#which was my intent for my drow playthrough
lavenderjiang · 1 year
finding shadowheart v relatable, im only at the start of act 1 so far in both my playthroughs, but i keep accidentally becoming besties w/ her bcos we agree on things
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alicelufenia · 29 days
A Guide To Keeping Wyll And Karlach After Siding With Minthara In Act 1
Or as I like to call it, how to permanently recruit Karlach and Wyll (because I have yet to complete a full playthrough with both of them)
Ever since Larian added a way to legitimately recruit Minthara by knocking her out, I've wanted to help the community be more successful in their efforts to give my favorite drow yet another concussion. Because like all things related to Minthara, the KO method was buggy as hell, non-intuitive, and metagamey as fuck. I wrote multiple guides on it, to the point where I made the master post my pinned for a while. You may have seen it at some point, but here it is again for reference [x]
As happy as I am with the success of those posts, it's time I revealed my true alignment. I'm actually one of those scary Minthara stans who has killed the grove more times than siding with the tieflings. I know, you'd never guess by looking at my blog (don't look at my blog) I did it my first playthrough and it's only gotten easier since. And while I stand by it as the single best way to experience Minthara's character and story arc, I'm not so cold-hearted as to deny that it's a shame we miss out on Wyll and Karlach in the process.
So rather than play the villain, what say we have them stick around by taking on the REAL villains of Act 1:
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The Druids
To start off, you'll want both Wyll and Karlach in your party, and Withers in camp. I've had him show up upon crossing one of the bridges in Act 1, either to the blighted village or the goblin camp, I forget which, or you can bust him out of his Dank™ crypt. Proceed through Act 1 as normal. To be safe I got as much approval from them as I could in early game, but that may not be necessary. Offer to kill Kagha for Zevlor.
Now, both of them need to die, and preferably not by the hand of your party members. I had them suicide charge the gnolls and get wrecked, as on Tactician mode they'll attack downed party members until they're dead. I don't know if having them jump off a cliff works, but it might. We need to entrust them to Withers by asking him to look after their bodies instead of reviving them. Their bodies will then appear in camp by their tents.
Now go kill Kagha without revealing the shadow druid conspiracy. This should trigger the Druids to start fighting the Tieflings, which will happen off screen as you deal with Kagha and the few druids inside with her (killing Nettie earlier might make this easier in case she joins in. She tried to poison you, so serves her right.)
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Steal that idol! I'm not 100% sure this is required, but it takes no effort at this point and you need to sit tight for a minute, so might as well.
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Also if you thought you could return the idol to Mol, no luck, she won't accept it until the fighting ends. Unfortunately all the tieflings need to die for this to work, so rip Ring of Protection. But not exactly rip the tiefling kids, more on that in a minute.
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OOF, rip Dammon (and most of Karlach's questline. Don't look at me like that, it's Larian's fault for tying her entire story onto one npc and giving nothing as an alternative)
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I'll give the tieflings credit, they did not go down without one hells of a fight. This bear was found burnt to death, probably due to Zevlor.
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Damn, they really killed all of them. I wanna point out this can happen even on a good playthrough with the best of intentions.
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In the end, only four(!) druids survived. I don't know how they'd fare with Kagha fighting too, but overall I'd say the druids talk big for doing this badly against a bunch of unarmed civilians. We kill the last four of them, then get ready to move on.
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With trepidation, I go to check on the kids. Not recommended if you raid the grove for real, but here:
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It's just... empty. No bodies, no npcs hanging around, they completely cleared out.
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I like to headcanon that Mol followed through on protecting her kids, and they escaped down this hole. I'm still very early in this run used for testing, so I have legit no idea if they show up later. But this is good enough for me to include them all in my fanfiction so :D Congrats, the only tieflings with rights (sorry Karlach!) are gonna be alright (because if we don't see a body it doesn't count)
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Next step is to just... keep going. Sazza can get you into the goblin camp no problem, and if you play a Drow or have Shadowheart use disguise self, you can gain entry without any checks or dialogue. My half elf needed to talk her way in (or just use AUTHORITY)
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best goblin btw
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Lookit how happy she is after Sazza has brought her the grove's location! A lead on the weapon AND another True Soul AND she's concussion-free? Everything's coming up Minthy!
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It's at this point things get a little weird (I did warn ya), as the game now has flagged the grove as "raided" even though we haven't done an actual grove battle, which is a different thing (as I'll demonstrate later), so Shadowheart has her "post-raid" dialogue when we wake up on the next long rest. The Raid The Grove quest is also marked as Completed, but still has a marker on the map. Have patience, return to the grove and walk through the (destroyed) gate, and suddenly:
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The quest will update, and direct you to speak with Minthara in the secluded chamber where she normally is at when the raid is finished. There's also goblins milling about the grove now, same as the post-raid grove.
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Get someone who looks at you the way Minthara looks at a cave full of dead druids and tieflings.
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"No Minthara, I never meant for any of this to happen. This was all my fault, I shouldn't have gotten involved, they're all dead because of me-"
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"Nevermind I am no longer morally conflicted about all this."
To the goblin party!
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LIES. He never mentions it again lmao. C'mon patch 7 fix this! (you won't)
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Why we're all really here 🥰
The next morning, speak to Withers and ask to collect your dead party members. He will have you confirm payment for their resurrection.
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And it works! Karlach and Wyll are back, they can rejoin the party, and their approval is Unchanged!
Since I was on a roll, I went ahead and checked a few other scenarios: what happens if we don't start a fight with the druids and just raid the grove directly, with Karlach and Wyll dead? Well you can revive them afterwards, but...
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Dang, Wyll still leaves (he's still so nice about it though! Even wishes you well!)
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Meanwhile Karlach: Feck off, cunt.
Well, she's not leaving, but she's never been this blunt or cold towards me before. I wonder how much-
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Damn, -49?! That's literally one away from leaving permanently! She started at 50, which means Karlach looses 100 approval from raiding the grove, and being dead doesn't change that. I think the only reason she's at -49 instead of -50 is due to that +1 from reviving a party member. So, she's grateful for being brought back to life, but not happy about anything else. You know what, that's fair.
One last thing I tested (and no pics for it cause this post has reached its limit! But those extra pics of Sharp-Eye Sluck are important, so I'll just write this next part out) I wanted to see if it was even necessary to finish off the remaining druids after they killed all the tieflings. So I left the grove (manually, you have to journey quite a distance before it lets you fast travel, almost all the way to the first bridge) and headed to the goblin camp to start the raid as normal.
Like our first time, we arrive at an empty grove. Even the druids we left behind are gone, meaning you can safely headcanon this method as joining up with the goblins and Minthara to take revenge on the druids. The game still acts like you killed the tieflings though, down to Gale's threatening to leave.
But Karlach and Wyll still get brought back without a problem! You can even revive them DURING the goblin party and they'll act like nothing's happened!
Wyll And Karlach Recruited Alongside Raiding With Minthara: Success!
So Baldur's Gate 3 community! I now implore you to put down your Pommel Strikes, switch off that Non-Lethal toggle, and stop giving poor Minthara even more brain damage than the tadpole and the Absolute already gave her!
And when you reach Moonrise Towers to rescue her, for the love of Selûne, when the guards are torturing her in the prison, don't just swing on them. Agree to enter her mind first. You'll have a dicey roll to deal with, but trust me, it's SUPER worth it!
As for the whole process, well. Despite the clunky way quests update after you start the grove civil war, the resulting lack of direction and narrative inconsistencies in the dialogue post-goblin party, this still feels like a more immersive way to recruit Minthara on a run with both Karlach and Wyll still present, than the KO method, in my not-so-humble opinion.
Consider this: You've got a major twist in the Act 1 plot now, with the Druids turning on you and killing the tieflings you were trying to help, leaving your party dispirited and lacking direction, other than to continue their search for a cure, which leads them to meet the Absolutists, the goblins, and the drow commander leading them and looking for the druids' sanctuary. And in the midst of your grief and anger, you side with her, both to get close to the source of the infections (as the Dream Visitor suggests) but also to take your revenge out on the druids.
You can feel conflicted, regretful even, but the context has changed enough that I think even a good-aligned Tav with no qualms about methods can live with this result. It just takes a bit of filling in the gaps (do you simply point the goblin army at the druids and look away, or lead them yourself by Minthara's side? Either way works for the results)
The only real downside is, again, Karlach's story just sorta ends here, until the confrontation with Gortash. I personally think this is a problem with Larian's writing for her, and at this point fanfiction is about the only solution in sight. But if you don't mind her not getting the chance to touch others again, you really have nothing to lose here
Besides, were you really going to pay Dammon for that act 3 armor? Of course not, you steal it every run and don't pretend otherwise, "hero."
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ashisurana · 1 year
As much as I don’t blame people who choose Astarion to finish ritual, I don’t understand why people choose it because “it’s what he wants”.
I mean… a whole story of Astarion is him being abused in every aspect of his life. When you’re asked about what he wants and what he is afraid of the correct answers are “Freedom” and “forever feeling like a slave to someone else” (both answers made him a little annoyed but they’re correct, he admits that).
And then you have ritual. You clearly can see that Astarion is losing himself. Your character can look into his eyes and actually see that he isn’t himself and only thinking about power he might to calm. Why he’s thinking that being powerful is the only way to being free is topic for different analysis but you already, before you let him finish ritual can see that something is changing.
If you let him ascend you can say bye to Astarion you know, he will not treating your character equally, he will always think about himself as a better. He humility you, treating like a “pretty thing in his collection”. He doesn’t love your character (if you romance him), there’s no love in this relationship anymore. He can even say “(…) I love you, because it is what you want to hear, yes?”(or something like that because I didn’t make a screenshot of this scene).
If you don’t let him ascend he will actually thank you for that later. You can say he didn’t change but I’d say that if you don’t let him finish ritual he actually changed too. He is not scared of the future (or at least not scared of shadows of his past). If you romance him, he’s still love you… to add more reasons why ascended Astarion don’t treat you equally, he can say (if you he didn’t finish ritual) “we are… equal”.
But why I don’t think he actually want to finish ritual? Well… staring with what Astarion wants from the very beginning. Freedom. He isn’t free after ascension. He’s metaphorically slave of power and shadow of Cazador. He basically became Cazador 2.0, he acts like his old master and treats your character in the very similar way Cazador does to him. There’s no freedom from his past. He is acting like the only thing he knows, Cazador. When we let him to finish ritual we just let circle of abuse to star again. I saw people saying that “duh, it’s still better than letting go so many vampires spawns into the world”. Well first, you don’t need to free them and second… ascended Astarion is a threat not only for Baldur’s Gate. He is saying often that his intention aren’t peaceful, he wants more and more… in manner of good choices it’s absolutely horrible in consequences.
Another reason is more for people who romance him but there’s plenty of moments in game when your character is in danger and Astarion is actually very worried about you. Saying something what Astarion would absolutely say “I almost got worried about you” which just means he was very worried. He is trying to protect your character in many aspects. Like for example in Act III when you meet this obsessed with blood drow she’s starting to convince your character to drink a strange potion. When you decline her request she will still trying to change your mind which made Astarion angry “you don’t understand that she/he said ‘no’?”. Not only he’s worried about your character but also he understands that someone doesn’t want to do something.
And what it has to ascended Astarion? Well… in scene when he’s changing your character into vampire you actually can say “no”. Astarion will not like that, he don’t respect your boundaries anymore. Yes, if you repeat that he won’t change you but it will also made him to broke up with you.
Well… anyway. It’s already way too long. I just wanted to say again that I don’t blame anyone who chose to finish ritual (after all who I’m to even blame anyone for that lol in one of my playthroughs I did it too so). I just wanted to share some thoughts and y’know
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the-director · 9 months
My Tav Calder! He is a half drow bard.
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Bonus info specifically: (contain spoilers for the endings and epilogues.)
Gale: when I started playing Calder (he is my second playthrough) I had the intention of romancing Gale. So I pursued him hard. And then... oh and then karlach came onto me. And I fell. Hard. Had to break up with gale. I think that. In the story of this playthrough, this breakup is the reason why I wasn't able to convince him to give up the crown.
Lae'zel: despite being a bard, Calder does enjoy a good fight as I picked college of swords for him. But that is not the reason why they are friends, they are friends because they relate to their pasts. Calder does have a noble background, but he was also sold into slavery (long story short he is in a bit of a zuko situation. But instead of finding the avatar, he got sold and is told to "work to earn his place among his family") so. They both understand the weight of high expectations. But also I like their dynamic due to what lae'zel says to you in the epilogue if she goes with Orpheus. That you taught her diplomacy, and I think that's very fitting for her and Calder (or rlly with her and a bard/high charisma/pacifist tav)
Shadowheart: honestly I feel like shadowheart is so... older sister? The way that she tries to be above everyone, the way she is so sparky to you, but also becomes loyal and trusting of you. Idk it reminds me of older sisters in like early 2000s movies. As a result, when I'm not romancing her. I tend to view her and my tav as feeling a kinship to eachother. I think this is also because of both of them being half elves.
Wyll: I actually have a lot of thoughts about Calder and wyll, specifically because of Calder growing up in this rich upperclass family, they probably met eachother while they were younger, or at least both of them are aware of their families (I'm still deciding how old I want Calder to be, and how long he was a slave) so there's like. Both of them know eachothers childhoods, but then both have to wonder "what happened to you for you to wind up here" I imagine they have a heart to heart with wyll talking about the pact and getting sent away by his father, and Calder talking about his wild magic that got him rejected by his family and then further being betrayed by them.
Another component of this relationship is the "karlach protection squad" I feel like it's basically canon that wyll and karlach, whether or not they romance eachother, will be very close and have a friendship together. And so especially with karlachs infernal engine, they both feel this need to protect her, to find a way to save her life. Which is just. So neat yknow? This strong durable character who is yet so vulnerable due to this replacement for a heart she has, something imposed against her. That she tried to make work for her, and it did, for a bit. Until when she finally thinks she can get her life back. She instead finds she's a dead girl walking.
Anyways. Both wyll and Calder are devoted to her in this way. And so even though they're kind of in that space of "so similar to eachother that we hate eachother since we can see every fault and flaw that we hate about ourselves in the other" they put aside their similarities and work towards this goal.
Astarion: Calder is, ngl, highly morally dubious. He is. Incredibly two-faced, or more precisely 6 faced. He's very much a people pleaser, a liar one may call him. He breaks every law for his own gain. Which astarion can get behind. Calder reads astarion like a book moreso than anyone else, which is why Calder trusts him. Astarion may be seen as "untrustworthy" but Calder trusts because he knows what he does, he can rely on that. I'm thinking this is especially in the early game. Where Calder might not have been too sure about the other ones and their true intentions.
I think, perhaps this trust is also due to their shared background. Of course I made calders backstory specifically so that it could parallel everyone else's and deal with the similar themes of "lack of autonomy" and "authority" and so on. But I think other than wyll, calders background is the most like astarions. And so since he is familiar to this. Desperation and fear for safety that astarion feels all the time. That is why he *knows*
Halsin: Remember how there was that glitch where gales approval was super easy to get, and as a result he would hit on every single tav regardless of how much you talked to him and as a result he came off as a huge creep and people hated him? That's how I feel about halsin.
Jaheira: similar to shadowheart, but in this one I JUST. LOOK AT JAHEIRA AND I HEAR MY MIND GO. "PLEASE ADOPT ME" if she adopted me everything would be right with the world (it wouldn't but) my mommy issues. Just. (I have three moms, which one would think would mean I have no mommy issues. No I just have three different types of mommy issues)
Anyways. Seriously. I think that at first Calder would kind of have the karlach fangirl moment, he wouldn't externalize it. But it would definitely happen. Overtime though they develop the bond of cub and crow. And I think. The definitive good ending for Calder is one where he joins the harpers. (I'm just now realizing that then he would be Chris pines character in dnd and karlach would be that one barbarian lady)
Karlach: she snuck into my heart, and I think she snuck her way into calders too. I think at first, it starts with passion, it starts with warmth and comfort in eeachothers arms. Then it evolves into late-night talks around the campfire. Of him singing her favorite songs, telling her favorite tales. Maybe they do it together. Him on his lute and just her singing. Or them acting scenes together. I imagine them fighting together, him inspiring her, healing her maybe, her defending him and beating anything that hurts him into a pulp. I imagine them entering the city together. He took the tadpole, she is so worried for him. She tries not to let it show. His ego is bruised. He's hurting inside. They open up though, they find solace in eachothers arms again. That one scene happens, they talk about the future they'll never get. The cabin, with the goat. Oh how he wished he could perform for her forever.
I finished the game before patch 5, before going to hell meant finding a cure. And even then, I think Calder wouldn't force her to go. I think Calder always gets wyll out of the contract and wyll decides to be Duke. And so she dies. On the docks.
And Calder is ruined.
But he develops a plan. Undo timeline.
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shimmerbeasts · 6 months
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//Drow is interesting for Bhaal, as he was a mortal human man and seems to still like his old form a lot. Not that he can't, he is a god, but what would be the motivation for it? Does he have a reason to choose this specifically for Jinx? (Comment made by @steel-and-fire)
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I hope you do not mind me posting your comment in a separate post as I have a bit to talk about, and that way, I have the advantage of no sudden word limits cutting me off.
First of all, people have to remember, that I am still fairly early in my playthrough, and while I know certain things already about the Dark Urge storyline, I only know bits and pieces. I do not yet have the full picture. However, even if I had the full picture, there may be a chance that I am doing this regardless. I like giving canonical characters and sometimes even the world or their relationships my own flavour. Seriously, look at my worldbuilding for Zaun and you get what I mean.
Anyhow, onto the whole drow and Bhaal stuff. To understand what my idea was here, you have to understand that when I chose to make Jinx's BG3 verse and designed her as my avatar for my playthrough, I tried to draw as much from who she is in Arcane. I did not even try to make Jinx look exactly like Arcane Jinx because that is just impossible.
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As you can clearly see here, Jinx's original aesthetic would hardly map completely onto BG3's aesthetic. So, I decided that while I gave clear nods towards Jinx's appearance like her blue hair or her demonic purple and demonic blue eyes, what was more important was capturing the spirit of her character in her design. Ergo more, who is she as a person versus what does she look like.
This is for instance why Jinx is a thiefling instead of a human or elf. From what I heard of the race, they are outcast, but also associated with evil and trickery. And in my opinion, Jinx is an almost tragic spin on a trickster and malevolent character. Other things, I included are nods to the people, she canonically holds dear, wherever I could. Everybody with two working brain cells, who saw Arcane, can tell that Jinx's heterochromatic eyes are a nod towards Silco as is her tattoo, which in my brain is almost like Shimmer leaking out of her eyes. Her horn's red tips are a nod towards Vi.
Anyway, back to your question: How the heck does any of this tie to Bhaal appearing as a drow for Jinx instead of his apparent human shape?
The short answer is: I decided to give Jinx pre-brain damage and tadpole situation a dynamic with Bhaal which is very similar to Silco and her in canon. So I was like "If I go with the whole Silco = Bhaal analogy, why not go all out?" And well, if you look at Silco's appearance, I felt a drow would make the most sense for Bhaal's chosen form.
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You see my point, right?
I also thought a lot about how Jinx interprets what "Father of Murder" means or more specifically what murder is. And well, if you look at the definition of the word murder, the topic of intention is very crucial to differentiate it from manslaughter. So, I felt that for Jinx, intention would be a very important element in how she unleashed her dark urge in the past. It is about setting up a kill and the whole chase element of it. Girly ain't a hound, in this case, she is a hunter.
And I was like Okay, what would be easier for a god. Trying to brute force her into a completely different path or you know, taking the path she already is on, and speeding it up. I chose to interpret Bhaal as taking the shape of a drow for Jinx as a nod to Silco, but also because she is very receptive to wanting to make a parental figure proud in her own unique ways. In a way, Bhaal is fitting himself around Jinx's interpretation of who he is. Is he still the quote-on-quote "Father of Murder"? Yes. Did Jinx choose to take that more literally? Also, yes. Does Bhaal choose to play into this because it enables him to control Jinx more easily? Yes.
In my eyes, Bhaal would be scarier if he could accommodate multiple interpretations of the word murder and not just one. And that is exactly what he is doing with Jinx.
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rottenbrainstuff · 1 year
BG3 playthrough: The Siege
(Mild spoilers? Not really?)
The big ol’ grove siege: Holy smokes was that ever fun.
But first of all, something super important: so I compared notes with a friend of mine. Can I just… double check… is everyone aware that the siege defense route of the grove is an option, to complete the “save the refugees” task?
My friend did the “kill the three goblin leaders” route. He wasn’t aware of the siege defense route. I was quite surprised and this made me think. I realized most of the discussion I see online is about the three goblin leaders route. I realized that I think the only reason I knew about the siege defence at all is that I previously read an article which was talking about attacking the grove vs defending the grove. I realized that the game doesn’t make the siege defense option very obvious: Zevlor and Halsin both push you to kill the leaders. There is, now that I think about it, only one single small clue that a siege defense is even a possibility.
And this is really, really odd to me… because the siege defense is amazing, and fun, and has some really good cutscenes, and extra content! The goblin camp fight, as far as my friend described it, is just… fighting your way out of a big and tedious fight. With no cinematics, no extra NPC flavour, no fun stuff at all. I have absolutely no idea why Larian hid this really nice event, and tries to direct the players towards something so uninteresting instead. My friend thinks maybe it’s supposed to be a reward for exploring all options, but like, that’s a helluva lot of work to put into a little easter egg, if that’s the case?
Maybe the defense is just common knowledge and EVERYONE knows about it and they just CHOOSE to kill the goblin leaders. The three leaders route is definitely faster and easier. But it’s so much less fun. So, just in case it’s NOT common knowledge… and that would be STARTLING: man guys, this is a very important protip, definitely make yourself aware of the siege defence route.
This is how to trigger it:
First of all you have to have to be in the goblin base and on friendly terms with the goblins somehow. (in my game, it’s as simple as being a drow) When you talk to Minthara, you’ll get a sense of her eagerness to destroy the grove. Clarify that your intentions are to fight with the tieflings and warn them. (this is, as far as I can see, the only clue the game gives AT ALL that this fight is an option) You’ll get some dialogue options next where you can attempt to throw her off: offer to get info from the prisoner then lie about it, try to show her the wrong spot on the map, etc etc etc. Don’t be too worried if you fail your saves because sometimes it makes fun alternate dialogue: I failed an intelligence check to try and keep her out of my memories, and I ended up claiming I was drunk and mixing things up, which was funny.
Anyways after a while you’ll notice the dialogue keeps looping back to the same options. Eventually you will have no other option but to just show her on the map where the grove actually is. (you can demand payment to get approval from Astarion if you want!) Minthara will declare that they can finally do the raid, she will leave to rally troops (you can follow her and watch her if you like), and in your journal it says Minthara is waiting for you to infiltrate the grove, and you should get some rest. Oh no, you fucked up!
Don’t worry. Do a long rest and in the morning you should see your journal update again: you now have a quest to warn the tieflings she is coming. Go to the grove and you’ll see they’re all preparing for an attack. (Zevlor will have slightly different dialogue if you camped outside the grove vs if you camped inside it) And have fun! You can talk to the tieflings: they all have new dialogue and positions, you can get set up for the siege, there’s a couple people with small tasks to do, and when you’re ready to go, blow the horn. (PROTIP: Once you are inside the grove, the tieflings will no longer open and close the gate for you automatically! You have to do it yourself! What this means is, if you are inside the grove, and decide to fast travel somewhere else (via the map), if you don’t leave the gate open for yourself, when you come back, you are locked out and have no way to raise the gate! I had to misty-step Wyll up to the top to let us back in. Don’t be like me)
Zevlor has two really nice and moving speeches, you get a Minthara cutscene which is the only time you’ll really see her if you’re playing a good route, you get all the extra NPC dialogue, you get a wicked fun siege defense fight with a lot of different parts to it, you get to fight alongside the tieflings and defend them directly, like. Man why would you NOT do the siege? Why would someone program this great sequence then hide it like that? I have no idea why the game tries to guide you so much to the three leaders route.
So the siege prep: as I mentioned before, fuck the goddamned druids and leaving Doni outside the door. If the goblins break in (which they won’t) I’m going to lead them straight to that goddamned door. The tieflings buried 2 little oil barrels outside to help in the fight. Two. That’s cute! I have a stash of about 20 barrels I’ve been saving at my camp, including a whole pile I stole from the goblin store room. Just for funsies I once set half of them up and set them on fire to see how big they would boom. The answer: BIG. Two barrels? Oh sweeties that’s so cute, but with my firepower we are going to vaporize Minthara. Time to see how high these goblins can fly!
I just love how emotionally involved I’ve got though, I loved that I immediately wanted to go check on the kids in the cave, and noticed right away that one was missing (that’s not counting Doni I mean, who I already knew was missing), which made me worried, so I spent time looking all around and finally found him up by the damned gate and refusing to leave. (you kids! I’m going to pick him up like a barrel and throw him into that cave myself. That, or stick him in my backpack so I can keep an eye on him) I loved hearing them mention that some tielfings had left overnight, and again getting worried and running around to figure out who wasn’t there. I loved running around the camp getting my positions set up, my inventory straight, my barrels arranged, and playing bard music for everyone to help calm down the ones that are scared. Had a blast. Some of the tieflings were so scared, poor things. Don’t they know they’ve got a big daddy dark urge on their side who’ll rip anything into little red pieces if it even thinks about crossing that gate?
And then MY GOD the actual fight was so much fun: the cutscenes, the dramatic speeches, all the different enemy pieces. I had Karlach to the very left where the spider jumps up, to keep Arka safe and to throw alchemist fires at the various barrel stations. I had Wyll to the very right to soak the sniper damage, fire off eldritch blasts, and make sure those sappers didn’t get near the gate. My tav is a bard so he was in the middle, making sure everyone was all healed up cause those tieflings are pretty squishy, and taking care of the goblins that get thrown over the gate in barrels.
And Astarion - the mean little murder bitch that he is - he was running around out on the ground with that amazing invisibility cape, taking care of loose ends. He put Minthara out of her misery when one barrel bomb cluster wasn’t quite enough to one-shot her, then picked off the goblins one by one. The ogre throwing the barrels got distracted and kept trying to look for him, so that worked quite nicely.
This is so much more fun than just a one-by-one assassination then an escape through an aggrod camp fighting a million of the same kind of goblin. Definitely try the siege route. Barrels are a must. Steal them from the store room.
Then there’s the party and that was so damned fun. Noticed a few weird things though. Will talk about that later. The outside of the grove is now an absolute horror show of destroyed barrels and goblin bodies, and those shitty druids can have fun cleaning that mess up themselves.
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