#averia vii
razieltwelve · 10 months
The Hedgehog's Dilemma (Final Effect)
Lord Hedgeborough eyed the pack of snacks. Technically, it wasn't his pack of snacks. It belonged to Jahne.
But was it really that simple?
Averia VII was the empress. Technically, everything in the empire belonged to her in some way or another. That meant the pack of snacks actually belonged to her.
And Averia would definitely have given him the pack of snacks.
Which meant the Lord Hedgeborough could have the snacks.
It was simple logic.
He took the pack of snacks.
Jahne looked at the pack of snacks. Technically, it wasn't her pack of snacks. It belonged to Lord Hedgeborough.
But was it really that simple?
Averia VII was the empress. Technically, everything in the empire belonged to her in some way or another. That meant the pack of snacks actually belonged to her.
Averia and Jahne were married, so she would definitely have given her the pack of snacks.
Which meant Jahne could have the pack of snacks.
It was simple logic.
She took the pack of snacks.
Lord Hedgeborough and Jahne were walking from opposite ends of the corridor. They were both headed to the garden where Averia and Claire were enjoying lunch. They both noticed the pack of snacks the other had.
The conclusion was obvious.
The other person was clearly a treacherous cur who had stolen their snacks!
It was simple logic.
Averia VII tilted her head to one side as her hedgehog and her wife rolled into the garden while squabbling over two packs of snacks.
There was nothing logical about it.
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razieltwelve · 1 year
Oops (Final Effect)
Her Royal Majesty Elsa I stared at Her Imperial Majesty Averia VII. A gulf of centuries separated them, yet their similarities could not be denied. However, neither of them were focused on that at this particular moment. Instead...
Averia took a deep breath and turned her head. She was still standing between Elsa’s legs. “So... my Aunt Vanille’s descendants are even more troublesome than she is. Can you all leave the room? My wife and I have something to finish. Or rather, my wife has yet to finish.”
The Dia-Farron fled the room, and Averia VII was not far behind them.
Maybe those rumours about the unquenchable thirst of her ancestor were true...
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razieltwelve · 2 years
Transportation (Final Effect)
Her Imperial Majesty Averia VII bit back a snicker as a group of young hamsters waited patiently for a Dia-Farron to walk past before leaping onto her back and climbing up to sit on her head and shoulders. The hamsters squeaked amongst themselves, and the Dia-Farron simply smiled and reached up to give them a pat on their backs.
A few moment later, a hamster lumbered past in his gigantic war form. A gaggle of Dia-Farron children leapt onto him and climbed up onto his back. The hamster gave a low, rumble of amusement and continued on his way, the children laughing and shouting encouragement.
Beside Averia, Luxa nodded sagely. “It is the circle of life.”
“When hamsters are small, we carry them. When they are big, they carry us.”
She paused as another hamster walked past in her war form. She was dragging a young Dia-Farron man behind her by his ankle. Despite the situation, he was snoring.
“And sometimes that happens.”
X     X     X
Author’s Notes
There is a running joke that on the way to school, Dia-Farron children carry their hamsters... but on the way back, their hamsters carry them.
That said, Averia VII can’t really say anything. She has attended meetings with Lord Hedgeborough’s kids in her hair or in her pockets.
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razieltwelve · 1 year
Extra Ears (Final Rose)
Satin bit back a giggle. “You’re wearing rabbit ears.”
Fraise nodded solemnly, her expression utterly at odds with the rabbit ears she was wearing on her head. “Considering whose birthday we are celebrating, it seemed appropriate.”
Their second daughter was having a birthday party. Unlike their first daughter, who was a fox Faunus, their second daughter took after Satin.
“Rabbit ear solidarity, huh?” Satin grinned. “Although the top of your head is looking a bit crowded.”
Fraise reached up. “I suppose there isn’t much space there anymore.” And with her fox ears and the rabbit ears, that was certainly true. “Still... I was told it looks adorable.”
“Adorable?” Satin tilted her head to one side. “It actually is pretty adorable, but who told you that?”
“My mom told me.”
Satin couldn’t stop her giggle this time. It was all too easy to imagine Oerba Dia Vanille giving Fraise a most vulpine grin while encouraging her to wear a set of rabbit ears. “Ah. That explains it.”
“Also, these aren’t normal rabbit ears.” Fraise pointed. “Look.”
The rabbit ears began to move, seamlessly signing out several words in rabbit ear sign language.
“That’s impressive.” Satin rubbed her chin thoughtfully. “How does that work?”
“It uses an Aura-detecting interface. Certain movements of Aura correspond to certain movements of the rabbit ears.” Fraise paused. “It took some time to master.”
“You practiced?” Satin raised one eyebrow. She couldn’t help but picture Fraise with a very serious expression on her face as she practiced in front of a mirror. “When? I haven’t noticed.”
“In private,” Fraise admitted. “In between appointments at the hospital.” She paused again. “I was fortunate not to be seen.”
“I’m sure our daughter will love it when you use rabbit ear sign language.” Satin chuckled. “I wonder if you can still use fox ear sign language at the same time.”
“I can.” Fraise began to move both sets of ears. “See?”
“Okay... that is really impressive,” Satin said. “You’ve got to handle the Aura manipulation for the rabbit ears and move your fox ears at the same time. But... can you hold a normal conversation too?”
“I can do all three,” Fraise said. “And use Remnant Standard Sign Language at the same time too.”
Satin blinked as Fraise demonstrated, holding four separate conversation simultaneously. “Uh... that’s crazy... in a good way. I’m amazed you can do that.”
“It took some practice,” Fraise admitted. “More practice than just using the rabbit ears. However, the hardest part was actually finding someone to practice with. The multi-tasking required is beyond most people.”
Satin could imagine. Holding four, full-speed, fluent conversations in what were effectively four different languages at the same time could not be easy. Just listening and watching made it clear how hard it was. “Who did you practice with?”
“Averia,” Fraise replied. She shrugged. “She mastered the task almost instantly, so she was able to help me.”
Satin blinked. “As in your cousin Averia?”
Satin looked around, half afraid that the imposing pink-haired woman would somehow appear out of nowhere. “Do you have... footage?”
“I recorded some for training purposes.” Fraise’s lips twitched. “And because I knew certain people would ask.”
“I thought you might find it amusing... and Diana would never stop complaining if I didn’t pass it along.”
X     X     X
Many, many, many years later...
Her Imperial Majesty Averia VII watched the footage. “What is she doing?”
Claire nodded sagely. “She’s demonstrating her awesome multi-tasking powers. Think about how hard it must be to carry out four separate conversation in four different languages at full speed and fluently, all without relying on Saviour’s power.”
The empress nodded slowly. “I can see how that’s very impressive... but she’s wearing cat ears and rabbit ears at the same time.”
“How else would she be able to use rabbit ear and fox ear sign language?”
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razieltwelve · 1 year
Idiocy is Generational (Final Rose)
“Agh!” Fang cried, clutching at the axe in her gut. “Help!”
“I’m dying!” Diana added, a sword sticking out of her back.
“I’ve been impaled,” Victoria said, waving cheerfully despite the spear in her chest.
Lightning looked at the three generations of idiots and sighed. “Just don’t get blood on the carpet.”
X     X     X
In the distant future...
Jahne screamed theatrically and fell to the ground in a heap, a pike in her back.
“Oh, get up,” Averia VII huffed. “You’ll get blood on the carpet!”
X     X     X
It is tradition for bearers of Rangarok to pretend to be mortally wounded on the 1st of April each year.
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razieltwelve · 1 year
The Plush Toy (Final Effect)
Lord Hedgeborough ambled back into Averia VII’s bedroom. The crown princess was already asleep since it was well past her bedtime. The hedgehog who had been assigned to watch her while he attended a special meeting with the Imperial Guard snuffled a greeting and then left to let Lord Hedgeborough resume his duties.
He hopped up onto Averia’s bed and then frowned.
She was hugging a plush toy of a hedgehog in her sleep.
Gently, he eased the plush toy out of her arms and wiggled in to takes it place. Averia muttered quietly in her sleep and then settled as his familiar presence soothed her.
Imperial hedgehogs were perfectly capable of staying alert while resting thanks to the ability to switch certain parts of their brains on and off. There was no need for a plush toy. He was more than sufficient.
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razieltwelve · 2 years
Census Data (Final Effect)
Ifalna glanced over the report. “It would seem that our efforts are bearing fruit.”
Her assistant nodded. “It would seem so, my lady.”
“Still...” Ifalna’s brows furrowed. “There is still more that we could be doing.”
“Change takes time,” her assistant replied. “Our people are not quick to change either.”
“True. But we will have to change. We are not so numerous that we can afford to... simply let things go as they have been.”
X     X     X
Luxa grinned. “Things are looking up for the Cetra.”
“Oh?” Her Imperial Majesty Averia VII patted Lord Hedgeborough. She had been deep in thought regarding the latest technological developments Luxa had just presented to her. Her loyal hedgehog was currently perched on her lap since she liked to cuddle him while she thought. “What do you mean?”
“Birth rates are up 15% this year.”
“15%?” Averia blinked. “That’s a huge increase for a single year, especially for the Cetra. What’s going on?”
“Well... a few years ago, some of them approached us about developing a propaganda program to inspire more Cetra to have children since their population is very low.”
“And they don’t tend to have many children either...”
“Precisely. Last year, we finally launched the program, and it appears to be bearing fruit. The Cetra will never have the same birth rates we do, which is probably for the best since they live so long, but we’re hoping we can double their population over the next century or so. That’ll be a big jump for them, but it’s vital for their civilisation to get their numbers up. There just aren’t enough Cetra. Heck, that’s why we’ve kept them away from any truly dangerous engagements despite their fleet being pretty decent from a technological standpoint. The loss of even a single ship would be devastating, given how low their population is.”
“Hmm... good work then. Even if they double their population every century, it will be millennia before they come close to running out of planets. We gave them their old territory back, but it’s not even close to being full.”
“I’d estimate their territory is at about 5% capacity or less. They’ve got plenty of room to grow.”
“Continue what you’re doing then,” Averia said. “But try not to do anything too crazy.”
X     X     X
Author’s Notes
The Cetra are extremely long lived but also very slow to reproduce. That’s why they lost the war against the Grimm. They just couldn’t replace their losses fast enough in what eventually became a war of attrition. Younger Cetra, especially those born after their ark-ships were found by the Empire, tend to have more children due to the influence of the Remnant factions, as well as the Cetra’s own push to bolster their own numbers.
The hope is that the Cetra’s population will not only reach its old high point but eventually surpass it although that will take centuries.
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razieltwelve · 2 years
Bloom (Final Effect)
Weiss IX smiled as her wife and sister-in-law embraced. Their children likewise exchanged greetings, and she was pleased to see none of the stiffness she had once feared might exist. The cousins did not view each other as scions of potentially competing factions but as siblings in all but name.
“Do you know what this about?” Weiss asked Averia.
The empress shook her head. Anna had swiftly moved to hugging Jahne and Claire. “I do not. But when Aelia Dia-Farron sends an invitation, you do not turn it down.”
“Indeed.” Weiss chuckled as Lord Spikebatten chuffed greetings at each other. The two would never be friends, but they had always held each in high esteem. “Who would turn down a chance to see the most beautiful Semblance in action?”
Averia’s lips twitched. “I have seen it before, and yet it never fails to amaze me. I remember when I was a girl and my father told me about it. I couldn’t help but wonder if it was arrogance for someone’s Semblance to be called the most beautiful. And then I saw it for the first time, and I understood. Not without reason is her Semblance called the Glorious Display of Ten Thousand Flowers, and not without reason is it considered the most beautiful, the most splendid, and the most glorious of all Semblances by not only the Dia-Farron but by all the Children of Remnant.”
Weiss was about to reply, but a sudden hush fell over those who had assembled in innermost gardens of Lumina Prime. Golden rose petals drifted on the breeze, catching the early morning light and weaving tapestries of reflected radiance through the air.
It had begun.
Pink gardenias joined the golden roses, and the scent of a garden in full bloom filled the air as more and more flowers appeared, first in the air, and then in the space around them. They were tenuous things at first, almost ghostly, but with each passing moment, they grew more solid, Aura constructs as immutable as the legendary weapons of Lumina Dia-Farron herself.
Camellias, carnations, chrysanthemums, lilies, poppies, tulips, and countless other flowers bloomed from rivers of Aura. Some were yellow, some were blue, and others were red or green. Every flower Weiss could imagine was represented, alongside every colour, all of them in perfect harmony and symphony, a garden more beautiful than any other in the galaxy, a garden whose memory lingered in the hearts and souls of all who saw it, at once a comfort and an unreachable horizon of beauty that they would strive for all their lives.
Weiss smiled faintly. It was not without reason that Aelia rarely used her Semblance to this extent. To see it was to see beauty in its truest form, and it was an experience that forever changed those who looked upon it. Weiss herself had composed some of her most treasured song after seeing it, songs of love and loss and sorrow and joy and so many other things, all of them filled with a sort of nostalgia for a place she had only seen once before and had not thought to ever see again.
Aelia stepped out into the open. She was an old woman now, well past a century in age. Her venerable hedgehog was there with her, alongside two young children who were either close siblings or twins. The old woman wore a broad smile on her face, and her voice resonated through the air as she greeted them.
“Welcome, friends and family.” She gestured vaguely at the glorious display around them, one that continued to change from moment to moment, leaving the viewers wondering if anything could surpass the beauty of what they had just seen only to find out that, yes, something could. “I hope you are enjoying the view.”
Amused chuckles greeted her words. There were people who would have killed to see this, and the recordings alone would likely come close to crashing the InfoNet.
“You all know my Semblance,” Aelia said. “And you know that the flowers are not just for show. Each is more than a figment of beauty. Each is an ideal. Each is a concept. Each is a purpose given form.”
Weiss nodded to herself. The flowers that Aelia summoned were Aura constructs, and each possessed a power of some sort. Some could detonate in explosion of fire and force. Others could heal. And still others could form shields that even Weiss would have had a harm time breaking through.
The Glorious Display of Ten Thousand Flowers was a Semblance whose origins could be traced to a descendant of Lumina Farron via Fraise Dia-Farron who had married a descendent of Ruby Rose and Weiss Schnee. Each flower was, in some ways, akin to a Glyph although the mechanics varied greatly from the Schnee Family Semblance.
Aelia held up a hand, and flowers formed in swift succession, vanishing one by one on a breeze of her own making. “My flowers are similar to Glyphs, in a way, but they are not the same. Glyphs are a language that commands the world. My flowers are born of thoughts and emotions, memories and self-truths. The flowers that heal are born of my desire to help others and of my memories of doing just that. The flowers that shield others from harm are born of my desire to protect, and the very first one was crafted from my memories of my parents watching over me. And, yes, there are flowers of wrath that can scour the battlefield, but I have been blessed, for I have had far less reason to call those out than I have to call out the flowers that promote growth and joy or the flowers that could lend strength and determination.”
There was a long pause, and the flowers around them shifted, forming collages of colour that depicted Aelia’s most treasured memories. It was easy to forget just how devastating those flowers of wrath could be, Weiss thought. But she had seen the battlefields where sand had been burned into glass, where the rivers had been boiled away, and where entire towns had been blasted flat. The Glorious Display of Ten Thousand Flowers was as deadly as it was beautiful.
“And yet... I have grieved,” Aelia said. “I have grieved because my Semblance was not stable. It was a gift I wished to pass onto my children but never could.” She bowed her head. “That is not a criticism of my children but a criticism of myself. For what mother would not want to give her children a Semblance like mine? And yet, I am glad that my children all developed mighty Semblances of their own. They have all achieved so very much, and I am so very proud of them. Yet still... I have grieved.”
Aelia paused again. “Not for my children or even myself but for those who have loved my Semblance and may never see it again.” She smiled thinly. “I am old now, and I am well into the dwindling of my years. I lost my husband not long ago, and I know it will not be long before I join him.” She paused. “Beauty... beauty is an interesting thing. It can be found in grand gestures or small, private moments, upon the horror of the battlefield or amidst the joy of the hearth.” She smiled. “In a great garden or in a single flower. My Semblance has been called the most beautiful of all Semblances, and it has brought much joy to so many people. I would not have it pass from the world when I do.”
A pall of sadness fell over the gathering then. If Semblances were the expressions of the soul, then Aelia’s soul was wondrous indeed. The galaxy would indeed be poorer and dimmer when she passed. Weiss hoped she had not called them here just to speak of the shadow that was approaching.
“But the fates have proven kind.” Aelia put her hands on the shoulders of children who had accompanied her. “These are Aurora and Vespera, my great-great-grandchildren.” Her smile was radiant. “Why don’t you two show them what you can do?”
The two children nodded and raised their hands. Together, above each of their hands, flowers bloomed.
X     X     X
Author’s Notes
Semblances carry great cultural and even spiritual significance to the Children of Remnant. They are expressions of the soul, and their mere presence can shape the emotions of a nation. The Glorious Display of Ten Thousands Flowers is one such Semblance, one whose presence uplifts and enlivens those who know of it. The thought of it passing with Aelia has long troubled people since it did not appear in her descendants until Aurora and Vespera.
Its reappearance could be considered a good omen. But more than that, in a very concrete way, its reappearance is a good, good thing. Not simply on the battlefield but during times of peace, it is a big deal. Incidentally, the reason Weiss IX was invited was because one of the twins’ parents is from the Alliance and is a distant cousin of hers. The intent, therefore, is for the twins to split their time between the Empire and the Alliance.
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razieltwelve · 2 years
Beyond the Western Sea (Final Effect x ASOIAF)
“Ice zombies?” Her Imperial Majesty Averia VII blinked. “They have ice zombies?”
Luxa grinned. "I know, I know. It sounds stupid, but it’s the truth. They have real ice zombies.”
“And we haven’t bombarded the ice zombies into oblivion because...?” The empress was not fond of zombies. Pretty much nobody was. Zombies that weren’t under their direct control? Yikes. The standard approach was to introduce them to the glories of Imperial plasma and be done with it.
“We’d like an opportunity to study the planet in more detail,” Luxa said. “There is a whole lot of weird crap going on that we’d like to understand. First of all, there are humans on the planet, but genetic scans have picked up a host of oddities in their genetic matrices. We’ve also found evidence of lots of other life forms including giants, creepy tree people, and dragons.”
“They have dragons?”
“Well... not anymore. But they did. There are also probably some still in the wild, but we haven’t actually sent down anyone to grab them yet. The civilisations of the world are all basically at a medieval level. Nobody has even invented a gun yet. In fact, it’s kind of bizarre.”
“The peoples of this world have a history that dates back thousands of years. Heck, some of the regions of the world have been ruled by basically the same bunch for longer than the Empire has existed.”
“And they still haven’t invented guns?”
“Nope. Part of that has to do with their seasons, which make no logical sense. We’re talking about winters that go for years,” Luxa replied. “So there’s clearly some weird stuff going on. We’d like to observe the planet, maybe send some agents down and establish an outpost or two just to find out what’s going on. Our initial suspicions was a Living World, but they don’t have one. What they call magic is definitely real, but it’s not Aura usage in the way we’re familiar with.”
“Can Aura be used to interact with it?” Averia asked.
“Sure. Based on some tests we’ve already run, Aura can shield against it just fine. Combat-wise, though, their magic isn’t nearly as useful as Aura. Most of it requires rituals and the like, and it’s been dwindling for years, apparently.”
“Hmm...” Averia nodded. “All right. Build a few outposts. Make contact with the locals but conceal our true level of advancement. I’m assuming there are unexplored parts of their world.”
“Yep. We’ll be building some outposts around there and saying we’re from there. It won’t even be a lie.”
“I’ll leave it in your hands then.” Averia’s frowned. “But if the whole ice zombie thing gets out of hand, take more direct action. I want at least one cloaked destroyed on hand to glass any infected parts of the planet if necessary.”
X     X     X
Rickard Stark was an ambitious man. He had seen the wealth and plenty of the South. He wanted to bring some of that to his people. He wanted full tables even in the dead of winter, and he wanted houses full of smiling children and joyful men and women. Too many times he had seen his people suffer. He would not stand by and do nothing to ease their plight.
If raising up the North would also improve the prospects of his children and descendants, then so much the better.
So when word had been brought to him of merchants claiming to be from beyond the Sunset Sea, he had been equal parts curious and sceptical. Many charlatans had claimed to hail from those mythical lands. All had been frauds who had eventually paid for their lies. Yet these people had asked to speak to him directly, approaching his vassals in the proper manner and bringing with them gifts to prove their sincerity.
One such gift rested on his desk. It was a ‘pen’. His lips curled. A curious name for such a useful object. It was like a quill, only made of metal and filled with ink, so that he only rarely needed to fill it. Given the many duties he had, it had proven to be an incredibly useful device... and one whose like he had never seen or heard of before.
Thus he had given permission for emissaries of these people to be brought before him. A knock on the door of his solar was followed by word from a servant than the emissaries had arrived and were waiting for him in the main courtyard. They had been offered bread and salt as was custom and had already sworn their oaths to cause no harm to those under his protection during their stay.
With strong, sure steps, Rickard made his way to the courtyard. He took careful note of the wagons that had been brought in. They were covered, but he was already interested in them. They were of a different make to those he was used to, but there was a sturdiness about them that drew the eye. He’d have to ask about them. Better wagons would make life in the north far easier.
The leader of the delegation drew his eye immediately.
Rickard had seen many big men before. There were houses in the north that even claimed some giant’s blood. But the man before him now was different from those he had seen.
He had ice of blue ice that seemed almost to shine, and his blonde hair was somewhere between ash and gold. He stood seven feet tall with broad shoulders and a body that rippled with muscle. A massive sword hung upon his back, and the ease with which he stood spoke of a man utterly confident in his fighting ability.
“Greetings, Lord Stark,” the man said, inclining his head. “I am Orion of the House of Villiers. I hail from beyond the Sunset Sea.”
“So I have been told,” Rickard replied. “I am Lord Rickard of House Stark. I rule the North in the name of King Aerys II. Be welcome within these walls.” He glanced once again at the wagons. “It seems we have much to discuss.”
X     X     X
The tale, such as it was, made sense to Rickard. There was, apparently, an empire on the other side of the Sunset Sea. They had tried for centuries to cross the sea, only to fail time and again. Finally, though, they had found a safe route through the seemingly endless waves and reached Westeros.
However, they had not simply blundered around. After learning of the people who lived there, they had spent years bidding their time, learning the language and studying the Seven Kingdoms and even Essos. It was a cunning strategy, one that Rickard could admire. Only a fool would have rushed to reveal themselves without learning more.
“So why the North?” Rickard asked at a last. He and Orion were in his solar whilst his companions talked with others that Rickard could trust.
“We are much like your people,” Orion said at last. “We prize our families and our honour. We treasure our history and our ways. We are a hard people in many ways, Lord Stark, for ours was a hard history, full of battle and struggle. But we are not butchers or cruel men. Our agents have spent time in the south. It is... a viper’s nest.”
Rickard laughed. “Aye. It’s good to see even someone from across the Sunset Sea thinks the same.”
“We would prefer to make our alliances with people who will not simply stab us in the back at the first opportunity.” Orion smiled. “Keeping our presence secret would be difficult in the South, and there are rumours... ill rumours... about what goes on there.”
Rickard could guess what he spoke of. The king was... not well. Even a foreigner would only need to lay eyes upon the king once to know that. “Aye. There are.”
“But the north is different.” Orion paused. “I have been told many times that North knows only one king... and his name is Stark. Here, in the north, we may come and go without notice, provided you decree secrecy.”
“That is true,” Rickard replied. “But why should I do such a thing?”
“We have much to offer you... and much to gain from you as well.” Orion nodded at the pen. “We have knowledge that can aid you in farming and in war. We know how to find new mines and draw the wealth up from them. We know how to build better ships and use them to ply the bounties of the deep.”
“And what would you ask for these things?” Rickard asked.
“A share of the wealth they provide... and a base of operations in the north, a place from which we can continue to explore the lands here and to the east.”
“Hmm...” Rickard lingered on his reply. There was a sudden weight to the moment, as though the destiny of his House would turn on this decision. He peered into Orion’s eyes to better get his measure. The other man met his gaze unflinchingly. Finally, he nodded. “I believe that something can be arranged.”
X     X     X
Author’s Notes
Ah, Averia VII’s reign is full of all sorts of weirdness. Rickard is a canny operator, and this time he might actually survive. As for why they’d send a Villiers as leader, it makes sense when you consider the culture in Westeros. A seven-foot-tall man who looks like he stepped out of a comic book is exactly the sort of man who’d do well in Westeros, especially the North.
For all their cunning, the Dia-Farron would not be looked upon as favourably there. True, they would be respected as advisors, but having one in charge would make establishing relations difficult. A Villiers will have the sort of temperament and conduct that will work well in both the North and in the South.
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razieltwelve · 2 years
Wake Up Call (Final Effect)
Illumina Dia-Farron eyed the crown princess currently sleeping with her head on her desk. Her Imperial Highness Averia VII had evidently spent more time than was wise reviewing certain historical records. Well, she knew an excellent way to wake her up. Motioning for Lord Hedgeborough to go along with her plan, Illumina raised her voice.
“Your Imperial Highness!” she barked. “The Dia-Farron have rebelled, and their hamsters are claiming dominion over half the galaxy!”
Averia was up in an instant, almost falling over as she shot to her feet. “What? Contact my father at once! Summon the fleet! Get...” She trailed off as she realised where she was. “Oh.” She cleared her throat. “I seem to have been daydreaming.”
“Daydreaming?” Illumina smirked. “You were fast asleep. You are the crown princess, but you still need to rest. Take the rest of the day off and actually get some sleep. We will continue tomorrow, and I expect you to be at your very best.”
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razieltwelve · 2 years
Laziness (Final Effect)
Jahne tilted her head to one side. “Are you serious?”
The reply from Her Imperial Majesty Averia VII was pure eloquence. “Mphrgh.”
“...” Jahne walked over to the bed, dodged the pillow the empress hurled at her, and then sat down on the edge of the bed. “Averia, I know you’ve been working very hard lately, but you can’t ask Lord Hedgeborough to brush your teeth while you’re in bed.”
The empress said nothing, merely continuing to flop on her back as her loyal hedgehog deftly manoeuvred the toothbrush in his paws. A normal hedgehog couldn’t possibly have managed, but Imperial hedgehogs were capable of far greater dexterity. Lord Hedgeborough even had a bowl and a glass of water ready for when she had to rinse.
Averia waited for Lord Hedgeborough to finish before rinsing out her mouth. “I am the empress. I can do as I please.” She nodded at her hedgehog. “Thank you, Lord Hedgeborough.”
“What are you going to do when you need to go to the bathroom?” Jahne asked.
“I can carry myself using my ice. It’s actually easier than walking.”
“I’ll have you know that Vanille I had a short-range teleportation device for precisely these occasions.”
“She also built more super weapons that the previous ten rulers combined, so I’m not sure she’s the best example,” Jahne replied.
“I will permit no besmirching of my ancestors,” Averia said archly. She sighed as the delicious smells of breakfast wafted down the corridor. “Carry me.”
“You could get your ice to carry you.”
“I could, but that would still require effort. It won’t take any effort if you carry me.” Averia’s eyes narrowed. “And use a princess carry. I will not be carried like a sack of potatoes. I should point out that failure to comply may result in banishment.”
“In that case, your wish is my command.”
X     X     X
Author’s Notes
Averia VII can be very lazy sometimes, but only after all the work is done (or as done as it ever can be with an empire to rule). If you’re wondering where Claire is, she cooked breakfast. And, yes, Lord Hedgeborough could easily carry Averia VII, but she wants to be princess carried.
Vanille I never asked her hedgehog to brush her teeth, but he did give her many a scalp massage over the years (she preferred to call it a brain massage). In fact, he was so good at it, that he often be found perched on her head like a hat. Of course, nobody ever pointed out how ridiculous it looked.
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razieltwelve · 2 years
Revenge (Final Effect)
“You bit me!” Her Imperial Highness Averia VII stared at her beloved hedgehog in outrage. “You actually bit me!”
Claire sighed. “You did tell him to bite you if you were about to do something stupid.” She paused meaningfully. “Trying to beat Jahne in a staring contest is the definition of stupid.”
The crown princess rubbed her big toe. Although Lord Hedgeborough hadn’t bitten hard enough to draw blood, it had not been very pleasant at all. “I’ll have you know that I was simply out of practice the last time. This time, I am prepared.”
“Averia, Jahne doesn’t even have to blink, breathe, or sleep. There is precisely zero chance of you beating her.”
“Is that -”
“Yes, that is what Saviour thinks too.”
Averia scowled. “I’m sure the chances aren’t exactly zero. There must be -”
“As far as my version of Saviour can see, across all possible timelines and dimensions, if you challenge Jahne to a staring contest, you will lose.”
Averia huffed petulantly. “Lord Hedgeborough, can you at least bite Jahne too?”
The hedgehog perked up at the thought of biting his nemesis.
“You know,” Jahne pointed out. “Setting your hedgehog on innocent people could be considered a form of tyranny.”
“Innocent?” Averia glared imperiously at the other girl. “More like insolent! What sort of loyal subject challenges their future sovereign to a staring contest?”
“One who knows she’ll win.” Jahne shrugged. “Because I always win our staring contests.”
“You wouldn’t be so confident if I had eye beams.”
“I can give myself eye beams.”
Averia’s eyes narrowed.
“No matter how hard you stare, you can’t actually give yourself eyes beams, Averia.”
Averia stared harder.
“No, really. You can’t control your own biology like I can. It’s not going to work.”
Averia’s staring took on truly herculean proportions.
Lord Hedgeborought bit her.
“Ouch!” Averia glared. “What was that for?”
Her hedgehog rolled his eyes and gave his reply.
“He’s right,” Claire said. “It is entirely possible to stare so hard you knock yourself out.”
“Look.” Claire said. “Why don’t you challenge Jahne at something else, something you might actually have a chance of winning.”
Jahne’s grin was smug. “Claire, we all know that no matter what she picks, I’m going to win.”
Averia stood up. “Stand up.”
Jahne frowned. “What?”
“Stand up.” Averia’s smirk was very, very smug. “A height contest. That’s what I’m challenging you to.”
Jahne got up. Like all of the bearers of Ragnarok before her, the girl was a scruffy, ragamuffin of a child. She was also noticeably shorter than both of her friends. “Seriously?”
“Yes.” Averia looked down her nose at Jahne. “I’m taller than you... so there.”
Jahne’s eye twitched. “You do realise that’s not going to last. I’m going to shoot up like a weed when we’re older, and you’re probably going to end up the shortest out of the three of us.”
“That is -”
“97.9% probability,” Claire supplied, oh so helpfully. “There are a few timelines where you end up a smidge taller than me.”
“And do I ever end up taller than Jahne?”
Claire’s snickered said it all.
“Can’t you at least lie?” Averia wailed. “You could at least let me believe I'll be taller than her until she actually starts growing.”
“I once told you that I’d never lie to you,” Claire drawled. “And I meant it. Sorry to say, but in every timeline I can see, Jahne ends up taller than you.”
“This has to be a form of treachery,” Averia muttered. “Lord Hedgeborough, is there any legal precedent for this being a form of treachery?”
As much as the hedgehog wanted to say there was, there was not. He shook his head.
“I’ll just have to pass a law when I become empress then,” Averia said. “Something alone the lines of: any bearers of Ragnarok named Jahne who are taller than me are guilty of treason.”
“Wow,” Jahne said. “You’re not even trying to hide your tyranny.”
“I’ll just get the Dia-Farron to change the meaning of tyranny in the dictionary to not relate to anything I do.”
“I don’t think that’s how it works,” Jahne replied.
“Well, that’s how I’ll make it work.” Averia nodded to herself. “When I’m empress, Jahne, you better watch out.”
“Oh, I’m absolutely terrified,” Jahne said. “Help, Claire. The big, bad princess is threatening me.” She laughed. “Stop trying to act tough, Averia. We both know you’d be sad if something ever happened to me.”
“Lord Hedgeborough,” Averia growled. “Bite Jahne.”
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razieltwelve · 11 months
Noble Titles in the Arendelle Empire (Final Effect)
The vast majority of noble titles in the Empire are not truly hereditary. Instead, they can be said to have be limited hereditary titles.
What does this mean?
In general, noble titles are awarded to a person for the accomplishment of great deeds. These titles will typically persist for two generations past the original holder before they are withdrawn... unless the family in question can accomplish another deed of similar greatness. In that case, the title is maintained. If the family in question can produce multiple such deeds or deeds of even greater worth, the title can be upgraded.
Note that not all deeds must be of a military nature. Leading a planet or star system to great prosperity would be considered a worthy deed. Likewise, developing sufficiently merit-worthy technology would also count.
There are several levels of nobility that can be awarded:
High Baron
High Count
High Earl
High Viscount
High Marquis
The ranks themselves are a bit of a hodgepodge adopted from the various systems of nobility present on Remnant and later accepted by the Empire as it grew to encompass other factions.
Note that the rank of Supreme Ultimate Mega Marquis is not formally recognised despite attempts by the Dia-Farron to have it instituted by the Empire. Vanille I was able to get it in, but it was promptly repealed by her successor. Nevertheless, the Dia-Farron continue to use it on their stationery.
In general, ranks are associated with rewards and privileges, and families will try their very best to maintain their rank. Observers have noted that this encourages members of these families to give their utmost, typically on the battlefield and in various areas of endeavour.
Members of the nobility are entitled to use a coat of arms for their family. They are also expected to respond promptly whenever the ruler at the times issues commands in exchange for the rewards and privileges they have.
Note that a sufficiently meritorious family can, by popular acclaim, ascend to the rank of Heroic House, and that this rank has never been revoked. The head of a Heroic House is addressed in a similar manner to a duke, with the largest Heroic Houses being addressed in a manner similar to a grand duke.
It is possible for anyone to be awarded a noble title for sufficient merit. There are multiple uplifted animals, chocobos, and even regular cats and dogs who have, through outstanding, service earned a noble title.
It is a central tenet of the Empire, that the quality of one's service is all that matters, not one's race or species.
Note that you rarely see prominent characters refer to each other by their titles since all of them have a bunch of them. If Averia VII insisted on it, people would be there all day.
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razieltwelve · 11 months
Can Averia VII Actually Banish People? (Final Effect)
Does Her Imperial Majesty Empress Averia VII actually have the power to banish people.
Theoretically speaking, in many ways, her word is law. However, due to the way the Empire actually operates, there are inbuilt safeguards that prevent her from abusing her power or going off the rails.
Vanille I actually had the highest number of attempted banishments, but most of these were rescinded by her hamster or her hedgehog. That said, there were times when she and her hamster were only kept in check by her hedgehog who is considered a legendary stabilising influence.
Amongst all Imperial Hedgehogs, he is considered one of the greatest of heroes.
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razieltwelve · 2 years
Legacy (Final Effect)
Odin has been there when Cocoon fell and Saviour failed. He had slumbered, battered and damaged by the final battle, until he had been reawakened centuries later to an entirely different world.
Cocoon and the World Below were gone.
In their place were four great kingdoms and dozens of smaller realms.
Yet he found a new purpose.
The Line of Saviour endured. It too had slumbered, but it had awakened not long before he had, and it was to the Line of Saviour that he once again pledged his allegiance. Cocoon had made him, for the Eidolons were to be their mightiest weapons, living machines of terrible power. Yet it was to Saviour that Odin had pledged his allegiance, and it was to Lightning and then Averia and then Sigrid that he had offered his loyalty.
Time had passed.
Remnant had conquered JENOVA and then the galaxy.
There had been more wars.
More conflict.
More suffering.
But the Children of Remnant had emerged from each battle stronger, and the Line of Saviour had not failed again.
Now, Odin lived in an age of wonders that his creators could never have imagined. The Empire stood as a shining beacon of power that cast back the darkness that threatened to destroy civilisation. Odin’s systems, once incomprehensibly advanced, were now upgraded consistently by the Dia-Farron to ensure his supremacy on the battlefield.
Yet for all that had changed, some things stayed the same.
X      X     X
“This is Odin. You’ve met him before, but this time is a bit different,” Claire said. “He has served our line faithfully for centuries.”
Odin knelt so the girl next to Claire could get a better look at him.
“Odin,” Claire said. “Artemisia awakened Saviour today.”
The Eidolon sensors reached out. Data flowed through him to confirm Claire’s words. He stood and raised his sword in a salute.
“As a bearer of Saviour,” Claire explained. “Odin will obey your commands unless they contradict mine or his other important imperatives.” Her eyes narrowed. “So don’t be silly.”
Artemisia smiled. “I won’t be, mom.” She lowered her voice. “Is it true that mother once tried to order him to stab mommy?”
Odin gave a low rumble of amusement. He played a file, one of countless he had recorded. It showed a young Averia VII jabbing her finger at Jahne while ordering Odin to impale her. Odin, of course, hadn’t budged. When that failed, Averia had tried to convince Claire to give the order, but the other girl had simply laughed and shaken her head.
“Oh.” Artemisia lowered her voice. “Does mother know you have that, Odin?”
The Eidolon shook his head.
“Don’t worry. I won’t tell her.” Artemisia paused. “Do you have any other funny recordings?”
X     X     X
Author’s Notes
It should be noted that Odin and the other Eidolons are technically the oldest complex AIs in existence since they predate the lawnmower. The reason they’re not usually counted is because modern AIs are built on a different computational foundation than them. It’s not that the way they’re built is worse, but it was designed with Cocoon’s technology in mind.
Cocoon made much more extensive use of crystal technology since it was the core of their technological base. Subsequent civilisations did not use that technology much since they had no way of producing the Aura-responsive crystal on a large scale. Cocoon relied on Etro and Bhunivelze to do it.
The Dia-Farron have since been able to upgrade the Eidolons and continue working on them since Creation of All Things can create the same crystal or even upgrade it.
Odin is considered a super weapon. He can only be deployed by a bearer of Saviour, and there is a seniority to that. Basically, there are usually at least three generations of Saviour active at a time. The ‘current’ bearer of Saviour is serving the ruler of the Empire, and they have top priority. After them is the previous bearer, with the new bearer having third priority.
Essentially: Claire > Claire’s parent > Artemisia
Due to how Odin’s loyalty works, Averia VII cannot give him orders directly. The reason he follows her is due to a modified prime directive that was put in there by Sigrid which states he is to follow the orders of the ruler of Arendelle unless they directly contradict the bearer of Saviour or would be deleterious to the interests of the bearer of Saviour.
Odin is typically found on the battlefield, where he serves as a spearhead for Imperial forces. Whenever a younger bearer of Saviour takes the field, he is usually there with them, just in case things get out of hand.
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razieltwelve · 2 years
Ultimate Power (Final Rose)
“Mom!” Ruby screamed. “Look! I have cookiekinesis!”
Summer blinked and the walked over to where Ruby was devouring a cookie. Lightning was there, watching the little girl with a bemused expression. She had just completed a mission near Patch, so she had stopped over for a quick visit before heading home.
“Cookiekinesis?” Summer asked.
“It’s the ability to control cookies with my mind.” Ruby’s expression was dead serious. “Or even summon them using only my mind.” She held one hand out. “Look, mom!”
There was a brief shimmer in the air as space warped and twisted before a cookie appeared and dropped into Ruby’s waiting hand.
“Awesome, right?” Ruby cackled. “Now I will have all the cookies in the world!”
“It’s definitely impressive.” Summer ruffled Ruby’s hair. “But don’t eat too many cookies, okay? You still have to eat dinner later. “Okay, mom.”
As Ruby ran over to Yang to explain her newfound powers, Summer nudged Lightning with her elbow.
“Ruby is not going to be happy when she realises that she doesn’t actually have cookiekineses and that you’ve been using Saviour to teleport cookies to her.”
Lightning shrugged. “You have to admit, it’s pretty funny.”
X     X     X
Author’s Notes
The day Ruby realised that cookiekineses wasn’t real, something of hope and wonder died in the world. Then again, when Ruby realised that she could simply teleport to the cookies, that same thing of hope and wonder was reborn.
Fun fact: Weiss IX does enjoy cookies rather more than is normal. She has specifically developed Glyphs that can pull pre-Glyphed cookies to her current location. Anna thinks it’s hilarious, but Weiss has sworn her to secrecy. Averia VII can never know.
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