#which means they get whatever new familiars are not yet awakened yet
rizardofether · 7 months
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Went over my most popular dragons again, it's been almost two years.. Frost is still overwhelmingly more popular than the others, though that might be because he's the only one that has been picked in a dragon share spotlight..
That Which Lurks has suddenly jumped from having less than 5 to having 11 likes, he got front page at one point. Same with Azure..
Enigma somehow jumped all the way up to 10 likes inbetween when I made him.. a year ago...? Up till now and Gale got some likes from being a frontpage dragon.
The rest have stayed pretty much the same as before.
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yeahyeahchloe · 1 year
It Wasnt in my Head (2)
(a/n: ok chapter 2 time. ty for the love on chapter 1!! fyi.. reader is definitely based off me, so if you don't like her pls be nice about it! pls tell me if u see any typos. ♡︎)
Summary: Abby is the starting linebacker at UW and when her team starts to falter her coach decides to get the team into ballet, in order to teach them that grace and stability is important in football too. Abby is just as upset about her teammates about this, until she sees her pretty new ballet teacher...
dancer!reader x football!abby
I always knew I was meant to dance.
Ever since I first walked into a dance studio I knew it was just where I was supposed to be. My "calling" or whatever.
I walked into the familiar building with the familiar smell of rosin and wood flooding through my nostrils. I set down my ballet bag and began stretching, still in my sweatshirt and sweatpants.
It had been a week since Coach Vonn asked me to help with his teams little "issue" and the first day was finally here.
Its safe to say I'm absolutely fucking terrified.
I mean I know most girls hate the idea of being locked in a small studio with large groups of men, but as a lesbian?? Way way fucking worse.
As I was stretching I heard the door shut a good few times signaling that said men were coming in, but I chose to ignore it for the five minutes before the class actually started since I was sweating like a pig. Unfortunately that five minutes seemed to pass in seconds and it was time for me to get started.
I finally walked over to stand in front of a large group of men all staring at me. Waiting.
"Alright, I guess it's time to get started," I announced, pulling the quiet conversations in the room to a halt. "Ok we can just-"
The door slammed open interrupting me with a bang, I turned to yell at the person interrupting my class when I felt my breathing stop.
The person who opened the door stood now inside the studio, out of breath from rushing in. She was tall, taller than some of the other men on the team, with the most stunning honey blonde hair rolling down her back in a simple braid. She had a broad nose, yet softer eyes.
And to top it all off she was fucking MASSIVE.
And she was so fucking pretty.
"I'm so so sorry I'm late there was a train and then I couldn't find parking," The woman said in a voice as soft as silk.
I snapped out of my daze to answer the blonde in front of me,
"Oh, you're fine! We were just getting started," I told her, struggling to find my words.
She stalled for a minute looking in my direction for a little longer, but eventually looked away and nodded her head up at a few of her teammates in greeting.
"Uhmmm, ok! As I was saying, we can just get started with an introduction. My name Y/n L/n and I'm a junior here at WU. I was asked by Coach Vonn to teach you guys some ballet basics, in hopes of improving your muscle control, stamina, balance and, like, a ton of other things, um, we can just get started off with some stretching, which I know you all already know how to do that," I began, hoping to sound as put together and professional as possible.
Everyone began to stretch as I watched and observed them all.
Well, watched and observed the blonde who burst in earlier.
She had taken off her sweatshirt, so her deliciously large arms were now on full display, flexing with every movement. And her hands, god her hands, they were large too. The tendons that sat atop, her hands moved just as much as the muscles on her arms did.
I finally decided to tear my eyes away after realizing that I was staring for a creepily long amount of time.
"Ok, everyone lets start by learning our positions," I announced to the room.
The rest of the lesson went as they always do, and at the end I got a few thank yous, and everyone left.
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My front door made the same usual clanking noise as it unlocked, before I threw it opened and walked in, taking off my shoes at the door.
"Hey bitch!" A voice hollered from the kitchen.
Heyyy D!" I called back walking into the room.
Dina was seriously my favorite person. I had met her last year when I saw an ad on craigslist that said she was looking for a roommate. Hindsight says that using a craigslist ad to find a roommate was probably not a very good idea, but it worked out in the end.
"Were going to a motherfuckin party tonight!" She exclaimed, eating her microwave nachos.
"Aw, D, come on you know I hate parties," I reminded her as I grabbed my own plate and the bag of tortilla chips to start a dinner of my own.
"Y/nnnn I really really wanna get out and do something! I've been doing classes and sitting at home all. day." She groaned.
Her and Jesse must have gotten into another fight.
"Uhhhhmmmmmmnnuuugghhh yesokfine," I answered Dina, as she gave me her best puppy dog eyes. "I guess I deserve a night off too,"
"Hell yeah you do! Ok eat quick because we leave at 10,"
I glanced to the bright red numbers on the oven that read 8:45 and ate my now ready nachos slightly quicker.
I walked into my room and to my dresser and decided on a super basic party outfit: a mini dress.
My hair looked fine down, so I left it as I touched up my makeup from the day.
"Oh by the way, Ellie is coming and she says her friend is gonna meet us there," Dina told me after bursting into my room unannounced.
I smiled at that. I loved Ellie. She was a lot like me in many ways, and she was the one who helped me realize I was into girls.
She was also Dina's best friend so I kind of had to like her.
Around thirty minutes later Dina and I heard honking outside n signaling to us that Ellie had arrived to get us.
We both locked up, walked down the many stairs of our apartment complex, and piled into Ellie's car.
"Hey Els!" I said, sliding into the backseat.
"Hey sweet thing, how've you been?" She asked, eyeing me in her rearview mirror.
"Oh y'know, busy. Get this, I have to teach the football team how to do ballet, per their coaches request. Can you believe that shit? Its like watching a bunch of babies take their first steps," I answered her with my regular joking tone.
She snorted before following it with: "Jesus, looks like you need tonight more than Dina does,"
"Tell me about it,"
We pulled up to the house after another 5 minutes or so full of conversation.
And of fucking course.
Greek letters were proudly hung on the front of said house.\
"Dina, really? I didn't know this was a fucking frat," I told my friend, annoyance lacing my voice.
"Well I knew if I told you, you wouldn't have come," She turned around and looked at me while Ellie parked.
"Ok yeah I guess that's fair," I grumbled from the backseat.
I hate frats. Too many annoying misogynists who think they have a chance.
We got out of the car and approached the entrance where loud music was heard from a few feet away.
Here we fucking go.
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scratchandplaster · 9 months
Stack The Deck - PART 13
CW: Carewhumper, non-con touching, referenced stalking/non-con bathing/nudity, gaslighting, panic attack
PART 12 ⇽ [Masterlist] ⇾ PART 14
All of this could be worse, Elliot had to constantly remind himself of this fact; so, so much worse.
At the very least he didn't find himself in the trunk of a Honda or a crack house bathroom, just the sparsely decorated home of Chris, being far more tidy than he'd like to give him credit for. Said man had disappeared a few minutes ago, leaving Elliot to stew in bewilderment. The spots where skin had met skin started to itch.
Focus, come on. Neither the lonely houseplant next to the TV nor the properly aligned armchair could help him; behind the bed he was placed in stood a dresser with a full ashtray on it. The sun that had so rudely woken him up before already moved on, but the window it entered through didn't budge an inch, letting the muffled sound of cars driving up and down the road flow through the glass. They were at least on the third floor.
Jump, a harsh force pulled at his stomach, now. What else would he break in the process?
The smell of vanilla and sugar let him come to a bit more, a sour taste gathering at the thought of what's next to come. Even though Elliot had no idea why he was taken again, the animal part of his brain prepared for the worst regardless; knowing this time could be dangerous in a whole different sort of way.
"Do you like pancakes?" Morris called out, looking back from the kitchen to check if this was still real, if Elliot was really with him now, "Of course you do."
Did he? Elliot wasn't so sure about it anymore, he couldn't get his next steps on track: a rescue he couldn't remember, the warm welcome, the fact that Amber was just old news - where did this suddenly come from? What do you call a joke nobody's laughing about?
Wrapped up in the hysteric circle of repetitive thoughts, his hands started to knead hills and valleys into the blanket and rewarded his already tense arm with a short sting of fire. Elliot usually avoided to, but looking down at his palms, he noticed the rough red lines of dark scab across them.
"Did I fall?" he whispered to nobody in particular.
"Yeah, I guess so. I mean, you were bleeding; your knees too. Don't you feel that?" The well-meaning hint fell on deaf ears.
Though Elliot did feel that. An all-too familiar burn started spreading its stinging tendrils out to reach his elbow first and if not appeased quickly enough, it would only grow further. On some days, it crawled up behind his eyes.
But not yet, there was still time. Finally ready to act, Elliot threw the heavy covers off his legs, which were not tied together despite the uneasy memories. He could work with that.
The cooked batter already built up bubbles, he could see it from where he was standing now, the kitchen also being the entrance area and final room to separate them from the outside world. After flipping it over to reveal a perfectly browned crust, Morris at last noticed him: "I thought of you, moving north into the wilderness to ride moose and become a park ranger or whatever. She got me good; upstate, my ass!"
Jesus Christ, what is he going on about? Elliot had read an article about brain damage some odd months ago: poor Morris probably had an aneurysm during the time they didn't see each other, and hopefully would be blessed with another one soon. This had to be it. He, for one, didn't act like a guy who got invested in a spontaneous religious awakening.
Elliot swallowed hard, interrupting the senseless yapping and looking into Morris' steam-covert face that only underlined his unsettling glassy expression: "I can't do this again. Please, I give you everything."
They faced each-other while still keeping a good distance, with the door to the hallway practically only a jump away. Elliot could make it.
"The bathroom is on your right," Morris said through a patient smile, "Freshen up a bit."
Coward. Even a splash of cold water on his puffy eyes didn't soothe the lingering frustration; if this were the Olympics, he'd be awarded the golden medal for backpedaling, especially when it came to his own survival. You dumb fucking coward.
Elliot even lacked the guts to lock the bathroom door. When push comes to shove, one could bet Morris would just kick the hinges in.
Where had the time gone; the time he should have used to prepare, to take action against Morris? Not boxing, naturally, but something... anything meaningful. All that followed was well deserved, it seemed, the punishment for wasting away in his childhood bedroom and staring motionless at a wall for eight months.
The bathroom mirror gave a flash of relief as Elliot pressed his forehead against the cool glass. Think! 
For the first time in a long year, he looked at his reflection. A broken man glared back through empty eyes. Single beads of water ran down his chin to be soaked up into his shirt, already damp with the stench of fear and sweat.
The shirt he wore the whole night; a shirt he did not wear yesterday, one he did not even own, meaning that Morris had to- Oh god.
Maybe he should think less, before losing the last bit of sanity.
Not that it mattered, Elliot's only goal was clear: convince Chris to leave him alone, even when he had to bear his unorthodox signs of reparation. Smile and nod and play Crazy Eights until he opens the door: old habits and such. Nothing to lose this time, he could do it!
As Elliot awkwardly stalked back to the kitchen, the stinging had already engulfed his whole left hand and throbbed with every horrid expectation. One favor Morris could do him, if this went south too, was to cut the damn thing off already. Turning around into the kitchen fully now, he was greeted by the same stupid grin that send him away. At least one of us is having fun.
Elliot was gently led to the table and forced to sit tight until the chef was gracious enough to join him; dragging his chair to position it opposite to his guest. A stack of warm pancakes was placed carefully in front of both; they didn't look half bad.
So this was the apology breakfast then.
"Here you go, Ell!"
The cutlery slid right next to the plate and with Chris closer than ever before, Elliot could feel his body heat on his face. By reflex, his head curled down to make himself as small as possible, as if mesmerized by the pancakes he was blankly staring at.
"Say when." A thin stream of sticky maple started to coat them: the apology syrup, surely.
He would have appreciated all the effort in a different context, but with his sweaty right clenched around the butter knife, any sense of domestic bliss was lost.
Elliot felt his mouth go dry in anticipation; bile already collecting further.
None of them had noticed how heavy their breathing went, so Morris decided to be more brisk and let the hand he had positioned so innocently on the backrest slip down the small of Elliot's neck.
This is the apology- the-the apology...
The touch of rough fingers against his sensitive skin made Elliot shudder violently and writhe away from the contact. Even though that wasn't a "when", the steady drizzle of syrup stopped in its flow.
Letting his hand wander even further down to dip under his collar and between his shoulder blades, Chris too was mesmerized. His skin felt pleasantly warm to the touch; stroking back and forth, up and down to soothe his boy who was nearly losing it again. So tense.
He knew it only got worse the longer this medicine he demanded was held back, so why not enjoy the last calm moments for a while. Brushing the peach fuzz at the base of his hairline awarded Chris a low whine. So pretty.
His left arm was sore by now and already cooking up a storm, Elliot could feel it.
Morris felt glad his guest was deadly focused on the meal he made them, otherwise his bright red face would only prove how excited he was getting.
He hadn't missed how much longer Elliot's hair had grown, still happy that he managed to wash it last night. Speaking of which, was he always this pale and skinny? He did look kinda rough, Chris determined with a frown, they hadn't taken good care of him, wherever he'd been before.
Not for much longer, of course.
Elliot too had learned from his mistakes, though he never expected to use his newfound knowledge. Enjoying a bite to wake up god-knows-where; no, thank you! It made little sense to take his meds and just drug him still, but he had to anticipate senseless acts from a senseless man.
Elliot wouldn't look up, hell no, that face just helped to make him throw up faster.
"Sorry, but I'm not eating this," Elliot murmured, unsure if there was a gentle way of teaching him that.
Morris looked sheepish: "Oh, is it burned? The first ones always get a little bit more...crispy."
He neither took silence nor no for an answer, but two could play that game.
"So, what do you want to do after this?", Morris asked. He hoped to get the best use out of their intimacy before the inevitable temporary mood killer.
"You talk a lot." Sadly, not one coherent sentence. So Elliot refused to give in to the chit-chat.
"I'm just excited," Morris admitted quietly while desperate to hide the red blotches on his face.
Excited about what?
He had to sound like a broken record by now: "Did I do something wrong? I didn't tell anyone, I swear!"
Morris sighed.
"No, no, I'm not angry with you, is that so hard to believe?" He couldn't stop playing with full, dark strands of hair. "I just said these things to buy more time."
Collecting what remained of his shaky words, Elliot failed to bite his tongue any longer. Sweet-talk me all you want.
"Y-you said, you'd kill my mother."
Morris would never, scout's honor! That woman was huge.
"Yeah, I didn't mean that, obviously!" came the annoyed huff.
Obviously, like Morris wasn't a dangerous man to be around. Obviously, like it was Elliot's fault for believing threats against their lives.
"Wouldn't make a difference if you had told them, either."
A difference for Elliot nonetheless, one could suppose, seeing how drenched in tears he suddenly was. In another life, one where he got to be less of a disappointment, he told his parents and doctors the truth to make peace with himself. 
At worse, new accusations only fast-tracked Morris tardy rendezvous with justice. Dragging an unconscious stranger through the streets perhaps did raise some eyebrows... Do you even know about the warrant? Maybe you like a spark of danger.
Unable to protest, free-flowing tears got thumbed away by a caring hand and unbeknownst to Elliot, Morris simply loved that he let himself cry freely.
In the open space behind them, a phone started humming anew. The unhappy musician was finally lucid enough to recognize the melody this time: Für Elise.
In case he had been smart enough to spend the last months growing a backbone, he would have spat Morris straight in the face. The sheer audacity made all tears ebb in an instant.
After what had been more than enough time with strange hair between his fingers, Morris took a seat and let his head drop into his hands: "I hope that doesn't bother you, I'm just gonna let it ring."
Actually, it did bother Elliot, but in a whole different way.
"Where's my phone?", he asked instead, because surly, whatever scenario he was dragged into, Morris considered him sympathetic enough to gift him one call. Like in the movies.
Bet he isn't dumb enough to let it lie around.
The response he got was a worthless shrug: "You didn't have one on you."
How well did that freak search me?
The only other explanation was him losing it during the fall, where and when this supposedly happened was a whole different mystery to him. Taking a hesitant forkful of batter into his mouth, Elliot hoped his good manners would earn him a blink of silence: time he needed to think about his next steps. For now, it only brought a satisfied grin onto himself.
After a few more minutes, the ringing died down.
It became extremely clear that Elliot's plan would go up in flames. A chat with Chris, to smile and look pretty, forcing half a pancake down his tightening throat - he really put all into it. It wasn't enough.
His face burned brightly now too, from fear or rising nerval misery was unclear, all he knew was that it hurt. Pearls of sweat slipped along his fingertips into his lap while Morris was too busy cleaning up the table: "I guess you're full for now, huh?"
The low coo only made him twitch in his seat. Elliot had to stop losing himself.
"How's your...the-the rabbit. You had one of those, right?" Chris asked, turning towards the sink to put the dishes in.
"Good," Elliot tried to say, but any effort to speak was cut off by a choking flare that shot up his neck. The ache hit him without warning throughout every muscle fiber and surged right back into its birthplace, over and over, until nothing but a hollow wheeze shook his body.
It hadn't been this bad in a long time; his skull threatened to split into pieces and if nobody was here to help, then Elliot was glad to take the job.
Fuck Chris and his absolution, if he didn't want to finish what he started, so be it.
This wasn't an abandoned crack house, he didn't need to leave the building, but just had to find someone who lived here too.
Move, the force demanded again, now; and this time Elliot listened.
Without second thought, he slid from the chair and leaped for the door, even closer to it than ever before.
One -two- three steps now and with the door latch just in reach, he-
A thick arm quickly wrapped around his waist to throw him unceremoniously against the nearest wall. His left hand was on fire.
"Let go!" Elliot gasped loudly; too close to screaming for Chris' liking, so a skilled grip around the neck made him shut it quite nicely.
"Calm down, it's alright. Just don't be loud." At least right now. Nobody minded him being noisy elsewhere...soon, he couldn't expect this right off the bat. "Look, I'll let go, but the door is locked anyway, so don't freak out again."
What Elliot tried didn't came as a surprise, but hurt him nonetheless. Morris was more disappointed than upset.
"I'm not doing anything to you, I'm just trying to help!"
Still pressed against the wood-chip wallpaper, one fist grabbing his left arm and one flat on his chest, Elliot could do nothing but take ragged breaths. He was going insane, without question.
"Then help me," he wailed, "nothing of this is alright, I want to leave!"
"You want your next fix, but I won't let that happen, sweetie," he replied sullenly, noticing how Elliot cringed at the pet name. There was enough time to find one that fit.
"I'm not a fucking junkie!" he tried now, his breaking voice didn't make this any more convincing, much less his mood.
"Then why so antsy, huh?"
"It hurts," Elliot mewled, trying to pull his hand free, "just stop!"
"Why? I'm not even holding on tight..."
What was this man going on about? Elliot wondered if he was that dumb; or maybe found it funny.
"You know why," he whispered baffled.
Morris' disappointment spread. He knew what that meant, an imminent truth he tried to sugarcoat for a while: the answer to the question of why Elliot didn't show up for the Oratorio, or any other show after that.
Loosening his grip on the arm, but still pressing Elliot closer against the wall, he took his time to inspect the damned hand in question, to really look at his past fuck-up.
It was clearly thinner and paler, even compared to the rest of Elliot, except for the gnarly red scar line that ran from his wrist all the way to the back of his pinky. Fresh new wounds aside, the weakly curled up pair of fingers, four and five respectively, refused to spread out, not held by force but lack of it.
Morris could feel the rigid metal wires under the dewy, paper-like skin. A few pins in there, or a plate at least. The noise when knife met bone played on loop in his ears: the moment once sharp crunch turned into soft smacks.
This wasn't supposed to happen, all of it was simply wrong.
"Why does it look like that, Ell?"
"You tell me, asshole!"
The tension between them rose high again, and with their faces just inches apart, Elliot prayed that he overheard his insult. Any more pressure and his fingers would just snap on impact.
Despite it all, the confused man didn't pay him any mind, too focused on the fruit of his labor: "That doesn't make sense, it should be back to normal by now."
Through the smoke of pain and leftover narcotics, Elliot wondered if he could be braver this time around, as he pulled the hand back to his side.
"Doesn't matter anymore. I want - I need to go home. I don't understand why you're doing this at all. You're so-"
Different, yes. His Elliot was on the best way to finally understand. Chris didn't want to confess yet, it would be too much at once.
"I missed you." The soothing tone was put on in good faith.
"Missed?" It was practically spat at him. Missed what? Beating me? "Didn't you do enough already?"
Craving revelation, though refusing to back down, both men clenched their jaw tight.
"You need to stop, Morris," Elliot had one last desperate offer to give in case Chris really was insane, not in the pop psychology sort of way, but by being a seriously sick man: "I-I can visit you, okay?!"
Why visit when you can just stay?
"Elliot, quit being so formal."
A buzz ripped them apart. Go to hell, Elise!
Gladly, Morris let go of his chest to stomp over to the kitchen counter.
"Fucking Belanger, I swear to god." With a swift motion, the call was ended. It was obvious that dear Chris tried to keep his facade alive, even with all nerves on edge.
"That's my - uh, that's not really my boss, he only annoys me sometimes."
Elliot nodded wordlessly, as if he could give a rat's ass about Morris and his little pusher friends running around town, playing UNO all night long and ruining other people's relationships.
"Just ignore that, he's from Quebec so," he rolled his eyes excessively, "y'know?!"
No, Elliot didn't know. Respectively, he knew nothing, even after spending all morning with him. The oh-so obvious reason for his stay was still a blank hole of ignorance for him.
He couldn't believe a single word coming from that bastard's mouth, he was a liar back then, and he would be one on every single day to come.
Elliot didn't even register how badly he was shivering.
"We just take it slowly," Morris offered, but struggled to cleanse the atmosphere, "only talk and spend some time together. Do you know Azul? The game with the little tiles?"
Elliot sensed how this would go, the bile in his mouth started having the horrible aftertaste of moonshine and ichor.
Oh god, I can't do this again.
Dizziness hit him from nowhere and took all leftover strength from his already drained body. Panting heavily, Elliot didn't remember how he ended up on the cold floor, just how he kept on shaking whilst staring at Morris through blurry eyes.
As if underwater, no words reached him.
He'd laugh at himself, how the thought of another game night made his already wild panic spike, if his lungs didn't trick him into believing he was drowning on land.
I can't do this again, I can't do this again.
A weight was placed on his chest, wrapping around his ribs and holding him close - so, so close as if to press all the fear out of him. His mind was racing, partly happy the oncoming lightheadedness alleviated the pain being pumped into him with every fluttering heartbeat.
Inhaling was needles in his lungs, exhaling pointless. The air refused to leave against the source of the comforting pressure.
"-need my pills," was the last thing he could force out, before the rest of Chris' heavy body buried him in a tight embrace. Next to Elliot's ear, he shook his head and shushed him gently.
"You're good for me" he murmured, fighting to keep the clutch, "I'm sorry, we'll make this work."
Unable to help himself, Elliot gave in to the dark walls that were closing in around them, praying for unconsciousness to take him away quickly.
Thanks for reading 🤍 [Masterlist]
Taglist: @whatwasmyprevioususername, @canislycaon24
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laxmiree · 2 years
[CN] Season 2 Summary (Volume 10: Ch 34 - 37)
This post contains a VERY HEAVY SPOILER for the S2 chapters that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if  there are any mistakes in the translation~
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[Chapter 34 - Optimal Solution]
You wake up in pain and find yourself in a white space. You remember shooting yourself, trying to break the barrier of the CORE. You believe you are in the NW lab and are trying to escape, before you see your dad appearing in front of you in the Twin Leaf Orphanage 17 years ago.
A protective barrier appears outside your sleeping body. Lucien analyzes the barrier as a protection for CORE. In order to wake you up, Lucien intends to begin a plan ahead of time.
You probe your dad who says that he is there because the barrier in your body has been destroyed by an external force, and that this place is your dream world. You can only wake up when the power of the CORE is fully absorbed, until then there will be a barrier outside your body to protect you. Your father tells you that there are two ways to leave this place: either to accept the power of the CORE or to seal it forever. He let you see a future where the CORE awakens through your own precognitive dreams.
Lucien came to your dream and met your dad after not seeing him for 17 years. In the face of your dad's warning, Lucien still decides to chase after you who have fallen into the dream.
You see that after the CORE awakening, the world is once again at its end, and Lucien has sacrificed his everything to explore the CORE, which makes you almost collapse and feel lost about the meaning of the CORE awakening. But right at that moment, Lucien appeared in your dream. You tell Lucien that you are afraid that the CORE awakening will lead to tragic consequences, but Lucien says that you can do whatever you want.
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"This choice belongs to you after all."
You and Lucien come into a small house to think, but you remain inconclusive. During this time, Lucien’s display of courage and open-mindedness makes you feel a little ashamed. He tells you to continue thinking about it and to be open to any possibility. You get restless and decide to go for a walk. While running in the midst of voices of accusation, you encounter Lucien and hope that he will give you the right answer. In response, he makes an invitation to you.
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"Why don't we go see something more special?"
Lucien explains that since this is your dream, you can change it and suggest you to go see the comet that destroyed the world. You arrive at the beautiful comet, and Lucien guides you to "wilfully" let out the burdens and pressures you have been carrying. You feel that you have to make a choice, and that this is your destiny, but Lucien tells you that you don't have to choose anything, because everyone will eventually have to face their mortality.
"We will always be a part of the universe."
You finally see the situation in a new light, realizing that you finally have the answer. At that moment, Lucien invites you again to another place, and after pushing open a door, you see a familiar field of flowers. This is the place you once dreamed of on the subway, but something has changed since you came here again, there is a field of eustoma flowers in a once snow-covered wheat field, and Lucien asks you if you like it here, and your answer is a thank-you hug.
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"But if you really want to thank me, you might as well tell me the secrets that I don't know yet."
Soon you will wake up, and if you cannot leave NW for the time being, you want Lucien to take full charge of the experiments at NW, as a sign of your unconditional trust in him. Before you wake up from the dream, your dad sees you off.
When you wake up on the NW lab, you tell Xiao Yue that the end is coming and make three demands on him in exchange for volunteering to provide the experiment. After exchanging arguments, Xiao Yue finally agreed.
The next experiment on CORE is a painful one, but luckily you have Lucien by your side. After a few days of experimentation, you notice an inexplicable shadows, and when you cross a line, you find the lab completely empty, leaving only Lucien, who also has the same abstract shadows. Lucien tells you that the world is changing unpredictably because of CORE, and that a serious time-space overlap is occurring with NW at its center. Lucien believes you can find the answer, and you walk out of the lab with determination.
After you disappear, Lucien warns Xiao Yue.
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[Chapter 35- Windchaser]
You walk down the NW corridor to a laboratory and discover that the clock on a machine has stopped at 19:17. Looking at this familiar time, you panic and go to the command room of the NW underground base, only to see the news of Comet X1917's arrival. You rush out of NW and discover that this overlapping space is at the same time as where the comet came 17 years ago.
Special Task Force members reported to Gavin that they observed unusually large energy fluctuations occurring at the NW base.
You think about the reason why all this happened, but somehow you pass through a void and return to the real Loveland city. You feel confused when Gavin appears and shows his anger at the fact that you were experimented on by NW.
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“No one in this world can ever bully you!”
You stop Gavin from rushing into the NW and ask him if he already knows you have CORE.
Gavin acquiesced and you explained to him why you volunteered to participate in the experiment. Gavin was very resistant to your cooperation with NW, and you failed to convince Gavin, so he took you back to the Special Task Forces office.
Not wanting to put Gavin in a difficult position and burden him, you stay for the time being. You learn that the Special Task Force is investigating blood diseases and has found problems with the water supply in several water plants and the fact that the mechanical box contains a very small amount of the Y-element, and how the space-time overlap zone is expanding rapidly. When you want to tell them something about Loveland city, you are gagged by an unknown force. After some talk, you expressed your desire to fight alongside Gavin.
At night on the rooftop, Eli talks to Gavin and asks him to put himself in her shoes, knowing how concerned he usually is.
Surprisingly, Gavin invites you to participate in the infiltration of the factory because the factory under investigation belongs to BS. You agree to talk to each other after the mission. Before the operation, you and Gavin stand by on the tower, and you ask Gavin if there's anything he wants to do, which he says he's already doing.
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"But I think, I'm also doing something really cool right now."
When the operation begins, you enter the factory as Nox and find nothing. You leave the factory with suspicion. On your way out, Lu Yi finds the same Evol fluctuation data at another location, which leads to the suspected tobacco factory.
Gavin quickly arranged the task, and the TV station also broadcast an announcement about the overlapping area of time and space. In the face of public protests and dissatisfaction, you fight for Gavin and the Special Task Force, but Gavin said that this is the responsibility of the Special Task Force.
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“We keep people safe. All the efforts, progress and advances have been made for just this one purpose.”
According to the previous agreement, you came to the simulation arena room to have a heart-to-heart chat with Gavin. You tell him that you want to use NW's technology to further research CORE, but you don't intend to go back to the lab, but to ask them to provide a solution to the blood virus first. He was worried and wanted to take care of everything for you, but in the end, he decided to trust you.
You dial Xiao Yue's phone number and he offers to exchange terms, NW will develop a special drug within half a month and in exchange they will install a location chip on your body. The place of the chip is on the glass bridge of a sightseeing building, and Gavin will pick up the chip. When you see Gavin, he looks a bit strange. You ask the question "Do you dare to give your life to me?" and get a positive answer from Gavin.
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"If you want it, just take it away now.”
You're sure it's not Gavin- even if he would have given you his life, it's not now, because he still has a lot of missions to fulfill.
In the face of Xiao Yue's provocation, you have faith that Gavin will come. At that moment, the real Gavin arrives with the already inspected chip, and after helping you with the chip himself, he escorts you safely away. With mutual assurance, you say goodbye.
Late at night, you recall the voices you once heard in the Black Cabin and walk into the BS building alone.
Gavin finds Helios at the central hospital and seems to be telling him something. Then Helios went to see Victor, and the two of them were working on some kind of plan.
At the entrance of BS, Gavin led a group to prepare for a siege.
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[Chapter 36- Crime and Punishment]
You sneak into the BS and find your way to the Black Cabin room in dawn. However, without the key, the space behind the door is not open to you. Frustrated, Helios suddenly appears, and the door swept you in. When you open your eyes again, you are already in the Black Cabin.
In the face of Helios’s angry questioning, you are about to reveal what happened when the little boy suddenly appears and tells you to be quiet. Immediately afterwards, you hear a familiar voice telling you to leave, and you and Helios are banished by a repulsive force into an alley.
In Black Cabin, the little boy talks to the person behind the door, seemingly unconcerned that you might be leading the world to destruction.
Thinking about the little boy's warning, you don't know how to explain what just happened. Helios seems to have sensed your confusion and doesn't ask any more questions. After arranging for someone to pick you up, he turns away, as if he wants to continue saving the blood disease patients.
You get into the pick-up car with a heavy heart, and suddenly you receive the news of a press conference at the city hall. You decided to go to the press conference in light of all the previous discrepancies. In front of the media, Leto once again stated that the blood disease was caused by Evol's deterioration, with the intention of making a definitive statement. While you are having suspicions, the live broadcast system of the conference is suddenly hacked. The next second, Helios appears on the screen. He claims that the blood disease was caused by a virus he released, and that he is responsible for causing the space-time overlap and creating the mechanical box.
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"From this moment on, let's disappear together."
The press conference ended in haste when the task force announced that it would shut down the city's water supply for inspection and issued an arrest warrant for Helios.
After receiving a call, the police chief revoked the deployment of the police officers who were disguised as patients.
In the dimly lit room, Helios loaded his gun and headed out.
You rush to GR headquarters and learn through your wiretap that GR intends to hold off on the virus launch and strike Helios before more information is leaked. You rush to the hospital, crossing the overlap zone and entering the heavily guarded ward. Before you know it, there's gunfire in your ears - Helios has broken into your ward during a standoff with the police. In the exchange of gunfire, Helios deflects the bullets fired at the patient with his body, injuring himself. As the police are about to break in, you use a teleportation device to get Helios out of the hospital.
Helios is concerned and irritated by your sudden appearance. To keep you away from him and from danger, Helios tells you that he has taken the CORE from you and used it to make bullets to remove Evol from blood disease patients. In shock, you realize that he was never willing to let you walk into danger, only to face the darkness himself. You make it clear that you are his accomplice, and during the standoff, the flash of car headlights suddenly struck you, and it was Helios's accomplice who alerted him to escape.
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"I'll pay you back next time for the favor I owe you."
On your way out, you were attacked by GR. In a desperate situation, Helios takes you into the overlapping space-time zone. Instead of listening to his plan to hide, you fought off the enemy with him.
In the middle of the battle, you and Helios enter the abandoned bus to rest, when an NW team member suddenly appears and takes you away under the guise of protecting CORE. In order to protect you, Helios accepts the NW team member's offer.
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“You go.”
The NW crew threatened Helios's life, and you ended up leaving the bus with Helios's safety on your mind.
After an unknown amount of time, you hear the sound of footsteps behind you. You look back and see Helios's bloodied figure - he didn't abandon you, but chose to come back for you after he'd fought off the enemy. After making sure you're okay, he charges the NW member and raises his gun coldly.
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"All right, give her back to me.”
After the encounter, the NW team member reluctantly leaves, and you step forward to support Helios's staggering body. This time, he's finally willing to make you his accomplice. Hephaestus, who has come to meet you, appears and takes you and Helios to the underground clinic. From his bed, Helios and you agree to split up: he will continue to follow the blood disease, while you will tackle the overlap zone.
You run into Shaw at the orphanage in the Overlap Zone. From him, you learn that the Overlap Zone is increasing in scope and speed. He guesses that three months from now, at 19:17, when Loveland City and the Overlap Zone reach the same time, something strange may happen. You subconsciously think of the comet that was destroyed by the awakening of CORE and tell him that the comet came because of the awakening of CORE.
Joker is standing in the Overlap Zone and seems to have found something.
After hearing that the world could be destroyed because of you, Shaw is still at ease. He looks forward to seeing you save the world more than the end.
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"But most importantly, you are you."
Hacker Root found the location of the target, and told Joker.
After leaving the rooftop, Shaw takes you to a small courtyard and then disappears into the shadows. Immediately afterwards, the lamp in the house lights up in a rhythmic manner, as if to send some kind of message. After reappearing, Shaw tells you that this will verify that the Evol energy of the two dimensions is interacting with each other, or perhaps it is the same dimension. Just as you are about to find out what happens when you step on the shadow boundary, Joker suddenly appears.
Shaw covers your escape and confronts Joker on the spot. The situation is overwhelming, so Shaw uses the connection between the dragonfly eyes and the lighthouse as bait to lure Joker into kidnapping himself, thus stalling for time.With CORE as a bargaining chip, you decide to go to Joker and wait for a chance to rescue Shaw. In the parking lot, you see Shaw tied up on the ground. At the moment the boundary line appears, Shaw burns the rope with Evol and leads you to the boundary line.
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"Dead or alive, just take a gamble."
You arrive in the strange space between the Loveland city and the space-time overlap zone. Before you have time to react, you are sucked away by an inexplicable repulsive force.
The dragonfly's eyes suddenly glow, and Shaw sees an image of the past in them.
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[Chapter 37- Revelation]
After you regain consciousness, you find yourself in a desert of white sand, and weirdness starts when you step on the boundary line. You walk for a long time, but you still can't find a way out. When you are about to lose your strength due to dehydration, you suddenly see Victor's figure.
You are confused when you go up to him and find that he has forgotten everything except the promise of returning to ‘her’. You want to take him away, but a black vortex emerges from the sky, sweeping you into darkness, and then the voice of the mysterious man in the Black Cabin speaks, saying that you were in a disordered space, and that what you saw there may not be real. He keeps on talking in riddles, so you ask about CORE, but before you finished your question, he sends you back to Loveland City.
It was raining, and you wanted to  immediately check Victor's safety, when the NW team member who had been ordered to "protect" you suddenly appeared and said he would take you back to NW. You refused him under the threat of sealing CORE. It took a few tries to get through to Victor and get to his address. When you are about to arrive, you see him in the distance, and through the rain, you realize that he doesn't want you to come near for a while.
Victor came to the front of the car, looked at the Eos in front of him, and opened his mouth calmly.
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“Now that you're here, you should go to BS headquarters and say hello.”
Eos suggests that the prophecy has been manifested.
After you wait for a moment, Victor finally appears in front of you and takes you gently into his arms, and you say that you are so worried because you saw him in the desert, and he doesn't remember anything, including himself.
Even after you emphasize that it's not a nightmare, he remains unfazed and asks you to always have faith in him.
At this point, the NW team reappears, and with Victor in the way and you fighting them back, he has to leave. When you get back to the car, you explain the deal with NW and tell him that CORE is inside you. However, Victor is not surprised by this, but after listening to your analysis of the situation, he is deeply worried.
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“What should I do with you.”
The next day, you learn that one of BS's next actions is closely related to CORE. Considering the situation, you accept Victor's offer to cooperate and disguise yourself to enter BS Gods's meeting. In front of the meeting room, Victor announces that the bearer of CORE has infiltrated the Main Gods. Then, under the pretext of witnessing the founding of the BS, he took the assembly to the place where the founder of the BS arrived in 1908.
As planned, you use the power of CORE on the stone tablet standing in the Land of Advent, and it projects a tightly closed door. After Eos mysteriously appears, it finally opens and the BS manifesto is projected, but you realize that it is not the same as what you have seen at hacker conferences in the past.
After the end of the manifesto, you are swept away by an inexplicable light to another space, and in front of you is a pure white staircase that seems to be calling out. Somehow, Victor appears beside you, saying that this is the Evol space, which is only open to CORE. And with the help of Eos, he will walk with you to the end of the staircase.
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"I said, I'll face it together with you, haven't I."
The staircase seems to have a driving effect on CORE, and every step you take is painful. As you talk with him, Victor says he is glad that you are CORE, because it gives you more possibilities to solve your problems. And at this point, you are at the point where you have to go it alone. He promises you that he will wait for you on your journey.
After entering the end of the stairs, a dot of light merges into your body and you see a beautiful golden dagger dissolve in your palm.
At the bottom of the stairs, Victor said to Eos that her existence was not because she was needed, nor did she belong to anyone. But Eos seemed to have other ideas.
After reuniting with Victor, you were transported away from the place to a bridge where other Gods were present. Only then did you realize that your disguise had not been restored, and that you had revealed your identity as CORE. As the Gods begin to prepare to strike you, you are slowly embraced by Victor.
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"But what if I don't need CORE?"
(T/N: Eos is MC’s Master from Westmoon AU (yes Westmoon and Main Story are connected with each other-) and one of original founder of Black Swan.
Anyway, if anyone is curious about main story plot in general, my ask box is always open ahah-
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everlywindex · 2 years
i have been so fucking hyped ever since i saw the concept art. with rottmnt's cancellation i've been praying that the creators behind this new iteration will be able to tell their full creative vision, and i plan to be with this new iteration every step of the way on that journey.
i've been watching this movie's leaks closely (due to the fact that i am a tmnt hungry autism gremlin who needs every scrap of knowledge on this movie possible) and today i want to lay out all my personal thoughts, opinions and speculation before the teaser!
soo yeah let's get this show on the road!
1. i am a bit frightened of mr. rogen but damn does the crew look promising
at first glance the producer of sausage party also producing a tmnt movie seems like something straight out of the nightmare dimension and i can't say that i've seen rogen's other work therefore i can't reassure anyone that sausage party is an outlier and the rest of his work is actually genius or anything like that.
HOWEVER it does seem that he's gonna be taking mutant mayhem pretty seriously! he, along with the director & a co-producer, have been stated to be huge fans and this is supposedly a big passion project for them that's been in the works for years
additionally, it seems to be very focused on the "teenage" aspect of tmnt, shown in part by how they've decided to get actual teenage voice actors for the turtles. it seems to be more of a coming of age character driven movie than a typical action blockbuster. so it's certainly not just a cash grab to make money off of the tmnt brand or anything, there is heart here
i'm not familiar with evan goldberg or james weaver either, but jeff rowe........ not only has he worked on gravity falls, but he also co-directed the mitchells vs the machines. another movie that blurs the lines between 2d and 3d animation phenomenally and masterfully handles complicated family dynamics as well as a neurodivergent teenage queer protagonist
so honestly his place on this project already has me very excited and while i haven't watched gravity falls yet, anyone else who's seen mitchells-machines knows damn well we're in good hands
the movie has also been described as "left of center" as well which means hopefully anyone who complained about the rise turtles looking too non-binary or whatever and is looking forward to a "more classic, less woke" iteration will be in for a very rude awakening. Lmao
the animation style is supposed to mimic doodles and sketchy art styles, a lot like mitchells, so you can see that influence! you can even see sketch lines and whatnot on the leaked turtle designs which is super fucking cool and i'm so excited to see it in action tonight!!
2. donatello takes minecraft hunger games (for the first time in history!)
the turtles themselves are also, as i mentioned earlier, gonna be played by actual teenagers. the rumored casting involves three dudes i've never heard of as leo, raph and mikey so i can't really speak on them in depth even though they look promising!
but i think we've all recognized nicolas cantu as gumball and, even though i myself haven't seen TAWOG, i think he could be a pretty good fit? honestly i'd just be glad to have donnie's voice actor be the same guy who hunted down james charles in a minecraft tournament and promised to eliminate the middle class on smplive(?) just because then people will be able to animate mm!donnie to that audio and it'll be glorious
i honestly hope that those slightly unhinged gamer vibes carry over into donnie's actual character, possibly as a combo of influence from nicolas cantu himself and maybe as a remnant of rise!donnie. given that he was the best donatello by far, fight me, i hope they take the whole "borrowing elements from previous iterations to make this like a cool mega mashup combo of them" idea that was discussed, and give mm!donnie a lot of rise!donnie influence. that would just be so rad i think but maybe i'm just biased w rise!donnie being my favorite tmnt character of all time and all
THE DESIGNS ARE AWESOME i know a lot of people were mixed on them and i was too but they've been really growing on me!
i absolutely loved donnie's design right from the start though. he just has a lot of neat little details that set him apart from the others! his glasses, his little phone, his headphones (which i pray are noise cancelling) his weapon having jujutsu kaisen and sailor moon stickers on it HELL YEAH !!
i was kinda bummed out when they took his snaggletooth because i thought it was cute but i can see why they removed it, maybe to stay away from like the kind of "buck toothed nerd" stereotype that they might have felt they were getting a bit too close to. What they had better not fucking remove? The autism. given that the entire mitchell family is highly autistic coded though i am trusting jeff rowe not to fuck this up
speaking of neurodivergency, mikey had adhd in both 2012 and rise and they had better fucking keep that as well!
i also heard some rumors that 2012 raph and donnie had adhd and ocd respectively and i haven't been able to find any evidence for those but like.. y'know it'd still be cool to see those included in mutant mayhem as well! especially since, bringing up mitchells-machines again, aaron canonically had mild ocd so it's not like it would be out of the realm of possibility for them to give that to a turtle
honestly i love donnie's design so much bc of the little details it has that tell ya more about him in comparison to the others. i kinda wish mikey kept the stickers on his shell kinda like rise!mikey had, and i also would've liked it if raph still had some bandaids here and there like in his concept art design. of course i am mourning leo's braces just like the rest of us but at least mikey gets to keep em. i'm not even 100% sure that he's lost the braces in the first place though so we'll just see in the teaser trailer if he still has em or not!
of course though i'm always down to see an iteration give the characters designs reminescent of the turtle species they're directly based on (like rottmnt giving each turtle their own respective turtle species, and then giving them features respective of that species, like leo's red and yellow streaks, donnie's soft shell, mikey's pretty orangey-gold dapples, and raph's spikes) mostly because it's just cool and spices up the designs! so while the mutant mayhem turtles don't seem to have anything indicative of their species it'd just... It'd be awesome y'know. I'd like it
also in terms of the action figure leaks i think they're cute but i especially love the splinter design we got. He just looks so Dad and i really hope this iteration can stray further from the stereotypes and the "yikes" aspects of his character a bit more. i have faith in y'all!
i don't have much to say on the leaked character personality descriptions other than people on the internet will rlly just believe anything NO raph will NOT be canonically using he/she pronouns guys. paramount and nickelodeon are not fucking brave enough for that. i will still be he/she'ing raph throughout the entirety of this essay though because it is my favorite technically founded by canon hc that we have been presented with
also i haven't watched good will hunting. but now i feel like i should. i need to understand that little purple turtle more
4. i think if they give mikey a gun the entire plot will be over in two minutes
there are a lot of theories on how this movie's story is gonna go!
one is that the boys are gonna get cloaking brooches (like in rise) in order to disguise themselves as humans and attend school. and iii kinda doubt that! mostly because of their voice actors. given that the turtles are presumably biological brothers in this iteration that means either they'd all be poc or none of them would be. the former would be odd since two of their voice actors are white and therefore you'd have white actors playing poc characters, and the latter would be just as bad since the turtles are infamously blasian coded and it would just be straight up whitewashing
i think casting white actors as blasian coded characters might in itself be fairly questionable but if anything it pretty much solidifies that we won't be seeing the turtles' human forms in this movie because that would make it.. even more visibly questionable to people who may not have looked into it as much initially, which the crew would want to avoid i think. so if they attend school it'll either be openly as mutants or under some kind of disguise
whatever the case though i think sending the turtles to school is a pretty new and fun concept!
i really hope we get that one scene people theorize could happen where donnie puts on his headphones and triggers an action scene with the action synced to the music. that'd be fucking lit
i think the movie will probably end on a note similar to luca where the turtles are able to come out of hiding and there's a "some people? they'll never accept them. but some will. and they seem to know how to find the good ones." kind of message. the good ones in question being probably april, casey, keno? God i hope keno's in this
maybe the ending is letting mutants as a whole have a chance to be more involved in society. they were previously hiding in shadows but the turtles' heroic actions opens things up for them to start being more accepted? idk that's just my thinking
5. guys i'm sorry but that storyboard is so fake
i'm not going to go into it in detail since someone already did that in this post
but yeah that storyboard is most likely not at all real. which also means we sadly may not be getting a black plus sized april for this movie. it would be awesome! but it may just.. not be happening
so like if the teaser comes out and april looks nothing like that, then uh.. y'know. don't freak out
6. speculation on the teaser and marketing going forward
so i think that since this is gonna be a more character driven teen movie than an action hero movie with high tense dramatic stakes and whatnot, the teaser is gonna reflect that. i remember when they talked about a demo video that they made to showcase the art style (that was never released to the public,) where raph had one of her brothers record her skateboarding into a store and breaking something before they both ran outta there laughing and i think that. If anything? the trailer could be kinda reminescent of that
not literally that, of course, but something similarly modern teenager-y and goofy that would establish the characters' personalities and family dynamics well
maybe something like mikey doing a vlog where he talks about his friends and family members and we get to see moments of him bothering them for interviews or content for his vlog. and like you can just imagine all of the short clips and shenanigans that would come from that and how it could lead to a fun format for a teaser or even full trailer y'know! especially considering what we know of the movie's themes
one more thing i want to say is that god i just really hope this movie takes the puss in boots 2 route with its marketing. it'd just be so funny i wanna see the turtles making tiktoks to promote the movie where they prank each other and get into trouble and shit like it'd just be so goofy!!
and uhh... Yeah! i think that's all i have to say! these are all my thoughts lined up and written out and i'm excited to look back on this after the trailer, and possibly even after the movie, just to see how like.... things were before. Y'know.
but yeah hashtag i was here for the first trailer drop on the seth rogen tmnt iteration 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀
see you guys after the kid's choice awards!!!
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silver-heller · 2 years
Good Morning, Worden!
Ship: Worden (S/I) x Kevin (Night Vale F/O) TWS: Reference to drugs, injury, and forced captivity. Voices, blood and monster mention. Otherworldly influence.
I couldn’t remember what happened after I passed out initially. It was all a blur. Images collided with each other, voices rang in my ears, and the only thing I could make out was being dragged away again before it all went black.
What I expected was to reawaken in that abandoned part of the studio again, greeted by nothing but the natural creaking and silence of the building. The silence would be so loud it buzzed in my ears, making the voice that much louder… 
And yet, through the darkness what I heard was something else. Breathing, somehow forced and yet relaxed at the same time, going in and out with a subtle whistle between their teeth. I could feel eyes on me, but they were the familiar eyes, remembering all those attempts to hide from the scientists prying stares to no avail. Whether they and the voice were connected was impossible to tell. 
There was the familiar smell of copper, licking the inside my mouth as my consciousness slowly started to slip back at the smell. Yet, there was no blood there, and, with the smell lingering ever so near, I was awakened with a harsh jolt. 
When I opened my eyes, I was greeted by a room, the walls covered in blood, and something was standing over me. Some monster, with horrible teeth, black eyes, and…
…my head was yanked back, falling down onto the bed as my vision began to blur, and I was overcome with a sense of euphoria. All at once, there was peace, becoming more focused on the sound of birds singing outside, and the moments before felt like nothing more than a dream. 
It was just another hallucination, I told myself. I wondered how long it had been since they’d given me whatever drug had caused this, and when exactly it would wear off. I could only hope soon, sitting back up and looking around once more with groggy eyes. Instead of bloodstained walls, I saw white walls covered in an artful crimson wave of a variety of different hues. 
Meanwhile, the man looked much the same, with combed-back blonde hair and that large smile. However, his teeth were the normal humankind, and his eyes were, well, I couldn’t quite tell. He’d either move his head too fast for me to perceive them, or they’d always be covered by his hair or the shade in some way. He was well-dressed, with a yellow vest and a darker, mustard cover button-up underneath that. His pants were grey, leading down to black dress shoes that pointed ahead of him, always.
He stood up from where he’d been sitting on the couch, pushing aside the pillow and the blanket beside him as he did so. Looking down, I was in his bed, sleek, golden sheets draped over my bottom half. I swore for a moment and through the sheen, I saw lighter yellow eyes decorated across it but, it must have been my imagination as they did not appear again. I still felt those eyes on me, looking around but there were no cameras, only him.
“Good morning Worden. Isn’t today just gorgeous? I woke up today thinking wow, isn’t it just so beautiful outside? It’s a shame I don’t have work today, otherwise, I’d take a long walk in that wonderful sunshine. But, hey, having the day off means I get to spend more time speaking with you, my new favorite coworker!” he said, widening his grin even more.
I recognized his face immediately. Of course, how could I forget, after all, I’d only just burst into his studio, by the looks of the rising sun, yesterday? Have I been out all day? Except, his studio had been, (blood, flesh, teeth, bone), no, that must have been another hallucination. I was so panicked, after all, which always seemed to make them that much worse.
Still, as he leaned forward with that over-eager smile, I crawled back. I could still clearly envision those black eyes and blood-tainted skin. Several responses ran through my head; where am I, I’m sorry if I hurt you, you shouldn’t have brought me here, but, for the time being, no matter how hard I tried, those weren’t the words that came pouring out of my mouth.
“What happened last night, exactly?” I asked and his eyes lit up.
My own blinked slowly, adjusted to rude awakings, and waited for the sting leftover from the needle to start sinking in. But, the sensation never came, and I was just left staring at the impossible-to-read man and his arms and head gestured as he spoke.
“Oh, nothing you need to concern yourself with! You passed out at the studio yesterday, so I decided to take you home with me. After all, it was the neighborly thing to do,” he clicked his tongue, gesturing hands pausing, “I’m treating you like you’re just a lost kitten or a pet. I’m sorry. But, when the others said you had nowhere to go home to, I just offered mine without thinking! Wow, how thoughtful of me, and how thoughtful of you to accept. It makes me feel that much better just t have you here, and know that you are safe and warm inside my little house.”
I blushed at his words, tempted to succumb to them, but, I knew better than that now. I gripped the sheets, swallowing down the apology that had never quite left my throat.
Watching him now, head bobbing as he talked, I could remember now. He'd stopped security and invited me in as his special guest, seeing as I was “that desperate to share with everyone”. I held back a pitiful laugh at that. If I was recalling correctly, he called himself Kevin. 
“But, anyways, now that you’re here, I’d love to get to know a little more about you. We didn’t get to talk much yesterday, after all. Yet, it’s your day off, so we should have plenty of time to now. Isn’t that just wonderful?”
He took a sip of his coffee, and I was able to smell the bitter taste from here. The familiar yet now foreign scent burned my nostrils, head following suit as my brain felt as if it were on fire. I gritted my teeth, hunching over and putting my hand there at the sudden pain. It will pass. It will pass. Nails brushed against injury as I made a soothing motion there.
I stayed that way until it did, looking up at my company with furrowed brows as those original euphoric waves were starting to make me feel light-headed. Although, they didn’t stay that way for long, eyebrows soon jutting up again to stop from irritating that symbol. Kevin tilted his head at me, his smile becoming sharp. 
“Worden, what do you think you’re doing? You’re being so silly this morning. Although you did pass out yesterday, so I suppose that's to be expected,” he laughed before putting his hand up, eyebrows raising, “Oh, I know! Here, have some of my coffee. That’s sure to put a smile on your face.”
He handed it to me, the cup so hot it would have scalded my hands if they weren’t still gloved. I let the black leather of my short gloves grasp onto the cup, thankful my palms were covered despite a large portion of my upper hands being exposed. He nodded in approval as I blew on it a few times before taking a little sip. Despite the heat against my tongue, I was soon drawn in again for another, warm scent circulating through my nostrils, all the way up to my brain, intoxicating it. 
“Yes, that’s right, just like that. Did you like it, are you feeling much calmer now? It’s a pumpkin latte, and I can’t imagine anything more fitting for this time of year. Don’t you agree, Worden? Worden, what a beautiful name. It suits you quite well. If I’m not mistaken, it means something along the lines of defender or guard, yes, it's very fitting," he said, continuing to smile at me. He could blabber for about a mile a minute, though, there was something calming about the smooth nature of his voice despite that fact.
He kept inching closer and closer to the bed, arms crossed in front of him and his long, lengthy fingers resting against his slacks. But, I only had a moment to process this before his words sunk in. 
I looked outside, eyes widening, only noticing my smile when I opened my mouth to gasp. At first, I thought is it really fall already, and then, I realized, I couldn’t remember what season it was when I was trapped in that horrible place to begin with, before the outside became nothing more than a faint concept in my mind. My head lifted and I looked all around the room again, then at my body, unhindered. 
“I don’t know what happened yesterday, but you can relax now. No one is going to hurt you. Not that they were going to hurt you in the first place. Tell me, Worden, could you fill me in on what had you so panicked in the first place? In such a lovely working environment, I can’t imagine anyone being made to carry such stress with them. Is there someone I need to talk to, in order to get you back on your feet again? I’m sure whatever the issue, we can solve it, and you’ll be back to work in no time as if none of this ever happened. How does that sound?”
He waited for the answer, now leaning so much over the bed he might as well be sitting in front of me. I didn’t dare turn to him despite our closeness, too preoccupied looking out the window. That’s right, I’m not a part of the experiment anymore. Somehow, my gamble of exposing my presence worked. I thought I was just imagining the whole thing, escaping into a reality where the voices I heard behind the door were real. Yet, here he was, and here I was, trying to bask in every minute of it.
So why, why were they still watching me, why were those scripts still running through my head, telling me to just smile, The Smiling God would provide for me, no matter the circumstance? I hugged myself, soothing my stomach and eyeing the radio host. As far as I knew, he was one of them.
“The security from before, how much did they tell you about me?”
He kept his closeness to me, and yet still, I still struggled to see his entire face. It was as if someone had taken my vision, and skewered it a little to the left. There was only that smile. 
“Well, they said I’m not allowed to let you leave here unless it's to go back to the studio. They said we’d be working buddies from now on. So, I suppose we’ll be commuting and living together from this day forward, until they find a better place for you to stay. But, sharing is more efficient, so I can’t imagine I’ll mind very much,” Kevin said, confirming he really knew nothing at all.
If he had, he would have let something else slip by now rather than my name and my name only, just to make me paranoid. My shoulders slunk back, trying to get the reality of this, all this, to sink in. Yet, I kept looking around the room for the contrary. It was cruel enough for them to lock me away, do whatever to me for who knows how long, I wouldn’t put it past them to set this situation up just to see how I’d react away from the control room. Maybe there really was no one in the building with me before, maybe they used sedatives to keep me asleep, and move me to another building so that the next experiment would start.
But still, there was that voice at the back of my head, urging me to just smile, telling me nothing they did to me could be worse than what they’ve already done. So I should just relax, lounge back, and continue drinking my (Kevin’s) coffee as if nothing else ever happened. Something pushed my body back, and the smell of the coffee became so intoxicating, filling my brain with dopamine that I just had to take another sip. The room looked so real from here, so lived in, and my mind started focusing on that as all the little details started to become filled in.
Kevin pulled his back up straight, adjusting his now wrinkled vest before going to sit down at the edge of the bed beside my feet. 
“That’s the spirit! Tell you what, I’ll set you finish my, our coffee, and then we can get back to our conversation from before. How does that sound?” he asked, and out of the corner of my eye I watched the sand blow outside his window. It pelted the windows sometimes, making a wonderful shaking sound as they were rattled, actually rattled. 
Without much choice, and with that large, intimidating smile beaming at me, I just nodded. And, that was that.
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m00nz-writes · 2 years
Blackened Angel - Part 2
Summary: After realizing that Rory and Erica are in danger, Alyssa goes to her Uncle V and asks him to help her, and he gives her something more valuable than a gun. After she manages to save a couple of her new friends, Alyssa gets into some trouble and is punished for her reckless actions. The next day, JJ convinces her to go to a screening of Dusk, and the two of them get involved in a much more serious matter.
Warnings: Near death experiences, swearing, violence
Alyssa practically kicked in the door to the house as she walked in and looked around in a fit of rage.
"Vitale!" she yelled, scanning the living room and study before hearing the familiar metal on wood. She turned around to face the tattooed summoner who was standing behind her, looking very irritated and tired.
"Do you have any idea what time it is?" he asked irritably, but she waved her hand in a dismissive manner. She walked over to him and showed him the photo on her cell phone, and he scowled. "It's a photo of a girl all on her own. This concerns me…why?"
"She's at a vampire party." she said bluntly, which actually got his attention.
"I see you've also awakened your powers." he commented with a glance at her hair, but she growled in frustration.
"Not the point! I have to go over there and help her and my friend Rory get out of here. I can't do it on my own." she said before he sighed and nodded as he led her back into the study.
"Very well." he put his cane down on the desk before grabbing his spell book. "You may be in need of a loyal companion to assist you in this… a spell I haven't used in years…" he admitted as her expression softened.
"What do you mean? All of your familiars died at the hands of my father." she said firmly, but he held up a hand. As he used his magic to clean her, she moved closer to him and took off her jacket. She scowled as a smirk came to his face and he gently grabbed her arm before he quietly recited something. Alyssa watched as ink slowly began to form on her skin and she felt something extremely powerful cling to her. As V pulled his hand away, her eyes widened as she watched the ink move up her arm, stopping at her chest.
"You are now bound to the Shadow," he said with a smile as she stared at him. "This one is sworn to your protection alone, bound by your soul and blood. If anything happens to it, you'll suffer the consequences. So be very careful." he explained before Alyssa raised her arm and summoned the jaguar, which materialized out of what seemed to be sand and landed on the ground with a loud roar.
"Holy…" she started, but V glared at her before she could curse. "I was gonna say cow."
"Of course you were." he rolled his eyes at her before he shook his head and grabbed his cane. "Get the Deluded Rune. You'll need more power than you currently have… you're still in 'awakening', so you're not strong enough to use any powers yet."
"Right." she muttered, frowning. "Do you know where dad went?"
"He's on a mission a few towns over." he called as he left the study. "And stop kicking my door open."
"Why are you stealin' your daddy's bike again?" Nico asked, throwing the keys to Alyssa as she got on the bike and started it up.
"I'm not 'stealing' it, Nico. I'm borrowing it." she explained as she rolled her eyes. "My new stupid friends have gotten themselves into a hell of a mess."
"You called them your friends!" Nico exclaimed triumphantly. "Lady owes me 10 bucks."
"You did not bet on my private life…" Lyss muttered, glaring at the gunsmith. "You know what? Whatever. I just have to get to a party, save a friend, and hopefully kill some damn vampires." she shrugged her shoulders before Nico nodded in agreement.
"Never thought you'd end up killin' vampires." she smiled as Alyssa shrugged and pulled out of the garage.
She kept her eyes on the road and grimaced a little as she felt her powers begin to show themselves. As she drove towards where she thought the house was, she managed to keep them at bay. Rory said that it was a big mansion, and she could only think of a handful of them up there in the hills. She had a pretty good idea where it was because they overlooked the office. She checked her watch and swore under her breath when she realized that it was almost midnight, she sped up to get there in time.
Lyss got off the bike and made her way to the gates, growling angrily before kicking the metal several times, forcing it open. She drew her sword and started towards the house. She paused at the front door, realizing it was locked as midnight approached. Shooting the doorknob, she kicked in, summoning The Shadow as the vampires stared at her in shock. Rage began to bubble up inside her as she realized that Erica and Rory were already on the floor.
"Daughter of Dante." Jesse said as he stared at the girl with what almost seemed to be a look of astonishment.
"Drink it up, baby. Because this is the last fucking face you'll ever see." she snapped, shooting several vampires as they shrieked and began to disintegrate. As the boys panicked and moved away from her, Shadow roared and attacked a few others, tearing them to pieces.
"Wes told me you were weak." Jesse snapped in anger as Lyss turned her gun on him.
"The delivery boy? Yeah. He's dead." she snapped before pulling Sarah behind her, turning to look at the boys. "Let's go." she said before more of the vampires tried to stop them. Shadow growled and jumped in front of Lyss, startling them at the sight of the demon. She forced the group out of the house, calling out for Shadow as the jaguar ran after her. They ran out of the house and made a beeline for the gate.
"What happened?" Ethan asked, looking at the twisted and nearly broken gate as Shadow ran in front of them and bit another vampire, causing him to scream in pain as she used him as a chew toy.
"I got mad and kicked the gate in." Lyss admitted, running as more vampires appeared. Alyssa stabbed one in the chest and threw him aside. She yelled at the others as they backed away from her. The boys turned on their makeshift lightsabers and continued to scare the vampires away as Lyss led them to the car, head-butting one of them that got too close. She grimaced at the pain, and with a grunt she returned Shadow to the ink as she ran to her bike. "Just go!" she yelled at the others before steering in front of the group to keep the vampires at bay as they sped away.
Alyssa turned around and raced back to her home as a couple of vampires chased after her, frustrating her in the process. She turned into the woods and took a detour to throw them off her trail, jumping back onto the road as she flipped off the vampires that stopped. She drove down the road with a laugh and a smile on her face. It was a great feeling to finally let herself go and act a little bit crazy. When she saw Trish waiting for her in front of the office, she felt the happiness fade. She was afraid of her father's punishments, but he had always been a little more lenient with her, because he wanted to give her freedom, but Trish wasn't the same. Lyss stopped the motorcycle as the demon stared at her with a deep frown on her face.
"Put the bike in the garage and come inside. We need to talk." she said as Alyssa swore softly and dismounted the bike, taking the key from the ignition before rolling it over to the garage. She put it back in the exact same position that it had been in when she had borrowed it and hung the keys on the hook. She quickly made her way into the office to see that Trish was already sitting on the desk, obviously waiting for her.
"Before you start yelling at me, I have a very good reason for this." Alyssa said, which caused Trish to raise her eyebrows in response, as if to tell her to go on. "I went out with some friends and we got tangled up with a vampire. Then I found out that some of my friends were at a party where vampires were going to turn them, so I went to help them." she explained, but the blonde didn't look very impressed.
"I understand protecting your friends, but going to V for a demon attachment and stealing your dad's bike is not okay." she said calmly while Alyssa scoffed.
"In my defense," she shrugged, looking at the demon, "I only expected V to give me a weapon, not a familiar. And I didn't steal the bike. I borrowed it."
"You've got to take this seriously, Alyssa." Trish snapped as she got to her feet. "Just because you've unleashed powers doesn't mean you can't die."
"I know that!" Lyss shouted, glaring at her in anger. "It was either let my friends die or put my life on the line!"
"Don't you dare raise your voice at me." Trish hissed and walked over to Alyssa as she stood her ground and glared up at her.
"You are not my fucking mother." she said coldly and Trish was in a huff.
"Leave your weapons on the desk." she said in a calm voice and Alyssa shook her head.
"No way. Only dad can take them."
"Your father told me that I can confiscate them when he's not around. Put them on the desk and go to your room." the demon said harshly, glaring down at her. "Now." she snapped, making Alyssa jump a bit. She took her sword and gun off her person and slammed them on the desk, muttering under her breath.
"I hate you!" Lyss screamed and ran upstairs.
"I know you do." Trish yelled back and let out a sigh when Alyssa was out of sight. She rubbed her face and leaned against the desk, silently staring at the weapons as Alyssa's door slammed.
Alyssa sighed as she took her school books out of her locker, awkwardly fixing her hair in the mirror before she closed the door behind her. She screamed as JJ came into view and slapped him on the chest as he laughed and smiled at her.
"So are you still in trouble?" he asked as she glared at him.
"Yes. And Trish isn't letting up either." she admitted, shaking her head as they made their way down the hall. "She confiscated my weapons so she and dad can talk about it when he gets back." she sighed, hugging her books and JJ frowned.
"Tough." he murmured before looking down at her. "Well, hey. At least you're not on house arrest. That means we could totally go see a film tonight."
"Why can't you take someone else with you, James?" she asked and he shrugged his shoulders. "I have to try out for the cheer squad later because Lady managed to convince the coach to give me an early tryout. I really don't want to have to worry about that stupid movie Dawn as well."
"Dusk." JJ corrected and she rolled her eyes.
"Whatever. You can just ask Jasmine."
"Jas has a date tonight." JJ corrected before Alyssa frowned.
"I thought you and Jas were going out."
"Well… we were," he smiled at Alyssa as they stopped at her class. "But we realized that maybe we're better off just being friends… so please? Come on, Lyss. I'll buy you all the candy you want. Even your very own popcorn." Alyssa let out a sigh and rolled her eyes.
"Fine. But you better get me one of all the candies or so help me." she growled before seeing Ethan approaching. Her anger melted away at the sight of him and she gave him a small smile. JJ looked between them and raised a brow and chuckled.
"See you later, girl." he said before leaving, giving Ethan a gentle pat on the shoulder. He gave a little wave before he and Alyssa made their way into the classroom.
"Are you doing all right? James told me you got into trouble…" he said softly as they sat down.
"I'm fine… not like there's anything I can do," she shrugged as she put down her books and looked at the Seer. "At the very least, it gives me a better reason to join the cheer squad."
"You're going to join the cheer squad?" Ethan asked and she nodded her head and leaned back in her seat. "I'm sure you'll get in."
"I am too, but cheer captain Stephanie seems to have a thing for me." she admitted, smiling a little at the teenager sitting next to her. He laughed a bit and looked down, too embarrassed to look at her. "So, what are you up to tonight?"
"Benny, Sarah and I are going to the premiere of Dusk." he admitted with some embarrassment.
"Small world." she murmured before the bell rang.
As the car approached the Westdale Theater, Alyssa groaned in irritation and threw her head back. JJ laughed and looked over, rolling his eyes as she turned to stare at the theater.
"This sucks…" she murmured quietly.
"More than when you sit at home and sulk because your second mommy took away your boomstick?" he teased her before she punched him in the arm. With a laugh, he opened his door and stepped out, while Lyss did the same. She thought about making a run for it, but JJ had spent a lot of money on these tickets and she refused to let him waste it out of her own selfish pride. They were on their way into the theater after their tickets were confirmed, and they stopped short at the sight of Benny there.
"I thought Ethan was joking." Lyss admitted with a small grin as the taller teenager turned to face them, a little bit in a panic.
"No! No, no, no! This is NOT what it looks like!" he said in a desperate tone before Alyssa rolled her eyes.
"Please. Sarah's a Dusker, so she clearly brought you along. There is no shame in it." she assured him, patting his arm as he shook his head.
"You really shouldn't go in there." he sounded almost desperate as JJ looked over and chuckled.
"Please, we all know it sucks." he shrugged his shoulders and took the snacks, quietly thanking the girl who worked there. He handed Lyss her popcorn and the influx of candy before Benny gave her a gentle nudge and held something out to her, just out of sight of the blonde who was working there. Alyssa's eyes widened at the sight of it and she took it.
"What are you doing with something like that…?!" she asked quietly, but he shushed her.
"Just…trust me." he whispered before she rolled her eyes and followed JJ inside.
"What did he give you?" the redhead beside her asked.
"A sacrificial knife. V's got a few, so I don't know where geek 2 got it…" she muttered before they both paused. "This must be a damn joke."
She felt the anger bubble up inside of her as she stared at the vampires on the stage in front of the screen. JJ put a hand on her shoulder to keep her grounded as they sat down, her eyes fixed on Jesse as he seemed to notice her by nothing more than her scent. His eyes turned back to her as they stared back at each other.
"He just wants to get to you. In a public place like this, I doubt they'll do anything." J.J. whispered, but Lyss didn't feel quite so safe with that thought. She folded her arms over her chest and kept her eyes on the vampires on the stage, just waiting for them to do something stupid. She could feel Shadow's eagerness to get out of the ink. She clearly had the same sense of danger as she did, and it was only making her more anxious. She regretted having blown up at Trish and having said what she hadn't meant, because now more people were endangered than ever.
"Welcome," Erica started as everyone in the audience started to clap. "To the special screening of Dusk 3: Unbitten. When you see what's in store for you tonight, well… you'll just die." she finished and Alyssa started to shift nervously in her seat. This was bad. This was very, very bad. JJ, however, didn't have the look of worry on his face. If anything, he seemed to be almost amused.
"We should leave." Lyss whispered, wanting to get JJ out of there more than anything else.
"Come on, it's a vampire flick." JJ said quietly with a smile on his face, but she shook her head.
"JJ, Benny and Ethan obviously hate this film. What the hell are they doing here?" she said while JJ frowned a little bit. "There's got to be another reason."
"Well, Benny gave you that knife, didn't he? Why not use it if something happens?" he shrugged, but she sighed and shook her head.
"I'm calling V." she muttered and grabbed her phone. JJ tried to stop her but she got up as Erica and her vampire gang started calling numbers. As the phone rang, Alyssa's worry grew more and more with the fear that he wasn't going to answer. She didn't have anyone else to call except for Nero, and she knew that he wouldn't want to drop everything he was doing to help, since he had a family of his own now and still lived in Fortuna.
"Hello?" V said, and Lyss felt the worry melt away, a small sigh leaving her just as Ethan walked into the theater, and she grabbed his arm instinctively for some sort of comfort.
"We have a serious problem, V. Westdale Theater," she said before Jesse bit the girl and her panic came back. "Please hurry." she added quickly before hanging up.
"Wow. All they did at the screening of Dusk 2 was hand out T-shirts." a blonde Dusker said as Lyss narrowed her eyes at her.
"You know… I heard that the lead actor might be coming to the screening." she whispered, trying to get the attention of the girls.
"Dirk is going to be here? Oh, I have to see this!" she exclaimed as she and her friend hurried out of the cinema. Ethan looked at her as she nodded a little, then looked back at JJ and motioned for him to leave the theater.
"Get home safely, James." Lyss whispered as he patted her on the shoulder and quickly slipped out of the theater.
"Fire!" Ethan shouted, startling a few fans who were nearby. Jesse was in a panic, trying to save face before Lyss let go of Ethan.
"There's a fire in the screening room!" she yelled, causing a mass hysteria to erupt. "Everybody out, fire!" she added as people started to run out. As a vampire tried to grab her, Lyss pulled the knife from her pocket. She sliced him clean across the throat and stabbed another vampire while Ethan took a shot at another vampire. Lyss led a group of people out, headbutting and stabbing a vampire who tried to attack her.
"Alyssa." Vitale called out as he pushed his way past the humans and vampires as if he hadn't been affected by the mass hysteria around them. He stabbed a vampire in the chest with his cane when she got too close for comfort. He shoved her away as she burst into flames and ashes and died a presumably painful death. The summoner looked back at Alyssa and threw her the Ultimatum, which she caught with no problem.
"I'm not supposed to have this!" she hissed as she stabbed a vampire without even looking at him.
"I've had a talk with your father, and he's of the opinion that you shouldn't be punished." V said as he knocked out another creature of the night with his cane and stabbed it through the back of its throat. "With which I agree. So have fun with your freedom." Lyss smiled and shot some vampires with perfect precision, scaring more people. Lyss grabbed a girl who was under attack by a vampire and shoved the barrel of her gun into his mouth, causing his eyes to widen as she glared at him.
"Bite this." she whispered. She pulled the trigger and he was reduced to ashes. The girl clung to Alyssa's arm, sobbing helplessly. She was trembling with fear as Lyss looked down at her. She had already been bitten, it seemed, which meant that she was going to be stuck with the curse of vampirism. Alyssa put her hand on the girl's back as she clung to her waist and sobbed even harder.
"I'm so scared…" she whimpered while Alyssa nodded her head.
"I'm going to get you out of here." she assured her and led her to the exit while V helped Ethan fight off the vampires. Lyss got the girl out of the theater, and the girl crumpled to the ground. Lyss knelt down next to her as JJ honked the horn, startling the two of them. "She's been bitten." Lyss called out and the redhead practically fell out of the car to join them and check on the girl, who appeared to be the same age as them.
"Sweetie, are you okay?" JJ asked softly, kneeling beside her as she shook her head with a sniffle.
"The guy grabbed me and…" she whimpered, but Lyss put a hand on her head.
"Hey, it's okay." she assured her. "Jamison is going to take you somewhere safe, okay? Somewhere where you're not going to get hurt." she added before the girl finally looked at her.
"Thank you so much for helping me…" she mumbled and wiped her face. Lyss gave her a small smile and a pat on the shoulder.
"It's no trouble at all. It's just what I do." she said with a shrug as JJ helped the girl to her feet and helped her to the car before Alyssa headed back into the building. Lyss quickly ran into the cinema and shot some more vampires before meeting up with V and Ethan.
"This is becoming boring." V muttered, raising his free hand and casting a spell that incinerated the small group of vampires around them.
"You could have done that the whole time?!" Ethan shouted as V gave him a smirk.
"I could have. But it's not quite as much fun, is it?" he joked as Alyssa giggled and smiled at the brunette.
"You'll have to forgive Uncle V," she said softly as V walked over to Sarah. "He's a great guy, but… well, he still has a fighting spirit."
"Obviously… it felt more like he was protecting me than the other way around." Ethan admitted as they ran to Sarah and caught up with V. Benny tried to tackle the man in front of her but was taken down.
"A brave geek is still just a geek." he taunted before Alyssa leapt onto his back. He screamed with surprise as Ethan and V stepped up to Sarah, protecting her from the vampires. "Get the hell off of me!"
"What? Are you afraid of getting beat up by a girl?" She scoffed as the vampire tried to get her down. She yelped as he bit her arm, and she retaliated by biting his shoulder, making him yelp. "Doesn't feel good, does it?" she yelled, screaming as he threw her off. She stumbled over a row of seats, groaning in a dazed state. When she came to, she saw a woman standing over her with the Ultimatum pointed at her forehead. As she smiled, Lyss began to panic.
"You'd die if I shoot you with your own gun… right?" she asked as Lyss narrowed her eyes.
"If you did," she warned, slowly inching closer to the blade. "You'd have a lot more than just hunters after you."
"What? Daddy Dante's going to come and kill me?" she taunted, smiling at the hybrid below her before stomping on Lyss' wrist, causing her to cry out in pain. "Isn't he about… 78?"
"49." Lyss corrected in pain, making a grimace as the blonde dug the heel of her stiletto into her wrist.
"Not exactly in the prime of life, huh?" she chuckled as Lyss screamed louder and got the attention of both Ethan and V.
"Alyssa!" V shouted as he ran over to her. The vampire hissed and pointed the gun at him, shooting him in the abdomen before Alyssa jumped to her feet, screaming in rage as she knocked the gun out of her hands and stomped on her throat. She shot her several times, dropped the gun and ran to V as the sprinklers went off. Lyss knelt beside him, pressing a hand to his wound as he clung to her arm.
"I'm so sorry… I'm so, so sorry…" she whispered, looking back at Ethan as Sarah ran out with his jacket shielding her from the holy water. The Seer ran over to her and looked down at the summoner.
"We have to get him to the car." he said, but V shook his head.
"No time…go stop Jesse…" he put a hand over Alyssa's as her head shook.
"I nearly lost you once! I can't do it again!" she cried as she picked him up. He grunted as Ethan grabbed Benny and took off with the others. They ran out to the car as Lyss was getting V into the car, taking off her jacket and pressing the fabric against V's wound. Lyss frowned at Ethan as he got into the car. "Where's Sarah?!"
"She's not coming. We're on our own." he admitted before V held out his book of spells to Alyssa.
"There is a spell that can slow the bleeding." he said weakly as Lyss had a look at the book.
"Which one…?" she asked before he guided her through it. After she had found the spell, she recited it carefully and it seemed that some of V's pain went away as the bleeding slowed down and he was able to relax even more. The car stopped at Ethan's house and Lyss pushed open the door, looking back at V. "Just… hang on. I'm going to get you to a hospital as soon as I can." she assured him as she got out of the car. As Ethan caught up to her, Alyssa drew her gun and headed for the tree.
"I always liked that tree…" he admitted quietly as Lyss looked over at him.
"Funny how they name streets after the things they tore down to build them." Jesse shouted as he stepped out of the shadows, while Alyssa pointed the gun at him and narrowed her eyes. "This used to be an orchard. Before your idiot ancestors burned my flock alive."
"Yeah? Well… I say their only mistake was not finishing the job!" Ethan snapped back, causing the vampire to snicker.
"You made me miss my target, but that's fine," he glared at them as Lyss took the gun off the safety and placed her finger directly over the trigger, ready to fire. "I still have enough Dusker souls to resurrect a few dozen of the strongest vampires that ever lived, and you get to be their midnight snack." he finished before using his powers to lift Alyssa off the ground. She screamed and struggled as best she could before he let go and she slammed into the ground. She groaned and rolled onto her back, coughing as Ethan ran to her side and pulled out the sacrificial dagger, ready to attack when Jesse forced him to his knees. Lyss slowly pushed herself to her feet and glared at the vampire as she wiped some of the blood from her mouth.
"I…will watch you suffer…" she murmured as he chuckled and smiled at her.
"You're weak, Alyssa." he taunted before Benny ran at them, falling to the ground and landing next to Ethan. Lyss cracked her neck and grabbed her gun, pointing it at him.
"I may be weak, but at least I don't cling to my past." she sneered as she squeezed the trigger. Jesse raised his hand to push her back down and groaned in pain as the bullet hit his shoulder. She made a grimace at the pain and tried to fight it off.
"Just give it up!" Jesse yelled before Lyss screamed as she began to transform. Jesse's power began to falter as they all watched as she began to transform into something new and almost angelic, her screams growing louder and louder as she fully transformed into a different form. Large white wings adorned her back, while her hair grew longer and looked almost whiter than before. She was now taller than she'd been before. Her eyes had become pure white, and there were golden angelic sigils all over her body, giving her skin a soft glow. Lyss' eyes once again focused on Jesse as the dust settled around them. Sarah lunged at Jesse, sending the Cubile Animus flying through the air and landing in Ethan's hands as Jesse held Sarah against the tree.
"I have your friends in a box!" Ethan yelled as Jesse turned toward him.
"And I have your babysitter!" he said in retaliation as he tightened his grip around Sarah's throat. "Give me the Cubile Animus or she dies!" Alyssa narrowed her eyes at him and was about to shoot him again when Grandma Weir and Jane cast a spell that forced Jesse to let Sarah go. The fledgling ran to the group and Alyssa pulled her behind her to protect her from the seething vampire before them. Ethan opened the box and the trapped souls began attacking Jesse, who screamed in pain as Alyssa approached. Everything came to a halt and Jesse stared at her as she raised a hand and a large claymore sword materialized in her hand, her eyes remaining fixed on the man in front of her.
"I'll see you in hell." she whispered, stabbing the sword through his chest as he grabbed her arm, desperately trying to stop her. She twisted the sword and pulled it up, a blood curdling scream coming from him as the last soul dragged him below. Alyssa returned to her human form as soon as he was gone, and collapsed to the ground as the others ran to her side to check on her.
The motorcycle roared as Alyssa pulled into the parking lot behind the school. Lyss pulled into one of the student parking spots and took the key out of the ignition and put it in her bag. Hearing a whistle behind her, Lyss turned and saw JJ, Ethan, Benny and Sarah approaching.
"Daddy's motorcycle?" JJ teased before Alyssa gave a little triumphant smile.
"Nope. He bought it with money from his last job." she admitted, raising JJ's eyebrows in surprise.
"Wow, he got enough money for bills and a new bike?"
"Right?" Lyss chuckled, patting him. She looked at the others and let out a soft sigh, the smile still on her face.
"You look happy." Sarah said with a laugh, causing the hybrid to nod her head and giggle.
"I guess you could say that I am." She admitted, looking at the group before wrapping an arm around Ethan's shoulders and pulling him along while the others followed. Ethan laughed nervously as he walked next to her, while JJ smiled and looked at Sarah and Benny.
"How long do you think it will take for those two to get together?" he asked quietly as the others laughed.
"Dude, Ethan would never be able to tell her how he feels." Benny said bluntly as he looked at the redhead. "He's way too awkward for that."
"My guess is she'll tell him." Sarah cut in, looking at the boys. JJ snorted and looked down at her, raising his eyebrows with a goofy smile.
"You've got way too much faith in her."
"We hear you." Alyssa shouted, sneering at the group. "If you're going to gossip, do it when we're not literally standing in front of you." she flipped them off as Ethan quickly lowered her hand and quietly begged her not to, only for her to raise the other hand to flip them off again. She laughed as Ethan grabbed her by both of her wrists and pulled her into the school.
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neopolpleb · 3 years
Curiosity Saved The Cat | a Micheal Myers x GN!Reader
warnings: none! Just a sweet ol thingy bout you and ol mikey meeting
A/N: Aye babies this isn’t my first rodeo on this hellsite but you’ve probably never seen my work unless you have the memory of an elephant and an obsession with Karl Heisenberg!
But! New user new me y’know. So this is my first fic as Neopleb and I hope you stick around and maybe send in some requests!
His favorite activity was to watch you. Sometimes you didn’t know. Sometimes he knew you knew, but your favorite was when he didn’t know that you knew.
You were used to the iconic Micheal stare. I mean, dating this seven foot hunk of a killer for a few years meant you had to get used to it or it just wouldn’t be pleasant for you. Thankfully, you were able to take his glares and glances but you also learned how to tell them apart.
Of course, theres the stare that fills even the strongest of men with fright as they realize their death is soon nearing when they look into the emotionless gaze that hid the truest form of evil. The Shape.
You’re grateful you’ve never experienced the full force of that gaze. You had seen it be fought off the night you two met. It was replaced with the next stare; curiosity.
The day you two met is a memory you cherish, but of course your logical side always is ringing in the back of your head “HOW THE FUCK DID I SURVIVE EVIL FUCKING PERSONIFIED???” or something along those lines.
The answer was simple, you intrigued him. Micheal had never seen anything like you. He couldn’t understand it. The shape was banging in his skull telling him to kill you right now. Finish the job. But Micheal for once didn’t listen. For once in over many decades, he let his more human side take over and he just left.
Imagine the look on your face when Micheal Myers, who was five seconds away from killing you just up and walks away. You didn’t know how to react. You sat in the corner of your silent bedroom praying to whatever was out there that he wouldn’t change his mind about sparing you.
You didn’t want to provoke him in anyway so you cast logic to the wind and didn’t contact the police. In the weeks following the encounter you thought you had just been a miracle and would never have a run in with the masked fellow again…
Until you started noticing things. Things like, windows being open that you were sure to have closed the night before. Locks suddenly broken no matter how many times you would replace them. You tried your best to calm your thoughts but the obvious answer was basically hitting you in the face. He never let you be. He had been watching you the whole time.
Of course you freaked out, but then came the confusion. Why hadn’t he killed you? You had lived in Haddonfield long enough to hear the stories, and from what you gathered, Micheal didn’t really keep victims. Of course if they ran he’d find them again, but it was usually a quick job. So why are you still here?
That was a question even Micheal couldn’t answer. It felt like everyday was “the day he is definitely going to do it” but it never was. He just watched you. Almost as if you were a science project that he had to observe.
He couldn’t wrap his head around you. To the naked eye you were just a normal person. You moved from the city to live a quiet life, a fresh start, in a small town in Illinois. You kept to yourself. The only person who knew you by name was the usual cashier at the local supermarket. You minded your business. Yet some how you caught the eye of god’s most terrifying creation.
After a few weeks of trying fix the locks, even going as far to super glue a few windows shut, you gave up. They always found themselves open again, you came to the thought that “if he hasn’t killed me yet, why am I to be so worried?” Which on your part isn’t the smartest, but no one ever said you were the sharpest knife in the drawer.
It was a silent night it February. You had fallen asleep on your couch after a long day of studying for your exams. You hadn’t slept in over 20 hours, and you were out cold, so you didn’t hear the creak of the back door opening.
Micheal stalked in, as silent as ever. Hiding in the shadows as he mapped out his plan to finally end you tonight. He headed towards your bedroom, expecting you to be there asleep in bed as you usually were. He stopped as he spotted you passed out on the couch. Half your body was hanging off the side and there was a pencil stuck in your hair.
He stared at you again, the curious gaze returning as his plan slowly faded from his mind. You were an enigma. How did you capture his gaze like this, why did he push everything aside just to watch you. You were just another victim. Another body. Another object to him. Why is his mind seeing you as something more.
The thing that pulled him from his thoughts was your body slamming to the ground after just a bit too much of you came off the couch. He quickly hid in the shadows of the hallway, planning his escape as you tried to get your bearings after your rude awakening.
You rubbed your head, groaning as you slowly stood. You waddled over to the kitchen to get a glass of water before chasing the lingering sleep to your bed. You felt his gaze, you had become more aware of it once you had given up on shutting the monster out. You grabbed a cup from the cupboard and filled it was tap water. The stream filling the glass was the only sound that could be heard throughout the house.
You leaned back against the counter as you sipped the water. Glancing around the room hoping to spot your watcher but you as always, you never could. You sighed shaking off the gaze and setting the cup in the sink before heading towards your bedroom.
You made it halfway towards your hallway before you spotted the silhouette in the shadows. Your brain was yanking at the reigns of your body to run, hide, call someone, ANYTHING. Yet you just… stood there. Not as if you were frozen in fear, but as if you were having a staring contest with your intruder.
You took a deep inhale and let it out in a sigh before you continued your walk to your room. You knew that this could possibly be your final moment, but it was almost 4 am and you were still incredibly tired. So with logic to the wind, you walked past Micheal who kept his gaze on you the entire time.
You couldn’t see his face, but it was contorted in pure confusion- Why weren’t you running? Why weren’t you cowering in fear. He stared in shock as you reached your bedroom door at the end of the hallway.
Your hand grabbed the knob turning it gently, before glancing back at the man who now stood on the opposite side of the hallway, still watching. You opened the door slowly, turning back to face him.
“… Theres uh- Theres leftovers in the fridge. Spaghetti. You can have some if you want, just put the plate in the sink when your done please.” You spoke quietly, before quickly closing the door to your room. Immediately jumping under your covers as if you were a child hiding from the monster in your closet, but you knew even a child wouldn’t be dumb enough to offer a monster DINNER.
You squeezed your eyes shut and cut out the world as you let sleep take over, hoping to awake the next morning.
You did in fact wake up the next morning, your bedroom door was left open, which you let go quickly considering the fact that you were still alive. You slowly crept out to the living room, glancing around to make sure your visitor hadn’t stuck around. You didn’t see anyone, or feel any gaze so you walked to your kitchen feeling more safe.
There was a bowl left on the counter, you furrowed your eyebrows at it. “Dude breaks into my house, eats my food, and I ask him ONE thing and he can’t even do it? Unbelievable.” You fake being dramatic to yourself, as you set the bowl in the sink and begin making yourself breakfast.
You begin cracking eggs into a bowl when you hear the creak of your back door opening. You pause momentarily, before continuing your cooking. A few silent seconds later and you feel the familiar gaze resting on the back of your head.
You continue your cooking and point to the table,
“If you want breakfast sit down and it’ll be done soon” it came out more confident than your offer last night and you hope that you didn’t anger him. Thankfully, you hear a chair being pulled out and you take a glance to see Micheal sitting, his gaze still locked on you.
Sometimes you still wonder why he hadn’t killed you. He doesn’t talk much but in his more talkative moments he joked that he only kept you around for your food. Though in truth sometimes he doesn’t really know the answer. He doesn’t believe in love at first sight. Hell he didn’t even believe in love period before he started hanging around you. Yet something about you stuck out to him, but he has a lifetime with you to figure it out.
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realcube · 3 years
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characters ♡ oikawa, tendou & sakusa
tw ♡ children, cursing & mentions of arson
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♡ he is pretty much a professional babysitter, or so he thought
♡ which is why he accepted when you asked if he could help you take care of your nieces/nephews for the weekend
♡ i mean, he takes care of his nephew all the time so how hard could babysitting possibly be? it was basically a free pass to spend the day with you 
♡ however, he began to regret his decision as he sat on your couch and realised that he wouldn’t be able to get even somewhat intimate with you when there was constantly an annoying little boy clinging to his arm, asking him if he had any games on his phone
♡ “sorry, kid.” oikawa smiled, clenching his jaw to hide the rage but it wasn’t very effective, “i’ve not got any games. maybe you could go play with your toys or something.” 
♡ he let out a sigh, making the mistake of thinking that would be the end of their interaction
♡ “can’t you just download some?” the boy retaliated
♡ you snickered, watching as the energy visibly drained from oikawa, yet he still wore his frighteningly bright grin
♡ “i’ve not got any storage.” 
♡ “then delete some of your apps or photos.” the boy said with a shrug, then proceeded to point at oikawa’s home screen, which happened to be a picture of him and you in front of an ethereal sunset, “start with that one. you both look like dorks.”
♡ you and oikawa’s unified gasps of offence were enough to show the boy that he was able to do exactly what he intended; piss y’all off
♡ hence, with a final mischievous snicker, he dashed off
♡ “i hate kids.” oikawa muttered, inspecting his homescreen to see if he really did look like a ‘dork’, “what is his problem?”
♡ “what if our kids turn out like that?” you joked 
♡ his eyes widened momentarily, turning to look at you with an uncharacteristically sheepish expression, “our w--”
♡ “mr kawa!” a cry could be heard from the kitchen so without hesitation, you both hopped to your feet and rushed over there as quick as you could 
♡ once you both reached the area the yell came from, you were fortunately not greeted by anything gruesome 
♡ instead, you both got to behold two children trying to reach the top shelf with the power on friendship; the taller boy was standing on a chair, while the toddler held it still 
♡ however, his grip on the jar of the Nutella must’ve loosened at some point as it now lay dejectedly on the ground, half spilled across the tiles and the other half drenching the toddler, not that they seemed to mind though 
♡ in fact, it looked like they were having the time of their — albeit, short — life
♡ the container was only plastic, hence you didn’t have to worry about shards when you darted over to the poor, chocolate-covered baby and scooped them up into your arms, “are you guys, okay?!”
♡ “yeah.” the boy chuckled, noticing that holding the toddler was transferring the chocolate onto you too
♡ “if you wanted nutella, you could’ve just asked.” oikawa sighed, helping the boy get down safely from the chair before putting the object back at it’s intended spot at the dinner table 
♡ “you could have gotten seriously hurt! i thought you would know better than to do something like this.” you scolded, becoming even more furious as the baby continued to playfully slap your face with their grimy hands, “please don’t do that again.”
♡ before they boy got the chance to do anything besides murmur a vague apology, oikawa interjected, “they won’t get the chance.”
♡ and he was right
♡ after cleaning everything up (including the child, which took forever), you didn’t let either of the rascals out of your sight until your duties as babysitters were complete 
♡ “i think we handled that pretty well.” oikawa mused, gathering his stuff along with you as you both got ready to leave
♡ “yeah, maybe we should do this again sometime.” you suggested, but it was followed by a few second was complete silence
♡ until you both burst out laughing 
♡ “yeah, never again.” you agreed
♡ “the kids can take care of themselves.” oikawa said with shrug, offering his hand to you, before you both strutted out of the disaster house
♡ ever since then, it was a common inside joke between you to, when in the vicinity of a kid causing mayhem or being a nuisance, whisper to each or exchange a look that says, ‘it’s a great day to not be babysitting.’  
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♡ at first, you thought that asking tendou for help babysitting would be a bad idea bc he is just as hyperactive as the damn kids sometimes so he’d probably not be the best influence 
♡ and you knew this bc one time you happened to run into him while out in the park with the kids and you asked him to watch them for literally a minute so you could run to the bathroom but when you came back all you almost had a heart attack because tendou was teaching them fkn tricks on the monkey bars 
♡ however, you then realised that if the kids were busy committing arson with uncle tendou, then they wouldn’t be bothering you 
♡ so here you are, playing monopoly with your boyfriend, a seven year-old and a one year-old
♡ well, it was less like monopoly and more like debate class since none of you could agree on the rules
♡ “well, uncle ten,” the older sibling began, in a very matter-of-factly tone, “if i burn your property down, then i  don’t have to pay you for landing on it.”
♡ “but then you also go to jail.” you pointed out
♡ “not if the police don’t catch me.”
♡ you burst out laughing, meanwhile tendou kept his business face on, “good point, but watch this.” tendou spoke as he rolled the dice, though no matter what if he got a number between four and seven, he would end up landing on somebody’s property
♡ he got a four
♡ picking up his piece, he moved it across each square individually and once he was due to land on your property, he knocked his piece over
♡ “whoops, i slipped.” he chuckled, though his friendly aura immediately dropped as he looked you dead in the eye and said, “i’m suing.”
♡ “you can’t sue me because you tripped!” you yelled 
♡ “i guess i just fell for you.” he said, resulting in the kids both making gagging noises before he stuck out his hand, “100 monopoly dollars, please.”
♡ “like i said,” you tried your best to stay strong and not laugh at his shitting pickup line, “i’m not giving you any money, you fell!”
♡ “i guess we’ll have to take this matter to court then.” tendou said, tapping the shoulder of the one year-old who was currently chewing on a 500 bill which you quickly had to confiscate 
♡ “judge, do you think (y/n) owes me 100 monopoly dollars for poor health and safety conduct?”
♡ “yes.”
♡ “that is the only word they know how to say!” you cried, begrudgingly handing over the money 
♡ “thank you, angel.” tendou cooed, adding your singular bill to the pile he had already stored up; the winner of the game had already been decided 
♡ and although you and the seven year-old kid both cried later after getting your asses kicked in monopoly (the one year-old cried too but they were just hungry), you all went out to get food and actually had a pretty good time
♡ it became a routine for tendou to help you babysit whenever he got the chance and y’all would always play table top games
♡ also when tendou got accepted into culinary school, he’d teach/show the kids what dishes he has learned to prepare and let them help by stirring the pot, adding spices etc etc
♡ and even when he moved to Paris, on special occasions, a box of chocolates would suddenly appear at the kids’ door and all the little pieces would be shaped and moulded into some of their favourite characters or made out of their favourite flavours 
♡ and at one point the kids even insisted that you teach them how to make chocolates so they can send some back to uncle tendou <33
♡ they weren’t the best, but when tendou received the misshapen, slightly stale chocolates at his apartment, addressed from you and the children, he cried
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♡ his first response when you asked if he could help you babysit was ofc ‘ew no 🤢’
♡ needless to say it took a lot mansplain manipulate malewifing to convince him to come over 
♡ but once he did, obviously he was in his full protective gear; there was no way in hell he was going to catch whatever germs the little goblins have
♡ honestly he almost sprayed a chid in the face with hand sanitizer when they came running up to him with open arms, trying to give him a hug 
♡ which was unusual because the kids don’t tend to be overly friendly with new people, but you just brushed it off and figured that sakusa must’ve been an exception
♡ during his time babysitting, sakusa spend most of his energy trying to avoid the children at all costs that it basically became a game of tag, with you helping the child try to reach sakusa, and him hiding
♡ but honestly you couldn’t complain since the whole time the child was playing, they were safe with you rather than playing with fire 
♡ until later you were reminded of their odd fondness for sakusa when they insisted that sakusa carry them to their bedroom when it was their nap time
♡ and as you were shifting through the books, looking for a story to read, it hit you why they seemed to be so familiar with sakusa
♡ it’s because he looked exactly like the prince in one of their favourite story books; same hair, both tall and they even had similar moles to each other
♡ upon noticing this, you immediately showed sakusa and was quite amused
♡ in fact, he found it so cute that he gave both you and the toddler a lil’ kiss on the cheek, as a parting gift — mask off and everything
♡ he ended up reading the story and the kid fell into deep slumber by the time he reached the second page
♡ letting out a sigh of relief, sakusa slumped onto the ground, allowing his own eyes to flutter shut for a moment, “what a day.”
♡ you shuffled over to you could lay down beside him, “indeed it was, prince sakusa.”
♡ “shut up.” he teased, poking your rib slightly before absently intertwining his fingers with your own
♡ next thing you knew, you were both awakened by the sound of a grumpy toddler...
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 297: We’re Bustin’ Outta This Joint
Previously on BnHA: Horikoshi did his best to undo all of the good vibes from the Girl Power arc by killing off Midnight. It sucks and I still don’t like it, but it is what it is. Unfortunately, Not Killing Off Your One Female Teacher Character With Any Character Development was worth 30% of his grade for the semester, so it brought his average down all the way to a C-, and so he and his report card will just have to live with that. Meanwhile Ochako did some rescuing, and the other U.A. kids lay around unconscious and/or traumatized. The chapter ended with an abrupt cut to Tartarus, where AFO is apparently just chilling and waiting for the Nearly High Ends to come bust him free. What kind of a cliffhanger is that to leave your fans hanging on for three whole weeks. Who’s suffering more here, the characters or the readers.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “okay I know you all want to know what happens to Deku and Shouto and the rest, but have you considered finding out what happens to Overhaul and Muscular and Moonfish and New Girl Character instead?” Fandom is all, “you had us at New Girl Character.” Seiji’s dad is all, “I’m just going to say a bunch of stuff to help make sure none of the readers feel conflicted about cheering on a bunch of mass murderers escaping from prison.” Tomura is all, “dammit AFO why are you still here.” AFO is all, “shhh, Tomura, go back to sleep.” Tomura is all, “wtf but you’re literally hijacking my body and continuing to shred it to bits while we break into BnHA Alcatraz to recruit your own personal Suicide Squad.” AFO is all, “:).” Real!AFO is all, “HERE I AM, EVERYONE, SORRY TO KEEP YOU WAITING.” And then the chapter ends. Geez.
oh shit lol it’s a whole big fucking page all about Tartarus
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my very first thought was “that’s a long-ass fucking bridge”, and then I went to go google “longest bridges”, and Wikipedia was all “son there are literally a hundred and fifty bridges in the real world longer than 5km, and the longest one is actually 165km”, and I was all “oh shit I really don’t know jack shit about bridges.” then I looked at the list for a few more minutes and realized that the super-long bridges were all built over land, and that the longest bridge over water is only 38km. which is way more reasonable, but also still really fucking long though?? ngl I would freak the fuck out on that bridge. what does any of this have to do with Tartarus you ask?? absolutely nothing, I literally forgot I was reading a chapter for a sec lol uh
anyway, my parting thought on the bridge is that it kind of defeats the whole purpose of having a giant island fortress prison, but whatever. moving on
and the six levels thing is straight out of One Piece lol. something tells me BnHA’s prison break arc isn’t going to be quite as fun. hmm
so now we’re cutting to “the Bronze Gate”, which is the main entrance off of the bridge, and some goat-looking motherfucker is out here trying to become my new favorite character. bro
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ooh and now, giant robots!
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giant robots with machine guns. “I’m very sorry I killed off Midnight, makeste” you know what, fuck you Horikoshi. thinking you can buy my affections back so easily
does Gyges have six arms??? look how fucking calm he is announcing the code red security lockdown, holy shit. GYGES
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he came there himself?? so much for making the Noumus do his dirty work. and based on the speech bubble shape and font, this is still AFO talking
uh oh what’s happening
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is he using Decay or is his arm just sort of crumbling to pieces because he hasn’t had time to heal up yet? if it’s the former this prison break is going to set a record for shortest arc yet isn’t it
now we’re cutting to B10 which is apparently the lowest level. but do they mean lowest as in the least security, or lowest as in the deepest underground, a.k.a. the most security? idk it’s confusing and I think they should be more specific. is it B like in basement?? are there six levels or ten?? stupid Tartarus
anyway so the guards are talking about how Gigantomachia is scheduled to arrive tomorrow morning. heh. will there even be a Tartarus tomorrow morning
wow they’re talking about just killing him outright. damn
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I kinda feel like “prison guard” is one of those jobs that just sort of naturally attracts shitty people. anyways yeah, Seiji your dad is a real piece of work
and he’s even doubling down on it after the other guy repeatedly keeps trying to hush him up. dude we get it, you’re an asshole
ooh and now we’re getting an interesting look at the various prisoners, some of whom look suspiciously familiar!
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for starters, that’s definitely Moonfish in the upper left corner, I’m like 99% sure. not quite clear who that is across from him in the upper right, but it’s been a hot minute since we saw Muscular, so maybe?
and could that be Overhaul in the panel beneath him?? they’re not showing his face so I assume it’s someone we’d recognize, and he’s the only currently-incarcerated villain with that haircut as far as I can recall. though it seems weird that he’s not restrained more given his quirk. I thought Horikoshi mentioned in Ultra Analysis that he’d gotten it back somehow. eh well we will wait for answers
I don’t recognize the person to his left either (though she has an oddly familiar look to her?). but the person on the bottom right, next to Kurogiri... is it Stain?? the hair and body language are sure giving off Stain vibes. if someone had told the me from two years ago that I’d actually be excited to see Stain again I would have said you were full of shit. and yet here we are. these sure are interesting times
anyway so now the Code Red intruder alarm is blaring. and I gotta say, that one scene sure was effective at killing any sympathy I might have been inclined to feel for these guards lol. bring on the imminent massacre
“what horrible timing” lol yes. it’s almost as if they planned it that way
uh oh
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is he omae wa shindeiruing. watch your six, Mr. Prison Guard
oh shit
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WHAT DID I SAY. WHAT DID I FUCKING SAY. but nooo, you all were all, “but a bridge is more convenient!” VERY WELL THEN, LIE IN THE BED THAT YOU HAVE MADE
anyway so it’s the High Ends lol. I mean we already knew it was them. let’s just get on with it
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and it looks like it actually is Tomura again, too (as opposed to AFOmura)
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-- is he using Decay on himself?? is that what it is?? or no wait, is this just more of the weird side effect shit that’s been happening since he Awakened. actually yeah never mind that’s clearly what it is
y’all this man is out here having a full blown argument with himself
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so this is equal parts compelling and hilarious to me right now lol. like I feel so bad for Tomura, but I also lowkey want to see how far this escalates. like do you think he’d go as far as to punch himself in the face. where will this journey lead us
fucking look at this shit
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other people have already mentioned this, but with this scene especially it makes me really curious how they’re going to show this in the anime. will it be AFO’s voice coming out of Tomura’s mouth? or Tomura’s voice using AFO’s speech patterns? more importantly, will it be cool and dramatic, or will it actually wind up being hilarious? or both?? never count out both
also he’s looking pretty good there in that bottom panel with his one eye just barely visible. that doesn’t have anything to do with anything, but here I am, pointing it out
also also, lol at Tomura being all, “the fuck do you mean, ‘rest’, you’re the one that dragged my body out here to raid a fucking prison,” and AFO being all, “oh yeah, lol, true true, but I meant rest after that.” yes, this man clearly has nothing but the purest intentions, Tomura. trustworthy af
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this fucking guy. Tomura is your bullshit radar finally operational yet?? can you see yet that it was always his intention to use you right from the very start?? oh man I am starting to get fidgety now listening to this
so Tomura’s saying he doesn’t just want to be used as a chess piece. and AFO is all, “well okay but what if it’s a VERY NICE AND IMPORTANT chess piece.” bro DID HE STUTTER
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GO ON AND ACQUIRE THEM THEN! omg. why am I so fucking excited. it seriously makes no sense. like seriously, ‘hooray, our old buddies, Overhaul and Stain!!’ -- come again now?? who is this person that I have become
meanwhile AFO is making all this fuss and I really don’t understand it though
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why would you need to plow directly through the building. why can’t you just use doors like a normal person. it’s not like they can lock you out, like hello, you can literally turn anything you touch into dust, what’s with all the melodrama
anyway so he’s apparently hitting the prison with some sort of EMP attack now and shutting down all their systems
omg the suspense is killing me. this is going to be so badass once it’s animated, but right now all I keep thinking is “YES, GREAT, CAN WE PLEASE JUST MOVE IT ALONG”
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the doors are opening ahhhhhhh come on come on come on let’s go let’s get to the excitement already
now the guards are running over to try and regain control. but, like
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yeah that’s pretty much how I’m expecting the rest of this to go basically
so now they’re shooting at the dust cloud lol. well if there’s one thing movies have taught me, it’s that bad guys who wait inside clouds of dust while panicked cops blindly rain bullets at them until they run out of ammo are basically invincible lol. soooooo
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is this the first time we’ve seen Moonfish’s face? I feel like we might have caught a glimpse of it before on an omake page or something. either way, it wasn’t anything I actually needed to see again. thanks...?? I guess??
okay but seriously, are we supposed to actually know who this badass lady is?? like I don’t know her but I feel like I know her, you feel?
(ETA: lol there are already like 60 different theories about how she’s related to every single character in the series. will be interesting to see if anything comes of this. although we did just get three “this villain was secretly related to [insert character(s) here] all along” reveals just in the last arc, so idk, it might be better if we pass on it this time lol.)
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girl who are you. please stick around. for the love of god don’t let this man kill you off too
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wait so is this Overhaul? boy sure has seen better days huh. but the floppy sleeves... yeah, it’s gotta be him
anyway so then the only ones missing are Stain and Kurogiri, yes?? omg. and one page left to go
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so that’s it! and we still don’t have any idea what AFO is actually planning to do now, after all of that. are they going to merge bodies?? or is he going to try to switch with him?? either way Tomura’s body has to be part of the plan somehow since he keeps making so much of a fuss over it. flkhglkhlk. dammit I need answers lol
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nanshe-of-nina · 3 years
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Favorite Historical Fiction || A King’s Ransom by Sharon Kay Penman ★★★★☆
RICHARD HAD BEEN TROUBLED for hours by coughing fits, but he’d finally fallen asleep after midnight. He was not sure what awakened him, for at first he heard only the snoring of his guards and the keening of the wind. Shivering, he reached again for his blanket and mantle. It was then that he heard it, a voice close at hand, telling him to wake up. The words were in French and the voice was very familiar. He sat up so abruptly that his chain jerked him backward. Peering into the darkness beyond his bed, he thought he could discern a figure standing a few feet away. For once, he was utterly at a loss. Feeling like a fool, he said dubiously, “Are you a ghost?”
The laughter was hoarse and raspy and familiar, too. “You’d think I’d have better things to do in the afterlife than haunt my ungrateful son, would you not? Yet here I am.”
“No,” Richard said, “you are not here.”
“And you are not in a German dungeon,” Henry shot back. “Let’s assume that I got a safe conduct from Purgatory. I have something to tell you and for once I want you to heed what I say. Let’s begin with that bastard Beauvais. Even a blind pig can turn up an acorn occasionally and he was right when he called you stubborn. That stubbornness will be your undoing if you do not start recognizing your new reality.”
“And this reality involves chatting with a ghost?” Richard said dryly.
“Well, why not? What should I be doing, then?”
“Start by admitting what you most fear.”
Richard forgot that this had to be a dream. “I fear nothing!”
His father laughed again. “If that were true, your mother would be an even worse wife than I thought, for no blood son of mine could be such a fool. We both know what you most fear, Richard—what any man with half a brain would fear—that you could be turned over to the tender mercies of the French king.”
He paused, as if daring Richard to deny it. “Say what you will of that German vulture, he is motivated by sheer greed. I daresay he is enjoying this chance to humiliate you, for you do have a rare gift for making enemies. But we’re still dealing with basic greed, which is why the French king is so much more dangerous. Philippe hates you with the only spark of passion ever to inflame that shriveled soul of his. Oh, he would also like to put Johnny on your throne, realizing that Johnny is much easier prey than you. I confess to being grievously disappointed in that lad.”
“So am I,” Richard said, having discovered that he was actually enjoying his eerie, improbable conversation with this sardonic spirit.
“But it is Philippe’s poisonous jealousy that would doom you. You do know what will happen if he ever gets you in his power, Richard? You’ll never see the light of day again and when death comes, you’ll welcome it.”
“Of course I know that! But in case you’ve not noticed, I do not have much control over events these days.”
“You have more control than you know, lad. Make the most of it. Do whatever it takes to keep Heinrich from selling you to the French.”
“Even if that means swallowing every last shred of my pride?” Richard demanded, with sudden bitterness.
“Yes, damn you, yes! You owe this to me, Richard. Save my empire. Do not let my life’s work become dust on the wind. Do not let Philippe and Johnny destroy it all.”
It was very quiet after that. When Henry finally spoke again, the raw passion was gone from his voice, as was the ironic, detached amusement. “There is something else you need to remember whenever this new reality of yours becomes more than you think you can bear. You cannot gain revenge from the grave. Trust me on this; I know.”
Richard did not respond at once, for a fettered memory had just been set free—the last words his father had ever spoken to him. Compelled by Philippe to give his rebel son the kiss of peace, he’d done so, and then growled, God grant that I live long enough to avenge myself upon you! It was only then that Richard had realized Henry was truly dying.
“When I found myself a prisoner at Dürnstein, knowing I was facing a trial at Heinrich’s court, charged with crimes I’d never committed, I began to think that mayhap I was being punished for other sins. At the time, I did not consider them sins. I thought I was justified in defending my birthright and my mother. Now . . . I am not so sure. Is this why God has turned His face away from me? Because of my sins against you?”
Richard waited tensely for Henry’s answer. It never came. There was only silence.
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whump-a-la-mode · 3 years
I’m back here again😭 you can’t just leave it in suspense ahhhhh one more please ? Pretty please? Magician one of course ahaha
No worries! With how this one ends, I won’t be surprised to see you right back in here = ̄ω ̄=
I will make a masterlist for magician’s assistant eventually I promise. Last part is here.
CW//Haphephobia, mitts, collars, missing whumper, manhunts
Someone was touching them.
It was to that, terrifying, startling thought that Villain awoke the second time. It wasn’t that they weren’t used to being touched-- their status as a prisoner made their captors feel to have the right to lay their hands on them whenever they so wished. But that didn’t mean they had to like it.
And it didn’t mean they should be waking up to it, either.
There was no bleariness, this time, to the way their eyes shot open, their body jolting upwards. It was their hands-- their mitts-- that were being touched. Defensively, they drew their arms to their chest, eyes fixing upon their attacker.
To Villain’s surprise, Civilian looked just as startled as they.
That didn’t stop the villain from shaking, of course. They were already so vulnerable...
Without their collar, their cone, there was nothing to protect them. Just the mitts.
Tightly, they wrapped their arms around their chest. Supplying their own affection.
“So-Sorry, sorry about that.” Civilian sputtered, once they had recovered from their own shock.
Lips quivering far too much to allow speech, Villain’s gaze cast downwards.
“I didn’t realize you were going to wake up like that.” Seemingly realizing the extent of the situation, Civilian stood, backing away a few feet from the couch that served as the villain’s current residence. “I was just looking at your wounds. I figured it would be better cause you wouldn’t be scared and- Sorry.” Nervously, they chuckled. “Sorry about that. Really.”
Villain knew full well that a response was expected. Yet, as their fingertips dug deeper to the meat of their arms, they became aware that none was going to be produced. Not at the moment.
They wanted their collar they wanted their collar they wanted their collar they-
They looked up, meeting Civilian’s gaze. A pitied expression danced upon their countenance, yet, in their eyes, there was no such resemblance.
“Well.” The civilian rolled their shoulders back, taking a breath that displayed their insecurity more than anything else. “It’s been two hours, now. Just about. How are you feeling? I’m sure you’d like to rest a bit more, and you can, but... we’ve gotta talk first.”
Certainly, a deep fatigue had buried itself within Villain’s bones. Yet, presently, its profoundness made it irrelevant. Instead, the shock of their surprise awakening had dried their current exhaustion, leaving them with little but shakiness. 
So, in a way, they supposed they had slept well.
With considerable effort, a single sound allowed itself to slip from their pursed lips:
“Great.” Civilian clapped their hands together. “Also, how are you feeling? Having some food should have helped flush that tranq from your system.”
At the very least, that was a true statement. The forced weariness the gas had imposed upon them had been, for the most part, banished, leaving behind only normal exhaustion.
“Better. I’m feeling better.”
“That’s good. Before you, um, woke up, I was just looking at your wounds. Do they hurt at all?”
Villain had almost forgotten about the bruises and cuts that had been adorned upon them during their escape from the Heroes’ HQ. Slamming into a wall as they had certainly hadn’t done them any favors, and neither had crashing through a glass door. They hadn’t observed their own wounds as of yet, but they could only assume the various throbbing patches along their body could be explained by their brief stint as the human equivalent of a piece of driftwood, washing through an angry river.
“A little bit.”
“Well, if you want, I can get you some Tylonel. You want some Tylonel?”
“No. No thank you.” They’d had more than enough drugs.
“Alright. Well... If you’re up for it.” They rubbed their thumb and forefinger together in a nervous gesture. “We need to talk. Me, you, and Spouse. Is that alright?”
The way they spoke, Villain couldn’t help but feel that there was little actual choice involved.
“Great! Do you think you can walk? Or would you like a little help?”
“I can walk.”
With the effects of the tranquilizer worn off, their legs no longer felt like jelly. Though pins and needles swarmed them as they stood, they held strong. Civilian ghosted a hand over their shoulder, leading them from the living room and into an adjoining kitchen area. There they gestured for them to sit.
Spouse was already seated, rather silently, across from them. Once Villain settled, Civilian joined at their partner’s side.
As soon as they sat, they quickly swiped an item from the table’s surface-- a cellphone that, to Villain, appeared oddly familiar. Yet, they dismissed it, allowing their nerves to occupy their thoughts.
“You want to start, honey?” Civilian diverted to their partner, who nodded.
“Of course. I guess this is all still a little bit- Well, surprising is the least of it. To start from the beginning, I’m not sure how much you remember of meeting me. A pretty strange way to meet someone.” They giggled. “I was out walking Hydro along the riverside when I saw you, on the bank. It’s lucky that the tides threw you out when they did.
You didn’t want me to call emergency services-- I think you remember that part, probably. I understand why, now. I didn’t understand just how much the Heroes are involved in all that stuff. But, I couldn’t just leave you there. So, my partner being a doctor and all...”
“They carried you all the way home. Now, imagine my surprise!”
“We don’t exactly have much in the way of equipment, here, but you didn’t seem terribly hurt. Just out of it. It’s been... Maybe 24 hours since you escaped?”
“Pretty much exactly.”
“And, we know that you escaped.”
Villain couldn’t help but squirm in their seat.
“I’d heard of you before.” Spouse continued. “On the news. But last I heard you’d been captured. If you’d been in that river just a little longer... Or if someone else had found you...”
“They’re looking for you.” Civilian took over in a low pitch. “It’s all over the news, every channel, practically. All the info’s started to get mixed up, but they’re saying you’re dangerous.”
“We know you’re not.”
“Yes. But, that doesn’t mean that everyone else does. As far as they know, a dangerous villain has escaped, and could be anywhere, now. They say they can track you, based on the signature left behind by your powers.”
All the effort, just to bring them back.
To put them back on stage.
“But,” Civilian sighed. “We want to help you, Villain. As much as we can. But, our house isn’t going to be safe forever.”
They glanced to their partner, who returned the look. The two grasped hands.
“We have two options worked out.” Spouse murmured.
“The first one... You stay here for a little longer. One or two days, at the most. But any longer, and it won’t be safe. Then, you have to go. We have supplies you can take. Food, water, money. Though the last one...
We’re close enough to the border, and we have a car. We can take you across the line. But then, you can do whatever you want.”
There was a somber tone, to their voice, and an equally sorrowed pit developing in the depths of Villain’s stomach.
Left alone...
They couldn’t do whatever they wanted, because they didn’t want anything. Their aspirations before had been so simple. A bit more slop for dinner. Being left alone for a day. Not being struck.
They shivered at the thought.
“The other option.” Civilian took over. “Might be a little less daunting, though it’s your choice. This is all up to you.
The second option is... I have a lot of friends, you see. Friends with medical know-how, just like I do. They live all around the city. You could stay with each of them, for a few days. On a rotating cycle. That way, none of us would arouse suspicion. Then, you’ll have more time to think, and maybe... I don’t know. Rebuild.”
“Even if you want that, you can stay with us for another day, too.” Spouse added.
Then, all eyes were on Villain.
“So...” Civilian began. “What do you want?”
When was the last time they’d been asked that question?
“I-Um- I- I-”
“They might need some time, honey. Do you want some time to think, Villain?”
“Y-Yes. Please.”
“Okay.” Civilian sighed. “Think on it, okay? But, you need to choose by tomorrow.”
Spouse looked upon them with a gaze that showed no faux pity.
“They’re stressed, honey. We’re stressing them out. Come on, Villain. Let’s go down something to calm down, okay?”
Just like Hero used to.
Though their idea of calming down was usually putting a hood over their head.
“Okay.” They dipped their head.
“You two have fun, then.” Civilian placed a faux smile upon their countenance. “I have some phone calls to make.”
“How about board games? Do you like board games?”
“Um... Maybe?” Villain bit their lower lip. “I can’t really move the pieces- If they’re tracking my powers...”
“I could take those mitts off for you?” Spouse suggested, cocking their head to the side.
“No! Um. No. Please don’t.”
“Okay. No worries. So, no board games.”
They closed the cupboard in which they had been riffling, pushing around boxes of weathered games. Stretching their legs, they stood, scanning a tabletop.
“Hm... What about a book? We have Lord of the Rings...”
A book? They hadn’t read in so long... Yet, the other villains had always teased them for being a bookworm. It hadn’t been since their childhood that they had read much in the way of high fantasy, but-
“Oh, you liked that, huh?” Spouse smiled. “Books it is. Here you go.”
They handed Villain a thick novel, bound in weathered hardcover that had clearly seen many days since its last dusting. The villain gripped it in shaking fingers, glancing at the cover-
And throwing it to the ground.
Dogs don’t fucking read, idiot. Don’t look at that.
Hero’s voice stabbed at them, a strike of lightning in the back of their mind.
Dogs don’t read.
“Villain? You okay?”
“I- I- U- Uh-” They were hyperventilating. Oh, god, they were hyperventilating. “I can’t read?”
“Oh.” Spouse seemed surprised for a moment, before they nodded with understanding. “Well... How about I read to you?”
They’d really take that kind of time?
“You really mean it?”
“Sure! We have to wait for Civilian to get off the phone, anyways.”
Excitement consumed Villain as the two prepared for their storytime. They settled upon the couch, a blanket draped over the villain’s lap.
It was such a grand excitement, that they did not so much as notice the sound, bleeding from Civilian’s phone in the other room.
Had they been paying attention, they would have recognized Hero’s voice anywhere.
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babytaes · 3 years
The Arcane Angel
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➳ 𝚜𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: “ why is it that the good-looking people are always the ones with the mad minds? Several cases of dead bodies have been discovered, and they are all linked. They are often accompanied by a pair of angel wings.”
❥ 𝚙𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐: jeonghan x female reader
❥ 𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: serial killer au, suggestive/smut, angst
❥ 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 6K
❥ 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: there are some suggestive and light smut scenes, if not comfortable with them please don’t engage. Profanity. we have smirky and seductive jeonghan, what a surprise. 
➳ part of the song series 
↳ Because we don't want to behave
Apparently you lost control, you never really had before
Say, ooh you changed, you're not the same
You're different than the way that I loved you
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When you turned around and heard a piercing scream, a shadow appeared from the dark woods. You quickly grabbed your phone, switched on the flashlight, and cast it at the shadow.
You couldn't tell what it was because all you could see were some big black wings. You slowly rose with your jacket and stepped closer to the forest, texting Jeonghan to ask about his whereabouts.
“Babe, I didn't exactly follow your instructions about staying in the car, but there's something wrong here. Call me please.”
As you peered up from your phone, you heard a ping from across the ground; he was now in front of you, wings and all. His black eyes gazed into your soul as blood dripped down his wings.
As he quickly caught you and whisked you deep into the dark night, a chuckle escaped his throat.
You didn't notice when he started going missing at odd hours of the day, particularly at night, but you did notice a slight shift in his mood whenever he returned from whatever he was doing.
You didn't want to question him or worse, catch him in the act; you'd understand if he were to come forward, right-?
When you stop talking to Jeonghan, he stops sucking on your neck. He dipped his finger into your folds, eliciting a moan from your parched throat. As your body whimpered as your high passed over you, he moved his digits faster and faster.
You both went limp as you collapsed on the bed, gasping for air, your body aching for relief as you slid the water from the bed stand gulping it down.
Jeonghan returned from the bathroom with a washcloth and gently washed you up while kissing the swollen region and giggling as he saw your reaction.
The aftermath was the best part of sex. How could someone who was so rough and passionate yet be so caring and kind? You leaned against your arm, watching him clean up the dried cum that had splattered all over your and his body.
You blew him a kiss as he finished you up, tossing the cloth in the bin, and ran over to your side, arms open. You scooted over to him and closed your eyes as you wrapped your arms around his waist, nestling into his chest.
You mumbled a simple question against his skin, which perplexed him for a moment
“Do you love me?”
As he pampered you with several kisses on your forehead, finally landing on your lips as he drew you closer to him, his famous chuckles fell from his lips.
“I'll love you forever y/n” As you closed your eyes and remembered the unforgettable day when you met him on that fateful night, your chest began to move softly.
You were 23 and fresh out of college, ready to live and move anywhere you could, and South Korea was your first stop. Not only did you want to immerse yourself in the culture and admire the stunning architecture, but it was also time to reconnect with some old friends you made on a previous trip abroad.
You had a difficult time understanding the language and finding out the city's customs and all of their wonderful facets. However, with the aid of your college classes and friends, you were able to shape phrases and sentences that would assist you in getting around the area.
You texted your friend Min-Su as you walked to the airport entrance with your luggage, waiting for her car to arrive. A beep alerted you, and you dashed over to the white car, arms outstretched, as she parked and opened the trunk to load your belongings.
As she rushed over to you and wrapped you in a long-awaited embrace, she let out a cry. As you tightly clenched her waist and soaked in this quality time with her, a tear streamed down your cheek.
As you both jumped in the car, a grin grew on her face, and within minutes, you were blasting music from the aux, resuming where you all left off!
“Do you recall the group of boys we met the last time you were here?” You stood up from the sofa, glaring at her grin.
“If you start a sentence with sooooo, you know it's not going to be good.” As you sat back on the sofa, you heard her laugh, and a shadow came to a halt over your body and spoke.
“Well, that's accurate, but they've invited us to a kickback at their place. I did mention you were returning to town after a long absence.”
You jumped from the sofa and dashed to the fridge for a drink as a hand flew to her thigh as she rubbed it. You relaxed on the island while sipping your water, curious about her proposal.
“Will Jeonghan be there."  Min- Su's head whipped around, raising her brows and smiling, she chuckled in your direction.
“Perhaps you'll have to come if you want to find out.” You rolled your eyes at her and walked back to your temporary room, shouting at her as the door closed behind you.
“Text me the details, I'm going to lie down and rest my eyes, and fuck you!”
As you closed your eyes, you heard a snicker, followed by an “I love you too.”
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As you blinked away the crust and sleep with your eyes half-closed, trying to block out the noise from the phone, your alarm goes off. Min-Su kindly entered the room and turned off the alarm for you. In response to her behavior, you waved your hand at her.
“Get your butt up, Luv. You must have been exhausted because you slept for three hours straight. “Jet lag.” You awoke suddenly and checked your phone; it had been 3 hours. As you trudged to your suitcase in search of something to wear, an unavoidable yawn slipped out of your throat.
When you reached your bulky suitcase, a stretch took over your body, and a hand flew to your face as you tried to relieve the pain.
“I'm not sure what you're wearing, buttttt you got an hour to get ready."
As you tried to process what she had said, your eyes flew up at her.
A damn hour, to cover up all this. Jeez
You ran over to your phone and switched on your speaker, hoping to speed up the process of getting ready after being awakened by the startling news. With voices coming through the speaker, you hurriedly applied your makeup and found some comfortable shoes before hurriedly throwing on a bag and heading out the door.
“I'm not going to lie, I'm blown away. I look so damn hot. See, Min-Su, you had nothing to be concerned about.” As you approached the entrance, she rolled her eyes at you, where you could already hear voices and music blasting.
Here we go
You cursed yourself as you remembered that you hated going to these parties when Min-su opened the door and was greeted by shouts of random shouting. You didn't like loud noises, and many people made you feel uneasy, but you were always there to have a nice time.
You clutched Min-Su's hand as she led you to the kitchen, which smelled strongly of booze. You noticed a familiar group of people approaching you from down the hall. When you realized who it was, a grin spread across your face.
“Is that Y/N, THE Y/N, it's been a long time, and we've missed you dearly.” Cheeky Seokmin hugged you with open arms, and as you returned the hug, more of the other members came into the kitchen looking for you.
Except for one male, everybody received their fair share of hugs about 5 minutes later. You noticed his figure leaning against the kitchen door frame, sipping whatever he was drinking and paying no attention to you. He had the same appearance as before, except now he had black locks cascading down the front of his forehead. He turned to you with a smirk on his face, eyeing you up and down until he left the room.
So we're playing this game are we now.
When excused to go get some "juice," you swallowed the bitter taste and let out an enthusiastic yell as you flew your hands up in the air, gathering another drink and chasing the prey out the back door towards the pool.
You were already stumbling out the door, even though you had only had two drinks. As you turned around with the biggest smile on your face, a hand landed on your back.
As he shifted you to the closest chair he could find, a perplexed Seungcheol kept you steady. He sat you down and looked you in the eyes. You weren't yet wasted, but you were on your way there, and a few more drinks would have put you out.
When he gave you his cup and urged you to drink, you looked up and took it, perplexed.
“Don't worry, it's just water,” says Seungcheol
You took a swig and chuckled at him as you gasped at his remark.
 “Wait, so the famous Seungcheol isn't drinking?”
“No, hold up, I'm the "designated driver," which means I've just had one drink so far. Someone has to keep an eye on these boys.” He rolled his eyes at you and turned to face the other partygoers who were dancing to the noisy yet soothing music.
A hiccup escaped your throat when you caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of your eye. He was looking fucking good once more. You set your cup down and stood up, bowing to Seungcheol and thanking him for the short conversation.
You gathered your courage and approached him; it was almost as if he was teasing you as if he was playing a game with you. When all you wanted to do was fu-
He had already walked up the stairs, waiting for you as you reached the back door before you could reach him. As you ascended the stairs, you saw him reach the last room and excused yourself through the crowd.
“Hello, Y/N, it's been a long time since we've seen each other.” You walked into the room to find him casually typing on his phone on the bed frame.
You sat on the opposite side of the bed, shutting the door, and crossed your arms, laughing at his remark.
“I admire how you put on this show when you begged me to return this summer. “Something must have changed,”   When he looked up from his phone as he got out of bed and approached you, he had a devilish grin on his face.
He took a step closer to you, almost whispering, as he stood over your small frame.
“Says a lot for someone who was basically begging me to fuck them senselessly. “Did you miss something or?” When you grabbed his shirt and yanked him closer to you, he licked his lips. 
“How about we pick up where we left off and see if you can keep your promise.” He pushed you down on the bed and kissed you without breaking the kiss as you tossed his clothes to the side as the last words left your mouth.
He looked up at you with carnivorous eyes and spoke loudly until he hit your core.
“Oh, this is going to be so much fun; I'm so glad you're back.”
And with that, you guys were back to being your usual horny selves.
As you slowly open your eyes and search the room for Jeonghan, you stir in your sleep. It was pretty early in the morning, so he must have gone out.  Your hand grabbed the television remote and turned it on.
The news lady began speaking as you were distracted by your phone, oblivious to the events she was discussing. You dialed Jeonghan's number to see where he was. To be honest, you miss seeing his face first thing in the morning and before he goes to work.
(In News Voice) “According to recent reports, the Arcane Angel has struck once more. At 4:30 a.m., a young man's body was reportedly discovered at the scene off of 3rd Street on Seoul Ave. We've just received news that another pair of angel wings have been discovered at the crime scene, coated in the blood of the deceased. This is the third body this month, for a total of eight bodies in the last three months. To the neighborhood, we ask that you remain safe while we investigate who is responsible. Now let's talk about the weather.” 
You looked up from your phone and gasped at her words; this jerk has yet to be caught. You recall a similar case from when you first arrived a few years ago. And you thought they'd figured it out by now.
The thought of their intentions made you shiver. You took a brief breather before getting out of bed and walking to the bathroom, where you stripped off your clothes and entered the shower.
It wasn't long until you heard the door open and a few voices, as you scrubbed your body trying to figure out who it was. “Maybe he didn’t go to work, you never know with him”
 As you finished up, turning off the water and getting out of the shower, a grin crept across your lips as you heard the bedroom door open and a familiar voice ringing in your ears.
Jeonghan guffawed and dashed to your side, hugging you closely as you wrapped yourself in a robe, pouting as he leaned his head on your shoulder.
“You should have left it open; you know all access for my eyes only.”
You slapped his chest and turned to face the mirror, attempting to do your skincare. Jeonghan wrapped his arms around your neck and kissed you deeply. As your eyes were rolling, you let your neck fall into his arms.
Still, in ecstasy, you let him pick you up and put you down on the counter after he united your rob and tossed it to the side.
“The fact that you can't just let me do anything I want without it leading to more. Aren't you such a needy person?” You chuckled as he rolled his eyes at you, and as your back slumped against the mirror, trying to catch your breath, he started to eat you out while spreading your legs.
As he pulled yourself closer to his mouth in an attempt to build more tension, a cry escaped your throat.
As you tried to talk, you whimpered. “Hannie... faster—faster-fast.  As you held on to his hair for support, your words failed to come out. As he pinned you down, he started to lick harder, and slick juices poured out of you as you panted.
He cleaned the cum off the back of his hand and sucked up the remainder while he laughed at your disheveled appearance.
“Whenever I do that, you literally fall apart.  Also, get ready because I want to take you out today have”
As you walked out the bedroom door, he gave you another kiss on your wet core. You shook your head and gently got up, you laughed and called out to him, tightly securing the robe around your body.
“You can't just spring that upon me after what you just did. Also, It's not my fault you're so good at it.”
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You came out of the bathroom in a casual outfit and moseyed over to the sofa, where you were surprised to see more people than you had expected. Mingyu, Hoshi, Joshua, and Seungcheol were all laughing on the sofa, much to your surprise.
You waved to everyone before sitting on Jeonghan's lap and whispering in his ear.
“If I had known there was company, I would have been quieter.” He replied with a chuckle into your ear.
“It's not because I had to prove to them who is mine and who can satisfy you as well as I can. No, it's not me.” As you lay on his lap, shielding your face, he kissed your temple and wrapped his arms around your waist.
As the discussion progressed, the subject of the Arcane Angel crept into the conversation, and everyone's expressions fell silent. You entwined your hand with Jeonghan as you gazed down at your arms. You spoke and looked at the others.
“Do you think this guy will ever approach us; we have no idea what his intentions are. He was pursuing young males last I heard.” As you looked at Jeonghan shaking his head, you felt a grip on your palm.
Why did they not want to talk about this?
 “Why don't we go out now?” Jeonghan said, tapping your arm. “The mood is dropping, and I'd like to hang out with my girl.”
You grinned and stood up, grabbing a coat from the rack and saying goodbye to everyone when you heard Jeonghan calling out to his friends.
“Please don't make a mess, and remind Joshua of tonight; we don't want anyone to be late.”
Joshua gave him a thumbs up and stood there watching as we shut the door behind them, leaving the house silent
As you got into the car, you held Jeonghan's hand as you pulled out of the driveway humming as he entered the lanes.
“So, what were you and Joshua talking about?” “Do you mind if I come?”
As he considered his extracurricular behaviors, he caught a glimpse of your pouty face and broke down inside.
With a shake of his head, he expressed his dissatisfaction
“Not this time, love, me and the guys... we have a meeting” You scowled at his remark as you cocked your head to the side. He locked his gaze on you once more, tightening his grip on you as you crossed your legs aimlessly, staring out the window, oblivious to his presence.
He has gotten good with lying, hmm?
“Babe, please look at me.” As you guys walked into the park, he jumped up and down. You laughed and didn't seem to notice his movements. If you're going to be so mysterious, I suppose I'll follow suit.
As you filmed the scenery with your camera pointing towards the lake, little ducks emerged from the water and walked towards you both. You cooed at the baby ducks waddling around the mother as you walked over to them.
As you got closer to the birds, you talked softly to the smallest one, smiling as you returned your gaze to Jeonghan.
“You know little one, don't get a boyfriend because all they do is lie and hide secrets from their lovely girlfriend.” When you turned around and saw Jeonghan, a grin appeared on your face.
As he looked down on you with a sulky smile on his face, you instantly chuckled and hugged him, telling her that you were just... partly joking.
“I c-could bring you if you really want to go so bad.” However, you must stay in the car.” You leaped into the air and kissed him on the cheek before sprinting past him to a grassy open field.
As you sat out your picnic spread waiting for your smiley boyfriend, you smiled as you saw him jogging up to you.  He arrived and sat down, removing the food from the basket and clearing space for the meal.
You took out two wine glasses, one of which you passed to him, and afterward you went to get the champagne. He watched you with fascination as you poured champagne into his glass.
“Cheers to this beautiful day, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for bringing me on this ride. I believe we both agree that this was something we all needed. With this maniac on the loose, things have been tense, but I'm glad I have you to help me stay safe through it all, I love you.”
He draws you tighter to him and smashes his lips on you instead of his playful smirk that he usually has on his face when you get all gushy. As you scoot closer to him and close in on the empty space, his tongue slips in and out of your mouth
As he caressed your face and patted the open space between his thighs, he pulled back and massaged your head. You slid closer to him and sat in between his lap, kissing his hand lightly and resting your head on his chest, soaking it all in.
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It was late at night, about 12 a.m. The atmosphere was much darker than it appeared on the surface. As he pulled into an empty parking lot overlooking a forest, you peered over at Jeonghan. You couldn't tell who was there, but the other boys' cars were familiar.
With a smile on his face, Jeonghan switched off the car and faced you.
“First and foremost, as I previously said, you must remain in the car. I and the guys have this meeting and we will be out late. So, if you get tired or need to return home, I'll leave my keys with you. I'll be able to get a ride home with Joshua. If you get hungry, I have left some snacks in the back. “Are you sure?”
You cocked your head and shook your head, trying to figure out what was going on.
“What are you guys doing in the woods for a “meeting?” It seems suspicious, and it will take that long. Tell the others not to stay out late because the Arcane Angel is still out there.”
He laughed as he rolled his eyes at your joke and took a bag from the back.
“Out there is a little cabin, So it's not just meeting on a  grassy patch. And I'm not sure why they picked that name for him-- I mean for them. I suppose it's catchy. But don't worry about me; I'm capable of looking after myself.”
You snickered as you reclined in your chair, pulled out your iPad, and opened Netflix.
“If you say so, don't forget to kiss me before you go. Remember those movies where the girlfriend kisses the man and then gets murdered? That is something I do not want to happen.”
“I swear, you're such a drama queen.” He kissed you repeatedly before opening the door and waving to you as he approached the other boys near the car. He turned around and waved before walking into the woods.
You shut yourself in for a few hours by turning on the drama you were currently watching. Knowing you, it was only a matter of time before you finished the series, and this quiet time provided you with enough opportunity to do so.
Before you let loose and relax, you took out the snack bag and pulled out some chips, then hit play and settled in for the ride.
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 As you turned off your phone, you rubbed your eyes and yawned. When you looked out the window, it had sufficiently darkened, and you checked the time, it was 2 a.m. To get some fresh air, you rubbed the back of your neck and opened the car door.
You gently jumped out and stretched while allowing your legs to regain some energy. You heard a scream coming from the direction of the forest as you walked around for a while. You were startled, but not completely terrified.
As you rushed to the car, grabbing your phone to record for evidence, another scream echoed from the forest.
Maybe it was the Arcane Angel? Imagine the headline, the stunning Y/N Y/L/N caught the Arcane Angel. How cool.
You grabbed your jacket and threw it on and ran towards the direction of the forest, switching on your flashlight to aid you in the moonlight.
Stay in the car, my ass.
As you aimlessly walked through the forest looking for something, you could hear the crisp leaves under your feet as you stomped on them, offering small entertainment. As you move deeper into the trees, you put your hand in your pocket and hug your cold body even tighter.
Why the fuck are they so deep. remind me to not come to these “meetings” anymore
A shadow crossed your path before you could process what had happened. It was hard to tell what it was, but it was moving quickly. It was almost gliding, more like flying.
When you turned around and heard another piercing scream, a shadow appeared from the dark woods. You flung your light at the shadow.
You couldn't tell what it was because all you could see were some big jet-black wings. When you smelt something in the breeze, you took a step back and scrunched your brows in disgust.
It smelt rotten.
When you looked around, you heard more strange sounds that perplexed you. You weren't about to become a statistic. You cursed to yourself when you sent a text to Jeonghan.
“Babe, I didn't exactly follow your instructions about staying in the car, but there's something wrong here. Please call me.”
As you peered up from your phone, you heard a ping from across the ground; he was now in front of you, wings and all. His black eyes gazed into your soul as blood dripped down his wings.
As he quickly caught you and whisked you deep into the dark night, a chuckle escaped his throat.
You screamed and thrashed about in an attempt to free yourself from his clutches, shouting to the dark night for help. Nothing worked, and as you soared through the air, not daring to look up at the figure, you knew you were in for a long trip.
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When you knew you were bound in a chair and blindfolded, a chuckle escaped your mouth. From the other side of the wall, you heard a "whoosh" sound. You struggled to spin around to see who it was and what it was after.
“You know, this whole thing makes me laugh so hard. This is what happens when you're nosy. You remember, the nosy ones always die first.”
Before you could process what was happening, a figure appeared in front of you and removed your blindfold. You blinked a lot, trying to take in the light when looking at the person in front of you.
“Fuckin Jeonghan, I knew it was true; my suspicions were right. At the very least, you could've at least been more secretive about it.”
He gave you a puzzled look and coughed at you as he leaned in his chair in front of you.
“Wait, tell me what you're talking about. You knew who I was all along.”
You laughed and threw your head back, unable to believe what you were seeing in front of you. You smirked as you crossed your legs.
As Jeonghan looked at you, a gust of wind came out of nowhere, causing you to break free from the rope spinning around the wisp of cloud, exposing your true identity to Jeonghan.
As he took in the scene in front of him, he gasped and staggered back. As he scrambled to his feet, attempting to appear presentable in front of you, he struggled to get the words out. You chuckled at him and shook your head.
“This one isn't going to sit well with the Council.”
You ran your hand through your hair and shook off the dust from your chilling entrance.
You crept up to him, crossing your arms and placing your fingers all around his neck, soaking it all in. You didn't expect him to learn about you so quickly, but I suppose things happen.
He shook his head and swept his hand through his hair, still perplexed by what had occurred.
“All right, before you start talking, let me get to start. Who are you, and what did you do with my girlfriend, and who the hell do you think you are?" 
You came to a halt and slowly turned around, chuckling in his direction. You leaned in close to his face, whispering something into his ears. The atmosphere had darkened by at least a factor of ten.
“Well, your "girlfriend" is still right here, if you must know. She's just gone for the time being, and I'll explain.   You're welcome to get a drink. I heard you and your "gang" were on their way to a meeting. “How are things going?”
He stood there watching as you talked directly into his ears; he wasn't sure if he liked this new version of you, but it was certainly sexy when you explained your part in the story.
“So, Mr. Yoon, where shall I begin?” Waiting for his answer, you cocked your head to the side and crossed your legs.
“Why don't you just tell me, how do you know the Council?” he thought as he raised his eyes to the side.
As you told him the story, you leaned forward and winked at him with an "ah" smile on your face.
“First and foremost, if you must remember, I am not from here. I'm from The Ode, a small town that you've probably heard of. Anyway, you're a bit of a prick, you know. You cause trouble wherever you go, and when you do, it always falls on our people. Aren't you aware of that-?”
“Well, it is my specialty you know,” Jeonghan smirked and snickered at you.
You rolled your eyes and motioned him to close his mouth with your hand.
“Anyway, The Council figured I'd be a good choice to keep an eye on you, kind of like a guardian angel.  BUTTTTT  I must admit, you have a knack for persuading people. To make it worse, I couldn't stay for long because I had to return to The Ode for mandatory training and other boring stuff.”
As you spoke, you looked at Jeonghan, and he focused on you as your words came out of your mouth.
“Last but not least, they assigned me to look after you after I completed all necessary training. The first time I met was the start of it all, you were still annoying back then-"
“Hey, I mean you still dated me” 
“I didn't mean to "date" you in the first place. Things just started happening and I was in too deep to get out. I'm not upset about it. I've had a wonderful time with you over the last few years, but I've strayed from the mission. The only reason I'm here is to keep an eye on you and keep you from getting into any mischief. Unfortunately, Iook at where we are.”
As he tried to hide his blush from you, he snickered. After that, he gasped and looked at you.
“So, were you sincere in dating me, or was it just part of the plan?”
When you explained yourself, you looked into his eyes. As you said, meeting him wasn't part of the plan, but you were happy you did. You loved his faults and all, even though he was an egotistical ass with a big ego.
“Yes, Jeonghan,” you said slowly as you shook your hand in front of him. I guess you have good hands and good flirting skills.”
“I mean, what else can I say-”
“Shh, I'm not done yet.”
He scowled at you, crossed his arms, and squirmed around like a child throwing a tantrum.
“All in all, I'd say. I'm not sure what will happen to me as a result of my huge disaster on this mission. It wasn't all bad, though. I had a great time with you and the guys and created some new memories that will last a lifetime. Perhaps I will convince the Council to let me stay for a while.”
He sprang from his chair and knelt at your side, pleading with you to do so.
“Please, Y/N, I don't know what I'll do without you.” He secretly peered up through one eye and put on a pouty smile in an attempt to win you over. You chuckled and shoved him to the ground, laughing at his antics.
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“Sooo... Which do you want to know first, the good or the bad?'
“Bad news,” Jeonghan said quickly as he rose from the cabin chair.
“Well, the bad news is that we will have to move to a different area. You caused enough havoc in this one that the Council decided to cover it somehow.  The good news is that they're letting me stay; I think I had an effect on you.” You smirked and flipped your hair, laughing at him.
“And where did the guys go?  It's been a couple of hours. It’s 4 a.m. and they're still out?”
Jeonghan gasped and dashed to his phone, chuckling as he brushed his hand through his hair, dialing the boy's numbers.  When you came closer to the call, you could hear the boys' voices and different laughter. He gave you a sidelong glance and rubbed his head, avoiding eye contact.
“Soo bad news... We still have one more guy to deal with, and we can't just let him go. He'll be the last one, I promise. But we have to hurry because the sun is rising.”
Your face was pressed into your hands as you screamed and punched him in the shoulder. He raced around the room, avoiding your savage blows, before bolting out the door.
He spread his wings and teased you in the air as he spread his wings and hovered over you.
“Haha, you don't have any wings,” he teased as he blew raspberries at you. You won't be able to catch me.” 
This bitch really thinks I don’t have wings.
You covered your mouth to stifle the laugh that was escaping your lips, and before you could return the joke, you turned in the air, passing the moon quickly. As you smirked in front of Jeonghan, the rays of light shimmered on your velvety wings.
“So, what exactly did you say...?” 
You smirked at him and flew off into the darkness, yelling at him to hurry up.
He flew towards you, scrunching his brows and pouting.
“Heyy, that's not fair. Yours look way  cooler than mine.”
On your way to the boys' location, you saw Jeonghan flying far ahead of you. He was the sort to flaunt all of his tricks while flying.  As you peacefully watched him, he twirled and twisted in the air, gradually slowing down to fly alongside you.
“So, Y/N, would I have met you if I hadn't been so hot and a killer?” You sneered at his phrasing and pushed him away from you, which elicited a chuckle from him.
“To be honest, I'm not sure. I'm glad, though; you've improved my life in several ways. Living on The Ode became tedious after a while. I suppose you might suggest your heinous deeds drew me in.” You chuckled while covering your mouth, attempting to ignore the cringe that ran down your spine.
As you dropped to the ground, he grinned at you and took your hand, holding you close. He kissed your brow and extended his hand, which you gladly accepted and kissed.
“Now there's my lovely girlfriend.”
“So, what do we have here?” says Jeonghan. He walked up to the badly beaten man and knelt down, laughing at his terrified expression. As he looked up at Jeonghan, the man was terrified and panicked.
“Please let me go. I'm not going to do it again. Please don't kill me, I promise. "  As he turned to face you, Jeonghan cackled, his eyes narrowed into a lethal stare, and his mood darkened. When he looked up at him, the man's breath hitched in his throat. No... your th-the, The Arcane Angel,   As Jeonghan lunged at him and pulled out his heart, splattering blood everywhere as he held it in his hand, inspecting it, he let out piercing screams.
"Isn't it just satisfying, did you see him stuttering when he mentioned my name. The Arcane Angel. It's growing on me.
You look down at your shirt, realizing that blood has splattered all over it. As Jeonghan approached you, tossing the heart to one of the members, you shook your head at him.
He removed the blood that had fallen on your face with his clean hand. He smirked and kissed you on the mouth, wiping the blood from his wings.
“You're very sexy covered in all that blood,” he grinned as he looked you up and down.
You slapped his shoulder as you cringed at his remark.
“I know I am, but could we please hurry up?” I'm getting tired, and you guys still need to clean up this mess. I'll keep this one off the books, but let's get out of here before I lose my cool.” You threw them a pearly white smile as you sarcastically laughed.
The other members chuckled and nodded in agreement with you. You could see Joshua holding the lifeless man on his back as he, Mingyu, and a few others flew away, waving farewell to the rest of us made our way to the cars.
You looked at Jeonghan, who was wiping the rest of the blood off of him with some wipes he found in your bag.  You didn't mind his whole act, you concluded.
Some flaws I can live with.
As you skyrocketed through the air, waiting for him, you chuckled to yourself. He looked at you, puzzled, and threw the remaining wipes into his pocket before flying up to you grabbing your hand.
“Hey, why are you laughing at me?” 
“Because it's strange how quickly you switched it off. Like, go off actor” You bragged about him while raising your hand in the air and waving it around.
As he looked at you, he laughed and shook his head. He realized he had finally met someone who accepted him for who he was, wings and all. He loved your expressions as you continued to describe how he flew at the man like a lunatic.
He inched closer to you and put his finger over your mouth, suppressing your words.
“I know I looked cool, but let's talk about something more positive. Like where the hell we’re moving to, I didn't expect that."
“Oh, yeah, I didn't tell you, The Council will take care of that; all we have to do now is return to the Control Center in T-Minus 8 hours.”
He turned to face forward and said, "Oh," as you both approached the car. As you hopped into the car, sighing at the day before you, your wings both retracted in your backs. You planted a kiss on Jeonghan's cheeks before closing your eyes.
He took one look at your worn-out body and began driving towards home
Thanks for staying with me Y/N.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
➳ Navigate to the Maze
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gaeilgeoirgay · 3 years
Whumptober Day Three “Who did this to you?”
Day Three has arrived! I hope you enjoy my contribution :)
he’s happy to light the match (and watch them burn, burn, burn)
Jaster wakes up with the knowledge that his son is still missing. It’s the same start to the day that he’s had for the past three weeks and it gets even harder to bear every day. He knows the statistics of what happens to missing Haat’ade children. Most likely, Jango has been taken by Death Watch and even now, his son is probably being tortured by those dar’manda huutun’la shabuire.
Jango’s only fifteen, old enough for a verd’goten and old enough to come on contracts with them, but definitely not old enough for torture. There’s never an age at which torture is acceptable but fifteen is too young. Jaster’s been captured and tortured before and he’s got the scars to prove to it. He can’t imagine those scars on his son’s skin. They don’t belong.
He pulls on his beskar’gam carefully, checking every strap and buckle twice before striding out into the Haat’ade camp. They should’ve been back in Manda’yaim by now but Jaster had refused to leave without finding Jango and his people hadn’t hesitated before agreeing.
Their command tent isn’t far from Jaster’s own and he reaches it quickly. There’s only two Mando’ade present, seeing as the sun of this planet hasn’t even risen yet. Jaster hasn’t had a proper nights sleep since Jango went missing and he’s pretty much been keeping schedule with the nocturnal Mando’ade. Mandalore is made up of a fairly wide range of species but whatever beings make up Jaster’s blood, he’s definitely diurnal. He’s been mainlining caf like water for most of the month.
“Anything new?” He asks as he walks in and is greeted with two “no’s”. He curses and collapses into a chair. He’s not entertaining the possibility that Jango is dead. It’s anathema to him. There’s a reason why even Mando’a, a language known for putting words to strange concepts like “the feeling you get after eating a good spicy meal”, doesn’t have a word for a parent who’s lost their child. Jango isn’t supposed to die before Jaster and he won’t, he hasn’t.
Jango is alive out there and he’s just waiting for Jaster to find him. It’s a parental instinct that had settled in Jaster’s bones the second he had met the scrappy son of Concord Dawn’s Journeyman and it’s stayed with him for seven years. Jango’s is alive, he has to be, because Jaster doesn’t know what he’d do if he’s not.
He distracts himself by checking the tracker programs his slicers had set up, scrolling through each one in turn, hoping for so much as a glimpse of his son. His verde start trickling into the command tent as the sun finally begins to rise and Jaster questions each one in turn, praying that they’ll know something.
It’s fruitless. Twenty-three days have passed since Jango’s blood soaked armour was discovered beyond their camp and there’s been nothing.
He organises his people into search parties once again, focusing heavily on Mando’ade from predator races. They all know Jango’s scent and if they smell blood, they’ll track it until it’s proven to either be Jango’s or unrelated to their search.
Jaster knows they can’t keep this up forever. They all have responsibilities back on Manda’yaim and no matter how much the Haat’ade love Jango, everyone has a limit. But he needs to find his son. Nothing else matters except Jango. Jaster is a Mandalorian, it’s written into his bones, and he has a Mandalorian instinct to protect children, especially his child. He’s not leaving without him.
Twelve hours later, the search parties have all returned to camp with no new information and Jaster feels like going insane. They’ve combed practically the entire planet, they had locked down every spaceport they could find with the natives help, and they still haven’t found Jango. He marks off the places that were searched today on the map with a red marker and stares hopelessly at it.
The whole map is red. The only place they haven’t looked is the cave system on the north side of the planet but the natives had told them that the whole thing was pretty much caved in. There’s nowhere big enough in the caves to hold a Death Watch camp.
Jaster dismisses the gathered verde and heads back to his empty tent. The space doesn’t feel right without the sounds of Jango’s movement in it. Jaster complains endlessly about his son’s snoring but he would sleep through any amounts of it so long as it meant he had Jango back.
The tent suddenly feels too desolate and Jaster makes a hasty exit, jogging towards the trees at the back of their campsite. He slows to a walk and belatedly remembers to turn his tracker on. The last thing anyone needs is the Mand’alor going missing at the same time as his son.
He walks for about an hour before he suddenly comes across the collapsed cave system. Something spurs him on and Jaster decides to keep going and enter it. He pulls out a luminous marker to ensure he doesn’t forget the way back and heads into the dark tunnel, flicking on the light attached to his viewfinder.
Jaster marks the paths he takes until he finds himself in a large, open cavern. He’s so in awe of the cave’s natural beauty that he nearly misses the bloody figure slumped against the far wall. Jaster proceeds warily until the figure ends up in the light of his viewfinder and he abandons all caution as he recognises Jango’s familiar form.
Jaster rushes to his son’s side, carefully turning him onto his back so he can inspect the damage inflicted on him. . He gasps audibly at the injuries he finds, injuries he had never thought he’d see on his son’s skin.
Jango is covered in blood but Jaster can still see the whip marks curling around his waist, and the delicate lines carved by a wicked sharp knife scored down his stomach. The wounds aren’t bleeding, but they’re starting to turn a sickly green colour that still doesn’t detract from the fact that Jaster can see every single one of Jango’s ribs.
“Who did this to you?” Jaster whispers in horror but when he sees the weeping burns on Jango’s arms, he knows exactly who and more importantly, what had done this. Lightsaber burns. It was Viszla and he had used the Dha’kad’au, the epitome of Mandalore to torture a child.
Jaster has never found himself more thankful for Mandalorian armour than he is at that moment. He gathers Jango in his arms and practically runs back through the tunnel, taking care with his precious cargo. His armour means that he can use his jetpack to cut down his return time to a mere ten minutes and the noise of it ensures the camp is awake and ready to receive him.
Jaster touches down lightly and carefully hands Jango over to a medic for treatment. He follows behind them as Jango is taken to the baar’ure’s tent for as long as he’s able before they kick him out to keep it sterile.
He takes the chance to gather the awakened verde together to plan a hunt for Viszla. The shabuir has evaded them every chance he’s gotten, but they have the planet on lock-down and there’s nowhere for the coward to hide now.
As soon as they have a plan together, Jaster is going to find Tor Viszla and tear him to shreds for daring to harm his son. He’s going to claim the Dha’kad’au while he’s at it and see if Viszla enjoys being tortured with it half as much as he had probably enjoyed torturing Jango. Viszla and Kyr’tsad are going to burn and Jaster is happy to light the match. They should’ve never gotten between a pissed off buir and his ad. They’re certainly going to regret it.
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wolvesandpetals · 3 years
Playing House: Part 2: Loki x Sylvie Fanfiction (Rated: T, Humor/Romance).
Part 1 here. Masterlist of Sylki fanfictions here. This chapter mostly fills in the gaps and acts as a backstory, providing some answers. Sylki hijinks in next chapter!
Sylvie wakes up the next morning with the sunrays lighting up the room through the windows. It's so different from the life she has always known- hiding in the shadows, endlessly on the run.
She has spent her entire life waking up in unfamiliar places. Yet, this feels different. This feels familiar, almost mundane. Even though some unknown dangerous entity has trapped them here, it feels... safe.
And she swears it has nothing to do with the fact that his arm is wrapped around her waist, and how it makes her feel protected. Nothing at all.
This is what her dreams were made of- a home, a person to wake up next to every day, a sense of serenity instead of the ever present death and despair. And now she has it all.
She shifts a little, earning groans of protest from him, and it makes her smile. The warmth radiating from his body makes her long to stay like this forever. Slowly and reluctantly, she pulls his arm off her body and places it on his chest, her smile widening as she watches him sleep. "Loki?"
He groans. "Please, mother. Can you awaken Thor first?"
She touches his shoulder gently. "Loki, it's morning."
"No, mother, princes do not wake up so early", he mumbles in his sleep.
She just cannot bring herself to force him awake. Not when he looks so happy.
His morning starts at 10 am. He picks up the newspaper that the delivery boy left on the porch. Apparently, it's 2021, there's a new president, and a new iPhone, whatever that is.
She makes breakfast. It's just milk and cereals, but it's the first meal they have both had at a kitchen table with someone akin to a loved one in a long, long time, and it feels good.
He picks up his phone, hoping to learn how to properly operate it, and goes through his contacts list. There are a lot of people that he does not remember meeting, mixed with people that he never wishes to meet again, but one name in particular makes him pause. "Thor's number is programmed in my phone."
Sylvie looks up in confusion, clueless why this is significant. "Alright?"
"I didn't know he even had a number." Loki explains. Maybe it's recent? Maybe that is the reason he did not know, and it's not because they have been at odds lately?
"Maybe it's not Thor?" Sylvie suggests. It is a different reality, after all. Everything may be just an illusion.
Loki takes in a deep breath, bracing himself for what he knows he has to do. There is only one way to find out.
There are exactly four rings before he hears the familiar voice on the other side of the line. "Hello, brother."
"Hello, brother." He clears his throat, trying to push down the emotions swelling in his chest. In reality, he last saw Thor the day he was captured by the TVA. Yet, it feels like a lifetime ago. "How have you been?"
"I've been well", Thor answers. There's noisy chatter in the background, like a restaurant or a bar, and what sounds like old 60s music. "How are you?"
"I am well too." Loki lies. "It is so good to speak to you. Umm, how are the Avengers?"
There's a brief pause on the other end. "The Avengers? You are enquiring about my friends? Are you not going to ask about mother and father?"
Loki forgets how to breathe. "M-mother and father?"
"Yes?" Loki can picture Thor rolling his eyes as he speaks. "Our mother and father? The people who have loved and adored us our entire lives? Rings a bell?"
The last time Loki met his parents, they were furious and disappointed with him for his betrayal of Asgard. Then New York happened, and he is sure those emotions were heightened.
The rest of it, he has only watched on the projector screen at the TVA and not experienced himself, but he heard his parents express how much he means to them, right before watching them die. After spending the last few months angry at them, and craving power that makes him superior to Thor, he realised in that one moment that none of it mattered. All he wanted was the life he once knew, the life back at Asgard, the one he can never return to.
It's a truly cunning being that has trapped him in a reality where these cruel events may not have happened. Trap a man in hell, and he will burn it to the ground, trying to find his way out. Trap him in his heaven, and he is forever imprisoned. This is an eternal prison indeed, because why would he ever want to leave?
"Mother and father?" Loki repeats, still in disbelief, and a little optimistic. "They are not dead?"
"What kind of sick question is that, brother?" There's the familiar irritation in Thor's voice. "Why would you even ask that?"
"I'm... I'm sorry. I just feel a little... disoriented."
"Is everything alright with you?" Thor pauses, hesitating before he asks the next question. "Are you having marital troubles? Is Sylvie alright?"
"You know Sylvie?"
"Of course I know your wife." There's genuine concern now. "You are scaring me, brother. Is this a trick?"
"No, no." Loki shakes his head for emphasis, even though Thor cannot see it. "Not a trick, brother. I am just happy to hear your voice."
The line goes dead. There's a flash of thunder, a loud bang in the backyard, and then a thunderous voice. "Loki?"
Loki rushes to the backyard. Sylvie follows him, ready to fight the intruder, if necessary. She finds a blonde man in 60s clothes, wielding the hammer that she knows too well.
Sylvie goes pale. She hasn't seen her brother in ages, and this isn't her brother. She has never met this man, never played with him, never turned him into a toad, and definitely never missed him. Yet, her heart aches at the sight of this stranger who is another version of him.
"Oh, hi, Sylvie." Thor smiles warmly at her, before it turns apologetic. He tugs at an ear. "Sorry about your flowerpots." He glances at the mess he has made- again- vowing to land on the street next time. He spots Loki standing in the background and gives him a slight nod. "Brother."
"Brother." Loki takes a step forward, resisting the urge to rush to his brother and embrace him tightly. Not long back, they were on opposite sides of the battle. All he wanted back then was to be equal to Thor.
All he wants now is to be brothers again.
"Thor?" Sylvie says his name carefully, like it's a word that can break this spell. "Is that really you?"
Thor feels the panic coming back. "Alright, what is the matter with you two? Are you on drugs?"
"Me? Drugs?" Loki scoffs indignantly. "You are the one who looks like you just spent a week at Woodstock."
Thor takes a brief moment to glance down at his outfit- courtesy of StarJerk- before returning his undivided attention to the couple that is acting extremely strange.
"Prove that you are not on drugs." He places the hammer on the ground, next to Loki's feet. "Here."
"You want me to lift Mjojonir?" Loki stares in confusion. "Are you insulting me?"
"You can't lift it, can you?"
His irritation grows. "Of course I can't lift it. I've never been able to lift it."
"Loki... You... We've... Do you not remember the time we..." Thor stares at him, dumbfounded. "Do you really not remember that you too can wield Mjojonir?" Then another thought occurs to him, one which seems more likely. "Wait, is this another elaborate scheme of yours to steal Mjojonir?"
Sylvie takes in a deep breath, pushing down all the complicated emotions that have found their way into the spotlight since she met the mirror image of her brother. Right now, she is trapped in a reality that is not of her choosing, by an entity that is not known to her, and she cannot allow herself to get lost in the illusion. The man in front of her is merely an opportunity, one which she has to seize. "Alright, then. Come in already, brother." She tilts her head towards the door, gesturing at the brothers to come inside.
"Brother?" Loki mumbles under his breath.
Sylvie shrugs. "Well, he is your brother, and I am your wife, right?"
Thor walks through the kitchen and into the living room like he knows the place extremely well. He sits down on the couch- in the spot that Loki already considers his own spot, Loki notes with annoyance - and examines a cushion. "I see you replaced these after the mishap with the gun."
Loki and Sylvie exchange a look. They have no idea what he is talking about, but if they know themselves at all, they were definitely the ones responsible for the incident.
"Here, have a drink." Sylvie offers him a coffee mug filled with whiskey on the rocks. When Thor reaches for it, she covers his hand with hers.
Loki feels that ever familiar feeling that he has felt anytime something he wanted has gone to Thor instead. It's not like Sylvie is his actual wife, and he has any right to be jealous. But the mere sight of Sylvie's hand covering Thor's is a source of extreme irritation for him. "What are you doing?"
Sylvie places the finger of her free hand on her lips, asking him to be quiet. She returns her attention to Thor. There's a flash of green, travelling from her hand, to Thor's, and rising up his arm, to his heart. "Oh, the gun. That was something. Remember the day we met?"
Loki finally realizes what is happening. "Are you enchanting my brother?" He whispers.
Sylvie rolls her eyes, whispering back at him. "Obviously."
"You can't enchant my brother!" He hisses. "He's my brother!"
"And you've done worse to him." She points out. "We need to know what he knows."
Loki sighs, finally giving in semi-reluctantly.
"You know how we met." Thor answers, confused, and oblivious to the conversation between his brother and his wife.
"I know. But let's reminisce." Sylvie keeps her tone calm and cheerful. "Tell me about the good old times."
"It wasn't good." Thor reminds her. "You broke Jane's telescope."
"Right. Good ol' Jane." She fakes a laugh, before turning to Loki. "Jane?"
"The human he's dating." He supplies.
He gives her a sad nod.
"And what is my name, my full name?"
"Sylvie Lushton, from Broxton, Oklahoma. You took my brother's name only to escape the internet fame under yours. Clever." It is clear from the way he speaks that he thinks highly of her.
Loki and Sylvie exchange another look. A few days back, this is when he would have asked about Mjojonir, what the deal is with him apparently being able to wield it. But now, he can think of only one thing, because there is only one thing that actually matters. "Ask him about my parents."
"And your parents? Where are they now?"
"At New Asgard, of course." Thor tells her like it's obvious. "The same place they were the last time you visited."
Sylvie lets go of his hands abruptly. The thought that she probably has a set of parents at Oklahoma, and a version of Odin and Frigga at New Asgard is too overwhelming. She leans back against the sofa, trying to catch her breath.
Thor blinks, trying to adjust to the fact that he is back at Sylvie and Loki's living room instead of his bed chamber at Asgard. "Did you just-?" Realizing what happened, he stares at Sylvie in shock. "All the years, and you have never once tried to enchant me, not even when Loki begged you. You have always been a loyal friend to me." His voice grows resolute, like that of a man on a mission. "Tell me this instant what is going on with you two. I demand answers."
"I'm sorry." Sylvie tells him sincerely. She knows now that this man is not the one responsible for the illusion. His memories are real, at least to him. He is not a danger to them
Loki smiles sadly. "You wouldn't believe us even if we told you."
Thor crosses his arms in front of his chest and leans back against the cushions, making it clear that he is not going anywhere until he is satisfied. "I travel through space with a talking racoon and a grunting hormonal tree. Try me."
"Okay. We are from a different reality. Two different realities actually." Loki begins his Loki lesson. "I was supposed to be immortalized in the hearts of Asgardians after meeting a heroic end in glorious battle with Thanos. Sylvie was taken from Asgard when she was merely a child. There is this evil organization called the TVA. Time variance authority. We weren't supposed to exist, yet we existed. So these pathetic, low-life bureaucrats arrested us. We were trying to find the man in charge. We were so close. Then we found ourselves here abruptly."
Thor just stares at them, utterly confused.
"You're rubbish at this." Sylvie comments, before taking over the storytelling duty. "Loki and I are not who you think we are. We are from a different reality. Your memories are not real to us. They never happened to us. I have never met you. And we are most definitely not married."
"Ouch." Loki places a heart over his chest to express his hurt. Sylvie grins at him.
Thor tries his best to process this wild tale. "Let me get this straight. You're telling me that my brother, my only brother-"
"Adopted." Loki interrupts with the quip. He can't stop himself.
"- My annoying brother", Thor continues, "is supposed to be dead? And you? You're from Asgard?"
"I'm him, actually." Sylve explains. "Well, not him, another version of him, the superior one. I'm Sylvie Laufeydottir." She half smiles at Thor.
Thor stares at Sylvie, then at Loki, then back at Sylvie again. "Are you sure you're not under the influence of any narcotics?"
"Yes!" Loki reaffirms, more exasperated by the minute.
"Are you sure I'm not under the influence of any narcotics?" Thor wonders.
"Not really." Loki admits.
"But I assure you, what we are saying is the truth." Sylvie looks him in the eyes, hoping he can see the honesty in hers. "This life, this house, we have only known it for a day."
Thor is quiet for a long while. When he speaks again, his voice is more sympathetic, and less skeptical. "Would you like to know more? About your past, I mean? The one I know?"
"Of course." Sylvie answers immediately. Part of it is to gather information so that they can decide how to get out.
There's another part of her that really wants to know what a happy life looks like for her. She can't resist the temptation to sneak a peak down the rabbit hole.
Thor takes a sip from the mug. The ice has melted by now, but the drink is cold enough. Taking in a deep breath, he begins. "I met you six years back at London. You were filming something for YouTube, and you accidentally broke Jane's telescope. You were gracious enough to offer to buy her a new one. But she wanted nothing to do with you." He adds, as an afterthought, to lessen the blow. "It's nothing personal, Jane just doesn't really like influencers. You gave me your number, in case she changed her mind."
"A while later, Loki stole my jacket. Well, borrowed, in his words, but I haven't seen it since that day, so you be the judge. Where is it, by the way?"
Loki rolls his eyes. "Isn't it clear that I do not know?"
"Right." Thor nods. All of this is still bizzare to him, but he's willing to be open to the possibility. "Anyways, Loki found the little card with your number in the pocket, and he called you up. You hung up on him within a minute. That's your version of the story, anyway. Loki swears you talked to him before you hung up."
"And then my brother, ever so proud of himself, took that personally. He called you back to tell you off." He puts on his best Loki imitation. "I'm Loki, the prince of Asgard, the God of mischief, and you must treat me with respect, or I will use my hairgel to slick your hair back too. Bla bla bla." He grins when he notices Loki glaring at him, and his grin grows wider at the next part. He looks at Sylvie with a smile that conveys how proud he is of her. "You hung up on him again."
"He Googled you up and showed up at your doorstep the next week, ready to turn your clothes into snakes and show you your place. But the moment you opened the door, my brother was putty in your hands. Seriously, he wouldn't shut up about you for weeks."
"Instead of snakes, he gave you flowers. He serenaded you, actually. What was the song, brother? When she sleeps- no, wait." Thor hums the tune, trying to remember the words. "That's it! When she sings, she sings come home." He laughs, like he always does when he imagines Loki acting like a lovestruck fool. "I can't believe you didn't get a restraining order on him. He kept sending you flowers every day. Until you finally decided to go out with him. You guys hit it off right away. Your parents liked him. I don't know why." This earns him another glare from Loki and results in another grin. "Our parents liked you. It was all surprisingly easy."
"Loki proposed during the Convergence. He was so nervous about it. It was fun to watch him squirm."
"You had a June wedding. You moved here after a few months. And you've been happily married since."
It's almost impossible for either of them to imagine a world where they have sworn to spend eternity with another person.
But it's not impossible at all, not anymore, not when they have found each other. Sylvie tries not to dwell on this for long.
Another thought occupies her instead. If she is not an Asgardian princess in this reality... "How do I have my powers?"
Thor shrugs. "How does anyone have their powers? How do the Avengers have their powers?"
They still do not know who did this, but now they have an idea about what was done to them.
If he's being honest with himself, a reality where he and Sylvie both exist together, where his parents are alive, and Thor doesn't hate him, is not the worst thing in the world. It is almost like a scene from his dreams, depicting his heart's desires.
"Thank you." Sylvie sincerely tells Thor. "Now we need to find a way out."
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Awaken the World Part 2 (requested by anon) All for Love
Pairing: Wayv Ten (NCT Ten) x Reader
Warnings: Filth, a lot of kissing, masturbation, unprotected sex, a lot of it...
Word count: aprox 6k
*10043567901;1102033149001. PLANET DYVLONY*
The White walk, as they call it on DYVLONY, supposedly should be one of the most beautiful days in a person’s life. That of course depends on if you find someone to spend it together with. Wedding. A wedding ceremony of different kind, that’s what it is.
Today you were supposed to walk the distance hand in hand with Ten, but instead you found yourself knocked out and only later awake in a different place. You know the place though, this is where Detective Ten interrogates his criminals, and right now you had a feeling, you will be tortured the same way.
-You really are something, - a voice spoke but you couldn’t make out a silhouette yet, - I wanted to see you for myself, and I am very disappointed in Ten. His taste is not as I had imagined. Just tell me, how you did it?
You couldn’t speak yet either, so the voice continued.
-Ah, I wish it was me, you know, - she sighed, you understood now, it was a woman, and somehow her voice seemed too familiar. – I too know how to make a man happy, and before you, he was always satisfied. Did he do it to you? Did he tie you up here with these chains while he fucked you raw?
She pointed to the chains coming from the ceiling and laughed, waiting for your reaction.
-Did he cum inside you, or on your face, hun? – she bit her lip, - you know what he loves about woman is the way we beg, how we get on our knees for him. How I would lick the tip and swirl my tongue around his dick, he loved it when I squirted, he would take me on that table after, one dick in my ass while the other worked in my cunt. Ah, remembering it makes me want to sit on his face, and ride his tongue, he ate your pussy, didn’t he? Dirty bitch, you loved it, didn’t you?
You watched her more closely, but still couldn’t place a name to a face. You definitely had not seen her before. She sat on the table, her hands slowly working downward her trousers.
-Ah, Ten-ah, - she slipped her hand in her pants, a moan slipped passed her lips, while she touched herself, closing her eyes, she whispered, - so wet and ready…
Her moans filled the room, the wet squelching noise was there too, she was occupied with her own thoughts, while you tried to make sense out of it all, drifting away many moons ago.
-This is different, - Ten spoke behind you, while you ran towards the water at GYPE beach.
-It’s fun, Ten! – you giggled, dragging him along.
-No, - he sighed, - it is not, there is more fun things that I would rather do with you…
You turned around to face him, he had that smile on his face, when he was thinking of something dirty.
-Hey, - you shouted, - I know you, you pervert!
Ten grabbed you by your waist and tickled your sides, while you were down in the sand laughing your head off. His face somehow ended in between your breasts and Ten out of habit did a motor-boat joke, while you playfully smacked him on his head.
-Not here, Ten, we are in public, - you said.
-So what? – he got back at you, - I could take you here, and fuck all the consequences…
In his eyes you could see the truth behind his words. His smile was there again to tease you.
-I might give you something in return for taking me to the beach again, - you said, bartering.
-And what would that be, - he smiled, - remember, it must be so… so good to tempt me enough, yeah?
-Hmm, - you giggled, - how about…
You leaned closer and whispered in his ear.
-I could let you do to me whatever you like.
Ten bit his inner cheek.
-Very tempting, - you saw how his eyes changed, he was a predator, and you were his prey. He devoured you with his eyes, and later he would certainly devour your body, he leaned in to whisper back at you, his hand slightly touching your butt, - how about I play a little…?
You understood the meaning straight away, he fancied trying anal with you, and would slowly move you towards the idea every time you had sex. It started with his fingers playing with your butt, slowly turning into butt plugs, his taste for you was insatiable. Once you even proposed trying strap-on to work on him, which he turned down for “unknown reasons”, and you left it at that, not asking anything else.
-Maybe… - you said and ran towards the water, Ten had confused look on his face but he still chased after you, picking you up, bringing you towards water himself, - nooo, Ten! Not with clothes!!!
His face lit up at your words, and you made a mental note to rephrase all that you say.
-Not like that, Ten, I don’t want our clothing to be soaked, - earning a little pout from him, Ten let you back on your feet.
-Alarm, alarm! – Ten’s phone went off, and he stepped away from you.
-Detective Ten speaking, - on the other side he was greeted with Xiao Dejun from high court.
-Can we speak? – Ten whispered “give me a minute” and walked further away, while you sat down to wait a bit for him.
-Yes, I am listening.
On the other side was heard a sigh, and then a long pause.
-What’s up? – Ten said, - Is it a new case?
-You alright over there? – Ten continued talking, - come on, tell me what’s up.  Go on, tell me…
He was really dragging the words out of his friend’s mouth. Xiao on the other end was scrunching up his nose thinking of the best possible way to tell what was on his mind.
-It’s Anna, - he said, - she’s pregnant.
Ten would not believe the words he just heard. His face was dumbfounded, eyebrow arched, lips pursed together.
-I don’t understand, - Ten stated.
-Anna is pregnant with my child…
-What? How? Is it even… like how? – Ten abruptly stopped.
-I know, - Xiao spoke, - it just happened, and I am confused, but we are expecting, and I thought I let you know… I mean, this means you gotta wrap it up, can’t let the ninja in with no gear…
Xiao let in a pause.
-You know, it is ok, she feels fine, we already went to see the doctor, so we are fine, - Ten still couldn’t form a sentence. – it’s a lot to take in, I mean, you are a half-breed, how… uhm, can I ask this?
No answer from Ten’s side of the phone, and Xiao continued.
-Ten? You there? I don’t know, like, I mean, your mom… how did she get pregnant, how did they know?
Ten breathed in, putting his hand against his waist.
-My mom?
-Yeah, you know, with your dad, maybe there is something you have to know… before, like in advance…?
-I have no idea, man, honest… - Ten said, letting the information sink in.
“Was this even possible?” he thought to himself, turning around he saw you by the beach. Your hair was let down your back, the dress you wore reminded him of summertime, he saw children passing by, could you get pregnant?
Ten minutes later you were both in car, driving towards where Ten’s parents live. The trip to the beach was cancelled, but you hoped it was just postponed.
-Ten you look worried, - you said softly, - is everything alright?
He didn’t respond, instead, he jumped out of the car when you stopped at his parents. Like a gentleman he was, he opened the door for you and unbuckled your seat belt, taking you by your hand.
-Hello, wasn’t expecting to see you today? – his father greeted you both by the door.
-Can Y/N get pregnant?
His father was dumbstruck to say the least.
-Excuse me? – his father said.
-Excuse me? – you said the same time as his dad.
His father opened the door wider for you both to walk in.
-Honey, can you come downstairs, we have visitors…
His mom came down the stairs, seeing you and Ten she smiled.
-Do you want me to make anything to eat?
-No, love, come join us, - Ten’s father lead you into living room, where you sat down, you and Ten on one side and his parents on the other.
-Y/N, sweety, how are you doing?
-I am… - you started, - confused…
Ten stared at his father. His mother looked equally confused as you.
-What is going on? I am sure whatever this is, we can talk it through. – she stated.
-Ten it’s not that simple, - Ten’s father spoke.
-But it is possible?
-Me and your mother went through quite a bit to have you, so yes and no, but it is not that simple.
-What is going on, Ten? – his mother asked.
-Magistrate from high court called me, his human partner is pregnant…
You turned to Ten mouthing “what?”. Ten didn’t respond.
-I suppose the younger generation is different, - his father referred turning to you, - since technology seems to be more up to date, I assume, some things have changed in that department. Me and your mother used DYVLONY females’ hormones as well as perfect timing with her periodical cycle.
-So, it is possible?
His father nodded. Ten looked over at you.
-You are getting pregnant, - “I will stuff you full of my sperm”, didn’t leave his mouth, not to disgust his parents, and then he walked off.  
-What? – you looked at his parents, facepalming yourself on the way, standing up and running after Ten, - TEN!!!
-Giselle? – you spoke softly.
She stopped straight away and stared at you.
-How do you know my name? – she took her hand out from her panties, - how the fuck do you know my name?
You were silent. She slapped you. Thank god she hit you with her clean hand.
-You called Ten, I remember your voice, it said on the screen, Giselle is calling, - you stated, and another slap reached you.
-I want him back, - Giselle said, - I WANT HIM!
She shouted straight in your face, grabbing your collar.
-But he doesn’t want you, - another slap on your face. It was the truth, though, Ten had made it clear with her, he had mentioned his partners before to you, not their names, but it made sense now.
Who else would kidnap you on your wedding day, right? But… did she know?
-Listen here you dirty whore, - she literally spat the words out, - I will do whatever it takes to ride his cock again, and no cunt of yours will stop me.
You laughed, receiving another slap.
-Something funny?
-Not really, - you said, - I admire your stupidity.
-Who? Me? Ha, ha, - Giselle straightened herself up, then you realized her height. She was tall and good looking for sure, it was clear, even to you. So why did Ten want you? All the insecurities were coming back, seeping through the pores of your skin.
You watched Giselle walk back to the table, wiping her hands in her shirt.
-Ten used to say, he cannot get enough of my nectar, - she smiled, remembering fond memories of nights with him. Sweating on the same table where she sat on now. She took a remote controller, you remembered it from the last time you were here. – tell me, who are you, and I might let you go, but… if I do, you can never come back here, come back to Ten I mean. You will get out of here and never return, right?
If she would understand that you are a different species, what would happen? She would kill you; she could do whatever just to get back at Ten, and if she let’s you go, is leaving Ten what you truly desire?
You… you loved Ten, with all your heart. Doesn’t matter that you only realized it now.
-Let us play, - Giselle whispered and pressed a button. Sharp stinging feeling reached your back, tears were flowing down your face, you held back a scream. Pain. So much pain.
Mornings with Ten was something else. Tangled together in the bed sheets after sweet love making, or even after a quickie before dinner. He would press kisses to your back, holding you against his own body, holding your hand. How he kissed your lips when you were eye to eye. He would let his fingers through your hair.
-I am serious about the baby, Y/N, - he said.
-Ten, listen, your father said it would be complicated thing to do.
-So what? I would want a baby from you, - he said back, caressing your cheek in sweet manner, your eyes travelled elsewhere. – what is it? Tell me, Y/N, come now, what’s up?
You bit your lip.
-Where I come from, but its not that important, - you lowered your voice to whisper, - I am not saying I want that but... I somehow feel like I…
Ten stared at you. He was trying to encourage you to speak to him, he leaned in to kiss you again.
-We should, - you didn’t look him in the eyes, - we should get married… - you finally managed to say.
Ten didn’t say a word. For his family the wedding happened only a few years after Ten was born. He remembers the day as well, even when he was around five years old. It was a simple ceremony, that included walk from chapel to the engaged couples new home (or the same one where they lived), while wearing white clothing, making wows in front of a priest, and signing some papers.
-You want that? – Ten asked.
-I… - you breathed in, - like I said, we don’t have to.
-But I am asking you if you want that.
You nodded. Somehow it made you feel shy. You were to accept Ten as your future husband, father of your children, if you would be blessed, a partner for life.
-Yeah, let’s do that, - Ten finally said.
-You are serious? – you looked at him with that “spark” in your eyes, that Ten had noticed you have when being excited for something. He nodded, leaning in to kiss your lips again. – hmm, are you saying that because you want a baby…? - you teased him.
-I want to fill you up so badly, you have no idea, - he said.
-I am pretty sure I have a clue by now, - you giggled.
-Are you sore? – he asked when getting up.
-Mmmh, - you nodded. All of the sudden you were on your back, with your legs spread opened. -Ten what are you…?
His lips kissed your inner thighs, you were trying not to cringe. Only after Ten licked up a strip between your folds, you breathed in sharply, your body was still sensitive from previous orgasms. Ten licked up everything, your essence with his cum, diving his tongue inside of your walls from time to time, to gather more of whatever he could get.
-I have an obsession, - he spoke softly. You looked up, propping yourself on your elbows. – I don’t know why, but I love seeing how my sperm drips out from you, I don’t know why… it turns me on so much, - with that he dove back in while you moaned out loud. Ten held your hips down to stop you from moving.
-I want your belly swollen with my child, Y/N, - his lips attacked your clit again, circular motion yet again bringing your body pleasurable pain and stinging. One finger eased itself inside you, your pussy clutching around it, while he massaged the spongy spot on your vaginal walls, with more and more motions with his finger, you were getting closer bit by bit. You could almost taste the mind-blowing feeling.
Ten added another finger, and another, now lost in making you come, moving his hands faster, latching on your abused bundle of nerves, sucking, till you swallowed your moans and came with a force so strong, it knocked the air out of your lungs. He thrusted more of his fingers while riding out your orgasm, when you started to open your eyes again, he was looming over you.
-Just like this, - he whispered kissing you. You could taste yourself on his lips. – I am ready to have family with you.
-Nnngghghhghhg, - you were holding it in, you needed to hold on, Ten probably was on his way to finding you, you just had to hold on a bit longer, he was a detective after all.
-Scream, bitch, - Giselle laughed over your pained expressions.
At that, the doors on your right opened, Detective Ten running in full S.W.A.T gear on him, gun in his hand. He was accompanied with other officers and a … priest?!
-Drop the remote and stand away from the girl, - Ten announced in a low voice.
-I don’t want to, you know, - Giselle poked her tongue in her cheek, - this bitch needs to die first.
She grabbed a hold of your throat choking you, pushing you more onto the needles in your back. Ten was acting fast, and soon Giselle was knocked down on her belly, her face pressed at the floor. Ten turned around to let his partner tie Giselle up, while he helped you. Once of the chair, you were taken to his car, soon in the hospital, Ten’s father by your side in the emergency room.
-She will be alright, you know, - his police partner said, Ten was pulling on his hair, pushing his fingers through them from nervousness.
After a couple of hours, Ten was greeted by his dad, who came to see him.
-She is ok, Ten, she just needs some rest, she got scared more than she got hurt, she is tough you know, - he leaned in, whispering, - humans tend to be like that…
His father put his hand on Ten’s shoulder, tapping on it lightly, unexpectedly, Ten’s hands reached around his father’s shoulders in a hug. He was crying. His father didn’t say anything, he let his son cry.
From the corner of Ten’s eyes, he spotted the priest. The priest who was supposed to lead the ceremony of White. Ten stepped away from his father, wiping his tears away.
-Sorry, - he apologized, priest came closer.
-I am sorry to disturb, - he smiled and walked closer, - I am sure you are quite shook at this time, but we should arrange another time for your ceremony, if you could take a look. We are busy at this time of year, so, it would be better to know… even approximate date will do.
-Thank you, pastor Kun, yes, let’s re-arrange.
They sat down on the chairs not too far away, Kun passed Ten paperwork, which he signed, sighing.
-About the date, I don’t know, really, - he whispered, - maybe in two weeks?
-Alright, - Kun said smiling, - I will write you down for Thursday in two weeks, if by any chance something changes, let me know, yeah?
Ten nodded, pastor Kun got up and walked away. Ten noticed a red strike on Kun’s neck, not too red to be a fresh scratch, but something else.
“What could that be?”
Later on, the nurses were trying to keep Ten out from your room, long story short- they failed. Ten was by your bed, holding your hand, kissing it, waiting for you to wake up.
-I’m ok, you know, - you whispered, and Ten got up.
-Do you need anything? – he asked, you nodded a “no”.
-Really Ten, I am doing good, the doctor says so, you can go home…
-No, - was his answer, short and simple.
-Give me a kiss? – you asked, and he replied with a simple smooch over your lips. – that’s not a kiss, Ten, - you laughed, encouraging him, pulling him closer to you. Your lips touched, and you deepened the kiss when Ten wanted to pull away.
-I am truly sorry for what she did to you Y/N, - Ten said between the kisses, - I won’t let anyone hurt you ever again.
-I know, - you simply stated, - do not worry that much.
Ten sat back down on the chair. He looked lost.
-That bad huh, - you whispered.
-You don’t know how much I love you, - he stated, - I fucking love you so much, I cannot imagine my life without you in it, - Ten sighed, - I love you, Y/N.
-I love you too, - his lips crashed on yours again, - now go home and get some rest.
-Will do, - you could see the struggle, he didn’t want to leave you, but you mouthed a “good night” and he finally slipped through the door.
-I do.
-I do, - a quiet giggle left your lips after saying your wows.
-I pronounce you husband and wife, you can kiss your beloved now, - pastor Kun said, and Ten leaned in to capture your lips in a kiss that really sealed your marriage.
You started your walk then. Hand in hand, while looking at each other from time to time. Ten was smiling, and you were happy, some moments he let go of your hand just to hold you by your waist, or grab on your bottom, biting his lip in the process.
You took his hand in yours again and continued your walk.
DYVLONY people you met, greeted you with smiles on their faces and congratulations were in order, some kids even treated you with candies. Tens’ mom and dad disappeared after a couple of minutes and you walked alone.
Giselle was quiet in a prison cell, she heard that you were meant to marry Ten, her hate was a venom, but she realized the truth, which was indeed what you told her – Ten does not want you. She had to swallow that and move on.
Behind you, a bit further down, Xiao Dejun was walking hand in hand with Anna. Her baby bump was now visible, and Xiao’s hands kept massaging her belly with his other hand, he was wearing a smile that would not fade away.
It felt right at that moment.
Everything was where it should be.
Your walk was ending, a couple more minutes and you would reach your home. Ten squeezed your hand a bit tighter, taking it up to his mouth, kissing your knuckles. Him wearing white was a sin. You were ready to jump the guy once the house was reached.
Ten unlocked the doors, stepping in first, closing the door behind you both, leading you up to your shared bedroom. Once sat down, you made your way to sit on his lap.
-What’s going on now? – Ten asked surprised.
-Hmm, I was thinking, - you started.
-About what?
You were formulating a good answer, before kissing his lips, your hands around his neck.
-Fuck me Ten, - you spoke loudly, ready for everything, - I want your baby.
-Take me like you wanted to all this time, when you first wanted to impregnate me, - your voice was bold, you were sure of this.
-Fine, but there is no opting out now, do you understand, we are now married, so really you are mine…? – you nodded, Ten was serious, (behind of his serious face was actually a massive dork, who really wanted to fill you up).
-Yes, I am yours, but you are also mine, - you stated and kissed him again.
-Alright, - Ten whispered, - take off all your clothes, there won’t be a slow build up, I will give you all, and you will lie on your back and take it…
-What if I really want to ride you? – you said pouting.
-Nope, not today, - he said, - I have gathered a lot of information on this, so I tend to impregnate you, that’s my aim today, so don’t make me wait.
Somehow it made you hot, the heat creeping up your face. He reached to open the drawer, taking out butt plug and lubricant. You were stripping slowly on purpose and Ten clicked his tongue.
-No, - he said, - no teasing, faster, naked on the bed, legs spread opened.
As much as you would have loved to drag it even more, the staring Ten gave you, made you undress as a secretary – fast and effective. On the bed, you could not open your legs, Ten took off his trousers, looking back at you.
-Legs opened, - he said, when you shied away, he got on the bed, grabbed your legs, dragging you down, till you were on your back, your head on the pillows, his hands on your knees, opening your legs, you couldn’t even say a “whoop” from the unexpected surprise. Without any hesitation, his lips went straight for your core, tongue delving right inside your tight hole. Out of reflex your legs wanted to close, but Ten’s grip stopped you from doing so. He only stopped to lick up your pussy lips, latch on your clitoris, getting you worked up quickly.
He stopped, sitting back on his heels, taking the butt plug, lubricating it.
-Lift yourself up a bit, - he ordered, his two fingers now covered in lube, prodding at your ass hole. When you lifted yourself up, he eased a butt plug inside your ass without any stopping, you choked on a moan, and Ten let you back down. He was watching you, starting from your eyes to your lips, lower to your boobs, as his both hands worked on his cocks.
-You wanna be a good girl? – he offered, you slowly nodded, - touch your nipples for me, massage your breasts, imagine me doing that to you and do it.
To lead him on, you playfully bit your lip, your palms touching your breasts, Ten swallowed, he wanted to eat you whole, your breathing got a bit more rushed, he himself was struggling not to attack you like a man starved.
-You make me crazy, - Ten bit his lip, he was hard now, both dicks ready to enter you, to fuck you into oblivion. Only then you noticed a cock ring and some object you had never seen before.
You watched him place a cock ring on the thickest of his counterparts, and carefully placing a rubbery object (looked like a thinner version of pencil) inside his urethra.
-What is that? – you asked, Ten scrunched up his nose enjoying the feeling.
-It is called a urethral vibrator, I am using it to post pone my ejaculation, because today you are getting what you bargained for… - he leaned in, making space between your legs, kissing your stomach first, then going higher, enjoying how responsive you were to his touch. Attacking your breasts with his lips and hands, your moans led him on even more. Twisting one of your nipples between his fingers earned a yelp from you, as you tried to suppress the feeling of screaming out loud.
-I thought you said there will be no slow build up, - you giggled, a kiss on your lips stopped you from teasing Ten, turning this into serious matter. Kiss was passionate, his tongue exploring your mouth, his lower body rutting against yours. Tens’ hand reached down, aligning his cock with your entrance as he pushed in, you both holding your breaths until he was settled snug inside of you.
-Ahhh, - you moaned, Ten slowly starting up a rhythm, your legs wrapping around his hips. Ten was kissing your neck, moaning in your ear, licking up your chin before entering your mouth with his tongue first. It was filthy, but at this moment, you couldn’t care less.
With Ten by your side, having a child, bringing him/her into this world did not seem like a bad idea, your biological clock was ticking after all, and you loved Ten, the walk of White proved that, not only to you yourself, but to other people living on this planet.
Push after a push, Ten’s cock head repeatedly hit your cervix, with each thrust your body arching from the bed, whimpers leaving your lips. Your hands were roaming his back, your walls clenching down on his dick, sucking him in deeper.
-Ah, I love it when you do that, - Ten moaned out, he changed your position, your legs were now pressed against his shoulders, - cannot let nothing to spill, - he inclined.
This angle allowed him to reach deeper spots within you, that had you crying out like never before, Ten felt his own climax building up, but he intended to make you come first. His hand reached for his other cock, tapping it on your clitoris, then returning back to the rhythmic thrusting, his other counterpart brushing past your clit.
Your core was tightening, it was getting harder for Ten to move, and you climaxed moaning out Ten’s name. your body sending you in a frenzy of aftershocks, core clenching feverously around Ten’s member. His lips found yours as he continued, finally spilling his seed in your body, white, hot fluid filled you up, but Ten didn’t stop, instead he made sure his other cock had enough friction, before he would put it to work.
Your senses were overwhelmed, you nearly missed that Ten’s hand grabbed a hold of yours, gathering the slick from your entrance, to provide his other cock with it generously, then putting your hand around it, fisting his cock, setting in a pleasant movement. His other cock was still providing you with overstimulation inside of you, your moans mixed with Ten’s grunting was all you heard, felt like it even echoed in your head.
-I’m close, - he stated, stopping your hand, he removed the ring and took out the urethral vibrator, swapping over his dicks. The thicker one was now being pushed inside you, your body instinctively moved back, but Ten held you, pushing you back onto him. Your head fell back, your body twisting, your legs were against his shoulders again, and soon Ten was coming, coaxing another orgasm from you, your walls were pulsating, pushing Ten out together with the mixed liquids. Ten quickly grabbed a pillow from behind, putting it under your but, your legs back in the air.
-Cannot waste any, - he said, still catching his breath. He found your lips again. – how do you feel?
-Tired, - you whispered, - you made me very tired, - you laughed.
-Ha, - he laughed back, - this is nothing, we going to do this every day now…
The look on your face dropped.
-Every day?
-Every day, 24/7, 24 hours daily, - he warned kissing you again, - you know what it means now…
-Mmh? – you questioned, he got down to be eye level with your core, seeing how your juices were dripping, he was fast to lick them up, kissing his way up, your stomach, kissing it for a longer time, then going up to your breasts and to your lips again.
-I know you are pregnant…- he said, and you bit your lip. – you have been since before Giselle took you.
You bit the inside of your cheek.
-How did you know? – you asked.
-If it wouldn’t be for you being so tight down there, I would have no clue, but really my father told me when you were in hospital.
-Yes, so I know, - he whispered.
-Are you happy? – you asked.
Ten nodded and kissed you again.
-But that does not mean I won’t do what I promised, Y/N, twenty-four seven in this bed, - his body crushed yours, your legs wrapping around him, his head a top of your breasts. – thank you.
-For what?
-For giving me all of you…
-All for love Ten, - you whispered, your hand touching his hair in peaceful manner.
-All for love…
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