#which like this is completely different from connecting w your inner child or whatever
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trans-yllz · 2 months ago
I can't stand an "I'm just a little baby :(" motherfucker. no you're not you're a 27 year old man
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reflectionsofneptune · 5 years ago
little reasons why you could be attracting particular signs
Some reasons why you could be attracting these signs, or signs on these particular house cusps. I had lots of fun w/ this post so take it w/ a pinch of salt. My lil thoughts as usual. Big kiss. 
Aries / sign on your 1st House Cusp
You’re frustrated. Or maybe you’ve suddenly been onset with a surge of energy for a particular project or subject that’s close to your heart. Feeling risky? Or, are you feeling lost? Is there something you want to dive all in to? Are you becoming more confident in yourself? Giving yourself pep talks in the mirror? Daily reminders popping up on the phone? Aries energy is all about putting energy in the world (Cardinal) based on one’s aspirations (Fire). The universe could be asking you to stop being all talk and dreaming of things (Pisces) to the point where all they remain wistful fantasies and take action. (Aries/1st house) Steps forward, no matter how small, no matter how big, count.
Taurus / sign on your 2nd House cusp
You’re hungry. Hahahaha I’m laughing while I double check my fridge knowing there’s nothing there :) :) What are your boundaries looking like? Have you got a firm idea of what you will and won’t stand for? Do you have something in your life you’re nurturing? Do you need to pay more attention to your coins? Working on self-love? Taurus energy is all about consolidating (Fixed) material things and a solid value system (Earth) to help circulate a feeling of stability in their life. The universe could be asking you to to take that vision you have (Aries) and line up all the things you have accessible to you, right this very minute, that can make that happen. (Taurus/2nd house) Appreciate what you have, and watch how many new things pour in.
Gemini / sign on your 3rd House cusp
You’ve been gossiping. So that person you bitched about heard what you said…..and this Gemini in your life…..is here to get the receipts…..i’m sorry, I don’t make the rules. SIKE. What are you paying attention to nowadays? Ideas? Other people’s opinions? Are you learning something new? Maybe you need to not be so attached to ideas, thoughts and concepts coming from other people. Make your own mind up. Do you have interesting ideas you can share with people, but you’re keeping it under wraps? No fair. Gemini energy is all about sharing (Mutable) their opinions (air) with other people. The universe could be asking you to express your unique talents (Taurus) with the world through a platform of some sort. (Gemini/ 3rd house) It’s OK to speak up about your ideas. I bet they’re awesome. 
Cancer / sign on your 4th house cusp
You’ve been crying. Nah I’m playing. (but if you have, that’s OK too). Maybe you’ve been working on your inner child. Have you been taking some time to re-parent yourself with good food, good company and that one film you loved as a kid? Are you healing trauma from your childhood? Maybe healing needs to be done on the female relationships in your life. Maybe you need to be honest about the things in you life you emotionally react to in situations that doesn’t warrant this kind of behaviour. Cancer energy is all about actively (Cardinal) nurturing themselves and others (Water) through comforting actions.The universe could be asking you to look at your thoughts (Gemini/3rd house) and seeing what a direct impact that has on your emotions. What we think has a correlation to the feelings we feel.
Leo / sign on your 5th house cusp
You’re doing too much. There’s probably an area of your life, where you’re shining. It’s possibly your living from the heart now. You’re putting yourself out there. Or, maybe you need to take the time to have some fun? Are you ignoring those recurring impulses to do something creative which will feed your spirit? Leo energy is all about being self-willed (Fixed) in their ability to showcase their creative self-expression (Fire) to others. Leo’s know that they are the shit, you can’t tell ‘em nothin’. The universe could be asking you to find a special way to channel your emotions (Cancer/4th house) into an artistic expression somehow. Creativity is so subjective - beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder at the end of the day. You’re doing amazing, sweetie. *KJ voice* hehehehe.
Virgo / sign on your 6th house cusp
You need to clean up an area of your life. Virgo energy is all about being adaptable (Mutable) with one’s ideas as well as routines and habits in one’s daily life (Earth). Are you becoming more organised? Paying more attention to what you’re ingesting in all forms, staring from the food you’re eating to the people you’re surrounding yourself with? Or maybe you need to Marie Kondo something, bad. Bring order into a chaotic structure in your life. Maybe, those self-defeating thoughts that do no good for your well-being need a stern talking to. A balance needs to be struck between the mental side and the physical side. The universe could be asking you to better shape that creative talent you have (Leo/5th house) and refine it. Not to a level of perfection which is often unattainable, but a little tweak here and never hurt anybody.
Libra / sign on your 7th house cusp
You’re out of balance. Libra is all about a dedicated intention (Cardinal) of obtaining harmony and a sense of fairness in relationships (Air) of all kinds, be it platonic, romantic, professional. Maybe you’ve been giving extra care to your relationships and are showing up for those people that have had your back. Are you missing out on the beauty in life? Vacillating between two things? Or maybe you’ve taken a good look at the people around you, and people who don’t match your energy have got the chop. Can you see two sides to one situation? The universe could be asking you to take a look at how the lens - be it critical, analytical, thoughtful or helpful - (Virgo/6th house) in which you view people hinders or strengths your partnerships.The great thing about life is people are often mirrors, what you dislike in someone else, may actually be present within you on a deeper level. 
Scorpio / sign on your 8th house cusp
You’re sexually frustrated. Are you going through a pivotal change in your life? Or are you tapping into your sexual power? Sexual liberating yourself from things that held you down? Maybe discernment has been strengthened lately and you’re not taking much at face level anymore. Playing detective? Or, are you struggling to open up to others? To be vulnerable. Do you need to let go of something? Scorpio energy is all about a strong willpower and determination in life (Fixed) that comes from a total transformation and understanding of one’s unconscious wants and desires. (Water) The universe could be asking you to look at the ways your unconscious childhood emotional patterns affect your relationships. (Libra/7th house) Life gets better when you don’t hold back and open yourself to experiencing things, fully. Promise.
Sagittarius / sign on your 9th house cusp
You’re been acting reckless. Have you been seeing life from a more expansive point of view? Maybe you’re taking risks in life and they’re paying off in ways you didn’t dream possible. Look at you. Are you wanting to just drop all responsibilities and F off to somewhere completely different? The idea of throwing yourself into the deep end of this thing called life look appealing? I feel you. Or maybe, you’ve being a bit more blunt, honest in life and saying things for how they are. Do you need to lighten up in an area of you life? Maybe, there’s an area of life that needs to you to rely on your higher mind and follow your heart. Sagittarius energy is all about widening their beliefs (Fire) in a curious fashion as they explore life. (Mutable) The universe could be asking you to dive deeper into your shadow side (Scorpio/8th) to aid you in personal growth. 
Capricorn / sign on your 10th house cusp
You’re too preoccupied with your career. Recently, you could have been thinking about what you want to do in life. Getting more serious on your life purpose kind of thing. Perhaps the steps you need to take are becoming more clear. You’re becoming more clear on your position in society. Or, you feel a fear about stepping into your power. You may be questioning whether or not you have what it takes. Possible responsibilities looking more like burdens than opportunities for growth. Capricorn energy is all about disciplined efforts in steps in their world (Cardinal) to secure one’s material security. (Earth) The universe could be nudging you to actually cement your dreams (Sagittarius/ 9th house) house into something practical. Let’s get the bag. I mean, let’s graft for the life that we really want. 
Aquarius / sign on your 11th cusp
You’re being rebellious. Have you been researching a broader range of topics related to human consciousness?  Perhaps you’re investing effort in your friendships. It could be that now the way you react to things, or you’re actively trying to see people, places and things from a more objective standpoint. Or you need to incorporate that viewpoint in your life. Is there an area of life where you just need to be brave and be rebellious? Aquarian energy is all about establishing (Fixed) an inventive and progressive way in which one can use in relating to others in society. (air) The universe could be asking you to further mould what you produce in the real world (Capricorn/10th house) to ensure that it has positive benefits for society.
Pisces / sign on your 12th house cusp
You’re tapping out. Or, you’re not but you are giving yourself precious time to do some productive visualisation. Maybe you’ve been researching spiritual topics such as LOA and manifestation. Do you need to forgive yourself, or someone else? Maybe compassion is how you’re living your life nowadays and it feels amazing. Realising that we’re all connected in one way, shape or form? Pisces energy is all about being the ability to co-exist (Mutable) with whatever life throws at them by relying on their intuition (Water) and connection to a higher power to get them though. The universe could be asking you to look at how you can give back (Aquarius/11th house) or, alternatively, make a deeper connection with yourself. The good, bad and the ugly. Does your ego need a check?
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tipsycad147 · 5 years ago
How To Use The Cups Tarot Cards In Magic
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Tarot card spells are becoming more popular as time goes on. These cards have transformed from handy divination tool to a means of working magic, from simply a way to discover information about your life to a way of actually impacting it. Having these incredibly specific archetypal energies at our disposal can be empowering but it can also be paralysing.
How do you actually choose which cards to use for your spells? Do you stick to only using the Major Arcana? You can, but then you’re leaving a full 56 cards and all of their power on the table, completely untapped. Today, we’re going to take a look at the ways you can use the Minor Arcana to work magic, specifically focusing on the emotional realm of the cups cards.
(Psst, if you want the FREE expanded reference book of cups card spell uses complete with reversals, stick around until the end of the post!)
King of Cups
This card is about balancing emotions, not suppressing them, about creativity and the mind — a connection between thought and feeling. This is a strong card to use in spells contacting spirits and asking for guidance. It’s also useful for bringing clarity where there is confusion in terms of spirituality. This card is heavily associated with Pisces, and those born under the sign of the fish will find this card unusually helpful.  
Queen of Cups
If you work in a field that focuses on helping others, like nursing for example, the Queen of Cups is your patron and can be carried with you to remind you to take care of yourself as well as you take care of others. In spells, the Queen of Cups can be used to summon a nurturing woman into your life when you need it the most, or perhaps rebuild a crumbling relationship with your mother. She can also be used in spells to help take care of your inner child, an energy many of us tend to ignore as we grow older and more consumed with our strenuous day-to-day.
Knight of Cups
This knight is a romantic at heart, and in spellwork, can be used to summon a new lover. If you’re done with all the nonsense and immaturity of other suitors, call on the Knight in a love spell and make sure to add a bit of gold — preferably a ring. As a messenger, the Knight of Cups traditionally represents the arrival of good news, specifically news that will make you very happy, further adding to his association with new love. The Knight represents creativity and can be used in motivational spells when starting a new, heartfelt project — particularly writing. For romance writers, he is an essential companion and brings that special touch to make your readers swoon.
Page of Cups
This is another Cup with a strong link to inspiration, creativity, and new ideas. However, where the Knight is a romantic, the Page is more light-hearted — one who lives in dreams and fairytales. A generous assistant for all fantasy writers and abstract artists. Keep the Page of Cups in your pillowcase and seek out inspiration for projects in your dreams — the playground of your subconscious. Because of this card’s association with fish and happy surprises in general, it can be used in spells directed at women and couples hoping to become pregnant.
Ten of Cups
This is a happy card that symbolises contentment, joy, and wishes coming true. However, this isn’t about material things; this card represents personal fulfilment and feeling at peace with what you already have. This makes it a great card to use in gratitude spells and on your altar as a way to show you are thankful for all you have in life. Brew your favourite coffee or tea or hot chocolate — something warm. With the Ten of Cups close, fill a cup a little each time you think of something you’re grateful for. Once the cup is full, and you have acknowledged all the good in your life, drink the liquid and let the warmth of gratitude wash through your whole being.
Nine of Cups
The wish card. This card represents satisfaction and success after a struggle. In spellwork, this card can be paired with The Star to make wishes come true. Place under your pillow with a little mugwort and pin The Star card above your head wherever you sleep. Before you go to sleep, focus on what you really want. When you wake in the morning, reanalyse your wish and if it has not changed, hold the Nine of Cups and make your wish. This should be the first thing you say that day. Keep an eye out for manifestations of this wish coming true, like seeing the same time whenever you look at the clock, or suddenly hearing people talking about what you want in everyday conversations.
Eight of Cups
This card can represent two things; letting go of the material and moving onto more spiritual aspirations or letting go of something in your life that no longer brings you satisfaction. That makes this card excellent for spellwork focused on yourself.
Gather together symbols of your current life, especially those things that have gotten old or useless to you, like a job or relationship. Tie these symbols together with a cord and hang them over the Eight of Cups. Now it’s time to let go! Cut each one free with a knife until these old symbols are scattered around the Eight of Cups. Now create a new chain of symbols that represent things you want to replace what you’ve just cut free. A new job? Tie on a business card or application. A change of scenery? Add a picture of where you want to travel to the chain. Hang this chain some place you’ll see it every day and keep the Eight of Cups close as a reminder that you must change in order to grow, and let old things go so new, better things can come in to your life!
Seven of Cups
In the Seven of Cups, a dreamer sees seven options and fantasies in front of him — everything from victory and riches, to snakes and monsters representing the dreams we chase, or the demons we let haunt us — constantly living in the clouds instead of reality. Because this card is focused on our thoughts more than reality, you’ll only need to work with mental magic for spellwork with this card. Look at the symbols in each of the seven cups and personalise them. Maybe the castle represents having a space of your own. Maybe the dragon represents a bad memory or fear. Do you want to take the time and finally face the things that bother you? Or maybe it’s time to focus on how to make one of your most sought after dreams a reality. Meditate on this card. Let it speak to you and make sure you listen to your own winding thoughts for the answer. It’s time to focus.
Six of Cups
This card represents family, stability, home, and happiness. It can be used to bring a reunion between old friends or family you’ve grown apart from — or even re-establish a connection with the person you used to be. Gather photographs of an old acquaintance and shuffle them together with the Six of Cups. Light a yellow candle and flip through the photographs. Pick a photo that best represents this person’s true self, and place it on top of the Six of Cups, then add a lodestone on top of the photo. Let the yellow candle burn while you envision different ways this person could re-enter your life. If you can’t think of any available options, ask for new pathways to make this possible during the spell.
Five of Cups
This suit is an emotional one, and the Five of Cups represents our worst feelings of grief, loss and disappointment. In times of strife, it’s hard to remember that we have choices. We can wallow and allow sadness to keep us down, or we can learn and become better.
Four of Cups
Another emotionally heavy card symbolising apathy, depression, and stagnation. This card is useful, though, as a reminder that if we don’t move forward we don’t get anywhere and worse, we may miss opportunities that could truly make us happy. Pair this card with anise and go someplace peaceful. Allow yourself to feel your emotions. Vent if you need to, journal, or just sit and reflect on whatever’s causing you pain in this moment. Then return home and put this card away. The goal is not to block out painful things, but to feel them, re-evaluate, and grow more resilient in spite of them.  
Three of Cups
This is a card of celebration, good times with friends, and victory. Use this card in spells when you feel like having fun or want to make a party great — particularly weddings, where many of your family and friends will be in attendance. Light an orange candle and place this card before it. Sprinkle some oregano into the flame and say a date to ensure the party is a blast. Pair with turquoise in spells to bring about a personal victory.  
Two of Cups
This card depicts a ceremony between two people and represents a union or harmony in a partnership. Many see this card as a representation of love, and it certainly can be read that way — used in spells to strengthen marriages or romantic relationships. However, I believe that limits this card’s potential. The Two of Cups is about a strong connection, equality, and mutual respect. So I suggest using this card to strengthen any kind of bond between two people, paired with another card or symbol to clarify your intention. If you’re working a friendship spell, add the Three of Cups. If the spell focuses on a business partnership, pair this card with the Emperor.
Ace of Cups
The Ace in any suit embodies the pure strength of that suit. The Ace of Cups is emotional fulfilment, stability and happiness in its most powerful form. A card to use in spells when you need to find balance, peace or instant joy. This is also the card of intuition and listening to your inner voice. When paired with a water element and labradorite, this card will heighten your intuition and make your divination skills stronger.
Now, when this article was being written we got a little excited and came up with way, WAY more information that we originally intended. There was no way to cram it all in one blog post!
Instead we decided to create a PDF of the expanded version with way more spells, details, and reversals for you to use in your witchcraft. Sound good?
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squidneezy · 6 years ago
S A C R E D ◬ S O U L Immersion ◈ Mount Shasta
Lion’s Gate ▷ 8.7.19-8.11.19
Re-member, restore + embody your sacred soulfulness in your..
⋄ Sexuality + powerfully owning your heart’s desires ⋄ Divine assignment + your soul-aligned calling ⋄ Prosperity + masterful receiving with effortlessness ease
In this sacred journey we will be activating and practicing advanced meditation, energy healing, grid work, soul mapping, embodied leadership + facilitation, Akashic Records attunement and channeling, mind-body-spirit-soul alignment and all the magic in between.
This retreat is programmed to instill within participants quantum leaps in self-confidence, radiance, soul sovereignty and amplified magnetism to receive their soul’s desires. In other words, this retreat offers a crash course full of fun, joyful, soul-stretching activations to guide you in creating your very own Heaven on Earth and embodying your multi-dimensional creator consciousness.
“The flow of the experience was amazing. Sydney’s ability to read participants in a very clear way with lots of permission and space for them to receive is astounding. Sydney has a nice balance of telling her story and not projecting her own issues – she expertly tells her story for service and connection. Sydney’s capacity to keep her energetic level steady is incredible. She stays energetically in service so consistently – it’s profound. Her ability to hold space is incredible. People want what she has. If you’re asking me – I can promise you you’re going to get SO much out of this. Whatever you’re looking for will be right in front of you.” 
~ Kelly M., CEO + Entrepreneur, NYC-Based
⧫ Become masterfully magnetic ⧫
⧫ Embody your authentic essence ⧫
⧫ Revolutionize your relationship with abundance, pleasure and your divine purpose ⧫
“Within three weeks of working with Sydney I 10x’d my monthly revenue from $3K to $30K without creating any new business infrastructure but instead by simply following the customized energetic alignment practices Sydney intuitively guided me through.”
~ Margie Pargie, CEO+ Founder, Aerial Yoga Goddess, Transformational Coach
We will be following daily rituals and curated programming to help you release unconscious, inherited family trauma, stagnant energy wanting to be freed from your system and other density that’s in the way of you living your most happy, joyful, abundant, powerful life now.
Each day of the retreat includes an arc of morning practice with movement, dance and somatic healing then a segment on shadow work facilitated in group experiences with additional 1:1 guidance and support.
“I was really impressed by how Sydney can observe and witness when other people are stuck in their story she can help by just listening and help them see themselves more clearly.��My core wounds are my window into how I can best help others. I am empowered in my wounds form now on.  I now desire fun and play and I see how I deserve to give that to myself. Sydney puts herself fully out there with utter transparent and shares her experience, strength and hope on the table – balls to the wall. She’s not holding back at all. She has transformed from her experiences and she can talk WITH you not TO YOU in a way that’s very inviting, inclusive, compassionate, relatable. If you’re thinking about joining this retreat: It’ll be a heart-changing event for you if you show up.” 
~ David S., Business Executive, NJ-based
⧫ Be guided on sacred ceremonies and activations in the most powerful energy vortexes on Earth ⧫
⧫ Activate your higher self embodiment, live in alignment with your soul ⧫
⧫ Unlock your genius. Share your gifts. Speak your truth ⧫
⧫ Clear whatever is in your way of being your most radiant soul self, now ⧫
“When I came to Bali, I was at the end of my lifeline. This is not an exaggeration either. The more mentors I hired, the worse I felt. This was my last leap of faith, and it literally used the last of my resources. It was one final plea for the help that I knew I needed. I feel like you saved my life. Literally and in every sense of the phrase.
Mind/body/soul- you saved my life. You showed me the way through the blackest darkness and into a state of light, warmth, and bliss that I have NEVER felt in this human life. I feel like you returned me to my source, returned me to a state of inner (and outer) paradise. You liberated me and guided me to TRUE soul sovereignty.
I will never be able to express my gratitude to you. I have NOTHING but deep deep deep love and connection for you. I felt connected to you from the moment I “met” you online, but this experience was something else entirely. Thank you for bringing me back to myself, back to my power, back to my sovereignty, and even helping me to discover my TRUE purpose on this planet. How can I thank you enough? I can’t.”
~ Quinn Downie, Intuitive Guide + Soul Success Coach, Bali Awaken + Ascend 2019 Retreat Participant
“Since working with Sydney over our three month program, my health feels amazing and I feel so much vitality, life and flow in my body and self. I trust myself again and love all of who I am, the shame is all gone. I’ve been on a process of shedding so many layers to get to the essence and core of who I am and feel so much more confident in sharing that side of me.
I have created an incredible coaching program and have been sharing my gifts, strengths and genius with incredible women who are rising as leaders in the world. I have created so much self love that I’m now in a relationship with the soul mate man of my dreams. I have become so free of sexual shame and have healed so much with my relationship with my parents and my whole family lineage. The eczema I’ve had all over my body since I stopped breastfeeding as a baby has completely healed.”
~ Joshua Little, Personal Freedom Mentor, Actor, Singer, Visionary, California USA
Throughout each day’s program you will uncover layers of your true self you perhaps have never before been in contact with, each day becoming more and more acquainted with the voice of your soul truth, your infinite self awakening to your true power.
At the end of the day we typically close with a group somatic healing experience such as breath work, sound healing, dance or cacao ceremony for easeful integration of the deep energetic healing you will be undergoing.
“Sydney, your medicine was exactly what my soul needed. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your unconditional love, wisdom, support and guidance. You have helped me embody and love myself in ways I didn’t expect to and overcome challenges and shadows that I never thought were possible. I celebrate you and your souls work and I am now ready to fly and no longer play it safe.”
~ Sonia C, Intuitive Healer and Visionary Guide, Bali Awaken & Ascend 2019 Retreat Participant
◢ Included in this immersion
⟁ 5 Days, 4 Nights life-changing activation
⟁ 1:1 support before, after and during retreat
⟁ High vibe gourmet food prepared by private chef
⟁ Energy Healing, Grid Work, Cellular Activation, Channeling, Ceremony in Sacred Shasta Vortexes
⟁ Group Work in Family Constellations, Inner Child Healing, Reparenting/Rebirthing, Trauma Release, Somatic Experiencing, Breathwork, Bioenergetic Release, Sound Healing, Dance Liberation and more
We are supported throughout the retreat experience with nourishing, gourmet vegan meals and snacks prepared by our very own private chef. In addition to our intensive transformational work, you will have ample rest and integration time to enjoy our beautiful retreat grounds plus almost daily excursions to local Shasta sacred sites for energy transmissions and healing ceremonies we will be activating together.
“After the retreat I went into two auditions and had a completely different experience with showing up – I felt like my authentic self, unafraid to share who I am. I am now existing in a new paradigm – how can my gifts heal and help others? Believing this now – this is seeing how a naturally insecure person who is so hard on herself who is so dependent on everyone’s approval growing into an independent, powerful, inspired visionary. Now I am free to detach from the results because I am free of expectations and a need for approval and validation. My entire outlook has shifted. Considering doing this retreat? DO IT. ” 
~ Rebecca W., Musician + Healer, NJ-based
◢ Curated Group Facilitation For You To…
⬙ Crystallize Your Calling
⬙ Speak Your Authentic Truth
⬙ Own Your Power and Embody Presence
⬙ Magnetize Abundance + Accelerate Prosperity
⬙ Revolutionize Receptivity + Trust
⬙ Master The Art of Surrender
“Since working with Sydney, my biggest breakthroughs are having more trust in myself and the universe and living in a state of flow. I’ve found a community of deep soul family connections, deepened soul connections with people I have known for decades, have become more open and honest which has resulted in a total life upgrade, meaning: feeling the way I have wanted to feel about my life for decades, allowing people to see me for me and love me for me.
To anyone whose on the fence about joining/hiring Sydney, just move forward, it is worth every penny. The journey you will embark upon is transformational, healing, and unparalleled.”
~Stephanie Cunningham, Metaphysical Mentor, Reiki Energy Healer, Ohio USA
Retreat Program
Day One: The Art of Receiving
Owning Your Sacred Desires
Trusting Your Soul Truth
Embodied Leadership
Breathwork + Sound Healing
Day Two: Holy Desire
Energy Mastery for Trust and Receptivity
Owning Your Holy Desires
Embodying Your Power
Meditation + Dance Medicine
Day Three: Power Activation
Embodied Presence
Healing for Wholeness
Inner Child + Reparenting Activation
Family Constellations
Day Four: Pleasure Embodiment
Sensual Expression
Authentic Relating + Intimacy Activation
Sex Magic Alchemy + Manifestation
Vortex Excursion
Cacao Ceremony + Sound Healing
Day Five: Divine Assignment
Embodying Your Vision
Living Your Soul Purpose
Anchoring Self-Mastery + Sovereignty
Limitless Living + Your Dream Beyond the Dream
“Sydney’s retreat in Bali literally changed my life. My intention going to her retreat was to fall deeper in love with myself. And that’s exactly what happened. I had multiple major breakthroughs on her retreat related to RECEIVING and ALLOWING myself to experience more FUN, JOY, and FLOW in my life. It was on this retreat that I realized, at a very DEEP and visceral level, that LIFE DOESN’T HAVE TO BE HARD.
And since then, as I’ve described to multiple people, I feel like I’ve been in this incredible state of “Bali Flow” that has allowed me to have my first six-figure salary month with less effort and more fun than ever before (and that, of course, has been a consequence of simultaneously SERVING more powerfully than ever before).
Sydney Campos is an incredible facilitator and every aspect of her Bali retreat — from the AMAZING food to the powerful workshops to the beautiful local excursions — was perfect, and I do not have any doubt that this retreat will be any different.”
~ Stefano Ganddini, Spiritual Performance Coach, Speaker
What’s Included
Luxury accommodations in a beautiful retreat center amidst the Shasta forest and energy vortexes
Daily guided movement, yoga and meditation practice
Gourmet vegan meals, drinks and snacks prepared by a private chef
Expert guidance in somatic experiencing and healing techniques such as tapping (EFT), breath work, vocal activation, vibrational attunement and trauma release
 Daily group work with 1:1 support and facilitation in Inner Child Healing, Intuition Activation, Energy Mastery, Amplifying Magnetism, Healing Trust and Receptivity, Family Constellations, Sound Healing, Aligning To Your Divine Purpose, Owning Your Power, Accelerating Abundance, Pleasure Embodiment, Somatic Experiencing, Activating Intimacy + Authenticity, Multidimensional Awakening, Sacred Cacao Ceremony, Ecstatic Dance, Authentic Relating and more
One 30 minute coaching call with Sydney before and after the retreat
Resources, tools, techniques and materials uniquely curated for this experience that you can’t find presented like this anywhere else
Private group facilitation and monthly support calls leading up to the retreat and long-afterwards for guidance in continued integration and embodiment (with participants from Sydney’s other retreats and programs)
Logistics + Investment
Arrive close to 4pm on Wednesday August 7th (our first opening circle begins at 5:30pm), depart Sunday August 11th at 1pm
Early Enrollment for this retreat ends 4/30 with the investment of $2.4K with $444 deposit required to hold space (full balance due by August 1st)
Enrollment beginning 5/1 is $2,888.00 USD with $555 deposit to hold space or pay in full $2.7K (full balance due by August 1st)
All-inclusive 5 Day/4 night immersive retreat includes all meals, activities, excursions, 1:1 coaching (before, during and after retreat) and sessions with guest facilitators
Guests are responsible for booking own travel to and from the venue, including flights and transport to the house in Shasta (via car service or car pool)
Space for this intimate retreat is limited to 10
Recommended airports: The closest major airport is Sacramento International Airport (SMF), with Reno-Tahoe International airport (RNO) as a good alternative. There are also smaller airports in Redding, CA and Medford, OR nearby.
“My biggest results from working with Sydney were the confidence to quit my job and believe that everything would be ok. I also took a lot of action with Sydney that I didn’t have the confidence to take alone. She introduced me to what my life could (and would) look like.
To this day Sydney has been one of the more comprehensive mentors of mine.”
~Jenna Hillier, Visionary Health Coach, CPA, NYC USA
Your Retreat Host
Sydney Campos is a Visionary Mentor, Intuitive Channel, Spiritual Teacher and Author of The Empath Experience: What To Do When You Feel Everything. Sydney guides visionary leaders to live in alignment with their soul purpose while embodying next-level power, pleasure and prosperity.
In addition to being a seasoned Business Strategy Advisor and Certified Holistic Health Coach, Sydney is also a 200-Hour Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Energy Healer, and Certified Akashic Records Practitioner. Sydney shares her multifaceted inspiration through 1:1 visionary mentoring, self-mastery courses, transformational retreats, intuitive readings and her Visionary Souls Podcast.
An avid adventurer, Sydney is likely to be found in Bali, Venice Beach, San Francisco or anywhere in Mediterranean Europe. Sydney has been featured in Forbes, MindBodyGreen, Refinery29, Bustle, PureWow and New York Magazine.
Learn more about Sydney’s work with visionary leaders.
Your Retreat Chef
Tiffany Bergmann is a private chef and certified yoga instructor. She began her journey as a private chef in Los Angeles in 2010. Over the years, she has cooked for a variety of clients, tailoring each experience to the client’s need, wants and vision. Tiffany’s cooking style is comfort food with a healthy twist. She has a thorough knowledge of plant based cooking, and values cooking with local and seasonal ingredients. Her colorful meals are filled with nutrient rich ingredients that leave the body feeling nourished. Tiffany believes retreats provide a sacred space to create community around a table, and share high vibration food made with love.
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