back to fully take in the blue haired beauty that kneeled in front of him. "
"I've been waiting. Waiting since the moment I sat eyes on you. Waiting to have you" Each word came out of her mouth like honey, sweet and enticing just like he had said to her.
For the first time ever, Astarion was speechless. His own words had been used against him and coming from her just made them even more seductive. "So you had that dream~?" Gaining an embarrassed nod from her.
A smirk spread across his face as he pointed to her and then to his lap not needing to say anything. She understood, getting up from her spot on the ground and moving to straddle him.
She felt like her heart was going to explode from how hard it was beating. Never had she done anything like this or been under someone's power like his.
His cold hands moved up her thighs, dancing at the edge of the nightgown she wore watching as she shuddered under his touch. "Tell me what you want~"
"I want you to touch me." Her voice came out breathless as she spoke wanting nothing more than his hands to move further up her legs and to the spot that ached for him.
Doing as she asked, his hands moved under her nightgown giving her thighs a light squeeze before moving to her surprisingly bare butt. "No underwear it seems~?" He teased, lifting her up with one of his hands while the other reached underneath her. "And it seems your already wet for me too~"
A small moan could be heard from her, feeling his fingers tease her clit only making the need for him grow. "A-Astarion...please don't tease me." She said in-between breathless whimpering, gaining a very pleased look from him. "Of course, darling. I wouldn't want to keep you waiting."
With that, he moved his fingers inside her seeming to remember exactly how she liked to be played with and gods did she look beautiful as moaned out for him. Her hands gripped his shoulders, using them as leverage to push herself down onto his fingers meeting his movements with ease.
Though he loved watching her mouth move in pleasure, he needed them against his, leaning up and pulling her into a deep lustful kiss, which she happily returned.
Not wanting to be the only one feeling the pleasure she was, she moved one of her hands from his shoulders and towards his lap. Running her fingers over the bulge that seemed to be fighting for release from its confinements making him groan in response. She gently gripped his cock through his pants, rubbing it as they kissed enjoying the sounds he was making just as much as he was enjoying hers.
Slowly but surely, she managed to get his pants undone, taking his cock in her hand and gently stroking it as they kissed. His fingers moving quicker in response to her stroking making her legs shake as she tried her best to keep herself propped up in this lap. She could feel herself close to climaxing.
Suddenly without reason, Astarion pulled away from the kiss, removing his fingers from inside her and pulling her to sit in his lap. "We should stop." He said trying his best to steady his breathing as he spoke moving her hand away from his cock.
Prinxe's chest tightened as she stared at the other confused. "D-Did I do something wrong?"
He ran his fingers through his hair trying to figure out what to say. "You didn't do anything...." He paused, trying his best to calm his arousal. "It's just I don't think I can stop if we continue and I don't want you to do anything you don't want too." His voice was full of seriousness as he spoke. It was very clear that he wanted her but didn't want her to push herself.
"I want you, Astarion and that's something I have known for as long as I could remember." This was true. Every dream she had of him made her feel complete and every time he disappeared this emptiness filled her. "Every dream you've came to me and in every dream I have known that I want you."
"Are you sure?" He asked, pulling her closer to him. "I have spent centuries looking for you and though I want nothing more than to have you under me, I can wait." He stroked her cheek with his fingers.
"I'm sure." She placed a hand on his chest, propping herself up again but this time moving to meet his cock, allowing the tip of it to meet her and showing him how needy she was for him.
A low groan came from him feeling how wet she was and he wanted nothing more than to thrust deep into her. “How about we move upstairs~? She eagerly nodded, moving to get up from his lap but he swooped her up in this arms “I could feel how shaky your legs were so why don’t I carry you~”
It didn’t take him long to make his way upstairs, gently placing her on the edge of the bed so her legs could hang off. “I think you want to be tasted~” All she could do was nod, unable to form a proper sentence hearing those familiar words from him
He placed a soft kiss on her forehead, gently pushing her thighs open for him and beginning to tease her again with his fingers. Taking in every little detail of her face as she moaned out in pleasure for him, not wanting to miss one moment of how she reacted. "Why must you tease me..." She whimpered, looking up at him with pleading eyes.
"I can't help it darling. It's been too long and I want to enjoy every second of you~" He pushed her nightgown up, fully exposing her to him and he couldn't help but lick his lips at the site before him.
No one could compare to her. She was a goddess and the way she melted under his touch was enough to make any man weak. Not wanting to wait any longer, he got to his knees, placing kisses up her legs until he met her clit. "I promise you'll have all of me after I get my taste of you~"
He leaned forward fully, his tongue dancing across her clit making sure to taste every bit of her and gods did she taste delicious. Her hands instantly found their way to his white locks, gripping them as she pushed herself down onto his tongue. "A-Astarion..."
Hearing his name from her mouth only made him more hungry for her, pushing his fingers back into her again making sure to please her the way she always liked.
Prinxe's face was hot, covered in a deep shade of red as she felt his tongue move in and out of her, and the way he worked his fingers inside her at the same time had her closer and closer to reaching her climax. But she didn't want to finish this way. She wanted him inside her.
She gently pushed the other's head away, watching as his face was no longer hidden by her thighs. His cheeks had a red hue to them as well and if it was possible, his red eyes glowed instantly as he stared at her licking up every drop of her from his lips. "Yes, Darling~?
"I want you." Her voice came out in a soft whimper, his gaze only making her more flustered as she moved herself further back onto the bed and motioning him with her finger to come to her.
He stood up, removing his shirt and tossing it on the ground, doing the same with his pants before moving onto the bed. "I want to hear you say it"
"I want you to fuck me" As soon as those words left her mouth, he was onto her, gripping her leg and using them to pull her closer to him. "I'd love nothing more~" He pushed her legs apart, moving on top of her to meet her lips and placing a soft kiss as he pushed inside her doing his best to take it slow.
Her legs instinctively moved to wrap around his hips, pulling him deeper into her making both of them moan out in unison. She wanted him to make her body his and moved her hips signaling him to begin thrusting.
His groans grew louder as he followed her pace, sensing she wanted him to go quicker and doing just that. His lips moved against hers as he continued to thrust into her enjoying every little moan that escaped her lips in-between their kissing wanting to hear it more and more.
Her hands gripped his back feeling the groves and bumps of scars on it making her a bit curious. She had never seen his back in her dreams but decided it would be a later thing to ask about not wanting to ruin the moment they were in.
Each thrust was sending her closer and closer to the edge, wanting nothing more than to reach it. "A-Astarion...." His name came out so naturally as if it was designed to be said by her and he loved hearing her moan it. His thrusts becoming quicker and harder, making it clear he was also close to climaxing.
Everything in him was doing his best not to finish inside her but her legs and moaning were making it almost impossible. He could feel himself throbbing deep inside her and he was close.
He slowed his thrusting, using his hands to hold himself up as he stared down at her flushed face "Darling, if you keep her legs like this I will end up filling you..." His voice was breathless as he spoke almost finishing right there from how enticing she looked.
She wiggled her hips causing a few small whimpers come from him. "Then do it."
His aura changed immediately turning almost animalistic as he leaned down to give her a rough but passionate kiss. "As you wish."
Without warning, he picked up his pace from before, his hands gripping the sheets under them as he groaned out feeling her tighten against him.
Her screams of pleasure filled the room as she threw her head back finally reaching her much needed climax. She had sex countless times before but the waves of pleasure that were coming over her body were nothing like she had ever experienced. It was addicting and it had her wanting it more.
Even though his face was buried into her neck, she could hear every groan that escaped his lips from feeling her finish driving him to the edge as well. His pushed harder into her, the warm feeling of his cum filling her up and making her whimper.
For a moment, the two stayed in the position both completely satisfied and drained at the same time. Not wanting to part from the closeness they had just experienced.
Slowly he removed himself from her, taking one last look of her blissful appearance. "Gods your beautiful." He leaned down placing a kiss on her cheek before laying beside her and she took the opportunity to snuggle into him.
Both falling asleep in seconds.
Ahh sorry for the super long chapter but enjoy! Will hopefully be posting more soon :)

#bg3#bg3 tav#bg3 astarion#fanfic#astarion x tav#baldurs gate astarion#baldurs gate tav#baldur's gate 3#bg3 oc
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You have activated my trap card, because I actually have SO MANY thoughts about Boromir and Legolas! So I am very happy for the excuse to gush some of them at you lol.
They actually have some pretty potent commonalities: both sons of their kingdom's rulers, and warriors who favor defending their homes over staying at home to do diplomacy (based on Faramir's comments about Boromir, and Legolas's interactions with...pretty much everyone lol).
And they've both agreed to go on this quest of desperate Big Picture Hopes while knowing that their people are fighting the Enemy at home face-to-face without them, even though they only came to Rivendell to deliver a message/answer a Riddle. I can definitely see them being drawn together over that.
They also both have Literal Sauron on/in their borders. Nobody in Rivendell or the Shire has to deal with that, but Boromir has been at war with Mordor all his life, and Legolas has had Dol Guldur in his forest for at least a significant chunk of his. Nobody else knows what that's like, so there's something to potentially draw them together.
(Gimli of course has the threat of Morodor coming to Erebor to consider also, but they weren't already fighting when he left home; it's not quite the same for him as it is for them, I think. Gondor is, in Boromir's eyes, the "only ones" actually fighting the Nameless Enemy—"all your lands kept safe" etc etc; but of course, Mirkwood has been dealing with the Necromancer for a very long time, with very little help either. Bonding opportunity there, for sure!)
Which then leads to: Boromir looks at his people and their desperate fight against the Enemy, and decides that the only way to save them is to take the Ring. Legolas never seems to want anything to do with the Ring at all. Why is that? How do they both come from such similar situations, and yet come to such disparate answers about the best course forwards? Do you think they ever talked about it? About how desperate and doomed their respective lands both are, and whether or not the choices that were made about the future of all Middle-earth by the safe people living in sheltered Rivendell are the right choices for Mirkwood and Gondor...?
You can also always go for culture clash fun times, which are fun for the whole Fellowship imo; but in the specific case of Boromir and Legolas, you could do stuff with how Legolas, Wood-elf of Mirkwood the scary murderforest, is not exactly what Boromir probably pictures when he thinks of elves, based on the histories he's read! Meanwhile Boromir isn't much like the humans of Dale, which are the only example of that species that Legolas is likely to know even a little bit (maybe the Beornings also, I guess, but again: not Gondorian!).
Also, fighting techniques and skills! Boromir with his shield and his big sword and his broad shoulders vs. Legolas with his little white knife and his bow, skipping "light over grass or snow," etc etc—both very competent warriors, but very different, and with the different capabilities of elves/humans to boot. I'm sure the whole Fellowship had a bunch of revelations about one another's capabilities over the course of the Quest, so: maybe do something with that for them?
Or speaking of different capabilities...how annoying would Legolas have been to Boromir on and in the immediate aftermath of Caradhras? Here are all the mortals shivering, almost freezing to death, and Boromir sets out to dig the way out for everyone using literally his own body, carrying Hobbits, etc etc...and Legolas is just like "lol you're all being real silly, it's just snow! I'm gonna go skip off and check out where the sun is, peace-out losers!"
(I've always figured that Boromir and Gimli did a lot of commiseratory bonding over that annoying elf during the early stages of the Quest; and perhaps the way Gimli changed his tune after Lothlórien left him feeling isolated, vulnerable to the whispers of the Ring in his mind, with no one he felt comfortable sharing his fears...?)
They were also, iirc, the two most adamantly opposed to going to Moria. Could be a fun conversation or two stemming from that, probably. Or in Lórien: maybe Boromir isn't too pleased about this whole blindfolded-by-elves-in-the-scary-witch-wood thing, and talks to Legolas about it—maybe seeking assurances, maybe just seeking an outlet for his complaints, lol!
Anyway I'm going to cut myself off now because I've already rambled at you a lot (sorry!), but hopefully some of that rambling was helpful and will get your brain juices simmering! Good luck!
(And if you want to bounce further ideas, I'm always up for chatting about this sort of stuff.)
Thank you for sharing your ideas with me! You actually gave me a lot of great insights I hadn't really thought about! I can work with these 😊
Thank you, thank you!
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This is for the royal story of the creepypasta one
1) is there a lot of drama
2) is there a love connection of one of them like the some of them have a crush on each other as a secret
3) are you going to draw more characters 
1. a lot of it, yes! the royalty au is split into diff timelines (before the war, during the war, after the war) and plotlines. it was originally meant to be a fanfic, that i was not writing, but spent time planning it with my friend. it's currently discontinued, and i don't know if it'll ever uhh be written LMFAOOO but maybe if??? people want it??? LIKE IDK IT'S KINDA JS ON THE BACK BURNER
the premise is slender's kingdom (THE WHITE KINGDOM, OR PROXY KINGDOM) vs zalgo's kingdom (ALBATROSS) or rather, the kingdom zalgo controls (belongs to Isaac Grossman. his father, prev king, made a little dealy deal with zalgo for more power.) i think this constitutes for a post of its own, but i'll say slender was a GREAT GUY. LIKE CARED ABOUT TIM, TOBY AND BRIAN LOTS. he may have abandoned them... but in all fairness? he wasn't expecting all hell to break loose? ANYWAY ENOUGH OF HIM BEING A TERRIFIC DAD!!!
brief summary of the fic's beginning:
three-ish povs: jeff, liu/the rogues, tim/toby/brian. it started with jeff getting captured by the white kingdom guards :) jeff is well known for being a criminal. but he had been w sally—who acted as a support system for him, and a younger sister figure—and they travelled tgthr. obviously she's not with him anymore. and in this au, that can really only indicate one thing: she died.
this is where the timeline stuff gets difficult, because the fic itself only takes place in the "during the war" plotlines (and an "after the war" epilogue), so everything before, WHICH I HAVE THOUGHT OUT INDEPTH AND AM UPSET I CANT SHARE AT ONCE, is just sprinkled into the story every now and then. it works out best this way. gotta use those literary skills for this hypothetical fic.
sally didn't just die. she was killed by one of the archers from albatross. ben (who's an adult in this au) basically committed a hit and run. jeff swore ben to be his lifelong enemy; he's going to be after that elf till the day he dies. it was a mistake though. sal and jeff were wandering in the woods. ben was after another target—missed the shot, froze in place, locked eyes with jeff long enough for jeff to eternalise that image of him, and then ran.
natalie and toby end up talking with jeff in the cells. jeff makes a case for himself. they decide to free him if he helps the kingdom. probation type shit. on the otherhand, liu's ended up w a group of wrong uns >_< zero, lj, jack, kagekao and candy pop -> known as the demon squad because they're on a wanted list everywhere. liu's led to believing his brother's dead, but he finds out—one day, as he's hiding within the bushes—that his brother is one of the guards for the white kingdom. he almost steps out to approach the troops, but stops. now knowing jeff's alive, his goal is to reunite with him.
with this, there is also the side-plot for liu and his buddies. laughing jack needs to find william and save him from albatross, since he believes it's his right to protect william. BUT, william has already been... brainwashed, in a way? i'd say js manipulated to hell and back by isaac—whom william looks up to. isaac doesn't exactly get a pov of his own, but he's one of the main antags and plays a crucial role near the end. isaac and tim are more of a focus than isaac and LJ, and i know that makes no sense with their canon... but like neither does anything else here LOLS
timothy and brian work in tandem to make the kingdom prepared in time of war. brian has alw been a little bitter toward tim, because tim was the favourite child—and brian didn't get much of ANYTHING. toby brings about more stress for tim, just by being reckless. this leads to an argument between the two of them, where tim tells toby he's NOT HELPING and he needs to learn his place. toby believes tim's stuck up, n refuses to take this criticism. to show him up, toby joins the royal forces, despite being one of the princes. brian is ADAMANT that this is an awful idea; tim declares he has other things to attend to (making sure the kingdom doesn't end in RUINS), and if toby wants to get himself killed, that's on him. (tim doesn't mean it he's just very overworked and a young king.)
2. ticciwork crush on each other. very doomed couple LMFAO jackjeff train tgthr and admire each others capabilities. candymaker is canon—they're irrelevant in the og fic BC THEY DO NOTHING BUT PROVIDE LIU + THE ROUGES A PLACE TO STAY. however i had a spin-off fic in the works that entirely revolved on their part of the royalty au...
if anyone has suggestions 4 this stuff i don't mind hearing because i never really thought too hard about ships in a royalty au SORRY
3. I WILL!!! any character could fit into it and have their little role :3 i have some guys in the background as cameos/easter egg characters. whenever i get out of this art block i'll MAYBE make portraits(?) of the characters?! or at least more thought out art. we'll see
this is the current list of characters and their roles, by the way :)
zalgo (just an eldritch guy)
timothy (THE current king)
brian (middle child, prince)
toby (youngest child, prince)
jeff (rogue turned guard)
natalie (commander)
kate (guard)
william (their prince)
ben (archer)
liu (rogue)
jack/nyras (thief, organ stealer)
LJ (ex-jester for albatross)
zero (murderer and thief)
kagekao (actor turned criminal)
candy pop (ex-jester for the red kingdom)
jason (ex-prince for the red kingdom)
i forgot to mention that the Red Kingdom is an entirely BEFORE THE WAR thing. it's like past history. jason left it years ago after killing both his parents LOL the whole place is in ruins but comes into play during the second arc, when liu and his friends set up base there (jason had been there too and he gave permission to stay)
can you tell i'm bad at namingOK BACK TO IT
here are all the background cameos i have
judge angels (LITERALLY GOD)
helen (royal painter)
puppeteer (he's just shakespeare)
x-virus (alchemist)
lulu (bar maid)
lazari (little girl)
nurse ann (nurse)
#KJ yapping#royalpasta au#royalty au#creepypasta#creepypasta au#crp fandom#jeff the killer#homicidal liu#timothy wright#brian thomas#ticci toby#clockwork#ben drowned#isaac grossman#william grossman#laughing jack#IM TOO LAZY TO TAG THE REST
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i'm sick of modern politics ruining JRR Tolkien's original vision
haha you thought this was gonna be about wokeness or Rings of Power or something didn't you dipshit. actually its about how Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor (2014) has a bizarre hard-on for slavery apologia because it's unacceptable to call out the modern slavery we see in the prison system.
pretty much as soon as you start Shadow of Mordor, it draws a very hard line between the orcs in Mordor (bad, nasty, are using slaves to fuel their war effort) and the Men of Gondor (flawed but heroic, built and maintained the Black Gate with """prison labour"""). the slaves in Mordor must be liberated! most of the missions revolve around this! but the fact that Gondor also uses literal slaves is never brought up, because it's always elided as "prison labour", which is the same thing as slavery, with the crucial difference being that it's just the modern version that's still legal in modern-day prisons. and god forbid we bring any degree of focus to how the protaganist faction of mostly handsome white dudes actually engage in this kind of shit constantly, because that might almost border on social commentary. can't have that!
ok, that's shitty on its face, but i also think it actually misses a great oppurtunity to underscore Tolkien's original stories. don't get me wrong, i'm not trying to argue that the dude was a prison abolitionist or whatever. what i am arguing is that he was writing about Gondor as this kingdom that's slowly slipping into decline, corruption, and ruin because the royal line was broken. do i agree with that? fuck no, obviously not, royalty are parasitic swine and every kingdom on Earth would be better off without them. but if you're writing a modern followup to Tolkien's stuff, the slavery shit actually gives you a real oppurtunity to build on that. with a little tweaking, you could turn the slavery/"""prison labour""" dichotomy into a real illustration of how the slow rot of Gondor going to shit is making space for Sauron's return.
considering a lot of the Outcasts in Mordor who end up enslaved escaped from under Gondor's thumb, you could make a real argument that Gondor's breathtakingly evil policy of using slaves to maintain its defences was not only morally bankrupt by itself, but also delivered a population of defenceless slaves with nowhere to run to right into Sauron's lap. like the underfunding of the Rangers, like the lack of maintenance of alliances with kingdoms like Rohan, Gondor's weak and ineffectual political system under the Stewards is actively accelarating Sauron's return to power. again, i don't agree with making a story about how only the return of the king will fix the kingdom's problems, but if you're making a Tolkien story, that's the wheelhouse you're operating in.
the bones of this reading are in the game, but they're undermined by the game seeming to be utterly reticent to capitalise on it. at no point does a liberated Outcast slave say "hey actually, fuck you Talion, you and the other Rangers were as bad as the Uruk are". they are only ever deferential and grateful. even Dirhael's wife, who thinks Talion is a dick, doesn't go there. the orcs who are like "we're not so different, you and i >:)" only talk about how you like killing orcs, not the fact that you BOTH KEPT THE SAME FUCKING PEOPLE AS SLAVES. like it feels very deliberate that they don't go into this at all, like the devs are hoping you won't notice. this is ACTUAL "modern politics interfering with the story and themes of the game", far, far moreso than any like, black elf or woman with a big sword or whatever the fuck they've ever put in a Tolkien adaptation. the writers were too scared to commit to an idea that would have jived incredibly well with the themes of the story they were spinning off from, because it's a taboo to point out that the way prisons treat people in modern society is absolutely monstrous. genuinely craven shit.
#middle earth#shadow of mordor#jrr tolkien#lord of the rings#gondor#middle earth: shadow of mordor#long shiverposting
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Ok I meant to post this hours ago but today has been busy. I am now ready to ramble about how the Circle of Magi was, as an institution many ages running, able to function in Southern Thedas generally and Ferelden specifically.
This is a Dragon Age post please scroll by if you're not here for that and be reminded my DA tag is "aging dragons" if you want to block it.
So the oppression of mages is achieved by removing anyone who exhibits magical ability from their communities and cloistering them in Circle towers. This is justified by everyone's favorite line from the Chant of Light "magic must serve man and not rule over him", but the actual tangible thing is that either the mage's community actively casts them out by reporting them to Templars, or the mage themself voluntarily goes to the Circle. What kind of environment would encourage that behavior?
I buy that for all the devoted Andrastians out there happily doing whatever the local Reverend Mother says, plus there's a bit of "that's just the way things are" learned helplessness and "the Circle is for mages, it's best for them, they're better off there than here" misinformation. And it makes extra sense in Orlais, the seat of the White Chantry.
But I'm thinking about Ferelden, which is by Thedas standards a young nation whose Andrastianism is mixed up with the native Alamarri, Avvar, and Chasind more animistic beliefs. Belief in the Maker hasn't so much replaced existing religion as much as been assimilated by it. Ferelden is also depicted as a country with pretty low population density - even Denerim the capital city isn't as populated as Val Royeaux or Minratheous (and yes graphical limitations of DAO factor in but I think even so the point stands).
Quick tangent: some older DAO materials talk about Redcliffe like it's supposed to be a big city that's important for trade because it's "between Orzammar and Orlais" which is absolutely isn't. Both times we see Redcliffe it's been, y'know, Redcliffe Village not Redcliffe City. So I'm ignoring that.
Finally, Ferelden has a reputation for obstinance: the smelly doglords who were under foreign occupation no fewer than three times and managed to successfully win independence all three times despite being a backwater. And also the birthplace of famous rebel Andraste herself. My point is, Ferelden doesn't seem like the kind of people to whom you can say "if your neighbor or child does magic, let us take them away and you'll never see them again. Don't worry it's for their and your own good" and have that go well.
But it does! Sera, city elf from Denerim, is a perfect example of someone whose view on magic and mages is considered normal in Ferelden! And she's very afraid of magic, and mistrustful of mages.
Okay, so Fereldens are willing to send their friends and family to Kinloch Hold because they're afraid of magic.
One of my favorite things about Origins is how the gameplay backs up that belief that magic is scary: magic is busted in DAO, and even better magic is /always friendly fire/. You can drop a firestorm on the field sure! Don't worry about Alistair and Zevran I'm sure they'll be fine. Magic is both very impactful in a fight and aggressively unconcerned with who is its intended target. Imagine an entire group of soldiers, veterans and at the peak of health, choking in a Death Cloud cast by a single person tens of meters away. Now imagine that was an accident and happened in the middle of the market.
When I was told "your magic is a threat to everyone around you no matter what you do or what your intentions are" in DAO, I could immediately buy that because not only was the fiction of the world telling me that but the actual gameplay was corroborating it. I buy DAO's Ferelden as a place where people might be willing to send their loved ones away because they're afraid and the Chantry is selling them a solution.
And that's really cool! Because the Circle of Magi is awful!! I know it's awful, but I can see the logic behind why it exists! I can see why people might think that the Templars are necessary!
Of course there's also the other half of this which is, there's almost certainly Fereldens who look at all that and, in true doglord fashion, go "nah". And to the games' credit! There are! Malcom Hawke's family certainly didn't turn themselves in. Isolde Guerrin didn't hand Connor over to any Templars (lol rip). And then obviously the Avvars and Chasind who may not have even converted to Andrastianism probably don't have a very high rate of submitting their mages to the Circle.
All of this is just to say, I really like how DAO paints a picture of a place capable of producing a guy who runs around Kirkwall shouting "I'll show you why mages are feared!"
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Thranduil and Josie Pt. 166- Mouse Trap
Summary: Dr. Legolas Greenleaf is in the house. An impaired Josie remembers and reveals important info. Bash and Charles enter Dorwinion city. Upsetting info comes to Charles' attention and then more comes to light as a group unites. Cat and mouse anyone?
*Chapter Warnings* language, angst, graphic depictions, mild violence, mentions of rape
Chapter characters: Josie, Legolas, Merlin, Bash, Charles, Delphine, Nun, Haldir, Rumil, Rahl
Chapter word count: 5,216
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist:
After an hour long session of your palm being stitched up by an elf who's only skills of proficiency were archery, swordsmanship and flinging himself from tree to tree, you were well under the influence of Dorwinion's wicked whiskey to kill the pain.
"I am finished my lady." Legolas exhaled in relief as he bandaged your hand, which you could have sworn he did not breathe the entire time.
"Now, Josie...do you want to tell me how this deep cut really occurred? This is not the markings of being cut by glass, which the healing water would have cured, but Lola told me it burned you."
"Oh sweet Leggy...you're too smart for your own britches...or should I say stitches??" you giggled with a snort, which brought Legolas' brow to an astounded arch.
A soft amused grin finally formed on his thin lips. "And you my lady, have had enough of the golden giggle juice."
His jestful remark had you snorting again. "And you're funny too."
"Well, there's nothing funny about this wound or finding you unconscious on the castle floor....or your spiteful words earlier this night."
"Well..." you frowned, pouting out your bottom lip. "That's all Stephy's fault..kind of...ok not really...it's the poison in my blood that his wicked twin put there by his beastly claws!"
Now Legolas' brow arched again as the other one furrowed. "Alright, maybe you should just rest for now and..."
"What? You do not believe me?? Tell me Leggo...did you or my Kingly King of all Kings know that Narcisse, well, actually Rahl, can turn onto a giant fucking cat?? Oh wait...BOTH of them can...one white as snow, one black as charcoal, but Stephy, he's the good witch and Rahl, he's the wicked witch of the west, only he's not a girl and definitely not green and ugly like her. Anywhooo, he freaking cut my hand when he shifted. I was standing too close."
"Josie...you have been seeing things that are not there. This happened tonight on the patio. You said Narcisse was there, but he was on the shoreline remember? And..I also found you talking to a wall."
"Ohhh, yes! There..there was a little girl...Rosie! I'm supposed to find her daddy. But noooo, that was not Narcisse, that was Rahlllll. He was a huuuuge raptor and flew down from the moon, morphing into a man wearing the devil's blood red robe with Stephane's face, minus the horns and pitchfork, and he walked right through me!! Come on Lego..las! I know what you and Thranduil can change into. The white hart. I saw you in Rivendell remember?? And I saw Thranduil in the forest only weeks ago, although that was just his ghost... so stop acting like it's impossible and that I am just drunk and delusional! And you yourself just said this cut did not happen on glass! Why do you think Mirkwood's water burns it?"
Legolas realized you were actually right as he sighed, and then his mind drifted to his father, knowing that was not a ghost that you saw whatsoever.
"I..I believe you. All things are possible with magic. As far as Narcisse, or this Rahl? I am not aware of it...but, possibly my father knew. What didn't he know?"
"That is true....but Rahl..he was brought back by Jareth. He's not even real. He's something Stephane's mind created long ago to protect himself from a terrible trauma inflicted by his father. Surely you knew him?? Didn't Thranduil trade with him as well when the Dorwinion King was alive?"
"Yes. He was quite wicked, just like the whiskey you have devoured."
"I fought Rahl tonight. Blade to blade. He was taking advantage of Claude. I saw her before I got to his chambers and she told me what he tried to do. You said that Lola saw Stephane kissing her, but that was not him Legolas."
"You fought Narcisse with a sword???"
"No! Rahl! but...I..I don't remember what happened after that...I woke up here...and...oh my god, my dream! There was a magic elf statue. It was Thranduil! and the bottom, it said...."
Legolas swiftly stood with gaping moonstones peering down at you.
"Gúl -o Aran Thranduil. Ech- a ithil sarn iest no i clair de lune." Legolas whispered.
You sat right up, also with gaping eyes as you too, whispered.
"Magic King Thranduil. Make a moonstone wish under the moonlight. Legolas?? You mean it is real???"
He slowly sat back down with a stiffened stance. "It is. My grandmother carved it and as she did so, her magic was carved into it. It was lost years ago during my grandfather's reign. You..you dreamt of this..where did you see it??"
"Peter's cabin. I...I was there again..and...I can't believe this. How could I have forgotten?? It..it was Christmas and Peter brought me this box of mostly junk, claiming he got the stuff at a thrift shop in Northern New Zealand. He said some gypsy like lady said it granted wishes and gave it to him for free, that the price was in the wishes. But then the asshole took it from me when I...oh my god, that came true!!"
"What came true??"
"I..I wished out loud in anger, right in front of Peter, for him to be devoured by a giant spider in the forest and that happened Legolas, in Mordor!! And then, he got angry and wished to come back from the dead and haunt me and...now he has by Jareth's doing. I just know he's out there! I saw him...a vision of him at my birthday party during a palm reading and he told me he was coming for me!!"
You began to hyperventilate as you sobbed and Legolas quickly pulled you into his arms.
"Never. Never will I let him harm you. Do not cry. Josie...I am sorry I was not here for your birthday. I am so sorry I left you. I will get you a proper gift someday soon."
You sniffled and hiccupped into hair, breathing in his calming tree leaf scent.
"No, I am the one who's sorry. I said horrible things to you tonight. You are the gift Legolas, wrapped beautifully with your giant big bow."
The Prince softly smiled at your double meaning as he tightened his embrace with closed eyes. "Happy birthday my lady."
"LEGOLAS!!" you shouted and pushed out of his arms, accidentally waking Leean.
"I know where the amethyst pendant is!!! I dreamt of it too."
"One of the six needed? Where is it?"
"Yes! At the cabin. I..it...it was Sarah's, hidden among some of her things I kept...but..I don't understand why she would have it? I...I've even dreamt of it before. Her mother, Jocelyn, told me to find Sarah and then put it on me and then I was sucked into some kind of portal. Leggy, we have to go there!"
You jumped out of bed and frantically began rummaging through your clothes to change as Legolas picked Leean up and tried to talk some sense into you.
"We cannot go there tonight or any night, for many reasons Josie. Most importantly, Harker is out there and the dead too. Also, that cabin would take days upon days of travel from where we are. We would be lucky to arrive before the solstice."
"Well we have to do something Legolas, especially while my mind is clear. I don't know what's happening to me with all these hallucinations and the way I have been acting. Look how I treated you and what I said about Lola...Lola? Where...where is she?? I need to speak to her about...something."
That something being about Rahl being her father.
"Out for a walk. I too...said some unpleasant, but warranted things to her."
"Lola is of no matter at this time. You are. Your mind is not clear as you said. We must find a way to heal you, but first, you must sleep. We can discuss this further come the morning."
The morning that Legolas dreaded, for it was the deadline that his father had given him to begin the journey back to his halls with you and Leeanduil or Thranduil was going to come and reclaim you both himself, bringing his elven army with him that would incite a war. The Prince would have to decide the wiser option, for both scenarios could carry deadly consequences, the latter being of the higher risk and either would be a very heartbreaking outcome for you to see your King who wasn't your King at all. Should he just tell you the truth and let you decide? That was an immediate hard no for Legolas considering your state of mind.
"Oh god...Bash. Yes, I forgot...he told me there's a witch doctor in the city who can do so and I saw him leave tonight with Charles to go find her. Ok, let me think."
Still tipsy, you paced about as Leean quietly watched you from her brother's arms.
"If only Garrett were here. He could go and get it in only a few hours time...or even my crow..if I even knew where either of them were, but then again, Garrett is off with Kate somewhere probably getting it on. That jerk has my moonstone that I told him to hide. We need that now too. OR...I could try and summon the eagles!!!"
"Alright, slow down. The vampire Kate that my father beheaded?"
"Yep! I saw them, in the mirror, there in the trash. Garrett told me himself he had chosen to be with her again...but...it can't be true, it just can't be."
"Maybe it was another hallucination?" Legolas suggested as his eyes wandered to the trash to view the pulverized mirror.
"No. This happened before I was scratched. It...it must be real then. Why? Why would he do this to me?"
You turned to conceal your eyes that burned of tears over the vampire you secretly and deeply loved and then the room began to spin.
"I...I feel sick." you muttered and ran to the bathroom to rid of the wicked whiskey in your stomach.
Legolas laid his sister back down and kissed her tiny fingers, then he came to you, holding your hair back as your other beloved elves, Haldir and Thranduil, had done.
Once you were finished, you began to teeter from side to side.
"I've got you."
Legolas swooped you back up in his arms and carried you once more to tuck you in for the night and within seconds of Legolas patting your forehead again with the medicinal cloth, you were out.
As he then made his way to feed Leean, Legolas' ears twitched at the scratching and patting noise coming from the door. One of his white knives were swiftly drawn as he moved with great stealth towards the sound.
"Speak your identity!" he firmly commanded.
"Mrrrrow." sounded at the base of the door, drawing Legolas' astonished eyes downward with furrowed brows.
Upon swinging the door open, in strutted Merlin with his bushy tail straight in the air and greeted the elf with a single figure eight sway around and through his legs, then the purring Maine Coon of long lustrous black and gray fur, leaped upon the bed and curled up beside you.
Legolas offered the Kingly feline a soft grin as he closed and locked the door.
"Alright. I suppose you can stay...as if my approval is needed for that of an entitled cat."
Merlin's round cerulean eyes twinkled of magic, stunning the Prince where he stood and then the giant royal beauty lowered his lids to slits and went to sleep.
Bash and Charles disembarked the ferry to Dorwinion city while the small squad of warlock guards that tagged along for extra safety measures held back to not alarm the locals. To begin their search for the infamous lady witch doctor, they chose the nearest tavern for a brief rest and a much needed drink, not so much out of thirst on the bitterly cold winter's night created by the Elvenking's earthly wrath, but out of anxiety.
"Bash, I have been thinking on the way here. Is this really the only option? You know as well as anyone that black magic is not to be toyed with and Delphine is notorious for such acts. Look what happened to my mother and sister for tempting fate. Taking anything from a devil or a witch most always comes with a price. Can she even be trusted?" Charles asked, sipping his wicked ale as his nerves were now getting the better of him.
"Your mother was already evil and deserved her fate which was torture too kind if you ask me. Without the help of your father, this is the only known option and yes, I trust Delphine. This is what she does."
"But Josie is not evil. She is good and kind."
"She won't be for long if she is not cleansed of Rahl's venom. Any repercussions of the healing far outweighs what she will become....wicked like Rahl himself. Drink up, but carefully. We must keep our wits about us."
"So...Is it true?" the young warlock asked of his confused uncle after a moment of silence.
"Is what true?"
"The King of Mirkwood. He lives and caused the destruction this night?"
"No dear nephew. That was the Elvenking."
In that eerie moment of truth, a city guard approached the duo with discerning eyes.
"Sebastian Narcisse. What brings you and the young Prince to the city on a cold, dark and dangerous night? Surely it's not solely for our Lord's crafted ale that is quite plentiful in his kingdom. Is this in relation to the evening's earthly event?"
"It is one reason yes, to ensure our people are well and to assess the damage. Are there any wounded or fatalities?"
"No deaths reported, but there have been some minor injuries from shaken structures. Is all well at the castle? I would have expected Lord Narcisse to have accompanied you."
"My brother is tending to matters there, so we have come in his place. We are also looking for others. Have you happened to cross paths with Haldir of Lorien? Two men and a dwarf had come here as well in their own search for him."
"Ahh yes. The elven Marchwarden. I saw him not long ago on the docks with his brothers and the others you speak of, the Ranger, the Bowman and the dwarf. They were ready to depart when the violent rumble occurred. I am not sure of their whereabouts now, for the waters were too treacherous for the ferry to transport at the time."
"There is one other we seek. One all here know of."
Bash moved in closer and whispered to not be heard by others. "Delphine."
The man immediately stiffened up. "Why on earth would you seek the wicked??"
"She is not wicked, only perceived to be. There is one who desperately needs her help."
"A perception well deserved. Her help will be costly. You know this, for your brother does not permit black magic of any kind. It is considered a crime as you also know which is why she hides. I am sure you recall the village near here. The boy she healed of the black plague became blind and the farm animals fell ill with disease solely from her presence."
"His blindness was caused by the disease. The animals suffered from it too."
"Witches leave a trail of evil. Birds fall from the sky when they are near." the man argued as Bash recalled the pile of dead blackbirds on his terrace.
"Not all witches. Only wicked ones. I would not seek her if I believed her wicked. What happened to her was not her fault. Much more wicked this way comes. She is the least of anyone's worries. Now, do you know of her whereabouts?"
"Harker was indeed her fault. No one gives something to a warlock of evil without a price. It is my understanding that the witch is in God's hands now. From what we have been informed of here, Harker is in the area and has killed some of your men. He is no different from her. She probably assisted him."
"He is and has done as you heard. But as far as Delphine, you know not what you speak of. What she gave was not freely given and she would not aid him in any manner. I thank you for the information. We must be on our way now. Charles, come!"
Bash and Charles left and headed down the long winding docks that encased the colossal city that never sleeps, in hopes of finding Haldir and the others to bring them and the Marchwarden back to the castle, going against Narcisse's banishment of the elf. Bash knew they would be needed for the impending winter war and he knew you needed Haldir. He also had figured out where Delphine was.
"Bash...what did Delphine give Harker??" Charles soon asked with a curious brow.
As Bash continued his hefty strides, he glanced at Charles.
Charles halted his steps as Bash carried on around the corner.
"What?? Wait! Where are we going??"
"Guards!" Bash called to them as they stood at the boarding port. "Follow me."
"My lord. We were informed by the boatman that another ferry had taken Haldir and the others across the bay just before we arrived."
"Then we must hurry. Let's go!!"
"Bash!" Charles angrily shouted. "WHERE are we going??
"The nunnery." he huffed as his fast strides turned into a gallop.
Charles' brows scrunched in confusion over his crinkled nose.
"Church?? We are going to...church???"
"Please. No more. I beg of you. You said you would help me." Delphine pleaded as the elder prioress neared her with a glowing red hot iron bar from the fireplace.
"I am helping you child by ridding Satan of your soul."
The weakened, perspiring witch knelt on the dirt ground, her hands bound tightly behind her back by coarse roping that scoured her wrists like sandpaper, rendered helpless to fight back, for she had been stripped of her power by the previous iron branding of a cross upon her bare chest. It wouldn't have mattered what symbol was burned into her flesh. Iron was iron to a witch, whether good or bad, except for the immunity you had formerly acquired to the power draining magnet.
"You tricked me. I came to you for refuge of the evil one but it seems you are the real evil here."
"Hush your wicked lips now. This is the 7th marking. The final one. If you are not evil like you claim, you will be healed."
"I will be dead!! I cannot take anymore. Please!"
"Back away from her!!" Bash shouted as he kicked the door in with his guards following and immediately cut the feeble witch's ropes free.
"What are you doing?? She needs cleansed of the devil!"
"It is you that needs cleansed, you fool!" Bash snapped at the nun as he swooped up the debilitated Delphine in his arms and swiftly departed.
Once embarked on the ferry, Bash covered her with a wool blanket as she laid barely conscious upon a wooden bench.
"Bash, what good is she to Josie in this state??" Charles whispered.
"A long bath in the healing waters will aid her recovery and use of her power."
"Why does it not help Josie? You said it burns her wound?"
"It's like pouring water on hot grease when it reacts with Rahl's venom."
"Then let me ask you this. Once the Queen is healed... how do we stop Rahl without killing my father???"
"I don't know." Bash replied with great worry.
"Rahl? He's...back too?" Delphine muttered as she opened her chocolate eyes and then became quite agitated as she sat up. "No..no, Bash, you cannot take me back there!"
Bash sat beside her and took her trembling hands into his.
"I will protect you. We have others that will protect you as well. Someone dear to us needs your healing, for she has been tainted with his venom and Lola...she's believed you dead all this time. She needs her mother...she needs you Jocelyn."
Delphine's hand swiftly covered his mouth as her eyes gaped wide with fear and Charles' jaw dropped open.
"Don't ever say my name out loud! They both will hear you! I have been hiding from Harker for so long and I know he is near. Those farm animals did not die because of me...and that boy...it's Harker's curse upon me that made him go blind. I..I cannot heal your friend without cost and if I go there and attempt to, Rahl will surely punish me or even kill me this time. I can not attempt to take what he has marked for himself...not even our daughter."
"WHAT????" Charles roared. "Lola...she is my sister?????"
"Charles, calm down and let me explai..."
"Do not patronize me!! Why was I never told this??? Does my father know??? Does Lola even know??? My god, I...I had a cru...I can't even say it aloud. I feel ill..."
Charles rushed to the front of the ferry and leaned his head over the rail in hopes that the chilled wind would hold his vomit down.
"Charles. Please listen." Bash sympathetically said as he walked up behind him. "Your father does not know. There are some things he cannot remember. Possibly from the trauma of what Rahl did while consuming his body and Lola, she was too young. Neither Delphine nor Rahl told her."
The mad warlock spun around. "Then how do YOU know??!!"
"Because Rahl made sure I knew all those years ago."
"And you never told my father??!"
"Charles...I..I couldn't. Delphine swore me to secrecy because...Rahl..he..used his magic to force her in his bed. She was ashamed and never wanted Lola to know either and I...I could not tell Stephane what he had done. It would have destroyed him. Our father made him do similar things when he was a young boy like you and that is what made Rahl exist in the first place..."
"I can hear no more of this! I have been lied to about everything from the day I was born and now this. Leave me alone!"
The ferry docked and Charles was the first one to disembark, immediately heading straight to his horse as Bash followed with Delphine in his arms once more.
"Wait! Someone is out there!" Delphine warned before Bash could place her up on his horse.
The warlock spun his head around to the forest as he continued to shield her body, protecting her like he promised he would do, when Haldir and company appeared from the darkness.
"Sebastian. Charles. We recognized your horses so we waited for your return."
"Haldir. We have been searching for you to bring you back. All of you. Terrible things are happening back at the castle."
"I have been banished by your brother. More terrible things will most likely occur if I return."
"There are things you do not know."
"Do not feel left out Haldir. It's something my family likes to do. Keep secrets." Charles retorted as he walked off to relieve himself.
After the Marchwarden watched the boy walk away with a raised brow, he turned back to Bash.
"If you are referring to the earthly disturbance this evening, we are well aware of it's cause."
"Well, no, I was not speaking of that, but yes. If my suspicions are correct, it was King Thranduil. He is alive?"
Rumil's Silvan eyes jolted to Haldir as Haldir's moved to Delphine, consumed with caution.
"I know who you are. Your reputation precedes you. I sense evil upon you. You are marked with it. Why is she here?"
"Haldir. It was placed upon her long ago by Harker by no fault of hers. Josie needs her help, for she too has been marked by evil."
Haldir's sapphire eyes dilated and bolted back to Bash as Delphine's eyes widened.
"What has happened to Jo?? Is she alright???" Haldir barked as he stepped forward.
"The woman's name is...Josie?? and called Jo?? Red...hair???" Delphine cut in, highly astonished.
Bash peered down at the woman of long brown locks like Lola's. "You...know her?"
"I...I...." she fearfully stuttered. "I cannot speak of this here."
Haldir's eyes fixated on hers and they began to narrow.
"You can and you will, for I can make you speak the truth witch."
"Haldir, time is of the essence. We must get back and heal Delphine so she can help Josie. She will tell you what you need to know on the way."
"No..no I won't. You don't understand. None of you do."
Haldir moved before her with intense intimidation plastered all over his sullen face as his jaw clenched.
"Then you will make me understand, for you will not go within eyesight of her without my approval. Now speak before I force your tongue."
"I...I...well she...she was...best friend's with my daughter long ago. In the civilian world. Please...I am not supposed to speak of Josie to anyone."
"You are...Sarah's mother, Jocelyn?" Haldir asked as he tilted his head.
"Well this just gets better and better." Charles piped with a smug grin. "Did you know she's also Lola's mother??"
"Shhhh!!!" she whispered to both the elf and the warlock in a panic and then continued to Haldir in a barely audible tone. "For all intents and purposes, yes. But please...H..Haldir. If it is true about the goblin King bringing forth the dead...Caroline will most certainly be one of them and...she will come for me. I...I told you Bash...I cannot go back there!!! I won't!"
A crackling of twigs came from the forest behind them and Delphine gasped in fright, then unsteadily bolted off into the trees.
"Delphine!" Bash shouted and ran off after her with all of the others quickly following.
"Halt!" Haldir commanded, causing everyone, including Delphine to freeze in their tracks.
Haldir's chin lifted for him to smell the air, his nostrils boldly flaring as he sucked it in.
"Narcisse is here. Or shall I say Darken Rahl?" Haldir snarled as his keen nose could pick up both the peppermint and pepper scent of the conjoined entities.
Swords, bows and and axe were all raised and shimmered in light of the waxing moon and then out of the darkness appeared the wicked warlock lord, caped, hooded and holding a charged up ball of golden electricity in his palms as he glowered at them.

"Well if it isn't Haldir of Lorien and his pointy eared sisters. Long time no see girls. Are you ready to dance?"
Rahl pursed his lips tight and raised his hand, chucking the lightning ball at lightning speed into the center of the group, knocking each of the nine to their backs with the blinding explosion.
He then turned on the guards and gave them the same dose of medicine.
"You are MY army. Are...we...clear??! Or shall I start singing a good old Christmas carol for you? Warlocks roasting on an open fire." he sang. "Lord Rahl nipping off your toes."
All but the guards flung to their feet with great agility and resumed their fighting stance with weapons raised, but not Charles. He became enraged at ran at the man with his father's face, wielding his sword.
"Give me back my father!!!!"
As Charles brought the razor sharp blade to the imposter's throat, Rahl bellowed in cackling laughter as he knocked the blade from his hand and the stunned boy to the ground, then held his blade to his chest in return.
"Let us see if you are all as simple minded as this young witch! My blade rests only centimeters from his heart."
"Rahl! Leave him alone. It is I you want yes?? Here I am." Bash shouted, panting desperately.
"If there's one thing I despise, it is a martyr...and a traitor!" Rahl snapped back at Bash.
"You're the traitor!" Charles fearlessly riposted. "Would you really kill your own son???"
"You, my foolish boy, are NOT my son, just as I am not your father, which you so hypocritically just displayed as you rushed me with your sword! You cannot kill me and if you could, you kill daddy dearest!"
"I was not trying to kill you, only slow you down."
Charles swung his hand up and hurled a magical fast ball of his own at Rahl's chest, whipping the dark lord's shoulder back, but not taking him to the ground.
A sinister grin formed on Rahl's lips as he brought his shoulder back with a snap, then he advanced on Charles.
"Weak just like your father. I have had enough of you."
"NO!" Bash shouted and dived over Charles, whipping his body to the side just before Rahl's sword pierced the ground where he had lied.
"AND you!" Rahl continued and raised the blade again.
"Stephane!! STOP!!! I'm your brother! Charles is your son!! I know you're in there!!! Fight him!!! You are the stronger one!!! You are the REAL one!!!"
Rahl's hand that held the sword began to shake and in anger, he grabbed his wrist with the other hand to steady it. As he desperately tried to swing the weapon down at the huddled pair, his hand slingshot the sword through the air and then his eyes burned a blinding yellow light as his head arched back as a peppermint breeze stormed through his hair.
With a heavy exhale, Rahl's head lowered as his the glow of his eyes faded to a soft white shimmer, then became their normal icy blue hues.
"Ch...Charles? B..Bash? Where...where am I?"
"Father???!!" Charles whimpered as he and Bash slowly stood up.
"NO!" Delphine screamed. "It's not him! He still is in Rahl's form!"
"Oh Jocelyn, you always too smart for your own good. Run witch run, all of you run while you still can. I'm hungry and ready to hunt! I love cat and mouse games!"
Before their very eyes, Aragorn's, Bard's, Gimli's, Haldir's, Rumil's, Orophin's, Bash's, Charles, Delphine's and the guards', Rahl shapeshifted into the big black beast with eyes that lit up like there was sun in the dark of night as it's tantalizing tongue slurped over it's cold wet nose.
And then a low malevolent growling purr rolled up it's broad neck and steamed out into the brisk air.
"RUN!!" Delphine cried as she wasted no time in sprinting off.
The jet black panther then ferociously pounced directly at Bash.
How wickedly purrfect and true!
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I want to hear your thoughts on Regulus👀
Oh my gosh, I m literally so hyped for this ask!!
Hehehehehhee. Okay, I am not eloquent nor articulate so forgive me.
Okay, first off, I *abhor* the notion he was forced to become a DE, I am sorry but neither Walburga or Orion would force Regulus to clip out anything related to his Lord and Saviour, Voldemort. Look, they allowed Sirius to have his posters and yes he put a sticky charm on it but you're telling me that they couldn't actually get it down??? Like literally could hire someone.
What I am trying to say is, they had free will and chose what they wanted to have be up. (Fook it, Walburga could have added an illusion charm to make it appear differently. I could go. Walburga left Sirius' room as is for a reason. They were not dictator parents.)
So I am a Regulus was a willing and proud (for the most part) Death Eater. He was a blood supremacist. We don't need to have seen him say mudblood to know he'd likely have tossed that word around like it was nothing. He is a ***minor*** character so of course we shouldn't be getting that much info. And no I am not saying what we had was plenty in the sense that, he is Sirius' brother and it would have been interesting to see more on him. But unnecessary, in my opinion.
Now for his betrayal/'Redemption'.
To be frank, I don't think he had a change of heart. He could have easily turned because his house elf was almost killed and you can take it as he is doing it for the fact someone he cared for was used or that his *property* was used, I see both. He's a pureblood and a Black and you don't fuck with whats theirs kinda thing.
Also the horcrux, knowing Voldemort created one. Tore his soul apart for it. Which is the taboo even amongst Dark wixen. You can take out muggles, burn down blood traitor families but to tear ones soul could have been the limit for Regulus, fearful of what Voldemort was willing to actually do. And that it tears the mind too. Who wants to follow a crazy leader?
All of the above doesn't mean he had a change of heart, that he was betraying Voldy for a truly altruistic reason. He kinda traumatized Kreacher all over again. He let the poor elf stay in the cave.
And you'll find me hard pressed to make Regulus this 'woke', progressive, Slythertin. That such screams OC (Original Character) to me. I see him very much as a misogynistic, sexist, blood supermacist. He had his family crest over his bed! Agh! He was a proud Black!
He is a pathetic white boi. I love him for it. I don't wanna change him. XD
I love Regulus Black, but I love villains/dark/flawed/etc characters and I don't agree with the notion that you must change these characters to justify liking them. That speaks to the person on how they have a morality complex. (Or perhaps not morality complex but a lack of understanding what you like in fiction doesn't mean you support it in real life. This topic deserves its own post.)
There is more on Regulus that I could talk about but this is long enough already. Hahahaha.
#regulus black#character discussion#hp character discussion#fyre answers#fyreanswers#regulus black meta#hp meta#meta analysis
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Legolas Greenleaf X Fem reader- Skinchanger.
Legolas Pov:
War, with a very unhappy ending.
That's the only thing that will happen if we don't get more help.
But who?
Gandalf: I know one person who can help us win this war once and for all.
King Theoden: Who.
Gandalf began to tell us that seven years ago he met a young girl and a skinchanger and that they are still best friends to this day and apparently she saved his life and a very famous dwarf king Thorin Okenshield and his company.
He also told us that she managed to wrestle away 10 goblins who tried to chain her.
Legolas: I remember her.
King Theoden: But I thought all skinchangers were dead.
Gandalf: Not all there are some left out there but very few and she is one of them.
Aragon: Is she strong?
Gandalf: In her wolf form she is stronger than an entire army and in her normal human form she is stronger than a thousand men.
Also more he talked about her also more I remembered her, I never got the chance to talk to her but I definitely remember her strength.
I remember when she fought the white orc by herself.
Gandalf: And believe me when I say this she is also very good at hand on hand comebat, it also includes swords, archery and throwing knives.
Gimli: Gandalf, can you get her here?
Gandalf: of course i can.
Yns pov:
Run faster I have to save Gandalf that was all I could think of while in my wolf form, how lucky I am so much faster like this.
I'm not going to lose my oldest friend and someone who is a very dear family member.
I have known Gandalf ever since I was little he knew both my parents my mother was a very beautiful wood elf and my father was a Skinchanger.
Legolas Pov:
Yn: Gandalf in your message you said it was easy to find here luck that when I'm a Wolf my sense of smell becomes a thousand times stronger than normal.
We all turned towards the young woman's voice and as soon as I saw her all the memories came back her long red hair and her eyes which were two different colors.
(If the hair doesn't match you, you can think that she has the same hair color and length as you).
Her left eye was Silver and her right eye was purple wow she is beautiful.
The wizard and the wolf girl hugged each other and then Gandalf said.
Gandalf: Yn, thank you for being able to come and help us, I had actually planned to come and see you but this happened instead.
Yn: You are family, of course I would come and help.
They both then turned around and we all got a good look at her and she was dressed like she was ready to go into battle, she had black and blue armor.
Gandalf: King Theoden, let me introduce my dearest friend Yn Stormheart.
And Yn this is King Theoden, and the others are Aragon, Gimli and Legolas.
She waved slightly at us and said hello.
Then the questions started to be asked and then I mean there were a lot of questions and then we asked if she could show what she looks like as a Wolf.
She smiled at us and asked us to back off and before you could even blink she had transformed from being a young woman to a wolf the size of a full grown horse.
I have to admit that I am very impressed but one thing is for sure that I did not want to make her angry in this form, she looked at me and I could hear her voice in my head.
Yn: Are you impressed?
Legolas: Very, and I have a very good feeling that we will win this with your help.
The end.
#wattpad#wattpadstories#wattpad story#my own words#lord of the rings#the hobbit#legolas#legolas x reader#legolas x y/n#legolas x you
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