#which of the 500 repositories would that be?
autogeneity · 2 years
annoying thing about being newish on the team is that I can't really do this very well because I need to ask for help with every fucking thing
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Prelims round 2, poll 1
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Junior Woodchucks Guidebook, Guardians of the Lost Library by Don Rosa:
"The Junior Woodchucks Guidebook?", you no doubt ask. "Isn't that just a book? A single book does not a library make?" And yes, it is just a book - and at the same time, no, it absolutely is a library. The library, actually. This tiny book is the actual, literal lost library of Alexandria, and contains all its lost wisdom and lore (except, sadly, the plays and poetry) preserved and expanded through the ages as various keepers cared for the library, preserved it by constantly transcribing and transferring it into the newest media and adding more and more content along the way - for instance, Marco Polo added all the books he brought back from China - until eventually, the library came to Duckburg, where it was collected in one single, huge volume - which a bit later became the very first "Junior Woodchucks Guidebook" - with some added modern knowledge and an entire organization dedicated to it's continued safekeeping. So, yeah - Junior Woodchucks Guidebook = Library of Alexandria + more
Endless Athenaeum, Critical Role – Campaign 1: Vox Machina:
The endless library of Ioun, the amazing goddess of knowledge from Critical Role!
Noumenon, Final Fantasy XIV:
This multi storied library is FFXIV equivalent of the Library of Alexandria. Organised by mini robots called mammets, largest repository of written works in all of Hydaelyn and has its own restricted section that would make many people's toes curl from what lay inside.
Kiersau Abbey Library, Pentiment:
You know how libraries these days are places for more than just books? This was one of these 500 years before it was cool. Here you can find old heretical texts, hot nun goss, secret passages, gay sex, delicious symbolism that represents the crumbling of an oppressive religious institution and increased education for the masses... what more could you ask for?
Neo-Gotham Public Library, Batman Beyond:
Mad Stan thinks libraries are just contributing to information overload, and the constant stream of All The Things is hurting people. Terry argues that it's not the information itself that's harmful, but rather the way of processing it, and that's the thing that needs to be addressed - not blowing up all the libraries.
Vault of Knowledge, Sky: Children of the Light:
It's ancient. It's magical. Its employees are all ghosts. There's so much information here and all translations have been lost
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adafruit · 24 days
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CircuitPython reaches 4,000 Stars on GitHub - Thank you to all in our fabulous CircuitPython community, developing projects with CircuitPython! https://blog.adafruit.com/2024/09/04/circuitpython-reaches-4000-stars-on-github-circuitpython-github-adafruit/
CircuitPython is an education friendly open source derivative of MicroPython. CircuitPython supports use on educational development boards designed and sold by Adafruit and a number of other vendors in addition to single board computers (SBC) running the Blinka compatibility layer software. Adafruit CircuitPython features unified Python core APIs and nearly 500 Adafruit libraries and drivers of that work with it. Adafruit supports MicroPython with code contributions and financially via Github sponsorship AND directly to MicroPython https://github.com/sponsors/micropython
3,000 Stars – MAY 22, 2022 2,500 Stars – JULY 16, 2021 2,000 Stars – JANUARY 27, 2021 1,700 Stars – MAY19, 2020 1,000 Stars – FEBRUARY 10, 2019 800 Stars – JANUARY 21, 2019
It took 2,935 days (about 8 years) for the “adafruit/circuitpython” repository to reach 4,000 stars on GitHub. After doing some analysis with ChatGPT on the CSV file of the data, a few interesting things!
After reaching around 1,000 stars, the growth rate appears to accelerate, indicating increased visibility and popularity within the developer community.
The project shows a trend of consistent engagement and steady growth without significant drops, which is a positive indicator of sustained community interest.
Based on the overall growth trend of the repository, it is estimated to take approximately 725 days (around 2 years) for the repository to reach 5,000 stars on GitHub. The projected date for reaching this milestone would be around August 30, 2026.
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ficsforgaza · 4 months
There are two options: “Sponsor a WIP” and Requests
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↳ For writers:
You will make a post listing the current WIPs or ideas you are working on/would be willing to work on as a gift for proof of donation. We will link to your post on a masterlist of writers who are participating. People who wish to donate can donate money to a fundraiser for Gaza as a way to advance your WIP. For example, someone can donate $5 and show you proof, as a response you write 500 more words towards the WIP that they are interested in. (This rate is an example. You can set another rate if you want to. Please include that in your post!).
The onus of updating word counts/proof will be on the writer. For example: if your fic’s expected word count is 2000 words, and you’ve written 500 so far as donations, just leave a word count on your wip page like, “Currently 500 words. Expected WC 2000.”
Once you have completed any fics that you wanted to use for this, you can let us know, and we will remove you from the list of active participants.
↳ For readers:
You will go to a writer’s WIP list, and choose a WIP that sounds intresting to you. You then make a donation to a VETTED fundraiser for Gaza. Take a screenshot of your donation. then, send the screenshot to the writer along with your WIP of choice.
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↳ For writers:
If you are open to taking requests or prompts , please let us know and make a post listing the types of requests or prompts you will be able to take. Also please include the fandoms you are willing to write for and any pertinent rules for your requests. We will link your post onto a post with a list of writers who are open to requests. A donor will send you a request/prompt which you can fulfill as long as you are comfortable with their request. You can discuss privately if more details are required, but at the end of the day, perform the request/prompt as a gift for donations to a VETTED fundraiser.
↳ For readers:
The writer will be open to requests or prompts, depending on their preference. Please work with the writer directly to make a request and send proof of a donation in order to receive your gifted fic.
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↳ For writers:
We set a $1 donation per 100 words rate as an example and as a low barrier to entry. You can set your own criteria as you see fit.
This blog is set up more so to be a repository for which writers are open to "sponsors"/requests. We will not accept your requests directly, nor will we ask writers for fic updates. Once the fic is completed, if you tag this blog, we will see it and reblog it.
Please update us on how much money you have raised! We’ve made a form which you can use, here’s the link. We’d like to display how much money this collaboration has raised together so we can all see the results of everyone’s work :)
Once you post a fic on tumblr, if you could tag this blog or insert some blurb about donating to Gaza, that would be appreciated! If you post your fic on ao3 however, do not mention any type of fundraiser at all to avoid any TOS issue.
↳ For readers:
Please abide by each writer’s individual rules and DNI criteria as well as the criteria for requests if they are accepting requests.
Please only donate to vetted fundraisers; we want to be sure your donation is reaching people in need and not scammers. People who are currently vetting fundraisers on tumblr are: @/90-ghost, @/el-shab-hussein, @/nabulsi, and @/moayesh
When you send your screenshot, please make an effort to redact personal information!
BE KIND. Writing is a hobby. Please do not rush anyone! Writers write at their own pace. This is just meant for the community to do something positive for the genocide we are witnessing! So we ask that everyone be kind when making requests and reading people’s works.
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jcmarchi · 9 months
The Grumpy Designer’s Guide to 2024
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/the-grumpy-designers-guide-to-2024/
The Grumpy Designer’s Guide to 2024
Are you curious about the future? Do you wonder how artificial intelligence (AI) will impact web design? Or if you’ll ever get that elusive Bluesky invite? You’ve come to the right place, my friends.
It’s time for my annual look at the year ahead. This satirical report is chock-full of useless facts and mindless predictions. That makes it just as good as any year-ahead article on the internet.
How do I do it? Like most internet companies, I use a proprietary algorithm. I prefer to keep it a secret. But it involves looking at the past and employing an overactive imagination. It can be yours for a small fee, by the way.
So, what does 2024 have in store for us? Here are some things that absolutely will (or probably won’t) happen.
The Web Designer’s Toolbox
Unlimited Downloads: HTML & Bootstrap Templates, WordPress Themes & Plugins, and much, much more!
WordPress.com to Offer Tweet Rebuttals
2023 was an eventful year for WordPress – and not all of it was positive. Then again, a little #WPDrama is a fine spectator sport.
The divide between co-founder Matt Mullenweg’s commercial venture (Automattic) and the open-source project once again raised some eyebrows. The (supposed) problem? Automattic’s WordPress.com replicated plugin listings from the WordPress.org repository on its site.
Plugin developers expressed concern that the commercial site’s listings showed up first in search results. Mullenweg was personally called out regarding the issue. The criticism was harsh and accusatory.
He responded aggressively – even banning a member of the open-source project’s marketing team on Twitter/X.
Right or wrong, these events got the WordPress community talking. The level of discourse was palpable.
It also got my predictive senses tingling. There must be a way to capitalize on this phenomenon – right?
Mullenweg responded to many critics – but certainly not all. Were you left out? Don’t worry! You’ll have a chance to get in on the action.
WordPress.com will soon unveil its “I Beg Your Pardon?” service. For a $20 fee, Mullenweg will personally respond to a critical tweet of your choice.
No worries if you’re short on cash. A free version from WordPress.org will get you an automated response from a bot.
Happy to take your listing down and redirect to another plugin page, which do you recommend as a good alternative?
— Matt Mullenweg (@photomatt) September 13, 2023
Apple Will Thrill Fans with AI
Rumors abound that Apple is working on an artificial intelligence platform. How might it work? What are its capabilities? I have a few predictions.
A Stiff Barrier to Entry
Apple loves to sell us premium products. And they also enjoy exercising tight control of them. Don’t expect their AI offering to be any different.
Thus, their platform will only be available to those using Apple devices. But that’s not all. Adding Apple’s AI to your workflow will also require a proprietary cable. No, not the one you already have.
We’re talking about a completely new connector type. The good news is that it’s currently hidden on your device. It will reveal itself upon sensing the cable’s presence.
The bad news? The dongle costs $500. And customers will have to wait at least six months for delivery. As usual, a large number of preorders will be the culprit.
An AI Powered Website Testing Suite
Web designers will be thrilled to see Apple’s AI testing suite. Enter your URL and watch the magic happen.
The tool emulates multiple devices. For example, you can troubleshoot your client’s buggy site on their 8-year-old Android phone. Or figure out why your responsive styles aren’t working on a brand of tablet no one has heard of.
You can also test your sites on classic Apple devices. How would an Apple IIe render your home page? What about a Newton handheld? You’re a dongle away from finding out.
It Will Be a Roller-Coaster Year for Elon Musk
Perhaps you don’t need a crystal ball to predict some things. Elon Musk and chaos are the perfect couple (sorry, Grimes). It’s the gift that keeps on giving.
I believe Mr. Musk will have a busy year. Seriously, there will be something wild happening every day. Here are just a few examples:
Musk will reveal (unprompted) that he ingested dozens of “E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial” cartridges. You know, the ones that Atari buried back in the 1980s. He may still have a stash in his basement.
Musk will invent an implantable microchip that allows chickens to speak. Ironically, he’ll call it “Twitter“.
What about the service formerly known as Twitter? Musk hasn’t forgotten about it. He’ll continue to reinstate banned accounts. Next up: Napolean. Watch out for a rant hundreds of years in the making.
We hear the Tesla Cybertruck will finally start deliveries in 2024. What’s the catch? It only includes models that come equipped with a Musk-approved flamethrower.
Tesla’s Autopilot feature is having issues. Musk will replace it with an “Autonag” option. A virtual Elon will criticize your driving skills and shout them through the car’s audio system. Transport will never be the same.
Best Wishes for 2024!
Yes, the predictions above are silly. But they underscore that we’re in a time of change. AI is disrupting our industry. The tools we use are evolving. Somehow, we’ll need to adapt. For instance, I may have ChatGPT write this article for me next year.
None of this will be easy. Web designers have weathered plenty of shifts, though. I’m still here – and so are you!
So, take a deep breath. Find something to laugh about. And do your best to make 2024 a great year.
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crossfoxbuns · 11 months
I’m in the midst of reinventing how I deal with social media.
Right now I got 3 social media accounts. (I don’t count chat apps since they aren’t “one-to-public” kind of things) I’ve got this tumblr account, a mastodon/fediverse, and a bluesky. And none of them have been all that satisfying to use, both as a reader and as a poster. (Mostly as a reader. I don’t wanna brag, but my posts have been read by at LEAST seven people worldwide.)
So I’ve been rethinking. And it comes down to posting certain things on certain accounts, and being deliberate about what is on my feed in each place. Here’s what I’ve got so far.
This is the place where the people I actually, personally know are. So I’m going to keep it that way. I’ll pare back who I’m following to just be friends. I’ll interact with them and post stuff that is a bit more personal, but okay for the public to see. Bluesky ain’t private after all.
The server I’m on and contribute to is focused toward furry technical engineers. As such I’ll probably keep it to that - that is to say, mostly work stuff or stuff a technical crowd would find interesting. I’ll trim down my feed to include that sort of thing to match. By trimming that list and by taking more advantage of mastodon’s awesome feed control I can get a feed full of techno-juiciness without the political, doomscroll-y stuff that’s also pretty common there.
In paring down the bluesky and mastodon feeds it means unfollowing a lot of artists and creators that I do actually want to keep up with. There’s an idea for that though - later
Tumblr’s in a weird place. It’s the old kid on the block but also somehow the freshest? The big thing that Tumblr has going for it out of these three is that there’s no real limit on the posts. I can ramble.
I like rambling.
So that’s why you’re seeing this post here. I got the room to express a whole idea, something I can’t do with bluesky’s 200-something characters or mastodon’s 1000-ish characters. (And that’s after using a forked version of mastodon that lets you up the limit from the usual 500)
Long form posts will go here, on Ye Olde Blog Platform. I think there will be more ways of defining what gets posted here, but I don’t know what that is yet, since I just started. I’ll figure this out as I go. As for the feed here I’m kinda ignoring it honestly. The idea eventually is to automate a thing to grab the posts from this blog (and my other socials if I can figure it out) and drop them into a big repository of “things I posted online”. Then I can use that repo when I eventually redo my personal website. Why build myself a CMS when every other platform already has, and with a way I can share my stuff built-in?
Let the corpos do the coding and heavy lifting, I’ll just nab my content as I go and keep it in my little box. :3
RSS - Really Still Something
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Yeah, RSS ain’t dead yet. Oddly enough, it’s more alive than ever! Every tumblr blog has a feed. Same with every WordPress blog, every mastodon account, and oh, how about EVERY PODCAST IN EXISTENCE.
RSS is going nowhere. Which is why my main reading feed of choice isn’t any of these socials, it’s my dang RSS reader. Almost a hundred webcomics, and almost a thousand more blogs, artists, news sources, YouTube channels (yup they got RSS too), and more, all sorted into different feed flavors, ready for me to read through, chronologically, without ads or scripts that slow the site down, whenever.
That is where the creators I’m no longer following on socials went. Somewhere where it’s impossible for them to get lost in the feed, because the little badge will nag at me that there’s something to read until I’ve seen everything. No algorithm to satiate, no firehose to get drowned in.
The downside of course is that if you’re an artist who doesn’t post on anywhere with an RSS (looking at you, FA), then I can’t see you. Sorry. There’s feeds for like almost everything out there, and if you’re only on FurAffinity and Twitter and that’s it, then I can’t help you, sorry.
Maybe that’s another post for the future. Some of these service’s RSS feeds are pretty well hidden, but they’re there. A post for a later date, though. This one has dragged on enough.
That’s what my social media use kinda looks like at the moment. I post and interact lightly but deliberately, though most of my reading/following is done over RSS.
Enjoyed the TED talk? There’s plenty more where that came from. Leave a note or a blaze or whatever it is tumblr does nowadays. I don’t mind shouting into the void, it’s pretty therapeutic, but it is nice to be heard now and then, especially with word counts like this. Anyway, until the next one!~
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Gods of the sun/son
"The story of Christ and his 12 disciples is a parody of the sun and the 12 signs of the Zodiac (the old calendar consisted of 13 months). Everything told of Christ has reference to the sun. His reported resurrection is at sunrise, and that on the first day of the week; that is, on the day anciently dedicated to the sun, which was called sunday." - Thomas Paine
No wonder his day of worship and resurrection is also on SUNday.
"Christ was always assimilated to the sun." - Dr. Robert Briffault
Christ was just an upgraded and altered version of the previous mythical sun gods before him.
List of Sun Gods before Jesus Christ who share some similar stories and attributes:
Horus/Ra of Egypt
Mithra of Persia
Krishna of India
Amaterasu of Japan
Apollo of Greece
Quetzalcoatl of Mesoamerica
Sol of Rome
Surya of India
Helios of Greece
List of Gods born on December 25th:
An Ethiopian-Sudanese/Egyptian God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 3,000 YEARS before Jesus. Resurrected after death.
An Indian God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 900 YEARS before Jesus.
An Iranian God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 1,000 YEARS before Jesus.
A Greek God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 800 YEARS before Jesus.
A Persian God, born 25th December, by a Virgin- 600 YEARS before Jesus. Resurrected after death.
A Greek God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 500 YEARS before Jesus.
A Babylonian God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 400 YEARS before Jesus.
A Greek God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 200 YEARS before Jesus.
A Phoenician God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 200 YEARS before Jesus.
A Roman God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 300 AD.
FYI: Dec. 25 is a celebration for the Roman festival of the SUN.
Almost all of these Gods were often depicted with a sun-like halo above their heads, and their day of worship is on a SUNday.
Sun halo signifies enLightened consciousness (illumination).
"I am the Light of the world." - Jesus Christ
Christ was also called "The Bright and Morning Star."
Sun = Star
Christ's birth was also associated with the star of Bethlehem, and he was visited by the three kings which is symbolical for the Orion star constellation. His entire story is filled with astrological symbology.
"When you understand metaphors, allegories, parables and symbolism, you will understand the wisdom of the ancients."
Almost all Gods and personages in all myths and religions are just PERSONIFICATIONS of the procreative power of the universe and the one universal mind/divine source.
(Personification - the attribution or embodiment of a personal nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form.)
The Sun was worshiped for many good reasons; after all, life here would not exist without the energy coming from the sun. For those in ancient times, the realization of their reliance on the Sun for their harvests, and in turn their survival,
🌳🌱Deviating from the main topic a bit, I've said in one of my previous post, most of the energy in our bodies comes from the sun. The energy of the food (vegetables, fruits and animals) that we eat comes from the sun. Plants and trees grow because they reach out to the energy of the sun.They absorb it's energy through a process called "photosynthesis," and it's possible because water is a conductor and a repository of energy. Remember, most animals eat plants and grass... then they are consumed/eaten by predatory animals. So whether if you are a meat lover or a vegan, most of the energy you get from your food comes from the sun.🌱🌲🌳🌻
Originally, Christ comes from the word Christos (crystalline consciousness and genetics/enLightened consciousness). It is a level, state or degree of an awakened consciousness. It is the birth right of any man to reach this level of consciousness... but the hidden rulers of this world hid the truth from the majority.
The word Christ actually has multiple meanings and representations...
Christ, the sun and your consciousness are all intertwined. This is the reason why most gods, gurus and saints have sun-like halos/disks above their heads. But that's another long topic.
This is just the surface, there is so much more to this...
I'm not really supposed to include this but, just to end confusion from people, I'll include some more info on Jesus, the one they called "The Christ."
There were actually two versions of Jesus Christ.
There was an actual man named Yeshuah (Jesus in English translation) and he was associated with the Essenes. This Jesus was similar to the Buddha who became spiritually enLIGHTened. He was an ascended spiritual master. The ancient authors later altered and intertwined his story with the previous SUN gods before him and was veiled/hidden in symbols and metaphors. (There was a deep reason why they did this.)
If you wanna find out about his real story, try to research on "The Essenes and The Dead Sea Scrolls." Also, look for "The Nag Hammadi Scriptures" or "The Gospel of Thomas." These are the original and unaltered versions of his real story that was kept from the masses by the Elites and other secret societies.
The famous Dolores Cannon also wrote a lot about this Jesus. Here are two of the titles I know: "Jesus and The Essenes" and "They walked with Jesus."
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hexad-infosoft · 1 year
What are the top 10 most used Microsoft Azure services in 2023?
In 2008, Microsoft Azure services were first introduced, later commercially available in 2010. In the past few decades, the demand for Azure App services has increased and today approximately 90% of Fortune 500 companies use the services of Microsoft Azure as priorities. As a cloud service provider, Azure offers numerous services, initiating from building project repositories to managing code, tasks, deployment, and service maintenance.
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Azure offers technical support in more than 40+ geographies and more than 600 different services, making it the market leader. Coming to the top 10 most used Microsoft Azure services in 2023, I would like to list them along with a brief description of each.
1. Azure DevOps
Among all services, Azure DevOps is the ever-green of all times. It is the most reliable and intelligent tool to manage projects, test and deploy code via CI/CD. Currently, Azure DevOps is a comprehensive set of different Azure services such as Azure Repos, Azure Pipelines, Azure Boards, Azure Test Plans, Azure Artifacts, etc. At Hexad, we have DevOps which provides the best and most custom software development services as per our client’s requirements.
2. Azure Virtual Machines
A virtual machine is a computer-like environment. Microsoft Azure offers the possibility of creating virtual machines with Windows and Linux operating systems according to client’s requirements to meet their business needs. Azure allows the creation of virtual machines (VMs) such as compute-optimized VMs, memory-optimized VMs, stretchable VMs, and compute-optimized VMs. As per the knowledge and expertise of our Azure developers, each virtual machine has its own virtual hardware and specifications depending on the chosen plan.
3. Azure Blob Storage
Blob storage is a service for storing large amounts of unstructured data that does not fit a specific data model or definition. Finally, it is used to add images or documents to the browser and write log files simultaneously. It is a storage device that also offers streaming media files. Our Azure experts have found that it is used to back up and restore database backup files.
4. Azure AD
Azure Active Directory handles authentication and authorization for any system from any location and provides user credentials for users who log in. At Hexad, we have done some Azure projects where Azure AD service has allowed employees of the organization to access resources from both external and internal sources.
5. Azure CosmosDB
At Hexad, Azure developers offer a fully managed NoSQL database service. We have utilized Cosmos DB, which aims for faster response times to queries and is also used to manage large archive databases with guaranteed speed at any scale. Besides, Cosmos DB stores data in JSON documents and provides API endpoints for managing these documents via the SDK.
6. Logic Apps
In recent years, technology has enhanced and the Azure Logic Apps slowly gained popularity, but it is still a powerful integration solution for a few apps. It will help connect applications, data, and devices from anywhere, further allowing almost all types of B2B transactions to be carried out most efficiently through electronic data interchange standards.
7. Azure Data Factory
Our Azure developers have used the Azure data factory, which helps to accept data from various input resources and automates data transfer through various pipelines. Depending on the data processing, the result can be published to Azure Data Lake for business analytics applications. Thus, at Hexad, our developers have found that Data Factory is an Azure service that utilizes compute to monitor workflows and perform better data analysis rather than data storage.
8. Azure CDN
The Azure Content Delivery Network has intended its wings with a variety of service integrations such as web applications, Azure Storage, or Azure Cloud Services. In addition, it is holding a powerful position via its security mechanism, which allows a developer to spend less time in managing security solutions. One of the main advantages of using this service is the fast response time and low content load times.
9. Azure Backup
Azure Backup service has solved most companies' problems by providing privacy protection and a solution to reduce some human errors. We follow the backup SQL workloads as well as Azure VMs. Besides, providing unlimited data transfer and multiple storage options, this Azure service provides consistent backup for all applications. With its extensive use, our software developers have addressed one of the biggest issues is storage scalability and data backup management.
10. Azure API Management
This Azure service allows users to manage and publish web APIs with just a few clicks. API Management secures all APIs using filters, tokens, and keys, freeing a developer from various security vulnerabilities. It also provides API access to the microservices architecture. One of the features of this service is its consumer-based user model, which offers automatic scaling and high availability.
Azure cloud services are suitable for the whole company with reliable and cost-effective solutions thanks to the wide range of these services. At Hexad Infosoft, Azure services intended for professionals and enterprises offer all-around alternatives to the traditional means of organizational processes, with top Azure services greatly improving performance. If you require any kind of Azure consulting services or any kind of implementation or migration, please share your requirements at [email protected]. Please visit our website-https://hexad.de/en/index.html
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thaiamulet-us · 2 years
Powerful Amulet Takrut Khor Mia
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Powerful Amulet Takrut Khor Mia
Magic metal talisman Best for Give yourself a magnetic aura and increase your personal magnetism Magically enchant your target for love attraction and Stimulate sexual desire.
This Magic Talisman It's make someone desire you constantly And capable of helping you attract your true love,This very powerful love spell talisman will lock your target person and cause them to become crazy over you. They will always be thinking of you and longing for your presence. The Takrut Khor Mia amulet works not only as a Kama Sutra Love Charm, but also works well in both the Social and professional Environment, to induce Metta Mahaniyom Mercy Charm, attract helpfulness and preference from others, Seduce, and even gain Promotion, and make good Sales through Attracting Customers.
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Takrut Khor Mia Pong Paya Tae Krua 500 Wives Prai Powders Filled + Kama Sutra Bedcloth - Ajarn Phu Ee The Takrut Khor Mia (See Bo Thoy Kao Bo Hlud) caller of lovers spell is a Khmer Necromantic Wicha from the repository of the Grimoires of Ajarn Phu Ee and his Master Lineage, dating back hundreds of years. The Takrut is spellbound with Inscriptions on silver Yantra foil scroll, which is inserted into transparent hose to protect against the elements. The Takrut scroll is filled with Prai Powders, composed of an admixture of Pong Paya Tae Krua Ha Roi Mia (500 wives powders), and Pong Nang Dtanhā Bamrer Gāmakun Jet Ta Maha Sanaeh (Nymphomaniac Kama Sutra powders from Sacred Substances found in 7 Prosperous Sea Ports). A strip of white bed cloth is also inserted into the Takrut, which comes from a powerful Kama Sutra Wicha of Ajarn Phu Ee, renowned for its powerful Maha Sanaeh seductive Influence. The Takrut was made by Ajarn Phu Ee instructing his apprentice to inscribe the Takrut spells on the foil, which must be placed on the bosom of a beautiful woman. This is similar to the method used for the Wicha Sariga Bon Hyuea, but this particular Takrut uses a completely different Kata Incantation, and Inscription to the Sariga Bon Hyuea. During the time Ajarn Phu Ee's apprentice Mage was performing the inscriptions on the foil upon the maiden's cgest, the man and the maiden performed sexual intercourse, whilst chanting the incantations given by Ajarn Phu Ee. Once the apprentices had performed nightly ritual Kama Sutra for each Takrut, they returned them to Ajarn Phu Ee, who then kept them for a whole year of daily and nightly empowerments. The Pong Prai Paya Tae Krua and Pong Prai Nang Dtanha Kama Sutra powders which dwell within the Takrut, were augmented with a compendium of magical and sacred Muan Sarn ingredients as follows; Pong Wan Dork Tong Maha Sanaeh from a Haunted cemetery, Pong Nang Dtanha Bamrer Gām, Nam Man Prai Sia Saw, Nam Man Gae Lae,Nam Man Pling Dood Sap, and Pong Wan 108. The Takrut has a piece of Pha Phu Dtiang bedcloth which was passed to seven beautiful promiscuous maidens. The clot was taken by each maiden to use to make love to seven men on seven consecutive nights, repeated with each of the seven maidens, for seven nights each. This kind of Kama Sutra Magical Sorcery spell invokes immense Maha Sanaeh Gaama Suudt power for Tantric Kama Sutra Sex Magick, and Passionate Affairs. Ajarn Phu Ee performed Kama Sutra Incantations for Seduction of Males, Females, Transexual and Transvestite, gay, and tomboy, making the Takrut completely unisex in its applied uses. The Takrutcan be used to attract and seduce whichever person of whichever sexual leanings or gender you prefer. The power of the Wicha Paya Tae Krua and the Kama Sutra Powders, Bedcloth and Invocations within the Takrut should provide an immense source of confidence and power of attraction, top entice and seduce your chosen partners. Olden Days Folk would take a Bai rak leaf (not too young, not too old) and inscribe their name along with the name of the chosen partner, and tie it around the Takrut with threads, performing the Kata Hua Jai Paetch Payatorn, and place it under the pillow. This is the ancient Kata they would chant 3 times when winding the spellbinding threads around the Bai rak leaf; Ōm Jidt Dtang Jidt Khorng (name of desired Person) Mā Rē Sō Sō Mā Rē Ākaj Chāhi Kaj Cha Mā Mā They would then use one more Takrut to wear as an amulet. You can also use the takrut to hand it down by the tip (vertyically ) and stir it in a circle in the drinking water 3 times, to imbue the water with Paya Tae Krua Magic, which will increase the loving kindness of all who drink from it. Carry the Takrut with you when you go out to seduce people in nocturnal activities, and use the following Kata (chant 3 times) before approaching your desired target. Dor Dī Hi Hī Gā Ma Lang Sang Dtē Pa Hu Dti
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Ajarn Phu Ee
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Ajarn Phu Ee of the Samnak Baramee Kroo Bpagam, is the creator of the legendary Nam Man Prai Gua Po, and the Wicha Phii Hlonmg Long Sariga Long Rang. He is a lineage master of the Khmer Sorcery Arts and an fully fledged adept of the Wicha of the Samnak Kroo Tam Dton Nam Huay Sai Badtr of Kalasin. he has mastered the Wicha Saliga Lin Tong and the Montr Kroo Phii Pasom Khloeng. Phu Ee was born in the year 2476 BE, and was from a very young age already interested in Sorcery and would seek out the Kroo Ba Ajarn of his district to beseech apprenticeships in Wicha Maha Sanaeh, Metta Maha Niyom Maha Laluay, Klaew Klaad Kong Grapan Chadtri. During his early adult life he ordained and spent many years on Tudong crossing over the Border Areas between Thailand and Cambodia, gathering knowledge and Wicha from the forest Hermits and Monks. He also traveled through Buriram, Surin and Sri Saket Provinces to meet with the Great Sorceror Monks of the region and receive Wicha from the great Luang Por Mum (Wat Prasat Yer), Luang Phu Sangkh (Khmer Sorceror Monk), and Luang Por Dam of Wat Kuti, famous for his Buddha amulets with wolf tooth inserts. He learned many dark and White Arts spells, some of which he still uses, and some forbidden Arts spells he now refuses to use, due to the dangers of certain Black Magic spells. Amongst those spells he no longer uses are the curses that bring ailments and death, spells to cause lovers or husbands and wives to separate, and other types of harmful magic. You can also use the Kata Paya Tae Krua with this amulet for Maha Sanaeh. He now only practices the Dark and White Sorcery Arts for blessings but no curses, such as healing spells, holy water blessings, make Nam Man Prai for wealth and business and seduction, make Pong Lob Yantra Powders for amulets, Hun Payont, Takrut, and his famous See Pheung Khiaw green waxy potion. Phu Ee has mastered many of the secret forbidden arts such as the Wicha Sek Tapu Khao Tong (enchant nails to appear inside a persons stomach) and Ya Sang (deadly potions and curses), and the Wicha Bang Fan, the Wicha Hnang Kwai Khmer (Buffalo Skin Curse), and many other rare and ancient Wicha of the Khmer Dark Arts, too many to mention. These days Ajarn Phu Ee does not perform Curses for Devotees, and only performs auspicious spells and creates amulets to help achive worldly goals with the help of spirit compansions and guardians.
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Amuletlove provides free of charge domestic Amulet-Talisman  and Thai Product delivery to your door all over the country. Yet, we ship Thai Product worldwide with the most suitable couriers. This Item comes with plastic bubble wraps and would be carefully packaged in a carton box. The package would be delivered from Chiang Rai Thailand through Registered Air Mail Via Thailand Post Co.,Ltd. Please allow 7 - 15 Business Days for shipment arrival.   Note: The actual Amulet & Talisman Or Thai Product might be slightly different from the display image due to camera light and/or brightness of screen monitors. Likewise, The features mentioned above Still the same in all respects Read the full article
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ultraheydudemestuff · 2 years
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St. Mary's Catholic Church
212 S. High St.
Hillsboro, OH 45133
Cornelius Daly, who had come from Ireland and was serving at St. Patrick Church in Fayetteville, OH. visited Hillsboro in 1845. To his surprise, he discovered about 15 Catholic families living in Hillsboro. The first Mass in Hillsboro was celebrated in a home owned by one of the families. Despite the small numbers, the existing St. Mary Church was built in 1852 on land donated by a parishioner. Cincinnati Archbishop Purcell preached the sermon. Michael O'Donoghue was the Sub-Deacon for the celebration. He would later become the longest serving minister of both St. Mary and St. Benignus Churches from 1861 to 1880.
It was Michael O'Donoghue who brought the 500-pound bell by train and wagon from the Verdin Bell Company in Cincinnati, as a symbol of peace when the Civil War ended in 1865. It was rung by rope and hand until Cletus Reiger bought the electronic bell ringing device from Verdin Bell Company 85 years later to celebrate the Marian Year in 1950. Now the bell could be programmed to ring the Angelus at 12:00 noon and 6:00 p.m. St. Mary Church expanded greatly in 1923. John Malone built the current Sanctuary, the Choir Loft, and the Rectory.
St. Mary Catholic Church New building would not occur again till 1988 when Stanley Luehrmann built the Narthex and Parish Hall that parishioners voted to name after him. It took 136 years, but St. Mary Church finally had its own restroom! Parishioners were mightily relieved. In 2000, Luehrmann established St. Mary Catholic School, which boasted its first enrollment of 12 students. The School grew so fast that a new, larger Parish Hall was constructed and finished in June 2005. Sadly, Luehrmann passed to his reward in Heaven one month later in July. Michael Paraniuk was assigned on November 4th, 2005. The church interior was in need of a complete restoration.
The restoration began in June 2006, which saw the church redone in an Ornamental Gothic Style, under the direction of Interior Designer Mrs. Mary Wright. In order to enhance devotion to the Eucharist, the tabernacle was moved back to the center of the Sanctuary and placed on an original cherry wood repository podium built by the hands of Mr. Jerome Piezer. Many people visit St. Mary Church and are generous in their compliments. The restored church with seven primary colors invites prayer and devotion. Michael Paraniuk once again turned to Verdin after 58 years to purchase Hillsboro's very first electronic carillon in 2008 that could play music. It played its very first song on December 19th - a Christmas favorite, "Silver Bells."
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tittafest · 2 years
Private contact discovery whatsapp
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If you would like to show support for a specific feature request, it's OK to use GitHub's built-in "reaction" feature to add a thumbs up to the first comment in the thread. Please be respectful of everyone's time and only comment if you have relevant new information to add. Moreover bumping an issue does not help solve it. Thus bumping issues with 👍s, me toos or asking for updates generates a lot of unnecessary email notifications. You can use that forum to discuss any Signal related topics or to just hang out with your fellow users.Įvery time someone comments on an issue, GitHub sends email to everyone who is watching the repository (currently around 500 people). However other discussion should take place at the community forum. Discussion related to the bug in question should of course go to the issue itself. Please do not use this issue tracker as a discussion forum. Relevant, concise and to the point comments that help to solve the issue are very welcome.
The main purpose of this issue tracker is to track bugs for the Android client. Both of those behaviours are discouraged by the Signal contributor guideline: It's also possible that your issue was not in line with the guidelines of the project (see especially the Development Ideology), or it was decided that the issue is not something that Signal should do at this time.īased on what I've seen so far, when a GitHub thread gets locked by one of the developers, it's usually because people have misused the issue tracker as a discussion forum or bumped the feature request or issue. Sometimes a reason has been posted earlier to another related issue which you can search for. Please understand that writing detailed explanations every time for every issue someone comes up with takes time. If you want to give feedback to Signal's developers, I suggest sending them an email: is what the developers have already said about closing feature requests without stating a reason: To be clear, I don't work for Open Whisper Systems (the organization behind Signal).
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webcamsunsky · 2 years
Opengl 2.0 vista download
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Graphics Wireless Networking Ethernet.Ġ and linux is pretty stable. Necessary i915 features are available with relatively recent linux* os kernels. Graphics wireless networking ethernet products server products intel nuc chipsets processors memory and storage fabric products. You will talk about freeglut in lubuntu 14. driver, exposing opengl 4.5 as well as opencl 2.1 and vulkan 1.0. The windows 10 opengl performance was tested using the latest stable 23. Graphics Wireless Networking Ethernet.Īfaik 1 and 3 are already capable of opengl 2.1 in current distros. Hello everyone, acekulpster here with another video! Pinpoint display adapters and then update the graphics driver. Having a patch for linux machine on your graphics. Mesa is an open-source implementation of the opengl specification - a system for rendering interactive 3d graphics.
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Tutorial to fix opengl 2.0,1.4,1.3 for window 7 32 and 64 bit for angry birds and minecrafts. Tried to find better driver from the intel repository but cant get opengl better than 3.0. Max payne 2, maxed out 1366x768 - 60 fps. To use it, you need bindings for your programming language of choice. Hi, since the new update, i cannot launch mini metro on linux cpu intel i5-520m, integrated gpu opengl ver. The recommended kernel objects and glsl 3. for hd graphics 500 / 600 comes with the following new features, opengl 4.5 support. After missing their original target of transitioning to intel gallium3d by default for mesa 19.3 as the preferred opengl linux driver on intel graphics hardware, this milestone has now been reached for mesa 20.0. The opengl linux configurations tested for reference included the, - ubuntu 17.10 x86 64 with its out-of-the-box linux 4.13 kernel paired with mesa 17.2.2 for the intel graphics driver support. Opengl is a graphics rendering api which is operating system independent, window system independent and has high-quality color images composed of geometric and image primitives. I m having a problem with opengl in manjaro xfce, according to wikipedia, my gpu, an intel gma 3150 as title says, supports opengl 2.1, but i only have 1.4 version, meanwhile in other linux distributions i ve been able to use 2.1 problem has made it impossible for me to play several video games that i used to be able to play because now i do not meet the minimum requirements. The opengl es emulator is a library that maps opengl es 3.1 api calls to the opengl api.
The products and openvg* 1 and ironlake hd opengl 3.
Keep your system up-to-date with this tool that analyzes the system drivers on your computer.
Since the market of the opengl 3 are not support.
If you have it and it still doesn't work, than your current gpu simply does not support opengl 3.2 or higher.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the 845 was released in 2002, when intel graphics couldn't even run contemporary games.
I have installed ubuntu just to give intel the proof that they are not supporting windows driver enough and their respective is the proof ubuntu/linux graphics driver with opengl 3.3 see picture attached.
This tool has the main interface hosted on intel s support website and provides a more integrated support experience to users.
The opencl platform working group led by the khronos group* defines this standard.
You can get opengl 3.3 from mesa's llvmpipe or softpipe software renderers by setting the libgl always software=1 environment variable. Identify your products and get driver and software updates for your intel hardware.
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I have a core i5 2520m cpu with intel hd graphics 3000 under windows 10. You just have to add this support to the driver part too. To get a slightly newer version of the opengl drivers, i would recommend the oibaf drivers from the launchpad website - these implement opengl 3.0, and are pretty stable.
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coquelicoq · 1 year
fascinated by the amount of drafts you have! is there any system?
my drafts are a mess lol. but there is a method to the madness i suppose.
the primary purpose (not the sole purpose, but the primary) of my tumblr is to be a repository of things i might want to look at again later. so when i reblog something, it needs indexing tags. it's almost always pointless for me to reblog something without them. sounds simple, but i have at minimum hundreds of indexing tags in active use and no actual list of them anywhere, so i have to 1) remember what they are and then 2) figure out which ones are relevant to the post at hand. i did once try to make a list of indexing tags but got overwhelmed, and in any case that's only half the problem.
my likes (i'll get to drafts in a moment) are a way for me to flag things that i might want to reblog later but which i can't reblog now because a) i need to read and think about and verify them first, b) i need to figure out what indexing tags to use, c) i have something to say and don't have the time currently, d) they need IDs and i don't have time to look for or write any right now, and/or e) i'm on a device that makes it hard to rb stuff. (occasionally i will like something to signal to the op, rber, or person who tagged me that i saw it, but this accounts for a small percentage of my likes.) then when i have some time and a good setup, i'll go through the most recent page of my likes and queue stuff from it, unliking posts as i queue them to make way for posts i haven't queued yet.
the thing about likes is that they send a notification to the op and the person whose rb i was looking at that i "liked" the post, which can mean different things to different people because not everyone uses likes the way i do. this can be awkward if i decide not to rb the post, depending on what the post is and/or who the op and rber are, so sometimes i don't want to send any indication of having seen a post unless i decide to rb it. if that's the case, i'll stick it in drafts, because that doesn't send a notif to anybody.
i have 448 drafts and over 4500 likes. obviously my system is not perfect because i like things faster than i can reblog them, since rbing is such a fucking production in this household lol. so i also use drafts as a kind of super-like, posts i would like except i know i won't be able to rb them in the near future and i really don't want them to get buried 200 pages deep in my likes where i'll never find them again. 500 or so drafts isn't an impossible number to page back through, and i do do that occasionally with my drafts. i could never do that with my likes.
i sometimes put multiple posts around the same topic/for the same purpose in drafts so i can rb or queue them all at once. basically i use likes to flag things for myself to deal with later, but there are so many of them i need a way to EXTRA flag things. that's what drafts are for.
i also just write new posts and then don't post them because i am not done with them yet, aka the actual purpose of drafts lol.
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sleepysera · 2 years
9.18.22 Headlines
Syria: Israel strike on Syria airport kills 5 soldiers (AP)
“The strike on the Damascus International Airport came 10 days after Israel launched a missile attack Syria’s Aleppo airport in the north that put it out of commission for a few days. It was the second attack on Aleppo’s airport within a week.”
Japan: Thousands evacuated as powerful typhoon pounds southern Japan (AP)
“A powerful typhoon slammed ashore in southern Japan on Sunday as it pounded the region with strong winds and heavy rain, causing blackouts, paralyzing ground and air transportation and prompting the evacuation of thousands of people. The Japan Meteorological Agency said Typhoon Nanmadol was heading north after making landfall in Kagoshima city on Japan’s southern main island of Kyushu.”
Turkey: Thousands march to demand ban on LGBTQ groups (AP)
“An anti-LGBTQ group marched Sunday in Istanbul, demanding that LGBTQ associations be shuttered and their activities banned, in the largest demonstration of its kind in Turkey. Several thousand people joined the demonstration dubbed “The Big Family Gathering.” Kursat Mican, a speaker for the organizers, said they had gathered more than 150,000 signatures to demand a new law from Turkey’s parliament that would ban what they called LGBTQ propaganda, which they say pervades Netflix, social media, arts and sports.”
Puerto Rico: Hurricane Fiona rips through powerless PR (AP)
“Hurricane Fiona struck Puerto Rico’s southwest coast on Sunday as it unleashed landslides, knocked the power grid out and ripped up asphalt from roads and flung the pieces around. Forecasters said the storm would cause catastrophic flooding and threatened to dump “historic” levels of rain, with up to 25 inches (64 centimeters) possible in isolated areas.”
Uber: Investigating hack on its computer systems (BBC)
“Uber's computer network has been hacked. The ride-hailing company said it was investigating after several internal communications and engineering systems had been compromised. The New York Times first reported the breach after the hacker sent images of email, cloud storage and code repositories to the newspaper. Uber staff were told not to use the workplace messaging app Slack, the report said, quoting two employees.”
Queen’s Funeral: Joe Biden arrives in London (BBC)
“US President Joe Biden has arrived in London ahead of the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II on Monday. Mr Biden is among some 500 heads of state and foreign dignitaries coming to London for a gathering of world leaders not seen for decades.”
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dwellordream · 3 years
“Anna of Saxony was born on November 22, 1532 at Hadersleben, Denmark to Dorothea of Saxony-Lauenburg and Christian III, the future king of Denmark. She married Duke August of Saxony on October 7, 1548 at Torgau, Saxony, and when he inherited the title Elector of Saxony in 1553, she became the electress. Anna died on October 1, 1585 at Dresden. Her library, which was located in the women’s quarters of the residential castle at Annaburg, Saxony, contained 500 titles in 438 volumes—arranged according to size on the shelves—and approximately 50 manuscripts. Shortly before Anna’s death, an inventory was taken of the medical manuscripts located in a special cabinet in her library by Abraham von Thumbshirn, an electoral Saxon councilor and the superintendent of Anna’s court. 
After her death, another inventory was taken of the printed books and manuscripts in her library by Sebastian Leonhart. Together with Elector August’s 2,354 volumes in his apartments at Annaburg, Anna’s collection formed the core of the later Royal Saxon Library. The large number of German territories in the early modern period meant that court libraries played a greater role than in other countries. Lay collectors achieved personal prestige through ownership of an identifiable corpus of artifacts that allowed them to gain a physical and intellectual understanding of the rapidly changing world during the age of exploration. 
Indeed, the libraries of the elector and the electress must be seen in the broader framework of their other dynastic collections, including the Armory and Saddlery (Rüst- und Harnischkammer), the cabinet of coins and medals (Münzkabinett), the collection of silver plate (Silberkammer), the treasury (Schatzkammer), and the seven-room “cabinet of curiosities” (Kunstkammer). The Kunstkammer was perhaps the second oldest in the German Empire, and it had thousands of tools, scientific instruments, and other objects along with 288 books according to an inventory taken in 1587. Together, the libraries and the other repositories formed a system of mutually exclusive but interconnected collections for “organizing knowledge about the universe” and for demonstrating human mastery of nature.
In a work published in 1524, An die Radherrn aller stedte deutsches lands: das sie Christliche schulen auffrichten vnd hallten sollen (To the Councilmen of all Cities in Germany That They Establish and Maintain Christian Schools), Martin Luther emphasized the importance of establishing libraries for secular rulers and for the dissemination of his evangelical message. Philipp Melanchthon and Georg Spalatin, as well as the members of Lutheran parish visitation teams who attempted to reform the practices of local church communities, were also important in the establishment of libraries in the Wettin lands. However, written discussions about whether princes should establish libraries at their own courts did not take place until the second half of the sixteenth century. 
In his famous advice manual, Regentenbuch (Book for Princes), the chancellor of Mansfeld, Georg Lauterbeck, made a direct connection between the establishment of a court library and the practice of ruling, stating that book collections would enhance the prestige of the ruler. He also noted that the development of printing and plentiful paper supplies had resulted in lower book prices, which made it possible for rulers to collect more volumes. Electress Anna owned a copy of Lauterbeck’s book. In addition to advancing the prestige of a ruler and underpinning church reform, a court library served the practical needs of its founder and could be used as a demonstration of wealth, as a sign of social dominance, or as an act of religious belief. Some authors saw the library as a “storehouse of knowledge” (Wissenssschatz) that could be handed down to future generations. 
Book collections were also useful for pedagogical purposes: in a letter of 1568 to the court chaplain Philipp Wagner, Electress Anna ordered a catechism with “readable print” to help her four-year-old daughter Dorothea learn the alphabet and syllables. Moreover, books were visible reminders of the continuity of the Wettin dynasty. Libraries were not simply the possessions of a princely family but also part of the treasury of the entire land. Books were concrete symbols of social prestige and power like other princely collections. Catalogues of books were used to understand the extent of a library, and the inventories taken by Thumbshirn and Leonhart provided Anna and August, as well as their heirs, with this knowledge. In addition to imparting an overview of the concrete holdings of the library, catalogues also fulfilled another function in the sixteenth century: they were virtual representations of book collections. The library was therefore not only a place or a collection but also the catalogue or inventory. 
Catalogues of large libraries provided information about the scope of the collection as well as the inclusion of specific texts. Above all, catalogues helped resolve the problem of systematizing and managing knowledge. It is unclear whether the elector and electress followed a specific “procurement policy” to obtain books. Leonhart’s inventory reveals that a large portion of Anna’s library consisted of new books published between 1560 and 1585. The couple examined lists of recently published works and placed orders through their representatives at the book fairs of Frankfurt am Main and Leipzig; they themselves regularly visited the fair at Leipzig. Saxon diplomats, especially Hubert Languet, made purchases for them in outlying areas. 
Anna received numerous books, manuscripts, and medical recipes from acquaintances and friends, as well as chronicles and historical works from her family. The elector established a printing shop in the family castle at Dresden, where a psalter by the court chaplain Christian Schütz and other works were printed for Anna. However, the largest part of the book collection was undoubtedly ordered by court librarians such as Paul Vogel based on the recommendations of the faculties at the universities of Leipzig and Wittenberg. The places of publication listed in Leonhart’s inventory show that electoral Saxon printers were preferred by Anna and August. Although Leipzig was a center of the book trade, approximately 64 volumes in Anna’s library were printed at Wittenberg, most of which were Bibles or works written by Martin Luther and Philipp Melanchthon. 
About 42 works were printed at Leipzig, 30 at Dresden, and 16 at Eisleben. Approximately 35 books were published at Frankfurt am Main, 33 at Würzburg, 31 at Uelzen, and 19 at Nuremberg. Many of the books printed at Dresden were bound by Jakob Krause (1525–85), who worked at the Saxon court from 1566 to 1585; he was “the greatest German master of the bookbinding craft and also one of the most famous European bookbinders of the time.” Little is known about Anna of Saxony’s upbringing in Denmark, but there is evidence that she was taught reading, writing, arithmetic, and religion by Tilemann von Hussen (1497–1551), who had studied with Luther and Melanchthon. Her training may have also included medicine under the guidance of Cornelius van der Hansfort, a physician at her father’s court.
Anna learned to speak, write, and read in Danish and German. There is no evidence she knew Greek or Latin. The inventory of her library shows that she owned works by the ancient authors in German translation, including Caesar’s Caij Julij Cesaris des großmechtigen ersten Roemischen Keysers Historien vom Gallier vnd der Roemer (History of the Gauls), Cicero’s Officia Ciceronis Teutsch (On Duties), Menander Protector’s Das Buch der Histori Menanders (The History of Menander), and Thucydides’s Von dem Peloponneser Krieg (The Peloponnesian War). The library also contained books to educate the young, such as the didactic poetry of Hugo von Trimberg’s Der Renner (The Runner), and Petrarch’s Von Artznei vnd Rath beydes in gutem vnd widerwertigem Glueck (Physicke Against Fortune), a collection of 254 dialogues which was enormously popular and influenced the moral thought of many Europeans during the Renaissance.
Other historical and political texts and works of advice in Anna’s library included Kaspar Hedio’s Ein Außerleßne Chronick von anfang der welt (An Excellent Chronicle from the Beginning of the World), which has an entry for 1509 about seven people brought from the New World to Rouen, possibly the earliest reference by German authors to Canadian Indians. Sebastian Münster’s Cosmographia oder beschreibung aller lander herrschaften (Cosmography) has hundreds of pages on the history and geography of Europe, as well as sections about the newly discovered territories of Africa, America, and Asia. A copy of Elector August’s Landesordnung (Territorial Ordinance) of October 1, 1555 was an important political text about administrative policing. The genre of advice books was well represented by Werner Leonard’s famous Fürstlicher Trostspiegel und christlicher Seelen-Trost (The Mirror of Princely Solace and Christian Comfort of the Soul) and Georg Lauterbeck’s Regentenbuch (Book for Princes), the most important work on political thought in German during the age of confessionalism.
According to a post-mortem estate inventory done by Thumbshirn at Annaburg, the electress kept two books on her night table: a children’s postil by M. Veit Dietrich and a religious work, Das seelige neue Jahr (The Blessed New Year). She was devoted to studying the Bible and reading other religious texts, including the apocryphal Jesus Syrach Deudsch (Book of Ecclesiasticus), a misogynist work which imparted to children the belief that women should be married and submissive to their fathers and husbands. In the sixteenth century, many Lutherans wanted to study Luther’s writings for inspiration and edification, and approximately two-thirds of Anna’s library consisted of titles by the reformer and other Lutherans. Anna purchased the nineteen-volume Wittenberg edition of Luther’s works and thus had almost all of his publications in print with the exception of the postils.
…One of Anna’s great passions was medicine. According to Thomas A. Brady, Jr., “Mother Anna,” as she was often called, not only “sewed, washed, and churned butter,” she also “bore fifteen children, and dosed the survivors and her husband when ill.” Noblewomen had long been expected to provide medical care to both the rich and poor, and throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, many of them became famous locally for their therapies. Anna had extensive contacts with other medical practitioners across the Holy Roman Empire, participating in the “pluralistic medical marketplace” available to patients in early modern Europe.
An early work in Anna’s library at Annaburg was a twenty-eight-page manuscript of gynecological recipes and advice which she began writing shortly after her marriage. Entitled Edlich guet ertzeney den Frauen (A Number of Good Medicines for Women), it describes treatments for problems associated with menstruation, pregnancy, and childbirth and provides detailed information about the measures that needed to be taken during pregnancy to avoid complications, including a section about pediatrics and post-partum care for the mother. Anna herself gave birth to fifteen children, eleven of whom died at birth or during infancy and childhood; it is not known how many miscarriages she had. 
Her library also included a number of printed books about midwifery: Adam Lonitzer’s Reformation oder Ordnung für die Hebammen (Reformation or Ordinance for Midwives), Walther Hermann Ryff ’s Frauen Rosengarten (Women’s Rose Garden), and Eucharius Rößlin’s Der schwangern Frauwen und Hebammen Rosengarten (The Rose Garden of Pregnant Women and Midwives), whose works were so popular that he was called “Teacher of Europe’s Midwives.” Recipes were very popular forms of medical texts in the sixteenth century; after being written down and bound, they provided standardized procedures to practitioners and represented knowledge about the human body in textual form. Boxes and cabinets in the Annaburg library contained recipes for medicines to improve women’s health and to decrease the problems associated with pregnancy and birthing. 
For example, a booklet of recipes written by Countess Dorothea of Mansfeld (1493–1578) contained information about difficult births and the methods to counteract them. In 1563, Katharina Wernerin, a widow from Zwickau, sent Anna a thirty-seven-folio booklet of recipes which included concoctions for sleeping, stomach problems, post-partum care, edema, hyperthermia, throat problems, epilepsy, shortness of breath, and chills. An ornately decorated, twenty-eight-folio manuscript of recipes sent to the electress by Hans Ungenad von Sonnegg and his wife Magdalena included a recipe for a panacea salve, as well as instructions to make a plaster for war wounds, powders to counteract rabid dog bites, and “swallow water” for kidney problems, strokes, fevers, and the removal of unseemly hair. 
Other recipes aimed to prevent kidney stones, breast problems, tumors, worms, insects, fevers, low urine production, and jaundice. The Ungenads’ recipe collection was a “medical wonder and a tangible object of knowledge.” The postmortem inventory of Anna’s manuscripts on medicine lists approximately fifty handwritten volumes found on special bookshelves in the electoral library at Annaburg, and all but four of them were recipe collections. The recipe collections and manuscripts of the electress were supplemented with at least thirty-four printed books about medicine, a number exceeded only by the religious texts in her library. 
…A third important part of Anna’s library consisted of works concerning agriculture. Before marrying Elector August, she learned in her homeland about an agricultural system used in Denmark and Holstein called Koppelwirtschaft, in which land was enclosed, turned into pasture, and plowed again at a later date. This procedure improved the quality of the grassland, and manure was absorbed to fertilize what would eventually be plowed again. Anna used this knowledge when she was put in charge around 1550 of an outlying farm at Ostra near Dresden by the elector, who wanted to use it to supply food to their residence in Dresden and as an experimental site for new agricultural methods.
Approximately twenty years later, the electress was named supervisor of approximately seventy of the hundred electoral demesnes in Saxony by her husband. She probably consulted her German translation of Pliny’s Natürlicher History (Natural History) to obtain information about enriching manure on the farms. Moreover, Anna possessed an important collection of classical agricultural texts by Cassianus Bassus entitled Der Veldtbaw (Farm Work), translated by Michael Herr. Anna’s library contained several manuscripts, which were eventually printed, about the administration of farms, works she probably consulted to help with her own supervisory duties. Thumbshirn’s Haushaltung in Forwergen (The Management of Outlying Farms) of 1569 deals with methods to improve planting, raising livestock and poultry, gardening, beekeeping, mills, viticulture, raising sheep, fishing, hunting, and forestry. 
… Anna’s library helped make the Saxon court a “vibrant center of knowledge transactions” and a site where the “management of knowledge” was achieved. The manuscripts, printed books, and recipes signaled the electress’s education, interests, and wealth. She used personal, hands-on knowledge and expertise to gain knowledge about religion, medicine, and farming, but ownership of books and manuscripts also provided her with legitimacy and a means to search for universal truths as well. Anna was undoubtedly proud of the library, because it revealed not only her high level of literacy and social rank but also her participation in the “boom of book culture” that took place in the sixteenth century.”
- Brian J. Hale, “Anna of Saxony and Her Library.” in Early Modern Women
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forineffablereasons · 3 years
What kind of things do you have on your to-do list when you get hundreds of things done in a week? I have like five things (make lasagna, vacuum, do laundry, write, call grandma) on a busy day.
some stuff i have on my list that you probably wouldn't - for instance, "shower and dress" is on 7 times, because i do that every day. it's on the list now because sometimes when depression is bad, it's hard to do stuff like this. "take vitamins" is on 7 times. "take darcydog to daycare" is on the list, so i don't forget on thursday, and "pick darcydog up from daycare" is also on the list, because even though i will not forget she's at daycare, when i think about thursday after work, and what i'm going to do that night, and what my options are, i have to remember that she'll be with me and not waiting at home. it would be easy for me to plan, say, on tuesday, "stop by store after work thursday" because on tuesday, she is not yet at the daycare, so picking her up is not a task that has laid its foundation yet. it doesn't 100% exist yet. so "pick darcydog up from daycare" is on the list so i don't inadvertently plan to do something thursday night that is later complicated by picking her up from daycare.
some stuff i have on my list gets many more items than you probably would put down - for instance, instead of saying cleaning, i have "clean bathroom, clean entry, clean kitchen (island, fridge/freezer, dishes)" etc so that cleaning the house becomes its own 20 things. this makes it easier to cross things off, and also easier to start, because if the goal is "clean the bathroom" instead of "clean all 800 sq feet of this apartment" it is an easier goal. "write 500 words" is a goal for every day, and so appears 7 times, but each section of the fic i'm writing also has an item on the list.
and some stuff i have on my list just to track. i know, for instance, that i am not going to finish all 5 stitching projects i put on the list this week. but i wrote all 5 of them down to help me envision future priorities, and to offer some motivation to finish the current thing. look, if you finish that, there is also this.
so my weekly list is just a snapshot of these things, which is why it is never finished. this week's list is 158 things, and i hope to finish maybe 100 of them. last week's list was longer because i had more daily responsibilities at work which i no longer have this week bc i was covering for my secretary.
i also have a The List, which is the overarching repository of things i want to do, movies to watch, books to read, things for this project or that project, fics to write, etc. that has something like 700 things on it right now but i need to rewrite it this week and determine a more streamlined approach. (this is, in fact, item #57 on this week's list.) because i have a bit of adhd i live in a world where if i didn't write it down, it didn't exist, and because i have a bit of depression, i also live in a world where i am somewhat prone to listlessness and disinterest. it is sometimes hard to make decisions. it's sometimes hard to know what comes next. some days (like yesterday) i look up and realize that it's 3 pm and i have done nothing but lay on the sofa doing. nothing, really. the List is long because it is something i can always go back to when i need an exterior boost to Do. this is also why some tasks are broken down very small, because it is easier to bargain with myself: ok, if you clean the bathroom you can have a 20 minute lie down. ok, we can't manage to clean the living room today but you do at least have to water the plants. then i can do the partial task of watering the plants without becoming overwhelmed by the larger task of cleaning the living room.
so tl;dr the answer is: it's just a style of listing that relies heavily on tiny bite-sized tasks and explicit statement of every single thing that will happen to help my swiss cheese brain motivate itself and remember important things as i plan and move through the week.
this week's list is 158! let's see what we can get done.
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