#which isn't related at all (unlike them) but it Plagues me
witchcraftingboop · 2 months
The unfortunate side effect of listening to my dad's oldie rock music is that it never fails to bring to mind my mother's husband's older brother, a decrepit man who lived on our couch for years and was convinced he had been the lead singer / songwriter of System of a Down (and ofc needed to bring it up at least twice a day), but The Man wanted to bring him down specifically so of course he injured his back and had to bow out to work at Walmart. Honestly everything about that man was Comically off, but I just can't get over that a man who would get drunk n then piss on our couch nearly every night and then forbid elementary school children from interrupting his 2hr morning makeup routine was ... living in a two bedroom apt with 5 other people and still had the energy to be more bizarre
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juniorig0327 · 7 days
Revamped God swap AU Pt. 2
After thinking it out, I think this is the main AU I want to focus on. It isn't gonna be a full god swap AU, it's gonna be only the characters I want because I'm self indulgent like that.
Percy - Keeping Percy as a Son Of Poseidon but his family has deep connections to the Greek world way back to the ancient times, so he's also a legacy.
The two gods I decided that I wanted to give him connection to were Athena and Sol.
At first I opted for Helios but after realized that one, he's faded and that I wanted the connect to Sol to be rather strong I decided to go roman. And two (if I ever read trials of apollo lol) I could possibly have him conflict with Caligula which I think was Neo Helios. Now unlike him being a legacy of apollo, he doesn't get the things like archery or plagues, just pure sun. I think I'd want him to have a blessing sort of like Frank to always have a part of the sun with them. Some of his family members had stronger connections than others however.
Secondly, the main heritage I wanted to give him was Athena. The main reason for this is purely epic the musical related. I was listening to it and thinking about how much Odysseus reminded me of Percy and so here we are. I think I'd want him to be a first gen legacy. Sally never figured out she was a demigod until Poseidon came around and an incident happened where she found out. I feel like instead of the normal wisdom and smarts, Sally just ended up with emotional wisdom and maybe a bit of telepathic abilities.
This being said I feel like this would make Percy and Athena's relationship complicated. Athena would probably keep her distance and maybe slightly aid him sometimes from afar. She has complicated feelings. I can already imagine Athena and Poseidon fighting over him because he embodies both of their aspects surprisingly well. Poseidon with the unpredict ableness and wildness of the sea but the wisdom, knowledge, and battle strategy in a fight.
If I wanted to make this very much more canon divergent than before then maybe Athena comes to accept Percy publicly after TLO and they actually have somewhat of a relationship and then HOO happens and he's basically disowned out of nowhere and sent to follow the Mark of Athena. After he finds out about his role in the seven he's sorta pissed. The weight of the world is on his shoulders again, if he fails this means their screwed. And this time he doesn't have anyone to share the burden with, he's all by himself and has to do it all alone (which he does, and then he falls into Tartarus so uh thats gonna go well lol).
So yeah. Thats how I feel about that. I feel like its an interesting dynamic and it doesnt really change Percy that much I feel like except more angst (lol) and a new set of powers which I think I'll have fun balancing around.
Luke - Yeah, I already basically explained the Hades thing so yeah, I'm definitely keeping him as a son of Hades. But I think I can seriously use this to strengthen him and Percy's relationship to make the betrayal hit harder for him imo.
They're more chthonic gods and I feel like they're be somewhat feared, or at least Percy is. Luke was before but he just gained the trust of the camp slowly so they don't really fear him. It would just be another way they'd bond over.
Thalia and Nico - I'll be keeping these two the same respectively, just a bit more stronger probably. I think I could come up with some cool legacy heritages for them I think the only one I could really see being a legacy is Nico soo..
Annabeth - Annabeth is going to be an Apollo kid, but similar to canon she doesnt really have any useful powers. Her main weapons would be her dagger and then a bow gifted to her by Apollo that produces arrows out of light but I think thats it. She still keeps her intelligence thing because Apollo is the god of knowledge lol.
I do think like Will Solace that she'd eventually unlock plague powers, but also like Will Solace that would be a Tartarus thing because I believe they both deserve to go dark and apeshit in Tartarus so. Percy will probably have his Poison/Blood Bending and Annabeth will have her Plague Powers.
Leo - Decided midway through this post that I wanted to combine the AU of Luke just having a bunch of runaways with godswap because like why not so. Thinking of a Leo godswap is suprisingly hard. I'm personally thinking maybe Hermes but like chthonic Hermes. So like he'd have the typical Hermes abilities but could also like shadow travel. He'd still embody most of his canon traits I feel like and he'd be afraid of his chthonic abilities because of the incident with his mom but by the end he'd probably have overcome it.
Magnus - I think the idea of Magnus going to CHB surprisingly well and I've been thinking about a godswap for him because like why not. And so despite me have only read the first magnus chase book up to the point where he dies I'm thinking maybe Thor?? If you guys have any better suggestions please comment and tell me. Could have a cool arc of him and Thalia training together, some sort of Norse crossover, maybe an arc sort of like Jason's where he's just trying to figure out where he belongs. Also does anybody know if like, Norse demigods can use their powers before they die and go to Valhalla or if its like a after they die thing do they awaken them??
Last thing but I've also been considering making an oc for this. They'd be related to Percy but they wouldnt be like a sibling or like a child of Sally. They'd either be like a child of Poseidon or something or a child from maybe Sally's uncle's side which also somehow got roped into the greek world. I'm just a killer for sibling and family relationships and atleast in the original PJO series it's done SO GOOD. So if you would be interested please comment! I really like when you guys like and comment so please. If you have any ideas on this OC I want to make or maybe Magnus's godly parent I'd appreciate it so much!
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I Intentionally Start Shit in the Loki Tag
If you complain about Sylvie being "harmful queer rep" BUT want "Lady Loki" in the MCU, which was Loki possessing Sif's body just to torment Sif, I need you to sit down and shut up. a. Genderfluid people don't go by "Lady " when they're femme or women. b. If you don't see the transphobic dogwhistles in the comics possession subplot, I don't know what to tell you... But let's say that hag that wrote those crappy books would love it. c. If you weren't aware about this, maybe you should read the wiki at least before giving uninformed opinions.
I definitely agree that they should not have led people on with the promise of genderfluid rep during the promotion of the series. But get mad at Disney/Marvel for that. Not at the writers or Sophia Di Martino that had to cave in to Feige's demands. That's literally what they have to do.
I really don't give a damn about the "autogynephilia" allegations, which again, is ALSO PRESENT IN CIS WOMEN. Like why the fuck should I care about someone finding themselves hot? There's fascists out there. AGP even if it was a trans-specific thing harms no one. The only harm said to come from it is DUE TO FASCISM because it plays into RESPECTABILITY POLITICS.
If you use AI to create a "proper" Lady Loki or love interest for Loki, you can't complain about the blatant product placement in S2. I am not a fan of product placement either and won't defend it, but those are the rules. Show some integrity. And before you ask, I have not given a cent to Disney since they pissed me off with attempts to trademark Dia de los Muertos for Coco.
If you complain about how being a "Loki" is not a role (unlike Spiderman) and how it should have been all 100% Tom Hiddleston, you don't get to call it selfcest as a gotcha, because you're already differentiating between the variants with different DNA. Like do y'all hate selfcest or not? Make up your mind. The series treats a Loki as an archetype of sorts, so it can be a role. Also, having the same name does not make you related because we don't know what Sylvie's parents are? And we don't even know if Sylvie is also a Jotun, a prop claims she isn't.
If you say you want Sylvie dead but claim to not be misogynistic, because you'd love if a specific love interest from the comics or mythology replaced her, STFU. You only like those because you can project whatever the fuck you want onto them.
If you claim Sylvie is a misogynistic depiction of women but salivate over characters written by cishet white men in the 1960s-1980s that made wanting to fuck Thor or being in a monogamous marriage with Loki their entire personality (there's so MANY OF THESE), STFU. Do you hear yourself? And no, it's not misogynistic of me, a woman, to criticize offensive depictions of women by cishet white men. They're not real.
Our MCU!Loki is not the young adult Ikol reincarnation currently. Of course 20-something Verity is not going to be there! The Loki show should be praise for having multiple female cast members around the same age as the protagonist and pragmatic clothing choices that allowed SdM to nurse her baby.
Selfcest isn't real and I cry tears of boredom whenever someone clutches their pearls over it.
The comics aren't perfect. As much as I loved the recent Dan Watters run (and German Peralta's art), the comics art has some very questionable tendencies, especially regarding Loki's nose when she's femme. It's associated with how some kinds of facial features are considered masculine or feminine (and racialized). Noses have no gender, ffs! Women with nose bumps exist! For some reason Loki always has a tiny button nose when she's a woman or femme. There's also the BLATANT physiognomy that has ALWAYS PLAGUED Thor comics since their inception, and Loki's facial features as they've become more "grey" and less evil is an interesting study. Peralta's far from being the only artist with this problem, and is far from being the most problematic. For comparison from Loki (2023) run:
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Loki from ye olden days:
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fratricideknight · 1 year
top 5 merlin characters go !
AHHHH I LOVE THEM ALL I CAN'TTTTTT. bc i adore them all, i'll name them in no particular order depending on how compelling i think they are.
i can say that lancelot is my favourite in every way. listen. he's just so lovely and cool and softly spoken. and i just. i make jokes about him being perfect, but i honestly don't think he is. i might not like him if he was. he's sad and overly devoted to the point of self-ruin, and his humility and endless pursuit of nobility sometimes do more harm than good. e.g. when he left gwen bc arthur liked her without asking how she felt. he's "everything the knight's code stands for" so he's also something of an examination of the knight's code and its ethics?? where those ethics fail, where the rules must be bent for the sake of goodness (for instance, lance keeping merlin's secret even though he hates lying). which, of course, i want to see when watching a medieval chivalry show. he's just so compelling to me. he's just like me fr. i, in no way, shape or form, self-insert as sir lancelot. absolutely none. he was so underutilised. i was robbed of self-insert content. i am normal about him. not to mention his dynamic with every character he interacted with was gold. he deserved to spend time with more characters. e.g. morgana. i would KILL to have an arc about his response to the oppression of magic users and morgana's ideology. he trusts in systems of power and wants so desperately to be a knight of camelot - how would he respond when that quite possibly contradicts the righteous course of action?? which is more important to him?? would he be swayed by the allegiances of the people he loves, thereby showing a major chink in his nobility?? please. i need this to be explored more in fanon.
okay listen. gaius. it's widely acknowledged that his dynamic with uther is almost the grown-up version of merlin and arthur's. by the time season 5 rolls around, merlin has been groomed very well into becoming the next gaius. he would watch his kin burn at the stake for the sake of a "promised kingdom" "a better future" which he is convinced will be brought about by arthur even if he hates magic. literally what gaius did. he was kept alive despite practicing magic bc he was uther's friend and confidant. but he isn't just loyal to uther in the way that merlin becomes doggedly loyal to arthur. he also adores merlin. it's super interesting to think about where the hope for the chosen one who will help arthur unite albion ends and his devotion to his surrogate son begins. if he had to choose between merlin and arthur, who would he choose? has he been utterly sucked in by the prophecy like merlin eventually is or does he retain enough love for merlin that he would toss it aside? i need answers
morgana was done so, so unbelievably dirty. but she's so fucking interesting. i'm just gonna toss aside botched canon characterisation for a sec and talk about her arc like it was done well. she was uther's beloved ward, valued but (bc she didn't know she was his daughter) dispensable, unlike arthur. maybe uther would never execute his son, the crown prince and sole heir, but her? uther is so mad with hatred and emotionally withdrawn that she can't possibly know where she stands. she's plagued by haunting dreams which she swears show the future but can't discuss openly, with absolutely no one to turn to. her attempt to connect with the druids ends in their being slaughtered. when she finally knows she has magic, she is forced to watch her own father figure execute people like her, alone and scared. no one tells her anything, she is in the dark and utterly alone. she clings to the first person who tries to connect with her, who also happens to be her sister - a family relation who isn't, at least outwardly, pro murdering sorcerers. then her own friend, who tells her nothing, fucking poisons her. no explanation. the only one she receives is no doubt a twisted one from morgause. before, she was conflicted by her love for uther to the point that she couldn't go through with killing him, but when she finally reaches a stage where she must resolve to murder her own surrogate father because he's a horrible tyrant, she's the villain. she's told that it's not right to kill him, that she should stand by and watch him kill. by people she considered allies. then she learns that this bastard is actually her father ;_; and then the whole "mOrGanA wANtS tHe ThRonE" "sHe'S jUsT lIkE uThEr" arc begins and it all goes downhill. (it is absolute bullshit that morgana coveted power that badly 💀 she wanted to live in the woods with the druids before they were all murdered before her eyes. if she wants power, it's so she can change things, not for selfish reasons.) the writers had to make her do drastic, ooc things like shooting innocent citizens of camelot to turn her into a villain, bc she simply wasn't wrong lmaoooo. the girl who handed out food to the poor and rode out to defend a village outside of camelot's borders for her friend's sake suddenly despises both the people and her friends. feelings do not suddenly change that drastically, i'm afraid. if they added in something about morgause brainwashing her, it would make so much more sense, but if they did that then morgana would be a tragic antagonist and WE CAN'T HAVE THAT!!! SHE MUST MAKE POTIONS WITH BABIES' GUTS JUST BECAUSE!!!
nimueh was only around for one season but she was so interesting. she's kind of a mix between gaius and morgana. used to be uther's friend, but after being betrayed by him became vindictive. she, too, was labelled a villain for attempting to strike out at a nasty tyrant 💀 young women on this show are either arthur's love interests or villains, istg. instead of playing the "why did she go about hurting uther in an evil way?" card like i did with morgana, bc we never saw her before she turned "evil" and therefore cannot speak on the legitimacy of her characterisation, i'm just going to accept that she's willing to make innocent people suffer to hurt uther. in that way, the writers could have drawn a contrast between her and morgana; nimueh goes about bringing uther down in an immoral way, whereas morgana is righteous in her actions. but ofc. we can't have that. speaking again about her relationship with uther: she gives some level of insight into the person he was and the person he became. he wasn't brought up to hate magic but rather came to that - utterly illogical - conclusion on his own and was willing to toss aside a loyal friend and an entire group of people bc he could not bear the consequences of his own actions.
everything seems to come back to uther. he's at the centre of it all, the main driving force. without him the plot simply would not exist. he's irredeemable, literally a genocidal murderer. not to mention a man who betrays his friends and unfairly pressures his son and to an extent values his pride above his people. there is no redemption arc for him. which makes these little glimpses of something else so interesting. a broken husband mourning his wife, a father worried for his son, a man haunted by visions of what he did. the concept that he built camelot from the ground up commends him as a good ruler, and to an extent he is. he's jaded, and makes heartless but practical decisions, unlike arthur in the early seasons, but ultimately he cares for the kingdom over his own son. as time goes on and arthur's burden increases, even he - our lovable hero - becomes more like uther. how did uther's rise to power change him like arthur's did? i wonder if uther built camelot with magic and what tearing out that essential pillar of his kingdom felt like. if he feels lost without its support, if he regretted his decision but his pride and the weight of what he'd already done just caused him to double down harder to avoid holding himself accountable. again, he's irredeemable, but he deserves good faith character analysis which many people don't afford him in favour of calling him profanities. understandable - but still.
it genuinely caused me great amounts of pain to choose. i mean it when i say i love all of them, and could wax poetic about them as characters. i think the reason 3 of the core 4 aren't on the list is bc they were around for so long that the writers had plenty of time to botch their arcs and it was just so much more pronounced with them. the way arthur wasn't allowed to hold an intelligent thought for more than 2 seconds?? the way gwen was gradually reduced to just "star-crossed love interest"?? it frustrates me so much that i'm not naming them just to be petty tbh. morgana suffered the worst, imo. they did her so dirty that i just want to toss aside canon and talk about her potential.
anyway. apologies for that essay. thanks for asking!!!
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briefcasejuice · 2 years
okay listen daredevil noir fucks me up because i'd never noticed how much comic!matt on a whole depends on his ability to know when people are lying either to him or other people and i've never seen a writer explore what would happen if matt weren't there when a lie was told on a scale in which it's never revealed to matt, those the lie was told to and the reader whether or not what was said was actually a lie or was the truth. like i really sat, read this again today and realized eliza killed halloran before he could really ever reveal whether or not him telling fisk he was the one who killed jack was a lie or not.
it reads like waid's run where matt is made to question his sanity (which is funny since this came first) but instead he's made to question his ability, faith in himself and everything that's come before this in relation to 'how many times have i fucked up and didn't know it? how many people have i neglected to save because of my blind confidence and anger'.
this is a matt murdock new to daredevil and he's coming to terms with the fact that he won't be able to save everyone. he thinks he's already made peace with that but really, deep down he's been thinking that he can but it'll be done one person at a time and when he learns -- in this unfortunate, violent way where he falls in love with the idea of a person and they turn out to just be the worst of what's plaguing hell's kitchen -- that he isn't perfect in protecting hell's kitchen it uproots every belief he's ever had. (strangely close to s1 matt's conflict hmmm would the marvel's dd writers like to explain this?)
there are a lot of other aspects to this version of matt's story i like as well: foggy being more of a mentor, older brother or near father figure for matt rather than a best friend with usually less conflict. on a surface level, it might seem like it removes more of foggy's character for tethering him more to matt but this time in a more intimate way but i think if noir ever gets a full run (unlikely since it was published in 2009 and i think it's left better off finished there and never picked back up) it'd be cool to explore foggy's character from an elevated pov. i'm so in love with the ending, the conversation with foggy. foggy is dragging up every thought he's avoided, every thought he's refused to admit and shoving them in his face but because of the role foggy plays in his life it isn't unkind; it's this indifferent reality that weirdly comforts him in the sense that what he's just experimenced with halloran, fisk & eliza hasn't happened before but it will again in the same or another form and foggy will be there for all of it.
and then there's the fact that this matt's elektra is just straight up bullseye ('bull's eye'). like that's fucking genius? i don't think i'd ever seen such a clever use of an existing character or plot in such a new, unique way in an almost completely unrelated story since i first read soule's mike murdock arc. my favourite part about it was the motif of thin ice over moving water that turns into black water. i love how her character isn't directly tethered to matt (like elektra) but still she's a foil for him and challenges the way he thinks and feels for other people and himself.
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dilucids · 3 years
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤSacrificial duties, Mondstadt ver.
would they sacrifice you or mondstadt?
includes: jean, lisa, kaeya, diluc, amber, albedo and venti.
( i'm too socially inept to request for someone to do this so i took matters into my own hands. )
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━━ is this even a debate? jean would sacrifice you to save mondstadt.
━━ the question would tear her apart though, she'd spend so much time trying to find another way to save both her city and you that she'd neglect her health ( basic needs, like eating, sleeping )
━━ if it were a person or god who was demanding these terms, she'd try to negotiate anything to save both, even her own life, though if you were willing, she'd hesitantly ( literally beg you to not go through it and reassure she'll find another way ) let you go.
━━ no matter what she chooses, she'll still feel incompetent in the end, as if she isn't good enough to be the acting grandmaster and would probably overwork herself to try and focus on something.
"I'll do it," Jean looks back at you, horror flashing through her eyes though you didn't falter, still staring the entity in her eyes. The wind picks up as if feeling the ameno swordswoman's vivid emotions, she shakes her head, taking small steps towards you as she reaches out for your hand. You cringe when she fell to her knees, "no no no, please, you don't have to do this."
You don't look at her, knowing it would only make things worse for the both of you, you didn't want her to be the last thing you saw nor did you want your face to plague her dreams like a ghost. "I care about Mondstadt too, Jean." You hope she understands that you were also doing this for your city and doesn't blame herself, "it's my duty."
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━━ lisa is a bit more of a wild card.
━━ lisa only oversees the library of mondstadt but it's really unclear the extent of her care for the city itself.
━━ it's impossible for one to say if she would hold a lover priority over a city due to lack of background so that's why she's more of a wild card right now, because i could see her potentially doing either.
━━ though i'm leaning a little towards sacrificing you because of her closeness with jean and her involvement in the knights of farvonius, she knows it would be morally wrong to sacrifice an entire city for one person, lover or not.
"It's okay," you reassure her, smile still gracing your face albeit the heavyweight pressure of death for your city digging it's claws into your shoulders. "I'm sorry," she apologises for the nth time and you can do no more than squeeze her hand in affirmation, knowing a hug would be too much for the both of you right now.
You feel her fingers slip through yours and your hand is embraced by the winds of Mondstadt, a sudden change from the electricity that plagued her fingertips and passed onto yours. You take a shaky breath and leave her behind you, her eyes watching your back along the way until you were nothing more than a dot in the horizon━━ ready to become a star in the sky.
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━━ another wildcard!
━━ unlike lisa, however, i'm leaning towards sacrificing monstadt.
━━ even with all his background knowledge, kaeya is still a character that holds a lot of secrets and it's canon that he's a mysterious figure, cavalry captain or not.
━━ don't get your hopes up though, because he still may sacrifice you ( after a talk with jean or diluc/j )
━━ kaeya lets anything happen as long as it falls into place of how he has expected to end, he really doesn't know what to do when an unknown entity shows up and demands the price of you for his city or vice versa.
━━ really hard to get a grasp on him.
━━ i could see him spending one last day with you after deciding he was going to give you up ( you obviously knew of this ) but after 24 hours with you, away from mondstadt, he might realise that, even if he regrets it for the rest of his life, he'll never be able to give you up.
━━ alternatively, if he didn't open up to you about this or went to jean or diluc, they would convince him to "do what's right" and give you up.
"No. I'm not doing it," his tone differed from the norm━━ he was never like this, not even on official knights' business. His eyes unnervingly determined, tone you were unable to refute, and words that scared you. "Kaeya, you have to," your fingers place themselves over his, which were barely touching your cheeks.
"I'm not doing it," he reaffirms, sounding as if he were trying to convince himself out of all people. "I'm━━ I'm not losing you to some city. I can rebuild a city, we can find a city elsewhere," he states, eyebrows furrowed and not taking a single breath between his words. You pry his fingers away from your cheek, holding them over your lap. "Kaeya, this isn't just 'some city', it's the city you love. The city we love." You coax, finally getting him to look into your eyes. "You're the person I love." He says, exasperated.
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━━ hate to be the bearer of bad news,, and as biased as i am to this man, he would give you up.
━━ wouldn't open up to anyone about it, he'll just drive himself insane pondering both options.
━━ and although it would literally make him insane even thinking about losing someone precious to him ( again ) but his loyalty lies within the city of freedom and the city alone.
━━ even after the dispute with the knights of farvonius ( in the webtoon ), he still remains as the protector of mondstadt and i don't think nor am i able to see it will ever change.
━━ unlike kaeya though, i don't think he'll be able to see you at all once he decides to sacrifice you, he'll just be reminded that he'll never be able to see you again and the terrible decision that he's going to go through with.
━━ will also throw himself into extensive work to get you off his mind afterwards.
"You okay there?" Your eyebrows furrow, leaning against the open door of Diluc's office, seeing his hair tied back into a bun, hands in his face as he gazed deeply at his wooden desk. His head flies up at the sound of your voice, clearing his throat, "when did you get here?"
You shrug, taking steps towards him as he leans back into his chair, "being a hero taking a toll on you?" You tease him, taking a seat on his desk next to him and placing your feet on the chair, leaning forward to cup his cheek. He turns away. You're no stranger to his austere ways so you merely lean back, balancing yourself with your hands against his desk, telling him about your day.
"━━and then he wrapped it up and sent it to me, which was awfully disturbing might I add."
"I'm sorry," your eyebrow quirks when he suddenly cuts into your storytelling. You push yourself forward, reaching out for him and redirecting his gaze ( which hadn't looked in your direction even once ) onto you. "What's wrong my dear?" He only grimaces at the nickname━━ wincing almost and still refused to look at you, gaze cast upon the floor behind his bangs. You couldn't even see his eyes.
"Your guilty act is making me ponder if you've had previous relations with someone else, Master Diluc," you frown a little, using your other hand to force him to peer at you. He leans forward, placing his forehead on yours and whispers, "never."
"I just wanted to apologise for the future," you smile a little and place a kiss on his forehead. "I will always forgive you."
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━━ albedo's original creator hails from khaeri'ah and venti, archon of mondstadt, was one of the original seven who aided in the destruction of khaeri'ah; is that enough reason to destroy it for a lover? no.
━━ would he still do it? yes, yes, yes.
━━ we all know he considers himself a threat to mondstadt but i don't think he would've ever thought this was why he was a threat, to hold an entire city in his palms and be able to destroy it with a single word was quite a terrifying thought.
━━ it wouldn't stop him though, i really don't think albedo holds any sentimental attachment to mondstadt, he only works and lives there as of right now but he's currently heeding his creater's words and pursuing the truth of the world.
━━ he might grimace over losing a few people that he holds dear and end up rethinking his decision but in the end, will choose you.
━━ another reason i think he would destroy mondstadt is that, once albedo discovers something or the feeling of enlightenment that comes with studying something new disperses, he is quick to stop studying that and abandon it due to the "bittersweet truth" hitting him so if he grew tired of mondstadt,,,,,, rip to jean 🙏
Your eyes flicker from the sight of his back to the unknown entity, hovering just above the floor, her eyes uninterested in you as she gazed into Albedo's eyes, maybe trying to read his expressionless face. "Have you made a choice, Kreideprinz?"
Nothing is said. Nothing from Albedo nor you, you didn't seem to have a part in this private conversation but you also seemed to be an integral part of it due to the way Albedo kept looking back at you, squeezing your hand as if to remind himself that you existed. "I'm choosing them."
She peers at you now, her eyes boring into yours as she scans you for something, "are you sure about this decision?"
For some odd reason, you're not offended by her words, maybe because she didn't sound like she meant it in a rude way ( it also seemed out of her standoffish character ) but was genuine in her curiosity if Albedo would go back on his words. He squeezes your hand again, rubbing circles on the back of your hand━━ something he did to calm you but it seemed that this action was to ground him instead.
"Yes, I am."
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ〔 AMBER ━━ OUTRIDER 〕
━━ YOU.
━━ in the most heart breaking – heart warming way ever, she'd give you up.
━━ notice how more than half of these mondstadt fuckers would give you up? yeah 🙄
━━ on a serious note, a lot of them have devoted themselves fully to protecting the city and i don't see any one of them being able to give the command to destory the city, even if their s/o was being held with a knife to their throat right infront of them and amber is the very same.
━━ even though we don't know to much about her, she is seen as a perfect example of justice by kaeya, and is extremely devoted to her work, she's just below diluc and jean in the most to least likely to sacrifice you in my opinion. it's simply overlooked due to her lack of presence in the game.
━━ i think her compassionate and kind side will make it harder for her to come to a decision because she doesn't want to have to lose one thing to keep another but in the end, she will give you up.
Amber seemed extremely distressed, immediately running into Jean's office once arriving back at the Knight's base after finishing her usual trek of Mondstadt's surroundings. You had attempted to call out her as she ran through the halls but she didn't even look your way, which was peculiar to you but you could only guess something dangerous must've happened due to her eagerness of reaching Jean's office, slamming the door wide open.
You quirk an eyebrow and Kaeya, stood beside you, whistled briskly, hands on his hip. "Someone's in a hurry," you roll your eyes at his comment and simply grab his arm, dragging him over to Jean's office, "just shut up and come."
The minute you knock and open the door however, the room is quiet. Jean sat on her chair, elbows placed on the table and concern burrowed deeply within her furrowed eyebrows and Amber, who was shaking her leg up and down in anxiety, fiddling with her nails.
Kaeya seems a little amused by the situation, unlike you, who was extremely concerned by the little actions of anxieties Amber was exhibiting, striding over to her side in an instant. Placing your hand on her shoulder, she leans into you almost instantly and begins quietly sniffling into your shirt.
You mouth to Jean that you're taking her out and Jean nods, thanking you with a small smile on her face. You guide Amber into a quiet room in the headquarters, letting her silently cry as you attempt to soothe her. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?"
She shakes her head, only repeating a small, "I'm sorry."
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━━ venti is characterised as a free spirit, like the freedom that the city of mondstadt represents, he carries that within him but at the end of the day, he is still mondstadt's archon.
━━ so we all saw this coming but you 👫
━━ i don't really think there's a lot to explain, he's their archon and even if he loses everyone he's ever loved, his priority is mondstadt.
━━ he'll probably take you on that ride on dvalin he's been promising you for the past year with no explanation.
━━ you'll ask him why he's dragged you from work and he'll just say he's feeling nice or that the winds are good for a ride right now.
━━ you'll stare at him with that, 'don't–you–control–the–winds?' look and he'll wink at you, telling you to stop staring at him or he'll blush.
━━ will completely come undone when he seed you happily laughing on dvalin's back, arms spread open as your laugh echoes into the wind.
Your excited whooping is all he hears, previous nervousness abandoned with his hands placed on your waist as Dvalin pierced up above the clouds; the ground nothing more than a fleeting dream to you both. It's such a shame that young, immature Dendro Archon got his hands on you first, gifting you his gift of Earth's nature━━ if not for the God of Wisdom, Venti would've gifted you heaven's winds if he knew how simply being in the sky made you so ecstatic.
The adrenaline finally dies down when Dvalin arrives just above the clouds, wings creating new and dispersing the old. You lean into Venti who takes this as an invitation to push himself further into your side and begin playing with your fingers, allowing you time to simply relish in the situation. "You're awfully quiet today," you muse, staring at Venti with a small smile.
He hums, "it's quiet up here," in nothing less of a whisper. You nod along with his words, fighting the urge to jump into the clouds, knowing you'll pass right through them. Venti sinks into you further somehow, like you were a passing cloud; his shoulder pressed into the crack of your arm and torso, head leaning on your shoulder. "You'll be okay Venti," and you embrace him.
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papirouge · 2 years
In case you want to debunk this dumbass terf post about how disability based abortions aren’t eugenics because wah wah poor women shouldn’t have to take care of disabled babies
I’m a therapist for kids with developmental disabilities and I am disgusted
LOL why has my blog become a receptacle to call out radfem crap? 😭 WHY WOULD YOU INFLICT TO ME THAT, ANON??
anyway, I love how this woman defined eugenics, and then explained the reason WHY women resorted to abortion were valid......when these reasons were actually part of eugenicism
she said
"eugenics is the study of how to arrange reproduction within a human population to increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable"
and then
"It is not women getting abortions because their child will be permanently disabled and or in chronic physical pain if they are born. It is not women deciding they cannot care for a down syndrome child who will need permanent care"
and yet, what OP conveniently avoided bringing up is "W H Y" are these women are getting abortion then? If not to spare them an "UNDESIRABLE" life that would be plagued with "chronic physical pain". These are exactly the same arguments are eugenicsts ; not only they want to only "desirable traits" to be allowed on society, they coincidentally prevent "undesirable" ones existing. If you deem A as "undesirable" (A in the situation is "disability") to justify the people with A characteristics' eradication, then you incidentally elevate anything that isn't A as (more) desirable.
noun: eugenics
the study of how to arrange reproduction within a human population to increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable. Developed largely by Sir Francis Galton as a method of improving the human race, eugenics was increasingly discredited as unscientific and racially biased during the 20th century, especially after the adoption of its doctrines by the Nazis in order to justify their treatment of Jews, disabled people, and other minority groups.
We have here the most glaring hypocrisy & intellectual inconsistency of radical feminists : DAY AND NIGHT they are prompting women to questions their own choices and how they can affect their social freedom, but N E V E R when it comes to abortion. That's how a simple WHY totally debunks OP standpoint because it would actually reveal that YES, abortions rely on the willingness to retrieve the acess to an "undesirable life" to sick or disabled people, which relates to eugenics.
"[eugenics] is not individual women making choices that effect their lives and bodies and families."
oh so why do radfem seethe at sex preference favoring MALE baby? Aren't those "individual choices" (made by women preferring a male child), too?🤡 After all, in many of those countries, having a male boy does positively effect their life and families since malehood is elevated & sought after, unlike female ones.
It's been years I've been pulling out this intellectual consistency and not a single one managed to circle this square out :
If choices made by women can & should be criticized, so should be abortion.
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a brief analysis of the hanged man card and alastair carstairs
the hanged man card's meaning:
let's start from the basics, shall we? the hanged man is described as someone who views the world from a different perspective; it's ofently associated with 'sacrifice' and being 'suspendend in time'; the serene look on his face indicates that he's in this position because he chose to.
how does this apply to alastair?
a person's way to see the world is defined by the experiences this person had. alastair experienced racism, homophobia and had a bad relationship with his father. compared to the other characters, there's no way alastair views the world from the same perspective as matthew, james or lucie, for example. a card that represents a different way to view the world should belong to alastair.
alastair's sacrifice for cordelia is a huge part of his character and not something that can be ignored. i think that 'suspendend in time' could be related to the merry thieves - as alastair's being held accountable for his wrongdoings in the past and this makes him feel like he's being held there, truly suspended in time.
in the card we can see that alastair doesn't look angry or bothered, he looks serene and focused - supporting the idea that the hanged man chose to be where he is. of course, alastair didn't choose to deal with bigotry and have an alcoholic father, but the way he acted in response to it were his choices - alastair himself says the even if it killed him to behave like that in the academy, he chose it because it was the only option to him; in order to keep his father's secret, alastair pushed away cordelia and jem. alastair might feel that he put himself in that position.
the upright hanged man:
the keywords for this are incredibly in sync with alastair's character: breaking old patterns, circumspection, metamorphosis, letting go, suspension.
according to this site: "the hanged man calls you to release the old mental models and behavioural patterns that no longer serve you"
and this one says: "the hanged man card reflects a particular need to suspend certain action. as a result, this might indicate a certain period of indecision. [...] even if there is an urgency to act at this particular moment."
how does this apply to alastair?
there a lot of old patterns that alastair must break: dying his hair blonde, distancing himself from cordelia, spreading the rumours as way to protect himself... by the end of chog, we see that alastair already broke some of his patterns and is on his way to break others.
the hanged man is about letting go of "the old mental models and behavioural patterns" we know that alastair's behavior towards a lot of people isn't what he aimed at first, but he acted like that anyway because he felt he'd to (alastair changing himself to fit into the environment he was in, even when it hurt him, also shows a great deal of metamorphosis). based on the informations we're have about chain of iron, alastair and james are engaging in a sort of friendship, he's closer to cordelia and he's avoiding charles as the plague. all of this indicates that he's really letting go of behavioral patterns that weren't good to him.
talking about charles, i think that a prime example of the suspension ("delay") around alastair is for how long he avoided to break up with charles. when the two of them talk at cordelia's engagement party, alastair tells him about the times he should've let charles, but didn't. his primary indecision in breaking up with charles shows an example of how the hanged man and alastair tend to "suspend certain action" for a while.
another meaning for the word circumspection is prudence, again, this fits alastair's character. he's responsible, he's the older sibling - unlike cordelia and her friends, alastair doesn't jump right into danger.
reversed hanged man:
based on this, the meaning of the card can be generally interpreted as a representative of "a very specific period of time during which you feel as if you are sacrificing a significant amount of time while getting nothing in return"
when it comes to relationships, it's said that this card's meaning is: "you are content to wait around… to a point [...] you also do not want to wait forever, and you acknowledge that there will come a time when you must decide."
how does this apply to alastair?
he spent almost half of his life taking care of his family and never got anything in return - sona felt like it was his responsibility, elias has no idea of what he did and cordelia wasn't aware of his sacrifices. i don't believe alastair actually wants something in return - to me he shares his mother's mentality - so the meaning of the reversed hanged man could be strictly related to charles. the break up scene makes it clear that alastair felt like he wasn't getting anything in return and that he got tired of waiting.
now, let's take a look on the cards bellow:
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alastair and the original hanged man's card actually look a lot alike, except for the small detail of their hands. the hanged man is portrayed with his hands tied behind his back. meanwhile, alastair's hand are above his head and he's looking directly at them. this might mean nothing, of course, but for me it can be seen as an attempt of freedom - alastair trying to untie his hands as a way to break free from the position he was previously in.
in conclusion: the hanged man card can be quite scary at the first look, but it's a good card - its meaning really fits alastair's character. there's nothing to be afraid of: he's getting his happy ending.
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bumbershots · 4 years
Author’s note: Hello! Once more I would like to thank you all for the love this story’s been getting, it truly blows my mind. I am also looking for a beta reader so if anyone out there is interested let me know! (: Let’s pick up right where we left off...
Story masterlist ** Word count: 2.3K **
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Two souls don't find each other by simple accident, Harry thought after taking a seat for the first time that night, his feet were probably going to be swollen tomorrow, they were killing him already. But he wasn't keen on turning down a dance from the girl collapsing in the settee right next to him. A slow Amy Winehouse song was their cue to rest.
"Do you want a beer?" Her voice sounded a bit hoarse, probably from all the giggling and singing she did while dancing the night away.
"Yes please."
He watched her trot to the small bar on the other side of the flat, focused on how the multiple bracelets bounced in her left wrist as she instructed her brother which beer to give her. As she came back to take her previous seat, he felt a small wave of anxiety for wanting nothing more than to start a conversation with her, as she handed him the beer. Usually it was the other way around, but in most of the cases, people wanted to know his persona.
He knew the silence was becoming awkward, but he was still debating whether to ask about her upbringing or what she did for work, whatever the case was, he didn't want to make a fool out of himself, he almost never seemed to be that lucky.
"You're not used to people being calm around you, are you?" Alma’s frown os curiosity is a mirror to the one on the musician's face.
"Yes and no?" Harry's coy tone makes her smile warmly and shake her head in denial, "so, I'm Hampstead station guy?" Her eyes widen, a shy smile appears on her full lips before she takes another large sip of her drink.
"It's unlikely to find the same person thrice in the tube! I told my friend Laura, it felt like a glitch in the matrix." She answers and he lets out an amused laugh.
"For the record, I wasn't following you, at all..."
"I know, you just had to take the same line I did and it was a happy coincidence," she interrupts him, the new song gathers a few more dancers and Harry wonders if she will ask him to dance again, "although it would've made a great anecdote for my YouTube channel; story time, a famous musician follows me around the city possibly plotting my painful death." She joked as she gingerly flashed her hands before the two of them, as if presenting the latest play from the West End.
It was Harry's eyes turn to be wide and smack his hand into his forehead.
"You have a YouTube channel?" His interest was genuine and Alma made herself more comfortable on the sofa, before proceeding to fill him in about what that was about, just videos about her 'sort of interviewing remarkable people' or so she claimed.
It was something that started as a class project back when she was seventeen, trying to get good grades to win a scholarship and study abroad —none of those things happened. She kept doing it afterwards because it was too much fun, once she interviewed all her friends, she moved onto her family. "Believe me when I tell you, that I have more relatives than I should!" With a smile as big as hers, he sighed before breathing 'lucky' as his heart sped and she continued.
Restaurant owners, chefs, firefighters, barristers, doctors, accountants, waitresses, sexual workers, sex shop employees, bankers, homeless people, hairdressers and apparently every person from her home country had been on the informal interview series. Harry was impressed with the whole concept and her.
"I sort of abandoned it a little when I moved here last year, it was crazy busy the first couple of months and the whole bureaucracy... and I was a little homesick to be honest." For the first time in the night, her voice is thinner, he has to lean in a few inches to hear better, "I miss my parents, my cousins, my aunt, my grandparents. But this is something I've wanted for the longest time you know?" Her eyes bore into his, allowing him to see the vulnerability swimming in them, "I've never felt like an outsider here, never got lost in the tube, took the wrong bus or anything like that. Isn't it weird?" Harry smiled at the sentiment, thoughts of his latest trip to Japan flashing before him.
"No, I think it's marvellous that you feel that way." He cannot be real, is the only thing running through her mind like a restless hamster in its wheel.
Harry and Alma talked about everything they didn’t have in common, despite the brief interruptions to do some shots and drink champagne with the birthday boy. Their families were discussed, their favourite things to do in the summer. Alma even asked him how was work going, as if she didn’t know that he was one of th world’s most successful artists. Harry was thrilled to joke through their drinks and the girl wasn't shy to ask him for a couple more dances. None of them noticed the partying dying around them, it was only after Fernando said his goodbyes to his laughing sister, that they noticed how late/early it actually was.
Before they knew it, golden hues streamed through the window behind them as Freddie walked out of his room and offered them coffee.
"I'm never drinking straight vodka again," Freddie mumbled to himself after finishing his cup of coffee.
"At least it wasn't Vodquila like last time," Alma's words make him groan but agree. "I should go now, need a shower and a healthy breakfast."
After Harry also admitted he needed to be on his way, with all their belongings gathered and after saying goodbye to a very ill Freddie, neither Harry or Alma looked forward to their imminent separation. He had spent hours hearing how busy she is, when not recording content, she was working at Wenzel's and teaching Spanish to her neighbour's daughter on the weekends. Still, he was determined to meet with her again.
As soon as they started moving down the street, Harry noticed the next one was where he had to turn right in order to go home. It wasn't a short walk but the most effective route for sure.
"So, the bus stop is that way," Alma nodded her head to the left, smirking knowingly as she stuffs her hands in her coat pockets.
"Of course," they had come to a rolling stop at the corner. Harry suddenly felt beyond nervous about asking the girl for her phone number. "Thank you, for keeping me company last night." It was amazing he wanted to add, but licked his lips quickly instead.
"You mean keeping you from catching up with all your friends," she corrected him.
Harry shakes his head and smiles, the dimples graciously adorning his cheeks, his racing heart giving him the last push needed to finally ask. "Do you think we could go, like for coffee... sometime?” With that she laughed, immediately memorising the sound of it, her loud cackle is one of the nicest things he has heard in awhile.
"Only if I can buy you something from the selection of pastries." Harry laughed loudly, completely relieved by her answer. She dug around her purse for a moment before taking out a pen and what seemed to be an old receipt, quickly scribbling down her number and handing it to him.
"I'll call you," he beamed, carefully placing the piece of paper in his wallet. He'd be an idiot to lose such a precious fragment of information.
"Looking forward to it," Alma smiled at him for one last time before she started walking to the opposite direction. "See you around Harry." His face was a bit puffy from not having slept properly, but she would be lying to say he didn’t look adorable at the same time.
He waved and watched her walked away, her sweet and tired morning smile seemed to be engraved into the musician's mind as he headed home.
The air was still a bit cold, but the heat was starting to rise and plague London for the rest of the day, the hot summer everyone's been yearning for was finally here, even Harry could feel it in his bones as he continued down his path. He was still highly enamoured by the amazing night he spent sharing a piece of himself with Alma. His feet felt heavy, were even burning a little, but it was nothing as he made his way through his home gate twenty minutes later.
He decided to get some toast and a cuppa for breakfast, his high spirits not faltering even one bit although he could feel the consequences from the all-nighter already with each yawn. After eating he decided to take a shower that got him ready for a well deserved sleep in his comfortable bed.
Waking up around six o'clock startles him at first, Harry is well rested now but a bit grumpy for the weird taste on his tongue, something usual after drinking beer. He scolds himself for not brushing his teeth earlier as he walks in his bathroom. The cool tiles against his bare feet wake him up a bit more. After some needed dental hygiene, Harry gets dressed to go out and pick up his sister for their weekly dinner. Hopefully he can convince her to stay in, that way he can go on and on about the events from the night before.
His feet still hurt, he can even feel a blister underneath his big toe. But it doesn't bother him, it's actually a nice reminder of the incredible things that miraculously happened. Harry knew that since Alma was related to Fernando, someone that was bound to be in his life for the next six months or so, there was a big chance they would've met at some point. But he'd rather think it was fate, some sort of good karma coming round, he stared at her contact on his phone, still charmed by the fact that she gave it to him on the back of a receipt. Ignoring that she only did it that way, because the thought of asking for his mobile to enter it herself, was a very bold move. And Alma wasn’t really that confident, not when his green eyes were boring into hers anyway.
"When are you gonna call her then?" Gemma's voice snaps him out of his daydream for the third time during their quiet dinner in her flat. "What is it? You've got that look."
"What look?" He asks before his sister frowns and pinches her bottom lip with her thumb and index finger. It's his nervous quirk, he sighs, "I don't know, I'm just so nervous." Without a valid reason, he knows the girl is so lovely, maybe that's why.
"You're afraid of fucking it up," she knows, Harry nods. "Well, you could tell her that, perhaps on a text—
"—I want to call her, texting her will make me feel a wanker." Gemma smiles at her little brother, he looked uncharacteristically unsure of himself but nonetheless excited. It was endearing how the first thing he told her after crossing her home's threshold was 'my life is officially a chick flick!' Before proceeding to explain with detail about the whole situation.
"What about a text that reads: hello, this is Harry please save my number so when I find the guts to call you, you don't think it's a telemarketing scam," Gemma might be joking and mocking him all at once, but has a point. A text so she also has his number, makes the situation more even, she can call him too. "Assuming she gave you a real phone number."
"What?" Harry is mortified.
"I'm kidding, you should've seen your face," his sister wanted to drag a bit more her joke, but the preoccupied look on his face stopped her. Gemma couldn't wait to tell their mum, knowing that she would be just as absorbed. "There's nothing wrong with showing interest right away. If you want this to be honest and genuine, set an example." She finished before taking the last bite of pizza.
Harry knew that to be true, but now he was left wondering if it was the right time for him. Had he really left behind all the ghosts and baggage from his past? Or was he still carrying them in the new tattoos of his knees?
Despite his sister's encouraging words about how nothing could go wrong this early with Alma, he couldn't help but wonder if his still grieving heart was ready.
He takes his time walking back home, not caring if it was a really long one, he was aware of the curious eyes once he reached the Southbank but paid no attention to them. He welcomed the chill breeze, hoping for it to cool his boiling mind. Remembering the last time he walked along the river arms around his former flame, her laughter still ringing in his ears, her tender kisses in his knuckles, her delicious scent flying away with the airstream into London's sunshine.
Missing someone is not wrong, Harry reminds himself.
There's no point going down the rabbit hole of what ifs about their relationship. Harry can admit his mistakes, no matter how hard it comes to him, he can also apologise wholeheartedly. He did all those things already, months ago. Which is why he was able to keep her as a friend, not a close one, more like an acquaintance. And she's happy, he can see that, knows it.
Why does he feel like he's still drowning? He's already been pulled from the vast ocean of hers. Harry groans, struggles to open his gate, his good spirits from this morning nowhere to be found.
He doesn't know if it's the memory of her, the fear of loneliness, coincidence and laziness, or a bad habit? But he doesn't text the girl with warm brown eyes, instead he plays the voicemail that sometimes haunts his nightmares, on repeat, for the rest of the night.
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