#which results in some. shall we say “interesting”. outfit choices
bambiraptorx · 1 year
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Here's a drawing I made a couple of weeks ago. I don't remember what my thought process with this was, something about Casey Jr having terrible fashion sense? So here's 0 drip Casey I guess (I just wanted to put him in pink camo or something)
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cordeliastone · 9 months
Humanitarian Versus Environmentalist
Our world runs rampant with countless issues. From wars and famines, politics, and crime to debate over the ethics of capitalism and industrialism itself. And all of them are solved with money. Charities are forced to become entertainment, as the cause that demands the most attention receives the majority of proceeds. If a travesty is not interesting enough, can it really be classified as a travesty? Certainly not if nobody cares enough to define it. 
The majority of these issues, however, can be divided into two main categories. On the one hand, we have humanitarian issues. Loosely, these can be defined as issues that involve human rights, generally a lack of them. They include such problems as starvation, displacement of peoples, war, crime, poverty, and the general standard of living for people. The other category is environmental issues. They are fewer in number than humanitarian problems, and generally do not involve people who are directly threatened. Global warming, ocean acidification, plastic pollution, and deforestation are all examples of issues that do not directly threaten people, therefore do not induce the same passion of emotion from the general population.
Humanitarian issues generally inspire empathy in the average person. They see suffering, and think “that could be me”. This generally inspires them to act towards resolving the issue. Environmental issues, on the other hand, often cause lackadaisical action at best. People put convenience over ethics, and the result is the issues are not properly addressed. This occurs in humanitarian issues also, but to a much lesser degree because denying a person basic rights seems more morally contemptuous than simply continuing to deny the threat degradation of our environment poses. 
An example of this is SHEIN. Easy, cheap fashion that is the most convenient option for the population. The humanitarian factor of this issue is the sweatshops, which have been recorded not paying their workers properly, and not keeping safe, healthy working environments. This issue has been raised many times, and although the brand remains popular despite this, there is an awareness within the community, and sales have suffered. The environmental factor lies with the waste. The clothes sold are cheap, and not built for durability. Once the outfit has been exhausted, there is nothing to do but throw it away. Most of the clothing is made of polyester, a type of plastic. Tonnes of it end up in landfill every year, and plastic does not break down, except into micro plastics. The impact of the fashion industry, particularly from large businesses like SHEIN, on the environment is devastating, and understated. People would rather the convenience of cheap clothing, buying from large corporations holding some accountability for their violations of human rights and zero accountability for the destruction they cause to the environment. 
Perhaps I am too analytical a person, but I see environmental issues as more pressing than humanitarian matters. Is there a point to providing populations with homes when thousands more will be displaced by rising sea levels? Why help the starving when we shall all starve unless industrialised agriculture becomes properly sustainable? I want to make a point here, that I am seeing this from an unempathetic point of view, as well as a privileged one. I cannot necessarily say that if I were homeless or starving, I would care about the ozone layer. However, if one thinks from an apathetic and purely logical point of view, can we not say that environmental issues should demand more of our attention and efforts? Maybe next time we are guilted into donating to a humanitarian cause, we can make the choice not to buy products from corporations that disregard their environmental impacts? Or at least buy the product not wrapped in plastic. 
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sanababes · 4 years
Golden Child (II)
= twiceblackvelvet x fem!reader
(a/n: YES!! after 6 months of waiting LMAO im finally updating golden child which some of you really liked it uwuwuwu~ enjoy hihi! even though i know it's not that great-)
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"Since we have a new student today, I'm planning to carry out a Battle Trial for all of you."
Mr. Ok announced with a pleasing smile on his face. The class started to shout and cheer loudly which made your eyebrows furrow as you never know how the sudden event works. On the other hand, Sana was also happy at your adviser's news but seeing your reaction, she had a hunch that you probably had no idea what it was about.
"Uhm, if you're wondering what a Battle Trial is, it's like a test? We'll be grouped into different numbers of teams and that's how the combat will begin!" the girl said with enthusiasm.
You just nodded and thanked the latter before turning your eyes away from her captivating aura, it was something too much you can handle. Nevertheless, you decided to just relax until a harsh ball of wind smacks your head abruptly. You almost fell off your chair but luckily Sana had caught your arm on time, and if she didn't, you would probably be known as a newcomer who lets herself plummet down the floor of her classroom. Don't forget, you're the renowned 'Golden Child' too... Imagine how embarrassing that could be.
"Lalisa Manoban, you little bitc–"
Before you could curse the hell out of her, Mr. Ok had spoken up once again, "It seems like we're all ready… Shall we head to the Gym Gamma?"
The class answered 'yes' in unison before they made a beeline outside of the room. You could hear Lisa snickering behind your back which made you grumble under your breath, you faced the latter quickly and guided your right hand over her wrists. You created an ice chain around it before smirking playfully.
"Get lost."
After arriving at the said training area, Mr. Ok immediately ushers all of you to change into your own training suits. Sana never left your side too as you and your classmates walked to the large cemented stadium. 
Then the boys and girls were divided at the moment, each of them changing from their uniforms into their own training outfits. You went ahead to the lockers nearby and scanned through the assigned names of each compartment just to find yours. After a while, you finally saw it by the farthest end and immediately pushed the password in. A blue tracksuit was provided inside the compartment and there's a few hygiene supplies in a small pouch. You shrugged your shoulders nonchalantly before grabbing the suit and undoing the first few buttons of your blouse.
"I would appreciate it if you would like to show off your body, Kang." you recognized your cousin's voice. 
"But do it when we're alone, okay?" 
You chuckled at her tone as you faced Dahyun who was already dressed in her own suit. You gave her a pat on the cheek before whispering, "Got it, Miss Kim."
She pushed you playfully into one of the partitions which successfully got you to start changing your clothes, decently.
Dahyun waited for you, and after a few minutes, you finally got out and thanked the latter. She puts her arm around your shoulder before pulling you out of the dressing room. 
"So~ How have you been doing lately?" she beams while the two of you regrouped with the other students.
"Hmm, I'm doing great," you replied. "Still sulking about this whole school and shit…"
She chuckled at your sudden change of mood, "You know how mischievous your sister is, and you wouldn't even realize it. And maybe… you can even learn more about your mother if you study here."
You just nodded languidly.
'Right... I should know more about the Mistress.'
"Everyone! Please gather around the center please!" Mr. Ok yells with excitement as he clasps his hands together.
All of the students followed their adviser's order as they stood in the middle of the stadium. You slipped your hands inside the pockets of your suit before glancing at Lisa who's currently chatting with a certain brunette.
You watched them closely, noticing the cat-like eyes of the other girl which looks significantly familiar. Nevertheless, you huffed out a sigh before moving your attention away from the two.
"Before officially starting our Battle Trial, I would like to call out our dear Class Representative," the studly man stated, then a girl immediately struts beside Mr. Ok. which made your eyebrow raise with interest.
"Sassy…" you muttered under your breath which earned a hit on your shoulder from the pale skinned girl by your side.
"For the one who's new, Im Nayeon is the name." the girl remarked as she gave you a look that you couldn't comprehend.
You bowed your head slightly and gave her a fake smile, the latter dismissed it quickly by continuing what she was tasked to say.
"Our class will be grouped to Mr. Ok's choices of teams and the fight will begin as soon as possible," Nayeon said eloquently. "Your team's main goal is just to avoid being knocked out or you could be the one who will knock your enemies out. That's all, and I wish you guys to do your best."
Your classmates started to holler around, giving the Class Rep an earnest attention. The certain latter just grins arrogantly before folding her arms onto her chest.
"Okay, moving on! Shall I start picking all of the teams?"
Mr. Ok's mouth curves in a slightest hint of smirk. But that alone, makes chills run down on your spine.
'Ahh shit, just what the hell is this fine man planning…'
"Starting off with--" teams were started to be formed, ranging from solos, duos, and trios. Coincidentally, you were grouped with that cat-eyed girl from earlier and a boy whom you never met before. They stood awkwardly, clearly keeping an obvious distance from your alluring frame. This made you chuckle quietly as you decided to greet them politely, "Uhm, hello. I'm Y/n and please, make yourselves comfortable."
Both of their eyes widen as the boy scrambles to acknowledge your sudden greetings. Meanwhile, the girl pulls herself together and just gives you a simple smile, "You can call me Jennie. By the way, I heard a lot about you from Lisa."
"Ahh, I see. That weirdo must have told you some unnecessary things as well so I would like to apologize in advance." your statement made Jennie laugh softly before she lifts one of her hands and waves it dismissively. "Don't worry, those things would be exclusive between the three of us only."
You just nodded sheepishly and changed the topic, "And you are–"
"Oh! Right, how rude of me. I'm Chan and I hope we'll be good friends from now on, mate." you gave him a passive smile and gladly accepted his friendly aspiration.
The three of you started to chat smoothly after that short introduction with each other. You learned that Jennie's quirk is Perfect Aim while Chan's quirk is Vibrate. Jennie further explained that her quirk allows her to use any weapon with accuracy in an agile manner, then Chan also explained that his quirk allows him to generate vibration or shockwaves through any kind of medium.
You instantly try to analyze their weaknesses whilst formulating a strategy in your head that could helpfully put your team at an advantage. Then, you proceeded to explain your quirk to them, the two of them were secretly doubting your power as you never showed it to the public. Nevertheless, they have no choice but to trust you in this round of the Battle Trial.
"Calling the next contenders!" Mr. Ok calls out. "Jennie, Y/n, and Chan versus Nayeon, Ten, and Gahyeon."
The six of you immediately walked inside the cemented platform. You glanced at your teammates and thankfully, they seemed pumped up which made you feel a little at ease. Your other classmates began to murmur as they were in awe due to the incoming line-up of contenders, with Nayeon being one of the top 5 students of Leidenschaft Univeristy, with you being the 'Golden Child', and the rest being one of the best students in Class 1-A. 
You reached down to your waist and unclipped your beloved metal mask from one of the hooks of your training pants. It was an essential equipment that you need while full-on using your quirk as it regulates your respiration, this was recommended for you to use because you often have a hard time breathing when utilizing your abilities without using your mask.
"Please prepare your stance," Mr. Ok said as he slips the whistle between his lips. "The round will begin  in 3…"
"2…" you exhaled heavily before heightening your senses.
"1…" a smirk started to form in the corner of your lips.
A growl of thunder erupted from outside of the stadium, then you quickly picked up the change of color in Nayeon's eyes. Her orbs shined in yellow as she blasted a large charge of lightning towards your direction. You barely blocked her attack, instantly forming a shield of glaciers from the weight of your right foot. 
You hoisted yourself sideways and began blasting ice balls towards the latter. One of them successfully hit her leg which gave you a chance to check on Jennie and Chan's situation. They were doing quite fine as Gahyeon and Jennie were against each other while that goes the same with Ten and Chan.
"Hey! I'm the one you're fighting with right now, you know," Nayeon taunted as she forms a makeshift lightning sword and swiftly jabbed it to your chest. 
You groaned at the buzzing sensation spreading throughout your body, nevertheless, it didn't last long which made the spectators by the side gasp in surprise. Nayeon was strong as hell, and no one could last from her electrocution if she applied it thoroughly.
"Nice try, Nayeon-ssi." you grinned smugly before grabbing her forearm and freezing her whole dominant arm. "But I don't think charging such low strength can bring me down just like how you think it is," you crossed your left feet into her right ankle and quickly pushed her over.
The shocked bunny-like girl was caught off guard which resulted in the two of you toppling down to the ground. In the spur of the moment, your left hand held the back of her head so it wouldn't hurt Nayeon so much since the fall itself was pretty rough.
The sound of Mr. Ok's whistle resonated loudly but it didn't make you or Nayeon budge from the intense gaze that the two of you are sharing. Her piercing glare sent shivers down your spine but you didn't let her take over, your eyes reflected a nonchalant and unbothered look which triggered the latter's growing anger more.
"Ehem… Uhh, are you guys planning to stay in that position for the whole time?" your adviser teasingly said which put the rest of the class into a fit of laughter.
Nayeon immediately pushes your hand and body away before storming off to the changing room. You just chuckled lightly at her bratty attitude before lifting yourself up.
Meanwhile, Jennie and Chan shared a meaningful look with each other, making sure that they'll never let you go and will start to bug you about the 'tension' between you and Miss Class Representative.
"Moving on!" Mr. Ok clapped his hands for a few times which fortunately got the attention of the whole class.
"We got Jennie, Chan, and Y/n as the winner of this round! The three of you will get full marks for today," he announced shortly before scribbling something into his pad of notes.
"And don't worry Ten and Gahyeon, the two of you did great too… that applies to Nayeon as well."
The man continued his statement before letting the five of you out of the platform, instantly commencing the next fight with a new line-up of students. 
You distanced yourself away from anyone before heating your body up due to your almost-freezing skin from your previous ministrations. Heaving a sigh of relief, you removed your metal mask and let it hang around your neck as fog of your breaths came out of your mouth.
It was Chan and Jennie, they gave you a nudge with a grin on their own faces which you would gladly smack off if you were given the chance.
"What?" you knitted your eyebrows together at their sudden disturbance.
"I think someone has taken a liking towards Nayeon~" the cat-eyed girl remarks which made you scoff as you rolled your eyes at the same time.
"You wish," you playfully pushed her shoulder. "Anyways, you guys did a great job earlier. Although, I was too pre-occupied due to Miss 'Sassy Ass Bitch' that I couldn't watch you guys fight at all."
The two just chuckled and gave you a pat on the back, "Don't worry, we actually enjoyed the show-off between you and Nayeon."
"Yeah, right," you shrugged them off and as you were about to leave, Jennie grabs your arm then leans incredibly close to your face.
"I know you're holding out," she whispered in sultry laced tone. "And that's pretty disappointing for someone like you," you can feel her pushing a finger against your chest.
"You're scared to loose control, aren't you? Especially with that flames of yours…"
You were utterly confused at her vast knowledge, but your blood started to boil as your mind started to be flooded with memories that you despise the most. A sharp pain suddenly shoots through your temple which made you wince as you closed your eyes in silent agony.
'No... Please stop...'
Those memories, it was all tainted with hatred, violence, and unpleasant recollection of your upbringing. It was a whole, opposite side that no one knows except you and him.
"How did you..." a few students nearby began to shudder as you unconsciously began to emit your dark aura.
Jennie immediately noticed this.
The girl caressed your cheek then just left a kiss on it before strutting away to her other friends. You continued to grit your teeth in silence which didn't went unnoticed by Chan.
"She can be feisty at times," he gives you a comforting rub on the back to make you calm down.
"Just don't let her get into your nerves, that would make her more gutsy." he showed you a soft smile as his gaze averted to something, or someone behind you.
~to be continued~
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Happy Birthday, Lucifer~!
(( This is a little one shot to celebrate Lucifer’s birthday, that is based on today’s event, but with some...More personalising to it!
Also, Lucifer’s smile, like Satan’s, looks like a kittens, and it kills my heart <3 ))
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Diavolo gathered us in the big hall, the same place as when I was brought to the Devildom to this exchange student program, which is when the Devil Prince, holding the same type of mischievous glint in his eyes as usual, grinned widely at us, telling us that the reason for gathering here was Lucifer’s birthday the next day, and his wish to throw him a party.
Unfortunately, it seemed like some of his brothers completely forgot about his birthday...
But it was much worse that Lucifer was so busy that he may or may not forget his own birthday.
“Hey, Diavolo, why don’t we throw him a surprise party? Nothing necessarily big, just...Something with us, the people closest to him. I think he would appreciate it.” I suggest, making the man gleam with happiness. “I like that. It’ll make his heart jump out of his chest.” Diavolo grinned at me. “That settles it. We will throw Lucifer a surprise birthday party.” Barbatos chimed in simply.
Hearing about the surprise party, everyone was on board, wanting to have fun, so we decided to make it happen in the House of Lamentation and divide all our tasks.
Beel and Asmo were in charge of decorations, Barbatos, Satan and Belphie were I charge of the food, Diavolo would oversee everyone’s preparations, I was supposed to distract Lucifer for the whole day, as Asmo was to help me with a plan, and uhm...
Mammon and Levi were...Uhm...
Reporting back to the party back at home...Or something?
I don’t know, but I guess stalking would be the right job for two lazy guys.
And so, I go around the place looking for the man in cause, and I finally manage to find him at his own room, hunched over the desk, looking absolutely exhausted.
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“Lucifer...Are you alright...?” I sighed, putting my arms around his neck from behind. “Nothing new, just a tremendous amount of work during this time of the year.” he replied, almost robotically. “I see...Well...Would you want to go out with me tomorrow? Maybe it will help you relax a bit. I’m exhausted only looking at you, to be fair.” I suggest in a softer tone. “Tomorrow...? I’ve finished up my work for the student council, so I can afford to take a break, but...Why so sudden?...Don’t tell me...You’re up to something again.” he turned to look at me with a suspicious frown. “No...Nothing of the sort. Looking at you like that makes me believe that a change of pace would help you relax a bit. You’re overworking yourself without realising...Even Diavolo is concerned. And besides, what’s the harm in going out, right?” I smiled at him, taking his hand in mine, squeezing it gently. “It seems you knew that I’ve been quite busy lately. Well? Do you have a specific destination in mind? Wait, no, don��t tell me, I shall know when we go. It is best to save the excitement for later.” Lucifer chuckled lightly. “I hope you’ll enjoy what I have in mind. I-I mean, it’s nothing too big, just something nice and casual, with the purpose of charging up your batteries.” I grin at him, and he offers me a smile...A smile that looks like that of a kitten’s. “Heh. You seem rather confident in your choices. Thank you for thinking about my well being. Now then, I’ll see you tomorrow.” he nodded at me. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Lucifer...Please take care of yourself.” I waved at him, leaving for my room.
On my way to the room, I met up with the stalker duo...And it was, uh...As interesting as always.
“Y/N, you alright?!” Mammon cried out loudly. “Well, duh. Lucifer would never hurt Y/N.” Levi spoke as a matter of fact. “Yes, exactly. Except for the 2 or 3 times when he almost killed me.” I chuckled lightly, shuddering internally at the experiences. “But maybe he already found out about what’s goin’ on! Y/N might’ve blurted out somethin’ about the surprise tomorrow.” Mammon tried to play off his concerns. “Y/N isn’t an airhead like you, Mammon. So, how did it go, Y/N? Mission accomplished?” Levi quickly dismissed his brother. “Well, of course I succeeded. And he was pretty happy about it.” I smiled softly, hoping I wasn’t blushing. “THAT Lucifer?! He didn’t even doubt ya, but was happy?! He’ll only act like that when it comes to you, Y/N...” they continued to talk, but I went to my room to sleep and think over everything that was supposed to happen tomorrow.
The next day I take a quick bath, and curl my long hair in some nice, graceful curls, nothing too fancy, but not too casual either, and with some nice day-make up, and a nice outfit, I go to knock on Lucifer’s room, knocking, and asking if he’s ready.
“Are you ready, Lucifer?” I asked, smiling sweetly at him. “I am, although, I believe this dynamic we are having should be the other way around.” he hummed, as we walked out of the place. “How about you take me on a date next time you feel burnt out from overworking yourself, which won’t be too long, if you ask me. Maybe it would help you relax a bit?” I walk closer to him, as the lights from the busy street shops were illuminating cheerfully. “I can’t say I disagree...Oh, I see. A movie theater. What movie are we going to see?” he asked, smirking as he realised we were approaching said place. “There’s this movie that had a pretty neat name...The Fiery Depths of Hell. I think it’s a horror movie? But I’m not sure what HORROR would be for demons.” I laughed at my words, and it seemed to amuse him as well. “Hopefully scarier than what you humans create. I see it has a pretty fine cast. It has been a long time since I last saw a movie. Two tickets, please.”  he walked ahead of me to the ticket booth, making my eyes go wide with surprise. “W-Wait, hold up....!” I hurried to his side, as he only put his arm around me, guiding me inside with a knowing smirk. “What is it? I already paid for the tickets, let’s go. Is it your first time in this place?” he asked, as we got in front of the snacks booth. “Yep. Asmo and Satan told me they go pretty often here and that this place is really pretty, so I thought it’d be a nice to bring you here...Although I’m pretty sure this experience won’t be as...Special, since it’s not the first time you’re here.” I scratched the back of my neck sheepishly, looking away with a small smile. “Nonsense. The person with whom I am with is what makes this special. Are you ready here? Let’s find our seats.” he spoke, making my cheeks get a tint pinker. “Haha...I never realised how much of a smooth charmer you can be.”  I cover my mouth for a few seconds in embarrassment, as he only hummed in amusement, sitting in his seat, and we waited for the movie to start. “There’s nothing better than watching a movie with flame-scorched popcorn and sparkling fresh bloody soda.” he leaned back in his seat, a look of relaxation washing over his face. “Flame-scorched...Let me guess, is that spicy popcorn? I’ve never heard of that in my world. And bloody soda...Is that like wine?” I asked, turning to him, leaning on the arm rest. “Why don’t you have a taste?” he smirked mischievously, putting his hand on my cheek, making me open my mouth, as he put a bit of popcorn on my tongue. “What do you think?” he chuckled lowly, seeing my red cheeks. “It’s not bad...I was expecting it to be much hotte...OH MY GOODNESS, THIS IS HORRIBLE, I NEED SOME WATER ASAP!” in the next second, I could feel myself being set on fire, that’s how horribly spicy the popcorn was. “That was entertaining.” he laughed mirthfully, handing me a bottle of fresh, ice-cold water. “You’re enjoying it, aren’t you?” I spoke weakly, a pout on my face after finishing the water bottle in one go. “You got this water knowing this would happen, didn’t you?” “I was merely curious to see how bad it affected a human, and needless to say, I am rather pleased with the results. Your assumption is correct as well...I can’t say that I’m not enticed by the cute face you are making right now, especially with the tears glistering in your eyes.” he teased, taking the handkerchief from his pocket and wiping them away, as he caressed my face gently. “I hope you’re bloody extasic, you truly gave me a HELLISH experience.” I chuckled, amused by this as well. “That was a pretty witty prank, I have to admit. I’d have died of laughter, if anyone else was the victim.” “I shall take that as a compliment. If you’ve managed to calm down, let’s see what you’re having. Hell Black Honey Popcorn. Looks rather sweet, let me have a taste.” he extended his hand towards my popcorn bag, only to have me slap it away, giggling playfully. “Let me return the favour. At least I’m sure there’s no harm going your way.” I said, feeding him, which made him blush slightly as well from the intimacy. “Hmm...It’s so sweet that I’m getting a sugar overload. Even so, it’s quite addicting. You made a sound choice, it suits you.” he chuckled, a smirk on his face, as the light went out and the movie began.
During the movie, there were a few commotions, and I could only guess it was the idiotic duo...But this mess continued even when we left the theater and we were walking slowly, almost aimlessly. I could only flinch slightly from time to time and peer behind my shoulder, hoping that Lucifer wouldn’t catch on.
But I was wrong, he’s the most perceptive demon I know, next to Diavolo, Goddamn those two idiots.
“Why do you continue to peer over the shoulder?” he asked in confusion. “Oh, s-sorry, I hope it didn’t annoy you. I, uh...Kinda got the chills. No big deal, really.” I played it off quickly. “Do you have a cold? You should take better care of yourself.” he spoke with a slight frown on his face. “...Should you really be the one to tell me that?” I chuckled, looking up at him with a coy smile. “Touche, Y/N. Regardless, it’s been a long time since I last saw a movie. Did you enjoy it?” he asked with a bright smile on his face, as he took off the coat from his shoulders and put it over mine. “L-Lucifer, you don’t have to-” I protested, only for him to put his arm around me, putting me to his side, to silence me, under the pretext that the streets are overcrowded and he doesn’t want us to get separated. “W-Well, it was a really nice movie. Usually, I watch horror movies to get some laughs, but this actually had a pretty interesting plot.” I offered him my insight, as he only nodded. “Indeed. The background info you offered me was useful. You’ll have to tell me more about it.” he spoke, obviously trying to make conversation. “Sure, I’d love that. The symbolism from this movie was really something else, and -” I began to explain some of the film ideas, only to get interrupted by a pitched voice. “Wh-Wh-Wh-What are you two doing here?! A-And you’re...You’re so close! L-Like you’re c-c-cuddling!” Luke’s shocked voice echoed through the street. “We’re on a date. Is there a problem?” Lucifer’s voice was low, velvety, showing off the smugness. “Huh?! A d-date?!” the kid gaped at us, his pale face getting pinker than roses. “I-I guess that’s how it is.” I hummed, feeling my heart beat a bit faster hearing him say that. “Is that really how it is?!” Luke stared, still unbelieving. “Enough with the questions, Chihuahua.” Lucifer sighed, bored and irked at the interruption. “How many times do I have to tell you?! I’m NOT a Chihuahua!” he yelled at the demon who towered over him. “Sure. You only act like one.” I shared a playful look to Lucifer, giggling in amusement. “Oh, I thought I heard a commotion over here. Hey, Lucifer, Y/N!” Simeon’s graceful smile came in the picture. “Oh good, the Chihuahua’s owner is here.” Lucifer’s taunting words rung again, making me try to stifle my laughter. “I told you I’m not a Chihuahua!” Luke shrieked even louder. “What a coincidence, meeting you two here! Oh, that’s right, today is Lucifer’s-” Simeon began, which made me widen my eyes and try to talk over him. “Day off. Yes, today is Lucifer’s day off. I told Simeon that I’m taking you out for today, and if he needed to talk to you, to just call me or come by the next day.” I tried to explain, so the angels would get what I’m trying to do. “How thoughtful of you, Y/N, but you needn’t worry yourself over me that much.” he shook his head in disdain. “Luke, I just remembered we have something very urgent to attend to, so we must be on our way. It was nice seeing you, Lucifer, Y/N!” Simeon tried to walk away, only to have Luke look at him with confusion. “We had something urgent to do today?” he asked, tilting his head to the side, truly like a puppy. “Yes, Luke, we have something very, VERY urgent to do, remember?” the man urged on, a bit stronger. “O-Oh, yeah! Uhh, we’re very busy! See you later, Y/N, Lucifer!” Luke started running away. “Uhm...Do they always behave so...Uhmm...Weird?” I asked, biting my lip, fearing for the plan’s success. “What on earth is wrong with those two?” he shook his head in disbelief, then looked at me with a raised eyebrow. “You’ve been checking the time rather frequently. Something is going on, isn’t there? You have been acting strange since yesterday. When do you plan on telling me the reason?” he started his suspicious interrogation, and I started worrying. “What do you mean, Lucifer? You know I always have my phone in my hand, don’t you? It’s a pretty bad habit of mine, but that’s just how it is. And besides, is wanting to spend time alone with you that strange?” I looked at him with mock hurt. “Do you still insist on playing games? You’ve got a lot of nerve. I never knew you were so stubborn...I didn’t want to ruin today’s plans, so I pretended not to notice until now...Come out, you two!” Lucifer, after glaring at me, used his magic to pull the 1-Braincell Duo to us, and they were sent flying and screaming  our way. “Ouch! What was that for, Lucifer?! Using your magic to drag us out is unfair, doncha think?” Mammon complained, only to have his elder brother yell at him, and him to squeak in fear like a little mouse. “Th-This ain’t what it looks like! Calm down, Lucifer!” he tried to reason. “Lucifer’s rage has taken shape! What will become of Mammon?” Levi blushed as he was...Vlogging...? “Dammit, Levi! Enough with the commentary!” Mammon started fighting with him. “I can’t deprive my subscribes from such a juicy scene.” Levi chuckled carelessly. “You want to interrupt us that badly, huh? Mammon, Levi.” Lucifer glared at them as if staring into their souls. “Eeek! O-Of course not! This is all for your birthday...ARGHH!” Mammon gasped as Levi’s tailed came flying and slammed him on the pavement. “You stupid big mouth!” he glared at the white haired man, as I could only stare in disbelief. “So that’s what you were planning, isn’t it? Some kind of birthday prank? You knew I was prone to forgetting about it, because of my overworked schedule, and you took advantage of it. All three of you.” Lucifer started growling in anger. “God DAMN it, you, stupid MAMMON! This is why EVERYONE tell you you’re a complete MORON! I’m DONE with taking your side, you’re just a big, obsolete, incurable, hopeless, scummy fucking I D I O T ! Once! Just freaking ONCE! Did I EVER ask you to just keep your STUPID mouth SHUT, and what do you do? Get yourself in THESE kinds of situations and you manage to spill EVERYTHING!” I screamed at the idiot who was in pain on the ground, which made the eldest brother widen his eyes in realisation. “Great job, Mammon, you made the calmest person alive angry. That’s something only you would be capable of doing.” Levi glared, sighing in equal anger. “...Why is Y/N scarier than Lucifer when angry?” Mammon squealed in fear. “So this wasn’t supposed to be some kind of elaborate prank on me?” Lucifer asked in a softer voice. “No, goddamn it! I was trying to make you a birthday surprise, but it’s all ruined, thanks to this dumbass. Gahh, whatever, it doesn’t matter anymore. Whatever, what’s done is done, I’m leaving. Good luck with the rest of the plan. Bye.” I gave Lucifer back his coat, rushing away from that place, trying to calm down and find a nice place to be alone.
Eventually, I found a nice, very big fountain, and surprisingly, the water falling down was the more calming thing in the world and exactly what I needed.  Not to mention the beautiful lights and colours of the water, the statues, the garden and everything around.
All that was missing was some music and a person to stay with.
Sighing, I climb up on top of the block around the fountain, laying down and staring up at the starry sky.
I put the ringing D.D.D. on silent, then took out my own phone and put on my earphones, listening to some blues music, and stared at the twinkling stars.
I didn’t realise for how long was I there, until someone took off one of the earbuds, making me squeak in fright and jump in a sitting position, my phone flying down, from my torso.
“My, my, who knew you’d get scared so easily.” he hummed in amusement, but then his face went more serious, seeing me sighing. “Levi told me everything.” “Why are you here...? You should be home, the others are waiting for you. They worked very hard for the party to be done, and Asmo especially was the most excited about it. Not to mention, Diavolo will be there...Can’t make him wait, can we.” I shifted my gaze towards the falling water once again. “Can’t have a party without you. I told you today, it’s about the company, not the place or occasion.” he leaned on the block that I was sitting on. “I just...Wanted you to be happy, at least on your birthday. You always stress yourself so much for every little detail, and you carry everyone’s burden’s...I thought you could use a distraction from your daily routine.” I hugged my legs to my chest, resting my chin on my knees. “And I am thankful for that. I am aware that everything we’ve done today was genuine. I appreciate all the effort you went through to make this day great for me.” he reassured me gently. “You’re just being nice...Honestly, I just...I can’t believe I got so angry...I didn’t mean to be so harsh on Mammon, but...But I can’t stand when people ruin my plans, especially those that I am incredibly invested in.” I raked my fingers through my hair, making him chuckle. “I tend to say that rather often.” he smiled in amusement. “How come you went here?” “...I had no place in mind. My feet took me here...I’m surprised, but happy. This place is very...Relaxing.” I lay back down on the block, looking at the stars, then rolling to face Lucifer. “Do you ever...Allow yourself some time for yourself? Just to watch the sky and admire the stars and moon? To listen to the sound of the running water...And just...Vibe?” I asked him, extending my hands towards him. “I suppose I don’t. Perhaps I should start taking your advice.” with a playful smile, he hopped on the block and laid down next to me, holding my hand while at it, as a comfortable silence took over us. “...How are you feeling?” I asked, barely above a whisper. “I can understand why you would recommend doing this. It is truly relaxing.” turning my head to the side slightly, I could see a soft smile on his face, which made my heart pound faster. “You know...Some time ago, I and my best friend would go to the fountain in our University dorms’ campus. It was kinda like this, but without the fancy lights and colours. But...There were some speakers that would play romantic songs. During summer, when we were in our exam session, we would go out past midnight, when nobody would bother or see us...And...We’d take our shoes off and start fooling around in the water. It was ice cold, but outside was hot, and it was refreshing. We would dance together, jump around, splash water on each other...Sometimes I really miss that.” I grinned in amusement at the nostalgic memory. “Would you want to recreate that?” he asked, making me get in a sitting position and look at him with shock, before taking out my phone and putting a playlist of the most romantic human songs. “What are we waiting for, then?” with a huge smile on my face, I quickly take off my shoes, put the socks in them, and jump in the fountain, squealing a bit at how cold it was. “Careful, it’s very cold.” “I see you are enjoying yourself. Don’t mind if I join in.” he chuckled in amusement, taking off his shoes as well, ready to hop off the block, only to have me stop him. “Silly, lift your trousers. It would get pretty uncomfortable to have the bottom part of your legs wet, huh?” I chuckle, rolling the hems of the legs of the pants enough so they won’t get wet, then grabbed his wrist, dragging him into the fountain pond. “How do you feel doing something improper?” I laughed with glee, as he shivered at the cold water. “It’s...Definitely not something I am used to.” he chuckled softly, as he pulled me to his chest.
There were no more words being spoken, and there was nobody else to watch or judge us, except for the Silver Moon lending us her light as we swayed and danced around in the cold water, as if nether of us ever had any problem or worry in the world.
It seemed like the whole world disappeared, only the two of us, pressed together, as our emotions were overflowing, and the next thing I know, we both leaned in to share a soft kiss, filled with so much love and tenderness, almost afraid as if this was a mere fairy tale and this scene was going to disappear, like a dream.
“Are you happy, Lucifer?” I asked in a voice barely above a whisper, resting my chin on his chest, looking up at him with a starstruck expression on my face. “Yes, I am. Thanks to you, Y/N. I’m grateful for everything you’ve done for me.” Lucifer’s face was relaxed, calm, soft, like nobody has ever seen him before. “...Did I ever tell you that you’re the most gorgeous being in the world?” my smile grew wider as he widened his eyes and his cheeks started reddening in embarrassment. “You’re a human, that’s not many beings you’ve seen in your short lifespan.” he teased, evading the subject, which only made me chuckle. “Shut up and take a compliment, silly.” I slapped his shoulder, looking away to laugh.
Our lovely moment was interrupted by his D.D.D. ringing, and it was a cue that we should return home for his party, despite the surprise being ruined.
We sat on the fountain’s pond rim to get out shoes back on, but Lucifer decided to be Prince Charming and kneeled in front of me, putting on my shoes as if I was Cinderella, which only made me look down, bashful, earning a low chuckle from him.
As soon as we got in front of the House of Lamentation, Lucifer opened the door, and as soon as he stepped in, confetti and party trumpets were all over the place, which in all actuality seemed to shock him., while everyone was shouting their happy birthday wishes to him.
“I was so focused on what happened today that I completely forgot about this. Thank you, everyone.” Lucifer made that kitten smile again, which only made me fawn over him. “First, he forgets his birthday, and now, judging by his face, he forgot even about this not-so-surprising party. It’s just like you predicted, My Lord.” Barbatos smiled calmly at Diavolo. “It’s been 500 years since I’ve seen Lucifer look so surprised.” the Prince grinned warmly. “Of course I’m surprised. The entrance hall is...Full of flowers and decorations. It doesn’t even look like the House of Lamentation.” Lucifer chuckled, looking around the place. “Yeeeeees! I came up with the idea and Beel helped me put up the decorations!” Asmo chirped brightly. “I...can’t wait...Any longer...” Beel groaned, starving. “Hey, Beel! Stop drooling on my head!” Levi whined in annoyance “Guys...Where is Mammon? I have to apologise for lashing out at him.” I scratch the back of my neck sheepishly. “Mammon is hiding inside that giant decoration over there.” Satan betrayed his location with no second to spare. “Gahh! Satan, you traitor...!” Mammon slowly left his hiding spot, as I and Lucifer shared an amused look. “Mammon.....!.....One second thought, today’s a special occasion so I’ll forgive you for running your mouth like that. Also, Y/N is sorry for being too harsh on you.” he chuckled, looking softly at his younger brother. “Big broooooo! Y/NNNNNN!” Mammon gleamed with absolute happiness hearing that.
We took the party to the dining place, where we toasted in Lucifer’s honour, and we found out about the funny situation between Beel and the poor trio assigned to the food.
“So, if Asmo and Beel were in charged of the decorations...And Satan, Belphie and Barbatos were in charge of the food...Were Mammon and Levi designated to get in my way?” Lucifer raised his eyebrow in curiosity. “The Single-Braincell Stalker Duo was supposed to be on Watch Duty...Or something like that.” I shrugged, chuckling at how silly that sounded. “They were rather noticeable.” the man sighed, shaking his head. “I was there to make sure Mammon didn’t screw up.” Levi defended himself. “See how well that worked out.” I sighed in mock-annoyance. “You were desperate to tag along so you could do live coverage of your stupid mission!” Mammon revealed Levi’s true intentions. “It’s a personal rule of mine to not live in the past.” Levi chuckled, brushing that aside.
After that, Diavolo made everyone give Lucifer their gift and a heartfelt birthday wish, and as expected, everything was very silly, awkward and funny, which only made it better.
Grinning, I take out a little dark blue gift box patterned with silvery stars and that has a silver bow, and handed it to the birthday boy, urging him to open it.
“Happy Birthday, Lucifer. I thought it would be cute...When I saw this Cerberus necklace, I just had to get it for you. Well...For the both of us.” my cheeks were sent ablaze as I took out the necklace from under my top, as soon as he opened the gift box. “Well, isn’t that adorable. Thank you, Y/N. Now I’ll think of you whenever I see it...And you shall do the same with me.” Lucifer leaned down to plant a lingering kiss on my forehead, expressing his gratitude, while everyone gasped at the action. “I’m glad I can finally see your smiling face.” Diavolo spoke in a softer, yet definitely gleeful voice. “I am very happy.” Lucifer’s kitten smile appeared on his face again. “I’m so glad that we met.” I muttered, gazing at him with infinite love. “As am I, Y/N. I will forever be grateful to Fate for making me choose you as the exchange student. Also, I appreciate the effort you all have to put this together. This will be remembered as my greatest birthday. You all have my gratitude...Cheers!” 
And with that, Lucifer raised his champagne glass to toast once again, and we all joined in, having a great time for the rest of the night.
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d-noona · 3 years
Ch 04 - Lunch Meeting
Kim Namjoon is a ruthless financier used to buying and selling stocks, shares and priceless artifacts. But now Namjoon has his eye on a very different acquisition - Park Han Byeol. Left destitute by her father's recent death, Han Byeol walks into Namjoon's bank looking to extend her overdraft. As Han Byeol needs money and Namjoon needs a wife, he proposes the perfect deal: he'll rescue her financially if she agrees to marry him. But in this marriage of convenience can Han Byeol ever be anything more than just a bartered bride?
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"I nearly kept you waiting," said Namjoon. "I came back from the bank at eleven to go run in the park. As I was coming home I saw an old man on a bench who was obviously in need of medical attention. That held me up."
"Do you run everyday?" Han Byeol asks.
"I try to. Are you a runner?"
Han Byeol shook her head. "I play tennis and ski. I don't do work-outs."
He slanted an appraising glance at her figure. Today, in place of a black suit, she was wearing a designer outfit bought on a holiday in Italy. It consisted f a fine jersey-knit top in lilac, a waistcoat in violet, and swirling chevron-striped skirt combining those colors with pink and pale pistachio-green. The audacious color combination was perfect with Han Byeol's dark hair and brown eyes. "You look in great shape," he remarked. "But people in desk jobs like mine need some kind of fitness regime to stave off the bad effects of a sedentary lifestyle. Come and sit down. What would you like to drink before lunch?"
She remembered his remark about the wine she had been drinking when he forced his way in the previous evening. Was he one of those people who drank only mineral water and made everyone who didn't feel on a lower plane? Han Byeol had no intention of allowing him to intimidate her. "A Campari and soda, please," she said firmly.
Namjoon said to the butler, who had been following them at a discreet distance, "A Campari for Miss Park and my usual, please, Curtis." With a silent inclination of the head, the butler withdrew.
"Let's sit over here, shall we?" Namjoon steered her towards a group of comfortable chairs near one of the windows. "Have you finished your packing?"
Knowing that she wouldn't be able to sleep, she had worked on it till long past midnight. At half past nine this morning a dealer whom she had ought a lot of furnishings had come round to buy them back. Luckily Han Byeol had paid for them out of her bank account. Although the money in it had come from her father, technically they were her property, not his. As soon as his business had been forced into receivership, everything her father had owned, including the family home belonged to his business creditors. But the cash the dealer had handed her could go in her pocket. It wasn't much but it was better than nothing if, when Namjoon spelt out the terms of his trade off marriage, she found that she couldn't accept them. Looking up at the elegant cornice around the ceiling and the two crystal chandeliers, their chains swathed with coral tassels at the tops of the heavy cream curtains.
"Are you interested in architecture?" He sounded faintly surprised.
The butler came back with their drinks, hers a slight more vivid red than the coral linen slipcovers on some of the sofas, Namjoon's colorless except for a twist of lemon floating among the ice cubes. It could be in or vodka, or it could straight mineral water. Namjoon said, "This was my grandparents' house. My paternal grandmother still lives here when she's not staying with her daughters". I moved here when my father died. We had been living in Ilsan. I have an apartment near Gangnam but I thought you would feel more comfortable being entertained in the main house," he added with a gleam of amusement. After a slight pause, he added "I shall move out when I marry. The province is better for children, if their parents can choose where to live. Most people can't of course."
"Where are you thinking of moving to?" Han Byeol asked.
"I haven't decided." His expression was enigmatic. "Where would you choose to live, given a free choice?"
Han Byeol considered the question. Once the answer would have been "Wherever Yoongi wants to live." She said, "Ideally I'd like more sun than we get in this city. I wouldn't mind living by the sea, getting some fresh air...or a lake would do as long as it has mountains round it. I'd like to look out on mountains...big ones with snow on top."
He lifted an eyebrow. "Sounds as if New Zealand would suit you."
She shook her head. "I'm sure it's a beautiful country but it's too far away from Korea. Have you been there?"
Namjoon nodded. "The scenery's magnificent...when it's not raining. Unreliable weather. I went with old friends, you might know them since they run in the same circles you do. Where have your travels taken you?"
"Mostly to holiday places...the Caribbean in winter...resorts round the Med in summer. My mother's a passionate gardener. She doesn't like travelling alone, even in a group. I've been on some garden tours with her...the south of France, Ireland, California. Where do you for holidays?" Han Byeol takes a sip of her Campari.
"I used to go with my father who also liked someone with him. We went to Japan together and other Pacific Rim countries. I travel a lot for the bank. For pleasure I usually go to France, Greece or Spain. Where would you like to go for our honeymoon?"
The question, tacked on to innocuous small talk, took her by surprise. "I haven't agreed to marry you," she said coldly.
"If you found the idea unthinkable, you wouldn't be here," he said dryly. "Let's be straight with each other Han Byeol. I need you...you need me. It's a sensible, practical arrangement."
She knew that at least the first part of what he said was true, but she wasn't about to admit it. Was it pride that made her reluctant to fall in with his plan too readily? She said, "I'm not clear why you've selected me."
"You're very attractive...as I am sure you're aware." he smiles at her gently.
"Is that all you want from a woman? An acceptable face and figure? Don't you care what I'm like inside?" Han Byeol scoffed.
'I can make some intelligent guesses. People can't hide their characters," he told her casually. "Even in repose a face gives a lot of clues to its owner's temperament. Apart from yesterday's evidence that you have a short fuse, I haven't detected any characteristics I wouldn't like to live with."
His arrogance took her breath away. In that moment of shock, she was struck by the thought it would be both a challenge and public service to bring this man down from his lofty pinnacle and convert him into an acceptably unassuming person. But perhaps it was already too late . One of gran's favorite sayings was, "What's bred in the bone must come out in flesh." Namjoon with his long-boned thoroughbred physique and his handsome features, looked a descendant of generations of men who had felt themselves to be superior beings and never experienced the doubts felt by ordinary people.
In a different, more rough-hewn way, her father had been the same. Probably somewhere far back in Namjoon's ancestry, there had been a man like her father: a rough-diamond unscrupulous go-getter who had founded the Park Fortune. Perhaps if Mr. Park had married someone better equipped to handle him than her quiet and easily cowed mother, her father might have been saved from becoming an overbearing braggart. Whether, at thirty four, Namjoon's essential nature could be modified was problematical. But it could be interesting to try.
She said, "I don't find you as transparent as you seem to find me. It takes me longer to make up my mind about people;"
"You haven't had as much experience of summing up people as I have."
The butler reappeared. "Luncheon is ready when you are, sir."
They ate in a smaller room with a view of a large garden, an oasis of well kept greenery in the heart of the city. The surface of the round Regency breakfast table had a gleaming patina resulting from years of regular polishing' It reflected the colors and shapes of the red-streaked white tulips arranged in a what Han Byeol recognized as an antique tulip pot, its many spouts designed to support the stems of flowers which had once been costly status symbols. The meal began with potted shrimps served with crisp Melba toast, tiny green gherkins and white wine, which they continued to drink with the main course, chicken with minty yogurt dressing.
While they ate Namjoon talked about plays and art shows he had been to recently. It was the kind of conversation made by strangers at formal lunch parties and although his comments were interesting Han Byeol thought his choice of subject was irrelevant to this particular situation. When the butler had withdrawn, leaving them to help themselves to a fruit salad with fromage frais, or to selection of more substantial cheeses, she said, "Why do you want a wife when you could go on having girlfriends and a change them when you get bored?"
Offering her elegant Waterford compote, its apparent fragility emphasizing the powerful but equally elegant form of the hands in which it was cradled, he looked at her with unexpected sternness. "I have a responsibility to my line. I need sons to carry on the traditions established by my predecessors."
She found this solemnly irritating. "Are you expecting me to provide proof of my fertility?" Before she could add that, if he was, he could forget it, Namjoon said, "No, I'm prepared to chance that."
"Big deal!" Han Byeol said sarcastically.
She had a feeling that Namjoon wouldn't hesitate to divorce her if she failed to live up to his expectations in some way. But although he struck her as a monster of cold-hearted self-centeredness, she couldn't deny that he was extraordinarily attractive. Every movement he had made since they sat down had heightened her awareness of the lean and muscular physique inside the well-cut suit and the long legs under the table. His hair was dry now but still had a sheen of health. There was nothing about him suggestive of stress or tension. He seemed entirely relaxed. Yet why did he need to arrange a businesslike marriage instead of falling in love the way people usually did?
Wondering, suddenly, if he might be in the same situation as herself, heartbroken, although it didn't seem likely, she said, "When did you dream up this scheme?"
"It's an idea I've had for some time...probably since my contemporaries started divorcing. I have about a dozen god-children, most whom now have step parents, some official, some not. I don't want that for my children."
"Did you parents stay married?" she asked.
It seemed to her that his face underwent a change. His lips didn't tighten. His eyebrows didn't draw together. But there was a subtle hardening and chilling, reminding her of the impression she had received that morning when they sat on opposite sides of his imposing desk/ Now they were at a table designed for a more intimate and relaxed conversation. But she sensed a change in the atmosphere and knew she had trespassed in an area of his where she was an unwelcome intruder.
"They separated. They were never divorced," he answered.
Han Byeol wanted to ask hold he had been when the separation happened, but something made her hold her tongue. Later, going back to the flat in the taxi he had laid on for her, she regretted her curiousity.
When-in-two people were going to marry, there shouldn't be any "No go" areas between them...or at least none of that nature. His past girlfriends were not her business, but his family life certainly was. She shouldn't have allowed herself to be put off. From now on she wouldn't be, she told herself firmly.
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eluoleanorder · 3 years
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Wicked, part one (DT royal AU)
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Summary: Hoping to stop the centuries-old feud between two very different kingdoms - a modern-day Astros and the traditional Dracovia, a treaty is signed on an arranged marriage between the future monarchs. However, Astros’ King is unaware his new bride comes with a plan of her own - she’s not interested in peace or his love, for she wants his crown and kingdom.
Warnings: swearing, SMUT,  angst, mentions of death...
Word count: 5900
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It’s a story as old as time – a woman in distress is saved by prince charming and once the dust settles and they realize they have fallen in love, a marriage occurs. When the king marries his dame, every fairytale ends with a happily ever after. However, Grayson will learn that’s not how his story ends.
Centuries of mutual hate and disputes over land, bloodshed in wars that late King Sean wanted to end before his demise had all lead to a signed agreement. Once Crown Princess of Dracovia and the Crown Prince of Astros are of age, the two will join hands in holy matrimony and bind the two kingdoms for a peaceful future. The intention was to bring a new age to both kingdoms, to see a dawn instead of the sunset they were all forced to live in.
“You know your duty.” King Sean told his sons in his last days, reminding them of the sacrifice one of them has to make.
While in Dracovia, the rules of succession were clear - the eldest becomes the ruler, in Astros the line of succession was decided after their king dies by trials. Trials of mind, body, endurance between the siblings was to determine which of the two will rule over Astros and marry the future queen of Dracovia.
“Yes father.” Ethan and Grayson didn’t fight it. Both of them knew their destiny would be to marry for duty. They couldn’t even dream of love. Not when there was a kingdom to think of.
Meanwhile, the Dracovian Princess had a similar conversation with her father, the king.
“You know your duty.” King of Dracovia spoke solemnly as he reminded his daughter of her assignment, the blood she’d have to spill and the throne she’d have to claim.
For a long time, Princess Y/N had no intention of following through with her father’s mad plans despite everything that happened in the past. She believed the past should stay just that…a ghost of remembrance that cannot affect the future.
Her beliefs changed once she watched her best friend lose her head after they were supposedly meeting for a confirmation of the peace treaty…the one she agreed on because they wanted to see if she was pretty enough for their future King of Astros. Once she had lost Andrea, Y/N’s heart turned black and she willingly forged her path to Astros.
“Yes father.” Y/N wanted to appease her father. More than that…she wanted vengeance. After all, she was trained for this her whole life. She knew she was ready.
“Your highness, we have official news from the new king of Astros.” Lady Mareen walked into princess Y/N’s quarters, a letter neatly folded in its envelope on a golden platter.
With a hum, Y/N beckons her lady to come closer, taking the letter in her possession. She had been expecting the news ever since she heard there would be a new King crowned, the same man who would wed her after. She is of age, has been for a week now. He’s been of age for a year, as well. Both her potential husbands were already nineteen summers wiser, nearly twenty.
Taking out a small blade, the hilt black with a silver dragon wrapped around it, sapphires placed instead of its eyes, Y/N took a moment to admire the wondrous dagger. It had been a gift from her father, the king of Dracovia. It had been a way to give her courage, to let her know he believed in her - his daughter, the dragon queen. Sure, the dragon’s time had long passed and most people outside of Dracovia would laugh at the notion of them ever being real, but Y/N believed in a dragon’s wisdom and guidance and it all led her to this moment.
Using the tip, she cut open the envelope and drew out the letter with just the tip of her index finger. Unfolding it, she nodded to herself before speaking.
“It seems my husband is to be Grayson Bailey Dolan, the youngest of their dynasty. He had managed to win the trials by beating his brother in a duel. He lost the battle of the wits and managed to win the courageous trial by mere seconds.” Looking up from the letter, Y/N smirked.
“He should have lost. This was dumb luck.” Looking back at the neatly written letters, she continued.
“The King was crowned a week after, and he married me through our proxy only five days later.” Even if she hadn’t even seen him yet, Y/N felt sick to her stomach knowing she’s already considered to be his wife.
“It says I am to sail to their kingdom in two days' time where I shall do my duty and bear him children so that we can bring about a new era of peace.” Snorting, Y/N ripped the paper in two, tossing it beside her chair. She had no interest in bearing his children, especially not when she had her heart set on taking his life and marrying someone of her own choosing.
Y/N came from a long line of very traditional royals, those who believed to be descendants of the dragons themselves. They called her blood the blood of the dragon and when she decided to be a mother, her children will not bear tainted blood of her enemies. She refuses to have her insides become a home for his evil seed. While tradition demands she has children, Y/N decided to accept one thing that would rescue her from such a fate - birth control pills.
“Your father must be told.” Lady Mareen voiced her opinion, earning an annoyed sigh from her future queen.
“He knows. Make the necessary arrangements, we leave soon. Make sure you’re well-acquainted with their traditions and values, you’ll be my most trusted advisor.”
It had been a week since she abandoned her home in search of vengeance. Y/N had spent each hour plotting the best way to go about - be herself and seize the throne by force or to play the dutiful wife that Grayson will fall in love with and sign crown matrimonial on his own accord…after which she’d put her dragon blade through his heart…and his brother’s and anyone else who stands in her way.
The continued travel on waves had given her calamity, but there was nothing calm in the storm inside her mind. She was prepared for a lot, aware Astros seems like a completely different planet in comparison to the life she’s lead in Dracovia. It would need adjustment, but she could find a way to connect to their people, to win their hearts. If she found love among the people, she’d be a step closer to the throne.
She watched the almost finished bridge between the countries with narrowed eyes, realizing it may help her travel home much faster than by water. While it was a long way to go, she had time to think and prepare for the task she set herself up to do.
However, despite all she expected, the moment she saw the sandy beaches in the sunset, the icy flames in her eyes came alive with fury.
“Is the King with them?” Y/N hissed through her teeth, appalled by her welcome committee.
A dozen of casually dressed or half-naked people waited barefoot in the sand, some cameras set in place to stream the dragon princess when she steps foot on their lands.
“Is he…shirtless? Doesn’t he own a shirt?!” She nearly threw up at the sight, upset over the way she was to be welcomed. “Such disrespect. I had low expectations from these barbarians, but this managed to exceed those expectations!” Y/N bashed on Grayson’s choice of outfit and she found herself absolutely horrified by the scene she was met with. After all, who greets his future wife, a woman of royal blood - dragon blood, like she’s a common whore?
“I’m sorry, majesty, but we’ll dock soon and they cannot hear you speak in such a manner. They’re a proud nation and their sense of appropriate royal behavior differs from ours.” Lady Mareen spoke in a hushed tone, hoping to calm her future queen down. She could tell the young princess is fuming, but she needed her wits when they docked and she had to make sure the fire is out by then.
“I have to ask you once again…do you truly think you should do this? How would more bloodshed be justified? Would Andrea want this or would she seek peace?” And that was Lady Mareens first mistake. Without so much as turning around to grace the lady with the honor of eye contact, Y/N gripped the railings with all her might. She had been certain of her choice for a long time now, ever since they cut her friend’s head off and tossed her heedless body at her feet, but before that as well…she still didn’t believe her mother’s death was an accident. The ship wreckage was far too damaged to be the result of a storm she didn’t even see or hear happen. Y/N suspected them to be guilty of regicide too.
“I will answer injustice with justice.” Drawing in a sharp breath, Y/N felt her icy fire spread through her veins, replacing the uncontrollable rage within.
“And you will watch your tongue or you shall find yourself without one.”
Plastering a pleasant, fake smile on her lips, Y/N made eye contact with the man that stepped out of the group of people on the beach, realizing that just might be the king…her husband Grayson.
But before the ship had docked, they soon hit a reef, knocking some of the men over the railing and definitely shaking the princess up. Nostrils flaring, eyes narrowed at the reef she could see through the crystal clear waters, Y/N felt her blood run cold as ice.
“The water is low enough for us to walk to the shore, your highness.” The captain spoke, his voice a little shaky as he pressed his cap to his stomach while his nerves clearly took over. How was he supposed to tell his future queen that he had missed a whole reef and that the boats were now destroyed from impact?
Turning around on her heel, her shoulders rolled back and her chest puffed out, Y/N looked like a perfect picture of royalty, poised and graceful, beautiful and just as dangerous.
With a deathly glare aimed at the captain, she scoffed, pressing her lips together.
“I believe you might have a way to the shore that won’t get you wet.” Lady Mareen whispered, turning the princess’ rage over to herself and her attention back to the shore.
Raising an eyebrow in surprise, Y/N noticed the same shirtless man she thought would be her husband had run into the water, walking over to the ship. His face is clearer the closer he gets, his determination visible in every clench of his chiseled jaw. This is a man much more than a simple king, a man not easily swayed. Grayson Dolan, the king of Astros would clearly be a problem with his warrior instincts, for she had never met a royal willing to get wet for a woman they’ve never met but a warrior who was sworn to die in her name. And he looked just like them - a warrior who would die for her and she didn’t know if she liked the notion, or feared it.
“Will you come down or should I carry you piggyback down?” Grayson shouted up at his future wife, his voice light and cheery, way too informal and teasing. For a woman who had never had a man dare speak to her before being presented formally, Y/N could only snort at his behavior that’s unbecoming for a king.
“I’m wearing a dress!” Y/N shouted back, a little irritation slipping past her with her sharp tone.
“So? I’ll see what’s under before the day is done anyway!” Grayson chuckled, his words angering her. She knows she’s supposed to consummate the marriage, that much she can’t avoid, but to be spoken to in such a manner even before they’ve been introduced? That was unheard of. She’s not some wench he can treat as he pleases – she is the blood of the dragons of the old and she demanded respect.
“Just jump!” Grayson added, realizing his mistake once he saw her look at him furiously, her cheeks darkening so much that he could tell even from a distance. Ethan had warned him to be formal, charming and untrusting toward her - to be careful, but Grayson never expected her to be such a beauty, so captivating, a goddess in her like. He had seen many women that possessed beautiful, symmetrical lines of their face, but Y/N had something he had never seen before – graceful rage and while he should know better, he found himself craving the burn she offered just as much as the cold she provided.
“What?! Are you mental?” She screamed at him, leaning over the railing to make sure she heard him over the crashing waves. He seemed tall, very tall in comparison to her, so if the waves were up to his mid-thigh? They would drown her with that dress of hers. The corset would make it even harder for her to breathe and she’d drown…Perhaps that’s a little dramatic to an average human, but the princess had never stepped foot in the ocean before, let alone swam on her own…swimming wasn’t one of the lessons she needed to learn to be a royal, so yes, she believed she’d drown.
“I’ll catch you, I swear! I never break my royal promises!” Grayson crossed his index and middle finger in a gesture she didn’t understand, but what else could she do?
Knowing it’s insane, Y/N didn’t see a better way to go about things. She had to risk it and trust this man she wouldn’t ever trust, she swore it. But even if he dropped her, she’d still land in water, her life wouldn’t hang on his ability to catch a woman of her size. Sure, her dignity and ego would be bruised, but she’d survive...if the waves didn’t pull her under.
Climbing over the railing, she held on tightly. She drew in a shuddered breath of bone-chilling fear before she stopped being afraid entirely as her mother’s words reminded her of who she is.
“Dragons can’t die, not like humans do. Remember who you are, my dear. You’re a dragon’s heir, the future Dragon Queen and the only silver dragon patron we’ve had since the first Queen. You can’t be defeated.”
She’s the blood of the dragon, she can’t be killed so easily.
The wind whipped her hair about her face and she sucked in a deep breath. Her muscles were poised as if to run away but instead, she brought her toes to the edge. Now she trusted her life to the stranger who she vowed to ruin and she didn’t miss the irony.  As gravity took her fiercely toward the aquatic death trap below, she struggled to claim any of the air that rushed by for her own lungs. The second between jumping and feeling a pair of strong arms with a wet sensation spreading over her felt like an eternity. Then the whirl of color settled into the unfamiliar sight of woodsy brown eyes that pierced her with an unrelenting gaze, taking in every inch of her water splashed face.
“Welcome to Astros, Your Majesty.” Grayson decided to address her properly, at least once. He knew it must be anything but easy for her to be taken from her home, her family and friends and to be placed in a kingdom so different than her own, traditions entirely foreign to her. He wanted her to feel welcome, wanted, cared for and respected.
“I believe there’s more to this kingdom than the ocean.” Y/N tried to keep her voice calm, but the slight shake wasn’t hard to detect by Grayson’s keen ears who were trying to absorb every word spoken by the woman he held so tightly to his chest, even if his arms were aching really badly from keeping his promise to catch her. Sure, he didn’t manage to keep her dry and they did hit the water with the impact, but her feet didn’t touch the sand and her pretty glassy Cinderella shoes were still in place.
“Of course. Plenty to see.” Grayson smirked, realizing she was subtly telling him to move along instead of standing in the ocean like a loon. He couldn’t help his smirk from growing into a full smile once she wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing herself closer to his body, more than before. Realizing he needed her now in the most intimate, dirty way possible, Grayson decided the bedding ceremony would be moved up to immediately after meeting the officials. He had thought about having a ceremony for the wedding again, but being married by proxy wasn’t odd for royalty and his crotch was much more interested in taking the dress that clung to her body off instead of replacing it by another one.
“Can you not afford shirts? Is Astros in such a bad economic state?” Y/N rose her left eyebrow, her question earning her a hearty chuckle from the king who had been silent as he approached the shore. She didn’t know how hard he had to fight to keep himself restrained.
“We’re very well off, Princess. It was a warm day. Clothing isn’t always necessary to run the kingdom.” Winking, he brought a new wave of rosy-colored heat upon her cheeks. Putting her down, rather reluctantly, Grayson had swallowed thickly once she pulled away from him so quickly that her warmth left him yearning for her.
“Welcome.” Ethan was the first to approach her, his hand taking hers carefully. Keeping eye contact with the princess, he pressed an unusually long, open-mouthed kiss on the back of her hand before releasing it with a smug smirk upon his lips once Grayson cleared his throat, dissatisfied with the time Ethan had taken from him.
“I’m Prince Ethan, at your service.” Ethan flashed her a dazzling smile and for a moment, had she not been there with a purpose, Y/N thought he could be a friend. But she knew better. The Dolan twins may look like angels sent from above, but their hearts must be as dark as the deeds their family had committed against hers. She was ready to set fire to their lives and their reign, but in order to do so, she had to get them to trust her fully.
“Delighted to meet you.” She went for a bow, but Grayson swiftly stops her.
“You’re my Queen. You bow to no one.” Grayson explained, smiling as if he had managed to pierce the invisible veil she set between them, unaware she was anything but softened by this gesture.
“No one, but you? My King?” She didn’t hide her discontent with the situation in this moment, wanting him to catch a glimpse of the infinite hate she had for Astros and the ruling family. Unable to speak up, shocked with her reaction, Grayson stared at her with lips parted. He wanted to say something to convince her she wasn’t brought here to be his inferior but equal, however, he couldn’t because that wasn’t entirely true. As long as he refused to sign crown matrimonial, she’d be his inferior, his consort and wife, but never the Queen of Astros in the actual sense.
“If you will excuse me, Lady Mareen and I shall retire.” Y/N exhaled fully once she saw her lady has arrived, relieved she gets to hide from the inquisitive royals and catch a moment where she can breathe.
“Not a problem at all. However, I suppose you’re aware of our duty.” Grayson whispered the last bit, wanting to be more tactical than he was at the ship.
Lifting her chin, Y/N met his gaze decidedly. After all, she couldn’t avoid her marital duty and while he wasn’t the old, ugly, undeveloped king she had imagined in her mind, she wasn’t quite keen on giving herself to him. She had kept her maidenhood all those years only to lose it to a man who shall never be more to her than a husband in name only. She’d never love him…she promised herself that.
“Yes. I shall expect you at dusk.” Y/N nodded curtly, holding her breath as he gave her the honor of bowing for her. He told her she isn’t supposed to bow to anyone, so why did he do so for her? To get her in the mood to spread her legs for him? To dig a tunnel to her heart with soft gestures so the moment she reveals her beating muscle, he’d put a blade through it? She didn’t trust him not to kill her and he’s a fool if he trusts her.
As the girls moved toward the large, beach located castle, Ethan and Grayson finally had a chance to speak.
“She’s drop-dead gorgeous,” Ethan noted, rubbing his chin in a mixture of jealousy and lust as they both stared at her disappearing figure and the way the dress she wore clung to her curves.
“Yeah. And she’s mine, don’t forget that.” Grayson remarked, making sure Ethan knows his place and that his place was definitely not beside his wife. Strangely overprotective already, Grayson wondered if the old tales of the magic in Dracovia were true and if the princess might have used it on him. He felt bewitched, genuinely.
“Oh, I don’t intend to get too close to her at all. I said she’s drop-dead gorgeous as in, she will kill you brother. You’re not going to survive this dragon bride.” Ethan snickered, playfully punching Grayson’s shoulder as he rolled his eyes at his big brother.
Meanwhile, Lady Mareen had helped her future queen disrobe properly for the bedding. Despite it being anything but what the young girl wanted, she had to be presentable. She knew the theory, she had seen it in her training back at Dracovia, but she had never tried to please a man before and she had to be a master in it. She had to seduce his mind just as well as his heart and body, otherwise she would fail. A man is weakest when he’s in bed with a beautiful woman and while she didn’t think of herself as a typical beauty, she knew she could use skill to keep his interest on her instead of the many paramours she assumed he has hidden in one of the many rooms this castle held.
A special room had been readied for the bride and groom. A large corner of the solar had been partitioned off around one of the fireplaces. An enormous bed had been set up in the room and sheets of the softest linen were spread across it. A coverlet of emerald green, lined with black silk fell across the sheets. Rose petals littered the bed.
Now nude, Y/N got under the covers, telling her lady to leave and let her be alone with her thoughts until her husband came around. She cursed herself for noticing just how beautiful and charming he is, how seemingly loving and kind he might be. She reminded herself that men only break hearts…the only time a woman can keep her husband entertained is when the magic of their newly formed marriage surrounds them, but once that’s over? He’ll tire of her and find a new woman to keep him entertained. She had witnessed that one too many times and she wasn’t going to put herself in a position to love a man she has to kill.
The room was supposed to be filled with many court officials, so she braced herself for the inevitable shame she’d have to endure during the bedding ceremony. If losing her virginity to a man she had just met isn’t bad enough, she’d have to do it in front of several strangers who will be there to make sure the marriage was consummated.
Through the oak door, she heard the noise of the men arriving with Grayson carried aloft on their shoulders. He entered feet first, shirtless as he was when they first met, the men yelling their offers of assistance, their wagers as to the competence of his performance of the task ahead. They were silent as they stood him on his feet and stared at the bride who waited in the bed.
The sheet accented her shoulders and the full swelling of her breasts. The candlelight deepened the shadow above the sheet. Funny enough, the candlelight instead of electricity made her feel more at home than she’d like to admit. While Dracovia had electricity, most of the castle stayed alight thanks to candles – fire…fire for the dragon family.
Her bare throat pulsed with life. Her face was set in a firm, serious expression that caused her eyes to darken as if they smoked. Her lips were hard, as if carved of some warm vermilion marble. She averted her gaze, unable to bear being so bare before them all, including the king’s brother who seemed most engrossed in the view he was about to get.
Grayson was quickly undressed and pushed to the bed. The men watched avidly as he drew the covers aside, giving them a glance of Y/N’s bare thigh and hip, but nothing more. Grayson made sure he was fast enough for them to see nothing at all.
“Out! All of you!” Grayson ordered, his voice loud and determined, no one daring question his will.
When the heavy door slammed shut, the room suddenly seemed unnaturally quiet and Y/N found herself achingly aware of the man beside her. Grayson sat looking at her. The only light in the room was from the flames in the fireplace across from the foot of the bed. The light danced on her hair, played with the shadows of her delicate collarbones. At this moment, he remembered nothing of the centuries-old wars between their kingdoms. He had no thoughts of the warning he was given of her possibly making an attempt on his life. He knew only that he was in bed with a desirable woman, moving his hand to touch her shoulder to see if the skin was as smooth as it looked.
Y/N wanted to bare it all and do her duty, but she drew sharply away from him on instinct.
"Don't touch me!", she said through clenched teeth.
He looked at her in surprise. There was hatred in her enchantingly cold eyes, her cheeks flushed red. If possible, her anger made her even more beautiful. Never had he felt such a raging desire. His hand went around her neck, his thumb digging into the soft flesh. "You are my wife," he said in a low voice. "You are mine!"
“I may be your wife, but I will never be yours.” Y/N told him with such spite, such determination that he let her go immediately.
“You’re untouched, aren’t you?” Grayson’s voice softened, his eyes holding more understanding than she liked. Had he acted unreasonably and taken her against her will, she’d at least be right about his horrid heart and vile mind…but he didn’t. Instead of being a savage she imaged him to be, he offered her gentle understanding.
“Every female descent of the dragon is untouched before marriage, my King.” She addressed him properly, nearly throwing up at the title. She hated the notion of him being the King or having to bow to him, despite him telling her she didn’t have to.
“I’m sorry I was rough. I’ll try and be gentler. If you don’t want to go through with this, I won’t force you. I want you…really fucking bad, but I won’t take you against your will.” Grayson sighed as she stared at him with her big, wide eyes, seeing confusion pass her features.
“You won’t?” She cocked her head to the side, sitting up. She held the sheets close to her body, unready to reveal herself just yet.
“You really think that low of me?” Grayson scoffed, pulling away. He was clear on her way of thinking now – she saw him as a beast, not a man worth loving. She hated him. Wanting some fresh air, he moved to stand and leave the bed, but her small hand quickly wrapped around his bicep and applied just enough pressure for him to stop and look back at her. She let the sheet fall as his eyes met hers, bravely fixing him with her fiery gaze. In less than a minute, her eyes turned from ice to flame and he found himself captivated by the change.
“It’s not force if I’m giving myself willingly, is it?” She raised an eyebrow, deciding on a tactic finally. Grayson may be a warrior at heart, but she saw the desire in his eyes and she knew she had to harness it if she would ever convince him she’s his.
Licking his lips as he cracked a smile, Grayson nodded in surprise, unable to keep his eyes from wandering lower to her breasts. He wanted to possess her. His mouth came down brutally hard on hers, claiming them, nearly bruising them.
Y/N fumbled with the sheet that wrapped around her, making Grayson chuckle into the kiss.
"I will help you," Grayson said and tore the sheet away, pulling it from under the mattress. His hand held Y/N's neck, and when the sheet was gone and she lay nude before him, he relaxed his grip as he gazed upon her. He stared at her in wonder; her full breasts, curvy waist, round hips. Then he looked back at her face, her eyes blazing. Her lips were reddened from his kiss, and suddenly there was no power on earth that could stop him from taking her.
He pushed her into the mattress and Y/N saw the warrior look in his eyes and for a moment she feared it. A warrior isn’t gentle at all, unlike what he presented himself as. She feared the pain he’d cause and the tears that would follow. She feared what he’d do to her, but then the fear she felt dissipated as he spoke against her lips.
“I’ll go slowly.” Grayson stopped himself, remembering she’s never had a man in her bed before and once he saw the fear in her eyes extinguish the flame he already adored, he reeled himself in.
“Okay.” Her voice had never been smaller, her hands never as desperate as she clung to him. She wanted to trust the sudden, overwhelming warmth in his unrelentingly tender gaze, but she still awaited the pain that was yet to come. He moved on top of her, his lips attaching to her neck gently as he pressed a kiss above her pulsating carotid, knowing she’s nervous as he felt the speed of her pulse.
With one thigh, Grayson is forcing hers apart. He kissed her again, passionate and slow, distracting her as his hand moves lower, down to the curls he’d be the only man to see, to feel. Slipping his finger between her folds, Grayson found her clitoris and applied enough pressure as he pressed the pad of his thumb against it. He feels her breathing change as he begins to rub circles, her thighs trying to push against his in a need of more friction. And that’s when her first moan escapes her and she closes her eyes completely, letting the pleasure take over.
Unable to wait any longer, Grayson pushed the head of his hardened length between the folds, feeling her wetness pooling over as the nature’s lubricant. Feeling the membrane, Grayson stops for a moment, looking at her carefully for any signs of distress, but she seems lost in the sensation of his thumb against her nerve bundle.
Pressing himself inside, he bows his head in the crook of her neck, growling lowly in pleasure. It’s not the first virgin he had, but it’s the first one that made him want to come on the first thrust.
“Go on.” She encourages him, surprising them both. Swallowing thickly, she sinks her nails into his back, anticipating the next thrust. It would be a lie if she said she wasn’t in pain, but she knew it would get easier as he moves again and she would feel the pleasure again – and she wanted the pleasure more than the pain.
Nodding, Grayson starts moving in and out slowly, refusing to risk her pain for a little more pleasure he’d find in speed and his untimely release. Instead, he’s using deep, slow strokes with a relentless care for her clitoris, drawing louder moans from her with each passing second until he feels her clench around him, his own mind blackening as he feels himself nearing the edge. She’s holding him so tightly to her body, so desperately as she unravels beneath him. Picking up pace, Grayson finally loses control, jerking his hips to meet hers in a deep thrust only to release his semen deep inside her, allowing them both to breathe.
Rolling off her, Grayson decided to stay quiet, allowing her to have control of the moment. If she wants to cuddle, he’d do it for her and if she wants to talk, he’d talk to her, otherwise, he’d just sleep. He placed an arm around her for comfort alone, not pressing himself closer than necessary, closing his eyes once he realizes she’s not interested in him at all after she came down from her high.
And that’s exactly what happened soon after. In minutes, she heard his slow breathing and she knew he was asleep. Silently, she slipped from under his arm and left the bed. She found the sheet Grayson ripped clean off her on the floor at the foot of the bed, taking it and wrapping it around her body. She felt his cum as it ran down her thighs, angrily wiping herself clean with a wet wipe she brought in her bag. After she got herself clean, she opened her jewelry box and pulled out a small packet, pushing out a single pill from the package and swallowing it without water – her safety net, the birth control pill.
Sitting in front of the fire, she glanced at his sleeping figure and sighed deeply, telling herself not to cry. She was supposed to be in control of him, to make him want her and crave her, yet she found it was the opposite. She didn’t love him, but she did feel a connection…perhaps it’s the kindness he showed her or the pleasure he had given her, but something inside her changed and the heart she hardened on purpose found a soft spot for the King.
“Earn his trust, crown matrimonial, take the throne….Mom, Andrea, my youth.” She reminded herself of her plan and the valuable things she’s already lost for him and his family, drawing in a sharp breath when she realized he might hear her…He cannot know of the plan. But she needed her mantra and she recited it slowly, quietly, religiously to push him out of her mind…besides, he was asleep.
Or so she thought.
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Tags: @graysavant​ @yaren-ates​ @beinscorpio @dolandolll @godlydolans @dolanstwintuesday @accalialionheart @peacedolantwins @heyits-claire @graydolan12 @gia-kerks​ 
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comradeclown · 4 years
OK, so in honour of my top posts now being me saying at various degrees of length that Arthur is gay (hashtag mylegacy, lmao…), I thought I should just go for it and actually dive in a bit a lot into why I read the character as gay. Now, usually all the justification I need to read a character as gay is “wouldn’t it be cool if this character I like/relate to/etc were gay like me?” and “it’s OK, officer, I do what I want”, and I’m well aware that 99% of the time it’s me using my own creativity to do a resistant reading + the film/book/whatever bumbling into subtext entirely by accident. And while I definitely don’t think there’s ever any more justification needed for any kind of LGBT reading, lol, as it comes to Arthur, obviously feel free to disagree with me, but I honestly think my read of him as a gay man is entirely textually supported, however unwitting and accidental that might have been on the part of the filmmakers (mind you, I don’t think it was Todd Phillips’ conscious intent, but I’m like… 85% sure Joaquin Phoenix knew exactly what he was doing).
(ETA that this is extremely long, so I’ve put it all under a cut.)
First of all, there’s of course… pretty much the entirety of Joaquin Phoenix’s performance (a very, very small sample can be found in my he gay son tag and just generally in my arthur fleck tag, ha), from his mannerisms to his physicality to the way he interacts with other characters. I know part of it is a function of wanting to go back to the character’s campy roots (which are themselves… you know…), and I know I’m relying on stereotypes to some extent, but first of all, you can’t divorce either camp or gender non-conformity from LGBT history and existence, and secondly this is literally how characters have been coded as gay throughout the entire history of cinema. What I’m saying here is that you can’t have a character who acts like Arthur does, literal limp wrist and all, or says “come on, Muuuurrrayyy, do I look like the kind of girl clown who could start a movement” the way he does, to pick one of many, many examples, and not evoke the long history of cinematic wink emojis at People Like Me.
That in itself would… honestly be plenty, lol, but it could be chalked up to, idk, Joaquin Phoenix doing his own thing, were it not for the fact that it’s completely reinforced at every turn by the filmmaking language, even down to his wardrobe choices, and it’s worth noting at this point that the framing is always one of empathy — albeit with nuance — and affording the character subjectivity, rather than being “ew, look at this gross [homophobic slur]”. Like, the very first time we see Arthur, literally our first impression of the character, he’s at a mirror, putting on make-up and then ruining it by crying, and while the make-up is of course part of his job, this is just not how the inner crises of straight male characters are expressed in the language of cinema. Of note too is the fact that he’s clearly visually separated from his co-workers in all the scenes at Ha-Ha’s, indicating his alienation from them, and while this could be chalked up purely to his disabilities, I don’t buy that that’s the only reason, given that Gary gets shit due to his dwarfism, sure, but at the end of the day he’s clearly “one of the boys” in a way Arthur (can’t be) isn’t.
There are honestly so many examples of the framing working to separate Arthur from conventional masculinity and heterosexuality that I’m just going to pick some highlights, such as: obviously, the way he expresses himself emotionally through dancing (to the point that one of his coworkers explicitly ribs him about it, “if your dancing doesn’t do the trick”), which again is not something that straight male characters do in the language of cinema. The fact that all the media we see him consume is musicals, classic comedies and a talk show he’s obsessively fannish about and watches with his mother — and we know he’s a fan of the show as a whole, not just Murray, hence him saying “I love Dr Sally” (and the way he says it…). Or, speaking of his media habits, when he’s dancing with the gun while watching Shall We Dance, this could have so, so easily been about him ~regaining his lost masculinity~ through, say, fantasies of revenge or badassery, but instead it’s about him being acknowledged as a great dancer and punishing bad dancers, and it all ends in slapstick anyway.
Also, while I’m on this topic, I want to address the nature of Arthur’s dissociative fantasies about Sophie. Honestly, I don’t read them as indicative of genuine romantic/sexual interest at all, because the film frames them as identical to Arthur’s more deliberate daydreams about Murray. I mean, not that I’m adverse to gay readings of that if that’s what you want to do, lmao, but to me they’re both very clearly post-traumatic fantasies of having another person look after you for once, of having someone value and cherish you and take care of you emotionally (which obviously has massive appeal if you’ve been dealing with the after-effects of catastrophic trauma all your life but nobody has given a shit about your suffering and you’ve had to be the one to look after other people to boot). Note that after the get-together with Sophie — which is clearly patterned after all those old comedies and musicals Arthur watches — the Sophie fantasies are incredibly platonic and involve things like having another person be there for you in a crisis, telling you something supportive, getting you a hot drink (in contrast with the reality of the hospital scene, in which Arthur is alone and he’s the one trying to comfort someone else, i.e., holding Penny’s hand), essentially no different from fantasy!Murray hugging Arthur and knowing exactly what to say to make him feel good about himself. Also note that both fantasies involve being the object of someone else’s affection, Murray picks Arthur out of the audience and Sophie comes to him, it’s a pillow princess Cinderella fantasy, more than someone loving you it’s about being loved. (And, once more, this could easily have all been v. v. different, the Murray fantasy could have been the much more conventionally masculine fantasy of being a famous comedian and being invited on Murray’s show, the Sophie fantasies could have had an undeniable sexual component, etc.)
Anyway, to get back to the general point of cinematic framing, again if the movie didn’t want me to read Artie as gay, it shouldn’t have had a pivotal moment in his character arc be him sitting at his mother’s vanity table, doing a new make-up look which involves using her lipstick, and then having a Moment while he’s literally holding a quasi-glamour shot of her.
And the thing is, all these reams of stuff aren’t even the key piece of the puzzle for me, which is the way in which the film as a whole can be read as a gay narrative. I’ve posted before about how part of the emotional catharsis of the film is about Arthur finally shamelessly embracing and even revelling in all his freakishness and socially-despised traits, a big one of which being what is arguably his effeminacy and… honestly I don’t need to explain how that’s a classic gay (and more generally LGBT) narrative, do I? Like, there’s a reason why a pivotal scene is Arthur having his hair-dyeing underwear rave in a flat that’s suddenly incredibly bright and sunny for the first time, it’s about reclaiming the pain and ugliness of your life and your circumstances into a space of potential liberation, which is honestly why this movie is always going to be incredibly personally meaningful to me for so many reasons, but definitely meaningful to me as a gay woman. (Again, this could so, so easily have been about him becoming some stone-cold badass or whatever, but instead the film has him dye his hair, put on a super garish new outfit and new make-up look, dance shamelessly in the street, and be incredibly campy on national television.)
More generally, there’s other aspects of the narrative arc that tie into this general theme and which also serve to continually distance Arthur from the conventional cinematic narratives of heterosexual manhood: for instance, once he starts fully embracing the Joker persona — which is… just Arthur, the crucial difference is in how others perceive him and how he perceives himself — any attraction to women, feigned or real, goes completely out the window and the only genuinely affectionate interaction he has with another human being is with Gary (I know we all love to joke about his first kiss being with Dr Sally, but it’s obviously Comedy Jokes and he doesn’t even kiss her for real, his make-up is completely intact; Arthur’s only real kiss in the movie is when he kisses Gary). Or, when Arthur’s personal narrative finally intersects completely with the larger social narrative — which is itself about upheaval, reclamation and potential liberation — the big triumphant moment is him once again dancing, this time for a cheering crowd, and using blood like lipstick to redraw his smile.
Or even, to a lesser extent, his whole sub-plot with his mother, before I watched the film I was worried that this was going to be the usual narrative about the henpecked guy who finally puts the bitch in her place as part of becoming a Real Man, and it’s not at all, quite the opposite, Arthur is not henpecked and is clearly in charge of the household, he genuinely loves Penny — and is confident she loves him back — and enjoys doing at least some things with her (them watching the Murray Franklin Show together), and up until the reveal any issues he has with her are largely the product of having to look after an ill person with zero social support and while working a physically and emotionally demanding job and dealing with his own disabilities. When he kills her, it’s a deeply sad and self-destructive scene and it’s the result of his profound anguish and sense of betrayal and he frames it as the bitter, trauma-haunted dark half of self-actualisation and self-acceptance (“that’s the real me”, “I haven’t been happy one minute of my entire fucking life”, “now I realise… it’s a fucking comedy”).
Or, at a more meta-textual level, the way the film is unabashedly both a pulpy thriller and a melodrama, just shamelessly embracing all its emotions, its pain and catharsis, without a trace of irony. Like, yeah, part of this is the immense sincerity and compassion Joaquin Phoenix brings to his performance, but it really is the movie’s approach as a whole, and when there is humour — and I do think there’s quite a lot of humour in the movie — it’s not the distancing, let’s-not-feel-anything-too-deeply-bro humour of your typical MCU movie, it’s the camp sensibility of laughing with and at your own tragedy. (Myriad examples down to the use of certain songs in the soundtrack.)
On a final note, you guys know how much I don’t care about authorial intent, but I feel compelled to point out that in his director’s commentary, Todd Phillips says, while discussing Arthur’s journey into becoming Joker, that he reads the larger pop-cultural character of the Joker as someone who doesn’t want women, and like… Again, it’s not like I think that he was deliberately making a gay narrative in any way, it’s just that if you’re creating this journey of a man who eventually becomes a character who’s not interested in women in that sense, you’ve also just ended up stumbling into a gay narrative accidentally on purpose, lmao, what’s the real difference between “at the end of the story, Arthur doesn’t want women because he’s ~da Joker now, baby, he doesn’t want anything~” and “at the end of the story, Arthur doesn’t want women because he’s gay and he’s no longer deeply repressed and closeted”?
Anyway, like I said, feel free to disagree, he’s a fictional character, lol, but this is where I’m coming from, and the reason why if everyone involved in the movie decided to make a statement tomorrow about how much Arthur Fleck wants to bone women I’d just say “shit, idc, I’m afraid you made a gay movie about Arthur Fleck, a gay man, it’s a little too late to retcon this bitch now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯”. Also this is over 2,000 words long what the fuck I am so sorry
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Pairing: Wolffe x Danica Word Count: 2.8k Warnings: None Tagging: @roseofalderaan​, @catsnkooks​, @clonewarslover55​, @miss-spixx​, @sweetheartartist​ Join the taglist here
A crisp breeze tossed my hair about my face, the coolness a nice contrast to the heat of the sun shining down on us. Wolffe and I were watching my troops working with his men, teaching them some new techniques to help them in their fight against these droids, silence reigning awkwardly between us.
“Would you like to get dinner tonight?”
“What?” My head whipped over towards Wolffe, eyes wide with shock. Of all the things I was waiting for him to say, asking me to dinner was not one of them. He wasn’t looking at me, his stern gaze still fixed on the training ring ahead of us, and I looked away from him quickly, trying to gather my thoughts, my heart racing in my chest.
“After last night, it seems like we should spend some time getting to know one another better. If we’re… soulmates, then we need to make it a priority to spend time together outside of this.” He motioned to the training ring and all of the soldiers milling about, talking and sparring.
“I… yes, okay, you’re right. I’d love to get dinner.” I cleared my throat nervously, glancing back over to see him watching me with a slight frown. I could feel heat rising in my cheeks and I looked away quickly, shouting some orders to Sif and Loghain.
“What’s the matter, princess? Nervous about spending time with me alone?” There was a playful lilt to his words, a slight smirk lighting his face up at the idea of me being flustered.
“What? Me? Nervous? No!” My voice rose in pitch when protesting that I wasn’t nervous, which was a boldfaced lie. Hell yeah I was nervous! We were doing things backwards here really. Dinner should have happened before we slept together, but mistakes were made and, well, here we were.
“Right, of course not. Don’t worry, I won’t bite,” He leaned in closer, his smirk getting bigger. “Unless you ask me to.” And with that, he went to go speak with General Koon, leaving me to stand there with my jaw dropped and my cheeks burning.
“Sif! You’re in charge for the rest of the training. I’ve got some stuff to go take care of!” I called over to the Fae woman barking orders in Sylvarus to the others, laughing over something Loghain said.
“Got it Commander! You heard her!” Sif jumped into leader mode and I quickly walked away to go figure out just what the hell I was going to wear tonight.
“You have been through almost your entire wardrobe. Have you found anything to wear yet?” Ashlyn groaned, flopping back on my bed.
“No, I haven’t. This has to be perfect. Things are so ass backwards with us and I don’t know, Ash! Wolffe makes me so nervous and it’s weird, no one has ever made me this nervous before. I get all tongue tied and my heart feels like it’s bruising my ribcage with just how hard it’s beating just from standing near him! Not to mention my bond mark has this stupidly intense sensitivity whenever he touches me or the mark itself; my head gets all muddled and fuzzy and I can’t think straight.” I ran a hand through my hair with a groan, flopping back onto the bed next to my best friend. “I just don’t want to fuck this up more than we probably already have. I mean honestly, who the hell sleeps with someone before actually going on a date with them?” I couldn’t help but complain a little bit, sighing dramatically.
“Mates who just couldn’t wait,” Ash teased me, a grin on her lilac face. “Seriously, you didn’t fuck it up. Who says you have to do things in a specific order anyway? Look, you’re overthinking this Dani. Just put on a cute oversized sweater, some comfortable pants and shoes and then you’re good to go! The Festival of Ghosts is starting tonight, instead of dinner, why don’t you two go to the carnival instead? It’s casual, relaxed, and less stuffy than dinner.”
“Ash, you’re a genius!” I shot up and dove back into my wardrobe with a renewed vigor.
“Yeah, I know. I’ll just go pass the message along to your boyfriend then, shall I?” She snorted and ducked out of the room, leaving me to my own devices. I’d finally found the perfect outfit to wear tonight; a soft, black oversized sweater with a pair of my most comfortable cream colored riding breeches and a pair of knee high boots that were soft and positively the most comfortable pair of shoes I owned. Once I was satisfied with my outfit choice, I threw on some simple eyeliner and lipgloss, and studied my hair, frowning slightly at the wild mess cascading around my shoulders.
I suppose I could do a simple victory roll and tie it all back with a bandana. I grabbed my curling iron and got to work, pinning the thick silver waves back and out of my face, securing it down with a multitude of pins and a bright red bandana, pleased with the final results.
A knock on the door had me nearly leaping out of my skin and I practically tripped over my own feet while diving forward to throw the door open, revealing a mildly startled Wolffe waiting for me.
“Hi.” I breathed, straightening up with a shy smile, reaching up to touch my hair with slightly shaking fingers.
“Hi yourself. You look nice.” Wolffe returned my smile, looking a touch shy himself.
“Thank you. You look nice, too. I’m assuming Ashlyn was the mind behind the outfit?” I motioned to the leather jacket and dark shirt with a pair of nice jeans and boots.
“Yeah, your friend is… interesting. Sinker’s taking her to this carnival, I think she really charmed him.” He chuckled low in his throat, putting an arm around my shoulders as we headed out to join in the festivities.
“That figures. She’s a sweetheart, though, so Sinker’s in good hands.” I leaned into him, tentatively wrapping my arm around his waist, my breath catching in my throat when he squeezed my shoulders slightly. “Um… so… right, ah, yeah, um… So we’re getting to know each other, yeah?” I rolled my eyes at myself, mentally flapping a hand over my face. Smooth, Danica, real smooth.
“That’s generally how a date works, yes.” Wolffe grinned down at me, eyebrows raised slightly. I wanted the earth to open up and just swallow me whole right now, completely embarrassed by lack of eloquence. He just made it so hard to think properly whenever he was near me, it was like my brain just quit working.
“I know that! Ugh. I’m sorry, you just… well, you make me -” I got cut off when Ashlyn bumped into me on purpose, grinning devilishly at me as she and Sinker went past us. I opened my mouth to say something when Wolffe shifted his arm from around my shoulder to my waist, pulling me closer to him, startling me into silence.
“Are you hungry?” He nodded towards the food vendors just down the way near the games and I nodded eagerly.
“Starving, actually. C’mon, let’s see what’s good.” I laced my fingers through his without even thinking about it, eager to grab a bite to eat and something warm to drink, the temperature dropping lower as the sun began to set. The sweater I chose was a perfect choice since Ellodeem got pretty chilly in the evenings during fall, although being close to Wolffe certainly didn’t hurt either considering the man was like a living heater.
“So, what’s your recommendation, Dani?” Wolffe was eyeing all of the vendors curiously, stomach growling at the barrage of scents slamming into us all at once.
“Hmm… well, do you want something sweet or savory? Spicy? Something you can easily eat while walking around or something we have to sit and eat? Because really, all of this is divine, but I think the cafe over there has the best comfort foods.” I pointed to a cute little building at the very end of the walkway with cute decorations put up and a multitude of carved and uncarved pumpkins neatly arranged along either side of the door.
“Alright, comfort food it is. Lead the way princess.”
“Is that officially my pet name or something?” I furrowed my brow at the use of his seemingly preferred nickname for me and he shrugged a little, grinning from ear to ear.
“Might be. Do you want me to stop? I’m sure I could think of something different.” His grin was a touch too toothy at the mention of finding me a new nickname and I shook my head quickly, swallowing hard.
“No, no, princess is just fine. Forget I said anything.” I pushed the door to the cafe open, inhaling deeply and sighing happily. The smell of freshly baked bread and fresh caf filled the air, hints of spices and apple intermingling in the air, my stomach growling just as loudly as Wolffe’s had mere moments ago.
“My lady, it’s a pleasure to see you again. Your usual table is ready to go!” A perky voice spoke up from just behind the register, a brightly smiling young man grinning happily at us.
“Thank you, Ulric!” I chirped back, going to a table in the back, sliding into the small booth and picked up a menu to flip through. “I think I already know what I want, but they always change up the menu this time of year, so it’s nice to look for a new favorite.”
“What do you usually get?” Wolffe slipped out of his jacket, resting it on the back of his side of the booth before snagging the other menu.
“Usually the dry-roasted lunar minmishi and boar, it’s in the macaroni pasta bowl and it’s so good. It’s got a really nice flavor to it and it’s the perfect cold weather food.” I was practically drooling just at the thought of that bread bowl stuffed to the brim with pasta and minmishi. Wolffe nodded, his lips curving up into a soft smile, eyes going back to his menu while he reached over with a hand to hold onto mine, thumb casually running over my skin absentmindedly as he thought about what he wanted.
“What can I get you two lovebirds to drink?” Hilde came bounding over, datapad in hand and a huge smirk on her face.
“Hey Hilde. Could I get an apple cider please?” I mumbled, cheeks heating up again when she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at me, a pointed look on her face when she glanced over at Wolffe then back to me.
“Of course my lady! And for you?”
“I’ll have an apple cider as well, thanks. Are you ready to order princess?” Wolffe squeezed my hand gently, Hilde immediately “awwing” out loud, a hand pressing against her chest and a sappy smile on her face.
“Um.. y-yeah, I think I’m ready if you are.” I shot Hilde a look, glowering at the over excited woman who pointedly ignored my death stare. “I’ll have my usual please Hilde.”
“And I’ll try the wuuf steak, medium rare with the silver amble and baked yarrot.” We handed Hilde our menus and she skipped off to get our orders put in, leaving us in a calm, peaceful silence. “Is she always that cheerful?”
“Yes, yes she is. Hilde is like a ray of sunshine personified. It’s impressive really. I don’t know anyone else that perky.” And that was true, no one else I knew could match Hilde’s level of brightness and happiness. “I think Ashlyn is the only other person I can think even slightly close to matching Hilde’s energy, so Sinker’s gonna have a constant ball of sunshine on his hands if they get serious.”
“So you and Ashlyn. How often do you two go to parties like the one last night?”
“Ah. I was wondering if that was going to come up. Um… honestly, it’s only a once a year thing. I mean, we do attend a lot of parties, but they’re not generally like the one from last night. That one is… um… hm… more geared towards us younger Fae. It’s a night where we can let loose, do stupid shit and just have fun.” I was hesitant to talk about the rave we were at when we realized that we had soul bonded, not wanting to really broach the subject quite yet.
“It’s like us going to this clone bar back on Coruscant, the 79’s. I get it, sometimes you just need to blow off some steam.” Wolffe was nodding sagely, a look of understanding in his pretty eyes.
“You party? Hard to believe there’s a party animal under that stoic exterior.” I joked with a soft laugh, making him laugh too.
“What can I say, princess? I’m full of surprises.” He leaned across the table, our lips almost touching, when Hilde interrupted by setting our drinks down with a quick apology for ruining the moment. I leaned back, taking my mug up and taking a sip of the warm cider, savoring the crisp flavors of fresh raven buckthorn apples and various spices that filled my mouth with each sip I took. “Here, hold still, you have a little something right here.” He leaned in again and pressed his lips to mine, brushing the tip of his tongue across my lower lip to get some of the foam from the cider off, a playful glint in his eyes when he broke the kiss as quickly as he’d started it. I swallowed hard, drawing my lip between my teeth and sucking in a sharp breath of air while my heart raced in my chest.
“I, uh, can see that. That you’re full of surprises, I mean. Oh, look at that, our food.” I winced as my voice went up a couple octaves from nervousness, the pitch making my sensitive hearing hurt just a smidge. “Thank you Hilde, this looks and smells amazing.” I turned my attention to the food being set down in front of us, mouth watering at the sight of the large bread bowl stuffed full of pasta and meat sitting in front of me. I could not wait to dig in!
“That looks really good. Smells great, too.” Wolffe was eyeing my bread bowl with interest, so I speared some noodles and meat up onto my fork and offered it up to him, grinning shyly when he leaned in to take the bite, closing his eyes with a happy groan as he tasted the rich sauce.
“See why it’s my usual?” I took another bite myself, damn near dancing in my seat with pure joy. “Yours looks really good too.”
“Here, try some.” Wolffe offered up a bite of his steak, waiting to see what I thought of it.
“Wow, that’s really good! Way more tender than I was expecting it to be.” I was pleasantly surprised by just how good that steak was. We sat chatting for a while, trading stories of our various adventures and how he got the cybernetic eye. I silently swore a blood oath against this Ventress woman, vowing to take an eye from her the way she took one from him. Not that I would tell him that, anyway, I didn’t want to worry him.
“Come on, let’s go check out the rest of the festival. I saw some rides that looked like they could be fun.” Wolffe offered after we paid and left the cafe, stepping out into the cold nighttime air.
“Brr I should have grabbed a coat. I wasn’t expecting it to be this chilly out.” I wrapped my arms around myself, shivering a little at the sudden change in temperature. The cafe had been so nice and cozy, that the cold was a shock to the system.
“Come here cyar’ika, I’ve got you.” He slipped out of his jacket, wrapping it around my shoulders before pulling me close, our fingers intertwined together as we walked around, oohing and ahhing at the faelings that were running around, dressed in costumes and gathering treats with gleeful shrieks and laughter.
“This has been a blast. Thank you.” I looked up at Wolffe through my lashes, coming to a stop near the ferris wheel.
“Night’s not over yet princess.” He murmured, rough fingers tilting my chin up as he leaned down to catch my lips in a heated kiss that left my knees feeling like rubber. I had to hold onto his forearms to stay upright, the kiss leaving me dizzy and wanting more.
“Let’s go back to the palace, yeah?” I whispered, biting my lip slightly as I looked up at him.
“Whatever you want sweetheart. Your wish is my command.”
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razieltwelve · 4 years
Competition (Final Effect)
When Her Imperial Majesty Averia VII finally married, the empire rejoiced. When she gave birth, however, the empire plotted.
X    X     X
“What are you doing here?” The Dia-Farron snarled.
The seer huffed. “What does it look like? I’m bringing a present for the new crown princess. We’ve foreseen great things in her future.”
“Oh, be quiet.” The Dia-Farron rolled her eyes. “You have not. You’re just here to curry favour with the empress and get your hooks into her successor. You lot are still bitter that the empress did an apprenticeship with us instead of you.”
The seer scowled. Given that he resembled his ancestor, Caius Ballad, quite closely, it was a fearsome expression. “You only got that apprenticeship because you sabotaged our offer!”
“What are you talking about? Maybe that bridge just blew up on its own, thereby preventing your team from arriving on time to make its pitch.” The Dia-Farron smirked. “And aren’t you all supposed to have precognition? Why didn’t you see that one coming then?”
“We all know there are a few of you with Semblances that obscure precognition, or did you think we missed the fact that you had a bearer of Lucky Fox on the planet at the time. What was she doing, taking a holiday?”
“You can’t prove a damn thing!”
“And we’re not going to make the same mistakes this time!”
The Dia-Farron glared. “Professor Cuddleburg can trump any present you come up with. He is the cutest and cuddliest hamster in the galaxy. In fact, he’s in the top five cutest and cuddliest hamsters of all time. There’s no way the crown princess won’t love to have him around, which means we’ve basically got one foot in the door already. If he has to stay around, it’s only natural for the empress to hire him and one of us as the crown princess’s tutors.”
“We’ve got an in with the hedgehog,” the seer replied. “Lord Hedgeborough is well aware of your scheming. He has no intention of letting you have everything your own way, and he has the ear of the empress herself.”
“Hmph.” The Dia-Farron brandished Professor Cuddleburg at the seer. “You really think that will matter in the face of such an adorable hamster? Besides, it’s not like the empress listens to everything he says. The bearer of Ragnarok is basically one of us. She’ll put in a good word, I’m sure.”
“And we’ve already approached the bearer of Saviour.” The seer smirked. “She, at least, can be relied upon to do what is best for the empire and not be swayed by an adorable hamster.”
“I think you underestimate the power of our hamsters,” the Dia-Farron countered. In her hand, Professor Cuddleburg cackled menacingly. “It wasn’t that long ago that there was a Dia-Farron on the throne. The empress might not act much like one of us, but the proud blood of a Dia-Farron still flows through her veins. She’ll make the right choice.”
“We’ll see.” The seer pointed at his eyes. “And when it comes to seeing nobody sees better than us.” He patted his pocket. “I even have a secret weapon.”
“A secret weapon? Unless it’s a victory beam, I don’t think you’ve got a chance.”
X    X     X
Her Imperial Majesty Averia VII sighed as the representatives from the Dia-Farron and the seers practically tripped over each other in their bids to reach her and her daughter first. In the end, it was the seer who succeeded after dodging a net and throwing a chair. 
“Your Imperial Majesty,” the seer announced, still catching his breath. “It is an honour to be invited to meet the crown princess.” 
Behind Averia, Claire and Jahne weren’t even trying to conceal their laughter as the Dia-Farron got back to her feet and considered firing her net gun again before thinking better of it. There was too much of a risk of hitting the empress and her daughter. 
“I am always pleased to welcome a representative of the seers,” Averia replied. “How fares the House of Ballad.”
“We fare well,” the seer replied before he offered a wrapped box. “A gift for the crown princess, Your Imperial Majesty.” 
“Thank you.” Averia nodded at Jahne to open it. In her arms, Thyra’s gaze was drawn to the astoundingly adorable hamster that the Dia-Farron was holding up like some kind of talisman. Following the baby’s gaze, the seer’s eyes widened, and he not so subtly stepped to the side to block the baby’s view before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small chocobo chick.
What caught Averia’s eye was the chick’s coloration. It was a striking purple that matched the hair colour of Caius Ballad. Thyra’s gaze immediately snapped to the chocobo, which cheeped softly and stared back at the baby.
“That is an unusual chocobo,” Averia said. “I can’t say I’ve seen many purple chocobos in my time, and he is exceptionally purple.”
“Ah, yes. Purple chocobos are exceedingly rare, but the reason this particular fellow is an even more vivid shade of purple than most of his kind is because he was hatched on a world we recently discovered had been badly contaminated by gravity Dust following a volcanic eruption. As a result, his feathers are a more intense purple, and he appears to have developed some control over gravity in addition to the usual Synergist abilities purple choocbos usually have.”
“Fascinating.” Averia glanced to the side as Jahne opened the gift. Her lips twitched. It was a tiny outfit in the authentic style of the Nsu Clan. “An adorable outfit.”
“We thought it appropriate since you are also the Chieftain of all the Clans, and we hope for young Thyra to become a farsighted and wise ruler whose reign shall be remembered long into the future.”
Averia’s lips twitched. She had a feeling it was more like he and the rest of his clan wanted Thyra to be more favourably disposed toward them.
“We do, of course, have other gifts,” the seer continued smoothly. “But we shall present them during the upcoming naming ceremony, in accordance with tradition.”
“Of course.” Averia nodded. In her arms, Thyra shifted restlessly and reached for the chocobo chick. Little wisps of frost formed, a testament to her heritage. “I look forward to it.” She glanced past him. “Perhaps you should allow the Dia-Farron representative to present her gift. She seems to be having a conniption.”
X    X     X
“That clever bastard,” the Dia-Farron muttered. “I definitely didn’t expect him to have a purple chocobo chick that’s even more purple than normal.” She smirked. “But if he thinks we’re beaten, he’s got another thing coming, right, Professor Cuddleburg?”
The hamster took a moment to unleash the full power of his cuteness and then nodded. They had a battle to win.
X    X     X
The birth of a crown princess is always cause for celebration in the empire. However, it also provides unique opportunities for the various factions within the empire itself. These factions will spare no expense in their pursuit of favour and influence with the new royal, turning the traditional naming ceremony into something close to a pitched battle.
X    X     X
Author’s Notes
Never count out the Dia-Farron. The seers might have the upper hand for now, but they’ve still got a few cards to play. Plus, they’ve got an important advantage. When it comes to science and technology, nobody is better than they are. And if the princess wants to be the best, she’d have to learn from the best, right?
Incidentally, the Imperial hedgehogs are their own faction. However, they are less concerned with influencing the crown princess directly than they are with keeping any potential bad influences away. This policy became standard after the many clashes between Vanille I’s hedgehog and hamster. Knowing how close Averia VII is to Lord Hedgeborough, the seers wisely chose to seek his approval, which he granted largely to counterbalance what he knew would be powerful efforts from the Dia-Farron.
If you’re interested in my thoughts on writing and other topics, you can find those here.
I also write original fiction, which you can find on Amazon here. I’ve recently released two stories, Attempted Adventuring and Surviving Quarantine, as well as two audiobooks, Two Necromancers, a Bureaucrat, and an Army of Golems and Two Necromancers, a Dragon, and a Vampire. If you like humour, action, and adventure, be sure to check them out.
9 notes · View notes
supertmntgirl · 5 years
Angel Dust x Fem!Reader Ch.2
I am so sorry this is late, but I had some writer’s block with this “chapter”. When I had things figured out, I went on vacation for a couple of days and I didn’t have time to come back to it. Since I’m a bit late with this, I’ve made this chapter a bit longer than the first to make up for it.
One last thing before the chapter, I most likely will be late with posting the next chapter. The reason being is that the application for the fall session of the Disney College Program is dropping in a few days and most of my attention needs to be focused on that.
With that all out of the way, time to start pt.2. Enjoy~
Summary: After finally landing a job, you’re taken out for some celebratory partying. But the evening doesn’t go completely as planned.
It had nearly been 2 weeks since you applied to Porn Studios and you hadn’t heard anything back. You went back and checked with the receptionist to see how far along in the process you were. But she only gave you the same response she did on the day you applied. Since its taken a while to get an interview, you decided that if the week was over and you still haven’t gotten a call or something, you’d look for another job. At the moment, however, looking for employment wasn’t as important as sleep.
It was Friday morning and you were curled up in bed, deep asleep after having a rather restless night. If it were up to you, you would’ve stayed in bed all day. Unfortunately, your plans were foiled by the sound of your phone ringing. Groaning tiredly, you struggle slightly to get out from under your covers to silence the annoying device on your night stand. After finally poking your head out from under the blankets, you grab your phone and look at the caller id to see who it was. You tilt your head slightly in confusion, not recognizing the number displayed on the screen. Shrugging your shoulders, you press the answer button and put the phone to your ear.
“Hello?” you answered with your voice cracking slightly.
“Is (y/n) (l/n) there?” a deep and masculine voice asked. 
You were slightly taken a back since you hadn’t heard this voice before. “This is she.”
“My name is Valentino. I own the Porn Studios building in the middle of town. I apologize for not reaching out to you sooner.”
You bolt right up out of bed when he said this, now fully awake. “No that’s alright. I’m sure you’ve been very busy.” you say as you hear a chuckle and papers rustling on the other side of the phone.
“Anyway, I’ve looked at your application and resumé and I have to say I’m rather impressed. Would you be interested in coming down for an interview?”
You felt like doing backflips and jumping for joy. But you kept yourself calm before answering him. “I would love to come in for an interview.”
“Great. I’ll see you down at the studio in an hour. Don’t be late.” Valentino says before hanging up the phone. After putting your phone back on the night stand, you jump out of bed and race over to your closet.
“I’m not getting kicked out~ I still get to live here~” you sing to yourself as you attempt to pick out what you were going to wear. After taking several minutes, you finally decided on a plain black dress with black flower patterns sewed into the bottom. You throw it on and take a look in the vanity next to the closet. The dress stopped right below your knees, which was a little longer than what you would normally wear. But the v-neckline was low enough to make up for the length of the dress. You reached back into your closet and grabbed a pair of (f/c) pumps that gave you a few extra inches. After giving your outfit another look in the mirror, you run into the bathroom to do your hair and makeup. Five minutes later you leave the bathroom and go back to your phone to check the time. The bright screen told you that you had a half hour left before your interview. Seeing as how the building was almost 20 minutes away from your building, you decided that leaving now would be the best idea. Unplugging your phone, you pick up a small black purse and stuff your phone inside. You quickly walk over to the front door and grab your keys from the hook right next to it. Before leaving, you look back at the mirror next to your closet. You were tempted to check how you looked, but you knew your anxiety would end up making you want to change. Since you didn’t have time for that, you decided to just leave.
~~~~Time Skip~~~~
After running several blocks, you finally made it back to the Porn Studios building. Trying hard to catch your breath, you look at your reflection in the window and straighten out your hair. There was some construction that blocked the main route to the building, so you had to take a detour that took almost twice as long. In order to get there remotely on time, you had to sprint practically the whole way. Which not only resulted in your disheveled appearance, but also caused your feet to feel like they were bleeding.
“I knew I should’ve brought a change of shoes…” you grumble lowly, finishing fixing your hair before pulling out your phone to check the time. Panic rushes through your veins as you saw you were a few minutes late.
“Shit shit shit….” you whisper to yourself as you push the doors wide open. Scurrying to the front desk, you slam your hand down to get the receptionist’s attention. “Hi, I have an interview with Mr. Valentino.”
“For a minute there, I thought you weren’t going to show up.” a very familiar deep and masculine voice called to you, making your heart stop. Feeling the blood drain from your face, you slowly turn towards the sound of the voice.
The owner of the voice didn’t look as menacing as you thought he would be, but still intimidating nonetheless. He wore a red top hat and matching fur-lined coat with pink hearts along the collar and plain white fluffy cuffs. He also wore something under his coat that appeared to have a zebra stripe pattern, which matched with the sash on his top hat. He also wore black gloves with matching heeled boots. Looking up to his face, you saw he had light blue skin with deep red eyes that hid behind big pink and gold heart glasses. If this was a different time and place, you would be thinking about how he looked liked what Valentine’s day would look like if it was a pimp.
“Mr. Val-“
“You’re five minutes late.” Valentino interrupted as he slowly walked over to you. You were about to start shaking as you noticed how much he towered over you.
“Y-yes I am….a-and I could give you many reasons as to w-why. B-but instead of wasting more time. I’m just going to say I am very very sorry and it will never happen again.” you say while struggling to meet his gaze. Valentino gives you a hard look for a while before a wide smile spreads across his face. Your mouth went dry as you saw his red-stained teeth.
“Normally I wouldn’t tolerate such behavior….” he says before leaning over so that his face was mere inches away from yours. “But how could I resist such a lovely creature like yourself? Especially since we’re in desperate need for web and video technicians.”
You shudder slightly as he reached out and gently stroked your left cheek. If this was any other job, you would’ve walked straight out and never turned back. But since you were desperate for money, you decided to just grin and bare it. “T-thank you. I hope that you can find a place for me here…” you say hesitantly while putting on a fake smile.
Valentino reciprocates your smile with another one of his own and gestures to an elevator that was right behind him. “Shall we?”You nod your head and follow him towards the elevator. 
Once you reached the doors, they opened so the two of you could enter. Stepping inside, you were pleasantly surprised to find that it was lit much better than the front lobby. It was your basic elevator that was silver on the inside and was big enough to carry at least 12 other people in it. Turning around, you watch as Valentino presses a button that leads to one of the 25 floors of the building. As you stared at the buttons, you noticed that there was a mini description as to what each floor was and what it held. The button Valentino had pressed led to the 13th floor, which was simply described as “Video and Web Tech”. As soon as the doors closed, you looked up at Valentino, only to find that he was staring right back at you.
“Normally we would be having the interview in my office. But since we’re running low on time, we’ll have to begin right now. I hope that’s alright.” he says while giving you a smirk, knowing you didn’t really have a choice in this situation.
“Of course, ask me anything.” you respond, hoping that he wouldn’t take it literally. Soon after you said this, he pulled a folded packet out from his coat pocket. After opening it up and adjusting his glasses, he started asking you questions. Most of the questions were basic work related questions. Like your work history and experience, how you work with others, your greatest strengths and weakness, etc. 
Either he had very little questions or the elevator ride was a shorter than you thought it would be. As soon as you finished answering his last question, the elevator doors opened up to the 13th floor. Valentino briskly walks out of the elevator and you follow closely behind him. The floor mainly looked like your stereotypical office space. Mainly cubicles lined up right next to each other with bright fluorescent lights beaming down from the ceiling. The only thing that seemed out of place was the several tv monitors hanging from the ceiling in different places. You looked around to find many of the cubicles were empty with only a handful of them filled with demons typing furiously on their keyboards.
“Was everyone killed during the extermintation?” you silently asked, which caused Valentino to abruptly stop. You almost fell over trying not to run into him.
“Not all of them, most of them we had to let go because of their incompetence…” he said in an almost sinister tone, which made you think there was something he was leaving out. Before you could ask him more, he turned towards you with forced smile on his face.
“Well here we are.” he says while gesturing to a cubicle on his left, causing you to look inside. There wasn’t much in it besides a medium sized table which held a compact computer and three computer monitors. You glance back at Valentino with a questioning look, he only gestures to the cubicle again, wanting you to enter the tiny space. You hesitantly step inside, pull the small swivel chair out from under the desk and sit down in it. You reach over and grab the mouse, causing the screens to turn on to a sickly green screen saver.
“Does this mean I get the job?” you ask hopefully while turning to look at Valentino.
“Not yet sweet heart.” he answers, causing you to frown slightly from the response and the pet name he gave you. He chuckles darkly while stepping into the cubicle, also invading your personal space.
“There’s just one little test I have for you.” he says while taking the mouse from you and clicking on an icon that was titled “PS Website”. Seconds later, a rosy pink website popped onto the screen which appeared to be for the studio. Before you could react, the website began to glitch out before making the screen go black.
“Oh my…” you whisper to yourself while pressing one of the keys on the keyboard, causing the screen to return to the screen saver.
“This has been going on for almost a month. No one can access the site without it shutting down by itself.” Valentino says before turning your chair so that you were facing him. “If you can figure out what’s wrong and how to fix it, you can start training on Monday.”
You bite your lip while looking back at the monitor. It won’t be an easy thing to fix, but you’re confident you can do it.
“How much time are you giving me?” you ask while looking back at him, making him smile creepily again.
“Until I leave today, which is around 7.” He answers, causing you to look at the monitor to check the time. The bottom right corner told you it was 1 o’clock exactly.
“That’s only six hours away.” you turn back towards Valentino, only to find him standing up and stepping out of your cubicle.
“Then you better get started.” he responds while walking away, leaving you alone. You release the breath you didn’t realize you had been holding and turn back to the computer screen.
“Alright, no pressure. You got this.” you mumble to yourself while placing your purse on the desk and cracking your knuckles to loosen them up. You then take a deep breath to calm you nerves and then get right to work. Going through the website and anything else on the studio’s hard drive to see what kind of glitches and/or viruses would be hiding there. You began to loose yourself in cyber space so much that you didn’t even worry about the time, you just focused on the task at hand. You didn’t realize what time it was until you felt a hand run through your hair, causing you to jump in surprise.
“Didn’t mean to scare you sweet heart~” you look up to see Valentino with an amused look on his face. “I just wanted to come check on you before I left. Were you able to fix our little problem?” he asks while leaning down to look you in the eye. You clear your throat before turning back to your computer screen.
“You tell me…” you mumble while finishing up some typing, causing Valentino to look at the screen with you. Several taps later, you press the enter key which brought the website back onto the screen. Valentino takes the mouse from you and starts looking through the website. After a few minutes, he gives a satisfied hum causing you to look up at him.
“Now do I get the job?” you ask hopefully before he looks at you with a satisfied grin.
“Yes, my associate Velvet will meet you in the lobby for training at 9.” he responds while standing back up again. “And I would strongly recommend being on time. She’s not as….understanding as I am.” He tips his hat to you before walking out once again. You were about to squeal with joy until he turned back to you.
“Just one last question before I go.”
You tilt your head in confusion slightly as he makes his way back to you. “What is it?”
“Have you ever considered doing any modeling? I’m sure you’d be very popular.” he asks while reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind your right ear. Your eyes go wide and you instinctively slap his hand away, causing him to give you a confused and slightly angered look. You feel your face burning as you looked down at your hands.
“N-no, I prefer the behind the scenes work.” you say while lifting your hand up to fix your hair, covering your right ear even more than before. You hesitantly look back up at him to find he was still staring at you. He clears his throat and gives you a forced smile.
“Fair enough. But if you ever change your mind, models get paid double. Actors, triple.” he says before turning around and walking away, making you worry that you did something wrong before even starting work. You look back up to see Valentino getting into the elevator. He turns around and sees you staring at him, causing him to smirk.
“See you on Monday.” he calls out before the elevator doors close. You breath a sigh of relief, hoping that meant you hadn’t completely upset him. You stand up, grab your purse and walk back over to the elevator. With every step you felt excitement run through your veins, which ended up making you skip to the elevator. Once you reach the elevator, you press the button to go down. As you waited for it, you pulled your phone out of your purse and dialed Vix’s number.
“Speak peasant.” she answers, causing you to chuckle.
“I got the job!” you squeal happily, causing Vix to gasp over the phone.
“No fucking way! That’s awesome!” she responds as the elevator doors open for you.
“I know, it such a relief knowing I won’t be homeless next month.” you say while entering the elevator and press the button to the first floor.
“We should celebrate. Get wasted, party our asses off, sleep with random strangers…” she kept listing things you could do before you interrupted her.
“We can party, just stop saying things.” you say, causing her to squeal with delight.
“Sweet. Meet me at the Fat Angel in 15. I’ll be bringing a couple of friends since it’s not that fun to drink just the two of us.”
You roll your eyes as the elevator doors open. “Fine Vix, see you then.” you say before hanging up the phone and walking out into the lobby. As you walked to the front door, you wondered how crazy this night would end up.
~~~~~Second Time Skip~~~~~
You made it to the bar without any trouble, but you hadn’t spotted Vix yet. You pulled out your phone again to see if she had texted you, but she didn’t. Sighing, you put your phone back in your purse and lean against the wall right next to the front door. You could practically feel the music coming from the bar, which made you grow a bit anxious. You were starting to regret going out, but you knew it would be a great way to erase the previous stress and fear of becoming homeless.
“Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw.” you hear a sharp and slightly high pitched voice say out loud, causing you to look towards the owner of the voice. Several feet away, a very familiar spider demon was making his way towards you.
“Angel Dust…” you mumble to yourself as he stopped right in front of you.
“What a crazy coincidence we meet up at the same bar tonight. You must really want me~” he says seductively while wrapping an arm around your waist, pulling you close to him. You laugh slightly and try to pry his arm off you.
“Don’t flatter yourself…” you say while backing away slightly, causing him to pout cutely.
But you had to admit he really did look great tonight. His suit jacket and shorts were replaced by a baby pink, sleeveless dress. Even though it had a turtle neck top, there was a heart cut out of the chest to show off his breast like fluff. The dress was floor length but had two slits cut in it to show off his legs. His black boots were replaced with cream colored, sparkly ones that reached up to his thighs. You also noticed that he carried a medium sized purse that matched his boots.
‘Why is it that a guy looks better in a dress than I do….’ you think to yourself while brushing some hair out of your face.
“Anyway, what are you doing here?” you ask Angel, causing him to shrug his shoulders.
“I dunno. A friend of mine invited me to party with some of her friends. She said she was paying so I wasn’t gonna say no to free booze.” he answers nonchalantly, causing you to tilt your head in thought.
‘What a weird coincidence….unless….’ you thought while looking up at him.
“Angel! (Y/n)!” You both turn to see Vix and another female demon walking towards you. Vix was wearing a green sparkly halter top with matching booty shorts. Under her shorts she had iridescent teal leggings and black ankle boots on her feet.
The demon walking with her had blonde hair with pink and white accents. Part of it was pulled back in a high ponytail while the rest hung down past her hips. Her skin was as white as Angel’s and she has pink freckles on her cheeks and right shoulder. She wore a red off-shoulder crop top with a matching mini skirt. Under the skirt she wore ripped black leggings. You noticed that she was only wearing one red boot. The only thing weirder than that was the fact that she had only one eye that was mainly pink and had a yellow x as a pupil.
“Cherri! How the fuck are ya?” Angel yells as he jogged over to the demon girl while Vix walked up to you.
“Vix…” you say as she wrapped an arm around you.
“I know, I tried to invite more but they were the only ones available on short notice.” she says as you both look at Angel and Cherri talking to each other.
“Why didn’t you tell me you knew Angel Dust?” you ask her causing her to give you a confused look.
“I didn’t know you knew him. Besides, basically all prostitutes know each other.” she answers as Angel and Cherri walk over to you.
“Not that I don’t like standing outside, but can we go get drunk now?” Cherri asks while Angel nodded his head in agreement.
“Yeah! Let’s go get wasted.” Vix answers while dragging you inside the bar, followed by Angel and Cherri.Once in the bar, the four of you got into a tiny booth in the back. Angel sat next to Cherri and You sat next to Vix. Right off the bat, Vix ordered two bottles of tequila and a couple of shot glasses to start the night off.  Everyone was downing shot after shot while you only had 3. Someone had to be sober enough to take everyone home, it might as well be you. Soon all the tequila was gone and you were in the middle of a conversation with a drunk Cherri Bomb while Angel and Vix were having their own conversation.
“All I’m saying is that since there are apps for pretty much everything, there should be an app that tells you when demons enters your territory.” Cherri says before downing her last shot, causing you to chuckle slightly.
“Is that all the app would do?” you ask while moving your full shot glass away from her.
“No, it would also say who was in your territory and if they were trying to take over.”
You nod your head before drinking your 4th shot. “So when someone’s taking over, you’ll get a notification like ‘so and so has entered the ring, protect your shit.’” you suggest, causing Cherri to start laughing.
“Hell yes! That should be the name of it. ‘Protect Your Shit’. Trade mark it.” she says while falling back into her seat. She then starts to giggle uncontrollably, which caused you to chuckle a bit.
“I think it’s time for Cherri to get some sleep~” Angel sings while poking Cherri’s cheek.
“No…no I’m fine. Shut your face hole.” she mumbles while shoving his hand away with a slight yawn.
“Come on you. Let’s get you home.” Vix says while scooting out of the booth.
“Where the hell are you going? You’re paying for drinks!” Angel exclaims as Vix helped Cherri out of her seat.
“I will. As soon as I get back.” she responds while wrapping her arm around Cherri’s waist to support her. “Look after each other. I’ll be back in like an hour or so.”
“Bye bitches~” Cherri says while clinging to Vix as they made their way out of the bar, leaving you and Angel alone. As soon as they were out of sight, you look back at Angel to see him staring back at you.
“Finally we’re alone~” he says playfully while taking your hand into his. You roll your eyes and pull your hand away.
“You’re not gonna let this go are you?” you ask him, causing him to shake his head.
“Once I’ve made up my mind, I am going to fuck it.” he answers, causing you to laugh slightly. “So, tell me something about yourself.”
You tilt your head in confusion at Angel’s request. “Why do you wanna know?”
Angel shrugged his shoulders and played with his empty shot glass. “Well if we’re gonna eventually have sex, we should get ta know each other a little better.” he says matter of factly, causing you to giggle.
“I don’t think we’ll be having sex anytime soon. But I guess we should get to know each other. Since we’re co-workers and all.” you respond, making Angel groan in annoyance.
“It sounds so boring when you put it like that.” he says while resting his elbows on the table.
“Do you wanna get to know me or not?” you ask while crossing your arms, causing Angel to sigh sadly.
“Fine. How did you die?” he asks nonchalantly. You freeze up and look down at your hands. This was a touchy subject for you, as is most of your living memories. You look back up at Angel, who was looking a bit annoyed with the silence.
“I-its kind of a complicated story….” you trail off, causing Angel to roll his eyes.
“I don’t want your life’s story. I just wanna know how you died” Angel says in annoyance, making you flinch at his harsh tone. After a couple of seconds of silence, you let out a shaky sigh.
“I-I died in a fire…..” you mumble silently while sliding down in your seat. Angel stares at you for a minute before speaking again.
“Did you say you died in a fire?” he asked, causing you to nod your head.
“That fucking sucks. I died of a drug overdose, hence the name “Angel Dust”.” he says while gesturing to himself. You nod your head, still looking at your hands. Angel sensed your uneasiness, so he tried to change the subject.
“So, uh, can you do shit with fire?” he asks, causing you to look up at him with a confused look. “‘Cause of how you died an’ all. I fucked this guy who froze to death and he could like freeze shit. Not ta mention his dick felt like an icicle.” Angel winces at the memory, making you chuckle slightly.
“I can control and conjure fire. But I don’t always have control over it.”
“Whadda ya mean?”
You felt yourself start to open up a little more as the conversation continued. “My emotions greatly affect my….”powers”. So when I get mad or upset, I can’t really control it if my hands or body catches on fire.”
Angel was listening to you every word with rapt attention. “Thats so fucking cool. Not the part about not being able to control it. But just being able to throw a fire ball at someone.” he says while throwing an imaginary ball to emphasize his point.
“It doesn’t always work like that, but that is the general idea.” you say while laughing at his goofy behavior. Angel was about to ask you another question when you stood up and slid out of the booth. “If we’re gonna keep going with this question and answer thing, I need an actual drink. Do you want anything?” you ask, causing Angel to tap his chin lightly in thought.
“One Screaming Orgasm please~” you give him a cross look before he lifts his hands up in defense. “It’s a real drink. I swear.”
You roll your eyes and make your way over to the bar. Sitting at the closest bar stool, you wave to get the bartender’s attention.
“What can I get ya?” he asks in a gravely voice.
“Can I get a Berry Burst cider on tap, and a screaming orgasm drink?” you request, causing him to nod his head before grabbing a tall glass. He fills it up with the cider and slides it over to you. You catch it and take a sip, enjoying the sharp berry goodness.
“You’re still drinking that cider crap?” you hear a burly voice call from behind you. You freeze for a second before the blood started to boil in your veins. Ignoring the voice, you take another sip of your drink while growing impatient for Angel’s drink. Your heart rate increases as you felt someone sit in the seat to the right of you, but you didn’t bother looking up at them.
“What do you want Chad?” you ask, causing the demon next you to chuckle.
“I just wanted to see how my favorite freak was doing.” he responds, making you roll your eyes. You then felt the presence of two other demons right behind you, making you grow slightly anxious. “A couple of my buddies also wanted to see one too. I hope that’s okay~” he chuckles darkly while playing with your hair. You slap his hand away and try to ignore him the best you could.
‘Where the fuck is Angel’s drink?’ you think to yourself as you tighten your grip on your glass.
~~~~Angel’s POV~~~~
“Where the fuck is (Y/n) with the drinks?” Angel whines while dramatically laying down in the booth. You had been gone ten minutes and he had started to sober up a bit, which caused the impending hangover headache to slowly creep in. Angel sits up on his elbows and looks over towards the bar. He scans the bar for a few seconds before spotting the back of your head. He tilts his head slightly as he noticed the three demons with you, two right behind you and one sitting to your right.
“Looks like I’m not the only one who wants to fuck her.” he says while sitting up and sliding out of the booth. He stands up and straightens out his dress before walking over towards you. He slides past the other two demons and stands in between you and the one next to you.
“Hey~ what’s going on here?” Angel says while resting an elbow on your shoulder, causing you to push it off. He gives you a confused look as the demon sitting looks him up and down.
“I didn’t know you had a little boy toy (Y/n).” Chad says with a chuckle.
“I’m not her boy toy, but I could be yours~” Angel responds while wiggling his eyebrows. Chad doesn’t acknowledge Angel’s comment and continues talking to you.
“Have you two decided who’s bigger yet?” Chad asked, which caused both of his friends to start laughing. Angel looks at the other demons in confusion before looking down at you. You were hunched over the bar, staring straight ahead and not looking at anything else. He didn’t get too concerned until he saw the drink you were holding. Your grip was so tight that your knuckles were practically white, but that’s not what concerned him. The liquid inside the glass was bubbling, and not just the average liquor bubbles. It was actually boiling in the glass.
‘That’s probably what she meant about getting mad….’ Angel thought to himself before turning back towards Chad.
“Look buddy, you had your fun. Now I suggest you march your happy little ass outta here and never come back.”
Chad gives Angel an amused look before standing up to look him right in the eye.
“Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do if I don’t drag show?” he asks while poking Angel’s chest fluff. Angel grabs Chad’s wrist, twists his arm, and slams his head down on the bar. Chad’s friends try to come to his aid, but Angel pulls out two guns from his purse and points one at each of them. 
“Let’s try this one more time shall we?” Angel asks while leaning down so he could whisper right in Chad’s ear.
“If you don’t leave in the next 30 seconds, not only will you loose an arm. But your buddies will be loosing something a bit more precious than that.” Angel emphasizes his point by moving his guns so that they were point directly at the demon’s crotches. Chad says something under his breath, causing Angel to twist his arm more.
“What was that? Speak up bitch” Angel smirks as Chad whimpers in pain.
“I said we’re leaving.” Chad says while struggling to get out of Angel’s grasp.
“That’s what I thought.” Angel says while tossing Chad over towards his friends. He puts his guns back in his purse while sitting down next to you, not even aware of how you we staring at him.
~~~~Your POV~~~~
You couldn’t believe what just happened. Angel Dust, a demon you barely even knew, defended you against someone he didn’t even know. You start to relax a bit as Angel took a seat next to you. Before you could thank him, Chad leaned down to whisper in your ear.
“See ya around…..James”
That was when you snapped. You felt your anger come back full force as you turned around to throw your drink at Chad. He stepped out of the way so that the boiling liquor hit one of his friends instead. The demon screamed in pain and fell to the floor.
“THATS NOT MY NAME YOU BASTARD!!!!!” you screamed as the demon moaned in agony on the floor.
“You’re gonna pay for that you fucking bitch.” The other demon threaten as he began to charge at you. You throw your hand in his direction as it burst into flame, causing him to stop in his tracks.
“Try it. I dare you.” you threaten as you tighten your hand into a fist, causing the flame to grow bigger and brighter. The demon looks between you and Chad with a frightened look before picking up his friend and dragging him out of the bar. You turn towards Chad with your hand still ablaze. He shoots you a death glare before following his friends. You lower your hand and allow the small fire to put itself out. You look around to see everyone in the bar staring at you. Slowly turning back around, you sit back in your seat as everyone went back to what they were doing. The only demon left staring at you was Angel Dust. A few minutes of silence pass before you hear laughter. You look towards Angel to find him laughing hysterically, making you huff in annoyance.
“What’s so fucking funny?” you ask as Angel wipes a few tears away from his eyes.
“Did you see that guy’s face? He looked like he was gonna shit himself.” he replies before launching into another laughing fit. You were confused as you watched him lay his head on the bar from laughing too hard. But his laughter became infectious as you soon joined him. Your laughter died down as the bartender brought Angel’s drink and another cider for you.
“That was so fucking awesome! Who knew you could do that kind of damage.” Angel praised you as you both walk back to your booth.
“I could’ve done a lot worse than that.” you reply as you sat back down in the booth. Angel makes you scoot over as he sat down next to you.
“Yo, we should party more often. We can bust some bitches heads open” You laugh at Angel’s comment as he takes a sip of his drink, humming happily to himself. You look up at Angel, causing him to give you a confused stare.
“Thank you for standing up for me. Chad’s…always been able to get under my skin. So…thank you.” you say before taking a sip of your drink.
“What are friends for?” Angel asks while lightly elbowing your side, causing you to look back up at him.
“Friends? We hardly even know each other.” you point out, causing Angel to shrug his shoulders slightly.
“Well if we aren’t friends after what just happened, that’s pretty fucked up.” Angel responds, causing you to chuckle slightly. 
“Very true...” you say while lifting your glass, making Angel do the same. “So here’s to new friends-“ 
“-and kicking demon ass” Angel interrupts while clicking his glass with yours. You both drink from your glasses as Vix finally came back to the booth. 
“What happened to you two?” she asks, causing you to giggle slightly. 
“Just some friendly bonding” Angel replies while wrapping an arm over your shoulders. Instead of pushing him away, you wrap your’s around his waist to pull him closer. Vix gives you both a bewildered look as she sits back down in the booth. 
“Ya had to be there” you say as Angel downs the rest of his drink. Vix just shrugs her shoulders and the three of you continue to party the night away. 
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advernia · 5 years
this is for that anon who asked about the danganronpa!ikerev au Σ(・口・) thank you for having an interest in this au, by the way! (´∀`) the format’s not exactly lore-ish per se since when luci and i talked about this, we plotted it out to be game-like - but still, here you go~ it’s like a prologue of sorts, i guess!
the tea party
everyone’s invited - red + black + neutrals + alice - except the tweedles + mousse, whoops. tho i was amusing myself with the idea that they could be something like ndv3′s monokubs, lol.
but since it’s also alice in wonderland themed, maybe the three are like some odd guides popping out randomly now and then??? they say they’re helping but dean’s too cryptic, dalim cycles between being vague or being an unhelpful bastard, and mousse... yeah.
the killing game tea party is set in the ikerev gardens / the civic center and in true danganronpa fashion, they can’t leave the premises. new rooms + places for exploration are also only unlocked after certain events. sometimes if they feel like it, the tweedles or mousse could open areas themselves, which makes them even more suspicious.
they claim not to be working with monoamon, but everyone calls bullshit bc how the fuck can they move so freely + open areas then??? they don’t answer that question at all, but eventually there’s the inkling that even they themselves don’t know why they’re granted that freedom too.
there’s no strict stuff about the time, but somehow everyone knocks out unconscious come midnight and wake up exactly at seven. food’s readily available at the tea party table, looking always fresh. they can see the outside, but some odd invisible barrier’s keeping them from going too far.
guests: red & black
no set protagonist, lol - let’s imagine everyone having their own routes!
the red + black main five wake up seated on their respective seats on the table. not simultaneously, mind you. the ‘protagonist’ wakes up first and when he does, he’s greeted by the sight of an odd stuffed rabbit with a monochrome pattern staring at him, wtf. 
“finally awake,” it says and protag’s like no shit sherlock but wait wtf - talking stuffed rabbit???????????????????????
it ignores all the basic questions (where am i, who are you, why can you talk etc.) but responds to the why am i bound / chained to this chair, and it says:
‘if you want to break free, you have to remember your title.’ and with that the rabbit hops away, leaving the protag either a) even more confused (kyle, zero, luka, fenrir), b) agitated (jonah, ray, seth), or c) thinking about the title (lancelot, edgar, sirius).
eventually after a moment of mental + physical struggle, their title hits them in the head and it spills out from their lips and hey presto, the chains on ‘em are suddenly lifted! by this time, their ‘rival’ chara wakes up.
‘rival’ chara can vary, pure (black vs. black) or cross (red vs. black). let’s say that the pure rivalry is your normal game mode and more centric around the chosen protag’s dynamic with his group (black or red) + a little with certain neutrals. the cross is your hard difficulty, probably filled with more bullshit, and has a storyline that involves everyone (with an ending that more or less still leaves you with tons of questions).
for pure black, luci likes the matchups of ray vs. seth & luka vs. fenrir. red, kyle vs. jonah & edgar vs. zero. lancelot and sirius are faced off with a rival from the neutral group, blanc and loki respectively.
for cross we have: ray vs. jonah, lancelot vs. fenrir, sirius vs. edgar, luka vs. kyle, and zero vs. seth. note that the rival chara isn’t exactly antagonistic by nature, results may vary depending on game difficulty lol.
anyway, eventually everyone wakes up and they get to remembering their so-called titles. it’s only after they’re free that they realize they can’t remember their names, much less anything else.
but by simply looking at each other’s outfits + introduction of self through titles... the other group aside, it’s logical to first assume that they know each other. their clothes have similar colors, their titles end with the same symbol, and they’re seated on the same side of the table... question is, why can’t they remember each other???
the rabbit pops up when the mood’s gone quiet, and it’s oddly chipper as it introduces itself as amon. it answers and ignores questions on a whim, and when it finally has enough it informs everyone that there are people still missing - without them, the tea party can’t start.
what the fuck is this tea party about, someone tries to say but amon’s gone away. left with not much of a choice, everyone decides to search the area for these missing people, with this ‘tea party area’ as the rendezvous point after maybe thirty minutes or so.
guests: neutral
these guys have a harder time bc unlike the red + black that are already grouped together, the four are located in separate areas and are also chained to something (a certain cat’s been chained to a damned tree). 
the protag will always encounter amon first, and the remaining three will meet dean, dalim, or mousse. tho instead of being told the remember your title phrase, they get a remember who you are instead.
they eventually remember, break free, and set out exploring the place in hopes of finding anyone else / jogging their memories. but before they’re found by either the reds or the blacks (or both), the white rabbit meets the mad hatter, and the cheshire cat meets the joker.
the neutrals at first are hesitant to go along with whoever finds them, but eventually they comply when they hear that these strangers also went through a similar experience as they did. when the four are brought to the tea party table, a round of introductions go on and now they’re fourteen in total - but there’s still one seat left open.
since the neutrals are obviously different / don’t pose any similarities with the two groups in any way, suspicion floats in the air. that mood is diffused immediately by the white rabbit, who everyone doesn’t mind actually listening to. he points out that maybe they should try finding that last person before really engaging into a proper talk.
everyone’s sure they’ve checked around, but there’s not much places to go when some barrier-like force holds them back from going to certain areas. but suddenly the cheshire cat hits the jackpot, discovering a path hidden by the rosebushes in the gardens that lead to... a chapel???
the moonlight shining down + the surrounding rosebushes makes the chapel look pretty, but that’s not what they’re there for anyway - when everyone walks to the chapel doors, they see that there are two large chains crossed together binding the door shut, the links of one chain all colored black and the other red - thinking that those chains follow a similar formula to those that bound them, the white rabbit suggests that they try confirming if someone’s inside first.
they shout, rattle the chains, peek through the windows, look around for any other entrances, but nothing. no one replies, no other entrances, the windows are made out of stained glass so you couldn’t see inside. someone suggests breaking the windows, but suddenly the tweedles + mousse appear out of nowhere, standing by the chapel doors.
majority go wtf who u and how’d u get here??? the three that suddenly appeared don’t care about that though, and instead stare at the kings. mousse holds two banners in his hand - dean takes the red one, dalim takes the black one... and go to the king of hearts and king of spades respectively.
the twins hold out the banners to the kings, expressions equally serious. they ask: who are you? and while the kings don’t answer at first, they regain composure and speak out their titles, taking the banners in their hands.
the moment the kings speak their titles the banners change form and take the shape of swords - suddenly weapons appear before the rest of the army people too, and while the whole thing is odd; the weapons are actually... sort of familiar to have by their side.
dean and dalim say nothing more and go back to where mousse stands - the quiet man looks at everyone with a strange glint in his eye, and like a whisper, he says: never forget - and they’re gone.
now everything’s just downright confusing again, but the kings decide to use their swords to take down the chains of the chapel, for starters. hey presto, it works! and with those gone, they could walk into the chapel...
guests: alice
the chapel looked pretty from the outside, and was equally pretty from the inside. intricately designed stained glass, neatly arranged pews, simple yet elegant tapestries, a grand cross by the altar, a body lying facedown by the altar... yeah, pretty.
...................... a body!?!?!??!?!
chosen protag gets to the body first, and surprise surprise, it’s a girl! the moment the protag shifts her body to see her face, a sharp pain pierces his head - she’s familiar, she’s familiar, but not a single concrete memory takes form.
everyone goes through this when they see her face, and when the last person who sees her has recovered a bit from the sudden headache, the girl starts to stir.... and when she focuses her eyes on the protag, his title comes out from her mouth and.... what the hell?
she’s not wrong, but how the hell does she know??? before anyone can get to asking her that, amon suddenly pops up from the chapel’s entrance, bathed in moonlight and looking extremely pleased. 
“took you lot long enough. now... let’s have a mad time, shall we?”
fourteen men, one woman... how many can survive this tea party?
miscellaneous stuff
hours before oliver is tragically murdered, alice and the protag will have a conversation in the chapel - it’s like alice is gauging the protag’s resolve, and at the end there’s a promise. alice leaves first after that, and as he watches her leave the protag gets the odd feeling that he’ll never see her again... which proves true, since he’ll be condemning her to death come the trial. oof.
first trial always ends up with oliver as the victim and alice as the executioner, lol... but luci and i like the idea of anyone could’ve murdered oliver granted that they were at the wrong place at the wrong time - in any route, it always happens to be alice. was it by accident, or by choice??? hmmm....
her memento item changes depending on the protag! so for example, if zero or fenrir, the item is a pair of earrings. loki or sirius end up with a choker. ray with a necklace, edgar with a wristwatch, etc... the item proves useful on the last trial.
it’s actually a shame that oliver and alice are cut off immediately??? the former proved to be knowledgeable of the machinery present in the building, and the latter was actually like blanc in the sense that she could get everyone to calm down and listen... plus since she was familiar to everyone and vice-versa, she might have been helpful in regaining their memories. so much for that.
amon finds their deaths very convenient himself, stating that the mad hatter + alice were going to be a pain and would spoil the tea party if they lived any longer. to why that was, no one’s quite sure yet. amon seems to dislike blanc, too.
each executioner’s punishment is recreated through a unnervingly realistic diorama set up in that one place they frequently go to... thus alice’s can be found in the chapel. the actual bodies of the victims + executioners are actually nowhere to be found, though... that aside, why exactly was this being done??? was it because amon was simply a sick bastard??? or as morbid as it was, were the dioramas meant to send a message??? hmmmm.....
murder cases & themes also vary throughout routes! usually, the victims or executioners are related to the character’s route theme in the sense that they’re the opposite of it or are burdened differently about it as compared to the protagonist...
so say for example, zero’s theme is purpose / duty.... chances are the victims / executioners on his route are people who are also strongly related to this theme. whiiich means that ray or luka could play a role on his route lol whoops spoilers or for ray, who deals with guilt... people who deal with certain burdens are of interest. whiiiiich means that edgar or kyle are probably involved whooops
danganronpa itself has philosophical + psychological themes, so add that up with lewis carroll’s alice in wonderland which is philosophical by nature... and you get a shit ton of questions about judgement + morality + causality + life + death + truth + deceit that recurs on every route.
delivery and angles vary - for example, loki’s route takes a bleak perspective on causality through his flippant decision-making at the beginning. though quite the unreliable narrator, one can get the idea that kyle is obviously haunted and gravely affected by the deaths he witnesses, whether a victim’s or an executioner’s.
big question: is there a mastermind, or is this all in their head??? has everything gone mad, or was this an inevitable reality??? curious indeed...
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duhragonball · 5 years
Dragon Ball Z 125
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All that is gold does not glitter,
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Not all those who wander are lost;
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The old that is strong does not wither,
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Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
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From the ashes, a fire shall be woken,
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A light from the shadows shall spring;
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Renewed shall be the blade that was broken,
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The crownless again shall be king.
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Every great saga has a beginning, and this one starts with a simple boar.   
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Did our porcine friend realize what his actions would bring forth on this day?    Did he know that the Driver’s Ed episode of Dragon Ball Z would be born from his decision to chase after a woman walking home from the Mt. Paozu IGA?    Maybe, but I’m more inclined to think that he just wanted some of the potato wedges Chi-Chi picked up from the deli. 
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Meanwhile, Goku’s training for the androids.   Well, not at this exact second.    Right now, he’s watching clouds sexually harass other clouds.   Cloud Master Roshi belongs in Cloud Jail.
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As Chi-Chi hoofs it back home after narrowly escaping the boar, she sees the couple from the other mountain driving home in their car.   
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When Chi-Chi gets home she’s greeted by her husband and son, who toss their filthy training gear in front of her and head for the tub.  
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And that tears it.   She bawls out Goku for not driving her to the store like other husbands, and when he says he doesn’t have a license she tells him to go get one.  Oh, and he can take Piccolo with him, since his useless green ass doesn’t have one either, smh.  
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Oh, and if they fail, she won’t cook for them.     I’m not sure why that should matter to Piccolo, since he only drinks water, but maybe Chi-Chi makes some really tasty water.   
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So the next day the boys go to the “institute” to take driver’s ed.   Piccolo doesn’t know how he got roped into this, but he doesn’t seem too interested in backing out, either.  
What makes this episode a classic is that they’re both wearng civlian clothing for this aventure.   Goku is dresed in what I like to call “Stealth Fred Flintstone Cosplay.”     Piccolo, of course, is dressed  in blue jeans and two shirts.  One is purple with long sleeves, and one is yellow with the words “POST BOY” written on them.   
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In the dub, Goku asks him where he got such a ridiculous outfit, and Piccolo replies “Your wife got them for me... out of your closet.”   That’s not in the Japanese version.     Really, it doesn’t make a lot of sense for Goku to own this outfit, since Piccolo’s at least 18 inches taller than him.    Then again, Piccolo has Clothes Beam powers, which could also be used to alter clothing to fit other sizes.  
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Besides, we know he got the hat from Goku, since it has the word “GOKUU” written on it.  I think it’s safe to assume that the POST BOY outfit is definitely something Goku owns.
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Here come the instructors.   They have Capsule Corp. logos on their coats, so I assume this means this whole institute is run by Capsule Corp.   
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Somewhere in this episode, the old guy says he’s been teaching driver’s ed for 70 years, which puts him somewhere over 90.   Personally, I headcanon him as gettng into the driver’s ed game much later in life.   His wife divorced him at 53, and he struggled to find new purpose after that, until he got a taste of the driving school life, and he knew he would never be the same.    Oh, he tried to get out of this world.   But it kept calling him back like a siren song.    The fame, the money, the women.    He just couldn’t stay away.   And by 55, he became a full-time instructor.   Now he’s 125 years old.
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I don’t know anything about this lady, except that I’m pretty sure she wants to fuck Piccolo in the backseat of a car while it speeds along a highway at 100 miles per hour.    I guess Piccolo could use the Multi-Form technique to steer while he does his business in the back, but she doesn’t know that.   
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Piccolo-- excuse me... I mean Post Boy, has some dificulty with the seat belt. 
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Did you think I was kidding about this lady?    Because I’m not.  Back seat.  100 miles per hour.    No one at the wheel.  
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Unfortunately, this car doesn’t have a back seat, so she just floors it and drives really, really aggressively.   
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Meanwhile, the old man can’t even get the door open.     I like how the hair on his head turns red, but his mustache and eyebrows don’t.    
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Goku starts dissociating in the parking lot.   
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Meanwhile, the Brief family is still amazed by Vegeta’s insane training regimen.   I feel like these scenes are really trying to pressure Bulma into getting it on with the guy.    “Boy, those Saiyans sure do have tough bodies, eh, Bulma?    Such wonderfully tough bodies.   Oh, and he’s living in the spaceship now.    That’s how dedicated he is.    You know, that spaceship would be a great place to have sex in, just throwing that out there.    You could scream as loud as you wanted and your parents would never be able to hear it.”
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Anyway, here’s Vegeta doing some pointless bullshit that isn’t driver’s ed.  Let’s move on. 
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  I guess Gohan’s studying while the boys are learning to drive.    Of course, he can’t concentrate knowing that Piccolo’s running around in the Post Boy outfit.    Check out this sweet fan art Gohan drew for this episode.  
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Then Icarus shows up and Gohan decides to sneak out of the house to watch his dad and Piccolo driving.    I thought Episode 118 was Icarus’ last appearance, but I guess not.    Pretty sure this is it, though.    
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See, I told you this guy has been in the business for 70 years.     What’s got him flustered is that Goku can’t seem to remember anything he tells him.    I mean things like “Push the pedals to make it go,” and “Welcome to driving school.”
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What’s with this guy’s neck?
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I think he was trying to get Goku to back into a parking place, but he ended up zooming forward instead.   
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Then they end up on the highway, and inside a tunnel going down the wrong lane.   Now, in the dub, the guy tells Goku to “give him the wheel” I think.  So Goku chops it off so he can give it to him.    In the original script, he keeps saying “Cut in the steering handle”, which seems like an odd choice of words.   
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The end result is the same: Goku’s car flies out of control and lands in a body of water.    The instructor tells him it’ll take him three years to pass the course, and Goku protests that he can’t wait that long, on account of the androids.
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Later on, Goku seems to have gotten the hand of shifting the gear, but he still doesn’t grasp going slowly.    Post Boy sees him zip past and thinks it’s a race.
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Nearby, Gohan and Icarus show up in time to see this unfold.  
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The lady seems genuinely impressed by Post Boy’s off-road driving stunts.   The tragic thing about this story is that Post Boy seems to have mastered this skill, but he never gets credit for it in the form of a license.
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Anyway, one thing leads to another and now Goku and Post Boy are wanted for manslaughter.    Just kidding, the instructors are fine. 
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Later, they have to drive around on public roads, and if they screw around again, they’ll get expelled.   
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To their credit, both of them seem to be doing a lot better this time.
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Goku waves at a bus full of school kids, but the old man deducts a point for taking his hand off the wheel.   When Goku protests, he takes another point off for taking his eyes off the road.  
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Then Goku slams on the brakes, causing Piccolo to rear-end him.    Everyone’s confused, but the reason he did it is because...
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The bus ahead of him got caught in... uh, an avalanche?    Of water?  
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It’s going to fall off the road and over a cliff, is the point.   
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Goku flies through the windshield of his car to help...
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... while Post Boy elbows the door off of his car.    With authority!
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They catch the bus,then Goku heads over to shoot falling debris so it won’t hit anything.
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Post Boy helps too.   So, a second ago, both of them needed to hold the bus, and now Post Boy is holding it one-handed.    Why did Goku even leave the bus if Post Boy could hold it and shoot up at the same time?    This episode proves that power levels are bullshit.   
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The instructors are astonished.  
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Goku waves goodbye to the kids while Post Boy stands with his back turned, all stoic-like.   A watchful protector.   A silent guardian.   A Post Boy.  
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Goku apologizes for the disturbance, but the instructors are all smiles.   Goku asks if they can resume their practice, but the old man refuses.   
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As he puts it, Goku and Post Boy are such skilled men that there’s no point in them learning from a driving school.    They hardly need licenses when they can fly, right?   
Now, in the dub, they kind of take a different approach with the punchline.  The instructor praises their rescue of the bus, and their amazing powers, but he makes it clear that these two knuckleheads have no business behind the wheel of a car, so they’ll never get their licenses, ever.    But so what, right?  They can fly, so what difference does it make?
Either way.... I bet Chi-Chi won’t like this...
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Yeah, I called it.  
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Why is Icarus in the house? 
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Sometimes, you have to have your heroes lose.    It builds character, and it makes them feel more like people.    It also makes it even more inspirational when they triumph.    That is the lesson of this episode.    Yes, Post Boy failed today, but he’s not going to dwell on his failures.   He’s going to pick himself back up and keep living his life.    
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Anyway, Chi-Chi passes out from the shock of it.    No, seriously, why is Icarus allowed in the house but Post Boy isn’t?  
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Anyway, from here, we flash forward three years and.... holy crap, I never noticed before, but they have a car in this shot!    A few dozen episodes after this, we’ll see Goku driving, and Chi-Chi explaining how he got his license, but I never noticed that this very episode made it clear that Goku went back and tried again.   That’s awesome.   
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It’s the morning of May 12, and it’s time for the fateful Android invasion.   Chi-Chi offers the boys a box lunch for the day, but Goku declines.  
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No, Goku’s taking an early lunch today, around 10am.    His meal: a couple of no-good androids.    Big, marshmallow-y androids.   
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This is it.   The waiting is over, the future is now.   The Z-Fighters will either change history or they will become history.    Z stands for the end, but not yet.  
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 years
miki-13 reblogged your photo and added:
Okay wow, they all look friggin’ amazing! Agh, I’ve already got so much I wanna draw and now you’ve added yet another picture I want to put on paper! @lythecreatorart’s looks so pretty in pink and it goes well with the black and white and brownish-orange, @che1sea-xiao-long’ looks so demure and lovely with the light green and orange and of course, @littlemisssquiggles‘ looks absolutely stunning in red.
I find it interesting you gave Ruby white as her main color scheme with some red on the side, as opposed to Rose who is in all red. It reminds me a bit of Utena, who used the white rose and was represented by white, as a color of purity. Which fits in with her being a simple soul and Blake’s description of her character (”Purity”)
It’s also interesting that you gave Ianthe a darker color scheme with this one. I’ve never pictured her in black or darker colors, but now I see she pulls it off quite well. (Oh my gosh, you made her so tiny and smol XD)
By the way, how did you figure out the dresses for everyone here? I’m curious of your thought process for them.
Squiggles Answers:
 @miki-13 Thank you so much Miki-chan!
My thought process into the dress designs? Oh gee, not sure I have much to say on that but I shall do my best *salutes*
Well if I must admit off the bat, I went into this squiggle sketch work already knowing the type of dresses I wanted the first three Roses: Rosaline ‘Rose’ Fox, Ruby Rose and Rosalind ‘Lindy’ Fox to wear. With Ianthe Regem and Rosaline ‘Hoody’ Hood, I sought out the almighty power of Pinterest to aid with inspiration for their gown designs.
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 Let’s start with Ruby Rose: our leading Rose. Actually I’ll have to correct you, Ruby isn’t wearing white. Her dress is actually silver with just a pop of red. As I was telling Ly, I knew I wanted Ruby to wear silver instead of her more traditionally red outfits. Silver is another signature colour associated with Ruby that we don’t often get to see her rock so I figured why not give her a nice silvery lace dress made with a glittery material that made Ruby appear as if she’s dressed in starlight. I know you can’t really see here since these were more meant to be sketch concepts but you get the idea. Plus my main reason for having Ruby wear silver is based on a Rosegardening headcanon of mine where Oscar thinks Ruby looks more beautiful in silver since it matches her eyes. Again, red may be Ruby’s main colour however should she ever step out in a silver dress, I think she’ll turn heads. Especially Oscar’s. Buuuuut that’s just my idea XD
Next is my girl Rosaline Fox: As I mentioned in ‘Defining Rose Fox’, Rose is known for her beauty. Rose is a gorgeous and vivacious vixen who is fully confident in her looks. So I knew for a definite fact that I wanted her to rock a dress that shows off her splendour in a striking colour that would make her the apple of every man’s eyes. 
For Rose’s gown, I actually drew inspiration for the style from Jessica Rabbit from ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit’. When I think memorable lovely characters, Jessica Rabbit was the first one that popped to my mind. 
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So Rose’s gown is influenced by Jessica’s from the slit that’s supposed to be up the side (pardon my sketch for not illustrating that better) to the open back to the gloves even down to her dress having a kind of shine to it. As a matter of fact, this is a cohesive characteristic that I decided to share with all the other Roses. So technically each Rose has one part of their dress that is glittery. Each Rose also wears a rose detail to their outfits, be it an accessory or detail of their dress. Like in the case of Rose where the single strap of her dress in an array of roses along with the belt around her waist. Not to mention the frills of Rose’s dress as supposed to represent rose petals.
Rosalind Fox: For Lindy, I’m not sure what type of personality @che1sea-xiao-long has in mind for her Rose but for me, I pictured her being the very sweet and gentle-hearted type. So I gave a dress to reflect that appeal. With Lindy, her green hood was one of the most signature parts of her design so I gave her this sort of green shawl to mimic that detail from her huntress attire. Everything else about her dress just fell fittingly into place. I knew I wanted the end of her dress and shawl to be decorated with orange roses since I dubbed her the orange rose (will explain that later). If I’m being honest, I just rolled with the first ideas that popped into my head with the rest of Rosalind’s dress and the end result just turned into a cute gown that I think suits her. I think it even got the Chelsea seal of approval.
Ianthe Regem: Yes, this is where things got a bit tough for me. With Ianthe, I wanted something cute but somewhat regal for her; if that makes sense. However I wasn’t sure the style I wanted to go with for her. This is where I sought good old Pinterest and found this really nice art of an anime girl wearing a dress that I thought would look lovely on Ianthe. Artist is Tobi Kotetsu
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So I based Ianthe’s outfit off of that design. I figured a style like that would look adorable on her and my assumptions seemed to be proven right with your reaction to the look. Mind you, this is only a sketch. I may change this design later to maintain my original ‘regal’ style for Ianthe’s gown. But we shall see.
Lastly we have Rosaline Hood: She was the other Rose I needed a little help designing for. Ironically the two roses I went in blind to design ended up being the ones to rock black as part of their attire. Not intentional but it works. With Hoody, I also drew inspiration from Pinterest for the style of her dress. I found this really nice design for a dress with same kind of frills that sort of drape down from the torso like rose petals. 
It reminded me of the way Ly designed Hoody’s huntsmen attire so I figured, why not add that detail to her ball gown. She certainly looks lovely with it. As for making her rock pink. Well as I told Ly, making Hoody the pink rose in the bouquet was a bold choice based on a whim. I understand that there were other rose colours that I could’ve used for her. I considered making her a peach rose. However the instance I slapped that hot pink on her dress, that was it. That won me. It looked absolutely gorgeous on her especially with the black. Not sure if Hoody is the type to wear pink but she looks lovely in it. Plus according to Ly, Hoody’s dress reminds her of her prom dress which makes my  choice even more perfect.
So yeah, that was pretty much my thought process behind all. As I was telling @lythecreatorart and let me tag @che1sea-xiao-long in here as well, these were mostly just rough sketches of dress designs for a potential project I’m considering of doing with all the Roses including Ruby when I get the time to spare.
I called it ‘Bouquet of Roses’ and the gist of it is, Oscar Pine is basically our handsome Yellow or more fittingly Gold Rose Prince with eyes as radiant as the sun and a kind and benevolent heart to match. Prince Oscar owns a bouquet comprised of an arrangement of roses of different colours. The key roses are red, lavender, orange and pink roses and it is those roses that are represented by our Garden of Roses.
Ruby Rose and Rose Fox are our two red roses locked in a rivalry for the Prince’s affection to be his one true red rose (although Ruby could arguably be more of a white rose with her silver dress which could be used to symbolize her purity of heart as you pointed out. Not to mention that it’s a way to connect her to her mother Summer who was the original white rose). Rosaline Hood is the pink rose. Rosalind Fox is the orange rose and lastly Ianthe Regem is the lavender rose.  
Seeing you and Ly create such great illustrations with the whole Garden squad has inspired me to do my own lil pet project to draw all the Roses together in my style. It’s also meant to be my shameless excuse to draw Oscar as a fairy-tale prince with Ruby featuring Team FRHR and everyone gets to wear dresses. That was the idea.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2019)
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notameeksassenach · 6 years
Yes, I’m aware this is a little late. But better late then never right?!
Here is my second submission for @thelallybrochlibrary ‘s Queerlander Prompt Exchange.
PROMPT #8: “Wait, you’re not gay!? My bad….”
I don’t know where I would be without @theministerskat and her AMAZING beta skills. She takes my word vomit and makes it better.
“Come now, Jaime. It’s not that bad,” John said grabbing him by the hand and nearly dragging him into Madame Jeanne’s, the hottest strip club in Edinburgh. “I had to pull some strings to get us a VIP table for tonight.”
“I told ye, ye didna need to go all out for my birthday!”
“Nonsense. Just do me a favor and try to enjoy yourself.”
Bypassing the line of patrons waiting to get in, John flashed a smile at the bouncer. Nodding in acknowledgment, the bouncer unclasped the velvet rope and pulled it aside to allow the two men past. John Grey was well known at Madame Jeanne’s. In an effort to piss off his father, who had not been pleased with the news of his son’s attraction to other men, John liked to use his inheritance to support LGBTQ business and charities.
John was definitely in his element as they made their way to the VIP section. Jamie, his hand still in John’s, had no choice but to follow him. For one, he had no idea where they were going, this being his first time at this particular establishment, let alone in a strip club. For another, the lights, sounds, and throngs of people were enough to drive anyone’s sense wild. Multiple stages featuring various acts, dancers in cages, a row of private rooms that lined the back wall would disorientate anyone Trying to regain his bearings, Jamie noticed a spiral staircase leading up to the second floor. That must be the VIP section, he thought. With one more glance around the club, Jamie felt John pull forcefully on his arm, and they ascended the stairs two at a time.
“Here we are!” John was clearly proud of the lounge he secured for the evening. Jamie offered him a weak smile. “Cheer up! It’s your birthday! Order whatever you want to drink and go take in a performance. Let me know if you see anything you like,” John said with a sly wink at Jamie.
Jamie ordered a double whisky, downing them in record time. If he was going to spend the night in a strip club with his gay best friend, he was going to need all the liquid courage he could get. John knew this wasn’t his scene; the two of them had been like brothers since university. Jamie enjoyed things at a slower pace. But John had insisted they spend the night out for Jamie’s birthday. And who was he to deny his best friend the chance to spoil him?
“Three minutes till show time!��� Geillis announced as she made her way to the vanity, checking her makeup one last time.
“What stage did they assign us tonight?”
“We’ve the main stage tonight, Claire. Ye ken what that means? Likely to see triple the tips tonight. And if we’re lucky private dances!”
Claire couldn’t help but laugh at her best friend and dancing partner. The redhead always got so excited when they were assigned to the main stage, her eyes would light up like a bairn on Christmas morning. Claire didn’t nearly share the same excitement that Geillis did at being the center of attention, but she would welcome the guaranteed increase in pay. Money was tight this month and anything would help to lessen the burden.
With one final check of her outfit, Claire was ready.
“Ladies and gentlemen! Please give a hearty Madame Jeanne’s welcome to our next pair of lovely lasses,” Rupert, the MC for the night,, announced.
The sound of a heavy metal guitar came pumping through the speakers, filling the club. Just before the first verse kicked in, Jamie spotted the silhouettes of two women appear on the stage. Wrapped in contrasting outfits, they gracefully took their respective places.
The redhead had her hair pulled back into a slick ponytail and wore black leather. The brown haired dancer, whose dark curls fell in a cascade around her face, was clad in red leather. Both outfits featured corsets, expertly fitted to enhance their figures and cleavage. Matching panties left nothing to the imagination, allowing the patrons to see just how round the bonnie brown-haired lass’ arse truly was. Knee-high stiletto boots completed both their looks.
For someone who was less than interested in being at the club that night, Jamie had a hard time keeping his eyes off the entertainment. More specifically, the lioness with the curly hair. There was just something about her.
John couldn’t help but laugh when he realized the reason why Jamie failed to answer his question. Watching his friend mesmerized by the girls was a sight he never thought he’d witness. He knew right away what he was going to get Jamie as his gift tonight. Leaning closer to him, John touched Jamie’s arm in order to gather his attention. Needing no words, he merely cocked his head in the direction of the stage. A sly smirk formed on Jamie’s face as a reddening crept up his face.
Claire was never the type of performer that spent much of her time looking into the crowd. Focused on the routine and the job she was doing, she lost herself in the music. Given the fact that there was almost always strobe lights, spotlights, and fog machines running, it was a miracle if she was even able to make out the crowd.
But tonight was different. She could make out one particular patron above all the rest. It didn’t hurt that his build was much bigger than most of the men she saw at the club. And with his messy mop of red hair, whose copper tones had the tendency to catch the spotlight, he was easy to pick out in the dark club.
Continuing with her routine, Claire pushed the man from her thoughts. Grabbing the pole, she leaped into the air, allowing gravity to do its job as she spun her way down to the stage. Once her feet were back on the ground, she dropped to her knees. Keeping in time with the chorus of the song, she ran her hands down the length of her body. Paying close attention to graze her breasts, she licked her lips. As her hands came to rest on her hips, she whipped her hair into a cascade of curls around her face.
Getting back on her feet, Claire turned to Geillis. Biting her lip, Geillis, reached out to touch Claire’s face. With her hand on Claire’s cheek, she turned it towards her, capturing her mouth in a sensual kiss. This sultry show of affection was greeted by hoots and catcalls of the audience.
As the last notes of the song filtered through the speakers, the girls returned to their starting positions. In the split second that the house lights went out, they exited the stage.
Jamie was beside himself. That brown haired lass on the stage was breathtaking. He never expected to find someone that beautiful working in a place like this. But after watching her performance, he was convinced that he stood no chance with her. Clearly, she and her partner were just that, partners. There was no way a girl like that would ever be interested in a guy like him.
“Jamie! Earth to Jamie!” John yelled. “Where has your mind wandered off to?”
“Mmph. Sorry, John. Got a little caught up in the show,” he confessed, a slight blush creeping along the neckline of his shirt.
“Like what you saw? Well, you are in for a treat then. I’ve gotten you a special surprise for your birthday.”
“Oh aye?”
“Yes. A private dance with the girl of your choosing. So, Jamie, which lady makes the cut?”
Seated in one of the private rooms, Jamie wiped his sweaty hands on the thighs of his pants. Normally full of confidence, he wasn’t sure what to expect from a lap dance. With this being the first time he had ever been to a strip club, he never had the opportunity to receive one. He didn’t want to disappoint John by turning down his offer. John was after all his best friend, and he had gone out of his way to show Jamie a good time for his birthday.
It was times like these when Claire was thankful that she had the option to chose her clients. It was one of the reasons she came to work at this establishment in the first place. No one forced the performers and dancers into doing anything they were not comfortable with. Early on Claire had relied on her uncanny ability to spot bullshit a mile away. She could tell when some of the clients who requested her were only looking for an in. Looking for a way to get her into a position where they felt they had the upper hand.
Taking a deep breath, her hand resting on the handle of the door, Claire prepared herself for the task at hand. Geillis had been right, dancing on the main stage did result in them getting multiple offers for private engagements. Having several suitors to evaluate, and not wanting to deal with much more than getting paid, Claire had opted for the safest option.
Little was sure to happen with the club’s benefactor’s boyfriend. She would give him VIP treatment and would not have to worry about wandering hands. Not wanting to delay the inevitable any longer, she opened the door.
Jamie’s breath caught in the back of his throat when she entered the room. She was stunning when she performed clad in leather on the stage, but this was completely different. Wearing a soft outfit of white silk organza, she looked ethereal. An angel that had just stepped down from a cloud.
Play it cool Fraser. Dinna get too excited, lad.
Wiping his palms on his pants once more, he noticed the dim lighting and soft music playing in the background. Without saying a word, she flashed him a smile and strode purposefully towards him.
“Any requests, love?”
“I…” he swallowed audibly. “I’ve no had a lap dance before lass.”
Taking care not to scare him off, Claire stood in front of him. Placing her legs on either side of him, his knees between hers. Gently she placed her hands on his shoulders.
“Then we’ll take is slow, shall we?”
Jamie’s eye never left Claire’s as she lowered herself onto his lap. He could just barely feel the contact when she rose again. He was no fool, he knew that the name of the game was to tease him. What he wasn’t sure of was whether or not he was allowed to touch. Ever the gentleman, he sat still and let her work her magic, all the while wondering if he needed to keep his hands off of the vixen in front of him.
Captivated by Claire’s movements, Jamie soon realized it was becoming more difficult to concentrate. It wasn’t long before he was unable to deny what was happening, his body clearly displaying the evidence that he was enjoying her dance.
“I wondered how long it was going to take me to get a rise out of you,” Claire said jokingly. “I usually have to pull out all the stops for John’s friends.”
“John’s friends?” Jamie questioned. “Do ye think because I’m here with him that it means I’m gay? Yer mistaken lass.”
“Wait, you’re not gay!?” Jamie registered the slightly shocked look on her face. “My bad…”
“Well as we are being honest with one another, what about ye, lass. Ye’ve clearly got a liking for the fairer sex given yer performance a while ago.”
“What?” Her English accent thick with want. It was as if knowing he was no longer of limits, her body was responding to his in a way she hadn’t experienced in quite a while. Taking care to show him just how straight she truly was, she ground her hips into his erection again.
“I’m not gay. And this isn’t something I normally do,” she said as she let her lips brush his. “But there is something unusual about you.”
Dropping her guard, she crushed her lips to his, taking his bottom lip playfully between her lips. She wasn’t lying, this was a line she never crossed with her clients. Unable to put her finger on just what spurred her actions on, she decided to just go with it.
It’s about time you had some fun, Beauchamp.
Jamie kissed her back eagerly and his hands traveled the length of her back, looking for access beneath the silky fabric. He was burning with the need to touch her, all of her. A jolt of energy transferred between the pair when his hand made contact with the flesh just above her hip. Slipping a finger under the string that held her panties on, he adjusted slightly beneath her to assist with ridding her of the garment.
Now that she was partially undressed, Claire turned her attention to Jamie, focused on getting him into the same state. Without taking her lips from his, her hands made quick work of unclasping his belt. She let it fall to the floor with a soft thud, hands returning to the button and zipper.
Jamie sighed as the strain of his excitement was released from its prison, his pants pooling at his feet. He ached to feel her warmth. Reaching to grab ahold of her hips, he caught nothing but air as she sank to her knees in one swift motion.
Looking up to make eye contact with him, Claire took him into her mouth. Focusing on the tip, she swirled her tongue around his member. It didn’t take her long to receive a moan of satisfaction from Jamie. She smiled in triumph and continued her work. Taking him in a far as she could, she quickly released him again, letting him feel the absence of her mouth. She repeated her movements several times before she abandoned his cockstand and turned her attention back to his mouth.
Not wanting Claire to have the upper hand any longer, he grabbed her by the waist, pulling her towards him. Holding her close to his chest, he reached his free hand to touch the warmth between her legs. Lazily he traced her folds, enjoying the small noises that he was pulling from her. As he began to explore further, she began to squirm in his embrace. Gripping her tighter, he wasn’t about to let her go.
He continued his search until his calloused thumb found what it was looking for. Grazing lightly across her clit, she bucked her hips in automatic response. Jamie smirked, knowing full well what he was doing to her. When he was satisfied with her reactions, he slid a digit into her wetness.
She rode his hand, pushing herself closer to her peak when he suddenly stopped and removed his finger.
“What are you doing?” Claire questioned him.
“I dinna want ye to…no yet. Christ, I want ye Sassenach,” he murmured into her neck.
She settled herself on his lap, his tip positioned just at her entrance.
“Then take me,” she moaned as she slid herself over him, wrapping around him.
“Claire,” he said cautiously, searching for his discarded clothing. “Can I see ye again?”
With a wink, she grabbed his pants, reached in his pocket to pull out his phone. She quickly punched her number into the device before replacing it.
As she handed the garment back to him she replied, “Of course. And maybe next time you won’t have to pay for my services.”
Returning to the VIP section, John eyed Jamie curiously. He had the look about him of someone who was a very satisfied customer. He was thrilled to know that his birthday surprise had been appreciated.
“Enjoying yourself then, Jamie?”
“Aye. ‘Tis a Happy Birthday after all.”
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thelifetimechannel · 6 years
In this week’s bonus content, Dave places prank orders on the local carapacian message boards.
JAKE: Ms roxys mom!! JAKE: Is it true your girlfriends a vampire? ROSE: Last time I checked. ROSE: To be technical, the Alternian term is "rainbow drinker". ROSE: There are some differences, but if you're going for "attractive young woman who drinks blood", you're on the money. ROSE: Similar to the way "Ms Roxys mom" is on the money, but the term I'm used to is "Rose". JAKE: Its polite for one to wait until such a time as one had been introduced. JAKE: As such im jake. Dont believe weve yet spoken! ROSE: No, not directly, unless we've exchanged witticisms in a memo somewhere. ROSE: I've lost track of those. ROSE: I think they've become independent sentient creatures. ROSE: As such, they must be allowed to flourish on their own, making their own decisions. ROSE: They're grown up now. They can make their own choices. JAKE: Just walkin off all on their lonesome huh? JAKE: Godspeed to you memos. What happens in you stays in you. ROSE: With a tear in my eye, I waved them off to memo university, where they'll learn hard truths about themselves while obtaining an education. JAKE: I hear theyre going into the communications field. Good for them! ROSE: I expect great things of them. ROSE: And plenty of tawdry hijinks. ROSE: But if you've been reading them, you'll notice we already have those. ROSE: Dave tried to order a pizza from a carapace agent. JAKE: He what. JAKE: Can you do that? ROSE: Dersites have their own message boards. Mostly focused on fashion, apparently, but you can post whatever you like. ROSE: I doubt he received his delivery. JAKE: Do carapaces have pizzerias and if so what the heck have i been doing with reheated alchemized food for the past five months? JAKE: I am alas a deprived man. I never knew what i was missing until jane started bussing us the captchas for her home cooking. ROSE: Honestly? I have no idea. ROSE: I did roam Derse for a few months in another timeline, but I didn't have culinary experiences on the mind. ROSE: I can relate, though. ROSE: Most of my background was in microwave dinners. ROSE: Which I look back on with fondness now, after what we've been subsisting on for the last few years. ROSE: Which brings us back to the original topic, more or less. ROSE: Yes, this outfit has vampires now. That's a thing that we have. JAKE: Man. You guys were off having all the fun on the magical hijinks. JAKE: Not that tomb raiding wasnt a blast but you know there were no vampires. ROSE: As many of the more romantic novels would suggest, it's a bit of a burden. ROSE: But an asset if you want to keep your plans after being shot through the abdomen, or so she tells me. JAKE: So does it come with the unholy cravings and aversion to the daylight or is this weird alien vampiracy? ROSE: Actually, she's one of the few of her kind that enjoys the sun. ROSE: As for unholy cravings... ROSE: That depends on your definition. ROSE: *eyebrow waggle* JAKE: Er. JAKE: The blood drinking i meant the blood drinking!! JAKE: Gosh what you two do together is your own private matter. *tugs collar of god tier cape.* ROSE: She's working on that. ROSE: She won't go for your jugular without permission, if that's what you're worried about. JAKE: Good to know. Im not presently in a state of mind where id be interested. ROSE: Not that many people enjoy the subtle pleasures of being lunch. JAKE: I am an open-minded man. JAKE: But i dont think im into vore. ROSE: Based on what I've heard of the clutter in Jade's home, you may have been into just about everything else. ROSE: But then, fetishes don't always cross universes. JAKE: ! JAKE: Hey now no fair going through a mans dirty laundry! JAKE: What if i dragged out your alt-selves smut rags? ROSE: Relax. I've never seen any of it first hand. ROSE: The three who traveled with access to the house, on the other hand... ROSE: Also, I have smut rags? ROSE: Where are they? ROSE: I must see these immediately. ROSE: I wonder if I had the same usernames. JAKE: Funnily enough i hear you were specialized in vampire penny dreadfuls with real gals of the shadows. JAKE: Roxy did some digging and uncovered one of your many many psuedonyms. ROSE: I'll give you a king's ransom to get me copies and make sure my brother never finds out about this. ROSE: It's bad enough he uncovered my fanfiction.net account. JAKE: I will exchange it for your silence on whatever youve heard on alt-mes personal life. JAKE: Especially to dirk! JAKE: Well dirk... dirks one matter but definitely not hal. JAKE: Ill find some way to bribe jade and the rest. ROSE: I'll keep what I know hush hush. ROSE: Jade was evasive, though. ROSE: Mostly because she didn't want anyone to know you were dead. ROSE: I do know you had a passion for washed out blue pictures of women, though. I'll keep mum on that. ROSE: And the potential of illegitimate children scattered around the tri-state area. ROSE: You should always be careful about giving your full name to people over the Internet. Sometimes they do some digging. JAKE: Wait what. JAKE: What?? JAKE: Never mind i dont want to know! JAKE: Dirk wasnt exactly pleased about his alt self but as both men are apparently very very dead their checkered pasts shall lie with them. ROSE: As befits them. ROSE: Jade did use your past behavior to shame me, I'm afraid to say. ROSE: But it was yours, not his, and it was mostly to dissuade me from my familial path of jumping out the relationship plane without a parachute. ROSE: Apparently my genes don't have the monopoly on that kind of extreme evasive technique. JAKE: Oh... JAKE: Oh great. JAKE: Im an example. JAKE: A "cautionary tale" even!! JAKE: Madam let me just briefly say that by our deep emotional conversations that it does in fact take two to tango! JAKE: I wasnt the one who burned that particular bridge anyway. ROSE: Don't worry, we're all cautionary tales at this point. ROSE: That's what mythology is all about. ROSE: Respect your elders. Stay away from taboos. Don't have sex with cows. ROSE: The lessons from Greek mythology alone are practically endless. JAKE: The ol boys sound like they knew how to party. ROSE: That and not much else. JAKE: Did they do anything but go on adventures and cheese off the gods? JAKE: And hoe down like there was no tomorrow? ROSE: There were a lot of curses. ROSE: Our family tree may be just as convoluted, but hopefully we can avoid some of the drama. JAKE: I hope we got that out of our system now without having to see a man about a horse. ROSE: I think we've done a decent job of it. ROSE: I heard all of you had a blowout. ROSE: Two blowouts actually. ROSE: An emotional one and then a physical one. ROSE: We felt the aftershocks of the latter. JAKE: Yeah... JAKE: But we worked it out. JAKE: The physical blowout was the result of teamwork and friendship! JAKE: The emotional one not so much but its ok now! ROSE: That's been the story of our lives so far. JAKE: Just give dirk a hug if you get the chance ok? JAKE: He needs it. ROSE: Would he appreciate it? ROSE: I know my brother is worse than a bad kudzu infestation, but my ectofather seems standoffish. JAKE: No no trust me on this one hes on you he doesnt want to let go. JAKE: He just has a hard time initiating is all. JAKE: But hes down for some awesome platonic embraces almost all the time. ROSE: I see... ROSE: I'm spotting the problem. ROSE: We may be too alike. Someone else may have to lift our arms and gently wrap us around each other. ROSE: Then, once the hug is properly secured, it can become self-sustaining. ROSE: Maybe. JAKE: I will have to be the middle man then. ROSE: You'll broker our accord. ROSE: Anyway, unlike our illustrious Greek forebears, we're not myths written down. We can break our patterns. ROSE: I think we've already begun. ROSE: If I have to learn to initiate physical contact while not three sheets to the wind, maybe that's another step in the right direction. JAKE: I will be the one delicately managing the lamprey tendrils of strider-lalonde limbs. ROSE: Will you now? JAKE: I mean. Why not? ROSE: Far be it from me to impede on awkward sibling hugs. ROSE: I'll look forward to it.
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