#which like! two good months is better than no good months I am grateful that something helps
mutalune · 3 months
really wish there was a tag that separated “I’m having Big Angry and/or Angsty Opinions about Star Wars” from “I’m goofing off with Star Wars I’m playing in the sandbox none of this is real so yes I will make my blorbo and this random glub shitto go on an adventure that makes no logical sense” posts because there’s too much of the former and not enough of the latter for my current mental state
#starlight personal#the good news is that I finally have another ketamine appt scheduled and it’s sooner than I thought they’d have an opening#the bad news is that the appointment is not tomorrow and we’re kinda at the end of my mental-emotional rope#now kids this is what we call: an inherent flaw in my treatment plan that cannot be removed#because pretty much in an ideal world I’d have ketamine appointments every 6 weeks but 1) expensive and probs can’t afford that#2) they don’t have enough availability for that to be realistic 3) can’t take off of work THAT frequently without consequences#4) I would probably start to doubt reality if I was tripping that frequently 5) I don’t think docs would allow it#treatment resistant depression and anxiety my beloathed if we could just chill that’d be great#treatment resistant PMDD my other beloathed someday I will do my damnedest to cut you out of my body#idk not to be too selfpitying on main but god it fucking sucks that I appear to be doomed to another cycle based mood thing#PMDD means I get two good weeks two bad weeks#ketamine being the only effective treatment for whatever my brain’s got going on means two good months followed by x bad months#until my next appointment#which like! two good months is better than no good months I am grateful that something helps#I just wish it was a more convenient help and it could be applied more consistently than my psych office provides#also wish I didn’t have to call them 3 times to get it scheduled but it is what it is#also also wish that I had fewer of the physical side effects of my anxiety and wouldn’t wake up puking the min things are rough#this is all to say: I want silly SW headcanons and droid headcanons and silly fic ideas and not Everyone is Always Suffering#but I’m also too lazy (I.e brain cannot make decisions rn) to search for new tags that may give me more silly#which means time to browse my bookmarks for good good comfort fics I have saved I suppose#(this is lowkey why i want to physically fight everyone i know who’s like ‘yeah meds would help but idk :/‘ like!!!!!!!!#bro it’s a privilege to have access to meds and it’s a privilege to have a body that doesn’t turn on you the min you take one!!!!#just try 10mg of zoloft I would kill for 10mg of zoloft to not make me entirely incapable of functioning!!!)#I don’t mean that - you have a right to take or not take medication and everyone’s reasons may be their own#I just had my body and have some rough feelings around treating my issues being so expensive and inconvenient#and then feeling guilty b/c I know I’m lucky that I can afford it and can take off of work for it when I need to#like I am pretty lucky to have something that works and to have a care team that helped me get here#so I don’t wanna be ungrateful or unappreciative of my own luck in this and the work that went into getting here#I’d just also like it if I could change the circumstances slightly#make treatment on the weekends an option - get my psych office to have more than 2 trip sitters so scheduling isn’t so bad
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sgrplumditz · 8 months
You had his baby and he didn't know.
She sat with the 3-month-old baby girl. Every time she looked at her she saw His eyes, the eyes of the father of her child that had no idea she existed. A perfect blend of the two, but like her father the most recognizable feature was her eyes. Carrying her mother's soft and feminine features, while having her father's gaze.
She was standing in the kitchen of her two-bedroom apartment preparing to pump her full, plump breasts as her daughter slept soundly in a playpen nearby. Thinking of her daughter had become second nature to her, which meant that her thoughts only revolved around her daughter from the moment she found out she was pregnant. Although she was struggling as a single mother, she did not hold any resentment toward Simon. After all, he had no idea their daughter existed.
Simon was forced to leave for his work responsibilities. He knew he would be gone for a long time, it was a no-brainer that they would go their own separate paths. When her thoughts were not consumed by her daughter they were consumed by Him, she craved the closure, or support, or comfort that she knew he could bring her.
Interrupted. Her thoughts were interrupted by a light knock on the door. Her protective nature took over as she walked to the front door while holding a bottle in her right hand. Her heart sank the moment she looked through the peephole. "What is He doing here?" she thought before slowly swinging the door open.
His gaze immediately dropped to the pink bottle in her hand, "Why didn't you tell me?" he spoke, his voice was soft, yet it still held a slight tone of hostility. His accent was prominent, something she noticed would happen whenever he was emotional. His eyes looked drained, tired, and confused, but physically he looked as good as ever. His tall stature and wide frame cast a shadow over her significantly smaller build.
"Tell you what?" she said as her face flushed red and her heart pounded in her ears. Her ears also burning.
Simon walked into her apartment closing the door behind him, "You have never been a good liar". There it was, the exact gaze she saw in her daughter staring back at her in His body. That same gaze turned to his sleeping daughter in the pink playpen that was littered with stuffed animals and pink accents.
She couldn't tell what he was thinking or feeling. Anger, frustration, joy, sadness -- it was evident that he was on a roller coaster.
"Why didn't you tell me?", he sighed running his hand through his thick blonde hair. She was stunned, but she didn't know if it was because he actually showed up, or if she was stunned because this was their first time standing in a room together as a family. "Who told you?" her voice came out soft, timid almost.
"Price, but that is beside the matter" he paused to take in the sight of his daughter. "Why didn't you contact me? I gave you my cell for emergencies... th-this is an appropriate reason to contact me." he now sounded frustrated with her. She was gripping the bottle in her hand still, unable to relax and let it go. Was he mad?
He wasn't. He approached her and gently took the bottle out of her hand -- he knew her better than anyone meaning that he knew that she reacted poorly to confrontation. "You're okay, Love" he spoke gently as he held her small hands in his, "Talk to me, please." he pleaded as he guided them to the nearby couch, making her take a seat. There was new sense of gentleness when he spoke. The shift came naturally to him as now he was fixated on protecting the mother of his child in all aspects. His thumbs massaged her wrists gently while he waited for her to find her words. Simon has always been patient, a quality she loved about him.
They sat in silence for a few minutes, the only audible noise coming from the cooing sounds of their daughter. "Whenever you're ready, Love. I'm here to stay," he said with his warm hands still on her.
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distantdarlings · 6 months
SUPPORT SYSTEM // Slytherin Boys
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+ SUMMARY - *Requested, based on this* When a few Gryffindors start spreading rumors that the Slytherin boys only hang around you because they’re sharing you, you’re hesitant to share this information with them. (Slight Angst, Comedy?)
+ WARNINGS - Language, some sexual discussion (very small amount), bullying, secrets, implied fight, not proof-read (lmk if I’ve missed anything)
+ MUSIC (listened to while writing) -
Sarah - Alex G
- - -
As soon as your eyes opened that morning, you found yourself regretting even waking up. The memories of yesterday were flooding back and hitting you like a giant tidal wave, so visceral you could almost taste the salted water.
You ran a hand over your eyes, rubbing the sleep from them, and dreading the day. Despite the superior support system you had holding you up, you found yourself in a dilemma. The wonderful people you called your closest friends were what was plaguing you.
With each inhale, a flash of one of their faces would zip in front of you, deepening the nausea building in your stomach. You sigh. You couldn’t miss anymore classes, but you felt as though leaving your bed would surely breed a recipe for disaster.
Between the relentless teasing, the names you’d been called, and everything else that had been going on this week, you felt close to giving up. The only thing that had kept you powered in even the slightest way were your friends.
A knock interrupted your thoughts. A few teasing laughs broke through the thick wooden door as you swallowed the misery rising up your throat. It wouldn’t surprise you if your harrassers had decided to come knocking at your door, bringing their sneers and cruel words with them. You perked up your voice to tell the usurpers to go away when you heard a familiar shout.
The voice was lowered and joking, letting your name fall from his mouth like it was an everyday thing—which it was. You jumped up and tossed the comforter away from your body. You across the cold dorm floor and flung the heavy wooden door open.
On the other side stood three dark boys, all with varying smiles and warm eyes. Hot relief flooded your body as you let yourself fall into them.
Theo Nott stood dead center and caught your flailed body like a Quaffle. You wrapped your arms tightly around his lean body, missing the way he felt and the way he smelled. You could’ve melted into his body and lived there for the rest of your days if necessary.
To his right was Enzo Berkshire, the devilishly handsome and wickedly funny boy you called one of your best friends. He laughed aloud and tossed an arm around you as well, squeezing you between their bodies. You groaned slightly and the pressure. You turned your head.
“Come on, Matty, don’t you want to join us?” you mumbled, your cheeks squished between the two boys on either side of you.
The last boy stood back a bit, watching you amusedly. Mattheo Riddle chuckled a bit before placing a large hand over your head and mussing your hair a bit.
“I’m good, kid, but I’m grateful you’re feeling better,” he said, his voice genuine. You’d always hated when he called you ‘kid,’ as he was only a few months older than you. But, right now, you were more than happy to hear him say it.
With laughing exclamations, they all asked what you were doing and how you’ve been and if you felt any better. Amongst the constant picking you were getting from some of your classmates, you’d taken a couple days away from class and the boys because you were ‘sick.’ With white lies peppered in here and there, you explained that you were feeling much better now that they were here and that you were pretty sure you’d had some kind of stomach bug. It wasn’t totally a lie as you’d felt nauseated all weekend thinking about going back to class.
“Ready to go back to class?” Enzo asked, finally pulling away from you and allowing you a breath. Your stomach twisted at his words.
“Yeah,” you chuckled nervously. “I guess I am.” Theo and Enzo smiled in response, but Mattheo gave you an odd look, raising one of his eyebrows suspiciously. You shook your head at him.
For the last month, a couple of your classmates had been mentioning things in passing to people around the school. A few of your other acquaintances, outside of the boys, had informed you of the rumors being spread. Awful things, mostly about the boys. Things you’d never even considered to be a possibility.
Luna, a friend of yours from Herbology, mentioned that some Gryffindor had spoken to a couple of her friends about you in Potions. The Gryffindor had said that you were only friends with the boys because you were interested in their money and status, and that the boys only kept you around because you were easy. That last part had made your stomach broil.
You had never, ever even wanted anything more than what you currently had with the boys. They were your best friends—almost like brothers—and there was nothing more you craved from them. Being away from them for multiple days at a time felt like you were separated from family members, not lovers. And you had never so much as mentioned their money—in fact, you refused to let them pay for dinner the majority of times. You hated when people paid for your things.
Needless to say, the words had hurt you deeply, and you’d begun to wonder how many other people thought these things about you.
You wondered that until you overhead someone talking about you in a class last week. Little whispers had been passing around behind you the entirety of the class anyway, but when you’d heard your name, you’d whipped around to see who had said it. And lo and behold, there sat the Gryffindor girl with her group of friends. Only, this time there were others leaning in and listening. Fellow Slytherins, no less.
“Are you talking about me?” you’d asked, your eyebrows furrowing in hurt and anger. Nervous eyes had glanced back and forth and all around until the Gryffindor girl—Nancy McLaggen, you’d learned was her name—spoke up with a cruel smirk on her lips.
“We were just wondering if a couple rumors were true,” she’d said, faux innocence painted on her face.
“Rumors about me? What rumors?”
“Well, we all had heard from someone in Ravenclaw that you’re being passed around the Slytherin boys.”
You had nearly choked on your spit. Nancy refused to wipe the smirk off her face, and the people around you had begun to listen in as well. Expressions of shock and amusement were scattered throughout the classroom, and you couldn’t handle it anymore. You’d swiped your books together and excused yourself from the class, ignoring your teacher’s shouts to explain yourself.
And those were the events that had led you to where you currently were—miserable and pretending to be sick to avoid your peers. It was pathetic, but you couldn’t help it. You hadn’t been able to defend yourself in class last week and you were worried you wouldn’t be able to defend yourself if it happened again.
And there was no way in hell you were telling the boys about this. There would be no hesitation from any of them to defend you, but that was exactly what you were worried about. If they tried to help you, it would only worsen your current condition. Everyone in school would see the action as them protecting their little sex toy.
Merlin, you were so embarrassed and hurt, you couldn’t stand it. You felt nauseated again.
“Actually, boys,” you started, pressing a hand to your forehead. “I’m still feeling a little sick. I might wait until next week.”
“Next week?” Theo exclaimed. “How sick are you? Are you sure you don’t need to go to the infirmary?”
“No, I’m fine,” you sigh. “You go ahead—”
“No, we’re not going anywhere!” Enzo suddenly interrupted, stepping in front of Theo. You were a bit taken aback by the sudden spike in volume.
“En, I’m fine—”
“No, there’s something very wrong, and you’re not sick.”
“Guys, please just—”
“I agree with Enzo,” Theo interrupted. You glanced desperately at Mattheo, hoping someone would stand on your side.
“Something’s up,” he shrugged. “You don’t even look sick, kid.” You rolled your eyes. That annoyance was back.
“I said I was fine, why can’t you guys believe me?” you asked, sighing at their resilience. You wanted nothing more than to be alone.
“Because we’ve known you since you were eleven, just like you’ve known us,” Theo said. “Would you just let us be if one of us was acting the way you are?”
His words gave you pause. He made a very fair point. If any of the boys standing before you was behaving as you were, you’d be concerned. You felt a bit of guilt in becoming so angry with their protectiveness. They just wanted to help—just as they always did.
“Please tell us what’s wrong,” said Enzo. You tear your eyes from theirs, finding the lines of tile in the floor.
No matter how hard you tried to ignore their pressing stares, you couldn’t. You knew you needed to talk to someone—especially one of them. If they found out through someone else, who knew what they’d do. You pressed a frustrated hand to your forehead. The pure shame you felt from having to tell them what you’d been hearing the last week felt almost synonymous with running through the halls of the castle naked.
“Okay,” you sighed in defeat. “Last week, Someone started passing some rumors around the school—rumors about me.”
The boys seemed to glance between each other a few times before resuming immediate interest in your words.
“I know that there were a few girls from Gryffindor involved; Luna was the one to tell me about them…” you paused for a moment, gathering what little pride you had left. “They’ve been telling everyone that you guys have been…passing me around.”
With the last few words, you heaved a sigh of both relief and defeat and lowered your head farther into yourself. You felt nauseated and wished you could disappear.
In a breath of time, Mattheo’s knuckles clenched painfully loud as he turned on his heel and slammed the dorm door open.
“Mattheo, no—” you started to shout, tossing yourself toward the door. Theo and Enzo caught you against them, blocking your path.
“Guys, stop! Let me go!”
“You couldn’t have expected us to hear that and be totally fine, could you?” Theo smirked, pressing a small kiss to your cheek. You groaned and shoved away from them, backing farther into your room.
“It doesn’t matter,” you shrugged. “I didn’t tell any of you who I was talking about.”
“You said it was some Gryffindors, right?” Enzo asked.
“Yes, but do you have any idea how many Gryffindors are in this castle?”
“Enough.” Theo grinned wildly, his lips spreading evilly. The two boys crossed their arms and stood resolutely in front of the door.
“He’ll never figure out who it was,” you taunted, crossing your arms. Then just below the three of you, you heard a sharp shout of rough consonants.
At the sound of Mattheo’s tone, the two boys exchanged an excited glance and quickly pushed themselves through the door. As they unblocked your path, you sped toward the door.
Just as you reached the gaping threshold, they slammed the door shut right in your face. You pressed your body against the door, beating your hands on the solid wood.
“THEODORE NOTT, LORENZO BERKSHIRE, OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR!” you shrieked over their mocking laughter on the other side.
Something heavy clunked against the door and acted as their replacement as their chuckling voices disappeared down the hall.
No matter how hard you banged on the door’s solid wood, you realized you were never getting out of this unless—
You gasped and backed away from the door. Your wand. You could blast the door to pieces and repair it later.
With a successful smirk on your lips, you ran over to your bedside table and reached for the thin piece of material.
And just as your fingers curled around the wand, you heard a distant shout of “Accio!” Then your wand was flying out of your hand and zipping towards, then under the door.
You shrieked in anger before collapsing against your bed. You couldn’t believe that was going to go any other way, considering how well you knew the boys. It was well out of your hands now.
“You’ll thank us later, darling,” Enzo’s laughing voice was heard distantly through the stone walls. It took only a second for it to be drowned out by your frustrated groans and Theo’s taunting against some unknown assailant. You just hoped they wouldn’t hurt any of those students too badly…sort of.
Tag List: @lilymurphy03, @mypolicemanharryyy, @angelfrombeneth, @clairesjointshurt, @bunbunbl0gs, @acornacreacure, @niktwazny303, @thestarlithideout, @sarahskakskskskajakwwnwjw, @Yhiiil, @ravenclawprincess33, @xxrougefangxx, @thatblackthorn, @robinyx, @jolly4holly, @blvebanisters, @chgrch
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mysteryshoptls · 3 months
SSR Divus Crewel - Rich Fur Coat Vignette
"A full course of disciplinary action"
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[Sage‘s Island – Foothill Town]
Sage’s Island Resident: Good morning, Divus-san. You're up pretty early again.
Crewel: Good morning, madam.
Crewel: Also… Good morning, Emma!
Crewel: Your cute spots look so good on you, as always. I am truly lucky to be able to meet with such a stunning beauty so early in the day.
Crewel: …Can I give you some pets, you sweet thing?
Emma: Bark, bark!
Sage’s Island Resident: Fufufu, you're always so doting on our Emma, thank you. Look, she's so happy she's showing her belly.
Crewel: No, I should be thanking you. These fleeting moments I get in the morning are my personal solace.
Crewel: I'm grateful that I am able to see and pet these beautiful little lads and lasses.
Crewel: Especially since I'm unable to see my precious ones until I return to the Queendom of Roses on the weekends.
Sage’s Island Resident: If I recall, you have two friends looking after your dogs back home during the week, right?
Crewel: That's right. They're old friends… Or rather, they've become more like hired hands.
Crewel: I would love nothing more than to bring my dogs to Sage's Island…
Crewel: But my apartment here in Foothill Town is much too small to keep them.
Crewel: Sometime in the future, it would be nice to rent a large home here in this town and live with them together every single day.
Crewel: I'd drive with them in my favorite car on the long road along the ocean… That's the dream.
Sage’s Island Resident: Well, how lovely. I'm looking forward to the day that I'll be able to meet your precious dogs, Divus-san.
Crewel: And I as well, madam. I hope you have another pleasant day today. Bye, Emma.
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Crewel: Good morning, my good sir. A strong cup of tea, as per my usual.
Shopkeep: Good morning, Crewel-kun. Would you like some food with that?
Crewel: No, thank you. I don't eat breakfast, as a rule.
Shopkeep: Yes, yes, I know. I thought I'd just ask.
Shopkeep: I can't believe you come to my little establishment so early in the morning just to drink tea instead of our signature coffee blend…
Shopkeep: You're still an odd one, even after becoming a professor at Night Raven College.
Crewel: Hah. Truth be told, I don't come here for the tea.
Crewel: Every Monday morning, if I sit in this seat here, I can watch the ships sail into port. The sight of the sails in a row is beautiful…
Crewel: This tea doesn't even compare to the stuff I can brew, but this view is something I can't replicate back home.
Shopkeep: Hahah! I always knew you were a sharp-tongued devil in your student years, but it seems you've just gotten even more cruel!
Crewel: I think it's more of a shock that you haven't improved your tea brewing skills in 15 years, sir.
Shopkeep: Well, luckily, we're still thriving! Do enjoy your time here.
Crewel: Thanks. …Hm. This respite is quiet and soothing.
Crewel: I should relax while I can. …Because I'm sure today will end up being yet another busy day.
Crewel: Today, I have homeroom plus three other classes. There's also preparations that need to be done for next month's event, a staff meeting, and last week's tests that need grading… Whew.
Crewel: Well. I'll just have to hope those pups won't cause me any issues, at a minimum.
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Crewel: STAY!!!
Students: EEK!
Crewel: I can't believe this… What have you done?
Crewel: Why are all the ingredients needed for today's experiment scattered all over the floor?
Crewel: Which one of you mangy mutts not only stepped on but also mixed together all those spilled ingredients?
Crewel: I am only asking a simple question, and yet all anyone can yelp is "It wasn't me," or "It was someone else's fault"...
Students: EEEEP!
Crewel: So tell me, who is the culprit? Tell me truthfully, and you'll only have to deal with a full course of disciplinary action and not a bit more.
Students: Th-That is…
Students: [everyone stares]
Grim: Hm?
Grim: …Wh-Wh-Wh-What? Don't all you be lookin' down on me!
1. I think it'd be better if you just apologize honestly… 2. You'll get a lighter punishment if you just confess now.
Grim: It wasn't me who did that! It's [Yuu], definitely [Yuu]!
Scarabia Student: Don't try to blame [Yuu]. You really don't know how to give up, huh, Grim!
Octavinelle Student: Yeah, you were the one who flipped the table in the first place! There's no way I'm gonna let you take us down with you!
Grim: Heh! Do ya even got any proof that I did it?
Crewel: I see. It definitely won't do to accuse someone of the crime without proper evidence.
Crewel: …By the way, Grim.
Grim: Hm?
Crewel: The fur on your legs have turned black, but why is that? It looks just like that of a black cat.
Grim: Huh? My legs?
Grim: …Woah, you're right! My amazing grey fur's pitch black!
Crewel: There's no point in wiping it. The sap from the tree we were to use today turns black upon exposure to air.
Crewel: If it were to touch on your clothes or hair, it wouldn't matter how much you scrub or wash with water, it won't come off.
Crewel: incidentally, to return the blackened part to normal, the fastest method would be to cause another reaction to render it colorless.
Crewel: Look! Everyone see here.
Crewel: When I pour this concoction of herbs onto Grim's blackened legs…
Crewel: See, it returned back to its normal color. Make sure you remember this reaction.
Students: Oooooh.
Crewel: …Now, Grim. Do you have any idea why the ingredients we were to use for today's experiments got on your legs?
Grim: M-M… MYAAAH!
Grim: It ain't my fault! The desk shouldn't've been there!
Crewel: And [Yuu], you're to also stay behind, as Grim's prefect. It would be troublesome if you cannot even look after your own pet!
1. But I have plans after class…
Crewel: Oho, you have plans that take priority over my prescribed discipline? [Yuu shakes their head] …No? A good response from a good boy.
2. I'm sorry…
Crewel: If you truly are sorry, then lets see that as a tangible result. If you can make Grim learn to sit and stay properly as his prefect, then I'll give you a treat.
Crewel: These pups truly are a handful… My beloved pet dogs are much more well behaved.
Crewel: Everyone, sit!
[Crewel magics the ingredients]
Grim: All the stuff I dropped are just floating back on top of the desk. So why's he gotta get on me when he can just fix everything…?
Crewel: The ingredients have been properly prepared once again. I will now explain the procedure for this experiment, so make sure you watch carefully.
Crewel: …I expect all of you to be on your best behavior.
Grim: Urp. He's just glaring at me, now…
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[Interior Hallway]
Crewel: Ah, classes are finally over. Today was another tiring day.
Crewel: None of the freshmen listen and the sophomores slack off now that they've gotten used to the classes. And the juniors are teeming with arrogance.
Crewel: If I were a student, I would absolutely have literally knocked some sense into them...
Crewel: However, because of my position, I cannot do that now. I never even thought that I would be more inconvenienced as a professor, than I was as a student.
Crewel: Tch! I knew what I was in for, but still, I hadn't expected being an instructor to be this difficult.
???: And why are you clicking your tongue like that, Crewel-sensei?
Trein: As a professor of this school, I would prefer if you were to carry yourself better, so as to be a good example towards the students.
Crewel: Ugh… And now on top of everything else, someone even fussier has shown up…
Trein: What is with that disgruntled look? Do you take some issue with me?
Crewel: Of course not, don't be absurd! I would never bite back at any commentary you have for me, Trein-sensei.
Trein: Good. We should start to head towards the staff meeting, then.
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Trein: Incidentally, you seemed to look rather exhausted a moment ago. Did something happen?
Crewel: No, I wouldn't say there was anything in particular…
Crewel: …I was only thinking of how I could effectively train the students. There are more than a fair share of unruly pups.
Trein: Do you of all people have any right to say that…? Especially since you were one of the rowdiest students during your time here.
Crewel: That was simply youthful ardor. Wasn't I just a charming little thing?
Trein: Don't write it off as simple "youthful ardor." Have a little shame.
Trein: …Well, I suppose it hasn't been too long since you've become a professor, in the end. This year makes… how long?
Crewel: Six years. Have you forgotten our joyous reunion already?
Trein: Hmph. Of course I remember your scowling little, "Oh, professor, were you still here?"
Trein: But only six years, I see… Well, why don't you pat yourself on the back for doing as well as you are for such a short tenure?
Crewel: I'm doing well? …Do you truly think so?
Trein: It is a fact that the rate of students pursuing the sciences have increased since you've arrived. There would be no purpose in denying that your instruction is showing good results.
Crewel: Heh… Heheh, is that right?! Well, I certainly wasn't expecting that coming from you.
Trein: And there you go getting carried away and speaking without any forethought. I do believe I've taught you countless times since your time here as a student to respect your elders, haven't I?
Trein: …Now then, if you're feeling better about yourself, we should get this staff meeting underway. I am keeping Lucius waiting.
[Trein walks off]
Crewel: …How insensitive of you, Trein-sensei.
Crewel: Here I am, patiently enduring everything until I can finally go see my dogs over the weekend, and you say that.
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[Alchemy Workshop]
Crewel: Now that the meeting is done with, I should try to finish grading the tests while I can.
Crewel: …The rate of students pursuing the sciences, hm. I suppose it's true that everyone's grades are improving, even if at a slow pace. …A truly slow pace.
Crewel: Heh. I do enjoy seeing these pups grow.
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[knock, knock, click]
Grim: Hey! I went 'n did that assignment for ya!
Crewel: What is it that you've done for me...?
1. I'll have him try that again. 2. He just misspoke!
Grim: I-I mean, I finished the assignment ya gave me. I'll put it here on the desk, 'kay?
Grim: …Hm? There's a book with a fancy cover mixed in with all these boring lookin' books. What's this?
Crewel: Oh, did that catch your eye? That book contains the collection of an apparel brand I worked for in the past.
Crewel: I keep telling them to not send anything to my office, but are some who just refuse to listen…
Crewel: Not only do I receive their catalogs, but also phone calls, all asking for my advice for the next fashion season.
Crewel: …It's just like your tests, don't you think? I'll have to fix their mistakes later to the best of my abilities.
Grim: Urgh, that sounds annoying. Why don'tcha just ignore 'em?
Crewel: Ignore them… Hahah, that's one idea. I can imagine their panicked and frantic faces.
Crewel: …But no, I do consider this somewhat of a hobby for me.
Crewel: Just because I've become a professor, that does not mean I can fall behind the current fashion. I want to constantly be checking the latest trends.
Crewel: I'm sure even you'd prefer a fashionably cool instructor over some decrepit, antiquated teacher, right?
1. I want a cool teacher.
Crewel: Right? You're quite a lucky one on that account, pup, because you have me as your homeroom teacher!
2. I want a nice teacher.
Crewel: You'll get bored if they're just nice all the time, you know. You might understand what I mean when you get a bit older.
Grim: I don't really get all that hard fashion stuff, but I totally wanna look cooler!
Crewel: Well, I'll consider that good enough for now. Don't you worry, I'll make sure to turn you into polished gems before graduation.
Crewel: You students here at Night Raven College may have a knack for magic, but your fashion senses are severely lacking.
Crewel: …And since I've taken on the duties of being your teacher, I won't allow that to continue.
Crewel: When I first started here, I vowed that I would craft every single one of you into the most fashionable and capable mages you can be.
Crewel: You have a first-class instructor, and first-rate instruction. …It would be impossible for you all to not become fantastic mages.
Grim: Heh. I'm totally gonna become a great mage even without your help!
Crewel: Hahah, you're a cheeky one. …Now then, if you've finished your task, go on. Looks like your friends have arrived to walk you out.
Crewel: Your time as a student may seem long, but it is deceptively short. I will do what I can to support all of you so that you can live your life here without any regrets.
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Requested by @revengeofreaper32.
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cl6teen · 1 year
˖ ࣪ . 🦢 ࿐ ♡ ˚ . cariño , cs55
in which her younger brother’s big move to madrid lands her a relationship with a certain ferrari driver <3
social media au ⍟ carlos sainz x fem!bellingham!reader
warnings: none!! goes from partial soft launch to hard launch
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liked by judebellingham, jobebellingham, carlossainz55, and 318,055 others
y/nbellingham to my best friends and brothers, congratulations ❤️
view all 3,456 comments
judebellingham grateful to have you by our side ❤️
jobebellingham best biggest fan ever
bsfsinstagram madrid time !!
y/nbellingham new city unlocked
bhamfan does this mean we get real madrid vlogs now?
liked by y/nbellingham
judesunknowngf y/n’s support for her brothers is so sweet how could you not like her???
˗ 𖦹。 two months later ⋆° ˗
carlossainz55 added to their story (2 hours ago), y/nbellingham added to their story (5 mins ago)
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˗ 𖦹。 twitter ⋆° ˗
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˗ 𖦹。 instagram ⋆° ˗
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, judebellingham and 1,219,555 others
carlossainz55 nada es mejor que el hogar 🇪🇸 (nothing is better than home)
view all 6,222 comments
charles_leclerc don’t have too much fun over the break mate!
luv4sainz these photos are too lana coded for my liking
1655ferrari no bc these were def taken by a woman
landonorris the black and white filter makes this look like a memorial, fly high 🕊️
liked by y/nbellingham and charles_leclerc
user liked by jude??? my prayers are being answered, s/o that twitter user for manifesting
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liked by bsfsinstagram, carlossainz55, judebellingham and 89,234 others
y/nbellingham enamorada de la vida (in love with life)
tagged bsfsinstagram
view all 1,378 comments
bsfsinstagram the madrid glow is different and it’s beautiful on you
liked by carlossainz55
unliked by carlossainz55
judebellingham you’re not great at football
liked by carlossainz55
y/nbellingham we were playing in the sand shut up!
user the bellinghams definitely met carlos at the madrid game and i am not mad about it at all
user photo dump for the soul ofc but where is the madrid vlogggg 😩
y/nbellingham it’s coming very soon my love!
˗ 𖦹。 twitter ⋆° ˗
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˗ 𖦹。 twitter pt. 2 ⋆° ˗
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˗ 𖦹。 instagram ⋆° ˗
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liked by carlossainz55, judebellingham and 102,122 others
y/nbellingham i’ve been getting my spanish in (ft. jude fit pic)
📌 valencia, spain
view all 1,024 comments
bsfsinstagram i’m missing my photo creds for two of these pictures missy.
judebellingham ❤️‍🔥
carlossainz55 you need to work on pronounciation but it’s getting there
y/nbellingham you just speak too fast i’m doing well
user who is that in the last photo ???
y/nbellingham nobody 🤭
user is that carlos??!!!
y/nbellingham haha carlos is my spanish teacher
liked by carlossainz55
˗ 𖦹。 twitter ⋆° ˗
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˗ 𖦹。 two months later, silverstone ⋆° ˗
y/nbellingham added to their story (25 mins ago)
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liked by y/nbellingham, charles_leclerc, scuderiaferrari and 1,555,678 others
carlossainz55 thank you silverstone
view all 7,335 comments
judebellingham a thrilling watch man ❤️‍🔥
1655ferrari IM SO PROUDDD!!!
charles_leclerc your good luck charm worked mate 😉
liked by y/nbellingham
user i literally cried watching him win im so happy
saintsainz no way i manifested jude on the paddock and then carlos winning 😭😭
y/nbellingham p1 suits you 🥰
carlossainz55 you suit me
luv4sainz WAIT HUH???
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liked by carlossainz55, bsfsinstagram, charles_leclerc and 545,763 others
y/nbellingham i never actually said he was just my spanish teacher…
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liked by charles_leclerc, bsfsinstagram, landonorris and 680,765 others
carlossainz55 mi cariño ❤️
comments on this post have been limited
y/nbellingham mi hombre favorito 💕
2K notes · View notes
WIBTA for bringing a fake boyfriend to my friend's party?
to condense as best i can, i (30, transwoman, city of pop. >10million) recently become the mother hen to a brood of wonderful baby queers (8 total, 17-23, boys and girls, all moved for school in the last year or so, most had never set foot in ANY city before). we live on the same floor of an apartment complex, and we've all grown very close over the past months; i help them use the metro, they tell me when they're going on dates and text so i know they got home safe, i cook weekend dinners, and they all slept in my living room for a week when another apartment on the floor was broken into. i think of them as somewhere between friends, younger relatives, or even my own children.
recently, one of the older ones (21) has realized he's also trans and come out to me, and i'm so proud and grateful that i can guide him through his early transition. unfortunately, there's his mother.
he'd first told me her response to his coming out was "better than expected", so i assumed she was tolerant, if not supportive yet. i've since learned she continually misgenders him, thinks this is a "tomboy phase" he'll marry out of someday, and has begun listening to more right-wing podcasts and news sites in order to "hear from both sides".
along with the other 7 kids, i've been invited to stay at the family's farm for his birthday in august, & while he's assured me she won't make a scene with company around, he's implied she has many opinions about my prescense, but said that i shouldn't tone myself down, and that if anything "it would be good for her to learn to be kind to you early, since we're family too now". two of the girls are partners, which the mother knows, but she does not seem to care about this and said that bringing a date was fine.
i have another friend (31) who's much more loudly queer than i am. on top of this, he's heavily tattooed (HUGE taboo here), rides a motorcycle, and is very outspoken and unshakable. i told him about all of this, and he offered to come along as my boyfriend, both to bother this woman, and so i won't be in a tiny (population SEVENTY-THREE!) unfamiliar town alone if anything happens. he's met the kids several times now, they get along well, and the birthday boy has said "that all sounds hysterical. do whatever you want."
my worry here is that the mother is already MUCH worse than he'd first lead me to believe, so i don't know that i can trust the kid's judgment that everything will be fine. i don't care about hurting this woman at all, and both i and my friend have dealt with even nastier people before so i'm not afraid of her, but i DO NOT want to do anything that could put this boy in a difficult position, especially since he'll likely be living with his family every summer until he's finished school, if not longer. i know what i can personally tolerate, but i don't know what he can, especially from a mother.
would i be an asshole to bring my "boyfriend" along? is it best to just go solo? or should i stay away entirely until he's back in the city?
What are these acronyms?
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kooahae · 11 months
After Last Night: Jungkook's announcement
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Read the previous drabble here
The next chapter here by release date
Summary: Jungkook has something he'd like to share with his loved ones.
Pairing: best friends to lovers/established relationship,Jungkook X female reader 
Warnings: mentions of drinking but other than that none :) super cute fluff this time around. and like usual ...they are so down bad for each other.<3
Word count:  2.3K
A/N: I promised one more fluff before the angst so just letting you know the next drabble will be a bit darker, but as always thank you for reading <3
If these last two months taught you anything, Nothing beats waking up to Jungkook. He smells good, always showers you with kisses, makes you breakfast, and makes you feel safe and warm. Today you noticed he’s being extra affectionate- which almost seems impossible given who you’re talking about. You can’t complain though, It feels super nice to be desired all the time and It’s even better when the person loves you as equally as you love them.
“Wake up baby.” Jungkook plants a kiss on your collarbone. 
“I am up. You’ve been kissing me everywhere for like 15 minutes straight. I was just enjoying it.” You reply with a grin creeping onto your face.
Once you open your eyes, you’re met with a shirtless Jungkook hovering over you. You drape your arms around his neck to be greeted by the biggest grin on his face. 
“We have stuff to do today!” Jungkook states, his excitement evident. 
You Just nod- You do recall him saying his mom asked for you both to visit this weekend. You’re not surprised either. Jungkook is a serious mama’s boy. You understand though. No one is as cool as Mrs. Jeon, but back to what’s right in front of you. World’s most perfect boyfriend.
“You’re so pretty at every hour of the day.” He says cupping your face. 
How could you not want to wake up to this every day?
“I love you.” You state and he smiles. 
“I love you too. Come on gorgeous, let’s start our day.” 
You’re finally finished getting ready, and you can tell you look great because Jungkook can’t stop complimenting you. 
“I have the hottest girlfriend ever.”  He says and you smile. 
“You’re perfect and sweet, thank you, baby.” You respond, pecking him on the lips. 
You’ll never get tired of that either.
“I’m gonna put bam in the car, then I’ll be back up to help you carry anything you may be bringing.” 
You nod. As he walks out, you check your outfit one more time. Your top is just a basic crop shirt, your jeans are snatching you in all the right places and you picked the best pair of sneakers to match. You look great and casual. You don’t know why you’re so nervous either, you’ve known his family your whole existence. You’re just going there in an elevated role in Jungkook’s life, you’re still the same person they’ve known.
“Ready baby?” Jungkook’s voice rips you out of your thoughts.  You nod yes and turn to him. 
“Let’s go.” You say and flash him a smile. 
The car ride is almost a full two hours due to traffic, but Jungkook and you have been singing at the top of your lungs and pointing out the scenery on your way. He’s also been stealing kisses at every light and telling you how excited he is to see his family. You know Jungkook is his family’s shining star, so the feeling will be mutual for them. It always makes you smile to see them interact. Even more so, it makes you grateful to be cared about and included. 
You notice you’re about 10 minutes away from his parent’s house, so you check the mirror and touch up your lip gloss. 
“You look perfect baby, plus it’s just my family. You’ve known them forever.”  He says gripping your thigh as he enters the driveway. 
You gave yourself that pep talk earlier, it’s funny that it’s actually him saying it to you now- he’s right though!
“I know but I just can’t help the butterflies I feel.”  You tell him truthfully
Jungkook parks the car and looks at you. “Are they because of me?” He says with a flirty smile. 
They weren’t before but now…
“Yeah.” You say smiling at him. 
“Yeah?” He asks one more time, raising an eyebrow still grinning and leaning in
But Bam’s barking interrupts you. -you almost forgot he was in the backseat. You both look and see he’s barking at Jin who is standing in the doorway.
“Come on pretty,” Jungkook says pecking your nose one more time as he opens the back door to let bam out-then yours. He makes sure he grabs your bag and his as well. 
Jin is tackled by Bam before he can greet you both like he usually would. You would help him up but when Bam is this excited, there’s no stopping him. 
“Have fun with that hyungie!”  Jungkook states while smiling and laughing at his brother. 
 “There’s my sweetheart!!” Jungkook’s mom yells out of excitement as she comes to hug you.
“Hi, Mrs. Jeon I’ve missed you so much!” You hug her back. You see his dad approaching as well. 
“Just so beautiful and youthful!” She says placing a hand on your shoulder delicately. 
“Um, what about me?” Jungkook pouts. 
“My handsome boy!!” She yells mimicking the excitement she had speaking to you, causing you to chuckle. 
You hug Jungkook’s dad and so does he then his mom asks for your help in the kitchen while he takes the bags to his bedroom. 
You and Jungkook’s mom have a great relationship. You always loved helping her cook dinner -one because Jungkook always comes into the kitchen super excited when dinner is done and, it taught you and Jungkook both how to cook. Secondly, nothing beats the little gossip sessions you always get to have with her before the boys come in. 
You’ve been listening to her talk about Jin and his love life, she really wants to be a grandmother soon.  
Mr. Jeon and Jin walk into the kitchen to sit in the bar area, so you guys stop the conversation- girl time is strictly girl time. Plus Jin would probably freak out and go on a rant about how having Jungkook as a little brother is room to not have a kid. 
Everyone is just conversing and then Jungkook walks in.
“It’s so different being here instead of home isn’t it?” He says looking at you. 
He’s so pretty.  You nod your head in agreement.
“Oh, I knew there was something I wanted to ask about. We heard you moved back into the condo with Jungkook. What’s new with you since you’re single? Anyone pursuing our girl that I should be on standby about?” His dad asks. 
Last time you checked you’ve been in a relationship for two months… 
You’re about to speak but someone beats you to it.  
“Ahh, that’s why we are here!” Jungkook stands up and comes behind you moving the spatula you had in your hand and pulls you into him. 
You tilt your head up at Jungkook furrowing your eyebrows- you’re still confused…
Didn’t his mom invite you guys? 
She didn’t like Seojun, and from what you know about Mrs. Jeon, something you’ve known your whole life- she doesn’t pry too much unless it concerns someone’s overall well-being. 
“I asked if we could come.” He says immediately looking down at you smiling. Rubbing his fingers over your eyebrows to smooth them down, a motion he does often. Telling you to stop worrying.
He also knows he would have been in for it if he was hiding the relationship from them.  
“I wanted to tell everyone I have a girlfriend and that it’s someone everyone approves of.” He says pecking your lips.
“Mom, Dad..” He says looking up at them proudly with the biggest grin. Then he looks at you in the eyes.
“This is my girlfriend, She’s super smart, kind, and takes good care of me. I like taking care of her too. You guys will definitely approve” He says as if they don’t know you- he’s so cute. You can tell it was important to him to make an announcement in person. Which makes you feel good too.
Leave it to Jungkook to find a way to be outrageously cute. 
“That is great news! Congratulations to you both!” Mr. Jeon says smiling widely 
“Finally, now I can stop acting like I don’t know,” Jin says taking a sip of water, before he and Jungkook wink and send each other finger pistols. 
“Sorry, it took so long for me to tell you,” he says once he realizes Jin just exposed what he knew first. 
His mom? She’s super quiet…
“It has to be the best day of our lives…” She finally says. 
“As parents, all we have ever wanted was for you to bring someone that’s at least half of her standard home…but it’s actually the best news I could ask for as your mom! My beautiful son has found an equally beautiful person.” She says grabbing your hand and nodding in approval. 
“ And the best part is, she was here all along,” Jungkook says as he goes to embrace his mom. 
“Let’s drink!” Mr. Jeon says excitedly. 
You smile. This is your family too, always has been. You love it here.
“Highballs!” The males of the family shout in unison. 
Yep- you’re definitely in good company. 
After a few drinks and eating together, you’re all sitting around telling stories.
“Who said the L word first?” His dad asks - he looks like he’s invested in the newest rom-com.
Jungkook smiles “Me! Do you know how long I waited to tell her? Practically my whole life.”
His dad just smiles and nods. “I was always telling your mom you both were completely smitten over each other. I’m glad to be right.”
“I said it first, I know our son!” She says lightly slapping his shoulder.
They’ve always been so playful with each other. You hope you and Jungkook stay like that too. 
You all continue to play games and drink. Bam of course is making his presence known every few seconds he goes without attention from you and Jungkook.  
Jungkook can tell you’re getting sleepy as you lean your head onto his shoulder while everyone continues to play the board game. 
He tilts your head up with his finger under your chin. 
“We can go to sleep after this, okay?” You smile lightly and kiss his dimple. 
“Goodnight everyone!” You yell as you and Jungkook walk up to his bedroom. 
“Goodnight, see you in the morning for breakfast.” His parents say in response. 
You’re so damn lucky you think to yourself. You already know what you’re walking into when you’re here and it’s one of the most comfortable atmospheres to be apart of, just like when you were younger.
Once you finally change into your pajamas and crawl into bed, you watch Jungkook remove his shirt and change into sweatpants before joining you. You immediately scoot closer to him
He looks you in the eyes as he brushes your hair out of your face.
“What are you thinking about baby girl?” He asks
“I haven’t been in your room in what feels like forever. Do you remember when we snuck out to that party in 9th grade? We really thought no one would notice us trying to climb into the window” You smile, tracing his tattoos as you lay your head on him. 
“Yeah I do, I wanted to confess to you that night. I was so mad that we got in trouble. It ruined my proposal.”
“Oh yeah? How would you have told me?” You say and look into his eyes. After all these years, they still have that pure, one-of-a-kind sparkle- always tugging at your heart.
“Now that we are older. I was gonna ask in such a lame way. I prepared one of those singing cards that played a song and the ending just was me saying ‘Ahhh___ I like you. So like me back please’ ”  You both laugh. 
“I liked you then too. I would have said yes” You say reassuring him and his card idea from back then. 
You both stare at each other, enjoying the silence but comfortable aura surrounding you. 
You then notice Jungkook is thinking about something.
“Kook? What’s up?” You say lifting your head some more.
“About earlier, I’m sorry for not telling you baby. I just wanted to have a bragging moment.” He says smiling. 
“Bragging?” You say and he nods his head confirming. 
“Yeah. I didn’t mean for it to take you by surprise… it’s just that I have the prettiest, smartest, loyal, hard-working, sexy, fun, and loving girlfriend ever. Of course, It needed a big announcement. I brought the love of my life home with me.“  Jungkook’s cheeks are slightly red from the blush creeping up on them
You’re sure you look the same as you hover over him and kiss him. 
“You’re always making me feel special,” you say. Jungkook feels his heart start to beat out of his chest. 
“That’s all I wanna do.” He says reassuring you, leaning up into the kiss before he pulls you down with him. 
“We aren’t home.” You remind him and he smirks.
“ I was going to behave, I promise.” He says as you reach to turn the light off.
“Let’s get some sleep.” You say nuzzling into his neck, but not before he can plant the soothing kiss on your lips. 
“I love you, Goodnight princess.” 
“I love you more, Goodnight baby.”
You and Jungkook fall asleep in the same room you used to when you were younger. You’re so happy that the same arms you get to wake up to are holding you as you slumber. You’re even more grateful his family took the news well. You had a really great day, and it’s all because Jungkook never falls short. 
You make a promise to yourself to always make sure to treat him just as beautifully as he treats you. 
Taglist: @joyfulwobblerhoagieegg @diorh0seokie @jennafromhome @taesungx @kimber-kook @whoa-jo @kaiparkerwifes @yoonglesbby07 @bangtansoneyondanfan
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On streaming and cancellation
Wanted to get a bit off my chest about the Dead Boy Detectives cancellation and the state of television today, so this is going to be a bit of a ramble/rant.
I know that Dead Boy Detectives cannot have been the cheapest or least challenging show to film in the Netflix Originals lineup. I am very grateful that Netflix picked it up in the first place, because the alternative seems to have been that it would have quietly moldered after having been dropped by HBO.
And I know that the realities and financials of the business of television are very different now than they have been in the past. I’m pretty sure they’re a black box to most people now, because Netflix sure isn’t sharing the fine details of how they are making those financial decisions, and their only real important metric seems to be “subscription number goes up.”
But I’m so exhausted by this current model, which seems to launch fans into the “bargaining” mode of grieving by default, even before the show gets cancelled.
As a fan, I should not be worried about whether I found and started watching the show quickly enough, or whether I should have watched more of it sooner. (I think my first watch-through ended just within that first month).
As a fan, I should not be worried about whether I posted enough, or did enough to evangelize about the show. (I like talking about stuff that I like, but I am personally uncomfortable with evangelizing about anything.)
As a fan, it is not my job to be an influencer, or the unpaid wing of Netflix’s marketing department. (And if I was going to be, oh, I have so many ideas about improvements they could make… but those improvements would probably exceed their modest in-house marketing budget. And again, not my job.)
As a fan, my only job is to love the show, and I do, and I did. So, so much. (I made it through nearly six complete rewatches; I was halfway through episode six again when I heard the news — and that’s not me putting on the show in the background, that’s actively watching each time — and they should know that from the number of times I rewound certain scenes. I had to stop putting it on while I was cooking because I kept missing parts I wanted to see more closely.)
And I know that as much as I loved this show, there are so many other fans out there who loved it that much more.
So it’s disheartening to hear that the show supposedly didn’t have the numbers or the engagement, but it’s also disheartening to see fans feel like this is something we could have prevented. Because I’m pretty sure we couldn’t.
Netflix doesn’t want to see that the show is critically acclaimed (it is!), or that people who like it really like it (they do!). The fact that it’s really good is great, but at the end of the day they’re not that interested.
They want to know that it’s something that will gain them subscribers. They want to see that it’s a sure thing that will make them back their money. (And this sentiment is not exclusive to Netflix, of course; any streamer, any studio has the same concerns at this point.)
And Season Two would probably cost more than Season One. Honestly, if we had gotten a Season Two I would have wanted them to give a bit more time and money to Season Two than Season One, because as great as it was, I feel like I could see places where the show was held back from being even better.
There’s nothing that I can do, as a fan, to let Netflix know that Dead Boy Detectives Season Two would have been a sure thing that would absolutely make them back their money. All I could have done is to go on loving the show, and telling other people about how much I love the show, and I think in time it absolutely would have found a wider audience of people who loved it.
Netflix used to be one of those companies that thrived (or at least, claimed to thrive) on the long tail, on people discovering the things that they loved and spoke specifically to them (maybe long after they were made), over and over and over again. It’s not that anymore. And I’m not even sure that the execs have ever thought of the Netflix Originals in that context.
And that’s sad for us, but it’s also sad for them, because here’s the thing:
We’re now in a climate where all of the major streamers are raising rates while also trying to maintain their user base. And that makes sense, from a certain point of view — content, licensed or in-house — is ultimately expensive. At the same time, everyone wants subscriber counts to go up, even as they start to reach saturation.
So then we start hearing streamers bemoaning churn — people signing up for a few months and then cancelling, and then coming back months or a year later to sign up for a few months again. That’s not steady or reliable income. And every time you lose someone to a cancellation, there’s a chance that they might find something else to occupy their time (could be another streaming service, could be their DVD collection, or woodworking), and they might take longer the next time to come back. Or they might not come back at all.
And to me, if you want a steady user base, then you want people that want to rewatch your content. You want people to find their comfort shows. You want people to find things that they don’t just like, but love, and especially to have confidence that you can offer them those things, and that you will help them find them.
But that’s just me, and I’m feeling old and tired now. I’m one of those people who can’t afford to spend more on streaming and who doesn’t like ads, and is eyeing my subscription change at the end of the month now that Basic is going away.
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sunnynwanda · 2 years
"Seems like I've won again," Villain gloats, their smile all teeth as they land near their panting nemesis.
“Oh fuck off,” Hero groans, pulling themselves up from the ground. Every bone in their body feels worn down and ancient. The past two months have taken their toll on their body. Hero brushes their fingers over their sore thigh, a huge bruise already forming along the outer side of it. “Asshole.”
“It’s your fault, sweetheart,” Villain claims, unfazed when Hero grants them with a scowl. “I thought you knew how to put up a fight.”
And no, Villain did not intend for it to sound insulting. It just came out wrong. It’s not like they did not enjoy their battles. This was their favourite pastime. What could be more fun than an intense clash with a worthy opponent? 
Except, Hero did not seem to appreciate their efforts anymore. Not for the last couple of months, they did not. And that would hurt Villain’s pride if only they weren’t so confident. Hero had hoped the evident lack of enthusiasm and vigour would make Villain question things, but alas. Villain was oblivious. Blissfully so.
Hero clenches their teeth, suppressing a growl when Villain decides they didn’t take enough beating yet and charges at them again.
“How many times am I gonna have to beat you for you to understand you can't defeat me?” Villain’s tone is scornful, almost mocking. Hero is on the verge of plain eliminating them. Solely for attitude. 
Oh, how they want to show Villain what they’re capable of. Give the dense little shit a taste of their own medicine and send them flying across the city straight into the hospital. A month in intensive care would do them good. 
But they cannot. 
“How many times am I gonna have to lose for you to realise I'm not trying to defeat you?” 
The words slip out before Hero can stop them. Villain freezes in their tracks, and Hero mirrors them. Maybe this is for the better. God knows how long it would take their fool of a Villain to figure it out.
“Excuse me?” Villain looks scandalised, eyes wide open as they take a step back, hands gesturing between them. “What the fuck are we doing then? Ballet?”
“Well, you're obviously trying to beat me to a pulp,” Hero scoffs, grateful for the shock that reserves Villain from another attack. 
“I’m really... not. I just want you to surrender to me.” They explain, surprised at the easiness of their own revelation. Their eyes roam over Hero’s frame, bruised and bloodied. “That leaves my question unanswered.”
“Hm?” Hero straightens, pushing off the wall and striding towards Villain, who remains frigid despite the wheels in their head, turning at an ungodly speed.
“If I'm the only one fighting to slay you,” they start, watching Hero’s every movement with caution and... anticipation? Villain shakes their head to set their thoughts in place, yet they are left floating around aimlessly. “What are you doing exactly?”
Come to think of it, Hero was much stronger than them. The only way for Villain to score a win was by outsmarting them. Which they often did, but now it felt like Hero was the one that tricked them. A revolting thought for a genius with a reputation to uphold. 
“Struggling to get you to realise a thing or two,” Hero sighs in exasperation, hopeless at this point. The charming dumbass they called their archnemesis was never gonna get it, were they?  
“Like?” Villain persists, refusing to admit their agitation. Hero is within reach now, and Villain struggles to keep their hands at their sides. Their fingers curl into fists to resist the urge to grasp them and demand an explanation. 
“Like the fact that I've been slayed a long time ago,” Hero’s voice is a whisper as they take one last step, coming face to face with their enemy, their noses inches apart. It takes Villain a second to register the words and the meaning behind Hero’s smile. “I surrender.”
With an audible growl, they push Hero back and press them against the wall with a hungry kiss. 
“Took you long enough,” Hero grins, earning a pointed look. Villain shakes their head, leaning in for another kiss before taking their idiot of a hero home to patch them up and lecture them on the virtues of oral communication.
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iamqueenpotato · 2 years
Hurts Like Hell Part Two
Azriel x Reader
A/N- I honestly don't have the words for how grateful I am for the support with my writing. ❤️ It warms my heart and I appreciate each and every one of you! Here is part two! I lied when I said this would be the final part. There will be one more! Enjoy!
⚠️: Angst
Word Count: 3.4k
Part One Final Part
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The Autumn court wasn’t an ideal place for you, but Lucien let you stay at his personal cabin, one that even his father had no idea of.
It took all of your willpower to stay out of Velaris, it was your home but yet each part of the beautiful city reminded you of the love you once had. You had written to your family, each of them knew where you were, you begged them to not say a word to Azriel. And thankfully they were more than willing to keep it a secret.
It had been a few months since you left Azriel and your home behind. And each second had been absolutely miserable, your thoughts were constantly occupied by the shadowsinger, and you knew his were occupied of you as well. The moments you faltered in keeping your walls up, you felt him. Trying to push his way to you, attempting to hear from you across that bond that still sat within you, dull and lifeless. It tore you apart. If it wasn’t for Lucien, you would have never attempted to piece yourself back together.
He is a great male and an even better friend. He stayed up with you when you had nightmares, made you tea to soothe you, and he listened. To all of it.
The pain that sat so heavy on your chest, began feeling lighter each time he didn’t let you hold it in. Even though his mate was somewhat a part of all of this, he never once judged you, never told you what to do. Never once made you feel at fault. He encouraged you to go outside and explore the beautiful lands around the cabin, he showed you how to hunt, so on the days he wasn’t present you would have enough food til he came back. Lucien gave you the space to heal but was always there when you needed someone to lean on. He was a support you never would have expected but were eternally grateful for all that he is.
But the thoughts of Azriel never went away. The wounds of your falling out were still healing, and you missed him. The times you found yourself crying was not because of what happened but because a piece of you was missing. The coldness was a feeling that you would never get used to, it ate at your soul, leaving a certain darkness within you. You did your best to distract yourself with books and other new hobbies. Though sometimes it wasn’t enough.
Lucien came back home one weekend, holding a bag of pastries you knew all too well.
“Are those what I think they are?” You spoke as you peeked over the book you had picked out from Lucien’s collection.
“They are, I was told these were your favorite. So I decided to grab some before I left Velaris.” Lucien smiled, handing the bag over to you. You grabbed it eagerly, taking a bite before offering the other one to Lucien, which he refused. “Your friends miss you.” He added.
You heard his words but your focus was on the food in front of you when the realization hit. There was only one person who knew what your favorite pastries were. “Lucien, who told you about these?” He didn’t answer, he sat down, taking off his boots, his red hair covering his eyes. You moved from your seat, standing in front of him. “Lucien.” He looked up towards you, a worried expression across his face as if you were mad at him for conversing with your mate.
“Azriel came up to me before I left, handed me that bag. I’m sorry.”
You weren’t hurt by his actions, nor were you bothered. You honestly didn’t know how to feel. “It’s okay Lucien, there’s no need to apologize.” You placed a reassuring hand upon his cheek. Giving him a shy smile. “How is he?” You didn’t know why you asked that, part of you was afraid of his answer.
Lucien stood, walking over to the kitchen to prepare a pot of tea. “If I am being honest.” He sighed. “Not good.”
Your face was still, it wasn’t the answer you were expecting, though it was better than hearing he had moved on, that he was doing better without you. But that didn’t stop the sudden sense of worry that washed over you. “What do you mean?”
Lucien gestured you to sit at the kitchen counter, you moved slowly. “Rhys told me he hasn’t really seen him since you left, he’s buried himself in jobs, hasn’t come to training, they’re all worried for him, but he won’t talk to anyone. And when they try to, he doesn’t give them the time of day.” You sucked in a sharp breath, not muttering a word. “He was forced to come to the meeting today. And Y/N, he doesn’t look well. I dont think he’s slept. Its as if all the life had been sucked out of him. The only color on him was that green pastry bag. He walked in holding it, never said a word to anyone but held on to it the entire time and when I motioned to leave he stopped me. All he said was they were your favorites and part of a weekend tradition.”
You watched as your tears dropped onto your hands that you had rested on the counter, Lucien didn't say anything as he walked around to you, pulling you close to his chest. It had been quite some time since you thought of the bakery. It was a time before things changed between you two. Each weekend you had off he would have to leave early for training, but after he would stop by your favorite bakery to grab pastries for the two of you. He would wake you up, pastries and tea in hand. It was a small thing he did that made you love him so dearly. But you couldn’t remember the last time he did something like that. Mornings lately always seemed more lonely.
Moments passed before you pulled yourself away from Lucien’s hold, wiping away the last of your tears. “I’m sorry, I didn’t expect that to affect me so much.”
“Y/N as I told you before, don’t apologize for these things.” He brushed a loose strand of hair out of your face, before placing a soft kiss on your forehead. “I have a question though.” He moved to the now singing tea kettle.
“What is it?” You asked, gladly accepting the fresh tea he gave you, turning to face him once he sat on the chair next to you.
“Would you ever talk to him again? Try and fix things?”
It was a thought you had internally debated ever since you left. And the answer wasn’t an easy one. As much as you yearned to see him again, to hear him out, if he had any explanation for his actions at all. You werent even sure there was anything to fix. Still, you weren’t ready. As strong as you are, he had wedged his way into your heart, the one thing you had built so many walls around. It would take time to heal, to prepare yourself for whatever would follow. “Not yet, I have considered it but I don’t think I am ready for that conversation.”
“Well you know I don’t mind your company, but whatever you decide, I’ll support you.”
“I don’t know if I have said this enough, but thank you.” You smiled.
“You can say it more.” He joked, you playfully slapped him on the arm, then pulled him in for another hug. He gladly embraced you before pulling away to walk upstairs to his room.
The next day you woke up early, the nightmares never ceased, and it was better to not sleep at all. You found Lucien downstairs, preparing his supplies for a hunt, you always wondered why he didn’t go to the market to buy supplies, but he claimed he enjoyed the peace and quiet. “Leaving?” You asked.
Lucien apparently didn’t see you when you came down the stairs so when you spoke it startled him, causing you to let out a small laugh. “Yes, I’ll be back by lunch but I have a task for you.”
“And that is?”
“Go to the garden once the sun rises, and pick some vegetables for dinner.” Lucien handed you a list, throwing his bag across his shoulder.
“Are you sure I can handle this?” You joked, folding the piece of paper in your hand.
“I believe in you. I’ll see you in a bit.” And with that he was out the door. You had some time before the sun would rise, moving to the couch you opened your book, making yourself comfortable.
Without fault you had lost track of time, a finished book in your hand, you stood, placing it down behind you. Grabbing your coat and a small wooden basket you set off for the garden. The air was chilly but the bright sun warmed your body as you sat picking various vegetables.
You got lost in your task until something in the air shifted as if a sudden gust of wind had rushed across the land. That’s when you saw them. The shadows that moved swiftly along the dirt. Your heart began racing as you looked around for the owner. Grabbing the vegetable basket, you stood, turning towards the exit but there he was. His tall figure standing at the edge of the garden. He didn't look the same, his wings sagged behind him, his shadows encompassed him, and his hair disheveled. Azriel stared at you but did not move, and the eyes that locked onto yours were not of the man you love, but of one who had been broken for far too long.
You moved towards him, your eyes never leaving his figure. Holding your breath as you inched closer to pass him. You would not break, you wouldn’t let him see you falter. Ignoring the way his shadows around his body lept for you as you brushed past him. You felt the pain build within your chest as you felt the cool touch of them, one that was all too familiar. Once you were out of his reach you increased your pace, desperately needing to be back inside.
“Y/N.” Azriel called out, his voice cracking, it pained you to hear the agony in his voice, turning, you faced your mate. You reminded yourself to be strong, to not let him in.
“What are you doing here Azriel?” You hated how harsh your words came out, watching Azriel physically flinch at your tone as if you had just wounded him.
“I needed to see you, Y/N. My world has fallen apart without you. I don’t know who I am anymore.” He attempted to move closer to you, but with each step forward that he took, you took one back.
“Maybe you should have thought of that before you decided to shut me out.” Your voice was calm, though your thoughts ran rapid within your mind. “Please leave.” You added.
“Y/N please, don’t push me away.”
“Don’t push you away?” Your voice was suddenly louder, the emotion filling the air around you felt like a fog, slowly blurring your vision. “I spent months trying to understand why. Wondering if maybe it was my fault you pushed me aside. I always asked myself if I was deserving of love. And maybe I’m not because I lost you. I wasn’t enough to keep myself from being forgotten.” You could feel the tears building up behind your eyes, threatening to fall at any moment.
Azriel was crying now, frantically wiping the tears away, releasing a shuddering breath as he inched closer to you. “You are deserving of love more than anyone I know, you have always had my heart.”
“Did I though?” Azriel stared at you, his empty eyes searching your face for some sort of answer. “Cause I’m starting to think that I never actually had you at all.”
You were aware of the words once they left your lips. And it hurt you to watch as your words cut Azriel like a knife, the pain that you had just inflicted could not be undone. Azriel dropped to his knees, he looked as though all the hope he once had held had been ripped from his soul, leaving him defeated and empty. Tears began falling down your cheeks, you wanted to reach for him, to apologize but your body did not move, you were stuck watching as he suffered.
You saw Lucien in the distance, praying he would come over and save you. Once you locked eyes with your friend, he looked between you and your mate, dropping whatever animal he had caught, and rushing over to your side. Lucien placed his hands on your cheeks, trying to get you to speak. He attempted to turn towards Azriel but you collapsed within his arms, begging him to take you inside. Without hesitation, he listened, but as you moved your eyes never left Azriel, the way his hazel eyes begged you to stay. To forgive him. You saw him winnow away as Lucien closed the door behind the two of you. That’s when you let your emotions free, Lucien held you close, letting you cry until you couldn’t anymore.
Lucien never asked what had occurred that day, it had been weeks since Azriel spontaneously showed up at the cabin, and the pain never lessened, you couldn’t sleep, as much as your body yearned for it, it was a far better outcome than seeing the crestfallen face of your mate every time you closed your eyes. Lucien began worrying more and more, the pieces of you that you had worked so hard to start to put back together were slowly falling apart once more. You haven't left your room, Lucien begged for you to come outside, to walk with him for a little, but all the motivation to get better had left you. Maybe it was because of the memory of your words, how they made Azriel completely fall apart in front of you, or maybe it was the guilt of it all. Either way, you would never forgive yourself for what you had said. You made it sound as though your entire relationship was a lie. And you hated yourself for it.
All the memories the two of you shared, that you created, sat so heavily on your chest in these recent weeks. From healing his wounds, to the nights you showed him recipes from your childhood, the ones that filled your heart with so much love. But then again, they all did. Yet it only made you wonder how it all fell apart. How was it that one moment you two were deeply in love and then the next moment it was all gone?
A knock at your door brought you from your thoughts, you let out a quiet acknowledgment for whoever to enter. Lucien walked in holding a bowl of food, but he was not alone. Behind him Cassian entered, he was smiling but the second he saw you the smile turned into an expression full of concern. Lucien handed you the bowl, your hands shaking as you placed it on your lap. He didn’t say a word to you, only placing a soft kiss on the top of your head, before exiting the room, leaving you and Cassian alone.
“How are you doing Y/N?” Cassian asked as he sat on the edge of your bed. You didn’t answer him, not to ignore him , but you truly didn’t know how you were doing. Your mind felt shattered, empty. Cassian moved closer to you, grabbing your hand to place it within his. “I miss you, we all do.”
“I miss you guys too.” You spoke and you hated how you sounded so broken.
“I heard about Azriel’s visit. I want to apologize.” You looked at Cassian, puzzled about what he was trying to apologize for.
“Why?” You asked.
“I shouldn’t have slipped up about who you were staying with. It came out unintentionally and I wasn’t expecting him to come here. To ambush you in such a way. I am sorry.”
You squeezed his hand in reassurance, letting him know you weren’t mad. You knew he would never purposefully hurt you. “Cas I miss him. So much it hurts. But how can I forgive him? How can I stop these constant thoughts that I was the problem. That who I am made him leave me behind. I want to forgive him but I don’t know where to begin.” You choked out. “Maybe it was all my fault.”
He leaned closer to you, squeezing your hand tighter, forcing you to look him in the eyes. “This was not your fault, do not blame yourself. There is nothing wrong with who you are. You were right to be angry, to feel these things. My brother was wrong to treat you in such a way, but I don’t believe he ever stopped loving you. Forgiving will be hard, I understand that. What happened is not something that is easily forgivable. But healing takes time. And once you’re ready, you will know. But don’t give up on yourself. Please kiddo, for me at least.”
You smiled weakly as the tears flowed freely down your cheeks, Cassian set your food aside before pulling you into an embrace. “Cassian I said something that I regret. How can I live with myself after hurting him like that?”
Cassian held you tighter, rubbing soothing circles across your back. “We all say things we don’t mean. Emotions are a wild thing, sometimes they’re good and sometimes they’re bad but that is life, and it is cruel but it is also beautiful. Y/N I know you will be okay. You are strong. You need to forgive yourself. Don’t blame yourself for things out of your control.”
You nodded against Cassian’s chest, unsure if you believed him, but the more the words replayed in your head, it slowly began to sink in. You still worried for Azriel, Lucien was right when he said he wasn’t doing good and you couldn’t help but feel guilty that you possibly made it worse. “What about Az? Have you talked to him?”
Cassian sighed. “I have not. He isn’t talking to anybody. The last time I saw him was the morning after you left, we uh-” Cassian paused, rubbing the back of his neck. “We sort of got into a fight. He wouldn't talk, and I was getting pissed that he wouldn't tell me why he treated you in such a way.” You let out a breathy laugh through the tears, those boys were always fighting, but it warmed your heart a bit to know that Cassian had defended you like that. “What happened between you two has taken a toll on him. My brother is a fool first of all. But he is a fool in love. Y/N I am not making up excuses for him, for what he did, but he loves you so much, that it's killing him. He regrets what he did. Though he hasn’t said it out loud, we all know. He isn’t the same without you.”
You could say the same for yourself, life without your mate has been difficult, each moment you wish you were back in your townhome, tucked beside him, enjoying the time you shared. It was a warmth you cherished, you could only hope you could feel that again. “I will talk to him eventually Cas. But I need some more time.”
“There is no rush when it comes to healing. You take all the time you need. And when you’re ready Y/N, we will all be anxiously awaiting your return.” Cassian stood, giving you one last hug before he disappeared through the door of your room.
Though there was so much going through your head, so much that you knew you had to work through. For the first time in months, that small part of you that truly believed things would start to be okay peeked through, reigniting that flame of hope you thought had vanished. You would push through this. For yourself. And for Azriel. No matter how long it took.
Taglist: @honestlywtfisgoingon @fanfictioniseverything
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Over the past couple of months of Eddie's calls, Steve has gotten to know the corroded coffin boys. They've accepted him into their group and he's even gotten to listen to their old demo from high school.
"It's really good Eds."
"No it's not! I can't believe Gareth betrayed me like that. I was trying to NOT embarass myself in front of you-"
"Were you trying...at all?"
"Oh shut up!"
Eddie doesn't even have to make false calls anymore he just calls Steve up and hopes he has some free time during his shift to stop by.
It doesn't matter, Steve will make time always.
They haven't hung out when Steve's not on duty though and he's looking to change that.
Robin doesn't think he's fooling anyone with his weak remarks of 'preserving a friendship'. That's why this Christmas thing has to work.
He doesn't know what he was thinking. His whole thing is not to let Eddie get too close and he's bringing him to meet everyone that's ever mattered to him?!
Definitely not his smartest move. But he couldn't see Eddie's little disappointed pout. Steve knows more than anyone how it feels to spend Christmas by yourself.
"Disturbance on 5th."
"...where on 5th?"
"I think you know Steve."
"Attaboy Chief."
When he gets to bar there's two giant trucks in the lot and a red faced Eddie yelling at the drivers.
"I don't know where you think I'm gonna pull twenty kegs out from but it'll be your ass if I have anything to do with it!"
Steve jogs over.
"What's up Eddie? You could've just called me."
"Hey Stevie," he finally gives the guys some breathing room. "This is an actual police matter I thought it'd be better if I called the actual station this time."
Steve has never seen Eddie this worked up. He kind of has him in a trance.
The yelling continued which startled his mind back to normal.
"What happened?"
"Well asshole over here left with dipshit-" he gestures to the driver of the second truck. "To grab a 'smoke' and left the trucks unlocked and now all my stock has been stolen! How does that even happen?! How long were you gone to give someone enough time to steals two trucks worth of merchandise!"
The drivers are very obviously stoned.
Eddie runs to Steve and grips his shoulders. Manic look in his eyes.
"How am I supposed to make gingerbread lager along with all the other stupid holiday bullshit without my eight pounds of Cinnamon! Think of the Cinnamon Steve!" He shakes him. "The eggnog! The horror!"
Steve stifles a laugh.
"Ok I'll file a report and get right on it."
"Hey it'll be fine. I'll find it. I do do actually police work you know? I don't just hang lights. Besides where could someone be hiding all these shit."
Eddie gives him a grateful look.
"I know Stevie. I'm glad it was you who responded. I believe in you."
Steve's whole body is warm in this winter air. He tries not to look too effected.
It doesn't take too long. It's a small town after all.
He brings in the teenagers and calls their parents.
A group of twenty kids. All in high-school. All on the football team.
He stops by the bar after and tells Eddie the good news. He also shows up with all of the stolen merchandise minus a keg the kids were halfway through when he found them.
Eddie leaps into his arms. It's the first time they've been this close.
"Thank you thank you thank you-" he's muttering it and rubbing his face in Steve's chest. Steve wishes this was happening in a different circumstance.
Steve puts a tentative hand on Eddie's hair.
"It's fine, it's what I'm here for."
Eddie gives him a blinding smile.
"Ok Stevie. Let's do Christmas."
"Relax Dingus he'll be here."
"I know! That's why I'm nervous!"
Robin laughs at him. "Chill. They'll love him. Just don't screw this up he obviously likes you."
"Nope there's nothing to screw up! We're just friends. He's coming over because I didn't want him to spend Christmas alone and that's it. Friendly behavior."
Max snorts from over on the couch, El is painting her nails. "Sure Steve. I've only witnessed friendly behavior between you two."
"What! You have!"
She squints at him and pauses for a beat.
"You hopeless bisexual. If that was just friends behavior kill me before it turns into more." She gags at him as El giggles.
"It will be fine Steve," she says. "I will just have a nice talk with him about his intentions with my brother." Her smile is innocent but her face screams chaos and a little devilry.
"No that won't be necessary! I do appreciate it though El, you're a good sister." She's downright scary. Steve never wants Eddie to face her wrath.
Eddie fits rights in. He brought over secret recipe Brownies and brought liquor ones for the adults. They were so delicious he swears Argyle shed a tear.
The kids loved him, who knew they had so many dorky things in common.
He was finally able to meet Max in person and together with Robin and El they were a perfect match of sarcasm and teasing.
Steve's heart has never been so full.
Hopper and Joyce were looking at him from the corner. Faces definitely deep in thought.
During presents Eddie sat in what could be described as Steve's lap. He received a sharp look from Dustin and a questioning glance from Mike but didn't say a word. There was nothing to say. They were just friends. That's what they will remain being.
Steve won't let himself get closer. Steve will protect his own heart while protecting Eddie.
Robin could read his mind. Definitely. That had to be the only reason she was giving Steve this kicked puppy look. She knew what he was thinking. She shook her head like she was already disappointed in him and then turned to continue talking to Nancy.
Eddie laughed at some funny socks Jonathon got and squeezed Steve's thigh in the process. He froze up but relaxed when Eddie gave him a soft look.
Eddie had grabbed his hand on the way to his car.
"Thank you for this Steve. This has been the best day I've had in awhile."
Steve blushed, "it was no problem, I'm glad you had fun."
"You have an amazing family Steve, they care about you so much," he leaned in and kissed Steve's cheek. "I hope you realize how many people care about you. You deserve it."
Steve's frozen, staring at Eddie with flushed cheeks. He grips his hands tighter.
"I wish I could stay longer but the bar calls me. We'll have to do this again sometime." He flutters his eyelashes at Steve.
"Bye Stevie."
He let's go of his hand and gets in his car driving off.
"Bye Eds," he whispers to no one.
I can't help it! I'm posting the rest
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crazyunsexycool · 10 months
Chapter 6
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count: 3.4K
Warnings: talks about sexual assault/rape, domestic violence, gunshot wound, blood, fluff, lil bit of angst,
A/N: I love these two so much. I'm going to start doing some time jumps on this series soon so be ready for that.
Series Masterlist
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“Today isn’t a good day for me. It would have been my fifth year anniversary with my ex if he hadn’t disappeared during the blip.” You share in the group. “If he hadn’t disappeared, who knows what would have happened to me. He was literally about to kill me when he turned to dust. I’m not sure why I feel so sad about it. I don’t think sad is the right word, I don’t miss him at all. My life is better now. ” 
Mervin sits up and rests his head on your lap. His big eyes tracking your movements.
“I guess I’m just overwhelmed because I know what he would have done today. He would’ve beat me until I could barely move, then dragged me to bed and forced me to have sex and when he was satisfied he’d make me get up and make him something to eat. If I cried or tried to fight him, he’d just say how ungrateful I was for not appreciating that he was spending time with me. So now that he’s not here I know I don’t have to worry about it but I feel like I have to look over my shoulder today to make sure he doesn’t show up out of nowhere. I know it doesn’t make sense but I can’t shake the feeling.” 
The other people in the group nod in understanding. This was the first time you’d shared in the group but the date was one of the worst you had to live through. You needed to talk about it and hoped that with time it would get easier. Lisa sat next to you and she extended a hand for you to take which you did. Giving her a grateful smile as she squeezed your hand in order to give her some comfort. 
“These last few months have been interesting to say the least. I am learning self defense and it’s helped a lot. A good friend of mine recommended it.” You look at Lisa. “I've made new friends because of it too. I hadn’t had a friend in so long so it’s nice to have someone to share life’s ups and downs with. But I’m having more good days than bad days and I take that as a win.”
Your mind went straight to Steve. Although the last few weeks have felt like a little more than just a friendship blossoming between the two of you. It was all still new and you weren’t sure if you were ready for a real relationship yet but it was nice to have a deeper connection with someone. 
“I guess that’s everything for me, for now at least.” 
Someone else started talking but your mind was elsewhere by then. Steve had been on a mission along with Nat and Rhodey so you hadn’t heard from him in a few days. That added to your stress. Fortunately Lisa was with you so you weren’t completely alone. 
Once the meeting is done you and Lisa walk out arm in arm and head toward a nearby cafe. Your phone vibrates and you grab it to check your messages. 
“Oh no.” You mutter as you type.
“What’s wrong?” 
“I have to go Lisa, I’m so sorry to cut this short.” You respond as you begin to walk back out of the cafe. “I’ll make it up to you I promise.” 
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You rushed through the double doors and into the waiting room. Nat and Rhodey, who you met during one of your training sessions, were sitting side by side. 
“What happened?” You asked once you got closer. “Are you guys ok?” 
“We’re fine.” 
“You don’t look fine Nat. Has anyone checked either of you for injuries?” 
“They will in a minute. Come sit.” She pats the empty chair next to her. 
While you sit beside her Marvin rests his head on her lap. His big eyes look up at her with concern until Nat starts to pet him. 
“He’ll be fine.” She says after a moment. “He heals quickly, there were just a few injuries they had to patch up to help the process along.” 
“Of course. What about you, Rhodey?” 
“Suit took most of the damage. These are just some scratches.” 
“Ok good.” You smile at him. 
For the next few hours the three of you wait. You talk to a nurse to get Nat some help and walk Marvin. Then when you’re seated again you can’t help but fidget and fuss over Nat and Rhodey. Your leg bounces and you play with Marvin’s leash or pet his head. During that time Nat tells you that she was up against a few guys at the same time. Steve jumped in to help and one of them had a machine gun. Steve’s solution was to use his body as a shield and protect Nat.
“Rogers?” A surgeon calls out from a set of doors on the opposite side of the room. 
You, Nat and Rhodey immediately stand up and head toward him. 
“He’s out of surgery, everything is looking good. He’s heavily sedated but someone should be out to escort you up to his room. Only one person at a time for now.” 
You all thank him and then you turn to the two people next to you. 
“Why don’t you guys go home? You need the rest and I can stay here. I’ll text you once he’s awake and keep you updated.” You suggest.
Rhodey and Nat look at each other and silently agree. 
“Ok but at the first sign of any kind of trouble you call Rhodey first. He can get here faster.” Nat says. “Also there’ll be a cop at his door, it’s just a precaution so that people don’t try and take pictures or do something while Steve is asleep.” 
“Ok.” You nod. “Go get some rest, you deserve it.” 
Nat gives you a quick hug and then Rhodey helps her out. She’s definitely in more pain than she lets on. A nurse walks out and calls for you to follow her up to the room Steve has been moved to. 
You aren’t sure what time it is or how long you’ve been asleep. All you know is that something is moving against your hand. Then you remember where you are and you bolt up straight. Your glasses are crooked since you didn’t take them off before you fell asleep. In a quick motion you fix them and look at Steve to find him awake. He’s giving you a lopsided and hazy smile. 
“Hey,” you say as you move to sit at the edge of the bed. One hand takes the one that was holding yours and the other moves to push the hair that fell onto his forehead. “How are you feeling?”
“I feel s’good.” 
You giggle at his slurred speech. 
“You’re really hopped up on meds.” 
“S’kay. It’s like before.” Steve says as he blinks slowly at you.
“Like before? You mean before the serum?” 
“Mmhmm. Used to be sick all the time.” 
“Well that explains so much. But you won’t be like this for long.” 
You take a moment to call the nurse and a few minutes later someone comes in to check up on Steve. Seeing that he’s awake they stop the meds so that his body can flush them out. It doesn’t take long, about fifteen minutes in Steve is more lucid.
“Where’s Nat?” He asks as he looks around the room. 
He sees Marvin itching to get up on the bed and he pats the bed. Marvin happily jumps up and makes himself comfortable, relishing in the attention he’s getting from Steve. The two have bonded over the last few weeks, especially on the long runs they take. 
“I told her to go rest. But she knows you’re ok.” You wave your phone to let him know you’re texting her. “I made sure she got checked out by someone before she left though.” 
“Ok, good.”
With a sigh Steve lays his head back and closes his eyes. Although the medication is mostly out of his system he’s still feeling some of the effects. You watch him and then sit back down beside the bed, taking his hand in the process. 
“Thank you for being here.” He says and you look up to find him looking at you again. 
“You don’t have to thank me.”
“I do, you don’t have to spend your time with me, yet here you are.” He smiles at you.
“I want to spend my time with you. Besides I was worried sick when Nat messaged me. I know you did it to protect her but never ever do that again.” You try to sound stern but the worry comes through. 
“I’m sorry. I’ll do my best to stay safe on these missions.”
You both sit in silence for a while. Steve’s thumb moves back and forth over your hand. Overall it’s comforting to be there with him after having missed him for the last few days. Slowly you start nodding off, it had been a very emotionally draining day for you after all. 
“Why don’t you go home? You shouldn’t be here so uncomfortable because of me.” 
“It’s so late.” You mumble. “I’d rather stay here, it’s safer.” 
“Then get up here. I’m not having you sleep on a chair.” 
Steve moves to give you some space but you end up draped over most of him. He doesn’t mind one bit and honestly neither do you. This isn’t the first time it happened, both of you sharing a bed. Hopefully it won’t be the last either. Slowly the two of you drift off to sleep. There’s no place safer than in each other’s arms. 
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“Sit.” You gently push Steve toward his bed at the compound. 
“I’m not Marvin. You can’t just give me commands.” He chuckles as he moves towards his bed.
“You were shot multiple times, you need rest. And you’re right you’re not Marvin. He listens the first time I tell him to do something.” 
 “There, happy?”  Steve says as he sits on the edge of the bed.
“Yes, maybe you deserve a treat.” 
Steve throws his head back and laughs. “Do I get to choose?” 
“I’ll think about it. Now go get comfortable.”
“You’re so bossy.” 
You shrug a shoulder as you move around Steve’s room. His uniform was in your hand and you could see the bullet holes and blood. You must have been staring down at it for longer than you realized because Steve is standing in front of you and pulling the uniform out of your hands. 
“Hey,” Steve sets the uniform aside and cups your face so that you’d look at him. He was surprised to see tears in your eyes. “I’m fine. I’m right here with you.” 
You try to blink back the tears as you grip the front of his hoodie. It’s been a few short weeks but having Steve in your life made it better. He was a strong yet gentle presence in your life. He’d provided comfort when he didn’t have too. So to lose him would be devastating.
“When I got that message, I was so scared.” You say in a whisper, the lump in your throat making it difficult to talk. “I thought I wouldn’t see you again.” 
Steve kisses the top of your head as you wrap your arms around his midsection. You cry against Steve’s chest while he reassures you that he’s not going anywhere. 
“Now you really deserve a treat for dealing with my tears.” You joke as you pull away. 
“I’d deal with your tears whenever you’d need me to. No treat needed.” 
You smile. “Go lay down. I’m gonna check up on Nat and Rhodey.”
Rhodey was fine, like he said his suit took most of the damage. Nat is who you were worried about. You had a tray with some food and tea you’d seen her make before. With a soft knock you walk into the office she’d been using. 
“How are you feeling today?” You ask as you set the tray down. 
“Please don’t lie to me. The doctor said you had some cracked ribs and I know they’re painful.” 
Nat looks up at you, sorrow darkens her green eyes for just a moment. 
“You’re right. Everything hurts but I can’t stop working.” 
You just nod in understanding. 
“Well I won’t take up any of your time, unless you want to talk. Just wanted to bring you something and some pain meds.” 
Nat smiles as she looks over what you’ve brought, all of her favorites. 
“Thanks. How’s Rogers doing?” 
“He’s fine. I’m making him rest.” 
“And he’s following orders?” Nat raises an eyebrow. 
“Yeah, I think if I cry he’d do what I ask.” You chuckle.
“He’d do what you ask no matter what.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Y/N, have you really not noticed his feelings for you?” 
You took the empty seat across from Nat and just stared at her.
“I’ll preface this by saying Steve would absolutely never do anything you don’t want. He’s never going to push you or make you uncomfortable and he’d only be your friend if you decide you don’t ever want a relationship. But it’s safe to say he cares about you deeply. I know you’ve only known each other a few weeks but trust me when I say he’s smitten.” Nat gives you a soft smile. “I think it’s safe to say you feel the same way.” 
You aren’t sure what to say. Sure there were some feelings or something there. But to have someone else point it out was eye opening. Were the two of you that oblivious? 
“I d-don’t-” 
“Just think about it but I think it’s a conversation you should have sooner rather than later. If you know you don’t want a relationship with him don’t string him along. Steve’s been through a lot and I don’t think he could take another heartbreak.” 
“I would never do that.” You shake your head. 
“I know. I also want you to know that I’d like to see you happy too. Steve’s a good man and you’re good for each other. Just think about it before you make a decision.” 
You nod and get up. “I’m gonna go check up on him.” 
“Ok. And thanks for this.” 
“Yeah, of course.” 
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When you get back to Steve’s room you notice he’s asleep. Marvin lays at his side but wags his tail lazily when he sees you. 
“Wanna go for a walk Marv?” You whisper.
Marvin’s head shoots up at the mention of a walk and he happily gets off Steve’s bed. With leash in hand you set to take a walk out and around the compound. You took the opportunity to call Lisa who had messaged you a few times to see if you were ok. 
The phone rings a few times before she picks up.
“Hey Y/N, are you ok? You left me a bit worried yesterday.” She says.
“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just that my friend Steve was hurt while on the job and was taken to the hospital.”
“Hhmm, and you rushed out to see him.” You can hear the teasing in her voice. “He seems pretty special if he has you running around like that.” 
You fluster even though you can’t see her. But you can just see her face and the mischievous glint in her eyes. 
“I imagine that you’re still in the hospital. Need me to get you anything?” 
“No it’s ok, he was released this morning. I actually wanted to talk to you about something.” 
“Is everything ok? Are you safe?” 
“Yes,” you smile at her genuine concern. It was nice to have friends that cared about your well-being. “I just need some advice.”
“Oh, ok. Well I’m all ears.” 
“So for the last few weeks I’ve been thinking that there has been something happening between me and Steve.” 
“Like romantic feelings are blossoming?” 
“Yes and today a mutual friend told me how much he cares about me but that he would never pressure me into a relationship or anything.”
“And the question is?” Lisa asks as you continue to ramble.
“How did you know that you were ready to be in a relationship?” 
“Well that’s different for everyone. For me I just knew that I felt safe with my partner. I mean I also had those butterflies whenever I saw her. I missed her when she wasn’t around and I couldn’t wait to see her again.” 
“Yeah, sounds about right. I'm just not sure. What if he doesn’t like me when he sees how messed up I truly am.”
“If you’re not ready then, you’re not ready. If he really wants to be with you he’ll wait. And when you’re ready you should tell him about what happened, only if you’re ready.”
“You’re right. If he brings it up I’ll just tell him. Everything.” 
“Do what’s best for you. When you’re ready for a relationship you’ll know.” 
“Thanks Lisa. I’m so glad you’re in my life.” 
“Right back at you, hun. Let me know how it goes.”
“I will. Bye.” 
You get back to Steve's room just as he opens his door. He gives you a sleepy smile.
“I was wondering where my nap buddy went.” 
“Just took him for a walk.” You look down at Marvin with a smile. “Were you heading out?” 
“No. I was just going to get my mission report to work on it and stay in bed.”
“Oh ok. I’ll let you get to it, I should probably go home anyways.” 
“Wait, don't go. We can still spend some time together. Only if you want of course.” He gives you a hopeful smile. 
“Yeah, I’d like to stay.”
“Good.” Steve moves aside to let you into his room. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.” 
Once Steve leaves you walk back to the room you’ve been given at the compound to change into something more comfortable and get your book. You head back to Steve’s room and sit with your back to the headboard.
While waiting for Steve to get back you get lost in the book you’re reading so you don’t notice Steve standing in the doorway. He smiles and watches you for just a moment. You’re comfortable in his space and he never realized how much that meant to him until now. Even if he didn’t mean to, Steve can’t help but fall for you. If you asked him for the world he’d give it to you. Really he’d do anything to see the smile you give him when you look up from your book. 
“Everything ok?” 
“Yeah.” Steve moves to his side of the bed. “Everything’s ok. What are you reading?” 
You flip the book so that Steve could see the cover of your favorite book. One you reread multiple times.
“It’s my favorite.”
“I can see that it’s loved.” He says referring to how worn the spine is and the little notes on the margin. 
“It is.” 
You smile up at Steve before turning back to the book. Steve gets his file and starts writing out what you assume is his report. He’d put on some soft music, specifically something from the 30’s he’d recommend before. 
You rest your head against Steve’s shoulder. “I really like you Steve.” Your voice was low but you knew he heard you and you couldn’t help but look up at him. 
He simply turned his head and smiled down at you and placed a kiss on your forehead. Steve closed his file folder and set it on his nightstand.
“Done already?” 
“No but the report can wait another day.” 
Steve smiles again before he replies. “Because I really like you too and I’d much rather spend my time with you. I had to learn the hard way to prioritize who and what’s important to me before it’s too late. I don’t plan to make that same mistake again.”
The butterflies are there. How could they not be when Steve looks at you as if you’re hung the moon and the stars, which you’d do if he asked you too. He snakes his arm around your waist and you feel safe in his arms. 
“Should we watch something off our list?” He asks as he grabs the tv remote. 
“That sounds good.” You say as you place the bookmark back in its place and set the book on the nightstand.
Marvin gets up on the bed and turns in circles until he finds the perfect spot. This was a slice of heaven for you. The safe haven you’d been looking for when you’d thought hope was lost. Now your feelings for each other are out in the open. Surprisingly it puts you at ease to know your feelings were reciprocated. Whatever happens next you knew it would be a step in the right direction.
Ch. 7
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xoxoladyaz · 1 year
It Hits Different This Time, Part 3
Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Rock Star Eddie x Steve Harrington
TW: Mentions of alcohol, drug abuse
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five
Brief updates from Eddie, a phone call with Jeff, and finally some news about Gareth
Steve woke up with a stuffy head the next morning; he’d spent a solid hour crying with Robin on the couch after he got off the phone with Eddie, going over everything Eddie had said again and again in excruciating detail. They weren’t sad tears, they were tears of relief, but it still did quite a number on his sinuses.
Thankfully, when he talked with Eddie later that evening, Eddie hadn't let his own negative emotions keep him down.“Talking with Wayne has been tough,” he’d said with a wry laugh. “I’d really been hoping I would never have to have this conversation with him, but hey, we had it, and now things can get better.” (Which reminded Steve that he needed to call Wayne and see how he was doing in all of this.) 
Aside from that, though, Eddie seemed to be in high spirits. He told Steve all about the detox process (“Terrible, I’d rather go skinny-dipping with Jason Carver than go through that again”) and about his conversations with his therapist (“Ugh, I feel like my heart is throwing up, but Doc said that was a good thing and that we’re making progress, so, yay?”) and all about his sobriety sponsor (a seventy-five-year-old Italian woman named Francesca that he called “Frankie, she’s fucking hilarious, I kind of want to set her up with Wayne.”) Steve just couldn’t get over how good it was to hear Eddie like this: how awake and alert he sounded, how clear his voice was, how loud he laughed. It made the last ten months even more glaring in how off Eddie had been before, how badly fucked up he had been on whatever cocktail of drugs he'd been taking.
They’d gotten a bit more time to talk this evening, which was wonderful, but Steve was relieved that they ended their call as early as they did because he had a few calls of his own to make, now that things were settling down somewhat.
“Hey Jeff.”
“Steve!” Jeff’s voice rang loud and clear over the line. “Shit, man, it’s good to hear from you. How are you doing?”
“Good, good. I just got off the phone with Eddie and I just wanted to say thank you, man. I can’t – I can’t tell you enough how grateful I am that you were there for him when I wasn’t.”
“Shit, Steve,” Jeff replied reassuringly. “Eddie’s my brother. He might be kind of an asshole, or, actually, he might be a lot of an asshole - ” (Steve snorted through his nose) “ – but I’d do anything for him. I was happy to be there. And I know that if I was the one getting into that deep shit, he’d have done the same for me.”
“Still, it’s hard, man. I mean, I wasn’t even there and - ” Fuck, he would love to stop getting choked up all the time. “ – and it’s been hard for me. I can’t even imagine what it was like for you.”
Jeff’s sigh was long and deep. “Well, I can’t say it was a fun time, because it wasn’t. It actually really fucking sucked, watching them just fall apart all the time because they were too fucking high. I’m just really glad I didn’t relapse myself.”
“It’s amazing that you didn’t, man.”
“Yeah, well,” he could hear the smile in Jeff’s voice, “I had an angel with me. Speaking of, Chrissy says hi.”
“Hi Steve!” Steve can hear the lilting voice of Jeff’s fiancée in the background.
“Tell her ‘hi’ back for me,” Steve smiled, although on the inside he was reeling. Why wasn’t I enough for him to stay sober?
“I will,” Jeff said back. “And listen, before you start spiraling or anything, Eddie’s drug use has nothing to do with you, man. The only reason I’ve stayed sober the last two years is because I got to a point where I wanted to be. I mean, I was into some rough shit when I met Chris, and it took me about a year and half before I decided it was time to get sober. And yeah, Chrissy was a part of that, just like you’re a part of it for Eddie, but the difference now is that Eddie wants to make this change and get the help to do it. He just got there on his own time. If there’s one thing you can’t do, it’s rush Eddie Munson.”
“Tell me about it,” Steve chuckled, and with his laugh felt the tension in his chest dissipate. “I’ve started telling him our reservations are half-an-hour earlier than they actually are just so we can leave on time. Which reminds me, he told me to treat you and Chrissy to dinner on the Amex.”
“The Amex?” Jeff whistled. “Fancy, fancy. We’ll be back in town next week, maybe you and Robin can meet us somewhere?”
“That would be great. Are you still out in Cali?”
“Yeah,” Jeff sighed, and this time his sigh was sadder. “We’ve been staying near Gareth’s facility, trying to convince him to stay.”
“Shit, man, I was going to ask what happened with him.”
“Gareth,” Jeff sighed again, “he just started the party scene later than the rest of us. It’s still new and exciting to him and he doesn’t think that all the shit he’s doing is a problem. And I mean, he hadn’t really gone that hard until that last weekend right before we came back, but I think he’s still in the denial stage with how bad it’s gotten. Chrissy is getting through to him though, I think. He’s agreed to at least stay for the four-week program.”
“Have you asked Wayne to talk to him? That might help.”
“Shit, I should,” Jeff hummed. “Wayne knows that he’s checked in, but Gareth hasn’t had phone calls until yesterday. I’ll get Wayne the number, see if he can’t help Gareth out.”
“Robin and I would be more than happy to talk to him, too. He’s family, you know? I’d hate to see him get hurt or worse.”
“I’ll let him know that he can give you two a call,” Jeff replied warmly. “That’ll mean a lot to him, I think. I’m going to try to get permission for Eddie to call him, too, I’m just not sure if there’s extra precautions they want people to take when they’re in these programs. At the very least, if Gareth sees Eddie get sober and stay sober, it might inspire him to do the same. You know how much he looks up to him.”
“Yeah, I do,” Steve replied, and he was about to say more when his phone started vibrating.
Incoming Call: Wayne Munson
“Wayne’s calling, I’m going to check in with him. Thanks again for everything, Jeff, and let me know if you need anything, okay?”
“Absolutely. Talk to you soon, man.”
Steve pressed the End Call, Start New Call button and brought his phone back up to his ear. “Hey Wayne.”
“Hello son. Glad I caught you.”
Tags List: @gregre369 @starman-jpg @skoomy-doompy @thequeenrainacorn @sleepyboosstuff @strawberrykore @paintsplatteredandimperfect @amoris-no-smut-allowed @steve-the-hairrington @iknewyouweremuggle @swimmingbirdrunningrock @sunfloweringstories @loverkasp @hyperfixationgoddess @steddie-as-they-go @zerokrox-blog @messrs-weasley @thelittleclare @lovelyscot @avacrebs @notsopretty-notsopink @novacorpsrecruit @srra @vampireinthesun @questionablequeeries @aylienator @unlit--skeleton @my2amgaythoughts @solliesolesito @epiclazershark @dreamlandforever @steadyllamaghostpeanut @nerdfighteratheart @callme-keys @space-invading-pigeon @bisexual-bilingual-biped @scheodingers-muppet @yikes-a-bee @littlewildflowerkitten @dbquills @julesiuile @child-of-cthulhu @immortal-iratze @r0binscript @manda-panda-monium @abstractnaturaldisaster @ilikeititspretty @high-risk-homosexual-behavior @jonesn4coffee @morganski-19 @almondflavoredbookworm @punctualhowell @sebastiansstanswhore @loguine-linguine @pearynice @imfinereallyy @theoneandonlywhitetiger @kjobriscoe @copingmechanizm @bejeweledbaby
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strangerthings-01 · 10 months
He never deserved you
This is a kind of a long fic but I've been gone so long I wanted to give a long and more detailed story lol. I can either do a part two or if anyone has any suggestions, my inbox is open!
Summary: For a couple of months, you had been dating Jason carver until you realized what a douche he was. You never realized ending things with him would help you fall for another. Someone you didn't expect.
Angst, cussing, mentions of smoking
The 6 AM alarm that suddenly went off, blaring in your eyes jolted you out of your sleep reminding you that it was time to get ready for yet another day of school. You really needed to find a different alarm. Waking up terrified was not the best way to start your day but on the bright side, at least it woke you up. You groaned slightly and rubbed your eyes trying to get the sleep out of them before you turned on the lamp on your nightstand. You squinted at the bright light that filled the room as your eyes tried to adjust from the pitch black they were just in.
Removing the covers off your body, you stood up and grabbed the clothes that you placed on your desk chair the night before, thankful you didn’t have to dig through your drawers to find something. You yawned as you walked into the bathroom that connected to your bedroom and began to get ready.
The outfit was simple. Skinny jeans and a black sweater that fell off one side of your shoulder because of it being just a size bigger than what you’d normally wear. Or maybe it was just like that. Who knows? After placing your hair into a messy bun, you headed downstairs and was grateful when you saw your mom had already brewed some coffee and made you a cup. “Oh thank you. I’m so exhausted today.” Having enough time before you had to leave, you sat down in the kitchen chair across from your mom who was reading the daily paper.
She looked up and set the paper down, leaning her head on her hand. “You’re welcome. Did you not sleep?” You sipped on it and squinted your eyes in concentration. “No I did. I don’t know. Just one of those days I guess.” She nodded and cleared her throat, leaning back in her chair. “Feel that. Well hopefully that coffee will get you through the day. You’re almost done with junior year. Just a couple of more weeks to go. I want you to focus okay?”
You nodded and gave a quick smile. “I will I promise. Finals are the last week of school. I’ve been studying like crazy trying to prepare. I can’t wait for summer.” You rubbed the side of your head and sighed before standing up and washing the mug out then placing it in the sink. “I know the feeling. Just- please don’t let him distract you. Jason, I mean. Boys are not worth more than your future.”
You turned around and leaned on the counter and gave your mom a far off look. “I know that. And I know how you feel about Jason and before you saying anything-“ her mom had opened her mouth to say object. “I know. I’m going to end it soon with him. He’s being an ass lately and hasn’t been treating me right anyways.” She scrunched her eyes brows. “He isn’t hurting you is he? Cause I will-“
“No no! Of course not. I just- he just says things that make me feel unimportant and distant from everyone. I just don’t wanna deal with it. After him, I’m hoping to stay away from boys for a bit.” Your mom smiled. “Good. You deserve better and thank god you’re getting rid of him. I couldn’t stand him.” You laughed and pushed off the counter. “Oh I’m aware. Alright I gotta go. I don’t want to be late. I love you.” You grabbed your car keys from the bowl in the living room and your backpack from the coat hanger and headed out the door as she was saying it back.
You got into your car and started the engine, shivering at the slight cold that nipped at your body. It had been true though. Jason had been treating you like crap. Telling you to be quiet when you said something or dropping your hand when he was around Chrissy which really pissed you off. You knew it wasn’t Chrissy’s fault but it still got under your skin that he didn’t even try to be subtle that he had feelings for another girl. That was the main reason why you were ending it at school today.
You knew it wasn’t the best thing to do but being in a public space made you more comfortable than if you were alone. It was known he had anger issues and you truly didn’t want to risk it.
As you drove off down the rode to Hawkins high, a million thoughts hit your brain. How would you end it? Where would you do it? Empty classroom? No that’s stupid. Maybe the lunchroom? You didn’t want to embarrass him. That’s not who you were. By the lockers would be good. People were around but no one would be paying attention. Not really. More thoughts invaded your brain pulling you from the Jason subject.
You still needed to study for the history exam and you hadn’t even started the science study guide. There was so much going on and you had no idea how you were managing it all. You took a deep breath to calm down and reminded yourself to take it one day at a time. As soon as Jason was out of your life, it was one less thing to worry about and gave you more of an opportunity to focus on exams. It would be a good thing.
You pulled into the parking lot and parked in a random spot. There weren’t many cars that took up the lot seeing as most people walked from the town being so small. The only cars were a few students and the faculty.
You turned your engine off and grabbed your backpack as you made your way into school, nervous about how the day would go. Walking to your locker, you sighed of relief as you noticed Jason wasn’t there yet giving you time to mentally prepare. You opened your locker and put in what you didn’t need at the moment and then shut it. As soon as the latch connected, your friend Tara came up to you. “Hey do you have the notes for English? I’m way behind.” You chuckled and shook your head not even surprised. Tara wasn’t really one to pay attention so she was always asking for notes but she was your friend and she meant well so you typically didn’t mind. “Yeah I do. Hold on.” You opened the English folder that you had in your hand and pulled out a couple of papers with notes scattered all over. “Don’t lose these please.” Tara took them gently and smiled. “I won’t. I promise. Thank you . I owe you one, see you later.”
A couple minutes after she walked away, you felt hands wrap around your waist. “Hey babe.” Jason. You felt immediate annoyance and anxiousness. “Hey Jason.” You turned around and backed away from his embrace. He smiled and leaned down to kiss you but you turned your head so his lips made contact with your cheek instead. He furrowed his eyebrows and pulled his head away. “What was that?” You shoved your hands into your sweater and cleared your throat. “We need to talk…” He raised his eyebrows and chuckled. “Okay? About what? Should we go somewhere private?” You shook your head trying to prepare how you were going to say this. “This isn’t working out. I think we need to break up.” The words flew out before you lost the nerve to speak them. Your hand almost flew to your mouth as if you couldn’t believed you had said it but you forced them to stay in your pockets.
“Uhh I really hope you’re just fucking with me.” He laughed humorlessly. You cleared your throat and looked around to make sure no one was paying attention. They weren’t. “No I’m being serious. I’m tired of the way you treat me and it’s clear you like Chrissy so consider it an out. It’s over.” You looked up at him to try to grasp what he was feeling. He stood there, mouth slightly open and eyebrows scrunched as if she had just told him the most absurd thing. You thought for a second he might actually be hurt and feeling something but no he burst out laughing and pointed at you. “You’re breaking up with me? No babe I’m breaking up with you.” You rolled your eyes and took your hands out of your pockets to fix the strays of your hair. “Honestly if that’s what you want to tell people, it genuinely doesn’t matter to me. As long as I’m away from you.” You began to walk away when he grabbed your wrist tightly and yanked you back so you were face to face. Did no one see that?
“Ow Jason let go.” He sneered at you keeping the grip on your wrist. “You think you’re cute but honey I could have anyone in this school I wanted. The amount of girls I have lined up…you mean nothing to me. All I wanted was the sex and you couldn’t even give me that you fucking tease. So good I’m glad we’re over. Good look finding anyone to be with you.”Your eyes prickled with tears but you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of crying. “Let me go Jason. You’re hurting me.” He pinned you against the locker and gripped your face with his other hand. As soon as he did, he was thrown off by someone and you immediately backed away from Jason.
“I could have sworn she told you to let her go, carver. Laying your hands on women. Not a good thing to do around me.” You looked up at the tall figure and it was none other than Eddie Munson. The one everyone called the freak of Hawkins high. You had only talked to him a couple of times in class but he was a pretty nice guy. Just struggled a bit to keep up like Tara or so people whispered. Rumors over him being held back spread like wildfire.
You were shocked he was defending you considering he really didn’t know you. You instinctively got behind him and he gave you a side glance, not moving. “You can mind your own business freak. We were just having a little moment. No one was hurting anyone so back off.”
Eddie chuckled and shook his head, his curls moving around. “Not what I saw but consider it a warning. For her sake. But next time, I won’t be so nice.” Jason laughed and put his hands up shaking them. “Oh wow I’m so scared. Fuck off Munson. Next time I won’t be so nice. You and that little bitch better watch your backs.” He stormed off, leaving you two in the hallway and a couple of people were staring and murmuring about the commotion. Of course now they notice once Eddie is invovled.
Eddie turned around and looked down at you. Rubbing your wrist, you looked up at him and looked into his eyes. You never noticed how pretty his eyes were. Or just how pretty he was. You and Eddie talked occasinoally in class but you never really became clos mainly because jason forbade it. “Are you okay?” He asked which pulled you from whatever trance you were just in.
You blinked a couple of times and looked around the hallway before meeting his eyes again, the eyes that were still focused on you. “I’m okay. I figured he would have had a reaction like that. Why-why did you help me? We barely know each other." Maybe it was a rude question to ask but really, why would he have all people help you? “I know a lot more about you than you would think. Why are you asking? It can’t be hard to believe that I would help you. Especially from someone like Jason.” He looked a little hurt but the look on his face went away as fast as it had come.
His words struck you in a way you couldn’t comprehend. What did he mean he knew about you? I mean yeah you’ve partnered up to do projects but it never turned into a friendship. Conversations didn’t happen often between you two. What could he possibly know. “No no. I’m sorry. That was rude of me. Forget I asked. Thank you for defending me.” Being flustered around Eddie Munson was definitely not on your list of things to expect for the year. “No problem sweetheart. If he bothers you again, don’t be afraid to tell me. You know where to find me.” He winked and walked off giving you no chance to respond. Did he mean at the hellfire club? Or the lunchroom? Or the several classes you shared? You let out a sharp breath and blinked a couple of times trying to make sense of everything when the loud shrilling bell sounded. “Crap I’m late. Munson.” You muttered and ran off towards your first class of the day.
After school, you were grabbing your things from your locker when tara came up next to you and shut the locker causing you to jump and let out a gasp. "what the hell tara? I'm glad my hand wasn't still there." She gave a slight eyeroll and then a pointed look. "I made sure you were done. You did not tell me that you were breaking up with Jason. I would have thrown a goddamn party. And what the hell was that with eddie munson today? I have literally never seen you have a full conversation with him outside of a classroom? What's the tea miss girl because you nelgected to fill me in at all and-" You cut her off mid rant and laughed slightly, one at the jab at jason and two at the enthusiasm of wanting to know everything all the time.
"I didn't tell you about Jason because I had literally been trying to work up courage all week to end it and I didn't want to lose the confidence to do it. As for Eddie, Jason was being kind of aggresive and he defended me..." Tara's mouth dropped as she leaned against the lockers. "The freak of hawkins high defened a popular kid? Whaaaa? He must like you." She giggled and rubbed her hands together. You rolled your eyes and started walking down the hallway towards the exit, tara hot on your heels. "First, I am hardly popular. More by assoication and that's gone for sure. Second, don't call him that. He's actually really....sweet and he definitely doesn't like me." You pushed open one side of the double doors and walked out into the parking lot heading to your car. "Sweet? I'm sorry. Where exactly did your sense go? This is the guy who stands on top of tables and yells at people who look at him the wrong way."
You turned to face her as soon as you reached the drivers side of your car. "No he yells at Jason. Big difference. I just think he's misunderstood, that's all. So what? He defened me from my jerk ex boyfriend. I doubt we'll ever talk again. He was just being a decent person." Tara scoffed and crossed her arms. "So he didn't say anything else after he defended you? It just happened and what? He walked away?"
You weren't sure if you should tell her the other part just because you knew how it sounded and Tara would totally take it a whole different way but you did want another opinion. "I thanked him and he told me that I knew where to find him if Jason ever messed with me..." You avoided eye contact after the words came out and she squealed, grabbing your arm. And there it is and here we go. "He is so into you. Look he may not be someone I would date and he may be weird as fuck but he's hot as shit. I would support you. Much better than carver." She made a throw up motion. "Tara, I extremely doubt he is into me. We barely talk outside of class like you said. Where would he have had time to gain a crush on me?" Tara shrugged and went to say something when her attention got diverted to something across the parking lot. "Can we talk later? Josh is here. Love you bye." Before you even had the chance to respond, she was halfway across the parking lot to catch up with her boyfriend. Typical Tara.
As you were unlocking your car, you felt eyes on you and looked around to see if it is maybe just paranoia from the events this morning when you caught Eddie leaning against his own car smoking a ciggirate, glancing at you. You made eye contact with him for a couple of seconds before he slightly smirked, put out his cig on the ground using his boot to snuff it and drive off in his car. Flustered, you got in your own car and drove home trying to process the days events.
Why had he smirked at you? Was he judging or had Tara been right about him having feelings for you? But it didn't make sense because in order to like someone, you would have to know them. You knew nothing about eddie munson and he definitely knew nothing about you, or did he? You let out a heavy sigh and forced yourself to focus on the road.
As soon as you got home, you went straight to your room and started studying. You had already gotten rid of one boy, you certainly didn't need to think about another, especially from one interaction. What is wrong with you? Pulling out all of your notebooks, you were determined to distract your mind when you notcied your english notes weren't returned. Tara. You shook your head and gave a soft chuckle as you opened your history notes and started to go through them. History was your favorite subject so it wasn't difficult for you to remember lessons from it. You went through pretty fast and studied half of your science notes as well before you crashed from exhasution. Thoughts of school, eddie, and jason fled from your brain as sleep took over your body.
Thankfully your alarm was set to wake you up at the same time everyday on weekdays because you slept the rest of the day and through the night until it was time for school again. When you were fully awake, you turned off the alarm and noticed the lights had been turned off and a blanket was pulled over you seeing as you were on top of your comforter. Your mom must have come in late last night to check on you.
Your morning routine stayed the same and soon enough, you were back at school and in your first class. Anxiousness filled your body as you realized you would more than likely have to see Jason today. After his outburtst yesterday, you weren't sure if he would leave you alone or not. You could take Eddie up on his offer but the truth was you didn't need protection or help. You could handle yourself and if anything, it would be tara beating his ass.
Your name being called from the roster pulled you from your thoughts and you muttered a 'here'. First class was homeroom so it was more like a free period. Most teachers let you do whatever you wanted in homeroom as long as you didn't get too loud. But today the teacher wanted you to get in pairs to discuss finals and assignments so you were on the right track.
You suddenly remembered eddie was in this class and subtly turned your head to see if he was there and sure enough he was in the same seat. Before yesterday you typically wouldn't have cared where he was considering he was just like any other student but after what he did for you, it was like you wanted to know more about him. His eyes met yours and raised his eyebrows up. "Wanna be partners?" You flushed and stammered a bit before clearing your throat. "Uh yeah sure." You hadn't expected that, not this early and soon. But you would humor it. What's the worst that could happen? Just as you were about to move, he got up and sat in the chair next to you. He had nothing with him but a notebook and a pencil. You were slightly confsued as to where he kept all of his work but that wasn't really important right now.
Before talk about finals and school, you had something else you wanted to discuss with him. "I wanted to thank you again for yesterday. I don't know if you were the only one to notice but you were the only person who did something." He breathed out heavily but not out of annoyance or stress, it was more like he was thinking about what you said and the events that took place just yesterday morning. "It was really no problem. Just did what I knew was right."
For some reason, that comment upset you in a way. Almost as if what had happened wasn't important or just simply not enough to talk about. But maybe he just didn't know what to say so you changed the subject. "I did have a question though. What did you mean when you said you knew more about me than I thought you did?"m The question had been presenting itself in your brain since yesterday. He half smiled and cleared his throat, tapping his pencil on the desk. ""It means that I watch you or observe, yeah that's less creepy." The admittance shocked you. What was so interesting about you? "Word flies fast in this god forskaen school. Just so happens people talk good about you and we've talked a handful of times. Let's just say Carver never desevred you." You felt unsure on how to take that comment in considering it had been said with such respect and genuineness but also not something you expected from the "bad boy".
"Thank you. That means a lot." You decided to go with the simple but grateful response and tried to move on beofore the awkwardness set in. "Um, so did you want to compare notes ? I'm so stressed for the finals." He gave you a look you couldn't comprhend that laid between awe and humor. "You really are a good girl aren't you?" You blinked a couple of times trying to understand whre he was going with that question. "I'm not sure what you mean. I just want to pass. Don't you?" He sighed and leaned his head onto his hand. "Well of course but I'm too far behind. The finals would let me pass though if I got just a good enough grade but I doubt it." So the rumors were true. He really didn't do school work that often but why? There was another question that had always kept you curious. "Did you get held back?" The words left your lips before you could fully process it. Your hand instinctively went over your abrasive mouth. "I'm so sorry. I have no idea why I just said that." He chuckled and shrugged, leaning forward. "it's not a secret sweetheart. Yes I did. No reason to hide it. Is that a problem?"
You shook your head, mouth parting slightly before speaking. "No no! Of course not. It's honestly none of my business. Look, I have notes for every class to help me study for the finals. Did you maybe want me to help you study for the next couple of weeks so you have a chance to pass?" He stared at you, a puzzled look crossing his face. "you would do that? Won't your reputation be ruined?" The comment felt like a slap to the face and went a whole different direction from the conversation that was just had, the dissappointment flooding your body. "I don't have a reputation and even if I did, that went over a cliff the moment I ended it with my mentally abusive boyfriend, okay? If you don't want my help, you can just say that." The bell rung at that moment which was perfect timing to make an exit. You gathered your things and got up quickly, trying to leave the classroom before anything else could be said. Maybe Eddie Munson was just like people said after all. What had you said or done to provoke a response like that?
As you reached the doorway, you felt a hand wrap around your wrist causing you to look back. "wait. I'm sorry. That was me being a dick. I-" You pulled your wrist away. "You think?" He pulled you off to the side and looked down at you. "It came off the wrong way. I didn't mean it like that. I just mean that you're a nice girl and people like you and well people don't like me" You sighed and looked at the ground for a couple of seconds before looking him in the eye. "I can make my own decisions and hang out with or help whoever I want. If people had a problem with that, not my issue." He pursed his lips and a look between embarrasment and awkwardness covered his features. "You're right. I shouldn't have said it and I'm sorry. If it's any consolation, I would like your help."
He seemed like he was being sincere and giving him a second chance was something a lot of people neglected to do. Being treated the way he is would cause you to build a wall and that was something you could understand. "Okay fine. But say anything like that again, you can forget it." He gave a wry smile and nodded once. "Duly noted. So where should we meet? Your place?" You shook your head quickly. "No. My mom will question the hell out of you and I would rather not have to endure an iterrogation myself. Either a public place or your place?" You questioned, curiousity peeking at the edges indicating you were wanting to know where he lived.
“I live in a trailer park so not sure if you would want to be somewhere like that.” Confusion took over your features as you took in his words. Was he embarrassed about where he lived? “I’m not one to care or judge where people live? I don’t mind coming to yours.” He blinked and pulled his head back, surprised that you had no hesitation about it. “Oh okay. Well I guess you can come around, say 5?” You nodded and smiled with your lips. “Sounds good. I gotta get to class. Bye Eddie.” You left the room before he could respond and walked quickly to your next class trying to understand how everything was changing around you in just a day.
The rest of the day went by pretty fast and the classrooms you shared with Eddie were spent talking about a bunch of random things. He was really easy to have a conversation with and it kept your attention. Plus he also happened to be funny and quick with his responses. It was a completely different story than the one people had been telling and it was refreshing to have someone listen to you, really listen to you.
After class, Eddie walked you to your car and stood with you for a couple of minutes just talking. Tara came up, eyes slightly widened as if she was trying to comprehend something. Eddie shifted uncomfortably and gave her a tight lipped smile. “I guess I’ll see you later?” You cursed yourself knowing she was going to question everything as soon as he walked away. “Yeah see you later.” No point in trying to hide it.
As soon as he left ear shot, Tara hit your arm. “Not gonna talk again huh? And see you later? What in the hell does that mean?” You deadpanned and crossed your arms. “You never gave my notes back.” She squinted her eyes in annoyance and grab the notes out of her backpack and handed them to you. “Don’t change the subject. Tell me everything.”
So you did. Every detail was shared including the study partner part and the entire time, Tara was squealing and dropping her jaw at the most mundane information. That’s who she was though. Excited about life and you couldn’t help but love her for it. “Okay that’s a lot to take in. I’m not against it though.” You adjusted your backpack on your shoulder and shifted to your other foot. “I’m so glad I have your approval.” She scoffed and waved her hand in the air, a dismissal. “You know what I mean. I’m glad you’re getting back out there though. Just didn’t expect it to be so soon.”
“Wow. Okay yeah no. Definitely not getting back out there. I’m just helping him study. I am not ready for another relationship.” You admitted. "I am literally just trying to help him get through the rest of the year." She groaned very dramatically and pretended to look intersted in her nails. "Yeah okay. We will just pretend that he doesn't have a massive crush on you and that I don't see you making eyes at him." You made strangly hands at her and made a sound through gritted teeth which got you a concerned look from people around you that were also lingering in the parking lot. "He doesn't have a crush on me and I don't make eyes at him. Yes he's attractive but I just got out of a very toxic relationship and I need to focus on school. Hence why I am helping him focus on school. If something happens to come from it, then it happens. Until then, he is my study partner and...a friend." The conversation didn't last much longer as both of you had to get home. It was getting close to 4 and you needed to be over eddie's place at 5.
Once you got home, you changed into some shorts and a V neck and the time flew by and soon enough you were back in your car headining over to the trailer park. You knew where it was considering Hawkins was a small town and you just so happened to pass it every once in a while. It took about 10 minutes to get there and soon enough, you parked and got out of the car looking around. Nervousness hit you as you saw a couple people outside staring at you, some giving you dirty looks. People like you who had it better than most weren't really welcome around this part of town.
You didn't blame them knowing how people treated the lower class but it still didn't settle the anxiousness creeping up. One guy jumped up and walked over to you, footsteps heavy and a beer bottle in his hand. "What's a pretty little thing like you doing around here? Looking for some trouble?" Your eyes widened and you took a small step back. "N-No of course not. My friend Eddie-" His sharp laugh cut you off. "Eddie Munson? Nah you better go on before trouble finds you." He closed in on you again when you saw Eddie running up and grabbing the mans shoulder. "Dan, it's okay. I invited her here. You okay?" He grabbed your hand and pulled you towards him, walking you away from the scene. "Sorry about him. He-he means well. Most people who come here to see me usually start shit."
Although you were still a little shaken up, you nodded and let him lead you into his trailer. "it's okay. I understand. He has a right to be catious." You looked around his place and it was actually really nice in here. Of course it was small but it was cozy and cleaned up well. You noticed the broom and dustpan out and the tied up trash bag and realized he must have been cleaning before you got here. How sweet.
He noticed you looking around and shifted on his feet uncomfortably not knowing what you were thinking. "Well thank you for understanding. It's not...the easiest living around these parts but it does its best. Sorry about the clutter and the smallness of it." He chuckled awkwardly while he fidgeted with one of his rings. "Don't apologize. I like it in here." You shrugged off your backpack and sat down on the couch and took in everything around you. He only had a couple of picutre frames up with him and what looked like his dad or maybe uncle? There were a couple of coasters scattered around and a couple of random objects. A dice, an empty glass, and a notebook. You felt the cushions shift and you looked over to see that he had sat next to you. "Thanks." He smiled softly. You nodded and pulled your backpack into your lap, digging some contents out. "Of course. Um I was thinking we could start with math since it's the hardest." He agreed and the studying started. It was rough at first because he was a lot further behind than you thought but he started to get the hang of it after about an hour of explaining different things. Between snack breaks and time outs, it was going pretty smoothly and he caught on really fast. You had him do a couple of test questions and when he got all but one right, you smiled and high fived him. "I bet that if we do it like this for the other subjects, you'll get a passing grade!"
Eddie's face lit up and he let out a gasp of air that sounded like relief. "I literally cannot thank you enough. I know we still have a ton to do and I know it's taking time away from you but I don't know if i even would have tried if you didn't offer." You gathered all of your things back into your backpack and zipped it up giving a soft smile. "It's really no problem. You helped me so I am returning the favour. I do have to get home though but I'm pretty much free all the time after school so we can do this whenever." He stood up with you and walked you to your car which you appreiacted greatly. "Be safe getting home." He opened your drivers door and shut it after you got in and said, "I will. Thank you." You drove home and thought about how tonight was the first night in a long time that you felt fully free and happy. The smiled that took over your face remained the rest of the car ride home.
For the next couple of weeks, you helped Eddie study almost everyday after school until you were positive he was confident in all of the subjects. There were bumps in the road and frustrations in the air but you were patient with him and he was respectful towards you. After the first week and a half of doing this, you started feeling nervous around him which wasn’t something you were used to. He was just so nice and funny and definitely wasn’t bad to look at. You were a little scared of catching feelings considering everything that happened with Jason and also because it hadn’t been that long since the relationship was over. You had talked to Tara about it and for the first time, she actually gave advice that made sense.
She had said “how you feel about someone isn’t something you can control. There’s no time limits or expectations on how soon you can fall for someone. It just happens. I wouldn’t stress about it. You guys are becoming really good friends and if something happens, then it happens. Don’t force it but don’t push it away.”
It helped you think a lot on the situation and she was right. How you were starting to feel about Eddie wasn’t something you could control. Spending time with him and having real conversations had been what set the feelings off in the first place. You were skeptical about if he had feelings for you or not. The way he looked at you and the way he brushed you hair behind your ears. The way he defended you against Jason anytime he tried to make a comment.
It was Sunday and finals started tomorrow. You wanted to help Eddie go over everything one more time to make sure he was prepared. And maybe because you just wanted to see him. You had shown up at his trailed, unannounced. You hoped he wouldn’t be busy or upset but when you knocked and the door opened, he stood there with that beautiful smile on his face. “What are you doing here?” He stepped aside as you walked through the door. “I was wondering if you wanted to go over everything really quick one more time. Sorry I showed up with no warning. I guess I could have called your landline.” He shut the door and ran a hand through his hair. “Oh no it's okay. You're welcome here anytime. You know that. And I would actually really appreciate going over it one more time. My nerves are running high for tomorrow but I think I’ll pass.” You smiled and shrugged your jacket off, laying it across the back of his couch. “I know you will. You’re smarter than you give yourself credit for, Eddie Munson.”
He walked over and hovered over you, causing your stomach to flip. “Well you’re more thoughtful than you give yourself credit for. And also smarter.” He chuckled. You grinned and shoved his shoulder. “Oh hush.” Your cheeks turned slightly red and you watched as the smirk grew on his face. He sat down on the couch and his eyes followed you as you took a seat next to him. "I stayed up late the past few nights to make these flashcards so I'm really hoping they work." You chuckled and bit your lip. He smiled and cleared his throat, staring right at you. You tried to focus on the flashcards and the words written on them so you didn't stutter over your words.
You began using the flashcards and you had to admit, they were helping you too. It was actually really fun to go through them and it was def because you were doing it with eddie. It went back and fourth with one person asking the question and the other answering. For some unknown reason, both of you were cracking up at this ridiculousness of it all. You were answering most of them right and when you finally got one wrong, Eddie stood up and pointed. "Ha! You did not get that right!" You gasped and stood up alongside him and grabbed the card from his hand. "What? No way." You looked at the answer and pursed your lips. "I did in fact get that one wrong." He laughed and you flung the card at him. He scoffed and picked it up. "Sore loser."
"mmmm. Pretty sure I got more right than-" Your sentence got cut off as your scream replaced it when eddie suddenly picked you up and flung you over his shoulder. "what was that?" You hit his back and laughed. "Put me down right now!" He walked over to the couch and gently tossed your onto the cushions. You giggled and breathed out, the air blowing some of your hair away from your face. He stood above you, looking down. His smile faded slowly, the look on his face indicating he was deep in thought. "You okay?" You sat up pulling your knees to your chest to give him room to sit which he did. "yeah. I just uh- he never deserved you, you know?" Your lips parted and you shifted on the couch to where you were sitting directly next to him. "Who?" You knew who he was talking about but you wanted to hear him say it. "Jason. He never deserved anything about you and he's an idiot for not seeing the amazing girl that you are."
"That means a lot. Thank you but where is all this coming from?" He looked down at his rings and played with them for a second then let out a small laugh. He looked back up at you and shook his head. "Fuck it." He grabbed your face with both hands and kissed you. You were taken aback for a second but then reality set in and you kissed him back, making a sound of content. He carressed your cheeks with his thumbs and your hands went into his curls. After about a minute, you both pulled back to get some air. "Wow. That was not what I was expecting." Your fingers grazed over your lips still feeling his own against yours. "If you couldn't tell from that, I really like you. Not just because of all the help you've given me but just getting to know you has been incredible."
You raised your eyebrows. "And here I thought you knew so much about me from observations." He rolled his eyes and grinned. "You know what i mean, you little shit." You giggled and leaned into him causing him to lean back into the couch, your head on his chest. "I just mean the real you. Not the one from the narratives from other people. But I've always had a small crush on you so..." You looked up at him and your mouth dropped. "Oh my god. Tara was right. You were into me."
He had his arm draped over your shoulder, fingers barely touching your skin, a tingly feeling going down your arm. "Yeah yeah. Tara is also an observationist." A small smile was on his face. "Well I was stupid for not truly noticing you." He scrunched his eyebrows and licked his lips. "Nah. Jason had you wrapped around his finger. He was a controlling dick." You pulled your face up and kissed him softly. "None of that was real. That's clear to me now. I don't even think I had real feelings for him. I just thought I did because everyone wanted him and he went after me. You, however, I do have real feelings for."
"Well good because he's gonna be so livid." He laughed which caused you to laugh. "Oh fucking well. According to you, he lost a great girl." He played with your hair and made a sound of agreement. "A very great girl."
The rest of the night was spent just talking and laughing until it got dark and you had to head home for dinner. He had just walked you out to your car and you were standing next to the open drivers door. "I had a great time tonight. We got a lot done and killed two birds with one stone." He grinned and grabbed your wrist, this time you didn't pull away, and pulled you close to him before kissing you, even better than the first one. "Goodnight, sweetheart." You bit your lip and slid into the drivers seat. "Goodnight, Eddie." He shut your door and you drove off, seretonin filling your brain. You had fallen for a boy, the 'freak' of hawkins high. Your mom would flip but it was all worth it and you don't regret one single thing.
ahhhhhh. I had so much trouble writing an ending for this story lol. I have so many other ideas for a part two if that's something anyone would want! I am so sorry I have been gone for so long, I am trying to get back into writing and this is a start!
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jades-typurriter · 7 months
Cherry Pops Under The Hood
This piece was my half of an art trade with @ricecreamart back in November 2023, starring her cast of OCs. She also did all the illustrations for this after the fact—if you're as much of a fan of plushie and mechanical stuff as I am (which, if you're one of my followers, there's a good chance), you should have a look at her work!!
The apartment was filled with all its usual signs of activity. The air inside was chilly—this deep into fall, the leaves had long since fallen and winter was beginning to butt in early. Ada hadn’t actually had to run her cooling fans in a long while, since it was cold enough even inside that her processors could be passively cooled, but she set them on low anyway. Her employers, Cherry and Nutmeg, appreciated any little bit of heat they could get, even the paltry amount that her system kicked out when she was just going about her business.
The two of them were seated at the kitchen table, snouts basking in the rising steam above their drinks. Ada relished in the mingling scents of Nutmeg’s tea and Cherry’s hot chocolate, and listened as the two of them bickered and bantered. Also as usual, Cherry was on the back foot in their flirty little playfight. Ada glanced over and saw all the tells that she was gonna be the first to get flustered: her eyes narrowed to help keep her face steady, her stubborn smile as though she was taking all of Nutmeg’s pokes and innuendos in good humor.
She smiled to herself and continued through the room, carrying a fresh load of laundry (and trying her best not to bury her face in the warm, soft fabric, another favorite new sensation of hers). She walked carefully—some component in her leg had failed recently, and the bundle of clothes was obscuring the ground in front of her feet. Though she tried to keep her gait straight, she could hear her own footsteps falling unevenly, heavy under her metal frame in spite of her padded exterior: thump-pmfsshh, thump-pmfsshh, thump-pmfsshh. One of Cherry’s ears flicked toward her and, grateful for the opportunity to retreat from Nutmeg’s teasing, she piped up.
“Hey, are you good, Ada? It sounds like one of your legs is dragging.”
“Yeah, uh…” she mumbled, her brows furrowing. “That’s a bit worse than I thought it was, actually… Here, lemme just set this down.” She dumped the clothes onto a nearby chair and, once again watching her step, ambled over to the table.
“‘ve you been having this problem long?” Cherry asked, resting her arm over the back of her chair to better face the housekeeper.
“You didn’t have to come in if you weren’t feeling well, you know,” Nutmeg added, setting her drink aside.
“Oh, I know, I just,” Ada hemmed, “I already have an appointment with the engineers that built this body for me, and y’know, they’re pretty busy… I figured, as long as I could watch where I was going, it wouldn’t be that much of a problem in the meantime.”
“Do you mind if I ask what’s wrong?” Cherry tilted her head. Ada had seen the expression before, on the number of occasions where she’d watched her fixing things up for other people—there was concern layered over it, but her interest was piqued.
“I think it’s a severed cable, the one that leads from my central nervous system to my knee. Or, maybe disconnected. I hope it’s not severed, uh. It could always be replaced, but it’d be much more of a hassle to have the whole cord unfastened and removed, and, y’know, it’s better to just not get damaged in the first place. Uh—”
“Do you want me to take a look at that for you?”
“Um.” Ada hesitated. Her fans, subtly, spun up. She hadn’t been examined by anybody besides the doctors and mechanics that had put her in her new body. For how many times they checked and double-checked her, from tip to tail and from paw to prow, that she’d be used to having someone poking around in her body, but… The last check-up had been months and months ago, before they were confident they could let her live on her own after the transition.
Plus, they were doctors, and it would feel… it would feel very different to have her friend get so close to her. Other than a doctor, it would actually be the first time anyone had gotten so close. But she had spent a good deal of time with Cherry since moving here, and she’d seen firsthand how good she was with her tools… Her fans spun yet faster; it occurred to her that they were becoming audible. Nutmeg’s eyes flicked between the two of them, which Cherry didn’t notice, but made Ada realize how long she’d been trying to think of what to say.
“Sure?” Okay, maybe she should have spent longer thinking about it. Nutmeg’s eyebrow jumped a full inch. “BUT, uh, c-ould we maybe? Do that in private? It feels a little… I don’t know, embarrassing. To have to strip and everything.”
“Oh, well, yeah. I mean, I wouldn’t ask you to get naked in the middle of the living room! C’mon, we can just do it in the den, you already know where my setup is.” She hopped out of her chair and, casually as anything, sauntered over to the den to wait for Ada to strip down to bare metal for her. Ada glanced back at Nutmeg; the wry smile she wore when she’d been pushing Cherry’s buttons was halfway back on her face—or maybe just half-concealed.
“You’ll be in good paws, sweetie,” she assured Ada, doing absolutely nothing to settle her nerves. Her wires. Whatever. “Do you need me to help you walk over there?”
“N-no, that’ll be—I’ll be fine, I just have to be careful. But thank you! Thank you, um,” she stuttered, eventually opting to just follow Cherry after realizing she wasn’t going to get any less awkward under the tanuki’s gaze. When she walked into the den, Cherry glanced over her shoulder.
“Just go ahead and get comfortable up here,” she said, patting a spot on the table. As she went back to rooting through toolboxes, she continued. “You said it was your knee, right? So you shouldn’t actually have to strip down. I promise I’m not gonna, like, look up your skirt.”
“Well, no, but—It’s not the c-clothes I’m worried about—well, I guess I’m worried about the clothes, too, um. Okay, just, you’ll see.” She turned away from Cherry—not that she was even looking. Gosh, why did this worry her so much?—and bent down to reach under her skirt. She fumbled for a moment before her paw found a zipper; she pulled gently, working it around the circumference of her hip joint, and began to roll down the now-freed fabric casing that sat over her metal frame. When it was about halfway down her calf, leaving her thigh and knee bare, she padded over next to Cherry and sat down on the table.
“Alright, are you—oh,” Cherry interrupted herself, finally looking over from her tools and seeing the exposed mechanisms. “Ohhh, I see, okay. My bad,” she apologized, rubbing the back of her neck. “When you said you had to strip, I thought you meant… your clothes. I forgot the fuzzy bits are separate, haha.”
“Oh, t-thats, totally fine,” Ada managed, unable to look Cherry in the eyes.
“I think I just, consider it… like, it’s your face, right? It’s like if you were trying to think of my skin as a separate entity from the rest of me. When I think of ‘Ada’, that’s just, what you look like.” Ada finally turned her head, just about at eye level with Cherry from her seated position. Their eyes lingered on each other for a moment; Cherry’s expression was still somewhat sheepish after the little misunderstanding, and something flickered behind Ada’s eyes that approached doubtfulness. Disbelief. Then a little smile broke on her face, and there was something very soft in them instead, softer even than her plush exterior. 
“That… means a lot to hear, actually,” she half-whispered, her eyes drifting downward. “Sometimes I still have to remind myself of it, but you’re right. This is me. It’s just, it’s almost a pleasant surprise every time I re-realize it, y’know? Like it’s too good to be true.”
“Oh, god, do I understand that,” Cherry chuckled, shoulders relaxing in the mercifully-broken tension. But hey,” she said, drawing their eyes back together. “you kinda get used to it after a while. Not in a way where it stops being fun, though!. Like, you still wake up some days, and it’s like it’s Christmas, but it doesn’t shock you like you’d lost track of the date, right? You still get to be you—it’s still awesome every time you remember ‘dude, this is your life now’—but you don’t forget that you’re you in the meantime. Y’know?”
“I can imagine. I get closer every day, I think. Physical… snags, like this one, remind me a lot of how things were before, but… I guess I have you for that now, right?”
“Right!” Cherry slapped a fist down into her open palm. “We’re gonna get you good as new in no time. You ready?”
“I-I think I am! Uh—” she stammered, pressing down her skirt between her legs. “Okay, now I’m ready!” Cherry giggled, then looked at her lap and back up at her.
“...Do your clothes even come off?”
“Sure! If. You take the rest of me off, too.” They stared at each other for another half a breath and cracked up again. That’s bedside fuckin’ manner, babey!! Cherry was doing a kickass job at this robot doctor thing already. She kneeled down, still giggling, to get a closer look at the laggy limb.
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“Woooahh,” she mused, face-to-face with Ada’s bare knee. Her eyes were wide and sparkling like the robot had shone a little red laser dot on the floor in front of her. “Oh my god, Ada. I know we were just talking about how cool it is to be you, like, with a capital B and Y, but you really are an amazing piece of work!” She gushed for a minute straight about the suspension, a thick spring coiled around Ada’s stand-in for a tibia and fibula, which Cherry could see extending down the remainder of her leg underneath the metal sheath and the remaining fabric cover; that was to say nothing of the hydraulic struts that extended behind and above her knee, powering her locomotion.
“I kind of don’t want to touch anything there… at least, not if we can help it. I’m not gonna say I couldn’t do it—I’m pretty good, y’know,” she added with a flicked ear and a raised eyebrow. “Buuut, it’d definitely be more complicated to fix than a connection issue would, so let’s look around for that first, right?”
“Sure, sure. It should be higher up in my thigh. Thhhhhhat panel,” she recalled after some deliberation, pointing to a plate of metal on the inside of her leg, “should come off.” Cherry produced a screwdriver from her pool of tools and dutifully levered the compartment open, finding… well, it was much cleaner than she’d expected.
“Huh. I guess I gotta give ‘em points for wire management? I can see a couple other big cables running through here, but they’re all on the other side. This one seems to be the only one that runs to the upper leg. Kinda seems like putting all your eggs in one basket, though… If something happens with this wire, poof! There goes your whole thigh.”
“Just like now,” Ada sighed.
“Why would they do it like that?”
“It’s supposed to be like the femoral artery,” she huffed. “If you ask me, the human body is the last thing to be taking design inspiration from, but the engineers liked how tidy it was, and the doctors thought I was complicated enough as it was. They agreed that mirroring the bigger anatomical landmarks would make it so a non-specialist doctor could at least try to treat me.”
“Who the hell studies medicine and engineering?” Cherry muttered, peering further down into Ada’s chassis. “I can see it all the way to the end, though. Like, with a plug and everything still attached. It must’ve just come loose, so all I gotta do is—”
“NyaaAAAA—” Ada squealed. Her paws flew to her mouth; her fans revved full-force. Cherry’s claw had barely grazed the cable, but it felt like she had just rubbed her paw all the way along the inside of her thigh.
“Ah!! Did that hurt? Are you okay?” She looked up at Ada and saw the flustered expression half-hidden behind her paws. She felt a rush of air from the opening to the inside of Ada’s furry casing and realized that she was burning up. “...Oh.”
“I-I’m. Yeah, f-fine,” the mortified android managed, squeezing her eyes shut. “It was just, um. Sensitive. Sorry.”
“Oh, no, it’s no problem!! I should’ve looked a little bit more before leaping, I guess. I’m just,” she finished, bowing her own head again to hide the blush spreading across her own cheeks, “glad you’re alright. Lemme try it with some pliers instead—I’ll be more gentle this time.” She fished out a needle-nosed pair and, gripping the bundle of wire just beneath the plug, slowly finagled it into the socket.
Cherry instructed Ada to flex her knee; she could, just fine. She asked her to extend it, and she did, no problem! She rolled her ankle around next, even though it wasn’t originally the problem, just to make sure Cherry hadn’t accidentally knocked anything else loose while she was down there. She slowly snapped the panel back into place—this time, Ada had braced herself, and though she couldn’t look Cherry in the eye while she was working down there, she barely made a peep this time. They finally emerged from the den, Cherry holding the door open so Ada could make sure she could get around without difficulty again, and were met with Nutmeg eyeing the two of them over her mug.
“Did something go wrong?” She asked, voice full of exaggerated concern—after all, Ada was walking just fine.
“In my workshop?" Cherry gloated. "C'mon. It was just a loose cable. You’ll make sure not to flex your leg too far in the future, right, Ada?”
“Oh, good!” Nutmeg continued. “So, if you didn’t make a mistake in there, I assume you meant to make her squeak like that?” she asked, taking a slow sip of her tea and staring Cherry dead in the eye.
“Y’know,” she forced out, putting her best poker face back on. “I think I’m gonna take Ada to the park, just to put her through her paces. Doesn’t that sound nice, Ada?”
“Huh? I wasn’t done cleani—”
“Awesome! We’ll be back in a bit, Meg,” she growled, nearly shoving the girl out the door in front of her.
It wasn’t long before Cherry realized that she’d escaped from Nutmeg’s coolheaded quips without thinking to take a sweater—she’d jumped out of the fridge and into the freezer, with the way the weather had been recently. Ada offered to turn her fans up, and Cherry stayed nice and close to her (which was very, very easy, with how soft her exterior was). While the two of them walked laps to keep their servos warm and their blood circulating, they talked about all kinds of things. A simple “you mentioned ‘how things were before’” turned into swapping backstories: how Cherry got into tinkering with machines, how Ada got into a machine.
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Of course, they had plenty of common ground, from the realization that things could be different, and the freedom that came with it, to the malaise that it had freed them from. Cherry managed to keep things light; like she’d said earlier, things only went uphill from the start of journies like theirs, and she was rarely without a crack that would break the gloom of a bad memory. It got dark faster than they expected, but it had more to do with how much fun they were having together than the shortening days. When it got too cold for Cherry to stand staying out any longer, the two of them walked back to the front door of her apartment building.
“Y’know,” she said when they arrived, “you didn’t have to walk me all the way home. It’s almost like the end of a date, or something.”
“What, with how much you and Nutmeg flirt while I’m around? It couldn’t be!” She froze; and Cherry felt the air around her begin to thaw. “Wait, could it be? Cherry, was this supposed to be a date??”
“I was just kidding, bestie, you don’t have to go critical on me. Usually, you get up under a girl’s skirt at the end of a date, right?”
“C-c’mon!” she cried, screwing her eyes shut again. “It wasn’t like that!!”
“I know, I know!” Cherry laughed. “Hey, c’mon. I promise it’s not like it’s gonna be weird or anything. Doctor-patient confidentiality, or whatever, right? But hey,” she said more softly, reaching for Ada’s paw. She paused before touching her, waiting for her to nod in confirmation before just going and grabbing things, this time. “We could make it a date, next time! If you want, anyway.”
“U-um. Yeah. Yeah!” There was a growing, fully snow-free circle spreading from Ada’s feet, at this point. “T-that would be, it’d be awesome! I would love that!!”
“Great! You know the door’s always open for you, bestie. See you soon?”
“I’m already scheduled to come over again in a few days!!”
“Sooner? I’m on my way to face the music. I was definitely losing to Nutmeg earlier. If you bail me out before she literally pushes me up against the wall, we can call it even for helping you out today.” Ada’s brow furrowed, a little concerned.
“She’s not… literally pushing you around, right?”
“Oh, no! I’m constantly asking for it. Literally, most of the time. I wouldn’t even complain if she did it tonight, but like… it’s the principle. I gotta save face after getting dressed-down in front of a guess like that, y’know?”
“Well, that makes two of us getting exposed in front of our friends, right? At least you aren’t alone.”
“Ha! Sorry again about that. But hey, maybe we can do that on purpose next time too, right?” She could see Ada freezing up again, and blew her a kiss goodbye to save her the trouble of finding her words again, ducking back inside; she could hear the air whooshing around outside all the way until she got back to the elevator.
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plus a little bit of an epilogue for you =^w^=
I hope you enjoyed!! The transgender plushie robot catgirl is very near and dear to my heart. I know, I know, total shock. If you're interested in more of my writing you can have a look here and here. And please check Robin out too!! She's crazy talented and is the one who came up with Ada in the first place so
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reds-skull · 4 months
Revenant Side Stories
Story II: Graves
[Story 1 - Konchar] [AO3]
Ah yes, the oneshot I promised 4 months ago. I got sidetracked with bloodhunger, and I'm still busy with uni (when am I not...), but I finally found time to write Graves' story! I'll be honest, I kinda procrastinated on this because I wasn't sure I would be able to really capture his voice correctly, but I like how this turned out.
I got a few more characters on the list for side stories, but if you're interested in seeing anyone in particular, you're welcome to suggest them!
“You’re such a piece of shit, Graves!”
Philip smiles as wide as his mouth full of dry MRE cake allows him to, “I know you’re the one that put boot polish inside my shoes two weeks ago, Collins. Payback’s a bitch, ain’t it?”
Collins’ face twists in anger, in a way that is quite satisfying to him, “I was fuckin’ saving that cake for after the op.”
“I know.” Philip swallows, grin finally able to stretch across his face. Collin doesn’t grace him with another reply, instead stomping away while muttering curses under his breath. Serves him right.
He leans back against the armored truck they’ll use for infil, in about half an hour from now. He’s been ready far before that, always the first on the tarmac. He has to, if he wants to be in his superior officers’ good graces, if he wants that promotion.
Being a Corporal is nice and all, but Philip aims higher than that. He thinks – no, knows he wasn’t made to follow orders till the day he dies. No, he’s much better suited to command, to lead, to make the final call.
He just needs to make the higher brass see that as well.
Among the buzzing activity of the final preparations for the upcoming operation, Philip spots Lieutenant Reed inspecting a crate of equipment. The man is build like a shit brick house, all 6’4 inches of pure muscle. That’s not to mention the Lieutenant’s special little revenant status, which makes sure that even if you manage to shoot the giant bastard, he’ll get back up quicker than any human being should. Apparently, healing powers are quite common for soldier revenants, not that it matters when their kind is as rare as it is.
A pang of jealousy shoots through him, at the sheer power the man clearly exudes just by standing there. It goes away quickly enough.
Lieutenant Reed is a great commander, don’t get him wrong, but Philip always thought he was too… caught up by his own moral compass. More concerned with doing what’s just, instead of doing what’s right. Admirable, but dangerous on the field.
A man who puts his and his squad’s life over the mission, is not a man who will go far. A man that puts things like righteousness over the mission…
Philip pities him, really. Reed could’ve been a General by now, if he understood that. But he’s grateful, in a way, that the Lieutenant is the way he is, to teach him this lesson.
The Lieutenant’s eyes meet his, and he motions with his head to move. He ruminated around long enough – time to get to work.
The mission is simple, a milk run, really. When he enlisted, Philip expected to be constantly fighting, to truly feel with each shot how he changes things in the world.
He sure didn’t expect to be loaded up in the back of a truck with five other soldiers, and act as basically a glorified delivery man, transporting gear to an American base in another part of a foreign country.
Those were the fantasies of a younger, stupider Philip. He now knows just how much is required to upkeep a base, both from first-hand experience and from his studies on his time off. After all, being the best doesn’t only come down to his physical abilities, it demands the best mind, the strongest will, the smartest of tactics.
This means he’s got less time to socialize with the soldiers in his unit, but he’s truly not mourning that. They seem like a bunch of idiots anyway. It only motivates him further to get the next promotion, if only to get away from them.
The downside to that, is that Philip barely knows the last names of the people currently in the truck with him. Lieutenant Reed is in a truck ahead of theirs, his rank high enough to grant him the privilege of not being shoved between crates and sweaty recruits.
Philip keeps half of his attention on the low conversation between the soldiers next to him, scanning the empty, dry grasslands surrounding the road.
“Heard the fellas up north have been attacked, last time a convoy went through.” a soldier he thinks might be Johnson murmurs.
Collins answers from the other side of the truck, “yup, I got a friend there. Two from his unit died.”
Maybe-Johnson shakes his head with a huff, “fuckin’ gangs man… The US might as well fund them, with the amount of supplies they drive right to their doorstep…”
“Think we’ll meet them today?” another soldier joins (Gonzalez? Fuck if he knows).
“If we do, I’m going to wipe ‘em out.” Collins grins, and Philip has to suppress the urge to roll his eyes. He couldn’t wipe out his grandma, let alone several trained gang members. “‘Sides” he continues, “we got the LT on our side.”
Gonzalez (???) laughs, “damn right we do! Can’t kill a man twice, can ya?”
Philip internally groans, jaw tightening. They think Reed is some sort of immortal, just because he died once and survived. A fucking bullet to the head would kill him all the same. The only thing the Lieutenant is truly invincible from is infection and diseases - what originally killed him. If any of these bastards ever bothered to pick up a book, they’d know that.
He apparently didn’t manage to school his features well enough, since Collins turns to address him, “what’s with the face, Graves?”
Philip does roll his eyes this time, “just because Reed is a revenant doesn’t mean y’all can just sit back and relax, he’s just one person.”
The road they’re on cuts through a hill, casting long shadows over them.
“Yeah, a person that heals from a stab wound in half an hour!”
“Those are just rumors.” Philip spits, “have any of you ever looked at the actual reports??”
A few soldiers groan as Collins answers, “not all of us are fuckin’ suckups, bro.”
Philip watches the lot of them laugh, a sharp smile slowly spreading on his lips, “not all of us are going to become Sergeants, bro.”
The laughter dies, Collins’ face twists in anger familiarly, “you’ve always been a piece of shit-”
The world becomes bright white for a moment, screams Philip later registers as his own rip out of his chest as the truck swerves and crashes.
His ears ring, limbs refusing to listen to his orders. “Hrgh… shit…” he forces his eyes open, as his hearing returns.
Gunshots flash between the wreckage and the top of the hills, soldiers taking cover behind the upturned truck. It seems like he was the only one blown away this far.
The fuckin’ gang must’ve hit him directly. Just his damn luck.
Philip tries to crawl forward, not particularly keen on staying alone with no cover, but even that small movement shoots intense pain through his body, his vision darkening for a few seconds. He winces, carefully turning to look at his torso and legs.
He swallows down the bile rising to his mouth, blinking down at the deep craters at his right hip. That… can’t be his own body, right? He thinks he sees bone.
Another RPG whistles through the air, missing the truck by only a few feet. His squad turns around, shooting down the gang members attempting to corner them from their flank.
He needs to get to them. They should have enough knowledge of first aid to at least stop the bleeding, or give him a stim shot, fuckin’ anything!
Philip starts screaming, “HELP!!! I’M STILL ALIVE!!!!!” he grits his teeth, desperation starting to crack his voice as he realizes he might actually die here, “COLLINS!!! GONZALEZ!!! HELP!!!!!”
Hope bubbles within him when he sees Collins turn his head to his direction, searching for the source of the shouts in the shadows. Philip raises his arm as far as he can, waving it to catch Collins’ attention.
He thinks it might be the first time he ever felt actual happiness to see Collins’ stupid green eyes lock onto his.
“I CAN’T MOVE, YOU GOTTA FUCKIN’ HELP ME!” he yells, pointing to his right leg.
Collins’ eyes trail down, to the puddle of blood coloring the grass under Philip red. He lifts a hand to his comms, mouth moving too fast for him to read.
He must’ve reported his condition to Reed. Collins is not completely useless, Philip muses.
Collins nods in response to whatever Reed told him, and Philip’s heart drops when he turns away from him, and points to the forest.
They… they’re not gonna run, are they? They’re not gonna leave him here, bathing in his own damn blood, right?!
Yet, that’s exactly what they do. The five soldiers, his own teammates, wait for an opening in the relentless shooting from the hostiles, and run. Without him.
Philip shouts again, anger now booming through his throat, “COLLINS! YOU FUCKING COWARD, COME BACK!!! DON’T LEAVE ME HERE, I’LL DIE!!!!! WE’RE ON THE SAME SIDE, YOU PIECE OF SHIT, HELP- HELP ME!!!”
Collins doesn’t even look back once, and Philip watches the figures of his squad disappear between the trees. He screams in frustration, hands shaking in fury.
His mind returns to the moment Collins nodded. Lieutenant Reed… he must’ve told them to disengage. Ordered them to leave him behind to bleed out.
A hysterical laugh shakes his shoulders. So much for ‘no man left behind’, eh, Lieutenant? Fucking hypocrite. Philip hopes that wherever revenants go after they die, Reed will suffer for the rest of his existence.
His laugh devolves into choked sobs when the reality of his situation sinks in. He’s gonna die. He’s going to die because his own team abandoned him.
Philip always knew they were useless, but he expected them to at least not fuckin’ betray him, y’know? 
As his vision fades for the last time, Philip smiles. Not because he accepts his fate, no.
But it’s nice to know he was right, the whole damn time.
“Philip Graves”
Philip’s eyes snap open, and he inhales sharply. It takes him a few moments to comprehend he’s not in that damn valley he was abandoned in. He’s… not anywhere on Earth… is he?
His own reflection stares at him, multiplied over countless times, like a hall of mirrors in a carnival. He raises a hand to his right side, pressing tentatively at first, and digging into the muscles when he realizes his wounds have been healed.
…What is this place?
“This is my Realm”
Several voices echo around him, and Philip looks around only to see his own wide blue eyes.
“W-where are you?!” he snarls, fear beating at his heart.
He cranes his head up, mouth opening in shock at the creature above him.
A writhing mass of limbs coils onto itself, arms and legs and faces, creating the vague shape of a person. Its face is blank, nothing but a maw. 
“You’re… a Reaper…” Philip mutters dumbly.
“The Reaper of Many”
The Reaper leans closer, Philip’s body shaking at the sheer scale of it, “so I did d-die.”
He doesn’t know how, but he gets the feeling the Reaper grins at the words.
“YES” “YES” “YES” a terrifying chorus of voices confirms. The twitching limbs seem to move quicker in excitement, “TELL ME, PHILIP GRAVES, WHAT DO YOU WANT?”
Philip covers his ears at the screeching Reaper, eyes squeezed shut in agony. In the back of his mind, he remembers the transcript from interviews of revenants, of this very question they all had to respond to.
Of the identical answer they all give.
“I just- I JUST WANT TO LIVE!!!”
Philip’s quick breaths slow down, when the Reaper doesn’t scream again.
“I just want to live…” he repeats, opening his eyes and lowering his arms. After a few moments of nothing, he finds the courage to look up.
The Reaper’s hand is hovering above him, finger uncurled and pointing to him.
“Give me your soul, Philip Graves, and I’ll let you live” 
Philip nods shakily, “It’s yours, Reaper.”
Giggling bounces between the mirrors surrounding him, gleeful and horrendous. The finger moves closer, Philip leaning back on instinct alone. It feels like his blood is boiling over, brain liquifying into mush, yet he physically can’t open his mouth to scream.
“From this day on, until the day you die, Philip Graves, you are mine.”
The Reaper touches his forehead, his vision flashing with bright colors he doesn’t have a name to.
“My revenant, Revenant of Many”
Someone is shaking his arm. Philip pushes away, scrambling back. He opens his eyes.
Something decidedly not human greets him.
“The fuck-” Philip curses.
“The fuck-” the creature answers. It doesn’t have a mouth, or any defining features. Barely a dark shape, like someone cut out the silhouette of a person out of the fabric of reality.
Philip feels an odd presence in his mind, like dozens of eyes looking up at him, awaiting command.
The valley is quiet. He looks up at the hills, finding more shapes lingering, all looking at him. Philip looks back at the one that touched him.
“What are you?”
The shape answers by echoing his voice, “-you?”
Philip breathes out a small laugh, hand carding into his hair in amazement.
His admiration of his new powers is cut short by the sound of an engine. Philip jumps to his feet, body still feeling a phantom pain of sorts, and orders his shapes, “disappear.”
In a blink, the shapes melt away into the shadows. He runs to the woods, taking cover behind a thick tree trunk when the vehicle rolls around the bend into the valley.
Philip’s eyes narrow when he sees that the vehicle is none other than the US military’s. He averts his eyes, scrutinizing the setting sun. It has been at least several hours since Collins and his group of dickheads left him to die.
The vehicle stops near the wreckage, the fire burning the truck long extinguished. Lieutenant Reed out of all people climbs out, instantly ordering his men to clear the area of hostiles. Burning rage ignites within Philip at the sight.
Without his will, the shadows around him materialize, blank faces all staring at him.
He gets an idea. It’s stupid, and frankly will probably put him in a lot more trouble than it’s worth, but honestly Philip literally died a few hours ago and so did his fucks to give.
“Seize them.” he tells his shapes, his Shadows.
The dozen or so Shadows instantly start running, tackling the squad of soldiers. Philip barely contains a laugh at their terrified screams. One of them manages a shot on a Shadow, but the creature simply ignores the gaping hole in his thigh, and wrestles the man down.
Lieutenant Reed needs two Shadows to force him to kneel, but soon enough they all stay down, lined up on the dirt road.
“If this is how it feels to be a revenant, I would be a cocky bastard too”, Philip thinks to himself while looking at Reed.
“Lieutenant, what the fuck are these- these things?!” one soldier asks frantically.
Reed growls, fruitlessly attempting to shake off the Shadow restraining him, “revenant powers. But I’ve never seen something like this-”
Philip chooses this moment to reveal himself, “impressive, aren’t they? I’d say they’re a fair trade to dying, wouldn’t you, Lieutenant?”
Lieutenant Reed’s face slackens in shock, “...Corporal Graves?”
He smiles unkindly, “the one and only. Tell me…” he crouches in front of Reed, “when you ordered Collins and his group of bumbling idiots to abandon me and run away, did you even feel a speck of remorse? If not for me, at least for my poor mother, that would’ve had to live with the fact the men that were supposed to be on his side left him to die?”
The Lieutenant at least seemed to pretend to be horrified, “I- it was the Commander, not me, Graves. I didn’t make the call to leave you behind, kid-”
Philip cuts him off with a few slow claps, “wow, Lieutenant. I’ve already gathered you’re a fuckin’ hypocrite, but a liar as well? You should’ve been an actor instead of a soldier, sir. You’ve got a natural talent right there.”
His digging remarks only seem to make Reed more guilty, “...I may have not made that order, but I take responsibility over my soldiers. You didn’t deserve to die, Graves. I’m sorry.”
Philip falters at the genuinely heartfelt apology. He didn’t expect Reed to actually be sorry about it. It only twists something in his gut further.
Philip’s voice loses the mocking tone it had before, “you have nothing to apologize for, sir. Without you, I would’ve never received such power.” he spreads his arms, motioning to his Shadows.
Reed’s brows curve upwards, regret painting his features, “really, I should thank you, Lieutenant.”
Philip grins as wide as his mouth allows him, not a lick of joy within it, “thank you, for letting me die alone.”
He knew he’ll get in trouble once he arrives back to base, but he didn’t expect Major Shepherd to be the one disciplining him.
Philip knows to dread the punishment the moment the Major opens the door, his face severe as ever as he dismissed the other officers in the room.
He rises to his feet, saluting the Major, before the man waves him off.
Shepherd takes the sit in front of him, staring him down for a few tense moments before speaking, “Corporal Philip Graves. Do you know how much shit you’ve put yourself into, with that little ‘prank’ you did to Lieutenant Reed and his squad?”
Philip doesn’t shy away from the Major’s burning gaze, “yes sir.”
Shepherd doesn’t look impressed, “the Lieutenant told me about your powers. Which Reaper got you?”
“Reaper of Many, sir.”
“Reaper of Many… can’t say I’ve met a revenant from it.” the Major drawls, “most of your kind belongs to the Reaper of Flesh.”
The one in charge of healing… Reed’s Reaper.
“Your powers are exceptionally strong, Graves.” Shepherd smiles, oddly enough.
Philip blinks, taken off guard by the praise, “... thank you, sir?”
The Major leans back, his demeanor less serious, “no need for formalities right now, Graves. I’d like to speak to you as an equal at the moment.”
…What is the Major’s angle here? He doesn’t seem angry at him anymore.
“About what?”
Shepherd smirks, something about it raising the hairs on Philip’s arms, “What do you see yourself doing, four, five years down the line?”
“Your aspirations, Graves. Aiming for Lieutenant? Captain?”
Philip frowns in confusion, “Commander, sir.”
“Commander, huh?” Shepherd hums, “I have a… proposition for you, Graves.”
Proposition? “I’m listening.”
“What do you think about PMCs?”
The rapid change in topic leaves Philip unsteady in his answers, “they’re… I think they’re necessary, but I’d rather stay with the US military. I want to fight for my country.”
Shepherd looks… disappointed? “Listen, son. I think you’re a great soldier, and you have been given great power to control. People like you… the military will just hold you back.”
Philip inhales deeply. Is Shepherd saying what he thinks he’s saying?
The Major continues, “I think you’ll do much better outside the red tape, Philip.” he pulls out a contract, a frankly absurdly high stack of papers, “I’d like you to work for me. Not as my subordinate, but as a collaborator.”
Philip stares at the papers, “you… you want me to leave the army?”
“Exactly. I want you to become your own PMC. I believe, with your amount of strength, other soldiers will just get in your way.” Shepherd adds, almost like an afterthought, “and you won’t need to worry about any sort of punishment about your actions today, your death will be completely redacted, and the Lieutenant ordered to keep his mouth shut.”
He looks back at the Major’s eyes, deep gratitude welling inside him. Shepherd offers his hand to him, right above the contract that will finally grant him what he worked years for, as easily as writing his own name.
Graves takes the offering, and shakes the Major’s hand.
“My Shadows will be at your service, Shepherd.”
Shepherd smiles, satisfied, “already prepared for your first mission, Commander Graves?”
Commander Graves. He thought it would take years until he was granted the name.
Graves flashes a grin, “was reborn ready, Major.”
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