#which shook loose this uh. thing.
kirby-the-gorb · 5 months
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sushirrrry · 5 months
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EXECUTIVE a harry styles one-shot smut blurb; 19.3k words cw: oral sex (f receiving), fingering, dom/sub, breath play, dirty talk.
"If they want the fucking numbers, they've got to stop being pussies and give us the fucking reins. I'm not sitting around and waiting for their stock to crash and for their stupid, fucking minions to come back on me to tell me what I already knew and told them from the start—I'm not painted out to be the biggest fucking moron, that's for certain. It's either a deal or it isn't, plain and simple. If they don't want to have that fucking conversation, it's done. Fuck them and their stupid fucking counteroffer. It's a fucking slap in the face, and I'm not even entertaining the idea."
Harry pulled the phone away from his ear, clicking on End Call before he threw his phone over and onto the wooden desk that sat perpendicular to the vicious New York skyline. His heart raced as he shook his head.
An adrenaline junkie like him fed off of the conversations like these.
His sleeves were pushed up his forearms, his eyes navigated towards the contractual wreckage of paperwork that had seemed to be forgone on his desk as he pushed some of it to the side. His elbows leaned on the desk; his hands tied together as he rested his lips again them in a precocious thought.
Running the company came with a sharp tongue and a knack for knowing when it was time to push back. Harry was a mogul in all of the sense of the word—his company had grown to a gargantuan size, which allowed his position within the business to skyrocket to a level that was so without fail that he couldn't believe it sometimes.
His mouth got the better of him; in some ways, it created the effervescence of attack. It was all that he could do to keep himself from picking the phone back up and telling them to shove it all back up their ass—he refrained for the time being, until he was pushed again.
But no one usually poked the bear unless they truly believed they had a chance in slaughtering them. Mr. Styles was far too confident in his work and his business to ever let that happen.
The bear's claws reacted too quickly for the barrel of the rifle to even face him.
"Uh, excuse me, Mr. Styles?"
His eyes raised to the door that he hadn't seen opening before his lips parted just a bit to answer the woman questioning him. She wore a black skirt with tall, black boots that suited the length of her legs. Her top arranged in a bit of a messy manor, but it was almost as if she had styled it that way to add a bit of flare.
Her blazer hung a bit low—practically to the mid-length of the skirt that rode up her thighs, but he wouldn't have been caught dead staring. In public, anyway.
His eyes made their assessment of her quickly before returning to her naturally, raspberry lips that took up much of her lower face. The natural length of her smile was perfectly proportioned, not that he had spent much time thinking of it, of course.
Felicity—his assistant. The one with eyes the color of the ocean that he would vacation on in the Maldives; the most piercing, stunning blue. The quiet one, a bit shy in her reservations, almost like she was the smallest fish in the ocean made entirely of sharks. Her reservations to others seemed to aid in bulldozing over her confidence, but to Harry, it was an enticing spectacle of fantasy.
A fantasy he'd promise to never share with even his closest comrades, if an NDA wasn't in place, that is.
The dark brown locks settled against her back in heaps of loose, voluminous curls as she held tightly to the phone behind her fingers.
"Am I interrupting?" She asked, her question a bit hesitant as she didn't seem to move any further forward into the large space of his office.
"No—no, you're not," He told her, "Come in, Felicity, I need to use your brain for a moment."
"My brain?" She asked him, cocking her head a bit.
That was the thing about Felicity that almost made him foam at the mouth– her way of innocence and contemplation that allowed him to see his viewpoints from her standpoint.
Harry's company was outsourcing most of the global news which meant that he oversaw several departments within. His leadership was only as good as the recommendations and guidance that Felicity was able to provide him; her devil's advocacy, her interpretation of empathy, and being able to see how interactions happened without Harry present versus the other sense.
Felicity was a practical need in his company for various reasons, not one to just make his blood boil and frantically move around his veins every time he caught a whiff of the coconut lime scent that his mind had become familiar with.
She was a calmness to him in many ways, so her presence now settled his heartbeat from the previous conversation.
"That deal we're making this afternoon, I just got off the phone with Sadler and they're folding– they're becoming weak. And it's pissing my off. They're coming to me to help solve their issues, because they know I can do it. They're , but they know we'll do it. Which pisses me off because it makes us look weak if we just say yes."
Felicity blinked a few times as she watched Harry's reaction, her legs crossed at the feeling before she held her hands in front of her and nodded.
Harry sucked his lips into his mouth before he shook his head, a few of loose curls settled on his forehead as he pushed them back and Felicity wished that he hadn't.
"I think you're going to push them to do it without the counter," Felicity nodded. "From what I'm hearing, they're folding, and they can see that what we can provide is significant. Especially in terms of the election. We can do it– you can do it."
His eyes flew to her word change, noticing that her eyes had moved away from him. The subtle blush of pink ate away at her cheeks before Harry nodded in his own satisfaction.
"Enough about me," He shook his head, "What did you need, Felicity?"
Her eyes raised as it seemed she came back to conclusion about what she had been there for to begin with.
"Oh, I just talked with Nava at PLI and they wanted to express their gratitude towards you, because they said that you helped them with understanding the fundamentals of their offer and I thought it sounded like a for-sure deal– I just wanted you to know that Nava is a yes," She nodded and raised her brows again in remembrance, "Oh! And I'm also running to pick up some coffee and snacks before the board meeting. Flat white?"
Harry smirked at the praise from her, watching it leave her lips effortlessly. He nodded a few times at her question before he rose from his chair and grabbed the tie around his neck to loosen just a bit.
Harry grabbed the paperwork off of his desk before he moved towards the door and guided Felicity to follow. "Yes, please. A flat white with cinnamon, maybe a pump of caramel? What do you think?"
The words were like a question as Felicity walked next to him through the natural, brightly lit office. Her fingers tapped away at the device before she noticed the slight edge of the spicy cologne that wafted from his demeanor as he turned his head toward her.
"I'm not a huge fan of caramel," She stated a bit hesitantly as they stopped in front of one of the offices where Harry was about to go into a meeting.
He looked at Felicity as they stopped, his eyes moving up and down as he went from her lips to her eyes as if involved in a game of ping-pong.
"What do you like, then?" His words were soft, fluid.
Felicity swallowed as she shook her head a few times and nibbled on her lip. She hummed for a moment, "Um, I prefer vanilla."
The corner of Harry's lip moved upwards. "Make it a hot flat white with an extra shot of espresso, cinnamon, and a pump of vanilla, please."
Felicity wrote it down in her notes, but her fingers almost shook with adrenaline as she felt his gaze linger on her without her noticing before she nodded. "Great. I'll– uh, I'll leave now so I can be back in time to make sure you have what you need."
Her feet started to move away before she heard the booming sensation of her name. The way that her eyes fluttered back at him made Harry almost take a step backward.
"Uh," He felt speechless at the sudden look of her, "Please get whatever you need, too." He felt the professionalism start to creep its way back in. "Can't have you falling asleep on the job, you have notes to write."
Felicity bit the inside of her cheek before she nodded. "Yes, sir."
With that, Felicity turned her back and started to head down towards the elevators. Harry turned to make his way into the boardroom where he saw the table sitting and waiting for his arrival.
The hush that fell over the crowd made him shutter every time– the power he held echoed through his conscious at every moment it could.
He only smirked as he sat at the head of the table, pulling himself to sit up and lean on the table before he looked up to see the many eyes staring back at him.
"Shall we get to work then?"
"This coffee is fucking cold."
One of the board members pushed it away after taking a small sip, as Felicity had just sat it down in front of him.
It was an older gentleman– Hank– who had worked with the Styles family for many years and been able to help SCO with their major launches with other shareholders. His entitlement was present in the room, which pressed on her ego just a bit. Her head turned towards him as she shook hers.
A woman at the end of the time made a face as she looked at the side of the cup, "Ordered a fucking latte—they even messed it up and it's cold. The coffee shop is just down the block."
Felicity tucked some hair behind her ears as she shook her head in a bit of disbelief as she tried to find the receipt that the coffeehouse had given her. There wasn't any way that they gave her the wrong order, but she didn't know if there may have been a mix-up in who she gave the coffees to.
"T-That's impossible—I just order—" But she was cut off by the man who licked over his lips and held his hand up to stop her words from even echoing in the room at all.
"Just go get some hot coffee, would you?"
Felicity's eyes blazed around the room as she noticed that the others had practically ignored her efforts of the two full cardboard contents of coffee cups that she had practically run the streets of New York to pick up. Not only were they not even acknowledging her, but they were condescending in her efforts. Yes, she was an assistant—she wasn't their assistant. It wasn't her fault that she was one person, but she knew that she had to try harder to make the best impression that she could.
"Everyone just shut the fuck up and drink your coffees, would you? Our deadline is in six fucking hours. If you can't handle a little lukewarm coffee, get the fuck out of my office. I pay too much of your goddamn salaries for you to cry like a fucking baby."
Harry's eyes moved to the nervous-looking girl who stood by the door, along the edge of the buffet that held the rest of the coffee, donuts, and bagels that had practically been falling out of her arms when she arrived.
He couldn't tell—it may have been the lighting, but her eyes looked glassy as she tried to stand with her shoulders back. Harry caught her attention before she threw herself back together and walked over towards him, leaning down to where he sat at the table.
"I can run to go get something else, I don't think it would take too long, you know. Or I could order it to be delivered?" Felicity asked, a bit cautious, he could tell. But her piercing blue eyes were practically a shade of gray as he looked at them through her thick, tortoiseshell glasses that complimented the brightness of her eyes.
His eyes fell to the way that the chapstick she always applied gave her lips the most subtle peony color—so pink, but so natural. He thought that may be a better place for his eyes to land instead of directly into her eyes, but then he panicked for a moment and turned them back to her eyes.
"That's not necessary." Harry shook his head, answering for the individuals in the room. Even if they pushed their coffee aside, Harry would have never blamed it on Felicity for any failure—it wasn't her fault. He took a sip of his own; to his dismay, it was a bit cold, but he wasn't going to complain about it.
The stature of Felicity at the door made him take in a deep breath before he caught her attention, asking her to come towards him with just a look before she was practically on top of him. Her willingness to do as he said gave him a feeling of endorphins that were unlike any he had before.
Harry looked up at her from his seat, licking over his lips softly.
"Please make a reservation for two at The Malbec tonight at nine—whether or not these jackasses are going to be done working, I sure am, and I'm going to celebrate it. Add that I would like the executive seating and the Pauillac on the table, not chilled."
She nodded a few times at his requests, adding it into her notes on her phone before she looked back at him cautiously.
"Should I be arranging a car to pick someone up for you?" She asked. Her teeth scraping against her bottom lip as she waited for his response.
Harry shook his head back at her before filing through a few papers, "Not necessary today. Just make sure that you're not off the clock yet," He nods, "In case something doesn't go as planned."
Felicity nodded at the feeling of his eyes on hers before he turned to face the table before him.
"Someone get John on the phone," Harry ordered, his eyes going towards, "Hank. I want their numbers for the day and the plan for the fiscal year. I want to hear it from their lips, the spreadsheets don't mean shit if they're just going to lie to my face. Mary, contact PLI to get their rates."
Felicity had started to make her way towards the door, back towards her desk that sat in the main office towards Harry's own private one, before Harry called her back, "Felicity, sit in this meeting, will you? Grab your computer."
Her eyes narrowed at him in a bit of confusion before he stood up and grabbed a chair from the side of the room and pulled it to the spot next to where he was, at the head of the table.
Felicity did as he wished, leaving to grab her laptop and notebook essentials that she used to keep track of his days, his weeks. When she arrived back, she could feel a few eyes on her as they talked through the deal with John. The silence in the room as he spoke over the speaker was deafening before she sat down at the spot next to Harry.
His focus on the conversation made her attention turn towards him.
Working at SCO was one of Felicity's highest honors—she felt that her confidence was gained just by being in the room with some of these people. But, at the same time, she wondered at what point this would all get to her. She wasn't like this—she didn't have the same cutthroat mindset of tearing another down to get herself to another place.
In some respects, that's what was the balance between what Harry was and what he knew that he needed. He needed someone like Felicity to sit next to him—a calming sensation that he didn't ever notice until he would garner a sniff of the coconut shampoo that drifted from her silky chestnut hair.
It was sickening at times—the way he felt about her. When he was sitting next to her now, he watched as she let her fingers grace over the laptop keys, focused in on whatever task she was working on. His eyes moved away when he watched as her teeth loosened on her lower lip, letting the plumpness of it a drawback to a straightened line of her mouth.
He shifted in his seat as he felt himself get a sensation of pressure below the belt.
When he spoke, it was with a confidence that she couldn't seem to place. It was as if he could break and make with just words alone, a skill that he had to have been born with.
As they discussed the offers more in-depth, Felicity found herself distracted from her own work as she let her eyes gently maneuver back to where Harry sat at the end of the table. Her fingers practically stopped typing as she listened to the conversation and watched as his brain work in overtime.
It wasn't just impressive; it was extraordinary.
The narrowing of his brows, the calculated glance at the table as if he could cut through it with just his sight, the determined clench of his jaw.
"Don't fucking low-ball this," Harry practically snarled as he tapped the point of his pen to his notepad. "I know what's best for this company and we don't want people who underestimate the work and quality of our services. Globally, we're ahead of the entire market– we beat out every major network in significance. If you truly want to hand us a shitty number like that, you'll fucking fall. Your company will fail, and we will continue to sit right at the top as you lick the dirt off our shoes. It's not a competition; we've already won. So, do you want to win with us? That's the question here."
There's a slow chuckle on the phone, a bit of silence, too. Felicity looks up from her laptop to watch as a few members whisper to one another before hearing John on the other end.
"Listen, it's– we understand this. SCO is globally leading, but this is an election year– how are we supposed to gain traction when the news sources from SCO are against the current climate? We just don't see the same vision right now and we need to make sure our values are aligning– SCO may not be leading once the election happens."
Harry's eyes don't dim– Felicity watches as he turns different, his focus staying on the notepad under his fingers as he takes a beat before he stares at the phone in the middle of the table.
Her leg crosses under the table, gently caressing his unbeknownst to her. His eyes falter for once, as she retracts her position when she watches him crack for the first time. She noticed that he faltered but only a small huff of his breath before she bit her lip.
"We're a multi-billion-dollar company that focuses on the current political climate at hand since we completely understand the market, unlike someone who needs to be bought out to ensure that they don't sink. If you're just sitting in the open water, we will look the other way when a shark comes by," Harry shrugs, "I don't quite understand your vision of understanding moral compasses when you're sitting on significant lawsuits and company fouls that don't seem to benefit you right now or the lying, cheating words that come from your mouth."
Felicity's eyes flew up from her place at the table, watching as she saw everyone else's down. It was an unmistakable feeling of vigor that suddenly oozed from the place of Harry's seat. His demeanor was powerful, it was penetrable.
The quietness over the phone doesn't seem to faze anyone else, but Harry's eyebrow arches at the seconds that go by before he pops his tongue into the side of his mouth with a cheeky grin that was questioning on mad.
"Looks like they just got eaten by that fucking shark, huh." He says quietly before leaning over to press onto the conference room phone. He ended the call before he watched the room continue in silence.
Another woman, Laura, sitting at one of the sides spoke up as she held her phone in her hands.
"It looks like they're countering again." It was a bit quiet, almost like she didn't want the entire room to hear as she read on her phone before looking up at Harry, who held the emotion of a bear.
"Tell them they can choke on their own spit." He bites before Felicity cleared her throat.
His eyes immediately softened at the way that she interrupted, mostly because he was a bit confused by it.
"Mr. Styles," She pipped, "I—I, um, if I may." She chews on her lip a bit before she takes in a breath. "It sounds like they're needing a bit more leverage. Maybe a bit more face-to-face interaction that will cut and garner the deal. You're going to need more than John's input; he needs more intel from other aspects to understand what their losses look like."
Harry's eyes simply rest on Felicity as he leans back in the office chair, his legs crossed—a pursed pout on his lips as he nods at her words. A trickle of egotistical pride lies beneath his chest as he stares at her for a moment.
"Set the scene for me." He tells her, before watching Felicity take a deep breath. He watches her chest fall and rise and something about it sets him into high gear.
"Your family started this from scratch—this company is bigger than just the cash flow, and it's completely understood that it's worth billions, but they need to understand that there's a larger purpose for the work that they've put into it. They're not on the same business level that SCO is—it's apparent by the way that they throw around their value system. Meet with John outside of the office setting, get him where he can be able to see that you're serious without the psychological barrier of the phone—"
"That's fucking bullshit." Felicity hears from down the table, another man making a comment about her complete train of thought that. "You really think business is about emotion?"
Harry narrowed his brows, Felicity a bit surprised but not completely. Her head turning back towards her computer.
"You need to be thinking internally for what's best for us, not babying them to give us what we want. You know they're going to fall right into our hands, we don't need to get soft on them." Mary, a woman that Felicity generously thought would at least have an understanding of her interests, seemed to shame her more.
Harry pursed out his lips as he stares at the notepad in front of him. He pushed his hands against the table to rise from his seat before he's raised, watching silently as he eyes Felicity quickly before he starts to make his way out of the room. Before he does so, he turns his back and holds onto the door before he looks at Felicity directly.
"Felicity, please meet me in my office."
She swallows down the lump in her throat; cursing herself for even making a peep. She knew she should have kept her mouth shut. Instead, she closed the laptop before she grabs the few belongings and makes her way out of the door.
Harry is steps ahead of her, not looking back, as they make their way to the office that sits in the north side of the larger office space.
When he walks in, he makes his way to his desk before leaning on it. Felicity walks in behind him, hesitating before
Harry notices that she hasn't fully made her way in yet.
"Come in," He tells her, "Take a seat."
Her words practically spilling out of her as soon as they reached the threshold of the door; there was nothing that she could say now that would make him keep her there, but she wanted to at least try.
"I-I know I overstepped my boundaries– I promise, I really do, I promise I will never do that again," She's holding the laptop against her chest, practically begging, "This is extremely unprofessional, but you need to know that I need this–"
"Do you know why you're still here, Felicity?" He asks, "Why you're still at SCO?"
His interrupted words make hers fall short as she stands at the door still. His arms are holding himself practically against the desk as he leans back against it.
Tears threaten her eyes as she tries to think of what she needs to pack from her desk quickly. This feels entirely too personal– he's firing her on the spot.
She shakes her head as she doesn't want to come up with an answer. Harry squints his eyes a bit as he notices the emotion that starts to creep on her face. All the sudden, he feels bad for what he's doing to her.
It feels a bit forward, maybe a bit out of his place. But he needs her to know exactly how he feels about her, and why the last assistants never stuck around.
He needs her to know that's she's different.
"It's because you're fucking smart," He tells her, "What you have, they lack. You have this– well, for lack of a better word, you're emotional. You can see beyond the bullshit and really down to the person." He points towards the area of the conference room that they just left.
"I'm not here to baby your ass or carry you through this job– you don't need this fucking job. You have so much more about you than being an assistant, okay? So, don't take what some fuckers in that office say about you and your ideas as gospel. They aren't getting it done, either– as you can see."
Felicity's demeanor loosens at his words; her knuckles along the laptop at her chest starts to loosen as she breathes in just a bit.
"I'm sorry–"
"Stop apologizing." He orders, "When you do that, all you're doing is making them right about you. They aren't."
There's a silence between them for a moment before Felicity nods a few times and bites at her lip. "You're right."
"Most of the time." He tells her, a smirk has replaced the seriousness of their conversation. "That's why I have this big office and a 300ft. yacht and they don't."
She follows with her own small, sided smirk, watching as he goes to move from his position.
"That sounded very cocky, I'm sorry." He laughed a little bit, lowering his head as he felt a bubble of laughter. Felicity followed behind, laughing a bit as she bit on her lower lip.
The tension had been cut; this overwhelming feeling of comfort had started to come across her, specifically when Harry looked back up at her and she could see the shining level of his green eyes and the deepening dimples crossing his face.
It wasn't an emotion she saw very often; it looked impossibly lovely on him.
"Stop saying sorry, remember?" She reminded him, a sheepish smile laying on her lips.
Harry moved his fists into his pockets as he started to walk a bit towards her.
It was then that Felicity recognized that his pure power and force was enough to knock her down to her knees. The way that he stood up, his suit tailored perfectly around his small hips and shoulders, she couldn't understand the feeling that had come over her suddenly.
Harry approached her, they were standing eye to eye as he searched between them both. He had been searching for something, surely, by the way his eyes moved between her own.
Felicity tipped her chin up a little bit; it was slight enough that they both noticed, but a sudden embarrassment crossed her thought at the way she had possibly invited a completely inappropriate behavior.
"Let's get back in there, yeah?" She clears her throat as she turned her head and body, moving back out towards the conference room.
Harry's fists tightened next to him at the way she moved away, and he couldn't help but shutter at what could have possibly happened moments ago.
He lowered his head before he shook it a few times, "Yes, of course," He confirmed, nodding at her, "I'll follow you back, I'm just going to," He felt himself getting hot which made him feel vulnerable to her stares. "I'll be in there in a moment."
Felicity turned, her hair falling over her shoulders before she nodded. "Yeah, no problem."
Before she was able to move out of the room, Harry caught her attention once again before he narrowed his eyes to her. "Can I—that reservation I asked you to schedule. Please move it to Friday night. Something's come up, actually."
Felicity made a motion to speak, but she didn't end up with any words. Instead, just nodding a few times, her eyes smiling back at him as she agreed to his request. "Sure, no problem."
Her smile had vanished from his view as she turned to walk back to the conference room.
When she noticed that she was out of sight, his eyes had widened just at the breath that he had been holding in. It didn't matter how big or important a meeting could be, Harry never got nervous. He was never worried about anything—he knew what he was getting himself into, and nothing scared him. There wasn't a reason to be.
Standing in front of Felicity was a feeling he had never imagined would give him a doubt; he never felt like he would be pushed away or turned away, and the feeling of dismissal was encapsulating, to say the least.
He pushed his hand into his hair as he went to sit in the chair that was pushed in behind his desk, swallowing the lump in his throat as he shook his head.
Never in a million years did he think that he would feel such a way—never like this.
"Let's get back to work, then."
It had been a few days since the encounter in his office. Harry had noticed that even the next morning, Felicity seemed to be in much better spirits. Her head was held high; her shoulders were sitting back, like she was prepared to keep her chin up for the day.
He could catch glimpses from his office, watching as she typed away or smiled down at her phone. A piece of him felt only the slightest bit of—he didn't know the feeling very well—jealous. He wanted to know more, wanted to understand what she could have been smiling at.
He knew that his job had been done a few days ago as he watched her spirits rise just at his words. Something about that feeling was missing now—he didn't understand what it was, but his ego may have been getting in the way just a bit.
Harry sat his pen down that he had been using to write out some tasks before he grabbed the pad of paper and started to make his way out of his office. The small desk that sat outside of his was taken by Felicity; a few photos and memorabilia sat to give her space a bit of light and personalization.
It didn't mimic Harry's own office very well, as his was kept more straightforward and narrower. There wasn't any photos or personalized mementos—just plain, really. But the photo of Felicity and another man caught his eye, something he had never really seen before. Something he never felt that he would have had to pay attention to, that is.
"That your boyfriend?" He felt himself saying, but an ultimate feeling of embarrassment rose as he watched Felicity look up at him quickly. It was clear that she hadn't really noticed him sneak up on her, and her hands flew to the phone on the desk before closing the screen promptly.
"Uh," She shook her head, "I—I mean, we've been talking a few months," She referenced to the phone before she looked back at Harry and noticed that there may have been a bit of miscommunication.
"Oh—uh, no, sorry," He shook his head, pointing to the photo that sat on her desk. "I was—that photo, I'd never seen that before."
Felicity turned her eyes towards the photo that sat on her desk in the black frame before letting out a breath of relief. "Oh! No, that's my brother." She laughed a little bit before she watched Harry reach out to grab the picture frame off her desk.
He studied it for a few seconds, letting his smile move up a bit before he sat it back down. "Yeah, you guys look alike. I just—it was new, so I didn't know."
Felicity bit on her lip before tucking her hair behind her ears, "No—yeah, I would make that assumption, too. It's fine, but yeah." She didn't know that he would notice that she set up the photo or not. She knew now that he paid attention; he had an attention to detail, it seemed.
The small moment gave Harry a bit of concern as he felt that there was some unresolved feeling between the two of them. He cleared his throat, holding the paper out before her as she piqued at the small task guide that Harry had been feverishly writing down.
"I have a few things that I need to get done today, if you don't mind." He had handed her the paper before her eyes ran over it a few times. "It's just a few little things, but I need to have a few suits dry-cleaned for our business summit on Monday in England—I'm flying out tomorrow morning on the jet, but we'll need to make sure that everything is taken care of for that. I believe you, myself, Laura, Hank, Daniel, and probably William will be there, so we'll need to make—"
"Excuse me, but," Felicity chuckled before shaking her head a few times. "Did you say me?"
Harry blinks a few times in confusion before he bites the inside of his cheek. Surely, she knew that she would be leaving in the morning– she had to have known that as his assistant, she would be most responsible for being on the trip.
"Uh, well," Harry blinked, "Yes, I mean. of course. You're the most vital person for the trip, really."
Felicity bit into her lip before she turned towards her notes, her eyes flickering over them as she realized she wouldn't need to send him a detailed email of their agenda– she'd be there to tell him in person. So, all this work—it didn't matter now.
"Right– yeah, of course. I'm stupid for not putting that together." She shook her head as she took in a sigh, crossing out a few notes on her pad. She turned her attention back to him before she cleared her throat. "What time should I be at the airport tomorrow, then?"
Harry bit his lip, shrugging as he felt the smile crossing his lips, "I don't know—you tell me. You're my assistant."
Felicity blinked at him a few times before laughing out a little bit, letting her head rest in her hands as she felt a bit ridiculous for feeling so caught off guard. "Right—right. I—yeah."
In the back of his head, there was a delicate feeling of intrigue that bit at the back of him. He squinted his eyes a bit as he settled against the edge of her desk. As he crossed his arms over his chest, he narrowed his attention down to Felicity until she looked up at him and felt the wandering look. All Felicity knew is that she didn't want to look at the way that his forearms protruded against the fabric of his pressed white button-down.
"Is everything alright?" He asked her, the smile on his lips tug briefly before he was letting it fully on display. "You seem a bit... caught up."
She blinked a few times, shaking her head as she looked at her computer screen. "I'm fine—yeah. I'm just—I was a bit caught up, I guess," She chewed on her lip as she realized that getting personal was just that. It was personal. She didn't want to bore him or let know too far in. Their relationship was strictly business; it seemed that she endeared him though.
Her eyes traveled back to him when he didn't seem to leave her alone and she noticed that she'd had another message.
"I'm just... the guy I've been seeing, well, on and off—he just asked me to dinner and he's picking me up from here tonight around five. We haven't seen each other in a while, he's a bit..." She bites her lip again as she tried to find the right word, "I don't hear from him often. But when we're together, everything is fine. So, I guess I just got a bit overwhelmed with it."
Harry pinches the inside of his bicep when she speaks, his smile fading just a bit. He didn't want her to notice that, though. He didn't know why, but it left a sour taste in his mouth to think that she had been excited for someone who was making her wait. Instead, he shifted a bit on the desk as he cleared his own throat before speaking.
"That's—that's great," He tells her, watching as she smiles at his appreciation and acceptance, "Where is he taking you?"
"We're just going to this place off from fifth avenue, some place he said is nice. We're really just meeting for a beer or something." Felicity's eyes light up at the realization before she turns to face him a bit head on now, her chair swiveling around before she crosses her legs and faces him. "What about you, though? That reservation I made for you tonight—who are you meeting with?"
Harry's lip parted as he remembered the reservation.
He remembered the reservation he had moved to tonight, simply so that he could flesh out a few details with Felicity over a dinner with just the two of them. Of course, he hadn't mentioned it to her. It was stupid of him to think that she wouldn't be busy on a Friday evening, of course. He had wanted to talk to her about the upcoming week; maybe get a little more out of her if everything was off the record at a dinner that wasn't going on the company credit card, but his own personal dollar.
Harry shakes his head a bit before he scratches at the back of his head, "Uh, right. I—I might need to cancel that. I don't think that's going to happen anymore."
Felicity watches his expression before she seems to mimic with a bit of somber. "Oh. Sorry. Tough subject?"
When he pushed himself from her desk, he placed his hands in his pockets before he hung his head a little bit. It hadn't occurred to him that the disappointment had been a bit stronger than anticipated-- and it wasn't just because he always got what he wanted.
"Hm, something like that," He tried to explain before he changed the subject to get it off his mind, "But yeah. So, dry-cleaning and all that can be finished before the morning, yeah? If you have any questions about any of that, I'll be in my office. Meeting at one and then I'm going to leave here around five."
Giving him a warm smile, Felicity nodded her head at him, watching as he turned to his office.
Her attention fell back to her phone; falling back to the smile and giddiness that had been so rudely interrupted by a different kind of feeling—one that she wasn't so sure she was supposed to enjoy, in that way, anyways.
The black Suburban pulled up against the curb; Harry's phone against his ear as he moved towards the vehicle in a fluid motion.
A driver had opened the door before he crawled in the back seat. The call on the other end had been a business call that he was supposed to listen in on; he wasn't going to speak, just listen to the meeting of what was said. He decided it had been enough and clicked it to end before he looked up and out of the window.
His head turned towards the door before he watched Felicity standing at the curb. She looked uncomfortable as she stood and had her eyes searching for whatever it was that she was looking for.
It was a little bit past six then; the rest of the day was filled with a meeting or two before he really started to get more work, letting his head get wrapped up in taking calls and finishing off emails before he would be away from the office for a bit.
This was how they left each other on most days; his car pulled up, and he usually drove away before he could notice if she caught another ride or if she headed towards the subway. Her eyes were searching— almost like she had been waiting for something or someone but didn't want to seem disappointed. Harry could feel it in his chest—he could feel the way that she stood with her arms crossed over her chest in a bit of distress.
It had occurred to him then that Felicity had mentioned that she was supposed to be picked up around five—a full hour ago.
The rain had started just a bit, enough that she quickly looked to the sky for a moment as if to curse it.
He watched as her phone fumbled in her hands. A discerned look on her face made him halt the driver before they could start pulling away. Harry watched her, the knowing look on his face as he rolled down the window to call out towards her.
"Felicity," He stated, opening the door before he stepped out. "Come on, get in."
Her eyes looked to him, practically mortified. Her head started to shake a bit before he moved out of the car just enough that she noticed his offer was serious and that he wasn't moving. The door was open now as he stood outside of it and held it open for her.
"Let's go– it's raining." He said, squinting a bit as the rain started coming down a bit more.
It seriously took Harry a moment before he realized that it may take a bit more for Felicity to listen to him; her contemplation didn't last long as the rain started to hit the cement loudly—her papers and bag held over her head as she made her way towards the open door of the large vehicle.
Felicity's heels clicked against the sidewalk as she hurried into the back of the van, crawling across to the other side and trying to keep her skirt down as she realized he would be coming right behind her.
There was a brief pause of silence when the door shut behind Harry.
Once they were situated in the backseat, Harry looked at her for a moment as she seemed a bit out of sorts. Her eyes were on her phone as she cleared her throat.
Her eyes were narrowed down as she searched through some texts, a bit all over the place it seemed. Harry knew Felicity better than this, and her nerves were starting to overwhelm her hand, almost like she was completely unsure of what was happening right now.
"Do you just—do you mind dropping me off at fifth ave—" She had started, but he was already shaking his head.
"He's not showing up, so no. Peter, drop us at The Malbec."
Her head turned towards him at the bluntness of his tone and the way that he resisted her need. The way that he answered her was unlike he had ever spoken to her; that caught her off guard the most.
Felicity flipped through her texts once again before she scoffed out, "Harry, I have a date tonight. I'll just get a car from there—"
"No, you won't." He told her, before situating himself in the back. The way that her hair had a bit of windswept to it, the length of her lashes, the complete blush of her cheeks—it was all enough for him to generally bust at the seams.
Seeing her like that was a wake-up call as he looked away and tried his best to be a gentleman.
"I'm off the clock, so my duties are relinquished for the night." She told him sharply, giving herself a bit more voice before Harry really glared at her this time. He had never heard her speak to him in such a way, but something about it gave him a mouthful to bite from.
"Don't fucking talk to me like that, I'm your boss." He told her; his eyes seemingly turning a darker color the more she stared at him. It was enough for her to scoff and turn her head out of the window as they had started to drive up towards the restaurant that she refused to go to.
Harry spoke again, this time a bit softer. "It's just dinner. No work."
It takes a moment before Felicity leans into the window and lets her head rest against the glass. The feeling of the coolness takes over before she shuts her eyes for a moment. It doesn't feel like she wants to cry, but maybe there's a bit of emotion that she can't seem to let go of.
The disappointment aspect was never good to her; that was how this always worked. Something always disappointed her. There hadn't been a moment when she felt comfortable or safe—no, really, she just wandered around in this life with so much hope. So much hope and very little pride, now.
She lived for the hope of it all.
When they made their way to the restaurant, it had started to rain a little less. It was merely a sprinkle before Peter pulled off to the curb closest and the two of them were able to get out.
Felicity was instructed that she could leave her work items in the car, bringing only her purse as Harry followed behind her. When they walked into the restaurant, her eyes widened at how fancy it was—the dim lit lights were much brighter than the sky had been at this time of day, especially when the clouds rolled in.
The host was able to take them directly to their seats—the ones that Felicity had made the reservation for. It was an intimate seat; two chair and a small table that were seated close to the window, but enough away from everyone else.
The Paulliac was on the table as instructed; the host pulled the chair out for Felicity before she was able to take a seat. The only reason she would have ever been to a restaurant like this is for a work event. The host sat menus in front of them before giving them some space.
Harry pushed his sleeves up on his forearm; the littering of tattoos on him was endearing to Felicity's eye before she looked away at the attention she was drawing to them.
"Wine?" He asked her softly, taking the bottle from the table and holding it out in a means to offer her some. She had agreed, nodding a few times before looking at the menu and the items on it. Surely, she couldn't pronounce half of them before she looked up to see that Harry had been looking at her already and her cheeks grew rosier.
Felicity felt that there was a tenseness now, like she didn't have too much to say. She didn't want to say too much and bore him, she didn't want to not say a word and feel the awkwardness that seemed to linger as they sat longer.
"I mean, since we're here," Felicity grabbed the phone from her purse as she scrolled through it, pushing her hair out of her face to tame it a bit from the frizz that the rain caused, "So, just to recap some new additions to the calendar, you have a dental appointment next Monday, a meeting with PLI at 10—"
"You said you grew up in DC, didn't you?" Harry cuts her off, his question making her turn to look at him with a solid glance before she starts to nod a few times. It was a bit unwarranted, but she decided that she would settle into it.
Felicity doesn't know why his soft voice seems so foreign from the bitter sound of his usual bite.
"Y-Yes, yeah, I grew up in Northern Virginia, actually." She gives him a solid answer before she licks her lips. Her hand moves to grab the wine glass, taking a solid sip before she places it back into its spot on the white knit tablecloth.
Harry nods at her simple answer, not necessarily looking for anything else. His head was filled with the worked he had been processing through the week, and something about this felt... warranted. He wanted this to be normal; to feel like she could see him from a different perspective, maybe, without less fear in her eyes.
Something about her makes his blood boil with a derailment—it's almost like he can't seem to read her, which makes him angry and animalistic, almost. He doesn't know why but he feels a bit shy in her presence.
Her eyes read over the menu before she clicks her tongue, "Anything on here that you would recommend?"
"You have any food aversions?" He asks, pretending to look over the menu as if he didn't already know what he was going to order.
She shook her head, not really thinking of anything. She knew that there were foods she didn't particularly enjoy, but she knew that if something was going to be expensive, she would put that aside to at least try.
When the waiter came by, Harry took initiate to order for the table– the two of them. He ordered an entrée, three appetizers, and a spring salad. Felicity listened as he did so, knowing that he knew what he wanted and when he wanted it.
She couldn't relate to that; not these days, at least. She didn't know what she wanted, so she pretended not to think about it most days. Instead, she recognized that not putting the pressure on it made it feel like it was enough; she had to understand that she was okay to be a bit unsure at times.
The restaurant has a crowded chatter amongst the guests, but Harry can't help but pay attention to the silence of the table instead.
"So," He pulls at the tie around his neck just a bit as he leans towards her at the table. "I'm thinking of possible meeting with PLI, in person. Like you mentioned this week, at that meeting. Something about looking someone in the eye might be the best approach and making sure everything is clean."
His eyes lifted to meet hers, watching as she took another sip of the wine. Her eyes were placed now on her hands that laid in her lap.
"Thought this wasn't a work dinner." She mumbled out, but suddenly caught herself, "But yeah– yeah, I think that would be good."
Harry pressed his tongue into his cheek, tilting his head a little bit as he heard her questioned statement. His frustration at not being able to read her was posing a threat to his mood before he shrugged a little bit, "It doesn't have to be, but you are kind of quiet, and I feel like I made you uncomfortable in the car. Or something."
"I'm not uncomfortable," She lied, "I'm– I don't know. I'm just a bit thrown by the events of the evening, and I think men are kind of preposterous right now. Please don't take that personally, and really, no offense or anything."
Harry shrugged, his lips turning downwards as he contemplated the truth in her statement, "None taken. I may agree with you, but," He licked his lips, "Can we agree that women are sometimes a bit..."
As he hesitated for a moment, Felicity spoke instead. "I would suggest that you not finish that sentence, probably. It sounds like the beginning of an HR concern."
Harry lifts a brow in curiosity from her argument that seemingly pushed her a bit out of the boundaries, "You can speak, but I can't? Don't believe that's a fair view of how you think women should live in society, is it? You want fair treatment, so I'm going to be honest with you."
"I didn't limit you from speaking, I just suggested that you should not. You can definitely say whatever it is that you'd like to say to me, Mr. Styles." Felicity shook her head a bit, tucking her hair behind her ear. The way that she said his name always made him a bit woozy.
There was a moment when Harry wasn't completely sure that he didn't see the glimmer in her eye—that he didn't see a sparkle that may have been a fleeting moment, just a quick nod to him before it was gone forever, making him look mad for even thinking it in the first place.
"I will say it, then, if you're willing to listen," Harry told her, "I think that men and women aren't usually equal—nor should they be," He paused for a moment before he watched as her facial expression started to contour with a confusion so loud that he was certain the chefs in the back could hear. "I think that we live in a balancing act. For instance, the guy that you were looking to see—sure, he's probably an asshole, but you continued to want to see him. The pendulum works both ways. Maybe you shouldn't have wanted to meet up with him."
Felicity scoffed out a breath before she took a sip of the wine again—she could feel that there was a growing fuzziness that she wasn't able to keep up with. "Oh, you're giving me relationship advice now?"
The way that she bit when she had a bit of alcohol in her made Harry's eyes turn a darker shade of green that was unable to be noticed by the dimness of the restaurant that sat in. It was much more direct than she ever had been with him before; he wondered if this was how she was normally.
"I like to think I have your best interest in mind." He tells her with full honesty, feeling a bit bare with the truth laying flat on the table.
There is a moment that Felicity feels her heartstring tug, wondering if he meant it to hit her as specifically as it did. But she clears her throat when she watches the way that Harry refills the glass of red wi the out her asking for it, noticing that he fingers tremble when he grabs the bottle.
"I— I really do appreciate it, like, what you– I mean, you probably don't remember, but just this week with the whole coffee incident–"
Felicity is cut-off, by him, but she can see that the anger peculates off of him as he recalls the incident, "I hate that they think people are below them like that. It bothers the shit out of me," She can tell that the thought bothers him; his eyes narrow down as he takes a sip of his own wine, "Yes, it's your fucking job, but it's also not worth their time to be shitty to you for something you can't control. And you couldn't be nicer, grateful, kind—"
Harry's cut off by the food coming to the table. He shakes his head at the possible embarrassment he may encounter from the softness of rambling he had started to portray about some of her highest qualities.
The dinner that came out was exceptional— nothing less of what Felicity could have imagined. It was top-tier; the wine that was paired with it made her giggle a few times when Harry would go on rants about the way that he thought some of the companies ran. He would start the conversation with, 'off the record' and she would smile about how he could keep their conversations low.
It wasn't until she had told a soft-spoken jab about how she believed that he needed to stop hiring old, white men that she noticed that his dimples were parallel on either side of his face. They lit up his features, turning his eyes the color of a southern sky.
When they had finished, Harry took the check with ease and signed his name in capital letters, as if he wanted everyone to know that he had spent the amount of money at dinner that she spent in a month of rent.
Harry placed his hand on the small of her back as they maneuvered out to the car. The street was starting to become a bit crowded, especially at the door for the wait. Harry had texted his driver to make sure they could be picked up, which again, he made sure to open the door for her as they flew into the backseat.
Felicity told the driver where she needed to go; back to her apartment that sat on the upper West side of the city. It was close to Central Park; a few blocks away, she'd say.
There's a moment when Harry feels that he doesn't want the night to end. He surely doesn't want to watch her leave— that's for sure. The car ride is spent with him catching her glances as they watch the lights in the city pass by; the honking of the cars and the putter of rain starts to encapsulate the backseat.
"Is this good for drop off?" The driver asks, looking in the rearview mirror at Felicity before she nods, agreeing with a soft yes, and starts to collect her things. The items she had brought from work were still in their place.
Harry watched as she goes to speak, knowing that it was going to be a goodbye. He would surely see her in the morning, but he couldn't bare the idea of flying across the ocean, staring at her across the seat from himself, without any words left unspoken.
"Uh," He shifted a bit in the back of the car, Felicity could see that he was looking up towards the building that she called her own. "Do you actually mind if—uh, I really have to piss."
Her eyes widened a bit before she let her own lips widen into a smirk. "Oh— yeah, please."
It hadn't occurred to her until they were walking up the steps and into the building that she may have had some underwear on the floor and could potentially have a sink filled with dirty dishes— she couldn't quite remember.
But what she did know was that Harry was following in her steps as they climbed a few flights until they reached the third floor.
"Quite a workout, huh?" Harry puffed as they reached the front door to her specific apartment.
"Hm," She hummed, "Imagine having to move all of my furniture up here. I had to ask random men on the street to help me."
Felicity digs into her purse before she's able to find the keys to the front door.
"I don't want to be super nosy," He looked around the small vestibule that they were standing in while Felicity tried to find her keys—even though the purse she held was naturally quite small. "But is there any reason you live in a place that resembles a prison?"
Felicity chuckled out a laugh before she found the small keyring and tried to put it into the lock. Her hands were a bit unsteady—the wine was holding the buzz over her as she steadied her hands to unlock the small door.
"This is what livable looks like in New York," The door swung open; Felicity moved into the tiny apartment before placing her bag on the kitchen counter. "Maybe I need to have a discussion with my boss about a raise."
It wasn't the smallest apartment, but it was exactly what she needed. There was no storage space, but there was a separate room for each need—living room, kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom. She had a small working office in the corner by the balcony that she had been lucky enough to score from this specific unit.
Harry looked around the place, his eyes feasting on every detail. "That can probably be arranged if I can be certain that you won't get mugged getting into your front door."
He noticed how lived in it felt—the opposite of the cool, modern, high-end penthouse he would resort to later that evening. Everything was painted a different color of beige, keeping the lightness of the empty place very noticeable.
There were photos on the walls, painting and portraits, there were words that resembled some of her favorite music and books. It was colorful and there were plants that were seemingly a bit out of control.
"The bathroom is right there, by the way." Felicity pointed, before Harry turned towards the small room to his left.
"Thanks." He stated before he moved into it and shut the door behind him.
It was the same reaction he had to the living room and kitchen; his eyes narrowed in on the details of the shower curtain and the small bottles of serum that sat along her sink. The way that her toothbrush was bright pink, matching the towels that hung on the wall.
There were delicate parts of her that he was certain she wouldn't have told him about because she didn't think that it mattered. But in the long run, he liked the bits of color and the pieces of art that hung next to her sink.
It was a detail he hadn't really thought about of her before.
When he had come back, he stared at her position in front of the sink. Her sleeves were rolled up as she washed a few dishes that had been sitting there. Her heels has been removed, but the jacket and the short skirt still hung from her delicate frame as he watched the way that she focused on a task.
She noticed that he was looking at her now before she gave a small smile and felt that he wasn't in a hurry to leave.
"I would offer you something to drink—I mean, I would offer you anything, but I'm not really," She looked around the kitchen. "I have coffee and vodka. And not like," She scrunched her brows together as she looked in her fridge. "Not good vodka. You would look down on me if I served you this, kind of vodka."
Harry let his smile tilt up a bit as he meandered into the small space of the kitchen. If she was offering him anything—
"You really think I'm that much of a snob?" He smirked.
Felicity huffed a little bit as she turned her head towards him, "The wine we drank tonight was $600 a bottle."
He doesn't say anything for a moment before he tilts his head a bit and shrugs off the comment. He wonders if she thinks of him differently—not for being her boss, but for having a high taste. Possibly the earlier of the two, too.
"I grew up that way, I guess. It's hard to decipher what's normal." He tries to explain to her, which makes her look at him with a mockery of a face. Her eyes roll with a smile, and he gives her a look of disdain.
She goes to respond to him, but instead he moves his body practically over top of her back to grab the vodka that sits on the second shelf of the fridge. It's a bottle that cost Felicity about $12.75 just the other week, and it has a good amount still left in it. Harry holds the neck of it in his hands before he looks at it and sets it down on the counter.
"Lemons? Juice? Anything?" He asks; taking the liberty himself to look through one of the cabinets to try and find himself a glass. Felicity stays still for a moment before she's able to grasp the magnitude of the situation.
Her boss—Harry Styles, CEO, is standing in her kitchen and trying to make himself a cocktail with her $12.75 vodka that she had bought at the bodega just a few days prior. He's perusing through the cabinets—the few that she had—before he turns to her.
"Uh, I have a bar cart." She tells him solidly, before she moves her way into the living room where the car sat. Her head is feeling fuzzy, and she wonders if adding the vodka to it will make her completely lose all faith in herself. She has a feeling it will make her say something absolutely ridiculous, to him of all people.
Felicity grabs the shaker, two glasses, a lemon from one of the small bowls that she uses for décor but also for moments like this and makes her way to the kitchen where Harry has already taken the ice trays out. When he looks back up at her, he nods back to where she came from, her eyes following his gaze.
"Go sit on the couch, let me make you a drink." He tells her, "You had a long week."
"I'm going to be completely honest with you," She folds her hands together before he looks at her with a bit of a concerned look, "I don't know if I like the roles reversed like this."
He gives her a smug smile before he turns back to what he had been doing previously; now filling up the shaker with ice before he poured a few seconds worth of vodka into it.
"You think I'm a stuck-up prick," He tells her, "Let me show you that I'm not, will you?"
The statement that he left on his lips settled in the air between them; Felicity blew it away as she breathed outwards and just nodded in place. She suddenly became a bit meek before she made her way back to the sofa where she settled into the cloudy cushions, sitting with her legs underneath of her as she tried not to flash anything from her skirt. She heard Harry mixing the cocktails in the glass shaker, shortly before coming out with two glasses in his hands.
He hands over a glass that looks solemnly... clear. Maybe a bit too clear, but she felt satisfied to know that he was trying his best to make a spot in her world. She didn't have to climb to his level, he was trying to stay at hers.
"To..." He trailed off as he held his glass up to her. The small loveseat that they sat on felt incredibly intimate all the sudden.
"To... London?" Felicity stated, "To having to be up tomorrow at five, but continuing to drink even though we can get to London."
Harry laughed at her words before he clinked his glass against hers, "To London."
The way that his accent wrapped itself around certain words held her attention briefly before she was able to take a sip of the cocktail he prepared. Strong wasn't the word; overkill may have been more like it.
"Holy fuck," She coughed softly before she felt a sting in her eyes, "That's—please never go into bartending."
A subtle look of offense took over his face as he went to take a sip of his own before he widened his eyes at the flavor of it. "Oh, shit. Yeah, wow. That—that'll do some damage."
Felicity started to laugh at his own reaction before she sat the drink down on the coffee table and watched Harry do the same.
"So, to brief then," She stated, "I believe that it's still true that you're just a stuck-up snob who can't do anything on his own, including making a cocktail."
Harry stood up for a moment but took offense to her comment. He started to remove his jacket, which only intrigued her—it meant he was staying a while longer. "Hey, to my defense, your fridge is very, very sad. There was not much I could have done to make this better. If you're going to drink vodka, at least buy a decent brand."
Felicity tucked the hair behind her ear, "I'm here to make vodka Sprite's, okay? Not martinis," She leaned against the back of the sofa, "And there you go again with being the rich snob."
It was annoying to her that he had decided to roll up his sleeve, just enough on his forearm that she was able to see the tattoos that weren't seen very often. Seldom, really. In the office, she would notice that he would be focusing on something in his office, his sleeve rolled up a bit, but that was the extent of it.
It seemed there were many more up his arm than she had initially thought, but she knew that she would never see them all.
When he went to sit down, he went to move the throw pillow behind his arm, but as he did so, he noticed something black against the white couch cushion.
Immediately, his fingers flew to the item before he lifted the lace that held his attention quite mesmerizingly. Felicity gasped at the realization before she grabbed them from his hands, absolutely mortified didn't even cut it.
"I'm so embarrassed," She finally spoke, almost trying to blame the redness of her cheeks on the strong beverage he gave her. She knew that it was the inflammation of her dignity, not the vodka.
There wasn't a word spoken before she watched that his expression changed surprisingly. He took a long sip of the vodka drink before setting it back down.
But the smile that follows from the cocktail is all she needs to see before she can smile back.
"You continue to surprise me," His words were placed with a package of slurring vocab before he swallows back anything else he'd say out of pocket, "I'm going to be very honest that I didn't imagine you as— I mean, I never imagined you in lace."
"You say that like you imagined me in something else." The words that came from Felicity weren't her own—she didn't know why she said them, but his quick rebuttal shut her up completely.
"Silk, probably," He uses his finger to touch the rim of the rocks glass that he's holding, where the condensation made a drip over the dress pants that situation themselves over his thighs, so lucky. "Or—I mean, you could surprise me even more," He went quick after a moment.
Silence. Protruding silence that is viciously capturing them in this haze of only breath that either of them can hear. It's uninterrupted until Harry leans his head back and the creaking on the sofa fills Felicity's head, rather than the idea of what's to come.
She had felt it before; the warranted tension that Harry seemed to have over her. Maybe it was her fault for leaning into it, but sometimes, she just couldn't help it. The way that he found himself taken by her was just unspoken most of the time. She was surprised that he wouldn't have pulled anything at dinner, but she could fill in the blanks as she invited him up to her apartment.
It was inevitable, she thought.
She shouldn't have done that, but should not's were not what she was thinking about as she drowned herself in the alcoholic state of the sour vodka that wafted of lemon juice and baited words.
Instead, Felicity blinked a few times, watching as he stared at the ceiling. The blankness of the pure white ceiling seemed to keep him grounded before she watched his jaw tighten.
"You're full of surprises, a lot of mystery, you know?" Harry breathed out. The tie around his neck was getting tight, but he couldn't loosen it now—if he was being honest, it was adding to the pleasure of the moment. He wouldn't speak that out, but while the tightness caused a bit of discomfort, he thought of it in other instances. "I'm not sure I can keep up with it."
There was an unresolved tension in the words he spoke, maybe even a bit of slur in them before Felicity followed suit; her head resting practically next to his as she stared at the blank white ceiling that had very little to memorize or stare at.
"What fun is a mystery if it's solved?"
He wasn't sure if she saw—he wasn't sure if she saw the way that his eyes fluttered at the thought of uncovering every instance of mystery that she kept hidden away, in this small apartment. The air was starting to become lost on them, feeling like the oxygen was being pulled as he breathed. The shakiness of his breath was caught by her when she turned her head—she wished that she hadn't.
All she could process was the way that his eyes stared upwards, lips parted in an unsure manner before she watched his eyebrows knit in a deep thought that she couldn't seem to interpret. But this pique of interest held her as she kept her eyes on him—he could feel every deep breath that she tried to mask.
"I don't know if you knew this about me," He quietly stated, "But I really can't handle the unknown."
It was then that his head turned towards her; the distance between them was much shorter than he could have thought. He didn't notice until his eyes directly moved towards the way that her lips curved in the small bow, the one that he had known so well from the number of times that he couldn't keep his eyes from her. But this was different; this held much more tension that he couldn't believe.
This time he could smell the liquor that lingered on her lips that mixed so well with the cherry of the chapstick that he knew she applied generously. He would watch the way that it slid over the lips as he sat at his desk and wondered what was on her mind.
"You're very good at getting what you want," Felicity breathed, watching as he shut his eyes for a moment. It was as if with every word she spoke, he was closer and closer to the edge of something great.
Her eyes traveled to the way that his legs sat just open—they were just waiting for someone to notice. Felicity swallowed at the idea of sitting between them, on her knees. Sitting there with her eyes laying on him; he took notice of her tense shoulders and her harbored through before he sat up just a bit. He scooted himself back on the sofa—Felicity blinked at the way that he invited her with just the flicker of his eyes.
No words needed to be spoken when the look could speak for itself, but the way that he speaks breaks the barrier of silence.
"How good am I at getting what I want?"
The heavy eyes that she held were only staring at his lips and the way that he spoke—the flicker of his tongue over the satin maroon of his lips. She couldn't contain herself, because she knew that his aura was a force to be reckoned with. She had seen it up close and personal; she knew that everything that he did was because he was in it one hundred percent.
He didn't half-ass anything—not a report, not a phone call, not a meeting, not a thought.
Everything Harry did was with the full intensive purpose of being the only thing on someone's mind, body, and soul.
Felicity trembled in the spot next to him, but her legs urged to move themselves. Her brain wasn't moving as fast as her decisions; and in an instant, her knees lowered to the spot in front of him. Her hands settling on the thick of his thigh as she allowed her eyes to hold his. For a moment, hesitation crossed his face, but she could have mistaken it for vulnerability.
The way that he breathed outwards was enough to make her gain the strength of a thousand horses—the talk that he talked wasn't as strong now, she felt a sensibility of pure radiance from her actions.
"I'd say you're the best at it, really." She let her hands settle on his thighs, but she took them away so she could drop the blazer down her arms. The tight white t-shirt settled against her frame as he watched the way that she pushed her brunette locks from her shoulders.
But his being felt incredibly taken by the way that she slowly moved—she wanted to savor every moment of this, he could tell that she was being critical, slow, and putting together each piece of herself in front of him.
That's what he thought at least, until he recognized that there was a tremble in her hand when she went to grab at the belt buckle, he barred. His hand flew to hers when she touched it; almost annoyed at himself by the look of terror that he was faced with as he knew that she had felt pushed away at that.
Instead, he pulled at her to stand up in front of him, between his legs. She did so with ease but a bit of confusion laid on her face as she stood with her hands by her side, Harry's eyes dancing along the figure—the divots in her thighs, the way the skirt just held to her so beautifully.
He let out a whimpering sound before he let his hand fall to the tightness of the front of his pants. Instantly, the pleasure trigger was pulled, and he knew what he had gotten himself into now had to be completed. It had to—he never did anything half-assed.
"Go put your heels on," He instructed her, watching as she stared at him willingly.
"A please would be nice." She tutted back, letting her lip fall into the curve of a smile.
Instantly, she knew that this wasn't a game anymore—this wasn't a fun, hushed little game of pleasure with nobody watching. She knew that the way that his eyes changed at the blink of an eye, the way that his jaw tightened at the statement: and the clear smirk on her lips faded.
"I'm not asking you," He sat up a bit, "I'm telling you."
Felicity had been used to being spoken as such; her memory fading into a moment, but her barriers kept up as she understood that her body was reacting only to the way that the words flowed from his mouth. She knew there was safety in his tone, she could see it by the way that he had stared at her with these stolen glances all night.
Instead, she followed his direction, moving back towards the door until she placed the black heels onto her feet again. They hurt just a bit from wearing them all day, she had to admit. But they made her stand taller, firmer against the fake wood flooring of her apartment. She wondered why the downstairs neighbors would think, as it became later at night.
"Come here," He told her, holding her wrist when she got close enough. He pulled her back to the place in front of him. She stood taller now, his nose practically at her bellybutton as she watched the way that he pulled her close.
Now, his hands lay on the outside of her hips, the sides of her thighs. She shuddered at the feeling, knowing that this was the first time she had been touched by him in such a manner. The musky scent of teakwood and spice drifted from the curls that settled against his forehead, she was sure of it. She could feel the heat of his breath just above where she needed him most as she stood close to him, right between his legs as he sat on the sofa.
"Do you know how many times I've thought of you like this?" He practically choked on his words, quiet, "So fucking beautiful."
She breathed out a shaky breath, holding onto every ounce of madness that she had collected over the past few moments.
"How many?" She asked him. Harry stood up, letting her take a step back as she felt the prominence of him now-- how he was a bit taller, even with her heels on. Every part of her ached—so unfamiliar to her, this feeling of need and want. It was a sensation of desperation that she hadn't known before; her inner monologue was flooded with dangerous prose as she felt his fingers cradled onto her jaw.
"More times than I'd ever be able to count." He told her, his voice deep and sharp as he pushed his hips forward. She walked backward a few steps, he followed in her lead like a waltz before he pushed her pelvis into the wall, holding it there with his own.
"You're going to be my good girl tonight, aren't you, Felicity?" His words were practically a whimper as he let his lips slide along her own; the tremble of her quivering lips made him shake in his own anticipation. "You love to listen, hm? That's why you're always taking my orders and assisting me? Getting paid to do what I say?"
It was always obvious by the pink of her cheeks and the timid ways of her soul that Harry could see right through her. From the moment she arrived on the job to the way that she completed everything task with ease; every job, every plan he needed executed, she followed in righteous order.
It made him proud, to say the least. She ran the company better than he did most days, but she didn't get half the recognition.
Until now, surely.
Her eyes nearly roll back into her head at the foul play of his words; the way that his eyes follow down the path of her lips, his thumb mapping the path down her chin before he grabbed it between his thumb and index finger.
The villainous smirk on his lips can't be seen by how close they are now.
"Does saying 'Yes, Mr. Styles' make you wet, Miss Carter?"
The question rolled off his tongue as he watched her minuscule behaviors; the way that she practically shivered against the wall made his eyes move to the way that her knees bent in just a bit.
His mouth turned up to the side as he realized that his was right yet again.
Felicity groaned in the back of her throat as she let it tip against the wall. He was practically on top of her by the way that he stood, his knee was pushing her knees apart before she was able to protest any of it. Not that she would've; she knew that it was about to turn into an evening that she couldn't have truly imagined if you had asked her just hours before.
"You're getting shy on me, again?" He remarked, but this time, it was paired with some loose kisses along her neck as he used his hand to cradle her jaw enough that she was pressing into it with ease. "What happened to that smart mouth, hm?"
Felicity ached as she breathed—her body pressured against the wall was her own doing, practically to keep herself from overwhelming herself. If she leaned into him too much, she wouldn't be able to breathe at all.
"Yes, Mr. Styles." She bit her lip at the words coming off her tongue.
She could feel that the instant gratification that came from him was filtered through the stare that he barred towards her; the way that his nose brushed against the lobe of her ear as he practically fell into her graces with three simple words.
Harry groaned at the feeling of her pressed against him then; her brain sparked a few times, trying to remember how it felt before this. How reality felt. This wasn't reality in the slightest; this was a dream.
"Tell me," He urges her, "What was his name?"
She lets her eyes wash over his face as she notices that his strength and need have put him into a trance of pleasure and further need.
"Who?" She questions.
"The guy," He lets his lip gently caress right between her chin and lip. "The guy you were supposed to see tonight."
Felicity remembered how the evening was supposed to go—her interest completely lost in that game, when this one seemed a bit more daring and fun. It felt that she was seen here; like she had been stared at for quite some time, ogled, maybe.
"Uh, S-Sam." She choked out as she felt the way that his hand pinched at the small of her waist, almost like he was trying to make sure she didn't leave.
He hummed softly before he tipped her head back, the simple press of his nose moving her head against the wall. "Fucking loser."
Her mouth instantly felt his—a righteous moment of complete satisfaction bundled beneath her. It was the first time that his lips had laid into hers, moving gently against one another as they fit perfectly in sync. It wasn't too rough—just enough to know that she was in the hands of someone who knew what she was asking just by the way that his body moved. He could read her body and react to the fact that her chest may have been pressed against the wall a bit too much, so he pulled back to give her room to breathe.
The way that they flew through her bedroom door was just as shocking to her as it was to him; it made a much larger noise than she anticipated as they practically flew over the threshold and into the creamy white sheets of her—thankfully—made bed.
He landed on top of her in the heat of the moment. Their lips stayed attached through it all, almost like they were making up for all the lost time over the years. His tongue gently caressed over her top lip, which elicited quite a whine of surprise from her.
Her hands flew to his necktie, trying to loosen it before Harry grabbed her wrist—hard enough that she barked out a whimper.
"No," He told her sharply, watching as she hesitated underneath him. Now her hair was feathered out against the bedspread, her light eyes were catching every glimpse of her. After a moment, he looked at her softly, knowing that she didn't understand the game that he was about to play.
"We are going to play by my rules tonight," He told her, watching as she pushed herself up towards the headboard. He followed her lead, letting her hands rest on the back of his head as she tried to kiss every inch down her neck. "And I have a few notes you need to take, got it?"
Felicity tried her best to stabilize her breath as she was given a moment away from their lips touching to catch it. She licked over her lips, feeling her heart pounding along her chest before she nodded against the bed and the linen comforter that laid underneath them.
Harry sat up, his hair a bit of a mess, the clothes on his body were practically ripped from the front where they had been neatly tucked. The growing need for her was obvious as he felt the tip of his cock struggling beneath the waistband of his belt. The friction made it quite hard to concentrate on what his plans had been, but he knew that he had to be firm with his requests.
"First," He instructed, "The safe word is poetry."
Felicity's eyes stared at him with quiet focus as she nodded a few times to try and understand that. She hadn't ever been with someone who needed to use a safe word in any sexual act, so she struggled to wrap her brain around what that could have possibly meant. But her actions continued to nod as she wrapped her arms around his biceps to try to bring him back to earth. The idea that he had to bring it up intrigued her.
"Second," He pulled at the necktie around his own before he loosened it enough to grab and throw off of his own neck. His hands moved to place it around her own, helping to move the hair from her neck so that it could rest comfortably around her own. "I like to use props. Are you okay with that?"
Felicity felt her heart beating steadily in her chest for a few seconds before she nodded her head. He watched the innocence completely take over her face as he smirked at the all-knowing tale of it.
"Third," He bit on his lip as he moved down to let their foreheads rest along each other, "I need to hear you—no nodding or shaking your head. Consent makes me feel good. And when I feel good," He kissed her once again, a quick one this time, before his voice quieted so that it was just between them. "You'll feel even better. Okay?"
Felicity breathed in a deep breath before she tried to use the voice that had been drifting away from her. She didn't feel in her body like an echo of a voice had started to take over instead of her words. But she let out a rasp of a word, "Okay."
Harry nodded a few times, knowing that with her eyes, he would be able to continue, but only if he was able to talk her through every part of it. He didn't know her experience level or what she was comfortable with, but he knew how to make pleasure the only thing that would be on her mind for weeks. Hopefully, it wouldn't be the last time he got the opportunity.
"This is—uh," She looked at the ceiling, feeling like an idiot for starting to speak before she shook her head, and watched Harry give her a look of confusion. "No, sorry. Nevermind."
"What is it?" He questioned, hoping that something he had said hadn't scared her away. She took in a breath as she thought about how the wording could anger him—maybe it would stop whatever was happening, which she didn't want to happen now that they were in the midst of it all.
"I—uh, I mean, like, are you okay with this?" She asked quietly before pushing up on her elbows. "I—do I have like, sign something?"
Harry raised in brows in a bit of a humorous way that only made her cheeks grow red with shame at her silly question—in all honesty, it wasn't silly, but Harry was giving her a hard time about it, anyway. He bit on his lip as he felt the smile that was threatening to overcome his entire face.
"Am I supposed to be worried that you're going to tell the Daily Mail that I have a huge cock?"
"Harry!" She covered her eyes, floating back onto the comforter, "Nevermind—maybe I'll tell them it's small, though, if you don't stop being mean. I'm just trying to protect you."
"Aw," He tutted, putting his thumb over her bottom lip, but his eyes had grown a bit darker—the way that they had been a bit earlier. It was almost an illicit reaction; the way that he spoke to her, was so filthy with each word spoken that made her melt into the bed. "Dare you to say that to my face when you're choking on it," He pressed his hips into hers then, knowing that she would react to it. Hers moved upwards into him, just as he had intended, "I'm not worried about an NDA in the slightest bit."
In a teasing manner, she scrunched her nose and playfully spat back, "What if I tried to steal all of your money?"
He pressed his hands next to her head on the bed, letting her eyes look directly into his as he spoke, hoping his voice didn't falter: "You can have it all. Take it."
Something about it should have made Felicity giggle—almost like they were joking around. But there was a way that his sincerity felt more like a proposition than a source to cut the tension of their achingly needing bodies against one another.
Her body seemed to enjoy the way that he stated the smooth words, as she let her hands fall into the brunette curls that settled on the back of his neck. It didn't take long for her to pull him closer, letting her lips graze over him in such a frustrating manner. She was completely built up, her could feel the way that her thighs trembled against him.
Pushing her legs open, Harry pushed the hem of her skirt up her hips so that he could find a home between them. In doing so, flashing the baby pink of her lace panties only let his blood flow faster and faster.
"I bet you've soaked those, hm?" He tuts, pressing his nose into her cheek ask he lets his hand knowingly move to the place he speaks of, knowing that he's right. Again. "Sam doesn't know what he's missing, does he?"
The teasing was becoming a bit too much for her—waiting for his fingers to move faster, she moved her hips a bit to try and get herself the pleasure she was trying to search so desperately for from him.
Harry notices the way that she tries to squirm, and he smirks at the reaction he's giving her; knowing that within every inch of her is building up a tension that will release. It will be like a dam that overflows—a satisfaction that will be so worthy of the cost of admission. He can't help but notice, can't help but watch her need.
He can't help but know that he's going to fuck her into an oblivion so dark, the stars will be lost in space. She doesn't know that yet.
Instead of being mean, he decides it might be better for him to give her what she needs—what she's been so kindly asking him for with her pretty hips and her pretty lips.
"On your knees," He tells her, watching as she moves underneath him. She wiggles around until she's on her stomach; the necktie gets him harder as he watches it dangle from her neck like the apple in Eden. Every part of him wants to take the bite—not yet, oh, not yet.
When she does this, her back arches upwards, and Harry's knees settle on the bed as he hovers above her and watches the way that she submits to him. Every word he says she listens—he can barely handle it anymore.
In an instant, his hands reached the bottom of her skirt, pushing it up to fully show the outline of her ass in the cheeky pink lace. It's always been known to him that she would wear something so pitifully scandalous under those black skirts, but he couldn't have imagined it would be like this.
Her pretty face has been folded into the creamy duvet, waiting for the touch of him to send her into an implosion.
All he wanted was to taste her—to make all of the thoughts he had prior feel like they were significant and they were able to be adhered to. He wanted to make her feel like she was the most special person on the planet; like she could feel every inch of him, and she would be thriving in that thought for the end of time.
This may be a one-time occurrence, and he wanted to marvel in it. He wanted her to enjoy what she didn't know could be.
Harry's hands pulled at the pink lace, wondering how lucky he was to be able to enjoy this sight—and what a sight. The wetness of her folds only made him salivate; made his hungry eye a darker shade of green before he dove his tongue directly into her, licking up the mess he had already made of her.
The soft whimpers turned into moans as she practically lurched forward—the initiation hardly bearable as she scrunched her eyes at the feeling of pleasure. The warmth and invite of his tongue pressed against her, lapping her up and into a pitiful puddle. When she felt the nudge of his finger, she gasped at the feeling of him; the duo of his tongue and finger sang together in harmony like a choir of angels.
"Oh, fuck," She quietly moaned out, holding herself on her elbows as she grabbed at her pillow for a bit of leverage. She felt him hum into her, his nose gently brushing against her as he pushed her ass up to get further towards her clit which hungered for his touch, as did his tongue.
The taste of her replenished him, making his heartbeat faster as he felt the stringent feeling of tightness along the dress pants that held him in. Without letting his tongue go without, he used his hand to swiftly throw the belt from the loops of his pants, unbuttoning them quickly and without another thought.
"Fuck, you taste like I thought you would. So fucking sweet." He stated, pushing her ass out of the way when he pulled back. He threw her down onto the bed so that she would be looking up at him. The girl was fully dressed still, just with her skirt pushed up—underwear a bit haphazardly thrown to the side. The rose-colored cheeks threw him as he used his hands to pull the skirt down her thighs.
"Get naked." He ordered, watching as Felicity's hands moved to throw the t-shirt from her body as he requested, leaving her in her panties and bra. Harry threw the white button-down of his from his chest; Felicity got a bit distracted by the way that the tattoos generously scattered over his body. She swallowed back her intimidation as she held herself up on her elbows.
In a swift motion, her panties and bra were thrown onto the ground, leaving her in just the necktie like Harry had ordered for her. She hadn't even quite noticed that he had been rid of his own clothes, her eyes wandering down but not wanting to stare as she noticed that the smirk on his face was ever present.
"Think it's still small?" He asked, with a chuckle as he pulled at her knees, moving her down towards him.
"Maybe smaller than I'm used to." She played back, biting her lip at the intrigue of how he'd react. His arms grabbed at her waist before he threw himself down onto the bed.
"Ride me, then. If you think you can take it as good as you say." His words spit out before Felicity could think too much. It had been a while she had been in this situation, with a guy in her place, at least. Her hand reached over to the nightstand to grab a condom, Harry nodding in appreciation for the gesture.
Her hunger and desire for this became a bit more active as she was now in the driver's seat, moving and manipulating her body to sit across his lap. If she would lie, she would say that it was smaller than average. But unfortunately, she was taught to always tell the truth.
It was much bigger—especially as he rubbed his hand down himself, a gasp of air baiting out of his lips before he looked up at her in a state that could only resemble pleasure.
Harry rolled the condom down his length, watching as she settled into his lap. Her legs settle on either side of him before he looks up at her. The blazing fuzziness of his mind from the liquor has started to cease and is replaced with a hunger of desire for the brunette instead.
"Pretty, pretty." He tells her, watching as she looks antsy enough to move, but he pulls her down to kiss her, anyways. It's a moment that he knows he's taking away from her, but he needs some form of interaction from her. A small detail of need that overcomes him.
His hands steady her hips above him, holding his cock up to her entrance before he watches her hips move down to encapsulate him all—her movements are slow as she throws her head back in an unsurmountable pleasure that she quite practically leans forward against him to catch herself from falling.
"Fuck," He grunts, shutting his eyes just at the way that the blood moves directly to his cock at the feeling of her wetness. She's completely drenched and open and ready which makes her so sensitive and barely capable of words at this point.
Her hands steady herself, holding onto his chest as he allows her to take the lead on what she needs. But he can tell from the look on her face that she's having quite a hard time collecting herself—almost like she's quite unsure of what to do with the power that he's given her to be on top. It's not him pitying her, but him wanting her to enjoy the experience.
So, maybe, in another life, this can happen again.
"Baby," He choked out, shaking his head at the way that he knew it was the wrong choice of words, "Felicity—let me," He grabbed the small of her waist as he sat up quickly. His arms pivoted them so that he could throw them back around on the bed. It wasn't to take anything away from her, but to give to her more than she was giving to herself.
"Let me do this, yeah?" He joked with her, letting his lips kiss along hers, biting and nipping and finding small ways of showing her that the softness of him was still there even in the darkened eyes and furious gasps.
His body readjusted, his hips pushing into her in a more fluid motion. This got her to gasp, a breathy one that he liked hearing—those were the ones that were out of pure pleasure and satisfaction; ones that he felt drunk on.
In a way, this felt a lot different than before. The overhead light of her bedroom was soft; there was a significant dimness to it. He wasn't sure if it was because the room was small, but it felt like there was a intimacy that he had been missing before. His eyes tilted upwards to the paintings and lines of movie quotes that lined along her bedroom wall. There were framed simply and held color and brightness to the space, which distracted him for only a moment before he was able to lay against her.
The necktie around her took his focus back.
"I'm going to play with you a bit, is that alright?" He asked her softly, biting at his lip before he found himself pressing into her hips. His hands grabbed at the necktie before letting them start to tighten it around her neck. " 'Member you words, hm?"
Felicity whimpered out at the coax; nodding her head, "Please—please."
Harry sat up at the request, happy that she was using her words in this sense. He readied himself; thinking of what he needed to think about to try to get himself to a different place. He didn't want to cum too quickly; his cock was barely holding on as it was. The friction of her sweet wetness was enough to make him fold again and again and again.
His fist moved to grip at the knot of the tie, pushing it upwards until it hit at her chin. She raised her head, almost to give way to the pressure that it held against her. She was only briefly capable of speaking a few words, but she was taken with pleasure at the way that her breathing was manipulated.
"Breath play," Harry practically reads her mind as his hip's diver deeper into her. The feeling of her legs at his ribs, practically around his body as he feels the back of her ankle into his back. "Your words, baby."
Felicity took a deep breath; Harry moved his hand so that she could take it in more. He wanted her to feel the wooziness, the daydream-like feeling of the high that it could bring her. He wanted this moment to be special, for her to remember that she was in the most requitting love affair. That she was taken care of, adored, seen.
At the end of the day, Harry wanted to make sure that her jaw was cradled, her lips were kissed, her eyes were stared into, and her breath was taken away.
His hips snapped further, her moan sounded like a small mew before he sat up a bit straighter, loosening his hand on the tie before he grabbed at both of her hips. His hand moved to maneuver over her clit, thumb drawing a star over top of it to which she squirmed in sensitivity. He smirked at the way that she held softly against him before he let a dribble of spit land directly on her, smearing the wetness to coat her.
"Jesus fucking Christ." He stated, the blown-out pupils of them both had them reeling—he noticed he had really neglected parts of her that he had wanted to remember, but he also knew that there was a significant need that they were both needing to fill. He knew that this was just inevitable fucking from weeks—months, really—of built-up tension that they both needed to get out of their system.
"I—I want more," She nodded, her voice quiet and barely above a mumble before their eyes made contact.
He felt that she was a bit, for lack of a better word, fucked. Her eyes were a bit droopy, she may have been trying to cover up how much she really drank, but her effervescent neediness was going to haunt him forever.
"I can give you more," He nodded, "I can give you so much fucking more." His hips snapped forward, again and again and again—her headboard hitting the wall every time he did so. Their breath heavy and their eyes connected as he did so.
"Such a pretty little fuck," He lifted her leg up from around his waist before he gave her knee a gentle kiss. "I'm so hard, fuck."
The fully natured nudity of their bodies was new for him—it was usually very quick, especially when they would come to his. But this was significantly more intimate; he wanted to spend this time with her. He liked that they decided to do it this way.
She could feel the tightening of the rubber band that was about to snap. It had been building with every swipe of his thumb, the way that his tongue had gently nudged at her clit; the way he had plunged forward with every deep thrust. She was impressed with the way that he moved her body to be able to hit at her spot every single time. He had studied her, watched what she did—how she reacted.
"I'm—fuck," He pulled himself forward, letting his head drop as he fell into her touch. This was new; her hands on his shoulders, the way that they moved into his hair and down his neck. "Poetry, okay?" He reminded her softly before he kissed her lips.
What happened after that could have been a blur—to Felicity, she wasn't entirely sure if she could remember it all. His hand gripped around the tie of her neck, pulling softly so she felt a dizzy sensation.
"Fuck—fuck, Harry, I'm cumming—fuck." Her teeth bit so sharply on her lip that she was afraid it might rupture the skin; the taste of blood would come soon afterwards, but her reality was set in the pleasure kingdom that Harry's hips created for her.
It was dizzying how he snapped his hips upwards, hitting her every single time. The pressure of his thumb over her clit sent her into an overdrive; letting her walls completely break, the dam overflowed, flooding. The orgasm over taking her sent him into a state of pure shock and adrenaline, snapping his hips a few more times before he felt the absolute relief.
Her eyes shut; Harry lurched forward as he fell into the grip of her hands. It was a feeling of falling that he genuinely believed were cloud-like.
For a moment, he wondered if they would ever slow their breathing down. He wondered if the sound of her heart beating against his was real-life or just a fantasy. It may have been an orgasmic-induced dream.
The puzzle piece form of the two of them let him settle nicely into her; his nose poked at the skin of her neck, which he may or may not have left a mark or two on.
In the solemness of the air, his breathing finally evened out.
"Are we cleared for take-off, Mr. Styles?"
The noise jolts him a bit, he wouldn't lie.
Harry clears his throat as he opens his eyes which have been hidden by the sunglasses that have settled on his face. He readjusts in the seat before he looks around the small jet plane that had been chartered for their adventure.
It was early, approaching on seven in the morning. His sleep had been nonexistent until that small nap that he had gotten himself before being woken up by the pilot.
"Uh," He swallows, trying to make it seem that he was more awake than he was.
"I believe that we're all here." Laura states to the pilot before she gives him a tight smile. She returns to looking at her cellphone, lowering her hands into her lap as she continues to scroll through what's possibly an email.
Harry looks around the small jet, watching, searching... wondering.
He blinks a few times to try to imagine if there's a reality where what had occurred last night was working against him—he had hoped that she hadn't been scared off, that she hadn't run away at the idea of what this weekend could possibly hold.
Not that it was going to happen all the time, certainly not. But he wondered if there could be a next time—he wondered if she would have liked that. It turns out, with the no show to the work trip that she had been informed on that—
"I'm sorry."
The sweet tone of the voice carries through the plane before he turns his body in the single chair to look at where it had been coming from. Coming up the steps, being greeted by the stewardess, a smiling face that had her sunglasses pushed into her hair—a pair of black yoga pants and a t-shirt with a cardigan sweater overtop.
He watches as she takes her bag, feeling uncomfortable by the stewardess taking it from her before she gives her a tight smile and settles into walking towards the back. The plane isn't large, but it feels incredible big when he is waiting for her to approach him.
Their eyes meet and she gives him a tight smile before greeting the others on the plane. The seat directly in front of Harry isn't taken. Go figure. Her hands are full—holding her purse, a bag that most likely has something to eat for a breakfast, a coffee, and—
"Your dry-cleaning," Felicity handed the back to him before she took her seat that sat directly across from him in the small private jet that had seemingly felt much smaller as she took in how close he was to her now, "Mr. Styles."
The flicker of her eyes to his—the way that her hair had been blown dry, bouncing with curls, the freshness of her toned-down makeup to allow the texture of her skin to show with the subtlety of the glow.
Even in the early morning hours, even though he had just left her a few hours prior, even though they had both had less than a few good hours of sleep—she still looked like she was greeting him at heaven's pearly gates.
When the bag was unzipped to check that everything had been added, his eyes fell along the purple necktie that he had unnervingly left at the edge of her bed the night prior; he must had run out of the door of her apartment without it. His eyes glanced at the way that the small item drifted over the white button-down.
It was familiar, of course, because it had been the one that he was wearing yesterday when he had entered her apartment but left without it in his hands or around his neck. He cleared his throat at the sight, knowing that it was a nod to him and only him. When he sat them down across his lap, his eyes landed on her again—the casualty of her smirk was harrowing now.
"Mr. Styles, are we waiting on anyone else?" The pilot had come back towards the rows now, to ensure that everything would have been cleared for the take-off. Harry looked back at him, and shook his head without another doubt, but a solidly aching feeling in his chest as he barred the words back at him.
"No, I—I'm not waiting for anyone else, at least." He looked up at the girl in front of him, "I'm good."
The pilot got the plane ready for departure; Felicity stared at the window as she tried to take in the experience, knowing that the exhaustion that was starting to overcome her would be able to be given a final rest when she leaned against the window.
But, for the time being, she liked being able to rest in the light of Harry's stare as he couldn't take his eyes from her.
The plane, the job, the clothes, the dinner—none of it mattered when the view in front of him was something that money would never be able to buy.
happy tortured poets department day, here's a one-shot <3
just a little fun one hehe, almost 20k words is so much for me, so thank you for reading this!
love u as always
- emily
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cryptidghostgirl · 7 months
Can I request a part 3 to "unrequited"?
A/N I honestly was not planning another part to this story. I'm just gonna... leave this here. (Pls don't hate me guys. This is so genuinely the only path I could think of for this story that I liked.)
Unrequited pt. 3 (Alastor x Reader)
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Warnings: Um. Alastor is dark/yandere in this part. Uh. Unhealthy relationship. Yeah.
Word Count: 2,094
Previous Parts:
Unrequited (Alastor x Reader)
Unrequited Pt. 2
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List
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Alastor had cornered her in the hall. The years, the games, the challenges, none of it was fun anymore. It all came to an end tonight. There was no other option, not when she could die tomorrow. The angels were coming, and they were coming for the hotel.
"I don't want you here tomorrow."
"What!?" Y/n exclaimed in utter shock.
She hadn't known what to expect when Alastor had stopped her as she made her way downstairs to the bar. Everyone was supposed to be having a drink together, celebrating their afterlives that there was a chance they might loose. She didn't know what to expect but, she certainly hadn't expected this.
Alastor had been acting weird lately. He was always weird but ever since the day with Husk in the hallway, he'd been weird even by those standards. He was always finding something for Y/n to do that put her near him, always watching. It was irritating. They had been fighting a lot and Alastor still had yet to apologize to Husk.
"I don't want you at the hotel tomorrow. You are not coming near this fight."
"What the fuck, Alastor?" Y/n nearly stamped her foot on the floor, she crossed her arms and glared at the demon, "I... these are my friends. This is my home. I will do what I can to protect it."
"No, you wont. You wont be here." he paused, "I will use our little deal to make sure of that, if need be."
Y/n scoffed. Her anger was a fiery, radiant thing. Alastor found himself thinking she had always reminded him quite a bit of a lioness when she got like this. The thought had been an accident, he couldn't afford to be distracted. Not when these were the stakes. Alastor pushed it away.
"You fucking... literally why? Like, what? I... sorry, just taking me a bit to process this: the demon who tricked me into selling my soul to them is now going to use that contract to take me, a valuable asset, out of a war which we cannot afford to loose?"
"Yes." Alastor nodded.
"Because?" Y/n prompted in irritation after a moment.
Alastor sighed.
"Y/n, think about what could happen if you are here."
"The same thing that could happen to any one here!" Y/n threw her arms up in exasperation, gesticulating her frustration as she spoke, "The same thing you're forcing on Husk and Nifty, have you had this chat with either of them?"
Alastor didn't respond. It was all the answer she needed.
"Yeah, I didn't fucking think so!" she scoffed, "So it's okay for everyone to risk their lives -- it's okay for you to risk your life even, but not me? Its okay for you to force my friends to risk their lives, but you're going to force me to stay out of it? Listen to yourself, you sound ridiculous."
"We don't need your help. You're slow, you will only hold us back."
The comment he had hope would dampen Y/n's spirit, bend her will into submission, only added to her fire.
"I'm... that's bullshit and we both know it. I might be small, but so is Nifty. Everyone has skills they can offer. I know how to fight, how to survive, and we will have angelic weapons for Christ's sake. Like, I really don't understand what the issue your having is here."
"Y/n, just... no." Alastor shook his head, a hand to his temples, "No. You will not be here tomorrow. I forbid it. I'm sending you to stay with Rosie."
"What am I, your kid?" Y/n sneered.
Alastor looked over at her, his hand falling from his forehead.
"Just please, Y/n." he took a step forward, pulling her hands into his. Alastor took a deep breath. "For me."
Y/n's eyes went wide. Alastor could see the conflict, the swirling emotions. Anger turned to grief, mixed with gratitude, and became anger again. A never ending cycle.
His heart pounded against his chest, it fought him valiantly for release. It had been so long. So long since she'd looked at him with anything other than disgust, so long since she had let him touch her like this.
Y/n settled on confusion as her dominant emotion and pulled her hands from his grasp. Alastor mourned the contact, his hands still held up in the air where hers had met them as Y/n took a step away.
It wasn't a question. Y/n commanded information and at the end of the day, he may own her soul but she owned his heart. Alastor felt like in some way, she always had. He couldn't bear the thought of loosing her but, he didn't know if he could handle the rejection either. There was no way, no chance, she would believe him if he told her too much of the truth but, lying wouldn't work either. It would have to be a careful balance, a calculated withholding of information. Too much was riding on tomorrow, on tonight, on this very moment.
"Because I don't want you to die."
Y/n's brow furrowed even further, their eyes growing wider still as she stumbled another step back. Her back was nearly against the wall now, there wasn't anywhere else she could go.
Her eyes flitted around the space fervently. Her lips formed words that never left her mouth. Alastor watched, stress eating him alive. At last, Y/n did something. She brought her hands to her head and sunk to the floor, her knees pulled into her chest.
"What are you doing to me." she muttered softly, just barely loud enough for him to hear.
For what felt like the thousandth time, Alastor felt a little piece of his heart fracture off. He didn't know how much more he could take of this before there was nothing left to break, nothing left to loose. She looked up at him, her hands still holding either side of her head and her eyes wet with tears.
"Why do you care?"
Alastor's breath caught in his throat. There was an insistence in her voice, a pleading. He stood in indecision for a moment, frozen by want, by need, by fear. His body took over as he took a step towards Y/n. Alastor kneeled down in front of her.
With great care, with a familiarity and gentleness Y/n hadn't felt from him in years, Alastor untangled her fingers from her hair. He held her hands in his once again and this time, he wasn't going to let go.
"Because I care about you."
Shock at his own bravery emanated from his chest. Alastor held his breath.
"You..." Y/n's eyes hardened, "I wish you'd stop messing with my head like this. Its not funny."
"Y/n, I'm not messing. I am not playing a game, I'm not..." Alastor sighed, letting go of one of Y/n's hands and running his hand through his hair as he looked to the side.
Taking a deep breath, he turned back to face her, grabbing her free hand once again.
"I don't know what I can do to prove it to you, that I'm not. But I will keep you safe. No matter what, you will not be here tomorrow."
"Please, Alastor."
His heart stopped. He couldn't recall the last time she'd asked him for anything that wasn't to leave her, Husk, and Nifty, alone. He couldn't recall the last time she'd seemed to fragile in his arms.
"Please, they're... they're my family. I can't..." a single tear rolled down Y/n's cheek, "I can't just leave them."
There was a moment, a split second where he almost agreed. Alastor's eyes narrowed. He dropped Y/n's hands and got back to his feet. She adjusted her position in response, nearly kneeling before him.
"Please, Alastor. Let me help them. Let me do what I can to protect my family. Please. I'll do anything you want... I'll..."
It almost worked. Alastor felt his purpose waver again. Then the fear came back. He had already lost so much. His mother, his humanity, his own soul and free will. Alastor refused to add Y/n to the list of things that were so far out of his reach. He just couldn't. He didn't care if she hated him for the rest of eternity, as long as it meant she was safe at his side.
"No." he shook his head, his heart hardening, "You forget, you already have to do whatever I want. You forget, I own you."
Y/n's scream of anger as the shadows took her was muffled as she was sucked into their portal. Alastor stood, watching the spot she had been in for a few moments and then, he doubled over in pain. It shot through him in spikes, in daggers. It was the first time he had told her that. Not once before had Alastor ever said those three words to Y/n, not even when they had first made their deal. I own you.
The guilt, the regret, all of it underpinned by the overwhelming love. It had been trapped for so long, so sheltered and pushed back in the recesses of his mind that it had twisted. The love had become obsessive, dangerous, hungry.
With a breath, Alastor stood straight once again. Pushing his composure back to the surface, he smoothed his hair and went down to the bar to inform everyone of his decision. He may have forced Y/n to do something she didn't want to, fracturing things further than he'd believed possible, but he wasn't going to blame her for it. Alastor was used to being the villain and hopefully, in this case, he wouldn't have to be. Hopefully, they would understand.
Y/n gasped for breath as she was let out of the shadow portal. Panting on all fours, slowly she brought herself back together. Y/n had met Rosie before, once or twice. She knew she was a kind soul at heart, a reasonable person, and she knew that Rosie's cannibals were the main force of their army tomorrow. All she had to do was convince the overlord to let her join them, and it would be okay.
Taking a deep breath to restore her confidence, Y/n looked up. Her heart dropped.
She got to her feet, looking carefully around the decrepit old radio tower.
"No. Nonono."
Her breaths becoming panicked, she ran to the door. It was locked. Taking a step back, she kicked it harshly. The firm wood didn't budge.
Driven by adrenaline alone, Y/n ran to the windows and began to hit them with all her might. None of them so much as trembled.
She looked wildly around the space and, spotting Alastor's chair, picked it up. Y/n hurled it at the window. There was a crash and for a split second, there was hope. That was until she realized it was the chair that had broken, not the window.
"No! No!"
Turning back to the door, she hurled her body repeatedly against it. Each time, she got the biggest running start she could. Each time, there was no change at all, nothing happened. Fresh tears pooled in her eyes, she was long past panicked now.
After about twenty minutes, Y/n was out of breath and exhausted. Her whole body hurt and her face was sticky with tears. She sat at the door, her back pressed against it and her knees pulled into her chest. Burying her face in her legs, she sobbed.
Everyone was at the hotel, except for her. Everyone was preparing to fight for and protect what they loved, except for her. What would they think? What would they say? Much more importantly, would they make it out?
A sudden fear gripped her, a fist around her heart. Would she ever see any of them again? Y/n's sobs redoubled.
She sniffed, her panic and grief quickly fixing itself back in the shape of the familiar anger. She could see him in her minds eye, that moment his eyes had softened, that moment she thought that maybe he had been telling the truth all along, that they really had been friends, that he really did care.
"I hate you Alastor!" she screamed to herself, alone in the dark, "I hate you and I will continue to hate you until the day I fucking die again!"
A/N I love an irredeemable villain and doomed, misshapen love. I'm sorry to anyone who wanted this to end up happy.
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Hey headmage, remember the Tsums that came to school...twice? Well...look at this
*shows Crowley Tsum in hands*
What should we do?
Enter; An Unkindness of Ravens.
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“Oh my, if it isn’t a mini-me!!” Crowley exclaimed. He excitedly scooped up his Tsum self from you, marveling at the strange creature. "Salutations, mini-me!"
The bean-shaped being perfectly fit in the palm of his hand. It matched his dress in every way, from the mask to the feathered cape and crisp suit and tie, all crowned off by a top hat on a mop of dark, loose waves. Bright yellow eyes blinked up at the new onlooker.
"Fufu, look at how handsome it is!" Crowley gushed, scratching the Tsum behind a tiny pointed ear. The Tsum shook with happiness and leaned into his finger. "But of course, anything made in my likeness is sure to be brimming with the same charm as I!"
“It fell from the sky and bonked me on the head while I was walking up the path to Ramshackle,” you explained. “It was right after got back from grocery shopping at Mister S's Mystery Shop and the Tsum started to go through my..."
"Aren't you an adorable thing! Yes you are!" Crowley's voice had taken on a high pitch--the sound of a doting parent to an infant or a beloved pet. "I'll bet you're as gracious as you are cute! Cootchie cootchie coo!"
"Um, headmaster? Headmaster? Hello-oooo, are you paying attention to anything I'm saying?"
"Hmm, what?" Crowley startled, registering you for the first time since entering his office. His tone, suddenly dismissive. "Yes, yes, I am listening and taking your report very seriously, Prefect!"
"Great, so you'll take it off my hands for me. it's been a real troublemaker, and I don't know if I can deal with and everything else on my plate."
"A troublemaker? This little fellow? Preposterous! Why, he wouldn't cause trouble for anyone." Crowley patted the Tsum on its head (which blended with its rounded body). It seemed to smile at him, bouncing in place. "Perhaps you might be able to assist me with my oh-so important administrative work? There are some documents that need to be reviewed and signed."
He lowered the Tsum, allowing it to hop onto his desk, where a few papers laid. You watched in silence as the Tsum explored its new surroundings. Poking, bouncing, prodding. His inkwell, the quill.
Anything but the documents—which went completely ignored.
The Tsum turned away, disinterested. It preoccupied itself with taking in the shininess of a nearby candelabra.
You raised an eyebrow at Crowley. It really is exactly like him.
"I-I'm sure he's taking his time! What matters is the quality of work produced, not the quantity nor how quickly is it completed!"
As he protested, the Tsum padded to the edge of the desk and stared over its edge. Then it tipped over, diving into an open desk drawer. The Tsum's rump stuck up in the air, happily wiggling as it swam in a sea of wrapped cookies and candies.
The headmaster let out a distressed squawk. "W-Wait, don't go in there! That's my top-secret snack stash...!!"
He yanked the Tsum out by a stubby foot, dangling it like a ragdoll. A macaron was in the Tsum's grasp, rapidly vanishing into its nonexistent mouth as if being sucked in by a vacuum. Crowley's eyes bulged.
"I tried to warn you," you shrugged. "It finished a whole loaf of bread from my groceries before I fished it out. Speaking off..." You extended a hand, palm up. "I'll need more monthly allowance to replace that bread."
His jaw dropped. Not at your misfortune, you suspected, but at the idea of having to shell out more money.
"Wh-What! Why must I be responsible for such a thing when I'm not responsible for the damage to begin with!?"
"You called it a 'mini-me'," you pointed out, "so take some responsibility for 'yourself' and make things right."
"I-I know I may have said that on impulse, but upon closer inspection... In what way does a Tsum that acts carefree, shirks work, and stuffs his face resemble me?!"
Uh, in every way...
"In any case, I am far too busy with my duties as headmaster to put aside time to monitor this hooligan," Crowley declared. The Tsum writhed in his hold, reminding you of a pathetic worm speared on a hook. "However, it happens that I know of a proven beast tamer who is perfectly suited to keeping him in check!"
His gaze settled on you, and your stomach sank.
Crowley grinned, approaching you and placing the Tsum on your shoulder. It immediately nuzzled up to you, nestling in the crook of your neck.
"I'm counting on you, Prefect!" he chirped, giving a strong, encouraging pat on your back. "My expectations for my students are quite high, and you are certainly no exception to that rule~"
Typical kiss-ups, both the Tsum and the real Crowley.
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gunclaw · 3 months
" so, you're tellin' me you took a liking to one of your clients and took him back to yours for a little extra ‘product’ ?! "
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𒄬࣪݁ ˖ geto suguru x dealer!reader
contents. smut with some plot, no sex just eating out (hottest thing a man can do), petname (doll), mention of drugs, use of drugs, not proofread, eng isn’t my first language, bit of fluff here and there ✧ w.count 1.1k
a/n sorry this was a late post, i've been holding it for sooo long because writing smut is not easy for me. anyways, this was the most requested on my poll, requests are still open in my inbox !
also in the story i was supposed to mention that c.meth increases your sex drive buuuttt i forgot so..
+ i appreciate any reblogs and likes 💛
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ᡴ੭ your apartment was only could only be so 'big', cramping you up, object between object along your boxes of carts. it was a mess, clothes everywhere and probably even some specs of white powder from previous clients. i mean who could blame you? you were only trying to juggle between a job and studies; to which you barely cared for anyway.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀your parents would be disappointed, sighing at the sight of your marks in contrast to the others in your batch. they wouldn't say anything specific — no — they would just ask how were doing, if something was distracting you; and something was. when you got into the business, it was only out of necessity, money was running low; now you do it out of habit, running back to the drugs you produced to test and sell.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀test and sell. that's all you had to do. no need to interact with your buyers, no need to give them more than what they ask for, - who is that benefitting? - and definitely no need to be staring at them longer than demanded. you hadn't meant to do it on purpose; gripping the pack while you stared at that loose string of hair in front of his face. where had this man been hiding?
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀"uh, sorry was that not enough?" he awkwardly pointed accordingly to the couple tens in your hand, still tugging at the plastic bag of crystal. "miss?" he leaned closer, trying to snap you out of whatever trance you were clearly trapped in. it took you a couple blinks, but you were out — finally — and gave him the drugs in exchange for sixty (even though it costs well over a hundred, especially since it was c.meth).
⠀⠀⠀⠀he waved goodbye, saving you from that god awful embarrassing encounter. you often forgot what was considered a good time to speak, this post-shame event certainly not being one of them. "I've got more back at my place," your finger leads behind you, unreliably locating your dorm, "its on the house."
⠀⠀⠀⠀"can't deny a smoke with a pretty lady," he turned back and smiled slightly, trailing behind as you walked (desperately trying to brush of the fact that he just complimented you). the whole time you two followed the rough concrete pathway towards your dorm, it was silent. "ah, you aren't trying to kill me are you?"
⠀⠀⠀⠀you shook your hands, as well as your head, denying his (obviously sarcastic) joke, "n-no! i would never.. uhm." in response, he only chuckled, looking at the way that comment strung you nervous. nearing your dorm, you had realised how messy you left it; you were sure that if the guy stepped inside, he would only be met with cups and dishes in every corner of the room, — and what's worse — was how hot the guy was. in an attempt to distract him, you overloaded the poor guy with questions.
⠀⠀⠀⠀"what's your name?"
"uh huh, first or last?"
"what's your last?"
⠀⠀⠀⠀"geto- what exactly are you trying to do?"
⠀⠀⠀⠀finally getting a hold of the glass structure, designed for the crystal, underneath a pile of untouched textbooks, you threw one in his hand and continued searching for the other. "aha!" your hand shot up, clutching the twin bowl pipe, unaware of how much of a loser you looked (especially with the checkered pattern lied across your unbuttoned shirt; acting as a jacket)
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how long had you two been wasting away on your thrifted couch? how long was this going to last? you examined his every move: following those sleepy eyes when he made even the smallest remark about your looks. he laughed, smoke dragging out his mouth. fuck, he was hot. at this point, you didn't know if it was the drugs talking or if was just, you. "sooo, how are you going to repay me?"
⠀⠀⠀⠀what was that? a fucking joke (not a good one definitely)? "thought it was on the house, doll," he took another hit — this time from your own pipe — as you palmed your forehead, "why? you looking for something else?" he blew the smoke onto the crevice between your head and shoulder. it was definitely the drugs talking. his tongue reached your neck, sending a cold shiver down your body while he lapped and sucked.
⠀⠀⠀⠀his body shifted on closer, the smell of his musk, vanilla cologne emitting from his hair. imagine how devastated your parents would be if they found out your time to time 'hobby' led to this? he was gentle with you, caressing your jaw while you felt his own creeping down your body. his unoccupied hand took out the tie in his hair, letting down the manbun that drove you crazy in the first place.
⠀⠀⠀⠀this wasn't like those wild-going porn scenes you would see online, no this was far, far more intimate (at least in your eyes). What was it about the way he touched you? Was it how confident he was; expertly navigating his way down your body? He had you clawing at his scalp, mouth crossing against your warm skin as he unbuttoned those nerdy, skinny jeans of yours.
⠀⠀⠀⠀he knelt on the carpeted floor, flashing you a comforting smile and staring up and down between your face and soaked panties, before pulling your sense of cover down. at some point when you closed your eyes or when he smiled, his lips started placing small kisses around your cunt; making you fully unravel, contorting your face at the feeling. it didn't help when he drew in your clit and soon, started dipping inside you.
⠀⠀⠀⠀"mhh.. want you suguru"
⠀⠀⠀⠀"no doll, this is only for you. not me" he mumbled, sending vibrations to your bundle of nerves. you tried to close your thighs at the sudden sensitivity, but his hands kept them open; the tip of his fingers digging into the fat of your cutis. geto wasn't the type of man to study bills and divide it with you to the dollar, you could tell he would look after you; spoiling you rotten and finishing it off with something like this.
⠀⠀⠀⠀he was driven inside, his tongue pushing against the rigid but gummy walls of your pussy until he finally found your sweet spot. the way you arched towards him was a pointer, or maybe it was when he felt how you clenched around him. he curled his tongue, shoving it deeper each time he writhed inside you.
⠀⠀⠀⠀oh my god. "f-fuck geto!" you had made an effort to push his forehead back and (fortunately) failed. his lips were glued to you, sweat from his cheeks accumulating and sticking to your legs. uncontrolled moans were escaping your throat as he pressed firmly against your g-spot and executing that last straw. you had been far gone from him; shaking as you released on his palate.
⠀⠀⠀⠀"you alright?" for some reason, there weren't any lewd thoughts in your mind. it was ust him and the way he made you feel so good. you came to the conclusion that it wasn’t the drugs, and that you has been absolutely infatuated with your client, suguru geto.
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lesyeuxdemoii · 15 days
paige bueckers x oc
part1 part 2
warnings: cursing, smut.
not proofread
:heyyyy, ik its been a while, but here we are. also, thank u so so much for the love that p1 received, i appreciate it a lot u guys don’t even knowww 😫 love yall and enjoy ♥️
June 22nd. My 20th birthday.
I hadn’t even thought about big parties since my parents spiritually left the home. Giselle was upset with it, but what could she do? I never agreed on anything serious, so it was always her, me and a little cake that we ordered the same day. But this year was different. —
Current day: June 19th.
“I don’t know what to do with her, like, i don’t get it how she thinks that skipping her 20th is acceptable.” - Gigi sighed, laying on the couch of one of her friends’ dorm, looking blankly on the white celling.
“Gi, bro, forcing her won’t go either” - Aria, her best friend, shook her head explaining.
“It has to.”
“But it won’t.”
Gigi’s shoulders slumped, her frustration being evident. “You are not helping.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t…like…worry that much? I mean, she’s a grown woman, well, almost. She knows what is better for her, and—“
“What if we try something else?” - Paige, who had been quietly listening past 20 minutes, finally spoke up, gaining all the attention.
“I have a good friend, he owns cool villa at the beach, and there’s also a club nearby. We-You can gather whoever she wants there. It’d be low-key, she is going to like it, m’pretty sure.”
Giselle sat up, her eyes shining with excitement. Oh yeah, it was definitely the best thing suggested.
Current day: June 22nd. The birthday.
At first, I hesitated about the whole idea, but when Gigi mentioned that Paige was the one who came up with this, I immediately agreed. My sister invited few of her and my closest friends, which I certainly approved.
Paige didn’t lie when she said that the villa was “cool”, it was actually…something. It was a modern, huge, sleek maison right next to the beach. It had large windows framing the blue view, a patio, including a pool. Inside, it was bright and airy with some decor. Each bedroom had its own balcony, and a short path that leaded to the private beach. Paige, once again, outdid herself.
One thing that also made the whole picture top tier, was how good she looked today.
Paige was leaning against the wall, the gray tank top clung to her, highlighting her toned frame, while her black patterned shorts rested loosely. Her hair was slicked back into a sleek, low bun and of course, the infamous smirk was plastered on her face. The confidence, the unmatchable and bright aura that was radiating from her made me feel dizzy, it took me everything to not to just pull her into a passionate kiss, as i reminded myself where we two were.
I subconsciously bit my lip at her sight, which didn’t go unnoticed by her, obviously.
“This is unbelievable…” - Hana, the youngest of us, said, looking around with silly grin on her face.
“As soon as I get to the Royal theatre, imma buy something like this for me. .” - Katarina announced, making me giggle.
“Uh-uh, sure.” - Amina sook her head, already going upstairs.
“You’re not even invited, bitch!”
“You’re not allowed to talk like that.”
“You’re not allowed to talk in general.”
Amina’s dramatic gasp had everyone bursting into laughter, as I couldn’t help but feel a wave of happiness wash over me. I mentally promised myself that the day surely would be better than I thought.
I had been lying back on the deckchair, wearing a sleek black bikini that fit snugly against my skin. The bandeau strapless top hugged my chest, while the thin strings of the bikini bottom rested lightly on my hips. Over it, a sheer black cover-up flowed loosely around me, its fabric barely grazing my body as the breeze moved it. With my eyes closed, the world around me seemed to fade. The beach had been peaceful—just the soft sound of waves rolling onto the shore. A gentle breeze had swept across my body, cooling the heat from the sun while the salty air filled my lungs with each deep breath. In the distance, I could barely hear others’ laughter through my earpods, playing one of partynextdoor’s songs from Paige’s playlist. When I was peacefully humming to the music, I felt little drops of water from above on my skin, which made me open my eyes and stop the music.
“You like this?” - Paige hovered over me, her hair and body soaking wet, as she placed her hands on her hips.
Before I answer, my gaze was fixed on her abs, which sent waves right down there.
“Yes, everything’s really nice.” - I said sincerely, sating up and smiling softly at her.
She smiled back, looking around to check if anyone’s watching. When she made sure, she leaned in, capturing our lips in a short, sweet kiss. Paige��s lips barely even touched mine, but it felt too good to complain.
“You look good in this.” — she hinted on my bikini, pulling away and sitting next to my legs.
I raised my eyebrows, smirk plastered on my face.
“You do?”
She licked her lips. “Yeah, but…”
Before I could open my mouth, she continued.
“I would give everything to take it off from you right now.”
I instantly blushed, turning my head away to avoid her piercing blue eyes. I squeezed my thighs together, letting her know that it’s not the best moment to turn me on. Paige smirked, positioning her hand on my knee, caressing it.
“You are so stupid. And horny.”
“Chilllll, prolly horny, but stupid is wild.”
“Whatever.” - I playfully rolled my eyes and got up from my place, proceeding to join the rest.
Her eyes lingered on my waist, then on my ass, and then on my shiny and long hair. Paige was always down bad for me, but she never accepted it out-loud. The perfect example of it was my picture on her wallpaper, but it wasn’t just an ordinary one. I stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom of a hotel room in nothing but panties and white T-shirt. It was bunched in my hands and lifted, revealing my waist and white bra underneath, my tits being pushed up, no face being shown. When she was asked about it, she told she saved it from Pinterest because of the vibe. No one had a single suspicion, not even my sister.
Standing in front of the mirror, I couldn't take my eyes off me. The most beautiful, ethereal and magical dress clung to my body. It sparkled like the night sky, a deep blue so rich it seemed to pull in all the light around me. The thick straps framed my shoulders, and the short skirt of it hugged my curves just perfectly. A golden sunburst spread across my chest, its rays shimmering as I shifted slightly. Tiny embroidered fairies seemed to float across the fabric, their wings glinting like they were ready to flutter off. It wasn't just a dress; it felt like I stepped straight out of the fairytale. Paige gifted it me specifically for my birthday two days before it. I had to lie to Gigi that I bought it myself, but it was hard to hide my excitement from her.
The whole outfit was completed with my matching blue heels and gold jewelry. Giselle did my makeup, enhancing my features with glossy lips, sparkly eyeshadows, pink blush and long, mascara covered lashes. Golden skin was covered in glittered oil. My hair was styled in slight waves, giving me an exotic look.
“And I swear to God, if not his mom standing right there, I would’ve punched him on his fucking face.”
Amina was bubbling something, but I was conviced that no one was paying attention. After having too many drinks, dancing too wildly, everyone was more than wasted. Paige laid her head on my shoulder, both of us enjoying the moment of carelessness. She was whispering sweet things to me and they step by step were becoming something else.
“You look so good in this dress”
“I’m glad I bought it for you.”
“You are beautiful.”
“You smell so good.”
“Wanna kiss you so bad.”
“Would you let me fuck you in this?”
“I want to have you right here.”
“Lemme taste you.”
After her words became loud enough for the others to hear, I warned.
“Paige, slow down.”
“Let’s get out of here, baby, please.” - she begged.
It took a second for me to think, taking the fact that nobody cares enough to watch in our direction, when I slowly nodded.
The walk back was quick, all the way Paige was talking about whatever, while her long and strong arm rested on my shoulders. When we got to her room, she quickly pressed me on the wall, immediately connecting our lips in a hungry kiss. She was so inpatient, so intense that I even thought that she was going to suffocate me. I savored the sweet taste of her Dirty Shirley, making me unintentionally moan. She leaded us to the bed, dropping me on it and getting on her knees. She spread my legs, lifting up the dress to my chest.
“Don’t ruin it.” - I warned.
“You got the tongue, don’t you?” - she chuckled, trailing sloppy kisses on my thighs. My head dropped back from the feeling of her lips on my skin. Finally, her fingers brushed the tip of my underwear, taking it off. She met the sight of my wet cunt surrounded by juices, she could feel her own pussy clunch at that.
“So fucking pretty.” - she murmured more to herself than to me, caressing it with her index finger, making me gasp at the contact. She looked at me with sincere eyes, slowly making her way to my cunt, and when she attached her lips to my clit, I moaned extremely loud. She started to kiss, suck, lick, bite, literally everything that came to her mind. She went from my pussy to my thighs again, licking them, then to my stomach and back to my clit. She was speeding up, making my eyes to blur.
“Shit, P…Paige.” - my hands flew to her head, shoving her deeper in my dripping pussy. She took it as a hint, inserting a finger, then two, then three, to the point that it was hard to take.
“Could do this all day, fuck.”
Then, she got an idea. She took her phone out from her pocket, giving it to me. I quickly understood what she wanted to do, so I opened the camera and pointed it to the place when her lips and my puffy clit connected. I never imagined seeing her absolutely destroy me from the screen, because it was always her filming us, but it was worth it. She looked directly into the phone, slowing her pace and doing long licks. Camera captured the absurd and ridiculous sounds from my cunt, causing a tsunami of arousal for Paige. Then she sped up again,
In and out. Suck. In and out. Suck. In and out. Suck.
“I’m gonna, i’m gonna..”- the phone almost fell from my hands. I got closer and closer to my edge.
“C’mon, baby, give it to me. Give me your cum, do it.”
And I did it. The phone was dropped, my legs shook, head was spinning, but I was in the total euphoria. Paige made sure to help me to ride out my high. After that, she went all up over my body, capturing our lips in a gentle kiss. I smiled against her, when suddenly, we were interrupted by an aggressive knock.
“What the fuck is going on there?!”
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toothachepng · 11 months
Kiss me Animal
This has been in my drafts way too long with me very slowly updating it. I haven't written in a long time and this is honestly super self indulgent. I just need more plus size readers with Brian in my life
Warnings- Reader is described to have tits and cunt and is called pretty girl. P in V, praise kink, Brian definitely being ooc and a simp for soft chubby girls, fight me. I think that's it, I tried to make it friendly for all the plus sized girlies to read so if I missed any warnings or unfriendlies just lemme know :3
It'd been a long day
A really long fucking day, anything that could have went wrong absolutely did. Brian sighed as he kicked off his boots, the soles making a heavy thunk as they hit the wooden floor. He flopped back onto their old couch, arms resting on top of it as his head leaned back. A hand wiped down over his face as he let out a groan recalling all the events that had occurred today.
It was supposed to be a simple mission really, take out two people and wipe up any evidence the two had gathered. This sort of thing shouldn't have even required all three of them, and yet it was the messiest job they'd done in a long while. Tim triggered the back door alarm which could have worked in their favor if they had known where in the house the victims were, they didn't. A chair got taken to the back of Tim's head collectively knocking him out for a bit. Of all things Toby had to be threatened with was a blow torch, the fire of course freaking him out and causing him to stumble into Brian.
Another groan left the man as he shook his head, cringing at just how clumsy all three of them had been. Of course they did what needed to be done, but the drive back was tense as fuck with the other two being royally pissed off about how everything had gone down.
Brian was over the whole thing, wanting to just let it roll off his back and move on with his day. The blonde lazily sat up, throwing his hoodie off and onto a chair as he walked into the cabins little kitchenette. It was almost a surprise to see someone else there, forgetting for a quick moment that it wasn't just him and the other two men in the cabin anymore. He eyed you as you didn't seem to notice his presence, which wouldn't be the first time for Brian anyways. You'd been here for a few months, the operator unfortunately having taken a liking to you and directing you to their cabin of all areas.
Brian's eyes washed over your plump form, it looked like you had just rolled out of bed, hair unkempt and a loose t-shirt falling off your shoulder. His eyes went lower, a tight lil pair of black shorts were hugging your ass and chubby thighs. He hated those tiny little shorts, though you obviously seemed to love them since you wore them so God damn often. Maybe if you hadn't Brian would have talked to you more, no excuses for his mind or eyes to start wandering, though even he knew that was a lie. The man still couldn't hold conversation with you even when out doing work, and you wore cargo pants for fucks sake.
Brian looked off to the side, not wanting to be a creep as he cleared his throat to get your attention. It seemed like that was always his goal though, not wanting to appear as some sort of creep to you. It annoyed him to no end, he was the smooth talker out of their group, if they had to talk to a victim he was the first to go without a problem.
"Hey, how'd it go?". You didn't turn to face him as he walked up to the counter, pouring himself a mug of coffee. Glancing at your face, you almost looked annoyed with the slight pout and furrowed eyebrows.
"It uh, definitely could've gone better, the other two went out to go cool off from it actually". You looked over to him amused, sipping at your own mug with a nod, eyes slipping down him for a brief second before quickly looking away.
"You alright? Look like you been sleeping all day, and doesn't look like it was a good sleep". He let out a soft chuckle, at the grimace that came over your face with a shake of your head.
"Yeah I'm alright, though sleeping would've been much more accomplishing honestly". You sighed out while setting your mug in the sink. Brian raised an eyebrow at that, more accomplishing?
Watching you walk out of the kitchen, his eyes trailed down once again, before letting out a cough to himself and looking away.
This was usually how it went since you started staying with the three of them. Sure the two of you had held a few conversations late at night on the couch, but you just seemed to hold much longer talks with Tim and Toby, Tim of all people? Brian felt like he was honestly losing his touch. With a sigh he rolled onto his back, thick comforter shifting underneath him as he stared at the ceiling. His body shifted as his mind easily wandered to past images of your body, his hand going over his face at how easily worked up he seemed to be lately. Maybe he just needed a good fuck?
Though, when even was the last time he got laid? Too long apparantly as he groaned trying to remember before slipping a hand down his sweats. He let out a huff as he wrapped a fist around his half hard cock, immediately an image of those tiny black shorts coming to mind.
He swallowed thickly as he slowly pumped up and down, wetting his bottom lip as he imagined your soft thighs spilling out of fabric. How they dug into your flesh when you sat on the couch across from him. He loved how when you sat down the soft skin of your tummy bunched up over your hip and spilled out of whatever bottoms you had on. He let out a low groan, imagining how soft you'd feel against him, thumb running over the head of his cock, smearing the drip of precum over his member.
His head tilts back against the pillow, a soft wet slap being heard around the room. He let's out a grunt, imagining the jiggle of your ass as you ran in front of him, fuck if only co-
Knock, knock knock
Eyes snapped open at the light rap on his door, an annoyed low grunt leaving him as he tucked himself back into his sweats. Trudging to the door and opening it, about to give whoever it was a fuck off.
"H-hey, um sorry I know it's late."
The annoyed look on Brian's face quickly fell, suddenly aware of how his sweats hugged around his crotch he leaned himself away from the door frame as best as he could.
"Oh no don't worry about it, I wasn't asleep anyways. Did you need something?" He smiled down at you as calmly as he could trying to appear as relaxed as he could. He scanned your body as quickly as he could, fuck you had another pair of those damn shorts? Another color but it didn't matter, you were at his door in those tight lil things with a snug tank top on. He gulped slightly as he watched your chest rise and fall, watching how your flesh threatened to spill out over the fabric. How it hugged your soft sides and hips and waist and holy fuck he could see your hard nipples clearly through it.
"You have a bad staring problem, yknow that Brian?."
Hazel eyes snapped back up to your face that held a small smile. Brian felt his face heat up as he coughed into his fist.
"Fuck sorry, could you repeat yourself? Maybe I'm more tired than I thought". Playing it off with a chuckle as he crossed his arms over his broad chest.
You looked up at him with an eyebrow raised, stepping closer to him and into the door frame.
"I'm not that oblivious, you know that right?" Your hand came up to rest on his chest with a playful smile. Brian had to stare at you for a few seconds, feeling the warmth of your hand on his bare skin had his head reeling.
The next few moments were a blur of you getting tugged into the bedroom, big hands gripping at the soft flesh on your hips. Your arms wrapping around his neck to pull him into a kiss had Brian almost melting, pushing you against his door as he felt you up. Surprised as soft lips moved against his own excitedly.
It felt like Brian couldn't touch enough of you, wanting more of your soft flesh to squish between his fingers. A low groan left him as you tugged at his bottom lip, his hand pulling your thigh up to wrap around his hips. A shudder went through him as you ground yourself against his lap.
Lips trailed down your soft jaw and neck, his hands going lower to squeeze at your ass while he sucked just above your collar. The soft whimpers leaving your parted lips every time he sucked on your skin had him grinding himself back against you.
"Fuck pretty girl, don't know how long I've wanted to feel you like this." He pulled away from your marked neck. A hand was brought up to your face and he let out an amused hum at the warmth coming from your cheeks. You let out a little pant before smiling at him.
"I should've shown up at your door late at night a lot sooner then huh? I guess I just didn't ever wanna interrupt your lil one on one times with yourself." You had a sly smile as you scrunched your nose up at him. Brian dropped his head with a slight chuckle, quickly gripping your other thigh and hoisting you up. He let out a laugh at the the yelp that came out of you.
"What a fucking tease, you knew all this time and didn't even wanna help a guy out? Maybe I should just leave you high and dry tonight then." He gave you a serious stare but it was a fucking lie. There was no way Brian was gonna choose not to sink into your soft form and watch you come undone. Annoyingly you seemed to already know that as you smiled at him.
"Just take me to the bed already, we both know thats not happening".
Brian could have said something sarcastic but did as told anyway, sitting on the edge of the bed so you were perched on his lap all pretty. His hands couldn't help but find place on your soft hips, thick fingers sinking into the doughy skin. His fingers found the fabric of your shorts, tugging them down and off of you, a small smirk forming on his lips at the sight of the pretty little thong you had on underneath.
You rested your hands on his chest, gliding them up and down the bare skin before dragging down to the top of his sweatpants.
Brian had to hold back a groan as you shifted against him. A sigh leaving him as you held onto his shoulders, his own hands tugging you closer as you ground into him. Half lidded eyes glanced up to your face, lips parted and your eyes downcast as you watched yourself move against him.
He felt like he was a in a haze as he watched you, hands gripping onto you like they never wanted to let go. He brought a hand up to your jaw, tilting your head so he could kiss your lips. Brian guided your hand back to his sweats, letting you tug them down to let his cock out. A sigh left him through his nose as you got right back to grinding against him, his cock catching on your damp panties every so often. A low chuckle goes through his chest at the sound of your whines, reaching a finger down to tug your panties aside. Rough hands gripped tightly onto your hips, beginning to guide your movements as his cock slid back and forth between your wet folds, the tip of his cock bumping against your clit every so often.
You found yourself on your back suddenly, head sinking down into a pillow as you blinked up at the blonde. It almost seemed predatory how he hovered over you, flushed lips panting as his eyes raked over your form. His hand almost smacks down onto your thigh with how rough he grips it, watching the fat squeeze through his fingers before moving your thighs apart and moving himself inbetween them.
Brian gulped as he watched your chest rise and fall underneath him, the way you looked laying there had his head racing with too many scenarios of everything he wanted to do to you.
"Please?". Just one word had him almost losing it, he'd imagined himself teasing you until you couldn't take it anymore countless times, but right now he couldn't seem to find the patience. Brian has to almost hold back a groan as he grips his cock, pushing it against your wet hole a few times before finally sinking in. The whine that leaves you has him huffing out a laugh as he catches his breath, grip tight on your hips as he lets you adjust.
It's truly a sight to see for Brian, thighs spread open around him, tank top bunched up on top of your soft tummy, the fabric stretched to the side and letting your tits almost spill out. He watched as your hands came up to paw at his chest, a lopsided grin forming on his lips as you mouthed his name. He didn't need anymore than that to start quickly putting into you, a grunt and a pant leaving him every few thrusts.
"Feel so soft under me pretty girl, fuck, just like I imagined." Rough hands squeezed at your thighs and hips, trailing up to your tummy despite the whines leaving you.
"Really don't understand how many times I've thought about fucking this soft cunt, so fuckin warm and tight and so god damn wet. Do you hear the filthy sounds your little cunt is making for me?." One of his hands left your thighs, coming up to grip your jaw in his hand so you could look up at him, smiling down at you like the cocky fuck he is. It felt like words were stuck in the back of your throat as he fucked you, your mouth opening a few times but no more than a moan leaving you. He grins with a harsh pant, hand leaving your jaw as it reaches down to suddenly tug at your nipple, a yelp leaving you.
"Oh I knew you could still talk, come on pumpkin, wanna hear you. Gotta use your big girl words for me."
The way he was talking to you was certainly doing something to you, talking in that sweet loving tone, his words drawn out, and yet it felt like he was mocking you. A louder moan leaves you as he moves to grip one of your thighs, holding it up against his hip so he can fuck into you deeper.
"Come on, tell me how it feels won't you baby?."
Fast pants and whimpers are leaving you before you can finally get your words to work. "S'feels good! Feels good Brian!."
He can't help but almost laugh at how whiny it comes out, rutting into you faster as he leans down against you.
"Aw atta girl, I knew you could do it pumpkin." The whine that leaves you before hiding your face into his shoulder is enough to make him finally laugh. Still gripping onto your thigh he slows down his pace, feeling himself getting worked up just a little too fast. He leans down just a bit more next to your ear, breathy voice the only other thing you can focus on other than his cock.
"You like when I call you sweet lil names huh sweetheart? Can't hide it with the cute sounds you make everytime I call you something. Is that all I need to do to get you to listen and talk to me hm? Call you baby, pumpkin or tell you just how good you are for me?."
Brian was really just rambling at this point, the slow drag of his cock slipping in and out of your warm cunt had his head feeling hazy. He was barely registering the way your nails slowly dug into his shoulders the more he talked.
"Don't worry baby, you can be my good girl every night." Finally leaning back up, he holds your cheek in his hand, taking a deep breath as he picks his pace back up again. He watches tears well up in your eyes, how warm your cheek is against his hand from embarrassment was going straight to his cock. His lips were on yours suddenly, the kiss messy and wet with drool seeping down your lips. Eyes were half lidded, watching the other before Brian pulled away, thumb coming up to swipe the drool back into your mouth. A heavy pant left him as he sunk his thumb into your mouth, resting it on your tongue as he groaned. He kept it there as his thrusts became short and quick.
"Need to feel you cum around me pretty girl, wanna watch you make a complete mess of yourself." Fingers slipped down in-between the both of you, two fingers coming down to your clit and rubbing in slow small circles. The arch in your back had him speeding up his fingers, grin never leaving his face as he watched your eyes screw shut.
"Fu-fuck, I-."
"Go ahead sweetheart, lemme feel you." Just one more sweet little name was all you needed apparently as you let out a whiny moan, thighs shuddering in his grasp. Both hands came to grip your waist as he grunted, quick curses leaving him before he was spilling into you.
Your hand ran over your forehead and layed above you as you panted, staring up at the ceiling as you listened to the blonde pant beside you. You glanced over at him, arm laying over his chest as he seemed to also be in a daze. Watching his Adams apple bob as he swallowed before glancing over at you too. The boyish smile that formed on his lips was enough for you as you smiled back.
Comments super appreciated cause I really wanna get back into writing, especially for marble hornets. Also yes this is set in an AU where they work for the operator, I'm sorry but it's easy and I'm dumb for them
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Unravelling the Pact
After back-to-back missions, you and the boys finally get some downtime. Enjoying the nightlife on Coruscant, a stranger is all too willing to dance with you, leading to the boys making a decision that will change everything. Pre-Echo.
Pairing: All Batch x f!reader
Word count: 3.6K.
Rating: 18+ MINORS DNI!!
Warnings: dancing with a stranger in a club, grinding, possessive Batch (but in a non-toxic way), bickering brothers, small insult from a stranger, flirting, pet names, communication and consent are sexy, discussion of poly, first kiss, roaming hands, I guess this counts as friends to lovers?
A/N: I'll die on the hill that Tech and Cross are tube twins, and that Wrecker is a smart/emotionally intelligent man.
This can be read as a stand-alone or as a prequel to Painted Pretty.
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The loud music drowned out the sounds of the city outside, the dancefloor vibrating under your feet from the heavy bass as you moved to the beat.
Nearby, tucked in a booth, the boys kept an eye on you. Dancing wasn’t really their thing, especially after the string of back-to-back missions you’d all been running, but that hadn’t stopped you from wanting to let loose a little more. You’d dragged them out of the hotel, having splurged a little on some rooms with comfortable beds during this period of shore leave, knowing you all needed some R&R.
You’d found an okay-looking club where the boys didn’t draw too much attention – they didn’t look like Regs, which opened up a world of new possibilities, especially once they donned their civilian clothes. Drinks were decently priced, and the floor wasn’t sticky, both of which were a win in your books. You could feel the weight of their gazes on you occasionally, but you paid them little mind. That was their prerogative if they wanted to be sourpusses and stay in the booth.
A year you’d been with them, traversing the galaxy, trying desperately to keep them safe. As their civilian handler, you fed them missions and made sure they came back in one piece – the Kaminoans couldn’t have anything happen to their prized experimental unit, after all – and surprisingly, it hadn’t taken long for them to warm up to you, for you to become one of them. The black Aurebesh ‘99’ Crosshair had inked on your wrist six months ago, while the others crowded around and watched, was a constant reminder of that.
“Uh oh, incoming,” Wrecker grumbled, eyes watching as someone made a beeline through the bar towards you. 
All eyes at the table snapped in your direction. Hunter’s jaw clenched, Tech’s fingers tightened around his datapad, Wrecker sat up straighter, and Crosshair’s eyes narrowed at the man approaching you.
Clammy hands on your waist spooked you a little, and you turned to find the culprit. “You look a little lonely out here.” The man who’d approached you spoke. He was a little taller than you and couldn’t be more than a few years older, with tousled blonde hair and green eyes. His smile was warm, as was his body as he pressed closer. “Dance with me.” He insisted, shifting behind you, sliding an arm around your waist to pull your back to his chest and your ass to his crotch, the pair of you now moving to the beat.
At the booth, the boys bristled. Downing the last of the Corellian whiskey he’d been nursing, Crosshair stood. He could only make it one step in your direction before Hunter stopped him. “Vod.” His older brother's voice made him groan, turning back to face the table. 
Hunter shook his head. “We agreed not to interfere.” He points out.
Crosshair grits his teeth. “He’s got his hands on her.” He hisses out, sparing a glance over his shoulder in your direction.
“And she doesn’t seem to mind,” Hunter states, even though it kills him inside to admit it. He was trying not to listen to your fluttering heartbeat or the flirtatious words being whispered in your ear by the stranger, but you were like a damn honing beacon, and he couldn’t tune it out. 
“I mind,” Crosshair answers sharply, narrowed brown eyes focused on his oldest brother.
Hunter sighs quietly. Crosshair’s distrust of outsiders and his jealous streak had always been an issue. It was a miracle he’d taken to you so quickly a year ago - Hunter had been sure they’d go through countless handlers as the war progressed.
Frustration flashed in Crosshair’s eyes. “She’s ours.” He states.
“We agreed.” Hunter leans forward in his seat, silently imploring his brother to sit back down and shut up. Ever since they’d been old enough to talk, they’d formed pacts. And when you’d joined them, a new pact had been added to the list. 
Pact 52. None of them would make a move on you, regardless of the fact they wanted you. 
Your comfort was paramount, and they didn’t want to put you in an awkward position.
“You’d be fine if she went home with him?” Crosshair spits the word like it's poison, shooting a glare over his shoulder at the stranger you’re dancing with, whose hands are grasping at your body as if he’s known you his entire life. 
Hunter doesn’t have a comeback for that. He wouldn’t be okay with it. Not at all, in fact. But you’re a grown woman and he has no say in what, or who you do. If you want to spend the night in a stranger's bed, all he can hope is that you’ll leave your tracker on, insist he wraps it, and comm them if there’s a problem. 
“I would not be fine with it,” Tech interjects, his eyes shifting between his brothers, datapad long forgotten on the table. 
Hunter huffs. “We made a pact. When she joined, we agre-“
“Kriff the pact.” Crosshair spits, cutting Hunter off. “She’s not going home with him. He doesn’t know shit about her.” He presses his palms to the table as he leans down, the booth tucked away enough that no one can hear their conversation. 
The boys fall silent, each remembering the first and only time you'd gone home with a stranger. Shore leave was hard to come by, and you spent most of it with them, but you’d been up at the bar, chatting away with the barman, when you’d been approached. Hunter could still remember hearing the guy flirt with you; Wrecker could remember how he’d reached out to touch your arm. He’d bought you a cocktail you hated but had politely drank, Crosshair had noted, and you’d chatted for a little while. Then you’d disappeared with him, Tech’s datapad pinging a few minutes after you’d left with a message not to wait up for you. 
And in the morning, you’d come back to the Marauder smelling of that stranger, with a small hickey on your throat that you’d tried desperately to conceal. It had nearly killed them.  
“And what happens if she doesn’t want us, or only wants one of us? Could you handle that if it’s not you?” Hunter sighs as he leans back in his seat. This wasn’t a new debate – they often bickered about it – but it had never been this charged. 
Fear and jealousy rage inside of Crosshair. He didn’t want to think about that. You were theirs, and you wanted them just as much they wanted you. It was a fact.
“I-I don’t want her to go home with anyone else either.” Wrecker finally pipes up, looking awkwardly between his brothers and you. You’re still dancing with the stranger, laughing at something he’d said, eyes closed as you grind back against him. Wrecker feels an odd coil of anger in his gut that someone else has their hands on you. It’s a new feeling for him, and he doesn’t like it.
“All in favour of dissolving Pact 52.” Crosshair throws down the mantle, glancing between his brothers. He was tired of holding back. 
Tech lifts his hand a little in agreement, Wrecker following suit. But for it to be dissolved, there had to be complete consensus.
All eyes turn to Hunter, who’s staring at Crosshair like he’s gone crazy. His youngest brother could sometimes be stubborn and hard-headed, but he’d never called for a pact dissolution before. Tearing his eyes away, Hunter watches for a second as you dance with the stranger, taking in the way his hands are starting to creep down your body, how close his lips are to your neck. Fire rushes through his veins. “Go and get our girl.” He growls out his agreement, eyes swinging back to his brothers. 
Crosshair smirks in satisfaction, standing back up to full height. Dropping his toothpick onto the table, he’s on the move again, slinking through the crowd in your direction. Tech follows hot on his twins' heels, tucking his datapad back into its pouch on his belt.
Hunter sighs, watching them go, not entirely sure whether he’s just agreed to the self-destruction of his squad or the best thing to ever happen to them. All he knows is that he and his brothers are selfish and don’t want to share you with anyone else. He turns his focus to Wrecker, raising an eyebrow in silent question. 
“They can break the ice. If it don’t work and she don’t want us, we can blame them.” Wrecker explains with a grin. He wants so desperately to go to you, to put himself between you and the stranger, to feel your body pressed against his. But he also doesn’t want to overwhelm you, so he’ll sit back for now and let his younger brothers do all the leg work. 
Hunter chuckles. Taking a sip of his drink, his dark eyes watch as Crosshair and Tech reach you. 
Lost in the music, you don’t realise the boys have approached until the man behind you – Trent, you think he’d said his name was – stiffens. “Hey buddy, do you mind?” You hear him bark over the song, your eyes flying open as your hips stop moving, finding Crosshair and Tech next to you. Your brows furrow in confusion. 
“No,” Crosshair answers, his fingers tightly wrapped around the man's wrist, prying it from your body. “Scram.” He demands.
The warmth of Trent’s hand disappears from your waist, and your confusion only increases as Tech reaches for you, gently drawing you closer to them and away from Trent. 
“Hey, take your hands off her.” Trent has no idea what’s happening but tries to break free from Crosshair’s grip, worried for your safety as you’re pulled away.
“I know them, it’s okay.” You find your voice, raising a hand in a placating gesture. Trent stares at you for a beat, before his green eyes flick to Tech and Crosshair. 
“Scram,” Crosshair repeats, low and deadly, as Trent meets his gaze. 
Trent swallows. “Eh not worth it anyway.” He frowned toward the three of you, shaking his wrist free before stumbling back into the crowd and turning tail. 
Trent’s words sting a little, but before that sting can settle, deft fingers hook under your chin and tilt your head, and your focus is pulled to Tech. “You look so lovely, darling.” He coos over the music, those soft brown eyes of his skating across your face and then down your body, chasing away Trent’s insult.
You blink a few times, brain pausing. Have you died on some remote planet somewhere and been teleported to a different dimension? Pet names weren’t uncommon – the boys had them for you, and you had them for them, but they were never affectionate. They were shortened forms of names and occasionally just a descriptor. And Tech was…flirting? 
“This is new.” Crosshair’s voice slinks against your ear as one of his arms slides around your waist, and he presses against your back, right where Trent had been moments before. His free hand smoothes down the curve of your side, across the dress you’d treated yourself to and had delivered to the hotel. Life in armour had made you appreciate the rare chance to dress up.
Your confusion only doubles. “If you two don’t tell me the hell is going on, I will purposefully snap every toothpick between here and Kamino and put viruses on all our datapads.” You threaten.
Crosshair glances up, catching Tech’s gaze. They communicate silently, the strange phenomenon you’d witnessed a handful of times over the last year. 
“Will you join us back at the table, please, darling? There is something we wish to talk to you about.” Tech finally answers your question.
Curious, you nod, letting them lead you back across the dance floor to the booth. Crosshair slides in first, Tech’s hand on your back guiding you in next, and then he sits, keeping you safe between them. “Is something wrong?” You ask, now more worried than confused as you look between all four brothers. 
“No, cyar’ika,” Hunter answers, the smokiness of his voice making the new pet name sound sinful, and you blink a little quickly at it, unable to control the strange thud of your heart. 
Silence sits with the five of you for a moment, the four men communicating with glances before Hunter leans in a little. “Were you planning on going home with him?” He asks, genuinely curious.
The question stuns you, and a small flare of annoyance erupts in your chest. “That’s none of your business.” You answer calmly.
Hunter gives a slight nod of his head, conceding the point. Taking a deep breath, he leans back in his seat and rethinks his approach. “It suits you.” He comments, unable to stop his gaze from dropping, from taking in how breathtaking you look in that little dress. 
Heat rises in your cheeks. Another compliment on your appearance. You weren’t used to this – usually, you only received them for your work, for a mission well done. “T-Thank you.” You stammer out. 
Satisfaction crosses Hunter’s face. “You’re important to us, you know that, right?” He asks, wanting to ensure that as this conversation progresses, you know they’re not just after frivolous fun.
Brows drawing downward, you nod. Under the table, you feel Crosshair’s slender fingers turn your hand over, the pads of his fingers gliding over the ink he’d etched into your skin. On your other side, you feel Tech lifting a hand, reaching out to tuck an errant strand of your hair – fallen loose while dancing – behind your ear. 
If Crosshair’s touch had given you a rough idea of where this was going, Tech’s actions took it to a new level. It was as subtle as a Rancor in a den of antiquities. A strange sensation settles in your stomach, growing as you glance at Hunter again. The look in his eyes confirms your suspicions, and you swallow thickly.
They want you. 
After a year of pining for them, resigning yourself to the friend zone, they want you. A million thoughts and questions rush through your mind, none of them sticking or answered. But if they want you, then there's something you need to say.
“No.” You state, catching the way Crosshair’s fingers pause, all four sets of brown eyes staring at you as you glance around the booth. For a moment, you can’t believe you have these incredible men wrapped around your little finger, hanging on your every word. “I wasn’t going to go home with him.” You clarify, eyes swinging back to Hunter, though you don’t miss the way all four brothers quietly let out the breaths they’d been holding. “Wasn’t my type anyway.” You tack on as your eyes betray you and dip for a nanosecond down to Hunter’s lips. 
What would it be like to kiss him? Or Wrecker? Tech? Crosshair? 
The fingers around your wrist tighten, and you glance down to watch the action, missing the look that Crosshair and Tech share across you. The air seems to vibrate with unspoken words. 
Tech broke the silence, leaning in, his voice a soft caress. “That is excellent news, darling.”
Tilting your head, you glanced his way, taking in all the details you adored – the sharp angles of his jawline and nose, expressive brown eyes, and lips that looked oh-so-soft.
A light bump against your foot pulls your attention away from the genius, eyes darting to where a large boot is pressed against the side of your heels. Eyes drifting up, Wrecker offers you a fond smile as you meet his gaze. Heart hammering, you know you can’t keep them waiting.
Crosshair’s fingers are now skirting around your wrist, drawing lazy patterns as Tech rests a hand under the table against your thigh, fingers splayed and curling around you – steady and comforting. 
“It’s your choice, cyar’ika.” Hunter captures your attention, understanding this is a pivotal moment for you all and could change everything. He decides to lay their cards on the table. “We’d like you to be ours. But we understand that’s a lot to ask. We’ve shared everything in life except a woman. You’re the first we want, so there might be bumps along the way – nothing we can’t work through.” He notes. “The feelings aren’t new, either. It’s…well…we’ve wanted you since you joined us.” 
All this time, they’ve wanted you, and you’ve wanted them. All this time, you could’ve been... “Then why now?” You question.
“It hurt, thinkin’ you’d be going home with that guy,” Wrecker answers before the others could, a large hand rubbing at the nape of his neck. “And it’s gettin’ real hard to keep pretending.” He shrugs, hand falling from his neck. “But we’ll keep doin’ it if this ain’t what you want. You’re our priority.” Wrecker is hasty to add. 
You’d never been someone’s priority before, and it comforted you knowing they’d immediately back off if you said the word. You reach across the table with your free hand, sliding it into Wrecker’s to link your fingers with his. Holding the big man's gaze, you give a small nod. “I want this.” You decide. “All of you.” You clarify, glancing around at the four brothers, watching as delight and surprise crosses their faces. “The feeling isn’t new, either.” You mimic Hunter’s words as a year’s worth of weight lifts off your chest. You know there’s a lot more to discuss and many things to work out to keep things fair, but making your intentions clear is a good start.
Crosshair’s grip around your wrist tightens, and you turn your head towards him. Longing and desire swirl in his hawkish gaze.
You only have a moment to commit his expression to memory before you feel the soft brush of his lips against your own, like the fragile wings of a butterfly alighting on a delicate flower. It was barely there, an exploration of the unknown, but it ignited a spark that threatened to consume you both. Eyes closing, you surrendered to the moment, and your lips met again, this time with more urgency and hunger as the bar's sounds faded.   
“Hey, that’s not fair!” Wrecker protested, scowling at his youngest brother. 
Hunter held out a hand, silencing him. Dark eyes focused on your face, and then on the way your shoulders dropped as you relaxed into the kiss, how your chest rose and fell a little quicker with each breath, and the gorgeous curve of your throat as Crosshair used his free hand to tilt your chin for a better angle to deepen the kiss. Senses tuning in on you, Hunter picked up on your rapid heartbeat. His nostrils flared, your sweet scent coming into focus even under the layers of other smells from the bar. With every second the kiss continued, your scent became sharper. 
Catching Tech and Wrecker’s eyes, Hunter tipped his head toward the rest of the bar. The three brothers pushed out of the booth in sync, leaving you in Crosshair’s capable hands while they grabbed your jacket from the coatroom, flagged down a taxi, and settled the tab at the bar. 
Lips still pressed to Crosshair’s, you gasp at the feeling of a warm hand on your back, reluctantly pulling away and opening your eyes, turning to see who’s touching you. Your gaze lands on Tech just as Crosshair’s lips find purchase on your jaw, trailing down your throat. A whine of pleasure slides out before you can stop it, and you watch as Tech swallows thickly at the noise, offering out a hand to you. 
Shakily, you take it, enjoying the contact as your heart races, every nerve alight as you’re guided out of the booth, and you hear Crosshair grumble as he slides out after you. 
“You only got away with that because you are the youngest.” Tech chides him, though the bite to his words is lacking. If anything, he’s jealous his brother took the opportunity before he could. In return, Crosshair offers him a trademark smirk, placing a fresh toothpick between his lips, not at all remorseful. 
The two of them escort you through the club – Tech leading you by the hand with Crosshair bringing up the rear, the warmth of the sniper's hand pressed against your lower back.  
As you step out into the city, your jacket is placed across your shoulders before you can feel a pinch of chill, strong hands guiding you towards a taxi Wrecker had flagged down, the gentle giant holding the door open for you. 
The five of you cram in. Hunter is pressed to your right, Wrecker to your left, while Crosshair and Tech take opposite seats. A tanned, tattooed hand lands on your right thigh as the taxi pulls away and into the night sky, deceptively soft fingers drawing slowly up to the hem of your dress, the red fabric pushed aside oh so gently as those same fingers curl around your body and hold on to you. 
You’re so caught up watching Hunter’s hand roam across your body that you’re startled ever so slightly as Wrecker’s large paw starts doing the same to your left thigh. A low chuckle from Tech has your eyes flicking across the dimly lit cabin, catching the wisps of amusement and desire on his face.
“That little heart of yours is racing, mesh’la.” The smoky rasp of Hunter’s voice ghosts against your ear as he leans closer, making you feel like you’re about to combust. You have no idea how this will work or how the night will end. What you know is that you trust them implicitly and can’t wait to have your hands on them.
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bingwriterxo · 1 year
no strings attached...right?
pairing: amber freeman x reader
summary: in which something arises that halts your friends with benefits situation with amber
warnings: very loosely implied sexual content
word count: 1140+
author's note: this was a request by an anon! hope they, and you guys, enjoy!
college au!
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“So, I’ll see you tomorrow night?” Amber asked as she slipped her sweatshirt over her head, words coming out muffled as her mouth was covered by the material. Once she was dressed, she twisted to look at you, an eyebrow raised in question.
“Uh, sure,” you said, voice soft.
She furrowed her eyebrows, frowning. “Is something wrong?”
You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth and glanced away, cowering a bit beneath the raven-haired girl’s intense stare. “I just…think that maybe we should…take a break?” you said hesitantly, meeting her eyes again.
“What? Why?”
“I don’t really know if this”--you gestured between the two of you--“is working.”
Amber squinted her eyes, confused. “I think it’s been just fine the past three months,” she said sharply. “Why do you wanna ruin a good thing?”
“I--I don’t want to ruin it, but…well…” You hesitated, counted to three in your head, and then blurted everything out all at once. “We said no strings attached when we started this, which was perfectly fine at the time, but after spending so much time with you, I’ve started to develop feelings,” you admitted, a blush beginning at your collarbones and rising to tint your cheeks pink.
“Oh.” She cleared her throat, and you watched her gaze harden. “You’re right. We should take a break, then. Or, actually, just stop altogether.” She nodded once, though you weren’t sure if it was to you or herself, and then stood from your bed, quickly gathering her things from where she had left them when she arrived.
“We could still hang out?” you suggested meekly, but Amber shook her head.
“Probably best if we don’t,” she said. “I’ll…see you around, maybe.”
The door slammed shut behind her, and you were left nude in bed, your sheet covering your body. Tears threatened to escape your eyes and you fell back, throwing an arm over your face to stop them. You muttered, “Fuck,” when you realized you had just lost Amber, and most likely for good.
* * *
A week passed, and you didn’t see Amber once. Granted, you were doing everything in your power to avoid her: you took the longest route on your way to classes; you avoided the cafe by your apartment because you knew she frequented it; you turned in the opposite direction whenever you saw anyone with dark, dark hair and pale skin. Though you missed her more than you had ever missed anyone before, a sharp and distinct pain ran through your bones whenever you thought about her and the way things had ended, and you knew that seeing her would more than likely end with you in tears…again.
Besides, it wasn’t like she was making any effort to see you, anyway. There had been no texts from her--a fact that you were horribly aware of, as you went onto your message thread with her every night, searching for what, you weren’t sure--or calls, or anything. Everything was silent on her end, and so you made sure it was quiet on yours.
Or, at least, everything was silent on her end, until you found yourself in front of your television again with a pint of ice cream in one hand and a spoon in the other, watching a shitty Netflix rom-com, when a heavy knocking began on the door of your apartment.
You paused the movie, called out a wary, “Who is it?”, and jumped where you sat when Amber’s voice came through the wood: “It’s me.”
You hurriedly placed both spoon and ice cream on the coffee table and stood from the couch, the blanket that had been wrapped around you falling to the ground, and then, in your haste, you proceeded to trip over said blanket. You cursed as your foot got stuck in it and sprang forward when you finally wormed your way out, nearly face-planting into the door.
Once you were steady, you inhaled deeply, trying to mentally prepare yourself to see Amber again. You clenched your eyes shut, counted to three in your head, and then whipped the door open before you got the chance to back down.
There she stood, in all her glory--the raven-haired girl that had infiltrated your mind. She looked at you with a small smile, but her eyes and body language were radiating nervousness, and you furrowed your eyebrows. Amber always radiated confidence; it was one of the first things that had drawn you to her.
“Could I…come in?” she asked carefully, like she was afraid that if she were too sharp or sudden with her words you would slam the door in her face.
“Okay,” you said, opening the door wider so that she could slip inside. You shut the door behind her once she was inside and then turned around, swallowing heavily and shoving your hands into your sweatpant pockets. “What’s up?”
Her eyes flitted around the room quickly before they settled on you, and she bit at the inside of her cheek. “I’ve been doing some thinking,” she said, “and…I miss you.”
Your eyes widened in surprise. “Oh.”
Amber sighed. “Well, I guess I more than miss you.”
“What does that mean?” you asked.
“It means”--she exhaled harshly, cheeks puffing up as she did--“that I--I realized, in our time apart, that I’ve…developed feelings for you, too,” she rushed out.
You could feel your heart stop for a moment, and you simply stared at her. Silence enveloped the room for a moment as a thousand different feelings surged through you all at once, your chest warming up at the confession and your fingertips going numb, and then, oh-so elegantly, you said, “What.”
“Don’t make me repeat it,” she said, and it was like that nervous stranger that had first walked through your front door had disappeared and normal-Amber was back. “I know you heard me.”
“So, you want--”
“A relationship,” Amber finished, and then added quickly, “that is, if I haven’t pushed you away entirely.” Her eyes shone with something new that you had never seen before: vulnerability.
You smiled, softly at first and then widely, unable to hold back the excitement that was welling up in your stomach. “Okay,” you agreed, nodding. “A relationship is perfectly fine with me.”
And then you were stumbling backward into the wall, Amber pushed against you with her arms thrown around your waist and her head resting on your chest, and you were encompassed by the scent of her perfume and shampoo. You wrapped your own arms around her shoulders gently, pulling her further into you and sighing in contentment.
It was quiet, peaceful, and then you heard--or rather felt--her say into your chest, “Tell anyone I was this excited about getting together and I’ll break up with you.”
You giggled softly into her hair before pressing a kiss to her head. “Ever the bad-ass, hmm?”
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dronebiscuitbat · 4 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 16)
They had done a decent job hiding this all from Khan until this point. The man had been busy fixing a malfunctioning main door and she had gotten quite good at hiding things from him. However that had to end when she was going to be forced to spend at least a couple of days staying in N's apartment, looking after his new daughter.
Khan decidedly did not need to know that her name was also on those adoption papers, and the longer she could keep that hidden the better, as much as N was someone she could let her guard down around, the same couldn't be said about the rest of the bunker, there were already rampant rumors flying around the bunker about her and N, not helped by them walking together with a baby to his apartment she was sure. She didn't need to give them any more fuel.
So now she was near the front of the bunker, looking for her dad to break the news that yes, N did end up adopting the baby they'd literally just told him he wasn't like… a few days ago.
She was sure that conversation was going to go well.
“Dad?” She called out, her voice echoing out in the much larger hall, absent of other people. At this hour, most sane people would be asleep, but not her, and it would likely be a little bit before her old man would want to stop working, that was one of the few things they shared; when a task needed to be done, neither of them stopped until their bodies demanded it.
“Here dronelette!” His voice came from above, and so her head turned towards it, only to find Khan awkwardly wrapped around a pipe, tightening a gasket on Door 2, honestly it almost looked like one of the weird ass positions she would take while writing something that caught her attention.
“How did you even get up there?” She asked, looking around for any evidence of a ladder or a stool and found neither.
“I scaled the pipes! What? Didn't think your old man could climb?” He chuckled lightly without loosing focus, tongue sticking out of his mouth as his eyelights scrunched up
“Uh no, actually.” Was all she said, watching as he worked for another minute before he wiped the nonexistent sweat of his brow and looked down.
Then with a semi-impressive level of balance and grace, jumped down from the rather high ceiling, using the other pipes as monkey bars before landing safely at her side.
Only to wince as his joints made a rather concerning noise.
“Agh, so it's been awhile…” He chuckled again, although this time a little sadly before turning to his daughter with a smile that seemed genuine.
“What did you need?” He asked, and Uzi shook off the strange feeling of awe watching her dad do something that was actually sort of risky like it was normal for him.
Only for it to be replaced by the nervousness of the reason she'd actually sought him out. Great…
“Uh yeah. I was just letting you know I need to stay over at N's tonight…”
Khan looked confused, but a smile still graced his face.
“Is that all? You normally wouldn't come find me for something small like that.”
“And… for possibly the next few days?” She finished, at which then Khan’s face fell, becoming more confused and a little concerned.
“Why's that? N's not sick is he? Can murder drones even get sick…?”
“No! He's fine, well mostly. It's just he needs my help with… uh something.” She was trying to avoid the inevitable. She knew playing the pronoun game with her dad was a habit, but one she'd only truly win if she had a door to slam in his face.
“Which is?” She winced, sweat appearing on her visor as she grinned warily, shifting her fingers together nervously.
“N ended up… adopting Tera. And he needs my help in taking care of her until he gets everything ready for her.”
Khan’s jaw was on the floor, put of all thing he'd expected out of his daughters mouth that was… not at the top of the list; along with “Bite me” or “Mind your freaking business.”
“He told me he wasn't going to.”
“He wasn't, but… Tera has an overheating issue and no one else seemed to want to deal with it.” She tried to explain without concerning him further.
Khan didn't say anything, so she felt the urge to continue impulsively.
“We talked about it, and we agreed that Mrs Rayn is a little too old to raise a baby. And We have a lot of experience with overheating… with him getting his new apartment, we thought…” She stopped suddenly. Realizing she had gone from talking about N to talking about them. As a unit.
“I-uh yeah, he talked to me about it first and I talked him through it all to make sure he was serious about it. I-I'm not on the papers or anything!”
She probably could have omitted that last part, but the way Khan was looking at her was making the usually rather quiet part of her brain requiring his approval speak up slightly louder.
She wasn't sure Khan entirely believed her, squinting at her with extreme suspicion, she glanced to the side, eyeing the way she came as if she regreted the entire trek up here.
“If you're just doing it to help them settle in. Wouldn't that only take a few hours? Or a day?” He began again slowly, still processing the sudden information.
“Normally, and that was the plan. But uh, he lacks the hardware to take care of her properly.”
“Rayn should have given him the cable and the bottles, what do you-”
“He doesn't have a side panel.” She interrupted him blunty, pausing whatever he was about to say next
Khan was quiet.
“No, you didnt mishear me. He doesn't have a side panel.”
“Everyone has one.”
“He doesn't.”
Khan blinked before he sighed heavily, thinking deeply on everything that was just discussed. He felt one of his hands start shaking, but he gripped it to make it stop.
“I had about the same reaction, but it makes sense, why would a disassembly drone ever need that kind of hardware?”
He nodded at that, before a different thought entered his head entirely.
“How do they raise their kids then?”
At that Uzi paused, she knew N's background, how he used to be a worker drone and had never been a pillbaby. So that thought had simply never entered her mind, but it did get her thinking…
Could N even pass down his code at all? Did it work the same way as with worker drones?
And if it did, what would his kids even look like? White eyelights? Yellow? Would they carry the same traits as a disassembly drone or would they just remain a worker drone?
“I don't think they do…” She answered, she didn't want to expose too much of N's past, that wasn't her story to tell, but her dad had been being… more tolerable as of late. “N was a worker drone before he became… what he is now. So I think all that hardware was removed.”
“He was? What did he used to do?” He asked, head tilted to the side.
“He…” She paused for a moment, deciding if N would mind if she said anything, he was pretty sensitive about his time at the manor; she decided giving him the very basics was enough. “He was a butler, he had white eyelights.”
“White. Huh.”
At that the conversation stagnated, and Uzi sighed, beginning to walk away.
“Now that you know, can I uh… go?” She gestured in the direction she was currently going, clearly not waiting for his answer as Khan seemed to be frozen, processing all of this information.
But he nodded, dumbly. And she took that as her que to book it, not stopping until she was certain that even if her dad wanted to catch up, she'd be long gone. Perfect for making an undetected journey back.
She didn't take the normal way back to N's apartment either, trying to avoid more stares from more judgemental faces, it was somehow worse now than it ever was, at least before they'd done it quietly, too scared to be noticed by her and be met with violence, but they seemed to sniff out her now softened edges, because now some drones didn't bother to hide it.
“Looks like the freak found a boy toy.”
“Of course she'd be freinds with a murder drone, she's all kinds of gross.”
“You think she let's him bite her? She's probably into it…”
One of those came from Lizzy, which was honestly so typical she barely even registered it. (Although she hadn't said anything in awhile, V probably had something to do with that.) But the other two, the one about N being a boy toy and her letting him bite her, were new, and came from a brand new mouth.
She wasn't sure if this particular girl had a thing for N, because both of those were rather strange places for someone's mind to default to, but whatever the case she'd made comments like that rather often, her name was… Chloe? That sounded right.
She was quiet before, Uzi thought, because she was a brand new face and voice for her, orange eyelights and rich black hair that went down to her shoulders. But that was literally the only thing Uzi could remember about her.
And the only reason she hadn't bitten back when she'd heard it was because N had been next to her, oblivious to it all, walking back to her place after the craziness that was prom. She'd also been tired, injured, and freaked out, but those things didn't stop her nearly as much as N's presence.
N didn't deserve that ridicule, not in the least. He was the sweetest guy on the entirety of Copper-9. And yet those comments were derogatory to him too, essentially calling him easy, for Uzi to be able to “get him.”
First. Ew, Not that Uzi wasn't attracted to him, she was. (Not like she was ever going to say anything.) But talking about anyone like that was gross, and this was N, Her best freind.
Second. How dare she drag his name in the dirt with her! She could drag Uzi's name around all she wanted, it would just be treading old ground. But N? He'd done nothing to Chloe, except maybe make her feel things? She didn't know, those comments were so weird and uncomfortable.
She pushed out the thoughts from her mind when she reached N's door, partly thankful for her switch to being a night owl, she rarely saw any of her classmates anymore, except Thad. And when she did it was incredibly brief, when she was turning in her work.
Because yes, she was still going to school. She just did all of her work at home. What else was she supposed to do after murdering half her class? V had taken the blame, but that didn't mean everyone else didn't know the real culprit.
The door swished open, revealing N still on the couch, watching Tera as she rolled around playing with her jingling roll toy, he smiled when he looked up at her, worry leaving his visor somewhat.
“What'd he say?” He asked, motioning her to sit across from him, which she did, her eyes going back to Tera, who rolled over to her, jingling all the way.
“I mean, he asked a bunch of questions. But he didn't stop me sooo…” She flashed him a smirk and he felt his eyes roll, even still his smile didn't leave, instead he tried to relax, keeping an eye on the pillbaby as Uzi picked her up, looking down at her with a small smile.
“She's getting sleepy… do you know where that charger went?” N looked over and noticed that Tera's eyes were substantially dimmer, as well as her normal rolling had slowed down.
He plucked the charger put of the bag and handed it to her, and Uzi began the process of lifting her hoodie and undershirt enough to plug it into herself, thankfully, this didn't time it didn't seem to be painful.
She plugged the normally excitable rolling machine into her side and her eyes immediately brightened, and Uzi's visor immediately filled with a warning, telling her a foreign entity was drawing her power.
She closed it instantly, old JCJenson warnings that no longer applied. The pop-ups were still annoying regardless.
“There you go, happy now?” She asked the infant as if she could respond, and she did, by rolling into Uzi's chest and yawning, before quickly falling into sleep mode.
N just watched, smile never once fading from his face. He'd known that he rather liked seeing Uzi interact with Tera, as she was normally at her softest. But with that added context that this was now his daughter she was interacting with left him with his core full of fuzzy cotton.
“You're really good at that.” He pointed out as Uzi tried to get get comfortable with a baby attached to her, though it was rather difficult, as the cord was quite short and didn't leave much room to menuver.
But she still looked up at him, a small blush on her face that he caught a glimpse of before she turned away.
“Just practice is all.” She waved off, finally giving up on being comfortable and just sitting awkwardly stuffed into the couch with Tera laying on her stomach.
“You're still amazing at this. I would be totally freaking put right now without you being here.” He admitted, trying to make her take the compliment without waving it off, it was probably never going to happen though.
“Your instincts would have kicked in, and you'd get all fatherly on her without my help.” She laughed, and put a hand over Tera to steady her, as the action disturbed her slightly.
“Seriously, you're way better at this then you think you are.” She hummed, presumably to get him to shush about it.
At that moment Tera became unplugged, starting her into a fall off Uzi, rolling off and beginning to plumet to the hardwood floor, N immediately rocketed forward, catching the little pill before she ever touched the ground, even if it left him in the rather awkward position of his legs still on the couch as the rest of him was on the floor.
Tera giggled sleepily before going back into sleep mode, satisfied with her mischief.
“See? You already have the reflexes.” Uzi pointed out and caused N to look back at the pillbaby with a smile.
Maybe he could be alright at this after all.
Next ->
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royalsweetteaa · 2 years
Child’s play
Pairing: bully!Johnny Storm x teacher’s pet!reader
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WARNING - the following fic contains: explicit smut/dub-con, public sex, oral sex (male & female receiving), high school AU (Johnny & reader are 18 in this story), Johnny is an asshole, other character appearances (Wanda Maximoff & Jake Jensen), mild dark humor, blackmail, dom!Johnny, dom/sub, daddy kink, stubborn!reader, needy!Johnny.
Summary: As a teacher’s pet, you take it to your advantage of making Johnny - the bully of the school to stop his torment against others. You later discover the reason why he bullies in the first place.
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Grade 12 in High school was probably the chillest year. While it had its challenges with harder exams and tests, I found myself acing those easier than previous years as I had found an efficient way of learning and memorizing the needed subjects.
In the beginning, puberty and finding our place was the hardest part of settling in, but now we were finally past being teenagers and going into adulthood at our last year, - which meant more control over ourselves.
Most of us changed for the better, while others….didn’t.
Johnny Storm was a perfect example of someone who had gotten worse from when he first started high school with the rest of us.
He has been viewed as a huge bully since year 2, first doing the ridiculous old school low blow of throwing 8th graders’ backpacks over the rooftop, which recruited him a group of boys who also seemed to enjoy being a huge menace.
He had recently been more active with his ruckus, and today wasn’t much different from that. I left my classroom, and the first thing I saw was Johnny picking up Jake’s sunglasses, swaying them around as he threatened to loose them to the floor.
“Guys, please stop messing around….these are expensive.” Jake pled, but it went deaf to their ears.
Johnny’s and my eyes met for a split second, and he grinned before he continued mocking the shorter guy who was desperately trying to get his glasses back while the group of guys behind Johnny laughed their asses off.
I looked over my shoulder at my friend, Wanda, and we rolled our eyes in sync. “Here we go again…” I muttered, before I walked over to Johnny to stop his nonsense.
“Johnny, stop it. Give his glasses back.” I demanded, but he didn’t seem to be paying attention at first. I was about to open my mouth again, but he finally tossed the glasses over to Jake, and thankfully Jake caught them without crushing them.
I sighed in relief and turned to Johnny again, “Can you please stop picking on Jake? He has literally done nothing but exist and you keep taunting him every chance you get.” I stated, scolding the taller blonde.
Johnny scoffed at my attempt to reason with him. “Maybe him existing is the problem, sweets. His only solution might be to jump off the school balcony if he wants me to stop, right boys?” He looked over his shoulder where his friends stood behind him, laughing and snickering at Johnny’s edgy humor.
I wasn’t amused in the slightest though, and I shook my head with full disapproval. “That’s just low. How less pathetic can you be to say something like that? It’s easy to tell you have nothing interesting going on in your life if this is all you do, - making people miserable.”
Johnny huffed, but didn’t say much else as he began walking away with his friends, calling me names above whispers as they followed him.
My focus was quickly shifted to Jake, and I held his shoulder as I asked out of concern, “Are you okay?”
“Uh, yeah I think so…” Jake responded as he adjusted his glasses onto his face. He then turned to me and gave a smile of gratitude. “Thank you for saving me, Y/N. I can always count on Johnny’s tyranny to be put to a stop when you’re around. Something tells me he likes you with how he actually listens to you.”
I laughed at Jake’s theory, “I don’t know about that. I think it has more to do with the fact that my aunt is the principal. Not to mention I’m known as a notorious teacher’s pet, but I don’t mind the title as the benefits overweigh of being one.”
Jake snorted as he nodded his head. “Yeah, I don’t mind you being in the school council’s favor either when you’re using it for the greater good. Makes us feel a little more safer. Like uncle Ben said to Peter once in Spider-Man issue #15, - With great power comes great responsibility.”
I giggled at the reference Jake had provided through his share of thought. He is such a nerd, but in a cute way.
“That’s right.”
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It was just another Wednesday again, and Wednesdays were the days where my class would be done and leave 2 hours prior to most of the students at this school. I was looking forward to arriving home earlier than usual.
As I was walking down the hallway, I heard a familiar series of sniffles and sobs come from the girls restroom, and I was too curious to continue walking out.
I quietly entered the restroom and saw none other than Wanda, my friend crying by the sink as she wiped her tears with paper.
I immediately rushed over to her and held her by the shoulder, urging her to tell me the reasoning behind her tears. “Wanda, what happened? Why are you crying?”
“Johnny, h-he…” Wanda paused as she sniffled again, “he took my phone during science class while I was distracted with working on our project, and he went on my private messages with Vision and found nudes I had sent…and then he airdropped them to his own phone and teased me about sending them to his other guy friends when he gets home…”
I was mortified to hear this, almost questioning how Johnny could steep that low. But considering how he usually is, I shouldn’t be too surprised.
Johnny had done plenty of things that wasn’t acceptable, - such as setting up a full bucket of water over the gapped door to have the hot substitute teacher be soaked through her white shirt, causing her breasts and bra to be more prominently visible. He was a mixture of being perverted, way too curious and provocative.
“Wanda,…we need to tell someone, - either the principal or one of the teachers. They can confiscate his phone and make him delete them.” I reasoned.
She shook her head, “Are you kidding me? If we tell them and it becomes a case, my parents will freak out once they find out I’ve been sending inappropriate pictures to my boyfriend! It doesn’t help that they have been disapproving our relationship since the beginning.”
That I have been aware of, and I wanted anything but to have Wanda split from her boyfriend, the guy I was sure she will end up marrying one day because he was just that good for her despite what her parents thought.
An idea came to mind of how we could solve this. A risky but easy one nonetheless.
“What class does Johnny have right now?”
Wanda furrowed her eyebrows but answered anyway. “I-I think he has P.E.? He goes in the same class as Steve,…why?”
My face lit up, “That’s perfect then. If we could get Johnny’s phone, I could ask Jake if he could hack the phone and get the password so we can delete those pictures. Jake’s good with that stuff.”
Wanda slowly shook her head in disbelief, “Y/N, you can’t be serious…are you suggesting on sneaking into the boys’ locker rooms? That’s insane! I still have classes anyway, I won’t be able to make time for it.”
“But I have plenty of time. I’ll quickly rush inside, find Johnny’s bag, and boom! Phone snatched! We don’t have to make this complicated.”
“But — couldn’t we ask someone else to do it? It’s too risky! Why don’t we ask Jake or some other guy to do it?”
“We don’t have time!” I reasoned. “Jake’s god knows where and we’re not about wasting precious time. Now please listen to me and only keep for a look out for as long as you can while I get the phone. I promise you, it’ll be okay.”
“O-Okay,…thank you, Y/N. I owe you so much.” Wanda said, shedding a happy tear.
With that, we ran towards the locker rooms.
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Second person POV
Sneakily, you entered the boys’ locker room with quiet steps while Wanda stood by the door to keep lookout.
You looked through the shoes placed in front of the lockers, trying to see if you could recognize Johnny’s shoes to save time from going through each locker. You spotted the dirty white Nike Air Force 1 shoes that were a match to what Johnny usually wore, and you opened the locker and rummaged through what you recognized as his bag.
You went through every zipper, one by one, only to be disappointed to find nothing. Where could it be?
“Well look what we have here…” your head snapped behind you where the voice came from and you stiffened as you saw Johnny, standing there naked, bare chested with only a towel covering his manhood.
“Looking for this, sweets?” He asked mischievously, as he raised his hand where he held his phone. “Somehow I knew Wanda would send someone to show up and try stealing my phone from my locker, so I left P.E a bit earlier. Didn’t expect the teacher’s pet to show up though. Not that I’m complaining.”
You straightened your posture, nose flaring as you glared at him, “Delete Wanda’s pictures, Johnny. You have no right keeping them.”
Johnny only laughed at your attempt to make him listen, and you grew irritated, - angry even at how much less he could care of terrorizing a girl. “Fine! You leave me no choice. I’ll report to the principal about how you’re keeping nudes without consent. It’s an invasion of privacy, - a crime.”
Johnny’s face fell and turned sour at the thought. He tried to hide it as he chuckled darkly before he said, “Oh yeah? Well if you’re going to report me, I’ll send in a report of my own…” Before you could predict his next move, you heard the sound of a picture being taken as Johnny held his phone up.
Your eyes widened as you realized what he had done, and he amusingly snickered. “Wait until everyone hears how the teacher’s pet snuck into the men’s locker room and tried to get a glimpse of me naked. I’m sure it’ll make headlines on social media if that principal aunt of yours doesn’t do shit about it. It’ll ruin the school reputation if they don’t take invasion of privacy against boys seriously too.”
In shock, your mouth remained open and eyes almost popping out as you realized what situation you had gotten yourself in. You didn’t know what to say.
“Now you decide to shut your mouth, hm? What, the teacher’s pet has nothing to say anymore?”
“Johnny, please don’t…” you pleaded. He was right, - you had nothing else to say as you weren’t prepared for this to be the outcome at all. You were stuck, and now Johnny had a clear image of you in the men’s locker room, enough evidence to get you kicked out of school. This was such a bad idea.
Johnny had caught on your distress, and condescendingly added, “Hey, don’t look at me like that, baby. You don’t have to be sad. We can come with a compromise….”
You glared at him with suspicion, “What do you want?”
His eyes dropped down to your body, and he bit his lip as his mind went through a dirty path. You grimaced as it was visibly obvious what he was thinking, and you started to shake your head immediately. “No.”
“Baby, I haven’t even said anything.”
“But I do have an idea of what you will say. It’s not happening.” You said sternly.
He sighed, “Come on, no need to make a big deal out of it. All you gotta do is drop on your knees and give my cock some attention. After that, I’ll delete Wanda’s nudes and the ones I took of you just now. It’s so easy.”
You thought about it for a moment. Oral sex was never a big deal to you, but you weren’t exactly used to handing out blowjobs in exchange for something. You hated the idea of giving the bully pleasure for him to do something right, but it was in exchange of saving yours and Wanda’s future.
For once, you came to the conclusion of giving him head just to save yourself from more trouble.
“Fine. I’ll give you what you want if you delete those pics as soon as we’re done. And you better not tell a fucking soul about this.” You said the last part through gritted teeth.
Johnny smiled victoriously. “Deal.” He then put the phone in his locker securely, and made you move in front of him. “Follow me, baby. I know the perfect spot where we can have more ‘privacy’.” Johnny said, as he began to walk and have you follow him to the shower stalls. He picked the one furthest to the corner, and he gestured you to walk in first. You did hesitantly before he locked the door after him.
“On your knees…” Johnny ordered as you turned to face him. You did as he said, carefully placing yourself down on your bare knees, your face now in front of the tent that had formed around Johnny’s towel.
Johnny turned on the shower, and you shrieked when you felt a few droplets land on your head.
“Ugh, I’m going to get wet..” you complained through a whine, and Johnny snickered.
“I’m sure you will,…we don’t want anyone to come by and get suspicious of what we are doing here, do we? Now go on. We don’t have all day..”
You peeled off the towel he had wrapped around his waist, his cock springing free as you did so. You wanted to gasp at how big he was than you had anticipated, but you knew it would only stroke his ego more, and you didn’t want to give him that satisfaction.
“Liking the view?” He asked smugly, and you rolled your eyes.
“Shut up.” You muttered as you began to stroke him, making his head dip slightly back as his hand landed on the towel handle. You quickly began working by using your mouth, wrapping your plump lips carefully around his tip before you bobbed your head around his shaft. You spat on his cock once to make it more slicker for you to suck on properly.
“There you go…what a good girl. You take care of everything and help everyone when they are in need of aid. Now it’s time for you to help me, pet.” He purred, and started to buck his hips forward, fucking your mouth. You gagged at first, but got the hang of it after a few thrusts.
He grunted and closed his eyes with his mouth agape, enjoying the feel of your hot and wet mouth. “Mmh, fuck yes…so fucking good..” he moaned, trailing off the swear word more than usual.
“You’re the reason I keep harassing people, did you know that?” Johnny suddenly confessed, and you pulled a frown through your daze. “Yeah, I got bored from doing it a while back, but It’s the only way I get your attention. To be honest, I get kind of horny when you tell me off. You’re a feisty girl…I knew you would be good at this.”
You grew flushed at his confession, not believing your ears. While you weren’t obliged to do it, you cupped his heavy balls and massaged them, making him suck in a sharp breath as he took in the new sensation.
“Fuck, you’re a good friend for doing this…but I bet a part of you is enjoying this. You like sucking my fat cock, don’t you?”
You whimpered around him, and Johnny didn’t need an answer to that. “I know you do…I’m going to bust my nut and you’re going to swallow it all. Don’t want to make a mess on your pretty face.” He pulled your face forcefully and facefucked you until his grunts and gasps grew louder, finally orgasming and letting his cum shoot down your throat for you to have a taste of his substance. He tasted bitter, but it wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be. You gulped down every last drop with little effort.
“Drink it up, slut. That’s it,…such a good fucking pet.” Johnny grunted with a low voice. Once his grip loosened, you pulled away and wiped your mouth, giving him an annoyed look as you wanted more than anything to step out of the shower and complete Johnny’s part of the exchange.
Just then, you heard the noise of a door opening, and several male voices speaking amongst each other. Johnny held you back against the wall, his arm around your stomach with his other hand on your mouth.
“Damn, that last session was intense!” One of the boys exclaimed, and your stomach dropped as you realized it was the rest of the boys coming back from P.E.
Fucking damn it.
The steam from the hot water was getting thicker, and your baby blue top was becoming see-through from the moisture. Unbeknownst to you, while you were concentrated on keeping quiet, Johnny watched over your shoulder to take a peek at your breasts, your white bra being visible to his eye.
He bit his lip lustfully, and without warning he grabbed a handful of your breast, squeezing it through your bra. You whipped your head back with a glare, and Johnny had to hold back a snort.
Your glare was quickly replaced with the face of someone being sex dazed, with your lips being parted as he put his hand underneath your shirt, getting a handful of the soft flesh of your breast when he pulled your bra down below.
“Let me return the favor...” he whispered quietly into your ear as his hand left your breast and hoisted up your skirt. He began doing a circling motion onto your clit through your panties, making you throb with pleasure.
You nearly moaned, but Johnny’s other hand which he had placed on your mouth was a reminder that you couldn’t make a sound, - not when a whole bunch of other men were now occupying the locker rooms.
On top of that, his hot breath against your neck gave you tingles, and you put your arm around his neck as you lost all feel in your legs from the stimulation he was providing you with.
“Johnny, are you the one in there?” One of the guys asked, - you assumed one of Johnny’s buddies. “You’ve been in there forever..”
“Sorry guys, I’m going to be in here for a while. Been trying to find some good MILF porn to jack off to. Think I found the right video, and now I’m really going to enjoy myself…” He responded out loud as he began rubbing harder on your clit, and you let out a weak whimper involuntarily.
The whole locker room started bursting out laughing, and you internally rolled your eyes at how childish they were. You could hardly make a face though as he continued to stimulate your clit, his mouth on the skin of your neck as you could feel his smirk.
“Have fun with that, dude. We’re on our way out to catch an early bus. See ya tomorrow.” They greeted, and you heard the foot steps of the boys heading to the exit, the door finally shutting, leaving the two of you alone again.
Johnny proceeded to sneak a finger through the outline of your underwear, rubbing directly onto the sensitive skin of your pussy which made your head snap back onto his chest.
“Are you gonna cum, sweets? You probably haven’t had an orgasm in such a long time with how tense you always are…” Johnny claimed mockingly as he began sucking the skin on your neck, not for too long to leave hickeys but it felt certainly sensual. “You’re so fucking gorgeous. I always admire the view you provide, - showing off your pretty legs when you wear a skirt.”
“Johnny…” you moaned, almost babbling his name with how close you were getting off. His finger found your quivering hole, and with the use of his arm, he hooked one of your legs up to get better access.
His finger entered inside of you, and you let out a strained cry as your mind went almost blank before you.
“Call me daddy, baby girl. Only then I’ll let you cum…”
You shook your head and whimpered, denying his order in efforts of keeping your dignity.
“Say. it.” He commanded through a sharp whisper. He inserted a second finger, and he dug further in until it hit the spot, making you unravel completely.
“A-Ohh, - D-Daddy! ~” you moaned out desperately as you felt the pressure in your abdomen increase. “Please make me cum!”
He smirked, satisfied with your answer, and he granted your wish by continuously fingering onto your weak spot, until your body trembled and you came, your juices oozing out and onto his finger. You let him hold you up until you got down from your high, and with a shaken breath you stood up on your own, wiping your sweaty forehead as you looked behind you. You quickly put your bra and undies into place, suddenly feeling shameful even if there was no reason to as he had already seen everything.
Your eyes widened in shock when you witnessed him sucking off his finger clean, - the one coated with your stickiness.
“That was unnecessary.” You remarked breathlessly as you stepped out of the shower stall, and Johnny laughed as he followed you out.
“I think it was very necessary actually. You taste delicious.”
You were far too gone to be humored by him, you threw a dry towel at him as you took out his phone from the locker again. You stood there, with his phone in your hand. “The photos, Johnny. Delete them. Now.” You ordered firmly, and Johnny raised his arms up in defense.
“Okay, okay, calm your tits…I’ll do it now.” He said as he took his phone from you, typing in the password and let you with your very own eyes witness him deleting the images in his album before he deleted them permanently from the ‘deleted images’ folder.
“There. I deleted them, just like I promised you. I can be a good person when I want to be, baby.”
“Knock off calling me that.” You spat at him as you tried to straighten your wetted skirt. “And that doesn’t put you in a better light.”
“I can be good permanently, - but only exclusively to you, babe.” Johnny said huskily as he walked past you to go to his locker and put on some clothes. “Let me take you on a date and I’ll consider apologizing to the nerd you always rescue.”
You scoffed in response as if it was a dumb joke. “Not a chance, Johnny. Just so you know, if you tell anyone about this, I’m going to bring hell upon you.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it. You can trust your daddy to keep his mouth sealed, baby girl.” Johnny responded while winking at you.
“You’re not my -! Ugh, you’re unbelievable!” You bursted out, before you angrily left and slammed the boys locker room behind you.
All in the meanwhile, Johnny dried his body with the towel, muttering to himself ‘you sure are,’ as he grinned with pride.
You walked out of the school building from the back entrance, avoiding being seen as you were still soaked from head to feet. Luckily it was a hot day, which helped you in getting dry before you reached home.
You stepped into the house and went straight to your room where you plopped into bed, groaning into your pillow as you realized what had went through today.
Minutes later you checked your phone, opening your messages to see what Wanda had sent.
Hi, did you get the phone? A teacher caught me in the hallway and sent me back to my classroom, so I couldn’t stand for long. :(( Hope everything turned out well.
Y/N L/N (Me)
Hey! The phone wasn’t in the locker room, so I waited for Johnny to walk out and I told him to delete the photos, to which he did. :)
You’re safe! ♥️
Oh, thank god. 😪 For a moment I was worried you were caught in there…
Anyway OMG that’s great!! 🥹♥️ Thank you so much for making him delete them. You’re a life savior!! Coffee at Starbucks is on me next time!
You owe me so much more than a Starbucks coffee, was all you could think, but then again you had agreed to Johnny’s dirty agreement when you could have maybe come with a different solution.
Finally you put your phone down as you let out a defeated sigh. You felt bad for lying to Wanda, but you would rather be caught dead than admit what had actually happened in the locker room.
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As I walked through the hallway to my locker in the morning, I could already eye something unusual. A pink bag with a rose taped onto it was tied around the locker, making my face scrunch at the unexpected romantic gesture.
There was no name tag but I already knew who could have put it up on my locker.
It just has to be him, I guessed confidently.
The note that came with it further proved my suspicion right.
‘Cheers to being each other’s dirty secret.’
I quickly shoved the note into my pocket, embarrassed I had even read that.
Jake came by just then together with Wanda, and both of their jaws dropped when they eyed the package.
“Oooo, a secret admirer!” Jake teased over my shoulder, and I groaned as I lowered my head.
“Please, just don’t.” I almost whined, not wanting to get into it but I knew Wanda and Jake wouldn’t leave it there so easily.
We started to walk towards our classrooms, and they were already keeping the topic afloat.
“So, who do you think it’s from?” Wanda asked, seeing as there was no note, - not to her knowledge anyway.
“Probably some weirdo.” I replied with a shrug.
“Aren’t you going to see what’s in the bag?” Jake asked, wondering why I hadn’t given it a glance.
“I don’t want it. You can keep whatever’s in it.” I said.
He opened the package with care, and brought out the item. “Chocolate,” Jake mumbled as he studied the heart shaped box. “…sure you don’t want it?”
“Yes. I don’t eat chocolate unless I’m on my period. I get acne all over my face otherwise.” I explained, and Jake shrugged, convinced enough that he could have a piece.
“Give me some of that too. I want some.” Wanda pleaded, and Jake gave her the box once he had a handful in his palm.
As for the rose, I felt too bad to throw it out. I ended up putting it on an empty vase by the window of my classroom.
While I worked on our given exercise of the day, I couldn’t help but feel flustered every now and then as I glanced at the rose.
Was it really true what he had said yesterday?
The part where he said the only reason why he bullies is to get my attention?
It was the least I had expected to be the reasoning behind his taunting. All this time I had thought maybe he had it bad back at home, — that he had major mommy/daddy issues. Come to think of it, he might have that if he was craving attention of someone like me, - where our only interaction with each other was through my scolding.
Regardless of the psychological reasoning behind Johnny’s crush towards me, I wasn’t going to entertain the thought of us becoming something, knowing he was a remorseless asshole by the end of the day.
At least, he would remain that way until he proves otherwise.
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Luckily I had been able to avoid Johnny as he had been out of sight. When the school hours ended, Wanda invited me to have Starbucks coffee like she had promised.
A few hours passed by and I returned home late in the evening. I hadn’t checked my phone since the last hour of school, and when my Lock Screen lit up, I frowned at the several messages I had received from an unknown number.
I sat down on the couch comfortably and checked out the messages.
Unknown number (possibly Johnny Storm)
Hey, TP. ♥️😏
Why did you give the chocolate to the nerd? 😑
I saw you kept the rose tho. Nice place to put it by the window where you’re sitting. Glad you liked it. ;))
I groaned tiredly. ‘TP’? Really?
I began to type my response.
Y/N L/N (Me)
How did you get my number?
Johnny Storm
I might have sneaked into your classroom during break and taken a peek at the student phone catalogue inside your teacher’s desk drawer…
Keyword: might have. 👀
Y/N L/N (Me)
Sure. 🤨 I’ll just block your number then.
The three dots were fast to appear on the screen, and before I could put my phone away, a new message appeared from Johnny.
Johnny Storm
NOOOO!! - C’mon, don’t be mean. 🥺
Y/N L/N (Me)
You’re one to talk. 😒
What do you want?
This time he took longer to type out, - assumingely writing a longer message this time.
Johnny Storm
Just wanna know if you’ve changed your mind about that date. There’s this really nice place I want to take you to. You’ll like it, I promise. 😘
I’ll also apologize to your friend - regardless if you accept my invite or not.
I was being a noisy prick, - I’ll admit that. Boredom makes me do dumb things.
But hey, at least it led you to me. ;)
I held back a snort.
The confidence of this guy. It was baffling, but I couldn’t lie and say it wasn’t a smidge charming. His self reflection was also somewhat refreshing.
Y/N L/N (Me)
Apologize to Jake too and I’ll consider it.
Only then I’ll let you speak to me. But first you gotta go through your part of the agreement.
Johnny Storm
Okay, cool! I won’t let you down, TP 😚
Nightie, baby girl 💫♥️
I smirked as I bit my bottom lip unknowingly, butterflies swirling in my stomach as it was unfamiliar yet pleasing to receive a farewell message from a boy who was interested in me. Someone who was actually willing to correct his wrongs to have a chance with me. Why did it feel so good?
Yet, despite the cute message he had sent me with the heart emoji and a wishing star, I replied dryly, not wanting to give him the impression he had won my heart just yet. He had to prove himself.
Y/N L/N (Me)
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The morning after I met Wanda by the main hallway as per usual, though this time it looked like she had seen a ghost with how shocked of an expression she wore.
“Y/N, the strangest thing happened this morning…” Wanda began. “Johnny…he -“
“Y/N, you won’t believe what happened to me just now.” Jake interrupted our conversation as he came over to us, but we let him with how his bewildered expression intrigued us. “Johnny apologized to me. Like, he said he was sorry for treating me like shit these past years and said he hopes I forgive him. Can you believe that?”
“No way! He said that to you too? I was just about to tell Y/N how he said the same thing to me this morning…” Wanda said.
While Jake and Wanda shared looks of complete awe, I held back a smile of pride.
He actually did it, I thought.
When class started, I sent Johnny a quick message.
Y/N L/N (Me)
Meet me behind the building after school.
Johnny Storm
That sounds suggestive.
Gonna reward me? ;)
I grumbled under my breath, aggressively typing my response.
Y/N L/N (Me)
No you idiot. 😑 We’re gonna talk like we agreed.
Johnny Storm
Sounds good either way. :)
I quickly put my phone away, blushing a little as I tried my best to suppress my excitement. This bastard was really making me feel things I usually don’t feel, and I stubbornly held a grudge against it.
I was aware it was childish, but it was too much in his favor, and that I disliked. Still, it interested me in getting to know this side of Johnny who wasn’t mean nor influenced by his so-called buddies.
The final bell rang at 03:00 PM, and I excused myself away from Wanda, walking the other way out to meet the tall blonde.
Johnny stood behind the building like we agreed, staring at his phone expectantly. Then he looked up and made a toothy grin as he spotted me.
“Proud of me, baby?” He asked smugly while I made my way over to him.
“Come on, what you did was the bare minimum of human decency…” I replied unbothered. He pouted, and I quickly added, “- but a deal is a deal. I’m giving you a chance.”
His pout was replaced with a smile, and he leaned in with his face, his lips approaching the closest, making my eyes widen as I pushed him back.
“Woah, not so fast. You gotta take me on that date first.” I said.
Johnny’s eyebrows furrowed, “I literally fingered you in a public shower after you gave me a blowjob. I think we’re past that, don’t you think?” He asked, finding my limits to be confusing.
I narrowed an eye, as if I was beginning to question my decision of giving him a chance, and he immediately retorted with, “You know what, - Nevermind. We can go slow.”
Truth be told, I felt a little awkward as he wasn’t wrong. It could come off as strange to be so carefree about sex and not want to kiss at the same time, but I did have a reason.
“I just…I like to think kissing is the most intimate thing two people can do. Sex isn’t of much importance to me as it can go without passion but you can’t like kissing without feeling something, you know?” I tried to explain.
He nodded his head, “No I get it. You’re scared of how easily you’ll fall for me me once I show you how great of a kisser I am. Don’t worry, - I like you playing hard to get anyways. Gets me horny.”
I gasped at his audacity and hit his shoulder, “You perverted asshole! You’re always thinking with your dick!” In response he laughed, finding my reaction to be hilarious as I started to walk away. He followed and caught up to me by jogging.
“C’mon, I’m just playing with ya! At least partially!” He defended himself. “I’ll walk you home. We can plan out our date on the way.” Johnny offered.
At that moment, I hadn’t considered how far this relationship would go. Let’s just say it wouldn’t be the last time Johnny walked me home.
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N/A: Public sex & Johnny goes so perfectly well together, I can’t even begin to explain how much. Thank you for reading!
Hearts & Reblogs are very appreciated! <3
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ghulehthezombiequeen · 9 months
stargirl interlude - sodo x reader
a/n: *cracks knuckles* alright first fic of the new year lets go!!! also li hing mui is dried plum and they make a powder which is put on almost every dessert/candy in hawaii! it's delicious and everyone should try it because y'all are missing out (ok maybe i wanted to share a bit of culture with u guys)
warnings/things to note: afab reader but no pronouns used, sodo says the L word (no not leprosy), talk about pregnancy (nothing happens though), he's a big goofball and doesn't understand humans' societal dating rules, slightly suggestive (he's getting baby fever due to his heat cycle approaching)
enjoy <3
word count: 944 ~
Sodo stared at you as you entered his room in the middle of the night, holding a bag. "I come bearing gifts!" you said triumphantly, causing him to crack a small smile. "What's that?" he asked, eyeing the contents of the bag. "Li hing gummy worms! You'll like it, it's tangy." you smile, tossing him the bag.
He caught the bag of gummy worms in one hand, his eyes narrowing to slits as he inspected the packaging before taking a worm out and sniffing it before nibbling on it. His eyes widened and it wasn't long until he shoved the rest of the candy into his mouth. "You're correct."
"You're welcome, ya goofball." you smiled, sitting next to him and holding out your palm. "May I have one?"
He nodded, tail swishing in satisfaction as he dug into the bag, dropping a red and blue worm into your palm.
"Wow, so generous," you joked sarcastically. "But thank you." You popped the sweet candy into your mouth, mouth instantly watering as the li hing powder coated your tongue.
Sodo continued devouring a few more gummies before he turned to you with a crooked smile. "I have a question."
"Yeah? What's up?"
His smile broadened as he watched you finished eating your gummy worm. "Marry me."
You blinked. "I- what?"
He didn't hesitate as he got down onto one knee and took out a black ring box. "Marry me." he repeated.
"Er... no thank you?" you answered hesitantly, looking puzzled. "What are... you doing?"
He didn't seem offended by your answer as he sat back on the couch next to you. "You don't want to marry me?" he asked, tilting his head to the side in curiosity.
"Um, honey, we're not even dating."
His brows furrowed as he thought for a moment, nodding. "So... we're going to date first? When can we start? Now?"
His innocence caused you to laugh, shaking your head. "Oh, no, honey, that's not how this works."
He pouted but couldn't hold back a smile as he saw you laughing. "Then when do we start?"
You stared at him, letting out a chuckle as you shook your head. "Well, normally... someone asks the person they like to go somewhere together. Like dinner at a restaurant, coffee, even the fair."
Sodo's ghoulish tail started to wrap around your leg, pinning it to the seat. "So, you're saying I should ask you out on a date? Okay!" "W-Wha- slow down!" you laughed, nudging his tail off your leg.
He moved his tail out of the way but was soon replaced by his hand as he pulled you close to him. "So. Date, now. We go, yes?"
"No, not now! Sodo, I swear on everything unholy, it's 3am! And get your paw off my leg." you tugged at his loose sleeve, lifting his arm away.
He frowned, slowly letting go of you. "But... but I love you." he whined.
That statement caught you off-guard, feeling your cheeks turn pink. "Er... S-Sodo, you, uh... you don't say that right away."
He shrugged. "I didn't know the exact rules." He went silent for a moment, tapping his foot as he thought. After a moment, he figured it out, eyes lighting up. "So I should ask you out on a date, we go to dinner and then I say 'I love you'?"
You giggled at his silliness. "No, we're supposed to talk about ourselves at dinner, see if we're compatible for each other. That word doesn't come until later."
"Like... after we've kissed a few times and we both know each other's secret weaknesses?" He asked, confused.
"I... sure."
"Okay. So after that, I ask you to marry me again?"
"Sodo, hon. Listen." You grabbed his face gently. "Marriage doesn't happen that quick. It takes at least a year of dating."
His eyes flickered with confusion but nodded. "Okay, well... I'll ask you to marry me after our first date then. Okay?"
"Sodo. You can marry me later. After about, hm, one hundred dates and a few years." You said firmly.
"Ohh, so first date, then we ask to be engaged." His tail wagged slightly, his smile widening. "Is that right?"
"Ah, no." You shook your head. "Sodo, marriage doesn't come that quickly unless you want people to think you got me pregnant."
Sodo tilted his head, one of his eyebrows cocking upwards as a devious smile hint at his lips. "Is that a challenge, then?" Your eyes widened and you gasped, lightly hitting his harm. "Is that a yes, my dear?" his smile widened, moving his tail to snake around your waist. "Sodo, I'm not having kids!" "But I want some," he pleaded, giving you puppy-dog eyes. "Please?"
"I don't think a half-ghoul child is a good thing," you shook your head.
"Why not? Don't you want a little me running around to call your own?" He leaned closer, gently touching your cheek with his finger. "Our baby," he whispered.
What was wrong with him? He was never like this. Your eyes widened as you realized-- he was nearing his heat cycle.
"Does someone have baby fever? Is it because your heat should be coming soon?"
He grunted, leaning in and sniffing your neck. "Soon enough..." You rolled your eyes. Great, now he was being clingy. You put your hands on his shoulders, gently pushing him back. "Alright, that's enough."
"But you look so tasty... please... you smell delicious." he whined.
"I'm gonna lock you in my closet for two weeks again if you don't behave." you warned, which did the trick as he shot back up and cuddled a pillow instead, letting out a small hiss.
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captainsophiestark · 9 months
Parents Weekend
Platonic!Percy Jackson x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: Percy Jackson
Summary: Percy's clear-sighted mortal cousin on his mom's side flies out to California to visit Percy for his first parents weekend away from home, at New Rome University.
Word Count: 2,166
Category: Fluff
A/N: This is full of spoilers for every book that features Percy Jackson, so if you're a new fan brought in by the show, welcome! But this fic might not be for you, unless you really don't mind spoilers. Also, it is loosely related to this other platonic Percy fic I wrote, but you don't need to read one to understand the other
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"HALT! Not another step without approval!"
I jumped backwards as a talking statue appeared in front of me out of nowhere, stopping me right on the threshold of the city of New Rome. Of all the things I'd seen as a clear-sighted mortal, this ranked among the weirdest for sure.
"Who are you, and on what authority are you here?"
"Uh... I'm Percy Jackson's cousin, and I'm here to visit him at college?"
The statue narrowed his eyes at me.
"Percy Jackson's cousin, hm? I know him well. He spent quite a lot of time when he first got here disobeying and disrespecting my rules. But we killed a giant together, and he defended Rome honorably. So as long as you are not armed...?"
The statue raised an eyebrow at me, and I quickly held out my hands and shook my head to show him I didn't have anything on me. He narrowed his eyes, then nodded curtly.
"Then you may enter. Tell him hello, and to get a haircut."
"Yes sir."
The statue nodded, clearly pleased, as I walked past him and into the city of New Rome. Percy had told me all about his adventures whenever we caught up with each other, and I felt fairly confident that I'd just met Terminus, the Roman boundary god. He was even more uptight than Percy had said.
It was a beautiful fall day in California, the sun lighting up the Oakland hills and creating just the right amount of warmth. I stared around in awe at the city before me, which practically sparkled in the sun.
Percy had told me all about it, and I'd even seen a few pictures. But nothing quite compared to seeing it in person.
I joined the crowds moving through the city, laughing and talking with one another. Luckily for me, a very easy to find street sign pointed me in the direction of New Rome U, and I started heading in that direction.
Percy had just started college this fall, moving all the way across the country just when I'd finally settled for the long haul in New York. I gave him a bit of teasing for that, but I knew how happy he was to be going here (especially with Annabeth) and how hard he'd worked to get in, so I really was happy for him. I'd just made him promise to visit New York often, which I knew he would do for more family members than just me.
What I hadn't told him was that I also intended to visit him. This weekend was officially "parents' weekend" at NRU. Sally and Paul couldn't come, since Estelle was still a baby, but I had no such limitations. I'd booked a flight the second Sally had told me the date, and now, I was finally here.
Percy had no idea. As far as he knew, he had nothing special happening this weekend. I couldn't wait to see his face when I surprised him.
My head was on a swivel the minute I set foot on campus, looking for my favorite cousin. He wasn't short, so I hoped he'd be easily visible over the heads of people in the crowd, but I wandered between buildings and students with no luck. I needed a better plan.
It didn't take me long to come up with one, thankfully. A big, beautiful fountain sat in the middle of a cluster of university buildings, so I headed right for it and hopped up on the ledge, standing tall and scouting the crowds from my new vantage point. After a minute, I heard a surprised voice from behind me.
I whipped around to find Percy standing at the top of some stairs, apparently just coming from class in the building. He was hand in hand with his girlfriend Annabeth, which always made me happy to see. I beamed at him and waved like a maniac before hopping down and heading his direction.
"What are you doing here?" he called, momentarily dropping Annabeth's hand to race towards me, meeting me halfway across the square. I laughed as he picked me up in a tight hug and spun me around.
"It's parents' weekend for New Rome University, isn't it?" I asked, once my feet were back on the ground. "I might not be your parent, but I'm pretty sure the event has changed to mean 'family weekend' by this point."
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming!" he cried, laughing a little as he apparently didn't quite believe I was really here. Annabeth joined us, a smile on her face to match mine and Percy's.
"Because I wanted to surprise you, duh!" I laughed and pulled Annabeth into a tight hug, which she returned. "It's so good to see you both! Oh, and Percy, Terminus said you need to get a haircut."
Percy groaned and shook his head while Annabeth laughed.
"You met Terminus? How did you even get in here?"
"I name-dropped you for street cred with Terminus, obviously," I teased. Percy rolled his eyes, but he was still smiling. "And I might have found a way to reach out to a friend you mentioned had some power here. Frank Zhang was very nice when a total stranger appeared through a very shaky Iris message asking him to let me into his camp."
Percy and Annabeth both laughed at that, sharing a smile.
"I'll have to remember to thank Frank for the assist," said Percy.
"I actually have some of your mom's cookies with me for that exact purpose."
Percy's mouth dropped open in outrage. "And you didn't bring any for me?"
"Did I say that?"
I turned and reached into my bag, then pulled out a tupperware container of Sally's famous blue chocolate chip cookies.
"These are for you. I ate mine on the plane, and I have a batch of purple ones for Frank, since that's Camp Jupiter's colors."
"My mom is amazing," Percy breathed, the box of cookies already opened with one in his hand.
"Yeah. Yeah, she is. Now come on, I flew all the way out here from New York to hang out with you. I want to see your new school and hear about all your classes and everything else. Just tell me where we're going first."
Percy grinned. "I know the perfect spot."
My cousin didn't disappoint. Annabeth had to do a bit of work to prepare for the coming week, so after getting a promise from her to meet us later, Percy and I hiked to the top of a beautiful hill overlooking the entirety of Camp Jupiter, apparently called the Garden of Bacchus. With the sun shining and a slight breeze blowing, I quite literally couldn't have imagined anything more perfect.
"You know, I love New York. But I could stand living somewhere with more weather like this," I mused. Percy laughed.
"Yeah, it's a perk. I do miss the city sometimes though."
"Of course. But you'll be home for the break, right?"
"Yup. Annabeth's coming with me. I can't wait to see my mom, and Paul and Estelle. And we'll probably visit camp, which will be nice."
"I'm sure everyone will be excited to see you. Just don't forget to come visit your favorite cousin in fun places I can actually get to," I said, nudging him in the shoulder a little as I teased him. He grinned right back at me.
"Good. Because otherwise I'll have to come track you down, and based on what you've told me about Camp Half-Blood, I'd have a hell of a time getting into that place."
"If any mortal could pull it off, I bet it'd be you."
I grinned, and Percy smiled. We paused for a minute, taking in the gentle breeze and bustling city below us, then I spoke up again.
"Alright, so catch me up. How's everything? Classes? Annabeth? Being on the West Coast? Any more of the Olympians trying to give you trouble?"
Percy frowned at the mention of the Olympians, which seemed incredibly fair to me.
"Thankfully no, at least for now. Otherwise, things have been good. It's still a little weird to be here, and I miss a lot of people back home, but I have a lot of friends here too. Mostly I'm just happy to finally have some normal life time with Annabeth."
"I can't think of two people who deserve it more." Percy huffed in agreement as I continued. "And one of the hardest parts of college is leaving behind people you love to go do what you need to do out in the world. But like you said, there's a lot of people you love and who love you here, too. And you know me and Sally and everyone else in New York will always leave our doors open for whenever you want to come back."
Percy gave me a small smile.
"I know. And I'll always be happy to see you visiting me here, or wherever else I might go. Especially if you keep bringing my mom's cookies with you."
I laughed. "Yeah, that makes sense. I think her cookies could open most doors for me, honestly."
"For sure."
We took a moment, smiling and laughing and breathing in the fresh air. Then finally, I sighed and stood, facing Percy with my hands on my hips.
"Alright, I've gotten the bird's eye view and I'm finally warm again after New York got that early cold snap. Now let's see what else this Roman camp has to offer."
The more we walked around, the more my jaw dropped. It looked just like the pictures I'd seen of Rome and Italy as a whole, places I'd always dreamed about visiting. Only bright, shiny, new, and right here in front of me, where I could reach out and touch it.
As we walked around and Percy gave me the full campus tour, we found more and more people who knew him, smiling and calling out hellos as we passed each other. I beamed every time, happy to see my little cousin doing so well. He'd been through hell, but he seemed at peace here. Settled, in a way I hadn't really seen him before.
"The camp itself has pegasi stables and stuff, but we'd need to get special permission to visit them," Percy explained as we walked into the plaza where I'd first found him, headed for 'the best coffee shop this side of the Mississippi'. The basic tour was completed, so we were on our way to meet Annabeth. "I can ask Frank about that, maybe. How long are you here?"
"I'm staying for the whole parents' weekend, so hopefully that means I get to see the pegasi! The day I met Blackjack might still be my best day ever."
Percy laughed as we walked through the door, a bell jingling happily over our heads. Annabeth waved to us from a table near the window, and we headed her direction.
"I think Blackjack enjoyed that day, too. He always likes to be appreciated."
"He's a flying horse. Who the hell isn't appreciating him?"
Percy just shrugged as we joined Annabeth at her table. She grinned and slid two drinks our way, one for each of us.
"Percy told me your order. Hopefully they got it right."
"I'm sure they did," I said, taking a careful sip. My jaw would've dropped, if I weren't incredibly determined not to let a single drop go to waste. "That is... actually maybe the best thing I've ever had."
"Right?" Percy grinned as he sipped his own drink.
"So, what did the two of you get up to?" asked Annabeth.
"Percy gave me the whole campus tour," I said, smiling as I leaned back in my seat, leisurely sipping my drink. The sun coming through the windows gently warmed my face, and I could've stayed right there for the rest of the day and been perfectly happy. "We hiked up to the Garden of Bacchus too, and I got a bird's eye of this whole place. I know I'll probably never get to see Camp Half-Blood to compare, but... this place is stunning."
"It really is."
Annabeth and Percy shared a smile, and he took her hand across the table. I beamed. I loved Annabeth, and I loved the two of them together. I'd never met somebody other than Annabeth who got such an immediate, unanimous family seal of approval.
"So, I got the tour of campus. I heard there are pegasi stables, which I will not be leaving without seeing. But what else is a can't-miss?"
"Don't worry," said Annabeth with a grin. "I had enough time after homework to make the perfect plan."
"Athena always has a plan," said Percy. He and Annabeth shared another smile, and I couldn't help smiling with them.
"Well good. Because I'm here all weekend, and this seems like a city I don't want to miss."
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
Percy Jackson Taglist: @valkyriepirate
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mattykay · 5 months
Hey uhm can you do more Rodrick x ftm reader smut? I was thinking like reader has a little brother/sister, who's friends with Greg, and he and rodrick meet, hang out and things escalate in to them doing ✨it✨
content: top!rod, sub!reader, biting, light spitting, degrading, the works
Susan and Frank knew your parents well. Your dad met Greg's when they did scouts together. It all came from there.
You had managed to avoid all of the little family outing but this one.. couldn't go without you as it was in your own home. The families wanted to get together and, "cut loose", meaning the parents would get wine and beer drunk while the kids had a sleep over.
Greg and your little brother had each other.. you had Rodrick.
He was damn good looking, you'd give him that. But he was obnoxious too. So fucking obnoxious.
You were trapped in the garage with him as he played (slammed) on his drums. Over and over again. It was going to give you a migraine at this point.
"My fucking god-" You grumbled, which he picked up on.
"What? Can't handle talent?" The raven haired boy asked in that fucking snarky tone.
"No. I can't handle a damn migraine." You said.
This made him scoff. "Your head good?" He asked, making you blush. "My god! Not like that you freak!" Rodrick said, noticing your expression. But his shock quickly turned into a smirk. "Unless..?"
You swatted at his arm and he caught your wrist. "Easy.. easy.." He purred, making the hairs on your neck stand up and your boxers dampens in shame. You tried to struggle out of his grip. "Yeah. That's not happening.." Rodricks smirk grew. "Cmon, I got something loads better in my room."
So you led him lead you into his damn bedroom! It wasn't your fault! You didn't even know what to say! Plus he was hot..
Rodrick got you into his room, "Sit." You sat. "Atta boy." He said as he stepped in front of you, his crotch right in your face at a drool worthy proximity. "Awww.. you a hungry little thing?" He cooed, grabbing your jaw and forcing you to look up.
"Uh huh.." Was all you could muster, which he mocked in a more whiney "Uh huhhh.." of his own. The mockery was making your cunt ache. You wanted him bad now.
Rodrick unzipped his pants, bringing his cock out of his boxers. It sprang up and hit you right on the lips. "Cmon. You know what to do." He said, and so you did it. You grabbed the base of his cock and began to suck and lick at his tip. His hand grabbed your hair tight, making you whimper.
"Suck all of it. Now." Rodrick hissed, so you relaxed your jaw and took all of him into your mouth. You tried to hold still and not gag when he began to fuck your throat and yank at your hair. "Fuck that's good.. such a good boy.."
You sucked for damn too long before he pulled out of your lips with a 'pop'. "Back." He said, pushing you onto your back.
Rodrick practically tore your pants from you, along with your boxers. He started down at your dripping cunt with a grin. "Look at you. Fuckin' dripping." He said, taking no effort to warn you before sliding a finger in you. You squealed in response and he slapped a hand over your mouth. "Jesus christ- shut the fuck up. You want them to hear you moaning like a little slut?" You shook your head no. "Exactly. Be a good boy and I'll get you what's even better."
He retracted his finger from you, spitting on your hole before replacing it with his cock. You babbled about how big he was and how full you were. It made him laugh. "Aren't you such a brain dead little thing? Just needed dick in your little boypussy and you're all dumbed down now.." He cooed as he began to thrust.
Your eyes rolled back and you listened to the wet sounds and clapping in the room. You whined against his hand as his cock tip brushed right on that perfect spot inside you.
"Yeah? Gonna cum f'me? You gonna be a good boy and cum on my cock?" Rodrick asked as he fucked you deeper. You whined loudly in response. He went to answer but was cut off by you clenching around him, forcing his orgasm to follow yours.
The two of you panted and got back dressed quickly. Just in time for your parents to say it was time to go. "Call me." He said, not a question. But yet another order.
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writeforfandoms · 9 months
Island 2
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More conversations are had, plans are made, and you all make a run for another drop. Of course, things don't always go smoothly.
Warnings: Swearing, intense emotions, reader has Issues, canon typical violence, shooting at dinosaurs, blood, death (dinosaurs only), playing fast and loose with Ark mechanics.
Word count: 2.5k
Eventual Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x f!reader
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All four of them helped you carry in the meat and berries, and you showed them where you kept everything. It took longer to pluck the dodos, leaving the feathers in a large basket. Gaz took over that for you, and you stood in the middle of the house for a minute, hands on your hips. 
“Taming really isn’t a day two topic,” you said, shaking your head a little. “But. Oh well.” You breathed in deep, fingers tapping against your hip. “Obviously you lot have seen Bessie and Watermelon. Taming creatures is generally not hard, but it is a process. The herbivores are the easiest, you just find their favorite berries and feed ‘em until they like you.” You paused there and then sighed. “You kind of have to take all of this with a grain of salt, because none of this makes sense. I just knew when Bessie was tame, same way I just know that hyaenadon will be ready to come in tomorrow. I didn’t have to train Bessie, she just knows.” You shrugged. 
“So, what, you just feed things until they follow you home?” Gaz didn’t look up from the dodo he was plucking. 
“I mean, with herbivores, yeah. And a few carnivores, like the hyaenadons. But most carnivores are much more dangerous.” You shook your head. “I’m honestly amazed Tom was able to tame Ripper. Raptors are dangerous and they’re pack hunters.”
“So how did he tame it?” Price crossed his arms over his chest. 
“Nuh uh.” You pointed a threatening finger at him. “Nope. Week two. Survive that long and I’ll teach you.” 
His eyes gleamed and he tipped his head to look down at you. “Fine.” 
“Are we goin’ for the green drop?” Soap asked as he finished piling meat in the preserving bin. 
“Haven’t decided. The closer you get to the mountain, the more dangerous the creatures are.” You shrugged, turning away to check your berries. You needed to do something with some of them. More hard biscuits, probably. Especially considering how many Gaz had eaten. “Gaz, let me know when you’re done with those dodos.”
“Will do.” He sneezed as a feather tried to drift up his nose, making Soap laugh at him. You just rolled your eyes. Children. 
The rest of the day passed in more or less easy work. Gaz picked up how to get the most meat off the birds quickly, only grumbling when Soap interrupted him. Ghost had vanished outside again, which you decided was Not Your Problem. Price had studied the map for a bit and then started poking around. 
It was not the same kind of quiet that you’d grown accustomed to since Jasper got killed. But it was quiet, mostly. 
Gaz helped you with dinner, which was good, because you weren't used to cooking for five. 
Dinner was quiet too. This time, Soap grabbed the dishes before you could, leaving you inside with Gaz and Price. Gaz stepped outside as well. 
"You haven't searched for a way out?" Price asked, leaning back in his chair, hands folded together over his stomach. 
"I never said that," you shot back, a little annoyed. "Of course I have. Everyone has. And nobody's done it. This place is a fucking death trap." 
He was quiet for a few moments, watching you. You looked away first. 
"Forgive me if I don't believe there's no way out," he drawled.
You waved a hand. "Believe what you want," you muttered. "You'll figure it out." 
He blew out a breath. "What else do we need to learn?"
You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest. "More about taming, later," you said. "Weapons you seem to know. We need to go through berries and edible plants, of course. Basic repairs. Basic building. Creature identification. Things to avoid at all costs." You shrugged. 
Price nodded, still relaxed in his chair, still watching you. "You haven't given up yet."
You tensed. "What?"
"You're still here. Still alive." His lips quirked in an almost-smile. "Much as you insist this place is a death trap, you haven't resigned yourself to it. Not fully. Else you wouldn't have survived this long." 
You stared at him for a few long moments, lips parted, eyes wide. Your heart beat hard and fast in your chest, the same feeling the last time you'd come across a raptor. 
You slammed out of the house before you knew what you were doing, walking fast away from that train wreck. He wasn't even entirely wrong - there was still that tiny glimmer of wondering, that tiny what if.
More than that, though, you were mad he had read you so easily. You weren't used to that. Maybe it was all the time you'd spent alone, or the lack of emotional intelligence from Jasper. 
Either way, you probably could have reacted better. 
You startled a little at the nickname and half-turned to look at Gaz. The bastard had snuck up on you. “Hm?” 
“You alright?” He took a slow step closer, hands twitching at his side.
“Yes, of course.” You breathed in, swallowing hard. “You lot got the dishes done already? Gonna have to find more things for you to do before you get bored.” 
“Don’t worry about that,” Gaz murmured, taking another step closer. “We’re good at keeping ourselves busy.”
“Hm. Even so.” You turned away from him to fuss with one of Bessie’s saddle bags. “Nice having help, definitely makes the chores go faster. If that green drop is still there tomorrow maybe we’ll go find it. Green drops usually have better stuff in them.” 
“Yeah? Anything you want in particular?” He stepped around you so he could see your face again, leaning against the fence. 
“Wouldn’t mind getting a shotgun,” you admitted on a sigh. “And boots. I would kill for boots.” 
You both looked down at your current pair, which were in poor repair by now. And too big for you. 
“See what you mean,” Gaz murmured. “Well, we can check tomorrow, yeah?”
“Yeah.” You breathed out again. “Long as there aren’t raptors along the way.”
“There a lot of them around here?” 
“Not usually.” You shifted your weight, finally giving up on messing with the saddle bags to mirror Gaz’s posture. “Get a little further up into the mountains, though, and there are all kinds of things. Raptors, sabertoothed cats, carnotaurus. Even rexes, if we’re really unlucky.” 
“Sounds like everything wants to eat us.” But he was still relaxed, smiling a little.
“You joke, but you’re right.” You shook your head. “There are so many things on this island that want to eat you. So many.” You shivered as the memory of screams echoed in your mind. 
He frowned, hand settling on your shoulder. "It's alright, love," he murmured. "There are five of us, now. And you've got experience. We'll manage." 
You leaned into his hand, swallowing convulsively. It had been… a long time since you'd had human contact. A long time. "You're right." You breathed in deep, trying to wrangle your emotions back under control. "We'll be okay." 
He smiled at you, warm and confident. "I know you don't know us yet," he said, shifting closer to you, brown eyes holding yours. "But we keep each other safe, and we'll do the same for you." 
You shook your head a little, smiling even as you pulled back. "Don't worry about me," you demurred. "Focus on yourselves at first. I know what I'm doing." One deep breath in and you stepped back. "Come on, we should go set up for bed." 
He nodded, motioning for you to go first. You breathed in deep before you went inside, scooping up the basket of glow crystals. 
The evening was quiet. Gaz helped you set up, and ended up sitting near you for a little while. 
"Think you're gonna name the hyaenadon?" He asked, glancing at you. 
"Oh, probably." You smiled a little. "Dunno what yet." 
He nodded, relaxing next to you. "Think it'll be right around here?" 
"I hope so." You chuckled. "Or maybe it'll find us when we go to the green drop." 
He nodded and watched as Soap and Ghost came back in too, settling down for the night. 
"You should get some sleep," you murmured to him. He was close, you could touch him. You could. It wouldn't be weird. Your gaze settled on his hand, a nice, innocent spot. "Gonna be a long day." 
"Sleep well." Gaz hesitated another moment longer before he pushed up to his feet. You watched him go.
You should have touched his hand. 
Annoyed at yourself now, you retreated to your own bed for the night. You needed to take your own advice, especially if you were leading them off to the green drop. 
Huffing to yourself, you curled up on your side with your back to them. 
It took you a long time to sleep.
Gaz helped you with breakfast the next morning, standing a little closer than he needed to. But you didn't mind. 
And then Soap crowded in on your other side, and you eyed the both of them. This felt distinctly like pranks, or something. Mischief. 
But nobody got into trouble through breakfast. Thankfully. 
It didn't take long to get armored up again, and you grabbed another piece of meat for the hyaenadon. 
“We'll take Watermelon today,” you said, glancing around at them. “He'll be good help.” 
“How so?” Gaz asked, sidling closer to you. 
“These guys are good as watch towers. They're kinda paranoid, and they alert at any sign of danger.” You shrugged, walking over to the paddock. “Hey, Watermelon. Hi cutie boy.” You held out a hand, smiling as the parasaur plodded happily over to you. “Good boy,” you cooed. 
“Big dinosaur,” Soap muttered, shifting his weight. “Ye sure it'll help?”
“Saved my ass before,” you said with a shrug. “Okay, come on. Let's get going.” You whistled for Watermelon to follow. 
The walk up to the green drop was longer than you liked, and you were on alert the entire walk. So was Watermelon, ambling behind you all and looking around constantly. 
Watermelon bleated in alarm, and you halted, gun up, scanning for the threat. 
But the only thing to approach was the hyaenadon. 
“Okay,” you breathed. “Do not shoot my hyaenadon.” You glanced back at the men to make sure they were listening. Price nodded once, so you tucked your weapon away and approached the hyaenadon. Handing over the last piece of meat was easy, and the hyaenadon wagged as it ate. She licked her lips and then sat politely in front of you, jaws parted in a canine grin. 
“Good.” You patted her on the top of her head, ruffling her fur. “Okay, come with us.” You whistled and she trotted happily along with you as you rejoined the others. 
“Done?” Price asked, glancing down at the hyaenadon. 
“Yeah. She's all tamed now.” You breathed in deep. “Alright, let's get going again.” 
You took the lead again. A quick glance back showed Soap and Ghost both giving your newest tame a good berth. But Gaz looked curious. 
Eh. You'd deal with any questions later. 
You paused at the top of a rise, looking across the flat land towards the green drop. This was a potentially dangerous area. So far all looked quiet, and the pair of pachys roaming the flat area were a good sign. 
Hopefully all would stay quiet. 
“Alright. The drop is just up there.” You glanced back at them, a little surprised to see them all already watching you. “We’re going to approach slowly. If you see anything, speak up. I've seen raptors up here before.” 
They all nodded, and you took the lead to the drop. Watermelon looked around anxiously, but stayed quiet. Probably a good sign. 
You popped open the crate, peering inside. Some armor pieces that looked too big for you, ammunition, another assault rifle, two more canteens, and… a pair of boots. 
“Hell yes,” you hissed, picking up the boots immediately. They looked like they might be a little too big, but you had extra cloth you could shove into them. Good enough. 
Gaz helped you get everything into the saddle bags, grinning when he spotted your boots. “Finally, eh?” he murmured. 
“Finally,” you agreed with an easy grin. “Alright, let’s–”
Watermelon bleated, lifting his head and looking to one side. You turned, pistol in hand, scanning the tree line.
“Raptors,” you hissed, eyes narrowing, even as you stepped forward, all too aware of the men behind you. “Fuck I hate raptors.” 
“How many?” Price asked, closer than you expected. 
“At least three.” You tracked one pacing at the edge of the trees, dark green skin blending into its surroundings. “They’re fast, be careful.” 
The first one burst from the trees with a screech, two others flanking it. You aimed for the leader, jaw tight as you timed your shots. Blood bloomed against the dark green, bright and almost startling in the sunlight. 
The leader fell, jaws still open even in death. You huffed in satisfaction. 
One of the other two leapt over the leader’s body with a screech, claws extended towards you. 
And then fell just shy of you from a shot to the eye, bleeding sluggishly. 
Your breath escaped in an unsteady whoosh, hands trembling even as you reloaded your pistol. “Nice shot,” you managed, voice more or less even, gaze still fixed on the corpse. 
“You alright?” Gaz stepped up next to you, one hand hovering near your shoulder.
“Fine.” You forced your gaze to him, plastering on a smile, even if it felt wrong. “Not the first time raptors have ambushed a drop.” You did a quick visual inspection of him before looking at the others. “Everyone okay?”
“All fine,” Price said, glancing between you and Gaz. “No injuries.”
“Good.” One more deep breath and you shoved everything down. You didn’t have room to break, to panic, to cry. Not here. “Right, let’s head back, I don’t want to see if that noise attracted anything around us.” 
The walk back to base was quiet, with all of you on high alert. The hyaenadon trotted next to you, ears perked, listening to everything around you.
You were very, very grateful that nothing came for the group of you. You were even more relieved when you closed the gates behind everyone, once again safely in base. 
“Let’s get this lot unloaded,” you said, swallowing against sudden exhaustion. “And then figure out dinner.”
“You alright?” Gaz asked softly, standing next to you to unload the armor while you grabbed your new boots. “Your hands are shaking.”
“I’m fine,” you lied with a quick smile. “Nothing to worry about. Go on, head in with those, I’m going to get Watermelon settled.”
Gaz shot you one more worried look before he obeyed, falling into step next to Price. 
Your hands didn’t stop shaking, even as you took off Watermelon’s saddle and got him settled in the paddock with Bessie again. 
You stood outside for a few extra minutes, hidden from sight of the building, just breathing. You hadn’t lost anybody today. You hadn’t lost anybody today. 
You’d make sure you didn’t lose anybody tomorrow.
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vainvenus · 6 months
⌲;꒰ Groovy! ꒱
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Pairing :: Johnny Cade x Fem!Reader
Synopsis :: Johnny starts to crush on Dally's new friend who's a little bit different from everyone else.
Includings :: Hippie!reader, mutual pinning, readers love languages is personal touch, wingman!Dally, panicking!Johnny, this is kinda short, fluff
An - I'm just trying to drop/finish my drafts even though i think this fandom is practically dead...send outsiders requests if you'd like though!
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"I still don't get all that peace and love crap, it's not gonna solve anything." Dally scoffed as he walked beside the you and you shrugged your shoulders.
"You don't have to understand me. If you think fighting will solve everything I'll let you think that." You shrugged and Dally rolled his eyes slightly before his brows raised a little bit and he waved his hand up at a figure who was a few feet away.
"Johnny! That you, man?" He called out and the black hair boy froze like he was caught doing something illegal until he saw a familiar face and he eased up.
He walked over, looking over to the you. He took quick notice of your wardrobe, upi didn't look like too much like a Soc and you definitely couldn't of been a greaser.
You wore a white shirt that seemed a few sizes to big and bell bottom jeans that had multiple patches of different patterns along them and tan sandals. You had multiple necklaces on and a mute orange bandana.
You smiled softly at him and waved your fingers at him which made him stomach flutter a little bit.
"Aww, so you weren't lyin'! You do have friends~!" Yoi giggled, hitting the boy softly on the shoulder and the brunette rolled his eyes with a small snarl.
"Haha, so funny. Johnny, flower power. Flower power, Johnny."
"Flower power?" Johnny repeated as he shook your hand and you let out a short giggle which made his stomach flutter all over again.
"Not my real name of course, it's a nickname. My real name is [Y/n] but you can call me whatever ya' like."
"Ohh." Johnny nodded along, noticing how you still hadn't let go of his hand. Yours were warm and felt comfort at touch. "I...uh..I like your pants."
You beamed, letting go and shaking your leg a little. "Really? Dally thinks they look like an art project gone wrong."
"Because they do." Dally muttered and you rolled your eyes.
"I think they're far out, you're such a downer Dally! Hah! Downer Dally!" You laughed and Dally had let out a sarcastic chuckle with another eye roll. "Ahah. Almost busted a lung there."
"See? A downer. Johnny-man thought it was funny." You turned back to Johnny, messing with one of the loose patches on your jeans. "I could make ya' a pair- actually they probably wouldn't be your sty-"
"I'd like that!" Johnny piped up before you could shut the idea down and your eyes widened in surprised, you smiled at him. "Really?"
He nodded, smiling growing along with yours. "Groovy! I'll get onto it as fast as I can."
"Groovy?" Johnny repeated, tilting his head a little bit and you nodded. "Groovy, it's kinda like when y'all say tuff. It's just a good thing."
"Oh, groovy." Johnny said and you had giggled, patting his shoulder.
"You make it sound so weird like it's a different language or something. It's kinda cute." Johnny only smiled, trying to ignore the fact that you had called him cute.
Dally looked between the two of you, narrowing his eyes a little bit before a small smirk itched onto the end of his lips.
"Johnny, you wanna tag along with us? We were just about to head and see that new movie that just came out."
"You should, if you don't mind horror movies." You added and Johnny pressed his lips together in a small yet strained smile.
"Naw, I don't mind."
"I could have paid for y'all, you know. We didn't have to break in." You sighed and Dally chuckled.
"Now where's the fun in that?" He hummed as they all took their seats, a little bit away from the front.
"What kind of horror movie is it again?" Johnny asked and Dally shrugged his shoulders. He never really came to pay attention to the movies, he came to be a bother to those who were trying to.
"Some sort of slasher. Shouldn't be too frightening if you're scared."
"I'm not scared!" Johnny squeaked and you had giggled, leaning back in the chair.
"It's alright if you are. I wouldn't judge. You can even hold my hand if you want." You offered as the movie had and started. Johnny pursed his lips before he took your hand in his.
"I'm just holding yer' hand in case you get scared." He established and you had nodded, entwining your fingers with his their hands were basically locked together.
He smiled at that as he tried to focus on one thing.
Not looking like a scaredy cat.
But the movie was barley ten minutes in before Johnny had jumped back in his seat from the killer jumping out of nowhere, his scream muffled in the collar of his jean jacket.
He glanced over at you as he felt you squeeze his hand comfortingly. "Sorry.." He mumbled, his sunkissed skin growing warm from embarrassment.
"Don't apologize. You don't have to act all tough for me, Johnny. It's a horror movie for a reason." You reassured with a small smile as you moved closer to him, resting your head on his shoulder.
"Next time we can see something a little more relaxing."
"Next time?" He repeated like it was a foreign statement.
You nodded excitedly. "Yeah, next time! Do ya' not wanna see me again or something?"
"No!" Johnny quickly said. "I'd.. I'd love to see a movie with you again."
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