#this is a good psot i regret nothinf
paperinickelback · 7 years
okay so, this is both a Della Didn't Disappear AU (tho donald is still effectively a parental figure to the triplets bc dont try to tell me he wouldnt get involved in her sisters childcaring 24/7) and a Duck Avenger Is An Actual Thing AU.
But like. Because you can't get me to believe Della WOULDN'T find out his brother trying to become a part time superhero, she's ALSO the Duck Avenger. Like, they kind of take turns keeping the city safe. And if people ask why the Duck Avenger is sometimes male and sometimes female they just handwave it by pointing out that hey, realistic masks and voice modifiers go a long way. So Duckburg kind of just accepts they now have a genderfluid heroic figure watching over them in the night.
However, later on when there's more superheroes going around, they start establishing these kind of couple dynamics- Donald with Super Daisy and Della with Gizmoduck. And like, they both kinda hate their sibling's choice of partner (Della thinks Super Daisy is way too shallow and talkative, while Donald is EXTREMELY bitter that Gizmoduck took their spot as the triplet's favorite hero), but because they want the other to be happy they put up with it.
And one week, they Finally score a date with their respective partners, each on their own... only for something to come up at the last moment for both of them so they can't attend. However, the other's free that day and time, so... They end up attending their sibling's respective dates because it can't be worse than being a no-show, right???  But they fully expect it to go terribly.
But like... halfway trough the dates they start realizing this??? is going less terrible than they thought??? It turns out Daisy is actually not at all in the least shallow once Della actually takes the time to listen for once, and after pushing past his confidence issues Donald realizes Gizmoduck is a lot sweeter than he was remotely prepared for????? OH NO. THIS DATE IS GOING TOO WELL IS NOT WHAT WAS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN.
so yeah anyways donald and della fall head over heels in love with each others dates. like, the hints of a maybe crush they had for their own partners is not even close to this they DID NOT EXPECT THIS.
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