#so it figures he wouldnt be super heroic
lavenderjiang · 1 year
finding shadowheart v relatable, im only at the start of act 1 so far in both my playthroughs, but i keep accidentally becoming besties w/ her bcos we agree on things
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Listen up, guys, becuase I’m about to hit you with Harry Potter feels.
One of the main character analyses that I’ve seen about Harry is that he doesn’t trust adults, specifically because of his upbringing with the Dursley’s, and a lot of his experiences at Hogwarts have cemented his beliefs that adults are incompetent and/or untrustworthy. And I read these and was like, “sounds legit.” It’s been a while since I’ve read the books, but I remember the events well enough to agree with those analyses.
I’m now rereading the Goblet of Fire, and realizing exactly how accurate they are.
Let’s start with right when the students find out about the tournament. There will be three champions, one from each school. There is an age limit. There is an age line was set by Dumbledore and cannot be tricked. Harry sees this is true when Fred and George’s attempt fails.
But then Harry gets chosen. And all of those rules don’t mean anything, becuase someone was able to get around them, to get around /Dumbledore/, and now Harry has no choice except to compete in this tournament. All of the safeguards were put in place, and they still didn’t protect him. Even worse, he can’t ask any of the adults for help with these dangerous tasks that may kill him. You know, things a fourteen year old should have to deal with.
First task actually goes okay, becuase he gets help from Hagrid, Moody, and his friends, and he has all the information, and he’s putting himself and only himself at risk. That’s fine, Harry can focus on what he has to do. He’s a good flier and he knows it, he can get the egg with what he’s got. Minimal assistance required.
Then we get to the second task. This is where everything goes downhill, trust-wise. First off, Harry is super stressed, which is kind of his own fault, for not starting on the egg earlier, but he has absolutely no idea how he’s going to breathe underwater for an hour. Which is kind of important to figure out, becuase he doesn’t want to die. He falls asleep due to exhaustion, and is woken up ten minutes before the task starts to Dobby telling him that he has to go, his best friend has been taken by merpeople, and hey, here’s something to make you breathe underwater.
I remember seeing a post on tumblr saying that Harry treats every potential treat as if it’s actually happening; he assumes the worst case scenario is true. This is what Harry knows: Rom has been taken by merpeople, and the song in the egg literally says that if he doesn’t save him within the hour, he’ll be gone for good. Harry takes this for the literal truth, which is essential to understanding his actions in the rest of the chapter. To the reader, this might seem irrational. We know that the teachers won’t let anything happen to Ron, so we think Harry’s overreacting.
Harry finds the hostages. It’s not just Ron. It’s Hermione, his friend. It’s Cho, who he likes. It’s Fleur’s sister, who isn’t more than eight years old. He is the only one there. The merpeople won’t help. The adults won’t do anything. The other champions aren’t there. He has no idea when they’re going to show up. The hostages are unconscious and somehow spelled to breathe underwater, but he has absolutely no idea how long that’s going to last. For all he knows, anyone who isn’t saved is going to be left behind to drown.
Cedric shows up, saves Cho. One down. Krum comes and cuts Hermione free. She’s safe. There is no sign of Fleur. No one is going to help him, no one will come to save Fleur’s sister. Harry is the only one there and he doesn’t want her to die, so he scares the merpeople off and grabs them both.
Afterwards, Ron scolds Harry for taking the song seriously. “Dumbledore wouldnt have let any of us drown!...I hope you didn’t waste time down there acting the hero!”
Harry feels stupid after Ron says this.
“Now that he was out of the water, it seemed perfectly clear that Dumbledore’s safety precautions wouldn’t have permitted the death of a hostage just becuase their champion hadn’t turned up. Why hadn’t he just grabbed Ron and gone?”
Harry only has this realization after he’s completed the task and everyone is safe. Of course the teachers wouldn’t let anyone die. It was irrational to think that the hostages were in any real danger in the first place. However, we’ve already established that Harry wasn’t thinking rationally in the first place, and that Dumbledore’s safeguards have been proven to be ineffective before. Otherwise Harry wouldn’t be competing at all.
In addition, Harry wasn’t “acting the hero” in the way Ron said he was. Ron knew his role in the task and that he’d be fine - Harry didn’t. He wasn’t trying to be heroic, he wasn’t being competitive. (It’s only after Ron points out that they wouldn’t have drowned that Harry starts to wish that he’d just saved Ron and left, he might have finished first that way.)
Harry was acting purely out of a desire to survive and to protect other people, armed with the knowledge that the adults involved in the situation could not be relied on to help. Based on what he knew, he acted accordingly.
TL:DR - Harry Potter does not trust adults at all and the Triwaizard tournament (and the second task in particular) was a clusterfuck of events that dropped his level of trust in the adults around him to almost zero.
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wolfsrainrules · 5 years
What do you think about an Ichigo reborn as Izuku? ichi would either hate the hero system or love it. not to mention he wouldnt be taking any shit from Katsuki even if he remained quirkless, i dont think he'd idolize heroes either- like Deku did, he'd probably respect them tho especially heroes like Aizawa (omg the dynamics between those two would be amazing) and Nedzu would probably remind him or Urahara- well meaning but sneaky
Oohhhhhhhhh boY. I ADORE this idea. –bounces–
–Ichigo dies in battle. It’s long after his sisters are grown, and he loves his nieces and nephews, also grown.
–Ichigo had stopped aging long ago, once he’d reached his prime. He finds out later, after all the wars, that when he was shoved into the Pit, his chain severed, he died. His body functioned as a false body, that grew and aged with him until his prime because Kisuke fiddled with it and it was originally his own.
–when he dies, it’s protecting Kisuke’s labs and work from rouge spirit gangs. Kisuke gets to him, but not soon enough to save him. Ichigo smiles at him, promises it wasnt his fault, asks him to look over his siblings and nieces and nephews.
–Kisuke and his friends BURN the gang in question to the ground.
–But see- heres the thing. He dies a SHINIGAMI, which means he gets reborn. And heres the other thing–Ichigo is a strange soul with abilities that let him cross between three ‘realities’ in SS, human world, and HM. He’s been to the soul palace, faced gods and monsters and won. He’s been King of Hell his entire life, even he handed back his armor and such.
–When he’s reborn, he remembers even if he’s in a world that appears to be much MUCH later in the future, maybe not even the same world. He isnt sure. A world very different than the one he left behind.
–He adores his mother. He still loves his first mother, will never forget what she gave up for him, but he loves Inko too. 
–He learns about heroes, and he HATES that they- this world- commercialized the concept of helping- of saving- protecting others. 
–But he sees true heroes too, and looks up to them. He’s older- mentally- than most all of them, but he sees heroes that are like he used to be, like his friends and his family.
–Izuku Midoriya is a serious child, so very strategic and smart, and he…intimidates most children. But everyone learns quickly that he doesn’t put up with bullying or pigheadedness. 
That when he smiles, the room lights up a bit, and everything seems like its gonna be okay, because you feel safe- protected. That if you have a question, Izuku usually has an answer. 
He becomes known as an intimidating big brother sort of kid, to the other children around him.
–Bakugou Katsuki thinks Midoriya Izuku is awesome. Izu didn’t put up with his bullshit, but he helped him too, in a way that didn’t feel like someone looking down on him. It was like a brother ruffling his hair. He helps with Bakugou’s anger too. Teaches him ways to handle it.
–As they grow, the feeling doesn’t change. Katsuki has known Izu forever after all- raised together, Izuku never gives him a chance to get an over inflated ego nor does he allow Katsuki’s worth to be reduced to his quirk and the future hero he could be. 
He stops both the superiority and inferiority complex in its tracks.
—Izuku, for all intents should be considered quirkless.
He’s not., because you see, his swords are of his soul and they are still with him, still whole. He still has and carries Zangetsu and Shiro, still has their swords, still has his Hollow form, for all that his Quincy abilities have gone with the change in his blood. 
–He grows up well known in the neighborhood, bc he goes around and he helps. Katsuki is usually with him, bc he found that productive help and genuine thanks for his work helps calm him down.
–Bakugou Katsuki still thinks Midoriya Izuku is awesome, and a really good older brother figure despite Bakugo technically being older.
–Izuku teaches Bakugou, and works his body back into shape at the same time. He teaches Bakugou ‘quirkless’ fighting on top of weapons fighting, teaches him to not rely on his quirk. “For the times you cant use it without making the situation worse”
–Ichigo-Izuku goes into heroics, b.c for all that he hates that heroics was commercialized, he cant NOT help people that need it, especially when the best friend (little brother) is so determined to go into it.
–He beats out Katsuki for top spot, but Katsuki still did really good and Izuku is very proud. 
–He’s very excited to learn that his teacher will be Eraserhead, who has been his favorite hero since the time he was seven, and the Underground had saved him and his mother from a mutation quirk villain
–Eraserhead is secretly super flattered and embarrassed when he is remembered and thanked by Midoriya for saving him and his mother near the start of his career
–Aizawa is also THRILLED to see Izuku and Katsuki DONT need their quirks to wreck things. THE POTENTIAL.  THE WORK. THE PLANNING that went into being heroes. YES GOOD.
—The USJ goes differently. Ichigo pulls on his full Hollow form to fight the Nomu, his regeneration helping him stay a step ahead, all the past experiences of fighting people who should have been so far out of his league as to be laughable showing in this moment.
(Pack Instinct is a STRONG one in hollows, and Ichigo has always been very protective in nature, especially for children.)
–When the time to choose a hero name comes, Izuku smiles like he has a secret, and writes out the words
Ichigo: The Hero that Protects
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somnilogical · 5 years
modular "ethics":
a wrong and two rights make a right
<<I've been known to cause outrage by suggesting that people who really care about something shouldn't have romantic relationships. Think what would happen if I dared to suggest that those people should also seriously consider getting castrated. That would be crazy! And who am I to suggest that basically everyone claiming to be doing good is faking it? Then people would feel bad about themselves. We can't have that!>>
previously i talked about an infohazard about altruism that seemed to fuck with grognor. it feels useful to pass by the dead and look at their lives and choices.
i dont think that castrating yourself is a good intervention for doing stuff you care about, like this is patchwork constraints for an unaligned optimizer. if you arent altruistically aligned from core values, castrating yourself wont make you more aligned.
the "altruists" having babies thing is actual insane and pasek is right about that. pretty much all of society will try and gaslight you about this the way sometimes people are gaslit about "i need to have sex with lots of attractive fems to keep up my moral so i can do super good stuff afterwards.". like if people want to do good for the world it will flow out as a continuous expression of value not some brent dill kind of deal that institutions like CFAR accepted until there was too much social pressure for them to maintain this facade.
the entire premise that morality is this modular thing and you can help set the utility function of an FAI while being a terrible person, is wrong. yet organizations like CFAR keep thinking it will work out for them:
<<We believe that Brent is fundamentally oriented towards helping people grow to be the best versions of themselves. In this way he is aligned with CFAR’s goals and strategy and should be seen as an ally.
  In particular, Brent is quite good at breaking out of standard social frames and making use of unconventional techniques and strategies. This includes things that have Chesterton’s fences attached, such as drug use, weird storytelling, etc. A lot of his aesthetic is dark, and this sometimes makes him come across as evil or machiavellian.
  Brent also embodies a rare kind of agency and sense of heroic responsibility. This has caused him to take the lead in certain events and be an important community hub and driver. The flip side of this is that because Brent is deeply insecure, he has to constantly fight urges to seize power and protect himself. It often takes costly signalling for him to trust that someone is an ally, and even then it’s shaky.
  Brent is a controversial figure, and disliked by many. This has led to him being attacked by many and held to a higher standard than most. In these ways his feelings of insecurity are justified. He also has had a hard life, including a traumatic childhood. Much of the reason people don’t like him comes from a kind of intuition or aesthetic feeling, rather than his actions per se.
  Brent’s attraction to women (in the opinion of the council) sometimes interferes with his good judgement. Brent knows that his judgement is sometimes flawed, and has often sought the help of others to check his actions. Whether or not this kind of social binding is successful is not obvious.>>
<<AnnaSalamon 2/6/09, 5:54 AM
Aleksei, I don’t know what you think about the current existential risks situation, but that situation changed me in the direction of your comment. I used to think that to have a good impact on the world, you had to be an intrinsically good person. I used to think that the day to day manner in which I treated the people around me, the details of my motives and self-knowledge, etc. just naturally served as an indicator for the positive impact I did or didn’t have on global goodness.
(It was a dumb thing to think, maintained by an elaborate network of rationalizations that I thought of as virtuous, much the way many people think of their political “beliefs”/clothes as virtuous. My beliefs were also maintained by not bothering to take an actually careful look either at global catastrophic risks or even at the details of e.g. global poverty. But my impression is that it’s fairly common to just suppose that our intuitive moral self-evaluations (or others’ evaluations of how good of people we are) map tolerably well onto actual good consequences.)
Anyhow: now, it looks to me as though most of those “good people”, living intrinsically worthwhile lives, aren’t contributing squat to global goodness compared to what they could contribute if they spent even a small fraction of their time/money on a serious attempt to shut up and multiply. The network of moral intuitions I grew up in is… not exactly worthless; it does help with intrinsically worthwhile lives, and, more to the point, with the details of how to actually build the kinds of reasonable human relationships that you need for parts of the “shut up and multiply”-motivated efforts to work… but, for most people, it’s basically not very connected to how much good they do or don’t do in the world. If you like, this is good news: for a ridiculously small sum of effort (e.g., a $500 donation to SIAI; the earning power of seven ten-thousandths of your life if you earn the US minimum wage), you can do more expected-good than perhaps 99.9% of Earth’s population. (You may be able to do still more expected-good by taking that time and thinking carefully about what most impacts global goodness and whether anyone’s doing it.)>>
like opposing this isnt self-denying moral aestheticism or a signalling game of how good you can look (credibly signalling virtue is actually a good thing, i wish more people did it by for instance demonstrating how they win in a way that wouldnt work if they werent aligned. whose power seeded from their alignment.). its like... the alternative where people do things that it makes no sense for an altruist to do and then say that when they go to their day jobs they are super duper altruistic they swear; compartmentalizing in this way ...doesnt actually work.
people who want to obscure what altruism looks like will claim that this is moving around a social schelling point for who is to be ostracized. and that altruism as a characteristic of a brain isnt a cluster-in-reality that you can talk about. because it will be coopted by malicious actors as a laser to unjustly zap people with. these people are wrong.
both EA and CFAR are premised on some sort of CDT modular morality working. it is actually pretending to do CDT optimization because like with brent at each timestep they are pretending to think "how can we optimize utility moving forward?" (really i suspect they are just straight up mindcontrolled by brent, finding ways to serve their master because they used force and the people at CFAR were bad at decision theory) instead of seeking to be agents such that brent when brents plans to predate on people ran through them, he would model it as more trouble than it was worth and wouldnt do this in the first place.
CFAR and EA will do things like allowing someone to predate on women because they are "insightful" or creating a social reality where people with genetic biases who personally devote massive amounts of time and money to babies who happen to be genetically related to them and then in their day job act "altruistically". as long as it all adds up to net positive, its okay right?
but thats not how it works and structures built off of this are utterly insufficient to bring eutopia to sentient life. in just the same way that "scientists" who when they arent at their day jobs are theists are an utterly insufficient to bring eutopia to sentient life.
<<Maybe we can beat the proverb—be rational in our personal lives, not just our professional lives. We shouldn’t let a mere proverb stop us: “A witty saying proves nothing,” as Voltaire said. Maybe we can do better, if we study enough probability theory to know why the rules work, and enough experimental psychology to see how they apply in real-world cases—if we can learn to look at the water. An ambition like that lacks the comfortable modesty of being able to confess that, outside your specialty, you’re no better than anyone else. But if our theories of rationality don’t generalize to everyday life, we’re doing something wrong. It’s not a different universe inside and outside the laboratory.>>
to save the world it doesnt help to castrate yourself and make extra super sure not to have babies. people's values are already what they are, their choices have already been made. these sort of ad-hoc patches are what wrangling an unaligned agent looks like. and the output of an unaligned agent with a bunch of patches, isnt worth much. would you delegate important tasks to an unaligned AI that was patched up after each time it gave a bad output?
it does mean that if after they know about the world and what they can do, people still say that they specifically should have babies, i mark them as having a kind of damage and route around them.
someone not having babies doesnt automatically mark them as someone id pour optimization energy into expecting it to combine towards good ends. the metrics i use are cryptographically secure from being goodharted. so i can talk openly about traits i use to discern between people without worrying about people reading about this and using it to gum up my epistemics.
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lesbiansastiel · 5 years
i asked my gf who’s never watched spn to tell me what these pictures of spn characters make them think:
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he has very bad promo pictures
ofc its sam! .. is that sam?
your favourite, theres at least 8000 lgbt headcanons for him
he definitely peels apples before eating them
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no idea
he looks like hes in a cereal commercial
propably plays fortnite???
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oh my god what the fuck
his parents needed money so he was forced to do promo pics for a school and if u uncrop this picture hes holding a backpack and a book that says like. ABC
haircut is making me think thats young sam but im not sure
me: that is young sam
ok cool!
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thats a homophobe. i know a homophobe when i see one
me: the actor is
i know that thats dean, leather jacket looks smelly
i dont like or trust him bc his voice is too low, no offense
but he was funny in that episode when they thought they were... when they were the actors, i like that they shamed the actors (jensen ankles?) trailer
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i always assume hes dead, every time i see him im like oh fuck hes not dead yet????
he looks like he dies first in a zombie game protecting the protagonists daughter
opens beer cans with knives (stabbing them from above)
has touristy fridge magnets
hillbilly neighbour that just stuck around
later: OH HIS NAME IS bobby
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um........ lost journalist from a chick-flick
looks too enthusiastic to be in this show
name starts w an R and dies dramatically and causes trauma for multiple people?
me: its charlie
me: do you know who that is?
shes the one that causes angst in ur fanfic? someone’s ex? writes paranormal articles- like someone who works in a pokemon centre and takes care of the reporting to the media i know this is not true but that’s how it should be based on characted design
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why.. what is that shirt
she looks like she’s from twin peaks but like a weird 90s techno nostalgia version
probably not real, but someones hallucination, like a little sister that someone lost and then hallucinates coming back?????
me: that’s jess.. from my fic
oh no im so sorry, i thought that the previous one was that one
then thats like a college person who sam did like drugs and beer with and they were happy and then she died.. tragic :(
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umm öööööö, uhhhh
kinda looks like a serial killer, like a bad one who hasnt killed anyone in years so his face is tired. he wants flesh
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um,i say um to everyone im so sorry
he has a conflicted expression
i think he’s sassy or just tired of everyone
no idea who that is.. i just feel sorry for this character idk why
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a 12-year-old who got a toy gun for christmas bc hes american
hes gay probably and pretending to like guns so his dad doesnt get disappointed
for real, in this show, a young new hunter and messes up and then does one heroic thing and dies immediately after?
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this looks like the perfect love interest who dies dramatically and is relationship with an important man character whose controlling when she wants to be independent and doesnt want to hide in a basement like the man wants her to
me: ??????????????????
she also looks like a cop like every woman in this show somehow but her character design is too soft to be a tv cop woman lady
2009 hair
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probably a cop?
is styled in a way that always looks way too make-uppy and probably wears heels to work bc this is a bad character design show
me: shes not a human i can say that much
then shes a demon bc thats what all the women are in this show, theyre all demons
i hope shes not evil, this might be trap she looks friendly but that isnt the truth
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this looks like a slightly messy and like, bohemic twin of the reporter that works in a pokemon centre
is probably rich
lots of anger that is not showcased in this picture
clenched fists
all in all, suspicious
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probably supposed to be related since theyre in the same picture and different ages but they dont look related at all
they look like they’re from teen wolf
and probably would star in a scene where they see that someone has key’ed their car and theyre like fuuuuck
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i think this character is supposed to be a cool friend woman whose not supposed to be super feminine and love-interesty bc shes wearing plaid and drinkin beer but they Failed
probably a werewolf
also is she wearing nothing under that plaid what is this...
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me: oh fuck why is this picture so HQ compared to the rest...
it’s bc he’s an angel
obscene amount of powers that seem useless bc if he actually had Power they wouldnt need this show and he could just figure everything out
i know that people wear those annoying pins that say theyre waiting for an angel in trench coat. but i dont think he’s ever going to come :(
i think his name is castiel and mishaapocalypse happened w his face
and i saw his face taped to a mcdonald door in a small town in finland
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yet another teen wolf character
looks like a suspicious teenager who lives in a town where they (the brothers) stop to get gas and he’s hanging out at the gas station
hes like heyyy youre not like other people here are you perhaps... hunters bc my mom died and now my house is haunted
daddy issues
me: correct
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um. another beer lady. probably, people have decided, a lesbian
looks like a stock photo of someone eating salad at a rural setting after a hard day at work milking cows
also somehow looks like works in a lab
is related to the weird open-flannel-no-t-shirt woman (the beer one), probably her mom
thats all
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um. major demon
probably has a scene where she tries to kill someone with a knife seductively
hated in the fandom and in fanfic someone who tries to steal deans man (which is stupid bc deans a homophobe anywaY)
also looks like fantasy show self-insert but evil
me: i think that’s a teenager
welcome to my twisted mind
im sorry...
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which is making me think that he probably dies, sadly.
probably takes care of an older family member
has some demon problems
that’s all
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post-apocalyptic show character where theyre trying to have something else than 40yo white hilbilly men bc thats not media sexy
i hope that she doesnt die but probably does bc shes not a major character
me: can i reveal something i know
yes please
me: her and the blonde that you called demon had a thing canonically
probably lives in a ranch that has no electricity due to demon problems
me: :D
and still does her hair somehow
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uuummmm this looks like someone’s weird flashback version that is supposed to look like a teenager but actually looks older
me: uhh this is a bad picture let me find a bettter one
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me: there we go
looks like this character needs a cowboy hat
probably writes dean’s name in her diary??
thats all
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paperinickelback · 7 years
okay so, this is both a Della Didn't Disappear AU (tho donald is still effectively a parental figure to the triplets bc dont try to tell me he wouldnt get involved in her sisters childcaring 24/7) and a Duck Avenger Is An Actual Thing AU.
But like. Because you can't get me to believe Della WOULDN'T find out his brother trying to become a part time superhero, she's ALSO the Duck Avenger. Like, they kind of take turns keeping the city safe. And if people ask why the Duck Avenger is sometimes male and sometimes female they just handwave it by pointing out that hey, realistic masks and voice modifiers go a long way. So Duckburg kind of just accepts they now have a genderfluid heroic figure watching over them in the night.
However, later on when there's more superheroes going around, they start establishing these kind of couple dynamics- Donald with Super Daisy and Della with Gizmoduck. And like, they both kinda hate their sibling's choice of partner (Della thinks Super Daisy is way too shallow and talkative, while Donald is EXTREMELY bitter that Gizmoduck took their spot as the triplet's favorite hero), but because they want the other to be happy they put up with it.
And one week, they Finally score a date with their respective partners, each on their own... only for something to come up at the last moment for both of them so they can't attend. However, the other's free that day and time, so... They end up attending their sibling's respective dates because it can't be worse than being a no-show, right???  But they fully expect it to go terribly.
But like... halfway trough the dates they start realizing this??? is going less terrible than they thought??? It turns out Daisy is actually not at all in the least shallow once Della actually takes the time to listen for once, and after pushing past his confidence issues Donald realizes Gizmoduck is a lot sweeter than he was remotely prepared for????? OH NO. THIS DATE IS GOING TOO WELL IS NOT WHAT WAS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN.
so yeah anyways donald and della fall head over heels in love with each others dates. like, the hints of a maybe crush they had for their own partners is not even close to this they DID NOT EXPECT THIS.
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koganeprince · 7 years
I hope Matt (stays) is still like a super huge dork, even tho that single screenshot we've seen, he's all badass and ready to fight and looks like he's learned to fight and defend himself. I hope we get him back, keep him, and he's a complete nerd loser.
hell yeah my dude its canon that he loves space and i mean he went to a Space School and hes related to pidge so hes GOTTA be a huge nerd
I kind of went into a huge messy headcanon post by accident when answering this because i got excited so.......if u want....here r my matt/shatt hcs:
i love the idea of him seeming really shy and really kinda quiet and introverted bc he doesnt like to leave his room very often at first but the more hes rehabilitated and the more he learns and grows closer to the paladins he ends up being, very quickly, a HUGE dork. and rly hes just in his room so much because holy shit this technology these alteans hav is CRAZY AND I NEED TO LEARN IT ALL. EVERY SINGLE BIT. hes not shy or quiet at ALL really, he just needs his space and time to figure things out and think about things he finds interesting or important (in the garrison he would shush shiro all the TIME because shiro wouldnt stop TALKING while he was WORKING and it annoyed him bc he couldnt focus.). so hes like... really clingy to shiro after losing him as well as pidge, but obviously in a different sense. w/ pidge theyre like a total dynamic duo but obv get into sibling teasing and little squabbles and stuff? like hes the kinda brother who resets all pidges wallpapers on every single device to some shitty REALLY ZOOMED IN picture of them from when pidge was 11. pidge, in response, steals his glasses for a whole day and video tapes him stumbling into like 12 different doors. and do NOT get me started with shiro..............oh mant i have so amny ideas. .... . one of the first things matt says when he gets 2 see shiro in the light and with his glasses on is probably, “what the fuck did u do to your hair. i dont like it.” and then of course he laughs when shiro is #stunned and matt just hugs him real hard because god did he miss this gullible and sweet boy. and i think the reason shatt works so well is like?? if matt is kinda on the outgoing side like alot of ppl hc him to be, he could really bring out alot of character in shiro? like hear me out, if something was to happen between them romantically id just Love to see shiro, who is portrayed as all heroic and kinda serious and work and justice oriented, get super embarrassed because holy shit. he has a crush. like can u imagine those two going through so much together and slowly relying more and more on each other until theyre falling for one another and when they get matt back shiro is just SLAMMED with the realization that oh god hes cute and i think im in love bu t what hte hell is that and what do i do. and this SUCKS FOR HIM because matt is VERY touchy feely and very physical with people n just loves hugs and shoulder-holding and on shiro he likes 2 come up behind him and hug his waist n hold onto his arm protectively and just... every damn time. shiros heart just kinda skips a beat at the touch and every time allura gives him that LOOK from across the room that just screams, “you better ask that boy out,” and literally jsut everyone notices this because normally shiro is so cool and levelheaded and doesnt let his emotions get the best of him and now hes just a MESS and he doesnt know how to deal with love so hes asking these teenagers how to ask someone out who you’ve known for a long time as a friend and basically having Slumber Party Antics and lance is just SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS because he considers himself the Master of all things flirtation and he kind of has always wanted to dress shiro up like a model bc of his perfect build and Good Face in some fancy snazzy clothes and now is his TIME TO SHINE.so. i. im sorry i just think alot about shatt and i could go farther but.. . ... oh man im sorry this went. way farther than i expected 
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