10kseniya10 · 1 year
16 & 4 for Captain Pike maybe? 🥺
“H-How long have you been standing there?” and “You’re hiding something from me.”
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Chris had been acting… Somewhat suspicious lately. You’d been with the man for over four years; you were well-attuned to his moods and attitudes. You knew when he was being cagey, and cagey had been an understatement for the last few weeks. At first, you thought that it might be stress. Being a Starfleet captain, let alone captain of one of the most prestigious ships in the fleet was a lot for the man to have on his shoulders. But you’d seen him stressed before, and this seemed to be… Beyond that. A stressed Chris was particularly quiet. But this man had practically been squirming. He was looking over his shoulder all of the time when you were alone in his quarters; he’d physically stood up when you’d gone to his dresser to borrow a shirt to sleep in. When you’d asked what was wrong, he’d simply said that he wasn’t sure what he had and insisted on checking for you. 
With the crew on shore leave, you’d hoped that he would relax a little, but so far, no such luck. He seemed as on-edge as ever. Your first night off of the ship had been a little better, but he’d still been jumpy. You went out for a run the next morning, hoping to clear your head. When you got back to the room, you found Chris with his back to you, rooting around in his duffle bag. You frowned, putting your hands on your hips and watching him. He started to pull something out of his bag before he glanced over his shoulder and spotted you. He dropped whatever it was into the bag and turned quickly. You watched, brows raising, as Chris sat on the bag. “Hi, sweetheart,” he said as casually as possible, “H-How long have you been standing there?” You folded your arms over his chest, brow furrowing. “Okay,” You said, shaking your head, “What’s going on?” “Who says anything’s going on?” “Would you give me a little credit? You’re hiding something from me, Chris.” Chris was quiet for a few moments before he lowered his head to his chest. “Okay,” He nodded, “Yeah, there’s… There’s something,” He admitted, standing and turning back to the bag, “But this isn’t how I wanted to do this.” “Do what?” You asked, panic thrumming through you. Chris pulled something out of the bag and tossed it at you. You uncrossed your arms just in time to catch it. “...What is this?” You frowned down at it. “Open it.” You threw him a dubious glance before you did as he asked, opening the small box and finding an engagement ring. Your confusion gave way to shock. You watched as Chris crossed the room toward you before he sank down to one knee, reaching out and taking hold of your left hand. “This isn’t how I wanted to do this,” He repeated with a small smile.
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10kseniya10 · 1 year
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Fear of death is illogical.
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10kseniya10 · 1 year
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"Thank you, Tyler. For everything" you smiled kindly at him, hiding your own sadness. After being under his care for what felt like decades, you were sure you we're going to miss him. Even if you were nothing more than a mission to him.
"Yeah, no problem" he replied and you thought that for the absence of warmth on his tone and words, that he wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. That now that he had done the job, he wanted to leave without hesitation. That hurt you badly. More than you wished it had.
"Your money will be in your account by sunset. The package is delivered, right?" you said ironically and turned around, starting to walk away fast as tears began to blurry your vision.
"(Y/N)" Tyler said your name like he had when you both were in danger, when he protected you at all costs. Used the tone that made you almost believe that he cared. Almost. "You weren't just a mission to me"
• ───━━━━─ ● ─━━━━─── •
gif credit: @dailychemsworth
• • • ➤ I'm thinking about turning this into a series so let me know what you guys think xoxo
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10kseniya10 · 1 year
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ⠀⠀⠀⠀— я не тот, каким меня помнят. ⠀⠀⠀⠀— так придётся им стать! ⠀⠀⠀⠀— я не брошу мальчика. ⠀⠀⠀⠀— не в нем дело, сам понимаешь. ты ошибался, как и все мы. но это прошлое. смирись с ним, живи дальше. ты не смог спасти энакина... но можешь спасти ее. ⠀⠀⠀⠀— а если я не смогу? ⠀⠀⠀⠀— я доверю свою дочь лишь тебе, никому другому.
Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022)
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10kseniya10 · 1 year
Forbidden Feelings (Obi-Wan x Gender Neutral!Reader)
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| Masterlist | Requests | Request Guidelines |
Summary: Obi-Wan confesses his feelings for you.
Pairing: Obi-Wan x Gender Neutral!Reader
Warning(s): None, just some fluff.
Note: If you would like to be added to a taglist, please message me. Links to masterlist, ask/submission box, and request guidelines are above.
Obi-Wan didn’t know how to go about asking you out at first
He had never done it before, and he also didn’t know what you would say
He couldn’t ask for advice, per say, considering it went against the Jedi code.
He also didn’t count on Anakin overhearing him practice in his quarters.
“Your grace–no Y/N, would you do me the honor? No not honor, pleasure? That’s a bit too forward–”
“Master? Their expecting us at the temple.” Anakin couldn’t hide the smirk on his face at what he had just heard. 
“Yes, be right there, Anakin!”
Anakin did not waste a second to inform Padmé of Obi-Wan’s feelings.
It was the biggest gossip between them to date, Obi-Wan was in love with someone.
Now who would that be? You of course.
And you were blissfully unaware.
You were under the impression that Obi-Wan was a strictly by the book Jedi.
You were also unaware of how much of a casanova Obi-Wan was, especially in his padawan days. 
Padmé had tried to keep it from you, until she had blurted it out one day.
You were her senatorial advisor and close friend from growing up in Naboo, meeting Obi-Wan when he was still Qui-Gon’s padawan during the invasion.
Now here you were completely in shock by what Padmé had spilled.
“Oh forgive me, Y/N.” She pleaded. “I just could not contain my excitement.”
“Pad, how do you even know this is true? He’s the most loyal jedi I know.” You scoffed at her. 
It couldn’t be true…could it?
Obi-Wan Freaking Kenobi had (at least some) feelings for you?
“You just have to trust me, and my reliable sources.” She was giddy, something hidden behind your eyes that you couldn’t quite place. 
How would it even work, if it were true?
Padmé left you alone to think as she went down to the senate chambers with Jar Jar and Senator Organa.
It wasn’t long before there was a knock at your door. 
You dusted off your robes as you answered the door, smiling at the Jedi Master on the other side. 
“Obi-Wan, what do I owe the pleasure of your presence?”
“Hello, your grace. May I speak with you for a minute?”
“Of course, General, please come in.”
He seemed like his thoughts were running a mile a minute, his eyes flitting around the sitting room, as he stroked his beard thoughtfully.
“I have been debating how to approach this subject. How to present it to you.”
Your eyebrows furrowed together, concern evident in your expression as you go to sit by him on the couch. 
“Is everything alright?”
“Well, I won’t truly know yet.”
“How’s that?”
He took your hand in his, the calluses on his hand evident from his time as a Jedi. The strength, but wear that his lightsaber caused.
“No matter how this turns out, I will continue to have the utmost respect for you, but I beg of you, to keep what is said between us.”
“Undoubtedly.” You gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. “Obi-Wan please tell me what’s wrong. You’re scaring me.”
“Y/N, I am here for you…always.”
“And I you, unconditionally.”
You and him had bonded beyond your original comprehension over the years you had known him.
Next to Padmé, he was your closest friend.
You realized that this was not a typical moment of confiding between you.
Not when he placed his hand on your cheek, caressing it. He couldn’t contain the moment of shock when you leaned into his palm. A sigh fell from your lips as you were embraced by his actions.
It was warm, kind, familiar.
Your y/e/c eyes met his, your mouth breaking into a smile.
“I would do anything to see you smile as brightly as your are now. To see you smile like this each day. To bring that smile to your face as often as I can. If you’ll let me, Y/N/N.”
“I’m yours.”
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10kseniya10 · 1 year
could you do a headcanon of what obi wan kenobi would do if the reader passed out?
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So Obi would think the reader was just faking it. Cause they like to prank him.
But after trying to wake them up, he would start panicking cause like the two of you have to go on a mission for the Senate and he kind of needs you awake.
So he picks you up and goes to the closest medical unit.
The medical droid scans you and explains to Obi that you haven't eaten and passed out from hunger.
Obi sits next to you after letting the Senate know that they would need to send two others to handle the situation.
When you finally wake up, Obi would chastise you for not eating and then hug the lights out of you because you terrified him.
(also sorry if this sucks and took so long.)
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10kseniya10 · 1 year
summary: your life with Obi-Wan if Anakin had never turned
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Obi Wan x Reader
As you stepped out of the transport you were met with the sweet smell of flowers and fresh smell of the countless trees and heathlands. The warm sunlight immediately tickled your face, a smile instantly forming on it. Distantly, you heard the soft burble of waterfalls.
Of the countless planets you’ve seen as a Jedi, Naboo had to be your favorite. It was not only the captivating beauty, but mostly the safe feeling it provided you. Like a warm embrace.
Obi-Wan watched you, his eyes dilating at seeing you so content. That was his only goal in life, to make you happy.
He looked down for only a second, dragging his eyes from your radiant smile to the luggage he was holding in his hands.
A smile of his own formed on his face when his eyes moved back to you. This was it, a new and fresh beginning.
The seemingly ever lasting war that had brought you all so much pain, suffering and sadness had finally come to an end, the Republic was as strong as ever and everyone lived in peace again.
Peace, that was what the Jedi had always stood for. Obi-Wan had watched as they had lost their ways during the war, the Jedi had no longer been keepers of peace, but partly the reason for violence.
Even though he was a part of the council, he didn’t agree on many things they did. And most importantly, he didn’t agree on some of the strict rules.
Why were attachments forbidden when yours had only made him happier, stronger, more focused?
Why would they forbid something so beautiful like love? A feeling consuming your whole body and mind, happiness shooting right through you.
Oh- how much he loved you. His heart ached in his chest at only the thought of his love for you, so deep, so pure, so real.
He was swiftly pulled out of his thoughts as he heard the giggling of children close to him.
And as his eyes moved to the platform, he watched little Leia and Luke running to you at full speed.
You had to bite your lip from smiling so much, kneeling down and opening your arms. And as they both made impact with you, you almost fell down at their strength.
You laughed as you pulled both of them as close to you as possible, stroking Leia’s head softly. You had only seen them a few weeks ago, but they had both grown so much.
Both let go of you at once, grinning up at you mischievously. “How have you both been?”, you questioned, now stroking Luke’s head once.
“Great!”, Luke chirped in, but Leia had something to add very soon. “Apart from my annoying brother, everything’s been great.”
You couldn’t stop yourself from laughing and watched as Luke shot you an angry look, running up to Obi-Wan to hug his legs. “That’s the thing about boys, they tend to be annoying a lot.”, you rolled your eyes, clearly referring to Anakin and Obi-Wan.
“Oh is that so?”, a too familiar voice asked and you stood up quickly, grinning up at Anakin. You had to hold back your laugh as you saw the visible dark bags under his eyes and his ruffled hair.
Padmé, who stood next to him, seemed to be looking just fine, as beautiful and effortlessly beautiful as ever.
You hugged them both quickly, before you decided to talk to Padmé for a bit.
Out of the corner of your eye, however, you watched as Anakin and Obi-Wan hugged each other, your heart immediately melting at the sight.
“Are you excited?”, Padmé wanted to know. “More than anything. The only place I’ve ever known is the Jedi temple, I can’t imagine how life as normal citizens will be like.”
Padmé shrugged her shoulders. “I promise, you’ll both love it.”, she began. “With the way this man looks at you, you’ll certainly be in safe hands.”, she continued and you felt your cheeks warming at merely the mention of him, your Obi-Wan.
You felt Obi-Wan coming closer to you, his hand swiftly brushing yours, asking for permission to take it. You instantly opened your palm, intertwining your fingers with his. Warmth spread through your body at just the feeling of his hand in yours. There had to be no hiding anymore, you could love him in public and he wasted no time in showing everyone that you were his.
“Gross.”, Anakin’s eyes moved from your intertwined hands to your face, imitating a disgusted look.
You smacked him lightly, glaring at him. “If you want us to babysit Luke and Leia tonight, you better take that back.”
You watched Anakin’s eyes as they widened, a panicked look appearing on his face. “I’ll take it back. Everything. We need that break.”
You giggled and Obi-Wan could swear it was the most beautiful sound in the galaxy.
He leaned down to whisper something in your ear, his sweet breath tickling your skin. “Since when are they so big and since when can they talk?”
“That’s what I was thinking!”, you whispered back, your gaze moving to Luke who was being chased by Leia.
“Come on, we’ll take you to your new home.”, Padmé and Anakin began to walk away from you and as you moved to take a step, too, Obi-Wan took your arm and stopped you from moving for a second.
You immediately turned to him, your eyes locking with his beautiful blue ones. You would never get used to the color.
What caught you off guard, though, was the longing look in Obi’s eyes as he looked back at you.
You watched him gulp, nervousness written on his face. You quickly intertwined your force presence with his, soothing him just a little.
“If-“, he began, his voice breaking at the end. You watched as he took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a second before regaining his courage.
“If we get settled and we both find a job and earn enough money to live- of course- would you consider-“, he began, his eyes moving to your lips only once.
“Would you consider having this, too?”, he moved his head to Padmé’s and Anakin’s. “Building a family?“, he finished, his eyes hopeful.
“Of course only if you want to, and if you are ready. If you don’t want children at all, we don’t have to, the only thing I want is you in my life-“
You interrupted him by placing a hand on his face and it was only then that he saw the tears building up in your eyes. “There’s nothing else that I want.”, you whispered.
Obi’s eyes dilated immediately, his heart racing in his chest. He moved his eyes to your lips once again and caught them in a sweet and soft kiss.
His eyes opened widely, the sound of a sandstorm outside awaking him from his dream.
His heart dropped at that.
A dream. It had only been a dream.
The cave he was living in was dark and smelled musty, he hadn’t changed his clothes in a while and he was sleeping on the stone hard ground.
Tears instantly rushed to his eyes when he truly realized that it had only been a dream, so very distant from reality.
It had felt so real, your hand in his, you in his arms where you belonged.
This is where you should be right now, laying in his arms and cuddling with him to sleep.
Despite of everything that had happened, you still should be with him, living in a small hut on Tatooine.
If you were with him, he wouldn’t be sleeping at a place like this, he’d work ten jobs to provide a happy and fulfilled live for you. He’d give everything to you.
You were supposed to be with him, he was supposed to protect you, always protect you. You shouldn’t be laying dead in the Jedi temple, you should be by his side.
He threw his fist against the stone ground in a fit of anger, probably breaking some bones in the process.
He had always known that he didn’t deserve you, didn’t deserve you loving him back. Surprisingly, though, you did love him back.
The universe, however, didn’t allow him to be happy. He was destined for infinite sadness and he was well aware of it, but he had always hoped that his future contained you, in any way possible.
The universe didn’t allow him love, though.
He pulled his knees closer to him, letting a sob out at just the thought of you.
He missed you, so so much. It was as if a part of him was gone, his heart ripped out of his chest. It was yours and you had taken it with you when you died.
“Please, darling, give me a sign, anything.”
He was met with nothing.
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10kseniya10 · 1 year
I’d like to request an Obi-Wan One-Shot. I love the way u write him and tbh u ate my fave Obi-Wan writer.
So my request would be: falling in love with Modern!Dad!Obi-Wan. Thats it, oh and reader is a woman. Do whatever u want with it.
Lots of love <3
Thank you!! it's makes me so happy you love my stories, hope you like this one! ���💖💖
Everything's got a price.
It was a Friday evening and the weekend awaited you but you didn't want to begin it without your traditional start. A strawberry and chocolate sauce crepe with a warm cup of hot chocolate with the marshmallows on top melted to the perfect consistency from Rex's cafe and a visit to Qui Gon's corner bookshop.
You were lost in between the bookshelves after having devoured your treats to peruse through sci-fi stories when as you pulled for it, someone else had reached out to do the same. He was dressed in an fitted brown sweater that matched the bronze of his hair. His beard well kept that you almost thought he was an author himself. His blue eyes found yours as you stepped away all too suddenly feeling quite shy.
"Sorry I was taken aback by the cover.", you smile.
"It's very pretty is it not?", he asked but he wasn't looking at the book, his eyes roamed your face.
"I'm not familiar with the author.", you tell him, averting your gaze back to the summary as a way to hide a blush on your cheeks.
"A compelling story though, might make a good weekend read.", you continued.
"Oh yes. It's about wizards and laser swords set in space.", he added to your conversation as you nodded along.
"Well it's gotten your stamp of approval. It has convinced me to buy it.", you look up at him, your eyes registering his features when you realised he did look familiar.
"Forgive me, have we met before?", you squeeze yours brows together holding the book against your chest when he pursued his lips.
"I would have definitely remembered.", he said and it was difficult to differentiate if he was paying you a compliment, if he was just nice or if he was flirting with you.
"Is this your first time here?", you ask determined to figure out where you had met him.
"I came here a lot as a teenager.", he shuffled his feet.
"My father owned this establishment soon after he took me under his wing.", he had a kind smile almost as if he was reminiscing along with you.
"But this is my first time revisiting this old place with my son.", he looked about the shop that held its own identity and vintage quality and behind his legs hid a tiny figure.
You draw nearer to him, a name at the tip of your tongue. Qui Gon was a gentle soul, a vibrant part of the community and he had helped you during a tough time in your life when he let you work as the cashier here. He mentioned his son often and you wondered how someone could be so perfect.
His eyes widened registering the lessened space between you and him. But it also looked like he was hiding a secret.
"It starts with an O, doesn't it?", you snap your finger trying your best to recollect.
"What does?", his back hit the shelf behind him softly as you step closer.
"Your name.", you whispered as you looked away.
A new author was supposed to visit, one who was well known and had a book signing here on Saturday. You tapped your fingers against the book that you held. When it struck you. You held the book in front of you and there it was, his name on the cover. You noticed his anxious gulp when your eyes narrowed down on his.
"You're Obi -
He placed his hand over your mouth, to shush you.
"Yes, yes you've got me.", he whispered but all you could concentrate on was his smooth skin and the smell of his cologne reminding you of forest berries.
He gestured to know if he could be certain you wouldn't scream when you looked at the little boy who stood behind him quietly. You nodded and he tentatively removed his hand from your mouth.
"I've finally found a corner of respite. I ... we would like it to remain that way.", he sniffed folding his arms smiling at his son when a mischievous smile spread across your face.
"Everything's got a price.", you mimicked his stance to which he narrowed his eyes.
"Fine. What's your request?", he asked.
You took a moment to think of a dare for him to do, something that could be silly. You caught sight of his son when he gave you a shy smile and the idea hit you.
"Write me in as a character in your next book.", you smiled and a moment later he did too.
"How do you feel about being a love interest?", he asked quietly, his eyes glimmering with interest.
"All depends on the character I'm supposed to love.", you prop up shoulders and walk beside him to hear his laugh.
"Coffee?", he glanced back at you and you couldn't help but believe in fate in this second.
"I know just the place.", you tell him as his little boy padded along next to him as you unraveled your umbrella outside the store to help them with their anonymity which he had noticed.
Maybe this was fate.
Maybe this was every book lover's fantasy.
But it had found you.
So you looped your arm around his that he extended towards you and walked down the wet pavement chatting about stories and magic.
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10kseniya10 · 1 year
Forbidden feelings - Obi-wan x reader
Obi-wan had known since the first day he had met Y/n, his padawan, that he was in trouble. From her sweet smile, gentle eyes, and kind heart, Obi-wan knew he had to keep his emotions in check. He knew it was against Jedi protocol to form any kind of attachment, but Obi-wan couldn't help but feel a deep connection to her.
As time went on, Obi-wan felt his feelings for Y/n grow even stronger. He knew he had to do what was best for her and the Jedi Order, and so he kept his distance.
But after the fateful duel between Obi-wan and Anakin, Obi-wan fell apart in Y/n's arms. He had never known such desperation, and in that moment, he finally admitted to himself how much he loved Y/n.
Y/n comforted him in his time of need, and after a few moments, Obi-wan finally told her how he felt. He told her he was glad she hadn't died, and though that wasn't the most romantic thing to say then confessed to his feelings for her.
Y/n was surprised but happy, and she kissed Obi-wan passionately. They stayed like that for a few moments, and Obi-wan knew that it was meant to be.
Years passed, and Obi-wan and Y/n eventually married and adopted Luke. They lived happily ever after, and Obi-wan never regretted his decision to follow his heart.
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10kseniya10 · 2 years
And my personal fav at the moment, John Wick <3 x femReader with first kisssss! (Maybe the reader is a bit nervous lol) I'm super excited for this one!
One of my fav gentlemen ✨
No need to be nervous
Pairing:John wick x Fem reader
Description:You are nervous about having a kiss with John but he shows there's no need to be nervous at all
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You wash your hands after being in your garden for the past hour planting flowers and raking up vegetables and picking fruits to clean and make meals with.You had just put all fruits and vegetables in separate containers in the fridge when John walks in from walking the dog you two shared who for a long while was just called dog but after awhile you named him Hiro from your love of japanese culture and john liked the name too.You smile feeling him wrap his arms around your waist behind you looking out at the sun setting for evening before night sets in "Hey Dear" you look over at him as a bubble of warmth comes over you "Your nervous about something it's okay maybe this will help" you were fixing to ask what he meant but stopped when he leaned in kissing you.You quickly respond back smiling wrapping your arms around him as he holds your face rocking slowly side to side pulling away looking at each other laughing and holding each other having dinner and watching movies for an hour before bed "I love you" he smiles sweetly leaning down kissing you for a minute getting up and heading to bed "I love you too" you lay under the covers formed together falling asleep in each other's hold and embrace.
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10kseniya10 · 2 years
Stuck Between a Vampire and a Werewolf masterlist
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- You meet Emmett Cullen in college when his family moves to Forks. You get paired for a project in your literature class, and things eventually lead to a relationship. You become aware of his vampire status shortly after, but it doesn’t change anything at the moment. When Bella moves back to Forks as well, you strike up a friendship, as she starts dating Edward. A few months down the line, she invites you to a party with a few of her friends who live on the Quileute reservation, the history between the tribe and your boyfriend unknown to you. When you arrive, Paul imprints on you, not really knowing who you are. Things take a huge turn when he finds out you are with a Cullen, and he has to either come to terms with losing his imprint, or forcing you away from them. You, however, have to choose between a vampire, frozen in time at the age of 20, an impossible love if you wish to stay human, and a werewolf, a warm, comforting presence whose entire life is now devoted to protecting and loving you.
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
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10kseniya10 · 2 years
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Oh but he looks fine in formal wear.
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10kseniya10 · 2 years
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MORTAL KOMBAT (2021) dir. Simon McQuoid ››› Ludi Lin as Liu Kang
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10kseniya10 · 2 years
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MORTAL KOMBAT (2021) dir. Simon McQuoid ››› Ludi Lin as Liu Kang
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10kseniya10 · 2 years
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“If we were to die, it was supposed to be together.”
Mortal Kombat (2021)
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10kseniya10 · 2 years
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LUDI LIN as Liu Kang Mortal Kombat | 2021
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10kseniya10 · 2 years
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