#which may or may not have been the first time i watched wicked shh shh
curioussubjects · 2 years
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you'll be with me like a handprint on my heart
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burnwme · 3 years
One-off of Mika summoning Sam to save her- Possible TW
As I exited the café, I heard the jingling of the bells located above my head. At that moment I turned back to glance at the glass panes on the eatery’s door.  As I did, I gave a small wave goodbye to Suzu. After my small farewell, I turned my gaze back towards the road, awaiting my Uber. I felt bad for leaving our outing early, but I wanted to see Sam. But I mean could you blame me? He’s been extremely busy with work lately.  Constantly working late into the night, most of the time in which I’m already asleep. We’ve barely seen each other. And today was like any other: him leaving for work bright and early. That meant that I was alone for the day. I figured tonight would be like any other work night for him recently. So instead of staying by myself all day, I made plans with Suzu. It had been a while since we had hung out anyways. 
Suzu and I met promptly at The Pink Lady Café at 7:00pm. We had been chatting, joking, laughing and basically having an all around good time until about 7:45. When suddenly something in my back pocket buzzed. I immediately recognized what the buzzing was coming from, and swiftly grabbed my phone from my back pocket. I unlocked it to a message from Sam “ Hey, doofus. I’ll be home early today. Hopefully…at about 7. Have you eaten? “ I slightly smiled not only because he always made sure my needs were met before his but also just from seeing his name pop up in my notifications. My mind began to trail off... “It’s crazy how much I love him. Come on, who am I kidding? I love him so much it almost hurts.” I thought. I continued to let my thoughts linger for just a moment longer before I quickly opened my messages and replied “ Sorry! I have… but feel free to get whatever, I'll try to be home soon. Love you <3” 
And that’s how the story of a very frightening night began: Me wanting to go home to my loving incubus, while waiting for my ride home during a typical chilly night. As I stood under the streetlights outside the Pink Lady Cafe my phone buzzed. I looked down to see a notification “Your uber has arrived.” I began to look around for a grey prius. I quickly spotted it, and made my way closer to the edge of the sidewalk in anticipation to get home. It speedingly pulled up to me and I watched as the passenger window rolled down it’s window. As I peered in the car, I saw a man in his late 30’s , unshaven, and looked to be an all around slob. But before I could consciously think about his disheveled appearance, a skeptical voice spoke up “ Are you Mika?” I nodded and he motioned towards the backseats in his car, silently instructing me to go in the back seat. I obviously obliged. I pulled on the car door and quickly sat down and buckled up. 
During the ride, I kept noticing how he would glance at something in the rear view mirror. I just told myself he was looking at what was on the road behind us. But I quickly began to realize he wasn’t looking at the road, he was looking at me. Once I noticed this, I told myself that it's a little out of place but not something to be frightened about. Yet I remained cautious. I averted my eyes from the window to the driver's seat. As I did I really began to take in his looks. My gut began screaming that something was wrong. Yet, I tried to remain calm, I just kept telling myself I was overreacting. When my thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the lack of movement, the car had stopped. My eyes began to dart around my surroundings to figure out why. They immediately checked the traffic, no red lights, no stop signs, no pedestrians, there was no reason for us to be stopped. That’s when it went from just my gut screaming at me but also the alarms in my head. Then I heard a voice, and my eyes darted towards it. In less than a second I pinpointed where the voice was coming from. The driver's seat. I looked at the man sitting in the seat as he spoke “We’re out of gas... “ followed by a seemingly forced sigh. My foreboding feeling throughout my body was growing more intense by the second. Almost unbearable. I decided to get out of the car, if something were to happen I didn’t want to be stuck in such a small space with little room to defend myself. 
The driver followed suit, and leaned against his car about 8 inches away from me. I tried to brush it off as him just getting out to see what he could do. Though I did instinctively take a couple steps further away from him. He was leaning on the back seat’s window while I stood in front of the passenger window. I took a quick glance at him then took out my phone to text Sam. “Hey, it may take a bit longer. The uber ran out of gas. I should be home soon, hopefully.” While I was busy looking down at my phone, I failed to notice the driver sidle up beside me. As I looked up I flinched, clearly shocked to see him so close. But before I could shift my legs to move further down the car away from him: He gripped onto my raven hair and in just mere second covered my mouth. Preventing me from both getting away and screaming for help. He began to drag me forward towards an alleyway, I squirmed desperately trying to get away. I kicked and hit, which was returned by my hair being pulled harder towards the alley-way. I could feel the hot fearful tears run down my face. Everything was happening so fast I couldn’t even think. 
As we entered the alley-way he roughly pushed me onto the ground. Now towering over me. I looked up at him to see a wicked smile. A smile you’d see in a horror movie. He slowly began to walk towards me as I began to desperately crab crawl away. But was abruptly stopped by my back crashing into a big metal trash can. He was getting closer, my mind still racing with fear and panic. I couldn’t think straight. Instinctively my arms began to rummage around for things to defend myself. I didn’t find anything! I began to look harder for anything: metal, glass.. ANYTHING. It didn’t help that it was almost impossible to see through my blurred eyes and hard to feel with my trembling hands. As I was looking around frantically Sam popped into my mind. As he did sensible thoughts began to fester. Within seconds I heard myself call out “Aomaris!” 
Within a mere seconds the frantic air had changed into a serene state shortly followed by a bright light. I quickly covered my eyes with my shoulder, waiting for the light to disperse. As the light died, I looked up from my arms to see Sam and his shocked expression. I watched as his eyes darted around looking for me, and when he found me his eyes went gold for a mere second before turning back to their original emerald green hue. HIs gaze had only lasted a second before being interrupted by a scarily familiar voice “What the HELL?”
Sam immediately tracked down the voice to the man, now shaken to his core. But before Sam could let his rage take over the man had run. Sam stood in place for several seconds, internally fighting all of his instincts to go after the guy. Once he had made up his mind on what he should do, he had appeared in front of me within a millisecond. He immediately wrapped me in his arms, petting my hair in an effort to calm me. I laid my head on his chest tightly gripping the green shirt under his vest. I tried not to cry, but I couldn’t help it. He must have known because I heard him mumble in my ear “Shh...it’s okay. Let it out..” 
And I did, I broke down. I sobbed so hard my voice became hoarse and quivered so much you’d think that there was an earthquake. But Sam didn’t let up, just pulled me closer to his chest. My sounds were swallowed by his green t-shirt. I could feel his warmth despite the cold metal of his dog tag pressed against my cheek. I still don’t know how long we sat in that alley way. I do know that overtime my weeping had slowled, and he used that as an opportunity to get us home. Sam made the executive decision to go through a pentagram. I felt him take a smidget of energy from me. I didn’t fight it, why would I? I could feel myself slowly falling through the ground. I knew what he was doing, he didn’t have to say it. Within a second I felt myself now sitting on the stone steps located in front of my home. 
He slowly let go of his grip around me and gently took my hand in his before standing both of us. He had a grip on my waist making sure to keep me steady, since he was still unaware if I was injured. Though when he was sure I was secure on the ground he slowly let go. I watched as he felt around his pockets until he found his keys. I watched as he took them from the inside of his vest and used them to unlock our front door. As the door swung open he again gently gripped onto my hand, guiding me inside. 
As I passed through the door letting it swing shut naturally, I took in the familiar smell of my air refresher still plugged into the wall. Sam looked back at me, I could tell he was concerned, but he wasn’t going to show it. I looked up at him beginning to wonder what was going through his mind. Sam’s complicated to say the least. It’s hard for him to express himself, so usually I speak up first. And I did.  “Are you okay?” Sam looked deeper into my eyes, probably wondering if I was seriously asking him if HE was okay... I was correct. He quickly conveyed his feelings to me on the situation “ You’re asking me if I’m okay?” he responded sarcastically. I stood still waiting for him to continue on. “Seriously?” He scoffed. I stood there taken back by his tone. “He could have hurt you! Why’d you wait that long to summon me!? “ 
His voice was now significantly raised and it didn't take a genius to figure out why. I mean was he practically screaming it. He was mad, not at me but at himself. I knew that he  probably didn’t even notice his temper. “Sam..” I mumbled. Even in his self-loathing state he was still able to give me his undivided attention. He aimed his stare towards me. I used this as an opportunity to make him aware of the level of his voice. “Sam…” I began, while fidgeting with my hands. He still stared, waiting for me to finish. “Sam.. you’re kinda-sorta yelling…”
He looked down and pressed his two fingers against the bridge of his nose while simultaneously letting out a heavy sigh. I looked down to my fingers still fidgeting with them. But my gaze was soon steadily placed on him by the sound of his voice. “I...I d-didn’t mean to yell at you like that.. It’s just who knows what that DICK…” he took a moment to calm himself before continuing.  “ bag would’ve done to you.” He looked up at me then breathed heavily out his nose, as if he was letting off steam. I slowly made my way towards him and gingerly wrapped my arms around his neck while gently pecking him on his lips in an effort to calm him down. 
He let out a content sigh and wrapped his arms around my waist. I could tell he wanted to say something, but he didn’t know how to say it. I lifted my head to look up to his emerald green irises. He returned the gesture and proceeded to look deeply in my eyes, as if they would help formulate the words he had trapped inside his head. 
He took a breath in signalling to me that he was going to speak.  His eyes lingered a bit longer before looking down to the floor as if in shame. Then he spoke... “ I’m sorry for yelling at you, I-I didn’t mean to… I just… “ He nuzzled his head on my shoulder shortly followed by a muffled voice. “ I just want to protect you..” I removed my arms from around his broad shoulders, and instead wrapped them around his form and placed my head on the crook of his neck. His arms wrapped around me tighter and I happily returned the gesture.
“Sam… you do protect me.” He lifted his head to look at me. “Do I?” I simply just stared back at him thinking out my words carefully before speaking “Sam, of course you protect me. Tonight could have been so much worse if it wasn’t for you. Mmm-kay, you hear me? You DO protect me, I have no doubt in that.” He sighed and removed his hands from my waist and instead took one of my hands. Which confused me. 
“Hm?” I shot him a curious look. “Come doofus it’s getting late, let’s get you to bed.” I glanced at the clock on the wall and then cocked my head at my incubus. “What? “ He said amused. I responded teasingly “Since when do you go to bed at 8:30?” He shrugged “Maybe I’m just tired.” I looked at him closer, trying to see if he was joking or if he was actually tired. As I inspected him I came to realize he probably was tired, and I suddenly felt bad for him having to use his energy to save me. But I quickly shut those thoughts out. 
“Long day? “ I replied empathetically. He simply nodded tiredly. I sighed contently then said “ Then let’s go to sleep, dork.” He dramatically rolled his eyes before chucking.  Still hand in hand he began to walk and I happily  complied to follow behind. As we reached my bedroom we both silently agreed to change before heading to bed. We both began to strip from our day clothes back to each other. I turned my head slightly to look over my shoulder.
As I did I found myself admiring a very muscley back. And at that moment I thought “damn he’s ripped” . And I mean ripped. At that moment he finished changing and turned back to look at me, and as he did I immediately turned my head away from him, I could feel the way my face had heated up from being caught. I hurried up and tried to get dressed to prevent myself from becoming a blushing mess. As I slipped my shirt on, I heard a snicker behind me- along with a familiar sound of ruffling sheets. As I was done getting dressed by then I turned around to further inspect the noise. 
I turned around to see Sam in bed, comfortable under the covers. He flashed me a goofy grin and motioned for me to join him. I quickly accepted his invitation. As I laid down next to him he put his arm and me. I eagerly laid my head on his chest, resting my hand in the same place. Soon enough his breathing slowed, signaling to me he had fallen asleep, and before I knew it I followed after.
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foursideharmony · 4 years
The Cat, The Prince, and the Doorway to Imagination (Chapter 2)
Summary: The adventure gets underway.
Pairings: Platonic/familial LAMP/CALM, Platonic/familial DLAMPR
Content Warnings: None so far
Word Count: 2235
Read on AO3: here
Patton's eyes were huge. “The Narnia? With the talking animals and wholesome religious subtext?”
“That's the place,” said Roman. “I mean...I dialed back a little on the religious subtext, since that can be kind of a touchy subject. But Patton, there will be as many talking animals as you want.”
“So how is this going to work?” asked Virgil. “We're the main characters? Will you tell us what to do next?”
“I won't have to!” said Roman. “It's literally just the plot of the first book. All we have to do is go through the major story beats! We'll pick things up at the point where all four Pevensies go through the wardrobe together and meet up with the Beavers, and—”
“Whoa, slow down, Pagemaster. I hate to bust your bubble, but I don't actually remember much about the story.”
“Nor I,” said Logan. “It has been quite some time since Thomas either read the book or watched any of the film adaptations, and in the interim I have grown...” He trailed off, blinking, and then pulled a thin stack of index cards out of his jeans pocket and thumbed through them until he found the one he wanted. “...'fuzzy' on the details.”
“You needed a vocab card for 'fuzzy?'” asked Roman. “Never mind. Don't worry about not being fully up to speed—it's a pretty simple adventure story, and Patton and I can give—”
“Actually...” Patton said, sheepishly raising his hand like a schoolchild, “...I don't really remember much about the story either. I always get distracted by the talking animals and wholesome religious subtext.”
Roman stuck his tongue into his cheek for a moment, considering. Then he brightened. “Even better! This way I'll be able to surprise all three of you! And who knows—maybe it will all come back to you as we go along. So is everyone ready?”
They affirmed that they were.
“Oh. One more thing, before we go in. Stories in the Imagination can take on a life of their own. You might find yourself having...odd impulses, ideas that you're not used to. That's the story, trying to nudge you in a particular direction. It's best to just go along with it. Remember that it's a story for kids, there will be a happy ending, and we're all friends.”
Virgil's eyes widened and he took a breath to speak, but Patton cut in: “I trust you, Roman.” Virgil let out the breath and bit back his protest.
Roman smiled. “Follow me, everyone. And try not to be too alarmed by anything we might encounter...”
They stepped into the wardrobe. Almost at once, a chilly breeze, tasting of snow and pine, fluttered past them and swirled around to tug the doors closed. “Don't worry, that was supposed to happen,” Roman said in a breathless half-whisper. “Head toward the light.” And indeed, as their eyes adjusted to the darkened, fur-lined interior of the wardrobe, they became able to perceive a cool light in the distance, opposite where they had entered. They went for it, pushing and stumbling through the rows of coats, gasping with startled...delight?...when the soft fur gave way to prickly conifer branches, and snow crunched underfoot, and finally blinking in the soft glow of a forest in deep winter.
Roman had gone all out. It was a world of white and blue-gray, the snow caked so thickly that only here and there was a hint of brown bark or green needle visible, and even these colors were muted. The only sounds, apart from the ones the Sides had brought with them, were the soughing of the breeze and the occasional patter of ice crystals from a distant tree branch. And it was cold—so much so that the first thing any of them did, apart from stare agape at the frozen landscape, was Virgil retreating a few yards into the grove they had emerged from and returning with four of the fur coats. He kept one and handed the rest to Patton for distribution.
“See, Virgil?” Roman said, his voice sounding oddly hollow as the snow and wind swallowed it. “You're getting the hang of this story already.”
“Less talk, more...whatever you have planned,” Virgil said, wrapping himself in black rabbit. “Let's get going before we all freeze our...toes off.”
“Hold up...where's Logan?” asked Patton.
“Over here,” came Logan's calm voice from a couple dozen yards away. He was starkly visible as a dark spot against the snow, standing perfectly motionless, huddled into himself and shivering slightly as he stared at the thing that had prompted him to drift away from the group.
“I remember this now,” he said as the others approached. “Come to think of it, it may be part of why I retained so little about the book in the first place. I mean...it's patently ridiculous. What fuels it? There are no gas lines in a wild forest.”
“If you must know...friendly spite,” said Roman.
“That warrants a fuller explanation,” said Logan, accepting a coat from Patton.
“Well,” Roman said, waving the group along, “C.S. Lewis, the author, was great friends with the almighty J.R.R. Tolkien, who told him in rather absolutist terms that you couldn't write about a fantasy world and put a lamppost in it. To which Lewis replied—I'm paraphrasing here—'Oh yeah, homes? Watch me'—and created this delightful world of Narnia, with that lamppost as a signature feature. True story. If nothing else, you have to admire his saucy rebel spirit.”
“I fail to see how that translates into a viable, inexhaustible fuel supply.”
“Aw, Logan!” Patton chirped. “It's a magic lamp in a magic forest! That's all it needs to glow forever!”
“See? Patton gets it!”
“Ease up a little on the noise, guys,” said Virgil. “Anything could be stalking us in this place. Roman, where are we even going?”
“It's not so much where we're going as what we're going to encounter. I condensed this part of the story somewhat and—”
“SHH!” Virgil hissed emphatically, pulling up short and throwing his arms out to the sides to stop the others as well. “I heard something in the bushes,” he muttered. “I told you we were being followed. Nobody move until we know what we're dealing with.”
There came a short whistling sound from a patch of shubbery, and a low, dark shape darted out, heading away from them through the brush, muttering in an almost human fashion as it went. Patton's eyes grew enormous. “Talking animal!” he cooed, and immediately gave chase. “Wait up, critter! We won't hurt you!”
“Patton, no!” Virgil called. He spun about and thrust a finger in Roman's face, eyes glittering with barely suppressed fury. “If anything happens to him, I will end you.” Then he followed, vaulting over low-growing bushes, somehow not slipping in the snow.
“I didn't make Patton run off,” Roman grumbled as he and Logan brought up the rear.
“Was this part of your plan?” asked Logan.
“The animal, yes, Patton's impulsiveness, no. Virgil's hostility...definitely no. This is supposed to be a fun excursion!”
“I am afraid I have no advice for you.”
They caught up to find Patton inching around and poking at a dense thicket, Virgil staying close but not interfering. “It's in here somewhere,” Patton said as a repeat of the whistle from earlier confirmed his claim, “but I can't find a spot for us to get through.”
“I keep telling him this is a bad idea,” Virgil said.
“Virgil, it's fine,” said Roman. “This is how the story is supposed to go. That's our guide in there.”
“You said these stories could, and I quote, 'take on a life of their own.' How do you know—”
“Aha!” Patton exclaimed with a touch of giggle. “Here we go!” He pulled aside a swath of branches, making an opening easily big enough for them to pass through if they stooped.
It was spacious inside the thicket, with a “roof” of branches low enough that a few twigs brushed the Sides' heads, and a “floor” of earth and dead leaves—the tangle overhead was thick enough to keep out the snow, which meant it also kept out most of the daylight. They could barely make out the form of the creature that had led them there, seeing only that it was stout and dark-furred, with a hunched posture and beady eyes that twinkled in the meager light.
“Aw, it's a beaver!” Patton said. “Heeeere, beaver, beaver, beaver!”
“Hush!” the beaver said, bounding across the space. “I brought you here for secrecy's sake, but if you start shouting you'll attract the wrong sort of attention anyway.”
“See, guys?” said Virgil. “We need to be more careful.”
“How are you able to speak?” asked Logan, bemused. “You appear to have completely normal morphology for a member of genus Castor. Your vocal tract should not be capable of forming such complex sounds, to say nothing of your brain structure.”
“Logan, you're doing it again,” Patton said out of the corner of his mouth.
Mr. Beaver, for his part, ignored the nosy questions in favor of counting the Sides. “Four,” he said with deep satisfaction. “Four Sons of Adam. At last. Narnia has been waiting for you for a long time. I have so much to tell you...but not here. There's only so much privacy we can manage out-of-doors. Her spies are everywhere.”
“Her who?” Virgil said with a hint of a growl.
“Who else?” replied Mr. Beaver. He beckoned them all to lean in close, which in the Sides' case meant leaning over quite a bit. “The White Witch.”
“Oohhh yeeaahhh, I remember now,” said Patton. “She is one scary lady.”
“Understatement of the year,” Roman muttered.
“The White Witch has kept Narnia in thrall for a hundred years,” the beaver continued, “but now that you four have come, we shall finally see the end of her wicked reign. It has been prophesied.”
“Hang on, hang on,” said Virgil. “Is that the thing where four humans show up, kick the White Witch to the curb, and all settle down as kings of Narnia? Guys…are we actually down for that? I mean, I know Roman is, but…”
“If it’s part of the story, then I say we go for it,” Patton stated firmly.
“We did agree to follow through with the adventure,” said Logan.
“There is much to tell you,” said Mr. Beaver, as if the interruption hadn’t occurred, “but not here. I’ll take you to my place and fill you in on all the details. Now let’s hurry…it’ll be dark soon and you do not want to be caught in these woods after dark.”
They left the shelter of the thicket, and although the sky was overcast, it was indeed evident that the daylight was waning. The trip to the Beavers’ house was undertaken in near-silence, which gave Roman plenty of time to take stock of how the adventure was progressing.
His first thought was that it was going really well, actually. His fellow Sides were settling into their roles as fantasy protagonists, plus or minus a little snark (which was only to be expected). The scenery looked great, Mr. Beaver was following the loose “script” Roman had assigned him without any need for corrective nudging, and the adventure was shaping up just how he had imagined it.
As he thought more about the other Sides' reactions, he realized that they were even taking on rough approximations of the roles of the Pevensie children. Patton accepted everything with wide-eyed wonder, just like Lucy. Logan was being typically skeptical and sensible, much like Susan. And Virgil, in his drive to protect them all from danger, was acting almost like an eldest brother, a la Peter. That just left...
Roman stopped dead in his tracks as a chill that had nothing to do with the snow shot up and down his spine and forked down all his limbs.
I thought I was your hero...
Stories in the Imagination can take on a life of their own...
He forced his legs to start working again before the rest of the party could notice anything was wrong, and pulled up the hood on his silver mink coat in order to hide the expression of dread that he could feel forming (and to potentially play it off as a sudden bout of chill if anyone did notice).
Anyway, he was destined to be far colder before the night was over.
He should have known. How could he have overlooked something so simple?
On their final approach to the Beavers' house, Roman turned his eyes northward, toward the twin hills where the story obviously wanted him to go. Could he already spot a hint of an icy spire?
He barely tasted the trout dinner the Beavers served the four of them, barely heard the conversation that ensued. He already knew how it went, after all. His only role in all of it was to duck out early (quack?) and take the relevant news to their enemy.
He had only wanted to be the hero, but someone had to be the villain, and the story had picked Roman. How could he refuse?
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staruplatinum · 5 years
Wicked Game, part II
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Everyone wanted a sequel to wicked game, the story I wrote for @moody-bloosh​ in which Prosciutto cheats on the reader. That story was all angst and this one is all smut.
so, enjoy 3,240 words of the reader having revenge sex with Risotto, filming it and sending the video to prosciutto ;-)
warnings: angst, slow burn, smut, creampie, gaping, dirty talk, rough sex, squirting
The hardest part was trying to survive the next few weeks. Only a week had passed, but in that time, your (now)ex-fiancee had already packed up his things and left to go live with Formaggio. Pesci had come by to apologize, and also ask for reassurance.
 “I’m still your friend, right!?”
“Yes, Pesci.”
You felt like your whole world was falling apart, and at an extremely fast rate. The sharp pains in your chest, hyperventilating, the tears - mixed with being completely numb -  it almost felt like too much to bear. It was almost as if someone had told you Prosciutto was dead - funny enough, you wished he was after putting you through this. 5 years of dating and 6 months of being engaged lead to this. He threw it all away, and you could never forgive him.
As you walked  back to your apartment one night, you slammed the door shut and made sure to lock it behind you. 
Nighttime was the hardest. The darkness always made you contemplate everything, and you hated it. For what felt like the millionth time this week, your eyes started watering once again.
How could he do this to me? I thought he loved me..
Your thoughts were interrupted, however, when you heard a dreaded knock at the door. Instantly, your body froze. You hesitated a moment, before checking through the eye-hole to see who it was. To your surprise, it was your capo: Risotto Nero. He hadn’t visited you yet since the rest of the gang had “found out”.
You sucked in a deep breath as you undid the chain lock from the door and let him in slowly. 
What an odd coincidence.
“Risotto I-” you paused, sniffling and using the sleeves of your house coat to rub the dripping mascara from your eyes. “What brings you here at this hour?” You tried to hide the fact that you had been crying. 
He shut the door behind himself quietly and spoke.
“I was using metallica to hide from the public, and I saw you crying on the way home.” He said bluntly. 
“I followed you back here, to make sure you got in safe. But I assumed something may have happened. I wanted to check in with you to make sure Prosciutto was with you.” your Capo added.
You let out a big sigh and soft chuckle of sarcasm.
“Yeah? Well, he won’t be here with me. Not ever.” 
You wiped under your eyes, trying to hide the fact that you had been crying - though it was painfully obvious. 
Confused, Risotto slightly cocked his eyebrow, unsure of what you meant. Then you realized that he didn’t know what had happened..you smiled, and gently patted his arm.
“He cheated on me, Ris. and from what I found out, this wasn’t the first time either..” You began to say, feeling your tears start to water in your eyes. You looked down, trying to conceal it. “He’s been cheating on me for months. He just wants me as a housewife, meanwhile he fucks other whores every weekend. I keep thinking over and over - is it me? Am I ugly? Am I bad at sex?.. I guess I really was never enough for him.” And just like that, your tears spilt once again. So much for hiding your tears. 
Risotto took off his shoes, hat, and coat before he pulled you in for a hug. Most people would frown upon this - you hugging your Capo, but you had known him long before Prosciutto, and he had loved you long before that. 
You spent a few moments of silence in his arms, crying away your pain. It was weird, but Risotto’s hugs always felt like heaven. They were so fulfilling and calm, it truly felt like nothing bad had happened to you! Or maybe that was the serotonin talking…
After a few moments, you pulled away. “Im sorry, I-I don’t mean to cry on you I’m just so-”
“Shh.” Risotto said, pressing a finger to your lips to silence you. “You don’t have to explain, y/n. If Prosciutto wasn’t one of my most valued men, I would kill him for you. You know that.” 
Small hiccups left your mouth as you nodded, acknowledging his soft - but deadly - words as he cupped your cheeks, gently caressing them with his thumbs.
“How about I make us both some tea and we talk about it, Bella.” 
You smiled through your tears, leaning into his large palm. 
“I would love that.”
Risotto was familiar with your kitchen. He came here many times for meetings with you and Prosciutto. Some occasions, it was almost like a second home to him. After preparing you both a hot cup of chamomile tea, he brought it over to the coffee table and sat with you. Despite your efforts to not stare him down, it was nearly impossible to do considering his massive chest, tattooed biceps and toned torso were right next to you. 
Risotto smirked.
“See something you like?”
You blushed at his words. 
It was a weird and awkward silence between you both. On one hand - you were beyond livid with your ex-fiancee, and you wanted nothing more than to get revenge on him. But at the same time, being this close to Risotto and having him be there for you, listening to you - it was a whole other soft feeling in your body that you couldn’t describe. Prosciutto never listened to you.
“I’m sorry he cheated on you, Tesoro. You didn’t deserve that.” Your Capo said, breaking the silence and taking a drink of the tea.
“I don’t know, Risotto. I feel like nobody will ever love me.” 
Your words hurt risotto to hear. He had known you for so long. You were beautiful, and the fact that Prosciutto made you feel anything lower than that really aggravated him. And knowing Risotto, nothing ever really made him upset - he is usually kept his cool. 
“That’s not true.”
Risotto grabbed you gently and pulled you in for a hug, inhaling  the scent of your soft hair as you laid on his chest, snuggling into his warmth. His large hand caressed your back, gently rubbing you in a comforting manner. Being with him like this caused shivers to go down your spine.He always knew what to say, and how to make you feel so good.
Then it hit you.
“Can you cuddle me in my bed, Capo?” You asked teasingly, though there was a hint of innocence in your voice. “What the hell are you doing?!” you thought to yourself while smirking. he was being so tempting. It was so perfect, laying on him like this. But at the same time, you genuinely wanted to cuddle with him. After not sleeping right for over a week, it would have been so comforting to fall asleep in his warm, safe arms. But deep down, both you and Risotto knew where this was going.
Placing your teacups down (on the coasters that Prosciutto always insisted you use-) you grabbed Risottos hand gently and guided him to your bedroom. 
A perk to living with Prosciutto was that the house was always clean, and your bedroom was no exception. It was probably one of the only things you admire about your ex-fiance, the fact that he was so clean. Your entire apartment was extremely minimalistic - something that instantly caught Risotto’s attention every time he had come to visit in the past. But now, with Prosciutto’s things gone, it had a different kind of emptiness to it. One that Risotto wanted to fill, and make a “home” out of. 
“Do you have a camera, tesorina?” he asked, keeping a straight face, while he tried to focus on his newfound idea.
“Yeah, why?”
“Go get it for me.” 
You nodded, following his orders and pulling the Camera out from the box in the closet. 
“I don’t understand why you need the camera - “ 
“Well, I can’t kill Prosciutto - no matter how badly I want to-  because he is like family to me, and he’s an amazing member of our squad. “
You crossed your arms and rolled your eyes. He was supposed to cuddle you and comfort you, not tell you how great your CHEATING ex fiance was. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing! 
“But I have a better way to get back at him.” Risotto said, looking over to you and slowly undoing his belt. Then, you understood. Your snarky attitude went away and you smiled.
“Oh yeah? What’s the plan then… Capo”
Risotto used his hand to pull you by the chin, grinning down at you. “How about your Capo fucks your tight little pussy, records it,  and sends the video to your ‘ex-beloved’”
His dark eyes stared down at your smaller form, trying to see what kind of reaction he’d get from this. Risotto wasn’t the type to do something if you didn’t want to. But what other idea could have helped you? You were all alone, not eating properly, not sleeping properly, meanwhile Prosciutto was off living what seemed to be a “good” life with his new hooker every night. Plus, Pesci so kindly took him in. (more like he had to because Prosciutto gu8ilt tripped him into it.)
The look on your face said it all. It was good. It was too good. This was the safest and easiest way to get back at Prosciutto. You bit your lip in anticipation. It was so wrong - to sleep with your capo. But you’d be a liar if you said you didn’t want him to destroy you. And, you really wanted to get back at Prosciutto. 
You smirked, passing him the camera and tripod, watching him set it up “perfectly” on the Vanity, which was right across from your queen sized bed. Risotto clicked the red button on the camera and before you knew it, you were both being filmed. 
“Take off your clothes. Now,”
That wasn't a question, it was an order. And boy, were you eager to obey.
As you tossed your clothes on the floor, you remained in just your lace panties and bra. 
“All of your clothes.”Risotto said, continuing to pull down his pants, leaving himself in his black boxers. You obeyed, unhooking your bra to expose your tits into the open. Your nipples instantly hardened from the cold air in the room. Your underwear came next, exposing your pussy and plump ass to your Capo. He smirked as You got down on your knees and looked up at him, fingers gently grazing across the massive bulge in his boxers. 
“So? Are you going to suck my cock or are you just going to sit there and look pretty?” Risotto asked, threading his fingers through your hair and scalp. 
Risotto wasn’t one for much dirty talk. You knew your capo as the stoic, intimidating man he was. And normally, he would never break that facade. However, finally having you like this at his mercy… it triggered something inside of him. He wanted to love you, yes. But he also wanted to wreck you and make sure that the camera got every moment of it. What better way to do that then to dirty talk you?
You nodded, biting your lip and looking at the camera - Shaking Risotto out of his thoughts once again.
“Of course, Signore.” 
Prosciutto used to beg you to call him that, so saying it directly to the camera was your subtle way to say : ‘Fuck You’, and proceed with the video. 
Risotto pulled out his big cock, completely hard and standing erect in the open. Your eyes lit up. He was so huge, how were you supposed to take all of him?
“What’s wrong, Tesorina? Too big for you?” 
You chuckled softly as he began to jerk himself off slowly. 
“Mhm. I don’t know how this will fit in my mouth, let alone my pussy .” You said, grabbing his shaft lightly with your fingers. He huffed at your statement, more or less from the anticipation of you touching him like this. As you stroked it a few times, you looked to the camera once again. “This is definitely an upgrade. Hah. and I thought 7 inches was a lot.” 
You both soon got over the awkwardness and shortly after you both were horny enough to do some regrettable things. You opened your mouth, having risotto place the head of his cock on your tongue, tapping it a few times before you eagerly took the head in. Your tongue swirled around it, trying your best to use your saliva to take more of him in, though, with your small mouth you knew that would be a challenge. 
Risottos hand gripped your hair tighter, urging you to take more than just the tip inside of your warm mouth, after all, you were going to want to make sure that both of you were properly ‘lubed’ up. 
“That’s good, cara” Risotto said, encouraging you to go deeper. You complied, taking in two more inches, your mouth salivating and stretching around his massive girth. Just like that, he was already hitting the back of your throat.
You giggled, looking up at him and batting your lashes as you pulled back a little - only to shove your face forward even more, taking half of his 10 inches in your mouth and down your throat.
Risotto grunted. He was not the type of man to fall so easily. He wasn’t the type of man to give in, or even make many noises during sex. But you… you were breaking him and the two of you just barely started.
Risotto pulled his cock away from you abruptly, a trail of saliva connecting the top of his cock to your bottom lip, glistening in the low lamp light.
“Get on the bed.” Risotto said, breathing heavily. 
“You don’t have to ask twice.” You winked.
As you got up on the bed, you figured it would be best to just get in doggy style position directly. This seemed to impress Risotto, and he smiled at you. A dark smile - but still a smile nonetheless.
Risotto angled your ass so that it was facing the camera - exposing your asshole and slick pussy. He traced one of his calloused fingers along your slit, before abruptly shoving it inside. You moaned out in pleasure, catching his attention.
“That’s just a finger,” He stated.
You laughed, hiding your face in the pillow from embarrassment. 
“I know…” You added, too shy to look at him. 
He pulled your hair, forcing your head back as he added two more fingers inside of you, curling them downwards so he could hit your g-spot. 
“Oh fuck…” you breathed, sudenly overcome by the sensation of being at his mercy. 
“Keep making noise tesoro, I want to hear you scream for me.” 
All you could do was nod and moan, and before you knew it - your orgasm was approaching. 
“Ris- I-Im cumming!!” you shouted. Risotto chuckled darkly and pulled out at the last second, replacing his fingers with the head of his cock. 
His cock stretched your cunt out harshly, despite all the prep you had. Though you were disappointed about being denied your orgasm, you moaned into the pillow below you. You desperately tried to arch your back up so the camera got a good angle of risotto pressing a good portion of his 10inches inside you. It took you a few minutes to get used to his length, but risotto was a patient man. In fact, he waited almost 6 years to make you his, surely this would be an easy task. 
Risotto leaned down and whispered in your ear. 
“Take it all, Tesoro. We have a point to prove.” 
His words only turned you on further, and you moaned out his name. He smiled and leaned back up, making sure to prove a point. 
Risotto’s large hand came down on your ass, striking it hard. 
“Ugh- YOURE so - fucking tight.”
“Mmn. Only for you Signore”
“That’s right. This cunt belongs to me now.”
With the head of his large cock hitting your cervix with every thrust, you were sure you’d be bruised in the morning. 
“Do you like when your capo fucks you?” 
He was being mean, asking you things when you could barely form coherent sentences. 
He slapped your ass again.
“I asked you a question, Puttana.”
You swallowed your spit and nodded.
“Y-yes! Yes Signore. I love when you fuck me. No one can compare!”
That was just what Risotto needed to hear from you, and without waiting any further, he commanded you to cum for him.
“Cum for me tesorina, cum all over your Capo’s cock you filthy whore.”
And you did, your whole body shook, and you fell forward, moaning his name over and over as you squirt your juices all over the sheets, and all over your Capo.
Risotto followed soon after, Pressing his cock as deep as he could before cumming inside, shooting his load right at your cervix. 
After Risotto pulled out, he forced you to stay with your ass up in the air. He moved around so that his cock was by your head, and his hands were on your ass once again. You didn’t know what he was doing, but it became very apparent when he hooked two fingers (from each hand) inside your cunt. He spread you open wide, chuckling darkly as he watched your pussy gape, and watched his cum start to ooze out of you. 
“Look at you, Tesoro. You can’t even keep my load inside of you…” 
You were too spent to even say anything but moan. 
“Did I really stretch you out that much?”
That question was rhetorical. Though you couldn’t see what you looked like down there yourself, you could feel it. Risotto had a big girth to him, 6inches, to be exact, and as soon as he pulled out of you - slumped over and exhausted, you felt so empty. The camera was picking up everything as well, and when prosciutto saw this tape you were sure he’d be ruined by it. 
Risotto got up from the bed and grabbed the camera from the tripod, bringing it back over to you. He focused the lens on your cunt, which was still gaping and slowly dripping out his seed. He held your ass check with his hand, admiring his work, before zooming in.
“Do you like having my load inside of you?” 
“Mnm yes capo! You know how to fill me right up. ~” you purred. 
“Good, because you’re mine now” he hissed, slapping your ass once more and turning the camera off. 
A few days later, Prosciutto got a tape in the mail. He watched it, with the help of melone (he was too suspicious to ever watch a video alone) and what he saw.. Shattered him.
Melone found it interesting, but prosciutto ushered him out, cussing a slew of words in Italian. 
He needed… a moment. It seemed like smoking 10 packs of cigarettes wouldn't even be able to help him, and the worst part was - he couldn’t even kill risotto. He was his superior..
Prosciutto went to the same bar he always did that night, and picked up another hooker. As he fucked her, he couldn’t help but think of you, and everything he lost because of his selfishness. 
It really was over.
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nightwitchwriter · 4 years
Christmas Chapter
To those that have been reading my story, I apologized for being so late with my recent works. I managed to finish the other two on Christmas and this one before New Years. So, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Nick’s POV
I walked into the kitchen to be greeted by a giant basket filled with pears and a box filled with pear based foods, like pie, cobbler, juice, even jelly beans, which Molly was stuffing herself with.
“Where did the pears come from?”
“Faye bought them!” Molly, mouth stuffed of jelly beans
“She did?”
“Both her and her father.” mom, who came from the next room. “Molly, leave some for the rest of us.”
I stared at the packages, uncertain about its products.
“Why pears?”
“Why don’t you ask?” mom asked playfully before walking into the kitchen.
The next day, I went to the Black Cat Cafe, carrying a bag. When I walked in, it was semi-busy, with many of the tables full.
“Hello Nick.” Mrs. McCalmont, from behind the counter.
“Hi, Mrs. McCalmont. Is Wil home?”
“No, she’s helping me with a delivery. Is something wrong?”
“Uh, no, um, here.” I handed her a bag of apples. “Mom says thanks for the pears.”
“Oh your welcome. Thank you.”
As she took the apples, I struggled to ask my question, even though it may sound rude.
“Uh, what are the pears for?”
“For the 12 Days of Christmas!” Faye jumped from behind the counter, surprising me.
“12 days of Christmas? As in the song?” I questioned “So, in the place of Christmas?”
“Oh no we celebrate Christmas. Think of it as a Christmas tradition. It gets everyone in the Christmas spirit.”
“Does everyone on Arcanos do it?” Looking around, making sure no one heard me.
“You can talk about Arcanos. There’s no rule about it not talking about it. Watch. ARCANOS!”
Everyone in the cafe turned to look at us.
“Faye, stop that.” scolded Mrs. McCalmont. “If it makes you feel better, we can go into the kitchen?”
I nodded and followed them into the cafe kitchen, where I saw stuff moving by itself. The food was cooking and wrapping themselves. I saw tiny fairies flying around the kitchen as well as multiple ovens and stoves, six at least. I could smell bread baking, chocolate melting and meat roasting.
“Wow.” I looked at the whole room in amazement. One of the fairies came up to him and landed on his shoulder. She looked at him curiously.
“I hope the fairies aren’t a health code violation.” I joked
“Those aren’t fairies. They’re pixies.” explained Faye “Fairies are much bigger.”
“I see.” I looked back at the kitchen. “It’s like Merlin’s spell from the Sword in the Stone.”
“It's something similar.” Mrs. McCalmont answered, putting the apples in the center table. “It makes work a bit easier.”
“So how does the 12 days of Christmas work?” 
“Well, like the song, it lasts for 12 days, from the 12th to the 24th. For each day of Christmas, we gift that theme of the day. Like, a partridge in a pear tree.” she explained
“So, like you give out pear based presents?”
“Exactly. When I married my husband, we carried the tradition to his family, then decided to use it for the cafe as well.”
“Wow. So, if yesterday was pears, then today would be-”
“Doves!” exclaimed Faye
“Doves? Like turtle doves?”
“Uh-huh. Last year, my aunt gave me actual turtle doves.” she bragged
“No, she didn’t. Don’t tease him like that, or you won’t get any presents from Santa.” Mrs. McCalmont scolded
 I chuckled to myself. Felicity is the same age as Faye, but doesn’t believe in Santa anymore. “You still believe in Santa?”
“Of course I do. Why should I not?”
“Because your getting older.”
“These pixies are real.” she pointed out. “So why shouldn’t Santa?”
She had me there. I glared at the pixie on my shoulder giggling at me.
“So for the second day, what should I give?”
“Why? You want to give my sister a gift?” Faye grinned  “On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…” 
“What? No! I just saw Wil give something to Maddy today and yesterday. So, I was wondering, since its Christmas season.” For some reason, my cheeks were getting warm. Am I blushing? Why am I blushing?! Why does
“So what should I give her? And Maddy?”
“Well, the most common gifts would be turtle candies, dove chocolates, dove products or ornaments.” answered Mrs. McCalmont.
“That’s it?”
“Well, unless you have enough money to get her actual turtle doves…” she smirked “Oh, speaking of which…”
She went to the fridge and took out a paper bag. She gave it to me and I looked inside to see individually wrapped chocolate turtles inside.
“No one in your family is allergic to pecans right?” she gently asked
Christmas may be the time of generosity, but this is surprisingly generous.
Will’s POV
For the past couple of days, I’ve been getting presents. Not that it’s a bad thing. It’s Christmas season of course, but…
“Maybe you have your own Santa Claus?” questioned Maddy
We were walking through the downtown area of the town, in Arcanos. Like in Harry Potter, many of the lights and lighted ornaments were floating in mid-air.
I’ve been getting 12 days of christmas presents, but they aren’t from anyone I know. Why? Because I’ve been finding them, somehow in my locker. The same happened with Maddy, but the gifts were different. 
On the 3rd day, she got 3 hen and chicks succulent plants, while I got French perfume. 4th day. She had a birdhouse, feeder, braille book and birdseed ornaments delivered to her house. I got cell phone accessories, including a diy phone case. 5th day. Five donuts were at Maddy’s desk. I got 5 rings, two hoops and a ring. 6th day. She got a recipe for eggnog, while I got chocolate creme eggs. By the 6th day, enough was enough.
“Like a Secret Santa? No way. Who would want to be secret Santas with me?” I questioned her
“Speaking of which, does Santa really exist in Arcanos?” she asked
“In a manner of speaking, yes. He’s more of a spirit now, than an actual person.”
“Wow, that’s amazing.”
“And you know those snow globes from the movie Rise of the Guardians? There’s actual snow globes like them?”
“Really? That’s so cool!” Maddy thought for a minute. “So you really don’t know who’s been giving you those gifts?”
“I have an idea.”
And this is why she is my best friend. 
“Remember that bet we made on my birthday? He’s trying to romance me, like he does for Heather. I saw him giving her an “early” Christmas present. A plush reindeer.”
“So you aren’t upset that he’s courting you, even though he's dating Heather?”
“Not really. It’s not so bad.” I winked at her. “Plus, we're getting free stuff out of it right?”
“Hm. Good point. But are you going to get him something?”
“Oh, don’t worry. I got some ideas.” I grinned evilly
“Ooh, can I help? He gave me stuff too.” Maddy volunteered. I grinned.
“Hmmm, fair enough, alright. Come on, let’s come up with some ideas.”
On the 7th day, which was for swans, I left something in Nick’s locker, before quickly heading in the direction of mine. I turned the corner and waited until Nick came. Maddy stood next to me. After a few minutes, Nick came in with his group of friends.
“Is he here yet?”
“Yeah. Shh!”
We, well I, watched as Nick opened his locker, and a giant, white inflatable pool swan blew up in his locker. I used big magic to make it bigger. It bursted the door opened, surprising them and everyone else in the hallway. It kept growing and nearly filled the whole hallway. And here’s the best part. It fell right on top of Nick. I could barely contain myself.
“What happened?”
“It fell on top of him.”
Maddy started to chuckle too.
“Come on, let’s go.”
We hurried away to our lockers, then classes before anyone noticed.
Nick’s POV
I. Am going. To kill. Her. I don’t care what type of magic she used, I know she put that stupid swan in my locker. I even got in trouble with it. Twice! It made me late for class, since it took 15 minutes to deflate it.
What the hell?
I was trying to be nice and give her presents, and Maddy too, not because of that stupid bet, because its Christmas! Aren’t you supposed to give presents to each other on Christmas?
Fine. If she wants to be naughty, I’ll show her naughty. Ugh. That did not sound right.
Later that day, I watched Wil as she got closer to her locker.
“Uh, Nick?” I turned around to see Dylan. “What are you doing?”
I motioned him over, and we watched as Wil opened her locker and then- boof!
A small explosion of black power and black feathers covered Wil and some parts of Maddy!
“Wh-what the?”
“What happened?” asked Maddy
Me and Dylan quickly went behind the wall before we were spotted. We could barely contain our laughter.
“Holy Shit!” laughed Dylan
“How’s that for a black swan?”
“Are you out of your mind? You just pranked the Wicked Witch of Willow High.”
“I know. Just a little payback.” I turned to look at him. “Want to help me out with the next one?”
“Oh heck yes.”
The next few days continued as followed: on the 8th day, Wil got pelted with milk balloons, while Nick smelled like camebre cheese, after finding them in his pockets every five minutes. The 9th day, Nick’s locker was filled with ballet items, while Wil was scared by red dancing shoes. The 10th day, both found frogs and toads in their personal items. Wil in her book bag, Nick in his pants while in the bathroom. On the 11th day, Wil was scared by a sudden piercing from a recorder while in the bathroom, and the same goes for Nick while answering his phone. On the 12th day, Wil was woken by the sound of drums from metal rock, while Nick was kept up all night because of it. 
Wil’s POV
“That’s it! No more pranks!” scolded Mom. I was keeping the pranks on Nick a secret from her, but she managed to find out. “It’s Christmas Eve! Now make up and give him a present as an apology and a sign of actual good will.”
“But mom,...” I didn’t want to, but… I really don’t want to.
“Do it or no Christmas.” threatened my dad
I groaned. Missing Christmas is one of the worst things that can happen to anyone. I know there are thousands of people who have no choice but to miss Christmas, but its not fair for me either.
“At least call a truce for Christmas.”
I sighed. “All right. No more pranks.”
“And give him a present he’ll like, nothing cheap!”
The night before Christmas, and all through the night. Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. And it was freaking cold! I got Nick’s stupid present, but I couldn’t give it to him at school. I wanted to drop it off at his house and that’ll be it, but my parents would not accept it. Dad even threatened to call them on Christmas, just to make sure I gave him the present. So, I’m here on my broom, at his house, at night, in the freezing cold! I clutched the present closer to my chest, debating whether this a good or bad idea. Groaning, I lowered myself towards his room window.
Also, if you all are wondering how I knew where Nick’s home or even his room is, thank Dalia, due to her mischief.
I knocked on the window with the curtains closed.
“Nick!” I quietly yelled, to prevent anyone seeing me.
I didn’t hear any movement, but the lights were on.
Nothing. I reached into my pocket, and took out a hag stone. A hag stone is a stone that has a natural hole inside them. Depending on how or where the stones were formed, by looking through the holes, you could see various things. The one I have is similar to the one in Coraline. So think of the had stone as x-ray vision goggles.
I looked through it and could see past the house walls. I saw Nick in his bed, sleeping.
I knocked on the window again.
Seeing that he wasn’t waking up, I tapped the window lock twice. 
“Tick tock. Break the lock.”
The window unlocked and opened itself, and I climbed in.
His room is surprisingly clean, for a high school boy. I saw him in his bed and walked over to wake him. His snoring is as loud as a high school boy. I shook him as hard as I could.
“Nick! Nick! Niiiccckkkk!”
After some groans, Nick managed to slowly open his eyes. His eyes widened quickly when he saw that I was in his room.
“Holy freaking crap!” he yelled as he scrambled away from me. I just smiled.
“Merry Christmas!” I smirked
“What are you doing in my house?! How’d you get into my house?!”
“Magic. Duh.”
“How’d you even know where I live?”
“Dalia. Duh. Anymore questions?”
He was silent for a moment, before asking, “What are you doing here?”
“Come outside.”
“It is freezing outside. And it’s Christmas Eve. If this is another prank, can it wait until morning?”
“It’s not a prank. My mom wants us to call a truce for Christmas, so truce?” I ask while holding out my hand.
Nick looked at my hand, suspicious and hesitating for a bit, before taking my hand.
“Fine, truce.”
“Good. Now come outside. I have a present for you.”
A few minutes later, we were both outside in the cold. After explaining that I got him a gift, it turns out he got me one too. Then we both stood there awkwardly for the next few minutes.
“So, want to open them now?” Nick asked
“Ehhh, it kind of goes against my tradition of opening presents before Christmas. You?”
“Not my tradition.”
He quickly went to open his present.
“Woah, a toy motorcycle. Cool.”
“Press the button.”
He looked confused.
I took the toy, pushed the button, then put it on the street and stepped back. Moments later, it quickly grew in size to a rideable size. The look on Nick’s face shows that I gave him the right gift. 
“I heard from Felicity that you got your motorcycle license, so I got you this.”
Remember the boat from Ponyo? There’s a toy company in Arcanos that makes toys inspired by the film. Cost a lot, but not as much as a regular motorcycle.
“What do you think?”
The next thing I knew, he was hugging me. An actual, no hesitation hug. 
“Thanks.” he whispered
Turns out, he was saving money for a motorcycle, but wasn’t close yet. With this, he doesn’t have to save anymore. But for some reason, he now didn’t want to give me my present. He tried to take it back, but after some tugging, I won. I decided to leave before he tries to take it again, but before I did, I showed him how to make it small again. Before I flew away, I watched Nick go back inside and shut the window I opened. 
The next day, on Christmas, I opened Nick’s present first. It was a ugly Christmas sweater, with a witch in a Santa dress and hat, on a broom, with a bag of presents behind her, flying through the night sky. A ugly Christmas sweater that's witch themed. After opening the rest of my presents, it was the only thing I didn’t have anything to say about. But, I wore it on the first day back at school. 
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seducemefanblog · 4 years
Snatched SamxMika
So uhh I had to take down my old tumblr (Seducemefreakk) bc of my mom. But I have decided to go behind her back and get on tumblr with a new email.
So I’m going to repost my old fanfiction :33
As I exited the cafe, I heard the jingling of the bells located above my head. At that moment I turned back to glance at the glass panes on the eatery’s door.  As I did I gave a small wave goodbye to Suzu. After my small farewell, I turned my gaze back towards the road, awaiting my Uber. I felt bad for leaving our outing early, but I wanted to see Sam. But I mean could you blame me? He’s been extremely busy with work lately.  Constantly working late into the night, most of the time in which I’m already asleep. We’ve barely seen each other. And today was like any other: him leaving for work bright and early. That meant that I was alone for the day. I figured tonight would be like any other work night for him recently. So instead of staying by myself all day, I made plans with Suzu. It had been a while since we had hung out anyways. 
Suzu and I met promptly at The Pink Lady Cafe at 7:00pm. We had been chatting, joking, laughing and basically having an all around good time until about 7:45. When suddenly something in my back pocket buzzed. I immediately recognized what the buzzing was coming from, and swiftly grabbed my phone from my back pocket. I unlocked it to a message from Sam “ Hey, doofus. I’ll be home early today. Hopefully…at about 7. Have you eaten? “ I slightly smiled not only because he always made sure my needs were met before his but also just from seeing his name pop up in my notifications. My mind began to trail off... “It’s crazy how much I love him. Come on, who am I kidding? I love him so much it almost hurts.” I thought. I continued to let my thoughts linger for just a moment longer before I quickly opened my messages and replied “ Sorry! I have… but feel free to get whatever, I'll try to be home soon. Love you <3” 
And that’s how the story of a very frightening night began: Me wanting to go home to my loving incubus, while waiting for my ride home during a typical chilly night. As I stood under the streetlights outside the Pink Lady Cafe my phone buzzed. I looked down to see a notification “Your uber has arrived.” I began to look around for a grey prius. I quickly spotted it, and made my way closer to the edge of the sidewalk in anticipation to get home. It speedily pulled up to me and I watched as the passenger window rolled down it’s window. As I peered in the car, I saw a man in his late 30’s , unshaven, and looked to be an all around slob. But before I could consciously think about his disheveled appearance, a skeptical voice spoke up “ Are you Mika?” I nodded and he motioned towards the backseats in his car, silently instructing me to go in the back seat. I obviously obliged. I pulled on the car door and quickly sat down and buckled up. 
During the ride, I kept noticing how he would glance at something in the rear view mirror. I just told myself he was looking at what was on the road behind us. But I quickly began to realize he wasn’t looking at the road, he was looking at me. Once I noticed this, I told myself that it's a little out of place but not something to be frightened about. Yet I remained cautious. I averted my eyes from the window to the driver's seat. As I did I really began to take in his looks. My gut began screaming that something was wrong. Yet, I tried to remain calm, I just kept telling myself I was overreacting. When my thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the lack of movement, the car had stopped. My eyes began to dart around my surroundings to figure out why. They immediately checked the traffic, no red lights, no stop signs, no pedestrians, there was no reason for us to be stopped. That’s when it went from just my gut screaming at me but also the alarms in my head. Then I heard a voice, and my eyes darted towards it. In less than a second I pinpointed where the voice was coming from. The driver's seat. I looked at the man sitting in the seat as he spoke “We’re out of gas... “ followed by a seemingly forced sigh. My foreboding feeling throughout my body was growing more intense by the second. Almost unbearable. I decided to get out of the car, if something were to happen I didn’t want to be stuck in such a small space with little room to defend myself. 
The driver followed suit, and leaned against his car about 8 inches away from me. I tried to brush it off as him just getting out to see what he could do. Though I did instinctively take a couple steps further away from him. He was leaning on the back seat’s window while I stood in front of the passenger window. I took a quick glance at him then took out my phone to text Sam. “Hey, it may take a bit longer. The uber ran out of gas. I should be home soon, hopefully.” While I was busy looking down at my phone, I failed to notice the driver sidle up beside me. As I looked up I flinched, clearly shocked to see him so close. But before I could shift my legs to move further down the car away from him: He gripped onto my raven hair and in just mere second covered my mouth. Preventing me from both getting away and screaming for help. He began to drag me forward towards an alleyway, I squirmed desperately trying to get away. I kicked and hit, which was returned by my hair being pulled harder towards the alley-way. I could feel the hot fearful tears run down my face. Everything was happening so fast I couldn’t even think. 
As we entered the alley-way he roughly pushed me onto the ground. Now towering over me. I looked up at him to see a wicked smile. A smile you’d see in a horror movie. He slowly began to walk towards me as I began to desperately crab crawl away. But was abruptly stopped by my back crashing into a big metal trash can. He was getting closer, my mind still racing with fear and panic. I couldn’t think straight. Instinctively my arms began to rummage around for things to defend myself. I didn’t find anything! I began to look harder for anything: metal, glass.. ANYTHING. It didn’t help that it was almost impossible to see through my blurred eyes and hard to feel with my trembling hands. As I was looking around frantically Sam popped into my mind. As he did sensible thoughts began to fester. Within seconds I heard myself call out “Aomaris!” 
Within a mere seconds the frantic air had changed into a serene state shortly followed by a bright light. I quickly covered my eyes with my shoulder, waiting for the light to disperse. As the light died, I looked up from my arms to see Sam and his shocked expression. I watched as his eyes darted around looking for me, and when he found me his eyes went gold for a mere second before turning back to their original emerald green hue. His gaze had only lasted a second before being interrupted by a scarily familiar voice “What the HELL?”
Sam immediately tracked down the voice to the man, now shaken to his core. But before Sam could let his rage take over the man had run. Sam stood in place for several seconds, internally fighting all of his instincts to go after the guy. Once he had made up his mind on what he should do, he had appeared in front of me within a millisecond. He immediately wrapped me in his arms, petting my hair in an effort to calm me. I laid my head on his chest tightly gripping the green shirt under his vest. I tried not to cry, but I couldn’t help it. He must have known because I heard him mumble in my ear “Shh...it’s okay. Let it out..” 
And I did, I broke down. I sobbed so hard my voice became hoarse and quivered so much you’d think that there was an earthquake. But Sam didn’t let up, just pulled me closer to his chest. My sounds were swallowed by his green t-shirt. I could feel his warmth despite the cold metal of his dog tag pressed against his cheek. I still don’t know how long we sat in that alley way. I do know that overtime my weeping had slowled, and he used that as an opportunity to get us home. Sam made the executive decision to go through a pentagram. I felt him take a smidget of energy from me. I didn’t fight it, why would I? I could feel myself slowly falling through the ground. I knew what he was doing, he didn’t have to say it. Within a second I felt myself now sitting on the stone steps located in front of my home. 
He slowly let go of his grip around me and gently took my hand in his before standing both of us. He had a grip on my waist making sure to keep me steady, since he was still unaware if I was injured. Though when he was sure I was secure on the ground he slowly let go. I watched as he felt around his pockets until he found his keys. I watched as he took them from the inside of his vest and used them to unlock our front door. As the door swung open he again gently gripped onto my hand, guiding me inside. 
As I passed through the door letting it swing shut naturally, I took in the familiar smell of my air refresher still plugged into the wall. Sam looked back at me, I could tell he was concerned, but he wasn’t going to show it. I looked up at him beginning to wonder what was going through his mind. Sam’s complicated to say the least. It’s hard for him to express himself, so usually I speak up first. And I did.  “Are you okay?” Sam looked deeper into my eyes, probably wondering if I was seriously asking him if HE was okay... I was correct. He quickly conveyed his feelings to me on the situation “ You’re asking me if I’m okay?” he responded sarcastically. I stood still waiting for him to continue on. “Seriously?” He scoffed. I stood there taken back by his tone. “He could have hurt you! Why’d you wait that long to summon me!? “ 
His voice was now significantly raised and it didn't take a genius to figure out why. I mean was he practically screaming it. He was mad, not at me but at himself. I knew that probably didn’t even notice his temper. “Sam..” I mumbled. Even in his self-loathing state he was still able to give me his undivided attention. He aimed his stare towards me. I used this as an opportunity to make him aware of the level of his voice. “Sam…” I began, while fidgeting with my hands. He still stared, waiting for me to finish. “Sam.. you’re kinda-sorta yelling…”
He looked down and pressed his two fingers against the bridge of his nose while simultaneously letting out a heavy sigh. I looked down to my fingers still fidgeting with them. But my gaze was soon steadily placed on him by the sound of his voice. “I...I d-didn’t mean to yell at you like that.. It’s just who knows what that DICK…” he took a moment to calm himself before continuing.  “ bag would’ve done to you.” He looked up at me then breathed heavily out his nose, as if he was letting off steam. I slowly made my towards him and gingerly wrapped my arms around his neck while gently pecking him on his lips in an effort to calm him down. 
He let out a content sigh and wrapped his arms around my waist. I could tell he wanted to say something, but he didn’t know how to say it. I lifted my head to look up to his emerald green irises. He returned the gesture and proceeded to look deeply in my eyes, as if they would help formulate the words he had trapped inside his head. 
He took a breath in signalling to me that he was going to speak.  His eyes lingered a bit longer before looking down to the floor as if in shame. Then he spoke... “ I’m sorry for yelling at you, I-I didn’t mean to… I just… “ He nuzzled his head on my shoulder shortly followed by a muffled voice. “ I just want to protect you..” I removed my arms from around his broad shoulders, and instead wrapped them around his form and placed my head on the crook of his neck. His arms wrapped around me tighter and I happily returned the gesture.
“Sam… you do protect me.” He lifted his head to look at me. “Do I?” I simply just stared back at him thinking out my words carefully before speaking “Sam, of course you protect me. Tonight could have been so much worse if it wasn’t for you. Mmm-kay, you hear me? You DO protect me, I have no doubt in that.” He sighed and removed his hands from my waist and instead took one of my hands. Which confused me. 
“Hm?” I shot him a curious look. “Come doofus it’s getting late, let’s get you to bed.” I glanced at the clock on the wall and then cocked my head at my incubus. “What? “ He said amused. I responded teasingly “Since when do you go to bed at 8:30?” He shrugged “Maybe I’m just tired.” I looked at him closer, trying to see if he was joking or if he was actually tired. As I inspected him I came to realize he probably was tired, and I suddenly felt bad for him having to use his energy to save me. But I quickly shut those thoughts out. 
“Long day? “ I replied empathetically. He simply nodded tiredly. I sighed contently then said “ Then let’s go to sleep, dork.” He dramatically rolled his eyes before chucking.  Still hand in hand he began to walk and I happily  complied to follow behind. As we reached my bedroom we both silently agreed to change before heading to bed. We both began to strip from our day clothes back to each other. I turned my head slightly to look over my shoulder.
As I did I found myself admiring a very muscly back. And at that moment I thought “damn he’s ripped” . And I mean ripped. At that moment he finished changing and turned back to look at me, and as he did I immediately turned my head away from him, I could feel the way my face had heated up from being caught. I hurried up and tried to get dressed to prevent myself from becoming a blushing mess. As I slipped my shirt on, I heard a snicker behind me- along with a familiar sound of ruffling sheets. As I was done getting dressed by then I turned around to further inspect the noise. 
I turned around to see Sam in bed, comfortable under the covers. He flashed me a goofy grin and motioned for me to join him. I quickly accepted his invitation. As I laid down next to him he put his arm and me. I eagerly laid my head on his chest, resting my hand in the same place. Soon enough his breathing slowed, signalling to me he had fallen asleep, and before I knew it I followed after.
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is0gild · 4 years
Ice Cream and Fire Oven Pizza - Chapter 17
Pairing: Elsa x Lea/Axel || Side Pairing: Riku x OC
Summary: Modern AU. She's an introvert ball of nerves who works at Ice Palace, a mall food court ice cream shop. He's the outgoing, sassy goofball who works at the Pizza Planet across the way. Hilarity, snark, and fluffy romcom hijinks ensue.
Word Count: 12,131
Credit for super friggin’ cute and super friggin’ amazing cover art goes to the super friggin’ talented ky-jane here on tumblr!
Tumblr media
Day three of Operation Boyfriend But Shh Not Really and so far, so good.
Though the thought of this triple date had my inner recluse curling up into the fetal position, I'd manage to convince myself it actually was a good thing when you really thought about it. One, it gave me more practice for trying to do this whole couply… thing I was trying to do. More practice meant I'd eventually, hopefully be more comfortable with it all, as well as less chance for screw-ups in front of my parents when the dreaded but inevitable weekend with them at last came. Two, we were trying to maintain this image of being boyfriend and girlfriend in front of everyone else at the mall. And boyfriends and girlfriends went on dates. What better way to be seen going on said dates than by going out with other actual couples? And three, we couldn't forget about the person the Duke had hired to tail Anna originally and could quite possibly still be keeping tabs on me now. If they were still out there lurking, it was important that they, even more so than anyone else,see me dating.
It was still kind of weird to think about - that an actual, real life PI or whatever had been surveilling me constantly for who knows how long and I'd had no idea. It felt so surreal. Unreal even. But the Duke was absolutely that crazy and I wouldn't put it past him to still have someone keeping an eye on me, looking for any cracks in the story, any slip-ups or mistakes. I'd have to start paying attention more when I was out and about, see if I could figure out who it was, spot any faces that seemed to always show up everywhere I went.
But then, even if I did identify a likely culprit, I would have absolutely no idea what to do with that information once I had it. Even if I marched right up to them and told them their cover had been blown so they may as well scram, the Duke was just insane enough and rich enough to keep hiring new people to do the job instead.
...jeez, I was really starting to sound paranoid now, wasn't I?
With my luck, it'd turn out the Duke no longer had anyone following me after he'd confronted me in the food court.
Best not to think about it too much, because honestly? It'd get me nowhere.
Sighing, I banished the thoughts from my head as I watched the buildings blur past my window from the backseat of Riku's silver Ford Focus. The three of us were on our way to the restaurant now and Lea, Kairi and Sora were going to meet us there. My hand anxiously smoothed out the creases of my outfit - a dark magenta sheath dress with long sleeves and a hemline at the knees. It had a tastefully low v-neckline and a double layered skirt, the top layer made of a shimmering gossamer material. Nice, but nothing too fancy for our "nothing too fancy" date, to use Kairi's words.
Per Lea's request, I'd also worn his leather jacket. It made sense, after all. Nothing screamed "dating" more than one half of a couple wearing their other half's clothes, so it certainly helped maintain the facade. His boy scent still lingered on it, even though he hadn't worn it in a couple of days now, given it had been in my possession. The smell was somehow both soothing and butterflies-in-the-stomach inducing at the same time. It was an odd mix of emotions, to say the least.
I felt a buzz in the jacket's pocket. Pulling out my phone (gosh, it was so weird having one again after going so many weeks without) I checked my notifications to discover I'd received a text.
Well, speak of the devil.
Still cant believe u didnt lemme come pick u up
Shaking my head with a small snort, I tapped out a reply to Lea.
It just made the most logical sense for me to ride with Riku and Rayne since we were all coming from the same place.
Rayne suddenly cried out happily, drawing my attention to her as she clapped and bounced in the front passenger seat. "Ahh, I'm still just so excited for date night! Good food, great company, hot hubby," she slyly pinched Riku's cheek, which he endured with dignity as he drove. "What more could a girl ask for?"
He chuckled as he shifted the car over into the turn lane. "You make it sound like I never take you out."
"You know that's not what I mean!" she playfully smacked his shoulder. "But with the baby on the way, I don't know how many more of these I'll have! This is one of my last chances to enjoy freedom! Jesus take the fucking wheel, hallelujah!"
I felt my phone vibrate in my hand again and I looked down at it.
I know not this logic u spk of
I felt a tiny smile pulling at my mouth as my thumbs typed.
Don't worry about it. Tis beyond your mortal ken.
"I just hope no one's drinking tonight," Riku snerked as I watched those three dots bounce at the bottom of my screen. "Don't need you dancing on any more tables, thank you very much."
"Your face dances on tables!" Rayne shot back, sticking her tongue out at him.
"That doesn't even make any sense."
"You don't even make any sense!"
Rude. Ill have u know I had half a mind 2 drive ovr n get u NEway, logic b damned
My smile turned a touch wicked.
I'm impressed. That's half a mind more than you usually have.
"Here we are!"
My head shot up as I heard the engine shut down. I hadn't even realized we were in a parking lot. I hadn't even realized the vehicle had stopped moving.
As I looked out my window again, I heard Rayne saying, "Have I mentioned how happy I am we're doing this?"
"You may have said something about that once or twice." I could hear the smile in Riku's low voice.
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see her leaning over towards him, her hand coming up to run slender fingers through his long, ashen strands. "Yeah, but maybe I should show you."
"Maybe you should…"
And that's when I, being the absolute clueless, blissfully naive little fool that I was, chose to turn and fully look at them, just in time to get a front row seat to their little game of tonsil hockey. I blushed, threw up a hand to block my line of sight and made a tiny noise of disgust in my throat. "Ugh! You know you're not the only people in the car, right?"
Rayne pulled away to smirk back at me. "Well, other people can shoo," she flicked a dismissive hand in my direction before grabbing Riku by his collar and yanking him over for a deeper, more passionate kiss. Ding, ding, round two!
Squeaking, I fumbled with my seatbelt until I heard the click release, threw my car door open, stumbled out and slammed it shut behind me with a huff.
Oi, that was the main drawback to this group date plan. We were going to be around actual couples, and actual couples actually, ahem… snogged. Rayne and Riku were going to be bad enough, but let's not forget Sora and Kairi were along for the ride too and I'd seen firsthand how gross those two could be as well. Mark my word, this night was going to have more than its fair share of uncomfortable moments with those four around, being all besotted and smitten and other such rot. But I would survive this and make it through to the other side. Somehow.
Sweeping my braid forward over one shoulder, I glanced up at the building before me now. It bore a colorful banner over its entrance that read Fuente Del Oro. A local, family-owned Mexican restaurant, or so Rayne had told me. I could already tell this was going to be a very different experience from the types of restaurants my ex used to take me to for our dates. Those restaurants had all been about the look, the prestige… you didn't go to any of those places for the food, you went there to be seen, to give off an air of importance. Those places were… dull. Lifeless. This place before me now, on the other hand, was… nice. Colorful. Vibrant and full of character. Not elegant or frilly, but warm and inviting. And the aromas that I could smell coming from it, even all the way out here? Delicious.
I was actually kind of looking forward to this.
Phone still in my grasp, I looked back down at it and frowned.
No message back from Lea yet.
A giggle suddenly echoed out across the parking lot and my eyes snapped towards the source. It didn't take long to spot Kairi a few vehicles over, squirming and laughing in Sora's arms as he hugged her from behind, blowing raspberries against her neck. They were standing with a very familiar redhead who was leaning against a very familiar black muscle car. Said redhead had pulled his hair back into a ponytail again and was dressed in a snug, black tee with a second shirt on underneath, red and black horizontal stripes running down its full-length sleeves. His slim, dark jeans made his already long legs seem even longer and he was sporting his bright red Converse. He had his phone in hand in front of him, but it wasn't the phone he was looking at. Our eyes met and a grin tugged at one corner of his lips.
Suddenly, whatever boldness that I had felt behind the safety of text on the tiny, glowing screen in the palm of my hand had abandoned me and I felt a small pang of anxiety pierce my chest.
But I rallied.
Alright, Elsa, pep talk time. You can do this. You've been mentally and emotionally preparing for this since yesterday. Let him throw at you whatever fluffy, sappy moves he decides to today, all in the name of pretending to be your boyfriend. You can take it.
Shields raised and at full power, captain!
Inhaling and exhaling slowly, I pocketed my mobile and started making my way over to those three. Probably hearing my footsteps against the asphalt, Kairi and Sora looked over at me as I approached and greeted me with waves. I gave them a shy smile and returned the wave as Lea held his phone up, turning the screen towards me and showing the last message I'd sent him as he tsked, "Brutal. You wound me, madame."
I stopped a few feet away from him, my smile twitching wider. "You like it."
"True. What can I say, I've always been a bit of a masochist," he hummed a low chuckle, slipping his phone into the back pocket of his pants. His head tipped to one side and he stared at me for another second, then his eyes crinkled as he stretched a hand out towards me with a soft, "C'mere."
I bit my bottom lip, hesitating for a heartbeat before moving another step forward to take his offered hand.
"Lookit you," he whistled, closing his fingers around mine and leading me into a little twirl. "Digging the look." He then gently pulled me against him, drawing my arms up to hug his neck before slipping his hands beneath the jacket to wrap around my waist, enveloping me in his cinnamon scent. "Didn't get a chance to say it the other day, but my jacket suits you."
I rolled my eyes up at him, doing my best to be impervious to our sudden closeness. I wasn't succeeding. "Not really. It's too big."
"Yes really," he insisted, bowing his head slightly towards mine. "It looks way better on you than it ever did on me."
"Where's Riku and Rayne?" Sora interjected and I turned my head to look at him.
"They-" my words tripped over my tongue as Lea pressed a tender kiss to my temple.
Critical hit, captain! Shields down to thirty percent, but holding!
Ignoring the heat rushing to my face, I did my best to regather my scattered thoughts. "They, uh… they're back in the, uh… the…" Drat, what was the word again? "...car! They're back in the… the car."
Sora pulled a face. "Swapping spit, no doubt."
"Oh-ho, we'll see about that! C'mon, Sora!" Kairi cackled with an evil gleam in her eye, slipping free of her boyfriend's hold to instead grab his hand and pull him behind her as she ran off towards Riku's car.
"Seriously," Lea spoke up again, his voice hushed as I slowly returned my gaze to his. "Pretty sure I've lost all claim to that jacket. It belongs to you now."
My eyelids drooped. "That's not how that works."
"Sure it is." He rested his forehead against mine and I could feel his thumb rubbing light circles against the fabric of my dress just above my hip. "You don't choose a leather jacket, it chooses you. And trust me, that one has definitely picked you over me."
I gave a soft snort. "I'm giving it back to you after tonight."
"Don't you dare," he chided, his breath warming my lips. "You'll hurt the jacket's feelings."
"Stop anthropomorphizing the jacket." I was fighting a smile now.
"Make me," he murmured, something in his voice causing my insides to do that whole warm, fuzzy, squishy thing.
And the academy award for best leading actor in the role of Elsa's boyfriend goes to this guy right here.
But had to say, I thought he might be overdoing it a bit. I mean, Sora and Kairi weren't even around anymore to hear any of this. And if we were being monitored by someone under my great uncle's payroll, they certainly couldn't hear it either. I suppose Lea just… really liked getting into character?
Clearing my throat, I unclasped my hands from behind his neck and shifted them down to his chest in an attempt to push myself free of his grasp as I whispered, "We, ah… should probably go speak to the hostess now."
However, his hold on me didn't loosen, his arms remaining firmly secured around my waist. He didn't say anything, just continued to grin down at me. His eyes became hooded as they flicked down to my lips now, making my heart skip a beat.
What was he-?
A sudden loud yelp ruptured the air around us.
Followed by an annoyed yell of, "Goddamnit, Sora! Kairi!"
And that would be Riku.
The two delinquents in question blurred past us and towards the restaurant's front doors, whooping and snickering and razzing their tongues back at their victims climbing out of the Ford Focus. "We'll grab us a table!" Sora called quickly at the same time Kairi shouted, "See ya inside!" Then they both disappeared through the entrance with Rayne and Riku hot on their heels.
I heard Lea sigh. Or maybe he didn't. It was so soft that it was fully possible that I imagined it. Then he released me, slipping one hand into mine and jerking a thumb towards the restaurant with a lopsided smile, "Shall we?"
I stared at him, feeling the night air cool my warmed face. Then I gave a tentative nod and let him lead me inside.
The others hadn't made it far past the doors and we stepped in to find Riku doling out Sora's punishment: death by a thousand noogies. Sora was smacking his cousin's arm and trying to wriggle free, but to no avail. Apparently Kairi had gotten off with only a warning for she was standing off to one side with Rayne, both cracking up as they watched the boys. I looked past them, taking in the restaurant. Strings of fairy lights hung from the ceiling intermixed with strings of multi-colored papers, each bearing cutouts depicting various imagery. The walls were painted with murals of fantastical, mythical creatures of various shapes and sizes with wings and prismatic fur, feathers and scales. This place was absolutely beautiful.
Once the roughhousing had finally settled down, we all approached the hostess, an extremely tiny, extremely old lady wearing a name tag that read Coco who seemed far more interested in napping than greeting new customers. However, she woke up long enough to squint at her list and find our reservation before calling over a man to seat us. He led us through the restaurant and to a large booth in one of the back corners, leaving menus, chips and salsa on the table before flashing us a warm, genuine smile and saying he'd be back to take our orders in a minute.
I started shrugging out of the jacket, feeling Lea assist me before folding it over his arm and gesturing towards the booth with bow and a, "Lady's first." Smiling at him, I took a seat and scooched towards the middle. Lea wasn't too far behind, sitting close enough for our knees to bump against one another. He tossed the jacket on the back shelf of the booth before draping his arm across the top of the cushioned seat behind my head. Rayne took the spot to my left with Riku of course beside her, and on the other side of Lea sat Kairi and Sora. The waiter came back after giving us a little time to peruse the menus and he gathered our food requests before dashing off again.
"So Ray," Kairi piped up, popping a heavily salsa-laden chip into her mouth, "how's the preggers-life treating you?"
"Really well," she nodded contentedly, one hand going to her tummy. "The jellybean's happy and healthy so far and I've just started barely showing in the past couple weeks. No weird food cravings yet, thank god, but those are supposed to be right around the corner."
Sora leaned forward, propping his chin in both hands and beamed, "Do we know yet if I have a lil nephew or niece on the way?"
"We're cousins, Sora. Nephews and nieces would only be if we were brothers," Riku corrected with a wry curve to his lips.
"We don't know yet," Rayne shook her head, "but I'm about four months along now, so hoping to find out at our next appointment."
Lea had shifted his hand to dangle down so he could idly twiddle my braid between his fingers. I could also sense his gaze on me, causing a bit of a flutter in the pit of my stomach. Reminding myself he was just playing a part and it wasn't real, I resisted the urge to squirm and instead pretended not to notice, directing all my focus into reaching for a chip to dip into the salsa.
"Well whatever the wee monkey turns out to be, you can bet Auntie Kairi and Unkie Sora will be here to shower it with all the love and kisses!" Kairi cooed.
Riku twitched and frowned. "I just said that isn't how it-"
"Shush, hon, they're just teasing you now," Rayne poked his cheek with a laugh before looking back over at Kairi. "And you? How's the new gig over at Mickey's going? You've been there, what? About a week now?"
"Mm-hm! It's been a lot of fun working the jewelry counter. Oh sure, there's the occasional asshole customer, but turns out I'm really good at killing them with kindness."
Riku kicked Sora's foot under the table, "What about you, ya freeloader? Any prospects yet?"
He shrugged with that big smile he seemed to always have permanently glued to his face. Just looking at it was starting to make my cheeks hurt. "Couple of interviews coming up, so we'll see!"
Smirking, Riku said, "Can't wait to hear how you screw them up this time, knucklehead."
Kairi turned to look our direction now. "So what's new and exciting with you two, hm? Lea, you just had that big test, right?" Silence was her answer as I went for another chip. "Lea? Hello, earth to... ah-ha, there!" She rocketed up to her feet, slamming one hand down on the table and pointing the other right in Lea's face. "Lost puppy look!"
"Hm, what now?" he jolted, his hand jerking away from my braid to lay across the booth backrest once more. "Lost pup-? Bah, I told you already, there's no lost puppy look. You need to get your eyes checked, princess."
She scoffed, plopping heavily back down into her seat and smugly take a sip of her soda. "Please. You were bad at hiding it when you guys were dating in secret, and you're even worse at it now that it's all out in the open."
"What's the deal there anyhow?" Sora cocked his head at me. "There's all sorts of wild rumors flying around the mall, like that you're runaway royalty from some far off country just living off the lam now."
"What?!" I blanched, gawking in disbelief. Doing my best to recover with a tiny, awkward laugh, I hastily said, "No, nothing quite so, ah… dramatic. My parents, they're… well off, to be sure, but certainly not royalty. And not from so far away either. Just Arendelle, which is only about an hour north of here."
Chewing on her straw, Kairi eagerly leaned in closer, "I'd love to hear the story of how you two met!"
I stiffened.
Welp, add that to my ever growing list of things I should have thought about in advance but failed miserably to do so. I fiddled a chip between my fingers as I tucked in my bottom lip. Shoot, what was I supposed to tell her? It's not like I'd gotten any better at lying in the past few days since my visit with Father. In fact, I'd been mostly skirting by since then by dodging questions and letting people fill in the blanks for themselves so I didn't have to. Heart thudding in my chest, I opened my mouth, not quite fully sure yet what was going to come out.
"Last summer," Lea was quicker. "In another city."
"Oh, during that big cross-country road trip you took?" Rayne asked him as she leaned into her husband who slung an arm around her shoulders.
Lea tapped his own nose, "That'd be the one, Raindrop."
Kairi gasped, "You two met in a foreign city? How romantic! That's the dream!"
"You have to leave the country in order for it to be a foreign city," Riku shook his head.
"Cram it, you knew what I meant!"
"It was like one of those scenes straight outta a movie," Lea planted an elbow on the table, rubbing a curled finger over his smirk as he watched me out of the corner of his eye. "There I was, just strolling along minding my own business, smack dab in the middle of a jam-packed city street. But then the crowd parted and there she stood. The most gorgeous creature to ever walk the face of this or any other planet in all the cosmos."
Cue my face turning all new shades of red never before witnessed in the history of human eyesight.
Jeez, laying it on a bit thick there, Lea, don't you think?
"So whatdja do?" Kairi pressed, eyes bright and on the edge of her seat. "Sweep her off her feet right then and there?"
He snerked, "Shit no, I walked headfirst into a lamppost."
I smothered a grin behind my hand as the rest of the table erupted into laughter. Sora reached over to punch him lightly in the arm, "Smooth, ya stud. What city was this anyway?"
"Corona," I was the one to answer, surprising myself. Suddenly self-conscious with all eyes turning to me, I quietly added, "I was there for part of my vacation last year."
"By yourself?" Rayne quirked a dubious eyebrow at me. She knew this story was as made-up as my current relationship status was. I could only assume she was trying to poke holes in order to help us solidify this little tale that was being spun so we'd be more prepared for the next time we had to tell the lie.
The thing is, the best lies have a grain of truth to them. I really had been in Corona last summer. "No, I was taking the trip with Anna. We were actually staying over in Traverse Town, but had planned to visit Corona for the day to enjoy a festival there, since it was only a short train ride away. However, Anna disappeared with a guy before we could go. I'd really been looking forward to this festival though and didn't want to miss it, so I took the train over on my own."
"Wait," Kairi slapped both hands down in front of her, eyes widening. "Are you talking about that big lantern festival they do every year?" At my nod, she squealed. "Lucky! Punzie has shown me pictures in magazines, it looks so goddamn pretty! Oh man, I've always wanted to go! Hint, hint," she shouldered Sora, who just chuckled and scratched the back of his head.
"It was actually right as they were launching the lanterns that I saw her," Lea said, folding his arms atop the table now. "She was wearing this cute sundress. White with a lil diamond patterned hem. Split sleeves that were all flowy. Hair down and dancing in the slight breeze." Wow, he was really selling this. He'd even nailed that whole far away look in his eye, like he was seeing something the rest of us couldn't. "And the way those lanterns lit up her smile as she watched them float up, I knew my lowly mortal self was in the presence of a goddess. Knocked the wind right outta me."
"As did that lamppost," Rayne sniggered.
"As did that lamppost," he agreed with a chuckle.
Totally enthralled now, Kairi breathed, "So what happened next?"
"Yeah, what did happen next?" I grinned over at him, the barest note of a challenge to my tone. To the others, it probably just sounded like I was teasing him since obviously I was already supposed to know this story. But now I was almost as invested as Kairi and was genuinely curious where he'd go with it next.
The corners of his eyes crinkled as he looked over at me and he leaned back, propping his elbows up on the back rim of the booth and once more slipping an arm behind my head. "Well after the lantern bit was over, I watched her get onto her train heading back to Traverse Town. So I did what any self-respecting, red-blooded, utterly bewitched male would do: I followed her."
"Stalker," Riku singsonged.
His wife smacked his leg, "Hush, it's sweet!"
He snorted, eyelids drooping, "Yeah, so sweet, the dumbass left his car behind in Corona."
"Psssh, I just took the train back for it later," Lea brushed off. "Anyway, when I found her on board, I sat across from her and worked up the nerve to strike up a conversation."
Rayne looked at me. "You? Talk to a handsome stranger on a train?" She squinted, repeating for emphasis, "You?"
"Heh… what can I say? He can be very charming," I smiled down at my drink, swirling the ice with my straw.
"Even with all of my roguish charm and devilish good looks though, it wasn't easy," Lea laughed. His hand had drifted down to start toying with my braid again. "But she warmed up to me eventually. By the time we arrived at Traverse Town, I was completely smitten. A total goner. She still needed more convincing though, so I managed to persuade her into joining me for a night out on the town. Luckily for me, Traverse Town has a very active night life that goes on for hours long after most other cities have gone to sleep."
"Yeah? Like what?" Sora burbled out around a mouth full of chips, making Kairi giggle as she put a hand over his face to hide it.
He pursed his lips to one side, looking up at the ceiling, "Oh, nothing too exciting. Few odds and ends here and there though… wandering around a record store… a café with a palm reader… a street poet at one sidewalk corner, a belly dancer at another, some stargazing in a park…" Now he smirked over at me, "A carnival with a kiss at the top of the ferris wheel."
A mock gasp from Rayne, "Scandal! And you with a fiancé, young lady!"
I looked away, suddenly feeling guilty and flustered over something that hadn't even really happened. "...ferris wheels can be very enchanting."
And my streak of helping the lie along while not actually lying myself successfully continues!
"And then, and then?" Kairi insisted impatiently, just eating this whole bit of fiction right up.
He chuckled and shrugged, "Just mostly a lot of meandering the streets and talking. We were out all night and watched the sunrise together. Eventually, she had to go meet up with her sister so they could move on to another city for the next leg of their lil vay-kay. But I didn't let her leave without agreeing to meet with me again in a few months."
Kairi was slackjaw now as she whispered, "And did she?"
"Mm-hm!" he hummed happily. "And from there, we kept meeting up, our little get-togethers getting longer and more frequent over time."
"Then what?" She was relentless.
A wolfish curl tugged at one side of his mouth. "What else? I slowly seduced her until she fell helpless into my bed, hungry for the pleasure only I could give her," he waggled his eyebrows.
Of course I'd chosen that exact second to be taking a sip of my drink. And of course I promptly spluttered and choked on it. "Excuse me?" I coughed, laughing incredulously as I elbowed him in the gut.
He gave a pained grunt, but grinned and snagged my hand before I could retract it, pressing a kiss to my knuckles. "I mean that in the most gentlemanly and respectful way possible, of course," he winked at me before looking back over at Kairi. "From there, I convinced her to run away from her family and ditch her two-bit, loser fiancé to be with me. And the rest, as they say, is history!"
"Wow!" she sighed dreamily, slumping back and fanning herself. Then she blinked, "Wait…" A gasp. "Oh my god! You swore off dating about a year ago, which was last summer! Was it cuz that's when you two met and it was love at first sight?!"
"Huh. The two certainly seem to line up perfectly, don't they?" he chirped. He'd rested my hand back down onto the table, his on top of mine, threading our fingers together.
Our waiter popped up again just then. "Your food will be just another moment. In the meantime, please allow us to entertain you with some music." He then turned, clapped his hands twice and called out, "Miguel!"
Out charged a boy in his early teens wearing a red hoodie and lugging a guitar that was white, etched in swirly patterns, and nearly as big as he was. He flashed us a smile huge enough to rival one of Sora's and without further preamble, started strumming away and singing. The kid was actually really good too!
Kairi clapped in delight and Rayne cooed over how adorable he was. Sora gaped in awe at the boy's obvious talent while Riku just grinned, digging into the chips. As I watched him perform, I couldn't help but feel Lea's eyes on me once more instead of on our little musician. I shifted in my seat, slipping my hand free of his and bringing it up to tuck some bangs behind my ear, hiding the growing warmth I felt in my cheeks behind my fingers.
At this rate, I didn't know how I was going to survive fake dating this guy for the rest of the evening, let alone for two more weeks.
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"Where do you think you're going?"
Lea's hand closed around mine, stopping me in my tracks. I glanced over my shoulder at him, then back towards where Rayne and Riku were climbing into their car across the parking lot. "With them?"
"Ahhhnt," he made a buzzer noise, grinning. "Wrong! Would the contestant care to venture another guess?"
I gave him some side-eye, feeling one corner of my lips turn up. "...with you?"
"Bingo!" He started walking towards his car, gently tugging me along with him. "I was already so rudely denied my god-given right as the boyfriend to pick you up from your place. No way am I missing out on giving you a lift over to the movie theater. Same goes for driving you back home later tonight, so better make your peace with it now. It's happening."
I felt my smile twitch a fraction wider as I fell into step beside him. "I suppose being my chauffeur is quite the honor and privilege. Wouldn't want to take that away from you."
"Glad that's settled then," he gave a chipper nod, unlocking the front passenger door of his vehicle and holding it open for me as I got in. As he then jogged over to the driver's side while I buckled in, there was a loud meep meep of a car horn and I looked up just as a hot pink Jeep blurred past where we were parked - Kairi and Sora, it seemed, going on to the cinema ahead of us. I waved at them just as Lea had settled in himself and started the engine.
"So," I began once we were on the road, resting my temple against my knuckles with my elbow propped on the window sill, still grinning as I watched him out of the corner of my eye, "you took a road trip last summer?"
He gave a low hum of confirmation, reaching over to turn down the volume on the rock oldies station coming through the radio. "Decided to have one last big adventure before I really buckled down and started taking school seriously. Did a lil soul searching, that whole shtick."
"Ah." My gaze focused on the road ahead once more and I hesitated for a second, gnawing on my lower lip. "...that was a nice story you told. About how we met."
Lea chuckled, leaving one hand on the wheel while moving the other to lay atop the headrest of my seat. "Liked it, didja?"
"Oh definitely." Now I hid my growing smile behind my hand, trying to keep a straight face. "Though I have to admit, I think I was a bigger fan of the original movie adaptation."
I watched him visibly stiffen. "The…?"
Tapping a curled finger to my chin, I muttered, "What was the title again? Before Sunrise, I believe?"
He snerked, then broke out into a full laugh. "Crap, ya caught me. Yeah, I may have borrowed from the plot there a tad."
"Just a bit," I shook my head at him. "You're lucky Sora and Kairi haven't seen the film."
"Kinda surprised you have," he turned the car down a road that would take us towards the mall. "Pretty sure it's older than you are."
"Nothing wrong with old movies," I shrugged before wrinkling my nose at him slightly with a tiny smile. "Kind of sappy though. Wouldn't have thought that'd be your kind of movie."
Looking my way, he smirked, "What can I say? I'm a sappy guy. And hey, at least I didn't steal everything from that flick."
"True. The stuff before the train was all you."
"You helped," Lea pointed out as he pulled up to a stop sign. He then tapped his index against the steering wheel a couple times. "...outta curiosity, why'd you say Corona? Out of all the other places you must of visited on your trip, what made you pick that city?"
As the car accelerated once more, I tilted my head in thought. "Don't know really… I guess I just felt it would be a nice place to meet someone new in. That'd it make for a good story." I paused, watching some tail lights streak past us. "...the lantern festival really was beautiful. Have you ever seen it?"
Lea shook his head as he glanced up at the rearview before shifting lanes, "Nah. Had plans to on the road trip, but something else came up."
"A shame," I sighed wistfully. "You missed out."
"Wouldn't say that," he murmured, a warm flicker in his eyes. "'Sides, there's always next time."
"Suppose that's true," I nodded. "Nice touch, by the way, describing the dress I was wearing. I think I might even own one that's pretty close to it." Don't think I'd been wearing it in Corona though. But I couldn't really remember. It had been over a year ago after all.
He laughed again, fingers combing his scalp before returning the hand to my seat, now on a spot next to my ear. "Well, I did help you pack your clothes from your old condo just a couple days ago. I probably saw it then."
"Good point." That made sense. It would have been too much of a coincidence if that'd actually been what I'd had on that day. But now… should I be worried that I hadn't really been in that dress? What if someone found out the mismatch in the story? No… no, that was just me overthinking things again. Even if the tale ever reached the ears of the Duke's goon, it's not like they could go back in time to fact check. "Just one more thing now." My eyes narrowed at him, at odds with my grin. "Might want to edit the ending a bit."
"Which part?" he asked a touch too innocently, already turning us into the Dusk Town Center parking lot. "Running away to be with me? Hasn't that been the story all along?"
I rolled my eyes at him. "Try a little before that."
Wouldn't have thought it possible to both purse one's lips and smile at the same time, but Lea proved me wrong in that moment. "Hmm… oh! Well, figured wooing you over the course of months sounded more believable, but if you think it works better as weeks or even days, then-"
"No no. Little after that."
"Well then, now you got me stumped cuz I know you just couldn't possibly be talking about the absolute masterpiece that was the slow seducing, helpless bed falling, pleasure hungry part."
A snort. "Why yes, actually, I could be talking about that and in fact am."
"But that's the best part!" he protested, turning to park in a space right next to a familiar Ford Focus. "It's the heart and soul, the very essence of the story! The pièce de résistance, the crowning glory."
With a good natured scoff, I unfastened my seatbelt as the car shuddered into powering down. "Well decrown it because you're dropping that bit."
He lifted his chin slightly and gave a dignified sniff, "I am a storyteller, El. An arteest. You wouldn't ask Leonardo da Vinci to remove the smile from the Mona Lisa."
Well someone had a high opinion of himself. Which honestly came as zero surprise. I fixed him with a dull stare. "Drop it or your jacket gets a giant, sticky stain before the night is out." And with that, I opened my door.
Lea scrambled out of the car and rushed over to join me on my side just as I slammed the door shut behind me. He had the decency to only spend a couple seconds looking mildly miffed at having been denied the opportunity to open and hold the car door for me before his frown melted into a smile once more. "Jeez, blackmail? Never thought you'd stoop so low. But eh," he shrugged, "jacket's black, it'll be fine."
"You're failing to see the big picture here," I crossed my arms as I waited for Rayne and Riku to get out of their own vehicle. My guess was they were probably going for another round of Seven Minutes in Heaven in there. Smirking at Lea, I elaborated, "Because then I'll wash it."
"Egads," he mocked gasp, splaying a hand against his chest, "the horror."
My smirk curled wickedly. "In a washing machine."
As my roomies finally vacated their car (faces flushed, I might add), Lea actually paled. "But it's dry clean only!"
"That's right," I said smugly and turned to walk away. "So nix that line or the jacket gets it."
"You fight dirty," he muttered as he caught up to me, slipping his hand into mine. However, he was grinning.
Huh. That wasn't what I'd been expecting. IE the face of a man who'd just suffered a crippling defeat by my hands.
I narrowed my eyes up at him. "You certainly seem pretty happy about the impending, inevitable demise of your jacket."
Now the grin was joined by a dimple as we walked. "Well, it's just that in order for you to make good on your threat, you have to take my jacket hostage. Meaning you're gonna hafta keep it after all." His head dipped down closer to mine as he swung our hands slightly. "I count that as a win for me."
...well crud.
Score one for Lea there.
Shrieks and giggles suddenly erupted behind us before Sora tore past us towards the mall's entrance with Kairi riding piggyback. Rayne laughed and tugged Riku into a stumble behind her so they could catch up while Lea and I continued to take our time, bringing up the rear.
We made our way through the food court and over to Cinema XIII. The manager with long, silver hair that I'd seen there last time was present again, off to one side where he was setting up a huge cardboard display for the latest Star Wars movie. I watched him scowl and fiddle with the lifesize lightsaber cutouts as our group purchased tickets from a blonde chick with a weird hairdo that kind of resembled antennae. As we'd approached, I could have sworn I'd seen her boredly cleaning her fingernails with a small knife, but there was no sign of the blade by the time we'd reached her register. Perhaps my eyes had just been playing tricks on me.
Tickets for our whodunit comedy flick in hand, we then moved over to concessions which was being worked by that same teen with the emo haircut that I'd also spotted here a couple weeks ago. He hardly glanced up from the book he was reading as Riku and Rayne ordered snacks and drinks from him, Sora waiting in line behind them with Kairi still latched onto his back.
"Alright, whatcha want? My treat," Lea asked as he watched the flat screens hanging behind the counter scroll flashy ads for crisp, buttery popcorn and fizzing, bubbly soda.
I blinked. "What?" Then I frowned at him. "Oh no, not happening. You already paid for dinner despite my multiple protests. I'm not letting you buy me candy too."
We were only fake dating after all, and I wouldn't even want to make a real boyfriend pay for everything!
"But it's my right as-"
I put my finger to his lips, silencing him as my eyelids drooped. "Enough with playing the boyfriend card already. You're having too much fun with that."
He puckered up and planted a tiny peck on my fingertip, sending a small jolt straight to my heart as I quickly jerked my hand back. He chuckled, "Just tell me what your fave candy is."
"Shouldn't you be able to guess?" I arched an eyebrow, stubbornly ignoring the way the tip of my finger still had a slight tingle. "Isn't that like your special gift or whatever?"
"Only with ice cream," he lightly corrected.
"Right," I crinkled my eyes at him. "How's that coming along again?"
His shoulders bobbed up and down. "It's a process."
"My turn!" Sora suddenly proclaimed loudly in front of us, dropping Kairi off his back and spinning around to get behind her.
His girlfriend gasped, "Sora no!"
"Sora yes!" he cackled, jumping onto her back, arms hugging her shoulders tight and legs wrapping around her waist as her hands automatically shifted to grasp beneath his knees. To her credit, she managed to stand for three whole shaky seconds before collapsing beneath her boyfriend's weight into a tangled heap on the floor with him.
Ah, to be young.
Never mind the fact that I was pretty sure I was only like a year older than them.
With a soft snort through my nose, I glanced back at Lea. "Well, while you keep processing, I'm going to go find our seats."
I turned to go, but he pulled me back with the hold he still had on my hand. "C'mon, just lemme buy ya something small," he insisted as he hopped over the Sora/Kairi knot that was still trying to disentangle itself, forcing me to gingerly step over the two of them as well.
Shaking my head with a sigh, I said, "Why won't you just let it go?"
He beamed. "Cuz what schmoopsie-poo wants, schmoopsie-poo gets."
Oh no he didn't.
"Uh-uh, no. Veto. You are not calling me that," I jabbed a finger into his chest.
There was a sly gleam to his eye. "Tell me what candy you want or I won't stop."
"You wouldn't dare."
"Wanna bet?" he flashed a toothy grin as we stepped up to the counter now that my roommates had stepped off to one side, already munching away at their newly purchased sweets. "You'll think you died and went to schmoopsie-poo heaven."
I gave a small huff and looked away. "Small price to pay. Not budging on this."
"Fine. You've forced my hand." He turned his head to the concession worker, slapping his palm down on the countertop and proudly declaring, "I'll have one of everything, my good man!"
"What?! No, no, stop, he's joking," I hastily told the cashier, who froze mid-ringing the order up as he gave us a flat look with the one blue eye not hidden behind bangs. To Lea, I whispered, "What do you think you're doing?"
He shrugged, grin not faltering. "Figure ya gotta like at least one of 'em."
I stared at him. Then my shoulders slumped and I hung my head, grumbling, "...Junior Mints."
"You heard the lady," he chirped to the theatre employee. "And throw in a small popcorn and large Kupo-Kola too please!"
Once the junk food was acquired and paid for, we moved out of the way to join Riku and Rayne as Sora and Kairi bought their own goodies. While we were waiting, I opened up my candy and reached inside, retrieving a minty, chocolate-coated treat and popping it into my mouth.
"Can I have one?" Lea asked beside me.
I gave him a blank look. Then I glanced down at his hands, otherwise occupied with a full soda cup and a bag practically bursting with popcorn. Digging another Junior Mint out and holding it up between us, my gaze met his once more. "Say ahh."
Face brightening, his lips parted wide.
I inserted it into his nostril.
He blinked a couple times, then snorted which had the byproduct of dislodging the Junior Mint. "Okay, guess maybe I deserved that for being a lil pushy about getting you the candy."
"You most certainly did," I said matter-of-factly, eating another one. A pause while I slowly chewed before swallowing and mumbling, "...but thanks for doing it anyway."
"Heh. Don't mention it."
Kairi and Sora rejoined us then, arms piled high with sugary delights. Jeez, all that on top of the gigantic Mexican dinners they'd both devoured less than an hour ago? One had to wonder how the two of them managed to stay so skinny.
It didn't take long for us to locate our theater and when we entered, all the lights were dimmed for the trailers that had already started to play. We quietly found our seats close to the middle of the auditorium and we settled into them, Lea to the right of me and making up one end of our group while Rayne took up my other side, the rest of the gang to her right. It seemed the cinema had recently renovated with new, barely-used cushiony sofa seating, the kind that reclined.
As I pushed the button that popped out the chair's footrest and made myself more comfortable, I caught a glimpse of the others. Half way through a strand of red licorice, Rayne flinched when Riku was suddenly in her face and chomping down on the other end of the candy. Grinning, he took a few more bites, bringing their lips closer together until he could give her a smooch before pulling away, looking quite pleased with himself as she blushed and snerked, giving his shoulder a light shove. Kairi was tossing Milk Duds towards Sora's open, awaiting mouth and rewarding him with little kisses every time he successfully caught one.
Worrying my lower lip between my teeth, I glanced towards Lea out of the corner of my eye as he crunched away on some popcorn. Should we be acting all… couply right now? Like the others were? I mean, it was a dark theater… did we really need to keep the act up in here too? Would anyone really notice? Then again, I'd noticed our friends being all sickeningly cute and I hadn't even been trying to, my eyes had just wandered. So maybe it wasn't such a stretch to consider the two of us were also possibly being observed, even in here.
My gaze flicked down to the armrest I shared with Lea. It was wide enough for both our arms to lay on it side by side, elbows touching. He wasn't holding my hand at the moment, instead just resting his about an inch away from mine. Which, now that I noticed, actually felt a bit weird, oddly enough. I guess I was starting to get used to it. But perhaps I should look at this as an opportunity for some more practice. An exercise in me being the one for once to initiate a display of affection. I seriously couldn't get away with him being the one to start it all the time, right? Surely, I had to act like I liked him too.
Which, to be fair, I kind of did.
Even if it was a secret.
But now I had to wonder how does one go about, ah… what was the term? ...making a move? I'd never had to do it with my ex. I'd never particularly felt the urge, nor had he ever really encouraged me to have more initiative in that area. He'd always been the one to take charge and that seemed to be the way he'd liked it. It seemed to be what was expected of our relationship, by him, by my family, by the world of upper society that I had lived in for so long. But I was no longer in that world. Things were different here. I was different. And I needed to show that to my parents. And one way I could show that was by doing this.
So then… exactly how do I do this?
...well I suppose I could start by moving my hand in the general direction of his. Seemed simple enough… right?
Gulping and holding my breath, I slowly, oh so very slowly started reaching for his hand. As my fingers crept closer, the pounding in my ribcage grew louder and louder. A hairbreadth away from skin contact, I hesitated, what little courage I'd mustered already dwindling. But after a second, my face hardened. I needed to do this. For the sake of Operation Boyfriend But Shh Not Really. For the sake of a continued future free from my parents' control. With a newfound resolve burning in my chest, I pushed on.
My pinky barely brushed against his knuckle.
Nope! No way. Mm-mm, not happening!
I snatched my hand back, blushing furiously.
The blush of a failure. Pathetic.
However the touch, no matter how light and brief, hadn't gone unnoticed. Lea glanced my way, his head tipping slightly. Then he smiled, shifting his popcorn out of his lap over to his right while moving the soda from the cupholder between us to the one on his other side. Then he lifted the armrest separating us, folding it back between our chairs before slinging an arm around my shoulders and pulling me close so my head was pillowed by his chest.
I tensed for several seconds before relaxing against him, clearing my throat and, if possible, blushing even harder.
Well then.
Guess I no longer needed to worry about us not looking couply.
Even if I hadn't been the one to initiate.
...tomorrow. I would do a better job tomorrow.
As the last of the trailers ended and opening credits for the movie began filling the big screen, Lea ducked his head down next to mine. I could feel him grinning against my ear as he whispered, "This boyfriend model comes equipped with all the latest technology, including hilarious movie commentary. Would you like that feature enabled now?"
I leaned my head back a bit as I turned to look him in the eye. He cocked a playful eyebrow at me. Feeling one corner of my lips tug up, I whispered back, "Commentary on."
"You got it."
I was not disappointed.
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"Is this really totally necessary?"
"Oh absolutely. Your uncle's spies could be anywhere, ever vigilant and watching at all times."
"Even here? In the parking lot for my own apartment?" I frowned dubiously.
I could feel him nodding against my hair. "Especially here. I'll have you know I've seen at least three cars pass us already, each one more suspicious and shady than the last."
Date night had been a rousing success, if I did say so myself. We'd had a good time with friends, dinner was amazing and delicious, and the movie had been excellent. But as everyone knows, all good dates (even the fake ones) must come to an end. And at the end of every date, some sort of goodnight ritual is often at the very least customary, if not absolutely essential. Traditionally, this usually takes the form of the infamous goodnight kiss. However, since I'd already taken any sort of liplock completely and one hundred percent off the table, Lea had instead opted for a hug.
One… extremely and uncomfortably long hug.
...okay, that was a lie. It wasn't uncomfortable at all. In fact, was actually quite nice. Pleasant, even. Ten out of ten, would recommend.
We stood next to his car at the moment, my apartment building just a few yards away. After he'd parked and we'd both climbed out, he'd pulled my arms up to wrap around his neck, his hands once again finding their way under the leather jacket to encircle my waist, hugging me close as he'd rested his cheek atop my head. And so we had remained for quite some time now.
Kairi and Sora were no longer with us, having parted ways back at the mall, but I could see Rayne and Riku off to one side near their own vehicle, enthusiastically taking part in some cuddle time themselves while they waited for me. Which actually I really appreciated. Without their added presence here, I'd probably be getting a lot more awkward a lot more quickly about The Hug That Would Not End.
That said…
"We've been at this for at least five minutes now. Wouldn't you call that a bit, er.." I shifted my feet, resisting the urge to squirm, "...excessive?"
His hold on me didn't budge. "Gotta be convincing. 'Sides, we're obviously still in the honeymoon period of our relationship. You know, when the couple takes forever and a day telling each other goodbye a thousand times before actually leaving. Otherwise known as the No-You-Hang-Up-First phase."
My brow furrowed. "I thought that was only made-up for TV. Real people don't actually do that, do they?"
"Yup," I felt another nod. "Trust me, I'm an expert. I know these things."
I squinted off into space. "...haven't you only ever done one night stands?"
"Shush, I said trust me on this," he murmured.
And shush I did. I suppose I could look at this as a sort of… endurance training? Get me more used to his hugs so I'd be less awkward about them in public? Make them seem more natural? Yeah, okay. This might be good for me. Let's see how long I could keep this up.
...answer? Not long.
Tentatively trying to pull away, I began, "Alright, maybe we should-"
"One more minute," he insisted, squeezing me tighter and shifting his head down now to instead nuzzle against my neck. His nose was cold and his breath tickled against my skin, making my cheeks warm. Welp, so much for not squirming.
Huh. He really seemed to be taking this whole pretend boyfriend thing very seriously. This was some extreme dedication to the role.
And there my insides went all over again, doing the whole warm, fuzzy, squishy thing. Alright, just breathe. Deep, calming breaths. Remember: Conceal, don't feel.
...maybe just focus on the concealing part. The not feeling part was already a lost cause.
"Ya know," Rayne's voice suddenly piped up nearby, causing me to jump, "maybe you two don't have to say goodnight just yet." Lea straightened up, loosening his grip on me just enough for us both to turn our heads to see she'd joined us. Gracing us with a sly smirk, she said, "I mean, if you want to really drive this date home for any eyes that might be prying, Lea could always, ya know..." her eyebrows bounced as she leaned in closer to whisper conspiratorially, "stay the night."
"What?!" My face erupted into blistering heat, the likes of which would've put the Sahara Desert to utter shame. "N...No! Absolutely not! How could you possibly even-"
She laughed, her finger booping my nose. "Relax, you silly goose. Of course he'd only sleep on the living room sofa! S'not like your grunkle's minion would have x-ray vision into our home."
That's what she'd meant.
Well of course that's what she'd meant. It's not like she'd ever really suggest…
Actually, no, this was Rayne we were talking about here. I honestly wouldn't have put it past her.
She elbowed Lea in the arm, "So whaddya say, stud?"
He smiled, removing one hand from my waist to rub at the nape of his neck. "Well, I'd planned on getting some reading done for my classes tonight. But I do have my book bag in the backseat, so I suppose I could just as easily read here on your couch." His gaze shifted back down to mine, "That is of course, as long as you're okay with it!"
My face still recovering from its abrupt and devastating heatwave, I looked down and muttered, "Well, I… I suppose, ah… sure. Okay. I mean, just to keep up appearances… " My eyes flicked back up towards Rayne, "Thanks. I guess that's… actually a pretty good idea."
"Of course it is! I came up with it!" she beamed, planting her fists on her hips and puffing up her chest. Then she turned back to her husband, pressing her lips to his cheek as she linked her arm in his and led him over to the building entrance. Lea at last fully released me, but only long enough to unlock his car and pull out a messenger bag that looked heavy with textbooks. Kicking the door shut, he slung the strap of the bag over his head to hang across his chest before slipping an arm around my shoulders, grinning down at me as we followed the other two inside.
Once in our apartment, he removed the arm while Rayne pulled some spare pillows and bed sheets from the closet, tossing them onto the longest couch for Lea. Then grabbing a water bottle from the fridge, she unscrewed the cap and held her drink up high. "A toast! To Lea's sleepover! May it be the first of many!" she declared before tossing her head back to chug half the bottle.
Riku just snerked, shaking his head while Lea scratched his cheek with a weak chuckle and walked over to drop his bag on the sofa next to the blankets. I squeezed my eyes shut, pressing my fingers between my eyebrows with a soft sigh. Still, she had a point. I suppose it was only natural for my "boyfriend" to stay the night with some amount of frequency. Oh gosh, I hope this wouldn't be too much of an imposition on Lea.
As Rayne recapped the water bottle and put it down on the kitchen table, Riku stepped up to her, taking both her hands in his and pressing their foreheads together. "Hon, why don't we head to bed early tonight?" he asked, tone low and eyes hooded.
"Mmm," she breathed him in, smiling up at him through lowered lashes and nodding, "sounds good." As he pulled her towards their bedroom, Rayne glanced back at us. "Good night, you two! Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" she winked and waved before disappearing through the door, closing it behind her.
Silence followed. It felt strangely sudden and almost deafening.
I slowly turned to look at Lea.
He looked back, giving me a tiny smile.
That's when it struck me.
This was the first time in two full days I'd been alone with Lea. Like, really alone. Not in public, not where we had to put on the boyfriend-girlfriend act. Even when it'd just been the two of us in his car earlier tonight, even then we'd still had kind of been in the relative safety of pretend date mode. Besides, driving around in a car was completely different from being alone with him here, now, in my apartment late at night. Now that there was no more reason for all the hand holding, forehead kisses, and other little touches, things felt… well I wouldn't exactly say wrong per se, but more felt just kind of… off?
Panic was beginning to set in.
My mind was drawing a total blank.
I… didn't know how to be around him now. Not when we didn't have to fake a relationship anymore.
I'd forgotten how to act normal.
I think he could sense it too. The weirdness that had suddenly popped up out of nowhere. His eyebrows knit together, his gaze shifting about for a couple seconds. Then he opened his mouth to say something.
"Good night!" I loudly blurted out first.
Then I was in my bedroom so fast, you would have thought I'd spontaneously developed the power to teleport.
I slammed the door shut behind me, pressing my spine flat to it, eyes wide and taking shallow breaths through my nose. A few seconds passed where I just forced myself to inhale and exhale slowly a few times, trying to calm down. Then I winced, lightly banging the back of my head against the door.
Good job, Elsa. Way to make things mildly awkward. And for no real reason at all, you useless, hermitic dope!
With a small scowl, I shrugged out of the leather jacket and tossed it onto my bed. Then I unzipped my ankle boots, kicking them off and started pacing the length of my room back and forth, my hands twisting at my braid.
I couldn't just leave things like that. I had to talk to him. I had to toughen up and find an excuse to march my butt back out there. But what excuse?
My feet paused mid step as I glanced around my room for a minute before landing on one of my walls. Not just any wall. The one I shared with Riku's and Rayne's bedroom. Then I lightly tapped one fist into my palm. That's it! I quickly moved to my nightstand, opening the top drawer. Amongst its contents was a plastic baggie of earplugs. Digging out a pair and dropping the bag back into the drawer before closing it again, I then stepped over to my door. I took a second to take a deep breath and gather myself, standing up straighter and flicking my braid back behind me. Then with a firm, determined nod, I turned the knob and pulled, walking back out into the living room.
Lea was sitting on the couch that would be doubling for his bed tonight, arms splayed out wide to either side atop its backrest while he read the textbook that laid open in his lap. He'd pulled his hair out of its ponytail so his crimson locks were once again wild and free and he'd taken off his long-sleeved undershirt, now just wearing the tee.
Looking up at me, he all but leapt up to his feet. "El! Hi! I-" he grunted as the book he'd apparently forgotten was in his lap crashed down hard onto his foot.
I sucked in a tiny breath through my teeth with a frown, taking a step forward and reaching a hand out, "You okay?"
"Fine," he groaned. "I didn't need that toe anyway. It was only holding me back. Just dead weight." He laughed it off as he picked the textbook up off the floor, tossing it behind him onto the cushions before crossing his arms, "So, was there, ah… did you forget something?"
"Yes," I took a little step towards him, then frowned, glancing away. "Well, no…" I started to take a step back before catching myself. Wrong way, dork. "That is to say, sort of… er, I just...hm…" I thrust one fist forward, opening it palm facing up to reveal the earplugs, "Here!"
He stared down at them blankly. Then at me.
"Oh!" I gasped. "Right! Some sort of explanation would probably help." I gave a nervous heh. "So… uh… you know, those two," I gestured with my chin towards my roommates' bedroom door, "well, they just… the look they were giving each other before they went to bed, it's… well, it's a look I'm very familiar with from them. You know the look, the kind that should come with its own Marvin Gaye soundtrack. And those two… when they get going, they can really rattle the old headboard, if you know what I mean." A beat. Then I blanched. "Of course you know what I mean! Right, moving on. So uh… they are not quiet about it and they're definitely not quick. And these walls? They're thin. I'm talking like tissue paper thin. And not even the good Kleenex Deluxe kind of tissue, more like the cruddy, two-bit kind you'd get at the dollar store that just disintegrates if you even so much as breathe on it." Great, now I was just plain babbling. "These walls may as well not even be there for all the sound they block. Or rather, don't block. Then again, if they weren't there, then we'd not only hear but also see-" Wrap it up, girl, wrap it up. "A-Anyway! So just… just take these. You'll thank me later, believe me."
His eyes crinkled and he nodded, plucking them from my hand. "Alright, I'll take your word for it. Thanks."
Good. Okay. Yes, this was going well.
...huh. Though… slight hitch in the plan…
What now? I hadn't exactly thought this far ahead.
Maybe this was enough. I could now just make a graceful exit, leaving things in a better place than where I had previously. Yeah, that sounded good.
I gave him a tight-lipped grin, inching backwards as I pointed towards my room. "Okay then, I think I'll just…" But as I turned, my eyes landed on Rayne's and Riku's door again and I froze and grimaced. "Ah, shoot," I hissed under my breath.
"Problem?" I heard Lea ask behind me.
I shook my head, "I meant to ask Rayne to unzip my dress before she went to bed since the zipper is just where I can't reach and-" I blinked, then glanced over my shoulder at him sheepishly before fully turning to face him. "And why am I even telling you this? Forget I said anything. It's nothing, I'll figure it out."
"I can do it," he tossed the ear plugs onto the coffee table between us before stepping around it.
Waving my hands rapidly back and forth in front of me, I said, "No, it's fine. Really, you don't have to-"
"Don't be silly, just let me help you," he came to stop in front of me.
I tucked in my lower lip. Maybe I was just being silly about this. I mean, what was the big deal? Really? "...o-okay," I sighed, turning my back to him once more and sweeping my braid forward over one shoulder, running my hands down its length a few times. At least my old nemesis, The Blush, had the common courtesy to wait until I was no longer looking at Lea before creeping its way up into my cheeks.
I could sense him taking another step closer to me, could hear his gentle breathing as I felt his fingers undo the clasp at the top of the zipper. One of his fingertips incidentally grazed my skin and I couldn't stop a tiny shiver. Then there was a pause. Like… a long pause. I frowned straight ahead, uncertain. Nothing seemed to be happening. I turned my head slightly, stopping just short of actually being able to look back at him. "...everything okay?"
"Uh… yeah, the uh…" he cleared his throat, "...the stupid thing just got stuck for a sec there, but it's all good now." At last, the sound of the dress unzipping reached my ears. "There ya go, you're all set!"
My hand darted to clutch at the back of my dress, holding it together as I whipped around to face him. My blush? Only seemed to be growing in strength. I started backing away, "Th-thanks… for that. That was really… something. Nice! That was nice. Of you. To do that… for me. I-" I crashed into my door frame and stumbled. "Oops. Heh. Who put that there? Um… anyway…"
And on that eloquent and fully formed note, I dashed into my room, banging the door closed. Then I puffed out a breath, slumping down to sit on the floor as I pinched the bridge of my nose.
Great. Just dandy. I hadn't left things mildly awkward this time. Oh no, I'd only left them mega, ultra, super awkward now. Progress! Superb. Just perfect.
That's it. It's decided. I'm not fit for human contact. I was just going to barricade myself in this room and never come out ever again. Ever. Period. The outside world would be better off without me anyhow. Good bye, people. Hello, sweet sweet solitude. I-
I heard a muffled buzz and my head snapped up. It'd come from Lea's jacket on my bed. I squinted at it for a second. Then it clicked. My phone! I half crawled, half scrabbled over to it, digging into the pocket and pulling it out, swiping the screen.
There was a new text from Lea.
2nite was fun
I blinked, looking over at my door. Then back down at my phone, pursing my lips to one side. My thumbs hovered over the keyboard for a second. Then slowly I began to type.
I thought so too.
I waited as those three little dots hopped in a row.
We shud totes do it again sometime
A huff of amusement escaped through my nose, the tension starting to leave my body.
I'd really like that.
Then I tipped my head to one side, grinning slightly as I tapped away further.
I'm paying next time though.
The dots were dancing on my screen again.
Aight, if u insist. But b warned, Im not a cheap date
Now I actually laughed.
I can live with that.
Perhaps I'd been a bit too hasty. Maybe there was no need to barricade myself in here. Not just yet anyway. I'd hold off for a bit.
At least long enough to see what tomorrow would bring.
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Author's Note: Anyone else notice Lea's shirts seem to be getting tighter and tighter every new excuse he has to see Elsa out of his work clothes? I think he's subconsciously putting on a courtship display to present himself as a sexually viable mate xD Ahem, moving on… Fun Fact 1: Fuente Del Oro is a real, Coco-themed restaurant over in Disneyland Park in Paris! Google translate says the name means "Gold Fountain", oooOOooo pretty! I really hope Coco makes it into one of the future KH games eventually! Fun Fact 2: Elsa's dress this chapter is inspired by her purple dress from when she sings Into The Unknown in Frozen 2! Just picture it shorter and more cocktail-dressy. And I know in the movie, that purple dress is a nightgown, but shhh, we'll just forget that part. And the dress Lea described in his "how we met" story? Loosely based on Elsa's Show Yourself dress - again just picture it shorter, more practical and more sundressy xD Also if you haven't heard of it, Before Sunrise is a real movie, not to mention a real SAPPY movie. Kind of slow, but cute. I'd actually never heard of it until I started writing this chapter - saw a gif go by on tumblr of the lead couple from the movie doing something adorable that made me go "oh gosh, that's SO Lea and Elsa!" and had to watch it xD I'm kind of happy it came along when it did though, cuz it gave me inspiration for Lea's "how we met" story :)
Next chapter, what new challenges will Elsa face in her adventures in fake dating? Will she ever be able to work up the courage to initiate a display of affection herself? Just how much of a "not a cheap date" is Lea really? What about his shirts? CAN they get any tighter? Stay tuned!
Thanks for reading, I super duper appreciate it! And an extra BIG thank you to those of you who’ve liked, reblogged, and followed so far, seeing those lil notifications always brings the biggest, goofiest smile to my face!
17 notes · View notes
ververa · 5 years
A/N: First, I need to give a shout out to the anon who said I’m a great writer, because if it hadn’t been for you I’d give up on writing it. Also @misssmephisto​ thank you so much for your support <3 
So sorry it took me so long, but finally it’s done. The last part. Hope you enjoy it!
(And here’s Svetlana Loboda, cause she inspired me)
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Xandra x Fem!reader
You woke up at the hotel in the middle of the night. The first thing you saw was Xandra getting dressed. Your mind was immediately alerted – she’s leaving again.
“X-Xandra?” you spoke up
“Shh. I’m here. Sleep, honey”
“W-where are you going?” you asked even though you’re afraid of the answer
The woman looked at you and smiled.
“Nowhere. I promise. I just need to do something and I’ll be right back”
“In the middle of the night?” you sat up wrapping your naked body in a blanket
“Yes, in the middle of the night. Sleep, I’ll be back in a few hours”
“Are you leaving me again? Cause if you do…”
“No” she shook her head sitting down on the edge of the bed “I’m not going anywhere, cause there’s nowhere I’d rather be” she kissed your forehead “I’m done with him for good this time. We’re the only ones that matters from now on, baby. So, when I come back we’ll discuss our options, okay?”
You nodded smiling.
“I love you” you said hugging her
“I love you too” Xandra kissed you “Now, go back to sleep”
The two of you didn’t have too many options. You knew very well your family, especially your father, would never accept the fact that you’re a couple. That’s why you decided to leave. It didn’t necessarily matter where. The most important thing for you was to do be together.
Finding a new flat wasn’t that hard. It was far worse with getting a job, which you needed to pay for the rent. Things weren’t easy especially with Xandra, who wasn’t going to accept – as she called it – some “back seat”. However, you considered it a bit different. You needed a job, because you needed money. And it wasn’t that important what kind of job it was, so you gladly accepted the position in a night club. They wanted someone who can dance and help with performances. You had some experience after being a cheerleader, so you got it.
Xandra knew you’re working in a club, though she was sure you’re only a waitress. She had no idea that actually you’re performing there as a dancer.
How surprised she was when one night she decided to visit you. Instead of cleaning the tables or carrying glasses on a try, you’re on the stage. She needed a moment to process it. Seeing you there was a shock. You’re wearing a wig, had a heavy makeup, high heels and you’re dresses in a sequinned costume – which was more exposing than covering your body. She had already seen you performing as a cheerleader in college, but it was different. You seemed different. Xandra wasn’t mad, rather surprised. Her sober mind couldn’t take it all, so she ordered some tequila.
She’s watching you and sipping on her drink. She couldn’t deny – you knew what you’re doing. Xandra smirked. The fact that you’re hers filled her body with pride. It’s truly impossible not to look at you. And Xandra wasn’t the only one at the club who couldn’t take their eyes off of you. A group of three or so men was talking about you and catcalling you, which was slowly driving Xandra crazy. She emptied the glass of alcohol and looked at them.
She wasn’t a jealous type. Actually, she hadn’t been jealous before you met. Though, since you became a part of her life, every man or woman that dared to look at you seemed to be a potential threat. Xandra failed to understand what you had done with her. She’s a grown up woman, and she shouldn’t have fallen for you so easily. Yet, she did.
In her whole life she had had quite a few little love affairs, but none of them lasted long. They’re all rather scarce – until you came and changed her. With you everything was different. Everything was new. Since you appeared, somehow, everything was you. Her previous relationships definitely weren’t sensible, but being with you wasn’t either. It was something incomprehensible.
You’re her experiment – the most successful one. With a little help and her affection you evolved. You turned from a little shy girl into a strong woman. You bloomed like some rare species of flower. You were her panacea, her revolution. She needed you like she needed food.
And that scared her. She feared that someone may want to take you from her. That’s why Xandra was so possessive, which wasn’t always nice, but for you she had no vice.
She’s ready to fight the group of men – her potential foes. Luckily, the performance ended. She looked back at the stage, and when you spotted her you smiled sweetly and blew her a kiss.
You changed your clothes, removed makeup and a blonde wig you’re wearing, while Xandra was waiting for you outside. You smiled seeing her with a cigarette. You still couldn’t believe she was there – with you.
“Hey” you greeted her with a quick kiss
“Hey” she didn’t sound happy at all
“Are you okay?”
“Yes. I’m fine. Perfectly fine” she said stubbing out her cigarette
“You’re mad, aren’t you?”
“Mad is not the word I’d use” Xandra moved closer to you “You lied to me” she stated coming closer and closer, while you started to draw back instinctively
“I-I did not lie to you” you said
“You did not?” Xandra arched her eyebrow “Well, I don’t remember you telling me that you’re a dancer in this fucking club”
“Well…” you started as you got stuck between your girlfriend and a wall “I don’t remember you asking”
“This is ridiculous Y/N”
“What is ridiculous? The fact that we need money? That we have to pay for the flat? I don’t know what’s the problem now…”
“The problem is…” she stopped “We’ll finish this at home. Now, get into the car”
You followed Xandra to the car and you headed back home. The silence was unbearable, but you didn’t dare to speak up. You just sat there and watch the other woman. You could say she was upset, but you’re too. All you did was for her. You accepted that job for her and she couldn’t even appreciate it. By the time you arrived your mind was overtook by the negative thoughts and all the scenarios – what can go wrong when you get into the flat. Though, despite it, you followed her to your flat.
Xandra opened the door and motioned for you to go first. You did. You entered the flat. You’re tired and scared, so you just wanted to end it. You wanted to explain, even apologise. But as soon as you turned back to face her and were about to say something Xandra pulled you closer. She pinned you down to the door and started to kiss you.
“You’re mine, Y/N” she whispered into your ear “Only mine, cause I don’t share” she added biting your earlobe
You inhaled sharply.
“Only yours…” you said
Xandra looked at you and gave you a wicked smile before lifting you up. She carried you to the bedroom and flung you onto the bed as if you weighed nothing.
She looked into your eyes and you heart skipped a beat. There was something in that look, something you hadn’t seen before. Xandra was looking at you with so much love in her eyes, that your chest ached.
“I love you” she said and kissed you
“I love you too” you smiled
“I’m sorry I snapped” she lay down next to you “I didn’t mean to, but all those people watching you… All I can think of is that I’m not good for you. I’m not that young any more and let’s be honest I-”
You cut her off with a kiss.
“It’s and will always be only you. You and me. You don’t need to worry about them, because I have eyes only for you. You’re the only one I can ever want. I-”
“Shh” Xandra placed her finger on your lips “Come here and kiss me”
You did. You kissed her and she kissed you back. Then she wrapped you in her arms and spooned you from behind.
“You’re really good at it, you know” she said kissing your arm
“At what?”
“At dancing. Have you ever thought about doing it professionally? I don’t mean dancing in the club. You could go to a course or something… teach people how to dance maybe”
“It costs…”
“I know, but we can always save some money and…”
“Wait. Are you planning the future?”
“I…” she hesitated “Yeah, I think so”
“Wow” you kissed her hand
“Nothing. It’s just I’ve never thought our relationship would escalate to such level. I was sure that if anything it’d be me and than you’d be done with me…”
“I’d never be done with you, silly. You belong to me” she hugged you tighter
When you woke up Xandra was already gone. You had absolutely no idea where she went, but you didn’t worry about it. You knew she’s going to be back. You got up and start preparing a breakfast, when you heard a knock on the door.
“You have your keys. Are you really that lazy?” you asked sure it’s Xandra, but as you opened you froze
In front of you was standing your father.
“D-dad…? W-what are you doing here?”
“I thought that I should visit you. We need to talk, don’t you think?”
You let him in.
“W-what do you want to t-talk about?” you asked nervously
“I always consider you as a smart girl” you shook his head disapprovingly “What the hell are you doing with your life, Y/N?! And… with HER?! I can’t believe you let that whore vamp you!”
And at that very moment Xandra came back. She was about to open the door when she heard yours father’s voice. She was absolutely petrified. For the first time since a long time she had no idea what to do. She didn’t have enough courage to enter, because she knew she wouldn’t be able to take it if you decide to leave.
“First of all” you started “Don’t call her that! And second of all, she did not vamp me!”
“She’s using you! She’ll get bored soon and then she’ll leave you”
“Stop it! I understand that you’re mad, but don’t talk about her like that”
“Y/N, you don’t understand anything. I’m doing it, because I care about you. You’re my little daughter and I can’t let that whore-”
“I told you not to call her like that! I love her! Can’t you see it? Can’t you just accept it? I love her and she loves me. We love each other and are happy. Could you please respect it?! I have always done everything you wanted me to. I always did everything the way you wanted me to, but I don’t want to live like that. I’m not a child any more. I can take care of myself and I’m doing it. I’m not going to give up on Xandra, just because you want me to. So, either accept it or leave me alone – don’t call, don’t come… just forget about me”
You father stood there shocked. He said nothing, while Xandra – still outside – was on the verge of tears. Nobody had ever defended her like you did. No one had ever been there for her ready to fight. That was like a breakthrough. The moment of her coming to the realisation you’re all she may ever need. You were the one, she had been looking for in all her previous relationships. The most extraordinary person in her life. The one that felt like home.
Your father didn’t have a choice. He didn’t want to lose you, so whether he liked it or not, he had to accept the fact you’re with Xandra. He offered you his help with finding a better job and even wanted to buy and pay for a new apartment. Though, you didn’t want it. All you wanted was Xandra. To be with her, because you knew that together you could figure out everything else and face all the obstacles.
For the first time in your life, you actually managed to get your way. You did what your heart told you was right, yet you still felt a bit upset.
“Sweetheart, I’m home” you heard Xandra’s voice
You smiled, but didn’t answer and didn’t look at her.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah… My father was here. We argued. He’s so angry and said a lot of terrible things”
“I know”
“What?” you asked confused and looked at her
There she was – with a huge bouquet of roses.
“I know. I heard everything, but I didn’t… I just couldn’t… I was afraid that you may leave and I don’t know what I’d do without you”
“What are you saying? I’d never leave. I love you”
“I know. But the thought of it… Y/N, sweetheart” she came closer and knelt right next to you “You’ve changed me. And it’s not easy to change me” she took your hand “I’ve never felt like that before. You make me so happy that sometimes I’m worrying about myself, but at the same time I love it and I don’t want it to change. That’s why I want to ask you…For once I want to do something in the right way” she reached to her pocket with trembling hand “Y/N Y/L/N…”
“Xandra, what are you…”
She sushed you and showed you a ring with a little diamond. She put out her trembling hand
“Where did my charm go?” she laughed looking at you hopefully “Y/N…”
You couldn’t believe it’s happening for real.
“Baby, I… you’re the only one for me. For the first time I feel like home. And if you’re ready and if that’s what you want… I’d love to spend the rest of my life with you”
You looked at her. You said nothing, because she left you speechless.
“My God, Y/N, say something…”
“I love you” you hurled yourself into her arms “I’m all yours” you said kissing her
That might have not been expected. All that definitely was a kind of revolution, but you couldn’t remember being happier.
She was your new home, your solace and hope. She was your love. She was your and you’re hers to the end of time.  
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clumsyclifford · 4 years
popularity, or pink flowers
well the good news is i have absolutely no excuse for this. a month ago my dear friend spidey anon send this ask about wicked!5sos and then tonight it was revived when @calumsclifford starting discussing it and now it’s 4am and muke!gelphie exists. SO.
not to pretend this is a Real Fic because it’s literally just the Popular scene but with muke as gelphie, but anyway you can read this as pre-slash or as just homies, i don’t really care. also if anyone cares, kara lindsay is my favorite glinda and this is the video i watched to get the dialogue and gist of this scene down. even if you know absolutely nothing about wicked i recommend you watch it because kara lindsay is fucking hilarious.
anyway, obvious shoutout to maggie, who’s tagged above, for being the bearer of all the great musical!sos aus. this is my humble offering to you. also to spidey anon.
(side note i changed the ending a little bit because you know me. a sucker for a hopeful ending. fuck angst 2k20 baby)
Luke is buzzing when they get back to their dormitory, just a few minutes shy of midnight, and Michael sits at the edge of his bed and pretends not to notice the way Luke is literally bouncing on his own mattress.
Finally Luke snaps. “Your very first party ever!” he cheers, as if that’s something to be celebrating, that Michael is college-age and still has never been to a party.
“Do funerals count?” he asks, because if so he’s been to quite a few.
Luke frowns for a moment and then carries on, undeterred. “Your very first party,” he says, emphasis clear, and grins. “Yay!”
Michael doesn’t think the party was as much of a smash hit as Luke seems to believe it was, but Luke’s already leaping off his bed and scurrying over towards Michael’s. It’s possible Luke has had too much to drink; Michael wishes he’d known there would be alcohol. He would have taken advantage.
That, or Luke is just naturally this bubbly, which is an even more exhausting thought.
“I know!” says Luke, clambering onto Michael’s bed, pushing right up against his side. Michael shies away, hugging tighter to the pillow across his lap, but Luke doesn’t get the message and reaches to straighten out Michael’s fringe. “Let’s tell each other secrets. Something you’ve never told anyone before.” Grinning conspiratorially at Michael, he says, “I’ll go first.” Then, in a low whisper: “Ashton and I are going to be married!”
Michael blinks. Luke and Ashton are well-suited, he reckons; both a little bit flippant, a little bit ditzy, and very popular.  “He’s asked you already?”
“Oh, he doesn’t know yet,” Luke says cheerfully. “Now you tell me a secret.”
Michael can’t think of a single secret he wants to share with any version of Luke, but especially not this version of Luke, who’s so ridiculously upbeat it makes Michael want to crawl under his bed and hermit until he becomes one with the dust bunnies.
“Like what?” he asks.
“Like,” Luke says, and then before Michael can react he’s off the bed and reaching under Michael’s other pillow, “why do you sleep with this green bottle under your bed?”
Michael jumps to his feet, cheeks hot. “Give it back!”
“Come on, what is it?” Luke screeches, holding it high up, almost out of reach. Michael grabs hold of it and they play tug of war for a moment, Luke demanding to know what it is and Michael growling for him to return it, before Michael finally wins the battle and the bottle is safely in his hands.
“It was my mum’s!” he snaps. “That’s all. Fuck.”
Luke looks deeply upset. “That’s not fair,” he accuses. “I told you a really good one.”
Michael thinks he’s going to do something violent in a few moments unless Luke does something really redeemable. And then Luke turns back to his own bed and flops face-first into his pillow, unmoving. Like he’s really, truly hurt by this betrayal of Michael’s, daring not to match Luke’s oh-so-secret secret with one of his own.
It occurs to Michael that Luke is trying to bond with him. Or at least be friendly. And to be perfectly honest, that’s not something Michael’s come by too easily at Shiz. Friends, friendly people, anyone willing to make polite conversation...they’ve all been effectively nonexistent for Michael. For Luke, who had been such an asshole to him in the beginning (though Michael had returned the favor), to try and build a bridge despite their past failings, is actually pretty admirable. And Michael’s being cagey.
He caves.
“My dad hates me,” he admits. Luke immediately springs up. “That’s not the secret.” Once again Luke flops into his pillows, disappointed. Michael sighs. “The secret is that he has a good reason to. It’s my fault.”
This time Luke stands up and turns to look at him, and Michael recognizes the faintest trace of concern in his features. Sympathy. Not something Michael expected to see on Luke.
“What?” Luke asks, brows drawn together. “What is?”
This time, when he approaches Michael’s bed, it’s tentative, and maybe that’s what makes Michael shift over so that Luke can sit himself down. Still hugging the pillow close, Michael says, “That my sister is — the way she is.” Crippled, he doesn’t say, because she hates it when people call her that, even if it’s true. Nessarose is crippled for life. 
Luke watches him, careful, and doesn’t say anything, so Michael clears his throat and starts from the beginning. “See, when our mum was carrying Nessa, our father started worrying that the new baby might come out, you know.” 
“Green,” Luke supplements, although there’s nothing mocking in his voice, surprisingly.
“Green,” Michael agrees, looking down at his hands for a moment. When he looks back, Luke’s eyes are still on him. “He was so worried that he made mum chew milk flowers all the time. Only…it made Nessa come too soon, and her legs were all tangled. And mum never woke up.” He swallows, shakes his head. “None of which would’ve happened if not for me.”
Luke is quiet for a moment. Then he says, “But that was the milk flowers’ fault. Not yours.” He grabs at Michael’s hands and Michael is too startled to pull away. “That may be your secret, Michael, but that doesn’t make it true. You’re blaming yourself for something you didn’t even do. For someone you just are.” And then, just as Michael is thinking that maybe Luke is cleverer than he lets on, Luke cuddles into his side, stroking his hair and whispering, “Shh.”
“Uh, Luke,” Michael whispers back, because this is pretty weird.
Luke ignores him. Then he catches sight of the clock on the wall and leaps away from Michael to his feet, clapping in excitement. “Hey, look, it’s tomorrow!” Turning to Michael, he adds, “Mikey — is it alright if I call you Mikey?”
Michael grimaces. “Well, it’s a little childish.”
Luke ignores him again, happy grin fixed into place. Whatever Luke was sincerely reassuring Michael that Nessa’s deformity hadn’t been his fault is gone, and this bubblegum version of him is in his place. Michael’s not sure which one is the real Luke, or if there is a real Luke. Maybe Luke is just a bunch of personalities that slot in and out of place like gobo lenses on stage lights.
“And you can call me…” Luke spreads his arms. “Luke!” Like Michael wasn’t already doing that. “See, Mikey, now that we’re friends, I’ve decided to make you my new project.”
Michael stares. “You really, really don’t have to do that.” Please don’t do that, is what he means to say. Michael can only imagine what that means, and it’s not pretty.
But Luke, once again, is steadfast. “I know! That’s what makes me so nice.”
Michael doesn’t know if nice is the word. “I don’t need to be a project,” he tries, but Luke is already talking over him.
“You see, Mikey, I’m a very fortunate person,” he chirps. “And so when I see someone less fortunate than I am — which, let’s face it, is most people —  my heart aches for them. And when someone needs a makeover — well, I’m amazing at makeovers.” He tosses a grin at Michael. “Clearly. And I know —” Michael opens his mouth to protest and Luke puts a finger over it, “I know exactly what they need. Oh!” He stalls Michael on his return from putting the green bottle back underneath his pillow and reaches for his glasses. Michael winces as Luke pulls them away from his face, examines him for a moment, and then puts them back. Awesome. Michael’s always thought he looked dorky with glasses, but somehow Luke thinks he looks worse without them, which is just great.
“Luke —” he tries again, and is once more cut off.
“No, no, no! Mikey, listen. This is going to be tough. I’m not going to lie. You’re a real fixer-upper, but don’t worry. I have a perfect track record with makeovers. When I’m done with you, I swear, you will be popular.”
Michael frowns at Luke’s winning smile. “Popular?”
“Popular!” Luke agrees brightly. “I’m an expert on being popular, Mikey. I can teach you everything you need to know.” He gasps excitedly. “I can teach you to talk to boys!”
“I’m not really planning on —”
“And we can fix your hair!” Luke continues, growing more excited by the minute. At Michael’s face, he hurriedly says, “Not that there’s anything wrong with it! Except that it’s um, bad.”
“Oh,” Michael says faintly. “Well, if that’s all.” 
“Don’t worry, it’s not!” Luke says. Michael is tempted to try sarcasm again but it obviously sails right over Luke’s head, so he keeps his mouth shut as Luke fluffs a hand through Michael’s hair. Evidently he’s trying and failing to get it to do something — maybe stick up in a quiff like Luke’s does, which Michael could have told him would be a lost cause — and eventually he rocks back on his heels and huffs. “Well. We can work on that later. You look offended.”
“Well —”
“Lighten up,” Luke insists. “Think of it as…personality dialysis!” Which is a big word that stuns Michael into silence. He hadn’t really known Luke knew any big words, much less how to use them correctly. “Don’t be worried, Mikey. I told you, I’m a pro. And now that we’re friends and I can give you advice you have nothing to worry about.”
Michael is worried, although not for the reasons Luke thinks. He can’t picture a scenario where he walks out of this engagement unscathed.
“Luke, this is nice and all, but I don’t really feel like I need…to be popular.”
“Oh, don’t be silly,” Luke says. “Nobody needs to be popular. Well. Except me. But I am popular, so it works out pretty well!” He giggles. Michael wonders if the alcohol has worn off yet. Part of him hopes it hasn’t; if this is how Luke normally is with his friends, Michael has reason to be concerned. “Just let me help you. Let me try. You can be someone new! Instead of your old self! Well, your current self. Well — you get it.”
Michael sighs. “Okay,” he says, because the path of least resistance also seems like the fastest way to wear Luke out. He’s practically vibrating with excitement, and when Michael gives in he immediately springs into action.
“Amazing! First of all, let me take these —” Luke lifts Michael’s glasses off his nose and folds them up, then grabs Michael’s wrists and tugs him over to Luke’s bed. Michael doesn’t really see why this pseudo-makeover can’t happen from the safety of his own twin, but whatever. “See, Mikey, you just have to think logically. I mean, think about the big-shots you know about. Heads of state, diplomats.” Still chattering away, Luke reaches for something between his pillows, and Michael barely has time to register that it’s glitter — glitter, what the fuck, why would he keep that between his pillows — before it’s being dusted over his face. “Do you think they got those positions because they were smart? Of course not! They were popular. It’s all to do with being popular, Mikey. I know you’re smart, but that’s not enough anymore! It doesn’t matter how smart you are. It matters how many friends you’ve got.”
There’s a lot going on right now, what with Luke babbling about aptitude while he applies fucking glitter to Michael’s cheekbones, so Michael almost misses the part where Luke compliments him. Almost, but not quite. It’s right there; I know you’re smart, but…Michael feels his cheeks flush with pride.
“You really think being — popular is going to help me with my studies?” Michael asks hesitantly.
Luke beams, leaning away from Michael to survey his handiwork, and claps. Glitter clouds around his hands and flutters to the carpet.
“I don’t just think so,” he says giddily. “I know so. Okay. First of all, you need to learn to flirt.” Michael doesn’t really have time to wonder how flirting is going to help him get ahead in class, because Luke’s powering forward, and Michael has no choice but to listen in helpless captivity. “This is a simple two-step move. Step one: hair.”
“Hair,” Michael repeats.
“Yes, try and keep up,” Luke says impatiently. “Step one, you run your hand through your hair. Like so.” He demonstrates, and his hair takes on a charmingly mussed-up look. “Now you try!”
Certain that his hair will either stay the same or get worse, Michael concedes, dragging his hand half-heartedly through his hair. Luke looks unmoved.
“You’ve got to do it like you mean it, Mikey. Here, pretend I’m some hot guy you’re trying to impress. Well, you won’t need to pretend I’m a hot guy, but you get it.” He giggles.
Michael rolls his eyes. “Maybe if you tell me the second step I can put them together?”
“Oh! Right. Step two: bite your lip. Like so.” With a halfway smirk, Luke drags his bottom lip between his teeth, then grins at Michael. “Okay. Put it all together. Come on come on come on! You can do it!”
There’s no denying that Luke looks pretty sexy with his infallible two-step move, but equally no denying that Michael will crash and burn. Luke looks too excited not to at least give it a shot, though, so Michael bites the bullet.
He tries for a smile, which definitely looks more like a grimace, and then pulls a hand through his hair, biting his lower lip as he does. Confused by both things at once, he bites down too hard, and then winces. “Ow, fuck!”
Luke looks so overjoyed at his attempt that he wraps him up in a too-tight hug. When he pulls away he looks optimistic. “Well,” he says hopefully, “you can practice.” Michael snorts. Luke’s eyes light up like he’s struck with an idea, and he pulls Michael to his feet. “Ooh, oh! And now, I shall turn your ratty clothes into a bespoke suit!”
Ratty clothes? “I like these clothes,” Michael says defensively, as Luke grabs for his wand. Skinny jeans and t-shirts are most of his wardrobe, most if not all black. It’s part of his whole look. The emo, brooding loner look.
Luke ignores him, which is becoming a theme for the night. Morning. Whichever. Brandishing his wand in Michael’s general direction, he declares, “Suit!”
Nothing happens.
Luke frowns, taps the end of his wand, and emphatically repeats, “Suit!”
Again nothing.
“Is this thing even on?” Luke grumbles, and starts hitting the wand against his bed. 
Michael doesn’t want to be wearing a suit, but he also doesn’t want Luke to break his wand over this. “Do you want me to try?” he offers.
“No!” Luke says hotly, and throws the wand behind him, where it clatters against the wall and then to the floor. Calmly, he adds, “Just keep the, um, statement clothes. They’re cute.”
His expression says otherwise, but Michael decides not to look a gift horse in the mouth.
“And now for the finishing touch,” Luke says, leading Michael to sit again at the foot of Luke’s bed. Michael goes willingly; hopefully this means an end to this nonsense, and Michael can get to bed, and in the morning they can be, like, awkward acquaintances at best. Michael isn’t expecting a lasting friendship out of this. It will be nice not to be constantly hostile towards his roommate, sure, but Luke’s…well, Luke is Luke, cheerful and bubblegum pink and popular, and Michael is Michael, that is, none of those things. In no universe could he and Luke remain friends, whatever Michael might want.
Patiently, Michael sits and watches as Luke reaches for the flower clipped in his hair, pulling it neatly back from his face, and slides the clip into Michael’s hair instead. It probably looks ridiculous — Michael’s all dark colors and green and grumpy, and pink shouldn’t be within a five-foot radius of his outfit, much less in the form of a hair clip flower — but as soon as it’s in, Luke gives a short gasp, and a smile spreads slowly over his face.
“Pink goes good with green,” he says happily. Michael can’t help but smile himself at the sincerity in Luke’s expression. “Michael. Look at you. You’re beautiful.”
In all his years of life, Michael has never once been called beautiful, and he jerks at the word now, sure that Luke must be having him on, that this must all be an elaborate prank. But Luke tugs him to his feet and leads him to the mirror, and the Michael in the mirror is — huh.
Pretty, actually.
Everything fades around Michael until Luke is just a blur off to the side, and Michael stares at himself until his eyes start unfocusing. He’s never been pretty before, never been anything other than an embarrassment to everyone who’d known him. But now his cheeks glimmer when they catch the light, and somehow fussing with his hair has actually made it look soft and inviting, and the flower, somehow, inexplicably, does look good.
Warmth is blossoming in Michael’s chest, and with it, panic. This isn’t — this isn’t him. This isn’t Michael Clifford. This is some bootleg version of him, some bastardized combination of himself and Luke, and Luke isn’t who he wants to be, or even who he should be. He should be Michael fucking Clifford, and that should be enough. His intelligence should be good enough to carry him through his studies; he shouldn’t need popularity, or pink flowers.
“I,” he chokes out, as the world rushes back to him. “I have to go.” Anywhere else, anywhere other than in front of this mirror. He heads for the door but Luke grabs his arm.
“Hey,” he says, pouting. “You’re welcome.”
“Thanks,” Michael says, strangled. “I mean, thanks but no thanks. This isn’t me.”
“It looks like you,” Luke points out, still holding his wrist. “Just a prettier version of you.”
“Yeah, well, I don’t want to be prettier,” Michael snarls, wrenching his hand free.
“Who wouldn’t want to be prettier?”
Michael groans. It had been too good to be true all along; Luke really is that stupid, that shallow, that daft. “I don’t! I don’t care if I’m pretty, or if I know how to flirt, or if I’m wearing a fucking suit! I want to be enough as I am. This might be hard for you to believe, but some people want to have worth outside of their looks!”
Luke stares at him as Michael cuts himself off, chest heaving from the outburst. “You think all I am is a pretty face?”
“No, Luke,” Michael says tiredly. “You think all you are is a pretty face. But I don’t want to be that. I’d rather be clever than handsome.”
“You can be both clever and handsome,” Luke argues. “You’re not stupider if you put glitter on your face, Mikey.”
“Mikey. I don’t think you’re being very fair right now.”
“How am I not being fair?”
“I’m trying to help you, and you’re just — yelling and running away!” Luke says, throwing his hands up. “Maybe instead of blaming me, you should acknowledge why you’re really upset right now, huh? Admit it — you’ve never felt beautiful in your life, and now you’re upset because you didn’t realize you could have been pretty all along, and it was stupid, bubbly Luke Hemmings who taught you how to do it! You’re embarrassed that I knew something that you didn’t!”
Michael opens his mouth to retort, closes it, opens it again as the pink rises predictably in Luke’s cheeks — he’s probably not prone to violent outbursts the way Michael is, or confrontation at all, and now he looks like he might start crying — and says quietly, “Okay. Fine. You’re right.”
Luke’s eyes go wide. “I’m…right?”
“Yeah,” Michael says, though it pains him to admit it. “You’re right. I — I’m sorry, Luke. I shouldn’t have tried to run out. You were just trying to help.”
“I did help,” Luke argues weakly, bottom lip quivering. “I did.”
“You did,” Michael allows. “Thank you.”
“You look really nice, you know,” Luke whispers. “Even if pink isn’t usually your color. It suits you.”
“Yeah, well,” Michael says, casting around for something to say. “Maybe you should start wearing green.”
Luke quirks his lips in a smile. “Maybe I should.”
He won’t, and they both know it — Luke’s color is going to be pink until the end of time — but it’s an olive branch for the both of them, and as one they both grab hold of it. Michael gets the feeling that something is going to be different. Maybe Luke isn’t just going to be an awkward acquaintance. Maybe they’ll be friends.
It’s far-fetched, but stranger things have happened. After all, Michael’s wearing glitter.
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The Potter and the Blacksmith
Title:  The Potter and the Blacksmith
Rating:  Teen And Up Audiences
Warning:  (assumed)Major Character Death, but not really
Relationship:  Tony Stark/Thor
Link: Read on AO3 here
Summary:  Life was simple in the village of Belleville. Everyone had their job to do, and everyone lived in peace with each other. There had been no trouble in the village for a long time. The last werewolf attack was years ago, and dragons have not been seen for decades. Magic is prohibited in this realm, and the ruler of the village likes to take this very seriously. Once warned in a dream that she and her family would die by magic, she goes the extra mile to make sure there is never any magic in the town.
When the gregarious potter marries the isolated blacksmith, rumors start flying. What happens when one of them is suspected of using magic?
Life was simple in the village of Belleville. Everyone had their job to do, and everyone lived in peace with each other. There had been no trouble in the village for a long time. The last werewolf attack was years ago, and dragons have not been seen for decades.
 Magic is prohibited in this realm, and the ruler of the village likes to take this very seriously. Once warned in a dream that she and her family would die by magic, she goes the extra mile to make sure there is never any magic in the town.
 In this town lives a potter. No one is sure how he does it, but the pottery he makes is a better quality than the other potters in the village. The potter is a big blonde man who is always down for a good laugh. Every day, he is in the marketplace buying and/or selling. He knows everyone’s names, and everyone knows his. The ladies of the village all claim he smiles at them the best, but few actually know the one with which his true affection lies.
 The blacksmith, on the other hand, is a short man who isolates himself from the town. No one really knows him, and new rumors about the man are generated every morning. Some say he is the disinherited son of a noble, some say he’s a magical being living in disguise.  Others claim him to be a devil, what with the amount of smoke that arises from his home each day. No matter what the rumor, no one will ask the man; they are all too afraid. If one does not have needed reparations, one does not go near the smithy.
 The blacksmith is not unfriendly when one talks to him. He prefers to be left alone. All the horses and donkeys that are left with him are treated with the utmost gentility. He charges reasonably and never causes problems. He has two apprentices that mostly deal with the customers, and they don’t seem to be mistreated.
 One day, the potter takes a walk up the hill to the smithy. “Peter. Harley. Is Tony available?” He greets.
 The blacksmith walks in from the forge, wiping his hands on a rag. “Thor. Welcome. How are you today?”
 “I was wondering if you would perhaps like to dine at my house tonight? I am making that stew you enjoy.”
 Tony, ever the oblivious one, cocks his head. “That sounds appetizing but I do have this invention that I need to work on that requires proper care.”
 “Master Tony, we can keep an eye on that. It is our jobs.” Harley is quick to speak up.
 “Why don’t you boys go to Mr. Thor’s house instead? Perhaps you can enjoy a good meal instead of my burnt mistakes.”
 Thor groans inwardly, and the boys look uncomfortable, clearly picking up on Thor’s offer. “Master, Mr. Thor didn’t ask us.” Peter begins.
 “He wouldn’t mind. He makes enough to share.”
 “What if Mr. Thor brings the stew here?” Harley asks. “Then we all could have some.”
 Thor sighs. “That sounds splendid. I shall do as such.”
 “Great! Then it’s settled.” Tony claps. “I must get back to my invention.” And he slips back to the forge.
 Harley turns to Thor. “We sincerely apologize. He’s not great on picking up social cues. You would think with his upbringing…”
 “Shh! We’re not supposed to talk about that!” Peter elbows him.
 Thor slips out before he witnesses a brawl. He must do something to get Tony’s attention… but what? Perhaps if he asks to court him, straight up, he’d agree.
 True to his word, Thor brings a kettle of stew to Tony’s cottage. As they gather around the table, a large boom sounds from the forge. Tony hops up to check on his invention, and Thor follows him. When they walk  into the forge, Thor wants to kiss away the sadness in Tony’s eyes. The invention is scattered across the floor, having blown up.
 “Don’t worry, Tony. I can help you fix that.” Thor tries to cheer him up. He produces a blue ball of swirling energies, and uses it to bring the pieces back together.
 Tony slaps his arm. “Put that away!” He hisses. “Magic is what got me into this mess in the first place!”
 “You have magic?” Thor is intrigued.
 “No I do not!” Tony cries. “But for some reason, everyone I meet seems to think I do. My own father disowned me and sent me away, and I took two of his best apprentices with me. They were basically my sons anyways.”
 Thor feels a little lost. “Why would they think you have magic?” He wonders.
 “My brain is quite skilled. I  have been inventing since I was four years old. When my creations become more advanced than ever, people start to wonder what magical powers I have. Magic is illegal in these lands, Thor. You should really be careful to whom you show your powers,” Tony says earnestly, and Thor wants to pull his own hair out. Why can’t the man see that Thor is choosing to trust him?
 “Do you have any advanced inventions at this cottage?” Thor asks. “I would be curious to see what you mean.”
 Tony looks dazed, then suspicious. He finally relents. “I guess. It’s not like I don’t have anything over you if you decide that my inventions are wicked. When we have finished your stew, I will show you as the boys clean up.”
 Once the stew is gone, Tony leads Thor to a secret room in the back of the cottage. Inside are wonders of which Thor could not have dreamt! “Tony, this is beautiful,” Thor breathes. “Thank you for sharing this with me.”
 Again, Tony cocks his head and narrows his eyes as if he’s trying to figure something out that he just can’t grasp. “You like it? No one ever likes my inventions.” He accuses.
 “Everyone else is a simpleton, afraid of things they cannot explain or understand.” Thor cups Tony’s face with his large hands. “May I court you, Tony?”
 “You want to court me?” Tony snorts. “People will talk, Thor. We’re not exactly compatible.”
 “Do you dislike me? Because I am intrigued and delighted by you.”
 Tony sighs. “Of course, I don’t dislike you, Thor. Everyone likes you. I just… when the rumors of my upbringing come this way, and I know they will, I would hate for you to be caught in the middle.”
 “I assure you; I can hold my ground.” Thor moves his hands down to Tony’s shoulders.
 “I’m sure you can.” Tony’s eyes run over Thor’s body appreciatively. “But that doesn’t mean you should have to.”
 Thor knows he has to phrase himself differently. He thinks a moment, then says, “Tony, if you do not want to court me because you do not like me as I like you, I shall take no as an answer and leave you be. But if you do not want to court me because you believe I will grow to regret it; I implore you to take a chance on me. I promise I will never regret you.”
 “Ok.” Tony wilts. “I will accept your offer of courtship.”
Four Years Later
Thor wakes up next to his husband. His eyes trace Tony’s sleeping features. This is one of Thor’s favorite parts of the day, watching the usually bustling blacksmith lie stilly and peacefully in the morning hours. Thor runs his finger over Tony’s cheekbone and places a kiss on his forehead. It is time for him to get out of bed.
 Letting Tony sleep, Thor pads off to his workroom. Wisps of magic fly around the room, keeping the clay running and the wheel turning. Other wisps are making engravings in the quickly drying pots and bowls. Satisfied with their progress, Thor heads back to his bedroom. Tony is waking up.
 “Good morning, my love.” Thor sinks down beside him on the bed and gives him a kiss.
 “Hmm. Good  morning.” Tony leans in for another. “You know, the boys spent the night at the forge.” He wiggles his brows. Catching Tony’s drift, Thor is quick to comply.
 Once both are properly sated, they wash together and get ready to start their day. As Thor walks out the door to walk with Tony to the forge, one of his little wisps decides it is going to latch itself to Thor’s pants. It detaches when they arrive at the forge. This is where everything goes to shit.
 Tony speaks with a customer in the forge, later that day, when a little blue speck catches the townsman’s eye. His eyes narrow, but he doesn’t speak up. Two days later, the little wisp makes its way down into the town. The ruler sees it and immediately calls a council together. They must find the witch.
 In a frenzy, the townspeople start throwing accusations left and right to the point that no one knows what to believe. Finally, the ruler quiets everyone down, and she asks, “Does anyone have any evidence that the person which whom you are accusing has been using magic?”
 Everyone quiets down with a  murmur until the man who had been at the forge two days earlier speaks up. “I saw a speck like that in the blacksmith’s forge not two days ago.”
 “He must be the witch.” Someone else yells.
 A traveling merchant asks, “Who is the blacksmith in this fair town?”
 “Tony Carbellino.”
 “If he be who I think, the man is a liar and a thief. I had been looking for this man awhile.” The merchant advises. “I believe him to be the disowned son of the nobleman Howard Stark. When it came about that his son dabbled in the magic arts, the kind Lord Howard asked his son to run away and never come back – he couldn’t bear to see his son killed. Anthony did leave; however, he took with him two of the lord’s finest apprentices. I would imagine that they are now blacksmith’s apprentices when they could have been so much more.”
 “But he does use magic?” A farmer asks.
 The merchant nods. “There is no way he could not, what with his unnatural creations. Please be careful when you go to confront him. Who knows what he has as a defense.”
 The townsfolk grab their swords and light their torches. They don’t need a witch in their nice town. They pull Tony from his forge and tie him up, despite his loud protests. Forcing his apprentices outside, they set fire to the house and forge. Only one room remains, but when someone tries to open it, a blue flash appears, and the person flies back ten feet. They decide to leave the room there and drag the blacksmith to the town square.
 Harley, Peter, and Tony all scream and argue that they have the wrong person, but to no avail. The townsfolk don’t notice when Harley leaves the procession. Focusing their wrath on Tony, they lash him to the whipping post and set it aflame.
 Suddenly lightning erupts in the sky. Thor stalks down to the center square, eyes glowing an unearthly blue. “What have you done?” He bellows. Rushing through the fire, he pulls Tony out, but it seems that he’s too late. Tony is badly burnt and no longer breathing. Falling to his knees, Thor lets out an inhuman bellow, and lightning strikes the ground all around him.
 The ruler is grasping her metal staff when the electricity moves its way up to her hand and through her body. She falls to the ground, dead. Everyone else backs away from Thor, afraid of who will be killed next. The witch screams again with the pain of losing a lover. Thunder crashes loudly, and rain begins to fall. Only a sob from Peter keeps Thor from wreaking pain and death on the whole town.
 “Thor! Stop please!” Peter cries.
 “They killed him, Peter. He’s dead.” Thor tries to tell the boy, but Peter shakes his head.
 “I know they did, Thor.” He looks up at the witch earnestly. “But what would Tony want you to do?”
 Thor breathes heavily. “He… would… want… me… to let him rest in peace.” His eyes flash blue again. “But I want revenge. He’s no longer here – how am I supposed to live?”
 “We'll move to a different town,” Harley tells him. “We'll take all of Tony’s inventions and start over. Tony would like that.”
 The villagers rush into their homes and bar the doors as the two boys try to calm Thor down. Eventually, he relents, and they lead him back to his home. “Come on, we'll pack up and leave tomorrow.” Harley comforts the man. “You won’t have anymore reminders of this horrible place anymore.”
 Thor spends his night packing up all his belongings. They will have to travel far away to remain unknown. His wisps curl up softly in a jug, and he sets them in a safe place. Where can he go? How will he live without the love of his life? Thor breaks down and cries til dawn. As he readies himself to leave, there is a knock on his back door. Thinking it’s the boys, he sighs and flings the door open, only to reveal…. Tony. “No, you’re dead. I saw you die.”
 “Thor, love, do you think me a fool?” Tony questions. “I grabbed a vial of your life spell. No matter what they did to me, I could recover. It’s me, hor. I’m right here. Test me however you want; I will pass.
 Thor pulls Tony close, kisses him deeply, and then motions to his belongings. “we are moving out.”
 “I understand,” Tony nods. “We should go somewhere were neither of us are known… or to a land where magic is allowed.”
 “I can take you back to my homeland,” Thor advises. “We are families of witches. Our spells are passed down from generation to generation. Please advise and I will request passage from Heimdall.”
 Tony agrees, and they walk the cart up to the remains of the forge. Getting the boys, they all stand in Tony's invention room, and Thor casts a spell. A bright rainbow light shoots down from the sky onto them. When it disappears, so has everything it touched.  The only thing left is a pattern burned into the ground.
300 Years Later
This story is passed down the generations, how a man came back to life and another man controlled the lightning. No one knew how they left. Some said that the witch caused them to ascend; others said a dragon burned them to ashes. No matter what happened, the two were never seen again. The burn marks are now gone, and a house has been built where the forge once was.
 No one knows if the story is true, and children ask for the story of the potter and the blacksmith. Every once in a while, though, someone thinks they see a little blue wisp…
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trashmagines · 5 years
Three’s A Party: Four x Reader x Eric
TrAshy Says: This literally just popped into my head so if it’s shit, you know why. No hate to Tris but reader’s jealousy is almost as bad as her boys ;)
Warnings: A little violence, Suggestive themes 
“I don’t know how you do it, Y/N.” Tori exhales, nimbly dodging your fury of punches. 
Though she preferred the laid back nature of tattooing, Tori still liked to spar, especially with you. It was the perfect time to catch up on life and hone your fighting skills. You guys may have been best friends, but neither of you went easy on each other, as told by the bruises that were starting to form on both your bodies. 
“Do what?” you breathe, blocking a high kick. “Date both of them. One of them is bad enough, but both? Together? You’re just asking for trouble.” 
This isn’t the first time your relationship has been the topic of conversation, but it still catches you off-guard all the same. Tori uses this to her advantage and swipes your feet from under you, knocking you flat on your back and pinning you underneath her booted foot. You tap out begrudgingly, and she half-smiles at your glare before helping you up. 
“I know you don’t like them, but-” “Correction, I like Four; it’s Eric I don’t like.” “BUUUUUUT! They’re both apart of my life. Yeah, it can get hectic, I won’t deny that. But they care about me and I care about them. Honestly, it’s not as bad as most people think it is.” 
Tori simply nods, knowing that even though she doesn’t really understand, she should stop talking about it for now. She hands you a bottle of water which you sip from graciously, before declaring that she needs to get back to the shop. 
“Same time next week?” “Of course, Tor.”
You wave goodbye and exit the pit, quickly making your way toward the space you share with Eric and Four. When you open the door, a heavenly scent drags your willing body to the kitchen, and you see a shirtless Eric standing over the stove. 
“Damn it smells amazing in here.”
The smile you’re greeted with makes your heart flutter, and Eric quickly turns off the burner before crossing over to you and connecting your lips. 
“You’re late.” he states when he pulls away. “Maybe you’re just early.” you smile. 
Eric returns to the stove and begins plating what he’d cooked. You notice that he only prepares two plates, and you instinctively speak up. 
“What about Four?” “He’s training one of the initiates and he said not to wait. You didn’t get his text?”
You hadn’t checked your phone the entire time you were with Tori, and sure enough, when you do, there’s a missed text from Four. 
Hey Y/N, helping Tris train; she’s afraid she won’t make the cut. Don’t wait up...or do ;) - Four
Even with the suggestive end, you find yourself frowning. So what if Tris didn’t make the cut? If she couldn’t hack it on her own, that was her problem. So why was your boyfriend helping her? Your dissatisfaction must have been plain to see, because Eric chuckles as he looks between you and your phone. 
“Hmm, are you jealous, princess?”
Your head snaps towards him and you scoff as if he’d just accused you of the worst crime. Both Eric and Four were known for their jealousy; people barely even looked at you when they were around for fear that they’d somehow invoke your boyfriends’ wrath. You, on the other hand, swore you weren’t the jealous type. And yet...
“Now you know how we feel.” Eric grins, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek. 
Four doesn’t get back until after both you and Eric are already asleep. 
You hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, honest. You’d been walking down the corridor toward the tattoo parlor when you heard them, Tris and Christina. 
“So that’s why you’ve been coming back so late! Getting cozy with a leader, huh? That’s bold.” “Shh! We’re not getting cozy, he’s just helping me train; that’s all.”
You stop in your tracks immediately. 
“Sure, sure. So you don’t like him? Not even a little bit?” Christina asks with a playful lilt.  “Even if I did, he’s already in a relationship. A happy one by the looks of it.” “Yeah, true... On the other hand though, Y/N’s also dating Eric. I mean, does she really have to date both of them? Would it be such a crime to at least see if Four is interested?”
You don’t stay long enough to hear Tris’ reply and you’re still fuming when you plop down in Tori’s chair. She takes note of your clearly frustrated state after setting up her tools, and she decides to ask about it when she’s well into the process of lasering ink into your skin.
“I just... overheard something that upset me.” “Yeah? What?” “It... It’s stupid, don’t worry about it.” “If you’re this mad it’s probably not as stupid as you think. Plus, I’m your best friend; you’re pretty much obligated to tell me about things that are pissing you off.”
You playfully roll your eyes and Tori smirks at you, waiting for you to give her the details. So you do; you tell her about Four’s recent late-night training sessions and the bit of the conversation you’d heard. 
“I hate to break it to you, Y/N, but you’re definitely jealous. Of an initiate.” “I know! Like, god, is this really what Eric and Four feel when people flirt with me? If so, I kind of understand where they’re coming from.” “At least you didn’t punch her.”
You raise your eyebrows in surprise, then a wicked grin slowly spreads across your features as you get the best idea. 
“Y/N, no. No! Don’t be like them!” “I won’t hurt her...too bad.”
Tori sighs in defeat as she removes the pad covering the skin below your chest. She helps you stand and you revel in the new, intricate sternum piece. Still smiling, you pay her and thank her for the wonderful idea. She knows this won’t end well. 
A few days pass and Four still finds himself helping Tris, much to your dismay. You’d even walked in on them after returning to retrieve your forgotten jacket, and the sight almost made you scream. Four had his hands on Tris’ hips, perfecting her form as she beat on a punching bag. Though you knew he was only correcting her, your skin burned at the way she was looking at him. 
If you’d had a throwing knife on you, it probably would have been whizzing through the air at them already.
The next day, you wake up before Eric and Four, ready to exact your revenge plan. You dress in a black sports bra and leggings, both of which accentuate your bust and butt respectively. You then pull on your favorite cropped zip jacket and head out without saying a word to either of them. Your phone goes off consistently throughout the day, both men wondering why you hadn’t spoken to them all morning. By the time afternoon sparring sessions roll around, you’re grinning at the number of missed messages as you make your way towards the training room. 
You practically burst through the door, all eyes drifting to you as you stalk toward Eric and Four. You remove your jacket on the way over, both men taking in your outfit like you knew they would. Before either of them can ask what the hell you’re doing, you turn your attention towards the initiates. 
“There’s going to be a little challenge today. Anyone that can beat me in a fight will move up two spots on the ranking board.”
Murmurs spread throughout the group as you step onto the platform. Four is about to speak up, but Eric silences him with a wave of his hand, a smirk adorning his features. He knew exactly what you were doing, and he wasn’t about to stop you.
One by one, initiate after initiate challenges you, and one by one they all fail. You’ve successfully taken down even the highest ranking members, managing to send a few to the medical bay. 
“Who’s next?”
The remaining initiates look among each other, none of them wanting to succumb to your fists. You chuckle softly as they all visibly recoil under your gaze. When you finally look at Tris, you smile sweetly.
“You. Get up here.”
Tris’ eyes go wide, but she knows she can’t exactly say no to a leader. Hesitantly she steps onto the platform and gets into her defensive stance. You do the same, and when Eric shouts to begin, you charge at her. She just barely dodges your attacks, and even manages to deliver an elbow blow to your jaw. Unfortunately she misjudges how quick you are, and with one powerful side kick to the gut, Tris is sent over the platform’s edge, her back colliding hard with the concrete floor. You stand tall, looming over her as she groans before turning your attention to the rest of the clearly worried initiates. 
“I don’t care what that board says, you’re all weak.” 
You step off of the platform, only sparing your boyfriends a glance before grabbing your jacket and exiting the room. By the time they get back to your shared place, you’ve already showered, changed, and started dinner. You pay them no mind until you feel a pair of arms wrap around your torso. 
“I won’t lie, watching you kick ass is always hot, but you could have just talked to me if you were jealous, princess.” Four’s voice tickles your ear as he places gentle kisses on your neck.  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” you sigh, leaning back against him.  “Oh really? So you sent seven people, one of them being Tris Prior, to the medical bay for the hell of it?” Eric asks, standing beside you. 
You bite your lip to keep from grinning, but both men see right through you. Four shuts off the burner you’re currently using, then turns you so that you’re now sandwiched between him and Eric. The latter rests his head on your shoulder, his hands massaging tiny circles into your lower back, while Four rests his hands on your torso right above Eric’s and shakes his head at you. 
“Y/N, you know that neither of us want anyone but you. You don’t ever need to be jealous.” “Funny; I say that to you two all the time, yet people won’t even look at me if you’re around lest one of you decides to make their life a living hell.” “That’s different,” Eric pipes up, “we can’t do better than you, but you could definitely do better than either of us. Especially Four.” “I’m sorry, who came in second place on the ranking board? Oh that’s right, you.” “Fuck you, Four.” “Boys!”
They go silent as you look between them, and a light laugh passes your lips. 
“Tori was right; I don’t know how I put up with you two.” “That’s easy. It’s because you love us.” Four smiles confidently. “Besides you know what they say: Three’s a party.” Eric chuckles.  “We’re not really having that much fun though...” you trail off. 
Both sets of hands on your hips tighten reflexively at your tone, and when your eyes meet Four’s, he’s not surprised to see the lust burning in them. Stepping closer to you, effectively trapping you in a wall of heat and muscle, Four speaks, his breath fanning across your face.
“We can easily change that.”
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allmight-amiright · 5 years
Biggest Fan. Todoroki Shouto
Request: Paparazzi by Lady Gaga ft. Todohoeki (not direct quote but close enough)
Word count: 1.5K
Warnings: Dark themes.  Stalking.  Murder.  Yandere character
Notes: I’m still weak that you called him Todohoeki and I haven’t stopped calling him that since.  MORE IMPORTANTLY: FAMOUS MUSIC ARTIST!READER AU
He had been there from the beginning.  You was one of the ones who tuned in to every live stream, left comments and likes on all of your social media posts.  He would leave you really kind dms and tagged you in posts when called for.  He did everything every other fan did.  To be honest, he had now become another username in the notifications.  You cared for all of your fans, but you finally made it big in the music industry and with the big influx of fans, you just didn’t have as much time for the personal interactions like you used to.  Those who had been there from the start were so glad that you were finally getting the recognition they thought you deserved.
Well, most of them were. 
Todoroki Shouto missed the attention from you.  He missed having conversations with you during your live streams, seeing you laugh and smile at his comments.  He missed seeing the Instagram notifications like “@y/u/n liked your comment” and “@y/u/n replied to your comment” and the soft sounds of Twitter alerting him of a new message from you.  The two of you, in his mind, had become really good friends and he thought that there was a spark hidden somewhere in those private messages.  
You were his everything.  You were his wallpaper on his phone.  He had photos of you hung up around his room.  Your albums were the only thing he listened to.  He had blogs dedicated to you, all of your official merchandise, fan-made merchandise.  If you were in anyway associated with it, he probably had it.  
The alarm on his phone went off, alerting him that it was time for your weekly live stream.  He always tried to be early so he could have some time with you, just the two of you and a few other people, just like the old days.  He logged onto Twitch, selecting your profile and patiently waiting for you to go live.  Minutes passed until your face showed up on the screen of his laptop.  
“Hi, everyone!  Yes, jamie_tries, I know I’m late,” you say with a laugh.  “I may have gotten a little distracted by Say Yes To The Dress, but the episode is over, so I’m here- No, chat, I’m not getting married.  I just like watching other people get married.  Anyway, I asked you guys yesterday to submit some fun questions over on Twitter for today’s stream, so while people still join, I’m going to pull up some of the ones that I had saved.”
You pulled your phone out.  Todoroki narrowed his eyes at your phone case.  You had changed it since your last stream.  It was no longer the one with the black flowers, but instead you changed it to a sleek black case.  That’s not what put him off though.  It was the letter on the case that threw him for an unwanted loop.  There was nothing that started with the letter J in your brand nor did have anything to do with your life, so why was there a yellow J on your phone case?
Your eyes flit down to the chat where everyone else is asking the same questions Todoroki is and you laugh slightly, hiding the initial with your hand.  “It was a gift from a friend.  They thought they were funny when they gave me their initial.”
Your best friend’s name was Ashley.  Todoroki didn’t know any of your friends that had a J name.  He opened another tab, bringing up all of your social media pages.  He scrolled through all of your following and followers, compiling a list of users that had the letter j anywhere in their username.  It was a deep dive and he was barely paying attention to your stream, but this was important.  He needed to figure out who was threatening to steal you away from him.  After an hour, he had list narrowed down to a few mutuals that he was suspicious of: an old high school classmate named Jason, the nephew of your producer named Justin, a backup dancer named Jasper, Jake the sound guy, and Johnny who was Ashley’s distant cousin.  The frustration began to build in his chest, knuckles turning white as the grip on his pen tightened with each passing moment of not knowing the truth.  He was your biggest fan.  He was supposed to know everything about you.  He was supposed to meet you in person at your next concert and you would look him in the eyes, say, “No way! You’re @scream-and-shouto!  I’m so glad to finally meet you!”  He would ask you out to dinner.  You would obviously say yes.  The two of you would date and then would eventually have a grand wedding in your favorite place on the planet.  You would start a family together and live the fairytale life that he had planned for you.  
But none of that was going to happen with this J person in the picture.  
J was a boyfriend, obviously.  It didn’t take a genius to figure that out.  The way your cheeks turned the most adorable shade of pink at the mention of the phone case alluded to that easily enough.  
The phone case started a whole new chapter in his life that he never intended to get this out of hand.  He was at every single one of your concerts while you were out on tour, following you at a distance that wouldn’t be seen as suspicious by most people.  He would wait down the hall from your hotel room every time you were there, waiting to see if anyone other than you came in or out of the room.
After the sixth tour destination, you started acting differently.  You were constantly looking over your shoulder and you tended to walk with a larger group of your dancers rather than just one or two.  You would lead the group twenty minutes out of the way to get wherever you were going.  You were skiddish at even the slightest noises and if a fan stopped you in the streets you kept the conversation short, obviously wanting to get away quickly, eyes darting every which way as you hurridly took a selfie with the fan and gave them a hug.  It wasn’t like you to brush your fans off.  You were scared.  Todoroki didn’t know what had you so spooked, but he was going to find out if it was the last thing he did.  He was going to keep you safe, no matter the consequences.  
It was the ninth stop on the tour before anyone said anything to him.  He was sitting at a table across the restaurant from your group when one of them got up from their chair and walked over.  The man cleared his throat.  “Can I sit?”
Todoroki’s eyes narrow, but he nods anyway.
“What’s your name, man?” the man asks.
“Why are you interested?”
“Listen, we know that you’ve been following us.  I don’t know what magazine you’re working for, but this is ridiculous.  You’re not going to dig up any dirt on Y/N.  Honestly, you’re starting to freak them out more than anything.  So, could you maybe lay off?  Y/N isn’t used to being followed by the paparazzi yet.”
It wasn’t until the tenth stop that the news came out about one of your back up dancers being found murdered in a hotel bath tub.  It was the tenth stop when Todoroki Shouto became a suspect in a homicide.  It was that tenth stop when he finally got to talk to you.  
Was the situation ideal?  No.  He never imagined his first real conversation with you to happen in your hotel room, your wrists tied to the arm rests of a chair, your boyfriend bleeding out on the hotel bed.  Tears streamed down your face, silent from terror as Todoroki stood in front of you, the shard of broken mirror that was stained red with blood still dangling from his fingers.  
His thumb traced your face, wicking away tear drops and leaving behind streaks of blood.
“Shh, princess.  Don’t cry,” he whispered, holding your chin lovingly in his hand.  Despite his words, the tears continued down your face.
“What do you want from me?  I have money.  Just please, don’t hurt me,” you whimper.
Todoroki is taken aback.  He would never hurt you and the fact that you would ever think he would, made his heart break. “Y/N, princess, I would never hurt you.  That’s the last thing I would ever do to you.  I love you, princess.  All I want to do is protect you from all of those bad people out there in the world, okay?”  The restraints are removed from your wrists and he pulls you to your feet.  He tugs you into his chest, stroking your hair as you cry, keeping you firmly in place with his other arm. 
“I love you more than anything, princess.  Remember that, okay?  No one will ever come between us again.  It’s you and me until the end.”
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fluidfox123 · 5 years
An Idea
So, I animate a little but not well enough to do this idea that's been stuck in my head for WEEKS. So, instead, if anyone wants to actually animate this or use the idea I have just tag me so I can see! I would love to see it! But anyway, here is me going to try and explain it...
So, my personal headcanon for Gavin Reed is that yeah Elijah is his stepbrother and all, but connected by father. The reason for that is that when Gavin was at least 8 years old his mother had gone to the bank to deposit some money when it got robbed by some guys. Gavin had been in the living room playing with his games or toys when the TV had gone to the local news with live footage of the robbery happening. His mom got killed and a few others before they got arrested. After his mom's death, Gavin's dad had started drinking and was in a depressive state from her death forgetting he had a son to take care of. From the drinking, he started abusing Gavin physically and mentally hitting and blaming him.
But later in life when he was a little older Gavin's dad remarried and they had a child which was Elijah. Gavin than was even more mentally abused from both his father and stepmother for comparing Gavin to Elijah, who was super smart and excelled in school.
Now that I've explained the headcanon I'll tell you how it ties in to my idea of an animation. I had recently found this song:
Cradles by Sub Urban and after listening to it twice it reminded me of a song that could tell Gavin's story, my headcanon wise though. So here was the script/draft/way I wanted to play it out:
Music starts and it shows a blurred glitchy Gavin standing in the dark, eyes blocked out by black
Once those two beats hit before the lyrics appear the image moves up than down with the beat like a fast glitch
It than transitions to present Gavin sitting at his desk doing his work as the lyrics say "I live inside my own world of make believe"
Than it transitions to Gavin arresting a teenager who is yelling at him, cuffing him and placing him in the car, lyrics playing "Kids screaming in their cradles, profanities"
Than Gavin turns around after shutting the door and his eyes widen as it than transitions to a blurred figure standing a far, the figure is a blurred outline (a pink outline) of a woman smiling. The lyrics "I see the world through eyes covered in pink"
It turns to a side view of Gavin falling on his knees looking at the ground, the background a blank dark grey as tears well up in his eyes as black figures appear around him as the lyrics play, "Cross out the ones who held my cries and watched me weep"
It than zooms into Gavin's face or from his torso to his head as tears fall from his eyes, shaking as the lyrics play, "I love everything"
Than in the background fire actually starts surrounding him as he looks up eyes still wide from what he saw, lyrics "Fire spreading all around my room My world's so bright"
Than it zooms into Gavin's mouth as his frown turns into a smile, before zooming out to a front view of Gavin still on the ground but smiling this time, lyrics "It's hard to breathe but that's alright"
Than in the split second the lyrics say, "Hush!" one of the black figures is behind Gavin, up against his back, Gavin is still in the same position as before but this time the figure is behind him and has a hand over his eyes and holding his throat tight
Then as the music starts every one, two, or three chimes images change quickly to the beat, but if it's not changing than its a flashing white light. The images are blurred but still clear and they're bright and cheerful. These images are memories.
The first batch of images before the single click sound is all images if Gavin and the woman we saw before playing, laughing, and talking with young Gavin, like really young Gavin but on these images, he isn't over 7 years old. They're happy and warm, with just the two of them happy together
The second batch of images before a "shh" and after the single click is more images of the woman and Gavin with actual pictures of the father included in the activities they are doing, all images are different from one another.
The third batch of images after the "shh" and before the chime sound are pictures of 8-year-old Gavin saying bye to his mom as she leaves for the bank in the living room playing with his toys, smiling, and having fun after she has left (father not in sight) and one or two beats before the chime sounds is when 8-year-old Gavin looks up to the TV screen and when it chimes is when his eyes widen
After the chime, it shows Gavin standing in front of a casket, facing away from the camera at an angle where you only see the back of his head from the side, his father is standing next to him but his body is cut off since we're focused on the torso to the head of 8-year-old Gavin staring at the casket with his dead mother inside, the image doesn't change but the white light flashes at the beats and on some beats you can see tears fall (right as the chime sounds all memories from now on, including the funeral one I just said will be dark and gloomy looking instead of light and cheerful, but still flashes white)
We then fade to a present Gavin who is on his 4th cup of coffee at his desk a as the lyrics say, "Tape my eyes open to force reality"
When it says "no, no" we get two quick flashes of many empty coffee cups at his desk
Gavin than is reading over a file about a case, lyrics "Why can't you just let me eat my weight in glee?"
The background turns dark grey again as the screen flashes white to the first two beats to showing two glimpses of Gavin crying before showing Gavin laughing with Tina in the break room and a few other places of them happy together hanging out (appearing along with the beat like most things in this idea), lyrics "I live inside my own world of make believe"
Than one of the last images of Tina and Gavin hanging out is them walking together someplace and it shows Gavin smiling and looking to the side (towards the camera) because he heard something, but than that smile falls and he freezes, lyrics "Kids screaming in"
Than it shows what Gavin is looking at and it's too older teenagers fighting, pointing and gesturing, looking stupidly angry, lyrics "their cradles,"
Then with the two beats, the teenagers turn into Elijah and Gavin arguing as older teenagers, lyrics "profanities"
Than it shows Gavin alone in a blank dark grey background a mirror in front of him, he is staring into it (you can only see his face in the reflection, you can see his body from the back but to the side so you can see the mirror too that's in front of him) , lyrics "Somedays I feel skinnier than all the other kids And some days I can't tell" (its all glitchy with the beat)
Than as the lyrics "if my body belongs to me" play his reflection turns into a younger, happier Gavin, before his mother's death
It than shows Gavin covering his face and sobbing as his younger reflection glitches away and his normal reflection appears again, lyrics "I love everything"
Than fire starts forming around Gavin again as the black figures appear too, lyrics "Fire spreading all around my room My world's so bright"
Than the camera shifts to looking straight into the mirror seeing the reflection of Gavin looking up again, smiling at the mirror (which looks like he is smiling at us), lyrics "It's hard to breathe but that's alright"
Then in that second, it says "Hush!" again we get the split second of seeing the black figure close behind gavin covering his eyes and lifting his chin up this time
As the first batch of beats with images than appear again, these batches show how depressed Gavin is about his mothers death, failing in school, getting angry easily and beating up other kids from it, and even crying in the middle of the night
The next batch after the click shows Gavin's father abusing him physically and mentally from drinking too much, some blood may be included here
The third batch after the "shh" shows Gavin's father showing affection to a new woman and showing how depressed Gavin is and how much he l hates this woman who is trying to take his mothers place
The batch after the chime then shows half the images of a wedding and a baby boy which would be Elijah the other half (which is bright again) is Gavin getting closer to Elijah as they grow up hip to hip, the best of friends
Then it shows Elijah being really successful in school, lyrics "I wanna taste your content"
Gavin is happy about this and supports Elijah skipping a grade and hanging out with him still, lyrics "Hold your breath and feel the tension"
Then it transitions to a front view of Gavin and Elijah standing side by side till Elijah looks to the left (Gavin is on the right) and starts walking away to the left, the light following him as the grey background starts taking the place of the light till Elijah is fully gone and Gavin is alone once again, lyrics "Devils hide behind redemption Honesty is a one way gate to hell"
It than zooms in on Gavin's face as tears fall and he grits his teeth, full of anger as he walks away from where he was standing, it suddenly transitions to Gavin slamming a door open as he storms out of a house as his father, stepmother and Elijah scream after him, Gavin still looks angry and is crying, trying to wipe his tears away as he runs, lyrics "I wanna taste consumption Reflex to the waste absurd Hear the children sing aloud It's music to the wick burn side wash"
As the beats and the lyrics "Just wanna be care free lately" come all it is is what happened before Gavin stormed out which was a fight between everyone since Gavin was no longer wanted in the house by the parents and Elijah tried to help Gavin but being the obedient child stepped down after their father said to do so, this was the moment Gavin hated his family, his perfect brother who stole all their love and attention and his parents who couldn't care less about him
Than it's back to present Gavin sitting at his desk working, lyrics "Just kicking up dirt"
Than Gavin glances up at a sound and he instantly seems angry, lyrics "Just got one too many quarters in my pocket"
It than shows RK900 walking towards him with a coin being played with in his hand, "Count 'em like four leaf clovers in my locket"
It than glitches to an image of Elijah holding up Thiruim at 16 to his parents who looked proud of him before going back to RK900 starting down at Gavin, lyrics "Untied laces and just tripping on dirt Dreams got dirty little alibis playing up"
Than Gavin looks back down to his terminal and tries to ignore RK900, lyrics "Might as well just run around the nursery and count sheep"
Than right as the music stops it turns black and the animating is done
Anyway, that was my idea, during the end I kind of change what happens so that's why it's a bit more general and I never know now to end it so....yeah. I hope someone can try and create this since it's been stuck in my head for weeks and I need to see it played out. Thank you for taking your time to read this! I appreciate it!
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Serandor Unedited Ch 2
Their journey doesn’t start until later in the afternoon. Dorwin insists he needs supplies and that he needs to finish up some business in town. He sends her off to settle her own business in the meantime. Not that she has much. She only has to say goodbye to her parents.
Her trip back to the smithy is quick. She hardly notices she made it at all. It’s the excitement of her burgeoning journey. Her first lone journey. Or rather, the first without any of her family. She’s not counting the crusty, old Dwarf. 
“Pa.” She calls as she enters the smithy. She follows the sound of metal being struck to find him at the forge. Normally, she would offer her own services, Dragon fire creates the best blades, but she had an agenda.
“Dilly.” Her Pa calls back, not bothering to look up from his own task.
Taking the nickname as an invitation to approach, she watches, mesmerised by the glowing metal. Steel if her nose is correct. Which of course it is. She grew up here. Her parents made sure she knew everything she could about the business. There wasn’t a material she couldn’t identify by scent alone.
“What do you need, DIlly?” Pa asks her. And it’s just then, so close to her goal, she feels her chest tighten at the realization she may never come back. She’s only met two of her seven siblings, after all. She may never see her Pa again.
Her Pa with his long red hair and smooth but scarred green skin. She got his crooked smile and his wicked sense of humor. And the roundness of her face. 
She doesn’t know, at that moment, if she truly is ready to leave her nest.
“I met a Dwarf, Pa.” SHe starts, slow and careful. Tasting each word as she says it. “And I may travel with him.”
Her Pa is silent, still hammering away. He looks up, hammer finally stilling. His black eyes are wide and wet. “It’s that time, then.” Is all he says before reaching over to pull her close.
Serendipity clutches at his clothing, breathing and smelling at the skin of his throat, as she had done as a nestling. She closes her eyes and tries her hardest to commit his scent to memory. Her eyes tingle and her throat burns in an unfamiliar way. He smells of fire, metal, and Dragon.
“I will see you again.” He promises, stroking at one of her long, dark braids.
“How do you know?” She asks, her voice is gravelly rough. Like the time she had eaten a chestnut without shelling it.
“Because you stayed the longest. And are the only one to say goodbye.” He tells her.
She hears him breathe against her hair. She chokes on a sob. “Shh, lizard. This will be fun.”
Serendipity sniffles against his throat, wishing she were just a nestling again and could climb on him as she once had.
“Now go. You’ll want to say bye to your Father. You know how he is.” He pushes her away with gentle hands. He eyes her critically with shrewd eyes. “Be sure to be careful.”
“Of course, Pa.” Her grin is wobbly and her gold eyes shine more than usual in the firelight. She scampers off when he waves her away. She wonders if that will be the last time she ever sees her Pa.
She walks slower from the smithy around to the shop. Once she tells her Father goodbye, she’ll have nothing to keep her there. It’ll be time to go. Time to meet Dorwin at the docks.
She enters the shop. Business has picked up since the morning and she’ll have to be quick so she doesn’t disrupt anyone. As she passes, some regulars offer her greetings. She waves back, absentminded.
She finds her Father still manning the desk. He appears to be bored and lethargic. His usual. Father has never been all that excitable. She had gotten it from her Pa.
Striding up to him, she inserts herself under his arm to get as close as possible. He allows the action as he always has. But will he if they ever meet again? “Father?”
“Daughter?” He rumbles, eyeing the child clinging to his mother’s skirts as she walks about. He had always found human children messy and distasteful. Pa says he just doesn’t like how they touch everything.
“I will be taking my leave of you and Pa.” She explains, quiet and shy. She doesn't know how he will take the news.
“Of course, Daughter. I will wait for your return.” He says, nuzzling her hair. First Pa, and now Father have both insisted she will return. It soothes something deep inside her. “Bring a gift for your Pa.”
She peers up at him with a sharp grin. “Of course, Father.”
He releases her. And she is free to go. She walks out the door without looking back, adrift and dazed. Light headed. Her heart feels heavy and she knows deep in her bones. She will return one day. She will not be her elder siblings, wandering aimless and lost.
She smiles, crooked and sweet. She heads to the docks, ready to go.
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downin-thevalley · 6 years
Yeti Hunt
Wrote a part two of this lil drabble , inspired by the latest Hogwarts Mystery side quest. Merry Christmas everyone!
Read on AO3!
James and Sirius burst into the common room from the boys stairwell, deeply engaged in a sword fight, two ends of a broken christmas cracker for their swords. James wore a paper crown, Sirius clutched some gummy slugs in his free hand, Peter sat in a chair working on getting ahold of his chocolate frog, and Remus was engrossed in a book that seemed to be half the size of him.
James collapsed onto the couch opposite him. “Remus, why are you studying on Christmas?”
“Yeah, cmon, lets play some wizards chess!” Sirius bounced on the couch next to Remus, “you’re the only one who matches up to me!”
“Oh, James, I let you win!”
“If you’re interested,” Remus said over the sounds of Sirius and James now wrestling, “I’m reading about the infamous Hogwarts yeti.”
They stopped on a dime, and Peter, finally eating his chocolate, turned to listen.
“Yeti? What yeti?” Asked James.
“You’ve never heard the legend of the Hogwarts yeti?”
“Pfft, you’re making it up,” said Sirius.
“Well, there are numerous eye-witness accounts from former students and even an old headmaster about the yeti roaming the grounds around Christmas time, looking for stray animals to eat, and maybe even a student or two who stayed behind for the holiday... but you’re right, that’s just a dumb old urban legend. I can set up the chess boa—“
“Not if I catch it FIRST!” Said James.
Remus closed the book and let it fall beside him. “Are you absolutely sure? The yeti is 15 feet tall, and incredibly strong, so even if we do manage to find it, it’ll likely devour us one by one.”
“Uhh,” Peter chimed in, “yeah, I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”
James puffed out his chest. “Are we Gryffindors or what?!” Sirius and Peter cheered with him, and Remus sighed, though he was smiling at his friends.
“Let’s go get our cloaks.”
After tiptoeing past Slughorn under James’ invisibility cloak, nearly tumbling down a moving staircase, and stepping on Mrs. Norris’ tail and making a mad dash for the doors with Filch on their heels, the marauders were outside trudging through the snow covered grounds.
James pulled off the cloak once they were safely on the outskirts of the quidditch pitch. “Christ, what an escape,” he said, out of breath with a wicked grin on his face. “I’ve never heard Filch say so many swear words.”
“Yeah! say, what’s a—“
Sirius slapped a hand over Peters mouth. “Don’t ask, Peter, don’t ask.”
“Alright, so we’re outside,” James said, “now how do we find the yeti?”
“It’s probably in the forbidden forest,” said Remus. “It comes closer to the school when it thinks it’s safe.”
“How do we know when it thinks it’s safe to come out?” Asked Peter.
“We watch,” James pulled his heavy winter cloak closer to his body, “and we wait.”
So the boys sat behind a tree just on the edge of the forest, and waited... and waited..... and waited. There was no sign of a yeti, but they weren’t giving up. They were, however, getting very restless.
“Four bottles of beer on the wall, four bottles of beer...”
“Peter I swear to god, if you take that beer down and pass it around, I’m feeding you to the yeti,” said Sirius.
“You had no problem with the first 96!”
“Yes, we very much did!” Said Remus.
“SHH!” James threw his arm out in front of them, “I hear something!”
They all listened with baited breath. Sure enough, they heard heavy footsteps coming from the forest nearby.
“H-how many students have tried to hunt the yeti before, Remus?” Peter whispered.
“Oh, lots,” Remus whispered back.
“And how many found him?” James asked.
“Only a few,” whispered Remus.
“And h-how many lived to tell the tale?” Sirius asked in a wavering whisper.
“Oh, very, very few.”
James readied himself with a large stick he’d found on their way to the forest. “Well if anyone can do it, it’s us!” He said triumphantly. “Get your wands ready, and follow my lead!”
That’s when they saw it: a giant white figure stumbling out of the forest, much too close to them for comfort. They all gasped, and the yeti lurched in their direction.
“Holy shit, holy SHIT!” Said James, “CHARGE!”
James burst forward holding his stick, Sirius close behind him waving his wand wildly, sending stunning spells flying every which way. Remus followed at a safe distance with Peter, careful to avoid both the path of the yeti and Sirius’ wand.
“Take THAT!” James exclaimed, giving the yeti a hard blow too the side. It toppled over with a loud “OOF!”
They all stood, panting. “Well,” Sirius said, “that was—easier than expected.”
“Oh no,” Remus muttered once he caught up, “I’m afraid there’s been a mistake...”
The ‘yeti’ reached up to brush the snow out of its face, and—
“Hagrid?!” James and Sirius said together.
“Augh—“ Hagrid sat up, “what’re you boys doin’ out ‘ere? Must be freezin’ yer tails off!”
“Why are you wandering the forest all covered in snow?” James asked.
Hagrid laughed. “There’s a funny story! Er, maybe not that funny... I went t’ chop down one more tree, seems I was one short fer the Christmas feast, see, so I go and find a beau’iful pine, really gorgeous, yeh shoulda seen it! Only, when I started choppin ‘er down, some centaurs came to stop me. Turns out that tree was quite important to ‘em, and they’re not a species known fer their forgiveness. So they chased me down, and I ran so fast and got covered in so much snow I must’ve looked like a hoppin’ mad snowman come te life! Suppose that’s why ye hit me so hard, eh, Potter?”
James blushed and dropped the stick. “Sorry for hitting you, Hagrid. We—well, we thought you were a yeti.”
Hagrid laughed so loud and heartily that the boys all jumped back in surprise. “No problem there, Potter.” He patted James’ shoulder, practically knocking him to the ground. “Got a good arm on yeh! You should try fer Gryffindor beater! Now, didja just say you thought I was a yeti?”
They all had to laugh at themselves as they recounted the story to Hagrid all the way back to the castle.
“Ah, the legend ‘o the Hogwarts Yeti. Haven’t heard that one in a while,” he chuckled. “Tried to hunt ‘em meself when I was a boy, but maybe it really is jus’ a legend.”
“Wouldn’t be so sure,” Sirius said, “Remus here was reading all about it. Weren’t you, Re?”
“Well, yes, I was,” Remus said with a mischievous smirk, “but you didn’t happen to catch which book, did you?”
The three boys blinked up at him.
“It was an excerpt from ‘Most Well-Spun Lies of the Wizarding World’.”
He laughed as his friends groaned and swore at him, causing a ruckus as they entered the great hall.
“You really tricked us, Remus!” James said. “When were you planning to tell us the yeti wasn’t real, huh?”
“The yeti may not have been real,” Remus answered, sitting down for the feast, “but you can’t say we didn’t have fun.”
“Did I hear mention of the infamous Hogwarts yeti?” Dumbledore entered, taking his seat at the head of the table. “Don’t be so quick to disbelieve, boys. I myself had a run in with the creature my first year at Hogwarts. A much more gentle fellow than legend tells. Even shook his hand when he left for his home back in Tibet. Quite a long journey, as you could imagine. Might be another year or two before he visits again.”
The marauders sat in stunned silence while Dumbledore ate his mashed potatoes, as if he’d simply been going on about the weather.
“Next year?”
“Next year!”
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mysticalreadingnerd · 7 years
Let Me Warm Your Heart Part 7
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 |
Words: 1876
Summary: Wishful thinking can often bring dreams into reality. Or is it the other way around?
Disclaimer: Don’t own my boy Credence or anything of FBAWTFT, sadly. GIF credits to the owner.
Warnings: triggers for abuse, blood, ANGST and depression.
The belt sliced through the air, its slick slap resounding across the room like a whip. Credence whimpered loudly, the leather slicing through his skin and drawing blood from the welts that crisscrossed across his hands. Tears had made his vision hazy and stained his face into a blotchy red as his Ma struck down again and again and again, unrelenting in her blows. She hit him with more force than every preceding strike, trying to vent her anger the only way she knew. The force of the last lash brought him to his knees and the pain tore at his being, becoming so unbearable that he couldn’t breathe anymore. 
Darkness clouded his eye-sight momentarily as Mary Lou’s livid face stared at him with revulsion. “You should remember this the next time you lie. You wretched, wicked boy! No sins will be tolerated as long as you are sheltered in this house!” The agony of the hits made him crumble further into himself as the pain rippled across his consciousness. The next thing he knew he was lying on the floor of his room.
He had probably passed out from the pain, his delirium carrying him upto his bed, the last small sanctuary in this house at least. He was unaware as to what time it was but the cold night air that flowed through the open window and chilled him with the icy hands of the December winter brought the rough estimate to a few hours. A shadow passed along the window and he looked up. The sight that he saw made him want to cry again. But this time, out of relief. Y/N had somehow managed to enter his house, his very room without detection. He stared at her unblinkingly, wondering how she had got past his Ma… 
Horror dawned upon him with the realisation of her presence. Oh no! If his mother were to find out that she was here… he shook his head at her vehemently, “No. You have to leave…if she…if she finds…” she shushed him, placing a finger on his lips and he fell silent, enthralled by that one touch. She motioned for him to be quiet and crept toward the door, with the stealth of a seasoned lurker. She heard for any sounds emanating from outside and once she had made sure that no one was awake, she stepped towards him.
Y/N guided him towards the bed, settling him on the ragged cot and sitting beside him. She motioned for Credence to give his hands into her hold. He was hesitant at first, unwilling to show the real extent of the damage caused. His conflicted gaze searched in her eyes and seeing the empathy in them, he brought his mangled fingers forward. She let out a hissed breath on seeing the bloody mess that were his hands. Her first touch was as gentle as a feather but still a whimper escaped him, despite his efforts to drown them out. The pain was agonising and it was taking all his effort to not cry out loud. 
“Shh…Credence, honey, just wait for a bit. I will make sure the pain goes away.” He stared at her, not believing her comforting words but thankful for them nonetheless. “I… I was just hungry… and cold… so cold… I asked for one spoonful more, that’s it… I didn’t want Chastity to get hurt… hurt because of me. So I lied, said that the portions went bad. I didn’t want to… to sin… I promise. I promise I won’t, ever…”
The tears streaming down his cheeks soaked the collar of his shirt and the snot must have made him even more unsightly than usual. Disregarding all that, Y/N opened her arms in a silent beckon for him to come close and he melted into her embrace, his pain dulled to a persistent throb now that she was there. 
She wiped his face with her sleeve and her hand stroked the base of his skull, drawing soothing circles as he hiccupped, with his head laid upon her shoulder. With immense care she took one of his hands into hers and warmth spread through it, a dull glow emanating from her hand to his. He stared at their linked fingers, awestruck by the miracle happening before his very eyes. The searing pain dulled to a throbbing ache before slowly diminishing into nothingness. She took his other hand and repeated the process while he watched as her face scrunched up in concentration, not comprehending the scene unfolding in front of him. “How?” the word escaped his mouth as he continued staring long after Y/N was done tending to his wounds. She just smiled and winked at him as if to say, ‘guess’. 
Was this what his mother called magic? Was the soothing touch that healed and this warm glow that emanated from the woman he loved known as witchcraft? If that were true, if this was the sin that his Ma warned everyone against he wondered whether the world as he knew it had been turned upon its head, upside down. For even if he were unaware of the worldly knowledge that others may boast of, nobody could convince him that these were the doings of Satan. An angel in every sense had just taken his hurt away and the affection which shined in her eyes was something that a devil would never be capable of. 
Before he could ask any further questions, she shook her head. “I can’t say anything here”, she gave a furtive glance at the door and then at the window, “I had to make sure you were okay. Just sleep now, alright?” when he made no motion to move, she got up and shifted him so that he was lying on the cot. She tucked him under the lone blanket and was about to leave when Credence grabbed her hand, surprising both himself and her and said, “Stay. Only till I fall asleep. Just… be with me.” Something shifted in her eyes, something he couldn’t quite figure out but she nodded and sat at the edge of the bed. He looked at her sitting there and as their eyes locked, he wordlessly moved so that there was enough space for the both of them.
Understanding his silent plea, Y/N lifted the blanket and snuggled in with him, pulling him into her embrace once again. Credence moulded his body to hers, laying his head on her chest as she wrapped him in a hug, stroking his hair with gentle caresses. His now healed hands, hesitant at first lay at her sides but when she shifted to make space for him, silently acquiescing, he placed them around her waist tightening his hold on her small body. Her heartbeat thudded in his ears as he timed his own breathing to it, sleep making his eyelids heavy. “Please don’t leave me.” He mumbled, half asleep, his fingers tightened even more at her waist, giving the momentary illusion that if he held onto her tight enough, she wouldn’t disappear into thin air like he feared she would. The silence stretched on and he wondered whether he had spoken the words aloud or not. Her reply came like the wind weaving through trees, barely audible, “I wish I could stay with you, love.”
The words were whispered like a church confession and he sleepily lifted his head to look at her. The shadows danced across her face and before his mind could process what he was doing, he shifted along her length their legs intertwining with each other. With mere inches separating their faces and the distance fast diminishing, he whispered back, “I love you.” Credence pressed his lips to hers, his cold ones seeking and receiving her warm, chapped ones. It was slow, hazy and made up of something quite similar to the magic (if you could call it that) he had witnessed moments ago. The unhurried, languid movements cocooned him in a protective shell, even if it might be false. Quite against his wishes, his eyes closed as he retreated and a soft sigh escaped Y/N, their breaths mingling in the cold air. He should have been awake to know what she said next, to see what expression her face held, whether she was angry, disappointed or just sad. 
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But the fatigue of the day weighed heavy upon him and before he knew it he went under the spell of a dreamless sleep. What felt like an unquantifiable amount of time passed as his body went through sensations and motions best known to the realm of unconsciousness. A sudden external shift pulled him from this weightless state and he noticed that he was lying alone in his bed. A gentle hand stroked his forehead a kiss was placed on his temple. He tried to clutch to that familiar touch that felt so much like home, hold onto it with everything he had and never let it go but it escaped his fumbling grasp. “I’m sorry.” He wondered whether his sleep induced mind had imagined those words or distorted them into something else entirely.   
A soft voice called him as a wetness formed in his half closed eyes. Credence. He wondered why they were calling him now. Credence. The wetness leaked from the corner of his eye, dripping along the length of his nose before falling on the pillow and dampening it. Credence. He noticed that the pillow had become quite soaked, how long had he been like this? “Credence!” his eyes fluttered awake as his hand grasped the one shaking him awake. Wide eyes peered into his as Modesty looked at her brother, half dazed and disoriented from sleep. “Credence, you will need to wake up soon. Ma will be calling.” He let go of her hand, the cuts on his hand stabbing him like knives against the rough fabric of Modesty’s shirt. He stared at the lacerations, the blood crusted on them, barely healed and raw. “Yeah”, he croaked in response, his voice gravelly with sleep. She left the room and he slumped back into his pillow, burrowing his head into the damp fabric.
He subconsciously cradled his hand, eyes shut tight as the tears flowed freely. He felt sorry as well. Because what his mind had conjured up would always be just that, a broken dream that held the sorrow of his reality. And it being a dream didn’t dull the pain. Not just of his flesh wounds, no. The fact that he would never be able to hold her like he was clinging to his very life (because that was what she was) and be held with the same tenderness in return, tell her how much he loved her and see the affection reflected in her eyes, the way they sparkled in the dream. And perhaps, he thought finally, openly sobbing into the pillow. This last thought made him cry harder than before. Perhaps, he would never be able to see her ever again. The pain was there, ever present, throbbing and real. And it would never go away. Because people could leave you in seconds without even a goodbye, but feelings lasted for a long  time. Sometimes they lasted for a life time. 
Tagging : @multifandom-slytherin, @mysticracoon, @thequeerishere555 @daeshaunex2 @retardedhumanhere
Let me know if you want to be tagged.
A/N: Tried my hand at angst, wonder if it worked…? A small make up chapter for the previous lack of updates. No? Okay, I’ll just leave this here and back away slowly…
~ Mystical reading nerd
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