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c-schroed · 3 months ago
Why Not Watch Some Movies Set in 2025?
Another new year has just begun, and I love to start it with a look back to how some people years ago envisioned this specific year to be (just like last year). So, I'll share with you my list of movies set in the year of 2025, based on this gorgeous Wikipedia list.
Of course, some of the movies listed there don't provide much of a vision, because they're set just a few years in the future. So, I'll focus on movies that are at least ten years old, reducing my Get Ready For '25 watchlist to 11 entries. Future me will edit this post, adding a quick review to each film after I've watched it. So, let's have a look at the movies, after the cut.
Endgame (Original title: Bronx Lotta Finale). The oldest entry in the list comes from 1983, and it shows us a run-of-the-mill post-apocalyptic New York. Seemingly, some nuclear war has happened (around 1990, as a clever Wikipedia writer deduces based on the technology shown in the film), leaving a wasteland filled with scavengers and telepathic mutants. Oh, and hunters and gladiators who fight to death for a TV show called Endgame. A Boy And His Dog meets The Running Man, as it seems. One could start worse, I guess, though the writer/director worked under a pseudonym for this, which I admit is not the best of omens. PS: I usually look at places like Youtube and Dailymotion if someone uploaded some of the older flicks, and on this lil quest I among others found a German dubbed version with Hungarian voice-over of this originally Italian flick. So if you happen to understand Hungarian (I don't), have fun with this truly pan-european edition! Wow. I admit that this flick was a better start than I anticipated. It's still not great, but the first third is very entertaining, with some nicely choreographed fights. Very wrestling-esque, very sweet. However, then all of a sudden the whole gladiator fight TV show stuff ends, and instead we get some "Bring these guys to this place" plot instead. Entertaining The Running Man ripoff becomes less entertaining Mad Max 2 ripoff. 5 out of 10 points. Oh, and I solved the riddle of the director's pseudonym: He usually made smut films, so I guess he did not want to confuse his smut film fans by putting his smut film persona into the credits of this relatively non-smut production.
Future Hunters. A movie from 1986, and yet another post-apocalyptic world. Some rebel group search for the Spear of Destiny, which allows them to travel back in time. So, I'm afraid most of the film will not happen in 2025, but 39 years earlier, where the Spear has to be reunited with its shaft (the Shaft of Destiny, I guess?) to break its curse. Or so. Raiders of the Lost Ark seems to meet Terminator, here. And we even have Robert Patrick in one of his first leading roles, five years before becoming a real Terminator. I am indeed disappointed by how little a role the year 2025 plays. The Guy From The Future even dies within the first ten minutes, and afterwards it's The Adventures of I-Wanna-Be-an-Anthropologist-One-Day And Her Boyfriend Who Will Later Play The T-1000. Poor female protagonist hardly passes the Sexy Lamp Test – The plot needs her exactly one (1) time, and this is in fact the number an actual lamp is needed for the plot, too! I admit, though, that the final third of this wild ride is a bit entertaining. Still, a movie that makes you rethink your new year's traditions. 3 out of 10 points.
Futuresport. This one is from 1998, and it was made directly for TV. The eponymous sport of the year 2025 is a mix of basketball, baseball and hockey that uses hoverboards and rollerblades, and it is used as a less lethal alternative for gang warfare. Specifically, this sport shall be used to decide who will rule over the Hawaiian Islands. When looking at this synopsis, I can't stop thinking about one of my favourite movies, the 1975 sci-fi classic Rollerball. Rollerball is set in the year of 2018, so maybe I can spin me some head canon that has Futuresport developing from Rollerball. We'll see. Nevermind that head canon dream of mine, this has nothing in common with Rollerball. It's quite entertaining, though, I'll give it that. Of the 2025 visions so far, this one is the first to show a bit of imagination, with Borg camera operators and President Chelsea. Nice. And even a Beyond Belief moment. I liked movies for less. 6 out of 10 points.
Timecop 2: The Berlin Decision. A 2003 direct-to-video sequel to the Jean-Claude Van Damme flick of 1994. Timecop part one was set in 2004, and 21 years later, in the sequel, some guy is sent to Berlin of the past. To kill Hitler. Oh my. This could be quite the ride. I think I watched part one when I was young, but I can't remember much. So maybe this year is a good opportunity for a rewatch of this Van Damme flick - though I don't think it will be needed to understand part two. The double feature DVD box is cheap to get, so we'll see. Part one is indeed not needed to understand part two. But one scene in part one makes part two quite hilarious, so I don't regret watching both. Due to quite some mangling with the timeline, however, there's not much to learn about the year of 2025. Except that we have tazers that can fry someone's brain. And that Tesla Cybertrucks kinda exist for more than 20 years already. Quite the dystopia. Oh, and at one point they indicate that all the time crimes have their court hearings and judgements before a Time Cop is sent back in time to in fact arrest the convict. Which makes sense. They're time travelers, they can get back and grab the guy whenever they want. Why not get all the the paperwork done beforehand? It still is at best a mildly entertaining flick, that most of the time looks like an okay-ish TV episode. 5 out of 10 points.
Negadon, the Monster from Mars. A 2005 animated kaiju short film from Japan, wherein a mars mission brings some monster back to earth. Which of course has to be fought with some huge robot. Sounds okay, and we're talking about 25 minutes to spend. So why not. Aww. That one was quite lovely. I mean, the character animations were straight from the Uncanny Valley, and the story was pure cliché. But it has these clumsy indie production vibes that you don't get to see very often these days. Plus, we learn that in this version of 2025 we went to the mars to start terraforming it. With nuclear weapons that melt the poles. Get nuked, Mars! 6 out of 10 points.
Repo Men. A 2010 film that shows us a 2025 where bio-mechanical organs are rented to people in need. If they can't afford the organs any more, well, the repossession is quite bloody. So basically it's 2008's Repo! The Genetic Opera, but without the cool singing. I watched this movie when it was in cinemas, and it was okayish. So, time for a rewatch. Well. Obviously the story is a bit too optimistic regarding the 2025 state of bioengineering. On the other hand, a huge and expensive organ retrieval system is so stupid that any current supermarket's self-service checkout would easily outsmart it. Oh. And I totally forgot that this flick copies not only Repo! The Genetic Opera, but also Terry Gilliam's marvellous Brazil. If this is done deliberately, though, then it's not done well, unfortunately. Which is a terrible pity. And it's even more of a pity how Repo Men starts as a razor-sharp satire that takes cutthroat capitalism word for word and has at least one (1) indeed hilarious scene, and ends as a run of-the-mill action flick whose ending betrays the biting social commentary of the exposition. 6 out of 10 points. Well, at least the Repo Men DVD has some nice extras.
Zebraman 2: Attack on Zebra City. Some Japanese superhero flick from 2010, of course it's a sequel to a film called Zebraman, from 2004, wherein a teacher starts to fight crime in the costume of his childhood TV hero. The sequel is set 15 years after part one (so yes, Zebraman 2 is produced in the year that Zebraman 1 is set in), and Tokyo is renamed to Zebra City and now has a "Zebra Time", a daily period of five minutes where all crime is legal, but presumed criminals will be attacked by the "Zebra Police". This could be hilarious, The Purge on speed (before the first part of The Purge even existed!), but I'll keep my expectations low. And I'll try to watch part one first, because Zebraman 2 seems to use a lot of its characters. Okay. This was silly. I admit that I kinda liked the first part (although its second half was rather a let down). The idea of a daily crime legalization period is indeed not that bad; it even bears the potential for great satire, because the guys in charge treat it as an improvement of the criminal statistics. Which, of course, it is. 'Cause when you legalize crime, the statistics go down. Reminded me terribly of those "If we don't test for COVID, the COVID cases won't rise" arguments during pandemic. Nice observation, I give 'em that. However, the story quickly loses interest in this whole Zebra City idea, and instead we get to a brand-new entry onto my WTF Move Moments list. Almost a pity. 5 out of 10 points.
Pacific Rim. A 2013 instant classic. In 2025, giant kaijus must be fought with giant mechas (just as in Negadon; see above). Gosh, I love this one, but spouse hasn't seen it yet. And is highly sceptical. But when if not this year should one give this a try, right? This revisit was just as marvellous as I had hoped for! Not only did it age very well (only the score was a bit less impressive now, but that might be due to me not being in a cinema, this time) and remind me of all the little things I loved (How the ending quite perfectly mirrors Independence Day. All those nice sounds. Mako Mori's gorgeous hair!), I also noticed something lovely I'd never had noticed twelve years ago. But best of all, spouse liked it too! She found it better than expected, a very entertaining action flick full of lovely colours. Thus, a lovely evening for two. The best of this little movie project. 8 out of 10 points.
Hot Tub Time Machine 2. Four guys are sent ten years into the future by the eponymous bathing device, to find someone who tried to kill one of them. I absolutely did not like the first part, so I really feel tempted to skip this.
Mountains May Depart. A 2015 Chinese drama spanning a time from 1999 to 2025. The synopsis is full of love-triangles and family drama, so I don't suspect much of a vision of the future. Plus, it seems to be rather hard to get, so maybe I'll skip this one, too.
Ten Years. Also from 2015, this movie from Hong Kong speculates about what the semi-autonomous Hong Kong will be in ten years from then, with human rights and freedoms gradually diminishing as the influence of the Chinese government increases. I'm very curious about this one!
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title777 · 1 year ago
Laura Gemser
to watch:
Amore libero - Free Love 1974
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Emanuelle nera 1975
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Emanuelle nera: Orient reportage 1976
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Eva nera 1976
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Velluto nero 1976
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Emanuelle in America 1977
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Voto di castità 1977
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Suor Emanuelle 1977
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Emanuelle - Perché violenza alle donne? 1977
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Emanuelle e gli ultimi cannibali 1977
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La via della prostituzione 1978
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I mavri Emmanouella 1980
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Le notti erotiche dei morti viventi 1980
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Die Todesgöttin des Liebescamps 1981
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the Bushido Blade 1981
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Violenza in un carcere femminile 1982
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La belva dalla calda pelle 1982
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Blade Violent - I violenti 1983
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Endgame - Bronx lotta finale 1983
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L'alcova 1985
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thelegendaryvhs · 8 years ago
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Końcowa rozgrywka
aka Endgame
aka Endgame - Bronx lotta finale 
Director: Joe D'Amato
Film Polski Vision
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layce2015 · 7 years ago
The Wolf Among Us (Bigby Wolf x Reader)
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Chapter 6 A Light Snowfall
You and Bigby were riding in a cab, heading towards the Trip Trap, when you sighed and started to speak what had been on your mind for most of the day. "Every time I think we're getting a handle on what's going on....things just get more complicated. It feels like we're always a step behind." You said as you give a worried look to Bigby.
"The Woodman is the only lead we've got and he was one of the last people to see Faith alive. Getting some answers out of him will start to clear things up." Bigby replied.
"I hope you're right." You said as you look down, sadly. "Bigby...be honest with me. Who do you think did this?"
Bigby leans forward and places his hand on his chin, thinking for a moment before he speaks. "The Woodsman. He had the motive, he had the means." 
"You sound so sure that he's guilty?" You said, questionable.
"I don't know. That's why I need to talk to him. I don't have the whole story. Maybe he has some information that can help us out." Bigby replied. You nod at this and said. "Makes sense. That's probably the best approach."
Few more minutes of silence pass as you look out the window at the traffic. Then both of you turn to face each other to speak at the same time.
"You're doing a great--"
"I wish there was--"
Both of you stopped and turned away in embarrassment. You bite your lips and said. "Sorry."
"Go ahead. I didn't mean to cut you off." Bigby said in an apologetic tone. "No it's--it's nothing, I just..." you stopped and turned away. Bigby gives you a concern and you sigh as you continue. "It's just...we pay so much attention to the residents of the Woodlands...you forget there's a whole community out there to serve. To have to turn to prostitution. I wish there was more we could do. This isn't how I��thought it would be....but Crane runs things his own way." You said as you roll your eyes.
"You're doing your best. It's all anyone can do." Bigby said.
You smirk at this then said. "I don't know....it's just a broken system. The Fables who walk in through the back door, like Bluebeard....we have all the time in the world for them. You try and come in through the front door, through the proper channels asking for anything--needing help, well....Snow has to turn you away because Crane doesn't want these disenfranchised folks, as he puts it, wasting his time. And I feel bad for her because she's just doing what's she's told but I'm sure people hate her for turning them away."
Bigby stares at you with worry as you sigh. "Now things are worse off than they've ever been." You said.
"Well...that's not true." Bigby said.
"Right, we've had it worse, but....not by much." You said with a small smile. "Maybe, I can try to make a change from the inside....or something....I don't know." 
"You'll do the right thing. I trust you." Bigby said. He reaches out and placed his left hand over your right hand, which was placed on your lap. You look up at him and see he has a soft smile on his face. You smile back at him just as the taxi stops in front of the Trip Trap. Bigby removes his hand off of your's and looks out the window to see a bunch of shady people hanging around.
"I think I can handle it from here." He said as he turns to you.
"You sure?" You asked.
"Yeah, I'm sure." He said.
"Alright, if you're sure." You said and Bigby climbs out of the cab and shuts the door. He was heading to the door but you rolled down the window and said. "Bigby."
He stops, turns and walks back to the cab. He places his left hand on the roof of the cab and leans in to look at you. "I...um....just...be careful, please." You said to him. "The same goes for you." He replies back to you. You give him a fond smile and said. "I will." Bigby smiles then moves away from the taxi and it drives away. Bigby smiles to himself then heads for the bar.
The Trip Trap Bar
The Bronx
Bigby walks into the bar and sees only two people inside, one of them being the owner named Holly who was behind the bar. The other was the man who yelled at Bigby this morning, his name is Gren, and he was sitting on a stool, drinking. The two turned to see Bigby standing there. "What do ya want, Sheriff?" Holly asked, annoyed. 
"I'm looking for the Woodsman." Bigby replied.
"Well he's not here. So, I guess you can go now." Holly said.
"Look, I'm not even gonna ask where he is now, okay? I just wanna know the last time he was here. That's all." Bigby said.
"Who?" Holly asked, trying to play dumb.
"I'm being nice. So try again." Bigby said as he walks up to the bar and places his hands on the bar. "He hasn't been here for a few weeks." She said then she glances over at Gren, who looks away. "No...maybe...I don't know. But, yeah, he hasn't been here in a while if he's been here at all....which...I...I don't know." She said, shrugging.
"I'd just like some help, then I'll be out of here." Bigby said to her.
"Well, I'd be willing to help you out of here. Would that help?" Holly asked, sarcastically. Bigby rolls his eyes and starts to look around. A pool table in the middle of the room and it looked like it had been recently played. On the left side of the bar was a cigarette machine and on the right was the door to the bathroom. There was a jar of pickled eggs at the end of the bar on the left side, near Gren. And behind the bar was various bottles of alcohol and pictures of what Bigby assumed was customers, one of them capturing his interest. 
"He a regular?" Bigby asked Holly as he points at the picture of the Woodsman. "I don't know who you're talking about." said Holly. "The one with the bald head and the beard." Bigby replied, getting alittle impatient. "Never seen him." She said and Bigby glares at her as he looks over and noticed a glass that was still half full.
"Who's is that?" He asked Holly. "Someone who left." Holly replied. "Why didn't you dump it?" asked Bigby. Holly stares at him and shrugs just as Gren speaks up. "If you want a cleaner place, feel free to get the fuck out of here."
Bigby turns to him and said. "I'm sensing a very hostile tone from you. Don't deny it. I'm good at picking up on this stuff." Bigby starts walking over to the stool next to Gren and sits down. "Lotta stools in this place." Gren remarks. "But there's only one next to you." Bigby said to him but Gren doesn't reply back. "You gonna order something, or are you here to bother my customers?" Holly asked, angrily, as she walks up in front of Bigby.
At the mention of the word customers, Bigby looks around to see nobody else inside but the three of them. "You know what I mean." Holly sneers as Bigby turns to face her. "Gimme a Midas Gold." Bigby replied. "You wanna lime?" Holly asked, glaring at the Sheriff. "No." Bigby replied. "Well...I don't got one anyway." Holly said as she gives an evil smirk to Bigby while Gren begins to chuckle.
"Think that's funny?" Bigby asked Gren.
"Yep....think it's fucking hilarious." Gren said as he takes another swing of his drink. "It was alright." Bigby said then he turns to face Holly again and said. "This is serious, Holly. Harboring a fugitive is gonna get you in as much trouble as he is. You could lose everything."
Right when he finished, a flush of a toilet sounds out then the rushing water from the sink as someone begins to whistle. Holly looks towards the bathroom door with worry then back over to Gren, who has a small frown on his face. "Holly, you're outta paper towels in the...." the man's voice said as he comes out of the bathroom, revealing it to be Woody. He looks over and stops once he sees Bigby sitting there at the bar. Bigby smiles at him as Woody looks down in sadness then takes his seat at the far end where his drink stood.
"Number one or number two?" Bigby asked him. "For your sake, I hope it was two. Otherwise you would be shittin' your pants right now."
"You and me've been goin' at it for hundreds of years....I'm through fightin'." Woody said as he picks up his drink and sips it. "Well, Woody, that makes two of us." Bigby replied. He turns to Gren and said. "You're in luck. I've decided to switch seats." He stands up and starts to walk over to Woody but Gren raises his left hand on Bigby's chest, stopping him in his tracks. "I just want to talk. This doesn't have to go like this." Bigby said. Gren turns to face Bigby, an evil smile on his face and his right eye was completely white. "Maybe he don't want to talk to you." Gren growls. "Why don't we let him tell me that." Bigby remarks.
"It's okay, Gren." Woody assures and Gren removes his hand off of Bigby. Bigby makes his way over to the stool next to Woody and said. "It's funny....a minute ago, no one seemed to know who you were."
"Yeah....well...." Woody sighs. "Everyone knows you....Big Bad Wolf. Now I'm the bad guy and you're Sheriff. What kinda fuckin' world is that, huh?"
"C'mon Woody. You know why I'm here." Bigby said. "You wanna know what happened." Woody stated. "Amongst other things, sure." Bigby replied.
"It's funny....the shit you're willin' to do for money. I'd walk past her place for weeks....she didn't look it, but she had money. I was sure of it. And she wouldn't put up any kinda fight. I was gonna rob her. And the night I finally get up the nerve to do it....there you are....fuckin' things up for me. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time." Woody said. "What are you talking about, exactly?" Bigby asked, confused. "Red Riding Hood....her Grandmother. I was gonna rob them.....when I showed up you were already there....lying in the bed. I only saved her 'cause I thought she would give me an award.....but she didn't give me shit. 'Cept a bunch of people thinkin' somethin' I ain't." Woody replied and he drinks from his cup again. "I played along as long as I could. Only thing I was able to get from it was a free drink every now and then....huh, lotta good that did."
"I already know this story, Woody." Bigby said, exasperated. "You should. You were there." Woody said as he faces Bigby. 
"I'm not talking about Red Riding Hood. I'm here about Faith. She was murdered." replied Bigby. "What? Faith? Who's that?" Woody asked, confused. "The girl you were beatin' on this morning." Bigby replied and Woody's eyes widen in shock and horror at this. "No. No. No. No. I was here. I swear." Woody said, quickly. "It doesn't look good when a girl you were smackin' around shows up dead hours later!" Bigby said, angrily. Holly and Gren look up in shock at this as Woody turns his head away and looks down. "She's dead?" He asked, tearfully.
Woody turns to face Bigby and said, in a pleading tone. "Bigby listen....I'm a piece of shit, okay. I know that. I hit that girl. I did. And I shouldn't've but...I didn't kill her. You believe me, right?" Bigby looks over at Woody and he could see the look of desperation in his eye. He started to think maybe Woody didn't kill Faith at all. "They're gonna string me up, Bigby. Like you said, it looks fuckin' bad. It looks really bad. But I didn't do it!" Woody exclaims, desperately. "He was here. That's the fuckin' truth, Sheriff." Gren said.
"You see? Bigby, please. You can't. They'll throw me down the Witching Well. That's what they'll do and I didn't do it. You know that!" Woody begs again as Bigby glances at him before Gren slams down his glass and stands up. "Hey! Stop! This isn't what I want!" Woody shouts at Gren, who was walking towards them. "Oh, shut the fuck up, Woody!" Gren shouts. "Shit just ain't about you. It's about this fuckin' lap dog. Only comes sniffing around this part of town when the rich fucks in the Woodlands need a shakedown. Ain't that right, Bigby?" 
"It's not like that. There are problems with the way things go, I get it. But that's got nothing to do with what's happening right now." Bigby replied to him.
"Holly's sister goes missing and no on gives two shits about her. Papaerwork, waiting rooms, and that bitch Snow White looking right past me, then ushering me out the fuckin' door." Gren shouts back at Bigby as he gets up off the stool and faces Gren. "I wouldn't call her that. It's happened before and it doesn't end well." Bigby threatened. "I didn't realize you were the bitch of the bitch." Gren sneered and with that Bigby punches him in the face, making him fall back on one of the stool. Gren shakes his head and sits up. "Is that all you got?" He asked Bigby. "Seemed to be enough." Bigby replied, shrugging. "Don't be so sure." Gren said as he stands up.
A green light flashes in front of Bigby as he sees Gren turn into a large white monster with very sharp teeth and pure white eyes. "Oh. Good." Bigby mutters in a sarcastic tone as Gren gets into his face. "Should've walked out if here when you had the chance." He said. "Come on. You're scaring the lady." Bigby said to him, unfazed. "Don't worry about me." Holly said as another green light shines. Bigby looks over and sees Holly had turned into a troll. Gren smacks Bigby and he falls over to the side of the bar. He looks up to see a large stein at the end of the bar. He grabs it but Holly slams her hand over his to stop him and Gren grabs him and starts slamming him into the ceiling a few times. Bigby sees a ceiling fan next to him, grabs it and slams it against Gren. Unfortunately, it doesn't faze Gren as he slams Bigby down the ground. Bigby tries to get up but Gren grabs him and throws him across the room, slamming against the bricked wall. 
Bigby stands up just in time to see Gren pushing the pool table towards him. He jumps and lands on the table as it hits the wall then he punches Gren, but again, it doesn't bother him and he back-hands Bigby and he flies off to the side and hits the front door. Starting to regret letting (y/n) go home. Bigby thought as he gets up and Gren throws a chair at him. Bigby ducks and Gren throws a table but Bigby ducks again and leans against the wall. As Gren comes forward, Bigby looks next to him and sees a coat rack, grabs it and stabs the end of it in Gren's face. Gren smacks Bigby and pulls the rack off of his face, grabs Bigby's leg and starts slamming him all around the room, knocking him out.
Gren drags Bigby by his foot towards the bar until there was a clawing sound and suddenly he couldn't pull Bigby anymore. Gren looks over, grabs Bigby and throws him against a wall. Bigby, who's eyes were yellow and had more hair on his face and claws, turns around and growls. Gren charges at Bigby but he jumps over and uses his claws to stabs Gren in the shoulder, making him fall. Then Bigby goes and kicks him in the stomach. Gren stays down for a moment before he gets up, grabs Bigby around the middle and charges towards the other side of the room. Bigby stabs Gren in his right shoulder, causing him to scream out as he drops Bigby and falls forward against the wall, creating a giant hole.
Gren gets up, his back facing Bigby, and Bigby jumps on his back. Gren tries to shake him off but Bigby claws at his face then on his neck. Gren holds his neck but then turns and slams Bigby against the wall, where the pool sticks were hanging. Bigby grabs one and stabs it into Gren's shoulder. Gren screams out and falls to his knees. Bigby jumps off his back, pushes Gren to the side and kicks the back of his left leg. Gren scream in pain. "He's had enough!" Woody shouts at Bigby, who turns and glares at him. He turns back to face Gren then he turns away. Gren curls up and begins to cry in pain while Bigby walks over to the bar, to a frighten Holly.
"Whiskey." Bigby ordered and Holly pulls out a bottle and a small glass but Bigby grabs the small glass and throws it to the side. Holly jumps in surprise as Bigby looks up at her and growls. "Double." Holly goes behind her bar and pulls out a much larger glass, sets it on the surface and pours the whiskey. Bigby takes the glass and downs it then slams the glass down, now back to his normal human form. Bigby digs into his pocket but forgot he didn't have any cash. "It's not like you were gonna pay for it anyway." Holly said as Woody starts to slink away. "Don't even think about it." Bigby said, warningly, as he glares at Woody.
Woody looks at him then over to Gren and nods towards him. "Is this the type of treatment I can expect if I let you take me in?" Woody asked him. "If you run, it'll be worse. Trust me." Bigby said, warningly.
Suddenly, the front door opens and footsteps were heard. Then a familiar voice speaks out. "Alright, I got a hundred bucks for the first bloke that can tell me something about a girl named...." Dee said as he walks in, a lollipop in his mouth, but he stops when he sees Gren laying on the floor. Then he looks over and sees Bigby standing there. "Fuck " he mutters as Bigby turns to him. Dee starts to back up slowly towards the door while Bigby starts to walk towards him. But in a split second both Dee and Woody started to run away. Bigby growls in frustration for a quick moment as he figures out who to capture first.
Finally, he goes after Dee. Before he could leave, Bigby slams him against the door and pulls his arms behind him, cuffing him. "Fuck man! That's not necessary." Dee exclaims as Bigby turns and sees Woody running through the back door. "Shit...." he mutters. "He's the one you want. Not me." Dee shouts. "Your brother won't be saving you this time. C'mon. You're under arrest." Bigby said as the two walk out of the bar. "I told you. I didn't do it." Dee exclaims. "Then you got nothing to worry about." Bigby said as the two head towards the Woodlands.
Bigby leads Dee down the street when suddenly they see red and blue lights going off as they turn the corner. The entrance to the Woodlands was swarming with Mundy police officers. Bigby raises an eyebrow at this then turns to a nearby pole and cuffs Dee to the pole.
"Do anything stupid and I'll throw you down the Witching Well myself." Bigby threatens then he makes his way over to the Woodlands. Police cars, tape and officers were surrounding the entrance as Bigby makes his way closer. He stops in front of the tape just as he sees Beast running towards the entrance but two of the Mundy officers stop him and the three begin to talk.
The officers that were in front of Bigby walk away which gave him the opportunity to sneak under the tape and head towards the entrance. An officer walks out on the street holding his mouth, like he was preventing himself from throwing up. Bigby looks at the officer with concern as he continues on. 
On the steps of the Woodlands was a large group of officers, surrounding the steps. All of them were looking down. Bigby makes it up to the group of officers and looks over their shoulder. There on the steps was something that made his heart drop, his breathe leaves his lungs. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.
There on the steps....was your severed head.
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mondobizarr35 · 7 years ago
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MONDO BIZARR präsentiert vom 02.02. bis 04.02.2018 eine bunte 35mm Reise durch die Bahnhofskinos dieser Welt: Von einem unheimlichen Schloss auf eine einsame griechische Insel, von den Straßen Hongkongs bis in die apokalyptische Zukunft. Ein italienischer Superheld, Astronauten, Godzilla, Zwerge, ein Ziegenhirte, ein mysteriöser Mörder, knallharte Hongkong Cops und Endzeit Punks balgen um die Aufmerksamkeit des verwunderten Zuschauers! Drei Tage, acht Filme: Eine Zelluloid Weltreise, die sie so schnell nicht vergessen werden!
Freitag, 02.02.2018 20.30 Uhr DOUBLE FEATURE: Argoman - Der phantastische Supermann (Come rubare la corona d'Inghilterra, I, 1967, Sergio Grieco) Die Superheldenfilme des Italiens der 60er zeichneten sich durch knallbunte Sets, niedrige Budgets, aber nichtsdestotrotz wilde Ideen aus und entwickelten als lebendig gewordene Comic Strips ihren ganz eigenen Charme. Während man Mario Bavas DIABOLIK schon fast als Großproduktion bezeichnen kann, mußte Sergio Griecos ARGOMAN mit einem wesentlich niedrigeren Catering Budget auskommen: Dafür gibt es einen wahnwitzigen Folter-Roboter, hübsche Ladies, einen herrlich beschwingten Soundtrack und den ganz besonderen telekinetisch begabten Helden, welcher beim Schäferstündchen schon mal kurzzeitig seine Superkräfte verliert! Planet des Schreckens (Galaxy Of Terror, USA, 1980, Bruce D. Clark) Diese Roger Corman Produktion hat im Laufe der Jahre durchaus einen Kultruf entwickelt, was unteranderem der Mitarbeit von James Cameron (ALIENS, TERMINATOR, TITANIC) zu verdanken ist. Er war damals als Production Designer und Concept Artist für New World Pictures tätig und schaffte es, selbst mit niedrigstem Budget interessante Sets zu zaubern: Da wurden auch schon mal Eierkartons an die Wand gepappt! Zudem geben B-Movie Größen wie Edward Albert, Ray Walston, Zalman King, Sid Haig, Robert Englund und Grace TWIN PEAKS Zabriskie ihr Stelldichein, hübsche Latex Kreaturen huschen durch die finsteren Raumschiffgänge und es gibt da so eine Szene mit einem Riesenwurm, welche der Betrachter garantiert so schnell nicht vergessen wird! Samstag, 03.02., 15.30 Uhr: Die Brut des Teufels (Mekagojira no gyakushû, Japan, 1975, Ishirô Honda) Aliens! Mechagodzilla! Titanosaurus! DIE BRUT DES TEUFELS ist einer der unterhaltsamsten Godzilla Filme und ein absoluter Klassiker der Kino Matinees vergangener Tage. Altmeister Honda, Schöpfer des ersten Godzilla Abenteuers (Gojira, 1954) zerlegt urbane Strukturen wie kein anderer und die majestätische Musik von Akira Ifukube sorgt für einige Gänsehautmomente: Längst ist Big G hier nicht mehr der Fiesling, sondern beschützt Japan erneut vor außerirdischen Invasoren, was dem Film neben dem üblichen Monstergebalge einige interessante Aspekte abgewinnt. Absoluter Kult und ein Muss in 35mm! Samstag, 03.02., 18.00 Uhr: Das blutige Schloss der lebenden Leichen (La Rose écorchée, FR, 1969, Claude Mulot) Claude Mulot, eigentlich eher bekannt für seine Pornofilme, legte 1969 mit LA ROSE.. ein recht atmosphärisches Debut hin, sichtlich inspiriert von Georges Franjus Klassiker LES YEUX SANS VISAGE (1960): Auch hier sorgt die Gesichts-Entstellung einer jungen Frau für Verzweiflung, Wahnsinn und schließlich Mord. Während Franju seine Geschichte meisterhaft in Schwarz/Weiss erzählt, greift Mulot in den Farbtopf und garniert das Ganze mit einigen bizarren Einfällen, welche dem Film eine nahezu traumartige Stimmung verpassen. Zwerge sind auch vorhanden. Ein seltsamer Film, aber durchaus faszinierend und entfernt an die Werke Jean Rollins erinnernd. Lebende Leichen gibt es natürlich keine, da war die deutsche Titelschmiede mal wieder höchst kreativ. Elizabeth Teissier sollte man übrigens Jahre später im Samstag Abendprogramm der Öffentlich-Rechtlichen wiederbegegnen: Als mysteriöse Astrologin an der Seite von Horst Buchholz in der ASTRO SHOW! Samstag, 03.02., 20.30 Uhr: DIE SAFTIGE ÜBERRASCHUNG (Italien, 1980, Johann d'Amato) In diesem spannenden Griechenland-Urlaubsdramolett geht es um einen Bergbauern, welcher sich in eine amerikanische Touristin (Tisa Farrow, Schwester von Mia) verliebt. Leider haben die beiden die Rechnung ohne ihre Freunde gemacht und die Situation eskaliert. Packend, hart, erschreckend - ein echter Klassiker des sonnengegerbten Ziegenhirten Horrors, den man sich auf großer Leinwand nicht entgehen lassen sollte! Sonntag, 04.02., 13.00 Uhr: So ein Windhund (Slalom, Italien/Frankreich/Ägypten, 1965, Luciano Salce) Vittorio Gassman. Adolfo Celi. Daniela Bianchi. Ennio Morricone tönt aus den Lautsprechern. Ciao, Italia! Komödienregisseur Salce gelingt hier ein interessanter Genre Spagat zwischen Humor, Mystery und tödlichem Ernst, vom Skiurlaub bis in die Wüstenei Ägyptens: Was als lustiger Skiurlaub zweier Schürzenjäger beginnt, entwickelt sich im weiteren Verlauf zum handfesten Thriller. Die deutsche 35mm Kopie ist zudem unglaublich rar, von daher freuen wir uns besonders, dieses italienische Kleinod in voller Zelluloid Pracht präsentieren zu können! Sonntag, 04.02., 15.30 Uhr: Hongkong Cop - Im Namen der Rache (Wong Ga Jin Si, HK, 1986, David Chung) Dieser erste Teil der mittlerweile legendären IN THE LINE OF DUTY Reihe ist eines jener Actionbretter, wie sie heutzutage aus Honkong einfach nicht mehr denkbar sind. Ein harter, rasanter Trip, kein Gramm Fett zuviel, voller halsbrecherischer Fights, Schiessereien und Vehikel Stunts! Actionlegende Michelle Yeoh, Michael Wong, Hiroyuki Sanada und Massen von Stunt Leuten leisten schier Unglaubliches: Kein CGI Blut weit und breit - hier knacken die Knochen im Minutentakt! Sonntag, 04.02., 18.00 Uhr: Endgame - Das letzte Spiel mit dem Tod (Endgame - Bronx lotta finale, Italien, 1983, Joe d'Amato) Das italienische Endzeitfilm Genre, inspiriert vom gewaltigen Erfolg von George Millers Actionbombe MAD MAX 2 - THe ROAD WARRIOR, gebar unzählige post-apokalyptische Spektakel (METROPOLIS 2000, RUSH, FIREFLASH, etc.) und auch Vielfilmer Aristide Massaccesi aka. Joe d'Amato leistete mit dem GRAF ZAROFF inspirierten ENDGAME seinen, nach 2020 TEXAS GLADIATORS, zweiten Beitrag. Und alle kamen: Al Cliver, Laura Gemser, Gabriele Tinti, schon wieder George Eastman, Gordon Mitchell und Hal Yamanouchi - allein wegen der Darsteller und Outfits ist dieser unterhaltsame Trip in eine mutierte Zukunft ein lohnenswerter Rundschlag im Italo Kino jener Zeit sowie ein würdiger Abschluß für unsere vierte Bahnhofskinoreise um die Welt!
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commissario-tanzi · 6 years ago
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Endgame - Bronx lotta finale (1983)            
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ostrich-on-a-rampage-blog · 8 years ago
Jackcrutchie with the Jesse/Crutchie theory????? Maybe with like Jack finding out about Jesse/Crutchie being immortal??
Hello, anon. Were you wanting something angsty and sad? Oh, good. ‘Cuz you got something angsty and sad.
Jesse stiffened when he woke up. Whose arms were around him? Who was touching him? What was– He paused, recognizing the familiar snoring. Jack. Jesse sighed, cursing softly. He had hoped that Jack wouldn’t have wanted to sleep together last night. It would make it all the more difficult to escape without alerting Jack of his attentions.
Slowly, Jesse extricated himself from Jack’s arms. He was dismayed at just how much colder it was away from Jack and Jesse was half-tempted to just lay back down and curl up against Jack. But, he couldn’t do that. Today was the day that he had been waiting for for years. Six, to be exact. And Jesse wasn’t going to miss it for the world.
“Crutch? What’re ya doin’? The bell ain’t rung yet; come lay back down.”
Jesse froze at Jack’s sleep-slurred words. He had hoped to have been on a train to New Hampshire before Jack even woke up. Jesse knew that he should have gotten up earlier, but it had been so nice to just lay in Jack’s arms and now he would suffer the consequences of his own personal weaknesses. “Jack, I– I gotta go.”
“You can wait. The sun ain’t even up. What’re ya gonna do? Just stand by the gate for eternity?”
Jesse snorted. “You don’t know nothing about eternity…” He shook his head, before continuing, “No, Jack, I really gotta go. I– I promised someone…”
Jack sat up. He slung an arm around Jesse’s shoulders. “Okay, then, I’ll come along. Where you gotta get yourself to? Please tell me you’re not meeting up from someone in the Bronx. I can’t stand those kids.”
“No, it’s… farther. I gotta get back to New Hampshire.”
“You’ve been to New Hampshire?” Jack asked in surprise.
Jesse smiled weakly. “I’ve been a lotta places,” he admitted. For years, he had wanted to tell Jack the truth, tell him everything, but he couldn’t. It hurt, knowing that he would just have to leave and Jack would die and they would probably never see each other again. Now, however, the words crowded the tip of his tongue, fighting for recognition, for someone beyond Winnie and his family to understand. “I… Jack, I gotta tell you a secret.”
Jack nodded, pulling Jesse close. “Of course, Crutch. What’s on your mind?”
“I can’t die,” Jesse blurted out. With that sudden truth, every other word seemed to tumble out of his mouth, without his own volition. “I can’t die and neither can my family. Oh, I got a family. I got a Ma and a Pa and an older brother. His name is Miles. Uh, my name is Jesse. I lied when I said I didn’t have one. I like Crutchie mighty fine, but my real name is Jesse. And I can’t die. And…” Jesse hesitated. This truth seemed sharper. “And, I ain’t ever needed that crutch. It was just… a disguise.”
“You was faking?” Jack asked
Jesse could detect no maliciousness in the tone, so he nodded. “Yeah. I needed a new life. Just for a couple years. Just until I could go back.” 
Jack gently kissed Jesse’s forehead. “That’s okay. I love you no matter what your name or your story is.”
“I…” Jesse stumbled. “I–I…” Suddenly, he couldn’t seem to get the words out. He did love Jack, didn’t he? Except, for some reason, all he could picture was Winnie Foster. She would be seventeen now. She would drink from the Spring. They would live together, forever. Happily ever after. Jack’s arms around him burned and Jesse pushed out of the hug. He stood up and started pacing, not even bothering to use his familiar crutch anymore.
“You… you really can walk just fine.”
Jesse was caught off guard. “Oh, yeah,” he said, glancing down at his perfectly good legs. “I guess that’s one of the perks of immortality. You can’t really get hurt.”
“So… you’re immortal?” Jack asked.
“Yeah,” Jesse said, but he could tell that Jack didn’t truly believe him. No one ever believed him. Winnie believed him.
“That’s… How? How are you immortal?”
“Jack, this really doesn’t matter right now. I’m going, okay? I don’t think I’ll ever be coming back.”
“And, like I said, I’ll be coming along.”
Jesse shook his head. “No, Jack, I really don’t think you should come.”
“Why not?”
He hesitated for a moment. The truth was edging against his tongue, clacking against his teeth. Just opening his mouth would release a deluge of words that Jesse just didn’t want to deal with right now. Jack watched Jesse patiently, waiting for an answer. “I… I don’t want you to come because I’m going to go meet up with the girl I love.”
There. It was out in the open. The words hung between Jesse and Jack, heavy and obtuse. Jack’s face registered surprise, before all emotion was wiped away. Jesse looked away as Jack asked, “You… You’re going back to find a girl?”
“Yeah, but, Jack, please understand. I’ve been stuck on this stupid planet for 108 years. And I finally found someone. I finally found someone. We had to wait until she was seventeen, the same age as me,” Jesse sang softly, trailing off. When he spoke again, the words were even quieter. “We’re gonna get married, Jack. I-I love her.”
“What about me? Don’t you love me?”
“Jack, I… Of course, I do, but Winnie…”
Jack snorted, roughly jerking his hands through his hair. “I was an idiot,” he muttered. “I never shoulda… You played me. Did you ever care? Did you ever care what I thought? Or was this always just about you?” Jack demanded.
Jesse shoulders slumped. Miles’ words from earlier, about how he was always selfish, swirled around his head. “I-I’m sorry, Jack. I did love you. I do, still. But… do you believe in soulmates?”
“I thought I did,” Jack muttered. His eyes shot up to Jesse’s, dark obsidian. “But, I guess that ain’t true.”
“No, Jack, you gotta understand. Winnie–”
“I don’t care,” Jack bit out. “Go, find your perfect girl. Get married, have a passel of kids. See if I care. Just don’t come back.”
“Jack,” Jesse tried again, but Jack waved him away. Jesse recognized that he was no longer wanted and started for the ladder off of the roof. “Jack, I do love you. I just…” Jesse trailed off, not knowing what he could say. He tapped the top of the ladder twice, before shaking his head and continuing down. He left the crutch with Jack.
Jesse felt as if his heart had been ripped, still beating from his chest. Winnie didn’t remember him. Or if she did, she didn’t care. She was getting married to the stupid little detective. Hugo, or something. She was just as beautiful as ever, but that smile that Jesse had fallen in love with, was focused on Hugo, not him.
Jesse turned away quickly, not sure where he was going. He wanted more than anything, to return to Jack, who actually loved him. But, he couldn’t. Jack had told him as much. Jesse contemplated if there was any way that he could explain to Jack just how sorry and how wrong he had been. He snorted, ignoring the tears that pricked at the back of his eyes. Jesse knew the answer to that. It was in Jack’s hardened eyes, in his shaking voice. 
He could never return.
Once again, Jesse Tuck was alone.
AN: If you guys really like this one, let me know. I’m considering a Part 2.
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gargantua · 8 years ago
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Mario Pedone is an actor, known for Fantozzi subisce ancora (1983), Endgame - Bronx lotta finale (1983) and Theo gegen den Rest der Welt (1980).
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wincestisasincest · 8 years ago
Patrick? --- Part 2 (A Newsies Fan-fiction)
Hi! This is a two part fanfiction, so if you haven’t read the first part, read it here: https://twincestforthewincest.tumblr.com/post/161958254775/patrick-part-1-a-newsies-fan-fiction.
Now, on with the fanfiction!
Jacobi’s always had a sort of effect on people. The pressures and worries of the day drift into oblivion as soon as you enter the welcoming doors of the restaurant, especially if you happen to be a Manhattan newsie. They’d established yet another tradition at Jacobi’s, as it had become a hot-spot for all of the tired (and starving) boys to relieve their troubles.
The smell of food wafted over the energetic crowd of teenagers, who were busy discussing all that was to be discussed in the busy, busy, life of a newsie. Even though there was only about 7 or 8 newsies sitting around the table, their energy filled the entire room, making them seem like the audience for a concert, rather than a bunch of half-starved New Yorkers desperate for their food. 
Jack Kelly sat at the head of the table, attentively observing, and occasionally participating in, the various witty remarks being exchanged among the group.  
“I’m so hungry that I could eat an entire elephant!”
“I’m so hungry that I could eat two elephants!”
“I’m so hungry that I could eat an entire buffet, Vegas-style.”
“Nah, Race, they’d kick you outta Vegas for cheatin’.” 
The table erupted into laughter, and even Race couldn’t hide his amusement, a small smile creeping onto his face. Jack let out a sigh, looking over the counter expectantly. He could appreciate that you can’t rush perfection, especially when it came to food, but given Jacobi’s current customers, perfection didn’t really have to be a priority. 
The doors of the restaurant swung open. 
This was a common occurrence at Jacobi’s, after all, it was a functioning restaurant, and did have customers besides the newsies, though it would be impossible to tell them that. Normally, Jack would allow the doors to swing open, always keeping the new arrivals in the corner of his eye, incase it was something indicative of acknowledgement. And Stitch, notably without Wax by her side, walking into the diner as though she was a regular there, was indicative of acknowledgement. 
“’Ey, Stitch, ova here!” Jack’s hand, waving the leader of the Bronx over, was the only thing that could be seen above the crowd of pageboy caps. Eyes trained on Jack, Stitch made her way to the table, plopping into the seat adjacent to him. 
“Evening, Cowboy,” She shot him a cocky smile before turning her attention to the counter, “’Ey, one float, please.” 
“Whassa matta, you ain’t stayin for dinna?” Race had finally noticed her presence at the table, and thought best to draw everyone else to it with a sarcastic remark.
“’Fraid not, Race. ‘Ere on strict business.”
“’So strict ya walked all the way ta ‘hattan?” Jack reclaimed control of the conversation. 
“Wanted ta ask ya about summin, Cowboy.” The clink of plates coming in contact with the table was the tell-tale signal that the newsboys had reached salvation. Without hesitation, and abandoning the usual custom of waiting until everyone was served, the newsboys dug into their meal, and no calorie was spared. The two leaders, on the other hand, kept their eyes trained on each other with the arrival of their respective orders. 
“And what would dat be?” Jack eyed his food like a predator preparing to strike.
“Ya know dat question you asked ‘bout two nights ago. Poker night, I believe? About dat kid, Patrick?” Stitch took a long, deep, drink of her root beer float, and Jack took that as his queue to dive into his meal, albeit less carnivorously that the rest of the group. 
“Yeah, I tink so. Why?” 
“Well,” Stich took another sip, “I tink I might know someone dat matches your description. Thought you might be interested.” With that finishing sentence, Jack’s hand slowed to a halt, inches away from his sandwich. He gave Stich a curious look.
“Ya mean, ‘dere is a Patrick? Wassa kid like?” 
“10 years old, ‘bout 5 ft., came to us a ‘lil less than a year ago, keeps mentionin’ his ma…”
“His ma? Dats definitely da one. Can ya bring ‘im here, maybe, I tink tomorrow-“
“Woah, hold it Cowboy,” Stitch took another nonchalant sip, “What exactly do ya have in mind for da kid? He is still a Bronx newsie, ya know.”
“Well,” Jack flashed a victorious smile, “If we’re talkin’ about who I tink we’re talkin’ about, we might be able ta get dis kid back with his ma.”
“His ma? You sure ya know what you’re talkin’ about, Cowboy? I mean, ‘dere’s a lotta Patricks in New York. What makes ya say we got da right one?”
“I- I dunno. Just a feelin’. But if you can bring dis kid wit you tomorrow, we can find out for sure.”
“I s’pose dere’s nutin to loose,” Jack bit into his sandwich, knowing that he’d won, while Stitch took another contemplative sip, “So I’ll se ya at da ‘hattan lodge. Before sellin’, or afta?”
“Before, be dere in time for da nuns.” 
“Sure ting.” Stitch slammed a coin on the table, accompanying her empty glass, and picked herself up from the stool.
“And Cowboy,” Jack turned back to her, almost out of the door, “If dis just happens to be a wasta time, know dat me, and Patrick, will hold ya completely responsible.” The emphasis on the word ‘responsible’ ensured that there was no doubt of receiving one of Stitch’s mythical beatings. 
The door slammed behind Stitch, and Jack wasted no time into completely demolishing his sandwich. There was a brief moment of silence, where every newsboy at the table was so, completely, absorbed in their food that they forgot to create the ruckus that they had become known for. Race was the first to break this.
“So… I guess dere is a Patrick?” he turned to Jack. 
“Dere is?!” one of the younger voices shot up from the small group.
“Ya know what dat means, right Race?” Jack’s winning smile hadn’t faded, “Guess ya can’t win every bet, eh?”
Race couldn’t hear Jack’s last comment, as he was too busy rummaging through his pockets for spare change.
-Time skip brought to you by ‘Objecting on the grounds of Brooklyn’ being totally legit in a legal scenario-
The streets were filled with the typical morning rush of the Manhattan newsies. The finish line for their incredibly unfair and fruitless race was the nuns, at the end of the street, as per usual. And, as per usual, Jack continued to take his sweet time walking down the street. This time, however, he was flanked by Stitch, and the legendary boy that had haunted the mornings of every Manhattan newsie since the wayward mother appeared last year. 
Patrick was scruffy, with tangled brown hair barely covering his dull green eyes, though it perfectly complemented his torn clothing and shoes with half of a sole left in each of them. It was strange for most of the newsboys, as they had never pictured that this tradition-status person would have any corporeal form at all. Patrick had gone from being a collection of scattered thoughts into an actual human being, and it gave off an awkward aura, to say the least. 
“Well, Pat, waddya tink?” Jack attempted to make conversation with him, attempting to lighten the mood. Stitch had already informed him that Patrick had his doubts about the whole situation, and Jack couldn’t argue with that. ‘A feeling’ isn’t really a sound logical base, after all. 
“Name’s Puck. And I tink dat dis is a loada dog crap.” Patrick didn’t even turn to look at Jack, and he didn’t need to. Jack already picked up that he was in a bad mood.
“Well, Puck, what if it ain’t?” Jack had to show some restraint. He didn’t want to a deliver a mother her child with a black eye.
“If it ain’t, den you can have all a my papes for de rest a my life as a newsie.”
“Which’ll be around 0.” Stitch’s snide remark served the remind the two that they weren’t the only people in the street, and that they did have actual business to attend to.
Patrick shoved his hands in his pockets, and the group went silent, as the neared the cart. There was the typical line up of newsies, reaching their hands out expectantly, some of them already enjoying the fresh bread and water. Jack could feel his stomach tighten. The moment was near. 
The trio shoved their way through the forest of starving boys, earning a couple of annoyed glances, and even one push back. Jack impatiently peered over the head of Romeo, and could see their regular, Patrick’s ma, just over the brim of his hat. 
She hopelessly searched the crowd, having more luck parting the newsboys, as they were all reminded of the inkling of pity that they felt for this mother when they saw her typical messy hair and stained apron. Jack finally managed to push Romeo aside, himself almost falling over.
“Hey, ‘scuse you!” he picked himself back up, angrily facing jack, who took no notice, “What’s the big idea? I oughtta-“
There was not one person there that day that didn’t give at least a sideways glance, as Patrick stood about a foot away, the closest they had been in a year, from his mother. He stared directly at her, observing everything, from her messy hair, to her stained apron, to her kind eyes, that he thought that he didn’t remember.
Patrick’s ma looked at him for second, almost in disbelief, trying to take in the situation. She, too, was observing the young street scamp in front of her, his tangled hair, his ruined clothes, and his expression, which she had a distinct, and sometimes emotional, recollection of.
The two stood there, frozen, and looking at each other. It was the longest time that the newsboys had ever been silent. 
Without any warning, Patrick’s ma rushed towards him, hugging her son, tears falling down her face. Patrick’s expression of shock hadn’t wavered, but slowly, it morphed into a small smile, as he hugged his mother back. 
“Oh my lord, I thought you were dead, I-“ Patrick’s ma continued fussing over her son, while some of the newsboys recovered from their suspended positions, and returned to receiving their breakfast. Tears were welling in Patrick’s eyes, but he kept holding them back, refusing to cry in front of the other newsboys, and his leader. 
“Well, I tink dis counts as not dog crap.” Stitch appeared by Jack’s side, arms crossed, snapping him back to reality. By now, most of the newsboys had continued with their morning routine, and you would’ve never guessed that there was a family reunion happening in the middle of the sweaty, smelly, and still tired crowd.
“Yeah, I tink so.” Jack still hadn’t taken his eyes off the mother and her son, who was now reminding Patrick of his family. A tear had carved a pathway through the dirt on Patrick’s face, though he was quick to wipe it away.
“Let’s go home.” The mother embraced her son even tighter before releasing him. And, side by side, they parted with the newsboys. As they made their way up the street, Patrick turned around to face Jack and Stich, mouthing ‘thank you’. 
“Kinda scary, ain’t it?” Stitch elbowed Jack, once again pulling him from the moment.
“What is?” The mother and Patrick became smaller and smaller. 
“We did a good ting.” Stitch, arms crossed once again, faced Jack directly.
“How’s dat scary?” Patrick and his mother had disappeared into the New York buzz. Jack turned, returning Stitch’s conversational stare.
“I dunno, just kinda weird to be reminded dat dere’s still good in da world, just neva happens ta us,” Stitch sighed, “And it’s a bit odd, I neva tought one a my boys would leave. Dey usually leave when dey go off ta college, or dey get so old dat we gotta kick ‘em out.”
“Whaddya mean, ya miss ‘em already?” 
“Nah, Patrick didn’t do much. I don’t know if anyone will notice, ta be honest. Jus weird, ya know?”
“I do now. But you’re right about da good ting. Dat’s what makes a newsie! ‘Least a ‘hattan one.” As any good newsie knows, you cannot meet a newsie from another borough without taking a jab at them.
“Yeah, you’re right,” the buildup was eminent in Stitch’s voice, “Bronx newsies are pretty different. We actually sell our papes. See ya round, Cowboy.”
Before Jack could even begin to process a rejoinder, Stitch had disappeared behind a building. Jack took one final look at the street, with no trace of Patrick or his mother, and finally took his place in front of the cart, receiving the stale, but still fresher than the rest of it, bread. As he bit into his breakfast, he contemplated the strange break in tradition, knowing that tomorrow, Patrick’s ma wouldn’t be coming. An unusual fault in the seemingly natural order that had been set for the newsies. 
Jack noticed the thinning crowd around him, as the newsies began to herd themselves to Wiesel’s. Jack crammed the last of the bread in his mouth and began to follow, nearly forgetting about Patrick, as he continued on with his daily routine.
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haribokart · 6 years ago
Haribokart’s Rock Band song list .38 Special - Caught Up In You 3 Doors Down - Here Without You, It’s Not My Time, Kryptonite, When You're Young, When I'm Gone 30 Seconds to Mars - Attack, Closer To The Edge, The Kill, Kings and Queens, This Is War 311 - Amber, Down 4 Non-Blondes - What’s Up? 5 Seconds Of Summer - She Looks So Perfect The 88 - Sons and Daughters A-Ha - Take On Me Abnormality - Visions AC/DC - Back in Black (Live), Dirty Deeds Done Cheap (Live), Fire Your Guns (Live), For Those About To Rock (Live), Heatseeker (Live), Hell Ain’t A Bad Place To Be (Live), Hells Bells (Live), High Voltage (Live), Highway To Hell (Live), The Jack (Live), Jailbreak (Live), Let There Be Rock (Live), Moneytalks (Live), Shoot To Thrill (Live), T.N.T (Live), Thunderstruck (Live), Whole Lotta Rosie (Live), You Shook Me All Night Long (Live) Ace of Base - The Sign The Acro-Brats – Day Late Dollar Short, Hair Trigger Aerosmith - Cryin, Dream On (Live), Dude Looks Like A Lady, I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing, Sweet Emotion, Toys In The Attic, Train Kept Rollin, Walk This Way AFI - Girl’s Not Grey, Miss Murder Alabama Shakes - Don't Wanna Fight Alanis Morissette - Head Over Feet, Ironic, You Oughta Know Alice Cooper - Poison, School's Out (Live) Alice In Chains - Man In The Box Alien Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal All American Rejects - Dirty Little Secret, Gives You Hell, Move Along, Swing Swing All Time Low - Weightless The Allman Brothers Band - Jessica, Ramblin’ Man Alphabeat - Fascination Amy Winehouse - Rehab Anarchy Club - Blood Doll, Collide, Get Clean Andy Grammar - Honey I’m Good Angels & Airwaves - It Hurts Animal Flag - Sink Anthrax - Caught in a Mosh Arctic Horror - Black Seas Arctic Monkeys - Arabella, R U Mine? Assuming We Survive - Open Water At The Drive In - One Armed Scissor Authority Zero - No Regrets The Automatic - Monster Avenged Sevenfold - Afterlife, Almost Easy, Beast and the Harlot, Hail To The King Average White Band - Pick Up The Pieces Avicii - Wake Me Up Avril Lavigne - Complicated, My Happy Ending B-52's - Rock Lobster, Love Shack, Roam Bad Company - Shooting Star Bang Camaro - Blood Red Rock, Night Lies, Pleasure Bang on a Can All-Stars – Shadowbang (Head) The Bangles - Walk Like An Egyptian Barely March - Thinking Emoji Barenaked Ladies - One Week Bastille - Pompeii The Beach Boys - Good Vibrations (Live) Bearstronaut - Shadow Beastie Boys - Make Some Noise, Sabotage, So What’cha Want Beck - Dreams, E-Pro Bee Gees - Jive Talkin, Night Fever, Staying Alive, Tragedy, You Should Be Dancing Belinda Carlisle - Heaven Is A Place On Earth Benjamin Booker - Violent Shiver Bent Knee - These Hands The Bergamot - Forgot About Tomorrow Between the Buried and Me - Prequel To The Sequel Big & Rich - Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy) Big Country - In A Big Country Bikini Kill - Rebel Girl Billy Idol - Mony Mony, Rebel Yell, White Wedding Billy Joel - It's Still Rock And Roll To Me, My Life, Only The Good Die Young, Piano Man, She’s Always A Woman, Uptown Girl, We Didn’t Start The Fire Billy Squier - Lonely Is The Night Black Beach - No Place For Me ThevBlack Cheers - (You’re) Breakin’ Up The Black Eyed Peas - I Gotta Feeling The Black Keys - Fever, Gold On The Ceiling, Howlin' For You, Lonely Boy Blind Melon - No Rain Blink-182 - Adam's Song, Aliens Exist, All The Small Things, Down, Feeling This, First Date, I Miss You, The Rock Show, What’s My Age Again Blondie - Call Me, Hanging On The Telephone, Heart of Glass, One Way Or Another, Rapture Blue Oyster Cult - Don’t Fear The Reaper Blue Swede - Hooked On A Feeling Blur - Beetlebum, Song 2, There's No Other Way BoB ft. Hayley Williams - Airplanes Bob Dylan - Tangled Up In Blue Bob Marley - Could You Be Loved, Get Up Stand Up, I Shot The Sheriff, Is This Love, Jamming, No Woman No Cry, One Love Bon Jovi - Bad Medicine, Blaze Of Glory, It's My Life, Livin On A Prayer, Wanted Dead Or Alive, You Give Love A Bad Name Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse Of The Heart Boston - Foreplay/Long Time, More Than A Feeling, Peace Of Mind The Both - Milwaukee Boys Like Girls – The Great Escape, Thunder Brad Paisley - Start A Band Brandi Carlile - Mainstream Kid Breaking Wheel - Shoulder To The Plow Bring Me the Horizon - Happy Song, Throne The Bronx - False Alarm Bruno Mars - 24K Magic, Grenade, Just The Way You Are, Locked Out Of Heaven, Marry You, Treasure Bryan Adams - Summer Of 69 Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth Bush - Comedown Busted - Thunderbirds Are Go! Buzzcocks - Ever Fallen In Love BØRNS - Electric Love The Cab - Bounce Caesers - Jerk It Out Cake - I Will Survive, Short Skirt/Long Jacket Capital Cities - Safe and Sound Carl Douglas - Kung Fu Fighting Carly Ray Jepsen - Call Me Maybe Carrie Underwood - All American Girl, Before He Cheats, Blown Away, Cowboy Casanova, Good Girl The Cars - Just What I Needed The Chainsmokers - Closer (ft. Halsey) Charlie Puth - Attention Cheap Trick - Hello There, I Want You to Want Me (Live) Chely Wright - Single White Female The Chemical Brothers - Let Forever Be The Chevelles - Get It On Chicago - 25 or 6 to 4, If You Leave Me Now Chuck Berry - Johnny B. Goode Chumbawumba - Tubthumping The Clash - I Fought The Law, London Calling, Rock The Casbah, Should I Stay Or Should I Go Cobra Starship - You Make Me Feel The Cocktail Slippers - Give It To Me Cohered And Cambria - Welcome Home Cold War Kids - First Coldplay - A Sky Full Of Stars, Adventure Of A Lifetime, Clocks, Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall, Fix You, Hymn For The Weekend, The Scientist, Viva La Vida, Yellow The Coral - Dreaming Of You Counting Crows - Accidentally In Love, Mr Jones The Cranberries - Dreams, Linger, Ode To My Family, Zombie Creaturos - History Repeats Creedence Clearwater Revival - Bad Moon Rising, Fortunate Son, I Heard It Through the Grapevine Crooked X - Nightmare The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary Culture Club - Do You Really Want To Hurt Me, Karma Chameleon The Cure - Friday I’m In Love, Just Like Heaven Cutting Crew - I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Want To Have Fun, Time After Time Daft Punk - Get Lucky Dance for the Dying – Thug Love Dark Wheels - V-Bomb The Darkness - I Believe In A Thing Called Love Dashboard Confessional - Hands Down Daughtry - It's Not Over David Bowie - Fame, Heroes, Lets Dance, Modern Love, Space Oddity, Suffragette City, Ziggy Stardust Dead Sara - Mona Lisa Dealership - Database Corrupted Death Of The Cool - Can’t Let Go Deep Blue Something - Breakfast At Tiffanies Deep Purple - Highway Star, Smoke On The Water Def Leppard - Foolin, Photograph, Pour Some Sugar On Me (Live) Deftones - My Own Summer Del Amitri - Roll To Me Demi Lovato - Sorry Not Sorry Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus Devo - Girl U Want, Uncontrollable Urge, Whip It Dexys Midnight Runners - Come On Eileen Dinosaur Jr - Feel The Pain Dio - Rainbow in the Dark Dire Straights - Walk Of Life Disturbed - Down With The Sickness, Indestructable, Prayer, The Sound Of Silence DNCE - Cake By The Ocean Dolly Spartans - I Hear the Dead Don McClean - American Pie The Donnas - New Kid In School The Doobie Brothers - China Grove, Listen To The Music, Long Train Runnin The Doors - Break On Through, Light My Fire, People Are Strange, Riders On The Storm, Touch Me Dover - King George Dream Theatre - Metropolis Part 1, Panic Attack Duck & Cover - Knock Em Down Duran Duran - Girls On Film, Hungry Like The Wolf, Rio, The Reflex Dutch ReBelle - RudeBoys Eagle-Eye Cherry - Save Tonight Earth, Wind & Fire - September Echo and the Bunnymen - The Killing Moon Ed Sheeran - Shape of You, Sing Eddie Japan - Albert The Eiffels - Body Like That Electric Six - Gay Bar Elle King - Ex’s & Oh’s Ellie Goulding - On My Mind Elton John - The Bitch is Back, Crocodile Rock, Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me, I’m Still Standing, Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting Elvis Costello - Pump It Up Elvis Presley - Suspicious Minds EMF - Unbelievable Endereverafter - I Wanna Be Your Man Erasure - A Little Respect Eric Cartman - Lady Gaga's Poker Face Europe - The Final Countdown Evanescence - Bring Me To Life, Call Me When You’re Sober, Everybody's Fool, Going Under, Weight Of The World Everlife - Real Wild Child Extreme - More Than Words Faith No More - Epic, Midlife Crisis Fall Out Boy - A Little Less Sixteen Candles, Centuries, Dance Dance, Dead On Arrival, Irresistible, I Don’t Care, My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark, Sugar We're Going Down, This Ain’t A Scene It’s An Arms Race, Thnks Fr Th Mmrs Filter - Hey man nice shot Fine Young Cannibals - She Drives Me Crazy The Flaming Lips - Yoshimi battles The Pink Robots Fleetwood Mac - Don’t Stop, Dreams, Gold Dust Woman, Go Your Own Way, Landslide, Rhiannon, You Make Loving Fun Flobots - Handlebars Florence and the Machine - Dog Days Are Over Flyleaf - I’m So Sick Fly by Midnight - Vinyl Foghat - Slow Ride Foo Fighters - All My Life, Best Of You, Breakout, DOA, Everlong, Learn To Fly, Monkey Wrench, My Hero, The Feast And The Famine, The Pretender, Times Like These Foreigner - Cold As Ice, Feels Like The First Time, I Want To Know What Love Is, Waiting For A Girl Like You Foster the People – Don't Stop (Color on the Walls), Helena Beat, Pumped Up Kicks Frank Turner - I Still Believe Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax Franz Ferdinand - Do You Want To, Take Me Out Fratelies - Creeping up the Backstairs, Henrietta Free - All Right Now Freezepop – Brainpower, Doppelgänger Fun. - Some Nights, We Are Young Garbage - I Think I’m Paranoid, Stupid Girl, Why do you Love Me Gary Clark Jr - Ain’t Messin ‘Round Gavin DeGraw - I Don’t Want to Be Generation X - Dancing with Myself George Thorogood - Bad To The Bone The Ghost Hounds - Ashes to Fire Gin Blossoms - Follow You Down, Hey Jealousy Glados - Still Alive Go-Go’s - Our Lips Are Sealed, We Got The Beat Goddamn Draculas - Bethany Golden Earring - Radar Love Goo Goo Dolls - Iris Good Charlotte - The Anthem, Girls & Boys, Lifestyles Of The Rich & Famous Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood, Feel Good Inc The Grateful Dead - Alabama Getaway Graveyard BBQ – Cheat on the Church Green Day - 21st Century Breakdown, 21 Guns, American Eulogy, American Idiot, Are We The Waiting/St Jimmy, Basket Case, Before The Lobotomy, Boulevard Of Broken Dreams, Brain Stew/Jaded, Burnout, Christian's Inferno, Chump, Coming Clean, East Jesus Nowhere, Emenius Sleepus, Extraordinary Girl, F.O.D, Geek Stink Breath, Give Me Novacaine/She’s A Rebel, Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life), Having A Blast, Hitching A Ride, Holiday, Homecoming, Horseshoes And Handgrenades, In The End, Jesus Of Suburbia, Know Your Enemy, Last Night On Earth, Last of the American Girls, Letterbomb, Longview, Minority, Murder City, Nice Guys Finish Last, Peacemaker, Pulling Teeth, Restless Heart Syndrome, Sassafras Roots, See The Light, She, Song Of The Century, The Static Age, Viva La Gloria, Wake Me Up When September Ends, Warning, Welcome To Paradise, Whatsername, When I Come Around, !Viva La Gloria! Grouplove - Tongue Tied The Guess Who - American Woman Guns N Roses - Shackler’s Revenge Gym Class Heroes - Stereo Hearts H.I.M. - Killing Loneliness Hailstorm - I Miss The Misery Hall and Oates - I Can't Go For That, Maneater, You Make My Dreams Heart - Alone, Barracuda, Kick It Out Heaven’s Basement - I Am Electric The Hives - Main Offender, Tick Tick Boom Hole - Celebrity Skin Hollywood Undead - Young Honest Bob - I Get By, Soy Bomb Hoobastank – Crawling In The Dark Hot Chelle Rae - Tonight Tonight Hozier- Take Me To Church Huey Lewis and the News - The Power of Love The Human League - Don’t You Want Me HUNNY - Shy Hypernova - Viva La Resistance Ida Maria - Oh My God Iggy Pop - Lust For Life, The Passenger Imagine Dragons - I Bet My Life, Radioactive, Thunder In The Valley Below - Bloodhands Incubus - Dig, Drive Interpol - PDA INXS - Need You Tonight The Isley Brothers - Shout The J.Gelis Band - Centrefold Jack White - Lazaretto The Jackson 5 - ABC, I Want You Back The Jam - Going Underground, Town Called Malice James Brown - Get Up, I Got You, Super Bad Pts. 1 & 2 Jane's Addiction - Been caught Stealing, Mountain Song Janis Joplin - Piece of my Heart Jason Derulo - Want To Want Me Jason Mraz - I'm Yours Jeff Allen - Recession Jeff Williams ft Casey Lee Williams - This Will Be The Day Jefferson Airplane - Somebody To Love Jet - Are You Gonna Be My Girl Jethro Tull - Aqualung Jimi Hendrix - All Along The Watchtower, Crosstown Traffic, Foxey Lady, Fire Jimmy Eat World - The Middle, Pain, Sweetness Joan Jett - Bad Reputation, I Love Rock N' Roll Jocelyn & Chris Arndt - Shame Joe Jackson - Is she really going out with him? John & Yoko - Happy Xmas John Lennon - How Do You Sleep?, Imagine, Jealous Guy Johnny Blazes And The Pretty Boys - Cold Clear Light Johnny Cash - I Walk the Line, Ring of Fire Josh Turner - Would You Go With Me Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart Juanes - Me Enamora Judas Priest - Halls Of Valhalla, Painkiller, You’ve Got Another Thing Coming Juli - Perfekte Welle Julie Rhodes - Hurry Up (& Wait For You) Justin Bieber - Boyfriend, Love Yourself, Sorry, What Do You Mean? Kaiser Chiefs - I Predict A Riot, Ruby Kansas - Carry On Wayward Son Kasabian - Club Foot, Shoot The Runner Katrina And The Waves - Walking On Sunshine Kelly Clarkson - Heartbeat Song, Miss Independent, Stronger Kenny Loggins - Danger Zone, Footloose The Killers - All These Things That I've Done, Mr Brightside, Smile Like You Mean It, Somebody Told Me, When You Were Young Kings of Leon - Crawl, Molly’s Chambers, Sex On Fire, Use Somebody Kiss - Detroit Rock City The Knack - My Sharona The Konks - 29 Fingers The Kooks - Naive Kool and the Gang - Celebration, Jungle Boogie Korn - Word Up KSM - Distracted KT Tunstell - Suddenly I See Kutless - The Feeling L7 - Pretend We’re Dead La Roux - Bulletproof Lacuna Coil - Our Truth Lady Antebellum - Lookin For A Good Time, Need You Now, Perfect Day Lady Gaga - Applause, Bad Romance, Born This Way, Edge of Glory, Just Dance, Lovegame, Monster, Paparazzi, Poker Face Laura Bell Bundy - Rebound LEN - Steal My Sunshine The Len Price 3 - If I ain’t got You Lenny Kravitz - Are You Gonna Go My Way Lesley Roy - I’m Gone, I’m Going The Libyans - Welcome To The Neighbourhood Lightning Bolt - Dream Genie Lights Resolve - Dreaming Of Love Limp Bizkit - My Way Linkin Park - Breaking the Habit, Crawling, In The End, Numb, One Step Closer, Somewhere I Belong, What I’ve Done Lit - My Own Worst Enemy Little Big Town - Little White Church Little Fish - Am I Crazy Littlefoot - Casablanca Live - All Over You Liz Phair - Rock Me LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem Lorde - Royals Lostprophets - Rooftops Lucinda Williams - Can’t Let Go Lucius - Turn It Around Lush - De-Luxe Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird, Simple Man, Sweet Home Alabama (Live), That Smell, Tuesday's Gone Macklemore - Can’t Hold Us MAGIC! - Rude The Main Drag – A Jagged Gorgeous Winter, How We’d Look on Paper Mana - Oye Mi Amor Marilyn Manson - The Beautiful People Mark Ronson Ft. Bruno Mars - Uptown Funk Maroon 5 - Little Of Your Time, Makes Me Wonder, Misery, Moves Like Jagger, One More Night, This Love, Wake Up Call, Won’t Go Home Without You Mastodon - Colony Of Birchmen Maximo Park - Girls Who Play Guitars Megadeath - Peace Sells Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass Men at Work - Down Under Metric - Combat Baby MGMT - Kids Michael Christmas - Cross That Line The Mighty Mighty Bosstones - The Impression That I Get, Where’d You Go? Miley Cyrus - 7 Things, Can’t Be Tamed, Fly On The Wall, See You Again, Start All Over Miranda Cosgrove - Headphones On Miranda Lambert - Gunpowder and Lead Modest Mouse - Float On Molly Hatchet - Flirting With Disaster The Monkees - Last Train To Clarksville Montell Jordan - This Is How We Do It Morrissey - Irish Blood English Heart The Mother Hips - Time We Had Motley Crue - Saints of Los Angeles Motorhead - Ace Of Spades Mountain - Mississippi Queen Mr Big - To Be With You The Muffs - Kids In America, Outer Space Mumford & Sons - I Will Wait, The Wolf Muse - Hysteria My Chemical Romance - Famous Last Words, I’m Not Okay (I Promise), Sing, Teenagers, Welcome To The Black Parade Naked Eyes - Always Something There to Remind Me Natalie Imbruglia - Torn Natasha Bedingfield - Unwritten Nazareth - Love Hurts The Neighbourhood - Sweater Weather Neko Case - People Got A Lotta Nerve Nemes - Black Streak Neon Trees - 1983, Animal, Everybody Talks, Sins Of My Youth New Order - Blue Monday Newfane - I Recognise The New Pornographers - Electric Version Nickelback - How You Remind Me, Photograph, Rockstar, Someday Nicki Minaj - Starships Night Ranger - Sister Christian Nightmare Air - Who’s Your Lover Nine Inch Nails - The Hand That Feeds, The Perfect Drug Nirvana - Come As You Are (Live), Drain You, In Bloom, Smells Like Teen Spirit, Something In The Way No Doubt - Don’t Speak, Hella Good, Hey Baby, It’s My Life, Just A Girl, Underneath It All No Small Children - Radio Norman Greenbaum - Spirit In The Sky Oasis - Champagne Supernova, Don’t Look Back In Anger, Live Forever, Rock 'n' Roll Star, Supersonic (Live), Wonderwall Of Monsters And Men - Little Talks The Offspring - All I Want, Come Out And Play, Days Go By, Gone Away, Pretty Fly For A White Guy, Self Esteem, The Kids Aren’t Alright Oh Honey - Sugar, You Ok Go - Here It Goes Again, Shooting The Moon OMI - Cheerleader One Direction - Best Song Ever, Drag Me Down, Story of My Life, What Makes You Beautiful One Night Only - Just For Tonight Onerepublic - Counting Stars, Stop And Stare Opiate for the Masses - Burn You Down Orianthi - According To You Otis Redding - Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay The Outfield - Your Love Outkast - Hey Ya! The Outlaws - Green Grass And High Tides Owl City - Fireflies Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train, Miracle Man P!nk - Funhouse, Get The Party Started, Please Don’t Leave Me, Raise Your Glass, So What, Sober, Who Knew P.O.D. - Alive, Youth of the Nation Panic At The Disco - I Write Sins Not Tragedies, Nine In The Afternoon, She's a Handsome Woman Papa Roach - Last Resort, Time Is Running Out Paramore - Ain’t It Fun, Brick By Boring Brick, CrushCrushCrush, Ignorance, Misery Business, Pressure, Still Into You, The Only Exception, That’s What You Get Parlour Bells - Never Let ‘Em Hold Ya Back Parks - Sweater Weather Party Bois - True Confessional Pat Benatar - Fire and Ice, Heartbreaker, Hit Me With Your Best Shot, Invincible, Love Is A Battlefield, Promises In The Dark, Shadows of the Night, We Belong Paul McCartney - Band On The Run, Jet (Live), Maybe I’m Amazed Pearl Jam - Alive Permaband - Killing is just a means, Wrecking Machine Peter Cetera - Glory of Love Petty Morals - Mean Girls Pharrell Williams - Happy Pheonix - Lasso Phish - Llama, Wilson (Live) Pixies - Monkey Gone to Heaven, Wave Of Mutilation, Where Is My Mind? Poison - Every Rose Has It’s Thorn, Nothin' but a Good Time The Police - Don't Stand So Close To Me, Every Breath You Take, Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic, Message In A Bottle, Next To You, Roxanne, Walking On The Moon Poni Hoax - Antibodies Portugal. The Man - Feel It Still Preachervan - Love That Hurts Presidents Of The United States Of America - Lump The Pretenders - Brass In Pocket Pretty Girls Make Graves - Something Bigger, Something Brighter The Pretty Reckless - Follow Me Down, Heaven Knows The Primitives - Crash Primus - Jerry Was A Race Car Driver Procol Harum - A Whiter Shade of Pale The Protomen - Light Up The Night Puddle of Mud - Blurry, Control, She Hates Me Queen - Another One Bites The Dust, Bicycle Race, Bohemian Rhapsody, Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Don't Stop Me Now, Fat Bottomed Girls, Hammer to Fall, I Want It All, I Want To Break Free, Killer Queen, One Vision, Play the Game, Radio Ga Ga, Somebody To Love, The Show Must Go On, Under Pressure, We Are The Champions, We Will Rock You, You're My Best Friend Queens Of The Stone Age - Go With The Flow, My God Is The Sun, No One Knows, 3’s & 7’s, In My Head Ram Jam - Black Betty R.E.M - It’s The End Of The World As We Know It, Losing My Religion, Man On The Moon, Orange Crush, The One I Love The Raconteurs - Steady As She Goes Radiohead - Creep, Karma Police Rage Against The Machine - Killing In The Name Of, Testify Rammstein - Du Hast Ramones - Blitzkrieg Bop, I Wanna Be Sedated Rascal Flatts - Life Is A Highway, Me and my Gang, Summer Nights Ratt - Round And Round The Raveonettes - Last Dance Ray Parker Jr - Ghostbusters Razorlight - Stumble And Fall The Red Chord - Hour Of Rats Red Hot Chilli Peppers - By The Way, Californication, Dani California, Give It Away, Scar Tissue, Snow ((Hey Oh)), Under The Bridge, REO Speedwagon - Keep On Loving You The Replacements - Alex Chilton Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up Rick Derringer - Rock And Roll Hooch Koo Rick James - Super Freak Rilo Kiley - Portions for Foxes Rise Against - Give It All Riverboat Gamblers - Don't Bury Me Robert Palmer - Bad Case of Loving You Robin Thicke - Blurred Lines The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter Roxette - The Look Roy Orbison - Only The Lonely, Pretty Woman, You Got It Ruby Rose Fox - Pain Killer, Sky Diver Rufus - Tell Me Something Good Rupert Holmes - Escape (The Pina Colada song) Rush - A Passage To Bangkok, The Trees, Tom Sawyer Saint Raymond - Young Blood Santana - Smooth Sara Evans - Suds In The Bucket Savage Garden - I want you Save Ferris - Come On Eileen Scandal - The Warrior Scorpions - No One Like You Seether - Fake It Semi-Precious Weapons - Magnetic Baby Semisonic - Closing Time Shaimus - Like A Fool Shania Twain - Any Man Of Mine, Party For Two, That Don’t Impress Me Much Shawn Mendes - Stitches, Treat You Better Sheryl Crow - All I Wanna Do Ships Have Sailed - Let’s Just Dance Sia - Chandelier, Cheap Thrills (ft. Sean Paul), The Greatest (ft. Kendrick Lamar) Silvergun Pickups - Lazy Eye Simon & Garfunkel - The Sounds Of Silence Simple Minds - Don’t You (Forget About Me) Sister Sledge - We Are Family Siouxsie And The Banshees - Cities In Dust Skillit - Feel Invincible Slipknot - Before I Forget Slydigs - Light The Fuse Smash Mouth - All Star, Can't Get Enough Of You Baby, Walking On The Sun, Why Can't We Be Friends? Smashing Pumpkins - Cherub Rock, Today, Zero The Smiths - Stop Me, This Charming Man Snoop Dogg - Beautiful, Drop It Like It's Hot, Who Am I - What’s My Name, Sensual Seduction, Tha Shiznit Snow Patrol - Take Back The City Social Distortion - I Was Wrong Soft Cell - Tainted Love Sonic Youth - Teen Age Riot Soul Remnants - Dead Black Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun, Superunknown The Sounds - Living In America Spacehog - In The Meantime Speck - Conventional Lover Spin Doctors - Little Miss Can’t Be Wrong, Two Princes Spinal Tap - Short And Sweet Spirit Kid - To My Romeo Squeeze - Cool For Cats, Tempted St. Vincent - Birth In Reverse Staind - It's Been A While, So Far Away Stan Bush - The Touch Starship - We Built This City Steely Dan - Bodhisattva Stephen And The Colberts - Charlene The Sterns - Supreme Girl Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel - Make Me Smile (Come Up And See Me) Steve Miller Band - Fly Like An Eagle, The Joker, Rock’n Me, Space Cowboy Steve Pardo - Super Beat Sports Big Baos Battle Stevie Nicks - Edge Of Seventeen, Stand Back Stevie Wonder - Higher Ground, I Wish, Living For The City, Sir Duke, Superstition STL GLD - Good Stone Temple Pilots - Plush, Vaseline The Stooges - I Wanna Be Your Dog The Strokes - Reptillia Sublime - Santeria, What I Got, Wrong Way Sugar Ray - Every Morning Sugarland - Settlin Sum 41 - Fat Lip, In Too Deep Supergrass - Grace, Sun Hits The Sky Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger Sweet - Ballroom Blitz Swingin' Utters - This Bastard's Life Symbion Project – Exploited & Exposed System of a Down - Aerials, Chop Suey, Spiders T-Rex - 20th Century Boy, Children Of The Revolution, Ride A White Swan Talking Heads - Burning Down The House, Psycho Killer Taking Back Sunday - Liar, Makedamnsure, What It Feels Like To Be A Ghost Tears for Fears - Everybody Wants To Rule The World, Head over Heels, Shout Tegan and Sarah - The Con Tenacious D - Master Exploder, Rise Of The Fenix, Tribute Testament - Souls Of Black That Handsome Devil - Rob The Prez-O-Dent Them Crooked Vultures - Dead End Friends Thenewno2 - Crazy Tuesday Thin Lizzy - The Boys Are Back in Town (Live), Jailbreak (Live) Three Days Grace - I Hate Everything About You, Never Too Late Third Eye Blind - Semi-Charmed Life Tickle Me Pink - The Time Is Wrong Tigerman WOAH - Alone Time Tijuana Sweetheart - Pistol Whipped, Seven tiLLie - Save Yourself Timmy & The Lords Of The Underworld - Timmy & The Lords Of The Underworld Tokio Hotel - Humanoid Tom Petty - Free Fallin Tommy Tutone - 867-5309/Jenny Toto - Africa, Hold The Line, Rosanna Train - Drops of Jupiter Travis McCoy - Billionaire Tribe - Outside Twenty One Pilots - Heathens, Ride, Stressed Out Twisted Sister - I Wanna Rock, We're Not Gonna Take It U2 - Cedarwood Road, Desire, I Will Follow, One, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Vertigo UB40 - Red Red Wine Underoath - Desperate Times Vampire Weekend - A-Punk Van Halen - Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love, Panama Van Morrison - Brown Eyed Girl Vance Joy - Riptide Vanilla Ice - Ice Ice Baby The Vapors - Turning Japanese Vesuvius - Promised Land The Vines - Get Free Walk The Moon - Different Colours, Shut Up and Dance WAR - Low Rider The Warning - Free Falling, Survive The Warning Shots - Closer Closer Warrant - Cherry Pie Warren Zevon - Werewolves Of London We Are the Fallen - Bury Me Alive We The Kings - Check Yes Juliet The Weeknd - Can’t Feel My Face, The Hills, Starboy Weezer - A Little Respect, Beverly Hills, Buddy Holly, El Scorcho, Hash Pipe, Island in the Sun, King of The World, My Name Is Jonas, Say It Ain’t So, (If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To When Particles Collide - Constant Disaster White Denim - At Night In Dreams The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army, The Hardest Button To Button Whitesnake - Here I Go Again Whitney Houston - I Wanna Dance With Somebody Wild Cherry - Play That Funky Music Wilson Phillips - Hold On The Who - Baba O’riley, Behind Blue Eyes, I Can See For Miles, My Generation (Live), Pinball Wizard, The Seeker, Who Are You, Won’t Get Fooled Again Willie Nelson - On the Road Again Wolfmother - Woman Worshipper - Black Corridor X - Los Angeles X Ambassadors - Renegades X Japan - I.V Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Maps Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart, Roundabout Young the Giant - My Body The Zombies - She’s Not There The Zutons - Valerie
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vhs-ninja · 11 years ago
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Endgame - Bronx Lotta Finale (1983) by Joe D’Amato. 
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vhs-ninja · 11 years ago
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Endgame aka Endgame - Bronx Lotta Finale (1983) by Joe D'Amato.
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