#which is why i added in the lil 'EDIT'
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SO. While blorbo-modding I stumbled over something (that is probably known already but made me all giddy and validated in my cyberware headcanons rn xD).
I think it's a more-or-less popular hc that Kerry is deaf af and has some kind of hearing implants. And I always hc'ed the little golden pieces behind his ears as connected to that in a way (be it just fancy decorative covers for maintenance access for the hearing implants or actual touch-based volume control for example - to mute Kovachek whenever he's talking too much again, for example).
BUT NOW looking at the actual mesh and such in wkit it looks like the golden lines on the outside of his neck are actually supposed to be connected to the bits behind the ears (and I can't unsee it now aaahhh, but I also like the broken-up look). And like. I can see how that would happen, with the body and head/neck being separate parts and Kerry in general having some clipping going on here and there. But also, I've always been a little annoyed at the clipping bc it didn't make sense, why would this little part clip so weirdly in such a triangular shape when it's supposed to end right below his ear... well, cause it's not supposed to end there but actually continues?! What to make of this info now (and also, forever gonna be debating now if I want to "fix" this by restoring more of a look like in the left picture or editing the mesh to get more of the "vanilla" look with the gap between - cause I think otherwise it might clip with his lil music note thingy, which I'd be sad about xD).
But also, no matter what I do, I'm feeling so validated in the hearing aid headcanon that can be synced to a microphone for monitoring BUT intead adding on sth new: the hearing implant is directly connected to his voice box implant, making this whole piece of tech capable of built-in monitoring during concerts :3
#cyberpunk 2077#kerry eurodyne#my headcanons#elven tries modding cyberpunk#god I need to go to bed but also my brain is in overdrive#*lovingly stares at wkit project* :3#finally started my Kerry+ tonight#and it's gonna be a huge and long project#but I want to get him to the same state as NPVince#and then start dressing them up together simultaneously xD#at least setting up Kerry's base structure was so much easier than NPV XD#now onto custompathing and custom textures - but not today anymore#still a lot of time to think about what I'm gonna do with the neck cyberware
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Hello everyone! With the poll on my main blog, many ppl have voted for a psd tutorial so here it is! Here are some things to note:
✦ ・ There is NO fixed way on making psds and this is simply my way of going through it.
✦ ・ this will be a in depth tutorial so it'll show u my whole process! Skip to step 3 for actual process.
✦ ・ there are other tutorials on tumblr that i def recommend! Such as @/canarysage and @/imbermagnvs
1. Lets get straight to the point! Choose the image(s) you want, i often make a moodboard first but thats optional and you can just choose ur image. (not sure if anyone needs this but to import or place images, press file -> open)

2. Next, make a folder by pressing the layer button (the 5th button the right based on my image)

3. Firstly, i use hue/saturation to make her a lil more vibrant so my colours can be more uhhh vibrant or vivid.

4. Now, every editors fav! Selective colour 💓 I'm not really good at explaining so pls visit canarysage to see what it is! It's good to tweak some colours without affecting the other colours.

5. I recommend adding more selective colours as i added few more but cuz of the limit i can't show u help but i recommend adding 2-3 anyways! This is the psd so far which seems okay but to me it doesn't pop out so I'll be adding on
7. So i decided to add hue/saturation w the same reason as point 3.
8. Next, i use vibrance to not oversaturate the image.
9. Now i use brightness and contrast, It’s often used for quick n straightforward edits to enhance visibility.
10. Let's add another hue/saturation layer cuz why not! Please remember to experiment w what u do since this is how you can have your own "style" of making ur edits.
10. Next, let's add levels! I recommend checking out canarysage since they explained it better than i ever could.
11. Now, another layer of selective colour

and tada! This is my psd so far but i love those psds that r bright so I'll add on but this is optional!
12. Now let's add a channel mixer to create some custom effects <3
And here's the psd outcome! You'd wanna save it as save as psd (i HIGHLY recommend you put ur psd on a 100x100 canvas w a pic so it doesn't take much space)

ANOTHER NOTE!! i always test my psd on dark skin characters afterwards and made adjustments when needed i realised my selective colours made em abit red so feel free to adjust if ur using this tutorial! If u made it this far drop a follow 😈
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Why Not Watch Some Movies Set in 2025?
Another new year has just begun, and I love to start it with a look back to how some people years ago envisioned this specific year to be (just like last year). So, I'll share with you my list of movies set in the year of 2025, based on this gorgeous Wikipedia list.
Of course, some of the movies listed there don't provide much of a vision, because they're set just a few years in the future. So, I'll focus on movies that are at least ten years old, reducing my Get Ready For '25 watchlist to 11 entries. Future me will edit this post, adding a quick review to each film after I've watched it. So, let's have a look at the movies, after the cut.
Endgame (Original title: Bronx Lotta Finale). The oldest entry in the list comes from 1983, and it shows us a run-of-the-mill post-apocalyptic New York. Seemingly, some nuclear war has happened (around 1990, as a clever Wikipedia writer deduces based on the technology shown in the film), leaving a wasteland filled with scavengers and telepathic mutants. Oh, and hunters and gladiators who fight to death for a TV show called Endgame. A Boy And His Dog meets The Running Man, as it seems. One could start worse, I guess, though the writer/director worked under a pseudonym for this, which I admit is not the best of omens. PS: I usually look at places like Youtube and Dailymotion if someone uploaded some of the older flicks, and on this lil quest I among others found a German dubbed version with Hungarian voice-over of this originally Italian flick. So if you happen to understand Hungarian (I don't), have fun with this truly pan-european edition! Wow. I admit that this flick was a better start than I anticipated. It's still not great, but the first third is very entertaining, with some nicely choreographed fights. Very wrestling-esque, very sweet. However, then all of a sudden the whole gladiator fight TV show stuff ends, and instead we get some "Bring these guys to this place" plot instead. Entertaining The Running Man ripoff becomes less entertaining Mad Max 2 ripoff. 5 out of 10 points. Oh, and I solved the riddle of the director's pseudonym: He usually made smut films, so I guess he did not want to confuse his smut film fans by putting his smut film persona into the credits of this relatively non-smut production.
Future Hunters. A movie from 1986, and yet another post-apocalyptic world. Some rebel group search for the Spear of Destiny, which allows them to travel back in time. So, I'm afraid most of the film will not happen in 2025, but 39 years earlier, where the Spear has to be reunited with its shaft (the Shaft of Destiny, I guess?) to break its curse. Or so. Raiders of the Lost Ark seems to meet Terminator, here. And we even have Robert Patrick in one of his first leading roles, five years before becoming a real Terminator. I am indeed disappointed by how little a role the year 2025 plays. The Guy From The Future even dies within the first ten minutes, and afterwards it's The Adventures of I-Wanna-Be-an-Anthropologist-One-Day And Her Boyfriend Who Will Later Play The T-1000. Poor female protagonist hardly passes the Sexy Lamp Test – The plot needs her exactly one (1) time, and this is in fact the number an actual lamp is needed for the plot, too! I admit, though, that the final third of this wild ride is a bit entertaining. Still, a movie that makes you rethink your new year's traditions. 3 out of 10 points.
Futuresport. This one is from 1998, and it was made directly for TV. The eponymous sport of the year 2025 is a mix of basketball, baseball and hockey that uses hoverboards and rollerblades, and it is used as a less lethal alternative for gang warfare. Specifically, this sport shall be used to decide who will rule over the Hawaiian Islands. When looking at this synopsis, I can't stop thinking about one of my favourite movies, the 1975 sci-fi classic Rollerball. Rollerball is set in the year of 2018, so maybe I can spin me some head canon that has Futuresport developing from Rollerball. We'll see. Nevermind that head canon dream of mine, this has nothing in common with Rollerball. It's quite entertaining, though, I'll give it that. Of the 2025 visions so far, this one is the first to show a bit of imagination, with Borg camera operators and President Chelsea. Nice. And even a Beyond Belief moment. I liked movies for less. 6 out of 10 points.
Timecop 2: The Berlin Decision. A 2003 direct-to-video sequel to the Jean-Claude Van Damme flick of 1994. Timecop part one was set in 2004, and 21 years later, in the sequel, some guy is sent to Berlin of the past. To kill Hitler. Oh my. This could be quite the ride. I think I watched part one when I was young, but I can't remember much. So maybe this year is a good opportunity for a rewatch of this Van Damme flick - though I don't think it will be needed to understand part two. The double feature DVD box is cheap to get, so we'll see. Part one is indeed not needed to understand part two. But one scene in part one makes part two quite hilarious, so I don't regret watching both. Due to quite some mangling with the timeline, however, there's not much to learn about the year of 2025. Except that we have tazers that can fry someone's brain. And that Tesla Cybertrucks kinda exist for more than 20 years already. Quite the dystopia. Oh, and at one point they indicate that all the time crimes have their court hearings and judgements before a Time Cop is sent back in time to in fact arrest the convict. Which makes sense. They're time travelers, they can get back and grab the guy whenever they want. Why not get all the the paperwork done beforehand? It still is at best a mildly entertaining flick, that most of the time looks like an okay-ish TV episode. 5 out of 10 points.
Negadon, the Monster from Mars. A 2005 animated kaiju short film from Japan, wherein a mars mission brings some monster back to earth. Which of course has to be fought with some huge robot. Sounds okay, and we're talking about 25 minutes to spend. So why not. Aww. That one was quite lovely. I mean, the character animations were straight from the Uncanny Valley, and the story was pure cliché. But it has these clumsy indie production vibes that you don't get to see very often these days. Plus, we learn that in this version of 2025 we went to the mars to start terraforming it. With nuclear weapons that melt the poles. Get nuked, Mars! 6 out of 10 points.
Repo Men. A 2010 film that shows us a 2025 where bio-mechanical organs are rented to people in need. If they can't afford the organs any more, well, the repossession is quite bloody. So basically it's 2008's Repo! The Genetic Opera, but without the cool singing. I watched this movie when it was in cinemas, and it was okayish. So, time for a rewatch. Well. Obviously the story is a bit too optimistic regarding the 2025 state of bioengineering. On the other hand, a huge and expensive organ retrieval system is so stupid that any current supermarket's self-service checkout would easily outsmart it. Oh. And I totally forgot that this flick copies not only Repo! The Genetic Opera, but also Terry Gilliam's marvellous Brazil. If this is done deliberately, though, then it's not done well, unfortunately. Which is a terrible pity. And it's even more of a pity how Repo Men starts as a razor-sharp satire that takes cutthroat capitalism word for word and has at least one (1) indeed hilarious scene, and ends as a run of-the-mill action flick whose ending betrays the biting social commentary of the exposition. 6 out of 10 points. Well, at least the Repo Men DVD has some nice extras.
Zebraman 2: Attack on Zebra City. Some Japanese superhero flick from 2010, of course it's a sequel to a film called Zebraman, from 2004, wherein a teacher starts to fight crime in the costume of his childhood TV hero. The sequel is set 15 years after part one (so yes, Zebraman 2 is produced in the year that Zebraman 1 is set in), and Tokyo is renamed to Zebra City and now has a "Zebra Time", a daily period of five minutes where all crime is legal, but presumed criminals will be attacked by the "Zebra Police". This could be hilarious, The Purge on speed (before the first part of The Purge even existed!), but I'll keep my expectations low. And I'll try to watch part one first, because Zebraman 2 seems to use a lot of its characters. Okay. This was silly. I admit that I kinda liked the first part (although its second half was rather a let down). The idea of a daily crime legalization period is indeed not that bad; it even bears the potential for great satire, because the guys in charge treat it as an improvement of the criminal statistics. Which, of course, it is. 'Cause when you legalize crime, the statistics go down. Reminded me terribly of those "If we don't test for COVID, the COVID cases won't rise" arguments during pandemic. Nice observation, I give 'em that. However, the story quickly loses interest in this whole Zebra City idea, and instead we get to a brand-new entry onto my WTF Move Moments list. Almost a pity. 5 out of 10 points.
Pacific Rim. A 2013 instant classic. In 2025, giant kaijus must be fought with giant mechas (just as in Negadon; see above). Gosh, I love this one, but spouse hasn't seen it yet. And is highly sceptical. But when if not this year should one give this a try, right? This revisit was just as marvellous as I had hoped for! Not only did it age very well (only the score was a bit less impressive now, but that might be due to me not being in a cinema, this time) and remind me of all the little things I loved (How the ending quite perfectly mirrors Independence Day. All those nice sounds. Mako Mori's gorgeous hair!), I also noticed something lovely I'd never had noticed twelve years ago. But best of all, spouse liked it too! She found it better than expected, a very entertaining action flick full of lovely colours. Thus, a lovely evening for two. The best of this little movie project. 8 out of 10 points.
Hot Tub Time Machine 2. Four guys are sent ten years into the future by the eponymous bathing device, to find someone who tried to kill one of them. I absolutely did not like the first part, so I really feel tempted to skip this.
Mountains May Depart. A 2015 Chinese drama spanning a time from 1999 to 2025. The synopsis is full of love-triangles and family drama, so I don't suspect much of a vision of the future. Plus, it seems to be rather hard to get, so maybe I'll skip this one, too.
Ten Years. Also from 2015, this movie from Hong Kong speculates about what the semi-autonomous Hong Kong will be in ten years from then, with human rights and freedoms gradually diminishing as the influence of the Chinese government increases. I'm very curious about this one!
#happy new year y'all!#to do 2025#movie recommendation#films set in 2025#endgame 1983#bronx lotta finale#future hunters#futuresport#timecop#timecop 2#negadon the monster from mars#repo men#zebraman#zebraman 2#pacific rim#hot tub time machine#hot tub time machine 2#mountains may depart#ten years#ten years 2015#schroed's thoughts#<3
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my re-review(?)/opinion rewrite of bsky now that it's been a lil while since i got on it
basically: still has a long way to go b4 i like it :l
(edit - some functions i complained abt not having are slowly being changed ie: the video length is now 3mins instead of the original 60secs)
for negatives:
still missing basic twitter features like gif support n bookmarks (unless you do some work arounds), saving drafts, privs, n vids longer than 60 seconds.
blocking someone does not remove them from your follower count n you cannot softblock or remove them yourself either! why!!
most of the artists i follow on twitter barely use or straight up don't use bsky even if they set up accts.
staff there continues to suck. not banning jesse singal despite him breaking tos + they're still censoring posts of ppl in need of donations by slapping vague no context "content warnings" on them. recently i heard they're mass deleting those accts as well. someone got mass reported for doing daily mutual aid threads too.
you can get your posts auto hit w a content warning if anything that a bot can interpret as sexual is in there (it's not consistent either???)
i never use blocklists anymore bc malicious n false lists made for harassing ppl keep popping up, some of which i've been added to before. i also keep getting added to "fandom fascists" n "bad vibes" ones right next to terfs n rightwingers bc pr*sh*ppers don't like me. you technically can just never check what lists you're on so you don't have to know, but for me personally, not knowing adds a whole can of paranoia bc i'm aware other ppl still praise + use these lists...
^ blocks are public which can lead to the people you block finding out n adding you to bad faith lists out of spite too. plus there's list spam (adding the same person to tons of them at once)
there's follow farmers: ppl/bots who spam follow thousands to 100k+ random users just to get them to follow back (bc theres also a weird thing where some ppl just instantly follow back everyone no matter what - n call u weird for not doing the same thing).
fake accts (not sex bots) follow often just in general; i got spam followed by "sa offender awareness" accts once.
lots of bsky users constantly complain abt having to see politics. any kind of world news at all. which ig it has in common w tumblr
^ my drawing of harry got autoflagged as sexually suggestive; you can see the caption/text but the image is completely hidden until you click 'show'.
*later edit: i eventually found out that "sexually suggestive (cartoon)" is on a separate page from "sexually suggestive" so i could change how the post appears to me; making part of what i said b4 wrong... but then it leads to 2 different problems (other than being annoying):
you currently can't use the (cartoon) label yourself - only 4 labels are available to users rn n they don't include the ones only in advanced settings. meaning you can still get forcefully labeled by the mod bot, which could make ppl think you were "too lazy" to do it yourself n then block you
having your moderation settings on "show" instead of "warn" will make the labels on ppl's posts entirely invisible to you all together. the only reason that i could still see the ones on my self-labeled posts w "show" was bc they were my own ig? which can lead to ppl seeing you unknowingly rting unlabeled posts n blocking you
^ a whole profile that has been flagged with just "content warning". entire posts are completely hidden. this was someone asking for donations
for remaining positives:
hashtags work; links don't suppress
you can get rid of the discover tab
you can add warning labels to your posts (though there's not enough options)
muting words is still pretty nice
ig it'll cut down your socmed time?
some ppl like the fact that there's no algo
there's no elon or grok
all in all i feel like ppl who praise this site a lot just miss twitter but don't wanna stay there. which is totally fair? though some of them will call anyone who still has twitter a n*zi now. also, i think more users who crosspost between both sites would be willing to make a complete move if bsky had privs
its a lil funny that i've been facing way more bullying attempts on bsky than twit oh well
#text post#long post under readmore#i have to deduct my 'blocking works' point from the older post *pensive*
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Poppins (Epilogue)
18+ only! Minors do not interact!
Warnings: graphic sexual content, unprotected sex, language, oral sex (f rec), dirty talk, impact play, etc, happy tears, idk
Thank you for sticking with Poppins and all the heartbreak that came with it. I hope we can all breathe a collective sigh of relief and acknowledge that this was the only ending that was right for our dear characters. I love you all and thank you for going along for the ride with me❤️ ps- I didn’t expect to post this until tomorrow so it’s very lightly edited, forgive me
Josh’s warmth is what wakes you. His weight carefully hovering over you; chest pressed against your back, mouth humming along with tiny, breathy sounds as his lips travel the curve of your jaw.
You nuzzle further into the pillow, which feels a little too warm under the muted sunlight filtering into the room for your liking. You’ve never been much of a morning person.
Slowly though, he and Lil are changing that. Their sunny dispositions mirror one another’s and feed off of shared glee as they happily greet each new day. It is nothing short of infectious.
It’s difficult to be grouchy in a home filled to the brim with their lovely early hour enthusiasm.
“Time to open your eyes, sleeping beauty.�� His voice curls across the shell of your ear, low and slow. You know that voice all too well.
“Better slow your roll, Joshua,” You mumble, eyes closed, body still heavy with slumber, “She’ll be awake and climbing into bed any second.”
“She’s been awake, sweetheart.” His lips are kissing love into your hair, lungs breathing you in deeply. “We read outside on the swing, and shared an apple. I fixed her hair pretty and helped her get dressed, and then Grandma came and whisked her away for a birthday girl breakfast. It’s just you and me.”
A smile flashes on your sleepy lips, stealing his heart away, “All that without me?”
He drops down against you a little heavier, a delicious weighted blanket of a man. “We decided to let mama sleep in. You looked very peaceful.”
Mama, mommy, mom when she’s exasperated…every iteration makes your body flush with maternal devotion and pride.
It had been over a dinner of pasta and salad when she’d first called you mommy like it was the most natural thing in the world. Picking at her plate, fist clutched around her fork, shoving a cherry tomato around, she’d explained how uncle sammy had made her angry that afternoon.
“I told him I wanted to hold Rosie’s leash,” she’d lamented. “But he said I’m too small to hold it at the dog park because she tries to run. I’m not too small though, mommy, I’m not!”
Josh had soothed her with something you hadn’t really heard through the blissed out ringing in your ears, cleared his throat, and excused himself.. You’d found him leaning over the bathroom sink, blinking tears away.
“Josh, I didn’t…” you had stumbled stupidly over your pitiful explanation, “I didn’t ask her to call me that. I’d never do that. I’m sorry, I understand why you’re upset….”
He’d turned on you so quickly you’d taken a step back in surprise, “Upset? Are you kidding me? I’ve never been less upset in my life. I don’t think I can even remember the definition of the word right now.”
Words kept in whispers, lest she overhear, he had pulled you into his arms, chin hooked over your shoulder to keep you close as he spoke, “I’ve waited such a long time for my little girl to have that moment that she just had. To be able to talk to her mama about her day while pretending to eat her vegetables. You belong here, sweetheart…you always have.”
What always stands to you about that moment of tears and whispers in the bathroom, of all places - what you think will always make you smile the hardest when you remember that night, is the fact that he never once asked you how you felt about it. He never asked if it had made you uncomfortable. Never questioned your love for Lily, he knew. He knew.
And now here you lie, cozy under the covers with your beautiful Josh pestering you with adoration and kisses, while the incredible little human being who calls you mommy shares a birthday breakfast with her grandmother.
“All alone,” Josh hushes into your ear, breaking the spell of innocence clouding your head. “Just me,” he leans up on his elbow, making room for his hand to slip beneath the sheets. “And you.”
“Joshua Michael,” you scold lightly, parting for him when his fingers begin to walk up the inside of your thigh, “You’re an insatiable pervert, you realize…a deviant.”
His giggle, huffed and sultry, somehow parts your thighs even further. “I’m not the one spreading my legs like a whore. I’ve barely touched you. Naughty girl.”
A shiver shakes your spine, driven by his words and the fingers he’s now sweeping over your panties. He is sunshine and light, love and laughter, all wrapped up in a gorgeous package that can switch on a dime and drench you in filth.
“I also happen to love it when you middle name me…” he confesses, circling your clit just to listen to you sigh. “Makes me impossibly hard.”
As if to prove himself, he grinds his cock into the small of your back, smiling against your cheek when you whimper.
“Listen to you,” he sounds mockingly sympathetic, “you’re very whiny, and so soon. Why, baby? Are you wet? Is it all slick and hot right here?” He presses at your panties a touch harder, “Would my pretty girl like to cum?”
“Listen to you,” you turn the tables, reaching back to drag your nails against his scalp. “You’re being very dirty. I think you’re feeling whinier than I am. You just hide it better. Isn’t that right, Josh? You’re just eager to fuck me all filthy and nasty in this big empty house where no one can hear, aren’t you? You want it, don’t you?”
He’s rocking into the swell of your ass now, fingers sliding over you, pressing satin into your folds, tapping at your swollen clit, teasing teasing teasing.
“Yeah,” his breath pants over your cheek, hard and quick, “yeah I fucking want it…and so do you. Cotton candy cunt is just begging for me, soaking your sweet panties, crying for cock. For my cock.”
Cotton candy never fails to make you weak, he’d called it that the first time he’d made you see stars, pressed up against the door that now stands open because there is no one here but the two of you.
His fingers have sneaked into your mouth, and you can’t seem to repress a prayer of his name as you suck and lick at them.
“Shh,” he hushes, so cocksure and sexy, “don’t talk with your mouth full.”
“Give it to me,” you pull away, longing for it to sound like a demand, but it slips off your tongue like the plea that it is as you reach back, trying to fight your panties down from your awkward position.
“Wanna taste you first,” he yanks your underwear down for you. “Want that beautiful pussy in my mouth, right in my fucking mouth,” with you bare enough for him to sink his fingers into the globe of your ass, he cracks a swift smack against it. “Tell me you want me to lick you. Tell me you want to cum pretty on my tongue.”
Your body is writhing now, twisting feverishly in a futile attempt to roll over and rip your nightshirt off all at once.
He’s having none of it, “I said fucking tell me,” he spanks you again, harder this time, groaning when you cry out, saturating the room with a needy, wailed moan.
“I want it, baby, please,” oh, how easily he can reduce you to a quaking, begging fool, not a thought in her head but Josh. “I want your mouth. I want to cum for you. Make me cry, Josh, make me fucking cry…make me cum.”
He growls out as his teeth drag over your cheek, and then your eyes are struggling to focus on the ceiling, head spinning from being flipped over without warning.
“Make you cum?” He’s taunting you now, kissing his way down to your breasts, making love to your nipples with his devious mouth. “Make you cry? Now why would I want to make my sweetheart cry?”
A soft bite arches your back away from the mattress, “Josh, baby….”
“Josh,” he whispers, tongue traveling the valley between your tits, “Josh, baby, don’t you sound meek? Like the prettiest wallflower who just wants to feel good…my sweet, sweet, sweetheart. I told you to fucking tell me…”
You know what he wants, and so you give it to him. “I want your mouth on me. I want you to lick me,” your hand fists in his hair, pulling him from your breast. “This, right here,” now you’re pinching at his plump, velvety bottom lip, fingertips pushing in to say hello to his warm, wet tongue “my pussy wants it so bad. Wrap these pretty lips around my clit until I make a mess.”
His face is buried between your legs so quickly you have to blink your way out of confusion. Just as quickly, you’re gripping and tugging at his curls, hips rocking up into his kiss while you beg him to stroke his dick while he devours your cunt.
“Yeah?” He mumbles, heavy and hot, into your aching flesh, “You want me to touch my cock while I eat this gorgeous pussy?”
“Yes, yes, yes…” you fall away into nothing sounds, mewling and keening into the morning light. A grunt as he shakes his face back and forth tells you he’s given you what you’ve asked for…and the sounds that chase that grunt shove you closer to the edge.
“I’m gonna cum…I’m gonna cum so hard,” it’s but a breath, you don’t know if he’s even heard you until his fervent nod answers back, save for the moans muffling from between your legs.
It is a warm wave that explodes over you as though you're the jagged, rocky shore. At the crest of it, you bolt upright, cradling his head against you as you pump your hips in time with your throbbing pulse, groaning like a jezebel until the walls drip with your sobs.
He doesn’t pull away until you’re pushing at his forehead and gasping for reprieve. When his breathtaking face resurfaces, it’s pink-cheeked and shining with your release.
“I’m fucking covered in you,” he crawls up, running the back of his hand across his mouth, mussing the soft hairs that perch above it. “Do you have any idea how fucking good you taste?”
He’s shoving and kicking his pants away as you pull his lips to yours, savoring your cunt and his need, all over them.
“Fuck me,” you’re clawing and pulling at him, hands flying about without care or thought as he bites at your collar bone.
“Yeah?” The tip slides, swollen and warm, against you, nudging at your quivering clit. “You want this? You want me to stuff your snug little cunt all full of me? Fuck you wide open?”
Your teeth are clenched and grinding though your reply, “Yes, fuck me…I want it, Josh. Give it to me, give it to your girl.”
That lazy drag against your center continues, “Think you deserve it, sweetheart? Does my baby deserve my cock this morning? Have you been a real good girl? Pout sweet, yeah? Make me want to give it to you.”
You turn your eyes soft, wide and wet, “Don’t you want to give it to me? Haven’t I been so good for you? Came pretty on your tongue just like you asked.”
A weak sound, something akin to a whimper, ripples out of his chest as he presses into you, gentle and slow. “Maybe you deserve just a little, huh? Don’t you, baby? Maybe you deserve just the tip, hmm?”
“Yes,” you lie, “Just the tip.”
He’s a liar too, and you both know it the second he slips inside.
“So fucking warm, sweetheart,” his mouth sinks into the crook of your neck, as he continues his relentless teasing, slipping just the silky soft head in and out of you “So fucking tight. Perfect, wet pussy, pretty and pink, greedy…all mine.’
“Yours,” you nod, pulling him in with your heels dug firmly into the base of his spine until you’re deliciously filled with him and rolling against his body like a glutton.
“Oh, you think you’re just gonna take what you want?” He sounds so sure of himself, but you can feel the resolve leaching from his frame, “Squeeze my cock with that needy cunt, then, sweetheart. Show me she loves it with a filthy little hug, dirty girl.”
You clench around him with a whine you wish you could say was purposeful, for as well as it works. The second it escapes your parted lips he’s pounding into you. Pressing into your lower stomach with a flattened palm and a hitching, “You feel me right here? You feel my cock right here, baby? So deep…fuck, so deep.” Fucking your body into the mattress as you claw at his shoulders, and gnash into his chest savagely.
“That’s it,” he grits out, huffing the words out between cruel snaps of his hips, “Tear into me, sweetheart. Make it fucking hurt. Harder,”
A growl, so reminiscent of a wild animal’s call, bursts forth from your heaving chest as you bite and suck at him, and it only serves to make him fuck away at you faster, deeper.
“Come on and cum for me,” his fingers are wrapped around the nape of your neck now, shoving your mouth against him. “Bite, baby, fucking bite. Hard. Do it.”
Sinking your teeth into his alabaster skin you let go, pulling away without weakening your grip, leaving a raised, purple and pink constellation in your wake as you shudder and convulse beneath his weight…calling his name, howling and shaking as those tears you’d begged for finally streak over your temples to chase each other into your tangled hair.
He’s lost it above you completely - cursing and grabbing at you wherever his wandering hands happen to land, his beautiful cock twitching frantically as it spills inside you. Filling you up, wet and dripping, as you both search for sure footing.
You haven’t all the time in the world, and surely you waste far too much of it staring at each other with his hands cupping your face - at last, he rolls to his side, curling himself around you until you feel safe and sound.
“You’re obscene, you know that?” You smile up at the ceiling, watching the fan as it swirls lazy circles above your heads.
“Oh yes, my love, I know,” he sighs, brushing a lock of hair from your face, “I make no apologies. We should shower.”
You nod, half sad to see it end, and half elated to get a move on for Lily’s big day. “Let’s shower, then I’ll run and pick up her cake. It won’t say Elizabeth this year, I can assure you. She’ll be in therapy over that for years,
“Yeah, yeah…” his grip sinks into your ribs, tickling you gently. “Can you believe she’s five today? Five! I hate it.”
“I hate it too.” You nod, solemnly. “Talk to the science department on campus, tell them we need an anti-aging device or something.”
A laugh bursts out of him, dragging one out of you alongside it, “I’ll get right on that. Jake’s gonna be here around one, I told him his job is to blow up balloons. It’ll keep him quiet.”
“I bought a helium tank.” You remind him, toying with his fingers.
“He doesn’t have to know that.” His lips peck a quick line along your cheekbone. “I think he really might like this one. It’s getting kinda serious…well, as serious as Jake is capable of.”
“The girl he met in Lansing?” The jealousy that once might have lived inside your question is nonexistent. “Is he bringing her?”
“No,” his fingers tangle back around yours, “said today was Lil’s day and he wouldn’t draw focus from that. You know how he is.”
“He loves her so much,” now you’re choking up, but it’s because of Lily, not because of some errant territorial claim. Jake isn’t yours, and he never really was.
“That he does,” Josh nods and then tugs at you as he rolls off the bed and onto his feet. “C’mon now, sweetheart, shower time before the two most discerning women in our lives come back and discover us in a compromising situation.”
You follow after him, leaving the twisted sheets behind you, asking if he’ll wash your hair.
He turns around, eyebrow hooked like you should know better as he adjusts the water temperature. “Of course I’ll wash your hair, baby. I’ll take care of you. I’m always going to take care of you.”
Taglist: @gretasintrees @greta-van-chaos @celestialfauna @s0livagant @groggyvanfleet @kiszkathecook @brokenbellz @llightmyllovee @doodle417 @seventieswhore @jake-kiszkas-smirk @weightofdreams-gvf @imdepressedaf1996 @alisonwonderland29 @gretavanfleas @jakesgrapejuice @gretavangroove @sparrowofthedawn @xserenax-13 @tbagggvf @obetrolncocktails @jakeslovehandles @poofyloofy @70sgroupielovr @heatmyfleet @age-of-nyahh @sammiboo162 @gretasmokerising @spicedandicedtea @jakekiszkasleftnutsack @saoirsemaeve @mywickeddivinity @thelvnternskeeper @paintmyhouse @tripthelightfandomtastic @tripthelight-fanfic @mckenna4 @sarakay-gvf @theweightofjake @thewritingbeforesunrise @joshsmama @sammysvanfeet @rhythm-of-space @highladyofasgard @jordie-gvf-admin @calumspretty @sad1lynn @demolitionndann @gvfpal @starcatcher-jake
#greta van fleet#greta van fleet fan fiction#greta van fleet smut#greta van fleet fic#fanfic#greta van smut#greta van fic#gvf fic#josh kiszka#jake gvf#josh gvf#gvf josh#gvf smut#gvf#josh kiszka fanfiction#josh kiszka smut#josh kiszka fic#jake kiszka smut#jake kiszka
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my baby daddies - ep. 1
my comeback era xx
arón piper x male reader
summary: inside edition the slutty thoughts i have for mr piper xx
notes: hi ppl, hope y’all missed me. i’m back, after like a year of hibernation, with another imagine! hope you guys are all doing well <3 i will be releasing 2 other series (‘the DILFs’ and a surprise one 🤭) so stay tuned! plus y’all better thank me, I lost this draft not once, but TWICEEEE! happy with this iteration though.

apologies in advance y’all this is gonna be chaotic…and my spanish is very rusty.
you met arón on the set of ‘elite’ because you were in between working with the hair and makeup team whilst designing the costumes. You had familiarised yourself with the entire crew and made loads of friends but from day 1 it was clear that your connection with him was unparalleled. the pinnacle of romantic chemistry. it’s giving one of those moments in the films when the two lovers have their meet cute, staring into each others eyes and the rest of the world is just in their peripheral because at that moment only two people exist - you and him. From then on, the whole crew shipped you guys together, with your work besties ester (who plays carla) and mina (who plays nadia) urging you to make out with him. He too was not exempt from this teasing, and a lot of his fellow male cast mates lowkey pressured him to ask you out. Whilst the premiere was coming up, you began sorting out the final designs for the next season, he ran into the studio wearing nothing but calvin briefs.
“Y/N, you’ve gotta help me.” He said desperately. You were taken aback. You’d never seen someone look so hot while they were needy.
“hey arón, what seems to be the problem?” He threw his hands up in the air in frustration. “can’t you see I’m practically naked?” You bit your lips taking in all of him “failing to see the issue here” which garnered a chuckle from him. “please y/n i’m so lost right now, i have no clue what to do” arón began panting which made you panic a lil bit. Placing your hands on his chest, you calmed his beating heartbeat “it’s okay, you know i’ve got you” Pulling one of your personal designs from the rack, you dressed him like he was your ken doll.
“i can do my own buttons you know,” he smiled watching you concentrate and manipulate the fabric to accentuate his features “i know but you wouldn’t be able to execute the vision i had for you in my mind” his eyes softened “you base your designs off me?” you looked up and met his gaze. “i’m not tryna give you a big head or anything, because it’s already quite elliptical, but kinda i guess.” he giggled as you watched his smile make his face look even cuter. “awww you got a lil crush on me,” aròn chuckled as you playfully beat his chest. “i mean, you’re handsome af I’ll give you that,” you felt his chest heaving with passion “why do you ask?” aròn held both your hands stopping you from working. “y/n,” you look up, all doe-eyed, surprised at the lack of distance between your lips. he breathed closer, opening the gates to your mouth as he graced you with a peck that lasted what felt like ages. the rest was history; that night he debuted the two of you as a couple to which was met with so much love.
you are at your gushiest whenever aròn smiles. it just makes you feel so happy seeing him so cute and all. stroking his cheek in the morning staring at him grinning in his sleep - probably dreaming of you.
the art of communication has always been strong in your relationship. your spanish-german bf was trilingual and meeting you pushed him to learn more on the side. your spanish was decent, certainly nothing to be proud but it improved drastically working on the show and being with aron. you were also highly proficient in two other languages and so he was adding to your roster. your relationship with him was a testament to the betterment of both people in a couple, you both pushed each other to try new things.
aron’s love language is definitely physical touch closely followed by gift giving, and so it made sense that he would buy you jewellery (even giving you his own) so he could both adore and adorn you. your favourite present he’s ever given you was the ‘A’ necklace he flaunts in a lot of his insta posts. he just loves seeing it around your neck - he’s yours. he even has an ‘A’ tattoo that now always reminds him of you.

even in the bedroom the necklace pays a huge role:
“my pretty little muñequita, fuck you feel so good.” he praised, railing you painstakingly slowly in missionary. you watched his eyes mirroring your overstimulated expression, as it darkened with his desire for more. you moved to his necklace which swung gracefully with every deep thrust. “ughhh” aròn’s moans got even loader you picked the pendant up and put it in between his teeth to muffle him. the sweat began to drip off his face as he began to imprint his teeth into the crystals, groaning in pleasure. “Nghhhh nghhh nghhh” it was getting too much for him as he dropped it, all red, hot, and bothered, directly into your mouth. You bit it seductively making your bf smile. other times when he’s hitting it from the back in prone bone, your hot bodies are cooled by the ice around his neck providing an amazing sensation when he spurts his warm cum inside you.
aròn is pretty decently hung, a bit on the skinnier side, nothing monstery, but deffo larger than average and it bends to the left. his favourite position is probably missionary; he wants to see the pleasure he’s giving you. the moans, your eyes, your lips, he wants to soak it all up and treasure every single expression you make whilst he’s inside you. you really like cowgirl as you’ve noticed it gets the most laughs and smiles from him, your biggest weakness. aròn loves it as well. the sight of you holding his pecs, bouncing up and down his pole as he grabs your ass sends him into overdrive. “shit mi amor, ughh, fuck, you sure know how to ride my dick.”
his kryptonite is oral. he’s such a whore for that mouth of yours. you guys waited for quite a while to have any nsfw activity because you wanted to establish a deep romantic connection first. so about 6 months into your relationship, you gave him head for the first time and OH MY GOSHHHH. you were coming back from date night, aròn wore an unbuttoned white dress shirt with chains and rings, all styled by you. it was raining and y’all decided to walk around the city and so tour chivalrous boyfriend offered his blazer to stop you from getting cold. you had never been more attracted to him. the way his wet hair laid messy on his head, abs protruded through his drenched shirt, it turned you on. so when you got into his apartment, you grabbed his hand and took him into the bedroom.
“despacio baby” he chuckled. you pushed him onto the bed, straddling and welcoming him with a kiss. you felt him grow beneath your ass, a sign for you to get on your knees. “y/n, wait what are you doing” aròn says as you began to unbuckle his pants. you didn’t hear, your brain too loud with horny thoughts to answer him. “cariño…” he held your hands at his belt. “are you sure you want to do this.” he asked worriedly, knowing how important sex was to you. “i’ve never been more sure of anything in my life” you mirrored his smirk, as he moved his hands, unbuttoning his shirt whilst you pulled his pants to his trousers. His tan cock stood strong, pink tip peaking through his freckled foreskin. he had a light brown bush leading up to his happy trail, urging you to lick down from his abs to his balls. “I’m so hard right now,” you started bobbing up and down and noticed how much of a panter he was. when he was close you started to deepthroat, to which he responded with a loud moan, yanking his dick out of your mouth and giving you the nastiest facial ever.
fucking loved it, as if he couldn’t love you more already…you were such a cockdrunk slut for him.

music plays a huge part of your relationship. when you guys are in the sheets, the symphony that comes from your bedroom is actually next level. oftentimes, aròn catches you humming and singing in the shower, to your embarrassment. “why are you hiding your face, your voice is incredible.” he praises. for his upcoming album, whilst in the studio, you came to check up on your bf bringing your freshly homemade brownies that you knew he loved. you knew aròn had been having a bit of a hard time completing one of the final tracks. as his team listened back to the record your bf was getting frustrated “ughhh it’s shit!” as he growled chucking song sheets across the room. “y/n you’ve got to speak to him, no one else is getting through to him and we are on a tight deadline” the executives who were present at the times warned. “he’ll be ready, i can assure you” you urged everyone else to leave the room. “aròn.” he didn’t answer. your tone softened, “papí…” you moved to him, noticing how tense he was getting. he looked up at you with teary eyes, hurting at how anxious he was getting. you knew what to do. “come on.” he followed u back into the recording booth. the track was playing, and all you did was talk, he spoke about his issues with fame, love, and life, and it was the perfect outro/interlude. you also added background vocals and harmonies into his tracks and the media went wild for it!
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Thinking about Villain! Kenji Sato
Thanks to this edit for reminding me of him.
He's already cocky, conceded, and a natural charmer. Do you know how he would use that to his advantage to manipulate people? Just with a flash of his smile and sweet words that's how.
Bad temper + guy who's used to getting what he wants = Asshole with very little patients when things don't go his way.
Would work for KDF just to spite father. In other words, gives zero f*cks about Kaiju's or his dads feelings. He's still a little pissy about his father "choosing" literal monsters over him and his mother. He's probably very aggressive when it comes to fighting them as well. Dr. Onda had to remind him on more than one occasion to hold back.
Maybe in this version his mom was killed in a Kaiju attack which resulted in him not caring about the creatures AT ALL and truly despising their existence. He also hates himself for not being there sooner to save her.
This happened when he was 21 so he has worked for the KDF for a little while.
Full on arrogant prick with the worst anger issues but can hide it when he wants/needs to.
Mina exists but she doesn't really have a personality, nor does she question or boss him around she's just...an assistant bot. She's also used for more...hostile things so Kenji doesn't get HIS hands dirty.
Has probably done some questionable things to get to the top. Especially with his trusty bat friend when he wants to send a more personal message.
Probably insane to a severe degree. Also, a control freak.
Probably sees Dr. Onda as a mentor/father figure but you'll have to kill him before you get that information out of him
Dr. Onda does see Kenji as a son but like Kenji, you won't get that out of him willingly.
All villains deserve evil pets so this mf would definitely have a black pet snake. An IMG boa constrictor to be more specific.
Meet Lilith!
Probably the only thing he cares about is this snake. This is his daughter. His little girl. She's black just like his soul. Her nickname is Lily or Lil Lil. He'd probably use her full name to get her to constrict around someone.
This creature is evil, but she loves her father very much. Full credit to @jaidenk-nox for the ideas!
People in his father's generation remember Ultraman being a kind hero or at least someone who didn't see the Kaiju as monsters. The new Ultraman almost looks like he's on the verge of killing them.
Kenji see's the hate he gets and loves it. He loves the fact that he's ruining his father's legacy one Kaiju fight at a time.
The only good quality I think this man would have is his genuine respect for women because his mama raised him right. Not to mention she was the only person he had; he saw her struggles, heard her cry at night, and just see her try her best for him. Why wouldn't he have respect for women?
But that doesn't mean he wouldn't be controlling or probably obsessive if he did have an s/o.
I like to think some Kaiju parts (spikey parts, scales, claws, etc) would be added to his Ultraman suit over time (that probably gives him a more menacing look) to make him harder to beat/inure.
And do you wanna know what's sad? If we got this version of him there WOULD STILL BE SIMPS!!! (And I would be one of them).
I can just imagine the comments....
Also, would you guys want me to make a playlist for him? Reblogs are appreciated! And if you have any thoughts or ideas let me know, my asks are open!
#Kenji sato#villain! Kenji au#ultraman rising#kenji sato ultraman#ken sato#ken ultraman#the comments:#“Zaddy chill”#“he's the best guy around”#“what about the people he murdered?”#"what murdaa?'#“I can change him”#my asks are open
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This is a fun lil drabble I wrote based on @memento-rory ‘s Jarvis Johnson x reader fic. I love both him and Jordan’s friendship so much, so I thought it’d be fun to imagine how Jordan would react to the growing relationship.
Thank you Rory for letting me write this 🥺 It was a fun way to get back into writing and I absolutely love your stories!
When Jarvis reached out to you for the first time, Jordan was immediately down for the idea. He remembered occasionally talking to you at parties and creator events before your breakup and thought you were a kind and funny person.
On their way to the first hangout, he made a passing comment to Jarvis of “Do I smell hurt/comfort wattpad story?”
They both chuckled at it, neither giving it much thought.
It’s after they start dating that Jordan brings it up again but more on that later.
Jordan picks up on the blossoming connection relatively quickly (a month) but doesn’t say anything outside of passing jokes. While he doesn’t know you super well, he DOES know Jarvis, and he trusts that he’ll realize his feelings and make the best choice for himself.
As the hangouts happen more and more, occasionally Jordan will just watch how you and Jarvis interact, a small smirk as he sees just how you both open up and bring the best out of one another. He also fights the urge to giggle at how cute the two of you are when one stumbles over their words or does something a bit embarrassing.
The SECOND Jarvis realizes he has feelings for you (which would likely be during when the big hangouts dwindle down to small hangouts), Jordan becomes both their #1 supporter and #1 hater
Sure, he’s the one that kept telling Jarvis to hang out with you alone, to make a move, and share his feelings.
BUT immediately starts eye rolling and sighing in an over dramatic fashion when Jarvis tells him about how it went, describing your cute mannerisms and vent about how just how much he adores you
Once it’s just you, Jarvis and Jordan, JORDAN IS AN ABSOLUTE MENACE
Oh, you’re facing Jarvis? Jordan is behind you making kissy faces.
You’re having some trouble with your laptop? Jordan pulls out Jarvis’s computer science degree (don’t ask why he had it on hand)
You compliment Jarvis’s shirt? Jordan is answering “He looks better without it.”
“Wow, Ethan’s match during creator clash was awesome!”
“You know, Jarvis’s match was wayyyy cooler and better.”
“I literally lost?”
“Not the point.”
A couple days before Jarvis confessed, he and Jordan had talked.
It was after they finished editing an episode of Sad Boyz. Jarvis opened YouTube on his phone to check what episode they were on, only to have the latest Chuckle Sandwich episode pop up on his timeline.
“Jordan… What if I mess this up?” He asked suddenly, anxiously biting the inside of his cheek as he remembered how happy you looked with Ted and Schlatt.
The insecurities that had festered after realizing his feelings for you were swarming his mind: Was it too soon to confess? Was he taking advantage of you? Is he a bad friend for falling for two of his friends’ ex? Do you even like him back?
Every thought born from his anxious mind came tumbling out as he aired it to his best friend.
Jordan sat back and listened, not once interrupting. Only once Jarvis finished his venting did Jordan speak up.
“(y/n)’s a smart, independent and mature woman. If there’s anything she’s not ready to do, she’ll tell you… As for those two,” Jordan pointed to Jarvis’s phone, referring to Ted and Schlatt, “they made a choice. They chose to break up with (y/n). If they’re good friends, then they’ll be happy for you or zip it.”
For the last part, Jordan put a hand on Jarvis’s shoulder, “You’re a good man Jarvis. You and (y/n) clearly care about each other and, even if she doesn’t feel the same, you need to be honest about your feelings…. Even though she’s absolutely into you too.” He added the last part with a cheeky grin, only to receive a playful shove from Jarvis in return.
After you and Jarvis kissed, Jordan was the first person he called to tell (after getting your consent of course)
“I knew it was a hurt/comfort wattpad fic.”
“Please stop saying that…”
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Hello lovely ☺️ how scandelous would it be to ask for perhaps a sneak peak of the next chapter?
👉👈 perhaps a lil snippet? A crumb? 🥹🥺🫣🙌
*clutches pearls* oh my…oh dear…i’ve never been asked this before 😳 this is a first for me.
am i allowed to do this?? why does it feel illegal lmao 🫨
i mean you did ask very nicely & i am dying to show the next chapter to yall & i am indeed a strong independent woman who can do whatever the hell she wants so…here you go?? i guess??
disclaimer: it took me a very hot minute to decide which part to do & i haven’t edited / beta read anything yet so it might change a bit once i post the full chapter…also hopefully this scene makes some kind of sense to you out of context. double also this will be the ONLY part i share bc i don’t wanna spoil the whole thing 😤 but i hope you like 🤭🩵
“So…” Spider-Man said, voice low but playful. “Come here often, hot stuff?”
Despite his best efforts, Johnny busted into a laugh, shaking his head from side to side. “Shut up, you loser,” he giggled.
“Wait, wait, I can do better than that. Somebody call the fire department, ‘cuz this guy is smokin’.”
“Is this you attempting to flirt with me? Corny pickup lines and cheesy one-liners? You really think that’s the key to my refined and sophisticated heart?”
“Well? Is it working?” Spidey asked in whisper, the words curling upwards just like the goofy smile Johnny knew he had on behind his mask. The Human Torch rolled his eyes.
“You’re lucky you’re cute,” he mumbled fondly. The two of them kept their faces and bodies angled forward as they spoke, daring not to show any physical displays of affection with so many eyes on them.
“Pretty lousy atmosphere for a first date, if you ask me,” Spidey continued, quiet and coltish. “Some orchids or candles would’ve been nice.”
“You want to count this as our first date?” Johnny whispered back. “I was planning to take you somewhere with much better ambiance and way fewer older sisters around. Maybe rent a gondola and a string quartet or something. But if you’d like, we can always save that for date number two.”
Spider-Man shrugged. “Either way. Your idea does sound a lot more romantic than the humiliation ritual we’re about to be subjected to...”
Johnny ventured a look at the rows of heroes sitting in the arena’s viewing room and grimaced. “Especially with my teammates watching,” he said gravely. His gaze swiveled to his feet, and he swallowed. “I am so not good at this ‘keeping secrets’ thing, Webs. I really like you, and am obviously terrible at hiding it.” His hands knotted into fists at his sides. “So if you’re set on keeping this thing on the down low, we’ve really gotta sell the whole ‘platonic super bros’ shtick. We can’t do anything that even suggests that we like each other like that. Not with them watching us like fish in a bowl.”
Spidey faced him then, head drooping a bit. “I’m sorry I’m making you lie to your teammates,” he murmured. “I know firsthand how complicated it can get.”
“It’s all right. I lie to them about all kinds of stuff all the time.” Johnny smiled apologetically. “I just wish I was better at it.”
Spider-Man scratched the back of his neck. “Lucky for us, we’ll probably be too busy getting blasted by drones or pummeled by robotic thugs to do anything remotely romantic-y looking while we’re in here.”
Johnny elbowed him in the side. “Well, double lucky for us: we’ve done this exact drill in real life already, and won. I can’t imagine fake thugs or drones being any harder to beat than those insane kidnappers we fought.” Mischief tugged at the corners of his lips as he tucked his hands politely behind his back, raising his chin and tracing his gaze along the outline of Spidey’s throat. “And after we win this,” Johnny added, “I’m gonna drag you somewhere no one will bother us and spend the rest of the afternoon sucking on your neck until it’s all one big hickey. Sound good?”
A noise sputtered out of the masked hero that sounded like a cross between a cough and a squeak. Johnny clapped him triumphantly on the back as he strolled forward, whispering in his ear as he close as he dared as he passed by. “Best leave the flirting to the professionals, bug boy.”
TA-DA!! this feels so wrong but i hope it gives you a fun little taste of what’s to come heeheeHEEEE
#asks#kind reader friends#anon#pls be gentle#it’s my first time…posting a snippet from an unfinished chapter lol#but heehee johnny is gonna be insufferable#and pete a little awk cutie patootie#my writing
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okay so imagine buck coming home from a long day and you know that so you run him a bath and it's v relaxing and maybe a lil spicy?? idk you take the reins, i just am a sucker for good ole pampering your partner
Relax - E. Buckley
I’m in love with him and I’m not sorry
Not edited and prob complete shit, but idc
“You look terrible.”
“I literally just walked through the door and that’s how you greet me after a twenty-four hour shift?”
“Hi honey.” You grinned as you walked over to him, your hands brushing against his chest softly, “You look like shit.”
Buck tossed his head back as he laughed before pressing his lips to yours, a painful groan leaving his lips.
“Rough day?” You asked as you wrapped your arms around him, your hands rubbing at his mid back.
“Yeah.” He sighed, “Eddie was being a dumbass and bumped into me as we were going up the stairs to the kitchen and I fell down the stairs.” He said as he winced, “messed my back up pretty good.”
“Please tell me Bobby made you stay at the fire house after that.” You sighed.
“He tried. I told him I was fine, went to a fire and when I got inside the building, a ceiling tile and some debris hit my back.” He explained even more, “Turns out, that stuff weight more than it looks. Made it worse so he made me stay the rest of the day.” He shrugged as his thumbs rubbed at your collarbones, “Luckily for him, he doesn’t have any paper work to do so I’m sure Athena is happy he’s home early tonight.”
“Oh I’m sure she is.” You grinned up at him, “i couldn’t imagine having a job I love so much that I don’t come straight home after I’ve hurt myself.” You chuckled.
“I love what I do- you know this.” He whispered, “If I have a chance to be out in the field, you know I’m going to take it; whether I’m hurt or not.” He said, “I couldn’t see myself being anything other than a firefighter.”
“I know,” you replied as your hands kept rubbing at his back through his t-shirt, “That’s why you’re best at what you do,” you added, “Although you do think with your heart more than your head and it is going to get you hurt one of these days.” You sighed.
“I know.” He chuckled before wincing in pain. You slowly let go of your sweet boyfriend, his arms coming up to rub the sides of your arms.
“How about I run you a bath and you just relax for a while?”
“Mhm- I’d love that.” He grinned down at you as he started to tug his LAFD t-shirt off, revealing the bruise on his back from where he had hit the stairs.
“I think the stairs won that battle.” You stated as your fingers softly danced across the purple and brown splotch on his back.
“How bad is it?”
“Well, it doesn’t look good.” You chuckled sarcastically causing him to roll his eyes at you.
You walked up the stairs in your apartment as he went towards the kitchen, slowly unpacking his lunchbox from his last shift.
“I got it, E. Don’t worry about it.” You hollered behind you, “You’ve had a long twenty four hours, just rest.”
“I don’t need your help.” You laughed from the bathroom as you heard him let out a frustrated groan as he trudged up the stairs, his hands working on the buckle of his navy blue uniform pants.
“It smells like straight lavender in here.” He chuckled as he pulled the belt from the loops before popping the button on his pants, “A little help?” He cheekily grinned.
“I think you’ve got it handled, Buckley.” You rolled your eyes as you patted his thigh.
Buck quickly got undressed, him gingerly slipping into the bathtub- you watching intently as his muscles flexed with every movement.
His eyes danced across your face, slowly trailing down your body as you sat on the floor next to him. His hand came up out of the water, slowly interlacing his with yours.
“Wanna join me?” He asked as he slowly pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, his eyes still locked on your face.
“Baby, that bathtub is the size of your salary, which is to say, very small.” You said as you gave him a lopsided smirk, knowing it would annoy him.
He tossed his head back as he let a groan leave his lips.
“And besides, you’re hurt,” you pointed out, “You’re not getting lucky at all tonight- the most ass something will be getting is that bed once you get out of the bath.”
You curled up into Buck’s chest, his arms wrapped protectively around you.
“Thank you for doing that.” He murmured into your hair, his hand coming up to soft brush through it, “I really appreciate it.”
“You’d do it for me.” You replied as you leaned up to look at him.
Buck took the opportunity, him immediately pressing his lips against yours.
You kissed back as his tongue swiped over your bottom lip. His hands gripped at your sides causing you to let out a gasp.
You broke away from Buck, his mouth agape as he watched you press soft kisses to his chest, his hands slowly guiding you down by your shoulders.
You made your way down his torso, nipping and sucking in certain spots.
His strong hands continued to push down before you came back to your senses, realizing that this shouldn’t be happening. Not right now- at least.
“Evan- no.” You whispered as you pulled back, “You’re hurt and I’m not risking it.”
“I’m fine, Y/N,” he started, “I promise.”
“You’re lying, you whore.” You laughed, “Once you’re better and it’s your next off day, we won’t leave this bed.”
“Oh Buckley, you’re mine once you’re feeling better.”
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An shiraishi, ena shinonome, rui kamishiro x gn! Sleepy! Reader
An shiraishi
໒꒱is probably impressed by how easily you can fall asleep, one second ago you were talking and now you're snoring..
໒꒱She would probably take out her phone and take pictures of you, to tease you when you wake up, but if she isnt in the teasing mood she'll play with your hair, would even humm your favorite songs
໒꒱would try to be quiet as much as possible to not wake you up, if you did wake up she'll feel very guilty and would try to make you fall asleep again.
˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * . . ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * .lil story. ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * . . ݁ ˖ ࣪ . . ݁*
It was a normal afternoon at weekend garage, you and an both chat about gossips and about your life, everything was going well.. until you started feelling sleepy.. you tried to figh your eyes to stay up but it wouldnt, it would be rude to just fall asleep when your friend is talking
"One sec, ill go get us some water!" An hurries off and grabs a water pitcher and pours some water on two glass for you both, when she came back she found you fast asleep, resting your head on the table, an chuckles and places the glass gently onto the tabe, then sat beside you
"Asleep already?" She chuckles at herself then brushes your hair with her hand gently as not to wake you up, she continued brushing your hair until she heard you groan. She then stops brushing your hair afraid that it might wake you up "continue.." you mumbled, an paused for a moment, then smiled and continued brushing your hair "youre even greedy when your asleep.." she teased
Rui kamishiro
꩜if he sees you sleeping in any place thats not a bed he would carry you and place you on a more suitable area
꩜is very very quiet, when he sees you sleeping, he would put a blanket over you just to keep you warm
꩜if you do happen to fall asleep on him he'll smile to himself, despite looking calm hes screaming eternally inside, giggling and blushing he just cant wait to tell you about this when you wake up
꩜would tease you when youre finally awake, showing you his gallery which is just pictures of you sleeping, he would edit some of the picture and doodle them or add a sticker, "y/n~~ look its a beautiful picture of you~~" he cooes showing you an edited picture of you sleeping
˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * . . ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * .lil story. ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * . . ݁ ˖ ࣪ . . ݁*
You recently found yourself tutoring your classmate, you didnt know how you got into this and wanted to escape fast it was soo tiring to tutor him, he always answered with the most stupidest responses, not knowing he was only doing this just to spend more time with you♡
You sighed under your breath, at this point you already give up "i give up.." you mutter, rui looks over at you and pleads dramatically "ehhhh.. why? Dont give up on mee.. pleasee? Lets just take a break!" He suggested You groaned and decided to give him a chance. "Fine, but we're not taking any breaks until you learn a thing or two got it?" Rui quickly nodded with a smile
"this separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. Im giving you three minutes to answer." You said sternly, rui knew the answer to this ofcourse but.. he decided to play dumb for a while.. "hmm... hmmmm.." he thinks while making some humming noise while doing so he suddenly stops when he felt someones head on his shoulder.
"y/n..?" He added, he was about to wake you up but he saw the peacefulness in your face, he didnt wanna ruin your sleep! After all it was his fault you got tired.. He continued sitting there, his hands shaking like crazy, trying to sit still but he cant.. not when someones head is in his shoulder, its not just someone, its his crush.. rui then grabs the blanket from the floor then wraps it around the both of you
"told you we should take a break.." he teases, he then chuckles at himself "have a good rest y/n.." he says before slowly drifting to joining you in your sleep.
Ena shinonome
✿at first she would wake you up when you fallen asleep on her, but as you two kept spending more time together she doesnt wake you up, instead he hums and plays with your hair while your sound asleep
✿if you do manage to fall asleep on her shoulder or lap she would blush like crazy, she wouldn't stop squealing and shifting
✿is she does manage to calm down, she places your head onto her lap and just plays with your, not even glancing at your face cus if she does she'll be a red mess!
˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * . . ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * .lil story. ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * . . ݁ ˖ ࣪ . . ݁*
You and ena were sitting on the school bench chatting, and gossiping as usual, ena then heard you yawn, and even sees you rubbing your eyes "y/n.. are you sleepy again? Yknow you should get more sleep.. especially since your in night class.." she says calmly, not even hiding the fact that shes worried.
"im fine ena.. ill just drink some coffee and ill be awake and energized!" You added, ena only sighed "fine.. just.. dont drink too much caffeine okay? I do not want you throwing up all over the place.." you chuckled at her remarks and just nodded
You both continued talking when ena stops "oh! I forgot to tell you something!" She grabs her backpack and searches for her sketchpad "im finished with my- eh?!" She felt you head on her shoulder and was snoring, "y/n.. wake up.." she tries to shake you awake but when she sees your eyebags she just cant leave you like this!
"hmph... fine im letting this one slide.." she groans, she then placed her backpack on her lap, after that she gently holds your head and moved them to her lap, making you lay down and have a comfortable pillow..
"you should get more sleep.. you're sleepier than usual.." she points out, she sighs then looks around to see if no ones around, once the coast is clear she kissed your nose then looks away.
˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * . . ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * .bonus!. ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * . . ݁ ˖ ࣪ . . ݁*
"oh my.. what a sight.." someone spoke up, it was her brother, "why do you let them sleep on you? If i was the one sleeping you would've thrown me around.." "shush! What are you doing here anyways? Youre supposed to be home by now.." she asked "you left your phone dumbass.. i am gonna tell that akiyama person what i just saw.. itd be so funny.." "just.. shut up kay? Look if you dont tell anyone about this, ill buy you whatever you want.!" Her brother smirks "deal!" He then walks away with a proud grin on his face.
@nogenderbee 🩷
#project sekai#pjsk x reader#project sekai x reader#x reader#pjsk#vbs#ena shinonome#ena shinonome x reader#an shiraishi#an shiraishi x reader#rui kamishiro#rui kamishiro x reader#akito shinonome
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My friend Razz wants to understand my shitposting about Robin Hobb’s Farseer Trilogy, but they don’t want to actually have to read the books, so I’m summarizing it for them (and you)! (Check out all the other entries in the Farseer Trilogy Abridged series at the masterpost. Also if you think I’m funny you can send me a ko-fi from there.)
EDIT: added some strikethroughs where they were supposed to go and put something funny where I had just left the reminder to write something funny. Last Time on Dragon Book Z (rip Toriyama sensei), Fitz finally made it home from the mountains. He’d seen via Skill-o-Vision that Molly had been viked by Vikings, and he was desperate to see if she’d flagged herself ‘safe’ from Being Raided on Facebook…
The next day, Fitz is minding his own business being told by Cook Sara that he looks like shit when he spontaneously decides to climb sixty four flights of stairs. Considering that his tiny teenaged body is still 89% poison by volume and he just got home from the worst road trip of his life (so far!), by the time he gets to the top he's facedown on the floor, pushing himself along by his toes.
“Hello, Lil Accident,” Verity says, putting down his binoculars. “Wow, you look like shit.”
“So I’ve been told,” Fitz mumbles to the floor. ”You look a lot less skeletal than when I last saw you.“
”Thanks! I had sex.“
Fitz tries to get up and fails. ”I didn't even know you'd be up here.”
“Aha, but you see, I Skilled you here, and you didn't even know it. In fact I've been balls-deep in your brain for a week with you none the wiser, because this is a thing I can do with the Skill.“
Fitz spits out a mouthful of dust. ”Wow, when do I get to learn that kind of thing?“
”Never,“ Verity smiles, turning back to the window. ”Come look at my ships.“
Dragging himself up to the windowsill, Fitz peeks out. “Neat! We'll be able to defend ourselves against the Vikings with these for sure!“
”Yes,” Verity growls. “And I can't wait to continue the cycle of violence by going all the way to the Viking home planet and viking them back!“
Somewhere downstairs, the Fool rubs his temples, sighing loudly.
”Anyway, now that I've forced you to climb all the way up here, let's go back down so I can get something to eat.” Verity picks Fitz up by the scruff of his neck. “I want to hear all about your little trip to the Big Onion.“
They head down to Verity's man cave, and after watching 'ASSASSIN'S APPRENTICE ENDING EXPLAINED— WHAT REALLY HAPPENED TO AUGUST,' Verity reads the comments, most of which point out that Regal should have totally died in a fire for plotting to kill his own brother and murdering a bunch of the wedding party.
Fitz looks at the hay bale in the corner, where the Fool is updating his Linkedin. ”Listen, I have a way bigger part in this book than the last one,“ the Fool says without looking up. ”I'm not gonna have time to re-explain who everybody is to you whenever you want. I've got a big death scene coming up.“
”You're going to die?!“ Fitz cries.
”Someone is,“ the Fool murmurs.
”You're probably wondering why I haven't punished Regal for any of the stuff he did last book,“ Verity says, steepling his fingers. ”And the truth is, I'm not going to, because he'll just throw a temper tantrum about it and I don't want to deal with that.“
”What if he tries to kill one of us again?“
”Pff, don't worry about it, Lil Accident.“ Verity waves him off. ”You can take tomorrow off to go look for your dead girlfriend.“
Fitz stands up. ”Thanks Prince Verity, I'm gonna go have a seizure before bed.“
But as soon as he steps out of the room, Lacey jumpscares him and drags him off to go see Lady Patience, who is laying in a pile of her current hyperfixations. ”You missed the wedding,” she says accusingly.
”Sorry, Mrs. My Dead Dad's Wife,“ Fitz sighs. ”Regal tried to, uh, do whatever the opposite of poisoning me and trying to drown me is, and now whenever I get excited I fall over.“ He accepts a glass of wine from Lacey, then dumps it over his head. “I've gotta move on to the next plot point now.”
Fitz is staggering up the stairs, leaving a wet smear of Rosé after him, when a Servant Girl comes to take his arm. “Here, sir,” she says sweetly. “Let me help you weave drunkenly back to your chambers. Wouldn't want you falling down the stairs and breaking your stupid lying neck.”
“Thanks, mysterious servant girl. You can drop me off at the corner, I’ll walk from here.”
But instead of letting him have a seizure in peace, the Servant Girl punches him in the gut and kicks him in the nads, because she's Molly!
“Holy shit, you're alive!” Fitz sobs. “Oh man, I had a vision that you got viked, it was awful—”
Molly kicks him in the nads again. “I did get viked, and afterwards I came here looking for you to ask you to loan me some cash, or get married to me. My dumb ass went around to all the servants going 'hey, have you seen the scribe's apprentice, he looks just like FitzChivalry Farseer,' and someone filmed me and made a TikTok titled 'tfw you find out your boyfriend is really The Bastard.'”
“Oh,” Fitz cringes.
“Yeah 'oh,'” Molly says. “It has sixteen million views and hashtag Cat-Fitzed is trending on Twitter.”
“It's called X now,” Fitz squeaks. “What about the older, hotter guy I saw you walking off with?“
”That was my cousin,“ Molly snarls. ”Do you think I'd date someone with an earring?“
“Gosh, it's a good thing I don't wear one of those,” Fitz says, polishing his collar.
”Anyway, you're gross and I hate you,“ Molly declares. ”Do not, under any circumstances, continue to attempt to woo me. Goodbye.”
Despite Fitz's best efforts, he continues to have a seizure any time he tries to do anything except have a seizure. Even into the next day, he's still ragdolling like a character in a seventy dollar video game on release day. The Fool appears briefly to catch a glimpse of Fitz in his underwear, but before they can do any real flirting, Lacey and Patience show up again.
“Listen, Prince Dumbass,” Patience says, “you fucked up bigtime letting Molly think she was in your league. She came here thinking you'd grown up in a double-wide same as her, drinking off-brand kool aid and saving butter containers to use as tupperware. When people found out you lied to her, they started calling her a hump-and-dump.”
“But we never even humped,” Fitz objects.
“And it's a good thing, too, because as royalty you're only allowed to hump at the King's pleasure. Princes are not allowed to run around sticking their dick in whoever they want, that's how we ended up with you. You'd just make a bunch more Fitzes, and we don't have enough paid extras anymore to traumatize *all* of those kids.”
“We could drown them,” Lacey suggests, working on a cross-stitch that says 'GALS BEING PALS.'
”They wouldn't be Fitzes if me and miss Molly got married,“ Fitz says. ”I'll just go and do that real quick.“
Patience whacks him in the head with a rolled up newspaper. ”No! You're going to marry whoever the King tells you to marry, and no one else. We learned our lesson with Chivalry: we can never, ever allow you to have any control over your life whatsoever, and that includes caring about anyone other than whoever is wearing a crown that day. Besides, didn't you already sign a contract to do whatever King Shrewd told you to do without question forever?”
“I was nine, I don't really feel like that was binding—”
Patience grabs Fitz by the front of his shirt and jerks him forward. “Do not,” she says, “have sex with Molly. Do NOT have sex with Molly. DO NOT HAVE SEX WITH MOLLY.”
“No promises,” Fitz shrugs. “Hey, do you have a backstory other than being the ADHD widow of my deadbeat dad?”
Patience runs away crying. As soon as she's gone, Chade shows up. “Hey,” he says gently. “Don't cry. Kettricken's dad roped her into a political marriage and now she's miserable and lonely. That can happen for you, too.”
“This sucks,” Fitz moans.
“Remember not to have sex with Molly,“ Chade says as he crawls back into his wall-hole.
”Whatever. I'm going down into town to find my soulmate.”
Fitz, wearing his slouchiest beanie, his blackest hoodie, and his unhappiest expression of teenaged angst, stomps down the road into Buckkeep town, hands shoved in his pockets. “Stupid Farseers,” he mutters. ”Always hasslin' me and tellin' me what to do. What do they know? Man, nobody understands what it's like to be me.“
*Oh, you you think you got it bad, little bitch boy?*
The entire fandom erupts into cheers and applause as the character in possession of the single teaspoon of sense in the entire series arrives.
Fitz looks up, snarling, and locks eyes with a wolf trapped in a cage labeled 'ESSENTIAL NPC'. The angry little ball of fluff is just one of many wares sold by a dude in a full body fursuit. “Good morrow, emo child,” Fursuit says, oozing greasily forward. “I see you eyeballing that young cub. You know, an animal like that could really be useful if, say, you were a royal Bastard with Doctor Doolittle magic who was sent out to fight zombies a lot.“
”I'll trade you a pack of gum for him,“ Fitz offers.
”He's worth way more than that,“ Fursuit says. ”I went through all the trouble of building a rocketship for his wolf-mother and wolf-siblings so they could return to their home planet.“
*I'll kick your ass! I'll kick everyone's ass! I'll kick my own ass!!*
*'Shut up, I'm negotiating!'*
”A pack of gum AND this cool rock I found,“ Fitz bargains expertly, then kicks Fursuit in the shin, grabs the wolf, and runs off.
Fitz carries Wolfcub back up to Buckkeep, looking forward to the 'wrestling with a wild animal to show dominance' scene, but then realizes that the cub is too weak and tiny to put up a good fight. What was even the point of having a pet wolf if he couldn't have a badass fight with it and then stand shirtless against the sunrise? Also, Fitz has already had two canines in his life bond to him and then have to return to their home planets, and he's kind of tired of that happening.
*'My apartment has a no pets policy, so you're gonna have to stay in the tool shed,'* he tells Wolfcub. *'Don't wit-bond to me.'*
Then, with nothing better to do, he leaves to go do the thing Patience and Chade explicitly told him not to: Have Sex With Molly. ”The fuck is wrong with you lately?“ Burrich asks, some days later while he and Fitz are hanging out at the bar.
Fitz sighs. ”I keep trying to have sex with Molly, but things are always getting in the way of my dick," he says mournfully.
”Mm. Been there,“ Burrich mutters, pulling down his sleeve to cover up his 'PATIENCE CHIVALRY BITTERNESS AND BURRICH 4 EVER' tattoo. ”Which one is Molly?“
”The hot one that kicks people in the nuts.“
”Oh, yeah. Half my age. I like that in a girl,“ Burrich says, and everybody decides to just go with it. ”Here's my advice to you: give up and move on. Get your post-rejection glow up, and your girl will go off to marry someone else.“
”That sounds like it sucks,“ Fitz says doubtfully. “When do I finally get to have sex with her?”
Burrich grins. “That's the neat thing! You don't.”
The next morning, Fitz gets out of bed, takes a big, cleansing breath, then puts his earbuds in and turns on his Montage Song.
“Time for that glow up,” he says really loudly because he can't hear himself over the music.
'Cause baby you're a firework
Fitz wrapping measuring tape around his bicep and frowning;
come on and show 'em what you're worth
running laps around the castle with Wolfcub chasing after him;
make 'em go oh! oh! Oh!
standing on one foot like in Karate Kid while Pat Morita decomposes nearby;
as you you shoot across the sky-ay-ay
Burrich taking away his AXE body spray and shoving him into the shower;
baby you're a firework!
carb-loading at the local Fantasy Pizzeria;
come on and let your colors burst
lifting weights while Wolfcub tries to bite him;
make 'em go oh! oh! Oh!
measuring his bicep again, and nodding in satisfaction.
you're gonna leave 'em all in awe, awe, awe
“I'm bored,” Kettricken sighs as she and Fitz hang out with Kettricken's entourage. “I wish Verity would get me pregnant.“
”How can you be bored with fifty people constantly offering to play with you?“ Fitz says. ”Also, ew.“
”I could be back home fighting bears and lifting sacks over my head,” Kettricken whines, “but I'm stuck here in Lamesville with these boring losers and my husband is constantly off doing Skill stuff instead of having sex with me. Lady Modesty is constantly suggesting we watch the 2005 version of Pride and Prejudice,” she adds, disgusted.
Fitz slaps her. “Your job here isn't to be butch! This castle has been a fucking sausage party for years, and the best person to Girlboss it up is you. That means making moodboards, drinking iced coffees, doing each other's nails and YES, watching the objectively worse version of Pride and Prejudice! Look at Lady Hopeful, she's unironically singing along to 'I Knew You Were Trouble'! Now suck it up, buttercup, and go watch the part where Mr. Darcy confesses his love to Elizabeth!”
“Yes sir,” Kettricken mumbles.
“Bastard, first name The?“ a messenger says as he clips through the wall. ”King Shrewd finally wants to see you.“
Fitz stands up, brushes himself off, and heads up to Grandpa's house...
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Nintendo rant like thing (Idk):
I personally hope in the future, nintendo re-adds music to menus in their devices e.g. nintendo eshop music and home menu music.
Not just a funky noise or cool startup music for things like eshop (the funky noises and eshop startup for switch is nice but its like trying to itch a scratch on your face by wiping your shoulder against it, its not very effective), but music that's always playing.
That's a reason why I really love old consoles like the wii and 3ds, the music is fun to hear! It would make the consoles feel more fun and cool instead of them only feeling like they're there to make money.
Interacting with a wii or 3ds feels like it was made to be fun, a switch feels like capitalism (that prolly doesnt make sense, but thats the words I have for it right now, I can always make it make more sense later)
Thanks for listening to my lil rant thing, what do yall think about menu music on consoles (nintendo, XBOX, PS, etc, whatever consoles you know about and find interesting)
Edit- adding onto 3 months ago me's points, switches just feel so soulless because they lack stuff like that. The lack of cool music, sweet lil menu animations and ZERO mii integration to the point where I had to look quite hard to find mii maker just make it feel very meh.
And with the announcement of the switch 2, there comes new potential and hope that nintendo will readd these cool things that EVERYONE wants back. Equally, considering the joycons have pretty much none of the colour of their predecessors (apart from some dulled red and blue around the joystick and side attachments), it removes SO much hope of getting the cool stuff back.
It's clearly been made to look more sleek and adult, which another tumblr user (oneriderrat101) mentioned in a post which made a good point about how it's being made less and less for younger audiences (their post explains this really well, look at it for more explanation), which is a big loss for them, since as @oneriderrat101 says, takes away the last console made with them in mind.
Hopefully the switch 2 will be more like 3ds's or wii u's and have pretty music, animations and good use of miis, as well as being given more colourful joycon options and keeping the all-ages appeal to it's games library and appearance after it's been out for a few months, but looking at how it looks rn and how apparently it will only have 2 colour options on release (with im assuming the dulled joycon colours for both black and white) doesn't bring much hope
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you know, as if it wasnt already boring enough that both link and zelda got back to their 'perfect' physical selves without any consquences from all that happened, the fact that zelda doesnt even remember anything either is just adding insult to injury
although it was also a lil disappointing at the end of botw that zelda didnt age even a little bit or had any other physical change at least she was conscious during the time she sealed calamity ganon in the castle and it overall feels less illogical
when you get the mastersword back in totk you get a cutscene of zelda with it after she had already transformed which kinda .... is weird? she seemed pretty awake there, and it being right after transforming is strange since the mastersword was already restored in that cutscene, i would expect it to be a slow progress- that said .. it also seemed like her soul was doing pretty fine, unlike how mineru said that you lose your soul when you do the dragon thingy; i guess it could be that that was jsut a thing that was believed without knowing if its true but ... why even mention it then, just to dangle some consequence in front of us only to reveal there wasnt any danger actually?
also someone (i think) commented once that zelda being turned back in that weird way was meant to be that she got time reversed .. which ... okay??? the teleport to that weird nakey floating dimension is still a weird choice to me (yes i know its probably the spirit realm or soemthing and thats why the ghosts that went poff already were there but it still feels off to me) .. aynway, i guess it was meant that ghost sonia + rauru did the give power to link thing that sonia and zelda did to rauru when he magic laser blasted all those poor moldoras (and never does it again ... why not magic laser blast away gan instead he was pretty openly standing on that rock problem solved hfldshnflsnjlfs) and that time reversed the dragon thing .... but aside from the symbol for the time thingy lighting up theres no indication for it if i remember right? its just some awkward looking magic beam blast save zelda edition (tm) why not at least include the clear tök sound that goes off when you use time reversal in game? would it have been both more clear AND cool if link was still standing on her head, the world gets that spirit realm filter like it did in skyward sword to indicate that theres a shift, then have the ghosties appear and let you as the player select time thingy and then her, ghosties give you their energy and the sound of time reversal goes off, the schemes of the world below goes black and white and start to shift; you dont need to literally show the path zelda had been flying over those thousands of years, but make the world a blurry mess and let the music speed up so you feel like you are actually doing something and then she turns back maybe near the temple of time (zonau edition) so its near the place where she was last human, the filters and ghosts disappear and whoop you got your epic falling scene ... but i would like to have zelda still remember it, otherwise it just feels .. weirdly manipulative? like lets reverse your brain and memory zelda no dont worry i meant good lmao trust me
that is if it was meant to be read as a time reversal on her .... but then i question why it wasnt used beforehand? couldnt you have done that to ganondorf even? if sonia and rauru can give you enough energy as ghosts then why couldnt sonia reappear after getting one-punche-mand-to-death or when you fight gan in the present time? is the excuse that he was so miasmafied or deep below the earth that the spirit world thing isnt in reach? couldnt you have done it after he did the dragon thing then? or is it a one time thing so they saved it for zelda? but then why didnt sonia get her ghost ass back there immediately after she died and time revrsed gan getting the enigma stone? ALSO if it was a time reversal on zelda where did the stone go??? shouldnt it be time reversaled out of her in some way to undo the dragon thing? where it go?? also to time reversal a body gotta be different to getting her soul back?? or was it just never gone so what mineru said about the risk was literally jsut so it seemed more tragic when it really wasnt??? like the apparent possibilty that the time reversal CAN be used on living things and not just objects makes me question it all even more?
(also was it meant to imply that rauru somehow through his arm got them both into the ghosty dimension?? bc how did they get there, and why cant they do it again? if spirits are fine over there even if they already went poof then why act so sad about mineru fking off like that? just go back there and say hi? njfkdnjkdj)
like im sorry i cant help but overthink all of this, with every supposedly explanation i just question it more?? i dont want to sound like one of those guys that go -OoHoh there was no clear text explanation for it so i dont knooooOOOOoOw i dont know how to use ma braiiin it makes no seeeensee- or maybe i am? i dont need an explanation for everything, in fact i LIKE when there are unexplained things, but it still has to feel .. whole? there are unexplained things that make a world and story feel more mystical without taking you out of it, but theres also a way to leave things both over AND underexplained with it seemingly contradicting itself or it just trusting that you take it all at face value and never think about it that it just feels off, the the first big moment where i felt SO taken out of the game i felt actually stunned was when i was at the shrine of life and it wasnt there anymore, at all, the cave shaped like a vague imitation of it, i felt like the game was laughing at me for being so distraught about it, like what you remember and care about the game this new one was supposed to be a sequel to? lmao, anyway theres a puddle of healing water :)))
idk i just ... if its not obvious already zelda is my special thingy so of course i overthink and criticize it in ways that may seem insane to the average person, but thats just how i work i guess :/
(i am still too thinking so much about how it all feels like such an afterthought, like especially with the weird time bubbles that literally NEVER COME UP AGAIN???? WHAT WAS THE POINT??? AND WHERE DID THEY COME FROM??? and why youd choose to suddendly give zelda time powers out of nowhere and then basically not do anything with it?? zelda astral projecting to the temple of time somehow even tho her soul was lost but is also fine just to give you the time reversal gimmick is so ?? oh wow look at that zelda gave you her sage oath before you even knew about them look how coool ok but how? and why? it wasnt the actual engima stone you touch to go into ghosty world either just like a .. a weird ghost of it, it just feels off man, ok you got zelda out the way and have your neat gimmicks and uuuh dang we need to find a way to give them to you idk lol listen, i KNOW you are not supposed to question it, i KNOW they always go gameplay over story but goddamn the story ruined the gameplay for me bc everytime i think about playing it again i just get reminded of the things that dont make sense or are just so .. lackluster in ways that even botws worst parts didnt)
#ganondoodles talks#ganondoodles rants#zelda#totk#totk spoilers#just to be safe#man i just#i keep thinking#i cant help but keep thinking#why
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so. dimension 20 did a collab w heroforge and gave us this:
so OF COURSE I had to try and recreate these versions of the bad kids. looking at d20's minis and recreating them in heroforge is a favorite pastime of mine, and I've already made several iterations of the bad kids in heroforge. I'm interested to see how they compare!
for reference: the special items HF made for this collab are
Kristen's staff of doubt
the elven battle sheet
aguefort letterman's jacket
adaine's jacket of useful things
the infaethable bass
the infaethable wah-wah pedal
gorgug's artificer bandolier
The Ball's briefcase
2 decals - the aguefort A and a question mark
everything else goes beneath the cut bc no one should be subjected to the amount of detail I am about to go into without full consent
Riz first!
Pretty much the only thing I couldn't match was that the decals for those runes on his gun in the picture aren't actually available for that gun (at least not in vanilla HF).
he has "elf ears" which is bonkers considering HF has many goblin & goblin-adjacent ears
yes, The Ball's briefcase is just the normal briefcase model with TB on it, but hey they tried! I think they wanted to make a thing for each character, and they made 2 for both Fabian (the sheet and the jacket) and Fig (the bass and the wah-wah pedal) so they went light on Riz since his gear is pretty well-represented by stuff already in HF.
I couldn't get his eyes to look as dead as they do in the announcement, but I think it's close.
this is one of the new face presets - "Strong Steady Features". I don't care for it, both in general and for Riz specifically.
compared with (my recreation of) Riz' actual mini for FHJY (made way way before these features were added and before the new faces were added as well)
same hair, same gun, same shoes, same pants, but the ears? "fey ears". none of this elf shit. fascinating.
now he DOES have "half-orc ears", but his pants? "bard's pants" 0.0
not one of the new faces, but "heavy face" with a bunch of new edits applied
compare to (my recreation of) Gorgug's actual fhjy mini
the funniest thing is that at first glance it looks like they have the same shoes but the actual mini has the "beat up" version of the HF announcement shoes lol
fig ALSO has "elf ears" despite technically being half-elf, but I'll forgive it this time. this jacket though...there is a leather jacket in heroforge. it rocks. but they chose instead to do the 'apogee crop jacket' (a sci-fi vibe) and just. color is all black? ok.
yes they put the wah-wah pedal in the update but you can't see it in the announcement
though they do have the fishnet pattern in HF, there is no decal for the kind of fishnets you see in the announcement.
she also has vampire teeth. make of that what you will.
she has one of the old face presets - "elegant features"
compare to (my recreation of) Fig's actual fhjy mini
at first I 100% thought the apogee crop jacket was just a HF announcement thing but the actual mini has it too!! bonkers. it's almost identical otherwise.
now you'd think! that the one elf! in the party! would just have normal elf ears! NO. maybe it's just the weird angle the shot is taken at in the HF announcement, but the ONLY way i could recreate what it looked like was by some Wild advanced posing with half-elf ears
also her pose is just so weird.
the jacket rocks tho
compared to (my recreation of) Adaine's actual FHJY mini
mostly the same clothes, but with actual elf ears. also the boggy is not screen-accurate they fully made their own boggy in the show. more of an action pose, adaine in combat.
he is. terrifying.
i love how since fabian isn't actually wearing a letter jacket in his mini, they try to like. sneak the silver/black aesthetic of his official art & mini into the weird lil brick pattern on his shirt
these pants are. hakama w kyana. it was the Only pants that looked right. why???
you cannot actually put the A decal where it would go on a letterman jacket. this was extremely difficult to achieve w a lot of creative finagling.
he does have half-elf ears at least. thank god.
someone give this man his cheeks back boy got shrinkwrapped
compare to (my recreation of) Fabian's actual fhjy mini
the actual fabian mini does have a real battlesheet the ribbons are an approximation.
his hair is more silver/gray than white
still half-elf ears thank god.
and finally Kristen!
honestly very similar to her actual mini, just different hair and face. also freckles less dramatic.
my recreation (of her actual mini) doesn't have the right hair bcthey combined 2 hairs for her - "feathered bowlcut" and some other one that makes it look longer.
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a bit different from my usual content but i've been trying out making character edits so i made redesigns/headcanons of some of the demon slayer hashira !! :D

i'll put any changes i made under the cut but lmk if you like it or want to see any characters done first cause its really fun to do >:]
tomioka giyuu
i actually didn't do a ton of changes for him ! i like his design a lot but after seeing fanarts of him with a tan/curly hair/freckles i think it altered my dna a tiny bit so i included it :"] also gave him white pupils, red eyeliner (? is it eyeliner?? some kinda makeup i think) along the bottom corners of his eyes and added a fish-scale pattern onto the red side of his haori!! get it. fish scale. water hashira. yeah. i feel like it adds kinda foreshadowing too if u think about who he got it from (iykyk)
2. kanroji mitsuri
as much as i love love love mitsuri i feel like her design didn't do her a ton of justice !!! i really wanted to lean in to her pink color scheme since she's the love hashira so thats why i changed her haori color (and added sakura blossom patterns) but i also made her skirt a little longer/made the unbuttoned part of her uniform a heart shape (theres no way girlie isn't uncomfortable fighting in that), added a gradient/changed the blue on her socks, gave her more moles/heart pupils, made her hair into one big braid tied w/ a ribbon and with flowers woven into it !! also she has a more rosy skin tone now cause i feel like it works better with her palette. + i made her a lil chunky ^__^
3. shinazugawa sanemi
honestly he's one of my favorite designs so didn't change him a ton but i added a cloud pattern to his haori (it might have been too cropped to be one ??) and added more length to the hem, its just tucked under his belt :D also i edited his smile a little for a bit more spook factor (although i also think if he was smiling not-evily that it would make him look sweeter too so . depends on the circumstance??) i also added different types of scar tissue on his arms/face/chest because the way all of his scars were very harsh and jagged and the same color was kinda jarring imo even if im sure it was to make it easier on the animators which is totally cool !! however i did try to add variation :D
4. kocho shinobu
live laugh love shinobu!! i didn't change her a lot either but it was honestly a missed opportunity to not make her haori in the shape of butterfly wings so i edited it with that idea in mind to the best of my ability!! also i got rid of the shine in her eyes because i feel like cloudy eyes suits her character more... also added gold butterfly decals to her belt and changed the pink parts of her outfit to match her color scheme !! i think pink is more mitsuri's thing so i wanted to give her more purples :D also changed the gradient to just the underside of her hair being purple !! i like primarily dark hair on her more to be honest !!
anyways that's it! enjoy :D
#demon slayer#kny#kimetsu no yaiba#sanemi shinazugawa#giyuu tomioka#shinobu kocho#mitsuri kanroji#idk what else to tag this#fanart#?#sure why not
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